Wtp Manual

March 26, 2018 | Author: Anonymous nHT1rzjmc | Category: Membrane, Water Purification, Osmosis, Chemistry, Physical Sciences



SUBJECT : PT.MENAMAS BELAWAN UF, RO Pass-1, RO Pass-2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. DATE : 21.07.2009 REV. A / 25.12.2010 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE PROJECT PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN SUPPLIED BY ION EXCHANGE ASIA PACIFIC PTE. LTD., SINGAPORE. SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF, RO1, RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. DATE : 21.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12.2010 INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DESCRIPTION 3. OPERATING PHILOSOPHY 4. OPERATING INSTRUCTION 5. CHEMICAL CONTROL 6. TROUBLE SHOOTING 7. MAINTENANCE 8. SAFETY 2 SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF, RO1, RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. DATE : 21.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12.2010 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 3 A / 25.12.0 INTRODUCTION 1. NUMBER. This manual is basically divided in various sections mainly as: Introduction: This gives a general introduction and basic water treatment fundamentals. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Safety: This gives the safety procedures for the chemical handled in water treatment plant.SUBJECT : PT.10 GENERAL This document is produced as a Training Manual of Water Treatment Package which is a part of the MENAMAS. . Chemical Control: This section basically gives the laboratory analytical procedures for various parameters involved in water treatment.2010 1. DATE : 21. Operating Philosophy: The operating parameters. Erection Instructions: this section describes about the general erection procedures.2009 REV. Description: This gives the description of the total package and also the details of individual equipment used write from the water intake upto production of De-mineralised water which will be used in the power plant. This manual has to be considered as a basis for operation in conjunction with the operating philosophy. the sequential operation of the units and interlocks.07. RO Pass-1. Trouble Shooting: This section gives the trouble shooting of the plant. Maintenance: This gives the general maintenance of the water treatment plant. RO Pass-2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. BELAWAN Power Station. The range of uses of water in Industry is very wide. Magnesium and Sodium while the ANIONS are mainly Chlorides. heating and cooling systems. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Sulphates and Bicarbonates with lower concentrations of Nitrate and Silica. dolomite and other mineral deposits containing them. The water dissolves these salts in flowing over limestone.07. Magnesium and Sodium. bottle washing.1 WATER Water. laundries. The range of minerals contained in most natural waters is quite limited. 5 . NUMBER. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. lakes and surface wells . for laboratory purposes.DEMINERALISING OR DEIONISING becomes necessary.2009 REV:1 DT 25. scale formation is the most immediate hazard but for high pressure boilers.2010 1. dissolved Carbon Dioxide and metals . DATE : 21. Neutral Salts such as Sulphates.12. is available from two sources. Other dissolved impurities such as Silica. Thus for most waters. RO1. Magnesium and sodium.20. Surface supplies . which is required for Industrial or process use.such as from rivers.wells. Where water is to be heated within a process such as in boilers. Chlorides and Nitrates of Calcium.SUBJECT : PT.and underground supplies such as tube . gypsum. analysis of the ions mentioned above will give the TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS. Manganese . Natural water is likely to contain different concentrations of:Alkaline salts such as Bicarbonates and (rarely) Carbonates of Calcium.Iron.and Organic Matter may also be present to a lesser extent. The CATIONS present are normally Calcium.20 FUNDAMENTALS OF WATER TREATMENT: 1. electronic and metal finishing industries any dissolved impurities in the water may contaminate the product and the complete removal of all dissolved ions . Natural water contains dissolved salts.   Removal of colloidal material (non-reactive silica. When pressure is applied to the feed stream. bacteria. RO1. Rejected species are progressively concentrated in the reject stream. Silt etc.000 Molecular Weight Cut Off (0. The combination of the very smooth surface with small pores and the support structure with much larger pores results in filtration of small particles with a low resistance to flow. bacteria. This product stream is the Ultra filtrate. either polysulfone or polyacrylonitrile. These results in a fluid shear condition at the wall on the inside of the fiber. The Ultra filtration membrane is a thin polymeric material. and low molecular weight material.000 to 1. abbreviated MWCO.02 micron). This tangential flow process technique serves to prevent particles from building up on the surface of the membrane and enhances long term productivity of the filter between cleaning cycles.2 ULTRAFILTRATION PROCESS Ultra filtration is a tangential flow. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. particles. viruses and pyrogenic species will be rejected by the membrane. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. it flows tangential to the membrane surface. a portion of the feed stream will pass through the membrane. This is an indicator of the relative size of the globular molecules. viruses. The aqueous phase and material smaller than the membrane’s nominal MWCO will pass through the membrane.000 and 1. The stream to be purified (the feed stream) flows along the surface of the membrane. The difference in pressure between the feed and reject streams will determine the flow of water across the surface of the membrane.) Removal of high molecular weight organic. Ultra filtration is a cross flow or tangential flow process. DATE : 21. with an anisotropic pore structure.2010 1.000. Pore diameters of Ultra filtration membranes are in the range of 1. This means the membrane does not have the same pore structure throughout its matrix.20.07. iron. which a membrane will remove. ionic species. NUMBER. otherwise known as Permeate. aluminium. and pyrogenic species purely based on their Molecular Weight Cut Off from pharmaceutical and industrial process water. Solvents and species having a diameter smaller than the pore size of the membrane will pass through the membrane and emerge as UF Product. In addition.001 to 0.SUBJECT : PT. whereas colloidal matter. Koch Membrane Systems has Ultra filtration membranes with MWCO ranges between 1. The suspended material of the feed stream will be concentrated and exit the process as the reject stream. Turbidity. the product stream will contain water. The pressure difference between the feed stream and the product side of the membrane is directly related to the product flow.2009 REV:1 DT 25. 6 . which will tend to keep the surface of the membrane free of fouling matter. Ultra filtration is a dimensional separation process.12. Generally Ultra filtration membranes are rated on their Molecular Weight Cut-off. Ultra filtration of process water provides: Specific Removal of virtually all-particulate matter. Ultra filtration membranes are reusable and cleanable with standard chemicals. Therefore.000.000. pressure driven filtration process that separates particles on the basis of their molecular size. suspended solids. known as Permeate. In the reverse osmosis process. the chemical potential of this salt solution is reduced. the product water does have some salts. The direction of solvent flow is determined by its chemical potential. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. etc. Application of an external pressure to the salt solution equal to the osmotic pressure will also cause equilibrium. Pure water in contact with both sides of an ideal semi permeable membrane at equal pressure and temperature has no net flow across the membrane because the chemical potential is equal on both sides. NUMBER. This is a solution property independent of the membrane. DATE : 21.3 REVERSE OSMOSIS PROCESS This section describes the process of demineralisation by reverse osmosis (RO) and the main equipment used. temperature and concentration of dissolved solids. 7 . ionic size. Osmotic flow from the pure water side across the membrane to the salt solution side will occur until the equilibrium of chemical potential is restored. The staging of the modules is designed to optimise the water flow patterns across the surface of the membrane. Osmosis and Reverse Osmosis Osmosis is a natural process involving fluid flow across a semi permeable membrane barrier.2009 REV:1 DT 25. The pressure tubes are generally arranged in stages when more product water is desired than one module can produce. Different ions also pass through the membrane to different extents depending on various factors such as valency. The remainder of the water passes along the surface of the membrane with the concentrated dissolved and suspended solids and passes out of the pressure tube concentrate port as concentrate. usually approximately 10% of the salts in feed water. Additional pressure will raise the chemical potential of the water in the salt solution and cause a solvent flow to the pure water side. It is selective in the sense that the solvent passes through the membrane at a faster rate than the dissolved solids. RO1. brine or reject. Salt passage is defined as the ratio of total dissolved solids (TDS) in permeate to TDS in feed water.2010 1. This uniform water flow promotes good flushing velocity across the membrane surface to prevent the accumulation of suspended solids on the surface which would foul the membrane and reduce the productivity.20. the water that remains behind the membrane along with dissolved and suspended solids is referred to as the concentrate. driven by the feed pressure through the RO pressure tube feed port permeates through the membrane. which is a function of pressure. the water that passes through the membrane is commonly referred to as permeate or product water. because it now has a lower chemical potential. brine or reject water.12. concentration. We have used these terms interchangeably in this manual. Multiple stages are referred to as arrays. Pressurised feed water is introduced into one end of the pressure tube. The difference of passage rate results in solvent solids separation. less most of the dissolved solids and all of the suspended solids. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. If a soluble salt is added on one side. Therefore.07. This phenomenon is called reverse osmosis.SUBJECT : PT. Equilibrium occurs when the hydrostatic pressure differential resulting from the volume changes on both sides is equal to the osmotic pressure. passes into the product tube and exits the pressure tube from the pressure tube product port as product water. Some of the water. 12. likewise NaOH generated by the SBA resin is exchanged by the adjacent SAC resin.5 µ S/cm Silica residual obtained from mixed bed demineralization are generally in the range 0. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.02 . organic matter. In effect it is multiple and random two bed demineralising pairs resulting in very high quality of demineralised water. 8 . slime and heavy metals such as iron. the unit requires regeneration. The final treated water from the mixed bed unit with conductivity less than 1 µS/cm and mostly in the range 0. is absent in the mixed bed demineralization process. INLET WATER QUALITY Because the Ultra Filtration Membrane must be kept clean to function efficiently. anions of neutral salts and weakly ionised species such as carbon dioxide and silica are all removed by the SBA resin.SUBJECT : PT. the ratio of the product water or permeate flow to feed water flow. the inlet water or RAW WATER must be cold.0. The cations associated with alkalinity or those combined as neutral salts are all removed by the SAC resin. But the leakage of ions.20. The strong acid cation (SAC) resin exchanges all cations in water. When the treated water quality from the mixed bed is out of specification or the designed throughput is attainted. Hence this is used also universally for complete removal of all anions present in water The SAC resin is in the hydrogen form and the SBA resin is in the hydroxide form.2009 REV:1 DT 25. called the recovery. This results in good quality of treated water and the multiple contacts provides a polishing action yielding extremely pure demineralised water. algae. DATE : 21. Likewise the strong base anion (SBA) resin exchanges all anions in water.05 mg/l commonly achieved in mixed bed demineralization. RO1. is always less than 1. oil. As a result. Hence some waters may require coagulation and filtration prior to being fed into the UF system.2010 A certain minimum reject water flow is always maintained to flush the membrane surface and also keep certain sparingly soluble salts below their solubility limits. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. clean and colourless. caused by the regenerative effect of free mineral acidity (FMA) or of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) formed in the exchange process. 1.2 . 1.07. NUMBER. aluminium. Hence this resin is used universally in a demineralization process. Conductivity is an importation indicator of water quality. In this manner the products of reaction of the resins are immediately removed driving the reactions to completion and the equilibrium reactions do not exist. This is so because FMA generated by the SAC resin is exchanged by neighbouring SBA resin. These impurities would collect on or within the resin particles and reduce their capacity for removal of the ions. The water should be free of suspended matter.4 MIXED BED ION EXCHANGE PROCESS The mixed bed demineralization process consists of SAC and SBA resins intimately mixed in the same unit to bring about the demineralization of water. Alkalinity. ii) Trans membrane pressure across the UF module.07. Permeate water tank. 00. f) Set of pipes/fittings (SS316 / PVC) 9 .2009 REV:1 DT 25. NUMBER.5.12. RO1. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. The feed shall be Bore Well. DATE : 21. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.20. The treated water will have SDI less than 1 and Turbidity less than 1 NTU. e) Pressure gauges. c) SS316 basket strainer (100 microns).1ULTRA FILTRATION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The system consists of UF MODULES / MEMBRANES of 10” dia x 72” long hollow fiber module. i) Differential pressure across the feed and reject of membrane.SUBJECT : PT.000 Molecular Weight Cut-off. b) Stainless Steel Centrifugal pumps which is used for Recirculation and Back flush operation of the Ultra filtration System. d) Feed / CIP Tank. The system consists of the following:a) Koch Membrane system 10” dia x 72” long cartridge / module of 1.2010 1. SUBJECT : PT.2009 REV:1 DT 25. High pressure piping with necessary fittings is provided for the above purpose. RO1.1 Pretreatment cartridge filter (CF) The Cartridge Filter which is installed upstream of the high pressure pump removes particulate matter up to 5 microns from the feed water and minimises the fouling of the RO membrane elements.5.12. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. a number of pressure tubes are arranged in different combinations in such a way that the reject from the first "stage" becomes the feed for the next.5. A pressure gauge is provided upstream of this valve to monitor the pump performance.2010 1. Because of the high pressure. In order to maximize the recovery. A stainless steel globe/ball/butterfly valve is provided on the pump discharge for regulating the pressure and flow to the reverse osmosis membrane. Permeate is normally collected in a parallel manner from all the pressure tubes. and so on. NUMBER.2 High pressure pump A high pressure pump of stainless steel construction is provided to boost the feed pressure for the reverse osmosis membrane. DATE : 21. The feed water is applied at one end of the membrane at high pressure. 2. A cut-away view of the Reverse Osmosis membranes shows the details of the spirally wound configuration.20.2 REVERSE OSMOSIS PASS-1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The entire system is mounted on a Skid (excluding tanks) The following gives brief description regarding the major components 2. reverse osmosis process takes place and permeate flows through the membrane and is collected through the core tube and normally flows out of the end opposite the feed.3 Reverse Osmosis system Basically the system consists of Reverse Osmosis membranes. The reject is also collected from the opposite side. The pressure tube is designed to withstand the pressure at which the RO system has been designed. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. 2. To further improve the recovery.3 REVERSE OSMOSIS PASS-2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 10 .07. 1. pressure vessels (called pressure tubes) in which the membranes are mounted and piping for feed. The exact arrangement of staging would depend on the raw water characteristics and the desired treated water quality. reject and product with necessary instruments.20. a number of membranes are put end-to-end in a pressure tube made of FRP. A low pressure switch is provided at the pump suction to safeguard the pump. Please see the Technical Data Sheet for details of instruments provided. RO1. 11 . NUMBER.2 Electrical control panel The electrical control panel has a sheet steel enclosure and houses the controls and instruments for operation of the RO unit.SUBJECT : PT.2009 REV:1 DT 25. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.1 Wet panel A "Wet" panel is provided for mounting of pressure instruments. the operator can note the feed pressure to various stages and the concentrate pressure. stage wise pressure drop can be calculated.12. By operating the valve. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. DATE : 21.2010 3. Stainless steel sample valves are also provided to collect samples from the various stages and final concentrate. From these.07. A high pressure gauge & a low pressure gauge are provided on the wet panel with a 5-way & a 3way valve. 3. Relay/timer based controls are provided for starting and stopping of the RO unit and for the safety of the high pressure pump. 2009 REV:1 DT 25.07.20. Polypropylene strainers are fitted to the laterals which are connected to the header. The mixed bed exchanger contains a mixture of cation and anion resins. It is externally fitted with rubber lined pipe work. the Cation and Anion exchange resins are mixed in certain proportion to achieve the finest quality to meet the Boiler water requirements.5 or the unit has delivered its specified output of 1000 m3 between two regenerations whichever appears first. The unit essentially consists of carbon steel rubber lined pressure vessel. RO1. NUMBER.2010 1. Internally the unit is provided with an inlet distributor.02 ppm as SiO2 or the pH (@25 deg. The middle collector is of header lateral type. y. middle collector for acid / caustic effluent during regeneration.5 S/cm or reactive silica content of 0. pressure gauges and sampling valves at the inlet and outlet. DATE : 21. C) beyond the range of 6. the unit is said to be exhausted at this stage the unit needs to be regenerated.4 MIXED BED UNIT: In the Mixed Bed Polishing.1 REGENERATION: The regeneration of the mixed bed consists of the following basic steps  Backwash  Regenerant injection  Regenerant rinse  Air mix  Final rinse 12 . MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. This results in production of extremely pure water. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. thus presenting a large number of demineralising stages (cation and anion resin combination) inside the unit. caustic distributor. Bottom collector will also used for giving the water during the backwash operation.5 to 7.5.12. A bottom collecting system is provided for collecting the treated water and distributing the acid during regeneration and distributing air during air mix operation. one at interface of cation and anion resins to watch resin separation during backwash and mixing operation during air mix and other one at the top of the unit to observe the inside water level during DRAIN DOWN operation and one below the center to observe mixing of resin during the air mix operation. The vessel is provided with inspection windows. necessary valves. 4.SUBJECT : PT. Water from a strong base anion unit enters mixed bed unit for removing the traces of impurities remaining in the demineralised water. When treated water quality goes beyond the conductivity of 0. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. A small upward (buffer) flow of water is maintained through the cation resin during the injection of regenerant into the anion resin to minimise the diffusion of sodium hydroxide into the cation layer and avoid its exhaustion.12. DATE : 21. The backwash also performs the other functions of decompacting the resin bed. Care must be taken during backwash to prevent loss of costly ion exchange resins by carryover through excessive flow rate. 13 .2010 4. The above buffer flows are necessary when the regenerants are injected successively. NUMBER. The wash flow rate is so adjusted as to bring the lighter anion resin to the top and permit the denser cation resin to settle down.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. To regenerate the SBA resin. The regenerants may be injected simultaneously in which case the sodium hydroxide flows as before downwards through the anion resin but the acid flows upwards from the bottom of the unit through the cation resin. Insufficient backwash flow rate will not separate the resins completely and lead to improper regeneration affecting the quality of water and the throughput. It brings about the separation of the SAC and SBA resins to enable their individual regeneration.2 Backwash The backwash is a very important and critical step in the regeneration of the mixed bed. The combined waste effluents are withdrawn from the anion .3 Regenerant Injection Once the resins are separated thoroughly. flows through the anion resin layer and is withdrawn at the interface of the anion and cation resins. Likewise during the injection of regenerant into the cation resin. they can be regenerated properly to bring them into the operating forms. Backwash is done for a minimum specified time and until clean effluent is obtained. water is admitted into the bottom of the unit and flows upwards to expand and fluidise the resin bed. a downward (buffer) flow of water is maintained through the anion layer to reduce the diffusion of acid into the anion resin and minimise its contamination.07. The SAC resin is regenerated by injecting the solution of hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid at the anion-cation interface down through the cation layer and out from the bottom of the unit. In this manner the cation and anion resins are separated distinctly into two layers with the anion layer on top of the cation layer.SUBJECT : PT. 4. During backwash. The wash water is led to drain.cation interface. the solution of sodium hydroxide is introduced above the resin bed. RO1. cleaning it and reclassifying the beads each so important for satisfactory resin functioning. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.2009 REV:1 DT 25. The better the mix of the two resins. 4. As the agitation with air is done with water present in the unit. It also washes the excess regenerant off the resin to minimise the cross exhaustion of resins in the subsequent stages. This is minimised through a partial drain down prior to air mix.4 Regenerant Rinse This rinse operation is done subsequent to regenerant injection and follows the same direction of flow as the injection and at nearly the same flow rate. 14 . RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.10 Final Rinse This is the last step of the regeneration stage and aims at settling the resin in the mixed state after air mixing and washing away the trace regenerants from the resin bed.5 Air Mix The air mix is the next critical step after backwash in ensuring good treated water quality.12. In this step air is used to agitate. stir and mix the cation and anion resins thoroughly to provide the infinite stages of two bed demineralization. The injection concentrations are indicated below Sodium hydroxide 5 % w/v Hydrochloric acid 5 % w/v The regenerant must be injected within a particular range of flow rates to maintain adequate contact time for the regeneration reactions to take place. A few bed volumes of water are required for this purpose.07. The air mix operation is done for a specified time with low pressure air at a particular flow rate. The final rinse must follow the air mix quickly to prevent reclassification of resins under gravity resulting in some centimeters of anion resin at the top and cation resin at the bottom of the bed. The final rinse is normally at service flow rate or a specified minimum flow rate with influent water. DATE : 21. some settlement does take place. the better is the quality of treated water. NUMBER. The rinse enables a better utilization of the regenerant lately injected to contact the rest of the resin bed. RO1. there are layers rather than pairs of resin and the effect of multiple stages is not realised.3. 2. When the mixing is not adequate. 4.SUBJECT : PT.2010 In this method of simultaneous regenerant injection there are the following advantages  saving of overall time of regeneration  saving of waste water as the buffer flows are not required during the injection and subsequent rinse stages  Instantaneous neutralization of the acidic and alkaline waste effluents from the SAC and SBA resins respectively. 2009 REV:1 DT 25.07. The mixed bed may be isolated or taken to service for production of demineralised water. DATE : 21. 15 .2010 The end of rinse is determined by water quality usually its conductivity or silica content. The mixed bed is normally employed as a polisher downstream of a two bed demineraliser. The mixed bed demineraliser is a down flow service unit.12. The SBA resin in it is always regenerated co flow while the SAC resin is amenable to both co flow and counter flow regeneration.SUBJECT : PT. the rinse is stopped and the regeneration of the mixed bed is complete. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO1. NUMBER. When these parameters are normal. 07.1 FEED WATER SPECIFICATIONS Water Inlet Temperature PH 1. QUANTITY : 10 NUMBERS Diameter/Length of cartridge : 10” diameter x 72” long. A. Back flush pump Capacity(Maximum) : 124 m3/hr @ 2. : : : : SS 316 / PVC Polysulphone Stainless Steel Silicone/EPDM Service utilities Electrical Feed water : : 16 380V/50Hz/3 Phase 50 m3/hr . Material of Construction All wetted parts other than UF Ultra filtration Membrane Pre filter Gasket material E.0 kg/cm2.SUBJECT : PT. RO1. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.2010 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 1. NUMBER. B.12. C. DATE : 21.000 MWC : 10-70 PSI : 65 C.5 kg/cm2 D. Fast flush Pump Capacity (Maximum) : 114 m3/hr @ 2.3.2009 REV:1 DT 25.3. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2 : Well Water : < 45 C : 6-8 UF MEMBRANE SPECIFICATIONS Molecular weight cut off Nominal operating pressure Maximum Operating temperature : 100. 3.3.2 Micron Cartridge Filter Quantity 1 No.3.3.1 RO FEED PUMP Quantity 2 Nos.SUBJECT : PT. RO1.3.2009 REV:1 DT 25.2 3 m /h 45 Head meter 35 Make Grundfos MOC SS316 / CI HOUSING Motor rating kw 7.4 Reverse Osmosis Pass-1 17 . NUMBER.3.5 Motor speed RPM 2900 Make Grundfos 1.3. Size Jumbo 20” Long MOC PP Filter Element /Type 5-micron 1. Model Capacity CR 64-5-1 3 m /h 45 Head meter 120 Make Grundfos MOC SS316 / CI HOUSING Motor rating kw 30 Motor speed RPM 2900 Make Grundfos 1. Model Capacity CR 45 .3 RO PASS-1 HIGH PRESSURE PUMP Quantity 2 Nos. DATE : 21. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.3.2010 RO MEMBRANE SPECIFICATIONS 1.12.07. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 3.3.07. Maximum feed flow 45 m3/h Maximum permeate flow 35 m3/h Maximum reject flow 5 m3/h Reject recycle flow 5 m3/h Recovery 70% 1.2010 Model No. DATE : 21.3.4 RO PASS-2 HIGH PRESSURE PUMP Quantity 2 Nos.3. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.5 Reverse Osmosis Pass-2 Model No. RO1.12.SUBJECT : PT. NUMBER. RO PASS -1 Number of stages 2 Array 4X6:3X6 Pass 1 Number of pressure tubes 7 Pressure tube rating psi 250 Make of pressure tube Advanced Composites Size of pressure tubes 8” Elements/pressure tube 6 Element model TM 720-370 Number of elements 42 nos. PASS-2 18 . MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Model Capacity CRN 45-4 m3/h 32 Head meter 80 Make Grundfos MOC SS316 Motor rating kw 15 Motor speed RPM 2900 Make Grundfos 1. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.6 DEGASSER TOWER. DATE : 21.2009 REV:1 DT 25.2010 Number of stages 3 Array 3X6:2X6:1X6 Pass 2 Number of pressure tubes 6 Pressure tube rating psi 250 Make of pressure tube Advanced Composites .3.12.5 m3/h Maximum reject flow 4. RO1.37 Motor speed RPM 2900 Degasser tank diameter 2000mm Length On Straight 4000mm 19 . TANK WITH BLOWER: Degasser tower Diameter 600mm Degasser tower Height On Straight 3200mm Blower Capacity 6m3/minute Head meter 50mmWC Make IEI MOC CS Motor rating kW 0.4 m3/h Maximum permeate flow 27. NUMBER.07.9 m3/h (TO RO-1 FEED) Recovery 85% 1. Maximum feed flow 32.3.Goa Size of pressure tubes 8” Elements/pressure tube 6 Element model TM 720-370 Number of elements 36 nos.SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 7 Cleaning system: CIP tank capacity 2000Litres Tank MOC HDPE CIP Pump 1 No. DATE : 21. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2010 1.07. RO1.3.3.9 Mixed Bed Feed Pump: Model Capacity GSHF 40-100 3 m /h 25 Head meter 35 Make Goulds MOC SS316 Motor rating kW 5.SUBJECT : PT.12. NUMBER. Model Capacity CRN 32-2 3 m /h 27 Head meter 35 Make Grundfos MOC SS316 Motor rating kW 4 Motor speed RPM 2900 Make Grundfos 1.5 Motor speed RPM 2900 20 .3.2009 REV:1 DT 25. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.3. SUBJECT : PT.12.12 MIXED BED BLOWER: Blower Capacity 4.3. NUMBER.3.2009 REV:1 DT 25.3. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.11 Mixed Bed Regeneration Pump: Model GSHF32-200 Type Capacity Horizontal Centrifugal 3 m /h 15 Head meter 35 Make Goulds MOC SS316 Motor rating kW 3 Motor speed RPM 2900 1.10 Mixed Bed Unit: Diameter 1400mm Height On Straight 2800mm Material of Construction Carbon Steel Internal Protection Rubber Lining Cation Resin 225 H 800 Litres Anion Resin FFIP 1250 Litres Cation Bed Depth 500mm Anion Bed Depth 800mm Hydrochloric Acid (100%) 80 Kgs Caustic Soda (100%) 125 Kgs 1.18 Motor speed RPM 2900 21 . RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.07.3. RO1. DATE : Head meter 5 Make IEI MOC CS Motor rating kW 0.2010 1. 3.13 Neutralization Pit Waste Transfer Pump: Model NH 405 – PW – N – CV Type Capacity Self Priming Magnetic Driven Seal less 3 m /h 20 Head meter 25 Make Pan World Pumps (Japan) MOC FRPP Motor rating kW 3.2010 1.2009 REV:1 DT Motor speed RPM 2900 1.3.SUBJECT : PT. DATE : 21.15 CHEMICAL DOSING TANKS: Diameter 1800mm Height On Straight 2500mm Capacity 5M3 Material of Construction FRP Vinyl Ester Type Horizontal Dished End Pressure Atmospheric Pressure Temperature Ambient 25 D Celsius Application Chemical Storage Breather Pot Provided Level Transmitter Top Mounted 22 . MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO1.14 BULK CHEMICAL TANKS: Diameter 1800mm Height On Straight 2500mm Capacity 5M3 Material of Construction FRP Vinyl Ester Type Horizontal Dished End Pressure Atmospheric Pressure Temperature Ambient 25 D Celsius Application Chemical Storage Breather Pot Provided Level Transmitter Top Mounted 1. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. NUMBER. RO1. DATE : 21.2010 2.SUBJECT : PT.12.07. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.DESCRIPTION 23 . 4 DESIGN BASIS OF ULTRA-FILTRATION Operating Data NUMBER OF STREAM : ONE NORMAL FLOW : 45 M3/HR. each stream capable of pumping the full flow rate of 55 m3/hr.2 nil .3-7.1.1 DESCRIPTION OF RAW WATER The Raw water source is from the borewell in the backwater is a manual system consisting of two pumps.2010 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF ULTRA-FILTRATION PLANT 2. 2.07.1. RO Pass-1. A / 25. RO Pass-2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.SUBJECT : PT.1. NUMBER. Design raw water quality Raw Water UF Product pH 7. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.2009 REV. Can be automatically Start and Stop.3-7.5 7. ppm as Ca 5 5 TOTAL HARDNESS ppm as CaCO3 20 20 SODIUM (CALCULATION) ppm as Na 48 48 CHLORIDES ppm as Cl 16 16 SULPHATES ppm as SO4 nd nd NITRATE ppm as NO3 11 11 TOTAL ALKALINITY ppm as CaCO3 165 165 REACTIVE SILICA ppm as SiO2 20 20 IRON ppm as SiO2 0.12. DATE : 21.5 TOTAL DISSOLVED SALTS 1796 1796 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS ppm 5 <1 CALCIUM HARDNESS.2 2.1. The pumps are designed to be operated at a constant flow rate (Client’s Scope).3 2. Ultrafiltration membranes are reusable and cleanable with standard chemicals. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. a portion of the feed stream will pass through the membrane. 2. which will tend to keep the surface of the membrane free of fouling matter.SUBJECT : PT. In addition. This tangential flow process technique serves to prevent particles from building up on the surface of the membrane and enhances long term productivity of the filter between cleaning cycles.02 micron).000. This means the membrane does not have the same pore structure throughout its matrix. This result in a fluid shear condition at the wall on the inside of the fiber. it flows tangential to the membrane surface. known as Permeate. The Ultrafiltration membrane is a thin polymeric material. RO1. Rejected species are progressively concentrated in the reject stream. with an anisotropic pore structure.1. aluminum.000 to 1.  Removal of colloidal material (non-reactive silica. This is an indicator of the relative size of 25 . abbreviated MWCO. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Solvents and species having a diameter smaller than the pore size of the membrane will pass through the membrane and emerge as Ultrafiltrate. Generally Ultrafiltration membranes are rated on their Molecular Weight Cutoff. The suspended material of the feed stream will be concentrated and exit the process as the reject stream. suspended solids. otherwise known as Permeate. Ultrafiltration is a cross flow or tangential flow process.12.2009 REV:1 DT 25.5 NUMBER. The difference in pressure between the feed and reject streams will determine the flow of water across the surface of the membrane.07. Pore diameters of Ultrafiltration membranes are in the range of 1. DATE : 21.001 to 0.000 Molecular Weight Cut Off (0. etc. pressure driven filtration process that separates particles on the basis of their molecular size. Ultrafiltration is a dimensional separation process. and pyrogenic species from pharmaceutical and industrial process water. The pressure difference between the feed stream and the product side of the membrane is directly related to the product flow. either polysulfone or polyacrylonitrile. The combination of the very smooth surface with small pores and the support structure with much larger pores results in filtration of small particles with a low resistance to flow. iron. viruses. When pressure is applied to the feed stream. bacteria. Ultrafiltration of process water provides:  Removal of virtually all-particulate matter.2010 DESCRIPTION OF ULTRA-FILTRATION The Ultrafiltration Process Ultrafiltration is a tangential flow. This product stream is the Ultrafiltrate.)  Removal of high molecular weight organic. The stream to be purified (the feed stream) flows along the surface of the membrane. 2.3 FAST FLUSH MODE In the fast flush mode reject valve is open to have maximum differential pressure (20 psi) along the membrane to have high velocity along the membrane which results in sweeping action for cleaning the GEL polarised layer on the membrane. 2. Permeate tube will carry the product water and reject will exist from the top end of the membrane to the drain connections. particles. bacteria. 2. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.000.07. 2.2010 the globular molecules. Turbidity and Suspended solids will be rejected by UF Membrane while the clear water stream will pass through the membrane to the permeate tube. water from feed tank will pass through the Ultrafiltration membrane from bottom inlet of the UF housing.4 FAST FLUSH WITH CHEMICAL CLEANING The FAST FLUSH WITH CHEMICAL CLEANING MODE is same as fast flush mode with introduction of chemicals to clean and regenerate the membrane flux.12. ionic species.000. This method allows for high fluid shear at the surface of the membrane.1 PRODUCTION MODE In the production mode.2 PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION There are various modes of operation required for Production. 2. and low molecular weight material. hence this mode is also called as ZERO RECOVERY MODE.000 and 1. viruses and pyrogenic species will be rejected by the membrane.2. Here no permeate is produced. Koch Membrane Systems has Ultrafiltration membranes with MWCO ranges between 1.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. 26 .2 RECIRCULATION MODE In the recirculation mode the water is circulated from a feed pump through the prefilter and membrane.2. Therefore. The aqueous phase and material smaller than the membrane’s nominal MWCO will pass through the membrane. Cleaning and Sanitization of the UF system to produce Suspended solid and Turbidity free water suitable for further purification by Reverse Osmosis Membrane. RO1. Both permeate and reject stream are returned to the same feed tank. DATE : 21.2. whereas colloidal matter. This mode should be followed by DRAIN AND RINSE cycle to clear out chemical residue.2.SUBJECT : PT. which a membrane will remove. the product stream will contain water. 12. 27 . or hydrogen peroxide. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Citric acid are introduced in recirculation mode or fast flush mode type of operation. This should also be followed by DRAIN AND RINSE cycle to rinse out residual chemicals from the system.5 NUMBER. DATE : 21. 4.2009 REV:1 DT 25. 2.2. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.SUBJECT : PT.6 BACK FLUSH MODE The Back Flush hinge serves to remove accumulated particles from the surface of the Hollow Fiber Membranes and then pushes the particles out of the lumen to the feed manifolds. Caustic Soda.07.2. RO1.2010 SYSTEM SANITIZATION MODE In system sanitization mode sanitization chemicals like sodium hypochloride. Flush until desired product water parameters are obtained.3. g) During normal operation.12.3. face mask not letting cartridge or part lie on the floor in other surface etc.07. f) Start flushing of UF membrane at a product rate of at least 5 m3/hr.2010 2. c) Before loading the membrane.1 INSTALLATION a) Carefully remove all crating packing material from the unit.) to produce as little contamination as possible. 2.2009 REV:1 DT 25. flush the system and determine baseline parameters (bacteria level.g. RO1.SUBJECT : PT. 28 . b) Sanitize with an appropriate chemical agent e. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. DATE : 21. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. e) Resanitize the vessel and interconnecting piping by recirculating 2% caustic chlorite solution for 1-2 hours. resistivity. d) Load the membrane taking reasonable precaution (gloves. Monitor sodium hypochloride level to 200 ppm. The entire unit is skid mounted. run the system at design parameters. NUMBER.) with samples taken from the sampling point.mtrs/hr per vessel and a bleed rate of 400 Litres per hour.2 FLUSHING AND MEMBRANE LOADING PROCEDURE a) Thoroughly scrub the vessels and accessible interconnecting piping with an appropriate detergent and rinse. etc. b) Set the unit at a place convenient to a drain and source of water supply and power.3 PREPARATION FOR OPERATION 2. 2% Hydrogen peroxide or 200 ppm sodium hypochlorite solution. Use a feed rate of 16 Cu. TOC. 4 VALVE SCHEDULE 29 . Switch ON the feed pump Slowly open discharge and bring the pressure upto the normal.07.3.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Fill the feed tank with water. 2. 2. The auto valve will get open as per the PLC logic. Operate the system manually for start up.SUBJECT : PT. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. adjust the UF reject and permeate. When the system is running. STOP the system and drain the system completely.12. Open the manual valve as per attached valve schedule. CHECK THE LEAKS AGAIN. Keep the valves closed as per the schedule. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Check for any leaks. DATE : 21.3. RO1.2010 SYSTEM START-UP MAKE SURE THAT THE MEMBRANE IS PROPERLY POSITIONED and ensure that the electrical and water connections are complete.3 NUMBER. Adjust the RECOVERY & TRANSMEMBRANE PRESSURE. 3.12.2010 CIP RECIRCULATION TANK INLET RECIRCULATION / CIP PUMP SUCTION RECIRCULATION / CIP PUMP DELIVERY RECIRCULATION / CIP BY-PASS UF FEED INLET FAST FLUSH CIP INLET MICRON FILTER OUTLET UF PERMEATE OUTLET REJECT HEADER BACKFLUSH DRAIN RECIRCULATION OUTLET FEED HEADER BACKFLUSH DRAIN REJECT OUTLET BACKFLUSH INLET PERMEATE RECIRCULATION RECIRCULATION / CIP PUMP NON-RETURN PERMEATE SAMPLE CIP / RT DRAIN UF PERMEATE OUTLET REJECT OUTLET PERMEATE DRAIN BACKFLUSH PUMP SUCTION BACKFLUSH PUMP DELIVERY BACKFLUSH INLET MODULE UF MODULE PERMEATE OUTLET UFPWT DRAIN BACKFLUSH PUMP DELIVERY (NON-RETURN) BASKET FILTER WASH INLET BASKET FILTER WASH OUTLET 2.SUBJECT : PT.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO1.5 START UP AND NORMAL RUNNING MODE 30 . UF V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 V21 V22 V23 V24 V25 V26 V27 V28 - NUMBER. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.07. DATE : 21. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.SUBJECT : PT. RO1.2009 REV:1 DT 25. FEED PUMP BACKFLUSH PUMP (P2) FASTFLUSH PUMP (P1) - NUMBER. V9 NORMAL O C O O O C C MODE O C S ST - OPEN CLOSE STOP START 31 P1 P2 S S .07. DATE : 21.2010 ON OFF OFF MANUAL VALVES TO BE KEPT IN OPEN CONDITION V19 - UF Reject outlet & adjust for the designed recovery V24 - UF Module permeate outlet All other manual valves will be in closed condition UF AUTO VALVE INTERLOCK SCHEDULE-NORMAL MODE VALVE V5 V6 V7 V8 V12 V10 V11/ NO.12. SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF, RO1, RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. DATE : 21.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12.2010 2.3.6 BACK FLUSH MODE Feed pump - OFF Fast Flush pump (P1) - OFF Back Flush pump (P2) - ON  - The Feed pressure should not exceed more than 10mwc at the inlet of UF modules. MANUAL VALVES TO BE KEPT IN OPEN CONDITION V21 - Back Flush pump suction V22 - Back Flush pump delivery V13 - Back Flush inlet All other manual valves will be in closed condition. UF AUTO VALVE INTERLOCK SCHEDULE-BACKFLUSH MODE VALVE V5 V6 V7 V8 V12 V10 V11/ P1 NO. V9 BACK C C C C C C O S FLUSH MODE O C S ST - OPEN CLOSE STOP START 32 P2 ST SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF, RO1, RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. DATE : 21.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12.2010 2.3.7 FAST FLUSH MODE Feed pump - OFF Back Flush pump (P2) - OFF Fast Flush pump (P1) - ON To avoid Hydraulic hammer and vibration, it is very important to keep the Fast flush pump, Bye-pass valve in open condition MANUAL VALVE TO KEPT IN OPEN CONDITION V2 - Fast Flush pump suction V3 - Fastflush pump delivery V4 - By-pass V14 - Permeate recirculation V24 - Permeate outlet (UF module) All other manual valves are in close position. UF AUTO VALVE INTERLOCK SCHEDULE-FAST FLUSH MODE VALVE V5 V6 V7 V8 V12 V10 V11/ P1 NO. V9 FAST C O O C C O C ST FLUSH MODE O C S ST - OPEN CLOSE STOP START 33 P2 S SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF, RO1, RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. DATE : 21.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12.2010 2.3.8 CHEMICAL DOSING SYSTEMS The dosing systems comprise of a NaOCl (at 10.5 pH), Citric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide dosing tanks, and dosing pumps. The tanks (FRP) are provided with level Switch, overflow and drain pipe work and the agitators. The dosing done during the cleaning process of Ultra Filtration. 34 RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.12.2 .2 NUMBER OF STREAM ONE NORMAL FLOW 34 & 25 M3/HR DESIGN WATER QUALITY PARAMETER            UF pH TOTAL DISSOLVED SALTS TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS ppm CALCIUM HARDNESS.SUBJECT : PT. DATE : 21. RO1.5 1796 <1 5 20 48 16 nd 11 165 20 RO PASS-2 6.4.3-7. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. ppm as Ca TOTAL HARDNESS ppm as CaCO3 SODIUM (CALCULATION) ppm as Na CHLORIDES ppm as Cl SULPHATES ppm as SO4 NITRATE ppm as NO3 TOTAL ALKALINITY ppm as CaCO3 REACTIVE SILICA ppm as SiO2 35 7.2010 DESCRIPTION OF RO PASS-1 AND PASS 2 OPERATING DATA RO PASS -1 & 2 2.4 <5 <1 NIL NIL <4 <0.2 <1 <0.2009 REV:1 DT 25.4 2.5 nd <0.1 NUMBER.4. 2.07. The direction of solvent flow is determined by its chemical potential. RO1. Pure water in contact with both sides of an ideal semi permeable membrane at equal pressure and temperature has no net flow across the membrane because the chemical potential is equal on both sides. less most of the dissolved solids and all of the suspended solids. In the reverse osmosis process. This is a solution property independent of the membrane. Additional pressure will raise the chemical potential of the water in the salt solution and cause a solvent flow to the pure water side. passes into the product tube and exits the pressure tube from the pressure tube product port as product water. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Therefore.2010 Osmosis is a natural process involving fluid flow across a semi permeable membrane barrier.SUBJECT : PT. Pressurised feed water is introduced into one end of the pressure tube. driven by the feed pressure through the RO pressure tube feed port permeates through the membrane.2009 REV:1 DT 25. the chemical potential of this salt solution is reduced. Salt passage is defined as the ratio of total dissolved solids (TDS) in permeate to TDS in feed water.07. As a result. the ratio of the product water or permeate flow to feed water flow. 36 . A certain minimum reject water flow is always maintained to flush the membrane surface and also keep certain sparingly soluble salts below their solubility limits. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Application of an external pressure to the salt solution equal to the osmotic pressure will also cause equilibrium. brine or reject. called the recovery.12. usually approximately 10% of the salts in feed water. Osmotic flow from the pure water side across the membrane to the salt solution side will occur until the equilibrium of chemical potential is restored. Equilibrium occurs when the hydrostatic pressure differential resulting from the volume changes on both sides is equal to the osmotic pressure. The pressure tubes are generally arranged in stages when more product water is desired than one module can produce. the water that passes through the membrane is commonly referred to as permeate or product water. etc. concentration. DATE : 21. ionic size.0. which is a function of pressure. The remainder of the water passes along the surface of the membrane with the concentrated dissolved and suspended solids and passes out of the pressure tube concentrate port as concentrate. temperature and concentration of dissolved solids. Multiple stages are referred to as arrays. The difference of passage rate results in solvent solids separation. This uniform water flow promotes good flushing velocity across the membrane surface to prevent the accumulation of suspended solids on the surface which would foul the membrane and reduce the productivity. Some of the water. because it now has a lower chemical potential. It is selective in the sense that the solvent passes through the membrane at a faster rate than the dissolved solids. the water that remains behind the membrane along with dissolved and suspended solids is referred to as the concentrate. is always less than 1. If a soluble salt is added on one side. We have used these terms interchangeably in this manual. the product water does have some salts. NUMBER. The staging of the modules is designed to optimise the water flow patterns across the surface of the membrane. brine or reject water. Different ions also pass through the membrane to different extents depending on various factors such as valency. This phenomenon is called reverse osmosis. A stainless steel globe/ball valve is provided on the pump discharge for regulating the pressure and flow to the reverse osmosis membrane.2009 REV:1 DT 25. a number of membranes are put end-to-end in a pressure tube made of FRP. and so on.4. pressure vessels (called pressure tubes) in which the membranes are mounted and piping for feed.4. The feed water is applied at one end of the membrane at high pressure. In order to maximise the recovery.4. 2. DATE : 21. The pressure tube is designed to withstand the pressure at which the RO system has been designed.2010 2.8 Reverse Osmosis system Basically the system consists of Reverse Osmosis membranes. The exact arrangement of staging would depend on the raw water characteristics and the desired treated water quality. A low pressure switch is provided at the pump suction to safeguard the pump.12.4. 37 . 2.SUBJECT : PT.5 Equipment Description Please see the enclosed flow diagram for further clarity regarding the various components that make up the Reverse Osmosis Plant. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. a number of pressure tubes are arranged in different combinations in such a way that the reject from the first "stage" becomes the feed for the next. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO1. The following gives brief description regarding the major components: 2. To further improve the recovery. A cut-away view of the Reverse Osmosis membranes shows the details of the spirally wound configuration. NUMBER. reverse osmosis process takes place and permeate flows through the membrane and is collected through the core tube and normally flows out of the end opposite the feed. Because of the high pressure.7 High pressure pump A high pressure pump of stainless steel construction is provided to boost the feed pressure for the reverse osmosis membrane. reject and product with necessary instruments. The reject is also collected from the opposite side. A pressure gauge is provided upstream of this valve to monitor the pump performance.07. Permeate is normally collected in a parallel manner from all the pressure tubes.6 Pretreatment cartridge filter (CF) The Cartridge Filter which is installed upstream of the high pressure pump removes particulate matter upto 5 microns from the feed water and minimises the fouling of the RO membrane elements. DATE : 21. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.10 Electrical control panel The electrical control panel has a sheet steel enclosure and houses the controls and instruments for operation of the RO unit. 2. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. From these. Stainless steel sample valves are also provided to collect samples from the various stages and final concentrate.9 Wet panel A "Wet" panel is provided for mounting of pressure instruments. 2.12. Overall recovery from the Reverse Osmosis unit is controlled by a stainless steel concentrate throtting valve. By operating the valve. Relay/timer based controls are provided for starting and stopping of the RO unit and for the safety of the high pressure pump.4. the operator can note the feed pressure to various stages and the concentrate pressure. A high pressure gauge & a low pressure gauge are provided on the wet panel with a 5way & a 3-way valve.SUBJECT : PT. RO1.2010 High pressure piping with necessary fittings is provided for the above purpose. 38 .4. NUMBER.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Please see the Technical Data Sheet for details of instruments provided. stagewise pressure drop can be calculated. other will be a standby.12. DATE : 21.4.13 DEGASSED WATER TANK (DGWT) This is a mild steel rubber lined horizontal tank. carbon dioxide is stripped from water and carried out through the vent.4. The tank is provided with an inlet for degassed water. an overflow and a drain connection and a gauge glass type level indicator. Internally it is fitted with a top distributor which distributes water evenly over the packing and also provides an outlet for the carbon-dioxide enriched air.11 DEGASSER TOWER (DG) This is a FRP vessel packed with pall rings. NUMBER. The pall rings provide a large surface area for contact of water with air. flows down the column against a counter current of low pressure air supplied by a motorized air blower at the bottom of the degasser.07. The outlet for degassed water is at the bottom of the degasser and is an acid resistant pipe (which extends down in to the degassed water tank). The dampener valves are provided at the discharge of each blower.SUBJECT : PT. 2. a bottom tray is in the form of a grill which supports the bed of pall rings and also acts as a distributor for low pressure air. Due to scrubbing action by air.12 DEGASSER AIR BLOWER These are motor driven blowers installed at the side of degassed tower to provide low pressure air for degassing water rich in carbon dioxide. RO1.2009 REV:1 DT 25. The changeover of the blower is a manual operation and will be carried out from the CRT panel. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. The blower is fitted with a suction strainer and the delivery end is connected to the bottom of the degasser by means of a mild steel duct line. An air seal FRP fitting is provided at the outlet which acts as an air seal and prevents air that enters the bottom of the degasser from escaping to atmosphere via degassed water tank. A vent for carbon dioxide and air is provided on the top of the degasser. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2010 2. 2. an outlet leading to degassed water pump. 39 . One blower is normally in service.4. The degassed water is collected in the degassed water tank. The inlet water which contains free carbon dioxide or carbonic acid. 07.02 .2 6.2 OPERATING DATA NUMBER OF STREAM ONE NORMAL FLOW 25 M3/HR DESIGN WATER QUALITY PARAMETER            pH TOTAL DISSOLVED SALTS TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS ppm CALCIUM HARDNESS. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.1 NIL NIL NIL ND ND ND ND <1 <0.2 <1 <0.12.4 5 NIL NIL NIL <4 <0. DATE : 21. ppm as Ca TOTAL HARDNESS ppm as CaCO3 SODIUM (CALCULATION) ppm as Na CHLORIDES ppm as Cl SULPHATES ppm as SO4 NITRATE ppm as NO3 TOTAL ALKALINITY ppm as CaCO3 REACTIVE SILICA ppm as SiO2 40 RO PASS-2 MB 6.2010 DESCRIPTION OF MIXED BED POLISHER 2.2009 REV:1 DT 25.5.8 – 7.1 2.SUBJECT : PT. NUMBER. RO1. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.5.5 nd <0.2 <0. 5 or the unit has delivered its specified output of 1000 m3 between two regenerations whichever appears first. Internally the unit is provided with an inlet distributor. A bottom collecting system is provided for collecting the treated water and distributing the acid during regeneration and distributing air during air mix operation. the unit is said to be exhausted and will come out of service operation automatically.5 to 7. rest of all the stages till completion of the regeneration will be carried out automatically. At this stage the unit needs to be regenerated. Operator will have to decide for the regeneration and put the unit in regeneration mode manually through the CRT panel in control room.02 ppm as SiO2 or the pH (@25 deg.12. The mixed bed exchangers contains a mixture of cation and anion resins. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.07. Water from a strong base anion unit enters mixed bed unit for removing the traces of impurities remaining in the demineralised water.3 MIXED BED FEED PUMP These are horizontal centrifugal pumps used for pumping of water from degassed water tank to MB. thus presenting a large number of deminerlising stages (cation and anion resin combination) inside the unit. caustic distributor. DATE : 21. middle collector for with drawing the acid/ caustic effluent during regeneration. It is externally fitted with rubberlined pipework. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. The middle collector is of header lateral type. The vessel is provided with inspection windows. When treated water quality goes beyond the conductivity of 0. pressure gauges and sampling valves at the inlet and outlet. Polypropylene strainers are fitted to the laterals which are connected to the header.2009 REV:1 DT 25. C) beyond the range of 6. NUMBER. The pumps are provided with a pressure gauge and a non return valve on discharge line individually. 41 . The following are the stages of regeneration which will be carried out automatically either based on the specific time or the interlocks such as the low level of regenerant tank during the injection.2  S/cm or reactive silica content of 0.SUBJECT : PT.5.4 MIXED BED UNITS The unit essentially consists of carbon steel rubberlined pressure vessel. 2. one at interface of cation and anion resins to watch resin separation during backwash and mixing operation during air mix and other one at the top of the unit to observe the inside water level during DRAIN DOWN operation and one below the center to observe mixing of resin during the air mix operation. RO1.5. Bottom collector will also used for giving the water during the backwash operation. necessary auto valves. This results in production of extremely pure water.2010 DE-MINERALISATION BY MIXED BED 2. 8 m3/hr and the two resins layers are separated.07. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. DATE : 21. To flush the middle collector for removing any resin attached to the strainers. Water is passed from the middle collector and is drained through backwash outlet valve. The separation of the resin can be seen through the middle inspection window.41 m3/hr for 2 minutes. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. III) ACID PRE INJECTION / ALKALI PRE INJECTION This stage is basically to adjust the power water flow rate for acid and caustic injection. This operation may be required to continue till the clear separations of resin layers are observed. IV ) ACID INJECTION/ ALKALI INJECTION Once the pre injection flows are set for acid and alkali injection. Once the low level is achieved then the sequence will further to next stage. The effluent is taken out through the middle collector outlet valves to drain. the Acid injection valve to open and this stage will continue for 15 minutes or till the low level of acid measuring tank and Caustic measuring tank is achieved. This operation loosens and cleans the resin bed and prevents it from becoming tightly packed. At this stage the power water flow rate is maintained at 5. II) MIDDLE COLLECTOR FLUSHING.SUBJECT : PT.2009 REV:1 DT 25..5. This operation is carried out for 5 minutes at the rate of 13.12. Power water enters the unit through caustic and acid inlet valves and discharges out to drain through the middle collector outlet valve. The anion resin being lighter goes to the top while the cation resin settles down when an upward flow of the water is passed.8 m3/hr. prior to the injection stage. NUMBER.5 REGENERATION OF MIXED BED UNIT Based on the above mentioned conditions the regeneration stages will follow as given below: I) BACKWASH Water is passed upwards through the resin column from bottom to top and then discharged to the drain for 5 minutes at the flow rate of 13. 42 . RO1.2010 2.2 / 10. The conductivity of the MB outlet water has to be checked online to avoid the atmospheric contamination.2009 REV:1 DT 25.0m3/min @ 0.07. This procedure is carried out for 10 minutes at the rate of 3.12. VI) DRAIN DOWN During this stage power water supply to the unit will be stopped and vessel will be drained up to about 400 mm above the top surface of resin bed (approx. rest of all other devices will remain active same as of the injection stages of respective ejectors are closed and power water is continued to pass through the unit for total utilization of regenerant and to remove residual acid/caustic.2010 V) ACID RINSE/ ALKALI RINSE After the injection is completed the respective tank outlet valves to be closed. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.e. This is carried out to avoid separation of resin due to different settling velocities. NUMBER.2 / 10. This procedure is done for 10 minutes.5  S / cm. 43 . half of top inspection window). This stage is a preparation stage for the air mix operation. VIII ) FORCED SETTLE Immediately after air mixing water is fed through inlet and drained through bottom collecting system keeping air release valve close. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.SUBJECT : PT. Air is passed from the bottom of the unit to mix the resins thoroughly. VII) AIR MIX This operation is carried out to mix both the resins which were separated during the backwash stage. After 10 minutes the sequence will move on to the next stage of air mix. DATE : 21. The mixing and movement of the resin bed can be observed through inspection windows.41 m3/hr from acid and caustic power water. This operation is carried out for the 5 minutes at the rate of 25 m3/hr. RO1.5 kg/cm2 g. This operation takes 31 minutes at the flow rate of 5. by checking conductivity meter which should be less than 0. IX) FINAL RINSE Service water is taken from inlet and drained from the rinse outlet for 10 minutes at the rate of 25 m3/hr or till the rinse water quality is within acceptable limits i. an overflow line and a drain connection and a level Transmitter to measure for low and high level.5. NUMBER. an outlet leading to acid measuring tanks.7 CAUSTIC DILUTION TANK FOR MB (CDT) This is a FR Plastic atmospheric tank. The tanks are also provided with overflow and drain connections and gauge glass type level indicators. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 2. 2. A continuous flow of water is ensured to the fume absorber for the purpose.SUBJECT : PT. The tank is provided with a agitator to prepare a homogenous solution.12. 2. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. It is provided with an inlet for filling acid. A gauge glass type of level indicator is provided to measure the draw of acid in the tank during regeneration a level Transmitter to measure for low and high level. A fume absorber is provided as a accessory to absorb the fumes evolved by the 30% HCl. a gauge glass type level indicator to measure the caustic draw. The acid is injected by the Venturi Ejector through a mixing tee. 44 . DATE : 21. A fume absorber is also provided for absorption of fumes evolved by 30% HCl. RO1. An adequate quantity of acid which is 80Kgs as 100% is taken in this tank prior to the regeneration which is then injected into the mixed bed unit.8 BULK ACID TANK (BAT) This is a FRP atmospheric tank provided for bulk storage of acid.5.07.5. The tank is also provided with overflow and drains connections and gauge glass type level indicators.6 ACID MEASURING TANK FOR MB (AMT) This is a FR Plastic atmospheric tank.5.9 BULK CAUSTIC TANK (BCT) This is a FRP atmospheric tank provided for bulk storage of caustic.2010 2. A required amount of caustic 125 Kgs as 100% is taken in this tank and the required strength of 24% solution is prepared by diluting with water. A continuous flow of water is maintained through this for the absorption purpose. It is provided with an inlet for filling caustic.2009 REV:1 DT 25. The pH instrument is provided at the outlet to monitor the pH for the safe disposal of N-Pit waste water.SUBJECT : PT.2009 REV:1 DT 25.11 MIXED BED BLOWER These are Twin Lobe blowers used for Resin Mixing in the Mixed Bed unit.10 MIXED BED REGENERATION PUMP These are horizontal centrifugal pumps used for pumping of water from demin water tank to MB.5. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.5.12 N-PIT PUMP These are horizontal centrifugal Self Priming Seal less pumps used for pumping of Neutralisation Pit water from N-PIT to Sewers after Neutralisation. 2. The Blowers are provided with a pressure gauge and a non return valve on discharge line individually.2010 2. NUMBER. DATE : 21. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.12.5. The pumps are provided with a pressure gauge and a non return valve on discharge line individually. 2. 45 .07. RO1. The pumps are provided with a pressure gauge and a non return valve on discharge line individually. 12. NUMBER.2010 SECTION 3 OPERATING PHILOSOPHY 46 . DATE : 21.07. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. RO1. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.2009 REV:1 DT 25.SUBJECT : PT. A.07. RO1.2009 REV:1 DT 25. which is used for the purpose of the Backwash.1. The Normal operation (Service) is manual and the frequency of Automatic backwash is once in 60 minutes as a default setting. Once the Backwash process is activated the following process takes place sequentially Back Flush Direction-I (40 Secs). Back flush Direction-II(40 Secs) and Fast Flush (60 Secs). DATE : 21. Voltage free outputs are envisaged to operate solenoid valves for starting / stopping of pumps / blowers / mixers and analogue outputs shall be 4-20 mA DC to have control action on the control valves 47 .12. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Operation of the plant is through PROGRAMABLE LOGIC CONTROL SYSTEM. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. B. 30 and 45 as per the water quality. 3.SUBJECT : PT.2010 OPERATING PHILOSOPHY 3.0 NUMBER.0 CONTROL AND OPERATING PHILOSOPHY ULTRA-FILTRATION 3. Once the Fast Flush is over the unit automatically starts generation the UF product water (During Service / Normal Operation).1. C. CIP and normal operation. However it can be changed to 15. D.1 Salient Features of the Control Philosophy of Ultra-Filtration Following are the salient features of the control philosophy for operation of Ultrafiltration. PROCESS DESCRIPTION Following commands are envisaged for the operation : a) PRODUCTION MODE b) RECIRCULATION MODE c) FAST FLUSH MODE d) FAST FLUSH WITH CHEMICAL CLEANING e) SYSTEM SANITIZATION MODE f) BACK FLUSH MODE LIST OF ALARMS: Alarms to be displayed unit wise on display screen. RAW WATER TANK LOW 2. 5. 6. The Raw water tank is Low level. The UF product tank is high level. CIP TANK HIGH 48 . 1. UFPW TANK HIGH 5. UF FEED PRESSURE HIGH 3.07. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. DATE : 21.2010 UF UNIT WILL BE CUT OFF FROM SERVICE AUTOMATICALLY BASED ON FOLLOWING CONDITION WHICHEVER IS EARLIER. BACKFLUSH DISCHARGE PRESSURE HIGH 4. NUMBER.SUBJECT : PT.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. RO1. CIP TANK LOW 6. 1. UF feed Pressure is High.12. The starting of the Backflush and service operation is Automatic. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2010 Following are the salient features of the control philosophy for operation of Ultrafiltration system. D. which is used for the purpose of the normal operation and During sequence of Backflush operation. DATE : 21. The Ultrafiltration Membrane banks are provided with pneumatically actuated Butterfly Valves. NUMBER.12.2009 REV:1 DT 25.g. A. RO1.SUBJECT : PT. Signals for various alarm conditions. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 49 . high level in UFPWT. e. E. High pressure during normal process and high pressure during Backflush etc. are displayed on the local panel display lamps. These valves are operated automatically by Pneumatic Solenoid valves to Open/Close with respect to the process requirements by PLC. Operation of the plant is through PROGRAMABLE LOGIC CONTROL SYSTEM.07. After initialization subsequent stages will proceed automatically. Low level in RWT. Clean filtered water or Demineralised water should be taken to flush the system. RO1. when the permeate flow goes below 70% of the rated flow rate. 3. pumps. and the frequency of the cycle ranges from weekly to monthly.0 hour.07. citric. The frequency recommended is once in a month for the UF System.2 NUMBER. (i. an initial flux is required each time a new cartridge is used. tanks etc.1. These particles especially the metallic particles can damage the membranes very badly and even can rupture the same. phosphoric.e. Chemical concentrations used for cleaning are: Chlorine 250 ppm Acid (nitric. are free of particulate materials.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Before the system is put into operation we have to make sure the fabricated parts of the machinery like the piping. instruments before put into operation is recommended with clean filtered water or Demineralised water. The duration of a cycle is usually about 1. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. as the water entering the membranes should be free of any particulate material.000 ppm (used in place of chlorine) Cleaning cycles involve flushing the membranes with water. DATE : 21. recycling the chemicals through the cartridges and then flushing the system with clean water.) Cleaning a membrane system is a combination of hydrodynamic removal and chemical degradation of the foulants. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 50 . The cycles typically involve recycling water with chemicals such as chlorine. or oxalic) pH 2-3 NaOH pH 11-12 Peroxide 1. Membrane systems should be cleaned when productivity reaches a maximum of 70% of the original flux of the system.2010 INITIAL FLUSHING AND SANITIZATION OF THE SYSTEM As the UF cartridge is shipped moist.12.SUBJECT : PT. all membrane filtration systems require cleaning to remove fouling material from the membrane. The flushing of all the piping. On a periodic basis. Ultrafiltration membranes are compatible with high levels of cleaning chemicals. sodium hydroxide and acids. depending on the fouling level of the feed water. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.12.07. The flushing of the membranes is done at a feed pressure of 1.5 to 2 kg/cm2 and reject pressure of 1 kg/cm2 pressure at a high recirculation flow. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Adjust the inlet pressure at the feed of membrane to 2 kg/cm2./cm2 reject pressure at the membrane reject side.2010 The new membranes are generally filled with glycerine for the preservation and the glycerine should be flushed out in order to put the system in service mode. Adjust valve to achieve 1 kg. NUMBER. Continue the flushing for ten minutes. Fill the tank with fresh water to 80% level and start the recirculation pump.SUBJECT : PT. 51 . The fresh water is taken in to the CIP tank and the inlet to the suction of P1 pump is opened and the permeate and reject lines are opened to the drain.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO1. DATE : 21. Adjust the flow in the flow meter to 124m3/hr(Maximum). The Byepass line is opened partially to the CIP tank as the flow of the pump is going to be very high. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO1. Close manual valve to divert the permeate into drain.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2010 3. FEED PUMP BACKFLUSH PUMP (P2) FASTFLUSH PUMP (P1) - OFF OFF ON MANUAL VALVES TO BE KEPT IN OPEN CONDITION V19 UF Reject outlet & adjust for the designed recovery V20 UF permeate drain V24 UF Module permeate outlet All other manual valves will be in closed condition UF AUTO VALVE SCHEDULE – INITIAL FLUSHING VALVE V5 V6 V7 V8 V12 V10 NO.SUBJECT : PT.12. DATE : 21. d) Stop the pump and drain the tank. 2000 litres of water through the system. b) Keep the reject and permeate stream to drain. NUMBER.1. NORMAL O C O C O C MODE O OPEN C CLOSE S STOP ST START 52 V11/ V9 C P1 P2 S S . Flush approx. c) Start the system and bring the normal pressure.07.3 INITIAL FLUSHING a) Keep manual & auto valves in open mode as per the schedule given below. SUBJECT : PT.4 NUMBER. DATE : 21. 53 .1. d) Keep the bypass valve of the fast flush pump fully open and close gradually once the pump is started to the required flow rate. RO1.12.2010 SYSTEM SANITIZATION a) Fill up the tank with feed water by opening the feed tank inlet valve b) Prepare a solution of concentration of Caustic & Hypochlorite for sanitization. f) Adjust the valves to obtain pressure differential of 1 kg/cm2 between inlet and outlet pressure. e) Switch on the pump and slowly open valve from partial closed position adjust the position of valve to get recirculation flow of 124 m3/hr. it is recommended to sanitize the system on a regular basis which can be validated further. h) Stop the system i) Drain entire system and flush the system as the procedure given in (a) initial flushing above.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25. c) Open the manual and auto valve as per schedule . In order to preserve the performance of the UF cartridge as well as to maintain a good SDI reduction in permeate water. 3. g) Run in this mode for 20 minutes. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Operator checks pH is 11-12 using the pH meter/ paper. rinse cycle. Fill CIP Tank till the tank level reaches to 80 % or more.07. .2010 Fill the tank with fresh water to 80% level and add caustic (NaOH) till the pH reaches 11–12. Adjust the inlet pressure at the feed of membrane to 2 kg/cm2. . DATE : 21. Only after the required pH is achieved the water should be taken into the system. Prior to starting a chemical wash. In cleaning mode.Check that the Strainer Filter is clean and in tact. II. This will clean the system from the glycerine traces that are left during the flushing. These are 1.Check that sufficient chemicals are available. Start the recirculation pump.12./cm2 reject pressure at the membrane reject side. The Cleaning mode is performed: 1) After Production flows are reduced to 70% of the design flow due to fouling of the membrane. Caustic + Chlorine Wash Chlorine in form of NaOCl is added to the CIP tank to get the concentration of 200 ppm in the CIP tank. Continue the flushing for 20 minutes. Adjust the flow in the flow meter FI-2 to 124 m3/hr.2009 REV:1 DT 25. wash cycle and 2. The Cleaning mode is designed to restore flux. It is also used as part of the regular cleaning to remove dirt and organic fouling material.SUBJECT : PT. Adjust fast flush recirculation valve to achieve 1 kg. 1. RO1. NUMBER. If more Caustic is needed. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Each Chemical Cleaning mode is comprised of 2 cycles. the operator presses recirculation pump on. The Caustic/Chlorine Cleaning is used to remove preservative after new modules are loaded and to sanitize the system. add Caustic. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.Drain System and CIP tank . 54 . Mix the water using the bypass line in the tank. the options are: Caustic Wash Chlorine Wash Caustic/Chlorine wash I. Select the desired wash. complete the following tasks. When the pH is correct. 2) After new modules are loaded to remove the membrane preservative solution. The operator must monitor the chlorine concentration every 5 minutes. The Operator is suggested to observe if air bubbles are oozing from the module fibers into the upper end caps. RO1. III. DATE : 21.2010 Important Chlorine is consumed during the wash. tag any leaking modules for repair (if any). If necessary. Once the modules pass the integrity test. then repeat System Drain and CIP Tank Drain cycle and Rinse cycle. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. The selected Cleaning Mode is Complete. Check System pH The system is ready for production operation. NUMBER. once the pH reaches to normal (7).2009 REV:1 DT 25. Isolate leaking modules using the permeate isolation valves. If system pH is between 6 and 9. Please check with pH paper at the permeate sampling point.12. put the system in Production mode THE SYSTEM IS NOW READY FOR PRODUCTION MODE 55 .07. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.SUBJECT : PT. Manually dose chlorine as needed to maintain a 150-200 ppm concentration. 56 . b) Open the manual and auto valves as per schedule.07.1. NORMAL RUNNING MODE FEED PUMP BACKFLUSH PUMP (P2) FASTFLUSH PUMP (P1) - OFF OFF ON MANUAL VALVES TO BE KEPT IN OPEN CONDITION V19 UF Reject outlet & adjust for the designed recovery V24 UF Module permeate outlet All other manual valves will be in closed condition UF AUTO VALVE INTERLOCK SCHEDULE-NORMAL MODE VALVE V5 V6 V7 V8 V12 V10 V11/ NO. 3.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.SUBJECT : PT. Throttle permeate outlet valve to obtain recovery of 90% and Trans membrane pressure of 20 psi.5 NUMBER. c) With the above valve position switch ON the pump.12. Adjust permeate outlet valve to get the required flow. RO1. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. The recovery (and the reject flow) depends on the water quality and can be lower or higher than 90% depending on feed quality water. Adjust the permeate outlet and UF reject valve gradually for the required recovery and to get specified pressure drop across membranes. % RECOVERY = P1 P2 S S PRODUCT X 100 PRODUCT + DRAIN Average recovery of the system should be = 90%. DATE : 21. V9 NORMAL O C O O O C C MODE O C S ST - OPEN CLOSE STOP START i.2010 PRODUCTION RUN a) Connect permeate outlet to product water storage tank or product water loop. the feed water is continuously recycled across the surface of the membrane. Permeate flow will typically be about 45 m3/hr.(Please Check with IEI ) 57 . Product water is produced on the permeate side of the cartridge. Continue to run the system to produce required quality of water in this mode.2010 ii. the cartridges are periodically fast flushed. The recovery rate of water is typically 90 – 95%. Reject flow will be about 5 m3/hrs. DATE : 21. The technique is described later in this paper.SUBJECT : PT. The high velocity of the recirculating water prevents particles from accumulating on the surface of the membrane and enhances the flux rate. KOCH Hollow fiber membranes may be operated in either a once-through or recirculating process mode.5 kg/cm2 (limit pressure to be set on HPS1). RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Subject the reject stream to drain.07. Retentate is constantly removed to prevent over concentration. The choice to use recirculating or dead-end is a function of water quality. The system is designed for continuous feed & bleed operation as well as recirculation mode operation. In a recirculation process mode.12. The retentate flow rate will typically be about 10% of the feed flow. NUMBER. and system cost economics. This pressure can be adjusted up to as high as 3. Feed pressure will typically be 2-3 kg/cm2. This technique creates an intermittent high turbulence to remove particles from the membrane. To prevent particle built-up in the fibers during this low flow velocity process mode. In a dead-end mode. depending on the concentration of retained particles species in the water. RO1. The pressure of the UF system is controlled by the high-pressure switch HPS1 on the reject header. Once in the system the UF Feed is passed through the membrane fibers where the UF Permeate water permeates through the membrane surface. TRANS MEMBRANE PRESSURE (TMP) TMP = FEED PRESSURE + REJECT PRESSURE . MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. but may limit the recovery rate and flux performance of the system. the raw water feed enters the cartridge at a low cross flow rate and the reject water exits the cartridge at the opposite ends of the cartridge at a fraction of the original feed rate. fiber diameter. The dead-end process mode offers reduced expensive capital and operating costs compared to recirculating flow systems.2009 REV:1 DT 25.PERMEATE PRESSURE 2 Maximum limit of TMP for this KOCH Membrane system is 30 psi. This second system is usually designed to handle a higher concentration of retained materials. regular membrane cleaning and/or back flushing or reverse flushing may be required. although as high as 40 psi may be used for lower temperature applications. DATE : 21. As less water passes the membrane. It is optimized by operating at the maximum pressure drop.07. It is regulated by trans-membrane pressure.2009 REV:1 DT 25. since the volume of reject water is small compared to the incoming feed and recovered water.SUBJECT : PT. 58 . During the normal filtration process. colloidal material or microorganism in the feed water. In applications where water usage constraints exist. Recovery may be defined as: % Recovery = Permeate Rate x 100/Feed Rate The percent recovery depends on the amount of suspended solids.2010 Operating Pressures Flux is the flow per unit membrane area per unit time. To maximize water recovery.12. recovery may drop as a result of membrane fouling. In most applications. the reject water may be reprocessed with an additional membrane system. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO1. System Recovery The recovery of purified water from an ultrafiltration system will be in a proportion to the incoming feed water and discharged reject water. the reject water is discharged to drain. NUMBER. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Permeate backpressure may be applied to the cartridges as a method of productivity control. more water is rejected to drain. since water is usually a pressure dependent process. For most Koch Hollow Fiber Membrane Trans membrane pressure is 10-25 psi. FAST FLUSH MODE This mode of operation uses high shear sweep along the UF Membrane cartridge. Cleaning mode Cycle Time Duration (minutes) Fast flush with chemical 45 Mins – 60 Mins. Normally. Pre-Production rinse As per requirement Backflush 1 Min. all membrane filtration systems require cleaning to remove fouling material from the membrane. As per the set time fast flush mode operation will start and pump will start automatically. process techniques and chemical requirements will be dependent on the application and the degree of fouling. Static soak 30 Mins. Fast flush 20 Mins.2010 CLEANING PROTOCOLS On a periodic basis. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. After filling the feed tank.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. The requirement for cleaning will be manifested as a reduction in water productivity from original start-up valves.1. 59 .07. Open the manual and auto valves as per schedule. membrane systems should be cleaned when productivity reaches a maximum of 70% of the original output capacity of system. Cleaning a membrane system is a combination of hydrodynamic removal and chemical degradation of the foulants. Cleaning frequency The frequency of cleaning.12. RO1.SUBJECT : PT.6 NUMBER. DATE : 21. (for a time duration of 1min) at a frequency of once per hour. 3. stop the supply to tank. 07. NUMBER. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Stop the Pump. RO1.SUBJECT : PT. Bye-pass valve in open condition MANUAL VALVE TO KEPT IN OPEN CONDITION V2 - Fast Flush pump suction V3 - Fast Flush pump delivery V4 - By-pass V14 - Permeate recirculation V24 - Permeate outlet (UF module) All other manual valves are in close position. This fast flush will sweep gel layer accumulated on membrane surface. V9 FAST C O O C C O C ST FLUSH MODE O C S ST - P2 S OPEN CLOSE STOP START This mode will give the required fast flush flow rate as per the design. Drain entire system 60 .2009 REV:1 DT 25. DATE : 21.2010 FAST FLUSH MODE Feed pump - OFF Back Flush pump (P2) - OFF Fast Flush pump (P1) - ON To avoid Hydraulic hammer and vibration.12. UF AUTO VALVE INTERLOCK SCHEDULE-FAST FLUSH MODE VALVE V5 V6 V7 V12 V8 V10 V11/ P1 NO. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. it is very important to keep the Fast flush pump. The fastflush serves to remove highly concentrated material from the hollow fiber and usually is timed for approximately 5-15 minutes.12. 61 0. MEMBRANE FOULANT CHEMICAL CONCENTRATION General fouling (Organics & bacteria) Iron fouling NaOCl (at 10.5% by weight by weight by weight by weight .SUBJECT : PT.2009 REV:1 DT 25.5% 0. DATE : 21. Recommended cleaning temperature is 30 .2010 A fast flush process usually is followed by backflush. Feed water at a high flow velocity is pumped through the cartridge. RO1.5% 0.2% 0. which allows for an increase in flow velocity at the membrane surface. Type of chemical will depend on fouling nature. FAST FLUSH WITH CHEMICAL CLEANING If above mentioned FAST FLUX does not yield original flux then cleaning chemical can be introduced in above mode of cleaning.5 pH) Citric acid and NaEDTA 200 ppm as NaOCl Silica NaOH Heavy organic fouling NaOH Frequency of this mode is once per month. NUMBER. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.45 C.07. The permeate lines are closed of at this time. Fastflush water may be used several times before discarding to drain. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. usually from a fastflush/cleaning tank. - Open manual valves and auto valves as per schedule.12. 62 .07. DATE : 21.The Feed pressure should not exceed more than 10mwc at the inlet of UF modules. BACK FLUSH MODE Feed pump - OFF Fast Flush pump (P1) - OFF Back Flush pump (P2) - ON  .2009 REV:1 DT 25. NUMBER. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. - Stop the normal operation of System. RO1. Back flush pump will start and stop automatically. - The Backflush process gets tripped after 60seconds. UF reject valve opens for first half flush and UF backflush drain valve second half.SUBJECT : PT.2010 BACKFLUSH MODE OF CLEANING This mode of operation is done as mentioned in following steps:-. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. NUMBER. A tank and backflush pump is the preferred method for this flux restoration technique. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. the cartridge productivity is restored with a backflush cycle using permeate water. Given this constraint. If the permeate is not being used then it is recommended that the permeate be returned to the feed side of the system. 63 . UF AUTO VALVE INTERLOCK SCHEDULE-BACKFLUSH MODE VALVE V5 V6 V7 V8 V12 V10 V11/ P1 P2 NO. The trans-membrane pressure must not exceed 1. it is suggested that water be flowing in the system at all times. where the tank is filled with clean permeate water. The backflush period is usually about 60 seconds. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. typically about 1hour. The backflushing serves to remove accumulated particles from the surface of the hollow fiber membrane and then pushes the particles out of the lumen to the feed manifolds. DATE : 21.0 bar (15 psi) during the backflush process.12. the backflush flow rate will start low and increase as the membrane cleans. RO1.SUBJECT : PT.07.2010 MANUAL VALVES TO BE KEPT IN OPEN CONDITION V21 - Back Flush pump suction V22 - Back Flush pump delivery V13 - Back Flush inlet All other manual valves will be in closed condition. This mode of operation will help to prevent bacterial buildup in the system. BACKFLUSHING After producing water for a period of time. NOTE: In order to keep the system free from contamination and flux reduction. V9 BACK C C C C C C O S ST FLUSH MODE O C S ST - OPEN CLOSE STOP START IV.2009 REV:1 DT 25. DI. The cartridges do not have to be filled with water. a preservative is recommended. Quarternary ammonium compounds Storage of Used Cartridges 50 . Phosphoric acid Adjust pH 2-3 3. Fill the tank with water. If the membrane is allowed to dry out. Sodium Bisulfite 50 . Glycerine should be washed from the cartridges with standard cleaning and flushing procedures prior to use.7 NUMBER. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.2010 LONG TERM MEMBRANE STORAGE KOCH Hollow fiber cartridges are shipped from Koch in a solution of 70% glycerine (food grade). Prior to storing the cartridges must be washed thoroughly to remove contaminants that may accelerate micro-organism growth. Glycerine Use 70% glycerine 2. DATE : 21. Benzoic acid or sodium benzonate 1000 ppm 4. RO1.07.1.2009 REV:1 DT 25. WFI or RO water. Modules removed from a system must be kept moist by capping the cartridge ends or putting the cartridge in a plastic bag. This glycerin inhibits microorganism growth and prevents freezing of cartridges. a change in the flux and rejection performance will occur.150 ppm 5.SUBJECT : PT. The solutions include: For long term storage. 1. A preservative may be used to prevent microorganism growth during the storage period. When cartridges are not used for a period of over two days the system should be filled with one of the following solutions after a complete sanitization procedure is run. clean water may be sufficient. the membrane should be kept moist at all times. 64 .100 ppm After the shipping glycerin is removed from the cartridges. Prepare the solution using one of above chemicals at required pH or concentration. Procedure Use soft. Fill the tank with water. Fill the complete system with this solution.12. For short term a (less than 2 to 4 weeks). Exchange the solution once in two weeks. 3. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. A 100% moisture condition is sufficient to prevent membrane performance loss. 4. 6.12. 1. High Chlorine. High Pressure pH Fault Low Inlet Pressure PROCESS DESCRIPTION Following commands are envisaged for the operation: a) SERVICE MODE b) IDLE MODE ( No water Demand) LIST OF ALARMS: Alarms to be displayed unit wise on panel board. HIGH FEED CONDUCTIVITY. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. 5. DATE : 21. 1.SUBJECT : PT. PH FAULT 6. HIGH PRODUCT CONDUCTIVITY. HIGH PRESSURE 5.2009 REV:1 DT 25. 3. 4. High Product Conductivity. 2. 3. 2. NUMBER. High Feed Conductivity. HIGH CHLORINE. RO1.07.2010 RO – Pass I UNIT WILL BE CUT OFF FROM SERVICE AUTOMATICALLY BASED ON FOLLOWING CONDITION WHICHEVER IS EARLIER. LOW INLET PRESSURE 65 . MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. PROCESS DESCRIPTION Following commands are envisaged for the operation: c) SERVICE MODE d) IDLE MODE ( No water Demand) LIST OF ALARMS: Alarms to be displayed unit wise on panel board. LOW INLET PRESSURE. 4. 1. 1. 66 .07. e. which is used for the purpose of the normal operation and stop during Alarm Condition. Signals for various alarm conditions. DEGASSED WATER TANK LEVEL HIGH.12.2.1 RO – PASS II UNIT WILL BE CUT OFF FROM SERVICE AUTOMATICALLY BASED ON FOLLOWING CONDITION WHICHEVER IS EARLIER. 4. 3. Degassed Water Tank Level High. High Feed Conductivity. These valves are operated automatically by Pneumatic Solenoid valves to Open/Close with respect to the process requirements by PLC. High Product Conductivity. The Reverse Osmosis Membrane banks are provided with pneumatically actuated Butterfly Valves. 2. High Chlorine. 3. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Operation of the plant is through PROGRAMABLE LOGIC CONTROL SYSTEM. High Product Conductivity. pH Fault. 2.g. NUMBER. Low Inlet Pressure etc.2. 1. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 3. are displayed on the local panel display lamps. HIGH PRESSURE. DATE : 21. Low Inlet Pressure.2009 REV:1 DT 25.Following are the salient features of the control philosophy for operation of Reverse Osmosis Pass 1. HIGH PRODUCT CONDUCTIVITY. High Pressure. High Pressure.2010 3.SUBJECT : PT. 2. RO1. 7. Close the cartridge filter vessel cover. Clean the RO pressure tubes and associated piping with a jet of water. Without starting the high pressure pump. 2. Dry check the operation sequence by electrically simulating various conditions. Low Inlet Pressure.07. 3.2010 Following are the salient features of the control philosophy for operation of Reverse Osmosis Pass II. High Pressure. e. DATE : 21.2009 REV:1 DT 25. are displayed on the local panel display lamps. Stop the pumps. all instruments. Check and confirm that feed water to RO will meet all limiting conditions. Degassed Water Tank Level High etc. 67 . MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 1. Check and ensure upstream pumps and units are in proper operating condition. 6. flush the RO system with pretreated water. Check and ensure correct direction of rotation of the high pressure pump. High Product Conductivity. 5.12. Operation of the plant is through PROGRAMABLE LOGIC CONTROL SYSTEM. RO1. Separately check the running of all dosing pumps. 4. a number of precommissioning activities need to be carried out. 3. close all valves. switch off the main electrical supply for membrane loading. Do not load the cartridge filter elements.SUBJECT : PT. NUMBER.2.2 Precommissioning After completing installation activities including electrical wiring and before initial start up. 8. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.g. which is used for the purpose of the normal operation and stop during Alarm Condition. Signals for various alarm conditions. Put distinguishing marks on the end caps and respective tube ends (for ease of reassembly). RO1. remove the end caps. Remove the required number of membrane elements from the packing. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.07. Fix the interconnector on the leading end and join the same with the element which was already inside the pressure tube.3 Membrane Loading 1.10) as the membrane element is loaded. By using an even pulling force and ensuring that no damage occurs to any fittings. 5.SUBJECT : PT. If the pressure tube has more than one element. 6. DATE : 21. Remove the victaulic connections from both ends of the pressure tubes. where the piping from high pressure pump enters the RO unit). Remove the allen screws. NUMBER. 2. 4.2010 3. Now push the new element so that the element inserted earlier goes in fully. 9. Then remove the rings one by one.e. make the next membrane element ready. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. 3. On the product end of the pressure tube. Apply a liberal coat of silicone grease on the membrane `O’ ring and seals. fix the product adaptors using silicone grease.2. 68 . Note down the serial number of each membrane element and enter the same on the membrane loading chart (see Table 5. 8.12. Insert the membrane elements into the pressure tube from the feed end (i. Membrane should enter so that the seals are near the feed end of the pressure tube.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Reinstall the end caps carefully and refix the rings and allen screws. 7. Carefully tap the end cap with a rubber mallet to relieve the tension from the retaining rings. NUMBER. Continue this operation for 15 minutes to expel all air pockets in the system. 7. Remove the air from the high pressure pump casing by opening the vent. This will ensure that the product water during initial start-up and initial flushing does not contaminate the product water tank. DATE : 21. Open the cover of the cartridge filter vessel. 2. Open reject control valve fully. 3. particularly pH. RO1. Check the quality of the feed water. temperature. Open the manual feed water isolation valve to allow water flow into the RO system. Open the high pressure pump discharge valve fully. chlorine. 5.4 Initial start up 1. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. hardness. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.2009 REV:1 DT 25. conductivity and silt density index (SDI) to ensure that the parameters are not worse than the design water analysis given in Technical Data sheet. Remove the drain on the product header and connect a hose pipe to drain. 69 .2. 6.12.2010 3.07. The cartridge filter will show a positive pressure and water will flow intothe drain near the reject outlet. 4. Fix the filter elements and close the cover lightly.SUBJECT : PT. 70 . RO1.2. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Close the reject control valve slowly and note the reject flow. When the high pressure pump starts. 5. 4.07. 1. 6. slowly open the pump discharge valve to increase the pressure and obtain and note the product flow.6 Continuing after initial start-up. NUMBER.SUBJECT : PT. 2. Start operation of the various instruments provided on the panel. Continue for at least 2 hours. DATE : 21.2010 3. 3. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.12. 3. Simultaneously and carefully control both these valves to obtain product and reject flow rates as per the Technical Data sheet. and keep observing the operating pressure and flow rates. Start the dosing pumps (if present) and maintain the required dosage for the various chemicals. there will be some initial changes in these parameters. As the membrane gets conditioned. Remove the lock out tag from the electrical control panel main ON/OFF switch and switch on the power supply. the permeate flow will increase. Close the high pressure pump discharge valve fully and reopen it to be ¼ open.2009 REV:1 DT 25. 7. Refix the drain plug on the product header.5 Initial flushing The purpose of initial flushing is to remove the preservatives from the membranes and antifreeze chemicals applied on them at the time of shipping. but they will soon stabilise.2. As the reject control valve is closed. inlet to product water storage or inlet to degasser tower) are fully open. DATE : 21. Turn the main switch to ‘ON’ position.07. RO1. 4. The operating pressure will rise slightly compared to the previous step.12. Note the treated water quality parameters. NUMBER.2010 3. the operator needs to ensure that  The pretreatment plant is operating satisfactorily  Necessary chemicals are available  There are no leaks in the high pressure piping  Various important parameters are entered in the log sheet. product and reject flow rates. 3. Adjust the reject control valve and the high pressure pump discharge valve to maintain the treated water quality within acceptable limits. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Ensure that the manual feed water isolation valve is fully open. 7.4 so as to maintain the desired operating pressure.) 5. 1.2009 REV:1 DT 25.g. 71 . Ensure that all valves downstream of the product water header (e. 2. 6. Ensure that the reject control valve is partly open. the operation of a reverse osmosis plant is fairly simple.7 Normal starting In general.SUBJECT : PT. Ensure that the high pressure pump discharge valve is open at least ¼. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Adjust the pump discharge valve and the reject control valves as described in point 3 & 4 of 5.2. (CAUTION: A COMPLETELY CLOSED REJECT CONTROL VALVE CAN CAUSE SEVERE MEMBRANE DAMAGE. use the following procedure: 1.3 on disinfection and storage of Reverse osmosis membranes.2. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.2010 3. 3.8 Normal Shutdown When the reverse osmosis unit needs to be shutdown for brief periods( less than 7 days).7 above. 2. follow the procedure below: 1. Switch off upstream units and pumps including dosing systems. 72 . RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. RO1. Refer to 7.2009 REV:1 DT Long Term Shutdown When the reverse osmosis unit needs to be shutdown for periods exceeding 7 days. NUMBER. Switch off the high pressure pump.SUBJECT : PT. DATE : 21. Carry out a "Normal" shutdown as per the procedure given in 5.12. 2. kg/cm2 m3/h 1 Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 A Pressure Reading Locations Cartridge Filter Inlet Cartridge Filter Outlet RO Feed -1 RO Feed -2 RO Feed –3 RO reject 73 Flow. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2010 Table 3. o C B C % Prod Key A B C Flow Reading Locations Feed Product Reject Remarks . Reco.2009 REV:1 DT 25.SUBJECT : PT.2.12. NUMBER. DATE : 21.07.10 DAILY LOG SHEET Client Name and Location Time Date Pressure.Conductivity Raw very microsiemen water s/cm temp. RO1. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. A change of more than 10% in the product flow or feed pressure or the product conductivity should be reported immediately. Record any change in raw water source. cod. control panel etc.12. A detailed raw water analysis should be done once in three months or whenever the raw water conductivity changes by more than 10%.07. iron. RO1. 5. 2.SUBJECT : PT. Feed water to the reverse osmosis unit should be within following parameters: Turbidity Oil and Grease SDI Organics Temperature Less than 1 NTU Nil Less than 4 Nil Less than 400C 74 . DATE : 21. chlorides. Under the "Remarks" column record any routine activity like cleaning as well as any malfunction of instruments. Measure and record the SDI value of feed water once a week. 6.2010 Note 1. 3. silica. sulphate. magnesium. turbidity and TDS. pH. 4.2009 REV:1 DT 25. NUMBER. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Raw water analsysis should ensure the calcium. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.  Mark the feed and the reject end for every tube. (PT stands for pressure tube)  Membrane Model : Date of Installation : 75 .  Enter various tubes as PT1. PT2 etc. RO1.SUBJECT : PT. DATE : 21.2009 REV:1 DT 25.07.2. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2010 Table 3.11 RO Membrane Loading Chart Note:  Use the blocks above to enter membrane Serial numbers. NUMBER.12. MB units: High conductivity more than 0. conductivity and pH transmitters. for fail safe operation. the units will go in standby mode and operator will take decision to put back the stream in service. Pressure to open valve are given at rinse outlet.07. This will not be automatic.3 MB UNIT WILL BE CUT OFF FROM SERVICE AUTOMATICALLY BASED ON FOLLOWING CONDITION WHICHEVER IS EARLIER. (d) Display of stages and related set and elapsed time. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Caustic should be fail safe by providing positive dilution water flow signal before the caustic dilution valve. Digital inputs are mainly from open/close limit switches of each of the pneumatically operated valve. 76 . (g) Display instrument readings. DATE : 21. Indication lamps/graphic display of exchangers / pumps / blowers / chemicals tanks showing dynamic status.12. (f) Alarm status. Voltage free outputs are envisaged to operate solenoid valves for starting / stopping of pumps / blowers / mixers and analogue outputs shall be 4-20 mA DC to have control action on the control valves. (c) Hold.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO1. advance (for regeneration operation of stages). level switches & analogue inputs are from level transmitters.2010 3. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.SUBJECT : PT. flow transmitters. etc. power water valve and Acid/Caustic inlet valve to measuring tanks. NUMBER. measuring tanks outlet valve. etc. reset. (a) Selection of exchanger unit/pumps/ blowers/ chemical tank required for particular operation.2 s/cm or high totalised flow of 1000 m3 whichever is earlier. Pneumatic Solenoid valves are provided for operation of individual pneumatically Actuated Butterfly valves. (b) Mode selection like regeneration/service/chemicals filling. At the completion of regeneration sequence. 12. DATE : 21. Related page can be called on display unit and operation will be carried out accordingly.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Following commands are envisaged for the operation : a) b) c) D) E) f) Service Extend Service Batch Off Regeneration Hold Sequence Emergency Stop. DGWT a) b) c) d) Low Level DGWT High Level DGWT Blower-A/B tripping Mixed Bed Feed Pump P3-A/B tripping MIXED BED UNIT a) b) c) d) e) f) g) High Conductivity High Totalised Flow Low / High pH DM Storage Tank High Level Low level HCL Acid Dilution tank Low level NaOH Caustic Dilution tank MB Blower A/B tripping NEUTRALISATION PIT a) Low Level c) pH Low d) pH High 77 . g) Regeneration Sequence Steps h) Fill LIST OF ALARMS: Alarms to be displayed on display screen / Indication lamps. DGT. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.SUBJECT : PT. NUMBER. RO1.2010 The operation will be menu based either through keyboard or touch screen.07. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. DATE : 21. NUMBER.12.07.SUBJECT : PT.2010 SECTION 4 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 78 .2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO1. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 79 . Switch on the MCC feeders for UF panel and Switch on the Air compressor 2. DATE : 21. RO1. 5. 3.1 UF OPERATING PROCEDURE PROCEDURE FOR STARTING SERVICE OF THE ULTRA-FILTRATION SYSTEM: 1.07. 13.2009 REV:1 DT 25.2010 4. The service Cycle is by default as 60 Minutes. Solenoid Valves SV1. Power ON by switching S1. The Normal mode Red lamp will get on and the following process starts automatically. SV3 and SV4 opens to open UF valves 12. Select S2 in Auto mode and make sure there is sufficient level in the Raw Water Tank. NUMBER. 14 & 15 with the UF feed pump starts. to ensure the Backflush followed by Forward flush done at an interval of 60 minutes.12. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Q4 and Q9 is ON. 6. Q3. The PLC outputs Q1. 4.SUBJECT : PT. 6. Select S1 for Automatic mode 5. Select S1 for Automatic mode 5. The RO Feed pump starts and after 30 seconds the High pressure pump starts automatically. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Check for the Flow. 80 . 4. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Power ON by switching S2.2 PROCEDURE FOR STARTING SERVICE OF THE RO PASS – 1: 1. Pressure and Conducitivity and record the same after 30 minutes of operation after normalisation.3 PROCEDURE FOR STARTING SERVICE OF THE RO PASS – 2: 1. DATE : 21. 4. NUMBER. RO1. 3. Switch on the MCC feeders for RO . Check for NO chlorine in the UF product water.1 panel and Switch on the Air compressor. 4.2 panel and Degasser Blower A / B.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Switch on the MCC feeders for RO .2010 4. Power ON by switching S2. Check for the Flow.12.SUBJECT : PT. Check for RO-1 is service and feeding the product the RO -2. 6. Pressure and Conducitivity and record the same after 30 minutes of operation after normalisation. The High Pressure Pump starts after 30 seconds automatically. 2. 2. 3.07. 81 . MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 9. Select the MB Feed pump A/B and switch ON the MCC feeders and Switch on the Air compressor. Now regeneration will be carried out in pre determined sequence for given time as follows. 7. open the respective valves to fill the tank manually to the desired level as marked in the respective tanks.4 PROCEDURE FOR STARTING SERVICE OF THE MIXED BED UNIT: 1. Ensure that pump A or B is ON. FORCED SETTLE .2 MINUTES.12. 4. 3.07.5MINUTES 2. RO1.24 MINUTES. BACKWASH . RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Start the Mixed Bed Feed pump A or B by pressing the start push button provided on the local push button station near the pumps. NUMBER. MIDDLE COLLECTOR FLUSH . 6. Switch ON the MCC feeders for the pumps Regeneration Pumps A/B. 1. AIR MIX.5 PROCEDURE FOR STARTING REGENERATION OF MIXED BED UNITS : 1. ALKALI/ ACID INJECTION. 2. DRAIN DON . Open the respective Solenoid valve to open the Service Inlet and Service Outlet Valves of the Mixed Bed unit.2009 REV:1 DT 25. FINAL RINSE 15 MINUTES. 3. REFILL . ALKALI / ACID PRE INJECTION . 2.10 MINUTES 8.5 MINUTES. Check the caustic level in CDT and Acid Dilution tank if it is HIGH (go to point no 5).5 MINUTES. DATE : 21. Select pump A or B local push button near the pump location.2 MINUTES. 10. If not HIGH. 5. ALKALI/ ACID RINSE . 4. 4.MINUTES.SUBJECT : PT. 3.2010 4. 2010 SECTION 5 CHEMICAL CONTROL 82 .SUBJECT : PT. RO1. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2009 REV:1 DT 25. DATE : 21.07. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. NUMBER.12. silt. Plankton and other microscopic organisms. the flame of a standard candle is observed vertically through a column of water whose turbidity is to be measured) in a standard measuring cylinder and the length of the column of water at which the flame of a candle just disappears is measured. In this method.2009 REV:1 DT 25. In this method the transmitted light is observed while in the previous method.12. RO1. Suspended solids on the other hand refers to the weight of the suspended solids present in a unit volume of the solution and is dependent only on properties like the specific gravity of the particle and not on its optical properties. It is measured by comparing the light scattered by a sample of water whose turbidity is to be measured (at 90 ° to incident light) with that of a sample of a standard solution of formazine of a particular concentration whose turbidity is taken as 40 units. For a particular water (under standard conditions of preparation of sample) we can relate suspended solids and turbidity by means of a calibration graph.07. The turbidity of the solution thus prepared remains constant since the solution is stable. The increase in weight can be expressed in mg/lit. finely divided inorganic or organic matter.SUBJECT : PT.0 CHEMICAL CONTROL 5. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2010 5. It is also sometimes referred to as the Formazine Turbidity Unit (FTU).1 TURBIDITY & ITS MEASUREMENT : Turbidity in water is caused by the presence of suspended matter such as clay. The relationship will hold good only for the particular water. DATE : 21. Turbidity may also be expressed in Jackson Turbidity Unit (JTU). Suspended solids are measured by filtering a known volume of the solution through a weighed glass fibre disc. It is measured by comparing the light scattered at 90° by the sample with that of a standard solution and is dependent on the optical properties of the suspended solids . It is not recommended to express turbidity in terms of ppm SiO2 scale. shape etc. A standard solution of Fuller's earth ( a particular type of clay containing sodium aluminium silicate) is used to calibrate the measuring cylinder in terms of JTU. 83 . the scattered light at 90° to the incident light is measured. or membrane filter and evaporating it to dryness at 105° C and measuring the differences in weight. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.their surface area. Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU) is the most widely accepted unit for measurement of turbidity. NUMBER. 2009 REV:1 DT 25. 84 . Velocity 5 10 Turbidity = PPM = MG/LIT = GMS/M3 = lbs/GALLON CONVERSION : 450 grams = 1 lb 1000 lts = 1M3 = 220 gallons lb/gallon = 1/450 x 1/220 = ______ 99. DATE : 21.000 = 1 1 ___ 5 10 Dry Load : lb x hours x gallons _______ _______ gallons hr ___________________________________ Sq. ft. = Turbidity x Hrs of run x Sp. Dry Load = lbs/sq. RO1.07.SUBJECT : PT.2010 FORMULA FOR CALCULATING DRY LOAD FOR FILTERS : Formula : Dry Load (lbs/sq. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.12.Ft. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.ft). NUMBER. the chemical potential of this salt solution is reduced. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. which is a function of pressure. Equilibrium occurs when the hydrostatic pressure differential resulting from the volume changes on both sides is equal to the osmotic pressure. The pressure tubes are generally arranged in stages when more product water is desired than one module can produce. NUMBER. the water that passes through the membrane is commonly referred to as permeate or product water. RO1. DATE : 21. The individual analytical test methods referred\ to are found at the end of this section. We have used these terms interchangeably in this manual. The staging of the modules is designed to optimise the water flow patterns across the surface of the membrane. This is a solution property independent of the membrane. brine or reject. Application of an external pressure to the salt solution equal to the osmotic pressure will also cause equilibrium. Additional pressure will raise the chemical potential of the water in the salt solution and cause a solvent flow to the pure water side. In the reverse osmosis process.07. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Osmosis is a natural process involving fluid flow across a semi permeable membrane barrier. The difference of passage rate results in solvent solids separation. If a soluble salt is added on one side.12. passes into the product tube and exits the pressure tube from the pressure tube product port as product water. Pure water in contact with both sides of an ideal semi permeable membrane at equal pressure and temperature has no net flow across the membrane because the chemical potential is equal on both sides. Multiple stages are referred to as arrays. because it now has a lower chemical potential. The direction of solvent flow is determined by its chemical potential.2 DEMINERALISATION BY REVERSE OSMOSIS The following notes will explain the operation and the types of analytical tests to be conducted for the control of the units and the possible variations in the quality and capacity of the units that can be expected. less most of the dissolved solids and all of the suspended solids. temperature and concentration of dissolved solids. brine or reject water. This uniform water flow promotes good flushing velocity across the membrane surface to prevent the accumulation of suspended solids on the surface which would foul the membrane and reduce the productivity.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Osmotic flow from the pure water side across the membrane to the salt solution side will occur until the equilibrium of chemical potential is restored. Some of the water. driven by the feed pressure through the RO pressure tube feed port permeates through the membrane. This phenomenon is called reverse osmosis.2010 5. It is selective in the sense that the solvent passes through the membrane at a faster rate than the dissolved solids.SUBJECT : PT. The remainder of the water passes along the surface of the membrane with the concentrated dissolved and suspended solids and passes out of the pressure tube concentrate port as concentrate. Pressurised feed water is introduced into one end of the pressure tube. the water that remains behind the membrane along with dissolved and suspended solids is referred to as the concentrate. 85 . 2010 Different ions also pass through the membrane to different extents depending on various factors such as valency.A. the capacity will decrease. etc. the treated water conductivity will rise. is always less than 1. NUMBER. 5.ALK + EMA + FREE CO2 + SILICA All parameters expressed as ppm as CaCO3.SUBJECT : PT. purity of reagents. At exhaustion of the Cation resin the treated water pH will increase. Treated Water Quality : The quality of treated water from a Mixed Bed unit is extremely pure. If either the TC or TA increases.3 MIXED BED UNITS : Capacity : For the first six months of operation. Salt passage is defined as the ratio of total dissolved solids (TDS) in permeate to TDS in feed water. speed in analysis are critical items. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. the product water does have some salts. ionic size. DATE : 21. TOTAL ANIONS (TA) = M. Errors can arise if a sample is taken and measured elsewhere. If the Cation exchange resin exhausts first. A certain minimum reject water flow is always maintained to flush the membrane surface and also keep certain sparingly soluble salts below their solubility limits. Thereafter the capacity may be gradually stepped up until after a further three months the run may be terminated either on silica breakthrough or on conductivity break through depending on the quality of treated water required. If the Anion resin exhausts first.12.07. Therefore. RO1. High purity water is an excellent solvent and is therefore easily contaminated. concentration. two ionic loads have to be considered for capacity. the ratio of the product water or permeate flow to feed water flow. Great care is therefore required when sampling and analysing the water.0. The cleanliness of apparatus. As two types of ion exchange resins are used in the Mixed Bed unit.2009 REV:1 DT 25. The best method for checking its purity is by measuring its specific conductance (conductivity) using an in-line cell assembly and an accurate measuring instrument. the Mixed Bed unit must be run to the rated capacity as stated in the TECHNICAL DATA SHEET and should then be regenerated. TOTAL CATIONS (TC) = M. called the recovery. the treated water pH will decrease. 86 . Any increase in either will result in a decreased capacity. As a result. If exposed to the air it will absorb Free Carbon Dioxide and other gases from the atmosphere very rapidly. usually approximately 10% of the salts in feed water.ALK + E.M. M.2 -0. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.5 micro siemen/cm.A. RO1.12. The treated water conductivity will generally be below 1. The presence of silica in the treated water does not appreciably effect its conductivity. If silica free water is required. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.07.  SILICA (1-20 ppm)  SILICA (0-1 ppm) 87 . A check on the Raw water and Treated Water should include tests for  CONDUCTIVITY  pH  CHLORIDES  SULPHATES  NITRATES  TOTAL HARDNESS  M ALKALINITY  IRON  OIL AND GREASE  FREE CHLORINE  FREE CARBON DI OXIDE  E. silica tests should be conducted as a regular routine just before the end point of the treatment run and the unit should be regenerated when the silica content of the treated water is no longer acceptable.e.2010 The pH should also be checked using an in-line electrode assembly although it has been found that readings may tend to be erratic because the liquid being measured is so very close to being absolutely neutral. The minimum will normally be in the range of 0.2009 REV:1 DT 25.0 micro siemen/cm. NUMBER. It is important to check the temperature of the water and make necessary corrections to the reading. An empirical relationship between the total dissolved solids (TDS) and conductivity may be considered.SUBJECT : PT. This is generally accepted as follows: 1 ppm TDS = 2 micro siemen/cm i. a ratio of 1 : 2. DATE : 21. 2009 REV:1 DT 25.2010 Oxygen Absorbed in 4 hours 88 . DATE : 21. RO1.SUBJECT : PT.  NUMBER. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.12.07. Standardise as under `Procedure' against standard Sodium Chloride solution. of solution.02N).17 gms.12. Dissolve 1. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. 0. 0.02N Sodium Chloride Solution 0. This solution is unstable and should be renewed monthly. NUMBER. Reagents 0. Nickel NItrate (buffer solution) 4 molar crystalline Nickel Nitrate solution containing 5 ml. of predried Analar Sodium Chloride in 1 lit of distilled or deionised water (i. 1 ml.2009 REV:1 DT 25.4 CHLORIDES (MERCURIC NITRATE METHOD) Reagents and Apparatus : Burette for Mercuric Nitrate 0.e.02N NaCl = 1 mg Cl as CaCO 3).02N Mercuric Nitrate Hg (NO3)2 Dissolve 3. Acid per 100 ml. graduated cylinders 10 ml.02N Mercuric Nitrate Hg (NO3)2 Solution Concentrated Nitric Acid Distilled water 0. graduated pipettes 250 ml. Procedure : 89 of concentrated Nitric .2010 5. When totally dissolved make up to 1 litre. conical flasks.1% w/v solution of Diphenylcarbazone in Iso-propanol or Methanol. Standard Sodium Cloride Solution (0.1 % W/V Solution Diphenylcarbazone Nickel Nitrate (Buffer solution) 100 ml.SUBJECT : PT. DATE : 21. of deionised or distilled water which contains 3 ml. RO1. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. of concentrated Nitric Acid.07.24 gms Hg (NO3)2 in approximately 500 ml. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. as ppm CaCO3 = ml. of sample. (i. The resulting solution should be a pale green colour. Add 1 ml. NUMBER.07. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.02N Mercuric Nitrate until a faint but persistent violet colour is observed. Calculation : Chloride. of sample into a 250 ml. flask.2010 Measure 100 ml.SUBJECT : PT. If the solution has an orange tint. of titration x 1000 ml. Add 2 ml.e. the end point). 90 . Titrate the solution with 0. of Nickel Nitrate buffer solution and mix again. DATE : 21.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO1. Diphenylcarbazone solution and mix. add Nickel Nitrate dropwise until the green tint is achieved.12. NUMBER.7 TOTAL HARDNESS : Reagents and Apparatus : N/50 E. transfer quantitatively to a 100 ml volumetric flask. 91 .0 ml. Add this solution to the NH4Cl-NH4OH mixture and make up to 250 ml. Ammonia Buffer: Dissolve 16. of solution remaining in the volumetric flask add exactly the volume of EDTA required in the above titration.9 g ammonium chloride. Indicator : Mix 0.2010 5.9 g NH4Cl in 143 ml.T. conc. Weight out 0.07.5ghydroxylamine hydrochloride. add 1. of this solution into a porcelain dish. ammonium hydroxide NH4OH. : 4 grams of disodium dihydrogen ethylene diamine tetra acetate are dissolved in 800 ml. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Keep the solution in a plastic or resistant glass container. NH4Cl in 143 ml. 7H2O.SUBJECT : PT.25 g MgCl2.5 g of Erichrome black T with 4. tightly stoppered to prevent loss of NH3 or pickup of CO2. add a few drops of the NH4Cl-NH4OH solution (sufficient to achieve a pH of 10.2009 REV:1 DT 25. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 6H2O or MgSO4. Pipette 50. of 95 percent ethyl or isopropyl alcohol. A buffer containing the magnesium salt of EDTA may also be made as follows: Dissolve 16. To the 50 ml. add 2-3 drops of indicator solution and titrate with EDTA with continuous stirring until a steel-blue colour with no tinge of red is present. DATE : 21.1). of water and standardised and adjusted against a standard hardness solution until 1 ml = 1 mg CaCO3.25 g of magnesium salt of EDTA (this salt is available commercially) and dilute to 250 ml with distilled water. conc NH4OH.D. and make up to volume with distilled water. with distilled water.A. RO1. Dissolve this mixture in 100 ml.010.12. Run 0. If a steel blue colour is obtained with no tinge of Red. measuring cylinder. 1 ml. Method : For raw water : A 50 ml. 40 ml. hardness is less than 1 If a red colour is observed add EDTA drop by drop with continuous stirring until a steel blue colour with no tinge of red is obtained -i. RO1.12. NUMBER. the ppm as CaCO3.5 ml. of this are placed in a 250 ml. of buffer solution followed by 10-12 drops of indicator solution.07. until the last tinge of red just disappears. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. The liquid in the beaker is stirred and supported on a stand.e. 50 ml.SUBJECT : PT. DATE : 21. Measure 500 ml. The titration is then carried out by adding EDTA solution from the burette. through which the beaker is illuminated from underneath by a blue light. of buffer solution and 6-8 drops indicator are added. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. of water are then added and the titration completed to the same end-point. For soft water : Rinse the cylinder and the evaporating dish thoroughly with the water to be used. until the last tinge of red disappears. beaker Stirring Rod For soft water use 750 ml.2009 REV:1 DT 25. evaporating dish and magnetic or electric stirrer. beaker. The last 10 ml. of EDTA from burette and stir the liquid in the dish thoroughly.2010 Apparatus : Burette for N/50 EDTA 250 ml. 92 . quantity of the water is measured out in a measuring cylinder. of the sample into the evaporating dish and add 3 ml. of sample with 2 ml. DATE : 21.07. 93 .2009 REV:1 DT 25. The indicator solution should be kept in a cool place and out of the light as much as possible. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.12.SUBJECT : PT. as ppm CaCO3 = ml. NUMBER. If the end point has not been reached after adding total of 10 ml. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. the EDTA should be added carefully one drop at a time with stirring between each addition. of buffer and 8-10 drops of indicator. of titration x 1000 ml. of EDTA the test should be repeated using 250 ml. RO1.2010 Calculation : Total hardness. of sample Note : As the strength of the red tinge diminishes. It must be replaced after two months. DATE : 21. of sample taken Factor 100 10 20 50 10 100 If water is chlorinated.) Phenolphthalein indicator solution Screened Methyl Orange indicator solution 10 ml. 100 ml.02 N Nitric Acid or 0. Record result as `M'. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. mls. RO1.8 ALKALINITY (METHYL ORANGE AND PHENOLPHTHALEIN) : Reagents and Apparatus : Burette for standard acid Nitric Acid 0. 94 .02 NHCl 100 ml.2010 5. Transfer the appropriate amount of sample to the conical flask and add 5 drops of Phenolphthalein indicator. NUMBER.07. Add 2 drops of Screened Methyl Orange indicator and continue the addition of acid until the solution just turns to smokey grey.02N (N/50) or 0. Run in 0. Read the burette again. portion of sample should be taken with the pipettes.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Note the volume (ml) of acid used. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Otherwise a 10 or 20 ml. add 2 drops of Sodium Thiosulphite solution. graduated measuring cylinder Conical flask (150 ml.02N HCl from the burette until the pink coloration is just discharged. note the total amount of acid (ml) used in both titrations and multiply by the appropriate factor (see the table above). multiply by the appropriate factor (see table) and record as `P'. of sample should be measured using the graduated cylinder. Graduated pipettes Sodium Thiosulphite 10 % W/V Solution Method : If the alkalinity of the water is low.12.SUBJECT : PT. 07. or 20 ml. deionised water. as also LIME SOFTENED water a 100 ml.2 g of Crystalline Methyl Orange in a mixture of 25 ml. Mix the two solutions together. Methylated Spirits and 25 ml. RO1.g.SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.2009 REV:1 DT 25. NUMBER. Use Sodium Thiosulphite solution before addition of Methyl Orange only if water has been chlorinated e.2010 Interpretation of results : The relative quantities of Bicarbonate and Carbonate and Hydroxide alkalinity can then be obtained from the following table: Bicarbonate P = Nil M Carbonate Nil Nil P < 1/2 M M-2P P = 1/2 M Nil 2P P > 1/2 M Nil 2 (M-P) P=M Nil Hydroxide 2P Nil Nil Nil 2P-M P The above results are expressed in parts/million (ppm) as CaCO3. Note : Screened Methyl Orange Indicator solution. Preparation of Indicator Solution : Dissolve 0. Xylene Cyanol FF in a mixture of 25 ml. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. 95 . from Bottling Precipitators. For BOILER WATER samples use 10 ml. Dissolve 0. Methylated Spirits and 25 ml. sample can be used. Deionised Water. For most RAW WATER samples. sample.28 g. DATE : 21.12. red complex. Because even a good grade of acetic acid contains a significant amount of iron. NUMBER. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Three molecules of phenanthroline chelate each atom of ferrous iron to form an orange . Heating is unnecessary if 2 drops conc. Add both the solution together in a 1000 ml volumetric flask and add 0. HCl are added to the distilled water. (glacial)Acetic acid.1 N Potassium permaganate(KMnO4) drop wise until a faint pink colour persist.2009 REV:1 DT 25. 1 . Dilute to the mark with distilled water or iron free DM water.10. Stock Iron solution : Dissolve 1.10 phenanthroline at pH 3. Dissolve 250 g Ammonium acetate in 150 ml distilled water or iron free DM water.9 DISSOLVED AND TOTAL IRON Spectrophotometer Method : Principle : Iron is brought into solution. 96 .404 g ferrous ammonium sulphate Fe (SO4)2 (NH4)2 in 250 ml distilled water or iron free DM Water. Phenanthroline solution. for use at 510 nm providing a lightpath of 1 cm or longer. reduced to the ferrous state by boiling with acid and hydroxylamine hydrochloride and treated with 1. DATE : 21.9 and 3.3.5 insures rapid colour development in the presence of an excess of phenanthroline. Add separately 20 ml Conc. Discard the solution if it darkens. water or iron free DM Ammonium Acetate buffer solution (NH4C2H3O2). The coloured solution obeys Beer"s law. RO1. 10. Reagents for Dissolved Iron : 10% W/v hydroxylamine hydrochloride in 100 ml distilled water. Acid wash glassware.07. H2SO4 in 50 ml distilled water or iron free DM water. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Wash all glassware with conc.12. A pH between 2. Add 70 ml conc. hydrochloric acid and rinse with distilled water or iron free DM water. Apparatus : Spectrophotometer.2 to 3.SUBJECT : PT. prepare a new reference standard with each buffer preparation. Dissolve 100 mg 1. Phenanthroline monohydrate (C12H7N2H20) in 100 ml distilled water or iron free DM water by stirring and heating to 80 Deg C. its intensity is independent of pH from 3 to 9.2010 5. 0. Bismuth. 1 ml = 10.80. Procedure for Total Iron : Take 25 ml sample in a volumetric flask and add 2 ml HCl followedby 1 ml 10% hydroxylamine hydrochloride. Calculation : mg/l Iron = ppm iron (from graph) x Dilution factor.0. and Phosphate. 0. Molybdate and Silver precipitate phenanthroline. Now add 2 ml 1-10 phenanthroline and make up to the mark. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. and find out the concentration from the standard graph (Use Reagent Blank). Procedure for Dissolved Iron : Take 25 ml sample in a 50 ml volumetric flask. Cobalt and copper in excess of 5 mg/lt and Nickel in excess of 2 mg/lt.0.07. 4. corresponding to 0. RO1. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2010 Working Iron Solution : Pipette 50 ml stock solution and dilute to 1000 ml. Mercury.) Preparation of Calibration Curves : Pipette out 1. and 1. To ensure dissolution of all the iron continue boiling until volume is reduced to 15 to 20 ml.0 ml of working iron solution in 50 ml volumetric flask.00 ppm.Add 5 ml hydroxylamine hydrochloride followed by 10 ml Ammonium Acetate Buffer.0. Shake it thoroughly and add 2 ml 1-10.SUBJECT : PT. Cool to room temperature and transfer to 50 ml Volumetric Flask.40. Interference : Among the interfering substances are strong oxidising agents. 3. 2. Add a few glass beads and heat to boiling.0. 97 . Nitrite. Wait for 10 minutes and measure the reading at the 510 nm.2009 REV:1 DT 25. NUMBER. Cyanide. Add 5 ml hydroxylamine hydrochloride followed by 10 ml Ammonium acetate buffer and shake it thoroughly.0 ug Fe (Microgram Fe.12.60. 0. (Next follow the Dissolve Iron Procedure). Phenanthroline and dilute upto the mark with distilled water or iron free DM water.20. Wait for 10 minutes and take the reading in spectrophotometer at 510 nm against a reagent blank prepared by distilled water or iron free DM water and plot the graph. DATE : 21. 5. Cadmium. 1 ml. To the other tube add 0. the solution will remain yellow. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Note : If the presence of Nitrites is suspected.2010 5. NUMBER. DATE : 21. Fit the disc into the comparator and with the hinged lid facing D.12.1 ml.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO1. but if there are any nitrites present. Allow to stand for 5 minutes when estimating Chlorine. The yellow colour due to the presence of Chlorine or Chloramine will be discharged. add a small crystal of Sodium Thiosulphite to the sample containing the Ortho-Toluidine. rotate the disc until a colour match is obtained. Place one of the tubes in the left hand compartment. 20 mins.11 FREE CHLORINE OR CHLORAMINE : Reagent and Apparatus : Lovibond Comparator Disc for Free Chlorine 0-1. mix well and place in the right-hand compartment of the comparator. test tubes for Lovibond Comparator 0. pipette Ortho-Toluidine Indicator Method : Fill the two test tubes to the mark with the sample to be tested. Result : The residual Chlorine or Chloramine content can then be read off from the window at the bottom right hand corner of the case.SUBJECT : PT. Holding the comparator upto a good source of northern day light. of Ortho-Toluidine solution. 98 . MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. when estimating Chloramine.0 ppm Two 10 ml. 04N (N/25) Phenolphthalein indicator (solution or tablets) 100 ml.12.12 FREE CARBON DIOXIDE : Reagents and Apparatus : Burette for Sodium Carbonate solution Sodium Carbonate solution 0. mark with the water to be tested avoiding splashing and add 2 tablets or 20 drops of Phenolphthalein indicator. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. DATE : 21.07. RO1. Take the buretter reading : Interpretation of result : Free CARBON DIOXIDE.2009 REV:1 DT 25. a few drops at a time with gentle stirring until a pale pink colour is produced which persists for one minute. Run in 0. Nessler cylinder Glass stirring rod Procedure : Fill the Nessler cylinder to the 100 ml.SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. as ppm CaCO3 = Burette reading(ml) x 10 99 .04N Sodium Carbonate.2010 5. NUMBER. SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF, RO1, RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. DATE : 21.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12.2010 5.13 EQUIVALENT MINERAL ACIDITY (E.M.A.) : Reagents : AMBERLITE IR-120 strongly acidic cation exchange resin Approximately 2N hydrochloric acid Screened methyl orange indicator 0.02N sodium hydroxide solution Method : Measure under water, 50 ml. settled volume of AMBERLITE IR- 120 into a chromatographic tube. The tube should be fitted with an outlet tap or screwclip at the bottom. If an ordinary glass tube is used, above this outlet a plug of glass wool to support the bed of ion exchange resin is required. Backwash the ion exchange resin in an upward direction with distilled or deionised water to loosen the bed, allow the bed to settle, drain water down to the resin surface and pass 250 ml. of 2N hydrochloric acid in a downward direction through the column at a rate of 3-5 ml/min. Rinse the column with distilled or deionised water until the effluent is alkaline to screened methyl orange. Pass 50 ml. of sample and discard the effluent. Pass two 100 ml. aliquots through the column at the same rate collecting the respective effluents separately. Titrate each of the effluents in turn with 0.02N sodium hydroxide using screened methyl orange as indicator. Calculation : EMA, as ppm CaCO3 = ml of titration x 1000 ml of sample Note : The column prepared in the above manner may be used for several determinations before it is exhausted. It is capable of exchanging the equivalent of 5000 mg. of calcium carbonate. When exhausted it need simply be washed, regenerated and rinsed again. When the figure for E.M.A. (or FMA) is used to calculate the total Anion load (TA) for an anion exchange resin unit, the following method of calculation is to be used. This applies when Screened Methyl Orange is used as the Indicator. a = volume of sample (ml) b = volume of titration (ml) E.M.A., as ppm CaCO3 = [b + {0.008 (a+b)}] x 1000 a 100 SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF, RO1, RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. DATE : 21.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12.2010 This test actually determines the acidity equivalent to the dissolved neutral salts in the water (Sulphate + Chloride + Nitrate) 101 SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF, RO1, RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. DATE : 21.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12.2010 5.14 SILICA 1-20 PPM : Reagents and Apparatus : BDH Lovibond Nessleriser. Disc with colour standards 0.05 mg. to 1.0 mg. SiO2. 10 % w/v Aqueous solution of Ammonium Molybdate. 2N Sulphuric Acid Solution. Method : Fill one of the Nessler glasses to the 50 ml. mark with the sample and place in the left hand compartment of the Nessleriser. Fill the other Nessler glass with the sample, at 25-30 Deg C. Add 4 ml. of 2N Sulphuric Acid and 2 ml. of the Ammonium Molybdate solution. Mix thoroughly, place in the right hand compartment and allow to stand for 10 minutes. Fit the standard disc of silica in the hinged lid. Stand the Nessleriser facing a uniform source of light, looking north if possible, and compare the colour of the sample with the colours in the disc. Rotate the disc until the colours are matched. Interpretation of result : SILICA as ppm SiO2 = disc reading x 20. If the colour in the test solution is deeper than the deepest standard, a fresh test should be carried out using a smaller quantity of sample and diluting to 50 ml. with distilled water before adding the reagents. Necessary correction to be made for dilution of sample in calculating the silica content. Note : Most colourless salts, even when present in relatively large quantities, are without influence upon the colour produced in the test provided the concentration of free acid is not unduly disturbed. Phosphates, however, must be absent, since they respond to the test and yield a yellow colour similar to that produced by silica. Phosphates may be removed by treating 100 cc of the solution under test with 50 ml. of Sorensen's borate buffer solution (pH 10.0) and 2 ml. of 2N calcium chloride solution; after mixing and allowing to stand for 2 hours the mixture is filtered. The test is made on 50 ml. of the filtrate by the method described above. As Sorensen's borate buffer invariably contains silica derived from the glass bottle, a blank test 102 SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF, RO1, RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. DATE : 21.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12.2010 should be carried out and the necessary correction made. The result be multiplied by 1.5. 5.15 SILICA 0-1 PPM-MOLYBDENUM BLUE METHOD : Reagents : Acid Molybdate Solution : 75 gms of Ammonium Molybdate analar grade are dissolved in 500 ml. of distilled water. 322 ml. of 10/N Sulphuric Acid are added gradually with constant shaking. The solution is then made up to one litre with silica free water. 10 % w/v Oxalic Acid solution. Reducing Agent : 90 gms. Sodium Metabisulphite are dissoved in 800 ml. of silica-free water. 7 gms anhydrous Sodium Sulphite are dissolved in 100 ml. silica free water, together with 1.5 gm. of 1 - amino, 2 - naphthol, 4 -Sulphonic acid. The two Solution are mixed and the total volume made up to one litre with silica-free water. Apparatus : Lovibond Nessleriser Disc for Silica 0.2-1.0 ppm Two 50 ml. graduated tubes of Nessleriser. Pipettes Alternatively a spectrophotometer may be used at the wave length corresponding to a maximum absorption (but the exact wave length will have to be checked on each individual instrument). Method : 50 ml. of the water under test is treated with 2.0 ml.Acid Molybdate solution and allowed to stand for 5 mins. at a temperature of 20-30 Deg C. If a tinge of yellow appears in the sample there is more than 1 ppm Silica present, and the test described for 1-20 ppm Silica should be carried out on a fresh aliquot. If no tinge of yellow appears, 4 ml. of 10% Oxalic acid is added to the sample followed by 1.0 ml. of reducing agent and the sample allowed to stand for 20 mins. The blue colour of 103 SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF, RO1, RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. NUMBER. DATE : 21.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12.2010 the sample is compared with that of a blank solution prepared by adding reagents to Silica free water, using either a B.D.H. Lovibond Nessleriser or a previously calibrated absorption meter. Note : Silica free Water : Prepare and store in a polythene bottle a large batch of water containing not more than 0.005 ppm silica. Determine the Silica content of the water by treating it as a sample as under `Method'. This water is used to prepare reagents and standards, and to dilute samples when necessary. Distilled water from an all metal `Still' or water which has been passed successively through a mixed bed dionisation unit and strongly basic anion exchanger unit regenerated with NaOH at a level of 320 gms/litre has been found to meet this specification. 104 SUBJECT : PT. Dilute Sulphuric Acid : Add slowly 50 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid to 130 ml of distilled water.951 g of potassium permanganate (dried at 105 Deg C) in distilled water and make up to 1000 ml.07. cool and make up to 200 ml with distilled water.2010 5. Reagents : Stock Potassium Permanganate Solution : Dissolve 3. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Potassium Iodide : Stock Sodium Thiosulphate Solution : Dissolve 31. Standard Potassium Permanganate Solution N/80 : This solution should be prepared immediately before use by suitable dilution of stock potassium permanganate solution. DATE : 21. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.2 g of sodium thiosulphate and 6 g of sodium bicarbonate in water and make up to 1000 ml. Add standard permanganate solution until a very faint pink colour persists after 4 hours. RO1.12. NUMBER.1 mg of oxygen. Standard Sodium Thiosulphate Solution N/80 : This should be prepared by suitable dilution of stock sodium thiosulphate solution. 105 . One millilitre of this solution is equivalent to 0.16 OXYGEN ABSORBED IN 4 HOURS : Outline of the Method : This is determined by estimating the amount of standard potassium permanganate solution consumed by the sample in 4 hours under specified conditions. This solution must be kept in the dark and its strength must be checked periodically. Before using the solution the strength must be checked by titration with standard potassium permanganate solution. Test Temperature : This determination is carried out at a temperature of 37 Deg C. it should be mixed by gentle rotation several times during the period of incubation. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO1. add a few crystals of potassium iodide and titrate in the bottle with standard sodium thiosulphate solution. the determination must be repeated. Note : The measured volume of standard potassium permanganate solution taken must not be less than 10 ml. mg/l = 0. followed by an accurately measured volume (see note) of standard potassium permanganate solution. cool to about 15 Deg C.4V Where. DATE : 21.07. Add 10 ml dilute sulphuric acid. using a few drops of starch indicator soltuion. A blank for oxygen absorbed in 3 minutes shall be carried out. Mix by gentle rotation and place in a water-bath or incubator at 37 Deg C for 4 hours. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. At the end of 4 hours. If it is found that the volume required was anticipated incorrectly. the amount remaining unchanged is between 5 and 15 ml.90 Deg and add a few drops of formaldelyde solution. If the sample contains much suspended matter. V = Volume in ml of standard potassium permanganate solution consumed in reaction with the sample. 106 .stoppered bottle of 400 ml capacity. but should be such that at the end of 4 hours.SUBJECT : PT. Calculation : Oxygen absorbed in 4 hours.2009 REV:1 DT 25. C) distilled water Procedure : Place 250 ml of the well-mixed sample into a clean. NUMBER. glass.2010 Starch Indicator Solution : Dissolve 1 g of starch in 100 ml of warm (80 Deg C .05 mg/l. Express the result to the nearest 0.12. 12. DATE : 21. RO1.SUBJECT : PT. NUMBER.07.2010 SECTION 6 TROUBLE SHOOTING 107 . MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2009 REV:1 DT 25. 1.2009 REV:1 DT 25. NUMBER.12.2010 6. Flux (permeate) rates may exceed the operating flux rate printed herein. b) Check with IEI for permeate flow vs temperature correction factor to determine appropriate flow for the operating temperature. DATE : 21. Clean the system using appropriate cleaning chemicals.07. Also check system feed pressure. Some UF cartridges may exceed minimum specifications and hence produce slightly higher permeation rates.1.1. 6. 6. RO1.SUBJECT : PT. 108 .1 UF TROUBLE SHOOTING 6.4 HIGH PERMEATE FLOW RATE a) System specifications are for a minimum flow rate using clean membranes and prefiltered water at 50 psid and 25 deg.3 HIGH BACTERIAL LEVELS Sanitize the system after appropriate cleaning. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. C.2 LOW PERMEATE FLOW RATE Check unit for proper operation and make sure operating pressures are at the appropriate values. This is not to be confused with membrane by-pass. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Channeling in the sand filter. Give sufficient backwash to the filters. Sr. RO1. Adjust salt dosing rate. operating parameters and routine maintenance.12. Check raw quality to in Check coagulant / Flocculant dosing system. likely causes and corrective actions required for the RO unit.2010 6. DATE : 21. . Increase SDI at outlet Likely cause Consequences if not corrected in Change in quality of CF raw water Coagulant Flocculant malfunction Fouling membranes leading / reduction dosing product flow of High/Low pH Acid level low / Blockage in acid line Residual chlorine at Cartridge filter outlet Use right quality of chemicals.07. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Maloperation of sodium hypochlorite 109 water Check sand filter Feed water quality / flow change 3. Fouling membranes Damage to membranes Change in quality of raw water.SUBJECT : PT.2 TROUBLE SHOOTING FOR RO PASS-1 AND PASS-2: This section gives the symptoms. NUMBER. Inferior quality of chemical. continuous attention must be given to feed water quality.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Inadequate backwash of filter 2. Check feed water flow. Repair the pump. For smooth operation of the plant. Corrective action of the Refill acid / Check acid pump suction and discharge. No Symptom 1. adjust dosage as needed. Damage to membranes (decrease in rejection) RO Check raw water quality. Carry out fresh jar test if required. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Adjust reject control valve. pump may get damaged due to cavitation. 8. particulate content. 7. membranes. Solenoid valve malfunction.P. Check pump. Check solenoid valve/auto feed water valve. pump malfunction.2010 dosing pump. feed valve not raw reject RO flow and pressure imbalance. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Check installation of auto feed water valve. NUMBER. Excessive pressure drop at MGF/CF Adjust flow. Scaling / fouling of membrane. 9. change cartridges. Malfunction of auto feed water valve/solenoid valve. 6. 5. RO1. in Scaling /fouling of Lower product flow. H. Decrease water Adjust recovery Check pressure gauge.SUBJECT : PT. water H. Incorrect reject flow indicator. Calibrate reject flow indicator. pump suction Raw water pump malfunction. Change in raw water flow 4.P. product flow. in Pressure gauge Decrease in Check pressure malfunction. Increase pressure drop. Clean the fouling. DATE : 21. Check solenoid valve. Membrane scaling / membrane life. Recalibrate pressure gauge / pressure switch.12. Entry of particulate Check SDI and materials.P. RO unit will not function. Low pressure at H. Low flow.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Check raw water pump. Give backwash to MGF.07. Increase in Increase in RO feed RO feed conductivity pressure Fouling / Scaling of membranes Reject valve maloperation Pressure gauge malfunction Lower product flow Lower membrane life Check raw quality / SDI Membrane cleaning. Wrong installation of this valve. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Check raw water 110 . Auto water does open. Lower gauge. SUBJECT : PT. salt rejection. quality / SDI. Clean the membranes Check permeate flow indicator Reject / Recycle valve closed Membrane damage may Check the valves Check fouling on membranes Membrane fully HP pump may get Any blocks / foreign choked / fouled damaged particles water passage through Leakage of joints / pressure tubes / connectors pipes Solenoid valve malfunction.07. indicator. Check installation of auto feed water valve. normalised permeate flow NUMBER. Increase in feed pressure RO Malfunction of permeate flow indicator Change in temperature of water 10. Check solenoid valve. Product cond. Membrane scaling /fouling. Clean the membranes. Eliminate the cause of damage. 6.2009 REV:1 DT 25.3 MIXED BED TROUBLE SHOOTING Sr. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Use suitable temperature correction factor. 11. DATE : 21. Wrong installation of this valve. DEFECTS CAUSES 111 REMEDIES . High pressure at HP Pump discharge ORP dump valve does not open Probing / profiling to find ‘O’ ring leakage / membrane damage. Replace damaged membranes / ‘O’ rings. Recalibrate product cond. RO1. No. Inferior product quality (high product conductivity) 12.12. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. normalised Membrane damage.2010 membranes. indicator malfunction. Decrease in ‘O’ ring leakage. RO unit will not function. & max. Resin fouled. Regenerate the unit. Cavitation in the pump 3. 2. Check the pump design & operating conditions.2010 1. 112 Check. . 3. Check resin quality & replace if necessary. Give the prolonged backwash If Cation giveHCL wash or if Anion give alkali brine treatment Check the conditions. Channeling in bed 7. 1. Choked Check. 2. Check. NUMBER. Unit idle. 2. valve & suction of the pump. 1. Rinse the unit till the satisfactory quality is achieved.07. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 1. Flow instrument defective. Plant being used intermittently. 2. Softener Treated water quality not upto the standard. 1. Flow low. 3. For the consumption. Increase 8. Flow rate too low. Avoid this situation. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. 2. Unit exhausted. Excessive flow rate. Unit insufficiently 3. Check & rectify. in ionic load. Check analysis. DATE : 21. rate too resin exhausted. 4. Decrease in capacity between regenerations. rinsed. Check the instrument. flow rate. 6. Check. Backwash valve passing Increase the flow rate. 4.12. Check & top up. 4.SUBJECT : PT. Check the distribution. Treated water quality not upto the standard. Adjust between min. Insufficient chemicals used. Resin quantity insufficient. Distribution & collecting system choked. 3. Unit rinse takes long time. 5. Resin deteriorated. RO1. Resin dirty.2009 REV:1 DT 25. 5. Ejector nozzle choked.07. 2. Check the collecting system by opening the resin trap outlet valve. Check & rectify Check & rectify. 2. Too 8. Examine & rectify. Give extended backwash with open manhole and scrap off the finesand top it up with fresh resin.. 4. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Check & give the backwash. NUMBER. Open & check the ejector nozzle. 1.Dirty glass & float. Faulty collecting system. 1. Check. Defective pressure gauge. 3.SUBJECT : PT. Packed resin bed & resin fines. Check for the collecting system. Ejector working. DATE : 21. Choked or defective valves. 1.Choked orifice or sub orifice or impulse line. not REMEDIES. much back pressure from the unit. Air lock in the unit. 5. 4.2010 CAUSES 6. 1.12. Clean the glass . Check the pressure.Low power water pressure.Excessive backwash pressure. 2. 113 Check & calibrate the pressure gauge. Resin being lost from the unit. Incorrect reading from rotameter. No. 2. Open the air release and backwash outlet valves. Defective valves. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 7. Sr. DEFECTS 5. Check the inlet pressure and reduce if necessary. 3. RO1. Collecting system choked.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Pressure drop across the bed increasing. Frequently used interchangeably with pyrogen. Also known as “RETENTATE”. DATE : 21.SUBJECT : PT. usually expressed in gallons per square foot of membrane per day (GSFD). The gel layer thus formed presents a barrier to fluid migration to the membrane and reduces overall flux. adjacent to the active surface of an operating ultrafiltration membrane. The gel layer permeability rather than membrane permeability often controls ultrafiltration flux. DIAFILTRATION The continuous exchange of process solution with fresh solvent. FEED The influent stream to the ultrafiltration system. It contains retained dissolved or suspended materials at a concentration higher than that of the feed stream. Proper design of cross flow filtration and cleaning techniques minimizes the effect. FLUX Rates at which fluid permeates or flow through the membrane. which is then split into a permeate stream and concentrate stream. usually of high molecular weight species. thereby removing membrane permeating species from the batch.2010 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS CONCENTRATE The portion of the feed stream which does not pass through the membrane. GEL LAYER A layer of highly concentrated or precipitated solids. ENDOTOXINS Generally refers to the lipopolysaccharides coming from the cell walls of dead bacteria.07. NUMBER. HUMIC ACID 114 . MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. FLOW DEPENDENT UF feed streams where fouling mechanisms must be controlled to allow predictable permeation rates through the membrane. CONCENTRATION POLARISATION The condition which results when the retained dissolved materials become concentrated in the thin boundary layer adjacent to the membrane surface.12. RO1.2009 REV:1 DT 25. 2010 Any of various organic acids that are insoluble in alcohol and organic solvents and are obtained from humus. The LAL test measures the concentration of pyrogens which is reported as endotoxin units (EU’s) in a specified volume. which passes through the membrane. PERCENT RECOVERY Ration of permeate flow to feed flow PERMEATE Portion of the feed stream.2009 REV:1 DT 25.07. NUMBER. particulate and microbiological species. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. DATE : 21.12. functions as the semipermeable barrier to solute flow causing rejection of macromolecules in solution and any colloidal or suspended material. MEMBRANE ANISOTROPIC A synthetic polymeric membrane composed of a very tight thin skin on one side supported by a sponge like layer. essentially free of colloidal. POLYETHERSULFONE 115 . which is sensitive to the presence of pyrogenic material (endotoxin). MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. which is generally. The skin or active membrane. this is in contrast to a central water system or loop.SUBJECT : PT. RO1. located a considerable distance from the point where the water is used. HUMUS A brown or black complex and varying material formed by the partial decomposition of vegetable or animal matter the organic portion of soil. POINT-OF-USE SYSTEM A filtration system which is installed very near to the location where the water is consumed. MOLECULAR WEIGHT CUTOFF The membrane specification describing the normal rejection of a known molecular species dissolved or suspended in the feed stream. LAL Limulus Amebocyte Lysate is a chemical. REVERSE OSMOSIS By application of pressure (above osmotic pressure) on a salt solution against a semipermeable membrane. A common source is bacteria fragments.12. which causes a temperature rise when. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RETENTATE See CONCENTRATE. DATE : 21. RO1. chemical resistance and thermal stability can be formed. RECOVERY RATE The amount of fluid (permeate) collected which has passed through the membrane expressed as a percent of the feed stream. See endotoxin. Reject from Ultrafiltration System. PPB Parts Per Billion. pure water is forced through the membrane leaving behind salts.07. refers to the concentrations by weight of a material relative to fluid in which it is placed. PRESSURE DEPENDENT UF feed streams where fouling or concentration polarization is relatively unimportant.2010 An engineering thermoplastic polymer from which ultrafiltration membranes having desirable properties of toughness. SOLUTE REJECTION A measure of the ability of the ultrafilter to block the passage of material dissolved or suspended in the feed stream.2009 REV:1 DT 25. SOLUTE The constituents of a solution which are dissolved in the solvent.SUBJECT : PT. REJECTION RATE One (1) minus the ratio of a specific solute concentration in the permeate to the concentration of the solute in the feed expressed as a percentage. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. TIC Total Inorganic Carbon is similar to TOC but measures inorganic carbon. PYROGEN Any substance. injected. 116 . NUMBER. SUBJECT : PT. For pure water. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Detects presence of organic material down to parts per billion.2010 TOC Total Organic Carbon or Total Oxidizable Carbon measures the total organic material by high temperature oxidation or carbon dioxide. DATE : 21.07. ULTRAFILTRATION A membrane separation process similar to reverse osmosis in which relatively higher molecular weight materials are separated from a feed stream.2009 REV:1 DT 25. NUMBER. C. the theoretical value for resistivity is 18 meg-ohm at 25 deg.12. RO1. 117 . 18 MEG-OHM WATER Water which has been treated to remove conductive materials. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. 12. DATE : 21. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. NUMBER.2010 SECTION 7 MAINTENANCE 118 .SUBJECT : PT. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2009 REV:1 DT 25.07. RO1. Strainer Prefilter cleaning differential pressure exceeds 20 psi (whichever is sooner) 7. The life times given below must be considered as a maximum. If the system is shut down for more than one week. this could be much shorter if the feed water is highly contaminated with particles and colloids. The most efficient sanitization is achieved through injection of diluted chlorine bleach into the feed water line with an accessory injection pump. we recommend to sanitize it before using the water.3 WEEKLY CHECKING We recommend to sanitize the UF system once a week minimum. 7.2010 7. Permeate flow rate should be in accordance with figure 3. DATE : 21. The life of the filter is a function of the degree of cleanliness of the feed water. current drawn. NUMBER. 7.2 SANITIZATION In order to preserve the performance of the UF cartridge as well as to maintain a low bacteriological count in permeate water.SUBJECT : PT. it is necessary to remove the UF cartridge and to store it immersed in a 3% formaldehyde or caustic chlorine solution or follow long term membrane storage procedure (6.4) 7. 119 . The weekly checking required is pump performance and permeate flow rate.6 CARTRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND CLEANING Basket / Conical filter (prefilter) should be cleaned or replaced as suggested.2 section.2009 REV:1 DT 25. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. 7.4 PROLONGED SHUTDOWN If the system is used once or twice a week. The average chlorine concentration measured on permeate line is 200 to 250 ppm. Necessary steps.1 PRETREATMENT The recommended pretreatment is a prefilter (100 micron strainer).12.5 PUMP INSPECTION Once in a week. pump should be checked for any mechanical damage. RO1. as given in attached manual.07. should be carried out in case of any performance deterioration. it is necessary to sanitize the system on a regular basis (once a week minimum). During sanitization cycle the permeate flow is diverted to the drain. 2.7 NUMBER. They are not intended as an absolute check of membrane integrity. Install the module on a system. Permeate Side Pressurization Test 1. Air or nitrogen pressure just be regulated to 2-3 psi. 5. or bubbles exiting the outlet line. Fill the feed side of the module with clean water. 120 .07. The three procedures listed below give a gross indication of membrane integrity. 3. 7.2010 LOG BOOK Logbook of UF system should be maintained and recorded properly. Inject air or nitrogen into the cartridge.8 Integrity Testing : Integrity testing of Hollow Fiber membrane modules is recommended prior to water processing to ensure an integral membrane. Connect a clean air or nitrogen line to the permeate port. DATE : 21. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. and should not be confused with a membrane failure. Some diffusion of air may occur during this process. 4.SUBJECT : PT. Watch for bubbles in the clear elbow on the top side of the cartridge. 7.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12. The presence of large bubbles indicates a broken fiber. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. A. Close off the inlet valve (bottom side) to the system and open the outlet side. RO1. Cap the low permeate port. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Inject 2-3 psi of air or nitrogen into the feed side of the cartridge and watch for bubbles on the permeate side.07. 4.2010 B. RO1. Pressure Hold Test 1. 2.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12. If a fiber is damaged.9 DO’S AND DONT’S 121 . and should not be confused with a membrane failure. C. 3. Some diffusion of air may occur during this process. Monitor the pressure decay with a diffusion monitoring instrument over time (usually 5 minutes or less). Fill the permeate side with as much water as possible until it pours out the top port permeate. Install cartridges on system and fill with water. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Attach a clean air or nitrogen line to the other feed side of the cartridge. NUMBER. Invest the cartridge and repeat the procedure to check the portion of the cartridge that was on filled on the permeate side. 5. 7. Higher pressures may be applicable for some membrane types. Pressurize the feed side of the system with 15psi clean air or nitrogen. 2. DATE : 21. 3. large bubbles can be seen through the clear plastic housing. Feed Side Pressurization 1. Cap or close the valve on the top side of a hollow fiber cartridge.SUBJECT : PT. DATE : 21. C max. 122 Don’t run the system with feed water temperature more than 50 deg. Don’t run the system dry or without sufficient water in the buffer Clean the prefilter when pressure drop across it exceed 15 psi Do flush the system sufficiently for about 30 min. at a time. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 2.12. RO1. . so that the pump suction is fully flooded Check water temperature 2. 4.2009 REV:1 DT 25. NUMBER. regularly and shut off the system immediately if feed water temperature is greater than 50 deg. C. Exception during hot water sanitization when temperature is at 90 deg. C continuous. for 20 min. in Feed tank.SUBJECT : PT. 1. 4.07. Don’t run the system when pressure drop across prefilter exceeds 15 ~20 psi Don’t take sample without proper flushing of dead zones in the system.2010 DO’S DONT’S Do check the water level 1. at rated capacity before taking samples 3. 3. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. SUBJECT : PT. including maintenance. Do not expose the UF membranes to acidic pH chlorine. including any waterproofing sprays. lubricating or cutting fluids or greases. operated and maintained. Always adjust water to >pH 8 prior to chlorine addition. 3. The UF membranes must not be allowed to freeze. No silicone based materials. 5. DATE : 21. It is recommended that the chlorine concentration not exceed 250 ppm. Failure to do so may result in serious injury. 1. Do not perform any system or Module maintenance unless the system control power is OFF. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. DANGER–PRESSURIZED DEVICE The membrane modules and piping provided with this system may cause loss of life. severe bodily injury and/or property damage if not properly installed. Read and understand all equipment guidelines given before attempting to open. 123 . MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 4. RO1. Failure to follow these instructions and observe every precaution may result in malfunction and could result in catastrophic failure. The UF membranes must not be allowed to dry out.2009 REV:1 DT 25. the pump starters are OFF and LOCKED-OUT and INTERNAL PRESSURE HAS BEEN RELIEVED from the system. 7. arrangements must be made to clean the membranes to eliminate possible biological fouling. Personal injury and/or premature failure could result if these precautions are not followed.10 Precautions Read and understand the following precautions.2010 7. If the system is to be shutdown for a period exceeding one week. 6. The membranes must remain wet any time the system is shutdown for any reason. incorrect assembly or use of damaged or corroded components can result in high velocity release of hardware. Membrane dry out is irreversible. Freezing will permanently damage the membranes. Using these materials in the Ultrafiltration Systems may cause complete and irreversible membrane fouling. are to be used in or around the Ultrafiltration System. 2. No anti-foam agents of any kind are to be introduced into the Koch Ultrafiltration Membranes system without prior review. See Membrane Protection section.07. etc. NUMBER. and will damage membrane permanently.12. operate or service the system. 8. Misuse. Turn the main switch to ‘OFF’ position. Turn the main switch to ‘AUTO’ position. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Turn the RO unit main switch to ‘OFF’ position. 6. 2. it is necessary to ensure that there are no leaks and to attend to them immediately should they occur.2.4 Lubrication of high pressure pump 1.SUBJECT : PT. 124 . 7. since the Reverse Osmosis unit involves high pressure. It will also enable the operator to pinpoint the causes of defective performance quickly.2009 REV:1 DT 25. 5. 3.2.2 Mechanical Maintenance Regular maintenance of Reverse Osmosis unit is required for a long troublefree performance. RO1. DATE : 21. Remove the existing cartridge filter elements and discard them. Drain the cartridge filter body and wash it with water. It is also necessary to keep an inventory of essential spare parts so that problems can be attended to as soon as they occur.3 Change of filter cartridges (Normally done when the pressure drop across the filter exceeds 1 kg/cm 2) 1. Install new cartridges/filter elements and refix the covers tightening the bolts evenly. Insert two strokes of lubricant from the hand operated becoming lubricant pump into the grease filling near the motor end of the pump. In general.2.2010 7.2.07. 2. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. There is an extensive discussion regarding the various foulants affecting the RO membranes and regarding membrane cleaning.2 RO PASS 1&2 MAINTENANCE 7. After ensuring that the pressure in the cartridge filter pressure gauge is zero. 4.1 INDUSTRIAL REVERSE OSMOSIS UNIT & CLEANING SYSTEM This section describes in detail mechanical maintenance aspects.12. 7. 7. open the cartridge filter cover and unscrew the nuts holding the cartridge filter elements. 3. Observe the particulates to see if there is any abnormal carryover of sand. or activated carbon or any other material. NUMBER. Turn the main switch to AUTO and restart operations. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Note 2 When after repeated cleaning performance is not restored to the desired extent.0 kg/cm2 whichever is earlier 3 Lubrication of high pressure pump Once in 6 months 4 RO membrane cleaning See Note 1 below.2009 REV:1 DT 25.00 kg/cm2 higher than that with clean membrane. Note 1   When the "normalised" productivity rate is more than 15% below that for clean membrane. 125 . RO1. DATE : 21.2010 Maintenance schedule Sr. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Activity Frequency 1 Inspect and attend leaks Daily 2 Change filter cartridges Once in 3 months or when the pressure drop > NUMBER. 6 Instrument calibration Refer instrument manuals. or When the RO feed pressure is 2. No. 5 RO membrane replacement See Note 2 below.SUBJECT : PT.12. 7. perform chemical testing to make sure. It is recommended that all RO membrane cleaning operations should be closely coordinated with Ion Exchange (I) Ltd.12. during RO membrane element warranty period. Any such exposures will cause irreparable damage to the membranes. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.1 provides a summary of the expected effects that common foulants have on performance of the RO system. silica coating and organic or biological deposits.2009 REV:1 DT 25. will impair the RO membrane element performance in a relatively short time. The use of cationic surfactant should be avoided in cleaning solutions. RO1. If there is any doubt about the presence of chlorine. Fouling is progressive. Performance is affected progressively and in varying degrees. Absolute care must be taken following any disinfection of piping or equipment or the preparation of cleaning or storage solutions to ensure that NO trace of chlorine is present in feed water to the RO membrane elements.6 Membrane Cleaning This section provides general information about the usual foulants affecting the performance of Composite Polyamide Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane elements and the removal of these foulants. if not controlled early. metal oxides scale. RO membrane elements are subject to fouling by suspended or sparingly soluble materials that may be present in the feed water. Neutralise any chlorine residual with sodium bisulphite solution.2.2010 7.8 Foulant removal Foulant removal is achieved by cleaning and flushing.SUBJECT : PT. and ensure adequate contact time to accomplish complete dechlorination. Further fouling is avoided by changing the operating conditions.2. depending on the nature of the foulants. as irreversible fouling of the membrane elements may occur. 7. The information in this section applies to 4 – inch and 8 – inch diameter RO membrane elements. As a general guide. foulant removal is required when any of the following conditions occur: 126 . Common examples of such foulants are calcium carbonates scale. DATE : 21. The nature and rapidity of fouling depends on the condition of the feed water. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. calcium sulphates scale.07.7 RO membrane element foulants During normal operation over a period of time. Table 7. IEI Ltd field service personnel should be on site. NUMBER.2. and. Monitoring overall plant performance on a regular basis is an essential step in recognising when membrane elements are becoming fouled. Note The Composite Polyamide type of RO membrane elements may not be exposed to chlorinated water under any circumstances. at least for the first cleaning event. 7.. Calcium sulphate scale Solution 2 is the best choice for removal of calcium sulphate scale from the RO membrane.g. or sulphuric or hydrochloric acid to lower it. An early detection of the resulting calcium carbonate scaling is absolutely essential to prevent the damage that crystals can cause on the active membrane layers. damage to the RO membrane elements may occur.. The following paragraphs provide a discussion of the common foulants and their removal: Calcium carbonate scale Calcium carbonate may be deposited from almost any feed water if there is a failure in the inhibitor addition or in the acid injection of pH control system that results in a high feed water pH. Permeate flow has dropped to 10-15 percent below rated flow at normal pressure. Silica scale A silica coating not associated with either metal hydroxides or organic matter will usually respond only to very specialised cleaning methods. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. 2. 4.0 and 5. salt passage has increased 1015 percent.0 for one or two hours.SUBJECT : PT. Longer resident accumulations of calcium carbonate scale can be removed by recirculating a citric acid solution of 2 – percent strength and a pH of no less than 4. ferric hydroxide) can usually be removed by using the techniques described above for calcium carbonate scale. RO1.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Calcium carbonate scale that has been detected early can be removed by lowering the feed water pH to between 3. for instructions related to a specific problem. Temperature corrected feedwater pressure has increased 10-15 percent to maintain rated product water flow. Use sodium hydroxide to raise the pH. 5.0 otherwise.0. Applied pressure has increased about 10-15 percent. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Product water quality has decreased 10-15 percent.2010 1. DATE : 21. The maximum pH should be less than 10.12. NUMBER. 127 . Metal oxides scale Precipitated hydroxides (e. Contact Ion Exchange (I) Ltd. The differential pressure across RO stage has increased noticeably (instrumentation may not be available to monitor this indication).07.0 through the RO membrane elements. particularly at elevated temperatures.. 3. Ensure that the pH in any cleaning solution does not fall below 4. Circulate the cleaning solution through the pressure tubes for approximately one hour or the desired period of time. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. at a flow rate of 133 to 151 l / min per pressure tube for 8. a biocide solution is best employed when an RO block or train is to be left in a standby condition for more than three days. 5.5 – inch pressure tubes. RO membrane element cleaning and flushing The RO membrane elements in place in the pressure tubes are cleaned by recirculating the cleaning solution across the high pressure side of the membrane at low pressure and relatively high flow. NUMBER. 4. The quantities given are as per 100 litres of water.SUBJECT : PT.0 and 8. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. The general procedure for cleaning the RO membrane is as follows: 1. 3. microbiological slimes and moulds) are best removed by using solution 3. If additional information is needed. Prepare the solutions by proportioning the amount of chemicals to the amount of cleaning water to be used. To inhibit additional growth. This requires extended exposures to be effective. please contact Ion Exchange (I) Ltd. chlorine–free product water from the cleaning tank (or equivalent source) through the pressure tubes to drain for several minutes. Solution 3 is recommended for high organic fouling. Mix thoroughly. Keeping records of the methods used and results obtained will provide data useful in developing the methods and solutions that work best under the feed water conditions at hand. Solution 2 is recommended for calcium sulphate and organics. Contact Ion Exchange (I) Ltd. for the biocide best suited for specific conditions. Solution 1 is recommended for inorganic fouling. Repeat above step with permeate at neutral pH.2009 REV:1 DT 25. 2. using clean product water.07. A cleaning unit is needed to do this. DATE : 21. All solutions are to be used the highest available temperature up to 40 0C or upto 60 minutes of cleaning. drain and flush the cleaning tank. or 34 to 38 l / min for 4. recirculate and soak the membranes with a IEI Ltd’s approved biocide solution.2010 Organic deposits Organic deposits (e.. Mix a fresh batch of the selected cleaning solution in the cleaning tank.0 – inch pressure tubes. After completion of cleaning.12. fill the cleaning tank with clean product water of the same pH as that of cleaning solution for rinsing. Cleaning solutions The following chemical solutions are recommended for cleaning the RO membrane elements. Use chlorine–free permeate to mix the solutions. Flush the pressure tubes by pumping clean. RO1. A detailed examination of the results of the analysis will provide additional clues as to the best method of cleaning. The appropriate solutions to use can be determined by chemical analysis of the fouling material. 128 .g. This is done to avoid precipitation of the matter which was dissolved during cleaning. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.12. After the RO system is rinsed. NUMBER.SUBJECT : PT. operate it with the product dump valve open until the product water flows clean and is free of any foam or residues of cleaning agents (usually 15 to 30 minutes).07.2009 REV:1 DT 25.2010 6. 129 . RO1. DATE : 21. 07. Also a slight decrease in system production. For heavy fouling.2010 Table 7. A rapid decrease in salt rejection and a rapid increase in pressure between feed and concentrate. use Solution 3. Mixed colloids (iron.. Contact Ion Exchange (I) Ltd. DATE : 21. copper etc) 3.All problems require the cause of the fouling to be corrected. nickel. Also a gradual decrease in system production.Calcium precipitates (carbonates and phosphates. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Calcium sulphates (generally found at the concentrate end of the system) 5. Also a slight decrease in system production. Possible decrease in salt rejection and a gradual increase in pressure between feed and concentrate.9 RO Membrane Element Foulant Symptoms Foulant 1. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Also a gradual decrease over several weeks in system production. NUMBER. Chemically clean the system with solution 2. organic and silicates) 4. Organic deposits 6. A slight decrease in salt rejection and a gradual increase in pressure between feed and concentrate. for assistance. Chemically clean the system with solution 2. Possible decrease in salt rejection and a gradual increase in pressure between feed and concentrate. A significant decrease in salt rejection and a moderate increase in pressure between feed and concentrate. Chemically clean the system with either of the solutions. Hydrated oxides (iron.SUBJECT : PT. 130 .12. The detailed trouble shooting guidelines and suggested treatment are attached herewith to be followed . RO1. Chemically clean the system with solution 2. 2. depending on possible compound fouling. Chemically clean the system with solution 1. Also a gradual decrease in system production.2. Response Chemically clean the system with solution 1. Bacterial fouling General Symptoms A marked decrease in salt rejection and a moderate increase in pressure between feed and concentrate. generally found at the concentrate end of the system.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Also a rapid decrease in system production. 2010 Table 7.SUBJECT : PT. DATE : 21.0 kg 3 0.07.2. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2009 REV:1 DT 25.0 with sulphuric acid (H2SO4) .0 with sulphuric acid (H2SO4) Sodium tripolyphosphate Sodium Dodecylbenzene RO product water (chlorine free) 2.10 Summary of Recommended Cleaning Solutions Solution Ingredients Quantity pH adjustment 1 Citric Acid RO product water (chlorine free) 1.0 Kg 100 litres Adjust to 4.84 kg 100 litres 0.0 with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 2 Sodium tripolyphosphate Tetra sodium EDTA RO product water (chlorine free) 2. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. NUMBER. RO1.0 kg Adjust to 10.26 kg 100 litres 131 Adjust to pH 10.12. 6) Identify the plant problem from the trouble shooting guidelines. 10) Prepare field service report giving details of job carried out. DATE : 21. Note down the problems if any. system pressure. list out essential spares required and the suggestions on plant monitoring and control. RO1.07. treated water quantity. 9) Compare the product flow. 4) Check the pre-treatment and confirm the system is working as per design/requirements.SUBJECT : PT. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. address etc. 132 .12. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. contact person. reject flow. 5) Identify the type of membrane. 7) Apply the appropriate treatment program as per guidelines . Forward the copy of the report to Branch in-charge/service in-charge. 3) Refer the logbook for product flow. reject flow.2009 REV:1 DT 25. NUMBER. Propose the next servicing schedule and get it signed by the client. Collect all the details and put it in the log sheet. 8) Carry out the membrane cleaning.2010 INSTRUCTIONS FOR RO PLANT SERVICING / MEMBRANE CLEANING 1) Collect the details of particulars of client like previous field service report. 2) Discuss and review the operation of the plant with contact person/operator. water quality and system pressure. not on the laterals themselves and every effort taken to avoid standing on the small plastic strainers. RO1. If the internal and external inspections are carried out systematically at regular intervals. If there is any possibility of a break-through consult the Water Treatment Plant Chemist or Engineer.3 MAINTENANCE OF MB UNIT 7. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. rubber or soft soled shoes must be worn and great care taken to avoid damage to any rubberlining and internal lateral systems. Don't let leaks persist.3. and a record kept of any work carried out. but if unavoidable. measuring tanks) exercise caution. Refer to the auxiliaty manuals for Maintenance instructions on other equipment that may be supplied such as pumps. Valves of the plug type and some diaphragm type which require lubrication should be attended to regularly.07. instrumentation.2010 7. NUMBER. bulk storage tanks. DATE : 21. The feet should be placed on the lateral clamping bars. In addition to the items specifically mentioned in the MAINTENANCE section. 133 .12. although this period can be extended if service experience indicates that a longer period would not jeopardise the performance. rectify leaking valves and joints immediately by loosened nuts and bolts or changing sealing joints (gasket).2009 REV:1 DT 25. Replace gland packing when required.1 General Maintenance The Water Treatment Plant should be inspected externally every six months and any damaged paintwork on vessels. An internal inspection of vessels is also recommended every six months.SUBJECT : PT. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. valves and vessels bear in mind that evidence of external corrosion may be due to underlying causes such as a damaged lining in a vessel or pipe subjected to hydrochloric acid or Caustic Soda. there will be little likelihood of the unexpected happening. Consequently when removing scale on such items (e. Keep the Water Treatment Plant dry and well swept. Valve should be inspected regularly and gland packing where used should be replaced regularly. pipework and valves renewed. Entry into the vessels should be discouraged. must be carried out under the supervision of the Water Treatment Plant Chemist or Engineer. If it is necessary for maintenance personnel to enter any of the treatment units.g. When carrying out external examination of pipework. blowers. by skimming the top surface and then shovelling out. RO1. Carry out an extended backwah with the manhole cover open and observe the bed performance. DATE : 21. Remove the manhole cover and examine the internal lining in the unit. then refit the manhole cover. and stir with a stout rod until the bed is level and of a consistent density.07.2010 7. After backwashing. the resin will have to be removed as described in the MAINTENANCE sheet entitled RESIN REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT.3. 134 . Compare this measurement with the last recorded level as a check for resin loss. If the lining is damaged and shows signs of bulging or lifting. (indicating packing and channelling) backwash at the fastest possible flow rate without bringing resin over.SUBJECT : PT. scale and make good with fresh paint. If the condition of the lining below the level of the resin is suspected.2 CATION. or is suspect. drain the unit down and then note and record the bed level to some convenient point. the level must always be taken immediately following a backwashing operation. Remove any 'fines' etc. carry out a spark test and rectify. On Mixed Bed units. When the unit has been removed from service for internal inspection. Note that in order to obtain an accurate bed measurement.12. Check procedures involved with your maintenance department or refer the matter to this Company. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.2009 REV:1 DT 25. NUMBER. carry out an air mix operation (see relevant sections in the OPERATION section) and observe the surface of the bed. Refil the cation or anion unit by backwashing and double check bed depth. The water should break through evenly. The whole of the top water and resin should be in a fairly vigorous 'bubbling' stage. If it breaks through from one side of the vessel and floods over the bed surface. close the manual inlet and outlet isolating valves as a safety measure and then open the AIR RELEASE and DRAIN Valves. Refer to the MAINTENANCE sheet entitled BED DEPTH. Chip away any loose paintwork. or the bed breaks into lumps. ANION & MIXED BED UNITS : Inspect all units externally every 6 months including connecting pipework and valves. If the condition or performance of the resin is suspected take samples (approximately 150 mm and again 450 mm and arrange for the samples to be analysed. then remove pipe. Remove the pipe and repeat procedure to check the depths at two other points. the collecting system may be one of several types-Header and lateral. After 3-5 minutes carefully insert the measuring pipe into the unit. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.SUBJECT : PT.3. Note: For rubber lined units.12. then slowly open WASH INLET Valves. the pipe is to be inserted down to this level. An economical quantity of resin required is decided upon and also an economical quantity of regenerant to achieve the required quality of treated water and capacity between regenerations. If this is less. Note: Where a SILEX underbed is employed. The resin volume is a very important factor. Method : Open top manhole. the analysis of which has been used for the design. Alternatively a length of PVC. the resin volume can be computed. This pipe should be carefully manoeuvred so that it reaches the bottom plate. strainer on plate-in both cases polypropylene strainers are employed. a separate scale is required to measure distance.section area of the pressure vessel. NUMBER.07. GI or . Where no SILEX is used. 135 . Mark off the distance to a convenient reference point such as the manhole flange.2010 7. A procedure is given below for measuring the ion exchange resin bed depth from which. If a pipe or length of wood is used. DATE : 21. through the resin until it reaches the bottom. RO1.4 BED DEPTH : An ion exchange plant is designed to give a specified treated water quality when run on a particular raw water. A length of 25 mm x 25 mm wood may be used. This will fluidise the resin bed. GI or MS pipes should not be used as they might cause damage to the lining or to the collecting systems. then a reduced capacity is obtained. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. MS pipe. by knowing the cross.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Hold the pipe vertical. Hence care should be taken to see that no damage occurs to these or other components. Open WASH OUTLET. Equipment : A scale long enough to measure the distance from the bottom of the unit to the top flange of the manhole. 5 AIRSCOUR & EXTENDED BACKWASH : Introduction Due to prolonged use under varying pressure and flow conditions. known as attrition loss. calculate the resin volume and check that it is as per the TECHNICAL DATA SHEET Note : The bed depth of both the strong acid cation and strong base anion resins are measured in the exhausted form of these resins. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. slowly open the RINSE OUTLET Valve and let the unit drain slowly at a flow rate not exceeding 4. NUMBER. Continue backwashing for 10 minutes then close WASH INLET Valve. RO1. Re-insert the measuring pipe through the manhole down to the bed surface and mark off the depth up to the same reference point.2010 Measure the distance marked-off on the pipe (A).12. The hose should be weighed at end to facilitate its reaching the bottom of the resin bed. These fines if allowed to remain in the resin bed tend to choke up the bed thus increasing the pressure drop across the bed and reducing the flow through it.3. is about 5%. DATE : 21. After 5 minutes of settlement. When water comes out from the wash outlet pipe. RECOMMEND THIS TO BE DONE ONCE IN THREE MONTHS Equipment An Air hose of sufficient length to reach the bottom of the resin bed. 7. the ion exchange resin tends to break up. close the WASH INLET and WASH OUTLET valves. Normal annual loss. When the water drains down to the resin bed level. Repeat this at two other points. Hence it is advisable to remove these fines. Remove the pipe and measure this distance (B). Close the manhole. Air supply at 0. This results in the resin settling down under gravity. Knowing the cross-sectional area of the pressure vessel and the depth of resin (AB). Some of these particles thus formed are normally eliminated during backwash but those which go down deep into the resin bed are not removed.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Open the WASH INLET Valve slowly and allow the unit to fill up.5 m3/hr/m2 of bed area.SUBJECT : PT. The particles thus formed are known as 'fines'. close the RINSE OUTLET Valve. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.5 kg/cm2 g A bucket to remove the fines 136 .07. anion exchange units Equipment : One pipe (25 mm diameter) of sufficient length (with stopper or cork at one end) to dip at least 500 mm into the resin bed. After the Backwashing is over. NUMBER.2010 Method Open the BACKWASH OUTLET Valve Open the manhole Close the Backwash OUTLET valve and open the RINSE OUTLET valve. RO1.3. The unit is now ready for further use. care should be taken that there is no damage to rubberlining if the vessel is rubber lined. Note: In case a ladder is to be used for reaching the resin bed.SUBJECT : PT. Connect the hose to air supply and start the air. Continue this operation for 15 minutes. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Move the hose thoroughout the resin.6 RESIN SAMPLING : For softeners. DATE : 21. 137 . Drain the water till level is about 300 mm above the resin bed.12. close the BACKWASH BACKWASH OUTLET Valve.2009 REV:1 DT 25. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Cut off air supply and remove the air hose. cation. INLET Valve and the Open RINSE OUTLET Valve and drain the water to slightly below the resin bed level. Scrap off 6 mm (1/2") layer from the top of the resin bed and discard these (see note). Open BACKWASH OUTLET valve and slowly open BACKWASH INLET valve taking care that the effluent water does not carry good resin beads.07. 7. Insert the air hose halfway into the resin bed taking care to see it does not reach the bottom of the bed and disturb the under bed if any. Close the manhole cover. SUBJECT : PT. Despatching Samples : Pack the samples securely and despatch it to our Bombay Office labelled with the following particulars. (IMPORTANT . MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. Senders name and address to which analysis report is to be sent. blow into the pipe from the other end. Open RINSE OUTLET Valve and allow the water to drain slowly down to the resin bed (5-10 mins. Unit from which resin was taken. Drain water from the bag if any and seal the bag so that the resin is kept in a most condition. Type of resin (see note).2010 Polyethylene bag to hold approximately 300 mls. RO1. NUMBER.SEE NOTE).(see note). Close the manhole and use the unit as per requirement. See that the resin sample so collected is about 300 mls. Release the cork for a minute or so.e.the end which was dipped inside the resin bed. Our Contract No . Then record the pipe.) Insert the pipe piece corked at one end into the resin bed. Release the cork and tap the pipe.12. Procedure : Do a normal backwash of the unit.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Quickly withdraw the pipe and hold the polyethylene bag at the open end i. Open the manhole. The pipe piece should go into the bed to a depth of about 300 mm.e. State of resin i. If no resin falls into the bag. exhausted or regenerated. Allow the resin bed to settle under gravity for 3-5 mins. 138 . of resin. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.07. DATE : 21. Please note that the RESIN SAMPLE SHOULD ALWAYS BE SENT IN A MOIST CONDITION. Care is required to see that no damage is done to any rubber covered and plastic items. RO1. NUMBER.SUBJECT : PT. Extreme care should be taken when inserting the pipe so that no damage is done to this.2009 REV:1 DT 25.2010 Total quantity of water passed through the resin since use. Note : Contract No. 139 .12. DATE : 21. Some treatment units such as ones operating on Counterflow regeneration have a collecting system near the resin surface.07. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. and number of regenerations carried out. and type of resin can be checked from the operation manual. Resin Replacement : 140 . Use rubber gaskets at joints and required fasteners. Open the blind from resin outlet pad and fit the spool piece. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. valve and bend. Sufficient hessian sacks to contain the resin. DATE : 21. These must be quite clean and without any torn areas.SUBJECT : PT. When it is necessary to remove the resin either for replacement or to gain access to the vessel for repair purpose the following procedure should be adopted. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Close rinse outlet valve and open the unit inlet valve the unit.3.12. Drain the water completely. close the unit inlet valve and open unit backwash inlet valve to fluidise the bed and to remove resin below the level of the resin pad. RO1. 7. Resin Removal : Isolate the unit and open the air release valve. partially to admit water into Throttle the valve connected to the resin outlet pad to control the resin flow and collect the resin in the hessian bags.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Remove the unit manhole cover and open the rinse outlet valve. Necessary Equipment : Mild steel rubberlined spool piece approximately 100 mm long and with flanges suitable to match the resin outlet pad dimensions.2010 RESIN REMOVAL & REPLACEMENT : The performance of the Ion Exchange Resins used in the treatment units will gradually deteriorate and therefore will need to be replaced at varying intervals depending upon service conditions and the type of resin being used. connecting the spool piece Mild steel rubber lined bend with suitable flanges at one end for connecting the above valve. in that order.7 NUMBER. When all the resin upto the resin outlet pad has been removed. Close all the valves.07. Cast iron rubberlined diaphragm valve suitable for above. THE RESINS MUST NEVER BE ALLOWED TO BECOME DRY.3. PREFERABLY INSIDE THE SHED. If the resin has becom dry.12. KEEP THE RESIN DRUM UNDER SHADE. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. DATE : 21. Feel the resin from the top.SUBJECT : PT.07. if not moist then for : CATION RESIN -Add a little water (clean and colourless) shake the drum. Check the resin bed (refer separate maintenance sheet). Hence it is imperative that the resin. RO1. Check the condition of drums upon receipt. Replace the manhole cover 7.8 RESIN STORAGE : Ion Exchange resins are a very costly item and consequently require proper maintenance at all times. Check again the top layer. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. Repeat the procedure till the resin is in moist condition. Once in three months check the condition of resin. 141 . Close the bag tightly and replace the lid and screw up the lip. internal fittings and repairs may be carried out Fill 3/4 of the unit with water by opening the wash inlet valve. repeat theabove procedure to wet it. Open the top cover and the polyethylene bag.2010 Opportunity may be taken at this stage to thoroughly inspect the vessel. Once a month roll the drum. bring the top down and bottom up. NUMBER. These resins when dry have a tendency to swell up once put in water. whether in a vessel or during storage should always be kept in moist condition. Pour the correct quantity and type of resin.2009 REV:1 DT 25. Resin are supplied in moist condition in drums containing polyethylene liner bag. keep in this condition for one to two hours and reverse the position. DATE : 21.SUBJECT : PT. RO1.07.2009 REV:1 DT 25. NUMBER.2010 SECTION 8 SAFETY 142 .12. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. This dressing should be left undisturbed until it drops off without aid.2010 8. or failing this. theeye should be washed immediately with the complete contents of one eyewash bottle (8-16 oz. Caustic soda in the eyes: If the caustic soda gains access to the eye. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. RO1. This prolonged irrigation is of extreme importance and must be done at once. give good protection to hand and feet. so cotton overalls should be worn. The ammonium chloride solution is stored most effectively in a vessel holding 5 gallons. If such a case is sent to hospital without this preliminary 143 . taking special care that the lotion reaches the corners of the lower sulous.0 SAFETY 8. First aid treatment for caustic burns: Wherever there is a risk of caustic burns occuring by spillage. continuously for one hour. Rubber gloves and Wellington boots. DATE : 21. Wool is readily attacked by caustic soda. the part affected should be drenched with ammonium chloride for 10-15 minutes and then washed continuously with running water or saline/boracic lotion for a period of an hour. a 5% solution of ammonium chloride (sal-ammoniac) should be readily available in such quantities that skin or clothing may immediately be drenched with it. care should be taken to prevent splashing or contact with the skin. Such bottles should be placed conspicuously in boxes in the plant so as to be immediately available when needed. The man should then be removed to the works surgery or other convenient place and the eye irrigated with running saline/boracic lotion.2009 REV:1 DT 25.12. No infection can possibly take place if the tissues have been thoroughly dyed by the blue paint. splashing.SUBJECT : PT. clear water preferably at body temperature. spurting or any other means. This treatment should be carried out on the spot by one of the man's mates. The vessel has a bottom outlet and is fitted with a length of rubber tubing and a pinch-cock. and the wearing of comfortable goggles or eyeshields should be insisted on during all stages in the discharge of road and rail tankers into bulk storage vessels and the subsequent handling and use of the liquor. It is particularly necessary to protect the eyes. NUMBER. when the burn will be found to have healed completely. If there has been such delay in the application of the solution that some destruction of the epidermis has taken place and there is actually a burn.1 CAUSTIC SODA SOLUTIONS : Protective Clothing: When handling caustic soda solutions. If this action is taken without delay it is unlikely that serious damage will occur. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.07. The burn should then be dressed with a four fold pad of lint soaked in Bonney"s blue paint.) of 5% ammonium chloride solution. irrepairable damage will have been done. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF.bottle to make a lotion at about body temperature.2010 irrigation. Note: Saline/boracic lotion is made up in double strength as follows: Sodium chloride Boric acid 45 gm 50 gm The double strength lotion should be stored in Winchester bottles. The temperature is correct when a little of the lotion poured on the back of the hand feels just warm and no more.22 gm Dibasic sodium phosphate (Na2HP0412H2O) 71.2009 REV:1 DT 25. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. This can only be prevented at the time of the accident by the procedure. (see Martindale.01 gm This treatment must be followed by the prolonged irrigation treatment with saline/boracic lotion as described above.15% s/v of each in equal parts of alcohol and water. DATE : 21. Blue paint is prepared by dissolving Crystal Violet and Brilliant Green.63 gm Distilled water 1 litre Brilliant Green 0. 0. RO1. At the time of using it shouldbe diluted with an equal volume of warm water in a wash. 23rd Ed. In order to prevent eye burns.12. 144 ..07. The Extra Pharmacopoeia. 1242 "Pigmentum Tinctorium" ) The contents of this Safety Sheet are given in good faith but without warranty. under medical supervision. An alternative first aid treatment for eye burns which is less painful than the application of 5% ammonium chloride solution is as follows: The eye should be immediately washed out with the complete contents of one eyewash bottle (8-16 oz) of a buffered phosphate solution made up to the following formula: Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2 PO4) 27. 1952. Bonney's blue paint. NUMBER.SUBJECT : PT. the most satisfactory precaution is to insist on the use of efficient goggles. siphoning or by means of an approved discharged device. In order to minimise the risk of these hazards. The bung should. and this should be done on receipt and after that at frequent intervals or at any time when bulging of the drum is noticeable. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. burns and damage to clothing. Avoid contact with the eyes. NUMBER. and gauntlets or gloves for the hands. Do not discharge drums or carboys by the application of pressure to the containers. In some instances noxious fumes are evolved. certain precautions must be taken and accordingly recommendations of precautions and suitable equipment are described below. Safety measures: There are a number of precautionary measures which are commom to all acids. An eye wash bottle. A bath or shower of water adjacent to the working area is an advantage. The chief hazards are splashes in the eyes. Tepid water should be supplied so that any possibility of shock is reduced to a minimum.SUBJECT : PT. containing clean water. Discharge by pouring. Protective clothing should be worn.2009 REV:1 DT 25. skin and clothing. Acid supplied in mild steel drums may liberate hydrogen.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR ACID USERS: When corrosive acids are used. Goggles must always be worn during the handling of corrosive acids. Any person not engaged in clearing the spillage should be kept from the area. These are as follows: Personnel should be aware of the character of the acids and their hazards.07. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE. rubber boots or clogs for the feet. but with face shields preferably instead of goggles must be worn when dealing with spillage. Smoking or naked lights should be prohibited in the vicinity containing acid. Spillage: Protective clothing. A plentiful supply of water must always be available. apron for the body. DATE : 21.2010 8. RO1. be carefully slackened to release any excess pressure before removal. 145 . consideration must be given to the provision of suitable protection for personnel working with them. The shower must be equipped with foolproof and easily-operated valve. therefore.12. should be readily available. 2009 REV:1 DT 25. The diluted acid solutions are corrosive and. NUMBER.12. For eyes. The contents of this Safety Sheet are given in good faith but without warranty.2010 The most satisfactory method of removing any acid which has been spilled is to hose it down with water. drench with water. RO1. DATE : 21. may be neutralised with hydrated lime or soda ash. The stream should be directed to the edges of the spillage and not to the centre. 146 .07. MENAMAS BELAWAN UF. if necessary. RO2 AND MB WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE.SUBJECT : PT. give prolonged irrigation with water and get medical attention immediately. Hydrochloric Acid: First Aid In case of contact or spillage.
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