
March 29, 2018 | Author: Glen Jones | Category: Wind Power, Solar Energy, Renewable Energy, Educational Assessment, Energy Development



RMIT EngineeringPart A: Course Outline Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 1 RMIT Engineering Introduction Course – Renewable Energy Systems Welcome to the course Renewable Energy Systems. In this course, you will learn how to harness solar and wind energy for electricity generation and heating applications. In the past, we have made very little use of solar and wind energy especially for electricity generation. But today, the use of solar and wind energy is increasing at a very high rate in many countries, including Australia. Some governments are now encouraging greater use of solar and wind energy by introducing a variety of mechanisms to facilitate their use. A number of industries are now looking for new business opportunities in the area of renewable energy. There are several reasons for this interest in renewable energy. First, the world is becoming increasingly concerned about the environmental impact associated with fossil fuel use, particularly the threat of climate change. Second, countries which import their energy supplies are vulnerable to increases in energy prices. Many are turning to renewable energy, since it is a local resource, and therefore offers greater security of supply. Third, many people in the world still do not have access to electricity. Many do not live near an existing electricity network. Solar and wind energy are often the ideal energy sources in these cases. Solar and wind energy will be significant energy sources of the future, so it is important that tomorrow’s engineers understand how we can utilize these energy sources. This course outline was originally developed by Dr. Andrea Bunting and modified by Dr. Petros Lappas Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 2 Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 3 .lappas@rmit. put aside some time for review before the examination. When you have completed the course Learning Guide. You will be informed of the examination time by your course coordinator via the Online Classroom. You will be studying this course over a suggested duration of 13 weeks (approximately 12 hours per week. but also study the current state of the renewable energy industry and the barriers to greater use of renewable energy. Progress through the course Use the Planning and Time Management chart at the end of Part A to assist you in working through the course. Conceptual background This course assumes that you: Are aware of methods for the analysis of basic statistics in the areas of probability distribution and use of histograms. Petros Lappas Email: petros. Renewable Energy Systems. Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering RMIT University GPO Box 2476 Melbourne VIC 3001 In this course.au Address: School of Aerospace. we will examine not only the technical aspects of harnessing solar and wind energy for electricity generation and heating applications.RMIT Engineering Course coordinator Dr. and monitoring your progress.edu. The chart lists all your topics and their learning outcomes. Note that this is a 12 credit point subject). and the activities and assessments to complete. Make sure you use the Planning and Time Management chart as a way of scheduling your time. If your problem is unresolved you will be able to contact your coordinator via email. Resources Computer access: You will be able to have online access as a student of RMIT University. This will enable you to: Ask your classmates questions via the blackboard “Discussion Board”.RMIT Engineering Communicating with your Peers and Course Coordinator Whenever you have a problem or a question. The email contact is available at MyRMIT. which you can then change if you wish. go to the Course Guide via the Online Classroom. Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 4 . You will be given a generic password. Ask your coordinator questions via email Register and send your assessments when indicated in the Learning Guide Access software Talk to students at other campuses in forums or as part of a group activity Access announcements relevant to your study. For details of appropriate web sites and recommended references. you are encouraged to consult your peers on the “Discussion Board” in Blackboard. Make sure you access and carefully read announcements at least once a week. More detail is provided in your student information kit. 2nd edition. 1997. Wind Energy Explained: Theory. Routledge.. London. Elliott.) – Solar Electricity.S. 2000.. Chichester. Wiley. Energy.RMIT Engineering Topic 7 uses readings which are reproduced with the permission of the Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria from the following publication: Authors: William W. J. N. 2002. Ltd. John Wiley and Sons. you can help yourself by being organised and by allocating specific times for your study. Patel. It is expected that you are familiar with spreadsheet package software and research via the Internet. Any other references used in this Learning Guide are available on the Learning Hub or through the Library e-reserve. ISBN: 0 7306 35066 References and software: Your recommended texts are: Mukund R. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Manwell. The required software programs used are: MS Excel MS PowerPoint or equivalent spreadsheet and presentation software. Markvart. UK. John Wiley. Chichester. New York. This book is available as an e-book in the RMIT library website. second edition. 2006. You will have access to these online. Wind Energy Technology. UK. 1997.F. and Jenkins. J. Walker. Society and Environment: Technology for a sustainable future.Design and Application. There are some general guidelines which may help you: Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 5 . Tomas(Ed. D. Wind and Solar Power Systems. Charters and Trevor Pryor Title: Solar Energy: An Introduction to Solar Thermal Energy Systems (2nd edition) Publisher: Renewable Energy Authority Victoria Year Published: 1993.F. Study needs Although studying can be difficult at times. Your assessor will provide feedback through the Online Classroom as well. Please check the plagiarism statement in the Course Outlines online. which also indicates the due dates for submitted work. Please complete and return as indicated at the relevant Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 6 . General comments of relevance to all students undertaking the course may be posted on the Course Discussion Board via the Online Classroom. A schedule of when assessments are due can be found at the start of Part B: Assessments. including meeting of deadlines. and ensure that you follow the guidelines provided. Don’t wait until you feel swamped or overwhelmed. Feedback will be provided in the following manner: • • • In relation to the assignments. Ask questions of your tutor and institution. Course-specific study needs For this course. Schedule the times when you will be working through the Learning Guide. One of the benefits of tertiary study is interaction with fellow students. as well as by the course coordinator. Use the suggested time allocation in the chart to estimate how long to set aside for each session of study. you will be assisted by your tutor. It has been proven many times that a group of students can help each other to keep motivated and to work to schedule.RMIT Engineering • • • Plan your week. You will at times be working in groups. Use your student group as a network and for assistance. Ask questions when you first have a problem. You are required to be professional in both presentation and attitude. Submission of assessment You will be submitting your assessments and activities as indicated by the Learning Guide. after submission there will be comments from the assessor and a mark providing guidance on progress. through the Online Classroom. Evaluation process There is an evaluation form available at the Online Classroom on the RMIT website. All work must be presented as specified in the instructions and guidelines in Part B: Assessment. Specific comments of relevance to a particular student will be sent directly via Student Emails. structure and/or implementation issues Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 7 . simulation.RMIT Engineering time specified by your course coordinator. demonstration. Feedback – turn to Feedback section at end of Part C: Learning Guide to check answers and responses for the activities. as an additional recommended text. Group Activity – may be problem solving. Frequently Asked Questions – provides some responses to key areas students have highlighted as queries or difficulties.to extend knowledge of key area Evaluation – tool to gain student feedback on course content. Summary checklist – what has been learnt. Individual Activity – may be self assessment questions. Complete the activity following the given instructions. Use of Icons Icons have been used throughout this Learning Guide to identify the different components. The meaning of each of the icons is as follows: Reference/reading/resource/research – this may be printed and available in Part D: Resources. lab. case study. problem solving. or for example as audio or video tape or web site. checklist/short answer after reading. in preparation for assessment Assessment – must be achieved to pass topic or group of topics. demonstration. lab. Your comments will assist us in improving and refining the materials and resources. Additional reading and research . case study. Complete the activity following instructions given. Turn to Part B: Assessment for details of assessment requirements. RMIT Engineering Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 8 . in both analysis and synthesis.RMIT Engineering Graduate Capabilities – Engineering The engineering courses at RMIT are designed to provide the community with engineers who: • • • • • • • • • • Have effective written and oral communication skills Are aware of the social and environmental implications of their work Possess strong fundamental knowledge derived from an enduring core of engineering principles Have good design skills. Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 9 . This course integrates development and demonstration of these attributes into the various topics. and are able to exercise engineering judgement in decision making Readily adapt to new learning situations Have effective leadership and management skills Possess a positive attitude towards lifelong education Work well in team situations Are entrepreneurial and international in outlook and enjoy a challenge Acquire a global outlook to ensure that they operate professionally and ethically in a multi-cultural society. Identify issues facing the renewable energy industry Identify environmental issues associated with renewable energy supply and use Determine greenhouse gas emissions associated with use of natural gas.Quiz Activity 2E . Background to renewable energy systems Learning outcomes • Identify the different types of renewable energy.Turbulence of the wind Activity 2C.Estimation of Weblearn/Blackboard Tests • • Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 10 .Web reference Activity 2F . Wind resource • • Identify wind distribution patterns Identify the types of factors to be considered in selecting a suitable wind power site Understand how to measure wind speed at a given location Generate a wind rose as a way of visually representing a set of 10 Activity 2A .Web reference Activity 2D .Web reference Activity 2G .RMIT Engineering Planning and Time Management Guide: Renewable Energy Systems Week(s) of study 1 Topic 1.Reading Activity 2B . electricity and liquid fuels Work with units of energy and power Apprx hours 10 Activities Activity 1A – comparing emissions from water heaters Activity 1B – converting units Assessment Assessment 1: Written Essay 20% Weblearn/Blackboard Tests submission week: Essay: week 5 • • • • 2 2. RMIT Engineering Week(s) of study Topic Learning outcomes wind speed and direction data • • Determine the wind speed profile for a particular height Identify planning and environmental issues related to wind power systems.Drawing a wind rose for given frequency data Activity 2I – Web reference Activity 2J – Graphing wind speed against height Activity 2K – Reading and Questions Assessment submission week: 3 3. Wind statistics • Present wind speed data using a relative frequency histogram and cumulative frequency distribution Fit wind speed data to a cumulative Weibull distribution and Weibull probability distribution Calculate the average wind power density from wind speed data 10 Activity 3A – Producing frequency histograms and cumulative frequency distribution Activity 3B – Reading Activity 3C – Producing Weibull cumulative andprobability distributions Activity 3D – Energy in the wind starting Assessment 2 Weblearn/Blackboard Tests Assess 2: week 9 • • Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 11 . Apprx hours Activities wind speed at a local site Activity 2H . RMIT Engineering Week(s) of study 4 Topic Learning outcomes Apprx hours 10 Activities Assessment submission week: Assess 2: week9 4.Quiz Activity 5C – Reading and quiz Activity 5D .Reading Activity 5E – Quiz Activity 5F – Performance versus tip speed ratio Activity 5G – Reading and Questions Submissions of Assessment 1 (week 5) (20%) Working on Assessment 2 Weblearn/Blackboard Tests Assess 2: week9 Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 12 . Wind power systems • • Identify the various components of a wind turbine and their functions and types Describe the basic aerodynamic principles and methods of power control in wind turbines 10 Activity 5A .Reading Activity 5B . Wind turbine performance • • Determine performance characteristics of a wind turbine Determine the performance of a wind turbine in a given wind regime Activity 4A – Wind turbine performance curves Activity 4B – Worked examples Activity 4C – Reading Activity 4D – Quiz Working on Assessment 2 Weblearn/Blackboard Tests 5 5. Apprx hours 20 Activities Activity 9A – Money-time relationship Activity 9B – Present Worth Activity 9C – Annual worth Activity 9D – Annual Worth: Solar Hot Water System Activity 9E – Finding the cost of electricity from a gas turbine generator and wind turbine Activity 9F – Value of Wind Energy as Function of Wind Regime Activity 9G – Economic analysis of renewable energy projects Activity 9H – Discounted pay period Activity 9I – Internal rate of return Assessment Weblearn/Blackboard Tests submission week: • • Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 13 . 7 Topic 9. Economics of renewable energy systems Learning outcomes • Determine the value of money over time for different interest rates Evaluate the financial benefits of a renewable energy project Estimate the cost of renewably generated electricity.RMIT Engineering Week(s) of study 6. Melbourne Activity 6D – Length of a shadow Activity 6E . 10 Topic 6.Standard time of solar noon Activity 6B – Solar altitude and azimuth Activity 6C – Effect of shading from a building . longitude and solar declination Determine solar time for a range of locations Determine sun angles for a range of situations Identify shading caused by obstacles using a sun chart Determine solar collector angles Determine solar radiation received Apprx hours 30 Activities Activity 6A . Solar radiation geometry Learning outcomes • • • • • • Identify elements of latitude. 9.Effect of shading from a long wall Activity 6F – Effect of shading from a building 1 – Jakarta Activity 6G – Effect of shading from a building 2 – Jakarta Activity 6H – Effect of shading from tree Activity 6I – Shading on a wall Activity 6J – Angle of incidence of radiation Activity 6K – Direct radiation falling on a tilted surface Activity 6L – Using solar radiation data Assessment Submission of Assessment 2 (week 9) (20%) Weblearn/Blackboard Tests submission week: Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 14 .RMIT Engineering Week(s) of study 8. Solar water heating Learning outcomes • Identify the elements of active and passive solar thermal systems Identify the main components of a solar hot water collector Identify the elements of hot water storage Evaluate common types of residential solar hot water systems Apprx hours 10 Activities Activity 7A .Reading and questions Activity 7B – Reading and questions Activity 7C – Reading and questions Activity 7D .RMIT Engineering Week(s) of study 11 Topic 7.Web search Activity 7E – Reading and performance graph Activity 7F – Reading and Questions Activity 7G – Web search Activity 7H – Reading and Questions Assessment Weblearn/Blackboard Tests submission week: • • • Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 15 . Reading Activity 8F – Reading and questions Activity 8G – Sizing a PV System Weblearn/Blackboard Tests Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 16 . Photovoltaics • • • • • Identify applications of photovoltaic systems Describe how a solar cell produces electrical current Identify solar cell performance characteristics Identify the purpose of other photovoltaic system technologies Analyse the elements of a grid connected photovoltaic system to meet a given demand Activity 8A – Reading and questions Activity 8B .Reading and questions Activity 8C.Reading and questions Activity 8D .RMIT Engineering Week(s) of study 12 Topic Learning outcomes Apprx hours 10 Activities Assessment submission week: 8.Examining a Photovoltaic module Activity 8E . RMIT Engineering Part B Assessment Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 17 . 5 All All Major Assessment Task Assessment 1 Assessment 2 Assessment 3 Examination (hurdle) Proportion of final assessment 20% 20% 20% 40% Submission time Wk 5 Wk 9 Weekly End of course Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 18 . 4. 2 2.RMIT Engineering Part B Assessment Schedule Topic covered 1. 3. ) The originality report from Turnitin is submitted to the Learning hub for marking. magazine and journal articles. Australian Public Affairs Full-Text.com) will be used on these assessments.ID=8rwjnkcmfoeez The originality verification software Turnitin (see http://www. and organisations’ websites. including newspaper articles.rmit. Each group will produce an essay on the question given below. and Australian Engineering File. Instructions on submitting to Turnitin will be given on the Learning Hub Students may draw on a variety of resources. Filenames that do not contain two family names will not be marked. Useful databases include Science Direct. Students should refer to the RMIT library website on Referencing Resources.edu. students should consult their tutor.au/academicintegrity for more detail on avoiding plagiarism. Students must first submit their essay to the plagiarism detector site Turnitin.rmit.RMIT Engineering Assessment Tasks Major Assessment 1: Written Essay DUE: Friday of Week 5 by 5 pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Percentage of Final Mark 20% • • • Students must work in groups of two. Essays must not include any graphics. Essays are to be fully referenced using the Harvard style.com”) are to be submitted via “Assignments” on the Learning Hub with a filename that includes all students’ family names.edu. Lexis-Nexis. (See below. http://www. Note that the ability to work in teams is one of the graduate attributes required by the Institution of Engineers Australia. Any student found to have plagiarised will be subjected to the RMIT Student Discipline Regulation. For further clarification on appropriate referencing. Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 • • • Renewable Energy Systems 19 .au/browse. Student should also refer to http://www.turnitin. Final Essays (that are produced via the plagiarism program at “Turnitin. All the references in the text should be in the list. Advantages. Question: • Choose one of the following renewable energy technologies: wind power. large-scale solar power. and then discuss how a compromise may be achieved Tips for this assignment: The structure of the essay should read something like the following. • Students may draw on relevant references listed on the Learning Hub and in Topic 1 as a starting point. geothermal power. disadvantages and compromise: Discussion should be based on evidence. Renewable energy technologies are constantly improving. articles from journals and statistical data from recognised international institutions instead. Wikipedia. References not mentioned in the text should NOT be in the list. with a length of about 1500 words per group. You should consider a wide range of issues when discussing advantages and disadvantages.RMIT Engineering Essays should be written succinctly. clearly referenced in the text using Harvard style. 2008)” instead of “There has been a large growth in wind power in the world lately”. review the advantages and disadvantages of the technology. (It is suggested that you use headings. Hence Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 20 . For example: “Globally installed wind power grew at an average rate of 30% per year from 2002 to 2008 (International Energy Agency. How Stuff Works and similar websites are not valid sources. Referencing: Include an alphabetical list of references at the end of the document using Harvard style. Drawing on literature debating the merits of this technology. Use books. including overview of the focus and scope of the essay. biofuels.) • • • • • • Introduction Brief overview of the technology Advantages of the technology Disadvantages of the technology How a compromise can be achieved Conclusion Introduction: Not more than around 200 words. It also contains the shape and scale parameters (k and c respectively) for the Weibull distribution which models the data at height 10m. The assignment is to be submitted as a proper report. Note that neither the wind speed measurement height nor the height modelled by the Weibull distribution corresponds to the hub height of the wind turbine. Wind speeds are in m/s and were measured at height 10 m. Wind speed data is available on the learning hub under Resources for Assignment 2.xls. The work for this assignment is to be done on a spreadsheet (such as Excel). i. Major Assessment 2: Wind power analysis DUE: End of Week 9 (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Percentage of Final Mark 20% Assignment 2 is to be submitted by groups of two students via “Assignments” on the Learning Hub with a filename that includes all students’ family names. Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 21 . Note that the ability to work in teams is one of the graduate attributes required by the Institution of Engineers Australia.xls through to wind_data_99. Students are to select the wind speed data file corresponding to the last two digits of their student number. Assume that the terrain has a roughness length of 0.e. Thus if your student number is S1234567. you must select the wind speed data file named wind_data_67. The wind speed at a potential wind farm site has been monitored hourly for one year.RMIT Engineering when writing about the current state of technologies you should always use recent references. Submissions must include sample calculations for each step. 8760 points. with each step clearly indicated. Assignment 2 data files. Files are named: wind_data_00. The wind speed data file contains a column of the hourly wind speed data. along with the relevant tables. graphs and answers.01 m.xls. a graph). The first interval will contain wind speeds from 0 to 0.01 m. 3.000 G87. ensure that x-labels read 0. installed cost $5. Using the wind speeds at your selected height. hub height 78 m. You are to install a Gamesa 2MW wind turbine at your site. 3. and class intervals of 0.000. or G90 with diameter 90 m) and two different tower heights (corresponding to hub heights 78 m or 100 m). (These correspond to height of 10 m.5.300. installed cost $5. 4.5. You can choose from 3 different blade lengths (the G80 with diameter 80 m.000 G87.5 < v ≤ 1.xls) to determine the MWh produced per year at your site by each of the six combinations. This can be represented by the value 0. (See Procedure under Topic 3 for instructions on this.) Use roughness length of 0. Use the wind power calculator on the learning hub (filename: wind power calculator. a class width of 1 m/s.000 The power curve for each wind turbine is given below (and also in the wind power calculator).e. installed cost $5.000 G90. using the log law to determine the wind speed gradient. Tabulate these. When you produce the histogram. 2.01 m. This is the turbine you should select for your site. The calculator will convert them to the hub height. installed cost $5. Use the Weibull parameters given in your data file. hub height 100 m.385. The six possible combinations and their costs are: • • • • • • G80.130. Remember that the wind speeds are at height 10 m. produce a table of the relative frequency distribution.000 G90. Use a roughness length of 0. 1.085.430. Convert your column of wind speeds to your selected hub height. hub height 100 m. 2. hub height 100 m. For each of these six possible combinations. etc. Include a sample calculation for the first data point. installed cost $5.) Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 22 . Then find the wind turbine that produces each year the most MWh per unit cost.000 G80. hub height 78 m.RMIT Engineering 1. determine the MWh produced per unit cost. where each interval is represented by its midpoint. hub height 78 m. and construct a relative frequency histogram (i. G87 with diameter 87 m. installed cost $5. The scale parameter should be multiplied by a factor found from the log law corresponding to extrapolation from height 10 m to your selected hub height. (See the Learning Hub under Assignments for tips on how to draw a histogram and a curve on the same graph. Wind Atlas? Determine the average wind speed at the hub height. Convert the shape parameter and scale parameter given in the data file to your selected hub height. 8. Note that the shape parameter does not change.) Comment on how well the data fits a Weibull distribution. note the difference between the relative frequencies recorded and the values predicted by the Weibull probability distribution over a range of wind speeds. 9. Determine the average wind power density at your selected hub height and then at 50 m height. Now construct a graph of the Weibull probability distribution and compare it with the histogram. In particular. (This factor is cubed.RMIT Engineering 5. Construct a power–duration curve for the wind turbine at this site. When constructing these graphs. Include the table of data. Ensure that you do not use markers for each data point as these will obscure the curve. Using your wind turbine power curve. show the curve only.S. as wind power density is found from cube of the wind speed. what is the class of wind speed based on the U. Provide a brief interpretation of this graph. and a graph showing the proportion of the wind power captured by the wind turbine versus wind speed. To convert from hub height to 50 m you need to divide by the cube of the factor found from the log law corresponding to extrapolation from height 50 m to your selected hub height. and the wind speed frequency histogram construct a table and a graph of the energy generated by the wind turbine versus wind speed for a wind turbine at your selected hub height. 7. Using the data for your selected wind turbine construct the power curve for this wind turbine. Does the Weibull distribution appear to be a good model for the wind speeds? 6. Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 23 .) Considering your calculated wind power density. Provide a brief interpretation of this graph. 15. Assuming a distance between wind turbines of at least 5 diameters. the annual generation per unit of capacity. starting from 0. Comment on the difference between this value and the one found using the frequency histogram. • Write units properly (kWh. Carefully check the histogram. 14.000 GWh. compare it to the area of Greater Melbourne (about 8000 square kilometers). Assuming the annual electricity consumption of Victoria is 60. You should change it to associate x-labels to the histogram bins. 11.e. Determine the specific rated capacity of your selected wind turbine. MW…) and label all graphs axis. 13. 12. Show all calculations. compare the annual energy output for hub height 78 m and 100 m.0 MW wind turbines. the capacity factor. Use the wind power calculator. the average power output. and the specific yield of the wind turbine. Determine the annual energy output. what is the area of land required to install that number of turbines? (Assume a rectangular grid formation. Include table of data. Using the wind power calculator. Explain the significant of the specific rated capacity. Comment on how this value compares with that for of the other two Gamesa 2.5) and compare the result to the Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 24 .) To visualize this area.RMIT Engineering 10. Provide a brief interpretation of each of these quantities. Excel automatically assigns x-axis labels to the histogram starting from 1. count the wind speeds in one of the bins (for example 0. Determine the annual energy output of your wind turbine at its selected hub. In addition. Assuming the given wind speed distribution calculate how many of your selected wind turbines should be erected to provide for 15% of Victorian electricity demand. How much more energy is produced at 100 m? How does this compare with the additional cost for the taller tower? Tips for this assignment: • Read the questions carefully and ensure that you have answered them in full. Determine the proportion of wind energy captured.5 to 1. i. and the Weibull distribution found for this site. had you used the Weibull distribution. • When answering Q7.000. This one is about geometry Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 25 . Take a couple minutes thinking about your answer before starting the calculations. 1 km2 = 1. • If the histogram and Weibull distribution in question 5 are not at least roughly matched. • In Question 11 use the Wind Power Calculator.RMIT Engineering one in the histogram bin to be sure that the histogram is correctly calculated. you have probably made a mistake. Check your calcuation • Average wind power density at 50 m height should be lower than at hub height. • Histogram and Weibull should both start at 0. • In Question 12 be careful with area units.000 m2. read the notes to be sure that you are producing the correct graphs. Q8 and Q9. RMIT Engineering Gamesa 2.0MW Wind Turbine Power Curve G80 – 2MW m/s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 kW 0 0 0 0 66.3 152 280 457 690 978 1296 1598 1818 1935 1980 1995 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 0 G87 – 2MW kW 0 0 0 0 79 181 335 550 832 1175 1530 1816 1963 1988 1996 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 0 G90 – 2MW kW 0 0 0 21 85 197 364 595 901 1275 1649 1899 1971 1991 1998 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1906 1681 1455 1230 0 Parts A & B v21 Aug 2011 Renewable Energy Systems 26 .
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