ZTE UMTS Power Control-20090302

March 17, 2018 | Author: Sudhir Singh | Category: High Speed Packet Access, Decibel, Broadcast Engineering, Networks, Digital & Social Media



ZXWR RNCPower Control Content Uplink Open Loop Power Control Downlink Open Loop Power Control Uplink Inner Loop Power Control Downlink Inner Loop Power Control HSDPA Power Control 2 Uplink Open Loop Power Control 3 Uplink Open Loop Power Control - PRACH Purpose: Estimate the initial transmit power of physical channels such as PRACH, DPCCH and DPDCH, and mainly refers to determining the PRACH transmit power. PRACH Initial Transmit Power: Preamble_Initial_Power = Primary CPICH DL TX power – CPICH_RSCP +UL interference + Constant Value - Primary CPICH DL TX power: transmit power of P-CPICH which is broadcasted in SIB5 or SIB6. - CPICH_RSCP: the channel code power of CPICH measured by UE. - UL interference: uplink interference, which is measured by NodeB and updated in real time in SIB7. - Constant Value (ConstVal): related with the cell environment and the service rate on PRACH, broadcasted in SIB5 or SIB6. If Preamble_Initial_Power > MaxRACHTxPwr, Preamble_Initial_Power = MaxRACHTxPwr. 4 Uplink Open Loop Power Control - PRACH If Preamble_Initial_Power > MaxRACHTxPwr, Preamble_Initial_Power = MaxRACHTxPwr. If no response (+1 or -1) of AICH is received after the first PRACH preamble composed, UE selects a new signature in the next timeslot. Increases the preamble transmit power by Power Ramp Step (PRStep). The transmit power of the control part of PRACH message is: PRACH_C_Power = Preamble_Initial_Power+sum(PowerRampStep)+Pp-m - Pp-m(POPpm): power offset between the control channel and the last PRACH preamble which is related to the PRACH message TFC. - Similar to uplink DPDCH and DPCCH, the power of the PRACH message control part and data part is controlled by the gain factor βc and βd . 5 DPCCH & DPDCH cd d Scode DPDCH I I+jQ DPCCH Q cc S c j PDPCCH c 2 ( ) PDPDCH d 6 .Uplink Open Loop Power Control . measured by NodeB updated in SIB7.NT+IT: uplink interference. and the gain factor c and d of the uplink DPCCH and DPDCH. DPCCH_Initial_power = DPCCH_Power_offset .Eb/No: quality factor of the DPCCH PILOT domain (DpcchPilotEbN0). .Uplink Open Loop Power Control .DPCCH Uplink DPCH Open Loop Power Control mainly determine the initial transmit power of DPCCH.CPICH_RSCP DPCCH_Power_offset = Eb/N0 + (NT+IT) – PG + CPICH_TX_Power .PG: Processing Gain. c and d are set fixed value according to the TFC. which equals to the DPCCH Spreading Factor 256. 7 . . Downlink Open Loop Power Control 8 . 6w) 10% 0.2% P-CPICH 9 Activation Ratio % .2% AICH AichPwr -7dB(0.5% FACHSCCPCH MaxFachPwr -1dB(1.5% PCHSCCPCH PchPwr -3dB(1w) 10% 0.Downlink Open Loop Power Control – Common Physical Channels Downlink common physical channels transmit power and parameters: Channel Parameter Default P-SCH PschPwr -3dB (1w) 10% 0.4w) 10% 0.39% PcpichPwr 33dBm(2w) 100% 10% P-CCPCH BchPwr -3dB(1w) 90% 4.4w) 10% 0.8% PICH PichPwr -7dB(0.79w) 10% 0.5% S-SCH SschPwr -4dB(0. Slot synchronization .6)dB.P-SCH load factor α: P1/(P1+P2) .Geological factor G: PR / PI.PTOT : Maximum downlink transmit power (MAXDlTxPwr ) . -6dB means cell border 10 .SCH load factor β: (P1+P2)/ PTOT .P3: P-CPICH transmit power .PR: Total received power from serving cells .P1: P-SCH transmit power .Identify the Primary Scrambling Code .Downlink Open Loop Power Control – P-SCH Power  Primary Synchronization Channel and Secondary Synchronization Channel are used in cell search procedure. (-6.P2: S-SCH transmit power .Frame synchronization and acquire the scrambling code group number .P-CPICH load factor γ: P3/ PTOT .PI : Total received power from other cells .  Cell search procedure includes: . 11 .00% The initial cell search time increases greatly when β is less than 10% but changes little when is larger than 10%. The larger the β is. γ = 0.50% 10.Downlink Open Loop Power Control – P-SCH & S-SCH Power α = 0. G = -3 β Vs cell search time β initial search 3000 2500 15.00% 7.5% 297.00% 12.3ms 5.5.0% 43.46 ms 1500 10.1.27 ms 7. the less power the other downlink physical channel can use.35 ms 2000 12.0% 96.0% 2476 ms - initial search ms 1000 500 0 5.5% 57.50% 15. 27 ms 100 0.65 69.63 ms 0.00% 60.6 74.7 67.41 ms initial search ms 80 60 40 20 0 50.00% 55.00% 70.1.1. 12 .00% The initial cell search time decreases when the P-SCH power increases. so α takes the value around 0. γ = 0. G = -3 α Vs cell search time - α initial search 120 0.75 68.18 ms 0.5 96.55 82. The second step of cell search (Frame synchronization) is more efficient than the first step (Slot synchronization).6.23 ms 0.47 ms 0.Downlink Open Loop Power Control – P-SCH & S-SCH Power β = 0.00% 65. 13 .00% 12.5 β = 0.5 ms 0 1600 1400 800 200 2. so 10% is recommended.50% The initial cell search time increases greatly when γ is less than 5% but changes little when γ is larger than 10%.5% 96.50% 10.5% 108.50% - 5.79 ms 400 2. G = -3 γ Vs cell search time initial search ms γ initial search 12.13 ms 600 5% 155.1.Downlink Open Loop Power Control – P-CPICH Power α = 0.27 ms 1000 7.00% 7. P-CPICH is used to do channel estimation.5 1462.15 ms 1200 10% 96. 8 14 .9 Processing gain [dB] 26.  The simulation settings of ETSI Vehicular A environment are listed in the right table.85 Speed [km/h] 120 Handover margin [dB] 3 Maximum active set size 2 Maximum power for one TCH [W] 1 Maximum BS power for all TCH [W] 18 Power for CPICH [W] 1 Required Eb/No [dB] 7. Sectors/site 3 Site to site distance [m] 6000 Log-normal fading std [dB] 10 Correlation distance [m] 28.Downlink Open Loop Power Control – P-CCPCH Power  Simulation results of “The Impact of Cell Search on System Performance in WCDMA ” from IEEE. 5w which is -3dB compare to the PCPICH power setting in the simulation environment 15 .Downlink Open Loop Power Control – P-CCPCH Power Downlink Transport Channel C/I Vs SCH+P-CCPCH power The best value of SCH+PCCPCH power is 0. 0]dB.Downlink Open Loop Power Control – P-CCPCH Power Downlink Transport Channel C/I Vs P-SCH/P-CCPCH power The acceptable range of P-SCH/PCCPCH is [-10. 16 . . ZTE takes the value of 0dB which is -3dB compare to the PCPICH power setting in the simulation environment. Test results of paging shows the paging failure ratio does not change much when the PCH power takes the value of -3dB.Downlink Open Loop Power Control – S-CCPCH  S-CCPCH carries PCH and FACH. so the maximum power of S-CCPCH is configured.  S-CCPCH which carries FACH uses SF64 code. -1dB and 0dB. the maximum power is -1dB and the transmit power is changed according the TFC of FACH.  There is no inner loop power control for the S-CCPCH. 17 .  S-CCPCH carrying PCH uses SF128 code. So the default value is 3dB. Eb/No: Eb/No of the service configured corresponding to the current rate of the access service.Ptx.total  E PG  c cpich  N 0   .init  Eb     N   0  req  Ptx . 0.α: Orthogonal Factor.CPICH: P-CPICH transmit power .PG: Processing Gain .CPICH       Ptx .Downlink Open Loop Power Control – DPCH  Determine the initial DPCH transmit power.Ec-cpich/N0: CPICH Ec/N0(dB) reported by UE . 18 . Ptx .5 . 7 Background PS384k 4.9 19 .7 Interactive PS8k 6.Downlink Open Loop Power Control – DPCH Traffic Class Data Rate Downlink Traffic Eb/N0 (dB) Conversational DL WAMR6.7 Background PS128k 0.8 Interactive PS384k 0.5 Background PS8k 6.5 Conversational DL 64K(PS Conversational Video) 5.2k 7.5 Streaming PS64k 1.2 Conversational DL NAMR4.9 Streaming CS64k 1.60k~23.9 Background PS64k 1.9 Streaming PS128k 0.85k 7.9 Interactive PS64k 4.75k~12.9 Interactive PS128k 4.7 Streaming PS384k 0. Uplink Inner Loop Power Control 20 . The delta value is TPC_cmd*TPC_STEP_SIZE (TpcStepSize). . Receiver sends a TPC command “1” to Transmitter.Transmitter changes the transmit power according to the TPC command value. . 21 .If SIR>= SIRtarget.Uplink Inner Loop Power Control  The specifications define following inner loop power control: .Receiver measures the SIR (Eb/No) of each radio link and compare with the target SIR (SIRtarget) which is set fixedly according to the service type.If SIR< SIRtarget. . Receiver sends a TPC command “0” to Transmitter. . there is no continuous coverage (no macro-diversity gain) and only one carrier (no load balancing).Algorithm 2: UE transmit power is adjusted every five timeslots. and transmit power can be increased.  Current Parameters Configuration: . 22 .Algorithm 1 tracks the fluctuating of channel better than Algorithm 2. 2009).214 defines two uplink inner loop power control method which is configured by parameter UlIlPcAlg in OMCR. and transmit power can be increased or decreased. decreased or not changed. Algorithm 1 is recommended.Uplink Inner Loop Power Control  The specification 25. .According to the network deployment now (Feb.Algorithm 1: the UE transmit power can be adjusted every timeslot. . Downlink Inner Loop Power Control 23 . Downlink Inner Loop Power Control  UTRAN adjusts the current downlink power P(k-1) to the new transmit power P(k) according to the following formula: P(k) = P(k .1) + PTPC(k) + Pbal(k) . . 24 .Pbal(k): correction value to balance the power of radio links.PTPC(k): the kth power adjustment value. The UTRAN adjusts the transmit power once every three timeslots according to the TPC command. there is no continuous coverage (no macro-diversity gain) and only one carrier (no load balancing). . 25 . The UTRAN adjusts the transmit power at each timeslot according to the TPC command. .Mode 1 tracks the fluctuating of channel better than Mode 2.According to the network deployment now (Feb.Mode 1: UE sends a TPC command at each timeslot.Downlink Inner Loop Power Control  Two downlink inner loop power control method can be configured by parameter DPCMode in OMCR: . 2009).  Current Parameters Configuration: .Mode 2: UE sends the same TPC command for three timeslots.  The step to adjust the downlink transmit power is configured by parameter TpcDlStep. Mode1 is recommended. HSDPA Power Control 26 . HSDPA Power Control – HSDPA total power alloction  Free allocation of NodeB . NodeB reports the TSSI (Transmitted Signal Strength Indicator).R99 power 27 .downlink transmit R99 power (including common physical channels power)]. the available HSDPA power is: HSDPA total power = Maximum cell power .The total power used by HSDPA (HS-SCCH & HS-PDSCH) shall not exceed [Maximum cell power . . R99 power = TSSI – HSDPA used power .In the next TTI.In each TTI. 28 .2dB.  Pdelta: the value obtained based on HS-SCCH BLER outer loop adjustment.  Γ: refers to the MPO (MeasPwrOffset).HSDPA Power Control – HS-SCCH power setting  NodeB determines the HS-SCCH power according to the CQIbased outer loop power control algorithm PHSSCCH  PCPICH  ( Es / No) hsscch    9  ( Es / No) hspdsch  Pdelta  PCPICH: Refers to the receive power of pilot channel (Unit: dBm).  (Es/No)hspdsch = -4.5 + CQI dB.  (Es/No)hsscch is constantly 1. the average scheduled UE number falls down when MPO exceeds 7dB. . simulation shows: .the measurement power offset is signaled by higher layers .HSDPA Power Control – Measurement Power Offset (MPO) UE shall assume a total received HS-PDSCH power: PHSPDSCH  PCPICH     .the reference power adjustment is given by specifications。 In case that the number of HS-SCCH is 2. The default value of MPO is 6dB 29 .the highest cell throughput is achieved when MPO=6dB.the average HS-PDSCH number scheduled falls down when MPO exceeds 6dB.the total received power is evenly distributed among the HS-PDSCH codes of the reported CQI value . . 2dBm Max retransmission No. Power of CPICH 31.2+37.6log[d(km)] Shadowing fading model Lognormal fading Standard Dev 8dB Average number of user per cell 10 Category of user 8 Mean acceleration of UE 0 Flow Controller Scheduler Max Transmit Power 41.HSDPA Power Control – Measurement Power Offset (MPO) Items Settings Running Time for Simulation 10 seconds Inter-site Distance Items 2000m Number of Cells 21 Path Loss Model 128.02W Channel model PA3 Number of HARQ processes 8 Orthogonality factor 0.6 30 .2dBm Combination of retransmission Number of HS-SCCH Power control of HS-SCCH 2 Receiver Based on CQI Settings Number of HS-DSCH YES PF 3 CC Rake 14 Max power of each HS-SCCH 0.5W Power of HSDPA 65% Min power of each HS-SCCH 0. HSDPA Power Control – Measurement Power Offset MPO) Average Cell Throughput Vs MPO the highest cell throughput is achieved when MPO=6dB 31 . 3 2 1 0 3 4 5 6 7 32 8 9 MPO . Vs MPO the average scheduled UE number falls down when MPO exceeds 7dB Average Scheduled User No.HSDPA Power Control – Measurement Power Offset MPO) Average Scheduled User No. HSDPA Power Control – Measurement Power Offset MPO) Scheduled HS-PDSCH No. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 4 5 6 33 7 8 9 MPO . Vs MPO average scheduled UE number falls down when MPO exceeds 7dB Scheduled HS-PDSCH No. Parameters 34 . ConstVal Parameter name PRACH Initiation Tx Power Constant Value(dB) Abbreviated name ConstVal Description This parameter is the correction value when calculating the initial transmission power of PRACH preamble.Power Control Parameters . -10]dB step 1dB Unit dB Default Value (note) -18dB 35 . Range and Step [-35. PRStep Parameter name PRACH Preamble Power Ramp Step(dB) Abbreviated name PRStep Description This parameter indicates the power ramp step used by the UE when it does not receive any responses from AICH after sending a preamble.Power Control Parameters . Range and Step [1. and then the next preamble is sent at this new power. This parameter is used to be added to the previous power. 8]dB step 1dB Unit dB Default Value (note) 1dB 36 . POPpm Parameter name Power Offset between PRACH Control Part and PRACH Data Part Abbreviated name POPpm[MAX_ PRACH _TFC] Description This parameter indicates the power offset between control part of the PRACH message part and the last preamble. Range and Step [-5,10]dB step 1dB Unit dB Default Value [2,2] (note) 37 .Power Control Parameters . It should be configured for each TFC. Where MAX_PRACH_TFC=32. +30]dB step 0.1dB Unit dB Default Value (note) Next slide 38 . Range and Step [-30.Power Control Parameters .DpcchPilotEbN0 Parameter name DPCCH Pilot Field Eb/N0(dB) Abbreviated name DpcchPilotEbN0 Description This parameter indicates the quality factor of the UL DPCCH PILOT domain which is a constant used for calculating the UL DPCCH power offset for a newly accessed call. 8kbps: 3dB Interactive UL PS 2.096Mbps: 5dB Streaming UL PS 384kbps: 5dB Background UL PS 5.76Mbps: 5dB Streaming UL CS 28.4kbps Signaling(AM): 3dB Background UL PS 64kbps: 3dB Conversational UL AMR 6. 072Mbps: 5dB Conversational UL CS 64kbps: 3dB Interactive UL PS 4.76Mbps: 5dB Streaming UL PS 128kbps: 3dB Streaming UL PS 1024kbps: 5dB Interactive UL PS 64kbps: 3dB Streaming UL PS 2.048Mbps: 5dB Streaming UL CS 64kbps: 3dB Background UL PS 3.DpcchPilotEbN0 Conversational UL 3.048Mbps: 5dB Interactive UL PS 384kbps: 5dB Streaming UL PS 3.Power Control Parameters .8kbps: 3dB Background UL PS 1024kbps: 5dB Streaming UL CS 57.85kbps: 3dB Background UL PS 384kbps: 5dB Conversational UL 64kbps (PS Conversational Video): 3dB Background UL PS 128kbps: 3dB Conversational UL NAMR 4. 072Mbps: 5dB Interactive UL PS 128kbps: 3dB Streaming UL PS 4.4kbps: 3dB Interactive UL PS 5.76Mbps: 5dB 39 .6kbps: 3dB Background UL PS 2.75~12.048Mbps: 5dB Conversational UL CS 32kbps: 2dB Interactive UL PS 3.60~23.096Mbps: 5dB Streaming UL CS 14.2kbps: 3dB Interactive UL PS 1024kbps: 5dB Conversational UL CS 28.096Mbps: 5dB Streaming UL PS 5. 072Mbps: 5dB Streaming UL PS 64kbps: 3dB Background UL PS 4. +15]dB step 0.Power Control Parameters . This parameter is the offset relative to PCPICH power. Range and Step [-35.1dB Unit dB Default Value (note) -3dB 40 .PschPwr Parameter name Primary SCH Power(dB) Abbreviated name PschPwr Description PSCH transmission power. SschPwr Parameter name Secondary SCH Power(dB) Abbreviated name SschPwr Description SSCH transmission power. This parameter is the offset relative to PCPICH power. +15] dB step 0. Range and Step [-35.Power Control Parameters .1dB Unit dB Default Value (note) -4dB 41 . 1dBm Unit dBm Default Value (note) 33.0.Power Control Parameters .0dBm 42 .PcpichPwr Parameter name P-CPICH Power(dBm) Abbreviated name PcpichPwr Description This parameter indicates the transmission power level of the Primary CPICH (Common Pilot Channel). which is an absolute value.0]dBm step 0. Range and Step [-10. 50. In addition. Range and Step [-35. This parameter is the offset relative to PCPICH transmission power. BCH is mapped one to one to PCCPCH physical channel.BchPwr Parameter name BCH Power(dB) Abbreviated name BchPwr Description BCH transmission power. one cell only contains one PCCPCH/BCH.1dB Unit dB Default Value (note) -3dB 43 . +15]dB step 0.Power Control Parameters . Power Control Parameters .1dB Unit dB Default Value (note) -3dB 44 . 15]dB step 0.PchPwr Parameter name PCH Power(dB) Abbreviated name PchPwr Description This parameter indicates the transmission power of the PCH mapped on the SCCPCH. which is a power offset relative to the PCPICH power. Range and Step [-35. 15]dB step 0. This parameter is the relative value based on the PCPICH transmission power.1 dB Unit dB Default Value (note) -1dB 45 .MaxFachPwr Parameter name Maximum FACH Power(dB) Abbreviated name MaxFachPwr Description This parameter indicates the maximum transmission power of the FACH which is mapped on the SCCPCH.Power Control Parameters . Range and Step [-35. PichPwr Parameter name PICH Power(dB) Abbreviated name PichPwr Description This parameter indicates the PICH transmission power. which is an offset relative to the Primary CPICH power. Range and Step [-10.Power Control Parameters . 5]dB step1 dB Unit dB Default Value (note) -7dB 46 . Power Control Parameters .AichPwr Parameter name AICH Power(dB) Abbreviated name AichPwr Description This parameter indicates the AICH transmission power. Range and Step [-22. which is an offset relative to the Primary CPICH power. 5]dB step 1dB Unit dB Default Value (note) -7dB 47 . 2dB Unit dB Default Value (note) 1dB 48 . default value of TPC step size is 1 and this parameter is not needed.Power Control Parameters -TpcStepSize Parameter name TPC Step Size (dB) Abbreviated name TpcStepSize Description This parameter indicates the TPC step size for uplink inner loop power control. Range and Step 1dB. this parameter needs to be configured. Only when inner loop power conrol algorithm 1 is selected. For algorithm 2. For algorithm 1 inner loop power control is done every time slot.Power Control Parameters -UlIlPcAlg Parameter name Uplink Inner Loop Power Control Algorithm Abbreviated name UlIlPcAlg Description This parameter indicates which uplink inner loop power control algorithm is used. For algorithm 2 inner loop power control is done every 5 tim slots. Range and Step 1: Algorithm 1 2: Algorithm 2 Unit N/A Default Value (note) 1: Algorithm 1 49 . And which algorithm to be used should be configured to UE. There are two kinks of downlink inner power control algorithm: single TPC and TPC triplet in soft.DPCMode Parameter name DPC Mode Abbreviated name DPCMode Description This parameter indicates which downlink inner loop power control algorithm is used. Range and Step 0: Single TPC 1: TPC Triplet in Soft Unit N/A Default Value (note) 0: Single TPC 50 .Power Control Parameters . this value is small. Range and Step 0.5, 2dB Unit dB Default Value 1dB (note) 51 .TpcDlStep Parameter name TPC DL Step Size(dB) Abbreviated name TpcDlStep Description This parameter indicates downlink inner loop power control adjustment step length. Usually with stable channel condition. in worse radio environment.5, 1, 1.Power Control Parameters . this value is larger. 13]dB step 0.Power Control Parameters . Range and Step [-6.5 dB Unit dB Default Value (note) 6 52 .MeasPwrOffset Parameter name HS-PDSCH Measurement Power Offset(dB) Abbreviated name MeasPwrOffset Description This parameter indicates the assumed HS-PDSCH power offset relative to P-CPICH/S-CPICH power used for CQI measurement. 0dBm 33. 2]dB DpcchPilotEbN0 slide 35 slide 35 PschPwr -3dB -3dB SschPwr -4dB -4dB PcpichPwr 33.0dBm ScpichPwr 0dB 0dB BchPwr -3dB -3dB PchPwr -3dB -3dB MaxFachPwr -1dB -1dB PichPwr -7dB -7dB AichPwr -7dB -7dB TpcStepSize 1dB 1dB UlIlPcAlg 1: Algorithm 1 1: Algorithm 1 DPCMode 0: Single TPC 0: Single TPC TpcDlStep 1dB 1dB MeasPwrOffset 6dB 6dB 53 . 2]dB [2.Power Control Parameters List Name Default Value TRUE Value ConstVal -18dB -18dB PRStep 1dB 1dB POPpm [2.
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