ZTE UMTS Connection Management Feature Guide_V8.5_201312
Connection ManagementFeature Guide WCDMA RAN Connection Management Feature Guide Connection Management Feature Guide Version Date Author Reviewer Revision History Modified the following sections: 2.1.17 Faster L1 Synchronization Enabling the DSAR (with additional description of cell barring) Establishing an RRC Connection Over a Dedicated Transport Channel (with additional description of "parallelRrcSetup ") RESET and RESOURCE RESET (newly added) V7.0 2012-04-09 Feng Chao Lv Yi Added the following parameters: tRrcConSetupExp to 4.5.1 encryAlgUEA0 to 4.5.3 encryAlgUEA2 4.6.1 integrityAlgUIA1 to 4.6.2 integrityAlgUIA2 Tiureldelay to tResetDelay FastL1SyncSwch Modified the following sections: 2.1.15 Direct Tunnel (with additional description of S12) 3.10.2 Call Re-establishment Triggered By Network (with additional parallel description Feng Chao 2.1) V8.0 2012-12-07 Huang Lv Yi Added the following parameters: Meiqing 4.3.2: added to 4.13.2: added to 3.10 Call Re-establishment (with additional description of “CELL UPDATE received from DRNC, no Call Re-establishment”. V8.5 2013-07-01 Feng Chao Lv Yi 3.10.2 (2) Added re-establishment scenario ZTE Confidential Proprietary 1 Connection Management Feature Guide in case of CELL UPDATE. 3.6.1: Added paging capability description. 3.6.2: Added paging failure through PCH. Added the following parameters: gRESPARA42 csRcUeReestSwitch psRcUeReestSwitch PchCsPageRsdSwch PchCsPageRsdTimer © 2013 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. ZTE CONFIDENTIAL: This document contains proprietary information of ZTE and is not to be disclosed or used without the prior written permission of ZTE. Due to update and improvement of ZTE products and technologies, information in this document is subjected to change without notice. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2 ...............2............. 22 3............. 13 2...........................................................11 ZWF21-01-018 Domain Specific Access Restriction .....1 System Broadcasting ....... 34 3.................................. 9 2.............. 61 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 3 ........... 19 2......... 14 2....17 ZWF21-01-019 Faster L1 Synchronization .........13 ZWF21-01-026 Integrity Protection Algorithm UIA2..... 19 2...............................................2 Cell Bar Access ............................... 41 3...................................................................................5.................. Connection Management Feature Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Feature Attributes...........................................1....................................................... 18 2................................................. 25 3.....................................16 ZWF21-01-010 Iu Interface Interruption Protection ............3 RRC Connection Setup and Release ..3 Releasing the RRC Connection ...........................................8 ZWF21-01-008 Radio Connection Re-establishment .............. 45 3.........................................1.............................................. Scheduling...................................3......... 16 2......2 Setting Up and Releasing the Iu Interface Connection .5.......... 18 2...............................................................................1 RRC Connection Setup ...................5 NAS Message Transfer ................................................................................. 53 3..............2 Information in Different SIBs .....................................1 NAS Message Forwarding Flow ........10 ZWF21-01-021 RRC Connection Redirect ............................... 17 2........... 34 3.......................................................................2 Redirection for Emergency Call..............................................7 ZWF21-01-007 Radio Connection Monitor .......................6 Paging ..............4.............................................................................. 45 3....15 ZWF21-30-031 Direct Tunnel ..........3 ZWF21-01-003 Paging ....3.............................................. 48 3.....................3................................................................................................................................. 11 2...... 16 2..1 Redirection for Load Reduction ...................................................................................................... 16 2........ 41 3...... 21 2.......9 ZWF21-01-020 27......6 ZWF21-01-006 Integrity Protection Algorithm UIA1.....................................4................................... 48 3...............................4 ZWF21-01-004 NAS Message Transfer ..........................12 ZWF21-01-025 Ciphering Algorithm UEA2..................................1 ZWF21-01-001 System Information Broadcasting ...... 9 2 Overview .............................................................4 RRC Connection Redirection ....... 22 3........14 ZWF21-01-022 Deferred SIB11/12 .............................................................................................................1 System Information Broadcasting...........................2 DSAR and Cell Bar Access ............................................................................ 9 2............. 54 3........................ 52 3................................2 Handling Abnormality in the RRC Connection Setup ..................................2 ZWF21-01-002 Connection Setup and Release ............. 22 3.... 11 2................................... and Transmission ........ 15 2............. 53 3.......... 39 3..................................................5 ZWF21-01-005 Ciphering Algorithm UEA0 and UEA1 ....................................................................1 Overview of DSAR .....2... 14 2......................................................2Kbps High Speed Signaling RB ... 22 3 Technical Descriptions ..................................... ...14 Iu Overload Control ...................2 PAGING TYPE 1.........................13 RB Reconfiguration .................................................................. 76 3........12 Iur Interface Radio Link Management ....................................... 65 3..... 64 3.................................................11. 73 3......1....................................................................................................6....2 Parameter Configurations .......... 122 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 4 ............ 77 3................................4 SIB2 Parameter Configurations...............................................................................6................1...2 Releasing the Iur Interface Radio Link .................11 SIB11/SIB12 Parameter List ...... 119 4................................................................ 88 4................................................ 82 3................................................................. 88 4...................................................................... 121 4....3 PAGING TYPE 2.....6....1................................................ 87 4 Parameters and Configurations .....................................................1............7 Security Mode Control .....................................10 SIB7 Parameter Configurations...... 90 4.............12 SIB11bis Parameter Configurations .....................................................1................................................................ 84 3.......... 61 3............................................................................9 SIB7 Parameter List .............1 Security Mode Control Flow ......................2..........11....................1..................................................1.....7.... 88 4........................13 SIB18 Parameter Configurations.....2 Parameters Related to Connection Setup and Release .............................................................................2.......1...................... 62 3..................................................................................................1...............1 SIB1 Parameter List .............................................. 84 3..11 Iub Interface Radio Link Management...................8 SIB5/SIB6 Parameter Configurations ..........................................................................................................................................3 Integrity Protection Algorithm and Parameters ................................................................ 111 4.................................................................4 Virtual Location Area Paging ......5 SIB3/SIB4 Parameter List ....... Connection Management Feature Guide 3.....................3 Releasing the Iub Interface Radio Link ..............................9 Radio Connection Monitoring ............. 85 3...................................................10....1.........................................................................1..................1 Establishing the Iub Interface Radio Link ................................... 86 3...........1 Paging Flow .. 101 4............. 121 4.... 70 3........... 109 4. 75 3.2 Call Re-establishment Triggered By Network ............................................................2 SIB1 Parameter Configurations......................... 78 3........ 102 4..........................................................11........................... 121 4...1 Parameter List .12........7 SIB5/SIB6 Parameter List ............... 65 3...........1.......................... 82 3... 121 4...........................7. 100 4.................8 RAB Force Queue............................. 120 4............................10..... 84 3.......... 119 4.........15 Deferred SIB11/12 ........................................................................................................................2 Encryption Algorithm and Parameters .................................2 Reconfiguring the Iub Interface Radio Link...6 SIB3/SIB4 Parameter Configurations ... 101 4.. 66 3............................................. 84 3............................................1 Reconfiguring the Iur Interface Radio Link ...........................10 Call Re-establishment ........................1.........................................6..............7.......................... 82 3.....1 System Information Broadcasting Parameters .................................................. 74 3..................12.........................................1 Call Re-establishment Procedure....................................................................................................................3 SIB2 Parameter List .. ................5................ 162 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 5 .......5..15......................................................................................................13..... 147 4.. 142 4........2 Parameter configuration .......................4.......................... 147 4....................................................3 encryAlgUEA2 ...................................................... 129 4..........8 Radio Connection Monitor Parameters .............................................................................................2 Parameter Configurations .......................................................................................... 142 4.......................................................................2 Parameter Configurations .3 DSAR Parameters ............ 128 4..... 147 4............................13 Call Re-establishment .................13..................................................... 144 4................. 161 4................ 161 4.................................................................1 integrityAlgUIA1 .....................................10 Iu Overload Control ..........2 Parameter Configurations .............6 Integrity Protection Parameters ......................1 Parameter List ...........................6.........................5.........................14 NAS Message Transfer .. 142 4........................................................................ 137 4........................................................ Connection Management Feature Guide 4....... 158 4......................................9 RRC Connection Redirection Parameters .......................................................................................................3....2 Parameter Configurations .....................................................2 Parameter Configurations ..........5 Ciphering Parameters ........................................9........................................1 Parameter List .......7..1 TigOR ...................................................................................................14.2 Parameter Configurations ................. 128 4.........................................2 Parameter Configurations ................4 Paging Parameters ........................2 TinTR ........................................................................... 147 4...................2 integrityAlgUIA2 ........................ 137 4...............10...........................................................................................................2 Parameter configuration ................................................................................................ 148 4................................ 144 4............... 143 4....................................................................................................................4...........10...7 AMR Service Forced Queue Parameters ............................................. 146 4.............................................11........... 158 4....................................................... 143 4............ 143 4............. 161 4.................. 143 4................... 137 4...................................................................................... 144 4...12 Direct Tunnel ..............................................11 Deferred SIB11/12 .1 Parameter List ...... 149 4...... 144 4................................................................. 146 4... 150 4..................................................1 Parameter List .................................1 Parameter List ................................... 162 4....................................14........1 Parameter List ................ 142 4..................................................................................................................16..........1 encryAlgUEA0 ...............................................................1 Parameter List ...................................16 RB Reconfig..15......1 Parameter List ...................................15 Faster L1 Synchronization ...9.....................................................16............................................................................. 143 4..................................11............12....................7......................2 Parameter Configurations .....................................1 Parameter List ......................................................... 162 4...........................................12.........2 encryAlgUEA1 ...................................1 Parameter List .............................................................................6.. 145 4...............................................................................................3. 158 4....................... 148 4...................................................... 148 4........................................ 149 4....................... ................ 162 5.................... 174 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 6 .........1 Counter List ............... 173 7 Reference ................ Connection Management Feature Guide 5 Counter and Alarm .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 173 6 Glossary ................................................. 162 5..................................................................................................................................2 Alarm List ...... ........................................................................................................................58 Figure 3-11 Iu Interface Connection Release Caused by Signaling Release .............................58 Figure 3-10 Iu Interface Connection Release Initiated by UE in PCH State ...............66 Figure 3-15 Querying the UE Capability ......................23 Figure 3-2 Example of DSAR Polling Mode .........................................................54 Figure 3-7 Iu Interface Connection Release Initiated by UE in DCH State ......................72 Figure 3-17 f9 Algorithm for Integrity Protection .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................79 Figure 3-21 RB Reconfiguration ...............................56 Figure 3-8 Releasing the Service of One Domain ......37 Figure 3-3 RRC Connection Establishment Flow ...........................................30 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 7 ...........77 Figure 3-20 Call Re-establishment Triggered by Network ...............57 Figure 3-9 Iu Interface Connection Release Initiated by UE in FACH State .....75 Figure 3-19 Call Re-establishment ...........................................................87 TABLES Table 3-1 Scheduling Levels of the SIBs...........................46 Figure 3-5 NAS Message Forwarding Flow ......................61 Figure 3-14 Security Mode Control Flow ............................................85 Figure 3-22 Iu Overload Control .......................73 Figure 3-18 Radio Link Failure ...............................59 Figure 3-13 Paging Flow ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Connection Management Feature Guide FIGURES Figure 3-1 System Broadcasting ..............................24 Table 3-2 SIB2 Parameters in the OMCR .............................................................................................59 Figure 3-12 Iu Interface Connection Release Initiated by the RNC .......................42 Figure 3-4 RRC Connection Release Flow ..................................................................69 Figure 3-16 Encryption and Decryption Procedures ............................................................................................................................................................................................................29 Table 3-3 SIB3/SIB4 Parameters in the OMCR ........53 Figure 3-6 Setting Up the Iu interface Connection ................................................. ..............................................................................................31 Table 3-5 SIB7 Parameters in the OMCR ..162 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 8 ....................... Connection Management Feature Guide Table 3-4 SIB5/SIB6 Parameters in the OMCR ...................................................32 Table 5-1 RRC Connection Management Counter .............................. 12. and Node B V4.10.10/V4.12. 2 Overview 2.12. Connection Management Feature Guide 1 Feature Attributes System version: [RNC V3.10] Attribute: [Basic + Optional] Involved NEs: UE Node B RNC MSCS MGW SGSN GGSN HLR √ √ √ √ √ Note: *-: Not involved *√: Involved: Dependency: [None] Mutual exclusion: [None] Note: The radio link management function of the Iur interface requires that the Iur interface must be configured between two RNCs. The system information broadcasted over the BCH channel includes the following contents: Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) ID. and Route Area (RA) Information on the timers and counters related to Radio Resource Control (RRC) connections Configuration information of the UTRAN Registration Area (URA) Cell selection and reselection parameters ZTE Confidential Proprietary 9 . Location Area (LA).1 ZWF21-01-001 System Information Broadcasting This function allows an entity to broadcast system information periodically with a cell as the basic unit and update the system information. and the allowed number of remained GSM adjacent cells is determined by gsmNbrNumLimit. the maximum length of a SIB is 3552 bits. If SIB11/Sib11Bis exceeds the maximum length of SIB. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 10 . SIB7. 32 inter-frequency adjacent cells. PCH. It allows 31 intra-frequency adjacent cells. Therefore. because the maximum number of adjacent cells that can be contained in a single SIB11 is 96. which has a similar but optimized structure as SIB11. SIB18 contains PLMN identifiers of the cells in SIB11bis. The system constructs SIB11 and SIB11bis according to the adjacent cell configuration and modifies the contents in SIB18 according to the 3GPP protocol. the SIB length may exceed 3552 bits. The allowed number of remained inter-frequency adjacent cells is determined by interNbrNumLimit. and 32 inter-RAT adjacent cells. The ZTE RAN removes the limits on the maximum number of adjacent cells in previous versions. Connection Management Feature Guide Parameters for configuring the common channels. and SIB19. SIB18. SIB11bis is introduced. In addition. To adapt to SIB11bis. and RACH Information on the uplink interference related to the auxiliary power control UE measurement control message over the idle or common channel Parameters of the adjacent cell AGPS location information The system information is included in the System Information Blocks (SIBs). However. A SIB can be divided into a maximum of 16 partitions. Except SIB7 (containing the uplink interference information) that can be measured and sent by the Node B. SIB5. SIB11. Each partition’s length is up to 222 bits. such as FACH. The SIBs supported by the ZTE RAN include SIB1. SIB3. To solve this problem and keep the current system information process strategy. the RNC excludes inter-frequency adjacent cells and GSM adjacent cells. all the other SIBs are controlled and encoded by the RNC. SIB2. the ZTE RAN introduces a new parameter that indicates whether the information of an adjacent cell shall be transmitted in SIB11 or SIB11bis. The RNC cannot obtain the location of the UE. for example. the paging function is used to trigger a UE to set up a connection to the CN.2 ZWF21-01-002 Connection Setup and Release This function is used to manage the setup and release of the RRC connections between the UTRAN and a UE so that a signaling bearer can be established between the UE and the UTRAN. Therefore. If all Iu connections are released or the radio connection to the UE is interrupted (refer to the section “ZWF21-01-007Radio Connection Monitor”). After the completion of RRC connection setup. When a UE needs to establish a connection to the network in a specific scenario. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 11 . or paging response. The RNC selects an area according to the RRC connection state of the UE and sends a paging message to the UE. such as LA or RA updating. The CN sends a paging message through the Iu interface to the RNC. the UTRAN releases the RRC connection and all resources allocated to the UE. the UE initiates an RRC connection setup request according to the parameters in the broadcast system information. service request. the UTRAN monitors the Iu connection and radio connection of the UE. After the completion of RRC connection setup.3 ZWF21-01-003 Paging When services are demanded in the CN. the UE establishes an Iu connection to the Core Network (CN) to update the LA/RA. the UE needs to receive a Short Message Service (SMS) or Multimedia Message Service (MMS) message. refer to the section “ZWF21-01-004 NAS Message Forwarding. The SRB also provides a signaling channel between the UE and the CN. The UE is in Idle mode. 2. Connection Management Feature Guide 2. the UTRAN allocates resources to set up a Signaling Radio Bearer (SRB) for the UE and completes the RRC connection setup procedure. the RNC sends a paging message within the LA or RA according to the LA/RA information carried in the paging message of the CN. For more details of the Iu connection setup. or the UE is called by another user. The ZTE RAN supports two paging modes: PAGING TYPE 1 and PAGING TYPE 2. the RNC sends a paging message to notify all the UEs in Idle or PCH state in a cell. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 12 . For a UE in CELL_FACH or CELL_DCH state. The ZTE RAN supports the URA PCH state. Connection Management Feature Guide The UE is in PCH mode. When a cell is at the boundary of a location area. a paging message of PAGING TYPE 2 is sent. After the system information changes. the RNC sends a paging message to release the RRC connection of the UE. For a UE in Idle or URA_PCH state. the RNC introduces Virtual Location Area Paging. To improve the paging success rate at the boundary between two location areas. a paging message of PAGING TYPE 1 is sent. The UE is in FACH or DCH state. The RNC knows the location information of the UE in the cell and sends a paging message to the cell. The RNC knows the location information of the UE in the URA and sends a paging message within the entire URA. When it is necessary to suspend the RRC connection of a UE in PCH state. the paging message is sent to both this cell and the cell of the adjacent location area. the RNC sends a paging message to trigger the UE to change the state from URA_PCH to CELL_FACH and set up a service bearer for the downlink data transmission. The ZTE RAN allows the RNC to initiate a paging procedure on the following special occasions: When there are data packets in the downlink buffer. The UTRAN transparently transfers NAS signaling and SMS data between the CN and the UE as parameters in DIRECT TRANSFER messages defined by the RANAP and RRC protocols. Connection Management Feature Guide 2. adds the NAS message to the INITIAL UE MESSAGE. and sets up a channel for NAS messages between the UE and the CN. The UTRAN equipment is not required to resolve and process NAS signaling and SMS data that is exchanged between the UE and the CN. the RNC releases ZTE Confidential Proprietary 13 . DOWNLINK DIRECT TRANSFER message When receiving a DIRECT TRANSFER message from the CN.4 ZWF21-01-004 NAS Message Transfer Signaling on the Non-Access Stratum (NAS) between a UE and the CN must pass the UTRAN. call release. authentication. When receiving a message to release the Iu connection from the CN. and forwards the message to the MSC or SGSN. the UTRAN adds the NAS message to the DIRECT TRANSFER message according to the CN domain label in the message. INITIAL DIRECT TRANSFER message Once the UTRAN receives an INITIAL DIRECT TRANSFER message from the UE. The ZTE RAN supports three types of direct forward messages. the UTRAN adds the NAS message to the DOWNLINK DIRECT TRANSFER message according to the relation between the SCCP connection and the RRC connection and forwards the message to the destination UE. call setup. and sends the message to the MSC or SGSN. Meanwhile. UPLINK DIRECT TRANSFER message When receiving an UPLINK DIRECT TRANSFER message from the UE. and SMS data transfer. the RNC immediately sets up an SCCP connection to the Iu interface of the MSC or SGSN according to the CN (PS or CS) domain label in the message. The signaling on the NAS is used to control the UE location updating. the RNC records the binding relation between the SCCP connection and the UE RRC connection. while UEA1 supports encryption and decryption based on the encryption algorithm f8 of the KASUMI algorithm. requesting the RNC to enable the encryption. Through the security mode command procedure of the RAN Application Part (RANAP).5 ZWF21-01-005 Ciphering Algorithm UEA0 and UEA1 When the Uu interface broadcasts data. and then starts the encryption through the security mode command procedure of the RRC. UEA0 means that the data from the Uu interface are not encrypted. The ZTE RAN supports the unique integrity protection algorithm UIA1 defined by the 3GPP. a message with key of the encryption algorithm is sent to the RNC. Connection Management Feature Guide the Iu connection of the CN and dismisses the binding relation between the SCCP and the RRC. and the priorities of optional encryption algorithms. which uses the encryption key and variables varying with the data volume as input parameters.6 ZWF21-01-006 Integrity Protection Algorithm UIA1 To prevent malicious attack against the Uu interface signaling that is transmitted through the air interface. the function provides a signaling check mechanism. When the encryption function is enabled. the encryption capability of the UE. Whether the encryption protection function should be enabled and which encryption algorithm is to be applied can be configured in the CN. the function can be used to encrypt service data and signaling data for protecting communication security between the RNC and the UE. 2. 2. the RNC or the UE encrypts the data to be transmitted in compliance with the f8 algorithm. The integrity protection algorithm f9 is based on KASUMI algorithm and implements the integrity protection. The receiver decrypts the data using the same algorithm. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 14 . Encryption is implemented on the RLC layer (AM or UM mode) or MAC layer (TM mode). The RNC selects an encryption algorithm according to its encryption capability. The ZTE RAN supports the encryption algorithms UEA0 and UEA1. before sending an RRC message.7 ZWF21-01-007 Radio Connection Monitor The function monitors the radio connection status of all UEs with established RRCs. the RNC or the UE first calculates the integrity protection authentication code (MAC-I) through the f9 algorithm. The ZTE RAN supports the following radio connection monitoring modes: The Node B monitors the RL connection status. and compare the XMAC-I with the received MAC-I. The message carries the key of the integrity protection algorithm. If the integrity protection is enabled. The RNC monitors the UE keep_alive timer. the RNC immediately releases the resources allocated to the UE (including RB resources with services) and releases the RRC connection. Connection Management Feature Guide Whether the integrity protection should be enabled is configured in the CN. When detecting a broken connection of a UE. the received message is considered as correct. Otherwise.331 protocol. The RRC message from the ZTE RAN for integrity protection complies with the 3GPP TS25. and then adds MAC-I to the message. the received message is discarded. If the XMAC-I is the same as the MAC-I. the RNC releases the radio resources and sends an Iu release request message through the Iu interface to the CN to release the ZTE Confidential Proprietary 15 . The RNC monitors the RLC connection status. Not all Uu interface signaling can be protected. 2. The notice of starting the integrity protection is sent to the RNC through the security mode command process of the RANAP. If the RNC detects that the connection between a UE and the network is broken due to poor radio quality or other reasons. The receiving end must use the same algorithm and key as those of the transmitting end to calculate the XMAC-I (the integrity protection authentication code of the received message). The RNC monitors the cell update message of the UE. The RNC starts the integrity protection mode through the RRC security mode command process. 2 kbps SRB can reduce the time delay during call setup by several hundred of milliseconds and facilitate the SMS service reception. 2. Compared with 13. the UE already resumes the services. The user may feel transient service interruption caused by the radio connection re-establishment but call drop does not occur. and call setup message) between the UE and the CN.10 ZWF21-01-021 RRC Connection Redirect The feature allows a UE to set up an RRC connection by using the frequency of another UTRAN or GSM carrier when the system load is high. In this scenario. and recovers the 3.8 ZWF21-01-008 Radio Connection Re-establishment A UE in DCH state may suffer from temporary radio disconnection or cannot continue the services due to bursting interference or sudden change of the radio environment. 2. If 27.9 ZWF21-01-020 27. the UE sends a cell update message containing the reason of Radio link failure or RLC unrecoverable error (for the service RB) and attempts to re-establish the network connection. Connection Management Feature Guide related RAB resources.6 kbps SRB in different scenarios. authentication message.2 kbps to speed up the transfer of the NAS signaling messages (including location update message.2 kbps Signaling Radio Bearer (SRB) when it establishes an RRC connection. 27. In this case.2 kbps SRB is enabled in the OMC. The feature enables the system to use the 27. the ZTE RAN sets up SRBs at 27.2Kbps High Speed Signaling RB The feature improves user experience by reducing the time delay for CS/PS service setup and accelerating SMS services reception. However before the UTRAN detects the radio disconnection.4 kbps SRB during RAB establishment. It facilitates load balancing ZTE Confidential Proprietary 16 . the ZTE RAN supports re-establishing radio connection between the UE and the UTRAN and recovers the communication without releasing the original RRC connection and Iu connection. 2. which allows the UTRAN to inform some users that access to PS domain or CS domain is forbidden by SIB3. The DSAR can limit the network traffic and improve network stability. The UTRAN determines the UEs to be restricted by using a periodic polling method or parameter configuration in the OMC. the UE can perform a cell reselection procedure to access to an inter-frequency or inter-system adjacent cell. 2. Different restriction strategies can be configured for PS and CS domains. The RNC also supports redirection to E-UTRAN FDD cells and E-UTRAN TDD cells. After receiving the information. or E-UTRAN cell is available for the UE. If the UE fails to access the UTRAN due to certain reasons. In addition. If the RNC knows from an RANAP message that the CN is in overloaded state. the RNC transmits an RRC Connection Reject message with the “Redirect info” IE to inform the UE about the frequency information of these adjacent UTRAN. GSM cell. It prevents part UEs from accessing to a specific CN domain (CS or PS domain). The DSAR is based on the Access Classes (ACs) of UEs. a large amount of users accessing to the network may make the CN overloaded. or E-UTRAN carrier. the ZTE UTRAN supports the DSAR manually triggered through the OMC. GSM carrier. or between a UTRAN and an E-UTRAN network. improving the service access success rate. this feature can also be used to redirect the UE to another UTRAN frequency. or the emergency call where the UE originated has the same GSM cell coverage. GSM. The Domain Specific Access Restriction (DSAR) function is used to resolve the problem. such as sports and games. and big parties. or E-UTRAN cells. when receiving an RRC Connection Request message from a UE. Connection Management Feature Guide between two different UTRAN networks. When the CN overload is resolved. but another UTRAN cell. all carrier of the sector that the UE belongs to are overloaded or channel congestion occurs in the sector. such as the RNC processor load is high.11 ZWF21-01-018 Domain Specific Access Restriction In specific conditions. between a UTRAN and a GSM network. During an RRC connection procedure. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 17 . the RNC performs admission control. the DSAR is disabled for related domains. The followings are the differences between UEA2 and UEA1: 1. The algorithm f9 is used to protect the integrity of signaling transferred between a UE and the RNC. which is known as f8 as specified in 3GPP R7. The followings are the differences between UIA2 and UIA1: 1. The RNC compares the information with the confidentiality and integrity capability when a user subscribes the service. Connection Management Feature Guide By manual DSAR. 2. The algorithm f8 is used to protect the confidentiality of data and signaling transferred between an UE and the RNC.13 ZWF21-01-026 Integrity Protection Algorithm UIA2 This feature implements the integrity protection algorithm UIA2. more and more flexible encryption algorithms are provided. UEA1 is a KASUMI based algorithm and UEA2 is a SNOW 3G based algorithm. TS 35. the network supports more CS traffic by applying the DSAR in the PS domain. In this way. UIA1 is a KASUMI based algorithm and UIA2 is a SNOW 3G based algorithm. 2. and then selects an appropriate algorithm. the UE indicates the supported confidentiality and integrity algorithms in MS/USIM Classmark. and TS 35. operators can control network access more flexibly. which is known as f9 as specified in 3GPP R7. For example.919.215~218.12 ZWF21-01-025 Ciphering Algorithm UEA2 This feature implements the ciphering algorithm UEA2. When a UE attempts to set up a connection to the UTRAN. SNOW 3G is a 32-bit word-oriented stream cipher generator with 128-bit key and 128-bit IV.102. 2. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 18 . KASUMI is a block cipher with 64-bit block and 128-bit key. These features complies with the security mechanism and SNOW 3G algorithms specified in 3GPP TS 33. 102. 2. data throughput is greatly increased and the requirements for bandwidth and delay are much higher. must notify the UTRAN that SIB11. or SIB12 is not read and stored. a UE must read and store SIB11. KASUMI is a block cipher with 64-bit block and 128-bit key. the 3GPP R7 allows UEs to send messages through RACH or receive and responds to messages through FACH to initiate services or channel switching before reading and storing SIB11. and then selects an appropriate algorithm. a UE. or SIB 12 information.14 ZWF21-01-022 Deferred SIB11/12 After cell selection or channel type switching. obvious service interruption may occur when a lot of neighbouring cells are configured (over 2/3 of Maximum neighboring cells for example). This feature complies with TS 25. The RNC compares the information with the integrity capability when a user subscribes the service and the RNC capability. TS 35. more and more flexible integrity algorithms are provided. the UE indicates the supported confidentiality and integrity algorithms in MS/USIM Classmark. In this way. SIB11bis. SNOW 3G is a 32-bit word-oriented stream cipher generator with 128-bit key and 128-bit IV. In this case. 2. This feature complies with the security mechanism and SNOW 3G algorithms specified in 3GPP TS 33. the UE must read and store the SIB11. Connection Management Feature Guide 2. To solve this problem. After transiting to a non CELL-DCH state. It supports direct connection of user plane ZTE Confidential Proprietary 19 . SIB11bis. and TS 35. Direct tunnel is officially defined in 3GPP R7. SIB11bis or SIB12 before sending a message or responding to a received message on FACH.15 ZWF21-30-031 Direct Tunnel After HSPA/HSPA+ is introduced to WCDMA networks.215~218.331 and CR2557R2. after transiting to CELL-DCH state. If the feature is supported. The UTRAN broadcasts whether this feature is supported in the network through SIB3. SIB11bis. When a UE attempts to set up a connection to the UTRAN.919. or SIB 12. 3G users can access the Internet through the direct tunnel and EPS network elements. which interoperate with the SGSN to implement the direct tunnel feature. The RNC is not involved during direct tunnel establishment and release. The direct tunnel feature is transparent to the RNC. An additional ATM gateway router is required although ATM bearer on Iu PS interface can also be used for connecting to Gn interface. The ZTE RAN system supports the following functions. The RNC can initiate an RAB release request with the reason “GTP Resources Unavailable”. the RAN can be connected to the CN of an LTE network through the S12 interface. Address modification on the user plane of the peer end can be processed in Iu PS interface protocol RAB modification procedure. Direct tunnel is enhanced in 3GPP R8 to support a direct connection between the RNC and an S-GW through an S12 interface. Connection Management Feature Guide between an RNC and a GGSN. To transmit data through the S12 interface. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 20 . when receiving a GTP user plane error indication. As illustrated in the following figure. The SGSN decides when the direct tunnel feature is required. The RNC supports IP bearer on Iu PS interface for connecting to the Gn interface. the SGSN must support S4 interface to connect to the MME. The DSAR function switch is set to “RNC Controls Dynamically CS Domain DSAR”/“RNC Controls Dynamically PS Domain DSAR”. The parameters must be configured as follows: The “DSAR polling/non-polling” switch is set to “disabled”. the domain cannot be used for access classes 0-9 and UEs with these access classes is not going to request service from the domain. the corresponding UMTS cell is barred by SIB3. 2.2 DSAR and Cell Bar Access”. In this way. If Direct Tunnel is needed. the SupportDTSwitch must be set 1. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 21 . Direct Tunnel feature will not work well. cells are barred by batches. PagingLocaBarSwh is set to “UE-initiated paging response and location registration barred”. which triggers the UEs in the cell to re-select cells to prevent complaints on failed services from subscribers. Iu Interface Interruption Protection is implemented by the DSAR. To avoid simultaneous registration of all UEs moving to other networks.16 ZWF21-01-010 Iu Interface Interruption Protection Users fail to use network services when both Iu-CS connection and Iu-PS connection are broken. Connection Management Feature Guide When the parameter SupportDTSwitch is set 0. For more details. the RAN initiates domain specific access restriction through “Domain Specific Access Restriction Parameters” in SIB3. If only one of core domains loses its connection to the RAN. The number of cells to be barred at a time is configurable by the operator. refer to the section “3. and thus reduces the signaling load at the RAN side. This avoids continuous UE connection request signaling due to request rejection. In this case. CsACBarredOmcr/PsACBarredOmcr is set to “barred” for all access classes. The DL DPCCH quality confirmation procedure could be omitted to speed up radio link setup in 3GPP R6 and later versions. cell selection and reselection parameters. The system information provides necessary UTRAN information for Location Area Update (LAU). and SIB18.1 System Broadcasting The RNC is responsible for constructing and broadcasting system information. The ZTE UTRAN supports SB1. measurement control. 3. Schedule Block (SB). Route Area Update (RAU). 3 Technical Descriptions 3. SIB5.1. the RNC includes the IE “Post-verification period” in RRC Messages for UEs with R6 or later versions. and location information. The system information is divided into three categories: Master Information Block (MIB). and System Information Block (SIB). including SB1 and SB2. 3GPP introduces an IE “Post-verification period” to indicate whether a UE adopts this enhanced synchronization. SIB11bis. The SIB stores the system information. The UE can start uplink transmission immediately upon indications from higher layers. When fastL1Sync is set to 1. SB2. Scheduling. The system information includes the Non-Access Stratum (NAS) information. SIB11. and perform another post-verification of DL DPCCH quality in parallel with uplink transmission.17 ZWF21-01-019 Faster L1 Synchronization In releases earlier than 3GPP R6. SIB6.1 System Information Broadcasting. The SB stores the scheduling information of the SIB. configuration information of cell common channels. initial access. and RRC setup procedures initiated by a cell. a DL DPCCH quality confirmation procedure costing 40 ms is required for a UE before uplink transmission during physical layer synchronization in mode A in case of radio link setup. Connection Management Feature Guide 2. and Transmission The MIB can store the scheduling information of the SB and SIB. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 22 . SIB3. SIB7. Connection Management Feature Guide After a cell is created or added, the system broadcasts the system information within the cell. When the system information is updated or the timer expires (refer to the section “ SIB7”), the system also broadcasts the system information, as illustrated in the following figure. Figure 3-1 System Broadcasting UE NodeB DRNC SRNC system information broadcast scheduler SYSTEM INFORMATION UPDATE REQUEST SYSTEM INFORMATION UPDATE RESPONSE System information broadcast Condition:informing UE of idle, CELL_PCH、URA_PCH that system information changed Paging(PAGING TYPE1) Condition:informing UE of CELL_FACH that system information changed RRC SYSTEM INFORMATION CHANGE INDICATION RRC When a cell is created or the system information is updated, the system first schedules the system information broadcasting and specifies the interval at which the information blocks are to be sent. According to the significance of the SIB, the system assigns two priorities to the SIB. The SIB with the higher priority is scheduled by the MIB, and the SIB with the lower priority is scheduled by SB1. The priority assignment can increase the frequency of system information broadcasting. The SIBs with few contents can be cascaded together and transmitted within the same TTI. The SIBs with many contents can be divided into several segments, such as SIB5 and SIB11. This following describes the division of the SIB specifically: The MIB is used to schedule SB1, SIB1, SIB2, SIB3, SIB5, and SIB7. The SB1 is used to schedule SIB11 and SIB18. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 23 Connection Management Feature Guide Except MIB, all system information blocks is divided into two levels in accordance with significance. The significance level represents the priority for filling in system information. Table 3-1 Scheduling Levels of the SIBs Level 1 Information blocks scheduled by the MIB: SB1, SIB1, SIB2, SIB3, and SIB7 Level 2 Information blocks scheduled by SB1: SIB11, and SIB18 The relationship between SIB broadcast intervals at different levels: broadcast interval of SIBs at level 2 ≥ broadcast interval of SIBs at level 1 After filling in the system information according to the scheduling principles, the RNC sends a SYSTEM INFORMATION UPDATE REQUEST message to the Node B. When the RNC receives a correct SYSTEM INFORMATION UPDATE RESPONSE message, the system information update is considered successful. After receiving the system information, the Node B broadcasts the system information over the BCH channel to each information block at the specified interval. When the system information is updated, the system notifies the UE in Idle, PCH, or FACH state through the following means: Notifying the UE in Idle or PCH state through paging: The RNC sends a paging message of PAGING TYPE 1 to the UE. The cell BCCH modification info in the message indicates that the system information has been updated. For more details of the paging procedure, refer to the section “3.4 Paging”. Notifying the UE in FACH state through the system information update: The system sends a SYSTEM INFORMATION CHANGE INDICATION to the UE. The BCCH modification info in the message indicates that the system information has been updated. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 24 Connection Management Feature Guide 3.1.2 Information in Different SIBs SIB1 SIB1 contains the CN information, and UE behavior related timers and counters. The following describes the IEs that can be configured in the OMCR: T300 specifies the waiting time after the UE sends the RRC CONNECTION SETUP REQUEST message. The timer is started after the UE sends the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message. If the cause of the RRC connection request is MBMS Reception, the T300 timer is not started. Instead, the T318 timer is started, and the value of the timer T318 is invariably configured to 1000ms. The T300 timer is stopped when the message RRC CONNECTION SETUP is received. When the timer expires and the number of retransmissions is smaller than N300, the UE retransmits the RRC CONNECTION SETUP REQUEST message. N300 specifies the maximum number of times that the RRC CONNECTION SETUP REQUEST message is retransmitted. If the T300 timer expires and the number of retransmissions is equal to or larger than N300 but the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message has not been received, the UE enters the Idle mode. T312Idle specifies the time during which the UE in Idle mode waits for the synchronization indication from layer 1 when it establishes a dedicated physical channel. The timer is started when the UE starts establishing the dedicated channel. When the UE detects that the number of synchronization indications received from layer 1 is equal to N312Idle, the T312 timer is stopped. If the timer expires, the physical channel setup fails. N312Idle is an Idle mode counter that indicates the number of synchronization indications received from layer 1 when the UE sets up the dedicated channel. T302 specifies the waiting time after the UE sends the CELL UPDATE or URA UPDATE message. The counter is started when the UE sends the CELL UPDATE or URA UPDATE message. It is stopped when the UE receives the CELL UPDATE CONFIRM or URA UPDATE CONFIRM message. If the counter T302 expires but the number of retransmitted messages is smaller than N302, the UE retransmits the CELL UPDATE or URA UPDATE message. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 25 When the T305 timer expires and the UE is not in the serving cell. The T308 timer is started after the UE sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE message. the UE sends the CELL UPDATE message. or CELL_PCH/URA_PCH state. the T307 timer is started. Connection Management Feature Guide N302 specifies the maximum number of times that the CELL UPDATE or URA UPDATE message is retransmitted. The T305 timer is started when the UE enters the CELL_FACH or CELL_PCH/URA_PCH state. At expiry of the timer. T304 specifies the waiting time after the UE sends the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION message. T307 specifies the time during which the UE waits for cell reselection after leaving the serving cell. When the T308 timer expires and the number of the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE messages sent by the UE is smaller than N308. When the T304 counter expires and the number of retransmissions is equal to or larger than N304. the UE enters the Idle mode. the T305 timer is stopped. T308 specifies the waiting time after the UE in CELL_DCH state sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE message. When the UE sends the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION message. the UE returns to the Idle mode. It is stopped when the UE receives the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION Confirmed message. the UE starts the CELL UPDATE procedure. When the T302 counter expires and the number of the CELL UPDATE or URA UPDATE messages sent by the UE is larger than or equal to N302. N308 specifies the maximum number of times that the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE message is retransmitted. the UE retransmits the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE message. When the UE receives the CELL UPDATE CONFIRM or URA UPDATE CONFIRM message. T305 specifies the interval at which the cell or URA is updated when the UE is in CELL_FACH. When the T308 counter expires and the number ZTE Confidential Proprietary 26 . N304 specifies the maximum number of times that the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION message is retransmitted. the UE retransmits the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION message. When the T304 timer expires and the number of the CAPABILITY INFORMATION messages sent by the UE is smaller than N304. When the T305 timer expires and the UE detects its own serving cell. the timer is started. the UE returns to the original UTRAN. When the Cell Update procedure is completed. T312 is stopped. N313 specifies the maximum number of synchronization loss indications received by the UE from layer 1. T315 specifies the time during which the radio bearers related to T315 wait for the ZTE Confidential Proprietary 27 . When the UE receives synchronization indications from layer 1 for N315 times. T312 Connected is a timer when the UE is in Connected mode. the UE starts T313. The timer is started when the UE starts establishing the dedicated channel. T314 is started if radio bearer(s) that are associated with T314 exist or if only RRC connection exists to the CS domain. T314 is stopped. The timer specifies the time during which the UE in connected mode wait for the synchronization indication from layer 1 after it initiates the setup of a dedicated physical channel. the radio links with synchronization loss are broken. N312Connected is the N312 counter in connected mode. T309 specifies the waiting time after the UE initiates a request for accessing another system (such as GSM). the T309 timer is started. When the UE detects the number of synchronization indications received from layer 1 is equal to N312. T313 specifies the waiting time after the DPCCH channel set up by the UE in DCH state loses synchronization. If the T309 timer expires. It indicates the number of synchronization indications received from layer 1 before the UE in Connected mode sets up the dedicated channel successfully. When the number of synchronization loss indications received by the UE in the DCH state from layer 1 reaches the value of N313. the physical channel setup fails. N315 specifies the maximum number of synchronization loss indications received by the UE from layer 1 when T313 is in active status. When the UE receives the CELL CHANGE ORDER FROM UTRAN message. the UE enters the Idle mode. When the UE in the new cell successfully receives a response to the connection setup request. When the criteria for radio link failure are fulfilled. T314 is a UE timer. it stops the T313 timer. the T309 timer is stopped. Connection Management Feature Guide of the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE messages sent by the UE is larger than or equal to N308. If the T312 timer expires. When the T313 timer expires. if the UE is in the serving cell. T306 specifies the time during which the UE in CELL_PCH/URA_PCH state waits for cell selection or reselection after leaving the serving cell. it initiates a cell update procedure. When the UE detects the serving cell. When the UE in PCH state leaves the serving cell. T3212Cs is a periodic location updating timer. If T315 is not running. The UE detects LAC variation and initiates location updating. If T302 is not running. the system stops the T316 timer. T317 is fixed as infinity.331. If yes. When the cell update procedure is completed. the UE releases RAB resources related to T314. the system starts the T316 timer. When T314 expires. MCC: mobile country code. When the UE detects the serving cell. MNC: mobile network code. the system starts the T317 timer. When the radio link fails and the current RB uses T315. the UE checks whether T302 is still in running status. CnDomain refers to the CN domain supported by the system. When the T316 timer expires. When the UE detects the serving cell. the system starts T315. it starts the T317 timer and switches to the FACH state. the UE releases all the RAB resources and enters the Idle mode. it stops the T317 timer. the UE takes actions according to the running status of T302 and T314. Connection Management Feature Guide completion of cell update after the radio connection setup fails. the UE continue waiting for the CELL UPDATE CONFIRM or URA UPDATE CONFIRM message. When the RB is set up. the system starts the T317 timer. which is the only value according to 25. or the system updates locations periodically. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 28 . T3212Cs is a periodic location updating timer. At the moment. If T315 expires. When the UE in FACH leaves the serving cell. If the T316 timer is not in the serving cell. the system stops T315. the system uses T314 or T315 for the RB. T307 specifies the time during which the UE in CELL_FACH state waits for cell selection or reselection after leaving the serving cell. There are two location updating occasions. the UE checks whether T315 is in running status. When the T316 timer expires. it starts the cell update. the UE behaves as if T314 expires. If yes. 3.2. With SIB2. the UE in Connected mode can still receive SIB3.1. The parameter allows a UE in the Idle or PCH state to calculate the paging occasion so that it can monitor the PICH channel at the time specified by the parameter. The parameter allows a UE in Idle or PCH state to calculate the paging occasion so that it can monitor the PICH channel at the time specified by the parameter. Network mode 1 indicates that Gs interfaces exist between the MSCServer and the SGSN. SIB3 contains information required by the UE in Idle mode. Connection Management Feature Guide ATTIndCs is a digital variable and specifies whether the IMSI ATTACH flow or the DETACH flow is to be adopted. The following table lists the parameters that can configured in the OMCR. Sib3orSib4 can be configured in the OMCR to determine whether to broadcast the parameters of cell selection and cell reselection through SIB3 or SIB4. SIB4 contains information required by the UE in Connected mode (the FACH and DCH states are under the control of the measurement policies). Because SIB4 broadcasting is not supported in this version. The following table lists the parameters that can be ZTE Confidential Proprietary 29 . If SIB4 is not sent. NMOPs specifies a network operation mode.2. the UE in URA_PCH state can update the URA.1. Kps specifies the discontinuous reception cycle length coefficient of the PS domain. the value of Sib3orSib4 is fixed and set to zero (meaning SIB3 is sent).3 SIB3/SIB4 Parameters in SIB3 and SIB4 are related to cell selection and cell reselection. Kcs is the discontinuous reception cycle length coefficient of the CS domain. Table 3-2 SIB2 Parameters in the OMCR Parameter Name Parameter Description URANum Number of UTRAN registration areas URA[4] ID of a UTRAN registration area 3. Network mode 2 indicates that Gs interfaces do not exist.2 SIB2 SIB2 specifies the URA ID of a cell. while UEs in Connected mode use SIB6. a UE in Connected mode can also ZTE Confidential Proprietary 30 .2. If SIB6 does not exist.4 SIB5/SIB6 SIB5 and SIB6 are used to configure the common transport channels and common physical channels.1. Connection Management Feature Guide configured in the OMCR. SIB6 contains the parameters of the common physical channels or shared physical channels in Connected mode. SIB5 contains the parameters of the auxiliary common control channels in Idle mode. UEs in Idle mode use SIB5.RAT Configuration Tag SHCSRat The threshold that triggers the inter-system measurement in the HCS cell reselection process SLimitRat The threshold that triggers the inter-system cell measurement in the cell reselection process QQualMin The minimum cell quality requirement level QRxLevMin The minimum cell receive electrical level threshold DltaQRxLevMinPr DeltaQrxlevmin Configuration Tag DltaQRxLevMin The minimum cell receive electrical level threshold increment 3. Table 3-3 SIB3/SIB4 Parameters in the OMCR Parameter Name Parameter Description Cid Cell ID QualMeas Measurement Quantity for Cell Selection and Reselection SIntraSearchPre Sintrasearch Configuration Tag SIntraSearch The threshold that triggers the intra-frequency measurement in the cell reselection process SInterSearchPre Sintersearch Configuration Tag SInterSearch The threshold that triggers the inter-frequency measurement in the cell reselection process SSearchHCS Pre SsearchHCS Configuration Tag SSearchHCS The threshold that triggers the measurement in the HCS cell reselection process SSearchRat The threshold that triggers the inter-system measurement in the cell reselection process SHCSRatPre SHCS. Because SIB6 broadcasting is not supported in this version. transmission time interval. transport format TfsIndex number. rate matching attribute. including channel type. transport block size. so the value of the parameter Sib5orSib6 is fixed and set to zero (meaning SIB5 is sent). The following table lists the parameters that can be configured in the OMCR. Sib5orSib6 can be configured in the OMCR to determine whether to broadcast the parameters of common transport channels and common physical channels through SIB5 or SIB6. Connection Management Feature Guide use SIB5. It is used to indicate the attributes of a transport channel. ChType Channel Type TfNum Transport Format Number TrBlkNum Number of Transport Blocks RlcSize Transport Block Size TTI Transmission Time Interval CodingRate Coding Rate RateMatchAttr Rate Matching Attribute CRCSize CRC Size NiNumPerFrame Number of NI per Frame CPCId MICH Common Physical Channel ID MichPwr MICH Power(dB) AichTranTime AICH Transmission Timing AichPwr AICH Power MplexPos Multiplexing Position PCHInd Indicator for SCCPCH Carrying PCH CPCId Pich Common Physical Channel ID PichPwr PICH Power Signature Available Signature AvailSubChanNum PRACH Available Subchannel Number AvailableSF PRACH Available SF ZTE Confidential Proprietary 31 . coding rate. Table 3-4 SIB5/SIB6 Parameters in the OMCR Parameter Name Parameter Description Transmission format index. number of transport blocks. By default. ExpirationTimeFactor is the timeout factor of SIB7 and is set to 2 invariably. Connection Management Feature Guide Parameter Name Parameter Description PreamScraCode PRACH Preamble Scrambling Code PcpichPwr P-CPICH Power(dBm) PunctLimit Puncturing Limit SignalFach FACH Usage Index of a transmission format combination set. ID of a transmission format combination. The parameter SIB7Originator can be configured in the OMCR to determine the transmitting end of SIB7.1. Number of transmission format combination sets. It must be configured Ctfc for S-CCPCH or PRACH. The following table lists the parameters that can be configured in the OMCR. SIB_REP * ExpirationTimeFactor) SIB_REP is the transmission interval of SIB7 and is obtained during broadcast scheduling. The timer of SIB7 is calculated as follows: Expiration timer = MAX(32. the Node B sends SIB7 for reducing the transmission time. SIB7 contains the parameters required for the calculation of the PRACH preamble power. It must be CtfcNum configured for S-CCPCH or PRACH.5 SIB7 SIB7 is the system information block that is updated periodically.2. SIB7 is sent by the RNC or Node B. Table 3-5 SIB7 Parameters in the OMCR Parameter Name Parameter Description DynPstLevelInit Initial Dynamic Persistence Level ZTE Confidential Proprietary 32 . It must be TfcsIndex configured for S-CCPCH or PRACH. SCCPCHUsage SCCPCH Usage SccpchOffset SCCPCH Frame Timing Offset SlotFmt S-CCPCH Slot Format 3. SIB12 is not broadcast in this version. SIB15 is not broadcast in this version.2. If fltIncmpNbrCelSwit is set to 1. the value of Sib11orSib12 is fixed and set to zero (meaning SIB11 is sent). at least gsmNbrNumLimit GSM cells and interNbrNumLimit inter-frequency cells must be remained. the UE in connected mode can use the configuration information specified by SIB11. Broadcasting SIB18 or not is decided by the parameter sib18Ind.1. refer to ZTE UMTS Location Service Feature Guide. For more details of the parameters broadcast in SIB11.2. The adjacent cell information is broadcast by SIB11bis when the space in SIB11 is depleted. SIB11 specifies the measurement control information required by the UE in Idle mode. 3. SIB11 and SIB12 contain the information of a lot of adjacent cells. 3. SIB12 specifies the measurement control information required by the UE in FACH state. Therefore. calendar information. For more details. If SIB12 is not broadcast.9 SIB11bis The contents in SIB11bis are the same as those in SIB11.1.2.7 SIB15 SIB15 contains DGPS.2. In this case. and encryption support information. The maximum length of SIB is limited. astronomical information. Connection Management Feature Guide 3. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 33 .1. the information of adjacent cells with incomplete configuration is not broadcast through SIB11/SIB12.6 SIB11/SIB12 SIB11 and SIB12 are used to configure cell measurement control information. The purpose of SIB11bis is to alleviate the lack of SIB11 space when there are too many adjacent cells. However. Too many adjacent cells in SIB may result in a length exceeding the limit. cell location information. Whether SIB11 or SIB12 is sent can be configured in the OMCR (Sib11orSib12). 3.8 SIB18 SIB18 specifies the PLMN tag that must be considered by the UE in Idle or Connected mode.1. some adjacent cells are excluded from SIB11 and SIB12. and UTC and ionization revision information. refer to the ZTE UMTS Idle Mode and Common channel behavior Feature Guide. The data configuration of these cells may be incomplete. The parameter SIB11orSIB11bis is used to determine whether the information of an adjacent cell can be broadcast through SIB11bis. and 11–15: are used for emergency service units (for example. which is written into the USIM by the operator. The DSAR function bars the CS/PS access of UEs with specific ACs from a PLMN in the cell and broadcasts access restriction information through SIB3. The RNC takes different actions depending on the configuration of the DSAR function switch (CsDsarSw or PsDsarSwh). If the parameter “Absolute Priority Reselection Criteria Switch” is set to 1. GSM. The AC range is 0 to 15. Each UE is assigned with an Access Class (AC). ZTE Confidential Proprietary 34 .1. If the parameter “Absolute Priority Reselection Criteria Switch” is set to 0.1 Enabling the DSAR The DSAR function in a CS or PS domain on a PLMN is enabled and disabled by the DSAR function switch (CsDsarSw or PsDsarSwh) related to the PLMN in a cell. for example. Connection Management Feature Guide 3.2. the DSAR function switches of these PLMNs must be separately set.10 SIB19 SIB19 contains inter-RAT frequency and priority information to be used in the cell. 3. or E-UTRAN. in which 0–9 are used for common users.2 DSAR and Cell Bar Access 3. the RNC can control the access of UEs to avoid further consumption of the CN resources.1 Overview of DSAR In case of emergencies.2. the CN (CS/PS domain) resources may be used up before the RNC congestion due to large-scale natural disasters or high-density gatherings . The frequency and priority information is related to UTRAN. If this cell supports several PLMNs. the RNC does not broadcast SIB19. SIB19 is broadcast to UEs.2.1. 3. and 10 is used for emergency calls. fire alarm and first aid). Upon receiving the Overload message from the CN indicating that the CS or PS domain of the lu interface is not overloaded. or the CN is reachable. the DSAR function of the related domain is enabled only when the CS or PS domain of all lu interfaces is unreachable. If the DSAR function switch is set to “RNC Controls Dynamically CS Domain DSAR (according to Accessibility of Iu))” or ” RNC Controls Dynamically PS Domain DSAR (according to Accessibility of Iu)” (CsDsarSw or PsDsarSwh =2): When detecting the office or subsystem of the CN is unavailable. the RNC disables the DSAR function of the domain. the RNC enables the DSAR function in the corresponding domain of the PLMN. the DSAR function of the related domain is enabled only when the CS or PS domain of all lu interfaces is overloaded or unreachable. the RNC broadcasts that the cell is in barred status. If the unreachable CN node is a CS Node. the RNC broadcasts that the cell is barred. If the overloaded or unreachable CN node is a CS Node. Connection Management Feature Guide If the DSAR function switch is set to “RNC Controls Dynamically CS Domain DSAR (according to Load of Iu or Accessibility of Iu)” or “RNC Controls Dynamically PS Domain DSAR (according to Load of Iu or Accessibility of Iu)” (CsDsarSw or PsDsarSwh =3): Upon receiving the Overload message from the CN indicating CS/PS overload. the RNC enables the DSAR function in the corresponding domain of the PLMN. or the office or subsystem of the CN is unavailable). or discovering that the CN is unreachable (for example. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 35 . the RNC broadcasts that the cell is in normal status. the RNC receives a Reset message from the CN. Note: When Iu-Flex mode is adopted. If the CN node in the CS domain recovered. Note: When Iu-Flex mode is adopted. 3. the RNC continues the counting based on its current value. Connection Management Feature Guide When detecting that the CN is reachable. This parameter can be set through the background. The RNC sets the number of ACs barred from the CS/PS domain in each period based on the parameters CSBarAcNum and PSBarAcNum. the RNC periodically bars the access of some ACs in polling mode. the RNC enables the DSAR function directly. the RNC determines the barred AC in the following two ways: Polling mode: When the “DSAR polling/non-polling” switch is enabled (CSDsarPollingSwh or PSDsarPollingSwh=1). If the DSAR function switch is set to “Switch On CS Domain DSAR by OMCR” or “Switch On PS Domain DSAR by OMCR” (CsDsarSw or PsDsarSwh =1).2 Determining the Barred ACs After the DSAR function is enabled. The RNC selects the ACs to be barred by adopting the following method: i When the DSAR function is enabled. the RNC disables the DSAR function of the domain. and sets its initial value to 0. the RNC starts the counter CSDsarCounter or PSDsarCounter. the counter value is incremented by the following relationships: CSDsarCounter=CSDsarCounter + CsBarAcNum (CsBarAcNum refers to the number of ACs barred from access to the CS domain in each period. If CN node in the CS domain recovered. ii At the end of each polling period (which is set through the parameter BarInterval). the RNC also broadcasts that the cell is in barred status.2. If the DSAR is enabled for a CS domain. If the counter CSDsarCouter/PSDsarCounter is already started (in the case of changeover between the two modes "OMCR enables DSAR" and “RNC dynamically enables DSAR”).) PSDsarCounterPS=PSDsarCounterPS + PsBarAcNum (PsBarAcNum refers to the number of ACs barred from access to the PS domain in ZTE Confidential Proprietary 36 .1. the RNC broadcasts that the cell is normal status. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 37 . the non-polling mode is adopted and the ACs barred from access to the PS/CS domain are determined directly based on the background configuration. and the percentage of UEs barred from access to the PS domain is 30%. The RNC bars UEs with specific ACs from accessing the CS or PS domain based on the parameters CsACBarredOmcr and PsACBarredOmc on the related PLMN. as shown in the following figure: Figure 3-2 Example of DSAR Polling Mode Timer (minute) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 AC0 x o o x o AC1 x o o x o AC2 o x o x o AC3 x o o x o AC4 o x o x o AC5 o x o x o AC6 o x o x o AC7 o x o x o AC8 o x o x o x CS Domain AC9 o x o x o O PS Domain Non-polling mode: When the “DSAR polling/non-polling” switch is disabled (CSDsarPollingSwh or PSDsarPollingSwh=0).1) mod 10. The start number of the ACs barred from access to the PS domain is PSDsarCounter mod 10.) iii The start number of the ACs barred from access to the CS domain is CSDsarCounter mod 10. if CSBarAcNum is 2. The end number of the ACs barred from access to the PS domain: (PSDsarCounter + PsBarAcNum .1) mod 10. PSBarAcNum is 3. and BarInterval (Polling period) is 60. the percentage of UEs barred from access to the CS domain in each period is 20%. Connection Management Feature Guide each period. The end number of the ACs barred from access to the CS domain is (CSDsarCounter + CsBarAcNum . This parameter can be set through the background. For example. meaning that the paging of CS/PS domain needs to be barred.2.3 Filling Broadcast Messages The RNC fills related information elements in SIB3 based on the domain requiring access restriction and the ACs. When enabling the DSAR function for several PLMNs. If both CS and PS domains need to be barred.2. the RNC respectively fills the following IEs based on the barred PLMN number: Domain Specific Access Restriction Parameters For OperatorN (N=1-5). In addition.2. CS Domain Specific Access Restriction. Location. the RNC fills Paging Permission with Access Control Parameters For PLMN of MIB or Paging Permission with Access Control Parameters For OperatorN (N=1–5). Registration Restriction Indicator and Location.4 Disabling the DSAR The RNC disables the DSAR in any of the following cases: ZTE Confidential Proprietary 38 .1. the RNC fills the following IEs based on the determined domain and AC (for details. if either CS or PS domain needs to be barred. the RNC fills Domain Specific Access Restriction Parameters For PLMN Of MIB. and Domain Specific Access Class Barred List. If the background parameter “Bar switch of paging response and location registration (PagingLocaBarSwh)” is set to “UE-initiated paging response and location registration barred”. 3. refer to the section Determining the Barred ACs): Paging Permission with Access Control Parameters For PLMN Of MIB or Paging Permission with Access Control Parameters For OperatorN (N=1-5). PS Domain Specific Access Restriction. the RNC fills the information based on the AC of the PS and CS domains. When filling Location/Registration specific information. the RNC fills the information based on the AC of the specific domain. and Paging Response Restriction Indication. Connection Management Feature Guide 3. CS Domain Specific Access Restriction. When enabling the DSAR function only for a specific PLMN. PS Domain Specific Access Restriction. and Domain Specific Access Class Barred List. and Registration. the RNC can bar the access of UEs with specific ACs to reduce the cell load. and stops and clears the started counter. clears related information elements in the SIB3 message. Note: When Iu-Flex mode is adopted.2 Cell Bar Access With the Cell Bar Access (CBA) function. and the lu interface is reachable. and stops and clears the started counter. the RNC disables the DSAR function of the CS/PS domain on the PLMN. or RNC Controls Dynamically PS Domain DSAR (according to Load of Iu or Accessibility of Iu)). the RNC disables the DSAR function of the CS/PS domain on the PLMN. RNC Controls Dynamically CS Domain DSAR (according to Accessibility of Iu). RNC Controls Dynamically PS Domain DSAR (according to Accessibility of Iu). ZTE Confidential Proprietary 39 . and stops and clears the started counter. The RNC enables and disables the CBA function by setting the cell parameter CellBarAcSwh. RNC Controls Dynamically CS Domain DSAR (according to Load of Iu or Accessibility of Iu). and the lu interface recovers from overload. the DSAR function of the related domain is disabled only when the CS or PS domain of all lu interfaces recovers from overload or lu interface is restored. Note: When Iu-Flex mode is adopted. When the value of CSDsarSwh or PSDsarSwh changes from “OMCR enables DSAR” to “RNC dynamically enables and disables DSAR”. the DSAR function of the related domain is disabled only when the CS or PS domain of all lu interfaces recovers from overload or lu interface is restored. clears the related information elements in the SIB3 message. 3. the RNC disables the DSAR function of the CS/PS domain on the PLMN. The implementation of the CBA function is quite similar to that of the DSAR function. When CSDsarSwh/PSDsarSwh is set to “RNC dynamically enables and disables DSAR” (for example.2. the current CN is not overloaded. Connection Management Feature Guide When CSDsarSwh/PSDsarSwh is set to “Switch Off CS Domain DSAR by OMCR” or ”Switch Off PS Domain DSAR by OMCR” (CsDsarSw or PsDsarSwh =0). 2.2. and enables the CBA function if the uplink is overloaded.1 Enabling the CBA When CellBarAcSwh is set to “OMCR enables CBA” (CellBarAcSwh=1).2. The end number of the ACs barred from cell access is (CellBarCounter + CellBarAcNum . If the background parameter CellBarPollingSwh is set to “Non-Polling Mode” (CellBarPollingSwh =0).2). The start number of the ACs barred from cell access is CellBarCounter mod 10. If the counter CellBarCounter is already started (in the case of changeover between the two modes "OMCR enables CBA" and “RNC dynamically enables CBA”). the RNC continues the counting based on its current value. Connection Management Feature Guide 3. the RNC enables the CBA function. The RNC fills the Cell Access Restriction/Access Class Barred list in the SIB3 message ZTE Confidential Proprietary 40 . The RNC determines the AC barred list by the following method: The RNC starts the counter CellBarCounter and sets its initial value to 0. At the end of each polling period (which is set through the parameter BarInterval). For the detail of the parameter configuration. the RNC sets the number of ACs barred from cell access in each period based on the background parameter CellBarAcNum. the counter is incremented according to the following relationship: CellBarCounter = CellBarCounter + CellBarAcNum. When CellBarAcSwh is set to “RNC dynamically enables and disables CBA” (CellBarAcSwh=2). 3. the RNC determines the ACs barred from cell access based on the value of the background parameter ACBarredOmcr. refer to the ZTE UMTS Overload Control Feature Guide U9. The UEs in the barred AC list are also barred from responding to the paging of CS or PS domain.2. the RNC checks the uplink load based on the TCP from Node B and the background parameter “Uplink Overload Threshold” (UlOverLd.1) mod 10.2 Determining the Barred ACs If CellBarPollingSwh is set to “Polling Mode” (CellBarPollingSwh =1). 3. and stops and clears the started counter. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 41 .1 RRC Connection Setup The RRC connection can be established over: A dedicated channel A common channel The following figure shows the RRC connection establishment flow.2. RNC disables the CBA. and the uplink of the current cell is not overloaded.2.3 Disabling the CBA The RNC disables the CBA function in any of the following cases: When CellBarAcSwh is set to “OMCR disables CBA” (CellBarAcSwh=0). and stops and clears the started counter. and stops and clears the started counter. the RNC clears the contents in the Cell Access Restriction/Access Class Barred list of the SIB3 message.3. clears the contents in the Cell Access Restriction/Access Class Barred list of the SIB3 message. When CellBarAcSwh is set to “RNC dynamically enables and disables CBA” (CellBarAcSwh=2). 3.3 RRC Connection Setup and Release 3. the RNC disables the CBA function. Connection Management Feature Guide based on the specified barred ACs. and the uplink load of the current cell changes from “Overloaded” to “Light Load”. When the value of CellBarAcSwh changes from “OMCR enables CBA” to “RNC dynamically enables and disables CBA”. the RNC disables the CBA function. 6Kbps signaling). If the parameter InitRrcOnDch is set to 0 (Forced to DCH and Using Normal Speed Signaling) 1 (Forced to DCH and Using 13. or 5 (Forced to DCH and using 27.3.4Kbps Signaling on Cell-DCH State). If the parameter InitRrcOnDch is set to 3 (Not Forced.2Kbps). the RNC specifies the channel over which the RRC connection is to be established according to the parameter InitRrcOnDch (Type of Transport Channel for Initial RRC Connection Setup) in the OMCR. Using 13.1.1 Establishing an RRC Connection Over a Dedicated Transport Channel When receiving the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message from a UE.6kbps Signaling on Cell-DCH State). Using 3. or 6 (Not Forced. Connection Management Feature Guide Figure 3-3 RRC Connection Establishment Flow Target Source Drift Source UE Node B Node B RNC RNC RRC CONNECTION REQUEST RRC RRC [CCCH] Transport channel selection Condition:setup RRC connection on DCH Load balance of RRC RL Set up Condition:RL setup successful RRC CONNECTION SETUP RRC RRC [CCCH] RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE RRC RRC [DCCH] Condition:expiration of waiting RRC CONNECTION COMPLETE RL Delete Condition:RL setup failed RRC CONNECTION REJET RRC RRC [CCCH] Condition:setup RRC connection on FACH RRC CONNECTION SETUP RRC RRC [CCCH] RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE RRC RRC [DCCH] Condition:RRC connection reject RRC CONNECTION REJET RRC RRC [CCCH] 3. the RNC establishes the RRC connection over the DCH channel. 4 (Not Forced. Using ZTE Confidential Proprietary 42 . the RNC sends the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message to the UE. without waiting for the response message from the Node B. The RNC retransmits the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message if the RNC does not receive the RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE message from the UE after the period specified by the tRrcSetupRetran timer until the number of transmissions reaches the maximum number of transmissions specified by rrcSetupRetraNum. the RNC sends the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message to the UE when sending the radio link setup message to the Node B.6 kbps SRB is established. If the RNC receives the RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE message from the UE within the period specified by the tRrcConSetupExp timer.1.2 Establishing an RRC Connection Over a Common Transport Channel When receiving the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message from a UE. If the 13. the RNC fills in 3. For details. If parallelRrcSetup is 1. the RNC fills in 3. Otherwise. 3.6 kbps high speed SRB for the parameter Dynamic Transport Format Information in the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 43 . If the parameter InitRrcOnDch is set to a value that indicates the use of high speed signaling. The RNC obtains the cell where the radio link is to be set up using the inter-frequency load balance algorithm. the RNC fills in 13.3. the UE initiates a call) in the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message. the RNC establishes the RRC connection over the DCH according to the Establishment_cause (for example. after the radio link is established successfully. If parallelRrcSetup is 0.2Kbps Signaling on Cell-DCH State).4 kbps common SRB.4 kbps SRB when RAB assignment starts. refer to the ZTE UMTS Load Balance Feature Guide. The procedure is concluded. the RRC connection establishment is determined successful. The RNC establishes a radio link at the Iub interface. For details of the inter-frequency load balance algorithm. Connection Management Feature Guide 27. refer to the section “Establishing the Iub Interface Radio Link”. the RNC specifies the channel over which the RRC connection is to be established according to the parameter InitRrcOnDch in the OMCR. The procedure is concluded. the value of Establishment cause is Originating Conversational Call). If only a signaling procedure instead of service setup is required to be completed after the RRC connection setup (for example. the CMP and DMP monitors the number of received RRC connection requests every one second. the RNC selects a common channel to bear signaling. the RNC establishes the RRC connection according to the Establishment_cause.3 RRC Connection Flow Control A sudden increase of RRC connection requests may lead to CPU overload. To avoid the overload problem. Connection Management Feature Guide If the parameter InitRrcOnDch is set to 2 (Forced to FACH). When the number exceeds the thresholds defined by the parameter norCmpUserAcThd and norDmpUserAcThd. the subsequent received RRC connection requests are discarded in the remained time of this time slice ZTE Confidential Proprietary 44 . The Index of selected SCCPCH is equal to the “Initial UE Identity” mod K. the RNC establishes the RRC connection over the FACH channel. If services are initiated immediately after the RRC connection setup (for example. where K represents the number of FACH SCCPCH channels of the cell.1. 3.3. The RNC retransmits the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message if the RNC does not receive the RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE message from the UE after the period specified by the tRrcSetupRetran timer until the number of retransmissions reaches the maximum number of retransmissions specified byrrcSetupRetraNum. 4. or 6. The RNC sends the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message over the SCCPCH channel to the UE and sends the SRB configuration. the value of Establishment cause is registration ). If the RNC receives the RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE message from the UE within the period specified by the tRrcConSetupExp timer. the RRC connection establishment is determined as successful. the RNC selects the DCH. If the parameter InitRrcOnDch is set to 3. The RNC selects the SCCPCH channel according to the Initial UE Identify of the UE. 3 Releasing the RRC Connection The causes triggering the RRC connection release include: The connection carrying services data or NAS signaling is released normally. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 45 . The cause is Radio link failure or RLC unrecoverable error. The parameter Twait can be configured in the OMCR. the RRC connection setup fails and the UE is still in idle mode. The parameter Wait Time specifies the duration (from the reception of the RRC CONNECTION REJECT message to the time of sending access request) during which the UE has to wait. The value of AM_RLC error indication (RB2. the RNC sends the RRC CONNECTION REJECT message to the UE and fills in Wait Time in the message.1 Radio Link Setup Failure If the radio link setup fails.3. If radio links are already set up on the Iub interface.3. the RNC deletes the radio links on Iub. 3. refer to the section “Releasing the Iub Interface Radio Link”) 3.3. For details. The UE in FACH state sends a CELL UPDATE message to the RNC.2 Failure to Receive RRC Connection Setup Response From UE If the RNC does not receive the RRC CONNECTION SETUP COMPLETE message after waiting for 5 seconds from the first transmitting of RRC CONNECTION SETUP. The Node B detects a radio link failure. The UE in DCH or FACH state sends a CELL UPDATE message.2.2. RB3 or RB4) is true. The UE in FACH or PCH state does not exchange any message or data within the period of T305 + 11 minute.2 Handling Abnormality in the RRC Connection Setup 3. Connection Management Feature Guide 3.3. The RNC detects that the RLC connection fails. meaning the RRC connection is planned to be established over a dedicated transport channel. Figure 3-4 shows the RRC connection release flow.3. Luarfcn[8] (lower limit of the FDD UMTS frequency range). The number of retransmissions is decided by N308. which allows the UE in Idle mode to quickly detect the desired cell. and starts the T308 timer. Connection Management Feature Guide Any of the above occasions may trigger the RRC connection release flow. and Uuarfcn[8] (upper limit of the FDD UMTS frequency range). The information includes the frequency information of the GSM network and UMTS FDD network under the PLMN of the current cell. the UE retransmits the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE message. and the BCCH frequency range of the adjacent GSM cells and UMTS cells. 3. Figure 3-4 RRC Connection Release Flow Target Source Drift Source UE Node B Node B RNC RNC Condition:RRC connection release on DCH RRC CONNECTION RELEASE RRC RRC [DCCH(UM RLC RB1)] RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE RRC RRC [DCCH(UM RLC RB1)] RL Delete Condition:RRC connection release on FACH RRC CONNECTION RELEASE RRC RRC [CCCH或DCCH(AM RLC RB2)] RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE RRC RRC [CCCH或DCCH(AM RLC RB2)] As shown in the above figure. FDDFreqRngNum (number of FDD frequency bands).3. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 46 . sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE message in UM mode to the RNC. The fill-in frequency information related to the GSM network and FDD network includes GsmBARangeNum (number of GSM frequency bands). GsmURange[32] (upper limit of the GSM frequency range). The RNC fills necessary information in the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message. When the T308 timer expires.1 Releasing the RRC Connection Established Over the Dedicated Channel The UE in DCH state receives the RRC release request from the RNC. the RNC sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message to the UE through SRB1 to request for RRC connection release. GsmLRange[32] (lower limit of the GSM frequency range). 3. The parameter NreTran specifies the maximum number of times that the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message is retransmitted and can be configured in the OMCR. The UE in FACH state receives the RRC release request from the RNC. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 47 .3. The RRC connection is released successfully. requesting the UE to release the RRC connection. Connection Management Feature Guide The wait time (T308) and the maximum number of retransmissions (N308) can be configured in the OMCR. The RNC releases the radio link from the Iub interface. and then releases the local resources.3. 3. The UE sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE message for only one time. refer to the section “Releasing the Iub Interface Radio Link”. The UE sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE message through the CCCH for only one time. If the RNC already sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message for the times specified by NreTran but receives no RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE message after 500 ms. the RNC retransmits the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message.3 Handling Abnormality in the RRC Connection Release If the RNC does not receive the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE message from the UE after sending the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message to the UE. the RNC considers the RRC connection release complete. The UE in FACH state receives the RRC release request from the RNC. The RNC receives the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE message from the UE and releases the local resources.2 Releasing the RRC Connection Established Over the Common Channel The RNC sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message over the CCCH channel to the UE or sends the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE message through SRB2 to the UE. 3. For more details.3. When the CPU utilization rate exceeds 80%.1 and then starts restricting service admission according to the proportion R. the system sets R to zero.1 Redirection for Load Reduction This function allows the RNC to reject an RRC connection setup request because of CN overload.4 RRC Connection Redirection 3. The RCP state returns from congested to normal. If the CPU utilization rate is still higher than 80% in the next consecutive ten seconds from the beginning of congestion.4. or radio resource congestion. If the system detects that the CPU utilization rate decreases to 75% in a cycle. the RCP state is identified as congested. Connection Management Feature Guide 3. The RNC rejects this RRC connection request if the random number is greater than the proportion R. CN overload The RNC received an overload message from the CN.01. in which the establishment cause is not Emergency call. If the CPU utilization rate is still higher than 80% in the next consecutive twenty seconds from the beginning of congestion. if R is less than 1. RCB overload. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 48 . When receiving an RRC Connection request. the system sets R to 1 and then cancels the restriction on service admission. the system sets R to 0. the RNC generates a random number ranging from 0 to 100. When receiving an RRC CONNECTION REQUEST. RCB overload The system queries the RCP CPU utilization rate every five seconds. the RNC checks whether the system is overloaded or congestion occurs in the system. The CPU utilization rate for load control is the average value of the eight values detected consecutively. The system then sets the service admission proportion (R) to 0. the RNC fills the IE” Redirection Information” with the information of a cell that meets the following conditions: ZTE Confidential Proprietary 49 . which indicates inter-frequency redirection is preferred. the RNC fills the information of inter-frequency cells or inter-RAT information in the IE “Redirection Information” to help the UE to access another carrier or a GSM system. The RNC fills the IE “Redirection Information” according to the parameter “PriRedirectRat” configured in the OMC: If the value of “PriRedirectRat” is 0. In case of CN overload. The RNC is permitted to reduce the system load by rejecting RRC connection requests when the CN is overloaded. If the value of “PriRedirectRat” is 1. the RNC sends the message “RRC CONNECTION REJECT” or “RRC RELEASE” to the UE. In the message “RRC CONNECTION REJECT” or “RRC RELEASE”. Radio resource congestion RRC connection establishment fails due to Radio Resource Congestion If “Switch of RRC Redirection Triggered by Radio Resource Congestion” is set to “on”. the RNC does not fill the IE “Redirection Information”. and rejects this RRC connection request if the random number is less than or equal to 30%. If “Switch of RRC Redirection Triggered by Radio Resource Congestion” is set to “on”. the RNC fills the IE “Redirection Information”. the RNC generates a random number by the random function. the RNC rejects this RRC Connection Request. Connection Management Feature Guide The Iu Flex or network sharing is not enabled in the network. If the above three conditions are all fulfilled. The RNC releases the RRC connection due to congestion control. rejects this RRC connection to reduce load on the Uu interface. or congestion. The RNC connects to only one MSC and one SGSN. which indicates related information is not provided. RNC overload. (Note 1) The frequency of the cell is different from any of the inter-frequency adjacent cells of the current cell. the RNC fills the Redirection Information IE with E-UTRAN frequency info. and Physical Cell identity. (Note 1) The frequency of the cell is different from any of the inter-frequency adjacent cells of the current cell. If more than one cell meets these conditions. which includes DL Carrier frequency. The coverage of a GSM cell is the same as or includes that of the serving cell in case of CS service. the RNC checks whether any inter-RAT adjacent cell meets the conditions. the RNC fills the BCCH ARFCN and frequency information of the GSM cells in the IE” Redirection Information”. The number of the GSM cells cannot exceed 32. If one or more GSM cells meet the redirection conditions. and the cell is not an inter-frequency adjacent cell of the RNC. the RNC obtains the cells that meet the following conditions: The coverage of the GSM cell is the same as or includes that of the serving cell. the RNC prefers to select the cell that has the same PLMN ID with the UE. If no cell meets these conditions. If the value of “PriRedirectRat” is 3. Blacklisted cells per freq list. If the value of “PriRedirectRat” is 2. which indicates inter-RAT redirection is preferred (to a GSM system) and then inter-frequency redirection. and the cell is not an inter-frequency adjacent cell of the RNC. which indicates that inter-frequency redirection is preferred and then inter-RAT redirection (PS redirected to E-UTRA and CS redirected to GSM). the RNC obtains the cells that meet the following conditions: The coverage of the cell is the same with or includes that of the serving cell. Connection Management Feature Guide The coverage of the cell is the same as or includes that of the serving cell. If one or more E-UTRA cells meet the redirection conditions. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 50 . the RNC can redirect the UE to an E-UTRA FDD cell. The frequency of the cell is different from any of the inter-frequency adjacent cells of the current cell. including E-UTRA FDD adjacent cells. the UE supports E-UTRA TDD frequency. the RNC obtains the cells that meet the following conditions: The coverage of the GSM cell is the same as or includes that of the serving cell in case of CS service. If one or more E-UTRA cells meet the redirection conditions. the UE supports E-UTRA FDD frequency. Connection Management Feature Guide The cell is not an inter-frequency adjacent cell of the RNC. the RNC can redirect the UE to an E-UTRA TDD cell. The value 0 indicates EUTRAN FDD. including E-UTRA TDD adjacent cells. and the UE supports both E-UTRA FDD frequency and E-UTRA TDD frequency. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 51 . The parameter EutranCellType indicates the type of the E-UTRA cell. If the value of “PriRedirectRat” is 4. The coverage of the E-UTRA cell is the same as or includes that of the serving cell in case of PS service. The RNC supports both E-UTRA FDD cells and E-UTRA TDD cells. and the UE supports only the E-UTRA FDD frequency. If one or more E-UTRA cells meet the redirection conditions. and the value of Support of E-UTRA FDD is “TRUE”. CS redirected to GSM). The value 1 indicates EUTRAN TDD. If the Pre-redirection info IE is included in the RRC CONNETION REQUEST. which indicates inter-RAT redirection (PS redirected to E-UTRA. If value of Support of E-UTRA TDD is “TRUE”. the RNC can redirect the UE to an E-UTRA FDD cell or E-UTRA TDD cell randomly. If one or more E-UTRA cells meet the redirection conditions. and the UE supports only the E-UTRA TDD frequency. The cell is not an inter-frequency adjacent cell of the RNC. is preferred and then inter-frequency redirection. including both E-UTRA FDD adjacent cells and E-UTRA TDD adjacent cells. Note 1: The purpose of RRC connection redirection is to reduce the RNC’s load. If the above conditions are satisfied. and no cell meets the redirection conditions. The RNC does ZTE Confidential Proprietary 52 . the RNC rejects the RRC connection request. If no inter-frequency cell or inter-RAT cell meets the related conditions. One or more GSM cells have a coverage that is the same as or includes that of the serving cell. if an operator has a mature GSM system that can provides the location service with high precision than the UMTS system. and fills the related IEs in the “RRC Connection Reject” message: (1) Rejection cause=unspecified (2) Wait time=2s (3) Redirection Information: the value of sub-IE Inter-RAT info is GSM. the RNC does not fill the IE” Redirection Information”. 1: enable the function).2 Redirection for Emergency Call At the earlier stage of 3G network deployment. 3. When a UE initiates an RRC connection request. The system determines whether to redirect Emergency calls to the GSM system by the parameter EmgCallRdtSwitch (0: disable the function. the RNC can redirect Emergency calls to the GSM system. the RNC checks whether the following conditions are met: The value of the IE “Establishment cause” in the RRC Connection Request message is “Emergency Call”. Note 2: When the RRC CONNECTION REJECT message is sent to the UE for load reduction. Connection Management Feature Guide If the frequency of the cell is different from any of the inter-frequency adjacent cells of the current cell. The frequency information filled in the IE” Redirection Information” does not belong to the current RNC. the RNC checks whether any inter-frequency adjacent cell meets the related conditions. the IE “Wait Time” in the message is set to 15 seconds. The value of EmgCallRdtSwitch is 1.4. For details of Iu interface connection establishment.1 NAS Message Forwarding Flow Figure 3-5 NAS Message Forwarding Flow Target Source Drift Source UE CN Node B Node B RNC RNC Initial direct transper message Precondition:RRC set up success INITIAL DIRECT TRANSFER RRC RRC [DCCH(AM RLC RB3)] Condition:without Iu signaling connection SCCP Link set up Condition:with Iu signaling connection RANAP DIRECT TRANSFER RANAP Uplink direct transper UPLINK DIRECT TRANSFER RRC RRC [DCCH(AM RLC RB3/RB4)] RANAP DIRECT TRANSFER RANAP Downlink direct transper RANAP DIRECT TRANSFER RANAP DOWNLINK DIRECT TRANSFER RRC RRC [DCCH(AM RLC RB3/RB4)] The NAS message is forwarded in three occasions: initial direct transfer. so that the UE can select a certain GSM cell. Uplink direct transfer: The RNC receives the UPLINK DIRECT TRANSFER message ZTE Confidential Proprietary 53 . 3. In this way. refer to the section "Setting Up the Iu Interface Connection". the success ratio of accessing to the GSM system is improved. and downlink direct transfer.5 NAS Message Transfer 3. Connection Management Feature Guide not fill the detailed information of GSM adjacent cells. and the call delay is reduced. uplink direct transfer.5. it establishes the Iu interface connection. Initial direct transfer: When the RNC receives the INITIAL DIRECT TRANSFER message from the UE. the RNC initiates the setup of an Iu interface connection between the RNC and the CN.1 Setting Up the Iu Interface Connection After the RRC connection is set up successfully. If yes.5. Connection Management Feature Guide from the UE. refer to the section “NAS Message Transfer”). and transmits the DOWNLINK DIRECT TRANSFER message to the UE. See the following Figure 3-6. and sends the initial NAS-PDU to the CN. forwards the information in the DIRECT TRASFER message to the UE.5. The RNC receives the direct transfer message from the UE. After receiving the message. The RNC queries the status of the CN ZTE Confidential Proprietary 54 . 3. the UE sends the initial message to the RNC (for details. it selects the available CN node through the NAS Node Selection Function (NNSF).2 Setting Up and Releasing the Iu Interface Connection 3. and then sends the DIRECT TRASFER message to the CN. Downlink direct transfer: The RNC receives the DIRECT TRASFER message from the CN. If not. the RNC acts as follows: If the RNC supports the Iu Flex function. forwards the information in the message to the CN.2. Figure 3-6 Setting Up the Iu interface Connection UE RNC CN : RRC 【EP 】 INITIAL DIRECT TRANSFER RRC Without Iu connection NNSF SCCP connection setup (RANAP: INITIAL UE MESSAGE ) : Iu connection has already Setup RANAP 【EP 】 DIRECT TRANSFER RANAP After the RRC connection setup. the UE sends a message to the RNC. the RNC sends the direct transfer message to the CN. The RNC checks whether the Iu interface connection to the CN exists. If the RNC serving as the DRNC receives the RELOCATION REQUEST message from the CN. refer to the ZTE UMTS Iu Flex Feature Guide. For details. signaling release. The Iu interface release may be initiated by the CN or RNC. The Iu interface connection release initiated by the CN involves two occasions: Iu interface connection release caused by service release. it sends the RELOCATION REQUEST ACKNOWLEDGE message to the CN. it selects the default CN node. the RNC starts the Tiureldelay timer. If the RNC does not support the Iu Flex function.5. 3. or the Iu release request from the RNC may trigger the Iu interface connection release. the DRNC sets up the RAB resources. The SAI of the initial UE message indicates the accessed cell or best cell based on the parameter initUEFiDAcSai. The RNC initiates the connection setup request to the selected CN node and sends the initial direct transfer message to the CN. When the RNC receives an Iu release command from the CN.2. the RNC acts as the following: Iu interface connection release initiated by the CN The UE in DCH state initiates a single service and then releases the service. and Iu interface connection release caused by signaling release. Connection Management Feature Guide node periodically at the interval of tcnquery. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 55 .2 Releasing the Iu Interface Connection The service release. and then sets up the Iu interface connection. When the timer times out. or the UE initiates multiple services and then releases all multiple services simultaneously . After completion of the setup. If the UE is in macro diversity status. the UE must notify the DRNC to release the radio link (refer to the section “Releasing the Iu Interface Radio Link”). and Iub Interface Radio Links. RB resources. Connection Management Feature Guide Figure 3-7 Iu Interface Connection Release Initiated by UE in DCH State UE Node B RNC CN Iu Release Command Iu CS service bearer release Iu PS service bearer release Iu Release Complete Iu signaling bearer release RRC connection release RL release The CN sends the IU RELEASE REQUEST message to the RNC. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 56 . CS+PS domain services are provided concurrently. The RNC releases the RRC connections. The UE in DCH state initiates CS and PS services and releases the CS or PS service. The RNC releases the RAB resources and returns the IU RELEASE COMPLETE message to the CN. or the UE initiates multiple services and then releases all multiple services simultaneously . The RNC releases the RAB resources and returns the IU RELEASE COMPLETE message to the CN. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 57 . The UE in FACH state initiates a single service and then releases the service. Connection Management Feature Guide Figure 3-8 Releasing the Service of One Domain UE Node B RNC CN Iu Release Command Iu CS or PS service bearer release Iu Release Complete Iu signaling bearer release RL reconfigure RB release Signaling connection release The CN sends the IU RELEASE REQUEST message to the RNC. refer to the section “Reconfiguring the Iub Interface Radio Link”) and modifies the radio link configuration. The RNC sends the SIGNALING CONNECTION RELEASE message to the UE. The RNC then releases the RB carrying the service. The RNC reconfigures the radio link (for details. notifying the UE to release the signaling connection of the corresponding domain. The RNC releases the RRC connection and the RB resources. Connection Management Feature Guide Figure 3-9 Iu Interface Connection Release Initiated by UE in FACH State UE Node B RNC CN Iu Release Command Iu CS service bearer release Iu PS service bearer release Iu Release Complete Iu signaling bearer release RRC connection release The CN sends the IU RELEASE REQUEST message to the RNC. The UE in PCH state initiates a single service and then releases the service. The RNC initiates the paging by sending the paging message of PAGING TYPE 1 to the UE. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 58 . The RNC releases the RRC connection. After receiving the paging message. Figure 3-10 Iu Interface Connection Release Initiated by UE in PCH State UE Node B RNC CN Iu Release Command Iu CS service bearer release Iu PS service bearer release Paging type 1 Cell update Iu Release Complete Iu signaling bearer release RRC connection release The CN sends the IU RELEASE REQUEST message to the RNC. The RNC releases the RAB resources and returns the IU RELEASE COMPLETE message to the CN. the RNC sends the IU RELEASE COMPLETE message to the CN. After receiving the CELL UPDATE message. or the UE initiates multiple services and then releases all multiple services simultaneously. the UE sends the CELL UPDATE message with the cause value of Paging Response to the RNC. The UE in DCH state needs to release the radio link. Figure 3-12 Iu Interface Connection Release Initiated by the RNC UE Node B RNC CN Condition:Signaling connection release originated by UE Signaling Connection Release Indication Iu Release Request Iu Release Command Iu Release Complete Iu signaling bearer release Signaling Connection Release The RNC initiates the Iu interface connection release because the UE initiates signaling ZTE Confidential Proprietary 59 . The RNC returns the IU RELEASE COMPLETE message to the CN. it does not initiate any service. Figure 3-11 Iu Interface Connection Release Caused by Signaling Release UE Node B RNC CN Iu Release Command Iu Release Complete Iu signaling bearer release RRC connection release Condition: UE in DCH RL release The CN sends the IU RELEASE REQUEST message to the RNC. The RNC initiates the Iu interface connection release. The CN requires the release of the Iu interface connection (signaling release). Connection Management Feature Guide When the UE is in connected mode. The RNC releases the RRC connection. 3. the RNC sends a RESET ACK response to the CN. and ZTE Confidential Proprietary 60 . the RNC sends the IU RELEAST REQUEST message. Otherwise. If the UE notifies the RNC of the release of a signaling connection. Connection Management Feature Guide connection release or the RNC detects the radio connection abnormality. the RNC releases the RRC connection. the RNC releases all Iu connections. For example. The RNC returns the IU RELEASE COMPLETE message and releases the Iu interface signaling bearer. refer to the section “Radio Connection Monitoring”. RESOURCE RESET initiated by the CN When the RNC receives RESOURCE RESET from the CN. the RNC release the Iu connections indicated by the message. the RNC sends a RESOURCE RESET ACK response to the CN. the UE sends the SIGNALLING CONNECTION RELEASE INDICATION message to the RNC. For details of the Iu interface connection release caused by the radio connection abnormality detected by the RNC.5. and starts the tResetDelay timer. RESET initiated by the RNC When the OMCR initiates RESET. the UE immediately notifies the RNC of signaling connection release. if the CN decides to release the Iu interface connection. When the CN receives the IU RELEAST REQUEST message.3 RESET and RESOURCE RESET RESET initiated by the CN When the RNC receives RESET from the CN. When the location updating or route updating is finished.2. When the RNC receives the SIGNALLING CONNECTION RELEASE INDICATION message. requesting for the release of the Iu interface. and starts the Tratc timer. This part describes the Iu interface connection release caused by the UE signaling connection release. it sends the IU RELEASE COMMAND message to the RNC. the UE performs location updating in the CS domain and route updating in the PS domain. if the domain where the signaling connection is released is only CN domain of the UE. After timeout of the timer. After timeout of the timer. the RNC sends a RESET message to the CN. 6 Paging 3. 3.6. the RNC resends RESET to the CN until the number of retransmission times reaches the value of nRepeatrst. Figure 3-13 Paging Flow UE NodeB DRNC SRNC CN Condition:PAGING originated by CN PAGING Condition:UE in IDLE,PCH PAGING TYPE 1 Condition:UE in DCH,FACH PAGING TYPE 2 Condition:PAGING originated by RNC . When receiving RESET ACK from the CN. and sends paging message of PAGING TYPE2 to the UE in the CELL_FACH or CELL_DCH state. If the timer times out. Paging initiated by another RNC or the local RNC without spanning any Iur interface The RNC sends paging messages of PAGING TYPE1 to the UE in Idle or PCH state and ZTE Confidential Proprietary 61 . Then the RNC starts the Trafc Timer.1 Paging Flow The paging procedure varies depending on the object initiating the paging. on Iur interface PAGING REQ Condition:PAGING originated by RNC Condition:UE in IDLE,PCH PAGING TYPE 1 Condition:UE in DCH,FACH PAGING TYPE 2 Paging initiated by the CN that is broadcast through a Node B under the RNC The RNC sends paging messages of PAGING TYPE1 to the UE in Idle or PCH state. the RNC stops the Trafc Timer. Connection Management Feature Guide releases all Iu connections. The maximum number of retransmissions (PagingSendTimes) can be configured in the OMCR. Each PICH frame can contain the PI of multiple UEs. To improve the probability of receiving the paging message. The Page Indicator (PI) is transmitted over the PICH channel. with each PI corresponding to a group of UEs. It can be configured in the OMCR.6. Number of Number of PIs in Transmit Power of the PICH in Repeated Bits in the Each Frame Comparison with that of the CPICH PICH ZTE Confidential Proprietary 62 . the RNC receives the paging message from the CN and then sends the paging message of PAGING TYPE 1 over the PCH channel to the UE. DRX Index = IMSI div 8192 Np = the number of PIs included in a PICH frame. The following lists the formula for calculating the PI: PI = DRX Index mod Np Where. Connection Management Feature Guide sends paging messages of PAGING TYPE2 to the UE in CELL_FACH or CELL_DCH state. 3. The table describes the relationships between the parameter Np and the transmit power. The parameter Np. can be configured in each PICH frame. namely the number of PIs included in a PICH frame. requesting the DRNC to page the UE. Paging initiated by the local RNC that must span an Iur interface The RNC sends a Paging Request message through RNSAP to the DRNC. The UE checks whether it is being paged in the network by monitoring its own PI. The Total Number of CN Paging per Second handled by the RNC is decided by the DBS parameter gRESPARA42.2 PAGING TYPE 1 When the UE is in Idle or URA_PCH state. The PCH channel has a corresponding PICH physical channel. the RNC repeatedly sends the paging message of PAGING TYPE 1 to the UE. If the parameter Np is large the transmit power of the PICH (PichPwr) is high. KUtran. the RNC calculates K in the DRX period according to Kcs. K = Min (Kps. In DRX mode.Kps). and DRX Cycle Length Coefficient in the paging message from the CN. Kps. the UE in Idle or PCH state monitors the PICH channel in Discontinuous Reception (DRX) mode. If the CN ZTE Confidential Proprietary 63 . In the FDD system. K = Min(Kcs. KUtran.Kps. the UE detects the PI once every DRX period. a DRX k period = 2 frames. K = Min (Kcs.DRX Cycle Length Coefficient). Kps. For paging messages from the CS domain. the RNC calculates K in the DRX period according to Kcs. When the UE is in PCH state. if the CN adds DRX Cycle Length Coefficient to the paging message. PS Domain DRX Cycle Length Coefficient (Kps). and UTRAN DRX Cycle Length Coefficient (KUtran). if the CN adds DRX Cycle Length Coefficient to the paging message. Therefore. The RNC calculates the PO as follows: When the UE is in Idle mode. the RNC fills the PI in the message transmitted over the PICH channel according to the paging occasion of the UE.DRX Cycle Length Coefficient). K = Min(Kcs. For paging messages from the PS domain. Connection Management Feature Guide Number of Number of PIs in Transmit Power of the PICH in Repeated Bits in the Each Frame Comparison with that of the CPICH PICH 18 16 -7 36 8 -7 72 4 -5 144 2 -2 For the purpose of power saving. The UE monitors each PICH frame in the corresponding SFN and detects its own PI in the frame according to the calculated PI. three DRX cycle length coefficients can be configured: CS Domain DRX Cycle Length Coefficient (Kcs). KUtran). Each UE has its own Paging Occasion (PO). In the OMCR. and DRX Cycle Length Coefficient in the paging message from the CN. For paging messages from the CS domain. If the CN does not add DRX Cycle Length Coefficient to the paging message. K = Min(Kcs. For paging messages from the PS domain.Kps). the UTRAN initiates the paging procedure and sends a paging message of PAGING TYPE 2 over the DCCH. it starts the paging reception procedure.KUtran). The following is the formula for calculating the PO: Paging Occasion = {(IMSI div N) mod (DRX cycle length div PBP)} * PBP + n * DRX cycle length + Frame Offset Where. When PchCsPageRsdTimer expires. the RNC sends the paging message of PAGING TYPE 1 to the UE in Idle or PCH state. or PchCsPageRsdTimer is started in case of CS paging. When paging1RspTimer expires. and reports the paging cause and paging record type identifier to the upper layer.6. N = number of SCCPCH channels carried over the PCH in a cell. the RNC sends paging messages of Paging Type1 with IMSI/TMSI to the UE once again. K is calculated according to the above-mentioned method. the RNC releases the RRC connection. PBP = 1. Connection Management Feature Guide does not add DRX Cycle Length Coefficient to the paging message. When the broadcast system information is updated. K = MAX(Kcs. For paging over PCH. DRX cycle length = 2k frame. The UTRAN configures paging cause in the message.3 PAGING TYPE 2 When the UE is in DCH or FACH state. After the UE in DCH or FACH state receives the message of PAGING TYPE 2. At the moment. n = SFN.Kps. When Paging Response is received. paging1RspTimer is started in case of PS paging. the system sends PIs over the PICH channel during the DRX period. 3. KUtran). and PchCsPageRsdSwch is set to 1. paging1RspTimer or PchCsPageRsdTimer is stopped. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 64 . K = Min(Kps. when the RNC sends paging messages of Paging Type1 with URNTI to the UE. The RNC sends PAGING to the cells that belong to another LAC adjacent to the Current LAC. the CN sends the PAGING message to the OLD LAC. The ZTE RNC introduces the Virtual Location Area Paging function. if the UE is paged. Application domain security provides secure information exchange between users and the domains providing services for service application. the RNC checks whether a matching virtual LAC exists. In this case. and the paging fails. Connection Management Feature Guide 3. 3.4 Virtual Location Area Paging When the UE is at the boundary of a Location Area.6. the RNC uses the virtual LAC paging function only for repeated CS voice paging. Network domain security provides security protection for the signaling data exchanged between nodes in the domain and prevents attacks against the radio network. the security mechanism is applied on multiple layers: Network access security provides secure access to the 3G network and prevents attacks on the radio link. User domain security provides secure access measures for UEs. If the LAC of PAGING matches a virtual LAC of a cell and the parameter VLacPaingInd is 1. In order to decrease the paging load. A maximum of two virtual LACs can be configured for a cell through the parameter VirtualLac.7 Security Mode Control In the 3G system. If the boundary of TWO LACs is at the boundary of two RNCs. If a paging message is sent from the CN to an LAC. to improve the paging success rate. the UE may be already in the NEW LAC even the location update procedure is not completed. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 65 . The CN only knows the OLD LAC of the UE. IUR PAING is sent if the adjacent RNC supports Virtual LAC paging determined by the parameter RNCFEATSWITCH21. the paging message is sent to UEs in the cell even though the LAC of CELL is not the same as the LAC of PAING. Whether the services are used and provided depends on the security attributes. Figure 3-14 Security Mode Control Flow Source UE CN RNC RANAP Security Mode Command【EP】 RANAP Condition :arithmetic is not supported RANAP Security Mode Reject【EP】 RANAP Condition :arithmetic is supported RRC Security Mode Command【EP】 RRC RRC Security Mode Complete【EP】 RRC RANAP Security Mode Complete【EP】 RANAP RRC Security Mode Failure【EP】 RRC RANAP Security Mode Reject【EP】 RANAP As shown in the above figure.1 Security Mode Control Flow The security mode control flow specifies the algorithms and parameters of the encryption and integrity protection between the UE and the RNC. The message contains the Integrity Protection Information and Encryption Information. The integrity protection currently supports two ZTE Confidential Proprietary 66 . The CN sends the security mode control message to the RNC to specify the algorithms and parameters of integrity check and encryption. If the RNC finishes the procedure at the radio interface.7. Connection Management Feature Guide Visibility and configurability of security allows users to know whether the security measure is implemented. Figure 3-14 shows the procedure of RAN resource allocation. The encryption and integrity protection are two security mechanisms for network access. the RNC receives the SECURITY MODE COMMAND message from the CN. 3. The Integrity Protection Information contains two parts: integrity protection algorithm and integrity protection key recommended by the CN. the RNC sends the SECURITY MODE COMPLETE message to the CN. or the Integrity Protection Information only. UEA1 and UIA1 is the security algorithm in 3GPP phase 1. The encryption algorithm (EncryAlg) and integrity protection algorithm (IntegrityAlg) supported by the RNC can be configured in the OMCR. The Encryption Information also contains two parts: encryption algorithm and encryption key recommended by the CN. There are three types of encryption algorithm: no encryption. the RNC returns the SECURITY MODE REJECT message to the CN. the RNC and the UE. the RNC selects the algorithms supported by both the CN and the RNC. ii If there is an intersection between the encryption algorithms supported by the CN and the RNC. refer to the section “Querying the UE Capability”. the RNC selects security algorithms as follows: Encryption algorithm selection: i The RNC checks whether it supports the encryption algorithm configured in the CN. it queries the capability of the UE. If not. The control procedure of security mode is as following: When the RNC receives the SECURITY MODE COMMAND message from the CN. UEA1 and UEA2. Connection Management Feature Guide algorithms: UIA1 and UIA2. UEA2 and UIA2 are introduced in 3GPP R7. and better security performance. For details. Compared with the security algorithms of phase 1. the RNC selects the first algorithm that the UE supports from the encryption algorithm intersection supported by the CN and the RNC. UEA2 and UIA2 support higher rate and efficiency. iv The RNC checks whether this is the first encryption algorithm selection of the UE in this RNC: If yes. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 67 . the RNC select “no encryption”. If the selection result is UEA0 or no intersection of algorithms exists among the CN. The ZTE UTRAN supports all of these security algorithms. If the RNC has no capability information of the UE. and keeps the priority queue of the algorithms recommended by the CN. iii The RNC checks whether the UE supports the algorithm. the RNC selects the algorithms supported by both the RNC and the CN. After the RNC sends a SECURITY MODE COMMAND message to the UE through SRB2. and keeps the priority queue of the algorithms recommended by the CN. If not. If the RNC has no the capability of the UE. For details. the UE returns the SECURITY COMMAND FAILURE message to the RNC. if the processing fails. The encryption algorithm (EncryAlg) and integrity protection algorithm (IntegrityAlg) supported by the RNC can be configured in the OMCR. the RNC suspends the SRB entities except RB0 and RB2. the RNC selects the integrity algorithm that is used for the UE in that domain. the RNC recovers the suspended SRBs and sends the SECURITY COMMAND REJECT message to the CN. The RNC checks whether the UE sets up a connection in another domain: a) If the UE has connection in another domain. refer to the section “Querying the UE Capability”. After receiving the failure message. The RNC checks whether it supports the integrity protection algorithm configured in the CN. If there is an intersection between the algorithms supported by the CN and the RNC. it queries the capability of the UE. The RNC checks whether the UE supports the algorithm. the RNC returns the SECURITY MODE REJECT message to the CN. iv. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 68 . ii. If the RNC and the UE support the encryption algorithm and integrity protection algorithm configured in the CN. After the UE receives an encryption command. it then provides integrity protection for the downlink data carried through SRB2. Connection Management Feature Guide If no. b) If the UE has no connection in another domain. the RNC selects the first algorithm that the UE supports from the encryption algorithm intersection supported by both the CN and the RNC. Integrity protection algorithm selection: i. the RNC selects the encryption algorithm used for the UE. iii. the encryption and integrity protection for the SRB are also terminated accordingly. The RNC sends the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION CONFIRM message.1.1 Querying the UE Capability The RNC sends the UE CAPABILITY ENQUIRY message to the UE to query the UE capability information.7. After the Data Radio Bearer (DRB) is set up. Figure 3-15 Querying the UE Capability Source UE RNC RRC UE Capability Enquiry RRC RRC UE Capability Information RRC RRC UE Capability Information Confirm RRC As shown in the above figure. if the processing succeeds. 3. the UE sends the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION message with the UE capability. The RNC returns the SECURITY COMMAND COMPLETE message to the CN. After receiving the message. After receiving the SECURITY COMMAND COMPLETE message. the UE returns the SECURITY COMMAND COMPLETE message to the RNC. it creates the UE CAPABILITY ENQUIRY message and sends the message to the UE. the RNC queries the UE capability on the following three occasions: When the RNC needs to know the UE capability. The RNC implements encryption and integrity protection for the signaling data carried in the SRBs. The UE stores the encryption parameters and encryption algorithm obtained during the security mode procedure. the UE encrypts the DRBs using the encryption parameters of the CS domain or PS domain. the RNC recovers the suspended SRBs and implements integrity protection and encryption for all uplink and downlink signaling of all SRBs. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 69 . After the security mode is terminated. Connection Management Feature Guide After the UE receives the encryption command. and the return value RES according to the parameters RAND and AUTN in the authentication request. The network compares the return value RES from the UE (or MS) with the expected XRES and checks whether they are the same. it considers the UE capability information query failed. The network also selects the CK and IK that are the same as the UE (or MS). 3. HS-PDSCH supported or not. Through various algorithms and random numbers.2.1 Authentication and Key Generation The authentication is intended to verify the key used in the encryption and integrity protection. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 70 . The RNC receives the CAPABILITY INFORMATION message from the UE. the authentication succeeds. Connection Management Feature Guide If the UE is in connected mode and its capability information changes. If yes. After the RNC stores the UE capability information. downlink capability when the HS-DSCH is configured concurrently. The VLR/SGSN saves the authentication vectors. The VLR/SGSN initiates the authentication request to the HE/HLR. Through the authentication response. If the RNC does not receive the CAPABILITY INFORMATION message from the UE for five seconds. The HE/HLR generates multiple authentication vectors. and whether it is allowed to estimate the capability of the HS-PDSCH and HS-SCCH according to the pilot frequency.7. selects a vector.7. IK. it creates the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION CONFIRM message and sends the message to the UE. physical layer of the SH-DSCH. The UE (or MS) calculates the CK. the UE sends the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION message to the RNC. the HE/HLR sends these authentication vectors to the VLR/SGSN. including encryption keys (CK) and integrity protection keys (IK). the keys that are consistent between the UE (or MS) and the UTRAN are generated. The information in the message includes UE protocol version (R99/R4/R5).2 Encryption Algorithm and Parameters 3. and HS-PDSCH supported or not. DPCH. and initiates an authentication request to the UE (or MS). SCCPCH. the encryption algorithm generates a key block with a specified length. The following describes the encryption and decryption procedures. The parameters of encryption algorithm f8 include: Encryption key CK COUNT-C (varying with time) BEARER (bearer tag) DIRECTION (direction indication) LENGTH (block length required by the key stream) Original code stream According to these parameters. The plain text can be encrypted into cipher text by an exclusive or operation with the encryption key. UEA1 means that the KASUMI algorithm based encryption algorithm f8 is adopted. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 71 . UEA0 means that the data of the Uu interface is not encrypted.7. UEA1 and UEA2.2 Encryption Algorithm and Parameters The encryption is done on the RLC layer (AM or IM mode) or the MAC layer (TM mode). Currently. the encryption algorithms of the Uu interfaces of the 3G system have three types: UEA0. The cipher text can be decrypted into plain text by an exclusive or operation with the same encryption key. UEA2 means that the SNOW 3G algorithm based encryption algorithm f8 is adopted.2. Connection Management Feature Guide 3. the HFN is the RLC hyper frame number (AM mode or UM mode) or the MAC hyper frame number (TM mode). The initial value of the HFN uses the first 20 bits of START to form the first 20 bits of the initial COUNT-C. 0 represents uplink. The START value is sent by the UE to the RNC through the uplink message (such as CELL UPDATE message) over the Uu interface. The RNC always stores the latest START provided by the UE. When a frame is transmitted during data transmission. Connection Management Feature Guide Figure 3-16 Encryption and Decryption Procedures COUNT-C DIRECTION COUNT-C DIRECTION BEARER LENGTH BEARER LENGTH CK f8 CK f8 KEYSTREAM KEYSTREAM BLOCK BLOCK PLAINTEXT CIPHERTEXT PLAINTEXT BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK 发送端 接收端 Sender:UE/RNC UE 或 RNC Receiver:RNC/UE RNC 或 UE The encryption related parameters can be obtained and configured as follows: COUNT-C: RB in AM mode: COUNT-C = HFN (20 bits)+ SN(12 bits) RB in UM mode: COUNT-C = HFN (25 bits)+ SN(7 bits) RB in TM mode: COUNT-C = HFN (24 bits) + CFN (8 bits) At the time of COUNT-C initialization. It is generated in the authentication procedure. DIRECTION: It indicates the direction of the current encryption event. The value of HFN increases once every SN period or every connection frame number (CFN) period. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 72 . and 1 represents downlink. and the left bits are all 0s. CK: encryption key. the value of the HFN increases by the SN (or CFN). The values of COUNT-C generated in different transmission events vary. The following describes the parameters of the algorithm: Integrity SN: COUNT-I = HFN(28 bits) + SN (4 bits) Similar to the COUNT-C in the encryption algorithm. Connection Management Feature Guide BEARER: bearer tag. DIRECTOR (direction bit).3 Integrity Protection Algorithm and Parameters The integrity protection is implemented on the RRC layer. the initial value of HFN consists of ZTE Confidential Proprietary 73 . MAC-I is added to the message and sent to the receiving end. BEARER = RB ID – 1. the transmit ting end calculates the authentication code MAC-I by using the f9 algorithm. UIA1 indicates the KASUMI based encryption algorithm f9. COUNT-I (integrity SN). Figure 3-17 f9 Algorithm for Integrity Protection COUNT-I DIRECTION COUNT-I DIRECTION MESSAGE FRESH MESSAGE FRESH IK f9 IK f9 MAC -I XMAC -I 发送端 Sender:UE/RNC 接受端 Receiver:RNC/UE UE 或 RNC RNC 或 UE The input parameters of the algorithm include IK (integrity protection key). LENGTH: It indicates the length of the key stream block. The integrity protection function supports the UIA1 and UIA2 algorithms. 3. FRESH (random number generated in the network). Based on these input parameters. The following figure shows the f9 algorithm.7. After receiving the message. DATA: It specifies the data to be encrypted or decrypted. and UIA2 indicates the SNOW 3G based encryption algorithm f9. the receiving end calculates XMAC-I in a similar way and compares it with the received MAC-I for integrity check. The tag corresponds to each RB. and MESSAGE (signaling message). The SN is a 4-bit RRC-SN. the RNC checks whether the RAB has the queuing capability depending on the setting of the ForcQueSwi parameter. If ForcQueSwiAMR is disabled. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 74 . the AMR service cannot queue. FRESH is a random number generated by the RNC. If the RAB assignment message (only including the setup and modification of a single RAB) of AMR or 64kbps CS service and the RAB setup message of incoming relocation from the CN do not contain queuing information (meaning that the “RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST” message does not contain Allocation/Retention priority) or specify that the RAB does not have the queuing capability (meaning that “Queuing Allowed” carried in the “RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST” message is 0 (queuing not allowed)). IK: integrity key. If ForcQueSwiAMR is enabled. the CS64k service cannot queue. Connection Management Feature Guide the first 20 bits of the parameter START and the left bits are all 0s. If ForcQueSwiCS64 is disabled. The RRC-SN can be obtained from each RRC PDU. FRESH: The FRESH parameter prevents users from using the signaling message repeatedly. DIRECTOR: direction bit. and 1 represents the downlink. It is obtained in the authentication procedure. The HFN increases once every RRC SN period. In security mode. The FRESH varies with different UEs. the AMR service has the queuing capability and its maximum queue time can be set with the parameter “TTrueQForced”. the CS64k service has the queuing capability and its maximum queue time can be set with the parameter “TTrueQForced”.8 RAB Force Queue This function enables the RNC to force AMR and CS64K to queue even if the RNC does not receive any queue information from the CN or queuing is not allowed based on the assignment information. the FRESH is sent to the UE. If ForcQueSwiCS64 is enabled. 0 represents the uplink. 3. (For the details of the parameters configuration including NUMOUTSYNCIND.9 Radio Connection Monitoring If the RNC detects that the radio connection between a UE and a network is broken due to poor quality of the radio condition or other causes. the RNC considers that the radio link of the UE is broken. including RB resources where services are distributed. The Node B monitors the radio link of the UE.2. Connection Management Feature Guide 3. NumInSyncInd. the Node B triggers the RL Failure procedure and indicates which radio link set is out-of-sync. refer to the ZTE UMTS Node B Management Feature Guide U9.) Figure 3-18 Radio Link Failure CRNC Node B RADIO LINK FAILURE INDICATION If the cause value in the RADIO LINK FAILURE INDICATION message indicates that the radio link is unrecoverable or the radio link is recoverable but the RNC does not receive the RADIO LINK RESTORE INDICATION message within TWaitRlRestore seconds. and Iu interface connection. If T_RLFAILURE expires. the RNC immediately releases all resources allocated to the UE. The ZTE RAN supports monitoring radio connections in the following modes: The Node B monitors the RL status. RRC resources. if the RNC sends messages over the RLC layer ZTE Confidential Proprietary 75 . The Node B starts the timer T_RLFAILURE after receiving NUMOUTSYNCIND consecutive out-of-sync indications. After the RRC connection is set up. The RNC monitors the RLC connection status. This mode is applicable to the UE in DCH state. T_RLFAILURE. The Node B stops and resets the timer T_RLFAILURE upon receiving successive NumInSyncInd in-sync indications. when the RNC receives the cell update message indicating the errors from the UE. expecting the UTRAN ZTE Confidential Proprietary 76 . the RNC considers that the radio connection is broken. RB3 or RB4) is true. the RNC considers that errors occur on the user plane. The RNC monitors the keeping alive duration of the UE. the RLC layer is reset. 3. The ZTE RNC adopts the AM mode for the SRB. the RNC considers that the radio connection of the UE is broken. the UE transits to the FACH state and reports the Cell Update to the UTRAN through a CCCH. If the cause value in the message is radio link failure or RLC unrecoverable error. notifying the CN to release the RAB resources. Through the function. If the number of resets reaches 6. The RNC monitors the RLC connections in AM mode. The RNC monitors the CELL UPDATE message of the UE. If the RNC does not exchange any message or data with the UE in FACH or PCH state within the period of T305 + 1 minute. the SRNC/DRNC does not initiate call re-establishment. The UE in DCH or FACH state sends the CELL UPDATE message to the RNC. it releases the RRC connection and radio resources and sends Iu connection release request through the Iu interface to the CN. The value of the parameter AM_RLC error indication (RB2. When a link is broken due to poor radio quality. the RNC retransmits the message.10 Call Re-establishment Call re-establishment refers to a procedure of re-establishing a radio link for a UE. If number of retransmissions reaches 15. Connection Management Feature Guide but does not receive responses from the UE. When CELL UPDATE is from the DRNC. the RNC can monitor all UEs in connected mode. if the UE in DCH state detects an RlC Unrecoverable Error or RL FAILURE and the durations of all service re-establishment timers (T314 and T315) are neither 0 nor in timeout state. The UE in FACH state sends the CELL UPDATE message to the RNC. When the RNC detects a broken radio connection of a UE through any of the above monitoring methods. Call re-establishment may select the cell that reports CELL UPDATE or another cell for load balancing.10. See the following figure. the UTRAN can deactivate all the radio links of the UE. the UE in DCH state sends a “Cell Update” message with a cause value to the RNC. Figure 3-19 Call Re-establishment UE NODEB RNC Cell update Reconfigure SRB on FACH RL deletion request RL deletion response RL setup request RL setup response Reconfigure SRB and DRB Cell update confirm (PhyCH info ,RB info) Condition: UE reconfigured Physical channel Physical channel reconfiguration complete RB reconfiguration complete ZTE Confidential Proprietary 77 . following a similar channel and cell selection principle as the hard handoff. The channel type adopted for re-establishment varies with different cell types.1 Call Re-establishment Procedure When the radio link is broken due to poor link quality. Call re-establishment is a hard handover. 3. Connection Management Feature Guide to re-establish this link and reduce the call drop rate. driving the UE to trigger call re-establishment to reduce the call drop rate. When detecting an out-of-sync condition on radio uplink or an RLC Unrecoverable Error. The RNC then sets up a radio connection to the UE. the RNC initiates the setup of a radio connection to the UE. If the RL connection belongs to another RNC. If the cause value is Radio link failure (for example. the DRNC is informed to delete the radio link. the RRC SN in the three messages remains unchanged. 3. (For more details. Connection Management Feature Guide As shown in the above figure. T313 timer expires) or RLC unrecoverable error (for example. the value of the parameter AM_RLC error indication (RB2. and returns a message indicating the completion of physical channel reconfiguration or RB reconfiguration. the UE in DCH state sends the CELL UPDATE message to the RNC. The RNC sends the CELL UPDATE CONFIRM message to the UE. refer to the section “Releasing the Iub Interface Radio Link” and the section “Releasing the Iur Interface Radio Link”. The RNC re-sets up the RL in the Node B. According to the information on the physical channel and RB parameters carried in the CELL UPDATE CONFIRM message sent by the RNC.) The RNC reconfigures the UE. and re-configures the parameters of the signaling and services according to the selected channel. the Iub Interface Radio Link Is deleted.2 Call Re-establishment Triggered By Network The RNC initiates the cell update call re-establishment procedure to improve the call completion rate and reduce the call drop rate when the RNC detected the Uu response timeout. reselects the channel. RL failure. the RNC sends the message for three consecutive times. To ensure that the UE correctly receives the message.10. providing information on the physical channel and RB reconfiguration. If the RL connection of the UE belongs to the local RNC. and the switch of Call Re-Establishment is turned on. RB3 or RB4) is FALSE. the uplink RB in the RLC layer is reset due to repeated data retransmission). or RLC unrecoverable error ZTE Confidential Proprietary 78 . the UE reconfigures the physical channel or RB parameters. In the handover procedure. The value of Timer1 can be configured by WaitRbCompTimer. and the switch of Call Re-Establishment is turned on. the RNC stops Timer1. or “physical channel ZTE Confidential Proprietary 79 . Connection Management Feature Guide Figure 3-20 Call Re-establishment Triggered by Network UE Node B RNC Condition: rb setup procedure RB SETUP Set the timer 1 for response on Uu Condition: handover procedure ACTIVE SET UPDATE/TRCH RECONFIGURATION/PHYCH RECONFIGURATION Set the timer 1 for response on Uu Condition: RNC receive Radio link failure from NodeB RL FAIL Set the timer 1 for RL restore from NodeB Condition: RNC detected “DL RLC unrecover error” DL RLC unrecover error detected Condition: call re-establishment process is initialed Condition: RNC receive cell update before timer 1 expiry CELL UPDATE Condition: RNC doesn't receive any message on Uu befor timer 1 expiry Timer 1 expiry RL DEACTIVE Set timer 2 for CELL UPDATE CELL UPDATE Call re-establishment process Condition: RNC doesn’t receive CELL UPDATE before timer 2 expiry Exception handling 1 The RNC initiates call re-establishment in different case: i. the RNC sends a “Radio Bearer Setup” message to the UE and starts Timer1 to wait for response from the UE. the call re-establishment is triggered. When Timer1 expires. “transport channel Reconfiguration”. Upon receiving the “Response” message from the UE. The default is 5s. the RNC send an “Active Set Update” (for example. In the RB setup procedure. ii. soft handover). When “DL RLC unrecover error” is detected by the RNC. the call re-establishment is triggered. When the RNC receives a “Radio Link Failure Indication” message of all radio links of a UE from the Node B. the RNC triggers the call re-establishment procedure and does not send RADIO LINK ACTIVATION COMMAND message to the Node B. the RNC stops Timer1. the call is released. If rlFailureOpSwch is 0. If Timer1 expires. hard handover with RB unchanged) to the UE and starts Timer1 to wait for response from the Uu interface. The value of Timer1 can be configured by TWaitRlRestore. Upon receiving the “Response” message from the UE. and the call re-establishment switch is turned on. and the call re-establishment switch of is turned on. the RNC ignores the error. the call re-establishment is not triggered. The value of Timer1 for hard handover is set to 5s. . iii. the RNC stops Timer1. The default is 10s. Note: (a) In an RB setup procedure or soft handover procedure. Connection Management Feature Guide Reconfiguration” message (for example. a) In the soft handover procedure. and the switch of Call Re-Establishment is turned on. the RNC acts as the following step iii if rlFailureOpSwch is 1. Upon receiving the “Restore” message from the Node B. the call re-establishment is triggered. and the switch of Call Re-Establishment is turned on. if the RNC receives the CELL UPDATE before the Timer1 expires. When “DL RLC unrecover error” is detected by the RNC before a Response message. In a hard handover procedure. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 80 . the call re-establishment is triggered immediately. When Timer1 expires. The default is 3s. If uciuErrorOpSwch is 0. (b) If the RNC is handling another RRC procedure. The value of Timer1 for soft handover can be configured by TWaitActSetUpCmp. If CellUpdate is received before the “Response” message from the UE. the call re-establishment is triggered. When the RNC receives "Radio Link Failure Indication" of all links before a Response message. the RNC sends an “Active Set Update”. the RNC ignores the failure. the RNC starts Timer1 to wait for Radio link Restore. the RNC acts as the following step iv if uciuErrorOpSwch is 1. (c) When the RNC receives CELL UPDATE. iv. The RNC sends a “RADIO LINK ACTIVATION COMMAND” message to the Node B that all radio links of the UE active set belong to. Timer2 is set to10s. 2 When the call re-establishment is triggered: If the UE has only CS services and T314 is set to 0. the RNC directly releases the services of the UE instead of call re-establishment. the Node B stops downlink transmission on related links to drive the UE to initiate the Cell Update procedure as soon as possible. the RNC drops the call of the UE. the RNC performs an exception handling according to the triggered cause. the RNC stops Timer2 and initiates the call re-establishment procedure. or the UE has only PS services and T315 is set to 0. Upon receiving the “RADIO LINK ACTIVATION COMMAND” message. The IE “CHOICE Delayed Activation Update” related to each radio link is set to “Deactivate” for radio link deactivation. for example. the RNC sets Timer2 to wait for Cell Update. Otherwise. After receiving the “CELL UPDATE” message from the UE. Timer2 is set by tWaitCelUpUuExp (re-establishment triggered by RB setup) or tWaitCelUpRlDact (re-establishment triggered by handover). a call release procedure. a handover failure procedure. refer to the section “Call Re-establishment Procedure”. or a RB setup failure procedure. the following procedure is continued. Connection Management Feature Guide if the conditions for call re-establishment are not fulfilled. After deactivating the radio links of the UE. In other cases. (For details. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 81 .) When Timer2 expires. The RNC sends the RADIO LINK SETUP REQUEST message carrying dedicated channel configuration parameters to the control port of the Node B. or E-DCH. The RNC establishes a transport bearer to the Node B and then implements node synchronization and transport channel synchronization. The RNC establishes a user plane bearer over the dedicated transport channel and shared transport channel (if the bearer is used to carry HSPA service) to the Node B. 3. and RAB reconfiguration over the DCH. E-DCH. Connection Management Feature Guide 3. or HS-DSCH. the system needs to reconfigure radio links: RRC connection establishment over the DCH and RAB establishment over the DCH.11 Iub Interface Radio Link Management 3. E-DCH.1 Establishing the Iub Interface Radio Link On the following two occasions. or HS-DSCH First release of service in case of concurrent CS+PS services 1 RL reconfiguration preparation procedure ZTE Confidential Proprietary 82 .11.2 Reconfiguring the Iub Interface Radio Link On the following occasions. The RNC receives the RADIO LINK SETUP RESPONSE message from the control port of the Node B. E-DCH.11. The RNC implements the radio link admission control and code resources allocation before establishing a radio link. HS-DSCH. the system needs to set up radio links: RRC connection establishment over the DCH RRC connection establishment over the FACH and RAB establishment over the DCH. or HS-DSCH RAB establishment over the DCH. The RNC sends the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION CANCEL message to each Node B. it sends the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION CANCEL message to the related Node Bs. Connection Management Feature Guide After completing the radio link admission control. If the RNC receives the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION FAILURE message from a Node B. and successful dedicated channel request. code resource allocation. The RNC sends the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION CANCEL message to the Node Bs with successful reconfiguration or reconfiguration timeout. The RNC releases the newly-established user plane resources. the preparation for the reconfiguration of the Node B radio link fails. the radio link reconfiguration preparation fails. If the specified period expires when the RNC waits for the radio link reconfiguration response from the Node Bs. the radio link reconfiguration fails. The RNC and Node Bs adopt the new configuration data simultaneously. If the admission control or code resource allocation on a radio link fails when the RNC requests for channels for the services. If the setup of any transport link fails. the RNC sends the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION PREPARE message to each Node B. The RNC only sends the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION CANCEL message to the Node Bs with successful radio link reconfiguration preparation. links on the transport layer. The RNC cancels the new configuration and recovers the original configuration. The RNC receives the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION READY messages from each Node B. the RNC releases the downlink channelization codes of the obtained downlink channelization codes. the radio link synchronization reconfiguration preparation flow is terminated abnormally. 3 RL reconfiguration cancellation If the RNC determines that the radio link reconfiguration must be cancelled. 2 RL reconfiguration The RNC sends the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION CANCEL COMMIT message to the related Node Bs. If the channelization codes are allocated. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 83 . and downlink channelization code resources requested for all radio links. 1 Reconfiguring the Iur Interface Radio Link The SRNC sends the Radio Link Reconfiguration Prepare message to the DRNC. the DRNC sends a radio link deletion ZTE Confidential Proprietary 84 . deletes the transport bearer. The SRNC and the DRNC simultaneously activates the new configuration data of the radio links and releases the original configuration data. After completion of reconfiguration preparation. cancels the reconfiguration task. The DRNC prepares for the reconfiguration of the user plane and the Iub interface.12. The RNC receives the radio link deletion response from the Node B and releases the resources of the deleted radio link. and sends the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION CANCEL message to the DRNC. The DRNC receives the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION CANCEL MESSAGE from the SRNC. the SRNC reconfigures the FP for the user plane. 3. After receiving the message. and returns the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION READY message to the SRNC.3 Releasing the Iub Interface Radio Link The RNC sends the Radio Link Deletion Request message to the Node B. the DRNC configures the user plane according to the contents in the message. After receiving the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION READY message. and then sends the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION COMMIT message to the Node B. If the SRNC determines that it is necessary to cancel the Iur Interface radio link reconfiguration. 3. notifying the Node B to delete the radio link. it first cancels the user plane FP configuration. and then sends the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION CANCEL message to the Node B.11. Connection Management Feature Guide 3.12 Iur Interface Radio Link Management 3.2 Releasing the Iur Interface Radio Link When receiving the radio link deletion message. deletes the transport bearer.12. the SRNC sends the RADIO LINK RECONFIGURATION COMMIT message to the DRNC. and physical channel. See the following figure. The DRNC then sends the radio link deletion success message to the SRNC. the transport channel and the physical channel in the RADIO BEAER RECONFIGURATION message according to the existing channels of the UE and the channels to be set up for the UE.13 RB Reconfiguration During the RAB reconfiguration. Figure 3-21 RB Reconfiguration Source UE RNC RRC Radio Bearer Reconfiguration RRC Condition:RB reconfiguration success RRC Radio Bearer Reconfiguration Complete RRC Condition:RB reconfiguration failed RRC Radio Bearer Reconfiguration Failure RRC Condition:RNC didn’t receive response message from UE after T1 second Return the status before RB reconfiguration As shown in the above figure. and deletes the FP. releases transport bearer. the RNC modifies the existing RB. The RNC fills the information of the RB. The message contains information of the RB to be reconfigured. 3. The DRNC receives the radio link deletion success message from the Node B. After receiving the message. the UE responds with the RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE message. transport channel. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 85 . The RNC receives the RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE message from the UE. the RNC sends the RADIO BEAER RECONFIGURATION message to the UE. The RNC sends the RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION message over the RRC connection to the UE. Connection Management Feature Guide message to the Node B. the RNC restores the configuration for the user plane and returns to the status before the RB reconfiguration. and one SGSN node) and the RNC is set to use RRC Reject to reduce the system load.14 Iu Overload Control When the traffic on the Iu interface is overloaded. the RNC starts the timers TigOR and TigTR. If no CN node meets the condition for load balancing. the RNC generates a random integer ranging from 1 to 100 by a random function. If the CN is overloaded and neither Iu Flex nor network sharing is enabled in the network (one MSC node. 2. 3. 3. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 86 . Or else. If the timer TigOR is not started. Otherwise T1 is set to 5s. If TinTR expires. the RNC first checks whether the CN is overloaded. When the RNC receives an RRC connection setup request with a reason except emergency call from the UE. Connection Management Feature Guide If the RNC receives the RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION FAILURE message over the RRC connection or does not receive any response from the UE within the period (unit: seconds) specified by T1. During the NNSF procedure. the RNC shares the load among all CN nodes that are reachable and not overloaded. If the integer is less than the RRC reject proportion that is previously set in the system. the RNC must perform overload control to ensure the system stability. the RNC sets up the RRC connection. then RNC sends the RRC Reject. the RNC ignores the subsequent overload messages send by the CN. When the overload is detected. Before expiry of TigOR. If the UE transits to CELL_DCH from URA_PCH or CELL_FACH. The overload message must include the Global CN-ID IE if the NNSF is enabled. T1 is decided by the parameter tReCfgLevCmnStat. The RNC performs the operations as follows when receiving the overload message: 1. the CN sends the overload message to the RNC. the RNC shares the load among the CN nodes that are reachable and overloaded. the RNC determines that the CN is not overloaded any longer. Connection Management Feature Guide Figure 3-22 Iu Overload Control RNC MSC Server OVERLOAD RNC SGSN OVERLOAD 3.15 Deferred SIB11/12 In order to avoid service interruption due to SIB11, SIB11bis, or SIB12 reading by the UE, especially obvious service interruption when a lot of neighbouring cells are configured (more than 20 neighboring cells for example), the UE is allowed to send messages through RACH or receive messages through FACH before reading and storing SIB11, SIB11bis, or SIB12 when the deferred SIB11, SIB11bis, or SIB12 feature is enabled. The RNC includes the IE “Deferred measurement control UTRAN support” in SIB3 if the UTRAN supports this feather. When receiving this IE in SIB3, the UE adds the IE ” Deferred measurement control reading” into the Radio Bear Reconfig Complete, RRC Connection Setup Complete, or UTRAN Mobility information Confirm message, which notifies the UTRAN of the incomplete reading of SIB11, SIB11bis, or SIB12. After transiting to a non-CELL-DCH state, the UE completes the reading and storing of the SIB11, SIB11bis, or SIB12. The parameter DefSibSuptSwch determines whether the deferred SIB11/12 is supported at the network side. If DefSibSuptSwch is set to 1, the RNC adds the IE “Deferred measurement control UTRAN support” in SIB3. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 87 Connection Management Feature Guide If DefSibSuptSwch is set to 0, the RNC does not add the IE “Deferred measurement control UTRAN support” in SIB3. 4 Parameters and Configurations 4.1 System Information Broadcasting Parameters 4.1.1 SIB1 Parameter List Abbreviated Id Parameter Name Name Waiting Time After UE Sending RRC CONNECTION 1 T300 SETUP REQUEST Message(T300) Maximum Number of Retransmissions of the RRC 2 N300 CONNECTION REQUEST Message (N300) T312Idle (RL T312 in Idle Mode)(Waiting Time for Receiving "In Sync" 3 synchronization) from L1 in Idle Mode (T312 in Idle Mode) Maximum Number of "In Sync" Received from L1 in Idle 4 N312Idle Mode (N312 in Idle Mode) Waiting Time After UE Sending CELL/URA UPDATE 5 T302 Message(T302) Maximum Number of Retransmissions of the CELL/URA 6 N302 UPDATE Message (N302) Waiting Time After UE Sending UE CAPABILITY 7 T304 INFORMATION Message(T304) Maximum Number of Retransmissions of the UE 8 N304 CAPABILITY INFORMATION Message (N304) Period of Cell/URA Update When UE is in 9 T305 CELL_FACH/CELL_PCH/ URA_PCH State(T305)(min) Waiting Time for Cell Reselection After UE is out of 10 T307 Service(T307) maximum number of retransmissions of the RRC 11 N308 CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE Waiting Time After Sending RRC CONNECTION RELEASE 12 T308 COMPLETE Message in CELL_DCH State(T308) ZTE Confidential Proprietary 88 Connection Management Feature Guide Abbreviated Id Parameter Name Name Waiting Time After Requesting Connection Establishment in 13 T309 Other System (eg. GSM) (T309) T312 in Connected Mode, Waiting Time for Receiving "In 14 T312Connected Sync" from L1 in Connected Mode (T312 in Connected Mode) N312 in Connected Mode, Maximum Number of "In Sync" 15 N312Connected Received from L1 in Connected Mode (N312 in Connected Mode) Waiting Time After DPCCH Established in CELL_DCH State 16 T313 Losing Synchronization (T313) Maximum Number of Successive "Out of Sync" Received 17 N313 from L1(N313) Waiting Time for Completion of Cell Update When Radio 18 T314 Link Fails and Radio Bearer(s) Associated with T314 Exist (T314) Waiting Time for Completion of Cell Update When Radio 19 T315 Link Fails and Radio Bearer(s) Associated with T315 Exist (T315) Maximum Number of Successive "In Sync" Received from 20 N315 L1 During T313 is Activated ( N315) Waiting Time for Cell Selection/Reselection After UE is out 21 T316 mobility of Service in CELL_PCH/URA_PCH State(T316)(s) 24 CnDomain CN Domain Supported 25 T3212Cs T3212 (hour) 26 ATTIndCs IMSI Attach and Detach Indicator 27 NMOPs Network Mode of Operation 28 Kcs CS Domain DRX Cycle Length Coefficient 29 Kps PS Domain DRX Cycle Length Coefficient MbmsModPrdC 30 Modification Period Coefficient for MBMS oeff 31 T323Swch Switch of T323 Broadcasting UE’s Waiting Time of Sending Message “Signaling 32 T323 Connection Release Indication”(with cause) ZTE Confidential Proprietary 89 4.1.2. By reducing the waiting time.2. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.2.1. 4.1. the UE resends the RRC connection request.3 T312Idle OMC path ZTE Confidential Proprietary 90 . you can reduce the time taken in RRC connection setup when the quality at the air interface is desirable.2 N300 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Maximum Number of Retransmissions of the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST Message (N300) Parameter configuration If the number of retransmissions of the RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message exceeds the value. the system considers that a call drop occurs.2 SIB1 Parameter Configurations 4. Increasing the parameter value can reduce the call drop probability but increase the load at the air interface.1 T300 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Waiting Time After UE Sending RRC CONNECTION SETUP REQUEST Message(T300) Parameter configuration If the UE does not receive the response message after the period specified by the parameter expires.1. the system ZTE Confidential Proprietary 91 .5 T302 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Waiting Time After UE Sending CELL/URA UPDATE Message(T302) Parameter configuration If the system does not receive any response message after the waiting time. the system can determine whether the synchronization is completed more easily. the decision making is more reliable.1. When the parameter is set to a larger value.1. but the probability of fake synchronization increases. but more time consuming. Connection Management Feature Guide GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Waiting Time for Receiving "In Sync" from L1 in Idle Mode (T312 in Idle Mode) Parameter configuration By reducing the waiting time.4 N312Idle OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Maximum Number of "In Sync" Received from L1 in Idle Mode (N312 in Idle Mode) Parameter configuration When the parameter is set to a smaller value. but the flow fails easily if the quality of the air interface is undesirable.2. you can speed up the exchange with layer 1.2. 4. 4. but also reduces the processing efficiency. Increasing the waiting time reduces the timeout probability. 4. 4.1.2. the system determines that the procedure fails. It is easier to determine a failed procedure when a smaller value Is set. Connection Management Feature Guide determines that a timeout occurs.2.8 N304 OMC path ZTE Confidential Proprietary 92 .2. It is more difficult to determine the occurrence of timeout when the parameter is set to a larger value. 4.7 T304 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Waiting Time After UE Sending UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION Message(T304) Parameter configuration If the system does not receive any message after the waiting time. the system determines that a timeout occurs.6 N302 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Maximum Number of Retransmissions of the CELL/URA UPDATE Message (N302) Parameter configuration If the number of retransmissions exceeds the value of the parameter.1.1. 1. It is easier to determine a failed procedure when the parameter is set to a smaller value.9 T305 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER -> Period of Cell/URA Update When UE is in CELL_FACH/CELL_PCH/ URA_PCH State(T305)(min) Parameter configuration The system updates cells and URA more frequently when the parameter is set to a smaller value. When the parameter is set to a ZTE Confidential Proprietary 93 .1.2. 4.2.10 T307 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Waiting Time for Cell Reselection After UE is out of Service(T307) Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the waiting time between the time when the UE leaves the serving cell and the time when the UE reselects a cell. 4. Connection Management Feature Guide GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Maximum Number of Retransmissions of the UE CAPABILITY INFORMATION Message (N304) Parameter configuration If the number of retransmissions exceeds the value of the parameter. the system determines that the procedure fails. 12 T309 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Waiting Time After Requesting Connection Establishment in Other System(eg. 4.1. but the UE and system load may increase.11 T308 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Waiting Time After Sending RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE Message in CELL_DCH State(T308) 4. Connection Management Feature Guide smaller value.2.1.2. 4.1. GSM) (T309) Parameter configuration If the system does not receive any response message after the waiting time. the system determines that a timeout occurs. the UE can reenter the network more quickly.2.13 T312Connected OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Waiting Time After Sending RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE Message in CELL_DCH State(T308) Parameter configuration ZTE Confidential Proprietary 94 . but more time consuming.14 N312Connected OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Maximum Number of "In Sync" Received from L1 in Connected Mode (N312 in Connected Mode) Parameter configuration If the parameter is set to a smaller value. the system determines that a timeout occurs.1.15 T313 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Waiting Time After DPCCH Established in CELL_DCH State Losing Synchronization (T313) Parameter configuration If the system does not receive any message after the waiting time. the decision making is more reliable. the system determines that a timeout occurs.2. Connection Management Feature Guide If the system does not receive any response message after the waiting time. the system can determine whether the synchronization is completed more easily.2. 4.16 N313 OMC path ZTE Confidential Proprietary 95 . 4. but the probability of fake synchronization increases.2.1. If the parameter is set to a larger value. 4.1. If the parameter is set to a larger value. the system determines that a timeout occurs. 4.1.2. the system ZTE Confidential Proprietary 96 . 4.2. Connection Management Feature Guide GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Maximum Number of Successive "Out of Sync" Received from L1(N313) Parameter configuration If the parameter is set to a smaller value. the system can determine whether the synchronization is completed more easily. but the probability of fake synchronization increases. the decision making is more reliable. but more time consuming.1.18 T315 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Waiting Time for Completion of Cell Update When Radio Link Fails and Radio Bearer(s) Associated with T315 Exist (T315) Parameter configuration If the system does not receive any message after the waiting time.17 T314 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Waiting Time for Completion of Cell Update When Radio Link Fails and Radio Bearer(s) Associated with T314 Exist (T314) Parameter configuration If the system does not receive any message after the waiting time. 4.2.1. 4. the system can determine whether the synchronization is completed more easily. Connection Management Feature Guide determines that a timeout occurs. If the parameter is set to a larger value. but more time consuming.21 CnDomain OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource ZTE Confidential Proprietary 97 . the system determines that a timeout occurs.19 N315 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER ->Maximum Number of Successive "In Sync" Received from L1 During T313 is Activated ( N315) Parameter configuration If the parameter is set to a smaller value.20 T316 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->INFORMATION ON THE CONSTANTS OF THE UE COUNTER AND TIMER -> Waiting Time for Cell Selection/Reselection After UE is out of Service in CELL_PCH/URA_PCH State(T316)(s) Parameter configuration If the system does not receive any message after the waiting time.2. but the probability of fake synchronization increases.1. 4.1.2. the decision making is more reliable. The system can determine the real location more easily when the parameter is set to a smaller value. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 98 . T3212Cs OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->CN NAS Information->Timer for updating location periodically Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the interval at which the location information is reported. 4. which indicates that the Gs interface exists.24 NMOPs OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->CN NAS Configuration Information ->Network Mode of Operation Parameter configuration 0: network operation mode I.23 ATTIndCs OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->CN NAS Configuration Information ->IMSI Attach and Detach Indicator 4. Connection Management Feature Guide Management->CN NAS Configuration Information ->CN Domain Supported Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the supported CN domains.1. 4.2.1. 4. 4.2.27 MbmsModPrdCoeff OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->CN NAS Information->Modification Period Coefficient for MBMS Parameter configuration This parameter specifies the interval at which the MBMS is modified. Connection Management Feature Guide 1: network operation mode Kps OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->CN NAS Information ->PS Domain DRX Cycle Length Coefficient Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the PS domain DRX cycle length coefficient. 4.25 Kcs OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->CN NAS Information ->CS Domain DRX Cycle Length Coefficient Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the CS domain DRX cycle length coefficient. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 99 . which indicates that the Gs interface does not exist. 28 T323Swch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management-> Advanced Parameter Manage->UE Timers and Constants Information -> Switch of T323 broadcasting Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether to broadcast T323. the RNC does not broadcast T323 through SIB1 and the UTRAN Mobility Information message.3 SIB2 Parameter List Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name 1 URANum URA Number 2 URA[4] URA Identity ZTE Confidential Proprietary 100 .29 T323 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management-> Advanced Parameter Manage->UE Timers and Constants Information -> UE's Waiting Time of Sending Message "Signaling Connection Release Indication"(with cause)(T323)(s) Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the interval at which the UE reports signaling connection release indication (with cause).1.1. If the value is set to 0. 4.1. If the value is set to 1. Connection Management Feature Guide 4. 4. the RNC broadcasts T323 through SIB1 and the UTRAN Mobility Information message.2.2. 1.5 SIB3/SIB4 Parameter List Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name 1 Cid Cell Identity 2 Sib3orSib4 Broadcast in either SIB3 or SIB4 Measurement Quantity for Cell Selection and 3 QualMeas Reselection 4 SIntraSearchPre Sintrasearch Configuration Tag 5 SIntraSearch Sintrasearch 6 SInterSearchPre Sintersearch Configuration Tag 7 SInterSearch Sintersearch 8 SSearchHCS Pre SsearchHCS Configuration Tag ZTE Confidential Proprietary 101 .1. The system supports a maximum of 4 URAs.4 SIB2 Parameter Configurations 4.4. 4.1 URANum OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->UtranCell global Info ->URA Number Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the number of URAs that the current cell belongs to.4.1.2 URA[4] OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->UtranCell global Info ->URA Identity Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the ID of the URA that the current cell belongs to.1. 4. Connection Management Feature Guide 4. 6 SIB3/SIB4 Parameter Configurations 4.2 Sib3orSib4 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource ZTE Confidential Proprietary 102 .1 CId OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->UtranCell global Info ->Cell Identity Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the ID that uniquely identifies a cell.1.SearchRAT 14 QQualMin Qqualmin 15 QRxLevMin Qrxlevmin 16 DltaQRxLevMinPr DeltaQrxlevmin Configuration Tag 17 CellBarredInd Cell Barred Indicator 18 InFreqReselInd Intra-Frequency Cell Re-Selection Indicator 19 TBarred Tbarred 20 OperatorUseInd Cell Reserved for Operator Use 21 CellRsvExt Cell Reservation Extension 22 ACBarredOmcr Access Class N Barred Indicator (N=0…9) 23 DltaQRxLevMin DeltaQrxlevmin 4.RAT 13 SLimitRat Slimit. 4.RAT 11 SHCSRatPre SHCS.1.6.RAT Configuration Tag 12 SHCSRat SHCS.1. Connection Management Feature Guide Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name 9 SSearchHCS SsearchHCS 10 SSearchRat Ssearch.6. 6.6. CPICH RSCP is selected for measurement. If the parameter is set to 2.1.3 QualMeas OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Measurement Quantity for Cell Selection and Reselection Parameter configuration If the parameter is set to 1. CPICH Ec/No is selected for measurement.6. 4.1.4 SIntraSearchPre OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Sintrasearch Configuration Tag Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether the UE can conduct intra-frequency measurement when the quality of the current cell is lower than the corresponding threshold. 4. Connection Management Feature Guide Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Broadcast in either SIB3 or SIB4 4.5 SIntraSearch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Sintrasearch ZTE Confidential Proprietary 103 .1. 1.6.8 SSearchHCS Pre OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource ZTE Confidential Proprietary 104 .6. 4.6 SInterSearchPre OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Sintersearch Configuration Tag Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether the UE can conduct inter-frequency measurement when the quality of the current cell is lower than the corresponding threshold. 4. 4. Connection Management Feature Guide Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the intra-frequency measurement threshold of cell reselection. The UE can conduct inter-frequency measurement more easily when a lower threshold is set. The UE can conduct intra-frequency measurement more easily when a lower threshold is set.1.6.7 SInterSearch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Sintersearch Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the inter-frequency measurement threshold of cell reselection.1. 1.1. The value 0 indicates that the parameter SsearchHCS is not configured.6. The UE can conduct HCS adjacent cell measurement more easily when a lower threshold is set.10 SSearchRat OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Ssearch. The value 1:indicates that the parameter SsearchHCS is configured. Connection Management Feature Guide Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->SsearchHCS Configuration Tag Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether the UE can conduct HCS adjacent cell measurement when the quality of the current cell is lower than the corresponding threshold. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 105 .6.RAT Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the inter-system adjacent cell measurement threshold of cell reselection.9 SSearchHCS OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->SsearchHCS Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the HCS adjacent cell measurement threshold of cell reselection. 4. The UE can conduct inter-system adjacent cell measurement more easily when a lower threshold is set. 4. 6.1.13 SLimitRat OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Slimit. 4. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.6.12 SHCSRat OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->SHCS.1.6.SearchRAT Parameter configuration ZTE Confidential Proprietary 106 .11 SHCSRatPre OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection->SHCS. 4.1. The UE can conduct inter-system HCS adjacent cell measurement more easily when a lower threshold is set.RAT Configuration Tag Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether the UE can conduct inter-system adjacent cell measurement when the quality of the current cell is lower than the corresponding threshold.RAT Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the inter-system HCS adjacent cell measurement threshold of cell reselection. 4. The UE can conduct inter-system high HSC priority cell measurement more easily when a lower threshold is set. QqualMinSib11 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Qqualmin Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the minimum cell quality requirement level. The cell reselection probability is higher when a lower threshold is set. The cell reselection probability is higher when a lower level is set.15 QRxLevMin OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Qrxlevmin Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the minimum receive electrical level threshold of a cell.16 DltaQRxLevMinPr OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->DeltaQrxlevmin Configuration Tag ZTE Confidential Proprietary 107 .1.1. 4.6. 4. Connection Management Feature Guide The parameter specifies the inter-system high HSC priority cell measurement threshold of cell reselection. 19 TBarred OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Tbarred 4. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.6.20 OperatorUseInd OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Cell Reserved for Operator Use 4. InFreqReselInd OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Intra-Frequency Cell Re-Selection Indicator. CellBarredInd OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Cell Barred Indicator 4.21 CellRsvExt OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource ZTE Confidential Proprietary 108 . 7 SIB5/SIB6 Parameter List Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name 1 SIB5orSIB6 Broadcast in either SIB5 or SIB6 2 TfsIndex TFS Index 3 ChType Channel Type 4 TfNum Transport Format Number 5 TrBlkNum Number of Transport Blocks ZTE Confidential Proprietary 109 . which means Qrxlevmin = Qrxlevmin + DeltaQrxlevmin. 4.22 ACBarredOmcr OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Access Class N Barred Indicator (N=0…9) Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the barred access level and is configurable in the OMCR.23 DltaQRxLevMin OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection -> Increment to the Minimum Required Received Level in the Cell (DeltaQrxlevmin) Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the extension of Qrxlevmin.1. Connection Management Feature Guide Management->UtranCell->Cell Selection and Reselection->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Cell Selection and Reselection ->Cell Reservation Extension 4.1.6. 4.6.1. Connection Management Feature Guide Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name 6 RlcSize Transport Block Size 7 TTI Transmission Time Interval 8 CodingRate Coding Rate 9 RateMatchAttr Rate Matching Attribute 10 CRCSize CRC Size 11 CPCId MICH Common Physical Channel ID 12 NiNumPerFrame Number of NI per Frame 13 MichPwr MICH Power (dB) 14 AichTranTime AICH Transmission Timing 15 AichPwr AICH Power 16 SCCPCHUsage SCCPCH Usage 17 SccpchOffset S-CCPCH Frame Time Offset (chip) 18 MplexPos Multiplexing Position 19 PCHInd Indicator for S-CCPCH Carrying PCH 20 CPCId Pich Common Physical Channel ID 21 PichPwr PICH Power 22 Signature Available Signature 23 AvailSubChanNum PRACH Available Subchannel Number 24 AvailableSF PRACH Available SF 24 PreamScraCode PRACH Preamble Scrambling Code 26 PcpichPwr P-CPICH Power (dBm) 27 PunctLimit Puncturing Limit 28 SlotFmt S-CCPCH Slot Format 29 SignalFach FACH Usage 39 TfcsIndex Tfcs Index 31 CtfcNum CTFC Number 32 Ctfc CTFC Id 33 TfcsIndex Tfcs Index 34 CtfcNum CTFC Number 35 Ctfc CTFC Id 36 SIB6IND SIB6 Indicator ZTE Confidential Proprietary 110 . 8 SIB5/SIB6 Parameter Configurations 4.8.2 TFS Index Configure the parameter for the RACH. Connection Management Feature Guide Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name 37 PccpchInfSib5Pre PCCPCH Information in SIB5 Configuration Tag 38 PccpchInfSib6Pre PCCPCH Information in SIB6 Configuration Tag 4. PCH.1 SIB5orSIB6 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx-> Modify Advanced Parameter-> SCCPCH-> Broadcast in either SIB5 or SIB6 4. and FACH carrying the MCCH. FACH. OMC path Path of the parameter TfsIndex of the FACH: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx-> Modify Advanced Parameter -> FACH-> TFS Index Path of the parameter TfsIndex of the RACH: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management-> UTRAN Cell-> UTRAN Cell XXX-> Modify Advanced Parameter ->RACH-> TFS Index Path of the parameter TfsIndex of the PCH: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx-> Modify Advanced Parameter -> PCH-> TFS Index Path of the parameter TfsIndex of the FACH carrying the MCCH: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management-> UtranCell->Utrancell XXX->Advanced Parameter Manage ->MBMS Configuration Information in a Cell -> TfsIndex ZTE Confidential Proprietary 111 . 3 ChType OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management-> Modify Advanced Parameter->Transmission Format Composition Set 4.1.6 RlcSize[MAX_TF] OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management-> Modify Advanced Parameter->Transmission Format Composition Set 4.1. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.4 TfNum OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management-> Modify Advanced Parameter->Transmission Format Composition Set TrBlkNum[MAX_TF] OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management-> Modify Advanced Parameter->Transmission Format Composition Set TTI OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management-> Modify Advanced Parameter->Transmission Format Composition Set ZTE Confidential Proprietary 112 . RateMatchAttr OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management-> Modify Advanced Parameter->Transmission Format Composition Set-> Rate Matching Attribute MICH Common Physical Channel ID OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx->Modify Advanced Parameter-> MICH 4.8.10 CRC Size OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management-> Modify Advanced Parameter->Transmission Format Composition Set-> CRC Size 4.12 NiNumPerFrame OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx->Modify Advanced Parameter-> MICH ZTE Confidential Proprietary 113 .8 Coding Rate OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management-> Modify Advanced Parameter->Transmission Format Composition Set ->Coding Rate 4.8. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.8. 16 SccpchUsage OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx-> Modify Advanced Parameter-> SCCPCH -> SCCPCH Usage 4.8.15 AichPwr OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Modify Advanced Parameter->Power Control not Related to Service->AICH Power 4.13 MichPwr OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx->Modify Advanced Parameter-> MICH -> MICH Power(dB) 4.8. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.14 AichTranTime OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx->Modify Advanced Parameter->AICH->AICH Transmission Timing SccpchOffset OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx-> Modify Advanced Parameter-> SCCPCH-> S-CCPCH Frame Time Offset(chip) ZTE Confidential Proprietary 114 .1. 1.1.20 PICH Common Physical Channel ID OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx->Modify Advanced Parameter -> PICH -> PICH Common Physical Channel ID Signature OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->PRACH->Available Signature ZTE Confidential Proprietary 115 .19 PCHInd OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx-> Modify Advanced Parameter-> SCCPCH-> Indicator for S-CCPCH Carrying PCH 4.18 MplexPos OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx-> Modify Advanced Parameter-> SCCPCH-> Multiplexing Position PICH Power OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Modify Advanced Parameter->Power Control not Related to Service->PICH Power 4.8. Connection Management Feature Guide 4. 8.27 PunctLimit OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->PRACH ->Puncturing Limit ZTE Confidential Proprietary 116 . PreamScraCode OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->PRACH ->PRACH Preamble Scrambling Code 4.8.23 AvailSubChanNum OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->PRACH ->PRACH Available Subchannel Number 4. Connection Management Feature Guide PcpichPwr OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx-> CellSetupParameters 4.24 AvailableSF OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->PRACH ->PRACH Available SF 4.1. 8. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.28 SlotFmt OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->SCCPCH ->S-CCPCH Slot Format 4.1.32 Ctfc OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Modify Advanced Parameter->Transmission Format Composition Set of PRACH ZTE Confidential Proprietary 117 .8.8.30 TfcsIndex OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx->Modify Advanced Parameter-> PRACH-> TFCS Index CtfcNum OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Modify Advanced Parameter->Transmission Format Composition Set of PRACH 4.29 SignalFach OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx->Modify Advanced Parameter-> FACH-> SignalFach 4.1.1. 8.33 TfcsIndex OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx-> Modify Advanced Parameter-> SCCPCH 4.37 PCCPCH Information in SIB5 Configuration Tag OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->UtranCell -> PCCPCH Information in SIB5 Configuration Tag ZTE Confidential Proprietary 118 .8. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.8.34 CtfcNum OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Modify Advanced Parameter->Transmission Format Composition Set of SCCPCH-> CTFC Number 4.36 SIB6 Indicator OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->UtranCell -> SIB6 Indicator Ctfc OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Modify Advanced Parameter->Transmission Format Composition Set of SCCPCH-> CTFC Id 4.1.8. 1.2 SIB7Originator OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->UtranCell ->SIB7 Originator 4.1.1. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.1 DynPstLevelInit OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->UtranCell ->Initial Dynamic Persistence Level 4.10.38 PCCPCH Information in SIB6 Configuration Tag OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->UtranCell -> PCCPCH Information in SIB6 Configuration Tag EXPTIMFACTOR OMC path ZTE Confidential Proprietary 119 . SIB7 Parameter List Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name 1 DynPstLevelInit Initial Dynamic Persistence Level 2 SIB7Originator SIB7 Originator 3 EXPTIMFACTOR Expiration Time Factor 4 PRACHSIB6PRE Dynamic Persistence Level Information of SIB6 PRACH in SIB7 Configuration Tag 4.1.10 SIB7 Parameter Configurations 4. 11.1.11 SIB11/SIB12 Parameter List Connection Management Feature Guide GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->UtranCell -> Expiration Time Factor PrachSib6Pre OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->UtranCell -> Dynamic Persistence Level Information of SIB6 PRACH in SIB7 Configuration Tag 4.1 SIB11orSIB12 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management-> RNC Radio Resource Management->Utran cell->Utran cell xx->Modify Advanced Parameter->UE Measurement Configuration In System Information -> Broadcast in either SIB11 or SIB12 4.2 interNbrNumLimit OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UTRAN Cell->Extended Info of UTRAN Cell->Filtering Limit of Inter-Frequency Neighboring Cell Number 4.3 gsmNbrNumLimit OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UTRAN Cell->Extended Info of UTRAN Cell->Filtering Limit of GSM Neighboring Cell Number ZTE Confidential Proprietary 120 .1. Connection Management Feature Guide fltIncmpNbrCelSwit OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Switch of Filtering the incomplete Neighboring Cells in SIB 4.1.12 SIB11bis Parameter Configurations SIB11orSIB11bis OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Neighbouring Cell->Sib11orSib11bis 4.1.13 SIB18 Parameter Configurations sib18Ind OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UTRAN Cell->Extended Info of UTRAN Cell-> SIB18 Indicator 4.2 Parameters Related to Connection Setup and Release 4.2.1 Parameter List Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name Maximum number of retransmission of the RRC 1 NReTran CONNECTION RELEASE 2 Twait Wait Time for RRC Connection Reestablishment(s) 3 N308 maximum number of retransmissions of the RRC ZTE Confidential Proprietary 121 Connection Management Feature Guide Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE 4 FDDFreqRngNum Number of FDD UMTS Frequency Range 5 GsmBARangeNum Number of GSM BA Range 6 GsmLRange[32] GSM Lower Range 7 GsmURange[32] GSM Upper Range 8 Luarfcn [32] UARFCN(Nlow) 9 Uuarfcn[32] UARFCN(Nupper) 10 InitRrcLBSw Load Balance Switch of Initial RRC Procedure Type of Transport Channel for Initial RRC Connection 11 InitRrcOnDch Setup Wait Time for RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION 12 TRbRecfgCmpDtoF COMPLETE when CELL_DCH to CELL_FACH 13 tRrcConSetupExp Time of Waiting for RRC CONNECTION COMPLETE Interval of Retransmission of RRC CONNECTION 14 tRrcSetupRetran SETUP Maximum Number of Retransmissions of the RRC 15 rrcSetupRetraNum CONNECTION SEUTP Switch of RNC Send RL SETUP and RRC 16 ParallelRrcSetup CONNECTION SETUP in Parallel when Setting up RRC CONNECTION. 17 norCmpUserAcTh 18 norDmpUserAcThd 4.2.2 Parameter Configurations NReTran OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->RNC Radio Resource Management ->Maximum Number of Retransmissions of the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE Message ZTE Confidential Proprietary 122 Connection Management Feature Guide Parameter configuration The parameter specifies the number of the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE messages retransmitted by the RNC after the UE does not return the RRC CONNECTION RELEASE COMPLETE message. If the value of this parameter decreases, the procedure failure probability increases. Twait OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->RNC Radio Resource Management ->Wait Time for RRC Connection Reestablishment Parameter configuration When the parameter is set to a smaller value, the UE is more easily to be triggered to initiate an access request procedure. However, the possibility of failure increases too. N308 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->RNC Radio Resource Management ->N308 Parameter configuration It is easier to determine a procedure failure when the parameter is set to a smaller value. FDDFreqRngNum OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->RPLMN Range Information -> Number of FDD UMTS Frequency Range ZTE Confidential Proprietary 123 2.7 GsmURange[32] OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->RPLMN Range Information ->GSM Upper Range Parameter configuration The value range of GSM Upper Range must be consistent with that of GSM Lower Range.2.2.2. 4.6 GsmLRange[32] OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->RPLMN Range Information ->GSM Lower Range Parameter configuration The value range of GSM Lower Range must be consistent with that of GSM Upper Range. 4.2.5 GsmBARangeNum OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->RPLMN Range Information -> Number of GSM BA Range Luarfcn [8] OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->RPLMN Range Information ->UARFCN (Nlow) ZTE Confidential Proprietary 124 . Connection Management Feature Guide 4.2. InitRrcOnDch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->RNC Radio Resource Management ->Type of Transport Channel for Initial RRC Connection Setup Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the type of transport channel and signaling rate for initial RRC connection setup. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.12 TRbRecfgCmpDtoF OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management-> Advanced Parameter Manage->RNC Configuration Supplement Information -> Wait Time for RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE when CELL_DCH to CELL_FACH(s) Parameter configuration ZTE Confidential Proprietary 125 . Uuarfcn[8] OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->RPLMN Range Information ->UARFCN(Nupper) 4.10 InitRrcLBSw OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Balance Information ->Load Balance Switch of Initial RRC Procedure 4.2. 4. If the parameter is set to a larger value. the RNC may waste time to wait and more time is required for re-entering the new work. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 126 . 4. which influences user experience. when the radio condition becomes bad. and the rate of RRC CONNECTION setup failure may increase. the probability of receiving the RRC CONNECTION SETUP Response may increase.14 tRrcSetupRetran OMC path GUI: View->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UMTS Logical Function Configuration -> Interval of Retransmission of RRC CONNECTION SETUP Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the time interval between the time when the RRC CONNECTION SETUP is sent and the retransmissions time. the probability of receiving the RRC CONNECTION SETUP response may decrease. the probability that the UE receives RRC CONNECTION SETUP and the rate of RRC CONNECTION setup success increases.2. However. the number of RRC CONNECTION SETUP messages is larger and the system cost is higher too.13 tRrcConSetupExp OMC path GUI: View->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UMTS Logical Function Configuration ->Time of Waiting for RRC CONNECTION COMPLETE Parameter configuration The parameter indicates the value of the timer that is used to wait for RRC CONNECTION COMPLETE.2. When the parameter is set to a smaller value.2. The default is 15 seconds. Connection Management Feature Guide This parameter specifies the time period during which the RNC waits for the RADIO BEARER RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE when the RNC initiates a reconfiguration from CELL_DCH to CELL_FACH.2. The value range is 1 second to 60 seconds. However. When the parameter is set to a smaller value. 4. The smaller the parameter is. the number of RRC CONNECTION SETUP messages is smaller and the system cost is lower too. The bigger the parameter is. The probability that the UE receives RRC CONNECTION SETUP and the rate of the RRC CONNECTION setup success increase. Connection Management Feature Guide When the parameter is set to a larger value. However. the bigger the number of RRC CONNECTION SETUP message is and the higher the system cost is. However.2.2. the probability that the UE receives RRC CONNECTION SETUP and the rate of RRC CONNECTION setup success decreases. However.2.15 rrcSetupRetraNum OMC path GUI: View->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UMTS Logical Function Configuration ->Maximum Number of Retransmissions of the RRC CONNECTION SEUTP Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the maximum number of retransmissions of the RRC CONNECTION SETUP message. the smaller the number of RRC CONNECTION SETUP message is and the lower the system cost is.16 ParallelRrcSetup OMC path GUI: View->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UMTS Logical Function Configuration-> Switch of RNC Send RL SETUP and RRC CONNECTION SETUP in Parallel when Setting up RRC CONNECTION Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether the RNC sends RL SETUP and RRC CONNECTION SETUP in parallel when setting up an RRC CONNECTION ZTE Confidential Proprietary 127 .2. 4. the probability that the UE receives RRC CONNECTION SETUP and the rate of the RRC CONNECTION setup success decrease. 4. 2.2. If the threshold value is greater than 0. If the threshold value is 0.17 norCmpUserAcThd OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->CMP User Admission Control Threshold When the Module in Normal Running Parameter configuration This parameter specifies the user admission control threshold when the CMP board operates normally.3 DSAR Parameters 4. user admission control is not required. the number of admitted RRC CONNECTION REQUEST per second cannot exceed the threshold.3. 4. If the threshold value is 0.2.18 norDmpUserAcThd OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->DMP User Admission Control Threshold When the Module in Normal Running Parameter configuration This parameter specifies the user admission control threshold when the DMP board operates normally. 4.1 Parameter List Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name 1 CsDsarSwh Switch of CS Domain DSAR 2 PsDsarSwh Switch of PS Domain DSAR 3 CSDsarPollingSwh Switch of Polling in CS Domain DSAR 4 PSDsarPollingSwh Switch of Polling in PS Domain DSAR ZTE Confidential Proprietary 128 . If the threshold value is greater than 0. user admission control is not required. the number of admitted RRC CONNECTION REQUEST number per second cannot exceed the threshold. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.2. 3.2.1 CsDsarSwh OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UTRAN Cell ->-UTRAN Cell Global Information >Switch of CS Domain DSAR Parameter configuration ZTE Confidential Proprietary 129 .3. Connection Management Feature Guide Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name 5 CSBarAcNum Number of Barred AC in CS Domain 6 PSBarAcNum Number of Barred AC in PS Domain 7 BarInterval Time Interval of Barred AC Switch of Paging and Location/Registration 8 PagingLocaBarSwh Restriction 9 CellBarAcSwh CellBarPollingSwh 10 CellBarAcNum Number of Cell Barred AC 11 CellBarPollingSwh Switch of Polling in Cell Restriction CS Domain Specific Access Class N Barred 12 CsACBarredOmcr Indicator PS Domain Specific Access Class N Barred 13 PsACBarredOmcr Indicator Number of Cells Updating SIB3 When Starting the 14 StartDsarCelNum DSAR according to the Iu Time Interval Updating SIB3 among Cells When 15 StartDsarCelInt Starting the DSAR according to the Iu Number of Cells Updating SIB3 When Stopping the 16 StopDsarCelNum DSAR According to the Iu and When Changing the DSAR Switch Time Interval Updating SIB3 among Cells When 17 StopDsarCelInt Stopping the DSAR According to the Iu and When Changing the DSAR Switch 18 DsarSwch Switch of DSAR 4.2 Parameter Configurations 4. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 130 . the DSAR function is triggered manually. the DSAR function is disabled. the DSAR function is triggered manually.3. the DSAR function is disabled. If the parameter is set to “2: RNC Controls Dynamically CS Domain DSAR (According to Accessibility of Iu)”. If the parameter is set to “2: RNC Controls Dynamically CS Domain DSAR (According to Accessibility of Iu)”. If the parameter is set to “3: RNC Controls Dynamically CS Domain DSAR (According to Load of Iu or Accessibility of Iu)”. If the parameter is set to “1: Switch On PS Domain DSAR by OMCR”.2 PsDsarSwh OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UTRAN Cell ->-UTRAN Cell Global Information >Switch of PS Domain DSAR Parameter configuration If the parameter is set to “0: Switch Off PS Domain DSAR by OMCR”. the DSAR function is triggered when the PS domain is overloaded or unreachable. Connection Management Feature Guide If the parameter is set to “0: Switch Off CS Domain DSAR by OMCR”. If the parameter is set to “1: Switch On CS Domain DSAR by OMCR”. the DSAR function is triggered when the CS domain is unreachable. If the parameter is set to “3: RNC Controls Dynamically CS Domain DSAR (According to Load of Iu or Accessibility of Iu)”. the DSAR function is triggered when the CS domain is overloaded or unreachable.2. 4. the DSAR function is triggered when the PS domain is unreachable. 4 PSDsarPollingSwh OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UTRAN Cell ->-UTRAN Cell Global Information >Switch of Polling in PS Domain DSAR Parameter configuration The parameter is to 0 when the polling method is not used for access restriction in the PS domain. 4.2.3. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.3.3. The parameter is set to 1 when the polling method is used for access restriction in the CS domain. 4.2.3 CSDsarPollingSwh OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UTRAN Cell ->-UTRAN Cell Global Information >Switch of Polling in CS Domain DSAR Parameter configuration The parameter is to 0 when the polling method is not used for access restriction in the CS domain.5 CSBarAcNum OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UTRAN Cell ->-UTRAN Cell Global Information >Number of Barred AC in CS domain Parameter configuration ZTE Confidential Proprietary 131 . The parameter is set to 1 when the polling method is used for access restriction in the PS domain.2. Connection Management Feature Guide When the polling method is used, if the value of this parameter increases, the amount of AC restricted in the CS domain increases. PSBarAcNum OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UTRAN Cell ->-UTRAN Cell Global Information >Number of Barred AC in PS domain Parameter configuration When the polling method is used, if the value of this parameter increases, the amount of AC restricted in the PS domain increases. BarInterval OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UTRAN Cell ->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Time Interval of Barred AC(s) Parameter configuration When the polling method is used, if the value of this parameter increases, the restriction interval increases, the restricted users cannot access the relevant domain in a longer time, and the SIB3 update frequency decreases. If the value of this parameter decreases, the restriction interval for the restricted users decreases, and the SIB3 update frequency increases, which increases the system load. PagingLocaBarSwh OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource ZTE Confidential Proprietary 132 Connection Management Feature Guide Management->UTRAN Cell ->-UTRAN Cell Global Information > Switch of Paging and Location/Registration Restriction Parameter configuration When the value of parameter is 1, the system prevents part UEs from responding to paging message and initiating location/registration. CellBarAcSwh OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UTRAN Cell ->Advanced Parameter Manage -> Switch of Cell Restriction Parameter configuration If the parameter is set to “0: Close Close Cell Restriction by OMCR”, the cell restriction function is disabled. If the parameter is set to “1: Open Cell Restriction by OMCR”, the cell restriction function is triggered manually. If the parameter is set to “2: Open and Close Cell Restriction Dynamically by RNC”, the cell restriction function is triggered when uplink overload occurs in the cell. CellBarAcNum OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Utran Cell ->Number of Cell Barred AC Parameter configuration When the polling method is used during cell barring, if the value of this parameter increases, the number of users barred from access increases, meaning that the number ZTE Confidential Proprietary 133 Connection Management Feature Guide of users permitted to access decreases. If the value of this parameter decreases, the number of users forbidden to access decreases, and the cell barring function becomes less effective. CellBarPollingSwh OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UTRAN Cell ->Advanced Parameter Manage -> Switch of Polling in Cell Restriction Parameter configuration The parameter value is 0 when the polling method is not used during cell restriction. The parameter value is 1 when the polling method is used during cell restriction. CsACBarredOmcr OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UTRAN Cell -> UTRAN Cell Global Information -> CS Domain Specific Access Class N Barred Indicator Parameter configuration Bits 0 to 9 correspond to ACs 0 to 9. The bit value 0 indicates barred status; while the bit value 1 indicates un-barred status. Bits 10 to 15 are reserved and must always be set to 1. The default value is 65535, meaning all ACs is not barred. PsACBarredOmcr OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UTRAN Cell -> UTRAN Cell Global Information -> PS Domain Specific ZTE Confidential Proprietary 134 Bits 10 to 15 are reserved and must always be set to 1. Connection Management Feature Guide Access Class N Barred Indicator Parameter configuration Bits 0 to 9 correspond to ACs 0 to 9.16 StopDsarCelNum OMC path ZTE Confidential Proprietary 135 .14 StartDsarCelNum OMC path GUI: View -> Configuration Management -> Managed Element -> UMTS Logical Function Configuration -> Number of Cells Updating SIB3 When Starting the DSAR according to the Iu Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the number of cells for which SIB3 is updated when the Iu interface is overloaded or inaccessible.2. meaning all ACs is not barred. 4.3. while the bit value 1 indicates un-barred status.3. 4.15 StartDsarCelInt OMC path GUI: View -> Configuration Management -> Managed Element -> UMTS Logical Function Configuration -> Time Interval Updating SIB3 among Cells When Starting the DSAR according to the Iu Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the time interval of SIB3 updating among cells when the Iu interface is overloaded or inaccessible.2.3. The bit value 0 indicates barred status. The default value is 65535.2. 4. 2.3. 4. or when the DSAR switch is changed.3.17 StopDsarCelInt OMC path GUI: View -> Configuration Management -> Managed Element -> UMTS Logical Function Configuration -> Time Interval Updating SIB3 among Cells When Stopping the DSAR According to the Iu and When Changing the DSAR Switch Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the time interval of SIB3 updating among cells when the Iu interface is overloaded or inaccessible or when the DSAR switch is changed. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 136 .2. 4. Connection Management Feature Guide GUI: View -> Configuration Management -> Managed Element -> UMTS Logical Function Configuration -> Number of Cells Updating SIB3 When Stopping the DSAR According to the Iu and When Changing the DSAR Switch Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the number of cells updating SIB3 when Iu is changed from overloaded to unoverloaded or from inaccessible to accessible.18 DsarSwch OMC path GUI: View -> Configuration Management -> Managed Element -> UMTS Logical Function Configuration -> Switch of DSAR Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether the RNC enables or disables the DSAR function. 2.4.2 Parameter Configurations For the configuration of the PichPwr parameter.4 Paging Parameters 4.1 Parameter List Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name 1 KUtran UTRAN DRX Cycle Length Coefficient 2 PagingSendTimes Sending Times of Paging Message 3 Kcs CS Domain DRX Cycle Length Coefficient 4 Kps PS Domain DRX Length Coefficient 5 Np Number of Paging Indicators per PICH Frame 6 PichPwr PICH Power 7 VirtualLac Virtual Location Area Code 8 VLacPaingInd Virtual LAC Paging Support Indication 9 RNCFEATSWITCH21 Virtual LAC Paging Support Indication 10 paging1RspTimer Paging Type1 Response Timer 11 gRESPARA42 Global Reserved Parameter 42 12 PchCsPageRsdSwch Switch of CS Paging Resend in PCH Status 13 PchCsPageRsdTimer Timer of CS Paging Resend in PCH Status 4. refer to the section “SIB5/SIB6 Parameter Configurations”. 4.1 KUtran OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->RNC Radio Resource Management ->UTRAN DRX Cycle Length Coefficient Connection Management Feature Guide 4.2 PagingSendTimes OMC path ZTE Confidential Proprietary 137 . Connection Management Feature Guide GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->UtranCell ->Sending Times of Paging Message Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the number of times that the paging message is retransmitted when the system does not receive any response. Np OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->PICH ->Number of Paging Indicators per PICH Frame Parameter configuration ZTE Confidential Proprietary 138 .4. If the value of this parameter increases.2.4.4 Kps OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->CN NAS Information ->PS Domain DRX Cycle Length Coefficient 4. more Uu resources are consumed. 4. the possibility of paging success increases. With the increase of the Uu interface messages.3 Kcs OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->CN NAS Information ->CS Domain DRX Cycle Length Coefficient 4. The following table shows the relationship between the parameter Np and the transmit power.2.4.7 VirtualLac OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell->VirtualLac Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the Virtual LAC of the cell. the paging success rate is higher. Connection Management Feature Guide If the parameter is set to a larger value.2. If the cell is at the boundary of an LAC. Number of PIs in Number of repeated Transmit power of the PICH in each frame bits in the PICH comparison with that of the CPICH 18 16 -7 36 8 -7 72 4 -5 144 2 -2 4. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 139 .4. which means Qrxlevmin = Qrxlevmin + DeltaQrxlevmin. 4.6 DltaQRxLevMin OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage -> Power Control not Related to Service -> PICH Power Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the extension of Qrxlevmin. but the transmit power of the PICH channel is higher too. the Virtual LAC is set as the adjacent LAC. 2.2. the parameter is set to 0.10 paging1RspTimer OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Paging Type1 Response Timer Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the value of the timer that is used to wait for Paging Type1 Message Response.4.4. the parameter is set to 0.9 RNCFEATSWITCH21 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Ground Resource Management->Network Element Information->Adjacent RNC Office->Adjacent RNC Office-3-> RNCFEATSWITCH21 Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether the adjacent RNC supports paging in virtual LAC.8 VLacPaingInd OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Rnc Function-> VLacPaingInd Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether the RNC supports paging in virtual LAC. If the adjacent RNC supports virtual LAC. this parameter is set to 1. If the RNC supports virtual LAC. 4. Otherwise. Otherwise. the parameter is set to 1. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 140 .4. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.2. 4. 2. 4.11 gRESPARA42 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->Managed Element->UMTS Logical Function Configuration-> UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Global Reserved Parameter 42 Parameter configuration: This parameter indicates the total number of CMPs that handles paging messages . Connection Management Feature Guide 4.13 PchCsPageRsdTimer OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration-> Extended Info of RNC->Timer of CS Paging Resend in PCH Status Parameter configuration: This parameter indicates the value of the timer that is used for CS paging retransmission in PCH state. PchCsPageRsdSwch OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration-> Extended Info of RNC->Switch of CS Paging Resend in PCH Status Parameter configuration: This parameter indicates the switch that determines CS paging retransmission in PCH state. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 141 . 4.5.5 Ciphering Parameters 4.3 encryAlgUEA2 OMC path GUI: View-> UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Plmn Specific Function->Logic RNC Configuration-> Encryption Algorithm(UEA2) Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether the RNC supports the encryption algorithm 2.2 encryAlgUEA1 OMC path GUI: View-> UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Plmn Specific Function->Logic RNC Configuration-> Encryption Algorithm(UEA1) Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether the RNC supports the encryption algorithm 1.5.1 encryAlgUEA0 OMC path GUI: View-> UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Plmn Specific Function->Logic RNC Configuration-> Encryption Algorithm(UEA0) Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether the RNC supports the encryption algorithm 0. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.5. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 142 . 4. 2 integrityAlgUIA2 OMC path GUI: View-> UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Plmn Specific Function->Logic RNC Configuration-> Integrity Protection Algorithm(UIA2) Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether the RNC supports the Integrity Protection Algorithm 2.7.6. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.6. 4.1 Parameter List Id Abbreviate Parameter name 1 ForcQueSwiAMR Forced Queue Switch for AMR Service Maximum Time in the True Queue when Service be 2 TTrueQForced Forced into Queue ZTE Confidential Proprietary 143 .1 integrityAlgUIA1 OMC path GUI: View-> View-> UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Plmn Specific Function->Logic RNC Configuration-> Integrity Protection Algorithm(UIA1) Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether the RNC supports the Integrity Protection Algorithm 1 4.6 Integrity Protection Parameters 4.7 AMR Service Forced Queue Parameters 4. 2.9 RRC Connection Redirection Parameters 4. refer to the section 4.8 Radio Connection Monitor Parameters For more details on the T3212CS description.2.2 TTrueQForced OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Global Access Control -> Maximum Time in the True Queue when Service be Forced into Queue Parameter configuration If the value of parameter increases. 4.9. the AMR supports queue function even though queue is not supported in the relevant RAB assignment message.26. the success probability of service access increases.1 Parameter List Id Abbreviate Parameter name ZTE Confidential Proprietary 144 . Connection Management Feature Guide 4.1. 4. 4.2 Parameter configuration ForcQueSwiAMR OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Global Access Control -> Forced Queue Switch for AMR Service Parameter configuration If the switch is turned on.7. the system does not provide the redirection information.2. the function “RRC redirect of Emergency call” is enabled. Connection Management Feature Guide Id Abbreviate Parameter name 1 EmgCallRdtSwitch Emergency Call Redirect Switch 2 PriRedirectRat Prior Redirect RAT Indicator Switch of RRC Redirection Triggered by Radio 3 RrcRdtSwch Resource Congestion 4 EutranCellType EUTRAN Cell Type 4. 4.9.1 EmgCallRdtSwitch OMC path View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage Parameter configuration If the value is set to 0.2 PriRedirectRat OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management Parameter configuration If the value is set to 0.9.2. the function “RRC redirect of Emergency call” is disabled. inter-frequency redirection is preferred and then inter-RAT redirection (PS services redirected to E-UTRA. If the value is set to 1. inter-frequency redirection is preferred and then inter-RAT redirection (to a GSM cell). and CS services redirected to a GSM cell).2 Parameter configuration 4. If the value is set to 2. If the value is set to 1.9. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 145 . 1 TigOR OMC path ZTE Confidential Proprietary 146 . inter-RAT redirection is preferred ( to a GSM cell) and then inter-frequency redirection. Connection Management Feature Guide If the value is set to 3. and CS services redirected to GSM) and then inter-frequency redirection. 4.2.10 Iu Overload Control 4. 4.2. If the value is set to 4.9. RRC redirection cannot be triggered by radio resource congestion.4 EutranCellType OMC path View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->External Eutran Cell->External Eutran Cell XXX->Eutran Cell Type Parameter configuration 0: EUTRAN FDD 1: EUTRAN TDD 4. RRC redirection can be triggered by radio resource congestion. inter-RAT redirection is preferred (PS services redirected to E-UTRA.9.10. If the value is set to 1.3 RrcRdtSwch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management-> Utran Cell -> Advanced Parameter Manage -> UtranCell –> RrcRdtSwch Parameter configuration If the value is set to 0. 1 DefSibSuptSwch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Cell Setup Parameters -> Switch of Deferred SIB11/11bis/12 Support Parameter configuration If the value is set to 0. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 147 .11 Deferred SIB11/12 4. Connection Management Feature Guide GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Iu Interface Timers and Constants Information->Timer for Ignoring all OVERLOAD Message or Signalling Point Congested Information (TigOR) (s) 4. the function “Deferred SIB11/12” is enabled.11.10. If the value is set to 1. the function “Deferred SIB11/12” is disabled.11.2.2 Parameter Configurations 4.11.1 Parameter List Id Abbreviate Parameter name 1 DefSibSuptSwch Switch of Deferred SIB11/11bis/12 Support Intra-frequency reporting quantity SIB3 when 2 IntraRptQSib3 SIB11/11bis/12 deferred reading 4.2 TinTR OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage ->Iu Interface Timers and Constants Information->Timer for Not Allowing to Increase Traffic (TinTR) (s) 4. 0: CPICH Ec/No 1: CPICH RSCP 4.12 Direct Tunnel 4.12. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.1 SupportDTSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Ground Resource Management->Transmission Configuration->NE Information Configuration->SGSN -> Support DT Switch Parameter configuration If the value is set to Parameter Configurations 4.12. the function “Direct Tunnel” is disabled.2 IntraRptQSib3 OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage ->UTRAN Cell->Intra-frequency reporting quantity SIB3 when SIB11/11bis/12 deferred reading Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the intra-frequency reporting quantity for RACH report in RRC connection request message when SIB11/SIB11bis/SIB12 reading is deferred.11.2.1 Parameter List Id Abbreviate Parameter name 1 SupportDTSwitch Support DT Switch 4. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 148 . 13 Call Re-establishment 4. the function “Direct Tunnel” is enabled. Connection Management Feature Guide If the value is set to 1.1 Parameter List Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name Time of Waiting for RADIO LINK RESTORE 1 TWaitRlRestore INDICATION Waiting time length for ACTIVE SET UPDATE 2 TWaitActSetUpCmp COMPLETE Time of Waiting for RB 3 WaitRbCompTimer Setup/Reconfiguration/Release Response over Uu Interface Switch of CS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 4 csSsUeReestSwitch Receiving the CELL UPDATE Message from UE when SRNC is in Stable Status Switch of CS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 5 csHoUeReestSwitch Receiving the CELL UPDATE Message from UE when SRNC is in Handover Flow witch of CS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 6 csRsUeReestSwitch Receiving the CELL UPDATE Message from UE when SRNC is in RAB Setup Flow Switch of CS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 7 csSsRnReestSwitch RAN Network when SRNC is in Stable Status Switch of CS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 8 csHoRnReestSwitch RAN network when SRNC is in Handover Flow Switch of CS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 9 csRsRnReestSwitch RAN network when SRNC is in RAB Setup Flow Switch of PS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 10 psSsUeReestSwitch Receiving the CELL UPDATE Message from UE when SRNC is in Stable Status Switch of PS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 11 psHoUeReestSwitch Receiving the CELL UPDATE Message from UE when SRNC is in Handover Flow witch of PS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 12 psRsUeReestSwitch Receiving the CELL UPDATE Message from UE ZTE Confidential Proprietary 149 . 4.13. 13.2. Connection Management Feature Guide when SRNC is in RAB Setup Flow Switch of PS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 13 psSsRnReestSwitch RAN Network when SRNC is in Stable Status Switch of PS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 14 psHoRnReestSwitch RAN network when SRNC is in Handover Flow Switch of PS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 15 psRsRnReestSwitch RAN network when SRNC is in RAB Setup Flow 16 rlFailureOpSwch Switch of Optimization When RL FAILURE 17 uciuErrorOpSwch Switch of Optimization When UCIU ERROR Time of Waiting for CELL UPDATE After RNC Sending Radio Link Deactivation Command for RB 18 tWaitCelUpUuExp Setup/Reconfiguration/Release Response Timer Expiration Time of Waiting for CELL UPDATE After RNC Waiting ACTIVE SET UPDATE COMPLETE/ 19 tWaitCelUpRlDact RECONFIGUATION COMPLETE of Hard Handover Timer Expiration UPDATE COMPLETE Timer Expiration Switch of CS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 20 csRcUeReestSwitch Receiving the CELL UPDATE Message from UE when SRNC is in RB/Trch/Phych Reconfig Flow Switch of PS Call Re-establishment Triggered by 21 psRcUeReestSwitch Receiving the CELL UPDATE Message from UE when SRNC is in RB/Trch/Phych Reconfig Flow 4.1 TWaitRlRestore OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage -> RNC Radio Resource Management -> Time of Waiting for RADIO LINK RESTORE INDICATION Parameter configuration ZTE Confidential Proprietary 150 .2 Parameter Configurations 4.13. If the parameter is set to a larger value. the probability of receiving the ACTIVE SET UPDATE COMPLETE may increase. and the probability of call drop may increase. the probability of synchronization failure and the probability of call drop are higher.13.13. However. the probability of synchronization success may be increased.2. 4.2 TWaitActSetUpCmp OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage -> RNC Radio Resource Management -> Waiting time length for ACTIVE SET UPDATE COMPLETE Parameter configuration If the parameter value is too small. and the probability of call drop may increase. the RNC may spend too long time on unnecessary waiting and the waiting time for service re-establishment increases too. the probability of receiving the ACTIVE SET UPDATE COMPLETE may decrease. 4. the probability of receiving the RB Setup/Reconfiguration/Release Response may decrease.2.3 WaitRbCompTimer OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->Advanced Parameter Manage -> RNC Radio Resource Management -> Time of Waiting for RB Setup/Reconfiguration/Release Response over Uu Interface Parameter configuration If the parameter value is too small. the RNC may wait too long time and the waiting time for re-establishment may increase. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 151 . when the radio condition becomes bad. If the parameter value is too large. but when the radio condition becomes bad. Connection Management Feature Guide If the parameter is set to a smaller value. 13. Connection Management Feature Guide If the parameter value is too large. However.13. the RNC may spend too long time on unnecessary waiting and the waiting time for service re-establishment increases.13.4 csSsUeReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether to enable the call re-establishment function when the RNC in STABLE state receives CELL UPDATE from a UE and the UE has CS services.2. the probability of receiving the RB Setup/Reconfiguration/Release Response may be increased. 4.6 csRsUeReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell ZTE Confidential Proprietary 152 .2.5 csHoUeReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether to enable the call re-establishment function when the RNC receives CELL UPDATE from a UE during a handover procedure. when the radio condition becomes bad.2. 4. and the UE has CS services. 4. and the UE has CS services. and the UE has CS services.13.2. and the UE has CS services. 4. csSsRnReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether to enable the call re-establishment function when the RNC in STABLE state meets the condition of call re-establishment.13. 4.9 csRsRnReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell ZTE Confidential Proprietary 153 . Connection Management Feature Guide Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether to enable the call re-establishment function when the RNC receives CELL UPDATE from a UE during an RAB setup procedure.8 csHoRnReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether to enable the call re-establishment function when the RNC meets the condition of call re-establishment during a handover procedure. 2. and the UE has CS services.2. 4.13. Connection Management Feature Guide Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether to enable the call re-establishment function when the RNC meets the condition of call re-establishment during an RAB setup procedure. 4. and the UE has only PS services.11 psHoUeReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether to enable the call re-establishment function when the RNC receives CELL UPDATE from a UE in a handover procedure.12 psRsUeReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell ZTE Confidential Proprietary 154 .10 psSsUeReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether to enable the call re-establishment function when the RNC in STABLE state receives CELL UPDATE from a UE.13. 4.13.2. and the UE has only PS services. Connection Management Feature Guide Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether to enable the call re-establishment function when the RNC receives CELL UPDATE from a UE in an RAB setup procedure.14 psHoRnReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether to enable the call re-establishment function when the RNC meets the condition of call re-establishment during a handover procedure. 4.2.2. . and the UE has only PS services.2.13.13. and the UE has only PS services. and the UE has only PS services. 4.15 psRsRnReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell ZTE Confidential Proprietary 155 . 4.13.13 psSsRnReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->RNC NE->RNC Radio Resource Management->UtranCell->Advanced Parameter Manage->Utran Cell Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether to enable the call re-establishment function when the RNC is in STABLE state and meets the condition of call re-establishment. and the UE has only PS services.2.13. 4.16 rlFailureOpSwch OMC path GUI: View -> Configuration Management -> Managed Element -> UMTS Logical Function Configuration -> Switch of Optimization When RL FAILURE Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether to fasten the service release when the RNC receives RL FAILURE.18 tWaitCelUpUuExp OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Time of Waiting for CELL UPDATE After RNC Sending Radio Link Deactivation Command for RB Setup/Reconfiguration/Release Response Timer Expiration ZTE Confidential Proprietary 156 . Connection Management Feature Guide Parameter configuration This parameter determines whether to enable the call re-establishment function when the RNC meets the condition of call re-establishment in an RAB setup procedure.13.17 uciuErrorOpSwch OMC path GUI: View -> Configuration Management -> Managed Element -> UMTS Logical Function Configuration -> Switch of Optimization When UCIU ERROR Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether to fasten the service release when the RNC receives UCIU ERROR.2. 4.2.13. 4. 2.19 tWaitCelUpRlDact OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Time of Waiting for CELL UPDATE After RNC Waiting ACTIVE SET UPDATE COMPLETE/ RECONFIGUATION COMPLETE of Hard Handover Timer Expiration UPDATE COMPLETE Timer Expiration Parameter configuration The parameter indicates the waiting time for CELL UPDATE after the RNC sends a Radio Link Deactivation command after RB Setup/Reconfiguration/Release Response Timer Expiration.2. 4. Connection Management Feature Guide Parameter configuration The parameter indicates the waiting time for CELL UPDATE after the RNC sends a Radio Link Deactivation command after RB Setup/Reconfiguration/Release Response Timer Expiration. 4. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 157 .13.13.20 csRcUeReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->Managed Element->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UTRAN Cell-> UTRAN Cell xx->Switch of CS Call Re-establishment Triggered by Receiving the CELL UPDATE Message from UE when SRNC is in RB/Trch/Phych Reconfig Flow Parameter configuration This parameter is a switch that determines whether to enable CS call re-establishment at the UE side when the SRNC receives a CELL UPDATE message from a UE during an RB/Trch/Phych Reconfig procedure. 4. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.14 NAS Message Transfer Parameter Configurations 4.1 Tiureldelay OMC path ZTE Confidential Proprietary 158 .1 Parameter List Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name 1 Tiureldelay Timer for IU Release Resource Maximum Number of Retransmissions of the RESET 2 nRepeatrst Message 3 Trafc Maximum Waiting Time for RESET in RNC 4 Tratc Timer Before Sending RESET Response to CN Timer for Sending RESOURCE RESET Response to 5 tResetDelay CN 6 tcnquery Timer for State Query Filling SAI Corresponding with CELL Consuming 7 initUEFiDAcSai Radio Resources Indicator psRcUeReestSwitch OMC path GUI: View->Configuration Management->Managed Element->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UTRAN Cell-> UTRAN Cell xx-> Switch of PS Call Re-establishment Triggered by Receiving the CELL UPDATE Message from UE when SRNC is in RB/Trch/Phych Reconfig Flow Parameter configuration This parameter is a switch that determines whether to enable PS call re-establishment Twhen the SRNC receives a CELL UPDATE message from a UE during an RB/Trch/Phych Reconfig procedure. which may cause a failure of the direct transfer procedure at the UE side.2. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 159 . which may decrease the utilization ratio of Iu resources. If the parameter is too large. If the parameter value is too small.14.2. In addition. the RNC releases Iu resources too fast. 4.3 Trafc OMC path GUI: View-> UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Plmn Specific Function->Iu Interface Timers and Constants Information->Maximum Waiting Time for RESET in RNC(s) Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the maximum number of RESET RESOURCE re-transmit. 4.14.2 nRepeatrst OMC path GUI: View-> UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Plmn Specific Function->Iu Interface Timers and Constants Information->Maximum Number of Retransmissions of the RESET Message Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the maximum number of times that the RESET message is retransmitted when the RNC does not receive the RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message within the period specified by TRafC after sending a RESET message to the CN. the RNC may fail to page the UE when the UE is using the PS service. such as Location Area Update failure. the RNC releases Iu resources too slowly. Connection Management Feature Guide GUI: View-> UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UMTS Logical Function Configuration-> Timer for IU Release Resource Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the time delay of Iu resource release. 4. After a guard period of Tresetdelay.14. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.5 tResetDelay OMC path GUI: View-> UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Plmn Specific Function->Iu Interface Timers and Constants Information->Timer for Sending RESOURCE RESET Response to CN(100ms) Parameter configuration This parameter indicates a guard period in the RNC before a RESET RESOURCE ACKNOWLEDGE message is sent.2. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 160 .2. 4.2.6 tcnquery OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Timer for State Query Parameter configuration This parameter specifies the timer for state query. indicating that all references at the UTRAN have been cleared.14. indicating that all references at the UTRAN have been cleared.14. a RESET RESOURCE ACKNOWLEDGE message shall be returned to the CN.4 Tratc OMC path GUI: View-> UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Plmn Specific Function->Iu Interface Timers and Constants Information->Timer Before Sending RESET Response to CN(s) Parameter configuration This parameter indicates a guard period in the RNC before a RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message is sent. After a guard period of TRatC seconds a RESET ACKNOWLEDGE message shall be returned to the CN. 4. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.1 FastL1SyncSwch OMC path GUI: View-> UMTS Logical Function Configuration->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Switch of Forwarding Data when Relocation Procedure Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether to enable the Faster L1 DCH synchronization function.7 initUEFiDAcSai OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Extended Info of RNC->Filling SAI Corresponding with CELL Consuming Radio Resources Indicator Parameter configuration This parameter indicates whether the RNC supports filling the SAI corresponding to at least one of the cells from which radio resources are consumed by the UEs.15. the Post-verification period IE of the Uu interface is filled with the value ”TRUE”.1 Parameter List Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name 1 FastL1SyncSwch Switch of Faster L1 DCH synchronization 4.2. ZTE Confidential Proprietary 161 .15.15 Faster L1 Synchronization Parameter Configurations 4. When this function is enabled.15. 2 Parameter Configurations 4. 5 Counter and Alarm 5.1 Parameter List Id Abbreviated Name Parameter Name Wait Time for RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE 1 tReCfgLevCmnStat when UE Leaving PCH or FACH State to Enter CELL _DCH State 4.16 RB Reconfig 4.16. Description C310080001 Number of attempted RRC connection C310080002 establishment.16.1 Counter List Table 5-1 RRC Connection Management Counter Counter No.1 tReCfgLevCmnStat OMC path GUI: Managed Element ->UMTS Logical Function Configuration->Wait Time for RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE when UE Leaving PCH or FACH State to Enter CELL _DCH State Parameter configuration This parameter indicates the time that the SRNC waits for the RECONFIGURATION COMPLETE message from the UE when the UE transits to CELL_DCH state from PCH or FACH state.by cause ZTE Confidential Proprietary 162 .2. Connection Management Feature Guide 4.16. Connection Management Feature Guide C310080003 C310080004 C310080005 C310080006 C310080007 C310080008 C310080009 C310080010 C310080011 C310080012 C310080013 C310080014 C310080015 C310080016 C310080017 C310080018 C310080019 C310080020 C310080021 C310080022 C310080023 C310080024 C310080025 C310080026 C310080027 C310080028 C310080029 C310080030 C310080031 C310080032 C310080033 C310080034 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 163 . by CallType C310080049 C310080050 C310080051 C310080052 Number of attempted RRC connection C310080053 establishment.by fail cause C310080066 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 164 . Connection Management Feature Guide C310080035 C310080036 C310080037 C310080038 C310080039 C310080040 C310080041 C310080042 C310080043 C310080044 C310080045 C310080046 C310080047 Number of attempted RRC connection C310080048 establishment.by UE AS Release C310080061 C310080062 C310080063 C310080064 Number of RRC connection preparation C310080065 failure.by Domain C310080054 C310080055 Number of attempted RRC connection C310080056 establishment.by UE Capability C310080057 C310080058 C310080059 Number of attempted RRC connection C310080060 establishment. by establishment cause C310080090 C310080091 C310080092 C310080093 C310080094 C310080095 C310080096 C310080097 C310080098 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 165 . Connection Management Feature Guide C310080067 C310080068 C310080069 C310080070 C310080071 C310080072 C310220073 C310220074 C310220075 C310080076 C310080077 C310080078 C310080079 C310080080 C310080081 C310080082 C310080083 C310080084 C310080085 C310080086 C310080087 C310080088 Number of RRC connection preparation C310080089 failure. Connection Management Feature Guide C310080099 C310080100 C310080101 C310080102 Number of RRC connection preparation C310080103 failure.by Channel type C310080113 C310080114 C310080115 C310080116 C310080117 C310080118 C310080119 C310080120 C310080121 Number of RRC connection preparation C310080122 success.by call type C310080104 C310080105 Number of RRC connection preparation C310080106 failure.by Direct C310080123 C310080124 C310080125 C310080126 C310080127 C310080128 C310080129 C310080130 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 166 .by domain C310080107 Number of RRC connection Refuse for C310080108 Conversational Call C310080109 Number of RRC connection Refuse for C310080110 Voice C310080111 Number of RRC connection preparation C310080112 success. Connection Management Feature Guide C310080131 C310080132 C310080133 C310080134 C310080135 C310080136 C310080137 C310080138 C310080139 C310080140 C310080141 C310080142 C310080143 C310080144 C310080145 C310080146 C310080147 C310080148 C310080149 C310080150 C310080151 C310080152 C310080153 C310080154 C310080155 C310080156 C310080157 C310080158 C310080159 C310080160 C310080161 C310080162 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 167 . by call C310080193 type C310080194 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 168 . Connection Management Feature Guide C310080163 C310080164 C310080165 C310080166 C310080167 C310080168 Number of RRC access fail.by C310080181 establishment cause C310080182 C310080183 C310080184 C310080185 C310080186 C310080187 C310080188 C310080189 C310080190 C310080191 C310080192 Number of RRC access Success.by fail cause C310080169 C310080170 C310080171 C310080172 C310080173 C310080174 C310080175 C310080176 C310080177 C310080178 C310080179 C310080180 Number of RRC access Success. by UE C310080198 Capablity C310080199 C310080200 C310080201 Number of RRC access Success.by C310080196 domian C310080197 Number of RRC access Success. Connection Management Feature Guide C310080195 Number of RRC access Success.by UE C310080217 Phy Capability Category C310080218 C310080219 C310080220 C310080221 C310080222 C310080223 C310080224 C310080225 C310080226 Number of Triggered RRC connection ZTE Confidential Proprietary 169 .by UE C310080202 AS Release C310080203 C310080204 C310080205 C310080206 Number of RRC access Success.by RRC C310080207 establish time C310080208 C310080209 C310080210 C310080211 C310080212 C310080213 C310080214 C310080215 C310080216 Number of RRC access Success. by traffic C310080251 C310555127 C310555128 C310555129 RRC Connection Establishment C310555130 Procedures C310555131 C310555132 C310555133 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 170 . Connection Management Feature Guide C310080227 re-establishment C310080228 C310080229 C310080230 C310080231 C310080232 C310080233 C310080234 C310080235 C310080236 C310080237 Number of attempted RRC connection C310080238 re-establishment C310080239 C310080240 C310080241 C310080242 Number of failed RRC connection C310080243 re-establishment C310080244 C310080245 Number of failed RRC connection C310080246 re-establishment C310080247 C310080248 C310080249 Number of failed RRC connection C310080250 re-establishment. Connection Management Feature Guide C310555134 C310555135 C310555162 C310555163 C310555164 C310555171 C310555172 C310555136 C310555137 C310555138 C310555139 C310555140 C310555141 C310555142 C310555143 RRC Connection Release Procedures C310555144 C310555145 C310555146 C310555147 C310555148 C310555149 C310555150 C310555151 C310555152 C310555153 C310555154 C310555155 C310555156 Cell Paging Procedures C310555157 C310555158 C310555159 C310555160 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 171 . Connection Management Feature Guide C310555161 C310555165 C310555166 C310555167 Cell Security Procedures C310555168 C310555169 C310555170 C310565185 C310565186 C310565187 C310565188 C310565189 C310565190 Radio Bearer Reconfiguration Procedures C310565191 Signaling Statistic C310565192 C310565193 C310565194 C310565195 C310565196 C310595406 C310595407 C310595408 C310595409 C310595410 C310595411 C310595412 Radio Link Setup Procedures C310595413 C310595414 C310595415 C310595416 C310595417 C310595418 ZTE Confidential Proprietary 172 . 6 Glossary D DRX Discontinuous Reception DSAR Domain Specific Access Restriction F FP I IuUP Iu Interface User Plane M MIB Master Information Block N NAS Non Access Stratum Np Number of PI O OMCR OMC of the RNC P ZTE Confidential Proprietary 173 .2 Alarm List This feature has no related alarm. Connection Management Feature Guide C310595419 C310595420 5. Connection Management Feature Guide PI Page Indicator PO Page Occasion R RAB Radio access bearer RAT Radio Access Technology RL Radio Link RRC Radio Resource Control S SB Schedule Block SIB system information block T TFC Transport Format Combination 7 Reference ZTE UMTS Load Balance Feature Guide ZTE UMTS IU Flex Feature Guide ZTE Confidential Proprietary 174 .
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