Xsteel Joint Index(Page1~32)

March 30, 2018 | Author: pooya2089 | Category: Framing (Construction), Beam (Structure), Civil Engineering, Building, Mechanical Engineering



'*'rrrunJoint and Tios Tricks XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Joint and Tips Tricks '' '1--"* , n/ joint you unfamiiiar aciiit the When applying that are a with, oefault settinqs aoDlv and ue joint.Then lookto seewhat tobeJnodmed. isqfidfr-er trvinq seiihl valuesq,' needs This than to joint forlhe before seeing the acrifib" what joint y creates. Incorect values iniome fields lhe of joints cause can jPt' thejointbered not createdall. to orto be at joint lf the does not.create parts you the that require default, example by for plates, stiffener st loot( a switch tumthem tor t0 on. o ffi $ffi0 trffi F4 [ilw! lfa swiich cannot found, placingvalue the forlhe lhickness. be try part a in iield Likewise,parts created arcnotwanted, look theswiich tumthem lf no if are that first for to off. swiich exists the in joint, place vatue zero inthethickness forthat a (0) of part. field joints macros Some and require lheprofilesbecreated thejoint specified. lhat to by are lfthe rs 0rturns tryentering red, profile Jornr notcrearcd a legitimate intheappropriate location. lf youhave.difficulty applyingjointandit seems though a as nothing happening. is your Watch prompts. may You need click middle to the mouse button termin;te part to the sllection process. lfyouare applying that allows one a joint onty for semndary you see member, may "l\rany found", themessage parts This means Xsteel that cannot detlrmine parts whiifr to make thejoint Eilher have to.. you parts multiple inthe same locationyou or depth leHngs for the view toodeep. are Tekla lnc. 600TownPark Suite NW, 175 Kennesaw,30144 GA USA (+1770)424 Tel. 8666 Fax 17619rn orto 1+l '*'rrrm JOINT INDEX XSTEEL JoinlTiosandTricks you in of see I,qq !'!,e-joint,-whenever a smallfieldfront alongerfield, 0n !!e Bol!! oJ i:=r between bolts. isthe bolts the thesmallfieldthenumberof and longerfield spacing is - {-- ==-:;-'Jsal rotating each around oth., &ffil$ menu two in A bitmapa pull{own wiih anows with us€d joint lf isnot setting.Autodefaults being the willbemade the represents default lhe joint that in is being the settings.Autodefaults used, value lhe attribute is lf hardroded default particular isused. situation tobeapplied fora /n setting. 1gp1gt..5 automatic the with Abiimapa pulldormenu an"A' S!&I in thejoini. when for seiting applying Xsteelwilltopick best try the option this bolt inthe ofanangle to when automatic isused define placement leg setting For insiance, the the will put thecenierline. thedefault setting used, bolts is When brace. bolts be on The will at usualgagefor size line that angle. beplacedihe joint is used. the lhe to that Atthetopofevery page abutton allows user iniijate lastjoint 1g *et Tekla lnc. NW, 175 600 Town%rk Suile Kennesaw,30144 GA USA (+1 424 Ter. 770) 8666 (+1 Fax 770)9190574 '*'trrun XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Jolnt TipsandTricks i)t' joint lfthe requires than secondary more one you memberbechosen, willalso a bitmap to find picking showing the order. il7.I ii',iit*':r:t .-; .tv I Tekla lnc. 600 TownPark Suile NW. 175 Kennesaw,30144 GA USA Tel. {+1770)4248666 Fax(+1770)9190574 etc. 600TownPark Suile NW.30144 GA USA Tei. grouping follows The isas (presented intoolbar from toi3): order 1 L Conneclions inintermediate used floor (end shearplate. Same no1 as 3. handrailings 11.angle constructionsplate.-*' rrrrn Toolbar Orqanization XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Toolbar Orqanlzation The contentsthetoolbars been of have divided that so similar are ' onthe items grouped same toolbar. Gussets. ofishore macros 9. bracings 5. Macros.Cold rolled. halls 10. Splices.stringerc 12. Details 6. Notching 4. clip etc.) 2.Stairc. r|0)424 (+1 8666 Fax(+1770)91S0574 .Joists. (sea0ngs. Connectionsinroof used constructions purlins. Accessories 7. consoles 13. 175 Kennesaw.) 8. cladding ) Tekla lnc.Stanchions. T.Secondary Plate Beam FullDepth Meinber Slooed Skewed.Secondary Plate FullDepth Shear . &/or cutshort Primary of Member. GA 30144 USA (+1 424 Tel. 770) 8666 Fax(+1770)9190574 . 175 600 TownPe* Suite NU Kennesaur.. useJoint#129 Paoe on 1 trffi ''H trT useJoint onPaoe S #129 1 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Slmple Tab Beam Shear to Use #146 Page : Joint on 1 lLir& Simple ShearTab Beam Bolt to opiion. Elimination =d 1 Use Joint#146 Page 4on Tekla lnc. TEKLA XSTEEL JOINT INDEJX Beam Beam to Framino ShearTabs ShearTabs Shear . 'T'rrrn XSTEEL JOINT INDEX [email protected] '. 770) 8666 (+1770)91905/4 Fax .=.red) Secofd'ary sbtts Merd6'er.!qEsc!q-EEm!!s Shear Tabs t3 f? a l I f l * a I I ol I t t Simple Shear to geam Skewed Tab Secondary Member Use Joint#146Page : on 1 tFg .. 600 TownPark Suite NW 175 USA (+1 424 Tel. V?lleycondition <'+"'ao 'v-a') qA.0L '\). .: (& Simple ShearTab Beam SloDed lo iEE= lJse #146 Paoe 4Joint on 1 )'-td9 Skei. Valley Condition ljseJoint#146 Paoe == on 1 Simple Shear to Beam Sloped Tab & Skewod Secondary Member.). lTE|li tH{ Use Joint#146Paoe == on 1 Teklalnc. ino Plate oriented Secondary with Member. o* fd fl ta -Sloped& Simple ShearTab Beam lo Skewed Secondary Member. Beam or Stiffener 0ption '1 LJse #147 Paoe 4rJoint on lfiLW |l'r- shearTab Top Flange of Padial Depth to .Sloped Beam I Square Skewed or llseJoint #147 Pao6 JEon | t[@ Partial Depth ShearTab Top to Flange of Beam of Beam Secondary cutshort Primary MemberSquare Sloped. . 600TownPark Suil6175 NW.'T'rrrn XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Framino Beam B€am lo Shear Tabs Depth Shear toTopFlange Tab of Partial . Skewed on I Use Joint#184 Page * IFH It J: T@ Tekla lnc. Skewed use Joint#149Paoe :on 1 Sloped.Square Skewed. USA (+1 424 Tel. FullDepth ShearTabSquare. 770) 8666 (+1 Fax 770)919 0574 . tL.i4 Use #185 Paoe ==Joint on 1 Use Joint#185Paoe # on 1 IFH FullDepth Shear . Secondary Offset. Elimination Bolt Option.t I Full Depth ShearTab. -tFtEi'i FullDepth Shear . Secondary Beam cutshort Primary of Member.30144 GA USA Te. Secondary Tab Beam cutshort Primary of Member. Sloped Secondary. Secondary Tab Beam cutshort Primary of Member.Secondary Tab Beam cutshort Primary of Member. &Vattey) (Hip -'lFlt= FullDepth Shear .-*- TEKTA XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Beam to Framinq Shear Tabs G a . Sloped & Skewed Secondary. 'l I t 3 Use #185 Paoe EJoint on LJse #185 Paoe # Joint on 1 ll ::rN Teklalnc.(+1 n0)424 8666 (+1 Fax 770)9190574 . 600 TownFart Suile NW 175 Kennesaw. 770) 8666 (+1 Fax r/0) S19 0574 .Weld oplion. Sidcd Sloped Secondary Member. Slded Use Joint#141 Paoe 4 on 1 illT# . Use Joint#141 Paoe + on 1 t[ffi E .Single Clip Angle Connection Sided Clip/Double Clip.Single Clip Angle Gonnection Sided Clip/Double Clip.'*'rrrrn Clip Ansles XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Beam to Framino Clip Angles . 600 TolvnPaR Suite NW. 175 Kennesau GA30144 USA (+1 424 Tel. 5aE IITLffi t|rr'e* Use Joint #'141 onPaqel e5E ||lt]fi UseJoint#141 Paoe E= e on I Tokla lnc.Slngle -Single Clip Angle Connection Sided Glip Angle Connection Slded Clip/Double Clip. Clip/Double Clip. Various Notching options. Sided Prep Slded Stoped Secondary Member. Secondary Sided Two Members. Llse Joint#143Paoe '==' on 1 -Slngle Sided Clip Angle Connection Clip/Double Clip. Sided Two Membersdiffering at heights.Welded/Bolted. -SingleSided -SingleSided Clip Angle Connection Connection ClipAngle Sided TwoSecondary Clip/Double Clip.'T' trrtR XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Beam to Framinq Clip Angles Jj. 770) 8666 (+1770)s190574 Fax . 600 TownPark Suile NW 175 Kennesaq 30144 GA USA (r1 a24 Tel. Sided TwoSecondary Members. BoltedlBolted.fi -t:ll '-' uti LJse Joint#143 Paoe on 1 il[H Tekla lnc. one T:Ir. Welded/Welded Ootions. Secondary Cllp/Double Clip. Sloped. Members. LJse Joint#143 Paoe on 1 dfl[E rEE ilE 1 Use #143 Paoe '-' Joint on -SingleSided Clip Angle Connection Cllp/Double Clip. Safely Connection. atdllferlng heights.(+1770) 8666 424 Fa((+1 I 19 Z0) 0574 .Two End Connection Secondaries End Plate Connection Secondaries. End Plate Connection +xtended Plate Haunches.t useJoint#1440n -Two . )?:!Ed Use Joint#142 Paoe on 1 c= [JseJoint#142 onPaoe 1 E= Tekla lnc.. withofwithout lEthd [.||ttfl] useJoint #144on Paoe IJIIF 1 ||. Plate Aulomalic forBolt Notch Clearance. 175 Kennesaw.Level Sloped EndPlate Connection or Square Skewed or Secondary member. AE=E cri$E{d . 600 Townpark Suite NW.'*' trrtR XSTEELJOINTINDEX Beam Beam lo Framinq EndPlates 11 EndPlales n . Various Notching Options. GA30144 USA Tel.*t I ld lffi Pao. Two End Plate Connection Secondaties. Square /orSkewed.Two EndPlate Connection Socondaries.End Plate Connection Secondaries.30144 GA USA Tel. Use Joint#142 Page on 1 Tekla Inc.-*' rrrrn XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Bsam to Fnminq End Plates . Level and/or Sloped.(+1770) 8666 424 Fax 770) 0574 (+1 919 . TownPark Suite 600 NW 175 Kennesaw. and Safety Connection Use Joint#142 Page on 1 use #142 Page Jolnt on 1 .Two . Keonssaw. etkt Ha| lilk Use Joint#190 Paoe EEI on 1 Tekla lnc.-*- TEKTA Bent Plate XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Beam to Framino BeniPlate .El on I titk .Skewed Bent Plate Connection or Plate Connection orSouare Secondary NearSide FarSide Secondary oneSide Plate and Plate tmil nril Use Joint#190Paoe uEl on 1 llk lJse Joint #190 Paoe [.Skewed Square Bent .SkewedSloped Plate Connection orSquare Bent Plate Connection & Secondary One Plate Side Various Plate (Hip Valley) & Placing Options.30144 GA USA Use Joint#190Page L[J' on 1 titk (+1 Tel. 600 TowlrPark Suih175 NW.Skewed Bent . //0) 424 8666 Fax 770J 0574 919 l+1 . ljseJoint onPaoe 4 #30 7 ffi useJornl 0n Fage/ FJU nrt 4= +4 Beam Beam to Bearing Connectlon Brace Beam Beam with to Bearing Conneclion Support. and Stub Square. column. GA 30144 USA lel (+1 0)424 n 8666 (+1 Fax r/0)S19 0574 . Beam Beam or4Bolts options. 600 TownPark Suile NW.2.'*' rrrrn Bearinq Tvpe XSTEELJOINTINDEX Beam Beam lo Framinc Bearing Type 14 to Bearlng Connectlon Spacer Beam Beam to Bearing Connection 1. Use Joint onPaoe #30 7 J5 gii*: -TrTr- use Joint#4 Paoe J! on 7 Tekla Inc. 175 Kennesaw. Sloped skewed Conditions.3. dflEtr : UseJoint#g3onPage7 LJse #9onPaoe d5 Joint 7 TTE Tekla lnc. 600 TownPark Sull€ 175 NW Kennesaw.Ejb0nPaoe/ 1F lo Bearing Purlin Conneclion Beam Beam to Single Purlin. Connection.-*'rrrm XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Framinq Beam Beam to Bearing Type clamp Type Beam Beam to Bearlng Connection. 770) 8666 1+1 424 ({1 Fax 770) 0574 919 . Jgll&- : useJotntFgJ0nPaoe/ $eating lo Bearing Notched Beam Beam to Bearing Purlin Connection Beam Beam Conditions. &Skewed Square toTwo Purlins. 30144 GA USA Tel. '{rltt : useJorntf. Access oDlions. 600 TownPark Suile NW 175 Kennesau 30144 GA USA Tel.Il iltlEi use #1 0nPaoe :* Joint 13 7 tl rrr|. orHole Cope Bolt Angle. llllln-n Use Joint onpaoe ll$lI #70 12 ItrlF Use #70 Page lltll Joint on 12 ffilr'! I r Tokla lnc. Notching Notching Required. Use Joint#70 Page rr"tl on 12 IilF to Bearing Rafter Connection Beam Beam to Bearing Rafter Connection Beam Beam toTwo Secondary Members. Plate. to TwoSecondary Members. [.(+1i70)424 8666 (jl Fax i70)919 0574 . Reouired.'*' rrrrn XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Beam to Framinq Bearing Type 16 Beam Beam to Bearing Steel lo Beam Beam Tube Rails to Beadng Notched with Seat Primary member. (+1770) 8666 424 (+i Fax 770)9190574 LAP{[ use #1onPage Joint 13 HI LA9[ll . Plate. ilflF use Joint#70 Page lElr on 12 llTlln-. ConnectionTwo to Secondary Members.-*' rrrrn XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Beam lo Framino Bearing Type Beam Beam to Bearing Rafter Connection Beam Beam Bearing to Full Rafrer lo TwoSecondary Members. Knee Brace Oplion. Sloped/LevelConneclion toT'. 600 TownPald Suile NW 175 Kennesau 30144 GA USA Tol. Angle.vo Secondary Members. Notching Requhed. HI LJse Joint#l P"o"tg on Teklalnc.r Lise #1onPro"lg LffP{I Joint Beam Beam Bearing to Full Rafter Beam Beam Bearing to Full Rafter ConnectionTwo to Secondary Members. 30144 USA (+1 424 Tel.'*'rrrn INDEX JOINT XSTEEL Framinq Beam Column to ShearTabs ShearTabs Flange to simple ShearTabcolumn =i. 600 GA Kennesaw. SeatAngle 'l ljse Joint#146 Paoe on Tffi F Bolt Flange Shear to Column Tab Eimple Optlons. Elimination 5EF 1 use #146 Page 4Joint on lLi:|ff Inc.q ljse Joint #146 Paoe == on 1 Flange to Simple ShearTab Edge/Column Use #146 Paoe +Joint on 1 Flange with Slmple ShearTabColumn to options. 770) 8666 Fax(+1770iS190574 . Tekla 175 TownPa* Suite NW. TownPark Suile NW 175 600 Kennesaw. n 0)424 8666 Fax(+1n0)9190574 . GA30144 USA (+1 Tel. Bolt Bolts Aligned Secondary with HTI.. Sloped HF5 use Joint#1820n I W Paoe tiil :l Paoe Use #182on 1 HS Joint HFlE 11t ara t a t a t a + a a a t a l Plate Stiffeners Shaped Shear withColumn Stiffeners Shaped Plate Column Shear wilh Elimination ODtion.'*'tgrn JOINT INDEX XSTEEL Framinq Beam Column to Shear Tabs a a aa t t a a Stiffeners Shear with Shaped Plale Column Shear wilh Sliffeners Shaped Plate Column Secondary.E use. Member.toint Paoe HH +lezon t HFE tlse Joint#1820n 1 Bffi Paoe llll i rl Tekla lnc. Tekla lnc. 175 Kennesaw. Use #1B6on 1 Joini Paoe Shear withColumn Plate Stiffeners Skewed Secondary Use #1860n 1 Joint Page Shear to Column Plale Flange Column with Stiffeners Hffi UseJoint#1880n Paoe. 770) 8666 (+1 g1g Fax 770) 0s74 .30144 GA USA (+1 424 Tel. 600 TownPaft Suile NW..'T' rsrrn XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Column to Framinc Shear Tabs Shear withColumn Plaie Stiffenerc Shear with Plate Colurnn Stiffenels Sloled Secondary Hffi useJoint#io6on Pase. lHlF UseJoint#134on (+1 424 Tel. 30144 GA USA paoe. 600 TowrPa* Suile NW 175 K€nn€saw. Sloped paoe' l$lF UseJoint#1340n Telda lnc. Bolted Moment ConnectionColumn to Web Bolted Momeni ConneciionColumn to Web Secondary member. 770) 8666 Fax(+1Z/0)9190574 .TEKTA XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Column to Framinq ShearTabs Shear to Column Plate Flange Column BoltedMoment Mth ConneclionColumn to Stifieners Prep Rat Weld and Holes for Flange Column with Stiffeners Momenl Connectlon Ootion lJse #'1880n I HlffE Joint Paoe Hflfi lfflffi useJoint#134on Paso. ..Sloped Flange useJoint#18'r . 600 TownPark Suite NW. Shear Plate Through Tube Column Shear Plate Through Tube ColumnTwo Secondades Use #189 Paoem Joint on . 175 Kennesaq 30144 GA USA Tei.'ti' rrrm XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Column to Framinq Shear Tabs 22 Welded Moment ConnectlonColumn to Flange. Use #189 Paoe Joint on 1 Tekla lnc. lElF *.. Beam Prep RatHole Weld and 0ptions Welded Moment GonnectionColumn to .. ffilF useJoint#181*r*"..(+1770) 8666 424 (+1 Fax 770)919 0574 . 175 Kennesaw.30144 GA USA (+1 Tel.i) . n 0)424 8666 Fax 770) 0574 (+1 S1S . 600 TownPark Sults NW. Use #189 Paoe Joint on 1 Use #189 Paoe Joint on 1 Plate Shear Plate Through ColumnThird Hollow Tube Seclion Tongue Connection Secondary Member Afterjoint applied to toColumn Stiffener original Secondaries Two use Joint#189Page on I Use #20 Page Joint on 4 Tekla lnc.-*' rrrrn INDEX XSTEEL JOINT Framinq Beam Column to Tabs Shear (. Bolt Sscondaries andlor Alignment Options. Shear Through ColumnTwo Plate Tube Level Sloped. Shear Through ColumnTwo Plate Tube Secondaries Extendedtopof Plate lo Column Ootion. 770) 8666 424 Fax(+1770)9190574 . GA 30144 USA (+1 Tel.Single orWeb Clip/Double Sided Sided Clip. r. and for tor Connection.E&l LJse Joint#141on Paoe1 EE E tIIf. Secondary.rrrn Clip Anoles XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Column to Framinq Clip Angles ClipAngle ConnectionColumn to Flange . orBevel Sloped Square Cut secondary Optlons. Welded/Bolled. 175 Kennesaw. Weld Prep RatHoles Moment Stripped Erection.Single orWeb Sided Clip/Double Sided Clip. Bolted/Bolted.d c# tr. LJse Joint#141 Paoe'1= on fluffi E 600 TorvnPa* Suile NW.'T. Bottom Flange Blocked or Clip. Gt t= [Ltffi e=e Use #141 Joint onPaoel Tekla lnc.ffi ClipAngle ConnectionColumn to Flange Clip Angle ConnectionColumn to Knife -SingleSided orWeb Clip/Double Sided Conneclion. Welded/Welded 0ptions. LJse #141 Joint onPaoel Glip Angle ConnectionColumn to Flange . Haunch Exlension Top/Bottom/Both.'*'rErm JOINT INDEX XSTEEL Framinq Beam Column to Clip Angles to Seat Clip Angle Conneclion Column Angle option.Rotated ljseJoint onPaoel #141 IILBW sE rRia iulEtl 1 Joint on Use #143 Page !e' Tekla Inc. 175 600 TownPa* Suile Kennesaw.(+1Z0) 424 8666 Far(+1770)9190574 . NW.Single Sided Clip/Double Sided orWeb Option. 1 Use #141 Paoe E= = Joint on tffi -Single Sided Angle Conneclion Clip Clip. Bolted/Bolted. ljseJoint#141 Paqe1 c# on ilHffi ConnectionColumn to Flange Clip Angle . orWeb-Single Sided Clip/Double Sided members. options. Welded/Welded Secondary Clip.30144 GA USA Tel. Top/Bottom/Both. Clip. Secondary Two Sided to Flange ClipiDouble Clip Angle Connection Column WeldedlBolted. Secondary Notching Secondary Sided Two Memberto of Provide Members Rotated.E4 on I Tekla lnc.Automalic Clip Angle Connection Sided Clip Angle Connectlon Clip/Double Clip. Secondary Sided Two Members. 175 Kennesaw.Single Clip Angle Connection Sided CliplDouble Clip.'T' TEKLA XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Column to Framlnq Clip Angles -SingleSided Clip Angle Connection ClipiDouble Clip. lJse Joint#143 Paoe !E5E on 1 flm flItr] .30144 GA USA (+1 Tel. Bolt Clearance. useJoint#143 Paoe |. 600 TownPad( Suite NW.iilr# LJse Joint#143 Paoe ' * on 1 .Elt|!tl E . Secondary Sided Two for Members.Single . Weld Prep RatHoles and Moment Connection. Use #143 Paoe '==E Joint on 1 . Extension Haunch oDlion.Tnnil -. 770) 8666 424 Fax(+1770)S1S 0574 . ToD/Bottom/Both. '. End Plate Connection Column to Flange Column Stiffener 0ption. n 0)424 8666 Fax 770)919 0574 i'1 .r.#la+ '. . lffi on P"o" 600 lownPa* Suito NW. 175 Kennesaw. IEIhr# Ur" Join. Square Skewed or Secondary Member. lEfh# IIEIM IDtl@t gr.roffi rro.Oron Teklalnc. GA30144 USA (+1 Tel..1o1n16144 I l|HlllF onP"o" use Joint#144Paoe llEllF" on 1 End Plate ConnectionColumn to Web Extended withHaunches Plat€ ODtion.lffiW O.'*' rrrrn End Plates XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Column to Framinq EndPlates i3 End Plate GonnectionColumn lo Flange Full or Depih Plate End Connection to Web Level Sloped or Square Skewed Column or Flange orWeb Levelor Slopec Secondary Member. r.o Automatic Notching bol Clearance for t Haunch oplion Use Joint#142 Pa e 1 on l ll$ffi . 30144 GA I]SA (+1 424 Tel. 175 K€hnesa0. 770) 8666 Far(+1770)9190574 ..ror.Or*on r"o. n. & Teklalnc. End PIate Connectlc T w Secondaries.-T'rrrln XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Column to Framino EndPlates 2A End Plate ConnectionColumn to Secondary Member Rotated. 600 TownPark Suite NW. 175 Kennesaw. 600 TownPa* Suite NW. GA30144 USA Tel.'T' rrrrR BenlPlate JOINT INDEX XSTEEL Beam Column to Framin Bent Plate i) Bent Plate Conn€ctionColumn to Flange Skewed square or Secondary Near Plate Side\Far Side\Both Sides Use Joint #190 Page on 1 Welded Tee Plate Connection Column lo Web | Bent or Secondary Near Plate I SkewedSquare Side\Both Sides I Side\Far Use #190 Page Joint on 1 Welded to Column Tee Use #32 Page Joint on 2 Tekla lnc.(+1770) 8666 424 Fax(+1770) 0574 919 . (+1770) 8666 424 (+1 S19 Fax 770) 0574 . UseJoint#1700n NW. GA30144 USA Tel.t. ffiff Page.|.'*'tEKtn Sealed Connection INDEX JOINT XSTEEL Framins Beam column to Connection Seated Beam with Seat Stifieners 12 Use Joint#170 Page on with Beam Top Botlom StiffeneB Seat and options Various Bolting on 12 Use Joint#170 Page Beam Multiple Seat Stiffener options Member Secondary Beam Offset Seat mff Pase. l75 600 TownPa* Suilo Kennesaw. UseJoint#17oon Toklalnc. 14 GA USA (+1 424 Tei. Sloped llse Joint#71 Paoe . With Over Beam Cantilever Column Cap Secondary. Plate.'T' TEKIA INDEX XSTEEL JOINT Framinq Beam Column lo Bearing Cap Type Plate Beadnq Tvpe Plale Cap ) geam With Cantilever Column Cap Over Plate.M on 5 Use Joint#71 Page on 5 # dEth fir Over With Beam Cantilever Column Cap Stiffener option Plate. 770) 8666 Fax(+1770)9190574 . Column t6tt /Di||\ |lrEJr|l .Ett Joint#71 Page "M on 5 Use lJse Joint#71 Paoe -!s'* on 5 Tskla lnc.301. Beam With Beam Cantilever column Cap Over StiffenerOption Plate. 600 TownPark Suite NW 175 Kennesaw. 600 TownPa* Suile NW.'*'rrrun XSTEEL JOINT INDEX Beam Column to Framinq Bearing Cap Type Plate 32 Two Beams Column plate. 30144 GA USA (+1 424 Tel. or Hole Cope Bolt Access 0Dtions. 770) 8666 Fax(+1770)9190s74 . to Cap Beam Stiffener 0ptions Use #39 Page Joint on 7 Beam Column plate Cap Tube Steel Rails toPimary member. 17S Kennesaw. Use Joint#100 Page on Z Wind Column Beam to Connecton Eil! Use #5onPage Joint 12 ffi € Wind plale Column Beam io Connection offset oDtion Etr Use #5onPaqe Joint 12 ffie Tekla lnc. 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