Xpower Vrf Carrier Catalogue

May 18, 2018 | Author: Oscar Javier Martinez Martinez | Category: Power Inverter, Air Conditioning, Electric Motor, Engines, Hvac



R410A DC Inverter VRFSeries 50/60Hz Carrier InterAmerica Corporation (CIAC) 10801 NW 103rd Street Suite 1, Miami, FL 33178 www.carriercca.com Carrier X-power VRF 2015 VRF Series 60 Hz and 50 Hz Cat-v.01 Products Lineup X-Power Full DC Inverter Super S Series HP 8 10 12 14 16 18 Capacity kW 25.2 28.0 33.5 50.0 40.0 45.0 Range Btu/h 86,000 95,500 114,300 136,500 153,500 170,600 Appearance 03 Overview 08 X-Power Full Inverter Super S Series X-Power Full DC Inverter Mini H Series 20 X-Power Full DC Inverter Mini H Series HP 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 10 14 16 Capacity Range KW Btu/h 8 27,300 10.5 35,830 12 40,950 14 47,770 16 54,600 20 68,240 22.4 76,430 26 88,700 40 136,480 45 153,540 32 Indoor Units Lineup Appearance 66 Control Systems 91 Branch Pipe 01 02 Products Lineup X-Power Full DC Inverter Super S Series HP 8 10 12 14 16 18 Capacity kW 25.2 28.0 33.5 50.0 40.0 45.0 Range Btu/h 86,000 95,500 114,300 136,500 153,500 170,600 Appearance 03 Overview 08 X-Power Full Inverter Super S Series X-Power Full DC Inverter Mini H Series 20 X-Power Full DC Inverter Mini H Series HP 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 10 14 16 Capacity Range KW Btu/h 8 27,300 10.5 35,830 12 40,950 14 47,770 16 54,600 20 68,240 22.4 76,430 26 88,700 40 136,480 45 153,540 32 Indoor Units Lineup Appearance 66 Control Systems 91 Branch Pipe 01 02 High efficiency DC inverter compressor reduces power consumption by 25%. New structure enhances mid-frequency performance Specially designed scroll profile for R410A More compact. High efficiency DC inverter compressor Carrier X-Power VRF Air Conditioner achieves the industry's top class energy efficiency of cooling EER and heating COP by utilizing the Brushless Reluctance DC compressor control. Common Sawtooth Wave 180° Sine Wave DC Inverter 03 04 . weight reduced by 50% Advanced permanent magnet DC motor improves low-frequency band performance Powerful magnets provide high torque and efficiency and achieve 70% reduction in volume. improved performance heat exchanger by innovative design and numerous high performance key parts. Overview Compressor efficiency New DC motor-centralized winding Efficiency-Rotor Speed Curve Common DC motor-distributing winding Centralizing winding Rotor speed(s-1) 20 40 60 80 100 Distributing winding Smooth 180° sine wave DC inverter Adopting the 180° Sine Wave Inverter to smooth motor rotation greatly improves operating efficiency compared with traditional sawtooth wave. High efficiency DC inverter compressor Carrier X-Power VRF Air Conditioner achieves the industry's top class energy efficiency of cooling EER and heating COP by utilizing the Brushless Reluctance DC compressor control. Overview Compressor efficiency New DC motor-centralized winding Efficiency-Rotor Speed Curve Common DC motor-distributing winding Centralizing winding Rotor speed(s-1) 20 40 60 80 100 Distributing winding Smooth 180° sine wave DC inverter Adopting the 180° Sine Wave Inverter to smooth motor rotation greatly improves operating efficiency compared with traditional sawtooth wave. weight reduced by 50% Advanced permanent magnet DC motor improves low-frequency band performance Powerful magnets provide high torque and efficiency and achieve 70% reduction in volume. High efficiency DC inverter compressor reduces power consumption by 25%. improved performance heat exchanger by innovative design and numerous high performance key parts. New structure enhances mid-frequency performance Specially designed scroll profile for R410A More compact. Common Sawtooth Wave 180° Sine Wave DC Inverter 03 04 . 2nd stage 4th stage economic to provide a comfortable environment. As a result extend the system lifespan significantly.High efficiency DC fan motor Cycle duty operation According to the running load and system pressure. to minimum energy consumption and best performance. any of the outdoor unit can run as the master unit and master unit can cycle in a period. system running steadily and completely solve the compressor oil lack problem. realize the equal lifespan among the outdoor units. Running state Stand by state Fault or stop state Start backup operation Multi solenoid valves control technology Precise oil control technology Multi solenoid valves control technology in one system. Motor speed(RPM) DC inverter stepless adjustment AC inverter Priority Priority multistep adjustment DC motor System pressure Optimized fan grille Priority Priority Optimized fan blade shape with new air outlet grille enhanced air flow volume which greatly improves fan performance and decreases noise. (0-20Pa is In a multiple system.) operation. a higher external static pressure has been achieved up to 40Pa. New profile fan blade A new blade with sharp edges and a slight curve increases the airflow rate and lowers vibration and airflow resistance. other modules can be backup instead of the failed one for continuing standard. 1st stage: compressor internal oil separate 2nd stage: high efficiency oil separator (separation efficiency up to 99%) 3rd stage: oil balance technology between compressors 5th stage 1st stage 4th stage: oil balance technology between modules 3rd stage 5th stage: intelligent system oil return program 05 06 . temperature-control precisely. if one module is failed. Backup operation Also. 20~40Pa should be customized. All 5 stage oil control technology ensures every outdoor the solenoid valves equipped in the unit ensure unit & compressor’s oil always keep in the safe level. the system controls the speed of DC fan to achieve the In one combination. temperature-control precisely. 20~40Pa should be customized. a higher external static pressure has been achieved up to 40Pa. to minimum energy consumption and best performance. Backup operation Also. As a result extend the system lifespan significantly. All 5 stage oil control technology ensures every outdoor the solenoid valves equipped in the unit ensure unit & compressor’s oil always keep in the safe level. any of the outdoor unit can run as the master unit and master unit can cycle in a period. realize the equal lifespan among the outdoor units. other modules can be backup instead of the failed one for continuing standard. Motor speed(RPM) DC inverter stepless adjustment AC inverter Priority Priority multistep adjustment DC motor System pressure Optimized fan grille Priority Priority Optimized fan blade shape with new air outlet grille enhanced air flow volume which greatly improves fan performance and decreases noise. 1st stage: compressor internal oil separate 2nd stage: high efficiency oil separator (separation efficiency up to 99%) 3rd stage: oil balance technology between compressors 5th stage 1st stage 4th stage: oil balance technology between modules 3rd stage 5th stage: intelligent system oil return program 05 06 . New profile fan blade A new blade with sharp edges and a slight curve increases the airflow rate and lowers vibration and airflow resistance. the system controls the speed of DC fan to achieve the In one combination. if one module is failed.) operation.High efficiency DC fan motor Cycle duty operation According to the running load and system pressure. 2nd stage 4th stage economic to provide a comfortable environment. system running steadily and completely solve the compressor oil lack problem. (0-20Pa is In a multiple system. Running state Stand by state Fault or stop state Start backup operation Multi solenoid valves control technology Precise oil control technology Multi solenoid valves control technology in one system. Cooling operation Compact design for effective use of space Easy to transport Compact size and light weight design minimizes the installation footprint. reduces the installation floor load. the system can reach full load quickly and shorten 1 the warm-up and cool-down times to provide an 2 immediate and comfortable air solution. and is easier for transportation. 07 08 . It also helps the unit 300 traditional methods X-Power Full Inverter to quickly adjust the room temperature to the set level. For some projects the units can even be transported through the elevator or forklift. Intelligent soft start technology DC inverter compressor soft start function reduces strike Starting current (%) Direct start to the electric network.Double EXV control technology Double EXV Control Technology in one system. Less temperature fluctuation will create a better living environment. each EXV part achieves 480 pulse to adjust flow precisely. This kind of high-performance and 600 Y-△ start Start by inverter 500 low sound scroll compressor operates at a faster rate 400 Comparison of start by inverter and by when starting. 200 100 (Sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quick warm-up & cool-down design Super S Series Fluctuation of room temperature By utilizing the benefits of the inverter compressor. reducing start-up time. Ensure the temperature-control precisely and steadily to provide a comfortable envrionment. reduce access problem at the jobsite. 200 100 (Sec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quick warm-up & cool-down design Super S Series Fluctuation of room temperature By utilizing the benefits of the inverter compressor. Intelligent soft start technology DC inverter compressor soft start function reduces strike Starting current (%) Direct start to the electric network.Double EXV control technology Double EXV Control Technology in one system. the system can reach full load quickly and shorten 1 the warm-up and cool-down times to provide an 2 immediate and comfortable air solution. Ensure the temperature-control precisely and steadily to provide a comfortable envrionment. Cooling operation Compact design for effective use of space Easy to transport Compact size and light weight design minimizes the installation footprint. each EXV part achieves 480 pulse to adjust flow precisely. It also helps the unit 300 traditional methods X-Power Full Inverter to quickly adjust the room temperature to the set level. For some projects the units can even be transported through the elevator or forklift. This kind of high-performance and 600 Y-△ start Start by inverter 500 low sound scroll compressor operates at a faster rate 400 Comparison of start by inverter and by when starting. reduces the installation floor load. reducing start-up time. reduce access problem at the jobsite. Less temperature fluctuation will create a better living environment. and is easier for transportation. 07 08 . 15 13 *18HP model is customized.7 162.3 Number of connectable indoor unit 60 55 53 Notes: 50 46 45 Capacities are based on the following conditions: 39 40 Cooling: Indoor temperature 27°C(80. 72HP 46HP 3 5 1 2 64 128. 25 20 20 The above combination models are factory-recommended models.6 42HP 3 5 3 64 120.0 215.2 188. 46.7 157. 60.5 50.0 92.6 34HP 2 4 1 1 56 95. 70 70HP 4 8 1 3 64 195.0 385.0 40HP 3 5 1 1 1 64 113.1 58HP 4 7 1 1 1 1 64 163.0 249.6 *18HP 1 2 1 29 50.7 119.5 469.0 266.0 95.5 261.0 764.2 86.0 324.3 218.0 436.0 76.0 95.1 106.6ft).4 135.1 87.7 54HP 3 6 3 64 150.0 406.8°F) WB 30 26 Piping length: Interconnecting piping length is 7.0 191.0 573.6 151. 44.0 682.0 556.2 112.8 69.2 66.2°F) WB.0 573.0 324.5 45.5m(24.2 64HP 4 7 1 3 64 178.5 128.7 52HP 3 6 1 2 64 145.8 The large quantity of connectable units is suitable for large buildings and projects. 28.6 56. 24.0 552.0 235.0 136. 70.1 38HP 3 4 2 1 63 106.0 532.0 153.5 622.2 207.0 743.3 213.6 44HP 3 5 1 1 1 64 123.5 107.Recommended combination table Features N of o Outdoor Unit Combination Maximum No Capacity Wide Application Range No of of Connectable Cooling Heating Model Outdoor Wide range of outdoor units Compressors Indoor Units Units 8HP 10HP 12HP 14HP 16HP *18HP kW kBtu/h kW kBtu/h 8HP 1 1 1 13 25.4 24HP 2 3 1 1 39 68. 26.0 607.7 143.0 27. level difference is zero.5 298.0 153.0 515.0 648.0 8.5 capacity up to 130% of total outdoor units can be connected in one refrigeration system.5 431.6 126.2 62HP 4 7 1 1 2 64 173.0 22HP 2 3 1 1 36 61.3 175. 52.0 511.7 Large connectable indoor units quantity 66HP 4 8 1 1 2 64 185. 54.0 535.0 26HP 2 3 1 1 43 73. 16HP 18HP 18.2 182.0 477. 64HP 30HP 2 4 1 1 50 85.0 590.0 597.0 232.0 170. 12HP 1 2 1 20 33. 10 5 0 8HP 10HP 12HP 14HP 16HP 18HP 20HP 22HP 24HP 26HP 28HP 30HP 32HP 34HP 36HP 38HP 40HP 42HP 44HP 46HP 48HP 50HP 52HP 54HP 56HP 58HP 60HP 62HP 64HP 66HP 68HP 70HP 72HP 09 10 .0 307.0 460.5 31.0 361.6 48HP 3 6 1 1 1 64 135. 14.0 361.6°F) DB/6°C(42.3 199.0 706.0 631.1 32HP 2 4 1 1 53 90. 58.1 The outdoor units capacity range from 8HP up to 72HP in 2HP increment.1 63.5 489. 10HP 12. 68. 48HP 50. 56.3 68HP 4 8 1 3 64 190.0 290. 20.2 50HP 3 6 1 2 64 140.0 409.5 209.6 34.0 419.3 193.5 680.7 36HP 2 4 2 59 100.0 382.7 137.3 37. 22.0 494.8 168.4 224. Maximum 64 indoor units with 10HP 1 1 1 16 28.0 665.5 660.0 341.6°F) DB/19°C(66. Outdoor temperature 35°C(95°F) DB/24°C(75.0 344.2 56HP 4 6 2 2 64 156.0 460.0 191. 30. Outdoor temperature 7°C(44.5 278.0 726.1 101.1 28HP 2 3 1 1 46 78.1 20HP 2 2 2 33 56.8 64 65 59 72HP 4 8 4 64 200.5 643.0 170.36.5 114.7 60HP 4 7 1 1 2 64 168. 32HP 14HP 1 2 1 23 40. 62. 40.2°F) WB 35 33 Heating: Indoor temperature 20°C(68°F) DB/15°C(59°F) WB.1 81.5 16HP 1 2 1 26 45. 38. 42. 0 532.2°F) WB. 54. 30.0 436.0 382. 15 13 *18HP model is customized. 44.7 137.7 119.1 63.0 409. level difference is zero.1 106.2 182.0 40HP 3 5 1 1 1 64 113.0 460. 26. 56.5 489. 16HP 18HP 18.0 552.6 151. 32HP 14HP 1 2 1 23 40.0 573.0 648.7 162.0 573.0 249.7 54HP 3 6 3 64 150. 68. 10HP 12.2 56HP 4 6 2 2 64 156.6 *18HP 1 2 1 29 50.0 361. 38. 70 70HP 4 8 1 3 64 195.0 665.7 Large connectable indoor units quantity 66HP 4 8 1 1 2 64 185.0 607. 58.2 62HP 4 7 1 1 2 64 173.0 535.5 114.0 511. 40.5 298.3 68HP 4 8 1 3 64 190.3 199.0 95.1 32HP 2 4 1 1 53 90.0 26HP 2 3 1 1 43 73.3 37.5 50. 70.6°F) DB/6°C(42.2 112.0 515.0 95.0 743.0 682.0 406.3 Number of connectable indoor unit 60 55 53 Notes: 50 46 45 Capacities are based on the following conditions: 39 40 Cooling: Indoor temperature 27°C(80.0 460.0 556. 48HP 50. 22. 28.5 107.6ft).1 101.6 48HP 3 6 1 1 1 64 135.0 136.5 45.3 175.0 232.5 278. 20.2 50HP 3 6 1 2 64 140.3 193.8 64 65 59 72HP 4 8 4 64 200.36.0 324.7 143.5 431.0 726.2°F) WB 35 33 Heating: Indoor temperature 20°C(68°F) DB/15°C(59°F) WB.7 60HP 4 7 1 1 2 64 168.2 207.2 86.1 58HP 4 7 1 1 1 1 64 163.5 209.7 52HP 3 6 1 2 64 145.0 215.5 643.0 153.1 87.6 34.0 764.6°F) DB/19°C(66.5 622.5 261.6 56.3 213.0 153.5 660.0 76.4 224.Recommended combination table Features N of o Outdoor Unit Combination Maximum No Capacity Wide Application Range No of of Connectable Cooling Heating Model Outdoor Wide range of outdoor units Compressors Indoor Units Units 8HP 10HP 12HP 14HP 16HP *18HP kW kBtu/h kW kBtu/h 8HP 1 1 1 13 25. 64HP 30HP 2 4 1 1 50 85.0 27.0 191. Outdoor temperature 7°C(44.0 266.0 8.8°F) WB 30 26 Piping length: Interconnecting piping length is 7.0 477.0 191.1 The outdoor units capacity range from 8HP up to 72HP in 2HP increment.0 590.4 135.5 31.4 24HP 2 3 1 1 39 68.0 385. 25 20 20 The above combination models are factory-recommended models.0 631.3 218.5 680.7 157.5 capacity up to 130% of total outdoor units can be connected in one refrigeration system.5 469.1 38HP 3 4 2 1 63 106.8 69.0 22HP 2 3 1 1 36 61.5 16HP 1 2 1 26 45.0 419.1 20HP 2 2 2 33 56. 72HP 46HP 3 5 1 2 64 128.6 34HP 2 4 1 1 56 95.8 The large quantity of connectable units is suitable for large buildings and projects.2 188.0 324.6 126. 12HP 1 2 1 20 33.6 44HP 3 5 1 1 1 64 123. 46.0 290.0 344.0 307.8 168.0 235. 42.0 92. 14.1 81.5 128.0 494.0 170. 10 5 0 8HP 10HP 12HP 14HP 16HP 18HP 20HP 22HP 24HP 26HP 28HP 30HP 32HP 34HP 36HP 38HP 40HP 42HP 44HP 46HP 48HP 50HP 52HP 54HP 56HP 58HP 60HP 62HP 64HP 66HP 68HP 70HP 72HP 09 10 . Outdoor temperature 35°C(95°F) DB/24°C(75.0 706.2 64HP 4 7 1 3 64 178. 60. 24.0 170.5m(24.0 597.0 361.0 341. 62.2 66.1 28HP 2 3 1 1 46 78. Maximum 64 indoor units with 10HP 1 1 1 16 28.7 36HP 2 4 2 59 100. 52.6 42HP 3 5 3 64 120. Wide operation range High Efficiency COOLING MODE High COP/EER values -5°C Outdoor Temperature 48°C (23°F) (118. 60Pa(0. 0-40Pa(0-0.) Level difference Level difference between IDU~ODU Level difference Outdoor unit down 110 360. 10.).8 Advanced permanent magnet DC motor improves Level difference between IDU~IDU 30 98.8ft.4°F). All DC inverter technology Long piping length All DC inverter compressors make the capacity output better distributed.97 3.2ft.16” W. flexible to build-in installation.4 the low frequency band performance *Total pipe length is equal to two times pipe length plus.G. Level difference between IDU-ODU is 110m(360.4 3.G. and always work at 60-120Hz which Permitted value is the most efficient range.4°F) The cooling EER up to 4.G.). EER COP Heating 4.2ft. the system controls the speed of DC fan to achieve the High external static pressure minimum energy consumption and best performance. it needs to meet specific conditions according to the installation part of the technical manual to achieve 90m(295.38 -20°C Outdoor Temperature 24°C (-4°F) (75.81 4. weight reduced by 50% 90m(295. DC inverter stepless A standard 0-20Pa(0-0.29 4.29 and the heating COP up to 4.17 4. and 0-60Pa(0-24” W.54 3. System pressure 11 12 .17 HEATING MODE* 3.2* Specially designed scroll profile for R410A IDU to the first indoor branch joint Outdoor unit up 70 229.2ft.91 3.) can be customized for 12HP outdoor unit.02 3.24” W.) All DC Inverter Compressors Actual length 175 574 Piping length Longest piping Equivalent length 200 656 New structure enhances mid-frequency performance between IDU-IDU is 30m(98. All DC Fan Motors According to the running load and system pressure.2°F) -2 0 -1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 (-4°F) (14°F) (32°F) (50°F) (68°F) (86°F) (104°F) (122°F) Outdoor temperature (DB) 8HP 10HP 12HP 14HP 16HP 18HP 8HP 10HP 12HP 14HP 16HP 18HP The X-Power series system operates stably at extreme temperatures ranging from -20°C(-4°F) to 48°C(118.39 4.) AC inverter external static pressure can be customized for 8.G. Total piping length (Actual) 1000* 3280* Longest actual piping length 175m(574ft.08” W. *When the piping length from the farthest IDU to the first indoor branch joint is more than 40m(131. It makes the efficiency more than 30% higher than the normal. 16HP multistep adjustment outdoor units.4ft. 14.) Equivalent piping length from the farthest 40/90* 131. Max.6 More compact.) external static pressure can be 60Pa Motor speed(RPM) customized for the outdoor unit.) external static pressure is adjustment equipped by default for all outdoor units.) m ft.2/295.89 kBtu/h 3.39 in the 8HP category. EER COP Heating 4.) Equivalent piping length from the farthest 40/90* 131. All DC inverter technology Long piping length All DC inverter compressors make the capacity output better distributed. 0-40Pa(0-0.81 4.) Level difference Level difference between IDU~ODU Level difference Outdoor unit down 110 360.2* Specially designed scroll profile for R410A IDU to the first indoor branch joint Outdoor unit up 70 229.2ft.29 4. *When the piping length from the farthest IDU to the first indoor branch joint is more than 40m(131.Wide operation range High Efficiency COOLING MODE High COP/EER values -5°C Outdoor Temperature 48°C (23°F) (118.4°F).2°F) -2 0 -1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 (-4°F) (14°F) (32°F) (50°F) (68°F) (86°F) (104°F) (122°F) Outdoor temperature (DB) 8HP 10HP 12HP 14HP 16HP 18HP 8HP 10HP 12HP 14HP 16HP 18HP The X-Power series system operates stably at extreme temperatures ranging from -20°C(-4°F) to 48°C(118. All DC Fan Motors According to the running load and system pressure. System pressure 11 12 . 60Pa(0. weight reduced by 50% 90m(295.97 3.).) can be customized for 12HP outdoor unit.G.2ft.) external static pressure can be 60Pa Motor speed(RPM) customized for the outdoor unit.39 in the 8HP category.G.) external static pressure is adjustment equipped by default for all outdoor units.38 -20°C Outdoor Temperature 24°C (-4°F) (75.G.17 4. It makes the efficiency more than 30% higher than the normal.89 kBtu/h 3.) m ft.6 More compact.2ft.4 the low frequency band performance *Total pipe length is equal to two times pipe length plus. DC inverter stepless A standard 0-20Pa(0-0.16” W.). flexible to build-in installation.2/295.91 3. 14.02 3. 16HP multistep adjustment outdoor units.24” W.54 3.08” W. Level difference between IDU-ODU is 110m(360. and 0-60Pa(0-24” W.29 and the heating COP up to 4. the system controls the speed of DC fan to achieve the High external static pressure minimum energy consumption and best performance.8ft.17 HEATING MODE* 3.39 4. 10.) AC inverter external static pressure can be customized for 8.8 Advanced permanent magnet DC motor improves Level difference between IDU~IDU 30 98. Max.) All DC Inverter Compressors Actual length 175 574 Piping length Longest piping Equivalent length 200 656 New structure enhances mid-frequency performance between IDU-IDU is 30m(98. it needs to meet specific conditions according to the installation part of the technical manual to achieve 90m(295.G. and always work at 60-120Hz which Permitted value is the most efficient range.4 3.4ft.4°F) The cooling EER up to 4. Total piping length (Actual) 1000* 3280* Longest actual piping length 175m(574ft. Outdoor unit can distribute addresses for indoor unit automatically. Hydrophilic film fins and inner-threaded copper pipes optimize heat exchange efficiency.4 0. It’s more convenient for communication wiring. reduce Usual defrosting the heating loss by unnecessary defrosting and make Hydrophilic film fins + inner-threaded pipes the indoor side more comfortable. Y: 10 hours Max.8oF).4 Intelligent defrosting technology 0. which can reach up to 12oC(21. 8hrs 10hrs Noise dB -Mode 1→X: 6 hours. minimum 45dB (A).-10dB(10Hp) -Mode 3→X: 6 hours. save more power Defrosting time can be shortened to 4 min. When the outdoor temperature is 35oC(95oF). Time Original design Easier Installation and Service Gas Liquid Simple signal line connection New design Centralized controller (CRF-10-CM or CRF-30-CM) can be connected from indoor side or outdoor side (XYE Gas Liquid terminals) at will. Only one group of communication wire of PQE. Wireless and wired controllers can query and modify each indoor unit's address.8 Super silent operation mode can reduce sound level further. Y: 10 hours Night silent Mode noise Frost contrast -Mode 2→X: 8 hours.4 Original design Night silent operation will be 100 Reduce activated X hours after the peak 0. decrease the air resistance. the refrigerant can be cooled down to 37. t min Δt specialized defrosting valve. 30% enhance heat transfer.6 Original design 0.2 New design Intelligent defrosting 0 0 0. 0.8 1 Intelligent defrosting program will judge the defrosting Relative frosting rate Heating capacity time according to the system real requirement.6 0. 13 14 .6 Load % Capacity % Peak value of ambient temp. This function can be activated by setting at site. Relative windage resistance 0. achieved both of communication for indoor & outdoor unit. Gas Gas Gas-Liquid Liquid Liquid Common Sub-cooling Design Technology PQ E P Q E P Q E PQ E Increase the hot liquid rate in the condenser Improve the heat-exchange efficiency X Y E X Y E P Q E Innovative designed high efficiency heat exchanger.2 0. due to the and enhance heat exchange performance. 0.High performance heat exchanger Enhanced Comfort New design Original design Windage& air flow Night silent operation mode High comfort outdoor unit’s multi-choice of silent mode during the night.2 Reduce air resistance. reduces the system resistance and improves reliability.8oF) temperature difference.1oC(98. Temperature(load) curve shown in the graph is just an example.6oF) subcooling degree. The new designed window fins enlarge the heat-exchanging area .1oC(3.8 Notes: Reduce High efficiency inner-threaded pipe. Auto addressing thus achieving high heat-exchanging efficiency with only 2. 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Re and it will go back to normal 50 operation after Y hours. Y: 8 hours 08:00 14:00 22:00 08:00 0. Y: 12 hours Start End Relative windage resistance -Mode 4→X: 8 hours. 28% New design temperature during daytime. 0. reduces the system resistance and improves reliability.8oF). minimum 45dB (A).High performance heat exchanger Enhanced Comfort New design Original design Windage& air flow Night silent operation mode High comfort outdoor unit’s multi-choice of silent mode during the night. 0.1oC(98. Outdoor unit can distribute addresses for indoor unit automatically.2 0.4 Intelligent defrosting technology 0. Temperature(load) curve shown in the graph is just an example.8 1 Intelligent defrosting program will judge the defrosting Relative frosting rate Heating capacity time according to the system real requirement. Auto addressing thus achieving high heat-exchanging efficiency with only 2.2 New design Intelligent defrosting 0 0 0. achieved both of communication for indoor & outdoor unit. the refrigerant can be cooled down to 37. decrease the air resistance. Time Original design Easier Installation and Service Gas Liquid Simple signal line connection New design Centralized controller (CRF-10-CM or CRF-30-CM) can be connected from indoor side or outdoor side (XYE Gas Liquid terminals) at will.6oF) subcooling degree. It’s more convenient for communication wiring.6 Original design 0. 0. save more power Defrosting time can be shortened to 4 min. When the outdoor temperature is 35oC(95oF). Y: 10 hours Max. reduce Usual defrosting the heating loss by unnecessary defrosting and make Hydrophilic film fins + inner-threaded pipes the indoor side more comfortable. 30% enhance heat transfer. Only one group of communication wire of PQE. Y: 12 hours Start End Relative windage resistance -Mode 4→X: 8 hours.8 Notes: Reduce High efficiency inner-threaded pipe.4 0. 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Re and it will go back to normal 50 operation after Y hours. The new designed window fins enlarge the heat-exchanging area .6 0.1oC(3.-10dB(10Hp) -Mode 3→X: 6 hours. Y: 10 hours Night silent Mode noise Frost contrast -Mode 2→X: 8 hours. Gas Gas Gas-Liquid Liquid Liquid Common Sub-cooling Design Technology PQ E P Q E P Q E PQ E Increase the hot liquid rate in the condenser Improve the heat-exchange efficiency X Y E X Y E P Q E Innovative designed high efficiency heat exchanger.6 Load % Capacity % Peak value of ambient temp. 28% New design temperature during daytime. due to the and enhance heat exchange performance.4 Original design Night silent operation will be 100 Reduce activated X hours after the peak 0. Hydrophilic film fins and inner-threaded copper pipes optimize heat exchange efficiency. Wireless and wired controllers can query and modify each indoor unit's address. which can reach up to 12oC(21. Y: 8 hours 08:00 14:00 22:00 08:00 0.2 Reduce air resistance. t min Δt specialized defrosting valve. Relative windage resistance 0. This function can be activated by setting at site. 0. 8hrs 10hrs Noise dB -Mode 1→X: 6 hours.8oF) temperature difference.8 Super silent operation mode can reduce sound level further. 13 14 . 6 Cooling ℃ -5~48 -5~48 -5~48 Cooling ℃ -5~48 -5~48 -5~48 Ambient temperature range Ambient temperature range Heating ℃ -20~24 -20~24 -20~24 Heating ℃ -20~24 -20~24 -20~24 15 16 .590 +31.54 3.8 EER kW/kW 4.81 EER kW/kW 3.4/2.05 8.39 4.80 Input kW 11.6 4.59 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 107800 107800 107800+40300 Btu/h 107800+40300 107800+40300 107800+107800 Compressor Compressor Input W 10340 10340 10340+3665 Input W 10340+3665 10340+3665 10340 +10340 Crankcase W 27.7 9.8 Oil balance pipe mm Ф6.29 3.89 Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Connectable indoor unit Coneectable indoor unit Max.6 4.8 Ф31.4/2.4/2.6×2×2 Type FVC68D FVC68D FVC68D Type FVC68D FVC68D FVC68D Refrigerant oil Refrigerant oil ml 500 500 500+1200 ml 500+1200 500+1200 500 + 500 Type DC motor DC motor DC motor Type DC motor DC motor DC motor Quantities 1 1 2 Quantities 2 2 2 CFM 6620 6620 7660 CFM 9200 9200 9200 Air flow rate Air flow rate Fan Motor m3/h 11242 11242 13000 Fan Motor m /h 3 15620 15620 15620 Output W 450(rated) 450(rated) 230×2(rated) Output W 390×2(rated) 390×2(rated) 565×2 0-20 (Default) 0-20 (Default) 0-20 (Default) 0-20 (Default) 0-20 (Default) 0-20 (Default) ESP.9 Ф19.0 10.80 31. pa 20-40 (Customize) 20-40 (Customize) 20-40 (Customize) ESP.6×2 27.55 9.2 28 33.4/2.5 kW 45 50 56 Capacity Capacity RT 7.59 +11.8 14.quantity 23 26 29 Outdoor sound level (*3) dB(A) 57 57 59 Outdoor sound level (*3) dB(A) 61 62 62 Liquid side mm Ф12.4 COP kW/kW 4.4 Quantities 1 1 1+1 Quantities 1+1 1+1 2 Type DC DC DC Type DC DC DC Btu/h(W) 31.0 Heating (*2) Heating (*2) Input kW 6.59 +11.6 RT 11.1 Pipe connections Gas side mm Ф25.02 3.80 Btu/h(W) 31.9 14.15 7.8 Pipe connections Gas side mm Ф31.88 7.9 Ф15.30 13.7 Ф12.2 8 9.6×2 27.2 14.4 Oil balance pipe mm Ф6.6×2×2 Crankcase W 27. pa 20-40 (Customize) 20-40 (Customize) 20-40 (Customize) Dimension(W×H×D) mm 960×1615×765 960×1615×765 1250×1615×765 Dimension(W×H×D) mm 1250×1615×765 1250×1615×765 1250×1615×765 Packing(W×H×D) mm 1025×1790×830 1025×1790×830 1305×1790×820 Packing(W×H×D) mm 1305×1790×820 1305×1790×820 1305×1790×820 Charged refrigerant Net/Gross weight kg 202/218 202/218 285/305 Charged refrigerant Net/Gross weight kg 285/305 288/308 310/330 type R410A R410A R410A type R410A R410A R410A volume kg 9 9 11 volume kg 13 13 16 Throttle type EXV EXV EXV Throttle type EXV EXV EXV Design pressure (High/low) Mpa 4.7 RT 12.9 14.quantity 13 16 20 Max.Specifications Specifications X-Power Full Inverter Super S Series X-Power Full Inverter Super S Series 38VF008H117010 38VF010H117010 38VF012H117010 38VF014H117010 38VF016H117010 38VF018H117010 Model Model 38VF008H118010 38VF010H118010 38VF012H118010 38VF014H118010 38VF016H118010 38VF018H118010 Power supply 208/230V 3~60Hz 208/230V 3~60Hz 208/230V 3~60Hz Power supply 208/230V 3~60Hz 208/230V 3~60Hz 208/230V 3~60Hz V-Ph-Hz 220V 3~50Hz 220V 3~50Hz 220V 3~50Hz V-Ph-Hz 220V 3~50Hz 220V 3~50Hz 220V 3~50Hz kW 25.6×2×2 27.7 Ф15.4 Ф6.91 3.59 +11.59 31.38 kW 27 31.4 Ф6.6 4.6×2×2 27.17 COP kW/kW 4.3 16.6 4.00 Input kW 11.4 3.3 Cooling (*1) Cooling (*1) Input kW 5.4 12.9 Liquid side mm Ф15.97 3.4/2.4 Ф6.5 37.59 31.20 12.4/2.5 kW 40 45 50 Capacity Capacity RT 7.4 Ф6.4 Ф31.6 Design pressure (High/low) Mpa 4.80 31.17 4.8 Ф31. 4/2.02 3.5 kW 45 50 56 Capacity Capacity RT 7.80 31.7 Ф12.4 Ф31.7 Ф15.6 RT 11.59 +11.80 Btu/h(W) 31.4/2.9 Liquid side mm Ф15.8 Pipe connections Gas side mm Ф31.59 31.6 4.8 Ф31.89 Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Connectable indoor unit Coneectable indoor unit Max.6×2 27.4/2.54 3.59 +11.59 +11.00 Input kW 11.9 14.4 3.4/2.6 Design pressure (High/low) Mpa 4.8 14.6×2×2 27.9 Ф15.Specifications Specifications X-Power Full Inverter Super S Series X-Power Full Inverter Super S Series 38VF008H117010 38VF010H117010 38VF012H117010 38VF014H117010 38VF016H117010 38VF018H117010 Model Model 38VF008H118010 38VF010H118010 38VF012H118010 38VF014H118010 38VF016H118010 38VF018H118010 Power supply 208/230V 3~60Hz 208/230V 3~60Hz 208/230V 3~60Hz Power supply 208/230V 3~60Hz 208/230V 3~60Hz 208/230V 3~60Hz V-Ph-Hz 220V 3~50Hz 220V 3~50Hz 220V 3~50Hz V-Ph-Hz 220V 3~50Hz 220V 3~50Hz 220V 3~50Hz kW 25.17 4.38 kW 27 31.80 31.0 10.6×2×2 27. pa 20-40 (Customize) 20-40 (Customize) 20-40 (Customize) Dimension(W×H×D) mm 960×1615×765 960×1615×765 1250×1615×765 Dimension(W×H×D) mm 1250×1615×765 1250×1615×765 1250×1615×765 Packing(W×H×D) mm 1025×1790×830 1025×1790×830 1305×1790×820 Packing(W×H×D) mm 1305×1790×820 1305×1790×820 1305×1790×820 Charged refrigerant Net/Gross weight kg 202/218 202/218 285/305 Charged refrigerant Net/Gross weight kg 285/305 288/308 310/330 type R410A R410A R410A type R410A R410A R410A volume kg 9 9 11 volume kg 13 13 16 Throttle type EXV EXV EXV Throttle type EXV EXV EXV Design pressure (High/low) Mpa 4.7 RT 12.3 Cooling (*1) Cooling (*1) Input kW 5.5 37.59 31. pa 20-40 (Customize) 20-40 (Customize) 20-40 (Customize) ESP.4/2.97 3.05 8.4 Ф6.0 Heating (*2) Heating (*2) Input kW 6.quantity 23 26 29 Outdoor sound level (*3) dB(A) 57 57 59 Outdoor sound level (*3) dB(A) 61 62 62 Liquid side mm Ф12.30 13.9 Ф19.5 kW 40 45 50 Capacity Capacity RT 7.29 3.3 16.6 4.4 Ф6.7 9.1 Pipe connections Gas side mm Ф25.15 7.81 EER kW/kW 3.8 Oil balance pipe mm Ф6.55 9.2 14.6 4.4 Ф6.59 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 107800 107800 107800+40300 Btu/h 107800+40300 107800+40300 107800+107800 Compressor Compressor Input W 10340 10340 10340+3665 Input W 10340+3665 10340+3665 10340 +10340 Crankcase W 27.quantity 13 16 20 Max.4 COP kW/kW 4.2 28 33.590 +31.6×2 27.6×2×2 Type FVC68D FVC68D FVC68D Type FVC68D FVC68D FVC68D Refrigerant oil Refrigerant oil ml 500 500 500+1200 ml 500+1200 500+1200 500 + 500 Type DC motor DC motor DC motor Type DC motor DC motor DC motor Quantities 1 1 2 Quantities 2 2 2 CFM 6620 6620 7660 CFM 9200 9200 9200 Air flow rate Air flow rate Fan Motor m3/h 11242 11242 13000 Fan Motor m /h 3 15620 15620 15620 Output W 450(rated) 450(rated) 230×2(rated) Output W 390×2(rated) 390×2(rated) 565×2 0-20 (Default) 0-20 (Default) 0-20 (Default) 0-20 (Default) 0-20 (Default) 0-20 (Default) ESP.6×2×2 Crankcase W 27.91 3.8 EER kW/kW 4.20 12.17 COP kW/kW 4.6 4.9 14.39 4.4 12.4 Ф6.2 8 9.4/2.6 Cooling ℃ -5~48 -5~48 -5~48 Cooling ℃ -5~48 -5~48 -5~48 Ambient temperature range Ambient temperature range Heating ℃ -20~24 -20~24 -20~24 Heating ℃ -20~24 -20~24 -20~24 15 16 .4 Oil balance pipe mm Ф6.80 Input kW 11.88 7.4 Quantities 1 1 1+1 Quantities 1+1 1+1 2 Type DC DC DC Type DC DC DC Btu/h(W) 31.8 Ф31. input consumption W 16953 17402 27250 Max.4 Ф6.17 COP W/W 4.4 Ф6.2 8 9.88 7.Heating ℃ -20℃-27℃ -20℃-27℃ -20℃-27℃ Ambient temp.39 4.9 14.6 4.15 7.4 12.2 12.quantity 23 26 29 Outdoor sound level (*3) dB(A) 57 57 59 Outdoor sound level (*3) dB(A) 61 62 62 Liquid side mm Ф12.0 Heating (*2) Heating (*2) Input W 6.4 Max.4/2.5 5.Heating ℃ -20℃-27℃ -20℃-27℃ -20℃-27℃ Note: 18HP is not the standard model.3 Cooling (*1) Input kW 5.8 Ф31.9 14.6 4.91 3.81 EER W/W 3. range . range .4 Ф6.8 46 Quantities 1 1 1+1 Quantities 1+1 1+1 1+1 Type DC Inverter DC Inverter DC Inverter Type DC Inverter DC Inverter DC Inverter Capacity W 31590(90HZ) 31590(90HZ) 31590(90HZ)+11800(60HZ) Capacity W 31590(90HZ)+11800(60HZ) 31590(90HZ)+11800(60HZ) 31590(90Hz)+31590(90Hz) Compressor Input W 10340(90HZ) 10340(90HZ) 10340(90HZ)+3665(60HZ) Compressor Input W 10340(90HZ)+3665(60HZ) 10340(90HZ)+3665(60HZ) 10340(90Hz)+10340(90Hz) Crankcase W 40~80 40~80 40~80 Crankcase W 40~80 40~80 27.5 W 45 50 56 Capacity Capacity RT 7.8 Pipe connections Gas side Ф31.5 37.quantity 13 16 20 Max.9 Liquid side mm Ф15.3 16.7 Ф12.8 EER W/W 4.8 Max.6 4.6 IPLV 5.54 3. current A 20.38 IPLV 5.4 COP W/W 4.6 Excessive operating pressure MPa 4. input consumption W 11270 11270 16953 Max.8 Ф31.7 5.17 4.8 22.8 W 27 31.2 14.4 5. current A 31.4 Ф25.3 13.2 28 33.4 3.7 Ф15.6×2 Oil type FVC68D FVC68D FVC68D Oil type FVC68D FVC68D FVC68D Oil charge ml 500 500 500 + 500 Oil charge ml 500 + 500 500 + 500 500 + 500 Type DC Inverter DC Inverter DC Inverter Type DC MOTOR DC MOTOR DC MOTOR Quantities 1 1 2 Quantities 2 2 2 Output W 454 454 232×2 Output W 383×2 383×2 560×2 Fan Motor Fan Motor 0~20 (default) 0~20 (default) 0~20 (default) 0~20 (default) 0~20 (default) 0~20 (default) ESP pa ESP pa 20~40 (optional) 20~40(optional) 20~60 (optional) 20~40 (optional) 20~40 (optional) 20~40 (optional) Air flow rate m /h 3 11242 11242 15620 Air flow rate m /h 3 15620 15620 15770 Dimension(W*H*D) mm 960×1615×765 960×1615×765 1250×1615×765 Dimension(W*H*D) mm 1250×1615×765 1250×1615×765 1250*1615*765 Outdoor unit Packing (W*H*D) mm 1025×1790×830 1025×1790×830 1305×1790×820 Outdoor unit Packing (W*H*D) mm 1305×1790×820 1305×1790×820 1305×1790×820 Net/Gross weight Kg 212/227 212/227 288/308 Net/Gross weight Kg 288/308 288/308 310/330 Charged refrigerant type and volume kg R410A 10kg R410A 10kg R410A 12kg Charged refrigerant type and volume kg R410A 15kg R410A 15kg R410A 16kg Throttle type EXV EXV EXV Throttle type EXV EXV EXV Excessive operating pressure MPa 4.4 Ф6. Specifications Specifications X-Power Full Inverter Super S Series X-Power Full Inverter Super S Series Model 38VF008H119010 38VF010H119010 38VF012H119010 Model 38VF014H119010 38VF016H119010 38VF018H119010 Power supply V-Ph-Hz 380~415V 3Ph ~ 50/60Hz 380~415V 3Ph ~ 50/60Hz 380~415V 3Ph ~ 50/60Hz Power supply V-Ph-Hz 380~415V 3Ph ~ 50/60Hz 380~415V 3Ph ~ 50/60Hz 380~415V 3Ph ~ 50/60Hz kW 25.4/2.0 10.4/2.1 Pipe connections Gas side Ф25.05 8.4/2.8 Oil balance pipe mm Ф6.4 Oil balance pipe mm Ф6.4/2.4/2.9 Ф19.29 3.6 Ambient temp. need to customize 17 18 .Cooling ℃ -5℃-48℃ -5℃-48℃ -5℃-48℃ Ambient temp.7 9.4 Ф31.8 32.Cooling ℃ -5℃-48℃ -5℃-48℃ -5℃-48℃ Ambient temp.6 4.6 RT 11.89 Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Connectable indoor unit Connectable indoor unit Max.8 Cooling (*1) Input kW 11.7 RT 12.1 30.9 Ф15. range .55 9 Input W 11. range .5 kW 40 45 50 Capacity Capacity RT 7.97 3.6 5.02 3.8 14. 1 30.4 12.4 Ф25.Cooling ℃ -5℃-48℃ -5℃-48℃ -5℃-48℃ Ambient temp.02 3.2 14.39 4.97 3.5 37.8 W 27 31.9 14.17 4.6 Ambient temp.4 3.55 9 Input W 11.8 Oil balance pipe mm Ф6.8 Max.0 Heating (*2) Heating (*2) Input W 6. range .4 Ф6.8 22.8 Ф31.8 Pipe connections Gas side Ф31.2 12.8 32.89 Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Connectable indoor unit Connectable indoor unit Max.8 Cooling (*1) Input kW 11.05 8.4 Ф6.7 Ф15. range .6 IPLV 5.9 14.4/2.8 14. input consumption W 16953 17402 27250 Max.Cooling ℃ -5℃-48℃ -5℃-48℃ -5℃-48℃ Ambient temp.4 5.29 3. range . range .4 Oil balance pipe mm Ф6.91 3.4 Ф6.9 Ф15.6 4.3 13.4/2.8 46 Quantities 1 1 1+1 Quantities 1+1 1+1 1+1 Type DC Inverter DC Inverter DC Inverter Type DC Inverter DC Inverter DC Inverter Capacity W 31590(90HZ) 31590(90HZ) 31590(90HZ)+11800(60HZ) Capacity W 31590(90HZ)+11800(60HZ) 31590(90HZ)+11800(60HZ) 31590(90Hz)+31590(90Hz) Compressor Input W 10340(90HZ) 10340(90HZ) 10340(90HZ)+3665(60HZ) Compressor Input W 10340(90HZ)+3665(60HZ) 10340(90HZ)+3665(60HZ) 10340(90Hz)+10340(90Hz) Crankcase W 40~80 40~80 40~80 Crankcase W 40~80 40~80 27.4 Ф31.38 IPLV 5.5 W 45 50 56 Capacity Capacity RT 7.1 Pipe connections Gas side Ф25.6 Excessive operating pressure MPa 4.6×2 Oil type FVC68D FVC68D FVC68D Oil type FVC68D FVC68D FVC68D Oil charge ml 500 500 500 + 500 Oil charge ml 500 + 500 500 + 500 500 + 500 Type DC Inverter DC Inverter DC Inverter Type DC MOTOR DC MOTOR DC MOTOR Quantities 1 1 2 Quantities 2 2 2 Output W 454 454 232×2 Output W 383×2 383×2 560×2 Fan Motor Fan Motor 0~20 (default) 0~20 (default) 0~20 (default) 0~20 (default) 0~20 (default) 0~20 (default) ESP pa ESP pa 20~40 (optional) 20~40(optional) 20~60 (optional) 20~40 (optional) 20~40 (optional) 20~40 (optional) Air flow rate m /h 3 11242 11242 15620 Air flow rate m /h 3 15620 15620 15770 Dimension(W*H*D) mm 960×1615×765 960×1615×765 1250×1615×765 Dimension(W*H*D) mm 1250×1615×765 1250×1615×765 1250*1615*765 Outdoor unit Packing (W*H*D) mm 1025×1790×830 1025×1790×830 1305×1790×820 Outdoor unit Packing (W*H*D) mm 1305×1790×820 1305×1790×820 1305×1790×820 Net/Gross weight Kg 212/227 212/227 288/308 Net/Gross weight Kg 288/308 288/308 310/330 Charged refrigerant type and volume kg R410A 10kg R410A 10kg R410A 12kg Charged refrigerant type and volume kg R410A 15kg R410A 15kg R410A 16kg Throttle type EXV EXV EXV Throttle type EXV EXV EXV Excessive operating pressure MPa 4.4/2.17 COP W/W 4.Heating ℃ -20℃-27℃ -20℃-27℃ -20℃-27℃ Note: 18HP is not the standard model.5 5.0 10.6 4.quantity 23 26 29 Outdoor sound level (*3) dB(A) 57 57 59 Outdoor sound level (*3) dB(A) 61 62 62 Liquid side mm Ф12.4 Max. current A 31.8 Ф31.6 4.7 5.8 EER W/W 4.6 RT 11.54 3.7 9.quantity 13 16 20 Max.6 5.3 16.9 Ф19.7 Ф12.2 8 9.88 7.2 28 33.81 EER W/W 3.7 RT 12. input consumption W 11270 11270 16953 Max.4/2.9 Liquid side mm Ф15.5 kW 40 45 50 Capacity Capacity RT 7.Heating ℃ -20℃-27℃ -20℃-27℃ -20℃-27℃ Ambient temp.3 Cooling (*1) Input kW 5.6 4.4/2.4/2.4 COP W/W 4. Specifications Specifications X-Power Full Inverter Super S Series X-Power Full Inverter Super S Series Model 38VF008H119010 38VF010H119010 38VF012H119010 Model 38VF014H119010 38VF016H119010 38VF018H119010 Power supply V-Ph-Hz 380~415V 3Ph ~ 50/60Hz 380~415V 3Ph ~ 50/60Hz 380~415V 3Ph ~ 50/60Hz Power supply V-Ph-Hz 380~415V 3Ph ~ 50/60Hz 380~415V 3Ph ~ 50/60Hz 380~415V 3Ph ~ 50/60Hz kW 25.15 7. current A 20.4 Ф6. need to customize 17 18 . (mm) 8/10 HP 12/14/16 /18 HP 63-9/16(1615) 63-9/16(1615) X-Power Full DC Inverter Mini H Series 37-25/32(960) 49-7/32(1250) 30-1/8(765) 30-1/8(765) Installation dimension Unit: in.Dimensions Body dimension Unit: in.(mm) Screw bolt position 8/10HP: 37-51/64(960) 12/14/16HP:49-7/32(1250) 8/10HP: 32-43/64(830) 12/14/16HP:44-3/32(1120) Φ25/64(10) Expansion bolt 28-31/32(736) Rubber shocking 30-1/8(765) proof mat Concrete basement Solid ground h=7-7/8(200) or roofing 7-7/8(200) 15×23long U-shape hole NEW Fashion Design 19 20 . Dimensions Body dimension Unit: in.(mm) Screw bolt position 8/10HP: 37-51/64(960) 12/14/16HP:49-7/32(1250) 8/10HP: 32-43/64(830) 12/14/16HP:44-3/32(1120) Φ25/64(10) Expansion bolt 28-31/32(736) Rubber shocking 30-1/8(765) proof mat Concrete basement Solid ground h=7-7/8(200) or roofing 7-7/8(200) 15×23long U-shape hole NEW Fashion Design 19 20 .(mm) 8/10 HP 12/14/16 /18 HP 63-9/16(1615) 63-9/16(1615) X-Power Full DC Inverter Mini H Series 37-25/32(960) 49-7/32(1250) 30-1/8(765) 30-1/8(765) Installation dimension Unit: in. 2ft) Equivalent piping length (from the The IDU to the nearest farthest IDU to the first indoor branch 20m(65.480Btu/h. New design Original design Hydrophilic fins + inner-threaded pipes (5°F) 27°C enhance heat transfer.2ft) 1 Total pipe length is equal to all the liquid pipe or all the gas pipe length.97 3. Use your backyard more wisely with much more space available created by less number of outdoor units. Mini VRF with intelligent control gives you independent zoning control with maximum flexibility. 22. 6 indoor units for a 14kW(47. please check the information in the following specifications. 14kW.900 47.430Btu/h.800 40. A single outdoor unit supports up to nine indoor units. 153.5kW(35.6ft) branch joint is 15m(49.900 Btu/h 35.800Btu/h) (40.7ft) The first branch joint to the farthest IDU is 20m(65.92 3.6ft) 20m(65.4°F) HEATING MODE -15°C High efficiency inner-threaded pipe. Reduce air resistance COOLING MODE -15°C 43°C (5°F) (118.8 3. 52. Wide range of outdoor units Level difference between IDU and ODU is 30m(98.4°F).800//52.800Btu/h) outdoor unit installation 3. These generous allowances facilitate an extensive array of system designs.4ft) 30m(98. a maximum height difference Wide Application Range between outdoor and indoor units of 30m(98.5kW 12kW. 2 When the total equivalent pipe length of liquid side plus gas side is more than 90m(295. Wide operation temperature range High performance heat exchanger Mini VRF system operates stably at extreme temperature range from minus 15°C (5°F) to 43°C(118. -4 14 32 50 68 86 104 122 °F(D.2ft) The longest piping length is 70m(229.4ft) Level difference Level difference between IDU~ODU Outdoor unit down 20m(65.800 52.) Hydrophilic film fins and inner-threaded copper pipes optimize heat exchange efficiency.2ft) 8m(26. High Efficiency Max.6ft) 20m(65. freeing up considerable space outside.9ft) Longest piping (L) Equivalent length 50m(164ft) 70m(229.B.700Btu/h) (136. 47. (80.7 Max.35.7ft) 8kW. making it perfect for commercial and residential application.43 3. 6 indoor units for a 12kW(40. 5 indoor units for a 10.900Btu/h) (68. 10.540Btu/h) Piping length Actual length 45m(146. 76. 10.900Btu/h) outdoor unit installation 3.4kW. 16kW 20kW.6°F) The new designed window fins enlarge the heat-exchanging area . water and other *For 20-45KW unit.5kW 12/14/16kW Permitted value (35.6ft) Level difference between IDU~IDU 8m(26. Flexible piping design Features The Mini VRF provides a total piping length possibility of 100m(328ft). 21 22 . 7 indoor units for a 16kW(52.900 Btu/h * For 20-45KW unit. please check the information in the specifications.56 35.4ft). villas. please check the information in the specifications. please check the information in the specifications.900Btu/h. apartment and shops.6ft) jointC) Outdoor unit up 30m(98.800 40.300Btu/h.54 3. Flexible indoor units connection it needs to meet the specific conditions according to the installation part of the technical manual.B.7ft) 60m(196.2ft). 3 *For 20-45KW unit.78 3. decrease the air resistance.800 52.300Btu/h) to 45kW(153.800Btu/h. save more -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 °C(D.900Btu/h) Level difference between IDUs is 8m(26.2ft).830Btu/h) (40.540Btu/h) which is ideal for small offices. corrosive agents.800Btu/h) outdoor unit installation EER COP Max. The height difference between indoors unit can be up to 8m(26.) power and enhance heat exchange performance. The specially coated blue fins enhance durability and protect against corrosion from air. assures a longer coil service life. *For 20-45KW unit. 26kW 40kW.900/47. 88.240Btu/h.900 47. 50kW Total piping length (Actual) 100m(328ft) 100m(328ft) (27.4ft) The outdoor units’ capacity range from 8kW(27.900Btu/h) outdoor unit installation High COP and EER values Max. Outdoor temp. Flexible piping design Features The Mini VRF provides a total piping length possibility of 100m(328ft). 10.) power and enhance heat exchange performance. freeing up considerable space outside. A single outdoor unit supports up to nine indoor units.5kW(35.4ft) Level difference Level difference between IDU~ODU Outdoor unit down 20m(65. Wide operation temperature range High performance heat exchanger Mini VRF system operates stably at extreme temperature range from minus 15°C (5°F) to 43°C(118. (80. please check the information in the specifications. making it perfect for commercial and residential application. 3 *For 20-45KW unit. water and other *For 20-45KW unit. please check the information in the specifications.7ft) 8kW. a maximum height difference Wide Application Range between outdoor and indoor units of 30m(98.800Btu/h) outdoor unit installation EER COP Max.97 3.900/47.800Btu/h) outdoor unit installation 3. 153. Use your backyard more wisely with much more space available created by less number of outdoor units.900Btu/h) Level difference between IDUs is 8m(26.6ft) Level difference between IDU~IDU 8m(26. 50kW Total piping length (Actual) 100m(328ft) 100m(328ft) (27. 21 22 . 47.540Btu/h) which is ideal for small offices.4ft) 30m(98. -4 14 32 50 68 86 104 122 °F(D.2ft) 8m(26.800 40.5kW 12/14/16kW Permitted value (35.56 35. 7 indoor units for a 16kW(52. 26kW 40kW. Outdoor temp. 2 When the total equivalent pipe length of liquid side plus gas side is more than 90m(295.6ft) branch joint is 15m(49.5kW 12kW. 16kW 20kW.92 3.8 3.2ft) 1 Total pipe length is equal to all the liquid pipe or all the gas pipe length. 88.900Btu/h) outdoor unit installation High COP and EER values Max.6ft) 20m(65.540Btu/h) Piping length Actual length 45m(146.830Btu/h) (40.900 47. The height difference between indoors unit can be up to 8m(26.2ft). 14kW.4kW. corrosive agents.4ft) The outdoor units’ capacity range from 8kW(27. please check the information in the following specifications.B. 76.800Btu/h) (40.7ft) 60m(196. Reduce air resistance COOLING MODE -15°C 43°C (5°F) (118.2ft) The longest piping length is 70m(229. 22.35. These generous allowances facilitate an extensive array of system designs.4°F) HEATING MODE -15°C High efficiency inner-threaded pipe. Flexible indoor units connection it needs to meet the specific conditions according to the installation part of the technical manual. please check the information in the specifications. New design Original design Hydrophilic fins + inner-threaded pipes (5°F) 27°C enhance heat transfer.900Btu/h) outdoor unit installation 3. The specially coated blue fins enhance durability and protect against corrosion from air.78 3. High Efficiency Max. 5 indoor units for a 10.7 Max. Wide range of outdoor units Level difference between IDU and ODU is 30m(98.800//52. Mini VRF with intelligent control gives you independent zoning control with maximum flexibility.900Btu/h. 52.800Btu/h.7ft) The first branch joint to the farthest IDU is 20m(65.B.430Btu/h.900 Btu/h 35.6ft) 20m(65.2ft) Equivalent piping length (from the The IDU to the nearest farthest IDU to the first indoor branch 20m(65.4°F). *For 20-45KW unit.4ft).9ft) Longest piping (L) Equivalent length 50m(164ft) 70m(229.6ft) jointC) Outdoor unit up 30m(98.300Btu/h) to 45kW(153. decrease the air resistance.2ft). save more -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 °C(D.800 40.800 52.) Hydrophilic film fins and inner-threaded copper pipes optimize heat exchange efficiency. 6 indoor units for a 12kW(40.300Btu/h.6°F) The new designed window fins enlarge the heat-exchanging area .480Btu/h. assures a longer coil service life.43 3.900 Btu/h * For 20-45KW unit.240Btu/h.54 3. 10. apartment and shops. villas.900 47.800 52.700Btu/h) (136. 6 indoor units for a 14kW(47.900Btu/h) (68. Shield signal wire WR-29B-CM WL-12-CM *40/45KW unit can not connect branch box 23 24 . which greatly simplifies installation and Right side reduces time and labor. Brazing-free quick installation All the piping leading to and from the branch box is connected using screw joints. resulting in significant savings in installation space. usually it need more than Low noise one indoor unit. Easy transportation: All outdoor units can be transported by elevator.35mm(Φ1/4in) to The Mini VRF units are slimmer and more compact. The branch pipe is linear expansion design regulates the flow of Carrier's MINI VRF system removes this problem.7mm(Φ1/2in) to Φ15.53mm(Φ3/8in) and from Φ12. Front side The Mini VRF system's indoor and outdoor units are Bottom side almost as easy to install as residential air conditioning systems. refrigerant and reduces the noise.noise generated by the branch box can be kept clear of living spaces. Removing the side and bottom covers provides easy access for maintaining inner components such as circuit boards. and retains buildings' original aesthetics. Both left and right pipe flare connection from outdoor unit to branch box is reserved. Φ9. In some large residential and light commercial areas. which greatly simplifies Space saving design field installation. Two sets of pipe size converter are packed with branch box to transfer the pipe size from Φ6. Easy to transport No need special room for the outdoor units.Easier Installation and Service More convenience in installation Easy installation A four-direction space is available for connecting pipes and wiring in various installation sites. New piping connection design Auto addressing Addresses of indoor units can be set automatically by outdoor units. Indoor installation The branch box can be installed in the ceiling rather than outside.9mm(Φ5/8in). Easier and safer installation thanks to a branch box that simplifies piping work and the adoption of screw connection. which in turn requires multiple outdoor units. restaurants.which can be installed quickly and easily. thus makes noise level to a minimum. Wireless controller can inquire and modify every indoor units address. making them ideal for small offices More convenient piping connector . such as villas.branch box and shops. By locating the branch box in the ceiling or outside . Front side Right side Back side Bottom side Easy installation: No special area is required for outdoor Back side units. Outdoor unit can distribute address for indoor unit. 9mm(Φ5/8in). resulting in significant savings in installation space. The branch pipe is linear expansion design regulates the flow of Carrier's MINI VRF system removes this problem.branch box and shops. which in turn requires multiple outdoor units. usually it need more than Low noise one indoor unit. refrigerant and reduces the noise.noise generated by the branch box can be kept clear of living spaces. Easy transportation: All outdoor units can be transported by elevator. Front side Right side Back side Bottom side Easy installation: No special area is required for outdoor Back side units. Indoor installation The branch box can be installed in the ceiling rather than outside. Easy to transport No need special room for the outdoor units. Wireless controller can inquire and modify every indoor units address. Easier and safer installation thanks to a branch box that simplifies piping work and the adoption of screw connection. Outdoor unit can distribute address for indoor unit. New piping connection design Auto addressing Addresses of indoor units can be set automatically by outdoor units. Front side The Mini VRF system's indoor and outdoor units are Bottom side almost as easy to install as residential air conditioning systems. Shield signal wire WR-29B-CM WL-12-CM *40/45KW unit can not connect branch box 23 24 . and retains buildings' original aesthetics. Two sets of pipe size converter are packed with branch box to transfer the pipe size from Φ6.53mm(Φ3/8in) and from Φ12. making them ideal for small offices More convenient piping connector . Both left and right pipe flare connection from outdoor unit to branch box is reserved. In some large residential and light commercial areas. such as villas.which can be installed quickly and easily. which greatly simplifies Space saving design field installation. thus makes noise level to a minimum. Removing the side and bottom covers provides easy access for maintaining inner components such as circuit boards. which greatly simplifies installation and Right side reduces time and labor. Brazing-free quick installation All the piping leading to and from the branch box is connected using screw joints. restaurants. By locating the branch box in the ceiling or outside .7mm(Φ1/2in) to Φ15.Easier Installation and Service More convenience in installation Easy installation A four-direction space is available for connecting pipes and wiring in various installation sites. Φ9.35mm(Φ1/4in) to The Mini VRF units are slimmer and more compact. 1. 3.High density neodymium magnet .Twin eccentric cams EER kW/ kW 3.2 15.5 Capacity Better balance and Extremely Low Vibration: RT 3.Optimal material matching rollers and vanes Heating Input kW 3.69 3. Highly Efficient DC Motor: Specifications 60Hz&50Hz .43 .4 Cooling Input kW 3. The cooling conditions: indoor temp. 19 °C WB(60°F) outdoor temp. 15°C WB(44.47 4.53 Ф9.2 balance weights kW 13. measured at a point 1 m(3. The above data may be changed without notice for future improvement on quality and performance. these values might be higher as a result of ambient conditions.6 °F).2m(3.25 3.: 27°C DB(80.Concentrated type stator Power supply V-Ph-Hz 380-415V-3Ph~60Hz 380-415V-3Ph~60Hz 380-415V-3Ph~60Hz -Wider operating frequency range kW 12 14 15. This advanced technology 38VR004H118010 38VR004H119010 38VR007H119010 38VR014H11901S enables the output of the outdoor unit to be modulated by the cooling or heating demands of the zone that 38VR005H118010 38VR005H119010 38VR008H11901S 38VR016H11901S 38VR006H118010 38VR006H119010 38VR010H11901S it controls.16 4.53 High efficiency DC fan motor saved power up to 50%.9 Ф15. connections Gas side mm Ф15.0 4.8°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.Creative motor core design Sales Model 38VR004H118010 38VR005H118010 38VR006H118010 . During actual operation.8 3. 2.quantity 6 6 7 DC inverter stepless Type Rotary Rotary Rotary adjustment Brand MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI AC inverter multistep adjustment Capacity kW 9.54 3.Advanced Technologies Outdoor Unit Full DC inverter technology 380/415V~3Ph~60Hz 380/415V~3Ph~50Hz At the heart of our system is a highly intelligent inverter driven compressor.88 9.9 .94ft) for 120~160model).88 13.6°F) outdoor temp. Sound level: Anechoic chamber conversion value.95 4.1 Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Connectable Motor speed(RPM) Max.8 4.28ft) in front of the unit at a height of *m( 1m(3.56 Compressor .4 4.Highly robust bearings (Twin Rotary) structure Outdoor sound level (*3) dB(A) 57 57 57 -Compact structure Pipe Liquid side mm Ф9. 25 26 . making a significant contribution to the limiting the impact on the environment. The heating conditions: indoor temp.77 -Optimize compressor drive technology COP kW/ kW 3.: 7 °C DB(42.52 .7 3.: 35°C DB(95°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m. Airflow m3/h 6983 6500 6000 Air deflector Dimension(W x H x D) mm 900 x 1327 x 400 900 x 1327 x 400 900 x 1327 x 400 Outdoor unit Packing (W x H x D) mm 1030 x 1456 x 435 1030 x 1456 x 435 1030 x 1456 x 435 Net/Gross weight kg 92/106 95/106 102/113 New grille Type R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant Charged volume g 3300 3900 3900 Throttle type EXV Design pressure MPa 4.9 Ф19.6 New fan 15~43℃ Ambient temp ℉(℃) -15~27℃ Note: Newly Designed Fan Guard Powerful Large Propeller 1.: 20°C DB(68°F). This advanced system ensures precise temperature regulation and highly efficient energy usage.53 Ф9.28ft) for 105 model.4/2.4 17 Highly Stable Moving Parts: Capacity RT 3. 4.4 4.98 Compressor Crankcase W 27 27 25 Refrigerant oil Type FV50S FV50S FV50S System pressure Refrigerant oil ml 870 870 1400 Type DC motor DC motor DC motor Quantity 2 2 2 Noise reducing design Fan Motor Output W 2 x85 2 x85 2 x 85 CFM 4100 3824 3530 Optimally designed fan shape and air discharge grille increases air volume and reduces running noise. Creative motor core design Sales Model 38VR004H118010 38VR005H118010 38VR006H118010 .quantity 6 6 7 DC inverter stepless Type Rotary Rotary Rotary adjustment Brand MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI AC inverter multistep adjustment Capacity kW 9. During actual operation.Twin eccentric cams EER kW/ kW 3. 25 26 . 2. 19 °C WB(60°F) outdoor temp.6°F) outdoor temp.28ft) for 105 model. This advanced system ensures precise temperature regulation and highly efficient energy usage.88 13.25 3.9 Ф19. Sound level: Anechoic chamber conversion value.53 Ф9.2 15.8°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.6 New fan 15~43℃ Ambient temp ℉(℃) -15~27℃ Note: Newly Designed Fan Guard Powerful Large Propeller 1.56 Compressor .0 4.: 7 °C DB(42.8 3.7 3.9 .Advanced Technologies Outdoor Unit Full DC inverter technology 380/415V~3Ph~60Hz 380/415V~3Ph~50Hz At the heart of our system is a highly intelligent inverter driven compressor.8 4. Highly Efficient DC Motor: Specifications 60Hz&50Hz .43 . connections Gas side mm Ф15. The heating conditions: indoor temp.54 3.69 3. The above data may be changed without notice for future improvement on quality and performance. This advanced technology 38VR004H118010 38VR004H119010 38VR007H119010 38VR014H11901S enables the output of the outdoor unit to be modulated by the cooling or heating demands of the zone that 38VR005H118010 38VR005H119010 38VR008H11901S 38VR016H11901S 38VR006H118010 38VR006H119010 38VR010H11901S it controls.88 9.94ft) for 120~160model).Concentrated type stator Power supply V-Ph-Hz 380-415V-3Ph~60Hz 380-415V-3Ph~60Hz 380-415V-3Ph~60Hz -Wider operating frequency range kW 12 14 15. The cooling conditions: indoor temp.53 Ф9.Highly robust bearings (Twin Rotary) structure Outdoor sound level (*3) dB(A) 57 57 57 -Compact structure Pipe Liquid side mm Ф9.16 4.53 High efficiency DC fan motor saved power up to 50%.98 Compressor Crankcase W 27 27 25 Refrigerant oil Type FV50S FV50S FV50S System pressure Refrigerant oil ml 870 870 1400 Type DC motor DC motor DC motor Quantity 2 2 2 Noise reducing design Fan Motor Output W 2 x85 2 x85 2 x 85 CFM 4100 3824 3530 Optimally designed fan shape and air discharge grille increases air volume and reduces running noise.: 35°C DB(95°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.1 Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Connectable Motor speed(RPM) Max.9 Ф15.4 Cooling Input kW 3.1. making a significant contribution to the limiting the impact on the environment.4/2.28ft) in front of the unit at a height of *m( 1m(3.4 4.95 4. 3.4 17 Highly Stable Moving Parts: Capacity RT 3.: 27°C DB(80.47 4.6 °F). Airflow m3/h 6983 6500 6000 Air deflector Dimension(W x H x D) mm 900 x 1327 x 400 900 x 1327 x 400 900 x 1327 x 400 Outdoor unit Packing (W x H x D) mm 1030 x 1456 x 435 1030 x 1456 x 435 1030 x 1456 x 435 Net/Gross weight kg 92/106 95/106 102/113 New grille Type R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant Charged volume g 3300 3900 3900 Throttle type EXV Design pressure MPa 4. measured at a point 1 m(3.52 . 15°C WB(44.: 20°C DB(68°F).Optimal material matching rollers and vanes Heating Input kW 3. these values might be higher as a result of ambient conditions.2 balance weights kW 13.5 Capacity Better balance and Extremely Low Vibration: RT 3.High density neodymium magnet . 4.77 -Optimize compressor drive technology COP kW/ kW 3.2m(3.4 4. 66 3. measured at a point 1 m(3.2m(3.28ft) in front of the unit at a height of *m( 1m(3.52 Ф9.28ft) for 105 model.09 3.8°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.4 4.6 Input kW 3.4/2.7 Ф12.1.9 Cooling Cooling Input kW 6.8°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m. 15°C WB(44. 19 °C WB(60°F) outdoor temp.9 11. The heating conditions: indoor temp. 4.6 °F).4/2.quantity 10 11 12 14 15 Gas side mm Ф15.1 Ф19.: 27°C DB(80.7 Max. The cooling conditions: indoor temp.: 35°C DB(95°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.9 Type Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Type Rotary Rotary Rotary Brand MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI Brand MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI Capacity Btu/h 13980 16860 16860 13980×2 16860×2 Compressor Capacity Btu/h 33720 33720 47700 Compressor Crankcase W 25 25 25 25×2 25×2 Crankcase W 27 27 25 Refrigerant oil Type FV50S FV50S FV50S FV50S FV50S Refrigerant oil ml FV50S 870ml FV50S 870ml FV50S 1400ml Refrigerant oil ml 1400+1300 1700+1500 1700+1500 1400×2+2500 1700×2+3600 Quantities 2 2 2 Type DC motor DC motor DC motor DC+AC DC+AC Type DC motor DC motor DC motor Fan motor Quantity 2 2 2 1+1 1+1 m3/h 6000 6000 6000 Air flow rate Fan Motor Output W 210/160 200/150 200/150 560/320 560/320 CFM 3529 3529 3529 CFM 6470 6173 6173 9750 9750 Airflow Dimension(W*H*D) mm 900*1327*320 900*1327*320 900*1327*320 m³/h 10999 10494 10494 16575 16575 Outdoor unit Packing (W*H*D) mm 1030*1456*435 1030*1456*435 1030*1456*435 mm 1120×1558×400 1120×1558×400 1120×1558×400 1360×1650×540 1460×1650×540 Dimension(W x H x D) Outdoor unit Net/Gross weight kg 95/106 95/106 102/113 Net/Gross weight kg 137/153 146.9 4.: 7 °C DB(42.4 11.5 28.quantity 6 6 7 Pipe connections Outdoor sound level Gas side mm Ф19.6 Design pressure MPa 4.6 4.2 15.95 2.32 EER 3.: 35°C DB(95°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.52 Connectable Pipe Max.05 3.1 12.63 7.4 RT 5.94ft) for 120~160model).: 20°C DB(68°F).3 RT 3.7 Input kW 3. Sound level: Anechoic chamber conversion value.4/2.2 8.6°F) outdoor temp.5/162. actual operation.DC inverter MINI H series-3p Specifications 50Hz Specifications 50Hz Sale Model 38VR004H119010 38VR005H119010 38VR006H119010 Sales Model 38VR007H119010 38VR008H11901S 38VR010H11901S 38VR014H11901S 38VR016H11901S Power supply V-Ph-Hz 380-415V-3N~50Hz 380-415V-3N~50Hz 380-415V-3N~50Hz Power supply V-Ph-Hz 380-415V-3N~50Hz 380-415V-3N~50Hz 380-415V-3N~50Hz 380-415-3N~50 380-415-3N~50 kW 12 14 15.1 12.: 27°C DB(80.28ft) in front of the unit at a height of *m( 1m(3. During 3.52 3.5 45 50 kW 13.95 6. 27 28 . The above data may be changed without notice for future improvement on quality and performance.55 5.2 Ф22. The cooling conditions: indoor temp.6 °F).4 COP KW/KW 3.4 7.8 4. sound level might be affected by ambient conditions.4 11. The above data may be changed without notice for future improvement on quality and performance.4 (sound pressure level ) dB(A) 57 57 57 Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.9 13. measured at a point 1 m(3.: 7 °C DB(42.4/2.11 3.38 3. 19 °C WB(60°F) outdoor temp.1 Ф22.7 7.7 6. 1.29 7 8.2 Ф25. 2.4 12.02 3.4 26 40 45 Capacity Capacity RT 3.1.9 Ф15.6 Cooling -15~43 Cooling -15~43 Cooling -15~43 -5~48 -5~48 -5~48 -5~48 -5~48 Ambient temp ℃ Ambient temp °F(°C) Heating -15~27 Heating -15~27 Heating -15~27 -15~27 -15~27 -15~27 -15~24 -15~24 Note: Note: 1.6°F) outdoor temp.52 Ф9.5 kW 20 22.4 4. 3. The heating conditions: indoor temp. 2.28ft) for 105 model.77 kW 22 24.5 147/163 240/260 275/290 Type R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant Type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Charged volume g 3300 3900 3900 Refrigerant Charged volume g 4800 6200 6200 9000 12000 Throttle type EXV EXV EXV Throttle type EXV Design pressure MPa 4.08 2.0 4.93 COP 3. During actual operation.9 Ф15.75 5.2m(3.69 3.6 4. Sound level: Anechoic chamber conversion value. sound level might be affected by ambient conditions.4 17 Capacity Capacity RT 6.53 Ф9. 4.15 Outdoor sound level(*3) dB(A) 59 59 60 62 62 Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Coneectable indoor unit Liquid side mm Ф9.35 3.75 4.86 14.9 Heating Heating Input kW 5.94ft) for 120~160model). 15°C WB(44.6 4.6 EER KW/KW 3.53 Ф12.53 Ф9.: 20°C DB(68°F). 4 COP KW/KW 3.1 12.5 28.7 Ф12. The cooling conditions: indoor temp.: 35°C DB(95°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.63 7.4 (sound pressure level ) dB(A) 57 57 57 Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9. 19 °C WB(60°F) outdoor temp.7 Max.28ft) in front of the unit at a height of *m( 1m(3.5 147/163 240/260 275/290 Type R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant Type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Charged volume g 3300 3900 3900 Refrigerant Charged volume g 4800 6200 6200 9000 12000 Throttle type EXV EXV EXV Throttle type EXV Design pressure MPa 4.: 7 °C DB(42.38 3. 15°C WB(44.4 4.6°F) outdoor temp.2m(3.: 20°C DB(68°F).28ft) in front of the unit at a height of *m( 1m(3.66 3.94ft) for 120~160model).: 35°C DB(95°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.8 4.9 Heating Heating Input kW 5.75 5.8°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m. actual operation.53 Ф9.11 3.52 Ф9.4/2.2 Ф22.95 2.quantity 10 11 12 14 15 Gas side mm Ф15.4 26 40 45 Capacity Capacity RT 3.52 3.0 4.4 RT 5.6 EER KW/KW 3.86 14. The cooling conditions: indoor temp.75 4.6 4. The heating conditions: indoor temp.4/2. 2.9 Type Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Type Rotary Rotary Rotary Brand MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI Brand MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI Capacity Btu/h 13980 16860 16860 13980×2 16860×2 Compressor Capacity Btu/h 33720 33720 47700 Compressor Crankcase W 25 25 25 25×2 25×2 Crankcase W 27 27 25 Refrigerant oil Type FV50S FV50S FV50S FV50S FV50S Refrigerant oil ml FV50S 870ml FV50S 870ml FV50S 1400ml Refrigerant oil ml 1400+1300 1700+1500 1700+1500 1400×2+2500 1700×2+3600 Quantities 2 2 2 Type DC motor DC motor DC motor DC+AC DC+AC Type DC motor DC motor DC motor Fan motor Quantity 2 2 2 1+1 1+1 m3/h 6000 6000 6000 Air flow rate Fan Motor Output W 210/160 200/150 200/150 560/320 560/320 CFM 3529 3529 3529 CFM 6470 6173 6173 9750 9750 Airflow Dimension(W*H*D) mm 900*1327*320 900*1327*320 900*1327*320 m³/h 10999 10494 10494 16575 16575 Outdoor unit Packing (W*H*D) mm 1030*1456*435 1030*1456*435 1030*1456*435 mm 1120×1558×400 1120×1558×400 1120×1558×400 1360×1650×540 1460×1650×540 Dimension(W x H x D) Outdoor unit Net/Gross weight kg 95/106 95/106 102/113 Net/Gross weight kg 137/153 146. The heating conditions: indoor temp. The above data may be changed without notice for future improvement on quality and performance.55 5.9 11.4 17 Capacity Capacity RT 6.6°F) outdoor temp.52 Ф9. 4. Sound level: Anechoic chamber conversion value.: 27°C DB(80.52 Connectable Pipe Max.5 kW 20 22.95 6.29 7 8.4 11.1 12.1.2 Ф25.4 4. 27 28 .DC inverter MINI H series-3p Specifications 50Hz Specifications 50Hz Sale Model 38VR004H119010 38VR005H119010 38VR006H119010 Sales Model 38VR007H119010 38VR008H11901S 38VR010H11901S 38VR014H11901S 38VR016H11901S Power supply V-Ph-Hz 380-415V-3N~50Hz 380-415V-3N~50Hz 380-415V-3N~50Hz Power supply V-Ph-Hz 380-415V-3N~50Hz 380-415V-3N~50Hz 380-415V-3N~50Hz 380-415-3N~50 380-415-3N~50 kW 12 14 15.5/162.1 Ф19. measured at a point 1 m(3.4/2.28ft) for 105 model.4 11.6 4.9 13. During actual operation.77 kW 22 24. measured at a point 1 m(3.1 Ф22. sound level might be affected by ambient conditions.15 Outdoor sound level(*3) dB(A) 59 59 60 62 62 Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Coneectable indoor unit Liquid side mm Ф9.02 3. sound level might be affected by ambient conditions.93 COP 3.9 Cooling Cooling Input kW 6.53 Ф12. 1.9 4. 15°C WB(44.09 3.4/2.9 Ф15.4 7. Sound level: Anechoic chamber conversion value. During 3.2 15.08 2. 2.: 7 °C DB(42.8°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.4 12.quantity 6 6 7 Pipe connections Outdoor sound level Gas side mm Ф19.6 Design pressure MPa 4.7 7.1. The above data may be changed without notice for future improvement on quality and performance. 3.32 EER 3.05 3. 4.5 45 50 kW 13.69 3.9 Ф15.28ft) for 105 model.3 RT 3.6 °F).94ft) for 120~160model).6 Input kW 3.: 27°C DB(80.6 °F).7 Input kW 3.: 20°C DB(68°F).35 3. 19 °C WB(60°F) outdoor temp.6 Cooling -15~43 Cooling -15~43 Cooling -15~43 -5~48 -5~48 -5~48 -5~48 -5~48 Ambient temp ℃ Ambient temp °F(°C) Heating -15~27 Heating -15~27 Heating -15~27 -15~27 -15~27 -15~27 -15~24 -15~24 Note: Note: 1.6 4.2m(3.2 8.7 6.53 Ф9. 9 Coneectable Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Heating indoor unit Input kW 2.quantity 4 5 6 6 7 COP kW/kW 3. The heating conditions: indoor temp.4 Cooling Sale Model 38VR004H11301S 38VR004H113010 38VR005H113010 38VR006H113010 Input kW 3.52 indoor unit Max. 3.35 2.54 3.53 Ф9.4 17 Capacity Capacity RT 3 3.3 3. 29 30 .8 3.9m for 80model.4 3.92 3.9 Pipe Liquid side mm Ф9.89 2.: 27°C DB(80.6 4.9 Input kW 2.52 Heating Input kW 2.6 4.6 4. 19°C WB(60 °F) outdoor temp.4 4.70 3.52 Ф9.65 Power supply V-Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz EER 2.5 EER kW/kW 3.04 2.9 Ф19.4/2.4/2.53 Ф9.5 13.9 Ф15.6 4.29 3.3 3. 1m for 105 model.4/2.52 Ф9.4 4.4/2.80 3. these values are normally somewhat higher as a result of ambient conditions.6°F) outdoor temp.6 Design pressure MPa 4.54 3.1.9 Ф15. Sound level: Anechoic chamber conversion value.9 Ф15.1 Brand MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI Type Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Compressor Capacity Btu/h 24334 24334 33642 33642 47700 Brand MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI Crankcase W 25 25 25 25 25 Capacity Btu/h 24330 33710 33710 47713 Compressor Input W 2200 3010 3010 14573 Refrigerant oil ml FV50S 670ml+200ml FV50S 670ml+200ml FV50S 870ml+630ml FV50S 870ml+630ml FV50S 1400ml+250ml Crankcase W 25 27 25 20 Quantities 1 1 2 2 2 Type FV50S FV50S FV50S FV50S Refrigerant oil Type DCmotor DCmotor DCmotor DCmotor DCmotor ml 870 870 870 1400 Brand Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Type DC motor DC motor DC motor DC motor Fan motor Quantity 1 2 2 2 Output W 170 170 2*85 2*85 2*85 Fan Motor Output W 170 2 x 85 2 x 85 2 x 85 m3/h 5500 5500 6000 6000 6000 Air flow rate CFM 3000 3531 3531 3531 CFM 3235 3235 3529 3529 3529 Air floor rate m3/h 5100 6000 6000 6000 Dimension(W*H*D) mm 1075*966*396 1075*966*396 900*1327*320 900*1327*320 900*1327*320 Dimension (W x H x D) mm 1075x966x396 900x1327x400 Outdoor unit Packing (W*H*D) mm 1105x1005x435 1105*1005*435 1030*1456*435 1030*1456*435 1030*1456*435 Outdoor unit Packing (W x H x D) mm 1120x1100x435 1030x1456x435 Net/Gross weight kg 78/85 95/106 95/106 102/113 Net/Gross weight kg 62/67 72/79 95/106 95/106 100/111 Type R410a Type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant Refrigerant Charged volume kg 3 3.72 3.9 Ф15.6 Ambient Cooling ℃ -15~43℃ temperature range Heating -15~27℃ Cooling -15~43 Cooling -15~43 Cooling -15~43 Cooling -15~43 Cooling -15~43 ℃ Ambient temp ℃ Note: Heating -15~27 Heating -15~27 Heating -15~27 Heating -15~27 Heating -15~27 1.5 13. The above data may be changed without notice for future improvement on quality and performance.2 15.9 Ф15.85 5.52 Ф9.8 4.52 Ф9.69 3.9 Charged volume g 2800 3000 3300 3900 3900 Throttle type EXV EXV EXV EXV Throttle type EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Design pressure MPa 4.9 3.55 4. 2.: 20°C DB(68°C).4/2.35 5.5 12 14 15.5 3.21 3.6 4.53 Ф9.9 Ф15.67 3.3 2.4/2.4/2.68 3.74 kW 10.95 4.95 4.16 4.6 4.0 4.8 4.: 35°C DB(95°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.2m for 120~160model).9 3.4 17 COP 3.56 Outndoor sound level (sound pressure level ) dB(A) 56 57 57 57 59 Coneectable Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.9 3.: 7°C DB(42.53 Type Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary connections Gas side mm Ф15. 15°C WB(44.09 Capacity RT 3.4/2.8°F ) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m. During actual operation.5 Specifications 60Hz&50Hz Capacity RT 2.Outdoor Unit DC Inverter Mini H Series 208/230V~1Ph~60Hz 220-240V~1Ph~50Hz Specifications 50Hz 38VR004H11301S 38VR003H112010 38VR005H112010 38VR004H113010 38VR004H11201S 38VR006H112010 38VR005H113010 38VR004H112010 Model 38VR003H112010 38VR004H11201S 38VR004H112010 38VR005H112010 38VR006H112010 38VR006H113010 Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V-1PH-50Hz 220-240V-1PH-50Hz 220-240V-1PH-50Hz 220-240V-1PH-50Hz 220-240V-1PH-50Hz kW 8 10 12 14 15.0 4. The cooling conditions: indoor temp. measured at a point 1 m in front of the unit at a height of *m(0.6°F).25 3.43 kW 11.2 15.3 3.6 4.75 3.47 4.6 3.4 4.quantity 5 6 6 7 Pipe Outdoor sound level (*3) dB(A) 57 57 57 57 Gas side mm Ф15.4 Cooling RT 2.4 4.97 3.77 Max.5 kW 9 11.4/2. 4. 52 indoor unit Max.35 5.53 Ф9.0 4.67 3.4 4.52 Ф9.9 3.2m for 120~160model).95 4.6 4.4 Cooling RT 2.9 Ф19.4/2.: 35°C DB(95°F) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.6 4.9 Ф15.4 17 Capacity Capacity RT 3 3.72 3.4/2. The heating conditions: indoor temp.4 4.09 Capacity RT 3.52 Ф9.52 Ф9.1 Brand MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI Type Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Compressor Capacity Btu/h 24334 24334 33642 33642 47700 Brand MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI MITSUBISHI Crankcase W 25 25 25 25 25 Capacity Btu/h 24330 33710 33710 47713 Compressor Input W 2200 3010 3010 14573 Refrigerant oil ml FV50S 670ml+200ml FV50S 670ml+200ml FV50S 870ml+630ml FV50S 870ml+630ml FV50S 1400ml+250ml Crankcase W 25 27 25 20 Quantities 1 1 2 2 2 Type FV50S FV50S FV50S FV50S Refrigerant oil Type DCmotor DCmotor DCmotor DCmotor DCmotor ml 870 870 870 1400 Brand Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Type DC motor DC motor DC motor DC motor Fan motor Quantity 1 2 2 2 Output W 170 170 2*85 2*85 2*85 Fan Motor Output W 170 2 x 85 2 x 85 2 x 85 m3/h 5500 5500 6000 6000 6000 Air flow rate CFM 3000 3531 3531 3531 CFM 3235 3235 3529 3529 3529 Air floor rate m3/h 5100 6000 6000 6000 Dimension(W*H*D) mm 1075*966*396 1075*966*396 900*1327*320 900*1327*320 900*1327*320 Dimension (W x H x D) mm 1075x966x396 900x1327x400 Outdoor unit Packing (W*H*D) mm 1105x1005x435 1105*1005*435 1030*1456*435 1030*1456*435 1030*1456*435 Outdoor unit Packing (W x H x D) mm 1120x1100x435 1030x1456x435 Net/Gross weight kg 78/85 95/106 95/106 102/113 Net/Gross weight kg 62/67 72/79 95/106 95/106 100/111 Type R410a Type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant Refrigerant Charged volume kg 3 3.68 3.4/2. The cooling conditions: indoor temp.4/2.47 4.29 3.53 Type Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary Rotary connections Gas side mm Ф15.5 Specifications 60Hz&50Hz Capacity RT 2.9 Input kW 2.4 Cooling Sale Model 38VR004H11301S 38VR004H113010 38VR005H113010 38VR006H113010 Input kW 3.5 EER kW/kW 3.77 Max.0 4.6 Design pressure MPa 4.5 kW 9 11.70 3.5 12 14 15.9m for 80model.16 4.52 Ф9.52 Heating Input kW 2.6°F).6 4.5 13.: 20°C DB(68°C).3 3.5 13.: 7°C DB(42.2 15.4/2.4 3.6 Ambient Cooling ℃ -15~43℃ temperature range Heating -15~27℃ Cooling -15~43 Cooling -15~43 Cooling -15~43 Cooling -15~43 Cooling -15~43 ℃ Ambient temp ℃ Note: Heating -15~27 Heating -15~27 Heating -15~27 Heating -15~27 Heating -15~27 1.55 4.Outdoor Unit DC Inverter Mini H Series 208/230V~1Ph~60Hz 220-240V~1Ph~50Hz Specifications 50Hz 38VR004H11301S 38VR003H112010 38VR005H112010 38VR004H113010 38VR004H11201S 38VR006H112010 38VR005H113010 38VR004H112010 Model 38VR003H112010 38VR004H11201S 38VR004H112010 38VR005H112010 38VR006H112010 38VR006H113010 Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V-1PH-50Hz 220-240V-1PH-50Hz 220-240V-1PH-50Hz 220-240V-1PH-50Hz 220-240V-1PH-50Hz kW 8 10 12 14 15.: 27°C DB(80.9 3.9 Ф15.1.4/2.9 Ф15.3 3.6°F) outdoor temp.9 Charged volume g 2800 3000 3300 3900 3900 Throttle type EXV EXV EXV EXV Throttle type EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Design pressure MPa 4.8 4.25 3.4/2.9 Ф15.3 3. 1m for 105 model.4 17 COP 3. 15°C WB(44.6 4.3 2.35 2. During actual operation.54 3.53 Ф9. 3.56 Outndoor sound level (sound pressure level ) dB(A) 56 57 57 57 59 Coneectable Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9. 29 30 .75 3.74 kW 10.85 5. The above data may be changed without notice for future improvement on quality and performance.92 3. these values are normally somewhat higher as a result of ambient conditions.6 3.4/2.5 3.04 2.quantity 5 6 6 7 Pipe Outdoor sound level (*3) dB(A) 57 57 57 57 Gas side mm Ф15.2 15.9 Coneectable Total capacity % 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% 50-130% Heating indoor unit Input kW 2.4/2.9 Ф15.4 4. 19°C WB(60 °F) outdoor temp.54 3.9 Ф15.6 4.21 3.9 3.9 Pipe Liquid side mm Ф9.89 2.95 4.97 3.6 4.8 3.65 Power supply V-Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz EER 2.43 kW 11. 2. Sound level: Anechoic chamber conversion value.53 Ф9.8°F ) equivalent pipe length: 5m drop length: 0m.quantity 4 5 6 6 7 COP kW/kW 3.4 4.69 3. 4. measured at a point 1 m in front of the unit at a height of *m(0.8 4.6 4.80 3. 98ft (0.64ft >9.56ft >1.97ft (0.Dimension Unit Dimensions.3m) (0. unit: mm(in) 8/10.3m) >1.97ft (0.98ft (2m) (0.84ft (3m) Maintain channel Wall-mounted Fix with bolt Air inlet >1.56ft Air outlet (2m) Parallel installation >6.5kW 966(38-1/32) 624(24-9/16) 354(13-15/16) 336(13-15/64) 366(14-13/32) 396(15-19/32) Indoor Units Lineup 990(38-31/32) 1075(42-21/64) 12/14/16kW 600(23-5/8) 348(13-45/64) 320(12-19/32) 360(14-11/16) 400(15-3/4) One-way Cassette 1327(52-1/4) Two-way Cassette Compact Four-way Cassette Fat pipe Standard Four-way Cassette Front out pipe Side out pipe Back out pipe Undersurface out pipe Low Static Pressure Duct 900(35-7/16) R amplification R Concealed Duct Unit (A5 Type) Unit installation Single Unit installation High Static Pressure Duct >1.98ft >0.6m) >6.6m) (Wall or obstacle) Ceiling&Floor >0.5m) (3m) (3m) (0.97ft Fresh Air Processing Unit (0.84ft >9.3m) Air inlet >9.6m) >6.84ft >0.56ft (2m) 31 32 . 56ft >1.64ft >9.98ft (2m) (0.6m) (Wall or obstacle) Ceiling&Floor >0.97ft Fresh Air Processing Unit (0.6m) >6.97ft (0.Dimension Unit Dimensions.56ft Air outlet (2m) Parallel installation >6.5kW 966(38-1/32) 624(24-9/16) 354(13-15/16) 336(13-15/64) 366(14-13/32) 396(15-19/32) Indoor Units Lineup 990(38-31/32) 1075(42-21/64) 12/14/16kW 600(23-5/8) 348(13-45/64) 320(12-19/32) 360(14-11/16) 400(15-3/4) One-way Cassette 1327(52-1/4) Two-way Cassette Compact Four-way Cassette Fat pipe Standard Four-way Cassette Front out pipe Side out pipe Back out pipe Undersurface out pipe Low Static Pressure Duct 900(35-7/16) R amplification R Concealed Duct Unit (A5 Type) Unit installation Single Unit installation High Static Pressure Duct >1.98ft >0.3m) (0.98ft (0.6m) >6.84ft (3m) Maintain channel Wall-mounted Fix with bolt Air inlet >1.5m) (3m) (3m) (0.3m) Air inlet >9.97ft (0.84ft >9.3m) >1. unit: mm(in) 8/10.56ft (2m) 31 32 .84ft >0. 500 9.400 19.600 12.700 34.9 3.0 2.5 5.6 2.5 4.800 54.0 9.6 4 4.0 10.25 1.200 42.0 20.2 3.200 27.100 38.6 4.6 2 2. 33 34 .8 1 1.2 2.0 16.0 56.100 7.300 30.100 24.0 5.6 7.500 153.0 45.7 7.8 2.8 3.5 5 6 8 9 10 14 16 20 40VZ***H11200011 One-way Cassette 40VZ***H11300011 40VT***H11300010 Two-way Cassette 40VT***H10200010 40VX***H11300010 Compact Four-way Cassette 40VX***H11200010 40VK***H11300011 Four-way Cassette 40VK***H11200011 42VD***H113002011 Low Static Pressure Duct 42VD***H112002011 42VD***H113003010 42VD***H112003010 Concealed Duct Unit(A5 Type) 42VD***H113003011 42VD***H112013011 42VD***H113011010 42VD***H112011010 High Static Pressure Duct 42VD***H113011010 42VD***H112011010 42VD***H113011010 42VD***H112011010 Ceiling & Floor 42VF***H113000010 42VF***H112000010 42VH***H113000101 42VH***H112000101 Wall-mounted 42VH***H113000100 42VH***H112000102 Fresh Air Processing Unit 42VD***H113211010 42VD***H112211010 11 types and more than 100 models are available to meet varied customer requirements.0 40.8 1 1. Model 18 22 28 36 45 56 71 80 90 100 112 125 140 160 200 250 280 400 450 560 kW 1.600 68.1 8.6 2.2 3.700 47.0 28.0 Type Btu/h 6.300 95.3 1.500 170.200 85.0 25.0 5.2 12.8 16 HP 0.500 136.6 0.600 Ton 0.0 11.6 0.300 15.4 12.5 2.3 2.1 8 11.8 3.5 14.5 0. 33 34 .0 20.6 4.0 5.0 25.6 2 2.700 34.200 85.6 2.6 2.8 2.5 2.200 42.300 15.5 5 6 8 9 10 14 16 20 40VZ***H11200011 One-way Cassette 40VZ***H11300011 40VT***H11300010 Two-way Cassette 40VT***H10200010 40VX***H11300010 Compact Four-way Cassette 40VX***H11200010 40VK***H11300011 Four-way Cassette 40VK***H11200011 42VD***H113002011 Low Static Pressure Duct 42VD***H112002011 42VD***H113003010 42VD***H112003010 Concealed Duct Unit(A5 Type) 42VD***H113003011 42VD***H112013011 42VD***H113011010 42VD***H112011010 High Static Pressure Duct 42VD***H113011010 42VD***H112011010 42VD***H113011010 42VD***H112011010 Ceiling & Floor 42VF***H113000010 42VF***H112000010 42VH***H113000101 42VH***H112000101 Wall-mounted 42VH***H113000100 42VH***H112000102 Fresh Air Processing Unit 42VD***H113211010 42VD***H112211010 11 types and more than 100 models are available to meet varied customer requirements.0 40.8 3.6 0.300 95.500 9.100 7.2 12.5 14.7 7.3 2.5 5.0 16.500 136.2 2.100 24.1 8 11.300 30.8 1 1.0 28.800 54.6 7.0 5.5 4.8 1 1.9 3.0 Type Btu/h 6.8 3.5 0.2 3.600 12.0 56.0 2.0 10.8 16 HP 0.3 1.4 12. Model 18 22 28 36 45 56 71 80 90 100 112 125 140 160 200 250 280 400 450 560 kW 1.500 153.0 9.1 8.2 3.6 0.200 27.400 19.700 47.6 4 4.600 68.0 11.500 170.600 Ton 0.0 45.25 1.100 38. 36 kW 2.7 creates a comfortable and healthy environment.32 0.2 Standard built-in drain pump with 750mm pump head.1kw unit.6°F(7°C)DB.4 Refrigerant type R410A Throttle EXV Fresh air. Acetic acid Formol NH3 35 36 . smog.4m) below the unit.24 0.6 3.especially suitable for narrow ceiling airflow distribution and a better room m³/h 523/404/275 523/404/275 573/456/315 573/456/315 693/600/476 792/688/549 933/749/592 Indoor air flow(H/M/L) .59ft. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.2 2. piping: 26.6 7.5/5.25 0. temperature balance.35 Ф12.25 0.5/24.6°F(27°C)DB.5/16 13/16.equivalent ref.27 0.25 0. piping: 26. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80. 3. filter bacteria. and pollen. corner installation Dimension(WxHxD) mm 1180×25×465 1350×25×505 Panel Packing(WxHxD) mm 1232×107×517 1410×95×560 750mm Net/Gross weight kg 3.2 4 5 6.Sound Level is measured 4.1 Capacity Follow Me Anti-Cold Air Function Btu/h 6100 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 24200 Cooling LED LED Display Built-in Drain Pump Input W 41 41 41 41 54 60 75 DISPLAY Rated current A 0.5 19.5 5.2°F(19°C)WB. and equivalent ref.8 2.outdoor temperature: 44.8 3.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C) DB.5-7. healthy and natural air supply.2 2.5/23. 2.6 4.42.7 Ф15.ultra slim body with a minimum thickness of Auto swing mechanism guarantees even 153mm for model 18-36. improved air quality Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4. Specifications 60Hz One-way Cassette Model 40VZ006H11300011 40VZ007H11300011 40VZ009H11300011 40VZ012H11300011 40VZ016H11300011 40VZ020H11300011 40VZ024H11300011 Auto Restart Fresh Air Power Supply V-Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph-60Hz Auto Addressing Cleanable Panel kW 1.3 8 Capacity Btu/h 7500 8900 10900 13600 17100 21500 27300 Heating Input W 41 41 41 41 44 50 65 Only 153mm thickness Auto swing Rated current A 0.2 18.24 0.9 Gas side mm Drainage water pipe dia.66.36 Compact design.24 0.4/2.8/23.32 0.6 Reserved fresh air intake port for high quality air Special enzyme sterilization and filtering technologies Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф6.25ft (8m) (horizontal).8°F(6°C) Acetaldehyde WB. Provide a clean. mm OD Ф25 Controller Wireless remote controller Note: 1. such as in lobbies and small meeting rooms.27 0.5 18.25ft(8m) (horizontal) .(1. CFM 308/238/162 308/238/162 337/268/185 337/268/185 408/353/280 466/405/323 549/441/349 Indoor noise level(H/M/L) dB(A) 37/34/30 38/34/30 39/37/34 40/38/34 41/39/35 42/40/36 44/41/37 Dimension(WxHxD) mm 1054×153×425 1204×189×443 153mm UItra Thin Indoor unit Packing(WxHxD) mm 1155×245×490 1370×295×505 Single-flow design suits Net/Gross weight kg 12.24 0.2 4/5.25 0. Ф12. piping Only for 4. 4/2.25ft (8m) (horizontal). Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.4 Refrigerant type R410A Throttle EXV Fresh air.2 Standard built-in drain pump with 750mm pump head.2 18.5/16 13/16.6°F(27°C)DB.ultra slim body with a minimum thickness of Auto swing mechanism guarantees even 153mm for model 18-36.25 0.7 Ф15.6 Reserved fresh air intake port for high quality air Special enzyme sterilization and filtering technologies Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф6.(1.8°F(6°C) Acetaldehyde WB. temperature balance.8/23. healthy and natural air supply. Specifications 60Hz One-way Cassette Model 40VZ006H11300011 40VZ007H11300011 40VZ009H11300011 40VZ012H11300011 40VZ016H11300011 40VZ020H11300011 40VZ024H11300011 Auto Restart Fresh Air Power Supply V-Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph-60Hz Auto Addressing Cleanable Panel kW 1.8 2.24 0. such as in lobbies and small meeting rooms.6°F(7°C)DB.5 19.1kw unit.27 0. mm OD Ф25 Controller Wireless remote controller Note: 1.25 0.25 0.2 4 5 6.35 Ф12.5 18.2 4/5.32 0. corner installation Dimension(WxHxD) mm 1180×25×465 1350×25×505 Panel Packing(WxHxD) mm 1232×107×517 1410×95×560 750mm Net/Gross weight kg 3. CFM 308/238/162 308/238/162 337/268/185 337/268/185 408/353/280 466/405/323 549/441/349 Indoor noise level(H/M/L) dB(A) 37/34/30 38/34/30 39/37/34 40/38/34 41/39/35 42/40/36 44/41/37 Dimension(WxHxD) mm 1054×153×425 1204×189×443 153mm UItra Thin Indoor unit Packing(WxHxD) mm 1155×245×490 1370×295×505 Single-flow design suits Net/Gross weight kg 12.36 Compact design.24 0.25ft(8m) (horizontal) . Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.24 0.32 0. piping: 26.2 2. piping: 26.36 kW 2.4m) below the unit.6 7.5/23.5-7. and pollen.3 8 Capacity Btu/h 7500 8900 10900 13600 17100 21500 27300 Heating Input W 41 41 41 41 44 50 65 Only 153mm thickness Auto swing Rated current A 0.42.25 0.24 0.6 3. Acetic acid Formol NH3 35 36 .5 5. smog. filter bacteria.9 Gas side mm Drainage water pipe dia. improved air quality Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.2 2.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C) DB.6 4.8 3.2°F(19°C)WB.5/5.5/24.59ft.66.Sound Level is measured 4. and equivalent ref.1 Capacity Follow Me Anti-Cold Air Function Btu/h 6100 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 24200 Cooling LED LED Display Built-in Drain Pump Input W 41 41 41 41 54 60 75 DISPLAY Rated current A 0. 3.outdoor temperature: 44. Provide a clean.especially suitable for narrow ceiling airflow distribution and a better room m³/h 523/404/275 523/404/275 573/456/315 573/456/315 693/600/476 792/688/549 933/749/592 Indoor air flow(H/M/L) . Ф12. 2.equivalent ref. piping Only for 4.27 0.7 creates a comfortable and healthy environment. 25ft (8m) (horizontal).2 18.25 0. Net/Gross weight kg 3.(750mm) Ф6.32 0. the unit can be harmonious with the room decoration and Net/Gross weight kg 12. 37 38 . Refrigerant Liquid side mm piping Gas side mm Ф12.27 0.25 0.27 0.(300mm) 1180×25×465 1350×25×505 height needs small suspended ceiling space.24 0.25 0. Slim body with only 11-13/16in.5/16 13/16.6 7.32 0. 3.1 Auto Restart Fresh Air Capacity Btu/h 6100 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 24200 Auto Addressing Cleanable Panel Cooling Input W 41 41 41 41 48 48 60 Follow Me Anti-Cold Air Function Rated current A 0.outdoor temperature: 44.4 Refrigerant type R410A 12in. Installa- Dimension(WxHxD) mm tion is free of story height limitation which makes the Panel Packing(WxHxD) mm 1232×107×517 1410×95×560 decoration much more flexible.35 Ф12. piping: 26.5 5.5 18.7 pump head (higher pumphead can be customized).3 8 Capacity Built-in Drain Pump Btu/h 7500 8900 10900 13600 17100 21500 27300 Heating Input W 41 41 41 41 43 44 55 Rated current A 0.9 29-17/32in. It makes Indoor noise level(H/M/L) dB(A) 37/34/30 38/34/30 39/37/34 40/38/34 41/39/35 42/40/36 44/41/37 every customer of the room get even distribu- Dimension(WxHxD) mm 1054×153×425 1204×189×443 Stylish design and slim body tion of airflow and temperature.8 3. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.6 3.6°F(7°C)DB.8°F(6°C) Flat-type suction grille design makes maintenance WB.6 Standard built-in drain pump with 29-17/32in.2 2. and equivalent ref. 24dB(A).and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C) DB. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.5/23.(305mm) 11-13/16in. piping: 26.6°F(27°C)DB.4/2. min.2 2.24 0.42.5 19. mm OD Ф25 (750mm) Controller Wireless remote controller Note: 1.(300mm) Throttle EXV Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.7 Ф15.5/24.2°F(19°C)WB.5/5.36 LED LED Display DISPLAY kW 2.4m) below the unit. 2.8/23.equivalent ref.6 4. work very easy. Drainage water pipe dia.Sound Level is measured 4.24 0. Indoor unit Packing(WxHxD) mm 1155×245×490 1370×295×505 Thanks to the stylish appearance and slim body.(1.Specifications 50Hz Two-way Cassette Model 40VZ006H11200011 40VZ007H11200011 40VZ009H11200011 40VZ012H11200011 40VZ016H11200011 40VZ020H11200011 40VZ024H11200011 Power Supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V-1Ph-50Hz kW 1.8 2. tees equal comfort of large space.36 m³/h 523/404/275 523/404/275 573/456/315 573/456/315 693/600/476 792/688/549 933/749/592 Quiet operation High airflow Indoor air flow(H/M/L) CFM 308/238/162 308/238/162 337/268/185 337/268/185 408/353/280 466/405/323 549/441/349 Optimized airflow duct with low resistance makes High airflow for high ceiling application guaran- noise level get reduced greatly.25ft(8m) (horizontal) .25 0.66.59ft.24 0.2 ambient.2 4/5.2 4 5 6. work very easy.7 pump head (higher pumphead can be customized).24 0.24 0.6 4.24 0.27 0.6°F(7°C)DB.36 m³/h 523/404/275 523/404/275 573/456/315 573/456/315 693/600/476 792/688/549 933/749/592 Quiet operation High airflow Indoor air flow(H/M/L) CFM 308/238/162 308/238/162 337/268/185 337/268/185 408/353/280 466/405/323 549/441/349 Optimized airflow duct with low resistance makes High airflow for high ceiling application guaran- noise level get reduced greatly.3 8 Capacity Built-in Drain Pump Btu/h 7500 8900 10900 13600 17100 21500 27300 Heating Input W 41 41 41 41 43 44 55 Rated current A 0. 37 38 .5/24. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.25ft(8m) (horizontal) . piping: 26.27 0.(305mm) 11-13/16in.8 2. It makes Indoor noise level(H/M/L) dB(A) 37/34/30 38/34/30 39/37/34 40/38/34 41/39/35 42/40/36 44/41/37 every customer of the room get even distribu- Dimension(WxHxD) mm 1054×153×425 1204×189×443 Stylish design and slim body tion of airflow and temperature.25ft (8m) (horizontal).25 0.35 Ф12.8/23.36 LED LED Display DISPLAY kW 2.2°F(19°C)WB.(1. the unit can be harmonious with the room decoration and Net/Gross weight kg 12.6°F(27°C)DB.5/5.Specifications 50Hz Two-way Cassette Model 40VZ006H11200011 40VZ007H11200011 40VZ009H11200011 40VZ012H11200011 40VZ016H11200011 40VZ020H11200011 40VZ024H11200011 Power Supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V-1Ph-50Hz kW 1.59ft.2 ambient.5 5.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C) DB.6 7.2 18. min.8°F(6°C) Flat-type suction grille design makes maintenance WB.42.32 0.25 0.24 0.Sound Level is measured 4.6 3. Refrigerant Liquid side mm piping Gas side mm Ф12. 2.5 19.(300mm) 1180×25×465 1350×25×505 height needs small suspended ceiling space.6 Standard built-in drain pump with 29-17/32in.(750mm) Ф6.4m) below the unit. Drainage water pipe dia.9 29-17/32in.2 4/5.25 0.5/23.4/2.1 Auto Restart Fresh Air Capacity Btu/h 6100 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 24200 Auto Addressing Cleanable Panel Cooling Input W 41 41 41 41 48 48 60 Follow Me Anti-Cold Air Function Rated current A 0. 3.2 2.(300mm) Throttle EXV Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.equivalent ref.outdoor temperature: 44.5 18.32 0. tees equal comfort of large space.8 3.2 4 5 6. and equivalent ref. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB. Net/Gross weight kg 3.4 Refrigerant type R410A 12in. Indoor unit Packing(WxHxD) mm 1155×245×490 1370×295×505 Thanks to the stylish appearance and slim body. 24dB(A).66.7 Ф15.25 0.2 2.5/16 13/16. piping: 26. Slim body with only 11-13/16in. Installa- Dimension(WxHxD) mm tion is free of story height limitation which makes the Panel Packing(WxHxD) mm 1232×107×517 1410×95×560 decoration much more flexible. mm OD Ф25 (750mm) Controller Wireless remote controller Note: 1. 57 0.6 4.59ft.25ft(8m) (horizontal) .8°F(6°C) WB.Sound Level is measured 4.1 Capacity kW 2. DB.6 4. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.6 4.7 Φ12.5 36.87 Rated current A 0. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.33 0.9 Gas side mm Φ12.36 0.59ft.5 36/44. piping: 26.5 0. 3.9 Drainage water pipe diameter mm ID Φ25,OD Φ32 ID Φ25,OD Φ32 ID Φ25,OD Φ32 ID Φ25,OD Φ32 ID Φ25,OD Φ32 ID Φ25,OD Φ32 Drainage water pipe dia.5 34/42.6 3.7 Ф12.33 0.8 3. and equivalent ref.2°F(19°C)WB.55 0.3 8 Capacity kW 2.5/15 10.5 36/44.5/15 10.8 3.35 Ф6.57 0.6 3.35 Φ6.4/2.87 Rated current A 0.7 Ф15. 39 40 .53 piping piping Gas side mm Ф12.7 Φ12.6°F(27°C)DB.2°F(19°C)WB.6 Liquid side mm Ф6.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C) DB.75 m3/h 674/509/381 674/509/381 740/577/435 878/689/561 941/776/654 1236/1110/864 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) m3/h 654/530/410 654/530/410 725/591/458 850/670/550 980/800/670 1200/1000/770 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) CFM 397/300/224 397/300/224 436/340/256 517/406/330 554/457/385 727/653/509 CFM 385/312/241 385/312/241 427/348/270 7 577/471/394 706/589/453 Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 33/29/24 36/32/29 36/32/29 39/35/30 39/35/30 44/40/34 Indoor noise level (Hi/Mid/Lo) dB(A) 33/29/24 36/32/29 36/32/29 39/35/30 39/35/30 44/40/34 Dimension (WxHxD) mm 1172×299×591 1172×299×591 1172×299×591 1172×299×591 1172×299×591 1172×299×591 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1172×300×592 1172×300×592 1172×300×592 1172×300×592 1172×300×592 1172×300×592 Indoor unit Indoor unit Packing (WxHxD) mm 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 Packing (W×H×D) mm 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 Net/Gross weight kg 34/42.42. 3.35 0.53 Ф9. piping: 26.5 36/44.7 Ф12.2 4 5 6.5/15 10. WB.53 Ф9.6 4.45 0.4/2.55 0. piping: 26.35 Ф9.5/45 Net/Gross weight kg 33/42 33/42 33/42 35/44 35/44 35/44 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1430×90×680 1430×90×680 1430×90×680 1430×90×680 1430×90×680 1430×90×680 Dimension (WxHxD) mm 1430×53×680 1430×53×680 1430×53×680 1430×53×680 1430×53×680 1430×53×680 Panel Panel Packing (W×H×D) mm 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 Packing (WxHxD) mm 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 Net/Gross weight kg 10.5/15 10.5 34/42. and equivalent ref.outdoor temperature: 44.Sound Level is measured 4.7 Φ12.4/2.33 0.55 0.6°F(7°C)DB.(1.53 Refrigerant Refrigerant Liquid side mm Φ6.equivalent ref.35 0.1 Capacity Btu/h 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 24200 BTU 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 24200 Cooling Cooling Input W 78 78 83 115 133 205 Input W 65 65 65 97 112 153 Rated current A 0.35 Ф6. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.4m) below the unit.6 4.6 7.35 Ф6. OD Ф32 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Notes: Notes: 1.55 0.equivalent ref.35 Φ6.5 5.5 34/42.42.5 5.4/2.25ft(8m) (horizontal) .6 7.5/15 10.25ft (8m) (horizontal).2 2.6 4.5 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Throttle EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Throttle EXV Design pressure(H/ L) MPa 4.75 kW 2.Specifications 60Hz Specifications 50Hz Model 40VT007H11300010 40VT009H11300010 40VT012H11300010 40VT016H11300010 40VT020H11300010 40VT024H11300010 Model 40VT007H10200010 40VT009H10200010 40VT012H10200010 40VT016H10200010 40VT020H10200010 40VT024H10200010 Power supply V-Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V-1ph-50Hz kW 2.6°F(7°C)DB. mm ID Ф25. piping: 26.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C) 1.66.35 Φ6.35 Ф9. 2.4/2.2 4 5 6.33 0.5/15 Net/Gross weight (kg) 34/42.4m) below the unit.outdoor temperature: 44.9 Ф15.4/2.7 Ф12.(1. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.6°F(27°C)DB.8°F(6°C) 2.45 0.6 Design pressure MPa 4.45 0.7 Ф15.25ft (8m) (horizontal).5 34/42.45 0.9 Ф15.5/45 36.66.5 0.6 4.2 2.36 0.5/45 36.4/2.3 8 Capacity Btu/h 8900 10900 13600 17100 21500 27300 Heating BTU 8900 10900 13600 17100 21500 27300 Heating Input W 78 78 83 115 133 205 Input W 65 65 65 97 112 153 Rated current A 0. 6 3.6 4.36 0.8 3. 39 40 .4m) below the unit.6 4.5 36/44.4/2.5/45 36.35 Ф9.5 36.55 0.5 34/42.3 8 Capacity Btu/h 8900 10900 13600 17100 21500 27300 Heating BTU 8900 10900 13600 17100 21500 27300 Heating Input W 78 78 83 115 133 205 Input W 65 65 65 97 112 153 Rated current A 0.59ft.5/15 10.45 0.(1.4/2.35 Φ6.25ft(8m) (horizontal) .6°F(27°C)DB.2 4 5 6.equivalent ref.5/15 Net/Gross weight (kg) 34/42.33 0. 3.5 5.6°F(27°C)DB.6 4.35 0.1 Capacity Btu/h 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 24200 BTU 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 24200 Cooling Cooling Input W 78 78 83 115 133 205 Input W 65 65 65 97 112 153 Rated current A 0. piping: 26.2 4 5 6.33 0.5/45 Net/Gross weight kg 33/42 33/42 33/42 35/44 35/44 35/44 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1430×90×680 1430×90×680 1430×90×680 1430×90×680 1430×90×680 1430×90×680 Dimension (WxHxD) mm 1430×53×680 1430×53×680 1430×53×680 1430×53×680 1430×53×680 1430×53×680 Panel Panel Packing (W×H×D) mm 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 Packing (WxHxD) mm 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 1525×130×765 Net/Gross weight kg 10.3 8 Capacity kW 2.35 Ф9.7 Ф12.87 Rated current A 0.7 Φ12.35 0.5/15 10.33 0.35 Ф6.35 Ф6.53 piping piping Gas side mm Ф12.42. OD Ф32 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Notes: Notes: 1.9 Ф15.35 Φ6.(1.35 Φ6.6 3.6°F(7°C)DB.2°F(19°C)WB.45 0.75 m3/h 674/509/381 674/509/381 740/577/435 878/689/561 941/776/654 1236/1110/864 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) m3/h 654/530/410 654/530/410 725/591/458 850/670/550 980/800/670 1200/1000/770 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) CFM 397/300/224 397/300/224 436/340/256 517/406/330 554/457/385 727/653/509 CFM 385/312/241 385/312/241 427/348/270 7 577/471/394 706/589/453 Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 33/29/24 36/32/29 36/32/29 39/35/30 39/35/30 44/40/34 Indoor noise level (Hi/Mid/Lo) dB(A) 33/29/24 36/32/29 36/32/29 39/35/30 39/35/30 44/40/34 Dimension (WxHxD) mm 1172×299×591 1172×299×591 1172×299×591 1172×299×591 1172×299×591 1172×299×591 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1172×300×592 1172×300×592 1172×300×592 1172×300×592 1172×300×592 1172×300×592 Indoor unit Indoor unit Packing (WxHxD) mm 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 Packing (W×H×D) mm 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 1355×400×675 Net/Gross weight kg 34/42.7 Ф12. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80. piping: 26.8°F(6°C) WB.53 Refrigerant Refrigerant Liquid side mm Φ6.6 4.6 4.4/2.55 0.outdoor temperature: 44. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.9 Drainage water pipe diameter mm ID Φ25,OD Φ32 ID Φ25,OD Φ32 ID Φ25,OD Φ32 ID Φ25,OD Φ32 ID Φ25,OD Φ32 ID Φ25,OD Φ32 Drainage water pipe dia.5 36/44.7 Φ12. and equivalent ref.Specifications 60Hz Specifications 50Hz Model 40VT007H11300010 40VT009H11300010 40VT012H11300010 40VT016H11300010 40VT020H11300010 40VT024H11300010 Model 40VT007H10200010 40VT009H10200010 40VT012H10200010 40VT016H10200010 40VT020H10200010 40VT024H10200010 Power supply V-Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V-1ph-50Hz kW 2.6 7.66.5 0.6 4.66.55 0.4/2. DB.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C) 1. piping: 26.2 2.25ft (8m) (horizontal).75 kW 2.53 Ф9.4m) below the unit.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C) DB.5 0.5/15 10.53 Ф9. piping: 26.7 Ф15. WB. and equivalent ref.5/45 36.45 0.35 Ф6.33 0.7 Ф12.9 Gas side mm Φ12. mm ID Ф25.6 7. 2.2°F(19°C)WB.5 34/42.59ft.45 0.5 5.57 0.6 Liquid side mm Ф6.5 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Throttle EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Throttle EXV Design pressure(H/ L) MPa 4.6 4.5/15 10.7 Ф15.5 36/44.87 Rated current A 0.outdoor temperature: 44. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.4/2.5 34/42.equivalent ref.6°F(7°C)DB.7 Φ12.4/2.Sound Level is measured 4.4/2. 3.6 Design pressure MPa 4.55 0.42. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.5 34/42.Sound Level is measured 4.25ft (8m) (horizontal).36 0.57 0.25ft(8m) (horizontal) .8 3.2 2.8°F(6°C) 2.1 Capacity kW 2.5/15 10.9 Ф15. 2 4 5 6.7 Ф12.7 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф25) OD Ф25) OD Ф25) OD Ф25) OD Ф25) 360°air outlet provides strong circulating air flow to cool or 19-11/16 in.6 4. max.6/28.21 0. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.25ft(8m) (horizontal) .5/35.3 Super High Air Flow Capacity Btu/h 8200 10900 13600 17100 21500 Heating Input W 50 50 60 60 60 Compact design.66.8/33.5/35.Sound Level is measured 4. all models can dB(A) 35. fitted as standard. soft air supply Uniform air flow of four ways Dimension (W×H×D) mm 647×50×647 647×50×647 647×50×647 647×50×647 647×50×647 Diffuser Panel Packing (W×H×D) mm 715×113×715 715×113×715 715×113×715 715×113×715 715×113×715 Net/Gross weight lbs.4/2. (kg) 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3-D spiral fan blade Refrigerant Type R410a R410a R410a R410a R410a Streamline plate ensures quietness The four air discharge port provides strong circulating Throttle Electric expansive valve Advanced 3-D spiral fan design reduces the air air flow to cool or heat every corner of the room and resistance and operation noise.175 0.outdoor temperature: 44. controller Wireless remote controller (500mm) heat every corner of the room Notes: and realizes even temperature 1. (22 Sound level (sound pressure) Due to its compact body and light weight.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C) DB.(500mm) pump head 2.35 piping 360°Airflow outlet Lift pump Gas side mm Ф12. 3.(3m) can get equal comfort.5 5.7 Ф12.35 Ф6.4 35.6 4. high ceiling application over 1/8in.4/2.4 3.175 0.2°F(19°C)WB.4/23.6 airflow mode.7 Ф12.6 4.175 0.8 41.4m) below the unit.35 Ф6.7 Ф12.8 3. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.25ft (8m) (horizontal).35 Ф6.21 0. 41 42 .4 41. and equivalent ref. Little space is required for (57 CFM 313/234/172/127 317/240/182/136 372/292/211/155 372/292/211/155 372/292/211/155 in 16 -7/ installation into a shallow ceiling.5/35.equivalent ref. Dimension (W×H×D) mm 570×265×570 570×265×570 570×265×570 570×265×570 570×265×570 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 675×285×675 675×285×675 675×285×675 675×285×675 675×285×675 Net/Gross weight kg 16/20 16/20 18/22 18/22 18/22 Quiet operation.6/28.8 be installed without a hoist.59ft.21 0.8 41.8°F(6°C) WB.35 Ф6.21 m3/h 532/397/292/215 539/408/310/231 632/496/359/263 632/496/359/263 632/496/359/263 (22-7 /16in (570 Extremely compact casing makes it perfectly match with ) mm) Indoor air flow (H/M/L) 0 mm the ambient decoration.6 Capacity Auto Addressing Cleanable Panel Btu/h 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 Cooling Follow Me Anti-Cold Air Function Input W 50 50 60 60 60 Built-in Drain Pump Rated current A 0. by choosing high Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.(1.6 4. piping: 26.6/28. easy installation and maintenance Rated current A 0.Compact Four-way Cassette Specifications 60Hz Model 40VX007H11300010 40VX009H11300010 40VX012H11300010 40VX016H11300010 40VX020H11300010 Power supply V-ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz Auto Restart Fresh Air kW 2.4/23.42.4/2. distribution.8/33. up to 600mm pump head.175 0.6 4.21 LED LED Display DISPLAY kW 2.6°F(27°C)DB.6°F(7°C)DB. realizes even temperature distribution.4/2.2 2.4/2. Drain up pump with 19-11/16 in. piping: 26.21 0. Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф6. Little space is required for (57 CFM 313/234/172/127 317/240/182/136 372/292/211/155 372/292/211/155 372/292/211/155 in 16 -7/ installation into a shallow ceiling.4m) below the unit.6/28. Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф6.8/33.59ft.2°F(19°C)WB.7 Ф12. Drain up pump with 19-11/16 in. by choosing high Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4. easy installation and maintenance Rated current A 0.35 Ф6. distribution.175 0.5 5.25ft(8m) (horizontal) .66. piping: 26. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.6 airflow mode.Sound Level is measured 4. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.8 be installed without a hoist.25ft (8m) (horizontal).4/2.42.4 3.8 41.6 4. piping: 26. soft air supply Uniform air flow of four ways Dimension (W×H×D) mm 647×50×647 647×50×647 647×50×647 647×50×647 647×50×647 Diffuser Panel Packing (W×H×D) mm 715×113×715 715×113×715 715×113×715 715×113×715 715×113×715 Net/Gross weight lbs.35 Ф6.175 0.outdoor temperature: 44.2 4 5 6. high ceiling application over 1/8in. fitted as standard.8 3.equivalent ref.21 m3/h 532/397/292/215 539/408/310/231 632/496/359/263 632/496/359/263 632/496/359/263 (22-7 /16in (570 Extremely compact casing makes it perfectly match with ) mm) Indoor air flow (H/M/L) 0 mm the ambient decoration.Compact Four-way Cassette Specifications 60Hz Model 40VX007H11300010 40VX009H11300010 40VX012H11300010 40VX016H11300010 40VX020H11300010 Power supply V-ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz Auto Restart Fresh Air kW 2.6 4.35 piping 360°Airflow outlet Lift pump Gas side mm Ф12. controller Wireless remote controller (500mm) heat every corner of the room Notes: and realizes even temperature 1. max.5/35.6°F(27°C)DB. 41 42 .8 41.6°F(7°C)DB.5/35.4 35. all models can dB(A) 35.6/28.4/23.7 Ф12.21 0.7 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф25) OD Ф25) OD Ф25) OD Ф25) OD Ф25) 360°air outlet provides strong circulating air flow to cool or 19-11/16 in.21 0. up to 600mm pump head.8/33.21 LED LED Display DISPLAY kW 2.6 4.6/28.(500mm) pump head 2. realizes even temperature distribution.7 Ф12.175 0.21 0.6 4.3 Super High Air Flow Capacity Btu/h 8200 10900 13600 17100 21500 Heating Input W 50 50 60 60 60 Compact design. and equivalent ref.(1.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C) DB. (22 Sound level (sound pressure) Due to its compact body and light weight.35 Ф6.35 Ф6.4/2.4 41.2 2.7 Ф12. 3.175 0.4/23.5/35. (kg) 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3-D spiral fan blade Refrigerant Type R410a R410a R410a R410a R410a Streamline plate ensures quietness The four air discharge port provides strong circulating Throttle Electric expansive valve Advanced 3-D spiral fan design reduces the air air flow to cool or heat every corner of the room and resistance and operation noise.(3m) can get equal comfort. Dimension (W×H×D) mm 570×265×570 570×265×570 570×265×570 570×265×570 570×265×570 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 675×285×675 675×285×675 675×285×675 675×285×675 675×285×675 Net/Gross weight kg 16/20 16/20 18/22 18/22 18/22 Quiet operation.6 Capacity Auto Addressing Cleanable Panel Btu/h 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 Cooling Follow Me Anti-Cold Air Function Input W 50 50 60 60 60 Built-in Drain Pump Rated current A 0.21 0.8°F(6°C) WB.6 4.4/2.4/2.4/2. 4/2.(1.8/33.35 Ф6.5/35. 3. Gas side mm Ф12. 43 44 .and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C) DB.5/4. ring and the built-in throttling part make the noise reduced greatly.5 2.4/2.8/33.2°F(19°C)WB.6°F(27°C)DB. and equivalent ref. Dimension (W×H×D) mm 647×50×647 647×50×647 647×50×647 647×50×647 Panel Packing (W×H×D) mm 715×123×715 715×123×715 715×123×715 715×123×715 Net/Gross weight Kg 2.4 41. 2.7 Ф12.8°F(6°C) WB.equivalent ref. Rated current A 0.6 ■ The strong and weak electricity wires are separated in electronic control box making the interference Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф6.66.4 35.5 Capacity Follow Me Anti-Cold Air Function BTU 9600 12300 15400 19100 Cooling Input W 50 50 58 58 Built-in Drain Pump LED LED Display Rated current A 0.6 4.4/2.7 Flexible air distribution type Drainage water pipe dia.Sound Level is measured 4.25ft(8m) (horizontal) .5 2. piping: 26.6 4.175 0.8 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 630×260×570 630×260×570 630×260×570 630×260×570 The former wind wheel Optimized wind wheel Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 675×285×675 675×285×675 675×285×675 675×285×675 More reliable ■ The connection of drainage pan adopts foaming technology which can further improve the connection Net/Gross weight Kg 16/20 16/20 18/22 18/22 tightness.42.6/28.7 Ф12.8 41.2 4 5 Capacity BTU 10900 13600 17100 21500 Heating Lower operating sound Input W 42 42 50 50 The new designed wind wheel.outdoor temperature: 44.5/4.175 0.21 Super High Air Flow kW 2.8 3.59ft. mm ODФ25 ODФ25 ODФ25 ODФ25 ■ 7 discharge patterns in 2 to 4 directions can be ■ Duct connection is possible.4m) below the unit. Notes: 1.35 piping decreased greatly.175 0.21 m3/h 522/414/313/238 522/414/313/238 610/521/409/314 610/521/409/314 Indoor air flow (SH/Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 307/244/184/140 307/244/184/140 359/307/241/185 359/307/241/185 Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 35.21 0.25ft (8m) (horizontal).21 0. selected to suit the requirements of installation site Wireless remote controller Wirelesscontroller or the shape of the room.7 Ф12. ■ Capacitor is isolated by sheet metal box making more safety and higher reliability. piping: 26.5/35.6°F(7°C)DB.35 Ф6.35 Ф6.6 4.5 2. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.Specifications 50Hz Standard Four-way Cassette Type Model 40VX007H11200010 40VX009H11200010 40VX012H11200010 40VX016H11200010 Auto Restart Fresh Air Power supply V-ph-Hz 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 Auto Addressing Cleanable Panel kW 2.6/28.4/23.6 4.4 3.5/4. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.4/23.4/2.5 Refrigerant Type R410a R410a R410a R410a Design pressure MPa 4.175 0.2 2.5/4. 35 Ф6.8 41. 43 44 .7 Ф12.5/35.6 4.4/2. Gas side mm Ф12.5/4.42.21 m3/h 522/414/313/238 522/414/313/238 610/521/409/314 610/521/409/314 Indoor air flow (SH/Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 307/244/184/140 307/244/184/140 359/307/241/185 359/307/241/185 Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 35.5 Capacity Follow Me Anti-Cold Air Function BTU 9600 12300 15400 19100 Cooling Input W 50 50 58 58 Built-in Drain Pump LED LED Display Rated current A 0.6 ■ The strong and weak electricity wires are separated in electronic control box making the interference Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф6.4 35.5/4.2 4 5 Capacity BTU 10900 13600 17100 21500 Heating Lower operating sound Input W 42 42 50 50 The new designed wind wheel.4 3.5 Refrigerant Type R410a R410a R410a R410a Design pressure MPa 4.5 2.21 Super High Air Flow kW 2.2°F(19°C)WB.4/2.4/23.6 4.4m) below the unit.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C) DB.8°F(6°C) WB.35 Ф6. mm ODФ25 ODФ25 ODФ25 ODФ25 ■ 7 discharge patterns in 2 to 4 directions can be ■ Duct connection is possible.5/35.175 0. ring and the built-in throttling part make the noise reduced greatly.25ft(8m) (horizontal) .6 4.5/4.21 0.5 2. Rated current A 0.8/33.6/28.2 2. 3.4/2.8/33. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.5/4.66.Sound Level is measured 4. piping: 26.6 4.7 Ф12.outdoor temperature: 44.4/23.equivalent ref.175 0.59ft. Notes: 1.7 Ф12.25ft (8m) (horizontal).5 2.6°F(7°C)DB.(1.8 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 630×260×570 630×260×570 630×260×570 630×260×570 The former wind wheel Optimized wind wheel Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 675×285×675 675×285×675 675×285×675 675×285×675 More reliable ■ The connection of drainage pan adopts foaming technology which can further improve the connection Net/Gross weight Kg 16/20 16/20 18/22 18/22 tightness. piping: 26. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.6/28. ■ Capacitor is isolated by sheet metal box making more safety and higher reliability. selected to suit the requirements of installation site Wireless remote controller Wirelesscontroller or the shape of the room. 2.175 0. Dimension (W×H×D) mm 647×50×647 647×50×647 647×50×647 647×50×647 Panel Packing (W×H×D) mm 715×123×715 715×123×715 715×123×715 715×123×715 Net/Gross weight Kg 2.21 0.8 3.4 41.35 Ф6.175 0.4/2.6°F(27°C)DB.Specifications 50Hz Standard Four-way Cassette Type Model 40VX007H11200010 40VX009H11200010 40VX012H11200010 40VX016H11200010 Auto Restart Fresh Air Power supply V-ph-Hz 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 Auto Addressing Cleanable Panel kW 2. and equivalent ref.7 Flexible air distribution type Drainage water pipe dia.35 piping decreased greatly. 35 Φ9.9 Φ15.4/2.25ft. mm ODФ32 ODФ32 ODФ32 ODФ32 ODФ32 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Model 40VK028H11300011 40VK030H11300011 40VK034H11300011 40VK036H11300011 40VK048H11300011 Model 40VK028H11200011 40VK030H11200011 40VK034H11200011 40VK036H11200011 40VK048H11200011 Power supply 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V.9 Φ15.5 5.47 Rated current A 0. Piping: 26.89 0. (8m) (horizontal).53 Φ9.6 4.6°F(7°C)DB.7 21.3 8.1 28.4/2.53 Φ9.1 28.83 0.53 0.7 Φ12.4/2.7/28.0 10. 50Hz kW 2.9 Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 Panel Packing size (W×H×D) mm 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 Panel Packing (W×H×D) mm 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 Net/Gross weight kg 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 Net/Gross weight kg 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Throttle type Type EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Throttle Type EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Design pressure (H/L) MPa 4.66.9 23.2 4.2°F(19°C)WB.0 kW 8 9 10 11. 3.9 Φ15.0 9. (8m) (horizontal).8 kW 9.7/28.outdoor temperature: 2.4/2.5/26.3 Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 Panel Packing size (W×H×D) mm 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 Panel Packing (W×H×D) mm 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 Net/Gross weight kg 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 Net/Gross weight kg 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Throttle type Type EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Throttle Type EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Design pressure (H/L) MPa 4.3 8 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 10918 13648 17060 21496 27296 BTU 10900 13600 17100 21500 27300 Heating Heating Power input W 80 80 88 88 105 Input W 80 80 90 90 90 Rated Current A 0.35 Φ6.8°F(6°C)WB.6 7.47 Rated current A 0.9 23.83 0.7 0.6 4.53 Φ9.7 23.6 4.9 piping Gas side mm Φ12.6 4.4/2.6 7.1 30.1 12.7/34.53 Φ9.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement. 95°F(35°C)DB.9 Φ15.25ft.35 Φ6.9/36.53 Φ9.59ft.98 Rated current A 0.5/26.5 15 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 30708 34120 37873 42650 54592 BTU 30700 34100 37500 42700 51200 Heating Heating Power input W 120 187 200 200 220 Input W 97 155 155 155 180 Rated Current A 0.53 Refrigerant Liquid side/ mm Φ6.outdoor temperature: 44.53 Refrigerant Pipe connections Gas pipe mm Φ15.6 4. 1Ph.6°F(7°C)DB.7 Φ12.9 23.4/2.9 Φ15.9 Φ15.4 0.and outdoor temperature: 1.0 11.6 4.89 0.7 0. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement. and equivalent ref.4/2.7/28.39 0.0 kW 9 10 11 12.35 Φ9.4/2.7 0.4/2.0 kW 3.9 Drain pipe mm OD Φ32 OD Φ32 OD Φ32 OD Φ32 OD Φ32 Drainage water pipe dia.53 Φ9.7 Φ15.36 0. equivalent ref.8°F(6°C)WB.6 4.7 0.9 28.25ft.6 4. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80. and equivalent ref.53 Pipe connections Gas pipe mm Φ12.6°F(27°C)DB.9 piping Gas side mm Φ15.6 Design pressure MPa 4.8 3.6 Liquid pipe mm Φ6.7 Φ12.66.36 0.6 4. Sound Level is measured 4.4/2.9 Φ15.6 4.7/34.1 28.5 m3/h 791/674/596 791/674/596 942/777/662 942/777/662 1235/1013/805 m3/h 920/764/638/554 920/764/638/554 1090/905/740/651 1090/905/740/651 1140/950/767/663 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) CFM 465/396/351 465/396/351 554/457/389 554/457/389 726/596/474 CFM 541/450/375/326 541/450/375/326 641/532/435/383 641/532/435/383 670/560/451/390 Sound pressure level (H/M/L) dB(A) 30/25/22 30/25/22 35/31/27 35/31/27 43/37/31 Indoor noise level (Hi/Mid/Lo) dB(A) 32/31/30 32/31/30 36/34/33 36/34/33 38/36/35 Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 840×230×840 840×230×840 840×230×840 840×230×840 840×230×840 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 840×230×840 840×230×840 840×230×840 840×230×840 840×230×840 Indoor Unit Packing size (W×H×D) mm 955×260×955 955×260×955 955×260×955 955×260×955 955×260×955 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 955×260×955 955×260×955 955×260×955 955×260×955 955×260×955 Net/Gross weight kg 21. (8m) (horizontal).2 14.53 Φ9.4 0.7/28.7 Φ12.89 0.39 0.4/2. piping: 26.6°F(27°C)DB.7/34.8 3.7 0.9 28.98 Rated current A 0.4/2.3 Net/Gross weight kg 23.9 Drain pipe mm OD Φ32 OD Φ32 OD Φ32 OD Φ32 OD Φ32 Drainage water pipe dia.9 Φ15.5/26.4/2.6 4.5 16.42.4 0.6 4. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.25ft.36 0.0 11.9 23.0 6.8 m3/h 1235/1013/805 1333/1158/957 1634/1219/1139 1634/1219/1139 1692/1243/1157 m3/h 1380/1200/1021/789 1598/1332/1129/908 1750/1651/1304/1127 1750/1651/1304/1127 1774/1658/1335/1130 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) CFM 726/596/474 784/681/563 961/717/670 961/717/670 995/731/681 CFM 812/706/600/464 940/784/664/534 1029/971/767/663 1029/971/767/663 1044/975/785/665 Sound pressure level (H/M/L) dB(A) 43/37/31 43/38/32 45/37/35 45/37/35 46/38/37 Indoor noise level (Hi/Mid/Lo) dB(A) 42/39/37 43/39/38 45/42/40 45/42/40 46/41/39 Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 840×230×840 840×300×840 840×300×840 840×300×840 840×300×840 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 840×230×840 840×300×840 840×300×840 840×300×840 840×300×840 Indoor Unit Packing size (W×H×D) mm 955×260×955 955×330×955 955×330×955 955×330×955 955×330×955 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 955×260×955 955×330×955 955×330×955 955×330×955 955×330×955 Net/Gross weight kg 23.4/2.2 14 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 27296 30708 34120 38214 47768 BTU 27300 30700 34100 38200 47800 Cooling Cooling Power input W 120 187 200 200 220 Input W 97 155 155 155 180 Rated Current A 0.36 0.53 Liquid side/ mm Φ9.1 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 12283 15354 19107 24225 BTU 9600 12300 15400 19100 24200 Cooling Cooling Power input W 80 80 88 88 105 Input W 80 80 90 90 90 Rated Current A 0.7/28.7/28. equivalent ref.9 Net/Gross weight kg 21.4/2. 45 46 .35 Φ6.4m) below the unit.53 Φ9.6 4.53 Φ9.9 Φ15.89 0. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.4 0.7 0.53 Φ9.5 kW 3.4 0. (1.2 4 5 6. 3.7/28.5 0. Sound Level is measured 4.4 0.7 23.59ft.7/34.6 4.7 Φ15.6 4.35 Φ6.53 0.6 4.6 Design pressure MPa 4.6 Liquid pipe mm Φ9.4 0.4/2.9 Φ15.5/26.4/2.1 kW 2. Piping: 26.6 4. (1.5 0.9/36. 44. 2. piping: 26.7/34. mm ODФ32 ODФ32 ODФ32 ODФ32 ODФ32 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Notes: Notes: 1. Specifications 60Hz Specifications 50Hz Model 40VK009H11300011 40VK012H11300011 40VK016H11300011 40VK020H11300011 40VK024H11300011 Model 40VK009H11200011 40VK012H11200011 40VK016H11200011 40VK020H11200011 40VK024H11200011 Power supply 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V.4/2.5 5.1 30.4m) below the unit.7 21. (8m) (horizontal).1 28.42.2°F(19°C)WB.7/34.7/28.0 10. 1Ph.6 4.4 0.39 0.4/2. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80. 50Hz kW 8.0 5.4/2.39 0. 6 4.4/2. 1Ph.39 0.53 Φ9.53 Φ9.4 0.2 14.4/2.5 15 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 30708 34120 37873 42650 54592 BTU 30700 34100 37500 42700 51200 Heating Heating Power input W 120 187 200 200 220 Input W 97 155 155 155 180 Rated Current A 0.9 Φ15.9 Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 Panel Packing size (W×H×D) mm 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 Panel Packing (W×H×D) mm 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 Net/Gross weight kg 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 Net/Gross weight kg 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Throttle type Type EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Throttle Type EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Design pressure (H/L) MPa 4. Sound Level is measured 4.7 0.4/2.25ft. and equivalent ref.0 10.5/26.2 4.25ft.6°F(27°C)DB. 50Hz kW 2.4 0.53 Φ9.6°F(7°C)DB.6 4.4/2.4/2.53 Liquid side/ mm Φ9.0 kW 3. 95°F(35°C)DB.0 10.35 Φ9.6 Design pressure MPa 4.53 Φ9.42. Sound Level is measured 4.53 Refrigerant Liquid side/ mm Φ6.1 12.6 4.1 28. (1.1 30.39 0. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.6 4.7/34.4/2.59ft.5 5.53 Φ9.7/34.7/28.83 0.3 Net/Gross weight kg 23.0 kW 8 9 10 11.6 4.36 0.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB.4m) below the unit. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.7 23.outdoor temperature: 2.6 Liquid pipe mm Φ6.6°F(7°C)DB.9 Φ15.6 4.9 Φ15.7 21. 45 46 .6 4.6 4.25ft.53 Φ9.8 m3/h 1235/1013/805 1333/1158/957 1634/1219/1139 1634/1219/1139 1692/1243/1157 m3/h 1380/1200/1021/789 1598/1332/1129/908 1750/1651/1304/1127 1750/1651/1304/1127 1774/1658/1335/1130 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) CFM 726/596/474 784/681/563 961/717/670 961/717/670 995/731/681 CFM 812/706/600/464 940/784/664/534 1029/971/767/663 1029/971/767/663 1044/975/785/665 Sound pressure level (H/M/L) dB(A) 43/37/31 43/38/32 45/37/35 45/37/35 46/38/37 Indoor noise level (Hi/Mid/Lo) dB(A) 42/39/37 43/39/38 45/42/40 45/42/40 46/41/39 Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 840×230×840 840×300×840 840×300×840 840×300×840 840×300×840 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 840×230×840 840×300×840 840×300×840 840×300×840 840×300×840 Indoor Unit Packing size (W×H×D) mm 955×260×955 955×330×955 955×330×955 955×330×955 955×330×955 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 955×260×955 955×330×955 955×330×955 955×330×955 955×330×955 Net/Gross weight kg 23.9 Drain pipe mm OD Φ32 OD Φ32 OD Φ32 OD Φ32 OD Φ32 Drainage water pipe dia.2°F(19°C)WB.6 4.8°F(6°C)WB.8 kW 9.7 21.98 Rated current A 0. 3.4/2.5 kW 3. Piping: 26.6 Design pressure MPa 4.7 0.9 23.4/2.9 Φ15. (8m) (horizontal). (8m) (horizontal).7 0. Piping: 26. (8m) (horizontal). equivalent ref. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.35 Φ9.outdoor temperature: 44.36 0.1 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 12283 15354 19107 24225 BTU 9600 12300 15400 19100 24200 Cooling Cooling Power input W 80 80 88 88 105 Input W 80 80 90 90 90 Rated Current A 0.6 4.9 Φ15.4/2.35 Φ6.1 kW 2.7 0.89 0.5 0.4 0.89 0.9 Net/Gross weight kg 21.9 piping Gas side mm Φ15.2 14 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 27296 30708 34120 38214 47768 BTU 27300 30700 34100 38200 47800 Cooling Cooling Power input W 120 187 200 200 220 Input W 97 155 155 155 180 Rated Current A 0.9 Φ15.6 7.1 28.25ft. mm ODФ32 ODФ32 ODФ32 ODФ32 ODФ32 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Model 40VK028H11300011 40VK030H11300011 40VK034H11300011 40VK036H11300011 40VK048H11300011 Model 40VK028H11200011 40VK030H11200011 40VK034H11200011 40VK036H11200011 40VK048H11200011 Power supply 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V.53 Pipe connections Gas pipe mm Φ12.2 4 5 6. equivalent ref.35 Φ6.7/28.0 kW 9 10 11 12.7 0.4/2.3 8. 44.53 Refrigerant Pipe connections Gas pipe mm Φ15.39 0.9/36.6 4.3 Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 950×46×950 Panel Packing size (W×H×D) mm 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 Panel Packing (W×H×D) mm 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 1035×90×1035 Net/Gross weight kg 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 Net/Gross weight kg 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 6/9 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Throttle type Type EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Throttle Type EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Design pressure (H/L) MPa 4.5/26.7/34.47 Rated current A 0.89 0.7 Φ15.7/28.7 0.0 11.7/28.53 Φ9. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.4 0. (8m) (horizontal).7/28.1 28.4/2.7 Φ15.36 0.83 0.4/2. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.98 Rated current A 0.7/34.4m) below the unit.3 8 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 10918 13648 17060 21496 27296 BTU 10900 13600 17100 21500 27300 Heating Heating Power input W 80 80 88 88 105 Input W 80 80 90 90 90 Rated Current A 0.9 Φ15. 3. 2.66.53 Φ9. 50Hz kW 8.1 30.6 4. (1.0 11.5 5.9 Φ15.9 23.7/34.4/2.9/36.35 Φ6.89 0.5 16.6 4.4 0.9 Drain pipe mm OD Φ32 OD Φ32 OD Φ32 OD Φ32 OD Φ32 Drainage water pipe dia.66.53 Φ9.0 6.6 4.2°F(19°C)WB.7/28.5 m3/h 791/674/596 791/674/596 942/777/662 942/777/662 1235/1013/805 m3/h 920/764/638/554 920/764/638/554 1090/905/740/651 1090/905/740/651 1140/950/767/663 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) CFM 465/396/351 465/396/351 554/457/389 554/457/389 726/596/474 CFM 541/450/375/326 541/450/375/326 641/532/435/383 641/532/435/383 670/560/451/390 Sound pressure level (H/M/L) dB(A) 30/25/22 30/25/22 35/31/27 35/31/27 43/37/31 Indoor noise level (Hi/Mid/Lo) dB(A) 32/31/30 32/31/30 36/34/33 36/34/33 38/36/35 Net dimension (W×H×D) mm 840×230×840 840×230×840 840×230×840 840×230×840 840×230×840 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 840×230×840 840×230×840 840×230×840 840×230×840 840×230×840 Indoor Unit Packing size (W×H×D) mm 955×260×955 955×260×955 955×260×955 955×260×955 955×260×955 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 955×260×955 955×260×955 955×260×955 955×260×955 955×260×955 Net/Gross weight kg 21.8 3.9 piping Gas side mm Φ12. piping: 26.4/2.0 9.6°F(27°C)DB.0 5.6 7.7 Φ12. mm ODФ32 ODФ32 ODФ32 ODФ32 ODФ32 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Wireless controller Notes: Notes: 1.4/2.and outdoor temperature: 1.9 28.9 Φ15. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.6 4.7 Φ12.9 23.6 4.7/28.6 4.7 Φ12.9 23.5/26.7/34.36 0.5/26.4 0. Specifications 60Hz Specifications 50Hz Model 40VK009H11300011 40VK012H11300011 40VK016H11300011 40VK020H11300011 40VK024H11300011 Model 40VK009H11200011 40VK012H11200011 40VK016H11200011 40VK020H11200011 40VK024H11200011 Power supply 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V.53 0.4 0.5 0.8°F(6°C)WB.4/2.7 23.9 Φ15.8 3.47 Rated current A 0.35 Φ6.9 28.4 0.1 28.6 4.53 Φ9.7/28.4/2. piping: 26.4/2.4/2.53 0. 1Ph.59ft. and equivalent ref.7 Φ12.39 0.4/2.42.6 Liquid pipe mm Φ9. 2. 60Hz kW 4.6 m /h 3 803/824/690/609 1207/1060/970/811 Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) CFM 473/485/406/358 710/624/571/477 Compact design Options Indoor external static pressure Pa 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 39/32/29 39/32/29 41/33/30 Min. 60Hz Auto Restart Anti-Cold Air Function kW 1.6 4.(750mm) Net/Gross weight kg 18/22.5 0.8 2.5 0.6 4. Controller Wireless remote controller Notes: The whole body adopts fireproof plastic material, 1. Model 42VD016H113002011 42VD020H113002011 42VD024H113002011 Power supply V.(mm) 960×210×470 1180×210×470 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) in.5 5.6 3.(mm) 910×230×510 910×230×510 910×230×510 910×230×510 Low sound level Net/Gross weight kg 14. and outdoor temp.4m below the air outlet.26 0. Rated current A 0. 1Ph.6 4.3 Follow Me kW 2.4/2.: 7°CDB.4/2.5 0. Piping: 8m (horizontal).3 8 Capacity Btu/h 17100 21500 27300 V shape evaporator design enhances heat exchanging The EXV is fixed inside the indoor unit.2 2. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temp.6 Capacity Btu/h 6100 7500 9600 12300 Cooling Auto Addressing Super High Air Flow Input W 59 59 59 65 Rated current A 0. piping: 8m (horizontal).(mm) 740×210×470 740×210×470 740×210×470 740×210×470 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) in.4/2.7 Ф15.35 Ф6.Ph-Hz 208-230V~.7 Ф12.4/2.(210mm) in height.5 0.7 Ф12.26 0.6 blower.7 Ф12.4/2.:35°CDB.5 22.4/2. Heating Input W 105 105 130 efficiency about 22%.5/18 14. and equivalent ref.5 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A 8-17/64in.(750mm) Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 design for easy locate where space ceiling is limited.Sound level is measured at 1. 1Ph.6 kW 5 6.: 27°CDB.Ph-Hz 208-230V~.Low Static Pressure Duct Specifications 60Hz Model 42VD006H113002011 42VD007H113002011 42VD009H113002011 42VD012H113002011 Power supply V.35 Ф6.7 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 excellent choice for hotels Controller Wireless remote controller and other sound-sensitive places.: 20°CDB.35 noise level of 24dB (A).2 4 Capacity Btu/h 7500 8900 10900 13600 Heating Input W 59 59 59 65 Wireless remote controller Rated current A 0.(mm) 1130×230×510 1350×230×510 29-17/32in. an piping Gas side mm Ф12.6 Ceiling Refrigerant ceiling Liquid side mm Ф6.35 Ф6. outdoor temp. compact A drain pump with 29-17/32in.3 m3/h 606/578/512/409 646/617/551/441 Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) CFM 357/340/301/241 380/363/324/260 Indoor external static pressure Pa 10(10-30) 10(10-30) 10(10-30) 10(10~30) Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 35/27/24 35/27/24 35/27/24 38/32/28 Dimension (W×H×D) in.5/18 14. 6°CWB. equivalent ref.26 0.1 Capacity Btu/h 15400 19100 24200 Cooling V shape More evaporator-- Smooth good airflow with lessfor heat turbulence Convenient for installation installation Input W 105 105 130 exchanging and maintenance Rated current A 0. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temp.5/18 14. the minimum weight is 30.6 7. pumphead is an optional accessory.26 0.53 piping Gas side mm Ф12. 19°CWB. provides a minimum Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф6.9 Uniform 8-17/64in.5/26.4/2.9lbs(14kg).26 0.(210mm) Throttle Type EXV EXV EXV Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4. * External static pressure is based on high speed indoor air flow.2 2. 3.26 0.35 Ф9. 47 48 .6 4.9 Ф15.5/18 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A Utilizes the centrifugal type Throttle Type EXV EXV EXV EXV Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.53 Ф9.5mm Dimension (W×H×D) in.8 3.6 4. (210mm) Throttle Type EXV EXV EXV Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.2 2.6 4.9 Uniform 8-17/64in.7 Ф15.3 m3/h 606/578/512/409 646/617/551/441 Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) CFM 357/340/301/241 380/363/324/260 Indoor external static pressure Pa 10(10-30) 10(10-30) 10(10-30) 10(10~30) Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 35/27/24 35/27/24 35/27/24 38/32/28 Dimension (W×H×D) in.5mm Dimension (W×H×D) in.9 Ф15.26 0.7 Ф12. 2.5/26.1 Capacity Btu/h 15400 19100 24200 Cooling V shape More evaporator-- Smooth good airflow with lessfor heat turbulence Convenient for installation installation Input W 105 105 130 exchanging and maintenance Rated current A 0.4/2.4m below the air outlet.7 Ф12. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temp. Piping: 8m (horizontal).7 Ф12.26 0.8 3.Sound level is measured at 1.6 Capacity Btu/h 6100 7500 9600 12300 Cooling Auto Addressing Super High Air Flow Input W 59 59 59 65 Rated current A 0. Model 42VD016H113002011 42VD020H113002011 42VD024H113002011 Power supply V.35 Ф6. 3.(mm) 740×210×470 740×210×470 740×210×470 740×210×470 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) in. * External static pressure is based on high speed indoor air flow. 1Ph.(mm) 1130×230×510 1350×230×510 29-17/32in.5 22. 6°CWB. and outdoor temp.53 Ф9.5 0.4/2.6 4.5/18 14.35 Ф9.6 4.4/2.53 piping Gas side mm Ф12.6 blower.4/2.35 noise level of 24dB (A). 1Ph.3 8 Capacity Btu/h 17100 21500 27300 V shape evaporator design enhances heat exchanging The EXV is fixed inside the indoor unit.6 4. Heating Input W 105 105 130 efficiency about 22%.5/18 14.9lbs(14kg).(mm) 910×230×510 910×230×510 910×230×510 910×230×510 Low sound level Net/Gross weight kg 14.5/18 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A Utilizes the centrifugal type Throttle Type EXV EXV EXV EXV Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.(mm) 960×210×470 1180×210×470 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) in. equivalent ref.5 0.6 Ceiling Refrigerant ceiling Liquid side mm Ф6.6 3.4/2. compact A drain pump with 29-17/32in.8 2. the minimum weight is 30.26 0.35 Ф6.Ph-Hz 208-230V~.5 5. Controller Wireless remote controller Notes: The whole body adopts fireproof plastic material, 1. 19°CWB.7 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 excellent choice for hotels Controller Wireless remote controller and other sound-sensitive places.Low Static Pressure Duct Specifications 60Hz Model 42VD006H113002011 42VD007H113002011 42VD009H113002011 42VD012H113002011 Power supply V.(750mm) Net/Gross weight kg 18/22.6 m /h 3 803/824/690/609 1207/1060/970/811 Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) CFM 473/485/406/358 710/624/571/477 Compact design Options Indoor external static pressure Pa 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 39/32/29 39/32/29 41/33/30 Min. Rated current A 0. 47 48 . piping: 8m (horizontal).3 Follow Me kW 2.5 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A 8-17/64in.4/2.: 20°CDB.26 0. and equivalent ref.5/18 14.5 0. outdoor temp.: 27°CDB. an piping Gas side mm Ф12. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temp.(750mm) Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 design for easy locate where space ceiling is limited.: 7°CDB. 60Hz kW 4.26 0.2 2.6 4.(210mm) in height. provides a minimum Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф6. 60Hz Auto Restart Anti-Cold Air Function kW 1. pumphead is an optional accessory.5 0.Ph-Hz 208-230V~.35 Ф6.2 4 Capacity Btu/h 7500 8900 10900 13600 Heating Input W 59 59 59 65 Wireless remote controller Rated current A 0.:35°CDB.6 7.26 0.4/2.6 kW 5 6. Indoor external static pressure (H) Pa 10(10-30) 10(10-30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) or 10-5/8in.0 Heating Input W 67 67 67 70 86 86 110 Rated Current W 0.29 0.29 0.8 3.7 Ф12.35 Ф6.(5mm) Four speed fan motor (Super high speed as an optional) 8-9/32in.2 4. 49 50 . which is removable downward from bottom. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement. Throttle Type EXV Air intake from back Air intake from below drain pump as standard Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.(210mm) (22~71 models) or 10-5/8in. Piping: 8m (horizontal). piping: 8m (horizontal).:35°CDB. Change the wiring connection from ‘SH’ to Ceiling ‘H’ to change the ESP. Standard wireless remote controller WL-12-CM.5 14/17. Standard functional port such as Remote On/Off Dry contact switch and Alarm signal output (220V).4m below the air outlet.6 7.2 2.49 m3/h 606/578/512/409 606/578/512/409 606/578/512/409 646/617/551/441 803/824/690/609 803/824/690/609 1207/1060/970/811 Compact size External static pressure Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) CFM 357/340/301/241 357/340/301/241 357/340/301/241 380/363/324/260 473/485/406/358 473/485/406/358 710/624/571/477 Min.8 2. Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 910×230×510 1130×230×510 1350×230×510 Convenient installation The EXV is fixed inside of the indoor unit.5 14/17. 19°CWB.5 Standard filter placed in an aluminum frame. Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 35/27/24 35/27/24 35/27/24 35/27/24 39/32/29 39/32/29 41/33/30 Only 8-9/32in. equivalent ref. * External static pressure is based on high speed indoor air flow.5 5. and equivalent ref.35 Ф6.0 6.5 18/22. Suction chamber is included as standard equipment.38 0.5/26. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temp.: 7°CDB.35 Ф6.7 Ф12.28 0.31 0. 50Hz Follow Me Anti-Cold Air Capacity kW 1.: 20°CDB.7 Ф12. easy to access when needs maintenance. Specifications 50Hz Concealed Duct Unit (A5 Type) Model 42VD006H112002011 42VD007H112002011 42VD009H112002011 42VD012H112002011 42VD016H112002011 42VD020H112002011 42VD024H112002011 Auto Restart Fresh Air Power supply V-Hz-Ph 220-240V.6 Liquid side mm Ф6.Sound level is measured at 1. Net/Gross weight kg 14/17.2 2. 1Ph. 3.5 21. air inlet/outlet flange are standard for easy duct connection.37 0.5 18/22.35 Ф6.28 0.6 3.35 Ф6. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temp.48 Connectable To Duct Capacity kW 2.3/16in.1 Function Built-in Drain Pump Wireless remote Cooling Input W 65 65 65 67 85 85 108 controller Auto Addressing Super High Air Flow Rated Current W 0.6 4.7 Ф12.: 27°CDB.7 ceiling Drainage water pipe diameter ODΦ25 Controller Wireless controller Flexible control and convenient for maintenance Notes: 1. outdoor temp.7 Ф12.3 8.5 14/17.35 Ф6.(300mm) Dimension (W×H×D) mm 740×210×470 960×210×470 1180×210×470 (140 model) in height.35 29-17/32 Refrigerant (750mm) piping Gas side mm Ф12. 2. The Electrical control box can be removed 1m away from the unit.38 0.37 0.28 0.29 0. Air inlet from back is standard and from bottom as optional with the same connectable duct. or 11-13/16in. 6°CWB.29 0.4/2. Refrigerant type R410A Fresh air hole.7 Ф12. (Should be required by client in advance and done by Carrier in factory). and outdoor temp. (270mm) (80 to 112 models) or 11-13/16in.0 5. Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 910×230×510 1130×230×510 1350×230×510 Convenient installation The EXV is fixed inside of the indoor unit.6 Liquid side mm Ф6. or 11-13/16in.0 5. Standard wireless remote controller WL-12-CM.38 0.7 Ф12.3/16in.28 0. air inlet/outlet flange are standard for easy duct connection. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temp.1 Function Built-in Drain Pump Wireless remote Cooling Input W 65 65 65 67 85 85 108 controller Auto Addressing Super High Air Flow Rated Current W 0. piping: 8m (horizontal).4/2. 50Hz Follow Me Anti-Cold Air Capacity kW 1.5 5.: 20°CDB.4m below the air outlet.Sound level is measured at 1. Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 35/27/24 35/27/24 35/27/24 35/27/24 39/32/29 39/32/29 41/33/30 Only 8-9/32in.5 18/22.5 14/17.5 18/22. Specifications 50Hz Concealed Duct Unit (A5 Type) Model 42VD006H112002011 42VD007H112002011 42VD009H112002011 42VD012H112002011 42VD016H112002011 42VD020H112002011 42VD024H112002011 Auto Restart Fresh Air Power supply V-Hz-Ph 220-240V.2 2.:35°CDB.28 0.35 Ф6. Throttle Type EXV Air intake from back Air intake from below drain pump as standard Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.8 3. Suction chamber is included as standard equipment.2 4.5 14/17.5 21.2 2.28 0.35 Ф6. which is removable downward from bottom.6 7.7 ceiling Drainage water pipe diameter ODΦ25 Controller Wireless controller Flexible control and convenient for maintenance Notes: 1.35 Ф6.31 0.7 Ф12.7 Ф12.(300mm) Dimension (W×H×D) mm 740×210×470 960×210×470 1180×210×470 (140 model) in height. Piping: 8m (horizontal). (Should be required by client in advance and done by Carrier in factory). Standard functional port such as Remote On/Off Dry contact switch and Alarm signal output (220V).(210mm) (22~71 models) or 10-5/8in.29 0.35 Ф6.37 0. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temp. * External static pressure is based on high speed indoor air flow. 3. 19°CWB.0 6.(5mm) Four speed fan motor (Super high speed as an optional) 8-9/32in.: 27°CDB.48 Connectable To Duct Capacity kW 2.7 Ф12. Air inlet from back is standard and from bottom as optional with the same connectable duct.7 Ф12. and outdoor temp. 2.35 Ф6.29 0.3 8. The Electrical control box can be removed 1m away from the unit.38 0. and equivalent ref.37 0. Indoor external static pressure (H) Pa 10(10-30) 10(10-30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) or 10-5/8in.29 0.8 2. (270mm) (80 to 112 models) or 11-13/16in. 1Ph.5/26.35 29-17/32 Refrigerant (750mm) piping Gas side mm Ф12.6 4. Change the wiring connection from ‘SH’ to Ceiling ‘H’ to change the ESP. Refrigerant type R410A Fresh air hole. 49 50 .5 Standard filter placed in an aluminum frame.0 Heating Input W 67 67 67 70 86 86 110 Rated Current W 0.7 Ф12. equivalent ref.: 7°CDB. 6°CWB.35 Ф6. outdoor temp.5 14/17. easy to access when needs maintenance.6 3. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.29 0.49 m3/h 606/578/512/409 606/578/512/409 606/578/512/409 646/617/551/441 803/824/690/609 803/824/690/609 1207/1060/970/811 Compact size External static pressure Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) CFM 357/340/301/241 357/340/301/241 357/340/301/241 380/363/324/260 473/485/406/358 473/485/406/358 710/624/571/477 Min. Net/Gross weight kg 14/17. 5/21 17.5 5.53 Ф9.2°F(19°C)WB.1 8 9 11. 50Hz kW 7.25ft. 51 52 .7/43.8 1.7 Ф15.1Ph.28 0.5 40/48 40/48 40/48 49/58 49/58 Fresh Air intake hole diameter mm Ф92 Ф125 Ф125 Ф125 Ф125 Fresh Air Intake Size (round) mm Ф125 Ф125 Ф125 Ф125 Ф125 Ф125 Refrigerant type R410A Refrigerant Type R410A Throttle Type EXV Throttle Type EXV Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4. 1Ph.9 m3/h 1127/1029/934/781 1388/1345/1165/1013 1388/1345/1165/1013 1851/1800/1556/1400 1745)/1905/1636/1400 Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) m3/h 1388/1345/1165/1013 1388/1345/1165/1013 1851/1800/1556/1400 1851/1800/1556/1400 1745/1905/1636/1400 1745/1905/1636/1400 CFM 663/606/550/460 817/792/686/596 817/792/686/596 1089/1059/916/824 1027/1121/963/824 Indoor air flow (/Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 817/792/686/596 817/792/686/596 1089/1059/916/824 1089/1059/916/824 1027/1121/963/824 1027/1121/963/824 Indoor external static pressure (H) Pa 10(10~30) 20(10~50) 20(10~50) 40(10~80) 40(10~100) Static pressure (Min.25ft. Sound Level is measured 4.) Pa 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 36/35/32 37/35/32 38.5 13.0 47.9/34 Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 36/35/32 37/35/32 38.24 0.36 0. 50Hz kW 2.4/39.2/39.7 Ф12.24 0.43 0.5 Btu/h 27300 30700 34100 42650 52900 Capacity Heating BTU 30700 34100 42650 52900 Input W 125 133 134 378 352 Heating Input W 231 231 327 327 355 355 Rated current A 0.59ft. 2. 3.9 piping Gas side mm Ф12.9 piping Gas side mm Ф15.35 Ф6.5/21 22.0 /41.4/39.6/37.25ft.48 Rated current A 0. (1.43 0.9/34 39/37.9 Ф15.6°F(27°C)DB.6 Capacity kW 2.6°F(7°C)DB.35 Ф6.6 3.9 Ф15. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80.8/37 45.1 Btu/h 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 Capacity Cooling BTU 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 24200 Input W 66 72 77 100 100 Cooling Input W 68 68 72 80 80 105 Rated current A 0.28 0.equivalent ref.53 Ф9.8 3.55 Rated current A 1 1 1.9 Ф15. 1Ph.53 Ф9.24 0.8 1.9 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф25 Drainage water pipe diameter mm ODФ32 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Notes: Notes: 1.4/2.2°F(19°C)WB.2/39. outdoor temperature: 44.4/39/35 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 740x210x500 740x210x500 740x210x500 960x210x500 960x210x500 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 740*210*500 960*210*500 1180*210*500 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 870×285×525 870×285×525 870×285×525 1115×285×525 1115×285×525 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 870*285*525 1115*285*525 1335*285*525 Net/Gross weight kg 17.9 1.35 Ф9.9 1.7 Ф12.36 0.5 5.4/39.59ft.0 /41. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.8 1.48 0.55 Rated current A 1 1 1.5/20 22. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.39 0.6/37.5 14 Btu/h 24200 27300 30700 38200 47800 Capacity Cooling BTU 27300 30700 38200 47800 Input W 125 133 134 378 352 Cooling Input W 231 231 327 327 355 355 Rated current A 0.53 Ф9.4/39.4m) below the unit.2/39.3 8. and equivalent ref.43 0.6 Design pressure MPa 4.and outdoor temperature: 1.36 0.5/33.35 Ф6.5/21 17.56 m3/h 588(30pa)/538/456/375 588/538/456/375 614/597/514/429 763/811/684/575 763/811/684/575 Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) m3/h 588/538/456/375 588/538/456/375 614/597/514/429 763/811/684/575 763/811/684/575 1127/1029/934/781 CFM 346/317/268/221 346/317/268/221 361/351/303/253 449/477/403/338 449/477/403/338 Indoor air flow (/Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 346/317/268/221 346/317/268/221 361/351/303/253 449/477/403/338 449/477/403/338 663/606/550/460 Indoor external static pressure (H) Pa 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) Static pressure (Min.4/2.equivalent ref.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB. (8m) (horizontal).9 Ф15.4/2.7/43.Ph-Hz 208-230V~.53 Liquid side mm Ф6.5 15.3 Capacity kW 2.0 /41.8 1.4/39/35 45.7 Ф12.9 Ф15.48 Rated current A 0.6 3.53 Ф9.8/37 48.7 Ф15. piping: 26.Ph-Hz 208-230V~.7 Ф12.9/38 47.9/34 41.66.35 Ф6.~Max.7 Ф12.9 Ф15. piping: 26.9 kW 8 9 10 12.53 Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.4m) below the unit.43 0.8 39/37. (8m) (horizontal).2 2.9 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф25 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф25 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Model 42VD024H113003011 42VD028H113003010 42VD030H113003010 42VD036H113003010 42VD048H113003010 Model 42VD028H112003010 42VD030H112003010 42VD034H112003010 42VD036H112003010 42VD042H112003010 42VD048H112003010 Power supply V.6 1 1 1.2 12.7 Ф12.5/26 28/31.5/26 Net/Gross weight kg 17.8 1. 60Hz Power supply V-ph-Hz 220-240V.4/2.8°F(6°C)WB. Specifications 60Hz Specifications 50Hz Model 42VD007H113003011 42VD009H113003011 42VD012H113003011 42VD016H113003011 42VD020H113003011 Model 42VD007H112013011 42VD009H112013011 42VD012H112013011 42VD016H112013011 42VD020H112013011 42VD024H112013011 Power supply V.9 Ф15.35 Ф9.39 0.5 40/48 40/48 49/58 Net/Gross weight kg 38/46. 60Hz Power supply V-ph-Hz 220-240V. (8m) (horizontal).53 Ф9. piping: 26.5/26 22.5 Capacity kW 9 10 11 12.8/37 48.) Pa 20(10~50) 20(10~50) 40(10~80) 40(10~80) 40(10~100) 40(10~100) Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 41. 3.36 0.8/37 45.53 Ф9.56 kW 2.7/43.9 Ф15.6°F(7°C)DB.5 38/46.6 Design pressure MPa 4.2 4 5 6.53 Ф9. piping: 26. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.8 3.9/38 47. * external static pressure are based on high speed indoor airflow.5 15.9/34 39/37.0 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1180x210x500 1180×270×775 1180×270×775 1180×270×775 1240×300×865 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1140×270×775 1200×300×865 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1335×285×525 1355×350×795 1355×350×795 1355×350×795 1400×375×925 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1355×350×795 1400×370×925 Net/Gross weight kg 28/31.35 Ф6.42.66.2 2.6 1 1 1.53 Refrigerant piping Gas mm Ф12. 2.6 7. (8m) (horizontal).6 4. Sound Level is measured 4. (1.5/26 22. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80.2 14 Capacity kW 8 9 10 11.5/33.6°F(27°C)DB.0 Btu/h 8900 10900 13600 17100 21500 Capacity Heating BTU 8900 10900 13600 17100 21500 27300 Input W 66 72 77 100 100 Heating Input W 65 65 69 80 80 105 Rated current A 0.8°F(6°C)WB.8 39/37.6 Refrigerant Liquid mm Ф6.53 Ф9.6 4.25ft. * external static pressure are based on high speed indoor airflow.5 Fresh Air intake hole diameter mm (Ф92) Ф92 Ф92 Ф92 Ф92 Fresh Air Intake Size (round) mm Ф92 Ф92 Ф92 Ф92 Ф92 Ф92 Refrigerant type R410A Refrigerant Type R410A Throttle Type EXV Throttle Type EXV Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.9/38 48.35 Ф6. 95°F(35°C)DB.1Ph.53 Ф9.2 4 5 6. and equivalent ref.42.6 Refrigerant Liquid mm Ф9.~Max.53 piping Gas mm Ф15.9 Ф15.0 Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 45.8 1.48 0. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.24 0.9 Ф15. outdoor temperature: 44. 6 1 1 1.36 0.53 Ф9. 1Ph.53 Refrigerant piping Gas mm Ф12.6 4. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.0 Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 45.6 3.8 1.5 40/48 40/48 40/48 49/58 49/58 Fresh Air intake hole diameter mm Ф92 Ф125 Ф125 Ф125 Ф125 Fresh Air Intake Size (round) mm Ф125 Ф125 Ф125 Ф125 Ф125 Ф125 Refrigerant type R410A Refrigerant Type R410A Throttle Type EXV Throttle Type EXV Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.43 0.6°F(27°C)DB.59ft.6/37.8 1.4/39/35 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 740x210x500 740x210x500 740x210x500 960x210x500 960x210x500 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 740*210*500 960*210*500 1180*210*500 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 870×285×525 870×285×525 870×285×525 1115×285×525 1115×285×525 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 870*285*525 1115*285*525 1335*285*525 Net/Gross weight kg 17.0 /41. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.4/2.48 Rated current A 0.25ft.3 8.5 40/48 40/48 49/58 Net/Gross weight kg 38/46. outdoor temperature: 44.5/21 17.53 Ф9.5 14 Btu/h 24200 27300 30700 38200 47800 Capacity Cooling BTU 27300 30700 38200 47800 Input W 125 133 134 378 352 Cooling Input W 231 231 327 327 355 355 Rated current A 0. and equivalent ref. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80. 3.24 0.6 Design pressure MPa 4. 50Hz kW 7.2 4 5 6.53 Ф9.8°F(6°C)WB.7 Ф12.9 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф25 Drainage water pipe diameter mm ODФ32 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Notes: Notes: 1. 95°F(35°C)DB.4/2.0 /41.6 Capacity kW 2.8/37 48.8 3. (1.9 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф25 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф25 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Model 42VD024H113003011 42VD028H113003010 42VD030H113003010 42VD036H113003010 42VD048H113003010 Model 42VD028H112003010 42VD030H112003010 42VD034H112003010 42VD036H112003010 42VD042H112003010 42VD048H112003010 Power supply V. piping: 26.0 Btu/h 8900 10900 13600 17100 21500 Capacity Heating BTU 8900 10900 13600 17100 21500 27300 Input W 66 72 77 100 100 Heating Input W 65 65 69 80 80 105 Rated current A 0.9 Ф15. piping: 26.6 1 1 1. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80.~Max.59ft.2/39.43 0. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.9 Ф15.9/34 41.9 Ф15.1 Btu/h 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 Capacity Cooling BTU 7500 9600 12300 15400 19100 24200 Input W 66 72 77 100 100 Cooling Input W 68 68 72 80 80 105 Rated current A 0.1 8 9 11.35 Ф6.~Max.9 Ф15.) Pa 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 36/35/32 37/35/32 38.equivalent ref.8 1.7/43.9 piping Gas side mm Ф15. 60Hz Power supply V-ph-Hz 220-240V.5/21 17.9/38 47.24 0.5 Capacity kW 9 10 11 12.36 0. piping: 26. 2.2 12.35 Ф6.9 1.6°F(7°C)DB.5 13.8/37 48.9 m3/h 1127/1029/934/781 1388/1345/1165/1013 1388/1345/1165/1013 1851/1800/1556/1400 1745)/1905/1636/1400 Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) m3/h 1388/1345/1165/1013 1388/1345/1165/1013 1851/1800/1556/1400 1851/1800/1556/1400 1745/1905/1636/1400 1745/1905/1636/1400 CFM 663/606/550/460 817/792/686/596 817/792/686/596 1089/1059/916/824 1027/1121/963/824 Indoor air flow (/Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 817/792/686/596 817/792/686/596 1089/1059/916/824 1089/1059/916/824 1027/1121/963/824 1027/1121/963/824 Indoor external static pressure (H) Pa 10(10~30) 20(10~50) 20(10~50) 40(10~80) 40(10~100) Static pressure (Min.25ft.7 Ф12. (8m) (horizontal).) Pa 20(10~50) 20(10~50) 40(10~80) 40(10~80) 40(10~100) 40(10~100) Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 41.9/34 Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 36/35/32 37/35/32 38.4m) below the unit.8 39/37.and outdoor temperature: 1. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.28 0.4m) below the unit.55 Rated current A 1 1 1.0 47.5 Fresh Air intake hole diameter mm (Ф92) Ф92 Ф92 Ф92 Ф92 Fresh Air Intake Size (round) mm Ф92 Ф92 Ф92 Ф92 Ф92 Ф92 Refrigerant type R410A Refrigerant Type R410A Throttle Type EXV Throttle Type EXV Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.9/38 48.5 5. 50Hz kW 2.5 5.4/2. (8m) (horizontal).24 0.2°F(19°C)WB. Specifications 60Hz Specifications 50Hz Model 42VD007H113003011 42VD009H113003011 42VD012H113003011 42VD016H113003011 42VD020H113003011 Model 42VD007H112013011 42VD009H112013011 42VD012H112013011 42VD016H112013011 42VD020H112013011 42VD024H112013011 Power supply V.28 0. Sound Level is measured 4.8 3.9/34 39/37.6°F(27°C)DB.4/39. 51 52 .5/21 22. (8m) (horizontal).53 Ф9.35 Ф9.7 Ф12.53 Ф9.8 1.53 Ф9. 60Hz Power supply V-ph-Hz 220-240V.35 Ф9.2°F(19°C)WB.4/39.7 Ф15.3 Capacity kW 2.8 39/37.25ft. (1. Sound Level is measured 4.2/39.6 Refrigerant Liquid mm Ф9.35 Ф6.6/37.48 0.25ft. * external static pressure are based on high speed indoor airflow.42.0 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1180x210x500 1180×270×775 1180×270×775 1180×270×775 1240×300×865 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1140×270×775 1200×300×865 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1335×285×525 1355×350×795 1355×350×795 1355×350×795 1400×375×925 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1355×350×795 1400×370×925 Net/Gross weight kg 28/31.5/26 22.8/37 45.6 4. 3.53 Liquid side mm Ф6.9 Ф15.55 Rated current A 1 1 1.6 Refrigerant Liquid mm Ф6. * external static pressure are based on high speed indoor airflow.9 Ф15.2 2.Ph-Hz 208-230V~.5/26 22.9/38 47.8 1.53 Ф9.56 kW 2.9 1.equivalent ref.6 7.35 Ф6.2/39. 2.Ph-Hz 208-230V~.43 0.36 0.53 Ф9.9 Ф15.4/39.35 Ф6.6 3.48 0.53 Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.39 0.4/39/35 45.43 0.9/34 39/37. (8m) (horizontal).5 38/46.4/2.5 15.7 Ф12.35 Ф6.36 0.8/37 45.1Ph.7 Ф12.5 Btu/h 27300 30700 34100 42650 52900 Capacity Heating BTU 30700 34100 42650 52900 Input W 125 133 134 378 352 Heating Input W 231 231 327 327 355 355 Rated current A 0.8 1.66.5/33. piping: 26.53 Ф9.9 Ф15.7/43.9 piping Gas side mm Ф12.9 kW 8 9 10 12.53 piping Gas mm Ф15.53 Ф9.7 Ф12.24 0.48 Rated current A 0.5/26 Net/Gross weight kg 17.7 Ф15.6 Design pressure MPa 4. 1Ph.2 14 Capacity kW 8 9 10 11.6°F(7°C)DB.39 0.56 m3/h 588(30pa)/538/456/375 588/538/456/375 614/597/514/429 763/811/684/575 763/811/684/575 Indoor air flow (SH/H/M/L) m3/h 588/538/456/375 588/538/456/375 614/597/514/429 763/811/684/575 763/811/684/575 1127/1029/934/781 CFM 346/317/268/221 346/317/268/221 361/351/303/253 449/477/403/338 449/477/403/338 Indoor air flow (/Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 346/317/268/221 346/317/268/221 361/351/303/253 449/477/403/338 449/477/403/338 663/606/550/460 Indoor external static pressure (H) Pa 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) 10(10~30) Static pressure (Min.5/26 28/31.4/39.2 2.9 Ф15.5/20 22.7/43.66.5 15.42.9 Ф15. and equivalent ref.2 4 5 6. outdoor temperature: 44.1Ph.8°F(6°C)WB.5/33.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB.0 /41. High Static Pressure Duct Specifications 60Hz Model 42VD024H113011010 42VD028H113011010 42VD030H113011010 42VD038H113011010 42VD048H113011010 42VD054H113011010 Auto Restart Anti-Cold Air Function Power supply V-ph-Hz 208-230V~.(750mm) Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф32 Controller Wireless remote controller Notes: ceiling 1. easier trouble-shooting by LED display.25ft(8m) (horizontal).7×2 piping Gas side mm Ф15.6 7.9 1. m /h 3 4700/4100/3599 4700/4100/3599 4700/4100/3599 7180/6150/4600 7180/6150/4600 Indoor air flow (/Hi/Mi/Lo) Flexible control and convenient for maintenance Static pressure (Min.1 8 9 11.(14m) while the height of air supply is about 21. Heating Input W 1800 1800 1800 1600 1600 Standard filter placed in an aluminum frame.9 2.5 68/70 69.) CFM Pa 2766/2413/2118 140(50~250) 2766/2413/2118 140(50~250) 2766/2413/2118 160(50~250) 4226/3620/2708 200(50~280) 4226/3620/2708 200(50~280) Standard wireless remote controller WL-12-CM.2×2 29-17/32in.~Max.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB.5 48/46/44.31 2. Dimension (W×H×D) mm 952×420×690 952×420×690 1300×420×691 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1090×440×768 1090×440×768 1436×450×768 the longest distance Net/Gross weight kg 46.59ft.4/2.) Pa 25(25~ 196) 37(37~ 196) 37(37~ 196) 50(50~ 196) 50(50~ 196) 50(50~ 196) Four speed fan motor (medium high speed as an option only for 71~160 model) Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 48/46/44.4/2. Power supply V-ph-Hz 208-230V~.2°F(19°C) Optional drain pumps with 29-17/32in.9×2 Ф22.5m INDOOR UNIT Controller Wireless remote controller The max distance of air supply is about 45.42. 60Hz Added flexibility with four speed fan Capacity kW 20 25 28 40 45 BTU 68200 85300 95500 136500 153500 Cooling Four speed fan motor(model 71 to 160) Input W 1800 1800 1800 1600 1600 Rated current A 6. 53 * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.5 26 31. double production for WB.(6.5 7.01 2.~Max.6 6. Piping: 26. no need extra connection.2 m /h 3 1720/1532/1338 1690/1560/1320 2252/2030/1610 2198/1978/1570 2969/2694/2469 2969/2694/2469 Flexible duct design Indoor air flow (/Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 1012/902/788 994/918/777 1326/1195/948 1294/1164/924 1746/1586/1453 1746/1586/1453 Static pressure (Min.9ft.6°F(27°C)DB. (1.03 2.4m) below the unit.6°F(7°C)DB. 3.5 52/49/47 52/49/47 53/50/48 54/52/50 External static pressure can be up to 196Pa (71~160 models) or 280Pa (200~450 models).5 7.9 Ф15. Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1425×500×928 1970×668×902. 420mm 450mm Design pressure MPa 4.25ft(8m) (horizontal).5 Capacity BTU 27300 30700 34100 42700 54600 56400 Heating Input W 414 402 409 409 527 532 Rated current A 1.66.5/52 46. 60Hz kW 7.5m).5/52 50/56.5/76 of air supply is 14m Refrigerant Type R410A Fresh air in take Throttle Type EXV Min.5 50/56.53 Ф9.01 2. 1Ph. Net/Gross weight kg 115/129 115/129 115/129 235/250 Refrigerant Type R410A Throttle Type EXV Option Double-skin drainage pan Design pressure MPa 4. 54 . the minimum distance above the ceiling is 17-23/32in(450mm). and equivalent ref.6 6.9 Air supply The height of air Air return Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф32 supply is 6.5 16 16. and wired remote controller WR-29B-CM is as an option. 2.(750mm) Double-skin drainage pan.5 Flange for air in/outlet duct connection is standard.2 kW 8 9 10 12.3ft.6 6. Model 42VD070H113011010 42VD085H113011010 42VD096H113011010 42VD135H113011010 42VD150H113011010 With 16-17/32in(420mm) thickness body.5 45 50 BTU 76800 88700 107500 153580 170650 The EXV is fixed inside the indoor unit (for 71~450 model). your ceiling.53×2 Ф12.31 2. Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 59/55/52 59/55/52 59/55/52 61/59/56 61/59/56 The display board is connected with the E-box in factory. Rated current A 6.01 2. pumphead. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB. Sound Level is measured 4.6 Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9. Piping:26.8°F(6°C)WB. 1Ph.53 INDOOR UNIT piping Gas side mm Ф15.6 6.6 7. which is removable downward from bottom.2 14 16 Auto Addressing Connectable To Duct Capacity BTU 24200 27300 30700 38200 47800 51200 Cooling Wireless remote Input W 414 402 409 409 527 532 Follow Me controller Rated current A 1. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80.9 1.5 Convenient installation Capacity kW 22.5 Easy access filters both in rear & bottom Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1509×550×990 2095×800×964 Standard functional port such as remote on/off dry contact.(for 71~450 model) outdoor temperature: 44.9 2.6 Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.equivalent ref. 6 6.) Pa 25(25~ 196) 37(37~ 196) 37(37~ 196) 50(50~ 196) 50(50~ 196) 50(50~ 196) Four speed fan motor (medium high speed as an option only for 71~160 model) Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 48/46/44.6°F(7°C)DB.2 kW 8 9 10 12. your ceiling.7×2 piping Gas side mm Ф15.6 6. 60Hz kW 7.1 8 9 11.~Max.53 INDOOR UNIT piping Gas side mm Ф15.5/52 46.53 Ф9.8°F(6°C)WB.(750mm) Double-skin drainage pan.01 2. and equivalent ref. Model 42VD070H113011010 42VD085H113011010 42VD096H113011010 42VD135H113011010 42VD150H113011010 With 16-17/32in(420mm) thickness body. Piping:26.6°F(27°C)DB. no need extra connection. Dimension (W×H×D) mm 952×420×690 952×420×690 1300×420×691 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1090×440×768 1090×440×768 1436×450×768 the longest distance Net/Gross weight kg 46.9 Ф15.01 2. double production for WB. m /h 3 4700/4100/3599 4700/4100/3599 4700/4100/3599 7180/6150/4600 7180/6150/4600 Indoor air flow (/Hi/Mi/Lo) Flexible control and convenient for maintenance Static pressure (Min.5 7.6 Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.4m) below the unit.6 7.5 Easy access filters both in rear & bottom Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1509×550×990 2095×800×964 Standard functional port such as remote on/off dry contact. 60Hz Added flexibility with four speed fan Capacity kW 20 25 28 40 45 BTU 68200 85300 95500 136500 153500 Cooling Four speed fan motor(model 71 to 160) Input W 1800 1800 1800 1600 1600 Rated current A 6.5m).5 50/56. 54 .2 14 16 Auto Addressing Connectable To Duct Capacity BTU 24200 27300 30700 38200 47800 51200 Cooling Wireless remote Input W 414 402 409 409 527 532 Follow Me controller Rated current A 1.5m INDOOR UNIT Controller Wireless remote controller The max distance of air supply is about 45. Rated current A 6.6 Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.5 Flange for air in/outlet duct connection is standard.4/2.5 7.5 48/46/44. the minimum distance above the ceiling is 17-23/32in(450mm).2×2 29-17/32in.(for 71~450 model) outdoor temperature: 44.9 1. which is removable downward from bottom.9 Air supply The height of air Air return Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф32 supply is 6. 1Ph. Heating Input W 1800 1800 1800 1600 1600 Standard filter placed in an aluminum frame.) CFM Pa 2766/2413/2118 140(50~250) 2766/2413/2118 140(50~250) 2766/2413/2118 160(50~250) 4226/3620/2708 200(50~280) 4226/3620/2708 200(50~280) Standard wireless remote controller WL-12-CM.9ft.5 Capacity BTU 27300 30700 34100 42700 54600 56400 Heating Input W 414 402 409 409 527 532 Rated current A 1.31 2.5/52 50/56.High Static Pressure Duct Specifications 60Hz Model 42VD024H113011010 42VD028H113011010 42VD030H113011010 42VD038H113011010 42VD048H113011010 42VD054H113011010 Auto Restart Anti-Cold Air Function Power supply V-ph-Hz 208-230V~. 420mm 450mm Design pressure MPa 4.2 m /h 3 1720/1532/1338 1690/1560/1320 2252/2030/1610 2198/1978/1570 2969/2694/2469 2969/2694/2469 Flexible duct design Indoor air flow (/Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 1012/902/788 994/918/777 1326/1195/948 1294/1164/924 1746/1586/1453 1746/1586/1453 Static pressure (Min. 53 * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.66.9 2.5 52/49/47 52/49/47 53/50/48 54/52/50 External static pressure can be up to 196Pa (71~160 models) or 280Pa (200~450 models).9 1.5/76 of air supply is 14m Refrigerant Type R410A Fresh air in take Throttle Type EXV Min. easier trouble-shooting by LED display.9×2 Ф22.03 2.59ft.equivalent ref.25ft(8m) (horizontal).~Max. Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 59/55/52 59/55/52 59/55/52 61/59/56 61/59/56 The display board is connected with the E-box in factory.2°F(19°C) Optional drain pumps with 29-17/32in.5 26 31.25ft(8m) (horizontal). Power supply V-ph-Hz 208-230V~.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB.5 Convenient installation Capacity kW 22. (1.6 6.31 2. 3.5 45 50 BTU 76800 88700 107500 153580 170650 The EXV is fixed inside the indoor unit (for 71~450 model). Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1425×500×928 1970×668×902.9 2.5 16 16.(14m) while the height of air supply is about 21. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80. and wired remote controller WR-29B-CM is as an option.6 7.(6. Piping: 26. Net/Gross weight kg 115/129 115/129 115/129 235/250 Refrigerant Type R410A Throttle Type EXV Option Double-skin drainage pan Design pressure MPa 4.6 6.4/2.42. pumphead. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.3ft.5 68/70 69.(750mm) Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD Ф32 Controller Wireless remote controller Notes: ceiling 1. 2. Sound Level is measured 4. 1Ph.53×2 Ф12.01 2. 1 1.6 which supplies more even and comfortable airflow.4m) below the unit.9×2 Ф28.9 The ceiling type can be easily installed into a corner of Drainage pipe diameter mm ODФ32 the ceiling even if the ceiling is very narrow Controller Wireless Controller It is especially useful when installation of an air Model 42VD070H112011010 42VD085H112011010 42VD096H112011010 42VD135H112011010 42VD150H112011010 42VD190H112011010 conditioner in the center of the ceiling is impossible due to a structure such as one lighting Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V.6/56 68/70 70/77. Specifications 50Hz Model 42VD028H112011010 42VD032H112011010 42VD036H112011010 42VD036H112011010 42VD048H112011010 42VD054H112011010 Ceiling & Floor Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V.7 3.5 26 31. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.3 2.6 6.1 1. and the other colors can be customized according to the customers’ demands. lowest to 36dB(A) Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1425×500×928 1970×668×902. Design pressure MPa 4.8 2.53 Ф9. 1Ph.Smoother airflow with less turbulence.9×2 piping Gas side mm Ф15. double air guides.The unit has auto horizontal swing and auto vertical swing function. blue and Refrigerant type R410A brown for small panel.5 12.6 m /h 3 1443/1361/1218 1416/1338/1220 1915/1741/1518 2116/1936/1520 3000/2618/2226 3620/2044/2744 Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 849/801/717 883/788/718 1148/1025/893 1426/1140/895 1766/1541/1310 2131/1792/1615 Indoor external static pressure Pa 40(30~ 196) 40(30~ 196) 40(30~ 196) 50(30~ 196) 50(30~ 196) 50(30~ 196) Indoor noise level (Sound pressure)(Hi/Mi/Lo) dB(A) 48/46/44 48/46/44.1 8 9 11. Piping: 26. Piping:26. as well lower modulation noise when EXV operating.Three airflow speed: high/middle/low. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB. Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.6×2 Ф28.5 kW 22.5 16 17 Capacity BTU 27300 30700 34100 42700 54600 56400 Heating Follow Me LED LED Display Input W 240 240 398 518 648 873 DISPLAY Rated current A 1.(30kg) in weight means quick.6×2 Ф28.5 52/49/47 52/49/47 53/50/48 54/52/50 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 952×420×690 1200×400×600 Panel with LED display Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1090×440×768 1436×450×768 Net/Gross weight Kg 45/50 45/50 46.7×2 Ф15.5 The front panel and display panel have different colors to choose: white and brown to big panel.6 Auto Addressing Anti-Cold Air Function kW 8 9 10 12.1 1. Capacity BTU 68200 85300 95500 136500 153500 170600 Cooling Input W 1800 1800 1800 2700 2700 3400 Low noise. 55 56 . ensure precise flow Controller Wireless Controller control.5 m3/h 4700/4100/3599 4700/4100/3599 4700/4100/3599 7472/6072/4995 7472/6072/4995 9550/7950/6600 Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 2766/2413/2118 2766/2413/2118 2766/2413/2118 4395/3572/2938 4395/3572/2938 5618/4676/3882 Air Outlet Indoor external static pressure Pa 140(50~250) 140(50~250) 160(50~250) 200(50~280) 200(50~280) 200(50~280) Slim and sleek design starting at just 66lbs. Drainage pipe diameter mm ODФ32 3.42.25ft(8m) (horizontal).2 14 16 Capacity BTU 24200 27300 30700 38200 47800 51200 Cooling Auto Restart Cleanable Panel Input W 240 240 398 518 648 873 Rated current A 1.8°F(6°C)WB.6 Convenient for installation Liquid side mm Ф9.7 3. Notes: 4. 1Ph.4/2. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80.6 6.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB.66. 50Hz The unit can be installed either horizontally on the kW 20 25 28 40 45 56 ceiling or vertically against the wall.5 45 50 63 >20 Drop ceiling Capacity BTU 76800 88700 107500 153500 170600 215000 Heating Input W 1800 1800 1800 2700 2700 3400 198mm Rated current A 6.4 50.6 12.53×2 Ф12.equivalent ref. Sound Level is measured 4.6°F(7°C)DB.6°F(27°C)DB. and equivalent ref.4/2.6 6.2°F(19°C) WB. 50Hz kW 7. outdoor temperature: 44. comfortable.5/52. the airflow is getting smoother and more 2.Adoption of the electronic expansion valve.7×2 Ф12.5 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1509×550×990 2095×800×964 Auto swing and wide angle air flow Net/Gross weight Kg 115/129 115/129 115/129 232/245 232/245 235/250 Refrigerant type R410A Auto Swing & Wide-angle Airflow Throttle type Type EXV 1.6×2 2.1 1. and the air guide design. Throttle type Type EXV Design pressure MPa 4. 3. Due to the multiple-blade fan 1.easy & neat installation.6 6.6 12.25ft(8m) (horizontal).5 15. creates quiet and comfortable environment Rated current A 6.5 15. Indoor noise level (Sound pressure)(Hi/Mi/Lo) dB(A) 59/55/52 59/55/52 59/55/52 61/59/56 61/59/56 63/60/57 Low noise operation.59ft. (1.8 2.53 Refrigerant piping Gas side mm Ф15.5 12.3 2.9 Ф15. 25ft(8m) (horizontal). Piping:26. Capacity BTU 68200 85300 95500 136500 153500 170600 Cooling Input W 1800 1800 1800 2700 2700 3400 Low noise.5 16 17 Capacity BTU 27300 30700 34100 42700 54600 56400 Heating Follow Me LED LED Display Input W 240 240 398 518 648 873 DISPLAY Rated current A 1. ensure precise flow Controller Wireless Controller control.8°F(6°C)WB.2 14 16 Capacity BTU 24200 27300 30700 38200 47800 51200 Cooling Auto Restart Cleanable Panel Input W 240 240 398 518 648 873 Rated current A 1.66.Adoption of the electronic expansion valve. outdoor temperature: 44.5 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1509×550×990 2095×800×964 Auto swing and wide angle air flow Net/Gross weight Kg 115/129 115/129 115/129 232/245 232/245 235/250 Refrigerant type R410A Auto Swing & Wide-angle Airflow Throttle type Type EXV 1.1 8 9 11.7 3.5 kW 22. comfortable. and equivalent ref. lowest to 36dB(A) Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1425×500×928 1970×668×902. and the air guide design.6/56 68/70 70/77.4 50.53 Ф9.5 12. Specifications 50Hz Model 42VD028H112011010 42VD032H112011010 42VD036H112011010 42VD036H112011010 42VD048H112011010 42VD054H112011010 Ceiling & Floor Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V. Drainage pipe diameter mm ODФ32 3. Notes: 4.53 Refrigerant piping Gas side mm Ф15.6 6.6 12.5 15.6 6.8 2. Throttle type Type EXV Design pressure MPa 4. Design pressure MPa 4. as well lower modulation noise when EXV operating. Sound Level is measured 4.9 The ceiling type can be easily installed into a corner of Drainage pipe diameter mm ODФ32 the ceiling even if the ceiling is very narrow Controller Wireless Controller It is especially useful when installation of an air Model 42VD070H112011010 42VD085H112011010 42VD096H112011010 42VD135H112011010 42VD150H112011010 42VD190H112011010 conditioner in the center of the ceiling is impossible due to a structure such as one lighting Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V.5 15.equivalent ref.7×2 Ф15.6 which supplies more even and comfortable airflow. 50Hz kW 7.(30kg) in weight means quick.3 2.53×2 Ф12.6 6.6 6.8 2.2°F(19°C) WB.42. Indoor noise level (Sound pressure)(Hi/Mi/Lo) dB(A) 59/55/52 59/55/52 59/55/52 61/59/56 61/59/56 63/60/57 Low noise operation. Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.6 m /h 3 1443/1361/1218 1416/1338/1220 1915/1741/1518 2116/1936/1520 3000/2618/2226 3620/2044/2744 Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 849/801/717 883/788/718 1148/1025/893 1426/1140/895 1766/1541/1310 2131/1792/1615 Indoor external static pressure Pa 40(30~ 196) 40(30~ 196) 40(30~ 196) 50(30~ 196) 50(30~ 196) 50(30~ 196) Indoor noise level (Sound pressure)(Hi/Mi/Lo) dB(A) 48/46/44 48/46/44. 50Hz The unit can be installed either horizontally on the kW 20 25 28 40 45 56 ceiling or vertically against the wall.6×2 Ф28. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80.4/2.6×2 Ф28.Three airflow speed: high/middle/low. Piping: 26. (1.3 2.9×2 piping Gas side mm Ф15. blue and Refrigerant type R410A brown for small panel.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB.6 Convenient for installation Liquid side mm Ф9.5 52/49/47 52/49/47 53/50/48 54/52/50 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 952×420×690 1200×400×600 Panel with LED display Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1090×440×768 1436×450×768 Net/Gross weight Kg 45/50 45/50 46.4m) below the unit.6°F(7°C)DB.5 m3/h 4700/4100/3599 4700/4100/3599 4700/4100/3599 7472/6072/4995 7472/6072/4995 9550/7950/6600 Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 2766/2413/2118 2766/2413/2118 2766/2413/2118 4395/3572/2938 4395/3572/2938 5618/4676/3882 Air Outlet Indoor external static pressure Pa 140(50~250) 140(50~250) 160(50~250) 200(50~280) 200(50~280) 200(50~280) Slim and sleek design starting at just 66lbs.6×2 2.59ft. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.6 12.1 1. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.5/52. Due to the multiple-blade fan 1.Smoother airflow with less turbulence.1 1. and the other colors can be customized according to the customers’ demands. creates quiet and comfortable environment Rated current A 6.1 1. double air guides.7×2 Ф12.5 45 50 63 >20 Drop ceiling Capacity BTU 76800 88700 107500 153500 170600 215000 Heating Input W 1800 1800 1800 2700 2700 3400 198mm Rated current A 6.9×2 Ф28.4/2.1 1. the airflow is getting smoother and more 2.5 12.7 3. 1Ph.5 26 31. 3.easy & neat installation.6°F(27°C)DB.9 Ф15.6 Auto Addressing Anti-Cold Air Function kW 8 9 10 12.25ft(8m) (horizontal). 55 56 . 1Ph.The unit has auto horizontal swing and auto vertical swing function.5 The front panel and display panel have different colors to choose: white and brown to big panel. 4/2.5/63.2 14 16 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 12300 15400 19100 24200 27300 Btu/h 30700 38200 47800 54600 Cooling Cooling Input W 50 148 148 148 183 Input W 183 245 245 378 Rated current A 0.4/2.4/2.3 8 9 kW 10 12.6°F(7°C)DB.6/323.9 Ф15.6 4.(mm) Ф12.52 Ф9.(8m) (horizontal). 3.4/2.52 Refrigerant piping Refrigerant piping Gas side in.5 5.3.(mm) OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 Drainage water pipe diameter in.6 0.8°F(6°C)WB.6/323.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in horizontal distance. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.52 Ф9.3.28ft(1m) above the floor in vertical distance. outdoor temperature: 44.Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz kW 3. piping: 26.4/2.1/382.66.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in horizontal distance. Piping: 26.6 Rated current A 0.83 0.55 0.9 Gas side in.55 0.(mm) Ф15.6 4.52 Ф9.5/41 54/59 54/59 57.35 Ф9.2°F(19°C)WB.6 Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.55 0.5/235.1/382. Specifications 60Hz Specifications 60Hz Model 42VF012H113000010 42VF016H113000010 42VF020H113000010 42VF024H113000010 42VF028H113000010 Model 42VF030H113000010 42VF036H113000010 42VF048H113000010 42VF054H113000010 Power supply V.55 0.42.6°F(7°C)DB. 3.75 kW 4 5 6.7/412 1165/1095/1018 1165/1095/1018 1354/1236/1060 Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 40/38/36 43/41/38 43/41/38 43/41/38 45/43/40 Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 45/43/40 47/45/42 47/45/42 52 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 990×203×660 990×203×660 990×203×660 990×203×660 1280×203×660 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1280×203×660 1670×244×680 1670×244×680 1670x285x680 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1089x296x744 1089x296x744 1089x296x744 1089x296x744 1379x296x744 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1379x296x744 1764x329x760 1764x329x760 1775x377x760 Net/Gross weight kg 26/32 28/34 28/34 28/34 34. 2.equivalent ref.75 m3/h 600/480/400 750/650/550 750/650/550 750/650/550 1200/900/700 m3/h 1200/900/700 1980/1860/1730 1980/1860/1730 2300/2100/1800 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) Indoor air flow (H/M/L) CFM 353/282.4/2.6 Rated current A 0.6 4.(8m) (horizontal).7 441.9 Ф15.83 1. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.35 Ф6.25ft.1/382.6°F(27°C)DB.7 Ф15.83 0.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in vertical distance. and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB. and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB. and equivalent ref.7 441.(mm) OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless remote controller Notes: Notes: 1.6 7.55 0.83 1.25ft. Floor standing :Sound level is measured 3. and equivalent ref. (8m) (horizontal) .28ft(1m) above the floor in vertical distance.52 Liquid side Ф9. Floor standing :Sound level is measured 3.55 0. Ceiling mounted:Sound level is measured 3.9 Ф15.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in vertical distance.1 8 kW 9 11.57 0.6/323.7 706/529. Ceiling mounted:Sound level is measured 3.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in horizontal distance. piping: 26.52 Ф9.equivalent ref.6 4. 3.6 4.4 441. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80.52 Ф9.6 0.7/412 CFM 706/529.66.6°F(27°C)DB. 57 58 .Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz Power supply V.57 0.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in horizontal distance.25ft.9 Drainage water pipe diameter in.5 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A Throttle Type EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Throttle Type EXV EXV EXV EXV Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.6 4.9 Ф15.6 4. outdoor temperature: 44.4/2. 1.42.2°F(19°C)WB.25ft. 2. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.9 Ф15.5 15 18 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 13600 17100 21500 27300 30700 Btu/h 34100 42700 52900 61400 Heating Heating Input W 50 148 148 148 183 Input W 183 245 245 378 Rated current A 0. 3. (8m) (horizontal) .6 4. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80.6 Liquid side Ф6.8°F(6°C)WB.4/2. Piping: 26.5/41 Net/Gross weight kg 34.4/2. 55 0.1/382.5/63.4/2. 2. and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB.83 1. and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB. Floor standing :Sound level is measured 3.6 4.5/235.6 0.3.3 8 9 kW 10 12.6/323.equivalent ref.6/323.25ft.7 Ф15.35 Ф6.4/2.4/2.9 Drainage water pipe diameter in.1/382.(mm) OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 Drainage water pipe diameter in.42.6 4. 3.4 441. piping: 26.3.2°F(19°C)WB.(mm) Ф12.9 Ф15.66.6 Liquid side Ф6. piping: 26.6 7.4/2.4/2. Piping: 26. 3.6 Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.25ft. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.6 4.28ft(1m) above the floor in vertical distance.55 0.9 Gas side in.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in horizontal distance.4/2.6 4.52 Ф9.equivalent ref.52 Ф9.75 m3/h 600/480/400 750/650/550 750/650/550 750/650/550 1200/900/700 m3/h 1200/900/700 1980/1860/1730 1980/1860/1730 2300/2100/1800 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) Indoor air flow (H/M/L) CFM 353/282.6 4. outdoor temperature: 44. (8m) (horizontal) .52 Ф9.83 1.6 4. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in horizontal distance.Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz kW 3.55 0. outdoor temperature: 44.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in horizontal distance. and equivalent ref.Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz Power supply V.6°F(27°C)DB.57 0. Ceiling mounted:Sound level is measured 3.8°F(6°C)WB.6 4. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.1/382.6 Rated current A 0.83 0.52 Ф9.66.6/323.55 0.42. Ceiling mounted:Sound level is measured 3. 2.52 Refrigerant piping Refrigerant piping Gas side in. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.(8m) (horizontal).9 Ф15.1 8 kW 9 11. (8m) (horizontal) .28ft(1m) from air-outlet in vertical distance.5 5.25ft.35 Ф9.5 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A Throttle Type EXV EXV EXV EXV EXV Throttle Type EXV EXV EXV EXV Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.28ft(1m) above the floor in vertical distance. 57 58 .75 kW 4 5 6.52 Liquid side Ф9.2 14 16 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 12300 15400 19100 24200 27300 Btu/h 30700 38200 47800 54600 Cooling Cooling Input W 50 148 148 148 183 Input W 183 245 245 378 Rated current A 0.6°F(27°C)DB.6°F(7°C)DB.9 Ф15.5 15 18 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 13600 17100 21500 27300 30700 Btu/h 34100 42700 52900 61400 Heating Heating Input W 50 148 148 148 183 Input W 183 245 245 378 Rated current A 0.9 Ф15.6 Rated current A 0. Specifications 60Hz Specifications 60Hz Model 42VF012H113000010 42VF016H113000010 42VF020H113000010 42VF024H113000010 42VF028H113000010 Model 42VF030H113000010 42VF036H113000010 42VF048H113000010 42VF054H113000010 Power supply V.6°F(7°C)DB.6 4.8°F(6°C)WB.55 0.2°F(19°C)WB.(mm) OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф25 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless remote controller Notes: Notes: 1.7/412 CFM 706/529.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in vertical distance. Piping: 26.7/412 1165/1095/1018 1165/1095/1018 1354/1236/1060 Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 40/38/36 43/41/38 43/41/38 43/41/38 45/43/40 Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 45/43/40 47/45/42 47/45/42 52 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 990×203×660 990×203×660 990×203×660 990×203×660 1280×203×660 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1280×203×660 1670×244×680 1670×244×680 1670x285x680 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1089x296x744 1089x296x744 1089x296x744 1089x296x744 1379x296x744 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1379x296x744 1764x329x760 1764x329x760 1775x377x760 Net/Gross weight kg 26/32 28/34 28/34 28/34 34.4/2. 3.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in horizontal distance.5/41 54/59 54/59 57.6 0.7 441. and equivalent ref.4/2.55 0.52 Ф9.25ft. 3.7 441. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80.9 Ф15.4/2. 1.7 706/529. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.(8m) (horizontal).57 0. Floor standing :Sound level is measured 3.(mm) Ф15.83 0.5/41 Net/Gross weight kg 34. 28ft(1m) from air-outlet in vertical distance.6 0.5 Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.2/2.2 14 16 Adopts new type fixing plate.(8m) (horizontal).53 Ф9.25ft. Gas pipe: 18-27/64in.5 Refrigerant Type R410A R410A R410A R410A Optimal comfort through better flow control and quiet operations Design pressure MPa 4.9 Ф15.42.9 Ф15.2/2.55 0. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80.35 Ф6.6 0.equivalent ref. 59 60 . Ceiling mounted:Sound level is measured 3.5/41 54/59 54/59 57.(468mm)/Liquid pipe: Rear Power supply V-ph-Hz 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 21-21/32in. more Controller Wireless controller flexible for installation.9 Drainage water pipe diameter mm ODФ16 ODФ16 ODФ16 ODФ16 ODФ16 Multi-refrigerant outlet pipe method: left\right\rear.2/2.5 15.2/2.7 Ф12. Piping: 26.5 Refrigerant piping Liquid side mm Ф6. more flexible for the installation.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in horizontal distance.41 the mode selected. Smoother airflow and 1. Design pressure MPa 4.55 0.6 4.83 0. Cooling Input W 143 182 182 300 Rated current A 0.8°F(6°C)WB.25ft.53 Ф9.(550mm).41 Auto swing louver Easy maintenance kW 10 12.2°F(19°C)WB. Notes: medium and high.53 Convenient installation Gas side mm Ф12.5 4.83 1. and equivalent ref. longer the Sale Model 42VF030H112000010 42VF036H112000010 42VF048H112000010 42VF054H112000010 connection pipe.53 Ф9. which means easy to install and Capacity BTU 30700 38200 47800 54600 stable. (8m) (horizontal) .5 5.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in horizontal distance.5 4.66.9 element positions to ensure precise flow control and less Drainage water pipe diameter mm ODФ16 ODФ16 ODФ16 ODФ16 modulation noise when the EXV is operating for a quiet Controller Wireless controller and comfortable environment. double air guides. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB. air guide design.6 7. and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB.9 Ф15.6 Anti-Cold Air Function kW 4 5 6 8 9 Capacity Follow Me BTU 13600 17100 21500 27300 30700 Heating Input W 34 125 125 125 143 LED LED Display Rated current A 0.55 0.5 Capacity auto swing louver function The front panel can be removed for easy BTU 34100 42700 52900 52900 Heating ensures that the air maintenance access.6°F(7°C)DB.9 Ф15.5 4.2/2.55 0. compact size.5/63.1 8 S type panel R type panel Capacity BTU 12300 15400 19100 24200 27300 Cleanable Panel Cooling Input W 34 125 125 125 143 Rated current A 0.35 Ф9. Three air flow speeds: low.57 0.53 The mechanical expansion valve offers 2. less turbulence is ensured by the multi-blade fan and the 2.2/2.5 15.2/2.2/2.57 0. blue and Refrigerant Type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A brown for small panel.53 Ф9.9 Ф15.53 Ф9. Left Right kW 9 11.2/2. Floor standing :Sound level is measured 3.5 4. 3. outdoor temperature: 44.83 0.6 DISPLAY m3/h 650/570/500 800/600/500 800/600/500 800/600/500 1200/900/700 Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 383/335/294 471/353/294 471/353/294 471/353/294 706/530/412 Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 40/38/36 43/41/38 43/41/38 43/41/38 45/43/40 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 990×660×206 990×660×206 990×660×206 990×660×206 1280×660×206 Panel with LED display Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1090×745×297 1090×745×297 1090×745×297 1090×745×297 1380×745×297 Net/Gross weight kg 26/32 28/34 28/34 28/34 34. The EXV is built-in the indoor unit.000-stage piping Gas side mm Ф15.83 1.5/41 The front panel and display panel have different colors to choose: white and brown for big panel.5 4.5 4.7 Ф15. Input W 143 182 182 300 direction corresponds to Rated current A 0. 3. piping: 26.28ft(1m) above the floor in vertical distance. Specifications 50Hz Wall-mounted Auto Restart Sale Model 42VF012H112000010 42VF016H112000010 42VF020H112000010 42VF024H112000010 42VF028H112000010 Power supply V-ph-Hz 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 Auto Addressing kW 3.55 0. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.6°F(27°C)DB.3.55 0. Open panel 1 m3/h 1200/900/700 1980/1860/1730 1980/1860/1730 1980/1860/1730 Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 706/530/412 1165/1095/1018 1165/1095/1018 1165/1095/1018 2 Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 45/43/40 47/45/42 47/45/42 47/45/42 Step 3 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1280×660×206 1670×680×244 1670×680×244 1670×680×244 Swing 4 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1380×745×297 1765×760×330 1765×760×330 1765×760×330 Net/Gross weight kg 34.5 4. 5 Capacity auto swing louver function The front panel can be removed for easy BTU 34100 42700 52900 52900 Heating ensures that the air maintenance access.5 4. Cooling Input W 143 182 182 300 Rated current A 0. Notes: medium and high.55 0. longer the Sale Model 42VF030H112000010 42VF036H112000010 42VF048H112000010 42VF054H112000010 connection pipe.5 4.(8m) (horizontal).83 0. double air guides.55 0. and equivalent ref.1 8 S type panel R type panel Capacity BTU 12300 15400 19100 24200 27300 Cleanable Panel Cooling Input W 34 125 125 125 143 Rated current A 0.5 4.5/41 The front panel and display panel have different colors to choose: white and brown for big panel. more flexible for the installation. Smoother airflow and 1.66. blue and Refrigerant Type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A brown for small panel. The EXV is built-in the indoor unit.6 DISPLAY m3/h 650/570/500 800/600/500 800/600/500 800/600/500 1200/900/700 Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 383/335/294 471/353/294 471/353/294 471/353/294 706/530/412 Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 40/38/36 43/41/38 43/41/38 43/41/38 45/43/40 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 990×660×206 990×660×206 990×660×206 990×660×206 1280×660×206 Panel with LED display Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1090×745×297 1090×745×297 1090×745×297 1090×745×297 1380×745×297 Net/Gross weight kg 26/32 28/34 28/34 28/34 34.53 Ф9. Three air flow speeds: low.42. 59 60 .55 0.3. which means easy to install and Capacity BTU 30700 38200 47800 54600 stable.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in horizontal distance.8°F(6°C)WB.9 Ф15. less turbulence is ensured by the multi-blade fan and the 2.6 0.equivalent ref.5/63. Floor standing :Sound level is measured 3. Input W 143 182 182 300 direction corresponds to Rated current A 0.53 Convenient installation Gas side mm Ф12.25ft.2/2. Piping: 26. compact size.83 0.2/2.5 4. outdoor temperature: 44.5 15. piping: 26.35 Ф9. Design pressure MPa 4.2/2.5 Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.5 4.6 0.2/2.55 0.53 Ф9. air guide design. Open panel 1 m3/h 1200/900/700 1980/1860/1730 1980/1860/1730 1980/1860/1730 Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) CFM 706/530/412 1165/1095/1018 1165/1095/1018 1165/1095/1018 2 Sound level (sound pressure) dB(A) 45/43/40 47/45/42 47/45/42 47/45/42 Step 3 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1280×660×206 1670×680×244 1670×680×244 1670×680×244 Swing 4 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1380×745×297 1765×760×330 1765×760×330 1765×760×330 Net/Gross weight kg 34.2/2. Specifications 50Hz Wall-mounted Auto Restart Sale Model 42VF012H112000010 42VF016H112000010 42VF020H112000010 42VF024H112000010 42VF028H112000010 Power supply V-ph-Hz 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 Auto Addressing kW 3.57 0.5 Refrigerant Type R410A R410A R410A R410A Optimal comfort through better flow control and quiet operations Design pressure MPa 4. 3.9 element positions to ensure precise flow control and less Drainage water pipe diameter mm ODФ16 ODФ16 ODФ16 ODФ16 modulation noise when the EXV is operating for a quiet Controller Wireless controller and comfortable environment. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.2/2.41 the mode selected.57 0.25ft.35 Ф6.(468mm)/Liquid pipe: Rear Power supply V-ph-Hz 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 220~240-1-50 21-21/32in.5 15.9 Ф15. Ceiling mounted:Sound level is measured 3. more Controller Wireless controller flexible for installation. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.83 1. Gas pipe: 18-27/64in. Left Right kW 9 11.6°F(27°C)DB. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 80.53 Ф9.(550mm).55 0.6 7.2/2.6 4.41 Auto swing louver Easy maintenance kW 10 12.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in vertical distance.5 4.7 Ф15.53 Ф9.7 Ф12. and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB.9 Ф15.83 1. 3.5 Refrigerant piping Liquid side mm Ф6.28ft(1m) from air-outlet in horizontal distance.6°F(7°C)DB.5 5.2/2.9 Ф15.000-stage piping Gas side mm Ф15.2/2.5 4.5/41 54/59 54/59 57.9 Ф15.2 14 16 Adopts new type fixing plate.9 Drainage water pipe diameter mm ODФ16 ODФ16 ODФ16 ODФ16 ODФ16 Multi-refrigerant outlet pipe method: left\right\rear.28ft(1m) above the floor in vertical distance.53 Ф9.53 The mechanical expansion valve offers 2.2°F(19°C)WB.6 Anti-Cold Air Function kW 4 5 6 8 9 Capacity Follow Me BTU 13600 17100 21500 27300 30700 Heating Input W 34 125 125 125 143 LED LED Display Rated current A 0. (8m) (horizontal) .55 0. 8 3.39 Rated current A 0. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.25ft(8m)(horizontal) 95°F(35°C)DB.1/18.35 Ф6. 1Ph.equivalent ref.4 3.5 Drainage water pipe dia.1/19.2 Rated current A 0.35 Ф6.8 19.14 0.53 Ф9.5/253 347/306/282.8 13/16.2 0.7 Ф12.66.33 0.Ph-Hz 220-240V. piping: 26.39 0. Piping: 26.33 0.4/2.4/2.5 506/444/370. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80. Sound level is measured 3.6 Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.7 Ф12.28ft.14 0.8 13/16. mm ODФ16.5 19. mm ODФ16.9/25 19.35 Ф6.6 Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф6.5 13/16.14 0.2 0.5 Drainage water pipe dia.2°F(19°C)WB.9/25 Panel Type S Type R Type R Type R Type Panel Type S Type R Type R Type R Type Refrigerant type R410A Refrigerant type R410A Throttle Type EXV Throttle Type EXV Design pressure MPa 4.2 2. 3.3 8 9 10 kW 6 8 9 10 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 21500 27300 30700 34100 BTU 21500 27300 30700 34100 Heating Heating Input W 51 79 95 95 Input W 44 75 86 86 Rated current A 0.Ph-Hz 220-240V.4/2.39 0.6°F(27°C)DB.5 13/16.7 Ф12.2 0.35 piping Refrigerant piping Gas side mm Ф12.(1m) below the air out-let both in horizontal and vertical distance.1 8 9 Capacity Capacity BTU 19100 Btu/h 19100 24200 27300 30700 24200 27300 30700 Cooling Cooling Input W 44 75 86 86 Input W 51 79 95 95 Rated current A 0.equivalent ref.5 Net/Gross weight kg 13/16.14 0.2 m3/h 525/480/430 525/480/430 590/520/480 860/755/630 m3/h 525/480/430 525/480/430 590/520/480 860/755/630 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) Indoor air flow (H/M/L) CFM 309/282.7 Ф12.53 Refrigerant piping piping Gas side mm Ф15.9 Ф15. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.6°F(7°C)DB.7 Ф12.5 15.9 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD 16.8 Panel Type S Type S Type S Type S Type Panel Type S Type S Type S Type S Type Refrigerant type R410A Refrigerant type R410A Throttle Type EXV Throttle Type EXV Design pressure MPa 4.8 CFM 309/282/253 309/282/253 347/306/283 506/444/371 Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 35/32/29 35/32/29 35/32/29 40/38/34 Indoor noise level (sound pressure) dB(A) 35/32/29 35/32/29 35/32/29 40/38/34 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 915×230×290 915×230×290 915×230×290 1072×230×315 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 915×290×230 915×290×230 915×290×230 1072×315×230 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1020×315×390 1020×315×390 1020×315×390 1180×315×415 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1020×390×315 1020×390×315 1020×390×315 1180×415×315 Net/Gross weight kg 13/16.39 kW 6.14 0.1/18.53 Liquid side mm Ф9.9 Ф15. Sound level is measured 3.9/25 19.25ft(8m)(horizontal) 44. outdoor temperature: 2.2 kW 2.9 Ф15.25ft(8m)(horizontal) 2.9/25 19.14 0.39 0.5 kW 2. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.8 3.6 4.6°F(27°C)DB.7 Ф12.25ft(8m)(horizontal) 3.39 Rated current A 0.9 Ф15.4 3.5 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Notes: Notes: 1.6 4.2°F(19°C)WB.9/25 Net/Gross weight kg 15.5 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Model 42VH020H113000101 42VH024H113000100 42VH028H113000100 42VH030H113000100 Model 42VH020H112000101 42VH024H112000102 42VH028H112000102 42VH030H112000102 Power supply V.14 0.14 0. outdoor temperature: 44.14 0.1 8 9 kW 5.53 Ф9.6 7. and equivalent ref.Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz kW 5. and equivalent ref.35 Ф6.53 Ф9.39 0.39 m3/h 925/860/755 1190/780/580 1320/840/640 1320/840/640 m3/h 925/860/755 1190/780/580 1320/840/640 1320/840/640 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) Indoor air flow (H/M/L) CFM 544/506/444 700/459/341 776/494/376 776/494/376 CFM 544/506/444 700/459/341 776/494/376 776/494/376 Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 40/38/34 45/42/41 48/43/38 49/43/38 Indoor noise level (sound pressure) dB(A) 40/38/34 47/43/42 48/43/38 49/43/38 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1072×230×315 1250×245×325 1250×245×325 1250×245×325 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1072×315×230 1250×245×325 1250×245×325 1250×245×325 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1180×315×415 1345×335×430 1345×335×430 1345×335×430 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1180×415×315 1345×335×430 1345×335×430 1345×335×430 Net/Gross weight kg 15. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB.4/2.9 Ф15. Specifications 60Hz Specifications 50Hz Model 42VH007H113000101 42VH009H113000101 42VH012H113000101 42VH016H113000101 Model 42VH007H112000101 42VH009H112000101 42VH012H112000101 42VH016H112000101 Power supply V. 50Hz Power supply V. 61 62 .42.35 Liquid side mm Ф6. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.33 0.1 4 5 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 8200 10900 13600 17100 BTU 8200 10900 13600 17100 Heating Heating Input W 25 28 30 51 Input W 31 31 31 44 Rated current A 0.8°F(6°C)WB.28ft.33 0.6 Design pressure MPa 4. 50Hz Power supply V.2 Rated current A 0.7 Gas side mm Ф12.14 0.6 7.14 0.53 Ф9.6 Design pressure MPa 4.2 4 5 kW 2.Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz kW 2.35 Ф6.53 Ф9.53 Ф9. piping: 26.9/25 19.9 Gas side mm Ф15.5 Capacity Capacity BTU 7500 9600 12300 15400 Btu/h 7500 9600 12300 15400 Cooling Cooling Input W 31 31 31 44 Input W 25 28 30 51 Rated current A 0.6°F(7°C)DB.42.and outdoor temperature: 1.1/19.14 0.and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB.66. 1Ph.9 Ф15. Piping: 26.2 0.8°F(6°C)WB.2 2.35 Ф6.7 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD 16.(1m) below the air out-let both in horizontal and vertical distance.8 15.5/253 309/282. Specifications 60Hz Specifications 50Hz Model 42VH007H113000101 42VH009H113000101 42VH012H113000101 42VH016H113000101 Model 42VH007H112000101 42VH009H112000101 42VH012H112000101 42VH016H112000101 Power supply V- Ph-Hz 220-240V, 1Ph, 50Hz Power supply V- Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz kW 2.2 2.8 3.6 4.5 kW 2.2 2.8 3.6 4.5 Capacity Capacity BTU 7500 9600 12300 15400 Btu/h 7500 9600 12300 15400 Cooling Cooling Input W 31 31 31 44 Input W 25 28 30 51 Rated current A 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.2 Rated current A 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.2 kW 2.4 3.2 4 5 kW 2.4 3.1 4 5 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 8200 10900 13600 17100 BTU 8200 10900 13600 17100 Heating Heating Input W 25 28 30 51 Input W 31 31 31 44 Rated current A 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.2 Rated current A 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.2 m3/h 525/480/430 525/480/430 590/520/480 860/755/630 m3/h 525/480/430 525/480/430 590/520/480 860/755/630 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) Indoor air flow (H/M/L) CFM 309/282.5/253 309/282.5/253 347/306/282.5 506/444/370.8 CFM 309/282/253 309/282/253 347/306/283 506/444/371 Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 35/32/29 35/32/29 35/32/29 40/38/34 Indoor noise level (sound pressure) dB(A) 35/32/29 35/32/29 35/32/29 40/38/34 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 915×230×290 915×230×290 915×230×290 1072×230×315 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 915×290×230 915×290×230 915×290×230 1072×315×230 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1020×315×390 1020×315×390 1020×315×390 1180×315×415 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1020×390×315 1020×390×315 1020×390×315 1180×415×315 Net/Gross weight kg 13/16.8 13/16.8 13/16.8 15.1/19.5 Net/Gross weight kg 13/16.5 13/16.5 13/16.5 15.1/18.8 Panel Type S Type S Type S Type S Type Panel Type S Type S Type S Type S Type Refrigerant type R410A Refrigerant type R410A Throttle Type EXV Throttle Type EXV Design pressure MPa 4.4/2.6 Design pressure MPa 4.4/2.6 Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф6.35 Ф6.35 Ф6.35 Ф6.35 Liquid side mm Ф6.35 Ф6.35 Ф6.35 Ф6.35 piping Refrigerant piping Gas side mm Ф12.7 Ф12.7 Ф12.7 Ф12.7 Gas side mm Ф12.7 Ф12.7 Ф12.7 Ф12.7 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD 16.5 Drainage water pipe dia. mm ODФ16.5 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Model 42VH020H113000101 42VH024H113000100 42VH028H113000100 42VH030H113000100 Model 42VH020H112000101 42VH024H112000102 42VH028H112000102 42VH030H112000102 Power supply V- Ph-Hz 220-240V, 1Ph, 50Hz Power supply V- Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz kW 5.6 7.1 8 9 kW 5.6 7.1 8 9 Capacity Capacity BTU 19100 Btu/h 19100 24200 27300 30700 24200 27300 30700 Cooling Cooling Input W 44 75 86 86 Input W 51 79 95 95 Rated current A 0.2 0.33 0.39 0.39 Rated current A 0.2 0.33 0.39 0.39 kW 6.3 8 9 10 kW 6 8 9 10 Capacity Capacity Btu/h 21500 27300 30700 34100 BTU 21500 27300 30700 34100 Heating Heating Input W 51 79 95 95 Input W 44 75 86 86 Rated current A 0.2 0.33 0.39 0.39 Rated current A 0.2 0.33 0.39 0.39 m3/h 925/860/755 1190/780/580 1320/840/640 1320/840/640 m3/h 925/860/755 1190/780/580 1320/840/640 1320/840/640 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) Indoor air flow (H/M/L) CFM 544/506/444 700/459/341 776/494/376 776/494/376 CFM 544/506/444 700/459/341 776/494/376 776/494/376 Indoor noise level (H/M/L) dB(A) 40/38/34 45/42/41 48/43/38 49/43/38 Indoor noise level (sound pressure) dB(A) 40/38/34 47/43/42 48/43/38 49/43/38 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1072×230×315 1250×245×325 1250×245×325 1250×245×325 Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1072×315×230 1250×245×325 1250×245×325 1250×245×325 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1180×315×415 1345×335×430 1345×335×430 1345×335×430 Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1180×415×315 1345×335×430 1345×335×430 1345×335×430 Net/Gross weight kg 15.1/19.5 19.9/25 19.9/25 19.9/25 Net/Gross weight kg 15.1/18.8 19.9/25 19.9/25 19.9/25 Panel Type S Type R Type R Type R Type Panel Type S Type R Type R Type R Type Refrigerant type R410A Refrigerant type R410A Throttle Type EXV Throttle Type EXV Design pressure MPa 4.4/2.6 Design pressure MPa 4.4/2.6 Refrigerant Liquid side mm Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Liquid side mm Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Refrigerant piping piping Gas side mm Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Gas side mm Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Drainage water pipe diameter mm OD 16.5 Drainage water pipe dia. mm ODФ16.5 Controller Wireless remote controller Controller Wireless controller Notes: Notes: 1. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.6°F(27°C)DB,66.2°F(19°C)WB,and outdoor temperature: 1. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature : 80.6°F(27°C)DB,66.2°F(19°C)WB,and outdoor temperature: 95°F(35°C)DB,equivalent ref. piping: 26.25ft(8m)(horizontal) 95°F(35°C)DB,equivalent ref. piping: 26.25ft(8m)(horizontal) 2. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB, outdoor temperature: 2. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: return air temperature: 68°F(20°C)DB, outdoor temperature: 44.6°F(7°C)DB,42.8°F(6°C)WB, and equivalent ref. Piping: 26.25ft(8m)(horizontal) 44.6°F(7°C)DB,42.8°F(6°C)WB, and equivalent ref. Piping: 26.25ft(8m)(horizontal) 3. Sound level is measured 3.28ft.(1m) below the air out-let both in horizontal and vertical distance. 3. Sound level is measured 3.28ft.(1m) below the air out-let both in horizontal and vertical distance. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement. 61 62 Specifications 60Hz Fresh Air Processing Unit Sale Model 42VD042H113211010 42VD048H113211010 42VD070H113211010 42VD085H113211010 42VD096H113211010 Power supply V-Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz kW 12.5 14 20 25 28 Capacity Btu 42600 47800 68200 85300 95500 Cooling Power Input W 468 468 616 616 616 Rated Current A 2.4 2.4 4.2 4.2 4.2 kW 10.5 12 18 20 22 Capacity BTU 36000 41000 61400 68200 75000 Heating Power Input W 468 468 616 616 616 Healthy and comfortable Rated Current A 2.4 2.4 4.2 4.2 4.2 Fresh air is imported, provides a healthy and comfortable living environment. m3/h 2142/1870/1611 2142/1870/1611 3210/2700/2200 3205/2750/2300 3205/2750/2300 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) 100% Fresh air processing unit CFM 1261/1101/948 1261/1101/948 1889/1589/1295 1886/1619/1354 1886/1619/1354 the longest distance of air supply is 14m Both fresh air filtration and heating/cooling can be Indoor external static pressure (H) Pa 50(50~196) 50(50~196) 200(50~280) 200(50~280) 200(50~280) Fresh air in take achieved in a single system. Indoor noise level (Sound pressure)(H/M/L) dB(A) 54/52/50 54/52/50 54/53/51 55/54/52 55/54/52 Indoor units and fresh air processing unit can be con- nected to the same refrigerant system, increasing Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1300×420×690 1443×470×810 INDOOR UNIT design flexibility and greatly reducing total system costs. Air supply The height of air Air return Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1436×450×768 1509×550×990 supply is 6.5m Net/Gross weight Kg 69.5/76 69.5/76 114/124 114/124 114/124 High external static pressure Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A External static pressure can be up to 196Pa(125~140 models) and 280Pa(200~280 models) for more flexible Throttle type EXV EXV duct applications. The maximal distance of air supply is about 45.9ft.(14m) and the maximum height of air supply is about 21.3ft.(6.5m). Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.4/2.6 4.4/2.6 4.2/2.0 4.2/2.0 4.2/2.0 Innovative air supply technology for excellent room temperature control Liquid side mm Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Layout Example: Refrigerant piping Gas side mm Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Outdoor Units Drainage pipe diameter mm OD Ф32 OD Ф32 OD Ф32 OD Ф32 OD Ф32 Controller Wireless remote controller Notes: Indoor Unit Indoor Unit 1. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: outdoor air temperature:91.4°F(33°C)DB,75.2°F(24°C)WB, equivalent ref. piping:26.25ft. (8m)(horizontal). 2. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: outdoor air temperature:32°F(0°C)DB,30.2°F(-1°C)WB, equivalent ref. piping:26.25ft. (8m)(horizontal). 3. Sound level is measured 4.59ft.(1.4m) from the air out-let. Outdoor Air processing unit * External static pressure are based on high speed indoor airflow. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement. Connection Conditions: The following restrictions must be observed in order to maintain the indoor units connected to the same system. * When outdoor-air processing units are connected, the total connection capacity must be within 50% to 100% of that of the outdoor units. Air-conditioning Fresh air supply * When outdoor-air processing units and standard indoor units are connected, the total connection capacity of the outdoor-air processing units must not exceed 30% of that of the outdoor units. * Outdoor-air processing units can be used without indoor units. 63 64 Specifications 60Hz Fresh Air Processing Unit Sale Model 42VD042H113211010 42VD048H113211010 42VD070H113211010 42VD085H113211010 42VD096H113211010 Power supply V-Ph-Hz 208-230V-1Ph~60Hz kW 12.5 14 20 25 28 Capacity Btu 42600 47800 68200 85300 95500 Cooling Power Input W 468 468 616 616 616 Rated Current A 2.4 2.4 4.2 4.2 4.2 kW 10.5 12 18 20 22 Capacity BTU 36000 41000 61400 68200 75000 Heating Power Input W 468 468 616 616 616 Healthy and comfortable Rated Current A 2.4 2.4 4.2 4.2 4.2 Fresh air is imported, provides a healthy and comfortable living environment. m3/h 2142/1870/1611 2142/1870/1611 3210/2700/2200 3205/2750/2300 3205/2750/2300 Indoor air flow (H/M/L) 100% Fresh air processing unit CFM 1261/1101/948 1261/1101/948 1889/1589/1295 1886/1619/1354 1886/1619/1354 the longest distance of air supply is 14m Both fresh air filtration and heating/cooling can be Indoor external static pressure (H) Pa 50(50~196) 50(50~196) 200(50~280) 200(50~280) 200(50~280) Fresh air in take achieved in a single system. Indoor noise level (Sound pressure)(H/M/L) dB(A) 54/52/50 54/52/50 54/53/51 55/54/52 55/54/52 Indoor units and fresh air processing unit can be con- nected to the same refrigerant system, increasing Dimension (W×H×D) mm 1300×420×690 1443×470×810 INDOOR UNIT design flexibility and greatly reducing total system costs. Air supply The height of air Air return Indoor unit Packing (W×H×D) mm 1436×450×768 1509×550×990 supply is 6.5m Net/Gross weight Kg 69.5/76 69.5/76 114/124 114/124 114/124 High external static pressure Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A External static pressure can be up to 196Pa(125~140 models) and 280Pa(200~280 models) for more flexible Throttle type EXV EXV duct applications. The maximal distance of air supply is about 45.9ft.(14m) and the maximum height of air supply is about 21.3ft.(6.5m). Design pressure(H/L) MPa 4.4/2.6 4.4/2.6 4.2/2.0 4.2/2.0 4.2/2.0 Innovative air supply technology for excellent room temperature control Liquid side mm Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Ф9.53 Layout Example: Refrigerant piping Gas side mm Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Ф15.9 Outdoor Units Drainage pipe diameter mm OD Ф32 OD Ф32 OD Ф32 OD Ф32 OD Ф32 Controller Wireless remote controller Notes: Indoor Unit Indoor Unit 1. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: outdoor air temperature:91.4°F(33°C)DB,75.2°F(24°C)WB, equivalent ref. piping:26.25ft. (8m)(horizontal). 2. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: outdoor air temperature:32°F(0°C)DB,30.2°F(-1°C)WB, equivalent ref. piping:26.25ft. (8m)(horizontal). 3. Sound level is measured 4.59ft.(1.4m) from the air out-let. Outdoor Air processing unit * External static pressure are based on high speed indoor airflow. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement. Connection Conditions: The following restrictions must be observed in order to maintain the indoor units connected to the same system. * When outdoor-air processing units are connected, the total connection capacity must be within 50% to 100% of that of the outdoor units. Air-conditioning Fresh air supply * When outdoor-air processing units and standard indoor units are connected, the total connection capacity of the outdoor-air processing units must not exceed 30% of that of the outdoor units. * Outdoor-air processing units can be used without indoor units. 63 64 52 Ф9.9 Ф15.80 6.0 4.2/2. 2.4m) from the air out-let.2/2. (8m)(horizontal). current A 2.55 2.59ft. * When outdoor-air processing units and standard indoor units are connected.4 2.2°F(24°C)WB.0 4.4°F(33°C)DB,75. piping:26. (8m)(horizontal). piping:26.55 5.9 Ф15. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.52 Ф9. equivalent ref.5 16 18 20 22 kW Capacity BTU 36000 41000 61400 68200 75000 Heating Power input 568 568 1300 1350 1350 W Control Systems Rated current 2.5/76 115/125 115/125 115/125 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Throttle type EXV Design pressure 4.9 Drainage pipe diameter OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф32 OD Ф32 OD Ф32 mm2 Controller Wireless Controller Operation temp (outdoor) ℃ COOLING +20~+43. HEATING -5 ~20 Notes: 1.00 6.80 6.2°F(-1°C)WB.6 2142/1870/1611 2142/1870/1611 2870/2620/2150 3005/2700/2250 3005/2700/2250 m /h 3 Indoor air flow (Hi/Mid/Lo) 1261/1101/948 1261/1101/948 1689/1542/1265 1766/1589/1324 1766/1589/1324 CFM Indoor external static pressure (Hi) 30~220 30~220 50~260 50~260 50~260 Pa Noise level (Sound pressure)(Hi/Mid/Lo) 54/52/50 54/52/50 54/53/51 55/54/52 55/54/52 dB(A) Dimension (W*H*D) mm 1368*420*691 1368*420*691 1443*470*810 1443*470*810 1443*470*810 Indoor unit Packing (W*H*D) mm 1436*450*768 1436*450*768 1509*550*990 1509*550*990 1509*550*990 Net/Gross weight Kg 69.2/2.5/76 69.2/2.55 2.3 5.25ft. * When outdoor-air processing units are connected. Sound level is measured 4.52 Ф9.5 14 20 25 28 kW Capacity BTU 42600 47800 68200 85300 95500 Cooling Power input 568 568 1300 1350 1350 W Rated current 2. Specifications 50Hz Sale Model 42VD042H112211010 42VD048H112211010 42VD070H112211010 42VD085H112211010 42VD096H112211010 Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V-1Ph-50Hz 12.0 4.(1.00 A Max. Connection Conditions: The following restrictions must be observed in order to maintain the indoor units connected to the same system.00 A 10.00 6.55 5.6 5. * Outdoor-air processing units can be used without indoor units. the total connection capacity must be within 50% to 100% of that of the outdoor units.9 Ф15. Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: outdoor air temperature:91. equivalent ref.4 5.52 Liquid side Refrigerant piping Gas side mm Ф15.52 Ф9.9 Ф15.0 4. the total connection capacity of the outdoor-air processing units must not exceed 30% of that of the outdoor units. 65 66 . Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: outdoor air temperature:32°F(0°C)DB,30.0 MPa Ф9.25ft.2/2. 3. * External static pressure are based on high speed indoor airflow. 6 5. (8m)(horizontal).55 2. piping:26.0 4. * Outdoor-air processing units can be used without indoor units.52 Ф9. * Specifications are subject to change without prior notice for product improvement.0 4. equivalent ref.00 A Max. HEATING -5 ~20 Notes: 1.5 16 18 20 22 kW Capacity BTU 36000 41000 61400 68200 75000 Heating Power input 568 568 1300 1350 1350 W Control Systems Rated current 2.55 2.55 5.4°F(33°C)DB,75.9 Drainage pipe diameter OD Ф25 OD Ф25 OD Ф32 OD Ф32 OD Ф32 mm2 Controller Wireless Controller Operation temp (outdoor) ℃ COOLING +20~+43.2/2.0 MPa Ф9.5 14 20 25 28 kW Capacity BTU 42600 47800 68200 85300 95500 Cooling Power input 568 568 1300 1350 1350 W Rated current 2. * External static pressure are based on high speed indoor airflow.25ft. piping:26.2/2. Sound level is measured 4. current A 2.4 2.4m) from the air out-let.9 Ф15. Nominal heating capacities are based on the following conditions: outdoor air temperature:32°F(0°C)DB,30.2/2.9 Ф15.0 4. the total connection capacity of the outdoor-air processing units must not exceed 30% of that of the outdoor units. 2. * When outdoor-air processing units and standard indoor units are connected.52 Liquid side Refrigerant piping Gas side mm Ф15.52 Ф9. * When outdoor-air processing units are connected. 65 66 .3 5.80 6.80 6.2/2.5/76 115/125 115/125 115/125 Refrigerant type R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Throttle type EXV Design pressure 4.52 Ф9. 3.2°F(-1°C)WB.6 2142/1870/1611 2142/1870/1611 2870/2620/2150 3005/2700/2250 3005/2700/2250 m /h 3 Indoor air flow (Hi/Mid/Lo) 1261/1101/948 1261/1101/948 1689/1542/1265 1766/1589/1324 1766/1589/1324 CFM Indoor external static pressure (Hi) 30~220 30~220 50~260 50~260 50~260 Pa Noise level (Sound pressure)(Hi/Mid/Lo) 54/52/50 54/52/50 54/53/51 55/54/52 55/54/52 dB(A) Dimension (W*H*D) mm 1368*420*691 1368*420*691 1443*470*810 1443*470*810 1443*470*810 Indoor unit Packing (W*H*D) mm 1436*450*768 1436*450*768 1509*550*990 1509*550*990 1509*550*990 Net/Gross weight Kg 69. Connection Conditions: The following restrictions must be observed in order to maintain the indoor units connected to the same system. the total connection capacity must be within 50% to 100% of that of the outdoor units.2°F(24°C)WB.9 Ф15.59ft.5/76 69.9 Ф15.52 Ф9.00 A 10.25ft. equivalent ref. Specifications 50Hz Sale Model 42VD042H112211010 42VD048H112211010 42VD070H112211010 42VD085H112211010 42VD096H112211010 Power supply V-Ph-Hz 220-240V-1Ph-50Hz 12.00 6. (8m)(horizontal). Nominal cooling capacities are based on the following conditions: outdoor air temperature:91.(1.00 6.4 5.0 4.2/2.55 5. E K1.E Wired controller CRC-10-CM Infrared sensor module Note: The wires in the diagram show the signal flows only.Control Systems Network Control CIF-15-CM Centralized Control Individual control Wired controller Indoor Centralized Controller (Touch key) WR-12-CM WR-29B-CM WR-120B-CM X.F2.E CRF-10-CM CA-NIM05 Lonworks BMS NW-LNW-CM Wired controller Card-key Infrared Sensor CA-NIM09 BACnet BMS NW-BCN-CM Outdoor Centralized Monitor Infrared control box Web monitoring system F1. Modbus BMS CRF-18-CM/CRF-18U-CM 67 68 . Outdoor units while not represent the actual connecting ways.K2.E WR-90D-CM CRF-30-CM Remote controller WL-12-CM iPad Laptop WL-14-CM Connectable to multiple Gateway types IMM Software M-INTERFACE Gateway Indoor Centralized Accessories Controller Card-key Interface CA-NIM05 X.Y.Y. Y.Y.K2.E WR-90D-CM CRF-30-CM Remote controller WL-12-CM iPad Laptop WL-14-CM Connectable to multiple Gateway types IMM Software M-INTERFACE Gateway Indoor Centralized Accessories Controller Card-key Interface CA-NIM05 X.E Wired controller CRC-10-CM Infrared sensor module Note: The wires in the diagram show the signal flows only. Outdoor units while not represent the actual connecting ways.E CRF-10-CM CA-NIM05 Lonworks BMS NW-LNW-CM Wired controller Card-key Infrared Sensor CA-NIM09 BACnet BMS NW-BCN-CM Outdoor Centralized Monitor Infrared control box Web monitoring system F1.Control Systems Network Control CIF-15-CM Centralized Control Individual control Wired controller Indoor Centralized Controller (Touch key) WR-12-CM WR-29B-CM WR-120B-CM X. Modbus BMS CRF-18-CM/CRF-18U-CM 67 68 .E K1.F2. . . controllable IDU 1 1 1 64 64 On/Off ● ● ● ● ● ● WL-14-CM WL-12-CM Operation mode setting ● ● ● ● ● ● Functions Fan speed setting ● ● ● ● ● ● Room temp. Address setting ● . . and turns off when a given opera. . Comparison of Controllers Wireless Remote Controller Item Remote controller Wired Controller Centralized Controller WL-12-CM WR-29B-CM CRF-30-CM WCRF-10-CM Model name WR-12-CM WR-120B-CM WL-14-CM WR-90D-CM CRF-10-CM MAX. . . . - Emergent stop . - The wireless remote controller is a portable control Users can synchronize the air conditioners’ param- Horizontal swing ● ● ● ● ● ● device that enables users to control the A/C any. . ● The background light allows users to operate the Display RC prohibition . ON OFF 7 Time ON/OFF Economic operation 8 Fan speed Silent mode . . . . . 9 Backlight ● ● ● ● ● ● Background light Current time ●/. . . A/C control Economic mode ● ● ● . . setting ● ● ● ● ● ● Portable device Simplified user interface Vertical swing ● . . . - 6 Lock 26℃ shortcut setting -/● . ● ● Timer Lock Eco mode Address setting Follow Me Period . . Auto mode DRY mode HEAT mode COOL mode FAN mode Error code . . - where within a distance of 11m. . . . . ● . ● ● Running mode 4 5 Time Remote signal receiving . ● . . . . ● ● Temp 1 Keyboard lock ● ● ● ● ● ● Transmitting display 2 3 ON/OFF Mode lock . . ● - Air filter cleaning reminding . . . ● - Setting addresses The indoor unit is set to work in automode from 8:00 to 20:00 Emergent start . ● ● ●/. - users can set the indoor unit's address on the wireless Control remote controller WL-12-CM/WL-14-CM. . . - function Central setting . ● - Control via internet . . . ● ● device in a dark room. . . ● . ● ● tion is completed. . . . ● . . . . ● ● button is pressed. Besides the machine's auto addressing function. . eters with the display panel on the wireless remote Air direction ●/. 4 Built-in timer *The follow me function is available for WL-14-CM Timer On/Off per week . . . ● . . Room temp.5V(LR03/AAA)×2 69 70 . . . . . . ● . . The device lights up when a AUTO Address . 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Time FOLLOW ME -/● ● . . . . ● ● . Week On/Off per day . . . . 28 The built-in daily timer offers the convenience of auto- ON 24°C OFF On/Off timer ● ● ● ● ● ● matically starting and stopping the system at set times. controller to precisely control a room's environment. BMS access . . . . - Specifications Specifications : Available controller functions Model WL-14-CM WL-12-CM : Not available controller functions Dimensions (H×W×D)(mm) 150×60×15 150×65×20 Power (V) 1. . . . . . . . . ● ● Timer Lock Eco mode Address setting Follow Me Period . . . ● ● Temp 1 Keyboard lock ● ● ● ● ● ● Transmitting display 2 3 ON/OFF Mode lock . ● . . ● ● ●/. ● ● device in a dark room. 4 Built-in timer *The follow me function is available for WL-14-CM Timer On/Off per week . . . . Auto mode DRY mode HEAT mode COOL mode FAN mode Error code . Address setting ● . . . . . Besides the machine's auto addressing function. 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Time FOLLOW ME -/● ● . ● ● Running mode 4 5 Time Remote signal receiving . setting ● ● ● ● ● ● Portable device Simplified user interface Vertical swing ● . . . . Room temp. and turns off when a given opera. . . . . . . . controllable IDU 1 1 1 64 64 On/Off ● ● ● ● ● ● WL-14-CM WL-12-CM Operation mode setting ● ● ● ● ● ● Functions Fan speed setting ● ● ● ● ● ● Room temp. ● The background light allows users to operate the Display RC prohibition . . ON OFF 7 Time ON/OFF Economic operation 8 Fan speed Silent mode . . . . ● . . . BMS access . ● ● tion is completed. Comparison of Controllers Wireless Remote Controller Item Remote controller Wired Controller Centralized Controller WL-12-CM WR-29B-CM CRF-30-CM WCRF-10-CM Model name WR-12-CM WR-120B-CM WL-14-CM WR-90D-CM CRF-10-CM MAX. controller to precisely control a room's environment. eters with the display panel on the wireless remote Air direction ●/. . . . . . . - 6 Lock 26℃ shortcut setting -/● . ● . . . . . . - function Central setting . ● ● . . - Emergent stop . A/C control Economic mode ● ● ● . - Specifications Specifications : Available controller functions Model WL-14-CM WL-12-CM : Not available controller functions Dimensions (H×W×D)(mm) 150×60×15 150×65×20 Power (V) 1. . . - where within a distance of 11m. . . . The device lights up when a AUTO Address . . . ● . . . - The wireless remote controller is a portable control Users can synchronize the air conditioners’ param- Horizontal swing ● ● ● ● ● ● device that enables users to control the A/C any. . . ● .5V(LR03/AAA)×2 69 70 . . - users can set the indoor unit's address on the wireless Control remote controller WL-12-CM/WL-14-CM. 9 Backlight ● ● ● ● ● ● Background light Current time ●/. ● - Control via internet . ● ● button is pressed. ● - Air filter cleaning reminding . ● . 28 The built-in daily timer offers the convenience of auto- ON 24°C OFF On/Off timer ● ● ● ● ● ● matically starting and stopping the system at set times. . . . Week On/Off per day . . ● - Setting addresses The indoor unit is set to work in automode from 8:00 to 20:00 Emergent start . Signal from remote controller can be received by a wired reminder icon controller. When the accumulated running time ate the silent mode. FOLLOW ME Button ture accurate. heating and auto mode. *The follow me function is available for WR-12-CM/WR-29B-CM model. Wired Controller Wired Controller AUTO AUTO Auto mode DRY mode HEAT mode COOL mode FAN mode Silent mode Auto mode DRY mode HEAT mode COOL mode FAN mode Timer Lock Filter cleaning Follow Me Address setting Timer Lock Reminder Follow Me Address setting reminder WR-29B-CM WR-90D-CM WR-12-CM Functions Functions Air filter cleaning reminding Silent mode Follow me With the FOLLOW ME function. WR-29B-CM The locking function can be used to prevent other people from using the Indoor main board (Touch key) controller. The service person can set the address for indoor unit by. WR-29B-CM and WR-90D-CM. Setting addresses With the address setting function. Specifications Specifications Model WR-29B-CM WR-90D-CM Model WR-12-CM Dimensions (H×W×D)(mm) 120×120×20 86×86×16. This helps making reaches the pre-set value. Clean the filter regularly can keep indoor air fresh and clean.when oper- Sensor part can detect the air temperature at the user’ s altitude the indoor unit. Wired controller *Available for WR-29B-CM / WR-90D-CM model. Built-in timer Built-in daily timer offers the convenience of automati- ON 24°C OFF cally starting and stopping the system at set times. This will help you the room environment comfortable and the tempera- clean the air filter of the indoor unit. the wired controller The wired controller records the total running time of Under the cooling. Easy connection Display panel Wired controller Locking wired controller The wired controller conveniently connects to the Silent Key indoor unit's display panel via connecting wire. good for your health. Remote signal receiving function 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Time Remote signal receiver The indoor unit is set to work in automode from 8:00 to 20:00 WR-29B-CM and WR-90D-CM provide a signal receiver for remote Air filter cleaning controller. then sent to the indoor unit and it conveniences to control. it will remind users need to through setting the fan speed to low.5 Dimensions (H×W×D)(mm) 120×120×15 Power (V) DC 5V Power (V) DC 5V 71 72 . it can reduce the running noise instead that of the ceiling or floor.and easy for the installation and future service. bring a quieter environment. Built-in timer Built-in daily timer offers the convenience of automati- ON 24°C OFF cally starting and stopping the system at set times. Wired Controller Wired Controller AUTO AUTO Auto mode DRY mode HEAT mode COOL mode FAN mode Silent mode Auto mode DRY mode HEAT mode COOL mode FAN mode Timer Lock Filter cleaning Follow Me Address setting Timer Lock Reminder Follow Me Address setting reminder WR-29B-CM WR-90D-CM WR-12-CM Functions Functions Air filter cleaning reminding Silent mode Follow me With the FOLLOW ME function.5 Dimensions (H×W×D)(mm) 120×120×15 Power (V) DC 5V Power (V) DC 5V 71 72 . Clean the filter regularly can keep indoor air fresh and clean. Signal from remote controller can be received by a wired reminder icon controller. The service person can set the address for indoor unit by. bring a quieter environment. it can reduce the running noise instead that of the ceiling or floor. WR-29B-CM and WR-90D-CM. This helps making reaches the pre-set value. then sent to the indoor unit and it conveniences to control.when oper- Sensor part can detect the air temperature at the user’ s altitude the indoor unit. When the accumulated running time ate the silent mode. good for your health. This will help you the room environment comfortable and the tempera- clean the air filter of the indoor unit. WR-29B-CM The locking function can be used to prevent other people from using the Indoor main board (Touch key) controller. it will remind users need to through setting the fan speed to low. the wired controller The wired controller records the total running time of Under the cooling. Setting addresses With the address setting function.and easy for the installation and future service. Wired controller *Available for WR-29B-CM / WR-90D-CM model. Remote signal receiving function 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Time Remote signal receiver The indoor unit is set to work in automode from 8:00 to 20:00 WR-29B-CM and WR-90D-CM provide a signal receiver for remote Air filter cleaning controller. FOLLOW ME Button ture accurate. Easy connection Display panel Wired controller Locking wired controller The wired controller conveniently connects to the Silent Key indoor unit's display panel via connecting wire. Specifications Specifications Model WR-29B-CM WR-90D-CM Model WR-12-CM Dimensions (H×W×D)(mm) 120×120×20 86×86×16. *The follow me function is available for WR-12-CM/WR-29B-CM model. heating and auto mode. Q. which vastly simplifies the control process.E X.E P. X. Users are length of 1.200m.UNSUCCESS Functions Centralized control Three lock modes The centralized controller is a multifunctional device that can Centralized controller provides a superior control up to 64 indoor units within a maximum connection way to manage the indoor units.E P.Y.E P.E X. The two connection modes are as follows: keyboard as they wish.Y. Centralized controller offers two different appearances to mostly suit the installation.E GROUP QUERY RUN SET MAX.E F1. operational mistakes.Q.Y. The centralized controller displays indoor units' working The air filter cleaning reminder function is only and CRF-10-CM only has B structure B structure leading-out mode sketch status and error codes so users can easily identify faults available on the touch-key central controller CRF- via checking the error codes table in the user's manual 30-CM. locking the running newly designed products to simplify and centralize the wiring mode or lock the centralized controller's Easy installation configuration.E Upper side outlet Locking Locking Locking Running Remote Keyboard Mode Controller A X. The "FL" icon indicates that the air filter in before contacting a service engineer. controller lock Net CRF-10-CM CRF-30-CM Cooling lock Heating lock Net connection OPR.F2.Y.Centralized Controller Functions Stylish design Single/unified control Indoor Centralized Controller COOL mode Swing Filter cleaning reminder HEAT mode CRF's stylish design suits high-end environments.64 #GROUPALL 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Air filter cleaning (1.E Rear side outlet B Indoor unit working status display Air filter cleaning reminder function Under side outlet *The A. Both of them are easy to operate. Operation signal feedback ensures that all units are Keyboard lock Remote Timer Fan mode working in the correct mode.UNSUCCESS CRF-30-CM Model CRF-10-CM CRF-30-CM Model Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 179×119×74 180×122×78 and 180×122×68 Power (V) 198-242V(50/60Hz) 73 74 .TEMP 32+ T3 OFF Specifications FAN 48+ T2A Hr ON T2B Hr OPR.Q.TEMP SET. The control object can be either a single unit or all The keyboard lock function is used to prevent units.6) ERROR # MODE AUTO INLINE ON OFF PROTECT 00+ 16+ reminding icon Indoor CCM ROOM. a given indoor unit needs cleaning Access to network monitoring Error code or Connecting The centralized controller is able to bridge up to 64 indoor units on the network monitoring and building protection code status matrix management systems.B structure is available for CRF-30-CM. X.E X.Y.Y. The A structure must be embedded into the wall and the B structure doesn't need. able to make their own choice from locking The device connects to the master outdoor units of Carrier's the wireless controller. Q.Y.Q. which vastly simplifies the control process. The centralized controller displays indoor units' working The air filter cleaning reminder function is only and CRF-10-CM only has B structure B structure leading-out mode sketch status and error codes so users can easily identify faults available on the touch-key central controller CRF- via checking the error codes table in the user's manual 30-CM. The A structure must be embedded into the wall and the B structure doesn't need.E F1.E P.E Rear side outlet B Indoor unit working status display Air filter cleaning reminder function Under side outlet *The A.E X.200m. Users are length of 1.Centralized Controller Functions Stylish design Single/unified control Indoor Centralized Controller COOL mode Swing Filter cleaning reminder HEAT mode CRF's stylish design suits high-end environments.E Upper side outlet Locking Locking Locking Running Remote Keyboard Mode Controller A X. The control object can be either a single unit or all The keyboard lock function is used to prevent units.TEMP SET.UNSUCCESS Functions Centralized control Three lock modes The centralized controller is a multifunctional device that can Centralized controller provides a superior control up to 64 indoor units within a maximum connection way to manage the indoor units. The "FL" icon indicates that the air filter in before contacting a service engineer.Y.6) ERROR # MODE AUTO INLINE ON OFF PROTECT 00+ 16+ reminding icon Indoor CCM ROOM.Y. locking the running newly designed products to simplify and centralize the wiring mode or lock the centralized controller's Easy installation configuration. Operation signal feedback ensures that all units are Keyboard lock Remote Timer Fan mode working in the correct mode. operational mistakes.Y.E P.Y.E X. X. a given indoor unit needs cleaning Access to network monitoring Error code or Connecting The centralized controller is able to bridge up to 64 indoor units on the network monitoring and building protection code status matrix management systems.E X. Both of them are easy to operate.B structure is available for CRF-30-CM.Y.E GROUP QUERY RUN SET MAX.F2. able to make their own choice from locking The device connects to the master outdoor units of Carrier's the wireless controller.UNSUCCESS CRF-30-CM Model CRF-10-CM CRF-30-CM Model Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 179×119×74 180×122×78 and 180×122×68 Power (V) 198-242V(50/60Hz) 73 74 .TEMP 32+ T3 OFF Specifications FAN 48+ T2A Hr ON T2B Hr OPR.E P. X.Q. The two connection modes are as follows: keyboard as they wish. Centralized controller offers two different appearances to mostly suit the installation.64 #GROUPALL 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Air filter cleaning (1. controller lock Net CRF-10-CM CRF-30-CM Cooling lock Heating lock Net connection OPR. weekly schedule. Users can set up to 4 periods per Centralized control Tue 26°C 22°C 17°C 23°C day. able to make their own choice from locking the Operation signal feedback ensures that all units are Light indicator wireless controller. locking the running mode or lock working in the correct mode. ROOM. The LEDs on CRF-90-CM indicate the indoor units' running status for easy fault detection.TEMP SET. The operating object can be a single 22°C CRF-90-CM can be used to centrally control up to 16 indoor units.UNSUCCESS Light Blue Red Flash Locking Locking Locking Running Remote Keyboard Single On/Off key Cooling/Fan Heating IDU Error Mode Controller Unified On/Off key EEPROM Error Easy installation Indoor unit working status display CRF-90-CM can be easily mounted on the built-in cabinet: WCRF-10-CM displays indoor units' working status Error code or Connecting protection code status matrix and error codes so users can easily identify faults via checking the error codes table in the user's manual #GROUPALL GROUP QUERY RUN SET 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (1. The indicators are as follows: OPR.16 Three lock modes Single/unified control mode Centralized controller WCRF-10-CM provides a The control object can be either a single unit or all superior way to manage the indoor units. The lights switch off automatically to save energy once a given operation is complete. which vastly simplifies the control process. the WCRF-10-CM's keyboard as they wish. DRY mode Swing Keyboard lock Cooling lock Heating lock Remote controller lock Weekly schedule Functions Functions Unified control Weekly schedule CRF-90-CM offers on/off and heating/cooling 8:00 16:00 23:59 WCRF-10-CM can include up to 64 indoor units in the Sun 28°C 22°C 24°C functionality for indoor units based on preset 20°C 28°C cooling heating Mon 26°C 22°C 17°C 23°C temperatures to ensure easy management. Fri 26°C 22°C 26°C indoor unit or all the indoor units.Centralized Controller Centralized Controller Weekly Schedule Centralized AUTO Unified On/Off Controller Controller Auto mode COOL mode HEAT mode Fan mode CRF-90-CM WCRF-10-CM Unified controller design with graceful appearance and explicit panel. Sat 28°C off 24°C Max.6) ERROR # MODE AUTO 00+ INLINE ON OFF PROTECT before contacting a service engineer.UNSUCCESS Specifications Specifications Model WCRF-10-CM Model CRF-90-CM Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 179×119×74 Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 90×86×8 Power (V) 198-242V(50/60Hz) Power (V) DC 5V 75 76 .TEMP 16+ 32+ T3 OFF FAN 48+ T2A Hr ON T2B Hr OPR. and select the desired running mode and room Wed 26°C 22°C 17°C 23°C Thu 26°C 26°C temperature. Users are units. 6) ERROR # MODE AUTO 00+ INLINE ON OFF PROTECT before contacting a service engineer. the WCRF-10-CM's keyboard as they wish. The LEDs on CRF-90-CM indicate the indoor units' running status for easy fault detection. able to make their own choice from locking the Operation signal feedback ensures that all units are Light indicator wireless controller. and select the desired running mode and room Wed 26°C 22°C 17°C 23°C Thu 26°C 26°C temperature.Centralized Controller Centralized Controller Weekly Schedule Centralized AUTO Unified On/Off Controller Controller Auto mode COOL mode HEAT mode Fan mode CRF-90-CM WCRF-10-CM Unified controller design with graceful appearance and explicit panel. ROOM. locking the running mode or lock working in the correct mode. Users are units.TEMP 16+ 32+ T3 OFF FAN 48+ T2A Hr ON T2B Hr OPR. Fri 26°C 22°C 26°C indoor unit or all the indoor units.16 Three lock modes Single/unified control mode Centralized controller WCRF-10-CM provides a The control object can be either a single unit or all superior way to manage the indoor units. which vastly simplifies the control process. The lights switch off automatically to save energy once a given operation is complete. Sat 28°C off 24°C Max. Users can set up to 4 periods per Centralized control Tue 26°C 22°C 17°C 23°C day. The operating object can be a single 22°C CRF-90-CM can be used to centrally control up to 16 indoor units. The indicators are as follows: OPR. weekly schedule. DRY mode Swing Keyboard lock Cooling lock Heating lock Remote controller lock Weekly schedule Functions Functions Unified control Weekly schedule CRF-90-CM offers on/off and heating/cooling 8:00 16:00 23:59 WCRF-10-CM can include up to 64 indoor units in the Sun 28°C 22°C 24°C functionality for indoor units based on preset 20°C 28°C cooling heating Mon 26°C 22°C 17°C 23°C temperatures to ensure easy management.UNSUCCESS Light Blue Red Flash Locking Locking Locking Running Remote Keyboard Single On/Off key Cooling/Fan Heating IDU Error Mode Controller Unified On/Off key EEPROM Error Easy installation Indoor unit working status display CRF-90-CM can be easily mounted on the built-in cabinet: WCRF-10-CM displays indoor units' working status Error code or Connecting protection code status matrix and error codes so users can easily identify faults via checking the error codes table in the user's manual #GROUPALL GROUP QUERY RUN SET 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (1.TEMP SET.UNSUCCESS Specifications Specifications Model WCRF-10-CM Model CRF-90-CM Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 179×119×74 Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 90×86×8 Power (V) 198-242V(50/60Hz) Power (V) DC 5V 75 76 . E Max. Centralized Monitor Central Control Software Outdoor Centralized Monitor CRC-10-CM Query 4-way/EXV Protection/ Power parameters valve Error codes consumption Forced Cooling With the ODU With the PC Forced communication communication Cooling Functions ODU parameters display CRC-10-CM enables users to easily check outdoor units' running status. Forced Cooling Graph 2 LCD Screen Access to network monitoring IMM CRC-10-CM can connect up to 8 refrigerant systems and 32 outdoor units to the network system.K2. pressure. protection codes and error codes.4 IMM Gateway system 2 M-interface web gateway K1.K2. including frequency.32 K1. current.K2. Software PC SMS modem K1. temperature.E Max.4 A/C Systems system 8 Power ammeter Outdoor units Indoor units Specifications Model CRC-10-CM Dimensions(H×W×D)(mm) 120×120×15 Power (V) 198-242V(50/60Hz) 77 78 .E Max.4 system 1 Web Access Laptop Router Tablet Max. protection codes and error codes. current. Software PC SMS modem K1. including frequency.4 system 1 Web Access Laptop Router Tablet Max.32 K1.K2.K2. Centralized Monitor Central Control Software Outdoor Centralized Monitor CRC-10-CM Query 4-way/EXV Protection/ Power parameters valve Error codes consumption Forced Cooling With the ODU With the PC Forced communication communication Cooling Functions ODU parameters display CRC-10-CM enables users to easily check outdoor units' running status.E Max.E Max. temperature. pressure. Forced Cooling Graph 2 LCD Screen Access to network monitoring IMM CRC-10-CM can connect up to 8 refrigerant systems and 32 outdoor units to the network system.K2.4 IMM Gateway system 2 M-interface web gateway K1.4 A/C Systems system 8 Power ammeter Outdoor units Indoor units Specifications Model CRC-10-CM Dimensions(H×W×D)(mm) 120×120×15 Power (V) 198-242V(50/60Hz) 77 78 .E Max. Schedule Control Multiple Languages Can monitor and control A/C anytime. operations on all air conditioning units to maintain a such as: power failure or system dam. Safari present time schedule. IMM software high comfort index. 64 refrigerant systems. 79 80 . Web Access Low-load operation indicate Uses software to calculate electric power proportional distribution. unused rooms. the previous screen. output and save electricity consumption data for each indoor unit (or group) which is connected to the intelligent manager. Enables remote access through DSL. monthly) parameters: setting temperature. Up to 4 M-interfaces. Win d o w 7 _ 6 4 b it a n d Window XP_32 bit. for example. Electricity charge distribution Electricity Charge Distribution(Patented) 1. Intelligent Manager of Carrier. running mode. or rooms in a hotel. C an ru n o n . a user-friendly interface allows even non-experts to perform the building management system easily. is based on a centralized format Stores operation data on multiple systems and displays it in graphical format for and dedicated to the complete control and monitoring of all the system’s functions. allowing for distribution of power consumption at outdoor units. a PC. It can be used as a flexible visual management. and nighttime use. multi-purpose system and applied to a variety of needs. purpose and control method of Uses IMM software to generate tenant reports and help building owners bill for energy use. weekly. Provides seven language settings: anywhere by PC. offices in a *Requires the Carrier "SMS Modem" to send auto.024 indoor units. Energy saving management Filter replacement reminder SMS modem (optional) Emergency stop and Alarm signal output Hightlights Network Control Application Web Access function Visual Navigation Remote Control Local With the web access function.Central Control Software Various Managements IMM(Intelligent Manager of Carrier) Simple Operation and Management 4th Generation Network Control System Click & Operate. each building. structures via public phone lines. enables/disables the remote control according to the Russian German Spanish Support WEB access: IE. rated HP. matic warning messages to designated phone num- Max. electricity consumption management. sets temperatures and English French Italian notebook computer. Automatically performs facility start/stop control. for tenants in a commercial building. per day for each single unit or group. rented building. 4 sections and 20 actions Simple Chinese and Chrome. Firefox. also stores the previous 3 months' operational data on the HDD. Energy Saving Management Data Backup Based on a predetermined schedule. public areas. Warning Message Electricity Charge Distribution The system can receive error messages from air Electricity charges can be easily divided when billing conditioning units in more than one buildings or users for air conditioning power charges. VPNs and so on. according to the scale. 4GNS-10-CM 4GNS-10-IF Data Management Functions Operational information of individual indoor units are monitored. room temperature. User friendly operation Generate operational history reports Applies the patented Carrier Calculation Method to calculate consumption rates according to capacity demand which is based on various Central building monitoring and control (daily.IDU:1024 bers. iPhone. and 256 outdoor units can be Annual schedule control Provides information on proportional electrical power distribution to optimize controlled by one PC. the Intelligent The M-interface will automatically back up data on the Manager executes capacity control and intermittent installed SD card (2GB) in case system failure occurs. Clicking the back button will return to controller. iPad and switches the operating mode. designed specifically to control VRF systems. laptop com- puter or a smart phone can be used as a remote Clicking the jump button will display a list of all avail- able screens. outputs Fault display & Warning message this information on a charge calculation sheet to evenly divide power consumption charges among tenants. C an ru n o n . 4GNS-10-CM 4GNS-10-IF Data Management Functions Operational information of individual indoor units are monitored. weekly. Electricity charge distribution Electricity Charge Distribution(Patented) 1. a user-friendly interface allows even non-experts to perform the building management system easily. room temperature. iPad and switches the operating mode. Schedule Control Multiple Languages Can monitor and control A/C anytime. and nighttime use. Up to 4 M-interfaces. public areas.IDU:1024 bers. output and save electricity consumption data for each indoor unit (or group) which is connected to the intelligent manager. Intelligent Manager of Carrier. purpose and control method of Uses IMM software to generate tenant reports and help building owners bill for energy use. per day for each single unit or group. 79 80 . offices in a *Requires the Carrier "SMS Modem" to send auto. Enables remote access through DSL. sets temperatures and English French Italian notebook computer. multi-purpose system and applied to a variety of needs. Firefox. 64 refrigerant systems. and 256 outdoor units can be Annual schedule control Provides information on proportional electrical power distribution to optimize controlled by one PC. running mode. Automatically performs facility start/stop control. operations on all air conditioning units to maintain a such as: power failure or system dam. for tenants in a commercial building. electricity consumption management. a PC. is based on a centralized format Stores operation data on multiple systems and displays it in graphical format for and dedicated to the complete control and monitoring of all the system’s functions. for example. User friendly operation Generate operational history reports Applies the patented Carrier Calculation Method to calculate consumption rates according to capacity demand which is based on various Central building monitoring and control (daily. matic warning messages to designated phone num- Max. IMM software high comfort index. allowing for distribution of power consumption at outdoor units. rated HP. each building. VPNs and so on. Clicking the back button will return to controller. Energy saving management Filter replacement reminder SMS modem (optional) Emergency stop and Alarm signal output Hightlights Network Control Application Web Access function Visual Navigation Remote Control Local With the web access function. structures via public phone lines. the previous screen. or rooms in a hotel. Energy Saving Management Data Backup Based on a predetermined schedule.024 indoor units. according to the scale. Warning Message Electricity Charge Distribution The system can receive error messages from air Electricity charges can be easily divided when billing conditioning units in more than one buildings or users for air conditioning power charges. designed specifically to control VRF systems. Win d o w 7 _ 6 4 b it a n d Window XP_32 bit. also stores the previous 3 months' operational data on the HDD. Safari present time schedule. enables/disables the remote control according to the Russian German Spanish Support WEB access: IE. monthly) parameters: setting temperature. rented building. laptop com- puter or a smart phone can be used as a remote Clicking the jump button will display a list of all avail- able screens. iPhone. unused rooms. Web Access Low-load operation indicate Uses software to calculate electric power proportional distribution. It can be used as a flexible visual management. 4 sections and 20 actions Simple Chinese and Chrome.Central Control Software Various Managements IMM(Intelligent Manager of Carrier) Simple Operation and Management 4th Generation Network Control System Click & Operate. Provides seven language settings: anywhere by PC. outputs Fault display & Warning message this information on a charge calculation sheet to evenly divide power consumption charges among tenants. the Intelligent The M-interface will automatically back up data on the Manager executes capacity control and intermittent installed SD card (2GB) in case system failure occurs. ● Providing the TCP / IP port for VRF system of Carrier to achieve WEB/HTTP/TCP/IP access. Network example ● Can be directly connected with XYE port of the indoor units. 81 82 . ● Multiple sections in each day for single unit or group. cloud server and control terminal. iPad or other intelligent terminals. present time schedule. ● Color indication and icon makes it easy to recognize unit state. CIF-15-CM ● Automatically performs facility start/stop control. ● Allows signal and group control.64 Optional Intelligent control Iphone ● The air conditioner remote control can be accessed by mobile phone or tablet computer. ● Simplified user control interface. setting temperatures and according to the ● Can realize data conversion between TCP/IP protocol and 485 protocol. ● Software control/ Cloud server control (WEB access). ● Full screen display and the temperature can be adjusted by fingers' sliding. ● Can remotely turn off the air conditioner to avoid the power waste. Cloud Servers ● Group user control : a user can use the same ID to manage hundreds of CIF-15-CM. ● History error: easy service and management with history error function. iPhone. ● Up to connect 64 indoor units. a user-friendly interface. ● The system consisting A/C system. ● Weekly schedule setting: can set multiple sections in each day for single unit or group. PC CIF-15-CM when selecting the "As group user" button on the login page. ● Can remotely control the A/C systems through computer. F2 and E ports. XYE LAN F1 F2 E Router CRF-30-CM Indoor units Max. ● WEB function realizes VRF system's webpage access. ● CRF-10-CM/CRF-30-CM is optional and can be connected with CIF-15-CM through F1. operating mode. ● User can monitor and query the air conditioners through LAN and WAN. router. data converter CIF-15-CM.Accessories Weekly schedule control Data converter ● With weekly schedule function for iPad. when you are in a hurry to leave. ● Click & operate. ● You can query the running state of the air conditioner any time and any where and even make an Simply control interface appointment in advance. Web features ● Query and control single unit or group. Accessories Weekly schedule control Data converter ● With weekly schedule function for iPad. ● Providing the TCP / IP port for VRF system of Carrier to achieve WEB/HTTP/TCP/IP access. ● Weekly schedule setting: can set multiple sections in each day for single unit or group. ● Simplified user control interface. ● Up to connect 64 indoor units. ● The system consisting A/C system. Network example ● Can be directly connected with XYE port of the indoor units. operating mode. ● Click & operate. data converter CIF-15-CM. router. present time schedule. XYE LAN F1 F2 E Router CRF-30-CM Indoor units Max. Cloud Servers ● Group user control : a user can use the same ID to manage hundreds of CIF-15-CM. F2 and E ports. a user-friendly interface. iPhone. ● Can remotely turn off the air conditioner to avoid the power waste. ● Multiple sections in each day for single unit or group. ● WEB function realizes VRF system's webpage access. ● Can remotely control the A/C systems through computer. ● Software control/ Cloud server control (WEB access). CIF-15-CM ● Automatically performs facility start/stop control. ● You can query the running state of the air conditioner any time and any where and even make an Simply control interface appointment in advance.64 Optional Intelligent control Iphone ● The air conditioner remote control can be accessed by mobile phone or tablet computer. ● Full screen display and the temperature can be adjusted by fingers' sliding. ● Color indication and icon makes it easy to recognize unit state. 81 82 . setting temperatures and according to the ● Can realize data conversion between TCP/IP protocol and 485 protocol. cloud server and control terminal. PC CIF-15-CM when selecting the "As group user" button on the login page. ● Allows signal and group control. ● CRF-10-CM/CRF-30-CM is optional and can be connected with CIF-15-CM through F1. ● User can monitor and query the air conditioners through LAN and WAN. ● History error: easy service and management with history error function. iPad or other intelligent terminals. Web features ● Query and control single unit or group. when you are in a hurry to leave. E Max.E Outdoor Units Modbus Modbus Master Gateway CRC-10-CM P.Q. NW-BCN-CM has a wonderful adaptability to the BMS Company BMS software Brand Config A/C System via Web Dimensions When the Modbus network is set.E Modbus K1.Q. Establishes a Modbus network comprising up to 1. installation.A-. TM 2 TRANE Tracer Summit 10.E K1. The Modbus Gateway is designed with a small size.E K1.5 Right Side Front Side TRACER SUMMT 3 Honeywell Alerton 110 36 48 35 25.5 Installation Track 5 Johnson METASYS 100 46 83 84 .16 PQE P.5 4 Schneider Andover 10.K2.F2 NW-BCN-CM allows users to track units' operational status and change their running parameters on Internet Modbus Gateway Explorer for maximum control convenience CRC-10-CM Wide compatibility One Modbus gateway can bridge one refrigerant system with a PC or the Modbus master.E X.64 CRF-30-CM Monitoring units online F1.64 HUB Outdoor units TCP/IP CRF-30-CM BACnet/IP protocol Indoor units XYE PQE F1.Q. users can conve.K2.E F1 F2 E XYE K1. Bridges the Carrier central A/C system and the BMS Be free to connect to the BMS or not.E Max.024 indoor units and 64 outdoor units Transfers data in RTU mode Provides a wide voltage range: 12-48V DC Network example Network example Indoor Units Modbus agreement system P.K2. 1 SIMENS APOGEE APOGEE A N Y W H E R E niently configure their A/C network system over the It’s equipped a installation track for the easy on-site Internet using different TCP/IP browsers.E Max.E A+.K2.Accessories Accessories BACnet® BMS Gateway Modbus BMS Gateway NW-BCN-CM CRF-18-CM/CRF-18U-CM Contains 4 groups of RS485 communication ports and be able to Supports Modbus protocol networks connect up to 256 indoor units or 128 outdoor units to the BMS.Y.64 XYE NW-BCN-CM CRF-30-CM CRF-30-CM Indoor units F1.F2.Y.GND Gateway Web monitoring BMS K1 K2 E CRC-10-CM system Outdoor units Indoor units Max.F2 X. NW-BCN-CM has a wonderful adaptability to the BMS Company BMS software Brand Config A/C System via Web Dimensions When the Modbus network is set.E F1 F2 E XYE K1.GND Gateway Web monitoring BMS K1 K2 E CRC-10-CM system Outdoor units Indoor units Max.E Max.64 XYE NW-BCN-CM CRF-30-CM CRF-30-CM Indoor units F1.16 PQE P.K2.Y.Accessories Accessories BACnet® BMS Gateway Modbus BMS Gateway NW-BCN-CM CRF-18-CM/CRF-18U-CM Contains 4 groups of RS485 communication ports and be able to Supports Modbus protocol networks connect up to 256 indoor units or 128 outdoor units to the BMS.Q.E A+.Y.F2 X. The Modbus Gateway is designed with a small size.E Outdoor Units Modbus Modbus Master Gateway CRC-10-CM P. Establishes a Modbus network comprising up to 1.024 indoor units and 64 outdoor units Transfers data in RTU mode Provides a wide voltage range: 12-48V DC Network example Network example Indoor Units Modbus agreement system P. users can conve. Bridges the Carrier central A/C system and the BMS Be free to connect to the BMS or not.5 Right Side Front Side TRACER SUMMT 3 Honeywell Alerton 110 36 48 35 25.64 HUB Outdoor units TCP/IP CRF-30-CM BACnet/IP protocol Indoor units XYE PQE F1.5 Installation Track 5 Johnson METASYS 100 46 83 84 .E X.K2.F2 NW-BCN-CM allows users to track units' operational status and change their running parameters on Internet Modbus Gateway Explorer for maximum control convenience CRC-10-CM Wide compatibility One Modbus gateway can bridge one refrigerant system with a PC or the Modbus master. installation.E K1.5 4 Schneider Andover 10. 1 SIMENS APOGEE APOGEE A N Y W H E R E niently configure their A/C network system over the It’s equipped a installation track for the easy on-site Internet using different TCP/IP browsers.E Max.E Max.E K1.K2.Q. TM 2 TRANE Tracer Summit 10.64 CRF-30-CM Monitoring units online F1.A-.F2.E Modbus K1.Q.K2. Accessories Accessories LonWorks® BMS Gateway 3-Phase Protector NW-LNW-CM HWUA/DPB71CM48 Compliance with LonMark protocol,and realizes the management and control of A/C. Detect the power condition and make the corresponding protecting action. Can connect up to 64 indoor units to the BMS. Protect the compressor from being damaged. Realizes non-polarity communication,and also the application can be download online. Automatically distinguish the abnormal power supply conditions and automatically recover. HWUA DPB71CM48 Network example Excellent reliability Connection method 1: Suitable for all of air conditioner systems and connect max.64 indoor units. The protector protects the entire system from power supply problems, and auto restart after recovery. NW-LNW-CM Specifications With over/under voltage function Without over/under voltage function X,Y,E X,Y,E X,Y,E X,Y,E Model RS485 HWUA DPA53CM23 HWUA DPB71CM48 DPA51CM44 Power supply (V-N-Hz) 220~480V-3N 50/60Hz 208~480V-3N 50/60Hz 220~480V-3N 50/60Hz 380~480V-3N 50/60Hz 208~480V-3N 50/60Hz 50Hz: -20 C ~60 C 50Hz: -20 C~60 C Temp. range( C) -20 C~50 C -20 C ~50 C -20 C~50 C 60Hz:-20 C ~50 C 60Hz:-20 C~50 C Rated operational power(VA) 2.9 VA 7 VA 2.9 VA 13 VA 13 VA Over voltage 12% 12% 18% 18% Under voltage -12% -12% -12% -12% / Phase imbalance 8% / 8% 8% BMS system Dimensions(W×H×D)(mm) 90×69×35 81×67.2×17.5 90×69×35 81×67×35 81×67.2×17.5 Connection method 2: Only suitable for X-power standard system and connect max.64 indoor units. System 1 Digital Power Ammeter NW-LNW-CM DTS634/DTS636 P,Q,E X,Y,E X,Y,E X,Y,E X,Y,E RS485 X,Y,E Calculates power consumption. Does not need adjusting after long-term use. Corresponds one outdoor unit to one digital power meter. P,Q,E Low power consumption Indications and installation System 2 The digital power meter consumes mini- 72 15mm long crack The digital power meter is tested mal energy. LCD after manufacture so it can be P,Q,E Voltage circuit: less than 2W/10VA Impulse immediately deployment and Current circuit: less than 2.5VA used on-site. The LED indicators 201 A phase 230 B phase C phase and installation schematic are System N 145 131 shown in the figure on the left. BMS system Specifications Specifications Model NW-LNW-CM Model DTS634/DTS636 Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 319×251×61 Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 230×145×72 Power (V) 177~265V AC(50Hz/60Hz) Power (V) 200V-500V(50/60Hz) 85 86 Accessories Accessories LonWorks® BMS Gateway 3-Phase Protector NW-LNW-CM HWUA/DPB71CM48 Compliance with LonMark protocol,and realizes the management and control of A/C. Detect the power condition and make the corresponding protecting action. Can connect up to 64 indoor units to the BMS. Protect the compressor from being damaged. Realizes non-polarity communication,and also the application can be download online. Automatically distinguish the abnormal power supply conditions and automatically recover. HWUA DPB71CM48 Network example Excellent reliability Connection method 1: Suitable for all of air conditioner systems and connect max.64 indoor units. The protector protects the entire system from power supply problems, and auto restart after recovery. NW-LNW-CM Specifications With over/under voltage function Without over/under voltage function X,Y,E X,Y,E X,Y,E X,Y,E Model RS485 HWUA DPA53CM23 HWUA DPB71CM48 DPA51CM44 Power supply (V-N-Hz) 220~480V-3N 50/60Hz 208~480V-3N 50/60Hz 220~480V-3N 50/60Hz 380~480V-3N 50/60Hz 208~480V-3N 50/60Hz 50Hz: -20 C ~60 C 50Hz: -20 C~60 C Temp. range( C) -20 C~50 C -20 C ~50 C -20 C~50 C 60Hz:-20 C ~50 C 60Hz:-20 C~50 C Rated operational power(VA) 2.9 VA 7 VA 2.9 VA 13 VA 13 VA Over voltage 12% 12% 18% 18% Under voltage -12% -12% -12% -12% / Phase imbalance 8% / 8% 8% BMS system Dimensions(W×H×D)(mm) 90×69×35 81×67.2×17.5 90×69×35 81×67×35 81×67.2×17.5 Connection method 2: Only suitable for X-power standard system and connect max.64 indoor units. System 1 Digital Power Ammeter NW-LNW-CM DTS634/DTS636 P,Q,E X,Y,E X,Y,E X,Y,E X,Y,E RS485 X,Y,E Calculates power consumption. Does not need adjusting after long-term use. Corresponds one outdoor unit to one digital power meter. P,Q,E Low power consumption Indications and installation System 2 The digital power meter consumes mini- 72 15mm long crack The digital power meter is tested mal energy. LCD after manufacture so it can be P,Q,E Voltage circuit: less than 2W/10VA Impulse immediately deployment and Current circuit: less than 2.5VA used on-site. The LED indicators 201 A phase 230 B phase C phase and installation schematic are System N 145 131 shown in the figure on the left. BMS system Specifications Specifications Model NW-LNW-CM Model DTS634/DTS636 Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 319×251×61 Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 230×145×72 Power (V) 177~265V AC(50Hz/60Hz) Power (V) 200V-500V(50/60Hz) 85 86 Accessories Remote Alarm Controller WR-32-CM Infrared sensor controller CA-NIM09 Automatically adjust the room environment. Functions Automatically extend the shutting down time, avoiding frequent ON/OFF. Graceful appearance accommodates itself to different buildings. Simple design WR-32-CM is specially designed for engineering applications. It does not display the ODU’s working parameters, Installation example Electrical wiring but it can connect to the alarm device when ODU is working abnormally, the RUN light will flash. Infrared sensor controller Specifications Infrared inductive Wired controller Wired controller control box Display panel CN3 Model WR-32-CM CN2 CA-NIM09/E CN1 S1 Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 150×85×70 CA-NIM09 CA-NIM09 Infrared Network Display panel port sensor module port Power (V) 198-242V(50/60Hz) Wired controller Indoor main board Remote controller Remote controller or wired controller can control indoor unit. Indoor Unit Group Controller Specifications WR-150A-CM Model CA-NIM09 Dimensions(H×W×D)(mm) Senor part: 46×30×25.6, Control box: 86×72.8×15.5 Functions Power DC 5V Simple design WR-150A-CM is specially designed for X-power indoor units. A group controller can connect up to 16 X-power Hotel Card Key Interface Module indoor units through X1, Y1 and E terminals, but it cannot directly connect to the central controller. If you need to CA-NIM05 use a central controller or a PC, you can connect to the XYE from an outdoor unit. A group controller can control Cooperate with the wired controller to automate control. a group of indoor units simultaneously, and query the running status of each unit in the group via the display panel. Eliminates the need for high voltage power, making the device safe and steady. Includes a build-in auto-restart function. System wiring diagram Remote controller or wired controller can control indoor unit. PQE Installation example Electrical wiring Outdoor Unit WR-150A-CM 1# indoor unit(1#) indoor unit (2#) indoor unit (3#) indoor unit N# (N≤16) Hotel card key interface module Display panel Display panel port X Y E X Y E X Y E X Y E X Y E Check Wired controller Indoor main board Wired controller Network module port PQE XYE CA-NIM05 WR-150A-CM CA-NIM05 Hotel Card-inserter 16# indoor unit(1#) indoor unit (2#) indoor unit (3#) indoor unit N# (N≤16) POWER CA-NIM05 CN1 RUN Wired controller X Y E 5 meters CN2 Card key COM1 GND X Y E X Y E X Y E X Y E X Y E NOTE : Remote controller To hotel The Maximum Number control system of Indoor units is 64. Centr alized contr oller Specifications Specifications Model WR-150A-CM Model CA-NIM05 Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 150×85×70 Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 86×72.8×15.5 Power (V) 198-242V(50/60Hz) Power (V) DC 5V 87 88 making the device safe and steady. Graceful appearance accommodates itself to different buildings. the RUN light will flash. PQE Installation example Electrical wiring Outdoor Unit WR-150A-CM 1# indoor unit(1#) indoor unit (2#) indoor unit (3#) indoor unit N# (N≤16) Hotel card key interface module Display panel Display panel port X Y E X Y E X Y E X Y E X Y E Check Wired controller Indoor main board Wired controller Network module port PQE XYE CA-NIM05 WR-150A-CM CA-NIM05 Hotel Card-inserter 16# indoor unit(1#) indoor unit (2#) indoor unit (3#) indoor unit N# (N≤16) POWER CA-NIM05 CN1 RUN Wired controller X Y E 5 meters CN2 Card key COM1 GND X Y E X Y E X Y E X Y E X Y E NOTE : Remote controller To hotel The Maximum Number control system of Indoor units is 64. A group controller can connect up to 16 X-power Hotel Card Key Interface Module indoor units through X1. If you need to CA-NIM05 use a central controller or a PC. avoiding frequent ON/OFF. you can connect to the XYE from an outdoor unit.5 Functions Power DC 5V Simple design WR-150A-CM is specially designed for X-power indoor units. Y1 and E terminals. System wiring diagram Remote controller or wired controller can control indoor unit. Control box: 86×72. Includes a build-in auto-restart function. Infrared sensor controller Specifications Infrared inductive Wired controller Wired controller control box Display panel CN3 Model WR-32-CM CN2 CA-NIM09/E CN1 S1 Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 150×85×70 CA-NIM09 CA-NIM09 Infrared Network Display panel port sensor module port Power (V) 198-242V(50/60Hz) Wired controller Indoor main board Remote controller Remote controller or wired controller can control indoor unit.5 Power (V) 198-242V(50/60Hz) Power (V) DC 5V 87 88 . Installation example Electrical wiring but it can connect to the alarm device when ODU is working abnormally. Simple design WR-32-CM is specially designed for engineering applications. Indoor Unit Group Controller Specifications WR-150A-CM Model CA-NIM09 Dimensions(H×W×D)(mm) Senor part: 46×30×25. and query the running status of each unit in the group via the display panel.8×15. Centr alized contr oller Specifications Specifications Model WR-150A-CM Model CA-NIM05 Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 150×85×70 Dimensions (H*W*D)(mm) 86×72. Functions Automatically extend the shutting down time. It does not display the ODU’s working parameters. A group controller can control Cooperate with the wired controller to automate control. Accessories Remote Alarm Controller WR-32-CM Infrared sensor controller CA-NIM09 Automatically adjust the room environment.6. but it cannot directly connect to the central controller.8×15. a group of indoor units simultaneously. Eliminates the need for high voltage power. Carrier has developed an advanced design automation tool that can be used in AutoCAD-based CAD version or Windows-based Sales version. Controller selection: Provides a selection of controllers for indoor units and outdoor units. Piping drawing: Displays the detailed layout of an A/C system and the parameters for piping and branch distributors. 89 90 . Report output: Outputs a comprehensive selection report as a Word or PDF document. including wireless and remote controllers for indoor units. Automatic Selection: Distributor kit & branch joint Can be used to connect VRF outdoor units with DX AHU or other brand indoor units System Check: Installation regulation & refrigerant addition Automatic Report: Piping installation diagram. supports multiple languages. and greatly improves the selection process. The software provides quick and convenient selectable options for users. Indoor & outdoor units selection: There are versatile indoor units and different outdoor units for choosing. Control box wiring is as follows: Maximum 4 AHU Control Box can be parallel installed to one 3rd party indoor unit. equipment list & quotation Introduction AHUKZ-01B/AHUKZ-02B/AHUKZ-03B is an independent control box that can connect a AHU to X-Power system to realize centralized control with X-Power system. Windows Version Load calculation:Provides two calculation methods (detailed room load calculation and rough load calculation). Accessories CAD Version AHU Control Box AutoCAD add-on software AHUKZ-01B/AHUKZ-02B/AHUKZ-03B Automatic Calculation: Refrigerant & drain pipe size X-Power Standard functions inside. Power supply Power supply Centralized Controller P/Q/E X/Y/E Wired Controller T1/T2/T2B/T2C G/L pipe Fan/pump x EXV Power supply DX AHU or other brand indoor units Selection software To meet consultants’ and distributors’ requirements. Carrier has developed an advanced design automation tool that can be used in AutoCAD-based CAD version or Windows-based Sales version. Power supply Power supply Centralized Controller P/Q/E X/Y/E Wired Controller T1/T2/T2B/T2C G/L pipe Fan/pump x EXV Power supply DX AHU or other brand indoor units Selection software To meet consultants’ and distributors’ requirements. including wireless and remote controllers for indoor units. Automatic Selection: Distributor kit & branch joint Can be used to connect VRF outdoor units with DX AHU or other brand indoor units System Check: Installation regulation & refrigerant addition Automatic Report: Piping installation diagram. and greatly improves the selection process. Piping drawing: Displays the detailed layout of an A/C system and the parameters for piping and branch distributors. Control box wiring is as follows: Maximum 4 AHU Control Box can be parallel installed to one 3rd party indoor unit. The software provides quick and convenient selectable options for users. 89 90 . Report output: Outputs a comprehensive selection report as a Word or PDF document. equipment list & quotation Introduction AHUKZ-01B/AHUKZ-02B/AHUKZ-03B is an independent control box that can connect a AHU to X-Power system to realize centralized control with X-Power system. Controller selection: Provides a selection of controllers for indoor units and outdoor units. Windows Version Load calculation:Provides two calculation methods (detailed room load calculation and rough load calculation). supports multiple languages. Accessories CAD Version AHU Control Box AutoCAD add-on software AHUKZ-01B/AHUKZ-02B/AHUKZ-03B Automatic Calculation: Refrigerant & drain pipe size X-Power Standard functions inside. Indoor & outdoor units selection: There are versatile indoor units and different outdoor units for choosing. 4 For three outdoor units connection For four outdoor BJC-04-CM(i) 475×165×300 4.4 A*<16.6 16. Branch Pipe Branch joints of two-pipe refrigerant system Gross Packing Size Weight Model Appearance Model name Description (mm) (kg) For two outdoor BJC-02-CM(i) 255×150×185 1.5 66kW≤A*<92kW BJF-E1344-CM(i) 365×195×215 1.8 units connection BJF-224-CM(i) 90×105×100 0.6≤A*<33kW Branch joint for R410A BJF-710-CM(i) 310×130×125 0.5 units connection Branch Pipe Branch joint for R410A outdoor unit BJC-03-CM(i) 345×160×285 3.9 92kW≤A* A*:The total capacity of indoor units which is connected to this branch joint 91 92 .9 33kW≤A*<66kW indoor unit BJF-1344-CM(i) 350×180×170 1.6kW BJF-330-CM(i) 290×105×100 0. 6kW BJF-330-CM(i) 290×105×100 0.9 92kW≤A* A*:The total capacity of indoor units which is connected to this branch joint 91 92 .9 33kW≤A*<66kW indoor unit BJF-1344-CM(i) 350×180×170 1.4 A*<16.6 16. Branch Pipe Branch joints of two-pipe refrigerant system Gross Packing Size Weight Model Appearance Model name Description (mm) (kg) For two outdoor BJC-02-CM(i) 255×150×185 1.4 For three outdoor units connection For four outdoor BJC-04-CM(i) 475×165×300 4.5 66kW≤A*<92kW BJF-E1344-CM(i) 365×195×215 1.8 units connection BJF-224-CM(i) 90×105×100 0.6≤A*<33kW Branch joint for R410A BJF-710-CM(i) 310×130×125 0.5 units connection Branch Pipe Branch joint for R410A outdoor unit BJC-03-CM(i) 345×160×285 3. Miami.01 . R410A DC Inverter VRF Series 50/60Hz Carrier InterAmerica Corporation (CIAC) 10801 NW 103rd Street Suite 1.carriercca. FL 33178 www.com Carrier X-power VRF 2015 VRF Series 60 Hz and 50 Hz Cat-v.
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