(www.entrance-exam.net)-Syllabus for JELET exam.pdf

April 2, 2018 | Author: kumar vikash | Category: Bending, Pollutant, Air Pollution, Beam (Structure), Matrix (Mathematics)



JEE (LATERAL) Exam SyllabusSYLLABUS FOR THE JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR LATERAL ENTRY TO 2ND YEAR OF THE FOUR YEAR COURSE OF BACHELOR DEGREE IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY. SYLLABUS (A) For Diploma holders in Engineering / Technology : The questions will be set based on the prescribed diploma syllabus of The West Bengal State Council of Technical Education on the following six subjects (1) Engineering Mathematics (2) Electrical Technology (3) Computer Applications (4) Environmental Engineering (5) Engineering Mechanics / Basic Engineering (for Printing ) (6) Strength of Materials / ‘Printers' Materials Science (for printing). (B) For B.Sc, candidates : A separate question paper on Mathematics will be set, based on B.Sc Mathematics pass course syllabus of the University of Calcutta. (C) For Diploma holders in Pharmacy : A separate question paper will be set based on the Diploma Level syllabus in Pharmacy as prescribed by the Pharmacy Council of India. As per the W.B. Joint Entrance Examinations Board Information Brochure - 2012 Visit Website: www.srieedu.org Page 1 Multiplication of a vector by a scalar .Minors and cofactors – Procedures for evaluation Properties of determinants (no deduction) Evaluation of determinant by Ohio's method (4th order) .Problems. Introduction to numerical integration .Formulae for composite trapezoidal and Simpson's 1/3 rule (no deduction)  Related problems Numerical solution of non-linear equations . NUMERICAL METHODS Meaning of interpolation .Related problems.Simple problems Visit Website: www.equations reducible to the exact form .Newton's forward Interpolation formula (no deduction) – Problems.Definition and meaning of partial derivatives (1st order).Ratio formula .Dot and cross product .Leading element .Upper and lower triangular matrix .Identity matrix . Numerical solution of system of linear equation . Homogeneous functions .Formula for Newton-Raphson method (no deduction) .Mode .Order of a matrix .org Page 2 .Complementary function and particular integral - Problems.Gauss-Elimination Method (no deduction) . Statistics . Concept of vector -Addition and subtraction of vectors .Problems PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS Introduction .Median .Order and degree of a differential equation . Measure of central tendency .Principal diagonal.Null matrix - Square matrix .Problems.Definition .Differential equations of 1 order and 1 degree - Separation of variables . Exact differential equations .Problems. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Function of two or more variables .Events Classical and axiomatic definition of probability Addition and multiplication theorem .Symmetric matrix. JEE (LATERAL) Exam Syllabus SYLLABUS FOR ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY BRANCHES ONLY (JELET) ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS (FOR ALL BRANCHES) MATRIX & VECTOR Matrix .srieedu. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS st st Definition . Types of matrices . Determinant of a square matrix .Standard deviation .Random experiment .Equations reducible to the homogeneous form .Mean .Geometrical interpretation - Distributive law -Applications.Frequency distribution.Difference table .Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions (no deduction) .Bernoulli's equations Differential equations of 2nd order with constant co-efficients .Position vector of a point .Sample space . Homogeneous differential equations .Problems.Rectangular resolution of a vector .Problems.problems Linear equations . TRANSFOF5MER. C. DC. transmission and distribution using block diagram of different stages. A. fault finding & earthing concept.Simple problems on all topics. MOTORS FOR INDUSTRIAL USES Simple Electrical Circuit for motor installation. generators & motors (No deduction & problems). colour of light. SERIES CIRCUIT R-L & R-C A. series circuit (no deduction. current & power for sinusoidal sources).Simple problems on all. MOTORS ETC. motors & A. analogy with electrical circuit. motors. uniformity of illumination. m. motors.srieedu. ELECTRICAL ENERGY MEASUREMENT Electrical energy measurement (no mathematical deduction & description of apparatus) . glare. C. illumination level. and reluctance.t. mounting height. JEE (LATERAL) Exam Syllabus ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY (FOR ALL BRANCHES) Kirchoff's law Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws. Basic Principle! of: Storage cell. only the expressions of voltage. peak value. LIGHTING SCHEMES Types of lighting scheme and factors considered for designing lighting schemes i. average value. POWER GENERATION.C.C.org Page 3 . Definitions and units of magnetic flux. using necessary diagram.e. Star-delta transformations . FUNDAMENTALS Concept & significance of R. WATTMETER & MEGGAR Uses & connection diagram of Wattmeter . VOLTAGE STABILISER & UPS SYSTEM Brief idea about the operational principle of voltage stabilizer and UPS system (no description of internal circuit) HOUSE WIRING Simple idea house wiring starting from commencement of supply. power triangle simple problems STORAGE CELL. value. crest factor and form factor of sinusoidal voltage/current . A. spacing between luminaries. A.circuit diagram for single- phase energy-meter connection. using block diagram of different components. MOTOR STARTER Need of motor starter mentioning some names useful for D. Visit Website: www. colour of surrounding walls etc. Transformer.S.C.Equation of instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage/current . TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Brief idea about the power generation.C.Use of Meggar with circuit diagram. simple problems.M. role of fuses / MCB. power factor. MAGNETIC CIRCUIT Concept on magnetic circuit.m. web cam sound card & speaker systems. MAN. Windows Group . secondary memory. Octal & Hexadecimal 2. primary memory.5 Software Operating system.4 Peripherals devices . scanners.4 Web browsing. multi user.1 Brief history of evolution of computers 1. Module 2—INFORMATION REPRSESENTATION 2. plotter.3 Brief introduction to different high-level languages including C 4.C — INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING Module 4 — INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING 4.org Page 4 . and various application software (definitions only). interpreters.SOFTWARE CONCEPTS Module 3—BASIC OF SOFTWARE 3. inputs output system. 3.1 Classification of Software systems-system software and application software. web site hosting (elementary level) Visit Website: www.6 Arrays and user-defined functions Group .LAN.4 Case studies : MS-DOS.5 Branching and loping statements 4.4 Character codes : ASCII.Server architecture (elementary level) 5.1 Basics of Computer Networking .2 Different types of programming languages .2 Conversion of number systems.3 Internetworking concepts of World Wide Web.2 Basic concepts of compilers.A — FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER Module 1 — INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER 1. BCD & Gray codes Group . 3. 1.3 Binary a ithmetic & compliments.4 Basics of C-Language 4.1 Number System : Binary. domain name system emails 5. assembly level and high-level languages (basic concepts only) 4.srieedu. use of search engines. WAN (definitions only) 5.1 Algorithm and flowchart 4.3 Hardware-CPU.D — COMPUTER NETWORKING AND INTERNET Module 5 .3 Operating system .COMPUTER NETWORKING AND INTERNET 5. JEE (LATERAL) Exam Syllabus COMPUTER APPLICATIONS & PROGRAMMING (FOR ALL DISCIPLINES) DETAIL COURSE CONTENT Group . signed and unsigned representation r 2. system software like compilers and device drivers. graphical user interfaces and characters user interfaces. digitals cameras.Single user.Printers. assemblers and device drives 3.machine level.2 Client .2 Various components of computer (brief knowledge) 1.B . 2. dicta phone 1. Control of Gaseous Emission . AUTHORITIES & SYSTEMS Air & Water Pollution Control Acts & Rules (Salient Features only)  Functions of State / Central Pollution Control Boards . Dynamic Separators.ill effects of Noise -Noise Measuring & Control - Permissible Noise Limits ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATIONS.Nitrogen oxide .Chemical Pollutants: Toxic Organic & Inorganic Chemicals - Oxygen demanding substances . Liquid Scrubbing.other forming substances WATER POLLUTION & ITS CONTROL Adverse effects on : Human Health & Environment.Physiological Pollutants: Taste affecting substances . POLLUTING AGENCIES & EFFECT OF SOLUTION Liquid & Solid Wastes . Ground Water Pollution. Cyclones Filtration.org Page 5 .Poor Fertility. Spray Chambers. Packed Towers. Visit Website: www.srieedu.Collection of Participate Pollutants -Analysis of Air Pollutants like: Sulphur dioxide .Carbon monoxide -Oxidants & Ozone .Domestic & industrial Wastes .Toxic: Inorganic & Organic Pollutants . Electrostatic Precipitators.Types of Industrial Noise . Septicity. Thermal Decomposition.Particulate Matter AIR POLLUTION CONTROL MEASURES & EQUIPMENT Control of Particulate Emission . AIR POLLUTION Causes of air pollution . Overview (socio-economic structure & occupational exposures) .Sanitary Land Field: Advantages & Disadvantages .Physical Pollutants: Thermal Waste .Water Pollution Control Equipment & Instruments .Pesticides . Settling Chambers.Soil Deterioration .Indian Standards for Water Pollution Control SOIL & ENVIRONMENT SOIL.Flue Gas Treatment Methods: Stacks Gravitational and Inertia! Separation.Environmental Management System ISO 14000 (Salient Features only). Aquatic life. Plant life — Water Pollution Measurement Techniques .Radioactive waste . Gas/ solid Absorption. BRANCHES) AIR & ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCTION Man & Environment. Concentration of Infecting Agents in Soil SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL Dumping domestic & Industrial Solid Wastes: Advantages & Disadvantages -incineration: Advantages & Disadvantages .Scope of Environmental Engineering .Climatic & Meteorological effect on -air pollution concentration -formation of smog & fumigation ANALYSIS OF AIR POLLUTANTS Collection of Gaseous Air Pollutants .pollution problem due to urbanisation & industrialisation.types & sources of air pollutants .Hydrocarbons . METHODS & APPROACH OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL Controlling smoke nuisance — Develop air quality criteria and practical emission standards — creating zones suitable for industry based on micrometeorology of air area — Introducing artificial methods of removal of particulate and matters of waste before discharging to open atmosphere WATER & ENVIRONMENT WATER SOURCES Origin of waste water — Type of water pollutants and their effects DIFFERENT SOURCES OF WATER POLLUTION Biological Pollution (point & non-point sources) . Orifice and Venturi Scrubbers.Management of Careful & Sanitary Disposal of Solid Wastes NOISE & ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NOISE POLLUTION & CONTROL Noise Pollution: Intensity. Animal life. Duration . JEE (LATERAL) Exam Syllabus ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (FOFI ALL. 1 Concept & definition .Laws of Static friction .Statics & Dynamics .Basic units. nd [** Method of integration should be learnt in Strength of materials on 2 Semester] Finding the centroid of the following areas by any method : (i) uniform triangular lamina.4 Radius of Gyration 7.Vector diagram. Module 3 MOMENTS & COUPLES Definition of moment of a force about a point .Action and Reaction .Scalar Quality -Vector Quality-Addition & Subtraction of Vectors.Physical significance of moment -Moment of a system of parallel and inclined forces . (ii) Perpendicular axis theorem. (iii) circular section.Triangle Law & Polygon Law of forces . 6. 7.definition and unit 7.2 Methods of finding out centroids of simple area by : (i) Geometrical consideration and (ii) Method of Moments.Replacement of a force about a point by an equal like parallel force together with a couple -Properties of couples.Triangle Law & Polygon Law of equilibrium . (ii) Square section . (iv) different cut-out sections as shown in the following figures.Derived Units-SI units-Principles of dimensional homogeneity. Module 4 CONDITION OF EQUILIBRIUM Lami's Theorem . GROUP-B Module 5 FRICTION Definition .Varignon's Theorem -Definition of moment of a couple .Composition and Resolution -Transmissibility of forces .Useful and harmful effects of friction .2 M I of a lamina 7. Module 2 SYSTEM OF FORCES Definition of a force with explanation . (iii) uniform circular lamina.Centre of mass .Physical significance of Couples Equivalent couples -Resultant of any number of coplanar couples .Equilibrium of a body on a rough inclined surface with and without external force Module 6 CENTRE OF GRAVITY 6.org Page 6 .1 Introduction .Conditions of equilibrium of co-planer system of concurrent forces .Angle of friction - Angle of repose . (iv) triangular section 7.Linear representation of force .Parallelogram Law of Forces . (iii) equal and unequal l-sections.3 Finding the centriod of the following sections using the method of moment: (i) T-section. T-sections.Coefficient of friction .6 M I of irregular areas such as l-sections. (ii) uniform rectangular lamina. .Determination of Resultant by Analytical and graphical method with equalitarian space diagram . Visit Website: www.System of co-planar forces . (ii) equal and unequal angle-sections. JEE (LATERAL) Exam Syllabus ENGINEERING MECHANICS (FOR ALL BRANCHES EXCEPT PRINTING) GROUP-A Module 1 INTRODUCTION Concept of Engineering Mechanics .srieedu. (i) rectangular section.5 Finding out M I of the following sections using formula only. and.Conditions of equilibrium of co planar system of non-concurrent parallel forces (like & unlike) - Conditions of equilibrium of co-planar system of non-concurrent non-parallel forces (simple problems excluding statically indeterminant).Centroid 6. Module 7 MOMENT OF INERTIA 7.Related simple problems.3 Theorems of finding out M I by : (i) Parallel axis theorem. S = u.Effort vs. simple screw jack.Relation between linear & angular acceleration - Centripetal and centrifugal force (numerical problems) Module-11 WORK POWER ENERGY 2 Definitions. GROUP-C Module 9 RECTILINEAR MOTION Motion equations (with deduction S = V  t: V = u ± f t.org Page 7 . t ± 1/2 f t : V = U ± 2 f S) 2 2 2 Newton's Second Law of linear motion P . Velocity Ratio and Efficiency with their relationship .Difference between Machine & Lever . load curve -Efficiency vs. velocity ratio & efficiency such as wheel and axle (simple & differential).(Different : types o lifting machine with their mechanical advantage.mf (deduction) -Conservation of momentum of a body -No Numerical problems Module 10 CURVILINEAR MOTION Angular displacement -Angular speed -Angular velocity. Laws of conservation of Energy. JEE (LATERAL) Exam Syllabus Module 8 SIMPLE MACHINES Definition of Machine .Relation between linear & angular velocity . Crab winch (single & double purchase). load curve .Relation between angular speed & angular velocity - Angular acceleration . Weston pulley block.Law of Lifting Machines - Maximum mechanical advantage .Maximum efficiency . worm & worm wheel. Visit Website: www. Potential Energy (mgh).Mechanical Advantage. Units.: Kinetic Energy (1/2 m v ).Frictional Effort Load -Condition of reversibility / irreversibility .srieedu. Change of Kinetic energy-Work done by acting force Simple numerical problems. srieedu. Shear 1.Strain relations: Hooke's law. Young's Modulus. relationships 2. working stress and factor of safety. (ii) Simply supported beams with point loads and UDL. Compressive.1 Definitions of Columns & Struts — Long. bending moment and rate of loading — Sign convention of slope and deflection 4. shear force. (iii) Simply supported overhanging beam with point load Module 3 : BENDING STRESSES IN BEAMS 3.2 Standard formula (no proof.org Page 8 . 1. yield points.1 Definition and Types of beams. importance of knowledge of stress.1 Scope of subjects Use of structure. (b) simply supported beam carrying a point load at mid span. Poission's ratio. moment of resistance.1 Differential equation of elastic curve — Relation among deflection.1 Pure bending of beam: Assumptions. slope.2 Shear force and bending moment in beams: Definitions. examples and applications). Fatigue. Plasticity. 1. Creep Brittleness (definition. GROUP —C Module 4 : DEFLECTION OF BEAMS 4.3 Shear force and bending moment diagrams (with simple problems): (i) Cantilever beams with point loads and Uniformly Distributed Loads (UDL). Ductility. Visit Website: www.2 Stress and strain Tensile. breaking points etc. ultimate stress. Medium & Short columns — Effective Length — Slenderness Ratio — Critical load — Safe load — Different kinds of end conditions — Euler's formula for critical load (no deduction and no problem). GROUP— 8 Module 2 : SHEAR FORCE & BENDING MOMENT 2. deduction of bending equation with usual notations. JEE (LATERAL) Exam Syllabus STRENGTH OF MATERIALS (ALL BRANCHES EXCEPT PRINTING) GROUP —A Module 1 : SIMPLE STRESSES & STRAINS 1. safety and economy. uniformly distributed toad on entire span..2 Problems on bending stress about axis parallel to the plane of bending For rectangular circular & l – section. 2. Module 5 : COLUMNS & STRUTS 5. supports and loads. Modulus of rigidity. Engineering materials: Definitions and examples Mechanical properties of engineering materials: Elasticity. uniformly distributed load en entire span. only simple problems) for maximum slope of deflection of (a) cantilever beam subjected to point load at free end. strain and deformation in structure. proportional limit. sign conventions and inter . section modulus 3. Hardness.4 Stress .3 Stress-strain diagram: Principles of tensile testing m universal testing machine's showing salient points such as elastic limit. Description. Types of belt and types of pulley — Velocity ratio. Elastic Limit — Hook's' Law — Modulus of Elasticity (Young's Modulus) Deformation of a body due to Force acting on it — Simple problems. working principle. MEASURING INSTRUMENTS Types of measuring instruments and their uses. Visit Website: www.org Page 9 . Soldering & Brazing and their uses Different types of rivet and riveted joints. care & maintenance of Vernier Callipers and outside micrometer. Simple problems. Belt & pulley drive Different types belt and pulley drive — Open belt drive and cross belt drive. Types of Stresses: Tensile Stress and Compressive Stress. JEE (LATERAL) Exam Syllabus BASIC ENGINEERING FOR PRINTING (FOR PRINTING TECHNOLOGY ONLY) SIMPLE STRESSES & STRAIN Introduction — Elasticity — Stress and Strain. bolts and their uses Welding. Principle of Superposition — Simple problems on uniform cross-section.srieedu. FASTENING METHOD Different types of fastening method with examples Types of nuts. Definition of different parts of Spur gear. Reading of Vernier callipers and outside micrometer. GEAR DRIVE Types of gear and their uses. MECHANICAL DRIVE Different types of Mechanical drive and their uses only. Simple problems. Velocity ratio of spur gear. gravure.Constituents. Paper .Definition of colloid. stencil removing. JEE (LATERAL) Exam Syllabus PRINTERS' MATERIAL SCIENCE (FOR PRINTING TECHNOLOGY ONLY) Colloids . lattice defects. evaporation. beating. flexographic and screen inks. oxidation quickset. polypropylene. coating. developing. elementary idea of silverless films. direct-indirect and capillary method Surface tension . Fountain solution . diazo and photo-polymer plates. Visit Website: www. tack. drier and additives (wax antioxidant. paper acidify runnability & printability Requirements of letterpress.srieedu. bleaching. lattice structure of silver chloride and silver bromide. amino resin and polyester resin) in printing. thixotropy. indirect. gum Arabic and starch) and synthetic polymers (polyethylene. gravure. finishing) d) silk screen .Definition.gum deep etch plate. chemical reversal. properties of lyophilic and lyophobic colloids. developing. fish glue. flexographic and screen-printing papers Adhesives . polyvinyl acetate. lithographic. uses of gelatine. stability of colloids. egg albumen gelatine. Paper characteristics paper grain. Different types of inks . lacquering. developing. PS. PH and conductivity. stencil removing) direct.quick set. heat set. b) lithography . polyvinyl alcohol. dimensional strength. diffusion transfer plate c) gravure . contact angle.a) letterpress and flexograqny -photopolymeric stereo making. Teflon. etching.Characteristics of class-1. moisture set inks. use of each constituent.(coating. Polymers . IR radiation. phenolic resin.penetration. preparation of the emulsion. requirement of an adhesive pH of ink. coating. dextrin. Printing ink . rheology of paste inks in terms of viscosity. offset.cylinder making (sensitising. definition of gel and emulsion.Uses of natural polymers (casein. Raw materials of ink colourant (pigment and dyestuff). etching. desensitising) (i) negative working plates-albumen plate. gold number. driographic (waterless) plate (ii) positive working plates . application of colloids. gumming. cellulose. paper and adhesives. resin. plate. adhesives used in lamination & book binding. surfactant). Characteristics of letterpress. Chemistry of photography .org Page 10 . water-based inks. Chemicals required for Image carriers . protective action of lyophilic colloids. plasticiser. ink drying . radiation polymerisation (UN and electron beam).(graining.Paper manufacture . oil.sulphate process of chemical pulp preparation. choice of metals for image earners on the basis of contact angle. latent image formation by Gurney- Mott Theory chemistry of photographic development fixing photographic reduction and chemistry intensification. sheet red web fed inks. ink strength. visco-elasticity. hardening.Constituents of a photographic emulsion. role of surface tension in wetting of the non-image areas of a lithographic plate by water and the image areas by ink. length and flow.Differences between liquid ink and paste ink. internal and external sizing. gels and emulsions in printing. PS. 2 & 3 adhesives. polyvinyl chloride. solvent.
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