Yik Kam Transform
Yik Kam Transform
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YIK KAM TRANSFORM 易金轉換Jox Ogris January 2013 DISCLAIMER Please note that author of that book is NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner whatsoever for any injury that may result from practicing the techniques and/or following the instructions given within. Since the physical activities described herein may be too strenuous in nature for some readers to engage in safely, it is essential that a physician be consulted prior to training. YIK KAM TRANSFORM Author : Jox Ogris Editor: Ravi Shah All rights reserved Copyright ©Jox Ogris 2013 Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine . book could not be written. but practice is the key to it. to give permission to use their material. Thanks to Ravi Shah for editing.Yik Kam Wing Chun: Enter the Siu Lin Tau. Information of the Yik Kam Transform are the notes by Hendrik Santo.” ― Lao Tzu . by Jim Roselando Jr.issue 5&6. “Knowledge is a treasure. Without this. I would also like to thank to Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine. I would like to express my very great appreciation to Hendrik Santo and his willingness to share information of Yik Kam Transform and Yik Kam Wing Chun. the student of the legendary master Cho Hong Choi.Acknowledgements Information of the Yik Kam wing chun is from the article. THE INNER CIRCLE . .........................................5................ THE PHYSICAL BODDY LAYER ................... 6 THE MIND LAYER ...1....................................1..........................................................2............. 25 ... 2............. 2.CONTENTS 1................................4.............. 17 2..................... YIK KAM WING CHUN ................................................................................ 8 THE BREATHING LAYER................................................. 16 FOUR CYCLIC PLATFORM . 2............................. 18 3................................... 16 CORE COMBAT APLICATIONS .................. 9 THE QI LAYER ....................................................................................... 24 4............................................................ 3..............................................................................5...2.....................................................3..................................................................................................................... 2...5.................... 10 THE FORCE VECTORS..........................3 2........................... MOMENTUM & CORE COMBAT TACTIC LAYER ...........................................................................5....................4 2............... 22 LOWER BODY TRANSFORM .........................5..................... EXPECTED RESULTS.................................................................................. 18 3.............5................................................5 3....................................................................................................................................3...................................................... 14 SIX DIRECTIONAL FORCES .................. 2........ 5 2........................... CHUM KIU & BIU JEE TRANSFORM ...............................................................1 2........ 13 PULSE POWER GENERATION – FA JING ......... 4 YIK KAM TRANSFORM .....................................2 2..................... SIU LIM TAO TRANSFORM ......................... YIK KAM TRANSFORM DRILLS ................... 12 INTRODUCTION IN TO FORCE PRINCIPLES .... This training gives the practitioner a sense of how to utilize their body with only the smallest possible movements whether it is circular/spiralling or triangular fashion. YIK KAM SIU LIM TAO »Yik Kam’s Siu Lim Tau is a long set. and movement exist . medium and close. it will allow a variety of angles to come to life. With a loose body. enabling it to react and respond dynamically. but also gradually re-align the skeletal structure. The set is equal to the common three Wing Chun sets combined. techniques. splitting and twisting.com) Siu Lim Tao Kuen Kuit (part one) 1. which are essential for receiving and issuing force. In fact. include long. but also to achieve deeper state of cultivation. Six directional force vector handling is simply the balancing of opposing forces statically and during movement.wingchunillustrated. Dropping. The benefits for real life situations are many. elbow or body.com) 1. Call back your mind to be in the state of silence standing in the equal shoulder stance. Rotate & Move (part three) and lastly Walking (part four). the four sections relate to Standing (part one).1. and lower abdominal breathing. When this is combined with movement. Shift & Move (part two). not only does a practitioner use the Siu Lim Tao to develop their combat skills and concepts. out and in. under. 5. There are four basic cycles in Yik Kam wing chun teaching. joints all are to be targeted and trained systematically. force.1. the first part is very similar to that of other lineages. and angles. »Physically. (http://www. all must be understood. « Si-fu Hendrik Santo. A simple example of this is classic usage of the fist. Issue 6 of Wing Chun Illustrated (http://www. 2. 3. So.wingchunillustrated. YIK KAM WING CHUN »Some of the most important aspects of Yik Kam Wing Chun are dynamics. « Issue 5 of Wing Chun Illustrated. A loose body has a greater range of motion allowing for maximum open. and when combined with Wing Chun boxing skills it results in ability to generate Wing Chun's famed “Shock Force”. medirians. Full integration of the Snake Body engine is essential during all practice. accumulate the qi in the Dantien to activate the ren and do medirians. This will not only loosen the body. Ranges of practice in Yik Kam Wing Chun. quite mind. Issue 5 of Wing Chun Illustrated (http://www. Storing your Bows Jin on the ground side of your right feet . « Si-fu Jim Roselando Jr. Part of the study of dynamics includes learning about force. rise and sink. A loose body will have qualities of heaviness and lightness. allow the wing chun practitioner to have flexible and adaptable boxing skills at multiple ranges. that has four parts and many sections in each part. tendons.wingchunillustrated. ranges. Basically. close.com) 4 . 4. The ability to cycle the hands over. At the point you start an action such as you raise your both hands forward be aware that there are yin and yang side of the body. As you trip out your left leg be aware of the exist of the action and reaction force. the muscles. This way when one comes into the contact with a weak force one is able to harness multiple forces to easily off – balance and defeat the opponent during an attack or while defending. Dynamics teaches the student how to power the body. With the Yik Kam Transform one can activate the engines of the three sets of Wing Chun Kuen thus revealing the internal aspect of the three sets. That is the reason for placing the Physical Layer as the first layer. The results varies from person to person. YIK KAM TRANSFORM FIVE LAYERS: physical body layer mind layer breathing layer qi layer force vectors. to help give one direct experience and understanding it’s purpose. All other layers has to go through these two layers to be managed. Yik Kam Transform five layers The physical layer and the mind layer are the two layers we have direct control over. six bows. jing/force vector paths. This will help preserve what was lost.2. compared to pre . YIK KAM TRANSFORM The Yik Kam transform is a tool that can imbue and evolve the boundary of one's Wing Chun Kuen regardless the lineage or style with the contents of 1850’s era Wing Chun Kuen. MOMENTUM & WCK CORE COMBAT TACTIC BREATH BODY Diagram 1. Biu Jee spiralling drill and Lower body drill) on is made more aware of their body. Chum Kiu spiralling drill. breathing. and help fill in any gaps that one might have currently in their Wing Chun training. the physical layer has a big influence on the mind layer. due to different back grounds. Above all else it promotes a healthy and balanced evolution toward the future. qi flow. Basically with the four drills (Siu Lim Tao static and dynamic drills. mind. and momentum handling thus enhancing their currently Wing Chun training and knowledge. As a human being. however regardless of the differences change will occur. 5 . The Yik kam transform is a systematic process consisting of the well defined parameters with various static and dynamic drills. thus. These five layer categorization is an attempt to describe what existed in the 1850 era Wing Chun Kuen using modern day language to help better understand the ancient art form depicted in a classical Chinese culture. momentum & core combat tactic layer MIND QI FORCE VECTORS. the physical layer has to be dealt with first. What can be predicted is after going through the four Yik Kam Transform drills ones perspective on how to practice the forms and chi sao will be different.Yik Kam Transform practice. wrist elbow shoulder hip knee ankle feet Alignment of body skletal structure. Seven bows Body structure Without structure one would have to solely relay on the speed and power to overcome an opponent. With structure one could absorb and redirect the force greater than your own. the alignment. Each bow can generate and transmit the force. 4. This is the core training in Wing Chun kuen. THE PHYSICAL BODY LAYER The body structures both in static and dynamic state. 2. STATIC & DYNAMIC STRUCTURE Diagram 2. Diagram 3. There are seven bows in our body. Body structure types: two directional Structure can handle the force from two directions. and therefore the more powerful and faster person would most likely to be the winner. Body structure SEVEN BOWS Seven bows Our joints are »the bows«. 6. both in static and dynamic state. and the definition of loose and relaxed are defined and experienced. 1. four directional Structure can handle the force from the four directions. six directional Structure can handle the force from six directions 6 .1. 5. seven bows.2. 7. 3. and effortless stance. adaptability.. dynamic structure. 7 . 60 degrees flexion of the neck to attain loose. and every other part of the body will support it with a natural wave like motion. etc. elasticity.Static body structure One needs to handle three key areas: slightly bent knees. The snake engine platform is a concept for evolving the body to handle the movements in a certain way. To develop the snake engine. Rotating Snakes illusion.Kitaoka 2003 One part of the body moves.. three key points are required: loose physical body movement is lead by circular of circular derived motion supported by a natural wave like motion Diagram 4. flexibility. This is characterised by the use of coiling. It is about to getting the best natural alignment to prepare the body for next steps. This is what we call. loose lower back and neck. fluidity. natural. Copyright A. Static body structure handles the force in a static position. Dynamic body structure or Snake engine Activation of seven bows means activation of the dynamic and natural physical condition or state. explosiveness. even in daily living. awareness and presentness are defined. introduced and experienced. Mind layer tools: Thinking The process of using your mind to consider something carefully. 2012) One needs to develop a fluid mind layer where one can use any of the four tools with ease. Again. Diagram 6. etc. (http://www. 29. THE MIND LAYER This layer describe the mind and the keys of handling the mind. and natural principle in the mind layer practice. intention. visualisation. The mind layer tools are used for fine handling physical structure.2. "thinking always made him frown". Mind layer VISUALISATION INTENTION The mind layer tools: thinking.. and natural. as soon as there is tension. force vectors. quite.. Intention Intention means the course of action(s) someone has planned on and is committed to follow. quite.2.12.wholistic. one must follow the loose. Qi cultivation. 8 . the mind will quite down naturally as well. "she paused for thought" Visualization Visualization is the act or an instance of visualizing. AWARENESS STILLNESS THINKING Diagram 5.me. mental stability. When the body is loose and feeling of levitation occurs naturally. Awareness / stillness Awareness is a state of undifferentiated consciousness at the present moment. stop and get back to the loose. Mind map. blogspot. quite the mind. 9 . Empty & full.2.12. (http://www.leefamilyinternalarts. The natural lower breathing which increase the lung volume are defined and experienced. THE BREATHING LAYER The breathing layer describes the keys of handling the breathing.com. and let the natural breathing surface by itself without forcing or controlling it. 29. Inhaling & exhaling.3. Breathing layer AWARENESS OF LOWER DANTIEN Diagram 8. 2012) Diagram 9. (http://ianellis-jones.12. NATURAL BREATHING Diagram 7. 2012) To develop the proper lower abdominal breathing one needs to loose the body.com. 29. acting from the dantien is considered to be related to the state of stilness and intuition. LOWER DANTIEN Diagram 10.2. This layer is dependent on the proper handling of the physical. Qi layer 8 EXTRAORDINARY CHANNELS 12 MERIDIANS Lower Dan Tian The Dan Tian is the energy center in the abdominal region. Diagram 11. Dan tien is the place where we store the energy we generate in Qi gong and martial arts practices. Qi gong teachers instruct their students to center their mind in dantian. The growth of Qi and the effect of Qi in physical body are defined and experienced. Lower Dan Tian 10 . held to aid control of thoughts and emotions. mind and breathing layers. THE QI LAYER This layer describes the Qi layer and the keys of handling the Qi. Therefore.4. about three inches below the navel and midway into the center of the body. 11 . When these regular channels are full.Eight extraoridinary channels The eight extraordinary vessels represents the underlying root of all the body’s energy systems. (http://extraordinarychinesemedicine. these are not attributed to a physical body system. excess qi and blood flows into the eight extra channels to be stored for later use. Extraordinary vessels. microcosmic orbit trusting channels belt channels bridge and regulator channels Diagram 12. 2012) Their main function is to regulate the circulation of qi and blood in the twelve regular channels.12. but they are more akin to being the source and blueprint which makes manifest all the systems and structure of the body. Unlike other meridians.com. 29. THE FORCE VECTORS. The force vectors. and basic core martial application tactic characteristic for Wing Chun Kuen and the keys for handling them. 2.acupuncture-and-chinese-medicine. momentum & core combat tactic layer 12 . There are twelve primary Meridians each supplying energy to a specific organ. trunk. The name for each Meridian is derived from the organ to which it is connected. Nearly all of the 365 classical Acupuncture points are found along the twelve primary Meridians. (http://www.gall bladder kidney . force balancing. 29.urinary bladder pericardum . Each details are defined and experienced.5. lung – colon stomach – spleen heart – intestine liver .triple warmer Diagram 13.com. The Meridians. momentum . Layer five is the layer which makes the art a martial art while all other layer are a support. 2012) Meridians connect the interior of the body with the exterior and flow near the surface in pathways on the sides of the head. MOMENTUM & CORE COMBAT TACTIC LAYER This layer describes power generation. The Meridian system comprises an invisible web or network that links together all the internal organs. back and along the limbs. 12. PULSE POWER GENERATION SIX DIRECTIONAL FORCE FORCE BALANCING CORE COMBAT APLICATIONS Diagram 14.Twelve meridians Meridians are channels or energy pathways that carry QI throughout the body. 2012) b. 29.com.1 INTRODUCTION IN TO FORCE PRINCIPLES a. 29.12. destructive capability is stronger Fa Jing.com.2012) c. 29.adamhsu. (http://www.12.adamhsu. 29. (http://www. Distance and power generation: longer distance or radius generate more power shorter distance or radius generate less power Diagram 16 Fa Jing.12.12. Spiral and line motion distance from point C to points A and B are the same shortest distance from point A to point C is the straight line spiral from point B to point C increase distance for 1 X or more best way to issue power is to move Diagram 18 by the spiral motion Fa Jing.adamhsu. Main differences between brute force and Jing force: Brute Force: doesn't come from training can be sustained for a period of time applies to a larger area speed is slower hit the opponent or support one's self destructive capability is weaker Jing: developed through training instantaneous for a smaller area almost like a spot faster penetrate through the target Diagram 15. (http://www. Working distance longer working distance allows more acceleration longest working distance will issue the maximum power starting point to create the longest working distance should be the leg Diagram 17 Fa Jing.com.2012) 13 .adamhsu. (http://www.2012) d.5.2.com. it sustains the force vector. Characteristics of the spiral motion: very flexible and can be adjusted for any direction it can utilize its force and position to control the opponent for its own advantage can deflect opponent's attack and continue to fight without stopping the movement power won't be reduced and it can be adjusted naturally and easily has versatile applications and is for multiple targets destructive capability .e. (http://www. Lik and Jing forces Lik Lik is stationary force. Process of LIk: Detection of the incoming force to the contact point Alignment of the seven bows and transfer power to the ground and sustain it there. It is stationary. 14 .2012) 2.12. 29.2 PULSE POWER GENERATION – FA JING The “Fa-Jing” literally means “Explosive-Power”.like the bullet of a rifle it is easy to control and adjust the distance to the object other types of movements tend to dodge or block the attack straight motion are difficult to adjust the direction if forced to change direction power is reduced and the movements become unnatural and rigid.adamhsu.5. Diagram 19 Fa Jing. Fa-jing is not a type of Jing but the process of exploding Jing. Jing Jing is the force flow.com. Force line type power Jing flow through jing path in the body. 15 ..) Big Jing Whole body change of force Soft Jing (Rou Jing) Gradual and smooth type change of force Hard JIng (Gang Jing) Short type change of force or pulse power generation It is not easy to describe or to understand in its entirety because it needs to be understood more by the body than by the mind. So the Jing is continuous flow of the force through the body. Diagram 20 Jing Path & Jing flow Four main types of Jing Small Jing Local change of force (wrist. Reaction force (Yang Lik) Force flow from the ground. For the body to understand. to the shoulder all way down the spine. Sometimes force flow all the way through the body. Range of the force flow through the body depends on the situation. sometimes only one. you align the force in to the jing path. twist type of movements centre of gravity change force balancing through Jing paths and Jing flow Jing path and Jing flow Jing pathway The route from the contact point to the ground. When you are pushed – at the contact point. and from the ground back all the way to the contact point. further through the three wing chun kuen sets. There are three prerequisites for Jing generation: tendon muscle element. knees and ankles to the ground. it needs to be able to approximate spiral force motion repetitively until its nature is grasped..Process of Jing: Detection of the force flowing from the wrist to the elbow. spiral. This is done through the continuous and repetitive practice of the Yik Kam Transform exercises and then. Action force (Yin Lik) Force flow to the ground. two or three joints. Jing flow Travels through the Jing pathway. Body type power Tense your body to generate power. hips. elbow. only six directions are delineated.downward cycle Diagram 22.sunstar-solutions.5.2.12. When we practice wing chun kuen three sets. (http://www.right up – down Diagram 21. 2. Four cycles: huen . 29.3 SIX DIRECTIONAL FORCES Six directional forces is a model to help us become more aware of the forces around us. 16 .4 FOUR CYCLIC PLATFORM Four cyclic or shorter huen sao platform.com.5. Jeremy Rassmussen. but for convenience of understanding. The six directional forces are: forward . We try to balance.inward cycle tiu . 2012) Awareness of those forces allows us to handle forces in term of receiving. Yik Kam wing chun use four different types of cycle frames to cover combat reality. issuing and balancing them.backward left . Four circles. Facebook August 2009 Each cycle belongs to different group of techniques and each cycle can be used in different combinations during chi sao. Force should be managed in all directions.outward cycle kam . actually we practice awareness of these forces with the six directional model.upward cycle tap . you can quite easily expand your skill to handle the forces in all directions. If you can handle forces in these six basic directions. named also as two snakes searching for the opening. handle and issue the forces. 7 Circles – Completion. in order to be able to handle the minimum of confrontation. the post contact positioning and techniques in general refer to continous attack to finish up the execution. The five layer catagorization is an attemp to describe what existed in 1850 era Wing Chun Kuen with modern day language. the Wooden dummy practice reveal different types of strategy which includes the pre contact positioning and techniques and post contact positioning and techniques. 17 . the pre contact positioning and techniques in general refer to closing the gap of attack. The bridge: Short bridge elbow bended Long Bridge elbow extended Different typs of Jings within shot & long bridge Practitioner needs both the pre and post positioning and techniques training.5 CORE COMBAT APLICATIONS The two elements of tactic and strategy: In general. techniques are supported by both force vector balncing and and momentum balancing. In order to get the job done well. including angle. Post contact positioning and techniques The positioning and techniques after the contact or confrontation. pre contact positioning deals with predictive estimation. In general. Post contact positioning deal with sensing and adaptation. And to bring out the details involved in that era.5. and state) one chooses to confront and subdue the opponent for one's advantage. which was originaly presented as classical Chinese culture. Particulaly in Wing Chun. tactics and strategy. there are two elements to realize a martial art application. Positioning Positioning is the location (or where. timing. Techniques Techniques are the tools used in confrontation. Chisau in WCK is a drill for the advantage of the post contact positioning and techniques execution. to aid in understanding of the ancient art.2. Positioning and techniques can be further divided into: Pre contact positioning and techniques The positioning and techniques before the contact or confrontation. or to recover from one's previous mistake. 1.compressing and expanding.. Siu Lim Tao Transform Siu Lim Tao level characteristic: Coil spring . STATIC STANDING SIU LIM TAO TRANSFORM DYNAMIC SWINGING RELAXATION ALIGNMENT 1.. Diagram 25. action (black) and reaction (red) force 18 . Once one get these transform drill handle and develop the particular wing chun type will surface when one practice the three wing chun sets. six directional force.compressing and expanding. Coil spring . Yik Kam transform drills are as follows in diagram below: PRELIMINARY PRACTICE Diagram 23. snake engine.3. SIU LIM TAO TRANSFORM The Siu Lim Tao transform is a step by step process and each sequence needs to be fully handled before proceeding to the next step. WAIST 3. KNEES THREE KEYS 2. That means turning on the engine of each set. Those drills are selected to cover dominant keys of the five layers in simple practice to activate the seven bows. Beginner must progress with each sequence. Yik Kam Transform drills SLT DRILLS CK/BJ DRILL LOWER BODY DRILL 3. This support and calibrates the first part of the Yik Kam long set Siu Lim Tao. etc. NECK ACTIVATE SEVEN BOWS STILNESS ACTIVATE FOUR JING PATHS DEEP ABSOMINAL BREATHING ACTIVATION OF 20 MERIDIANS Diagram 24. YIK KAM TRANSFORM DRILLS Each drill covers a specific basic element of each layer. so the handling could progress smoothly. Place your hand on the back of the neck. That is the sequence of how a beginner can begin to experience the first four layers of the Yik Kam transform. Let your belly expand outwards and feel your palms move forward. Chest. hip joints balanced and loosen up naturally. Neck A natural flat back of the neck align the head. Knees The degree of knee bending. shoulders. feel back of that the neck is naturally flat instead of concave or convex. 1. It is about preparing for the next step. lower abdominal breathing will surface naturally by itself. Both of these are imbalance. Feet shoulder-width apart.SIU LIM TAO DRILL 1 STATIC BODY DEVELOPMENT One needs to handle three key areas to het a natural equal shoulder stance or YJKYM. and the flow of microcosmic orbit. A good proper breathing is loose and natural. Those are the basic of YJKYM. Lower back A loose lower back or “ming men” (located behind the navel on the back) leads to upper and lower body unity. 19 . upper body. and open the whole body Qi flow. Place both your palms on the Dan Tien. Again. Look about 60 degree downward with relaxed posture. based on the result of let the loose physical body. An overly bent knee causes tension in the hip joints and heavily roots. In comparison. It is natural instead of trying to force anything. QI Qi flow surface by itself. In the Kuen Kuit of Yik Kam says: “Accumulate Qi in Dan Tien.” Accumulation of Qi in Dan Tien is an outcome. One must let go and let it be to naturally get there. BREATHING After your physical body is loose and your mind calm. 3. As you inhale. 2. MIND When the body is loose and natural. be aware of your breath to your Dan Tian. Keep doing adjustment with the above three points to attain loose. the top of the body feels heavy and bottom of the body light. it will surface by natural development without using mind to control the process. and effortless stance. deep and light. You will get better and better the more you practice. natural lower abdomen breathing. the mind will quite down on it’s own. silent mind and lower abdomen breathing settled in natural way. With your hand. these must not be forced. Ming men mean the gate of life and death. Exhale and let your abdomen return to its natural position. A slightly bended knees makes one feel like effortless floating of the joints. a straight knees causes tension and effort in the chest. handle the "weight". natural. One needs to open this area up for a full body development. slightly bend your knees slightly tilt your waist align the neck – 60* 2. exhale move the hands down 5. cover your Dan Tien breathe naturally SIU LIM TAO TRANSFORM DRILL 1 1. exhale and turn the hands (facing heaven) 3. exhale move the hands down 6. loosen your body feel mental stillness natural breathing 2. lossen your body feel mental stillness natural breathing 20 min 20 . inhale.PRELIMINARY PRACTICE: 1. inhale rise the hands (facing earth) 3.1. rise the hands up and move them in line with the body 4. inhale rise the arms allow the body to rock slightly backward 5. lose your body mental stillness natural breathing 2. Activation of the snake engine. inhale rise the arms allow the body to rock slightly backward steps 1 > 4 = 5x steps 5 > 8 = 1x repeat the sequences 3. exhale drop the arms squat 21 . SIU LIM TAO TRANSFORM DRILL 2 1. observe and get used to the dynamic yet natural physical condition or state.SIU LIM TAO DRILL 2 DYNAMIC BODY DEVELOPMENT Activation of the seven bows. exhale drop the arms allow the body to rock slightly forward 4. will cause further deepening of the dynamic yet natural physical condition or state. Only after this attainment one is considering to enter the door of knowing the Siu Lim Tao by Yik Kam wing chun standard. Let the everything from the drills surface by itself. inhale move the arms forward lift the knees 8. 3. CHUM KIU & BIU JEE TRANSFORM This drill supports the calibration of the CK and BJ forms (part 2. Chum Kiu & Biu Jee Transform 22 . inhale rise the arms lift the knees allow the body to rock slightly backward Use the development and transformation of the body from the above process during practicing Siu Lim Tao.2.6. STEPS 70/30 CK & BJ TRANSFORM RELAXATION ALIGNMENT HANDS TWISTING UP SPIRAL BODY HANDS TWISTING DOWN DEEP ABDOMINAL BREATHING INHALATION EXHALATION STILNESS ACTIVARION OF 20 MERIDIANS Diagram 26. inhale reverse the arms squat 7. 3 and 4 of Yik Kam wing chun long set Siu Lim Tao). loosen your body maintain mental stillness natural breathing 2. adding the twisting action on top of the compressing and expanding coil spring. expanding and twisting action CHUM KIU & BIU JEE TRANSFORM DRILL 1.Chum Kiu and Biu Jee level characteristic: Double helix. right step right body spiral twist hands right / down 23 . Coil spring – compressing. right step ~one feet apart 90 degrees 70% R /30% L 1. offset the left foot 3. Diagram 27. left step ~one foot apart 90 degrees 70% L /30% R 2. left step left body spiral twist hands left / up 3. sit on the right leg 4. loosen your body mental stillness natural breathing 2. foot circling left 9. foot circling right 24 . kick 5. tan gerk 6. extended foot 8. Lower body Transform LOWER BODY TRANSFORM DRILL 1. hands on the hips 3.3. LEG BOWS SPINAL RELAXATION EIGHT METHODS OF FEET Diagram 28. stamp kick 7.3. footwork and the eight methods of the legs. LOWER BODY TRANSFORM Lower body drill supports the lower bows. Breathing layer You will have a taste of the breathing. one can start to understand the 1850 mind-set.10. backward stance 14. Force vector. 25 . With the above experience and details of how to handle of the five layers. plus momentum type and momentum recycling. 3. Use the qi meridians to aid movements or force handling. and can switch to natural lower abdomen breathing as needed. also know the level of the Shen or present. and now be able to unlock the forms of their own lineage and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their own training. aware. These are the core of wing chun style tactics. and be able to switch from thinking. As well as a taste of the six directional forces and force vector balancing. momentum and wing chun kuen core tactic layer You will have a taste of the difference between body type power generation and force line type power generation. 5. and the flow of the 20 meridians in different physical movements. intention. EXPECTED RESULTS Within a short period of time after practicing Yik Kam Transform drills the following results are to be expected: 1. 3x < 4. Mind layer You will have a taste of the state of mind. both static and dynamic structure. forward stance 12. Physical layer You will have a taste of the condition and be able to use the seven bows at all times naturally. Qi layer You will have a taste of the existence of Qi development. You will also have a taste of the pulse power generation that comes from force line type power generation. 2. 4. Experience of how the seven bows forming. 3x > 13. bong gerk 11. visualization as needed. 12.pulsediagnosis.taijiworld.com) Web sources You Tube. 2012) Adam Hsu Kung Fu. 2012) 26 . Scholar Warrior: An introduction to the Tao in everyday life.wingchunillustrated. New York: HarperCollins. Maciocia.htm. Yuen. 2012) Maximizing your wing chun power. (http://www.com/user/1000delight/videos.com) The inner circle.” 2004. Jeffrey C. 2012) International Wing Chun Organization. Continuing Education Department.html. (http://www.Issue 6. (http://www.iwco. 15. Transcribed and edited by Sandra Hill. Yik Kam Wing Chun.adamhsu. Channel Systems of Chinese Medicine: The Eight Extraordinary Vessels.Issue 5. William. Foundations of Chinese Medicine: A comprehensive text for acupuncturists and herbalists. 2005. Giovanni. 1986. Available at: http://www.co. Complete Wing Chun: The Definitive Guide to Wing Chun's History and Traditions Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine The inner circle.11 2012) The Power.com/Thinking%20Pages/whatisthinking.uk/htdocs/articles.com/articles/. 15. Claude and Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée. Enter the Siu Lin Tau. (http://www.youtube.com/taiji-qigong/Articles/FADS. 2012) What is Thinking. Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine . Enter the Siu Lin Tau. Extraordinary Vessels. 1000 delight. 1990. 12.com/EightExtraordinaryPulseDiagnosisSystemofWangShuhe. 204. 1. (http://www. Part 2. (http://www.wingchunillustrated. P. Brookline: Paradigm Publications. 2nd ed. 15. Yik Kam Wing Chun. Ming-Dao.12. “Eight Extra Vessel Pulse Diagnosis: A Path to Effective Treatment. 30. 1213 April 2003.info/post/show/221/. Matsumoto. London: Churchill Livingstone. (http://www. 1997.Bibliography Books Larre.htm. New England School of Acupuncture. Part 1. Kiiko and Stephen Birch.11. 30. Deng. Edited by Stephen Howard. 2012) The Wing Chun Mind. (http://ictnz. Wing Chun Illustrated Magazine .11. (http://www. 2005. The Eight Extraordinary Meridians.11. 1.chusaulei.com.alanorr. Morris. Cambridge: Monkey Press.
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