ZXSDR UniRAN FDD-LTE (V3.30.20.00) Initial Configuration Guide



ZXSDR UniRANFDD-LTE Base Station Initial Configuration Guide Version: V3.30.20 ZTE CORPORATION No. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China Postcode: 518057 Tel: +86-755-26771900 Fax: +86-755-26770801 URL: http://support.zte.com.cn E-mail: [email protected] LEGAL INFORMATION Copyright © 2016 ZTE CORPORATION. The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of this document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written consent of ZTE CORPORATION is prohibited. Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by contractual confidentiality obligations. All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE CORPORATION or of their respective owners. This document is provided “as is”, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions are disclaimed, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement. ZTE CORPORATION and its licensors shall not be liable for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on the information contained herein. ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors may have current or pending intellectual property rights or applications covering the subject matter of this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license between ZTE CORPORATION and its licensee, the user of this document shall not acquire any license to the subject matter herein. ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice. Users may visit the ZTE technical support website http://support.zte.com.cn to inquire for related information. The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION. Revision History Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason R1.0 2015-12-25 First edition Serial Number: SJ-20151105120414-004 Publishing Date: 2015-12-25 (R1.0) SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential Contents About This Manual ......................................................................................... I Chapter 1 Overview .................................................................................... 1-1 Chapter 2 Configuration Preparations ..................................................... 2-1 Chapter 3 Initial Management Information Configuration ...................... 3-1 3.1 Creating and Starting an NE Agent...................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Creating a Subnetwork ....................................................................................... 3-5 3.3 Creating an NE .................................................................................................. 3-6 3.4 (Optional) Applying For or Releasing the Mutually Exclusive Access...................... 3-9 3.5 (Optional) Configuring System Parameters ........................................................ 3-10 Chapter 4 Operator Information Configuration ....................................... 4-1 4.1 Creating an Operator.......................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Creating a PLMN................................................................................................ 4-2 Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration ........................................... 5-1 5.1 eNodeB Creation................................................................................................ 5-1 5.1.1 Creating a Baseband Resource Board....................................................... 5-2 5.1.2 Creating an RRU...................................................................................... 5-4 5.1.3 Creating an Extension Cabinet .................................................................. 5-6 5.1.4 Creating an RSU and an FCE ................................................................... 5-8 5.2 Configuring BTS Auxiliary Devices .................................................................... 5-10 5.3 Clock Source Parameter Configuration ...............................................................5-11 5.3.1 Configuring the GPS Clock Source...........................................................5-11 5.3.2 Configuring the 1588 Clock Source ......................................................... 5-16 Chapter 6 Network Transmission Configuration ..................................... 6-1 6.1 Configuring a Physical Layer Port........................................................................ 6-2 6.2 IP Transmission Configuration............................................................................. 6-5 6.2.1 Configuring an Ethernet Link ..................................................................... 6-5 6.2.2 Configuring the IP layer ............................................................................ 6-6 6.3 Bandwidth Configuration..................................................................................... 6-9 6.3.1 Configuring a Bandwidth Resource Group ................................................. 6-9 6.3.2 Configuring Bandwidth Resources............................................................6-11 6.4 Signaling and Business Configuration................................................................ 6-12 6.4.1 Configuring SCTP Parameters ................................................................ 6-12 I SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential ..... 7-1 7.....................................2 Configuring DSCP Mapping ........................................................................................................................... 8-3 Glossary ................. 6-16 6.........4.........1 Generating XML Files for an eNodeB ............... 7-5 Chapter 8 XML File Generation ... I II SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.......................1 Configuring LTE FDD Global Parameters..................................................................... 6-18 Chapter 7 Radio Parameter Configuration....... 6.............................................................. 7-1 7............. 7-3 7..5 Configuring a Static Routing.........................6 Configuring an OMC Channel ............................................................................................................... 8-1 8...........2 Configuring Baseband Resources .................................................... 8-1 8.........................................2 Generating XML Files for the EMS ......................3 Configuring a Serving Cell ......................................................... 6-14 6....0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential ................................................................................... Management Information Configuration Chapter 4.20) Base Station Ground Parameter Reference l ZXSDR UniRAN FDD-LTE(V3. tools. methods. Configuration Describes preparations before initial configuration. I SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Intended Audience This manual is intended for: l Commissioning engineers l Network planning engineers l Maintenance engineers What Is in This Manual This manual contains the following chapters. Chapter 2. XML File Describes how to generate XML files after initial configuration is Generation completed. Information Configuration Chapter 5. Chapter 6.30.20) Base Station Radio Parameter Reference Conventions This manual uses the following conventions. Related Documentation l ZXSDR UniRAN FDD-LTE(V3. Preparations Chapter 3. RRU. and auxiliary devices of Resource Configuration an eNodeB. Chapter 1. About This Manual Purpose This manual provides a guide for the initial configuration of the ZXSDR UniRAN.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .30. Network Describes how to configure network transmission. Operator Describes how to configure operator information. Physical Describes how to configure the BBU. Radio Describes how to configure radio parameters. and flow of initial configuration. Overview Describes the concept. Parameter Configuration Chapter 8. Initial Describes how to configure initial management information. Transmission Configuration Chapter 7. Danger: indicates an imminently hazardous situation. Failure to comply can result in moderate injury. Note: provides additional information about a topic. or interruption of minor services.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Failure to comply can result in death or serious injury. Warning: indicates a potentially hazardous situation. Caution: indicates a potentially hazardous situation. or interruption of major services. equipment damage. Failure to comply can result in serious injury. II SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. or site breakdown. equipment damage. equipment damage. After that. and Oracle 11g database are used for servers. to improve the configuration procedure. The EMS uses a client-server architecture. and match the physical device. eNodeB initial configuration is performed on the EMS. Initial Configuration Flow Because some configurations depend on each other when an eNodeB is configured. and data negotiated with other Network Elements (NEs). tow types of basic templates can be generated in export mode. it is recommended to follow the configuration flow. Chapter 1 Overview Initial Data Configuration After installing an eNodeB. you can create a complete set of initial configuration files for the application scenario based on hardware configuration. Sun servers (with Solaris). Initial Configuration Tools Because the EMS is easy to be used and provides centralized maintenance.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . implements the management function. PCs are used for clients. Initial Configuration Methods The eNodeB initial configuration uses the EMS configuration and is used for a new office. l An XML file for an eNodeB: the XML file (memory values) exported by executing Data Synchronization > File Generation is loaded as a basic template for the LMT. After the eNodeB initial configuration is completed. and apply to the following two scenarios: l An XML file for the EMS: the XML file (display values) obtained by executing Configuration Management > Data Export is used for data backup and restoration on the EMS. An initial configuration file is provided in XML format. and data contained in the file must be complete. see Figure 1-1. BCT. The functions of the server and client are described as follows: l Server: as the core of the EMS. and UMaker tools as a basic template. l Client: allows users to remotely log in to the server and perform NE operation and maintenance. 1-1 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. IBM servers (with AIX). network planning. valid. you can create a configuration file for a new eNodeB by using the BCT tool based on this initial configuration. ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 1-1 Initial Configuration Flow 1-2 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . In addition.20) Base Station Radio Parameter Reference The above parameters come from the following three sources: l User planning: parameters planned by the operator. 2-1 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. For details.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . and SNTP. Chapter 2 Configuration Preparations Preparing Configuration Data Before initial configuration on the EMS. refer to "3. and obtain the following files which include: l eNodeB equipment data: contains the BOQ and site design result. you must collect corresponding configuration data based on hardware configuration. and service planning. you must create and start an NE agent.20) Base Station Ground Parameter Reference l ZXSDR UniRAN FDD-LTE(V3. and these key parameters are only used to start basic services of a single base station. l Negotiating planning: parameters negotiated between the core network and transmission equipment. transmission network architecture. l eNodeB transmission data: contains eNodeB site parameters and parameters related to transmission planning. Preparing Parameter Documents This document contains a description of the key parameters for initial configuration.30. refer to the following documents: l ZXSDR UniRAN FDD-LTE(V3.1 Creating and Starting an NE Agent". l eNodeB clock data: clock parameters including the GPS. l eNodeB radio data: contains parameters related to cell and sector planning. l Internal planning: parameters planned by ZTE engineers in accordance with ZTE principles. IEEE 1588.30. For complete configuration parameters or optimization parameters. 0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . 2-2 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide This page intentionally left blank. ....0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential ..... A name that can directly indicate where the NE agent is located is recommended........3-9 (Optional) Configuring System Parameters.................................. The default value can be used................ This chapter describes how to configure initial management information......................... to apply for the mutually exclusive access for an NE................ Chapter 3 Initial Management Information Configuration Before eNodeB initial configuration....... This parameter is required.....................3-10 3.... IP address IP address of the lower EMS... The NetNumen U31 creates an NE agent and sets its attributes........................................................................... and to open the Configuration Management window........... Table of Contents Creating and Starting an NE Agent. Prerequisite The EMS server is installed....... refer to Table 3-1....... Basic Time zone Time zone where the NE agent is located......... and should be set based on the local time zone.. Table 3-1 Parameters for Creating an NE Agent Tab Parameter Description Name Name of the NE agent.............3-6 (Optional) Applying For or Releasing the Mutually Exclusive Access . Context For the parameters for creating an NE agent............ 3-1 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1... This procedure describes how to create and start an NE agent...1 Creating and Starting an NE Agent An NE agent is the agent of the lower-level EMS in the NetNumen U31.. This parameter is attributes required..............................3-5 Creating an NE.........3-1 Creating a Subnetwork ............ you need to create an NE agent........ and then accesses a lower-level EMS by starting this NE agent.................... This parameter is required...................... Vendor Vendor that manufactures the devices managed by the lower EMS... This parameter is required. and Being Stated in the Background. The default value port number is 64021. this attribute is "None". This parameter is optional. This parameter can be modified to the actual address or be set to the default value. The values are automatically set by the system. This parameter is optional. Problem. This attribute is state automatically set by the system. For example. If SSH is used. By default. attributes EMS IP address IP address of the EMS. the state changes to "Activated". After the NE agent is created and started. If the system indicates that the SSH port number is not correct. Operation problem Usage state of the NE agent. the state is "Deactivated" by default. After the NE agent is created. By default. A user can view the administrative state and usage state by querying this attribute. You can try to modify the port number. Memo sets other information of the NE agent. The default value (264125) is recommended. The default value is 21140. FTP is used for file transfer. if an error message about the NE agent is displayed on the screen. or communicate with the lower EMS Extended operator. SSH port SSH port number. FTP port Port number through which an FTP or SFTP link is established between the NE agent and the lower EMS. and cannot be modified by users. this attribute is "Problem". and cannot be modified by users. Port Port number through which a Socket link is established between the NE agent and the lower EMS. EMS IP address IP address of the standby EMS server. the operator can communicate with the lower EMS operator. maybe the lower EMS does not use the default value.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . (Stand by) SSH Sets whether SSH is used or not. Location Sets where the NE agent is stored. When an NE agent is initially created. If the system indicates that the FTP or SFTP port number is not correct.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Tab Parameter Description Administrative Administrative state of the NE agent. When an NE agent is initially created. This parameter is required. The port number must be the same as the FTP or SFTP port number of the lower EMS. SSH is not used. this attribute indicates the usage state of the NE agent. 3-2 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. This attribute has three values: None. both the EMS and lower EMS must support SSH. right-click EMS Server and select Create Object > Basestation > Multi-mode > MO SDR NE Agent. enter the name. vendor. Double-click the EMS client icon. see Figure 3-1. see Figure 3-2. Be default. For a description of the parameters. Figure 3-1 Basic Attributes 4. the Topology Management interface is displayed. Click the Extended Attributes tab. The Create MO SDR NE Agent window is displayed. and click OK. For a description of the parameters. enter the correct user name. time zone. 2. 3.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . password and server address in the Login dialog box. refer to Table 3-1. The main interface of the EMS client is displayed. and enter the port and FTP port. On the Basic Attributes tab. and IP address of the NE agent. refer to Table 3-1. Chapter 3 Initial Management Information Configuration Steps 1. 3-3 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. In the left pane. ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 3-2 Extended Attributes 5. Click OK. The NE Agent node is created. Note: It takes about 5 to 10 minutes (depends on the server performance) for an NE agent to start the first time. and select NE Agent Management > Start to start the NE agent. Right-click the NE Agent node. Check whether the NE agent is properly started. If yes. 7. 6.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . the NE Agent node is shown in blue or red. The Create MO SDR NE Agent dialog box is closed. 3-4 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. see Figure 3-4. For a description of the parameters. The Configuration Management window is displayed. In the EMS client window. After about one minute.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . 5. Figure 3-3 NE Management Is Started 3. see Figure 3-3. The NE Management window is displayed. and select Configuration Management. Right-click the NE agent. and a green check mark is displayed on the NE.2 Creating a Subnetwork The purpose of creating a subnetwork is to manage adjacent base stations. This procedure describes how to create a subnetwork. set the parameters as required. Chapter 3 Initial Management Information Configuration Note: If the NE Agent node is shown in blue. The SubNetwork tab is displayed. On the SubNetwork tab. In the left pane of the NE Management window. NE management is started. refer to Table 3-2. In the Configuration Management window. select Configuration > NE Management. 2. Prerequisite The NE agent is started. – End of Steps – 3. right-click the NE agent and select Create Subnetwork. If the node is shown in red. 4. Steps 1. it is properly started but with alarms. it is properly started. 3-5 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. right-click the NE agent and select Start NE Management. Prerequisite The subnetwork which the eNodeB belongs to is created. In the Configuration Management window.999999] 1 identifies a subnetwork. right-click the created subnetwork and select Create NE.. an eNodeB in a subnetwork.. 3-6 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. that is.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 3-4 Creating a Subnetwork Table 3-2 Subnetwork Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value User Label Label of the user. 2. see Figure 3-5. On the Managed Network Element tab. Steps 1.128] N/A SubNetwork ID Subnetwork ID. Click . The Managed Network Element tab is displayed. which [0. [0. set the parameters as required.3 Creating an NE This procedure describes how to create an NE. – End of Steps – 3. 6.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . For a description of the key parameters. refer to Table 3-3. BS8922 L2100(A5A).BS8906. LTE FDD supported by the LTE FDD+TD-LTE NE. TD-LTE.CS200. Available S8700.B. B8901A the NE. NE ID Unique ID of the NE. NE Type Identifies the type of B8901A.BS8922 L2100(A5B).BS8900B- parameter are .BS8906E- determined by .B- options of this S8900A.999999999] 0 It is automatically generated by the EMS. L1800(A5B). Chapter 3 Initial Management Information Configuration Figure 3-5 Managed Network Element Tab Table 3-3 Parameter Descriptions for the Managed Network Element Tab Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Radio Standard Radio standard LTE FDD.BS8912.B8901B.BS8922 the selected radio L1800(A5A).BS8922 standard. NE Configuration Version of the NE. int [0. It should be the same Version Data Version as the actually used corresponding to version.BS8800. the first option in the drop-down list.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . ZXSDR BC8900S 3-7 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.. The eNodeB can FM testing[5]. Integra- the NE type.BS8922 L2100(A5A) or BS8922 L2100(A5B). PM establish a link with testing[6] the EMS only when the eNodeB is in Normal state. Configuring[3]. the eNodeB in Normal state can report alarms. NE Maintenance Maintenance status Normal[0]. If the tion[5].ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value BBU Type The BBU type is B8200[0]. Testing[2]. B8300[4] or B8210[9]. If the NE type is set to BS8900A. Configuring[3] Status of an eNodeB.B8210[9] NE type is set to BS8700. If the NE type is set to B8901A.BS8922 L1800(A5B).CS200.BS8912. or ZXSDR BC8900S the BBU type must be B8200[0]. BS8800.BS8906 or BS8906E. After being synchronized. BS8900B. 3-8 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Integration[5] closely related to B8300[4]. the BBU type must be Integration[5].B8901 B.BS8922 L1800(A5A).0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . the BBU type must be B8200[0] or B8210[9]. FM testing[5]. The IP address may be an IPv4 address or IPv6 address. the eNodeB in Normal state can report alarms. Testing[2] of LTE FDD an LTE FDD eNodeB. NE running mode Operating mode of the Master and slave[0]. An operator automatically obtains the mutually exclusive access for an NE only when he or she creates it. the system automatically creates a basic configuration set for this NE. can the operator configure it. This procedure describes how to apply for or release the mutually exclusive access. – End of Steps – 3. Testing[2].4 (Optional) Applying For or Releasing the Mutually Exclusive Access Only after applying for the mutually exclusive access for an NE. Overlay load sharing[2] NE address IP address used N/A N/A by the eNodeB to communicate with the EMS. 3. Master and slave[0] NE. Note: After an NE is created. After being synchronized. PM The eNodeB can testing[6] establish a link with the EMS only when the eNodeB is in Normal state. The mutually exclusive access for an NE can be allocated to one operator at a time.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . 3-9 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Chapter 3 Initial Management Information Configuration Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Maintenance Status Maintenance status of Normal[0]. Click . expand the System Parameter node and double-click Power Saving Parameter.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Prerequisite The NE is created. 2. and the functions such as power saving and SON are required. If the functions are not required. The Power Saving Parameter-List tab is displayed. – End of Steps – 3. the operator can enable the functions by configuring the related system parameters. indicating that the operator occupies the mutually exclusive access for the NE. Click . Releasing the Mutually Exclusive Access 2. it indicates that another operator occupies the mutually exclusive access for the NE. In the Configuration Management window. and there is a default configuration record of power saving parameters. In the managed NE tree. see Figure 3-6. Steps Configuring Power Saving Parameters 1. right-click an NE and select Apply For Mutex Right. the default values are used.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Prerequisite The configuration management window is displayed. 3-10 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. indicating that the operator releases the mutually exclusive access for the NE. and set the parameters on the Power Saving Parameter tab. The icon is displayed on the NE.5 (Optional) Configuring System Parameters System parameters refer to those parameters that are related to the power saving and SON functions. Note: If the icon displayed on the NE is red. Right-click the NE and select Release Mutex Right. System parameters should be configured in accordance with the customers requirements. If the power saving and SON functions are required. The icon on the NE disappears. Steps Applying For the Mutually Exclusive Access 1. see Figure 3-7.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . In the managed NE tree. The SON Function Switch Object-List tab is displayed. Configuring SON Function Switch Object Parameters 4. 5. For a description of the key parameters. and click the parameters on the SON Function Switch Object tab. Chapter 3 Initial Management Information Configuration Figure 3-6 Power Saving Parameter Tab 3. 3-11 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. and there is a default record of SON function switch object parameters. The information of boards which are not configured will be scanned if the hardware auto-discovery function is enabled. Figure 3-7 Tab of the SON Function Switch Object Table 3-4 Parameters of the SON Function Switch Object Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Configuration This attribute sets parameter N/A N/A for hardware configurations related to the auto-discovery hardware auto-discovery switch function. Click . refer to Table 3-4. Click . expand the System Parameter node and double-click SON Function Switch Object. Configuration for This attribute sets configuration N/A N/A data rollback switch for the data rollback switch. switch Configuration This attribute sets the N/A N/A for auto-setup enable/disable function of transmission switch automatic link establishment. data is rolled back and the link between the NE and the NMS is established again.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . configurations related to commissioning auto-commissioning. When the link between the NE and the NMS is broken. Click . – End of Steps – 3-12 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Configuration This attribute sets parameter N/A N/A for auto. 6. The automatic link establishment function refers to the function that the base station attempts to establish an OMC channel between the base station and the OMC automatically via various physical medium (FE/ATM/PPP) when the link between the NE and the NMS is broken. . see Figure 4-1....... In the Managed Element tree.............0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential ... you need to configure information (including the operator and PLMN) of the operator which the NE belongs to. This procedure describes how to create an operator............... Prerequisite The NE is created..1 Creating an Operator Before creating the physical resources of an NE................... 4............4-1 Creating a PLMN....... Steps 1................ The Operator tab is displayed.................. The Managed Element configuration resource tree is displayed below the NE tree.. 3............. click ...... 2..... Chapter 4 Operator Information Configuration Table of Contents Creating an Operator.. refer to Table 4-1..................4-2 4. expand the NE and select Modify Area. 4-1 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1....... The Operator-List tab is displayed...................... double-click Operator.... Set the parameters on the Operator tab......... For a description of the key parameters... On the Operator-List tab............. In the Configuration Management window...... An operator record is displayed on the Operator-List tab. The PLMN tab is displayed. l This attribute must not be empty. 4-2 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.2 Creating a PLMN This procedure describes how to create a PLMN.. Steps 1. expand Operator and double-click PLMN. The PLMN-List tab is displayed. 2.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 4-1 Operator Tab Table 4-1 Operator Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Operator name This attribute specifies [1. click . Prerequisite l The subnetwork is created. containing up to 128 characters. 5. l Up to eight records can be configured for the operator object. – End of Steps – 4. In the configuration resource tree. l The NE is created. l The operator is created.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .127] N/A the name of the network operator using the base station. On the PLMN-List tab. Click . A PLMN record is displayed on the PLMN-List tab. Figure 4-2 PLMN Tab Table 4-2 PLMN Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value MCC Mobile country code in a [3.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .3] N/A PLMN. uniquely identifying the home network operator of the base station. Set the parameters on the PLMN tab. Chapter 4 Operator Information Configuration 3. containing up to three digits. see Figure 4-2.3] N/A PLMN. The combination of a mobile country code and a mobile network code. The combination of a mobile country code and a mobile network code.. Click . refer to Table 4-2. – End of Steps – 4-3 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. 4. For a description of the key parameters. The attribute value must be unique.. such as 362. MNC Mobile network code in a [2. such as 362. containing up to three digits. The attribute value must be unique. uniquely identifying the home network operator of the base station. ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide This page intentionally left blank.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . 4-4 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. ............. BS8800.5-11 5.. 3. To create an RSU and an FCE...... refer to "5..... Table 5-1 eNodeB Resource Configuration Steps for NE Types NE Type Step BS8700 1.............. so the steps to create eNodeB resources are different by NE type........5-10 Clock Source Parameter Configuration....1.......... To create an RRU....1 Creating a Baseband Resource Board"................. To create an RSU and an FCE..... To create a baseband resource board...... To create a baseband resource board... 2...... To create a baseband resource board...5-1 Configuring BTS Auxiliary Devices .... 2....4 Creating an RSU and an FCE"...1.......... and BS8900B to be selected when an NE is created.1 Creating a Baseband Resource Board"..... refer to "5....... refer to "5......1......... BS8800 1... 3... refer to "5..1.4 Creating an RSU and an FCE". BS8900A.. To create an extension cabinet.... refer to "5. 5-1 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.4 Creating an RSU and an FCE". 2......................0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .1...................1...1.1 eNodeB Creation There are several NE types such as BS8700............ refer to "5...1... To create a baseband resource board...... refer to "5........ 2.. To create an extension cabinet...1 Creating a Baseband Resource Board"..1. refer to "5.1...2 Creating an RRU".3 Creating an Extension Cabinet". BS8900B 1. refer to "5... Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration Table of Contents eNodeB Creation........ To create an RSU and an FCE... refer to "5.3 Creating an Extension Cabinet".... This document describes how to create an eNodeB with the NE types listed in Table 5-1 as example........1 Creating a Baseband Resource Board".. BS8900A 1......... This attribute must be configured. click OK.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . N/A mode that the board supports. The Add Board dialog box is displayed. and TD-LTE. refer to Table 5-2. GSM. The radio mode is associated with the board automatically by the NMS in 5-2 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. GSM. Figure 5-1 Adding a Board 3. double-click Device. The Rack Graph tab is displayed. Steps 1. LTE FDD. TD-SCDMA. and how to make the board type and slot conform to the actual BBU. In the managed element tree. 2. Different boards support different radio modes.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide 5. LTE TD-LTE FDD. including UMTS. l The NE is created.1. right-click the slot in which a board is to be created and select Add Board. On the Physical View sub-tab of the Rack Graph tab. For a description of the key parameters. CDMA. In the Add Board dialog box. TD-SCDMA. Table 5-2 Parameters for Adding a Board Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Board standard This attribute sets the radio ALL. see Figure 5-1.1 Creating a Baseband Resource Board This procedure describes how to create a baseband resource board for the BBU in the EMS configuration set. Prerequisite l The subnetwork is created. set the board type in accordance with the eNodeB type. CDMA. UMTS. and PM boards. The attribute value is generated automatically based on certain rules. BPL or BPL1. Note: After the boards are created. BPL1. invalid 4. FS3. This attribute must be configured. a. Based on BBU board planning. logical type. you can check them on the Rack Graph tab. FS3A. 5. FS5B. – End of Steps – Result After boards are created. (Optional) Delete the created board if required. BPL1A. Physical Board It is used to distinguish different FS0. FS5A. 5-3 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Click OK. b.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . FS5C. The user can make a choice easily. see Figure 5-2. and select Delete Board. Board function This attribute sets the version N/A N/A mode information and version file dynamically selected for the board when it is in working status. Different boards support different function modes. c. a board node is also created. FS4. FS0 name physical boards of the same FS5. The Delete Operation dialog box is displayed. Enter the verification code. Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration Parameter Description Value Range Default Value accordance with the board configuration. Right-click the board. repeat step 2 and step 3 to create the SA. On the Physical View tab. and how to make the RRU type conform to the actual RRU. The Rack Graph tab is displayed. Prerequisite l The subnetwork is created. see Figure 5-3. 2.1. The Add RRU dialog box is displayed.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . 5-4 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. double-click Device. Steps 1.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 5-2 Board Node 5. l The eNodeB is created. In the managed element tree.2 Creating an RRU This procedure describes how to create an RRU in the EMS configuration set. click . This attribute must Must be the same Must be the same be the same as the actual RRU as the actual RRU as the actual RRU type. Managed resource ID of the Managed resource.268435455] 51 ID User label Label of the user. RRU racks are displayed. The number int[1. Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration Figure 5-3 Adding an RRU 3. type. 5-5 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. – End of Steps – Result After RRUs are created.. see Figure 5-4. RRU rack number. refer to Table 5-3. Table 5-3 RRU Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Rack No. For a description of the parameters. Click OK. N/A N/A 4.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .253] RRU type RRU type.201].. Set the parameters in the dialog box in accordance with the actual device type.. 51 rises in order from 51. [0. type. [214. Set the parameters on the Cabinet tab. In the managed element tree.3 Creating an Extension Cabinet This procedure describes how to create an extension cabinet for an RRU in the EMS configuration set. The Cabinet tab is displayed. Steps 1.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 5-4 RRU Racks 5. Context The BS8900A supports two types of extension cabinets: RC8910A and RC8911A. expand Device and click Cabinet. click . see Figure 5-5. On the Cabinet-List tab.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .1. and there is a default record. Prerequisite l The subnetwork is created. The Cabinet-List tab is displayed. For a description of the key parameters. l The NE is created. The BS8900 supports two types of extension cabinets: RC8910 and RC8911. 5-6 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. 2. which cannot be modified. refer to Table 5-4. Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration Figure 5-5 Cabinet Tab Table 5-4 Cabinet Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Cabinet number This attribute sets the unique [1..200] N/A number of a cabinet. The cabinet number cannot be modified and repeated. The cabinet types (including primary cabinet, secondary cabinet, and auxiliary cabinet) are provided automatically by the NMS in accordance with the base station type that the operator selects when he plans the network. The number of the master cabinet is fixed to 1. A user can define the cabinet number in the value range. Cabinet type This attribute sets the cabinet BS8900A: ZXSDR N/A information type information. As the RC8910A, ZXSDR unique information identifying RC8911A the cabinet type, this attribute BS8900: ZXSDR is associated with the base RC8910, ZXSDR station type automatically. The RC8911 user only needs to configure the cabinet type name, which cannot be modified. 3. Click . – End of Steps – 5-7 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide 5.1.4 Creating an RSU and an FCE This procedure describes how to create an RSU and an FCE for an NE in the EMS configuration set. Prerequisite l The subnetwork is created. l The NE is created. Steps 1. In the managed element tree, double-click Device. The Rack Graph tab is displayed. 2. Right-click the slot of the extension cabinet, and select Add Board. The Add Board dialog box is displayed, see Figure 5-6. Figure 5-6 Adding an RSU Board 3. Select the corresponding RSU type from the drop-down list for Board type, and click OK. 4. Right-click the blank slot below the extension cabinet, and select Add Board. The Add Board dialog box is displayed, see Figure 5-7. 5-8 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration Figure 5-7 Adding an FSE Board 5. Select FCE from the drop-down list for Board type, and click OK. The Add FCE dialog box is displayed. 6. Select a cabinet number for Cabinet No. from the drop-down list, and click OK. – End of Steps – Result After the RSU and FCE boards are created, they are displayed in the rack graph, see Figure 5-8. 5-9 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 5-8 RSU and FCE Rack Graph 5.2 Configuring BTS Auxiliary Devices A fiber cable object between a baseband processing module and an RRU needs to be created for an LTE eNodeB. This procedure describes how to create a fiber cable. Prerequisite l The BPL or BPN board is created. l The RRU is created. Steps 1. In the managed object tree, select Device > BTS Auxiliary Peripheral Device > Cable and double-click Fiber Cable. The Fiber Cable-List tab is displayed. 2. On the Fiber Cable-List tab, click . The Fiber Cable tab is displayed, see Figure 5-9. Set the parameters as required. For a description of the parameters, refer to Table 5-5. 5-10 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration Figure 5-9 Fiber Cable Tab Table 5-5 Fiber Cable Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Upper level optical This attribute sets the upper N/A N/A port in topology level port connected with structure optical fiber. Lower level optical This attribute sets the lower N/A N/A port in topology level port connected with structure optical fiber. 3. Click . – End of Steps – Example As an example, a fiber cable between port 0 of the BPL (1.1.6) and the R8882–268 (51.1.1) is created as follows: 1. Select Fiber:BPL(1.1.6):0 for Upper level optical port in topology structure. 2. Select Fiber:R8882–268(51.1.1):0 for Lower level optical port in topology structure. 3. Click . A fiber cable configuration record is displayed on the Fiber Cable-List tab. 5.3 Clock Source Parameter Configuration An LTE eNodeB supports multiple clock source synchronization technologies. This document describes the two common clock sources (GPS, and 1588) as examples. 5.3.1 Configuring the GPS Clock Source This procedure describes how to configure the GPS clock source for an eNodeB. 5-11 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential Steps 1. and CDMA support only phase synchronization. The Clock Device Set-List tab is displayed.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . refer to Table 5-6. synchronization mode clock reference source.1. 5-12 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. 2. LTE-TDD. Phase The clock synchronization synchronization mode is related with radio access systems.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Prerequisite l The subnetwork is created.1) > CCC(1. The Clock Device Set tab is displayed. click . On the Clock Device Set-List tab. and other systems support two synchronization modes. In the managed element tree.1) (B8200 is a BBU type. see Figure 5-10. For a description of the parameters. TD-SCDMA. l The NE is created. Figure 5-10 Clock Device Set Tab Table 5-6 Clock Device Set Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Clock Mode of a base station to Frequency Frequency synchronization be synchronized with the synchronization. select Device > B8200(1. Set the parameters as required. and is shown as an example) and double-click Clock Device Set. cascade. and is shown as an example) and double-click Clock Device. 1PPS + TOD Channel 2 Output: The base station is the 1PPS+TOD clock reference of the upper-level BBU provided for the lower-level BS BBU. 1PPS + TOD Channel 1 Output: The base station is the 1PPS+TOD clock reference of the upper-level BBU provided for the lower-level BS BBU. GNSS cascade GNSS Cascading Output: Cascading output. The HDMI interface on the CC panel provides a backup 1PPS+TOD channel. Click . Switching parameter specifies the by status switching strategy between clock reference sources when one clock reference source is faulty. 4. The base station is the GNSS 1PPS+TOD cascading clock reference channel 1 output. Clock cascading Clock cascading output mode Do not support Do not support output type of the main control board. Switching by switching strategy sources are configured on Switching by priority the main control board. source of the upper-level BBU 1PPS+TOD provided for the lower-level channel 2 output BBU. Clock source priorities are configured by the Priority parameter of "Clock Device". The HDMI interface on the CC panel provides an 1PPS+TOD channel. The Clock Device-List tab is displayed.1) > CCC(1. 3. This priority. In the managed element tree.1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Clock source Multiple clock reference No switching. 5-13 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. The clock source status refers to the clock locking status of a board when the clock source is used. select Device > B8200(1.1) > Clock Device Set (B8200 is a BBU type. refer to Table 5-7. Line clock category. 1588 Clock Category. see Figure 5-11. Figure 5-11 Clock Device Tab (GPS Clock) Table 5-7 Clock Device Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Clock reference Select the corresponding clock Frequency GNSS clock source category reference source based on synchronization: category different scenarios. and category. 2: category. 4: 1588 Clock Category. Network Listening] UMTS-PICO supports: 1: GNSS Clock Category. category.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . LTE-FDD and GU support: Network Listening] 1: GNSS Clock Category. category. CDMA support: 1PPS+TOD clock 1: GNSS Clock Category. Network Listening. 5-14 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. 1588 1PPS+TOD Clock Category. 4: clock category. Click . LTE-TDD PICO supports: 1PPS+TOD clock 1: GNSS Clock Category. 1588 4: 1588 Clock Category. 2: Phase 1PPS+TOD Clock Category. For a description of the key parameters. [GNSS clock TD-SCDMA. 4: 1588 [GNSS clock Clock Category. Set the parameters as required.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide 5. The Clock Device tab is displayed. 3: synchronization: Line Clock Category. 5: clock category. LTE-TDD. Line clock-local When a connecting line board. When UCI 1588] is accessed from slot 5 of Network Listening: BBU-2U or slot 7 of BBU-3U. the base stations select the clock reference source with a lower priority. panel GNSS" can be selected. Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Clock reference Select the clock reference GNSS clock GNSS clock source type source type in accordance with category: [Inner category: the clock reference source GNSS. For GNSS clock. Number 1 sets the highest priority. [1PPS+TOD. [Network Listening] "Backplane 1PPS+TOD" can be selected. Backplane clock] Network connecting line accesses a 1PPS+TOD] Listening: reference source from the Line clock category: [Network HDMI interface on the front [BITS-2MHz clock. When the clock reference source is invalid. 1PPS+TOD "Inner GNSS" can be selected External backplane clock category: when GPS is accessed from GNSS. When UCI or USR 1PPS+TOD [BITS-2MHz is accessed from slot 5 of clock category: clock] 1588 BBU-2U or slot 7 of BBU-3U. When the clock reference source with a higher priority is recovered. By default. When a GNSS. "External front BITS-2Mbps clock. Listening] panel of CC. SyncE clock] accesses a reference source 1588 clock from the HDMI interface on the category: front panel of CC.8] 1 source. clock category: "External backplane GNSS" Cascading [SyncE+1588 can be selected.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . 5-15 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. "1PPS+TOD" [SyncE+1588 clock.. Priority Priority of the clock reference [1. can be selected. RRU inner [1PPS+TOD] Line the SMA interface of the CC GNSS] clock category: board. front panel GNSS. the base stations select the source again. base stations select the clock reference source with a higher priority. External [Inner GNSS] categories. Set the parameters as required. For a description of the parameters. Prerequisite l The subnetwork is created. l The eNodeB is created. Figure 5-12 Clock Device Set Tab 5-16 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.3.2 Configuring the 1588 Clock Source This procedure describes how to configure the 1588 clock source for an eNodeB. Click . so IP clock parameters should be configured for a 1588 clock. Steps 1.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide 6.1) (B8200 is a BBU type. The Clock Device Set tab is displayed. In the managed element tree.1. refer to "Chapter 6 Network Transmission Configuration". The Clock Device Set-List tab is displayed. To configure network transmission. select Device > B8200(1. – End of Steps – 5.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . 2. and is shown as an example) and double-click Clock Device Set. see Figure 5-12. l Network transmission is configured. Click . refer to Table 5-8.1) > CCC(1. Context IEEE 1588v2 is a clock synchronization technology based on packet network protocols. and CDMA support only phase synchronization. source of the upper-level BBU 1PPS+TOD provided for the lower-level channel 2 output BBU. This priority. The clock source status refers to the clock locking status of a board when the clock source is used. synchronization mode clock reference source. LTE-TDD. 1PPS + TOD Channel 2 Output: The base station is the 5-17 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. The base station is the GNSS 1PPS+TOD cascading clock reference channel 1 output. Clock cascading Clock cascading output mode Do not support Do not support output type of the main control board. cascade. Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration Table 5-8 Clock Device Set Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Clock Mode of a base station to Frequency Frequency synchronization be synchronized with the synchronization. Phase The clock synchronization synchronization mode is related with radio access systems. Clock source Multiple clock reference No switching. Switching parameter specifies the by status switching strategy between clock reference sources when one clock reference source is faulty.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . The HDMI interface on the CC panel provides an 1PPS+TOD channel. GNSS cascade GNSS Cascading Output: Cascading output. and other systems support two synchronization modes. 1PPS + TOD Channel 1 Output: The base station is the 1PPS+TOD clock reference of the upper-level BBU provided for the lower-level BS BBU. Switching by switching strategy sources are configured on Switching by priority the main control board. Clock source priorities are configured by the Priority parameter of "Clock Device". TD-SCDMA. 4. The 1588 Clock Global Parameter tab is displayed.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Figure 5-13 1588 Clock Global Parameter Tab Table 5-9 1588 Clock Global Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value 1588 clock device This attribute sets that the base Ordinary clock. Ordinary clock type station uses the 1588 clock Boundary clock device type. It can be used as a time source.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value 1PPS+TOD clock reference of the upper-level BBU provided for the lower-level BS BBU. Click . The HDMI interface on the CC panel provides a backup 1PPS+TOD channel. see Figure 5-13. such as a master clock. Boundary clock: The clock has multiple PTP ports in the 5-18 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. such as a slave clock. Select Transmission Network > LTE FDD > IP Clock and double-click 1588 Clock Global Parameter. refer to Table 5-9. 5. It can be synchronized to other clock. The 1588 Clock Global Parameter-List tab is displayed. Ordinary clock: The clock has a single PTP port in the domain and remains the time scale used in the domain. 3. For a description of the key parameters. Click . Set the parameters as required. . refer to Table 5-10. The UDP-List tab is displayed. Click . The UDP tab is displayed. It can be synchronized to other clock. Set loss rate. packets can only measure two-way transmission delay. such as a slave clock. see Figure 5-14. and the other ports are master ports. [0.255] 0 number 6. Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration Parameter Description Value Range Default Value domain and remains the time scale used in the domain. It can be used as a time source. In frequency synchronization mode. 8. Select Transmission Network > LTE FDD > Signaling and Business and double-click UDP. Se the parameters as required. 5-19 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Switch by loss rate the attribute as needed. For a description of the key parameters. such as a master clock. the path can be set to "one-way". One port of the boundary clock is the slave port. packets can only measure one-way transmission delay. 7. BMC algorithm Message This attribute specifies the one way. In two-way mode. In one-way mode. An ordinary clock is either in master or slave status.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . two way two way transmission path transmission path of 1588 clock packets. 1588 link selecting This attribute sets that the BS Switch by packet Switch by packet mode selects 1588 link mode. PTP domain Domain number of PTP. Click . The IP Clock Parameters tab is displayed. Figure 5-15 IP Clock Parameters Tab 5-20 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. 9.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . refer to Table 5-11. The IP Clock Parameters-List tab is displayed. Set the parameters as required. 10. Select Transmission Network > LTE FDD > IP Clock and double-click IP Clock Parameters. see Figure 5-15. The user can select one from the configured IP layer parameters. Click . 11. Click . For a description of the key parameters.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 5-14 UDP Tab Table 5-10 UDP Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Used IP layer This attribute sets an IP link N/A N/A configuration that bears the UDP object. proper IP clock transmission Unicast. 5-21 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. unicast or hybridcast when IPV4 or IPV6 is selected as the network protocol. PTP network This attribute the network IPV4. The PTP packet Ethernet format differs with the network protocol.32] 1 priority of the IP clock. mode should be selected Hybridcast] to suit the network protocol IPV6:[Multicast. IPV6 or Ethernet. This attribute should be kept the same between the master and slave clocks. requirements. IPV4 protocol protocol. and network architecture Unicast. It can be configured as multicast. IPV6. The IPV4:[Multicast. Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration Table 5-11 IP Clock Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Link priority This attribute sets the link [1. The proper network protocol should be selected to suit the networking needs: IPV4.. When the 1588 link selection mode (one of the 1588 clock global parameters) is "handover by packet loss rate". the lower priority value indicates the higher possibility of handing over to this link. The IP clock transmission mode between the master and slave clocks need to be the same. 0 indicates the highest priority while 32 is the lowest. This attribute Hybridcast] can be configured as multicast only when Ethernet is selected as the network protocol. IP clock This attribute the IP clock Ethernet:[Multicast] Unicast transmission mode transmission mode.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . 0. Slave Slave mode. It can be customized within the value range. UDP used by 1588 This attribute the UDP link N/A N/A clock that bears the 1588 clock. Slave: The synchronized clock port status of a PTP direct-connection communication path.. The device serves as the server only if it can provide the 1588 master clock functions. The purpose of configuring this attribute is traffic control.0.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . that is. Used bandwidth This attribute is to configure N/A N/A resource the bandwidth resource. Master: The synchronizing clock port status of a PTP direct-connection communication path. PTP port mode This attribute the PTP port Master. Whether the BTS serves as the master or slave clock depends on the networking mode.63] 46 quality priority of the 1588 clock packet. the UDP link between the master clock and the slave clock.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Synchronization This attribute the IP address of N/A 0. Enable link setup This attribute whether to Yes. It is recommended to be 46.0 server IP address the 1588 clock synchronization server. No Yes by negotiation enable link setup by negotiation between the master and slave clocks. Used 1588 clock 1588 clock global parameter N/A N/A global parameter when IP clock parameters are configured. 5-22 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. DSCP This attribute the service [0. Click . category. and is shown as an example) and double-click Clock Device. 3: synchronization: Line Clock Category. 13. 1588 Clock Category. The Clock Device tab is displayed. 2: Phase 1PPS+TOD Clock Category.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . LTE-TDD PICO supports: 1PPS+TOD clock 1: GNSS Clock Category. [GNSS clock TD-SCDMA. Figure 5-16 Clock Device Tab (1588 Clock) Table 5-12 Clock Device Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Clock reference Select the corresponding clock Frequency GNSS clock source category reference source based on synchronization: category different scenarios. category. Set the parameters as required. and category. The Clock Device-List tab is displayed.1. 1588 1PPS+TOD Clock Category. 1588 4: 1588 Clock Category. Network Listening. Network Listening] 5-23 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. 4: clock category. 14. Click . 5: clock category. CDMA support: 1PPS+TOD clock 1: GNSS Clock Category. Line clock category. LTE-TDD. 4: 1588 [GNSS clock Clock Category. refer to Table 5-12. LTE-FDD and GU support: Network Listening] 1: GNSS Clock Category. select Device > B8200(1.1) > Clock Device Set (B8200 is a BBU type. In the managed element tree. For a description of the key parameters.1) > CCC(1. Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration 12. see Figure 5-16. 2: category. "Backplane 1PPS+TOD" can be selected. "1PPS+TOD" 1588] can be selected. For the front panel GNSS. Priority Priority of the clock reference [1.8] 1 source. External [Inner GNSS] source categories.. the base stations select the clock reference source with a lower priority. panel of CC.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value UMTS-PICO supports: 1: GNSS Clock Category. Clock reference Select the clock reference GNSS clock GNSS clock source type source type in accordance category: [Inner category: with the clock reference GNSS. 4: 1588 Clock Category. Listening] interface on the front panel BITS-2Mbps clock. When the clock reference source is invalid. clock category: slot 7 of BBU-3U. When the clock reference source with a higher priority is recovered. SyncE clock] a connecting line accesses 1588 clock a reference source from the category: HDMI interface on the front [SyncE+1588 clock. When UCI Network Listening: is accessed from slot 5 of [Network Listening] BBU-2U or slot 7 of BBU-3U. base stations select the clock reference source with a higher priority. "External front panel Line clock-local GNSS" can be selected. of CC. By default. "External Cascading [SyncE+1588 backplane GNSS" can be GNSS.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . 1PPS+TOD [BITS-2MHz When UCI or USR is accessed clock category: clock] 1588 from slot 5 of BBU-2U or [1PPS+TOD. When a connecting 1PPS+TOD] Listening: line accesses a reference Line clock category: [Network source from the HDMI [BITS-2MHz clock. Number 1 indicates the highest priority. 1PPS+TOD GNSS clock. the 5-24 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Backplane clock] Network selected. When board. RRU inner [1PPS+TOD] Line is accessed from the SMA GNSS] clock category: interface of the CC board. "Inner GNSS" External backplane clock category: can be selected when GPS GNSS. 15.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Click . – End of Steps – 5-25 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Chapter 5 Physical Resource Configuration Parameter Description Value Range Default Value base stations select the source again. ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide This page intentionally left blank. 5-26 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . 6-1 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Chapter 6 Network Transmission Configuration Network transmission should be configured from the bottom layer to the top layer in accordance with the protocol stack on the interface. Figure 6-1 shows the S1-/X2-interface protocol stack designed by ZTE.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Figure 6-1 S1-/X2-Interface Protocol Stack Figure 6-2 shows the configuration structure of eNodeB transmission resources. ................... refer to Table 6-1................................ select Transmission Network > LTE FDD > Physical Hosting and double-click Physical Layer Port.6-2 IP Transmission Configuration..............6-5 Bandwidth Configuration ......................... Click ..... Steps 1.....6-16 Configuring an OMC Channel...... see Figure 6-3.......................... For a description of the key parameters..........................................6-18 6....ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 6-2 Transmission Resource Configuration Structure Table of Contents Configuring a Physical Layer Port....................................... 2.............................................................. l The NE is created.... The Physical Layer Port tab is displayed....1 Configuring a Physical Layer Port This procedure describes how to configure Ethernet parameters in accordance with site transmission planning......................... Set the parameters as required.............6-12 Configuring a Static Routing .............6-9 Signaling and Business Configuration ............................................. Prerequisite l The subnetwork is created...... 6-2 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1................................. In the managed element tree..................................................... The Physical Layer Port-List tab is displayed..............0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .................... T1. it means that the local base station provides data transmission channel for third-party devices in the case of ATM+FE cascading. Third /MME station cascading. port. the Ethernet used by the local port. Ethernet medium medium used to configure the Ethernet. LIPA port Connection This attribute sets the opposite NE RNC/BSC/CN/M. In base ME. it is set to SDR for Party upper level. refer to Table 6-2. STM-1. 6-3 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . see Figure 6-4. It is automatically generated by the NMS in accordance with the LDN of the parent object. Click beside Ethernet configuration parameter. If it is set to Third party device. Chapter 6 Network Transmission Configuration Figure 6-3 Physical Layer Port Tab Table 6-1 Physical Layer Port Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Transmission This attribute sets the physical E1. Set the parameters as required. Used This attribute sets the associated N/A N/A Ethernet Ge device. The Ethernet configuration parameter dialog box is displayed. that is. Relay physical layer port. For a description of the parameters. It is used in the IP transmission mode. SDR. RNC/BSC/CN- object connected with this object. 3. Optical port 1000 Mbps FDT. Optical port 10000 Mbps FDT] 6-4 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Electrical port 10 Mbps FDT. self-adaptive port. Electrical port 100 Mbps FDT. Optical port 100 Mbps FDT.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 6-4 Ethernet Configuration Parameter Dialog Box Table 6-2 Ethernet Configuration Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Working mode This attribute sets the working Electrical port Electrical port mode of the backup Ethernet self-adaptive. Optical port 1000 Mbps self-adaptive. 1000000] 100 bandwidth (Mbps) is used. 10 Mbps full duplex: [0. For a description of the key parameters. Click OK..2. The Ethernet Link Layer tab is displayed. see Figure 6-5.. The Ethernet Link Layer-List tab is displayed. In the managed element tree.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Prerequisite The physical layer port is configured. 5.100] 4.1000000] 100 bandwidth (Mbps) Ethernet is used.100] 1000 Mbps full duplex: [0. – End of Steps – 6...10] 100 Mbps full duplex: [0. 6-5 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.1000] Self-adaptive: [0.2 IP Transmission Configuration 6.. select Transmission Network > LTE FDD > IP Transport and double click Ethernet Link Layer. Click . Receiving Receiving bandwidth if Ethernet [100. Chapter 6 Network Transmission Configuration Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Transmitting Transmission bandwidth if [100. 2.. The value (in Mbps) differs from working modes.1 Configuring an Ethernet Link This procedure describes how to configure an Ethernet link. Click . refer to Table 6-3. Steps 1. Set the parameters as required. 5. Prerequisite l The physical layer port is configured. 4. The VLAN ID dialog box is displayed.. l The Ethernet link is configured. 3. Click OK. – End of Steps – 6.2 Configuring the IP layer This procedure describes how to configure the IP layer parameters. Used LACP This attribute sets the LACP N/A N/A aggregation group Aggregation Port that bears Ethernet. 6-6 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Used physical layer This attribute sets the N/A N/A port transmission media used by the physical layer port object and it must be STM-1.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 6-5 Ethernet Link Layer Tab Table 6-3 Ethernet Link Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value MTU (Byte) This attribute sets the [256.2.1800] 1500 maximum transmitted bytes of each Ethernet link layer packet. Configure the VLAN ID in accordance with network planning. Click beside VLAN ID.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Click . 6-7 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. The IP Layer Configuration-List tab is displayed. Set the parameters as required. This attribute does not need to be configured and cannot be modified.19] 0 number IP configuration number. The IP Layer Configuration tab is displayed. Click . It describes the IP configuration number in the database.20] 1 configuration number of IP configurations. In the managed element tree.. select Transmission Network > LTE FDD > IP Transport and double-click IP Layer Configuration. see Figure 6-6. Figure 6-6 IP Layer Configuration Tab Table 6-4 IP Layer Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Object ID of IP layer This attribute identifies the [1. refer to Table 6-4. For a description of the key parameters. This attribute provides a Relative Distinguished Name (RDN). Chapter 6 Network Transmission Configuration Steps 1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .. This number is unique in the database. IP parameter link This attribute indentifies the [0. It is generated automatically starting from 1 by the NMS. 2. The user defines the value range. The value is fixed to 1. 0. such as 2011:0db8:85a3:00 00:1319:8a2e:0370:7366. he can select EthernetLinkNo = 0 from the drop-down list.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . It cannot be configured with the IP address of the two Ethernet links 0 and 1 are configured.1. It describes which Ethernet link bears the IP service. An IPv4 address is in the dotted decimal notation format.0.0.254 network segment and the 127 network segment. If the user wants to use link 0.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value IP address This attribute sets the IP N/A N/A address of a base station. An IPv6 address is in the colon hexadecimal notation format.255. For example.0. 6-8 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Only IPv4 address can be configured. An IPv4 address is in the dotted decimal notation format. Gateway IP This attribute sets the IP N/A 0. Network mask This attribute sets the subnet N/A 255. When the PPP link is used. the IP address cannot be configured. such as 10. Used Ethernet link This attribute sets the Ethernet N/A N/A link that bears IP service.0 mask of an IP address.0. It is one of the interconnection parameters. The IP address of a base station can be an IPv4 address or an IPv6 ad- dress. Only IPv4 address can be configured.0 address of a gateway. such as 10. N/A N/A Group X2 self-setup This attribute is valid only when No. 2. Yes N/A enabled the IP address is used for LTE transmission. refer to Table 6-5. see Figure 6-7.4094] N/A ID. The user can set the attribute. It is the same as a VLAN in refEthernetLink. For a description of the key parameters. He can select one VLAN from the configured VLANs. – End of Steps – 6..3. The Bandwidth Resource Group-List tab is displayed. Click . select Transmission Network > LTE FDD > Bandwidth Assignment and double-click Bandwidth Resource Group. Click . Chapter 6 Network Transmission Configuration Parameter Description Value Range Default Value VLAN ID This attribute sets the VLAN [1. Prerequisite The IP layer parameters are configured.3 Bandwidth Configuration 6. Used Ethernet Link Used Ethernet Link Group.1 Configuring a Bandwidth Resource Group This procedure describes how to create an IP bandwidth resource group and how to manage IP bandwidth resources. Set the parameters as required. In the managed element tree. Steps 1. 6-9 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . The Bandwidth Resource Group tab is displayed. 3. It is used for the LTE X2 self-establishment. In the PPP bearer mode. Used Ethernet link This attribute sets on which N/A N/A Ethernet link the bandwidth allocation rule is applied.1000] N/A bandwidth of of ingress.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 6-7 Bandwidth Resource Group Tab Table 6-5 Bandwidth Resource Group Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Bandwidth resource This attribute sets the [0..1000] N/A bandwidth of egress maximum available bandwidth (Mbps) of egress. this attribute value can be set from 0 to 15.. this attribute value can be set from 0 to 5. If an Ethernet link is used. Maximum Maximum available bandwidth [1. which must be unique in the same bearer mode. ingress (Mbps) 6-10 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Maximum This attribute sets the [1. the maximum available bandwidth of egress does not need to be configured. If a PPP link is used. The user needs to configure an Ethernet link first if he wants to configure the bandwidth resource group that is borne on the Ethernet link.. In the Ethernet bearer mode. the maximum available bandwidth of egress must be configured.15] 0 group number bandwidth resource group number. – End of Steps – 6. The Bandwidth Resource-List tab is displayed. Steps 1. For a description of the key parameters. Set the parameters as required. This attribute value can be set through 1 to 6. 2. which the user can define. Chapter 6 Network Transmission Configuration 3. select Transmission Network > LTE FDD > Bandwidth Assignment > Bandwidth Resource Group and double-click Bandwidth Resource. refer to Table 6-6..6] 1 resource number bandwidth resource number.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . In the managed element tree. see Figure 6-8. Figure 6-8 Bandwidth Resource Tab Table 6-6 Bandwidth Resource Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Bandwidth This attribute sets the [1. The Bandwidth Resource tab is displayed. Click . 6-11 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Click .3. Prerequisite The IP bandwidth resource group is configured.2 Configuring Bandwidth Resources This procedure describes how to configure IP bandwidth resources. . Prerequisite The IP parameters are configured.100] 100 bandwidth weight configure transmission bandwidth weight. see Figure 6-9. The local IP address and the remote IP address must be paired. 3. For a description of the key parameters. After the SCTP parameters are configured. Steps 1. Set the parameters as required. A maximum of 36 records can be configured for the SCTP parameters. the system automatically generates the corresponding S1AP parameters or X2AP parameters.1 Configuring SCTP Parameters This procedure describes how to configure the SCTP parameters.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . The maximum bandwidth of egress of a bandwidth resource group multiplied by transmission bandwidth weight is the minimum guaranteed bandwidth.4 Signaling and Business Configuration 6. Context The SCTP supports all-IP transmission. 2. select Transmission Network > LTE FDD > Signaling and Business and double-click SCTP. Click . The SCTP tab is displayed.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Transmission This attribute is used to [0. The SCTP-List tab is displayed. The control-plane NBAP signaling in the radio network layer can be carried by an IP network.4. refer to Table 6-7. In the managed element tree. Click . – End of Steps – 6. 6-12 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. . SCTP can get the IP address of the local end.63] 0 association link number. Chapter 6 Network Transmission Configuration Figure 6-9 SCTP Tab Table 6-7 SCTP Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value SCTP link number This attribute sets the SCTP [0.65535] 0 number of an SCTP association link. For SCTP. 6-13 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Used bandwidth This attribute is used to N/A N/A resource configure the bandwidth resource used for SCTP. It is an interconnection parameter.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Used IP layer This attribute sets IP-layer N/A N/A configuration configuration that bears SCTP association. the bandwidth resource to be used cannot be configured. Local port number This attribute sets the local port [0.. It is user-defined within the value range. The attribute value ranges from 0 to 63. A maximum of six incoming and outgoing streams can be configured. The remote IP address can be an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Remote port This attribute sets the remote [0. Number of This attribute sets the number of [2.0. An IPv6 address is in the colon hexadecimal notation format. It is an interconnection parame- ter. Click . An IPv4 address is in the dotted decimal notation format. 3.6] 2 in-and-out streams incoming and outgoing streams of an SCTP association.65535] 0 number port number of an SCTP association link. It is an interconnection parameter.0. such as 10.63] 46 service model configuration.2 Configuring DSCP Mapping This procedure describes how to configure service and DSCP mapping to ensure UE to successfully access services. DSCP This attribute sets the IP [0.0. For various scenarios. It indicates that one of the four IP addresses is selected as the primary path.4...1. – End of Steps – 6. Primary path This attribute corresponds [0. The attribute value ranges from 0 to 63. such as 2011:0db8:85a3:0000: 1319:8a2e:0370:7366. 6-14 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Remote address This attribute sets the remote IP N/A 0..0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential ..0.3] 0 number to four IP addresses in the association. different DSCPs are chosen.0 address of SCTP association. If the BandwidthResourceMO is configured. 2. The Service and DSCP Mapping tab is displayed. Click . 6-15 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. refer to Table 6-8. If the IpLayerConfig MO is configured.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . In the managed element tree. l Bandwidth resources are configured. The Service and DSCP Mapping-List tab is displayed. this attribute must be configured. see Figure 6-10. Chapter 6 Network Transmission Configuration Prerequisite l IP transmission is configured. Figure 6-10 Service and DSCP Mapping Tab Table 6-8 DSCP Mapping Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Used IP layer This attribute configures the IP N/A N/A configuration parameters of bearer services. Used bandwidth This attribute configures N/A N/A resource the bandwidth resources of bearer services. select Transmission Network > LTE FDD > Signaling and Business and double-click Service and DSCP Mapping. Set the parameters as required. Steps 1. this attribute must be configured. For a description of the parameters. Click . Operator This attribute sets the operator N/A N/A to which the bandwidth rules are allocated. Set the parameters as required. This procedure describes how to configure a static routing in accordance with transmission planning. Prerequisite The IP parameters are configured.5 Configuring a Static Routing When IP packets cannot be sent to the destination network through the default gateway. see Figure 6-11. select Transmission Network > LTE FDD > Static Route and double-click Static Routing Configuration. refer to Table 6-9. bandwidth control is not implemented between operators. It indicates the QoS priority that the IP layer uses to bear the corresponding services. The destination network address and next-hop gateway address must be configured for a static routing.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value LTE FDD service This attribute specifies the N/A N/A DSCP mapping mapping rules between the LTE FDD service type and DSCP. In the managed element tree.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . For a description of the key parameters. Steps 1. a static routing is required to determine the next hop. 6-16 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. – End of Steps – 6. If DSCP is set to 0xFF. Click . If this attribute is not set. 2. the IP layer does not bear the corresponding services. The Static Routing Configuration tab is displayed. The Static Routing Configuration-List tab is displayed. 3. It is user-defined within the value range. such as 10. 6-17 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.255.0 address nation network IP address of a static route. Chapter 6 Network Transmission Configuration Figure 6-11 Static Routing Configuration Tab Table 6-9 Static Routing Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Static routing This attribute sets the static [0. such as 2011:0db8:85a3:0000:1319:8 a2e:0370:7366.0.0. An IPv6 address is in the colon hexadecimal notation format..0. It can be an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Destination IP This attribute sets the desti.1.0. An IPv4 address is in the dotted decimal notation format. This number is unique in the base station.0 destination network mask of a static route. N/A 0.255.99] 0 number route number. It specifies the number of a static route in the base station. Network mask This attribute sets the N/A 255. 6 Configuring an OMC Channel This procedure describes how to create an OMC channel for an eNodeB.. l Bandwidth is assigned.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Next hop IP This attribute sets the gate. such as 10. – End of Steps – 6.0 address way address configuration of the next hop. An IPv6 address is in the colon hexadecimal notation format..4094] N/A ID.1. Prerequisite l The IP layer is configured. 3.0.0. Used Ethernet link This attribute sets the Ethernet N/A N/A link that bears IP. N/A 0.0. It can be an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address. An IPv4 address is in the dotted decimal notation format. 0 indicates the highest priority. 6-18 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. VLAN ID This attribute sets the VLAN [1. Routing priority This attribute sets the priority [0. It is the same as a certain VLAN ID in refEthernetLink. such as 2011:0db8:85a3:0000: 1319:8a2e:0370:7366. Context eNodeBs and the OMC communicate with each other through IP packets. and how to configure the destination address of operation and maintenance information transmitted by an eNodeB and the link parameters. so OMC parameters such as an IP address used for eNodeB access from the OMC must be configured.0.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .7] 0 of an IP route. and the OMC needs to access an eNodeB through a public network interface to configure and manage the eNodeB. Click . select Transmission Network > LTE FDD and double-click OMC Channel. Click . see Figure 6-12.. The OMC Channel tab is displayed.7] 0 number of an Itf-UniBTS channel.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . For a description of the key parameters. refer to Table 6-10. Figure 6-12 OMC Channel Tab Table 6-10 OMC Channel Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value OMC interface link This attribute sets the number [0. IPOA. which is unique and cannot be repeated. The OMC Channel-List tab is displayed. The NE is connected to the NMS only through one channel at the same time. 2. Interface type of This attribute sets that IPINIP. The O&M packets can use the independent 6-19 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. Set the parameters as required. IPOA (in ATM mode) or networking IP (in independent networking). Chapter 6 Network Transmission Configuration Steps 1. Independent operation and Itf-UniBTS can be used in Independent networking maintenance IPINIP. The O&M packets can use IPINIP or IPOA (ATM) mode through RNC/BSC resolution transferring. It can be defined by the user within the value range. In the managed element tree. 3.255 mask of the OMC server.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Click . Used bandwidth This attribute is used N/A N/A resource to configure the bandwidth resource. It is recommended to set the attribute to "46:EF service. minimum delay. OMC subnet mask This attribute sets the subnet N/A 255. accelerated forwarding. It is defined by the user.255. DSCP This attribute sets the [0. The BandwidthResource object is involved. Used IP layer This attribute sets that IP N/A N/A configuration layer configurations are used. It must be filled in when itfUniBtsType is set to the independent networking mode. and maximum flow"..ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value networking mode without RNC/BSC resolution. It is used when tfUniBtsType is set to the independent networking mode.0.255. The IpLayerConfig object is involved. – End of Steps – 6-20 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. OMC server IP This attribute sets the IP N/A 0.0.0 address of the OMC server.63] 46 transmission quality priority of O&M packets. select Radio Parameter and double-click LTE FDD........ The LTE FDD tab is displayed.......7-5 7........................................................ Click .............. 2.............................. refer to Table 7-1.............. see Figure 7-1.............................0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .................. Chapter 7 Radio Parameter Configuration Table of Contents Configuring LTE FDD Global Parameters ....... 7-1 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1............... Steps 1............... In the managed element tree... For a description of the key parameters............1 Configuring LTE FDD Global Parameters This procedure describes how to configure LTE FDD global parameters..... Prerequisite The eNodeB physical resources are configured..7-3 Configuring a Serving Cell.... The LTE FDD-List tab is displayed.....7-1 Configuring Baseband Resources ..... Set the parameters as required.. .300.1048575] N/A Distinguished Name (DN) is used to uniquely identify an MO within a name space..ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 7-1 LTE FDD Tab Table 7-1 LTE FDD Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value LTE FDD ID MO instance Identity. 1: Enable[1] Switch Enable Holdover Time-Out Holdover time-out threshold [0. PLMN PLMN N/A N/A Holdover Time-Out Holdover time-out switch 0: Disable. Click . referred to as Relative Distinguished Names (RDNs).0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . – End of Steps – 7-2 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. A DN is built from a series of "name components". See 3GPP TS 32.240] 60 Threshold (min) 3. A [0. Steps 1. This procedure describes how to configure baseband resources in accordance with radio resource planning. Prerequisite LTE FDD global parameters are configured. 2. The Baseband Resource tab is displayed.9999] 1 Resource Distinguished Name (DN) is Configuration ID used to uniquely identify a MO within a name space. The Baseband Resource-List tab is displayed. Chapter 7 Radio Parameter Configuration 7. A [1. see Figure 7-2. A DN is built from a series of "name components".. refer to Table 7-2. For a description of the key parameters. In the managed element tree. referred to as Relative Distinguished 7-3 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.2 Configuring Baseband Resources Baseband resources must be configured for radio signal transmission and receiving. Click . Set the parameters as required.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Figure 7-2 Baseband Resource Tab Table 7-2 Baseband Resource Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Baseband MO instance Identity. select Radio Parameter > LTE FDD > Resource Interface Configuration and double-click Baseband Resource. For an 8-channel RRU.15.15] 0 Antenna port and configured manually in most Antenna Channel cases. this parameter is set to 0. For a 2-channel RRU.1. Normal mode means that Mergence Mode a single RF unit is used.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .15.300.15. this parameter is set to 0. Sharing cell mode means that more than one RF unit share the same cell.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Names (RDNs).. [15. 15 7-4 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. CP ID Cell Portion Identity [0.15.5] 0 RF Unit Application This parameter is Normal Mode[0].15. Used RRU Used RRU N/A N/A RF Port Object RF port object. If two antennas are used.15. this parameter is set to 00001111. Mapping of This parameter is not [0.15. indicating that the first four channels are mapped to port 0 and the last four channels are mapped to port 1.15...15.15. Networking)[3]. 2[4] Combination mode means that more than one RF unit are combined logically to offer a single RF unit with multiple antenna number. It is automatically generated by the NMS in accordance with the transmission device configured for the RF port object. if 2-channel single-antenna is used.15. See 3GPP TS 32.15.15. N/A N/A Connected Baseband Device for Cable N/A N/A Baseband Device Cascading Connection. Normal Mode[0] Mode used to configure cell Combination RF unit application Mode[1]. Mergence mode when configuring mode(PB ECellEquipmentFunction.3]. 7-5 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. l One cell record may map to multiple baseband resource records and multiple system resource scheduling records. see Figure 7-3. Figure 7-4. l If a cell record is deleted. but it maps to one baseband resource record in this version.3 Configuring a Serving Cell This procedure describes how to configure an eNodeB serving cell. – End of Steps – 7. 2. all the related configuration parameters are deleted. select Radio Parameter > LTE FDD and double-click E-UTRAN FDD Cell. l Blocking a cell refers to releasing the service in the cell if the service is running. Prerequisite The eNodeB physical resources are configured. refer to Table 7-3. Set the parameters as required. The E-UTRAN FDD Cell tab is displayed. unblocking is not required.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . so that the resources in the cell are not available and personnel can perform routine maintenance. The E-UTRAN FDD Cell-List tab is displayed. Context Knowledge related to cell configuration: l The maximum number of cell records is 36. Steps 1. In the managed element tree. and to disable the transmission channel in the cell. l The physical cell ID of a cell must be unique. Click . and Figure 7-5. 3. Click . For a description of the key parameters. l For a normal cell. Chapter 7 Radio Parameter Configuration Parameter Description Value Range Default Value means that the channel does not exist or is not used. 0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 7-3 E-UTRAN FDD Cell Tab—1 Figure 7-4 E-UTRAN FDD Cell Tab—2 7-6 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. 0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . PLMN List PLMN list N/A N/A Baseband Baseband resource N/A N/A Resource configuration Configuration 7-7 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.9999] 1 ID Distinguished Name (DN) is used to uniquely identify a MO within a name space. referred to as Relative Distinguished Names (RDNs). Chapter 7 Radio Parameter Configuration Figure 7-5 E-UTRAN FDD Cell Tab—3 Table 7-3 E-UTRAN FDD Cell Parameters Parameter Description Value Range Default Value E-UTRAN FDD Cell MO instance Identity. A DN is built from a series of "name components".300. A [1. See 3GPP TS 32.. The parameter is used for UE location management. 4: Indoor Cell Number of Tx This parameter sets the 0: 1. It is Cell. 3: Outdoor determine "cyclic prefix length" Compensatory Cell.0 allocation is used.0. PCI List PCI list that can be allocated. [0. Only when distributed PCI 0.0.. Outdoor Super for example. 1: Outdoor Cell[1] used to determine some Macro Cell.0.0. There are 504 unique physical-layer cell identities. 2: physical channel parameters. TAC This parameter is used to [0.503] 0. The grouping is such that each physical-layer cell identity is part of one and only one physical-layer cell-identity group. 7-8 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. The physical-layer cell identities are grouped into 168 unique physical-layer cell-identity groups.0. The parameter is configured by the operator.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . 1: 2.0. each group containing three unique identities.0.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value PCI This parameter is used to [0...503] 0 identify a cell. this parameter is valid. and so on. Transmit diversity and spatial multiplexing use multi-antenna ports. it is used to Cell. And the physical cell identities are space multiplexing and programmed by network programming people. Cell Coverage This parameter sets the 0: Outdoor Micro Outdoor Macro Attribute cover attribution.0. 2: 4 1[0] Antenna Port in number of an antenna port Cell in a cell.65535] N/A identify a tracking area within the scope of a PLMN.0. 9: 1749. 18: 815-830.9] {freqBandInd==11 {freqBandInd==1 }[1427.1 {freqBandInd==1 {freqBandInd==14}[ 7}[714] 788.862] step 0.5-1660.1 [890] 3410-3490. 4: 1710-1755.1 {freqBandInd==1 07-824.830] step 0.1 [1720] 824-849. 22: 80.1 {freqBandInd==1 {freqBandInd==13}[ 4}[798] 777...1452.787] step 0. 24. 3: {freqBandInd==3}[1 {freqBandInd==3} 1710-1785.1980] step 0.. 25: 749.2570] step 0.1 [1930] (MHz) Indication for Frequency.9-1784.9] 2}[708] step 0.1 [1720] 10: 1710-1770. 27: 0. The downlink and uplink frequency must belong to the same band.1910] step 0.798] step 0. Chapter 7 Radio Parameter Configuration Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Band Indication for This parameter sets the [1. 5: 710. [101.. {freqBandInd==8}[8 {freqBandInd==8} 21: 1447.9.5.. 7: 2500-2570.1 [1860] 1920-1980...1 [834] 13: 777-787.849] step 0.1785] step 0.9] 832.1 {freqBandInd==1 {freqBandInd==18}[ 9}[840] 815.. {freqBandInd==2}[1 {freqBandInd==2} the range is different: (1: 850. 26: 814-849.9-1462. 23: 2000-2020.. {freqBandInd==10 0}[1720] }[1710..1770] step {freqBandInd==11 0. 20: 832-862. 2: 1850-1910..1 {freqBandInd==1 {freqBandInd==12}[ 3}[787] 698. 14: 788-798.1 {freqBandInd==1 {freqBandInd==17}[ 8}[825] 704.9.915] step 0.101] and uplink frequency.830] step 0....9.28].. Uplink Center Uplink center carrier {freqBandInd==1}[1 {freqBandInd==1} Carrier Frequency frequency.9. 8: {freqBandInd==4}[1 {freqBandInd==4} 880-915.5]..716] step 0.1 7-9 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. {freqBandInd==7}[2 {freqBandInd==7} 17: 704-716. [7. Baed on Band 920...9] step [1759.9-1452.9] 1850-1915.1 {freqBandInd==2 {freqBandInd==20}[ 1}[1457.716] step 0.. 500..9.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . 1 Frequency frequency band for downlink [17. 12: 698-716.1755] step 0.1 [2510] 19: 830-845. 28: 703-748) MHz.14]..1 {freqBandInd==2 {freqBandInd==18}[ 0}[842] 815. {freqBandInd==9}[1 {freqBandInd==9} 24: 1626. 11: {freqBandInd==5}[8 {freqBandInd==5} 1427. 710.1784.1 }[1437. 2490] step {freqBandInd==2 0.824] step 0...748] step 0.. 22: 25. 7: 2620-2690..1 [2630] 19: 875-890. {freqBandInd==2}[1 {freqBandInd==2} the range is different: (1: 930.9.1 {freqBandInd==28}[ 703.9.. 11: {freqBandInd==5}[8 {freqBandInd==5} 1475. {freqBandInd==7}[2 {freqBandInd==7} 17: 734-746. 69.819] step 0. 2: 1930-1990.2690] step 0.9-1879..1880] step 0.1915] step 8}[713] 0. 20: 791 -821.1 Downlink Center Downlink center carrier {freqBandInd==1}[2 {freqBandInd==1} Carrier Frequency frequency.1 {freqBandInd==27}[ 807..5] {freqBandInd==2 step 0. 5: 805.1 {freqBandInd==1 {freqBandInd==26}[ 01}[970] 814. 0.2020] step 5}[1860] 0.9-1510.5..894] step 0.1 {freqBandInd==2 {freqBandInd==24 6}[824] }[1626.1 [2020] (MHz) Indication for Frequency. 25: 844.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .1 [1940] 2110-2170..1 {freqBandInd==2 {freqBandInd==22 3}[2010] }[3410..9] step [1854. Based on Band 110.1 [935] 3510-3590.960] step 0.9-1500.. {freqBandInd==8}[9 {freqBandInd==8} 21: 1495.1660. 2110.2170] step 0.9. 9: 1844.1879. {freqBandInd==9}[1 {freqBandInd==9} 24: 1525-1559.1 [1815] 869-894. 23: 2180-2200.1 {freqBandInd==1 27: 852-869. 28: 758-803) {freqBandInd==10}[ 0}[2120] MHz. 26: 859-894..1990] step 0..9] 1930-1995.1462.2170] step 0.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value {freqBandInd==21 {freqBandInd==2 }[1447..9.977] step 0.1 7-10 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.1 {freqBandInd==101 }[962.1 [2120] 10: 2110-2170. 8: {freqBandInd==4}[2 {freqBandInd==4} 925-960. 12: 728-746.. 620. 18: 860-875.1 [879] 13: 746-756. 4: 2110-2155.1 7}[817] {freqBandInd==25 {freqBandInd==2 }[1850.9. 3: {freqBandInd==3}[1 {freqBandInd==3} 1805-1880.2155] step 0.5] {freqBandInd==23 {freqBandInd==2 }[2000.1 4}[1636. 110.9] 2}[3420] step 0. 14: 758-768.... 1559] step 6}[869] 0.803] step 0.894] step 0.1057] step 0.1 8}[768] {freqBandInd==26}[ {freqBandInd==1 859.9..1 {freqBandInd==1 {freqBandInd==14}[ 4}[768] 758.1 {freqBandInd==2 {freqBandInd==23 4}[1535] }[2180.746] step 0.1 {freqBandInd==28}[ 758.875] step 0.1 {freqBandInd==1 {freqBandInd==17}[ 7}[744] 734..0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .768] step 0.1 {freqBandInd==1 {freqBandInd==13}[ 3}[756] 746..1510.1 {freqBandInd==2 {freqBandInd==20}[ 0}[801] 791.1995] step {freqBandInd==2 0...1 7-11 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.756] step 0.3590] step 3}[2190] 0...1 {freqBandInd==2 {freqBandInd==25 7}[862] }[1930.746] step 0......9] }[1495.1 {freqBandInd==1 {freqBandInd==12}[ 2}[738] 728.1 5}[1940] {freqBandInd==24 {freqBandInd==2 }[1525.9...1 01}[1047] {freqBandInd==27}[ 852..821] step 0.1 {freqBandInd==101 }[1037.9] step 0.1 {freqBandInd==2 {freqBandInd==21 1}[1505.890] step 0.1 {freqBandInd==1 {freqBandInd==19}[ 9}[885] 875.1 {freqBandInd==1 {freqBandInd==18}[ 8}[870] 860..869] step 0.9] {freqBandInd==2 step 0.1 2}[3520] {freqBandInd==22 {freqBandInd==2 }[3510.9] }[1485. Chapter 7 Radio Parameter Configuration Parameter Description Value Range Default Value {freqBandInd==11 {freqBandInd==11 }[1475..1500.2200] step {freqBandInd==2 0. 5: 20 the resource allocation. It is used 3 (15RB). 3: 10 position of frequency for (50RB). 4: 15 channel and the resource (75RB).0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . (100RB) CFI Selection The parameter sets the CFI 0: Auto-Adjusted. 3 (15RB). Click . 3 or could be configured as auto-adjusted. 2. 3. 4: 4 layer for cell.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Parameter Description Value Range Default Value Downlink System The parameter sets the 0: 1.4 (6RB). 1: 20(100RB)[5] Bandwidth (MHz) system band width. The CFI Value could be 1. 4: 15 downlink physical channel and (75RB). 3: 3. 2: 2. (100RB) Uplink System The parameter sets the uplink 0: 1. 1: 2[2] Value configured by high 1. 5: 20 allocation. 2: 5 to determine the position of (25RB). – End of Steps – 7-12 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. 3: 10 frequency for uplink physical (50RB).4 (6RB). 2: 5 It is used to determine the (25RB). 1: 20(100RB)[5] Bandwidth (MHz) downlink system bandwidth. Note: Each cell needs a standalone configuration record. ....... The Data Synchronization dialog box is displayed....0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .........1 Generating XML Files for an eNodeB This procedure describes how to generate XML files for an eNodeB................. Select Configuration Management > Data Synchronization.......8-1 Generating XML Files for the EMS ....... Steps 1............. see Figure 8-2. The XML files are used by engineers to perform USB commissioning or LMT commissioning............... Figure 8-1 Data Synchronization Menu 8-1 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.............................. Chapter 8 XML File Generation Table of Contents Generating XML Files for an eNodeB . see Figure 8-1............................... Prerequisite The initial configuration of eNodeB parameters are completed........8-3 8........... – End of Steps – 8-2 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. 3. In the Confirm dialog box. see Figure 8-3. see Figure 8-2.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide Figure 8-2 Data Synchronization Dialog Box 2. Click Generate File. In the right pane. Show the file exporting result and saving path Click Show Details.. To. perform the following operations. are saved Close the Confirm dialog box Click No. and wait until the progress bar reaches 100%. Open the local folder where the generated files Click Yes. Figure 8-3 Confirm Dialog Box 4... select Generate synchronization file. In the left pane. The Confirm dialog box is displayed.. select one or multiple eNodeBs that need(s) to be synchronized. Do. Prerequisite The initial configuration of eNodeB parameters are completed. The Data Export dialog box is displayed. Select Configuration Management > Data Export.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential . Steps 1. Figure 8-4 Data Export Menu Figure 8-5 Data Export Dialog Box 8-3 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.2 Generating XML Files for the EMS This procedure describes how to generate XML files for the EMS. see Figure 8-4. see Figure 8-5. Chapter 8 XML File Generation 8. The XML files can be used for quick eNodeB commissioning through the EMS. see Figure 8-5. perform the following operations. are saved Close the Confirm dialog box Click No. and enter XML for File name prefix. – End of Steps – 8-4 SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1. In the Confirm dialog box. In the left pane.. To. The Confirm dialog box is displayed. Click Browse and select a path for the exported files for File path. select one or multiple eNodeBs for which configuration files need to be generated. Figure 8-6 Confirm Dialog Box 4.ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide 2. 3. see Figure 8-6. Open the local folder where the generated files Click Yes. Show the file exporting result and saving path Click Show Details.. and select XML file for File type.0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .. In the right pane. Do. select Modify area for Data area. Click Export and wait until the progress bar reaches 100%.. Maximum Transfer Unit I SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.Local Maintenance Terminal LTE .Link Aggregation Control Protocol LMT . Glossary BBU .Internet Protocol IPv4 .File Transfer Protocol GPS .0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .Internet Protocol Version 6 LACP .Bill of Quantities CFI .Base Band Unit BCT .Fan Control Element FDD .Long Time Evolution MTU .Frequency Division Duplex FTP .Control Format Indicator DSCP .Barring of Call Transfer BOQ .Internet Protocol version 4 IPv6 .Global Positioning System IP .Element Management System FCE .Differentiated Services Code Point EMS . Personal Computer PLMN .Simple Network Time Protocol SON .Network Element OMC .User Datagram Protocol USB .Self-Organizing Network SSH .Secure File Transfer Protocol SNTP .Universal Serial Bus XML .ZXSDR UniRAN Initial Configuration Guide NE .Precision Time Protocol RDN .Remote Radio Unit RSU .Public Land Mobile Network PTP .RF System Unit SCTP .Time Division Long Term Evolution UDP .Stream Control Transmission Protocol SFTP .Extensible Markup Language eNodeB .Operation & Maintenance Center PC .0) ZTE Proprietary and Confidential .Relative Distinguished Name RRU .Evolved NodeB II SJ-20151105120414-004|2015-12-25 (R1.Secure Shell TD-LTE . 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