Xenta 280_300_401
Xenta 280_300_401
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TAC VistaTAC Pangaea WorkStation TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Product Manual TAC Vista TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Product Manual Only licensed users of the product and the document are permitted to use the document or any information therein. copying. . storing or use of the product. the information or the illustrations in the document on the part of non-licensed users. as well as the product it refers to. without the express written permission of Schneider Electric Buildings AB. All rights reserved. Do not use the product for other purposes than those indicated in this document. additions or deletions. including photo copying or information storage and retrieval systems.Copyright © 2007-2011 Schneider Electric Buildings AB. is only intended for licensed users. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. as a recording or by other means. will be regarded as a violation of copyright laws and is strictly prohibited. This document. Schneider Electric Buildings AB assumes no responsibility for possible mistakes or errors that might appear in this document. in electronic or mechanical form. Distribution. disclosure. Schneider Electric Buildings AB owns the copyright of this document and reserves the right to make changes. ...................................................1...................... Cabinet Connections ..................... Electrical Installation ......... LED Indicators and Service pin .................................................................................................... Typographic Conventions ........1....................3 4................................................................................................................................... 9 9 10 10 REFERENCE 2 3 4 5 TAC Xenta Components 13 2...... June 2011 04-00067-02-en 5 (74) ...................................... Configurations.. The TAC Xenta OP Operator Panel....1 3.1 1................................................... Technical Data TAC Xenta 280 .....................................................2.................... Configuring your System 45 5.3 13 14 15 Hardware Units ..................................1 3...................................................................................................................TAC Xenta..... Technical Data TAC Xenta 401 ........ Prerequisites ...........2.............. Schneider Electric Buildings AB..........................................................3 3..........2 3.................................... TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Contents Contents INTRODUCTION 1 About this Manual 1.............................3..................4 17 17 18 19 20 21 21 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 27 The TAC Xenta 280 Controller.............................................................................................................. The TAC Xenta 401 Controller..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 3...................3 4... Jacks ....................................................1 45 Overview ......................................... The TAC Xenta 300 Controller................................................................2 1.................................2 3............................................................3 Structure ......................................................... Cables ....................................2.....2 4...2 4......................................................................... Communications ........................ LED Indicators and Service pin ..... Terminations ................................................................................................................ General Considerations ............. Technical Description 17 3.........1 3..........................3.....4 3......3 3...................................... Technical Data TAC Xenta 300 .. Jacks ...................3.. Installation 29 4.................2..........................................3...................2.........................3...1 4............1.......................1 3...................................................... Jacks .....................2.....3 3......................................................................................1 29 30 30 32 34 39 42 Mounting the Controller.................................................................... LED Indicators and Service pin .. Terminals....................................................................................................................4 3......................................................................................2.........1 4............................. Terminals...................................................................................................... Terminals............................................................................................2 2..........................2 3.......................................................1.................1 2............3 3..................... .......................2 5......7... June 2011 04-00067-02-en ...........7 5.................... Clearing the Xenta Application .................................................................................................................. Creating the PVI-block in the Xenta .............. Selecting I/O Modules.... 46 46 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 49 49 50 51 51 51 52 The TAC Xenta Service Menu 53 6.5 5....4.... Two or more TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Units....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Lock a Xenta OP to a specific TAC Xenta Controller ...............................1 53 54 57 Accessing the Service Menu ...................................... OP Panel Activities................................ OP Panel Activities..................................................3...................................................4.........2 5..............2..............................................3 5..................................................4.............. Initial Check ......2..................................................................4 5.. Initial Check ........................2......................................................................................................................................................................3 5...............1 5...........................................Contents 5.......................6 5.............. Device Configuration ..................... Additional I/O Units ...............1 6................... TAC Xenta 280/300/401 A Single TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Controller..................................................................2 5......7................................. I/O Module Configuration........2 5... Setting the Date and Time .2 6................................................................................................... Enabling the function in TAC Xenta OP..2 6 TAC Xenta..1 5............................1 5...........................................3 5................................... Initial Check ......1 5........................................................3.... Submenu 6: Test dial ............................ APPENDIX A Appendix A Restart Values 63 B Appendix B Restart Sequences 67 Index 6 (74) 71 Schneider Electric Buildings AB..............................................................................3........................... Submenus 1-8 ................ INTRODUCTION 1 About this Manual . . 1 Structure The manual is divided into the following parts: • Introduction The Introduction section contains information on how this manual is structured and how it should be used to find information in the most efficient way. • Reference The Reference section contains more comprehensive information about various parts of the Getting Started section. For information on how to install software. For information on certain products. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 1 1 About this Manual About this Manual This manual describes a particular process. This manual may have been updated. please contact your Schneider Electric representative.tac. It also provides you with information on alternative solutions not covered by the Getting Started section. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 9 (74) .TAC Xenta. If you discover errors and/or unclear descriptions in this manual. For information on third party products. Note • We are continuously improving and correcting our documentation. we refer you to the instructions delivered with the software. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. Please check our Docnet site at www. we refer you to the manual or the Help for the product in question. 1. we refer you to the instructions delivered with the third party product.com for the latest version. it is recommended that you read the following documents: 10 (74) • TAC Xenta 280 Programmable Controller datasheet • TAC Xenta 300 Programmable Controller datasheet • TAC Xenta 400 Controller. Caution • Alerts you to possible data loss. a specific action might result in physical harm to you or to the hardware.3 Alerts you that the following information applies to complex tasks or tasks restricted by access. Note • Alerts you to supplementary information. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Typographic Conventions Throughout the manual the following specially marked texts may occur. or other more serious problems.2 TAC Xenta.1 About this Manual 1. Tip • Alerts you to supplementary information that is not essential to the completion of the task at hand. ! Warning • Alerts you that failure to take. breaches of security. Important • Alerts you to supplementary information that is essential to the completion of a task. freely programmable datasheet Schneider Electric Buildings AB. Advanced • 1. Prerequisites To be able to profit from the contents in this manual. or avoid. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . REFERENCE 2 TAC Xenta Components 3 Technical Description 4 Installation 5 Configuring your System 6 The TAC Xenta Service Menu . . and an I/O expansion module Schneider Electric Buildings AB.TAC Xenta. 2. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 13 (74) .1: The basic units of the TAC Xenta: the controller.1 Hardware Units The TAC Xenta 280/300/400 family consists of the following units: • The TAC Xenta 280/300/401 controller. The I/O modules are described in a separate manual. These can be used to extend the number of inputs and outputs on a TAC Xenta 300/401 controller. TAC Xenta OP can be connected to any controller in the network. the operator panel. The controller contains the database of the inputs and outputs of the TAC Xenta system. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TAC Xenta 280 or 300 controller 20 TAC Xenta 401 controller Operator panel 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 I/O expansion module Fig. I/O expansion modules. It also contains the system and application software for all the functions that are to be performed by the controller and the connected peripheral units. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 2 TAC Xenta Components 2 TAC Xenta Components 2. The operator panel includes control buttons while a screen displays the values and menus. TAC Xenta 400 I/ O Modules. • TAC Xenta OP. 1 TAC Xenta 280 TAC Xenta 281 6 6 none TAC Xenta 282 8 8 none TAC Xenta 283 6 6 none TAC Xenta 300 3. I/O modules and other equipment in a full network with suitable adapters. for example: 14 (74) • As stand-alone units (for a TAC Xenta 401 with at least one I/O module). • With controllers and OPs in a network. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Inputs Outputs I/O Modules See section 3.3 A number of controllers and I/O modules can form a local network and exchange data.2 TAC Xenta 301 12 8 up to 2 TAC Xenta 302 12 8 up to 2 none none up to 10 TAC Xenta 401 3. with extra I/O modules as required (no I/O modules for the TAC Xenta 280). Schneider Electric Buildings AB. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . 2. • With controllers.2 TAC Xenta Components TAC Xenta. OPs. possibly with connections to a TAC Vista Central System.2 Configurations The TAC Xenta controllers can be used in different configurations. The TAC Xenta OP operator panel allows the user to: • Obtain access to certain parameters • Monitor the system status • Adjust setpoints and time channels • Display alarms (without communicating with a central system) Up to two OPs may be connected to each controller. 3 Communications The TAC Xenta units communicate with each other in a network using a common bus. When connected to a TAC Vista Central System. All temperatures and alarms may be read.2: A TAC Xenta network example 2. Echelon® LONWORKS® Free Topology 78 kbps (FTT10). the operating conditions of equipment such as fans. pumps. and External Interface Files (XIFs) can be generated in the field using the TAC Menta tool. Available SNVTs are listed in an appendix to the Engineering Applications in TAC Menta manual. The LONTALK protocol makes it possible to use Network Variables. Using LonWorks in the Xenta controller. The Functional Block applications are modeled as true LONMARK Controller Objects. SNVTs) can be customized. Additional I/O units also connect to the network and may be added as required. some examples are: • From a PCLTA card in some form. defined on foreign equipment. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 15 (74) . 2. Explicit LONTALK® messages are used in communications between the operator panel and the controller. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. and recovery units can be displayed as graphs on the monitor and printed as reports. The Network Variable interface (including the Standard Network Variable Types. while setpoints and time settings may be altered as required TAC Xenta controllers can be reached from TAC Vista in many ways. directly on the PC. An I/O unit can only be associated with one controller. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 2 TAC Xenta Components TAC Vista Web Browser TAC Vista Management level IP Network PCLTA card or TAC Xenta 901 TAC Xenta 511 TP/FT-10 Automation level TAC Xenta OP TAC Xenta OP TAC Xenta 401 I/O Module I/O Module Field level TAC Xenta 281 TAC Xenta 301 + - Fig.TAC Xenta. • Connected to a PC serial channel via the IP modem function of the TAC Xenta 911. for example: • Directly connected to a PC serial channel. • Retrieve the “System Error Log File” using the “Xenta System Error Log Viewer”. • Via an Ethernet/LON gateway. • Connected to a PC serial channel via a telephone modem. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . • Load the application software from the TAC Menta programming tool. please consult the TAC Vista IV. application programs generated in TAC Menta may be downloaded from TAC Vista via the network. and TAC Vista. • Using the TAC Xenta 901.2 TAC Xenta Components TAC Xenta. • Via the LTA function in the TAC Xenta 511. RS232 The TAC Xenta 280/300/401 controller has an RS232 port that can be used to: 16 (74) • Load the system software. • Connect a specific controller directly to TAC Vista or via a modem (modem connection not available with TAC Xenta 280). • It can answer requests for the status of inputs and outputs. The TAC Xenta 280/300/401 can communicate as follows: • It can send alarm and trend logging (versions 3. • It can send/ any of the parameters/variables in the program which are freely available (“Public signal”). • It can communicate with other TAC Xenta controllers to exchange data. Engineering Classic/LNS Network manuals. Starting from v 3. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 • Via the LTA function in the TAC Xenta 911. Using the serial channel in the Xenta controller.1. the I/O-modules. • Connect to TAC Menta when used as a commissioning tool. For further details. • It can communicate with the Operator Panel.2 and higher) messages. called the TAC Xenta 281.TAC Xenta. 282 and 283 The TAC Xenta 280 has three I/O configurations. 282. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 17 (74) .1. notation X B U K V Y TAC Xenta 281 2 - 4 3 - 3 TAC Xenta 282 2 2 4 4 - 4 TAC Xenta 283 2 4 - - 6 - Schneider Electric Buildings AB. 3. Digital inputs Thermistor inputs Universal inputs Relay outputs TRIAC outputs Analog outputs Term. No external TAC Xenta 400 I/O modules can be used. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 3 Technical Description 3 Technical Description 3.1 The TAC Xenta 280 Controller Fig.1 Terminals The TAC Xenta 281. and 283.1: The TAC Xenta 280 controller 3. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . Outputs The TAC Xenta 281 and 282 have the following outputs.8 kohm. 3. depending on the supply. The TAC Xenta 281 and 282 have universal (analog or digital. 3. • Analog (Y) — 0–10V DC outputs • Digital (K) — relay potential-free outputs While the TAC Xenta 283 has TRIAC (V) — outputs capable of supplying inductive loads.2: The terminals of the TAC Xenta 281.8 kohm at 25 °C (the same as the thermistor inputs) • Voltage input 0–10V • open/closed contact (the same as the digital inputs). 18 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB. 282. and 283 Inputs All TAC Xenta 280 controllers have digital inputs (X).1. The universal inputs can be used for three types of signals: • TAC thermistor 1.3 Technical Description TAC Xenta.8 kohm or 10 kohm thermistors. U) inputs. The TAC Xenta 283 has thermistor inputs (labelled B) that can be used with either 1. The TAC Xenta 282 also has thermistor inputs (labeled B) for 1.2 Jacks The TAC Xenta 280 has two modular jacks–one for the TAC Xenta OP operator panel and one for an RS232 connection with TAC Menta. All controller inputs are protected from transients. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 max 230 V AC { U4 M U3 U2 M U1 C2 C1 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 max 230 V AC B2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 M B1 U4 M U3 U2 M U1 C2 C1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 M KC2 K3 K2 KC1 K1 X2 M X1 M M Y3 Y2 M Y1 G0 G 0 24 V ~ AC/DC } { TAC Xenta 281 24 V AC M K4 KC2 K3 K2 KC1 K1 X2 M X1 B4 M B3 B2 M B1 Y4 M Y3 Y2 M Y1 G0 G M M Comm Comm X2 M X1 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 Comm M 0 24 V ~ AC/DC } TAC Xenta 282 { C2 C1 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 VC V4 V3 V2 V1 V6 V5 G0 G 0 24 V ~ AC/DC } TAC Xenta 283 Fig. The socket for the operator panel provides it with 24V AC or DC. in compliance with the EN 50082-1 norm. Jack for the RS232/modem Jack for the Operator panel Fig.4: LED Indicators and Service Pin The red service diode is primarily an error indication. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 19 (74) . Schneider Electric Buildings AB. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 3 Technical Description At distances greater than 10 m (32 ft. there are two LED indicators–one red and one green. The green status diode blinks once per second to indicate that the program is running. Service pin Red service diode indicates a non-configured node or a hardware fault Green status diode indicates that the program is running Fig.3: Location of jacks on the TAC Xenta 280 controller 3. In addition. 3.3 LED Indicators and Service pin The Service pin can be activated through a small hole on the front.) between the TAC Xenta controller and the OP. 3. the communications connection has to follow the same rules as for other nodes.1. It also lights up if the Service pin is activated. Also on the front. an external power supply should be used.TAC Xenta. 2 °F) Thermistor inputs (B1–B4. see the TAC Xenta 280 Programmable Controller datasheet (003-2248). TAC Xenta 282: Y1– Y4): D/A-resolution 20 (74) 12 bits Schneider Electric Buildings AB.3 Technical Description 3. 282: U1–U4): A/D-resolution 12 bits –as Thermistor Inputs Supply voltage 0.6 °F) –10 °C to +10 °C (14 °F to 50 °F) ±1 °C (±1.8 °F) +60 °C to +120 °C (140 °F to 248 °F) ±2 °C (±3. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Technical Data TAC Xenta 280 Note • For a complete list of updated technical data for the Xenta 280 controller. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .6 °F) +90 °C to +120 °C (194 °F to 248 °F) ±4 °C (±7.9 °F) +30 °C to +60 °C (86 °F to 140 °F) ±1 °C (±1.5 s Analog outputs (TAC Xenta 281: Y1–Y3.2 °F) –30 °C to –10 °C (–22 °F to +14 °F) ±2 °C (±3. only TAC Xenta 283): A/D-resolution 10 bits Accuracy (Measuring range): –20 °C to –10 °C (–4 °F to +14 °F) ±2 °C (±3.8 °F) +10 °C to +30 °C (50 °F to 86 °F) ±0.8 °F) +10 °C to +30 °C (50 °F to 86 °F) ±0.6 °F) –10 °C to +10 °C (14 °F to 50 °F) ±1 °C (±1. V1–V6)a: Load may require auxiliary power (term.8 °F) +60 °C to +90 °C (140 °F to 194 °F) ±2 °C (±3.4 TAC Xenta.2 °F TRIAC outputs (TAC Xenta 283 only. 40) of up to 72 VA Pulse length (TAC Menta DOPU block) min. 1 s Universal inputs (TAC Xenta 281.5 °C (±0.1. only TAC Xenta 282): A/D-resolution 12 bits Accuracy (Measuring range): –50 °C to –30 °C (–58 °F to –22 °F) ±4 °C (±7.9 °F +30 °C to +60 °C (86 °F to 140 °F) ±1 °C (±1. 0.5 °C (±0.6V DC Thermistor inputs (B1–B2.6 °F) +120 °C to +150 °C (248 °F to 302 °F) ±4 °C (±7. Program cycle time min. 6 Network communication (C1–C2.) Number of active sensors: max. TAC Xenta OP TP/FT-10. June 2011 04-00067-02-en X Thermistor inputs B Universal inputs U Relay outputs K Analog outputs Y 21 (74) . RJ45 TAC Vista (version IV or higher required). modular jack The TAC Xenta 300 Controller. polarity insensitive): Protocol FTT-10.2. If the active sensor (0–10V). and analog outputs): Cable length from controller to: Transformer: 3 m (10 ft. screw term. 3. the following restrictions will ensure the specified accuracy (for thermistor inputs. universal inputs.2 TAC Menta RS232. also for appl. 4 Number of actuators: max. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 3 Technical Description a. notation Schneider Electric Buildings AB.) Active sensor/actuator: 20 m (65 ft. Fig.TAC Xenta.pgm download TP/FT-10.1 Terminals TAC Xenta 301 and 302 TAC Xenta 300 has two I/O configurations: TAC Xenta 301 and TAC Xenta 302. analog actuators and the TAC Xenta controller itself are supplied by the same transformer. Digital inputs Term. up to 9600 bits/ s.5: The TAC Xenta 300 controller 3. LONTALK® Communication speed 78 kbits/s Other communication: 3. in compliance with the EN 50082-1 norm. U1–U4) • Four digital (X1–X4).8 kohm at 25 °C (the same as the thermistor inputs) • Voltage input 0–10V • Open/closed contact (the same as the digital inputs) All controller inputs are protected from transients. The universal inputs can be used for three types of signals: • TAC thermistor 1.6: The terminals of the TAC Xenta 301 and 302 Inputs The TAC Xenta 300 controllers have twelve inputs: • Four thermistor inputs (labeled B1–B4) • Four universal (analog or digital.3 Technical Description TAC Xenta. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Digital inputs Thermistor inputs Universal inputs Relay outputs Analog outputs TAC Xenta 301 4 4 4 6 2 TAC Xenta 302 4 4 4 4 4 max 230 V AC max 230 V AC Comm { X4 M X3 X2 M X1 B4 M B3 B2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 M B1 U4 M U3 U2 M U1 C2 C1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 K4 KC2 K3 K2 KC1 K1 K6 KC3 K5 X4 M X3 X2 M X1 B4 M B3 B2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 Y2 M Y1 G0 G M B1 U4 M U3 U2 M U1 C2 C1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 0 24 V AC or ~ 19-40 V DC } Comm { K4 KC2 K3 K2 KC1 K1 Y4 M Y3 Y2 M Y1 G0 G 0 ~ 24 V AC or } 19-40 V DC TAC Xenta 302 TAC Xenta 301 Fig. 3. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . Outputs The TAC Xenta 300 controllers have eight outputs: 22 (74) • Analog — 0–10V DC outputs • Digital — relay potential-free outputs Schneider Electric Buildings AB. The green status diode blinks once per second to indicate that the program is running. At distances greater than 10 m (32 ft. Jack for the RS232/modem Jack for the Operator panel Fig. Also on the front are two LED indicators–one red and one green. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. In addition.8: LED Indicators and Service Pin The red service diode is primarily an error indication. 3. an external power supply should be used. the communications connection has to follow the same rules as for other nodes.7: Location of jacks on the TAC Xenta 280 controller 3. The socket for the operator panel provides it with 24V AC or DC.) between the TAC Xenta controller and the OP. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 23 (74) .2 3 Technical Description Jacks The TAC Xenta 300 has two modular jacks–one for the TAC Xenta OP operator panel and one for an RS232 connection with TAC Menta. 3. It also lights up if the Service pin is activated. depending on the supply.2.2.3 LED Indicators and Service pin The Service pin can be activated through a small hole on the front. Service pin Red service diode indicates a non-configured node or a hardware fault Green status diode indicates that the program is running Fig. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 3.TAC Xenta. 9 °F) +30 °C to +60 °C (86 °F to 140 °F) ±1 °C (±1. and the TAC Xenta controller itself are supplied by the same transformer. and also for analog outputs): 24 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB.3 Technical Description 3. see the TAC Xenta 300 Programmable Controller datasheet (003-1302).8 °F) +10 °C to +30 °C (50 °F to 86 °F) ±0.2.6 °F) –10 °C to +10 °C (14 °F to 50 °F) ±1 °C (±1. relay outputs to be protected by max.2 °F) Digital outputs (K1–K6 or K1–K4): Control voltage. Real-time clock: Power outage TAC Xenta 301 2 Program cycle time min. the following restrictions will ensure the specified accuracy (for thermistor inputs.5 °C (±0. 10 A fuse Pulse length (TAC Menta DOPU block) ¨ min. universal inputs. 1 s Universal inputs (U1–U4): Quantity 4 –as Thermistor Inputs Supply voltage 0.2 °F) –30 °C to –10 °C (–22 °F to +14 °F) ±2 °C (±3.6V DC Thermistor inputs (B1–B4): A/D-resolutiony 12 bits Accuracy (Measuring range): –50 °C to –30 °C (–58 °F to –22 °F) ±4 °C (±7.8 °F) +60 °C to +120 °C (140 °F to 248 °F) ±2 °C (±3. 0. polarity insensitive): Protocol FTT-10.5 s Analog outputs (Y1–Y2 or Y1–Y4)1 Quantity D/A-resolution 12 bits Network communication (C1–C2.6 °F) +120 °C to +150 °C (248 °F to 302 °F) ±4 °C (±7. analog actuators. LONTALK® Communication speed 78 kbits/s 1 If the active sensor (0–10V). TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Technical Data TAC Xenta 300 Note • For a complete list of updated technical data for the Xenta 300 controller. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .4 TAC Xenta. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 25 (74) . the Schneider Electric Buildings AB. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 3 Technical Description Cable length from controller to: Transformer: 3 m (10 ft. 3.1 Terminals The TAC Xenta 401 controller uses four of the screw terminals–two for power supply and two for network communication.) Number of active sensors: max.) between the TAC Xenta controller and the OP. 3.3. In addition. an external power supply should be used.10: The terminals of the TAC Xenta 401 3.) Active sensor/actuator: 20 m (65 ft.9: The TAC Xenta 401 controller 3. 4 Number of actuators: max. The socket for the operator panel provides it with 24V AC or DC. } } 24 V AC Comm (19-40 V DC) ~ 0 G G0 C1C2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Fig.3.3 The TAC Xenta 401 Controller 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 Fig. depending on the supply.2 Jacks The TAC Xenta 401 has two modular jacks–one for the TAC Xenta OP operator panel and one for an RS232 connection with TAC Menta. 6 3. At distances greater than 10 m (32 ft.TAC Xenta. Also on the front. 3.3. The green status diode blinks once per second to indicate that the program is running. It also lights up if the Service pin is activated. 26 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB.12: LED Indicators and Service Pin The red service diode is primarily an error indication.3 LED Indicators and Service pin The Service pin can be activated through a small hole on the front. there are two LED indicators–one red and one green. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . Service pin Red service diode indicates a non-configured node or a hardware fault Green status diode indicates that the program is running Fig. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 communications connection has to follow the same rules as for other nodes.11: Location of jacks on the TAC Xenta 280 controller 3.3 Technical Description TAC Xenta. Jack for the RS232/modem Jack for the Operator panel Fig. 3. Program cycle time min.4 3 Technical Description Technical Data TAC Xenta 401 Note • For a complete list of updated technical data for the Xenta 280 controller. freely programmable datasheet (003-1629). TAC Xenta 280/300/401 3. polarity insensitive): Protocol FTT-10. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 27 (74) . 1 s Network communication (C1–C2.3. LONTALK® Communication speed 78 kbits/s Schneider Electric Buildings AB. see the TAC Xenta 400 Controller.TAC Xenta. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .3 Technical Description 28 (74) TAC Xenta. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Schneider Electric Buildings AB. Fig. Fig. 4. 4. The enclosure primarily consists of a terminal part containing screw terminals.TAC Xenta. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 29 (74) . with different enclosure ratings. The controller can also be mounted directly on a wall.1 Mounting the Controller 4 Installation The TAC Xenta 280/300/401 controller is designed to be mounted on a DIN rail inside a cabinet.2: The TAC Xenta 280/300 controller and the TAC Xenta OP operator panel mounted on a DIN rail Schneider Electric Buildings AB. are available for wall mounting. A wide range of standard enclosures meeting DIN 43 880.1: The terminal part (left) and the electronics part (right) of the TAC Xenta 401 The operator panel can be mounted in the front of the cabinet or on top of a TAC Xenta controller. or it can be held in the hand. and an electronics part where the printed circuit boards are situated. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 4 Installation 4. The enclosure is designed in such a way that the entire electrical installation can be connected to the screw terminals of the terminal part when mounted on a DIN rail or on a wall. in principle entailing permanent connection to a 230V AC mains supply. All equipment connected to the controller has to comply with the following standards: • 30 (74) EN 60 742 (or other relevant safety standard. 1010. 4.16) 45 (1.2 No.1 General Considerations The installation is normally treated as a CAT III category (IEC 664).05) 148 – 2.78 + 0.89–0.54) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 110 (4.4 (3.3: Mounting distances for TAC Xenta 280/300 90 (3.33) 48 – 0.4 Installation TAC Xenta.0 (0.4 (6.4: Mounting distances for TAC Xenta 401 4.02) to 174 + 0.5 (1.1 (0. this is only applicable to the relay outputs.08) 90 + 0.4 (3. for example ETL listing UL 3111-1.89–0. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .85 + 0.76 –0.4 (3.63) 77.09) 110 (4.40) 20 77.0 (0.83 – 0.16) 45 (1.33) 48 – 0. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 180 (7.54 + 0.2 Electrical Installation 4. For the TAC Xenta 280/300 and the I/O modules.05) 70 –2.4 (7.0 (5.4 (3.0 (2.08) 180 + 0.5 (1. 4.77) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10.02) to the next TAC Xenta 400/500/900 the next TAC Xenta 280/300/3000 Fig.09 + 0.77) 16.02) 4.02) 4.02) to 96 + 0.1- Schneider Electric Buildings AB. first version and CAN/CSA C22.2.1 (0.02) to the next TAC Xenta 280/300/3000 the next TAC Xenta 400/500/900 Fig. • For the TAC Xenta 401. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 31 (74) . then low-voltage equipment connected to the other relay terminals on the controller must provide at least basic insulation on all touchable parts. G0 and C1. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 4 Installation 92) for the device(s) that provide an ELV-type power supply (normally 24V AC) to the controller and other connected equipment. 300. modems. • Connect the cables to the correct terminals (see figure below). Caution • We strongly recommend that switches be installed to make it possible to separate the external equipment when the relay output terminals control equipment using the 230V mains. } } 24 V AC Comm (19-40 V DC) ~ 0 G G0 C1C2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fig.TAC Xenta.5: Terminals for power supply and network communication Remaining terminals (TAC Xenta 280 and 300) For information on the remaining terminal connection. Terminals G. • EN 61 010 or IEC 950 (or other relevant safety standard) for computers. 4. put the electronics part of the controller on to the terminal part (the remaining terminals are not used). see the datasheets: • TAC Xenta 280 Programmable Controller (003-2248) • TAC Xenta 300 Programmable Controller (003-1302) Note • Do not use the unlabeled terminals! Schneider Electric Buildings AB. or 401 on a DIN rail. C2 • Mount the terminal part of the TAC Xenta 280. If equipment using 230 V mains is connected to one of the relay output terminals on the controller. and other equipment supplied by 230V mains. that is. jumpers cannot be used for the G0 terminals. a discontinuity in the ground rail cannot be allowed to split a controller or separate it from the connected units. as shown in the figure below. Please refer to the figure on the next page. In other words.2.5 mm2 (14 AWG). max 2 m (6.2 TAC Xenta. but every unit with measuring inputs and/or analog outputs has to have all its ground connections with the same ground rail.4 Installation 4. jumpers may be used between M (measurement neutral) terminal pairs. 300 or 400 I/O module(s) G G0 U1 M U2 Y1 M Y2 B1 M B2 M U3 Insulated signal ground rail 230 VAC N G1 G G0 R =500 Ω R G G0 Cabinet ground rail Cabinet terminals G G0 M S G G0 M S G G0 M X G G0 MX X1 1 2 1 2 1 2 Fig. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Cabinet Connections When cabinet mounting is used. All G0 points have to be connected to protective ground. each TAC Xenta unit has to its own connection with the ground rail. 32 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB.6: Skeleton diagram for cabinet connections When connecting G0 to ground. 4. min 1. Several units may share the same ground rail.5 ft) PU TAC Xenta 280. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . June 2011 04-00067-02-en 33 (74) . B2: v 3.0 or later).TAC Xenta. max 2 m (6. 4.5 ft) G G0 TAC Xenta 282 or 300 C2 C1 M B1 B2 X1 M K1 KC1 Insulated signal ground rail 230 VAC N G G0 Cabinet ground rail Cabinet terminals ZS 101-105 3 0 (24 V AC) 2 470 Ω 1 10 kΩ F0 F1 F2 F3 G0 G C2 C1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fig. the following terminals can be used (term.7: Connections between insulated signal ground rails and the cabinet ground rail When a Wall Module (ZS101–105) is connected to the TAC Xenta 280 or 300.8: Skeleton diagram for the connection of Wall Module ZS 101– 105 to TAC Xenta 282 or 300 Schneider Electric Buildings AB. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 4 Installation min 1. 4.5 mm2 (14 AWG). min 1.5 mm2 (14 AWG) TR TAC Xenta 1 G0 G0 PU TAC Xenta 2 G0 G0 PU G0 Fig. 5 mm² (18–14 AWG) Max. cable length up to 75 °C.) up to 150 °C.4 Installation 4.5 mm² (14 AWG) C1 and C2 (network): The FTT-10 system allows the user to wire the control devices with virtually no topology restrictions.) Terminals U (Universal inputs. cross-sectional area 0. The wires are polarity insensitive.3 TAC Xenta. measurement device powered via their own transformer. cable length 200 m (660 ft. cross-sectional area 1.) Terminals B.75 mm² (18 AWG) G0 to TAC Xenta. cross-sectional area 0. device powered via the same transformer as the base unit): Min. cable length 20 m (65 ft. cross-sectional area 0. cable length 200 m (660 ft. cross-sectional area 0. cable length 200 m (660 ft. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .) up to 75 °C.) Terminals K1–K6 (Relay outputs): Cross-sectional area 0.25 mm² (22 AWG) Max.) Terminals U (Universal inputs. Terminals X (Digital inputs): Min. min. cross-sectional area 1.75 – 1. min.75 mm² (18 AWG) Max. cross-sectional area 0. external or internal): Min. cross-sectional area 0.75 – 1. cross-sectional area 0. cross-sectional area 0.5 mm²75 m (250 ft.) Terminals V1–V6 (TRIAC outputs): Cross-sectional area 34 (74) 0.25 mm² (22 AWG) Max. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Cables G and G0 (Power supply): G. wire distance in one segment depends on the type of wire and the topology. cross-sectional area 1.) Terminals U (Universal inputs as digital inputs): Min.75 mm² (18 AWG) Max.5 mm² (18–14 AWG) Schneider Electric Buildings AB.75 mm²75 m (250 ft.5 mm²150 m (500 ft.25 mm² (22 AWG) Max. Min. U (as thermistor inputs): Min.2. cable length 200 m (660 ft.65 mm² (18 AWG) Note that the max. but they have to be a twisted-pair. the bus polarity has to be observed: Schneider Electric Buildings AB.)three wires EM15LBB0.) Some actuators allow greater cable length.75 mm² (18 AWG) Max.4AWG 0.(20 AWG)80 m(260 ft. cable length 200 m (660 ft. cable length 200 m (660 ft.) Terminals Y (Analog outputs.5 mm².8 If a Loop is used. ext. cable length 20 m (65 ft.5 900 3 450 250 Level IV cable 22AWG 0. for actuator powered via the same transformer as the base unit): Min. for example: EM52 0.)three wires EM420. for actuator powered via their own transformer. cross-sectional area 0.75 mm²(18 AWG)80 m(260 ft.75 mm²(18 AWG)80 m(260 ft.. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 35 (74) . These cable types are: Cable Bus Topology Free Topology AWG Diameter (mm) Length (m) Stub (m) Length (m) Stub (m) Belden 8471 (PVC Jacket) or equivalent 16AWG 1.) TP/FT-10 Free Topology & Bus Topology Segments Five cable types have been validated for the TP/FT-10 channel (for use with the FTT-10A Free Topology Transceiver and LPT-10 Link Power Transceiver).8 900 3 500 320 Type JY (st) Y 2X2X0.75 mm²(18 AWG)80 m(260 ft.25 mm² (22 AWG) Max.65 1400 3 500 400 20. or when the outputs have isolated converters): Min.TAC Xenta.)four wires TAC Forta0. cross-sectional area 0.3 2700 3 500 400 Belden 85102 (PVC Jacket) or equivalent 16AWG 1.3 2700 3 500 500 Category 5 24AWG 0.)four wires Terminals Y (Analog outputs. or int. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 4 Installation Max. Note • If a shielded cable is used in TP/FT-10. with a maximum stub length of 0. remember. the shield shall be connected to link power source that is ground to a 470kW.3 meters. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Fig.5 mm 130 m 0. If circumstances require that more nodes have to be gathered at a certain part.4 Installation TAC Xenta. the maximum bus length of TIA 568A Category 5 cabling is 130 meters. 36 (74) 1 Add more cable between suitable nodes.9: Bus polarity within a loop TP/XF-1250 Bus Topology Segment Two cable types have been validated for the TP/XF-1250 channel (for use with the TPT/XF-1250 Bus Topology Transceiver). that the maximum length of the bus is still 130 m. which says that the number of nodes in an arbitrary 16-meter section of the cable cannot exceed eight. A restriction for TP/XF-1250 is the 8-in-16 rule. There are topology restrictions associated with the use of this channel .3 m Level IV Cable 22AWG 0. this can be done in two ways. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .echelon.com.65 mm 130 m 0. 4. metal film resistor to prevent static charge buildup. 2 Split the channel in two by inserting a router in such a way that the rule is observed for each part.refer to www. though. 1/4Watt. while still observing the rule.3 m For the TP/FX-1250 Channel operating in a bus topology. A gas discharge tube can be connected in parallel with the resistor for lightning protection. These cable types are: Cable Type AWG Diameter Bus TIA 568A Category 5 Cable 24AWG 0. > 10%. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 280/300/401 4 Installation If a shielded communication cable is used, the shield can only be grounded at one point. Redundant wires (second pair of Siemens J-Y(st)Y) are cut at the end of the shield. 470 kΩ ¼W C1 C2 C1 C2 TAC Xenta 1 TAC Xenta 1 C1 C2 C1 C2 TAC Xenta 2 TAC Xenta 2 Fig. 4.10: Connecting the communication cable Schneider Electric Buildings AB, June 2011 04-00067-02-en 37 (74) 4 Installation TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 280/300/401 RS232 Modular jack for RS232 serial comm. portmax. 10 m (32 ft.) D9, female (from inside of adapter) Modular jack, female (from inside of adapter) GND (Red) 5 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 4 9 RxD-TxD (Green) 3 8 TxD-RxD (Yellow) 2 7 1 6 8 ~10 cm (4") TAC Xenta Modular jacks, 8/8 male, emission damper and cable Fig. 4.11: RS232 cable connections and adaptor for PC Caution • The G terminal of the TAC Xenta should never be connected to protective ground. This may cause a short-circuit via a Laptop, where the earth of the RS232 port is directly connected to protective ground in the power supply. TAC Xenta PC RS232 TxD RxD RS232 Transformer GND G G0 Earth current in GND wire 24 V 230 V Transformer 0V Fig. 4.12: Incorrect G, G0 connection, short-circuited via the RS232 connection. 38 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB, June 2011 04-00067-02-en TAC Xenta, TAC Xenta 280/300/401 4 Installation This type of connection has to be avoided. One way to protect the circuits is to use battery power on the laptop if you are uncertain of the connections. TAC Xenta RS232 PC TxD RS232 RxD GND G G0 24 V 230 V 0V Fig. 4.13: Correct G, G0 connection 13 25 12 Modular jack, female (from inside of adapter) 24 11 23 10 22 9 21 DCD 8 20 DTR GND 7 19 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 8 DSR 6 CTS 5 RTS 4 RxD 3 TxD 2 18 17 16 15 14 1 D25 male Fig. 4.14: RS232 connection between the TAC Xenta controller and a modem 4.3 Terminations Each network segment requires a termination for proper data transmission performance. The terminations are connected differently, depend- Schneider Electric Buildings AB, June 2011 04-00067-02-en 39 (74) C2: 100 mF. where a total termination impedance of approximately 53 Ω is required. If there is a router or a repeater. 40 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB. exactly two terminations are required – one at each end of the segment – at the true endpoints.15: Network Terminator for a TP/FT-10 connection Observe polarity shown for C1 and C2. generally on the “downstream” side. one on each end of the segment. Free Topology Segment In a Free Topology segment only one termination is required and can be placed anywhere on the segment. TP/FT-10 The termination is built from the following components. These capacitors are recommended. C1 + C1. for example. 0. it is convenient to put the termination near it. Free topology: one termination with R1 = 52. Terminations are sometimes built into a node in. 007309051. A LonWorks termination device (single/double) is available from Schneider Electric. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . TAC Xenta 280/300/401 ing on the network topology. part no. each with R1 = 105 W.4 Installation TAC Xenta.3 W Doubly terminated bus topology: two terminations. Doubly Terminated Bus Topology Segment In a doubly terminated bus topology. If there is a supervisory PC in the segment equipped with a PCLTA board. a linked power supply. 4. >50 V R1: Resistance: see the text 1%. a termination on the board can be connected for this segment.125 W To Network R1 C2 + Fig. 3 m. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. the total length of all wires of the segment can be up to 2700 m.one at each end .are required.15 μF 10% 102 Ω 1% Fig. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 4 Installation TP/XF-1250 Doubly terminated bus topology.33 μF 10% . under optimal conditions. When a TP/FT-10A channel is used. 340 Ω 1% 59 Ω 1% . With the bus topology two terminations . The termination has a different circuit diagram from that of TP/FT-10. The total length of all wires of the segment. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 41 (74) . Stub length 3 m. 4. under optimal conditions. If a TP/XF1250 channel is used. can be up to 500 m under optimal conditions. connections may be made anywhere on the segment and only one terminator is required. the total length of all wires of the segment can be up to 130 m. Stub length 0.TAC Xenta.16: Network Terminator for a TPT/XF-1250 connection With the free topology. It is. 4.1 TAC Xenta. use the potentiometer on the rear of the operator panel. possible to override this timeout and obtain a permanent display by setting a bit in the SYSREG block. Normally. Terminals 1 and 2 are used for communication and terminals 3 and 4 for 24V AC. A modular jack 4/4 cable is supplied with the OP for this purpose. TAC Xenta controller Socket for connection to operator panel Socket and screw terminals for TAC Xenta controller connection 1 2 3 4 C1 C2 G G0 Fig. Please refer to the TAC Vista IV. 10 m (32 ft. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 The TAC Xenta OP Operator Panel Cable between the controller and the operator panelmax. • Use the screw terminals.) There are two ways to connect the operator panel (see figures below): • Use the modular socket on the front of the TAC Xenta controller and on the back of the operator panel.4 Installation 4.3. 42 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .17: The OP panel To adjust the contrast of the display. there is a logout time once you have logged into the OP. however. located on the back of the operator panel. labeled 1–4. Engineering Applications in TAC Menta manual. ) TAC Xenta Controller G0 G C2 C1 TAC Xenta OP G0 G C2 C1 22 21 2 1 4 3 2 1 Fig.TAC Xenta.20: Terminal connection TAC Xenta 280/300/401 (or the network directly) . TAC Xenta 280/300/401 4 Installation Options for connecting the OP to the Controller Modular jack TAC Xenta OP G0 G C2 C1 4 3 2 1 C1 C2 G G0 4 3 2 1 Fig. local power supply Schneider Electric Buildings AB.TAC Xenta OP. 4.TAC Xenta OP. power supply from controller TAC Xenta Controller G0 G C2 C1 22 21 2 1 230 V / 24 V 0 ~ TAC Xenta OP G0 G C2 C1 4 3 2 1 Fig. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 43 (74) . 4. 4. 10 m (32 ft.19: Terminal connection TAC Xenta 280/300/401 .18: Modular jack for connection of TAC Xenta OP to TAC Xenta 280/300/401 or to a separate jack max. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Schneider Electric Buildings AB. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .4 Installation 44 (74) TAC Xenta. Download application .1 Overview A TAC Xenta 280/300/401 controller is delivered as a freely programmable controller. How this is done is described in the Engineering Applications in TAC Menta manual.1: Commissioning tool (principle of operation) Devices have to be configured in the following situations: • When there are I/O modules (see sections 5. PC TAC Menta: . the application program download may also be done from TAC Vista via the network. the online/simulation mode of TAC Menta can also be used to monitor the input and output status of the TAC Xenta controller. to the RS232 port of the TAC Xenta controller to be loaded.4 of this manual) • When there are several controllers (see section 5. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 45 (74) . Note • Starting from TAC Xenta v 3. 5.3 and 5.5 of this manual) Schneider Electric Buildings AB. A PC that has TAC Menta installed and running is connected. 0-073-0920) RS232 TAC Xenta controller Fig. Parameter tuning can also be done from TAC Menta.TAC Xenta. 007309200). the online/simulation mode in TAC Menta still has to use the RS232 port. using the Programming Serial Kit cable (part no. However.Address allocation . During the customizing process. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 5 Configuring your System 5 Configuring your System 5. A customer-specific application is created using the programming tool TAC Menta.1.Online simulation (Part no. 7 Turn on the power again. using TAC Menta.2: LEDs and service pin in the controller 10 If additional I/O-units are used. Service pin Red service diode indicates a non-configured node or a hardware fault Green status diode indicates that the program is running Neuron ID (on the rear) Fig. 5. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 5. 2 Check that the supply voltage. 5 Repeat step 4 with G as the reference terminal. indicating that the internal program is running.2 A Single TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Controller 5. load the program. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . 6 Turn off the power and mount the electronics part on the terminal part. 24V AC or 19–40V DC. is connected to the proper terminals G and G0. 3 TAC Xenta 280/300: Check that the voltage levels of the input and output terminals are appropriate. according to the method described in the Engineering Applications in TAC Menta manual. perform these checks: 1 Turn on the power. between G0 and the other (labeled) terminals. 4 TAC Xenta 280/300: Check the voltage. After the wires have been connected. both AC and DC. but before the electronics part has been mounted on the terminal part. follow the steps in section 5.2. 8 If previously unloaded. 9 Check that the green status LED on the front starts to blink.5 Configuring your System TAC Xenta.1 Initial Check Caution • TAC Xenta 280/300: It is important that the electronics part has the same input/output configuration as the terminal part. 46 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB. bearing in mind their use and possible preset values.4. The tool is either run on a PC and started from TAC Menta or it is run as a stand-alone tool. This is done using a separate Device Configuration programming tool.Subnet no. 1 . 20 Fig.2 5 Configuring your System OP Panel Activities 1 Connect the TAC Xenta OP to the TAC Xenta unit. each TAC Xenta unit has to be assigned a network address (a subnet/node address and a device name).2 Device Configuration Before it can start to communicate.TAC Xenta.Node no.3: Device Configuration parameters (example) Schneider Electric Buildings AB.1. 2 TAC Xenta 280/300: Select the Temp & Status menu (or equivalent) to check that all inputs have appropriate values. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 5. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 47 (74) . Device Configuration tool PC RS232 TAC Xenta Device name: CU_1 TAC Xenta Device name: CU_2 TAC Xenta controller Network address: . If two or more units have the same Device name. This is also done using the Device Configuration tool.2.1 Initial Check Perform the steps described in section 5.3. 5. The use of network addresses is explained in the TAC Vista IV. Engineering Classic/LNS Networks manuals. they have to be given unique names. The procedure is fully explained in the Engineering Applications in TAC Menta manual.2. The figure below indicates some of the parameters that are involved. 5. 10 Network address: .3 Two or more TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Units 5. 1 .Node no. 5.Subnet no.3. 5 Configuring your System 5. 3 From this list. 2 The first available Xenta controller will send a list of all the groups in the network.3 TAC Xenta. an operator panel can be served by any TAC Xenta controller in the network. the TAC Xenta controllers of the group will be shown on the operator panel. 6 Now select another controller from the top menu and repeat steps 5-6. As all TAC Xenta controllers know which other TAC Xenta controllers are present in the network. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 OP Panel Activities When an operator panel is connected to a network that includes a number of TAC Xenta controllers.4. as many times as required. the desired TAC Xenta controller will be chosen by the user. These will be shown on the OP and when one of them has been selected.1 Selecting I/O Modules There are two types of I/O modules: • Configured (older. for Base units of version 3.2 or higher) Note • 48 (74) The TAC Xenta 280 does not use extra I/O modules. 4 The selected TAC Xenta controller will then supply the operator panel with the menu on the highest level in the program. 5. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .3. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. 5 TAC Xenta 280/300: Select the Temp & Status menu (or equivalent) to check that all inputs have reasonable values.4 Additional I/O Units 5. and the controller that first acted as a server will be released from its duties. the following will happen: 1 The operator panel (OP) will send a request to the network for any TAC Xenta controller that is not occupied to start acting as a server and send texts to the operator panel. for older versions of the Base unit) • Unconfigured (newer. is connected to the proper terminals (G and G0).TAC Xenta. = hardware fault Neuron ID (on the side) Comm. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. 1 Turn on the power. The tool is either run on a PC and started from TAC Menta or it is run as a stand-alone tool. 5 Repeat steps 1-4 with G as the reference terminal. but before the electronics part has been mounted on the terminal part. 5. it has to be linked to that controller by using the Device Configuration programming tool. green flashing light: • once every other sec: communication with Base unit • faster: the unit is off-line Fig. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 49 (74) . bearing in mind their use and possible preset values.3 I/O Module Configuration An I/O module always belongs to a specific TAC Xenta controller. 24V AC or 19–40V DC. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 5. 7 Turn on the power again. between G0 and all the other terminals.4. • The green communication status LED on the front starts flashing rapidly (about 2-3 Hz). Perform these checks after the wires have been connected to the I/O modules. 8 Check the LEDs for the following: • The red service LED on the front will now blink once. 6 Turn off the power and mount the electronics part on the terminal part.4. 3 Check that the voltage levels of the input and output terminals are appropriate. status LED. 2 Check that the supply voltage.4: LEDs and service pin of the I/O modules 5. Service pin Service LED: red ind. Before the module can be utilized. indicating that the unit is offline.2 5 Configuring your System Initial Check Note • It is important that the electronics part has the same input/output configuration as the terminal part. 4 Check the voltage. both AC and DC. with regards to standalone. 50 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB. the date and time can be set in all units with one command from TAC Vista. from the Master. In both cases.5: I/O module configuration parameters (example) About 45 seconds after the configuration procedure has completed. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .: 1 Module type: 421 Network address: . TAC Xenta 280/300/401 The procedure is described in the manual Engineering Applications in TAC Menta. In some versions of TAC Xenta OP. PC Device Configuration tool RS232 TAC Xenta Network address: . Date and time can also be set from the TAC Xenta OP. Engineering Classic/LNS Networks manuals. refer to the TAC Xenta OP Handbook. This will indicate that the unit is communicating with the application in the Base unit. If the controllers are connected to a supervisory system like TAC Vista.5 Configuring your System TAC Xenta. The use of network addresses is described in the TAC Vista IV. The figure below indicates some of the parameters that are involved.Node no. 1 .Subnet no. Please refer to the Engineering Applications in TAC Menta manual for further details. 5. 1 . This will ensure that even if some units are offline when the time data is sent. 10 I/O Module no. if the operator has logged on at the appropriate access level (usually the medium level).Subnet no.Subnet no. This is described in chapter 6 (‘IO Module Config’) of this manual.Node no. 1 .5 Setting the Date and Time Set the current date and time from TAC Menta during commissioning (Online mode). Please note that this menu can only be reached from the Service access level. the green LED should start to blink at a rate of about once every other second. the date and time are sent periodically.: 2 Module type: 411 Network address: . they will eventually be updated with the values from the central system or. The setting affects only the controller that is connected to TAC Menta. 14 Fig. For details.Node no. 13 I/O Module no. A TAC Xenta Master unit broadcasts its clock time once every 24 hours. 5. these items can also be set from the Service menu. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 5 Configuring your System TAC Vista sends the time in GMT format. Modular jack (seen from the underside.7 2 Turn off power to the controller.7. 4 Turn on power to the controller.6 Clearing the Xenta Application If a Xenta 280/300/401 application has crashed and refuses to accept a new download.61 or higher). 1 Manufacture a jack with the following pins short-circuited. both from Vista and Menta.6: A “Clear application” device 5. 3 Put the jack in the RS232 port. The time value is transformed in each separate TAC Xenta to the valid time zone and the current standard or daylight saving time. 5. To be able to do this you have to enable the function by adding a PVI block in the Menta application in the Xenta and enable the function in the Xenta OP.TAC Xenta. Schneider Electric Buildings AB.1 Creating the PVI-block in the Xenta 1 Create a Public PVI-block with the name XENTASYSREG and set this block’s initial value to 8. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 51 (74) . Lock a Xenta OP to a specific TAC Xenta Controller You can lock a Xenta OP to a specific TAC Xenta 280/300/401 controller. a forced Clear Application will be made. with the fastening flap) 1 3 2 DCD 5 4 DTR 7 6 8 2 DCD 3 DTR 7 CTS CTS Fig. 5. 5 Remove the jack. there is a way to clear the application (Xenta version 3. 5. • It will still be possible to access the TAC Xenta controller from another TAC Xenta OP in the network if the TAC Xenta OP is of a version prior to 3. in the OP panel’s new menu. each one connected to a specific Xenta Controller. The TAC Xenta controller subnet and node addresses can easily be found in TAC Vista Workstation. select “properties” for the TAC Xenta controller and the subnet / node will be displayed. 4 Enter this sub-command. However doing this.70 or if the lock-function is not enabled in the TAC Xenta OP. 5. the node number and press enter the TAC Xenta OP will restart and seek for the selected TAC Xenta controller. you will only here also “see the local Xenta controller”. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Fig. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .7. 5. 2 Press and hold the “escape” and “enter” buttons for a few seconds. the specific TAC Xenta controller’s subnet and node you want this OP to be “locked” to.5 Configuring your System TAC Xenta. In this case you will be able to exit this TAC Xenta controller again by pressing “escape”.2 Enabling the function in TAC Xenta OP 1 Open the TAC Xenta OP local service menu. you have to create this special PVI block in every one of these Xenta Controller’s Menta code. Note 52 (74) • When you select. 3 Enter the bottom command: “11 OP connects to”. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. While in the locked TAC Xenta OP you will not be able to exit from the TAC Xenta controller it is locked to. and then type in. using “+” or “-“.7: XENTASYSREG With the initial value to 8 If you have multiple TAC Xenta OP panels in the network. TAC Xenta. Test Dial 7. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 6 The TAC Xenta Service Menu 6 The TAC Xenta Service Menu 6. menus appear on the display. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 53 (74) . LON Address 3. Restart 5. 300. IO Module Config 6. Name 2. Use the password-protected Service menu for system information and actions.1: Connecting TAC Xenta OP (left) to the controllers 300 or 401 (right). Fig. System info Schneider Electric Buildings AB. or 401. The Service menu has the following options (the frame symbolizes the four-line display window of the OP): TAC Service menu 1. Wink 4.1 Accessing the Service Menu When a TAC OP is connected to a TAC Xenta controller 280. 6. 2 Submenus 1-8 Submenu 1: Device Name and Submenu 2 Lon address To get the Name and address of a specific controller: 54 (74) 1 Disconnect the controller from the network. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . The menu will look something like this: ) directly after start- AHU2: West Status Temperature Alarm . . press “Enter” ( up. 3 Select submenu “1. 2 Connect the OP to this unit and select the Service menu. . Please note that this menu is only available from the “Service” access level.6 The TAC Xenta Service Menu TAC Xenta. . LON address”: Schneider Electric Buildings AB. Enter and finally “Home” ( ). Name” or ”2. Password Move the cursor to Password and press Enter to get: Password CODE: Enter code to extend menu Enter the code ”1919” by using + or – . TAC Xenta 280/300/401 To access the Service menu. The bottom line will now include the Service menu option. where the name and address can be checked. The Start-up menu reappears. Status Password Service menu 6. TAC Xenta. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 55 (74) . appl. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. When you press the Home key ( ). and certain OPT values. LED stays ON for 3 seconds. except for saved PV Block values. Restart Values): 1:Warm Most values according to the ones already present in RAM. Select submenu “3. Submenu 5: IO module Config. as well as instructions for “Initial checks” on the newly connected units. it may be necessary to know which physical unit corresponds to a certain node address. 3:Orig. Public parameters. Restart”: Restart type: 0:No restart 1:Warm 2:Cold 3:Orig. Configuring I/O modules via the OP Chapter 5 contains information about configured and unconfigured I/O modules. Submenu 4: Restart There are different types of restarts. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 6 The TAC Xenta Service Menu Name LON address Subnet: 1 Node : 10 • Reconnect the unit to the network. These are selected from submenu “4. Resets all values to the original. Submenu 3: Wink node In some cases. _ Upon restarting. • Repeat steps 1–4. downloaded application. 2:Cold Most values are reset to the original. parameters and values will be retrieved as follows (also refer to Appendix 1. downloaded application. as many times as required. appl. the green status diode of the selected Base unit will light up for about three seconds. Wink”: Wink node While pressing HOME. To do this. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . 6 About 45 seconds after configuration has finished. the green LED will start blinking slowly. The figure below indicates the parameters that are involved. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 An I/O module always belongs to a specific TAC Xenta controller (the Base unit). 1 .: 13 Valid Service Pin: 0 56 (74) 4 Press the service pin on the corresponding unit (see diagram below). showing that the unit is communicating with the Base unit. this is the number that should be used. it has to be linked to that controller.: 2 Module type: 411 Network address: .Node no.Subnet no.Subnet no. 5 Press Enter to confirm the configuration within 20 seconds or so. 3 Select submenu “5. 10 Module no.6 The TAC Xenta Service Menu TAC Xenta. go to menu “5. 7 Repeat steps 3–6 if there is a second I/O module. 14 Fig. Valid Service Pin: 0 should change to 1. 1 . LonTalk protocol I/O TAC Xenta Network address: . 8 Repeat steps 2-7 for all the listed controllers with I/O modules. 6. Following this. 2 Select the TAC Xenta to configure.Node no.: 1 Module type: 421 Network address: . The I/O modules will automatically get the same Subnet number as the base unit. IO Module Config”.Node no. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. Normally.Subnet no. select the list of controllers on the network. 13 I/O Module no. Before an I/O module can be utilized. 1 . IO Module Config” and enter the address value: IO Module Config Module No: 1 Node Addr.2: I/O module configuration parameters (example) 1 On the operator panel. 4: Activating the service pin of the controller or the I/O module Service pin Neuron ID (on the side) Comm. green flashing light: • once every other sec: communication with Base unit • faster: the unit is off-line Fig. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. Engineering Classic/LNS Networks manuals. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 57 (74) . 6.TAC Xenta.1 Submenu 6: Test dial This function is used in dial-up systems (not applicable to the TAC Xenta 280) and is explained in the TAC Vista IV. 6.5: LEDs and service pin of the TAC Xenta 400 I/O modules 6. the red service diode will flash momentarily.3: LEDs and service pin of the controller (Base unit) Please note the angle of the screwdriver being used to activate the service pin! Upon activation. status LED.2. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 6 The TAC Xenta Service Menu Service pin Red service diode indicates a non-configured node or a hardware fault Green status diode indicates that a program is running Neuron ID (on the rear) Fig. 6. Fig. NO_LOGIN_REPLY 11 LOGIN_FAIL 12 LOGIN_OK 13 58 (74) (upper integer value) shows the progress of the dial-up sequence. but no reply from TAC Vista. Test dial” and the following menu will appear: Test dial Dial 0 Status 08 0000 0000 0010 0100 10 On Dial use: • The value 0 for the normal telephone number or toggle to • The value 1 for the alternative telephone number 11 Press Enter to initiate a dial-up between the controller and a supervisory system. NO_ANSWER 05 No one picked up the phone at the other end. NO_CARRIER 06 There was no modem at the other end which could answer. Our password (and/or network ID) was not accepted by TAC Vista. No normal dial tone. Connection established! Schneider Electric Buildings AB. We are either in the process of sending the dial string to the modem or waiting for the response. CONNECT 10 We are connected to the remote modem. Attempting to log in.6 The TAC Xenta Service Menu TAC Xenta. (Dynamic) Status Code IDLE 00 LINE_BLOCKED 01 NO_DIAL_STRING 02 SENDING_DIAL_STR. so no dial attempt was made. The line was busy. No dial string was defined. 03 BUSY 04 Meaning This is the state before any attempts to dial have been made. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . TIMEOUT 09 The modem did not reply to the dial string at all. The line was blocked. ERROR 07 NO_DIAL_TONE 08 Something was wrong with the dial string. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 9 Select “6. The two Status lines will display codes containing information about the procedure as described below. ---- Phone number defined is set when TAC Vista has defined a modem dial string. Meaning ---. the init string contained an illegal command. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 59 (74) . and an OK reply was received.---.1--.1--- Init string defined is set when TAC Vista has defined a modem initialization string.-1-- Reset OK is set when AT OK is not set and TAC Xenta has sent an AT&F sequence ordering the modem to reset to the factory defaults. ---. Possible reasons for not receiving Reset OK: RX line not connected in the cable or the modem is configured to not respond to modem commands. Possible reasons for not receiving Init OK: the init string contained a command that has turned replies off.---- Ready. Submenu 7: System info and Submenu 8: Boot info To obtain information about the controller program version.---. System info”.---.---.---. ---.-1-. Possible reasons for not receiving AT OK: modem configured to not respond to modem commands.---.---1 ---- Init OK is set when the Init string defined is set and TAC Xenta has sent the init string and received an OK reply.TAC Xenta. ---. DSR line not connected in the cable.---- No contact.---. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 (Static) Status Code 6 The TAC Xenta Service Menu (lower 16-bit string) pertains to the modem and communication environment.--1- AT OK is set when TAC Xenta has sent an AT command to the modem and received an OK reply. ---.---.---.50 By: TAC 302NP (Neuron ID: 12 chars) Schneider Electric Buildings AB. select submenu “7.---. Possible reasons for DSR being low: modem not connected. ---. that is.---. the availability of the modem and other communication issues. ---.---1 DSR is set when TAC Xenta detects that the modem is driving the Data Set Ready line. modem not powered on. Date: 2002-02-11 Ver: X300 3. ---.---.--1. select submenu “8. Boot info”.52-01 By: TAC 60 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB. Date: 2002-02-11 Ver: X400 B 3. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 To obtain information about the Boot program. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .6 The TAC Xenta Service Menu TAC Xenta. APPENDIX A Appendix A Restart Values B Appendix B Restart Sequences . . current values. dial-up interval. The Flash memory is also the location of the original application and the trend log definition values. log interval. • Internal status and output values of Function Blocks (may affect the control of actuators. nonvolatile storage memory Certain items which are used in RAM are also saved in the Flash memory when the value is changed. from the value saved in Flash memory. taking a long time to settle) • Time parameters (local time zone. the system has to have usable start values in the working areas of RAM. the contents will be lost after 72 hours without power 2 Flash program memory.TAC Xenta. or other equipment) • PV Blocks. so that they will not be lost during lengthy power outages. for example. storage area) • Trend log data (stored values) • Optimization parameters (automatically adjusted values. it is important to know which start values will apply. fans. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 63 (74) . Below are some examples of the value as taken from RAM. or from the original application value (also in Flash memory). TAC Xenta 280/300/401 A A Appendix A Restart Values Appendix A Restart Values There are two kinds of memory in the controller: 1 RAMworking memory. and initialization commands) During a restart. current Daylight Saving Time status) • Modem parameters (such as phone numbers. These are the values specified in the most recent application downloaded from TAC Menta. The start values used will depend on: Schneider Electric Buildings AB. the set values (it may be important not to lose the newly adjusted set values) • Public parameters (values which affect other nodes of the plant) • Trend log definition (log channels. During a restart. whether caused by a power outage or by operator demand. based on the stored values in the Flash memory. • Cold start (operator request or due to power outage >72 h. this means that as soon as a value has changed. this gives us: • Warm start (operator request or due to power outage <72 h. with regards to the PV Blocks. RAM not intact) Almost all values (for example all Function Block internal state values) are retrieved from the original application values resident in the Flash memory. among them are the trend log definitions and data. Value Backup indication Stored in Status and output values of Function Blocks x (default) RAM PV Blocks x (default) Flash Public parameters (always) Flash Trend log definition (always) Flash Trend log data (always) RAM Certain OPT values (always) Flash Time parameters (always) Flash Modem parameters (always) Flash Applied to the three types of restart. while the trend log values are being cleared. The table below shows the principal storage locations. • Whether or not the content of RAM is still valid (<72 h after a power outage) and • Whether or not the Backup boxes for the Function and PV Blocks in TAC Menta have been checked If the Backup box has been checked. if Backup was not checked.A Appendix A Restart Values TAC Xenta. An event is added to the trend log data. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 • which type of restart has been ordered. Exception: Function Block internal state values. during a Cold start as well. The trend log definitions are re-stored in the RAM. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . 64 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB. in which case the original values will be used instead. RAM intact) Almost all values are the current ones. stating that a Warm start has occurred. The Public parameters (which do not use RAM at all) and certain calculated OPT values are always saved in the Flash memory. kept in RAM. the system will save it and use it as a start value during a Warm start and. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 65 (74) .Curve points . there is always the LonMark ”Plant Controller” application shipped from the factory. Value Backup indication Warm start (<72h) a Restart type: Cold start Original appl. as the ‘Current value’ in the memory may have been changed. After a power outage > (more than) 72 hours.Certain OPT values .TAC Xenta. (always) Current value Current value Original value Trend log data (always) Current value Cleared Original value Certain OPT valuesc (always) Current value Current value Original value Time parameters (always) Current value Default value Current value Modem parameters (always) Current value Current value Current value a.0 and later) are erased.) The table below shows the status that the different start values will have during different types of restart. All SNVT bindings (version 3. a Warm start cannot be used.Holiday compensation Schneider Electric Buildings AB. Applies to the following OPT block values: . c. b.Modem parameters • Original application All start values are retrieved from the original application values resident in the Flash memory. “Original application” means the most recent application that has been downloaded from TAC Menta. Original value are the values from the most recent application downloaded from TAC Menta.Trend log definitions . if Backup was checked: .Public constants . (If no application has been loaded. FB internal state values x – Current value Original value 2 Original valueb Current value Original value b Current value PV Block x – Current value Original value Current value Original value Original value Original value Public parameters (always) Current value Current value Original value Trend log def. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 A Appendix A Restart Values Exceptions: The most recently stored PV Block values. June 2011 04-00067-02-en .A Appendix A Restart Values 66 (74) TAC Xenta. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Schneider Electric Buildings AB. All Analog Outputs are set to 0. • Xenta Base Unit 1. All Digital Outputs are set to 0. B.60 s Appl. • Base Unit 2.30 s Base Unit 1: Outputs Delay 15 s Application B Application A In. • The I/O module Outputs that will change to Initial Values. • The Outputs of Base Unit 1.TAC Xenta.. "Download B" Waiting for external unit to Restart Appl. June 2011 04-00067-02-en 67 (74) .dependant) ≤ 60 s Subscribing to Base Unit 1 (B) (Dep. which initiates the Downloading of a new application. etc TAC Menta: 5 . to Base Unit 1. code download Code gen. which subscribes to a value in Base Unit 1 and also temporarily loses contact with that unit. software Reset (Restart) 1 . as the module temporarily loses contact with its Base Unit.val Appl. A Initial values Subscribing to Base Unit 1 (A) Base Unit 2: ≤ 60 s (Appl. B Running Application A Base Unit 1: Appl. first of Appl A then of Appl B. Schneider Electric Buildings AB. which will be reset for 1–30 seconds after the Restart of Base Unit 1. on selected Period) *All Universal Inputs are defined as Digital Inputs. whose application A is disrupted and then replaced by the new application. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 B B Appendix B Restart Sequences Appendix B Restart Sequences The figure shows the Download sequence for: • TAC Menta.val 0* I/O module: Outputs Application A Application B ≤ 40 s In. B. • The Outputs of Base Unit 1. if these are not set. as the module temporarily loses contact with its Base Unit. All Digital Outputs are set to 0. software Base Unit 1: Outputs Delay Reset Override values. or. on selected Period) * All Universal Inputs are defined as Digital Inputs. • Base Unit 2. A Override values (or Initial values) Subscribing to Base Unit 1 (A) Base Unit 2: ≤ 60 s (Appl. if these are not set. after a restart and delay.val Application A Application A No Back-up flag: In. All Analog Outputs are set to 0. A Running Application A Base Unit 1: Appl. or else: Back-up flag: Prev. to different values depending on the status of the backup flags in TAC Menta. starts running again. whose application A goes down and. 68 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB. • The I/O module Outputs that will change to the Forced values (or.val 0 I/O module: Outputs 15 s 0* Application A Application A ≤ 40 s Appl. Power level Base Unit 1: Appl. which subscribes to a value in Base Unit 1 and also temporarily loses contact with that unit. the Initial values of the application).dependant) ≤ 60 s Subscribing to Base Unit 1 (A) (Dep. which go down during the power outage and whose values during the restart will be set to the Override values. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 TAC Xenta 280 and 300 The figure shows the Power outage (less than 72 h) sequence for: • Xenta Base Unit 1.B Appendix B Restart Sequences TAC Xenta. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . whose application A is disrupted and then replaced by the new application. • Xenta Base Unit 1. B. • The I/O module Outputs that will change to Initial Values. as the module temporarily loses contact with its Base Unit. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 B Appendix B Restart Sequences TAC Xenta 401 The figure shows the Download sequence for: • TAC Menta.val Appl.TAC Xenta.60 s Appl. A Initial values Subscribing to Base Unit 1 (A) Base Unit 2: ≤ 60 s (Appl. to Base Unit 1. software Reset (Restart) 1 . "Download B" Appl.30 s I/O module: Outputs Application A Delay 15 s Application B ≤ 40 s In. on selected Period) Schneider Electric Buildings AB. etc TAC Menta: Waiting for external unit to Restart 5 . June 2011 04-00067-02-en 69 (74) . code download Code gen.. first of Appl A then of Appl B.dependant) ≤ 60 s Subscribing to Base Unit 1 (B) (Dep. which initiates the Downloading of a new application. B. B Running Application A Base Unit 1: Appl. which subscribes to a value in Base Unit 1 and also temporarily loses contact with that unit. • Base Unit 2. Power level Base Unit 1: Appl. A Override values (or Initial values) Subscribing to Base Unit 1 (A) Base Unit 2: 15 s ≤ 60 s (Appl. which subscribes to a value in Base Unit 1 and also temporarily loses contact with that unit. • Base Unit 2. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 TAC Xenta 401 The figure shows the Power outage (less than 72 h) sequence for: • Xenta Base Unit 1. to the Initial values of the application). A Running Application A Base Unit 1: Appl. whose application A goes down and. • The I/O module Outputs that will change to Forced values (or. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . after a restart and delay. software I/O module: Outputs Delay Reset Application A Application A ≤ 40 s Appl.dependant) ≤ 60 s Subscribing to Base Unit 1 (A) (Dep. on selected Period) 70 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB.B Appendix B Restart Sequences TAC Xenta. starts running again. if there are none. as the module temporarily loses contact with its Base Unit. 23 log-out time 42 Lon address 54 LonTalk® 15 LonWorks® 15 M M terminal 32 Master unit 50 modem 16 Modular jack 38 modular jack 18 modular jacks 23. 25 N Name (Device ~) 54 network address 47 Network Variables 15 node 47 O Operator Panel 42 operator panel 48 Orig. June 2011 04-00067-02-en L LED Indicators 19. appl. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Index Index ground rail 32 groups 48 Numerics I 8-in-16 rule 36 I/O expansion modules 13 I/O module 49 IEC-listing 31 Indicators 26 installation 29 IO module Config 55 A additional I/O units 48 application crash 51 B Backup box 64 Boot info 59 Bus Topology 36 C C1. 55 P P/FT-10 36 PCLTA card 15 protective ground 32 Public signal 16 PV Blocks 63 R RAM memory 63 71 (74) . G0 31 Schneider Electric Buildings AB.TAC Xenta. C2 31 cables 34 clear application 51 Cold start 55 communications 15 configured (I/O module) 48 configuring the system 45 contrast of the display 42 D date and time 50 device name 47 Device Name (OP menu) 54 Dial 58 DIN rail 29 display (OP) 42 Docnet 9 E electronics part 49 EN-standards 30 F Flash memory 63 Free Topology 15 FTT-10 15 G G. 302 22 TAC Xenta 401 25 TAC Xenta 511 16 TAC Xenta 901. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 W wall modules 33 Warm start 55 Wink node 55 Z ZS101–105 33 T TAC Menta 16. 911 16 TAC Xenta OP 13 Technical Data Xenta 280 20 Xenta 300 24 Xenta 401 27 terminal part 49 terminals 18 Terminations 39 Test dial 57 thermistor inputs 18. 26 shielded cable 37 SNVTs 15 Status 58 status diode 19 subnet/node 47 SYSREG block 42 System info 59 TAC Xenta. 22 time 50 TP/FT-10 termination 40 TP/XF-1250 termination 41 U UL-listing 30 unconfigured (I/O module) 48 universal inputs 18. 51 TAC Xenta 280/300/400 family 13 TAC Xenta 280/300/401 46 TAC Xenta 281. 22 V version 3. 282.2 (hw) 48 72 (74) Schneider Electric Buildings AB. 283 17 TAC Xenta 301. 45 TAC Vista 15.Index Restart 55 restart values 63 RS232 38 RS232 port 18 S serial channel 16 service diode 19 Service Menu 53 service pin 19. June 2011 04-00067-02-en . 23. . 04-00067-02-en For more information visit www. trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Schneider Electric Buildings AB All brand names. Information contained within this document is subject to changewithout notice.schneider-electric.Copyright © 2007-2011.com/buildings Last Manual Page . eps 31 Pictures/Default/note.eps 29 Pictures/7.TAC Xenta.eps 30 Pictures/Default/caution.eps 13 Pictures/2.eps 18 Pictures/4.eps 29 Pictures/17.eps 39 Pictures/27.eps 36 Pictures/Default/note.eps 25 Pictures/16.eps 26 Pictures/Default/note.eps 15 Pictures/3.eps 17 Pictures/12.eps 31 Pictures/19.eps 32 Pictures/21.eps 33 Pictures/8.eps 38 Pictures/25.eps 26 Pictures/5.eps 10 Pictures/Default/caution.eps 23 Pictures/Default/note.eps 23 Pictures/5.eps 19 Pictures/Default/note.eps 31 Pictures/20.eps 30 Pictures/18.eps 9 Pictures/Default/warning.eps 40 Schneider Electric Buildings AB.eps 38 Pictures/26.eps 27 Pictures/6.eps 25 Pictures/4.eps 1 Pictures/Default/Logo_SE_Black_A4.eps 19 Pictures/5.eps 38 Pictures/Default/caution.eps 10 Pictures/1. TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Imported Images Pictures/Default/Logo_SE_Green_CMYK_A4.eps 1 Pictures/Default/Vista_SE.eps 10 Pictures/Default/Important.eps 37 Pictures/24.eps 33 Pictures/22.eps 24 Pictures/15.eps 3 Pictures/Default/note.eps 10 Pictures/Default/Tip.eps 36 Pictures/23.eps 22 Pictures/4.eps 10 Pictures/Default/note.eps 10 Pictures/Default/Advanced.eps 39 Pictures/9.eps 20 Pictures/3.eps 21 Pictures/13. 2011-08-23 04-00067-02-en 1 (2) . eps 43 Pictures/30.eps 54 Pictures/32.eps 46 Pictures/42.eps 56 Pictures/34.eps 67 Pictures/38.eps 42 Pictures/28.eps 53 Pictures/32.eps 69 Pictures/40.eps 54 Pictures/32.eps 74 Schneider Electric Buildings AB.eps 70 Pictures/Default/Logo_SE_Green_CMYK_A4.eps 51 Pictures/1.eps 45 Pictures/41.eps 57 Pictures/37.eps 55 Pictures/33.tif @ 150 dpi 52 Pictures/Default/note.eps 57 Pictures/35.eps 49 Pictures/44.eps 43 Pictures/Default/note.eps 45 Pictures/Default/caution.eps 50 Pictures/46.eps 68 Pictures/39.eps 43 Pictures/29.eps 52 Pictures/31.eps 49 Pictures/45.eps 46 Pictures/43.TAC Xenta.eps 41 Pictures/11.eps 48 Pictures/Default/note.eps 57 Pictures/36.eps 47 Pictures/Default/note. 2011-08-23 04-00067-02-en 2 (2) . TAC Xenta 280/300/401 Imported Images Pictures/10.
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