YMCOU Prospectus 2011-2012



School of Architecture, Science and TechnologyYashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Prospectus 2011-12 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 0 AST, YCMOU, Nashik – 422 222, MS, India PROGRAMME CALENDAR SN Activity Description Odd semesters like 01, 03, 05 and 07 01 Aug - 31 Jan Even semesters like 02, 04, 06 and 08 01 Feb – 31 Jul Direct Admission, Course Exemption, Credit Transfer (DACECT) DACECT Form: In Prospectus and on website {Must apply 10 days before first fresh admission} DACECT Decision: must be attached along with the admission form for first fresh admission. 05 Jun – 25 Jul Not Offered Within 5 working days from 02 DACECT Approval by University Not Offered the day of receipt Annual Admission *: University Fee (including EF for the first compulsory attempt) must be paid along with the admission form, at a time for 2 semesters (an odd and even semester) in an academic year. 03 Annual Further Admission 04 Annual Fresh Admission 05 Jun – 05 Jul 05 Jun – 05 Aug Teaching – Learning (Face-To-Face counseling at each study center and Self-Study) Not Offered Not Offered 01 DACECT Form Submission at University 05 Teaching - Learning 01 Aug – 13 Nov 01 Feb – 16 May Backlog Clearing or 06 Teaching–Learning 14 Nov – 04 Dec 17 May – 04 Jun Preparation Leave Exam Form (EF) Submission {Not required for the first compulsory attempt. Required only for repeater students for backlog courses and performance improvement} EF available on Website for only repeater students. 07 EE Form Submission by students at SC On or Before 30-Sep On or Before 31-Mar 08 EE Form Submission by SCs at University On or Before 05-Oct On or Before 05-Apr Continuous Assessment (CA) Submission: Maximum single attempt. Zero marks given for ‘no attempt’ or ‘nonreceipt of Final “Assessment Report” of CA at University before specified date’. 09 CA Availability at each study center 10 CA Submission by Students at SC 11 Provisional CA Report by SCs (On SCs Notice Board) 01 Aug – 30 Nov 01 - 30 Nov On or before 31-Dec 01 Feb – 30 May 01 - 30 May On or before 30-Jun 12 Final CA Report Submission by SCs at University On or before 31-Jan On or before 31-Jul End Examination (EE) *: Maximum 5 attempts during consecutive 5 semesters. Permanent drop out from the programme, if successful completion not possible, within these maximum 5 attempts. 13 EE for Theory Courses 14 EE for Practical, STW, SV or PW Courses 05 Dec – 14 Dec Immediately after the last day of end exam for theory courses, but positively before 05-Jan On or before 20 Feb 05 Jun – 14 Jun ** Immediately after the last day of end exam for theory courses, but positively before 05-Jul On or before 20 Aug 15 End Exam Result Declaration Semester End Vacation 16 Semester End Vacation 08 Jan – 31 Jan 08 Jul – 31 Jul * Annual admission applicable for all programmes. ** Not applicable for only ‘Aug 2011 End Exam’ of T82, T80, T83, T81, T63, T64, T65, T66, T67, T68, T96, T98, T34 and T35 programmes. But, indicated schedule is applicable for all programmes afterwards. Production: Shri Anand Yadav, Manager, Print Production Center, YCMOU, Nashik – 422222 © 2011, YCMOU. All Rights Reserved. Price: ₹ 100.00 or US$ 25.00 First Publication: June 2011 Typesetting: Print Production Center, YCMOU, Nashik – 422222 Cover printed by: Printed by: Publisher: The Registrar, YCMOU, Nashik – 422222 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 1 CONTENTS Programme Calendar ......................................................................... 1 About Us ............................................................................................ 6 About University ........................................................................................ 6 Jurisdiction and Revision of Rules .................................................................... 6 For Study Centers Outside Maharashtra ........................................................... 6 Detail Programme Rules ................................................................................... 7 Latest Update Policy ........................................................................................ 7 Some Definitions ........................................................................................ 7 General ............................................................................................................ 7 Programmes and Courses ................................................................................ 8 Study Center .................................................................................................... 8 DACECT ............................................................................................................ 8 Admission ........................................................................................................ 9 Counseling ..................................................................................................... 10 Examination ................................................................................................... 11 From 2010 Pattern Onwards ............................................................................... 11 Before 2010 Pattern ............................................................................................ 12 ELearning ....................................................................................................... 12 About School ........................................................................................... 13 Vision............................................................................................................. 13 Mission .......................................................................................................... 13 Programmes on Offer ..................................................................................... 14 About Study Centers ................................................................................ 15 Working Hours ............................................................................................... 15 Student In-Take .............................................................................................. 15 Functions of Study Center .............................................................................. 15 About Programmes .................................................................................. 16 Attendance .................................................................................................... 16 Equivalence Status ......................................................................................... 16 Information at a Glance ................................................................................. 16 Architecture and Design ...................................................................................... 17 Science ............................................................................................................... 21 Engineering and Technology ................................................................................ 24 Learn and Earn Scheme ....................................................................................... 28 About Courses ......................................................................................... 29 Architecture and Design ................................................................................. 29 V40: F. Diploma in Arch. & Design {2011 Pattern} ................................................ 29 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 2 ...................................... 40 T80: B......Arch..................................... 33 V43: M.................................................................Sc...) {2004 Pattern} ........................................ Sc..Arch. (Naut........................................ (Ind..... 37 T65: M..........Engg...... 39 T82: B......................... 30 V22: B...............................................) {2006 Pattern} .....................Sc...Arch........... (Env.....................................................Tech.........) {2006 Pattern} ....) {2010 Pattern} ............) {2011 Pattern} .....Tech...................... Sc..............) {2011 Pattern} ......................... (Marine Engg.... 39 V26: B.................................................................. Apln.................. 50 T24: Dip (Mech.................................................) {2011 Pattern} .................... 53 T52: Dip (Thermal Engg......................... (Act Sc............. Course Exemptions & Credit Transfers ........ 46 T98: M............................... (Engg................ 51 T50: Dip (Prod..) {2006 Pattern} .............) {2010 Pattern} ......... (Bio-Inf.. 48 T06: Dip (Inst.................. 49 T07: Dip (Comm............................) {2011 Pattern} ................................. (Interior Design) {2010 Pattern} .....) {2006 Pattern} .......... 46 Engineering and Technology ............ 33 V42: M...........) {2004 Pattern} . 43 T81: M........................Sc............................Sc...........................Arch.................................................................................................Sc.....................................) {2010 Pattern} ........) {2006 Pattern} ......................................................................... 44 V47: M...............................................Arch.................................... 59 Student Services ..........................................Des............... 44 V46: M.............. 35 T63: B...............) {2010 Pattern}......... Engg..........................Arch (U & R Planning) {2007 Pattern} ..............) {2010 Pattern} .....................................Tech.. 61 DACECT: Objectives .................. (Bio-Inf....................... Mgmt.................. (Bio-Tech..............Arch............Arch (General) {2011 Pattern} ......................... 42 V48: PG Dip (Act........................................Arch (General) {2005 Pattern} .............. (Bio-Tech..... (General) {2005 Pattern} ............V21: B. Dr........................ 43 V49: PG Dip (Bio-Inf................ (Act....................... 47 V50: Online Cert..................................................) {2011 Pattern} ......................Arch (Env...........................................Sc.....) {2010 Pattern} ...................... (Act.............................................. 61 DACECT: Time Schedules ...........Tech........Sc...........) {2006 Pattern} ...... 35 T64: M...................................... Engg............................................................................... 31 V41: M...................... (Electronics Engg................................ 47 T05: Dip (Ind........ 56 T34: B..........Arch (Const.............. 52 T51: Dip (Auto.. 54 V23: B....................... 34 V44: M. Engg... Engg............................Sc..................... (General) {2010 Pattern} .... 37 T66: M... 38 Science ....... (Marine Engg...........Sc......... 55 T33: B...............) {2004 Pattern} .......) {2007 Pattern} .......) {2007 Pattern} ....................... (Const......) {2011 Pattern} ............ Mgmt..............) {2011 Pattern} ............................... (Mech...........................................) {2010 Pattern} ...Tech..............) {2011 Pattern} ......... 61 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 3 . 47 T03: Dip (Comp........ 41 V45: B................................................) {2010 Pattern} .........................................Sc..... 38 T67 / T68: M...................) {2010 Pattern} ........................................ (Act Sc......... 45 T96: B.............. Sc........................... Engg............Electronics) {2010 Pattern} ...................................................... (U & R Planning) {2011 Pattern} ............................ Engg.................... 57 T35: B........Arch.. 61 Direct Admission................... 43 T83: M................................... ............................... 72 Where to Submit ...................................... 61 DACECT Details ....................................................................................................................... 88 EE: Objectives ....................................... 80 Architecture and Design (USD) .................................................................................................................... 86 CA: Required Documents. Forms and Formats ....................................... 85 Continuous Assessment (CA)........................ 88 End Exam Time-Table ...................................................................................................................................... 85 Before 2010 Pattern ........................................................................................................................ 72 DACECT: Financial Rules ............................................................ 64 Engineering and Technology ...................................................................................................................................... 72 Admission: Objectives .................................................................................................................................. Forms and Formats ........................................................................................................................................................................ 79 Science (INR) ......... 84 Student Evaluation ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 85 CA: Time Schedules .................................. 77 Admission: Financial Rules ..................................................................................................................... 84 Counseling: Policies and Rules ......................................................................... Forms and Formats ................................................ 87 End Examination (EE) .......... 72 Admission: Time Schedules .................................. 88 EE: Time Schedules ......................... 79 Engineering and Technology (INR) .................................................................... 89 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 4 ................. 83 Counseling: Objectives .............. 87 CA: Financial Rules ...................................................... 85 From 2010 Pattern Onwards .............. 86 CA: Policies and Rules ............................................ 63 Science .............. 83 Counseling: Time Schedules ........ 80 Science (USD) .......................... 81 Counseling .. 72 Admission .............................................................................................................. 76 Where to Submit . 85 CA: Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................................... 78 Architecture and Design (INR) .......................................................................... 73 Admission: Policies and Rules ................................................................................................................................................................................. 88 EE: Policies and Rules .....................................................................DACECT: Policies and Rules .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 84 Counseling: Required Documents ................................................................................................. 74 Admission: Required Documents.................................................................................................................................................. 62 Architecture and Design ................................................................................................. 80 Engineering and Technology (USD) .......................................... 67 DACECT: Required Documents.............................................. ................. 92 EE: Financial Rules ................................................................................ 99 Engineering and Technology ..................................... 89 Before 2010 Pattern .......................................................................................... 94 Regional Centers ..................................................................................................... 94 Study Centers ...................................... 109 DEC Recognition Letter (2008) ................................................................................................ 108 UGC Equivalence Letter (2004) .................... 112 DACECT Form ..................................................................................................................................................................... 101 Appendices ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................From 2010 Pattern Onwards ............... 93 Award of Certification ................. 93 Contact Us ................................................... 111 Specimen Admission Form ................................................ 90 End Exam Form and Hall Ticket ........................................................................ 92 Verification of Marks ........ 108 UGC Recognition (1992) ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 96 Science ...................................................................... 93 Convocation: Financial Rules ................................................................................ 92 EE: Performance Improvement ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 110 Government of Maharashtra GR (1995) ... 94 Whom to Contact ............................................................. 92 Convocation .............. 92 EE: Required Documents . 95 Architecture and Design ...... 114 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 5 ................. but applying for the ‘Study Center Recognition’. At the same time the university takes all precautions (just as the other universities do) to ensure that the standards and quality of. These modifications will be applicable to all students. This university is recognized by the ‘University Grants Commission (UGC)’ of India. India. Aurangabad. education and exams. including previously admitted students. It also does not ask for documents like Transfer Certificate at the time of admission. revise.Arch.) in ‘Full Time Face-To-Face Mode of Education’. Nagpur. YCMOU is the first Open University in India which is honored with this prestigious award. even outside the state of Maharashtra. Pune.ABOUT US ABOUT UNIVERSITY Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) was established in July 1989 by the ‘Act XX-(1989)’ of the Maharashtra State Legislature. However it does maintain its standards for examinations. add or delete any rule (including rules regarding programme fees) about these programmes. JURISDICTION AND REVISION OF RULES All legal disputes regarding study center and enrolled students shall be subject to Nashik jurisdiction only. As per provisions of the Act. are preserved. even outside the state of Maharashtra.Des. Nanded. Goa and several Study Centers (SCs). In order to cope up with unforeseen circumstances and to maintain high academic quality of these programmes. ‘The Commonwealth of Learning (COL)’ Canada. is required to get local government’s ‘Approval’ or ‘No Objection Certificate’. However. at any time. the institute which is not located in the state of Maharashtra. The university operates through its 9 Regional Centers (RCs) at Amaravati. A recent amendment in the act allows this university to establish study centers. the university reserves the right to change. The Head office of the university is located at Nashik. FOR STUDY CENTERS OUTSIDE MAHARASHTRA Due to recent amendment in the act. Kolhapur. update. this university is now allowed to establish study centers. for establishing study center for academic programmes of this university. conferred the prestigious 'Award of Excellence for Institutional Achievement' for the year 2002 to this university. The university may admit a student even when he is studying in another university / Board or is continuing his professional career. Nashik. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 6 . The university provides relaxed entry procedures. It is the fifth Open University in the country. this ‘Open University’ can also offer regular academic programmes (like B. Mumbai. or B. a group of some courses. Hence.com/lms/.the learning material which is specially designed for the Open University students. "Batch" means .duration of 1 year which starts from ‘01-Aug’ and ends on ‘31Jul’.DETAIL PROGRAMME RULES Detail programme rules are available on the web site at http://www. a.Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University. "Academic Year" means . These online details shall be integral part of this brief prospectus. Latest updated version of this prospectus shall be available for free download in PDF file format at http://www. LATEST UPDATE POLICY The information compiled in this prospectus is believed to be accurate when sent for printing. GENERAL 1. b. 07 and 09 starts from ‘01-Aug’ and ends on ‘31-Jan’.com/lms/. following definitions shall apply.ycmou. 4. unless the context otherwise requires. Students are required to carefully read and agree these online detail programme rules before admission. SOME DEFINITIONS In this document. Even numbered semesters like 02. while for end examination it is either 180 or 240 minutes. 06.Act XX-(1989) (Amended by Act No XII of 2003) of the Maharashtra State Legislature. Odd numbered semesters like 01. 05. students are advised to refer website for latest updated copy of this prospectus. "Self-Instructional Material" means . 04. Course Types Theory Courses Studio Courses Practical Courses Project-Work Courses Session Duration in Min for Counseling Session 40 / 60 180 180 40 / 60 Session Duration in Min for End Exam 180 180 180 180 7. "Session" means . 3. India. located at Nashik.a group of students. Maharashtra. This material is designed in such a manner that the students are able to understand most of the subject matter even in the absence of a teacher.a time slot for a particular activity. "University" means .ycmou. 08 and 10 starts from ‘01-Feb’ and ends on ‘31-Jul’. 2. "Act" means . 03. which are offered during a time block of 6 months. "Semester" means . Course Types Batch for Counseling Session Batch for End Exam YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 7 . Duration of counseling session is either 45 or 180 minutes. 6. 5. a person in charge of the administrative and academic affairs at the study center. Each course is given a unique course code. in multiples of 30 clock hours that an average learner has to devote for effective learning. solving problems. in order to earn a certification by the university. where study center is located. examination and communication with university head office. but will play an active role in case of any serious problem at the study center. etc. "Direct Admission (DA)" means . 2. STUDY CENTER 1. "Study Center" means . Term-Work. "Courses" means . Certification may be by certificate. taking notes. "Programme Coordinator" means .a collection of correlated courses. for 1 CP. Thus.due to higher pre-qualification than specified minimum eligibility. "Academic Programme" means .number of study hours. He plans the availability of counselors. advance diploma. Study includes several activities like reading books. after receipt of the application in the prescribed format along with supporting documents. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 8 . etc. thinking. performing experiments in laboratories.Theory Courses Studio Courses Practical Courses Project-Work Courses Architecture: 40 Science: 60 Technology: 60 Architecture: 20 Science: 30 Technology: 30 Architecture: 10 Science: 15 Technology: 15 30 15 15 10 PROGRAMMES AND COURSES 1. graduate degree. looks after the distribution of self-instructional materials. DACECT 1. admission. practical. Even course exemptions for specified courses at lower semesters shall be confirmed along with direct admission. Courses may be of different types like theory. diploma. students shall be directly admitted to (1) specified higher semester and (2) all those courses at lower semesters which are not exempted. postgraduate degree or doctoral degree. 3. studio Viva or project work. which one must successfully complete in order to earn a certification by the university.the head of the study center who is normally the principal of the institution. an average learner has to devote 30 clock hours to complete the study of the course. postgraduate diploma. "Credit Point (CP)" means . 2. undergoing tests.a place where the students attend the counseling sessions and get other relevant services like delivery of self-instructional books. "Study Center Head" means . He may not participate in the day to day activities of the study center. 3. arranges and coordinates counseling sessions.any single component of an academic programme (usually called as subjects) which one has to successfully complete. Internet access. that is ‘X'.the student who successfully complete with normally minimum 50% or better marks in specified subjects with similar syllabus but with different evaluation pattern. normally. Credit transfers shall be given only when student apply for it. in a prescribed format along with (1) payment of specified fees and (2) attested photocopies of specified documents. Hence. Course Exemptions shall be given only when student apply for it. is put against exempted course. the student need not appear in any examination for that course. Previous marks (or in case of grades. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 9 . ADMISSION 1. Only within valid registration period. that is. Direct admission shall be given only when student apply for it. equivalent mean marks of the grade range) are used as it is for reporting in Mark-Sheet. in an academic year. 4. All "DACECT forms" must reach university only during the specified duration for the admission. odd and even numbered semesters. along with the admission form. If course exemption is sanctioned. But no previous performance is used for reporting in Mark-Sheet. admission is given only once in a year (typically in June/July) to 2 semesters. "Credit Transfer (CT)" means . Thus. total time duration of the academic programme may be reduced and student is not required to pay fees for the lower semesters. “Annual Admission” means – Normally.the student who successfully complete specified subjects with similar syllabus and evaluation pattern. 2. Students are allowed to apply for course exemptions only once before the fresh admission. in the exams conducted by the either Board or university are exempted from certain courses of these programmes. "DACECT Form" is the prescribed format of application for Direct Admission. are exempted from certain courses of these programmes. the student need not appear in any examination for that course. If credit transfer is sanctioned. in the exams conducted by the either Board or university. Thus. students shall be required to pay ‘University Fee (UF)’ for both semesters and ‘Exam Fee (EF)’ for the first compulsory attempt for end exam for all courses at both semesters. "Course Exemption (CE)" means . in a prescribed format along with (1) payment of specified fees and (2) attested photocopies of specified documents. Course Exemptions and Credit Transfers. Students are allowed to apply for credit transfers only once before the fresh admission. course exemptions shall not be given for any course at any semester. as it is treated as a successfully completed. in a prescribed format along with (1) payment of specified fees and (2) attested photocopies of specified documents.Students are allowed to apply for direct admission only once before the fresh admission. 3. students are required to successfully complete in end exam (as permitted by the end exam time table) all those courses at lower semesters which are not exempted. Course exemptions are given only along with the direct admission. if student is not eligible for the direct admission. as it is treated as a successfully completed. Normally. Only mark of exemption. Hence. "Further Admission" means .confirmation of the admission of the student to the specified semester of the academic programme by the university. in the prescribed format along with the attested photocopies of specified documents and payment of the specified fees for the programme. Only within valid registration period. Last 4-5 hours of counseling for each course in a YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 10 . students also perform practical or studio activities or project work in study center laboratory or studio.all next admissions (after first admission) to the each successively higher numbered semester of the academic programme. The university assigns unique ‘Student ID' to each student. 7. course exemptions or Credit Transfer status etc. COUNSELING 1.sessions conducted at study centers. after submission of a completed admission form along with photocopies of specified documents and payment of the specified fees for the programme. During counseling sessions. All admission forms must reach university only during the specified duration for the admission. 5. Student registration is valid only during registration period. fresh admission is given to the lowest numbered semester or in case of the direct admission. Project and Project Guide allotted. to the specified higher semester of the programme. Study center. "Registration Period" means . 3. if student cannot successfully complete any course. Students are required to apply for further admission. Extension of registration period shall not be allowed.the prescribed format of application for either fresh or further admission. to each successively higher numbered semester of the academic programme. excluding examination performance data.First admission to the academic programme. within maximum 5 attempts for end exam during the valid registration period. then he/she is permanently dropped out from the respective academic programme.consecutive 5 semesters (2½ years). The university also assigns unique ‘Permanent Registration Number (PRN)' to each student when he/she is registered for the academic programme during fresh admission. 6. Students are required to apply for fresh admission in the prescribed format along with the attested photocopies of specified documents and payment of the specified fees for the programme. "Fresh Admission" means . "Student Registration" means . Name. 4. which starts from the semester to which student's admission is confirmed by the university. "Student Registration Data" means .complete information. Address. about student like Student ID. Normally. during which a qualified person explains and clarifies doubts/difficulties of the students. "Admission Form" means . Fee payment status.2. "Counseling Sessions (CS)" means . students are allowed to (1) attend counseling sessions at the allotted study center and (2) appear in End Exam (as permitted by the end exam time table) for all those courses where he/she is already admitted by the university. This question may be composed of smaller sub-questions without options. 8.option offered by the university to the student. 5. 3. CA for each credit point block shall be for 5 marks only. for only backlog courses. who conducts counseling sessions and helps the students in solving their difficulties. which is an examination conducted by the University at the designated 'Exam Centers' under supervised conditions. 6. 4.a qualified and experienced person at SC. "End Examination (EE)" means . Students shall have choice of answering 1 LAQ out of 2 LAQs on each credit point block in end exam for any theory type of course. "Continuous Assessment (CA)" means . "Long Answer type Question (LAQ)" means – a supply type question of 15 marks. at the end of the each semester for all courses. He also helps the students to perform practical or studio activities or project work in study center laboratory or studio. EXAMINATION FROM 2010 PATTERN ONWARDS 1. 2. all those courses which are not successfully completed by the student.'Closed-Book Summative Evaluation under supervision'. 7. "Exam Form" means . Only repeater students are required to submit exam form. that is.'Open-Book Formative Evaluation with no supervision' by the Counselor for the respective course at each study center. EE attempts are counted for each option offered by the university to the student. irrespective of whether student actually chooses to appear in end exam or not.a supply type question of 5 marks.the prescribed format of application for the end exam of only backlog courses. having marks in multiple of 5. which requires typical answer of about 15 lines (≈ ½ Pages) in about 08-10 minutes. "Grace Factor" means ratio of ‘Maximum Total Marks’ to ‘Maximum Total Marks earned by any student in the given end exam’ of the respective course. "EE Attempt" means . "First Contact Session" means a session conducted on the first day of the semester for distribution of learning material after collection of ‘Study Center Fee' and ‘Library Deposit'. 2. “Total Marks (TM)”: ‘Total Marks (TM)’ shall be sum of “Continuous Assessment (CA)” marks and "End Examination (EE)" marks acquired by the student in each course.semester are reserved for assessment and feedback about “Continuous Assessment (CA)”. 3. EE for each credit point block shall be for 20 marks only. "Short Answer type Question (SAQ)" means . Students do not have choice of answering as he/she is required to answer 1 SAQ out of 1 SAQ on each credit point block in ‘Continuous Assessment (CA)’ and ‘End Exam (EE)’ for any theory type of course. for choosing to appear in any end examination during the valid registration period. "Counselor" means . YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 11 . which requires typical answer of about 45 lines (≈ 1½ Pages) in about 24-30 minutes. along with the payment for specified ‘Exam Fee (EF)’. All exam forms must reach university only during the specified duration. Only repeater students are required to submit exam form. for only backlog courses. 3."well prepared high quality multimedia lectures" (in a module form) from the master trainer. "Short Answer type Question (SAQ)" means . EE attempts are counted for each option offered by the university to the student. 7. along with the payment for specified ‘Exam Fee (EF)’. “Total Marks (TM)”: ‘Total Marks (TM)’ shall be total marks acquired by the student in each course in ‘End Examination (EE)’. which requires typical answer of about 15 lines (≈ ½ Pages) in about 08-10 minutes. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 12 . either in end examination of that course or by credit transfer. irrespective of whether student actually chooses to appear in end exam or not. 2. Typically.the prescribed format of application for the end exam of only backlog courses. "End Examination (EE)" means . Students shall have choice of answering 1 LAQ out of 2 LAQs on each credit point block in end exam for any theory type of course. ELEARNING 1.a supply type question of 5 marks. 5.either course is exempted or student gets minimum 50% or better percentile marks.either course is exempted or student gets minimum specified or better marks. All exam forms must reach university only during the specified duration. Students do not have choice of answering as he/she is required to answer 1 SAQ out of 1 SAQ on each credit point block in ‘End Exam (EE)’ for any theory type of course. all those courses which are not successfully completed by the student.9. which is 'Total Marks (TM)' multiplied by the 'Grace Factor' rounded to nearest integer. 4. These modules will be developed on few selected difficult topics/courses. which is an examination conducted by the University at the designated 'Exam Centers' under supervised conditions.'Closed-Book Summative Evaluation under supervision'. for choosing to appear in any end examination during the valid registration period. having marks in multiple of 5. "SCORM Module" means .option offered by the university to the student. "EE Attempt" means . BEFORE 2010 PATTERN 1. This question may be composed of smaller sub-questions without options. "Exam Form" means . EE for each credit point block shall be for 25 marks only. "Successful Completion of the Course" means . which requires typical answer of about 60 lines (≈ 2 Pages) in about 32-40 minutes. 10. that is. at the end of the each semester for all courses. "Percentile Marks" means the marks computed and reported for the course in the markstatement. "Long Answer type Question (LAQ)" means – a supply type question of 20 marks. 6. "Successful Completion of the Course" means . which are followed by discussion and/or tutorial along with real Counselor. about 5-10 LMs will be developed in a phased manner for 1-CP course contents. either in end examination of that course or by credit transfer. Any Pace' online learning. it is an excellent place where student can sharpen his writing skills. It also allows student to edit his own previous posts. "ELearning" means . "Learning Management System (LMS)" means . Time Quality Cost-effectiveness for learners and the University.     Academic Quality Relevance to present needs of Industry. "Learning Cycle" means . engaged with. 5.a qualified and experienced expert appointed by the university who interacts with the students. 3. after receiving feedback from other students and online counselor. stimulated by synchronous and asynchronous learning events. answers or comments about a course or Programme. and administered using web technologies. It also allows anyone to search all previously posted questions. Any Where. 6. anywhere.the continuous assimilation of knowledge and skills by learners. with cost effectiveness.independent and dependent learning activities. either in synchronous or asynchronous mode by an instructor. which student must perform in cyclic order for an effective learning. Society and Learners. by refining his own previous posts. using combination of few keywords. anytime! YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 13 . can "post or write" threaded questions.a web application which facilitates and administers 'Any Time. delivered. "Online Counselor" means .a web site where a student or a Counselor from any Study Center. for clarifying their doubts/difficulties. "Discussion Forum" means . about a specific topic in a course or Programme. Hence. only through use of Learning Management System (LMS). MISSION Quality Education. which are authored. supported.2. ABOUT SCHOOL VISION The School of Science and Technology will offer educational services in Science and technology discipline using such operational and Academic principles that optimize. 4. answers or comments. Arch (General) PG T64: M.Arch.Sc.Sc. (Actuarial Science) Engineering and Technology Certificate V50: Online Certificate (Engineering Drawing) T03: Diploma in Computer Technology {2010 Pattern} T05: Diploma in Industrial Electronics {2010 Pattern} T06: Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering {2010 Pattern} T07: Diploma in Communication Engineering {2010 Pattern} T24: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering {2010 Pattern} T50: Diploma in Production Engineering {2010 Pattern} T51: Diploma in Automobile Engineering {2010 Pattern} T52: Diploma in Thermal Engineering {2010 Pattern} - Diploma - YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 14 .Des. (General) {2010 Pattern} V41: M. (Urban and Regional Planning) T98: M.Arch.com/lms/ to browse respective Programme page! Level New Programmes Admission: Fresh Yes.Sc.Sc. (Interior Design) {2010 Pattern} V22: B.PROGRAMMES ON OFFER The following Academic Programmes are on offer from the School of Architecture.Sc.ycmou. (General) {2011 Pattern} V42: M. (Bio-Informatics) V46: M.Sc. (Bio-Technology) T80: B.Arch.Sc. (Actuarial Science) PG Diploma - PG T68: M. (Actuarial Science) {2011 Pattern} V47: M.Sc.Arch.Sc.Arch. (Bio-Technology) T81: M.Arch. (Actuarial Science) {2011 Pattern} V48: PG Diploma ( Actuarial Applications) {2011 Pattern} V49: PG Diploma in Bio-informatics {2011 Pattern} T83: M. (Urban and Regional Planning) Science UG V26: B.Sc. Science & Technology during academic year 2011-2012.Sc. (Bio-Informatics) V45: B. (General) T65: M. (Construction Management) T66: M. Click on the Programme Code or Programme Name in this table at http://www. (Construction Management) {2011 Pattern} V43: M. Further Yes New SC Recognition: No Architecture and Design Diploma UG V40: Foundation Diploma in Architecture and Design {2011 Pattern} V21: B.Arch. (Nautical Science) {2010 Pattern} T82: B. (Urban and Regional Planning) {2011 Pattern} T63: B. (Environmental Architecture) {2011 Pattern} V44: M.Arch. Further Yes New SC Recognition: Yes Old Programmes Admission: Fresh No. (Industrial Engineering) {2011 Pattern} T96: B.Arch. (Environmental Architecture) T67: M. university may sanction maximum “Student Intake Capacity” of specified number of Fresh Admissions at each semester. Access to open source ELearning resource on web and Research using web Conduct of minimum specified number of counseling sessions for each course.Level New Programmes Admission: Fresh Yes.Tech. as per the available infrastructural facilities. (Mechanical Engineering) UG ABOUT STUDY CENTERS WORKING HOURS For ensuring minimum specified Face-To-Face counseling support. (Marine Engineering) T34: B. for at least 15 + 3 = 18 weeks in each semester. STUDENT IN-TAKE For each study center.com/lms/. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 15 . As per the convenience of majority of students.Tech.ycmou. study centers are expected to ensure minimum specified working hours in each week.Tech.  Payment of Internet Charges. Study center must prominently display their normal working hours on the notice board and on the “Student’s Forum” at http://www. for sending Admission and Exam forms to the University. so as to reach before the specified last day. (Electronics Engineering) T35: B. This includes: o o  Online counseling and communication with the university and ‘Online Counselors’ through discussion forum on web. Study center may arrange Face-To-Face counseling on specified number of wording days in each week. study centers shall be allowed to arrange more hours of counseling on local weekly off days and holidays. Further Yes New SC Recognition: No T33: B. Normal Student Intake Capacity specified for different academic programmes is as follows: Programme Architecture Science Technology Student Intake Capacity for UG 40 40 30 or 60 Student Intake Capacity for PG 20 20 20 FUNCTIONS OF STUDY CENTER Functions of each recognized study center is as follows:    Payment of honorarium to all academic and administrative staff members Organizing local Programme Advertisement and Publicity Payment of TA/DA to the study center staff or charges for 'Speed Post with AD'. Further Yes New SC Recognition: Yes V23: B.Tech. for providing total 30 hours free graphic access in each semester to each student for Internet or Email. (Marine Engineering) {2010 Pattern} Old Programmes Admission: Fresh No. All these degree and post-graduate degree programmes are duly recognized and approved by the “Distance Education Council (DEC)” and the “University Grant Commission (UGC)”. maintenance and repair of Laboratory set-up Provide quality educational services from motivated. Provide charges for Depreciation.     Local Information and communication center for students for the matter related to university and programme. at all programme stages from “Curriculum Design” to “Examination”. Studio Viva or Project-Work. water & electricity etc. after successful completion of the undergraduate degree programme (that is. talented & qualified academic staff ABOUT PROGRAMMES ATTENDANCE For all academic programmes regular and full attendance for all counseling sessions is highly recommended for better chances of successful completion of the course. This university also takes all precautions. this university is fully empowered to award various academic certifications like certificates. minimum 80% attendance shall be essential for counseling sessions for all courses. doctoral degrees. Hence. education and examinations are preserved. Studio Viva or Project-Work activities and its certification by the respective counselor at study center and Programme coordinator shall be essential before the end exam of that Practical. Attestation by the study center on “End Exam Hall Ticket” shall certify this minimum attendance. to ensure that the standards and quality of. The legal status of this university is at par with all other statutory universities of India. Normally. diplomas. Student shall be entitled to practice as an architect after such registration. EQUIVALENCE STATUS Due to statutory powers conferred by an act “XX (1989)” of Maharashtra state legislature and the recognition by the “University Grants Commission of India”. All architecture graduate and post-graduate programmes are duly recognized and approved by the “Council of Architecture (CoA)”. Term-Work.). post-graduate. B. Successful completion of all specified Practical. Laboratory facilities Provide required Laboratory consumable. Term-Work. and graduate. student can register with the “Council of Architecture (CoA)” after specified duration of professional training. Provide required infrastructure.Arch. INFORMATION AT A GLANCE Following abbreviations (arranged alphabetically) are used:  AE: Admission Eligibility Page 16 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 . Further Admission-Yes Foundation Diploma YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 17 . each year Examination New Programmes: Fresh Admission–Yes. Credit Transfer C: Category of Programme CA: Continuous Assessment CE: Certification Eligibility EE: End Examination EF: Exam Fee FT-FTF-EWEL: Full Time Face-To-Face Enhanced with ELearning L: Level of Programme LD: Library Deposit M: Teaching-Learning Mode of Programme MA: Maximum number of Attempts MDP: Minimum Duration of Programme MoI: Medium of Instruction of Programme MRA: Minimum Required Attendance for Programme NA: Not Applicable P: Pattern (Semester / Annual) of Programme RS: Reporting Semesters SCF: Study Center Fee Sylb: Syllabus location Total: Total Tuition Fee UF: University Fee VRP: Valid Registration Period ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester. Course Exemption.                          Apvl: Approvals from Statutory Authorities ASF: Additional Services Fee ATF: Aptitude Test Fee DACECT: Direct Admission. AFA: Payable amount along with the Admission Form which includes University Fee (UF) + Exam Fee (EF) for first compulsory exam attempt in (Odd and Even) two semesters of each academic year. admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course. 400/SV 21.000 13.000 1.000 8.000 14.000 14. each year Desc UF EF SCF ASF Amount 2.500 14.Des.400 150/T 250/STW.000 36.600 V22: B.000 CE: Min 50% RS: Sem 03 and 04 MA: CA: Single Attempt EE: 5 attempts during consecutive 5 semesters Under-Graduate Degree Desc C: Architecture L: Under-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL P: Semester MDP: 4 years after HSC MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC. VRP: consecutive 5 semesters Examination V40: Foundation Diploma in Architecture and Design (FDAD) {2011 Pattern} Semesters: 4 CPs: 96 Courses: 24 C: Architecture L: Diploma M: FT-FTF-EWEL P: Semester MDP: 2 years after SSC MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC.100 15.000 36. 400/SV 21.Arch. VRP: consecutive 5 semesters V21: B. DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Amount 5. (General) {2010 Pattern} Semesters: 10 CPs: 240 Courses: 62 Post-Graduate Degree YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 18 . RS: Sem 07 and Further: 08 Semester ‘1 to MA: x’ pass for CA: Max Single Semester ‘x+4’ Attempt admission EE: Max 5 during where ‘X’ is odd consecutive 5 number. DEC. semesters VRP: consecutive 5 semesters AE: Fresh: HSC (12TH) or eq Pass (min 50%) with Maths + CE: Min 50% Valid Min 40% RS: Sem 07 and score in NATA.000 14.000 AFA Year 1 6.000 2.000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Desc UF C: Architecture L: Under-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL P: Semester MDP: 5 years after HSC MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC.000 14.000 8.400 150/T 250/STW. DEC. admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course. (Interior Design) {2010 Pattern} Semesters: 8 CPs: 192 Courses: 47 Amount 5. 08 Further: MA: Semester ‘1 to CA: Max Single x’ pass for Attempt Semester ‘x+4’ EE: Max 5 during admission consecutive 5 where ‘X’ is odd semesters number. CoA Sylb: Website DACECT: Available EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 14.Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester. CoA Sylb: Website DACECT: NA Total 13.600 AE: Fresh: HSC (12TH) or eq CE: Min 50% Pass.000 14.000 LD 2.000 Year 2 6.100 100/T 200/STW 9.000 AE: Fresh: SSC (10TH) or eq Pass.000 2. or B.000 15. Further Admission-Yes Under-Graduate Degree YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 19 .000 15. CA: Max Single Attempt VRP: EE: Max 5 during consecutive consecutive 5 5 semesters semesters V43: M.000 8.000 2. (Construction Management) {2011 Pattern} Semesters: 4 CPs: 96 Courses: 20 Amount 6.Arch. or eq Pass.000 40. MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC.Arch.000 8.Arch. CoA Sylb: Website DACECT: NA C: Architecture L: Post-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL P: Semester MDP: 2 years after B.Arch. CoA Sylb: Website DACECT: NA C: Architecture L: Post-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL P: Semester MDP: 2 years after B.400 150/T 250/STW. 400/SV 24. MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC. MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC.Arch.050 CE: Min 50% AE: Fresh: RS: Sem 03 and B.000 40. each year Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Amount 6.000 15. / B.400 150/T 250/STW.000 2. 400/SV 24.Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester. VRP: consecutive 5 semesters CE: Min 50% RS: Sem 03 and 04 MA: CA: Max Single Attempt EE: Max 5 during consecutive 5 semesters V44: M. (Environmental Architecture) {2011 Pattern} Semesters: 4 CPs: 96 Courses: 20 AE: Fresh: B.000 2.Arch.000 40.700 15.050 Amount 6. (General) {2011 Pattern} Semesters: 4 CPs: 96 Courses: 20 C: Architecture L: Post-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL P: Semester MDP: 2 years after B. VRP: consecutive 5 semesters CE: Min 50% RS: Sem 03 and 04 MA: CA: Max Single Attempt EE: Max 5 during consecutive 5 semesters Old Programmes: Fresh Admission–No.Arch.Arch. (Urban and Regional Planning) {2011 Pattern} Semesters: 4 CPs: 96 Courses: 20 Amount 6. or B.700 15. DEC. DEC. / 04 B.700 15.E. DEC.Arch.Arch.000 40.400 150/T 250/STW.050 AE: Fresh: B. admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course.Tech. 400/SV 24. or eq Pass.000 15.700 15.400 150/T 250/STW.Arch.000 8. or eq Pass.000 2. (Civil) MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC.000 8. CoA Sylb: Website DACECT: NA AE: Fresh: B.E.050 Examination V41: M.Arch. 400/SV 24.Tech. VRP: consecutive 5 semesters CE: Min 50% RS: Sem 03 and 04 MA: CA: Max Single Attempt EE: Max 5 during consecutive 5 semesters V42: M. (Civil) or MA: eq Pass. DEC. CoA Sylb: Website DACECT: NA C: Architecture L: Post-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL P: Semester MDP: 2 years after B. each year Desc UF Amount 3. CoA Sylb: Website DACECT: NA C: Architecture L: Post-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 2 years after B.100 130/T 300/SV 12.000 16.180 8.Arch. MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC.Tech.100 130/T 300/SV 12.090 2.180 Examination T63: B. (General) {2005 Pattern} Semesters: 10 CPs: 200 Courses: 50 C: Architecture L: Under-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 5 years after HSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC.100 130/T 300/SV 12. DEC.000 8.Arch.000 16.180 8. MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC. DEC.000 8. (Civil) MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC. admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course.090 2. (General) {2005 Pattern} Semesters: 4 CPs: 96 Courses: 20 AE: NA VRP: consecutive 5 semesters T65: M. DEC.Arch.180 8. Min 50% at RS RS: Sem 13 and 14 MA: CA: Max Single Attempt EE: Max 5 during consecutive 5 semesters VRP: consecutive 5 semesters CE: Min 45%.Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester.180 Amount 3.180 8.100 130/T 300/SV 12.180 8. CoA Sylb: Website DACECT: NA Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Amount 3. or B.090 2.000 8.000 16. Attempt VRP: EE: Max 5 during consecutive consecutive 5 5 semesters semesters Post-Graduate Degree C: Architecture L: Post-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 2 years after B. Min 50% at RS RS: Sem 13 and 14 MA: CA: Max Single Attempt EE: Max 5 during consecutive 5 semesters T64: M.000 16. (Construction Management) {2006 Pattern} Semesters: 4 CPs: 96 Courses: 20 AE: NA T66: M.180 8.180 Amount 3.180 VRP: consecutive 5 semesters CE: Min 45%.180 8. Min 50% at RS RS: Sem 13 and 14 MA: CA: Max Single Attempt EE: Max 5 during consecutive 5 semesters CE: Min 45%.Arch. / B.E.000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 8. (Environmental Architecture) {2006 Pattern} Semesters: 4 CPs: 96 Courses: 20 AE: NA YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 20 .Arch.Arch. Semester ‘1 to Min 50% at RS x’ pass for RS: Sem 09 and Semester ‘x+4’ 10 admission MA: where ‘X’ is odd CA: Max Single number. CoA Sylb: Website DACECT: Available EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA AE: Further: CE: Min 45%. DEC. CoA Sylb: Website DACECT: NA C: Architecture L: Post-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 2 years after B.Arch.090 2. Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester. admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course. each year Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Year 1 Year 2 Amount 7,200 200/T 600/SV 24,000 36,000 2,000 18,000 18,000 VRP: consecutive 5 semesters Examination T67: M.Arch. (Urban and Regional Planning) {2007 Pattern} Semesters: 4 CPs: 96 Courses: 20 C: Architecture L: Post-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 2 years after B.Arch. MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC, DEC, CoA Sylb: Website DACECT: NA AE: NA CE: Min 45%, Min 50% at RS RS: Sem 13 and 14 MA: CA: Max Single Attempt EE: Max 5 during consecutive 5 semesters SCIENCE Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course. each year Examination New Programmes: Fresh Admission – Yes, Further Admission - Yes Under-Graduate Degree C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 3 years after HSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC, DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Amount 1,200 130/T 300/P 6,000 8,020 2,000 4,040 4,040 4,040 Amount 1,200 130/T 300/P 6,000 8,020 2,000 4,040 4,040 4,040 AE: Fresh: HSC (12TH) or eq CE: Min 40%, Pass. Min 50% at RS Further: RS: Sem 05 and Semester ‘1 to 06 x’ pass for MA: Semester ‘x+4’ CA: Single admission Attempt where ‘X’ is odd EE: 5 attempts number. during consecutive 5 VRP: semesters consecutive 5 semesters AE: Fresh: HSC (12TH) or eq CE: Min 40%, Pass. Min 50% at RS Further: RS: Sem 05 and Semester ‘1 to 06 x’ pass for MA: Semester ‘x+4’ CA: Single admission Attempt where ‘X’ is odd EE: 5 attempts number. during consecutive 5 VRP: semesters consecutive 5 semesters T80: B.Sc. (Bio-Informatics) Semesters: 6 CPs: 120 Courses: 30 T82: B.Sc. (Bio-Technology) Semesters: 6 CPs: 120 Courses: 30 C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 3 years after HSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC, DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 21 Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course. each year Desc Amount 8,400 1,400/T or P 42,000 500 one time 56,000 2,000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Desc 28,000 28,000 28,000 Amount 6,500 150/T 400/P 24,000 65,000 97,000 2,000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 18,400 18,400 17,300 Examination V45: B.Sc. (Actuarial Science) {2011 Pattern} Semesters: 6 CPs: 96 Courses: 24 C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL P: Semester MDP: 3 years after HSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC, DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: Available UF EF SCF ATF Total LD AFA V26: B.Sc. (Nautical Science) {2010 Pattern} Semesters: 6 CPs: 136 Courses: 59 C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL (Residential) P: Semester MDP: 3 years after HSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC, DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA AE: Fresh: HSC (12TH) or eq Pass + Aptitude CE: Min 50% Test. RS: Sem 05 and Further: 06 Semester ‘1 to MA: x’ pass for CA: Single Semester ‘x+4’ Attempt admission EE: 5 attempts where ‘X’ is odd during number. consecutive 5 semesters VRP: consecutive 5 semesters AE: Fresh: HSC (12TH) or eq Pass + Medical CE: Min 50% Test RS: Sem 05 and Further: 06 Semester ‘1 to MA: x’ pass for CA: Single Semester ‘x+4’ Attempt admission EE: 5 attempts where ‘X’ is odd during number. consecutive 5 semesters VRP: consecutive 5 semesters Post-Graduate Diploma V48: PG Diploma (Actuarial Applications) {2011 Pattern} Semesters: 2 CPs: 40 Courses: 10 C: Professional L: Post-Graduate Diploma M: FT-FTF-EWEL P: Semester MDP: 1 years after B.Sc. MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC, DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA C: Professional L: Post-Graduate Diploma M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 1 years after B.Sc. MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC, DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Amount 13,000 1,400/T or PW 60,000 80,000 2,000 40,000 Amount 3,200 130/T 300/P 12,000 16,020 2,000 8,040 AE: Fresh: B.Sc. or eq Pass VRP: consecutive 5 semesters AE: Fresh: B.Sc. (Actuarial Science) from YCMOU or eq Pass VRP: consecutive 5 semesters CE: Min 50% RS: Sem 01 and 02 MA: CA: Single Attempt EE: 5 attempts during consecutive 5 semesters CE: Min 50% RS: Sem 01 and 02 MA: CA: Single Attempt EE: 5 attempts during consecutive 5 semesters V49: PG Diploma (Bio-Informatics) {2011 Pattern} Semesters: 2 CPs: 40 Courses: 10 Post-Graduate Degree YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 22 Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course. each year Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Desc Year 1 Year 2 Amount 3,200 130/T 300/P 12,000 16,020 2,000 8,040 8,040 Amount 3,200 130/T 300/P 12,000 16,020 2,000 Year 1 Year 2 8,040 8,040 Amount 3,200 130/T 300/P 12,000 16,020 2,000 Year 1 Year 2 8,040 7,650 Amount 15,600 1,400/T or P or PW 72,000 750 one time 96,000 2,000 Year 1 2 AFA 48,000 48,000 AE: Fresh: B.Sc. or eq Pass VRP: consecutive 5 semesters VRP: consecutive 5 semesters AE: Fresh: B.Sc. or eq Pass VRP: consecutive 5 semesters Examination T81: M.Sc. (Bio-Informatics) Semesters: 4 CPs: 80 Courses: 20 C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 2 years after B.Sc MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC, DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA AE: Fresh: B.Sc. or eq Pass CE: Min 40%, Min 50% at RS RS: Sem 09 and 10 MA: CA: Single Attempt EE: 5 attempts during consecutive 5 semesters CE: Min 40%, Min 50% at RS RS: Sem 09 and 10 MA: CA: Single Attempt EE: 5 attempts during consecutive 5 semesters T83: M.Sc. (Bio-Technology) Semesters: 4 CPs: 80 Courses: 20 C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 2 years after HSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC, DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Desc V47: M.Sc. (Industrial Engineering) {2011 Pattern} Semesters: 4 CPs: 80 Courses: 17 C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 2 years after HSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC, DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA CE: Min 50% AE: Fresh: Grad. RS: Sem 03 and IIIE exam or B.E. 04 / B.Tech. or eq MA: Pass CA: Single Attempt EE: 5 attempts VRP: during consecutive consecutive 5 5 semesters semesters V46: M.Sc. (Actuarial Science) {2011 Pattern} Semesters: 4 CPs: 96 Courses: 24 C: Professional L: Post-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL P: Semester MDP: 2 years after B.Sc. MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC, DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: Available Desc UF EF SCF ATF Total LD AFA CE: Min 50% RS: Sem 03 and 04 MA: CA: Single Attempt EE: 5 attempts during consecutive 5 semesters Old Programmes: Fresh Admission – No, Further Admission - Yes Under-Graduate Degree YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 23 (Actuarial Science) Semesters: 4 CPs: 96 Courses: 16 C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL P: Semester MDP: 2 years after B.000 Year 1 2 3 AFA 24. MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC.Sc. (Urban and Regional Planning) Semesters: 4 CPs: 80 Courses: 20 AE: NA VRP: consecutive 5 semesters CE: 50% + RS: Sem 13 and 14 MA: CA: Max Single Attempt EE: Max 5 during consecutive 5 semesters AE: NA VRP: consecutive 5 semesters ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course.000 Year 1 2 Desc T98: M. MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC.Sc. Further Admission .000 500 one time 48.000 2. DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: Available AE: Further: CE: Min 50% Semester ‘1 to RS: Sem 05 and x’ pass for 06 Semester ‘x+4’ MA: admission CA: Single where ‘X’ is odd Attempt number.Yes Online Certificate YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 24 .200 CE: Min 50% RS: Sem 09 and 10 MA: CA: Single Attempt EE: 5 attempts during consecutive 5 semesters T68: M. each year Desc UF EF SCF ATF Total LD AFA Amount 7.200 200/T 600/SV 24.400 2.000 18.000 36. each year Examination New Programmes: Fresh Admission – Yes.000 Examination T96: B. EE: 5 attempts VRP: during consecutive consecutive 5 5 semesters semesters Post-Graduate Degree C: Professional L: Post-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 2 years after B.000 Year 1 2 AFA 43.Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course.000 24. DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: Available UF EF SCF ATF Total LD AFA AFA 18.200 1.200/T 36.Sc.000 24. (Actuarial Science) Semesters: 6 CPs: 96 Courses: 24 C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL P: Semester MDP: 3 years after HSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC.Sc.200 43.400 1. DEC.800 750 one time 86.800/T or PW 64.000 2. CoA Sylb: Website DACECT: NA Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Amount 7.Arch.000 Amount 14. DEC AFA Sylb: Website DACECT: Available T06: Diploma in Instrumentation Engineering {2010 Pattern} Semesters: 7 CPs: 140 Courses: 35 AE: Fresh: SSC or eq pass. CE: Min 50% Further: RS: Sem 06 and Semester ‘1 to 07 x’ pass for MA: Semester ‘x+4’ CA: Single admission Attempt where ‘X’ is odd EE: 5 attempts number during consecutive 5 VRP: semesters consecutive 5 semesters AE: Fresh: SSC or eq pass. DEC AFA Sylb: Website DACECT: Available Amount 1. 300/PW 5.320 Amount 1.000 8.640 4.600 1.920 2.320 AE: Fresh: SSC or eq pass. during consecutive 5 VRP: semesters consecutive 5 semesters T05: Diploma in Industrial Electronics {2010 Pattern} Semesters: 7 CPs: 140 Courses: 35 C: Professional L: Diploma M: Blended SCF P: Semester ASF MDP: 3½ years after SSC MoI: English Total MRA: Min 75% LD Apvl: UGC.640 4.640 2.000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sem 7 Desc UF EF 4.640 4.500 130/T 300/P.920 2.640 4. CE: Min 50% Further: RS: Sem 06 and Semester ‘1 to 07 x’ pass for MA: Semester ‘x+4’ CA: Single admission Attempt where ‘X’ is odd EE: 5 attempts number during consecutive 5 VRP: semesters consecutive 5 semesters YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 25 . 300/PW 5.000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sem 7 4.Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course.920 2.640 4. CE: Min 50% Further: RS: Sem 06 and Semester ‘1 to 07 x’ pass for MA: Semester ‘x+4’ CA: Single admission Attempt where ‘X’ is odd EE: 5 attempts number.600 1. DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA CE: NA RS: NA AE: Anyone MA: CA: Multiple VRP: 180 days attempts during VRP EE: NA Diploma Desc UF T03: Diploma in Computer Technology {2010 Pattern} Semesters: 7 CPs: 140 Courses: 35 C: Professional EF L: Diploma M: Blended SCF P: Semester MDP: 3½ years after SSC ASF MoI: English Total MRA: Min 75% LD Apvl: UGC. each year Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Amount 200 200 400 200 Examination V50: Online Certificate in Engineering Drawing Semesters: 1 CPs: 4 Courses: 1 C: Professional L: Online Certificate M: Online P: Semester MDP: 6 months MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC.500 130/T 300/P.600 1.320 Desc UF C: Professional EF L: Diploma M: Blended SCF P: Semester MDP: 3½ years after SSC ASF MoI: English Total MRA: Min 75% LD Apvl: UGC.640 2.000 8.000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sem 7 4.000 8.640 2. 300/PW 5.500 130/T 300/P. DEC AFA Sylb: Website DACECT: Available Amount 1.640 4. 640 4.640 2. 300/PW 5.640 AE: Fresh: SSC or eq pass.320 Amount 1.600 1.500 130/T 300/P.640 4.500 130/T 300/P.920 2. DEC AFA Sylb: Website DACECT: Available Amount 1.640 2.640 4. DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: Available UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA T50: Diploma in Production Engineering {2010 Pattern} Semesters: 8 CPs: 160 Courses: 40 AE: Fresh: SSC or eq pass.Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course.640 4.000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sem 7 Desc UF EF 4. each year Desc UF Amount 1. during consecutive 5 VRP: semesters consecutive 5 semesters T24: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering {2010 Pattern} Semesters: 7 CPs: 140 Courses: 35 C: Professional L: Diploma M: Blended SCF P: Semester MDP: 3½ years after SSC ASF MoI: English Total MRA: Min 75% LD Apvl: UGC. CE: Min 50% Further: RS: Sem 06 and Semester ‘1 to 07 x’ pass for MA: Semester ‘x+4’ CA: Single admission Attempt where ‘X’ is odd EE: 5 attempts number.000 8.920 2. during consecutive 5 VRP: semesters consecutive 5 semesters Desc C: Professional L: Diploma M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 4 years after SSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC.000 8.000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 4.320 Examination T07: Diploma in Communication Engineering {2010 Pattern} Semesters: 7 CPs: 140 Courses: 35 C: Professional EF L: Diploma M: Blended SCF P: Semester MDP: 3½ years after SSC ASF MoI: English Total MRA: Min 75% LD Apvl: UGC.600 1. 300/PW 5. CE: Min 50% Further: RS: Sem 06 and Semester ‘1 to 08 x’ pass for MA: Semester ‘x+4’ CA: Single admission Attempt where ‘X’ is odd EE: 5 attempts number. CE: Min 50% Further: RS: Sem 06 and Semester ‘1 to 07 x’ pass for MA: Semester ‘x+4’ CA: Single admission Attempt where ‘X’ is odd EE: 5 attempts number.600 1.640 4.920 2.640 4. 300/PW 5.000 8. during consecutive 5 VRP: semesters consecutive 5 semesters YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 26 . DEC AFA Sylb: Website DACECT: Available AE: Fresh: SSC or eq pass.640 4.000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sem 7 4.500 130/T 300/P. 100 16. CE: Min 50% Further: RS: Sem 06 and Semester ‘1 to 08 x’ pass for MA: Semester ‘x+4’ CA: Single admission Attempt where ‘X’ is odd EE: 5 attempts number.000 16.640 4.640 4.640 4. DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: Available Old Programmes: Fresh Admission – No. DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: Available Amount 1.000 65. (Marine Engineering) {2010 Pattern} Semesters: 8 CPs: 192 Courses: 56 C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL (Residential) P: Semester MDP: 4 years after HSC MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC. 300/PW 5. MA: Further: CA: Single Semester ‘1 to Attempt x’ pass for EE: 5 attempts Semester ‘x+4’ during admission consecutive 5 where ‘X’ is odd semesters number VRP: consecutive 5 semesters V23: B. each year Desc UF Amount 1.Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course.640 4.000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 4. CE: Min 50% Further: RS: Sem 06 and Semester ‘1 to 08 x’ pass for MA: Semester ‘x+4’ CA: Single admission Attempt where ‘X’ is odd EE: 5 attempts number.920 2.Yes Under-Graduate Degree YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 27 .640 4.500 130/T 300/P.Tech.000 8.640 Examination T51: Diploma in Automobile Engineering {2010 Pattern} Semesters: 8 CPs: 160 Courses: 40 C: Professional L: Diploma M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 4 years after SSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC.100 16.000 2.920 2. DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: Available EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA AE: Fresh: SSC or eq pass.640 4. during consecutive 5 VRP: semesters consecutive 5 semesters Under-Graduate Degree Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Amount 6.600 1.600 1. 300/PW 5. during consecutive 5 VRP: semesters consecutive 5 semesters T52: Diploma in Thermal Engineering {2010 Pattern} Semesters: 8 CPs: 160 Courses: 40 C: Professional L: Diploma M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 4 years after SSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC.000 8.640 AE: Fresh: SSC or eq pass.500 150/T 400/P 24.350 AE: Fresh: HSC or eq pass with 60% in PCM and 50% in English at SSC CE: Min 50% or HSC + RS: Sem 07 and Qualifying Test 08 + Medical Test.000 4.500 130/T 300/P.000 97. Further Admission .100 16. 600 1.640 4.Tech. Attempt EE: 5 attempts VRP: during consecutive consecutive 5 6 semesters semesters Desc UF EF T35: B. DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA AE: Further: CE: Min 50% Semester ‘1 to RS: Sem 07 and x’ pass for 08 Semester ‘x+4’ MA: admission CA: Single where ‘X’ is odd Attempt number.920 2.640 4.640 4.Tech.900 130/T 300/P 18.640 4. EE: 5 attempts VRP: during consecutive consecutive 5 6 semesters semesters T34: B. (Electronics Engineering) {2004 Pattern} Semesters: 12 CPs: 240 Courses: 60 C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 6 years after SSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC.640 4.000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 4.920 2. then Semester ‘x+4’ Sem 09 & 12. The Government of Maharashtra has approved this scheme and the students under the ‘Learn and Earn’ scheme have been declared as apprentice under the Apprenticeship Act YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 28 .150 2. admission MA: where ‘X’ is odd CA: Single number.000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Desc UF EF 12.000 54. 300/PW 5.000 78.000 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 4.640 4.000 8.Tech.300 12.640 4.640 Amount 1.300 12.470 Examination T33: B.640 SCF ASF Total LD AFA CE: Min 50% AE: Further: RS: Sem 07 and Semester ‘1 to 12 or if CE at x’ pass for Sem 07. then Semester ‘x+4’ Sem 09 & 12. Attempt VRP: EE: 5 attempts consecutive during 6 semesters consecutive 5 semesters LEARN AND EARN SCHEME The ‘Yashawantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU)’ and ‘Yashaswi Institute of Technology (YIT)’ have jointly developed an innovative concept namely ‘Learn and Earn’.640 4.640 4.Programme Essential Information Admission: Fees and Deposit in INR for Single each semester admission for 2 EF is for each attempt for each semesters in course. (Marine Engineering) {2004 Pattern} Semesters: 8 CPs: 192 Courses: 56 C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: FT-FTF-EWEL (Residential) P: Semester MDP: 4 years after HSC MoI: English MRA: Min 80% Apvl: UGC. 300/PW 5. each year Desc UF EF SCF ASF Total LD AFA Amount 4.300 12. DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA SCF ASF Total LD AFA CE: Min 50% AE: Further: RS: Sem 07 and Semester ‘1 to 12 or if CE at x’ pass for Sem 07. admission MA: where ‘X’ is odd CA: Single number. (Mechanical Engineering) {2004 Pattern} Semesters: 12 CPs: 240 Courses: 60 C: Professional L: Under-Graduate M: Blended P: Semester MDP: 6 years after SSC MoI: English MRA: Min 75% Apvl: UGC.500 130/T 300/P.000 8.500 130/T 300/P. DEC Sylb: Website DACECT: NA Amount 1.600 1.640 4. T06. Rs 5500/. T51 are offered under this scheme. The industry pays the minimum stipend of     Rs 5000/. up to the period of 4 years. Ph: (020) 27353727/28/29/30/32/33/34 Fax: 020 27354731 Fee Details for this scheme are as follows: Desc UF For Non-Reporting Semesters University EE Fee / semester 65/T 75/P 75/PW Study Center EE Fee / semester 65/T 225/P 225/PW 2. T24. Contact details of YIT are as follows: Yashaswi Institute of Technology (YIT) S.320 2.for 4th year student Student should directly contact ‘Yashaswi Institute of Technology (YIT)’ for admission under this scheme.000 Year 1 3. safety shoes etc.670 Year 2 *Sem 5 AFA *Sem 6 Sem 7 3. Apart from the facilities such as canteen. T50.for 3rd year student.1961. the cost of the education is born by the respective industry..No. uniform. DIPLOMA IN ARCH.for 2nd year students.for 1st year student. Rs 6500/. Opposite Elpro International.320 rd Amount 1. T05. Pune – 411033. Chinchwad. & DESIGN {2011 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 Code A27011 Mathematics 1 A27012 Sciences 1 A27013 Social Sciences 1 Name CA EE 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 Type T T T CP 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% Page 29 Semester 01 20 20 20 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .320 2. Rs 6000/. Presently. The YCMOU conducts the exam and successful students will be awarded diploma from YCMOU. 169/1/A.500 For Reporting Semesters University EE Fee / semester 130/T 300/P 300/PW EF SCF ASF Total LD *Sem 5 and *Sem 6 to be paid together during 3 year admission ABOUT COURSES ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN V40: F.670 1835 2. 1 A21033 Anthropometry and Ergonomics A21034 Technical Drawing and Computer Applications A21035 Interior Construction .2 A21027 Fundamentals of Design .2 10 20 20 20 10 20 20 Semester 03 A21031 History of Crafts and Interior Design .SN 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Code A27014 Arts & Crafts 1 A27015 Communication Skills 1 A27016 Workshop 1 Name CA 20 20 20 EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type STW STW STW T T T STW STW STW T T T STW STW STW T T T STW STW STW CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 02 A27021 Mathematics 2 A27022 Sciences 2 A27023 Social Sciences 2 A27024 Arts & Crafts 2 A27025 Communication Skills 2 A27026 Workshop 2 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 03 A27031 Mathematics 3 A27032 Sciences 3 A27033 Social Sciences 3 A27034 Arts & Crafts 3 A27035 Communication Skills 3 A27036 Workshop 3 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 04 A27041 Mathematics 4 A27042 Sciences 4 A27043 Social Sciences 4 A27044 Arts & Crafts 4 A27045 Communication Skills 4 A27046 Workshop 4 20 20 20 20 20 20 V21: B.DES. (INTERIOR DESIGN) {2010 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Code Name CA EE 40 80 80 80 40 80 80 40 80 80 80 40 80 80 80 80 40 40 80 TM 50 100 100 100 50 100 100 50 100 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 Type T T STW STW STW SV SV T T STW STW STW SV SV T T STW STW SV CP 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 30 Semester 01 A21011 Fundamentals of Structures .1 A21017 Fundamentals of Design .1 A21032 Interior Materials .1 20 20 10 10 20 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .2 A21022 Research Strategies Design Process A21023 Analytical Drawing A21024 Basic Photography A21025 Humanities Art Appreciation and Appraisal A21026 Introduction to Computers .1 A21012 Theory of Design A21013 Freehand Drawing and Geometric Construction A21014 Material Exposure A21015 Communication Skills A21016 Introduction to Computers .1 10 20 20 20 10 20 20 Semester 02 A21021 Fundamentals of Structures . 5 20 20 10 10 20 40 Semester 08 A21081 Seminar – Thesis Topic A21082 Dissertation (Case Study) – Thesis Topic A21083 Interior Design .1 Name CA EE 40 40 80 80 80 160 40 40 80 TM 50 50 100 100 100 200 50 50 100 Type T T STW STW SV SV T T STW CP 2 2 4 4 4 8 2 2 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 31 Semester 01 10 10 20 20 20 40 Semester 02 A24021 Theory of Structures .2 A21052 Interior Materials .1 A24014 Art Studio .Thesis 20 20 80 V22: B.3 A21056 Interior Design .1 A24015 Building Construction .ARCH.3 A21053 Elective: Dance and Music A22053 Elective: Theatre and Film Making A21054 Materials and Processes .3 Cost Estimation Elective: Human Interaction Elective: Marketing 20 20 10 10 20 40 A21064 Arts and Crafts A21065 Interior Construction .1 A21055 Interior Construction .1 Interior Materials .1 A24016 Architectural Design .4 Semester 07 A21071 Building Services .2 A24022 Culture and Built Form .2 Semester 05 A21051 Building Services .2 A21046 Interior Design .1 A24012 Culture and Built Form .2 Elective: Poetry and Literature Elective: Journalism 20 20 10 10 20 40 A21044 Advance Computer Applications A21045 Interior Construction . (GENERAL) {2010 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Code A24011 Theory of Structures .2 10 10 20 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .3 20 20 10 10 20 40 Semester 06 A21061 A21062 A21063 A22063 Building Services .4 A21066 Interior Design .4 A21072 Professional Practice A21073 Specifications and Controls A21074 Product Semantics A21075 Interior Landscape A21076 Interior Design .1 A24013 Architectural Drawing .1 Name CA 40 EE 160 80 80 40 40 80 160 80 80 40 40 80 160 80 80 40 40 80 160 80 80 40 40 80 160 80 80 320 TM 200 100 100 50 50 100 200 100 100 50 50 100 200 100 100 50 50 100 200 100 100 50 50 100 200 100 100 400 Type SV T T STW STW SV SV T T STW STW SV SV T T STW STW SV SV T T STW STW SV SV SV SV SV CP 8 4 4 2 2 4 8 4 4 2 2 4 8 4 4 2 2 4 8 4 4 2 2 4 8 4 4 16 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 04 A21041 A21042 A21043 A22043 Building Services .SN 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Code A21036 Interior Design .2 A24023 Architectural Drawing . 1 A24035 Building Construction .3 A24034 Building Services & Sciences .4 A24043 Architectural Drawing .SN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Code A24024 Art Studio .4 A24044 Building Services & Sciences .Thesis Special Topic YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .6 10 20 10 20 20 40 Semester 07 A24071 Sociology A24072 Human Settlements A24073 Professional Practice -1 A24074 Interior Architecture A24075 Landscape Design A24076 A24077 A24078 A25078 Special Structures Seminar & Thesis Topic Elective: Sales & Marketing Skills Elective: Film Making & Architecture 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 40 A24079 Architectural Design-7 Semester 08 A24081 A24082 A24083 A25083 Professional Practice -2 Specifications & Controls Elective: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Elective: Environmental Design 10 10 10 10 A24084 Dissertation .5 Culture and Built Form .3 10 20 10 20 20 40 Semester 04 A24041 Theory of Structures .5 Semester 06 A24061 Cost Estimation A24062 Culture and Built Form .4 A24065 Building Construction .3 A24033 Architectural Drawing .3 A24055 Building Construction .5 A24056 Architectural Design .6 A24066 Architectural Design .5 Elective: Visual Communication Elective: Art in Architecture 10 20 10 20 20 40 A24054 Building Services & Sciences .2 A24045 Building Construction .2 Name CA 20 20 40 EE 80 80 160 40 80 40 80 80 160 40 80 40 80 80 160 40 80 40 80 80 160 40 80 40 80 80 160 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 160 40 40 40 40 TM 100 100 200 50 100 50 100 100 200 50 100 50 100 100 200 50 100 50 100 100 200 50 100 50 100 100 200 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 200 50 50 50 50 Type STW SV SV T T STW STW SV SV T T STW STW SV SV T T STW STW SV SV T T STW STW SV SV T T T STW STW STW STW STW SV T T STW STW CP 4 4 8 2 4 2 4 4 8 2 4 2 4 4 8 2 4 2 4 4 8 2 4 2 4 4 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 2 2 2 2 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 32 Semester 03 A24031 Theory of Structures .2 A24026 Architectural Design .2 A24025 Building Construction .4 A24046 Architectural Design .3 A24036 Architectural Design .3 A24032 Culture and Built Form .4 10 20 10 20 20 40 Semester 05 A24051 A24052 A24053 A25053 Theory of Structures .4 A24042 Culture and Built Form .6 A24063 Elective: Graphics & Printing Technology A25063 Elective: Photography & Architecture A24064 Building Services & Sciences . 2 20 20 10 20 10 40 V41: M.) {2011 PATTERN} SN Code Name CA EE TM Type CP Min % Semester 01 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 33 .2 A24104 Critical Appraisal A24105 Office Administration & Log Book .2 A24106 Working Drawings & Details .1 20 20 10 20 10 40 Semester 10 A24101 Presentation & Approval drawings – 2 A24102 Site Visits & Study .Thesis Name CA 80 EE 320 80 80 40 80 40 160 80 80 40 80 40 160 TM 400 100 100 50 100 50 200 100 100 50 100 50 200 Type SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV SV CP 16 4 4 2 4 2 8 4 4 2 4 2 8 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 09 A24091 Presentation & Approval drawings – 1 A24092 Site Visits & Study .2 A24103 Interaction with Consultants . Arch Dissertation 1 (G) A31042 M.1 A24096 Working Drawings & Details .1 A24093 Interaction with Consultants . MGMT.1 A24094 Field Observations Study A24095 Office Administration & Log Book . Arch Dissertation 2 (G) 40 80 V42: M. (CONST.ARCH.SN 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Code A24085 Architectural .ARCH (GENERAL) {2011 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Code Name CA EE 40 40 80 80 80 160 40 40 80 80 80 160 40 40 80 80 80 160 160 320 TM 50 50 100 100 100 200 50 50 100 100 100 200 50 50 100 100 100 200 200 400 Type T T STW STW STW SV T T STW STW STW SV T T STW STW STW SV SV SV CP 2 2 4 4 4 8 2 2 4 4 4 8 2 2 4 4 4 8 8 16 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 01 A31011 Contemporary Architecture Trends & Theories A31012 Research Strategies A31013 Mass Housing design strategies and standards A31014 Urban Design A31015 Landscape Design A32015 Architectural Conservation A31016 Design Studio 1 10 10 20 20 20 40 Semester 02 A31021 Project Assessment & Management A31022 Finance & Economics in Building Industry A31023 A31024 A31025 A32025 Advanced Building Construction Techniques Advanced Building Services & Design With Climate Elective: Vernacular Architecture Elective: Futuristic Architecture 10 10 20 20 20 40 A31026 Design Studio 2 Semester 03 A31031 Building Byelaws & Architectural Practice A31032 Architectural legalities A31033 Architectural Evaluation A31034 Architectural Documentation A31035 Elective: Traffic & Transport Design A32035 Elective: Infrastructure Services A31036 Design Studio 3 10 10 20 20 20 40 Semester 04 A31041 M. Arch Dissertation 2 (CM) 40 80 V43: M. Arch Dissertation 1 (CM) A34042 M. (ENV. project formulation and finance A34022 A34023 A34024 A34025 A35025 Quantitative research methods Advanced construction technologies Sustainable building materials Elective: Geographic Mapping Systems (GIS) Elective: Terrain Assessment & Mapping 10 10 20 20 20 40 A34026 CM Project Studio 2 Semester 03 A34031 Contract management and tendering procedure A34032 Construction and planning legislation A34033 A34034 A34035 A35035 Marketing and management Human resource and quality management Elective: CAD & Simulation Techniques Elective: Intelligent Buildings 10 10 20 20 20 40 A34036 CM Project Studio 3 Semester 04 A34041 M.SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Code Name CA 10 10 20 20 20 40 EE 40 40 80 80 80 160 40 40 80 80 80 160 40 40 80 80 80 160 160 320 TM 50 50 100 100 100 200 50 50 100 100 100 200 50 50 100 100 100 200 200 400 Type T T STW STW STW SV T T STW STW STW SV T T STW STW STW SV SV SV CP 2 2 4 4 4 8 2 2 4 4 4 8 2 2 4 4 4 8 8 16 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% A34011 Management theories and Business organizations A34012 Financial and account management A34013 Construction materials and machinery A34014 Computer applications in construction management A34015 Elective: Disaster management A35015 Elective: Waste water Management A34016 CM Project Studio 1 Semester 02 A34021 Construction logistics.ARCH.ARCH.) {2011 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Code Name CA EE 40 40 80 80 80 160 40 40 80 80 80 160 40 40 80 80 TM 50 50 100 100 100 200 50 50 100 100 100 200 50 50 100 100 Type T T STW STW STW SV T T STW STW STW SV T T STW STW CP 2 2 4 4 4 8 2 2 4 4 4 8 2 2 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 34 Semester 01 A37011 Environmental architecture theory A37012 Climate and Geography A37013 Sustainable building design principles I A37014 Sustainable building materials A37015 Elective: Pollution Impact & Remedies A38015 Elective: Waste water Management A37016 EA Studio 1 10 10 20 20 20 40 Semester 02 A37021 Thermal Comfort and Passive Design I A37022 A37023 A37024 A37025 A38025 Quantitative research methods Sustainable building design principles II Sustainable building technology Elective: Geographic Mapping Systems (GIS) Elective: Terrain Assessment & Mapping 10 10 20 20 20 40 A37026 EA Studio 2 Semester 03 A37031 Thermal Comfort and Passive Design II A37032 Legislations for Environmental Control A37033 Ecological planning A37034 Environmental management 10 10 20 20 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 . SN 17 18 19 20 Code Name A37035 Elective: CAD & Simulation Techniques A38035 Elective: Intelligent Buildings A37036 EA Studio 3 CA 20 40 EE 80 160 160 320 TM 100 200 200 400 Type STW SV SV SV CP 4 8 8 16 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 04 A37041 M. Arch Dissertation 1 (EA) A37042 M. Arch Dissertation 2 (EA) 40 80 V44: M.ARCH. (U & R PLANNING) {2011 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Code Name CA EE 40 40 80 80 80 160 40 40 80 80 80 160 40 40 80 80 80 160 160 320 TM 50 50 100 100 100 200 50 50 100 100 100 200 50 50 100 100 100 200 200 400 Type T T STW STW STW SV T T STW STW STW SV T T STW STW STW SV SV SV CP 2 2 4 4 4 8 2 2 4 4 4 8 2 2 4 4 4 8 8 16 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 01 A41011 Urban and regional planning theories A41012 Urban and regional planning history A41013 A41014 A41015 A42015 Traffic & Transport Design Urban and Rural housing Elective: Disaster Management Elective: Barrier Free design 10 10 20 20 20 40 A41016 URP Studio 1 Semester 02 A41021 Urban and regional planning sociology A41022 Urban and regional economics A41023 Urban and Rural landscape design A41024 Computer Aided Design A41025 Elective: Geographic Mapping Systems (GIS) A42025 Elective: Regional Land Economics A41026 URP Studio 2 10 10 20 20 20 40 Semester 03 A41031 Urban and regional planning legislation A41032 Research Methodology& Strategies A41033 A41034 A41035 A42035 Infrastructure Services Sustainable community development Elective: Urban Design Documentation Elective: Conservation in Urban Context 10 10 20 20 20 40 A41036 URP Studio 3 Semester 04 A41041 M. Arch Dissertation 1 (URP) A41042 M. Arch Dissertation 2 (URP) 40 80 T63: B.ARCH. (GENERAL) {2005 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Code Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T SV SV T T T SV CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% Page 35 Semester 01 A01011 Climatology A01012 Technical Communication A01013 Architectural Drawing and Graphics I A01014 Workshop and Model Making A01015 Basic Design I - Semester 02 A01021 History of Architecture and Human Settlements I A01022 Theory of Structures I A01023 Architectural Drawing and Graphics II A01024 Building Technology and Materials I - YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 SN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Code A01025 Basic Design II Name CA - EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type SV T T T SV SV T T T SV SV T T T SV SV T T T SV SV T T T SV SV T T T SV SV T T T SV SV T T T SV SV CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% Page 36 Semester 03 A01031 History of Architecture and Human Settlements II A01032 Theory of Structures II A01033 Auto CAD and Office suites A01034 Building Technology and Materials II A01035 Architectural Design I - Semester 04 A01041 History of Architecture and Human Settlements III A01042 Theory of Structures III A01043 Surveying and Leveling A01044 Building Technology and Materials III A01045 Architectural Design II Semester 05 A01051 Building Sciences I A01052 Theory of Structures IV A01053 Quantity Surveying and Estimating A01054 Building Technology and Materials IV A01055 Architectural Design III Semester 06 A01061 Building Sciences II A01062 Theory of Structures V A01063 Landscape Architecture I A01064 Furniture Construction and Interior Design A01065 Architectural Design IV - Semester 07 A01071 Building Sciences III A01072 Theory of Structures VI A01073 Specification Writing A01074 Building Technology and Materials V A01075 Architectural Design V Semester 08 A01081 Building Sciences IV A01082 Town Planning A01083 Landscape Architecture II A01084 Building Technology and Materials VI A01085 Architectural Design VI Semester 09 A01091 Research Methodology A01092 Professional Practice I A01093 Computer Applications in Architecture A01094 Technology Elective A01095 Architectural Project Stage I - Semester 10 A01101 Planning Elective A01102 Professional Practice II A01103 Management Elective A01104 Allied Elective A01105 Architectural Project Stage II YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 T64: M.ARCH (GENERAL) {2005 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Code Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T SV SV T T T SV SV T T T SV SV T T T SV SV CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% Semester 11 A01111 Contemporary Architecture Trends and Theories A01112 A01113 A01114 A02114 A03114 Low Cost Building Design and Techniques Ecology for Architecture and Planning Vernacular Architecture Energy Conserving Architecture Landscape Design - A01015 Architectural Design Studio - I Semester 12 A01121 Computer Application for Architecture and Planning A01122 A01123 A01024 A02124 Mass Housing Design Strategies and Standards Advanced Building Construction and Services Design With Climate Architectural Conservation - A01125 Architectural Design Studio - II Semester 13 A01131 Building Bylaws and Architecture Practice A01132 Urban Design A01133 Architectural Evaluation and Research A01134 M.Arch. Dissertation, Stage I A01135 Architectural Design Studio - III - Semester 14 A01141 Project Assessment and Management A01142 Futuristic Architecture A02142 High Rise Buildings A01143 Building Industry (Seminar) A01144 M.Arch. Dissertation, Stage - II A01145 M.Arch. Dissertation, Stage - III - T65: M.ARCH (CONST. MGMT.) {2006 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Code Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T SV SV T T T SV SV T T T CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% Page 37 Semester 11 A06111 Principles of Management A06112 Project Planning and Scheduling A06113 Management Accounting A06114 Management of Built Facilities A07114 Risk Management A06115 Professional Communication - Semester 12 A06121 Human Resource Management A06122 Project Monitoring and Control A06123 Project Finance Management A06124 Repairs and Maintenance of Buildings A07124 Conservation of Heritage Structure A06125 Computer Applications - Semester 13 A06131 Advanced Construction Techniques A06132 Project Formulation and Appraisal A06133 Procurement Processes - YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Arch.Arch. Stage II A11145 M.ARCH (ENV.Arch.) {2006 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Code Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T SV SV T T T SV SV T T T SV SV T T T SV SV CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% Semester 11 A11111 Introduction to Environment and Sustainability A11112 Disturbances and Remedies A11113 Thermal Comfort and Passive Design A11114 Efficient Building Materials A12114 Pollution Impact and Remediation A11015 Architectural Design Studio .III - Semester 14 A11141 Green Buildings: Technical Criteria and Standards A12142 Environmental Project Management A11143 Environmental Law A11144 M. Stage II A06145 M.I Semester 12 A16121 Infrastructure Planning and Management YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .ARCH.I Natural Resource Management Rural Development - A16115 Studio .Arch. Stage I A11135 Architectural Design Studio .II Semester 13 A11131 Environmental Services Management Systems A11132 Ecological Landscape Design A11133 Energy Efficient Buildings A11134 M. Dissertation. Dissertation.ARCH (U & R PLANNING) {2007 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 Code Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T SV SV T CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% Page 38 Semester 11 A16111 Evolution and History of Planning A16112 A16113 A16114 A17114 Environmental Science and Sustainable Development Socio-Economics . Stage I A06135 Managerial Decision Making Semester 14 A06141 Material and Their Management A06142 Value Management A07142 Construction Management A06143 Contract Administration A06144 M.I - Semester 12 A11121 Environmental Psychology A11122 A11123 A11124 A12124 Geographic Information System (GIS) Urban Ecology and Environmental Planning Decentralized Waste Water Management System Terrain Assessment and Mapping - A11125 Architectural Design Studio .SN 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Code Name CA - EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type SV SV T T T SV SV CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% A06134 M. Dissertation. Dissertation. Stage III - T66: M.Arch. Dissertation.Arch. Dissertation. Stage III - T67 / T68: M. ) {2010 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Code Name CA EE 80 60 20 60 20 40 40 60 20 60 20 60 20 80 60 20 60 20 80 60 20 60 20 TM 100 75 25 5 25 50 50 75 25 75 25 5 25 100 75 25 75 25 100 75 25 75 25 Type T T P T P T P T P T P T P T T P T P T T P T P CP 4 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 3 1 3 1 4 3 1 3 1 Min % 50% 50% 50% 70% 70% 70% 70% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 60% 60% 60% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 39 Semester 01 S01012 Applied Mathematics-I S01013 Nautical Physics & Electronics-I S02013 Nautical Physics & Electronics-I S01014 Navigation-I S02014 Navigation-I S01015 Voyage Planning and Collision Prevention-I S02015 Voyage Planning and Collision Prevention-I S01017 Environmental Science-I S02017 Environmental Science-I S01018 Marine Engineering and Control-I S02018 Marine Engineering and Control-I 20 15 05 15 05 10 10 15 05 15 05 15 05 20 15 05 15 05 20 15 05 Semester 02 S01021 English and Communication Skill S02021 English and Communication Skill S01022 Applied Mathematics-II S01023 Nautical Physics & Electronics-II S02023 Nautical Physics & Electronics-II S01024 Ship Operation Technology-I S02024 Ship Operation Technology-I S01026 Naval Architecture-I S01028 Environmental Science-II S02028 Environmental Science-II Semester 03 S01031 Computer Science S02031 Computer Science 15 05 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .SC.II A16132 Land Management and Real Estate Strategies A16133 Housing: Planning and Management A16134 Dissertation.SN 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Code A16122 A16123 A16124 A17124 Name Regional Planning and GIS / Remote Sensing Techniques Transportation Planning Real Estate Management Strategies Urban Renewal and Conservation CA - EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T SV SV T T T SV SV T T T SV SV CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% 45% A16125 Studio .II Semester 13 A16131 Socio-Economics .III - Semester 14 A16141 Urban Governance and Legal Issues Environment Management EIA and Disaster A16142 Management A16143 Professional Practice and Planning Administration A16144 Dissertation. Stage I A16135 Studio . Stage II A16145 Dissertation. Stage III - SCIENCE V26: B. SC. (NAUT. SC. (BIO-TECH.) {2006 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 Code SBT011 Basic Biology SBT012 Communication Skill SBT013 Mathematics SBT014 Environmental Science SBT015 Lab Course Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P CP 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Page 40 Semester 01 - YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .SN 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Code Name CA 20 15 05 20 10 10 15 05 20 15 05 15 05 15 05 15 05 15 05 EE 80 60 20 80 40 40 60 20 80 60 20 60 20 60 20 60 20 60 20 60 20 40 40 60 20 60 20 80 60 20 60 20 80 60 20 80 TM 100 75 25 100 50 50 75 25 100 75 25 75 25 75 25 75 25 75 25 75 25 50 50 75 25 75 25 100 75 75 25 75 100 75 25 100 Type T T P T T P T P T T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T P T T P T P T T P T CP 4 3 1 4 2 2 3 1 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 4 3 1 3 1 4 3 1 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 60% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 50% 60% 60% 60% 60% 70% 70% 50% 50% 70% 70% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 50% 70% 70% 60% 60% 60% 50% 50% 50% S01032 Applied Mathematics-III S01033 Nautical Physics & Electronics-III S02033 Nautical Physics & Electronics-III S01034 Naval Architecture-II S01035 Voyage Planning and Collision Prevention-II S02035 Voyage Planning and Collision Prevention-II S01036 Cargo Work and Marine Communication S02036 Cargo Work and Marine Communication Semester 04 S01042 Applied Mathematics-IV S01043 Nautical Physics & Electronics-IV S02043 Nautical Physics & Electronics-IV S01044 Ship Operation Technology II S02044 Ship Operation Technology II S01045 Bridge Procedure and Legal Knowledge S02045 Bridge Procedure and Legal Knowledge S01046 Navigation-II S02046 Navigation-II S01047 Environmental Science-III S02047 Environmental Science-III Semester 05 S01054 Navigation-III S02054 Navigation-III S01055 Voyage Planning and Collision Prevention-II S02055 Voyage Planning and Collision Prevention-II S01056 Ship Operation Technology III S02056 Ship Operation Technology III S01057 Marine Engineering and Control-II S02057 Marine Engineering and Control-II S01058 Shipping Management 15 05 10 10 15 05 15 05 20 Semester 06 S01064 Navigation-IV S02064 Navigation-IV S01065 Ship Operation Technology IV S02065 Ship Operation Technology IV S01066 Naval Architecture-III S01067 Marine Engineering and Control-III S02067 Marine Engineering and Control-III S01068 Maritime Law 15 05 15 05 20 15 05 20 T82: B. SC. (BIO-INF.SN 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Code SBT021 Basic Statistics SBT022 Basic Chemistry SBT023 Applied Physics SBT024 Programming Concepts SBT025 Lab Course Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Semester 02 - Semester 03 SBT031 Basic Biochemistry SBT032 General Microbiology-I SBT033 Physiology SBT034 Metabolism SBT035 Lab Course - Semester 04 SBT041 Cell Biology-I SBT042 Basic Biosciences SBT043 Biophysical Techniques-I SBT044 Molecular Biology-I SBT045 Lab Course - Semester 05 SBT051 Microbial Biotechnology SBT052 Immunology-I SBT053 Genetic Engineering-I SBT054 Entrepreneurship Development SBT055 Lab Course - Semester 06 SBT061 Agricultural Biotechnology SBT062 Medical Biotechnology SBT063 Plant and Animal Cell Culture SBT064 Environmental Biotechnology SBT065 Lab Course - T80: B.) {2006 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Code SBI011 SBI012 SBI013 SBI014 SBI015 SBI021 SBI022 SBI023 SBI024 SBI025 SBI031 SBI032 SBI033 Basic Biology Communication Skill Mathematics Environmental Science Lab Course Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Page 41 Semester 01 - Semester 02 Basic Statistics Basic Chemistry Applied Physics Programming Concepts Lab Course - Semester 03 Basic Biochemistry General Microbiology-I Physiology - YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 . SC.I DBMS .I S04022 Probability and Distributions S04023 Advanced Applications of Annuities S04024 Corporate Finance 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 03 S04031 Business Economics . (ACT. Products. Products and Practices S04034 Communications and Research Methodology Semester 04 S04041 Stochastic Processes S04042 Survival Analysis S04043 Non-Life Insurance .I Introduction to Molecular Genetics Lab Course - Semester 06 Computational Molecular Biology Computer Programming . Practices S04044 EXCEL.II S04032 Estimation and Hypotheses Testing S04033 Life Insurance .SN 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Code SBI034 SBI035 SBI041 SBI042 SBI043 SBI044 SBI045 SBI051 SBI052 SBI053 SBI054 SBI055 SBI061 SBI062 SBI063 SBI064 SBI065 Metabolism Lab Course Name CA - EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Semester 04 Cell Biology-I Basic Biosciences Biophysical Techniques-I Molecular Biology-I Lab Course T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P Semester 05 Basics of Bioinformatics Computer Programming . Genetics & Immunology Lab Course V45: B.II DBMS .Principles. MACROS with Visual Basic Semester 05 S04051 Risk Models for General Insurance S04052 Reserving and Time Series S04053 Business Environment and Enterprise Risk Management 20 S04054 Actuarial Applications Using EXCEL 20 Semester 06 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 42 .SC.Principles.II Cell Biology.) {2011 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Code Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T P T T T P CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 01 S04011 Mathematics for Actuaries S04012 Descriptive Statistics S04013 Interest Rates and Annuities S04014 Basics of Accounting 20 20 20 20 Semester 02 S04021 Business Economics . ) {2011 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Code Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T T T T T T PW CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 01 S07011 Life Insurance . (BIO-TECH.SC.) {2006 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Code SBT071 Biochemistry SBT072 Enzymology SBT073 Biophysical Techniques-II SBT074 Biostatistics SBT075 Lab Course Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Page 43 Semester 07 - Semester 08 SBT081 General Microbiology-II SBT082 Cell Biology-II SBT083 Genetics SBT084 Bioinformatics SBT085 Lab Course - YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .) {2011 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Code S11011 Basics of Bioinformatics S11012 Statistics for Bioinformatics S11013 Basic Structural Biology S11014 Object Oriented Programming and Web Publishing S11015 C++ Programming & Web Publishing Lab Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 01 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 02 S11021 Data Base Management Systems S11022 Bio-Physics S11023 Genomics and Proteomics S11024 Computational Biology S11025 Bioinformatics Lab T83: M.II S07013 Finance and Investments-I S07014 Finance and Investments-II S07015 Modeling for Health Insurance 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 02 S07021 Asset and Liability Management – I S07022 Asset and Liability Management – II S07023 Asset and Liability Management – III S07024 Retirement Benefits Modeling S07025 Actuarial Project 20 20 20 20 20 V49: PG DIP (BIO-INF.I S07012 Life Insurance .SN 21 22 23 24 Code Name CA 20 20 20 20 EE 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T CP 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% S04061 Life Insurance Pricing S04062 Reserving and Joint Life Distributions S04063 Portfolio Theory Development S04064 Derivative Pricing and Risk Management V48: PG DIP (ACT. APLN. II S14013 Statistics for Actuaries .SC. (BIO-INF.) {2006 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Code SBI071 SBI072 SBI073 SBI074 SBI075 SBI081 SBI082 SBI083 SBI084 SBI085 SBI091 SBI092 SBI093 SBI094 SBI095 SBI101 SBI102 SBI103 SBI104 SBI105 Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Semester 07 Concepts in Computing and Basics of Bioinformatics Biological Chemistry Statistical Techniques Structural Biology Lab Course - Semester 08 Genomics Databases & Applications Genetic Information Flow and Processing Programming in Perl Protein Structure Prediction & Molecular Modelling Lab Course - Semester 09 Biochemistry of Metabolism Sequence-based Bioinformatics Approaches Programming Languages and Software Tools in Bioinformatics-I Programming Languages and Software Tools in Bioinformatics-II Lab Course - Semester 10 Genetic Engineering Genetics and Genomics Database Management Systems Research Methodology Project - V46: M. SC.I 20 20 20 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .I S14012 Mathematics of Finance . (ACT.SC.) {2011 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 Code Name CA EE 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 Type T T T CP 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% Page 44 Semester 01 S14011 Mathematics of Finance.SN 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Code SBT091 Immunology-II SBT092 Molecular Biology-II SBT093 Genetic Engineering-II Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T PW CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Semester 09 - SBT094 Intellectual Property Rights & Biosafety SBT095 Lab Course Semester 10 SBT101 Plant Transgenics and Tissue Culture SBT102 Applications of Biotechnology SBT103 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology SBT104 Research Methodology SBT105 Project T81: M. I S14034 Financial Economics . (IND. ENGG.II S14035 Communication and Research Methodology 20 20 20 20 20 S14036 Business Environment and Enterprise Risk Management 20 Semester 04 S14041 Asset and Liability Management – I S14042 Asset and Liability Management – II S14043 Asset and Liability Management – III S14044 EXCEL.SN 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Code Name CA 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T P P PW CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% S14014 Statistics for Actuaries – II S14015 Corporate Finance and Financial Reporting-I S14016 Corporate Finance and Financial Reporting-II Semester 02 S14021 Actuarial Modeling-I S14022 Actuarial Modeling-II S14023 Casualty Actuarial Science and Time Series-I S14024 Casualty Actuarial Science and Time Series-II S14025 Actuarial Business Economics-I S14026 Actuarial Business Economics-II Semester 03 S14031 Life Contingencies-I S14032 Life Contingencies-II S14033 Financial Economics .) {2011 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Code Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 320 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 400 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW T PW CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 01 S17011 Advanced Production Planning & Control S17012 Project Management S17013 Marketing Management S17014 Research Methodology S17015 Industrial Engineering Lab 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 02 S17021 Ergonomics S17022 Reliability Engineering S17023 World Class Manufacturing S17024 Software Engineering S17025 Software Lab 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 03 S17031 Systems Analysis and Simulation S17032 Enterprise Resource Planning S17033 Service Marketing S17034 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management S17035 Project Work Stage I 20 20 20 20 20 20 80 Semester 04 S17041 Organizational Behavior S17042 Project Work Stage II YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 45 . MACROS with Visual Basic S14045 Actuarial Applications Using EXCEL S14046 Actuarial Project 20 20 20 20 20 20 V47: M.SC. T96: B.SC. Practices and Law SAS052 Advanced Statistical Methods-I SAS053 Advanced Statistical Methods-II SAS054 Business Awareness and Enterprise Risk Management - Semester 06 SAS061 Life Contingency SAS062 Advanced Life Contingency SAS063 Financial Economics-I SAS064 Financial Economics-II T98: M.) {2007 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Code SAS011 Algebra SAS012 Descriptive Statistics SAS013 Microeconomics SAS014 Accountancy Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T T T T T CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Semester 01 - Semester 02 SAS021 Calculus SAS022 Probability and Mathematical Statist SAS023 Corporate Finance and Financial Reporting SAS024 Macroeconomics - Semester 03 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Insurance: Principles. Practices and Law SAS042 Stochastic Processes SAS043 Survival Analysis SAS044 VB programming - Semester 05 SAS051 Non-life Insurance Products.SC. (ACT SC. Practices & Law and Business SAS031 Laws in India SAS032 Estimation and Testing of Hypothesis SAS033 Mathematics of Finance-I SAS034 Mathematics of Finance-II 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Semester 04 SAS041 Life Insurance Products.) {2007 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Code SAS071 Mathematical Statistics SAS072 Mathematics of Finance SAS073 Actuarial Economics SAS074 Corporate Finance and Financial Reporting Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T T T T T T T CP 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Page 46 Semester 07 - Semester 08 SAS081 Actuarial Modeling SAS082 Casualty Actuarial Science and Time Series SAS083 Life Contingency SAS084 Financial Economics Semester 09 SAS091 Investment and Asset Management SAS092 Investment and Asset Management - YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 . (ACT SC. TECH.Pensions and Other Benefits 100 100 T 8 40% 14 15 16 - 100 100 100 100 100 100 T T PW 8 4 4 40% 40% 40% SAS103 Actuarial Business Communication SAS104 Actuarial Project Work ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY V50: ONLINE CERT.SN 11 12 Code Name CA - EE 100 100 TM 100 100 Type T T CP 4 4 Min % 40% 40% SAS093 Business Awareness and Enterprise Risk Management SAS094 Modeling through Statistical and Actuarial software Semester 10 13 R01101 R02101 R03101 R01102 R02102 R03102 Elective: Special Technical-Life Insurance Elective: Special Technical.General Insurance Elective: Special Technical.) {2011 PATTERN} SN 01 Code T04011 Engineering Drawing Name CA EE TM Type T CP 4 Min % - T03: DIP (COMP.Finance and Investment B Elective: Special Technical.) {2010 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Code TES011 Applied Physics TES012 Applied Mathematics-1 TES013 Self-Study Skills TES014 Technical Communication TES015 Computer Fundamentals Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 47 Semester 01 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 02 TES021 Engineering Drawing-1 TES022 Applied Mathematics-2 TES023 Electronic Components and Materials TES024 Engineering Graphics TES025 Electronic Manufacturing and Graphics 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 03 TES031 Basic Electrical Engineering TES032 Electric Circuit Analysis TES033 Electrical Measurements and Instruments TES034 Electric Machines TES035 Electrical Engineering Semester 04 TES041 Basic Electronics-1 TES042 Basic Electronics-2 TES043 Basic Electronics-3 TES044 Basic Electronics-4 TES045 Basic Electronics 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 05 E07051 Digital Electronics E07052 Microprocessor-1 E07053 Microprocessor-2 E07054 Microprocessor-3 20 20 20 20 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .Health and Care Elective: Special Technical. (ENGG. DR.Finance and Investment A Elective: Special Technical . ELECTRONICS) {2010 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Code TES011 Applied Physics TES012 Applied Mathematics-1 TES013 Self-Study Skills TES014 Technical Communication TES015 Computer Fundamentals Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 48 Semester 01 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 02 TES021 Engineering Drawing-1 TES022 Applied Mathematics-2 TES023 Electronic Components and Materials TES024 Engineering Graphics TES025 Electronic Manufacturing and Graphics 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 03 TES031 Basic Electrical Engineering TES032 Electric Circuit Analysis TES033 Electrical Measurements and Instruments TES034 Electric Machines TES035 Electrical Engineering Semester 04 TES041 Basic Electronics-1 TES042 Basic Electronics-2 TES043 Basic Electronics-3 TES044 Basic Electronics-4 TES045 Basic Electronics 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 05 E07051 Digital Electronics E07052 Microprocessor-1 E07053 Microprocessor-2 E07054 Microprocessor-3 TES055 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 06 TES061 Management Science YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .SN 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Code Name CA 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type P T T T T PW T T T T P CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% TES055 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Semester 06 TES061 Management Science TES062 Entrepreneurship Development TES063 Microcontrollers TES064 Electronic Measurements and Instruments TES065 Diploma Project Work-1 Semester 07 TES081 PC Up-gradation and Maintenance TES082 Network Operating System (Windows Server 2003) TES083 Basic Networking (Windows Server 2003) TES084 Network Administration (Windows Server 2003) TES085 PC Maintenance and Network Administration T05: DIP (IND. ) {2010 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Code TES011 Applied Physics TES012 Applied Mathematics-1 TES013 Self-Study Skills TES014 Technical Communication TES015 Computer Fundamentals Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 49 Semester 01 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 02 TES021 Engineering Drawing-1 TES022 Applied Mathematics-2 TES023 Electronic Components and Materials TES024 Engineering Graphics TES025 Electronic Manufacturing and Graphics 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 03 TES031 Basic Electrical Engineering TES032 Electric Circuit Analysis TES033 Electrical Measurements and Instruments TES034 Electric Machines TES035 Electrical Engineering Semester 04 TES041 Basic Electronics-1 TES042 Basic Electronics-2 TES043 Basic Electronics-3 TES044 Basic Electronics-4 TES045 Basic Electronics 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 05 E07051 Digital Electronics E07052 Microprocessor-1 E07053 Microprocessor-2 E07054 Microprocessor-3 TES055 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 06 TES061 Management Science TES062 Entrepreneurship Development TES063 Microcontrollers TES064 Electronic Measurements and Instruments TES065 Diploma Project Work-1 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .SN 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Code Name CA 20 20 20 20 EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T PW T T T T P CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% TES062 Entrepreneurship Development TES063 Microcontrollers TES064 Electronic Measurements and Instruments TES065 Diploma Project Work-1 Semester 07 TES101 Power Electronics -1 TES102 Power Electronics -2 TES103 Industrial Electronics-1 TES104 Industrial Electronics-2 TES105 Power and Industrial Electronics 20 20 20 20 20 T06: DIP (INST.ENGG. ) {2010 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Code TES011 Applied Physics TES012 Applied Mathematics-1 TES013 Self-Study Skills TES014 Technical Communication TES015 Computer Fundamentals Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW T T T CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 50 Semester 01 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 02 TES021 Engineering Drawing-1 TES022 Applied Mathematics-2 TES023 Electronic Components and Materials TES024 Engineering Graphics TES025 Electronic Manufacturing and Graphics 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 03 TES031 Basic Electrical Engineering TES032 Electric Circuit Analysis TES033 Electrical Measurements and Instruments TES034 Electric Machines TES035 Electrical Engineering Semester 04 TES041 Basic Electronics-1 TES042 Basic Electronics-2 TES043 Basic Electronics-3 TES044 Basic Electronics-4 TES045 Basic Electronics 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 05 E07051 Digital Electronics E07052 Microprocessor-1 E07053 Microprocessor-2 E07054 Microprocessor-3 TES055 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 06 TES061 Management Science TES062 Entrepreneurship Development TES063 Microcontrollers TES064 Electronic Measurements and Instruments TES065 Diploma Project Work-1 Semester 07 TES071 Communication Engineering-1 TES072 Communication Engineering-2 TES073 Data Communication 20 20 20 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 . ENGG.SN 31 32 33 34 35 Code TES111 Instrumentation-1 Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P CP 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 07 20 20 20 20 20 TES112 Instrumentation-2 TES113 Biomedical Instrumentation-1 TES114 Biomedical Instrumentation-2 TES115 Instrumentation T07: DIP (COMM. SN 34 35 Code Name CA 20 20 EE 80 80 TM 100 100 Type T P CP 4 4 Min % 50% 50% TES074 Television Engineering TES075 Communication and Television Engineering T24: DIP (MECH.) {2010 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Code TML011 Applied Physics TML012 Applied Mathematics-1 TML013 Self-Study Skills TML014 Technical Communication TML015 Computer Fundamentals Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW T T T T P CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 01 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 02 TML021 Engineering Drawing-1 TML022 Applied Mathematics-2 TML023 Engineering Drawing-2 TML024 Machine Drawing TML025 Engineering and Machine Drawing 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 03 TML031 Basic Electrical Engineering TML032 Applied Chemistry TML033 Basic Electronics TML034 Electric Machines TML035 Electrical and Electronics Semester 04 TML041 Engineering Mechanics-1 M07042 Production Technology 1 M07043 Production Technology 2 M07044 Special Manufacturing Processes TML045 Production Technology 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 05 M07051 Strength of Material TML052 Engineering Mechanics-2 TML053 Fluid Mechanics TML054 Hydraulic Machines TML055 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Semester 06 TML061 Management Science TML062 Entrepreneurship Development TML063 Engineering Materials-1 TML064 Engineering Materials-2 TML065 Diploma Project Work-1 Semester 07 M07071 Mechanical Measurements TML072 Basic Thermodynamics TML073 Machine Design TML074 Theory of Machines TML075 Machine Design & Theory of Machines 20 20 20 20 20 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 51 . ENGG. ) {2010 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Code TML011 TML012 TML013 TML014 TML015 TML021 TML022 TML023 TML024 TML025 TML031 TML032 TML033 TML034 TML035 TML041 M07042 M07043 M07044 TML045 M07051 TML052 TML053 TML054 TML055 TML061 TML062 TML063 TML064 TML065 M07071 TML072 TML073 TML074 TML075 TML081 TML082 M07083 TML084 Applied Physics Applied Mathematics-1 Self-Study Skills Technical Communication Computer Fundamentals Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW T T T T P T T T T CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 52 Semester 01 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 02 Engineering Drawing-1 Applied Mathematics-2 Engineering Drawing-2 Machine Drawing Engineering and Machine Drawing 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 03 Basic Electrical Engineering Applied Chemistry Basic Electronics Electric Machines Electrical and Electronics Semester 04 Engineering Mechanics-1 Production Technology 1 Production Technology 2 Special Manufacturing Processes Production Technology 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 05 Strength of Material Engineering Mechanics-2 Fluid Mechanics Hydraulic Machines Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Semester 06 Management Science Entrepreneurship Development Engineering Materials-1 Engineering Materials-2 Diploma Project Work-1 Semester 07 Mechanical Measurements Basic Thermodynamics Machine Design Theory of Machines Machine Design & Theory of Machines 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 08 Production & Operations Management-1 Production & Operations Management-2 Jigs and Fixture Design CNC Technology & Programming YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 . ENGG.T50: DIP (PROD. SN 40 Code TML085 Production Engineering Name CA 20 EE 80 TM 100 Type P CP 4 Min % 50% T51: DIP (AUTO.) {2010 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Code TML011 TML012 TML013 TML014 TML015 TML021 TML022 TML023 TML024 TML025 TML031 TML032 TML033 TML034 TML035 TML041 M07042 M07043 M07044 TML045 M07051 TML052 TML053 TML054 TML055 TML061 TML062 TML063 TML064 TML065 M07071 TML072 TML073 TML074 TML075 TML101 TML102 Applied Physics Applied Mathematics-1 Self-Study Skills Technical Communication Computer Fundamentals Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW T T T T P T T CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 53 Semester 01 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 02 Engineering Drawing-1 Applied Mathematics-2 Engineering Drawing-2 Machine Drawing Engineering and Machine Drawing 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 03 Basic Electrical Engineering Applied Chemistry Basic Electronics Electric Machines Electrical and Electronics Semester 04 Engineering Mechanics-1 Production Technology 1 Production Technology 2 Special Manufacturing Processes Production Technology 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 05 Strength of Material Engineering Mechanics-2 Fluid Mechanics Hydraulic Machines Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Semester 06 Management Science Entrepreneurship Development Engineering Materials-1 Engineering Materials-2 Diploma Project Work-1 Semester 07 Mechanical Measurements Basic Thermodynamics Machine Design Theory of Machines Machine Design & Theory of Machines 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 08 Automobile Engineering-1 Automobile Engineering-2 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 . ENGG. ) {2010 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Code TML011 TML012 TML013 TML014 TML015 TML021 TML022 TML023 TML024 TML025 TML031 TML032 TML033 TML034 TML035 TML041 M07042 M07043 M07044 TML045 M07051 TML052 TML053 TML054 TML055 TML061 TML062 TML063 TML064 TML065 M07071 TML072 TML073 TML074 TML075 Applied Physics Applied Mathematics-1 Self-Study Skills Technical Communication Computer Fundamentals Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW T T T T P CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 01 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 02 Engineering Drawing-1 Applied Mathematics-2 Engineering Drawing-2 Machine Drawing Engineering and Machine Drawing 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 03 Basic Electrical Engineering Applied Chemistry Basic Electronics Electric Machines Electrical and Electronics Semester 04 Engineering Mechanics-1 Production Technology 1 Production Technology 2 Special Manufacturing Processes Production Technology 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 05 Strength of Material Engineering Mechanics-2 Fluid Mechanics Hydraulic Machines Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 06 Management Science Entrepreneurship Development Engineering Materials-1 Engineering Materials-2 Diploma Project Work-1 Semester 07 Mechanical Measurements Basic Thermodynamics Machine Design Theory of Machines Machine Design & Theory of Machines 20 20 20 20 20 Semester 08 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 54 .SN 38 39 40 Code TML103 TML104 TML105 Name Automobile Engineering-3 Automobile Engineering-4 Automobile Engineering CA 20 20 20 EE 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 Type T T P CP 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% T52: DIP (THERMAL ENGG. II Computer Science Electrical Machines .I Electrical Machines .SN 36 37 38 39 40 Code M07111 M07112 M07113 M07114 TML115 Name Heat Transfer Air conditioning & Refrigeration-1 Air conditioning & Refrigeration-2 Air conditioning & Refrigeration-3 Air conditioning and Refrigeration CA 20 20 20 20 20 EE 80 80 80 80 80 TM 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P CP 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% V23: B.TECH.) {2010 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Code T01011 T01012 T01013 T01014 T01015 T01016 T01017 T01021 T01022 T01023 T01024 T01025 T01026 T01027 T01031 T01032 T01033 T01034 T01035 T01036 T01037 T01041 T01042 T01043 T01044 T01045 T01046 T01047 T01051 T01052 T01053 T01054 T01055 T01056 T01057 Name CA EE 80 80 80 80 80 40 40 80 80 80 80 80 40 40 80 80 80 80 80 40 40 80 80 80 80 80 40 40 80 80 80 80 80 40 40 TM 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 Type T T T T T P P T T T T T P P T T T T T P P T T T T T P P T T T T T P P CP 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 01 Communicative English / Remedial Grammar Math I Geometrical & Engineering Drawing Applied Electricity & Electrical Measurements Workshop Technology Workshop Electrical Lab 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 Semester 02 Economics & Management Science Math II Applied Thermodynamics-I Material Science Engineering Mechanics Workshop Applied Mechanics Lab 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 Semester 03 Applied Thermodynamics . Sociology.I 20 Workshop Material Science Lab 10 10 Semester 04 Electronics Mechanics of Fluids Mechanics of Machines . (MARINE ENGG.II Workshop Electronics Lab 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 Semester 05 Fluid Machines Mechanics of Machines .I Mechanics of Materials . Psychology and Political Science 20 Mechanics of Materials .II Elementary Design Computer Science Lab Electrical Machines Lab 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 Semester 06 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 55 .II Math III 20 20 Machine & Marine Drawing 20 Seamanship. SN 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Code T01061 T01062 T01063 T01064 T01065 T01066 T01067 T01071 T01072 T01073 T01074 T01075 T01076 T01077 T01081 T01082 T01083 T01084 T01085 T01086 T01087 Name Marine IC Engineering .TECH. Psychology and Political Science TME035 Mechanics of Materials .I Ship Construction Marine Electrical Technology Applied Heat Lab Mechanical Lab CA 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 EE 80 80 80 80 80 40 40 80 80 80 80 80 40 40 80 80 80 80 80 40 40 TM 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 Type T T T T T P P T T T T T P P T T T T PW P P CP 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 07 Naval Architecture Marine IC Engineering – II Marine Heat Engines & Air Conditioning Marine Machines. Ship Operation & Management 20 Gas Turbine Technical Paper and Project Fire Control Lab Control & Simulator Lab 20 20 10 10 T33: B. (MARINE ENGG. Sociology.II Power Plant Operation Boiler Chemical Lab 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 Semester 08 STCW & Ship Fire Prevention 20 Marine Control Engineering & Automation 20 Commercial Geography.II TME032 Math III TME033 Machine & Marine Drawing M07034 Seamanship. & System Design Marine Auxiliary Machine .I TME036 Workshop - YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .I Marine Boiler & Steam Engineering Marine Auxiliary Machine .) {2004 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Code Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 TM 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 Type T T T T T P P T T T T T P P T T T T T P CP 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 56 Semester 01 TME011 Communicative English / Remedial Grammar TME012 Math I TME013 Geometrical & Engineering Drawing TME014 Applied Electricity & Electrical Measurements TME015 Workshop Technology TME016 Workshop TME017 Electrical Lab - Semester 02 TME021 Economics & Management Science TME022 Math II TME023 Applied Thermodynamics-I M07024 Material Science TME025 Engineering Mechanics TME026 Workshop TME027 Applied Mechanics Lab - Semester 03 TME031 Applied Thermodynamics . & System Design TME075 Marine Auxiliary Machine .I TME062 Marine Boiler & Steam Engineering TME063 Marine Auxiliary Machine .SN 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Code TME037 Material Science Lab Name CA - EE 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 TM 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 Type P T T T T T P P T T T T T P P T T T T T P P T T T T T P P T T T T PW P P CP 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 Min % 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Semester 04 TME041 Electronics TME042 Mechanics of Fluids TME043 Mechanics of Machines .I TME045 Mechanics of Materials . .II TME055 Elementary Design TME056 Computer Science Lab TME057 Electrical Machines Lab - Semester 06 TME061 Marine IC Engineering.II TME046 Workshop TME047 Electronics Lab - Semester 05 TME051 Fluid Machines TME052 Mechanics of Machines .II TME076 Power Plant Operation TME077 Boiler Chemical Lab - Semester 08 TME081 STCW & Ship Fire Prevention TME082 Marine Control Engineering & Automation TME083 Commercial Geography.) {2004 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 Code TES011 Applied Physics TES012 Applied Mathematics-1 TES013 Self-Study Skills TES014 Technical Communication Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T CP 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% Page 57 Semester 01 - YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 . Ship Operation & Management TME084 Gas Turbine TME085 Technical Paper and Project TME086 Fire Control Lab TME087 Control & Simulator Lab - T34: B.I TME064 Ship Construction TME065 Marine Electrical Technology TME066 Applied Heat Lab TME067 Mechanical Lab - Semester 07 TME071 Naval Architecture TME072 Marine IC Engineering – II TME073 Marine Heat Engines & Air Conditioning TME074 Marine Machines. (ELECTRONICS ENGG.TECH.I TME044 Electrical Machines .II TME053 Computer Science TME054 Electrical Machines . 0) E07094 Web Data Access TES095 IT Project Work YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .Net 2.Net 2005) E07093 Web Programming (ASP.SN 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Code TES015 Computer Fundamentals Name CA - EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Page 58 Semester 02 TES021 Engineering Drawing-1 TES022 Applied Mathematics-2 TES023 Electronic Components and Materials TES024 Engineering Graphics TES025 Electronic Manufacturing and Graphics - Semester 03 TES031 Basic Electrical Engineering TES032 Electric Circuit Analysis TES033 Electrical Measurements and Instruments TES034 Electric Machines TES035 Electrical Engineering Semester 04 TES041 Basic Electronics-1 TES042 Basic Electronics-2 TES043 Basic Electronics-3 TES044 Basic Electronics-4 TES045 Basic Electronics - Semester 05 E07051 Digital Electronics E07052 Microprocessor-1 E07053 Microprocessor-2 E07054 Microprocessor-3 TES055 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor - Semester 06 TES061 Management Science TES062 Entrepreneurship Development TES063 Microcontrollers TES064 Electronic Measurements and Instruments TES065 Diploma Project Work-1 Semester 07 TES071 Communication Engineering-1 TES072 Communication Engineering-2 TES073 Data Communication TES074 Television Engineering TES075 Communication and Television Engineering Semester 08 TES081 PC Up-gradation and Maintenance TES082 Network Operating System (Windows Server 2003) TES083 Basic Networking (Windows Server 2003) TES084 Network Administration (Windows Server 2003) TES085 PC Maintenance and Network Administration Semester 09 E07091 SQL Programming (SQL Server 2005) E07092 Object Oriented Programming (VB. ) {2004 PATTERN} SN 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Code TML011 Applied Physics TML012 Applied Mathematics-1 TML013 Self-Study Skills TML014 Technical Communication TML015 Computer Fundamentals Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T T P T T T CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Page 59 Semester 01 - Semester 02 TML021 Engineering Drawing-1 TML022 Applied Mathematics-2 TML023 Engineering Drawing-2 TML024 Machine Drawing TML025 Engineering and Machine Drawing - Semester 03 TML031 Basic Electrical Engineering TML032 Applied Chemistry TML033 Basic Electronics TML034 Electric Machines TML035 Electrical and Electronics Semester 04 TML041 Engineering Mechanics-1 M07042 Production Technology 1 M07043 Production Technology 2 M07044 Special Manufacturing Processes TML045 Production Technology - Semester 05 M07051 Strength of Material TML052 Engineering Mechanics-2 TML053 Fluid Mechanics - YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .TECH. ENGG.SN 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Code TES101 Power Electronics -1 TES102 Power Electronics -2 TES103 Industrial Electronics-1 Name CA EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Semester 10 - TES104 Industrial Electronics-2 TES105 Power and Industrial Electronics Semester 11 TES111 Instrumentation-1 TES112 Instrumentation-2 TES113 Biomedical Instrumentation-1 TES114 Biomedical Instrumentation-2 TES115 Instrumentation - Semester 12 TES121 Total Quality Management TES122 Mobile and Personal Communication TES123 Electric Drives TES124 Electronic Circuit Design TES125 Degree Project Work-2 - T35: B. (MECH. 0) M07094 Web Data Access TML095 IT Project Work Semester 10 TML101 Automobile Engineering-1 TML102 Automobile Engineering-2 TML103 Automobile Engineering-3 TML104 Automobile Engineering-4 TML105 Automobile Engineering - Semester 11 M07111 Heat Transfer M07112 Air conditioning & Refrigeration-1 M07113 Air conditioning & Refrigeration-2 M07114 Air conditioning & Refrigeration-3 TML115 Air conditioning and Refrigeration - Semester 12 TML121 Total Quality Management TML122 Computer Aided Design TML123 Industrial Engineering TML124 Mechatronics TML125 Degree Project Work-2 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 60 .Net 2005) M07093 Web Programming (ASP.SN 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Code Name CA - EE 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TM 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Type T P T T T T PW T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW T T T T P T T T T P T T T T PW CP 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Min % 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% TML054 Hydraulic Machines TML055 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines Semester 06 TML061 Management Science TML062 Entrepreneurship Development TML063 Engineering Materials-1 TML064 Engineering Materials-2 TML065 Diploma Project Work-1 Semester 07 TML071 Mechanical Measurements TML072 Basic Thermodynamics TML073 Machine Design TML074 Theory of Machines TML075 Machine Design & Theory of Machines - Semester 08 TML081 Production & Operations Management-1 TML082 Production & Operations Management-2 M07083 Jigs and Fixture Design TML084 CNC Technology & Programming TML085 Production Engineering Semester 09 M07091 SQL Programming (SQL Server 2005) M07092 Object Oriented Programming (VB.Net 2. but evaluation pattern is different Credit Transfer (CT).STUDENT SERVICES DIRECT ADMISSION. Direct Admission. No Course Exemptions without Direct Admission: Normally. specified duration shall be from 05-Jun till 25-Jul. Minimum Time Required for Processing: Minimum 5 (Five) working days are required for the processing of "DACECT Forms" after its receipt at the university. Course Exemption and Credit Transfer. 2. Without such application. Thus. in a prescribed format along with (1) payment of specified fees and (2) attested photocopies of specified documents. Course Exemption and Credit Transfer shall be processed only for those forms received at the university during this duration. Student performance at partially completed academic years (or all the semesters / trimesters which constitute the full academic year) will not be considered while processing of DACECT forms. if syllabus and evaluation. Course Exemption and Credit Transfer (DACECT): For Direct Admission. Time Slot for Direct Admission. Apply Only Once Before the Fresh Admission: Students are allowed to apply for DACECT only once before the fresh admission. COURSE EXEMPTIONS & CREDIT TRANSFERS DACECT: OBJECTIVES      Recognition of successful completion of other courses from other statutory university or Board and granting Course Exemptions (CE). 4. Direct Admission. if syllabus is similar. 3. Course Exemption and Credit Transfer shall be given only when student apply for it. automatic processing of "DACECT Forms" shall not be done. course exemptions shall be given only along with the direct admission. will be considered while processing of DACECT forms. 2. clear DACECT status shall be provided to student No change in DACECT status after first fresh admission to ensure simplicity and promoting better learning DACECT: TIME SCHEDULES 1. Course Exemption and Credit Transfer shall not be given during further admissions. both are similar Before first fresh admission. shall not be modified or changed for what so ever reasons. normally course exemptions YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 61 . No Automatic Processing: Direct Admission. DACECT status of any student. after his / her fresh admission. Successful completion of full Academic Year is Essential: Student performance at only those academic years (or all the semesters / trimesters which constitute the full academic year) which are successfully completed by the student. DACECT: POLICIES AND RULES 1. that is. etc. QNCXX: Qualification Code. Students are allowed to apply separately either for (1) Direct Admission.shall not be given for what so ever reasons. UGP03. etc. Architecture. 2. PXX: Programme Code. 3. any one or more qualificatio n code(s) as given in ‘Column 01’ and its respective description in ‘Column 02’ of the following tables. Students are expected to fill and send above form. any one or more qualification code(s) as given in ‘Column 01’ and its respective description in ‘Column 02’ of the following tables. 4. T24. which constitute final academic year). etc. No ‘Direct Admission’ beyond the First Semester of the Final Reporting Year: Irrespective of any higher qualification(s). which look like (PXX-QNCXX) where 2 parts are as follows: 2. which is defined as follows: a. then student should filled up the ‘Application for Direct Admission. 6. PGP02. if student is not eligible for direct admission. DIP02. c. T52. T07. DA: Direct Admission 5. for which qualification code is defined. if they have some other higher qualification but they do not comply with. b. 5. Following abbreviations are used in the table: 1. V23. Important information: 1. QC: Qualification Code. T03. direct admission shall not be given beyond the first semester of the final reporting academic year. like DIP01. T51. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 62 . Course Exemptions and Credit Transfers (but positively before the fresh admission) or (2) Admission or can apply for both. T50. PGPXX: Qualification Code at Post-Graduate level and where XX defines a serial number of the code. DACECT DETAILS This section consists of 3 tables. like V22. CT: Credit Transfers If student comply with any one or more qualification code(s) as given in ‘Column 01’ and its respective description in ‘Column 02’ of the following tables. Independent Processing from Admission: Processing of "DACECT Forms" shall be independent and separate from the processing of "Admission Forms". Course Exemption and Credit Transfer (DACECT)’ on ‘Page 01’ of this document. CE: Course Exemption 6. No ‘Course Exemptions’ and ‘Credit Transfers’ at Final Reporting Year: Irrespective of any higher qualification(s). etc. Students are not expected to fill and send above form. UGP02. course exemptions or credit transfers shall not be given for any course at final reporting academic year (or at any semester. like PGP01. like UGP01. DIPXX: Qualification Code at Diploma level and where XX defines a serial number of the code. Science and Technology discipline. if and only if they comply with. one each for each discipline. UGPXX: Qualification Code at Under-Graduate level and where XX defines a serial number of the code. 7. T06. T05. at least 15 days before the last day specified for the fresh admission. Student must attach this printout along with the admission form for the first fresh admission to the respective programme. In case. used by the student for the payment of ‘DACECT Processing Fee (DPF)’. Only in such cases.ac/ at Students are expected to search and download DACECT decision regarding his application and take a print out. Science and Technology’ http://ycmou.pdf’ and uploaded at following websites: 1. Course Exemption and Credit Transfer (DACECT)’ duly checked by them.3. ‘CE’ and ‘CT’ against each ‘QC’ on the same form along with (1) the name of the student and (2) sign of each member of DACECT Committee’. student do not attach ‘University DACECT Decision’ along with the admission form for fresh admission and fresh admission is confirmed without first implementing DACECT decisions then DACECT decisions shall not be implemented afterwards. even if they are approved by the ‘DACECT committee’. At ‘Main Menu’ > ‘DACECT Decisions’ at http://www. Please note that University shall not send ‘DACECT Decision’ directly to each student by normal postal system or by email. ‘DACECT Committee’ shall scrutinize above documents in about 10 (Ten) working days and then record its decision (either approved or rejected) regarding ‘DA’. DACECT decisions shall be implemented before the fresh admission is confirmed. Student is expected to sign the filled form and then should despatch it by SPEED POST only (and not by private courier) to the address indicated on the form itself along with 1. Students are expected to send above form so as to reach the correct address mentioned on the form.com/moodle/ 2. which is duly stamped by any branch of Bank of Maharashtra.ycmou. DACECT Processing Fee (DPF) Payment Details: ‘University copy of the Bank Challan’. Students must attach printout of ‘University DACECT Decision’ (which must be downloaded from website). At ‘Admissions’ > ‘School of Architecture. 5. ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN Qualification Code (QC) Description DA will be Approved for CE will be Approved for CT will be Approved for Under-Graduate Programmes YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 63 . Student must approach nearest study center of the respective academic programme and get his/her ‘Application for Direct Admission. for the receipt of money along with transaction reference ID and 2. Supporting Documents: Attested photocopies of mark-statement for each ‘semester/year’ and/or final ‘certificate/Diploma/Degree’ (as applicable for the each respective qualification code) After receipt of the above documents.digitaluniversity. ‘Programme Coordinator’ at the nearest study center of the respective academic programme shall sign along with the ‘Study Center Stamp’ on all 4 (Four) parts of the bank challan copy. 4. along with the admission form for fresh admission. Each DACECT decision shall be scanned and converted to PDF file named as ‘LastNameFirstName-DateOfDecision. 6. programme of recognized University and from ‘College of Architecture’ duly approved by the ‘Council of Architecture (COA)’ Semester 07 Not Applicable SCIENCE Qualification Code Description DA will be Approved for CE will be Approved for CT will be Approved for Post-Graduate Programmes Student passed in ‘CT1: Financial Mathematics’ Not Applicable subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT2: Finance and Financial Reporting’ subject of ASI / Not Applicable IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams V46-PGP01 S14011. programme of recognized University and from ‘College of Architecture’ duly approved by the ‘Council of Architecture (COA)’ Semester 03 Not Applicable V22-UGP02 Student passed in all subjects at ‘2nd Year’ OR ‘Semester 3 and 4’ of B.Qualification Code (QC) Description DA will be Approved for CE will be Approved for Semester 1: A24011 A24012 A24013 A24014 A24015 A24016 Semester 02: A24021 A24022 A24023 A24024 A24025 A24026 Semester 03: A24031 A24032 A24033 A24034 A24035 A24036 Semester 04: A24041 A24042 A24043 A24044 A24045 A24046 Semester 05: A24051 A24052 A24053 A25053 A24054 A24055 A24056 Semester 06: A24061 A24062 A24063 A25063 A24064 A24065 A24066 CT will be Approved for V22-UGP01 Student passed in all subjects at ‘1st Year’ OR ‘Semester 1 and 2’ of B.Arch. S14012 Not Applicable V46-PGP02 S14015.Arch.Arch. S14016 Not Applicable YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 64 . programme of recognized University and from ‘College of Architecture’ duly approved by the ‘Council of Architecture (COA)’ Semester 05 Not Applicable V22-UGP03 Student passed in all subjects at ‘3rd Year’ OR ‘Semester 5 and 6’ of B. S14031. S14034 S14041. S14022. S14012 S14021. S14043 S14011. S14043 Not Applicable V46-PGP10 Not Applicable S14045 Not Applicable V46-PGP11 Not Applicable S14036 Not Applicable V46-PGP12 V46-PGP13 V46-PGP14 V46-PGP15 V46-PGP16 V46-PGP17 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable S14011. S14014 Not Applicable V46-PGP04 Not Applicable S14021. S14034 Not Applicable V46-PGP09 Not Applicable S14041.Qualification Code Description Student passed in ‘CT3: Probability & Mathematical Statistics’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT4: Models’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT5: General Insurance. S14032 S14033. S14022 Not Applicable V46-PGP05 Not Applicable S14031. S14012 S14021. S14032 Not Applicable V46-PGP06 Not Applicable S14023. S14042. S14024 Not Applicable V46-PGP07 Not Applicable S14025. CA12): Core Application Concepts (Paper 1)’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CA2: Modelling Course’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘ST9: Enterprise Risk Management’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘FM’ subject of SOA exams Student passed in ‘MLC & C’ subject of SOA exams Student passed in ‘MFE’ subject of SOA exams Student passed in ‘FAP’ subject of SOA exams Student passed in ‘Exam 2’ subject of CAS exams Student passed in ‘Exam 3 and 4’ subject of CAS exams DA will be Approved for CE will be Approved for CT will be Approved for V46-PGP03 Not Applicable S14013. S14042. Life and Health Contingencies’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT6: Statistical Methods’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT7: Business Economics’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT8: Financial Economics’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CA1 (CA11. S14026 Not Applicable V46-PGP08 Not Applicable S14033. S14022 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Under-Graduate Programmes YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 65 . S04052 Not Applicable V45-UGP07 Not Applicable S04021. S04042 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 66 . S04031 Not Applicable V45-UGP08 Not Applicable S04063. S04062 S04063. S04024 Not Applicable V45-UGP03 Not Applicable S04022. S04023 S04041. S04032 Not Applicable V45-UGP04 Not Applicable S04041. S04064 Not Applicable V45-UGP09 Not Applicable S04054 Not Applicable V45-UGP10 Not Applicable S04053 Not Applicable V45-UGP11 V45-UGP12 V45-UGP13 V45-UGP14 V45-UGP15 V45-UGP16 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable S04013. S04042 Not Applicable V45-UGP05 Not Applicable S04061. S04061. S04023 S04041. S04064 S04022 S04013. S04023 CT will be Approved for Not Applicable V45-UGP01 V45-UGP02 Not Applicable S04014. S04062 Not Applicable V45-UGP06 Not Applicable S04051.Qualification Code Description Student passed in ‘CT1: Financial Mathematics’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT2: Finance and Financial Reporting’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT3: Probability & Mathematical Statistics’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT4: Models’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT5: General Insurance. S04042. Life and Health Contingencies’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT6: Statistical Methods’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT7: Business Economics’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CT8: Financial Economics’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘CA2: Modelling Course’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘ST9: Enterprise Risk Management’ subject of ASI / IOAI / IOA / FOA / IFA exams Student passed in ‘FM’ subject of SOA exams Student passed in ‘MLC & C’ subject of SOA exams Student passed in ‘MFE’ subject of SOA exams Student passed in ‘P’ subject of SOA exams Student passed in ‘Exam 2’ subject of CAS exams Student passed in ‘Exam 3 and 4’ subject of CAS exams DA will be Approved for Not Applicable CE will be Approved for S04013. Qualification Code V45-UGP17 Description Student passed in ‘Exam 1’ subject of CAS exams DA will be Approved for Not Applicable CE will be Approved for S04022 CT will be Approved for Not Applicable ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Qualification Code Description DA will be Approved for Under-Graduate Programmes Semester 01: T01011 T01012 T01013 T01014 T01015 T01016 T01017 Semester 02: T01021 T01022 T01023 T01024 T01025 T01026 T01027 Semester 01: T01011 T01012 T01013 T01014 T01015 T01016 T01017 Semester 02: T01021 T01022 T01023 T01024 T01025 T01026 T01027 Semester 01: T01011 T01012 T01013 T01014 T01015 T01016 T01017 Semester 02: T01021 T01022 T01023 T01024 T01025 T01026 T01027 CE will be Approved for CT will be Approved for V23-DIP01 Student passed in 10+3 years ‘Diploma in Mechanical/Electrical/ Marine Engineering’ from AICTE approved colleges / State Board of Technical Education / Statutory University with minimum 55% aggregate marks in the last year of diploma course and maximum age limit shall be 25 years. Semester 03 Not Applicable V23-DIP02 Student passed in 10+4 years ‘Diploma in Ship-Building Engineering’ from AICTE approved colleges / State Board of Technical Education / Statutory University with minimum 55% aggregate marks in the last year of diploma course and maximum age limit shall be 25 years. Semester 03 Not Applicable YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 67 . Semester 03 Not Applicable V23-DIP03 Student passed in 10+3 years ‘Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering’ from AICTE approved colleges / State Board of Technical Education / Statutory University with minimum 55% aggregate marks in the last year of diploma course and maximum age limit shall be 25 years. /2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Semester 01: TES011 TES013 TES014 Semester 02: TES021 Not Applicable Semester 01: TES011 TES013 TES014 Semester 02: TES021 Not Applicable YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 68 . as Semester 03 mentioned in BTE letter No.G.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur. st Semester 03 Not Applicable T03-ITI01 T05-ITI01 Diploma Programmes Student Passed with minimum 40% in 2 years duration trade of ITI (CTS / ATS) from Electronics / Electrical / Computer group. in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering’ with minimum 60% aggregate from AICTE approved colleges and maximum age limit shall be 22 years.Tech.E.Tech. st Semester 03 Semester 01: T01011 T01012 T01013 T01014 T01015 T01016 T01017 Semester 02: T01021 T01022 T01023 T01024 T01025 T01026 T01027 Semester 01: T01011 T01012 T01013 T01014 T01015 T01016 T01017 Semester 02: T01021 T01022 T01023 T01024 T01025 T01026 T01027 Not Applicable V23-UGP 02 Student passed in ‘1 years OR Semester 1 & 2 B./B./B.V23-UGP 01 Student passed in ‘1 years OR Semester 1 & 2 B.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur.(shipping) except MERI and maximum age limit shall be 22 years.E. as Semester 03 mentioned in BTE letter No. Revi. in Marine Engineering’ from the Alternate Training Scheme Approved by D. Revi./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in 2 years duration trade of ITI (CTS / ATS) from Electronics / Electrical / Computer group. Revi. Revi.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur. as mentioned in BTE letter No.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur. as mentioned in BTE letter No.ITI01 Student Passed with minimum 40% in 2 years duration trade of ITI (CTS / ATS) from Electronics / Electrical / Computer group.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Semester 03 Semester 01: TES011 TES013 TES014 Semester 02: TES021 Not Applicable Semester 03 Semester 01: TES011 TES013 TES014 Semester 02: TES021 Not Applicable Semester 03 Semester 01: TML011 TML013 TML014 Semester 02: TML021 Not Applicable Semester 03 Semester 01: TML011 TML013 TML014 Semester 02: TML021 Not Applicable Semester 03 Semester 01: TML011 TML013 TML014 Semester 02: TML021 Not Applicable Semester 03 Semester 01: TML011 TML013 TML014 Semester 02: TML021 Not Applicable YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 69 . as mentioned in BTE letter No.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur. as mentioned in BTE letter No./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in 2 years duration trade of ITI (CTS / ATS) from Mechanical group.ITI01 T51. as mentioned in BTE letter No. Revi.T06-ITI01 T07-ITI01 T24. as mentioned in BTE letter No./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in 2 years duration trade of ITI (CTS / ATS) from Mechanical group.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur.ITI01 T50. Revi./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in 2 years duration trade of ITI (CTS / ATS) from Mechanical group./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in 2 years duration trade of ITI (CTS / ATS) from Mechanical group. Revi.ITI01 T52. Revi./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in 2 years duration trade of ITI (CTS / ATS) from Electronics / Electrical / Computer group. T03-MCVC01 T05-MCVC01 T06-MCVC01 T07-MCVC01 T24-MCVC01 T50-MCVC01 T51-MCVC01 Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (MCVC) from Electronics / Electrical / Computer group. Revi.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur. Revi.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur. as mentioned in BTE letter No. as mentioned in BTE letter No. as mentioned in BTE letter No./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (MCVC) from Electronics / Electrical / Computer group. as mentioned in BTE letter No./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Semester 03 Semester 01: TES011 TES013 TES014 Semester 03: TES031 Not Applicable Semester 03 Semester 01: TES011 TES013 TES014 Semester 03: TES031 Not Applicable Semester 03 Semester 01: TES011 TES013 TES014 Semester 03: TES031 Not Applicable Semester 03 Semester 01: TES011 TES013 TES014 Semester 03: TES031 Not Applicable Semester 03 Semester 01: TML011 TML013 TML014 Semester 03: TML031 Not Applicable Semester 03 Semester 01: TML011 TML013 TML014 Semester 03: TML031 Not Applicable Semester 03 Semester 01: TML011 TML013 TML014 Semester 03: TML031 Not Applicable YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 70 . Revi. as mentioned in BTE letter No.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (MCVC) from Mechanical group./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (MCVC) from Mechanical group. Revi.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur. Revi. as mentioned in BTE letter No./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (MCVC) from Electronics / Electrical / Computer group.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur. Revi.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur. as mentioned in BTE letter No. Revi./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (MCVC) from Electronics / Electrical / Computer group.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (MCVC) from Mechanical group. Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) Semester 03 Not Applicable T50-HSC01 Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (12th standard) with Physics. Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) Semester 03 Not Applicable T52-HSC01 Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (12th standard) with Physics. as mentioned in BTE letter No. Revi. Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) Semester 03 Not Applicable YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 71 . Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) Semester 03 Semester 01: TML011 TML013 TML014 Semester 03: TML031 Semester 01: TES011 TES012 TES013 TES014 Semester 01: TES011 TES012 TES013 TES014 Semester 01: TES011 TES012 TES013 TES014 Semester 01: TES011 TES012 TES013 TES014 Semester 01: TML011 TML012 TML013 TML014 Semester 03: TML032 Semester 01: TML011 TML012 TML013 TML014 Semester 03: TML032 Semester 01: TML011 TML012 TML013 TML014 Semester 03: TML032 Semester 01: TML011 TML012 TML013 TML014 Semester 03: TML032 Not Applicable T03-HSC01 Semester 03 Not Applicable T05-HSC01 Semester 03 Not Applicable T06-HSC01 Semester 03 Not Applicable T07-HSC01 Semester 03 Not Applicable T24-HSC01 Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (12th standard) with Physics./2010/2768 dated 09-062010 or as updated by MSBTE from time to time Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (12th standard) with Physics. Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) Semester 03 Not Applicable T51-HSC01 Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (12th standard) with Physics. Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (12th standard) with Physics.MSBTE/D-50/CDC/Cur. Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (12th standard) with Physics. Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (12th standard) with Physics.T52-MCVC01 Student Passed with minimum 40% in HSC (MCVC) from Mechanical group. Science and Technology. for the receipt of specified amount along with transaction reference ID must be attached.DACECT: REQUIRED DOCUMENTS . DACECT Processing Fee (DPF): Each student is required to pay INR 1000 (INR One Thousand Only) towards payment of “DACECT Processing Fee (DPF)” for each application for DACECT in any academic programme. Final Mark statement and the 'Certificate or Degree or Diploma' of the University / Board or Equivalent Exam which is higher qualification than specified in the admission eligibility. Payment Proof like (1) Original university copy of the Bank Challan. If student attach above documents of Equivalent Exam (not of the University / Board Exam). Student should not attach attested photocopies of any other document which is not specified above. 3. FORMS AND FORMATS Documents Required for Direct Admission. If any of these documents are not submitted by the student along with the form. WHERE TO SUBMIT 1. 2. 4. Reservation policy and merit order applicable only for fresh admission. Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University. Any One Photo Identity issued by government authorities (like PAN Card. along with appropriate tags. Student Responsibility: Submission of all the specified documents along with "DACECT Form" is the responsibility of the student. Syllabus and Mark statement for each 'semester or year' of the University / Board or Equivalent Exam which is higher qualification than specified in the admission eligibility. ADMISSION ADMISSION: OBJECTIVES 1. confirming successful completion of it. Where to Submit: Student should directly submit (Only by Speed Post AD and not by private courier) "DACECT forms" only to the "The Director. Election Card. Students are expected to attach attested photocopies of above all documents in the same order. Nashik 422 222. DACECT: FINANCIAL RULES 1. India". Course Exemptions and Credit Transfers: Attested photocopies of following documents are required only once. along with the DACECT Form. School of Architecture. Maharashtra. identifying each one of them. confirming successful completion of all courses. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 72 . Passport) of the student. which is duly stamped by any branch of Bank of Maharashtra. 5. No further chance is given to any student for resubmission of the missing document. then Equivalence Certificate from the appropriate authority must be attached. 2. then university may reject the application. 1. Driving License. First Admission Round: This round shall be only for “Further” admissions. No late fee to promote timely admissions within specified time durations. before admission to semester ‘x+4’. 10. money and study efforts. Further admissions Time Slot: Further admissions shall be offered from "05Jun till 05-Jul". but without 3-weeks for clearing backlog of minimum specified counseling sessions. ADMISSION: TIME SCHEDULES 1. b. Admission shall be given only during specified duration to each sequentially higher numbered semester. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 73 . 5.2. due to requirement of successful completion of all courses at semester ‘1 to x’. Admission shall be given only for those admission forms received at the university during this duration. 3. 6. a. Better effectiveness and efficiency of the admission process due to well defined clear admission rules and time slots. ‘Fresh or Further Admissions’ offered only once at the beginning of each academic year. students are not allowed to waste their time. 3. ‘Fresh Admissions’ offered till first week of the semester without any academic loss. 9. a. Fresh admissions Time Slot: Fresh admissions shall be offered “from 05-Jun till 05-Aug". 8. In case chosen academic programme do not match with the student’s interest and aptitude. Students are required to take further admissions to next higher semester before declaration of end exam results for the previous semester. 2. Processing of “Further Admissions” before “Fresh Admissions” maintains precedence of already enrolled students over prospective new students. 4. 7. as first semester starts with 3-weeks delay. due to policy of permanent drop-out after valid registration period and no extension of valid registration period. where ‘x’ is an odd number. Time Slot for Odd and Even Numbered Semesters: For all semesters. Students are provoked and motivated for timely and successful completion of all courses in natural and logical order. Fresh and Further Admission Time Slot: Further admissions shall not be offered “from 06-Jul till 05-Aug”. specified normal duration for admission shall be from “05-Jun” till “05-Aug”. Processing of “Further Admissions without Study Center Change” before “Further Admissions with Study Center Change” maintains precedence of already enrolled students at any given study center over prospective new students. Admission forms (for “Further” admission) received at university on or before “05-Jul” shall be processed during “First admission Round”. Admission Rounds: There shall be 2 (Two) admission round. For example. then admission to next higher semester must be for semester 02. only during Jan-2012. If student do not apply for the admission to next higher semester of the programme within the specified duration for that admission. Processing of “Further Admissions” Before “Fresh Admissions”: During each admission round. in a prescribed format along with (1) payment of specified fees and (2) attested photocopies of specified documents. For example. reservation policy but subject to “Sanctioned student In-Take” specified for the each study center. in order to ensure minimum programme duration. Second Admission Round: This round shall be only for “Fresh” admissions. Effectively. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 74 . then student shall not be eligible for admission to semester 03 during Jul-2011. then student has to wait for 1 (One) full year for admission to that semester. Sequential Admission: Student shall not be allowed to skip any one semester during admission to next higher semester of the programme. In such event. ADMISSION: POLICIES AND RULES 1. 2. student can again take admission to semester 02. Hence. if student have taken admission to semester 01 during Jul-2010. student will have 1 (One) full year loss due to this. then student must take admission to semester 02 during Jan-2011. student should regularly take admission to next higher semester of the programme within the specified duration for that admission. Without admission to semester 02. admission forms for only “Fresh Admissions” shall be processed as per the merit order. reservation policy and vacant seats in the “Sanctioned student In-Take” specified for the each study center. No Automatic Admission: Admission shall be given only when student apply for it. Hence. 4. Without such application. 5. automatic admission shall not be given for next higher semester. Admission eligibility of the student will not be "checked and verified" by the "Admission Committee" during each of the further admissions. without any considerations to the merit order. Admission Eligibility Verification: Admission eligibility of the student is "checked and verified" by the "Admission Committee" at each respective study center only during the fresh admission. Merit Order and Reservation Policy: During each round. If student skip admission to semester 02 during Jan-2011. Merit order and reservation policy shall not be applicable for any “Further Admission”.b. even when student is already admitted to the any one semester of the programme. Admission forms (for only “Fresh” admission) received at university on or before “05-Aug” shall be processed during “Second admission Round”. but vacant seats in the “Sanctioned student In-Take” specified for the each study center shall still be essential requirement. application for the next higher semester of the programme is essential. if student is already admitted to semester 01. 3. admission forms for “Further Admissions” shall be processed before processing of any admission forms for “Fresh Admission”. student shall not be eligible for admission to semester 03. only when the “Sanctioned student In-Take” and respective statutory council’s norms allows it. no change in allotted study center shall be allowed during the semester. then student is required to wait for 1 (One) full year for admission to semester 'x+4' as student must attach attested photocopy of mark statement for the semester '1 to x' confirming successful completion of all courses at semester '1 to x'. if Student Successfully completes Semester 'x'. if student cannot successfully complete Semester 'x' within maximum 5 “EE” Attempts. within the First 3 EE Attempts. 9. reservation policy but subject to “Sanctioned student In-Take” specified for the each study center. 7. Reservation Policy: Prevalent reservation policy of the Government of Maharashtra shall be applicable for the admission. University Right to allot different study center during each “Further Admission”: Normally. if Student successfully completes Semester 'x'. offered by the university: If student requires 4th or 5th (out of maximum 5) End Exam (EE) attempts offered by the university. without any considerations to the merit order. if Successful Completion of Semester 'x' requires 4th or 5th “EE” Attempts. Already enrolled students are allowed to change study center during each further admission. 13. But. But. then student is permanently dropped out from the respective academic programme. university will try to allot the same study center which is chosen by the student. along with the admission form for the semester 'x+4'. admission to new study center shall be confirmed. No complaint in this regard. offered by the University: If student cannot successfully completes of all courses at semester 'x' in allowed single attempt for Continuous Assessment (CA) and maximum 5 attempts for End Exam (EE). Permanent Drop Out. Scrutiny and Verification by the Study Center: All admission forms must be submitted only after scrutiny and attached document verification by your first choice YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 75 . during each further admission. within the single Continuous Assessment (CA) attempt and first 3 (out of maximum 5) End Exam (EE) Attempts offered by the University. along with the admission form for the semester 'x+4'. 10. offered by the University: No Loss of academic Year. No Loss of academic Year. Loss of academic Year. university may allot different study center to the student during next further admission. admission shall be confirmed automatically to the previous study center. Processing of “Further Admissions with no study center change” Before “Further Admissions with study center change”: During each admission round. admission forms for “Further Admissions with no study center change” shall be processed before processing of any admission forms for “Further Admission with study center change”. either by the student or study center. Change of Study Center during “Further Admissions”: For what so ever reasons.6. Otherwise. as student must attach attested photocopy of mark statement for the semester '1 to x' confirming successful completion of all courses at semester '1 to x'. 8. 11. if situation demands. 12. for successful completion of all courses at semester 'x'. will be entertained by the university. Date of Birth Certificate for the student. then that 'mark statement' / 'score card' must be valid as on 01-Aug of the year of admission. Mark statement for each 'semester or year' of the University / Board / Entrance or Equivalent Exam specified in the admission eligibility. Passport). ADMISSION: REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. confirming successful completion of these exams. 2. Driving License. issued by the appropriate authority YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 76 . NATA or YET and the duration of the validity is specified on it. Non-Creamy Layer Certificate c. If student attach above documents of Equivalent Exam (not of the University / Board / Entrance Exam). along with admission form for the fresh admission. Course Exemptions and Credit Transfers (DACECT)”. 4. one each for (1) student. 5. Caste Validity Certificate 6. Photo Identity issued by government authorities (like PAN Card. Final Mark statement and the 'Certificate or Degree' of (1) the University / Board or Equivalent Exam specified in the admission eligibility and (2) SSC (10th) or equivalent exam. following documents from the appropriate authority must be submitted. Validity Proof: If student attached attested photocopy of the 'mark statement' / 'score card' for any one of the specified entrance exam like CET. JEE. This document is required only when student is applying for “Direct Admission. Only for the reserved category students. confirming successful completion of all courses. issued by the Municipal or appropriate authority or by Secondary School Certificate (only if it contains the record of Date of Birth for the student) 9. Caste Certificate b.of study center. Election Card. Study center should provide stamp and signature on admission forms only after due scrutiny and verification of all documents attached along with each admission form. a. 3. 1. then Equivalence Certificate from the appropriate authority must be attached. These documents are not required during further admissions to each next semester. If nothing is written about validity of the 'mark statement' / 'score card' of any such entrance exam then it will be presumed that the reported score is valid as on 01-Aug of the year of admission. FORMS AND FORMATS Documents Required for Fresh Admission: Attested photocopies of following documents are required only once. AIEE. Domicile Certificate (By Birth / Permanent Resident only) for the student. 7. “DACECT Decision” generated and printed from the website after approval of the DACECT committee. (2) student's Father and (3) Student's Mother 8. 12. if applicable. Documents Required for Further Admission: Attested photocopies of following documents are required along with admission form for each further admission. Only after successful scrutiny and verification at the study center. Passport. These documents are not required during the fresh admission to the programme. student must attach printout of his/her name in the “Confirmed Admission List” for the semester 02. 1. WHERE TO SUBMIT 1. Only after the receipt of the specified amount. student must attach attested photocopy of mark statement for the a. For example. first for the university. second for the study center and third for the student. which is duly stamped by any branch of Bank of Maharashtra. the “Admission Form” along with the remaining 3 (Three) parts. while applying for semester 03. bank shall provide stamp and signature on each part of the 4part Bank Challan along with the transaction reference ID. Change of Name Proof (like Marriage Certificate). Student must attach attested photocopy of mark statement for the semester '1 to x' confirming successful completion of all courses at semester '1 to x'. along with the admission form for the semester 07. Semester 01. bank shall retain the ‘single part for the bank’ of the 4part Bank Challan and the bank shall returned back to the student. For example. along with the admission form for the semester 'x+4' (where x is an odd number).10. 2. Semester 01 to 03. 3. Only after successful scrutiny and verification by the “Admission Committee” at the study center. Payment Proof like (1) Original university copy of the Bank Challan. as a token of the receipt of the specified fees. for the receipt of specified amount along with transaction reference ID must be attached. along with the original copy of the 4-part Bank Challan (Not photocopy) only to any branch of the Bank of Maharashtra. Where to Submit: Student should submit "Admission Form" (either for Fresh or Further Admission) only to the "First Choice of Study Center" (which is chosen by the student on the "Admission Form") for scrutiny and verification by the “Admission Committee” at the study center. which is duly stamped by any branch of Bank of Maharashtra. 2. etc) 11. b. as in case of married girl student. for the receipt of specified amount along with transaction reference ID must be attached. along with the admission form for the semester 05. Payment Proof like (1) Original university copy of the Bank Challan. student should pay specified amount for University Fee (UF) and Exam Fee (EF) for 2 semesters in an academic year. Address Proof (like Electricity Bill. Telephone Bill. 3. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 77 . of the 4-part Bank Challan. the Programme Coordinator at the study center shall provide stamp and signature on the "Admission Form". Bank Passbook or statement. After stamp and signature along with the transaction reference ID. Printout of the “Previous Semester Admission Confirmation” from the YCMOU. Students are expected to attach attested photocopies of following all documents in the same order. 4. along with appropriate tags. 3. all available end exam attempts during the valid registration period shall be optional for the students and thus. EF for the first compulsory end exam attempt for 2 semesters in an academic year is payable to the University along with the ‘Admission Form’. Student should not attach attested photocopies of any other document which are not specified. Student must keep photocopy of (1) the admission form. ADMISSION: FINANCIAL RULES Following abbreviations are used below in the table: 1. b. First available end exam attempt after admission shall be compulsory for all students and thus. 5. submission of the separate ‘Exam Form’ shall be required for the (1) backlog subjects or (2) performance improvement by repeater students. If any of these documents are not submitted by the student along with the admission form. Student Responsibility: Submission of all the specified documents along with admission form is the responsibility of the student. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 78 . submission of the separate ‘Exam Form’ shall not be required. DACECT Form. UF: University Fee typically required for each semester. then university may reject the admission. Admission Forms. Demand Drafts. 2. After the first compulsory end exam attempt. No further chance is given to any student for resubmission of the missing document. (2) All the documents submitted along with Admission Form and (3) "Payment Proof" as an "Acknowledgement Copy". A student should properly preserve photocopies of all correspondence. Payable to allotted study center after admission confirmation by the university. SCF: Study Center Fee typically required for each semester. of the 4-part Bank Challan to the "First Choice of Study Center" (which is chosen by the student on the "Admission Form"). Exam Forms and university or Study Centre fee receipts in a single file until successful completion of the programme.4. 6. second for the study center. Payable to university for 2 semesters in an academic year. EF in such case shall be payable to university along with the ‘Exam Form’. Hence. a. actual exam fee amount may change. Students should not submit “Admission Form” at the bank. selected by the student (either automatically for the first compulsory attempt after admission or in the ‘Exam Form’) for the end exam. Student is required to submit the “Admission Form” along with the remaining 2 (Two) parts. Payable to allotted study center after admission confirmation by the university. identifying each one of them. as per the number of courses. along with ‘Admission Form’. ASF: Additional Services Fee (ASF) typically required for each semester. EF: Exam fee is specified for each attempt of each course. first for the university. 000 15. 9.000 2. Library facility at the study center is subject to the availability of the books .000 SCIENCE (INR) Fee details for Programme Code   V26 are given in the table for ‘Engineering and Technology’. Examination Fee (EF) c. ATF: Aptitude Test Fee (ATF) typically required only once before the first fresh admission.000 2. University Fee (UF) b.000 1. Page 79 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 . T68 are given in the table for ‘Architecture and Design’. AFA: Payable amount along with the Admission Form which includes University Fee (UF) + Exam Fee (EF) for first compulsory exam attempt in (Odd and Even) two semesters of each academic year. T68 7. T64. Fee Pattern in INR: Proposed Fees for each semester in Indian Rupee (INR) (Only for Indian Citizen students at Study Center within India) for different programmes on offer from the School of Architecture.000 8.000 8.700 For T63. V44 6.000 13. LD: Library Deposit which is refundable without interest (indicated in bold blue) after return of books.000 2. Respective study center shall be responsible for refund of the ‘Library Deposit (LD)’ after return of issued textbooks by the student in good order and condition. V42. Additional Services Fee (ASF) 10. V43.000 6. T66 3. If books are not available in the Library at the study center. Payment of the ‘Library Deposit’ to the respective study center is not required in such case.180 For T67. Payable to allotted study center.000 8. TTF: Total Tuition Fees typically required for a single semester. Payment of the ‘Library Deposit’ is optional for the student and it is required only when student wish to use books from the library at the study center. 6. 8.000 16. a.400 150/T 250/STW 400/SV 24.5.000 For V41.000 2.100 100/T 200/STW 9.400 150/T 250/STW 400/SV 21.100 130/T 300/SV 12. 7. V22 5. Payable to allotted study center after admission confirmation by the university.090 2. then student shall be required to purchase specified textbooks at an extra separate cost. Total Tuition Fee (TTF): Total Tuition Fee (TTF) for each semester consists of following 4 (Four) essential components: a. Study Centre Fee (SCF) d.500 V22: 14.000 18. Science and Technology is as follows: ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN (INR) SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fee Desc UF EF SCF ASF TTF≈ LD AFA (1st year) For V40 2.000 V21: 14.200 200/T 600/SV 24.000 36. T65.000 For V21.000 40.000 36. 000 12.000 2.900 130/T 300/P 18.400 For T33 4. Science and Technology is as follows: ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN (USD) SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fee Desc UF EF SCF ASF TTF≈ LD AFA(1st year) For V40 210 10/T 20/STW 900 100 1300 200 600 For V21.400 1.200 15. T35 1. T24. Fee Desc For T80. V42.500 150/T 400/P 24.000 48.400/T 130/T 1.000 36. T81.600 200 V21: 1.020 96.400/PW 300/P 1.800/T 1.800 SCIENCE (USD) Fee details for Programme Code   SN 1 2 V26 are given in the table for ‘Engineering and Technology’.000 54. T83. T83.000 For T98 14.300 140/T 140/PW For V49. T52.000 8.000 8.600 7.100 800 3.400 1.450 V22: 1. V47 320 13/T 30/P For V46 1. V22 540 15/T 25/STW 40/SV 2.000 2.300 11.609 200 818 For T67.560 140/T or P 140/PW For T96 720 120/T For T98 1440 180/T 180/PW Page 80 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 .000 2. T82 UF EF 120 13/T 30/P For V45 840 140/T 140/P For V48 1.000 16.000 65.800/PW 64. T64.040 48.600 200 1.000 200 1.020 2.100 V26: 18.000 2.150 2.640 For V23.200 1.400/P 42.000 500 OT 56. T07. For V46 For T96 V47 13.050 V26: 98.400/T or P 1. T51.200 130/T 300/P 6. T34.000 4. V26 6. or at study Center outside India) for different programmes on offer from the School of Architecture. T68 720 20/T 60/SV 2400 3.000 4.000 8. T05.000 72.200 1.000 750 OT 80. T06.200 ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (INR) SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fee Desc UF EF SCF ATF TTF≈ LD AFA (1st year) For V50 200 200 400 200 For T03. T68 are given in the table for ‘Architecture and Design’.400/PW 60.000 For V48 40.000 V23: 97.000 43. Fee Pattern in USD: Proposed Fees for each semester in US Dollar (USD) (For Foreign national students.400/T 1. T50.000 78.040 For V45 8.400 For V41.000 For V49.000 2.000 24.400 2.000 12. T82 UF EF SCF ATF TTF≈ LD AFA (1st year) 1.400 800 4.570 For T63. V43. T81.500 130/T 300/P or PW 5.000 V23: 16.SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fee Desc For T80.800 86.200/T 1. T66 310 13/T 30/SV 1.920 2. V44 640 15/T 25/STW 40/SV 2.000 28.000 3. T65.400 2.600 1. Organizing local Programme Advertisement and Publicity c.840 200 V23: 1. d.200 50 OT 5.000 1. Some of the learning material may be delivered only through Internet. T24. f.800 5400 7. T06.500 V23: 9.000 200 4. during first contact session after the university confirms his/her admission. As and when ready.600 200 4. for sending Admission and Exam forms to the University. Student registration and SANWAD subscription d.480 8. Programme advertisement and publicity by the university c.230 12. T50. learning material will be available at an extra cost for students and study center. Study center management for minimum specified academic activities h.840 For T33 490 13/T 30/P 1. T51. T52. T07. Curricula development and study centre identification b.815 200 1. Payment of TA/DA to the study center staff or charges for 'Speed Post with AD'. Learning material Development.800 3. V26 650 15/T 40/P 2. for providing total 30 hours free web access in each semester to each student for Internet or Email. Study Centre Fee (SCF): Each student has to pay SCF directly to the respective study centre.200 1. Online Counseling and Continuous Assessment for all courses g. so as to reach before the specified last day. This includes: i.000 8. T35 150 13/T 30/P or PW 560 100 892 200 464 For V23.320 ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (USD) SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Fee Desc UF EF SCF ATF TTF≈ LD AFA (1st year) For V50 20 20 40 20 For T03.600 200 2.600 4. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 81 . Payment of honorarium or salary to all academic and administrative staff members b. Web site Support and Common miscellaneous services 13. UF covers following activities of the university: a.602 200 804 7200 75 OT 9.640 200 4. T34.400 6.610 V26: 1. along with Admission form.705 V26: 9. directly to the university. Student Welfare and Services e. University Fee (UF): Each student has to pay University Fee (UF).800 6. Online counseling and communication with the university and ‘Online Counselors’ through discussion forum on web.800 200 2.3 4 5 6 7 SCF ATF TTF≈ LD AFA (1st year) 600 802 200 404 4. T05.400 6. SCF covers following activities and expenses of the study center: a. Payment of Internet Charges. Visit factories and ships on port v. j. Stay fulltime in College Hostel iv. Local Information and communication centre for students for the matter related to university and programme. b. Every enrolled student shall have to pay both fees. YCMOU shall publish approved charges for each study center on the its website. “University Fee” and “Study Centre Fee”. Wear proper uniform In addition to ‘Additional Services Fee (ASF)’ mentioned above. Only For Marine Engineering and Nautical Science Programmes: In addition to the above. may be common for regular and YCMOU students. physical exercises vi. ASF covers following activities and expenses of the study center: a. i. after submission from each study center about their prescribed amounts for yearly hostel mess charges and one time uniform charges. Conduct of minimum specified number of counseling sessions for each course for specified duration. for “Marine Engineering and Nautical Science Programmes”. laboratories. maintenance and repair of physical infrastructure Provide quality educational services from motivated. Only For Architecture Programmes: In addition to the above. during first contact session after the university confirms his/her admission. f. c. student is required to iii. studio facilities h. Important Information about SCF and LD: Students should note following important information about maximum “Study Centre Fee (SCF)” and “Library Deposit (LD)”: 1. g. Access to open source ELearning resource on web and Research using web e. for all architecture programmes. Government of India. each student of these programmes shall be required to pay extra amounts to the prescribed contractor for (1) hostel mess charges and (2) one time uniform charges. Events covered under this component. that is. Provide required infrastructure. study center shall arrange at least once in each year (1) Study Tour and (2) Guest Lectures / Workshops / Seminars by the leading practicing professional. Participate in many sports. Provide charges for Depreciation. For All Programmes: Arrange at least once in each year (1) Seminar (2) Sports Event (3) Cultural Event. Each year.ii. water & electricity etc. talented and qualified academic staff 14. Provide required Lab / studio consumable. as per the norms of Directorate General of Shipping. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 82 . Additional Services Fee (ASF): Each student has to pay ASF directly to the respective study center. towards the payment of “Study Centre Fee”. 8. Students are advised to pay same amounts which are mentioned in prospectus. ‘Additional Services Fee (ASF)’ and “Library Deposit (LD)” against their own receipt and will maintain its records of receipt. Study centers are allowed to charge less than the specified amounts for each of the above. study center will not refund any part of “Study Centre Fee” and ‘Additional Services Fee (ASF)’ to any student. 3. Study center will collect “Study Centre Fee”. 4. issue Text-Books from library at the study center against “Library Deposit (LD)”. COUNSELING COUNSELING: OBJECTIVES  Peer group interaction and collaborative learning opportunities for students YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 83 . Respective study center is responsible for refund of “Library Deposit (LD)” when due. 6. 5. Study center receipts shall be only for same specified amounts of “Study Centre Fee (SCF)”. ‘Additional Services Fee (ASF)’ and “Library Deposit (LD)”. Study centers are not allowed to collect any extra amount other than specified “Study Centre Fee (SCF)”. only after university confirm admission for it. 10. 7. After confirmation of admission and student registration. Study centers are allowed to collect “Library Deposit (LD)” only when their library issue Text-Books to the student. “Practical” or “Project Work” course of these programmes. The university shall not accept any liability for any financial expenses incurred by either study center or student. the amount mentioned in prospectus for “Study Centre Fee (SCF)”. After confirmation of admission and student registration. ‘Additional Services Fee (ASF)’ and “Library Deposit (LD)”. ‘Additional Services Fee (ASF)’ and “Library Deposit (LD)” against proper receipt only. university will not refund any part of “University Fee (UF)” to any student for any other reason. 9. for what so ever reason. University will not be responsible if student pays more or study center receives less than. and ‘Additional Services Fee (ASF)’ and “Library Deposit (LD)” for each semester. Rules of Refund: University Fee (UF) will be refunded only if a student is not eligible for the admission or the study center preferred by the student is not sanctioned by the University. Students may choose to either purchase Text-Books from any local Book-Stores or subject to availability. Study centers are allowed to collect the specified “Study Centre Fee (SCF)”.2. on any “Studio”. ‘Additional Services Fee (ASF)’ and “Library Deposit (LD)” for a single semester. Each counselor shall not provide counseling for more than 4 hours during a single day. 3. 3. YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 84 . Normally for each credit point.   Direct face-to-face mode learning support and help to explore answers to difficulties from the subject experts Provoking and motivating students for regular and better study Anytime. 5. Studio Viva. Normally for each credit point. For PW or Studio with Viva Type of Course: 1 counselor for 10 students COUNSELING: REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Each study center is required to display on notice board and submit to the university following documents. 2. Last 4-5 hours of counseling for each course in a semester are reserved for assessment and feedback to students about “Continuous Assessment (CA)”. COUNSELING: TIME SCHEDULES 1. 4. anywhere access to online counseling using “Learning Management System (LMS)” on web. 1. Counselor must comply with the prevalent applicable statutory authority norms and standards about educational qualifications and experience. for the ‘Assistant Professor’ or equivalent post. Studio Term-Work. COUNSELING: POLICIES AND RULES 1. For Practical or Studio with TW Type of Course: 1 counselor for 20 students c. Following Counselor-Students Ratio shall be maintained at each study center: a. using counselors who are qualified and experienced as per the respective statutory authority norms and standards. 2. for each Practical. Each counselor must be available at the study center for the students. Bio-Data (in the prescribed format) of each Counselor for each course (subject) at each semester 2. Each study center shall be responsible for arranging specified hours of counseling sessions for each course in each semester. time duration and Name of the subject experts appointed as a Counselor. For Theory Type of Course: 1 counselor for 40-60 students b. during specified time duration on the counseling session day. minimum 10+1=11 hours of counseling are planned during evening hours of each work day of ‘Aug-Nov’ or ‘Feb-May’. Time-Table for counseling sessions for each course (subject) at each semester along with details like venue. Project-Work type of course in a semester. for each theory course in a semester. minimum 14+1=15 hour counseling is planned during weekly off days of ‘Aug-Nov’ or ‘Feb-May’. Only total marks shall be reported for each course in the mark-statement. “Grace Factor” of the course shall not change after declaration of result of the respective batch. CA for each credit point shall carry 5 marks. total evaluation shall consist of following 2 (two) separate and independent components:  Continuous Assessment (CA): This shall be “Open Book Formative Evaluation without Supervision” by the Counselor for the respective course at each study center. Monthly student’s attendance record for each counseling session for each course (subject) at each semester STUDENT EVALUATION FROM 2010 PATTERN ONWARDS For each credit point of any course.3. BEFORE 2010 PATTERN For each credit point of any course. “Grace Factor” and “Total Marks (TM)” shall be used in computation of Percentile marks.  End Examination (EE): This shall be “Closed Book Summative Evaluation under Supervision” conducted by the university at the designated Exam Centers. total evaluation shall consist of only:  End Examination (EE): This shall be “Closed Book Summative Evaluation under Supervision” conducted by the university at the designated Exam Centers. Aim of this component is to assess student’s learning. EE shall be conducted during 5th month of each semester. Total Marks (TM): ‘Total Marks (TM)’ shall be sum of “Continuous Assessment (CA)” marks and "End Examination (EE)" marks acquired by the student in each course. Total Marks (TM): ‘Total Marks (TM)’ shall be marks acquired by the student in each course. Normally. Only percentile marks shall be reported for each course in the mark-statement. any case. Aim of this component is to assess student’s learning. CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT (CA) This section is applicable only for the new academic programmes in from 2010 pattern onwards. EE for each credit point shall carry 20 marks. Normally. EE for each credit point shall carry 25 marks. CA: OBJECTIVES  Provoking and motivating students for regular and better study YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 85 . Aim of this component is not to assess student’s learning but to provoke and motivate students for regular and better study. EE shall be conducted during 5th month of each semester. CA for each credit point block of each Theory type of course shall consist of 1 (One) “Short Answer Question (SAQ)”. b. the Counselor for the respective course at each study center shall submit final ‘Assessment Report’ in the prescribed format so as to reach university positively on or before a. 2. 03. CA for each (1) “Studio with Term-Work” type of course or (2) “Studio with Viva” type of course or (3) “Practical” type of course or (4) “Project-Work” type of course YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 86 . 06 and 08): Only from “01-May” till “31-May” 3. 4. Students are expected to confirm inclusion of his/her CA result in the provisional ‘Assessment Report’ displayed on the ‘Notice Board’ at the allotted study center. positively on or before a. Students are allowed to submit their answers to “Continuous Assessment (CA)” for any course at a. “31-Dec” for any course at Odd Number Semesters (Like Semester 01. “31-Jul” for any course at Even Number Semesters (Like Semester 02. 05 and 07): Only from “01-Nov” till “30-Nov”. 06 and 08): Only from “01-Feb” till “31-May” 2. 05 and 07). Odd Number Semesters (Like Semester 01. b. Students do not have choice of answering as he/she is required to answer 1 SAQ out of 1 SAQ on each credit point block in ‘Continuous Assessment (CA)’ for any theory type of course. 05 and 07): Only from “01-Aug” till “30-Nov”. b. In case of any discrepancy. Odd Number Semesters (Like Semester 01. 06 and 08). CA: POLICIES AND RULES 1. 03. 04. “Continuous Assessment (CA)” shall be available at each study center for each course at a. b. 03.CA: TIME SCHEDULES 1. 05 and 07). provisional ‘Assessment Report’ in the prescribed format. provide feedback about “Continuous Assessment (CA)” to each student and prominently display on the ‘Notice Board’. 04. if any. “31-Jan” for any course at Odd Number Semesters (Like Semester 01. 03. After resolving issues. Even Number Semesters (Like Semester 02. The Counselor for the respective course at each study center shall assess answers to “Continuous Assessment (CA)” from each student. 06 and 08). 04. “30-Jun” for any course at Even Number Semesters (Like Semester 02. 04. Even Number Semesters (Like Semester 02. students should immediately inform the Counselor for the respective course. CA: REQUIRED DOCUMENTS. regarding each credit point block of the course. b. students should immediately inform the Counselor for the respective course. in case of nonreceipt of final “Assessment Report” of CA at University before specified date. otherwise student is required to score minimum 50 marks out of 80 marks in end exam. 4. 6. 3. Actual CA and EE marks shall be used in computation of “Total Marks (TM)”. Provisional ‘Assessment Report’ for CA 2. Hence. In case of any discrepancy. Honorarium for CA: “Honorarium for CA” is already included in the “Honorarium for Counseling” for last 5 sessions. Hence. “Grace Factor” and “Total Marks (TM)” shall be used in computation of Percentile marks.shall consist of Submission of Report in the prescribed format about all activities performed in Studio or Laboratory. for CA submission. Final ‘Assessment Report’ for CA The prescribed format for the Report of Activities. the Counselor for the respective course at each study center must dispatch final ‘Assessment Report’ for CA by ‘SPEED POST AD’ so as to reach university on or before last specified date. 5. After resolving issues. Student must confirm inclusion of his/her CA result in the provisional ‘Assessment Report’ displayed on the ‘Notice Board’ at the allotted study center. Zero Marks for No Attempt: Zero marks shall be given to the student for no attempt to “Continuous Assessment”. which is directly payable to each counselor by the YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 87 . Zero Marks in case of non-receipt of Final “Assessment Report” of CA at University before specified date: Zero marks shall be given to all students. c. Students and study centers must confirm about receipt of Final “Assessment Report” of CA at University before specified last due date. No Separately Reported Marks for CA: No separate marks shall be reported for the CA. if any. Only percentile marks shall be reported for each course in the markstatement. student must successfully complete CA within this single attempt only. For what so ever reason. 1. Single CA Attempt: University shall provide only single attempt for “Continuous Assessment” during the first semester (first 6 months) of valid registration period. for successful completion of the course. FORMS AND FORMATS Each study center is required to display on notice board and submit to the university following documents. it is extremely important that: a. no additional attempts shall be provided to any student. which student is required to use for CA submission for (1) “Studio with Term-Work” or (2) “Studio with Viva” or (3) “Practical” or (4) “Project-Work” type of course CA: FINANCIAL RULES 1. 073. 084. 093 023. 095 025.11 and 12 Time: 14:30 to 17:30 End Exam for only Theory Type of Courses. 112 042. When Payable: “Honorarium for Counseling” is payable at the end of each semester but only after counselor submit on or before specified due date. Only under exceptional conditions. 055. 083. 105 031. 08. 062. 051. 05. 053. 054. 122 #033(For V23 &T33 . 094 024. 071. 114 044. 092 022. 07. 074. 085. 065. 04. 115 045. 125 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 88 . END EXAMINATION (EE) EE: OBJECTIVES  Assessment of the student’s learning EE: TIME SCHEDULES END EXAM TIME-TABLE End examination shall be arranged in 2 sessions on each day. 113 043. 123 034. 064. 06. 052. 124 035. 102 #013(For V23 &T33 . 103 014. 2. 063. 091 021. 061. 02. where last 3 characters of the course code are 01st Day: Course 01 05-Dec or 05-Jun 02nd Day: Course 01 06-Dec or 06-Jun 03rd Day: Course 02 07-Dec or 07-Jun 04th Day: Course 02 08-Dec or 08-Jun 05th Day: Course 03 09-Dec or 09-Jun 06th Day: Course 03 10-Dec or 10-Jun 07th Day: Course 04 11-Dec or 11-Jun 08th Day: Course 04 12-Dec or 12-Jun 09th Day: Course 05 13-Dec or 13-Jun 10th Day: Course 05 14-Dec or 14-Jun 011. 101 012.09 and 10 Time: 10:30 to 13:30 Hrs Afternoon Session Semester 03. 082.Time 14:30-18:30). Students are allowed to choose only those courses (where student is admitted and registration period is valid) for end examination. Normal dates and timings shall be as given below. All students and study centers are expected to note following “End Exam Time-Table” as no separate notice or intimation regarding it shall be given to any student or study center. the duly signed print copy of the final ‘Assessment Report’ for CA for the assigned course to the university.Time 9:30-13:30). these dates may be changed with appropriate notice on website. Day and Date ** Morning Session Semester 01. 081. University shall not be responsible for payment of “Honorarium for CA” to any counselor. 075.respective study center. 104 015. which are permitted by this “End Exam Time-Table”. 121 032. 072. 111 041. 02. There shall be separate section A for the first 50% credit point blocks of the course and Section B for last 50% credit point blocks of the course in end exam question paper. 05. 80% attendance shall be essential prerequisite for appearing in end exam. Internal as well as external examiner shall have 50% weightage in the assessment of each student. (2) gracing and (3) condo nation rules shall not be used for these programmes. 1. Studio with Viva Type of Courses: EE shall have total 20 marks for each credit point block of the course and duration of End Exam shall be 240 minutes. T96. minimum 50% marks shall be essential. Studio with Term-Work Type of Courses: EE shall have total 20 marks for each credit point block of the course and duration of End Exam shall be 240 minutes. minimum 50% marks shall be essential. Block size for EE shall be 30 students. who must be external to the respective study center. T98.Morning Session Afternoon Session Semester 01. while SAQ shall not have any options. but end positively before 05 Jan (for odd semester end exam) or 05 Jul (For even semester end exam). shall be asked on any one or more chapters from the respective credit point block. minimum 50% marks shall be essential. indicated schedule is applicable for all programmes afterwards. each of 15 marks. T63. T80. 06. Certification by the study center Head / Coordinator on the “End Exam Hall Ticket” shall automatically certify this minimum 80% attendance. T68. Each examiner shall assess each student based on following criteria: a. For successful completion. Batch size for EE shall be 20 students. T65. 07. For successful completion. Only percentile marks shall be reported for each student. Term-Work submission by the student b. T66. Students shall have choice of answering any 1 LAQ from 2 LAQs on each credit point block. Internal examiner shall be the respective academic staff at the respective study center. 08. T34 and T35 programmes. Each section shall be assessed by separate assessor. For successful completion.11 and 12 Time: 10:30 to 13:30 Hrs Time: 14:30 to 17:30 End Exam for Practical. Theory Type of Courses: EE shall have total 20 marks and 45 minutes duration for each credit point block of each course. Separate answer book shall be used for section A and B. Only percentile marks shall be reported for each student. T64. Studio or Project-Work Type of Courses shall immediately follow after the last day of end exam for theory courses. T67.09 and 10 Semester 03. But. Proportional gracing due to relative marking and separate assessors for each section. Continuous Assessment submission by the student 3. 04. There shall be internal and external examiner. Batch size for EE shall be 10 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 89 . EE: POLICIES AND RULES FROM 2010 PATTERN ONWARDS End examination shall be conducted in totally face-to-face mode at exam centers under full supervision and control of university. Day and Date ** ** Not applicable for only ‘Aug 2011 End Exam’ of T82. Students are required to contact their allotted exam center for the detail sch edule. regular (1) moderation of answer books. Student shall not be allowed to refer any text or reference book or his/her own notes during end examination. Each answer book shall be bar coded. T83. 2. External examiner shall be appointed by the university. 1 SAQ of 05 marks and 2 LAQs. T81. 1 SAQ of 05 marks YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 90 . Only percentile marks shall be reported for each student. minimum 40% marks shall be essential. Presentation d. Viva-Voice c. Only percentile marks shall be reported for each student. Journal (Work-Book) and d. Internal examiner shall be the respective academic staff at the respective study center. Project Proposal and Review of Literature b. Internal as well as external examiner shall have 50% weightage in the assessment of each student. Block size for EE shall be 30 students. Student shall not be allowed to refer any text or reference book or his/her own notes during end examination. For successful completion. minimum 50% marks shall be essential. 1.students. For successful completion. Each examiner shall assess each student based on following criteria: a. Term-Work submission by the student b. For successful completion. Viva-Voce BEFORE 2010 PATTERN End examination shall be conducted in totally face-to-face mode at exam centers under full supervision and control of university. Practical Type of Courses: EE shall have total 20 marks for each credit point block of the course and duration of End Exam shall be 240 minutes. who must be external to the respective study center. There shall be internal and external examiner. External examiner shall be appointed by the university. Conduct of One Randomly Selected Practical Activity b. Each examiner shall assess each student based on following criteria: a. who must be external to the respective study center. Continuous Assessment submission by the student c. Internal as well as external examiner shall have 50% weightage in the assessment of each student. Internal as well as external examiner shall have 50% weightage in the assessment of each student. There shall be internal and external examiner. Internal examiner shall be the respective academic staff at the respective study center. Batch size for EE shall be 10 students. Each examiner shall assess each student based on following criteria: a. Project Work Type of Courses: EE shall have total 20 marks for each credit point block of the course and duration of End Exam shall be 240 minutes. Internal examiner shall be the respective academic staff at the respective study center. 75% attendance in studio type of courses shall be essential prerequisite for appearing in end exam. Theory Type of Courses: EE shall have total 25 marks and 45 minutes duration for each credit point block of each course. Project Results and Report c. minimum 50% marks shall be essential. who must be external to the respective study center. Only percentile marks shall be reported for each student. Viva-Voce 4. Batch size for EE shall be 20 students. External examiner shall be appointed by the university. Report of Practical Activity 5. Certification by the study center Head / Coordinator on the “End Exam Hall Ticket” shall automatically certify this minimum 75% attendance. There shall be internal and external examiner. External examiner shall be appointed by the university. External examiner shall be appointed by the university. Project Report: 30 marks for 4 CP course b. For successful completion. T82 and 15 marks for T33 and V23 e. Batch size for EE shall be 10 students. 5 marks for 2 CP course f. Internal examiner shall be the respective academic staff at the respective study center. Project Work Type of Courses: EE shall have total 25 marks and 60 minutes duration for each credit point block of each course. Internal examiner shall have 40% weightage and shall assess on the basis of term-work and viva. 30 marks for T80. Presentation (only for T34 and T35 programmes): 10 marks for 4 CP course b. minimum 40% marks shall be essential.and 2 LAQs. 3. each of 20 marks. For successful completion. Studio Type of Courses: EE shall have total 25 marks and 60 minutes duration for each credit point block of each course. Conduct of One Randomly Selected Practical Activity: 10 marks for 2 CP course or 20 marks for 4 CP course d. term-work and viva. External examiner shall be appointed by the university. Practical Type of Courses: EE shall have total 25 marks and 60 minutes duration for each credit point block of each course. who must be external to the respective study center. Presentation: 35 marks for 4 CP course c. 10 marks for 2 CP course g. minimum 40% marks shall be essential. For successful completion. There shall be internal and external examiner. 20 marks for 4 CP course. External examiner shall have 60% weightage and shall assess on the basis of presentation. Internal as well as external examiner shall have 50% weightage in the assessment of each student. External examiner shall be appointed by the university. who must be external to the respective study center. Batch size for EE shall be 20 students. Internal as well as external examiner shall have 50% weightage in the assessment of each student. Students (Except for T80. Observations and Conclusions. T96 and T98) shall have choice of answering any 1 LAQ from 2 LAQs on each credit point block while SAQ shall not have any options. Viva-Voce: 35 marks for 4 CP course YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 91 . Batch size for EE shall be 20 students. Internal examiner shall be the respective academic staff at the respective study center. 2. who must be external to the respective study center. T81. Viva-Voice: 20 marks for T34 and T35. Internal examiner shall be the respective academic staff at the respective study center. T82. Report of Practical Activity (for all other programmes except T34 and T35): 20 marks for 4 CP course. Each examiner shall assess each student based on following criteria: a. 10 marks for 2 CP course 4. minimum 40% marks shall be essential. There shall be internal and external examiner. shall be asked on any one or more chapters from the respective credit point block. Each examiner shall assess each student based on following criteria: a. T83. GOC: Graph. Journal (Work-Book) : 10 marks for 4 CP course. DSA: Diagram and Synoptic Answer (only for T34 and T35 programmes): 20 marks for 4 CP course c. There shall be internal and external examiner. EE: REQUIRED DOCUMENTS 1. Only when student meets minimum attendance criteria. Students are allowed to appear for end exam only with such authenticated “End Exam Hall Ticket” and any one Photo Identity issued by government authorities (like PAN Card. Respective student’s admission and validity of the registration period for all those courses for which he/she has applied and 2. Student is allowed to appear for end examination only for those courses where he/she is admitted by the university and registration period is valid. after the award of certification in the convocation. Such duly filled form should be sent directly to the Examination Section of University within a maximum period of 30 days from the date of declaration of result. EE: PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT Only during the valid registration period. But. ‘Exam Hall Ticket (EHT)’ 3. After receipt of “Exam Form”.END EXAM FORM AND HALL TICKET Only during the specified time slot. ‘Exam Form’ and 2. “Form and Verification Fee” against the verification of marks. etc. Only verification of marks is allowed on submission of an application form for the same. “End Exam Hall Ticket” shall be provided to students. each student must apply for the end examination in the prescribed format along with the payment for the specified “Exam Fee (EF)”. Valid photo identity card issued by government like election card. Election Card. no performance improvement shall be allowed. students are allowed to improve end exam performance by reappearing in the end examination for any course. “Study Center Head” and / or “Programme Coordinator” is expected to sign with the seal of the study center on “End Exam Hall Ticket” of each student. which will be available at the university web site. Driving License. Only the best of the past end exam performance shall be reported in the Mark-Statement. Passport) for the student. driving license. Hence. The receipt of specified “Exam Fee (EF)” Only after such confirmation. The prescribed format for the application for the end examination is ‘Admission Form’ for first compulsory attempt and “Exam Form” for further attempts by the repeater student for (1) clearing backlog subjects or (2) for performance improvement. EE: FINANCIAL RULES VERIFICATION OF MARKS The University does not undertake revaluation of answer scripts / sheets of any course. for each course will be YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 92 . student must attempt ‘end exam performance improvement’ positively before applying for the convocation. PAN card. university shall confirm the 1. certificate and related postal charges. in person or absentia.00 ‘Form and verification Fee’ are payable only at the time of submission of the form.SN 1 Description Form and Verification Fee For Indian Student at SC within For Foreign Student or at SCs India in INR Outside India in USD 100. the application by the student for the convocation along with the payment for the specified “Convocation Fee” shall be necessary.00 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 93 . UG Degree. CONVOCATION AWARD OF CERTIFICATION After successful completion of all subjects at all semesters of the academic programme and only after student comply with the ‘Certification Eligibility’ specified for the academic programme. PG Degree) may be awarded. But.00 30. PG Diploma. SN 1 Description Convocation Fee For Indian Student at SC within For Foreign Student or at SCs India in INR Outside India in USD 300. which covers convocation. respective certification (like Diploma. CONVOCATION: FINANCIAL RULES Student is also required to pay additional ‘Convocation Fee’ (as per the following details) along with the application for the award of the diploma / degree / post-graduate degree. during the next convocation.00 10. digitaluniversity.ac YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 94 . Other general center difficulties Counselor for the respective subject at the study 02 Academic Difficulties center 03 Serious Difficulties ELearning Services on web site 01 02 Web site Communication with university Officers Study Center Head at the respective study center http://www.digitaluniversity.ycmou. A: V.com/lms/ Student’s Forum at http://www.M. 2531210 Fax (O): 0721-2531444 Email: [email protected]. Programme Coordinator at the respective study 01 End Exam Form and Hall Ticket. Post Yavatmal. SN Type of Query or Form Whom to Contact Student Registration Section.com/lms/ University contact details are as follows: Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) Dnyangotri. India Phone: 0253 – 2231473.ycmou. Washim Districts 1 V. Student Services Division Email: [email protected]/ REGIONAL CENTERS Following table provides contact information about eight regional centers of the university.ycmou.CONTACT US WHOM TO CONTACT Contact following sections / officers of the university.com/lms/ At University 01 Admission and Student Registration 02 03 End Exam Academic Matters At Study Center Assistance regarding Admission. ‘Regional Director’ is abbreviated as ‘RD’ ‘Address’ is abbreviated as ‘A’ SN RC Name and Address Region and Contact Person Amravati Regional Center For Amravati. Science and Technology Email: Post your query at Student’s Forum at http://www. Buldhana. as per the type of the query. Maharashtra.M.ac School of Architecture. 2231715. 2231714. Akola. Near Gangapur Dam. Learning Resource. 2230227 Fax: 0253-2231716 Website: http://www.ycmou. RD: Amravati – 444 604 Contact Details Ph (O): 0721-2531445.com/lms/ http://ycmou.V to Walgaon Road. Nashik – 422 222.ac Controller of Examinations Email: coe@ycmou. ‘SC Ref’ is of the type ‘RC-PCC-SN’. Gondia Districts RD: For Nanded. Pune – 411 030 8 Goa Regional Center A: Flat No 101.digitaluniversity. Above State 9 Bank of India. Kolhapur – 416 004 Mumbai Regional Center A: Jagannath Shankarsheth 4 Municipal School Building Nana Chowk. Sadashiv Peth.T. Latur. Sindhudurg. 2371077 Fax (O): 0240-2371088 Email: rd_aurangabad@ycmou. where:        RC: Region Code PCC: Programme Code SN: Serial Number of the study center. Aurangabad – 431 002 For Aurangabad. Nashik – 422 002 Pune Regional Center A: C/o Shahir Annabhau Sathe Prashala gruha.ac Ph (O): 0253-2317063 Fax (O): 0253-2576756 Email: rd_nashik@ycmou. Eastern to Military Hostel. Candolim. Jalna. Nandanvan Colony.digitaluniversity. Mumbai Districts RD: For Nagpur. Nagpur – 440 001 Nanded Regional Center A: New Sports Building. University. Solapur Districts RD: Ph (O): 0240-2371066. Ravinagar Chowk. Kumthekar Marg. 23826135 Fax (O): 022-23813256 Email: [email protected] Ph (O): 02462-229940 Fax (O): 02462-229950 Email: [email protected]. for each region and programme code.ac Ph (O): 020-24491107 Fax (O): 020-24457914 Email: rd_pune@ycmou. Vidya Nagar.ac Ph (O): 0231-2607022 Fax (O): 0231-2607023 Email: rd_kolhapur@ycmou. Bhandara.digitaluniversity. 2553725 Fax (O): 0712-2553725 Email: rd_nagpur@ycmou. which is reset back to 1. Raigad. Parbhani. 2nd Floor. Law College Campus. Tivim.digitaluniversity. Gadchiroli.ac Ph (O): 022-23874186. Ahmednagar.digitaluniversity.ac Ph (O): 0712-2553724. Chhavni.ac Kolhapur Regional Center A: Near Shivaji University Post 3 Office.digitaluniversity. Goa – 403 502 For Goa RD: STUDY CENTERS Study center for the specific programme can be located by referring ‘SC Ref’ in the 3rd column. Satara.R. Wardha.2 Aurangabad Regional Center A: Survey No. Chandrapur. New Pandit Colony. Hingoli Districts RD: For Nashik. Vishnupuri. c/o S. 41. Sangli Districts RD: For Thane. Bardez. Nanded . Beed. Grant Road Mumbai – 400 007 5 Nagpur Regional Center A: Subhedar Hall. Osmanabad Districts RD: For Kolhapur Ratnagiri.digitaluniversity. Jalgaon. SIT: Student Intake sanctioned to the study centre Code: Study Centre Code given by the University for correspondence with the study centre PC: Programme Coordinator at the study centre SCH: Head of the Study Centre YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 95 . Dhule.ac Ph (O): 9423963862 Fax (O): 02363-256657 Email: rd_goa@ycmou. Nandurbar Districts and outside Maharashtra region RD: For Pune.431606 6 Nashik Regional Center A: Old Municipal Corporation 7 Building. Off Carter Road. Mumbai – 400 050.Y. Kasaba Bawda. Rizvi Educational Complex.net 02-V22-01 02-T64-01 02-T63-01 40 20 40 2107A PC-MAG Madhura Yadav: 9422203906 2107A PC-V22 Sanjay Mhaske: 2107A 9422705878 SCH Prof. Kolhapur Region 01 Department of Architecture.S. MS 03-V42-02 03-V43-02 03-V44-02 03-T64-02 03-T65-02 03-T66-02 03-T67-02 03-T68-02 PC-MA PC-EA PC-URP SCH Swati Kotulkar: 9821185884 Roshni Udyavar: 9820827434 Shiwani Singh: 9769688317 Prof. Section-7.ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN SN SC Contact Information 01. Belpada Complex. Aurangabad Region 01 Marathwada Institute of Technology. Ambekar: 9892012501 Ritu Deshmukh: 9881023279 Dr. Opp Kharghar Railway Station.B.) 02 Appasaheb Binrale College Of Architecture South Shivaji Nagar. P. Munish Sharma: 9422202202 Vandana Pusalkar: 9923385005 Vijay Ghorpade: 9423869840 Vijay Sambrekar: 9823040506 Vijay Sambrekar: 9823040506 Anil Bhingarde: 9224417273 Z A Syed: 9322741174 Aktar Chauhan: 9820059792 SC Ref SIT Code SC Staff Contact Details PC SCH 03. Belapur.D.B. Prabhadevi. Sangli Miraj Road. Aurangabad – 431005 Ph (W): (0240) 2376815 / 2377284 Fax (W): 2376154 Email: mit@mitindia. No. Beed Bypass Road. Mumbai . Bandra (West). Shankar Ghanekar Marg. Kolhapur – 416 006 (M. D. MS 02-T64-02 20 71152 PC SCH 20 72125 PC SCH 03-V22-01 03-V41-02 03-V43-02 03-V44-02 03-T63-01 03-T64-01 03-T65-01 03-T66-01 03-T67-01 20 20 20 20 40 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 31181 31181 31181 31181 31181 31181 31181 31181 31181 31205 31205 31205 31205 31205 31205 31205 31205 35233 35233 35233 35233 PC-MA PC-BA SCH 02 Rachana Sansad’s Academy of Architecture 278. Mumbai Region 01 Rizvi College of Architecture. Dist Sangli 416416 04. P. C.400 025.P. 327. Navi Mumbai 400615 03-V43-03 03-V44-03 03-T66-01 03-T67-03 PC SCH YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 96 . Amaravati Region No Study Centers 02. Ravikumar Bhargava: 9423073274 03 Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Architecture. Patil 02-T64-01 College of Engineering and Technology. Nashik and Outside Maharashtra Region 01 Vidya Vardhan's IDEA Institute of 07-V21-01 Design Environment & Architecturre 07-V22-01 B-38. Mumbai 4000052 SC Ref 03-T64-04 03-T65-04 03-T66-04 03-T67-04 SIT 20 20 20 20 Code 31332 31332 31332 31332 SC Staff Contact Details PC-MA PC-CM PC. K B Hindayatullah Road. Pune – 411 001. Indore – 452 012 (M. Rajendra Nagar. Sitapura. RIICO Institutional Block. Sonipat. NICE Area. Nagpur – 440 019. 07-V40-01 Satpur. Mahajani: 9829052950 K. Lilavati Hospital. Nashik 422007 07-T64-01 Ph (W) : 091-0253-2351033 02 School of Architecture. D. D-Road. Pune Region 01 Allana College of Architecture. Jaipur. Camp. Hariyana 131001 8. Rajasthan. Gate no. Sector 15. Goner Road. Electronic Zone. MIDC. 1. Opp. NandedRegion No Study Centers 07.) 07-V21-02 07-V22-02 07-T64-02 07-T63-02 03 Aayojan School of Architecture ISI-4. Kulkarni 09826707161 K. 2390-B. IPS Academy Agra-Mumbai Road.SN SC Contact Information 04 Indian Education Society's College of Architecture Vishwakarma. Lotlikar Vidya Sankul.S.P. 05-V41-01 MS. India Ph (W) : 091-0141-2771755 04 Gateway College of Architecture & Design 343. Bandra. Nagpur Region 01 Priyadarshini College of Architecture 05-T63-01 and Design Studies. Fax (W): 020-26449824 07-V22-03 07-V41-03 07-T64-03 07-T63-03 07-T64-04 07-V41-04 40 20 20 44145 44145 44145 PC SCH PC SCH 40 40 40 20 40 20 20 40 80 20 20 80 20 20 54314 54314 54314 54314 PC SCH Manju Bele: 9423969498 Vivek Patankar: 9373921524 Kiran Shinde: 09425070729 G. India Ph (W): (0712) 232164 Fax (W): (0712) 232163 Email:[email protected]. Kasim Poonawala: 9890911961 Prachi Muley/Aiyer: 9822355363 Ranjit Ghogale: 9422031447 9319A PC 9319A 9319A SCH 9319A 9321A PC-BA 9321A PC-MA 9321A SCH 9321A 9342A PC 9342A SCH 08-V22-01 08-T63-01 08-T64-01 08-T65-01 40 40 20 20 62174 62174 62174 62174 PC-MA PC-V22 PC-CM SCH YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 97 .EA PC-URP SCH Mugdha Joshi: 9833357580 Shilpa Sharma: 9892238884 Vinit Mirkar: 9867721535 Snehal Karlekar : 9920950366 Gaurish Chandawarkar: 9821098642 Archana Bele: 9011407025 Kishor Revatkar: 9822250925 05. Hingna Road.com 06. MS. Mahajani: 9829052950 Anil Kumar: 09354920176 Nagendar Narayan: 09996511021 Mr. M. India Ph (W): 020-26433202. 05-T64-01 MIDC. Azam Campus. com 09. 25464062 Fax (W): 020-25424437 E-Mail: bnca@vsnl. SCH YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 98 . PUNE-411 052 (Maharashtra) Ph (W): 020-25466966.SN SC Contact Information 02 Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha's Dr.Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women Karve Nagar. Goa Region No Study Center SC Ref 08-T63-02 SIT 40 Code 62237 SC Staff Contact Details PC-BA PC-CM Shruti Joshi: 9604554611 Sujata Karve: 9823296945 Poorva Keskar: 9423573555 Anurag Kashyap: 09822014323 08-T64-02 20 62237 08-T65-02 20 62237 PC-MA 08-T66-02 20 62237 In 2011: No Fresh Admission. PC-EA Only Further Semester Admission at this SC. [email protected]. Tal. E/W Road No. S. V. 9881713535 Dr.com 03 Ramkrishna Paramhansa 02-T82-03 Mahavidyalaya. Katchi 9869215114 Dr. Paithan Dist. Kasturbai Walchand College. Aurangabad . Tal. Rajnemi Campus Sangli 416416 Ph(W): 91-233-2327128/02 . Patil : 9822435484 04-T96-01 04-T98-01 04-V45-01 04-V46-01 04-V48-01 80 40 80 40 40 31256 31256 31256 31256 31256 PC SCH Purnima 09324116538 Rajendra 09820134104 Shah: Shah: 04-T83-01 20 31227 In 2011: No Fresh Admission. Y.N. S. Amaravati Region No Study centre 02. Dist.222231 03. Asha 9764093626 Dr. 91-22-32507650.G. Moharir 9762619105 Dr.440 001 Ph (W): 07104-237411 Fax (W): 91-712-5617183 02 Dharampeth M.coms Ph(W): 02472. Mahadik 9623254424 Dr. Somwanshi 9975662891 Dr. Utpal Shanghavi School.V. Tel.. M. Goregaon(west).2377311 Email: [email protected]. Nagpur . S. Wood house Road. Only Further Semester SCH Admission at this SC. Mumbai Region 01 DS Actuarial Education Services JPES. Andheri(W) Mumbai Ph(W): 022-26256451/52 03 S. Kingsway.com 04. Lata Dolke 9820283251 Dr. Dapke 9420257777 20 72111 PC SCH Mr.431103 Ph(W): 02435-220597 SC Ref SIT Code SC Staff Contact Details PC SCH 02-T82-01 02-T83-01 40 20 2180A PC 2180A SCH 2143A PC 2143A SCH Prof. Road . D I.Aurangabad – 431107 Ph(W): 02431-223069 Email id: principalpmp@hotmail. S. Shradha House.com YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 03-T83-01 40 20 40 2602A PC SCH Mrs. Osmanabad – 413501 Email id: osd_rpcollege1@yahoo. Bhosale 9423151605 Dr. 91-9820134104 Email: rajendra.SCIENCE SN SC Contact Information 01. R. Deo Memorial Science College North Ambazari Road. Nagpur -440010 Ph(W): 0712-2241490 [email protected] Patkar College of Arts & Science S. Shastri 9822531577 02 Pratishthan Shikshan Prasarak Madal’s 02-T82-02 Pratishthan Mahavidyalaya Arts.V.Kannad. Nagpur Region 01 G. JVPD Scheme.D.C. Tambri Vibhag. Mumbai 400049. INDIA.com 02 Bhavan’s College Munshi Nagar.H. Mumbai-400062 Ph(W): 022-28723731/28721875 05.K. Mrs. Raisoni Institute of Interdisciplinary Sciences. 05-T80-01 05-T81-01 05-T82-01 05-T83-01 05-T80-02 05-T81-02 40 20 40 20 40 20 44168 44168 44168 44168 PC SCH Pravin 9822141581 Dr. S.S. Pandit 022-28723731 04-T83-02 20 31311 PC In 2011: No Fresh Admission. Aurangabad Region 01 Shivaji Arts Commerce & Science College. Wadkar : 7588627608 Dr. Only Further Semester Admission at this SC PC SCH Mrs. 02-T83-02 Science & Coomerce College. 345.& L.S. Suman Pawar: 9833700587 Dr. Kolhapur Region 01 Smt.P. M.. Asha 9764093626 Domde Godbole: 44268 PC 44268 SCH Bhate: Bhate: Page 99 . G. G.H.S. Kothurkar 9657724127 03 Lokmangal Biotechnology College 08-T80-02 Wadala. 07-T82-01 Nashik . Pawar: 0253-2320504 Prof. Pune Region 01 MAEER’s Maharashtra Academy of Naval Education and Training (MANET). N. M. Pune – 412 201 Ph (W): 020-26912901/2/3/25442770 Fax (W): 020-26912904 manet_office@mitpune. 08-T83-03 Commerce & Science. B. Raisoni Institute of Interdisciplinary Sciences Plot No. Kedar Apartment. Shivdare College of Arts . Goa Region No Study Centre 08-T83-04 65101 PC 65101 SCH 65101 65103 PC SCH Mrs. Karad .S. Nashik and Outside Maharashtra Region 01 K. Bajare: 9421072660 Sarita S. Dharme: 9890252737 Dr. Gat No. Capt Gupta: 9822286334 Prof. Gaikwad: 9420488777 Dr.415124 Ph(W): 02164-271346 Email: [email protected]. Rajbaugh.09 Ph(W): 020-24423077 08-V26-01 40 40 54284 PC 54284 SCH Mr. S.com Str_sgmck@bsnl. Jagdale B. Nanded Region No Study Centre SC Ref SIT Code SC Staff Contact Details PC SCH 07. Devgaonkar: 9860012911 08-T80-01 08-T81-01 08-T82-01 08-T83-01 08-V49-01 40 20 40 20 80 40 40 20 20 62215 62215 62215 62215 62215 PC SCH N.413222 08-T83-02 shriram_pratishthan2006@yahoo. Sarswati Nagar. Konapure: 9420546703 D. Tal. 07-T82-02 Panchvati. Mahajani: 9422354376/9923404692 Mrs.com 8. 140. Loni-Kalbhor. S. N. Nashik .422003 Ph(W):0253-2320504 [email protected] 04 V. Vijapur Road. 08-T82-02 Solapur . Wagh Agricultural Biotechnology 07-T80-01 College. Kothurkar 9657724127 N. Science 07-T81-02 & Commerce College. Parvati Pune .com 02 G.413004 Ph(W): 0217-2303411 05 Sadguru Gadge Maharaj College Vidhyanagar. 60. B.in 09.com 02 Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir’s 07-T80-02 Loknete Vyankatrao Hiray Arts.Mohan Rajmane: 02164-271346 20 6402A PC SCH PC SCH YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 100 . North Solapur. Solapur .co.SN SC Contact Information 06. Pune-Solapur Highway. 2510831 Email: lvhcollege@gmail. Jule-Solapur -1 .422003 07-T83-02 Ph(W): 0253-2512924. Near Mitramandal Hall. Panchvati . Pawar 9822343582 Prof. I. 9011027593 40 20 40 20 5406A PC 5406A 5406A SCH 5406A 200 63106 PC SCH Prof. Bhavesh Jangale : 9766929634 V.S. Tuljapur Road. MIDC Paithan. 03-T35-02 Dr.asia Bijlee. Sakharale (Islampur). Walwa. MIT Campus. Aurangabad – 431005 Ph (W): (0240) 2375101 / 2375108 Email: munish.02-T51-03 431107 02-T52-03 03.S. Amaravati Region No Study Center 02. Dist Sangli – 415 414 03-T05-02 03-T06-02 Ph (W): (02342) 220329 03-T07-02 Fax (W): 220989 03-T24-02 Email: [email protected]. Patil: 9860857834 SCH A. Sangli – 416 304 Ph (W): (0233) 2366245. Kolhapur Region 03-T34-02 01 Dr. 03-T35-04 Tal.com YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 60 120 60 60 60 60 120 120 120 120 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 60 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 60 30 60 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 60 30 30 21166 21166 21166 21166 21166 21166 21166 21166 21166 21166 2613A 2613A 2613A 2613A 2613A 2613A 2613A 2613A 2613A 2613A 21167 21167 21167 21167 7117A 7117A 7117A 7117A 7117A 7117A 7117A 7117A 7117A 7117A 7209A 7209A 7209A 7209A 7209A 7209A 7209A 7209A 7209A 7209A 7231A 7231A PC SCH Prof. Dist. Munish Sharma: 9422202202 PC SCH H. Ambulgekar: 9860366220 P. 03-T06-01 Jaysingpur.S. Satara Village Area.S.M. Kolhe: 9890668949 PC SCH Vilas V 9011770138 Thote: Riyad Ahmed Hashmi PC ESEP S.asia kawade@gmail. J.J K Study Center . Kumbhar: 9970700741 Prof B R Jadhav: 9970700743 PC ESEP Milind 9320764165 Butale: PC MLEP S. Pin – 416 101. Osmanabad – 413 501 02-T35-02 02-T03-02 Ph (W): (02472) 251011 / 251042 02-T05-02 Fax (W): 51011 02-T06-02 Email:coeosmanabad@hotmail. 03-T03-02 Tal.sharma@mit. K. J. Aurangabad Region 01 Gramodyog Shikshan Mandal. Kolhapur. 03-T05-01 New Building. Jaysingpur. Dist. Patil: 9422613035 Page 101 .Nath 02-T50-03 Polytechnic.com SC Ref SIT Code SC Staff Contact Details PC SCH 02-T34-01 02-T35-01 02-T03-01 02-T05-01 02-T06-01 02-T07-01 02-T24-01 02-T50-01 02-T51-01 02-T52-01 02-T34-04 02 College of Engineering.ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SN SC Contact Information 01. Magdum College of 03-T03-01 Engineering. Shirol wadi Road. Miraj.P.in 03-T50-02 03-T51-02 03-T52-02 03-T34-04 03 Padmabhushan Vasantraodada Patil Institute of Technology. Beed Bypass Road. Sawant: (02322) 21825 PC MLEP Mahadik S. Budhagaon. Magdum: (02322) SCH 21825 PC SCH M. Patil: 9325213062 [email protected]. 03-T07-01 03-T24-01 Ph (W): (02322) 221825 / 221827 03-T50-01 Fax (W): 27083 03-T51-01 03-T52-01 02 Rajarambapu Institute of Technology 03-T34-03 03-T35-03 Rajaramnagar. J.R. J.H. 2366246 Fax (W): 2366185 Email: [email protected].: (02322) 21825 J. M.com 02-T07-02 02-T24-02 02-T50-02 02-T51-02 02-T52-02 02-T24-03 03 Pandurang Shaikshanic Samajik Sanstha. Magdum Trust. N: PC ESEP Mrs.Garge: 9420459552 71137 SCH V.Ningavale V. 9403466295 Magdum: 05 PC MLEP Jarali O. Airoli. Ghavade: SCH 9422627392 04.com 04-T07-06 04-T24-03 04-T50-03 04-T51-03 04-T52-03 PC SCH Murade (02192)268624 9422494788 Deshmukh 9423378584 S. Navi Mumbai – 400 708. 04-T34-05 Vidyavihar. J. Navi Mumbai – 400 709 Ph (W): (022) 27543535 Fax (W): 27541139 Email:t_polytechnic@hotmail. Vidyanagar.N.SN SC Contact Information 04 Government Polytechnic Vidyanagar. Koparkhairane.: 9765026379 J. Behind Wafa Park. Vaidya: 9422046567 71137 71137 71137 71209 71209 71209 PC ESEP D. Ph (W): 2769 2854 Fax (W): 2769 1662 Email: [email protected]. Kausa. Mrs. Somaiya Polytechnic.com 04-T34-07 04-T03-01 04-T05-01 04-T06-01 04-T07-01 30 30 30 30 30 3594A PC 3594A 3594A SCH 3594A 3594A Shekhani Usman Gani: 9323201175 Bronkar Hanif A. Dist– Kolhapur -416209 Ph (W): (02324) 220069 Fax (W): 220069 SC Ref 03-T34-07 03-T03-04 03-T05-04 03-T06-04 03-T07-04 03-T34-08 03-T35-08 03-T24-04 SIT 60 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 Code SC Staff Contact Details 71137 PC Mr. Adokar: 986925885 PC SCH Chincholikar: 9819752376 Mr. 2521016 Fax (W): +91-231-2521016 Email: [email protected]. Mumbai – 400 077 04-T35-04 04-T03-06 Ph (W): (022) 25161752 04-T05-06 Fax (W): (022) 25124408 04-T06-06 Email:[email protected]: SCH (022)21021752 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 102 . Mumbra.: B. Dist.J. Gargoti. Raigad – 410 203 Ph (W): (02192) 266157 Email: [email protected]. Tal. Near Khopoli Police Station. Almas Colony.Molting 9833570782 Barnali: PC MLEP Mrs. Sector-3. Kolhapur – 416 004 Ph (W): 0231-2521038.L. Hutatma Murlidhar Nagar.G: 9221129889 03 Terna Polytechnic. Yerigiri: 27543535 (022) 04 05 04-T34-04 04-T35-03 04-T03-05 04-T05-05 04-T06-05 04-T07-05 04-T24-02 04-T50-02 04-T51-02 04-T52-02 K. Khopoli. Thane – 400 612 Ph (W): (022) 2549 4555 Fax (W): 2344 8011 Email:Aagpoly2767@hotmail. Sector – 1.com KTSP Mandal Khopoli.in Shri Mauni Vidyapith’s Institute of Civil and Rural Engineering. CIDCO Colony.Bjudargad.com 04-T34-01 04-T35-01 04-T03-02 04-T05-02 04-T06-02 04-T07-02 04-T24-01 04-T50-01 04-T51-01 04-T52-01 04-T34-02 04-T03-03 04-T05-03 04-T06-03 04-T07-03 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 3307A 3307A 3307A 3307A 3307A 3307A 3307A 3307A 3307A 3307A 3160A 3160A 3160A 3160A 3160A 3270A 3270A 3270A 3270A 3270A 3270A 3270A 3270A 3270A 3270A 31177 31177 31177 31177 31177 31177 31177 31177 31177 31177 PC SCH Johnson 9324872886 Mathew: Mr.com 02 Shreeram Polytechnic. Mumbai Region 01 Ahmed Abdullah Garib Polytechnic. in Maharashtra Education Foundation ‘Foundation Towers’.org director@lncollege. 9766048229 Bhujade: Bhujade: YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 103 . Plot No. Navi Mumbai – 400 614 Ph (W): (022) 2756 2842/43/44/45 Institute of Continuing Medical and Career Making Education (ICME) B-115 Ghansham Building .Thane. Near 05-T03-07 Jain Mandir. Ali Yawar Jung Marg. Next toKranti Stores. Sec.Santosi Mata Road. Mhada (Wrold Bank Project). Bandra (E).R.A. 49. 9766048229 V. SES Campus. Hunur: 9869460729 05.Mumbai 421202 Ph:0251-2480673 Email:shriramjoshi@gmail. Near HDFC bank.Gupta: (022) 5608899 08 04-T03-10 30 31348 PC SCH Aparna 9323889489 Mahesh 9323889489 Kale: Kamble: 09 04-T34-09 04-T03-07 04-T05-07 04-T06-07 04-T07-07 04-T03-08 30 30 30 30 30 30 31235 31235 31235 31235 31235 35240 PC SCH Sushil Kumar: 9324499292 Dr Piyali Kar: (022) 2753166 Sudhir Vaidya: 2491660 Shreeram 9869144680 0251Joshi: 10 PC SCH 11 04-T03-09 30 35188 PC SCH Ajay Bhoir: 9224498067 John Kurian: 8921467739 12 04-T03-11 04-T05-11 04-T06-11 04-T07-11 04-T24-04 04-T50-04 04-T51-04 04-T52-04 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 30 31345 31345 31345 31345 31345 31345 31345 31345 PC SCH Krishna C Sahu: 9892769611 Captain M. Beside Ekvira School.Rambaug Lane 1. RSC-19.CharkopSector-1. Nathe: 9892267691 PC SCH G. Malad.Shahid Bhagat singh road. Kherwadi.com 4529A PC SCH R. Mumbai 40002 Ph:022-22751410. Mumbai – 400 095 Ph (W): (022) 56088991. MS Ph (W): (022) 26474780 Kala Vidya Mandir Institute of Technology.edu.com St. Malvani Malad (W). Ramnagar. Mumbai – 400 051. Nagpur Region 01 National Polytechnic College.K.Kalyan(W) Ph(W):(0251)2211678 Naval Dockyard. M. CBD Belapur. Naval Dockyard . Kandiwali (W).Johns Institute of Technology & management 2nd floor. Human Resource Training Department. – 11/20.Mumbai-67 Ph (W):(022)28670101/28673434 Email:director@lnr. 3. Gupta: 9892136359 G.P.Near Prathmesh Hospital. 28440012. Wardha – 442 001 Ph (W): (07152) 240764 Fax (W): 250789 Email: Nag_nph@hotmail. Jadhav: 9869747032 SCH D. Dombiwali(W) Dist.K.D.SN SC Contact Information 06 Government Polytechnic.Kamal Tower. 28440012 Suman Education Society. Off Charkop Naka.22751113 Fax:91-022-22655750 07 SC Ref 04-T34-08 04-T03-08 04-T05-08 04-T06-08 04-T07-08 04-T34-06 SIT 30 30 30 30 30 30 Code 3348A 3348A 3348A 3348A 3348A 31178 SC Staff Contact Details PC ESEP V. 9822700619 Joshi: Dr. Nagpur – 14 Ph (W): (0712) 2643507 Fax (W): 2632057 Email: Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha. Near Dighori Naka.SN SC Contact Information 02 Sanmarg Shikshan Sanstha E-2/F-3. 9822942801 Shri 9373101709 Raut: Charde: PC SCH Mr.com 05-T07-02 05-T24-02 05-T50-02 05-T51-02 05-T52-02 05-T34-03 Smt. Nisal 9423416532 R. 9423637427 Giradkar: PC MLEP A. Premises of Dharampeth 05-T03-04 Science College. North Ambazari 05-T05-04 Road.in SC Ref 05-T07-06 05-T24-05 SIT 30 30 Code 44169 44169 SC Staff Contact Details PC SCH A.co. Near Water Tank.W. Sindu High School. Chahande: 9890016180 Sanjay S. Nagpur – 440 009 Ph (W): (0712) 30215 13/03 Email: sssngp@gmail. 05-T35-03 Umrer Road. Radhikatai Pandav College of Engineering. Ingle: 9960799424 Pandharipande: SCH 9923103600 PC SCH Shri S.: Mr Harinkhere: 9890787765 PC ESEP N. Primises of Mahatma Gandhi C. Tumane: 9422101577 03 05-T03-08 60 44163 PC SCH Anil Bajaj: 9373126015 Deepak Bajaj: 9422102797 04 05 06 07 05-T34-02 05-T35-02 05-T03-01 05-T05-01 05-T06-01 05-T07-01 05-T24-01 05-T50-01 05-T51-01 05-T52-01 05-T34-01 Sarvodaya Mahila mandal. 05-T06-04 Nagpur – 440 033 05-T07-04 Ph (W): (0712) 2241490 Fax (W): 2246203 Email: [email protected]. Nagpur – 411 204 05-T03-03 Ph (W): (0712) 2712965. New Nandanwan.com Khubchand Bajaj Institute of Tech & Mgt.Main Road.com 05-T24-03 05-T50-03 05-T51-03 05-T52-03 05-T34-04 Institute of Technology and Engineering.G. Jaripatka. Nagpur-440 022 Ph (W): (0712) 2249462 Email: [email protected]. 05-T03-02 Chandrapur 05-T05-02 Ph (W):(07172) 262835 / 05-T06-02 260263/256027 Email: cpchodee@gmail. 2712696 05-T05-03 05-T06-03 / 276189 / 276190 Fax (W): 2712965 / 2710045 05-T07-03 Email: smtrpce@hotmail. S. Atrey Lay Out.V. 05-T35-01 Bhagirath Bhavan .in 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 60 60 44281 44281 44281 44281 44281 44281 44281 44281 44281 44281 4286A 4286A 4286A 4286A 4286A 4286A 4286A 4286A 4286A 4286A 44134 44134 44134 44134 44134 44134 44134 44134 44134 44134 44107 44107 44107 44107 44107 PC SCH Prof P.Dixit: 2232584 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 104 . Near Ambazari Garden. 232560 SC Ref 05-T34-05 05-T35-04 05-T03-05 05-T05-05 05-T06-05 05-T07-05 05-T24-04 05-T50-04 05-T51-04 05-T52-04 06-T34-01 06-T35-01 06-T03-01 06-T05-01 06-T06-01 06-T07-01 06-T24-01 06-T50-01 06-T51-01 06-T52-01 SIT 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Code SC Staff Contact Details 44162 PC Asutkar 44162 09423410288 44162 SCH Bankatlal 44162 09850350528 44162 44162 44162 44162 44162 44162 8567A PC 8567A 8567A SCH 8567A 8567A 8567A 8567A 8567A 8567A 8567A 5392A PC SCH Miss.P. CIDCO Nashik .S. Nanded Region 01 Gramin Polytechnic. Bhausaheb TT Salunkhe Commerce. 1st floor. 229555 Fax (W): 229777 Email: [email protected] 07-T34-04 02 Tee-Tech Institute. Kamlaskar Hemant: 8275254909. Purab-Pachim Plaza.in Dhanvantari College of Engineering. Pandit Science College. Jalgaon Jilha Maratha Vidya Prasark Sahakari Samaj Ltd. Digdoh.422 009 Ph. Shivajinagar. More 97662484480 J G.SN SC Contact Information 08 G.R. Shashtri Vidyanagar Sankul. Pushpak Apartment. Raisoni College of Engineering CRPF Gate No. Hingana Road. Gaikwad: 2236034 K. Jalgaon – 425 001 Ph (W): (02582) 2236034. 07-T03-04 “Shram Sahakar”. Anil Bagul: 9822314742 Mrs Manisha Anil Bagul: 9822858698 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 105 .com PC SCH S. Above Divya AdLabs.: 9422 171151 07. Singh: 9823092665 PC SCH 04 05 Shri. Opp. Chaudhary Prashant: (0253)2361167 Mr. 2234094 Email: nmcjal@sancharnet. : 0253-2372575/2376279 Cell : 9822314742 / 9822858698 E-mail: [email protected]. S.. Post Box No.Bhusaval-425201 07-T34-01 07-T35-01 07-T03-01 07-T07-01 07-T05-01 07-T06-01 07-T24-01 07-T50-01 07-T51-01 07-T52-01 07-T03-03 Nana Patil: 9423487896 Pramod More: 9423185684 60 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 60 54172 54172 54172 54172 54172 53152 53152 53152 53152 53152 53152 53152 53152 53152 53152 53111 PC SCH Mr.com B: Pawar V. Jagtap: 2236034 0257(02582) 07-T35-04 07-T24-01 07-T50-01 07-T51-01 07-T52-01 60 60 60 60 60 54322 54322 54322 54322 54322 PC SCH Mr. Aakashwani Chowk. Nashik – 422 002 07-T07-05 Ph (W): (0253) 2575408 07-T05-05 Email: plwani@rediffmail. Vishnupuri. 236383 Fax (W): 07104. Patil Arts.B.: 9822551558 R. G. 65. Gopal Park.com 07-T06-05 03 Hindi Sewa Mandal. Nagpur – 440 016 PH (W): (07104) 2352220. Trimurti Chowk. 9422946481 Tiwari R.A. Ph (W): (0257) 2227422 Email: coetjalgaon@hotmail. S-3.M. 3. Old 07-T03-05 Pandit Colony.S.: Jajoo: 06.M. Nashik and Outside Maharashtra Region 01 College of Engineering & Technology. Jalgaon – 425 002. Nanded – 431 606 Ph (W): (02462) 229801. 26058077 26058287 Fax(W): +91-20-25442770 Email:aissmspolypune@rediffmail. MIT Campus. M.co m 08-T34-04 08-T35-01 08-T03-02 08-T07-02 08-T05-02 08-T06-02 08-T24-01 08-T50-01 08-T51-01 08-T52-01 08-T34-05 08-T35-05 08-T03-03 08-T07-03 08-T05-03 08-T06-03 08-T24-02 08-T50-02 08-T51-02 08-T52-02 08-T03-06 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 30 60 30 30 30 30 60 60 60 60 60 62173 62173 62173 62173 62173 62173 62173 62173 62173 62173 62391 62391 62391 62391 62391 62391 62391 62391 62391 62391 62247 (020) PC ESEP Dharampatre: 30273629 PC MLEP Ganesh Borikar: (020) 30273629 Mangesh Karad: SCH (020)25676818 B.in 08-T03 -05 9328A PC SCH 8. Kothrud.D. Pune – 411 001 Ph(W): 020-25437681/2. Ex Servicemen Colony. 25437682 Fax(W): +91-20-25442770 Email:mitycmou@hotmail. Sukhsagar Nagar – 2.: 9422504741 05 08-T34-06 08-T35-03 08-T03-04 08-T07-04 08-T05-04 08-T06-04 08-T24-05 08-T50-05 08-T51-05 08-T52-05 08-T35-04 08-T24-04 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 6409A PC 6409A 6409A SCH 6409A 6409A 6409A 6409A 6409A 6409A 6409A PC SCH Lengare S. (W): 020-25464131/30273629 120 62319 120 62319 Prof. N. Pune Region 01 V S R Institute of Technology. Kothrud Pune – 411038 Ph. P. MAEER. Pune – 411 038 Ph(W): 020-25437681. Sai Nagar. Apte Road. S. no. B. 9881245429 . R. Kizhakkambalam.K. 3290321. Pune – 411 004 Ph(W): 020-25531996. 59.edn. Pune – 411 048.in Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College of Engineering & Polytechnic Camp. 124.: 9860660248 Godbole V. S.SN SC Contact Information 06 SC Ref SIT 80 80 Code 9328A SC Staff Contact Details Johns Kurian: 04842340099 Capt Vinod Naveen: 0484-3290321 Euro Tech Maritime Academy 07-T33-02 Kakkattikkara.com 30 62153 PC SCH Karlekar S (020)26961973 Vatti Ram 09421080391 D: Babu: 03 All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s Institute of Technology. Paud Road. Kondhwa (BK).25531479 Fax(W): +91-20-25531996 Email : info@vidyamaha. Near Circuit House Satara – 415 001 PC SCH Khatavkar 9225571214 P.O.S. Cochin – 682 562 Ph (W): (0484) 3249041. 55/56. Shivajinagar. Patil: 02025442770 Mangesh Karad: 02025464131 YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 106 . S No 124. Ph (W): (020) 26961973 Mobile : 31033544 02 Maharashtra Institute of Technology. Nagane: PC MLEP Mr. Patil: SCH 9850515217 04 Vidya Mahamandal 1244. 3257850 Fax (W): (0484) 2331196 E-mail: emabtech@yahoo.: Apte A.G (020)26059147 Mr.: 02162235767 06 Sri Savitribai Phule Polytechnic College.B.M.Patil: PC ESEP Mr. 07-V23-02 Pazhanganadu (Via – Aluva). Survey No. Kothrud. S. B.169/1/A. Pune – 412 201 Ph (W): 020-26912901/2/3/25442770 Fax (W): 020-26912904 manet_office@mitpune. 140. Pune – 411 038 Ph(W): 020-25437681.I. Sanquelin. Devgaonkar: 9860012911 09.T.)S.Opp. Paud Road.SN SC Contact Information 07 SC Ref 08-T05-07 Yashaswi Institute of Technology. Loni-Kalbhor. Bicholim.com 09-T03-01 200 63106 200 63106 PC SCH Prof. S. 25437682 Fax(W): +91-20-25442770 08-T35-02 08-T24-03 08-T50-03 08-T51-03 08-T52-03 SIT NA NA NA NA NA 120 120 120 120 120 Code SC Staff Contact Details 62387 PC Mr.No. 3218382 Fax: 0832-2364347 30 9314A PC SCH Dipti Sawant: 3212833 Ramapati 09326020694 0832Pitre: YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 107 . E. Goa Region 01 Creative Education Trust. Ambike: 62387 020-27354731 9960269691 62276 62276 62276 62276 62276 PC SCH Prof Anand 9850627506 Mangesh (020)32900895 Tappu: Karad: 08 09 MAEER’s Maharashtra Academy of 08-T33-01 Naval Education and Training 08-V23-01 (MANET). Pune-Solapur Highway. Gokul Building. First Floor.Elpro International 08-T06-07 08-T24-06 Chinchwad 08-T50-06 Pune-411033 08-T51-06 M.K. Gat No. Pore: 9970041605 Prof. (Dr.Rahul Mali: 02062387 27353730/1/2/3 62387 9860130300 62387 SCH Brig.S. College of Engineering S No 124. Rajbaugh. Ex Servicemen Colony. Goa – 403 505 Ph (W): 0832-3218333. APPENDICES UGC RECOGNITION (1992) YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 108 . UGC EQUIVALENCE LETTER (2004) YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 109 . DEC RECOGNITION LETTER (2008) YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 110 . GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA GR (1995) YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 111 . SPECIMEN ADMISSION FORM Specimen Copy YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 112 . Specimen Copy YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 113 . DACECT FORM YCMOU–AST: Prospectus 2011-2012 Page 114 .
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