XIV Storage System User Manual



IBM XIV Storage System User ManualV ersion 10.2.1 GC27-2213-05 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual V ersion 10.2.1 GC27-2213-05 The following paragraph does not apply to any country (or region) where such provisions are inconsistent with local law. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states (or regions) do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you. Order publications through your IBM representative or the IBM branch office serving your locality. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2010. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . 1 Purpose and Scope . . . Intended Audience . . . Related Documentation . . Documentation Conventions Parameter Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 2 2 Restoring a Volume from a Snapshot . . . . . . 53 Chapter 6. Consistency Group Management . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Adding a Volume to a Consistency Group . . Creating Consistency Groups . . . . . . Deleting a Consistency Group . . . . . . Listing Consistency Groups . . . . . . . Removing a Volume from a Consistency Group Renaming Consistency Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 60 61 62 63 64 Chapter 2. Host and Cluster Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Adding a Host to a Cluster . . . . . . . . . 3 Creating a Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Deleting Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Listing Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Removing a Host from a Cluster. . . . . . . . 6 Renaming Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Adding a Port to a Host . . . . . . . . . . 8 Defining a New Host . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Deleting a Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Listing Hosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Listing Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Removing a Port from a Host . . . . . . . . 13 Renaming a Host . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Updating a Host Definition . . . . . . . . . 15 Mapping a Volume to a Host or Cluster . . . . . 16 Listing the Mapping of Volumes to Hosts or Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Setting the Special Type of Hosts or Clusters . . . 19 Listing Hosts/Cluster to which a Volume is Mapped 20 Unmapping a Volume from a Host or Cluster . . . 20 Chapter 7. Snapshot Set Management Snapshotting a Consistency Group . . . . Changing Snapshot Group Deletion Priority . Deleting a Snapshot Group . . . . . . . Disbanding a Snapshot Group . . . . . . Duplicating a Snapshot Group . . . . . . Listing Snapshot Groups . . . . . . . . Locking a Snapshot Group . . . . . . . Renaming a Snapshot Group . . . . . . Restoring a Consistecy Group from a Snapshot Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unlocking a Snapshot Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 . 77 . 79 Chapter 8. Storage Pool Management Moving Consistency Groups between Storage Changing Pool Limitation . . . . . . Changing Pool Settings for Snapshots . . Creating Storage Pools. . . . . . . . Deleting a Storage Pool . . . . . . . Listing Storage Pools . . . . . . . . Renaming a Storage Pool . . . . . . . Resizing a Storage Pool . . . . . . . Moving a Volume between Storage Pools . Pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 81 82 83 85 87 88 90 90 93 Chapter 3. Volume Management . . . . 23 Clearing Reservations of a Volume . . . . . . 23 Listing Reservation Keys . . . . . . . . . . 24 Listing Volume Reservations. . . . . . . . . 25 Finding a Volume Based on a SCSI Serial Number 26 Copying Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Creating a Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Deleting a Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Formatting a Volume . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Listing Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Locking a Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Renaming a Volume . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Resizing a Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Unlocking a Volume . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Chapter 9. System Management . . . . 95 Displaying Current Consumed Capacity of the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing Configuration Parameters. . . . . . Setting Configuration Parameters . . . . . . Testing the DNS . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing Help . . . . . . . . . . . . Shutting Down . . . . . . . . . . . . Changing the Operational State . . . . . . Listing Operational State . . . . . . . . Showing System Capacity, Free Space and Spares Showing the Current Time . . . . . . . . Setting the System's Time . . . . . . . . Listing Optional Time Zones . . . . . . . Setting the Time Zone . . . . . . . . . Aborting the Upgrade to a New Software Version Initiating Download of a New Software Version Canceling an Upgrade Download Process . . . Forcing a Continuation of the Upgrade Process . . 95 . 96 . 98 . 99 . 100 . 102 . 103 . 104 104 . 105 . 106 . 106 . 107 107 108 . 109 . 109 Chapter 4. LUN Mapping Management 43 Chapter 5. Volume Snapshot Management . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Changing a Snapshot Deletion Creating a Snapshot . . . Deleting a Snapshot . . . Duplicating a Snapshot . . Listing Snapshot Information Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 46 49 50 52 iii Displaying Status of Upgrade Process . . . Upgrading a System . . . . . . . . . Validating the Prerequisites of an Upgrade to a New Software Version . . . . . . . . Printing the Current System Version . . . . Showing Values of VPD Parameters.. . . . Setting VPD Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 . 112 . . . . 113 114 115 115 Chapter 13. Event Handling . . . . . 185 Generating a Custom Event . . . . . . . Defining a New Event Notification Destination . Deleting a Destination . . . . . . . . . Listing Event Notification Destinations . . . . Renaming a Destination . . . . . . . . . Testing a Destination . . . . . . . . . . Updating an Event Notification Destination . . Adding a Destination to a Destination Group . Creating a Destination Group . . . . . . . Deleting a Destination Group . . . . . . . Listing Destination Groups . . . . . . . . Removing a Destination from Destination Group Renaming a Destination Group . . . . . . Clearing Alerting Events . . . . . . . . Listing Events . . . . . . . . . . . . Listing Uncleared Alerting Events . . . . . Setting the Threshold for Events Notification . . Activating a Rule . . . . . . . . . . . Creating Event Notification Rules . . . . . Deactivating a Rule . . . . . . . . . . Deleting Event Notification Rules . . . . . Listing Event Notification Rules . . . . . . Renaming Event Notification Rules . . . . . Updating an Event Notification Rule . . . . Defining an SMS Gateway . . . . . . . . Deleting an SMS Gateway . . . . . . . . Listing SMS Gateways . . . . . . . . . Prioritizing SMS Gateways . . . . . . . . Renaming an SMS Gateway . . . . . . . Updating an SMS Gateway . . . . . . . . Defining a New SMTP Gateway . . . . . . Deleting an SMTP Gateway . . . . . . . Listing SMTP Gateways . . . . . . . . . Prioritizing SMTP Gateways . . . . . . . Renaming an SMTP Gateway . . . . . . . Updating an SMTP Gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 186 190 191 192 193 195 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 212 213 214 215 216 218 220 221 222 223 224 225 227 228 229 230 231 Chapter 10. Remote Target Connectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Setting A Threshold for Link Disruption Duration Updating the Target Mirroring Configuration. . Activating Connectivity to a Remote Target . . Deactivating Connectivity to a Remote Target . Defining Connectivity to a Remote Target . . . Deleting Connectivity to a Remote Target . . . Listing Target Connectivity Definitions . . . . Defining a Remote Target . . . . . . . . Deleting a Remote Target . . . . . . . . Listing Remote Targets . . . . . . . . . Allowing Remote Mirroring Access . . . . . Activating a Port . . . . . . . . . . . Adding a New Port to a Remote Target . . . Deactivating a Port . . . . . . . . . . Deleting a Port from a Remote System . . . . Listing the Ports of a Remote Target . . . . . Renaming a Remote Target . . . . . . . . Updating the Target Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 120 122 123 124 126 127 128 130 131 131 132 134 135 136 137 137 138 Chapter 11. Remote Mirroring . . . . 141 Canceling a Snapshot Mirror (Ad Hoc Sync Job) Creating a Snapshot Mirror (Ad Hoc Sync Job) . Activating Mirroring . . . . . . . . . . Changing the RPO for Local/Remote System . . Changing a the Mirroring Peers' Designation . . Changing a Mirroring Schedule for Remote Slave Peers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Changing the Roles of a Mirrored Volume . . . Changing a Mirroring Schedule for Local Peers . Creating a Mirroring Definition . . . . . . Deactivating Mirroring . . . . . . . . . Viewing Mirroring Status . . . . . . . . Obtaining Statistics On Past Sync Jobs . . . . Switching Roles between Master and Slave . . Retrieving RPO Threshold . . . . . . . . Setting RPO Threshold . . . . . . . . . Changes the Interval For a Schedule. . . . . Creating a Schedule Object . . . . . . . . Deletes a Schedule Object . . . . . . . . Listing a Schedule Object . . . . . . . . Renaming a Schedule Object . . . . . . . Viewing Sync Job Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 143 147 148 150 151 153 156 157 162 163 165 166 168 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 Chapter 14. IP Configuration . . . . . 235 Adding Ethernet Ports to IP Interfaces . . . . Creating a New IP Interface . . . . . . . Deleting IP Interfaces. . . . . . . . . . Listing IP Interface Configuration . . . . . Showing the Status and Configuration of Ethernet Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removing Ethernet Ports from IP Interfaces . . Renaming an IP Interface . . . . . . . . Printing the ARP Database of an IP Interface . . Testing the Traceroute to a Remote IP . . . . Updating an IP Interface . . . . . . . . Connecting to a Support Center . . . . . . Defining a Support Center . . . . . . . . Deleting a Support Center . . . . . . . . Disconnecting from a Support Center . . . . Listing Support Centers . . . . . . . . . Presenting Status of a Support Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 236 238 239 240 241 242 243 243 244 246 247 248 249 249 250 Chapter 12. Data Migration . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 178 179 181 182 183 Activating Data Migration . . . . . Deactivating Data Migration . . . . Defining Data Migration Configuration. Deleting the Data Migration Process. . Listing Data Migration Statuses . . . Testing the Data Migration Definition . Chapter 15. Access Control . . . . . 251 Adding an Access Control Definition . Deleting an Access Control Definition . . . . . . . . 251 . 252 iv IBM XIV Storage System User Manual Listing Access Control Definitions . . . . . . Adding an LDAP Server Definition . . . . . . Listing LDAP Configuration Parameters . . . . Configuring LDAP in the System . . . . . . . Listing LDAP Servers Defined in the System . . . Listing LDAP-Based Authentication Mode. . . . Enabling or Disabling LDAP-Based Authentication Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removing an LDAP Server Definition . . . . . Testing User Credentials in LDAP Authentication Defining a New User . . . . . . . . . . . Deleting a User. . . . . . . . . . . . . Adding Users to a User Groups . . . . . . . Creating User Groups . . . . . . . . . . Deleting a User Group . . . . . . . . . . Listing User Groups . . . . . . . . . . . Removing a User from a User Group . . . . . Renaming User Groups . . . . . . . . . . Updating a User Group . . . . . . . . . . Listing Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . Renaming Users . . . . . . . . . . . . Updating a User Definition . . . . . . . . . 254 255 256 257 260 261 261 262 263 265 267 268 269 271 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 Listing DIMMs in the System . . . . . . Listing NICs in the System . . . . . . . Monitoring Rebuild or Redistribution Processes Listing Disk Status . . . . . . . . . Listing Module Configuration . . . . . . Listing Ethernet Cables in the System . . . Listing UPS Component Statuses . . . . . Listing Service Status . . . . . . . . . Listing Switch Statuses . . . . . . . . Listing PSUs in the System . . . . . . . Stopping System Traces . . . . . . . . Resuming System Traces . . . . . . . Listing Status of System Traces . . . . . Sending a System Logs File as an Email Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . Notifying the System of a Technician at Work Cancel UPS Calibration . . . . . . . . Check UPS Monitor Cables . . . . . . . Set the UPS Battery Date . . . . . . . Start UPS Calibration . . . . . . . . . Start UPS Self Test. . . . . . . . . . Turn UPS Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 . 296 297 . 298 . 299 . 300 . 301 . 303 . 304 . 305 . 306 . 307 . 307 . . . . . . . . 308 310 311 312 313 314 315 315 Chapter 16. Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration and Status . . . . . . 281 Discovering FC Hosts . . . Changing FC Port Configuration Listing FC Ports . . . . . Resetting FC Ports. . . . . Listing Connectivity to Hosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 282 283 285 286 Chapter 18. Statistics . . . . . . . . 317 Getting Performance Statistics . Retrieving History Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 . 322 Chapter 19. Meta-data . . . . . . . . 325 Setting Meta Data . . Deleting Meta Data . Listing Meta Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 . 326 . 327 Chapter 17. Hardware Maintenance Listing ATS configuration . . . Listing DIMMs in the System . . Listing System Components . . Phasing Out a Component . . . Phasing In a Component . . . Testing a Component . . . . . Setting a Component as Equipped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 . . . . . . . 287 288 289 290 292 293 294 Chapter 20. Events . . . . . . . . . 329 Chapter 21. Return Codes . . . . . . 413 Chapter 22. Glossary . . . . . . . . 415 Contents v vi IBM XIV Storage System User Manual as applicable. Provides detailed information about each command in the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI). 1 . Lists all UNIX return codes returned by the XCLI command. Relevant tables. Provides an alphabetically ordered list of the definitions of the key terms and abbreviations used in this document. Provides detailed information about the events generated by the system. enterprise-grade data storage and access. straightforward and non-intrusive installation and upgrade and full scalability. Purpose and Scope This document presents the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) functions. This document contains the following chapters: Introduction Introduces the document. dependable. Introduction Reliable high-end storage systems are critical for the successful operation of businesses. Provides an index of this document. intended audience. charts.1. deletion and change for version 10. The flexibility and robustness of the system is further enhanced by virtue of the off-the-shelf hardware components (such as the SATA disk drives) that are easily integrated and supported. Related Documentation v IBM XIV Theory of Operations v IBM XIV XCLI Utility v IBM XIV Storage System Release Notes .Chapter 1. The XIV Grid Storage Platform is designed to guarantee secure.this document lists command addition. At the heart of the system are proprietary and innovative algorithms to offset any imaginable hardware malfunction and to minimize maintenance requirements. CLI Commands Event Descriptions Return Codes Glossary Index Intended Audience This document serves as a reference for System Administrators and all IT staff that interface with the system via the CLI. related documentation and document conventions. sample outputs and appropriate examples are also provided. Letters. Note: This is an example of a Note. digits. -. . Existing <object> Format string with runtime tokens. The object must already exist Syntax n. \. . A format string. 2 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . The text box for examples and output is framed around it. no ALL or NONE (regardless of case).Documentation Conventions v Notes are embedded in the text.. no spaces at the beginning and the end.n.N. v Code samples or output samples are documented in monospaced font. iSCSI initiator name. where each N is a number between 0 and 255 The name of an object..N.n. as shown in the example below. digits.with a maximum of 64.n for n between 0 and 255. with {} to define tokens.N. A legal name of iSCSI initiator. where pre-defined tokens are replaced with run time information. For example: – Example: xcli vol_rename vol=DBVolume new_name=DBVolume1 – Output: Command completed successfully Parameter Definitions Definition IP Address Description An address of the form N. Up to 253 characters with no spaces. . _. ~. with a maximum of 63. Letters. ) host_delete(Deletes a host.) map_vol(Maps a volume to a host or a cluster.) mapping_list(Lists the mapping of volumes to a specified host or cluster.) vol_mapping_list(Lists all hosts and clusters to which a volume is mapped.) host_define(Defines a new host to connect to the XIV system. ) host_list(Lists a specific host or all hosts. The sections are listed as follows: v cluster_add_host(Adds a host to a cluster.) host_rename(Renames a host. 3 .) cluster_rename(Renames a cluster.) The following commands are no longer in use: v host_define_fc (This command has been replaced by the host_define command) v host_define_iscsi (This command has been replaced by the host_define command) v host_luns_list (This command has been replaced by map_list_luns) Adding a Host to a Cluster Adds a host to a cluster.) cluster_list(Lists a specific cluster or all of them.Chapter 2.) special_type_set(Sets the special type of a host or a cluster. ) unmap_vol(Unmaps a volume from a host or a cluster.) v cluster_create(Creates a new cluster.) host_add_port(Adds a port address to a host. Host and Cluster Management The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for host and cluster management.) host_list_ports(Lists all the ports of a host) host_remove_port(Removes a port from a host.) v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v cluster_delete(Deletes a cluster.) cluster_remove_host(Removes a host from a cluster. ) host_update(Updates a host definition. cluster_add_host cluster=ClusterName host=HostName map=<cluster|host> Parameters: Name cluster Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of the Y cluster to contain the host. This command fails if the host already belongs to another cluster. v If the map parameter is host. The host or cluster is getting a single SCSI unit attention message. Override the mapping of the host or cluster. even if the change affects multiple volumes. This operation succeeds if the host already belongs to the specified cluster and has no effect. cluster_create cluster=ClusterName 4 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Using the map parameter: v If the map parameter is cluster.Name host Type Object name Description Host to be added to the cluster. the mapping of the host and host type is changed to be the cluster’s mapping and type. Mandatory Y Default map Enumeration Y This command adds a host to a cluster. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v CLUSTER_BAD_NAME Cluster name does not exist v HOST_BELONGS_TO_ANOTHER_CLUSTER Host already belongs to another cluster Creating a Cluster Creates a new cluster. the mapping of the cluster and its host type is changed to be the host’s mapping and type. The newly created cluster does not contain hosts. has the default type and has no mapping.Parameters: Name cluster Type Object name Description Name of the cluster to be created. Mandatory Y Default This command deletes a cluster. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Chapter 2. No I/O interruption is caused by this command. Host and Cluster Management 5 . The mapping of each host is set to the cluster's mapping. cluster_delete cluster=ClusterName Parameters: Name cluster Type Object name Description Cluster to be deleted. Mandatory Y Default This command creates a new cluster. The special type of each host is set to the cluster's special type. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CLUSTER_NAME_EXISTS Cluster name already exists v MAX_CLUSTERS_REACHED Maximum number of clusters already defined Deleting Clusters Deletes a cluster. All hosts contained in the cluster remain active and are not deleted. Id name hosts type creator user_group Name Name Hosts Type Creator User Group Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Removing a Host from a Cluster Removes a host from a cluster. Are you sure you want to delete it? Completion Codes: v CLUSTER_BAD_NAME Cluster name does not exist Listing Clusters Lists a specific cluster or all of them. cluster_list [ cluster=ClusterName ] Parameters: Name cluster Type Object name Description Cluster to be listed. cluster_remove_host cluster=ClusterName host=HostName Parameters: Name cluster Type Object name Description Cluster name. Mandatory N Default All clusters. For each cluster. This command lists a specific cluster or all of them.Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE_ASSIGNED_CLUSTER Cluster Cluster' has hosts in it. Mandatory Y Default 6 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . a special type and a comma separated list of hosts is listed. and therefore. Mandatory Y Default This command removes the specified host from a cluster. The host's special type and mapping remain identical to the cluster's special type and mapping. Host and Cluster Management 7 . Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v CLUSTER_BAD_NAME Cluster name does not exist v HOST_NOT_IN_CLUSTER Host is not part of specified cluster Renaming Clusters Renames a cluster. The host then no longer belongs to any cluster. I/O is not interrupted. New name of cluster. cluster_rename cluster=ClusterName new_name=NewName Parameters: Name cluster new_name Type Object name Object name Description Cluster to be renamed. The association of the host with user or user groups remains the same as the cluster's association.Name host Type Object name Description Host to be removed from cluster. Mandatory Y Y Default This command renames the specified cluster. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Disallowed Condition Chapter 2. colons (:) may be used as separators in the 16 character port name. host_add_port host=HostName < fcaddress=FCAdress | iscsi_name=iSCSIName > Parameters: Name host fcaddress iscsi_name iSCSI initiator name Type Object name Description The host name. Mandatory Y N N Default The FC port address or iSCSI initiator (port) name assigned to the host must be unique per XIV system. Only the following alphanumeric characters are valid: 0-9. a-f. In addition to the 16 characters.User Category Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CLUSTER_BAD_NAME Cluster name does not exist v CLUSTER_NAME_EXISTS Cluster name already exists Adding a Port to a Host Adds a port address to a host. The FC port name must be exactly 16 characters long. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v HOST_PORT_EXISTS 8 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . The iSCSI initiator name may not exceed 253 characters and may not contain any blank spaces. A-F. in hexadecimal form. iSCSI initiator name of the newly added port. FC address of the added port. The host's CHAP name identifier Password of initiator used to authenticate to XIV when CHAP is enabled Mandatory Y N N No cluster. it displays an error message (but will not fail the command). The name of the host must be unique in the system. The command checks whether the iscsi_chap_name and iscsi_chap secret are unique. Specifying the cluster is optional. Host and Cluster Management 9 .or both left unspecified. The parameters iscsi_chap_name and iscsi_chap_secret must either be both specified . In case they are not. Note: Use the Adding a Port to a Host command to add port addresses to this host. [None] Default iscsi_chap_name String iscsi_chap_secret String N [None] This command defines a host that will attach to the IBM XIV Storage System. The secret has to be between 96 bits and 128 bits. There are 3 ways to enter the secret: v Base64: requires to prefix the entry with 0b.Host with this port ID already defined v ISCSI_HOST_ILLEGAL_PORT_NAME Port name for iSCSI Host is illegal Troubleshooting: Port names for iSCSI Hosts must contain only printable characters. v MAX_PORTS_REACHED Maximum number of ports already defined in the system Defining a New Host Defines a new host to connect to the XIV system. each subsequent character entered is treated as a 6 bit equivalent length Chapter 2. Name of cluster to contain host. If the iscsi_chap_secret does not conform to the required secret length (96-128 bits)the command will fail. host_define host=HostName [ cluster=ClusterName ] [ iscsi_chap_name=iscsiChapName iscsi_chap_secret=iscaiPass Parameters: Name host cluster Type Object name Object name Description Name of host to be created. host_delete host=HostName Parameters: Name host Type Object name Description The host name. Example: 10 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Mandatory Y Default This command deletes a host. the deleted host can no longer connect to the system.v Hex: requires to prefix the entry with 0x. After this command is executed. each subsequent character entered is treated as a 4 bit equivalent length v String: requires no prefix (cannot be prefixed with 0b or 0x). Each character entered is treated as a 8 bit equivalent length Example: host_define host=server1 Output: Command executed successfully. and I/O requests from this host are not handled. Are you sure you want to reuse those values? Completion Codes: v HOST_NAME_EXISTS Host name already exists v MAX_HOSTS_REACHED Maximum number of hosts already defined v CLUSTER_BAD_NAME Cluster name does not exist Deleting a Host Deletes a host. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ISCSI_CHAP_NAME_AND_SECRET_NOT_UNIQUE Both iSCSI CHAP name and secret are already used by another host. host_list [ host=HostName ] Parameters: Name host Type Object name Description The host name. The list contains the following comma separated information: v Port addresses v Containing cluster.host_delete host=mailserver Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE_HOST Are you sure you want to delete host Host? Completion Codes: v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist Listing Hosts Lists a specific host or all hosts. This command lists all the hosts that have been defined in the XIV system. if one exists v Associated users and user groups Example: host_list host=mailserver Output: Chapter 2. Mandatory N Default All hosts. Host and Cluster Management 11 . A host name can be specified to list only a specific host or all the hosts. ---------default default default default default default iSCSI Ports User Group Cluster ------------. Mandatory Y Default This command lists all the ports on a specified host.Name -------host_4 host_5 host_6 host_7 host_8 host_9 Type FC Ports --------.-----------. Example: host_list_ports host=tlib_host_pro125_fc0 Output: 12 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .--------iscsi_4 iscsi_5 iscsi_6 iscsi_7 iscsi_8 iscsi_9 Id name type fc_ports iscsi_ports creator user_group cluster iscsi_chap_name iscsi_chap_secret Name Name Type FC Ports iSCSI Ports Creator User Group Cluster iSCSI CHAP Name iSCSI CHAP Secret Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Listing Ports Lists all the ports of a host host_list_ports host=HostName Parameters: Name host Type Object name Description The host name. FC address of the port to be removed. host_remove_port host=HostName < fcaddress=FCAdress | iscsi_name=iSCSIName > Parameters: Name host fcaddress Type Object name Description The host name.--------FC 100000062B125CD0 Id host type port_name Name Host Type Port Name Description Default Position 1 2 3 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Removing a Port from a Host Removes a port from a host. Host and Cluster Management 13 .Host -------tlib_host_pro125_fc0 Type Port name --------. This command removes a port from a host. iSCSI initiator name Mandatory Y N Default iscsi_name iSCSI initiator N name of the port to be removed. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist Chapter 2. The new host name must be unique in the system. The new host name. Example: host_rename host=server2 new_name=mailserver Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v HOST_NAME_EXISTS Host name already exists 14 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Y This command renames a host.v PORT_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_HOST Port ID belongs to another host v HOST_PORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Port ID is not defined Renaming a Host Renames a host. The command still succeeds even if the new name is identical to the current name. The new name of the host must be unique in the system. host_rename host=HostName new_name=NewName Parameters: Name host new_name Type Object name Object name Description Mandatory Default The original host Y name. each subsequent character entered is treated as a 6 bit equivalent length – Hex: requires to prefix the entry with 0x. In case they are not.the command will fail. Changing the chap_name and/or chap_secret: v A warning message will be presented stating that the changes will apply only on the next time the host is connected. Each character entered is treated as a 8 bit equivalent length v If the iscsi_chap_secret does not conform to the required secret length (96-128 bits). v The Secret needs to be between 96 bits and 128 bits.or both left unspecified. Chapter 2. an error message is presented to the user. Host and Cluster Management 15 . Example: host_update host iscsi_chap_name iscsi_chap_secret Output: Command executed successfully. host_update host=HostName [ iscsi_chap_name=iscsiChapName ] [ iscsi_chap_secret=iscaiPass ] Parameters: Name host Type Object name Description Name that represents the host to XIV The host's CHAP name identifier Password of initiator used to authenticate to XIV when CHAP is enabled Mandatory Y Default iscsi_chap_name String N [unchanged] iscsi_chap_secret String N [unchanged] This command updates the host definition. The command carries out the following CHAP-related checks: v The parameters iscsi_chap_name and iscsi_chap_secret must either be both specified .These parameters have to be unique. each subsequent character entered is treated as a 4 bit equivalent length – String: requires no prefix (cannot be prefixed with 0b or 0x). There are 3 ways to enter the secret: – Base64: requires to prefix the entry with 0b.Updating a Host Definition Updates a host definition. but the command won’t fail. Mandatory N N Y Y Default 16 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Are you sure you want to reuse this value? v ISCSI_CHAP_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE iSCSI CHAP name is already used by another host. map_vol <host=HostName | cluster=ClusterName> vol=VolName lun=LUN [ override=<no|yes> ] Parameters: Name host cluster vol lun Type Object name Object name Object name Integer Description Host name. Volume name.Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ISCSI_CHAP_NAME_AND_SECRET_NOT_UNIQUE Both iSCSI CHAP name and secret are already used by another host. Are you sure you want to reuse this value? Completion Codes: v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v ISCSI_CHAP_NAME_EMPTY CHAP name should be a non-empty string v ISCSI_CHAP_NAME_TOO_LONG CHAP name is too long v ISCSI_CHAP_SECRET_EMPTY CHAP secret should be a non-empty string v ISCSI_CHAP_SECRET_BAD_SIZE CHAP secret should be 12 to 16 bytes long v ISCSI_CHAP_SECRET_BAD_HEX_FORMAT CHAP secret is an illegal hexadecimal number or wrong size . LUN identifier. Are you sure you want to reuse those values? v ISCSI_CHAP_SECRET_NOT_UNIQUE iSCSI CHAP secret is already used by another host. Cluster name.should be 24 to 32 hexadecimal digits Mapping a Volume to a Host or Cluster Maps a volume to a host or a cluster. so the host (or all hosts in the cluster) see continuous mapping of volume to this LUN. if the LUN was defined as an exception. and the override parameter is not specified. The command fails if: v The host specified is contained in a cluster (must be done through the cluster) v Another volume is mapped to the same LUN for this cluster/host. It maps the volume to all the hosts that are contained in the cluster. Mandatory N Default no This command maps a volume to a host or to a cluster. you have to map it directly to the host. – Whenever the LUN is defined as an exception. – If the override parameter is specified. Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_PERFORM_HOST_SPECIFIC_MAPPING 'Host' is part of a cluster. The master volume of this snapshot is mapped to a host or cluster that is associated with the user executing this command.Name override Type Boolean Description Override existing mapping. which is already mapped to another host/cluster? Completion Codes: v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v HOST_BELONGS_TO_CLUSTER Host is part of a cluster v CLUSTER_BAD_NAME Cluster name does not exist Chapter 2. This snapshot was created by an application administrator. the mapping is replaced. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed This volume is a snapshot. Are you sure you want to map this volume only for that specific host? v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_MAP_VOLUME Are you sure you want to map volume Volume. v Mapping to a cluster. Host and Cluster Management 17 . only that the content is changing (and maybe size). Cluster name. mapping_list <host=HostName | cluster=ClusterName> Parameters: Name host cluster Type Object name Object name Description Host name. modified or deleted. Id lun volume size master serial locked Name LUN Volume Size Master Serial Number Locked Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition 18 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . v VOLUME_ALREADY_ASSIGNED v v v Mapping conflict: volume is already assigned LUN_ALREADY_IN_USE Mapping conflict: LUN is already in use EXT_LUN_ILLEGAL LUN is out of range or does not exist VOLUME_HAS_HOST_SPECIFIC_MAPPING Specified Volume is currently mapped to another LUN in a host-specific mapping LUN_HAS_HOST_SPECIFIC_MAPPING Specified LUN currently has another volume mapped in a host-specific mapping v Listing the Mapping of Volumes to Hosts or Clusters Lists the mapping of volumes to a specified host or cluster. Mandatory N N Default This command indicates per each host mapping whether it is cluster-based.v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v SNAPSHOT_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. Example: special_type_set host=tlib_host_pro26_fc0 type=zvm Output: Command executed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v HOST_BELONGS_TO_CLUSTER Host is part of a cluster v CLUSTER_BAD_NAME Cluster name does not exist Chapter 2. All other operating systems do not require a special type. Cluster name. Special map type. Mandatory N N Y Default This command sets a special type for a host or a cluster. Host and Cluster Management 19 . special_type_set <host=HostName | cluster=ClusterName> type=<default | hpux | zvm> Parameters: Name host cluster type Type Object name Object name Enumeration Description Host name. It should be specified for hosts or clusters that run the HP/UX operating system. The supported special types are hpux and zvm.Completion Codes: v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v CLUSTER_BAD_NAME Cluster name does not exist Setting the Special Type of Hosts or Clusters Sets the special type of a host or a cluster. Listing Hosts/Cluster to which a Volume is Mapped Lists all hosts and clusters to which a volume is mapped. 20 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Cluster name. The output list contains two columns: name of host/cluster and type (host or cluster). Mandatory N N Y Default This command unmaps a volume from a host or a cluster. Mandatory Y Default This command lists all the hosts and clusters to which a volume is mapped. Id host type lun Name Host/Cluster Type LUN Description Default Position 1 2 3 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist Unmapping a Volume from a Host or Cluster Unmaps a volume from a host or a cluster. unmap_vol <host=HostName | cluster=ClusterName> vol=VolName Parameters: Name host cluster vol Type Object name Object name Object name Description Host name. vol_mapping_list vol=VolName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Volume name. Volume name. as well as hosts that are part of a cluster and have host-specific mapping to the volume. The command to unmap from a cluster will unmap the volume from all the hosts that are contained in that cluster. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed The volume is a snapshot. where its master volume is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and the snapshot was created by an application administrator. The command fails if the specified host is contained in a cluster. the unmapping of the host must be performed through the cluster. The command does not fail when the volume is not mapped to the host/cluster. In this case. Host and Cluster Management 21 . Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v HOST_BELONGS_TO_CLUSTER Host is part of a cluster v CLUSTER_BAD_NAME Cluster name does not exist v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist Chapter 2. 22 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . The following commands are no longer in use: v vol_clear_keys (Command is no longer in use in this version. Supplanted by new command reservation_clear.) vol_unlock(Unlocks a volume. Mandatory Y Default Clear reservations of a volume. Other commands that are relevant to this topic are: Listing Volumes.) vol_lock(Locks a volume so that it is read-only. Renaming a Volume. reservation_clear vol=VolName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Name of the volume to clear reservations of.Chapter 3.) v reservation_key_list(Lists reservation keys.) vol_format(Formats a volume.) vol_list(Lists all volumes or a specific one.) vol_resize(Resizes a volume.) Clearing Reservations of a Volume Clear reservations of a volume. Volume Management The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for volume management.) v ) v v v v v v v v v vol_copy(Copies a source volume onto a target volume.) v reservation_list(Lists volume reservations.) vol_create(Creates a new volume. See also: v Volume Snapshot Management v Consistency Group Management v Storage Pool Management The sections are listed as follows: v reservation_clear(Clear reservations of a volume.) vol_delete(Deletes a volume. so that it is no longer read-only and can be written to.) vol_rename(Renames a volume. 23 . Moving a Volume between Storage Pools .) vol_by_id(Prints the volume name according to its specified SCSI serial number. reservation_key_list [ vol=VolName ] Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of the N volume to list reservation keys. Lists reservation keys.Example: reservation_clear vol=Vol1 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist Listing Reservation Keys Lists reservation keys. Example: reservation_key_list vol=Vol2 Output: Initiator Port -----------------100000062B151C3C 100000062B151C3C Volume Name -----------------vol-dmathies-0a7 vol-dobratz-23a Reservation Key ----------------2 3 Id initiator_port vol_name reg_key Name Initiator Port Volume Name Reservation Key Description Default Position 1 2 3 24 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Volume Management 25 . reservation_list [ vol=VolName ] Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Name of the volume to list reservations of. Example: reservation_list vol=Vol1 Output: Volume Name vol1 Reserving Port Reservation Type none Persistent none Reservation Type Persistent Access Type none Initiator UID -1 PR Generation 0 Id name reserved_by_port reservation_type Name Volume Name Reserving Port Reservation Type Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 persistent_reservation_type Persistent Reservation Type access_type Persistent Access Type uid of reserving host reserving_initiator_uid Initiator UID pr_generation PR Generation 6 7 Chapter 3.Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist Listing Volume Reservations Lists volume reservations. Mandatory N Default All volumes. Lists volume reservations. Id name size size_MiB master_name cg_name pool_name creator capacity modified sg_name delete_priority locked serial snapshot_time Name Name Size (GB) Size (MiB) Master Name Consistency Group Pool Creator Capacity (blocks) Modified Snapshot Group Name Deletion Priority Locked Serial Number Snapshot Creation Time 3 4 5 6 Description Default Position 1 2 26 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . vol_by_id id=n Parameters: Name id Type Positive integer Description Mandatory Default SCSI volume ID.Id reservation_age Name Reservation Age Description Default Position 8 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist Finding a Volume Based on a SCSI Serial Number Prints the volume name according to its specified SCSI serial number. Y This command prints the volume name according to its specified SCSI serial number. vol_copy vol_src=VolName vol_trg=VolName Parameters: Name vol_src Type Object name Description Name of the source volume from which the data is to be taken.Id Name Description Default Position snapshot_time_on_master Master Copy Creation Time snapshot_of sg_snapshot_of wwn mirrored locked_by_pool used_capacity used_capacity_MiB Snapshot of Snapshot of Snap Group WWN Mirrored Locked by Pool Used Capacity (GB) Used Capacity (MiB) 7 Example: vol_by_id id=59 Output: Name volume_1 Size (GB) Master Name Consistency Group Pool Creator Used Capacity(GB) 51 0 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_SERIAL Volume with requested SCSI serial number does not exist Copying Volumes Copies a source volume onto a target volume. Mandatory Y Default Chapter 3. Volume Management 27 . v The target volume is locked. the target volume retains all of its properties. This command copies a source volume onto a target volume. This command performs the following as a single atomic action: v Deletes the target volume. v The source volume is larger than the target volume. excess storage space is freed and returned to the target volume’s Storage Pool. The command fails in the following cases: v The target is not formatted. If the target volume is larger then the source volume. v The source volume is a slave of a synchronous mirroring. ID. all storage space that is needed to support the additional volume’s capacity is reserved from the storage pool. lock state. and it is currently inconsistent due to either a re-synchronization or an initialization process. Both the source volume and the target volume must exist when the command is issued. the volumes are independent of each other and are valid for any further operations (including deletion). the -y option suppresses the "ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_COPY_VOLUME Y/N" prompt. All data stored on the target volume is lost and cannot be restored. and there is not enough free space in the Storage Pool that contains the target for target volume resizing. Example: vol_copy vol_src=DBVolume vol_trg=DBVolumeCopy Output: 28 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . v The target volume has a snapshot associated with it or if the target volume is a snapshot. v The target volume is part of any mirroring definitions (either master or slave). In the following example. Immediately after the completion of the command. If the target volume is smaller than the source volume. All volume to host mappings of the target volume remain intact during this process. creation time and all other attributes.Name vol_trg Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of the Y target volume to which the data is to be copied. Except for its size. v Creates a new volume with the same name as the target volume and the same size as the source volume. v Instantly copies the source volume data onto the target volume. including its name. v TARGET_VOLUME_NOT_FORMATTED Target volume is not formatted v VOLUME_TOO_BIG_TO_COPY Volume is too large to be copied Chapter 3.Command executed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_COPY_VOLUME Are you sure you want to copy the contents of volume source Volume to volume target Volume? Completion Codes: v SOURCE_VOLUME_BAD_NAME Source volume name does not exist v TARGET_VOLUME_BAD_NAME Target volume name does not exist v NOT_ENOUGH_HARD_SPACE No space to allocate for volume's current usage v NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE No space to allocate volume v VOLUME_IDENTICAL Source and target are the same volume v VOLUME_HAS_SNAPSHOTS Volume has snapshots v TARGET_VOLUME_LOCKED Target volume is locked v TARGET_VOLUME_HAS_MIRROR Mirror is defined for target volume v TARGET_VOLUME_HAS_DATA_MIGRATION Data Migration is defined for target volume v SOURCE_VOLUME_DATA_MIGRATION_UNSYNCHRONIZED Data Migration has not completed to source volume v VOLUME_IS_SNAPSHOT Operation is not permitted on snapshots v VOLUME_IS_NOT_CONSISTENT_SLAVE Operation not allowed on slave volume that is not consistent. Volume Management 29 . as described above). The size is the actual "net" storage space. Volume size in GB. as seen by the user's applications. not including any mirroring or other data protection overhead. This rounding up prevents a situation where storage space is not fully utilized because of a gap between the free space used and the space available to the application. If the size is specified in gigabytes. volumes are created in the exact size specified. The size can be specified either in gigabytes or in blocks (where each block is 512 bytes). The term GB (gigabytes) is defined in this context as 109 (and not as 230 as in many other contexts). 30 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . vol_create vol=VolName < size=GB | size_blocks=BLOCKS > pool=PoolName Parameters: Name vol size size_blocks pool Type Object name Positive integer Positive integer Object name Description Volume name. Size in number of blocks. Upon successful completion of the command. meaning that write. If the size is specified in blocks. Space for the volume is allocated from the specified Storage Pool and the volume belongs to that Storage Pool. The name of the volume must be unique in the system. The command fails if the reservation cannot be committed.Creating a Volume Creates a new volume. The free space consumed by the volume will be the smallest multiple of 17GB which is bigger than the specified size. which means that any read operation results in returning all zeros as a response. Specifying the Storage Pool is mandatory. Mandatory Y N N Y Default This command creates a new volume. its lock state is unlocked. The size specified in blocks is exact. the storage space that is needed to support the volume’s capacity is reserved from the soft capacity of the storage Pool for the volume. format and resize operations are allowed. the actual volume size is rounded up to the nearest 17GB multiple (making the actual size identical to the free space consumed by the volume. The volume is logically formatted at creation time. When creating a volume. The name of the Storage Pool to which the volume belongs. Example: vol_create vol=DBVolume size=2000 pool=DBPool Output: Command executed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_CANNOT_HAVE_ZERO_SIZE Volume size cannot be zero v POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Storage Pool does not exist v VOLUME_EXISTS Volume name already exists v VOLUME_BAD_PREFIX Volume name has a reserved prefix v NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE No space to allocate volume v MAX_VOLUMES_REACHED Maximum number of volumes already defined Deleting a Volume Deletes a volume.The creation time of the volume is set to the current time and is never changed. Mandatory Y Default This command deletes a volume. Volume Management 31 . vol_delete vol=VolName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Name of the volume to delete. All data stored on the volume is lost and cannot be restored. Chapter 3. This command cannot be applied to a snapshot. The volume is removed from all LUN Maps that contain a mapping of the volume. v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_CG 32 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . This command cannot be applied to a volume that is part of a Consistency Group or to a volume that is mapped to a host or cluster. Example: vol_delete vol=DBVolumeCopy Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE_VOLUME Are you sure you want to delete volume Volume? v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE_VOLUME_WITH_SNAPSHOTS Volume Volume has snapshots! Are you sure you want to delete this volume AND all its snapshots? Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_HAS_MIRROR Mirror is defined for this volume v SNAPSHOT_IS_PART_OF_SNAPSHOT_GROUP Snapshot is part of a Snapshot Group v SNAPSHOT_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. use Deleting a Snapshot. modified or deleted. To delete a snapshot. This command deletes all snapshots associated with this volume. The command succeeds regardless of the volume's lock state. Even snapshots that are part of a Snapshot Group (this can happen when the volume was in a Consistency Group and was removed from it prior to the deletion). All storage space allocated (or reserved) for the volume is freed and returned to the volume's Storage Pool. Volume Management 33 . vol_format vol=VolName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Name of the volume to be formatted. or if the volume is part of any mirroring or Data Migration definition. All data stored on the volume is lost and cannot be restored. Example: vol_format vol=DBVolume Output: Command executed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Disallowed Condition Chapter 3. or if the volume is a snapshot. The volume's lock state must be unlocked when the command is issued. This allows the command to complete instantly. Mandatory Y Default This command formats a volume. The formatting of the volume is done logically and no data is actually written to the physical storage space allocated for the volume. This command fails if the volume has snapshots associated with it.Volume belongs to a Consistency Group v VOLUME_IS_MAPPED Volume that is mapped to a host cannot be deleted v VOLUME_HAS_MAPPED_SNAPSHOT Volume which has a snapshot that is mapped to a host cannot be deleted v SNAPSHOT_HAS_ACTIVE_SYNC_JOB Snapshot is currently a target of an active sync job Troubleshooting: Please wait for sync job to complete Formatting a Volume Formats a volume. A formatted volume returns zeros as a response to any read command. User Category Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_FORMAT_VOLUME Volume Volume may contain data. Name of a specific Pool whose volumes are to be listed. List all the volumes in this Consistency Group. Mandatory N Default All volumes. Formatting will cause data loss. vol_list [ vol=VolName | pool=PoolName | cg=CgName ] Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Name of a specific volume to be listed. cg Object name N All Consistency Groups. This command lists volumes according to: v Volume name v Pool v Consistency Group 34 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Are you sure you want to format volume Volume? Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_HAS_SNAPSHOTS Volume has snapshots v VOLUME_IS_SNAPSHOT Operation is not permitted on snapshots v VOLUME_LOCKED Volume is locked v VOLUME_HAS_MIRROR Mirror is defined for this volume v VOLUME_HAS_DATA_MIGRATION Data Migration is defined for this volume Listing Volumes Lists all volumes or a specific one. pool Object name N Volumes in all Pools. In addition. Volume Management 35 .snapshot_00002 Dev. the command lists all available volumes.snapshot_00001 Dev.snapshot_00003 Size (GB) Master Name Pool Creator 3006 MainPool admin 2010 MainPool admin 1013 MainPool admin 2010 Dev MainPool admin 2010 Dev MainPool admin 2010 Dev MainPool admin Used Capacity (GB) 0 0 0 Chapter 3. Id name size size_MiB master_name cg_name pool_name creator capacity modified sg_name delete_priority locked serial snapshot_time Name Name Size (GB) Size (MiB) Master Name Consistency Group Pool Creator Capacity (blocks) Modified Snapshot Group Name Deletion Priority Locked Serial Number Snapshot Creation Time 3 4 5 6 Description Default Position 1 2 snapshot_time_on_master Master Copy Creation Time snapshot_of sg_snapshot_of wwn mirrored locked_by_pool used_capacity used_capacity_MiB Snapshot of Snapshot of Snap Group WWN Mirrored Locked by Pool Used Capacity (GB) Used Capacity (MiB) 7 Example: vol_list Output: Name DBLog Dev Marketing Dev. the command indicates whether the volume is mirrored.If no parameter is indicated. 36 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . In general. the modification state of the snapshot is changed to modified. while leaving it in the same lock state. Mandatory Y Default This command locks a volume so that hosts cannot write to it. href = Locking a Volume Locks a volume so that it is read-only. The lock states of snapshots are set to locked when they are created. but cannot change it. vol_lock vol=VolName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Name of the volume to lock. snapshots also have a modification state. Example: vol_lock vol=DBVolume Output: Command executed successfully. In addition. and it is never changed thereafter. The lock states of master volumes are set to unlocked when they are created. The modification state is a read-only state (which cannot be changed by the user explicitly) and it is initially set to unmodified when the snapshot is created. so that hosts can read the data stored on it. This command succeeds when the volume's lock state is already set to the one the user is trying to apply.Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v Target event not found. a locked volume cannot be formatted or resized. locking a volume prevents any operation (other than deletion) that changes the volume's image. In addition to the lock state. A volume that is locked is write-protected. The first time a snapshot lock state is set to unlocked. This command succeeds regardless of the volume's lock state. modified or deleted. Example: Chapter 3. v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_IS_SLAVE Volume is defined as a slave volume v SNAPSHOT_IS_PART_OF_SNAPSHOT_GROUP Snapshot is part of a Snapshot Group Renaming a Volume Renames a volume.Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed The volume is a snapshot. This command succeeds even if the new name is identical to the current name. Renaming a master volume does not change the names of its associated snapshots. Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v SNAPSHOT_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. The new name of the volume must be unique in the system. where its master volume is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and the snapshot was created by an application administrator. New volume name. Renaming a snapshot does not change the name of its master volume. Volume Management 37 . Mandatory Y Default new_name Object name Y This command renames a volume. vol_rename vol=VolName new_name=NewName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Name of the volume to be renamed. v SNAPSHOT_IS_PART_OF_SNAPSHOT_GROUP Snapshot is part of a Snapshot Group v VOLUME_BAD_PREFIX Volume name has a reserved prefix Resizing a Volume Resizes a volume. 38 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_EXISTS Volume name already exists v SNAPSHOT_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. vol_resize vol=VolName < size=GB | size_blocks=BLOCKS > [ shrink_volume=<yes|no> ] Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description The name of the volume to be resized. modified or deleted. Mandatory Y Default size The new volume N size.vol_rename vol=DBVolume new_name=DBVolume1 Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed The volume is a snapshot. where its master volume is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and the snapshot was created by an application administrator. Mandatory N Default shrink_volume Boolean N Must be specified as yes if the new size is smaller than the current size. Volume Management 39 . but the actual new size of the volume is rounded up to the nearest valid size. you have to specify this with shrink_volume="yes". In the following example. This guarantees the functionality and integrity of the volume.Name size_blocks Type Description New size of volumes in number of blocks. The command fails if this reservation cannot be committed. v The same goes for resizing a snapshot: it does not change the size of its master volume. Example: vol_resize -y vol=DBVolume size=2500 Output: Command executed successfully Chapter 3. whenever the volume is downsized. The volume can be resized in either direction. which is an integer multiple of 16 x 230 bytes. or otherwise the command fails. all storage space that is needed to support the additional volume's capacity is reserved (static allocation). The volume's lock state must be unlocked when the command is issued. zeros are returned for all read commands). If the new size equals the current size. v These snapshots can still be used to restore their individual master volumes. regardless of the resource levels of the volume's Storage Pool. When resizing a regular volume (not a writable snapshot). the command will succeed without changes to the volume. v Resizing a master volume does not change the size of its associated snapshots. the -y option suppresses the "ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_ENLARGE_VOLUME Y/N" prompt. The volume's address space is extended at its end to reflect the increased size. and the additional capacity is logically formatted (that is. The new size of the volume is specified as an integer multiple of 109 bytes. However. No This command resizes a volume. Are you sure you want to proceed? v VOLUME_WILL_CROSS_1TB_SIZE Many operating systems do not support a resize operation across the 1TB boundary. are you sure? Troubleshooting: Snapshot backup before resize is advised Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v ILLEGAL_VOLUME_SIZE Illegal volume size v NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE No space to allocate volume v NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_ON_REMOTE_MACHINE Not enough free space to set requested size of slave volume v VOLUME_LOCKED Volume is locked v VOLUME_IS_SLAVE Volume is defined as a slave volume v MIRROR_IS_NON_OPERATIONAL Mirror is non-operational v VOLUME_HAS_DATA_MIGRATION Data Migration is defined for this volume v CAN_NOT_SHRINK_MAPPED_VOLUME Mapped volume's size can not be decreased v CAN_NOT_SHRINK_VOLUME_WITH_SNAPSHOTS Size of volume with snapshots can not be decreased v CAN_NOT_SHRINK_REMOTE_VOLUME_WITH_SNAPSHOTS Remote volume has snapshots v CAN_NOT_SHRINK_MAPPED_REMOTE_VOLUME Remote volume is mapped v REMOTE_VOLUME_HAS_DATA_MIGRATION Data Migration is defined for slave volume 40 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_ENLARGE_VOLUME Are you sure you want to increase volume size? v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_REDUCE_VOLUME Decreasing volume size may cause data loss. v VOLUME_CANNOT_HAVE_ZERO_SIZE Volume size cannot be zero v CAN_NOT_SHRINK_SNAPSHOTS Size of snapshots can not be decreased v CAN_NOT_RESIZE_ASYNC_INTERVAL_VOLUMES Size of volumes with asynchronous mirroring can not be changed v CAN_NOT_SHRINK_VOLUME Size of volumes can not be decreased without explicit request v MIRROR_RETRY_OPERATION There is an operation in progress on this mirror . please retry your request in a few seconds The newly defined schedule has to shorther than the RPO. The lock state of regular volumes is set to unlocked when they are created. Troubleshooting: Please retry the command in a few seconds Unlocking a Volume Unlocks a volume. Mandatory Y Default This command unlocks a volume so that it is no longer read-only and can be written to. Note: The modification time is the time when the unlock command was executed. and it is never changed thereafter. regardless of the actual changes performed on the volume via write commands. so that it is no longer read-only and can be written to. A volume that is unlocked is no longer write-protected. The modification state is a read-only state (which cannot be changed by the user explicitly) and it is initially set to unmodified when the snapshot is created. Example: vol_unlock vol=DBVolume Chapter 3. The first time a snapshot lock state is set to unlocked. Volume Management 41 . The lock state of snapshots is set to locked when they are created. In addition to the lock state. snapshots also have a modification state. vol_unlock vol=VolName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description The name of the volume to unlock. the modification state of the snapshot is changed to modified. v SNAPSHOT_IS_PART_OF_SNAPSHOT_GROUP Snapshot is part of a Snapshot Group 42 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Are you sure you want to unlock snapshot Snapshot? Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_IS_SLAVE Volume is defined as a slave volume v SNAPSHOT_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. this snapshot cannot be used to restore its master volume. where its master volume is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and the snapshot was created by an application administrator.Output: Command executed successfully. Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_UNLOCK_SNAPSHOT After unlocking. modified or deleted. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed The volume is a snapshot. The sections are listed as follows: The following commands are no longer in use: v map_add_vol (The concept of mapping has been replaced by clusters.) v map_link_host (The concept of mapping has been replaced by clusters. See unmap_volume.) v map_duplicate (The concept of mapping has been replaced by clusters.) v map_list (The concept of mapping has been replaced by clusters. See map_volume.) v map_set_special_type (The concept of mapping has been replaced by clusters.) 43 . See map_volume and cluster_create. LUN Mapping Management All the LUN mapping commands are obsolete and were replaced by the clustering commands.) v map_rename (The concept of mapping has been replaced by clusters.) v map_list_luns (The concept of mapping has been replaced by clusters.) v map_delete (The concept of mapping has been replaced by clusters. See map_volume.Chapter 4.) v map_unlink_host (The concept of mapping has been replaced by clusters. See map_volume. See special_type_set. See mapping_list) v map_remove_vol (The concept of mapping has been replaced by clusters.) v map_create (The concept of mapping has been replaced by clusters. 44 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . ) v snapshot_create(Creates a snapshot of an existing volume.Chapter 5. The deletion priority determines which snapshots are deleted first when the system runs out of snapshot storage. Y delete_priority Integer This command changes the priority of the deletion of an existing snapshot. The priority for deleting the volume's snapshot. Changing Pool Settings for Snapshots.) v snapshot_delete(Deletes a snapshot. as follows: v 1 = Is the last to be deleted automatically ("1" is the default set by the system) v . Other commands that are relevant to this topic are: Listing Volumes.) v v v snapshot_duplicate(Duplicates an existing snapshot. v 4 = Is the first to be deleted automatically Example: 45 .) snapshot_list(Lists snapshot information. snapshot_change_priority snapshot=SnapshotName delete_priority=del_value Parameters: Name snapshot Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Y Name of the snapshot whose delete_priority is to be changed..) snapshot_restore(Restores a master volume or a snapshot from one of its associated snapshots. Renaming a Volume.) Changing a Snapshot Deletion Priority Changes a snapshot's deletion priority.. The Auto Delete Priority can have a value between 1 and 4. Volume Snapshot Management The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for snapshot management. See also: v Volume Management v Consistency Group Management v Storage Pool Management The sections are listed as follows: v snapshot_change_priority(Changes a snapshot's deletion priority. snapshot1 delete_priority=4 Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed The master volume of the snapshot is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and the snapshot was created by the application administrator. snapshot_create vol=VolName < [ name=SnapshotName ] [ delete_priority=del_value ] > | < overwrite=SnapshotName > Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Name of the volume to snapshot. modified or deleted. Mandatory Y Default name Object name N Auto-generated name. Name of the new snapshot. v SNAPSHOT_IS_PART_OF_SNAPSHOT_GROUP Snapshot is part of a Snapshot Group v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist Creating a Snapshot Creates a snapshot of an existing volume. v SNAPSHOT_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v VOLUME_IS_NOT_A_SNAPSHOT Operation is permitted only on snapshots v SNAPSHOT_ILLEGAL_PRIORITY Snapshot priorities allowed are an integer between 1 and 4.snapshot_change_priority snapshot=DBVolume. 46 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . inclusive. Volume Snapshot Management 47 . The snapshot remains unchanged. In this case. During creation. except for the differences described below: v The snapshot's name is either automatically generated from its master volume's name or given as a parameter to the command. Chapter 5. the snapshot remains an exact image of the master volume at creation time and can be the source for a restore operation.Name delete_priority Type Integer Description The deletion priority of the volume's snapshot. which is referred to as the snapshot's master volume. The creation time of the snapshot is set to the current time and is never changed until the snapshot is deleted. or it is automatically set to the default value. The snapshot's content is the same as the master volume at the exact point in time that the snapshot was created. A write operation can be processed at the exact time of the snapshot creation. the content of the snapshot is not deterministic and may either contain the original value before the write operation or the new value after the write operation. the snapshot may be deleted. v The snapshot's lock state is initially set to "locked". while the write was acknowledged after the command was executed. and as long as it is not "unlocked". meaning that the write operation request was sent to the system before the command was executed. where some blocks are equal to the volume before the write operation and other blocks are equal to the value after the write operation. The deletion priority determines which snapshots will be deleted first when the storage pool runs out of snapshot storage. the already existing snapshot is overriden). Upon a successful completion of this command. When the snapshot's Storage Pool is exhausted. The name doesn't have to be new. It can later be changed without altering the snapshot's modification state. It could be of an already existing snapshot (in such a case. v The size of the snapshot is the same as its master volume's size. the snapshot's deletion priority can be set explicitly. Mandatory N Default 1 overwrite Object name N Name of an existing snapshot to be overwritten with the current volume content. In fact. the snapshot is created and assigned a name that can later be used by other commands. The new snapshot is initially locked for changes. the system assigns a unique SCSI ID to the snapshot. The snapshot that is created acts like a regular volume. but no storage space is reserved for the snapshot. v Upon successful completion of the command. although the master volume keeps changing after the snapshot is created. This means that the functionality of the snapshot is not guaranteed. The modification state of the snapshot is initially set to "unmodified". This command creates a new snapshot for an existing volume. the snapshot's data may even contain a mixture of the two. Mirroing limitations: v This command fails if the volume is a slave of an asynchronous mirroring coupling (either synchronous or asynchronous). The overwritten snapshot can't be part of a Snapshot Group. without any need for a rescan or similar operation. Example: snapshot_create vol=DBVolume name=DBVolume. the target snapshot must be one created by a server administrator. This command fails when no snapshot space is defined in the Storage Pool the master volume belongs to. The overwritten snapshot must be an existing snapshot of the given volume. The overwritten snapshot keeps the same SCSI serial number and same mapping. The Auto Delete Priority is from the list (1-4).snapshot1 delete_priority=2 Output: Command executed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed The volume is mapped to a host or a cluster associated with the user..This may happen due to the redirect-on-write mechanisms which share unchanged data between volumes and their snapshots. v This command fails if the volume is a slave of an inconsistent synchronous coupling. Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed 48 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . If a snapshot overwrite is used. v 4 = Is first to be deleted automatically The snapshot is associated with its master volume and this association cannot be broken or changed as long as the snapshot exists. so hosts maintain a continuous mapping to the snapshot. as follows: v 1 = Is last to be deleted automatically ("1" is the default set by the system) v . as well as between snapshots of the same volume. The overwrite option copies the current content of the volume into one of its existing snapshots (set as an input argument).. Deleting a Snapshot Deletes a snapshot. snapshot_delete snapshot=SnapshotName Parameters: Name snapshot Type Object name Description Snapshot to be deleted. modified or deleted. inclusive. to delete a snapshot which is mapped to a host or cluster. or to delete an internal snapshot of a mirroring. v SNAPSHOT_OVERWRITE_MISMATCH Specified snapshot is not a snapshot of the specified volume v SNAPSHOT_IS_PART_OF_SNAPSHOT_GROUP Snapshot is part of a Snapshot Group v SNAPSHOT_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. Mandatory Y Default This command deletes a snapshot. v VOLUME_IS_NOT_CONSISTENT_SLAVE Operation not allowed on slave volume that is not consistent. Chapter 5. v POOL_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_REACHED The maximum number of snapshots already created.Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v MAX_VOLUMES_REACHED Maximum number of volumes already defined v SNAPSHOT_ILLEGAL_PRIORITY Snapshot priorities allowed are an integer between 1 and 4. Volume Snapshot Management 49 . v VOLUME_IS_SNAPSHOT Operation is not permitted on snapshots v VOLUME_EXISTS Volume name already exists v VOLUME_BAD_PREFIX Volume name has a reserved prefix v VOLUME_DATA_MIGRATION_UNSYNCHRONIZED Data Migration has not completed to this volume v OVERWRITE_SNAPSHOT_BAD_NAME Snapshot name does not exist v OVERWRITE_SNAPSHOT_IS_MASTER_VOL Cannot overwrite Master Volume This snapshot can't be overwritten as it is a master volume. It cannot be used to delete a master volume. Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_IS_NOT_A_SNAPSHOT Operation is permitted only on snapshots v SNAPSHOT_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. snapshot_duplicate snapshot=SnapshotName [ name=SnapshotName ] Parameters: Name snapshot Type Object name Description The name of the snapshot to duplicate.Example: snapshot_delete snapshot=DBVolume.snapshot1 Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed The master volume of the snapshot is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and the snapshot was created by the application administrator. modified or deleted. v SNAPSHOT_IS_PART_OF_SNAPSHOT_GROUP Snapshot is part of a Snapshot Group v SNAPSHOT_IS_MAPPED Snapshot that is mapped to a host cannot be deleted v SNAPSHOT_HAS_ACTIVE_SYNC_JOB Snapshot is currently a target of an active sync job Troubleshooting: Please wait for sync job to complete Duplicating a Snapshot Duplicates an existing snapshot. Mandatory Y Default 50 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . The duplicate snapshot can be used as a logical backup of the data in case the write operation caused logical data corruption. The duplicated snapshot is identical to the source snapshot. The content of the newly created snapshot is identical to the content of the source snapshot. Example: snapshot_duplicate snapshot=DBVolume. This command duplicates an existing snapshot. The newly created snapshot is initially locked for changes and is associated with the master volume of the existing snapshot. A snapshot can be duplicated multiple times. A duplicated snapshot can be the source for further duplications. It is useful to duplicate a snapshot before unlocking it for write operations. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed The master volume of the snapshot is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and the snapshot was created by the application administrator.snapshot1 name=DBVolume. Volume Snapshot Management 51 . a new duplicate snapshot is created. Upon successful completion of the command.Name name Type Object name Description Name of the new snapshot to be generated. It can later be changed without altering its modification state.copy Output: Command executed successfully. The duplicate snapshot's name is either automatically generated from its master volume's name or provided as a parameter.snapshot1. Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist Chapter 5. It has the same creation time and behaves as if it was created at the exact same moment that the source snapshot was created from the same master volume. Mandatory N Default Automatically generated name. snapshot_list vol=VolName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Mandatory Default List of all the Y snapshots of this volume. This command lists snapshot information for all the snapshots of a specified volume.v MAX_VOLUMES_REACHED Maximum number of volumes already defined v VOLUME_IS_NOT_A_SNAPSHOT Operation is permitted only on snapshots v VOLUME_EXISTS Volume name already exists v SNAPSHOT_IS_PART_OF_SNAPSHOT_GROUP Snapshot is part of a Snapshot Group v VOLUME_BAD_PREFIX Volume name has a reserved prefix Listing Snapshot Information Lists snapshot information. Id name size size_MiB master_name cg_name pool_name creator capacity modified sg_name delete_priority locked serial snapshot_time Name Name Size (GB) Size (MiB) Master Name Consistency Group Pool Creator Capacity (blocks) Modified Snapshot Group Name Deletion Priority Locked Serial Number Snapshot Creation Time 3 4 5 6 Description Default Position 1 2 snapshot_time_on_master Master Copy Creation Time snapshot_of Snapshot of 52 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Snapshot to be restored. or snapshot.Id sg_snapshot_of wwn mirrored locked_by_pool used_capacity used_capacity_MiB Name Snapshot of Snap Group WWN Mirrored Locked by Pool Used Capacity (GB) Used Capacity (MiB) Description Default Position 7 Example: snapshot_list vol=DBVolume Output: Name DBVolume. Chapter 5.sp1.sp1 DBVolume. Volume Snapshot Management 53 . This command restores the data of a master volume from one of its associated snapshots. Mandatory Y Default target_snapshot Object name N Restore the master volume. snapshot_restore snapshot=SnapshotName [ target_snapshot=SnapshotName ] Parameters: Name snapshot Type Object name Description Name of the snapshot with which to restore its master volume.copy Size (GB) 2508 2508 Master Name DBVolume DBVolume Consistency Group Pool default default Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Restoring a Volume from a Snapshot Restores a master volume or a snapshot from one of its associated snapshots. The target snapshot's content and size will be identical to the source snapshot's content and size. The target snapshot must be a snapshot of the same volume as the source snapshot.snapshot1 Output: Command completed successfully. It is possible to restore another snapshot (the target snapshot) from the source snapshot. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed Both target and source are snapshots of the same master volume. The volume's data is therefore restored to the state that it was at the time that the snapshot was created. This master volume is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user. If the volume was resized after the snapshot was created. so that the generated snapshot can be used and the data is not lost. Example: snapshot_restore snapshot=DBVolume.Issuing a restore command logically copies the data of the source snapshot onto its volume. It is possible to snapshot the volume before restoring it. the restore operation resizes the volume back to its original size. and the target snapshot was created by an application administrator. Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_RESTORE_SNAPSHOT Are you sure you want to restore the volume from snapshot Snapshot? 54 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Restoring a mirrored volume: v Delete the mirror v Restore the volume v Re-establish the mirror Note: It is impossible to restore a volume while it is mirrored. The target snapshot's lock/unlock status will remain as it was. All the snapshots associated with the volume are left unchanged during a restore operation. Volume Snapshot Management 55 .Completion Codes: v VOLUME_HAS_DATA_MIGRATION Data Migration is defined for this volume v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_IS_NOT_A_SNAPSHOT Operation is permitted only on snapshots v NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE No space to allocate volume v SNAPSHOT_IS_PART_OF_SNAPSHOT_GROUP Snapshot is part of a Snapshot Group v VOLUME_HAS_MIRROR Mirror is defined for this volume v VOLUME_LOCKED Volume is locked v SNAPSHOTS_BELONG_TO_DIFFERENT_MASTERS Target snapshot and source snapshot should be snapshots of the same volume v TARGET_SNAPSHOT_BAD_NAME Target snapshot name does not exist v TARGET_SNAPSHOT_IS_PART_OF_SNAPSHOT_GROUP Target snapshot is part of a Snapshot Group v TARGET_SNAPSHOT_IS_MASTER Target snapshot is a master volume v TARGET_SNAPSHOT_SAME_AS_SNAPSHOT Source snapshot cannot be the target snapshot Chapter 5. 56 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Other commands that are relevant to this topic are: Snapshotting a Consistency Group. v Volume Management v Volume Snapshot Management v Storage Pool Management The sections are listed as follows: v cg_add_vol(Adds a volume to a Consistency Group. Name of the volume to add.Chapter 6. Mandatory Y Default vol Object name Y This command adds a volume to a consistency group. Moving Consistency Groups between Storage Pools .) The following commands are no longer in use: v cg_restore (The command has been replaced by the snap_group_restore command) Adding a Volume to a Consistency Group Adds a volume to a Consistency Group. v The conssitency group has less than the max number of volumes (see above). v The volume is not already part of a conssitency group.) v cg_create(Creates a Consistency Group. The consistency group is capable of containing up to 128 volumes. ) cg_rename(Renames Consistency Groups. Adding a mirrored volume to a non-mirrored consistency group: 57 .) v cg_delete(Deletes a Consistency Group. Moving a Volume between Storage Pools .) v v v cg_list(Lists Consistency Groups. cg_add_vol cg=CgName vol=VolName Parameters: Name cg Type Object name Description Name of a Consistency Group.) cg_remove_vol(Removes a volume from a Consistency Group. Requirements for successful command completion: v The volume and consistency group have to be associated with the same pool. v The volume can not be a snapshot. Consistency Group Management The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for Consistency Group management. The mirrored consistency group has one sync job for all pertinent mirrored volumes within the consistency group. remote schedule.g. designation. v The command can not be run during an initialization of the volume or the consistency group. v In addition. target pool. the mirrored volume will be set the RPO of the mirrored consistency group. timestamp of the last_replicated snapshot. v For a mirrored consistency group that is defined as async_interval (asynchronous): – The volume and consistency group must have the following identical settings and values: schedule. – Their both synchronization status is RPO_OK v The link has to be up. and its following mirroring settings must be identical to those of the consistency group: mirroring type (e. v The volume does not have any outstanding ad-hoc sync jobs. v The volume has to be mirrored. Requirements for successful command completion for a mirrored consistency group: v The command must be issued only on the master consistency group. Once added. mirroring target.v Such an addition always succeeds and the volume will retain its mirroring settings.. synchronous). Example: cg_add_vol cg=DBGroup vol=DBLog Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist 58 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . mirroring status. for a mirrored consistency group that is defined as sync_best_effort (synchronous): – The synchronization status of both volume and consistency group has to be Synchronized. Adding a mirrored volume to a mirroed consistency group will also add the volume's peer to the consistency group's peer. v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. please retry your request in a few seconds The newly defined schedule has to shorther than the RPO. v MAX_VOLUMES_IN_CONS_GROUP_REACHED The maximum permitted number of volumes per consistency group is reached. Consistency Group contains maximum number of volumes. Remote Consistency Group contains maximum number of volumes. v MIRROR_HAS_SYNC_JOB Operation is not permitted on a mirrors with active sync jobs v MIRROR_IS_NOT_SYNCHRONIZED Mirror is not synchronized v MIRROR_LAST_SYNC_TIMES_DIFFER All mirrors should have the same last sync time. Troubleshooting: Please retry the command in a few seconds v REMOTE_CONS_GROUP_MIRROR_PARAMS_MISMATCH Volumes under Consistency Group Mirror in remote machine should have identical mirroring parameters. v MIRROR_RETRY_OPERATION There is an operation in progress on this mirror . v REMOTE_VOLUME_BAD_POOL Remote volume and remote Consistency Group belong to a different Storage Pools REMOTE_VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_CONS_GROUP The remote volume belongs to a consistency group. Consistency Group Management 59 . v MAX_VOLUMES_IN_REMOTE_CONS_GROUP_REACHED The maximum permitted number of volumes per the remote consistency group is reached. Remote Volume belongs to a Consistency Group TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED There is currently no connection to the target system VOLUME_BAD_POOL Volume belongs to a different Storage Pool VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_CG Volume belongs to a Consistency Group v v v v v VOLUME_DATA_MIGRATION_UNSYNCHRONIZED Data Migration has not completed to this volume v VOLUME_IS_SNAPSHOT Operation is not permitted on snapshots Chapter 6. v CONS_GROUP_IS_SLAVE Consistency Group is mirroring slave. containing no volumes. The consistency group can be mirrored as a whole (see Creating a Mirroring Definition). Mandatory Y Default pool Object name Y This command creates a Consistency Group. The Storage Pool of the Consistency Group must be specified. Example: cg_create pool=p_1 cg=DBgroup Output: Command executed successfully. The Consistency Group is initially empty.Creating Consistency Groups Creates a Consistency Group. The system is capable of containing up to 256 consistency groups. The name of the Consistency Group must be unique in the system. A Consistency Group is a group of volumes that can all be snapshotted at the same point in time. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition 60 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . This is essential for snapshotting several volumes that are used by the same application or by applications that interact with each other in order to generate a consistent set of snapshots. A Consistency Group always belongs to a specific Storage Pool. cg_create cg=CgName pool=PoolName Parameters: Name cg Type Object name Description Name of the Consistency Group. All the volumes in the Consistency Group belong to the same Storage Pool as the Consistency Group. Storage Pool of the Consistency Group. All snapshot groups associated with the Consistency Group are disbanded. Mandatory Y Default This command deletes a Consistency Group. v MAX_CONS_GROUPS_REACHED Maximum number of Consistency Groups already defined. Consistency Group Management 61 . cg_delete cg=CgName Parameters: Name cg Type Object name Description Name of the Consistency Group to delete. v The consistency gorup is not mirrored (this requirement also applies for an empty consistency group). Example: cg_delete cg=DBvolumes Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Chapter 6. v POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Storage Pool does not exist Deleting a Consistency Group Deletes a Consistency Group. meaning that the snapshots contained in these snapshot groups become independent snapshots. This command fails if: v The Consistency Group is not empty (meaning that it still contains volumes).Completion Codes: v CONS_GROUP_NAME_EXISTS Consistency Group name already exists. Mandatory N Default All This command lists select details for all Consistency Groups. Listing Consistency Groups Lists Consistency Groups. v CONS_GROUP_NOT_EMPTY This operation is only allowed on an empty Consistency Group. it is the only one to be listed.indicates the status of the mirroring – Available values .RPO_OK|RPO_Lagging v CG role .Completion Codes: v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. cg_list [ cg=CgName ] Parameters: Name cg Type Object name Description Name of a Consistency Group.the role of the peer – Available values . Listed details include the following: v Name v Mirrored CG . if a Consistency Group name is specified.master|slave Id name pool mirrored Name Name Pool Name Mirrored Description Default Position 1 2 Example: cg_list cg=DBgroup Output: Name DBgroup Pool Name Mirrored default Yes 62 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .indicates whether the Consistency Group is mirrored – Available values . v CONS_GROUP_HAS_MIRROR Consistency Group has mirroring defined for it.Yes|No v Mirror sync status . The mirror definition has to be removed. cg_remove_vol vol=VolName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Name of the volume to be removed. A unique name is ensured because each volume belongs to only a single Consistency Group. A Consistency Group’s name is deduced from the volume name. the mirroring definition of the removed volume is retained (based on the same settings as the CG from which it was removed) v The peer volume is also removed from the peer CG v The removed mirrored volume will be set the RPO of the mirrored CG from which it was removed v Event is generated This command succeeds even if the volume is not included in any Consistency Group. Therefore. Mandatory Y Default This command removes a volume from a Consistency Group.Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Removing a Volume from a Consistency Group Removes a volume from a Consistency Group. Following the volume removal: v Corresponding peer volume will be removed from the peer CG – If the CG is mirrored. Requirements for a successful command completion: v The command can be issued only on the master v The link has to be up v The consistency group can't have ongoing sync jobs Chapter 6. it will seem as is if the volume was never removed from the Consistency Group. if the user re-adds the volume to the Consistency Group. Future snapshot groups created from this Consistency Group will not include a snapshot which is associated with the removed volume. Consistency Group Management 63 . All the snapshots of the removed volume that were created as part of this Consistency Group remain associated with the Consistency Group and its snapshot groups. Example: cg_remove_vol vol=DBLog Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED There is currently no connection to the target system v VOLUME_IS_SNAPSHOT Operation is not permitted on snapshots v CONS_GROUP_IS_SLAVE Consistency Group is mirroring slave. please retry your request in a few seconds The newly defined schedule has to shorther than the RPO. v MIRROR_RETRY_OPERATION There is an operation in progress on this mirror . cg_rename cg=CgName new_name=NewName Parameters: Name cg Type Object name Description The name of the Consistency Group to be renamed. The new name of the Consistency Group. Troubleshooting: Please retry the command in a few seconds Renaming Consistency Groups Renames Consistency Groups. Mandatory Y Default new_name Object name Y 64 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . This command succeeds even if the new name is identical to the current name. The new name of the Consistency Group must be unique in the system. Consistency Group Management 65 . v CONS_GROUP_NAME_EXISTS Consistency Group name already exists. Chapter 6.This command renames a Consistency Group. Example: cg_rename cg=DBgroup new_name=DBvolumes Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. 66 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . or a snapshot group from one of its associated snapshot groups.) v snap_group_delete(Deletes a snapshot group and all its snapshots.) snap_group_unlock(Unlocks a snapshot group by unlocking all its snapshots. Use the cg_snapshot_create command to create the snapshot group.) snap_group_lock(Locks a snapshot group by locking all its snapshot.Chapter 7. Mandatory Y Default snap_group Object name N Automatically generated name.) snap_group_list(Lists all snapshot groups or a specific one. See also: v Volume Management v Volume Snapshot Management v Consistency Group Management The sections are listed as follows: v cg_snapshots_create(Creates a snapshot group of a Consistency Group. Snapshot Set Management The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for Snapshot Set management.) snap_group_restore(Restores the master volumes of a Consistency Group. Name for the new snapshot group.) Snapshotting a Consistency Group Creates a snapshot group of a Consistency Group. 1 delete_priority Integer N 67 .) snap_group_duplicate(Duplicates an existing snapshot group. The priority for deleting this volume when the system runs out of snapshot space.) snap_group_rename(Renames a snapshot group. cg_snapshots_create cg=CgName < [ snap_group=SnapshotGroupName ] [ delete_priority=del_value ] > | <overwrite=SnapshotGroupName> Parameters: Name cg Type Object name Description Name of a Consistency Group.) v v v v v v v snap_group_disband(Disbands a snapshot group into independent snapshots.) v snap_group_change_priority(Changes the deletion priority of a snapshot group. v With respect to this point in time. The delete priority of the snapshots in the snapshot group can also be provided (see Creating a Snapshot). The snapshots of the overwritten snapshot group keep the same SCSI serial number and same mapping. The snapshots in the created snapshot group are consistent with respect to each other in the following manner: v All snapshots are created synchronously at the same point in time.Name overwrite Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Existing N snapshot group which is overwritten with current content. all I/Os to the Consistency Group's volumes that were completed previously are recorded in the snapshot's image. The name of the snapshot group is either automatically generated or provided in the command line. which includes a snapshot for each of the volumes contained in the Consistency Group. This command fails if no snapshot space is defined for the Storage Pool containing the Consistency Group. All the snapshots in the snapshot group are also associated with the Consistency Group in addition to having their regular attributes. without any need for a rescan or similar operation. The delete priority controls which snapshots or snapshot groups are deleted first when the system runs out of space for snapshots. and it is currently inconsistent due to either a re-synchronization or an initialization process. v All I/Os that were completed afterwards are not recorded in the snapshot's image. This command creates a consistent snapshot group from a Consistency Group. 68 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . thus ensuring that they are consistent with each other. The overwrite snapshot group must be an existing snapshot group of the given Consistency Group. The overwrite option causes the current content of the Consistency Group to be copied into one of its existing snapshot groups (the argument of overwrite). so hosts maintain a continuous mapping of the snapshots. Logically. This command fails if one or more of the volumes in the Consistency Group is a slave of a synchronous mirroring. this command is comprised of the following steps: v Suspending all I/O activity on all the volumes in the group and waiting for all pending I/Os to complete v Creating a snapshot for each of the volumes in the group v Resuming I/O activity on all the volumes The main advantage of using this command (as opposed to a manual procedure) is that all snapshots are taken at the same point in time. Snapshot Set Management 69 . v POOL_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_REACHED The maximum number of snapshots already created. v CONS_GROUP_EMPTY Operation is not allowed on an empty Consistency Group. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed At least one of the volumes in the group is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user. v This command fails if the volume is a slave of an inconsistent synchronous coupling. If a Snapshot Group overwrite is used. v CONS_GROUP_MISMATCH Snapshot Group does not match Consistency Group volumes. Chapter 7. v OVERWRITE_SNAPSHOT_GROUP_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_GIVEN_GROUP Snapshot Group belongs to another Consistency Group. v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_NAME_EXISTS Snapshot Group name already exists. Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v MAX_VOLUMES_REACHED Maximum number of volumes already defined v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_BAD_NAME Snapshot Group name does not exist. then the target Snapshot Group must be one created by a server administrator. v VOLUME_IS_NOT_CONSISTENT_SLAVE Operation not allowed on slave volume that is not consistent.Mirroing limitations: v This command fails if the volume is a slave of an asynchronous mirroring coupling (either synchronous or asynchronous). Example: cg_snapshots_create cg=DBgroup snap_group=DBbackupdaily Output: Command completed successfully. Example: snap_group_change_priority snap_group=DBbackup delete_priority=4 Output: Command completed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed At least one of the volumes in the master Consistency Group is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and Snapshot Group was created by a server administrator Condition 70 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Similarly to snapshots. When the system runs out of space. Priority according to which this snapshot group is deleted. and among them the snapshot or snapshot group which was created first. the system determines which of the snapshot groups is deleted first when it runs out of snapshot storage. modified in any way or deleted. Y delete_priority Integer This command changes the priority of the deletion of an existing snapshot group. snap_group_change_priority snap_group=SnapshotGroupName delete_priority=del_value Parameters: Name snap_group Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of the Y snapshot group whose delete_priority is to be changed. and among them the unmapped snapshots or snapshot groups. See Changing a Snapshot Deletion Priority for more details about the valid deletion priority values and their meaning.v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. it deletes the snapshot or snapshot group with the highest deletion priority. Changing Snapshot Group Deletion Priority Changes the deletion priority of a snapshot group. in accordance with the redirect-on-write mechanism. v SNAPSHOT_ILLEGAL_PRIORITY Snapshot priorities allowed are an integer between 1 and 4. The command is inapplicable for a snapshot group that is still associated with a mirrored consistency group.User Category Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_BAD_NAME Snapshot Group name does not exist. modified in any way or deleted. Mandatory Y Default This command deletes the snapshot group. as well as all of the snapshots that are contained in the snapshot group. then the entire snapshot group cannot be deleted. v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Allowed Condition Chapter 7. You may refer to the documentation of Deleting a Snapshot for more information about deleting snapshots. Snapshot Set Management 71 . Example: snap_group_delete snap_group=DBBackupweekly Output: Command completed successfully. snap_group_delete snap_group=SnapGroupName Parameters: Name snap_group Type Object name Description Name of the snapshot group to be deleted. If one of the members of the snapshot group is mapped to a host. Deleting a Snapshot Group Deletes a snapshot group and all its snapshots. inclusive. User Category Application administrator Permission Conditionally Allowed Condition At least one of the volumes in the master Consistency Group is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and Snapshot Group was created by a server administrator Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_BAD_NAME Snapshot Group name does not exist. unlocked. The command is inapplicable for a snapshot group of a mirrored consistency group. After executing this command the snapshots can be individually deleted. Example: snap_group_disband snap_group=DBbackup_copy Output: Command completed successfully. 72 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . The snapshot group does not exist anymore after this command. v SNAPSHOT_IS_MAPPED Snapshot that is mapped to a host cannot be deleted v SNAPSHOT_HAS_ACTIVE_SYNC_JOB Snapshot is currently a target of an active sync job Troubleshooting: Please wait for sync job to complete Disbanding a Snapshot Group Disbands a snapshot group into independent snapshots. This command disbands the snapshot group into independent snapshots. The snapshots retain the same names (snap_group_name.volumename). duplicated and so on. snap_group_disband snap_group=SnapshotGroupName Parameters: Name snap_group Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Snapshot group Y to be disbanded. restored. Snapshot Set Management 73 . Example: snap_group_duplicate snap_group=DBbackup new_snap_group=DBbackup_copy Output: Chapter 7. The name of the new snapshot group is either specified as a parameter or generated automatically. new_snap_group Object name This command duplicates the specified snapshot group.Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed At least one of the volumes in the master Consistency Group is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and Snapshot Group was created by a server administrator Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_BAD_NAME Snapshot Group name does not exist. Name of the N newly generated snapshot group. snap_group_duplicate snap_group=SnapshotGroupName [ new_snap_group=NewName ] Parameters: Name snap_group Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of the Y snapshot group to be duplicated. This is functionally equivalent to duplicating all the snapshots in the snapshot group using Duplicating a Snapshot and creating a new snapshot group that contains all the generated snapshots. Autogenerated name. You may refer to Duplicating a Snapshot for more details about the snapshot duplication operation. Duplicating a Snapshot Group Duplicates an existing snapshot group. This command lists snapshot groups. Id name Name Name Description Default Position 1 74 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . cg Object name All snapshot groups. When a snapshot group name is specified. then the snapshot groups of this Consistency Group are listed. snap_group_list [ snap_group=SnapshotSetName | cg=CgName ] Parameters: Name snap_group Type Object name Description Mandatory Default All snapshot groups. Listing Snapshot Groups Lists all snapshot groups or a specific one.Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed At least one of the volumes in the master Consistency Group is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and Snapshot Group was created by a server administrator Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_BAD_NAME Snapshot Group name does not exist. Name of a N specific snapshot group to be listed. then only that specific snapshot group is listed. List all the N snapshot groups of this Consistency Group. v MAX_VOLUMES_REACHED Maximum number of volumes already defined v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_NAME_EXISTS Snapshot Group name already exists. When a Consistency Group name is specified. Locking a Snapshot Group Locks a snapshot group by locking all its snapshot. This is functionally equivalent to locking all snapshots individually (through executing Locking a Volume on each snapshot). snap_group_lock snap_group=SnapshotSetName Parameters: Name snap_group Type Object name Description Name of the snapshot group to be locked.Id cg snapshot_time locked modified delete_priority Name CG Snapshot Time Locked Modified Deletion Priority Description Default Position 2 3 4 Example: snap_group_list cg=DBvolumes Output: Name DBbackup DBbackupdaily CG DBvolumes DBvolumes Snapshot Time Deletion Priority 2007-01-03 17:46:29 1 2007-01-03 17:49:36 1 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CONS_GROUP_DOES_NOT_EXIST Consistency Group name does not exist. Mandatory Y Default This command locks the snapshot group by locking all its snapshots. v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_BAD_NAME Snapshot Group name does not exist. Chapter 7. You may refer to the documentation of Locking a Volume for a description of locking behavior. Snapshot Set Management 75 . Mandatory Y Default new_name Object name Y This command renames a snapshot group. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed At least one of the volumes in the master Consistency Group is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and Snapshot Group was created by a server administrator Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_BAD_NAME Snapshot Group name does not exist. snap_group_rename snap_group=SnapshotGroupName new_name=NewName Parameters: Name snap_group Type Object name Description Name of the snapshot group to be renamed. Example: snap_group_rename snap_group=DBbackup new_name=DBBackupweekly 76 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Renaming a Snapshot Group Renames a snapshot group. v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. modified in any way or deleted. New name for the snapshot group.Example: snap_group_lock snap_group=DBbackup Output: Command completed successfully. The command is inapplicable for a snapshot group of a mirrored consistency group. snap_group_restore snap_group=SnapshotGroupName [ target_snap_group=SnapGroupName ] Parameters: Name snap_group Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of the Y snapshot group from which to restore its master volumes. Snapshot Set Management 77 . Chapter 7. Restoring a Consistecy Group from a Snapshot Group Restores the master volumes of a Consistency Group. Requirements for a successful command completion: v The Consistency Group or the target Snapshot Group must contain the exact same volumes that it contained when the snapshot group was generated. or a snapshot group from one of its associated snapshot groups. v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_NAME_EXISTS Snapshot Group name already exists.Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed At least one of the volumes in the master Consistency Group is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and Snapshot Group was created by a server administrator Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_BAD_NAME Snapshot Group name does not exist. Snapshot group to be restored. It is possible to restore a snapshot group from a snapshot group. N target_snap_groupObject name Using this command is equivalent to restoring all the volumes in the Consistency Group or all the snapshots in the target snapshot group from their snapshots in the snapshot group. v NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE No space to allocate volume v VOLUME_HAS_MIRROR Mirror is defined for this volume v CONS_GROUP_HAS_MIRROR Consistency Group has mirroring defined for it. Example: snap_group_restore snap_group=DBbackup_copy Output: Command completed successfully. and the target Snapshot Group was created by an application administrator. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed Both target and source are snapshots groups of the same master Consistency Group.– Each volume that is added to the Consistency Group after the creation of the snapshot group must be removed from the Consistency Group before restoration is performed. v VOLUME_LOCKED Volume is locked 78 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . where at least one of the master volumes in this Consistency Group is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user. v CONS_GROUP_MISMATCH Snapshot Group does not match Consistency Group volumes. v The command is inapplicable for a snapshot group of a mirrored consistency group. The mirror definition has to be removed. Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v VOLUME_HAS_DATA_MIGRATION Data Migration is defined for this volume v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_BAD_NAME Snapshot Group name does not exist. See Restoring a Volume from a Snapshot for more information about the restoring. Snapshot Set Management 79 . Example: snap_group_unlock snap_group=DBbackup Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed At least one of the volumes in the master Consistency Group is mapped to a host or cluster associated with the user and Snapshot Group was created by a server administrator Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_BAD_NAME Snapshot Group name does not exist. v TARGET_SNAPSHOT_GROUP_SAME_AS_SOURCE Target Snapshot Group is the same as Snapshot Group. Chapter 7. v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_MISMATCH Snapshot Group does not match target Snapshot Group. Mandatory Y Default This command unlocks a snapshot group by unlocking all its snapshots. snap_group_unlock snap_group=SnapshotGroupName Parameters: Name snap_group Type Object name Description Name of the snapshot group to be unlocked.v TARGET_SNAPSHOT_GROUP_BAD_NAME Target Snapshot Group name does not exist. Unlocking a Snapshot Group Unlocks a snapshot group by unlocking all its snapshots. This is functionally equivalent to executing Unlocking a Volume on each snapshot. You may refer to the documentation of Unlocking a Volume for a description of unlocking behavior. 80 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. modified in any way or deleted. ) v pool_change_config(Changes the lock behavior of the storage Pool. cg_move cg=CgName pool=PoolName Parameters: Name cg Type Object name Description Name of the Consistency Group to move.) Moving Consistency Groups between Storage Pools Moves a Consistency Group. See also: v Volume Management v Volume Snapshot Management v Consistency Group Management The sections are listed as follows: v cg_move(Moves a Consistency Group. Name of the Storage Pool to which to move. it can only be moved to a Pool that is not thin-provisioned Example: 81 .) vol_move(Moves a volume and all its snapshot from one Storage Pool to another.) pool_rename(Renames a specified Storage Pool. Storage Pool Management The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for Storage Pool management. all its volumes and all their snapshots and Snapshot Sets from one Storage Pool to another.) v pool_config_snapshots(Changes the Storage Pool snapshot settings.) pool_resize(Resizes a Storage Pool. See a detailed description in .) pool_list(Lists all Storage Pools or the specified one.) v v v v v v pool_create(Creates a Storage Pool.) pool_delete(Deletes a Storage Pool. Requirements for successful command completion: v Sufficient space on the target Pool v If the CG is mirrored. all its volumes and all their snapshots and Snapshot Sets from one Storage Pool to another.Chapter 8. Mandatory Y Default pool Object name Y This command moves a Consistency Group from one Storage Pool to another. Sets whether and how the Pool is locked upon space depletion. See a detailed description in . Mandatory Y Y Default 82 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . pool_change_config pool=PoolName lock_behavior=<read_only|no_io> Parameters: Name pool lock_behavior Type Object name Enumeration Description Name of the Storage Pool. v POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Storage Pool does not exist v NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE No space to allocate volume v NOT_ENOUGH_HARD_SPACE No space to allocate for volume's current usage v NOT_ENOUGH_SNAPSHOT_SPACE Snapshot usage will exceed snapshot limit v NO_ASYNC_IN_THIN_PROVISIONED_POOL Thin provisioned Pool cannot contain Volumes with Asynchronous Mirroring Changing Pool Limitation Changes the lock behavior of the storage Pool. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist.cg_move cg=DBGroup pool=DBPool Output: Command completed successfully. Example: pool_change_config pool=VOL_BREED_None_0 lock_behavior=read_only Output: Command executed successfully. pool_config_snapshots pool=PoolName [ protected_snapshot_priority=<0|1|2|3|4> ] Parameters: Name pool Type Object name Description Name of the Storage Pool. Storage Pool Management 83 .This command changes the Pool behavior when running out of thin provisioning space. Mandatory Y Default Chapter 8. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Storage Pool does not exist Changing Pool Settings for Snapshots Changes the Storage Pool snapshot settings. the system will deactivate mirroring if not enough space can be freed even after the deletion of snapshots with delete priority 4. 2 and 3 will not be deleted. the system can delete any snapshot regardless of deletion priority.4.e. Snapshots with priority level 1. snapshots with a lower delete priority (i. higher number) than the specified value might be deleted by the system automatically to free space. the existing snapshot is not deleted. no last consistent snapshot is generated. The create_last_consistent_snapshot attribute (used for systems which have no space): v If the value of the attribute is "no". The protected_snapshot_priority attribute: 84 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . v If value is changed while synchronizing. thus protecting snapshots with a priority equal or higher than the value.Name Type Description Mandatory Default unchanged protected_snapshot_priority Integer N Specifies a snapshot delete priority between 0 . If the value is set to 4. If the value is set to 0. the system will deactivate mirroring before deleting any snapshots. before pausing mirroring. If for example the value is set to 3.. This command changes the Storage Pool snapshot limitation policy. 2 and 3 will not be deleted.. Storage Pool Management 85 . v If. the system can delete any snapshot regardless of deletion priority. – Snapshots with priority level 1. thus protecting snapshots with a priority equal or higher than the value. Soft_size cannot be less than hard_size.v Snapshots with a lower delete priority (i. Soft size of the Storage Pool. Mandatory Y N Default hard_size Positive integer N soft_size Positive integer N Chapter 8. higher number) than the specified value might be deleted by the system automatically. pool_create pool=PoolName < size=GB | < hard_size=GB soft_size=GB > > snapshot_size=GB [ lock_behavior=<read_only|no_io> ] Parameters: Name pool size Type Object name Positive integer Description Name of the Storage Pool. before pausing the mirroring.e. Hard size of the Storage Pool (actual physical capacity). the value is set to 3: – The system will deactivate mirroring if not enough space can be freed even after the deletion of snapshots with deletion priority of 4. v If the value is set to 0. inclusive. the system will deactivate mirroring before deleting any of the snapshots. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Storage Pool does not exist v SNAPSHOT_ILLEGAL_PRIORITY Snapshot priorities allowed are an integer between 1 and 4. in order to free space. Creating Storage Pools Creates a Storage Pool. for example. Size of the Storage Pool (in gigabytes). v If the value is set to 4. If only the size is specified. The name of the Storage Pool must be unique in the system. The Size parameter is used when hard size and soft size are identical (no thin provisioning). while leaving the free space at zero size. but the actual size of the created Storage Pool is rounded up to the nearest integer multiple of 16x230 bytes. The system allows for the assignment of the entire available capacity to user created Storage Pools. the new Storage Pool's capacity is reduced from the system's free space (hard and soft). The created Pool has the following values: v create_last_consistent_snapshot=yes . Example: pool_create pool=DBPool size=1000 Output: Command completed successfully. then hard_size and soft_size are identical to the size. The sum of the capacities of all the Storage Pools in the system.Name snapshot_size lock_behavior Type Positive integer Enumeration Description Space allocated for snapshots. or for both read and write. the Storage Pool is initially empty and does not contain volumes. Mandatory Y N Default read_only This command creates a Storage Pool. The size of the Storage Pool is specified as an integer multiple of 109 bytes. Sets whether and how the Pool is locked upon space depletion. together with the free space. Both hard and soft sizes are subtracted from the free hard/soft space. This operation fails if the system hard or soft free space does not have free capacity of at least the size of the new Storage Pool. Otherwise. the lock_behavior parameter sets whether and how the Pool is locked upon space depletion. is always equal to the entire system capacity available for the user.managing the way last_consistent snapshot are preserved When a Storage Pool is defined. The Pool can be locked for write. a Storage Pool with thin provisioning is created. 86 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .meaning the volumes of this Pool can be mirrored v protected_snapshot_priority=2 . Upon creation. For thin provisioned Storage Pools. Storage Pool Management 87 . The capacity of the deleted Storage Pool is added to the free space. meaning that it still contains volumes. This command fails if the Storage Pool is not empty.Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v POOL_NAME_EXISTS Storage Pool name already assigned to another Storage Pool v MAX_POOLS_REACHED Maximum number of Storage Pools already defined v NO_HARD_SPACE The system does not have enough free hard space for the requested Storage Pool hard size v NO_SOFT_SPACE The system does not have enough free soft space for the requested Storage Pool soft size v SOFT_SIZE_SMALLER_THAN_HARD_SIZE Soft size must be equal or larger than hard size v HARD_SIZE_SMALLER_THAN_SNAPSHOT_SIZE Snapshot size must be equal or smaller than hard size v NO_SPACE The system does not have enough free space for the requested Storage Pool size v REACHED_POOL_MAX_HARD_CAPACITY Reached max pool hard capacity Deleting a Storage Pool Deletes a Storage Pool. Mandatory Y Default This command deletes a Storage Pool. Chapter 8. pool_delete pool=PoolName Parameters: Name pool Type Object name Description The name of the Storage Pool to delete. pool_list [ pool=PoolName ] Parameters: Name pool Type Object name Description Name of a Storage Pool. Example: pool_list Output: 88 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . This command lists all Storage Pools. only the specified Storage Pool is listed. When the pool parameter is provided.Example: pool_delete pool=ERPPool Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE_POOL Are you sure you want to delete Storage Pool Pool? Completion Codes: v POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Storage Pool does not exist v POOL_HAS_CG Storage Pool has Consistency Groups defined v POOL_IN_USE Storage Pool has volumes allocated in it Listing Storage Pools Lists all Storage Pools or the specified one. Mandatory N Default All pools. Storage Pool Management 89 .Name default DBPool Size (GB) 24292 1013 Empty Space (GB) 9225 1013 Id name soft_size soft_size_MiB hard_size hard_size_MiB snapshot_size snapshot_size_MiB empty_space_soft Name Name Size (GB) Size (MiB) Hard Size (GB) Hard Size (MiB) Snapshot Size (GB) Snapshot Size (MiB) Empty Space (GB) Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 empty_space_soft_MiB Empty Space (MiB) empty_space_hard Empty Hard Space (GB) empty_space_hard_MiBEmpty Hard Space (MiB) used_by_volumes Used by Volumes (GB) 6 used_by_volumes_MiB Used by Volumes (MiB) used_by_snapshots Used by Snapshots (GB) 7 used_by_snapshots_MiB Used by Snapshots (MiB) creator locked lock_behavior Creator Locked Lock Behavior 8 create_last_consistent_snapshot Create Last Consistent Snapshot protected_snapshot_priority Protected Snapshots Priority Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Chapter 8. Example: pool_rename pool=DBPool new_name=ERPPool Output: Command completed successfully. This command succeeds even if the new name is identical to the current name. pool_resize pool=PoolName [ size=GB | < hard_size=GB soft_size=GB > ] [ snapshot_size=GB ] 90 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . The new name of the Storage Pool must be unique in the system. This command renames a Storage Pool.Renaming a Storage Pool Renames a specified Storage Pool. Mandatory Y Default New name of Y the Storage Pool. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Storage Pool does not exist v POOL_NAME_EXISTS Storage Pool name already assigned to another Storage Pool Resizing a Storage Pool Resizes a Storage Pool. pool_rename pool=PoolName new_name=NewName Parameters: Name pool new_name Type Object name Object name Description Name of the Storage Pool. but the actual size of the created Storage Pool is rounded up to the nearest integer multiple of 16x230 bytes. v When decreasing a Storage Pool size. Capacity accounting is performed in respect to the free space. Hard size of the Storage Pool (actual physical capacity). Mandatory Y Default size Positive integer N hard_size Positive integer N soft_size Positive integer N Soft size of the Storage Pool (maximal size of capacity seen by the hosts. used for thin provisioning). Leave unchanged. the command succeeds only if the Storage Pool itself holds enough free capacity to allow such a reduction in size. v If the new size equals the current size. the command succeeds without changes to the Storage Pool. The command can either increase or decrease the Storage Pool size. snapshot_size Integer This command resizes a Storage Pool. New size of the Storage Pool (in gigabytes). The new size of the Storage Pool is specified as an integer multiple of 109 bytes. Resizing a Pool that stores asynchronous-mirrored volumes or consistency groups: Chapter 8.Parameters: Name pool Type Object name Description Name of the Storage Pool to resize. Sets a new value N for the limit on snapshot capacity usage of the Storage Pool. You can either specify both hard_size and soft_size or to only specify size (which specifies that the hard_size and the soft_size are identical). This command fails if either the current Storage Pool's size (hard or soft) cannot be decreased or if free space (hard or soft) cannot be decreased. v When increasing a Storage Pool size. Storage Pool Management 91 . Using this option specifies that the hard_size and the soft_size are identical. the command succeeds only if the free space holds enough free capacity to allow such an increase in size. Example: pool_resize pool=DBPool size=1300 Output: Command Executed Successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Storage Pool does not exist v NO_SOFT_SPACE The system does not have enough free soft space for the requested Storage Pool soft size v SOFT_SIZE_SMALLER_THAN_HARD_SIZE Soft size must be equal or larger than hard size v HARD_SIZE_SMALLER_THAN_SNAPSHOT_SIZE Snapshot size must be equal or smaller than hard size v POOL_SOFT_TOO_SMALL Requested soft size is smaller than the sum of sizes of volumes in the Storage Pool v POOL_TOO_SMALL Storage Pool usage exceeds requested size v POOL_HARD_TOO_SMALL Storage Pool usage exceeds requested hard size v NO_SPACE The system does not have enough free space for the requested Storage Pool size v NO_HARD_SPACE The system does not have enough free hard space for the requested Storage Pool hard size v POOL_SNAPSHOT_SIZE_TOO_SMALL Storage Pool snapshot usage exceeds requested snapshot size v NO_ASYNC_IN_THIN_PROVISIONED_POOL Thin provisioned Pool cannot contain Volumes with Asynchronous Mirroring v REACHED_POOL_MAX_HARD_CAPACITY Reached max pool hard capacity 92 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .v The Pool's hard and soft size have to be identical. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Chapter 8. The exact amount of storage capacity allocated from the destination Storage Pool is released at the source Storage Pool. Name of the Storage Pool to which to move. A volume which belongs to a Consistency Group cannot be moved without the entire Consistency Group. Y This command moves a volume and all of its snapshots from one Storage Pool to another. This command fails when trying to move a snapshot of a volume on its own. vol_move vol=VolName pool=PoolName Parameters: Name vol pool Type Object name Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of the Y volume to move. This command can fail as a result of either a lack of soft or of hard space. When moving a master volume from one Storage Pool to another. A volume that is asynchronously mirrored can't be moved into a thin provisioning pool. all of its snapshots are moved together with it to the destination Storage Pool. Example: vol_move vol=DBLog pool=DBPool Output: Command completed successfully. Storage Pool Management Condition 93 .Moving a Volume between Storage Pools Moves a volume and all its snapshot from one Storage Pool to another. You may use Moving Consistency Groups between Storage Pools to move the Consistency Group itself from one Storage Pool to another. This command only succeeds if the destination Storage Pool has enough free storage capacity to accommodate the volume and its snapshots. Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Storage Pool does not exist v NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE No space to allocate volume v NOT_ENOUGH_HARD_SPACE No space to allocate for volume's current usage v VOLUME_IS_SNAPSHOT Operation is not permitted on snapshots v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_CG Volume belongs to a Consistency Group v NOT_ENOUGH_SNAPSHOT_SPACE Snapshot usage will exceed snapshot limit v NO_ASYNC_IN_THIN_PROVISIONED_POOL Thin provisioned Pool cannot contain Volumes with Asynchronous Mirroring 94 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . ) upgrade_get_status(Displays status of upgrade process.) timezone_set(Sets the time zone of the system.) shutdown(Shuts down the system.) time_list(Shows the current system time.) v vpd_config_set(Sets the values of VPD parameters.) v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v config_set(Sets configuration parameters.) v config_get(Shows the values of configuration parameters.) upgrade_abort_ongoing(Aborts a system upgrade process.) state_list(Shows the current operational state of the system.) system_capacity_list(Lists the system's capacities (both hard and soft).) upgrade_download_cancel(Cancels an upgrade download process. cod_list [ name=ParamName ] 95 .) state_change(Changes the operational state of a system.) Displaying Current Consumed Capacity of the System Displays current consumed capacity of the system.) The following commands are no longer in use: v upgrade_download_status (The data will be incorporated in upgrade_get_status.HH:MM:SS format. System Management The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for system management.) dns_test(Tests the DNS (Domain Naming Service).) time_set(Sets the system's time in YYYY-MM-DD. The sections are listed as follows: v cod_list(Displays current consumed capacity of the system.) upgrade_download(Initiates the downloading of a new software version.) v vpd_config_get(Shows the values of VPD parameters.) timezone_list(Lists all optional time zones.) upgrade_validate_prerequisites(Validates the ability to upgrade to a specified system version) v version_get(Prints the current version of the system.) help(Prints system help.Chapter 9.) upgrade_system(Upgrades the software version of the system.) upgrade_force_on(Forces the system to continue the upgrade process. Parameters: Name name Type String Description Name of parameter to display. config_get [ name=ParamName ] Parameters: Name name Type String Description Name of parameter to print. Example: cod_list Output: Name ----------------------consumed_capacity date dst machine_model machine_serial_number machine_type system_id system_name time timezone Value ---------------1039 2009-05-27 yes A14 MN00013 2810 13 XIV MN00013a 10:13:31 Asia/Jerusalem Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Printing Configuration Parameters Shows the values of configuration parameters. Mandatory N Default All parameters. 96 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Mandatory N Default All parameters Id name value Name Name Value Description Default Position 1 2 This command displays current consumed capacity of a given system. 1.4.Email address used as the sender's address when sending email messages.2. v email_sender_address . v email_reply_to_address . The tags {severity}.Unique system identifier (equivalent to a serial number).SNMP location as shown in the SNMP MIB.IP address or DNS name of the NTP server.com. snmp_trap_community support_center_port_type system_id .2. System Management 97 . name value Name Name Value Description Default Position 1 2 This command shows the name and value of the specified configuration parameter or of all of them. v dns_secondary .IP address of the slave DNS server. system_name - Example: config_get Output: Name -----------------------email_sender_address email_reply_to_address dns_primary dns_secondary iscsi_name system_name Value [email protected] the formatting of the email subject line. snmp_community snmp_contact snmp_location .1.IP address of the master DNS server.1.1. System default is "{severity}: {description}" v v v v v v v v v v v v v iscsi_name . This is useful for troubleshooting errors in email addresses. (.4. (. {description} and {system_name} can be used to insert the event's data. if no parameter is provided.iSCSI initiator name.com 10.3.SNMP contact as shown in the SNMP MIB.0).xivstorage:010140 IBM Storage System Chapter 9.com [email protected]. machine_model machine_serial_number machine_type ntp_server .6.10 iqn. The values of the following parameters can be shown: v dns_primary.6. snmp_contact .Reply-to address to be used when sending emails.2005-10. Used when configuring non-XIV system for Data Migration over iSCSI. v email_subject_format .0 ).0. 6. v ntpserver . This is useful for troubleshooting errors in email addresses.3.community used for SNMP queries of the system.1.IP address of the master DNS server.0) v snmp_contact . (. v email_sender_address .1. v dns_slave .SNMP location as shown in the SNMP MIB.1. this parameter can not be set to a null value. If null.1. The tags {severity}.Default user to be used if no user is specified for the CLI. System default is "{severity}: {description}".5. email_reply_to_address . v snmp_sysname .2.1. v system_name .1.3.Name used as the sender's name when sending email messages. Setting Configuration Parameters Sets configuration parameters.6.Reply-to address to be used when sending emails.1.1.SNMP system name as shown in the SNMP MIB.0) v snmp_location . The values of the following parameters can be set: v dns_master .SNMP contact as shown in the SNMP MIB.6.3.Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v UNRECOGNIZED_CONFIG_PARAMETER Unrecognized configuration parameter: 'argument' Troubleshooting: Use a valid configuration parameter as an input.6. (.1.0 ) v v email_subject_format .1. (. Once set. Y This command sets the values of configuration parameters.2. v defaultuser .4.IP address of the slave DNS server. 98 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .2. config_set name=ParamName value=ParamValue Parameters: Name name value Type String String Description Mandatory Default Name of the Y parameter to set.1.IP address or DNS name of the NTP server. Value of the parameter. a user must be specified.1.Controls the formatting of the email subject line.Email address used as the sender's address when sending email messages. v snmp_community . {description} and {system_name} can be used to insert the event's data. Id name Name Name Description Default Position 1 Chapter 9.0. Translation is attempted through each of the defined DNS servers. System Management 99 .community used for SNMP traps sent by the system.v snmp_trap_community . Testing the DNS Tests the DNS (Domain Naming Service). This command fails if no DNS servers are defined. Mandatory Y Default This command attempts to translate the DNS name into an IP address. The result of each defined DNS server is displayed. dns_test name=HostName Parameters: Name name Type Description Name of the host to be resolved. A failure of the translation from a name to an IP address is not considered a failure of the command. Example: config_set name=dns_secondary value=10.0.119 Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v UNRECOGNIZED_CONFIG_PARAMETER Unrecognized configuration parameter: 'argument' Troubleshooting: Use a valid configuration parameter as an input. v READ_ONLY_CONFIG_PARAMETER Configuration parameter: 'argument' is read-only Troubleshooting: You can't modify read-only parameters. -----------------.102.xiv 212.Id primary_ip secondary_ip Name IP (Primary DNS) IP (Secondary DNS) Description Default Position 2 3 Example: dns_test name=hermes.Lists all the commands in the category. grouped by categories.xiv Output: Name IP (Primary DNS) IP (Secondary DNS) -----------. help [ category=CategoryName | search=SearchString | command=CommandName ] [ format=<short|full> ] Parameters: Name category search command format Type String String String Enumeration Description Category name.-------------------hermes.Lists all the commands with their short descriptions. N Output format for command help. with their short descriptions. N short. Search string. 100 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . v Category . This command prints the help as follows: v No parameters .143.243 Not Found Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v DNS_SERVER_NOT_DEFINED No DNS servers are defined Printing Help Prints system help. Mandatory N N Default Command name. and can be written to. syntax.Prints the command name and short description. so that it is no longer read-only. Id category name access_control syntax fields description example Name Category Name Access Control Syntax Fields Description Example Description Default Position 1 2 3 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Chapter 9. vol_delete Deletes a Volume vol_format Formats a Volume. Locks a Volume. If output is table. or a specific one. list of parameters and their description. prints all possible table columns.Prints the command name. types and default values.Lists the short descriptions of all the commands in which the search string appears in their name or short description. short description. System Management 101 . vol_rename Renames a Volume vol_resize Resize a Volume vol_unlock Unlocks a Volume. volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume volume vol_copy vol_create Creates a new volume. so that it is read-only. v Command with short output (default for command) .v Search . vol_list vol_lock Lists all Volumes. v Command with full output (default when used in XIV-internal mode) . Example: help category=volume Output: Category volume Name vol_by_id Description Prints the volume name given its SCSI serial number Copies a source Volume onto a target Volume. Example: shutdown Output: Command Executed Successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_SHUT_DOWN Are you sure you want to shut down the machine and all its components? Completion Codes: v COMMAND_IS_NOT_VALID_IN_CURRENT_SYSTEM_STATE The requested command can not be invoked in the current system state v SHUTDOWN_CANNOT_HAPPEN_DURING_SYSTEM_UPGRADE The system cannot shut down while an upgrade is being performed. The system stops serving hosts. Troubleshooting: Contact support v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_CANNOT_BE_CANCELED 102 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .Shutting Down Shuts down the system. the system shuts down within the timeout period. shutdown shutdown [ target_state=<maintenance | on> ] [ safe_mode=<yes | no> ] [ emergency=<yes | no> ] Parameters: Name Type Description Mandatory Default This command shuts down the system. If the "emergency" option is specified. NOTE: USING THIS OPTION MAY CAUSE DATA LOSS. de-stages all information to disks and then turns itself off. using the Reboot command v Any state to Off . Other operational state changes can be achieved through the following: v On to Maintenance . v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_CANCELED_BECAUSE_OF_NODE_FAILURE_DURING_UPGRADE Last upgrade was canceled because a node failed while the upgrade process was running v HOT_UPGRADE_IS_NOT_ONGOING Hot upgrade is not currently ongoing v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_NOT_RUNNING Upgrade is not underway Changing the Operational State Changes the operational state of a system. as the CLI is not active in shell Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_SHUT_DOWN Are you sure you want to shut down the machine and all its components? Chapter 9.using the Shutdown command v Shell to Any . System Management 103 . Mandatory Y Default This command changes the system's states. state_change target_state=<shell | on> Parameters: Name target_state Type Enumeration Description The operational state after the command is executed.implemented via scripts.Upgrade is already underway and cannot be canceled. The systems' states can be transitioned as follows: v Maintenance to On v On to Shell v Maintenance to Shell The command can also run on the booting state after a power on (but not booting after a reboot) and effectively change the target state in that situation. Completion Codes: v Target event not found. href = UNSUPPORTED_TRANSITION v Target event not found. href = BATTERIES_NOT_CHARGED_ENOUGH v Target event not found. href = DOUBLE_UPS_FAILURE v COMMAND_IS_NOT_VALID_IN_CURRENT_SYSTEM_STATE The requested command can not be invoked in the current system state v SHUTDOWN_CANNOT_HAPPEN_DURING_SYSTEM_UPGRADE The system cannot shut down while an upgrade is being performed. Troubleshooting: Contact support v Target event not found. href = Listing Operational State Shows the current operational state of the system. state_list This command shows the current operational state of the system. Id category value Name Category Value Description Default Position 1 2 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Showing System Capacity, Free Space and Spares Lists the system's capacities (both hard and soft). system_capacity_list This command shows the various types of hard and soft system capacities, free space and spare capacities. Id soft hard free_hard free_soft spare_modules spare_disks Name Soft Hard Free Hard Free Soft Spare Modules Spare Disks Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 104 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual Id Name Description Default Position 7 8 target_spare_modules Target Spare Modules target_spare_disks soft_MiB hard_MiB free_hard_MiB free_soft_MiB Target Spare Disks Soft (MiB) Hard (MiB) Free Hard (MiB) Free Soft (MiB) Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Showing the Current Time Shows the current system time. time_list This command shows the current time, date and time zone. Id time date timezone dst Name Time Date Time Zone Daylight Saving Time Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 Example: time_list Output: Time Date Time Zone Daylight Saving Time ---------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------------10:09:47 2008-02-19 Asia/Jerusalem no Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Chapter 9. System Management 105 User Category Technicians Permission Allowed Condition Setting the System's Time Sets the system's time in YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM:SS format. time_set time=Timestamp Parameters: Name time Type Description New current time. Mandatory Y Default This command sets the system's time. Example: time_set time=2006-05-04.03:02:01 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v SYSTEM_TIME_NOT_CHANGED System time was not changed Troubleshooting: Please try again. v BAD_TIMESTAMP Timestamp cannot be deciphered Listing Optional Time Zones Lists all optional time zones. timezone_list This command lists the optional time zones. Standard POSIX time zones are used. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ provides a full description of all time zones. 106 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual Id name Name Timezone Description Default Position 1 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Setting the Time Zone Sets the time zone of the system. timezone_set timezone=TimeZone Parameters: Name timezone Type String Description New time zone of the system. Mandatory Y Default This command sets the new time zone of the system. See Listing Optional Time Zones for a complete list of optional time zones. Standard POSIX time zones are used. http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ provides a full description of all time zones. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v BAD_TIMEZONE_NAME Timezone is not recognized by the system Aborting the Upgrade to a New Software Version Aborts a system upgrade process. upgrade_abort_ongoing Chapter 9. System Management 107 This command aborts the upgrade process of a new software version. In case that I/O are not stopped, the command aborts the upgrade and returns the system to full operation. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v HOT_UPGRADE_IS_NOT_ONGOING Hot upgrade is not currently ongoing Initiating Download of a New Software Version Initiates the downloading of a new software version. upgrade_download version=Version interface_type=<laptop|management|remote_support_module|vpn> [ repository_ip=DownloadServer ] Parameters: Name version Type String Description Version number of the new software to be downloaded. Mandatory Y Default interface_type Enumeration Type of IP Y interface where the repository IP resides. Network server used as the source for the new version. N repository_ip This command initiates the downloading of a new software version. The command only fails if there is another download process in effect. All other failures are reported asynchronously in upgrade_status command. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition 108 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual User Category Technicians Permission Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_IS_ALREADY_RUNNING Upgrade is already running v NO_ACTIVE_PORTS_OF_SPECIFIED_ROLE None of the ports of the specified role is active. v UPGRADE_DOWNLOAD_COULD_NOT_BE_STARTED Failed starting upgrade download of an unknown reason. v REPOSITORY_IP_MUST_BE_SUPPLIED_FOR_DOWNLOAD Repository IP must be supplied for download if the interface type is Management or VPN. v NO_PORTS_OF_SPECIFIED_ROLE The system does not have any ports of the specified roles. v PORT_ROLE_IS_INVALID Specified port role is invalid. Canceling an Upgrade Download Process Cancels an upgrade download process. upgrade_download_cancel This command cancels an upgrade download process. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_CANNOT_BE_CANCELED Upgrade is already underway and cannot be canceled. v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_NOT_RUNNING Upgrade is not underway Forcing a Continuation of the Upgrade Process Forces the system to continue the upgrade process. upgrade_force_on This command forces the system to continue the upgrade process. Chapter 9. System Management 109 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_SHUT_DOWN Are you sure you want to shut down the machine and all its components? Completion Codes: v COMMAND_IS_NOT_VALID_IN_CURRENT_SYSTEM_STATE The requested command can not be invoked in the current system state v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_NOT_RUNNING Upgrade is not underway v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_CANNOT_BE_CANCELED Upgrade is already underway and cannot be canceled. v HOT_UPGRADE_IS_NOT_ONGOING Hot upgrade is not currently ongoing v SHUTDOWN_CANNOT_HAPPEN_DURING_SYSTEM_UPGRADE The system cannot shut down while an upgrade is being performed. Troubleshooting: Contact support v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_CANCELED_BECAUSE_OF_NODE_FAILURE_DURING_UPGRADE Last upgrade was canceled because a node failed while the upgrade process was running Displaying Status of Upgrade Process Displays status of upgrade process. upgrade_get_status Parameters: Name Type Description Mandatory Default The output of this command displays the status of the upgrade process. The status can be any of the following: v Downloading - the upgrade package v Ready for upgrade v Preparing v Finalizing upgrade (after the I/Os resumes) 110 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual Additional upgrade-related values: v Requires a reboot v Update is required v The number of times the system attempted to stop I/Os v Time to the next retry v v v v v v v Abort reason (in case the upgrade was aborted) Failed to communication with server Server does not have the required software version No upgrade path from the current version to the new version The new version is a downgrade Download done Limitations on the upgrade (for example: upgrade to this version is not allowed if data migration is in progress, or if mirroring of a primary volume is defined as mandatory). In addition, once the download is complete, then a message is displayed on screen, telling whether the upgrade would be hot (no I/O interrupted) or cold (interrupting I/Os). Example: upgrade_get_status Output: Name -------------------------io_stopping_attempts_num is_restart_needed last_upgrade_result last_upgrade_start_time seconds_for_next_attempt upgrade_state upgrade_substate was_firmware_updated Value ---------------------------------------1 Unknown System has never performed an upgrade -1 Upgrade Not Underway NO_UPGRADE Unknown Id name value Name Name Value Description Default Position 1 2 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Chapter 9. System Management 111 the upgrade operation stops in maintenance mode ("safemode"). Upgrade is not allowed (to some versions) whenever: v There are active data migration processes. this argument has with the value of "yes". If the requested upgrade type is "cold". upgrade_system upgrade_type=<hot|cold|utilities_only> [ allow_downtime=<yes|no> ] Parameters: Name upgrade_type Type Enumeration Description Mandatory Default The type can can Y be "hot" (for hot upgrade). another argument has to be supplied: "allow_downtime" with the value of "yes". set to primary and in mandatory mode. v The system contains a volume that is mirrored. "cold" (for cold upgrade). The command fails whenever: v The download has not been initiated v The download has not been completed v A specific module or disk has failed . and "utilities_only" (for warm upgrade). no allow_downtime Boolean This command upgrades the software version of the system.Upgrading a System Upgrades the software version of the system. Both cases return UPGRADE_CAN_NOT_START. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition 112 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . If the requested N upgrade type is "cold".in this case. Troubleshooting: Make sure that all nodes finished downloading the new software version v PRE_UPGRADE_VALIDATIONS_ALREADY_RUNNING Pre-upgrade validations cannot be invoked since the system is already in the process of performing those validations v NO_LIVE_ADMIN_SERVER_FOUND Could not invoke pre-upgrade script because no module can run cli commands v PRE_UPGRADE_VALIDATION_FAILED v UPGRADE_RELATED_SCRIPT_ALREADY_RUNNING Pre-upgrade or post-upgrade script cannot be invoked since an upgrade related script is currently running v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_COLD_UPGRADE_WHEN_DOWNTIME_DISALLOWED Cold upgrade was requested but system downtime was not allowed Troubleshooting: Specify another upgrade type.User Category Technicians Permission Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_NOT_FINISHED_DOWNLOADING System cannot switch to new version until the new version is downloaded to all modules of the system. This command runs the prerequisites validation script of the upgrade. and "utilities_only" (for warm upgrade). System Management 113 . and returns its result. Chapter 9. "cold" (for cold upgrade). or allow downtime with the proper argument v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_INCOMPATIBLE_UPGRADE_TYPE_SPECIFIED The specified upgrade type specified is incompatibe with the kind of change imposed by the new version's files Troubleshooting: Specify the correct upgrade type Validating the Prerequisites of an Upgrade to a New Software Version Validates the ability to upgrade to a specified system version upgrade_validate_prerequisites [ upgrade_type=<hot|cold|utilities_only> ] Parameters: Name upgrade_type Type Enumeration Description Mandatory Default hot The type can can N be "hot" (for hot upgrade). Id system_version Name Version Description Default Position 1 Example: version_get Output: Version 10.2 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Allowed Condition 114 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v PRE_UPGRADE_VALIDATIONS_ALREADY_RUNNING Pre-upgrade validations cannot be invoked since the system is already in the process of performing those validations v UPGRADE_RELATED_SCRIPT_ALREADY_RUNNING Pre-upgrade or post-upgrade script cannot be invoked since an upgrade related script is currently running v SYSTEM_UPGRADE_NOT_FINISHED_DOWNLOADING System cannot switch to new version until the new version is downloaded to all modules of the system. version_get This command prints the current version of the system. Troubleshooting: Make sure that all nodes finished downloading the new software version v PRE_UPGRADE_VALIDATION_FAILED v NO_LIVE_ADMIN_SERVER_FOUND Could not invoke pre-upgrade script because no module can run cli commands Printing the Current System Version Prints the current version of the system. System Management 115 . Shows the values of VPD parameters.User Category Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Showing Values of VPD Parameters. Mandatory N Default All parameters.-------site. Example: vpd_config_get name=site.city Gotham Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Setting VPD Parameters Sets the values of VPD parameters. vpd_config_get [ name=ParamName ] Parameters: Name name Type String Description Name of the parameter to print. vpd_config_set name=ParamName value=ParamValue Chapter 9. See Setting VPD Parameters for a full list of available settings.city Output: Name Value ----------. Id name value Name Name Value Description Default Position 1 2 Shows the values of VPD parameters. mobile_phone customer.calling_hours v hardware_info.customer_contact. Value of the parameter.hw_ats_type hardware_info.primary_contact.email v remote_support.office_phone main_ibm_contact.email v customer.hw_rps interface_config.primary_contact.mobile_phone v v v v v main_ibm_contact.name v customer. where only the name is mandatory.secondary_contact.customer_contact.secondary_contact.email v main_ibm_contact.mobile_phone v customer.primary_contact.model machine_model machine_type main_ibm_contact.name v customer.office_phone 116 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .customer_contact.hw_patch_panel_label hardware_info.primary_contact.primary_contact.secondary_contact.calling_hours customer.office_phone v customer.office_phone customer.calling_hours v remote_support. Y This command sets the following values of VPD parameters.customer_contact.time_zone v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v customer.time_zone hardware_info.secondary_contact.hw_ats_monitoring v main_ibm_contact.secondary_contact.customer_contact.secondary_contact.email customer.hw_power_cable_config hardware_info.primary_contact.name v remote_support.: v customer.name main_ibm_contact.calling_hours v customer.time_zone non_mutable_vpd_info.name customer.original_flashed_version remote_support.hw_cable_bundle hardware_info.Parameters: Name name value Type String String Description Mandatory Default Name of the Y parameter to set.mobile_phone v remote_support.hw_patch_panel hardware_info.hw_door hardware_info. sys_ec_level v system_info.building_location site.city site.state v site.postal_code site.name site.modem_phone_number remote_support.special_instructions remote_support.customer_contact.country site.v v v v v v v v v v v v remote_support. System Management 117 .vpn_ip_2 site.vpn_ip_1 remote_support.street_address v system_info.sys_hw_level Example: vpd_config_set name= value= Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Chapter 9.primary_ibm_ip remote_support.time_zone remote_support.secondary_ibm_ip remote_support. 118 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Use target_port_activate instead. Ports are associated directly with targets. Use target_port_delete.) target_port_activate(Activates a port of a remote target. or all the target definitions.) target_update(Updates the target's configuration. The sections are listed as follows: v target_change_connection_threshold(Setting a threshold for link disruption that lasts more than a specified duration) v target_config_sync_rates(Changes the target's mirroring configuration. Remote Target Connectivity The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for defining remote target connectivity.) target_rename(Renames a remote target.) target_define(Defines a new remote target for remote mirroring or data migration. Ports are associated directly with targets.) target_port_deactivate(Deactivates a port of a remote target.) v target_portset_create (Port Sets are no longer in use in this version.Chapter 10.) 119 .) v target_portset_port_delete (Port sets are not in use.) v target_connectivity_activate(Activates connectivity between a port on the local storage system and a port on a remote target.) target_mirroring_allow(Allows remote mirroring operations initiated from the remote target.) v target_portset_port_activate (Port sets are not in use any more.) v target_portset_port_add (Port sets are no longer used.) target_port_delete(Deletes a port from a specified remote target.) target_port_add(Adds a port to a remote target.) The following commands are no longer in use: v target_connectivity_test (Connectivity is reported in the target_connectivity_list command.) v target_connectivity_define(Defines connectivity between a port on the local storage system and a port on a remote target.) v target_portset_delete (Port Sets are no longer in use in this version.) v target_portset_rename (Port Sets are no longer in use in this version. Use target_port_add instead.) target_port_list(List all ports of a target.) v target_connectivity_delete(Deletes connectivity between a port on the local storage system and a port on a remote target.) v v target_connectivity_list(Lists all the connectivity definitions of a remote target. Ports are associated directly with targets.) v target_delete(Deletes the definition of a specified remote target.) v target_connectivity_deactivate(Deactivates connectivity between a port on the local storage system and a port on a remote target.) v v v v v v v v v target_list(Lists a specified remote target definition. target_config_sync_rates target=TargetName [ max_initialization_rate=MaxInitializationRate ] [ max_syncjob_rate=MaxSyncjobRate ] [ max_resync_rate=MaxResyncRate ] 120 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Ports are associated directly with targets. Use target_port_deactivate.v target_portset_port_deactivate (Portsets are not in use any more.) Setting A Threshold for Link Disruption Duration Setting a threshold for link disruption that lasts more than a specified duration target_change_connection_threshold target=TargetName [ duration=duration ] Parameters: Name duration Type Integer Description Mandatory Default 30 duration for link N down that will trigger an event Target name Y target Object name Setting a threshold for link disruption that lasts more than a specified duration Example: target_change_connection_threshold target duration Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v TARGET_INVALID_CONNECTION_DURATION_THRESHOLD Target connection duration threshold should be in [1.1000000] range Updating the Target Mirroring Configuration Changes the target's mirroring configuration.) v target_portset_list (Port Sets are no longer in use in this version. Chapter 10. Cannot be larger than max_syncjob_rate. The default system_id is the value that is set with the config_set command. The synchronization rate units are Megabytes per second. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v TARGET_ILLEGAL_RATE_VALUES max init rate should be smaller or equal to max sync job rate. Specifies the maximum rate for resynchronization N max_syncjob_rate Positive integer Unchanged max_resync_rate Positive integer Unchanged This command changes the system ID of the remote target. Remote Target Connectivity 121 . Cannot be larger than max_resync_rate. max sync job rate should not be greater than max resync rate. 100 MB/s for resync rate. Mandatory Y Unchanged Default max_initialization_rate Positive integer Specifies the N maximum rate for initial synchronization. N Specifies the default maximum rate for sync job synchronization.Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description The updated target. The default rates are: 30 MB/s for initialization rate. target_connectivity_activate target=TargetName < ipaddress=IPaddress local_ipinterface=IPInterface > | < fcaddress=wwwpn local_port=PortId > Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Remote target of Y the connectivity definition. if required.Activating Connectivity to a Remote Target Activates connectivity between a port on the local storage system and a port on a remote target. N ipaddress local_ipinterface fcaddress N local_port N This command activates connectivity after it has been deactivated. The system does not use an inactive connectivity definition. Each connectivity definition can be either active or in-active. IP address of the N port on the remote target (iSCSI targets only). Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v CONNECTIVITY_NOT_DEFINED Remote port is not connected through this local port 122 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Target Connectivity is active by default. Object name Local IP interface to be connected to the remote port (iSCSI only) FC address of the port on the remote target (FC targets only). Port identifier. This command has no effect if the connectivity is already active. Target Connectivity is active by default. Remote Target Connectivity 123 . This command has no effect if the connectivity is already deactivated. Connectivity can be reactivated using Activating Connectivity to a Remote Target. Each connectivity definition can be either active or inactive. Object name Local IP interface that is connected to the remote port (iSCSI only). Example: Chapter 10. Port identifier. N ipaddress local_ipinterface fcaddress N local_port N This command deactivates connectivity. The system does not use an inactive connectivity definition.v COMPONENT_IS_NOT_AN_FC_PORT Component must specify an FC port v COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE Operation is not allowed on Management IP Interface v IPINTERFACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST IP Interface name does not exist v TARGET_PORT_BAD_ADDRESS Remote port address is illegal or does not belong to the remote target v BAD_LOCAL_IP_PORT An ID of a local IP port must be specified Deactivating Connectivity to a Remote Target Deactivates connectivity between a port on the local storage system and a port on a remote target. FC address of the port on the remote target (FC targets only). IP address of the N port on the remote target (iSCSI targets only). target_connectivity_deactivate target=TargetName < ipaddress=IPaddress local_ipinterface=IPInterface > | < fcaddress=wwpn local_port=PortId > Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Remote target of Y the connectivity definition. target_connectivity_deactivate target=Nextra2 local_module=101 Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE Operation is not allowed on Management IP Interface v CONNECTIVITY_NOT_DEFINED Remote port is not connected through this local port v COMPONENT_IS_NOT_AN_FC_PORT Component must specify an FC port v TARGET_PORT_BAD_ADDRESS Remote port address is illegal or does not belong to the remote target v BAD_LOCAL_IP_PORT An ID of a local IP port must be specified v IPINTERFACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST IP Interface name does not exist Defining Connectivity to a Remote Target Defines connectivity between a port on the local storage system and a port on a remote target. target_connectivity_define target=TargetName < ipaddress=IPaddress local_ipinterface=IPInterface > | < fcaddress=wwpn local_port=ComponentId > Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Remote target of Y the connectivity definition. 124 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . if required. An option is provided to de-activate (target_connectivity_deactivate) and then re-activate (target_connectivity_activate) it. The system does not use an inactive connectivity definition. Target Connectivity can be deleted (Deleting Connectivity to a Remote Target) and a list of Target Connectivity definitions (Listing Target Connectivity Definitions) can be displayed. Each connectivity definition can be either active or inactive. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v CONN_EXISTS Remote port is already connected through this local port v MAX_CONNECTIONS_REACHED Maximum number of connections already defined v COMPONENT_IS_NOT_AN_FC_PORT Component must specify an FC port v BAD_LOCAL_IP_PORT Chapter 10. Object name Local IP interface to be connected to the remote port (iSCSI only).Name ipaddress Type Description Mandatory Default IP address of the N port on the remote target (iSCSI targets only). Remote Target Connectivity 125 . Target Connectivity is active by default. Connectivity between a local and a target storage system is defined between a specific port on a local storage system and a port on the target storage system. FC address of the port on the remote target (FC targets only). N local_ipinterface fcaddress N local_port N This command defines connectivity between a port on the local storage system and a port on a remote target. FC port (FC only). target_connectivity_delete target=TargetName < ipaddress=IPaddress local_ipinterface=IPInterface > | < fcaddress=wwpn local_port=ComponentId > Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Remote target of Y the connectivity definition.An ID of a local IP port must be specified v COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE Operation is not allowed on Management IP Interface v IPINTERFACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST IP Interface name does not exist v TARGET_PORT_BAD_ADDRESS Remote port address is illegal or does not belong to the remote target Deleting Connectivity to a Remote Target Deletes connectivity between a port on the local storage system and a port on a remote target. Example: target_connectivity_delete target=XIV2 local_module=101 Output: 126 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . FC address of the port on the remote target (FC targets only). This command deletes a Target Connectivity definition. IP address of the N port on the remote target (iSCSI targets only). Object name Local IP interface that is connected to the remote port (iSCSI only). Only a previously defined connectivity definition can be deleted. N ipaddress local_ipinterface fcaddress N local_port Port number on N the local module (FC only). Remote Target Connectivity 127 . Id target_name remote_port_address local_fc_port local_ip_port Name Target Name Remote Port FC Port IP Interface Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 Chapter 10. target_connectivity_list [ target=TargetName ] Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description Mandatory Default All targets Target name that N is listed. This command lists a specified remote target connectivity definition or all the target definitions.Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE Operation is not allowed on Management IP Interface v CONNECTIVITY_NOT_DEFINED Remote port is not connected through this local port v COMPONENT_IS_NOT_AN_FC_PORT Component must specify an FC port v TARGET_PORT_BAD_ADDRESS Remote port address is illegal or does not belong to the remote target v BAD_LOCAL_IP_PORT An ID of a local IP port must be specified v IPINTERFACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST IP Interface name does not exist Listing Target Connectivity Definitions Lists all the connectivity definitions of a remote target. This field is mandatory for iSCSI hosts. depending on the communication protocol supported by the remote host.Id active up Name Active Up Description Default Position 5 6 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Defining a Remote Target Defines a new remote target for remote mirroring or data migration. ID of the remote N system. target_define target=TargetName protocol=<FC|iSCSI> [ iscsi_name=iSCSIName ] [ xiv_features=<yes|no> ] [ system_id=SystemId ] Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description Local name of the remote target. iscsi_name iSCSI initiator name system_id String 128 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . iSCSI name of N the remote target. Should be the same as the output of Printing Configuration Parameters of the system_id variable on the remote system. Mandatory Y Default protocol Enumeration Y FC (Fiber Channel) or iSCSI. Non-XIV systems are used only for data migration. There are two possible protocols: Fiber Channel (FC) and iSCSI. Remote Target Connectivity 129 . The local storage system can write to or read from the remote storage system or allow the target storage system to write to or read from it. the only way to change its protocol type is to delete the remote target and define it again. Note: Once you have defined a remote target. such as remote mirroring. Example: target_define target=Nextra2 protocol=FC Output: Command executed successfully. The first step when defining a new Target Connectivity is to specify the name of the remote storage system and the protocol used to communicate with it. Each remote target is available through only one of these protocols. No connectivity definitions are defined yet and no communications are performed yet. This command defines the communication topology between a local storage system and a remote storage system in order to enable various features.Name xiv_features Type Boolean Description Mandatory Default Yes Defines the N remote system as an XIV system. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v MAX_TARGETS_REACHED Maximum number of targets already defined v TARGET_NAME_EXISTS Target name is already assigned to another target v TARGET_ISCSI_MUST_HAVE_A_NAME iSCSI Target must have an iscsi_name Chapter 10. This step only defines the remote system object. target_delete target=TargetName Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description Target that is deleted. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v TARGET_HAS_PORTS Ports are defined for this target v TARGET_HAS_ASSOCIATIONS Remote volumes are defined on this target 130 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Mandatory Y Default This command deletes an existing target. A target that contains port definitions cannot be deleted.v ISCSI_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_FC FC Target does not have an iscsi_name v TARGET_BAD_SCSI_TYPE Target SCSI type does not exist Deleting a Remote Target Deletes the definition of a specified remote target. Example: target_delete target=Nextra2 Output: Command executed successfully. A target with remote mirroring or Data Migration definitions cannot be deleted. ports. max resync rate. or all the target definitions. Remote Target Connectivity 131 . active/inactive status for each port. This command lists a specified remote target definition. Id name scsi_type connected xiv_target iscsi_name system_id num_ports creator Name Name SCSI Type Connected XIV Target iSCSI Name System ID Number of Ports Creator Description Default Position 1 2 3 max_initialization_rate Max Initialization Rate max_resync_rate max_syncjob_rate Max Resync Rate Max Syncjob Rate connectivity_lost_event_threshold Connection Threshold Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Allowing Remote Mirroring Access Allows remote mirroring operations initiated from the remote target. The following is listed for each target: port groups. target_mirroring_allow target=TargetName Chapter 10.max initialization rate. or all the target definitions. target_list [ target=TargetName ] Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description Mandatory Default All targets Target name that N is listed. and the following mirroring-related values .Listing Remote Targets Lists a specified remote target definition. and max sync job rate. create volumes and define existing volumes as slaves.Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description Remote target name. Note: This step must be performed before mirroring is defined (mirror_create). write. This command is used when allowing remote mirroring operations. Once mirroring is allowed. this permission cannot be revoked. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v TARGET_BAD_TYPE Target machine is not XIV machine Activating a Port Activates a port of a remote target. Example: target_mirroring_allow target=Nextra2 Output: Command Executed Successfully. the target storage system cannot access the local storage system. Otherwise. This operation should also be run on the target storage system so that it gives permission to the local storage system to access it. view. Mandatory Y Default This command is performed on a local storage system in order to allow the target storage system permission to read. This command also allows a remote target to read and write through the SCSI interface. target_port_activate target=TargetName < ipaddress=IPaddress | fcaddress=wwpn > 132 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Each port in a remote system can be configured as either active or inactive. After a port is defined. if the port is already active.Parameters: Name target ipaddress Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Remote target of Y the port. The system does not use an inactive port. This command has no effect. Remote Target Connectivity 133 . FC address of the port on the remote target (FC targets only). This command reactivates a port if it was de-activated (by using target_port_deactivate). IP address of the N port on the remote target (iSCSI targets only). it is active by default. Example: target_port_activate target=Nextra2 fcaddress=10:00:00:17:38:27:ec:11 Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_PORT_BAD_ADDRESS Remote port address is illegal or does not belong to the remote target v TARGET_BAD_PORT_STATE Port is already in requested activation state v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist Chapter 10. N fcaddress This command activates a port of a remote target. Specify the IP address or the FC address according to communication protocol of the target.Adding a New Port to a Remote Target Adds a port to a remote target. IP address of the N port on the remote target (for iSCSI type targets only). and its type must conform to the remote target's communication protocol type. A port can be either FC or iSCSI. N ipaddress fcaddress This command adds a new port to a specified target. FC address of the remote port (for FC type targets only). target_port_add target=TargetName < ipaddress=IPaddress | fcaddress=wwpn > Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Remote target to Y which to add the port. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v PORT_EXISTS Port is already defined v MAX_PORTS_REACHED Maximum number of ports already defined in the system v TARGET_PORT_BAD_ADDRESS Remote port address is illegal or does not belong to the remote target 134 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . IP address of the N port on the remote target (iSCSI targets only).Deactivating a Port Deactivates a port of a remote target. FC address of the port on the remote target (FC targets only). After a port is defined. The system does not use an inactive port. it is active by default. Example: target_port_deactivate target=XIV2 fcaddress=10:00:00:17:38:27:ec:11 Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v TARGET_PORT_BAD_ADDRESS Chapter 10. N fcaddress This command deactivates a port. target_port_deactivate target=TargetName < ipaddress=IPaddress | fcaddress=wwpn > Parameters: Name target ipaddress Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Remote target of Y the port. To re-activate a port use Activating a Port. Remote Target Connectivity 135 . Each port in a remote system can be configured as either active or in-active. Mandatory Y Default ipaddress IP address of the N port (for iSCSI targets only). FC address of the remote port (for FC targets only). Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v TARGET_PORT_BAD_ADDRESS Remote port address is illegal or does not belong to the remote target 136 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . N fcaddress This command deletes a port from a specified remote target. Example: target_port_delete target=Nextra2 fcaddress=10:00:00:17:38:27:ec:11 Output: Command executed successfully. target_port_delete target=TargetName < ipaddress=IPaddress | fcaddress=wwpn > Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description Remote target from which the port is that is deleted.Remote port address is illegal or does not belong to the remote target v TARGET_BAD_PORT_STATE Port is already in requested activation state Deleting a Port from a Remote System Deletes a port from a specified remote target. Lists all ports of a remote target. Id target_name scsi_type active fc_wwpn iscsi_ip_addr iscsi_ip_port Name Target Name Port Type Active WWPN iSCSI Address iSCSI Port Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Renaming a Remote Target Renames a remote target. Mandatory Y Y Default Chapter 10.v TARGET_PORT_HAS_CONNECTIVITY Port has connectivity defined to it Listing the Ports of a Remote Target List all ports of a target. Remote Target Connectivity 137 . target_rename target=TargetName new_name=NewName Parameters: Name target new_name Type Object name Object name Description Target that is renamed. New name of the target. target_port_list [ target=TargetName ] Parameters: Name target Type Object name Description Mandatory Default All systems Target for which N all ports should be listed. This command changes the system ID of the remote target. 138 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Example: target_rename target=Nextra2 new_name=Nextra-DRP Output: Command Executed Successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v TARGET_NAME_EXISTS Target name is already assigned to another target Updating the Target Configuration Updates the target's configuration.This command renames an existing target. target_update target=TargetName system_id=SystemId Parameters: Name target system_id Type Object name String Description Target to be updated. Should be the same as the output of Printing Configuration Parameters of the system_id variable on the remote system. Mandatory Y Default ID of the remote Y system. Remote Target Connectivity 139 .Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist Chapter 10. 140 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . ) schedule_rename(Renames a schedule object. and from Secondary to Primary.) schedule_delete(Deletes a schedule for replication.) v v v v v v v v rpo_thresholds_get(Listing system RPO related thresholds. Other command that are relevant to this topic is: Setting A Threshold for Link Disruption Duration. Parameter create_last_consistent_snapshot is associated directly with pools) v sync_rates_set (Command is no longer in use in this version.) mirror_list(Lists the status and configuration of mirroring couplings) mirror_statistics_get(The command presents statistics that are automatically gathered by the system on past sync jobs corresponding to a specified mirrored volume or consistency job.) v mirror_switch_roles(Switches roles between master and slave volumes. The sections are listed as follows: v mirror_cancel_snapshot( Cancels all Snapshot Mirrors ('ad-hoc' sync jobs) of a specified master volume or a master consistency group. that once crossed will trigger the creation of a corresponding event) rpo_thresholds_set(Setting system RPO related thresholds.) v mirror_change_role(Changes the role of a local mirroring peer between Master and Slave) v mirror_change_schedule( Changes the replication schedule for peers on the local system.) v mirror_change_rpo(Changing Local/Remote RPO for a mirror relation) v mirror_change_designation( Changes the designation of mirroring peers . Remote Mirroring The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for remote mirroring.) 141 .) v mirror_create(Creates remote mirroring coupling.from Primary to Secondary. that have not run yet.) sync_job_list(Lists the status of queued and running sync jobs for asynchronous couplings) The following commands are no longer in use: v mirror_change_config (Command is no longer in use in this version.) v v v mirror_deactivate(Deactivates mirroring for a defined mirror coupling.) schedule_create(Defines a schedule for replication.) schedule_list(Lists the schedule properties for the specified coupling. Supplanted by command target_config_sync_rates.) v mirror_create_snapshot() v mirror_activate(Activates mirroring for a defined mirror coupling. that once crossed will trigger the creation of a corresponding event) schedule_change( Changes the interval of a schedule.) v mirror_change_remote_schedule(Changes the replication schedule of a remote Slave peer.Chapter 11. The command fails under the following conditions: v The command is issued on a slave volume or consistency group. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed The volume is mapped to a host or a cluster associated with the user. The command does not delete the snapshots themselves. mirror_cancel_snapshot <vol=volumeName | cg=CgName> Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of the N (local) master volume whose non-started snapshot mirrors should be cancelled Name of the N (local) master Consistency Group whose non-started snapshot mirrors should be cancelled cg Object name This command cancels all snapshot mirrors (ad-hoc sync jobs) for a specific master volume. v Non-started snapshot mirrors are cancelled. v An event is generated.Canceling a Snapshot Mirror (Ad Hoc Sync Job) Cancels all Snapshot Mirrors ('ad-hoc' sync jobs) of a specified master volume or a master consistency group. Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed 142 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . If a snapshot overwrite is used. or a master consistecy group. the target snapshot must be one created by a server administrator. Running the command: v A warning message is presented to the user for confirmation. Only sync jobs that haven't started are cancelled. that have not run yet. N N 1 Chapter 11. v MIRROR_RETRY_OPERATION There is an operation in progress on this mirror . please retry your request in a few seconds The newly defined schedule has to shorther than the RPO. The deletion priority of the volume's snapshot. v CONS_GROUP_NO_MIRROR Local consistency group does not have remote mirroring definitions v LOCAL_PEER_IS_NOT_MASTER Local peer is not the master v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_MIRRORED_CONS_GROUP Volume mirror is part of consistency group mirror. Mandatory N Default cg name delete_priority Object name Object name Integer Local Master CG N name. Troubleshooting: Please retry the command in a few seconds Creating a Snapshot Mirror (Ad Hoc Sync Job) mirror_create_snapshot <vol=volumeName | cg=CgName> name=SnapshotName [ delete_priority=del_value ] slave_name=SnapshotName [ slave_delete_priority=del_value ] Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Name of the volume to snapshot. Remote Mirroring 143 . Name of the new snapshot.Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_CANCEL_SNAPSHOT_MIRRORS_FOR_THE_VOLUME Are you sure you want to delete snapshot mirrors for Volume? v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_CANCEL_SNAPSHOT_MIRRORS_FOR_THE_CONSISTENC Are you sure you want to delete snapshot mirrors for Consistency Group? Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_NO_MIRROR Local volume does not have remote mirroring definitions v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. each mandates the creation of a corresponding sync job v Corresponding sync jobs are queued one after each other Prioritization of sync-jobs: v The snapshot mirror delays the execution of an interval-based mirror if it is running upon arrival of a new interval.Name slave_name Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of the N new snapshot on the slave. v In asynchronous mirroring .the command takes a snapshot of the source peer (Master) and the target peer (Slave) at exactly the same time. v In synchronous mirroring . N 1 slave_delete_priority Integer This command synchronizes the Slave with the Master. Prerequisite (for both synchronous and asynchronous mirroring): v The coupling has to be operational. however. The snapshot mirror results with the following: v On the Slave . Cancelling a snapshot mirror: v The administrator has the ability to cancel snapshot mirrors that have not yet started. v The snapshot mirror does not. its snapshot is duplicated and the duplicate is named last_replicated (the previous last_replicated snapshot is deleted). The process sets a new sync-job that copies the differences between the point-in-time snapshot and the most recent snapshot that is guaranteed to be synchronized with the target peer. The outcome for the synchronous mirroring: 144 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Following the completion of the snapshot mirror. named last_replicated v On the Master .the pertinent snapshot that is mirrored onto the slave is also named last_replicated These two last_replicated snapshots are different and denoted" master" and "slave" accordingly. IMPORTANT: The snapshots created concurrently on the Master and Slave are identical.a snapsjhot is taken on the slave. The deletion priority of the slave volume's snapshot. Multiple Snapshot Mirrors: v Multiple snapshot mirrors can be issued.the command establishes a process that takes a point-in-time snapshot of the source peer (Master) and synchronizes it with the Slave. Precedence of the last snapshot mirror over the last_replicated snapshot: v The last_replicated snapshot of the Master will be updated to reflect the completed snapshot mirror. cancel the creation of the interval-based sync job. The interval-based mirror will be calculated based on the differences between the most_recent snapshot and the last snapshot mirror. v OVERWRITE_SNAPSHOT_BAD_NAME Snapshot name does not exist v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_NAME_EXISTS Snapshot Group name already exists. Remote Mirroring 145 . v CONS_GROUP_NO_MIRROR Local consistency group does not have remote mirroring definitions v LOCAL_PEER_IS_NOT_MASTER Local peer is not the master v VOLUME_IS_SNAPSHOT Operation is not permitted on snapshots v MIRROR_IS_NON_OPERATIONAL Mirror is non-operational v MAX_VOLUMES_REACHED Maximum number of volumes already defined v REMOTE_MAX_VOLUMES_REACHED Maximum number of volumes already defined on remote machine v VOLUME_EXISTS Volume name already exists v SNAPSHOT_ILLEGAL_PRIORITY Snapshot priorities allowed are an integer between 1 and 4. Condition Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_NO_MIRROR Local volume does not have remote mirroring definitions v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. inclusive. the target snapshot must be one created by a server administrator.v v v v v The Master blocks host I/O for the duration of creating the snapshots The Master completes synchronizing pending writes A snapshot of the Master and Slave is taken The Master no longer blocks host I/O An event is generated Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Conditionally Allowed The volume is mapped to a host or a cluster associated with the user. If a snapshot overwrite is used. Chapter 11. v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_MIRRORED_CONS_GROUP Volume mirror is part of consistency group mirror. REMOTE_SNAPSHOT_ILLEGAL_PRIORITY The Snapshot Group on the remote peer was given an illegal deletion priority. v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_BAD_NAME Snapshot Group name does not exist. href = REMOTE_SNAPSHOT_GROUP_ILLEGAL_PRIORITY v POOL_SNAPSHOT_LIMIT_REACHED The maximum number of snapshots already created. modified in any way or deleted. v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. v SNAPSHOT_IS_INTERNAL Internal snapshots cannot be mapped. v CONS_GROUP_MISMATCH Snapshot Group does not match Consistency Group volumes. Target event not found. v VOLUME_DATA_MIGRATION_UNSYNCHRONIZED Data Migration has not completed to this volume v REMOTE_VOLUME_IS_MASTER Slave volume is currently defined as a master volume v OVERWRITE_SNAPSHOT_GROUP_DOES_NOT_BELONG_TO_GIVEN_GROUP Snapshot Group belongs to another Consistency Group. v SNAPSHOT_IS_PART_OF_SNAPSHOT_GROUP v v v v v Snapshot is part of a Snapshot Group REMOTE_SNAPSHOT_NAME_EXISTS A Snapshot Group with this name already exists on the remote peer. v SYNCHED_SNAPSHOTS_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_TARGET Synchronized Snapshot capability is not supported by the Mirror's Target. v OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_LOOPBACK Requested operation is not allowed on loopback target v VOLUME_BAD_PREFIX Volume name has a reserved prefix v CONS_GROUP_EMPTY Operation is not allowed on an empty Consistency Group. href = REMOTE_OVERWRITE_SNAPSHOT_BAD_NAME Target event not found.v SNAPSHOT_GROUP_ILLEGAL_PRIORITY The Snapshot Group was given an illegal deletion priority. href = REMOTE_SNAPSHOT_GROUP_NAME_EXISTS Target event not found. v MIRROR_IS_NOT_SYNCHRONIZED Mirror is not synchronized v SNAPSHOT_OVERWRITE_MISMATCH Specified snapshot is not a snapshot of the specified volume v MIRROR_RETRY_OPERATION 146 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . modified or deleted. Requirements for a successful command completion: v The specified target must exist v The specified target must be mirrored v The specified target is a volume that does not belong to a Consistency Group. or a Consistency Group v The specified target is not a Master v A Standby state was explicitly set by issuing the mirror_deactivate command on the same peer Note: If the new activation state is the same as the existing state nothing is done and a success code is returned. Activating Mirroring Activates mirroring for a defined mirror coupling. mirror_activate < vol=VolName | cg=CgName > Parameters: Name vol cg Type Object name Object name Description Master volume. please retry your request in a few seconds The newly defined schedule has to shorther than the RPO.either volumes or Consistency Groups and switches it to Active state. Troubleshooting: Please retry the command in a few seconds v OVERWRITE_SNAPSHOT_IS_MASTER_VOL Cannot overwrite Master Volume This snapshot can't be overwritten as it is a master volume. Remote Mirroring 147 .There is an operation in progress on this mirror . Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Chapter 11. Mandatory N Default Master CG name N or a list of master CGs This command activates the coupling . cg remote_rpo rpo Object name Integer Integer CG name on the N local system RPO on remote system RPO on local system N N [Unchanged] [Unchanged] Mandatory N Default This command changes the Local/Remote RPO for a mirror. v The link has to be up. v The command must be run on the Master. Changing the RPO for Local/Remote System Changing Local/Remote RPO for a mirror relation mirror_change_rpo <vol=volName | cg=cgName> [ rpo=rpo ] [ remote_rpo=rpo ] Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Local volume name. v The RPO must be an interval.Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_NO_MIRROR Local volume does not have remote mirroring definitions v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. 148 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . v CONS_GROUP_NO_MIRROR Local consistency group does not have remote mirroring definitions v LOCAL_PEER_IS_NOT_MASTER Local peer is not the master v MIRROR_CONFIGURATION_ERROR Mirror local configuration does not match remote configuration v REMOTE_MAX_VOLUMES_REACHED Maximum number of volumes already defined on remote machine v SYNC_ALREADY_ACTIVE Synchronization is already active v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_MIRRORED_CONS_GROUP Volume mirror is part of consistency group mirror. Must be specified if the command concerns a volume. v ASYNC_MIRROR_RPO_TOO_LONG Specified RPO is too long.Example: mirror_change_rpo vol=volname rpo=100 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v CONS_GROUP_NO_MIRROR Local consistency group does not have remote mirroring definitions v ASYNC_MIRROR_REMOTE_RPO_TOO_SHORT Specified Remote RPO is too short. v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_MIRRORED_CONS_GROUP Volume mirror is part of consistency group mirror. v ASYNC_MIRROR_RPO_TOO_SHORT Specified RPO is too short. v INTERVAL_SHOULD_BE_SHORTER_THAN_RPO Schedule interval must me shorter that RPO. Chapter 11. Remote Mirroring 149 . The newly defined schedule has to shorther than the RPO. v LOCAL_IS_SLAVE Local mirror peer is not the master v SYNC_MIRROR_HAS_NO_RPO Synchronous Mirror does not have an RPO. v ASYNC_MIRROR_REMOTE_RPO_TOO_LONG Specified Remote RPO is too long. v TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED There is currently no connection to the target system v VOLUME_NO_MIRROR Local volume does not have remote mirroring definitions v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. and from Secondary to Primary. The designation change implied by this command reflects a decision to reset the designation of the mirroring peers. the command will switch the designations of both peers from their current value.from Primary to Secondary.Changing a the Mirroring Peers' Designation Changes the designation of mirroring peers . in contrast with the operational role – which is denoted by the Master/Slave title. the command will act as a toggle changing the designation of the peers between Primary and Secondary. and from Secondary to Primary. Mandatory N N N none Default new_designation Enumeration This command changes the designation of the mirroring peers – from Primary to Secondary. There is no obligation to issue the command with a specification of the new designation. Example: mirror_change_designation cg=reggie13_cg new_designation=Secondary Output: Command executed successfully. mirror_change_designation < vol=VolumeName | cg=CgName > [ new_designation=<Primary|Secondary> ] Parameters: Name vol cg Type Object name Object name Description Master volume name. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Allowed Condition 150 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . The coupling has to be operational. Master CG name. The command is issued on the Master peer and affects both peers. In case that the new designation is not specified. The Primary will change to a Secondary. The new designation of the peer If not specified. and the Secondary will change to a Primary. mirror_change_remote_schedule < vol=VolName | cg=CgName > remote_schedule=Schedule Parameters: Name vol cg Type Object name Object name Description Local master volume name Mandatory N Default Local master CG N name A reference to a remote schedule that should be set for the remote slave peer (which corresponds with the Master specified in the command) Y remote_schedule Object name Chapter 11. v CONS_GROUP_NO_MIRROR Local consistency group does not have remote mirroring definitions v LOCAL_PEER_IS_NOT_MASTER Local peer is not the master v MIRROR_DESIGNATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_TARGET Mirror role designation is not supported by the Mirror's Target. Remote Mirroring 151 . Changing a Mirroring Schedule for Remote Slave Peers Changes the replication schedule of a remote Slave peer.User Category Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_NO_MIRROR Local volume does not have remote mirroring definitions v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. v MIRROR_IS_NON_OPERATIONAL Mirror is non-operational v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_MIRRORED_CONS_GROUP Volume mirror is part of consistency group mirror. v CONS_GROUP_NO_MIRROR Local consistency group does not have remote mirroring definitions v REMOTE_VOLUME_IS_MASTER Slave volume is currently defined as a master volume v REMOTE_CONS_GROUP_IS_MASTER Remote Consistency Group is already defined as a master v SCHEDULE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Specified Schedule does not exist 152 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Prerequisites: v The coupling must be ASYNC_INTERVAL. Following the command execution: v The system displays a warning v v v v If the command is approved. they run according to the previous schedule) Requirements for a successful command completion: v The specified target exists v The specified target is mirrored v The specified target is not a volume that belongs to a mirrored Consistency Group v The specified target is of sync type ASYNC_INTERVAL v The specified target is a Master v The link is up Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_NO_MIRROR Local volume does not have remote mirroring definitions v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist.e.This command changes the replication schedule of an asynchronous coupling in order to make it effective after the role of a specified remote Slave peer is changed to Master. it is executed An event is generated New sync jobs are generated according to the updated schedule Existing sync jobs are not affected (i. v TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED There is currently no connection to the target system v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_MIRRORED_CONS_GROUP Volume mirror is part of consistency group mirror.v SYNC_MIRROR_DOES_NOT_USE_SCHEDULE Definition of Synchronous Mirror does not require a Schedule object to be specified. Chapter 11. The newly defined schedule has to shorther than the RPO. It is assumed that the command will be issued on both peers of the coupling before the coupling becomes operational again. Remote Mirroring 153 . When the command is applied to the master: v The command can be issued only if the activation state is Standby. none N Mandatory N Default This command changes the role of the local peer from master to slave or from slave to master when the coupling is non-operational. Changing the Roles of a Mirrored Volume Changes the role of a local mirroring peer between Master and Slave mirror_change_role <vol=VolName | cg=CgName> [ new_role=<Master|Slave> ] Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Local volume name. cg Object name CG name Must be specified if the command concerns a CG. v INTERVAL_SHOULD_BE_SHORTER_THAN_RPO Schedule interval must me shorter that RPO. new_role Enumeration Role name of the N peer If not specified. Must be specified if the command concerns a volume. so that upon reconnection there will still be one master and one slave. the command will act as a toggle changing the role of the peer between Master and Slave. based on schedule – Completion of process is recorded in log – Mirroring state is standby – Explicit activation of mirroring is required 154 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . which might be inconsistent. Changing the roles in synchronous mirroring: v When applied on the master: – All changes made to the master since the last time the peers were synchronized will be reverted to their original value. v When applied on the slave: – A warning is presented: Are you sure to change slave to master – An event is generated – The new Master will cease accepting replication requests from the previous Master.Either way. keeping a copy of the information at the time of the role change. Changing the roles in asynchronous mirroring: v When applied on the master: – Upon successful issuance of the command on the master. if a last_consistent snapshot exists. and upon explicit activation will start replicating to the other peer (the original master). – If the slave volume has a last_consistent snapshot. and will revert to the last_replicated snapshot – The new Master starts accepting host requests – The new Master establishes asynchronous interval-based Sync Job process. If the command was issued during link unavailability. . and is set to accept replication from the other peer as a slave.In this case. reverting the volume and creating a new mirroring definition. The master ceases serving host requests. and will be set to accept replication from the other peer as a slave. a most_updated snapshot of the peer will be taken to capture the most recent changed that haven’t yet been replicated to the other peer. will cease accepting host requests. .v The command can’t be issued during the Initialization phase. it means that the mirroring was broken in the middle of the synchronization process and the slave could be inconsistent. the administrator must choose whether to use the most_updated version. – A warning is displayed: Are you sure to change master to slave – An event is generated – The Master will cease accepting host requests – Unsynchronized data at the demoted Master is recorded in most updated snapshot – The demoted Master reverts to last_replicated snapshot – Completion of process is recorded in log o Mirroring state is standby v When applied on the slave: – The slave will become a master. a most-updated snapshot is created.Reverting the volume to the last_consistent snapshot can only be performed by deleting the mirroring. the master will be reverted to the image recorded on the last_replicated snapshot of the mirror. start accepting requests from hosts. or the last_consistent snapshot. . Remote Mirroring 155 .Requirements for a successful command completion: v The command can’t be issued on the master during the Initialization phase v The command can't be issued in Change Tracking state v The activation state is Standby v The command can be applied on a volume only if the volume is not part of a mirrored CG. v MIRROR_IS_ACTIVE Remote mirroring is currently active v VOLUME_HAS_DATA_MIGRATION Data Migration is defined for this volume v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_MIRRORED_CONS_GROUP Volume mirror is part of consistency group mirror. Troubleshooting: Please retry the command in a few seconds v MIRROR_HAS_NO_SYNCHED_SNAPSHOT Mirror does not have a synchronized Snapshot. not during initialization Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v SOME_DATA_WILL_BE_LOST_ARE_YOU_SURE Are you sure you want the mirror's local peer to become Slave and loose data that was not replicated? Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_NO_MIRROR Local volume does not have remote mirroring definitions v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. if the CG is mirrored – the command will return an error and fail v The command can be issued on the Slave. v CONS_GROUP_NO_MIRROR Local consistency group does not have remote mirroring definitions v MIRROR_IS_INITIAL Operation is not permitted during the Initialization phase. v MIRROR_RETRY_OPERATION There is an operation in progress on this mirror . Chapter 11. please retry your request in a few seconds The newly defined schedule has to shorther than the RPO. v An event is generated v New sync jobs will be generated according to updated schedule. The command fails under the following conditions: v The specified target does not exist v The specified target is non-mirrored v The specified target is a volume that belongs to a mirrored Consistency Group v The specified target synchronization type is not ASYNC_INTERVAL Setting a scheduling reference: v The system displays the following warning: Are you sure to change schedule . A running sync job is unaffected. CG name on the N local system A reference to a mirroring schedule Y This command changes the replication schedule for a peer on the local system. Prerequisites: v The coupling must be ASYNC_INTERVAL. mirror_change_schedule < vol=VolName | cg=CgName > schedule=Schedule Parameters: Name vol cg schedule Type Object name Object name Object name Description Mandatory Default Volume name on N the local system. 156 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . v The Schedule’s interval has to be shorter than the corresponding mirror’s RPO. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. The new scheduling will become effective only if the peer is set as Master.Changing a Mirroring Schedule for Local Peers Changes the replication schedule for peers on the local system. Relevant only if creating a slave. Determines whether to create a new Slave volume or to use an existing one. Mandatory N Default slave_vol Object name N create_slave Boolean N no remote_pool Object name The Storage Pool N on the remote system. Name of the slave volume on the remote storage system. Local N Consistency Group (cg) to be mirrored (the master). Remote Mirroring 157 . mirror_create < vol=VolName slave_vol=SlaveVolumeName [ create_slave=<Yes | No> [ remote_pool=RemotePoolName ] ] > | < cg=CgName slave_cg=SlaveCgName > [ type=<SYNC_BEST_EFFORT | ASYNC_INTERVAL> ] target=TargetName [ rpo=rpo [ remote_rpo=rpo ]schedule=Schedule remote_schedule=Schedule ] Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Local volume to be mirrored (the master).v VOLUME_NO_MIRROR Local volume does not have remote mirroring definitions v CONS_GROUP_NO_MIRROR Local consistency group does not have remote mirroring definitions v SCHEDULE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Specified Schedule does not exist v SYNC_MIRROR_DOES_NOT_USE_SCHEDULE Definition of Synchronous Mirror does not require a Schedule object to be specified. Creating a Mirroring Definition Creates remote mirroring coupling. The newly defined schedule has to shorther than the RPO. v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_MIRRORED_CONS_GROUP Volume mirror is part of consistency group mirror. cg Object name Chapter 11. v INTERVAL_SHOULD_BE_SHORTER_THAN_RPO Schedule interval must me shorter that RPO. This command defines a new mirroring coupling between a master and a slave peers. Name of replication type Mandatory N Default type target Enumeration Object name N SYNC_BEST_EFFORT Remote target to Y contain the slave volume. Ranges from 30 to 86400 seconds (i. N [None] Mirroring is the process of ensuring that both peers contain identical data at all times. up to 24 hours) Applies and mandatory to asynchronous mirroring only. Mirror Recovery N Point Objective value for Master. 158 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .e. [None] rpo Positive integer remote_rpo Positive integer Mirror Recovery Point Objective value when remote peer becomes Master Applies and mandatory to asynchronous mirroring only.. Applies and mandatory to asynchronous mirroring only.Name slave_cg Type Object name Description Name of the slave cg on the remote storage system. N [Master RPO] schedule Object name A reference to a schedule object Applies and mandatory to asynchronous mirroring only. N [None] remote_schedule Object name A reference to a schedule object on the remote machine. named min_interval. Creating a mirroring coupling. The command fails if it finds conflicting mirroring snapshots (that were not removed during the deletion of a previous mirrirng definition). when the peers are Consistency Groups. when a volume peer on a storage system (for example: A) has a mirroring relationship with a volume on a remote storage system (for example: B). The mirroring coupling must then be activated in order to start the Initialization process. Asynchronous mirroring is based on schedule-driven replication. In addition. all the volumes included in a specific Consistency Group must be mirrored between only one pair of storage systems. Therefore. which copies the data from the master to the slave. Using an existing slave is allowed only if it is formatted. The command supports the creation of an asynchronous mirroring coupling. the input parameters specify the remote storage system name. The mirrored CG has one sync job for all pertinent mirrored volumes within the CG. any other volume in the same Consistency Group on storage system A can only be defined in a remote mirroring relationship with a volume on storage system B. Asynchronous mirroring is based on schedule-driven replication. If the slave already exists. This slave either already exists or it is created by this command. The same goes for volumes from storage system B to A. Upon creation the coupling is not active and the user needs to activate it explicitly in order to start the replication. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_IS_MASTER Chapter 11. Remote Mirroring 159 . the command receives its name along with the remote system name. the consistency group has to be empty.The command supports the creation of an asynchronous mirroring coupling. If it is created by this command. the name of the slave that is created and the Storage Pool that will contain the newly created slave. The system also offers a predefined schedule object with a non-user-configurable interval of 20 seconds. The system also offers a predefined schedule object with a non-user-configurable interval of 20 seconds. Mirroring is created in the Standby state. However. named min_interval. A storage system can have multiple mirroring definitions between pairs of peers on various remote systems. Issuing the command on a conssitency group. an existing master peer is specified together with a slave peer. the mirrored CG has one sync job for all pertinent mirrored volumes within the CG. v BAD_REMOTE_VOLUME_NAME Slave volume name does not exist v REMOTE_VOLUME_EXISTS Slave volume name already exists and cannot be created v REMOTE_MAX_VOLUMES_REACHED Maximum number of volumes already defined on remote machine v MAX_MIRRORS_REACHED Maximum number of mirrors already defined v REMOTE_MAX_MIRRORS_REACHED Maximum number of mirrors already defined on remote machine v VOLUME_BAD_PREFIX Volume name has a reserved prefix v NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_ON_REMOTE_MACHINE Not enough free space to set requested size of slave volume v BAD_REMOTE_VOLUME_SIZE Master and slave volumes contain a different number of blocks v REMOTE_POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Pool does not exist on remote machine v REMOTE_POOL_NOT_SPECIFIED A Pool on remote machine must be specified when a slave volume is to be created v REMOTE_TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED There is currently no connection from the target system v VOLUME_IS_SNAPSHOT Operation is not permitted on snapshots v REMOTE_VOLUME_IS_SNAPSHOT Slave volume is a snapshot v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v TARGET_BAD_TYPE Target machine is not XIV machine v TARGET_NO_ACCESS No access permissions to slave machine v TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED There is currently no connection to the target system v REMOTE_VOLUME_LOCKED Slave volume is locked v REMOTE_VOLUME_HAS_DATA_MIGRATION Data Migration is defined for slave volume v VOLUME_DATA_MIGRATION_UNSYNCHRONIZED 160 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .Local volume is already defined as a master volume v VOLUME_IS_SLAVE Volume is defined as a slave volume v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. v CONS_GROUP_HAS_MIRROR Consistency Group has mirroring defined for it. v ASYNC_MIRROR_RPO_TOO_SHORT Specified RPO is too short. v SLAVE_VOLUME_NOT_FORMATTED Slave volume is not formatted v TARGET_DOES_NOT_ACCEPT_XIV_COMMANDS Target system does not accept XIV management commands v SYNC_MIRROR_HAS_NO_RPO Synchronous Mirror does not have an RPO. v REMOTE_VOLUME_IS_MASTER Slave volume is currently defined as a master volume v REMOTE_VOLUME_IS_SLAVE Chapter 11. v NO_ASYNC_IN_THIN_PROVISIONED_POOL Thin provisioned Pool cannot contain Volumes with Asynchronous Mirroring v CONS_GROUP_MIRRORING_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_TARGET Consistency Group mirroring is not supported by target machine.Data Migration has not completed to this volume v TIMEOUT Remote operation did not complete in time v VOLUME_HAS_MIRRORING_SNAPSHOTS Volume has snapshots created by previous mirroring process. v ASYNC_MIRROR_REMOTE_RPO_TOO_SHORT Specified Remote RPO is too short. v REMOTE_CONS_GROUP_IS_MIRRORED Remote Consistency Group has mirroring defined for it. v SCHEDULE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Specified Schedule does not exist v INTERVAL_SHOULD_BE_SHORTER_THAN_RPO Schedule interval must me shorter that RPO. v REMOTE_CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Remote Consistency Group name does not exist Remote Consistency Group name does not exist. v ASYNC_MIRROR_RPO_TOO_LONG Specified RPO is too long. v ASYNC_MIRROR_MISSING_RPO Definition of Asynchronous Mirror requires RPO to be specified. Remote Mirroring 161 . The mirror definition has to be removed. The newly defined schedule has to shorther than the RPO. v REMOTE_SCHEDULE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Specified Schedule does not exist on remote machine v ASYNC_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_TARGET Asynchronous Mirror is not supported by specified Target. v ASYNC_MIRROR_REMOTE_RPO_TOO_LONG Specified Remote RPO is too long. you have to deactivate the entire Consistency Group) v Some of the specified targets are masters and some are slaves – The command can be applied at each time to either master[s] or slave[s]. Furthermore. so that the slave volumes remain consistent with each other. this command has no effect and a success code is returned. Master CG name N or a list of master CGs cg Object name This command deactivates a coupling and switches it to an Inactive state.Slave volume is already defined as a slave volume Deactivating Mirroring Deactivates mirroring for a defined mirror coupling.. the deactivation of all the volumes is performed as an atomic operation. The command fails under the following conditions: v The specified target does not exist v The specified target is non-mirrored v The specified target is a volume that belongs to a Consistency Group (in such a case. but not both v The target is slave. This is in contrast to the Active state. yet the link is up. only the master volume is updated. mirror_deactivate cg=CgName > < vol=<VolName [ . If more than one volume is specified. ] > | Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Master volume N name or a list of master volumes. mirroring on all the volumes is deactivated. While in the Inactive state.VolName. If the mirroring is already inactive. Deactivating a Consistency Group: v Deactivating a Consistency Group affects all of its volumes Note: v The command can't be issued on the Slave.. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Permission Allowed Disallowed Condition 162 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . where the slave volume is updated together with the master volume. all CGs Local volume name. v CONS_GROUP_NO_MIRROR Local consistency group does not have remote mirroring definitions v LOCAL_PEER_IS_NOT_MASTER Local peer is not the master v SYNC_ALREADY_INACTIVE Synchronization is already inactive v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_MIRRORED_CONS_GROUP Volume mirror is part of consistency group mirror. or All (if no parameter is specified) List type . Remote Mirroring 163 . ASYNC_INTERVAL. N scope Enumeration All (if no param is specified) [none] vol Object name Chapter 11.[all N mirrors.] all volumes.User Category Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_NO_MIRROR Local volume does not have remote mirroring definitions v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. Troubleshooting: Please retry the command in a few seconds Viewing Mirroring Status Lists the status and configuration of mirroring couplings mirror_list [ vol=VolName | cg=CgName | < [ scope=<cg | volume> ] [ sync_type=<sync_best_effort | async_interval> ] > ] Parameters: Name sync_type Type Enumeration Description Mandatory Default All (if no parameter is specified) List type N SYNC_BEST_EFFORT. please retry your request in a few seconds The newly defined schedule has to shorther than the RPO. v MIRROR_RETRY_OPERATION There is an operation in progress on this mirror . Slave) v Remote System (target name) v Remote Peer (volume name) v Active (Yes. Chnage Tracking) v Link Up (Yes. No_Thin_Provisioning_Resources) v Schedule Name (schedule name) v Last replicated Snapshot Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) v Specified RPO (value in h:mm:ss format) Id local_peer_name mirror_object designation current_role target_name remote_peer_name active sync_state connected size_to_synchronize operational sync_progress Name Name Mirror Object Designation Role Remote System Remote Peer Active Status Link Up Size To Sync (MB) Operational Sync Progress (%) 4 5 6 7 8 9 Description Default Position 1 3 164 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Inconsistent. Secondary_Pool_Exhausted. Unsynchronized. No) v Status (Initializing. Synchronized. async_interval) v Mirror Object (CG. Consistent. The following default parameters are shown: v Name v Mirror Type (sync_best_effort. Master_Pool_Exhausted. No) The following optional parameters can be listed by explicitly specifying the proper columns: v Designation (Primary. Size/part/time to synchronize are unknown if this is the slave and connection is broken. Secondary) v Estimated Sync Time (estimated time to synchronization in seconds) v Size To Synchronize (size to synchronize in MB) v Operational (Yes. RPO OK. RPO Lagging. Volume) v Role (Master.This command shows current configuration and status for the remote mirroring of volumes or consistency groups. Configuration_Error. No) v Sync Progress (sync progress in %) v Mirror Error (why mirroring is deactivated: No_Error. This information includes: v Date and time created v Date and time started to run v Date and time finished v Job size (MB) Either a volume or cg must be specified. Secondary pool exhausted. Mandatory N N Default The command presents statistics that are automatically gathered by the system on past sync jobs corresponding to a specified mirrored volume or consistency job. Remote Mirroring 165 . Configuration error or No thin provisioning resources Default Position sync_type schedule_name Mirror Type Schedule Name 2 last_replicated_snapshot_time Last Replicated specified_rpo RPO Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Obtaining Statistics On Past Sync Jobs The command presents statistics that are automatically gathered by the system on past sync jobs corresponding to a specified mirrored volume or consistency job.Id mirror_error Name Mirror Error Description No Error. Local CG name. Example: mirror_statistics_get vol=volName Chapter 11. mirror_statistics_get <vol=VolName | cg=CgName> Parameters: Name vol cg Type Object name Object name Description Local volume name. Switching Roles between Master and Slave Switches roles between master and slave volumes.--------------------2009-10-22 14:02:00 2009-10-22 14:02:00 2009-10-22 14:03:00 2009-10-22 14:03:00 Finished --------------------2009-10-22 14:02:00 2009-10-22 14:03:02 Job Size (MB) --------------0 0 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v CONS_GROUP_NO_MIRROR Local consistency group does not have remote mirroring definitions v MIRROR_HAS_NO_STATISTICS Job statistics were not collected for this Mirror. 166 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . v SYNC_MIRROR_HAS_NO_STATISTICS Job statistics do not exist for Synchronous Mirror. Local CG name Mandatory N N Default This command switches between the roles of the master and the slave volumes. v LOCAL_IS_SLAVE Local mirror peer is not the master v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_MIRRORED_CONS_GROUP Volume mirror is part of consistency group mirror.Output: mirror_statistics_get vol=mn4_master_v8 Created Started --------------------. mirror_switch_roles <vol=VolName | cg=CgName> Parameters: Name vol cg Type Object name Object name Description Local volume name. v VOLUME_NO_MIRROR Local volume does not have remote mirroring definitions v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. v CONS_GROUP_NO_MIRROR Local consistency group does not have remote mirroring definitions v LOCAL_PEER_IS_NOT_MASTER Local peer is not the master v MIRROR_IS_NOT_SYNCHRONIZED Mirror is not synchronized v VOLUME_HAS_DATA_MIGRATION Data Migration is defined for this volume v REMOTE_TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED There is currently no connection from the target system v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_MIRRORED_CONS_GROUP Volume mirror is part of consistency group mirror. v MIRROR_HAS_SYNC_JOB Operation is not permitted on a mirrors with active sync jobs Chapter 11.The command can only be issued if coupling is operational and only on the master. the coupling is deactivated and the user has to activate it in order to restart synchronization. It is advised to create a snapshot before deactivating the coupling in order to enable recovery from logical errors due to incorrect server configurations. Remote Mirroring 167 . the roles are switched. Following the execution of the command: v The volume that was previously the master becomes the slave v The volume that was previously the slave becomes the master Before this command switches roles. for asynchronous mirroring it can only be issued if there are no outstanding sync jobs and the volume and its last_replicated snapshot are identical. Also. for synchronous mirroring it can only be issued when the coupling is synchronized. and only after all pending writes have been committed. With synchronous mirrors the system will perform all pending writes. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_NO_MIRROR Local volume does not have remote mirroring definitions v CONS_GROUP_BAD_NAME Consistency Group name does not exist. After the command is executed. the system stops accepting new writes to the local volume. that once crossed will trigger the creation of a corresponding event. please retry your request in a few seconds The newly defined schedule has to shorther than the RPO. Example: rpo_thresholds_get Output: rpo_events_thresholds: increase_percentage = "100" increase_absolute = "200" Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Setting RPO Threshold Setting system RPO related thresholds. Troubleshooting: Please retry the command in a few seconds v MIRROR_MASTER_DIFFERS_FROM_SLAVE Mirror master was written to after the last replicated snapshot was taken Retrieving RPO Threshold Listing system RPO related thresholds. that once crossed will trigger the creation of a corresponding event rpo_thresholds_get Parameters: Name Type Description Mandatory Default This command lists the system's RPO-related thresholds.v MIRROR_RETRY_OPERATION There is an operation in progress on this mirror . that once crossed will trigger the creation of a corresponding event rpo_thresholds_set [ increase_percentage=percentage ] [ increase_absolute=absolute ] 168 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Remote Mirroring 169 . schedule_change schedule=schedule interval=<hh:mm [ :ss ] > Parameters: Name schedule Type Object name Description The name of the schedule.10000] range v INVALID_RPO_THRESHOLD_ABSOLUTE Values should be in [1.Parameters: Name Type Description threshold for RPO increase beyond which an event should be created threshold for RPO increase beyond which an event should be created Mandatory N Default none increase_percentagenteger I increase_absolute Integer N none Setting system RPO related thresholds. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v INVALID_RPO_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE Values should be in [1. that once crossed will trigger the creation of a corresponding event Example: rpo_thresholds_set increase_percentage=percentage Output: Command executed successfully.1000000] range Changes the Interval For a Schedule Changes the interval of a schedule. Mandatory Y Default Chapter 11. 00:05. 03:00.Name interval Type Description A value that indicates the interval for asynchronous mirroring Mandatory Y Default This command updates the schedule definition. a warning message will be presented to the user. 00:01. 00:30. 00:02. v Sync jobs that are running will not be affected. v Future Sync jobs will be scheduled based on the new schedule settings Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v SCHEDULE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Specified Schedule does not exist v BAD_SCHEDULE_TIME_FORMAT Time format for Schedule is HH:MM[:SS] v ILLEGAL_INTERVAL Specified interval value is not supported. 00:15. mirroring couplings). 06:00. schedule_create schedule=Schedule [ interval=<hh:mm [ :ss ] > ] 170 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . 12:00. Outcome: v If the update command is issued on a schedule that is not referenced by any object.g.. 00:10. v SCHEDULE_CAN_NOT_BE_UPDATED Specified Schedule cannot be updated v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_UPDATE_THE_SCHEDULE The schedule change requires a confiramtion. 08:00. a confirmation message will be presented to the user v If the update command is issued on a schedule that is referenced to by an object (e. 01:00. 02:00. v A predefined schedule can't be changed. Limitation: v Schedule must be one of the following: 00:00:30. Creating a Schedule Object Defines a schedule for replication. Such definition can be referenced to when specifying asynchronous mirroring couplings. Remote Mirroring 171 . 00:10. 02:00. 00:15. Schedules can be referenced to when specifying asynchronous mirroring couplings. 03:00. 00:01. Mandatory Y Default Chapter 11. Deletes a Schedule Object Deletes a schedule for replication. Limitations: v Schedule must be one of the following: 00:00:30. named min_interval. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v SCHEDULE_EXISTS Schedule name exists v BAD_SCHEDULE_TIME_FORMAT Time format for Schedule is HH:MM[:SS] v MAX_SYNC_SCHEDULES_REACHED Maximal number of schedule objects has been reached v ILLEGAL_INTERVAL Specified interval value is not supported. 08:00. schedule_delete schedule=Schedule Parameters: Name schedule Type Object name Description The name of the schedule to be deleted. 06:00.Parameters: Name schedule interval Type Object name Description The name of the schedule A value that indicates the interval for asynchronous mirroring Mandatory Y N 00:10[:00] Default This command creates a schedule definition. 00:30. 00:02. 00:05. 12:00. 01:00. v The system features a predefined schedule object with a non-user-configurable interval of 20 seconds. The command can be issued successfully only if the schedule specified is not referenced by a mirror coupling. schedule_list [ schedule=Schedule ] Parameters: Name schedule Type Object name Description The name of the schedule. Outcome: v Command will delete the schedule specified Example: schedule_delete schedule=hourly Output: Command executed successfully. or if it is not a pre-defined schedule (min_interval). Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v SCHEDULE_IS_ASSIGNED Specified Schedule is currently assigned to a mirror v SCHEDULE_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED Specified Schedule cannot be deleted v SCHEDULE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Specified Schedule does not exist Listing a Schedule Object Lists the schedule properties for the specified coupling.This command deletes a schedule definition. Mandatory N Default All The following default parameters are listed: v Name 172 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . v Interval The following optional parameters can be listed: v Predefined (is the schedule a predefined object) v Last Tick (last timestamp the schedule was fired) Example: schedule_list Output: Name never min_interval ASYNC_None_3 Interval 00:00:20 00:02:00 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Renaming a Schedule Object Renames a schedule object. Remote Mirroring Condition 173 . Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Chapter 11. This command renames the schedule. Mandatory Y Default new_name Object name The new name Y for the schedule. New command. schedule_rename schedule=Schedule new_name=Schedule Parameters: Name schedule Type Object name Description The current name of the schedule. It is not possible to rename a predefined schedule. running. Mandatory N N Default [none] [none] This command shows status of queued and running sync jobs for asynchronous couplings.name of the referenced schedule object Interval length (if applicable) Job size Job progress Date created Time created Date started to run Time started to run Name Job Object Local Peer Source Target State Part of CG Snapshot Validation Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 Id job_object mirror_peer source_snap target_snap job_state part_of_cg_job validate 174 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . initialization. The following parameters are displayed: v v v v v v v v v v v Mirroring coupling (volume/CG) Job state: initialization. pending. Snapshot Mirror. initializing validate Schedule . complete Type: interval-initiated.Completion Codes: v SCHEDULE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Specified Schedule does not exist v SCHEDULE_NAME_EXISTS New Schedule name already exists v SCHEDULE_CAN_NOT_BE_UPDATED Specified Schedule cannot be updated Viewing Sync Job Status Lists the status of queued and running sync jobs for asynchronous couplings sync_job_list [ vol=VolName | cg=CgName ] Parameters: Name vol cg Type Object name Object name Description Local volume name. Local CG name. Remote Mirroring 175 .Id job_type created_at started_at Name Job Type Created Started Description Default Position 7 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Chapter 11. 176 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . The sections are listed as follows: v dm_activate(Activates the Data Migration process.) dm_list(Lists Data Migration configuration and status. This command has no effect if the process is already active. dm_activate vol=VolName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Destination volume for Data Migration activation. Data Migration The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for data migration.Chapter 12. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist 177 .) dm_delete(Deletes the Data Migration process. Upon activation the Data Migration is tested in the same way as when using Testing the Data Migration Definition and this command fails if the Data Migration test fails. This is either an initial activation or an activation after de-activation. Mandatory Y Default This command activates the Data Migration process.) v dm_deactivate(Deactivates the Data Migration process.) Activating Data Migration Activates the Data Migration process.) dm_test(Tests the Data Migration configuration.) v v v v dm_define(Defines a Data Migration configuration. v VOLUME_NO_DM Local volume does not have Data Migration definitions v TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED There is currently no connection to the target system v REMOTE_VOLUME_NO_LUN Remote volume's LUN is unavailable v REMOTE_VOLUME_NO_READ_ACCESS Remote volume cannot be read v REMOTE_VOLUME_NO_WRITE_ACCESS Remote volume is write protected v BAD_REMOTE_VOLUME_SIZE Master and slave volumes contain a different number of blocks Deactivating Data Migration Deactivates the Data Migration process. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DEACTIVATE_DATA_MIGRATION Deactivation will stop all applications. This command deactivates the process of Data Migration. data migration can be deleted if it is done Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_NO_DM Local volume does not have Data Migration definitions 178 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . dm_deactivate vol=VolName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Local volume for Y Data Migration deactivation. This command has no effect if the Data Migration is already inactive. Hosts are not served while the Data Migration process is in-active. The remote volume may be inaccessible at the time that the command is executed. it can be tested using the Testing the Data Migration Definition command and then activated using the Activating Data Migration command.Defining Data Migration Configuration Defines a Data Migration configuration. the definition is only used when Data Migration is tested. Remote system containing the source volume. LUN of the source volume. In this case. hosts can read and write to this volume. This definition defines that the local volume should reflect the remote volume. dm_define vol=VolName target=TargetName lun=SourceLUN source_updating=<yes|no> [ create_vol=<yes|no> ] [ pool=PoolName ] Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Data Migration destination volume on the local system. Mandatory Y Default target Object name Y lun Integer Y Y source_updating Boolean create_vol Boolean N A Boolean that determines whether to create a new volume or to use an existing one. Mandatory when creating a volume. After this activation. Name of the Storage Pool to contain the volume. The remote system should be configured to make the remote volume accessible to the local system through the specified LUN. Specifies whether to use source volume updating. The local system acts as a host to the remote system. Used only when creating a volume. and these operations are reflected on the remote volume. Data Migration 179 . Chapter 12. N No pool Object name This command defines a Data Migration relationship between a local volume and a remote volume. After this configuration has been defined. Otherwise. Creating a volume fails if there is no connectivity to the target since the volume's size is unknown. each write to the local volume is reflected as a write to the remote volume. the volume is created. In this case the size of the newly created volume is identical to the size of the source volume. writes on the local volume are not reflected and the remote volume is not changed. The local volume must be formatted. If create_vol is specified as yes. a pool name must be specified. When creating a volume. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v VOLUME_IS_SNAPSHOT Operation is not permitted on snapshots v VOLUME_HAS_MIRROR Mirror is defined for this volume v VOLUME_BELONGS_TO_CG Volume belongs to a Consistency Group v VOLUME_HAS_DATA_MIGRATION Data Migration is defined for this volume v VOLUME_HAS_SNAPSHOTS Volume has snapshots v VOLUME_NOT_FORMATTED Local volume is not formatted v TOO_MANY_MIRRORS Maximum number of remote volumes (mirror/migration) is already defined Troubleshooting: Delete remote mirrors or Data Migration objects v VOLUME_EXISTS Volume name already exists v POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Storage Pool does not exist v VOLUME_BAD_PREFIX Volume name has a reserved prefix v NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE No space to allocate volume 180 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .If source updating is specified. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Chapter 12. This command can only be executed if the Data Migration has reached the state of synchronization. Mandatory Y Default This command deletes the Data Migration configuration and stops the Data Migration process.v NOT_ENOUGH_HARD_SPACE No space to allocate for volume's current usage v MAX_VOLUMES_REACHED Maximum number of volumes already defined v ILLEGAL_VOLUME_SIZE Illegal volume size v REMOTE_VOLUME_NO_LUN Remote volume's LUN is unavailable v TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED There is currently no connection to the target system v VOLUME_CANNOT_HAVE_ZERO_SIZE Volume size cannot be zero v ILLEGAL_LUN LUN is out of range v TARGET_IS_MIRRORING Target machine is defined only for remote mirroring v NO_ONLINE_MIGRATION_WITHOUT_SOURCE_UPDATING Data Migration without automatic migration must be defined as source-updating v MIGRATION_ALREADY_DEFINED_FOR_LUN Data Migration is already defined from lun LUN of target 'Target' Deleting the Data Migration Process Deletes the Data Migration process. Data Migration 181 . dm_delete vol=VolName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Volume name for deleting the Data Migration process. including the following: v v v v v Volume name Target name LUN Volume size (GB) Migration completed (GB) v Migration activation (active/inactive) v Migration status (synchronized.Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_NO_DM Local volume does not have Data Migration definitions v DM_IS_NOT_SYNCHRONIZED Data Migration process has not been completed Listing Data Migration Statuses Lists Data Migration configuration and status. This command lists all the Data Migration configuration and statuses. dm_list [ vol=VolName ] Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Name of the volume to be listed. unsynchronized) v Migration remaining (GB) v Migration remaining (%) v Estimated time to completion Id local_volume_name target_name remote_volume_lun active sync_state connected size_to_synchronize operational sync_progress Name Local Volume Remote System Remote LUN Active Status Target Connected Size To Sync (MB) Operational Sync Progress (%) Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 start_migration_automatically Start Data Migration Automatically 182 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Mandatory N Default All Data Migration volumes. If source updating is not defined for this Data Migration.Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Testing the Data Migration Definition Tests the Data Migration configuration. writing is not tested. dm_test vol=VolName Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Destination volume for Data Migration testing. then Data Migration can be activated. Data Migration 183 . Mandatory Y Default This command tests the Data Migration configuration. Once a test is successful. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v VOLUME_NO_DM Local volume does not have Data Migration definitions v TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED There is currently no connection to the target system v REMOTE_VOLUME_NO_LUN Remote volume's LUN is unavailable v REMOTE_VOLUME_NO_READ_ACCESS Remote volume cannot be read v REMOTE_VOLUME_NO_WRITE_ACCESS Chapter 12. Completion codes indicate the types of test failures that may occur. Remote volume is write protected v BAD_REMOTE_VOLUME_SIZE Master and slave volumes contain a different number of blocks 184 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . ) v destgroup_list(Lists destination groups.) rule_rename(Renames an event notification rule.) rule_deactivate(Deactivates an event notification rule.) v smsgw_update(Updates an SMS gateway.) smtpgw_delete(Deletes a specified SMTP gateway. ) 185 .) v destgroup_create(Creates an event notification destinations group. filtering and sending notifications.) v destgroup_rename(Renames an event notification destination group.) rule_update(Updates an event notification rule.) destgroup_add_dest(Adding an event notification destination to a destination group. Event Handling The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for event handling.) smsgw_list(Lists SMS gateways. ) dest_list(Lists event notification destinations. including listing events. ) v smsgw_rename(Renames an SMS gateway.) smtpgw_prioritize(Sets the priority of which SMTP gateway should be used to send emails. The sections are listed as follows: v custom_event(Generates a custom event.) rule_create(Creates an event notification rule.) smtpgw_list(Lists SMTP gateways.) v dest_define(Defines a new destination for event notifications.) smsgw_delete(Deletes an SMS gateway.) v v v v v v dest_delete(Deletes an event notification destination.Chapter 13.) dest_update(Updates a destination. ) v destgroup_delete(Deletes an event notification destination group.) event_list(Lists system events.) event_list_uncleared(Lists uncleared alerting events.) event_redefine_threshold(Redefines the threshold of a parameterized event. ) rule_list(Lists event notification rules.) v v v v smtpgw_define(Defines an SMTP gateway.) dest_test(Sends a test message to an event notification destination.) rule_activate(Activates an event notification rule.) smsgw_define(Defines an SMS gateway.) v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v event_clear(Clears alerting events.) v destgroup_remove_dest(Removes an event notification destination from a destination group.) dest_rename(Renames an event notification destination.) rule_delete(Deletes an event notification rule.) smsgw_prioritize(Sets the priorities of the SMS gateways for sending SMS messages. .) smtpgw_update(Updates the configuration of an SMTP gateway.fri ] [ . or in order to test the event notifications procedures. Severity of the event.) Generating a Custom Event Generates a custom event. This can be used for either generating an event from a user application or host side software. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Defining a New Event Notification Destination Defines a new destination for event notifications. Example: custom_event description="Test started" Output: Command executed successfully.thu ] [ .wed ] [ .SMSGW2 ] . | ALL> ][ heartbeat_test_hour=HH:MM [ heartbeat_test_days=< [ sun ] [ . | ALL> | smsgws=<SMSGW1 [ .sat ] > ] ] 186 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .tue ] [ . Mandatory Y N Informational Default This command generates a custom event. custom_event description=Description [ severity=<INFORMATIONAL|WARNING|MINOR|MAJOR|CRITICAL> ] Parameters: Name description severity Type String Description Description of the event.. dest_define dest=DestName type=<SNMP | EMAIL | SMS> < snmp_manager=SNMPManager | email_address=email | area_code=number number=number | user=UserName [ smtpgws=<SMTPGW1 [ ...v v smtpgw_rename(Renames an SMTP gateway.SMTPGW2 ] .mon ] [ . SMS or SNMP. Email address. Use digits.' Cellular number for SMS notification. Event Handling 187 . Chapter 13. where the user's email or phone are used. area_code Area code of the N cellular number for SMS notification. User name.Parameters: Name dest type Type Object name Enumeration Description Destination name. user Object name heartbeat_test_hour N Hour for periodic heartbeat testing in the format HH:MM N List of days for heartbeat testing: a commaseparated list of 3-letter day names (such as "Mon. There are three types of destinations: email. N ALL (all gateways). '-' or '. Use digits. Destination type for event notifications. IP address or DNS name of the SNMP manager. Object name List of SMTP gateways to be used. SMS and SNMP.' Object name N number smsgws SMS gateways to N be used for this destination. '-' or '. Mandatory Y Y Default snmp_manager N email_address smtpgws N N ALL (all gateways).Fri") No heartbeat heartbeat_test_days No heartbeat This command defines a destination for event notifications. which can be email. v By default. To allow correct formatting. Example: dest_define dest=monitoringserver type=SNMP snmp_manager=10. all SMTP gateways specified in Prioritizing SMTP Gateways are used. according to the order specified in that command. according to the order specified in this command. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition 188 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . the IP address of the SNMP manager should be specified. When defining a new destination of type Email. By default. v SNMP destination are used for sending notifications by SNMP traps to SNMP managers. SMS gateways specified in Prioritizing SMS Gateways are used. When defining a new destination of type SNMP. It is possible to define that sending emails to a specific destination will use specific SMTP gateway or gateways.170. The same logic applies to sending SMS messages.68. this number should be separated into the area code and the local number. either the cellular phone number of the destination must be specified in number or the user name must be specified in user (in this case the cellular phone number of that user is used). when sending an email notification. v SMS destinations are used for sending notifications via SMS to cellular phones.111 Output: Command executed successfully. It is possible to define that a sending messages to a specific SMS destination will be done through specific SMS gateway or gateways.Email destinations are used for sending notifications via email. either the email address of the recipient must be specified in email_address or the user name must be specified in user (in this case the email address of that user is used). This is done by specifying the smtpgws parameter. Example: dest_define dest=adminemail type=EMAIL [email protected] Output: Command executed successfully. When defining a new destination of type SMS. Event Handling 189 .Completion Codes: v AREA_CODE_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination must have an area code v AREA_CODE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have an area code v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v DEST_MAX_REACHED Maximum number of destinations already defined v DEST_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS Destination name already exists v DEST_NAME_IS_DESTGROUP_NAME Destination name already exists as a destination group name v EMAIL_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination must have an email address v EMAIL_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have an email address v GATEWAY_NAME_APPEARS_TWICE Gateway name appears twice in the list v GATEWAY_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Gateway name does not exist v NUMBER_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination must have a number v NUMBER_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have a number v SMSGWS_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have SMS gateways v SMTPGWS_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have SMTP gateways v SNMP_MANAGER_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination must have an SNMP manager v SNMP_MANAGER_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have an SNMP manager v NO_SMS_GATEWAYS_ARE_DEFINED An SMS Destination cannot be defined if no SMS gateways are defined v NO_SMTP_GATEWAYS_ARE_DEFINED An email destination cannot be defined if no SMTP gateways are defined v SNMP_DESTS_CANNOT_REFER_TO_USERS SNMP destinations cannot refer to users v USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_DEFINED User's email address is not defined v USER_PHONE_NUMBER_IS_NOT_DEFINED User's phone number is not defined v USER_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Chapter 13. Destinations cannot be deleted while there are uncleared alerting events. The command deletes an event notification destination. Deleting a Destination Deletes an event notification destination.User name does not exist v INTERNAL_DESTS_CANNOT_REFER_TO_USERS Internal destinations cannot refer to users v DEST_HEARTBEAT_DAYS_BUT_NO_HOUR Destination heartbeat days specified with no heartbeat hour v DEST_CANNOT_HAVE_A_USER_AND_AN_EMAIL_ADDRESS Destination cannot simultaneously have an email address and refer to a user v DEST_CANNOT_HAVE_A_USER_AND_A_PHONE_NUMBER Destination cannot simultaneously have a phone number address and refer to a user v DAY_APPEARS_TWICE Day 'Day' appears twice in the list Troubleshooting: Each day must appear at most once. Example: dest_delete dest=itmanager Output: Command executed successfully. Destinations that are part of a destination group or used by a rule cannot be deleted. dest_delete dest=DestName Parameters: Name dest Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of Y destination to be deleted. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition 190 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . All types. Event Handling 191 . or of a specific destination. Filter only destinations of the specified type. Mandatory N N Default All destinations. internal Enumeration N no This command lists the configuration of all defined destinations. Filter destinations by their internal XIV attribute.Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE_DESTINATION Are you sure you want to delete destination Destination? Completion Codes: v DEST_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Destination name does not exist v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v DEST_IS_PART_OF_DESTGROUP Destination is part of a destination group and hence cannot be deleted v DEST_APPEARS_IN_RULE Destination appears in a rule Troubleshooting: To delete the destination. Listing Event Notification Destinations Lists event notification destinations. Id name type email_address area_code number snmp_manager gateways user Name Name Type Email Address Area Code Phone Number SNMP Manager Gateways User 7 Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chapter 13. dest_list [ dest=DestName ] [ type=<SNMP | EMAIL | SMS> ] [ internal=<yes | no> ] Parameters: Name dest type Type Object name Enumeration Description Destinations to be listed. first delete the rule. Example: dest_rename dest=adminemail new_name=storagemanager 192 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .com SNMP Phone Number Gateways all Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Conditionally Allowed Condition Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Application administrator Conditionally Allowed Read-only users Conditionally Allowed Technicians Allowed Renaming a Destination Renames an event notification destination.Id heartbeat_test_days heartbeat_test_hour creator Name Heartbeat Days Heartbeat Time Creator Description Default Position Example: dest_list Output: Name storagemanager monitoringserver Type Email Address EMAIL storageadmin@yourcompany. New name of the destination. Y This command renames an event notification destination. dest_rename dest=DestName new_name=NewDestName Parameters: Name dest new_name Type Object name Object name Description Mandatory Default Destination to be Y renamed. Object name Object name Boolean SMTP Gateway to be tested. Event Handling 193 . no management_ip smtpgw smsgw internal SMS Gateway to N be tested.Output: Command completed successfully. Must be specified for XIV-internal destinations N Chapter 13. N Default system choice. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v DEST_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Destination name does not exist v DEST_NAME_IS_DESTGROUP_NAME Destination name already exists as a destination group name v DEST_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS Destination name already exists Testing a Destination Sends a test message to an event notification destination. Default system choice. Management IP Y used for sending the event notification. dest_test dest=DestName management_ip=IPAdress [ smtpgw=SMTPGatewayName ] [ smsgw=SMSGatewayName ] [ internal=<yes | no> ] Parameters: Name dest Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of Y destination to be tested. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Conditionally Allowed Condition Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Application administrator Conditionally Allowed Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Allowed Completion Codes: v DEST_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Destination name does not exist v DEST_TEST_NOT_PERFORMED_SYSTEM_BUSY Test of destination 'Destination Name' not performed because the system is busy Troubleshooting: Please wait a few seconds and try again v GATEWAY_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Gateway name does not exist v SMSGWS_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination must have SMS gateways v SMSGWS_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have SMS gateways v SMTPGWS_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination must have SMTP gateways v SMTPGWS_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have SMTP gateways v DEST_TEST_FAILED Test of destination 'Destination Name' failed v SYSTEM_HAS_NO_SUCH_EXTERNAL_IP The system has no such external IP address v MODULE_CANNOT_SEND_MESSAGES Selected module cannot send messages Troubleshooting: Contact support v ONLY_TECHNICIAN_CAN_REFER_TO_INTERNAL_EVENT_OBJECTS Only technician can refer to internal event objects 194 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . the SMTP gateway to be used should be specified (the destination is only tested through that gateway). Note that a successful return code from this command does not ensure notification delivery. For email messages. For SNMP. email and SMS the system may fail to detect some of the problems. The same applies to SMS.This command tests a destination by sending a test message. so that both the SMS gateways and the SMTP gateways should be specified. SMS or SNMP trap. smsgws user SMS gateways to N be used.mon][. Keep unchanged.. Mandatory Y N Keep unchanged. Email address. Keep unchanged. Cellular number for SMS notification.. IP address or DNS name of the SNMP manager.SMTPGW2].thu][. where the user's email or phone are used. except that the destination type cannot be changed.|ALL> ] [ user=UserName ] [ heartbeat_test_hour=HH:MM ] [ heartbeat_test_days=<[sun][. Event Handling 195 . Keep unchanged. N heartbeat_test_hour N Hour for periodic heartbeat testing List of days for N heartbeat testing Keep unchanged.wed][.tue][. Keep unchanged. The parameters of this command are identical to the Defining a New Event Notification Destination command. Example: dest_update dest=storagemanager [email protected]]> ] Parameters: Name dest snmp_manager Type Object name Description Destination name. Default email_address smtpgws N N Keep unchanged. User name.Updating an Event Notification Destination Updates a destination. All relevant fields must be specified (not only the ones that are being changed).|ALL> ] [ area_code=number ] [ number=number ] [ smsgws=<SMSGW1[. Object name List of SMTP gateways to be used. Object name Object name N number Keep unchanged.com Chapter 13.. Keep unchanged. area_code Area code of the N cellular number for SMS notification. dest_update dest=DestName [ snmp_manager=SNMPManager ] [ email_address=email ] [ smtpgws=<SMTPGW1[. heartbeat_test_days This command updates a destination.fri][.SMSGW2]. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v DEST_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Destination name does not exist v AREA_CODE_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination must have an area code v AREA_CODE_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have an area code v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v EMAIL_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination must have an email address v EMAIL_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have an email address v GATEWAY_NAME_APPEARS_TWICE Gateway name appears twice in the list v GATEWAY_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Gateway name does not exist v NUMBER_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination must have a number v NUMBER_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have a number v SMSGWS_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have SMS gateways v SNMP_MANAGER_MUST_BE_SPECIFIED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination must have an SNMP manager v SNMP_MANAGER_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have an SNMP manager v NO_SMS_GATEWAYS_ARE_DEFINED An SMS Destination cannot be defined if no SMS gateways are defined v NO_SMTP_GATEWAYS_ARE_DEFINED An email destination cannot be defined if no SMTP gateways are defined v DEST_CANNOT_HAVE_A_USER_AND_AN_EMAIL_ADDRESS 196 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .Output: Command executed successfully. destgroup_add_dest destgroup=GroupName dest=DestName Parameters: Name destgroup Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Y Destination group name to which to add the destination. The command fails if the destination group already contains the destination.Destination cannot simultaneously have an email address and refer to a user v DEST_CANNOT_HAVE_A_USER_AND_A_PHONE_NUMBER Destination cannot simultaneously have a phone number address and refer to a user v USER_PHONE_NUMBER_IS_NOT_DEFINED User's phone number is not defined v USER_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User name does not exist v INTERNAL_DESTS_CANNOT_REFER_TO_USERS Internal destinations cannot refer to users v DEST_HEARTBEAT_DAYS_BUT_NO_HOUR Destination heartbeat days specified with no heartbeat hour v SNMP_DESTS_CANNOT_REFER_TO_USERS SNMP destinations cannot refer to users v USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_IS_NOT_DEFINED User's email address is not defined v SMTPGWS_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DEST_TYPE Destination cannot have SMTP gateways v DAY_APPEARS_TWICE Day 'Day' appears twice in the list Troubleshooting: Each day must appear at most once. dest Object name This command adds a destination to a destination group. Example: destgroup_add_dest destgroup=alladmins dest=john Chapter 13. Event Handling 197 . Adding a Destination to a Destination Group Adding an event notification destination to a destination group. Destination to be Y added to the group. The command cannot be executed while there are uncleared alerting events. Mandatory Y Default This command creates a destination group. use Adding a Destination to a Destination Group. To add a destination to a destination group. which eliminates the need to change the configuration of each rule separately. which is utilized by rules to send notifications to the entire group without specifying all the destinations for each rule. A destination group is simply a group of destinations.Output: Command executed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v DESTGROUP_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Destination group name does not exist v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v DEST_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Destination name does not exist v DESTGROUP_MAX_DESTS_REACHED Maximum number of destinations already defined in destination groups v DESTGROUP_ALREADY_INCLUDES_DEST Destination group already includes destination name Creating a Destination Group Creates an event notification destinations group. destgroup_create destgroup=GroupName Parameters: Name destgroup Type Object name Description Destination group name. You can also add or remove destinations from the group. A destination group is empty when it is created. Example: 198 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Chapter 13. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v DESTGROUP_MAX_REACHED Maximum number of destination groups already defined v DESTGROUP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS Destination group name already exists v DESTGROUP_NAME_IS_DEST_NAME Destination group name already exists as a destination name Deleting a Destination Group Deletes an event notification destination group.destgroup_create destgroup=alladmins Output: Command executed successfully. destgroup_delete destgroup=GroupName Parameters: Name destgroup Type Object name Description Name of destination group to be deleted. Event Handling Condition 199 . Mandatory Y Default This command deletes an event notification destination group. This command lists all destination groups or a specific one.linda. v DESTGROUP_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Destination group name does not exist Listing Destination Groups Lists destination groups.User Category Technicians Permission Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE_DESTINATION_GROUP Are you sure you want to delete destination group Destination Group? Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v DESTGROUP_APPEARS_IN_RULE Destination Group appears in a Rule Troubleshooting: To delete the destination group.monitoringserver 200 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . All the destinations are listed for each destination group. Mandatory N Default All groups. Id name dests creator Name Name Destinations Creator Description Default Position 1 2 Example: destgroup_list Output: Name itstaff Destinations john. first delete the rule. destgroup_list [ destgroup=GroupName ] Parameters: Name destgroup Type Object name Description Destination group to be listed.michael. This command removes an event notification destination from a destination group. Event Handling 201 .Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Removing a Destination from Destination Group Removes an event notification destination from a destination group. destgroup_remove_dest destgroup=GroupName dest=DestName Parameters: Name destgroup dest Type Object name Object name Description Group name. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v DESTGROUP_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Destination group name does not exist v DEST_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Destination name does not exist v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Chapter 13. This command cannot be executed while there are uncleared alerting events. Mandatory Y Default Destination to be Y removed from the group. Example: destgroup_remove_dest destgroup=alladmins dest=john Output: Command executed successfully. This command can not be executed while there are uncleared alerting events. New name of the destination group.Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v DESTGROUP_DOES_NOT_INCLUDE_DEST Destination group does not include destination name Renaming a Destination Group Renames an event notification destination group. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v DESTGROUP_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Destination group name does not exist v DESTGROUP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS Destination group name already exists v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration 202 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . destgroup_rename destgroup=GroupName new_name=NewGroupName Parameters: Name destgroup Type Object name Description Destination group to be renamed. Example: destgroup_rename destgroup=alladmins new_name=itstaff Output: Command executed successfully. Mandatory Y Default new_name Object name Y This command renames an event notification destination group. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Conditionally Allowed Condition Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Chapter 13. Example: event_clear event_id=87 Output: Command executed successfully. Clears all events preceding the specified event. internal Boolean N no This command clears alerting events. A user may either clear a specific event or clear all alerting events. Event Handling 203 . An event is defined as alerting if at the time of the event's generation it was matched by an alerting rule. The clearing operation does not imply that the problem has been solved. event_clear event_id=EventId [ all_preceding=<yes|no> ] [ internal=<yes|no|all> ] Parameters: Name event_id Type Positive integer Description ID number of the event to clear. Notifications for the alerting event are sent until it is cleared by this command.v DESTGROUP_NAME_IS_DEST_NAME Destination group name already exists as a destination name Clearing Alerting Events Clears alerting events. an event notification may be sent repeatedly until it is cleared by a CLI command or the GUI. Mandatory Y Default all_preceding Boolean N no. It only implies that the event has been noted by the relevant person who takes responsibility for fixing the problem. Clears XIV-internal events. In order to ensure that an event was indeed received. meaning a rule that has either snooze or escalation definitions. Such events are called alerting events. no filter. no filter. after before min_severity alerting cleared code Enumeration Boolean Boolean N no filter. Mandatory N Default 100.User Category Application administrator Permission Conditionally Allowed Condition Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Allowed Completion Codes: v ONLY_TECHNICIAN_CAN_REFER_TO_INTERNAL_EVENT_OBJECTS Only technician can refer to internal event objects Listing Events Lists system events. Filter cleared events. no filter. Filter XIV internal events. Earliest time/date. N Minimum severity. event_list [ max_events=MaxEventsToList ] [ after=<afterTimeStamp|ALL> ] [ before=<beforeTimeStamp|ALL> ] [ min_severity=<INFORMATIONAL|WARNING|MINOR|MAJOR|CRITICAL> ] [ alerting=<yes|no|all> ] [ cleared=<yes|no> ] [ code=EventCode ] [ object_type=<cons_group|destgroup|dest|dm|host|map| mirror|pool|rule|smsgw|smtpgw|target|volume| cluster|ip_interface|ldap_conf|meta_data_object| sync_schedule|user|user_group> ] [ beg=BeginIndex ] [ end=EndIndex ] [ internal=<yes|no|all> ] Parameters: Name max_events Type Positive integer Description Maximum number of events to list. Filter alerting events. no filter. Latest time/date. no filter. N N N N object_type N no filter internal Boolean N no 204 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Filter by a specific event code. Enumeration Filter events by the type of the related system object. day (1-31) v h . with 0 as default) Note: The year. month and day are separated by dashes. Event Handling 205 . such as minimum severity. Alternatively.second (0-59. then counts from the end. where the ranges are as follows: v Y . severity. Events are listed and sorted by time of creation. while the optional hour. Index of the first N event.hour (0-23. code. Events are listed by default in their user-readable textual form. The event list displays the following information for each event: timestamp.year (four digit) v M . with 0 as default) v s . the XCLI option for comma separated values can be used to generate output that can serve as input for other applications. event type and so on.[h[:m[:s]]]]. Id timestamp severity code user_name description index alerting cleared tshooting Name Timestamp Severity Code User Description Index Alerting Cleared Trouble Shooting Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 Example: event_list max_events=10 Chapter 13. minute and second are separated by colons. with 0 as default) v m . where the latest events are listed last. then counts from the end.Name beg Type Integer Description Mandatory Default Use end definition. If negative.minute (0-59. The syntax for the before and after fields is as follows: Y-M-D[. End index.month (1-12) v D . N end Integer last event This command lists system events according to specified criteria. If negative. user and description. Output: Timestamp 2009-05-12 2009-05-12 2009-05-12 2009-05-12 15:10:16 15:16:11 15:16:22 15:16:23 Severity Informational Informational Critical Informational Code START_WORK POOL_CREATE WOULD_BE_EMERGENCY_SHUTDOWN VOLUME_CREATE Additional output fields (lines are broken to fit the page width of this Guide): User xiv_development Description System has entered ON state. Storage Pool of size 171GB was created with name 'p1_m'. Volume was created with name 'master' and size 17GB in Storage Pool with name 'p1_m'. xiv_development Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Conditionally Allowed Condition Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Application administrator Conditionally Allowed Read-only users Conditionally Allowed Technicians Allowed Completion Codes: v UNRECOGNIZED_EVENT_CODE 'String' is not a recognized event code Troubleshooting: Consult the manual for the list of event codes v CANNOT_READ_EVENTS Cannot read events. event_list_uncleared Parameters: Name Type Description Mandatory Default This command lists uncleared alerting events. An emergency shutdown has been detected. 206 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . but UPS control is disabled. Troubleshooting: Contact support Listing Uncleared Alerting Events Lists uncleared alerting events. Furthermore. multiple thresholds can be defined using multiple invocations of this command. This command can be applied to parameterized events. Mandatory Y Y Default Threshold value. Event Handling 207 . that is events that are triggered when a certain parameter crosses a certain threshold. Y or NONE to indicate that an event with this severity is not created. Chapter 13. This command redefines the threshold of a parameterized event. event_redefine_threshold code=EventCode severity=<INFORMATIONAL|WARNING|MINOR|MAJOR|CRITICAL|NONE> threshold=<ThresholdValue|NONE> Parameters: Name code severity threshold Enumeration Integer Type Description Event code. Using this command the user can change the threshold for event notification. Severity.Example: event_list_uncleared Output: Index ------318 666 Code --------------VOLUME_CREATE VOLUME_DELETE Severity --------------Informational Informational Id index code severity Name Index Code Severity Description Default Position 1 2 3 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Setting the Threshold for Events Notification Redefines the threshold of a parameterized event. When the relevant parameter crosses a threshold. This command activates the specified rule. an event with the matching severity is created. rule_activate rule=RuleName Parameters: Name rule Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of the rule Y to be activated. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition 208 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v EVENT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_THRESHOLDS Event does not have thresholds v EVENT_THRESHOLD_IS_ILLEGAL Illegal value for event threshold Troubleshooting: Event threshold values must be monotone v UNRECOGNIZED_EVENT_CODE 'String' is not a recognized event code Troubleshooting: Consult the manual for the list of event codes v LAST_EVENT_THRESHOLD_CANNOT_BE_DELETED Events must have at least one threshold value Activating a Rule Activates an event notification rule. An active rule is matched against events and generates notifications.one for each event severity. then this command has no effect. If the rule is already active. rule_create rule=RuleName [ min_severity=<INFORMATIONAL|WARNING|MINOR|MAJOR|CRITICAL|NONE> ] [ codes=EventCodes | except_codes=EventCodes ] [ escalation_only=<yes|no> ] dests=dest1. Mandatory Y N All severities.dest2. Escalation rule. Filter only events with other codes. except_codes N All events. Default codes N All events. Snooze time in minutes.. N N N No escalation.Completion Codes: v EVENT_RULE_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Event rule name does not exist Creating Event Notification Rules Creates an event notification rule. Escalation time should not be defined as shorter than snooze time. [ snooze_time=SnoozeTime ] [ escalation_time=EscalationTime escalation_rule=EscalationRule ] Parameters: Name rule min_severity Type Object name Enumeration Description Name of the new rule. snooze_time escalation_rule escalation_time Integer Object name Integer Chapter 13. escalation_only N no dests Object name Y Comma separated list of destinations and destination groups for event notification. Minimum event severity for rule filtering. Event Handling 209 . No snoozing.. Boolean Specifies that this rule can only be used for escalation. Escalation time in minutes. Refer to escalation_rule above for more information. Filter only events with these codes.. When an event is created. The snooze time cannot be longer than the escalation time. each event with a severity higher or equal to the rule's min_severity parameter match this rule. The repeated sending of notifications can be defined by two ways: v The snooze parameter causes the notifications to be sent again and again to the same destinations. when required for events whose severity depends on a run-time parameter. 210 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . When using this configuration. it still gets only one notification. It only means that it was noticed and there is no need to continue to send notifications. Alternatively. It is not permitted to define new rules while there are uncleared alerting events. A rule can be defined as alerting. which can only be used as an escalation for other rules. or if the event matches the filtering criteria of several rules. An event notification rule is used in order to determine which events should create which notifications. Each rule has filtering and notifications configuration. The same applies if a destination is included in two destination groups. A rule cannot escalate to itself. by specifying a minimum severity. Note: Clearing the event does not mean that the problem has been solved. The two filters can be combined together.This command defines a new event notification rule. The filtering can be based on the event's code. The filtering configuration controls which events match this rule. v The escalation_time and escalation_rule parameters causes the notifications to be sent to the destination list of the escalation_rule if it is not cleared within escalation_time minutes. The second part of the configuration of a rule is a list of destinations and destination groups that receive the notification when an event matches the filtering criteria. the rule may match only a specific event code. which means that notifications are being sent repeatedly until the matching events are cleared using the Clearing Alerting Events command. Rules can escalate only to alerting rules (meaning to rules that have snooze or escalation definitions) in order to prevent a situation where notifications are stopped from being sent. and based on these rules the notifications are created. The alerts will be resent every 20 minutes until the events are cleared. The time in minutes between the repeated transmissions is determined by the snooze value. escalation_only defines a rule without filters. all using the same destination. it is checked by all currently defined rules. If a destination is included both in the rule and in one of the rule's destination groups. and neither can it be defined in a cyclic escalation of rules. The following example sends alerts upon critical events to John's cellular number and to the emails of all the IT staff. Example: xcli -u -c Nextra1 rule_create rule=critical_alerts min_severity=critical destinations=john-cell.itstaff snooze_time=20 Output: Command executed successfully. v EVENT_RULE_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS Event rule name already exists v EVENT_RULE_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Event rule name does not exist v NAME_IS_NEITHER_DEST_NOR_GROUP Name is neither the name of a destination group nor the name of a destination v ESCALATION_TIME_MUST_BE_LARGER_THAN_SNOOZE_TIME Escalation time must be larger than snooze time Chapter 13. v EVENT_RULE_MISSING_ESCALATION_TIME An alerting event rule must have escalation time Troubleshooting: If an escalation rule is specified. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v EVENT_RULE_CANNOT_ESCALATE_TO_ITSELF An event rule cannot be its own escalation rule v EVENT_RULE_MAX_REACHED Maximum number of event rules already defined v EVENT_RULE_CANNOT_ESCALATE_TO_NON_ALERTING_RULES Event rule cannot escalate to non-alerting rule Troubleshooting: Alerting rule can only escalate to another escalating rule v DEST_APPEARS_TWICE Destination or destination group appears twice v EVENT_RULE_MISSING_ESCALATION_RULE An alerting event rule must have an escalation rule Troubleshooting: If escalation time is specified. then an escalation rule must be specified also. Event Handling 211 . then escalation time must be specified also. v RULE_MAX_DESTS_REACHED Maximum number of destinations and destination groups in a rule already defined v EVENT_RULE_MUST_HAVE_FILTER An alerting event rule must have a filter. In-active rules can not be used as escalation rules. A deactivated rule is not matched against events and does not generate notifications. 212 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . This command deactivates the specified rule. v UNRECOGNIZED_EVENT_CODE 'String' is not a recognized event code Troubleshooting: Consult the manual for the list of event codes Deactivating a Rule Deactivates an event notification rule. either event code or severity v CYCLIC_ESCALATION_RULES_DEFINITION Event rule escalation cannot be cyclic v EVENT_RULE_CANNOT_REFER_TO_INTERNAL_EVENT_CODES A user event rule cannot refer to internal event codes v ESCALATION_EVENT_RULE_CANNOT_HAVE_FILTER An escalation-only event rule cannot have code or min_severity specification v EVENT_RULE_CANNOT_HAVE_BOTH_CODES_AND_EXCEPTION_CODES An event rule cannot have both codes and exception codes v EVENT_RULE_CANNOT_HAVE_A_CATEGORY A user event rule cannot have a category definition v EVENT_RULE_USED_FOR_ESCALATION_MUST_BE_ALERTING Event rule is an escalation rule of another event rule and thus must be an alerting rule v ESCALATION_EVENT_RULE_MUST_BE_ALERTING Escalation-only event rules must be alerting rules v TOO_MANY_EVENT_CODES A maximum of Maximum event codes can be specified v EVENT_CODE_APPEARS_TWICE Event code 'Code' appears twice in the list Troubleshooting: Each event code must appear at most once. rule_deactivate rule=RuleName Parameters: Name rule Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of the rule Y to be deactivated. then this command has no effect. If the rule is already inactive. It is not permitted to delete a rule while there are uncleared alerting events.escalation_only rules can not be deactivated. Rules that are defined as the escalation of other rules cannot be deleted. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Chapter 13. Mandatory Y Default This command deletes an event notification rule. Example: rule_delete rule=emergency_alerts Output: Command completed successfully. rule_delete rule=RuleName Parameters: Name rule Type Object name Description Rule to be deleted. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v EVENT_RULE_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Event rule name does not exist v ESCALATION_ONLY_RULES_ARE_ALWAYS_ACTIVE Escalation-only event rules cannot be deactivated or activated Deleting Event Notification Rules Deletes an event notification rule. Event Handling Condition 213 . Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE_RULE Are you sure you want to delete Rule Rule? Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v EVENT_RULE_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Event rule name does not exist v EVENT_RULE_USED_FOR_ESCALATION_CAN_NOT_BE_DELETED Event rule is an escalation rule of another event rule and thus cannot be deleted Troubleshooting: Delete all escalation rules that refer to this rule as their escalation rule Listing Event Notification Rules Lists event notification rules. rule_list [ rule=RuleName ] Parameters: Name rule Type Object name Description Mandatory Default All rules. Rule to be listed. N This command lists all event notification rules or a specific rule and their configuration. Id name min_severity codes except_codes dests active escalation_time snooze_time escalation_rule escalation_only category creator Name Name Minimum Severity Event Codes Except Codes Destinations Active Escalation Time Snooze Time Escalation Rule Escalation Only Category Creator 7 Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 Example: 214 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual rule_list Output: Name ---------------emergency_alerts Minimum Severity Event Code Destinations ---------------- ---------- ----------------critical all john-cell,itstaff Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Renaming Event Notification Rules Renames an event notification rule. rule_rename rule=RuleName new_name=NewRuleName Parameters: Name rule new_name Type Object name Object name Description Rule to be renamed. New name of the rule. Mandatory Y Y Default This command renames an event notification rule. Example: rule_rename rule=critical_alerts new_name=emergency_alerts Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Chapter 13. Event Handling 215 Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v EVENT_RULE_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS Event rule name already exists v EVENT_RULE_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Event rule name does not exist Updating an Event Notification Rule Updates an event notification rule. rule_update rule=RuleName [ min_severity=<INFORMATIONAL|WARNING|MINOR|MAJOR|CRITICAL|NONE> ] [ codes=EventCodes ] [ except_codes=EventCodes ] [ escalation_only=<yes|no> ] [ dests=dest1,dest2,... ] [ snooze_time=SnoozeTime ] [ escalation_time=EscalationTime ] [ escalation_rule=EscalationRule ] Parameters: Name rule min_severity Type Object name Enumeration Description Name of the rule. Minimum event severity for rule filtering. Filter only events with this code. Filter only events with other codes. Boolean Specifies that this rule can only be used for escalation. Mandatory Y N Leave unchanged. Leave unchanged. Leave unchanged. no Default codes N except_codes N escalation_only N dests Object name N Comma separated list of destinations and destination groups for event notification. Snooze time in minutes. Escalation time in minutes. Escalation rule. N N N Leave unchanged. snooze_time escalation_time escalation_rule Integer Integer Object name Leave unchanged. Leave unchanged. Leave unchanged. 216 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual This command updates the configuration of an event notification rule. All parameters and their descriptions are identical to the Creating Event Notification Rules command. Parameters which are not specified are not changed. Example: rule_update rule=critical_alerts min_severity=critical destinations=john-cell,itstaff snooze_time=30 Output: Command executed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v EVENT_RULE_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Event rule name does not exist v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v EVENT_RULE_CANNOT_ESCALATE_TO_ITSELF An event rule cannot be its own escalation rule v EVENT_RULE_CANNOT_ESCALATE_TO_NON_ALERTING_RULES Event rule cannot escalate to non-alerting rule Troubleshooting: Alerting rule can only escalate to another escalating rule v DEST_APPEARS_TWICE Destination or destination group appears twice v EVENT_RULE_MISSING_ESCALATION_RULE An alerting event rule must have an escalation rule Troubleshooting: If escalation time is specified, then an escalation rule must be specified also. v EVENT_RULE_MISSING_ESCALATION_TIME An alerting event rule must have escalation time Troubleshooting: If an escalation rule is specified, then escalation time must be specified also. v NAME_IS_NEITHER_DEST_NOR_GROUP Name is neither the name of a destination group nor the name of a destination v ESCALATION_TIME_MUST_BE_LARGER_THAN_SNOOZE_TIME Escalation time must be larger than snooze time Chapter 13. Event Handling 217 v RULE_MAX_DESTS_REACHED Maximum number of destinations and destination groups in a rule already defined v EVENT_RULE_MUST_HAVE_FILTER An alerting event rule must have a filter, either event code or severity v CYCLIC_ESCALATION_RULES_DEFINITION Event rule escalation cannot be cyclic v EVENT_RULE_USED_FOR_ESCALATION_MUST_BE_ALERTING Event rule is an escalation rule of another event rule and thus must be an alerting rule v EVENT_RULE_CANNOT_REFER_TO_INTERNAL_EVENT_CODES A user event rule cannot refer to internal event codes v ESCALATION_EVENT_RULE_CANNOT_HAVE_FILTER An escalation-only event rule cannot have code or min_severity specification v EVENT_RULE_CANNOT_HAVE_A_CATEGORY A user event rule cannot have a category definition v EVENT_RULE_CANNOT_HAVE_BOTH_CODES_AND_EXCEPTION_CODES An event rule cannot have both codes and exception codes v ESCALATION_EVENT_RULE_MUST_BE_ALERTING Escalation-only event rules must be alerting rules v TOO_MANY_EVENT_CODES A maximum of Maximum event codes can be specified v EVENT_CODE_APPEARS_TWICE Event code 'Code' appears twice in the list Troubleshooting: Each event code must appear at most once. v UNRECOGNIZED_EVENT_CODE 'String' is not a recognized event code Troubleshooting: Consult the manual for the list of event codes Defining an SMS Gateway Defines an SMS gateway. smsgw_define smsgw=SMSGatewayName email_address=EmailAddressScheme subject_line=SubjectLineScheme email_body=EmailBodyScheme [ smtpgw=<SMTPGW1,...|ALL> ] Parameters: Name smsgw email_address subject_line email_body Type Object name Token String Token String Token String Description SMS gateway name. Format for the email address. Format for the subject line. Format for the email body. Mandatory Y Y Y Y Default 218 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual Name smtpgw Type Object name Description List of SMTP gateways to be used. Mandatory N Default The SMTP gateways defined in the smtpgw_prioritize command. SMS gateways are used to send event notifications via SMS messages. SMS messages are sent via SMS-to-Email servers, and when defining a new SMS gateway, we need to know how to SMS messages are encapsulated in the email message. When the XIV system sends an SMS message it uses the actual message text that describes the event and the destination number. The destination number is comprised from an area code and the local number, both which are specified when a destination is defined as described in the Defining a New Event Notification Destination command. The message's text and the destination numbers can be embedded into the email message in either the email destination address, email subject line or the email body. This command defines how email messages are formatted, and how they contain the information of the specific SMS. When defining the SMS gateway, three fields must be specified in order to define the formatting: v v v email_address: This is the email address used for sending the SMS via the Email-to-SMS gateway. subject_line: This is the subject line of the outgoing email that would be converted into an SMS. email_body: This is the body of the outgoing email that would be converted into an SMS. When specifying each of these fields, the text can be either fixed, contain the event's text or contain the destination phone number. This is done by embedding the following escape sequences into the text: v {areacode}. This escape sequence is replaced by the destination's cellular number area code. v {number}. This escape sequence is replaced by the destination's cellular local number. v {message}. This escape sequence is replaced by the text to be shown to the user. v \{, \}, \\. These are replaced by the {, } or \ respectively. By default, the email to the Email-to-SMS server is sent through the defined SMTP servers, prioritized by the Prioritizing SMTP Gateways command. If needed, the user may specify a specific SMTP gateway or gateways to be used for sending email to this Email-to-SMS gateway. Several SMS gateways can be defined. The system will try the SMS gateways, in the order specified in Prioritizing SMS Gateways until it successfully connects to one of them. It is possible to define that specific SMS destinations will use specific SMS gateways (see Defining a New Event Notification Destination). Example: Chapter 13. Event Handling 219 smsgw_define smsgw=SMSGW1 email_address={areacode}{number}@sms2emailserver.yourcompany.com subject_line=SMS email_body={message} Output: Command executed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v GATEWAY_MAX_REACHED Maximum number of gateways already defined v SMSGW_CANNOT_BE_DEFINED_WITHOUT_SMTPGW SMS gateways cannot be defined if no SMTP gateways are defined v GATEWAY_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Gateway name does not exist v GATEWAY_NAME_APPEARS_TWICE Gateway name appears twice in the list v GATEWAY_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS Gateway name already exists Deleting an SMS Gateway Deletes an SMS gateway. smsgw_delete smsgw=SMSGatewayName Parameters: Name smsgw Type Object name Description SMS gateway to be deleted. Mandatory Y Default This command deletes an SMS gateway. A gateway cannot be deleted if it is part of a notification rule or if it is being used by a destination. 220 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual It is impossible to delete an SMS gateway while there are uncleared alerting events. Example: smsgw_delete smsgw=external-SMSGW Output: Command completed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE_SMS_GATEWAY Are you sure you want to delete SMS gateway Gateway? Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v GATEWAY_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Gateway name does not exist v GATEWAY_USED_BY_DESTINATION Gateway is used by a destination Listing SMS Gateways Lists SMS gateways. smsgw_list [ smsgw=SMSGatewayName ] Parameters: Name smsgw Type Object name Description Name of SMS gateway to list. Mandatory N Default All gateways. Lists all SMS gateways or a specific one. For each SMS gateway all its configuration information is listed. Chapter 13. Event Handling 221 222 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .. Only one gateway is used and subsequent gateways are only tried if the preceding ones in this priority list return an error. Mandatory Y Default This command sets the priority in which SMS gateways are used to send SMSs. smsgw_prioritize order=<gw1[. This command determines the order in which XIV attempts to use these SMS gateways..gw2].yourcompany.> Parameters: Name order Type Object name Description List of all SMS gateways ordered by priority. SMS messages can be sent to cell phones through one of the email-to-SMS gateways in this list.com {areacode}{number}@sms2emailservice.com SMTP Gateways all all Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Prioritizing SMS Gateways Sets the priorities of the SMS gateways for sending SMS messages.Id name email_address gateways subject_line email_body priority Name Name Email Address SMTP Gateways Subject Line Email Body Priority Description Default Position 1 2 3 Example: smsgw_list Output: Name SMSGW1 SMSGW2 Email Address {areacode}{number}@sms2emailserver. SMSGW2 Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v GATEWAY_NAME_APPEARS_TWICE Gateway name appears twice in the list v GATEWAY_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Gateway name does not exist v GATEWAY_NAME_MISSING_FROM_LIST Gateway name is missing from the list Renaming an SMS Gateway Renames an SMS gateway. Event Handling 223 . New name for the SMS gateway. Chapter 13. Mandatory Y Y Default This command renames an SMS gateway. SMS gateways cannot be renamed while there are uncleared alerting events. regardless of this list. Example: smsgw_prioritize order=SMSGW1. smsgw_rename smsgw=SMSGatewayName new_name=NewSMSGWName Parameters: Name smsgw new_name Type Object name Object name Description SMS gateway to be renamed.Specific SMS destinations may define their own SMS gateways to be used when sending SMS to these destinations. The SMTP gateways defined in the smtpgw_prioritize command. smsgw_update smsgw=SMSGatewayName [ email_address=EmailAddressScheme ] [ subject_line=SubjectLineScheme ] [ email_body=EmailBodyScheme ] [ smtpgw=<SMTPGW1[. Mandatory Y Leave unchanged. Format for the email's body. Format for subject line. Leave unchanged. Leave unchanged.|ALL> ] Parameters: Name smsgw email_address subject_line email_body smtpgw Type Object name Token String Token String Token String Object name Description SMS gateway name. Default Format for email N address.SMTPGW2].. N N N 224 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .Example: smsgw_rename smsgw=SMSGW2 new_name=external-SMSGW Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v GATEWAY_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS Gateway name already exists v GATEWAY_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Gateway name does not exist Updating an SMS Gateway Updates an SMS gateway.. List of SMTP gateways to be used. com subject_line=NextraSMS email_body={message} Output: Command executed successfully. For the exact description and documentation of each parameter. Example: smsgw_update smsgw=SMSGW1 email_address={areacode}{number}@sms2emailserver. see the documentation of Defining an SMS Gateway. Event Handling 225 . Parameters which are not specified will not be changed. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v GATEWAY_NAME_APPEARS_TWICE Gateway name appears twice in the list v GATEWAY_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Gateway name does not exist Defining a New SMTP Gateway Defines an SMTP gateway. This command cannot be executed while there are uncleared alerting events. smtpgw_define smtpgw=SMTPGatewayName address=Address [ from_address=<SenderEmailAddress|DEFAULT> ] [ reply_to_address=<ReplyToAddress|DEFAULT> ] Parameters: Name smtpgw Type Object name Description SMTP gateway name. Mandatory Y Default Chapter 13.This command updates the configuration information of an existing SMS gateway.yourcompany. Mandatory Y Default from_address Sender's email N address used for out-going emails sent through this SMTP server. v The sender's address is used as the destination for error messages generated by the SMTP gateways.Name address Type Description SMTP gateway address (IP or DNS name). as a security measure in order to prevent unauthorized usage of the SMTP server. otherwise they will not forward the email. This sender address must be a valid address for two reasons: v Many SMTP gateways require a valid sender address. The SMTP protocol dictates that every email message must specify the email address of the sender. XIV attempts to send each email notification through the first gateway according to the order that you specify. Subsequent gateways are only tried if the first in line returns an error. such as: incorrect email address. A specific email destination. full email mailbox and so on. Example: smtpgw_define smtpgw=mailserver1 address=smtp. Several email gateways can be defined to enable notification of events by email or to enable the sending of SMS messages via Email-to-SMS gateways. DEFAULT (system-wide reply-to address that applies to all servers). 226 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . The user can also configure a reply-to address which is different from the sender's address. Often this sender address must be limited to a specific domain. The reply to N address used for outgoing emails sent through this SMTP server. reply_to_address This command defines an SMTP gateway.com Output: Command executed successfully. if it is required that the return emails are sent to another destination. a global system-wide sender's address specified in Setting Configuration Parameters is used.yourcompany. or a specific SMS gateway may be defined to use only specific SMTP gateways. DEFAULT (system-wide sender's address that applies to all servers).com [email protected] from_address=nextra@yourcompany. By default. If the sender's address is not specified for a specific SMTP gateway. smtpgw_delete smtpgw=SMTPGatewayName Parameters: Name smtpgw Type Object name Description SMTP gateway to be deleted.Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v FROM_ADDRESS_NOT_DEFINED Neither the gateway's From Address nor the default From Address is defined v GATEWAY_MAX_REACHED Maximum number of gateways already defined v GATEWAY_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS Gateway name already exists Deleting an SMTP Gateway Deletes a specified SMTP gateway. An SMTP gateway cannot be deleted while there are uncleared alerting events. is being used as an SMS gateway or if it belongs to a destination. A gateway cannot be deleted if it is part of a notification rule. Event Handling 227 . Mandatory Y Default This command deletes a specified SMTP gateway. Example: smtpgw_delete smtpgw=mailserverbackup Output: Command completed successfully Chapter 13. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE_SMTP_GATEWAY Are you sure you want to delete SMTP gateway Gateway? Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v GATEWAY_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Gateway name does not exist v GATEWAY_USED_BY_DESTINATION Gateway is used by a destination v GATEWAY_USED_BY_SMS_GATEWAY Gateway is used by an SMS Gateway Listing SMTP Gateways Lists SMTP gateways. Filters gateways by their XIV-internal attribute. smtpgw_list [ smtpgw=SMTPGatewayName ] [ internal=<yes|no> ] Parameters: Name smtpgw internal Type Object name Enumeration Description Name of SMTP gateway to list. no This command lists defined SMTP gateways and their configuration information. Id name address priority from_address reply_to_address Name Name Address Priority From Address Reply-to Address Description Default Position 1 2 3 228 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Mandatory N N Default no. By default. Only one gateway is used and subsequent gateways are only tried if the preceding ones in this priority list return an error.gw2]. smtpgw_prioritize order=<gw1[.com Port Priority ---.Id failed port creator Name Failed Port Creator Description Default Position Example: smtpgw_list Output: Name ----------mailserver1 mailserver2 Email Address -------------------smtp.-------25 1 25 2 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Conditionally Allowed Condition Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Application administrator Conditionally Allowed Read-only users Conditionally Allowed Technicians Allowed Prioritizing SMTP Gateways Sets the priority of which SMTP gateway should be used to send emails.. Chapter 13. Event Handling 229 .yourcompany.com smtp.yourcompany. Mandatory Y Default This command sets the priority in which SMTP gateway should be used to send emails. XIV attempts to send each email through the first gateway according to the order that is specified in this command.. Several email gateways can be defined to enable notification of events or the sending of SMS by email.> Parameters: Name order Type Object name Description List of all the SMTP gateways in order of their priority. smtpgw_rename smtpgw=SMTPGatewayName new_name=NewSMTPGWName Parameters: Name smtpgw new_name Type Object name Object name Description SMTP gateway to be renamed. Example: smtpgw_prioritize order=mailserver2. New name for the SMTP gateway.These priorities are used only for email destinations and SMS gateways that did not specify their own SMTP gateways. Mandatory Y Y Default This command renames an SMTP gateway.mailserver1 Output: Command completed successfully Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v GATEWAY_NAME_APPEARS_TWICE Gateway name appears twice in the list v GATEWAY_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Gateway name does not exist v GATEWAY_NAME_MISSING_FROM_LIST Gateway name is missing from the list Renaming an SMTP Gateway Renames an SMTP gateway. Example: 230 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . SMTP gateway address (IP or DNS name).smtpgw_rename smtpgw=mailserver2 new_name=mailserverbackup Output: Command completed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v GATEWAY_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS Gateway name already exists v GATEWAY_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Gateway name does not exist Updating an SMTP Gateway Updates the configuration of an SMTP gateway. Boolean Should be specified as YES for XIV internal gateway. Event Handling 231 . NO Default internal N Chapter 13. Mandatory Y N Leave unchanged. smtpgw_update smtpgw=SMTPGatewayName [ address=Address ] [ from_address=<SenderEmailAddress|DEFAULT> ] [ reply_to_address=<ReplyToAddress|DEFAULT> ] [ internal=<yes|no> ] Parameters: Name smtpgw address Type Object name Description SMTP gateway name. or DEFAULT for the system-wide default. Sender's Email N address used for out-going emails sent through this SMTP server.com from_address=nextra@yurcompany. reply_to_address Leave unchanged. or DEFAULT for the system-wide default. N The reply-to address used for outgoing emails sent through this SMTP server.com reply_to_address=nextraerrors@yourcompany. Fields which are not specified are not changed. This command updates the configuration of an existing SMTP gateway. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Conditionally Allowed Condition Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Only the technician can run this command with the internal parameter Application administrator Conditionally Allowed Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Allowed Completion Codes: v GATEWAY_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST Gateway name does not exist v CANNOT_CHANGE_EVENT_CONF_WITH_ALERTING_EVENTS Cannot change event configuration while there are alerting events Troubleshooting: Clear all alerting events before changing event configuration v FROM_ADDRESS_NOT_DEFINED Neither the gateway's From Address nor the default From Address is defined 232 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Example: smtpgw_update smtpgw=mailserver1 address=smtp2.com Output: Command executed successfully.Name from_address Type Description Mandatory Default Leave unchanged.yourcompany. Event Handling 233 .v ONLY_TECHNICIAN_CAN_REFER_TO_INTERNAL_EVENT_OBJECTS Only technician can refer to internal event objects Chapter 13. 234 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . ) support_center_disconnect(This command disconnects the IBM XIV Storage System from a support center.) v ipinterface_list(Lists the configuration of a specific IP interface or all IP interfaces.) v support_center_status(This command lists information about all defined support centers. The sections are listed as follows: v ipinterface_add_port(Adds an Ethernet port to the link aggregation group of an IP interface.) v ipinterface_delete(Deletes an IP interface.) v v v v v v v v ipinterface_rename(Renames an IP interface.) ipinterface_update(Updates the configuration of an IP interface.) ipinterface_run_traceroute(Tests connectivity to a remote IP node using the ICMP trace-route mechanism.) v support_center_list(This command lists support centers. IP Configuration The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for IP configuration. port Integer 235 . ) support_center_delete(This command deletes a support center. ipinterface_add_port ipinterface=IPInteraceName port=P Parameters: Name ipinterface Type Object name Description Mandatory Default IP interface to Y which the port is to be added.) v ipinterface_remove_port(Removes an Ethernet port from the link aggregation group of an IP interface.) v ipinterface_list_ports(Lists all Ethernet ports together with their configuration and status. Number of the Y port to be added to the group.) support_center_connect(This command connects to a support center.) Adding Ethernet Ports to IP Interfaces Adds an Ethernet port to the link aggregation group of an IP interface.Chapter 14.) v ipinterface_create(Creates a new IP interface for iSCSI.) ipinterface_run_arp(Prints the ARP database of the specified IP interface.) support_center_define(This command defines a support center. and a parallel link aggregation group must be defined on that Ethernet switch.This command adds an Ethernet port to the link aggregation group of an IP interface.. The module is not provided. This command cannot be applied to Management or VPN interfaces. Ports defined as a link aggregation group must be connected to the same Ethernet switch. ipinterface_create ipinterface=IPInterfaceName address=IPaddress netmask=NetworkMask [ gateway=DefaultGateway ] [ mtu=MTU ] module=ComponentId ports=P1.. 236 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v IPINTERFACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST IP Interface name does not exist v ILLEGAL_PORT_NUMBER Port number is out of range v PORT_ALREADY_IN_INTERFACE Port is already part of the specified IP Interface v PORT_IS_USED_IN_ANOTHER_IP_INTERFACE One of the physical ports specified is already assigned to an IP Interface v COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE Operation is not allowed on Management IP Interface v IPINTERFACE_NOT_AGGREGATED Ports cannot be added to a non-aggregated IP Interface Creating a New IP Interface Creates a new IP interface for iSCSI. as it must be the module of the other ports of the interface.. The specified port is added to the link aggregation group of the specified IP interface. The IP interface is defined on a Port Group. and the parallel link aggregation must be defined on that switch. Do not use the names Management or VPN. Y ports Y This command defines a new IP interface for iSCSI traffic.3ad link aggregation group. where a Port Group is one or more ports (all on the same module) that is linked together as an 802. Network mask of the interface. IP Configuration 237 . Y None IP address of the N default gateway for this interface. Integer Commaseparated list (one or more) of port numbers. Integer Maximum Transmission Unit: The supported packet size by the connecting Ethernet switch. MTU. N mtu 4500 for iSCSI and 1536 for Management and VPN. Gateway. module Component identifier (rack and module) of the module containing the Ethernet ports. This is optional when the default equals 1536. or groups of Ethernet iSCSI ports on the same module can be defined as a single link aggregation group. Chapter 14. Ports defined as a link aggregation must be connected to the same Ethernet switch. network mask and IP are the standard IP definitions. MTU of up to 8192 is supported. Mandatory Y Default address netmask gateway IP address of the Y interface.Parameters: Name ipinterface Type Object name Description Name of the IP interface to be created. Each iSCSI Ethernet port can be defined as an IP interface. This is optional. ipinterface_delete ipinterface=IPInterfaceName Parameters: Name ipinterface Type Object name Description Mandatory Default IP interface to be Y deleted. Only the interfaces defined for iSCSI traffic can be deleted. 238 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v IPINTERFACE_EXISTS IP Interface name already used v ILLEGAL_PORT_NUMBER Port number is out of range v PORT_IS_USED_IN_ANOTHER_IP_INTERFACE One of the physical ports specified is already assigned to an IP Interface v PORT_REPEATS_TWICE Port list contains the same value more than once v FORCE_NO_AGGREGATION_ALLOWED_FOR_SINGLE_PORT_ONLY More than one port specified for non-aggregated IP Interface v IP_ADDRESS_ALREADY_USED_IN_ANOTHER_INTERFACE IP address is already assigned to another interface v IPADDRESS_AND_GATEWAY_ARE_NOT_ON_SAME_SUBNET IP address specified for the default gateway is not in the subnet of the IP Interface v MTU_TOO_LARGE Specified MTU value is too large v BAD_PORTS_FORMAT Port list should be a comma separated list of positive integers v ILLEGAL_COMPONENT_ID Component ID is illegal v TOO_MANY_PORTS_IN_AGGREGATION_GROUP Too many physical ports for one IP interface Deleting IP Interfaces Deletes an IP interface. Management and VPN interfaces cannot be deleted. This command deletes the IP interface. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v IPINTERFACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST IP Interface name does not exist v COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE Operation is not allowed on Management IP Interface v IPINTERFACE_HAS_CONNECTIVITY IP interface has connectivity defined to another machine Listing IP Interface Configuration Lists the configuration of a specific IP interface or all IP interfaces. This command lists configuration information for the specified IP interface or for all IP interfaces (including Management). The following information is listed: v Name v Type (iSCSI/management) v IP address (or comma separated addresses for management and VPN) v Network mask v v v v Default gateway MTU Module (for iSCSI only) Comma separated list of ports (for iSCSI only) Name Name Type Description Default Position 1 2 Chapter 14. IP address of the N interface to be listed. The Management or VPN name can only be used to view the configuration of the management of VPN interfaces. IP Configuration Id name type 239 . ipinterface_list [ ipinterface=IPInterfaceName | address=IPAddress ] Parameters: Name ipinterface address Type Object name Description Mandatory Default All interfaces All interfaces IP interface to be N listed. All physical Ethernet ports used to connect to the user’s network are listed.Id address netmask gateway mtu module ports Name IP Address Network Mask Default Gateway MTU Module Ports Description Default Position 3 4 5 6 7 8 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Showing the Status and Configuration of Ethernet Ports Lists all Ethernet ports together with their configuration and status. ipinterface_list_ports This command lists all Ethernet ports together with their configuration and status. if port is not configured as part of IP interface) v Status up/down v Auto-negotiation: Half-full duplex. 1000/100/10 Id index role ip_interface_name Name Index Role IP Interface Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 connected_component Connected Component is_link_up Link Up? negotiated_speed_Mbs Negotiated Speed (MB/s) is_full_duplex module_id Full Duplex? Module 240 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . This list shows the following information: v Component ID (Module number for iSCSI or switch number for management/field technician port) v Port number on module/switch v For management/VPN/field technician: "management"/"VPN"/"field technician" v IP interface containing the ports (or none. The module does not need to be specified. If the IP interface must be moved to a different module. first delete the interface and then recreate it. IP Configuration 241 . This command cannot be applied to Management or VPN interfaces. Number of the port to be removed from the group. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Chapter 14. Y port Integer This command removes the specified port from the link aggregation group of the specified IP interface. ipinterface_remove_port ipinterface=IPInteraceName port=P Parameters: Name ipinterface Type Object name Description Mandatory Default IP interface from Y which the port is to be removed.Id requires_service Name Requires Service Description Default Position Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Removing Ethernet Ports from IP Interfaces Removes an Ethernet port from the link aggregation group of an IP interface. because it is the same module as the other ports of the IP interface. The last port of the IP interface cannot be removed. Y This command renames an IP interface. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v IPINTERFACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST IP Interface name does not exist v IPINTERFACE_EXISTS IP Interface name already used v COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE Operation is not allowed on Management IP Interface 242 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . ipinterface_rename ipinterface=IPInterfaceName new_name=NewName Parameters: Name ipinterface new_name Type Object name Object name Description Mandatory Default Original name of Y the IP interface. New name of the IP interface. This command cannot be applied to Management or VPN interfaces. The IP interface must be unique in the system.Completion Codes: v IPINTERFACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST IP Interface name does not exist v ILLEGAL_PORT_NUMBER Port number is out of range v PORT_NOT_IN_INTERFACE Port is not part of the specified IP Interface v COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE Operation is not allowed on Management IP Interface v IPINTERFACE_LAST_PORT Last port in IP Interface cannot be removed Renaming an IP Interface Renames an IP interface. ipinterface_run_traceroute localipaddress=IPaddress remote=remoteHost Chapter 14. Id arp_output Name arp Output Description Default Position 1 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v NO_IP_INTERFACE_MATCHES_CRITERIA No IP Interface matches given criteria v MORE_THAN_ONE_IP_INTERFACE_MATCHES More than one IP Interface matches given criteria Testing the Traceroute to a Remote IP Tests connectivity to a remote IP node using the ICMP trace-route mechanism. or the Management or VPN name. The IP address must be one of the IP addresses defined for iSCSI IP interfaces.Printing the ARP Database of an IP Interface Prints the ARP database of the specified IP interface. IP Configuration 243 . This command prints the ARP database of an IP interface. meaning a list of pairs of IP addresses and their associated Ethernet MAC addresses. ipinterface_run_arp localipaddress=IPaddress Parameters: Name localipaddress Type Description Mandatory Default IP address of the Y IP interface for which the ARP database should be printed. Id traceroute_output Name traceroute Output Description Default Position 1 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v NO_IP_INTERFACE_MATCHES_CRITERIA No IP Interface matches given criteria v MORE_THAN_ONE_IP_INTERFACE_MATCHES More than one IP Interface matches given criteria Updating an IP Interface Updates the configuration of an IP interface.Parameters: Name localipaddress Type Description Mandatory Default IP address of the Y IP interface for which the traceroute command is run. The IP address must be one of the IP addresses defined for iSCSI IP interfaces or the Management or VPN name. ipinterface_update ipinterface=IPInterfaceName [ address=<IPaddress [ . Mandatory Y Default 244 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . IP address or DNS for the traceroute test. Y remote This command runs a route trace to the specified remote host through the specified IP interface.IPaddress ] ] > ] [ netmask=NetworkMask ] [ gateway=DefaultGateway ] [ mtu=MTU ] Parameters: Name ipinterface Type Object name Description Name of the IP interface to be updated.IPadress [ . The name of the interface may either be one of the previously defined IP interfaces for iSCSI. IP Configuration 245 .Name address Type Description Mandatory Default Leaves the address unchanged. minus the number of management ports). IP address of the N interface or a list of addresses for the Management and VPN interfaces. Management ports are dedicated for CLI and GUI communications. the user must specify two IP addresses (equal to the number of VPN ports). or Management for the management IP interface. For VPN interfaces. Network mask of the interface. N netmask Leaves the network mask unchanged. as well as for outgoing SNMP and SMTP connections. Leaves unchanged. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v IPINTERFACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST IP Interface name does not exist v IP_ADDRESS_ALREADY_USED_IN_ANOTHER_INTERFACE IP address is already assigned to another interface v IPADDRESS_AND_GATEWAY_ARE_NOT_ON_SAME_SUBNET Chapter 14. For management interfaces. Fields that are not specified do not change their values. mtu This command updates the configuration of an existing IP interface. or VPN for the VPN interface. gateway IP address of the N default gateway for this interface. All VPN addresses must reside on the same subnet. Keep unchanged. the user must specify three IP addresses (equal to the number of potential managers. Integer N Maximum Transmission Unit: The packet size that is supported by the connecting Ethernet switch. Specified idle time for the session after which it will be disconnected. 246 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Two parameters enable to control the duration of the session: timeout and idle_disconnect. After the duration elapses.v v v v IP address specified for the default gateway is not in the subnet of the IP Interface IPINTERFACE_MANAGEMENT_DIFFERENT_SUBNET IP addresses management modules must all be in the same subnet IPINTERFACE_MANAGEMENT_MISSING_IPS Number of IP addresses specified is less than the number of management modules IPINTERFACE_MANAGEMENT_TOO_MANY_IPS Number of IP addresses specified is larger than the number of management modules MTU_TOO_LARGE Specified MTU value is too large v ILLEGAL_IPADDRESS Illegal IP address was entered Connecting to a Support Center This command connects to a support center. the session will be disconnected. support_center_connect [timeout=Timeout [idle_timeout=IdleTimeout ] ] [module=ComponentId] Parameters: Name timeout Type Description Mandatory Default none N Specified duration of the session. If the support center is not defined. the command will fail. N idle_timeout [timeout] module N The module from which the connection to the support center should be initiated [ the module that handled the CLI request ] This command connects to a defined support center. v REMOTE_SUPPORT_CONTROL_ABNORMAL_FAILURE Unable to perform remote support function. v MODULE_HAS_NO_VALID_PORT Module has no valid port for support center connection. Defining a Support Center This command defines a support center. IP Configuration 247 .Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v NO_SUPPORT_CENTERS_ARE_DEFINED No support centers are defined. Chapter 14. v REMOTE_SUPPORT_CONTROL_FAILURE Remote support control failure: Error Message. v IDLE_TIMEOUT_MUST_BE_LOWER_THAN_TIMEOUT The idle timeout of the connection must be lower than its timeout. support_center_define support_center=SupportCenterName address=SupportCenterIPAddress [ port=port ] [ priority=priority ] Parameters: Name support_center Type Object name Description The name of the support center server The IP address of the support center server Positive integer The TCP port to connect to on the support center The priority of the support center (support centers with a higher priority will be connected first) Mandatory Y Default address Y port N 22 priority N 0 This command defines a support center. This command deletes a support center.Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v MAX_SUPPORT_CENTERS_DEFINED Maximum number of support centers is already defined. Deleting a Support Center This command deletes a support center. Completion Codes: v SUPPORT_CENTER_NOT_DEFINED Support Center is not defined. Sessions that belong to this support center are disconnected. support_center_delete support_center=SupportCenterName Parameters: Name support_center Type Object name Description Mandatory Default The name of the Y support center to delete. 248 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_TO_DELETE_THE_SUPPORT_CENTER Are you sure you want to delete Support Center?. even if they are open at the time of deletion. v REMOTE_SUPPORT_CONTROL_ABNORMAL_FAILURE Unable to perform remote support function. v Target event not found. IP Configuration 249 . support_center_disconnect Parameters: Name Type Description Mandatory Default This command disconnects the IBM XIV Storage System from a support center. Listing Support Centers This command lists support centers. support_center_list Parameters: Name Type Description Mandatory Default This command displays the following information about all defined support centers: v Name v IP Address v Port v Priority Chapter 14.Disconnecting from a Support Center This command disconnects the IBM XIV Storage System from a support center. href = ARE_YOU_SURE_TO DISCONNECT_FROM_SUPPORT_CENTER v REMOTE_SUPPORT_CONTROL_FAILURE Remote support control failure: Error Message. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v NO_SUPPORT_CENTER_DEFINED There is no support center to disconnect from. 250 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .Id name address port priority Name Name Address Port Priority Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Presenting Status of a Support Center This command lists information about all defined support centers. Id name value Name Name Value Description Default Position 1 2 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v REMOTE_SUPPORT_CONTROL_FAILURE Remote support control failure: Error Message. support_center_status Parameters: Name Type Description Mandatory Default This command lists information about all defined support centers. v REMOTE_SUPPORT_CONTROL_ABNORMAL_FAILURE Unable to perform remote support function. ) user_define(Defines a new user.) ldap_config_get(Displays system parameters governing user authentication against a specified LDAP server.) user_group_create(Creates a user group.) Adding an Access Control Definition Defines an association between a user group and a host.) user_group_add_user(Adds a user to a user group.) user_group_update(Updates a user group.) user_group_remove_user(Removes a user from a user group.) v access_delete(Deletes an access control definition.Chapter 15.) ldap_remove_server(Removes an LDAP server definition.) ldap_user_test(Tests user credentials in LDAP authentication.) user_rename(Renames a user.) user_list(Lists all users or a specific user. The sections are listed as follows: v access_define(Defines an association between a user group and a host.) v ldap_config_set(Configures general system parameters governing user authentication against LDAP servers) v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v ldap_list_servers(Lists LDAP servers defined in the system.) user_group_delete(Deletes a user group. ) user_delete(Deletes a user.) ldap_mode_set(Enables/disables LDAP-based authentication mode.) user_group_rename(Renames a user group. 251 . Access Control The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for user access control.) v v v access_list(Lists access control definitions. access_define user_group=UserGroup < host=Host | cluster=Cluster > Parameters: Name user_group Type Object name Description Mandatory Default User group to be Y associated with the host or cluster.) user_update(Updates a user.) ldap_add_server(Adds an LDAP server definition.) user_group_list(Lists all user groups or a specific one.) ldap_mode_get(Lists LDAP-based authentication mode. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v USER_GROUP_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User group name does not exist v CLUSTER_BAD_NAME Cluster name does not exist v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v HOST_BELONGS_TO_CLUSTER Host is part of a cluster Deleting an Access Control Definition Deletes an access control definition. Cluster to be associated with the user group. Hosts and clusters can be associated with only a single user group. Example: access_define host=host1 user_group=usergroup1 Output: Command executed successfully. access_delete user_group=UserGroup < host=Host | cluster=Cluster > 252 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Mandatory N Default cluster Object name N This command associates a user group with a host or a cluster.Name host Type Object name Description Host to be associated with the user group. Example: access_delete user_group=usergroup1 Output: Command executed successfully. Access Control 253 . Host of the access control definition to be deleted. When a host is removed from a cluster. The operation fails if no such access definition exists. the host’s associations become the cluster’s associations. Cluster of the access control definition to be deleted. Mandatory Y Default host Object name N cluster Object name N This command deletes the association between the user group and host or cluster. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v USER_GROUP_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User group name does not exist v USER_GROUP_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ACCESS_TO_CLUSTER User Group does not have access to cluster v CLUSTER_BAD_NAME Cluster name does not exist v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v HOST_BELONGS_TO_CLUSTER Host is part of a cluster Chapter 15. thereby allowing continued mapping of operations so that all scripts continue to work.Parameters: Name user_group Type Object name Description User group of the access control definition to be deleted. The list can be displayed for all access control definitions or it can be filtered for a specific user group. cluster Object name All clusters. This command lists access control definitions. host/cluster or both. host Object name All hosts. Filters the access N control listing so that it only shows this cluster. Filters the access N control listing so that it only shows this user group. access_list [ user_group=UserGroup ] [ host=Host | cluster=Cluster ] Parameters: Name user_group Type Object name Description Mandatory Default All user groups.v USER_GROUP_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ACCESS_TO_HOST User Group does not have access to host Listing Access Control Definitions Lists access control definitions. Filters the access N control listing so that it only shows this host. Id type name user_group Name Type Name User Group Description Default Position 1 2 3 Example: access_list host=buffyvam Output: Type host Name buffyvam User Group testing Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition 254 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Y N no certificate user_name_attrib String N according to server type This command adds an LDAP server to the system. it is set to uid for Sun Directory servers and cn for Microsoft Active Directory servers. Mandatory Y Default IP address of the Y LDAP server.User Category Technicians Permission Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v CLUSTER_BAD_NAME Cluster name does not exist v USER_GROUP_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User group name does not exist Adding an LDAP Server Definition Adds an LDAP server definition.4 type="SUN DIRECTORY" Output: Chapter 15.example. User name attribute for queries. Access Control 255 . ldap_add_server fqdn=Fqdn address=IPaddress type=<SUN DIRECTORY | MICROSOFT ACTIVE DIRECTORY> [ certificate=PemCertificate ] [ user_name_attrib=LdapAttrib ] Parameters: Name fqdn address type certificate Enumeration Type Description FQDN of the LDAP server.pem file.3. with asterisks (*) instead of newlines. Example: ldap_add_server fqdn=ldap. If not specified.2.com address=1. The content of a . Type of the LDAP server. Such data can be found by using the ldap_list_servers command. A successful execution of this command depends on corresponding to a valid LDAP server. ldap_config_get Parameters: Name Type Description Mandatory Default This command displays system parameters governing user authentication against a specified LDAP server.Command executed successfully. The xiv_password parameter is not listed. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v BAD_SSL_CERTIFICATE Cannot decipher SSL certificate v MAX_LDAP_SERVERS_REACHED Maximum number of LDAP servers already defined v SSL_CERTIFICATE_HAS_EXPIRED SSL certificate has expired on Expiration Date. Example: ldap_config_get Output: 256 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Listing LDAP Configuration Parameters Displays system parameters governing user authentication against a specified LDAP server. The output of the command does not list LDAP servers. Name current_server base_dn version xiv_group_attrib storage_admin_role read_only_role session_cache_period bind_time_limit user_id_attrib first_expiration_event second_expiration_event third_expiration_event use_ssl xiv_user Value 3 20 20 objectSiD 30 14 7 no Id name value Name Name Value Description Default Position 1 2 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Configuring LDAP in the System Configures general system parameters governing user authentication against LDAP servers ldap_config_set [ base_dn=LdapDn ] [ xiv_group_attrib=LdapAttrib ] [ storage_admin_role=LdapAttribute ] [ read_only_role=LdapRole ] [ use_ssl=<yes|no> ] [ user_id_attrib=LdapAttrib ] [ session_cache_period=Minutes ] [ bind_time_limit=Seconds ] [ first_expiration_event=Days ] [ second_expiration_event=Days ] [ third_expiration_event=Days ] [ version=LdapVersion ] Parameters: Name base_dn Type Description Base_DN of the LDAP directory Mandatory N Default none Chapter 15. Access Control 257 . the performance issues depend on its availability.Name Type Description LDAP attribute designated to hold XIV-mapped roles LDAP value mapped to the XIV storage administrator role LDAP value mapped to the XIV read only role Indicates if secure LDAP is mandated Mandatory N Default none xiv_group_attrib String storage_admin_role String N none read_only_role String N none use_ssl Boolean N no user_id_attrib String N LDAP attribute set to identify the user (in addition to user DN) when recording user operations in the XIV event log Duration user credentials are kept before attempt to re-login the user N objectSiD session_cache_period Positive integer 20 bind_time_limit Positive integer N Duration after which the next LDAP server on the ldap server list will be called 0 (with bind_time_limit=0 we approach the LDAP server for every command.) 30/14/7 (third is smallest) first_expiration_event Positive integer Number of days N before expiration of certificate to set first alert (severity: warning) Number of days N before expiration of certificate to set second alert (severity: warning) second_expiration_event integer Positive 30/14/7 (third is smallest) 258 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . as LDAP is not consulted for predefined users. These XIV predefined users are authenticated by the IBM XIV Storage System and not by LDAP even if LDAP authentication is enabled.Name Type Description Mandatory Default 30/14/7 (third is smallest) third_expiration_event Positive integer Number of days N before expiration of certificate to set third alert (severity: warning) Version of LDAP N used (only version 3 is supported). version Positive integer 3 This command configures general system parameters governing user authentication against LDAP servers. Example: ldap_config_set read_only_role="Read Only" Output: Command executed successfully.. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Chapter 15.tries to log into XIV (when LDAP authentication is enabled). LDAP access permissions which are not enforced for XIV predefined users. regardless of its LDAP settings (e. Predefined user names include the following: v admin v technician v xiv_development v xiv_maintenance Whenever an LDAP user . Access Control 259 . association with an XIV application admin role). However.g. the user will be granted the rights of the corresponding predefined user. logging into XIV using the password of the corresponding predefined user. since it is not authenticated against LDAP (but rather against XIV). and the user's (LDAP) password will likely not match the XIV password.with a user name identical to any of the predefined names . that user will normally be denied access. 3. v LDAP_ROLE_ALREADY_USED LDAP role is already in use in LDAP configuration or in a user group v NO_LDAP_SERVERS_WITH_CERTIFICATE_ARE_DEFINED No LDAP servers with an LDAP certificate are defined in the system v INVALID_EXPIRATION_EVENT_DATES Dates for expiration events must be in ascending order Listing LDAP Servers Defined in the System Lists LDAP servers defined in the system. ldap_list_servers [ fqdn=Fqdn ] Parameters: Name fqdn Type Description Mandatory Default All servers. This command lists the LDAP servers defined in the system.example. v LDAP_CONFIG_CHANGE_IS_ILLEGAL_WHEN_AUTHENTICATION_IS_ACTIVE This LDAP configuration change is invalid when LDAP configuration is active Troubleshooting: Disable LDAP-based authentication and then change LDAP configuration.4 Type Sun Directory Has Certificate no Expiration Date Id fqdn address type has_certificate expiration_date valid_certificate Name FQDN Address Type Has Certificate Expiration Date Valid Certificate Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 260 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .2.Completion Codes: v LDAP_IS_NOT_FULLY_CONFIGURED LDAP is not fully configured Troubleshooting: Check your settings. Example: ldap_list_servers fqdn Output: FQDN ldap. along with their type description and whether they are mandatory.com Address 1. FQDN of a N specific server to list. Access Control 261 . The command succeeds regardless of whether the LDAP server is inaccessible. ldap_mode_get This command returns the authentication mode. ldap_mode_set mode=<active|inactive> Chapter 15. Example: ldap_mode_get Output: Mode Inactive Id mode Name Mode Description Default Position 1 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Enabling or Disabling LDAP-Based Authentication Mode Enables/disables LDAP-based authentication mode.Id accessible user_name_attrib Name Accessible User Name Attribute Description Default Position Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Listing LDAP-Based Authentication Mode Lists LDAP-based authentication mode. LDAP-based authentication. v NO_LDAP_SERVERS_WITH_CERTIFICATE_ARE_DEFINED No LDAP servers with an LDAP certificate are defined in the system v NO_LDAP_SERVERS_ARE_DEFINED No LDAP servers are defined in the system Removing an LDAP Server Definition Removes an LDAP server definition. or disables. This command enables. Example: ldap_mode_set mode=active Output: Command executed successfully.Parameters: Name mode Type Boolean Description Mandatory Default Required state of Y LDAP authentication. ldap_remove_server fqdn=Fqdn 262 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_ENABLE_LDAP_AUTHENTICATION Are you sure you want to enable LDAP authentication? v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DISABLE_LDAP_AUTHENTICATION Are you sure you want to disable LDAP authentication? Completion Codes: v LDAP_IS_NOT_FULLY_CONFIGURED LDAP is not fully configured Troubleshooting: Check your settings. Example: ldap_remove_server fqdn=cloud.Parameters: Name fqdn Type Description FQDN of the server to remove. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_REMOVE_LDAP_SERVER Are you sure you want to remove LDAP server? Completion Codes: v LDAP_SERVER_NOT_FOUND LDAP server with specified FQDN is not defined in the system v LDAP_IS_ACTIVE_BUT_THIS_IS_THE_LAST_SERVER Deleting the last LDAP server is illegal when LDAP authentication is active v LDAP_USES_SSL_BUT_THIS_IS_THE_LAST_SERVER_WITH_CERTIFICATE Deleting the last LDAP server which has a valid SSL certificate is illegal when LDAP authentication is active and uses SSL Testing User Credentials in LDAP Authentication Tests user credentials in LDAP authentication. ldap_user_test [ fqdn=Fqdn ] Chapter 15. Mandatory Y Default This command removes an LDAP server to the system.xivldap2. Access Control 263 .com Output: Command executed successfully. The system returns an indication for the user's credentials through displaying the test result: v Login OK v Login Failed .link error v Predefined user Example: ldap_user_test Output: Command executed successfully.the user is unrecognized v Login Failed .non-XIV user v Login Failed .LDAP is inactive v Login Failed . Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_IS_NOT_ACTIVE LDAP authentication is not active v LDAP_SERVER_NOT_DEFINED LDAP server FQDN is not defined in the system. Mandatory N Default Current active LDAP server This command authenticates the system's user's via LDAP.Parameters: Name fqdn Type Description FQDN of a specific LDAP server. v USER_IS_PREDEFINED_IN_THE_SYSTEM User is predefined in the system 264 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . User Y names are lower case. Password of the Y user to be created. The email address specified here can be used for event notification. The email address format is any legal email address. user_define user=UserName password=Password password_verify=Password category=<storageadmin|applicationadmin|readonly> [ email_address=EmailAddress ] [ area_code=AreaCode number=PhoneNumber ] Parameters: Name user Type Object name Description Mandatory Default User name. which must be equal to the value of password. Entering this address is optional. The password must have between 6 and 12 characters consisting of: a-z. A-Z or 0-9. Y password password_verify category Y email_address Email address of N this user.Defining a New User Defines a new user. Password verification. Access Control 265 . Chapter 15. Enumeration The role of the user to be created. Password is case sensitive. Email address and phone number are optional and can be used for event notification.) Area code of the N cellular phone number of the user. dashes (-) and periods (. Two predefined users are set system-wide: Admin and Technician. excluding the area code. Access_all can be specified for application administrators only. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition 266 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Phone numbers and area codes can be a maximum of 63 digits. The category (user role) may be only one of those specified above (other categories contain only a single predefined user). Phone numbers and area codes can be a maximum of 63 digits. The maximum number of users is 32. dashes (-) and periods (. and can perform operations on all volumes and not just a subset of the specific volume. When it is specified.Name number Type Description Mandatory Default N Cellular phone number of the user for event notification via SMS. it means that the user has a application administrator access level for all volumes. Example: user_define user=xiv_user1 password=s0mePassw0rd password_verify=s0mePassw0rd category=applicationadmin Output: Command executed successfully.) area_code This command adds a new user. Two predefined users are set system-wide: Admin and Technician.Completion Codes: v USER_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS User name already exists v MAX_USERS_REACHED Maximum number of users already defined v PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH Passwords must be identical v USER_PHONE_NUMBER_MUST_ACCOMPANY_AREA_CODE Phone numbers and area code must be defined together v LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_IS_ACTIVE Command is not available while LDAP authentication is active Deleting a User Deletes a user. Existing objects created by this user contain an empty reference to the creating user after it has been deleted. Mandatory Y Default This command deletes a user. user_delete user=UserName Parameters: Name user Type Object name Description User to be deleted. Predefined users cannot be deleted or renamed. Example: user_delete user=user1 Output: Command executed successfully. Access Control 267 . Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Chapter 15. Only users defined as Application Administrators can be assigned to a group. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition 268 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . A user group can contain up to eight users. Example: user_group_add_user user_group=ug1 user=user1 Output: Command executed successfully. Y user Object name This command adds a user to a user group. User to be added to the user group. This command fails when the user already belongs to the user group.Completion Codes: v LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_IS_ACTIVE Command is not available while LDAP authentication is active v USER_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User name does not exist v USER_CANNOT_BE_DELETED User cannot be deleted v USER_IS_REFERRED_TO_BY_DEST User is referred to by an event destination and therefore cannot be deleted Adding Users to a User Groups Adds a user to a user group. user_group_add_user user_group=UserGroup user=UserName Parameters: Name user_group Type Object name Description Mandatory Default User group into Y which the user is to be added. A user may belong to only one user group. Access Control 269 . N Allows application administrators the ability to perform their specified operations on all volumes and not just a subset of the specific volumes The value representing the user group in LDAP. N no access_all Boolean ldap_role String [none] This command creates a new user group. Chapter 15. user_group_create user_group=UserGroup [ access_all=<yes|no> ] [ ldap_role=LdapRole ] Parameters: Name user_group Type Object name Description Mandatory Default Name of the Y user group to be created.User Category Technicians Permission Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v USER_GROUP_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User group name does not exist v USER_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User name does not exist v USER_ALREADY_INCLUDED_IN_ANOTHER_GROUP User is included in another user group v USER_GROUP_ALREADY_INCLUDES_USER User group already includes user v ONLY_APPLICATION_ADMIN_USERS_CAN_BE_GROUPED User groups can only contain application administrators v USER_GROUP_HAS_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_USERS User group already has the maximum number of users v LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_IS_ACTIVE Command is not available while LDAP authentication is active Creating User Groups Creates a user group. User and host associations have the following properties: v User groups can be associated with both hosts and clusters. Hosts and clusters can be associated with only a single user group.A user group is a group of application administrators who share the same set of snapshot creation limitations. After user groups are created. This allows limiting application administrator access to specific volumes. User groups have the following limitations: v Only users who are defined as application administrators can be assigned to a group. v A user group can contain up to eight users. Storage administrators create user groups and control the various application administrator’s permissions. Limitations on the management of volumes mapped to the host is controlled by the cluster’s association. it is possible to manage snapshots of the volumes mapped to that host. v When a host is removed from a cluster. the host’s associations become the cluster ’s associations. v When a host is added to a cluster the host’s associations are broken. v A user can belong to only a single user group. the limitations of all the users in a user group can be updated using a single command. Example: user_group_create user_group=ug1 ldap_role="App Admin 1" access_all=yes Output: Command executed successfully. These limitations are enforced by associating the user groups with hosts or clusters. this allows continued mapping of operations so that all scripts continue to work. When a user belongs to a user group that is associated with a host. v A host that is part of a cluster cannot also be associated with a user group. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v USER_GROUP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS User group name already exists v MAX_USER_GROUPS_REACHED Maximum number of user groups already defined v LDAP_ROLE_ALREADY_USED LDAP role is already in use in LDAP configuration or in a user group 270 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . A user group can be deleted. This command deletes a user group. A user group can be deleted. even when it contains users.Deleting a User Group Deletes a user group. Access Control 271 . even when it is associated with hosts or clusters. Example: user_group_delete user_group=ug1 Output: Command executed successfully. user_group_list [ user_group=UserGroup ] Chapter 15. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v USER_GROUP_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User group name does not exist v LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_IS_ACTIVE Command is not available while LDAP authentication is active Listing User Groups Lists all user groups or a specific one. Deleting the user group does not delete the users contained in this group. user_group_delete user_group=UserGroup Parameters: Name user_group Type Object name Description Mandatory Default User group to be Y deleted. Parameters: Name user_group Type Object name Description The user group to be listed. Mandatory N Default All user groups. This command lists all user groups or a specific one. All the users included in the user group are listed. Id name access_all ldap_role users creator Name Name Access All LDAP Role Users Creator Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 Example: user_group_list Output: Name myug1 myOtherUG ug1 ug2 Access All yes yes yes yes LDAP Role Users Group1 OtherGroup App Admin 1 App Admin 2 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Removing a User from a User Group Removes a user from a user group. user_group_remove_user user_group=UserGroup user=UserName Parameters: Name user_group user Type Object name Object name Description User group. User to be removed. Mandatory Y Y Default 272 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual This command removes a user from a user group. This command fails when the user does not belong to the user group. Deleting the user group's mapping is done by removing the role association. The user group itself is not deleted. Example: user_group_remove_user user_group=ug1 user=user1 Output: Command executed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_REMOVE_USER Are you sure you want to remove user from user group? Completion Codes: v USER_GROUP_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User group name does not exist v USER_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User name does not exist v USER_GROUP_DOES_NOT_INCLUDE_USER User group does not include user v LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_IS_ACTIVE Command is not available while LDAP authentication is active Renaming User Groups Renames a user group. user_group_rename user_group=UserGroup new_name=NewName Parameters: Name user_group Type Object name Description Mandatory Default User group to be Y renamed. Chapter 15. Access Control 273 Name new_name Type Object name Description New name of the user group. Mandatory Y Default This command renames a user group. Example: user_group_rename user_group=ug1 new_name=ug2 Output: Command executed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v USER_GROUP_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User group name does not exist v USER_GROUP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS User group name already exists Updating a User Group Updates a user group. user_group_update user_group=UserGroup [ ldap_role=LdapRole ] [ access_all=<yes|no> ] Parameters: Name user_group Type Object name Description Mandatory Default The name of the Y user group to be updated. The value representing the user group in LDAP. Assigns application administration access level for all volumes. N Keep current LDAP role. ldap_role String access_all Boolean N no 274 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual Updates a user group. Example: user_group_update user_group=ug1 ldap_role="App Admin 1" access_all=yes Output: Command executed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v USER_GROUP_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User group name does not exist v LDAP_ROLE_ALREADY_USED LDAP role is already in use in LDAP configuration or in a user group Listing Users Lists all users or a specific user. user_list [ user=UserName | show_users=<all|active> ] Parameters: Name user show_users Type Object name Enumeration Description The user to be listed. Indicates whether all internal users will be listed, or only internal users that are active. Mandatory N N Default All users. active This command lists all users or a specific user. The following information is listed: v User name: Lower case v Category v Email address Chapter 15. Access Control 275 v Phone number v Phone area code v Containing user group Passwords are not shown in the list. Id name category group active email_address area_code number access_all creator Name Name Category Group Active Email Address Area Code Phone Number Access All Creator Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Example: user_list Output: Name xiv_development xiv_maintenance admin technician Category xiv_development xiv_maintenance storageadmin technician Group yes yes yes yes Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Renaming Users Renames a user. user_rename user=UserName new_name=NewName 276 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual Parameters: Name user Type Object name Description Mandatory Default User to be Y renamed. User names are lower case. New name of the user. Y new_name Object name This command renames a user. Example: user_rename user=admin new_name=storage_admin Output: Command executed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v USER_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User name does not exist v USER_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS User name already exists v USER_CANNOT_BE_RENAMED User cannot be renamed v LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_IS_ACTIVE Command is not available while LDAP authentication is active Updating a User Definition Updates a user. user_update user=UserName [ password=Password password_verify=Password ] [ email_address=EmailAddress ] [ area_code=AreaCode ] [ number=PhoneNumber ] Chapter 15. Access Control 277 Parameters: Name user Type Object name Description Mandatory Default The name of the Y user to be updated. User names are lower case. New password. N Users can only change their own passwords. The password consists of 6-12 characters, comprised of a-z, A-Z and 0-9, and is case sensitive. N Verification of the password: Must be equal to the password. Email address of N this user (for event notification). Cellular phone number of the user (for event notification via SMS) excluding the area code. N Retains the current password. password password_verify Retains the current password. Leaves the current email address. Leaves the current number. email_address number area_code Area code of the N cellular phone number of the user. Leaves the current area code. This command updates the configuration of a user. A user with the predefined password admin can change the passwords of other users. The Category (Role) of a user cannot be changed. The user Technician does not require a phone number and an email address. Limitations on password changes are as follows: v Any user can change his/her own password (excluding read-only users). v The predefined admin user can change all passwords, excluding the user Technician. v Passwords are case sensitive. Example: user_update user=admin password=Passw0rd password_verify=Passw0rd Output: 278 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual Command executed successfully. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Conditionally Allowed Condition A user other than admin may only change its won configuration. A user of this category may only change its own configuration. Application administrator Conditionally Allowed Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v USER_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST User name does not exist v PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH Passwords must be identical v USER_PHONE_NUMBER_MUST_ACCOMPANY_AREA_CODE Phone numbers and area code must be defined together v ADMIN_CAN_NOT_CHANGE_TECHNICIAN_USER Administrators cannot change the details of the technician user v SMS_DESTINATION_REFERS_TO_USER An SMS destination refers to the user and therefore it must have a phone number and an area code v EMAIL_DESTINATION_REFERS_TO_USER An email destination refers to the user and therefore it must have an email address v USER_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_CHANGE_OTHER_USERS This user is not allowed to change the details of other users v USER_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_HAVE_PHONE_NUMBER User not allowed to have phone number v USER_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_HAVE_EMAIL_ADDRESS User not allowed to have email address v USER_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_CHANGE_PASSWORDS This user cannot change passwords of other users v USER_CANNOT_BE_UPDATED_WHILE_LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_IS_ACTIVE User cannot be updated while LDAP authentication is active Chapter 15. Access Control 279 280 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Limits the output to this specific XIV port.) v fc_port_config(Configures FC ports. Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration and Status The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for fibre channel port configuration.) v v v fc_port_list(Lists the status and configuration of the system's FC ports.targets and/or initiators. Mandatory N Default list all . wwpn N All addresses module N All modules fc_port N All ports logged_in N All This command lists FC hosts on the network.) host_connectivity_list(Lists FC and iSCSI-level connectivity to a pre-defined host. Limits the output to only enable connectivity to this module.Chapter 16. The sections are listed as follows: v fc_connectivity_list(Discovers FC hosts and targets on the FC network. Boolean Includes FC hosts that are not logged in.) fc_port_reset(Resets an FC port. ) Discovering FC Hosts Discovers FC hosts and targets on the FC network. fc_connectivity_list [ role=<dual|initiator|target> ] [ wwpn=WWPN ] [ module=ComponentId | fc_port=ComponentId ] [ logged_in=<yes|no> ] Parameters: Name role Type Enumeration Description Specifies whether the discovery is for initiators or targets. 281 . Limits the output only to this specific address. fc_port_config fc_port=ComponentId [ enabled=<yes|no> ] [ role=<target|initiator> ] [ rate=<1|2|4|auto> ] Parameters: Name fc_port enabled Boolean Type Description Port identifier. the non-logged-in option can only be used to debug hosts that are on the network. but that did not log in. Port role: target. type=target detects targets. This command creates an error for a target-only port to list targets. 282 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Mandatory Y N yes Default role Enumeration N Leaves the role unchanged. When type=initiator. When type=target.type=initiator detects initiators on the network. or for an initiator-only port to list initiators. User enabling/ disabling of the port. Dual v Initiator/target (is the same for all lines of the same command) v Login status (Yes/No) Id component_id wwpn port_id role logged_in Name Component ID WWPN Port ID Role Logged In Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Changing FC Port Configuration Configures FC ports. the non-logged-in option can only be used to debug targets that rejected the XIV login. Target. Each output line contains the following information: v Component ID (of the module) v XIV port number (within the module) v WWPN v Port ID (can be correlated with the switch database) v Role: Initiator. initiator or both. Lists only a specific port. This command changes the configuration of a port. all ports are listed. Line rate or auto N for auto-negotiated rate. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v COMPONENT_IS_NOT_AN_FC_PORT Component must specify an FC port v FC_PORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Specified FC port does not exist Listing FC Ports Lists the status and configuration of the system's FC ports. The following information is provided for each port: v Component ID of the module Port number (internal to module) 1-N v WWPN v Port ID v Role (Initiator. all ports on that module are listed. Target. Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration and Status 283 . N fcport This command lists all or some FC ports on the system. If a port is specified. If a module is specified without a port. All ports in all modules.Name rate Type Enumeration Description Mandatory Default Leaves the rate unchanged. When no parameters are specified. Limits the listing N to a specific module. a single port is listed. Dual) v User-enabled (Yes/No) Chapter 16. fc_port_list [ module=ComponentId | fcport=ComponentId ] Parameters: Name module Type Description Mandatory Default All ports in all modules. Private Loop. Offline. 4 GB.v Maximum support rate: 1 GB. 4 GB. Loopback. but no logical connection) v Error counts v Link type: Fabric Direct Attach. Point-to-Point. auto-negotiation.function of the HBA's capability v Configured rate: 1 GB. 2 GB. cannot be greater than the maximum supported rate v Current active rate: 1 GB. 4 GB. 2 GB. constant . unless the configured rate is auto-negotiation v Port state: Online. equal to the configured rate. Public Loop. 10 GB. Unknown Id component_id status Name Component ID Status Description Default Position 1 2 3 currently_functioning Currently Functioning port_num wwpn port_id role user_enabled max_supported_rate configured_rate current_rate port_state link_type error_count ioc_state pdev_id active credit ref_count irq is_enabled activity_vote who_init resets link_error module serial original_serial model Port Number WWPN Port ID Role User Enabled Maximum Supported Rate (GBaud) Configured Rate (GBaud) Current Rate (GBaud) Port State Link Type Error Count IOC State PDEV_ID Active Credit Ref Count IRQ Enabled Activity Vote WhoInit Resets Link Error Module Serial Original Serial Model 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 284 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . 10 GB. Link Down (physical connection is on. 2 GB. 10 GB. Fibre Channel and iSCSI Configuration and Status 285 .Id original_model requires_service Name Original Model Requires Service Description Default Position Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Resetting FC Ports Resets an FC port. fc_port_reset fc_port=ComponentId fc_port_reset fc_port=ComponentId [ firmware_reset=<yes | no> ] Parameters: Name fc_port firmware_reset Boolean Type Description FC port identifier. Mandatory Y N no Default This command resets an FC port. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v COMPONENT_IS_NOT_AN_FC_PORT Component must specify an FC port v FC_PORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Specified FC port does not exist Chapter 16. Performs a firmware reset (resets all ports on the HBA). Listing Connectivity to Hosts Lists FC and iSCSI-level connectivity to a pre-defined host. Connectivity refers to both physical connectivity and SCSI log in. module or XIV port. Hosts can attach to the FC and iSCSI either directly (point-to-point). Each output line contains the following information: v Host (name) v Host port (WWPN) v XIV module (rack_id:module_id) v XIV port number (within the module) v Boolean-connected Y/N (login) Id host host_port module local_fc_port type Name Host Host Port Module Local FC port Type Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition 286 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Limits viewing to this specific port. Limits output to this specific XIV port. The output can be limited to a specific port. via an FC fabric or via a Gigabit Ethernet switch. host_connectivity_list [ host=HostName | fc_host_port=WWPN ] [ module=ComponentId | fcport=ComponentId ] Parameters: Name host Type Object name Description Limits viewing to the ports of a specific host. Mandatory N Default All hosts. Limits output to only enable connectivity to this module. fc_host_port N All ports module N All modules fcport N All ports This command shows the connectivity status between a XIV port and a defined host. ) traces_stop(Stops system traces.) ethernet_cable_list(Lists ethernet cables in the system.) disk_list(Lists special disk statuses.) component_test(Tests a hardware component.) v ups_cancel_calibration(Cancel UPS calibration) v v v v v ups_check_monitor_cables(Check UPS monitor cables) ups_set_battery_date(Set the UPS battery date) ups_start_calibration(Start UPS calibration) ups_start_self_test(Start UPS self test) ups_turn_off(Turn UPS off) Listing ATS configuration List information about ATS components ats_list [ ats ] 287 .) service_list(Lists all the service specific statuses.) module_list(Lists the configuration of all or of the specified modules.Chapter 17.) component_phasein(Phases in a hardware component.) traces_status_list(Lists status of system traces.) monitor_redist(Monitors the status of a rebuild or redistribute process.) component_equip(Marks a hardware component as one that was installed.) v technician_work_in_progress(Notifies the system of a technician at work.) ups_list(Lists the status of UPS components.) traces_resume(Resumes system traces.) v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v component_list(Lists system components and their status.) psu_list(Lists the PSUs in the XIV system.) system_logs_send_file(Sends a system logs file as an email attachment.) nic_list(Lists the NICs in the XIV system. The sections are listed as follows: v ats_list(List information about ATS components) v cf_list(Lists the CFs in the XIV system.Sends a system logs file as an email attachment.) dimm_list(Lists the DIMMs in the XIV system. Hardware Maintenance The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for maintaining hardware components. ) switch_list(Lists the special statuses of the internal switches.) component_phaseout(Phases out a component. -------yes yes yes yes 4 no Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Listing DIMMs in the System Lists the CFs in the XIV system.----------.-------------1:ATS:1 OK yes yes yes Cont.Parameters: Name ats Type Description Lists the configuration of the specified ATS Mandatory N Default All ATSs List information about ATS components. cf_list This command lists the DIMMs in the XIV system. Example: ats_list ats Output: Component ID Status Currently Functioning Input Line 1 Input Line 2 -------------.----------------------.----------------.: Output 30A #1 Output 30A #2 Output 30A #3 Output 10A Firmware Version 3-Phase -------------.------------.------------. Example: cf_list -f all Output: 288 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .-------.-------------. component_list [ component=ComponentId ] [ filter=<ALL|FAILED|NOTOK> ] Parameters: Name component Type Description Lists only this component. Chapter 17. Mandatory N Default All components. Hardware Maintenance 289 .Component ID -------------1:CF:10:1 1:CF:11:1 1:CF:12:1 1:CF:13:1 1:CF:14:1 1:CF:15:1 1:CF:1:1 1:CF:2:1 1:CF:3:1 1:CF:4:1 1:CF:5:1 1:CF:6:1 1:CF:7:1 1:CF:8:1 1:CF:9:1 Status -------OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Currently Functioning ----------------------yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Hardware Status ----------------OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Serial ------------------0_521134A5 0_5211349C 0_521133F1 20080604_00003C44 0_52113389 0_521134AE 0_5211347A 0_521133C0 0_521133B0 0_52113568 0_5211357D 0_5211330F 0_521133D6 0_52113C99 0_5211344C Part # -------------------TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 TRANSCEND_20070418 Id component_id status Name Component ID Status Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 currently_functioning Currently Functioning hardware_status device_name serial original_serial part_number Hardware Status Device Name Serial Original Serial Part # original_part_number Original Part Number requires_service Requires Service Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Listing System Components Lists system components and their status. Lists system components. such as: module_list. disk_list. Mandatory Y N yes Default 290 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . ups_list. with the following information for each component: v Component identification v Component general status v Indication about whether the component is currently functioning Id component_id status Name Component ID Status Description Default Position 1 2 3 currently_functioning Currently Functioning requires_service Requires Service Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Phasing Out a Component Phases out a component. component_phaseout component=ComponentId [ markasfailed=<yes|no> ] Parameters: Name component markasfailed Boolean Type Description Component identification. switch_list. Marks the component as failed after phase-out. The list can be filtered to show only a specific component. For status and configuration of specific component types.Name filter Type Enumeration Description Mandatory Default ALL Filters the list to N show only failed or only non-OK components. The output is a list of components. all failed components or all components in a non-OK state. refer to the List commands for specific components. so that even without this disk. If true. Hardware Maintenance 291 . A data module phase-out causes a phase-out for all the disks in that module. Phasing out a module or a disk. the system is redundant. For disks. the system configures itself to work without the component. There is no phase-out for power supplies. the system starts a process for copying the disk’s data. the phased-out component is in the Ready state. the phased-out component is marked as a failed component (in order to replace the component). module. Once the phase-out process is completed. if it results in the system becoming non-redundant. is not permitted. If false. SFPs or batteries. where the component can be either a disk. switch or UPS. the component's state is either Fail or Ready. For UPSs and switches. Components must be in either OK or a Phase In status. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v PHASEOUT_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_COMPONENT_TYPE This component type cannot be phased-out v PHASEOUT_WILL_MAKE_SYSTEM_NON_REDUNDANT Cannot phase out the component because it will cause data to be unprotected v PHASEOUT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATUS Component cannot be phased-out in its current status v COMPONENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Component does not exist v COMPONENT_TYPE_CANNOT_BE_PHASED_OUT_AS_FAILED Components of this type cannot be phased-out and marked as failed v MODULE_CANNOT_BE_PHASED_OUT_DUE_TO_MANAGEMENT_REQUIREMENT Module cannot be phased out due to management requirement Troubleshooting: Contact support v CAN_NOT_PHASE_OUT_DISK_WITH_MARKASFAILED_NO Disks cannot be phased-out with markasfailed=no v COMPONENT_TYPE_MUST_BE_PHASED_OUT_AS_FAILED Chapter 17. so that the system is redundant even without this module. depending on the argument markasfailed. The state of the disk after the command is Phasing-out.This command instructs the system to stop using the component. The system starts a process for copying all the data in the module. The same process applies for data modules. a process for copying data to the components (redistribution) begins. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Warnings: v WARNING_COMPONENT_IS_PHASING_OUT Component is being phased out. There is no phase-in for power supplies. Are you sure you want to phase it in? Completion Codes: v PHASEIN_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_COMPONENT_TYPE This component type cannot be phased-in v PHASEIN_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATUS Component cannot be phased-in in its current status v COMPONENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Component does not exist v USE_SERVICE_PHASEIN_COMMAND 292 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . v CONTAINING_COMPONENT_IN_WRONG_STATUS Operation not allowed in current status of containing component. v SUBCOMPONENT_IN_WRONG_STATUS Operation not allowed in current status of a subcomponent. Components are used by the system immediately. Mandatory Y Default This command instructs the system to phase in a component.Components of this type must be phased-out as failed v USE_SERVICE_PHASEOUT_COMMAND Command component_phaseout does not support services. Components must be in Ready or Phasing Out states. Please use service_phaseout. v CONTROLLING_SERVICES_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_USER_CATEGORY Controlling services not allowed for user category Phasing In a Component Phases in a hardware component. SFPs or batteries. component_phasein component=ComponentId Parameters: Name component Type Description Component to be phased in. For disk and data modules. Components must be in a Failed status. v CONTAINING_COMPONENT_IN_WRONG_STATUS Operation not allowed in current status of containing component. Testing a Component Tests a hardware component. The command is used after a failed component is replaced. Mandatory Y Default This command instructs the XIV system to test the component. Please use service_phasein. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v COMPONENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Component does not exist v TEST_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_COMPONENT_TYPE This component type cannot be tested v DISK_IS_TOO_SMALL Disk capacity is smaller than the current system minimum. Troubleshooting: Replace disk v TEST_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATUS Component cannot be tested in its current status v CONTAINING_COMPONENT_IN_WRONG_STATUS Chapter 17.Command component_phasein does not support services. Troubleshooting: Check system requirements for activating interface services. component_test component=ComponentId Parameters: Name component Type Description Component ID. the component remains in a Failed state. Upon a failed test. Upon a successful test. the component changes to Ready status. v CONTROLLING_SERVICES_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_USER_CATEGORY Controlling services not allowed for user category v SERVICE_CANNOT_BE_PHASED_IN Service cannot be phased in because its interface services cannot be activated. Hardware Maintenance 293 . v SUBCOMPONENT_IN_WRONG_STATUS Operation not allowed in current status of a subcomponent. component_equip component=ComponentId Parameters: Name component Type Description Component to be equipped. Mandatory Y Default This command configures the system to start using the component. assuming that it was assembled. href = COMPONENT_ALREADY_EQUIPPED v EQUIP_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_CURRENT_STATUS Component already equipped v COMPONENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Component does not exist Listing DIMMs in the System Lists the DIMMs in the XIV system. dimm_list This command lists the DIMMs in the XIV system. Example: dimm_list -f all Output: 294 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v EQUIP_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_THIS_COMPONENT_TYPE This component type cannot be equipped v Target event not found. The component is tested by the system. the component is marked as either Ready or Failed.Operation not allowed in current status of containing component. Setting a Component as Equipped Marks a hardware component as one that was installed. After completing the test. Hardware Maintenance 295 .: Bank -----1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Size(Mb) ---------2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 Speed(MHz) -----------667 667 667 667 667 667 667 667 Manufacturer -------------8551 8551 8551 8551 8551 8551 8551 8551 Serial ---------05003E25 05003F2E 05004022 05003F1F 05003F2D 05003F26 05003F2F 05003F28 Part # -----------------72T256521EFD3SC2 72T256521EFD3SC2 72T256521EFD3SC2 72T256521EFD3SC2 72T256521EFD3SC2 72T256521EFD3SC2 72T256521EFD3SC2 72T256521EFD3SC2 Id component_id status Name Component ID Status Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 currently_functioning Currently Functioning hardware_status channel bank size speed manufacturer serial original_serial part_number Hardware Status Channel Bank Size(Mb) Speed(MHz) Manufacturer Serial Original Serial Part # original_part_number Original Part Number requires_service Requires Service Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Chapter 17.Component ID -------------1:DIMM:10:1 1:DIMM:10:2 1:DIMM:10:3 1:DIMM:10:4 1:DIMM:11:1 1:DIMM:11:2 1:DIMM:11:3 1:DIMM:11:4 Status -------OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Currently Functioning ----------------------yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Hardware Status ----------------OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Channel --------0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Cont. ----------------1:NIC:4:1 OK yes OK 1:NIC:4:10 OK yes OK 1:NIC:4:2 OK yes OK 1:NIC:4:3 OK yes OK 1:NIC:4:4 OK yes OK 1:NIC:4:5 OK yes OK 1:NIC:4:6 OK yes OK 1:NIC:4:7 OK yes OK 1:NIC:4:8 OK yes OK 1:NIC:4:9 OK yes OK 1:NIC:5:1 OK yes OK 1:NIC:5:10 OK yes OK 1:NIC:5:2 OK yes OK Device Name ------------eth0 eth9 eth1 eth2 eth3 eth4 eth5 eth6 eth7 eth8 eth0 eth9 eth1 Cont.10-2 8086_1096_0901e612_1.: Serial ------------------00:15:17:65:39:8c 00:1b:21:29:e2:e2 00:15:17:65:39:8c 00:1b:21:29:e2:d0 00:1b:21:29:e2:d0 00:1b:21:29:e2:d2 00:1b:21:29:e2:d2 00:1b:21:29:e2:e0 00:1b:21:29:e2:e0 00:1b:21:29:e2:e2 00:15:17:65:39:20 00:1b:21:29:e2:ee 00:15:17:65:39:20 Part # --------------------------8086_1096_0901e612_1.0-0 Requires Service -----------------no no no no no no no no no no no no no Id component_id status Name Component ID Status Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 currently_functioning Currently Functioning hardware_status device_name serial Hardware Status Device Name Serial 296 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .10-2 8086_10bc_0901e612_5.10-2 8086_10bc_0901e612_5.py nic_list -f all Component ID Status Currently Functioning Hardware Status -------------.10-2 8086_10bc_0901e612_5.----------------------.0-0 8086_10bc_0901e612_5.Listing NICs in the System Lists the NICs in the XIV system.10-2 8086_10bc_0901e612_5. nic_list This command lists the NICs in the XIV system.10-2 8086_10bc_0901e612_5.0-0 8086_10bc_0901e612_5.0-0 8086_10bc_0901e612_5.10-2 8086_1096_0901e612_1.10-2 8086_1096_0901e612_1.10-2 8086_10bc_0901e612_5.-------. Example: nic_list -f all Output: root@nextra-MN00058-module-5:/# xcli. replacing failed component. If such a process exists. the following information is shown: v Type (adding new capacity.Id original_serial part_number Name Original Serial Part # Description Default Position original_part_number Original Part Number requires_service Requires Service Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Monitoring Rebuild or Redistribution Processes Monitors the status of a rebuild or redistribute process. This command may show that no such process exists. monitor_redist This command outputs the current rebuild or redistribution process. Hardware Maintenance 297 . rebuild after failure) v Initial capacity to copy v v v v v Time started Capacity remaining to copy Time elapsed Percent completed Estimated time to completion Name Type Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Id type initial_capacity_to_copy Initial Capacity to Copy (GB) capacity_remaining_to_copy Capacity Remaining to Copy (GB) percent_done time_started %done Time Started estimated_time_to_finishstimated Time to E Finish time_elapsed Time Elapsed Chapter 17. phase-out. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Listing Disk Status Lists special disk statuses. Mandatory N Default All disks This command lists the statuses of the disk. including the following: v Component generic status v Disk capacity Id component_id status Name Component ID Status Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 currently_functioning Currently Functioning capacity target_status model size serial original_model original_serial requires_service Capacity (GB) Target Status Model Size Serial Original Model Original Serial Requires Service Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition 298 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . disk_list [ disk=ComponentId ] Parameters: Name disk Type Description Disk for which special statuses are to be listed. Mandatory N Default All modules This command lists the following information for each module: v Generic component status v Module type v Number of disks v Number of FC ports v Number of Ethernet ports for iSCSI Additional information is available through running module_list -t all : v Serial v Original Serial v Part Number v Original Part Number Id component_id status Name Component ID Status Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 currently_functioning Currently Functioning target_status type disk_bay_count fc_port_count ethernet_port_count serial original_serial part_number Target Status Type Data Disks FC Ports iSCSI Ports Serial Original Serial Part Number original_part_number Original Part Number bmc_version sdr_version bios_version ses_version sas_version BMC SDR BIOS SES SAS Chapter 17. Hardware Maintenance 299 . module_list [ module=ComponentId ] Parameters: Name module Type Description Lists the configuration of the specified module.Listing Module Configuration Lists the configuration of all or of the specified modules. Mandatory N Default All ethernet cables Lists ethernet cables in the system. Example: xcli -u -c XIV1 ethernet_cable_list Output: Component ID ----------------------1:Ethernet_Cable:1:1 1:Ethernet_Cable:1:2 1:Ethernet_Cable:2:1 1:Ethernet_Cable:2:2 1:Ethernet_Cable:4:1 Status -------OK OK OK OK OK Currently Functioning ----------------------yes yes yes yes yes Connected to --------------1:Switch:1:1 1:Switch:2:1 1:Switch:1:2 1:Switch:2:2 1:Switch:1:4 Should be connected to Link status Interface Role --------.---------------1:Switch:1:1 UP Internal 1:Switch:2:1 UP Internal 1:Switch:1:2 UP Internal 1:Switch:2:2 UP Internal 1:Switch:1:4 UP Internal Id component_id Name Component ID Description Default Position 1 300 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .------------. ethernet_cable_list [ ethernet_cable=ComponentId ] Parameters: Name ethernet_cable Type Description Lists the status only for the specified ethernet cable.Id requires_service memory_gb Name Requires Service Mem Description Default Position Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Listing Ethernet Cables in the System Lists ethernet cables in the system. includes: Chapter 17. Mandatory N Default All UPS systems. Hardware Maintenance 301 . ups_list [ ups=ComponentId ] Parameters: Name ups Type Description Lists the status only for the specified UPS.Id status Name Status Description Default Position 2 3 4 5 currently_functioning Currently Functioning link_status interface_role requires_service Link status Interface Role Requires Service Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Listing UPS Component Statuses Lists the status of UPS components. The following information is provided: v Generic status v Input power on: Y/N v Battery charge level v Last date of self-test v Result of last self-test v Is monitoring enabled v Last calibration date v v v v v v result of last calibration Status of UPS Date of next self test Serial Number Load level percent Apparent load level percent Additional information. available through running ups_list -t all. This command lists the status of the components of UPSs. v v v v v v v v v v v v Last Calibration Date Last Calibration Result Next Self Test Serial Original Serial Load % Watts Apparent Load % VA Minutes Left Temperature AOS Version Self-test Status Component Test Status v Battery Date v UPS Manufacture Date Id component_id status Name Component ID Status Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 currently_functioning Currently Functioning input_power_on runtime_remaining battery_charge_level last_self_test_date last_self_test_result is_enabled ups_status last_calibration_date Input Power On Runtime Remaining Battery Charge Level Last Self Test Date Last Self Test Result Monitoring Enabled UPS Status Last Calibration Date last_calibration_result Last Calibration Result next_scheduled_self_test Next Self Test serial original_serial load_power_percent Serial Original Serial Load % Watts apparent_load_power_percent Apparent Load % VA internal_temperature aos_version self_test_status Temperature AOS Version Self-Test Status component_test_status Component Test Status battery_year battery_week manufacture_date requires_service Battery Year Born Battery Week Born UPS Manufacture Date Requires Service 302 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Listing Service Status Lists all the service specific statuses. The list includes the following information: v Component generic status v Service on/failed v Comment (optional) Id component_id status Name Component ID Status Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 currently_functioning Currently Functioning target_status Target Status Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Chapter 17. service_list [ service=ComponentId ] Parameters: Name service Type Description Service to be listed. Mandatory N Default All services This command lists the statuses that apply to services. Hardware Maintenance 303 . available through running switch_list -t all includes: v Serial v Original Serial v Temperature v Temperature Status v Current Active Version v Next Active Version Id component_id status Name Component ID Status Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 currently_functioning Currently Functioning ac_power_state dc_power_state interconnect failed_fans serial original_serial temperature temperature_status AC Power State DC Power State Interconnect Failed Fans Serial Original Serial Temperature Temperature Status current_active_version Current Active version next_active_version Next Active version 304 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . switch_list [ switch=ComponentId ] Parameters: Name switch Type Description Mandatory Default All switches Shows the status N for the specified switch only. This command shows the status of the switch.Listing Switch Statuses Lists the special statuses of the internal switches. including the following information as default: v Generic component status v AC power status v DC power status v Status of interconnect v Number of failed fans v Serial number v Temperature Additional information. psu_list This command lists the PSUs in the XIV system.Id requires_service Name Requires Service Description Default Position Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Listing PSUs in the System Lists the PSUs in the XIV system. Example: xcli -u -c Nextra1 psu_list Output: Component ID -------------1:PSU:13:1 1:PSU:13:2 1:PSU:14:1 1:PSU:14:2 1:PSU:15:1 1:PSU:15:2 1:PSU:6:1 1:PSU:6:2 1:PSU:9:1 1:PSU:9:2 Status -------Failed OK Failed OK Failed OK Failed OK Failed OK Currently Functioning ----------------------no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes Hardware Status ----------------Cable Failure OK Cable Failure OK Cable Failure OK Cable Failure OK Cable Failure OK Id component_id status Name Component ID Status Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 currently_functioning Currently Functioning hardware_status requires_service Hardware Status Requires Service Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Allowed Condition Chapter 17. Hardware Maintenance 305 . traces_stop Stops system traces.User Category Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Condition Stopping System Traces Stops system traces. Id module status Name Module Status Description Default Position 1 2 Example: xcli -u -c Nextra1 traces_stop Output: Module ------------1:Module:1 1:Module:2 1:Module:3 1:Module:4 1:Module:5 1:Module:6 1:Module:7 1:Module:8 1:Module:9 1:Module:10 1:Module:11 1:Module:12 1:Module:13 1:Module:14 1:Module:15 Status --------Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition 306 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Id module status Name Module Status Description Default Position 1 2 Example: xcli -u -c Nextra1 traces_resume Output: Module ------------1:Module:1 1:Module:2 1:Module:3 1:Module:4 1:Module:5 1:Module:6 1:Module:7 1:Module:8 1:Module:9 1:Module:10 1:Module:11 1:Module:12 1:Module:13 1:Module:14 1:Module:15 Status --------Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Listing Status of System Traces Lists status of system traces.Resuming System Traces Resumes system traces. Id module Name Module Description Default Position 1 Chapter 17. traces_status_list Lists status of system traces. Hardware Maintenance 307 . traces_resume Resumes system traces. system_logs_send_file file=FileName email_address=email smtpgw=SMTPGatewayName [ port=PortNumber ] [ sender_address=<SenderEmailAddress|DEFAULT> ] [ subject=SubjectFormat ] Parameters: Name smtpgw Type Object name Description Name of an internal SMTP gateway to use.Id status Name Status Description Default Position 2 Example: xcli -u -c Nextra1 traces_status_list Output: Module ------------1:Module:1 1:Module:2 1:Module:3 1:Module:4 1:Module:5 1:Module:6 1:Module:7 1:Module:8 1:Module:9 1:Module:10 1:Module:11 1:Module:12 1:Module:13 1:Module:14 1:Module:15 Status --------Running Running Stopped Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Running Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Sending a System Logs File as an Email Attachment Sends a system logs file as an email attachment. Mandatory Y Default 308 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . the command fails. Hardware Maintenance 309 . N file email_address port 25 subject Token String N Controls the formatting of the Email subject line. the value email_sender_address is used (see Printing Configuration Parameters).bz2 [email protected] smtpgw=EmailServer Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v CANNOT_GET_SYSTEM_LOGS_COLLECTION_STATUS Cannot get status of collection of system logs Troubleshooting: Contact support Chapter 17. Integer TCP port used in the gateway instead of the default port 25. If not defined. Example: xcli -u -c XIV1 system_logs_send_file file=system_xray_2009-09-10-1800.Name sender_address Type Description Mandatory Default DEFAULT Email address of N the sender of the email. If neither is defined. String Name of the file. Y Email address to Y send the email to. The tags {system_name} {machine_model} {machine_serial_number} {file} and {sender_address} can be used. System Logs file {file} from {machine_model}{machine_serial_number} Sends a system logs file as an email attachment. Timeout in either hh:mm format or a number of minutes. Must be specified if mode is start and cannot be specified otherwise.v CANNOT_READ_FROM_FILE Cannot read from file 'Filename' Troubleshooting: Contact support v SENDER_ADDRESS_NOT_DEFINED Sender address is not given and the default From Address is defined v SMTPGW_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST SMTP name does not exist Notifying the System of a Technician at Work Notifies the system of a technician at work. The timeout cannot exceed 23 hours and 59 minutes. end notifies the system that the technician has finished their work. start resets the timeout. technician_work_in_progress [ mode=<start|end|get> ] [ timeout=<[hh:]mm> ] [ comment=Comment ] Parameters: Name mode Type Enumeration Description Mandatory Default get N Mode of the command. get only returns the time elapsed since the last resetting of the timeout (or 0 if a technician is not currently at work). N timeout 310 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Name comment Type String Description Mandatory Default none Comment to add N to the events that pertain to the command. v TECHNICIAN_WORK_TIMEOUT_NOT_SPECIFIED Timeout must be specified when technician work starts. Example: xcli -u -c XIV1 technician_work_in_progress comment="We are starting to replace module" mode=start timeout=1:30 Output: Command executed successfully. v TECHNICIAN_WORK_COMMENT_CANNOT_BE_SPECIFIED Comment can only be specified when technician work starts. v TECHNICIAN_WORK_COMMENT_NOT_SPECIFIED Comment must be specified when technician work starts. Cancel UPS Calibration Cancel UPS calibration ups_cancel_calibration ups=ComponentId Chapter 17. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v TECHNICIAN_WORK_TIMEOUT_CANNOT_BE_SPECIFIED Timeout can only be specified when technician work starts. Must be specified if mode is start and cannot be specified otherwise. Notifies the system of a technician at work. Hardware Maintenance 311 . Parameters: Name ups Type Description The UPS to cabcle calibration on Mandatory Y Default Cancel UPS calibration Example: xcli -u -c XIV1 ups_cancel_calibration ups Output: @ Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v UPS_IS_UNMONITORED The specified UPS is not monitored and commands cannot be run on it Troubleshooting: Contact support v COMPONENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Component does not exist Check UPS Monitor Cables Check UPS monitor cables ups_check_monitor_cables ups=ComponentId Parameters: Name ups Type Description The UPS to check its monitor cables Mandatory Y Default Check UPS monitor cables Example: 312 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . xcli -u -c XIV1 ups_check_monitor_cables ups Output: @ Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Set the UPS Battery Date Set the UPS battery date ups_set_battery_date ups=ComponentId battery_serial=string Parameters: Name battery_serial ups Type String Description Battery serial number The UPS to set the battery date on Mandatory Y Y Default Set the UPS battery date Example: xcli -u -c XIV1 ups_set_battery_date ups battery_serial Output: @ Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Chapter 17. Hardware Maintenance 313 . Completion Codes: v COMPONENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Component does not exist v UPS_BATTERY_SERIAL_INVALID The battery serial number is invalid Troubleshooting: Retype serial or contact support Start UPS Calibration Start UPS calibration ups_start_calibration ups=ComponentId Parameters: Name ups Type Description The UPS to start calibration on Mandatory Y Default Start UPS calibration Example: xcli -u -c XIV1 ups_start_calibration ups Output: @ Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v UPS_IS_UNMONITORED The specified UPS is not monitored and commands cannot be run on it Troubleshooting: Contact support v COMPONENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Component does not exist 314 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Start UPS Self Test Start UPS self test ups_start_self_test ups=ComponentId Parameters: Name ups Type Description The UPS to test Mandatory Y Default Start UPS self test Example: xcli -u -c XIV1 ups_start_self_test ups Output: @ Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Completion Codes: v UPS_IS_UNMONITORED The specified UPS is not monitored and commands cannot be run on it Troubleshooting: Contact support v COMPONENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Component does not exist v UPS_ALREADY_SELF_TESTING UPS self-test is already in progress Troubleshooting: Contact support Turn UPS Off Turn UPS off ups_turn_off ups=ComponentId Chapter 17. Hardware Maintenance 315 . and ensure that none is failed v UPS_MUST_BE_FAILED_FOR_SHUT_OFF The specified UPS is not failed and therefore cannot be shut down explicitly Troubleshooting: Contact support 316 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . this may cause the requested action to cause module failures Troubleshooting: Check that all PSUs are properly wired.Parameters: Name ups Type Description The UPS to turn off Mandatory Y Default Turn UPS off Example: xcli -u -c XIV1 ups_turn_off ups Output: @ Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Allowed Condition Warnings: v ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_TURN_UPS_OFF Are you sure you want to turn the UPS output power off? Troubleshooting: Contact support Completion Codes: v UPS_IS_UNMONITORED The specified UPS is not monitored and commands cannot be run on it Troubleshooting: Contact support v UPS_NOT_ENOUGH_SPARES There are not enough spare UPS's in the rack to safely complete the command Troubleshooting: Contact support v COMPONENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Component does not exist v NOT_ALL_PSUS_OK There is one or more PSUs disconnected or failed. ) Getting Performance Statistics Retrieves performance statistics from the XIV system. Limits statistics to the specified host/remote FC port only.) v usage_get(Shows the usage history of a volume or a Storage Pool. Object name Mandatory N Default All hosts host_fc_port target N All ports. N All ports. 317 . Limits statistics N to I/O generated by the specified remote target only (due to remote mirroring).Chapter 18. remote_ipaddress IP address of the N remote target port. iSCSI initiator name Limits statistics to the specified iSCSI initiator only. N remote_fc_port All ports. All targets. FC address of the host port. Statistics The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for getting system statistics. Other command that are relevant to this topic is: Obtaining Statistics On Past Sync Jobs The sections are listed as follows: v statistics_get(Retrieves performance statistics from the XIV system. host_iscsi_name All ports. statistics_get [host=H | host_iscsi_name=initiatorName | host_fc_port=WWPN | target=RemoteTarget | remote_fc_port=WWPN | remote_ipaddress=IPAdress | vol=VolName | ipinterface=IPInterfaceName | local_fc_port=ComponentId ] < start=TimeStamp | end=TimeStamp > [ module=ComponentId ] count=N interval=IntervalSize resolution_unit=<minute | hour | day | week | month> Parameters: Name host Type Object name Description Limits statistics to the specific host only. Y Sets the unit of measurement for the length of each bin. Either start or end timestamps must be provided. with 0 as default) 318 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . volume. For each line of statistics. where the ranges are as follows: v Y . Together. hits/misses and I/O size reporting for each of the 16 options for bandwidth. Starting point for the statistics report.day (1-31) v h . The resolution of this number is set in resolution_unit. the interval and resolution_unit set the length of time for each statistics line. which represent all the combinations of reads/writes. Other parameters restrict statistics to a specific host.[h[:m[:s]]]]. interface port and so on. Limits statistics to I/O performed on the specified FC port only.Name ipinterface Type Object name Description Limits statistics to the specified IP interface (relevant for iSCSI only). IOPS and latency. Y count interval Y The length of time in each statistic’s time point. resolution_unit Enumeration This command lists I/O statistics. Limits statistics to the specified module only. Mandatory N Default All interfaces. start N end Ending point for N the statistics report. Positive integer Positive integer Number of time points reported. The count parameter sets the number of lines in the statistics report.hour (0-23. module N All modules. These timestamps set the time for the statistics report. vol Object name Limits statistics to the specified volume only.month (1-12) v D . host port.year (four digit) v M . local_fc_port N All ports. The syntax for the start and end fields is as follows: Y-M-D[. 48 numbers are reported. N All volumes. Throughput read_miss_large_iops Read Miss Large IOps read_miss_large_latency Read Miss Large Latency read_miss_large_throughput Miss Large Read Throughput read_miss_medium_iops Read Miss Medium IOps Chapter 18. minutes and seconds are separated by colons. Id time failures aborts Name Time Failures Aborts 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Description Default Position 1 read_hit_very_large_iops Read Hit Very large IOps read_hit_very_large_latency Hit Very large Read Latency read_hit_very_large_throughput Very large Read Hit Throughput read_hit_large_iops Read Hit Large IOps read_hit_large_latency Read Hit Large Latency read_hit_large_throughput Hit Large Read Throughput read_hit_medium_iops Read Hit Medium IOps read_hit_medium_latency Read Hit Medium Latency read_hit_medium_throughput Medium Read Hit Throughput read_hit_small_iops Read Hit Small IOps read_hit_small_latency Read Hit Small Latency read_hit_small_throughput Hit Small Read Throughput read_miss_very_large_iops Miss Very large Read . with 0 as default) Note: The year. with 0 as default) v s . and the optional hours.second (0-59.v m .minute (0-59.IOps read_miss_very_large_latency Read Miss Very large . Statistics 319 . month and day are separated by dashes.Latency read_miss_very_large_throughput Very large Read Miss . IOps write_miss_very_large_latency Write Miss Very large .Throughput write_miss_large_iops Write Miss Large IOps write_miss_large_latency Write Miss Large Latency write_miss_large_throughput Miss Large Write Throughput write_miss_medium_iops Write Miss Medium IOps 320 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .Latency write_miss_very_large_throughput Very large Write Miss .Id Name Description Default Position 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 read_miss_medium_latency Miss Medium Read Latency read_miss_medium_throughput Medium Read Miss Throughput read_miss_small_iops Read Miss Small IOps read_miss_small_latency ead Miss Small R Latency read_miss_small_throughput Miss Small Read Throughput write_hit_very_large_iops Write Hit Very large IOps write_hit_very_large_latency Hit Very large Write Latency write_hit_very_large_throughput Very large Write Hit Throughput write_hit_large_iops Write Hit Large IOps write_hit_large_latency Write Hit Large Latency write_hit_large_throughput Hit Large Write Throughput write_hit_medium_iopsWrite Hit Medium IOps write_hit_medium_latency Hit Medium Write Latency write_hit_medium_throughput Medium Write Hit Throughput write_hit_small_iops Write Hit Small IOps write_hit_small_latencyWrite Hit Small Latency write_hit_small_throughput Hit Small Write Throughput write_miss_very_large_iops Miss Very large Write . Statistics 321 . Should be YYYY-MM-DD[.Id Name Description Default Position 45 46 47 48 49 50 write_miss_medium_latency Miss Medium Write Latency write_miss_medium_throughput Medium Write Miss Throughput write_miss_small_iops Write Miss Small IOps write_miss_small_latency Write Miss Small Latency write_miss_small_throughputMiss Small Write Throughput time_in_seconds Time (s) Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Allowed Allowed Disallowed Condition Completion Codes: v BAD_TIME_FORMAT Bad time format.HH[:MM[:SS]]] v TARGET_PORT_BAD_ADDRESS Remote port address is illegal or does not belong to the remote target v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v STATS_TOO_MANY_SAMPLES Requested number of statistics samples is too high v TARGET_BAD_NAME Target name does not exist v COMPONENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Component does not exist v HOST_BAD_NAME Host name does not exist v HOST_PORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST Port ID is not defined v IPINTERFACE_DOES_NOT_EXIST IP Interface name does not exist Chapter 18. Current time. Starting time for usage history retrieval. usage_get < vol=VolName | pool=PoolName > [ start=StartTime | start_in_seconds=StartTime ] [ end=EndTime ] [ max=MaxEntries ] Parameters: Name vol Type Object name Description Volume for which usage statistics are retrieved. in seconds since 12:00:00 AM. Id time volume_usage snapshot_usage Name Time Volume Usage (MiB) Snapshot Usage (MiB) Description Default Position 1 2 3 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition 322 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . This command retrieves the usage history of a Storage Pool or volume. Storage Pool for which usage statistics are retrieved. in units of one megabyte. end N max N No limit. Integer Maximum number of entries to retrieve. 1 January 1970.Retrieving History Usage Shows the usage history of a volume or a Storage Pool. Mandatory N Default pool Object name N start N Creation time of the object. start_in_seconds Integer N Creation time of the object. Ending time for usage history retrieval. Starting time for usage history retrieval. Should be YYYY-MM-DD[.Completion Codes: v VOLUME_BAD_NAME Volume name does not exist v POOL_DOES_NOT_EXIST Storage Pool does not exist v BAD_TIME_FORMAT Bad time format. Statistics 323 .HH[:MM[:SS]]] v END_BEFORE_START End Time should be later than Start Time v VOLUME_IS_SNAPSHOT Operation is not permitted on snapshots Chapter 18. 324 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual Chapter 19. Meta-data The following sections describe the XIV Command Line Interface (XCLI) for meta-data handling. The sections are listed as follows: v metadata_set(Sets a meta-data of an object.) v metadata_delete(Deletes a meta-data of an object.) v metadata_list(Lists a meta-data of an object.) Setting Meta Data Sets a meta-data of an object. metadata_set object_type=<cg | cluster | dest | destgroup | host | pool | rule | schedule | smsgw | smtpgw | target | user |user_group | vol> name=Name key=Key value=Value Parameters: Name object_type name key value Type Enumeration Object name String String Description Type of object. Name of object Metadata key. Metadata value Mandatory Y Y Y Y Default This command sets a new metadata key-value for the specified object. Value will override previous value if one exists. Value can be the null string. There can be up to 16 values, each limited to 128 bytes. Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Allowed Condition 325 User Category Application administrator Permission Conditionally Allowed Condition Metadata can be set for only volumes, snapshots, snapshot groups, clusters or hosts, and only for objects associated with the application administrator executing the command. Hosts or clusters should be associated with the user. Volumes should be mapped to a host or a cluster associated with the user. Snapshots or snapshot groups should be ones created by application administrator. Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v v Target event not found. href = OBJECT_BAD_NAME Target event not found. href = MAX_METADATA_OBJECTS_REACHED Deleting Meta Data Deletes a meta-data of an object. metadata_delete object_type=<cg|cluster|dest|destgroup|host|pool |rule|schedule|smsgw|smtpgw|target|user|user_group|vol> name=Name key=Key Parameters: Name object_type name key Type Enumeration Object name String Description Type of object. Name of object Metadata key. Mandatory Y Y Y Default Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Permission Allowed Condition 326 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual User Category Application administrator Permission Conditionally Allowed Condition Metadata can be set for only volumes, snapshots, snapshot groups, clusters or hosts, and only for objects associated with the application administrator executing the command. Hosts or clusters should be associated with the user. Volumes should be mapped to a host or a cluster associated with the user. Snapshots or snapshot groups should be ones created by application administrator. Read-only users Technicians Disallowed Disallowed Completion Codes: v v Target event not found. href = OBJECT_BAD_NAME Target event not found. href = METADATA_OBJECT_KEY_NOT_FOUND Listing Meta Data Lists a meta-data of an object. metadata_list [ object_type=<cg | cluster | dest | destgroup | host | pool | rule | schedule | smsgw | smtpgw | target | user | user_group | vol> ] [ name=Name ] [ key=Key ] Parameters: Name object_type name key Type Enumeration Object name String Description Type of object. Name of object Metadata key. Mandatory N N N Default All object types All objects List all keys and values. This command lists all the value-key pairs for this object, or a specific one. The command fails if no key is defined. Id object_type name key value Name Object Type Name Key Value Description Default Position 1 2 3 4 Chapter 19. Meta-data 327 Access Control: User Category Storage administrator Application administrator Read-only users Technicians Permission Allowed Disallowed Disallowed Disallowed Condition 328 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual Chapter 20. Events VOLUME_CREATE Severity Description informational Volume was created with name 'volume.name' and size volume.sizeGB in Storage Pool with name 'volume.pool_name'. VOLUME_CREATE_FAILED_TOO_MANY Severity Description warning Volume with name 'name' could not be created. You are attempting to add more volumes than the system permits. Delete volumes to allow new ones to be created. Troubleshooting VOLUME_CREATE_FAILED_BAD_SIZE Severity Description warning Volume with name 'name' could not be created with size of requested_sizeGB. Volume size is not a multiple of the volume size quanta (16384 Partitions). Set volume size that is an integer multiple of 16K (number of slices) partitions. Troubleshooting VOLUME_RENAME Severity Description informational Volume with name 'old_name' and was renamed 'volume.name'. VOLUME_RESIZE Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume.name' was resized from old_sizeGB to volume.sizeGB. SECONDARY_VOLUME_RESIZE Severity Description informational Secondary volume with name 'volume.name' was resized by primary machine from old_sizeGB to volume.sizeGB. 329 VOLUME_DELETE Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume.name' was deleted. VOLUME_FORMAT Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume.name' was formatted. VOLUME_COPY Severity Description informational Volume with name 'source.name' was copied to volume with name 'target.name'. VOLUME_LOCK Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume.name' was locked and set to 'read-only'. VOLUME_UNLOCK Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume.name' was unlocked and set to 'writable'. VOLUME_MOVE Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume.name' has been moved from Storage Pool 'orig_pool.name' to Pool 'pool.name'. VOLUME_UNFORMAT Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume.name' was unformatted. STATUS_AGENT_ERROR Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Status Agent error: message (value=value). Please contact support. 330 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual DISK_NEEDS_PHASEOUT Severity Description Troubleshooting major Disk ID needs to be phased out. Please contact your Administrator. DISK_SHOULD_FAIL Severity Description Troubleshooting major Disk ID is malfunctioning and should fail. Please contact your Administrator. DATA_REBUILD_STARTED Severity Description informational Rebuild process started because system data is not protected. data_percent% of the data must be rebuilt. DATA_REBUILD_COMPLETED Severity Description informational Rebuild process completed. System data is now protected. DATA_REBUILD_COULD_NOT_BE_COMPLETED Severity Description major Rebuild process could not be completed due to insufficient unused disk space. System data is not protected. Replace failed drives, delete unused pools or decrease pool size where possible. Troubleshooting DATA_REDIST_STARTED Severity Description informational Starting data transfer to new disks. DATA_REDIST_COMPLETED Severity Description informational Completed data transfer to new disks. DATA_REBUILD_COMPLETED_REDIST_STARTED Severity informational Chapter 20. Events 331 name' has reached current%. HOST_CONNECTED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Host 'host' has connected to the system. Starting data transfer to new disks. Troubleshooting STORAGE_POOL_SNAPSHOT_USAGE_INCREASED Severity Description Troubleshooting variable Usage by snapshots of Storage Pool with name 'pool. Increase pool size or decrease snapshot size. STORAGE_POOL_VOLUME_USAGE_TOO_HIGH Severity Description major Usage by volumes of Storage Pool with name 'pool.Description Rebuild process completed.name' has reached current%. All volumes are locked. Enlarge Storage Pool or move or delete volumes or Clones with Clone Deletion Priority 0. All volumes are unlocked. System data is now protected. STORAGE_POOL_UNLOCKED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Pool 'pool' has empty space. 332 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . STORAGE_POOL_VOLUME_USAGE_INCREASED Severity Description Troubleshooting variable Usage by volumes of Storage Pool with name 'pool. STORAGE_POOL_EXHAUSTED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Pool 'pool' is full.name' has reached current% of the total pool size. Chapter 20.name'. #paths=npaths Troubleshooting SYSTEM_SPARES_ARE_LOW Severity Description Troubleshooting major System capacity spares are modules modules and disks disks. SYSTEM_NO_SPARES Severity Description Troubleshooting critical System has no spare disks POOL_CREATE Severity Description informational Storage Pool of size pool.HOST_DISCONNECTED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Host 'host' has disconnected from the system.sizeGB was created with name 'pool. HOST_MULTIPATH_OK Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Host 'host' has redundant connections to the system. Events 333 . #paths=npaths HOST_NO_MULTIPATH_ONLY_ONE_PORT Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Host 'host' is connected to the system through only one of its ports. #paths=npaths HOST_NO_MULTIPATH_ONLY_ONE_MODULE Severity Description informational Host 'host' is connected to the system through only one interface module. name' is now 'state'. You are attempting to add more Storage Pools than the system permits.POOL_CREATE_THIN Severity Description informational Storage Pool of soft size pool.sizeGB.name' was resized from soft size old_soft_sizeGB and hard size old_hard_sizeGB to soft size pool.soft_sizeGB and hard size pool.name' was resized from size old_sizeGB to pool.name'. POOL_RESIZE_THIN Severity Description informational Storage Pool with name 'pool. POOL_CREATE_FAILED_TOO_MANY Severity Description warning Storage Pool with name 'name' could not be created. Delete Storage Pools to allow new ones to be created. POOL_RESIZE_SNAPSHOTS Severity Description informational Snapshot size of Storage Pool with name 'pool. Troubleshooting POOL_RENAME Severity Description informational Storage Pool with name 'old_name' was renamed 'pool.name'.hard_sizeGB. POOL_CHANGE_LOCK_BEHAVIOR Severity Description informational Lock Behavior of Storage Pool with name 'pool.soft_sizeGB and hard_ size pool.name' was resized from size old_sizeGB to pool. 334 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . POOL_RESIZE Severity Description informational Storage Pool with name 'pool.hard_sizeGB was created with name 'pool.snapshot_sizeGB. Troubleshooting NODE_DID_NOT_HEARTBEAT Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Node named 'process_name' with id node id on module module did not heartbeat Please contact support. COMMAND_SERVICE_FAILED_TOO_MANY_TIMES Severity Description critical Command service service name was restarted times times within seconds seconds on module module Please contact support. POOL_DELETE Severity Description informational Storage Pool with name 'pool.name' was deleted. Chapter 20.POOL_CONFIG_SNAPSHOTS Severity Description informational Management policy of Mirroring snapshots of Storage Pool with name 'pool. Troubleshooting COMMAND_SERVICE_EXECUTABLE_INACCESSIBLE Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Command service service name's executable was not found on module module Please contact support. Events 335 . REQUIREMENT_IS_MISSING Severity Description critical Requirement requirement name is missing CRITICAL_THREAD_DID_NOT_HEARTBEAT Severity Description critical Thread named 'thread name' in process 'process_name' for node node id on module module did not heartbeat Please contact support.name' has changed'. Contact support MIRROR_CREATE Severity Description informational A remote mirror was defined for Volume 'local volume name'on Target 'target name'. Remote CG is 'remote CG name'. Remote Volume is 'remote volume name'. Status: Status ERROR_SETTING_UP_INTERFACE Severity Description Troubleshooting major Error attempting setup Ethernet interface Interface name on module #Module ID Possible physical problem with Ethernet card. 336 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Downloaded total of Number of files files. MIRROR_CREATE_SLAVE Severity Description informational A remote mirror was defined by Target 'target name' for Volume 'local volume name'. Remote Consistency Group is 'remote CG name'. Remote Volume is 'remote volume name'. CG_MIRROR_CREATE_SLAVE Severity Description informational A remote mirror was defined by Target 'target name' for CG 'local CG name'.MODULE_STARTED_DOWNLOADING_VERSION Severity Description informational Module Module ID started downloading current version of the system MODULE_FINISHED_DOWNLOADING_VERSION Severity Description informational Module Module ID finished downloading current version of the system. CG_MIRROR_CREATE Severity Description informational A remote mirror was defined for Consistency Group 'local CG name'on Target 'target name'. MIRROR_CREATE_FAILED_TARGET_NOT_CONNECTED Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Target could not be reached. Invoking 'Function Name' on target 'Target Name' timed out. Not enough hard capacity left in Pool of volume 'mirror. Delete unnecessary volumes in pool or enlarge the pool's hard size. REMOTE_OPERATION_FAILED_TIMED_OUT Severity Description warning Operation on remote machine timed out. Events 337 . Connect the target system to this system. Retry operation. If problem persists contact support. If problem persists contact support. Chapter 20.MIRROR_SCHEDULE_CHANGE Severity Description informational Schedule of remote mirror of 'local peer name' is now 'schedule name'. Troubleshooting MIRROR_RESYNC_FAILED_DUE_TO_THIN_PROVISIONING Severity Description major Synchronization of bitmaps with mirror failed. Troubleshooting MIRROR_SYNC_STARTED Severity Description informational Synchronization of remote mirror of volume 'local volume name' on Target 'target name' has started.local_volume_name'. Configuration of remote mirror of volume 'local volume name' on target 'target name' does not match local configuration. Target with name 'target. Make sure configuration on both machines is compatible and activate the mirror.name' is currently not connected. Troubleshooting MIRROR_RESYNC_FAILED Severity Description major Synchronization of meta data with mirror failed. MIRROR_REESTABLISH_FAILED Severity Description major Mirror reestablish failed. MIRROR_DEACTIVATE Severity Description informational The Remote Mirror of peer 'local peer name' on Target 'target name' was deactivated. Troubleshooting MIRROR_ACTIVATE Severity Description informational The Remote Mirror of peer 'local peer name' on Target 'target name' was activated. Make sure configuration on both machines is compatible and activate the mirror. MIRROR_REVERSE_ROLE_TO_SLAVE Severity Description informational Local peer 'local peer name' is now Slave of a peer on Target 'target name'. If problem persists contact support. MIRROR_REESTABLISH_FAILED_CONFIGURATION_ERROR Severity Description major Mirror reestablish failed. MIRROR_DELETE Severity Description informational The Remote Mirror relation of peer 'local peer name' to a peer on Target 'target name' was deleted. Remote action failed.MIRROR_SYNC_ENDED Severity Description informational Synchronization of remote mirror of peer 'local peer name' on target 'target name' has ended. 338 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Connection to remote mirror of peer 'local peer name' on target 'target name' could not be established. Either configuration of remote mirror of peer 'local peer name' on target 'target name' does not match local configuration. Activate Mirror on the Master Machine. Events 339 . Troubleshooting MIRROR_CHANGE_DESIGNATION Severity Description informational Local peer 'local peer name' switched its designated role with peer on Target 'target name'. Troubleshooting MIRROR_END_SYNC_FAILED_CONFIGURATION_ERROR Severity Description major Configuration of remote mirror of peer 'local peer name' on target 'target name' does not match local configuration. If problem persists contact support. MIRROR_SWITCH_ROLES_TO_MASTER Severity Description informational Local peer 'local peer name' switched roles with peer on Target 'target name'. Maximal number of Volumes are already defined.MIRROR_REVERSE_ROLE_TO_MASTER Severity Description informational Local peer 'local peer name' is now Master of a peer on Target 'target name'. MIRROR_REESTABLISH_FAILED_TOO_MANY_VOLUMES Severity Description major Last Consistent Snapshot of Slave peer 'local peer name' could not be created. It is now designation. It is now Master. It is now Slave. MIRROR_SWITCH_ROLES_TO_SLAVE Severity Description informational Local peer 'local peer name' switched roles with peer on Target 'target name'. Delete Volumes to allow new ones to be created. Make sure configuration on both machines is compatible and activate the mirror. MIRROR_CANCEL_SNAPSHOT Severity informational Chapter 20. DM_SYNC_STARTED Severity Description informational Migration to volume 'local volume name' from Target 'target name' has started. DM_DEFINE Severity Description informational Data Migration was defined to Volume 'local volume name' from Target 'target name'. 340 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . DM_DEACTIVATE Severity Description informational Migration to Volume 'local volume name' from Target 'target name' was deactivated.Description All mirrored snapshots which were created for Mirror of peer 'local peer name' and were not yet synchronized will not be mirrored in the remote machine. DM_SYNC_ENDED Severity Description informational Migration to volume 'local volume name' from target 'target name' is complete. MIRROR_SYNCHRONIZATION_TYPE_CHANGED Severity Description informational Synchronization of Mirror of peer 'local peer name' is now 'mirror synchronization type'. DM_ACTIVATE Severity Description informational Migration to Volume 'local volume name' from Target 'target name' was activated. OM_DEFINE Severity Description informational Online Migration was defined to Volume 'local volume name' from Target 'target name'. DM_DELETE Severity Description informational Definition of Data Migration to Volume 'local volume name' from Target 'target name' was deleted. Events 341 . Chapter 20. MIRROR_RPO_LAGGING Severity Description informational Mirror of local peer 'local peer name' is now behind its specified RPO. SCHEDULE_RENAME Severity Description informational Schedule with name 'old_name' was renamed 'schedule name'.DM_START_MIGRATION Severity Description informational Migration to Volume 'local volume name' from Target 'target name' will now start automatically. SCHEDULE_CREATE Severity Description informational Schedule was created with name 'schedule name'. SCHEDULE_UPDATE Severity Description informational Schedule with name 'schedule name' was updated. MIRROR_RPO_OK Severity Description informational Mirror of local peer 'local peer name' is now ahead of its specified RPO. SCHEDULE_DELETE Severity Description informational Schedule with name 'schedule name' was deleted. 342 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . UNMAP_VOLUME Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume.name' was unmapped from host_or_cluster with name 'host'. MIRROR_IS_LAGGING_BEYOND_PERCENT_THRESHOLD Severity Description warning Last Replication Time of Mirror of local peer 'local peer name' is Last Replication Time.name' was mapped to LUN 'LUN' for host_or_cluster with name 'host'. CLUSTER_DEFINE_EXCEPTION Severity Description informational LUN 'LUN' was defined as having host specific mapping in cluster 'cluster'. SPECIAL_TYPE_SET Severity Description informational Type of host_or_cluster with name 'host' was set to 'type'. MAP_VOLUME Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume.MIRROR_CHANGE_RPO Severity Description informational RPO or Mirror of local peer 'local peer name' is now RPO. CLUSTER_CANCEL_EXCEPTION Severity Description informational LUN 'LUN' was defined as having uniform mapping in cluster 'cluster'. MIRROR_IS_LAGGING_BEYOND_ABSOLUTE_THRESHOLD Severity Description warning Last Replication Time of Mirror of local peer 'local peer name' is Last Replication Time. Please contact support. Please contact support. MANAGER_RESIGNED_TO_LET_MODULE_PHASE_OUT Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Previous manager resigned to let Component ID phase out. SERVICE_FAILED_TO_PHASEIN Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID failed to phase-in. NODE_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Node #Node ID of type Node Type on Module Component ID failed because of failure_reason. Please contact support. NODE_RESET Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Node #Node ID of type Node Type on Module Component ID was reset.DATA_LOSS Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Manager found data loss in num_lost_slices slices. Events 343 . SERVICE_FAILED_TO_RESTART Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID failed to restart. Please contact support. MODULE_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID failed. Please contact support. Chapter 20. Please contact support. DISK_STARTED_AUTO_PHASEOUT Severity Description Troubleshooting minor System started automatic phasing out Component ID. Please contact your Administrator. DISK_STARTED_PHASEOUT Severity Description Troubleshooting informational System started phasing out Component ID.NODE_IS_NOT_UP Severity Description Troubleshooting minor Node #Node ID of type Node Type on Module Component ID is not up. Please contact your Administrator. Please contact support MODULE_IS_NOT_UP Severity Description Troubleshooting minor Module Module Component ID is not up. DISK_INFO_LOAD_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID failed. Please contact support SINGLETON_NODE_IS_NOT_UP Severity Description Troubleshooting minor No singleton of type Node Type is up. Please contact support DISK_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID failed. DISK_STARTED_PHASEIN Severity informational 344 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . MODULE_STOPPED_PHASEOUT_DUE_TO_MANAGEMENT_REQUIREMENT Severity Description Troubleshooting major System stopped phasing out Component ID due to management requirement. Chapter 20. SECOND_DISK_FAILURE Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Disk Component ID failed during rebuild. Events 345 . DISK_RECOVERED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Disk Component ID is functioning again. MODULE_FINISHED_PHASEOUT Severity Description Troubleshooting informational System finished phasing out Component ID.Description Troubleshooting System started phasing in Component ID. DISK_FINISHED_PHASEOUT Severity Description Troubleshooting informational System finished phasing out Component ID. DISK_FINISHED_PHASEIN Severity Description Troubleshooting informational System finished phasing in Component ID. MODULE_STARTED_PHASEOUT Severity Description Troubleshooting informational System started phasing out Component ID. Troubleshooting 346 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Please contact your Administrator. EMERGENCY_SHUTDOWN_NOW Severity Description critical System is shutting down in emergency shutdown mode due to: Emergency Shutdown Reason. Please contact your Administrator. SYSTEM_ENTERED_MAINTENANCE_MODE Severity Description informational System has entered MAINTENANCE state.MODULE_PHASEOUT_FAILURE_REASON Severity Description Troubleshooting informational System could not phaseout Component ID due to lack of nodes of type Node Type. EMERGENCY_SHUTDOWN Severity Description Troubleshooting critical System is shutting down due to low battery. USER_SHUTDOWN Severity Description major System is shutting down due to a user request. START_WORK Severity Description informational System has entered ON state. SYSTEM_LEFT_CHARGING_STATE Severity Description informational System is sufficiently charged. SYSTEM_ENTERED_CHARGING_STATE Severity Description informational System cannot start work until it is sufficiently charged. SHUTDOWN_PARAMS Severity Description major System action is 'Shutdown Action'. Phaseout of the containing service and module has been cancelled. UPS Sleep Time=UPS sleep time in seconds seconds. SYSTEM_SOFT_CAPACITY_CHANGED Severity Description informational System's soft capacity is now Capacity GB. Events 347 . Troubleshooting SANITY_CHECK_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Sanity check failed. SYSTEM_CAN_NOT_INCREASE_SPARES Severity Description informational System's spares can not be increased to modules modules and disks disks. Target state is 'Target State'. SERVICE_WAS_RESTARTED Severity informational Chapter 20. DISK_STARTED_AUTO_PHASEIN Severity Description critical System started phasing in Component ID in order to ensure that data will not be unprotected. MODULE_IS_MISSING_DATA_DISKS Severity Description major Module ID has Num Found of Num Expected data disks. SYSTEM_HARD_CAPACITY_CHANGED Severity Description informational System's hard capacity is now Capacity GB. Safemode is 'Safe Mode'. Please contact support. Capacity GB should be freed. Please contact support. Hardware status: Status. Hardware status: Status. Please contact support. Please contact support. 348 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . POWER_SUPPLY_UNIT_STATUS_IS_OK Severity Description Troubleshooting informational The status of Component ID is now OK. POWER_SUPPLY_UNIT_LOST_INPUT_POWER Severity Description Troubleshooting minor Component ID lost input power from UPS. Please contact support. DATA_SERVICE_STARTED_PHASEOUT Severity Description Troubleshooting informational System started phasing out Component ID. POWER_SUPPLY_UNIT_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID has failed. CF_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID has failed. DATA_SERVICE_FINISHED_PHASEOUT Severity Description Troubleshooting informational System finished phasing out Component ID. Hardware status: Status. DIMM_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID has failed.Description Module ID was restarted. Troubleshooting TIMEZONE_SET Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Timezone of the system was set to Timezone. Comment: Comment. Chapter 20. Events 349 .POWER_SUPPLY_UNIT_REGAINED_INPUT_POWER Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Component ID regained input power from UPS. TECHNICIAN_WORK_ENDED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Technician work has ended after Elapsed Time minutes. expected to end at End Time. MODULE_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Module Module Component ID has failed due to failure_reason Please contact support TECHNICIAN_WORK_STARTED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Technician work has started. Comment: Comment. Comment: Comment. TECHNICIAN_WORK_TIMED_OUT Severity Description warning Technician work has timed out after Elapsed Time minutes. POWER_TO_MODULE_SHOULD_BE_DISCONNECTED_AND_RECONNECTED Severity Description informational Component ID should be disconnected completely from power supply and reconnected after 60 seconds in order to complete the firmware upgrade scheme. Was this NIC actually replaced? FC_CHANGE_DETECTED Severity major 350 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Was this DIMM actually replaced? NIC_CHANGE_DETECTED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID has been changed from a serial of old_serial to new_serial. Is this a Pre-GA module? MODULE_CHANGE_DETECTED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID has been changed from a serial of old_serial to new_serial. Who generates this serial number? ILLEGAL_MODULE_SERIAL_NUMBER Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID has an illegal serial number of serial.Troubleshooting UNKNOWN_MODULE_SERIAL_NUMBER Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID has an unknown serial number of serial. Was this CF actually replaced? DIMM_CHANGE_DETECTED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID has been changed from a serial of old_serial to new_serial. Was this module actually replaced? CF_CHANGE_DETECTED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID has had the CF changed from a serial of old_serial to new_serial. Delete Hosts to allow new ones to be defined.name' was updated.name'.type was defined with name 'host. NA. This information is for the event center.name'. CLUSTER_CREATE Severity Description informational Cluster was defined with name 'cluster. HOST_UPDATE Severity Description informational Host named 'host. MFG_CHANGE_DETECTED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Change in MFG MFG Name to a value of 'MFG Value'. This information is for the event center. Was this fiber channel port actually replaced? Troubleshooting VPD_CHANGE_DETECTED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Change in VPD VPD Name to a value of 'VPD Value'. HOST_DEFINE_FAILED_TOO_MANY Severity Description warning Host with name 'name' could not be defined.Description Component ID has been changed from a Old Model with a serial of old_serial to a New Model with a serial of new_serial. You are attempting to define more hosts than the system permits. HOST_DEFINE Severity Description informational Host of type host. Events 351 . Troubleshooting CLUSTER_CREATE_FAILED_TOO_MANY Severity warning Chapter 20. NA. CLUSTER_ADD_HOST Severity Description informational Host with name 'host.name'. Delete Clusters to allow new ones to be defined. You are attempting to define more Clusters than the system permits.Description Cluster with name 'name' could not be defined. HOST_ADD_PORT Severity Description informational Port of type type and ID 'port_name' was added to Host with name 'host.name' was deleted.name'. HOST_REMOVE_PORT Severity Description informational Port of type type and ID 'port_name' was removed from Host with name 'host. Troubleshooting HOST_RENAME Severity Description informational Host with name 'old_name' was renamed 'host.name'. CLUSTER_RENAME Severity Description informational Cluster with name 'old_name' was renamed 'cluster.name'. 352 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . HOST_DELETE Severity Description informational Host with name 'host. CLUSTER_DELETE Severity Description informational Cluster with name 'cluster.name' was deleted.name' was deleted.name' was added to Cluster with name 'cluster. DESTINATION_GROUP_RENAME Severity Description informational Destination Group with name 'old name' was renamed 'new name'.CLUSTER_REMOVE_HOST Severity Description informational Host with name 'host.name'. DESTINATION_DELETE Severity Description informational Destination with name 'name' was deleted. DESTINATION_RENAME Severity Description informational Destination with name 'old name' was renamed 'new name'. DESTINATION_UPDATE Severity Description informational Destination with name 'name' was updated. DESTINATION_GROUP_CREATE Severity Description informational Destination Group with name 'name' was created. DESTINATION_GROUP_ADD_DESTINATION Severity informational Chapter 20. DESTINATION_GROUP_DELETE Severity Description informational Destination Group with name 'name' was deleted.name' was removed from Cluster with name 'cluster. Events 353 . DESTINATION_DEFINE Severity Description informational Destination with name 'name' was defined. DESTINATION_GROUP_REMOVE_DESTINATION Severity Description informational Destination with name 'destination name' was removed from destination group 'destgroup name'. RULE_CREATE Severity Description informational Rule with name 'name' was created. RULE_UPDATE Severity Description informational Rule with name 'name' was updated. SMTP_GATEWAY_DEFINE Severity Description informational SMTP gateway with name 'name' was defined. RULE_DELETE Severity Description informational Rule with name 'name' was deleted. SMTP_GATEWAY_DELETE Severity Description informational SMTP gateway with name 'name' was deleted.Description Destination with name 'destination name' was added to destination group 'destgroup name'. 354 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . RULE_RENAME Severity Description informational Rule with name 'old name' was renamed 'new name'. SMTP_GATEWAY_UPDATE Severity Description informational SMTP gateway with name 'name' was updated. Events 355 . Chapter 20. SMTP_GATEWAY_FAILED Severity Description major SMTP gateway with name 'name' has failed. SMTP_GATEWAY_PRIORITIZE Severity Description informational SMTP gateways were prioritized. SMS_GATEWAY_UPDATE Severity Description informational SMS gateway with name 'name' was updated. the new order is order. It will be not be used until Retry Time. SMS_GATEWAY_PRIORITIZE Severity Description informational SMS gateways were prioritized. the new order is order.SMTP_GATEWAY_RENAME Severity Description informational SMTP gateway with name 'old name' was renamed 'new name'. SMS_GATEWAY_RENAME Severity Description informational SMS gateway with name 'old name' was renamed 'new name'. SMS_GATEWAY_DEFINE Severity Description informational SMS gateway with name 'name' was defined. SMS_GATEWAY_DELETE Severity Description informational SMS gateway with name 'name' was deleted. name'. 356 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Troubleshooting CONS_GROUP_RENAME Severity Description informational Consistency Group with name 'old_name' was renamed 'cg.name' was deleted.name' was added to Consistency Group with name 'cg. SLAVE_CONS_GROUP_ADD_VOLUME Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume.name' was created. CONS_GROUP_DELETE Severity Description informational Consistency Group with name 'cg.name'. Delete Consistency Groups to allow new ones to be created. Troubleshooting CONS_GROUP_CREATE Severity Description informational Consistency Group with name 'cg.name' was added to Consistency Group with name 'cg. CONS_GROUP_CREATE_FAILED_TOO_MANY Severity Description warning Consistency Group with name 'name' could not be created.name' by its remote peer. CONS_GROUP_ADD_VOLUME Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume.EVENTS_WERE_DISCARDED Severity Description variable Number of events pending events of maximal severity 'maximal severity' were discarded because of overload. You are attempting to add more Consistency Groups than the system permits. Please contact support. You are attempting to add more Volumes than the system permits.name'.name' was removed from Consistency Group with name 'cg.name'. Troubleshooting CONS_GROUP_SNAPSHOTS_OVERWRITE Severity Description informational Snapshot Group named 'cs_name' was overriden for Consistency Group with name 'cg. CONS_GROUP_SNAPSHOTS_CREATE_FAILED_TOO_MANY Severity Description warning Snapshot Group for Consistency Group 'cg. Events 357 .CONS_GROUP_REMOVE_VOLUME Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume. CONS_GROUP_SNAPSHOTS_CREATE Severity Description informational Snapshot Group for Consistency Group with name 'cg.name' was created with name 'cs_name'. Delete Volumes to allow new ones to be created.name' by its remote peer.name' was removed from Consistency Group with name 'cg. SLAVE_CONS_GROUP_SNAPSHOTS_CREATE Severity Description informational Mirrored Snapshot Group for Consistency Group with name 'cg.name' could not be created. SLAVE_CONS_GROUP_SNAPSHOTS_OVERWRITE Severity informational Chapter 20. SLAVE_CONS_GROUP_REMOVE_VOLUME Severity Description informational Volume with name 'volume.name' was created with name 'cs_name'. MIRROR_CONS_GROUP_SNAPSHOTS_CREATE Severity Description informational Mirrored Snapshot Group for Consistency Group with name 'cg. Duplicate Snapshot Group is named 'new_cs_name'.name' was created with name 'cs_name'.name'. MIRROR_CONS_GROUP_SNAPSHOTS_OVERWRITE Severity Description informational Mirrored Snapshot Group named 'cs_name' was overriden for Consistency Group with name 'cg. Error code is 'error' SNAPSHOT_GROUP_RESTORE Severity Description informational Volumes were restored from Snapshot Group with name 'cs_name'. 358 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .Description Mirrored Snapshot Group named 'cs_name' was overriden for Consistency Group with name 'cg. SNAPSHOT_GROUP_RENAME Severity Description informational Snapshot Group with name 'cs_name' were renamed to 'new_name'. SNAPSHOT_GROUP_DUPLICATE Severity Description informational All Snapshots in Snapshot Group with name 'cs_name' were duplicated. MIRROR_SNAPGROUP_CREATE_FAILED Severity Description minor Remote snapshot group named 'snapshot group name' was not created successfully.name'. SNAPSHOT_GROUP_DELETE Severity Description informational All Snapshots in Snapshot Group with name 'cs_name' were deleted. pool_name' is full. Chapter 20. SNAPSHOT_GROUP_LOCK Severity Description informational All Snapshots in Snapshot Group with name 'cs_name' were locked. SNAPSHOT_GROUP_UNLOCK Severity Description informational All Snapshots in Snapshot Group with name 'cs_name' were unlocked. CONS_GROUP_MOVE Severity Description informational Consistency Group with name 'cg.name' to Pool 'pool. Events 359 .sg_name' have been deleted because Storage Pool with name 'snapshot. Troubleshooting SNAPSHOT_GROUP_DISBAND Severity Description informational Snapshot Group with name 'cs_name' was dismantled.name'.SNAPSHOT_GROUP_CHANGE_PRIORITY Severity Description informational Deletion Priority of all Snapshots in Snapshot Group with name 'cs_name' were changed from 'old priority' to 'new priority'.name' has been moved from Storage Pool 'orig_pool. TARGET_DEFINE Severity Description informational Target was defined named 'target. All Snapshots which belonged to that Snapshot Group should be accessed directly.name'. SNAPSHOT_GROUP_DELETED_DUE_TO_POOL_EXHAUSTION Severity Description informational All Snapshots in Snapshot Group with name 'snapshot. name'.TARGET_DEFINE_FAILED_TOO_MANY Severity Description warning Target could not be defined. Troubleshooting TARGET_RENAME Severity Description informational Target named 'old_name' was renamed 'target.name' is allowed to access this machine. TARGET_DELETE Severity Description informational Target named 'target.name'. You are attempting to define more targets than the system permits. TARGET_PORT_ADD Severity Description informational Port 'port_name' was added to target named 'target. TARGET_ALLOW_ACCESS Severity Description informational Target 'target. TARGET_PORT_REMOVE Severity Description informational Port 'port_name' was removed from target named 'target.name' was activated. Delete targets to allow new ones to be defined. TARGET_PORT_DEACTIVATE Severity Description informational Port 'port_name' was deactivated in target named 'target.name' was deleted.name'. 360 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .name'. TARGET_PORT_ACTIVATE Severity Description informational Port 'port_name' in target named 'target. Events 361 . TARGET_ISCSI_CONNECTIVITY_CREATE Severity Description informational Port 'Connection Remote Port Address' of target named 'Connection Target Name is connected to the system through ip interface 'Local IP interface'. Troubleshooting TARGET_CONNECTIVITY_DELETE Severity Description informational Port 'Connection Remote Port Address' of target named 'Connection Target Name' was disconnected from Local FC Port. TARGET_CONNECTIVITY_ACTIVATE Severity Description informational Connectivity between Port 'Connection Remote Port Address' of target named 'Connection Target Name' and Local FC Port was activated. TARGET_ISCSI_CONNECTIVITY_DELETE Severity Description informational Port 'Connection Remote Port Address' of target named 'Connection Target Name' was disconnected from ip interface 'Local IP interface'. You are attempting to define more connections than the system permits. Delete Connections to allow new ones to be created. Chapter 20.TARGET_CONNECTIVITY_CREATE Severity Description informational Port 'Connection Remote Port Address' of target named 'Connection Target Name' is connected to the system through Local FC Port. TARGET_CONNECTIVITY_CREATE_FAILED_TOO_MANY Severity Description warning Port could not be connected to the system. 362 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .TARGET_ISCSI_CONNECTIVITY_ACTIVATE Severity Description informational Connectivity between Port 'Connection Remote Port Address' of target named 'Connection Target Name' and ip interface 'Local IP interface' was activated.name' is not accessible for a long time.name' is no longer accessible through remote service module_id.name' is accessible through remote service module_id. TARGET_ISCSI_CONNECTIVITY_DEACTIVATE Severity Description informational Connectivity between Port 'Connection Remote Port Address' of target named 'Connection Target Name' and ip interface 'Local IP interface' was deactivated. TARGET_CONNECTIVITY_DEACTIVATE Severity Description informational Connectivity between Port 'Connection Remote Port Address' of target named 'Connection Target Name' and Local FC Port was deactivated. TARGET_DISCONNECTED Severity Description major Target named 'target. TARGET_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED Severity Description minor Target named 'target. TARGET_LINK_DOWN_BEYOND_THRESHOLD Severity Description major Target named 'target.name' is no longer accessible through any gateway module. TARGET_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED Severity Description informational Target named 'target. Troubleshooting SNAPSHOT_RESTORE Severity Description informational Volume named 'volume.name' was created for volume named 'volume. Troubleshooting Chapter 20.name' was overriden for volume named 'volume.name' could not be created.name'. Delete volumes to allow new ones to be created.name' could not be duplicated.name'. SNAPSHOT_CHANGE_PRIORITY Severity Description informational Snapshot Delete Priority of Snapshot named 'snapshot. Events 363 .name'.name' was created as duplicate of Snapshot named 'original_snapshot. SNAPSHOT_DUPLICATE_FAILED_TOO_MANY Severity Description warning Snapshot named 'snapshot. You are attempting to add more volumes than the system permits.name'.name' was restored from Snapshot named 'snapshot. SNAPSHOT_CREATE_FAILED_TOO_MANY Severity Description warning Snapshot for volume named 'volume. You are attempting to add more volumes than the system permits. Delete volumes to allow new ones to be created. Troubleshooting SNAPSHOT_DUPLICATE Severity Description informational Snapshot named 'snapshot.SNAPSHOT_CREATE Severity Description informational Snapshot named 'snapshot. SNAPSHOT_OVERWRITE Severity Description informational Snapshot named 'snapshot.name' was changed from 'old_priority' to 'snapshot.delete_priority'. node=node. Troubleshooting MIRROR_SNAPSHOT_CREATE Severity Description informational Mirrored Snapshot named 'snapshot.SNAPSHOT_DELETED_DUE_TO_POOL_EXHAUSTION Severity Description informational Snapshot named 'snap.name' was created for volume named 'volume.pool_name' is full. MIRROR_SLAVE_SNAPSHOT_OVERWRITE Severity Description informational Mirrored Snapshot named 'snapshot.name'.name' has been deleted because Storage Pool named 'snap.name' was overriden for volume named 'volume. MIRROR_SLAVE_SNAPSHOT_CREATE Severity Description informational Mirrored Snapshot named 'snapshot.name' was created for volume named 'volume. MIRROR_SNAPSHOT_CREATE_FAILED Severity Description minor Remote snapshot named 'snapshot name' was not created successfully.name'.name'. CRITICAL_CACHE_ERROR Severity Description Troubleshooting critical c_node has critical error.name'. Error code is 'error' MIRROR_SNAPSHOT_OVERWRITE Severity Description informational Mirrored Snapshot named 'snapshot. look at traces for more details. 364 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .name' was overriden for volume named 'volume. physical-partition=Physical Partition Number. checksum=checksum. SUSPECT_DATA_LOSS Severity Description critical Suspected data loss on Partition Disk ID. volume=Volume. partition=Logical Partition Nunber.CACHE_HAS_LESS_MEMORY Severity Description warning Data module has less memory than expected. checksum=Primary Checksum secondary: Secondary Disk checksum=Secondary Checksum volume=Volume. Verify that data is unreadable. node=node. Events 365 . duration_msec=duration. partition=phy_part_nr. some of the DIMMs might have failed Troubleshooting UNUSUAL_CONF_LOCK_TIME Severity Description Troubleshooting warning very long conf-lock duration. Troubleshooting SCRUBBING_CHECKSUM_DIFF Severity Description critical Scrubbing found different checksum in primary and secondary. Chapter 20. look at traces for more details. Use backup data to recover.gb_missing GB missing. primary: Primary Disk. Compare data on primary and secondary. node=node . Troubleshooting SCRUBBING_FORMATTED_NOT_ZERO Severity Description critical Scrubbing found formatted partition with non zero checksum on Disk ID. Compare data on primary and secondary. Troubleshooting MEDIUM_ERROR_IN_DATA_MIGRATION Severity Description warning Medium error in data migration into volume 'Volume Name' at LBA LBA for Length blocks. logical-partition=Logical Partition Number. DISK_MEDIUM_ERROR Severity Description variable Media errors on Disk ID. start LBA=Start LBA.Troubleshooting Remote machine indicated Medium Error when read. start lba=start_lba. interface=interface. latency=latency msec. command =command. latency=latency msec. command =command. last lba=last_lba. volume=volume. Troubleshooting DISK_ABNORMAL_ERROR Severity Description major Unit attentions or aborts in the last 30 minutes on Disk ID. LBA=LBA. phy_partition=phy_partition. last LBA=Last LBA. ZERO_LENGTH_IO Severity Description warning Media errors on node=node. command=command. Troubleshooting DISK_LONG_LATENCY Severity Description variable Long latencies on disk I/Os in the last 30 minutes on Disk ID. blk_cnt=Block Count. latency=latency msec. Troubleshooting DISK_CHECKSUM_ERROR Severity Description Troubleshooting major Checksum errors on Disk ID. start LBA=Start LBA. last LBA=Last LBA. Troubleshooting CHORE_POOL_EMPTY Severity major 366 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . USER_DELETED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational A user with name 'Name' and category Category was deleted. I/O count=I/O Count.Description The memory pool of chores of type type in node=node is exhausted. Troubleshooting DISK_BAD_PERFORMANCE Severity Description major Bad performance on Disk ID. Troubleshooting BUFFER_POOL_EMPTY Severity Description major The memory pool of cache buffers in node=node is exhausted. Events 367 . USER_UPDATED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational User with name 'Name' was updated. All pool_size chores are allocated. Troubleshooting USER_DEFINED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational A user with name 'Name' and category Category was defined. transferred kbytes=kbytes. USER_RENAMED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational User with name 'Old Name' was renamed 'New Name'. All pool_size buffers are allocated.seconds=seconds. Chapter 20. USER_REMOVED_FROM_USER_GROUP Severity Description Troubleshooting informational User 'User Name' was removed from user group 'User Group Name'. USER_GROUP_RENAMED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational User group with name 'Old Name' was renamed 'New Name'. ACCESS_OF_USER_GROUP_TO_HOST_REMOVED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Access of User group 'User Group Name' to host 'Host Name' was removed.USER_ADDED_TO_USER_GROUP Severity Description Troubleshooting informational User 'User Name' was added to user group 'User Group Name'. 368 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . USER_GROUP_CREATED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational A user group with name 'Name' was created. ACCESS_TO_HOST_GRANTED_TO_USER_GROUP Severity Description Troubleshooting informational User group 'User Group Name' was granted access to host 'Host Name'. USER_GROUP_DELETED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational A user group with name 'Name' was deleted. Chapter 20. LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_ACTIVATED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational LDAP authentication activated. LDAP_CONFIGURATION_RESET Severity Description Troubleshooting warning LDAP configuration has reset. LDAP_CONFIGURATION_CHANGED Severity Description Troubleshooting warning LDAP configuration has changed. Events 369 . USER_LOGIN_SUCCEEDED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational User 'User Name' successfully logged into the system. LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_DEACTIVATED Severity Description Troubleshooting warning LDAP authentication deactivated.ACCESS_TO_CLUSTER_GRANTED_TO_USER_GROUP Severity Description Troubleshooting informational User group 'User Group Name' was granted access to cluster 'Cluster Name'. ACCESS_OF_USER_GROUP_TO_CLUSTER_REMOVED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Access of User group 'User Group Name' to cluster 'Cluster Name' was removed. LDAP_SERVER_IS_ACCESSIBLE Severity Description Troubleshooting informational LDAP server FQDN is now accessible. LDAP_SSL_CERTIFICATE_IS_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE Severity Description warning SSL Certificate of LDAP server 'Server FQDN' is about to expire on Expiration Date (Counter notification).USER_LOGIN_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting warning User 'User Name' failed logging into the system. 370 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . USER_FAILED_TO_RUN_COMMAND Severity Description Troubleshooting warning User 'User Name' failed authentication when trying to run command 'Command Line'. LDAP_SERVER_IS_INACCESSIBLE Severity Description Troubleshooting minor LDAP server FQDN is inaccessible. LDAP_SERVER_REMOVED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational LDAP server 'Server FQDN' was removed from the system. Troubleshooting LDAP_SERVER_ADDED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational LDAP server 'Server FQDN' was added to the system. Troubleshooting SHELL_ACCOUNT_SETUP_FAILED Severity Description major Failed to set up account 'Unix Account Name' for UNIX authentication on module 'Component ID'. Troubleshooting CR_KEY_SETUP_OK Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Challenge-response key was successfully set on all modules in the system. CR_KEY_UPGRADE_NOT_DONE Severity Description warning Challenge-response key was not upgraded on the system since a valid key has been previously set. Troubleshooting Chapter 20. Troubleshooting SHELL_ACCOUNT_SETUP_OK Severity Description informational Account 'Unix Account Name' was successfully set up for UNIX authentication on all modules in the system. Events 371 . Troubleshooting CR_ACCOUNT_SETUP_FAILED Severity Description major Failed to set up account 'Unix Account Name' for challenge-response authentication on module 'Component ID'.CR_ACCOUNT_SETUP_OK Severity Description informational Account 'Unix Account Name' was successfully set up for challenge-response authentication on all modules in the system. CR_KEY_SETUP_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Failed to set challenge-response key on module 'Component ID'. COMPONENT_TEST_SUCCEEDED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Test of Component ID succeeded. Troubleshooting COMPONENT_TEST_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting minor Test of Component ID failed. 372 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . COMPONENT_WAS_PHASED_IN Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Component ID was phased-in. Please contact support. SSH_REVOKE_KEY_OK Severity Description informational Authorized SSH key ending with 'Tail of Authorized SSH key' was successfully revoked for user 'Unix Account Name' on all modules in the system. Please contact support. Troubleshooting SSH_REVOKE_KEY_FAILED Severity Description major Failed to revoke authorized SSH key ending with 'Tail of Authorized SSH key' for user 'Unix Account Name' on module 'Component ID'. COMPONENT_WAS_PHASED_OUT Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Component ID was phased-out. Please contact support. Troubleshooting INVALID_SCSI_REQS_COUNT Severity Description major Gateway Node #Node ID: scsi_reqs_ctr of target's UID:target's connection index is zero when attempting decrease. Events 373 .COMPONENT_WAS_EQUIPPED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Component ID was equipped. INVALID_SCSI_REQS_CTR Severity Description major Node #Node ID of type Node Type: scsi_reqs_ctr of target's UID:target's connection index is zero when attempting decrease. COMPONENT_WAS_UNEQUIPPED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Component ID was unequipped. INTERFACE_SERVICES_ACTIVATED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Interface services of Module ID were activated. Please contact support. This should not happen. This should not happen. Troubleshooting MIRRORING_CONNECTIVITY_TO_NON_XIV_TARGET Severity warning Chapter 20. INTERFACE_SERVICES_DEACTIVATED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Interface services of Module ID were deactivated. but being ignored because the remote end is not an XIV target or is not properly configured Please make sure the target's designation is correct. EMERGENCY_ROOT_ACCESS Severity Description warning Emergency login to 'root' account on module 'Component ID' from 'IP Address' using key number 'Authorized Key Number'.Description Gateway Node #Node ID: connection to target's UID:target's connection index mirroring connection was established. but being ignored because the remote end is an XIV target configured for mirroring. Troubleshooting DM_CONNECTIVITY_TO_XIV_TARGET Severity Description warning Gateway Node #Node ID: connection to target's UID:target's connection index DM connection was established. rather than a host Please make sure the target's designation is correct. Troubleshooting SCP_ACCESS Severity warning 374 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . that the connection's parameters identify the intended system and that the intended system has a host defined for this system (and not a target_port). Troubleshooting TAKE_OVER Severity Description informational Module #Module ID has taken over as Singleton Node ID. Troubleshooting EMERGENCY_CONSOLE_ACCESS Severity Description warning Emergency login to 'Unix Account Name' account on module 'Component ID' from tty 'TTY Device'. that the connection's parameters identify the intended system and that the intended system has a target_port defined for this system. CR_BYPASS_ACCESS Severity Description warning Command that bypasses CR mechanism access to 'Unix Account Name' account on module 'Component ID' from 'IP Address'. Events 375 . Troubleshooting SWITCH_INTERCONNECT_DOWN Severity Description Troubleshooting major Inter-switch connection lost connectivity on Component ID. Check cables (xg1-xg4) SWITCH_INTERCONNECT_UP Severity Description informational Inter-switch connection regained connectivity on Component ID SWITCH_CONFIG_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID could not be configured. reason Please contact support SWITCH_NOT_ANSWERING Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID is not answering to telnet connections Please contact support SWITCH_IS_NOT_ANSWERING Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID is not answering to telnet connections Please contact support Chapter 20.Description Troubleshooting SCP access to 'Unix Account Name' account on module 'Component ID' from 'IP Address'. Check power cables and PSU SWITCH_HAS_AC_POWER_FAILURE Severity Description Troubleshooting major Main power failure for Component ID. SWITCH_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_AND_RECONFIG Severity Description informational Firmware and configuration were updated on Component ID. Check power cables 376 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Check power cables SWITCH_DC_POWER_FAILURE Severity Description Troubleshooting major Redundant power failure for Component ID. cannot configure Please contact support SWITCH_BEGAN_ANSWERING Severity Description informational Component ID began answering to telnet after a period it did not SWITCH_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE Severity Description informational Firmware was upgraded on Component ID. SWITCH_AC_POWER_FAILURE Severity Description Troubleshooting major Main power failure for Component ID.SWITCH_UNKNOWN_MODEL Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID is an unknown model. SWITCH_WAS_RECONFIGURED Severity Description informational Configuration was updated on Component ID. Check fans. replace switch SWITCH_HAS_FAN_FAILURE Severity Description Troubleshooting major Fan #fan failure for Component ID. replace switch SWITCH_CHANGE_DETECTED Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID has been changed from a serial of old_serial to new_serial.temperature is temperature degrees. Was this switch actually replaced? SWITCH_TEMPERATURE Severity Description Troubleshooting variable Component ID . Check power cables and PSU SWITCH_AC_POWER_RESTORED Severity Description informational Main power restored for Component ID. SWITCH_DC_POWER_RESTORED Severity Description informational Redundant power restored for Component ID. Check fans. Serial serial. SWITCH_FAN_FAILURE Severity Description Troubleshooting major Fan #fan failure for Component ID. Events 377 . SWITCH_HAS_TEMPERATURE Severity variable Chapter 20. Please contact support.SWITCH_HAS_DC_POWER_FAILURE Severity Description Troubleshooting major Redundant power failure for Component ID. temperature is temperature degrees. UPS_IS_OK Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Component ID is currently functioning. Serial serial. UPS_RACK_STATUS_CHANGE Severity Description informational Rack Rack ID UPSs are in the following states: UPS:1=UPS 1 State UPS:2=UPS 2 State UPS:3=UPS 3 State. UPS_NOT_OK Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Component ID is currently not functioning. UPS_IS_NOT_OK Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID is currently not functioning. Reason: Problem Code. Please contact support.Description Troubleshooting Component ID . UPS_WAS_RECONFIGURED Severity Description informational New configuration was uploaded to Component ID. Please contact support. MODULE_ACQUIRED_DHCP_ADDRESS Severity Description informational Module Module ID acquired DHCP address as part of the module equip process UPS_OK Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Component ID is currently functioning. Please contact support. 378 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . UPS_SELF_TEST_FAILED Severity Description major A UPS self-test has failed on UPS Component ID. Chapter 20. SUMX_FILE_UPLOADED_TO_UPS Severity Description informational SUMX application file was uploaded to Component ID.UPS_WAS_NOT_RECONFIGURED Severity Description warning Unable to load new configuration to Component ID. UPS_SELF_TEST_STARTED Severity Description informational A UPS self-test was started on UPS Component ID. UPS_SELF_TEST_PASSED Severity Description informational A UPS self-test has passed on UPS Component ID. UPS_NEEDS_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE Severity Description informational UPS Component ID needs firmware upgrade UPS_NEEDS_A_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE Severity Description informational UPS Component ID needs firmware upgrade AOS_FILE_UPLOADED_TO_UPS Severity Description informational AOS bios file was uploaded to Component ID. Events 379 . UPS_SELF_TEST_WAS_SKIPPED Severity Description warning A UPS self-test for UPS Component ID has been skipped since not all UPS's are OK. UPS_NEEDS_MANUAL_SELF_TEST Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Component ID finished component test but it requires a manual self-test. capacity is Battery Capacity and is lower than minimum capacity Minimum Capacity for Self Test. UPS_SELF_TEST_HAS_PASSED Severity Description informational A UPS self-test has passed on UPS Component ID.UPS_SELF_TEST_SKIPPED Severity Description warning A UPS self-test for UPS Component ID has been skipped since not all UPS's are OK. 380 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . A component test should include self-testing. due to network link failure to the UPS a manual self-test is needed by waiting for full charge of the UPS and then pressing the UPS self-test button. UPS_SELF_TEST_POSSIBLY_INACCURATE Severity Description informational A UPS self-test for Component ID might be inaccurate. UPS_SELF_TEST_HAS_STARTED Severity Description informational A UPS self-test was started on UPS Component ID. UPS_SELF_TEST_HAS_FAILED Severity Description major A UPS self-test has failed on UPS Component ID. UPS_WAS_SUCCESSFULLY_UPGRADED Severity Description informational A UPS firmware upgrade has been successfully completed on UPS Component ID. due to network link failure to the UPS a manual self-test is needed by waiting for full charge of the UPS and then pressing the UPS self-test button. there is no problem. UPS_WILL_BE_CONFIGURED_NOW Severity Description informational UPS Component ID will be loaded with new configuration file due to Configure Reason. A component test should include self-testing. Events 381 . UPS_SELF_TEST_TIMED_OUT Severity warning Chapter 20. capacity is Battery Capacity and is lower than minimum capacity Minimum Capacity for Self Test. UPS_CHANGE_DETECTED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Component ID has been changed from a serial of old_serial to new_serial. UPS_NEEDS_A_MANUAL_SELF_TEST Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Component ID finished component test but it requires a manual self-test. If UPS replacement was intended.UPS_SELF_TEST_IS_POSSIBLY_INACCURATE Severity Description informational A UPS self-test for Component ID might be inaccurate. UPS_WILL_BE_CONFIGURED Severity Description informational UPS Component ID will be loaded with new configuration file due to upgrade or first boot. Serial serial. UPS_CALIBRATION_STARTED Severity Description informational UPS Origin calibration started for Componend ID. UPS_CALIBRATION_PENDING Severity Description informational UPS calibration is pending for Componend ID.Description Troubleshooting Component ID self-test failed to complete in reasonable time. Please contact support. possible ATS failure.temperature is temperature degrees.temperature is temperature degrees. UPS_TEMPERATURE Severity Description Troubleshooting variable Component ID . contact support ATS_INVALID_REPLY Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Invalid reply from ATS Component ID. UPS_CLOCK_OUT_OF_SYNC Severity Description Troubleshooting minor Component ID clock is more than a day out of sync If it repeats. Serial serial. UPS_CALIBRATION_PASSED Severity informational 382 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Please contact support. UPS_HAS_TEMPERATURE Severity Description Troubleshooting variable Component ID . UPS_NETWORK_LINK_DOWN Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Network link to UPS Component ID is down. UPS_ENABLED Severity Description informational Component ID has been enabled.Description UPS calibration passed for Componend ID. Events 383 . UPS_NETWORK_LINK_UP Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Network link to Component ID was regained. UPS_CALIBRATION_FAILED Severity Description major UPS calibration failed for Componend ID. Please contact support. due to Origin cancel. UPS_NETWORK_LINK_IS_DOWN Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Network link to UPS Component ID is down. Chapter 20. UPS_SERIAL_LINK_UP Severity Description warning Serial link to Component ID was regained. Please contact support. UPS_CALIBRATION_CANCELED Severity Description informational UPS calibration canceled for Componend ID. UPS_DISABLED Severity Description informational Component ID has been disabled (will not be monitored). ATS_LINK_DOWN Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Link to ATS Component ID is down. Please contact support. either its serial or network cables are crosswired with Hostname. ATS_LINK_UP Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Link to ATS Component ID was regained.Troubleshooting UPS_SERIAL_LINK_DOWN Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Serial link to UPS Component ID is down. ATS_LINE_INPUT_OFF Severity Description warning ATS Component ID input line LLine turned off. UPS_CABLE_CHECK_CONNECT_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting minor Cable check of Component ID failed. cannot connect to Failed Link link. contact support. UPS_CABLE_CHECK_FAILED Severity Description minor Cable check of Component ID failed. Either the cable is disconnected or network and serial cables are miswired. Please contact support. Troubleshooting UPS_CABLE_CHECK_PASSED Severity Description informational Cable check of Component ID passed. Failed to access the UPS through serial or network link. 384 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Please contact support. Events 385 . CABLE_INCORRECTLY_CONNECTED_TO_SWITCH Severity warning Chapter 20. ATS_SOURCE_SWITCHED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational ATS Component ID source line switched from LPrevious to LCurrent. ATS_LINE_OUTPUT_ON Severity Description Troubleshooting warning ATS Component ID output line Name turned on. Please contact support. ATS_LINE_OUTPUT_OFF Severity Description Troubleshooting warning ATS Component ID output line Name turned off.Troubleshooting ATS_LINE_INPUT_ON Severity Description Troubleshooting informational ATS Component ID input line LLine turned on. Please contact support. ATS_FAILURE Severity Description Troubleshooting minor ATS Component ID exhibits a failure state. ATS_RECOVERY Severity Description Troubleshooting informational ATS Component ID exited from the failure state. If critical. Information sent to event center in case of module failure. Troubleshooting 386 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . MODULE_NO_BMC_CONNECTIVITY Severity Description Troubleshooting warning There is no BMC connectivity to failed Component Id. Information sent to event center in case of module failure.Description Ethernet Port should be connected to switch port Component ID but is connected to Component ID. MODULE_FAILED_WAS_POWERED_OFF Severity Description Troubleshooting critical The failed module Failed module has been powered off. please contact support. Information sent to event center in case of module failure. CABLE_CORRECTLY_CONNECTED_TO_SWITCH Severity Description informational Ethernet Port is now correctly connected to Switch Port SYSTEM_TEMPERATURE_CHANGE Severity Description Troubleshooting variable System temperature changed to message. Information sent to event center in case of module failure. MODULE_FAILED_WAS_NOT_POWERED_OFF Severity Description critical The failed module Failed module has not been powered off as a failsafe due to Failed IPMI module not having IPMI set. MODULE_NO_IP_CONNECTIVITY Severity Description Troubleshooting warning There is no IP connectivity to failed Component Id. Please contact support. Please contact support.a low margin. Information sent to event center in case of module failure.Function] Count lines Log string.Device.MODULE_FAILED_COULD_NOT_BE_POWERED_OFF Severity Description Troubleshooting critical The failed module Failed module could not be powered off. Chapter 20. MODULE_FAILURE_DATA Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID: Count lines Log string. Please contact support. MEMORY_COMMITMENT_NEAR_LIMIT Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Module #module is difference KB below memory commit limit .returned to a safe margin. MODULE_MCH_DATA Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID:[Bus. Events 387 . Information sent to event center in case of module failure. Please contact support MEMORY_COMMITMENT_IS_OK Severity Description informational Module #module is difference KB below memory commit limit . MODULE_SEL_LOG Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID:[Index] Log string. MODULE_FAILED_SHOULD_BE_POWERED_OFF Severity Description Troubleshooting critical The failed module Failed module should be powered off based upon Log String. DISK_TEMPERATURE Severity Description Troubleshooting variable Component ID .SMART reading failed. DISK_SMART_READING_OK Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Component ID . DISK_SMART_STATUS_BAD Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID . Please contact support. Please contact support.Troubleshooting There is no problem at the moment.SMART reading OK. Please contact support. Hours hours. Please contact support. TOO_MANY_PROCESSES Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Module #module has processes processes running. DISK_SMART_READING_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Component ID . DISK_SMART_STATUS_GOOD Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Component ID . Please contact support EDAC_COUNTER_INCREASED Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Error Detection And Correction counter 'counter' incremented to value in Node #node Please contact support. Serial serial.SMART status: Bad.SMART status: Good. Please contact support. 388 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .temperature is temperature degrees. R. Please contact support. Total reallocated sectors: total.SMART attribute attribute is att_val. Please contact support.M. Troubleshooting SES_STATUS_ABNORMAL_NOW Severity Description Troubleshooting warning On module SES component 'Sensor Name' is in state 'State'. Please contact support.A. SES_ALARM_SIGNALLING Severity Description Troubleshooting warning On Module module alarm of type 'Component type' is signalling. Please contact support. DISK_UDMA_COUNT Severity Description Troubleshooting variable Component ID . Please contact support. Serial serial. Ultra DMA count changed by count to total_count.T.S. Events 389 . Hours hours. Troubleshooting SES_STATUS_ABNORMAL Severity Description warning On Module #module SES component 'Component type' numbered Unit number is in state 'State'.reallocated reallocated sectors in the last minutes. Attribute attribute. MODULE_UDMA_COUNT Severity warning Chapter 20. Serial serial. DISK_REALLOCATION Severity Description variable Component ID .DISK_SMART_ATTRIBUTE Severity Description Troubleshooting variable Component ID . Serial serial. Hours hours. Please contact support. Description Troubleshooting Component ID has out of disks with a total of UDMA events. SES_FAN_HAS_SPEED_CHANGE Severity Description informational Fan speed changed from new_rpm RPM to old_rpm RPM SES_FAN_STATUS_GOOD_NOW Severity Description informational Fan is now OK. SES_FAN_SPEED_CHANGE Severity Description informational Module #module Fan #Fan no speed changed from new_rpm RPM to old_rpm RPM SES_FAN_STATUS_GOOD Severity Description informational Module #module Fan #Fan no is now OK. SES_FAN_STATUS_BAD Severity Description informational Fan is failed or off. 390 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . SES_TEMP_SEVERITY_CHANGE Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Module #module Temp sensor sensor desc reports (reading degree C) state desc. Please contact support. Adjust ambient temperature at this module intake. Module should probably be phased outr. SES_CRIT_TEMP_SEVERITY_CHANGE Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Module #module Temp sensor sensor desc reports (reading degree C) state desc. found found_ver which is old and should be upgraded Please contact support.SES_PSU_STATUS_CHANGED Severity Description variable psu changed state from old_state to new state . SES_VERSION_UNEXPECTED Severity Description warning SES on Component . BIOS_VERSION_UNEXPECTED Severity Description warning BIOS on module #Module version version is old and should be upgraded Chapter 20. Troubleshooting SDR_VERSION_UNEXPECTED Severity Description Troubleshooting warning SDR on module #Module . Troubleshooting IPMI_BMC_FIRMWARE_VERSION Severity Description warning IPMI BMC firmware on module #Module version fmajor.version 0xfmajor is old and should be upgraded Please contact support.unexpected enclosure management code-level. SES_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE_SEVERITY_CHANGE Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Module module sensor desc reports (reading degree C) state desc. SES_TEMPERATURE_SEVERITY_CHANGE Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Module module sensor desc reports (reading degree C) state desc. Please contact support. Events 391 . Adjust ambient temperature at this module intake.fminor is old and should be upgraded Please contact support. Please contact support. IPMI_LAN_SETUP_FAILED Severity major 392 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual .Troubleshooting Please contact support. IPMI_BMC_IN_UNEXPECTED_STATE Severity Description Troubleshooting warning IPMI BMC firmware on module #Module is in unexpected state. IPMI_WATCHDOG_ERRORS Severity Description Troubleshooting major IPMI watchdog on module #Module experienced command errors. possibly non-responsive Please contact support. Please contact support. IPMI_WATCHDOG_DISABLED Severity Description Troubleshooting major IPMI watchdog on module #Module was disabled due to command errors. IPMI_IS_NOT_WORKING Severity Description Troubleshooting critical IPMI is not working on module #Module. Please contact support. Troubleshooting SAS_CONTROLLER_FAULT Severity Description Troubleshooting warning SAS Controller Firmware on component ID faulted with code Fault Code Please contact support. SAS_VERSION_UNEXPECTED Severity Description warning SAS Controller Firmware version on module Module version actual is old and should be upgraded Please contact support. Troubleshooting Chapter 20. Events 393 . IPMI_SEL_EVENT_INFO Severity Description informational IPMI on module #Module .Good Event: ipmi_msg. IPMI_SEL_EVENT_GOOD Severity Description informational IPMI on module #Module . Please contact support. Please contact support. Please contact support. Troubleshooting FC_PORT_HAS_INVALID_WWN Severity Description minor fc port Component has invalid wwn current wwnn:current wwpn instead of correct wwnn:correct wwpn.Informational: ipmi_msg. Please contact support. Troubleshooting FC_PORT_INVALID_WWN Severity Description minor fc port Component has invalid wwn current wwnn:current wwpn instead of correct wwnn:correct wwpn.Bad Event: ipmi_msg. IPMI_SEL_ENTRY Severity Description critical Entry Name SEL entry on component ID Date Time with data d0=d0 d1=d1 d2=d2 dir=direction. IPMI_SEL_EVENT_BAD Severity Description Troubleshooting critical IPMI on module #Module .Description Troubleshooting Error setting up IPMI LAN for module Module. Contact support. Please contact support. Please contact support. Please contact support. Troubleshooting FC_PORT_HAS_INVALID_FIRMWARE Severity Description minor fc port Component has invalid active firmware version active firmware instead of correct firmware. Please contact support. Please contact support. Troubleshooting FC_PORT_RESET Severity Description Troubleshooting major fc port Component is being reset. 394 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . FC_PORT_HAS_INVALID_CONF Severity Description Troubleshooting minor fc port Component has invalid configuration port disabled. Please contact support.FC_PORT_INVALID_CONF Severity Description Troubleshooting minor fc port Component has invalid configuration port disabled. FC_PORT_CONFIGURATION_FAILED Severity Description major fc port Component could not be configured. ioc state is current port state. FC_PORT_INVALID_FIRMWARE Severity Description minor fc port Component has invalid active firmware version active firmware instead of correct firmware. FC_PORT_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting major fc port Component has failed. ioc state is current port state. MCE_LOG Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID : Log string. Please contact support. NETWORK_LINK_UP Severity Description warning Internal network interface #Interface Index on Component ID: link regained. KDB_LOG Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID : Line Count lines Log string Please contact support. NETWORK_JUMBO_AVAILABLE Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Availability returned to Jumbo paths from Component ID Please contact support. Events 395 . NETWORK_JUMBO_UNAVAILABLE Severity Description Troubleshooting warning There are Network Paths unavailable Jumbo paths from Component ID Please contact support. NETWORK_LINK_DOWN Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Internal network interface #Interface Index on Component ID: no packets received.Troubleshooting Please contact support. Please contact support. Please contact support. KDB_HALT Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID was stopped on KDB. Chapter 20. Please contact support. Troubleshooting NETWORK_LINK_NO_DATA_LONG Severity Description major Network interface Interface Role #Interface Index on Component ID . Please contact support.link regained. Troubleshooting NETWORK_LINK_HAS_DATA Severity Description warning Network interface Interface Role #Interface Index on Component ID .link has data flowing through again. NETWORK_LINK_NO_DATA Severity Description minor Network interface Interface Role #Interface Index on Component ID . Please contact support. Please contact support.link has no data flowing through for the last Time Not flowing seconds.Troubleshooting Please contact support. NETWORK_LINK_IS_UP Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Network interface Interface Role #Interface Index on Component ID . NETWORK_LINK_IS_DOWN Severity Description Troubleshooting major Network interface Interface Role #Interface Index on Component ID .link disconnected.link has no data flowing through for the last Time Not flowing seconds. Please contact support. Please contact support. 396 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Troubleshooting NETWORK_LINK_DISCONNECT Severity Description Troubleshooting major Internal network interface #Interface Index on Component ID: link disconnected. Troubleshooting COMPONENT_NETWORK_LINK_DOWN Severity Description Troubleshooting major Network interface to Connected Component on Component ID .NETWORK_LINK_ERRORS Severity Description warning Internal network interface #iface_index on Component ID: with RX/TX errors=rxerror/txerror drops=rxdrops/txdrops frame=rxframe colls=txcolls Please contact support. COMPONENT_NETWORK_LINK_UP Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Network interface to component Connected Component on Component ID .link disconnected. Troubleshooting EXTERNAL_NETWORK_LINK_UP Severity Description warning Network interface role Interface Role #Interface Index on Component ID: link regained. Troubleshooting NETWORK_LINK_HAS_ERRORS Severity Description major Network interface Interface Role #Interface Index on Component ID has RX/TX errors=rxerror/txerror drops=rxdrops/txdrops frame=rxframe colls=txcolls Please contact support. Events 397 . Please contact support. Please contact support.link regained. Chapter 20. Please contact support. Please contact support. Troubleshooting EXTERNAL_NETWORK_LINK_DOWN Severity Description warning Network interface role Interface Role #Interface Index on Component ID: link disconnected. INTERFACE_NODE_UNCHOKING Severity Description Troubleshooting variable Interface node #Node is leaving choked state after choke_time msec. Please contact support. Entered choked state choke_time msec ago.CF_PARTITION_INCONSISTENT Severity Description Troubleshooting major Some of the partitions on the compact flash on Component ID have inconsistencies The compact flash has inconsistencies on some of it's partitions. Troubleshooting VERY_LONG_LATENCY_TO_CACHE Severity Description variable Interface #Node has long latencies to the caches for interval seconds. Longest latency is longest_latency msecs to node cache Please contact support. UPS_WARMSTART Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Component ID did a warmstart Normally this is fine. Please contact support. The longest choke was of longest_choke msecs. if there is another issue at around the same time. Please contact support. INTERFACE_CHOKE_REPORT Severity Description informational Interface node #Node choked for a total of choke_time msecs in the last report_period minutes. Troubleshooting 398 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . it is worth mentioning this event to the support INTERFACE_NODE_CHOKING Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Interface node #Node has long Cache latency. IPINTERFACE_CREATE Severity Description informational A new iscsi IP interface was defined with name 'interface name' on module module with ports 'port list' and IP address IP address IPINTERFACE_DELETE Severity Description informational ISCSI IP interface with name 'interface name' was deleted IPINTERFACE_RENAME Severity Description informational ISCSI IP interface with name 'old name' and was renamed 'interface name' Chapter 20. Troubleshooting CONNECTED_HOSTS_LIMIT_REACHED Severity Description informational Number of connected Hosts was reached for port 'port_id' in Module #Module Id. QoS_HAS_BEEN_TRIGGERED Severity Description informational Queues on port 'port_id' in Module #Module Id caused QoS to be activated. Troubleshooting TASK_MANAGEMENT_FUNCTION_RECEIVED Severity Description minor Interface node #Node got task management function task_management_function_code from port port to volume volume.LONG_LATENCY_TO_CACHE Severity Description variable Interface #Node had long latencies to the caches for interval msecs. Events 399 . Longest latency is longest_latency msecs to node cache Please contact support. Management IPs are IP addresses IPINTERFACE_UPDATE_VPN Severity Description informational VPN IP interfaces were updated.IPINTERFACE_ADD_PORT Severity Description informational Port #port index was added to ISCSI IP interface with name 'interface name' IPINTERFACE_REMOVE_PORT Severity Description informational Port #port index was removed from ISCSI IP interface with name 'interface name' IPINTERFACE_UPDATE Severity Description informational ISCSI IP interface with name 'interface name' was updated. Its IP address is IP address IPINTERFACE_UPDATE_MANAGEMENT Severity Description informational Management IP interfaces were updated. VPN IPs are IP addresses AUXILIARY_INTERNAL_PORTS_ENABLED Severity Description informational Port Count auxiliary internal Ethernet ports were enabled AUXILIARY_INTERNAL_PORTS_DISABLED Severity Description informational Port Count auxiliary internal Ethernet ports were disabled FC_EVENT_LOGOUT Severity Description informational FC is logging out of remote port id through local port local port number in Module #module_id 400 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Troubleshooting Chapter 20. Events 401 . FC_IN_EMERGENCY_STATE Severity Description critical FC driver in Module #Module ID entered an emergency state. Please contact support. FC_PORT_BUFFERS_BELOW_THRESHOLD_SUPPRESSED Severity Description informational kernel pool kernel pool name free buffers has (temporarily) went below threshold. Module: Module ID.further events suppressed. EMAIL_HAS_FAILED Severity Description variable Sending event Event Code (Event Index) to Destination List via SMTP Gateway failed. FC_TARGET_PORT_NO_MORE_INITIATORS Severity Description informational FC port local port number cannot handle any more connections from initiators in Module #module_id. currently buffers left buffers left in Module #module_id. no buffers freed recently . timeout expired: Timeout Expired?. Error message: 'Error Message'. currently buffers left buffers left in Module #module_id. FC_EMERGENCY_STATE Severity Description critical FC driver in Module #Module ID entered an emergency state.KERNEL_LOG Severity Description informational Module #module_id generated a kernel log: logstr FC_PORT_BUFFERS_BELOW_THRESHOLD Severity Description informational kernel pool kernel pool name free buffers has (temporarily) went below threshold. Error message: 'Error Message'. Troubleshooting HEARTBEAT_EMAIL_HAS_FAILED Severity Description minor Sending heartbeat to Destination Name via SMTP Gateway failed. Module: Module ID. timeout expired: Timeout Expired?. Module: Module ID. timeout expired: Timeout Expired?. Error message: 'Error Message'. Please contact support. Please contact support. Error message: 'Error Message'. Error message: 'Error Message'. Troubleshooting TEST_SMS_HAS_FAILED Severity Description minor Sending test to Destination Name via SMS Gateway and SMTP Gateway failed. Error message: 'Error Message'. timeout expired: Timeout Expired?. timeout expired: Timeout Expired?. Please contact support.SMS_HAS_FAILED Severity Description variable Sending event Event Code (Event Index) to Destination List via SMS Gateway and SMTP Gateway failed. Troubleshooting EVENTS_WERE_NOT_SAVED Severity variable 402 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . timeout expired: Timeout Expired?. Module: Module ID. Please contact support. Module: Module ID. Please contact support. Troubleshooting HEARTBEAT_SMS_HAS_FAILED Severity Description minor Sending heartbeat to Destination Name via SMS Gateway and SMTP Gateway failed. Module: Module ID. Troubleshooting TEST_EMAIL_HAS_FAILED Severity Description minor Sending test to Destination Name via SMTP Gateway failed. Troubleshooting ALL_USB_TO_SERIAL_CONNECTED_CORRECTLY Severity Description Troubleshooting informational All USB to serial cables are correctly connected to their designated modules. CUSTOM_EVENT Severity Description Troubleshooting variable Description TRACES_DUMPING Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Description SYSTEM_LOGS_COLLECTION Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Description USB_TO_SERIAL_CONNECTED_TO_WRONG_MODULE Severity Description warning The serial port Serial Port on module Source Module should be connected to Target Module but it is not. severity: Severity. node: Node). Events 403 . Chapter 20. EVENT_TEST Severity Description Troubleshooting variable Event Index of Count test events (description: Description. Connect the serial cable to the correct module.Description Troubleshooting Node #Node could not save Num Lost events of maximal severity Maximal Severity. Please contact support. Please contact support UPGRADE_MODULES_SW_NOT_IDENTICAL Severity warning 404 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Please contact support. Troubleshooting NODE_HALTED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Node #Node has halted. Please contact support. Confirm that the disk replacement was intended. Troubleshooting EVENTS_WERE_LOST Severity Description Troubleshooting variable Number of events Events of maximal severity 'maximal severity' were lost due to overload. INTERCONNECT_TIMED_OUT Severity Description major Node #Node ID of type Node Type on Module Component ID could not create an iscsi connection to Node #Node ID of type Node Type on Module Component ID for Timeout seconds.FAILED_SAVING_EVENTS Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Module Module failed saving events locally. Please contact support. EVENTS_WERE_SUPPRESSED Severity Description variable Number of Events Event Code Events of maximal severity 'maximal severity' were suppressed in the last period minutes. Troubleshooting DISK_CHANGE_DETECTED Severity Description informational Component ID has been changed from a Old Model with a serial of Old Serial to a New Model with a serial of new_serial. Events 405 . Contact support Chapter 20.Description File lists of different platform nodes are not identical to each other. Error code is error . Contact support UPGRADE_NO_NEW_FILES_FOR_UPGRADE Severity Description warning Repository version does not contain any new files. Contact support UPGRADE_IS_OVER Severity Description Troubleshooting informational System went up after an upgrade. Upgrade consequence is consequence Troubleshooting UPGRADE_FILE_LIST_RETRIEVAL_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Could not receive new verions' files list from repository. Mirroring module is mirroring_module repository IP is repository_ip error is error Contact support Troubleshooting UPGRADE_LOCAL_VERSION_DOWNLOAD_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Failure to distribute new sofware internally. Differing module is differing_module Please contact support Troubleshooting UPGRADE_SOFTWARE_DOWNLOAD_FINISHED Severity Description informational Finished downloading software needed for upgrade to version version. error code is error. current version current_version new version is new_version Contact support Troubleshooting UPGRADE_DOWNLOAD_REPOSITORY_COPY Severity Description critical Mirroring needed files from repository failed. Contact support POST_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_INVOCATION_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Invocation of post-upgrade script failed with error error. Contact support UPGRADE_IS_NOT_ALLOWED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical One or more of the pre-upgrade validations failed. Contact support HOT_UPGRADE_ABORTED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Hot upgrade aborted with reason reason. Contact support PRE_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_INVOCATION_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Invocation of pre-upgrade script failed with error error.UPGRADE_WAS_CANCELLED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Upgrade was cancelled with reason reason . Fix the problems pointed out it previous events and revalidate. Contact support 406 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Contact support HOT_UPGRADE_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Hot upgrade failed while errorneous_state. PRE_UPGRADE_VALIDATION_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical One of the pre-upgrade validations failed with status error. Events 407 . If file is not part of the system. Correct the system state according to the explanation and try again Troubleshooting POST_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_REPORTED_FAILURE Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Post upgrade script reported failure. POST_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_STARTED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Post-upgrade script started.UPGRADE_IS_ALLOWED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational All of the pre-upgrade validations passed successfully. Explanation: explanation. delete it and regenerate file list. POST_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_FINISHED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Post-upgrade script finished successfully. If it is part of the system. upgrades and installs can fail. PRE_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_DISAPPROVES Severity Description critical Upgrade cannot commence because some of the vlidations in the pre-upgrade script failed. Script output: explanation. Correct the system state according to the explanation and try again FILE_TOO_LARGE Severity Description critical File Filename with size Size is too large for the current system limits. Troubleshooting Chapter 20. increase the limit. WOULD_BE_EMERGENCY_SHUTDOWN Severity Description critical An emergency shutdown has been detected. Please contact support.UPS_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID failed. Test power input. but UPS control is disabled SHOULD_BE_EMERGENCY_SHUTDOWN Severity Description critical An emergency shutdown has been detected. Check power input. Shutdown reason: Shutdown Reason. UPS_HAS_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting critical Component ID failed. UPS_ON_UTILITY_POWER Severity Description informational Component ID switched back to utility power. Solve the UPS problem immediately or shut the system down using 'shutdown -y' and contact support. UPS_IS_ON_BATTERY Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID switched to battery power. but UPS control is disabled. 408 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Troubleshooting UPS_ON_BATTERY Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID switched to battery power. Please contact support. UPS_IS_IN_BYPASS Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID entered bypass state. UPS_TURNED_OFF Severity Description critical Component ID was turned off and does not supply output power.UPS_IN_BYPASS Severity Description Troubleshooting major Component ID entered bypass state. UPS_TURNED_ON Severity Description informational Component ID was turned on. UPS_OUT_OF_BYPASS Severity Description informational Component ID went out of bypass state. Events 409 . Please contact support Chapter 20. Please contact support. Please contact support. UPS_IS_TURNED_OFF Severity Description critical Component ID was turned off and does not supply output power. ADMINISTRATOR_PROCESS_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Administrator process failed with error error_code Please contact support ADMINISTRATOR_PROCESS_HAS_FAILED Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Administrator process Process ID failed with error Error Code. METADATA_SET Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Object type with name 'Object name' has new metadata value. METADATA_DELETE Severity Description Troubleshooting warning Metadata object deleted for Object type with name 'Object name'. UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_REMOTE_SUPPORT Severity Description minor System is unable to connect to any remote support center. REMOTE_SUPPORT_CONNECTION_LOST Severity Description variable Connection to remote support center Destination failed while the connection was in state Disconnected Session State. 410 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . PATCH_SCRIPT_ADDED Severity Description Troubleshooting informational Added patch Patch Name. Was patch supposed to have been added. REMOTE_SUPPORT_CONNECTED Severity Description informational System connected to remote support center Destination. REMOTE_SUPPORT_TIMEOUT Severity Description variable Connection to remote support center Destination timed out while the connection was in state Disconnected Session State. REMOTE_SUPPORT_IMMINENT_TIMEOUT Severity Description minor System is about to disconnect busy connection to remote support center Destination. Chapter 20. REMOTE_SUPPORT_DISCONNECTED Severity Description variable System disconnected from remote support center Destination while the connection was in state Disconnected Session State. Events 411 . 412 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . Internal XCLI error. Password does not match system password. No connection to the system. 413 .Chapter 21. Command not allowed from this client. Command execution failed. Bad XCLI option. Return Code 0 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 Error Description Success. Return Codes The following are the return codes. Password is required. 414 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . The deletion takes place according to the value set for each snapshot. The volume set can be cloned into multiple Snapshot Sets under the specific Consistency Group. Destination. Glossary The following terms and abbreviations are used throughout this document. as follows: v "1" = last to be deleted v . The non-graphical user interface used to interact with the system via set commands and functions.Chapter 22. The process of stopping the recurring event notification of Alerting Events. Authorization Level. Volume Set Coupling. The part of the system rack containing the storage disks. An event that triggers recurring event notifications until it is cleared. Consistency Group. The returned message sent as a result of running CLI commands. The interface through which the application accesses the operating system and the other services. Alerting Event. This list is in alphabetical order. Auto Delete Priority. API. This level requires a password. A cluster of specific volumes that can all be snapshotted simultaneously as a group. v Full: Enables access to all the configuration and control functions. snapshots are automatically deleted to make more space. Data Module. thus creating a synchronized snapshot. The Authorization Level determines the permitted access level to the various functions of the GUI: v Read only: Only viewing is allowed. See Command Line Interface (CLI) Command Line Interface (CLI). including shutdown of the system. The volumes in a Consistency Group are grouped into a single Volume Set. See Application Program Interface (API) Application Program Interface (API). v "4" = first to be deleted Each snapshot is given a default Auto Delete Priority of "1" at creation.. CLI. As the storage capacity reaches its limits. Completion Code. 415 . Clearing Events.. See also Snapshot Set. A master volume and a slave volume connected together via mirroring definitions. for which events and by what means. Fabric. 416 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . One of the icons of a Functional area. Graphical User Interface (GUI).See Event Destination. Escalation. Fibre Channel. For example. FC-AL. FC. Host Bus Adapter. The process of notifying a user about an event. Hardware. A Fibre Channel topology that requires no Fibre Channel switches. Functional Module. Configuration or Volume Management. Event. See Functional Module. System (under Monitor) or Hosts and LUNs (under Configuration). H/W. On-screen user interface supported by a mouse and a keyboard. Serial data transfer architecture developed by a consortium of computer and mass storage device manufacturers and now being standardized by ANSI. See Functional Area. A user or system activity that is logged (with an appropriate message). Event Destination. The SAN fabric enables any-server-to-any-storage device connectivity through the use of Fibre Channel switching technology. See Fibre Channel. FC-HBA. One of the high level groupings of icons (Functional modules) of the left-hand pane of the GUI screen. on the left-hand pane of the GUI screen. Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter. See Graphical User Interface (GUI). HBA. An address for sending Event Notifications. Monitor. The hardware that connects workstations and servers to storage devices in a SAN. For example. GUI. Event Notification. Functional Area. Devices are connected in a one-way Lmetadata fashion. A process in which event notifications are sent to a wider list of event destinations because the event was not cleared within a certain time. Event Notification Rule. Also known as Arbitrated Lmetadata. A rule that determines which users are to be notified. Exports a system’s volume into a registered host. Management Information Base. The system supports Fibre Channel and iSCSI hosts. A table showing the mappings of the volumes to the LUNs. LUN Map. Amount of time delay between the moment an operation is initiated and the moment it begins to take effect. A volume that has snapshots (meaning that it is mirrored for backup on a remote storage system) is called the master volume of its snapshots. The part of the system rack containing the host interface HBAs and manager software. Chapter 22. A snapshot that has never been unlocked.Host. Master Volume. It is the exact image of the master volume from which it was copied at the time of its creation. Image Snapshot. LUN. and their addressing schemes. Input/output. Input/output (I/O) per second. A database of objects that can be monitored by a network management system. Host Interface Module. An IP-based standard for linking data storage devices over a network and transferring data by carrying SCSI commands over IP networks. Latency. MIB. Internet SCSI. Load Balancing. Mirroring. Specifies the format of packets (also called datagrams). Even distribution of load across all components of the system. Logical Unit Number. See Remote Mirroring. I/O. Mirror Volume. A host is a port name of a host that can connect to the system. SNMP Managers use standardized MIB formats to monitor SNMP agents. Glossary 417 . A volume which contains a backup copy of the original volume. See also Snapshot Internet Protocol. Setting a volume (or snapshot) as unwritable (read-only). See Internet Protocol iSCSI. See also Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) IOPs. Locking. IP. A reserved area of virtual disk space serving the storage requirements of the volumes. Specific volumes may be moved to (clustered into) user-defined Storage Pools. it is marked as modified and can no longer be used to restore its master volume. Pool. 418 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . SMTP Gateway. it may be used to restore its master volume (the volume of which it is a duplicate). Synchronization. Storage Area Network. A host that collects information from SNMP Agents through the SNMP protocol. See Storage Pool SAN. SNMP. A snapshot state. See also Consistency Group. Snooze. SNMP Agent. SNMP Manager. A snapshot in modified state may never be used for restoring its master volume. A device that reports information through the SNMP protocol to SNMP Managers. SNMP Manager. Trap. SNMP Agent. SMS Gateway. Simple Network Monitor Protocol. An external server which is used to send SMSs. See MIB. Slave Volume. See also Image Snapshot Snapshot Set. An external host which is used to relay email messages via the SMTP protocol. A volume which serves as a backup of a Master Volume. An SNMP message sent from the SNMP Agent to the SNMP Manager. The resulting set of synchronized snapshots of a volume set in a Consistency Group. Snapshot. where the sending is initiated by the SNMP Agent and not as a response to a message sent from the SNMP Manager. SNMP Trap. Enables host interface modules direct access to any volume. Small Computer System Interface. A protocol for monitoring network devices. Multipathing. SCSI. A snapshot or copy of a volume. If a snapshot remains locked (unmodified).Modified State. The process of sending recurring event notifications until the events are cleared. Volume Set Storage Pool. Once unlocked. Provides battery backup power for a determined period of time. Creating a snapshot from a volume. See Remote Target. Internet Protocol Transmission Control Protocol.The process of making the master volume and slave volume identical after a communication down time or upon the initialization of the mirroring. A volume may be virtually any size as long as the total allocated storage space of all the volumes does not exceed the net capacity of the system. See Transmission Control Protocol. See Command Line Interface (CLI) XDRP. TCP/IP. Establishes a virtual connection between a destination and a source over which streams of data can be exchanged. XIV CLI command set. particularly to enable the system to power down in a controlled manner upon the occurrence of a lengthy power outage. Glossary 419 . Target. Volume. WWPN. A volume is a logical address space whose data content is stored on the system’s disk drives. Uninterruptible Power Supply. A volume can be exported to multiple hosts simultaneously. Unassociated Volume. See also Storage Pool. See SNMP Trap. Volume Snapshotting. Chapter 22. UPS. A volume can be exported to an attached host via a LUN. See also IP Trap. XCLI. World Wide Port Name. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) on top of the Internet Protocol (IP). XIV's Disaster Recovery Program – XIV's Remote Mirror features. Unassociated Volume. A volume that is not associated with a Consistency Group. See Consistency Group. 420 IBM XIV Storage System User Manual . . Printed in USA GC27-2213-05 .
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