WSPC 02250167-859 R01
USER MANUALWSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL FOR THE WS CONTROLLER™ PART NUMBER: 02250167-859 R01 WARRANTY NOTICE Failure to follow the instructions and procedures in this manual or, misuse of this equipment will VOID its warranty! KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE SULLAIR CORPORATION © The information in this manual is current as of its publication date, and applies to compressor serial number: 200710010000 and all subsequent serial numbers. AIR CARE SEMINAR TRAINING Sullair Air Care Seminars are courses that provide hands-on instruction for the proper operation, maintenance, and servicing of Sullair products. Individual seminars on Industrial compressors and compressor electrical systems are offered at regular intervals throughout the year at Sullair’s corporate headquarters training facility located at Michigan City, Indiana. Instruction includes training on the function and installation of Sullair service parts, troubleshooting common faults and malfunctions, and actual equipment operation. These seminars are recommended for maintenance, contractor maintenance, and service personnel. For detailed course outlines, schedule, and cost information contact: SULLAIR CUSTOMER CARE TRAINING DEPARTMENT 1-888-SULLAIR or 219-879-5451 (ext. 5623) - Or Write Sullair Corporation 3700 E. Michigan Blvd. Michigan City, IN 46360 Attn: Service Training Department. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1—SAFETY 5 1.1 GENERAL 5 1.2 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 5 1.3 PRESSURE RELEASE 6 1.4 FIRE AND EXPLOSION 6 1.5 MOVING PARTS 7 1.6 HOT SURFACES, SHARP EDGES AND SHARP CORNERS 7 1.7 TOXIC AND IRRITATING SUBSTANCES 8 1.8 ELECTRICAL SHOCK 8 1.9 LIFTING 9 1.10 ENTRAPMENT SECTION 2—OVERVIEW 11 2.1 MANUAL CONTENTS 12 2.2 SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY 12 2.3 INSTALLING THE WSPC USER INTERFACE SOFTWARE 12 2.4 INSTALLING OR UPDATING THE FRAMEWORK 12 2.5 UNINSTALL THE WSPC SOFTWARE SECTION 3—GETTING STARTED 13 3.1 ACCESS PRIVILEGES 13 3.2 STARTING THE SOFTWARE 14 3.3 WINDOWS® BASIC 15 3.4 CONNECTING THE PC TO THE CONTROLLER 15 3.5 CONNECTING / DISCONNECTING THE WSPC USER INTERFACE AND THE WS CONTROLLER 17 3.6 THE WSPC DISPLAY SCREEN 17 3.7 COMPRESSOR STATUS BAR 18 3.8 FILE MENU 19 3.9 REPORT 19 3.10 COM PORT 19 3.11 ABOUT 8 ADJUSTMENTS TAB 52 6.1 COMPRESSOR STATUS BAR 22 4.4 INFORMATION ABOUT WSPC SECTION 6—VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (VSD) 47 6.4 CLEAR RECENT DATA 49 6.1 ADMINISTRATOR LEVEL FUNCTIONS 53 7.5 ADMINISTRATOR ADJUSTMENTS (ADMIN) DISPLAY 67 7.2 COMPRESSOR DATA DISPLAY (DEFAULT SCREEN) 24 4.2 ACCESSING THE ADMINISTRATOR LEVEL 54 7.8 ADJUSTMENTS DISPLAY SECTION 5—MENU BAR 39 5.2 COMPRESSOR DATA TAB 48 6.6 SERVICE DISPLAY TAB 50 6.3 COMMISSIONING A CONTROLLER 56 7.TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 4—DISPLAY DESCRIPTIONS 21 4.4 SERVICE DISPLAY 27 4.1 FILE MENU—USER PROFILES AND PREFERENCES 43 5.1 VSD OPERATION 47 6.7 MAIN MOTOR VFD STATUS BOX 51 6.6 DISTRIBUTOR INFORMATION 29 4.3 COMMUNICATIONS PORT 45 5.5 DELIVERY HISTORY 50 6.5 MAINTENANCE DISPLAY 28 4.6 MODBUS FUNCTIONS 69 7.9 ADMINISTRATOR LEVEL VSD ADJUSTMENTS SECTION 7—ADMININISTRATOR LEVEL FUNCTIONS 53 7.4 MAINTENANCE DISPLAY 59 7.2 REPORTS 44 5.3 VSD PERFORMANCE DATA 49 6.7 DRYER SETUP DISPLAY .3 MACHINE INFO DISPLAY 24 4.7 SEQUENCE SYSTEM DISPLAY 30 4. will minimize the possibility of accidents throughout the useful life of this equipment. and comply with. protective shields and barriers and electrical protective equipment. Prior to installing or operating the compressor. State and Local codes. 1. such as eye and face protective equipment. Tag the compressor and render it inoperative by disconnecting and locking out all power at source or otherwise disabling its prime mover so others who may not know of the unsafe condition cannot attempt to operate it until the condition is corrected. either at the compressor or at any other point along the air line. and regulations relative to personal protective equipment. 1.302(b)(7) and/or any applicable Federal. use and operate the compressor only in full compliance with all pertinent OSHA regulations and/ or any applicable Federal. most of PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT A. When the hose is to be used to supply a manifold. Failure to follow the instructions. standards. procedures and safety precautions in this manual may result in accidents and injuries. and who have read and understood this Operator's Manual. all applicable OSHA regulations and/or any applicable Federal. DO NOT modify the compressor and/or controls in any way except with written factory approval. C. State. the responsibility for safe operation rests with those who use and maintain these products. Install. to reduce pressure in case of hose failure. respiratory protective equipment. B. Provide an appropriate flow-limiting valve at the beginning of each additional 75 feet (23m) of hose in runs of air hose exceeding 1/2" (13mm) 5 . as well as noise exposure administrative and/or engineering controls and/or personal hearing protective equipment. if conscientiously followed. protective clothing. The following safety precautions are offered as a guide which. standards and regulations. and Local codes. However. standards and regulations. equipment intended to protect the extremities. employers and users should become familiar with. The compressor should be operated only by those who have been trained and delegated to do so. per OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1926. owners.3 PRESSURE RELEASE A. Install an appropriate flow-limiting valve between the service air outlet and the shut-off (throttle) valve.1 GENERAL Sullair Corporation and its subsidiaries design and manufacture all of their products so they can be operated safely.Section 1 SAFETY NOTE the precautionary statements contained herein are applicable to most compressors and the concepts behind these statements are generally applicable to all compressors. when an air hose exceeding 1/2" (13mm) inside diameter is to be connected to the shut-off (throttle) valve. State and Local codes. DO NOT attempt to operate the compressor with a known unsafe condition.2 OPERATOR IS REQUIRED TO READ ENTIRE INSTRUCTION MANUAL. NEVER start the compressor unless it is safe to do so. While not specifically applicable to all types of compressors with all types of prime movers. install an additional appropriate flow-limiting valve between the manifold and each air hose exceeding 1/2" (13mm) inside diameter that is to be connected to the manifold to reduce pressure in case of hose failure. 1. H.1 bar for cleaning purposes. and then only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment per OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.242 (b) and/or any applicable Federal. Any acoustical material with a protective covering that has been torn or punctured should be replaced immediately to prevent accumulation of liquids or fluid film within the material. F. E. or on any external surfaces of the air compressor. and before attempting to refill optional air line anti-icer systems with antifreeze compound. Keep electrical wiring. I.5 MOVING PARTS A. DO NOT use air tools that are rated below the maximum rating of the compressor. including air line anti-icer system antifreeze compound or fluid film. Keep grounded and/or conductive objects such as tools away from exposed live electrical parts such as terminals to avoid arcing which might serve as a source of ignition. Secure all hose connections by wire. Keep all terminals and pressure connectors clean and tight. J. Select appropriate valves accordingly. DO NOT operate the compressor without proper flow of cooling air or water or with inadequate flow of lubricant or with degraded lubricant. trash. DO NOT use air at pressures higher than 2. abraded or otherwise degraded insulation. DO NOT attempt to operate the compressor in any classification of hazardous environment unless the compressor has been specially designed and manufactured for that duty. Clean up spills of lubricant or other combustible substances immediately. 1. including all terminals and pressure connectors in good condition. in accordance with their manufacturer's recommendations. Remove any acoustical material or other material that may be damaged by heat or that may support combustion and is in close proximity. G. Keep hands. and Local codes. K. fans and other moving parts. 1. prior to attempting weld repairs. connection or other component. Replace any wiring that has cracked. cut. hose. State. B. Keep suitable fully charged Class BC or ABC fire extinguisher or extinguishers nearby when servicing and operating the compressor. coupling or other guards removed. D. DO NOT attempt to operate the compressor with the fan. Flow-limiting valves are listed by pipe size and flow-rated. F. flames and other sources of ignition away and DO NOT permit smoking in the vicinity when checking or adding lubricant or when refilling air line anti-icer systems with antifreeze compound. C. K. standards and regulations. Open fluid filler cap only when compressor is not running and is not pressurized. filters and other fittings accordingly. Keep oily rags. air hoses. valves. discolored or corroded. E. Vent all internal pressure prior to opening any line. valve. Wipe down using an aqueous industrial cleaner or steam clean as required. Select air tools. such as filters and line oilers. drain plug. pipes. DO NOT use flammable solvents for cleaning purposes. DO NOT permit fluids. I. fitting. Disconnect and lock out all power at source prior to attempting any repairs or cleaning of the compressor or of the inside of the enclosure. Shut down the compressor and bleed the receiver tank to zero internal pressure before removing the cap. DO NOT exceed manufacturer's rated safe operating pressures for these items. litter or other combustibles out of and away from the compressor. if any.4 FIRE AND EXPLOSION A.SECTION 1 accumulate on. Shut off the compressor and allow it to cool. arms and other parts of the body and also clothing away from couplings. J. Then keep sparks. leaves. or terminals that are worn. . H. Keep personnel out of line with and away from the discharge opening of hoses or tools or other points of compressed air discharge. if such spills occur. remove acoustical material. B. clean all surfaces and then replace acoustical material. DO NOT engage in horseplay with air hoses as death or serious injury may result. If necessary. under or around acoustical material. inside diameter to reduce pressure in case of hose failure. chain or other suitable retaining device to prevent tools or hose ends from being accidentally disconnected and expelled. to 6 D. G. B. Avoid bodily contact with hot fluid. State. and Local codes. D. Wear personal protective equipment including gloves and head covering when working in. C. Keep all parts of the body away from all points of air discharge. H. SHARP EDGES AND SHARP CORNERS A. G. DO NOT use air line anti-icer systems in air lines supplying respirators or other breathing air utilization equipment and DO NOT discharge air from these systems into unventilated or other confined areas. Keep a first aid kit handy. prior to attempting repairs or adjustments. Keep hands. Wash with soap and water in the event of skin contact. Keep access doors. I. controls and walking surfaces clean and free of fluid. DO NOT ignore small cuts and burns as they may lead to infection 1. D. harmful or fatal if swallowed. Consult Material Safety Data Sheet for information pertaining to fluid of fill. A physician. closed except when making repairs or adjustments. Seek medical assistance promptly in case of injury. F. Locate the compressor or provide a remote inlet so that it is not likely to ingest exhaust fumes or other toxic. If 7 . The antifreeze compound used in air line antifreeze systems contains methanol and is toxic. In the event of ingestion. DANGER D. Disconnect and lock out all power at source and verify at the compressor that all circuits are deenergized to minimize the possibility of accidental start-up. DO NOT store air line anti-icer system antifreeze compound in confined areas. hot surfaces and sharp edges and corners. Death or serious injury can result from inhaling compressed air without using proper safety equipment. Coolants and lubricants used in this compressor are typical of the industry. standards and regulations on safety equipment. C. F. B.7 TOXIC AND IRRITATING SUBSTANCES A. G. E. DO NOT use air from this compressor for respiration (breathing) except in full compliance with OSHA Standards 29 CFR 1910 and/or any applicable Federal. Wear snug-fitting clothing and confine long hair when working around this compressor. floors. should be contacted immediately. water or other liquids to minimize the possibility of slips and falls. or operation. hot coolant. on or around the compressor. See OSHA standards and/or any applicable Federal. they should be washed with large quantities of clean water for fifteen minutes. If air line anti-icer system antifreeze compound enters the eyes or if fumes irritate the eyes. Wear goggles or a full face shield when adding antifreeze compound to air line anti-icer systems. seek medical treatment promptly. State or Local codes or regulations. feet. preferably an eye specialist. noxious or corrosive fumes or substances. especially when exposed to hot or moving parts. E. if any. This is especially important when compressors are remotely controlled.6 HOT SURFACES. Care should be taken to avoid accidental ingestion and/or skin contact. Make sure all personnel are out of and/or clear of the compressor prior to attempting to start or operate it. 1.SECTION 1 C. Operate the compressor only in open or adequately ventilated areas. Avoid contact with the skin or eyes and avoid breathing the fumes. ELECTRICAL SHOCK A. and tag all power at source prior to attempting repairs or adjustments to rotating machinery and prior to handling any ungrounded conductors. and also including those relative to equipment grounding conductors. F. then weigh compressor before lifting. lock out and tag all power at source so others will not inadvertently restore power. standards and regulations.SECTION 1 swallowed. bent. Inspect points of attachment for cracked welds and for cracked. in each glass of clean. Keep all parts of the body and any hand-held tools or other conductive objects away from exposed live parts of electrical system. In any event. DO NOT leave the compressor unattended with open electrical enclosures. including those of the National Electrical Code. C. Use guide ropes or equivalent to prevent twisting or swinging of the compressor once it has been lifted clear of the ground. Lift compressor no higher than necessary.9 LIFTING A. 8 . If necessary to do so. State and Local codes. If no bail is provided. Make all such adjustments or repairs with one hand only. State. DO NOT attempt to lift in high winds. Make sure lifting hook has a functional safety latch or equivalent. lock out. Maintain dry footing. Make sure entire lifting. and only by personnel that are trained.8 DANGER All field equipment must be tested for electrostatic fields prior to servicing or making contact with the machine using the following or equivalent test equipment: • 90-600 VAC: Volt detector such as Fluke Model 1AC-A • 600-7000 VAC: Voltage detector such as Fluke Networks Model C9970 It is the responsibility of each organization to provide/arrange training for all their associates expected to test for electrostatic fields. then lift by sling. dry and well lighted and ventilated areas only. so as to minimize the possibility of creating a current path through the heart. D. If you are unsure of the weight. then disconnect. D. rigging and supporting structure has been inspected. G. and is fully engaged and latched on the bail or slings. corroded or otherwise degraded members and for loose bolts or nuts prior to lifting. Keep all personnel out from under and away from the compressor whenever it is suspended. warm water until vomit is clear. B. E. stand on insulating surfaces and DO NOT contact any other portion of the compressor when making adjustments or repairs to exposed live parts of the electrical system. then administer two teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of clean water. and Local codes. Call a physician immediately. B. lift and/or handle only in full compliance with OSHA standards 29 CFR 1910 subpart N and/or any applicable Federal. 1. qualified and delegated to do so. then lift by the bail provided. Compressors to be air-lifted by helicopter must not be supported by the lifting bail but by slings instead. If the compressor is provided with a lifting bail. Disconnect. is in good condition and has a rated capacity of at least the weight of the compressor. This compressor should be installed and maintained in full compliance with all applicable Federal. C. 1. Attempt repairs in clean. standards and regulations. E. induce vomiting by administering a tablespoon of salt. H. Have patient lay down and cover eyes to exclude light. M. utilize pallet if provided. as uneven floors or sudden stops may cause the compressor to tumble off. Make sure forklift truck forks are fully engaged and tipped back prior to lifting or transporting the compressor. K. 1. J. Set compressor down only on a level surface capable of safely supporting at least its weight and its loading unit. Otherwise. is large enough to hold a man and if it is necessary to enter it to perform service adjustments.10 ENTRAPMENT A. When moving the compressor by forklift truck. Make sure pallet-mounted compressors are firmly bolted or otherwise secured to the pallet prior to attempting to forklift or transport them. Keep lift operator in constant attendance whenever compressor is suspended. Make sure all personnel are out of compressor before closing and latching enclosure doors. If the compressor enclosure. possibly causing serious injury or property damage in the process. N. if any. 9 . Forklift no higher than necessary to clear obstacles at floor level and transport and corner at minimum practical speeds. NEVER attempt to forklift a compressor that is not secured to its pallet. then make sure compressor is secure and well balanced on forks before attempting to raise or transport it any significant distance. utilize fork pockets if provided. B. inform other personnel before doing so. If neither fork pockets or pallet are provided.SECTION 1 I. L. or else secure and tag the access door in the open position to avoid the possibility of others closing and possibly latching the door with personnel inside. BLANK PAGE 10 . and provides functionality that assists the user with controller diagnostics. assigns control parameters to the controller. Section 5: MENU BAR provides steps to setting user preferences for operating the WSPC program.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Section 2 OVERVIEW The WSPC User Interface is a Windows-based software program that allows complete monitoring and control of Sullair air compressors equipped with a Sullair WS Controller. • Access to data relating to all compressors connected as a sequence system. 2. • A data log feature which compiles operational. Detailed descriptions of the operation of each display component are provided. but certain features described in this manual are not available in earlier versions. Part 1 covers material pertaining specifically to persons operating the program with User Level access. Included are the minimum hardware and software requirements. Each administrator level display is presented and details of the display components are described. The WSPC program receives data about the compressor from the WS Controller. Basic MS Windows functions and those features necessary to using the software are explained in this section. Section 4: DISPLAY DESCRIPTIONS provides an explanation of each display screen available to user level operators. Part 2: Section 7: ADMININISTRATOR LEVEL FUNCTIONS describes those functions that apply specifically to Administrator level operators. Features of the WSPC User Interface software include: • Two-way communication channel between the user and the compressor controller. • Password protection capabilities to limit access to data and controls. Section 3: GETTING STARTED presents steps to getting the program up and running quickly. This section guides the user in creating and modifying user profiles. displays controller operating characteristics including faults and warning messages. Part 2 covers advanced functions available to experienced users and persons with Administrator Level access. This manual describes WSPC software part number 02250174-081 when operated with WS Controller software 02250174-082 or later. This version of WSPC is compatible with all previously released versions of WS Controller software. Section 6: VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (VSD) describes the WSPC functions that apply to Variable Speed Drive compressors. service. • Ability to control the compressor remotely. 11 .1 MANUAL CONTENTS This manual describes the features and operation of the WSPC User Interface program. and error data of the compressor or compressor system. Part 1: Section 2: OVERVIEW provides the necessary information to install the WSPC software. • A comprehensive view of the compressor controller’s operation at the WSPC interface. • Adjustment of all modifiable parameters of the compressor controller. The software can monitor a single compressor operating as an individual unit or multiple machines connected in a sequence. The actual installation media may be CD. • CD ROM drive 1.3. or other means. Go to the site: www. NOTE Contact your network administrator if you are unable to perform the software installation due to access limitations. Search for “.net® Framework support program in order to run on the PC. 12 2.4 INSTALLING OR UPDATING THE FRAMEWORK The WSPC software requires the Microsoft . By default. internet. Delete the folder and its contents.3 INSTALLING THE WSPC USER INTERFACE SOFTWARE Follow the instructions accompanying the WSPC Installation If Microsoft . • 125 Mb of available hard disk space • 256 Mb of available RAM memory 2. 2. as it may be necessary for future updates. 2. Recommended locations are "C:\Sullair\WSPC" or "D:\Sullair\WSPC”. . The default location for all saved files will also be in that folder. Connect the PC to the internet. 4. and install the necessary files into that folder. you will be able to run as soon as the installation is completed. Right-click any desktop shortcuts that were created. Open “My Computer” and browse to the folder created in Section 2. To install the framework. SECTION 2 2. This installation will create a folder on your disk drive.NET Framework” • RS232 communications capability 4. Windows 2000 may require special processing software to properly operate the WSPC software. or update to the latest version. Make a note of this location.5 UNINSTALL THE WSPC SOFTWARE To uninstall the WSPC software: • Color monitor 3. the folder will be "WSPC" and will be located in a "Sullair" folder. network. use the following procedure for a free download.2 SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY • Before beginning the installation process. but you may browse to save into any other location in your PC as desired.0 Ghz processor recommended) • Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating systems. USB drive. and the procedure will be specific to that media. 3. your computer should meet the following minimum is already on the PC. Click “Delete” to delete the shortcut.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL 2. 1. • PC–compatible computer (Pentium® IV based. Follow the instructions for downloading and installation. Click OK to open the WSPC program. 3. See Figure 3-3. Machine Info. Click the down arrow next to the “User Name” box.2 STARTING THE SOFTWARE 1. When the program opens. If the program was last closed while operating at the Administrator level the dialog box will require a password as shown in Figure 3-2.1 ACCESS PRIVILEGES The WSPC User Interface program may be accessed at two levels. Sequencing. Figure 3-2: WSPC User Interface password request Do the following to select a user-level profile: A. and setup for trained compressor technicians. At this level a user has access to the following displays: Compressor Data. This level includes all data and adjustments for normal applications of the compressor. User level profiles do not require password access. a dialog box will appear as shown in Figure 3-1. Service. 2.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Section 3 GETTING STARTED 3. Figure 3-1: WSPC User Interface password request Administrator Level: This provides additional functions for maintenance. User Level: Allows users to access the program without entering a password. More profile options may be available in the User Name list than the ones shown in Figure 3-3. Click the shortcut located on the computer desktop to start the WSPC User Interface program. 13 . A drop-down list of user profiles will be presented. Administrator level functions are described in Part 2 of this manual. A password is required to access this level. service. The user should be an individual with specific authorization to use the WSPC software and knowledge of the compressor operation. B. and Adjustments. Maintenance. Click on a profile that is set for “User Level” access (Default User) and click “OK”. click on the desired display tab. . The active display allows the user to see the data related to the tab title and to perform functions on the display page. Figure 3-3: User Option Figure 3-4: WSPC Opening Window – Compressor Data Display 3. See Figure 3-5.3 WINDOWS® BASIC This section presents basic MS Windows® functions that will be useful to using the WSPC program. See Figure 3-4. The active presentations of information on the computer screen are referred to as “Displays. From the opening screen the user may navigate to all other features of the program. To make a display active.” At the top of 14 each display is a tab showing the display title.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 3 The program will open to the “Compressor Data Display” with user level access. Green indicates a message is being sent to the PC. Type the new data into the field.5 CONNECTING / DISCONNECTING THE WSPC USER INTERFACE AND THE WS CONTROLLER After the communication lines are attached and the WSPC software is running. The software will search for communication from the controller. 15 . Typing the new data will replace the old data. Some options present a dialog box that allow the user to confirm the entries by clicking an “OK” button or cancel the entries by clicking “Cancel. Control data can also be sent from the PC to the WS Controller to configure the machine control parameters.SECTION 3 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Figure 3-5: User Interface display tab Some screens allow for entry of values into fields on the screen. and fill the display with machine information. Click in the field to be modified. The WS Controller also provides led indicators for communication near J13. Select the data currently contained in the field (if any). The PC may also be connected to the controller by other means such as through RS-485 connections or remotely via modem or wireless network. B. Data in a field can be selected by doubleclicking on a character in a field. the WSPC program can be connected to the controller to begin receiving machine operation data. Data can also be highlighted for editing by holding down the left mouse button and dragging the cursor across the data in the field. To establish connection between the WSPC and the WS Controller click (“Connect” button) Reduce Expand Figure 3-6: User Option Close in the status bar. The entire data field will be selected. This serial line connects to the computer’s DB9 socket and runs directly to a custom designed terminal located on the left side of the controller cabinet. During normal connection. The box left of the Connect button will appear bright green indicating the connection is active. as shown in Figure 3-7. 3.4 CONNECTING THE PC TO THE CONTROLLER The standard connection of the PC Interface to the WS Controller is via a specially designed RS-232 connector. Typically an option can be chosen by pressing “Enter” on the computer keyboard. communication activity will be shown on the bottom edge of the WSPC screen. C. The progress bar and block numbers simply indicate that communications are occurring. or closed by clicking on the respective button located in the upper right corner of the display: 3. To enter data into a field: A. 2.” A window can be reduced. 1. expanded. Red indicates a request was received from the PC. If communication with the machine could not be established. To disconnect communication between the WSPC and the controller.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 3 Figure 3-7: WSPC User Interface Display Screen Figure 3-8: WSPC User Interface Display Screen 3. The controller will continue to operate according to the latest set of parameters entered. an error message will display on the communication status line as depicted in Figure 3-8. shaded green. check the RS232 connection and other terminals for proper connection. The box left of the button will change from bright green to dark. click on the “Connect” button. If this occurs. Title Bar 4. Display Tabs Menu Bar Connection Button Compressor Status Bar Machine Operation Data and Parameters Communication Status Indicator User Profile Name Figure 3-9: WSPC User Interface Display Screen 16 Logging Indicator . indicating that the WSPC is disconnected from the controller. and discharge pressure.SECTION 3 3. To return to the full screen presentation. the Compressor Status Bar provides real-time data of the machine’s current operation and condition. The Compressor Status Bar can be displayed as a stand alone compressor operation monitor as shown in Figure 3-10.Click to activate drop-down menus or other screens to select WSPC configurations. 2. WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL 3. The status bar is constantly displayed whenever the WSPC software is connected to the controller. the active profile is named “Default User”. establishes connection between the PC Interface and the WS Controller unit. Section 4 provides a detailed description of each display screen.7. display tabs. and modify the machine control parameters. Connection Button—When activated. Place the cursor on the right border of the WSPC display window. Information presented in the status bar includes the compressor operating mode. Refer to Figure 3-9. The full display window can be hidden leaving only the status bar information appearing on the screen. sump pressure. click on the expand window icon in the upper right corner of the display. operating state. Machine Operation Data—Area where the machine parameter data and operational information is displayed. This feature allows the user to continue monitoring the compressor operation while performing other tasks on the PC.7 COMPRESSOR STATUS BAR The Compressor Status Bar. The default screen is the Compressor Data display which appears each time the WSPC software is opened. The Compressor Status Bar is described in detail in Section 3.6 THE WSPC DISPLAY SCREEN The WSPC display screen consists of the title bar. See Figure 3-9. Logging Indicator—This field will light when the PC is recording data. The compressor data window will be hidden leaving the status bar in the display. "Menu Bar . the compressor status bar. 3. compressor temperature. “Drag” the display border to the left until it stops. 17 . machine operation data display. and the communication status bar. displays real-time data regarding the status of the compressor. Press and hold the left mouse button. To return again to the status bar only view. the pull-down menu bar. This feature allows the user to quickly view the status of the compressor operation regardless of which display screen is active. 5. To reduce the display to show only the status bar: 1. User Profile Name—The name of the current user profile is displayed. Communication Status Indicator—Located at the bottom of the display window. Section 5 provides additional details. which is located left of the main window. Listed below are main elements of the screen display that enable the user to access and view the machine operation data. Title Bar—Contains the name of the WSPC software program. In Figure 3-9. 4. Compressor Status Bar—Located on the left margin of every display. this line provides communication status information. Display Tabs—Allow for the selection of the desired display. click on the reduce window icon in the upper right corner of the display. The features of the Profiles menu option are described in Section 5 of this manual. Communication Temperature Measurement Exit—Closes the WSPC User Interface program. See Figure 3-10 From the “File” menu.8 FILE MENU The File Menu contains options that allow the user to configure and set preferences that control how the program functions. Sump Pressure Measurement Communication Pressure Discharge Figure 3-10: Compressor Status Bar (Reduced) File Menu Figure 3-11: File Menu Options 18 . Exiting the software does not affect the compressor or controller operation.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 3 3. Communication Operating State Login—Presents the Login box which allows the user to choose a profile from a list of available User profiles. A profile will contain settings that configure the WSPC program according to the operator or group’s preferences. the user can choose three options: Communication Operating Mode Profiles—Allows the user to create and edit profiles. See Figure 3-12. but your PC may be equipped with additional ports. This is typically COM1.SECTION 3 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL 3. See Figure 3-13 3. See Figure 3-14 Figure 3-12: Login Screen A 3.11 ABOUT This provides information about the WSPC program.10 COM PORT This provides a dialog to select the communications port of the PC on which the program is running.9 REPORT This menu Item will request a folder location and file name in which to file a comprehensive service report. See Figure 3-15 Figure 3-14: About Information Box Figure 3-13: Report Dialog 19 . WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Figure 3-15: Com Port Dialog 20 SECTION 3 . The information appearing in the Status Bar is machine generated. An additional button (labeled Unload) may appear in the Status Bar when the WSPC interface is configured to control the compressor operation remotely. Above the Status Bar is a button that allows the user to connect or disconnect communication between the WSPC and the WS Controller. Refer to Sequencing and Protocol Manual for an explanation of this feature.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Section 4 DISPLAY DESCRIPTIONS 4. view only data. Clicking the “Connect” button will alternately connect and disconnect communication between the software and the controller. Compressor Operating Mode Operating State Compressor T1 Temperature Sump Pressure Compressor Line Pressure Controller Control Voltage STATUS BAR Figure 4-1: Default Screen: Compressor Data Display 21 . See Figure 4-1.1 COMPRESSOR STATUS BAR Located on the left edge of the WSPC User Interface program window. the Compressor Status Bar displays information related to the compressor current operation. 4. voltage the Additional data may be displayed in the Compressor Status Bar depending on user access level and machine configuration. access the display by clicking on the “Compressor Data” tab. MANUAL. Control Volts—The actual compressor control supply. See Figure 4-2. If the Compressor Data display is not showing on the monitor. Line Pressure—The discharge pressure of the compressor. Compressor Operating Mode—The Operating Mode is the manner in which the machine operation is being controlled. At this display the user can monitor compressor operating information. Compressor Temperature temperature of the compressor. OFF.2 COMPRESSOR DATA DISPLAY (DEFAULT SCREEN) The “Compressor Data” display is the window that appears when the WSPC Interface is initialized. Operating State—The state of the compressor operation in response to the current mode and current conditions. FAULT. These include dryer dewpoint temperature and spiral valve modulation indicators. There are five Operating Modes: AUTOMATIC. 1—The internal Sump Pressure—The compressor sump pressure. Machine Operation Data Figure 4-2: Compressor Data Display 22 of .WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 4 STATUS BAR COMPONENTS Listed below is the information that is displayed in the fields of the Compressor Status Bar. The operating state essentially describes what the machine is currently doing. and UI COMM. SECTION 4 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL COMPRESSOR RUN DATA DIGITAL INPUTS AND RELAY OUTPUTS The information presented at the Compressor Data display is described below. The digital inputs and relay outputs indicate that a signal from an input/output device has been received. Machine hours—Total controller has been operation. number of hours the monitoring compressor Compressor enabled hours—Total number of hours the compressor has been enabled to run. Motor running hours—Total number of hours the compressor motor has been running. Compressor loaded hours—Total number of hours the compressor has run loaded. Compressor full load hours—Total number of hours the compressor has run at full load. Number of starts—Total number of times the compressor has been started automatically or manually. Number of load cycles—Total number of load cycles the compressor has completed. Digital Inputs: Definition Digital Inputs—Each indicates that the input has been activated by a machine action. When active, the box next to the input will be bright green in color. E-stop—Indicates that an emergency stop switch has been pressed. The E-stop is normally closed and the box next to the E-stop input is bright green. When the button is pressed, the E-stop input indicator will appear dark. Relay Outputs—Each indicates that the output relay has been activated by the controller. When active, the box next to the output will be bright red in color. Inputs and outputs are assigned at the factory to indicate specific actions, and will vary with the compressor model. Typical factory assignments of inputs and outputs are as follows: Relay Outputs: Definition Input 1: Main Motor Overload-Fault Output 1: Run Input 2: Aux. Motor Overload-Fault Output 2: Wye Input 3: Starter Aux. Contact-Fault Output 3: Delta Input 4: NOT USED Output 4: Load Input 5: High Air Filter dP-Warning Output 5: Full Load Input 6: High Fluid Filter-Warning Output 6: Drain Input 7: Remote Unload (Option) Output 7: Fault Signal Input 8: Fault (Option) Input 9: Warning (Option) E-Stop: Emergency Stop Activated 23 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL 4.3 MACHINE INFO DISPLAY The “Machine Info” display presents information relating to the current compressor/controller model and configuration. See Figure 4-3. This information is view only and cannot be changed by the operator. The information presented in the “Machine Info” display is described below. CONTROLLER SOFTWARE INFO Version Date—Displays the date version of the WS Controller internal software. I/O Version Pn—Displays the WS Controller I/O unit part number. U/I Version Pn—Displays the WS Controller User Interface part number. COMPRESSOR INFO This information about the compressor package is recorded during the WS Controller’s commissioning Model—The model number HP—Motor Horsepower Pressure—Nominal pressure rating Hz – Line SECTION 4 frequency (50 or 60 Hz) Cooling—Method of cooling (air cooled or water cooled) Motor—The motor control (Y-delta, full voltage, variable -speed) Volts—Nominal Starter line voltage Dryer—Dryer type 4.4 SERVICE DISPLAY The Service display provides information related to compressor events which require service actions. A history of the 16 most recent fault messages are displayed on the service page along with information detailing the time and date of the fault occurrence. See Figure 4-4. The fault history can aid the user in identifying related events and recurring problems that may cause machine malfunctions or limit operation. Refer to the WS Controller User Instruction Manual for actions to be taken when a fault or warning condition occurs. The first row of the fault listings displays the most recent fault. Column one provides a description of the fault cause. Column two displays the number of hours the compressor has run when Figure 4-3: Machine Info Display 24 SECTION 4 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Figure 4-4: Service Display the fault occurred. Column three shows the month and day on which the fault occurred. The remaining columns display the time of day that the fault occurred in hour:minutes:seconds. The lower portion reports communication errors between the WS controller and its User Interface, and between the WS controller and other controllers in a group of sequenced compressors. The upper box, labeled "Up/Down Count" shows recent communication errors. The lower box shows the total number of communication errors. SENSOR LOG BUTTON It is possible for the user to view the readings of up to eleven sensors during the last ten minutes leading up to a fault. While at the “Service” display screen, click on the “Sensor Log” button (see Figure 4-5) to bring up the “Sensor Log.” This log, shown in Figure 4-6, displays each sensor reading in ten one-minute decrements down to one minute before the last fault occurred. Figure 4-5: Sensor Log Button sensor readings leading up to a fault is displayed in 12 five-second decrements. The last sensor reading is at zero (0) seconds recorded shortly before the fault occurrence. Using this data a user or service technician can observe the progression of a fault as an aid in diagnosing the problem. Refer to the WS Controller User Instruction Manual for actions to be taken when a warning or fault condition occurs. In the example shown, the log shows sensor readings for Temperature 1, Sump Pressure, Line Pressure, and Controller Voltage. The final minute of 25 be sure to note .WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 4 Figure 4-6: Sensor Log Window Figure 4-7: Saved Sensor Log File Example LOG DATA BUTTON 3. This report may be viewed as a text file. click the "Log Data" button on the Service page. A “Logging” indicator is bright green whenever logging is turned on. Digital input and Output condition (shown as a hex number) The data on each line includes: 1. To log data. Additional data lines are stored if any significant change occurs. When assigning a user specified location. The compressor operating state WSPC may be used to log data about compressor operation for extended periods. A dialog box will be presented with the default folder location and file name. or imported into a spreadsheet for formatted analysis and graphing. If desired. The WS Controller operating mode 26 5. This is intended as an aid for troubleshooting. another directory can be selected and a descriptive filename can be typed into the Filename field to save the log data to a user specified location. 4. including temperatures and pressures 6. Data from all 11 analog inputs. These files are stored in the PC. The time of the record 2. Data from the variable frequency drive. A line of data is stored at least once per minute. Click the "Save" button to begin logging. the High Oil (Fluid) Filter dP—Indicates the fluid filter pressure differential is high.5 MAINTENANCE DISPLAY The Maintenance Display contains listings of recent Warnings and Recommended Service messages that have been displayed at the controller. To view data. High Temperature 1.SECTION 4 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL the directory path and filename information so that the log data can be easily located later. The fluid filter needs to be checked or changed. Also displayed are the hours remaining to the next recommended service activity. then click on "Format" > "Column" > "Auto Fit" to adjust columns to appropriate sizes for the new data. click on the "Log Data" button again on the Service page. Refer to the WS Controller User Instruction Manual for actions to be taken when a warning or fault condition occurs. Low Temperature 1. 2. In Excel. When a warning message is displayed. To stop logging. 2. Figure 4-8: Maintenance Display 27 . the compressor will still operate. and select "Open With" > "Excel". The separator unit needs to be checked or changed. simply browse to the folder. See Figure 4-8. This will put all the data into a worksheet for further analysis or formatting. the condition which caused the warning must be resolved within a short period of time to prevent a fault condition from occurring or damage to the machine. WARNING MESSAGES Warning messages that may appear on Maintenance Display are listed below. Refer to the Help pages in Excel for more information on using the data. High Air Filter dP—Air filter pressure differential is high indicating that the air filter unit needs to be checked or changed. However. High Separator dP—Indicates the fluid separator pressure differential is high. When saving. 4. or 3—Compressor Temperature at the specified temp probe location is approaching the set low limit. right click on the file name. select all columns. or 3—Compressor Temperature at the specified temp probe location is approaching the set high limit. The data may be viewed with any text editor. To create an Excel spreadsheet. and double click on the file created. Select "Save As" and select a spreadsheet in "Save as Data Type". The following service reminders can appear under the “Recommended Service” heading: Oil (Fluid) Filter Change—The compressor fluid filter life interval has expired. within the time frame noted in the machine operation specifications. Dryer Overload Fault—indicates that a dryer's motor overload relay has tripped. and clean if necessary. very low Air Filter Change—The compressor air filter life interval has expired. very high Dryer Low DP Fault—indicates temperatures that cause a dryer fault. Schedule the compressor fluid analysis per machine operation specifications. Change the air filter within the time frame noted in the machine operation specifications. The “Interval” fields show the recommended hours remaining until the next servicing is due for the above listed items. similar to Figure 4-9.6 DISTRIBUTOR INFORMATION Distributor Information can be accessed by clicking on the “Distributor Info” button on the “Compressor Data” display. Change the fluid filter 28 Figure 4-9: Distributor Information . If these occur. Change the compressor fluid within the time frame noted in the machine operation specifications. VFD Overtemp—indicates that the variable frequency drive is operating near its design limit. Oil (Fluid) Analysis—Fluid analysis interval has expired. Check for unrestricted flow of cooling air. Enter additional information here as desired in the lower pane. Separator Change—The compressor fluid separator life interval has expired. Refer to the WS Controller Instruction Manual for additional instructions on actions to be taken when warning conditions exists. The following warnings apply to optional construction. Check the heatsink for dust or dirt buildup. Change the separator within the time frame noted in the machine operation specifications. High Dryer Dewpoint—indicates dryer operation near the high temperature limit. Dryer Warning—Indicates that the compressor system dryer needs to be serviced. Sequence Comm Error—Communication problem exists between the compressor controllers set up for sequential operation. 4. Low Computer Battery—Indicates that the controller internal battery is low and needs to be replaced. An Administrator may set service intervals and reset the service reminders. Dryer Relay Fault—indicates that the dryer's internal protection has tripped. Dryer High DP Fault—indicates temperatures that caused a dryer fault. User Warning—A user furnished switch has been activated. A window will appear. refer to the machine manuals for additional information.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 4 Power Interruption—An interruption in power to the compressor has occurred. Oil (Fluid) Change—The compressor fluid life interval has expired. and keep ambient temperatures below the design rating. A zero value indicates the reminder is disabled. presenting previously entered information. Other Maintenance—Other periodic maintenance should be performed as scheduled per machine operation specifications. SERVICE REMINDERS Service Reminders may inform the user that a particular component of the compressor is recommended for servicing. Low Dryer Dewpoint—indicates dryer operation near the low temperature limit. Mode—displays the Operating Mode of each compressor in the sequence. The mode is the manner in which the machine’s operation is being controlled.7 SEQUENCE SYSTEM DISPLAY The status of compressors connected in sequence can be viewed at the Sequence System Display. The sequence state describes the operational role a machine is performing as a part of the sequence. Remote Stop—Indicates the compressor has been stopped remotely. E-Stop—Indicates a compressor fault. The various states that may appear in the “Sequence status” column are: Starting—Indicates the compressor is starting up. Hours—displays the sequence hours of a particular compressor. the compressor is running Unloaded—Indicates the compressor is running unloaded. The compressors are listed down the left side of the sequence information table in order of com number. Loaded—Indicates loaded. Manual Stop—Indicates the compressor is stopped by the operator. Sequence hours are the number of hours set for a machine to run in sequence. The top line of the Sequence System Display shows the total system pressure. This 29 . Other modes are “Stopped” when the machine’s operation has been stopped and “Faulted” when a fault has occurred.SECTION 4 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Figure 4-10: Sequence System Display 4. When running and operating normally. Full Load—Indicates the compressor is fully loaded. Status—displays the operating state of each compressor in the sequence. Trim—Indicates the compressor is operating as the trim machine in the sequence. Refer to the Adjustments Display screen to verify the com number and sequencing mode of the current machine. Remote Disable—Indicates the compressor is removed from sequencing remotely. See Figure 4-10. a compressor’s operating mode will be either “Manual” or “Automatic” as selected by the user. The sequence information contained in the table can display compressor data for up to sixteen machines in a sequence. the machine with the lowest number of sequence hours will be the next to start and the machine with the highest number of sequence hours will be the next to stop. Changes to the control parameters will be reflected at the WS Controller located on the compressor. Service—displays “Yes” when the compressor is in need of service. Remote—indicates whether the compressor operation is being controlled remotely (including SECTION 4 sequencing control) or by the local controller only. ACFM—shows the capacity of the specific compressor. Refer to the WS Controller Sequencing and Protocol Manual for details on operating compressors in sequence. SeeFigure 4-11. This measurement is taken at the P2 pressure transducer of the compressor and may be a different value than the overall system pressure. This may be displayed as BAR or Kpa depending on user profile preferences. Figure 4-11: Control Parameter Adjustments Display 30 . This indication is accompanied by either a service reminder or warning message to inform the user of the nature of the service required. Capacity is the volume of air in cubic feet per minute (cfm) being delivered by the compressor. When the operating mode is set to Automatic. 4.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL parameter can be adjusted at the Adjustments Display to assign the compressor to run in a specific order in the sequence system.8 ADJUSTMENTS DISPLAY Both the compressor control parameters and sequencing parameters can be edited at the Adjustments display of the WSPC User Interface. At this display the user can view the current settings of the machine control parameters and make adjustments as necessary. PSI—displays the output pressure of the related compressor. To edit a control parameter value: 1. Likewise. Unload Time (seconds)—Set this to the time that the machine is to run unloaded in Automatic mode before shutting off. bar. the compressor list is intentionally short. This value is displayed in units of minutes at the WS Controller. Adjustments will be automatically made to the maximum speed to operate the motor at its full capacity at any pressure. When the Unload Pressure is changed. Most packages will allow adjustment of this over a wide range to allow tailoring of the pressure to the needs of the application. This is normally adjusted near the bottom of the load/unload band. If the request is valid. and the Load delta pressure differential will change automatically. Click in the field of the parameter to be changed and delete the current value. the Unload Pressure will usually be held constant. When a parameter change is made at the WSPC interface. Type the new value into the selected field. or kpa) at which the compressor will unload and stop delivering air. Connection must be enabled before adjustments can be made at the Adjustments Display. If the parameter is invalid or out of range the color will change to black and the parameter will return to its previous value. a change made at the WS Controller unit causes the corresponding value to change at the WSPC interface. (Load Delta) = (Unload pressure) – (Load pressure) Unload Pressure—Line pressure setpoint (psi. The parameter value will turn red to indicate that the request has been made. A double-click in the parameter field will highlight the entire value. 4. The compressor starts to deliver air to the system whenever pressure falls WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL below the “Load” pressure and stops delivering air whenever pressure rises above the “Unload” pressure. the corresponding change appears at the controller after “Enter” is pressed on the PC keyboard or the cursor is positioned outside of the changed field. This value is displayed in units of minutes at the WS Controller. Drain Interval (seconds)—Set this time as the desired interval between activation of the drain cycle for machines equipped with an electric solenoid drain. Wye-Delta Time (seconds)—Set this as the time for 31 . 5. When the Load Pressure is changed. Press “Enter” on the PC keyboard or click the mouse cursor on a different item. Load Delta—The pressure differential (psi. or kpa) at which the compressor motor will start and the compressor will begin to deliver air. VSD Setpoint Pressure— Available only with VSD equipped machines. bar. or kpa) below the unload pressure at which the machine will begin loading. The WSPC must be connected to the controller (by clicking the “Connect” button) before parameter changes are allowed. The targeted pressure for the variable speed controls. However. the new setting will now be active (indicated by the color change from red to black). The units and language appearing in the “Adjustments” display correspond to the settings applied when the User Profile was created. Load Pressure—Pressure (psi. Set it to zero (0) to disable auto restart. “Load delta” is the difference between the two”. bar. the Load pressure will usually be held constant. typing over the current value will delete it and replace it with the new value. Drain Time (seconds)—Set this time as the number of seconds that the drain is to remain energized. the Unload pressure will usually be held constant. ADJUSTABLE CONTROL PARAMETERS The following three settings affect the compressor’s response to line pressure. When the parameter value is highlighted.SECTION 4 ADJUSTING CONTROL PARAMETERS Listed below are the control parameters that can be edited by the user at the “Adjustments” display. 3. The speed will be adjusted to maintain this pressure. 2. and limited to adjustments that might be made frequently. Restart Time (seconds)—Set this time to the desired number of seconds before auto restart is to occur on power up. and the Load delta pressure differential will change automatically. and the Load pressure will be adjusted automatically. Many changes to the control parameters at the WSPC interface will be reflected in the WS Controller display on the compressor. When the Load delta Pressure differential is changed. Select “Connect” in the Status Bar to connect communication between the WSPC interface and the WS Controller. Section 4. See Figure 4-12. If so. See Figure 4-13.6 of this manual describes the features of the Sequence System Display which allows the user to monitor the operation of all the compressors connected in sequence. an additional button labeled “Unload” will appear under the “Connection” button in the Status Bar when “Remote” mode is selected. Sets the KWH cost value. Select “Remote” when the compressor is to be controlled remotely by the PC or Figure 4-13: Unload Button During Remote Operation Figure 4-12: Sequence Parameters 32 . 1. Cost per KWH—Available only with VSD equipped machines.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL the wye to delta starter transition. the allows the Load/Unload operation of the compressor to be manually controlled. The compressor can still be operated as a stand alone machine. The machine will not operate in sequence with other machines. Click in the “Sequence Mode” field to select the mode by which sequencing of the compressor is to be controlled. a. Mode—Assigns the desired mode for controlling the compressor motor operation (Automatic or Manual). A bright yellow box next to the Unload button indicates that the machine is being forced to unload. ADJUSTING SEQUENCE PARAMETERS This group of adjustments set the controller for operation with other Sullair compressors or for remote control. When selected. Refer to the WS Controller Sequencing and Protocol Manual for the principles of operating compressors in sequence. To configure a machine for sequencing operation: SECTION 4 other remote connection. in dollars or other currency. b. the controller will behave the same as if “Disabled” is selected. c. This can also be used to control the closed inlet valve with other motor controls. used in operating cost calculations. Modulation—Assigns the manner in which the machine will be delivering air (Load/Unload or Modulate). The “Slave” mode is not currently used in this version. Select “Disabled” when no sequencing is desired. When the button is inactive. indicated by a darkened yellow box next to the button. The Administrator may set the controller for remote unloading via modbus. the machine will operate normally. When active. Change the UI Pressure unit of measure by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting the desired unit: PSI. 2.SECTION 4 d. Sequence hours can be adjusted to cause the compressor to run in a specific order in the sequence. or kPA. between subsequent start. Typical forced rotations are daily or weekly. These changes are reflected in the WS Controller display. 33 . The maximum number of machines that can be connected in a sequence that contains at least one Supervisor II Deluxe Controller is eight. French. Click in “Low press” to set the lowest allowable system pressure before a machine in the sequence has to start. The units of measure for pressure and temperature. See Figure 4-14. Click in “Recover time” to add a delay. Each machine should have a unique identification between 1 and 16. Click in “Com number” to select a unique communication number in relation to other machines in a sequence system. e. 6. load. The minimum value for the Low pressure setting is 30 psi. CHANGING CONTROLLER UNITS AND LANGUAGE PREFERENCES The WSPC Interface program allows the user to change display preferences of the WS Controller. NOTE The Modbus address assigned here must match the modbus address assigned in the WSPC User Profile or other Modbus applications. The minimum value for the Recover time is 2 seconds and the maximum is 60 seconds. 4. in seconds. The maximum number of machines that can be connected in a sequence consisting of WS Controllers and/or Supervisor Controllers is 16. 2. The default value for the WS Controller and for WSPC software is 1. and unload actions of machines in sequence. WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL 8. 3. Click in “Machines” to set the total number of machines in the sequence configuration. This change takes affect after the controller power is cycled off and on. The address may be between 1 and 247. communication between the PC and the controller will be lost when the controller is cycled. German. If desired. or Italian. click in “Sequence hours” to preset the order the machine is to run in a sequence operation based on its hour meter. 7. 3. Click in “Rotate” to set the time that a compressor will force a rotation between machines. Click in “Modbus address” to enter a modbus address for the compressor modbus communications on the RS232 port. Click in “eConnect ID” to provide a name that enables communication for eConnect communication. If the ID’s do not match. Change the Language preference by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting the desired language: English. Change the UI Temperature unit of measure by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting the desired unit: Deg F or Deg C. Set to 0 to disable. Spanish. This should be used for twomachine systems only. Select “COMM Number” if the compressor is to sequence in an order based on the communication number assigned to the machine. and language preferences can be changed at the “Adjustments” display of the WSPC User Interface program. Bar. 5. The highest com number for the compressor can be no greater the maximum number of machines set in the Machines field (step 4). 9. This also sets the order the machine is to run in a sequence operation based on the communication number assigned to the machine. To change the WS Controller Display preferences: 1. Select “Hours” if the compressor is set to run in a sequence based on the machine’s sequence hour meter. Double-click in the seconds field and type the current seconds. The new set time will be assigned to all logs and data generated by the WS Controller. To adjust the time setting: To synchronize the clocks.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 4 Time Field Hours:Minutes :Seconds Figure 4-14: Units and Language Preferences NOTE Changes to the WS Controller user interface preferences do not affect the display of units and language in the WSPC software. Follow the steps below to manually adjust the time and date settings. WSPC preferences are set as User Profiles. Press Enter. Double-click in the hour field to select the hour value. 2. See Figure 4-15. Manual Time/Date Adjustment The WS Controller date and time can be manually adjusted when synchronizing the controller with the PC is not desired. . 3. Double-click in the minutes field and type the current minutes on the hour. 5. The program will automatically adjust the controller clock and calendar to the same time as the computer clock. Click to Synchronize with PC Clock TIME AND DATE ADJUSTMENTS Synchronize Time and Date with PC Clock Figure 4-15: Time and Date Adjustment The date and time of the WS Controller internal clock can be synchronized with the PC clock at the “Adjustments” display. 34 1. Type the hour of the day in 24 hour format. 4. click on the “Synch with PC clock” button. The RS-485 configurable parameters are listed below. Click the arrow at the edge of the month field. The Month popup list will appear. See Figure 4-16. These settings have no effect on standard controllers. Select the current month. 5. Parity options for data checking are odd. 4. Modbus Address—Click in “Modbus address” to enter a modbus address for the compressor modbus communications on the RS485 port. The new date setting will be assigned to all logs and data generated by the WS Controller. 2. Parity—Data checking method for verifying accuracy of data transmission. The address may be between 1 and 247.” INTERNET TRANSMISSION SETTINGS Figure 4-16: Port E (RS-485) Parameters To adjust the Date setting: 1. The TCP/IP parameters are: IP Address—The unique address the WSPC will use to identify and communicate with another computer via the internet or other network utilizing the Internet Protocol standard. If the settings do not match.600 baud. Double-click on the Year field and enter the current year using four digits. COMMUNICATION PARAMETERS Some controllers may be configured to allow access and transmission of data via the internet. Gateway—The access address allowing data to pass to and from the network. The overall range is 1200 to 57. Double-click in the Day field and enter the current day of the month. The default baud rate is 19200 bps. none.SECTION 4 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL NOTE The Modbus settings assigned here must match the modbus settings assigned in the WSPC User Profile or other Modbus applications. Name Server—computer server that implements a name service protocol used to correlate the server name with the IP address. This change takes affect after the controller power is cycled off and on. Net Mask—used to determine what subnet an IP address belongs to. even. These settings allow the controller to be configured to communicate with a device having RS-485 capabilities. Press Enter on the PC keyboard. 3. Baud Rate—The rate of data transmission in bits per second. 35 . Communication Parameters control the transmission of data to and from the WS Controller via an RS-485 serial interface. communication with the controller will be lost when the controller is cycled. The default setting is “Even. Delete a Machine Profile by clicking on the profile name and then clicking “Delete.” A confirmation dialog box will appear. 2. . Select the item in the list by which the column is to be filtered. The new name will appear on the list as a “New Profile” 1. 4. 4. b. Click the “Clear Sort” button to clear all sorting. See Figure 4-17. Click the “Edit” button. 3. The program will read the settings from the controller. Access the “Adjustments” display by clicking on the “Adjustments” tab. To save the current parameter settings: 1. Click in the Category 1 or Category 2 descriptions at the top of the page. and will generate a new profile. 5. Click on a profile to select it. and edit as desired. See Figure 4-18. Click the Load/Save button on the “Adjustments” display. The descriptions may be edited to make searching easier. Click the “Clear Filter” to show all profiles. One click will sort the column in ascending order. Sort a column by clicking in the top space above of a column by which values are to be sorted. Click “Yes” to confirm deletion or “No” to cancel.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 4 SAVING PARAMETER SETTINGS EDITING AND SEARCHING MACHINE PROFILES The settings for the current control parameters displayed on the Adjustments display can be saved to a file which can be accessed and loaded to the WS Controller at a later date. The arrow will present a list of the contents of the column. Figure 4-17: Load/Save Button 36 c. The “Machine Profiles” window will appear. 2. To sort and/or filter the Machine Profile name list: a. 3. Click the “Save Edits” button. A second click will sort the column in descending order. This is helpful if many profiles are saved on your PC. Click “Read from Controller” to load the current parameter settings from the controller to the WSPC. Filter a column by clicking on the expansion arrow in the space above the column containing the filter criteria. The values stored in the saved profile will replace the parameter values displayed on the Adjustments display. When an adjustment register is loaded. The control parameter values for the selected profile will be shown in the upper portion of the window. Click “Write to Controller” to load the parameters of the selected profile to the WS Controller. control parameters from a saved profile can be loaded to the WS Controller. Saved Machine Profiles are listed in the lower portion of the Machine Profiles window. These values are presented for reference only and cannot be edited. the new parameter values become immediately effective at the WS Controller. 3. Click on the Name of the saved machine profile to be loaded. Click the Load/Save button on the “Adjustments” display (Figure 4-17). The parameters will immediately become active at the controller and the compressor and/or compressor system will begin operating using the new parameter values. To load a saved Machine Profile: 1. 37 . 2.SECTION 4 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Figure 4-18: Machine Profiles Window LOADING PARAMETER SETTINGS At the “Machine Profiles” window. 4. Access the “Adjustments” display by clicking on the “Adjustments” tab. BLANK PAGE 38 . M3/hr. Power—Displays power in units of KW or HP. Volume—Displays volume in units of KCF. The “Notes” field displays information relating to the profile entered when the profile was created. 3. The User Profiles window will open displaying settings for the current profile. Click “File” in the menu bar (Figure 5-1). or kPa. and switch profiles. save current settings as a new profile. The “Language” field displays the current language setting for the WSPC displays. Under “Communication Port” the settings that control communication between the WS Figure 5-1: Profiles Menu Selection 39 . “Units” settings display the units of measure displayed by the WSPC software. To see the settings of a different profile. The “User Name” displays the name of the active profile. and L/sec. group name. 7. Pressure—Displays pressures in units of PSI. create a new profile. 4. Setting of the units here will not affect the units displayed on the WS Controller interface.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Section 5 MENU BAR 5. Liters. The name can be an individual name. 8. machine. 5. etc. 2. modify a profile. See Figure 5-2. Bar. Flow—Displays air flow in units of ACFM. click the name of a profile to be viewed from the list in the lower half of the window. Gallons (US). 6. The following unit settings are available.1 FILE MENU—USER PROFILES AND PREFERENCES User Profiles are used to configure the WSPC software for a specific user or group of users. Settings made in a profile only change the appearance and action of the software program and do not affect the operation of the WS Controller or compressor. M3. M3/min. and KM3. Temperature – Displays temperatures in units of Deg F or Deg C. The settings for the selected profile will be presented in the fields in the upper section of the window. Select “Profiles”. USER PROFILE OPTION To view the preferences of the current running profile: 1. L/min. Feet3. The User Profiles option allows the operator to view profile settings. When done viewing the profile settings. The default modbus ID value is 1 in the WS Controller. RS232 communications of the WS Controller is always “None. but is adjustable. Parity—The method used for checking the accuracy of the flow of data between the computer and communication devices. but is adjustable. The parity setting helps to determine if a transmission error has occurred between devices. The following communication parameters can be adjusted from the User Profiles window: Modbus Address—displays the modbus communication ID. 9. . but is adjustable. RS485 is 19200 Baud by default. Com Port—This is the PC’s communication transmission channel through which data is passed to and from the computer. Select a profile and click OK to make the profile active. See Figure 5-3. Baud Rate—The communication speed in bits per second between the WS Controller and the PC interface. All four must be set properly for the programs to communicate.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 5 Figure 5-2: User Profiles Window Controller and the WSPC software can be viewed and modified as necessary.” RS485 communication is “Even” by default. click cancel to exit the profile window. The “Enter Password” option box will be presented. RS232 communications of the WS Controller is always 38400 40 Baud. enter a brief note relating to the compressor system. The default Com Port is set to 1 41 . The actual number of com ports available will vary depending on the computer system being used. click the up/down arrows to increment to the required modbus communication ID. Liters. These settings control communication between the WS Controller and the WSPC software. and Parity assigned here must match the modbus parameters of the controller. a. This number should be changed only if the modbus interface has been configured for a different port. At the “Modbus Address” field. and KM3. d. At the “Pressure” field. 4. Click “Edit” to allow editing of the profile on the upper part of the scrren. See Figure 54. 7. c. a. At the “Temperature” field. click on the drop down arrow and select the desired language for the WSPC software. Feet3. M3/min. Click “File” on the menu bar. 6. The User Profiles window will be presented showing the settings for the current profile. 2. At the “Com Port” field. Bar. or Kpa. click on the dropdown arrow and select the air flow unit as ACFM. click on the dropdown arrow and select the pressure unit as PSI. Select the desired “Units of Measure. 5. 3. The default modbus value is set to 1. b. Change the profile name” by entering a new name in the “User Name” field. Baud Rate. Units selected here will not affect units displayed on the WS Controller user interface. 8.SECTION 5 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Figure 5-3: Select Profile (Password Box) EDIT A PROFILE To edit an existing profile: 1. In the “Language” field. click on the drop-down arrow and select the temperature unit as Deg F or Deg C. b. M3. In the “Notes” field. Select a profile for editing from the list in the lower portion of the User Profiles window. click on the dropdown arrow and select the volume unit as KCF. Select the desired “Communication Port” settings. At the "Volume" field. communication between the PC and the controller will not occur. If the settings do not match. There are 16 com port options listed. At the "Power" field. enter the number of the communication port to use for connecting to the PC. L/sec.” These settings determine the units of measure to be displayed by the WSPC software. click on the dropdown arrow and select the power unit as KW or HP. At the "Flow" field. Gallons (US). Select “Profiles”. L/min. e. NOTE The Modbus Address. M3/hr. 9. The name can be . While in the User Profiles window. the preferences of the current profile will be presented in the fields of the new profile. Clicking cancel will discard changes to the profile and exit. The user can keep all the profile settings or make changes to any of the profile preferences. When selected. The WS Controller RS232 baud rate is 38400 bps. and save the new profile with a unique name. To copy an existing profile as a new profile: 1. The overall range is 300 to 57. 3. When all edits are complete. click “Save Edits” to save the modified profile to memory. Refer to Activate a Profile. 11. select an existing profile with the same user level. click on the dropdown arrow and select the desired Parity option for data checking: odd. The edited profile will not become the active 42 profile until the it has been activated selecting the desired profile at the “Enter Password” box. none. At the "Baud Rate" field. The WS Controller RS232 setting is “None. In the “User Name” field. 2. d. Click the “Copy” button.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 5 Figure 5-4: Edit Profile Window c. click on the drop-down arrow and select the desired Baud Rate for data transmission.” 10. At the "Parity" field. COPY A CURRENT PROFILE TO A NEW PROFILE The preferences of the current running profile can be copied to a new profile with a different name. Click the “close window button” in the upper right corner of the window to exit the User Profiles window. even. enter the new name of the profile to be saved.600 baud. 5.txt so that it can be automatically opened later. Make changes to the preferences in the profile window as necessary. 4. 4. 3. Type in the desired File name. 4. 43 . Refer to Activate a Profile. Click “File” on the menu bar. 2. Clicking “Cancel” will close the WSPC program. CREATE A REPORT To create a new report for the compressor: 1. 2. To activate a profile: 1. Click "Report" on the menu bar. group name. At the User Name field. but always end it in . or pasted into other documents. See Figure 5-5. Edit a Profile details the steps to entering profile preferences. The “Enter Password” box will be presented. Any Windows(c)permitted name may be used. This is "Report. If an Administrator profile is selected. Messages will appear to describe the progress. a password will be required for access. These reports are small files that may be filed for future reference. A "Save As" box will open (Figure 5-6).SECTION 5 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL an individual name. The large buttons on the left may be used to start browsing on a computer. 5. Click "Save". Select “Login”. Click on the desired profile from the list provided. machine. The little buttons to the right of the "Save in:" box may be used to browse through folders. They may be viewed with any common text editor. The edited profile will not become the active profile until it has been activated selecting the desired profile at the “Enter Password” box. Figure 5-5: Switch Profile (Password Box) 5. This is similar to any Windows(c) application. 6. Click the “close window button” in the upper right corner of the window to exit the User Profiles window. click “Saved Copied Profile” to save the profile. When the profile information has been completed. The large box shows other similar documents that are in the selected folder. emailed. Click “OK” to activate the selected profile. 3. ACTIVATE A PROFILE A profile can be made active using the “Profiles” option.txt" in Figure 5-6. click the down arrow to display a list of available profiles. etc. NOTE A new profile cannot be given the same name of an already existing profile.2 REPORTS WSPC may be used to generate a comprehensive report of the controller's setup and machine history. Select the folder location to save the report. When this is done. Use the menu "Format" > "Font" to select a suitable font for viewing. Browse to the folder that holds the report. 2. Refer to sections of this manual for a complete description.3 1. click "File" > "Save as". Additional text may be inserted by clicking on the desired point in the report. the new port will be saved in the active user profile. If the "Connect" indicator in the left bar is bright green. 2. When complete. and simply typing.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 5 Figure 5-6: Report VIEWING A REPORT 5. Text reports are generally best when viewed with a fixed font. This is a text version of the on-screen information normally viewed with WSPC. 4. simply double-click it to open. some PC's may have additional ports already assigned to other devices. WSPC must be set up with the number of the PC port that is being used to connect to the WS controller. However. Click to select the port being used for the cable to the controller. See Figure 5-9. In most cases. If it ends with ". WSPC will search and list the ports available on the PC 4. click on the connect button to disconnect WSPC. Locate the report file. Click on the "Com port" menu item. Use the "My Documents" or "My Computer" browsers provided with Windows(c). Most PC's are set up to use "Notepad" as the text file editor. 5. 3. 44 COMMUNICATIONS PORT To select a different port: 1. and give the file a new name to preserve the original data. Use the "Com Port" menu item to select different communications ports on the PC.txt". 3. . See Figure 5-7. "Courier New" and "8pt" are a good selection initially. a PC will use its first communications port (COM1) as the connection to external devices like the WS controller. 5. Click the "Connect: button on the left pane to start communications with the controller.SECTION 5 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL 5. Figure 5-7: Com Port Menu Figure 5-8: About Information Box 45 . This includes the default folder location used for the program and its files. See Figure 5-8.4 INFORMATION ABOUT WSPC Click on the "About" menu item to find information about the WSPC program. Click OK 6. txt 46 .WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 5 Figure 5-9: Report. Recent data are averages and totals since the last reset. Lifetime data are averages or totals since the time the compressor was commissioned.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Section 6 VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE (VSD) 6. See Figure 6-1.1 VSD OPERATION Generally the WSPC functions operate in the same manner for VSD machines as with non-VSD machines. the program provides additional functionality for monitoring and controlling VSD operation.2 COMPRESSOR DATA TAB When a VSD machine is connected to the controller. When a VSD compressor is connected to the WSPC. VSD Performance Data Figure 6-1: Compressor Display Tab – VSD Compressor 47 . 6. This section defines those additional WSPC functions that are available for VSD compressors. recent and lifetime performance of the VSD compressor package. Current data show instantaneous flow rate and power estimates of the compressor package. additional VSD related parameters are displayed at the Compressor Data screen. The data shown indicate current. and Lifetime shows the average since commissioning. The Current power data is updated frequently and shows the instantaneous power usage rates.3 VSD PERFORMANCE DATA Figure 6-2 shows a sample display of VSD performance data for a compressor operating under normal conditions. Power indicates the amount of power being used to SECTION 6 operate the VSD compressor. Hours indicates the amount of time (in hours and minutes) that the machine has been operated since the Clear Recent Data button was clicked for Recent and since the machine was commissioned for Lifetime. The Current data is updated frequently and shows the instantaneous delivery rates. Recent shows the recent power usage average. The power is presented in kilowatts (KW) approximating the compressor’s total power usage. and Lifetime shows the average power usage since the machine was commissioned.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL 6. The Current data is updated frequently and shows the instantaneous delivery rates. Figure 6-2: VSD Performance Data 48 . and Lifetime shows the average power usage since the machine was commissioned. Recent shows the recent power usage average. A description of the VSD data is presented below: Capacity indicates approximately how much air is being delivered by the compressor package in CFM and percent of the compressor's full capacity. Recent shows the recent average. The Current power data is updated frequently and shows the instantaneous power usage rates. Capacity % shows approximately how much air is being delivered by the compressor package as a percentage of the compressor's full capacity. Recent shows the recent average since the Clear Recent Data button was clicked and Lifetime shows the average since the machine was commissioned. Power % shows the amount of power being used to operate the VSD compressor expressed as a percentage of the compressor’s estimated usage when operating at full capacity. shows the estimated additional cost to deliver the same quantity of air using inlet modulation compressor control since the last reset for Recent data and since the machine was commissioned for Lifetime data. Savings vs Load/Unload shows the estimated additional cost to deliver the same quantity of air using load/unload compressor control since the last reset for Recent data and since the machine was commissioned for Lifetime data. Total Energy indicates the estimated total electrical energy consumption since the last reset for Recent data and since the machine was commissioned for Lifetime data. This value is calculated using the Compressed Air Challenge curve for Load/Unload. Recent data history may be reset to zero (like a trip odometer in a car) by clicking the Clear Recent Data button at the bottom of the VSD Performance box. Savings vs Inlet Mod.4 CLEAR RECENT DATA The Recent data column displays average and total values since the date of the last reset. all values in the Recent columns of the VSD Performance group and the Delivery History window will be set to zero. 6. calculated as Dollars. measured in Kilowatt-Hours (KWH). the values shown in Figure 6-3 correspond to a compressor that has been delivering approximately 15% of its rated capacity for 24 minutes. This window displays a detailed breakdown of the compressor operation over a Recent period or over the Lifetime of the machine. This value is calculated using the Compressed Air Challenge curve for Inlet Modulation.2. Total Cost indicates the cost for the electrical energy since the last reset for Recent data and since the machine was commissioned for Lifetime data. 49 . A few seconds after the button is pressed. See Figure 6-3. calculated as Dollars.SECTION 6 Total Delivery indicates the estimated total amount of air delivered since the last reset for Recent data and since the machine was commissioned for Lifetime data. measured in thousands of cubic feet (KCF).5 DELIVERY HISTORY Click on the Delivery History button to open the Delivery Profile window. For example. These values may be used for further estimates of compressor options during plant surveys and evaluations. Savings vs Variable Displacement shows the estimated additional cost to deliver the same quantity of air using variable displacement compressor control since the last reset for Recent data and since the machine was commissioned for Lifetime data. Click on the "Report" menu item to make a comprehensive text file that may be viewed or copied into other documents. The Delivery Profile shows the amount of time the compressor has operated at various rates of delivery. etc. calculated as Dollars. calculated as dollars (or other units of currency). See Section 5. it ran 10 minutes at 25% capacity. Refer to the WS Controller Instruction Manual for descriptions of VSD functions and handling of WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL warning and fault messages. This value is calculated using the Compressed Air Challenge curve for Variable Displacement. The Recent values shown in the Delivery Profile window are reset to zero when the Clear Recent Data button is pressed at the VSD performance box. 6. New machine statistics will immediately begin to be calculated and the Recent columns will soon be populated with the new Recent data values. This includes the adjustments for the variable speed drive and a report of its performance. See Figure 6-5. 50 Figure 6-4: Main Motor VFD Status Box drive . Drive Com Faults provides a count of the drive communication faults. Frequency displays the motor frequency measured in Hertz. The display will show the Main Motor VFD Status box containing certain technical details of the motor and drive.6 SERVICE DISPLAY TAB This page lists the last 16 faults to occur with the compressor. The VFD Status box contains the following information: Motor speed displays the motor speed in revolutions per minute (RPM). DC link voltage displays the drive DC link voltage. Total count is the total number communication faults that have occurred. Up/down count is the number of recent faults.7 MAIN MOTOR VFD STATUS BOX Service data related to VSD Compressors is displayed in the Main Motor VFD Status box. This information may be useful in diagnosing drive or motor problems should they occur. click the "Service" tab.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 6 6. Motor current displays the motor current measured in Amps. of Figure 6-3: Delivery (History) Profile Window 6. The WSPC provides additional service data while operating a variable speed drive compressor. See Figure 6-4. Drive temperature displays the current drive temperature measured in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius. To view VSD service data. Motor temp protection displays the percent of motor temperature rise. It will also contain VSD related faults should they occur. In addition to the general control parameters previously described. The additional VSD parameters are located in the left column of the display.8 of this manual. These VSD control parameters are setpoint pressure and cost per kilowatt-hour. To view the VSD control parameters.070 equals 7 cents per KWH. the adjustment tab allows the user to modify certain control parameters of the compressor operation.SECTION 6 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Figure 6-5: Service Tab—VSD Status 6. Cost per KWH—The cost per kilowatt-hour of energy is entered here. This is normally adjusted near the bottom of the load/unload band. The speed will be adjusted to maintain this pressure. Figure 6-6): VSD Setpoint pressure—The targeted pressure for the variable speed controls. an entry of 0. 51 . Value is set in dollars or other units of currency. The VSD control parameters are defined as follows (ref. Adjustments will be automatically made to the maximum speed to operate the motor at its full capacity at any pressure. click the Adjustments tab to present the Adjustments display.8 ADJUSTMENTS TAB As discussed earlier in this manual. Most packages will allow adjustment of this over a wide range to allow tailoring of the pressure to the needs of the application. Adjustment of the VSD control parameters is accomplished in the same manner as the adjustments of the general parameters described in Section 4. two VSD adjustments become available when the WSPC is connected to a VSD compressor. For example. This setting is used in the cost estimates displayed in the VSD Performance box of the Compressor Data display. See Figure 6-6. 9 ADMINISTRATOR LEVEL VSD ADJUSTMENTS Refer to Section 6: Press “Enter” or click the mouse outside of the entry field to attach the variance value. The variance value will be added to or subtracted from each measurement received by the controller.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 6 Figure 6-6: Adjustments Tab – VSD Parameters 6. on page 64 of this manual for administrator level control parameter adjustments to VSD compressors. . 52 The value change can be immediately observed at the controller and at the PC. WSPC may still be used at User level. Click on the shortcut located on the computer desktop.1 ADMINISTRATOR LEVEL FUNCTIONS Persons with Administrator privileges can perform all user level functions plus additional administrator options that allow greater control and more detailed adjustments of the machine parameters. b. Administrator privileges are assigned when a profile is created.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Section 7 ADMININISTRATOR LEVEL FUNCTIONS NOTE This section is not required for normal machine operation. Figure 7-1: Password Entry Box 2. The WSPC program will open to the Password Entry Box. the program will open with Administrator level access. See Figure 7-1. Click “OK”. It is assumed that these persons have read all previous sections of this manual before proceeding. Type the access password and click “OK” (or press Enter). persons using the program at the administrator level must be knowledgeable in all user level functions as well. If no password is entered or if the password entered was incorrect. The WSPC program will open with access to Administrator Level Functions. This section applies specifically to Administrator level operations. Click on the down arrow next to the User Name field and select an Administrator profile for access to administrator level functions. a field for password entry will be present. c. User level functions are described in the preceding sections of this manual and are not repeated here except where necessary in describing a specific administrator function. 53 . These allow setups for special applications and advanced servicing by trained technicians. Click the drop-down arrow on User Name and select “Default Admin” or another desired Administrator profile. Contact Sullair for update. The WSPC installation includes the special key file along with the WSPC files. The key is not required for normal Userlevel operation of WSPC. This key file requires periodic updates. If the key is missing or expired. enter the correct password and press “Enter”. 4. 3. NOTE This section is not required for normal machine operation. 7. If the correct password was entered. When an Administrator level profile is selected. an alert will appear. Therefore.2 ACCESSING THE ADMINISTRATOR LEVEL Administrator access requires a “key” file to be installed to the admin user’s PC. To open the program with Administrator level access: 1. If the program opens without displaying a password entry field then a User level profile was selected. Accessing an Administrator Profile requires a specific password. a. 7. an alert will appear indicating either “No password entered” or “Password incorrect”. logs. During the commissioning process. history information. Press the emergency stop button and leave it depressed throughout the commissioning procedure. Depress the Emergency Stop button to prevent output relays from operating inappropriately during the process. The “Commission” window will be presented. The compressor must be stopped before beginning the commissioning process. The new default parameter values are then loaded to the controller that configure it for a particular compressor model and application.3 COMMISSIONING A CONTROLLER Commissioning is the process of initializing the WS Controller for operation with a specific compressor model and type. SECTION 7 To commission a controller for a compressor model: 1. the “Commission” option is inoperable. Figure 7-2: Commission Option 54 . NOTE Controller commissioning is normally a one-time event when a new controller is installed. See Figure 7-2. NOTE Depending on the selected model.) is erased from the controller memory. When the compressor is running. etc. 2. the commissioning procedure may alter the functions of inputs and outputs. all previous stored data (parameter values.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL 7. On the Menu Bar select the “File” menu and click “Commission” in the drop-down option list. NOTE Use care to select the proper machine model. Click “Dryer” to select the compressor dryer type. Click “Yes” to confirm commissioning the controller to the selected compressor model. When all appropriate attributes have been selected. Click “Volts” to select the compressor operating voltage.SECTION 7 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL 3. Click “Pressure” to select the compressor pressure rating. Click “Cooling” to select the compressor cooling method. b. 5. See Figure 75. e. 7. Click “Hz” to select the compressor motor frequency. Commissioning will begin and the progress of the commissioning process will be shown in the commissioning window. d. 4. The program will present a “Continue to Commission” option box. f. a. Figure 7-3: Commission Select 55 . Only those options that have multiple choices may be selected. After the Model has been chosen. click “OK”. When the default settings have finished loading to the controller. c. a final confirmation box will appear indicating that commissioning is complete (Figure 7-6). All machine attributes must match the model selected during commissioning to ensure proper and safe operation. Click “Hp” to select the horsepower of the compressor motor. Figure 7-4: Commissioning Confirmation 6. See Figure 7-3. Click “Motor” to select the compressor motor phase type. Click the down arrows for the machine model for which the controller is to be commissioned. g. See Figure 7-4. select the attributes that apply to the specific machine being commissioned. a commissioning progress meter will be presented to allow the administrator to monitor the progress of the commissioning process. As the default settings are loaded to the controller. To verify.3).4 MAINTENANCE DISPLAY The Maintenance Display at the Administrator level displays the same warning and maintenance information as at the User level (Refer to Section 4. Service Interval fields—Allows intervals for “Hours To Next” recommended service to be set. then click “OK” to confirm. The additional functions of the administrator level Maintenance display are described below. . “Warning History” button—When selected. Turn the controller power off. presents a table displaying a history of the 16 most recent service reminders. When a service interval has expired. Click a “Reset” button next to a warning or service reminder to delete the message from the list and clear it from the WS Controller display. presents a table displaying a history of the 16 most recent warning occurrences. the change does not become affective until the “Reset All” button under Recommended Service is clicked (Refer to Figure 77). Parameters set during commissioning can be later adjusted by the end user to customize the compressor for a specific application. When a service interval is changed. it can be used to control and monitor the operation of the compressor and log new compressor operation data. Once a controller has been commissioned. the related service reminder message will appear in a field of the Recommended Service box. Figure 7-6: Commissioning Confirmation 7. 9. . Click “Reset All” at the bottom of the list of warnings or service reminders to clear all the messages in the respective list. Pull the Emergency Stop button. “Reset” buttons—Resets warning messages and service reminders. “Reset All” button – Clears all warning messages and resets all service reminders. “Maintenance History” button—When selected. The Administrator level Maintenance display includes additional functions that allow the 56 administrator to view the maintenance information in greater detail and to reset the service and warning messages. and clear the controller fault. See Figure 7-7.5). restore power and reconnect to controller.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 7 Figure 7-5: Commissioning Progress Monitor 8. Verify machine information (refer to Section 4. The intervals are entered into fields of the “Hours To Next” box in the right-hand column. A service interval set to zero (0) will disable the service reminder for that item. The “Warning History” window will appear displaying the following elements: a. and “time” of the warning occurrence. To access the “Warning History” with the tabs. Figure 7-7: Maintenance Display – Admin Level WARNING HISTORY WINDOW A history of the 16 most recent Warning messages may be viewed in the “Warning History” window. Columns: Boxes below each warning heading will change from shaded gold to bright gold when a warning is indicated. 1. the 57 . Also along the top row are head- ings for the machine “hours”. Warning history is also included in comprehensive text report. “date”. Close the table by clicking the “Close” button. Top row header: Displays abbreviated headings corresponding to warnings that may appear on WS Controller display panel. See Figure 7-8.2.SECTION 7 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL “Reset All” must be clicked to allow service interval change to become effective. Each preceding warning is indicated chronologically down the table column. These are broken into a compressor and dryer group . 2. 3. b. c. See Section 5. click the “Warning History” button on the “Maintenance” display. Rows: The most recent warnings are indicated on the first row below the headings. click the “Maintenance History” button on the “Maintenance” display. Rows: The most recent service reminders are indicated on the first row below the headings. “date”. c. Maintenance history is also included in comprehensive text report. 3. Each preceding service reminder is indicated chronologically down the table column. To access the “Maintenance History” window. 58 b.2. 1. See Figure 7-9. and “time” of the warning occurrence. Close the table by clicking the “Close” button.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 7 Figure 7-8: Warning History Window MAINTENANCE HISTORY WINDOW A chronological history of the 16 most recent Service Reminders may be viewed in the Maintenance History Window. Top row header: Displays six abbreviated headings corresponding to service reminders that may appear on WS Controller display panel. The “Maintenance History” window will appear displaying the following elements: a. Columns: Boxes below each maintenance heading will change from shaded yellow to bright yellow when a service reminder is indicated. See Section 5. the . 2. Also along the top row are headings for the machine “hours”. This display allows the administrator to edit the ID’s of specific controller inputs and to make zero calibration adjustments of measured values between the compressor system and the controller. When the compressor is running. The Admin user can view the current assignments of the controller input registers and make adjustments as necessary. See Figure 7-10. always click the "Connect" button when finished with this page to disconnect from the controller. 59 . The inputs shown in the figure are for reference and vary based on specific machine configurations. Some changes may not be shown properly on WSPC.5 ADMINISTRATOR ADJUSTMENTS (ADMIN) DISPLAY The Administrator Adjustments (Admin) display tab is available only when an administrator level profile is active.SECTION 7 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Figure 7-9: Maintenance History Window 7. To ensure correct information. the fields of the Admin display are inactive. Changes made at the Admin display will be applied to the WS Controller within a few seconds after entry. Click "Connect" again to reconnect and update the WSPC displays. Changes can only be made at the Admin display while the compressor is stopped. Remote Master – Uses Remote inputs when on. Phase Monitor Fault—Generates Phase Monitor Fault when on. General Fault—Generates an Option Input Fault when on. Refer to the Sequencing manual for details on using the remote inputs. General Runtime Warning—Generates a User Option Warning when on. This warning is enabled a 60 Dryer Fault—Generates Dryer Fault when on.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 7 Figure 7-10: Administrator Adjustment Display Described below are parameters that can be edited by the Administrator at the “Admin” display. Actual relay assignments are shown. The units and language appearing in the “Administrator Adjustment” display correspond to the settings applied when the Administrator profile was created. SIGNAL ADDRESS FUNCTION few seconds after the compressor starts. This fault is enabled a few seconds after the compressor starts. General Warning—Generates User Option Warning when on. Water Pressure Fault—Generates Water Pressure Fault when on. . Refer to Figure 7-10. The left section contains a list of controller functions. Remote Operate—Operates the compressor when on. and depend on compressor model. General Runtime Fault—Generates an Option Input Run Fault when on. Remote Unload—Forces the compressor to unload when on. Dryer Warning—Generates Dryer Warning when on. and allows selection of signals to operate the function. This allows special field setups for special applications. Factory-Defined A through E—Operates the factory defined relay when on. 3 OFF—Activates the function when the respective Modbus Timer signal (1. The list of available inputs varies with models. 9. 61 . Refer to Figure 7-10. The input signal is OFF. 3) is ON. 4 ON—Activates the function when the input signal at the respective input (7. 9. ANALOG SIGNAL ZERO TRIMS The Analog Zero Trim settings allow for calibration of various analog inputs. 2. The input signal is ON. Off—Deactivates the function. FACTORY-DEFINED OUTPUT OPTIONS (DROPDOWN ARROWS) The following options may be selected for a Factory Defined Relay (A – E) by clicking on the associated drop-down arrow (refer to Figure 7-10): ON—Turns the relay ON. Fault or Warn—Activates the relay when either a Fault or a Warning occurs. MB Remote OFF—Activates the function when the Modbus Remote signal is OFF. Running—Activates the Compressor is running. 3) is ON. The inputs used vary with compressor models and design. The list of available inputs varies with models. or 4) is ON. 3 ON—Activates the function when the respective Modbus Timer signal (1. 9. Typical analog input assignments are shown below. 9.SECTION 7 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL DIGITAL INPUT OPTIONS (DROP-DOWN ARROWS) OFF—Turns the relay OFF. 2. 4 OFF—Activates the function when the input signal at the respective input (7. Master Enabled—Activates the relay when the controller is enabled as the Master device in a sequence. ON—Activates the function continuously. Dryer Running—Activates the relay to operate an integrated refrigerated dryer. Enabled—Activates the relay when the compressor is Enabled. The display will indicate which sensors are active by indicating their function. the Warning—Activates the relay when a Warning condition occurs. 8. 2. MB Timer 1. Running—Activates the relay when the compressor is Running. Sensor Calibration on page 63 provides steps on calibrating analog input measurements. 2. 8. MB Remote ON—Activates the function when the Modbus Remote signal is ON. or 4) is OFF. function when Din 7. Analog inputs are assigned to sensors used to measure specific characteristics of the compressor system. Din 7. MB Timer 1. Fault—Activates the relay when a Fault condition occurs. 8. The Analog Signal Zero Trims function is used to adjust the displayed value of the measurements to equal the measured value at the analog device. 8. The following options may be selected for a Digital Input by clicking on the associated drop-down arrow (refer to Figure 7-10): Drain—Activates the relay when the Drain solenoid is actuated. Click on the drop-down arrow at the right of the row containing the name of the function to be reassigned. Select the “Stop Button” check box to disable reset by the stop button. Modulating Mode—Sets the maximum Unload pressure limit for the compressor when the machine is operated in Modulating mode.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 7 ASSIGNING DIGITAL INPUTS MAXIMUM USER UNLOAD SETTINGS The Maximum User Unload settings allow the maximum limit to be set for the compressor unload pressure. Connection must be enabled before adjustments can be made at the Admin display. Refer to Figure 7-10. To make adjustments at the “Admin” Display (Refer to Figure 7-11): 1. These limit the setting for the User-level adjustment of unload pressure. The administrator may disable this feature. 1. 4. 2. The new assignment will become active a few seconds after entry. Load/Unload Mode—Sets the maximum Unload pressure limit for the compressor when the machine is operated in Load/Unload mode. and require all warnings to be reset by WSPC only. Press (Stop) at the controller to stop the compressor operation. Select the “Start Button” check box to disable reset by the start button. 62 AI0 AI1 AI2 AI3 AI4 AI5 Separator Temp 1 Temp 2 Temp 3 Sump Pressure Line Pressure Other Pressure (Sump-Line) Pressure . 2. 3. DISABLE WARNING RESET Current versions of WS Controllers reset warnings whenever the start or stop button is pressed on the keypad. select the input to assign to the corresponding function. Click at the WSPC to connect communication between the computer and the WS Controller. Refer to Figure 7-10. The compressor must be stopped before adjustments can be made at the Admin display. In the drop-down list. Hours”. A bright yellow box next to the Unload button indicates that the machine is being forced to unload. Click Connect to enable Admin Adjustments Figure 7-12: Unload Button During Remote Operation SENSOR CALIBRATION The compressor is equipped with sensors that monitor and measure various characteristics of the compressor performance. an additional button labeled “Unload” will appear under the “Connection” button in the Status Bar. To do so. select the “Modbus timer 1” to control the “Remote Unload” function above. These values are received at the WS Controller as analog input signals from the sensor. Most sensors input can be adjusted to calibrate the reading at the controller with the actual measured value at the sensor location. When this is done. } Analog Signal Zero Trims for calbration adjustments Click drop-down arrow to select input assignment Figure 7-11: Administrator Adjustment Display 63 . If continuous communication from the PC is not received. This section will describe the steps necessary to calibrate the Line Pressure transducer. A darkened yellow box next to the button indicates that the machine will operate normally. See Figure 7-12. or “ComNum” Sequence mode on the User’s “Adjustments” tab to enable remote control. the compressor will revert to normal operation within a couple minutes. Click on the “Unload” button to toggle the compressor operation. Calibrate other sensors in the system in a similar manner. Also select “Remote”.SECTION 7 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL UNLOAD (REMOTE) BUTTON The administrator may set up the controller for remote control by Modbus. The calibration should be performed when the system is at a stable pressure with minimal load on the output lines. 5. The calibration variance limits are –7. Periodically and prior to operating multiple controllers in a sequence. Under the category “Analog Signal Zero Trims. At the WSPC interface. the pressure transducer may vary slightly producing an inaccurate reading at the controller. Enter the value necessary to increase or decrease the Discharge reading at the PC to equal the measurement at the transducer. Over time.” highlight the values in the analog sensor field labeled AI4 (Line pressure input).” Compare this reading with the measurement at the transducer location. Press “Enter” or click the mouse outside of the entry field to attach the variance value. If the measurement on the external gauge at the transducer does not match the discharge pressure reading at the PC. the controller should be calibrated to reflect the same pressure measurement as that measured at the Line transducer location. The value change can be immediately observed at the controller and at the PC. The variance value will be added to or subtracted from each measurement received by the controller. Use the following steps to calibrate the WS Controller Line pressure reading (refer to Figure 711): 1. click on the “Admin” tab to access the Administrator Adjustments display. 2.6.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL P2 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER CALIBRATION The Line pressure transducer input measurement is assigned to analog input AI4 at the controller. observe the Line pressure reading in the “Compressor Status Bar. 4. SECTION 7 3. 6. Measure the parameter (Line pressure) at the sensor (transducer) location using an independent certified gauge.5 to +7. VSD Package Settings Figure 7-13: Administrator Adjustments 64 . This pressure transducer measures the output line pressure at the compressor main header. but may be increased. Enter the desired frequency multiplied by 10 (e.or small-volume systems may benefit from some adjustment. and this setting is 0. the factory settings are satisfactory for normal compressor operation. Consult the factory if stability problems are encountered. additional VSD related adjustments are available on the Admin display. this setting may be increased to eliminate drive overvoltage during deceleration. 65 . this is not recommended and can cause improper machine operation. The factory settings are based on standard motors. Power calibration—The power indicator sets the nominal (100%) power value for the machine operating under typical conditions. the frequency will be required to be entered manually to control the range of operation. unless a specific SFA is shown. Slower settings will reduce system stability. Maximum motor amps. This should normally be set to 100. and may require additional air storage. Slow Acc/Dec—Setting for controlling VSD acceleration and deceleration. Maximum Speed—If Autoset is enabled.g. 250 for 25. For example. set the Autoset % to 80 to operate a 50HP compressor at 40HP maximum.15. 2. The WS Controller will calculate the necessary speed adjustments whenever the setpoint is changed. multiply the 460V nameplate ratings by 1. 814 for 81.SECTION 7 VSD PACKAGE SETTINGS When a VSD compressor is connected to the WSPC. This is shown on the drive nameplate. These values. This value may be adjusted as needed for specific applications and operating conditions. If it is desired to run the compressor at less than full capacity. For 460V/60Hz motors connected 400V/60Hz. If a special motor is applied. VSD Package Settings The VSD Package Settings are described below (ref. Autoset may be disabled by setting this value to 0 % allowing the speed to be adjusted manually. This value may be adjusted as needed for specific applications and operating conditions. Autoset %—Allows speed adjustments to be made automatically when changes in the Setpoint pressure are made causing the compressor to operate at its full rated power capability. However. See Figure 7-13.g. Should modification of the parameters be necessary. If Autoset is disabled... Rated drive current. In most cases. located in the right side of the screen are only displayed when a VSD machine is connected. 1. adjust the VSD Package Settings in the same manner as described in Assigning Digital Inputs on page 62. Minimum Speed—is normally left at the factory setting. extremely large. This should be set for the LOWER of: Figure 7-14: VSD Package Settings Flow calibration—The flow indicator sets the nominal (100%) flow value for the machine operating under typical conditions. Enter the desired frequency multiplied by 10 (e. This is FLA times service factor. the maximum speed will be set automatically as appropriate for the machine and setpoint pressure. However. Additional stability functions are built into the controls that make these values non-critical and virtually eliminate the need for tuning. This will usually be the limit for most 460V compressors. simply set this to a lower value. Motor Protect Amps—Maximum amp setting for VSD operation. Figure 7-14): WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL Gain control I and Gain control P—A value of 10 is recommended for each of these controls for almost all end-use applications.4 Hz).0 Hz). You may browse to other locations. You do not need to be connected to a controller. Copy the new file to your PC. When this happens. This takes about a minute. a commission data text file will be distributed. The procedure is simple and fast. Select the “Admin” tab. IMPORT COMMISSION DATA The commissioning parameters will be updated from time to time as new models or features are added to the line of compressors. Wait while the data is updated. All old commissioning data is cleared when you confirm.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 7 Figure 7-15: Import Data Screen SAVING AND LOADING ADMINISTRATOR PARAMETERS Administrator parameters may be Saved and loaded by using the Load/Save button on the “Admin” tab. including simple e-mail attachments. 6. The preferred location is with the other WSPC program files. 1. Start WSPC. 2. 66 . if necessary. Click the “Open” button 7. It also will allow the update without affecting other WSPC preferences and saved information. Click the “Import Commission Data” tab. 9. You may use “Import Other Data” to copy files from other locations to this folder. A final confirmation box will confirm that the job is completed. 8. Select the file with the new commission data. 4. This allows easier distribution. 3. The procedures are identical to those described for User Adjustments in Saving Parameter Settings on page 36 and Editing and Searching Machine Profiles on page 36. See Figure 7-15. Confirm or Cancel on the confirmation box. and should be done following any distribution from Sullair. 5. Click the "Connect" button one more time to reconnect to the controller. None of this is essential for machine operation. Select the “Admin” tab. RESTORE FACTORY DEFAULTS This button may be used to restore all adjustments to the settings following the most recent commissioning. including faults and warning signals. The controller responds with the requested data or an acknowledgement to the control command. digital I/O states. Communication transactions between the WSPC program and the WS Controller may be monitored at the “Modbus” display. To restore default settings: 1. See Figure 7-16. 7. Communication must be “Connected” between the PC and the controller to perform modbus functions. Click the “Import Other Data” tab. and with controller software 02250165-315 or later. Disconnect and restore power to the controller. 6. compressor temperatures and pressures. 3. Click the "Restore Factory Defaults" button. This feature is available only if the controller has been previously commissioned with WSPC 2. Click the "Connect" button to disconnect from the controller. and other machine parameters. 4. Check the machine for proper operation. but may be used for demonstration purposes if setting up a dedicated Modbus network. Confirm or cancel the action. Use the "Machine Info" tab of WSPC to check prior commissioning. The WSPC transmits a request for information or send commands to control the compressor operation. To import: 1. Clear the fault. Start WSPC. Pull out the Emergency Stop button. 7. Refer to the WS Controller Modbus Specification for information on using modbus with the WS Controller and a complete list of associated commands.6 MODBUS FUNCTIONS The “Modbus” display is available only when an Administrator level profile is active. Browse to the folder and select the desired file. All machine history will be retained. Click the “Open” button 6. 2. If the Model and other boxes in the lower section are filled. 5. Click the Admin Tab. WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL 5. You do not need to be connected to a controller.SECTION 7 IMPORT OTHER DATA This is provided simply as a tool to copy files from other locations into the WSPC folder. Connection is indicated by the box left of the “Connect” button appearing bright green.0 or later. This may be used on some update distributions. 2. 4. The messages appear in hexadecimal or decimal form. sequence status. VSD performance. machine run times and intervals. 3. the adjustments may be restored. 8. Create a second report to record the adjustments after the restoration. Stop the machine and press the Emergency Stop button. This may be used to correct inadvertent misadjustments. Create a report to record the adjustments prior to restoring defaults. 67 . The data communicated represents compressor operating mode and states. 3. Continuous – monitors the normal WSPC communication with the controller. Options are User Inputs. and Admin Holding. Figure 7-17: Modbus Monitoring 68 . Off—Stops monitoring. To use step monitoring: 1. User Holding. Click the “Step” button to refresh the data. Step—Allows the Administrator to select a given block of data for monitoring. These will be in blocks of up to 50 registers. but continues to display the most recent communication. Use the drop-down list to select a parameter type. the WSPC request will always be shown in the “Command” data window in hex form. 4. 2. The WS data will be shown in the lower window in either Hex or Decimal format. When monitoring. Use the drop down list to select a block of data of that type.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 7 Figure 7-16: Modbus Display MONITORING MODBUS COMMUNICATIONS Three modes of monitoring may be selected by clicking the radio button. Click Step radio button in the Mode box. See Figure 7-17. Admin Inputs. To change a holding register: 1. This commissioning procedure sets up all the necessary functions for normal integrated dryer operation. Click the “Read” button to get the current value. Stop the compressor prior to making any adjustments. Restore power. depress the emergency stop button to prevent relay operation until all adjustments are completed. 7. 3. To read a register: 1. and enter the desired register number. 3. and enter the desired value. If a dryer fault occurs. 4. Start Up Load Delay—This is set to 5 minutes default whenever integrated dryer operation is initially selected. This will be recorded as a WS controller warning. Click the "Dryer" tab to show the dryer setup display. the dryer also starts. the settings may be changed. This will always show the current settings. If the compressor is stopped. These settings are administrator-level and are intended for trained servicers only. and enter the desired register number. but the compressor will initially be forced to run unloaded for Figure 7-18: Modbus Registers 69 . Click in the Value box. This may be used to disable all dryer functions during service. Correct the source of the fault. and to reconnect all wiring and piping when service is completed. Be sure to disconnect all wiring and piping to the dryer during service. Always use the decimal format when doing this. Click the “Decimal” format. Click the “Read” button to get the current value. and a fault will be recorded into the WS controller.SECTION 7 WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL READING AND WRITING SPECIFIC REGISTERS The Administrator is also able to select a specific register for monitoring or changing. Click in the Address box for the Input or Holding register. 5. Integrated Dryer—Whenever this setting is changed. dryer faults will stop operation of the dryer only. This is available on WS controller software version 02250174-082. the controller will alter all remaining settings. Click in the Address box for the Holding register. When initially starting the compressor package. 2. The compressor will continue to run. 2. These packages should have been factory commissioned as dryer models. Adjustments on this display are intended for special applications where the default settings may need to be changed. and will be shown as such on the Machine Info Display (see Section 4. click the down arrow and select "Integrated Dryer" or "None" to set up default settings: Compressor Runs on Dryer Fault—This is unchecked by default. If this is checked. 6. Click the “Decimal” format. Since these adjustments also affect operation of an output relay.3) and on reports. See Figure 7-18. Click the “Read” button to verify the new value. the dryer and compressor will both stop. and change its operations as appropriate.7 DRYER SETUP DISPLAY This tab is for use with compressor packages with integrated dryer controls. then reset the fault using the WS controller keypad and resume operation. Click the “Write” button to send the request to the controller. A dryer warning occurs if temperature cannot be brought below this temperature. This is a duplicate of the adjustment shown on the "Admin" Display. the adjustment shown on the "Admin" Display. If the temperature remains 5 degrees higher than this setting. Separator offset—This setting will be adjusted to a model-specific setting whenever integrated dryer operation is initially selected. This is a duplicate of Figure 7-19: Dryer Setup Display 70 . If the dryer is controlled by other means. Digital Output 7—This setting will be adjusted to a "Dryer Running" function whenever integrated dryer operation is initially selected. The WS controller will indicate that the compressor is precooling the dryer. the dryer will stop and the controller will record a high temperature fault or warning. and the dryer runs continuously. this relay is free to be used to signal other information. and is presented here for convenience when setting up a dryer. Once this period is over. The warning functions become active when the dryer is running. the compressor operates normally. and is presented here for convenience when setting up a dryer. Dewpoint High Warning Temperature—This is set to 50 degrees F (15 degrees C) default whenever integrated dryer operation is initially selected.WSPC USER INTERFACE MANUAL SECTION 7 this amount of time. Set this for the additional drop in pressure from the dryer. This setting will be adjusted to an "Alarm" function whenever integrated dryer operation is disabled. This is the proper setting if the dryer control is wired to digital output 7 of the WS controller. BLANK PAGE 71 . championcompressors. Shekuo Shenzen. 1 Chiwan. LTD. Telephone: 1-800-SULLAIR (U. Specifications subject to change without prior notice.A. France Telephone: 33-477968470 Fax: 33-477968499 www. Sullair Road. Gunagdong PRV.S. Princess Highway Printed in the U.A.WORLDWIDE SALES AND SERVICE SULLAIR ASIA. E07EP . 46360 U.S. only) Fax: 219-874-1273 Zone Des Granges BP 82 42602 Montbrison.S. Victoria 3803 Australia Telephone: 61-3-9796-4000 Fax: 61-3-9703-8053 www. 3700 East Michigan Boulevard Michigan S. LTD.A. PRC POST CODE 518068 Telephone: 755-6851686 Fax: 755-6853473 www. No. SULLAIR CORPORATION SULLAIR CUSTOMER CARE for PARTS and Service 1-888-SULLAIR (7855247) 219-874-1835 Champion Compressors.
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