YASKAWA CNC Spindle Drive 626 Mt 2

March 29, 2018 | Author: chidambaram kasi | Category: Electrical Connector, Force, Electronic Engineering, Technology, Manufactured Goods



AC SPINDLE DRIVE ( TYPE CIMR-MT) VS-626MT CONTENTS 1 . SPECIFICATION 2 .,INTERFACE 3 . PROTECTIVE FUNCTION 4 . ORIENTATION UNIT 5 . DEMENSIONS DIAGRAMS 6 . CONNECTION DIAGRAMS 7 . ELEMEMTARY DIAGRAMS 8 . EXTERNAL TERMINAL LIST 9 . ADJUSTMENT 10 . LOCATIONS OF POTS AND CHECK POINTS 11 . BLOCK DIAGRAM AND WAVEFORMS AT CHECKS POINTS 12 . TROUBLE SHOOTING 1 . SPECIFICATIONS TYPE Nominal Rating Applicable Motor Power Supply Continous 30 Minutes CIMR-MT7 .5K 7 .5KW 5 .5KW 7 .5KW 3 Phase CIMR-MT11K 11KW 7 . ,5KW 11KW CIMR-MT15K 15KW 11KW 15KW 50/60HZ 60 HZ 18KVA 200/220V 240V (±10%) (+5%,-15%) 22KVA Power Supply Capacity Main Circuit 12KVA 3-Phase full wave rectification Transistorized PI4M Inverter 160'1 55A 18011 60 Sec . I65A 1 :100 1 :3 4500 RPM or 6000 RPM pad luctuation ffset ±0 .5% 0 .1% 100% Load Fluctuation at 10 to 100% Speed (every 0 .5 sec) 100A Maximum Output Voltage Maximum Peak Output Current Rated Output Current Speed Control Range Constant Output Range Rated Speed Speed Fluctuatit-n Acceleration Deceleration Operating and Braking Methods Cooling Method 45A 85A 0 .5 to 6 .5 sec . Reversing Operation and regenerative Braking Fan Cooled Type Ambient Temperature -10 to +45°C (Under 80% relative humidity) Contact closes when the current goes over the set current limit . speed) Speed Agreement Detection Excessive Deviation Detection Trouble Detection Overload Detection Speed Detection Speed Meter Drive .1 INPUT INTERFACE Rated Speed Reference Input Resistance Running Signal ±10V DC 15K Ohms +12V OV +12V OV Run Stop Low Torque Nigh Torque Torque Limit 2 .2 OUTPUT INTERFACE Zero Speed Detection Contact closes when the motor speed drops to 1% or lower than the rated speed Contact closes when the motor speed is within ±15% of the commanded speed Contact closes when the motor speed drops to 50% or less of the commanded speed . Contact closes when the speed drops under the set speed One way swing DC 1mA meter (Full scale at Max .2 . Contact closes or opens when any trouble is detected . INTERFACE 2 . 4 . Magnet . Sensor FS-200 (joint type) or FS-1378 (separate type) MG-1378 b .5mm or.±0 .3 . Checks the Main DC Voltage and protects the Power Transistors . less 2) Position Detector a . Checks the Motor Speed and protects the Motor and the Machine . OL OV OS FU (Fuse Blown) UV (Under Voltage) Detects if the Main fuse has blown Checks the DC Power source for the Control Circuits . ORIENTATION UNIT (Option for Machining Centers) 1) Positioning Accuracy. PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS OC Checks the Main DC Current and protects the Power Transistors Checks the Main AC Current and protects the Moter and Power Transistors . t E z In O 65 W 1 a: tr) V N W '- V) Z. V7 Q Q Q u dl Z . E Z O L W al z 009 su ~s t . at ~+ o N 11 1. 1 °t L O V W 7 J f . .Connection Diagram (without orientation unit) 43- a) a) a a. a) a) a s.r- a) (1) ..C]11 CL G- C°= Z.l. -4-j O NH +> > L Cr to L a 1] Q a C1 cn va) oC 'l7 C1 N a a . ~ d4 d C. C1 Q ~ 2 p °" a) U c N L.of N V X W C N O N C1 4-3 C E s. a) +J CJ " ~-E " .V NcL -2 V'M 6 >S . qv A r1 A N A I c M U 0 O "r4-3 C U C +J Ri o .- +-3 a o rRs ~ C + -+ O o a) > .. b to U. K CO N N J a)~I +gym CO.4J C 0 tU rf . -1 ~ ~ V J 4. i o ~ - Rf .1 ~ + . : .L.~ _7 1 1 ~ 0 c O 4 w Y U 0 _i..- e d b F. -_s W O O v) X ~ CL N al d 0 a 3 .J T 19 o r1 r V 0 U "o o 0 C ¢ a) 4J c o > a O N E Q i +~ 4J r-~ ~. to C7 SO C9 Q G1 0 E O L. L.J L_ ""1 C w L" Q1 = a O > N U C d y"- + ~ C) N L. Y L i. ~e~l l " J ~1 1 eca-yl- > +~ . . w i 2 "+Vv 1 r1 ~ 1 t't . l u ~ I '~ as r "' -7 9-1 s- O C O U CI 01 E^ ~ fY D t-"+ U 1 1 1 t .JY O . f S ~^ ai + L i . 1 a~i+ t i I r` ~ ~ -' f 1 Y Z ..4 4 . ~ .M N M M M A s s >>s . . . -7 i n i lIQ X tZ It r V V f.w." Alt tiit vt .y"= 1 .ti " of 6 B + ~ ~r ' ~ t s 4 ' -~ r t Z .1 Ji " pl l r~-+6 al i 1 9 1 li W.I .A s A w f oc st 1 1 ilt u " ' ~ Wh 4J v 11~ c i au 9t St W -r ab .. r r0 n N 1 is l¢ f t / of 61 SI LI 91 S1 fl to LI c a r e 1 f 1 LI1 el `1 ° a olu < f ~. .-.. s 4 ft . w a~ 4 E e.p N I . vv:vvWwvv . IT ~ . 134 :~w hgw . .wlW:Lylvvvv . S. V. 9 to resolver terminal A.& External Terminal List Terminal Symbol R. 3-phase. 7 is OV common.. T r. etc . B 23. 1OmA can be supplied . When +12V is applied to 50. `10 is connected to OV. ~11 to resolver terminal B 33. 24 Detection of spindle control circuit abnormal condition : Closed 32 is connected to OV.Grounding t12V Output 11 0 z 0 U 12 6. Connected before shipment . s. 50/60 Hz U. land 10 to 0 . Normal condition : Open P. V. 10 U oC ~esolver Phase A Exciftati on Resolver Phase B Excitation . and 14 to F . 32 13. t v CC j Name Description Main Power Input Control Power Input Motor Connection 3-phase 200/220 VAC ±10%. 33 is connected to speed reference (±1OV) 14 is connected to OV. 7. 50/60 Hz . 8 Connect E to resolver terminal E and ground it . 6 is ±12V. 14 Resolver Input 9. Usable for speed setting. 13 to resolver terminal C. 8 is -12V . torque limit is ineffect . and W to the corresponding motor terminals . W Connect U. When +12V is applied to 37 interlock is not ineffect 50 Torque Limit 37 Start Interlock . 200/220 VAC ±10%. 25 Resistor Connection Spindle Condition Detection Spindle Control Abnorm Detection Speed Reference Input 23. 47 and 48 are closed. excessive deviation is detected . When 42 and 43 are closed. 43 49 46 When 46 is OV. 45 47. 42. zero speed is detected . 44 and 45 are closed. speed conforms . When 49 is OV.(CON-() External Terminal List Terminal Symbol 51. 48 Name Description Output for Tachometer Zero Speed Detection Speed agreement Detection Excessive Deviation Detection Speed agreement for Orientation Zero speed for Orientation Torque reference to Orientation I DC 1mA with 52 negative and 51 positive . U U J 0 Fz U 16 Torque reference from Orientation Speed reference to Orientation Speed reference from Orientation o . when speed agrees with command . 52 44. when speed is detected . SPINDLE DRIVE Instructions for Removal and Installation of the Spindle Drive Circuit Boards 1 . Remove all ribbon connectors and if necessary remove the connector with the yellow wires at the top of the large board (it has 5 straight pins in a row) 7. 5 . 9 . Illinois 6M$2 . 10 . Shut off the Control and turn off the Main Power Switch 2 . squezze the tabs together with a pair of needle-nose pliers while gently lifting the board . Remove the screws and gently lift the board free . back to their white connectors and pull *NOTE : These plugs are labeled I and 2 . If you have any questions or problems please call : YASNAC Service Department Phone Number (312) 564-0806 Please return the bad boards to : YASNAC America Inc . The large board is no nnally held down by 9 screws.FOR TYPO YS-626 A. *CAUTION : When handling circuit boards ensure that they are not set on a wet surface . 4 . 3 . To remove the board. All of the Ribbon cables and all of the connectors are keyed to fit only in one direction in their appropriate sockets . Make a list of all the wires onto the terminal strips on both the large and small boards on the spindle drive . lift it gently away . These strips are located on the left side of both boards and also there are some small terminals on the bottom of the small board . The small board is held down by plastic squeeze tabs .8 of which are located on the outside edge of the board . When the board is free. To install the new boards simply reverse the above procedure .and set it aside . Ensure that all of the wires on the terminal strip are in their proper location and that they are tightly screwed down . Open the door to the Spindle Drive Cabinet 3 . Remove the clear plastic cover on the Spindle Drive . The remaining screw is located in the very middle of the board . If the large board is to be removed : At the top of the board there are 2 pairs of Red and White wires (the wires are wound together as a twisted pair) Trace these the connectors apart .C . If possible set them on plastic of some sort . Remove all wires from the board to be replaced *CAUTION : Insure that your wire list is complete and correct before removing any wi res 6 . Attn : Field Service Doe-partnent 305 Era Drive Northbrook. ADJUSTMENT Adjustment of Speed Reference (A (C means part with a parenthesis are found on the JPAC-C026 means part with a parenthesis are found on the JPAC-C051 ADJUSTMENT Adjust CH4(A) within ±3mV when speed reference is . Adjust the CH4(A) to -6 . 1 . Adjustment of Speed SYMBOL NFB(C) FUNCTION Adjustment of Speed ADJUSTMENT Adjust to rated speed at rated speed reference .OOV at rated speed (. Adjust CH3(C) to ±6 . Adjustment of Speed Feedback SYMBOL 6RH(C) 5RH(C) FUNCTION ZERO adjustment of feedback GAIN adjustment of feedback ADJUSTMENT Adjust CH3(C) within ±3mV when speed is zero . 2. If there is a difference between forward and reverse. Normally set full CW .OOV ±3% at 100% reverse speed reference . adjust so they are equal . SYMBOL 1RH(A) 2RH(A) FUNCTION OFFSET adjustment of speed reference LIMIT adjustment of speed reference 3RH(A) 4RH(A) GAIN adjustment of forward reference GAIN adjustment of reverse reference Adjust the CH4(A) to +6 . -F : reverse) 3. W(A) ICCW Speed Reference Adjust the maximum speed reference .zero .OOV at 100% forward speed reference . 1RH(C) OFFSET adjustment of Speed . If there is a difference between forward and reverse at low speed.Q. adjust by 4RH(A) .: forward. 6RH(A) 100% 6RHI --> Absolute Speed 7RH(A) Inclination adjustment of excitation current against secondary current IM - ---------% " 100 . Adjustment of Exciting Current SYMBOL 8RH(C) FUNCTION Adjustment of excitation current ADJUSTMENT Adjust the CH6(C) and CH7(C) to ±3V peak ." Absolute Secondary Current . CH6 _+3V ONH 7 -3V 90° el . 5RH(A) Adjustment of minimum excitation current Inclination adjustment of excitation current against speed Im5RH Adjust the excitation current at zero speed reference and zero torque reference .1 7RH 5 -RR Hu .4. OOV ±O-1V Adjust so CH3(A) is -12 . Set full CCW . Usually this function is not used .5. 9 10 11 12 d-res . H 19RH(C) 20RH(C) 16RH(C) 17RH(C) 18RH(C) T LIMIT (C) SLIP FREQ(C) 4RH(C) Offset adjustment of phase oCcurrent amp Offset adjustment of phase /3 current amp Carrier frequency adjustment of PWM Carrier frequency adjustment of PWM against speed Level adjustment of current limit Slip frequency adjustment Slip frequency adjustment against speed Current level adjustment of OVERLOAD detection Adjust to remove the DC component from the AC output current . Adjust Ito 125% of the 30 minute rated current .~ /3 -res .OOV ±O-1V Adjust so CH11(C) is 144KHZ ±1% Adjust so that of -res . Adjustment of Basic Circuit SYMBOL 2RH(C) 3RH(C) 7RH(C) 11RH(C) FUNCTION Voltage adjustment of DC supply (+12V) Voltage adjustment of DC supply (-12V) Frequency adjustment of logic circuit Balance adjustment of resolver excitation voltage ADJUSTMENT Adjust so CHI(A) is +12 . voltage is the same level as 13 -res . I 0Ilk f : 9KHZ±l . 0° lec . . Adjust to 2KHZ-3KHZ according to the specification . voltage . i 12RH(C) Adjust to 105% of the 30 minute rated current . . Adjust to 1-15% of the commanded speed at low speed . 6. Adjust to 50% of the commanded speed I1RH(A) DEV-A(A) 7. Adjust to 84% of rated voltage . according to specification . SYMBOL TIME(A) FUNCTION Selection of acc/dec time limit ADJUSTMENT 100% speed reference 44 T T is equal to the time set by the DIP switch . SYMBOL 13RH(C) IORH(C) 15RH(C) FUNCTION Time adjustment of OVERLOAD detection Level adjustment of Over Speed detection Level adjustment of Low Voltage detection ADJUSTMENT Adjust to 60-120 sec . Adjust to 110% of rated speed .15% of commanded speed at low speed range . Cont .5 . SYMBOL 9RH(A) AGREE(A) IORH(A) FUNCTION Level adjustment of zero speed detection Level adjustment of speed agree detection Offset adjustment of speed agree detection (-15%) Offset adjustment of speed agree detection (+15%) Level adjustment of deviation detection ADJUSTMENT Adjust within 1% of rated speed . Adjust to x_15% of commanded speed Adjust to -. Cont . 100 IDET 5 10 NDET(A) IDET(A) Level adjustment of current detection ILIM(A) Level adjustment of current limit Can adjust 10-100% of rated current when 12V is applied at terminal 50(A). Adjust to 10-30% of rated speed . SYMBOL 8RH(A) FUNCTION Level adjustment of current limit at deceleration ADJUSTMENT Normally the current is not limited during deceleration . terminals 200 38 & 39(A) will close . . otherwise it is set by TLIM.7 . 8RH should be adjusted to reduce the current . 8.8V at CH8(A) ) If the speed goes under the set level.6V-1 . Adjust to 0-200% of rated current . A 1ma DC full scale ammeter should be used for the tachometer . (8RH is set to full CCW) But if the load has a large inertia and a large current flow through braking circuit at deceleration. terminals 40 and 41(A) will be closed . (0 . If current goes 300 ) over set level. SYMBOL METER(A) FUNCTION Scale adjustment of Tachometer Level adjustment of speed detection ADJUSTMENT Adjust the tachometer at rated speed . ~ttn~t '~C~tlsan ~i: '111 moo t ~7 .~. ' tt 1 f " ~1 r to 1.~+RH IS J I RH LH12 CHt3 CHI I i . Control Board Locations of Pots and Check Points SLIP FRE61 TLIMIT 8 IRH rrrm-~+no"ntnar:u rte~ttutru~ 1 t . i ~" f rl~" . * ...1p 1 ..l r r t t 1 . as 1 _ I~III . ~~ " rr to _ r .I< CHI Z _CH -3 CH4 CH 5 CH6 c Hill r tttitt~ R t  =stn Solor unttuu till qtr _ irrt r7 R' - IZRN . r Ijn'!t1 06RH ~"~utt~s1~11it ~sau*I : " C RN r n~nt l 2O RH a mui y ~wu tttTi ~littll Moll .1 .1y ~ 'uN t t tt>~tum.i .10 1.'ii ol . . .. ~\ d s a-R H ~R H 6H 2H gRH FOR "ntttt" fi~:it ' :ILUtt~. tt . 2-C ao W ] :U :IE02 Y ITV " KC [12 ~~ CD== 0 49 so so .-: JPAC-CO=s 3 cow -" CTCOOSOIO I I II I . . Lh" s ~Nc CH ~! il.461 '~ " r . r lI :: . .9c K CH I iL Cr its 1! c HL 1! CH .0. Auxiliary Board N DET L D=T ._ . " 1141-4 . ~= i r.2.M_ "" ~ i got 4 .r C r+ . II I -!I IIi` T Idc o_SO23 -~Il offl . V ~+ u 1 yr ~v r- o ~ o[ 1 . . I s w = 01 a1 I ~p 1 rl L z 1 4 T .Block Diagram -%nd waveforms at` necks points . 2. Check the speed reference from N/C (Terminal 33(A)). Check the starting and stopping operation frequency Adjust 8RH(A) if it occures during deceleration Check the AC Main Supply Voltage Check the Power Transistors and wiring of the braking circuit When the power is turned on immediately after it has been turned off .6RH(C) Adjust 1RH(A) and / or 6RH(C) 7 . OV alarm 1. 3. 9 . QL alarm 3 . Motor does not start See Item 4 Check the alarm Leds if there are any alarms indicated refer to items 1 through 5 2. in the braking circuit trips 2. Check Item Check the resolver wiring The figure at the right shows the wave form between terminals 13 and 14 (C) Check the speed reference from N/C (Terminal 33 (A)). output of speed AMP (CH4(A)) and speed feed back (CH 3(A)) Check the load to see if it exceeds the specifications of the drive unit 2. QC alarm 1. 5 .I Z . There is a chance that the OV alarm will appear so wait three or four minutes before turning on again Check the six Main Power Transistors Check the output circuit (including the motor) for shorts or excessive impedance to ground 2. 2 . 2. 4. FU alarm 6 . 3. ring deceleratio Check the Power Transistor in the braking circuit Adjust 8RH (A) . The thermal relay ' 1 . "Agree" doesn'-t come when speed is correct 1. 2. TROUBLE SHOOTING Trouble IIS alarm 1. 4 . 1. the output of speed AMP (CH4 (A)) and the speed feed back (CH3 (A)) Check the start interlock signal (Terminal 37 (A) should be 12V) Check the wiring of resolver and motor Check the resolver wiring -Adjust 1RH(A) and / or. "Z-SPD" doesn't come at zero speed 8 . . .0' .8% of rated speed in L gear ±0 . . . . .ORIENTATION UNIT (TYPE JPAC-C050) 1. . .4 OV(Red) . 15 Connect 4 to 15 1 2 DC 12V ±10% 50mA (For Type FS-200) Orientation Command Gear Position On at orientation start On when in Low Gear Off when in High Gear ±6V/±100% speed -3V/+100% Torque On at zero speed "L" at speed agree 6V p-p-16V p-p Speed Reference Reference Zero Speed Detection . . . Specifiction Item Power Supply Single-phase Specification 200/220V 50/60Hz (-15A-+10%) Terminal 200V . 16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------DC 15V ±10% 50mA (For Type FSD-1378) OV(C) . . .peed Agree Detection 'osition Detection 17 8 7 6 13(+) 14(-) )ri entati on Speed :eference rientation Torque eference rientation Conculsio Contact closes when orientation is finished 12 11 9 10 Lion Speed Range )sitioning Accuracy 0-2 . . R1-T 220V . . . . . . R2-T DC Power Supply For Magnetic Sensor -12V(Black) .2% of rated speed in H gear 0-8 . .5mm or less on the circumference 120mm. 16 -15V(B) . . Gear Selection ? t5 F24") " Orientation Conclusion 10 t 1 Zero Speed I 1 1 1 t i t r Connect 15 to 4 when using FS-1378 MagnetSensor FS 8 -200 Magneri c Sensor FS.ZOO FS-1378 IFAC-Cado w E 14 (. iZEjff EMI ll 14 Whit t-t I ~z Green White Red WWI c A p 150 14 (D I& cor) .IV ~) Power Supply (/0) ~. Connection Diagram xc 1 i i 1 1 1 A f Box 1 (V~-626 MT) 1 i Orientation Unit i peed ' eference i t i i i t i i I 1 Orientation Command J PDC-C050 NRer 11 $ ` 17 ' rRt~ 2 TRS 7~ / 1 I I 1 t B lack .trv) 6 c-isv) " Base Blocl B ~.4 sc=/loxz Co`rinect 15 to ~4 ~ ~i " tl !C ti k ft K .s (.2 . F.00 v O o W d.~ ~ ~ W V1 > Q Z V w far .W O V f W 0 W 3 7l o ..r H N V W 4 o a "r E Z w N Z 'Z Z m v F. w = J 1' 5 ..'4 V J C O . Adjustable Pots Check Pins Terminals Holes for MTG Screw Dimension Diagram of Orientation Unit . GAIN L . so there is no hunting when the spindle stops orientation position . Orientation Speed= NREF * 20V * Reference (CHK1) 50 x2011 . rated speed in H gear)= 4500rpm N REF (Max . Adjust H . Ifthe waveform is like (b) : terminals 13.adjustment of servo loop BIAS Fine djustment of orientation position FRICTION Fine adjustment of orientation position in H Gear Adjust the gain. Orientation Seed Setting Example NH Max .- ADJUSTMENT symbol b Function LEVEL Level adjustment of position detection Adjustment Move the motor in the forward direction slowly and chech the waveform at CHK4 . GAIN Gain. 14 should be switched 20V i ±0 .5V (a) Correct Waveform ORIENT. adjust so spindle position coincides with the proper orientation position . adjust so the spindle position coincides with the proper orientation position . Gain in L gear it Select L gear range.4 . SP Speed adjustment in orientation mode Waveform Motor speed (not spindle speed) should be set over 30rpm in orientation mode . adjust Level to correct it .33 4500 * 6 EH . If the voltage isn't 20Vp-p ±0 . Gain in H gear Adjsut L . Select H gear range. rated speed reference )= 6V N OR (orientation speed)=50rpm NOR. .5V. ) frlo ve au C ~ _ O C v vi L r.r u .t u u z vw N cc Ir of s1 oQ 0 ac LI O f0 V) Q !1 N tY rfCj C N N N i C) sl tl tl tl 11 01 V V T. {-' f W 4-Si Q a) O t/) CC t "r C SL O O C .r_ C1 v C O c.~ a tl 3 .J I I I ~ 1 I .C O . a 'a O f_ aJ L Q C C~ :_ a O a) d N O L O t u h w O d v a V 4 U n K ftt C'3 d) "r N O d N 1 .J-..~ I r 2 N m d L wa s a ILI (L O fY O a fn V C L N L a a t 0 h L O .
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