YUMI - Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) USB Pen Drive Linux
YUMI - Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) USB Pen Drive Linux
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YUMI - Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) | USB Pen Drive...http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ Home Disclaimer Contact Portable Applications for USB Search YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) Latest Color Meter sensing.konicaminolta.asia Color Temperature Measurement LED lighting & Organic EL lighting ITIL Service Operation gkapac.com/course/category.php?i! Learn the principles, processes... activities and implementation YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer), is the successor to MultibootISOs. It can be used to create a Multiboot USB Flash Drive containing multiple operating systems, antivirus utilities, disc cloning, diagnostic tools, and more. Contrary to MultiBootISO's which used grub to boot ISO files directly from USB, YUMI uses syslinux to boot extracted distributions stored on the USB device, and reverts to using grub to Boot Multiple ISO files from USB, if necessary. Aside from a few distributions, all files are stored within the Multiboot folder, making for a nicely organized Multiboot Drive that can still be used for other storage purposes. Creating a YUMI Multiboot MultiSystem Bootable Download Mobile Software mobogenie.com/mobile-software Free Mobile Manager Software. Easy File Transfer. Download Now ! USB Flash Drive YUMI works much like Universal USB Installer, except it can be used to install more than one distribution to run from your USB. Distributions can also be uninstalled using the same tool! YUMI's Main Multiboot Boot Menu 1 of 11 8/21/13 8:20 AM Fusion Linux. Source Code YUMI-0. You should now be booting your favorite distributions from your custom Multi-Boot USB device! How It Works: YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer) enables each user to create their own custom Multiboot UFD containing only the distributions they want. A new distribution can be added to the UFD each time the tool is run. The Basic Requirements or Essentials Basic Essentials to create a MultiSystem Bootable USB Drive Fat32 or *NTFS Formatted USB Flash or USB Hard Drive 2 of 11 8/21/13 8:20 AM . in the order by which they are installed.5. http://www.1. they should be auto-detected (*See Known Issues Below).1.YUMI .5.0. If you run YUMI from the same location you store ISO files.exe – August 15. YUMI uses Syslinux directly. 4.5.exe MD5: 5AE561E66E74A65FD3B2EA058C2056D7 How to Create a MultiBoot USB Flash Drive 1.Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) | USB Pen Drive. eliminating the need to browse for each ISO. 3.0.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ YUMI-0. and chainloads to grub only if necessary. Although I do plan to add back most of the capabilities of MultibootISOs as time permits. Run* YUMI-0. but unlisted ISO's that have been added must currently be manually removed! Also note that not all Unlisted ISO's can be booted (thus adding unlisted ISO's is an unsupported option). The distro uninstaller works great. and Falcon 4..exe following the onscreen instructions Run the tool again to Add More ISOs/Distributions to your Drive Restart your PC setting it to boot from the USB device Select a distribution to Boot from the Menu and enjoy! That's all there is to it. 2. you must reformat the drive and start over. Other Notes: If MultibootISOs was previously used.. so it is not compatible with the older Multiboot ISO tool.pendrivelinux. 2013 – Changelog Update to support Elementry OS.0.1. Uberstudent. pendrivelinux.Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) | USB Pen Drive.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ PC that can boot from USB Windows XP/Vista/7 or WINE to create the Bootable USB YUMI-0.5.1. http://www..YUMI .exe Your selection of ISO Files List of Installable Live Linux Distributions YUMI can create a Bootable UFD containing the following — Debian Live 32/64 Bit — Debian Live 7 Gnome 32bit Debian Live 7 Gnome 64bit Debian Live 7 KDE 32bit Debian Live 7 KDE 64bit Debian Live 7 LXDE 32bit Debian Live 7 LXDE 64bit Debian Live 7 XFCE 32bit Debian Live 7 XFCE 64bit — Fedora 32/64 Bit — Fedora 17/18/19 GNOME 32bit Fedora 17/18/19 GNOME 64bit Fedora 17/18/19 KDE 32bit Fedora 17/18/19 KDE 64bit Fedora 17/18/19 LXDE 32bit Fedora 17/18/19 LXDE 64bit Fedora 17/18/19 XFCE 32bit Fedora 17/18/19 XFCE 64bit Fedora 16 GNOME 32bit Fedora 16 GNOME 64bit Fedora 16 KDE 32bit Fedora 16 KDE 64bit Fedora 16 LXDE 32bit Fedora 16 LXDE 64bit Fedora 16 XFCE 32bit Fedora 16 XFCE 64bit Fedora 15 GNOME 32bit Fedora 15 GNOME 64bit Fedora 15 KDE 32bit Fedora 15 KDE 64bit Fedora 15 LXDE 32bit Fedora 15 LXDE 64bit Fedora 15 XFCE 32bit Fedora 15 XFCE 64bit — Linux Mint 32/64 Bit — Linux Mint 15 Mate 32bit Linux Mint 15 Mate 64bit Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon 32bit Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon 64bit Linux Mint 14 Mate 32bit Linux Mint 14 Mate 64bit Linux Mint 14 Cinnamon 32bit Linux Mint 14 Cinnamon 64bit 3 of 11 8/21/13 8:20 AM .0.. Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) | USB Pen Drive.pendrivelinux.04 4 of 11 8/21/13 8:20 AM ...1 KDE i686 OpenSUSE 12.10 amd64 Ubuntu 13.YUMI .4 KDE i686 OpenSUSE 11.1 KDE x64 OpenSUSE 11.10 amd64 Ubuntu Server 13.1 GNOME i686 OpenSUSE 12. http://www.10 Ubuntu 13.4 KDE x64 — Puppy Linux 32/64 Bit — DPup Exprimo Fatdog64 (Firefox) Fatdog64 (Seamonkey) Lucid Puppy Linux Precise Puppy Linux Racy Puppy Linux Slacko Puppy Wary Puppy Linux — Ubuntu 32/64 Bit — Ubuntu 13.4 GNOME x64 OpenSUSE 11.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ Linux Mint 14 KDE 32bit Linux Mint 14 KDE 64bit Linux Mint 14 XFCE 32bit Linux Mint 14 XFCE 64bit LMDE 201303 Mate 32bit LMDE 201303 Mate 64bit LMDE 201303 Cinnamon 32bit LMDE 201303 Cinnamon 64bit LMDE 201204 Mate/Cinnamon 32bit LMDE 201204 Mate/Cinnamon 64bit LMDE 201204 XFCE 32bit LMDE 201204 XFCE 64bit Linux Mint 13 Cinnamon 32bit Linux Mint 13 Cinnamon 64bit Linux Mint 13 KDE 32bit Linux Mint 13 KDE 64bit Linux Mint 13 Mate 32bit Linux Mint 13 Mate 64bit Linux Mint 13 XFCE 32bit Linux Mint 13 XFCE 64bit Linux Mint 12 Gnome 32bit Linux Mint 12 Gnome 64bit Linux Mint 12 KDE 32bit Linux Mint 12 KDE 64bit Linux Mint 12 LXDE 32bit Linux Mint 11 32bit Linux Mint 11 64bit — OpenSUSE Live 32/64 Bit — OpenSUSE 12.1 GNOME x64 OpenSUSE 12.10 Ubuntu Server 13.4 GNOME i686 OpenSUSE 11. 04 5 of 11 8/21/13 8:20 AM .04 Edubuntu 12.10 amd64 Ubuntu Studio 12.04 Ubuntu Server 13.04 Ubuntu Server 12.10 amd64 Ubuntu Secure Remix 12.10 amd64 Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 Kubuntu 12.10 amd64 Kubuntu 12.04 x64 Lubuntu 11.04 amd64 Xubuntu 12.10 Ubuntu Secure Remix 12.pendrivelinux.04 amd64 Ubuntu 12.10 Edubuntu 12.04 Ubuntu 12.Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) | USB Pen Drive.04 amd64 Kubuntu 12.10 Edubuntu 11.10 Lubuntu 12.10 Ubuntu Server 12.04 DVD amd64 Lubuntu 12.04 Mythbuntu 12.10 amd64 Lubuntu 12.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ Ubuntu 13.04 DVD Ubuntu 12.10 Ubuntu 12.04 x64 Edubuntu 11.10 amd64 Xubuntu 11.04 DVD Kubuntu 12.10 amd64 Edubuntu 12.YUMI .10 Ubuntu Studio 12.10 amd64 Ubuntu 11.10 Kubuntu 12.10 Xubuntu 12..04 Kubuntu 11.04 Kubuntu 12.04 Xubuntu 11.10 Xubuntu 11.10 Lubuntu 11.04 amd64 Mythbuntu 12.04 amd64 Ubuntu Server 13.04 Xubuntu 12.10 Kubuntu 11.04 Ubuntu 11.04 amd64 Ubuntu 12.04 Kubuntu 11.10 amd64 Lubuntu 11..10 amd64 Ubuntu Server 12.04 Ubuntu Studio 12.10 amd64 Xubuntu 12.04 amd64 Ubuntu 11.04 DVD amd64 Ubuntu Server 12.04 Lubuntu 12.10 Ubuntu 11.04 amd64 Ubuntu Studio 12.10 amd64 Ubuntu Server 11. http://www.10 Kubuntu 11.04 amd64 Edubuntu 12. pendrivelinux.10 Lubuntu 10.Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) | USB Pen Drive.04 x64 Ubuntu 10.04 Kubuntu 10.4 WifiWay 2 6 of 11 8/21/13 8:20 AM .15 (Anonymous Browsing) Liberte (Anonymous Browsing) Terralinux TinyCore (A Tiny Linux Distribution) Ultimate Edition 3 WifiSlax wifislax\boot\vmlinuz WifiWay 3..10 Kubuntu 10.04 x64 — Other Distros Alphabetical — AntiX Archlinux Bodhi CAELinux (Computer Aided Engineering) CentOS CentOS 64bit Crunchbang Damn Small Linux (DSL) Fuduntu gpxe (Net Bootable Distros) KNOPPIX 6.04 x64 Xubuntu 10.04 Ubuntu 10.1 CD KNOPPIX 7 KXStudio 12.04 x64 Kubuntu 10..10 Ubuntu 10.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ Xubuntu 11.04 Xubuntu 10.10 Edubuntu 10.10 Xubuntu 10.7.04 Mandriva 2011 Netrunner OSGeo Live PCLinuxOS Peppermint Three Peppermint Three 64bit Pear Linux 6 Pinguy OS 11 Pinguy OS 12.04 Porteus SalineOS Scientific Linux CERN 6. http://www.3 Semplice Linux SLAX (Tiny Slackware Based Distro) SLAX 64bit Slitaz (Another Tiny Distro) Sn0wL1nuX 11 Sn0wL1nuX 11 64bit Sugar on a Stick System Rescue CD Tails 0.YUMI . .Web Live CD boot\module\drweb_bases..trk .10 xPUD (Netbook Distro) ————— Antivirus Tools ————— Acronis Antimalware CD AOSS (Malware Scanner) system\stage1 AVG Rescue CD (Antivirus Scanner) AVIRA AntiVir Rescue CD (Virus Scanner) .com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ XBMCbuntu Zorin OS Core Zorin OS Core 64bit ———— NetBook Distributions ———— EasyPeasy (NetBook Distro) Jolicloud (NetBook Distro) Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10. does install to root of drive Bitdefender Rescue Disk (Antivirus Scanner) Comodo Rescue Disk (Antivirus Scanner) Dr. http://www.YUMI .dwm F-Secure Rescue CD GDATA Rescue CD Kaspersky Rescue Disk (Antivirus Scanner) Panda SafeCD Windows Defender Offline —————– System Tools —————BackBox (Penetration Testing) BackTrack5 (Penetration Testing) Boot Repair Disk Clonezilla (Backup + Clone Tool) DBAN (Hard Drive Nuker) Deft (Forensics) DRBL (Diskless Remote Boot in Linux) EASEUS Disk Copy (Disk Cloning Tool) FreeDOS (Balder img) GParted (Partition Tools) GRML (system rescue) HDT (Hardware Detection Tool) Kali (Penetration Testing) Memtest86+ (Memory Testing Tool) Matriux (Penetration Testing) Offline NT Password & Registry Editor Ophcrack (no tables) Ophcrack XP (Password Finder) Ophcrack Vista/7 (Password Finder) Parted Magic (Partition Tools) PING (Partimg Is Not Ghost) Partition Wizard (Partition Tools) Rescatux Redo Backup And Recovery (Recovery Tools) Rip Linux (Recovery Distro) Trinity Rescue Kit TRK\initrd.Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) | USB Pen Drive. does install to root of drive Ultimate Boot CD (Diagnostics Tools) Web Converger (Web Kiosk) 7 of 11 8/21/13 8:20 AM .pendrivelinux. Backtrack.8.i686-2. Windows Vista/7 Installer. Can’t find myself on the drive I booted from First.lst .10 (DVD) Hiren's Boot CD 15. How to force a rebuild of the Syslinux MBR: This is useful if your YUMI prepared USB drive is somehow no longer bootable.c32 with (you'll need to unzip the file) -> This zipped chain. YUMI will notice that the ldlinux.c32 file does not fix the problem.30 (DVD) HP Automatic Firmware Update 10.70 (CD) HP Automatic Firmware Update 9.70 x64 HP Firmware Maintenance 8. your USB drive may be improperly formatted. you can copy the "openSUSE-12.70 x32 HP SmartStart 8.0". contains more than one partition or MBR. OpenSUSE.i686-2.Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) | USB Pen Drive. Hiren's Boot CD.60 x64 HP SmartStart 8.2-livecd-gnomeread-only. If you are having a hard time getting your BIOS to detect your flash drive. However.. and or USB-HDD.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ —————– Other OS/Tools —————Linux Live Tools for OCZ HP SmartStart 8.60 x32 HP SmartStart 8.2 ISO to your /multiboot/opensuse12/ directory. Simply delete the hidden ldlinux. and use YUMI to install any menu item.2-livecd-gnome-read-only. Most other distribution files remain contained 8 of 11 8/21/13 8:20 AM . Troubleshooting. and Additional Help If you encounter a message stating Insane primary (MBR) partition. as the KIWI MBRID boot option is currently broken. or OpenSUSE 12. but supports USB boot! Many Flash Drives ship USB-FDD formatted and some systems will not detect or even boot USB-FDD. if you already have OpenSuse 12.1 installed.2.YUMI .c32 File If replacing the chain. Avira Antivir. You can try these methods to Format and Restore your USB Drive My PC wont Boot from my Flash Drive. http://www. I have found that most systems can however boot USB-ZIP. and then proceed to use YUMI to put your chosen Distributions on USB.pendrivelinux.sys file from the multiboot folder. and YUMI will boot into openSUSE 12. does install to root of drive Kon-Boot Floppy Image Windows Vista/7/8 Installer bootmgr . you can try to format it as USB-HDD or USB-ZIP using BOOTICE (GET IT HERE). and Dr. does install to root of drive Windows XP Installer —————– Bootable ISOs —————Try an Unlisted ISO Try an Unlisted ISO (Run from RAM) Known Issues.i686-2. Other Known Issues: I cannot find a way to support OpenSUSE 12.0" file from the 12. Then delete the old file and rename the "openSUSE-12.2.Web Live CD files are stored outside of the multiboot folder.1-livecd-gnomeread-only. or your BIOS is not properly detecting the USB drive and it's firmware needs to be updated.0" file "openSUSE-12. replace your chain.3 via the traditional method.8.c32 file located at multiboot/chain. Trinity Rescue Kit.sys file is missing and will attempt to repair it.8.X HBCD\menu.. wincontig – GUI tool to defragment ISO files. Do not try to enable persistence for more than one Ubuntu based distribution. simply remove the USB and reboot! When using the "Try an Unlisted ISO option". select (Stage 3) to boot the drive where you installed Windows XP. (3.lst If you don't have a floppy drive and get fd0 errors while booting.) Finally. Persistently Saving Changes: Persistence can easily be added to one Ubuntu based distribution by performing the following steps: TAKE NOTE: * Persistence will NOT work on NTFS formatted USB drives.04 on drive F). 1.pendrivelinux. by editing the corresponding entry in \multiboot\menu\menu. however not all distributions will boot from an NTFS formatted device. * YUMI does support NTFS.cfg file found in the /multiboot/menu directory that corresponds to the distribution you want to add persistence to. Ophcrack Tables: To load Ophcrack tables when booted in this fashion.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ within the multiboot folder. YUMI supports Windows XP Install from USB via ISO. or Vista from USB.allowed_drive_mask=0 to the append line for the troubled entry.) Use PDL Casper-RW creator to create a casper-rw file at the root of your USB. http://www. the tables folder does need to exist at the root directory of the USB device. Although the best fix is to simply disable floppy in BIOS. You can have both XP and Vista/7 tables working together.) Add the word persistent to the end of each append line. simply add floppy. otherwise you will receive an error stating: "windows setup could not configure windows to run on this computer's hardware" Troubleshooting Boot Errors: While trying to run an ISO from USB.) Upon first reboot.0. I am open to a simple working solution! Since version 0. Additional Notes: Edit non-booting menu entries for the ISO's you have added via the "Try and Unlisted ISO" option. you must unplug the USB device before the first restart.cfg for Ubuntu 12.7. after (Stage 2) is complete – upon the second reboot. you must select (Stage 2) 3.Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) | USB Pen Drive. If you get a Boot error saying: Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area You'll need to defragment your ISO using one of the following tools: contig – Command line tool to defragment ISO files. In order for the Windows XP installation to succeed. If this option fails. (2. 9 of 11 8/21/13 8:20 AM . Some Distributions also will not boot via NTFS. (example F:/multiboot/menu/ub1204. (example F:\tables\vista_free). Persistence Feature Notes: Only one distribution can use persistence per drive. you must perform the following steps.) To begin an install. or you will break your persistence option entirely. The Windows XP Installation from USB option currently works by booting directly from your XP ISO. Yet! (1. hence the YUMI menu entry is created under "Directly Bootable ISOs". select (Stage 1) 2. Get Ophcrack Tables from the Official Ophcrack site and unzip to your USB..) Use notepad or another text editor to open the .YUMI .. * When installing Windows 8. (the line that starts with the word append).6. 7. the ISO file name must contain no spaces. (example: F:/casper-rw). However. Multiboot USB Creator. Multiboot ISO.Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) | USB Pen Drive. http://www. Multiboot.10 Boot DOS from USB LiveUSB Install – Live USB Creator XBOOT – Multiboot ISO USB Creator (Windows) YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) SARDU – Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) Boot Multiple ISO from USB via Grub2 using Linux Creating a Kubuntu Live USB from CD Creating an Xubuntu Live USB from CD Creating an Ubuntu Live USB from CD Using UNetbootin to create a Linux USB from Linux MultiSystem – Create a MultiBoot USB from Linux Put Mandriva 2010 on a USB Flash Drive (Windows) Put Bitdefender Rescue CD on a USB Flash Drive Put Lucid Puppy on USB Flash Drive from Windows 10 of 11 8/21/13 8:20 AM .pendrivelinux.. Live Linux USB Creator. Multiboot Live USB. live usb. Multisystem USB. Universal USB Installer Portable Linux Categories Flash drive installs using Live CD Flash drive installs using Windows USB Virtual Machine Emulation Using and Configuring Linux New Pendrive Linux Posts Make a USB Boot CD for Ubuntu 11. Multiboot USB.. Potentially Related Portable Linux Posts SARDU – Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) XBOOT – Multiboot ISO USB Creator (Windows) Universal USB Installer – Easy as 1 2 3 YUMI – Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) published under USB Creator Tools bootable usb.YUMI . the format drive option will not work. live linux usb.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ YUMI on Linux: YUMI should function via WINE from within a running Linux environment. Other Distribution names and logos may also be trademarked by their respective owners. http://www.. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft.Privacy Policy Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.pendrivelinux. 11 of 11 8/21/13 8:20 AM .Credits.com/+Mt+4 We Test Robots On Our Accounts & We Share The Results With You = Free! ©2006-2013 Pen Drive Linux .YUMI . Resources and Sources .com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ USB Linux Help Sections USB Boot compatibility test USB Help and Tools Boot Cheatcodes BIOS USB Boot Options Restoring your USB Key Download Mt 4 ForexPeaceArmy.Multiboot USB Creator (Windows) | USB Pen Drive..
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