ZXDSL 9806H (V2.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Configuration Manual (CLI).pdf

March 30, 2018 | Author: Lino Vargas | Category: Command Line Interface, Ip Address, Computer Data, Computer Network, Computer Networking



ZXDSL 9806HZTE Broadband Universal Access System Configuration Manual (CLI) Version 2.0 ZTE CORPORATION ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P. R. China 518057 Tel: (86) 755 26771900 Fax: (86) 755 26770801 URL: http://ensupport.zte.com.cn E-mail: [email protected] LEGAL INFORMATION Copyright © 2006 ZTE CORPORATION. The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of this document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written consent of ZTE CORPORATION is prohibited. Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by contractual confidentiality obligations. All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE CORPORATION or of their respective owners. This document is provided “as is”, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions are disclaimed, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement. ZTE CORPORATION and its licensors shall not be liable for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on the information contained herein. ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors may have current or pending intellectual property rights or applications covering the subject matter of this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license between ZTE CORPORATION and its licensee, the user of this document shall not acquire any license to the subject matter herein. ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice. Users may visit ZTE technical support website http://ensupport.zte.com.cn to inquire related information. The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION. Revision History Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason 1.0 27/02/2009 First version Serial Number: sjzl20090356 Contents Preface............................................................... i General Configuration .......................................1 Login Mode .................................................................... 1 HyperTerminal............................................................ 1 Telnet ....................................................................... 4 NetNumen ................................................................. 5 CLI Operations ............................................................... 8 Overview................................................................... 8 Operation Features ..................................................... 9 General Operations ....................................................12 Network Management Configuration.................................15 Overview..................................................................15 Configuring In-band NMS............................................15 Configuring Out-of-band NMS......................................19 Configuring Network Management ACM .......................22 Narrowband Service Configuration .................. 25 Configuring In-band Channel ..........................................25 PSTN Service Configuration.............................................27 Overview..................................................................28 Configuring PSTN Service ...........................................28 IP Fax Service Configuration ...........................................36 Overview..................................................................36 Configuring IP Fax Service ..........................................36 Configuring Self-exchange .............................................45 Narrowband Management Configuration ...........................47 Modifying Ringing Profile ............................................47 Configuring Call Limit .................................................49 Broadband Service Configuraton ..................... 51 VLAN Configuration........................................................51 Overview..................................................................51 Basic VLAN Configuration............................................52 Configuring VLAN Instance .................................53 Adding VLAN ....................................................55 Adding VLAN Uplink Port ....................................56 Adding Single Service Port .................................57 Adding Service Ports In Batch .............................57 VLAN Stacking Configuration .......................................58 Configuring VLAN Stacking Batch Service .............58 Configuring VLAN ID Extension ...........................61 ADSL/ADSL2+ Service Access Configuration......................64 Overview..................................................................65 Configuring PPPoA Access ...........................................66 Configuring IPoE/PPPoE Access ....................................74 Configuring Line Profile ..............................................81 Configuring Alarm Profile ............................................87 Enabling Interface .....................................................92 Configuring MAC Pool .................................................93 VDSL2+ Service Access Configuration ..............................93 Overview..................................................................93 Configuring IPoE/PPPoE Access ....................................94 Line Profile Configuration .......................................... 101 Configuring Basic Profile .................................. 101 Configuring Service Profile ............................... 110 Configuring DPBO Profile .................................. 115 Configuring UPBO Profile .................................. 118 Configuring Alarm Profile .......................................... 123 Enabling Interface ................................................... 128 SHDSL Service Access Configuration .............................. 129 Overview................................................................ 129 Configuring IPoE/PPPoE Access .................................. 130 Configuring Line Profile ............................................ 136 Configuring Alarm Profile .......................................... 140 Enabling Interface ................................................... 143 Multicast Service Configuration...................................... 144 Overview................................................................ 144 Configuring IGMP Snooping....................................... 144 Configuring IGMP Proxy............................................ 152 Configuring Bandwidth ............................................. 161 QoS Configuration ....................................................... 162 Overview................................................................ 162 Configuring Queue Scheduler Algorithm...................... 163 .................... 185 Configuring RSTP Administration Cost ........................................................................................................................................................ 171 Configuring Link Aggregation ...................................................................................................... 186 Configuring RSTP Edge Port ............................................ 183 Port Parameters Configuration .... 168 Configuring Egress Shaping Parameters .................................................. 195 Enabling SVLAN .............. 172 Spanning Tree Configuration ................................................................. 178 Configuring Max Age .................... 184 Configuring STP/RSTP Priority.... 165 Configuring Port QoS Priority............................ 182 Configuring Transmission Hold Count .............. 187 Configuring RSTP BPDU Packet Type .. 198 Configuring Loop Check .............. 193 Enabling VBAS.. 170 Configuring Static Route ............................................................. 193 Network Security Configuration ............. 173 Overview............... 200 User Security Configuration....................... 190 Security Management Configuration............................................. 188 Configuring RSTP Point-to-Point Connection ............................. 184 Configuring STP Cost .......................... 199 Configuring SSH ....... 193 Enabling PPPoE+..................................................................................... 176 Network Bridge Parameters Configuration ................................................................................................................................................ 188 Configuring RSTP Protocol Migration ................................. 172 Configuring RMON ....................................... 174 Enabling STP/RSTP ....... 177 Configuring Hello Time...............Configuring PVC Mapping....... 167 Configuring QoS Mapping ........................................................... 179 Configuring Priority ....................................... 181 Configuring Default Cost ............................. 164 Configuring Policy and Class......... 193 Port Location........ 177 Configuring Forward Delay ............................................................................................... 174 Configuring RSTP Compatibility .................. 189 Configuring SNTP .... 197 Enabling DHCP ................................ 194 Enabling DHCP Option82 ......................... 202 .................................................................................................. .................. 207 Tables ................................................. 204 Figures ...... 202 Configuring MAC Address White List .............. 213 List of Glossary..................... 202 Configuring MAC Address Limit ....................Binding IP Address........................................................................................................................... 215 .............................................. 209 Index .......... 203 Configuring MAC Address Black List......................................................... link aggregation configuration. static route configuration.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Hardware Description Manual � ZXDSL 9806H (V2. and Access Network. users should have a basic concept of xDSL technologies. multicast service configuration.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Documentation Guide � ZXDSL 9806H (V2.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System. VDSL2 access service configuration. Chapter 4. Prerequisite Skill and Knowledge To use this document effectively. Chapter 3.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Cutover Manual � ZXDSL 9806H (V2. PSTN service configuration.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System. Broadband Service Configuration Describes VLAN configuration. Intended Audience This manual is intended for engineers and technicians who perform operation activities on the ZXDSL 9806H (V2. ADSL/ADSL2+ access service configuration. RMON configuration.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Expansion Manual � ZXDSL 9806H (V2. Chapter 2.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Feature Description Manual � ZXDSL 9806H (V2. IP FAX service configuration and narrowband management configuration. CLI operations and network management configuration.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Troubleshooting Manual Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION i . spanning tree configuration and SNTP configuration. QoS configuration. SHDSL access service configuration.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Product Description Manual � ZXDSL 9806H (V2. Narrowband Service Configuration Describes in-band channel configuration. What Is in This Manual Related Documentation This manual contains the following chapters: Chapter Summary Chapter 1. General Configuration Introduces login mode. The following documentation is related to this manual: � ZXDSL 9806H (V2. Security Management Configuration Describes network security configuration and user security configuration.Preface Purpose This manual provides configurations (CLI) of the ZXDSL 9806H (V2. telecommunications technology. com.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Version Update Manual � ZXDSL 9806H (V2.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Network Management User Manual � ZXDSL 9806H (V2.cn.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Routine Maintenance Manual � ZXDSL 9806H (V2. questions.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Command Manual (Volume I) � ZXDSL 9806H (V2. you can contact us by e-mail at doc@zte. forum and service request.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Command Manual (Volume II) � ZXDSL 9806H (V2. comments. Since conditions of use are outside our control.cn. If you have problems.cn. and assumes no liability in connection with the use of this information. knowledge base. which contains various interesting subjects like documentation.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) How to Get in Touch � ZXDSL 9806H (V2. or suggestions regarding your product.RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) with respect to the following substances: � Lead (Pb) � Mercury (Hg) � Cadmium (Cd) � Hexavalent Chromium (Cr (VI)) � PolyBrominated Biphenyls (PBB’s) � PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE’s) This declaration is issued based on our current level of knowledge. ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document.com.com. You can also call our customer support center at (86) 755 26771900 and (86) 800-9830-9830. contact us by e-mail at support@zte. ii Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Configuration Manual (NetNumen) � ZXDSL 9806H (V2. ZTE CORPORATION makes no warranties. this document shall serve as formal declaration that manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION is in compliance with the Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament .zte. You can also browse our website at http://support. express or implied. or suggestions on the documentation. Declaration of RoHS Compliance To minimize the environmental impact and take more responsibility to the earth we live. or you can fax your comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26772236. comments. For further questions.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Alarms Manual � ZXDSL 9806H (V2.0) ZTE Broadband Universal Access System Command Manual (Volume III) The following sections provide information on how to obtain support for the documentation and the software. ......... 8 Network Management Configuration.............. click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communications > HyperTerminal.............. perform the following steps: Steps 1.... Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 1 .. � Install the device and connect the cable............15 Login Mode ZXDSL 9806H (V2..... Context To log into the device through HyperTerminal..... In Windows................................... � Power ON ZXDSL 9806H system...................................... 1 CLI Operations ..................Chapter 1 General Configuration Table of Contents Login Mode ........ � Use console cable to connect the serial port on maintenance console of computer with the console port on the front panel of SCCB card...... The system displays the interface as shown in Figure 1........0) supports following management modes: � HyperTerminal � Telnet � NetNumen (Network Management System) HyperTerminal Short Description Prerequisites Perform this procedure to log into the device through HyperTerminal......... The system displays the interface. as shown in Figure 2. Input the Name and click OK.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) FIGURE 1 NEW CONNECTION 2. FIGURE 2 CONFIGURE CONNECTION 2 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Click OK. Click OK to complete the configuration. the following login interface displays on HyperTerminal. Click Restore Defaults to select the default settings. ZTE Co. as shown in Figure 3. # # # ####################################################### Login:admin Password: 9806>en Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 3 . FIGURE 3 COM1 PROPERTIES 4. Select COM1 or COM2 according to the connection. Enter login name and password both as admin to connect to the system. If the system is running normally. ######################################################## # # # # Welcome to ZTE Full Service Access Platform Press Return to get started # # # # # # Copyright 2005-2009 .Ltd. The system displays COM1 Properties interface..Chapter 1 General Configuration 3. x is NE IP address).ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Please input password: 9806# 5. In Windows. FIGURE 4 RUN TELNET 2.x. # # # ####################################################### Login:admin Password: 9806>en 4 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Click OK to start Telnet client.. END Result OF STEPS The log into the device through HyperTerminal is successful. ####################################################### # # # Welcome to ZTE Full Service Access Platform # # # # Press Return to get started # # # # Copyright 2005-2009 . � In-band and out-of-band NMS IP address is configured. input telnet x.x. input admin as login and password to log into the device to configure data.Ltd. Telnet Short Description Prerequisites Context Steps Perform this procedure to log into device using Telnet. ZTE Co. If the connection is normal. The password is admin. click Start > Run. To start configuring the data.x. enter into the configuration mode by entering enable command after the 9806> prompt. � Maintenance console computer can ping in-band/out-of-band IP address of the device.x ( x.x. In the interface. The Run interface appears as shown in Figure 4. perform the following steps: 1. To log into the device using Telnet. 2. NetNumen Short Description Prerequisites Context Steps Perform this procedure to manage the device through NetNumen NMS. 5. The NetNumen Config Center interface appears. 4. After configuration. perform the following steps: 1. Create NE. To manage the device through NetNumen NMS. Note: Database generally runs automatically. � The database and NMS are installed. Select Database Type as MS SQL Server from the drop-down list. Initialize database. Start NMS client. Configure database in NMS configuration center. 3. Run NMS database.Chapter 1 General Configuration Please input password: 9806# END Result OF STEPS Logging into the device using Telnet is successful. Start NMS server. 8. click Save. Click Start > All Programs > NetNumen N31 > Tools > NetNumen N31 Config Center. 2. END Result Example OF STEPS 9806H can be managed through NetNuemen. Manage NE. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 5 . � In-band or out-of-band IP address is configured. � The NMS server can ping in-band/out-of-band IP address of the device. as shown in Figure 5. The following example displays how to manage 9806H through NetNumen: 1. 6. 7. Run database. Configure database in Database Configuration interface. Add device type in NMS configuration center. 3. In NetNumen Config Center interface. 5. select NE Module to add device type. 6 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Click Save. as shown in Figure 6. Click Start > All Programs > NetNumen N31 > Tools > NetNumen N31 Init Database to initialize database. Select DSL Product and Access Gateway Product. Click Start > All Programs > NetNumen N31 > NetNumen N31 Server to start NMS server. FIGURE 6 ADD NE 4. as shown in Figure 7. click Test Connection to test the connection status between NMS server and database. Click Optimize to optimize database.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) FIGURE 5 NETNUMEN CONFIG CENTER After configuring database. After configuration. In the Management-Create interface. The created NE is displayed in NMS client interface. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 7 . click Create to create NE. as shown in Figure 8. FIGURE 8 NMS CLIENT 7. right-click Topology Tree Root. Click Start > All Programs > NetNumen N31 > NetNumen N31 Client to start NMS client. Select Create NE. In NMS client interface.Chapter 1 General Configuration FIGURE 7 NMS SERVER 6. as shown in Figure 9. select ZXDSL 9806H in NE Type and configure NE parameters. right-click NE in client topology. 8 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Select Rack to open 9806H rack. CLI Operations This topic includes the following: � Overview � Operation Features � General Operations Overview ZXDSL 9806H supports two maintenance modes: Network management and CLI. This manual describes basic CLI operations. After NE is successfully created. Users can log in to the system through HyperTerminal or Telnet.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) FIGURE 9 CREATE NE 8. 9806H can be managed through NetNumen NMS. Postrequisite Configure 9806H services through NetNumen NMS. � Network management: The NMS NetNumen N31 system provides GUI for operation and maintenance. � CLI: CLI system provides command line input interface for maintenance. to get the enable command. When inputting a command. Overview Figure 10 shows methods for entering different command modes. To avoid illegal access. the user can only input the key character and press Tab to get the whole command. � Execute the disable command to go back to the operator mode from administrator mode. Users who are at different levels execute different commands even if they enter into the same command mode. FIGURE 10 COMMAND MODES Note: � Execute the exit command to exit from the current command mode. Intelligent Match For convenience.Chapter 1 General Configuration Operation Features This topic introduces ZXDSL 9806H CLI operation features. avoiding illegal access. the user can input en or ena and press Tab. � The contents in brackets shows the current command mode. For instance. � By default. the system provides various command modes for users at different levels. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 9 . the command line prompt uses 9806 as the system host name (Execute the system hostname command to modify it). ZXDSL 9806H supports intelligent match. � Execute the quit command to exit from Telnet client from any mode. the reason may be: 1. Or. <Ctrl+U> Delete all characters before the cursor and the cursor goes to the line start. It gives a prompt for selection. BackSpace Delete the character before the cursor and the cursor moves one character space forward. There are two commands starting with re: reboot command and reset command. Key character collision For instance. TABLE 1 EDIT FUNCTIONS 10 Key Function Common keys. For each command.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Note: If there is no response when the user press Tab. -> and <¯ ¯> <- Display history command. There is no response. Wrong key character For instance. The cursor stops when it goes to the line start. <Ctrl+A> The cursor goes to the line start. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . input re and press Tab. 2. ¬> or <Ctrl+B> <¬ The cursor moves one character space to the left. <Ctrl+K> Delete all characters behind the cursor and the cursor goes to the line end. Table 1 describes edit functions. <Ctrl+D> or Delete Delete the character behind the cursor and the cursor moves one character space backward. The system cannot give intelligent match. press <Ctrl+P> to show the previous command. ®> or <Ctrl+F> <® The cursor moves one character space to the right. the maximum length is 255 characters. Edit Function The system support edit in multiple lines. Insert to the cursor space and move the cursor to the right. input acv and press Tab for the activate-versi on. There is no response. For convenience.. The system shows all system commands in this mode. 9806> enable logout quit show telnet user � - Enter the privileged mode Exit the login state Exit the login state Show running system information Open a TELNET connection User management Input a command name and press space key and press ?. CLI system supports two display modes. � Input ? in any mode. Users can input ? to get Help information.Show vlan cross connection 1.Chapter 1 General Configuration Note: Common keys indicate characters. the system supports Pause function. as described in Table 2. press space key and press ?. a computer’s own HyperTerminal software supports 24–line display in one screen. For instance. numbers and punctuation keys. Help Function ZXDSL 9806H CLI system provides simple help information to users.vlan-list <cr> � Input ? behind the key character. The help information is shown as follows: 9806(config)# show vlan cross-connection . For instance.4094 . input ? in operator mode to get all command lines in operator mode. The system shows commands starting with re in administration mode. The system shows commands starting with the key character in the selected command mode. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 11 . input re in administrator mode and press ?. there is much system information which cannot be displayed in one screen. The system shows the next command character and the command parameters. 9806H# re reboot reset Display Function Sometimes. Note: By default. input show vlan command in broadband global configuration mode. The user can stop display when the information is over one screen. For instance. TABLE 3 PROMPT INFORMATION Prompt Cause Bad command The command is not found. main control card and service card information.bin 12 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Table 3 describes common prompts. Invalid parameter Parameter is invalid. Ambiguous parameter Command is ambiguous. the system gives a prompt. General Operations This topic introduces general operations on ZXDSL 9806H in CLI mode.0P1T1 5517514 VALID 20080804155929 backup sccb. 9806# show version CardType Type VerNo VerLen Status BuildTime State FileName -------------------------------------------------------------------SCCB MVER V2. Incomplete command Command is incomplete. SPACE Continue displaying the next screen.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) TABLE 2 DISPLAY FUNCTION Saving and Querying History Command Key Function Q Stop displaying and terminate the operation. Execute the show history command to show history command. Users can execute history command repeatedly. CLI system saves history commands automatically. History command record is only valid to the existing user.0. Param out of range Parameter exceeds the value range. When the user logs in again. Missing parameter Parameter is missing. 9806H# show history 1 ena 2 show run 3 configure 4 add-vlan 2-48 5 show vlan 6 vlan 2-48 4/1-24 untag one-to-one 7 show vlan 8 show vlan cross-connection 9 show interface 4/1 Prompt Information If the command is wrong. Querying Version Execute the show version command to show boot. the history commands are cleaned up. bin Current Boot Info: SCCB BOOT V2. has been normal. is higher than threshold.bin SCCB FW V2. is higher than threshold.0.0P1T1 Querying System Trap Information 375376 VALID 20080804160005 active Execute the show trap-buffer record command to show system alarms. � The system has a strict check on time setting. 9806# show card slot 5 Shelf No : 1 Slot No : 5 Status : Inservice Board Type : SCCB PortNumber : 2 HardVer : 080100 SoftVer : V2. Querying Main Control Card CPU and Memory Execute the show card slot 5 command to show main control card CPU and memory utilization. Illegal setting is not permitted. has been normal. has been normal. process and status.0.0T5 LastChange : Cpu Load Threshold : 80 Cpu Load : 68 Memory Load Threshold : 80 Memory Load : 45 --------------------------------------------------------------- 9806(config)# time 2008-10-07 09:27:50 9806(config)# show time System Time: 2008-10-07 09:27:57 Note: Configuring System Name � System time format is: yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.0T5 5511385 VALID 20080721151022 active sccbv2t5.0. 9806(config)# system hostname ZXDSL9806H ZXDSL9806H(config)# Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 13 .0. Configuring System Time Execute the time command to configure system time. 9806#show trap-buffer record 2008-06-26 05:55:02 Slot 5 CPU temperature 2008-06-26 05:54:30 Slot 5 CPU temperature 2008-06-26 03:52:25 Slot 5 CPU temperature 2008-06-26 03:52:15 Slot 5 CPU temperature 2008-06-26 03:51:41 Slot 5 CPU temperature 2008-06-26 02:20:42 System cold start.Chapter 1 General Configuration SCCB SVER V2.bin SCCB MVER V2.0.0T5 535984 VALID 20080721151026 backup SCCB_FW. Execute the show time command to show system time. Execute the system hostname command to configure system name. � System time is valid once it is configured.0P1T1 1755264 VALID 20080804155931 backup SCCB_SV. 105:1631 Enable port trap function.10. Execute the show system command to show system trap status. 9806(config)# save-interval 24 Note: The unit for time interval is hour. � The command line interface prompt is affected if system name is modified.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Note: Configuring Save Interval � The default system name is 9806. 9806(config)# system trap-control enable 9806(config)# show system Running Time : 0day(s).63. 21hour(s). Execute the show interface slot/port command to show port trap status. 56second(s)(76856) Rack : 0 Frame : 0 Location : Contact : TrapControl : enable Otlt status : disable Otlt vlan : NULL System vlan-mode : traditional ----------------------------------------------Telnet connection : 10. 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# trap-control enable 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# show interface 5/1 Interface PVID 1 : 5/1 AcceptFrames admitall PortLockStatus AdminStatus TrapControl LinkStatus FlowControl FlowControlActual SpeedSet SpeedActual DuplexSet DuplexActual BroadCastRateLimit FloodRateLimit MulticastRateLimit DHCP Packet Limit IGMP Packet Limit IfType 14 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : unlock enable enable up auto force-disable auto 1000M auto full 1024kbps 1024kbps 1024kbps 2048 pps 2048 pps EPON_PORT_TYPE . execute the trap-control enable command to enable port trap function. In interface configuration mode. 20minute(s). Enable system trap function. � System name is valid once it is configured. Execute the save-interval command to configure save interval. Enabling Trap Function Execute the system trap-control enable command to enable system trap function. 63.63. The status information includes configuration changes or alarms.Chapter 1 General Configuration Testing Network Status Execute the ping command to test network.105 PING 10.63. 64 bytes from 10.105: icmp_seq=1. ms Network Management Configuration This topic includes the following: � Overview � Configuring In-band NMS � Configuring Out-of-band NMS � Configuring Network Management ACM Overview Features 9806H device has the following features: � Supports NMS interface � Uses SNMP to communicate with NMS � Supports ZTE NetNumen N31 NMS NetNumen N31 can manage and maintain 9806H device. 64 bytes from 10. However. ms time=0. 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 0/2/10 time=10. 5 packets received.10.105: 56 data bytes 64 bytes from 10.105: icmp_seq=0. 64 bytes from 10. 64 bytes from 10.10. ms time=0. 9806H sends status information to NetNumen N31 through “Trap” message.63.105: icmp_seq=4. NMS can inter-exchange information through the service channel of the device.10.10.105: icmp_seq=2. In in-band mode.63. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 15 .105 PING Statistics---5 packets transmitted. Configuring In-band NMS Short Description Through this configuration. ms time=0.63. It is flexible in networking without any auxiliary equipment.63.10. which saves users’ costs. Networking Diagram The in-band NMS configuration networking diagram is shown in Figure 11.105: icmp_seq=3.10. it is not easy for maintenance. ----10. 9806# ping 10. NetNumen can manage and maintain 9806H device in in-band NMS mode. ms time= 84.66 Type: ZTE-NMS Default Route 16 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Next hop gateway IP address: 192.1.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) FIGURE 11 IN-BAND NMS NETWORK CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM NetNumen NMS manages and maintains 9806H device through uplink interface in in-band NMS mode.254 . On 9806H device. Data Configuration Table 4 lists the in-band NMS data configuration parameter example. add a defaulted route to NetNumen and configure the relevant SNMP parameters.61.10/24 NetNumen NMS Server IP address: 10.1. TABLE 4 IN-BAND NMS DATA CONFIGURATION Item Data NMS VLAN VLAN ID: 100 Uplink Interface Port number: 5/1 Port type: GE 9806H In-band NMS Interface IP address: 192.168.168. Login:admin Password: 9806>enable Please input password: 9806# configure 9806(config)# 2.Chapter 1 General Configuration Configuration Flow The in-band NMS configuration flow diagram is shown in Figure 12. Execute enable command to enter into user mode. If it is necessary to configure other MAC addresses. Execute configure command to enter into global configuration mode. execute mac inband command. Log into 9806H device. (Optional) Configure in-band MAC address. 3. perform the following steps: 1. Input username and password (use admin as username and password) to log into the system. FIGURE 12 IN-BAND NMS CONFIGURATION FLOW DIAGRAM Context Steps To configure in-band NMS. Configure NMS VLAN. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 17 . An unique MAC address is configured in factory. It is no need to configure it again. execute ip subnet command to configure in-band IP address. Therefore. (Optional) Configure SNMP community. Configuration is not needed as the system defaults public and private community. 9806(config)#snmp-server host 10. (Optional) Configure default route. execute snmp-server host command to configure NMS server IP address. If NE and NMS server is not in the same network segment in networking.0 100 name wangguan Note: The IP address of in-band and out-of-band NMS must be in a different network segment. it is necessary to decide whether to configure SNMP server as ZTE-NMS.168. 9806(config)#ip route 0. Trap alarm ON.84.61. Add uplink interface to NMS VLAN.0. Configure NMS server IP address.255. In global configuration mode. In global configuration mode. 9806(config)#vlan 100 5/1 tag 5. execute save command to save the system configuration.1. (Optional) Switch ON Trap alarm.0.10 255.0 0. It does not need any configuration. 9806#save 18 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Save configuration. execute snmp-server community command. In global configuration mode.254 10.0. 7. execute add-vlan command to configure NMS VLAN. execute vlan command to add uplink interface to NMS VLAN in tag mode.66 zte-nms Note: In the real networking.0. 9.255. execute ip route command to configure default route. there can be the third-party system that receives the Trap reported from NE. 9806(config)#ip subnet 192.168. execute system trap-control command.1. In user mode. If it is needed.0 192. 6. If it is needed.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) In global configuration mode. 8. By default. 9806(config)#add-vlan 100 4. NetNumen NMS manages and maintains 9806H device in out-ofband NMS mode through out-of-band NMS interface. � Providing more reliable device management channel than in-band NMS mode. NetNumen can manage and maintain 9806H device in out-of-band NMS mode. On 9806H device. Configuring Out-of-band NMS Through this configuration. � Capable of locating the network device information in time and performing supervision when 9806H device is faulty. add the default route to NetNumen NMS and configure SNMP relevant parameters.Chapter 1 General Configuration End of Steps Result NetNumen NMS can manage 9806H device normally. TABLE 5 OUT-OF-BAND NMS DATA CONFIGURATION Item Data 9806H out-of-band NMS interface IP address: 192.168. FIGURE 13 OUT-OF-BAND NMS NETWORK CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM Data Configuration Table 5 lists the out-of-band NMS data configuration parameter example. � Keeping the management channel and service channel separate. The out-of-band NMS networking configuration diagram is shown in Figure 13. The out-of-band NMS mode has the following features: Networking Diagram � Using non-service channel to transmit management information.1/24 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 19 .10. 10. Login:admin Password: 9806>enable 20 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . For the whole network. Logging into 9806H device.63. perform the following steps: 1.10.254 The out-of-band NMS configuration flow is shown in Figure 14. the relevant data configuration must be made on router.168.238/24 Default route Next hop gateway IP address: 192. Log into the device with the default username (admin) and password (admin). Execute enable command to enter into user mode.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Configuration Flow Item Data NetNumen NMS server IP address: 10. Context Steps To configure out-of-band NMS. FIGURE 14 OUT-OF-BAND NMS CONFIGURATION FLOW DIAGRAM Note: The data configuration here introduced is for 9806H side. Execute configure command to enter into global configuration mode. execute mac outband command to configure other MAC addresses.0.254 8. It does not need any configuration. Trap alarm ON. In global configuration mode.255. If a configuration is needed. If NE and NMS server is not in the same network segment in networking. In user mode.10. execute ip route command to configure default route.0. 9806#save End of Steps Result NetNumen NMS can manage 9806H device normally. It does not need any configuration. 9806(config)# ip route 0. 3. By default. execute system trap-control command. execute ip host command to configure out-of-band IP address.0 192. public and private community is the system default variables. (Optional) Configuring default route. (Optional) Configuring SNMP community. execute snmp-server host command to configure NMS server IP address 9806(config)#snmp-server host 10. 4. 6. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 21 .0 0.168.238 5. If a configuration is needed. execute snmp-server community command.0 Note: The IP addresses of in-band and out-of-band NMS must be configured in a different network segment.0. 9806(config)#ip host 192. An unique MAC address is configured in factory.10. Saving configuration. 7.Chapter 1 General Configuration Please input password: 9806# configure 9806(config)# 2.63.1 255. Configuring NMS server IP address.255. Switching ON Trap alarm. It does not need any configuration. execute save command to save system configuration.0. If a configuration is needed. In global configuration mode.10.168. Configuring out-of-band MAC address. it is impossible to use Telnet or SNMP NMS terminal to manage the device. Otherwise. The following examples display how to configure ACM: � Permit all IP addresses in the “1010. In the real networking application.1” only to visit the device through Telnet or SNMP.10. If ACM function is configured as enable. once function is enabled. For the source IPaddresses that are not in ACM list.10.10.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Configuring Network Management ACM Short Description Perform the procedure to configure NMS ACM. only a few users are allowed to configure the device. Telnet or SNMP NMS mode.10. for the sake of safe operation of the device.10. Steps 1.10. the device does not respond to the ARP request packets and ICMP packets. 9806(config)# manage-access-list 1 permit source-ip 10.0” network segment to visit the device through Telnet or SNMP. Prerequisite Log in to the device through HyperTerminal. All users in the network can visit the device. the unmatched IP packets in the ACM list are discarded. which prevents the illegal device from obtaining the MAC address and IPaddress of the local device and launching attacks.10/24 9806(config)# manage-access-list 2 deny any 9806(config)# manage-access-list enable � Permit the IP address “10. It is named as NMS ACM (Access Control List for Management). make sure to configure the IP address of the NMS computer before enabling ACM function.1/32 9806(config)# manage-access-list 2 deny any 9806(config)# manage-access-list enable 22 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Configure ACM entry. usually the device is configured with an in-band NMS IP address and connected to public network or operation and maintenance network through uplink interface. Enable ACM function. Context Configuring NMS ACM aims to restrict external devices to visit 9806H device. End of Steps Result Example NMS ACM is configured successfully. 9806(config)# manage-access-list 1 permit source-ip 10. Therefore.10. However. ACM enable-switch can be configured on the device. ACM can be configured with 16 entries maximum. 2. the function is realized on the device to control users’ access to device NMS module. Note: � � During ACM configuration. 10.10. 9806(config)# manage-access-list 1 permit source-ip 10. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 23 . 9806(config)# manage-access-list 1 permit source-ip 10.Chapter 1 General Configuration � Permit the IP address “10.1/32 ip-type tcp dest-port 23 9806(config)# manage-access-list 2 deny any 9806(config)# management-access-list enable � Permit the IP address “ ip-type udp dest-port 161 9806(config)# manage-access-list 2 deny any 9806(config)# manage-access-list enable Postrequisite 9806H device can be logged into through ACM-specified NMS devices and modes.1” only to visit the device through Telnet.1” only to visit the device through SNMP.10. 24 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) This page is intentionally blank. ...................................36 Configuring Self-exchange .................................47 Configuring In-band Channel Short Description Prerequisite Networking Diagram Perform this procedure to configure in-band channel.........................................25 PSTN Service Configuration...................45 Narrowband Management Configuration .... FIGURE 15 IN-BAND NETWORKING DIAGRAM Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 25 .. Figure 15 shows the in-band networking diagram connecting NMS and VoIP into IP network through the same channel.........Chapter 2 Narrowband Service Configuration Table of Contents Configuring In-band Channel ....................................27 IP Fax Service Configuration ............................................. Hardware is well connected.. 234.228.254 VoIP VLAN ID 801 Uplink port 5/1 VoIP media IP address 202.228.2 VoIP default route gateway 202.109.1 VoIP Service Configuration Flow The in-band channel configuration flow is shown in Figure TABLE 6 IN-BAND CHANNEL CONFIGURATION DATA Item Description Data 9806H In-band NMS NMS VLAN ID 1000 Uplink port 5/1 NMS IP address 172.101 NMS static route gateway 172.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Data Configuration In-band channel configuration data is listed in Table 6. FIGURE 16 IN-BAND CHANNEL CONFIGURATION FLOW 26 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .16. 0 255. End of Steps Result In–band channel configuration is complete and 9806H can ping NMS and SS. 0. Ping SS. Configure in-band NMS VLAN and add uplink port to VLAN in Tag mode.0. 9806(config)# add-vlan 1000 9806(config)# vlan 1000 5/1 tag 3.0 1000 9806(config)# ip route 172. media IP and signal IP have the same IP address.234. perform the following steps: Steps 1.255. it is not necessary to perform this step.0 202.0.0. PSTN Service Configuration This topic includes the following: � Overview � Configuring PSTN Service Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 27 .255. The Ask dialogue box appears. (Optional) Configure NMS IP and static route. 6. 9806(config)# add-vlan 801 9806(config)# vlan 801 5/1 tag 2.0 801 voip 9806(config)# ip route 0.0 172. If NMS network and VoIP voice network are in the same network and network IP. 9806(config)# ip subnet 172.101 255.2 255.0.109. 5.0. In the prompted System Configuration interface.0. Click Yes. Configure VoIP voice IP and default route.16.254 Note: If NMS network and VoIP voice network are in different network. Configure VoIP VLAN and add uplink port to VLAN in Tag mode. Select System Information. 9806(config)# ip subnet 202. To configure in-band channel.109. click Save To Flash. use HyperTerminal to configure in-band channel on local console. it is necessary to perform this step. Right-click MP card in Rack interface.Chapter 2 Narrowband Service Configuration Context Note: Before configuring in-band channel. Save configuration.1 4. ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Overview Service Description VoIP service is for compressing and packaging the traditional simulated voice signal and transmitting through IP divided exchange network. Service Specifications 9806H provides voice access service through voice service card. � PSTN user data corresponding to MG are configured at MGC side. Table 7 list the port numbers in voice cards used in ZXDSL 9806H: TABLE 7 VOICE SERVICE CARD SPECIFICATION Card Type Port Number Remarks ATLC 48 POTS user interface card ATLA 24 POTS user interface card Configuring PSTN Service Short Description Prerequisites Networking Diagram Perform this procedure to configure PSTN service. FIGURE 17 PSTN SERVICE ACCESS NETWORKING DIAGRAM 28 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Figure 17 shows the PSTN service access networking diagram. The status is normal. which reduces the costs of voice service. � Voice card ATLC is inserted in the specified slot. � MG connects to MGC successfully. Chapter 2 Narrowband Service Configuration Data Configuration Table 8 describes PSTN service access data configuration. TABLE 8 PSTN SERVICE ACCESS DATA CONFIGURATION Item Data VoIP Service SS Configuration Flow User port 3/1 – 48 VoIP media IP address VoIP default route gateway VoIP resource RTP000 – RTP127 User Resource USER096 - USER143 Type ZTE SS IP address H.248 protocol port number 2944 Interface register mode IP + PORT Figure 18 shows PSTN service access configuration flow. FIGURE 18 PSTN SERVICE ACCESS CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure PSTN service access, perform the following steps: 1. Check MG. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 29 ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Execute the get-mgbaseattr command to check MG IP. 9806(ag)# get-mgbaseattr MGID: 1 PROTYPE: H248 VERSION: 1 ENCODETP: TEXT MGIP: MGMASK: MGPORT: 2944 TRANSLAY: IP TRANSPRO: UDP DOMNAME: MGINFO: USE IP MGCID1: 1 MGCID2: 0 MGCID3: 0 MGCID4: 0 SELFEXCHANGE: disable PROTECTCALL: disable DISASTERPROT: disable CURMGCID: 1 --------------------------------1 rows are effected Execute the mod-mgip command to modify MG IP. 9806(ag)#mod-mgip oldip newip newmask 9806(ag)# get-mgbaseattr MGID: 1 PROTYPE: H248 VERSION: 1 ENCODETP: TEXT MGIP: MGMASK: MGPORT: 2944 TRANSLAY: IP TRANSPRO: UDP DOMNAME: MGINFO: USE IP MGCID1: 1 MGCID2: 0 MGCID3: 0 MGCID4: 0 SELFEXCHANGE: disable PROTECTCALL: disable DISASTERPROT: disable CURMGCID: 1 2-7 --------------------------------------1 rows are effected 2. Configure MGC. Execute the mod-mgc command to configure MGC. 9806(ag)# mod-mgc mgcid 1 mgctype 1 mgcip mgcport 2944 Table 9 describes MGC parameters. TABLE 9 MGC PARAMETERS 30 Parameter Description mgcid MGC ID number Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Chapter 2 Narrowband Service Configuration Parameter Description mgctype MGC type, including: – 1-ZTE – 2-HW – 3-CISCO – 4-ALCATEL – 5-NORTEL-MGCP – 6-NORTEL-H248 mgcip MGC IP mgcport MGC port number. Generally, H.248 port is 2944. domname MGC domain name (optional) md5info MD5 encryption mgcinfo MGC uses IP address or domain name – 0-IP address – 1-Domain name 3. Check VoIP route. Execute the get-voip-config command to check VoIP route. 9806(ag)# get-voip-config mgid: 1 type: media ipaddr: submask: nexthop: port: 10000 ---------------------------------------------mgid: 1 type: control ipaddr: submask: nexthop: port: 2944 ---------------------------------------------2 rows are effected Execute the mod-voip-route command to modify MG route. 9806(ag)# mod-voip-route mgid 1 type 1 nexthop 9806(ag)# get-voip-config mgid: 1 type: media ipaddr: submask: nexthop: port: 10000 ------------------------------------------------mgid: 1 type: control ipaddr: submask: nexthop: port: 2944 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 31 ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) ------------------------------------------------2 rows are effected Table 10 describes MG route parameters. TABLE 10 MG ROUTE PARAMETERS Parameter Description mgid MG ID number type Route type, 1-Media route nexthop Next hop IP address nexthopmac Next hop MAC address arptime ARP learning time 4. Check narrowband user circuit Termination ID. Note: Narrowband circuit Termination ID corresponds to four user slots. They are: � Slot 1: USER000-USER047 � Slot 2: USER048-USER095 � Slot 3: USER096-USER143 � Slot 4: USER144-USER191 For ZXDSL 9806H, the default narrowband user circuit Termination ID is USER000-USER191. Do not configure user circuit unless Termination ID is modified. In this instance, the narrowband user circuit Termination ID on SS is USER096-USER143, which corresponds to Slot 3. Therefore, it is unnecessary to modify Termination ID. If the narrowband user circuit Termination ID is not consistent with that on SS, delete it. Execute the following command to add SLC user resource to be USER096-USER143. 9806(ag)# del-slctermid beginslot 3 num 48 9806(ag)# add-slctermid beginslot 3 num 48 tmidfix USER00 type 3 digitlen 3 begno 96 mgid 1 Table 11 describes narrowband user circuit Termination ID parameters. TABLE 11 TERMINATION ID PARAMETERS 32 Parameter Description beginslot Begin slot beginindex Begin index Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION ’001’ is unit number. the VoIP resource Termination ID on SS is RTP000–RTP127. ii. Generally. 9806(ag)#get-ipstermid circuit: 0 termid: RTP000 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------- Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 33 . the default VoIP resource Termination ID is RTP000–RTP127. In this instance. Therefore. 5. ’001’ is sunit number and ’00000-00047’ is circuit number. – USER0-USER47 USER0-USER47 is used when SS of Huawei is interconnected. Execute the get-ipstermid command to view VoIP resource Termination ID. Do not configure VoIP resource unless Termination ID is modified. one system only uses one Termination ID type. In practical situation.Chapter 2 Narrowband Service Configuration Parameter Description num User number tmidfix SLC user termination ID prefix type Termination ID type – 1: USER0010010001USER00100100031 – 2: USER0-USER31 – 3: USER000-USER031 digitlen Ending number digit length begno Begin number mgid MG ID Note: i. select the following Termination ID type: – USER00100100000-USER00100100047 In USER00100100000-USER00100100047. – USER000 – USER047 USER000 – USER047 meets various demands of users. which is the default Termination ID. TID cannot exceed 64 bytes. Note: For ZXDSL 9806H. Check VoIP resource Termination ID. it is unnecessary to modify Termination ID. 9806(ag)# del-ipstermid 9806(ag)# add-ipstermid tmidfix RTP type 3 digitlen 4 mgid 1 Table 12 describes VoIP resource Termination ID parameters. TABLE 12 VOIP RESOURCE TERMINATION ID PARAMETERS Parameter Description tmidfix IPS VoIP resource Termination ID prefix type Termination ID type digitlen 34 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION – 1: RTP00200100000USER00200100127 – 2: RTP0-RTP127 – 3: RTP000-RTP127 Ending number digit length . delete it. Execute the following command to add ISP user resource to be RTP0000-RTP0127.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) circuit: 1 termid: RTP001 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 2 termid: RTP002 mgid: 1 ----------------------------------------------------circuit: 3 termid: RTP003 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 4 termid: RTP004 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 5 termid: RTP005 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 6 termid: RTP006 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 7 termid: RTP007 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 8 termid: RTP008 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 9 termid: RTP009 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 10 termid: RTP010 mgid: 1 If the VoIP resourceTermination ID is not consistent with that on SS. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 35 . Check H.Chapter 2 Narrowband Service Configuration Parameter Description begno Begin number mgid MG ID Note: i. – If type 3 is selected. 9806(ag)# h248state H248-SS link status(H248Trkplink) : OK. 7. – If type 2 is selected. ’002’ is unit number. Execute the h248state command to check H. ’001’ is sunit number and ’00000-00127’ is circuit number.248 status. which supports 128–port VoIP resource. Generally. 9806# save End of Steps Result PSTN service is configured successfully. one system only uses one Termination ID type. 6. It is unnecessary to set the number when IPS resource is added. ii. � The calling party dials the called number.248 status. it indicates that data is correctly configured and narrowband service is normal. the Termination ID format is RTP00200100000-RTP00200100127. SCCB card has a built-in VoIP sub-card. MGCid is 1. Execute the save command to save configurations. the IPS resource is 128. Save configurations. � The calling party hears busy tone after the called party hooks on. iii. TID cannot exceed 64 bytes. By default. � The calling party hooks off and hears dialing tone. the Termination ID format is RTP000–RTP127. The called party can hear the ringing tone and the calling party can hear ringingback tone. – If type 1 is selected. In which. If the system shows OK. the Termination ID format is RTP0–RTP127. � The calling party can talk with the called party. 9806H supports the following fax modes: � Full-control T. � Voice service port works normally. Configuring IP Fax Service Short Description Prerequisites 36 Perform this procedure to configure IP fax service access.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) IP Fax Service Configuration This topic includes the following: � Overview � Configuring IP FAX Service Overview Introduction Service Specifications IP fax is similar to Internet telephony. it is transferred onto normal telephone lines and transmitted like a normal fax.30 � Full-control T.38 Transparent It is recommended to use full-control mode.30 Transparent � T. Because the data is transmitted over the Internet for most of the journey. the total cost of transmission is much less than if it traveled over long-distance telephone lines like conventional faxes.38 � T. IP fax generally works by sending fax data over the Internet to strategically placed fax servers. Once a fax arrives at the server closest to the final destination. but it is optimized for transmitting fax data. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . � The communication between MG and MGC is normal. 211.228.Chapter 2 Narrowband Service Configuration Networking Diagram Figure 19 shows the IP fax service access networking diagram.1 VoIP resource RTP000 – RTP127 Fax mode T.109.2 VoIP default route gateway 202.109.248 protocol port number 2944 Interface register mode IP + PORT Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 37 .109. TABLE 13 IP FAX SERVICE ACCESS DATA CONFIGURATION Item Data IP Fax Service SS User port 3/1 – 48 VoIP media IP address 202.228.30 Type ZTE SS IP address 202. FIGURE 19 PSTN SERVICE ACCESS NETWORKING DIAGRAM Data Configuration Table 13 describes IP fax service access data configuration.242 H. 9806(ag)# get-mgbaseattr 38 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .0 MGPORT: 2944 TRANSLAY: IP TRANSPRO: UDP DOMNAME: MGINFO: USE IP MGCID1: 1 MGCID2: 0 MGCID3: 0 MGCID4: 0 SELFEXCHANGE: disable PROTECTCALL: disable DISASTERPROT: disable CURMGCID: 1 --------------------------------1 rows are effected Execute the mod-mgip command to modify MG IP. perform the following steps: 1.63.255. FIGURE 20 IP FAX SERVICE ACCESS CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure IP fax service.255.198.2 MGMASK: 255. Check MG.255. 9806(ag)#mod-mgip oldip 202. 9806(ag)# get-mgbaseattr MGID: 1 PROTYPE: H248 VERSION: 1 ENCODETP: TEXT MGIP: 202.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Configuration Flow Figure 20 shows IP fax service access configuration flow. Execute the get-mgbaseattr command to check MG IP.255.250 newmask 255.2 newip 10.109. Execute the mod-mgc command to configure MGC. including: – 1-ZTE – 2-HW – 3-CISCO – 4-ALCATEL – 5-NORTEL-MGCP – 6-NORTEL-H248 mgcip MGC IP mgcport MGC port number.0 MGPORT: 2944 TRANSLAY: IP TRANSPRO: UDP DOMNAME: MGINFO: USE IP MGCID1: 1 MGCID2: 0 MGCID3: 0 MGCID4: 0 SELFEXCHANGE: disable PROTECTCALL: disable DISASTERPROT: disable --------------------------------------1 rows are effected 2. Generally.250 MGMASK: 255.248 port is 2944. 9806(ag)# mod-mgc mgcid 1 mgctype 1 mgcip 2 Narrowband Service Configuration MGID: 1 PROTYPE: H248 VERSION: 1 ENCODETP: TEXT MGIP: 10. Check VoIP route. H. TABLE 14 MGC PARAMETERS Parameter Description mgcid MGC ID number mgctype MGC type.63.255. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 39 . domname MGC domain name (optional) md5info MD5 encryption mgcinfo MGC uses IP address or domain name – 0-IP address – 1-Domain name 3. Configure MGC.242 mgcport 2944 Table 14 describes MGC parameters. 63. 9806(ag)# get-voip-config mgid: 1 type: media ipaddr: 202.255. By default. Execute the get-slcattrib command to check port fax mode.1 port: 10000 ---------------------------------------------mgid: 1 type: control ipaddr: 202.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Execute the get-voip-config command to check VoIP route.250 submask: 255.2 submask: 255.109.63. 9806(ag)# get-slcattrib slot 3 slot 3 40 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . port: 2944 ------------------------------------------------2 rows are effected Table 15 describes MG route parameters.0 nexthop: Configure port fax mode.30.250 submask: 255. In this instance.228. the port fax mode is T.255.198.2 submask: 255. it is unnecessary to configure fax mode. TABLE 15 MG ROUTE PARAMETERS Parameter Description mgid MG ID number type Route type. Therefore.109.1 9806(ag)# get-voip-config mgid: 1 type: media ipaddr: 10.1 port: 10000 ------------------------------------------------mgid: 1 type: control ipaddr: 10.0 nexthop: 10.1 port: 2944 ---------------------------------------------2 rows are effected Execute the mod-voip-route command to modify MG route. nexthop: 202.255.0 nexthop: 10.228.63. 1-Media route nexthop Next hop IP address nexthopmac Next hop MAC address arptime ARP learning time 4. the fax mode is T. 9806(ag)# mod-voip-route mgid 1 type 1 nexthop 10. 30 usermode: H248 qovsid: 0 currsrv: IDLE cidtype: FSK imtype: NORMAL userclass: NORMAL ecenable: default pkttopcm: 0 pcmtopkt: 0 -------------------------------------------circuit: 3 dftevent: HANG OFF faxmode: T.30 usermode: H248 qovsid: 0 currsrv: IDLE cidtype: FSK imtype: NORMAL userclass: NORMAL ecenable: default pkttopcm: 0 pcmtopkt: 0 -------------------------------------------circuit: 5 dftevent: HANG OFF faxmode: T.30 usermode: H248 qovsid: 0 currsrv: IDLE cidtype: FSK imtype: NORMAL ecenable: default pkttopcm: 0 pcmtopkt: 0 -------------------------------------------circuit: 6 dftevent: HANG OFF faxmode: T.30 usermode: H248 qovsid: 0 currsrv: IDLE cidtype: FSK imtype: NORMAL userclass: NORMAL ecenable: default pkttopcm: 0 pcmtopkt: 0 -------------------------------------------circuit: 4 dftevent: HANG OFF faxmode: T.30 usermode: H248 qovsid: 0 currsrv: IDLE cidtype: FSK imtype: NORMAL userclass: NORMAL ecenable: default pkttopcm: 0 pcmtopkt: 0 -------------------------------------------circuit: 2 dftevent: HANG OFF faxmode: T.30 usermode: H248 qovsid: 0 currsrv: IDLE cidtype: FSK imtype: NORMAL userclass: NORMAL ecenable: default pkttopcm: 0 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 41 .Chapter 2 Narrowband Service Configuration circuit: 1 dftevent: HANG OFF faxmode: T. ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) pcmtopkt: 0 -------------------------------------------circuit: 7 dftevent: HANG OFF faxmode: T.30 usermode: H248 qovsid: 0 currsrv: IDLE cidtype: FSK imtype: NORMAL userclass: NORMAL ecenable: default pkttopcm: 0 pcmtopkt: 0 -------------------------------------------- Execute the mod-slcattrib command to modify port fax mode. The fax mode of all ports of slot 3 is modified to be T.38. 9806(ag)# mod-slcattrib slot 3 faxmode 1 Table 16 describes port fax mode parameters. TABLE 16 PORT FAX PARAMETERS Parameter Description slot Slot number faxmode Fax mode, including: – 0 - T.30 – 1 - T.38 – 2 - RTP – 3 - FAST MODEM – 4 - FAST FAX – 5 - Low speed Modem – 6 - IP Modem – 13 - V34 circuitb Begin circuit number circuite End circuit number 5. Check VoIP resource Termination ID. Note: For ZXDSL 9806H, the default VoIP resource Termination ID is RTP000–RTP127. Do not configure VoIP resource unless Termination ID is modified. Execute the get-ipstermid command to view VoIP resource Termination ID. In this instance, the VoIP resource Termination ID on SS is RTP000–RTP127, which is the default Termination ID. Therefore, it is not necessary to modify the Termination ID. 9806(ag)#get-ipstermid 42 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Chapter 2 Narrowband Service Configuration circuit: 0 termid: RTP000 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 1 termid: RTP001 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 2 termid: RTP002 mgid: 1 ----------------------------------------------------circuit: 3 termid: RTP003 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 4 termid: RTP004 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 5 termid: RTP005 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 6 termid: RTP006 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 7 termid: RTP007 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 8 termid: RTP008 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 9 termid: RTP009 mgid: 1 ---------------------------------------------------circuit: 10 termid: RTP010 mgid: 1 If the VoIP resource Termination ID is not consistent with that on SS, delete it. Execute the following commands to add ISP user resource to be RTP0000-RTP0127. 9806(ag)# del-ipstermid 9806(ag)# add-ipstermid tmidfix RTP type 3 digitlen 4 mgid 1 Table 17 describes VoIP resource Termination ID parameters. TABLE 17 VOIP RESOURCE TERMINATION ID PARAMETERS Parameter Description tmidfix IPS VoIP resource Termination ID prefix type Termination ID type – 1: RTP00200100000USER00200100127 – 2: RTP0-RTP127 – 3: RTP000-RTP127 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 43 ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Parameter Description digitlen Ending number digit length begno Begin number mgid MG ID Note: i. SCCB card has a built-in VoIP sub-card, which supports 128–port VoIP resource. ii. It is not necessary to set the number when IPS resource is added. By default, the IPS resource is 128. iii. TID cannot exceed 64 bytes. Generally, one system only uses one Termination ID type. – If type 1 is selected, the Termination ID format is RTP00200100000-RTP00200100127. In which, ’002’ is unit number, ’001’ is sunit number and ’00000-00127’ is circuit number. – If type 2 is selected, the Termination ID format is RTP0–RTP127. – If type 3 is selected, the Termination ID format is RTP000–RTP127. 6. Configure MPRB RTP fax mode. By default, the MPRB RTP fax mode is T.30. In this instance, the fax mode is T.30. Therefore, it is unnecessary to configure fax mode. Execute the get-rtppar command to check MPRB RTP fax mode. 9806(ag)# get-rtppar parid 1 parid: 1 vadvalue: 0 g723rate: 1 dcfilter: 0 silencetopcm: 0 pcmlaw: 0 g711redundancy: 0 pkttopcm: 0 pcmtopkt: 0 faxmode: T30 transparent modemmode: 3 ecmenable: 1 faxpage: 2 t30message: 5 speedlimit: 6 tcfprocedure: 0 ecenable: 1 ectaillen: 7 ectxf: 0 nlpaggress: 0 fsklevel: 182 mindelay: 10 maxdelay: 80 nomdelay: 40 dtmfcidelec: 142 44 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Chapter 2 Narrowband Service Configuration ------------------------------------------------------1 rows are effected Execute the mod-rtppar command to modify port fax mode. The fax mode is modified to be T.38. 9806(ag)# mod-rtppar parid 1 faxmode 1 Table 18 describes port fax mode parameters. TABLE 18 MPRB RTP FAX PARAMETERS Parameter Description parid RTP parameter template number. 1 corresponds to MPRB. faxmode Fax mode, including: – 0 - fax robust – 1 - T.38 fax mode – 2 - T.30 transparent – 11 - SS control fax Note: The fax mode is consistent with that configured in port management. 7. Check H.248 status. Execute the h248state command to check H.248 status. 9806(ag)# h248state H248-SS link status(H248Trkplink) : OK. MGCid is 1. If the system shows OK, it indicates that data is correctly configured and narrowband service is normal. 8. Save configurations. Execute the save command to save configurations. 9806# save End of Steps Result IP fax service is configured and is working normally. Configuring Self-exchange Short Description Prerequisites Perform this procedure to configure self-exchange. VoIP service is configured. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 45 2. TABLE 19 SELF-EXCHANGE PARAMETERS Parameter Description slot Slot number num User number phonenum Begin phone number beginindex Begin circuit number mgid MG ID servicetype Service type.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Context Steps To configure self-exchange.248 SelfChange SIP Urgency Map das Digit analysis sub-serial number dgtname Digit analysis sub-name dgtmap Digit map Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . END Example OF STEPS Self-exchange function parameters are as follows: � Slot number: 3 � Self-exchange number: 5675100 – 2675148 � Digit map: 567xxxx � Enable self-exchange and call protection. 9806(ag)# mod-slcphonenum slot 3 num 48 phonenum 5675100 9806(ag)# add-digitmap mgid 1 servicetype 1 das 1 dgtname SELFEXCHANGE dgtmap 567xxxx 9806(ag)# mod-mgbaseattr mgid 1 selfexchange 1 protectcall 1 Table 19 describes self-exchange parameters. Execute the mod-slcphonenum slot slot [beginindex begi nindex] num num phonenum phonenum command to add self-exchange number. 3. Execute the mod-mgbaseattr mgid mgid selfexchange self exchange protectcall protectcall command to enable self-exchange function. perform the following steps: 1. Execute the add-digitmap mgid mgid servicetype servicet ype das das dgtname dgtname dgtmap dgtmap command to add self-exchange number map. including: � � � � 46 0 1 2 3 - H. Disable 1 . Execute the get-ringprofile ringprofile ringprofile to view modified ringing profile. TABLE 20 SELF-EXCHANGE RELATED OPERATIONS Operation Command Delete self-exchange digit map.Disable 1 . 3. END Result Example OF STEPS Ringing profile parameters are modified successfully.Enable 0 . � Total Ring–on Time: 12000 ms Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 47 .Enable Table 20 describes self-exchange related operations. del-digitmap das das View self-exchange configuration. Execute the mod-ringprofile ringprofile ringprofile id id time time on1 on1 off1 off1 on2 on2 off2 off2 on3 on3 off3 off3 on4 on4 off4 off4 on5 on5 off5 off5 command to modify ringing profile. get-mgbaseattr [mgid mgid] Narrowband Management Configuration This topic includes the following: � Modifying Ringing Profile � Configuring Call Limit Modifying Ringing Profile Short Description Prerequisites Context Steps Perform this procedure to modify ringing profile. VoIP service is available. Execute the mod-ring mgid mgid ringprofile ringprofile command to bind ringing profile. perform the following steps: 1.Chapter 2 Narrowband Service Configuration Parameter Description selfexchange Enable self-exchange or not � � protectcall Enable call protection or not � � Postrequisite 0 . To modify ring profile. 2. Consider the following parameters to modify MG ringing profile. ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) � First Ring–on Time: 150 ms � First Ring–off Time: 50 ms � Second Ring–on Time: 150 ms � Second Ring–off Time: 50 ms � Third Ring–on Time: 150 ms � Third Ring–off Time: 150 ms � Fourth Ring–on Time: 100 ms � Fourth Ring–off Time: 50 ms � Fifth Ring–on Time: 100 ms � Fifth Ring–off Time: 50 ms 9806(ag)# mod-ringprofile on2 15 off2 5 on3 15 off3 9806(ag)# mod-ring mgid 1 9806(ag)# get-ringprofile ringprofile 1 id 0 time 1200 on1 15 off1 5 15 on4 10 off4 5 on5 10 off5 5 ringprofile 1 ringprofile 1 RINGPROFILE MAINLAND ID: 0 TIME: 1200 ON1: 15 OFF1: 5 ON2: 15 OFF2: 5 ON3: 15 OFF3: 15 ON4: 10 OFF4: 5 ON5: 10 OFF5: 5 ----------------------- Table 21 describes ringing parameters. TABLE 21 RINGING PARAMETERS Parameter Description Value time Total Ring–on Time Range: 0 – 65535 Unit: 10 ms on1 First Ring–on Time Range: 0 – 65535 Unit: 10 ms off1 First Ring–off Time Range: 0 – 65535 Unit: 10 ms on2 Second Ring–on Time Range: 0 – 65535 Unit: 10 ms off2 Second Ring–off Time Range: 0 – 65535 Unit: 10 ms on3 Third Ring–on Time Range: 0 – 65535 Unit: 10 ms 48 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . perform the following steps: 1. TABLE 22 OPERATION RELATED TO RINGING PROFILE Operation Command Display ringing information. Configure the following call limit parameters: � Call limit: Call limit is implemented at MG (AG) side. 2. END Result Example OF STEPS Call limit parameters are configured successfully. � CPU limit: Enable � Uplink port limit: Enable � IPS limit: Enable � Busy time limit: Enable 9806(ag)# mod-calllimitpara calllimit 1 cpubslimit 1 uportlimit 1 ipslimit 1 niclimit 1 9806(ag)# get-calllimitpara Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 49 . get-ring [mgid mgid] Configuring Call Limit Short Description Prerequisites Context Steps Perform this procedure to configure call limit. VoIP service is available. Execute the mod-calllimitpara [calllimit calllimit] [cpubsli mit cpubslimit] [uportlimit uportlimit] [ipslimit ipslimit] [nic limit niclimit] command to configure call limit parameters. To configure call limit.Chapter 2 Narrowband Service Configuration Parameter Description Value off3 Third Ring–off Time Range: 0 – 65535 Unit: 10 ms on4 Forth Ring–on Time Range: 0 – 65535 Unit: 10 ms off4 Forth Ring–off Time Range: 0 – 65535 Unit: 10 ms on5 Fifth Ring–on Time Range: 0 – 65535 Unit: 10 ms off5 Fifth Ring–off Time Range: 0 – 65535 Unit: 10 ms Postrequisite Table 22 describes the operation related to ringing profile after modification. Execute the get-calllimitpara command to show call limit information. TABLE 23 CALL LIMIT PARAMETERS 50 Parameter Description calllimit Select on which side call limit is implemented. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) calllimit limit by mg cpubslimit Allways limit uportlimit Allways limit ipslimit niclimit Allways limit Allways limit 1 rows are effected Table 23 describes call limit parameters. niclimit Enable busy time limit or not. ipslimit Enable IPS limit or not. cpubslimit Enable uplink port limit or not. cpubslimit Enable CPU limit or not. .................. 9806H supports maximum 4094 VLANs................ 129 Multicast Service Configuration................................ 173 Configuring SNTP ................................. The IEEE published the IEEE 802.............1q protocol standard draft to standardize VLAN implementation in 1999................Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Table of Contents VLAN Configuration...............................................................................................................................................................93 SHDSL Service Access Configuration ........... 171 Configuring Link Aggregation .................. 172 Spanning Tree Configuration ................ 190 VLAN Configuration This topic includes the following: � Overview � Basic VLAN Configuration � VLAN Stacking Configuration Overview Service Description Service Specification VLAN is a technology to achieve virtual work group by dividing the network into individual segments logically instead of physically through local network device..................51 ADSL/ADSL2+ Service Access Configuration......................................... 144 QoS Configuration .................................... 172 Configuring RMON ......... VLAN usage is listed in Table 24.............64 VDSL2+ Service Access Configuration ............ 162 Configuring Static Route ...................................................... Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 51 ..... The upper-layer BAS device can authenticate dual-VLAN according to the two layers of labels and increase user numbers. the device can forward packets directly through outer-layer VLAN+MAC to provide ISP with all the service functions. The service flows between these service ports and NMS ports are inter-connective. access user can be differentiated according to VLAN. The service flows between each VLAN is separated too. it is used in NMS and cascade. One VLAN can be connected with multiple users. – Non-PVLAN mode: One VLAN contains only one xDSL service port. As there is a one-to-one mapping relation between VLAN and access user.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) TABLE 24 VLAN USAGE VLAN Usage Remarks Basic VLAN Used to separate ports � For Ethernet port and PON port. which reduces the occupancy of VLAN numbers. The service flows between VLANs are separated. In the upper-layer network of Layer-2 working mode. Basic VLAN Configuration Basic VLAN configuration includes the following: � 52 Configuring VLAN Instance Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . � For xDSL access service. Used to expand VLAN VLAN packets with stacking property contain innerlayer/outer–layer VLAN labels allocated by 9806H. there are two applications: VLAN Stacking – PVLAN mode (default): One VLAN can contain multiple xDSL service ports and the service flows among the xDSL service ports are separated. transmit packets to upper network. � VPI/VCI is 8/81.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton � Adding VLAN � Configuring VLAN Uplink Port � Adding a Single Service Port � Adding Service Ports In Batch Configuring VLAN Instance Short Description Prerequisites Networking Diagram Perform this procedure to access ADSL2+ service through VLAN. PC1 and PC2 are in different VLANs. � Network devices work normally and cables are connected. FIGURE 21 VLAN APPLICATION NETWORKING DIAGRAM Connect computers to ZXDSL 9806H through MODEM. Then. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 53 . Divide VLAN in ZXDSL 9806H to differentiate packets from PC1 and PC2. � All ZXDSL 9806H cards work normally. Figure 21 shows VLAN application networking diagram. 9806(config)# vlan 20 4/1 untag 9806(config)# vlan 21 4/2 untag 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# pvid 20 pvc 1 54 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . 9806(config)# add-vlan 20-21 2. 9806(config)# vlan 20-21 5/1-2 tag 3. perform the following steps: 1. 5/2 Figure 22 shows VLAN application configuration flow. create VLANs in batch. 9806(config)# vlan 20 5/1-2 tag 9806(config)# vlan 21 5/1-2 tag Or. FIGURE 22 VLAN APPLICATION CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure VLAN. Create VLAN.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Data Configuration Table 25 describes VLAN data configuration: TABLE 25 VLAN DATA CONFIGURATION Item Data ADSL2+ port corresponding to PC1 Port Number: 4/1 VPI/PCI: 8/81 VLAN ID: 20 ADSL2+ port corresponding to PC2 Port Number: 4/2 VPI/VCI: 8/81 VLAN ID: 21 Uplink port Configuration Flow 5/1. 9806(config)# add-vlan 20 9806(config)# add-vlan 21 Or. add uplink ports in batch. Add service ports. Add uplink port. Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/2 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# pvid 21 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 Or. ipoe and all. VLAN is used to logically divide ports into different network segments. 9806# copy running-config startup-config End of Steps Result VLAN configuration is complete and PC1 and PC2 can access Internet. perform the following steps: Steps 1. � all: VLAN is assigned to all access services. add service ports in batch. � ipoe: VLAN is only assigned to IPoE access service. 2. The VLAN to be added does not exist. VLAN ID is 2. 3. END Result Example OF STEPS VLAN is added successfully. Execute the add-vlan command to add a VLAN. they cannot access each other. Save configurations. The default encapsulation type is ’all’. In this way. Add a VLAN. VLAN name is VLAN2 (default). communications between ports is under control. VLAN encapsulation is ’pppoe’. Execute the show vlan command to show VLAN information. (Optional) Execute the vlan vlanid name name command to configure VLAN name. 4. Adding VLAN Short Description Prerequisites Context Perform this procedure to add one or multiple VLANs. 9806(config)# vlan 20-21 4/1-2 untag one-to-one 9806(config)# interface range adsl 4/1-2 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# pvid 20-21 one-to-one pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 4. (Optional) Execute the vlan vlanid encapsulation type command to configure VLAN encapsulation type. � ZXDSL 9806H supports three VLAN encapsulation types: pppoe. � ZXDSL 9806H supports VLANs: 2 – 4049. � pppoe: VLAN is only assigned to PPPoE access service. To add VLAN. 9806(config)# add-vlan 2 9806(config)# vlan 2 encapsulation pppoe 9806(config)# show vlan 2 VLANID : 2 VLANName : VLAN2 EncapType : PPPOE SLOT PVC Egress/UnTag PORTLIST Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 55 . However. Use default values for VLAN name and encapsulation type. VLAN IDs are from 1010 to 1019.50. 9806(config)# vlan 2 5/1 tag 9806(config)# show vlan 2 VLANID : 2 VLANName : VLAN2 EncapType : all SLOT PVC Egress/UnTag PORTLIST -----------------------------------------------------------5 Egress 1 UnTag ------------------------------------------------------------ Postrequisite 56 Table 27 describes the operation related to VLAN uplink port. � VLAN uplink port is Ethernet port or PON ONT port.1000. END Result Example OF STEPS Uplink port is added to a VLAN successfully. no add-vlan vlanid Adding VLAN Uplink Port Short Description Prerequisites Context Perform this procedure to add the uplink port to a VLAN. TABLE 26 OPERATION RELATED TO VLAN Operation Command Delete a VLAN.100-103. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) ------------------------------------------------------------ Add VLANs in batch. perform the following steps: Steps 1. To adding the uplink port to a VLAN.801. 2. Execute the show vlan vlanid command to show VLAN information.1010-1019 Postrequisite Table 26 describes the operation related to VLAN.20-21.500-501.301. Execute the vlan vlanid SLOTLIST/PORTLIST [tag | untag] [pvc pvcid] command to add the uplink port to a VLAN.333. Add uplink port 5/1 to VLAN2 in tagged mode. VLAN is available. 9806(config)# add-vlan 1010-1019 100% 9806(config)# show vlan total number : 26 ----------------------------------1-2. � The binding type of the uplink port needs to be consistent with that of the opposite end device.326. � Untag: For a single computer � Tag: For multiple computers in a LAN The PVC of the service port needs to be consistent with MODEM PVC.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton TABLE 27 OPERATION RELATED TO VLAN UPLINK PORT Operation Command Delete the uplink port from a VLAN. Add the service port 4/1 to VLAN2 in untagged mode. The PVC is 1 and default VPI/VCI is 8/81. � � Select the binding type of the service port according to the real situation at user end. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 57 . no vlan vlanid SLOTLIST/PORTL IST [pvc pvcid] Adding Service Ports In Batch Short Description Perform this procedure to add service ports to a VLAN in batch. To add a single service port to a VLAN. TABLE 28 OPERATION RELATED TO SINGLE SERVICE PORT Operation Command Delete a single service port from a VLAN. For ZTE device. END Result Example OF STEPS A single service port is added to a VLAN successfully. 9806(config)# vlan 2 4/1 untag 9806(config)# show vlan 2 VLANID : VLANName : EncapType : pvc 1 2 VLAN2 all SLOT PVC Egress/UnTag PORTLIST -----------------------------------------------------------4 1 Egress 1 UnTag 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ Postrequisite Table 28 describes the operation related to single service port. Execute the vlan vlanid SLOTLIST/PORTLIST [tag | untag] [pvc pvcid] command to add a single service port. 2. perform the following steps: Steps 1. no vlan vlanid SLOTLIST/PORTL IST [pvc pvcid] Adding Single Service Port Short Description Prerequisites Context Perform this procedure to add a single service port to a VLAN. VLAN is available. Execute the show vlan vlanid command to show VLAN information. the PVC is 8/81. � Untag: For a single computer � Tag: For multiple computers in a LAN The PVC of the service port needs to be consistent with MODEM PVC. Execute the show vlan vlanid command to show VLAN information. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . For ZTE device. To add service ports to a VLAN in batch. no vlanvlanid SLOTLIST/PORTL IST [one-to-one] [pvc pvcid] VLAN Stacking Configuration VLAN stacking configuration includes the following: � Configuring VLAN Stacking Batch Service � Configuring VLAN ID Extension Configuring VLAN Stacking Batch Service Short Description 58 Perform this procedure to configure VLAN stacking batch service.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Prerequisites Context VLAN is available. 9806(config)# vlan 2 4/1-24 untag pvc 1 9806(config)# show vlan 2 VLANID : 2 VLANName : VLAN2 EncapType : all SLOT PVC Egress/UnTag PORTLIST -----------------------------------------------------------4 1 Egress 1-24 UnTag 1-24 ------------------------------------------------------------ Postrequisite Table 29 describes the operation related to service ports. Add service ports 4/1 – 24 to VLAN2 in untagged mode. The PVC is 1 and default VPI/VCI is 8/81. 2. Execute the vlan vlanid SLOTLIST/PORTLIST [tag | untag] [one-to-one] [pvc pvcid] command to add service ports in batch. � � Select the binding type of the service port according to the real situation at user end. perform the following steps: Steps 1. TABLE 29 OPERATION RELATED TO SERVICE PORTS Operation Command Delete service ports from a VLAN in batch. END Result Example OF STEPS Service ports are added to a VLAN in batch successfully. the PVC is 8/81. ZXDSL 9806H adds two VLAN Tag layers (outer VLAN Tag is used to identify ISP. After passing ISP BAS authentication. User2. ISP BAS device removes outer layer VLAN Tag and identify users through inner VLAN Tag. the user can obtain all kinds of services that ISP provides. TABLE 30 VLAN STACKING BATCH SERVICE DATA CONFIGURATION Item Data ISP1 User Group Upstream Port: 5/1 Upstream VLAN ID (outer layer VLAN Tag): 60 User 1: � ADSL2+ port: 4/1 � VPI/VCI: 8/81 � Inner VLAN Tag: 11 User 2 � ADSL2+ port: 4/2 � VPI/VCI: 8/81 � Inner VLAN Tag: 12 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 59 . inner layer VLAN Tag is used to identify user) to packets and forwards them to layer-2 network.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Networking Diagram Figure 23 shows VLAN stacking batch application networking diagram. User3 and User4 are provided with broadband service by different ISPs. FIGURE 23 VLAN STACKING BATCH APPLICATION NETWORKING DIAGRAM User1. Data Configuration Table 30 describes VLAN stacking batch service data configuration. Layer-2 exchange forwards packets to the specified ISP BAS device according to outer layer VLAN Tag. ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Item Data ISP2 User Group Upstream Port: 5/1 Upstream VLAN ID (outer layer VLAN Tag): 61 User3 � ADSL2+ port: 3/1 � VPI/VCI: 8/81 � Inner VLAN Tag: 11 User4 � ADSL2+ port: 3/2 � VPI/VCI: 8/81 � Inner VLAN Tag: 12 Configuration Flow Figure 24 shows VLAN stacking batch service configuration flow. 9806(config)# vlan 60-61 5/1 tag 3. Add service ports. 9806(config)# add-vlan 11-12 9806(config)# add-vlan 60-61 2. 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 60 vlan vlan vlan vlan 60 61 11 11 4/1-2 untag pvc 1 3/1-2 untag pvc 1 4/1 untag pvc 1 3/1 untag pvc 1 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . FIGURE 24 VLAN STACKING BATCH SERVICE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure VLAN stacking batch service. perform the following steps: 1. Create VLAN. Add uplink port. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 61 . By default. Configure inner and outer PVID. � CTPID: Inner Tag protocol ID. User 3 and User 4 can access broadband services provided by ISP2 after passing ISP2 BAS authentication. TR101 and multiple to one. 9806(config)# stpid 8100 9806(config)# ctpid 8100 9806(config)# system vlan-mode traditional Note: Generally. � Global VLAN mode: It includes traditional. (Optional) Configure SVLAN global parameters. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# svlan enable pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# psvid 60 pvc 1 //Configure outer PVID 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# pvid 11 pvc 1 //Configure inner PVID 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/2 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# svlan enable pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# psvid 60 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# pvid 12 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 9806(config)# interface adsl 3/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-3/1)# svlan enable pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-3/1)# psvid 61 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-3/1)# pvid 11 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-3/1)# exit 9806(config)# interface adsl 3/2 9806(cfg-if-adsl-3/1)# svlan enable pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-3/1)# psvid 61 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-3/1)# pvid 12 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-3/1)# exit 6. By default. it is 0x8100. 5. Enable port SVLAN. which enables BAS to identify more users based on VLAN ID. the default values are used.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton 9806(config)# vlan 12 4/2 untag pvc 1 9806(config)# vlan 12 3/2 untag pvc 1 4. SVLAN global parameters includes: � STPID: Outer Tag protocol ID. It is not necessary to configure SVLAN global parameters. 9806# copy running-config startup-config End of Steps Result VLAN stacking batch service configuration is complete and User 1 and User 2 can access broadband services provided by ISP1 after passing ISP1 BAS authentication. it is 0x8100. it is traditional. By default. Save configurations. Configuring VLAN ID Extension Short Description Perform this procedure to configure VLAN ID extension. The inner layer VLAN tag ID marks users connected to this device. FIGURE 25 VLAN ID EXTENSION APPLICATION NETWORKING DIAGRAM Multiple ZXDSL 9806H devices connect broadband users to the same BAS device to have authentication through WAN to obtain broadband services from carriers. TABLE 31 VLAN ID EXTENSION DATA CONFIGURATION Item Data 9806H_A Upstream port: 5/1 Upstream VLAN ID (outer layer VLAN Tag): 60 User 1: � ADSL2+ port: 4/1 � VPI/VCI: 8/81 � Inner layer VLAN Tag: 11 User 2: � ADSL2+ port: 4/2 � VPI/VCI: 8/81 � Inner layer VLAN Tag: 12 62 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Networking Diagram Figure 25 shows the VLAN ID extension application networking diagram. The outer layer VLAN tag ID marks the ZXDSL 9806H. Data Configuration Table 31 describes the VLAN ID extension data configuration. BAS device supports user identification through layer-2 VLAN. Add uplink port. perform the following steps: � Configure 9806H_A. 1. 9806(config)# vlan 60 4/1-2 untag pvc 1 9806(config)# vlan 11-12 4/1-2 untag one-to-one pvc 1 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 63 . Create VLAN. FIGURE 26 VLAN ID EXTENSION CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure VLAN ID extension. 9806(config)# vlan 60 5/1 tag 3. Add service ports.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Item Data 9806H_B Upstream port: 5/1 Upstream VLAN ID (outer layer VLAN Tag): 61 User1: � ADSL2+ port: 4/1 � VPI/VCI: 8/81 � Inner layer VLAN Tag: 11 User 2: � ADSL2+ port: 4/2 � VPI/VCI: 8/81 � Inner layer VLAN Tag: 12 Configuration Flow Figure 26 shows the VLAN ID extension configuration flow. 9806(config)# add-vlan 11-12 9806(config)# add-vlan 60 2. the default values are used. TR101 and multiple to one. 5. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# svlan enable pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# psvid 60 pvc 1 //Configure outer layer PVID. (Optional) Configure SVLAN global parameters. it is 0x8100. By default. 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# pvid 11 pvc 1 //Configure inner layer PVID. it is 0x8100. 9806# copy running-config startup-config � Use the same way as above to configure 9806H_B. End of Steps Result VLAN ID extension configuration is complete and users of both 9806H_A and 9806H_B can access the Internet successfully after passing BAS authentication. SVLAN global parameters includes: � STPID: Outer Tag protocol ID.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 4. Enable port SVLAN. 9806(config)# stpid 8100 9806(config)# ctpid 8100 9806(config)# system vlan-mode traditional Note: Generally. Configure inner layer and outer layer PVID. it is traditional. It is not necessary to configure SVLAN global parameters. By default. � Global VLAN mode: It includes traditional. ADSL/ADSL2+ Service Access Configuration This topic includes the following: 64 � Overview � Configuring PPPoA Access � Configuring IPoE/PPPoE Access � Configuring Line Profile � Configuring Alarm Profile Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . By default. 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/2 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# svlan enable pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# psvid 60 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# pvid 12 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 6. Save configurations. � CTPID: Inner Tag protocol ID. common llc-RFC1483.5 km. each shelf can provide 96 ADSL/ADSL2+ access service ports. ADSL technology supports maximum downlink rate upto 24 Mbits/s and maximum uplink rate upto 1 Mbit/s and its transmission distance reaches up to 6. 2684 Bridge vcmux-Bridge. common PPPoE Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 65 . common vcmux-PPPoE vcmux-Bridge. common vcmux-Brdge vcmux-Bridge. Service Specifications 9806H supports ADSL/ADSL2+ access service through ASTEB or ASTDE card. While ADSL2+ technology supports the maximum downlink rate upto 8 Mbits/s and maximum uplink rate upto 1 Mbits/s and its transmission distance reaches up to 3–5 km. TABLE 32 CORRESPONDING RELATIONS BETWEEN 9806H AND MODEM ENCAPSULATION TYPE Access Service Type Modem Encapsulation Type 9806H Encapsulation Type IPoE llc-Bridge llc-Bridge. common llc-PPPoE llc-Bridge. Each shelf can be installed with four ADSL/ADSL2+ line cards. 2684 Bridge llc-Bridge. 9806H provides 4 encapsulation types as follows: � llc-Bridge � vcmux-Bridge � llc-PPPoA � vcmux-PPPoA 9806H provides one common mode. which includes two encapsulation types: � llc-Bridge � vcmux-Bridge The corresponding relation between 9806H and MODEM encapsulation types is listed in Table 32. Each line card provides 24 (ASTEB) or 16 (ASTDE) ADSL/ADSL2+ ports.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton � Enabling Interface � Configuring MAC Pool Overview Service Description ADSL/ADSL2+ adopts the asymmetrical way to transmit data. common vcmux-RFC1483. Therefore. which enables users to access the Internet through ADSL/ADSL2+ lines in PPPoA mode. � Access rate is restricted through ADSL/ADSL2+ profile. � Network devices work normally and cables are connected. In order to adapt to the MODEM which adopts ATM access mode in earlier time. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . � ADSL mode: ADSL2+ � With the development of IP network. IP access has become the major access mode. � ADSL/ADSL2+ cards work normally. � Currently. Figure 27 shows ADSL/ADSL2+ PPPoA access service networking diagram.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Access Service Type Modem Encapsulation Type 9806H Encapsulation Type PPPoA llc-PPPoA llc-PPPoA vcmux-PPPoA vcmux-PPPoA Configuring PPPoA Access Short Description Prerequisites Background Information Networking Diagram 66 Perform this procedure to configure PPPoA access service. Internet access service is the major application for PPPoA users. ZXDSL 9806H supports the conversion from PPPoA protocol to PPPoE protocol and connects PPPoA users to upper-layer IP network transparently. transmitted to the upper–layer network through uplink port.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton FIGURE 27 ADSL/ADSL2+ PPPOA ACCESS SERVICE NETWORKING DIAGRAM Computer is connected to ADSL/ADSL2+ service port of ZXDSL 9806H through ADSL/ADSL2+ MODEM. then. Data Configuration Table 33 describes ADSL/ADSL2+ PPPoA access service data configuration. � � � Profile name: zte2m ConfProfileLine Type: fast-only AtucChanConfF astMaxTxRate: 2048 Kbps Select default values for other parameters. This ADSL line can bear services. the port uses the line and channel parameters configured in the line configuration profile to negotiate with the opposite CPE device. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 67 . User data packets are connected to ZXDSL 9806H in PPPoA mode. If the negotiation is successful. this ADSL port is enabled. TABLE 33 ADSL/ADSL2+ PPPOA ACCESS SERVICE DATA CONFIGURATION Item Data Remarks Line Configuration Profile � In the process of enabling an ADSL port. Custom 8.413 G.dmt(ec) 3.413 7. Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G. T1. When the alarm profile is bound to a port. the line status of this port can be monitored.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1. Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G. all alarm threshold values in the alarm configuration profile are 0. Default mode: 3 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION By default. T1.prf AtucThresh15Min Lofs: 5 sec Atuc Thresh15Min ESs: 5 sec AtucThresh15Min Loss: 5 sec AtucThresh15Min Lprs: 5 sec AtucThresh15Min Lols: 5 sec AturThresh15Min Lofs: 5 sec AturThresh15Min ESs: 5 sec AturThresh15Min Loss: 5 sec AturThresh15Min Lprs: 5 sec Select default values for other parameters. Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G.413 G. � � � � � � � � � � Transmission Mode 68 Profile name: alarmtest. which means that the line status is not monitored.dmt(fdm) 2.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) 5. All Capability . Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Item Data Remarks Alarm Configuration Profile � The alarm configuration profile contains alarm threshold value.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) 4.413 6. The system supports the following transmission modes: 1. Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Item Data Remarks User-side Port Service PVC: PVC1 (8/81) VLAN ID is consistent with that of the upper-layer device. including authentication plan. complete relevant configurations. Refer to related manuals for LAN Switch and BAS device configurations. � Configure VLAN for ZXDSL 9806H access. such as: – Access user domain. Configure a single user: � � ADSL/ADSL2+ port: 2/1 User VLAN: 201 Configure users in batch: � � MAC Address Pool ADSL/ADSL2+ ports: 2/1 – 2/24 User VLAN: 201 – 224 Index: 1 – Start MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:01 MAC address pool size: 16 Network Side Uplink port: 5/1 – Requirements for Upper-layer Device LAN Switch: � LAN Switch transmits ZXDSL 9806H service packets transparently. BAS � According to authentication and accounting requirements for dialing users. authorization plan Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 69 . Encapsulation mode: PPPoA (LLC) MAC address allocation mode: Allocate MAC from the specified MAC address pool automatically. accounting plan. Keep the VLAN ID consistent with uplink VLAN ID. Figure 28 shows ADSL/ADSL2+ PPPoA access service configuration flow. If the user IP address is allocated through BAS. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . configure access user name and password on BAS.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Item Data Remarks – � Configuration Flow 70 RADIUS server If user authentication is performed on BAS. configure the relevant IP address pool on BAS. 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# add-vlan vlan 201 vlan 201 vlan 201 201 encapsulation all 2/1 untag 5/1-2 tag Create VLANs in batch and add service virtual ports in batch if it is necessary. 9806(config)# add-vlan 201-224 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 71 .Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton FIGURE 28 ADSL/ADSL2+ PPPOA ACCESS SERVICE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure ADSL/ADSL2+ PPPoA access service. perform the following steps: 1. Add uplink port and service port to this VLAN. Create service VLAN. 100):[0] AtucConfTargetSnrMgn(0.310(0..2-cancel):[2] AturDMTConfFreqBinsOperType(1-open.4-ADSL2_READSL_NARROW_PSD_MSK):[3] AtucConfPMMode(1-DISABLE. Configure user port PVID and PVC..511):[32] AtucConfTxEndBin(32.. First.255ms):[16] AtucDMTConfFreqBinsOperType(1-open..16383):[0] AtucConfMinDownshiftTime(0.10240kbps):[512] AturChanConfInterleaveMinTxRate(0.. Configure line profile parameters as required. 9806(config)# interface adsl 2/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-2/1)# pvid 201 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-2/1)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 Configure user port PVID and PVC in batch..1dB)):[80] AturConfMaxSnrMgn(80.2-off):[1] AtucConfMaxBitsPerBin(0.310(0. create a new one.511):[511] AtucConfRxStartBin(6.512kbps):[32] AturChanConfInterleaveMaxTxRate(0.100):[0] AturConfTargetSnrMgn(0.63):[6] AtucConfRxEndBin(6.2-cancel):[2] LineDMTConfEOC(1-byte ...2-off):[2] AtucConfDnBitSwap(1-on. If there is no suitable line profile.63):[31] AtucConfUseCustomBins(1-on.2-off):[2] AtucConfPsdMaskType(1-DMT_PSD_MSK.. execute the show adsl profile command to check the current line profiles.310):[0] AtucConfMinUpshiftTime(0...102400kbps):[1024]2048 AtucChanConfFastMinTxRate(0.1dB)):[0] AturConfDownshiftSnrMgn(0.2-streaming ):[1] LineDMTConfTrellis(1-on.1dB)):[310] AtucConfMinSnrMgn(0..2-off):[2] AtucConfREADSL2Enable(1-on.3-ADSL2_ READSL_WIDE_PSD_MSK.1dB)):[0] AturConfUpshiftSnrMgn(0...16383):[0] AturConfMinDownshiftTime(0. 4-L3_ENABLE | L2_ENABLE):[1] AtucConfPML0Time(0.255s):[120] 72 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .10240kbps):[512] AturChanConfFastMinTxRate(0.16383):[0] AturChanConfFastMaxTxRate(0. 9806(config)# interface range adsl 2/1-24 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# pvid 201-224 one-to-one pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 3.3-adaptAtRuntime):[2] AturConfRateChanRatio(0. 9806(config)# adsl-profile zte2m 9806(config)# adsl-profile zte2m AtucConfRateMode(1-fixed..2-L2_ENABLE....2-adaptAtStartup..80(0..80(0.512kbps):[32] AturChanConfMaxInterleaveDelay(0.2-adaptAtStartup..2-off):[2] AtucConfUpBitSwap(1-on..2-ADSL2_PSD_MSK.310(0..2-interleaved-only):[2]1 AtucChanConfFastMaxTxRate(0....310(0.1dB)):[80] AtucConfMaxSnrMgn(80.2400kbps):[32] AtucChanConfInterleaveMaxTxRate(0..310(0.255s):[240] AtucConfPML2Time(0..16383):[0] ConfProfileLineType(1-fast-only.15):[15] AtucConfTxStartBin(6..255ms):[8] AturConfRateMode(1-fixed.3-L3_ENABLE.310):[0] AtucConfUpshiftSnrMgn(0..102400kbps):[1024]2048 AtucChanConfInterleaveMinTxRate(0.2400kbps):[32] AtucChanConfMaxInterleaveDelay(0.1dB)):[310] AturConfMinSnrMgn(0. Create line profile.310(0.1dB)):[0] AtucConfDownshiftSnrMgn(0.3-adaptAtRuntime):[2] AtucConfRateChanRatio(0.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 100% 9806(config)# vlan 201-224 2/1-24 untag one-to-one 9806(config)# vlan 201-224 5/1-2 tag 2....1dB)):[0] AturConfMinUpshiftTime(0. . 9806(config)# adsl-alarm-profile alarmtest.. create a new one..100%):[0] ThreshAturConnRate(0...100%):[0] ThreshAtucConnRate(0. Configure alarm profile parameters as required...65535):[0] AtucThreshInterleaveRateUp(0. 9806(config)# interface adsl 2/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-2/1)# adsl profile zte2m 9806(cfg-if-adsl-2/1)# adsl alarm-profile alarmtest.prf 9806(config)# adsl-alarm-profile alarmtest.dmt(ec) [3] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G. First. or the other key to complete?[C] 4.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1. (Optional) Configure transmission mode.900s):[0] AtucThreshold15MinSesL(0.900s):[0] AturThreshold15MinUasL(0.prf Or.2-disable):[2] AtucThreshold15MinFailedFastR(0.1024kbps):[512] Press M or m key to modify.65535):[0] AturThreshFastRateDown(0.900s):[0]5 AturThresh15MinESs(0.65535):[0] AtucThreshInterleaveRateDown(0..dmt(fdm) [2] T1.. or the other key to complete?[C] 9806(config)# 5. 9806(config)# interface range adsl 2/1-24 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# adsl profile zte2m 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# adsl alarm-profile alarmtest..prf 6.900s):[0]5 AtucThresh15MinLols(0.900s):[0] AtucConnRateTolerance(0.900s):[0] AtucThreshold15MinUasL(0..65535):[0] AturThreshInterleaveRateUp(0..413 G.. execute the show adsl alarm-profile command to check the current alarm profiles...100000 kbps):[0] AturConnRateTolerance(0.413 [7] Custom [8] All Capability Please choose one transmode to change to (1-8):[3] 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 73 . Bind the line profile and alarm profile.. If there is no suitable alarm profile.413 [6] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G.900s):[0] AturThreshold15MinSesL(0.900s):[0]5 AtucThresh15MinESs(0..100000 kbps):[0] Press M or m key to modify..900s):[0]5 AturThreshFastRateUp(0.900s):[0]5 AturThresh15MinLoss(0.....65535):[0] AtucInitFailureTrapEnable(1-enable.65535):[0] AturThreshInterleaveRateDown(0.900s):[0]5 AtucThreshFastRateUp(0.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) [4] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G. 9806(config)# interface range adsl 2/1-24 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# adsl trans-mode Preferred modes: [1] T1..900s):[0]5 AturThresh15MinLprs(0.31db):[3] AtucConfPML2Rate(512..65535):[0] AtucThreshFastRateDown(0.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton AtucConfPML2ATPR(0.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1.65535):[0] AturThresh15MinLofs(0. bind line profiles and alarm profiles in batch.prf AtucThresh15MinLofs(0.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) [5] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G..900s):[0]5 AtucThresh15MinLprs(0. (Optional) Create alarm profile.900s):[0]5 AtucThresh15MinLoss(0....413 G. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . � ADSL/ADSL2+ cards work normally. 9. Networking Diagram Figure 29 shows ADSL/ADSL2+ IPoE/PPPoE access service networking diagram. Specify MAC address allocation mode. it is necessary to allocate MAC address on DSLAM. 9806(config)# interface range adsl 2/1-24 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# pppoa-info 1 Select the kind of get mac address: [1] auto by mac pool index [2] user configure [3] auto Please choose one mode(1-3):[3]1 Please input the pool index(1-32):[0]1 Note: PPPoA user’s data packets do not contain MAC address. Configure encapsulation mode. � ADSL mode: ADSL2+ Background Information Access rate is restricted through ADSL/ADSL2+ profile.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 7. Configure MAC address pool. which enables users to access the Internet through ADSL/ADSL2+ lines in IPoE/PPPoE mode. 9806# copy running-config startup-config End of Steps Result Users can access the Internet in PPPoA mode successfully. Save configurations. Therefore. � Network devices work normally and cables are connected. Configuring IPoE/PPPoE Access Short Description Prerequisites 74 Perform this procedure to configure ADSL/ADSL2+ IPoE/PPPoE access service. 9806(config)# interface range adsl 2/1-24 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)#atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 pppoa_llc 10. 9806(config)# subscriber-mac-pool 1 start-mac 00:00:00:00:00:01 16 pppoa 8. User data packets are connected to ZXDSL 9806H in IPoE or PPPoE mode. this ADSL port is enabled. TABLE 34 ADSL/ADSL2+ IPOE/PPPOE ACCESS SERVICE DATA CONFIGURATION Item Data Remarks Line Configuration Profile � In the process of enabling an ADSL port. the port uses the line and channel parameters configured in the line configuration profile to negotiate with the opposite CPE device. Data Configuration Table 34 describes ADSL/ADSL2+ IPoE/PPPoE access service data configuration. If the negotiation is successful. transmitted to the upper– layer network through uplink port. then. This ADSL line can bear services.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton FIGURE 29 ADSL/ADSL2+ IPOE/PPPOE ACCESS SERVICE NETWORKING DIAGRAM Computer is connected to ADSL/ADSL2+ service port of ZXDSL 9806H through ADSL/ADSL2+ modem. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 75 . � � � Profile name: zte2m ConfProfileLine Type: fast-only AtucChanConfF astMaxTxRate: 2048 Kbps Select default values for other parameters. Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G. When the alarm profile is bound to a port. all alarm threshold values in the alarm configuration profile are 0.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Item Data Remarks Alarm Configuration Profile � The alarm configuration profile contains alarm threshold value.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) 5.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) 4. Custom 8.413 G. � � � � � � � � � � Transmission Mode 76 Profile name: alarmtest. which means that the line status is not monitored.dmt(ec) 3. T1. All Capability . the line status of this port can be monitored.dmt(fdm) 2. Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G. Default mode: 3 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION By default. Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G. The system supports the following transmission modes: 1.413 7.413 G. Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G. T1.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1.prf AtucThresh15Min Lofs: 5 sec Atuc Thresh15Min ESs: 5 sec AtucThresh15Min Loss: 5 sec AtucThresh15Min Lprs: 5 sec AtucThresh15Min Lols: 5 sec AturThresh15Min Lofs: 5 sec AturThresh15Min ESs: 5 sec AturThresh15Min Loss: 5 sec AturThresh15Min Lprs: 5 sec Select default values for other parameters.413 6. � Configure VLAN for ZXDSL 9806H access. authorization plan – RADIUS server If user authentication is performed on BAS. If the user IP address is allocated through BAS. accounting plan. complete relevant configurations. such as: – Access user domain. Keep the VLAN ID consistent with uplink VLAN ID. Configure a single user: � � ADSL/ADSL2+ port: 2/1 User VLAN: 201 Configure users in batch: � � ADSL/ADSL2+ ports: 2/1 – 2/24 User VLAN: 201 – 224 Network Side Uplink port: 5/1 – Requirements for Upper-layer Device LAN Switch: � LAN Switch transmits ZXDSL 9806H service packets transparently. Refer to related manuals for LAN Switch and BAS device configurations. configure the relevant IP address pool on BAS. including authentication plan.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Item Data Remarks User-side Port Service PVC: PVC1 (8/81) VLAN ID is consistent with that of the upper-layer device. BAS � � According to authentication and accounting requirements for dialing users. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 77 . configure access user name and password on BAS. 9806(config)# add-vlan 201-224 100% 9806(config)# vlan 201-224 2/1-24 untag one-to-one 9806(config)# vlan 201-224 5/1-2 tag 78 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# add-vlan vlan 201 vlan 201 vlan 201 201 encapsulation all 2/1 untag 5/1-2 tag Create VLANs in batch and add service virtual ports in batch if it is necessary. Add uplink port and service port to this VLAN. perform the following steps: 1.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Configuration Flow Figure 30 shows ADSL/ADSL2+ IPoE/PPPoE access service configuration flow. FIGURE 30 ADSL/ADSL2+ IPOE/PPPOE ACCESS SERVICE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure ADSL/ADSL2+ IPoE/PPPoE access service. Create service VLAN. 102400kbps):[1024]2048 AtucChanConfFastMinTxRate(0.1dB)):[0] AturConfUpshiftSnrMgn(0....1dB)):[310] AtucConfMinSnrMgn(0..255ms):[16] AtucDMTConfFreqBinsOperType(1-open.16383):[0] AturChanConfFastMaxTxRate(0..16383):[0] AturConfMinDownshiftTime(0..... 9806(config)# interface range adsl 2/1-24 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# pvid 201-224 one-to-one pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 common 3.4-ADSL2_READSL_NARROW_PSD_MSK):[3] AtucConfPMMode(1-DISABLE. If there is no suitable line profile.2-off):[2] AtucConfREADSL2Enable(1-on..1dB)):[0] AturConfMinUpshiftTime(0..3-adaptAtRuntime):[2] AturConfRateChanRatio(0.310):[0] AtucConfUpshiftSnrMgn(0.512kbps):[32] AturChanConfInterleaveMaxTxRate(0.2-adaptAtStartup.2-off):[2] AtucConfDnBitSwap(1-on..2-L2_ENABLE.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton 2.310(0..310(0.2-adaptAtStartup.2-streaming ):[1] LineDMTConfTrellis(1-on.310(0..10240kbps):[512] AturChanConfFastMinTxRate(0.100):[0] AturConfTargetSnrMgn(0.2-off):[1] AtucConfMaxBitsPerBin(0.1dB)):[80] AturConfMaxSnrMgn(80. create a new one.2-off):[2] AtucConfUpBitSwap(1-on.2400kbps):[32] AtucChanConfMaxInterleaveDelay(0..255s):[120] AtucConfPML2ATPR(0..1dB)):[80] AtucConfMaxSnrMgn(80. Create line profile.1dB)):[0] AtucConfDownshiftSnrMgn(0.511):[511] AtucConfRxStartBin(6.2-cancel):[2] LineDMTConfEOC(1-byte ..310(0.1dB)):[0] AturConfDownshiftSnrMgn(0..31db):[3] AtucConfPML2Rate(512..310(0.1dB)):[310] AturConfMinSnrMgn(0.310(0...3-adaptAtRuntime):[2] AtucConfRateChanRatio(0.15):[15] AtucConfTxStartBin(6.511):[32] AtucConfTxEndBin(32.1024kbps):[512] Press M or m key to modify.512kbps):[32] AturChanConfMaxInterleaveDelay(0.255ms):[8] AturConfRateMode(1-fixed..2-cancel):[2] AturDMTConfFreqBinsOperType(1-open. 9806(config)# adsl-profile zte2m 9806(config)# adsl-profile zte2m AtucConfRateMode(1-fixed.10240kbps):[512] AturChanConfInterleaveMinTxRate(0..16383):[0] AtucConfMinDownshiftTime(0. Configure user port PVID and PVC.63):[6] AtucConfRxEndBin(6...63):[31] AtucConfUseCustomBins(1-on... Configure line profile parameters as required.80(0.16383):[0] ConfProfileLineType(1-fast-only.3-L3_ENABLE..2-off):[2] AtucConfPsdMaskType(1-DMT_PSD_MSK..100):[0] AtucConfTargetSnrMgn(0..3-ADSL2_ READSL_WIDE_PSD_MSK. or the other key to complete?[C] Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 79 . 4-L3_ENABLE | L2_ENABLE):[1] AtucConfPML0Time(0.2-ADSL2_PSD_MSK..2400kbps):[32] AtucChanConfInterleaveMaxTxRate(0..80(0..310):[0] AtucConfMinUpshiftTime(0.102400kbps):[1024]2048 AtucChanConfInterleaveMinTxRate(0.. 9806(config)# interface adsl 2/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-2/1)# pvid 201 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-2/1)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 common Configure user port PVID and PVC in batch. First. execute the show adsl profile command to check the current line profiles.2-interleaved-only):[2]1 AtucChanConfFastMaxTxRate(0..255s):[240] AtucConfPML2Time(0. 65535):[0] AtucThreshFastRateDown(0. create a new one..prf AtucThresh15MinLofs(0.900s):[0]5 AturThresh15MinLprs(0..900s):[0] AtucThreshold15MinSesL(0.. 9806(config)# interface adsl 2/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-2/1)# adsl profile zte2m 9806(cfg-if-adsl-2/1)# adsl alarm-profile alarmtest.. If there is no suitable alarm profile.900s):[0]5 AturThresh15MinLoss(0.. (Optional) Configure transmission mode.dmt(ec) [3] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G. bind line profiles and alarm profiles in batch.900s):[0]5 AturThreshFastRateUp(0..ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 4.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1. or the other key to complete?[C] 9806(config)# 5..prf 9806(config)# adsl-alarm-profile alarmtest.100000 kbps):[0] Press M or m key to modify.65535):[0] AturThresh15MinLofs(0..dmt(fdm) [2] T1..900s):[0] AturThreshold15MinSesL(0.. 9806(config)# adsl-alarm-profile alarmtest.900s):[0] AtucThreshold15MinUasL(0.900s):[0]5 AtucThreshFastRateUp(0.65535):[0] AtucThreshInterleaveRateDown(0. Bind the line profile and alarm profile. Enable user port.65535):[0] AturThreshInterleaveRateUp(0.100%):[0] ThreshAtucConnRate(0.prf Or. 9806(config)# interface adsl 2/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-2/1)# adsl trans-mode Preferred modes: [1] T1.413 G.100%):[0] ThreshAturConnRate(0.prf 6..900s):[0]5 AtucThresh15MinLoss(0.413 [7] Custom [8] All Capability Please choose one transmode to change to (1-8):[3] 7. execute the show adsl alarm-profile command to check the current alarm profiles.413 G...65535):[0] AturThreshFastRateDown(0. Configure alarm profile parameters as required.. First..900s):[0] AturThreshold15MinUasL(0..900s):[0] AtucConnRateTolerance(0.100000 kbps):[0] AturConnRateTolerance(0...dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) [5] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G..dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) [4] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G..65535):[0] AturThreshInterleaveRateDown(0.900s):[0]5 AturThresh15MinESs(0..dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1..900s):[0]5 AtucThresh15MinLols(0.900s):[0]5 AtucThresh15MinLprs(0.65535):[0] AtucThreshInterleaveRateUp(0..65535):[0] AtucInitFailureTrapEnable(1-enable.413 [6] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G.. (Optional) Create alarm profile. 9806(config)# interface range adsl 2/1-24 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# adsl profile zte2m 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# adsl alarm-profile alarmtest. 9806(config)# interface adsl 2/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-2/1)# shutdown 9806(cfg-if-adsl-2/1)# no shutdown 80 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .2-disable):[2] AtucThreshold15MinFailedFastR(0..900s):[0]5 AtucThresh15MinESs(0.. Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Or. � The maximum upstream/downstream channel rate must be equal to the minimum rate when upstream/downstream channel rate mode is the fixed rate mode. Save configurations. Configuring Line Profile Short Description Background Information Perform this procedure to configure ADSL/ADSL2+ line profile. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 81 . 9806# copy running-config startup-config End of Steps Result Users can access the Internet in IPoE/PPPoE mode successfully. 9806(config)# interface range adsl 2/1-24 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# shutdown 9806(cfg-if-range-adsl)# no shutdown 8. DEFVAL. minimum SNR margin and maximum SNR margin must obey the rule that minimum SNR margin is less than or equal to target SNR margin.PRF is the default profile which cannot be deleted or modified. enable user ports in batch.0) supports 128 ADSL/ADSL2+ line profiles. � Target SNR margin. � ZXDSL 9806H (V2. and that target SNR margin is less than or equal to maximum SNR margin. End of Steps Result 82 ADSL/ADSL2+ line profile is configured successfully. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . 3. perform the following steps: 1. Execute the adsl-profile filename command to modify line parameters.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Configuration Flow Figure 31 shows ADSL /ADSL2+ line profile configuration flow. 2. Execute the show adsl profile filename command to show ADSL/ADSL2+ line profile. FIGURE 31 ADSL/ADSL2+ LINE PROFILE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure ADSL/ADSL2+ line profile. Execute the adsl-profile filename command to create ADSL/ADSL2+ line profile. 255ms):[8] AturConfRateMode(1-fixed.3-adaptAtRuntime):[2] AtucConfRateChanRatio(0. 9806(config)# adsl-profile zte2m 9806(config)# adsl-profile zte2m AtucConfRateMode(1-fixed.2-L2_ENABLE.16383):[0] AturChanConfFastMaxTxRate(0.310(0.2-interleaved-only):[2]1 AtucChanConfFastMaxTxRate(0.102400kbps):[1024]2048 AtucChanConfFastMinTxRate(0.63):[31] AtucConfUseCustomBins(1-on.2-off):[2] AtucConfUpBitSwap(1-on.1dB)):[0] AturConfMinUpshiftTime(0.2-ADSL2_PSD_MSK.310(0.512kbps):[32] AturChanConfInterleaveMaxTxRate(0.100):[0] AtucConfTargetSnrMgn(0.512kbps):[32] AturChanConfMaxInterleaveDelay(0.310):[0] AtucConfMinUpshiftTime(0.2-off):[2] AtucConfDnBitSwap(1-on.4ADSL2_READSL_NARROW_PSD_MSK):[3] AtucConfPMMode(1-DISABLE..2-adaptAtStartup.255s):[240] AtucConfPML2Time(0..1dB)):[0] AturConfUpshiftSnrMgn(0.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Example Add an ADSL/ADSL2+ line profile..511):[32] AtucConfTxEndBin(32.15):[15] AtucConfTxStartBin(6...310(0.1dB)):[310] AturConfMinSnrMgn(0.4-L3_ ENABLE | L2_ENABLE):[1] AtucConfPML0Time(0..2-adaptAtStartup... The line type is fast-only..2-off):[2] AtucConfPsdMaskType(1-DMT_PSD_MSK.....1dB)):[80] AturConfMaxSnrMgn(80.2400kbps):[32] AtucChanConfInterleaveMaxTxRate(0.80(0.1024kbps):[512] Press M or m key to modify...1dB)):[0] AturConfDownshiftSnrMgn(0..2-cancel):[2] LineDMTConfEOC(1-byte .. Use the default values for other parameters.310):[0] AtucConfUpshiftSnrMgn(0.100):[0] AturConfTargetSnrMgn(0.310(0..80(0..255s):[120] AtucConfPML2ATPR(0.10240kbps):[512] AturChanConfInterleaveMinTxRate(0.. The line profile name is zte2m.. The maximum downstream rate is 2048 Kbps..1dB)):[80] AtucConfMaxSnrMgn(80.2400kbps):[32] AtucChanConfMaxInterleaveDelay(0..31db):[3] AtucConfPML2Rate(512.2-cancel):[2] AturDMTConfFreqBinsOperType(1-open..1dB)):[0] AtucConfDownshiftSnrMgn(0.16383):[0] ConfProfileLineType(1-fast-only...310(0...511):[511] AtucConfRxStartBin(6....3-L3_ENABLE.16383):[0] AturConfMinDownshiftTime(0. 3-ADSL2_READSL_WIDE_PSD_MSK.3-adaptAtRuntime):[2] AturConfRateChanRatio(0.2-streaming ):[1] LineDMTConfTrellis(1-on.10240kbps):[512] AturChanConfFastMinTxRate(0.2-off):[2] AtucConfREADSL2Enable(1-on..255ms):[16] AtucDMTConfFreqBinsOperType(1-open..310(0.2-off):[1] AtucConfMaxBitsPerBin(0.16383):[0] AtucConfMinDownshiftTime(0.63):[6] AtucConfRxEndBin(6.1dB)):[310] AtucConfMinSnrMgn(0. or the other key to complete?[C] 9806(config)# show adsl profile zte2m AtucConfRateMode : adaptAtStartup AtucConfRateChanRatio : 0 AtucConfTargetSnrMgn : 80 AtucConfMaxSnrMgn : 310 AtucConfMinSnrMgn : 0 AtucConfDownshiftSnrMgn : 0 AtucConfUpshiftSnrMgn : 0 AtucConfMinUpshiftTime : 0 AtucConfMinDownshiftTime : 0 ConfProfileLineType : fast-only AtucChanConfFastMaxTxRate : 2048 AtucChanConfFastMinTxRate : 32 AtucChanConfIntlvMaxTxRt : 2048 AtucChanConfIntlvMinTxRt : 32 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 83 .102400kbps):[1024]2048 AtucChanConfInterleaveMinTxRate(0... ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Parameter Description AtucChanConfMaxIntlvDelay AturConfRateMode AturConfRateChanRatio AturConfTargetSnrMgn AturConfMaxSnrMgn AturConfMinSnrMgn AturConfDownshiftSnrMgn AturConfUpshiftSnrMgn AturConfMinUpshiftTime AturConfMinDownshiftTime AturChanConfFastMaxTxRate AturChanConfFastMinTxRate AturChanConfIntlvMaxTxRt AturChanConfIntlvMinTxRt AturChanConfMaxIntlvDelay AtucDMTConfFreqBins AturDMTConfFreqBins : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : LineDMTConfEOC LineDMTConfTrellis AtucConfMaxBitsPerBin AtucConfTxStartBin AtucConfTxEndBin AtucConfRxStartBin AtucConfRxEndBin AtucConfUseCustomBins AtucConfDnBitSwap AtucConfUpBitSwap AtucConfREADSL2Enable AtucConfPsdMaskType AtucConfPMMode AtucConfPML0Time AtucConfPML2Time AtucConfPML2ATPR AtucConfPML2Rate Adsl2ConfMinProtectionDs Adsl2ConfMinProtectionUs : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 16 adaptAtStartup 0 80 310 0 0 0 0 0 512 32 512 32 16 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF byte on 15 32 511 6 31 off off off off ADSL2_READSL_WIDE_PSD_MSK DISABLE 240 120 3 512 noProtection noProtection Table 35 describes the ADSL/ADSL2+ line profile parameters.1 dB AtucConfMaxSnrMgn/AturConfMa xSnrMgn If the real SNR margin exceeds the value. The opposite end needs to reduce the output power. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION fixed adaptAtStartup adaptAtStartup Default: 8 dB . TABLE 35 ADSL/ADSL2+ LINE PROFILE PARAMETERS 84 Parameter Description adslLineConfProfileName 32 bytes AturConfRateMode/AtucConfRate Mode � � � AtucConfTargetSnrMgn/AturConfT argetSnrMgn Unit: 0. the system restricts the SNR to the maximum SNR margin. the line rate is decreased. if SNR margin is lower than this value.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Parameter Description AtucConfMinSnrMgn/AturConfMin SnrMgn If the real SNR margin is lower than this value. For ADSL2/ADSL2+. if SNR margin is higher than this value. the port is not be enabled. For ADSL2/ADSL2+. For ADSL2/ADSL2+. the line rate is increased. AtucConfMinDownshiftTime/AturC onfMinDownshiftTime ADSL does not support. the upstream/downstream rate is decreased. AtucConfMinUpshiftTime/AturConf MinUpshiftTime ADSL does not support. AtucConfUpshiftSnrMgn/AturCon fUpshiftSnrMgn ADSL does not support. For ADSL2/ADSL2+. if SNR margin is higher than this value. ConfProfileLineType � � AtucChanConfFastMaxTxRate/Atu rChanConfFastMaxTxRate Downstream value range: 0 – 102400 Kbps fastOnly interleavedOnly Default: 1024 Kbps Upstream value range: 0 – 10240 Kbps Default: 512 Kbps AtucChanConfFastMinTxRate/Atur ChanConfFastMinTxRate Downstream value range: 0 – 2048 Kbps Default: 32 Kbps Upstream value range: 0 – 512 Kbps Default: 32 Kbps AtucChanConfInterleaveMaxTxRa te/AturChanConfInterleaveMaxT xRate Downstream value range: 0 – 102400 Kbps Default: 1024 Kbps Upstream value range: 0 – 10240 Kbps Default: 512 Kbps AtucChanConfInterleaveMinTxRat e/AturChanConfInterleaveMinTxR ate Downstream value range: 0 – 2048 Kbps Default: 32 Kbps Upstream value range: 0 – 512 Kbps Default: 32 Kbps Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 85 . the upstream/downstream rate is increased. if SNR margin is lower than this value. The opposite end needs to increase the output power AtucConfDownshiftSnrMgn/AturC onfDownshiftSnrMgn ADSL does not support. Default: 3 AtucConfPMMode 1. 2. 4.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Parameter Description AtucChanConfMaxInterleaveDela y/AturChanConfMaxInterleaveDe lay Downstream/upstream value range: 0 – 255 ms AtucDMTConfFreqBinsOperType/A turDMTConfFreqBinsOperType � � AtucDMTConfFreqBinsList/AturDM TConfFreqBinsList Value range: 6 – 511 LineDMTConfEOC 1. DISABLE L2_ENABLE L3_ENABLE L3_ENABLE | L2_ENABLE Default: 1 AtucConfPML0Time Value range: 0 – 255 sec Default: 240 sec AtucConfPML2Time Value range: 0 – 255 sec Default: 120 sec 86 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . LineDMTConfTrellis Default: Enable AtucConfMaxBitsPerBin Value range: 0 – 15 Default: 16 ms Enable Disable byte streaming Default: 15 AtucConfTxStartBin/AtucConfRxS tartBin Downstream value range: 6 – 511 Default: 32 Upstream value range: 6 – 63 Default: 6 AtucConfTxEndBin/AtucConfRxEn dBin Downstream value range: 32 – 511 Default: 511 Upstream value range: 6 – 63 Default: 31 AtucConfUseCustomBins � � Enable Disable AtucConfDnBitSwap/AtucConfUp BitSwap � � Enable Disable AtucConfREADSL2Enable � � Enable Disable AtucConfPsdMaskType 1. 3. 3. DMT_PSD_MSK ADSL2_PSD_MSK ADSL2_READSL_WIDE_PSD_ MSK ADSL2_READSL_NARROW_PSD_MSK 4. 2. 2. 2. noProtection halfSymbol singleSymbol twoSymbols fourSymbols eightSymbols sixteenSymbols Configuring Alarm Profile Short Description Background Information Perform this procedure to configure ADSL/ADSL2+ alarm profile.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Parameter Description AtucConfPML2ATPR Value range: 0 – 31 dB Default: 3 dB Value range: 512 – 1024 Kbps AtucConfPML2Rate Default: 512 Kbps Related Operations Table 36 describes operations related to ADSL/ADSL2+ line profile configuration. � ZXDSL 9806H supports 128 ADSL/ADSL2+ alarm profiles. all alarm threshold values are 0. 5. 6. � A series of threshold parameters are set in ADSL/ADSL2+ alarm profile to monitor the performance of the activated ADSL/ADSL2+ line and channel. 4. � ZXDSL 9806H has its own default ADSL/ADSL2+ alarm profile. When some value reaches the threshold. 7.PRF. TABLE 36 OPERATIONS RELATED TO ADSL/ADSL2+ LINE PROFILE Information Procedure Remarks Delete ADSL/ADSL2+ line profile no adsl-profile filemane The default line profile cannot be deleted. The default alarm profile cannot be deleted or modified. The name is DEFVAL. the system generates alarm and send alarm information to NMS. 3. Configure downstream/downstream INP adsl-profile filename atuc-inp atuc-inp atur-inp atur-inp Value range: 1. In the default alarm profile. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 87 . FIGURE 32 ADSL/ADSL2+ ALARM PROFILE CONFIGURATION FLOW 88 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Configuration Flow Figure 32 shows ADSL /ADSL2+ alarm profile configuration flow. . End of Steps Result Example ADSL/ADSL2+ alarm profile is configured successfully. 2.. Execute the adsl-alarm-profile alarm-profile-name command to create ADSL/ADSL2+ alarm profile.100000 kbps):[0] Press M or m key to modify.900s):[0]5 AtucThresh15MinLols(0...900s):[0]5 AtucThresh15MinLoss(0.prf AtucThresh15MinLofs(0. The alarm profile name is alarmtest... 9806(config)# adsl-alarm-profile alarmtest.900s):[0] AtucThreshold15MinUasL(0.900s):[0] AturThreshold15MinUasL(0....900s):[0]5 AturThresh15MinESs(0. Add an ADSL/ADSL2+ alarm profile..900s):[0] AtucThreshold15MinSesL(0.900s):[0]5 AtucThresh15MinESs(0.900s):[0]5 AturThresh15MinLoss(0.900s):[0] AturThreshold15MinSesL(0....900s):[0]5 AturThreshFastRateUp(0.prf. 3.900s):[0]5 AtucThreshFastRateUp(0.65535):[0] AturThreshInterleaveRateDown(0.900s):[0]5 AturThresh15MinLprs(0. or the other key to complete?[C] 9806(config)# 9806(config)# show adsl alarm-profile alarmtest AtucThresh15MinLofs : 5 AtucThresh15MinESs : 5 AtucThresh15MinLoss : 5 AtucThresh15MinLprs : 5 AtucThresh15MinLols : 5 AtucThreshFastRateUp : 0 AtucThreshInterleaveRateUp : 0 AtucThreshFastRateDown : 0 AtucThreshInterleaveRateDown : 0 AturThresh15MinLofs : 5 AturThresh15MinESs : 5 AturThresh15MinLoss : 5 AturThresh15MinLprs : 5 AturThreshFastRateUp : 0 AturThreshInterleaveRateUp : 0 AturThreshFastRateDown : 0 AturThreshInterleaveRateDown : 0 AtucInitFailureTrapEnable : 2 AtucThreshold15MinFailedFastR : 0 AtucThreshold15MinSesL : 0 AtucThreshold15MinUasL : 0 AturThreshold15MinSesL : 0 AturThreshold15MinUasL : 0 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 89 .100%):[0] ThreshAtucConnRate(0..65535):[0] AtucThreshFastRateDown(0.900s):[0]5 AtucThresh15MinLprs(0.prf 9806(config)# adsl-alarm-profile alarmtest.900s):[0] AtucConnRateTolerance(0.100000 kbps):[0] AturConnRateTolerance(0.65535):[0] AtucThreshInterleaveRateDown(0...65535):[0] AtucInitFailureTrapEnable(1-enable. Execute the adsl-alarm-profile alarm-profile-name command to modify alarm profile parameters.65535):[0] AturThreshFastRateDown(0.100%):[0] ThreshAturConnRate(0... Execute the show adsl alarm-profile alarm-profile-name command to show ADSL/ADSL2+ alarm profile....65535):[0] AturThresh15MinLofs(0.65535):[0] AturThreshInterleaveRateUp(0...2-disable):[2] AtucThreshold15MinFailedFastR(0.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Steps To configure ADSL/ADSL2+ alarm profile....65535):[0] AtucThreshInterleaveRateUp(0. perform the following steps: 1. AtucThresh15MinLprs In 15 minutes. if the downstream LoF exceeds the threshold. AtucThresh15MinESs In 15 minutes. AturThresh15MinESs In 15 minutes. AtucThresh15MinLoss In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. AturThresh15MinLofs In 15 minutes. if the downstream ES exceeds the threshold. if the upstream LoS exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. TABLE 37 ADSL/ADSL2+ ALARM PROFILE PARAMETERS 90 Parameter Description Alarm profile name – AtucThresh15MinLofs In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. if the upstream LoF exceeds the threshold. if the upstream loss of link exceeds the threshold. AtucThresh15MinLols In 15 minutes. if the upstream loss of power exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. AtucThreshInterleaveRateDown If downstream interleaved channel link establishment degression rate exceeds the threshold. AtucThreshInterleaveRateUp If downstream interleaved channel link establishment increase rate exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) AtucConnRateTolerance ThreshAtucConnRate AturConnRateTolerance ThreshAturConnRate Parameter Description : : : : 0 0 0 0 Table 37 describes the ADSL/ADSL2+ alarm profile parameters. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. AtucThreshFastRateDown If downstream fast channel link establishment degression rate exceeds the threshold. if the upstream ES exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . AtucThreshFastRateUp If downstream fast channel link establishment increase rate exceeds the threshold. AturThresh15MinLprs In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. ThreshAtucConnRate If ATU-C real rate does not reach the threshold. if ATU-C fast retraining failed seconds exceed the threshold. AtucInitFailureTrapEnable If the parameter is enabled. AtucThreshold15MinUasL In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. AturThreshInterleaveRateDown If upstream interleaved channel link establishment degression rate exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm when ATU-C initialization is faulty AtucThreshold15MinFailedFastR In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. if downstream UAS exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. if the downstream LoS exceeds the threshold. if the upstream SES exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. AtucConnRateTolerance If ATU-C rate tolerance exceeds the threshold. if the downstream loss of power exceeds the threshold. AtucThreshold15MinSesL In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm AturThreshold15MinUasL In 15 minutes. AturThreshFastRateDown If upstream fast channel link establishment degression rate exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 91 . AturThreshold15MinSesL In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. AturThreshFastRateUp If upstream fast channel link establishment increase rate exceeds the threshold. if the downstream SES exceeds the threshold. if upstream UAS exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. AturThreshInterleaveRateUp If upstream interleaved channel link establishment increase rate exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Parameter Description AturThresh15MinLoss In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. ADSL/ADSL2+ line profile is configured. Execute the show interface command to show interface information. Execute the shutdown command to disable interface. Enabling Interface Short Description Prerequisites Context Perform this procedure to enable an ADSL/ADSL2+interface. no adsl-al arm-profile alarm-profile-name The default alarm profile cannot be deleted. � If the process is successful. � If the ATU-R device is offline. The interface is enabled. � By default. the system generates an alarm. Once the device is online. communication is established between ATU-C and ATU-R for service transmission.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Related Operations Parameter Description AturConnRateTolerance If ATU-R rate tolerance exceeds the threshold. 4. ThreshAturConnRate If ATU-R real rate does not reach the threshold. To enable an ADSL/ADSL2+ interface. Execute the no shutdown command to enable interface. the system generates an alarm. the port administration status is enabled. 2. END Result Example OF STEPS An ADSL/ADSL2+ interface is enabled successfully. the communication setup process starts automatically. Enable ADSL/ADSL2+ interface 4/1. � Enabling interface is a communication setup process between ADSL/ADSL2+ ATU-C and ATU-R. perform the following steps: Steps 1. the device is in listening status. TABLE 38 OPERATION RELATED TO ADSL/ADSL2+ ALARM PROFILE Information Procedure Remarks Delete ADSL/ADSL2+ alarm profile. Table 38 describes the operation related to ADSL/ADSL2+ alarm profile configuration. Execute the interface adsl or interface range adsl command to enter ADSL/ADSL2+ interface mode. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# shutdown 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# no shutdown 9806(config)# show interface 4/1 port-status Port AdminStatus LinkStatus AtucTxRate(kbps) AturTxRate(kbps) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 92 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . 3. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 93 . Each card provides 16 VDSL2 ports. To configure MAC pool. END Result Example OF STEPS MAC pool is configured successfully. Its ID is 1. At most 4 VDSL2 cards can be inserted in each 9806H shelf. Service Specifications 9806H supports VDSL2 access service through VSTDC card. perform the following steps: 1. The recommended transmission distance reaches up to 500 meters. Start MAC is 00:00:00:00:00:0. Execute the subscriber-mac-pool command to configure MAC pool. 9806(config)# subscriber-mac-pool 1 start-mac 00:00:00:00:00:01 16 pppoa 9806(config)# show subscriber-mac-pool 1 Start MAC address : 00:00:00:00:00:01 Pool capacity : 100 Pool type : pppoa Num of free address : 75 VDSL2+ Service Access Configuration This topic includes the following: � Overview � Configuring IPoE/PPPoE Access � Line Profile Configuration � Configuring Alarm Profile � Enabling Interface Overview Service Description VDSL2 access adopts symmetrical or asymmetrical data transmission mode. Execute the show subscriber-mac-pool command to show MAC pool. MAC address number is 16. Configure a MAC pool. 2.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton 4/1 enable down N/A N/A Configuring MAC Pool Short Description Context Steps Perform this procedure to configure MAC pool. Each shelf provides at most 64 VDSL2 access ports. � Network devices work normally and cables are connected. Data Configuration 94 Table 39 describes VDSL2 IPoE/PPPoE access service data configuration. User data packets are connected to ZXDSL 9806H in IPoE or PPPoE mode. transmitted to the upper– layer network through uplink port. Background Information Access rate is restricted through VDSL2 profile. Networking Diagram Figure 33 shows VDSL2 IPoE/PPPoE access service networking diagram. FIGURE 33 VDSL2 IPOE/PPPOE ACCESS SERVICE NETWORKING DIAGRAM Computer is connected to VDSL2 service port of ZXDSL 9806H through VDSL2 modem. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . which enables users to access the Internet through VDSL2 lines in IPoE/PPPoE mode.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Configuring IPoE/PPPoE Access Short Description Prerequisites Perform this procedure to configure VDSL2 IPoE/PPPoE access service. � VDSL2 cards work normally. then. PRF (default) The alarm configuration profile contains alarm threshold value. When the alarm profile is bound to a port. user access rate reaches up to 20000 Kbps.PRF (default) Configure DPBO parameters after binding this profile to port. In this case.PRF (default) Configure UPBO parameters after binding this profile to port.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton TABLE 39 VDSL2 IPOE/PPPOE ACCESS SERVICE DATA CONFIGURATION Item Data Remarks Line Configuration Profile � � Profile name: test xdsl2LConfProfR fiBa nds: 1 . This VDSL line can bear services. this VDSL port is enabled. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 95 . all alarm threshold values in the alarm configuration profile are 0.2. By default. increase access rate value in configuration to enable the actual access rate to meet the user requirements. the line status of this port can be monitored. Profile name: test zxAnXdsl2Ch 1ConfProfMa xDataRateDs: 20000 Kbps zxAnXdsl2Ch 1ConfProfMa xDataRateUs: 20000 Kbps Select default values for other parameters. DPBO Configuration Profile Profile name: VDPBODEF. Theoretically. UPBO Configuration Profile Profile name: VUPBODEF. � � Service Profile � � � � Alarm Configuration Profile Profile name: VDEFVAL. 4094 – 4095 xdsl2L ConfProfV dsl2CarMask: 30 . which means that the line status is not monitored. In the process of enabling a VDSL port. the port uses the line and channel parameters configured in the line configuration profile to negotiate with the opposite CPE device. If the negotiation is successful.40 Select default values for other parameters. Actually. user access port rate may be lower than the expected value. Figure 34 shows VDSL2 IPoE/PPPoE access service configuration flow. complete relevant configurations. configure access user name and password on BAS. Refer to related manuals for LAN Switch and BAS device configurations. BAS � � Configuration Flow 96 According to authentication and accounting requirements for dialing users. including authentication plan. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . � Configure VLAN for ZXDSL 9806H access. If the user IP address is allocated through BAS. Keep the VLAN ID consistent with uplink VLAN ID. accounting plan. � � VDSL2 port: 3/1 User VLAN: 301 Configure users in batch: � � VDSL2 ports: 3/1 – 3/16 User VLAN: 301 – 224 Network Side Uplink port: 5/1 – Requirements for Upper-layer Device LAN Switch: � LAN Switch transmits ZXDSL 9806H service packets transparently. such as: – Access user domain. configure the relevant IP address pool on BAS.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Item Data Remarks User-side Port Configure a single user: VLAN ID is consistent with that of the upper-layer device. authorization plan – RADIUS server If user authentication is performed on BAS. Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton FIGURE 34 VDSL2 IPOE/PPPOE ACCESS SERVICE CONFIGURATION FLOW Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 97 . 1-enable)[0] g993_2_12A(0-disable.2 Region C (Japan) (Annex C/G.dmt(ec) [3] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G.dmt(fdm) [2] T1. 9806(config)# vdsl2-base-profile test 9806(config)# vdsl2-base-profile test First configure vdsl2 transmode bits: Preferred modes: [0] None [1] G.1-enable)[0] g993_2_8C(0-disable. [3] G.993.1-enable)[0] g993_2_17A(0-disable.2 Region A (North America) (Annex A/G.993.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Steps To configure VDSL2 IPoE/PPPoE access service.993. [2] G. 9806(config)# interface vdsl 3/1 9806(cfg-if-vdsl-3/1)# pvid 301 Configure user port PVID in batch.993. perform the following steps: 1. 9806(config)# interface range vdsl 3/1-16 9806(cfg-if-range-vdsl)# pvid 301-316 one-to-one 3.413 [6] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G.413 G.2).dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) [5] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G. Create service VLAN.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1.2 Region B (Europe) (Annex B/G.413 [7] Custom [8] All Capability Please choose one transmode to change to (1-8):[3] please configure the StandardProfile: g993_2_8A(0-disable.1-enable)[0] g993_2_8D(0-disable. Create line base profile. 9806(config)# add-vlan 301-316 100% 9806(config)# vlan 301-316 3/1-16 untag one-to-one 9806(config)# vlan 301-316 5/1-2 tag 2.1-enable)[0] Annex_B common BandPlans: [1] BP_B7_1 997-M1c-A-7 [2] BP_B7_2 997-M1x-M-8 [3] BP_B7_3 997-M1x-M [4] BP_B7_4 997-M2x-M-8 [5] BP_B7_5 997-M2x-A [6] BP_B7_6 997-M2x-M [7] BP_B7_7 HPE17-M1-NUS0 [8] BP_B7_8 HPE30-M1-NUS0 [9] BP_B7_9 997E17-M2x-NUS0 [10] BP_B7_10 997E30-M2x-NUS0 [11] BP_B8_1 998-M1x-A 98 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .993. Configure user port PVID. Please choose one from the preferred modes:[2] Second configure adsl2 transmode bits: Preferred modes: [1] T1.1-enable)[1] g993_2_12B(0-disable. 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# add-vlan vlan 301 vlan 301 vlan 301 301 encapsulation all 3/1 untag 5/1-2 tag Create VLANs in batch and add service virtual ports in batch if it is necessary.413 G.2).dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) [4] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1.2).1-enable)[0] g993_2_8B(0-disable. Add uplink port and service port to this VLAN.993. 20000)kbps):[32] zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMinDataRateUs((0. 3-AdaptAtRuntime):[2] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfTargetSnrmDs(0. please to choose (0-no change.000)kbps):[120000]20000 zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMinDataRateDs((0.INP length = 1 symbol twoSymbols (4) ....INP length = 6 symbols sevenSymbols (9) . or the other key to complete?[C] Need more detailed base profile parameters ? Y/N: [N]n 4.M2x-NUS0-M [26] BP_B8_16 998ADE30.2-Disable):[1] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRaModeDs(1-Manual.310(0. Create service profile.2-AdaptAtStartup.INP not required halfSymbol (2) .INP length = 7 symbols eightSymbols (10) .200..310(0. 1-modify the bands. 3-AdaptAtRuntime):[2] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRaModeUs(1-Manual. -delete all bands):[0]1 the number of bands you need to change is [0-32]:[0]1 the setting of band : 1 start subcarrier[1-4096]:[1]30 stop subcarrier[30-4096]:[30]40 zxAnXdsl2LConfProfVdslMaxNomAtpDs(0.79(0.310(0. -delete all bands):[0]1 the number of Rfibands you want to change[0-16]:[0]2 the setting of rfiband : 1 start subcarrier[1-4096]:[1]1 stop subcarrier[1-4096]:[1]2 the setting of rfiband : 2 start subcarrier[2-4096]:[2]4094 stop subcarrier[4094-4096]:[4094]4095 xdsl2LConfProfVdsl2CarMask: There are 0 bands been set.. please to choose (0-no change. 1-modify the bands.INP length = 2 symbols threeSymbols (5) ..1dB)):[0] zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMaxDataRateDs((0.310(0.INP length = 8 symbols nineSymbols (11) .255 (0..79(0.1dBm)):[205] Press M or m key to modify.M2x-NUS0-A [27] BP_ZTE_1 ZTE997_M2x_M please configure the VDSL2 Limit PSD Masks and Bandplans:[14] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUs0Disable(enable(1)...1dB)):[0] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfMinSnrmUs(0.1dB)):[80] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfMaxSnrmDs(81.2-AdaptAtStartup..63)ms):[16] Please configure MinProtection: noProtection (1) .disable(2)):[1] xdsl2LConfProfRfiBands: There are 0 bands been set. 9806(config)# vdsl2-service-profile test 9806(config)# vdsl2-service-profile test zxAnXdsl2LConfProfForceInp(1-Enable..INP length = 5 symbols sixSymbols (8) .INP length = 1/2 symbol singleSymbol (3) .INP length = 4 symbols fiveSymbols (7) .INP length = 9 symbols Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 99 .1dB)):[300] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfMinSnrmDs(0..20000)kbps):[32] zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMaxDelayDs((0..000)kbps):[120000]20000 zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMaxDataRateUs((0.1dB)):[80] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfTargetSnrmUs(0.INP length = 3 symbols fourSymbols (6) .Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton [12] BP_B8_2 998-M1x-B [13] BP_B8_3 998-M1x-NUS0 [14] BP_B8_4 998-M2x-A [15] BP_B8_5 998-M2x-M [16] BP_B8_6 998-M2x-B [17] BP_B8_7 998-M2x-NUS0 [18] BP_B8_8 998E17-M2x-NUS0 [19] BP_B8_9 998E17-M2x-NUS0-M [20] BP_B8_10 998ADE17-M2x-NUS0-M [21] BP_B8_11 998ADE17-M2x-A [22] BP_B8_12 998ADE17-M2x-B [23] BP_B8_13 998E30-M2x-NUS0 [24] BP_B8_14 998E30-M2x-NUS0-M [25] BP_B8_15 998ADE30.63)ms):[16] zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMaxDelayUs((0.1dB)):[300] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfMaxSnrmUs(81.200. . Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . � � � If the default DPBO profile is not used. execute the vdsl2 dpbo-profile command to bind ports. By default. first.18)Symbol):[1] zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMinProtectionUs((1. bind service profile in batch. execute the vdsl2 alarm-profile command to bind ports. execute the vdsl2-dpbo-profile filename command to create a new DPBO profile.INP length = 12 symbols thirteenSymbols (15) . Next. (Optional) Bind DPBO profile. the default alarm profile is used. bind line base profile in batch. first. � � 100 If the default UPBO profile is not used. all VDSL2 ports are bound to the DPBO profile VDPBODEF. By default. 9806(config)# interface vdsl 3/1 9806(cfg-if-vdsl-3/1)# vdsl2 service-profile test Or.INP length = 14 symbols fifteenSymbols (17) .PRF.INP length = 16 symbols zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMinProtectionDs((1.18)Symbol):[1] Press M or m key to modify. execute the same command to modify the alarm profile. Bind line base profile. Then. Then. 9806(config)# interface range vdsl 3/1-16 9806(cfg-if-range-vdsl)# vdsl2 base-profile test 6. (Optional) Bind alarm profile. In this instance. execute the same command to modify the UPBO profile.INP length = 15 symbols sixteenSymbols (18) . 8. 9806(config)# interface range vdsl 3/1-16 9806(cfg-if-range-vdsl)# vdsl2 service-profile test 7. the default DPBO profile is used.PRF. 9. Then. all VDSL2 ports are bound to the alarm profile VDEFVAL. first. Next.INP length = 11 symbols twelveSymbols (14) . In this instance. � � � If the default alarm profile is not used.. (Optional) Bind UPBO profile.PRF. By default. execute the same command to modify the DPBO profile. or the other key to complete?[C] 5. all VDSL2 ports are bound to the UPBO profile VUPBODEF. execute the vdsl2-alarm-profile filename command to create a new alarm profile. Bind service profile. Next. execute the vdsl2-upbo-profile filename command to create a new UPBO profile.INP length = 10 symbols elevenSymbols (13) .ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) tenSymbols (12) . 9806(config)# interface vdsl 3/1 9806(cfg-if-vdsl-3/1)# vdsl2 base-profile test Or. execute the vdsl2 upbo-profile command to bind ports.INP length = 13 symbols fourteenSymbols (16) . the default UPBO profile is used. 9806(config)# interface range vdsl 3/1-16 9806(cfg-if-range-vdsl)# shutdown 9806(cfg-if-range-vdsl)# no shutdown 11. Line Profile Configuration The line profile configuration process includes the following: � Configuring Basic Profile � Configuring Service Profile � Configuring DPBO Profile � Configuring UPBO Profile Configuring Basic Profile Short Description Background Information Perform this procedure to configure VDSL2 basic profile. VBASEDEF.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton � In this instance. Enable user port. � When port is activated. Save configurations. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 101 . 10.PRF is the system default profile. Among them. enable user ports in batch. 9806# copy running-config startup-config End of Steps Result Users can access the Internet in IPoE/PPPoE mode successfully. the specified parameters in the basic profile are configured between the office-end device and remote device to negotiate and confirm whether they can work normally. � ZXDSL 9806H can be configured with 80 VDSL2 basic profiles. 9806(config)# interface vdsl 3/1 9806(cfg-if-vdsl-3/1)# shutdown 9806(cfg-if-vdsl-3/1)# no shutdown Or. Its parameter cannot be deleted or modified. 413 G.2).993. Execute the vdsl2-base-profile profile-name command to modify the profile parameters.993.993. Create a VDSL2 basic profile named as test.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Configuration Flow Figure 35 shows VDSL2 basic profile configuration flow. 9806(config)# vdsl2-base-profile test 9806(config)# vdsl2-base-profile test First configure vdsl2 transmode bits: Preferred modes: [0] None [1] G.993.2 Region A (North America) (Annex A/G. [3] G.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) [5] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G. Use 1 – 2 or 4094 – 4095 for RFI band notch parameter ’xdsl2LConfProfRfiBands’. Use default values for other parameters. Execute the vdsl2-base-profile profile-name command to create a VDSL2 basic profile.993. FIGURE 35 VDSL2 BASIC PROFILE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure VDSL2 basic profile.993. 3. Please choose one from the preferred modes:[2] Second configure adsl2 transmode bits: Preferred modes: [1] T1. End of Steps Result Example VDSL2 basic profile is configured successfully.2 Region B (Europe) (Annex B/G.2).2 Region C (Japan) (Annex C/G. [2] G. Use 30 – 40 for sub-carrier mask ’xdsl2LConfProfVdsl2CarMask’.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1.413 G. Execute the show vdsl2 base-profile profile-name command to show VDSL2 basic profile. perform the following steps: 1.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) [4] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G.dmt(fdm) [2] T1. 2.2).dmt(ec) [3] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G.413 102 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . 16383(s)):[60] Please configure zxAnXdsl2LConfProfPmMode: [0] allowTransitionsToIdle(0) Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 103 .dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1. or the other key to complete?[C] Need more detailed base profile parameters ? Y/N: [N]y zxAnXdsl2LConfProfVdslMaxNomAtpUs(0.disable(2)):[1] xdsl2LConfProfRfiBands: There are 0 bands been set.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton [6] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G...1dBm)):[145] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRaUsNrmDs(0. -delete all bands):[0]1 the number of bands you need to change is [0-32]:[0]1 the setting of band : 1 start subcarrier[1-4096]:[1]30 stop subcarrier[30-4096]:[30]40 zxAnXdsl2LConfProfVdslMaxNomAtpDs(0.1dBm)):[205] Press M or m key to modify..16383(s)):[60] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeUs(0..1-enable)[0] g993_2_8D(0-disable. please to choose (0-no change.1dBm)):[145] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfAdslMaxNomAtpDs(0.1dB)):[90] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRaUsNrmUs(0..M2x-NUS0-A [27] BP_ZTE_1 ZTE997_M2x_M please configure the VDSL2 Limit PSD Masks and Bandplans:[14] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUs0Disable(enable(1).255 (0.1dBm)):[205] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfAdslMaxNomAtpUs(0.1-enable)[0] g993_2_12A(0-disable.1-enable)[0] g993_2_8C(0-disable.255 (0. -delete all bands):[0]1 the number of Rfibands you want to change[0-16]:[0]2 the setting of rfiband : 1 start subcarrier[1-4096]:[1]1 stop subcarrier[1-4096]:[1]2 the setting of rfiband : 2 start subcarrier[2-4096]:[2]4094 stop subcarrier[4094-4096]:[4094]4095 xdsl2LConfProfVdsl2CarMask: There are 0 bands been set..M2x-NUS0-M [26] BP_B8_16 998ADE30..1dB)):[30] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeDs(0..310(0.1-enable)[0] g993_2_17A(0-disable. 1-modify the bands.1dB)):[90] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRaUsTimeDs(0.310(0.1-enable)[0] Annex_B common BandPlans: [1] BP_B7_1 997-M1c-A-7 [2] BP_B7_2 997-M1x-M-8 [3] BP_B7_3 997-M1x-M [4] BP_B7_4 997-M2x-M-8 [5] BP_B7_5 997-M2x-A [6] BP_B7_6 997-M2x-M [7] BP_B7_7 HPE17-M1-NUS0 [8] BP_B7_8 HPE30-M1-NUS0 [9] BP_B7_9 997E17-M2x-NUS0 [10] BP_B7_10 997E30-M2x-NUS0 [11] BP_B8_1 998-M1x-A [12] BP_B8_2 998-M1x-B [13] BP_B8_3 998-M1x-NUS0 [14] BP_B8_4 998-M2x-A [15] BP_B8_5 998-M2x-M [16] BP_B8_6 998-M2x-B [17] BP_B8_7 998-M2x-NUS0 [18] BP_B8_8 998E17-M2x-NUS0 [19] BP_B8_9 998E17-M2x-NUS0-M [20] BP_B8_10 998ADE17-M2x-NUS0-M [21] BP_B8_11 998ADE17-M2x-A [22] BP_B8_12 998ADE17-M2x-B [23] BP_B8_13 998E30-M2x-NUS0 [24] BP_B8_14 998E30-M2x-NUS0-M [25] BP_B8_15 998ADE30.310(0. please to choose (0-no change.413 [7] Custom [8] All Capability Please choose one transmode to change to (1-8):[3] please configure the StandardProfile: g993_2_8A(0-disable..1-enable)[0] g993_2_8B(0-disable.310(0. 1-modify the bands.255 (0.16383(s)):[60] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRaDsNrmsDs(0...1-enable)[1] g993_2_12B(0-disable.16383(s)):[60] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRaDsTimeUs(0..255 (0.1dB)):[30] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRaDsNrmsUs(0. 1-modify the bands. 2-delete all bands):[0] zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMinDataRateLowPwrDs((0.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) : g993_2_12A : BP_B8_4 998-M2x-A : enable : None : 00 01 00 02 0F FE 0F FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Vdsl2CarMask : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 VdslMaxNomAtpDs : 205 Need more detailed base profile parameters ? Y/N: [N]y VdslMaxNomAtpUs : 145 AdslMaxNomAtpDs : 205 AdslMaxNomAtpUs : 145 RaUsNrmDs : 90 RaUsNrmUs : 90 RaUsTimeDs : 60 RaUsTimeUs : 60 RaDsNrmsDs : 30 RaDsNrmsUs : 30 RaDsTimeDs : 60 RaDsTimeUs : 60 PmMode : allowTransitionsToLowPower(1) L0Time : 255 L2Time : 255 L2Atpr : 3 L2Atprt : 31 PsdMaskDs : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 104 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 . please to choose (0-no change. disabled (2)):[1] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfBitswapUs(enabled (1).255)s:[255] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfL2Atpr(0.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) [1] allowTransitionsToLowPower(1) zxAnXdsl2LConfProfPmMode:[1] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfL0Time(0.. 1-modify the bands.. disabled (2)):[1] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRetrainMode(enabled (1).993. 2-delete all bands):[0] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfTxRefVNUs: There are 0 breakpoints been set. please to choose (0-no change. please to choose (0-no change..200.enable(2)):[2] Press M or m key to modify..255)s:[255] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfL2Time(0. enabled (2)):[1] zxAnXdsl2LconfProfSnrModeUs(disabled (1). 1-modify the bands.31) dB:[31] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfPsdMaskDs: There are 0 breakpoints been set. 2-delete all bands):[0] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfPsdMaskUs: There are 0 breakpoints been set. please to choose (0-no change. : Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G. or the other key to complete?[C] 9806(config)# show Vdsl2 TransSys Adsl TransSys StandardProfile LimitMask Us0Disable Us0Mask RfiBandsDs vdsl2 base-profile test : G.31) dB:[3] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfL2Atprt(0.993. 1-modify the bands.2). enabled (2)):[1] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfTxRefVNDs: There are 0 breakpoints been set. disabled (2)):[1] zxAnXdsl2LconfProfSnrModeDs(disabled (1)..000)kbps):[128] zxAnXdsl2Ch2ConfProfRateLimination(disable(1).2 Region B (Europe) (Annex B/G. 2-delete all bands):[0] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfBitswapDs(enabled (1). 993.993. [3] G. [2] G.993.dmt(fdm) [3] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G.2).dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) [4] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G.2).993.dmt(ec) [3] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G.993.413 G.993.993. TABLE 40 VDSL2 BASIC PROFILE PARAMETERS Parameter Description Default Value zxAnXdsl2BaseConfPr ofileName 32 characters - vdsl2 transmode bits VDSL2 work mode: [2] G.2 Region C (Japan) (Annex C/G.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton PsdMaskUs BitswapDs BitswapUs SnrModeDs SnrModeUs TxRefVNDs : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : enable : enable : disable : disable : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 TxRefVNUs 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h1MinDataRateLowPwrDs RateLimination Parameter Description 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 : 128 : enable Table 40 describes VDSL2 basic profile parameters.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) [5] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(fdm) G.2 Region B (Europe) (Annex B/G. ADSL2 work mode: � � � � � [1] T1.993.2 Region B (Europe) (Annex B/G. � � � � adsl2 transmode bits [0] None [1] G.dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 105 .2 Region A (North America) (Annex A/G.dmt(fdm) [2] T1.2).413 G.2). dmt(fdm) ReAdsl2(fdm) T1.413 � [6] Adsl2(fdm) Adsl2+(ec) G.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Parameter Description ReAdsl2(fdm) T1.413 � [7] Custom � [8] All Capability Default Value StandardProfile VDSL2 standard profile: g993_2_12A � � � � � � � zxAnXdsl2LConfProfLi mitMask PSD profile parameters: � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 106 g993_2_8A g993_2_8B g993_2_8C g993_2_8D g993_2_12A g993_2_12B g993_2_17A [1] BP_B7_1 997-M1c-A-7 [2] BP_B7_2 997-M1x-M-8 [3] BP_B7_3 997-M1x-M [4] BP_B7_4 997-M2x-M-8 [5] BP_B7_5 997-M2x-A [6] BP_B7_6 997-M2x-M [7] BP_B7_7 HPE17-M1-NUS0 [8] BP_B7_8 HPE30-M1-NUS0 [9] BP_B7_9 997E17-M2xNUS0 [10] BP_B7_10 997E30-M2xNUS0 [11] BP_B8_1 998-M1x-A [12] BP_B8_2 998-M1x-B [13] BP_B8_3 998-M1x-NUS0 [14] BP_B8_4 998-M2x-A [15] BP_B8_5 998-M2x-M [16] BP_B8_6 998-M2x-B [17] BP_B8_7 998-M2x-NUS0 [18] BP_B8_8 998E17-M2xNUS0 [19] BP_B8_9 998E17-M2xNUS0-M Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION [14] BP_B8_4 998-M2x-A . several bands are configured. Each band consists of start tone and end tone. 0 xdsl2LConfProfVdsl2C arMask Sub-carrier mask defines upstream/downstream sub-carriers for transmission. Sixteen bands can be configured at maximum.5 dBm Interval: 0. At most 32 bands can be defined.1 dBm Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 107 . 0 zxAnXdsl2LConfProfV dslMaxNomAtpDs VDSL downstream maximum normal aggregation transmission power in the process of initialization and showdown 205 Value range: 0 – 255 Real range: 0 dBm – 25. enable [1] enable [2] disable xdsl2LConfProfRfiBa nds To avoid RFI.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Parameter Description � � � � � � � � zxAnXdsl2LConfProfU s0Disable Default Value [20] BP_B8_10 998ADE17-M2xNUS0-M [21] BP_B8_11 998ADE17-M2x-A [22] BP_B8_12 998ADE17-M2x-B [23] BP_B8_13 998E30-M2xNUS0 [24] BP_B8_14 998E30-M2xNUS0-M [25] BP_B8_15 998ADE30M2x-NUS0-M [26] BP_B8_16 998ADE30M2x-NUS0-A [27] BP_ZTE_1 ZTE997_M2x_M Enable upstream band US0 or not. 1 dBm zxAnXdsl2LConfProfA dslMaxNomAtpDs ADSL downstream maximum normal aggregation transmission power in the process of initialization and showdown 205 Value range: 0 – 255 Real range: 0 dBm – 25.1 dBm Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 60 .5 dBm Interval: 0.1 dBm zxAnXdsl2LConfProfA dslMaxNomAtpUs ADSL upstream maximum normal aggregation transmission power in the process of initialization and showdown 145 Value range: 0 – 255 Real range: 0 dBm – 25.5 dBm Interval: 0.5 dBm Interval: 0.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Parameter Description Default Value zxAnXdsl2LConfProfV dslMaxNomAtpUs VDSL upstream maximum normal aggregation transmission power in the process of initialization and showdown 145 Value range: 0 – 255 Real range: 0 dBm – 25.1 dBm 108 zxAnXdsl2LConfProfR aUsTimeDs/zxAnXds l2LConfProfRaUsTim eUs Value range: 0 – 1683 sec 60 zxAnXdsl2LConfProfR aDsNrmsDs/zxAnXds l2LConfProfRaDsNrm sUs Value range: 0 – 310 30 zxAnXdsl2LConfProfR aDsTimeDs/zxAnXdsl 2LConfProfRaDsTime Us( Value range: 0 – 1683 sec Real range: 0 dBm – 31 Bm Interval: 0.1 dBm zxAnXdsl2LConfProfR aUsNrmDs/zxAnXdsl2 LConfProfRaUsNrmUs Value range: 0 – 310 90 Real range: 0 dBm – 31 Bm Interval: 0. ensuring the line bit error lower than 10-7. There are 16 broken points upstream and 32 broken points downstream.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Parameter Description Default Value zxAnXdsl2LConfProfP mMode Channel is allowed to changed to idle or low power status when there is no data transmission or transmission rate is too low. allowTransitionsToLowPower � � zxAnXdsl2LConfProfL 0Time [0] allowTransitionsToIdle [1] allowTransitionsToLowPower Minimum time of full power status 255 Value range: 0 – 255 sec zxAnXdsl2LConfProfL 2Time Minimum time from low power to power lower down 255 Value range: 0 – 255 sec zxAnXdsl2LConfProfL 2Atpr Reduced power each time 3 Value range: 0 dB – 31 dB 31 zxAnXdsl2LConfProfL 2Atprt Total reduced power zxAnXdsl2LConfProfP sdMaskDs/zxAnXdsl2 LConfProfPsdMaskUs PSD mask defines PSD at broken point. [1] enabled Value range: [1] enabled [2] disabled Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 109 . 0 zxAnXdsl2LConfProfB itswapDs/zxAnXdsl2L ConfProfBitswapUs Channel bit swap can adjust to bit or Tone transmission power. [1] enabled Value range: 0 dB – 31 dB Value range: [1] enabled [2] disabled zxAnXdsl2LConfProfR etrainMode Enable or disable retraining. � ZXDSL 9806H can be configured with 256 VDSL2 service profiles.5 dBm/Hz zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfPr ofMinDataRateLowPw rDs The minimum rate of downstream line in low power.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Parameter Description Default Value zxAnXdsl2LconfProfS nrModeDs/zxAnXdsl2 LconfProfSnrModeUs Enable or disable upstream/downstream virtual noise. Among them.PRF is the system default profile. no vdsl2-base-prof ile profile-mane The default basic profile cannot be deleted. VDEFVAL. � Target SNR margin must be less than or equal to maximum SNR. 128 Value range: 0 Kbps – 200000 Kbps zxAnXdsl2Ch2ConfPro fRateLimination Related Operations Value range [2] enable [1] disable [2] enable Table 41 describes operations related to VDSL2 basic profile. [1] disabled Value range: [1] disabled [2] enabled zxAnXdsl2LConfProfT xRefVNDs/zxAnXdsl2 LConfProfTxRefVNUs Value range: 0 Sub-carrier ID: 1 – 4096 PSD value: 0 – 200 Real range: -40 dBm/Hz – 140 dBm/Hz Interval: 0. show vdsl2 base-profile profile-mane relate-ports – Configuring Service Profile Short Description Background Information 110 Perform this procedure to configure VDSL2 service profile. Show VDSL2 basic profile and related ports. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Its parameter cannot be deleted or modified. The minimum SNR margin must be less than or equal to target SNR margin. TABLE 41 OPERATIONS RELATED TO VDSL2 BASIC PROFILE Information Procedure Remarks Delete VDSL2 basic profile. 2-Disable):[1] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRaModeDs(1-Manual.310(0.310(0.310(0.1dB)):[300] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfMinSnrmDs(0. 3-AdaptAtRuntime):[2] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfRaModeUs(1-Manual. 9806(config)# vdsl2-service-profile test 9806(config)# vdsl2-service-profile test zxAnXdsl2LConfProfForceInp(1-Enable. 3. The maximum upstream/downstream rate is 20000 Kbps..79(0.310(0. perform the following steps: 1. FIGURE 36 VDSL2 SERVICE PROFILE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure VDSL2 service profile..2-AdaptAtStartup. 3-AdaptAtRuntime):[2] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfTargetSnrmDs(0.2-AdaptAtStartup. 2..Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Configuration Flow Figure 36 shows VDSL2 service profile configuration flow. End of Steps Result Example VDSL2 service profile is configured successfully.1dB)):[0] Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 111 .1dB)):[80] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfTargetSnrmUs(0. Execute the show vdsl2 service-profile profile-name command to show VDSL2 service profile.. Execute the vdsl2-service-profile profile-name command to create a VDSL2 service profile.1dB)):[80] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfMaxSnrmDs(81.1dB)):[300] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfMaxSnrmUs(81.. Create a VDSL2 service profile named as test. Execute the vdsl2-service-profile profile-name command to modify the profile parameters. Use default values for other parameters. .INP length = 13 symbols fourteenSymbols (16) . or the other key to complete?[C] 9806(config)# show vdsl2 service-profile test ForceInp : enable RaModeDs : AdaptAtStartup RaModeUs : AdaptAtStartup TargetSnrmDs : 80 TargetSnrmUs : 80 MaxSnrmDs : 300 MaxSnrmUs : 300 MinSnrmDs : 0 MinSnrmUs : 0 Ch1ProfMaxDataRateDs : 20000 Ch1ProfMaxDataRateUs : 20000 Ch1ProfMinDataRateDs : 32 Ch1ProfMinDataRateUs : 32 Ch1ProfMaxDelayDs : 16 Ch1ProfMaxDelayUs : 16 Ch1ProfMinProtectionDs : noProtection Ch1ProfMinProtectionUs : noProtection Parameter Description Table 42 describes VDSL2 service profile parameters.INP length = 14 symbols fifteenSymbols (17) . � � � 112 Enable Disable Adaptation manually Adaptation in startup Adaptation inn running Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Adaptation in startup .200..INP length = 12 symbols thirteenSymbols (15) .INP length = 3 symbols fourSymbols (6) .INP length = 15 symbols sixteenSymbols (18) .INP length = 1 symbol twoSymbols (4) .INP length = 9 symbols tenSymbols (12) .INP length = 11 symbols twelveSymbols (14) .INP length = 4 symbols fiveSymbols (7) .63)ms):[16] Please configure MinProtection: noProtection (1) .INP not required halfSymbol (2) .63)ms):[16] zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMaxDelayUs((0.000)kbps):[120000]20000 zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMaxDataRateUs((0.20000)kbps):[32] zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMaxDelayDs((0.INP length = 7 symbols eightSymbols (10) .INP length = 2 symbols threeSymbols (5) ..ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) zxAnXdsl2LConfProfMinSnrmUs(0.INP length = 1/2 symbol singleSymbol (3) ..79(0.INP length = 8 symbols nineSymbols (11) . 2.. TABLE 42 VDSL2 SERVICE PROFILE PARAMETERS Parameter Description Default Value zxAnXdsl2ServiceCon fProfileName 32 characters - zxAnXdsl2LConfProfF orceInp Two modes: Enable zxAnXdsl2LConfProfR aModeDs/zxAnXdsl2L ConfProfRaModeUs Three modes: 1....18)Symbol):[1] zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMinProtectionUs((1.20000)kbps):[32] zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMinDataRateUs((0..INP length = 10 symbols elevenSymbols (13) .INP length = 16 symbols zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMinProtectionDs((1.1dB)):[0] zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMaxDataRateDs((0.INP length = 5 symbols sixSymbols (8) .000)kbps):[120000]20000 zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMinDataRateDs((0.18)Symbol):[1] Press M or m key to modify.200.INP length = 6 symbols sevenSymbols (9) . the fewer the transmission error occurs and the safer the system is. 0 Value range: 0 – 79 Real range: 0 dB – 7. the system may increase the transmission power to raise the line SNR to meet the requirement of the current line rate. The greater the SNR margin is.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Parameter Description Default Value zxAnXdsl2LConfProfT argetSnrmDs/zxAnXd sl2LConfProfTargetSn rmUs Target SNR refers to a certain amount of reserved noise in normal data communication. 80 Value range: 0 – 310 Real range: 0 dB – 31 dB zxAnXdsl2LConfProfM axSnrmDs/zxAnXdsl2 LConfProfMaxSnrmUs When the line status is very good and the SNR exceeds the maximum noise tolerance. It ensures normal communication when line status is deteriorating. the system may decrease the transmission power to reduce the SNR while meeting the requirement of current line rate. 300 Value range: 81 – 310 Real range: 8.1 dB – 31 dB zxAnXdsl2LConfProfM inSnrmDs/zxAnXdsl2L ConfProfMinSnrmUs When line status deteriorates and the SNR is lower than the minimum noise tolerance.9 dB zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfPro fMaxDataRateDs/zxA nXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMa xDataRateUs Value range: 0 Kbps – 200000 Kbps 120000 Kbps Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 113 . no vdsl2-service-pr ofile profile-name The default basic profile cannot be deleted. 16 ms Value range: 0 ms – 63 ms zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfPro fMinProtectionDs/zxA nXdsl2Ch1ConfProfMi nProtectionUs Impulse noise protection is defined as the number of protected DMT consecutive code words which can be corrected.5 Symbol 1 Symbol 2 Symbols .. the port cannot be activated. code word length and line rate. The upstream/downstream pulse noise protection can be configured respectively. show vdsl2 service-profile profile-name relate-ports – Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . if the calculated upstream/downstream rate is lower than the configured minimum rate. Show VDSL2 service profile and related ports.. The code word length is as follows: � � � � � � Related Operations – No Protection 0. It is related with interleaving depth. TABLE 43 OPERATIONS RELATED TO VDSL2 SERVICE PROFILE 114 Information Procedure Remarks Delete VDSL2 service profile. 32 Kbps Value range: 0 Kbps – 20000 Kbps zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfPro fMaxDelayDs/zxAnXd sl2Ch1ConfProfMaxD elayUs Interleaving delay refers to the delay when bit stream is interleaved.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Parameter Description Default Value zxAnXdsl2Ch1ConfPro fMinDataRateDs/zxAn Xdsl2Ch1ConfProfMin DataRateUs In the process of establishing VDSL2 connection. 16 Symbols Table 43 describes operations related to VDSL2 service profile. Execute the show vdsl2 dpbo-profile profile-name command to show VDSL2 DPBO profile. Execute the vdsl2-dpbo-profile profile-name command to modify the profile parameters. Its parameter cannot be deleted or modified. 3. 2. Figure 37 shows VDSL2 DPBO profile configuration flow. VDPBODEF. The electrical length at exchange is 500. FIGURE 37 VDSL2 DPBO PROFILE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure VDSL2 DPBO profile. ZXDSL 9806H can be configured with 256 VDSL2 DPBO profiles. Execute the vdsl2-dpbo-profile profile-name command to create a VDSL2 DPBO profile.PRF is the system default profile. Create a VDSL2 DPBO profile named as test. Use default values for other parameters. End of Steps Result Example VDSL2 DPBO profile is configured successfully. 9806(config)# vdsl2-dpbo-profile test 9806(config)# vdsl2-dpbo-profile test zxAnXdsl2LConfProfDpboEPsd: [1] adsl mode [2] adsl2 mode [3] adsl2+ mode Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 115 . perform the following steps: 1. Among them.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Configuring DPBO Profile Short Description Background Information Configuration Flow Perform this procedure to configure VDSL2 DPBO profile. 2048) 4.. TABLE 44 VDSL2 DPBO PROFILE PARAMETERS Parameter Description Default Value zxAnXdsl2DpboConfPr ofileName 32 characters – zxAnXdsl2LConfProfD pboEPsd DPBO supports the following working modes: [3] adsl2+ mode [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] zxAnXdsl2LconfProfD pboEsEL adsl mode adsl2 mode adsl2+ mode vdsl2 998_M2x_A mode vdsl2 998E17-M2x-NUS0 custom When the value is 0.640) 2e-8:[261] xdsl2LineConfProfDpboMus(0. DPBO is disabled.6956) 4..5dBm:[190] xdsl2LineConfProfDpboFmin(0..5 dB)) 0..5 dB:[0]500 zxAnXdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelA(0.255) 0.511(255.5 dB 116 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 0 mode .. Value range: 0 – 511 Real range: 0 dB – 255..640) 2e-8:[509] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelC(0.3125 KHz:[32] xdsl2LineConfProfDpboFmax(32.3125 KHz:[511] Press M or m key to modify.640) 2e-8:[263] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfDpboEsCableModelB(0. or the other key to complete?[C] 9806(config)# show vdsl dpbo-profile test DpboEPsd : adsl2+ mode : 00 01 78 00 20 78 00 21 FF 67 02 00 A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DpboEsEL DpboEsCableModelA DpboEsCableModelB DpboEsCableModelC DpboMus DpboFMin DpboFMax Parameter Description : : : : : : : 50 00 FF 50 01 78 64 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 500 263 509 261 190 32 511 Table 44 describes VDSL2 DPBO profile parameters..ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) [4] vdsl2 998_M2x_A mode [5] vdsl2 998E17-M2x-NUS0 mode [6] custom zxAnXdsl2LConfProfDpboEPsd:[3] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfDpboEsEL(0(0 dB). such as differentiating 0.3125 KHz zxAnXdsl2LConfProfD pboFMax Maximum DPBO frequency value 511 Value range: 32 – 6956 Real range: 138 KHz – 29997.5 Interval: 2-8 zxAnXdsl2LConfProfD pboEsCableModelB Characteristic parameter vector B of office-end cable 509 Value range: 0 – 640 Real range: –1.3125 KHz Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 117 . 263 Value range: 0 – 640 Real range: –1.4 mm or 0.5 Interval: 2-8 xdsl2LineConfProfDpb oMus Value range: 0 – 255 190 Real range: 0 dBm – 127. B.5 dBm zxAnXdsl2LConfProfD pboFMin Minimum DPBO frequency value 32 Value range: 0 – 2048 Real range: 0 KHz – 8832 KHz Interval: 4.5 mm of cable diameter.5 dBm Interval: 0.75 KHz Interval: 4. C to estimate the relevant frequency loss of End-E (exchange) cable calculated by the exchange side electrical length parameter.0 – 1.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Parameter Description Default Value zxAnXdsl2LConfProfD pboEsCableModelA This parameter describes the real attenuation characteristic of cable.0 – 1. Cable model uses A.0 – 1.5 Interval: 2-8 zxAnXdsl2LConfProfD pboEsCableModelC Characteristic parameter vector C of office-end cable 261 Value range: 0 – 640 Real range: –1. show vdsl2 dpbo-profile profile-name relate-ports – Configuring UPBO Profile Short Description Background Information 118 Perform this procedure to configure UPBO VDSL2 profile. TABLE 45 OPERATIONS RELATED TO VDSL2 DPBO PROFILE Information Procedure Remarks Delete VDSL2 DPBO profile. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . ZXDSL 9806H can be configured with 40 VDSL2 UPBO profiles. Its parameter cannot be deleted or modified. Among them. Show VDSL2 DPBO profile and related ports.PRF is the system default profile.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Related Operations Table 45 describes operations related to VDSL2 DPBO profile. no vdsl2-dpbo-prof ile profile-name The default basic profile cannot be deleted. VUPBODEF. Execute the vdsl2-upbo-profile profile-name command to modify the profile parameters.1dBm:[0] Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 119 .. Execute the show vdsl2 upbo-profile profile-name command to show VDSL2 UPBO profile.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Configuration Flow Figure 38 shows VDSL2 UPBO profile configuration flow. perform the following steps: 1. 2. FIGURE 38 VDSL2 UPBO PROFILE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure VDSL2 UPBO profile. Execute the vdsl2-upbo-profile profile-name command to create a VDSL2 UPBO profile. 9806(config)# vdsl2-upbo-profile test 9806(config)# vdsl2-upbo-profile test zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUpboKL(0. 3.1280) 0. Create a VDSL2 UPBO profile named as test. Use default values for other parameters. End of Steps Result Example VDSL2 UPBO profile is configured successfully. The UPBO work mode is auto. .4095) 0.01 dBm/Hz:[5650] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUpboU1bandPsdB(0..8095) 0.01 dBm/Hz:[5650] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUpboU2bandPsdB(0. TABLE 46 VDSL2 UPBO PROFILE PARAMETERS Parameter Description Default Value zxAnXdsl2LUpboConf ProfileName 32 characters – zxAnXdsl2LConfProfU pboKL This parameter is effective only when zxAnXdsl2LConfPr ofUpboKLF is set as ’override(2)’. Mode range: [1] auto [2] override [3] disableUpbo 120 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION [2] override .01 dBm/Hz:[615] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUpboU3bandPsdA(4000..8095) 0.8095) 0.01 dBm/Hz:[1020] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUpboU2bandPsdA(4000..01 dBm/Hz:[4000] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUpboU0bandPsdB(0..01 dBm/Hz:[615] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUpboU4bandPsdA(4000. 0 Value range: 0 – 1280 Real range: 0 dBm – 128 dBm Interval: 0. Electrical length refers to distance attenuation value that is force-configured by user.8095) 0.4095) 0.4095) 0.4095) 0. or the other key to complete?[C] 9806(config)# show UpboKL UpboKLF UpboU0bandPsdA UpboU0bandPsdB UpboU1bandPsdA UpboU1bandPsdB UpboU2bandPsdA UpboU2bandPsdB UpboU3bandPsdA UpboU3bandPsdB UpboU4bandPsdA UpboU4bandPsdB Parameter Description vdsl2 upbo-profile test : 0 : auto : 4000 : 0 : 5650 : 1020 : 5650 : 615 : 5650 : 615 : 4000 : 0 Table 46 describes VDSL2 UPBO profile parameters..01 dBm/Hz:[5650] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUpboU3bandPsdB(0.01 dBm/Hz:[0] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUpboU1bandPsdA(4000..4095) 0.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUpboKLF(auto[1] override[2] disableUpbo[3])[3]1 zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUpboU0bandPsdA(4000.1 dBm zxAnXdsl2LConfProfU pboKLF Define whether to force remote end to use office-end configured electrical length to calculate UPBO...01 dBm/Hz:[0] Press M or m key to modify..8095) 0.01 dBm/Hz:[4000] zxAnXdsl2LConfProfUpboU4bandPsdB(0. 95 dBm/Hz Interval: 0.95 dBm/Hz Interval: 0.95 dBm/Hz Interval: 0.95 dBm/Hz Interval: 0.01 dBm/Hz zxAnXdsl2LconfProfU pboU1bandPsdB Parameter B for calculating upstream frequency band US1 UPBO 1020 Value range: 0 – 4095 Real range: 0 dBm/Hz – 40.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Parameter Description Default Value zxAnXdsl2LConfProfU pboU0bandPsdA Parameter A for calculating upstream frequency band US0 UPBO 4000 Value range: 4000 – 8095 Real range: 40 dBm/Hz – 80.01 dBm/Hz zxAnXdsl2LconfProfU pboU2bandPsdA Parameter A for calculating upstream frequency band US2 5650 Value range: 4000 – 8095 Real range: 40 dBm/Hz – 80.01 dBm/Hz zxAnXdsl2LConfProfU pboU0bandPsdB Parameter B for calculating upstream frequency band US0 UPBO 0 Value range: 0 – 4095 Real range: 0 dBm/Hz – 40.01 dBm/Hz zxAnXdsl2LconfProfU pboU1bandPsdA Parameter A for calculating upstream frequency band US1 UPBO 5650 Value range: 4000 – 8095 Real range: 40 dBm/Hz – 80.95 dBm/Hz Interval: 0.01 dBm/Hz Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 121 . 01 dBm/Hz zxAnXdsl2LconfProfU pboU3bandPsdA Parameter A for calculating upstream frequency band US3 UPBO 5650 Value range: 4000 – 8095 Real range: 40 dBm/Hz – 80.95 dBm/Hz Interval: 0.01 dBm/Hz zxAnXdsl2LconfProfU pboU3bandPsdB Parameter B for calculating upstream frequency band US3 UPBO 615 Value range: 0 – 4095 Real range: 0 dBm/Hz – 40.01 dBm/Hz zxAnXdsl2LconfProfU pboU4bandPsdB Parameter B for calculating upstream frequency band US4 UPBO Value range: 0 – 4095 Real range: 0 dBm/Hz – 40.95 dBm/Hz Interval: 0.95 dBm/Hz Interval: 0.95 dBm/Hz Interval: 0.01 dBm/Hz 122 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 0 .95 dBm/Hz Interval: 0.01 dBm/Hz zxAnXdsl2LconfProfU pboU4bandPsdA Parameter A for calculating upstream frequency band US4 UPBO 4000 Value range: 4000 – 8095 Real range: 40 dBm/Hz – 80.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Parameter Description Default Value zxAnXdsl2LconfProfU pboU2bandPsdB Parameter B for calculating upstream frequency band US2 UPBO 615 Value range: 0 – 4095 Real range: 0 dBm/Hz – 40. no vdsl2-upbo-prof ile profile-name The default basic profile cannot be deleted. show vdsl2 upbo-profile profile-name relate-ports – Configuring Alarm Profile Short Description Background Information Perform this procedure to configure VDSL2 alarm profile. � ZXDSL 9806H supports 40 VDSL2 alarm profiles. Show VDSL2 UPBO profile and related ports. the system generates alarm and send alarm information to NMS. In the default alarm profile. The name is VDEFVAL. � A series of threshold parameters are set in VDSL2 alarm profile to monitor the performance of the activated VDSL2 line and channel. � ZXDSL 9806H has its own default VDSL2 alarm profile. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 123 .PRF. TABLE 47 OPERATIONS RELATED TO VDSL2 UPBO PROFILE Information Procedure Remarks Delete VDSL2 UPBO profile. The default alarm profile cannot be deleted or modified.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Related Operations Table 47 describes operations related to VDSL2 UPBO profile. all alarm threshold is 0. When some value reaches the threshold. FIGURE 39 VDSL2 ALARM PROFILE CONFIGURATION FLOW 124 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Configuration Flow Figure 39 shows VDSL2 alarm profile configuration flow. ...900s):[0]50 zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshLprs(0...900s):[0]50 zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshUas(0...2147483646):[0] zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshPtmCodViol(0..2147483646):[0] zxAnXdsl2XturThreshPtmCodViol(0.900s):[0]50 zxAnXdsl2XturThreshLprs(0..2147483646):[0] zxAnXdsl2XturThreshFecs(0.2147483646):[0] zxAnXdsl2Ch1XturThrshCorrected(0..900s):[0]50 zxAnXdsl2XturThreshLoss(0. Execute the vdsl2-alarm-profile alarm-profile-name command to create VDSL2 alarm profile... 3...2147483646):[0] zxAnXdsl2Ch1XturThrshCodeViol(0.900s):[0]50 zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshLols(0...900s):[0]50 zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshLofs(0.......... 9806(config)# vdsl2-alarm-profile test 9806(config)# vdsl2-alarm-profile test zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshFecs(0.2147483646):[0] zxAnXdsl2Ch1XtucThrshCorrected(0..900s):[0] zxAnXdsl2XturThreshEs(0. or the other key to complete?[C] 9806(config)# show vdsl2 alarm-profile test XtucThreshFecs : 0 XtucThreshEs : 50 XtucThreshses : 50 XtucThreshLoss : 50 XtucThreshLofs : 50 XtucThreshLols : 50 XtucThreshLprs : 50 XtucThreshUas : 50 XtucThreshPtmCrcErrs : 0 XtucThreshPtmCodViol : 0 XturThreshFecs : 0 XturThreshEs : 50 XturThreshses : 50 XturThreshLoss : 50 XturThreshLofs : 50 XturThreshLprs : 50 XturThreshUas : 0 XturThreshPtmCrcErrs : 0 XturThreshPtmCodViol : 0 ThreshFailedFullInt : 5 ThreshFailedshrtInt : 5 Ch1XtucThrshCodeViol : 0 Ch1XtucThrshCorrected : 0 Ch1XturThrshCodeViol : 0 Ch1XturThrshCorrected : 0 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 125 .... End of Steps Result Example VDSL2 alarm profile is configured successfully.900s):[0]50 zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshPtmCrcErrs(0......... 2..... perform the following steps: 1..900s):[0]50 zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshSes(0.2147483646):[0] zxAnXdsl2ThreshFailedFullInt(0..900s):[0]50 zxAnXdsl2XturThreshSes(0.....2147483646):[0] Press M or m key to modify.900s):[0] zxAnXdsl2XturThreshPtmCrcErrs(0.900s)[0] zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshEs(0.2147483646):[0]5 zxAnXdsl2ThreshFailedShrtInt(0. Execute the vdsl2-alarm-profile alarm-profile-name command to modify alarm profile parameters.900s):[0]50 zxAnXdsl2XturThreshUas(0..900s):[0]50 zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshLoss(0. The alarm profile name is test..2147483646):[0]5 zxAnXdsl2Ch1XtucThrshCodeViol(0.900s):[0]50 zxAnXdsl2XturThreshLofs(0.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Steps To configure VDSL2 alarm profile. Add a VDSL2 alarm profile. Execute the show vdsl2 alarm-profile alarm-profile-name command to show VDSL2 alarm profile.. the system generates an alarm. if upstream UAS exceeds the threshold. if upstream CRC error packets exceed the threshold. zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshLofs In 15 minutes. zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshPtmCodViol In 15 minutes. zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshLoss In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshLprs In 15 minutes. if downstream SES exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. if the upstream loss of link exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. zxAnXdsl2XturThreshEs In 15 minutes. if upstream PTM code violation exceeds the threshold. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshUas In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. if upstream SES exceeds the threshold. if the upstream LoF exceeds the threshold. zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshEs In 15 minutes. TABLE 48 VDSL2 ALARM PROFILE PARAMETERS 126 Parameter Description Alarm profile name - zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshFecs In 15 minutes. if downstream ES exceeds the threshold. if central office FECS exceeds the threshold. if upstream ES exceeds the threshold. if the upstream LoS exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. if central office loss of power exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. zxAnXdsl2XturThreshFecs In 15 minutes. zxAnXdsl2XturThreshSes In 15 minutes. zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshPtmCrcErrs In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshLols In 15 minutes. if remote end FECS exceeds the threshold.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Parameter Description Table 48 describes the VDSL2 alarm profile parameters. zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshSes In 15 minutes. if downstream corrected data blocks exceed the threshold. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 127 . the system generates an alarm. zxAnXdsl2XturThreshPtmCrcErrs In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. if downstream UAS exceeds the threshold. zxAnXdsl2Ch1XturThrshCodeViol In 15 minutes. if upstream corrected data blocks exceed the threshold. if downstream CRC error packets exceed the threshold. if the downstream LoF exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. zxAnXdsl2Ch1XtucThrshCodeViol In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. zxAnXdsl2Ch1XturThrshCorrected In 15 minutes.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Related Operations Parameter Description zxAnXdsl2XturThreshLoss In 15 minutes. zxAnXdsl2XturThreshUas In 15 minutes. if remote end loss of power exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. zxAnXdsl2ThreshFailedFullInt In 15 minutes. if downstream PTM code violation exceeds the threshold. zxAnXdsl2XturThreshPtmCodViol In 15 minutes. if downstream code violation exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. Table 49 describes operations related to VDSL2 alarm profile configuration. the system generates an alarm. zxAnXdsl2XtucThreshLprs In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. if failed fast initialization exceeds the threshold. if upstream code violation exceeds the threshold. if the downstream LoS exceeds the threshold. if failed full initialization exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm. zxAnXdsl2Ch1XtucThrshCorrected In 15 minutes. zxAnXdsl2ThreshFailedShrtInt In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. zxAnXdsl2XturThreshLofs In 15 minutes. no vdsl2-al arm-profile alarm-profile-name The default alarm profile cannot be deleted.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) TABLE 49 OPERATIONS RELATED TO VDSL2 ALARM PROFILE Information Procedure Remarks Delete VDSL2 alarm profile. Execute the show interface to show interface information. the interface is enabled. END Result Example OF STEPS VDSL2 interface is enabled successfully. VDSL2 line profile is configured. � Enabling VDSL2 interface is a communication setup process between VTU-C and VTU-R. Execute the interface vdsl or interface range vdsl command to enter VDSL2 interface mode. perform the following steps: Steps 1. 4. show vdsl2 alarm-profile alarm-profile-name related-ports – Enabling Interface Short Description Prerequisites Context Perform this procedure to enable VDSL2 interface. Enable VDSL2 interface 3/1. 9806(config)# interface vdsl 3/1 9806(cfg-if-vdsl-3/1)# shutdown 9806(cfg-if-vdsl-3/1)# no shutdown 9806(cfg-if-vdsl-3/1)# show interface 3/1 port-status Port AdminStatus LinkStatus XtucTxRate(kbps) XturTxRate(kbps) ------------------------------------------------------------3/1 enable down N/A N/A 128 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . � If the process is successful. 2. Execute the shutdown command to disable the interface. Show alarm profile related ports. � ZXDSL 9806H supports four profiles: � VDSL2 service profile � VDSL2 base profile � VDSL2 DPBO profile � VDSL2 UPBO profile To enable VDSL2 interface. 3. Execute the no shutdown to enable the interface. 9806H provides two encapsulation types: � llc-Bridge � vcmux-Bridge 9806H provdes one common mode. Service Specifications ZXDSL 9806H supports SHDSL access service through SSTEB card. The corresponding relations between 9806H and MODEM encapsulation type is listed in Table 50. 9806H support SHDSL through SSTEB card. Each shelf can provide up to 96 SHDSL access service lines. common vcmux-Bridge vcmux-Bridge. It can satisfy the broadband access demand of medium-sized or small-sized enterprises and SOHO users. The SHDSL transmission distance range is from to 3000 . which includes llc-Bridge and vcmux-Bridge types.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton SHDSL Service Access Configuration This topic includes the following: � Overview � Configuring IPoE/PPPoE Access � Configuring Line Profile � Configuring Alarm Profile � Enabling Interface Overview Service Description SHDSL provides users with symmetrical high-speed dedicated access line service with ordinary twisted pair. Each card provides 24 SHDSL ports. At most 4 SHDSL cards can be plugged-in each shelf. TABLE 50 CORRESPONDING RELATIONS BETWEEN 9806H AND MODEM ENCAPSULATION TYPE Access Service Type MODEM Encapsulation Type 9806H Encapsulation Type IPoE llc-Bridge llc-Bridge. common Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 129 .6000 meters. Its data rate range is from 200 Kbps – 462 Kbps. 2684 Bridge vcmux-Bridge. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Networking Diagram Figure 40 shows SHDSL IPoE/PPPoE access service networking diagram. 2684 Bridge llc-Bridge. which enables users to access the Internet through SHDSL lines in IPoE/PPPoE mode. � Network devices work normally and cables are connected.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Access Service Type MODEM Encapsulation Type 9806H Encapsulation Type PPPoE llc-RFC1483. common llc-RFC1483. common llc-PPPoE llc-Bridge. � SHDSL cards work normally. common vcmux-PPPoE vcmux-Bridge. Background Information Access rate is restricted through SHDSL profile. common Configuring IPoE/PPPoE Access Short Description Prerequisites 130 Perform this procedure to configure SHDSL IPoE/PPPoE access service. If the negotiation is successful. then. TABLE 51 SHDSL IPOE/PPPOE ACCESS SERVICE DATA CONFIGURATION Item Data Remarks Line Configuration Profile � � In the process of enabling a SHDSL port.PRF) Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 131 . this SHDSL port is enabled. Data Configuration Table 51 describes SHDSL IPoE/PPPoE access service data configuration. transmitted to the upper–layer network through uplink port. This SHDSL line can bear services. Profile name: test Use the values of the default line profile (SDEFVAL. the port uses the line and channel parameters configured in the line configuration profile to negotiate with the opposite CPE device.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton FIGURE 40 SHDSL IPOE/PPPOE ACCESS SERVICE NETWORKING DIAGRAM Computer is connected to SHDSL service port of ZXDSL 9806H through SHDSL modem. User data packets are connected to ZXDSL 9806H in IPoE or PPPoE mode. including authentication plan. Refer to related manuals for LAN Switch and BAS device configurations. BAS � 132 According to authentication and accounting requirements for dialing users. authorization plan Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . the line status of this port can be monitored.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Item Data Remarks Alarm Configuration Profile Profile name: SDEFVAL. Configure users in batch: � � SHDSL ports: 1/1 – 1/16 User VLAN: 101 – 124 Network Side Uplink port: 5/1 – Requirements for Upper-layer Device LAN Switch: � LAN Switch transmits ZXDSL 9806H service packets transparently. By default.PRF (default) The alarm configuration profile contains alarm threshold value. Keep the VLAN ID consistent with uplink VLAN ID. all alarm threshold values in the alarm configuration profile are 0. � Configure VLAN for ZXDSL 9806H access. complete relevant configurations. which means that the line status is not monitored. such as: – Access user domain. When the alarm profile is bound to a port. User-side Port Configure a single user: � � SHDSL port: 1/1 User VLAN: 101 VLAN ID is consistent with that of the upper-layer device. accounting plan. configure access user name and password on BAS.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Item Data Remarks – � Configuration Flow RADIUS server If user authentication is performed on BAS. Figure 41 shows SHDSL IPoE/PPPoE access service configuration flow. configure the relevant IP address pool on BAS. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 133 . If the user IP address is allocated through BAS. ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) FIGURE 41 SHDSL IPOE/PPPOE ACCESS SERVICE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure SHDSL IPoE/PPPoE access service. 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# add-vlan vlan 101 vlan 101 vlan 101 101 encapsulation all 1/1 untag 5/1-2 tag Create VLANs in batch and add service virtual ports in batch if it is necessary. Add uplink port and service port to this VLAN. Create service VLAN. 134 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . perform the following steps: 1. Bind line profile.3-DataOrNetworkClk.10dB):[0] SpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginUp(0. If there is no suitable line profile..10dB):[5] SpanConfWorstCaseTargetMarginUp(-10. the default alarm profile is used (SDEFVAL.1-custom):[0] SpanConfReferenceClock(1-LocalClk. Configure line profile parameters as required.2-powerFeed. bind line profile in batch. It is not necessary to configure alarm profile. First.4624kbps):[200] SpanConfMaxLineRate(200. execute the show shdsl alarm-profile command to check the current alarm profiles. 4-DataClk):[1] SpanConfLineProbeEnable(1-disable.2-NetworkClk.3-wettingCurrent):[1] SpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginDown(0. 9806(config)# interface range shdsl 1/1-24 9806(cfg-if-range-shdsl)# shdsl profile test 6. 9806(config)# interface range shdsl 1/1-24 9806(cfg-if-range-shdsl)# pvid 101-124 one-to-one pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-range-shdsl)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 common 3.. First. If there is no suitable alarm profile.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton 9806(config)# add-vlan 101-124 100% 9806(config)# vlan 101-124 1/1-24 untag one-to-one 9806(config)# vlan 101-124 5/1-2 tag 2. 4-gsR2asymmetric):[1] SpanConfTransmissionMode(0-default.2-asymmetric.10dB):[0] SpanConfUsedTargetMargins(0-default. (Optional) Create alarm profile. execute the show shdsl profile command to check the current line profiles. 9806(config)# shdsl-profile test 9806(config)# shdsl-profile test SpanConfWireInterface(1-twoWire.1-custom):[0] SpanConfRemoteEnabled(1-disable.. 9806(config)# interface shdsl 1/1 9806(cfg-if-shdsl-1/1)# shdsl profile test Or..4624kbps):[1552] SpanConfPSD(1-symmetric. Configure alarm profile parameters as required.10dB):[5] SpanConfWorstCaseTargetMarginDown(-10.3-gsfourWireBitInterleave.5-fourWireBitInterleaveEnhanced):[1] SpanConfMinLineRate(200. 4-fourWireB yteInterleaveEnhanced.PRF). Create line profile.2-fourWire. In this instance. execute the shdsl-alarm-profile command to create a new one..2-enable):[1] Press M or m key to modify. 5..3-gsR1asymmetric. create a new one.2-enable)):[1] SpanConfPowerFeeding(1-noPower. or the other key to complete?[C] 4. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 135 . (Optional) Bind alarm profile. 9806(config)# interface shdsl 1/1 9806(cfg-if-shdsl-1/1)# pvid 101 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-shdsl-1/1)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 common Configure user port PVID and PVC in batch. Configure user port PVID and PVC. enable user ports in batch. 9806(config)# interface shdsl 1/1 9806(cfg-if-shdsl-1/1)# shutdown 9806(cfg-if-shdsl-1/1)# no shutdown Or.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) By default. If it is required to bind a new alarm profile. 9806(config)# interface range shdsl 1/1-24 9806(cfg-if-range-shdsl)# shutdown 9806(cfg-if-range-shdsl)# no shutdown 8. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . 7. 9806# copy running-config startup-config End of Steps Result Users can access the Internet in IPoE/PPPoE mode successfully. Both FOURWIRE. all SHDSL ports are bound to the default alarm profile (SDEFVAL. Configuring Line Profile Short Description Background Information 136 Perform this procedure to configure SHDSL line profile. ZXDSL 9806H supports 20 SHDSL line profiles.PRF). execute the shdsl alarm-profile filename command.PRF are default profiles which cannot be deleted or modified.PRF and SDEFVAL. Enable user port. Save configurations. FIGURE 42 SHDSL LINE PROFILE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure SHDSL line profile.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Configuration Flow Figure 42 shows SHDSL line profile configuration flow. perform the following steps: Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 137 . 4-gsR2asymmetric):[1] SpanConfTransmissionMode(0-default. 4-DataClk):[1] SpanConfLineProbeEnable(1-disable. Execute the show shdsl profile filename command to show SHDSL line profile. Add an SHDSL line profile. 3. 9806(config)# shdsl-profile test 9806(config)# shdsl-profile test SpanConfWireInterface(1-twoWire.5-fourWireBitInterleaveEnhanced):[1] SpanConfMinLineRate(200.991. or the other key to complete?[C] 9806(config)# show shdsl profile test SpanConfWireInterface : twoWire SpanConfMinLineRate : 1024 SpanConfMaxLineRate : 2312 SpanConfPSD : symmetric SpanConfTransmissionMode : region 2 Indicates ITU-T G.4624kbps):[200]1024 SpanConfMaxLineRate(1024. The line profile name is test.10dB):[5] SpanConfWorstCaseTargetMarginUp(-10.10dB):[5] SpanConfWorstCaseTargetMarginDown(-10.3-DataOrNetworkClk.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 1. Use the default values for other parameters. Execute the shdsl-profile filename command to create SHDSL line profile. TABLE 52 SHDSL LINE PROFILE PARAMETERS Parameter Description shdslLineConfProfileName 32 bytes SpanConfWireInterface Interface modes: 1-twoWire 2-fourWire 3-gsfourWireBitInterleave 4-fourWireByteInterleaveEnhanced 5-fourWireBitInterleaveEnhanced Default: 1-twoWire 138 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION ...10dB):[0] SpanConfUsedTargetMargins(0-default.2-NetworkClk. The maximum downstream rate is 2312 Kbps. 4-fourWireByteInterleaveEnhanced.2 Annex B..3-gsR1asymmetric..1-custom):[0] SpanConfReferenceClock(1-LocalClk.2-asymmetric.4624kbps):[1552]2312 SpanConfPSD(1-symmetric. End of Steps Result Example SHDSL line profile is configured successfully.2-powerFeed.2-enable)):[1] SpanConfPowerFeeding(1-noPower.2-enable):[1] Press M or m key to modify.2-fourWire. Execute the shdsl-profile filename command to modify line parameters..3-gsfourWireBitInterleave..3-wettingCurrent):[1] SpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginDown(0. 2.10dB):[0] SpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginUp(0. SpanConfRemoteEnabled : disable SpanConfPowerFeeding : noPower SpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginDown : 5 SpanConfWorstCaseTargetMarginDown : 0 SpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginUp : 5 SpanConfWorstCaseTargetMarginUp : 0 SpanConfUsedTargetMargins : currCondDown SpanConfReferenceClock : LocalClk SpanConfLineProbeEnable : disable Parameter Description Table 52 describes the SHDSL line profile parameters.1-custom):[0] SpanConfRemoteEnabled(1-disable. if the calculated rate exceeds the configured maximum line rate. The greater the margin is. Select SNR according to the line quality in real application. Range: 0 dB – 10 dB Default: 5 dB SpanConfWorstCaseTargetMargin Down/SpanConfWorstCaseTarget MarginUp Value range: -10 dB – 10 dB Default: 0 dB Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 139 . Its purpose is to guarantee normal communication when the noise status is deteriorating in line. the system restricts the rate within the configured maximum line rate. SpanConfPowerFeeding Value range: 1-noPower 2-powerFeed 3-wettingCurrent Default: 1-noPower SpanConfCurrCondTargetMarginD own/SpanConfCurrCondTargetM arginUp SNR margin refers to a certain margin of reserved noise ratio during normal data communication. SpanConfPSD Value range: 1-symmetric 2-asymmetric 3-gsR1asymmetric 4-gsR2asymmetric Default: 1-symmetric SpanConfTransmissionMode Transmission modes: 1. 2. the system may establish the connection according to the real rate while keeping the tart noise tolerance. If the calculated maximum line rate cannot reach the configured maximum line rate. region1 region2 region1&region2 Default: 2 SpanConfRemoteEnabled Manage remote device or not.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Parameter Description SpanConfMinLineRate Value range: 200 Kbps – 462 Kbps Default: 200 Kbps SpanConfMaxLineRate In SHDSL connection. the smaller possibility that data transmission error happens in the system. 3. which may increase its noise tolerance. TABLE 53 OPERATIONS RELATED TO SHDSL LINE PROFILE Information Procedure Remarks Delete SHDSL line profile no shdsl-profile filemane The default line profile cannot be deleted.SHDSL line is saved. The default alarm profile cannot be deleted or modified.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Parameter Description SpanConfUsedTargetMargins Value range: � � � � When currCondDown is set as ’enable’. Default: currCondDown is set as ’enable’. the downstream worst SNR is valid When currCondUp is set as ’enable’. Bind SHDSL profile to all SHDSL ports. SpanConfReferenceClock Value range: 1-LocalClk 2-NetworkClk 3-DataOrNetworkClk 4-DataClk Default: 1-LocalClk SpanConfLineProbeEnable Enable probe. The time of establishing G.PRF. the current downstream target SNR is valid. Default: Disable Related Operations Table 53 describes operations related to SHDSL line profile configuration. The system uses probe function to find the best line rate Disable probe. the upstream worst SNR is valid. The system skip the line rate negotiation process. When worstCaseDown is set as ’enable’. the current upstream target SNR is valid. � ZXDSL 9806H has its own default SHDSL alarm profile. � A series of threshold parameters are set in SHDSL alarm profile to monitor the performance of the activated SHDSL line and Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . When worstCaseUp is set as ’enable’. The name is SDEFVAL. shdsl-profile filename re-app - Configuring Alarm Profile Short Description Background Information 140 Perform this procedure to configure SHDSL alarm profile. the system generates alarm and send alarm information to NMS.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton channel. perform the following steps: 1. End of Steps Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 141 . 3. When some value reaches the threshold. Figure 43 shows SHDSL alarm profile configuration flow. 2. Execute the show shdsl alarm-profile alarm-profile-name command to show SHDSL alarm profile. � Configuration Flow ZXDSL 9806H supports 20 SHDSL alarm profiles. Execute the shdsl-alarm-profile alarm-profile-name command to create SHDSL alarm profile. Execute the shdsl-alarm-profile alarm-profile-name command to modify alarm profile parameters. FIGURE 43 SHDSL ALARM PROFILE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure SHDSL alarm profile. ifSNR margin exceeds the threshold.. EndpointThreshES In 15 minutes. if LOSWS exceeds the threshold. the system generates an alarm.900s):[900] Press M or m key to modify. if UAS exceeds the threshold.. if SES exceeds the threshold. or the other key to complete?[C] 9806(config)# show shdsl alarm-profile EndpointThreshLoopAttenuation EndpointThreshSNRMargin EndpointThreshES EndpointThreshSES EndpointThreshCRCanomalies EndpointThreshLOSWS EndpointThreshUAS Parameter Description test : 128 : 0 : 900 : 900 : 900 : 900 : 900 Table 54 describes the SHDSL alarm profile parameters. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm.900s):[900] EndpointThreshUAS(0. EndpointThreshSES In 15 minutes.900s):[900] EndpointThreshCRCanomalies(0. the system generates an alarm. if CRC error packets exceed the threshold. the system generates an alarm. EndpointThreshUAS In 15 minutes. the system generates an alarm. the system generates an alarm. TABLE 54 SHDSL ALARM PROFILE PARAMETERS Related Operations 142 Parameter Description Alarm profile name – EndpointThreshLoopAttenuation In 15 minutes. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION ..100000):[900] EndpointThreshLOSWS(0.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Result Example SHDSL alarm profile is configured successfully.128dB):[128] EndpointThreshSNRMargin(-127.128dB):[0] EndpointThreshES(0. EndpointThreshLOSWS In 15 minutes.. EndpointThreshCRCanomalies In 15 minutes. Add an SHDSL alarm profile. if loop attenuation exceeds the threshold. Table 55 describes the operation related to SHDSL alarm profile configuration. EndpointThreshSNRMargin In 15 minutes. if ES exceeds the threshold...900s):[900] EndpointThreshSES(0.. The alarm profile name is test. 9806(config)# shdsl-alarm-profile test 9806(config)# shdsl-alarm-profile test EndpointThreshLoopAttenuation(-127. � If the STU-R device is offline. Execute the interface shdsl or interface range shdsl command to enter SHDSL interface mode. the port administration status is enabled. 2. no shdsl-al arm-profile alarm-profile-name The default alarm profile cannot be deleted. 3. Enable SHDSL interface 1/1. To enable SHDSL interface. communication is established between STU-C and STU-R for service transmission. Execute the shutdown command to disable interface. all SHDSL interfaces are bound to the line profile SDEFVAL. The interface is enabled. Execute the show interface command to show interface information.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton TABLE 55 OPERATION RELATED TO SHDSL ALARM PROFILE Information Procedure Remarks Delete SHDSL alarm profile. � Enabling SHDSL interface is a communication setup process between STU-C and STU-R. � If the process is successful. perform the following steps: Steps 1. Execute the no shutdown command to enable interface.PRF. � By default. Enabling Interface Short Description Prerequisites Context Perform this procedure to enable SHDSL interface. 9806(config)# interface shdsl 1/1 9806(cfg-if-shdsl-1/1)# shutdown 9806(cfg-if-shdsl-1/1)# no shutdown 9806(cfg-if-shdsl-1/1)# show interface 1/1 port-status Port AdminStatus LinkStatus ActualLineRate(kbps) -----------------------------------------------------1/1 enable down N/A Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 143 . 4. � By default. the communication setup process starts automatically. the device is in listening status. SHDSL line profile is configured. END Result Example OF STEPS SHDSL interface is enabled successfully. Once the device is online. Service Specifications 9806H has carrier-class multicast operation capability. � It supports audience-ratings counting function. � It supports channel preview function. It supports three modes: IGMP Snooping. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Multicast service is mainly applied in streaming media. which allows user to preview channels in a short time. The preview number. video conference. data duplication and any other point-to-point data transmission. 9806H provides controlled multicast service.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Multicast Service Configuration This topic includes the following: � Overview � Configuring IGMP Snooping � Configuring IGMP Proxy � Configuring Bandwidth Overview Service Description With the emergence of streaming media in IP network. It also supports the full set of user-to-network protocol. network game. remote education. 9806H has the following features: � It supports 1024 multicast groups. the application of multicast has gradually become a new service demand. like multimedia video and data warehouse. It supports IGMPv1/v2. which is easy to operate and manage. It supports multicast protocol and controlled multicast. preview time and preview interval can be configured. � It supports controlled multicast. � Each multicast user can join in at most 8 multicast groups at the same time. The program authority is divided into three types: � Deny � Permit � Preview Configuring IGMP Snooping Short Description 144 Perform this procedure to configure IGMP snooping service. IGMP Router. video multicast. which controls the multicast groups that user joins in. IGMP Proxy. which provides the basis for broadband multicast value-added service and multicast service management. � Relevant cards work normally. TABLE 56 IGMP SNOOPING SERVICE DATA CONFIGURATION Information Value Multicast VLAN VLAN 500 Uplink Port 5/1 Program Library Video server provides the following programs which use default preview template: Program 1: IP address 224.1. FIGURE 44 IGMP SNOOPING SERVICE NETWORKING DIAGRAM Data Configuration Table 56 describes IGMP snooping service data configuration.1.1.2 Program 3: IP address 224. � Multicast source exists in network.1.1.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Prerequisites Networking Diagram � Network device works normally and cables are connected.1.3 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 145 .1 Program 2: IP address 224. Figure 44 shows IGMP snooping service networking diagram. 0. Multicast Package Profile 0: Watch Program 1 and Program 2 in program library.0. it is necessary to configure source IP address to be the IP address of ZXDSL 9806H.0. Multicast Users � Multicast user 1: Service port: 4/1 VPI/VCI: 8/81 Ordered package: profile0 Multicast user 2: – Service port: 4/2 – VPI/VCI: 8/81 – No Package – – – � MODEM 146 Modem VPI/VCI: 8/81 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Information Value MVLAN Source IP Address Multicast client IP address: 0.0.0 (default).0. In order to avoid some multicast route devices from discarding IGMP packets from IP address 0. Add multicast service VLAN 500. 2. The line parameters can be modified as required. Configure VLAN. Configure xDSL port.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Configuration Flow Figure 45 shows IGMP snooping service configuration flow. This instance takes ADSL/ADSL2+ port as an example. FIGURE 45 IGMP SNOOPING SERVICE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure IGMP snooping service. 9806(config)# vlan 500 5/1-2 tag Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 147 . 9806(config)# add-vlan 500 ii. perform the following steps: 1. i. Add the uplink port 5/1 to VLAN 500 in tagged mode. ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) iii. Set PVC of service ports 4/1 and 4/2 as 8/81 and PVID as 500. IGMP parameters use default values. Configure IGMP mode. Therefore. it is not necessary to configure IGMP parameters. Range: 1 – 120 sec Default: 120 sec ip igmp prw recog nition-time recog-time Set preview reset time. Add the service ports 4/1 and 4/2 to VLAN 500 in untagged mode. Range: 30 – 3600 sec Default: 300 sec Recognition Time Preview Reset Time 148 ip igmp mode {snooping | router | proxy} ip igmp snoopingaging-time agingtime Set the recognition time. In this instance. 4. Table 57 describes IGMPparameters and configuration. Format: Hour: Minute: Second ip igmp prw resetperiod reset-time Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . (Optional) Configure IGMP parameters. 9806(config)# vlan 500 4/1-2 untag iv. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# pvid 500 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/2 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# pvid 500 pvc 1 3. – Enable (Default) – Disable ip igmp { enable | disable} – Snooping (Default) – Router – Proxy Working Mode Aging Time Configure IGMP working mode. Set the aging time. 9806(config)# ip igmp mode snooping Note: The default IGMP mode is Snooping. TABLE 57 IGMP PARAMETERS Parameter Description Value Command IGMP Status Enable/disable IGMP protocol. 1. 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 6. 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 start-group-ip 224. - ip igmp general-lea ve-address ipaddress Record Interval Set record interval.1.1.2 group 224. Range: 1 65535 CDR Server IP Set CDR server IP.1. – Enable (Default) – Disable ip igmp cdr {enable | disable} Set the maximum records. – Enable – Disable (Default) ip igmp cdr max-records cdr-size ip igmp span-vlan {enable | disable} ip igmp cdr recor d-interval record-interval ip igmp cdr deny-right {enable | disable} ip igmp cdr preview-ri ght {enable | disable} 5. – Enable – Disable (Default) CDR Interval Set CDR interval. - ip igmp sms-server ipaddress General leave group IP Set General leave group IP. Range: 1 – 30 minutes ip igmp cdr repor t-interval report-interval Max Records Default: 30000 Default: 15 minutes Span-VLAN Status Enable or disable spanVLAN function. Configure MVLAN.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Parameter Description Value Command CDR Status Enable or disable CDR.3 Configure multicast IP addresses in batch when they are in sequence.1 group 224. 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# ip ip ip ip igmp igmp igmp igmp mvlan mvlan mvlan mvlan 500 500 500 500 max-group 1024 group – Enable – Disable (Default) CDR Status with Access Right as Preview Enable or disable CDR when the access right is preview.1 3 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 149 .1. Configure multicast group. Range: 0 1400 minutes Default: 60 minutes CDR Status without Access Right Enable or disable CDR when there is no access right. 8. Configure source port. this operation is not required for dynamic multicast.0) is used. However. it is necessary to configure that one ADSL port can bind multiple multicast groups (In this instance.2 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/2 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# igmp groups-limit 8 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# exit 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 group 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 group 224.1. Bind multicast group and receive port (static multicast). 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 source-ip 10.0. 11. Enable CAC. When an ADSL port needs to bind more than one multicast group.1. Note: By default.0.0.0) is used. Generally. the default IP (0.1. Set MVLAN source IP address.0.63. some multicast route devices may discard IGMP packets from this IP. it uses the IP of ZXDSL 9806H.1 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 group 224.1. 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 receive-port 4/1 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 receive-port 4/2 10. Other ports can bind one multicast group. the group limit is set as 8.1.25 Note: MVLAN source IP address is the IP address of the client which connects to ZXDSL 9806H ADSL. When the default IP (0. one Ethernet port can bind 1024 multicast groups.3 receive-port 4/1 receive-port 4/1 receive-port 4/2 receive-port 4/2 receive-port 4/2 Note: It is required to bind multicast group and receive port for static multicast. Configure receive port. If MVLAN source IP is not configured. 9806(config)# ip igmp cac enable 150 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .1.1.1 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 group 224. 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 source-port 5/1 9.173.1. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# igmp groups-limit 8 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 group 224.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 7. PRF) is used.6000s):[120] PreviewBlackoutInterval(1. Range: 1 .7200 sec MaxPreviewInterval PreviewBlackoutInte rval Default: 3 Default: 120 sec Default: 60 sec 13. 9806(config)# ip igmp channel-package profile0 group 224. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 151 .6000 sec Configure preview blackout interval.3 name program3 Note: The default preview profile is DEFVAL.1. Configure multicast package. 14. If CAC is disabled.. 9806(config)# ip igmp cac 224. By default.100 Configure preview interval.2 name program2 9806(config)# ip igmp cac 224. 9806(config)# ip igmp view-profile test 9806(config)# ip igmp view-profile test MaxPreviewCount(1. user port right is also disabled. the default preview profile (DEFVAL.1.1 name program1 9806(config)# ip igmp cac 224. or the other key to complete?[C] Table 58 describes the preview profile parameters.1. (Optional) Configure preview profile. CAC is enabled.1 permit 9806(config)# ip igmp channel-package profile0 group 224. TABLE 58 PREVIEW PROFILE PARAMETERS Parameter Description Value MaxPreviewCount Configure maximum preview count.2 permit 15. Configure user port right.7200s):[60] Press M or m key to modify.1. Only users who order package can watch programs in multicast package. 12.1..1.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Note: Multicast is under two-level control. Execute the ip igmp view-profile command to create a new preview profile and modify parameters. Range: 1 . Configure program source. In this instance.100):[3] MaxPreviewInterval(1. user port right is enabled too. Range: 1 . whose receive port is in MVLAN. Users.1..1. If CAC is enabled.PRF.1. can watch programs in MVLAN.1. � User 2 can watch Program 1. Configuring IGMP Proxy Short Description Prerequisites 152 Perform this procedure to configure IGMP proxy service. 9806# copy running-config startup-config End of Steps Result IGMP snooping configuration is complete. � Network device works normally and cables are connected. Save configurations. � User 1 can watch Program 1 and Program 2 but cannot watch Program 3.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 9806(config)# ip igmp channel-package profile0 4/1 16. � Multicast source exists in network. Program 2 and Program 3. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . � Relevant cards work normally. 2.1.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Networking Diagram Figure 46 shows IGMP proxy service networking diagram. It provides the programs of IP address 224. It provides the programs of IP addresses 224.1. TABLE 59 IGMP PROXY SERVICE DATA CONFIGURATION Information Value Multicast VLAN VLAN 500. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 153 .1.1. FIGURE 46 IGMP PROXY SERVICE NETWORKING DIAGRAM Data Configuration Table 59 describes IGMP proxy service data configuration.2.1. VLAN 501 Uplink Port 5/1 Multicast Source � � ISP1: It belongs to VLAN 500. ISP2: It belongs to VLAN 501.1 and 224.1 and ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Information Value Program Library Programs in VLAN 500: � � Program1: IP address is 224. Multicast User � Multicast user 1: Service port: 4/1 VPI/VCI: 8/81 Multicast VLAN: 500 Ordered package: profile0 IGMP port parameter: use default value – – – – – – Query interval: sec – Query response time: 10 sec – Robustness: 2 125 – � 154 Last member query interval: 1 sec Multicast user 2: – Service port: 4/2 – VPI/VCI: 8/81 – Multicast VLAN: 501 – Ordered package: profile1 – IGMP port parameter: use default value – Query interval: sec – Query response time: 10 sec – Robustness: 2 – Last member query interval: 1 sec 125 Multicast Package Profile0: program1 and program2 in program library are available.0.0. Program2: IP address is 224. MODEM VPI/VCI: 8/81 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .1. MVLAN Source IP Address Multicast client IP address: 0.0.0 (default). Programs in VLAN 501: � � Program1: IP address is configure source IP address as the IP address of ZXDSL 9806H.2. Program2: IP address is 224.1.1. In order to avoid some multicast route devices from discarding IGMP packets from IP address 0.1.0. Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Configuration Flow Figure 47 shows IGMP proxy service configuration flow. Modify the line parameters as required. 2. FIGURE 47 IGMP PROXY SERVICE CONFIGURATION FLOW Steps To configure IGMP proxy service. Configure xDSL port. Configure VLAN. Add multicast service VLAN 500 and VLAN 501. perform the following steps: 1. i. 9806(config)# add-vlan 500-501 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 155 . Set PVC as 8/81 and PVID as 501. default values are used for IGMP parameters except working mode. TABLE 60 IGMP PARAMETERS Parameter Description Value Command IGMP Status Enable/disable IGMP protocol. Format: Hour: Minute: Second ip igmp prw resetperiod reset-time Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Set the aging time. Set PVC of service port 4/1 as 8/81 and PVID as 500. Add the service port 4/1 to VLAN 500 in untagged mode. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 81 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# pvid 500 pvc 1 v. Configure IGMP mode. 9806(config)# vlan 500 4/1 untag iv.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) ii. In this instance. which is configured as required. Table 60 describes IGMP parameters and configuration. – Enable (Default) – Disable ip igmp { enable | disable} – Snooping (Default) – Router – Proxy Working Mode Aging Time Configure IGMP working mode. Range: 30 – 3600 sec Default: 300 sec Recognition Time Preview Reset Time 156 ip igmp mode {snooping | router | proxy} ip igmp snoopingaging-time agingtime Set the recognition time. Range: 1 – 120 sec Default: 120 sec ip igmp prw recog nition-time recog-time Set preview reset time. 3. Add the uplink port 4/1 to VLAN 500 and VLAN 501 in tagged mode. 4. 9806(config)# vlan 500-501 5/1-2 tag iii. 9806(config)# ip igmp mode proxy Note: The default IGMP mode is snooping. Add the service port 4/2 to VLAN 501 in the same way. (Optional) Configure IGMP parameters. 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 max-group 1024 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 group 224.1. – Enable – Disable (Default) CDR Interval Set CDR interval. Range: 1 65535 CDR Server IP Set CDR server IP. 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 start-group-ip 224. Range: 1 – 30 minutes ip igmp cdr repor t-interval report-interval Max Records Default: 30000 Default: 15 minutes Span-VLAN Status Enable or disable spanVLAN function.1. – Enable – Disable (Default) ip igmp cdr max-records cdr-size ip igmp span-vlan {enable | disable} ip igmp cdr recor d-interval record-interval ip igmp cdr deny-right {enable | disable} ip igmp cdr preview-ri ght {enable | disable} 5.1 2 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 157 . 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 5009806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 501 6. - ip igmp general-lea ve-address ipaddress Record Interval Set record interval. – Enable – Disable (Default) CDR Status with Access Right as Preview Enable or disable CDR when the access right is preview.1. Range: 0 1400 minutes Default: 60 minutes CDR Status without Access Right Enable or disable CDR when there is no access right. – Enable (Default) – Disable ip igmp cdr {enable | disable} Set the maximum records.1 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 group 224.2 Configure multicast IP addresses in batch when they are in sequence.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Parameter Description Value Command CDR Status Enable or disable CDR.1.1.1. Configure multicast group. - ip igmp sms-server ipaddress General Leave Group IP Set General leave group IP. Configure MVLAN. 2 sec Configure IGMP version Range: 1 . If MVLAN source IP is not configured. Range: 1 . Configure source port. In this instance. TABLE 61 IGMP INTERFACE PARAMETERS Parameter Description Value Command Query Interval Configure query interval. 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 source-ip 10.0) is used. the default IP (0. default values are used for ports 4/1 and 4/2.3 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Default: 10 sec Default: 2 Default: 1 sec Default: 2 igmp quer y-max-resp interval igmp robustn ess num igmp last-qu ery-interval interval igmp version version . some multicast route devices may discard IGMP packets from this IP. Range: 10 300 sec igmp quer y-interval interval Default: 125 sec Max Query Response Time Robustness Last Member Query Interval IGMP Version 158 Configure maximum query response time. 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 source-port 5/1 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 501 source-port 5/1 9. Configure receive port. Range: 0 25. 8.63.63. Range: 0 25. Configure IGMP interface.0) is used.2 in the same way.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Set MVLAN 501 multicast group IP as 224.1. Table 61 describes IGMP interface parameters and configuration.25 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 501 source-ip 10.5 Configure two group-specific query interval. Set MVLAN source IP address.0. Generally.2 sec Configure robustness. 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 receive-port 4/1 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 receive-port 4/2 10. When the default IP (0.1 and 224.0.173. 7.173.25 Note: MVLAN source IP address is the IP address of the Client which connects to ZXDSL 9806H ADSL.0.1. it uses the IP of ZXDSL 9806H.1.1.0. 9806(config)# ip igmp view-profile test Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 159 . Only users who order package can watch programs in multicast package. the group limit is set as 8). If CAC is disabled.1. 11. Max Query Response Time.1. By default. Execute the ip igmp view-profile command to create a new preview profile and modify parameters. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# igmp groups-limit 8 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 group user port right is also disabled.1 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 501 group 224. However. whose receive port is in MVLAN. it is necessary to configure that one ADSL port can bind multiple multicast groups (In this instance. one Ethernet port can bind 1024 multicast groups. user port right is enabled too.PRF) is used.1.1.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Note: Query Interval. Other ports can bind one multicast group. 12. (Optional) Configure preview profile. Note: By default. 9806(config)# ip igmp cac enable Note: Multicast is under two-level control. CAC is enabled. can watch programs in MVLAN. this operation is not required for dynamic multicast.2 receive-port 4/1 receive-port 4/1 receive-port 4/2 receive-port 4/2 Note: It is required to bind multicast group and receive port for static multicast. If CAC is enabled. Bind multicast group and receive port (static multicast). When an ADSL port needs to bind more than one multicast group. Robustness and Last Member Query Interval are only used for Proxy and Router mode.1.1 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 group 224.2 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/2 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# igmp groups-limit 8 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# exit 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 501 group 224. the default preview profile (DEFVAL. In this instance. 13. Enable CAC. Users. ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 9806(config)# ip igmp view-profile test MaxPreviewCount(1..100):[3] MaxPreviewInterval(1..6000s):[120] PreviewBlackoutInterval(1..7200s):[60] Press M or m key to modify, or the other key to complete?[C] Table 62 describes preview profile parameters. TABLE 62 PREVIEW PROFILE PARAMETERS Parameter Description Value MaxPreviewCount Configure maximum preview count. Range: 1 - 100 Default: 3 Configure as required. MaxPreviewInterval PreviewBlackoutInte rval Configure preview interval. Range: 1 - 6000 sec Configure preview blackout interval. Range: 1 - 7200 sec Default: 120 sec Default: 60 sec 14. Configure program source. 9806(config)# ip igmp cac name program1 9806(config)# ip igmp cac name program2 Note: The default preview profile is DEFVAL.PRF. 15. Configure multicast package. 9806(config)# ip igmp channel-package profile0 group permit 9806(config)# ip igmp channel-package profile0 group permit 16. Configure user port right. 9806(config)# ip igmp channel-package profile0 4/1 9806(config)# ip igmp channel-package profile0 4/2 17. Save configurations. 9806# copy running-config startup-config End of Steps Result 160 IGMP proxy configuration is complete. � User 1 can watch the programs provided by ISP1 with IP address: and 224.1. � User 2 can watch the programs provided by ISP2 with IP address: and Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Configuring Bandwidth Short Description Prerequisites Context Perform this procedure to configure bandwidth. Multicast service is available. � Configure bandwidth after the bandwidth control function is enabled. � Multicast bandwidth and user port bandwidth is configured for bandwidth control. If a user asks for multicast bandwidth more than the remaining bandwidth of the physical channel, the user is refused to join in the multicast group. To configure bandwidth, perform the following steps: Steps 1. Execute the ip igmp bandwidth-control enable command to enable IGMP bandwidth control. 2. Execute the ip igmp mvlan mvlan group ipaddress bandwi dth bandwidth command to configure bandwidth. 3. In interface configuration mode, execute the igmp bandwidth bandwidth command to configure user port bandwidth. 4. Execute the show igmp mvlan mvlan group ipaddress command to show multicast group bandwidth. 5. Execute the show igmp interface SLOTLIST/PORTLIST command to show user port multicast bandwidth. END Result Example OF STEPS Bandwidth is configured successfully. Configure Program 1 (IP: 2224.1.1.1) channel bandwidth as 2048 K. Interface 4/1 multicast bandwidth as 1048576 K. 9806(config)# ip igmp bandwidth-control enable 9806(config)# ip igmp mvlan 500 group bandwidth 2048 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# igmp bandwidth 1048576 9806(config)# show igmp mvlan 500 group MVLAN ID : 500 Group IP address : Group bandwidth : 2048 Group fast join : disable Group static receive-port list : 4/1 9806(config)# show igmp interface 4/1 Interface : 4/1 IgmpGroupsLimit IgmpFastLeave IgmpInterfaceLastMembQueryIntvl IgmpInterfaceQueryInterval IgmpInterfaceQueryMaxResponseTime IgmpInterfaceRobustness IgmpInterfaceVersion IgmpInterfaceQuerier IgmpInterfaceQuerierUpTime IgmpInterfaceQuerierExpiryTime IgmpInterfaceVersion1QuerierTimer IgmpInterfaceWrongVersionQueries IgmpInterfaceJoins IgmpInterfaceGroups IgmpInterfaceBandwidth IgmpInterfaceIgmpStatus : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 8 enable 10 (0.1s) 125 s 100 (0.1s) 2 2 6127330 (0.1s) 0 0 0 0 0 1048576k enable Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 161 ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Postrequisite Table 63 describes the operation related to bandwidth. TABLE 63 OPERATION RELATED TO BANDWIDTH Operation Command Disable IGMP bandwidth control. ip igmp bandwidth-control disable QoS Configuration This topic describes QoS configurations in ZXDSL 9806H. It includes the following: � Overview � Configuring Queue Scheduler Algorithm � Configuring PVC Mapping � Configuring Policy and Class � Configuring Port QoS Priority � Configuring QoS Mapping � Configuring Egress Shaping Parameters Overview QoS refers to the performance of data flow when it passes through the network. QoS provides end-to-end quality guarantee through a series of metric index, such as usability, throughput, delay/jittering, packet loss rate. 9806H supports the following functions: � � 162 Supports queue scheduler algorithm � SP: Strict-Priority Queue � WRR: Weighted Round Robin � SP + WRR: SP + WRR mixed scheduler Supports port QoS priority scheduler � 802.1p priority � DSCP priority � Supports QoS and policy � Supports port rate limit Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Configuring Queue Scheduler Algorithm Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure queue scheduler algorithm. � ZXDSL 9806H supports queue scheduler algorithm configuration at user side and network side. It supports four queues at both user side and network side. � By default, the system uses PQ. To configure queue scheduler algorithm, perform the following steps: Steps 1. Execute the qos queue-scheduler user-side command to configure queue scheduler algorithm at user side. 2. Execute the qos queue-scheduler network-side command to configure queue scheduler algorithm at network side. 3. Execute the show qos queue-scheduler command to show queue scheduler algorithm. END Result Example OF STEPS Queue scheduler algorithm is configured successfully. Configure queue scheduler algorithm as strict priority at user side and WRR at network-side. Weight of queue is 5,3, 1 and 1. 9806(config)# qos queue-scheduler user-side strict-priority 9806(config)# qos queue-scheduler network-side wrr 5,3,1,1 9806(config)# show qos queue-scheduler NetWork Side: wrr weight of queue 1: 5 weight of queue 2: 3 weight of queue 3: 1 weight of queue 4: 1 User Side: strict-priority Configure queue scheduler algorithm as PQ+WRR at user side and strict priority at network side. At user side, the weight of queue is 5, 10, 1 and 0. 9806(config)# qos queue-scheduler user-side strict-priority wrr 5,10,1,0 9806(config)# qos queue-scheduler network-side strict-priority 9806(config)# show qos queue-scheduler NetWork Side: strict-priority User Side: strict-priority & wrr weight of queue 1: 5 weight of queue 2: 10 weight of queue 3: 1 weight of queue 4: 0 Postrequisite Table 64 describes the operation related to queue scheduler algorithm. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 163 Service PVCs are assigned. The priority is from low to high in sequence. Each PVC is assigned with different priority. execute the qos pvc2queue datalist:data command to configure port PVC mapping to queue. The priority for Internet access service is the lowest and the priority for VoIP service is the highest. 2. PVC 1 is for Internet access. perform the following steps: Steps 1. For interface 4/1. � Through PVC mapping configuration. In interface configuration mode. 9806(config)# add-vlan 101-103 9806(config)# vlan 101 4/1 untag pvc 1 9806(config)# vlan 102 4/1 untag pvc 2 9806(config)# vlan 103 4/1 untag pvc 3 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# atm pvc 1 vpi 8 vci 35 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# atm pvc 2 vpi 8 vci 36 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# atm pvc 3 vpi 8 vci 81 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# pvid 101 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# pvid 102 pvc 2 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# pvid 103 pvc 3 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 9806(config)# qos queue-scheduler user-side strict-priority 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# qos pvc2queue 1:1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# qos pvc2queue 2:2 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# qos pvc2queue 3:3 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# show qos pvc2queue slot 4 Total number of ports enabled pvc-queue on slot 4: 1 SLOT PORT PVC1 PVC2 PVC3 PVC4 PVC7 PVC8 -----------------------------------------------------------4 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 164 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Interface 4/1 supports PQ.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) TABLE 64 OPERATION RELATED TO QUEUE SCHEDULER ALGORITHM Operation Command Show queue number at user side and network side. To configure PVC mapping. When congestion occurs. The VLANs are 101. configure three PVCs to bear different services. � The system supports four queues at both user side and network side. 102 and 103 in sequence. packets with high priority can be processed in time. show qos queue-number Configuring PVC Mapping Short Description Prerequisites Context Perform this procedure to configure PVC mapping. one interface is configured with different PVC for bearing different services. PVC 2 is for IPTV service and PVC 3 is for VoIP service. END Result Example OF STEPS PVC mapping is configured successfully. Execute the show qos pvc2queue [solt slot] command to show port PVC mapping to queue. numbering from 1 to 4. � ZXDSL 9806H data traffic can be classified according to MAC address. 2. perform the following steps: Steps 1. 5. Execute the show qos policy policyname command to show QoS policy. data packet type. To configure policy and class. Execute the qos policy policy-name class class-name {deny | permit } policy command to configure QoS policy. 9806(config)# qos class cos6 match cos 6 9806(config)# qos policy p2v class-order restricted 9806(config)# qos policy p2v class cos6 permit cir 2000 cbs 8 pir 3000 pbs 10 ex ceed-action-drop 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# qos-policy p2v ingress pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# show qos class cos6 cos : 6 --------------------------- Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 165 . data rate is 2 Mbps. � ZXDSL 9806H provides various QoS policy processing methods. Configure a policy with CoS as 6. Configure parameters in sequence. Apply this policy to interface 4/1 PVC 1. � ZXDSL 9806H supports 128 policies. END Result Example OF STEPS Policy and class is configured successfully. Execute the qos policy policy-name class-order {unrestric ted | restricted} command to create a policy. execute the qos-policy polic y-name [ingress | egress] [pvc pvc] command to apply the policy to port. Execute the qos class class-name match class command to create and configure a QoS class. CoS and VLAN ID. Execute the show qos class class-name command to show QoS class. QoS policy refers to data processing method. In interface configuration mode. qos queue-scheduler user-side Configuring Policy and Class Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure policy and class. � ZXDSL 9806H supports QoS policy and class configuration. � QoS class refers to data traffic. One policy can contain processing method to multiple classes. 6. Policy type is restricted. TABLE 65 OPERATION RELATED TO PVC MAPPING Operation Command Configure queue scheduler algorithm. 4.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Postrequisite Table 65 describes the operation related to PVC Mapping. 3. TABLE 66 QOS POLICY PARAMETERS 166 Parameter Description Value cir CIR Range: 1 Kbps – 1048576 Kbps cbs CBS Range: 1 KB – 1048576 KB pir PIR Range: cir – 1048576 Kbps pbs PBS Range: cbs – 1048576 Kbps exceed-action-drop Drop packets which exceed rate. - exceed-action-cos Modify CoS priority for packets which exceed rate. No. Range: 0 – 63 mirrored-to-port slot/port Mirror the traffic to a port. - statistics Enable/disable traffic statistics. - Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION enable disable . - directed-to-port slot/port Direct the traffic to a port. � � cos cos-pri Modify CoS priority. policy name 1 :P2V 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# show qos policy p2v Policy Name : P2V Class Order : restricted Class Name : COS6 Policy Action : permit CIR : 2000 kbps CBS : 8 kbytes PIR : 3000 kbps PBS : 10 kbytes ExceedAction : drop Statistics : disable ----------------------------------------------------------The policy is applied to Pvcs. - exceed-action-dscp Modify DHCP priority for packets which exceed rate. Range: 0 – 7 dscp dscp-pri Modify DSCP priority.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Class COS6 is referred by 1 policy. slot/port direction pvc 4/1 ingress 1 Table 66 describes QoS policy parameters. execute the qos overridecos priority [pvc pvc] command to configure port override CoS priority. Execute the qos trust cos [mapping] command to configure port trust CoS and priority mapping. for IPTV service as 3 and for VoIP service as 6. 3. In interface configuration mode. execute the qos def-cos prio rity [pvc pvc] command to configure port default CoS priority. 2. TABLE 67 OPERATIONS RELATED TO POLICY AND CLASS Operation Command Delete QoS class. Execute the show qos interface SLOT/PORT pvc pvc command to show port QoS priority configuration. PVC 2 is for IPTV service and PVC 3 is for VoIP service. � QoS override priority works on tagged packets. The uplink port is added with trust CoS tag. 4. For interface 4/1.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Postrequisite Parameter Description Value ingress Apply the policy to port ingress. configure three PVCs to bear different services. no qos policy policy-name [class class-name] Configuring Port QoS Priority Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure port QoS priority. PVC 1 is for Internet access. - egress Apply the policy to port egress. END Result Example OF STEPS Port QoS priority is configured successfully. no qos class class-name Delete QoS policy. - Table 67 describes operations related to policy and class. The incoming untagged packets are added with QoS tag. Set the defult CoS priority for Internet access as 1. � QoS default priority works on untagged packets. In interface configuration mode. perform the following steps: Steps 1. the priority is modified to be QoS override priority. To configure port QoS priority. For 802.1 q tagged packets. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# qos def-cos 1 pvc 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# qos def-cos 3 pvc 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# qos def-cos 6 pvc 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 9806(config)# interface gigabit-ethernet 1 2 3 5/1 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 167 . The tag contains DSCP and 802. mapping relations are as follows: Cos to queue(Network Side): ---------------------------------------------------Cos 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Queue 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Cos to queue(User Side): ---------------------------------------------------Cos 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Queue 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Cos Remark: ---------------------------------------------------Cos 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Remark 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ---------------------------------------------------Cos to Dscp: ---------------------------------------------------Cos 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dscp 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 ---------------------------------------------------Dscp to Cos: ---------------------------------------------------Dscp 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------Dscp 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cos 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ---------------------------------------------------Dscp 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Cos 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ---------------------------------------------------Dscp 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Cos 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 168 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . no qos override-cos [pvc pvc] Delete port trust QoS priority and mapping.1p priority. 802.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# qos trust cos Postrequisite Table 68 describes operations related to port QoS priority. It provides 64 priority IDs (0 – 63). TABLE 68 OPERATIONS RELATED TO PORT QOS PRIORITY Operation Command Delete port override CoS priority. � By default. no qos trust cos [mapping] Configuring QoS Mapping Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure QoS mapping. � Mapping from queue to CoS makes it possible to assign packets with different priority to the designated queue. � Mapping from CoS to DSCP and mapping from DSCP to CoS make it possible for ZXDSL 9806H to communicate with DSCP priority NE.1p priority provides eight priority IDs (0 – 7). DSCP priority is used for IP protocol. � ZXDSL 9806H provides priority tag for special packets. Execute the qos mapping cos2dscp datalist:data command to configure mapping from CoS to DSCP. Configure mapping from CoS to queue at user side. Execute the show qos mapping command to show QoS mapping. Execute the qos mapping cos2queue network-side datalis t:data command to configure mapping from CoS to queue at network side. Execute the qos mapping cos2queue user-side datalist:d ata command to configure mapping from CoS to queue at user side. END Result Example OF STEPS QoS mapping is configured successfully. perform the following steps: Steps 1. 4.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton ---------------------------------------------------Dscp 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Cos 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ---------------------------------------------------Dscp 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Cos 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ---------------------------------------------------Dscp 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Cos 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ---------------------------------------------------Dscp 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Cos 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To configure QoS mapping. 5. 3. 9806(config)# qos mapping cos2queue user-side 0:1 9806(config)# qos mapping cos2queue user-side 1:2 9806(config)# qos mapping cos2queue user-side 2:3 9806(config)# qos mapping cos2queue user-side 3-7:4 9806(config)# show qos mapping Cos to queue(Network Side): ----------------------------------------------------Cos 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Queue 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Cos to queue(User Side): ----------------------------------------------------Cos 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Queue 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 Cos Remark: ----------------------------------------------------Cos 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Remark 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ----------------------------------------------------Cos to Dscp: ----------------------------------------------------Cos 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dscp 0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 ----------------------------------------------------Dscp to Cos: ----------------------------------------------------Dscp 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cos 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------- Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 169 . Execute the qos mapping dscp2cos datalist:data command to configure mapping from DSCP to CoS. 2. � By default. Execute the egress-shaping-queue queue queue-num average-rate average-rate burst-size burst-size command to configure user port egress shaping parameters. TABLE 69 OPERATIONS RELATED TO QOS MAPPING Operation Command Resume default mapping from CoS to queue. granularity: 350 Kbps Burst size range: � User port: 4 KB – 16384 KB. qos mapping dscp2cos default Configuring Egress Shaping Parameters Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure egress shaping parameters. egress shaping function is disabled. qos mapping cos2dscp default Resume default mapping from DSCP to CoS. granularity: 4 KB � Ethernet port: None To configure egress shaping parameters. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . granularity: 74 Kbps Ethernet interface: 350 Kbps – 163840 Kbps. qos mapping cos2queue default Resume default mapping from CoS to DSCP.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Dscp 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Cos 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------Dscp 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Cos 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ----------------------------------------------------Dscp 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Cos 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ----------------------------------------------------Dscp 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Cos 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ----------------------------------------------------Dscp 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Cos 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ----------------------------------------------------Dscp 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Cos 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ----------------------------------------------------Dscp 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Cos 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postrequisite Table 69 describes operations related to QoS mapping. � Average rate range: � � � User port: 74 Kbps – 40960 Kbps. perform the following steps: Steps 170 1. Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton 2. Execute the egress-shaping average-rate average-rate command to configure Ethernet interface egress shaping parameters. END Result Example OF STEPS Egress shaping parameters are configured successfully. Configure interface 4/1 egress shaping parameters. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# egress-shaping-queue queue 1 average-rate 7400 burst-size 4000 Configure Ethernet interface 5/1 egress shaping parameters. 9806(config)# interface gigabit-ethernet 5/1 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# egress-shaping average-rate 10500 Postrequisite Table 70 describes operations related to egress shaping parameters. TABLE 70 OPERATIONS RELATED TO EGRESS SHAPING PARAMETERS Operation Command Delete user port egress shaping function. no egress-shaping-queue queue queue-num Delete Ethernet interface egress shaping function. no egress-shaping Configuring Static Route Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure static route. Static route is configured manually. Unlike dynamic route, it does not need to establish route table according to route algorithm. Static route can decrease the router burden. Static route is not suitable for large and complicated network. Steps 1. Execute the ip route ip-address mask gateway [name namestring] command to configure static route. 2. Execute the show ip route command to show static route information. END Result Example OF STEPS Static route is configured successfully. As shown in Figure 48, ZXDSL 9806H connects to two routers. Users can access the network segment between R2 and R3. FIGURE 48 CONFIGURING STATIC ROUTE Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 171 ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 9806(config)# ip route 9806(config)# ip route 9806(config)# show ip route Dest IP Mask Nexthop Name Status ----------------------------------------------------------------- ZTEROUTE active ZTEROUTE active ZTEROUTE active Postrequisite Table 71 describes the operation related to static route. TABLE 71 OPERATION RELATED TO STATIC ROUTE Operation Command Delete static route. no ip route ip-address Configuring Link Aggregation Short Description Perform this procedure to configure link aggregation. Prerequisites ZXDSL 9806H is directly connected to the uplink device via uplink port. Context Link aggregation is to aggregate multiple physical ports together to form a logical interface for enlarging bandwidth. Each port shares the incoming/outgoing load. To configure link aggregation, perform the following steps: Steps 1. Execute the uplink-mode link-aggregation command to configure uplink mode as link aggregation. 2. Execute the show uplink-mode command to show uplink mode. END Result Example OF STEPS Link aggregation is configured successfully. Configure ZXDSL 9806H uplink mode as link aggregation. 9806(config)# uplink-mode link-aggregation 9806(config)# show uplink-mode Uplink-mode : link-aggregation Configuring RMON Short Description Context 172 Perform this procedure to configure RMON. � RMON is a standard monitoring protocol. It effectively and efficiently reduces SNMP agency loading. It makes the exchange of monitoring data between monitors and consoles possible. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton � By default, RMON is disabled. To configure RMON, perform the following steps: Steps 1. In interface configuration mode, execute the rmon history enable command to enable history RMON. 2. Execute the show rmon history {detail | general} slot/port bucketlist command to show detailed history information. 3. Execute the show rmon statistics slot/port command to show RMON statistics. END Result Example OF STEPS RMON is configured successfully. Enable uplink port 5/1 history RMON. Show RMON statistics and detailed history information. 9806(config)# interface gigabit-ethernet 5/1 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# rmon history enable 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# show rmon statistics 5/1 interface : 5/1 EtherStatsOctets : 172713 EtherStatsPkts : 1616 EtherStatsBroadcastPkts : 1499 EtherStatsMulticastPkts : 111 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# show rmon history detail 5/1 1 interface : 5/1 bucket : 1 historyControlStatus : enable EtherHistoryIntervalStart : 9609639 EtherHistoryOctets : 0 EtherHistoryPkts : 0 EtherHistoryBroadcastPkts : 0 EtherHistoryMulticastPkts : 0 EtherHistoryBandwidth : 0.0000 Mbits/s Postrequisite Table 72 describes the operation related to RMON. TABLE 72 OPERATION RELATED TO RMON Operation Command Disable history RMON. rmon history disable Spanning Tree Configuration This topic describes STP and RSTP configurations in ZXDSL 9806H. It includes the following: � Overview � Enabling STP/RSTP � Configuring RSTP Compatibility � Network Bridge Parameters Configuration � Port Parameters Configuration Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 173 ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Overview ZXDSL 9806H supports STP and RSTP. STP ensures a loop free topology for any bridged LAN. Based on a certain algorithm, spanning tree allows a network design to include redundant links to provide automatic backup paths if an active link fails, without the danger of bridge loops. STP is implemented through transmitting BPDU packets. RSTP provides for faster spanning tree convergence after a topology change. It can rapidly change the state of the port from discarding state to forwarding state. Enabling STP/RSTP Short Description Context Perform this procedure to enable STP/RSTP. � By default,ZXDSL 9806H STP/RSTP is disabled. � Once RSTP is enabled, the system decides to run in STP compatible mode or in RSTP mode according to RSTP version. � Once STP/RSTP is enabled, STP/RSTP starts maintaining spanning tree according to BPDU packets. Once STP/RSTP is disabled, STP/RSTP stops maintaining spanning tree. � Only Ethernet port supports STP/RSTP. To enable STP/RSTP, perform the following steps: Steps 1. Execute the spanning-tree classic-stp enable command to enable network bridge STP. 2. Execute the spanning-tree rapid-stp enable to enable network bridge RSTP. 3. Execute the spanning-tree enable to enable Ethernet port STP/RSTP. 4. Execute the show spanning-tree [interface SLOT/PORTLI ST] command to show STP/RSTP. END Result Example OF STEPS STP/RSTP is enabled successfully. � Enable network bridge STP. 9806(config)# spanning-tree classic-stp enable 9806(config)# show spanning-tree SpanTree : enable RapidSpanTree : disable BridgeFwdDelay : 15000 ms BridgeHelloTime : 2000 ms BridgeMaxAge : 20000 ms StpPriority : 32768 RstpForceVersion : rstp-only RstpTxHoldCount : 3 RstpDefaultCost : short RstpPriority : 32768 DesignatedRoot : 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A Forwardtime : 15000 ms 174 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton HelloTime HoldTime MaxAge ProSpec RootCost RootPort TopChanges TimeSinceTopoChg � : : : : : : : : 2000 ms 1000 ms 20000 ms ieee8021d 0 0 0 0 ms Enable network bridge RSTP. 9806(config)# interface gigabit-ethernet 5/1 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# spanning-tree enable 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# show spanning-tree interface 5/1 Interface : 5/1 ProtocolEnable : disable StpPortPriority : 128 StpPortPathCost : 10 RstpPortPriority : 128 RstpAdminPortPoint2Point : auto RstpAdminPortCost : 0 RstpAdminPortEdgePort : disable RstpPortProtocolMigration : disable RstpPortPacketType : CISCO_TYPE RstpPortPathCost : 100 PortState : Forwarding DesignatedCost : 0 DesignatedBdg : 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A DesignatedPort : 80 01 DesignatedRoot : 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A ForwardTrans : 1 RstpOperPortPoint2Point : false RstpOperPortEdgePort : disable Postrequisite Table 73 describes the operation related to STP/RSTP. spanning-tree disable Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 175 . 9806(config)# spanning-tree rapid-stp enable 9806(config)# show spanning-tree SpanTree : disable RapidSpanTree : enable BridgeFwdDelay : 15000 ms BridgeHelloTime : 2000 ms BridgeMaxAge : 20000 ms StpPriority : 32768 RstpForceVersion : rstp-only RstpTxHoldCount : 3 RstpDefaultCost : short RstpPriority : 32768 DesignatedRoot : 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A Forwardtime : 15000 ms HelloTime : 2000 ms HoldTime : 1000 ms MaxAge : 20000 ms ProSpec : ieee8021w RootCost : 0 RootPort : 0 TopChanges : 0 TimeSinceTopoChg : 0 ms � Enable Ethernet port STP/RSTP. TABLE 73 OPERATION RELATED TO STP/RSTP Operation Command Disable STP/RSTP. perform the following steps: Steps 1. 9806(config)# spanning-tree rapid-stp force-version stp-compatible 9806(config)# show spanning-tree SpanTree : disable RapidSpanTree : enable BridgeFwdDelay : 15000 ms BridgeHelloTime : 2000 ms BridgeMaxAge : 20000 ms StpPriority : 32768 RstpForceVersion : stp-compatible RstpTxHoldCount : 3 RstpDefaultCost : short RstpPriority : 32768 DesignatedRoot : 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A Forwardtime : 15000 ms HelloTime : 2000 ms HoldTime : 1000 ms MaxAge : 20000 ms ProSpec : ieee8021w RootCost : 0 RootPort : 0 TopChanges : 0 TimeSinceTopoChg : 0 ms � Configure RSTP mode. � There are two RSTP work modes: � RSTP mode � STP compatible mode � RSTP is compatible with STP. Execute the spanning-tree rapid-stp force-version stp-co mpatible command to configure STP compatible mode. � Configure STP compatible mode. 3. Execute the spanning-tree rapid-stp force-version rstp-o nly command to configure RSTP mode. � By default. To configure RSTP compatibility. the system works in RSTP mode. RSTP can work in STP compatible mode.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Configuring RSTP Compatibility Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure RSTP compatibility. END Result Example OF STEPS RSTP compatibility is configured successfully. Execute the show spanning-tree command to show RSTP work mode. 9806(config)# spanning-tree rapid-stp force-version rstp-only 9806(config)# show spanning-tree SpanTree : disable RapidSpanTree : enable BridgeFwdDelay : 15000 ms BridgeHelloTime : 2000 ms BridgeMaxAge : 20000 ms StpPriority : 32768 RstpForceVersion : rstp-only RstpTxHoldCount : 3 RstpDefaultCost : short RstpPriority : 32768 DesignatedRoot : 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A 176 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . If STP network bridge exists in the network. 2. larger Forward Delay needs to be configured. � To avoid loops.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Forwardtime HelloTime HoldTime MaxAge ProSpec RootCost RootPort TopChanges TimeSinceTopoChg : : : : : : : : : 15000 ms 2000 ms 1000 ms 20000 ms ieee8021w 0 0 0 0 ms Network Bridge Parameters Configuration Network bridge parameters configuration process includes the following: � Configuring Forward Delay � Configuring Hello Time � Configuring Max Age � Configuring Priority � Configuring Default Cost � Configuring Transmission Hold Count Configuring Forward Delay Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure forward delay. Execute the spanning-tree timer forward-time time command to configure forward delay. With more network diameter. the network may disconnect for a long time. the network is not stable. To configure forward delay. � If Forward Delay is too small. � Forward Delay of root exchange defines the interval from one status to another. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 177 . use the defined interval. If the current exchange is root exchange.0 second). If the configuration does not conform to the format. Forward Delay is 15 seconds (Unit for Forward Delay: 10 ms).0 second) ≥ Max Age ≥ 2 × (Hello Time + 1. If it is not a root exchange. � Configure ’Hello time’. use the Forward Delay of root exchange. the learning status is configured in the process from Discarding status to Forwarding status. redundant path may occur. Forward Delay is related to network diameter. If Forward Delay is too large. ’Forward Delay’ and ’Max Age’ according to the following format: 2 × (Forward Delay 1. By default. perform the following steps: Steps 1. Appropriate Hello Time is a guarantee for the network bridge to find link fault in time and decrease the network load. spanning-tree timer max-age time Configuring Hello Time Short Description Context 178 Perform this procedure to configure Hello Time. TABLE 74 OPERATIONS RELATED TO FORWARD DELAY Operation Command Use default value for Forward Delay. END Result Example command to show OF STEPS Forward delay is configured successfully. If it is not a root exchange. If configuration packets cannot be received in time. use the Hello Time of root exchange. � If Hello Time is too long. increasing network burden. Hello Time may send configuration packets frequently. the system calculates the spanning tree again. spanning-tree timer hello-time time Configure Max Age. If Hello Time is too short. � If the current exchange is root exchange. � Hello Time is a guarantee to send configuration packets in time. the network bridge does not receive configuration packets and calculates the spanning tree again. Execute the show spanning-tree STP/RSTP configuration. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . spanning-tree timer Configure Hello Time. use the defined interval to send configuration packets.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 2. 9806(config)# spanning-tree timer forward-time 2000 9806(config)# show spanning-tree SpanTree : disable RapidSpanTree : enable BridgeFwdDelay : 20000 ms BridgeHelloTime : 2000 ms BridgeMaxAge : 20000 ms StpPriority : 32768 RstpForceVersion : rstp-only RstpTxHoldCount : 3 RstpDefaultCost : short RstpPriority : 32768 DesignatedRoot : 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A Forwardtime : 20000 ms HelloTime : 2000 ms HoldTime : 1000 ms MaxAge : 20000 ms ProSpec : ieee8021w RootCost : 0 RootPort : 0 TopChanges : 0 TimeSinceTopoChg : 0 ms Postrequisite Table 74 describes operations related to forward delay. Configure forward delay as 20 seconds. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 179 . To configure Hello Time. If configuration packets are overtime. the network is not stable. 9806(config)# spanning-tree timer hello-time 400 9806(config)# show spanning-tree SpanTree : disable RapidSpanTree : enable BridgeFwdDelay : 15000 ms BridgeHelloTime : 4000 ms BridgeMaxAge : 20000 ms StpPriority : 32768 RstpForceVersion : rstp-only RstpTxHoldCount : 3 RstpDefaultCost : short RstpPriority : 32768 DesignatedRoot : 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A Forwardtime : 15000 ms HelloTime : 4000 ms HoldTime : 1000 ms MaxAge : 20000 ms ProSpec : ieee8021w RootCost : 0 RootPort : 0 TopChanges : 0 TimeSinceTopoChg : 0 ms Postrequisite Table 75 describes operations related to Hello Time. perform the following steps: Steps 1. � By default. spanning-tree timer forward–time time Configure Max Age. 2. If the configuration does not conform to the format.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton � Configure ’Hello time’. TABLE 75 OPERATIONS RELATED TO HELLO TIME Operation Command Use default value for Hello Time. � Max Age helps the system judge whether the received configuration packets are overtime. the system calculates the spanning tree again.0 second) ≥ Max Age ≥ 2 × (Hello Time + 1. spanning-tree timer max-age time Configuring Max Age Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure Max Age. ’Forward Delay’ and ’Max Age’ according to the following format: 2 × (Forward Delay 1.0 second). Execute the show spanning-tree STP/RSTP configuration. Hello Time is 2 seconds (Unit: 10 ms). Execute the spanning-tree timer hello-time time command to configure Hello Time. Configure Hello Time as 4 seconds. END Result Example command to show OF STEPS Hello Time is configured successfully. spanning-tree timer Configure Forward Delay. It is important to configure appropriate Max Age. � Configure ’Hello time’. � If Max Age is too small. the network is not stable. END Result Example command OF STEPS Max Age is configured successfully. If it is not a root exchange.0 second) ≥ Max Age ≥ 2 × (Hello Time + 1. If the configuration does not conform to the format. Execute the spanning-tree timer max-age time command to configure Max Age. use the Max Age of root exchange. spanning-tree timer Configure Forward Delay. Execute the show spanning-tree STP/RSTP configuration. perform the following steps: Steps 1. � By default. use the configured Max Age to judge whether configuration packets are overtime.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) � If the current exchange is root exchange. spanning-tree timer hello–time time Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION to show . TABLE 76 OPERATIONS RELATED TO MAX AGE 180 Operation Command Use default value for Max Age. spanning-tree timer forward–time time Configure Hello Time. causing network congestion. the link fault cannot be found in time. ’Forward Delay’ and ’Max Age’ according to the following format: 2 × (Forward Delay 1. 9806(config)# spanning-tree timer max-age 2500 9806(config)# show spanning-tree SpanTree : disable RapidSpanTree : enable BridgeFwdDelay : 20000 ms BridgeHelloTime : 2000 ms BridgeMaxAge : 25000 ms StpPriority : 32768 RstpForceVersion : rstp-only RstpTxHoldCount : 3 RstpDefaultCost : short RstpPriority : 32768 DesignatedRoot : 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A Forwardtime : 20000 ms HelloTime : 2000 ms HoldTime : 1000 ms MaxAge : 25000 ms ProSpec : ieee8021w RootCost : 0 RootPort : 0 TopChanges : 0 TimeSinceTopoChg : 0 ms Postrequisite Table 76 describes operations related to Max Age. spanning tree algorithm occurs frequently.0 second). Configure Max Age as 25 seconds. Max Age is 20 seconds (Unit: 10 ms). 2. If Max Age is too large. To configure Max Age. 9806(config)# spanning-tree rapid-stp priority 4096 9806(config)# show spanning-tree SpanTree : disable RapidSpanTree : enable BridgeFwdDelay : 20000 ms BridgeHelloTime : 2000 ms BridgeMaxAge : 25000 ms StpPriority : 4096 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 181 .Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Configuring Priority Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure priority. � The priority decides whether the device can be root bridge. Execute the spanning-tree rapid-stp priority priority command to configure RSTP priority. END Result Example command to show OF STEPS Priority is configured successfully. � If RSTP is used. Execute the show spanning-tree STP/RSTP configuration. The step length is 4096. The default STP priority is 32768. Execute the spanning-tree classic-stp priority priority command to configure STP priority. spanning tree algorithm starts again. if priority is configured. 9806(config)# spanning-tree classic-stp priority 4096 9806(config)# show spanning-tree SpanTree : disable RapidSpanTree : enable BridgeFwdDelay : 20000 ms BridgeHelloTime : 2000 ms BridgeMaxAge : 25000 ms StpPriority : 4096 RstpForceVersion : rstp-only RstpTxHoldCount : 3 RstpDefaultCost : short RstpPriority : 32768 DesignatedRoot : 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A Forwardtime : 20000 ms HelloTime : 2000 ms HoldTime : 1000 ms MaxAge : 25000 ms ProSpec : ieee8021w RootCost : 0 RootPort : 0 TopChanges : 0 TimeSinceTopoChg : 0 ms � Configure RSTP priority as 4096. the priority must be the multiple of 4096. � Select the device with smallest MAC address to be root bridge if bridge priority of these devices is the same � Once STP/RSTP is enabled. � The value range for STP network bridge priority is from 0 to 65535. 2. � Configure STP priority as 4096. � The value range for RSTP network bridge priority is from 0 to 61440. perform the following steps: Steps 1. To configure priority. The default RSTP priority is 32768. 3. spanning-tree classic-stp priority priority in interface configuration mode Configure port RSTP priority. the path cost is calculated according to the default cost.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) RstpForceVersion RstpTxHoldCount RstpDefaultCost RstpPriority DesignatedRoot Forwardtime HelloTime HoldTime MaxAge ProSpec RootCost RootPort TopChanges TimeSinceTopoChg Postrequisite : : : : : : : : : : : : : : rstp-only 3 short 4096 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A 20000 ms 2000 ms 1000 ms 25000 ms ieee8021w 0 0 0 0 ms Table 77 describes operations related to priority. Execute the spanning-tree rapid-stp default-cost [short | long] command to configure RSTP default cost. � RSTP default cost is useful only when RSTP administration cost is 0. 802. To configure default cost. Otherwise. END Result Example OF STEPS Default cost is configured successfully. perform the following steps: Steps 1.1d-1998. 9806(config)# spanning-tree rapid-stp default-cost long 9806(config)# show spanning-tree SpanTree : disable RapidSpanTree : enable BridgeFwdDelay : 20000 ms BridgeHelloTime : 2000 ms 182 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . 16 bits) and long (EEE Std. 802. 32 bits). spanning-tree rapid-stp priority priority in interface configuration mode Configuring Default Cost Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure default cost.1t-2001. The default cost is short. Execute the show spanning-tree command to show RSTP configuration. � Only RSTP can be configured with default cost. � Once the default cost is configured. � ZXDSL 9806H supports two default cost type: short (IEEE Std. TABLE 77 OPERATIONS RELATED TO PRIORITY Operation Command Configure port STP priority. Configure RSTP default cost as long. 2. the path cost is calculated according to the configured value. 2. Execute the show spanning-tree command to show RSTP configuration. To configure transmission hold count.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton BridgeMaxAge StpPriority RstpForceVersion RstpTxHoldCount RstpDefaultCost RstpPriority DesignatedRoot Forwardtime HelloTime HoldTime MaxAge ProSpec RootCost RootPort TopChanges TimeSinceTopoChg : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 25000 ms 4096 rstp-only 3 long 4096 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A 20000 ms 2000 ms 1000 ms 25000 ms ieee8021w 0 0 0 0 ms Configuring Transmission Hold Count Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure transmission hold count. perform the following steps: Steps 1. � By default. Configure RSTP transmission hold count is 10. 9806(config)# spanning-tree rapid-stp tx-hold-count 10 9806(config)# show spanning-tree SpanTree : disable RapidSpanTree : enable BridgeFwdDelay : 20000 ms BridgeHelloTime : 2000 ms BridgeMaxAge : 25000 ms StpPriority : 4096 RstpForceVersion : rstp-only RstpTxHoldCount : 10 RstpDefaultCost : long RstpPriority : 4096 DesignatedRoot : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A Forwardtime : 20000 ms HelloTime : 2000 ms HoldTime : 1000 ms MaxAge : 25000 ms ProSpec : ieee8021w RootCost : 0 RootPort : 0 TopChanges : 0 TimeSinceTopoChg : 0 ms Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 183 . Execute the spanning-tree rapid-stp tx-hold-count num command to configure RSTP transmission hold count. END Result Example OF STEPS Transmission hold count is configured successfully. � Only RSTP can be configured with transmission hold count. transmission hold count is 3. � Transmission hold count indicates the number of transmitted BPDU packets in Hello Time. the port cost needs to be smaller. To configure STP cost. 9806(config)# interface gigabit-ethernet 5/1 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# spanning-tree classic-stp cost 1024 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# show spanning-tree interface 5/1 Interface : 5/1 ProtocolEnable : disable StpPortPriority : 16 StpPortPathCost : 1024 RstpPortPriority : 16 RstpAdminPortPoint2Point : auto RstpAdminPortCost : 0 RstpAdminPortEdgePort : disable RstpPortProtocolMigration : disable RstpPortPacketType : CISCO_TYPE RstpPortPathCost : 20000 PortState : Forwarding DesignatedCost : 0 DesignatedBdg : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A DesignatedPort : 80 01 DesignatedRoot : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A ForwardTrans : 1 RstpOperPortPoint2Point : false RstpOperPortEdgePort : disable 184 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . If the link rate is larger.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Port Parameters Configuration Port parameters configuration process includes the following: � Configuring STP Cost � Configuring STP/RSTP Priority � Configuring RSTP Administration Cost � Configuring RSTP Edge Port � Configuring RSTP BPDU Packet Type � Configuring RSTP Point-to-Point Connection � Configuring RSTP Protocol Migration Configuring STP Cost Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure STP cost. It is better to use default STP cost. the network bridge obtains port STP cost according to link condition. Configure interface 5/1 STP cost as 1024. execute the spanning-tree classic-stp cost cost command to configure port STP cost. END Result Example OF STEPS STP cost is configured successfully. 2. perform the following steps: Steps 1. In interface configuration mode. � Port STP cost is related to link rate. � Spanning tree calculation occurs when STP cost is configured. � By default. Execute the show spanning-tree interface SLOT/PORTLIST command to show port STP configuration. The default port STP priority is 128. In interface configuration mode. � The value range for port STP priority is from 0 to 255. END Result Example OF STEPS STP/RSTP priority is configured successfully. The higher the port priority is. In interface configuration mode. 9806(config)# interface gigabit-ethernet 5/1 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# spanning-tree rapid-stp priority 16 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# show spanning-tree interface 5/1 Interface : 5/1 ProtocolEnable : disable StpPortPriority : 16 StpPortPathCost : 10 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 185 . � The priority decides whether the port can be root port. 3.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Configuring STP/RSTP Priority Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure STP/RSTP priority. The default port RSTP priority is 128. the higher the priority is. the more possible the port can be root port. � Configure port STP priority as 16. To configure STP/RSTP priority. The step length is 16. 9806(config)# interface gigabit-ethernet 5/1 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# spanning-tree classic-stp priority 16 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# show spanning-tree interface 5/1 Interface : 5/1 ProtocolEnable : disable StpPortPriority : 16 StpPortPathCost : 10 RstpPortPriority : 16 RstpAdminPortPoint2Point : auto RstpAdminPortCost : 0 RstpAdminPortEdgePort : disable RstpPortProtocolMigration : disable RstpPortPacketType : CISCO_TYPE RstpPortPathCost : 100 PortState : Forwarding DesignatedCost : 0 DesignatedBdg : 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A DesignatedPort : 80 01 DesignatedRoot : 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A ForwardTrans : 1 RstpOperPortPoint2Point : false RstpOperPortEdgePort : disable � Configure port RSTP priority as 16. execute the spanning-tree rapid-stp priority priority command to configure port RSTP priority. the priority must be the multiple of 16. Execute the show spanning-tree interface SLOT/PORTLIST command to show port STP/RSTP configuration. 2. perform the following steps: Steps 1. � Ethernet port priority depends on Ethernet port ID. execute the spanning-tree classic-stp priority priority command to configure port STP priority. � The value range for port RSTP priority is from 0 to 240. � If RSTP is used. The smaller the ID is. It is better to use default value. Configuring RSTP administration cost is similar to configuring STP cost. END Result Example OF STEPS RSTP administration cost is configured successfully. In interface configuration mode.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) RstpPortPriority RstpAdminPortPoint2Point RstpAdminPortCost RstpAdminPortEdgePort RstpPortProtocolMigration RstpPortPacketType RstpPortPathCost PortState DesignatedCost DesignatedBdg DesignatedPort DesignatedRoot ForwardTrans RstpOperPortPoint2Point RstpOperPortEdgePort : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 16 auto 0 disable disable CISCO_TYPE 100 Forwarding 0 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A 80 01 80 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A 1 false disable Configuring RSTP Administration Cost Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure RSTP administration cost. Execute the show spanning-tree interface SLOT/PORTLIST command to show port RSTP configuration. To configure RSTP administration cost. 9806(config)# interface gigabit-ethernet 5/1 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# spanning-tree rapid-stp admin-cost 200 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# show spanning-tree interface 5/1 Interface : 5/1 ProtocolEnable : disable StpPortPriority : 16 StpPortPathCost : 1024 RstpPortPriority : 16 RstpAdminPortPoint2Point : true RstpAdminPortCost : 200 RstpAdminPortEdgePort : enable RstpPortProtocolMigration : disable RstpPortPacketType : CISCO_TYPE RstpPortPathCost : 200 PortState : Forwarding DesignatedCost : 0 DesignatedBdg : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A DesignatedPort : 80 01 DesignatedRoot : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A ForwardTrans : 1 RstpOperPortPoint2Point : true RstpOperPortEdgePort : enable 186 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Configure RSTP administration cost as 200 on interface 5/1. 2. execute the spanning-tree rapid-stp admin-cost cost command to configure RSTP administration cost. By default. 2. Spanning tree calculation occurs when RSTP cost is configured. 3. perform the following steps: Steps 1. RSTP administration cost is 0. 1. END Result Example OF STEPS RSTP edge port is configured successfully. � By default. RSTP configures it to be non-edge port. spanning-tree rapid-stp edge-port disable Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 187 . In interface configuration mode. If one port which connects to the port of other network bridge instead of terminal is configured as edge port. � When the edge port changes from congestion status to transfer status. execute the spanning-tree rapid-stp edge-port enable command to configure a port as edge port. Execute the show spanning-tree interface SLOT/PORTLIST command to show port RSTP configuration. all ports are not edge port. � Only RSTP can be configured with edge port. Configure interface 5/1 as RSTP edge port.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton Configuring RSTP Edge Port Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure RSTP edge port. 9806(config)# interface gigabit-ethernet 5/1 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# spanning-tree rapid-stp edge-port enable 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# show spanning-tree interface 5/1 Interface : 5/1 ProtocolEnable : disable StpPortPriority : 16 StpPortPathCost : 1024 RstpPortPriority : 16 RstpAdminPortPoint2Point : auto RstpAdminPortCost : 0 RstpAdminPortEdgePort : enable RstpPortProtocolMigration : disable RstpPortPacketType : CISCO_TYPE RstpPortPathCost : 20000 PortState : Forwarding DesignatedCost : 0 DesignatedBdg : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A DesignatedPort : 80 01 DesignatedRoot : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A ForwardTrans : 1 RstpOperPortPoint2Point : false RstpOperPortEdgePort : enable Postrequisite Table 78 describes the operation related to RSTP edge port. it does not need to wait. TABLE 78 OPERATION RELATED TO RSTP EDGE PORT Operation Command Disable the edge port. perform the following steps: Steps 1. 2. � Only the port connected to the terminal can be configured as edge port. To configure RSTP edge port. ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Configuring RSTP BPDU Packet Type Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure RSTP BPDU packet type. � Two point-to-point ports can quickly change to the forwarding status by transmitting synchronous packets. Configure interface 5/1 RSTP BPDU packet type as IEEE_TYPE. � If the user configures two ports which are not point-to-point link physically as point-to-point connection. To configure RSTP BPDU packet type. execute the spanning-tree rapid-stp packet-type {IEEE_TYPE | CISCO_TYPE} command to configure RSTP BPDU packet type. In interface configuration mode. � When point-to-point connection is configured as auto mode. BPDU packet type can be IEEE_TYPE. BPDU packet type must be CISCO_TYPE. perform the following steps: Steps 1. loop occurs. END Result Example OF STEPS RSTP BPDU packet type is configured successfully. The default BPDU packet type is CISCO_TYPE. If the opposite device is CISCO device. � Only RSTP can be configured with BPDU packet type. � Only RSTP can be configured with point-to-point connection. 2. Execute the show spanning-tree interface SLOT/PORTLIST command to show port RSTP configuration. � RSTP BPDU packet type is especially configured for CISCO devices. 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# spanning-tree rapid-stp packet-type IEEE_TYPE 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# show spanning-tree interface 5/1 Interface : 5/1 ProtocolEnable : disable StpPortPriority : 16 StpPortPathCost : 1024 RstpPortPriority : 16 RstpAdminPortPoint2Point : true RstpAdminPortCost : 0 RstpAdminPortEdgePort : enable RstpPortProtocolMigration : disable RstpPortPacketType : IEEE_TYPE RstpPortPathCost : 20000 PortState : Forwarding DesignatedCost : 0 DesignatedBdg : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A DesignatedPort : 80 01 DesignatedRoot : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A ForwardTrans : 1 RstpOperPortPoint2Point : true RstpOperPortEdgePort : enable Configuring RSTP Point-to-Point Connection Short Description Context 188 Perform this procedure to configure RSTP point-to-point connection. If the opposite device is not CISCO device. RSTP checks the connection. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton � Only when Ethernet port is convergence port or in duplex mode. If the system works in STP mode and the opposite device works in RSTP mode. Configure interface 5/1 point-to-point connection. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 189 . perform the following steps: Steps 1. To configure RSTP point-to-point connection. END Result Example OF STEPS RSTP point-to-point connection is configured successfully. � RSTP protocol migration is used for controlling protocol migration. Execute the show spanning-tree interface SLOT/PORTLIST command to show port RSTP configuration. execute the spanning-tree rapid-stp point2point-port {true | false | auto} command to configure port point-to-point connection. execute the spanning-tree rapid-stp protocol-migration enable command to enable RSTP protocol migration. the port can be configured as point-to-point link. Execute the show spanning-tree interface SLOT/PORTLIST command to show port RSTP configuration. perform the following steps: Steps 1. 2. � By default. � Only RSTP can be configured with protocol migration. In interface configuration mode. END Result OF STEPS RSTP protocol migration is configured successfully. In interface configuration mode. the system can enable RSTP protocol migration and works in RSTP mode. RSTP protocol migration is disabled. To configure RSTP protocol migration. 9806(config)# interface gigabit-ethernet 5/1 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# spanning-tree rapid-stp point2point-port true 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# show spanning-tree interface 5/1 Interface : 5/1 ProtocolEnable : disable StpPortPriority : 16 StpPortPathCost : 1024 RstpPortPriority : 16 RstpAdminPortPoint2Point : true RstpAdminPortCost : 0 RstpAdminPortEdgePort : enable RstpPortProtocolMigration : disable RstpPortPacketType : CISCO_TYPE RstpPortPathCost : 20000 PortState : Forwarding DesignatedCost : 0 DesignatedBdg : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A DesignatedPort : 80 01 DesignatedRoot : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A ForwardTrans : 1 RstpOperPortPoint2Point : true RstpOperPortEdgePort : enable Configuring RSTP Protocol Migration Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure RSTP protocol migration. 2. 3. Execute the sntp server ipaddress command to configure SNTP server IP address. By default. � ZXDSL 9806H supports two NTP servers at most. It provides simplified policy between NTP server and client. � By default. 190 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . the system is not configured with NTP server. Execute the time-zone timezone command to configure time zone. 2. Execute the sntp enable command to enable SNTP. spanning-tree rapid-stp protocol-migration disable Configuring SNTP Short Description Perform this procedure to configure SNTP. � The default synchronization interval is 64 seconds. Prerequisites Time zone is configured on ZXDSL 9806H. � The default time zone is 8. TABLE 79 OPERATION RELATED TO RSTP PROTOCOL MIGRATION Operation Command Disable port RSTP protocol migration. SNTP is disabled.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Example Configure interface 5/1 RSTP protocol migration. Context � SNTP is simplified NTP. To configure SNTP. The system communicates with NTP server in unicast mode after NTP server is configured. 9806(config)# interface gigabit-ethernet 5/1 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# spanning-tree rapid-stp protocol-migration enable 9806(cfg-if-ge-5/1)# show spanning-tree interface 5/1 Interface : 5/1 ProtocolEnable : disable StpPortPriority : 16 StpPortPathCost : 1024 RstpPortPriority : 16 RstpAdminPortPoint2Point : true RstpAdminPortCost : 0 RstpAdminPortEdgePort : enable RstpPortProtocolMigration : enable RstpPortPacketType : IEEE_TYPE RstpPortPathCost : 20000 PortState : Forwarding DesignatedCost : 0 DesignatedBdg : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A DesignatedPort : 80 01 DesignatedRoot : 10 00 00 15 EB F2 45 6A ForwardTrans : 1 RstpOperPortPoint2Point : true RstpOperPortEdgePort : enable Postrequisite Table 79 describes the operation related to RSTP protocol migration. perform the following steps: Steps 1. sntp server ipaddress backup Disable SNTP.33.1 as NTP server IP and ZXDSL 9806H as NTP client.1.1.Chapter 3 Broadband Service Configuraton 4.1 Backup Server : 0. (Optional) Execute the sntp interval time command to configure synchronization interval. Execute the show sntp command to show SNTP information.1 9806(config)# sntp interval 128 9806(config)# show sntp NTP Status : enable Request Interval : 128 Main Server : 10.0 Used Server : 0.33. 9806(config)# time-zone 8 9806(config)# sntp enable 9806(config)# sntp server 10. END Result Example OF STEPS SNTP is configured successfully. Configure the host with 10. sntp disable Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 191 . 5. TABLE 80 OPERATIONS RELATED TO SNTP Operation Command Configure backup SNTP server IP address.33.0 Stratum : 16 Clock Status : unsynchronized Postrequisite Table 80 describes operations related to SNTP. The synchronization interval is 128 seconds.0. ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) This page is intentionally blank. 192 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . ... DHCP Option82 and SVLAN.... Since label includes the user access line information..... Generally... ZXDSL 9806H device supports port location technologies..... BAS is used to get a DSL user’s port number for authentication.. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 193 .. For example... it actually conveys the user access line information.... 202 Network Security Configuration This topic describes configurations related to network security.................. including: � Port Location � Enabling DHCP � Configuring Loop Check � Configuring SSH Port Location Port location and identification is a capability of the service gateway and background system to locate a user............... such as VBAS... Enabling VBAS Short Description Perform this procedure to enable VBAS.. these technologies adopt label (such as PVC or SVLAN) or user access DSLAM physical port to identify broadband user access line information.... authorization and accounting..Chapter 4 Security Management Configuration Table of Contents Network Security Configuration ............ It can accurately identify broadband user access line........ 193 User Security Configuration ... PPPoE+..... Enable VBAS. DSLAM sends VBAS response packets to BRAS after it receives VBAS request packets. perform the following steps: Steps 1. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . ZXDSL 9806H adds tag to PPPoE+ packets and sends the user’s port information to BRAS. BRAS authenticates the user information. user account is bound with circuit. the system adopts PPPoE Intermediate Agent way to locate port. querying the user MAC address and DSLAM ports. 2. BRAS sends VBAS request packets to DSLAM after it receives identification authentication request packets from a user. Execute the show port-location vbas command to show VBAS status. 3. perform the following steps: Steps 194 1. In this way. execute the port-location pppo e-plus enable command to enable PPPoE+. It carries the user port information in PPPoE discovery packets and reports to BRAS. Execute the port-location vbas enable command to enable VBAS. port-location vbas disable Disable VBAS of a VLAN. TABLE 81 OPERATIONS RELATED TO VBAS Operation Command Disable VBAS. � Only when VLAN VBAS function is enabled. When users access the Internet in PPPoE mode. It is implemented at PPP session phase. BRAS uses this port information to authenticate the user. To enable VBAS. VBAS packets of this VLAN can be processed. 9806(config)# port-location vbas enable 9806(config)# port-location vbas enable vlan 1000 9806(config)# show port-location vbas PortLocationVbasEnable : enable PortLocationVbasMaxVlanNum : 1 PortLocationVbasCurrentVlanNum : 1 VBAS enable vlan list : 1000 Postrequisite Table 81 describes operations related to VBAS. Execute the port-location vbas enable vlan vlanid command to enable VBAS of a VLAN.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Context � VBAS is an interactive process between DSLAM and BRAS. END Result Example OF STEPS VBAS is enabled successfully. port-location vbas disable vlan vlanid Enabling PPPoE+ Short Description Context Perform this procedure to enable PPPoE+. In global configuration mode. To enable PPPoE+. 2. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 195 . 4. In interface configuration mode. pppoe-plus disable Enabling DHCP Option82 Short Description Perform this procedure to enable DHCP Option82. Enable PPPoE+. port-location pppoe-plus disable Disable PPPoE+ in interface configuration mode. Execute the show port-location pppoe-plus command to show global PPPoE+.168. TABLE 82 OPERATIONS RELATED TO PPPOE+ Operation Command Disable PPPoE+ in global configuration mode. execute the pppoe-plus enable command to enable PPPoE+.1 Table 82 describes operations related to PPPoE+. 3. END Result Example OF STEPS PPPoE+ is enabled successfully. Execute the show interface SLOT/PORTLIST command to show port PPPoE+.Chapter 4 Security Management Configuration 2. 9806(config)# port-location pppoe-plus enable 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# pppoe-plus enable 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# exit 9806(config)# show port-location pppoe-plus Global PPPoE plus : enable 9806(config)# show interface 4/1 Interface PVCID 1 2 8 : 4/1 PVID 1 1 1 AcceptFrames admitall admitall admitall SvlanMode disable disable disable TLS disable disable disable SC_ID PVC_ID SC_TYPE 1 1 ALL PortLockStatus AdminStatus TrapControl LinkStatus MaxMacLearn IfType DHCP Option82 DHCP Access Type Remote ID Remote ID Name PPPoE plus DHCP Snooping DHCP Snooping Limit DHCP Packet Limit IGMP Packet Limit Modem IP Postrequisite : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : PSVID 1 1 1 DHCPSourceGuard disable disable disable unlock enable disable down 8 ADSL_PORT_TYPE enable china-telecom disable enable disable 8 16 pps 16 pps 192. 168. 2. In global configuration mode. � After DHCP Option82 function is disabled. � Only when DHCP Option82 function is enabled. 3.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Context � Option82 field contains CID (Circuit ID). 4. RID (Remote ID) and sub-Option90 (optional) field. ZXDSL 9806H forwards DHCP packets transparently. Execute the show interface SLOT/PORTLIST command to show port DHCP Option82 status. execute the port-location dhcp -option82 enable command to enable global DHCP Option82. In interface configuration mode. execute the dhcp-option82 enable command to enable port DHCP Option82. It also provides the information of shelf number. END Result Example OF STEPS DHCP Option82 is enabled successfully.2. To enable DHCP Option82. Enable DHCP Option82. perform the following steps: Steps 1. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .1 Table 83 describes operations related to DHCP Option82. VPI and VCI. 9806(config)# port-location dhcp-option82 enable 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# dhcp-option82 enable 9806(config)# show port-location dhcp-option82 Global DHCP : enable 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# show interface 4/1 Interface PVCID 1 2 8 PVID AcceptFrames 1 admitall 1 admitall 1 admitall : 4/1 SvlanMode TLS PSVID DHCPSourceGuard disable disable 1 disable disable disable 1 disable disable disable 1 disable SC_ID PVC_ID SC_TYPE 1 1 ALL PortLockStatus AdminStatus TrapControl LinkStatus MaxMacLearn IfType DHCP Option82 DHCP Access Type Remote ID Remote ID Name PPPoE plus DHCP Snooping DHCP Snooping Limit DHCP Packet Limit IGMP Packet Limit Modem IP Postrequisite 196 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : unlock enable disable down 8 ADSL_PORT_TYPE enable china-telecom disable disable disable 8 16 pps 16 pps 192. Execute the show port-location dhcp-option82 command to show global DHCP Option82 status. port number. slot number. ZXDSL 9806H can add/delete Option82 field in DHCP packets. In interface configuration mode. execute the psvid vlanid command to configure port outer layer VLAN. PVC as 1 and VPI/VCI as 8/81. One tag is used to identify the customer network. Enable interface 4/1 SVLAN. outer layer VLAN as 60. 6. port-location access-node-id { inband-mac | hostname} Disable DHCP Option82 in interface configuration mode. In interface configuration mode. SVLAN allows carrier to allocate the second VLAN ID up to 4 K. SVLAN encapsulates one more tag before 802. the other tag is used to identify the service provider network. port-location dhcp-option82 disable Configure access-node-id. dhcp-option82 sub-option rid name Configure port DHCP-option82 report type. Execute the add-vlan vlanid command to create inner layer VLAN and outer layer VLAN. 4. 2. Carrier VLAN ID is inserted in upstream and deleted in downstream. Configure inner layer VLAN as 11. execute the pvid vlanid command to configure port inner layer VLAN. Execute the vlan vlanid SLOTLIST/PORTLIST untag [one-toone] pvc pvc command to add outer layer VLA and inner layer VLAN to the service port.1Q tag. to each user. execute the svlan enable pvc pvc command to enable SVLAN. dhcp-option82 sub-option rid enable/disable Configure port DHCP-option82 Remote ID name. 9806(config)# add-vlan 11 9806(config)# add-vlan 60 9806(config)# vlan 60 5/1 tag Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 197 . Execute the vlan vlanid SLOTLIST/PORTLIST tag pvc pvc command to add outer layer VLAN to the uplink port. 3. In interface configuration mode. END Result Example OF STEPS SVLAN is enabled successfully. 5. dhcp-option82 disable Enable/disable port DHCP Option82 Remote ID . dhcp-option82 sub-option { china-telecom | china-netcom | wt101} Enabling SVLAN Short Description Context Perform this procedure to enable SVLAN.Chapter 4 Security Management Configuration TABLE 83 OPERATIONS RELATED TO DHCP OPTION82 Operation Command Disable DHCP Option82 in global configuration mode. perform the following steps: Steps 1. To enable SVLAN. ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 9806(config)# vlan 60 4/1 untag pvc 1 9806(config)# vlan 11 4/1 untag pvc 1 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# svlan enable pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# psvid 60 pvc 1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# pvid 11 pvc 1 Postrequisite Table 84 describes operations related to SVLAN. perform the following steps: Steps 198 1. Through binding IP address and PVC. This technology filters the non-trusted DHCP information from nontrusted areas through establishing and maintaining DHCP snooping binding table. DHCP Decline and DHCP Release packets. Execute the dhcp-snooping enable command to enable DHCP snooping. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . svlan tls enable pvc pvc Disable port TLS properties. svlan disable pvc pvc Configure global VLAN mode. IP address. svlan tls disable pvc pvc Enabling DHCP Short Description Perform this procedure to enable DHCP. DHCP NAK. To enable DHCP. TABLE 84 OPERATIONS RELATED TO SVLAN Operation Command Disable SVLAN in interface configuration mode. This technology can effectively prevent address-deceit and DoS attack and thus increase the device security. The default mode is ’traditional’. It can age the entries in DHCP snooping binding table according to the rental period. DHCP snooping binding table includes the information about user MAC address. DHCP snooping can filter the non-DHCP IP packets of PVC. The default value is 0x8100. Context DHCP snooping technology is a security characteristic of DHCP. rental period and VLAN ID interface from non-trusted areas. ctpid ctpid Enable port to be TLS. system vlan-mode mode Configure outer layer Tag ID. Through DHCP. To maintain DHCP snooping binding table. DHCP ACK. user can obtain IP address and relevant configuration information automatically. To realize the DHCP source guard technology. it is necessary to intercept DHCP Request. stpid stpid Configure inner layer Tag ID. The default value is 0x8100. it is necessary to establish DHCP snooping module to maintain DHCP snooping binding table. Execute the loop-check recover-interval time command to configure recover interval. perform the following steps: Steps 1. loop back occurs to the port. the system will shut down this port. If the port is still in loop-back status. � By default. Execute the loop-check interval time command to configure loop-check interval. If the information is consistent. the recover interval is prolonged automatically. � If loop back occurs on a port. dhcp-packet-limit packet-num Configure DHCP snooping limit. END Result Example OF STEPS DHCP is enabled successfully. dhcp-snooping-limit num Show DHCP snooping. The receiving port compares the port information with its own. To configure loop check. Execute the dhcp-source-guard enable pvc pvcid to bind the IP address with PVC. � If the recover interval is configured. The default value is 8.Chapter 4 Security Management Configuration 2. the loop-check function is disabled. � The port sends a loop-check packet automatically if the loopcheck function is enabled. dhcp-snooping disable Disable DHCP Source Guard binding. TABLE 85 OPERATIONS RELATED TO DHCP Operation Command Disable DHCP Sooping. The packet contains information of the transmitting port. the disabled port is enabled automatically after recover interval. 2. show dhcp-snooping {slot/port | slot slot} Configuring Loop Check Short Description Context Perform this procedure to configure loop check. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# dhcp-snooping enable 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# dhcp-source-guard enable pvc 1 Postrequisite Table 85 describes operations related to DHCP. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 199 . dhcp-source-guard disable pvc pvcid Configure DHCP packet limit. Enable DHCP snooping on interface 4/1 and bind IP address with PVC 1. loop-check interval Show loop-back parameters. This command is only applicable to Version 1. 2. Execute the ssh-server generate-key command to generate RSA key. The route between SSH client and server is configured. Through SSH. Execute the radius-server add ipaddress key port command to configure radius server information when the SSH server 200 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . To configure SSH. perform the following steps: Steps 1. (Optional) Execute the ssh-server only enable command to enable SSH server to be the only access mode. ZXDSL 9806H supports SSH server functions. TABLE 86 OPERATIONS RELATED TO LOOP CHECK Operation Command Disable loop check. 9806(config)# loop-check interval 20 9806(config)# loop-check recover-interval 60 9806(config)# show loop-check interval LoopCheckInterval : 20 s RecoverInterval : 60 min Postrequisite Table 86 describes operations related to configuring loop check.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) 3. 5. 4. 7. this command is not necessary. show loop-check interface SLOT/PORT Configuring SSH Short Description Prerequisites Context Perform this procedure to configure SSH. 3. Therefore. For Version 2. Configure the loop-check interval as 20 seconds and recover interval as 60 minutes. If the auth entication type is ’local’. users can encrypt data. SSH can replace TELNET for security remote login. Execute the ssh-server enable command to enable SSH server. Execute the show loop-check interval command to show loop-back interval parameters. Execute the ssh-server type {pap | chap} command to conf igure SSH serve authentication type to be ’radius’. this command is not necessary. Execute the ssh-server mode {local | radius} command to configure SSH server authentication mode. Data transmitted through SSH is compressed. Execute the ssh-server version {sshv1 | sshv2} command to configure SSH server version. the transmission speed is enhanced. END Result Example OF STEPS Loop check is configured successfully. 6. 166. this command is not necessary. Configure SSH version number as Version 2. RADIUS server IP is 10. If the authentication type is ’local’.255. END Result Example OF STEPS SSH is configured successfully. Keep the key consistent with the key on RADIUS server. ssh-server disable Disable SSH server as the only access mode. ssh-server only disable Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 201 . TABLE 87 OPERATIONS RELATED TO SSH Operation Command Disable SSH server. The local authentication mode is used. 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# ssh server ssh authmode ssh authtype ssh only ssh version ssh-server enable ssh-server only enable ssh-server version sshv1 ssh-server generate-key ssh-server mode radius ssh-server type pap radius-server add 10. Configure SSH version number as Version 1.61.225. 8. key is zte and the default port 1812 is used. 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# 9806(config)# ssh server ssh authmode ssh authtype ssh only ssh version Postrequisite ssh-server ssh-server ssh-server ssh-server show ssh enable only enable version sshv2 mode local : : : : : enable local pap disable sshv2 Table 87 describes operations related to SSH.166 zte 1812 show ssh : enable : radius : pap : enable : sshv1 Note: Execute the ssh-server generate-key command only for one time.Chapter 4 Security Management Configuration authentication type is ’radius’. Execute the show ssh to show SSH server configuration.61. RADIUS pap authentication is used. END Result Example OF STEPS IP address is bound with the service channel successfully. which can restrict the number of access users.10. Bind interface 4/1 with IP address 10.10. Execute the bind ip-address ipaddress command to bind IP address. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . the maximum number of MAC address that virtual service port can learn is 8. One port can bind four IP addresses at most.63.63. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# bind ip 10.63.105 Postrequisite Table 88 describes the operation related to binding IP address. 2. one port can only bind one IP address each time. perform the following steps: Steps 1. � By default. no bind ip-address ipaddress Configuring MAC Address Limit Short Description Context 202 Perform this procedure to configure the maximum number of MAC addresses that virtual service port can learn. including: � Binding IP Address � Configuring MAC Address Limit � Configuring MAC Address White List � Configuring MAC Address Black List Binding IP Address Short Description Perform this procedure to bind the service channel with IP address.105 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# show bind ip port 4/1 4/1 : 10. To bind IP address. Execute the show bind ip-address port SLOT/PORT command to show the bound IP address information. Context When binding static IP address. TABLE 88 OPERATION RELATED TO BINDING IP ADDRESS Operation Command Do not bind IP address.10.105.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) User Security Configuration This topic describes configurations related to user security. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 203 . To configure MAC address limit. no max-mac-learn Configuring MAC Address White List Short Description Context Perform this procedure to bind the service channel with MAC address. Execute the max-mac-learn num command to configure the maximum number of MAC address that virtual service port can learn.1 Table 89 describes the operation related to MAC address limit. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/2 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# max-mac-learn 16 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/2)# show interface 4/2 Interface PVCID 1 8 : 4/2 PVID 1 1 AcceptFrames admitall admitall SC_ID PVC_ID SC_TYPE 1 1 ALL PortLockStatus AdminStatus TrapControl LinkStatus MaxMacLearn IfType DHCP Option82 DHCP Access Type Remote ID Remote ID Name PPPoE plus DHCP Snooping DHCP Snooping Limit DHCP Packet Limit IGMP Packet Limit Modem IP Postrequisite SvlanMode disable disable TLS PSVID DHCPSourceGuard disable 1 disable disable 1 disable : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : unlock enable disable down 16 ADSL_PORT_TYPE disable china-telecom disable disable disable 8 16 pps 16 pps 192.2.Chapter 4 Security Management Configuration � The maximum number of MAC address that the virtual service port can learn does not include the number of static MAC address. Execute the show interface SLOT/PORT command to show the maximum number of MAC address that virtual service port can learn. MAC address white list is also called MAC address binding. perform the following steps: Steps 1. 2.168. END OF STEPS Result The maximum number of MAC address is configured successfully. TABLE 89 OPERATION RELATED TO MAC ADDRESS LIMIT Operation Command Delete MAC address limit. Example Configure the maximum number of MAC address that the interface 4/2 can learn is 16. one port can only bind one MAC address each time. ZXDSL 9806H supports four MAC addressed to be filtered at most. To bind MAC address. Execute the bind mac-address macaddress command to bind MAC address. Configure interface 4/1 to filter MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:01. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# bind mac-address 00:00:00:00:00:01 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# show bind mac-address port 4/1 4/1 : 00:00:00:00:00:01 Postrequisite Table 90 describes the operation related to MAC address binding. perform the following steps: Steps 1. END Result Example OF STEPS MAC address is bound with the service channel successfully. no bind mac-address macaddress Configuring MAC Address Black List Short Description Context Perform this procedure to filter MAC address. 9806(config)# interface adsl 4/1 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# filter mac-address 00:00:00:00:00:01 9806(cfg-if-adsl-4/1)# show filter mac-address port 4/1 4/1 : 00:00:00:00:00:01 Postrequisite 204 Table 91 describes the operation related to MAC address filtering. Execute the show bind mac-address port SLOT/PORT command to show the bound MAC address information. Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . Execute the filter mac-address macaddress command to filter MAC address. Bind interface 4/1 with MAC address 00:00:00:00:00:01. One port can bind four MAC addresses at most. To filter MAC address.ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) When binding static MAC address. MAC address black list is also called MAC address filtering. TABLE 90 OPERATION RELATED TO MAC ADDRESS BINDING Operation Command Do not bind MAC address. 2. 2. perform the following steps: Steps 1. END Result Example OF STEPS MAC address is filtered successfully. Execute the show filter mac-address port SLOT/PORT command to show filtered MAC address. no filter mac-address macaddress Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 205 .Chapter 4 Security Management Configuration TABLE 91 OPERATION RELATED TO MAC ADDRESS FILTERING Operation Command Do not filter MAC address. ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) This page is intentionally blank. 206 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION . 9 Figure 11 In-band NMS Network Configuration Diagram........................ 6 Figure 6 Add NE ........................... 3 Figure 4 Run Telnet. 2 Figure 2 Configure Connection....60 Figure 25 VLAN ID Extension Application Networking Diagram .............38 Figure 21 VLAN Application Networking Diagram...............................................................................................................................28 Figure 18 PSTN Service Access Configuration Flow ............................................. 8 Figure 10 Command Modes.. 6 Figure 7 NMS Server ........Figures Figure 1 New Connection ..........25 Figure 16 In-band Channel Configuration Flow........ 7 Figure 8 NMS Client ...............................62 Figure 26 VLAN ID Extension Configuration Flow ......................................................................................................................................................................19 Figure 14 Out-of-band NMS Configuration Flow Diagram ...................71 Figure 29 ADSL/ADSL2+ IPoE/PPPoE Access Service Networking Diagram .....................................26 Figure 17 PSTN Service Access Networking Diagram............................................................................20 Figure 15 In-band Networking Diagram ........................................................59 Figure 24 VLAN Stacking Batch Service Configuration Flow..........................................63 Figure 27 ADSL/ADSL2+ PPPoA Access Service Networking Diagram ...............................67 Figure 28 ADSL/ADSL2+ PPPoA Access Service Configuration Flow ............... 4 Figure 5 NetNumen Config Center..................................................29 Figure 19 PSTN Service Access Networking Diagram......................17 Figure 13 Out-of-band NMS Network Configuration Diagram...................................................................16 Figure 12 In-band NMS Configuration Flow Diagram ............................................54 Figure 23 VLAN Stacking Batch Application Networking Diagram ......................... 7 Figure 9 Create NE ..........................75 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 207 ..........53 Figure 22 VLAN Application Configuration Flow . 2 Figure 3 COM1 Properties .................37 Figure 20 IP FAX Service Access Configuration Flow ................................................... ................ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Figure 30 ADSL/ADSL2+ IPoE/PPPoE Access Service Configuration Flow .... 153 Figure 47 IGMP Proxy Service Configuration Flow............................................... 124 Figure 40 SHDSL IPoE/PPPoE Access Service Networking Diagram ................ 155 Figure 48 Configuring Static Route ......................................................... 137 Figure 43 SHDSL Alarm Profile Configuration Flow..88 Figure 33 VDSL2 IPoE/PPPoE Access Service Networking Diagram ........................................................................... 102 Figure 36 VDSL2 Service Profile Configuration Flow ............ 119 Figure 39 VDSL2 Alarm Profile Configuration Flow ...................82 Figure 32 ADSL/ADSL2+ Alarm Profile Configuration Flow ................. 147 Figure 46 IGMP Proxy Service Networking Diagram .....94 Figure 34 VDSL2 IPoE/PPPoE Access Service Configuration Flow ............................................... 115 Figure 38 VDSL2 UPBO Profile Configuration Flow ........... 171 208 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION ....................................................... 134 Figure 42 SHDSL Line Profile Configuration Flow ... 145 Figure 45 IGMP Snooping Service Configuration Flow........ 141 Figure 44 IGMP Snooping Service Networking Diagram ...................... 131 Figure 41 SHDSL IPoE/PPPoE Access Service Configuration Flow ........................................ 111 Figure 37 VDSL2 DPBO Profile Configuration Flow .....................97 Figure 35 VDSL2 Basic Profile Configuration Flow .....78 Figure 31 ADSL/ADSL2+ Line Profile Configuration Flow......................... ........................................................................................................46 Table 20 Self-exchange Related Operations ..............47 Table 21 Ringing Parameters .................................................................59 Table 31 VLAN ID Extension Data Configuration .....................................62 Table 32 Corresponding Relations Between 9806H And Modem Encapsulation Type .........30 Table 10 MG Route Parameters .................................56 Table 27 Operation Related to VLAN Uplink Port .........12 Table 3 Prompt Information .........................................................12 Table 4 In-band NMS Data Configuration.....................16 Table 5 Out-of-band NMS Data Configuration...........................50 Table 24 VLAN Usage ..32 Table 12 VoIP Resource Termination ID Parameters ....................................................................................................................................32 Table 11 Termination ID Parameters ........19 Table 6 In-band Channel Configuration Data......................................65 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 209 .............39 Table 15 MG Route Parameters ......43 Table 18 MPRB RTP Fax Parameters..............10 Table 2 Display Function .........................................................................57 Table 28 Operation Related to Single Service Port ...Tables Table 1 Edit Functions ........................................................52 Table 25 VLAN Data Configuration.................................58 Table 30 VLAN Stacking Batch Service Data Configuration ................................................................................45 Table 19 Self-exchange Parameters.............42 Table 17 VoIP Resource Termination ID Parameters ...................40 Table 16 Port Fax Parameters .............37 Table 14 MGC Parameters ..........26 Table 7 Voice Service Card Specification..................................................48 Table 22 Operation Related to Ringing Profile.........................29 Table 9 MGC Parameters..............................49 Table 23 Call Limit Parameters ...........................28 Table 8 PSTN Service Access Data Configuration ......57 Table 29 Operation Related to Service Ports ................................................54 Table 26 Operation Related to VLAN .................34 Table 13 IP Fax Service Access Data Configuration ... . 123 Table 48 VDSL2 Alarm Profile Parameters............. 131 Table 52 SHDSL Line Profile Parameters...................92 Table 39 VDSL2 IPoE/PPPoE Access Service Data Configuration ................................. 160 Table 63 Operation Related to Bandwidth ................ 116 Table 45 Operations Related to VDSL2 DPBO Profile .......... 158 Table 62 Preview Profile Parameters ........................ 156 Table 61 IGMP Interface Parameters.........87 Table 37 ADSL/ADSL2+ Alarm Profile Parameters............... 166 Table 67 Operations Related to Policy and Class .................................... 138 Table 53 Operations Related to SHDSL Line Profile ........... 153 Table 60 IGMP Parameters .......... 120 Table 47 Operations Related to VDSL2 UPBO Profile ................................67 Table 34 ADSL/ADSL2+ IPoE/PPPoE Access Service Data Configuration ................................... 162 Table 64 Operation Related to Queue Scheduler Algorithm ............... 143 Table 56 IGMP Snooping Service Data Configuration .......................................................................................... 112 Table 43 Operations Related to VDSL2 Service Profile ........................................................ 142 Table 55 Operation Related to SHDSL Alarm Profile ..... 164 Table 65 Operation Related to PVC Mapping .................................................. 114 Table 44 VDSL2 DPBO Profile Parameters ..................... 148 Table 58 Preview Profile Parameters ............. 118 Table 46 VDSL2 UPBO Profile Parameters ...........................ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) Table 33 ADSL/ADSL2+ PPPoA Access Service Data Configuration ...................................................................90 Table 38 Operation Related to ADSL/ADSL2+ Alarm Profile.. 145 Table 57 IGMP Parameters ........... 128 Table 50 Corresponding Relations Between 9806H and MODEM Encapsulation Type. 105 Table 41 Operations Related to VDSL2 Basic Profile ............................................ 129 Table 51 SHDSL IPoE/PPPoE Access Service Data Configuration ........................... 167 210 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION ............................................................. 165 Table 66 QoS Policy Parameters .........75 Table 35 ADSL/ADSL2+ Line Profile Parameters ...................... 151 Table 59 IGMP Proxy Service Data Configuration ............................................ 126 Table 49 Operations Related to VDSL2 Alarm Profile ...................................95 Table 40 VDSL2 Basic Profile Parameters .................... 110 Table 42 VDSL2 Service Profile Parameters ....84 Table 36 Operations Related to ADSL/ADSL2+ Line Profile.................. 140 Table 54 SHDSL Alarm Profile Parameters .................. ............. 182 Table 78 Operation Related to RSTP Edge Port ...................... 201 Table 88 Operation Related to Binding IP Address ........ 187 Table 79 Operation Related to RSTP Protocol Migration ............................ 202 Table 89 Operation Related to MAC Address Limit................................................................................................. 199 Table 86 Operations Related to Loop Check ......................................................................................................... 172 Table 72 Operation Related to RMON ...... 175 Table 74 Operations Related to Forward Delay ...... 205 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 211 .............................. 197 Table 84 Operations Related to SVLAN ....... 171 Table 71 Operation Related to Static Route................... 203 Table 90 Operation Related to MAC Address Binding ........ 204 Table 91 Operation Related to MAC Address Filtering ............................ 194 Table 82 Operations Related to PPPoE+ ... 173 Table 73 Operation Related to STP/RSTP ................. 190 Table 80 Operations Related to SNTP........ 198 Table 85 Operations Related to DHCP ................... 179 Table 76 Operations Related to Max Age ................................................. 180 Table 77 Operations Related to Priority ...... 191 Table 81 Operations Related to VBAS.......................... 178 Table 75 Operations Related to Hello Time .. 195 Table 83 Operations Related to DHCP Option82.........Tables Table 68 Operations Related to Port QoS Priority .................... 168 Table 69 Operations Related to QoS Mapping..................... 170 Table 70 Operations Related to Egress Shaping Parameters ........... 200 Table 87 Operations Related to SSH .... 212 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) This page is intentionally blank. .. 174 Enabling VDSL2 Interface.. 81 Configuring Call Limit .............. 15 IP Fax Service Access Configuration............. 202 C Configuring ADSL/ADSL2+ Line Profile... 15.......... 57 Adding VLAN... 22 Configuring STP/RSTP Priority .................................. 182 DHCP Option82 .................................... 162 F Forward Delay... 128 Out-of-band NMS Configuration. 144 N NetNumen ................................................. 167 PPPoA Access .............Index A H Adding Service Ports in Batch ............ 87 ADSL/ADSL2+ IPoE/PPPoE Access ............... 143 Enabling STP/RSTP ............ 203 Max Age.. 92 Enabling DHCP ......................... 170 Enabling ADSL/ADSL2+ Interface............ 129........ 199 M MAC Address Black List .......................... 74 Hello Time ...... 194 PSTN Service .......................... 202 MAC Address White List .................... 93 Configuring Network Management ACM ........... 49 Configuring MAC Pool ......................... 19 Overview.. 161 Binding IP Address ........................... 185 D Default Cost ..... 172 Login Mode ....... 55 Adding VLAN Uplink Port............................ 36. 56 ADSL Overview .... 178 HyperTerminal...... 165 Port QoS Priority ....... 204 MAC Address Limit...............................5 E O Egress Shaping Parameters ................................. 179 Modifying Ringing Profile...................... 28 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 213 ...... 198 Enabling SHDSL Interface............ 47 Multicast .................................................... 66 PPPoE+ .................................1 Loop Check................................... 152 IGMP Snooping ............... 196 I IGMP Proxy.1 B Bandwidth ....... 144 In-band Channel Configuration............. 28 PSTN Service Access Configuration Instance .................... 93.. 65 ADSL/ADSL2+ Alarm Profile............ 177 P Policy and Class ................................................... 58 Adding Single Service Port.. 25 In-band NMS Configuration............... 36 L Link Aggregation .............................. ...... 51 VLAN Stacking Batch Service Configuration Instance ............ 188 RSTP Compatibility ......... 46 SHDSL Alarm Profile ............... 197 T Telnet .......................... 186 RSTP BPDU Packet Type ....................... 123 VDSL2 Basic Profile........... 61 VLAN Overview ........................ 194 VDSL2 Alarm Profile........................ 164 Q Queue Scheduler Algorithm.........................4 Transmission Hold Count .. 118 VLAN ID Extension Configuration.......................................................... 189 S Self-exchange .............................. 58 214 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .... 130 SHDSL Line Profile .... 183 V VBAS ....... 184 STP/RSTP Priority . 188 RSTP Protocol Migration ............ 140 SHDSL IPoE/PPPoE Access .. 176 RSTP Edge Port ................. 171 STP Cost ...............ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) PVC Mapping .... 181 SVLAN .......................................................................... 101 VDSL2 DPBO Profile .. 136 SNTP ....................... 190 SSH...................... 200 Static Route.................................... 187 RSTP Point-to-Point Connection......... 110 VDSL2 UPBO Profile ........................................... 163 R RSTP Administration Cost .. 94 VDSL2 service Profile .. 115 VDSL2 IPoE/PPPoE Access ......................... Very High Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Line 2 DSCP .Internet Group Management Protocol INP .Digital Subscriber Line DSLAM .Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IGMP .Command Line Interface CoS .Cyclic Redundancy Check DHCP .Internet Protocol IPoE .Forward Error Correction Second GUI .Call Detail Record CIR .Differentiated Services Code Point DSL .Asynchronous Transfer Mode ATU-C .Address Resolution Protocol ATM .Customer Premises Equipment CRC .Intelligent Protection Switching IPTV .Graphical User Interface ICMP .Remote BAS .Discrete Multi-Tone DoS .Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line AG .Internet Control Message Protocol IEEE .Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer ES .ADSL Transceiver Unit .List of Glossary ADSL .ADSL Transceiver Unit .Internet Protocol over Ethernet IPS .Internet Protocol Television Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 215 .Bridge Protocol Data Unit BRAS .Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DMT .Access Gateway ARP .Errored Second FECS .Class of Service CPE .Channel Access Control CBS .Committed Burst Size CDR .Broadband Remote Access Server CAC .Central ATU-R .Impulse Noise Protection IP .Denial of Service VDSL2 .Committed Information Rate CLI .Broadband Access Server BPDU . Loss of Signal LOSWS .Internet Service Provider LAN .Packet Transfer Mode PVC .Small Office/Home Office 216 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION .Media Access Control MG .Network Time Protocol ONT .Loss of Sync Word Seconds MAC .ZXDSL 9806H Configuration Manual (CLI) ISP .Private Virtual Local Area Network QoS .Single-pair High Digital Subscriber Line SLC .Optical Network Terminal PBS .Simple Network Time Protocol SOHO .Point-to-Point Protocol PPPoA .Network Element NMS .Severely Errored Second SHDSL .Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol SES .Loss of Frame LoS .Remote Monitoring RSTP .Peak Information Rate PON .Quality of Service QoS .Local Area Network LoF .Modulation-Demodulation MVLAN .Strict-Priority Queue PSD .Simple Network Management Protocol SNR .Power Spectrum Density PSTN .Signal To Noise Ratio SNTP .Public Switched Telephone Network PTM .Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet PQ .Subscriber Line Circuit SNMP .Media Gateway Controller MODEM .Media Gateway MGC .Peak Burst Size PIR .Network Management System NTP .Radio Frequency Interference RMON .Multicast Virtual Local Area Network NE .Point to Point Protocol over ATM PPPoE .Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service RFI .Passive Optical Network PPP .Quality of Service RADIUS .Permanent Virtual Circuits PVLAN . Voice over Internet Protocol VPI .Upstream Power Back-Off VBAS .Glossary SP .Secure Shell STP .Virtual Channel Identifier VLAN .Terminal Identification TLS .Virtual Path Identifier VTU-C .Service Virtual Local Area Network TID .Spanning Tree Protocol STU-C .Wide Area Network WRR .Virtual Band Access Server VCI .VDSL Transceiver Unit .Virtual Local Area Network VoIP .Central STU-R .SHDSL Transceiver Unit .Transport Layer Security UAS .Supplementary Service SSH .Strict Priority SS .Remote SVLAN .Unavailable Seconds UPBO .Remote Terminal WAN .Weight Round Robin Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 217 .Central VTU-R .VDSL Transceiver Unit .SHDSL Transceiver Unit .
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