York Millienium Air Cooled Screw Chiller Catalogue

March 25, 2018 | Author: evrimk | Category: Filtration, Gas Compressor, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Engineering



FORM : YSCA-BRO-032003YORK ® MILLENNIUM ® AIR-COOLED ROTARY SCREW CHILLERS ≈HIGH PERFORMANCE WITH STEPLESS CAPACITY CONTROL∆ YSCA phase imbalance. The mufflers are designed to match the compressor’s harmonic frequencies to minimize noise at its source. where it is currently. thereby improving real-world system efficiency. Millennium® air-cooled screw chillers address these energy concerns in two ways. A compressor must have clean oil to ensure reliable operation and long lift.5% capacity to precisely match the load and minimize energy use. no-go chiller capacity control. controls. With three sensors to initiate a motor shutdown. Screw chillers provide inherent energy savings. motors. most if not all serious motor damage can be eliminated. and then accurately predict where it will need to perform. reliable electronic current-monitoring sensors verify each of the three phases of the compressor motor power wiring. Should dirt or debris from service residue clog the filter. or voltage spikes.LOW VIBRATION. since the unit continuously modulates down from 100% to 12. performance gains achieved with the latest Millennium compressors. The YORK air-cooled screw-chiller’s oil filter utilizes an advanced filtration media that catches particles down to 0. . LOWER OPERATING COSTS Energy efficiency is doubly critical these days. more factors are accounted for to provide tighter. QUIET OPERATION YORK unit incorporates acoustically tuned internal mufflers. the condition would be quickly detected by three strategically imbedded thermistors. since electric consumption is costly both financially and environmentally. while optimizing gas flow for maximum performance. more stable. coils. phase reversal. single phasing. The oil pressure drop across the oil filter is monitored by the microprocessor. As a result. any one of which will shut down the compressor to prevent motor damage. There is less “hunting” than old-style controls. high voltage. Temperature and current sensors also assure maximum motor reliability. There’s a lot of energy wasted in traditional go. In the YORK Millennium screw chiller. Motor failure is usually caused by problems external to the chiller itself-low voltage. heat exchangers and fans provide unmatched efficiency whether the unit is operating at full or part loads. Plus. the unit microprocessor will initiate protective control steps and annunciate a service alarm to change the filter. Even if dangerous power conditions should cause the motors to begin to overheat.5 microns. That’s why YORK incorporates “fuzzy logic” in our YORK® Millennium air-cooled screw chiller controls. chilled water temperature control. Fuzzy logic allows the control system to monitor several key variables. then track where the chiller has been operating. and snow of North American and European climates. fault. YORK Millennium series chillers are designed to minimize required maintenance. the Millennium air-cooled screw chiller’s all-weather durability is right at home in the harsh outdoors. rain. All the exposed compressor and fan power wiring is enclosed in liquid-tight conduits for reliability. A first-out display preserves all readings that exist at that instant. sight glasses. the machine’s features and functions minimize down time and maximize the effectiveness of service personnel. Connection with other common building automation communication systems (such as LonMark and BACnet) is simple using the onboard 485. . compressors and motors. EASY ACCESS TO CRITICAL COMPONENTS Proper maintenance pays big dividends by enhancing efficiency and extending service lift. time. Should service be required. suction screens. as well as the hot.or 232-port and YorkTalk Translator. FINGERTIP CHILLER CONTROL Digital technology provides infinitely more precise readings than gauges or meters.DESIGN FOR OUTDOOR DURABILITY No matter the environment. Oil and refrigerant filters. and filter driers are all fully accessible and can be serviced quickly. which translates into a low life-cycle cost. INTELLIGENT DIAGNOSTICS If an emergency shutdown should ever occur. Like all similarly equipped YORK chillers with microprocessor controls. the Millennium Control Center speeds troubleshooting and reduces downtime. It is designed for the cold. dusty conditions of the Middle-East and humid equatorial climates. No scheduled maintenance is required on the hermetic refrigerant circuits. your Millennium air-cooled screw machine can easily interface with the YORK ISN building automation and plant control systems. letting maintenance personnel print out the date. and all related data for review. A “shutdown record display” stores the cause and time of the last six shutdowns. L. a printer can be connected to the panel to obtain up-tothe-minute operating data. Subject to change without notice. Printed in Malaysia. Information can be easily obtained in hard copy form. Instead of moving from thermometer to thermometer and gauge to gauge.DATA LOGGING The Millennium screw chiller Control Center’s comprehensive monitoring capabilities dramatically simplifies log reading and recording. Box 7196. 40706 Shah Alam. Selangor Darul Ehsan. Jalan Pengapit 15/19. y o u c a n confidently schedule routine service whenever it’s most convenient for dayto-day building operation. Bhd. Or better still. Copyright ’ by O. operator time is freed for other important activities. Valuable DAILY/HOLIDAY SCHEDULING With more information about chiller operation available. routine maintenance can be accurately scheduled well in advance of actual need. 2003.YSCA-BRO-032003. All data needed for accurate. FORM:. A printed log also can be obtained automatically without involving an operator if the unit should shut down on a fault.Y.O. . And with advance information on the nature of t h e m a i n t e n a n c e re q u i re d . P. All rights reserved. Malaysia. detailed logs can be gathered directly from the display panel. chiller status can be accessed from one station..Condair Industries Sdn. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED .
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