ZTE Narrow Band Data Configuration

March 24, 2018 | Author: HachidSofiane | Category: Ip Address, Port (Computer Networking), Telecommunications, Computer Standards, Internet



AG_OC01_E1_P1Narrow Band Data Configuration V1.1 A10&DSL D&T Group Objectives: 1. master narrow band data configuration 2. Master H.248 protocol 2 0. change the data attribute into read and write    4.51 8888 (129.0.Delete original data  The rack maybe have some original data. telnet is the outband IP address)  2. delete data:      5. r06_attr E:/DATA/V0100/*.  1. so we need to delete them .* -R r06_attr E:/DATA/V0101/*. 3 .* -R r06_del E:/DATA/V0100/*.all system data is backup on floder E: \DATA\V0100 and V0101.* r06_del D:/durable r06_del D:/persist comfirm all data is empty.52.* r06_del E:/DATA/V0101/*.       ftp 129. password:zxmg  3.0.51 user name and password are “root” 。 CD E:\DATA\V0100 LS CD E:\DATA\V0101 LS  Then all data should be empty. Contents: Lab equipment allocation Data preparation Data configuration Check MSAG running status 4 . 0.57 GW 10.1 26NIC 129.5 10.57 SUN server : 10.76.1 GW: CONSOLE 1#5200 port of front board 4.100.51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 COLACTSTA- 7#5200 port of front board 129.66.51 5 . equipment allocation 7#5200 port of backboard 10.254 CONSOLE HS1 HS2 OK1 OK2 PS 129.1 28NIC SSNI 10.5 1#5200 port of backboard 10.52.1 HS1 HS2 OK1 OK2 PS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112 COLACTSTA- 129.76. 6 . Logout to exit the configuration end exit to MSAG#.Data configure interface interface function notes Switch SHELL debugging Only two command can be supported: routeShow and sysReboot exit MSAG# Can use show command Config switch to MSAG(config)# Hardware and narrowban d data configurati on Exit switch to MSAG# MSAG(config-a g)# Or MSAG(ag)# MSAG(config)# Board band data configurati on Ag switch to MSAG(ag)# Ag switch to MSAG(config-ag)#. Epon switch to PON configuration interface ……. Contents: Lab equipment allocation Data preparation Data configuration Check MSAG running status 7 . 248) and port (2944)  Terminal ID and RTP resources 8 .Data preparation  SS type(ZXSS10 or other SS).  SS IP address  MSAG IP address and mask  MSAG next hop  The VLAN of Uplink exchange port (tagged or untagged and VLANID)  Protocol type (H. Data configuration  Enter 1123 port 9 . Configure physical location  Add rack  MSAG(ag)# add-rack rack 1 type 1  Add shelf  MSAG(ag)# add-shelf rack 1 physhf 0 type 6  Configure control board (Add main shelf’s ICS)  MSAG(ag)# add-board-mics slot 9 type 1 10 .  Plan 5: 5200 configure one management IP address. but control and management IP address is different IP address.Configure physical location  Configure MGC  MSAG(ag)# add-mgc mgcid 1 mgctype 1 mgcip 10. control and management IP is the same IP address  Plan 2:5200 configure 2 IP address. control and media IP address is the same ip address.  Plan 4:5200 configure 3 IP address respectively.61. It have not narrow band functions. and management IP address is the other IP address.media. 11 . media IP address uses one IP address.  Plan 3:5200 configure 2 IP address.252. control and management IP address  Plan 1: 5200 only have one IP address.100 mgcport 2944  MSAG (ag)# mod-call subpriority 2  Configure media. 252. configure media IP  MSAG(ag)# add-voip-interface type 1 ipaddr 10. configure protocol and ports  MSAG(ag)# add-mg mgport 2944 mgcid1 1 12 .252.255.55 submask 255.Plan 1: one IP  1.0  2.254  MSAG(config)# vlan add 120  MSAG(config)# vlan add-port 120 port 0/9/0 untagged  MSAG(config)# vlan voipmed add 120  configure media gateway  MSAG(ag)# add-voip-route nexthop 10.  Uplink interface enable  MSAG(config)# port enable 0/9/0  Add AG protocol capability  MSAG(ag)# add-mgcapabili faxpri1 <fax1> faxpri2 <fax2> 13 . Configure subscriber resources  Add ALC  MSAG(ag)# add-board-slc slot 3 type 26  Add TERMINATION ID  Type one: zte SS type   Type two: huawei ss type   MSAG(ag)# add-slctermid rack 1 shelf 0 beginslot 3 beginindex 0 num 32 tmidfix USER type 1 MSAG(ag)# add-slctermid rack 1 shelf 0 beginslot 3 beginindex 0 num 32 tmidfix A type 2 begno 0 Type three: length is fixed and configurable.  MSAG(ag)# add-slctermid rack 1 shelf 0 beginslot 3 beginindex 0 num 32 tmidfix USER type 3 digitlen 4 begno 0  Configure VOIP resources  MSAG(ag)# add-board-mpr slot 11  MSAG(ag)# add-board-mprb slot 12 14 .  Add VOIP TERMINATION ID  Type 1:   Type 2:   MSAG(ag)# add-ipstermid slot 11 subcard 1 tmidfix RTP MSAG(ag)# add-ipstermid slot 11 subcard 1 tmidfix RTP type 2 begno 0 Type 3:  MSAG(ag)# add-ipstermid slot 11 subcard 1 tmidfix RTP type 3 digitlen 3 begno 0 15 .  Add media route configuration  MSAG(ag)# add-mednat mprslot 11 mprsubcard 1 nicslot 9 inphyport 5 exphyport 5 exipaddr 10.61.  The minmam value of UDPPORT is 6000.61.201 udpport 8000  the IP address is media IP address.201 udpport 6000  MSAG(ag)# add-mednat mprslot 11 mprsubcard 2 nicslot 9 inphyport 5 exphyport 5 exipaddr 10.252.252. every subcard needs 2000 ports. 16 .  Configure jiter of MPRB  MSAG(ag)#mod-rtppar-mprb parid 1 mindelay 20 maxdelay 120 nomdelay 20  SAVE DATA  MSAG(config)# save 17 . Contents: Lab equipment allocation Data preparation Data configuration Check MSAG running status 18 .  The last row has 0x1309 item. cpu  6. r07_vershow Check different card version. telnet 129.11 and 12 are active.52. 0x1389>unit 1  3.  5. cpuclear  7. changeover querystate 19 .  link OK means H248 link OK.0x1389>pe  Cards on Slot 9.0. which means NIC is normal. ppreset  8.1 8888 (password: zxmg)  1.  2. 0x1389>h248s   4. zte.univ.cn .com.
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