WS Error Codes-1.8.08

June 3, 2018 | Author: alexwong23 | Category: Databases, Password, Oracle Database, Xml, Component Object Model



Web Services Error CodesThis document provides a list of commonly encountered error codes and error messages provided by the web services API. This document provides a reference to error codes but does not replace the typical troubleshooting process if an error is encountered. It serves to provide the application integrator guidance on the nature of the error message encountered; however, if the error or issue persists, please contact customer care to address your needs. Message Text Warning : The Object manager has detected that personalization events might be causing a recursion, which might crash the system. To further debug the personalization events, create and analyze the personalization log. See personalization documentation fo Integration component '%1' does not have a field xml root. Make sure there is at least one field that has no XML Parent Field XML parent field '%1' for field '%2' is not found in the definition of integration component '%3' Login user must have a system tenant id. There is some problems with the configuration of the adapter service. %1 Invalid document export file format '%1'! The query export file format should be 'HTML' . The external application returned an error status without status-code. BusComps configured on external data sources through XML cannot be used for complex queries! The BusComp user property DLL value is invalid. Unable to load DLL '%1'. Set the DLL property to the path of the XML external DLL to be used. Unable to get service: %1 The external source for this BusComp returned an error: '%1'. Invalid input PropertySet is passed to '%1' business service for '%2' method. Invalid '%1' in search specification '%2'. Invalid search specification '%1'. The external application returned an invalid Siebel XML for '%1' method. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 100 SBL-DAT-00100 103 SBL-DAT-00103 DAT 104 SBL-DAT-00104 DAT 50,382 SBL-DAT-50382 105 SBL-DAT-00105 106 SBL-DAT-00106 DAT DAT DAT 4,357 SBL-EAI-04357 4,358 SBL-EAI-04358 EAI EAI 4,360 SBL-EAI-04360 EAI 4,359 SBL-EAI-04359 4,361 SBL-EAI-04361 4,362 SBL-EAI-04362 4,363 SBL-EAI-04363 4,364 SBL-EAI-04364 4,365 SBL-EAI-04365 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 1 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Message Text The specified DLL does not contain the entry point '%1'. Please specify a DLL which supports the defined entry point for this external data source through XML. The 'Service Name' User Property is not defined in the virtual BusComp '%1'. The 'Transport' Service Parameter is not defined in the User Property of the BusComp '%1'. The external source for this BusComp does not support the field '%1'. Please notify your system administrator. General named searches are not supported by BusComps configured on XML external data sources. '%1' query node is not supported in '%2'. The expected return XML document was '%1', but document '%2' was found instead! The external XML interface underlying this BusComp failed to return the information necessary for the operation. Please contact your system administrator. Key '%1' in integration component '%2' references a non-existing field '%3' Key '%1' for integration component '%2' doesn't contain any key fields Unable to initialize the extension language script state for a Business Service! The scripting language subsystem is not correctly initialized. Please contact your system administrator. Conversion failed for '%1' of component '%2' Transcode Conversion Failure Invalid source/target codepage '%1' Invalid input variant type '%1', expected '%2' JS \nError : Key index out of bound.\n \nError: The key cache is empty.\n The value entered for '%1' does not meet the validation rules set by your company administrator. The validation condition is '%2'. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 4,366 SBL-EAI-04366 4,367 SBL-EAI-04367 4,368 SBL-EAI-04368 EAI EAI 4,369 SBL-EAI-04369 EAI 4,370 SBL-EAI-04370 EAI 4,371 SBL-EAI-04371 4,372 SBL-EAI-04372 EAI EAI 108 SBL-DAT-00108 109 SBL-DAT-00109 110 SBL-DAT-00110 DAT DAT DAT 4,445 SBL-EAI-04445 4,419 SBL-EAI-04419 4,420 SBL-EAI-04420 4,446 SBL-EAI-04446 50,001 SBL-DAT-50001 111 SBL-DAT-00111 112 SBL-DAT-00112 56,809 SBL-DAT-56809 EAI EAI EAI EAI DAT DAT DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 2 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Message Text The value entered for '%1' does not meet the validation rules set by your company administrator. %2 Business Component "%1" is not a Domain Entity Business Feature "%1" does not exist for Business Object "%2" Business Object "%1" is not a Domain Entity Integration Object "%1" is not a Domain Entity Personalization has been disabled in the configuration file! No events registered. No user profile attributes need saving. No rows match the search criteria. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 56,810 SBL-DAT-56810 49,006 SBL-DAT-49006 49,007 SBL-DAT-49007 49,007 SBL-DAT-49007 49,008 SBL-DAT-49008 115 SBL-DAT-00115 DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT 116 SBL-DAT-00116 117 SBL-DAT-00117 118 SBL-DAT-00118 DAT DAT DAT No rule sets associated with applets on this BusComp. Error occurred while compressing file '%1'. Unable to load licensed options configuration. Please contact your systems administrator. Required in/out argument '%1' not supplied for '%2' method in Business Service '%3' Required in argument '%1' not supplied for '%2' method in Business Service '%3' Required out argument '%1' not supplied for '%2' method in Business Service '%3' Error: (error error code %d, 0x%X) The ExcludeChannel() function requires a valid channel name. The PRE() function requires a valid field name. Field '%1' not found in BusComp '%2'. Invalid buffer to read/write BLOB data. Invalid ASCII encoding for BLOB data (expect base64 encoding). BLOB data too long for SQL storage. ASCII encoding for BLOB data truncated! 119 SBL-DAT-00119 DAT 123 SBL-DAT-00123 124 SBL-DAT-00124 DAT DAT 126 SBL-DAT-00126 125 SBL-DAT-00125 127 SBL-DAT-00127 129 SBL-DAT-00129 DAT DAT DAT DAT 130 SBL-DAT-00130 4,443 SBL-DAT-04443 4,444 SBL-DAT-04444 135 SBL-DAT-00135 136 SBL-DAT-00136 137 SBL-DAT-00137 138 SBL-DAT-00138 139 SBL-DAT-00139 DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 3 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Message '%1' of Category '%2' is undefined. File does not exist or may be in use by another process. All rights reserved. Could not create repository file '%1'.EXE or error in . An internal error occurred accessing the repository file Could not find '%1' named '%2'. 152 SBL-DAT-00152 153 SBL-DAT-00153 140 SBL-DAT-00140 141 SBL-DAT-00141 DAT DAT DAT DAT 142 SBL-DAT-00142 DAT 143 SBL-DAT-00143 144 SBL-DAT-00144 145 SBL-DAT-00145 DAT DAT DAT 50.381 SBL-DAT-50381 154 SBL-DAT-00154 155 SBL-DAT-00155 156 SBL-DAT-00156 157 SBL-DAT-00157 158 SBL-DAT-00158 159 SBL-DAT-00159 160 SBL-DAT-00160 DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 4 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Please specify a valid DLL filename for the configuration. The process '%1' has terminated without calling ConfiguratorDone() method. . '%1' not found. File may be in use by another process. Compile-specific SRF information invalid. This object is inactive or nonexistent. Out of memory for launching application. Unable to lookup message. '%1' does not have the required initialization function. There is no association for files of type '%1'. The . Reading . '%1' already exists. There has been a sharing violation on file '%1'. Overwrite (Yes/No) ? Unable to create the synchronization event for Configurator.EXE file is invalid (non-Win32 . The file '%1' was not found. User has canceled the configuration operation.EXE image) Could not launch the application for file '%1'. Message Category '%1' is undefined. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT 133 SBL-DAT-00133 134 SBL-DAT-00134 146 SBL-DAT-00146 147 SBL-DAT-00147 148 SBL-DAT-00148 149 SBL-DAT-00149 150 SBL-DAT-00150 151 SBL-DAT-00151 DAT DAT DAT Unknown error occurred. '%1' not found.Message Text Unable to lookup message. Please specify a valid executable filename that should be started to handle the configuration. Could not open repository file '%1'. The current configuration operation will be ignored. The SRF file specified is not compatible with this version of the application. SRF file version mismatch.cfg file from %s. There has been a DDE transaction failure. Please check that the file is not already in use. or contact your system administrator. All rights reserved. An invalid key was entered. A license key was found for an older version of the software. Internal Error in Siebel Corba Interface. If the problem persists. or contact your systems administrator. The SiebelDataServer was unable to login. Please enter a new key to proceed. Database connection was lost. FireEventHandler failed. The Corba method was called with an invalid argument when a Control object was expected. Please enter a new key to proceed. A license key for this software has expired. Please enter a license key in the following dialog. The SiebelDataServer was unable to load the configuration file. please contact your manager or the systems administrator. or contact your system administrator.Message Text Another user of this campaign has already created an opportunity for the selected contact. No valid license keys were found in the database. Unable to allocate memory for temporary CORBA structure! The Corba method was called with an invalid argument when an Applet object was expected. The path '%1' does not exist or is not a directory. please retry. The CORBA method was called with an invalid argument when a string or an array of strings was expected. Please verify and try again. The Corba method was called with an invalid argument when a String was expected. The DLL '%1' could not be loaded. . please contact your systems administrator. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 161 SBL-DAT-00161 162 SBL-DAT-00162 163 SBL-DAT-00163 164 SBL-DAT-00164 DAT DAT DAT 165 SBL-DAT-00165 DAT 166 SBL-DAT-00166 167 SBL-DAT-00167 168 SBL-DAT-00168 DAT DAT DAT 169 SBL-DAT-00169 170 SBL-DAT-00170 171 SBL-DAT-00171 DAT DAT DAT 172 SBL-DAT-00172 DAT 173 SBL-DAT-00173 DAT 174 SBL-DAT-00174 DAT 175 SBL-DAT-00175 176 SBL-DAT-00176 DAT DAT 177 SBL-DAT-00177 DAT Web Services Error Codes 5 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Please contact your systems administrator. If you would like access to this opportunity. For Fulcrum. Invalid login position name '%1'. For Verity. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please check the value of the parameter LocaleCode for this component.Message Text '%1' is not a valid value for the Data Type of argument '%2'. Entered login name. '%1' is not a valid value for the Type of argument '%2'. This corresponds to the DLL that contains the Search Vendor's API. Please Reset them. The Locale Code is invalid. The preferences for Siebel Search are invalid. password or database credentials are longer than the maximum of 100 characters allowed. Business Service method '%3'. Invalid login position index. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 182 SBL-DAT-00182 183 SBL-DAT-00183 DAT 184 SBL-DAT-00184 DAT 178 SBL-DAT-00178 DAT 179 SBL-DAT-00179 180 SBL-DAT-00180 181 SBL-DAT-00181 185 SBL-DAT-00185 DAT DAT DAT DAT 186 SBL-DAT-00186 187 SBL-DAT-00187 DAT DAT 189 SBL-DAT-00189 DAT Web Services Error Codes 6 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. it represents the fully qualified pathname to the Coll The 'SearchDLL' property needs to be defined in the model definition in the configuration file. All rights reserved. Business Service method '%3'. Invalid login position id '%1'. . Business Service method '%3'. '%1' is not a valid value for the Storage Type of argument '%2'. The 'SearchConnectString' property needs to be defined in the model definition in the configuration file. A row corresponding to the Locale Code must exist in the S_LOCALE table. this represents the ODBC source used to connect to the Search Data. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Message Text The 'SearchDefName' property needs to be defined in the model definition in the configuration file. Access denied. This corresponds to the Name of the Search Definition as defined in the Repository. point size and bold/italic attribute separated by dashes. WaitForServiceEvent failed: no FireEventHandler. Please enter a value in the Primary Id Field property or set the Use Primary Join property to FALSE. . When the Use Primary Join property is set to TRUE. Invalid font name in font specification. and therefore cannot be used as a parent. Invalid font bold/italic attribute in font specification. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Invalid font size in font specification. WaitForServiceEvent failed: some one else is waiting for the same event '%1'. Primary Id Field is a required field. The font must be an integer point size. System preference '%1' is not defined. "italic" or "bold italic". Unknown font name '%1'. For example: Arial-10-normal or Arial-10-bold italic Invalid font size '%1'. Runtime Event handler cancelled the current operation. "bold". The last font attribute should be one of "normal". Unable to find the definition of Business Service '%1' in either the repository or run-time tables. The format should be the font name. Access Object '%1' does not have type 'Top'. Unable to parse font specification '%1'. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 188 SBL-DAT-00188 190 SBL-DAT-00190 191 SBL-DAT-00191 192 SBL-DAT-00192 DAT DAT DAT 193 SBL-DAT-00193 194 SBL-DAT-00194 204 SBL-DAT-00204 DAT DAT DAT 195 SBL-DAT-00195 DAT 196 SBL-DAT-00196 197 SBL-DAT-00197 DAT DAT 198 SBL-DAT-00198 DAT 199 SBL-DAT-00199 200 SBL-DAT-00200 201 SBL-DAT-00201 202 SBL-DAT-00202 203 SBL-DAT-00203 205 SBL-DAT-00205 542 SBL-DAT-00542 557 SBL-DAT-00557 DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 7 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Invalid name for log file! Unable to lock log file! Unable to create log file '%1'! Log not open! Unable to write to log file! FireServiceEvent failed: no one is waiting for event '%1'. Invalid font attribute '%1'. All rights reserved. Please try your association again. An error has occurred creating business component '%1' used by business object '%2'. All rights reserved.Message Text Access Object '%1' not found. Error associating row. in order to support Child Access Objects of type 1-M or M-M. Unable to create Business Service '%1' because its Class '%2' could not be instantiated. An error has occurred associating the current row. Unable to determine the Access Object for Business Component '%1'. Access Object '%1' has type 'Top'. Business Component '%1' must have top-level access configured. and therefore cannot be used as a child. There was an internal failure initializing the scripting language engine. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Dynamic business component "1%" can not be got through NULL business object. Please try again. Access Object '%1' has unrecognized type '%2'. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. An error with an invalid syntax for a business object query has occurred. Please execute a query that returns at least one record or add a new record. Please apply your updates again. An internal error has occurred where the association list is invalid. . This operation is not allowed when there are no records displayed. Error occurred while changing the selected row. Unable to acquire lock due to internal error. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT 550 SBL-DAT-00550 544 SBL-DAT-00544 554 SBL-DAT-00554 556 SBL-DAT-00556 546 SBL-DAT-00546 216 SBL-DAT-00216 215 SBL-DAT-00215 DAT 217 SBL-DAT-00217 218 SBL-DAT-00218 DAT DAT 219 SBL-DAT-00219 DAT 555 SBL-DAT-00555 DAT 222 SBL-DAT-00222 DAT 563 SBL-DAT-00563 224 SBL-DAT-00224 DAT DAT 220 SBL-DAT-00220 221 SBL-DAT-00221 DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 8 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT DAT 100 SBL-DAT-00100 223 SBL-DAT-00223 225 SBL-DAT-00225 DAT 226 SBL-DAT-00226 DAT 558 SBL-DAT-00558 DAT 227 SBL-DAT-00227 228 SBL-DAT-00228 DAT DAT 229 SBL-DAT-00229 DAT 230 SBL-DAT-00230 DAT 232 SBL-DAT-00232 231 SBL-DAT-00231 DAT DAT 233 SBL-DAT-00233 DAT Web Services Error Codes 9 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. .Message Text The '%1' operation failed for the record with user key and value = '%2'. Please ask your systems administrator to check you application configuration. '%2' is related picklist value. the value '%2' selected in picklist '%3' is invalid when value '%4' is selected in picklist '%5'. Please try a new query. Unable to load the CORBA DLL '%1'! OLE automation was enabled in this instance of Siebel. where '%1' is object. but the DLL which is needed to implement it could not be loaded. The record no longer exists or is not available to the view. '%4' is parent picklist value and '%5' is parent picklist. Unable to create the Business Service '%1' Unable to load the scripting extension language DLL '%1'! Scripting was enabled in this instance of Siebel. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. The class '%1' is not supported on the platform you are currently running on. but the DLL which is needed to implement it could not be loaded. All rights reserved. An error has occurred finding your prior place in the system. Invalid property '%1' for business object definition '%2'. Unable to load the OLE automation DLL '%1'! OLE automation was enabled in this instance of Siebel. '%3' is related picklist. For '%1'. but the DLL which is needed to implement it could not be loaded. Product Comparison is not permitted on Products that are not derived from the same Product Family An error has occurred with the construction of business component '%1'. The value entered in field %2 of buscomp %3 does not match any value in the bounded pick list %1. Please reduce the number of audited fields or contact Customer Care to increase the maximum limit for your company. The property 'Drop Sectors' must be set for this view. Please have your systems administrator check your application configuration. Please continue or contact your system administrator if the problem persists. Please have your systems administrator check your application configuration. Please have your systems administrator check your application configuration. The alarm indicator will be removed. User-defined method menu items must have a unique position which identifies their placement in the menu.808 SBL-DAT-56808 DAT 243 SBL-DAT-00243 DAT 244 SBL-DAT-00244 DAT 245 SBL-DAT-00245 246 SBL-DAT-00246 DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 10 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. . An error has occurred while deleting the record. An error has occurred going to the last record. Value too long for field '%1' (maximum size %2). Please try to delete again. The maximum number of audited fields allowed for your company has been reached. An error has occurred getting the business component %1 from business object %2. An end of working set error has occurred. An error has occurred getting the context for the business object. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. A business component execution error has occurred. The parent multi-valued group '%1' does not have any records. Please try again. Get '%1' BusComp of '%2' on '%3' failed. Duplicate position (%1) for user-defined menu item '%2'. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 234 SBL-DAT-00234 235 SBL-DAT-00235 236 SBL-DAT-00236 DAT DAT 237 SBL-DAT-00237 238 SBL-DAT-00238 239 SBL-DAT-00239 DAT DAT DAT 242 SBL-DAT-00242 DAT 240 SBL-DAT-00240 241 SBL-DAT-00241 DAT DAT 56.Message Text An invalid context syntax error has occurred. All rights reserved. You have set the activity to the past. An error has occurred getting the pick list business component %1 for field %2 in business component %3. Unable to load the roles for this user '%1'. Please try your query again or execute another query. An error has occurred getting a query list. Please try a new query. Both link '%1' and '%2' could be used in business object '%3'. Please try to logon again or contact your systems administrator for assistance. User-defined method menu items must have a position which identifies their placement in the menu. . All rights reserved. Please try again. Please have your systems administrator check your application configuration. An error has occurred going to first record. Please try your query again or execute another query. An error has occurred getting the query specification from the query list. 'Based On Last' is not supported for multi-valued groups.Message Text An error has occurred retrieving the multi valued group object for field '%1' . Get Parent BusComp of '%1' on '%2' failed. The User Name you have entered is invalid or your user position is not defined. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 247 SBL-DAT-00247 248 SBL-DAT-00248 249 SBL-DAT-00249 DAT DAT 250 SBL-DAT-00250 DAT 251 SBL-DAT-00251 DAT 252 SBL-DAT-00252 DAT 253 SBL-DAT-00253 DAT 254 SBL-DAT-00254 DAT 255 SBL-DAT-00255 DAT 256 SBL-DAT-00256 257 SBL-DAT-00257 DAT DAT 545 SBL-DAT-00545 269 SBL-DAT-00269 DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 11 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Please have your systems administrator check your application configuration. Tried to invoke method '%1' with %2 parameters but it requires %3 parameters. An error has occurred finding your prior place in the system. Invalid position '%1' for user-defined menu item '%2'. All rights reserved.808 SBL-DAT-56808 DAT 259 SBL-DAT-00259 260 SBL-DAT-00260 DAT DAT 261 SBL-DAT-00261 DAT 262 SBL-DAT-00262 263 SBL-DAT-00263 264 SBL-DAT-00264 DAT DAT DAT 265 SBL-DAT-00265 DAT 266 SBL-DAT-00266 DAT 267 SBL-DAT-00267 DAT 268 SBL-DAT-00268 DAT Web Services Error Codes 12 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. You are not allowed to mark a record public or private unless you are the owner of the record. but the DLL which is needed to implement it could not be loaded. No DLL defined for OLE automation support.\n\nPlease ask your systems administrator to check your 'ImportSource' configuration parameters in your ODF files. The number of fields currently being audited is greater than the value defined for Max # of Auditable Fields.Message Text Query capability is not available on multi-value groups. but the DLL which is needed to implement it could not be loaded. Business object '%1' is not defined. Source field '%1' for multi value group is currently inactive. OLE automation was enabled in this instance of Siebel. No DLL defined for CORBA support. OLE automation was enabled in this instance of Siebel. Please continue or contact your systems administrator if the problem persists. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. No DLL defined for scripting language support. No ImportSource '%1' is defined. Please increase the value of Max # of Auditable Fields or decrease the number of fields being audited. . Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT DAT 270 SBL-DAT-00270 271 SBL-DAT-00271 258 SBL-DAT-00258 DAT 56. The record '%1' can't be merged by you because it is global. Menu Item '%1' and Menu Item '%2' in Menu '%1' both specify the same position. The record '%1' can't be merged by you because you are not marked primary. but the DLL which is needed to implement it could not be loaded. Menu item position '%1' is too deeply nested! User-defined menus can be at most %2 levels deep. There is no menu item definition at position '%1' specified as the parent for menu item '%2' in menu '%3'. Scripting was enabled in this instance of Siebel. User-defined method menu items must have the menu text specified for the menu item's label. No association list is available in this applet. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. User-defined method menu items must have a position which identifies their placement in the menu. Access denied. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. . \n\nPlease ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. To create appointments for additional contacts drag them individually to the calendar. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. or configured improperly. An appointment has been created for '%1'. Access denied. An error has occurred retrieving the next set of records. No menu text for user-defined menu item (position '%1'). An error has occurred going to next record. Access denied.Message Text The business component '%1' requires automatic row id generation for new records. for Business Component '%1'. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT DAT 272 SBL-DAT-00272 273 SBL-DAT-00273 274 SBL-DAT-00274 DAT 275 SBL-DAT-00275 DAT 543 SBL-DAT-00543 DAT 276 SBL-DAT-00276 277 SBL-DAT-00277 DAT DAT 278 SBL-DAT-00278 279 SBL-DAT-00279 280 SBL-DAT-00280 DAT DAT DAT 281 SBL-DAT-00281 DAT 282 SBL-DAT-00282 DAT 551 SBL-DAT-00551 553 SBL-DAT-00553 552 SBL-DAT-00552 DAT DAT DAT 284 SBL-DAT-00284 DAT Web Services Error Codes 13 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Access denied. No Owner Field defined on View Mode for Business Component '%1'. All rights reserved. No Sales Rep View Mode configured. An error creating a new record has occurred. No import allowed for MVGs with association list. No position for user-defined menu item '%1'. Neither Access Rule Nor Access Object user property is defined for Business Component '%1'. please open the first field in the group by clicking on the multivalue field control. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. The operation you are trying to perform is not permitted on business component '%1' while it is not the child of a link. All rights reserved. Either the ODBC data source '%1' is not defined or its directory is not defined. An error has occurred picking the current row. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 283 SBL-DAT-00283 285 SBL-DAT-00285 286 SBL-DAT-00286 DAT DAT 287 SBL-DAT-00287 DAT 288 SBL-DAT-00288 289 SBL-DAT-00289 290 SBL-DAT-00290 291 SBL-DAT-00291 292 SBL-DAT-00292 DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT 293 SBL-DAT-00293 DAT 294 SBL-DAT-00294 DAT 295 SBL-DAT-00295 DAT 296 SBL-DAT-00296 DAT Web Services Error Codes 14 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Pick Map is empty for field '%1' of business component '%2'. . An error has occurred retrieving a prior set of records. Internal error during encryption of password Multiple matches were found for value '%1'. No match was found for value '%1'. To edit or add field values in this group. An error has occurred going to the prior record. You may not enter a blank value for this field. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.Message Text An internal error. Please ask your system administrator to check your application configuration. has occurred. invalid notification information object. The multi-value group for field '%1' cannot be opened because it depends on the multi-value group '%2' which contains no records. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. You have tried to modify a group of fields that may have more than one value. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.Message Text The length of the data '%1' for the field '%2' is larger than the allocated buffer size '%3'. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please choose a different name and save the query again. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 297 SBL-DAT-00297 298 SBL-DAT-00298 DAT 299 SBL-DAT-00299 DAT 300 SBL-DAT-00300 DAT 301 SBL-DAT-00301 DAT 302 SBL-DAT-00302 DAT 303 SBL-DAT-00303 DAT 304 SBL-DAT-00304 DAT 305 SBL-DAT-00305 DAT Web Services Error Codes 15 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. You may not save the query '%1' because there is already an existing query with that name that you do not own. Because you have no records of your own. The system is unable to export data.\n\nPlease contact your system administrator. All rights reserved. The ODBC API function call made may be invalid {'%1'}. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. An error has occurred scrolling the working set. The attempt to create database table '%1' failed {%2}. The system is unable to export data. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. The system is unable to export data. The system is unable to export data. The attempt to connect to data source '%1' failed. . An attempt to load '%1' dynamic link library has failed. The system is unable to export data. You have tried to run a static report. there is nothing to report. {%1}. You are not allowed to set a view mode that is broader than the one specified on the buscomp level for Business Component '%1'. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. . All rights reserved. There can not be two instantiations of the same business component within one Business Object '%2' and therefore self containing Links '%1' can not be defined for Business Object Components. Please contact your systems administrator or another member of the sales team if you would like further access to this record. Please execute another query or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. An error setting the named query has occurred. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT DAT 306 SBL-DAT-00306 307 SBL-DAT-00307 308 SBL-DAT-00308 DAT 309 SBL-DAT-00309 DAT 310 SBL-DAT-00310 DAT 311 SBL-DAT-00311 DAT 312 SBL-DAT-00312 DAT An error has occurred setting the query specification. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. An error has occurred setting the field value. You do not have the required access privileges to view the detailed information about this record. 313 SBL-DAT-00313 DAT 547 SBL-DAT-00547 DAT Web Services Error Codes 16 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Please execute another query or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your An error has occurred setting the active row. An error has occurred with setting the primary MVG ID.Message Text Searching is not allowed. Message Text An error has occurred setting the working set size. The current operation has been interrupted. The specialized method '%1' is not supported on the application. Sub Report '%1' and sub report '%2' in report '%1' both specify the same position. The responsibility of user '%1' does not allow accessing view '%2'. Personalization rules for user '%1' exclude accessibility of view '%2'. Sorting operations are not available. There is not report or sub report definition at position '%1' specified as the parent for sub report '%2' in report '%3'. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Tree Node '%1' and Tree Node '%2' in Applet '%3' both specify the same position. View '%1' is not accessible on UNIX systems. . There is no Tree node definition at position '%1' specified as the parent for Tree Node '%2' in Applet '%3'. View '%1' is not defined in Siebel Repository. All rights reserved. An error has occurred putting the record in update mode. The specialized method '%1' is not supported on Business Component '%2' used by Business Object '%3'. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 314 SBL-DAT-00314 315 SBL-DAT-00315 316 SBL-DAT-00316 317 SBL-DAT-00317 DAT DAT DAT 318 SBL-DAT-00318 319 SBL-DAT-00319 DAT DAT 320 SBL-DAT-00320 321 SBL-DAT-00321 322 SBL-DAT-00322 DAT DAT DAT 323 SBL-DAT-00323 324 SBL-DAT-00324 DAT DAT 325 SBL-DAT-00325 DAT 326 SBL-DAT-00326 327 SBL-DAT-00327 328 SBL-DAT-00328 329 SBL-DAT-00329 330 SBL-DAT-00330 DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT 331 SBL-DAT-00331 332 SBL-DAT-00332 DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 17 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. The specialized method '%1' is not supported on this business component. View '%1' cannot be accessed either because user '%2' does not have proper responsibility or at least one of your responsibilities has local access set to false for this view. View Map is not initialized. Please try again or contact your systems administrator for assistance. The method '%1' is not supported on Business Service '%2'. View '%1' is not licensed for this site. Please try again or contact your systems administrator if the problem persists. Internal Error in Siebel COM Interface.%03ld seconds. Please type in your credentials again.384 SBL-DAT-50384 50. The SiebelDataServer was unable to load the configuration file.383 SBL-DAT-50383 50. COM support was disabled for this configuration. Fetch All Time: %ld.Message Text Either Occam Validation BC or Occam Validation Field or both user properties are not defined for field '%1' in Business Component '%2'. The COM Automation method was called with an invalid argument when a String was expected. There may be a problem with the data source you are attempting to log into. All rights reserved. The SiebelDataServer was unable to login.382 SBL-DAT-50382 50. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 548 SBL-DAT-00548 101 SBL-DAT-00101 206 SBL-DAT-00206 207 SBL-DAT-00207 208 SBL-DAT-00208 DAT DAT DAT DAT 209 SBL-DAT-00209 DAT 210 SBL-DAT-00210 211 SBL-DAT-00211 DAT DAT 212 SBL-DAT-00212 DAT 213 SBL-DAT-00213 DAT 214 SBL-DAT-00214 333 SBL-DAT-00333 DAT DAT 50. The COM Automation method was called with an invalid argument when a string or an array of strings was expected.386 SBL-DAT-50386 50.385 SBL-DAT-50385 50.\n\nPlease contact your system administrator. SQL Cursor with ID %s Fetch Rows: %ld. Please contact your systems administrator. or the credentials may be invalid for the data source. You have entered an invalid set of credentials. . The COM Automation method was called with an invalid argument when a Control object was expected.387 SBL-DAT-50387 541 SBL-DAT-00541 DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT 538 SBL-DAT-00538 537 SBL-DAT-00537 DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 18 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Please contact your systems administrator. Unable to allocate memory for temporary OLE structure! The COM Automation method was called with an invalid argument when an Applet object was expected. The number of fields specified for this report exceeds the maximum of 200. DeDuplication Results (Account) View DeDuplication Results (Account) List Applet DeDuplication Results (Contact) List Applet DeDuplication Results (Contact) View DeDuplication Results (Prospect) List Applet DeDuplication Results (Prospect) View You are not able to login to the database using the database credentials assigned to you.\n\nPlease contact your system adm An internal error has occurred in authentication system. %2 Logins are currently not allowed.Message Text Dedicated clients are not allowed to use external authentication with this database. or the credentials may be invalid for the data source. %2 Dedicated clients are not allowed to use external authentication with this database. %1 GetUserInfo failed for user %1. Function %1 is not implemented. Please contact customer support. %2 Your password will expire soon. Contact your system administrator. %2 An internal error with the Security Adapter DLL has occurred. . Please change it. Contact your system administrator. The account for user %1 has been deleted. Your password is expired. Your password is about to expire. %1 You are not able to login using the credentials returned by your security adapter. Please contact customer support. Please change it. %1 Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 539 SBL-DAT-00539 536 SBL-DAT-00536 540 SBL-DAT-00540 334 SBL-DAT-00334 DAT DAT DAT 335 SBL-DAT-00335 DAT 336 SBL-DAT-00336 DAT 337 SBL-DAT-00337 DAT 338 SBL-DAT-00338 339 SBL-DAT-00339 340 SBL-DAT-00340 DAT DAT DAT 341 SBL-DAT-00341 DAT 342 SBL-DAT-00342 343 SBL-DAT-00343 DAT DAT 344 SBL-DAT-00344 345 SBL-DAT-00345 DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 19 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Contact your system administrator. %2 User %1 does not exist. Please ask your systems administrator to check your security adapter. %2 The account for user %1 has been disabled due to excessive failed login attempts. %1 There are no credentials of type %1 for this user. Please change your password. Please contact your system administrato Change password failed. There may be a problem with the data source you are attempting to log into. All rights reserved. Enter a longer password. All rights reserved. %1 Business component '%1' is already in cached update mode. %1 The password you have entered is too short. . %1 SetUserInfo failed for user %1. %1 The password you have entered has been used by you too recently. The query could not be run because the criteria for field '%1' contained an invalid arithmetic expression. Please ask your systems administrator to remove the arithmetic expression from the search expression. or attempting to enter a username or password that contains non-ASCII characters. Enter a new password. %1 The requested password does not conform to our password policy. %1 doesn't support assignment from '%2' The selected record has already been added to the list. Enter a more obscure password. This error is often caused by a missing operator (e.g. Please ensure that the search criteria is correctly formatted. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 346 SBL-DAT-00346 347 SBL-DAT-00347 DAT 348 SBL-DAT-00348 DAT 349 SBL-DAT-00349 DAT 350 SBL-DAT-00350 DAT 351 SBL-DAT-00351 352 SBL-DAT-00352 DAT DAT 353 SBL-DAT-00353 354 SBL-DAT-00354 DAT DAT 355 SBL-DAT-00355 DAT 356 SBL-DAT-00356 357 SBL-DAT-00357 DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 20 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. = or <) or missing quotes. %2 User %1 already exists. This may be due to a problem with the external authentication system. Please add another record or close the pop-up list and continue.Message Text The password you have entered is too easy to guess. %2 The password you have entered is not correct. Please review password requirements and select a new password. Column '%1' not defined in table '%2'. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Business component '%1' does not support cached update mode. Missing property '%1' for business component '%2' definition. All rights reserved. An internal error with the connector DLL '%1' has occurred. Data value for field is larger than the limit %2 defined in the database. Please type in less information to ensure that your data is committed to the database. Business component '%1' is not defined. Please continue or contact your systems administrator if the problem persists. This operation is not supported for business component '%1' while it is in cached update mode. preventing one of the following export functions from being loaded: _SSACreateSqlObj@12 or _SSASqlObjLogon@24. Please type in less information to ensure that information is committed to the database. Please verify that the correct version of the runtime client specific to your data Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 358 SBL-DAT-00358 360 SBL-DAT-00360 DAT 361 SBL-DAT-00361 DAT 364 SBL-DAT-00364 DAT 359 SBL-DAT-00359 362 SBL-DAT-00362 DAT DAT 363 SBL-DAT-00363 DAT 365 SBL-DAT-00365 DAT 366 SBL-DAT-00366 367 SBL-DAT-00367 DAT DAT 368 SBL-DAT-00368 369 SBL-DAT-00369 DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 21 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Data value for field '%1' is larger than the limit %2 defined in the database. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. The value '%1' cannot be converted to a date time value. . A beginning of file reached error has occurred. 'CascadeDelete' property set for many-to-many link definition '%1'.Message Text An internal error has occurred where there is an invalid association object for business component '%1'. Valid range is January 1. A record that contains identical values to the record you have created already exists. Table '%1' referenced as denormalization table for column '%2' in table definition '%3' does not exist. please ensure that the field values are unique. 4712. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. All rights reserved. Business component "1%" defined multiple times in business object "2%". 1753 to December 31. . Cannot divide by 0 Attribute '%1' is defined more than once in type definition '%2'. The database that you are connected to does not support 'IS NULL' queries for the field '%1'. Please connect to the server database and retry the operation. The data source '%1' is not a SQL data source and cannot be used to access a SQL database. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. If you would like to enter a new record. Column '%1' is defined more than once in table definition '%2'. Check your configuration file. Definition for custom object '%1' does not exist.Message Text The operation you are trying to perform is only permitted while connected to the server database. There is no field for denormalized column '%1' from table definition '%2' defined in business component '%3'. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 370 SBL-DAT-00370 371 SBL-DAT-00371 372 SBL-DAT-00372 DAT DAT 562 SBL-DAT-00562 375 SBL-DAT-00375 DAT DAT 373 SBL-DAT-00373 374 SBL-DAT-00374 376 SBL-DAT-00376 DAT DAT DAT 377 SBL-DAT-00377 DAT 378 SBL-DAT-00378 379 SBL-DAT-00379 DAT DAT 564 SBL-DAT-00564 380 SBL-DAT-00380 DAT DAT 381 SBL-DAT-00381 DAT 382 SBL-DAT-00382 DAT Web Services Error Codes 22 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. DataSource named %1 could not be found. If you would like to enter a new record. The Count function requires that parameter 1 be a string constant. please ensure that the field values are unique. The same values for '%1' already exist. Date out of range. The data set is too large to return unless the data is sorted. . String '%1' is defined more than once in string map definition '%2'. Please sort the data before going to the last record. Table '%1' defined multiple times. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. An error occurred trying to commit/rollback a database transaction Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 561 SBL-DAT-00561 383 SBL-DAT-00383 DAT 384 SBL-DAT-00384 DAT 386 SBL-DAT-00386 DAT 387 SBL-DAT-00387 DAT 388 SBL-DAT-00388 DAT 389 SBL-DAT-00389 DAT 385 SBL-DAT-00385 DAT 390 SBL-DAT-00390 393 SBL-DAT-00393 DAT DAT 391 SBL-DAT-00391 DAT 392 SBL-DAT-00392 DAT Web Services Error Codes 23 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.Message Text Custom Object '%1' defined multiple times. An end of file error has occurred. Multiple definitions exist for business component '%1'. Index '%1' is defined more than once in table definition '%2'. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Field '%1' is defined more than once in business component definition '%2'. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. String map '%1' defined multiple times. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Type '%1' defined multiple times. Integration object '%1' has multiple root components '%2' and '%3' specified. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Please revise your query and try again. Query expression on field '%1' must be a constant. Please revise and try again. . All rights reserved. Execution for Buscomp Component '%1' is not allowed. An error has occurred due to an invalid value '%1' for 'ExtensionType' property. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT DAT DAT DAT 394 SBL-DAT-00394 395 SBL-DAT-00395 549 SBL-DAT-00549 396 SBL-DAT-00396 560 SBL-DAT-00560 397 SBL-DAT-00397 DAT DAT 398 SBL-DAT-00398 DAT 399 SBL-DAT-00399 400 SBL-DAT-00400 DAT DAT 401 SBL-DAT-00401 402 SBL-DAT-00402 403 SBL-DAT-00403 DAT DAT DAT 404 SBL-DAT-00404 DAT Web Services Error Codes 24 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. You cannot execute a query using the '%1' field. Please ensure that the value in the field is formatted correctly with only valid characters. This operation is not valid when executed in setup only mode. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Field '%1' does not exist in definition for business component '%2'. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration.Message Text Could not evaluate expression '%1' for field '%2' in business component '%3'. The query expression on field '%1' is not valid. Missing quotes around the search criteria or unnecessary punctuation will o Attribute '%1' not defined for field '%2' in business component definition '%3'. Required '%1' user property is not defined for feature '%2'. Error fetching row at absolute position. This operation is not available for read only field '%1'. The query could not be run because there is an invalid character in the field '%1'. '%1' cannot be converted to data type for field '%2'.Message Text An error due to an invalid data type '%1' specified for field '%2' defined for business component '%3'. The '%1 ' function requires '%2' parameters. Please try again or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Business component '%1' does not support forward only mode. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. The '%1' function does not support querying. An error has occurred getting a new row id for the new record. All rights reserved. Invalid arguments to GetProfileAttr. This function requires exactly one argument which must be a string. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. No field matches identifier '%1'. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. You supplied '%3' The '%1' function is not supported. An error occurred calculating the default value for field '%1' in business component '%2'. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Operation is not allowed on sql object in forward only mode. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 405 SBL-DAT-00405 406 SBL-DAT-00406 DAT 407 SBL-DAT-00407 DAT 408 SBL-DAT-00408 DAT 409 SBL-DAT-00409 410 SBL-DAT-00410 411 SBL-DAT-00411 412 SBL-DAT-00412 DAT DAT DAT DAT 413 SBL-DAT-00413 DAT 414 SBL-DAT-00414 DAT 415 SBL-DAT-00415 DAT 416 SBL-DAT-00416 DAT Web Services Error Codes 25 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. specifying the name of the attribute to be fetched. An internal error has occurred due to an invalid definition for id business component. . The definition of integration component '%1' for integration object '%2' is invalid. The definition of integration component field '%1' for integration component '%2' in integration object '%3' is invalid. You have attempted to insert the value for column '%1' in table '%2' twice in the same statement. An invalid assignment error has occurred. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. . Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. The definition of integration component key '%1' for integration component '%2' is invalid. An error has occurred due to an invalid property '%1' for field '%2' defined in business component '%3'. All rights reserved. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 417 SBL-DAT-00417 418 SBL-DAT-00418 DAT 419 SBL-DAT-00419 DAT 420 SBL-DAT-00420 DAT 421 SBL-DAT-00421 DAT 422 SBL-DAT-00422 DAT 423 SBL-DAT-00423 424 SBL-DAT-00424 425 SBL-DAT-00425 DAT DAT DAT 426 SBL-DAT-00426 DAT 427 SBL-DAT-00427 DAT Web Services Error Codes 26 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. An error has occurred due to an invalid property '%1' for column '%2' defined in table '%3'. Property '%1' is not defined for many to many link '%2'. business component '%4'. 'InterChildDelete' property set for 1-to-many link definition '%1'. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please try again or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.Message Text Two argument must be passed to the InList function: the first is the string to find and the second is the list to find it in. '%1' is not a valid value for property '%2' in field '%3'. Message Text The language code '%1' is not valid. The object definition of %1 '%2' is invalid. The data type for field '%1' referenced in a Sum expression is not numeric. business component method '%4'. The argument of function '%1' must be of type date or time. Invalid definition for translated code column '%1' in table definition '%2'. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. An error has occurred since '%1' is not a valid value for property '%2' in MultiValueLink definition. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. . '%1' is not a valid value for type property in argument '%3'. only constants are allowed. business component '%3'. Could not retrieve language id. The field has an invalid logical index. The data type for field '%1' cannot be used in a Min or Max expression. Method '%1' of business service '%2' failed to return a key for table '%3' Invalid Key Generator user property syntax in business component '%1' You may not change the language setting for this program while it is running. An internal error occurred retrieving a field value for '%1'. Invalid translation table '%1' or configuration problem with column '%2' in table definition '%3'. Join constraint value '%1' is not valid. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT DAT 429 SBL-DAT-00429 430 SBL-DAT-00430 433 SBL-DAT-00433 DAT 431 SBL-DAT-00431 DAT 432 SBL-DAT-00432 434 SBL-DAT-00434 435 SBL-DAT-00435 436 SBL-DAT-00436 428 SBL-DAT-00428 DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT 437 SBL-DAT-00437 438 SBL-DAT-00438 439 SBL-DAT-00439 440 SBL-DAT-00440 441 SBL-DAT-00441 442 SBL-DAT-00442 DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 27 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Link destination field '%1' does not exist for link '%2' in business component definition '%3'. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Please check your search specification or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Missing left hand side of comparison operator. The business component '%1' does not have a multi-value field for MVLink '%2' which corresponds to field '%3. business component definition '%3'. business component definition '%3'. referred to in multi valued link definition '%2'. does not exist. All rights reserved.%4'. Link '%1'. does not have '%4' as its child business component. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please refer to the documentation if you need more information. You cannot merge the selected records. '%1' is not a valid value for property '%2' link definition '%3'. This field is required. Queries in multi-valued fields '%1' requires the term 'EXISTS' within your query criterion. The Min and Max functions require that parameter 1 be a field name. The maximum number of records that can be merged at one time is %1. Attribute '%1' not defined for multi value field '%2' in business component definition '%3' Link '%1'. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. You have entered an invalid set of logon parameters. . referred to in multi valued link definition '%2'.Message Text An error occurred due to an invalid property '%1' for the link. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 443 SBL-DAT-00443 444 SBL-DAT-00444 DAT 445 SBL-DAT-00445 DAT 446 SBL-DAT-00446 DAT 454 SBL-DAT-00454 DAT 453 SBL-DAT-00453 455 SBL-DAT-00455 DAT DAT 456 SBL-DAT-00456 DAT 457 SBL-DAT-00457 DAT 447 SBL-DAT-00447 DAT 448 SBL-DAT-00448 449 SBL-DAT-00449 DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 28 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Could not create log file '%1'. Please type in your logon parameters again. No records exist for the current query. Make sure LinkSpec = TRUE is used on the parent field. No transaction is in progress Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 450 SBL-DAT-00450 451 SBL-DAT-00451 DAT 452 SBL-DAT-00452 DAT 458 SBL-DAT-00458 DAT 459 SBL-DAT-00459 DAT 460 SBL-DAT-00460 461 SBL-DAT-00461 462 SBL-DAT-00462 DAT DAT DAT 463 SBL-DAT-00463 464 SBL-DAT-00464 DAT DAT 465 SBL-DAT-00465 DAT 466 SBL-DAT-00466 DAT 467 SBL-DAT-00467 DAT 468 SBL-DAT-00468 473 SBL-DAT-00473 DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 29 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Multi valued link '%1' refers to non-existent business component '%2' in business component definition for '%3' Multi value link definition '%1' does not exist for business component definition '%2'. You have attempted to denormalize calculated field '%2' in business component '%3' into column '%1'. Denormalized calculations are not allowed Destination link is not specified for multi-valued link definition Unable to find the parent buscomp of buscomp '%1'. Unable to find value for parent field '%1. MultiValueLink '%1' defined multiple times for business component '%2'. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. All rights reserved. possibly because there is no active link at this time. Link definition '%1' either does not exist or does not have business component '%2' as a child Business component definition for '%1' does not specify a table name The operation invalid when there are no rows available.Message Text The Model definition is not valid. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. Join in business component definition '%1' has source fields that come from tables '%2' and '%3' Invalid search specification '%1' for named search '%2'.%2'. . Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. The number '%1' resulted in a numeric overflow. Please start a new query or refine one that is less complex. There is no preference value available for category '%1'. This operation is not supported for business component '%1' because it is not the root of this cached update mode tree. SRF file and application must be the same for all initializations. Invalid operation while not in update mode. Unable to find PickList '%1'. You are attempting an initialization of the object definition manager which is incompatible with a prior initialization. It is required for the business object which supports feature. System Field '%1' cannot be the PrimeIdField for MultiValueLink '%2' defined in business component '%3' Current search specification is too complex to be refined. Business component '%1' is not in cached update mode. The object definition manager has already been initialized. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Primary business component is not defined for business object '%1'. The Preference function requires that parameter 2 be a string constant. Invalid operation when not executed. Cannot evaluate "EXISTS" query while not in the context of a business component. Valid values are between '%2' and '%3'. . Generic SSA NOTOK error message. %2 doesn't support operator '%1' %2 doesn't support operator '%1' with '%3' Error parsing expression '%2' for field '%1'. All rights reserved. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration. value '%2'. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 475 SBL-DAT-00475 469 SBL-DAT-00469 470 SBL-DAT-00470 DAT DAT 471 SBL-DAT-00471 472 SBL-DAT-00472 474 SBL-DAT-00474 476 SBL-DAT-00476 DAT DAT DAT DAT 477 SBL-DAT-00477 478 SBL-DAT-00478 DAT DAT 479 SBL-DAT-00479 480 SBL-DAT-00480 481 SBL-DAT-00481 DAT DAT DAT 482 SBL-DAT-00482 483 SBL-DAT-00483 484 SBL-DAT-00484 485 SBL-DAT-00485 559 SBL-DAT-00559 DAT DAT DAT DAT DAT 486 SBL-DAT-00486 DAT 487 SBL-DAT-00487 DAT 488 SBL-DAT-00488 DAT Web Services Error Codes 30 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.Message Text Type '%1' not defined. The Preference function requires that parameter 1 be a string constant. The datasource. Sorting on calculated field '%1' is not allowed. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. . There were more rows than could be returned. SQL Query Tuner Error: %1 Can't Load Query Tuner DLL. Can not update Parent because this will introduce recursive reporting relationship or such relationship already exists for the given Parent. Please enter a value for the field. Cannot evaluate "LookupExpr" function while not in the context of a business component. Please refine your query to bring back fewer rows Exists search not necessary for search on nonmulti-valued field '%1' Invalid search specification '%1'. Invalid RowIdField data. All rights reserved. Fields '%2'. Field '%1' is part of a recursive calculation expression. and '%3' are also involved. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 489 SBL-DAT-00489 490 SBL-DAT-00490 491 SBL-DAT-00491 492 SBL-DAT-00492 493 SBL-DAT-00493 DAT DAT DAT DAT 494 SBL-DAT-00494 DAT 495 SBL-DAT-00495 DAT 496 SBL-DAT-00496 DAT 497 SBL-DAT-00497 498 SBL-DAT-00498 DAT DAT 499 SBL-DAT-00499 DAT 500 SBL-DAT-00500 DAT 508 SBL-DAT-00508 501 SBL-DAT-00501 DAT DAT 502 SBL-DAT-00502 DAT Web Services Error Codes 31 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. '%1' is a required field. Repository '%1' not found. Text constant (%1) needs to be enclosed in single quotes. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. The selected record has been deleted by another user since it was retrieved. Please continue.Message Text Cannot evaluate query node for identifier '%1' while not in the context of a business component. You have attempted to update the value for column '%1' in table '%2' twice in the same statement. A transaction is already in progress Type not specified for typed translated code stored in table '%1'. Attribute '%1' not defined for string '%2' in string map definition '%3' Attribute '%1' not defined for string map definition '%2'. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 503 SBL-DAT-00503 504 SBL-DAT-00504 DAT 505 SBL-DAT-00505 506 SBL-DAT-00506 DAT DAT 507 SBL-DAT-00507 509 SBL-DAT-00509 510 SBL-DAT-00510 DAT DAT DAT 511 SBL-DAT-00511 512 SBL-DAT-00512 520 SBL-DAT-00520 DAT DAT DAT 513 SBL-DAT-00513 DAT 514 SBL-DAT-00514 DAT 515 SBL-DAT-00515 516 SBL-DAT-00516 DAT DAT Web Services Error Codes 32 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. The operation is not allowed while an unfinished transaction is in progress. All rights reserved. Please try again with a shorter entry. Definition for table '%1' does not exist. The data retrieved from the database for field '%1' of BusComp '%2' contained characters that cannot be represented in your current locale/language. Your entry for field '%1' is too long to fit in a UTF8 encoded enterprise database. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.\n\nPlease notify your system administrator. This operation is not valid for an untyped query node. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. The Sum function requires that parameter 1 be a field name. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. . Sorting on multi valued field '%1' is not allowed. No language independent code exists for value '%1' and type '%2' with language '%3' in table '%4'. Please call FinishTransaction to finish the transaction.Message Text Configuration Error: Sort field '%1' does not exist in Business Component '%2'. The value '%1' for field '%2' is required to be '%3'. User profile attribute '%1' is not MultiValued. The selected record has been modified by another user since it was retrieved. It cannot be used as an argument to GetProfileAttrAsList() The user profile attribute '%1' is read-only. Maximum Version: %4 The database to which you have connected is not a valid Siebel database. but cannot be changed since it is established by the system. Please enter a value that is '%4'. Please continue. name and event name must all be specified. Minimum Version: %3. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. All rights reserved. This attribute can be used in query expressions. Please check your configuration information and contact your Siebel Administrator if this condition persists. The expression value used in a profile attribute set operation must be a number. Name must be mostly alphanumeric with little punctuation. The UtcConvert function requires that parameter 1 be a date time. Possibly the database name is invalid.Message Text Invalid operation when not in update mode. Any Version Component: %1. (The object type. Current Version: %2. . The Siebel client will now exit.) Invalid type for object when retrieving content targeting info. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. The UtcConvert function requires that parameter 2 be a string. Invalid name for user profile attribute '%1'. A Siebel local database error has occurred. Invalid ID for event when retrieving content targeting info. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 517 SBL-DAT-00517 518 SBL-DAT-00518 519 SBL-DAT-00519 521 SBL-DAT-00521 DAT DAT DAT 522 SBL-DAT-00522 DAT 523 SBL-DAT-00523 DAT 524 SBL-DAT-00524 DAT 525 SBL-DAT-00525 DAT 526 SBL-DAT-00526 527 SBL-DAT-00527 DAT DAT 528 SBL-DAT-00528 DAT 529 SBL-DAT-00529 531 SBL-DAT-00531 532 SBL-DAT-00532 DAT DAT DAT 533 SBL-DAT-00533 DAT Web Services Error Codes 33 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility DAT 534 SBL-DAT-00534 530 SBL-DAT-00530 DAT 535 SBL-DAT-00535 107 SBL-DAT-00107 DAT DAT 50. Please install a newer version of Siebel Tools. Please try again after verifying the software kit. The request has been aborted.556 SBL-ODS-50556 ODS ODS ODS ODS 50. The kit may have already been submitted or marked as inactive or no kit items have been defined. Further attempts to rename the Analytics Set By Not allowed to perform a batch delete when using Impersonate Admin.000 SBL-ODS-50000 ODS 50.001 SBL-ODS-50001 50.Message Text A newer version of software is required. Answers On Demand will be unavai Changes to the user were saved successfully but we are unable to rename the Analytics folder for user %1 at this time. Any custom private reports the user created will be unavailable until folder renaming occurs.733 SBL-ODS-50733 ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 34 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.003 SBL-ODS-50003 50. Your role currently does not allow you access to the shared calendar feature. Please select a user calendar view as a default. The first 70 addressees have been added to the email.540 SBL-ODS-50540 50. Attempted to invoke method '%1' within Business Object '%2'. This related information layout is currently assigned to one or more page layouts. Please reassign a different related information layout to those pages before deleting this layout. . %1 The current software kit cannot be published.002 SBL-ODS-50002 50. Export Request Complete 'Account Id' is a required field for 'Account Call'. You have exceeded the maximum number of 70 addressees.765 SBL-ODS-50765 ODS 473 SBL-ODS-00473 ODS 472 SBL-ODS-00472 ODS 50. 'End day at' must be later than 'Start day at' and the time span must be at least two time intervals. Further attempts to create the Analytics folder will be made by the system automatically. Creation of the company was successful but the creation of the Analytics folder for company %1 was unable to complete at this time. 732 SBL-ODS-50732 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 35 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Company Wide Shared Folder Shared Folder %1 assignment is not supported for this record type.004 SBL-ODS-50004 50.655 SBL-ODS-50655 106 SBL-ODS-00106 107 SBL-ODS-00107 ODS ODS ODS ODS 108 SBL-ODS-00108 109 SBL-ODS-00109 110 SBL-ODS-00110 111 SBL-ODS-00111 50. Access Control Service .651 SBL-ODS-50651 50. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 100 SBL-ODS-00100 101 SBL-ODS-00101 102 SBL-ODS-00102 103 SBL-ODS-00103 104 SBL-ODS-00104 50. Please contact the customer to enable the option and try again. This function may only be used for Trial Companies. Please select a different user to be this user's manager.Cannot acquire lock due to internal error.Message Text Access Control Service .738 SBL-ODS-50738 50. You must select a %1 to execute this assignment option. You must select a %1 that will be replaced to execute this assignment option.Error loading the roles for this user.Permissions for record owners cannot be less than Full. You cannot delete the company primary administrator You cannot delete an active company You can only delete a Trial or Demo or Test company You can only delete a user that belongs to Trial or Demo company.Error determining the Access Object for Business Component "%1". . 'Primary Contact Id' is a required field for 'Contact Call'.737 SBL-ODS-50737 50.654 SBL-ODS-50654 50. The customer does not have the "Allow Bulk Data Load" option enabled. Bulk Data Load users can only be added when the customer has enabled this option.652 SBL-ODS-50652 ODS ODS ODS ODS 50. You cannot reduce your license number less than the number of active users A user cannot report to themselves.560 SBL-ODS-50560 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 105 SBL-ODS-00105 ODS 50. Explicit User Sharing . Your company is not enabled for %1. Please contact customer care for more information. Access Control Service .Input argument for Business Component name is invalid. You do not have the proper access rights to associate or update the contacts associated to this record. All rights reserved. Access Control Service . The Parent Account must be different than the Account. Please reassign a different layout to those pages before deleting this layout. Please specify a valid path. however a tab was not selected from the drop down list. The layout is currently assigned to one or more Roles. DuplicateId or DuplicateExternalId You have entered an invalid character Valid email required Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 50.623 SBL-ODS-50623 112 SBL-ODS-00112 113 SBL-ODS-00113 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 114 SBL-ODS-00114 50. A record that contains identical values to the record you are trying to create already exists . please ensure that the field values are unique. Please select another item. You must provide a value for PrimaryId or PrimaryExternalId. '%1' identified more than one record.549 SBL-ODS-50549 50. The layout is currently assigned to one or more page layouts. The Parent Dealer must be different than the Dealer. All rights reserved. please correct the data or retry your request using the Id One or more required fields are missing.731 SBL-ODS-50731 50.736 SBL-ODS-50736 478 SBL-ODS-00478 479 SBL-ODS-00479 480 SBL-ODS-00480 488 SBL-ODS-00488 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 50. Custom Web Tab Names are restricted to Alphanumeric characters. The Contact's Manager must be different than the Contact. Please reassign a different layout to those roles before deleting this layout.748 SBL-ODS-50748 50.630 SBL-ODS-50630 ODS 115 SBL-ODS-00115 508 SBL-ODS-00508 ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 36 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.764 SBL-ODS-50764 ODS 50.559 SBL-ODS-50559 ODS 50. Cannot have more than one record with %1 set to 'Owner' The Id. If you would like to enter a new record. Please select another item. Operation cannot be completed . please re-enter a value. Please select another item.006 SBL-ODS-50006 ODS 50.629 SBL-ODS-50629 ODS ODS 50. Default Value must be set for a field marked Required AND Read-only. Failed to recover the log file. Please select a target tab.Message Text You have selected "Open in Custom Web Tab".your company is over its data storage quota.757 SBL-ODS-50757 50. Failed to create the log file. 1% Report path invalid. Failed to open the log file. . 008 SBL-ODS-50008 118 SBL-ODS-00118 119 SBL-ODS-00119 120 SBL-ODS-00120 121 SBL-ODS-00121 122 SBL-ODS-00122 123 SBL-ODS-00123 124 SBL-ODS-00124 125 SBL-ODS-00125 126 SBL-ODS-00126 127 SBL-ODS-00127 128 SBL-ODS-00128 129 SBL-ODS-00129 130 SBL-ODS-00130 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 131 SBL-ODS-00131 132 SBL-ODS-00132 ODS ODS 50. Unknown Error (NOTOK) SyncNodeId provided does not match any existing ones. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 116 SBL-ODS-00116 50. User property '%1' is missing in the business service '%2'.Message Text The end time must be after the start time. Please update your start and end times appropriately. either the Primary or Duplicate record was not found No fields have been selected to be displayed. The exchange rate between '%1' and '%2' is not defined. Invalid method parameter(s): '%1' Cannot determine your organization's address type.763 SBL-ODS-50763 ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 37 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. The value '%1' for field '%2' is required to be >= 0. No offline client software version defined. User property '%1' is missing in the business service '%2'. PDA Sync method '%1' returned incorrect output Session is expired or there was another connect with the same UserID from another computer. PDQ '%2' Property '%1' is missing from input property set. User property '%1' is missing in the business component '%2'. PDA Sync method '%1' returned NOTOK. No SyncNodeId is provided in upload request. .007 SBL-ODS-50007 117 SBL-ODS-00117 ODS ODS 50.631 SBL-ODS-50631 50. Please select one or more fields from the “Available Fields” section before proceeding.632 SBL-ODS-50632 50. Invalid OM session Object '%1' is not supported offline Invalid PDQ: object '%1'. The primary and duplicate records cannot be the same Record not found. Please inform the system administrator.574 SBL-ODS-50574 ODS 50. Invalid format in provided PDQ list: objects and PDQs should be in pairs. Please select another currency code. Please enter a value that is >=0. All rights reserved. Please select an alternate account for the relationship. Please select an alternate contact for the relationship. you must remove the value specified in '%2' first.036 SBL-ODS-50036 50. The layout does not contain a search results layout. . Export Request Completed Export Request Failed Can not convert file name Can't convert error from Sschar to ASCII An error occurred while creating a file. The value you entered in the '%1' field or '%2' field doesn't match the value specified in the '%3' field.009 SBL-ODS-50009 ODS 50. All rights reserved.Message Text Account relationships exist between two different accounts. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 133 SBL-ODS-00133 134 SBL-ODS-00134 ODS 489 SBL-ODS-00489 ODS 490 SBL-ODS-00490 ODS 487 SBL-ODS-00487 ODS 50. Contact relationships exist between two different contacts. The layout does not contain any targeted search fields. If you still wish to change the '%1'. You can only perform a partial export at this time. If you still wish to change the '%1' or '%2'.032 SBL-ODS-50032 50. Export failed: An internal server error occurred. Integration Event File Limit is required when Integration Event is enabled. Your company full export quota has been exceeded.030 SBL-ODS-50030 50.037 SBL-ODS-50037 50.747 SBL-ODS-50747 50. Please define the search results layout before you save. You have attempted to create a relationship from this account to itself.038 SBL-ODS-50038 ODS ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 38 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. The permitted range is between %1 and %2. Please specify your fields before you save. Ensure that Session Limit specified is within the allowed range. The value you entered in the '%1' field doesn't match the value specified in the '%2' field.034 SBL-ODS-50034 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 50. You have attempted to create a relationship from this contact to itself. You can only perform a full export at this time. Your company partial export quota has been exceeded. you must remove the value specified in '%3' first. Please provide a value. Error when load compression utility dll provided by InfoZip.029 SBL-ODS-50029 50.033 SBL-ODS-50033 50.035 SBL-ODS-50035 50.031 SBL-ODS-50031 50.518 SBL-ODS-50518 ODS 135 SBL-ODS-00135 ODS 50. No files need to zip Please select at least one object to export. Via Forgot Password Input arguments into File Transfer Service are missing. Exported File Name Organization view mode must be defined on BusComp %1 in order to do export. related to the roles you have selected for your forecast.547 SBL-ODS-50547 139 SBL-ODS-00139 140 SBL-ODS-00140 141 SBL-ODS-00141 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 142 SBL-ODS-00142 143 SBL-ODS-00143 144 SBL-ODS-00144 ODS ODS ODS 145 SBL-ODS-00145 146 SBL-ODS-00146 147 SBL-ODS-00147 148 SBL-ODS-00148 149 SBL-ODS-00149 150 SBL-ODS-00150 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 39 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Please contact Siebel CRM On Demand customer service. Two or more of the users.039 SBL-ODS-50039 50. Your company export quota has been exceeded.055 SBL-ODS-50055 137 SBL-ODS-00137 ODS ODS ODS 138 SBL-ODS-00138 50.Message Text Your company already has a pending administrator export request for the %1 object. empty or incorrect File Transfer Service is missing a User Property File Transfer Service received out of order data chunks or is missing chunks for this context Error in closing FS file for this context A file already exists in the File Transfer Service with that context. Please refine your export to a smaller time frame. do not have managers. Export failed: The size of your export is too large for the Zip utility. Export Unexpected error Zip failed. The data chunk sent to the File Transfer Service was incomplete or cannot be decoded File Transfer Service error in setting file size/time The file for this context doesn't exist in the File System File Transfer Service can't connect to File System through Siebel FSM File System Manager may have prematurely closed file or experienced error File Transfer Service error in getting file name The file uploaded through the File Transfer Service is missing data Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 50.040 SBL-ODS-50040 ODS 50. Ple Please select at least one role to be included in the Forecast. A forecast can be validated only if all forecast users. have a manager included in the forecast.042 SBL-ODS-50042 50. All rights reserved. other than the top person in the reporting tree.742 SBL-ODS-50742 ODS ODS ODS 50. Please wait until that request is completed before submitting a new %2 export. .043 SBL-ODS-50043 50.041 SBL-ODS-50041 50. This will be reset in 24 hours. this process must complete prior to creating new records.Message Text Invalid Method invoked on File Transfer Service Error in opening FS file for this context Error in reading from FS file for this context.749 SBL-ODS-50749 ODS ODS ODS 499 SBL-ODS-00499 181 SBL-ODS-00181 182 SBL-ODS-00182 183 SBL-ODS-00183 184 SBL-ODS-00184 185 SBL-ODS-00185 50. Wrong argument value for calling purchaseLicense function. You cannot have more than one report for this layout Invalid Argument The field validation error message can only contain alphanumeric characters. Please check if '%1' is a valid field.080 SBL-ODS-50080 50. Error. the field '%1' requested is not a valid picklist. Layout cannot be deleted because it is assigned to a role The company is already a subscription company. invalid field name. Picklist value cannot contain any of the following three characters: pipe (|). comma (. Internal Error: Unable to retrieve the list WARNING: You have more than %1 records in your list. periods.717 SBL-ODS-50717 ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 40 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.561 SBL-ODS-50561 503 SBL-ODS-00503 50.539 SBL-ODS-50539 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 50. Please try again in a few minutes. semi-colon (. All rights reserved. Please select the "Queued Export" option if you would like to export all records in your list.634 SBL-ODS-50634 ODS 50. spaces. Error. Your exported CSV file has been truncated and contains the first %2 records. Please try your export again at that time.) Your list export quota has been exceeded. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 151 SBL-ODS-00151 152 SBL-ODS-00152 153 SBL-ODS-00153 154 SBL-ODS-00154 155 SBL-ODS-00155 156 SBL-ODS-00156 157 SBL-ODS-00157 158 SBL-ODS-00158 50. commas and dashes. The company you specify does not exist. Error in renaming FS file for this context Error in renaming FS file for this context File Transfer Service state for this context is missing or malformed Unexpected End-of-file while reading from FS file for this context. The purchaser does not exist. .538 SBL-ODS-50538 ODS 50.541 SBL-ODS-50541 50.719 SBL-ODS-50719 50.). Error in writing to FS file for this context The administrator has deleted a group you belong to. License number must greater than 0. Your company allows you to change your password for %1 times within %2 day(s). Please use a different company domain name. You will not be able to sign in to the application until this process is completed.613 SBL-ODS-50613 50.497 SBL-ODS-50497 ODS 50. WARNING: The User Sign In IDs will not be changed to reflect the new Company Sign In ID. please contact your company administrator. You have already exceeded this limit.543 SBL-ODS-50543 50. We strongly recommend you modify each User ID to make sure that the new Company Sign In ID is assigned t "%1" is already being used by another company. Only the owner or delegate can delete this activity. Company Sign In ID is a required field. Please use a language it has been configured for. The Company Sign In ID cannot contain any of the following characters: / \\ # or space.614 SBL-ODS-50614 ODS ODS ODS 468 SBL-ODS-00468 ODS 467 SBL-ODS-00467 451 SBL-ODS-00451 ODS ODS 465 SBL-ODS-00465 ODS 449 SBL-ODS-00449 ODS Web Services Error Codes 41 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. You have exceeded the number of attempts to answer your security questions. The Company Idle Timeout exceeds the Maximum System Idle Timeout of %1 minutes. Your company policy does not allow end users to change their own email address. please contact your company administrator. Configuration Error: Definition of integration object '%1' does not contain the root component. The domain name cannot contain any of the following characters: / \\ # or space. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 50. Your account is now locked. '%1' is not a valid object name. New or Modified users will use the new Company Sign In ID.496 SBL-ODS-50496 ODS ODS ODS 50.612 SBL-ODS-50612 50. Your company is not configured for this language. If you want to change your email address. Please contact your company administrator to reset your password.718 SBL-ODS-50718 186 SBL-ODS-00186 ODS 187 SBL-ODS-00187 50.Message Text Invalid Language Code. . If you want to change your user ID. Your company policy does not allow end users to change their own user ID. All rights reserved. 494 SBL-ODS-50494 50. Access Profile '%1' not found. When creating or editing a user. This list contains %1 records.085 SBL-ODS-50085 50. please answer the following questions. please make sure the User Sign In ID starts with [%1\]. On Demand Technical Support Access Denied. The User Sign In ID you have requested cannot be used at this time. Please select a more restrictive access level.082 SBL-ODS-50082 50. The User Sign In ID is invalid.086 SBL-ODS-50086 ODS ODS ODS ODS 498 SBL-ODS-00498 50.754 SBL-ODS-50754 ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 42 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.493 SBL-ODS-50493 ODS ODS ODS 50.489 SBL-ODS-50489 ODS ODS 50.617 SBL-ODS-50617 50.083 SBL-ODS-50083 50. Please select a different User Sign In ID or try again later. Access Denied: You cannot grant a user access to this record that exceeds your own access level. please make sure the user ID starting with [%1\].Message Text The answers you provided previously were incorrect. Number Of Security Questions To Be Complete must be equal or greater than Number Of Security Questions To Be Answered. All rights reserved. The User Sign In ID does not contain a proper delimiter. Shared Folders 50. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 450 SBL-ODS-00450 Private You must specify a valid domain name in order to change your Default User ID Type to Domain/User ID. The Domain Name of your company is [%1].490 SBL-ODS-50490 ODS 466 SBL-ODS-00466 50. The user ID cannot contain any of the following characters: / \ # or space. Please select a pre-defined list or query prior to executing the Download operation. Please select a new list or refine the current list. When creating new user. The Default User ID Type of your company is set to Company Domain\User ID. This exceeds the %2 record retrieval limit set by the system. . The Company Sign In ID of your company is [%1].618 SBL-ODS-50618 50.616 SBL-ODS-50616 ODS ODS ODS 507 SBL-ODS-00507 ODS 188 SBL-ODS-00188 ODS 189 SBL-ODS-00189 50. You must complete %1 unique questions. If you continue to have problems contact your Siebel CRM On Demand A There are no available Analytics Servers to fulfill this request. it may be accessed in Deleted Items. Not all records in the list could be updated. All rights reserved. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 459 SBL-ODS-00459 190 SBL-ODS-00190 191 SBL-ODS-00191 461 SBL-ODS-00461 ODS ODS ODS 460 SBL-ODS-00460 ODS 192 SBL-ODS-00192 193 SBL-ODS-00193 194 SBL-ODS-00194 195 SBL-ODS-00195 196 SBL-ODS-00196 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 197 SBL-ODS-00197 ODS 50. If you continue to have problems contact your Siebel CRM On De Condition 'Between' requires two values Field '%1" doesn't allow selected condition '%2'. Cannot find Where clause definition for Assignment Object '%1 Apply To %1 Assignment Option Your request of Batch %1 Assignment has completed. If you deleted the folder. The web group you are trying to access has been deleted or has been assigned a new owner and you no longer have access to it. it may be accessed in Deleted Items. Go back to the Batch %1 Assignment Queue page to view the log file to see which records could not be updated in the system.598 SBL-ODS-50598 50. Please contact Siebel CRM On Demand Technical Support. Please check your configuration! Cannot find Where clause definition for Assignment Object '%1'. Can not find the default email from address. . please select proper condition. please check your configuration. Parameter '%1' for method '%2' is required.597 SBL-ODS-50597 50. please check your configuration. Siebel CRM On Demand was unable to complete your request. Email From Address is a required parameter to send an email. please check your configuration. The value '%1' doesn't match data type '%2' of the Field '%3'.594 SBL-ODS-50594 ODS ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 43 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.593 SBL-ODS-50593 50. The specified analytics server is Inactive. Cannot find Where clause definition for Assignment Object '%1'. please enter correct value.Message Text The folder you are trying to access has been deleted or has been assigned a new owner and you no longer have access to it. If you deleted the web group. please ensure that the view name is unique. Access Denied: You do not have the required access to Calls to perform the desired action. 'Mark for Translation' cannot be used in languages other then the primary.599 SBL-ODS-50599 50.658 SBL-ODS-50658 50. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS ODS 50. Please contact your administrator if you feel you have received this message in error. The system was unable to complete the process. . You must select a different Parent |Book~Singular|.194 SBL-ODS-50194 ODS 50.595 SBL-ODS-50595 50. A record that has identical view name to the record you are trying to create already exists in your company. and data must be removed before deleting this |Book~Singular|. This |Book~Singular| is specified to contain data and cannot be converted to a |Book~Singular| that cannot contain data. '%1' has been moved from position %2 to position %3. You can resubmit the request by going to the Batch %1 Assignment Queue page in the application and clicking the "Re-Submit" link next to the request in the Processed Requests section of the page. This type of interdependent relationship is not allowed. If you would like to create a new view.Message Text Your request to update the records in the [%1] list could not be completed at this time.195 SBL-ODS-50195 50. Looping cascades are not allowed.596 SBL-ODS-50596 50. Picklist element positions cannot be changed. The custom field cannot be created.181 SBL-ODS-50181 494 SBL-ODS-00494 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 50. All rights reserved. users. All associated sub |Book~Plural|.600 SBL-ODS-50600 50.193 SBL-ODS-50193 ODS 493 SBL-ODS-00493 ODS 485 SBL-ODS-00485 ODS 50.606 SBL-ODS-50606 50.640 SBL-ODS-50640 ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 44 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Please ask your system administrator to check the configuration for this BusComp. Your Batch %1 Assignment Request has completed Your Batch %1 Assignment Request has been aborted The following records could not be updated: The following records were processed but could not be deleted from the system: The |Book~Singular| selected as the Parent |Book~Singular| is already a direct or an indirect sub-|Book~Singular| of this |Book~Singular|. User Property "%1" is not defined for the BusComp "%2".745 SBL-ODS-50745 ODS 446 SBL-ODS-00446 ODS 50. 604 SBL-ODS-50604 50.607 SBL-ODS-50607 50.521 SBL-ODS-50521 50. Some of the IP addresses defined are not valid.555 SBL-ODS-50555 462 SBL-ODS-00462 200 SBL-ODS-00200 50.603 SBL-ODS-50603 50.197 SBL-ODS-50197 70.605 SBL-ODS-50605 50.639 SBL-ODS-50639 50.167 SBL-ODS-70167 50. All rights reserved.519 SBL-ODS-50519 50.762 SBL-ODS-50762 50.please choose another. You cannot change company profile in ‘%1’ status. You must select at least one displayed value before continuing! A custom field of type '%1' in '%2' already exists with name '%3' The Bulk Data Load options can only be modified by a company administrator through the On Demand application. Company status cannot be changed from '%1' to '%2'.608 SBL-ODS-50608 50.601 SBL-ODS-50601 50.610 SBL-ODS-50610 50.Message Text The chosen related picklist already has a parent. Your company must have a single default sales process. Multiple parents for one picklist are not allowed.164 SBL-ODS-70164 ODS 50. Please enter valid IP addresses and save again. %1 Name Include Sub %1 List No change required.196 SBL-ODS-50196 ODS 50.602 SBL-ODS-50602 492 SBL-ODS-00492 50.638 SBL-ODS-50638 198 SBL-ODS-00198 441 SBL-ODS-00441 ODS ODS ODS 70. '%1' is the company's default language and it cannot be disabled. Please contact Customer Care for help. # of Records Succeeded Replace %1 Summary of results Target %1 Time Completed Time Submitted User A default |Book~Singular| for this record type is already set for this user. Please contact Customer Care for help.751 SBL-ODS-50751 199 SBL-ODS-00199 50. The given Company Sign In ID is already being used .615 SBL-ODS-50615 50. Your current IP is not in the range you specified. You cannot delete the default sales process.611 SBL-ODS-50611 50.609 SBL-ODS-50609 50. '%1' is the company's default currency and it cannot be disabled. Failed to send email: %1 Account Address Primary Contact Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 50.520 SBL-ODS-50520 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 45 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. . You do not have permission to change the company status from '%1' to '%2'.170 SBL-ODS-70170 ODS ODS 70. 212 SBL-ODS-50212 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 50. Undefined import request type: "%1" The integration tag should not be empty This integration tag already exists.204 SBL-ODS-50204 50.213 SBL-ODS-50213 ODS Web Services Error Codes 46 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.203 SBL-ODS-50203 50. Siebel CRM On Demand field display names cannot contain the following values !. Please select another Category. you must first remove all references to the category before this can be deleted.199 SBL-ODS-50199 50.206 SBL-ODS-50206 70. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 50. Previously defined group must contain at least 1 member. Unable to find any pending import request. If you would like to delete this category. Could not find definition for Integration Component '%1' Could not find definition for Integration Component '%1' Could not find definition for Integration Component '%1 The value entered for '%1' exceeds the maximum value allowed.Message Text The Parent Category must be different than the Category. since that field cannot contain NULLs. ".210 SBL-ODS-50210 50.174 SBL-ODS-70174 50.211 SBL-ODS-50211 208 SBL-ODS-00208 50. Please enter a valid value. Internal error: %1 This sales stage category is being referenced by sales processes.208 SBL-ODS-50208 50. . The value '%1' was not imported for the %2 field '%3'. All rights reserved.746 SBL-ODS-50746 ODS 50.207 SBL-ODS-50207 201 SBL-ODS-00201 202 SBL-ODS-00202 50. A non-NULL value must be given for field "%1".201 SBL-ODS-50201 50. The Default Value entered does not match the field type. or | Unable to get field mappings for current request.198 SBL-ODS-50198 50.209 SBL-ODS-50209 203 SBL-ODS-00203 204 SBL-ODS-00204 205 SBL-ODS-00205 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 206 SBL-ODS-00206 207 SBL-ODS-00207 50.205 SBL-ODS-50205 50. Please use a different tag. More than one matching entries are found in the picklist. Account Asset Customer Contact Price Product Product Category Price multiplied by Quantity Business Object '%1' must be configured with a primary Business Component Opportunity Products totals Cannot find definition for field "%1".200 SBL-ODS-50200 50.202 SBL-ODS-50202 50. You cannot share your calendar with yourself. 217 SBL-ODS-50217 216 SBL-ODS-00216 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 50. please choose another name. There is no layout called '%1' for User Row Id '%2' Can't reject rejected lead. You must select an action for Contact. Please select an existing Account in the Associated Account field.218 SBL-ODS-50218 50.219 SBL-ODS-50219 50. This lead has already been converted to an opportunity. All rights reserved. . object '%2' and language '%3' No languages are defined. Please reference the associated opportunity record for additional information. Invited Contacts Invited Users The parent row id count in the Adapter Service request does not match the link definitions in Business object "%1" The language '%1' is in use by at least one user ('%2') and cannot be disabled. You already have a layout named '%1'. Invalid repository definition of link "%1" Invalid definition of MV Link "%1" in Business Component "%2" The New Passwords you entered do not match The Old Password you entered does not match the existing password You cannot delete a process that is defined as a default process for any opportunity types or roles.214 SBL-ODS-50214 209 SBL-ODS-00209 210 SBL-ODS-00210 211 SBL-ODS-00211 212 SBL-ODS-00212 50.Message Text The Default Value for this field must match one of the defined picklist values.221 SBL-ODS-50221 217 SBL-ODS-00217 218 SBL-ODS-00218 219 SBL-ODS-00219 220 SBL-ODS-00220 221 SBL-ODS-00221 222 SBL-ODS-00222 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 223 SBL-ODS-00223 224 SBL-ODS-00224 ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 47 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.220 SBL-ODS-50220 50. You must remove these dependencies before deleting the sales process Invalid Adapter Service request name "%1" Invalid Adapter Service request parameters Invalid view mode "%1". Please specify an Account Name in order to auto-create a new Account. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 50. Custom picklist values not found for type '%1' and primary language '%2' Custom picklist definition record not found for type id '%1' Default name is missing for control '%1'. Please enter a valid picklist value.216 SBL-ODS-50216 50. Account and Opportunity in order to complete the lead conversion process. Cannot copy translation records.215 SBL-ODS-50215 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 213 SBL-ODS-00213 214 SBL-ODS-00214 215 SBL-ODS-00215 50. <Custom Value> The LOV definition record for type %1 cannot be found. (Type = '%1'. field = '%3') Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS ODS ODS 225 SBL-ODS-00225 226 SBL-ODS-00226 227 SBL-ODS-00227 50. Please select a value for these fields before proceeding. Please choose a different name.225 SBL-ODS-50225 50. An opportunity record with the same name already exists. Please ensure there is at least one enabled value.\nPlease try again or contact Customer Care for help.227 SBL-ODS-50227 50. value = '%2'. Please specify the First Name and Last Name in order to auto-create a new Contact. To create a new opportunity. Please contact your system administrator. Could not retrieve the column definition for business component '%1'. or contact Customer Care for help.230 SBL-ODS-50230 ODS ODS ODS ODS 50. . The following field(s) are required to mark a lead as qualified: %1.222 SBL-ODS-50222 ODS ODS 50. Please specify the Opportunity Name in order to complete the lead conversion process.229 SBL-ODS-50229 50. Order = '%5').223 SBL-ODS-50223 ODS 50.\nPlease try again or contact Customer Care for help. please select a unique name for this record.226 SBL-ODS-50226 ODS ODS 50. All rights reserved. The picklist cannot be completely disabled. A duplicate picklist element attribute has been identified.231 SBL-ODS-50231 ODS Web Services Error Codes 48 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.Message Text Please select an existing Contact in the Associated Contact field.224 SBL-ODS-50224 ODS 50. Language = '%2'. Please ensure that you are using unique values. The lead conversion could not be completed. An error occurred while retrieving the ""%1"" business component object definition.564 SBL-ODS-50564 ODS 228 SBL-ODS-00228 ODS 233 SBL-ODS-00233 ODS 234 SBL-ODS-00234 50. The specified LOV element does not exist (buscomp = '%1'. The LOV of type '%1' cannot be decoded for language '%2'. The value in the lead pick list field %1 does not exist in the target field %2.\nPlease try again or contact Customer Care for help. The List Of Values business component has not been executed. LIC = '%3'. The business component has not been set. field '%2'.228 SBL-ODS-50228 50. LDV = '%4'. A list named '%1' already exists. language '%2'.238 SBL-ODS-50238 50.233 SBL-ODS-50233 ODS 50.236 SBL-ODS-50236 ODS 50.make sure each order value is unique) The picklist language has not been set. language '%3'. An invalid (null) business component reference has been encountered. There can be no more then 1000 elements in a picklist. If this error occurs again. There are no values defined in %1 for this picklist. All rights reserved.245 SBL-ODS-50245 ODS ODS 50.242 SBL-ODS-50242 ODS ODS ODS 50. An error occurred while retrieving the picklist object definition for business component ""%1"".248 SBL-ODS-50248 50.241 SBL-ODS-50241 50. The order values have not been specified.235 SBL-ODS-50235 ODS ODS 50.\nPlease try again or contact Customer Care for help. field '%2'. Picklist elements cannot be added in a language other then the company's primary language.249 SBL-ODS-50249 ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 49 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. The picklist definition has not been set. The Propagate flags have not been specified.\nPlease try again or contact Customer Care for help.234 SBL-ODS-50234 50.\nPlease try again or contact Customer Care for help.\nPlease try again or contact Customer Care for help. An error occured while retrieving the picklist for buscomp '%1'. Picklist element '%1' not found for type '%2'. Error: There has been an internal system error while processing a picklist.232 SBL-ODS-50232 50.244 SBL-ODS-50244 50. The company has no active languages. One or more attributes are missing for LOV of type '%1'.237 SBL-ODS-50237 ODS 50.\nPlease try again or contact Customer Care for help. The application encountered an invalid set of input values.240 SBL-ODS-50240 50. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 50. field ""%2"". please contact your system administrator to report the problem.247 SBL-ODS-50247 ODS ODS 50. Please activate at least '%1' language. The specified order values are not valid (possible reason: duplicate values .\nPlease try again or contact Customer Care for help. The application encountered an incomplete set of input parameters. type '%3'.246 SBL-ODS-50246 50.Message Text An error occurred while retrieving the ""%1"" field object definition for business component ""%2"".\nPlease try again or contact Customer Care for help.239 SBL-ODS-50239 ODS ODS 50.243 SBL-ODS-50243 ODS 50. . 636 SBL-ODS-50636 50.Message Text Picklist not found for type '%1'. field '%2' is not defined. The Multi-Select Picklist value [%1] is currently disabled.252 SBL-ODS-50252 50. At a minimum.253 SBL-ODS-50253 50.259 SBL-ODS-50259 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 50 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. cannot retrieve the MVG Business Component Missing value for field '%1' on '%2' spec Invalid multi-select picklist value in bus comp '%1'. All rights reserved.251 SBL-ODS-50251 50. No display values have been specified in the request. multi-select picklist field '%2' has more than 10 values selected. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 50. You do not have sufficient access to the records you are attempting to merge. .255 SBL-ODS-50255 ODS 50. Missing required input property "%1" Missing 'method' property on the Invoke Method request No fields in Business Component "%1" use MV Link "%2". This request is obsolete and cannot be resubmitted. You cannot use probability values less than 0 or greater than 100 The picklist for buscomp '%1'. You do not have sufficient privileges to use PIM Sync.635 SBL-ODS-50635 246 SBL-ODS-00246 247 SBL-ODS-00247 50.258 SBL-ODS-50258 50. field '%2'. The picklist type for buscomp '%1'.254 SBL-ODS-50254 50. field '%2' is not a MultiSelect Picklist field. Could not retrieve the association list for Business Component "%1" (pointer is null) You have reached your limit of type '%1' custom fields available for '%2' You do not have permission to modify this record. you must have edit access to the primary record and delete access to the duplicate record to perform this action.250 SBL-ODS-50250 50.\nPlease try again or contact Customer Care for help.542 SBL-ODS-50542 50. language '%2'.\nPlease try again or contact Customer Care for help. The buscomp '%1'. The buscomp '%1'. field '%2' cannot be modified (it is read-only). Cannot create sales stage translations. No sales method is defined. Immediate list export cannot be resubmitted.637 SBL-ODS-50637 50. Could not retrieve the table definition for business component '%1'. The application encountered an unexpected null value. field '%2'.739 SBL-ODS-50739 464 SBL-ODS-00464 442 SBL-ODS-00442 50.256 SBL-ODS-50256 475 SBL-ODS-00475 ODS ODS 242 SBL-ODS-00242 243 SBL-ODS-00243 244 SBL-ODS-00244 ODS ODS ODS 245 SBL-ODS-00245 50. Your new password must be different from your old password. Password Policy Failure . Value [%1] for field [%2] is invalid.. Parameter not found.Your new password must be different from your user ID and email address. Password Policy Failure . . Valid format is '[email protected] new password cannot contain the prefix '%1'..9) (4) Non-alphanum Password Policy Failure .. 2.260 SBL-ODS-50260 248 SBL-ODS-00248 249 SBL-ODS-00249 250 SBL-ODS-00250 251 SBL-ODS-00251 ODS 252 SBL-ODS-00252 ODS 253 SBL-ODS-00253 254 SBL-ODS-00254 ODS ODS 255 SBL-ODS-00255 256 SBL-ODS-00256 ODS ODS 257 SBL-ODS-00257 ODS 258 SBL-ODS-00258 259 SBL-ODS-00259 50.. All rights reserved. The company name for [%1] matched multiple account records.. Can not find the record to modify.Z) (2) English lowercase characters (a. Password Policy Failure .261 SBL-ODS-50261 260 SBL-ODS-00260 261 SBL-ODS-00261 262 SBL-ODS-00262 50. \tThe sync process was teminated due to invalid XML. This picklist must contain only numeric values.Your new password must contain at least one character from any two of the following groups: (1) English uppercase characters (A.c'.]\r\n Can not find the record to delete. Invalid email address format. Password Policy Failure .. Fail to delete this record. 1. Location: Unmatched PIM Contacts Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 491 SBL-ODS-00491 50. The contact has been associated to Account Name: %2.586 SBL-ODS-50586 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 51 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.z) (3) Numeric characters (0.Message Text Base object inheritance in control object can not be looped! The following fields are required for sales stage %1: %2 Out of memory. At least one value must be added to the picklist.Your new password must be between %1 and %2 characters in length. Accounts created in On Demand:\r\n[These Accounts were created because an Account associated with a Contact in your PIM Device did not match an existing Account in On Demand.\nPlease ensure that all values are numeric. 266 SBL-ODS-50266 50. To remove these records from On Demand.]\r\n The company name for [%1] did not match any account records. this may take a few moments. Please wait. . Location: Unmatched PIM Contacts No matching picklist entry found for On Demand field %1.271 SBL-ODS-50271 50. you must delete them from within On Demand.268 SBL-ODS-50268 50.273 SBL-ODS-50273 50.Message Text %1 not deleted in On Demand:\r\n[These %1 appear to have been deleted in your PIM Device but were not deleted in On Demand. The contact has been associated to Account Name: %2.Proxy Settings Readme File Lead Name Related To More than one matching records are found for PIM sync field [%1] with value [%2].588 SBL-ODS-50588 265 SBL-ODS-00265 266 SBL-ODS-00266 267 SBL-ODS-00267 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 268 SBL-ODS-00268 50. please send the following error message to the customer support for help.267 SBL-ODS-50267 50.\r\n\t%1 Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 263 SBL-ODS-00263 50.585 SBL-ODS-50585 ODS 264 SBL-ODS-00264 50.264 SBL-ODS-50264 50. Please try again later. Synchronizing your data on a regular basis ensures you have the most up-to-date information available in On Demand and in Outlook or Palm device. \tYou have encountered unexpected Siebel Server error. Server is busy. Your company administrator would need to update your permissions to %1 so that you can sync %1. If you keep encountering this error.274 SBL-ODS-50274 269 SBL-ODS-00269 270 SBL-ODS-00270 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 52 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.269 SBL-ODS-50269 50. Reminder to Sync On Demand with Outlook or Palm You do not have permission to sync %1.272 SBL-ODS-50272 50. All rights reserved.270 SBL-ODS-50270 50.263 SBL-ODS-50263 50. Please try again.262 SBL-ODS-50262 ODS ODS 50. Unmatched PIM Contacts Records failed to sync: Records synced with warning: This is a reminder from the %1 system to synchronize your On Demand records with Outlook or Palm device. About Siebel PIM Sync On Demand Completing client installation.265 SBL-ODS-50265 50. Email Address Launch Siebel PIM Sync On Demand Launch the Read Me file Online Manual Password Siebel PIM Sync On Demand . because the Role is currently associated with one or more user. A list layout must be defined with at least one column. All rights reserved. Missing Business Component name in the Adapter Service request Missing Business Object name in the Adapter Service request No Id value specified in the Adapter Service request Parent Business Component "%1" not specified in the Adapter Service request More records found than expected in the Adapter Service request Not all records specified in the Adapter Service request have been found No field values specified in the Adapter Service request Role '%1' cannot be deleted.Message Text Access Denied: You do not have the required access to create a private Smart Call. Please move it to one of the adjacent windows Ambiguous root Business Component "%1" in the Adapter Service request Business Component "%1" specified in the Adapter Service request does not exist in Business Object "%2" Property "%1" has an illegal value: "%2".387 SBL-ODS-50387 50. Please contact your administrator if you feel you have received this message in error.389 SBL-ODS-50389 50. Access Denied: You do not have the required access to create a public Smart Call. Please contact your administrator if you feel you have received this message in error. Specification of field "%1" is illegal in this context. Either the Opportunity or Contact record is missing. The sort column of a list layout must be visible on the list.390 SBL-ODS-50390 271 SBL-ODS-00271 272 SBL-ODS-00272 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 273 SBL-ODS-00273 274 SBL-ODS-00274 ODS ODS 275 SBL-ODS-00275 276 SBL-ODS-00276 277 SBL-ODS-00277 278 SBL-ODS-00278 279 SBL-ODS-00279 280 SBL-ODS-00280 281 SBL-ODS-00281 282 SBL-ODS-00282 283 SBL-ODS-00283 284 SBL-ODS-00284 285 SBL-ODS-00285 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 286 SBL-ODS-00286 287 SBL-ODS-00287 ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 53 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Waiting on someone else List layout supports at most %1 columns. Translation record for specified role already exists.388 SBL-ODS-50388 50. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 447 SBL-ODS-00447 448 SBL-ODS-00448 ODS 50. Step 3: The field %1 is a required field. . Method "%1" is invalid. Cannot create translation record. Role '%1' not found. element id '%2'.418 SBL-ODS-50418 50. . All rights reserved. Uncommitted records at the end of the Adapter Service request Business Object "%1" is not supported by the handler for Business Component "%2" Business Service Method "%1"::"%2" is not supported by the Business Service adapter Unsupported On Demand PIM sync request type Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS ODS 288 SBL-ODS-00288 289 SBL-ODS-00289 290 SBL-ODS-00290 291 SBL-ODS-00291 444 SBL-ODS-00444 ODS ODS ODS 469 SBL-ODS-00469 ODS 445 SBL-ODS-00445 443 SBL-ODS-00443 ODS ODS 292 SBL-ODS-00292 293 SBL-ODS-00293 50. Invalid operation for an account or company configured for Single Sign-On only. The subject "%1" does not exist The business component %1 is not properly configured for multilingual operations.421 SBL-ODS-50421 50.419 SBL-ODS-50419 ODS ODS ODS ODS 50.423 SBL-ODS-50423 50. Please contact your company administrator for more information. They are reserved for use by the application for translation purposes. The subject "%1" has already been registered with the system. Creation of new custom elements is not allowed in languages other then company's default.please choose another. Expected original translations are missing for buscomp '%1'. Could not retrieve the '%1' field definition for buscomp '%2' The language parameter is missing. Values starting and ending with square brackets cannot be used: '%1'. The buscomp '%1' cannot find expected translation for element id '%2'.Message Text Translation record for specified role does not exist. Your company name is incorrect (Company: %1).420 SBL-ODS-50420 50. Your account does not exist or has not been configured for Single Sign-On (User: %1).424 SBL-ODS-50424 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 294 SBL-ODS-00294 295 SBL-ODS-00295 296 SBL-ODS-00296 297 SBL-ODS-00297 ODS ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 54 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. The root Business Component "%1" is not the primary Business Component for Business Object "%2" The business service "%1" does not exist You do not have permission to change the Status or Published fields. Please contact your company administrator for more information.422 SBL-ODS-50422 50. The given External Identifier for Single Sign-On is already being used . Creating quota '%s' with quantity of %d. Inserted quota charge '%s' into the cache.744 SBL-ODS-50744 50. Deleting quota '%s'. An error occurred attempting to charge quota '%1' %2 units. which is not known to the system. Failed to create quota '%1' with available quantity of %2.735 SBL-ODS-50735 50. Renewing lease on quota charge '%s'. Checking quota '%s' for a request to allocate %d units. Initialization of '%1' failed. Releasing quota charge '%s'.Message Text Unsupported On Demand PIM sync object type Handler Service "%1" does not support the request "%2" A workflow rule can only have up to 25 actions The entered event is not valid for the current action Field Name is empty in "Update Field" action Runtime Event Service can not be executed on PostDelete Event Unable to evaluate workflow rule %1 for the following reason: %2 Failed to adjust quota '%1' to a new quantity of %2. Failed to delete quota '%1'. Quota charge '%s' was reclaimed.743 SBL-ODS-50743 50. All rights reserved. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 298 SBL-ODS-00298 299 SBL-ODS-00299 50. Completed successfully. Updated the expiration of quota charge '%s' to %s. Adjusting quota '%s' to a quantity of %d.734 SBL-ODS-50734 500 SBL-ODS-00500 300 SBL-ODS-00300 301 SBL-ODS-00301 302 SBL-ODS-00302 303 SBL-ODS-00303 304 SBL-ODS-00304 305 SBL-ODS-00305 306 SBL-ODS-00306 307 SBL-ODS-00307 308 SBL-ODS-00308 309 SBL-ODS-00309 310 SBL-ODS-00310 311 SBL-ODS-00311 312 SBL-ODS-00312 313 SBL-ODS-00313 314 SBL-ODS-00314 315 SBL-ODS-00315 316 SBL-ODS-00316 317 SBL-ODS-00317 318 SBL-ODS-00318 319 SBL-ODS-00319 320 SBL-ODS-00320 321 SBL-ODS-00321 322 SBL-ODS-00322 Web Services Error Codes 55 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Removed quota charge '%s' from the cache. An error occurred attempting to renew the lease on quota charge '%1'. An error occurred attempting to release the quota charge '%1'. An error occurred attempting to release quota charge '%1'. An operation specified the quota charge '%1'. An error occurred attempting to create a new quota charge. An operation specified the quota '%1'. . REQUEST DENIED: Quota '%1' does not have sufficient available quota. which is not known to the system. 443 SBL-ODS-50443 333 SBL-ODS-00333 50.426 SBL-ODS-50426 50. please modify the existing record to ensure that the field values are unique. An operation specified the organization '%1'. Parent '%1' is in deleted items. Please restore the parent first. Releasing session quota for quota charge '%s' Generated quota key '%s' for organization '%s'.444 SBL-ODS-50444 50.428 SBL-ODS-50428 ODS ODS ODS 50. The record you are trying to restore from the recycle bin has the same values as a record that already exists. This record can not be deleted. . which is either not active or not web services enabled. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 323 SBL-ODS-00323 324 SBL-ODS-00324 ODS 325 SBL-ODS-00325 326 SBL-ODS-00326 327 SBL-ODS-00327 328 SBL-ODS-00328 329 SBL-ODS-00329 330 SBL-ODS-00330 331 SBL-ODS-00331 332 SBL-ODS-00332 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 50. An error occurred attempting to lookup the session limit for the organization '%1'.446 SBL-ODS-50446 334 SBL-ODS-00334 335 SBL-ODS-00335 50. You only have read-only access to this field. All rights reserved. An operation specified the organization '%1'.427 SBL-ODS-50427 50.445 SBL-ODS-50445 50. Did not set value %1 for field %2. Checking session limit for organization '%s'. including: %2 Warning Message Failed to write record because a value was missing for required field %1.447 SBL-ODS-50447 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 336 SBL-ODS-00336 ODS Web Services Error Codes 56 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.Message Text A database operation could not be completed because the maximum number of retries has been exceeded. Synchronizing all web services session quotas with the session limits set in the organization profiles.442 SBL-ODS-50442 50. Created session quota charge '%s' against organization '%s'. %1 Log File\r\n\r\nUser's Email Address: %2\r\nDate of last sync session: %3\r\n\r\n Calendars Contacts Tasks Parent '%1' doesn't exist in the database. If you want to restore this record. Creating session quota for organization '%s' with a limit of %d sessions.429 SBL-ODS-50429 ODS 50. You do not have visibility to this field. Did not set value %1 for field %2. which is not known to the system. The following characters in the [%1] field were replaced with a question mark when sent to your PIM: %2 Several characters in the [%1] field were replaced with a question mark when sent to your PIM. . Invalid Time Zone. please use a different company name or location to signup! Failed to send email to "%1". All rights reserved. You cannot generate a password for an inactive user Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 50. "%1" is being used more than once in your sign up. Please use a different user ID to sign up. and try again. To link this solution to this service request. Company [%1] in location [%2] already exists. A request to the Transaction Queue is already in progress for your company. Please enter a valid time zone. change the status of the service request to reopen it. Please use a different email address to sign up.633 SBL-ODS-50633 458 SBL-ODS-00458 457 SBL-ODS-00457 470 SBL-ODS-00470 456 SBL-ODS-00456 455 SBL-ODS-00455 474 SBL-ODS-00474 454 SBL-ODS-00454 453 SBL-ODS-00453 452 SBL-ODS-00452 337 SBL-ODS-00337 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 342 SBL-ODS-00342 ODS 343 SBL-ODS-00343 344 SBL-ODS-00344 345 SBL-ODS-00345 ODS ODS ODS 346 SBL-ODS-00346 ODS 476 SBL-ODS-00476 ODS 463 SBL-ODS-00463 486 SBL-ODS-00486 ODS ODS 50. You must wait for that request to complete. Please refer to the latest version of the On Demand Web Services Guide for a list of supported record types Access to Folder/Web group %1 is denied Authentication Error Authentication Error Folder %1 is not found Web group %1 is not found Account %1 is invalid SOAP call failed because of other reasons The request to Analytics SOAP server %1 timed out The Analytics SOAP server %1 is not available You cannot link a solution to a closed service request. "%1" is already being used by another user. Please make the changes and try again. "%1" is being used more than once in your sign up. Each Siebel CRM On Demand user must have a separate and unique user ID. Please make the changes and try again.628 SBL-ODS-50628 347 SBL-ODS-00347 ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 57 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. "%1" is already being used by another user. Accepting the Terms of Use is required to continue. Each Siebel CRM On Demand user must have a separate and unique email address. please make sure you use an valid email address.Message Text The provided record type is not currently supported by the merge operation. A record type cannot be both the parent and the child of the same record type. 362 SBL-ODS-00362 363 SBL-ODS-00363 ODS ODS 364 SBL-ODS-00364 ODS 50. Web service usage log facility was not properly initialized and usage logging is disabled for this session: no corresponding login entry is found for user '%1'. Please contact your Siebel CRM On Demand Sales Representative to discuss licensing options. if account A is the parent of account B. please use Impersonate User with a user having sufficient privileges. .448 SBL-ODS-50448 ODS %1 added the following values to the picklist for field '%2': Value = '%3' Unable to accept import request because you already have a pending request for the same type of import. Please reduce the length of the field name and verify that none of the other field names exceed the limit of %2 characters before continuing with your import. The field name '%1' in your CSV file exceeds the maximum length allowed for a field name. Please make sure that the header contains field names. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS ODS 50. Instead. Web service usage logging internal error: '%1' The transcode facility was not able to convert the output stream into a string. Not allowed to perform a data import or export when using Impersonate Admin. As a result.Message Text A manager cannot report to a subordinate who all reports to them in the hieararchy You have exceeded the number of licenses for your company. error messages in the current Web Service invocation cannot be logged. The selected file is not a valid data file. Error changing record owner for the following record(s): The selected data file contains a blank field in the header. All rights reserved. %1 was unable to import the row due to the following error: The fields '%2' and '%3' failed the cascading picklist validation. For example.653 SBL-ODS-50653 ODS 365 SBL-ODS-00365 366 SBL-ODS-00366 ODS ODS 367 SBL-ODS-00367 ODS Web Services Error Codes 58 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.557 SBL-ODS-50557 348 SBL-ODS-00348 349 SBL-ODS-00349 350 SBL-ODS-00350 ODS ODS 351 SBL-ODS-00351 ODS 352 SBL-ODS-00352 ODS 50. Please select a valid data file and try again. organization id '%2'. then account B cannot be the parent of account A. Value '%1' for import field '%2' was an invalid format for the %3 field '%4'. %1 field '%2' was not specified. The correct format is '%5'. All rights reserved. Unable to initialize CSV reader. . WARNING: Duplicates are found and the import process has created the following additional records: A duplicate has been found. please ensure that the field values are unique. but other field values were imported for this record. This value was not imported.Message Text The selected data file only contains your field names. The import process will overwrite this record. Valid format for this field is 'a@b. Please contact your customer representative. This value was not imported. An error occurred during import. Please make sure that it also contains your data. but other field values were imported for this record. We could not properly validate your file due to an internal error. Please note that you have mapped the following Siebel CRM On Demand fields more than once: The following records failed to be imported because an error has occurred when checking for duplicates: A record that contains identical values to the record you have created already exists. The import process will ignore this record. The value for the currency field exceeded the 15digit limit. This value was not imported. A duplicate has been found. Value '%1' for import field '%2' was an invalid format for the Siebel CRM On Demand field '%3'. The default %3 value was applied to this field. This record was not imported. This value was not imported.453 SBL-ODS-50453 369 SBL-ODS-00369 370 SBL-ODS-00370 ODS ODS ODS 371 SBL-ODS-00371 ODS 372 SBL-ODS-00372 ODS 373 SBL-ODS-00373 ODS 374 SBL-ODS-00374 375 SBL-ODS-00375 376 SBL-ODS-00376 377 SBL-ODS-00377 ODS ODS ODS ODS 378 SBL-ODS-00378 379 SBL-ODS-00379 ODS ODS 380 SBL-ODS-00380 381 SBL-ODS-00381 ODS ODS 382 SBL-ODS-00382 ODS Web Services Error Codes 59 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. and the following record(s) were not imported: Value '%1' for import field '%2' was an invalid format for the %3 field '%4'. The '%1' '%2' was after the '%3' '%4' for this record. We are sorry to the inconvenience. but other field values were imported for this record. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 368 SBL-ODS-00368 50. If you would like to enter a new record.c'. An unexpected error occurred during the import of the following row: '%1' The value '%1' for import field '%2' cannot be set when the value of %3 field '%4' is not: '%5'. Please make sure that the corresponding user is valid and then reimport the following records: Did not process the import request because the request status is invalid: ‘%1’ More than one associated '%1' record exists with value '%2' for the import field '%3'. Since this information is part of the unique identifier for %4 imports. the record has been rejected. we cannot proceed with your import request.551 SBL-ODS-50551 ODS ODS 50. with value of ‘%2’. You may need to create a new User Sign In ID or check the spelling of the one specified and then re-import this record. User Sign In ID '%1' specified for Owner is not valid. . the record has been rejected. Please contact your customer service representative. Due to an internal error. Please enter a value that is '%4'.456 SBL-ODS-50456 386 SBL-ODS-00386 ODS ODS 387 SBL-ODS-00387 ODS 50. Business Component field definition for field '%1' is invalid. You may want to update the multi-select picklist values for field '%3' Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 383 SBL-ODS-00383 384 SBL-ODS-00384 504 SBL-ODS-00504 ODS ODS 385 SBL-ODS-00385 ODS 50.454 SBL-ODS-50454 50.Message Text Value '%1' for import field '%2' was too long for the %3 field '%4'. Since this information is part of the unique identifier for %4 imports.457 SBL-ODS-50457 50. The request cannot be deleted because it is currently being processed. Owner External ID value '%1' does not correspond to a valid user. This value was not imported.550 SBL-ODS-50550 ODS 388 SBL-ODS-00388 501 SBL-ODS-00501 ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 60 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.455 SBL-ODS-50455 495 SBL-ODS-00495 ODS ODS ODS 50. Please note that you have not mapped the following data file fields: The value '%1' for field '%2' is required to be '%3'. %3 imported the field value up to the field length limit. but other field values were imported for this record. An associated '%1' record with value '%2' for the import field '%3' could not be found. An unexpected error occurred during the import of field ‘%1’. %1 was unable to import the multi-select picklist values '%2' because one or more of its values did not belong to the set of available values. All rights reserved. At least one of the following fields need to be mapped for a Notes Import: %1 was unable to import the value '%2' for import field '%3' because the value '%4' does not match the pre-defined. The value '%1' for import field '%2' does not fall within the range of '%3 . uneditable picklist values of the %1 field '%5'. uneditable picklist values of the %1 field '%5'. but other field values were imported for this record. Unable to resubmit the request. This value was not imported. This value was not imported.459 SBL-ODS-50459 ODS 396 SBL-ODS-00396 ODS 397 SBL-ODS-00397 ODS Web Services Error Codes 61 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. A new account was created with the following name:'%1'. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 389 SBL-ODS-00389 50. No matching record is found for import field '%1' with value '%2'. No matching record has been found.458 SBL-ODS-50458 ODS 471 SBL-ODS-00471 390 SBL-ODS-00390 391 SBL-ODS-00391 ODS ODS ODS 392 SBL-ODS-00392 ODS 393 SBL-ODS-00393 ODS 50. The import process failed to find the specified parent account. Unable to import the record because multiple duplicated records are found in the database. but other field values were imported for this record. Please correct the value with one from the predefined picklist values and perform the imp %1 was unable to import the value '%2' for import field '%3' because the value '%4' does not match the pre-defined. Unable to resubmit the request. The import process will ignore this record. You have not mapped the Owner field. It appears that the request is currently being processed.578 SBL-ODS-50578 ODS 394 SBL-ODS-00394 ODS 395 SBL-ODS-00395 ODS 50. The request has already been processed successfully. The %3 field '%4' was not updated.%4' for %5 field '%6'. . The %3 field '%4' was not updated. all new records will be assigned to you. Value '%1' for import field '%2' was out of numeric range for the Siebel CRM On Demand field '%3'. but other field values were imported for this record. If you do not map this field. All rights reserved. but other field values were imported for this record.Message Text More than one matching record is found for the import field '%1' with value '%2'. An error occurred while creating an associated record for Siebel CRM On Demand field '%1'. . An error occurred while creating an associated record for Siebel CRM On Demand field '%1'. Unable to set picklist value '%1' of import field '%2' for the %3 field '%4'. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 398 SBL-ODS-00398 399 SBL-ODS-00399 ODS 400 SBL-ODS-00400 ODS 401 SBL-ODS-00401 ODS 402 SBL-ODS-00402 ODS 50.750 SBL-ODS-50750 ODS 403 SBL-ODS-00403 ODS 404 SBL-ODS-00404 ODS 405 SBL-ODS-00405 50. The value for %1 field '%4' could not be imported. All rights reserved. An error occurred while reloading the record counts for crash recovery. the value '%2' prevented the associated record from being created. the record could not be saved due to an internal error. An error occurred while creating an associated record for Siebel CRM On Demand field '%1'. An error occurred while creating an associated record for Siebel CRM On Demand field '%1'. The value for Siebel CRM On Demand field '%2' could not be imported.460 SBL-ODS-50460 406 SBL-ODS-00406 407 SBL-ODS-00407 ODS ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 62 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. the value '%3' already exists. The picklist value '%1' is currently disabled. the value '%2' does not match any value in the pre-defined picklist. the value '%2' was too long. You need to map the following required fields for Siebel CRM On Demand: Unable to import the record because required fields are empty. The value for Siebel CRM On Demand field '%3' could not be imported. The value '%4' does not match the pre-defined picklist values of the %1 field '%5'. The value for Siebel CRM On Demand field '%3' could not be imported. %1 was unable to import the value '%2' for import field '%3'. Unable to set picklist value '%1' of import field '%2' for the %3 field '%4'. The value for Siebel CRM On Demand field '%3' could not be imported. You may want to update the picklist values of the %1 field '%6'.Message Text An error occurred while creating an associated record for %1 field '%2'. %3 picklist values must be 30 characters or less in length. Unable to accept import request because the import quota has been exceeded. Error setting address fields for parent record. and try importing again.463 SBL-ODS-50463 50.462 SBL-ODS-50462 50.Message Text Import field '%1' had a blank value for the required %2 field '%3'. Unable to save changes to the existing record. Error saving changes to the following record(s): Failed to create field mapping file. This record was not imported. Duplicate Records: Duplicate Records Ignored: Duplicate Records Overwritten: ERROR: Failed: Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS 408 SBL-ODS-00408 409 SBL-ODS-00409 ODS 410 SBL-ODS-00410 411 SBL-ODS-00411 412 SBL-ODS-00412 ODS ODS ODS 413 SBL-ODS-00413 ODS 414 SBL-ODS-00414 415 SBL-ODS-00415 ODS ODS 416 SBL-ODS-00416 ODS 50.465 SBL-ODS-50465 50. Unable to set value for the %1 field '%2'. This record was not imported.461 SBL-ODS-50461 417 SBL-ODS-00417 ODS ODS 418 SBL-ODS-00418 ODS 419 SBL-ODS-00419 50. Unable to set value '%1' of import field '%2' for the %3 field '%4'. Please press the Previous button and split the current data file into multiple files. Please contact your %1 Sales Representative to discuss licensing options. Value '%1' for import field '%2' was truncated to %3 characters when imported to the %4 field '%5'. All rights reserved. Unable to import record. This record was not imported. Error setting address fields. Please make sure these fields contain proper values.467 SBL-ODS-50467 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 63 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. The data file exceeds the limit of %1 records. Please enter desired values for the required fields and re-import this record.466 SBL-ODS-50466 50. each with no more than %1 records. The selected record has been modified by another user since it was retrieved. . Unable to retrieve user information: '%1' Unable to import the following user records because the number of active users has exceeded the number of licenses for your company. Please make sure that the parent record is valid and you have permission to modify the parent record. Unable to create parent record.464 SBL-ODS-50464 50. Please enter desired values for the required fields and re-import this record. Unable to set parent context for this record. Import field '%1' had an invalid value for the required %2 field '%3'. The following %1 field(s) are required to mark a lead as '%3': %4. Please contact %2.True/False . The field mappings have been validated.473 SBL-ODS-50473 50. Y/N . The data file has been validated. Only Forecast owners can update their Forecasts.470 SBL-ODS-50470 50. Siebel CRM On Demand will expect that all date values appear in the form '%2'. Some records may have been processed more than once. Please contact the Forecast owner to make an update.Message Text GENERAL ERRORS GENERAL WARNINGS Line %1 No Matching Records Ignored: Partially Imported: RECORD: RECORD-SPECIFIC ERRORS RECORD-SPECIFIC WARNINGS Successfully Imported: IMPORT SUMMARY Total Records: WARNING: You have selected the format '%1' for the date values in your CSV.479 SBL-ODS-50479 50.474 SBL-ODS-50474 50.476 SBL-ODS-50476 50.468 SBL-ODS-50468 50.471 SBL-ODS-50471 50. This lead has already been converted to opportunity %1. A new log file will be generated when it resumes. An internal error occurred loading log message (%1).480 SBL-ODS-50480 50. Your import request resumed after experiencing a technical difficulty.T/F 1/0 Please update the field value(s) and re-import just this record with the 'Overwrite Existing Record' option. .469 SBL-ODS-50469 50. The business component specified in the layout is invalid. Your request has been completed. Using the current date and time as an example. Your import request was temporarily interrupted due to a technical difficulty. The Between operation requires two values in the list of values Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 50. All rights reserved.477 SBL-ODS-50477 421 SBL-ODS-00421 50.481 SBL-ODS-50481 ODS ODS ODS ODS 484 SBL-ODS-00484 483 SBL-ODS-00483 482 SBL-ODS-00482 ODS ODS ODS 481 SBL-ODS-00481 ODS 422 SBL-ODS-00422 ODS 505 SBL-ODS-00505 423 SBL-ODS-00423 429 SBL-ODS-00429 ODS ODS ODS 430 SBL-ODS-00430 431 SBL-ODS-00431 ODS ODS Web Services Error Codes 64 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Please see %1 for reference.475 SBL-ODS-50475 50. Manage Integration Event Queue You can not edit or delete this record because you have read-only access.478 SBL-ODS-50478 50.472 SBL-ODS-50472 420 SBL-ODS-00420 50.Checked/Unchecked .548 SBL-ODS-50548 50. 530 SBL-ODS-50530 50. Please try again. Please try again. Use the search wildcard "*" or put quotation marks around your keywords.002 SBL-ODU-50002 ODU Web Services Error Codes 65 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. or invalid commands. Another Integration Event request is being processed. Search is in progress.716 SBL-ODS-50716 496 SBL-ODS-00496 497 SBL-ODS-00497 ODS 434 SBL-ODS-00434 ODS 435 SBL-ODS-00435 ODS 436 SBL-ODS-00436 ODS 50. such as ".483 SBL-ODS-50483 437 SBL-ODS-00437 438 SBL-ODS-00438 439 SBL-ODS-00439 440 SBL-ODS-00440 506 SBL-ODS-00506 ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 50.. If the problem persists. The operation %1 is not supported in this context. Please use Show Values to verify that all your filter values are correct.531 SBL-ODS-50531 50. The "From:" Date must occur before the "To:" Date." or ")". Access Denied. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS ODS 432 SBL-ODS-00432 477 SBL-ODS-00477 433 SBL-ODS-00433 50. System is unable to complete your search. Please correct and try your search again.715 SBL-ODS-50715 50.527 SBL-ODS-50527 50. Please select another operation.528 SBL-ODS-50528 50. Please reassign a different layout to those roles before deleting this layout. such as "NOT".Message Text Contains operations require at least one value in the list of values Invalid Filter Value.532 SBL-ODS-50532 50.. Your search included invalid symbols. '%1' not found in %2. Only one Integration Event request is allowed. No rows returned from search for this object. You have read-only access to this record. then contact customer service. Load Request Completed Load Request Error Successfully Loaded: LOAD SUMMARY %1 Default Access Profile Load File Name Load Type Did not process the export request because the request status is invalid: '%1' %1 Owner Access Profile The layout is currently assigned to one or more Dynamic Layouts. System is busy. Please reassign a different layout to those Dynamic Layouts before deleting this layout.535 SBL-ODS-50535 50. .544 SBL-ODS-50544 50. and try again. The layout is currently assigned to one or more Roles. Click Cancel button or Back link to continue. The date range you entered was invalid. Please select at least one record type. All rights reserved. 903 SBL-ODU-56903 56. You cannot discard an email that has already been discarded or wrapped up You are not currently connected to Siebel Call Center On Demand.843 SBL-ODU-56843 56.842 SBL-ODU-56842 56. Please wait to attempt this action again until you have established a connection. records that are not already associated with the |Book~Singular| being removed are skipped. {0}Helpful Hints on Using {1}{2}: {0}: The specified |Book~Singular| is removed from the selected records. All rights reserved. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODU 56. {0}: The specified |Book~Singular| (at the top) is added while the |Book~Singular| specified next to this assignment option is removed from the selected records. \''{0}\'' determines the records to which the specified assignment option will apply.419 SBL-ODU-51419 51.418 SBL-ODU-51418 51. Call Center On Demand |Activity~Singular| List The Call Center On Demand Email cannot be found. {0}: The specified |Book~Singular| is added and existing |Book~Plural| of the same |Book~Singular| type are removed from the selected records. Instruction for the Call Center On Demand |Activity~Plural| List view. {0}: The specified |Book~Singular| is added and all existing |Book~Plural| of any |Book~Singular| type are removed from the selected records.422 SBL-ODU-51422 249 SBL-ODU-00249 ODU ODU ODU Web Services Error Codes 66 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.902 SBL-ODU-56902 56. This |Activity~Singular| has already been wrapped up.900 SBL-ODU-56900 ODU 56.901 SBL-ODU-56901 ODU 51.Message Text Select a |Book~Singular| and specify assignment and \''{0}\'' options. Manual Association affects records that are manually a {0}: The specified |Book~Singular| is added to the selected records. . When removing or replacing |Book~Plural|.. Please contact your Administrator to have this issue resolved with CRM On Demand Customer Support.898 SBL-ODU-56898 56.899 SBL-ODU-56899 ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU 56..421 SBL-ODU-51421 51. {0}: All |Book~Plural| currently associated are removed from the selected records.420 SBL-ODU-51420 ODU ODU ODU 51. Contact your Administrator if you continue to experience problems. please contact your company administrator to reset your password.547 SBL-ODU-51547 ODU 51. selection is correct as this will impact the company's financial reporting and time-based analyses. This alert has been sent to you by your company The download link is currently unavailable. Please contact your Administrator to have this issue resolved with CRM On Demand Customer Support. Please contact your Administrator to enable your account.509 SBL-ODU-52509 52.889 SBL-ODU-51889 ODU ODU 52. If you still cannot sign-in to your account after repeated attempts. Invalid Web Link URL definition for field %1.423 SBL-ODU-51423 128 SBL-ODU-00128 51. Your account is disabled. Your Siebel CRM On Demand account has been closed.545 SBL-ODU-51545 ODU ODU 51.Message Text The Call Center On Demand dashboard cannot be found. Your account is locked out due to too many sign in attempts.510 SBL-ODU-52510 152 SBL-ODU-00152 153 SBL-ODU-00153 154 SBL-ODU-00154 ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU 155 SBL-ODU-00155 ODU 156 SBL-ODU-00156 ODU Web Services Error Codes 67 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Your account is locked out due to too many sign in attempts. please contact Customer Care for assistance. Any fields noted as read-only below indicate you do not have edit privileges to change these field values. In order to continue using the service. That account does not have permission to sign in to this application. . Once saved this information cannot be modified. Please try again later or contact your Administrator.546 SBL-ODU-51546 ODU 51. Your New Password Must Be Different Than Your Old Password Please ensure that the company's <span style=\"font-weight:bold\">{0}</span> selection is correct as this will impact the company's financial reporting and time-based analyses. Please contact your company administrator to reset your password. Once saved this information cannot be modified. please contact your Siebel CRM On Demand sales representative. Invalid Web Link Display value for field %1. All rights reserved.548 SBL-ODU-51548 51. Please wait {0} and try again. If you would like to change these values. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODU 51. All rights reserved.635 SBL-ODU-52635 ODU ODU 52. Please close your browser and try again. Please contact your company administrator. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODU 241 SBL-ODU-00241 240 SBL-ODU-00240 ODU 157 SBL-ODU-00157 ODU 158 SBL-ODU-00158 ODU 159 SBL-ODU-00159 52. Please contact your designated administrator and ask them to sign in and accept the Te Your session has timed out due to inactivity. Your current password has expired. Your free 30 day Siebel CRM On Demand trial has expired. Your password has expired. Contact your company's Siebel CRM On Demand Administrator or Customer Care for details. Please change your password online and attempt to sign in again.Message Text You are not authorized to use Single Sign-On with your account (User: {0}). Your password is temporary and must be changed. Your company policy dictates that you may not sign in from your current network location. Please change your password online and attempt to sign in again. . and try again. or there was an error with your authentication.638 SBL-ODU-52638 ODU ODU 161 SBL-ODU-00161 ODU 162 SBL-ODU-00162 163 SBL-ODU-00163 ODU ODU 52. Your company has not yet accepted the Terms Of Use Agreement. You have not been granted Internal Admin Impersonation access to this account. You are not authorized to sign in through this page. please contact your Siebel CRM On Demand sales representative. or contact your company administrator for more information. Both a user sign in ID and a password must be given. Please go to your company's portal page. This agreement must be accepted by your company's designated administrator before other users can sign in.639 SBL-ODU-52639 ODU Web Services Error Codes 68 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.634 SBL-ODU-52634 ODU ODU 160 SBL-ODU-00160 52. Make sure your CapsLock key is off. Please try again later or contact Customer Care for more information. Please contact your company administrator for more information. Unknown user sign in ID or password. Please contact your company administrator. In order to continue using the service. Unknown Sign In error.637 SBL-ODU-52637 52. Either the server is currently unavailable. Your current password is temporary.636 SBL-ODU-52636 ODU 52. Possibly the database name is invalid.. Please sign in using your new credentials. Please continue or contact your systems administrator if the problem persists. The business object \"{0}\" is not valid The method name \"{0}\" is not valid The row id \"{0}\" is not valid The method target name \"{0}\" is not valid Missing required target for method \"{0}\" \"{0}\" is not available on this page Too many context business objects were defined on the URL Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU 164 SBL-ODU-00164 52.659 SBL-ODU-52659 52.641 SBL-ODU-52641 52. Please wait 10 minutes before attempting to reconnect..643 SBL-ODU-52643 52.657 SBL-ODU-52657 56. and the Email address of the User you would like to impersonate.648 SBL-ODU-52648 ODU ODU 52. Sign In Error: Customer Care Click here to sign your company up for a free 30 day trial! Trial{0}Sign{0}Up The Siebel CRM OnDemand Service is not responding.650 SBL-ODU-52650 52. Please wait while we reconnect your session.642 SBL-ODU-52642 52. Sign In Your session has timed out due to inactivity.817 SBL-ODU-56817 52. All rights reserved. A SqlServer database error has occurred.652 SBL-ODU-52652 52. Please contact your Administrator if sign in problems persist.646 SBL-ODU-52646 52.660 SBL-ODU-52660 ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU 166 SBL-ODU-00166 ODU 167 SBL-ODU-00167 168 SBL-ODU-00168 169 SBL-ODU-00169 170 SBL-ODU-00170 171 SBL-ODU-00171 172 SBL-ODU-00172 173 SBL-ODU-00173 ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU Web Services Error Codes 69 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Password: Remember My User Sign In ID Session No Longer Active Please enter your user sign in ID and password to access your account.649 SBL-ODU-52649 56.426 SBL-ODU-56426 52.653 SBL-ODU-52653 52. Sign In failed with Internal Administration Sign In Your User Sign In ID: Impersonatee User Sign In ID: Your Password: Company Admin Impersonation Sign In Please enter your Email Address and Password.Message Text Internal Error: Unknown result code Your account has been renamed.640 SBL-ODU-52640 165 SBL-ODU-00165 52. A database error occurred.654 SBL-ODU-52654 52. and the Email address of the company administrator you would like to impersonate. User Impersonation Sign In Please enter your Email Address and Password.647 SBL-ODU-52647 52. .645 SBL-ODU-52645 52.658 SBL-ODU-52658 52.644 SBL-ODU-52644 52.651 SBL-ODU-52651 52. Error in the business logic server. Unable to read user information.674 SBL-ODU-52674 52. This view is not accessible. Max size allowed is {0} MB.673 SBL-ODU-52673 181 SBL-ODU-00181 182 SBL-ODU-00182 183 SBL-ODU-00183 184 SBL-ODU-00184 185 SBL-ODU-00185 186 SBL-ODU-00186 187 SBL-ODU-00187 188 SBL-ODU-00188 189 SBL-ODU-00189 190 SBL-ODU-00190 191 SBL-ODU-00191 192 SBL-ODU-00192 193 SBL-ODU-00193 194 SBL-ODU-00194 195 SBL-ODU-00195 196 SBL-ODU-00196 197 SBL-ODU-00197 198 SBL-ODU-00198 199 SBL-ODU-00199 200 SBL-ODU-00200 201 SBL-ODU-00201 202 SBL-ODU-00202 203 SBL-ODU-00203 204 SBL-ODU-00204 205 SBL-ODU-00205 52. Error communicating with the business logic server. Error connecting to the business logic server.675 SBL-ODU-52675 206 SBL-ODU-00206 Web Services Error Codes 70 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Contact your company administrator for access. Contact your company administrator for access. . Element is not found! Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU 174 SBL-ODU-00174 175 SBL-ODU-00175 176 SBL-ODU-00176 177 SBL-ODU-00177 178 SBL-ODU-00178 179 SBL-ODU-00179 180 SBL-ODU-00180 52. This screen is not accessible. All rights reserved. Error constructing the request for the business logic server. The file you uploaded is too large. Can't find {0} Duplicated @ Must not be empty Error Exceeds Field Limit of 15 Digits Valid email required Invalid value A malformed URL was detected Missing @ Missing dot No characters after dot No characters before @ No characters between @ and dot No characters between dots Must be between {0} and {1} Unable to parse \"{0}\" due to a system error Must be less than {0} characters Must be more than {0} characters An error occurred processing this command.Message Text Too many methods were defined on the URL Too many instances of a context row id were defined on the URL Too many method targets were defined on the URL The control \"{0}\" does not support the method \"{1}\" The method \"{0}\" is not supported by this page The method target \"{0}\" is not supported by this page Unable to format \"{0}\" due to a system error Validation Error: Input file is empty or not found. 732 SBL-ODU-56732 254 SBL-ODU-00254 255 SBL-ODU-00255 256 SBL-ODU-00256 257 SBL-ODU-00257 56.876 SBL-ODU-52876 52. ..007 SBL-ODU-57007 252 SBL-ODU-00252 52. An error occurred while communicating with the server. Please try again. You must have at least one record to perform mass update Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODU 52.722 SBL-ODU-56722 56. <Custom Field> Are you sure you want to remove the current value? Expanding. The field %1 is read-only. Error! Mistmatched name/value arrays Close You must select at least one displayed value before continuing.748 SBL-ODU-55748 ODU Web Services Error Codes 71 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Your edit requires you to fill out another field. The requested operation has timed out. There are no records in the list. Invalid text length: This field only accepts %1 characters. Invalid data format: Please use the format %1. You can change the number of records displayed by using the control at the bottom of the page. An error occurred while expanding the applet. Please try again.Message Text The record you are trying to access has been deleted or has been assigned a new owner and you no longer have access to it... Click to edit the value.159 SBL-ODU-56159 ODU ODU ODU ODU 56. This field is required: Please specify a value. You can Mass Update up to 50 records at a time. If you continue to have problems contact your Siebel CRM On Demand The requested operation has encountered an error.723 SBL-ODU-56723 ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU 258 SBL-ODU-00258 259 SBL-ODU-00259 260 SBL-ODU-00260 56..478 SBL-ODU-56478 253 SBL-ODU-00253 52. Please reduce the number of records displayed on the list page to 50 before proceeding.878 SBL-ODU-52878 52. Please try again. If you deleted the record. You have left the values for some of the fields empty. An error occurred while collapsing the applet.688 SBL-ODU-52688 251 SBL-ODU-00251 57.160 SBL-ODU-56160 ODU 55.877 SBL-ODU-52877 56. All rights reserved. it may be accessed in Deleted Items. Processing.879 SBL-ODU-52879 56. Proceeding will clear any existing values for those fields on the records you have selected.\nWould you like to navigate to the Edit page to make both changes? Invalid data format. 886 SBL-ODU-52886 ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU 56.048 SBL-ODU-50048 ODU ODU ODU ODU 52.887 SBL-ODU-52887 52. Please try again later.889 SBL-ODU-52889 57. Show full list. select landscape orientation from your printer preferences Remove Server is busy. Checking 'Mark for Translation' overwrites both the 'Display Name' and 'Field Validation Error Message' in all other languages.944 SBL-ODU-55944 55.924 SBL-ODU-52924 ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU 52. Are you sure you want to continue? An error occurred while navigating to a new page. Print To maximize the page layout when printing.167 SBL-ODU-57167 57. Are you sure you want to delete this action? Are you sure you want to delete this workflow and its related actions? Record type must be selected before defining a workflow rule.161 SBL-ODU-56161 55.976 SBL-ODU-56976 56. It is recommended that you do not enable this option unless you understand the Error! Mistmatched name/value arrays Manage Lists.881 SBL-ODU-52881 52.Message Text You must select at least one record to update before proceeding The selected primary and duplicate records cannot be the same. Please try again. .742 SBL-ODU-56742 52.470 SBL-ODU-57470 262 SBL-ODU-00262 52. You must select a primary and duplicate record in order to proceed. Element is not found! You must select at least one field to update before proceeding Warning: Allowing users to open |Attachment~Plural| directly from the application (instead of first saving them to disk and then opening) can expose users to security risks.164 SBL-ODU-57164 261 SBL-ODU-00261 52. {0}Equal to{1}: returns records that exactly match the {2}one{3} value defined in the filter (comma separators do not apply). All rights reserved.883 SBL-ODU-52883 52.942 SBL-ODU-55942 50.943 SBL-ODU-55943 57.882 SBL-ODU-52882 52.925 SBL-ODU-52925 ODU Web Services Error Codes 72 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Condition cannot be used with selected field. Field: Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODU ODU ODU ODU 56.880 SBL-ODU-52880 55.888 SBL-ODU-52888 52.884 SBL-ODU-52884 52. The value for field 'End Time' is required to be '>= Start Time' Invalid field/condition selection. View Calendar.885 SBL-ODU-52885 52. Use the rows in the following table to create one or more filters for your new list.938 SBL-ODU-52938 52. separate multiple items with a comma (for example: John.241 SBL-ODU-56241 ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU 56.934 SBL-ODU-52934 ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU 52.936 SBL-ODU-52936 52. Create List Wizard: Group List {0}{1}Helpful Hints on Using Conditions{2}{3}: Create List Wizard: Households List {0}In the last 90 days{1}: returns records containing a date value in the last 90 days. 55.Message Text Missing information: When specifying a filter.931 SBL-ODU-52931 52.833 SBL-ODU-55833 52. Error: Invalid boolean value specified. choose an optimized field used for your Search Criteria. Select the default sort field and sort order for your custom list. For quicker results. All filter values are case sensitive. The forecast has been displayed in your company's corporate currency instead. The currency you selected does not have a valid exchange rate for this forecast date. .935 SBL-ODU-52935 ODU 52. Unsorted list results are returned the fastest.240 SBL-ODU-56240 ODU Web Services Error Codes 73 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.913 SBL-ODU-55913 52.444 SBL-ODU-57444 56.928 SBL-ODU-52928 52. The forecast is displayed in your company's corporate currency instead. {0}In the next 90 days{1}: returns records containing a date value in the next 90 days.932 SBL-ODU-52932 52. Error: Invalid Date value specified for field \"{0}\" Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODU 55.939 SBL-ODU-52939 57. Sally). All rights reserved.929 SBL-ODU-52929 52.933 SBL-ODU-52933 52. you must complete each filter column including field selection.927 SBL-ODU-52927 52.937 SBL-ODU-52937 ODU ODU Error: Invalid Date/Time value specified for field \"{0}\" Error: Invalid Number value specified for field \"{0}\" Create List Wizard: |Lead~Plural| List Note: Your default currency does not have a valid exchange rate for this forecast date. condition and an appropriate filter value. Create List Wizard: Fund Request List Create List Wizard: Fund List {0}Greater than{1}: returns records containing a value greater than the filter value. In the Filter Value(s) fields.926 SBL-ODU-52926 52.930 SBL-ODU-52930 52. Valid boolean values are 'Y' or 'N'. . please contact the customer support. or cancel this dialog.406 SBL-ODU-53406 55. This link contains an invalid token. (Session is expired). If you keep receiving this message. Please try again later. '{1}' Internal synchronization error.401 SBL-ODU-53401 53. This exceeds the maximum allowed.400 SBL-ODU-53400 53. however.005 SBL-ODU-53005 ODU 53. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODU 53.732 SBL-ODU-55732 ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU 55.402 SBL-ODU-53402 53. At least one value must be selected. Please sign in to On Demand and go to My Your Siebel PIM Sync On Demand software is out-of-date. Can not invoke method '{0}'. Please select an appropriate record. Please try again later. please contact your customer support. No records found.698 SBL-ODU-56698 53. '{1}' Empty HTTP request. Error in method '{0}'.Message Text Your Siebel PIM Sync On Demand software is out-of-date. Malformed XML request. Duplicate Matches Found No Matches Found More than {0} values have been selected.006 SBL-ODU-53006 ODU 56.399 SBL-ODU-53399 53. HTTP request is too big.699 SBL-ODU-56699 56. Please contact your company administrator to reset your password. You have exceeded the number of sign in attempts. If you keep receiving this message. Your Siebel On Demand Sync Server is down at this point.276 SBL-ODU-53276 56.004 SBL-ODU-53004 ODU 53. You must upgrade to the newest version in order to successfully sync. An exact match could not be found.733 SBL-ODU-55733 ODU ODU Web Services Error Codes 74 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.729 SBL-ODU-55729 55. Invalid session. You do not need to upgrade to the newest version to successfully sync. Please sign in to Siebel CRM On Demand and go to MySetup \ Data & Integration Tools \ Siebel PIM Sync On Demand to download the Invalid XML. You will not be able to sign in to the application until this process is completed.697 SBL-ODU-56697 56.403 SBL-ODU-53403 53.768 SBL-ODU-56768 53. This session is already logged in.404 SBL-ODU-53404 53. All rights reserved.405 SBL-ODU-53405 53. Please enter the password sent to you to activate your user account. you may wish to do so to take advantage of |Product~Singular| enhancements.696 SBL-ODU-56696 ODU 56.003 SBL-ODU-53003 53. Your account is now locked.181 SBL-ODU-54181 54. Your session has ended due to a time-out or server error. This page is a placeholder for the Occam Customer Care Site. it means the OCCAM_CUSTOMER_CARE_SITE system property has not been set. You will not be able to sign in to the application until this process is completed. If you see this page. please answer the following questions.022 SBL-ODU-56022 ODU 54.725 SBL-ODU-55725 213 SBL-ODU-00213 ODU ODU 55. Please contact your company administrator to reset your password. You have exceeded this limit. it means the OCCAM_TRAINING_SITE system property has not been set. All rights reserved. Please revise the User ID.179 SBL-ODU-54179 54. Please contact your company administrator for assistance.177 SBL-ODU-54177 ODU 54. Occam Customer Care Site PlaceHolder Sign In Now Marketing Site If you see this page. Password Reset Denied The combined length of Company Sign In ID and the User ID is 50 characters. You have exceeded the number of attempts to answer your security questions.178 SBL-ODU-54178 54. Temporary Access Sign In Either the temporary URL link or the password you received is invalid. You will not be able to sign in to the application until this process is completed. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODU 55.734 SBL-ODU-55734 55. This request was interrupted by another request made by you.731 SBL-ODU-55731 ODU ODU 214 SBL-ODU-00214 ODU 55. The URL you are attempting to access has expired. Please use a different list to perform your download.824 SBL-ODU-55824 212 SBL-ODU-00212 265 SBL-ODU-00265 ODU ODU ODU 56. The answers you provided previously were incorrect. Please try your request again later.180 SBL-ODU-54180 54.730 SBL-ODU-55730 55.Message Text The URL you are attempting to access has expired. .182 SBL-ODU-54182 ODU ODU ODU ODU ODU 268 SBL-ODU-00268 ODU Web Services Error Codes 75 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Please contact your company administrator to reset your password. Please enter the answers to the security questions below to reset your password. Permission to execute web services is not set for the user's organization. left. and try again. System is busy. are not available. The error was: The Siebel Server session was lost.556 SBL-ODU-54556 ODU ODU ODU 223 SBL-ODU-00223 224 SBL-ODU-00224 ODU ODU 55. If problem persists. so we use this message's. [No message here. and could not be recovered.554 SBL-ODU-54554 54.] Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODU 267 SBL-ODU-00267 54. such as ". All rights reserved. The Message Key and #.159 SBL-ODU-55159 ODU 245 SBL-ODU-00245 ODU 232 SBL-ODU-00232 233 SBL-ODU-00233 ODU ODU 234 SBL-ODU-00234 ODU 56. or invalid commands. Please try your request again later. An attempt to parse it produced the following error: {0} The content of elements must consist of wellformed character data or markup. Please try again. Please try again.024 SBL-ODU-56024 ODU 235 SBL-ODU-00235 236 SBL-ODU-00236 ODU ODU Web Services Error Codes 76 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.555 SBL-ODU-54555 54. and could not be recovered. Use the up. . Use the search wildcard "*" or put quotation marks around your keywords. Your search included invalid symbols. however. The value of the header was {0} The HTTP request did not contain well-formed XML.552 SBL-ODU-54552 ODU 54. such as "NOT". This address already exists. and right directional buttons to move {0} fields to the section of the page you want the fields to display." or ")". Please associate the existing address by clicking "Add" or add a new address by clicking "New" and making the address unique. The localized error message is taken from the exception thrown by Occam. System unable to complete search. please contact your system administrator An invalid command was specified: {0} The HTTP request did not contain a valid SOAPAction header. '{0}' not found in {1}. The Siebel Server session was lost.553 SBL-ODU-54553 ODU 54. down. The error was: User credentials have changed. Certain Large Text Box fields cannot be moved in Field Layout.Message Text The server is currently busy processing a prior request for you. The referenced custom web content is no longer available. The content of elements must consist of wellformed character data or markup. contact customer service. 846 SBL-EAI-02846 2. real name is %2 EAI DTD Wizard: Create PCDATA field component. Method '%2' failed: %3 '%1' segment format detected Sending IDOC number: '%1' Request for receiving IDOCs of type: '%1' Allocating new Siebel message for IDOC type: '%1' Request for sending IDOCs of type: '%1' Received IDOC type: '%1'. .842 SBL-EAI-02842 2.150 SBL-EAI-02150 2. root Node is %1 Element: %1 is not defined in DTD file EAI DTD Wizard: Invoke method is %1 EAI DTD Wizard: Create list item %1 EAI DTD Wizard: no memory available at %1 Start to build tree.163 SBL-EAI-02163 2.153 SBL-EAI-02153 2. number: '%2' Parsing '%1' IDOC(s) Received IDOC(s) of type '%1' Receiving raw IDOC(s) Error Message # Error Code Message Facility ODU ODU ODU EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 237 SBL-ODU-00237 238 SBL-ODU-00238 239 SBL-ODU-00239 2.848 SBL-EAI-02848 2.156 SBL-EAI-02156 2.847 SBL-EAI-02847 2.853 SBL-EAI-02853 2.844 SBL-EAI-02844 2.849 SBL-EAI-02849 2. The maximum number of allowed simultaneous sessions has been exceeded.157 SBL-EAI-02157 2. Request exceeded the size limit of {0} KB.161 SBL-EAI-02161 2. name is %1.852 SBL-EAI-02852 2. EAI DTD Wizard: Build tree node %1 EAI DTD Wizard: Create attribute field component.840 SBL-EAI-02840 2. name is %1 EAI DTD Wizard: Create element field component. real name is %2 EAI DTD Wizard: Create component data.845 SBL-EAI-02845 2.841 SBL-EAI-02841 2. PCDATA name is %1 EAI DTD Wizard: Component %1 has bad cardinality EAI DTD Wizard: Cannot build tree.851 SBL-EAI-02851 2.152 SBL-EAI-02152 2. name is %1.151 SBL-EAI-02151 2.855 SBL-EAI-02855 951 SBL-EAI-00951 950 SBL-EAI-00950 954 SBL-EAI-00954 955 SBL-EAI-00955 952 SBL-EAI-00952 953 SBL-EAI-00953 2.Message Text The maximum rate of requests was exceeded. root Node is %1 Start to parse file: %1 Entity: %1 is duplicated Graph has cycle at : %1 Duplicated entity Tree has cycle Parameter 'ReceiverMethodName' must be specified Parameter 'ReceiverServiceName' must be specified Reserved for future use Reserved for future use Unable to load service '%1': %2 Call of Service '%1'. All rights reserved.843 SBL-EAI-02843 2.856 SBL-EAI-02856 2.850 SBL-EAI-02850 2.854 SBL-EAI-02854 2. Please try again in {0} ms.162 SBL-EAI-02162 Web Services Error Codes 77 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. profile was: '%1' Ignored IDOC type: '%1'.111 SBL-EAI-02111 2. Client: '%6'. User: '%7'.108 SBL-EAI-02108 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2.175 SBL-EAI-02175 2. no need to process Data Saved for tRFC Transaction ID '%1' by '%2' service tRFC Transaction ID '%1' is locked for processing by '%2' service tRFC Transaction ID '%1' could not be locked for processing by '%2' service tRFC Transaction ID '%1' is now unlocked by '%2' service Executing with SAPWriteXML = '%1' Timed out while receiving IDOCs IDOC Version Profile unmatched.164 SBL-EAI-02164 2. Continuing processing next integration object instance. Status: '%2'.167 SBL-EAI-02167 2. Internal Status: '%4'.114 SBL-EAI-02114 2. Message: '%3'.\n Non existing column '%1' referenced from table '%2'. System name: '%5'. the value '%2' for field '%3' has thus been changed to '%4' Processing the instance of integration object '%1' with the root component search specification '%2' failed with the following error message: '%3'.169 SBL-EAI-02169 2. number: '%2' 1% 1% RFC error: Key: '%1'.159 SBL-EAI-02159 2. IDOC sent by SAP may not be same version as Integration Object.115 SBL-EAI-02115 2.154 SBL-EAI-02154 2. Language: '%8' Beginning RFC transaction Committing RFC transaction Rolling back RFC transaction Received tRFC Transaction ID: '%1' tRFC Transaction ID '%1' is now committed by '%2' service to Siebel Database tRFC Transaction ID '%1' already completed by another process.165 SBL-EAI-02165 2.109 SBL-EAI-02109 EAI Web Services Error Codes 78 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. . Host name: '%2'.166 SBL-EAI-02166 2.160 SBL-EAI-02160 2.172 SBL-EAI-02172 2. System number: '%4'.168 SBL-EAI-02168 2.171 SBL-EAI-02171 2.174 SBL-EAI-02174 2.104 SBL-EAI-02104 EAI EAI EAI 2.Message Text RFC connection attributes: Destination: '%1'. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 2.173 SBL-EAI-02173 2.170 SBL-EAI-02170 2. Verified modification key field '%1' has value '%2' Business component '%1' allows only ASCII characters. aborting further EAI Siebel Adapter processing. All rights reserved. Partner host name: '%3'.158 SBL-EAI-02158 2.155 SBL-EAI-02155 2. Please verify that configurations of integration object and corresponding business object are both valid and in sync. Operation: '%5' Rollback failed: '%1'.176 SBL-EAI-02176 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2. 759 SBL-EAI-02759 2.740 SBL-EAI-02740 2. .766 SBL-EAI-02766 2.103 SBL-EAI-02103 EAI 2. All rights reserved.105 SBL-EAI-02105 EAI 2.110 SBL-EAI-02110 2.762 SBL-EAI-02762 2.743 SBL-EAI-02743 2.721 SBL-EAI-02721 2. Continuing processing next integration object instance.106 SBL-EAI-02106 EAI 2.767 SBL-EAI-02767 2.760 SBL-EAI-02760 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2.113 SBL-EAI-02113 2.758 SBL-EAI-02758 2. because it's referencing a non-existing picklist Ignoring failed validation of value '%1' by picklist on the field '%2' in integration component '%3' Value '%1' failed validation for non-bounded picklist on the field '%2' in integration component '%3' Non existing table '%1' referenced when retrieving column definition for field '%2'.741 SBL-EAI-02741 2.753 SBL-EAI-02753 2.722 SBL-EAI-02722 2.102 SBL-EAI-02102 EAI 2.747 SBL-EAI-02747 2. Using user key '%1' (%2) for the integration component '%3' Entering "CreateAndForwardWorkItem()" on Create Work Item Service Returned "CreateAndForwardWorkItem()" on Create Work Item Service Create Work Item Service Created Create Work Item Service Destroyed "Execute" Method exited on Create Work Item Service "Execute" Method invoked on Create Work Item Service Dispatcher is starting to reporting an error Avaya CRMC Message Dispatch Entered Avaya CRMC Message Dispatch Exited Dispatcher is finished reporting an error Encountered fatal error during error processing.754 SBL-EAI-02754 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 79 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. because its pickmap is empty Field '%1' in integration component '%2' can not be validated via picklist in EAI Siebel Adapter.724 SBL-EAI-02724 2. Dispatcher will generate an application level error Locating XML child in inputs Getting Service '%1' Invoking Method '%1' on Service '%2' MIME decode step took %1 ticks MIME encode step took %1 ticks Overall '%1' processing took %2 ticks Workflow '%1' took %2 ticks XML decode step took %1 ticks XML encode step took %1 ticks Invoke workflow phase Generate IDs phase Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 2.Message Text Processing the instance of integration object '%1' failed with the following error message: '%2'.723 SBL-EAI-02723 2.725 SBL-EAI-02725 2.765 SBL-EAI-02765 2.764 SBL-EAI-02764 2.107 SBL-EAI-02107 2. Field '%1' in integration component '%2' can not be validated via picklist in EAI Siebel Adapter.720 SBL-EAI-02720 2.748 SBL-EAI-02748 2.763 SBL-EAI-02763 2. 656 SBL-EAI-02656 2.650 SBL-EAI-02650 2.751 SBL-EAI-02751 2.536 SBL-EAI-02536 2.539 SBL-EAI-02539 2. Unable to proceed.Message Text License check phase MIME decode phase MIME encode phase Test response phase XML decode phase XML encode phase Releasing Service '%1' Dispatcher (successfully) reported the error '%1' Validating message XML tag Dispatcher wrote out file diagnostic information into file '%1' Adding XML header lines Adding MIME types to the XML child CleanUp: table_name = %1.742 SBL-EAI-02742 2. Retrieved rule of sequence '%1.532 SBL-EAI-02532 2. .658 SBL-EAI-02658 2.745 SBL-EAI-02745 2.657 SBL-EAI-02657 2.661 SBL-EAI-02661 2. All rights reserved.533 SBL-EAI-02533 2.860 SBL-EAI-02860 2.755 SBL-EAI-02755 2. The cursors affected: '%1' '%1' returned SUCCESS_WITH_INFO with msg: '%2' Executing sql statement %1 with bind variables: %2 Transaction mode switched to '%1' mode Transaction was '%1' Rule is matched.655 SBL-EAI-02655 2. with access count '%2' Could not create cursor: %1 Cursor for statement '%1' found in cache Parameters for Statement '%1' need to be rebound Transaction may have rolled-back for all cursors as Commit failed. grammar '%2'.531 SBL-EAI-02531 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 80 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.653 SBL-EAI-02653 2.757 SBL-EAI-02757 2.535 SBL-EAI-02535 2.534 SBL-EAI-02534 2. operation = %2. dock_txn_id = %3 Found odbc ENV handle in the model cache The cursor cache has the following: '%1' Cursor for statement '%1' added to cache The cursor '%1' deleted.654 SBL-EAI-02654 2.749 SBL-EAI-02749 2.651 SBL-EAI-02651 2.750 SBL-EAI-02750 2.538 SBL-EAI-02538 2.756 SBL-EAI-02756 2.660 SBL-EAI-02660 2. build the output to be sent to the business service and method Dispatching to business service '%1' and method '%2' Dispatch is complete Find rule set '%1' in database No business service or/and method specified for a dispatch. dispatching to '%3' with method '%4' Matching of input against '%1' rules in the rule set Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2.761 SBL-EAI-02761 2. Child property set of type '%1' not found.744 SBL-EAI-02744 2.752 SBL-EAI-02752 2.652 SBL-EAI-02652 2.659 SBL-EAI-02659 2.746 SBL-EAI-02746 2. 050 SBL-EAI-02050 2.032 SBL-EAI-02032 2.018 SBL-EAI-02018 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 81 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.063 SBL-EAI-02063 2.054 SBL-EAI-02054 2.058 SBL-EAI-02058 2. Method: '%2' failed Input Message: IntObjType=%1 Format=%2 Number of Objects=%3 Header property %1 = %2 Siebel transaction is in progress Siebel transaction is NOT in progress Output Message: IntObjType=%1 Format=%2 Header property %1 = %2 Rolling back Siebel transaction Parameter '%1' has been specified as a business service user property.059 SBL-EAI-02059 2.030 SBL-EAI-02030 2. Specify the parameter either in a named subsystem or as a property in a runtime input property set.064 SBL-EAI-02064 2. . This parameter specification mechanism has been deprecated.035 SBL-EAI-02035 2.061 SBL-EAI-02061 2. All rights reserved. Method: '%2'%3 Dispatch Service Error: Symbol: '%1' Message: '%2' Dispatch Service: '%1'.530 SBL-EAI-02530 2.067 SBL-EAI-02067 2. Unexpected end of Siebel transaction detected Adding file attachment element '%1' to XML hierarchy of element '%2' Adding property for attribute '%1' with value '%2' to XML hierarchy of element '%3' Adding integration component '%1' child components to XML hierarchy Converting element '%1' to a child of integration component '%2' element '%3' Adding component '%1' based on element '%2' to integration object hierarchy Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2.053 SBL-EAI-02053 2.055 SBL-EAI-02055 2.062 SBL-EAI-02062 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2.052 SBL-EAI-02052 2.537 SBL-EAI-02537 2.051 SBL-EAI-02051 2. Committing Siebel transaction Dispatch Service: '%1'.017 SBL-EAI-02017 2.'%1' Business Service Error: '%2' Service Argument Tracing . Specify the parameter either in a named subsystem or as a property in a runtime input property set.057 SBL-EAI-02057 2. Method: '%2' completed successfully Dispatching to Service: '%1'.056 SBL-EAI-02056 2.066 SBL-EAI-02066 2.060 SBL-EAI-02060 2.Message Text Retrieved rule output property of storage type '%1' and value '%2' Retrieve the rule set Service Argument Tracing .065 SBL-EAI-02065 2. This parameter specification mechanism has been deprecated.Error getting '%1' Business Service Beginning Siebel transaction Parameter '%1' has been specified as a server task parameter. 452 SBL-EAI-02452 2.022 SBL-EAI-02022 2.458 SBL-EAI-02458 2.023 SBL-EAI-02023 2.015 SBL-EAI-02015 2. All rights reserved.026 SBL-EAI-02026 2.459 SBL-EAI-02459 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 82 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.Message Text Adding integration component '%1' element '%2' to XML hierarchy Adding child element '%1' to XML hierarchy of element '%2' Adding attachment from XML element '%1' based on integration component '%2' field '%3' to integration object hierarchy Setting integration component '%1' field '%2' to value '%3' from attribute '%4' of element '%5' Adding field '%1' attribute '%2' with value '%3' to XML hierarchy of element '%4' Adding integration field '%1' element '%2' child fields to XML hierarchy Setting integration component '%1' field '%2' to value '%3' from element '%4' Adding field '%1' element '%2' with value '%3' to XML hierarchy of element '%4' Setting integration component '%1' field '%2' to value '%3' from element '%4' Adding field '%1' with value '%2' of component element '%3' Generating Siebel message header for integration object '%1' on top of XML element '%2' Adding integration component '%1' homogeneous hierarchy to element '%2' Adding integration object '%1' element '%2' to XML hierarchy Creating XML hierarchy for integration object '%1' Converting XML hierarchy of element '%1' to root integration component '%2' hierarchy Adding root component '%1' element '%2' to XML hierarchy Converting element '%1' XML hierarchy to integration object '%2' hierarchy Create file for MIME message MIME message created Creating property set for MIME '%1' Finished creation of property set for MIME part '%1' MIME message Complete '%1' of MIME message Parsed body of MIME message Parsed header of MIME message Create MIME '%1' Complete creation of MIME '%1' Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI 2.020 SBL-EAI-02020 EAI 2.021 SBL-EAI-02021 2.450 SBL-EAI-02450 2.028 SBL-EAI-02028 2.034 SBL-EAI-02034 2.016 SBL-EAI-02016 2.031 SBL-EAI-02031 2.029 SBL-EAI-02029 2.027 SBL-EAI-02027 2.451 SBL-EAI-02451 2.033 SBL-EAI-02033 2.036 SBL-EAI-02036 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2.024 SBL-EAI-02024 2.456 SBL-EAI-02456 2.454 SBL-EAI-02454 2. .455 SBL-EAI-02455 2.457 SBL-EAI-02457 2.025 SBL-EAI-02025 2.019 SBL-EAI-02019 2.453 SBL-EAI-02453 2. 775 SBL-EAI-02775 2. All rights reserved.708 SBL-EAI-02708 Web Services Error Codes 83 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.Message Text Entered "CreateAndDispatchIntObjs()" on Oracle Receiver Service Returning "CreateAndForwardWorkItem()" on Oracle Receiver Service Entered "CreateIntObj()" on Oracle Receiver Service Returning "CreateIntObj()" on Oracle Receiver Service Oracle Receiver Service Created Oracle Receiver Service Destroyed Entered "Dispatch()" on Oracle Receiver Service Returning "Dispatch()" on Oracle Receiver Service Entered "DeleteNotifyTable()" on Oracle Receiver Service Returning "DeleteNotifyTable()" on Oracle Receiver Service Entered "ReadNotifyTableSpecific()" on Oracle Receiver Service Returning "ReadNotifyTableSpecific()" on Oracle Receiver Service Entered "ReadNotifyTable()" on Oracle Receiver Service Returning "ReadNotifyTable()" on Oracle Receiver Service Entered "ReadPriorityTable()" on Oracle Receiver Service Returning "ReadPriorityTable()" on Oracle Receiver Service "RunDataSpecific" Method exited on Oracle Receiver Service "RunDataSpecific" Method invoked on Oracle Receiver Service "RunData" Method exited on Oracle Receiver Service "RunData" Method invoked on Oracle Receiver Service Entered "UpdateNotifyTable()" on Oracle Receiver Service Returning "UpdateNotifyTable()" on Oracle Receiver Service Added user property for component '%1' Added table '%1' in application '%2' to the cache Found component '%1' as child of component '%2' Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2.780 SBL-EAI-02780 2.786 SBL-EAI-02786 2. .783 SBL-EAI-02783 2.781 SBL-EAI-02781 2.773 SBL-EAI-02773 2.709 SBL-EAI-02709 2.777 SBL-EAI-02777 2.785 SBL-EAI-02785 2.790 SBL-EAI-02790 2.772 SBL-EAI-02772 2.791 SBL-EAI-02791 2.788 SBL-EAI-02788 2.770 SBL-EAI-02770 2.771 SBL-EAI-02771 2.789 SBL-EAI-02789 2.784 SBL-EAI-02784 2.779 SBL-EAI-02779 2.782 SBL-EAI-02782 2.778 SBL-EAI-02778 2.787 SBL-EAI-02787 2.774 SBL-EAI-02774 2.700 SBL-EAI-02700 2.776 SBL-EAI-02776 2. Message Text Skipped adding table '%1' as a child of '%2' because it's addition would form a circular path Created component of type '%1' having name '%2' and external name '%3' Metadata query for components rooted at '%1' returned no results Metadata query for fields of component '%1' returned no results Metadata query for %1 key fields of component '%2' returned no results Skipped table with Id '%1' as it's not present in the universe specified Unknown datatype '%1' found for component '%2' The Query Specified for Object Id '%1' of type '%2' is '%3' Completed Initializing service %1 Method %1 for service %2 returned an error Method %1 for service %2 done executing Invoking method %1 for service %2 Logging in to Object Manager Business Service '%1' instantiated, starting main Receiver loop Shutting down... SAP Connect error. SAPRfcDestEntry : '%1'. See SAP RFC trace file for more info '%1'. Field name: '%2', value: '%3', type: '%4' SAP Connect error. Username: '%1' Connect string: '%2'. See SAP RFC trace file for more info Field named '%1' has duplicate field sequence '%2' for integration component '%3' Invalid sequence '%1' for field '%2' of integration component '%3' Rfc Error Occurred, Data saved in XML Queue, Processing continuing: Service '%1', Method '%2', Ref ID '%3', Rfc Message '%4' SAP error for Rfc method '%1'. Code: '%2', message: '%3', level: '%4' SAP returned table: '%1'. Since it does not have an integration component associated with it, the table data will not be processed. EAI Snapshot: Getting snapshot for '%1' with '%2' = '%3', '%4' = '%5'. The snapshot is existed Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 2,701 SBL-EAI-02701 2,702 SBL-EAI-02702 2,707 SBL-EAI-02707 2,703 SBL-EAI-02703 2,704 SBL-EAI-02704 2,705 SBL-EAI-02705 2,706 SBL-EAI-02706 2,040 SBL-EAI-02040 2,607 SBL-EAI-02607 2,602 SBL-EAI-02602 2,605 SBL-EAI-02605 2,604 SBL-EAI-02604 2,603 SBL-EAI-02603 2,601 SBL-EAI-02601 2,600 SBL-EAI-02600 2,606 SBL-EAI-02606 2,307 SBL-EAI-02307 2,303 SBL-EAI-02303 2,304 SBL-EAI-02304 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2,301 SBL-EAI-02301 2,300 SBL-EAI-02300 2,306 SBL-EAI-02306 EAI EAI EAI 2,302 SBL-EAI-02302 2,305 SBL-EAI-02305 EAI EAI 2,805 SBL-EAI-02805 EAI Web Services Error Codes 84 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Message Text EAI Snapshot: Getting snapshot for '%1' with '%2' = '%3', '%4' = '%5'. The snapshot is not existed EAI Snapshot: Inbound comparing snapshot for type '%1' with new '%2' = '%3' and old '%2' = '%4' EAI Snapshot: Inbound comparing snapshot for type '%1' with new '%2' = '%3' and old '%4' = '%5' EAI Snapshot: newModNum = '%1', oldModNum = '%2' EAI Snapshot: Sorting and inserting new key '%1' EAI Snapshot: Sorting and inserting old key '%1' EAI Snapshot: Outbound comparing snapshot for type '%1' with new '%2' = '%3' and old '%2' = '%4' EAI Snapshot: Outbound comparing snapshot for type '%1' with new '%2' = '%3' and old '%4' = '%5' EAI Snapshot: Outbound computing skeleton snapshot for type '%1' with new '%2' = '%3' EAI Snapshot: Getting snapshot with '%1' = '%2' EAI Snapshot: Inserting snapshot for integration object instance '%1' with '%2' = %3' and '%4' = '%5' EAI Snapshot: '%1' = '%2', '%3' = '%4', '%5' = '%6' EAI Snapshot: Snapshot channel name is missing or invalid. The program will continue but get empty result EAI Snapshot: Updating snapshot for integration object instance '%1' with '%2' = %3' and '%4' = '%5' Added child type %1 for parent %2 in QBE hierarchy Query for int component type %1 returned %2 instances Deleting component of type %1 having data: %2 Execution time for %1 of object %2: %3 Invalid value '%1' specified for field %2 Method %1 called for int object %2 Method %1 failed for int object %2 The following parameters specified for Sql Adapter: %1 Query called for int object %1 in %2 mode Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 2,806 SBL-EAI-02806 2,808 SBL-EAI-02808 EAI 2,834 SBL-EAI-02834 EAI 2,811 SBL-EAI-02811 2,809 SBL-EAI-02809 2,810 SBL-EAI-02810 2,807 SBL-EAI-02807 EAI EAI EAI EAI 2,833 SBL-EAI-02833 EAI 2,835 SBL-EAI-02835 2,802 SBL-EAI-02802 2,803 SBL-EAI-02803 EAI EAI EAI 2,801 SBL-EAI-02801 2,800 SBL-EAI-02800 EAI EAI 2,804 SBL-EAI-02804 EAI 2,673 SBL-EAI-02673 2,677 SBL-EAI-02677 2,675 SBL-EAI-02675 2,685 SBL-EAI-02685 2,684 SBL-EAI-02684 2,674 SBL-EAI-02674 2,672 SBL-EAI-02672 2,671 SBL-EAI-02671 2,670 SBL-EAI-02670 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 85 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Message Text Reverse query for comp '%1' %2 with data: %3 Query for int object %1 returned %2 output objects Search Specification on component %1: %2 Using user key '%1' for component '%2' %1 key not defined for component %2 Instance count=%1, Db Count=%2 for component type %3, so %4 is more efficient %1 component of type %2 having data: %3 Upsert called in %1 mode EAI Transaction: Beginning Siebel transaction EAI Transaction: Committing Siebel transaction EAI Transaction: Rolling back Siebel transaction Buffer for reading message Buffer for writing message Connection Type EAI Transport Converter EAI Transport Converter has been initialized to process data as Documents (no Converter Service specified) EAI Transport Converter has been initialized to process data as Hierarchy using Converter Service '%1' EAI Transport Dispatcher Converting EAI Transport buffer to Dispatch Service input Failed to convert EAI Transport buffer to Dispatch Service input Converting Dispatch Service output to EAI Transport buffer Failed to convert Dispatch Service output to EAI Transport buffer Dispatch Rule Set: %1 Dispatch Service: %1, Dispatch Method: %2 Dispatch Workflow: %1 After invoking function '%1' in DLL '%2' Before invoking function '%1' in DLL '%2' DLL Transport Connection Error Response Invalid character set Unable to delete file '%1' Opened File: '%1' for '%2' Response file '%1' not available File Transport Connection Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2,683 SBL-EAI-02683 2,678 SBL-EAI-02678 2,681 SBL-EAI-02681 2,686 SBL-EAI-02686 2,682 SBL-EAI-02682 2,676 SBL-EAI-02676 2,680 SBL-EAI-02680 2,679 SBL-EAI-02679 2,830 SBL-EAI-02830 2,832 SBL-EAI-02832 2,831 SBL-EAI-02831 2,332 SBL-EAI-02332 2,333 SBL-EAI-02333 2,395 SBL-EAI-02395 2,338 SBL-EAI-02338 2,384 SBL-EAI-02384 2,385 SBL-EAI-02385 EAI 2,339 SBL-EAI-02339 2,386 SBL-EAI-02386 2,388 SBL-EAI-02388 2,387 SBL-EAI-02387 2,389 SBL-EAI-02389 2,382 SBL-EAI-02382 2,381 SBL-EAI-02381 2,383 SBL-EAI-02383 2,370 SBL-EAI-02370 2,369 SBL-EAI-02369 2,335 SBL-EAI-02335 2,394 SBL-EAI-02394 2,328 SBL-EAI-02328 2,373 SBL-EAI-02373 2,358 SBL-EAI-02358 2,377 SBL-EAI-02377 2,334 SBL-EAI-02334 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 86 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. AMI Reason Code: %4. Source: %3.366 SBL-EAI-02366 EAI EAI 2.390 SBL-EAI-02390 2.380 SBL-EAI-02380 2. All rights reserved.350 SBL-EAI-02350 2.396 SBL-EAI-02396 2. Service: '%3'. Repository File: '%4'.367 SBL-EAI-02367 2.336 SBL-EAI-02336 2.359 SBL-EAI-02359 2.352 SBL-EAI-02352 2.351 SBL-EAI-02351 2. .399 SBL-EAI-02399 2.344 SBL-EAI-02344 2.341 SBL-EAI-02341 2.345 SBL-EAI-02345 2.364 SBL-EAI-02364 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 87 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. MQSeries Reason Code: %5 Unknown AMI Exception while trying to %1 AMI Warning: %1Operation: %2.368 SBL-EAI-02368 EAI EAI 2. Policy: '%2'.Message Text Received Dynamic Dispatch Service: '%1'.362 SBL-EAI-02362 2. XML Conversion Service: '%2' Dropped old connection and creating new connection for '%1' Converted Property Set to XML Switched transport service direction to: '%1' Converted XML to Property Set Dispatch Service not found. Inbound cleanup MQSeries AMI Transport Service commit MQSeries AMI transaction create MQSeries AMI connection delete MQSeries AMI connection get message through MQSeries AMI put message through MQSeries AMI rollback MQSeries AMI transaction MQSeries AMI Transport Connection MQSeries Queue Manager connection MQSeries Queue connection Response Queue name MQSeries Server Transport Connection Creating AMI connection Repository: '%1'.349 SBL-EAI-02349 2.354 SBL-EAI-02354 2.398 SBL-EAI-02398 2.343 SBL-EAI-02343 2. Trace Location: '%7' Destroying AMI %1 connection AMI Error: %1Operation: %2. Method: '%2' Initialized transport service: Mode: '%1'.342 SBL-EAI-02342 2.340 SBL-EAI-02340 2.361 SBL-EAI-02361 2.346 SBL-EAI-02346 2. MQSeries Reason Code: %5 Beginning MQSeries transaction Closed MQSeries Queue: '%1' Committing MQSeries transaction Connected to MQSeries Queue Manager: '%1' Disconnected from MQSeries Queue Manager: '%1' MQSeries error code: %1 Putting maximum rolled back message on the backout requeue queue Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2.348 SBL-EAI-02348 2.337 SBL-EAI-02337 2. Local Host File: '%5'.347 SBL-EAI-02347 2.353 SBL-EAI-02353 2.379 SBL-EAI-02379 2. Dispatch Method not found.365 SBL-EAI-02365 2.327 SBL-EAI-02327 2. AMI Reason Code: %4. Ignoring invalid dispatch method: %1.355 SBL-EAI-02355 2. Source: %3. Trace: '%6'. Ignoring invalid dispatch service: %1. 566 SBL-EAI-02566 2.length was '%3'. Truncating original field value: '%5'.%1 errors found Field %1 is not valid for component type %2 Field '%1' of component '%2' too long . should be '%2' for Integration Object type '%3' Integration Object Message error -.553 SBL-EAI-02553 2.568 SBL-EAI-02568 EAI EAI EAI 2.557 SBL-EAI-02557 EAI 2.397 SBL-EAI-02397 2.376 SBL-EAI-02376 2.375 SBL-EAI-02375 2.552 SBL-EAI-02552 2.558 SBL-EAI-02558 EAI EAI 2. '%1' is not a valid value for message header property '%2' Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2.329 SBL-EAI-02329 2.360 SBL-EAI-02360 2.374 SBL-EAI-02374 2.Message Text Opened MQSeries Physical Queue: '%1'.567 SBL-EAI-02567 2. Model Queue: '%2' Rolling back MQSeries transaction MQSeries warning code: %1 Beginning MSMQ transaction Committing MSMQ transaction Rolling back MSMQ transaction Outbound Reading Receiving %1 Request Response Sending %1 Loss of data in %1 character set conversion Neither DispatchMethod nor ConfiguredMethod were provided for outbound operation in DynamicDispatch mode Message rolled back maximum number of times due to dispatch errors detected No MQFormat specified with IsTextData set to 'false'. truncated value: '%6'. .554 SBL-EAI-02554 2. All rights reserved.length was '%3'. maximum length is '%4'.391 SBL-EAI-02391 2.378 SBL-EAI-02378 EAI EAI 2.child type should be unique.392 SBL-EAI-02392 2.length was '%3'.356 SBL-EAI-02356 2.561 SBL-EAI-02561 EAI Web Services Error Codes 88 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.571 SBL-EAI-02571 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2.330 SBL-EAI-02330 2.363 SBL-EAI-02363 2.393 SBL-EAI-02393 2.331 SBL-EAI-02331 2.564 SBL-EAI-02564 2.357 SBL-EAI-02357 2. maximum length is '%4' Truncating Field '%1' of component '%2' . maximum length is '%4' Truncating field '%1' of component '%2' .371 SBL-EAI-02371 2.372 SBL-EAI-02372 2. EAI Integration Object Validator complete .object list property set has wrong type: '%1' (expecting '%2') Child container type %1 not a valid child of component %2 Child type %1 not a valid child of component %2 Component type '%1' has more than one (exactly '%2') child types '%3' . This will cause MQRC_FORMAT_ERROR for the receiver Writing Root component property set 'type' was '%1'. 551 SBL-EAI-02551 2.%2 errors found Starting validation of object instance %1 (type '%2') EAI Integration Object Validator starting (IntObjectName='%1') EAI Integration Object Validator complete Validation successful Invalid SAP Language: '%1' set to '%2' Executed RFC call DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET for segments '%1'.504 SBL-EAI-02504 2.508 SBL-EAI-02508 2. using integration objects: '%2' and '%3' SAPSysVersion is not given.514 SBL-EAI-02514 EAI EAI EAI 2.511 SBL-EAI-02511 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2.509 SBL-EAI-02509 2. ALE Version '%2'. Top level Property Set should have only one child property set (object container) Validation of object instance %1 complete .556 SBL-EAI-02556 2. .550 SBL-EAI-02550 2.562 SBL-EAI-02562 2.501 SBL-EAI-02501 2.502 SBL-EAI-02502 2. All rights reserved.560 SBL-EAI-02560 2.513 SBL-EAI-02513 2. using default of '%2' No user-defined Execute Abap Integration Object for '%1'.555 SBL-EAI-02555 2.503 SBL-EAI-02503 2. defaulting to System Version '%1'. Idoc Version '%3' Description not found for segment type: '%1' Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2. '%1' is not a valid name for a child property set of component type '%2' .505 SBL-EAI-02505 EAI Web Services Error Codes 89 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.559 SBL-EAI-02559 2.565 SBL-EAI-02565 2.512 SBL-EAI-02512 2.563 SBL-EAI-02563 2.child types must start with 'ListOf' XML parent/grandparent field '%1' of field '%2' on component '%3' is missing.507 SBL-EAI-02507 2.510 SBL-EAI-02510 2.569 SBL-EAI-02569 2. attempting to call SAP to retrieve version SAP version '%1' given is invalid or missing.570 SBL-EAI-02570 2. '%2' Field definitions not found for IDOC documentation segment: '%1' Found IDOC Type: '%1' Description not found for IDOC type: '%1' Executed RFC call EDI_IDOC_SYNTAX_GET for IDOC type '%1' SAPSysVersion '%1' is invalid.Message Text Message header property 'IntObjectFormat' is invalid Message header property 'MessageType' should be 'Integration Object' Required message header property 'IntObjectName' is missing or invalid External-required field '%1' of component '%2' is missing on the integration object instance. attempting to call SAP to retrieve version No Version Information given. defaulting to current SAP system version '%2' Message type not found for IDOC type: '%1' ALE version '%1' given is invalid.515 SBL-EAI-02515 EAI EAI 2. .Message Text Executed RFC call EDI_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION_GET on segment '%1' Executed RFC call GET_TABLE_ENTRIES_VIA_RFC on BASIS table '%1' EAI Siebel Wizard: Create Int Component for Business Component ('%1') with parent Business Component ('%2') EAI Siebel Wizard: Create Int Field '%1' for Business Component '%2' Could not create user keys for integration component %1 for business component %2 EAI Siebel Wizard: Printing User Keys for table: '%1' MVG: '%2' EAI Siebel Wizard: Creating key fields '%1' EAI Siebel Wizard: User Key '%1': User Key Name: '%2' User Key Sequence:'%3' EAI Siebel Wizard: Using fieldname '%1' for MVG field '%2' EAI Siebel Wizard: Found key column '%1' in table '%2' EAI Siebel Wizard: User Key Elements: '%1' EAI Siebel Wizard: User Key List dump of list '%1' EAI Siebel Wizard Beginning user key computation: Buscomp = '%1'. Binding Value = '%3' Loaded Port '%1': Protocol = '%2'. All rights reserved.879 SBL-EAI-02879 EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 90 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.413 SBL-EAI-02413 2.411 SBL-EAI-02411 2. Address = '%4'.877 SBL-EAI-02877 EAI 2.412 SBL-EAI-02412 2.405 SBL-EAI-02405 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2.401 SBL-EAI-02401 2. FK Table = '%2': Source field: '%3' Dispatching inbound web service operation '%1' took %2 ms Dispatching outbound web service operation '%1' took %2 ms Executing web service operation '%1' by calling method '%2' of business service '%3' Executing Operation '&1' by calling method '&2' of business service '&3' Executing outbound web service operation '%1' using port '%2' of web service '%3' in namespace '%4' Executing web service operation '%1' by calling workflow process '%2' Loaded Operation '%1': Method '%2' Loaded Operation Binding '%1': Binding Property = '%2'. Type = '%5' Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 2.882 SBL-EAI-02882 2.876 SBL-EAI-02876 2.407 SBL-EAI-02407 2.881 SBL-EAI-02881 2.410 SBL-EAI-02410 2.885 SBL-EAI-02885 2. Table = '%2' EAI Siebel Wizard: Begin dump of Key Lists EAI Siebel Wizard: Recursive ProcessTable Call: Source Table:'%1'.406 SBL-EAI-02406 2.500 SBL-EAI-02500 EAI 2.875 SBL-EAI-02875 EAI EAI EAI 2.404 SBL-EAI-02404 2.402 SBL-EAI-02402 EAI 2.408 SBL-EAI-02408 2.409 SBL-EAI-02409 2. Transport = '%3'.506 SBL-EAI-02506 2.884 SBL-EAI-02884 2.403 SBL-EAI-02403 2. 280 SBL-EAI-04280 4. XML character encoding '%1' was found in the XML Declaration XML character encoding '%1' detected Detected XML character encoding '%1' conflicts with XML declaration encoding="%2" XML document will be generated with '%1' character encoding XML conversion warning: XML character encoding '%1' was detected for which specific character set encoding will not be output XML Parse warning: %1 EAI ZDT: Publish integration object instance with '%1' = '%2'. Comments = '%3'.009 SBL-EAI-02009 2. .878 SBL-EAI-02878 2.874 SBL-EAI-02874 4.277 SBL-EAI-04277 4. Inbound = '%4' Execution of web service operation '%1' took %2 ms XML conversion warning: Some character(s) could not be represented in local codepage and were lost Character '%1' cannot be represented in XML Not enough memory to perform conversion from character set '%1' to '%2' XML conversion error.276 SBL-EAI-04276 4. All rights reserved..002 SBL-EAI-02002 2.Message Text Loaded Port Type '%1': Implementation Type = '%2'. Implementation Name = '%3' Loaded Web Service '%1': Namespace = '%2'.004 SBL-EAI-02004 2.279 SBL-EAI-04279 4.873 SBL-EAI-02873 2.003 SBL-EAI-02003 EAI EAI 2.820 SBL-EAI-02820 2.281 SBL-EAI-04281 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 91 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.880 SBL-EAI-02880 2.000 SBL-EAI-04000 4.278 SBL-EAI-04278 4. and '%5' = '%6' EAI ZDT: Calling workflow '%1' with '%2' = '%3' Input XML: %1 Input XSL: %1 Output XML/HTML: %1 Integration Object instance '%1' not found in the database Not enough memory to perform conversion from character set '%1' to '%2' DTD parser cannot replace entity with 1% DTD parser cannot find element: %1 ( parent: %2 cannot set relationship with it) DTD parser cannot parse attribute: %1 at the position: %2 DTD parser cannot parse attribute: %1 (element: %2 does not exist) DTD parser cannot parse element: %1 at the position: %2 DTD parser cannot parse entity: %1 at the position: %2 Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI 2..821 SBL-EAI-02821 2.008 SBL-EAI-02008 2.001 SBL-EAI-02001 2.001 SBL-EAI-04001 4.006 SBL-EAI-02006 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 2. '%3' = '%4'.000 SBL-EAI-02000 2.883 SBL-EAI-02883 2. creating a dump file containing source XML document.872 SBL-EAI-02872 2.005 SBL-EAI-02005 2.007 SBL-EAI-02007 2. 286 SBL-EAI-04286 4.011 SBL-EAI-04011 4. Please make sure that all of the file attachments have data associated with them.004 SBL-EAI-04004 4. maximum length is '%4' Error creating file reference '%1' Unable to read XML from location '%1': %2 Unable to read XML from location '%1': %2 Error deleting file reference '%1' Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.287 SBL-EAI-04287 4. Error in decoding a base64 encoded string No field of DTYPE_ATTACHMENT is present in the integration component definition No key field name present in the integration component instance Bad input for '%1': '%2' Bad output for '%1': '%2' An empty file attachment is encountered with ContentId '%1'. More than one file attachment document is used with the same ContentId '%1'.282 SBL-EAI-04282 4. Integration component type '%1' is not a valid child type for component type '%2' Invalid value for operation field: '%1' Root component property set 'type' was '%1'.003 SBL-EAI-04003 4.007 SBL-EAI-04007 EAI 4.expected a child of type 'SiebelMessage' Field '%1' of component '%2' too long .008 SBL-EAI-04008 4.284 SBL-EAI-04284 4.object list property set has wrong type: '%1' (expecting '%2') Service method arguments should have child of type '%1' Service Method arguments property set has no children .283 SBL-EAI-04283 4.001 SBL-EAI-13001 13.010 SBL-EAI-04010 EAI EAI EAI 4.Message Text DTD parser has no file service model for file: %1 DTD parser cannot trim: %1 at the position: %2 DTD Wizard element %1 has bad cardinality DTD Wizard cannot parse tree: %1 DTD Wizard has no element in maps DTD Wizard start node: %1 is null DTD Wizard previous tree is null An error occurred creating a new Integration Object instance in memory.005 SBL-EAI-04005 4.285 SBL-EAI-04285 4.002 SBL-EAI-04002 4.462 SBL-EAI-04462 EAI EAI 4.012 SBL-EAI-04012 EAI EAI 4.474 SBL-EAI-04474 4.288 SBL-EAI-04288 4.length was '%3'.463 SBL-EAI-04463 EAI Web Services Error Codes 92 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Please make sure that all the file attachments either have unique ContentId or do not contain data if attachment is being reused. should be '%2' for Integration Object type '%3' Integration Object Message error -.006 SBL-EAI-04006 13.000 SBL-EAI-13000 EAI 4. .009 SBL-EAI-04009 4. All rights reserved.013 SBL-EAI-04013 4. 023 SBL-EAI-04023 4. should have one child of type 'SiebelMessage' SiebelMessage Property Set should have only one child property set (object container) Service Method arguments property set should have only one child.018 SBL-EAI-04018 4. . All rights reserved.019 SBL-EAI-04019 4. Error getting the size of file reference '%1' Error reading from file reference '%1' Error writing to file reference '%1' Argument '%1' with integration object type '%2' not found. Class '%2' Field '%1' in the integration component '%2' contains value '%3'. '%1' is not a valid value for message header property '%2' Expecting message header field '%1' to have a value of '%2' (actual value was '%3') Message header property 'IntObjectFormat' is invalid Message header property 'MessageType' should be 'Integration Object' Required message header property 'IntObjectName' is missing or invalid '%1' is not a valid name for a child property set of component type '%2' . Encountered message '%3' with integration object type '%4' specified. 'XML Hierarchical'.015 SBL-EAI-04015 13.466 SBL-EAI-04466 4. License Key not found for Business Service '%1'.026 SBL-EAI-04026 EAI EAI 4.child types must start with 'ListOf' Child property set of service method arguments must be of type 'SiebelMessage' (type was '%1') Integration Object does not contain any data Input Message is missing header properties Cannot get root component from for the integration object '%1' definition.014 SBL-EAI-04014 4.461 SBL-EAI-04461 4.455 SBL-EAI-04455 4. Integration Object type must be specified for XML Hierarchical format Missing or invalid Siebel Message.025 SBL-EAI-04025 4.028 SBL-EAI-04028 EAI Web Services Error Codes 93 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.should be 'Siebel Hierarchical'.454 SBL-EAI-04454 4.017 SBL-EAI-04017 4.021 SBL-EAI-04021 EAI 4.016 SBL-EAI-04016 4. with a type of 'SiebelMessage' Parameter 'OutputIntObjectFormat' value is invalid ('%1') . Service Method arguments property set has no children.465 SBL-EAI-04465 4.022 SBL-EAI-04022 EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.467 SBL-EAI-04467 4. which is longer than allowed length of %4 characters. or 'XML Flat' Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.011 SBL-EAI-13011 EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.Message Text The file reference '%1' does not exist.024 SBL-EAI-04024 4.475 SBL-EAI-04475 4.464 SBL-EAI-04464 4.020 SBL-EAI-04020 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4. 027 SBL-EAI-04027 4.037 SBL-EAI-04037 4.048 SBL-EAI-04048 4.043 SBL-EAI-04043 4.042 SBL-EAI-04042 4. Check the array contents for correct number of parameters.Message Text Method argument 'OutputIntObjectName' must be specified if an input EAI message is not provided Field '%1' is not a valid field name for Integration Component type '%2' in Integration Object type '%3' Unterminated token starting at position '%1' in EAI template '%2' Expecting Integration Object type '%1'.038 SBL-EAI-04038 4. is found Only one of '%1' is allowed.049 SBL-EAI-04049 4.034 SBL-EAI-04034 4. All rights reserved. .must be either 'Siebel Hierarchical' or 'XML Hierarchical' Error in generating XML for Integration Object message of format 'XML Flat' Error in parsing XML for "XML Flat" Integration Object Message Parameter array Copy Failed.033 SBL-EAI-04033 EAI 4.047 SBL-EAI-04047 4.031 SBL-EAI-04031 4. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 4.456 SBL-EAI-04456 4. Rule set parameter not specified or found in input message Unable to locate child property set of type '%1' within property set of type '%2'. Cannot dispatch because no rule was matched Error in parsing rule grammar Unable to dispatch to method '%2' of business service '%1' Rule '%1' is not of proper format/grammar Invalid storage type '%1' encountered for the rule output property Output property set cannot be generated due to faulty definition of rule output property Rule set contains no rules. Actual type was '%2' Integration object type in property set ('%1') does not match integration object type in parsed XML document ('%2') Siebel EAI Message header attribute parent's cannot be 'XML Flat' . Parameter array Sync Failed. There should be at least 1 rule present in a rule set No rule set corresponding to the rule set '%1' that is specified.029 SBL-EAI-04029 EAI 4.035 SBL-EAI-04035 4.050 SBL-EAI-04050 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 94 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.036 SBL-EAI-04036 4.040 SBL-EAI-04040 EAI 4.044 SBL-EAI-04044 4.039 SBL-EAI-04039 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.032 SBL-EAI-04032 EAI EAI EAI 4. Check the bind parameters for: %1 Invalid DBA datatype: '%1' Invalid ODBC '%1' handle Parameter array Refresh Failed. Check the array contents for correct number of parameters.041 SBL-EAI-04041 4.046 SBL-EAI-04046 4.045 SBL-EAI-04045 4.030 SBL-EAI-04030 4. 063 SBL-EAI-04063 4.058 SBL-EAI-04058 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4. Parent component map '%1' not found.Message Text Cannot auto-map.067 SBL-EAI-04067 4. Internal integration object ('%1') must match with the target integration object specified in input data map ('%2').065 SBL-EAI-04065 4.066 SBL-EAI-04066 4. Please specify a data map. CSSEAIIntCompOut. Target field '%1' does not exist. Method '%1' requires a value for argument '%2'. Data Transform Error: An error occurred.062 SBL-EAI-04062 EAI EAI 4. Call SetCopySource with a valid Integration Component before calling CopyFieldValue. Output object ('%1') must match with the target integration object specified in output data map ('%2').CopyFieldValue: No Source Integration Component.051 SBL-EAI-04051 4.068 SBL-EAI-04068 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.054 SBL-EAI-04054 4.059 SBL-EAI-04059 4. Destination component '%1' cannot be created because does not belong to the output integration object. Root component ('%1') of source integration object ('%2') does not match root component ('%3') of destination integration object ('%4'). Data Map automapping succeeded.052 SBL-EAI-04052 EAI 4.\n Component: '%1'\n Num Records: %2 Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 4. . All rights reserved. Target component '%1' does not exist. but an invalid error symbol was specified. Error Symbol: '%1'\n%2 Parameters:%3 Source component '%1' does not exist. CSSEAIIntCompIn.055 SBL-EAI-04055 4. Call FirstRecord or NextRecord before accessing records.056 SBL-EAI-04056 4. Service '%1' requires a value for user property '%2'.069 SBL-EAI-04069 EAI Web Services Error Codes 95 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.060 SBL-EAI-04060 EAI EAI 4.053 SBL-EAI-04053 EAI 4. Data Transform error.GetFieldValue: No active record. Data Transform error: %1 Identifier '%1' not found.057 SBL-EAI-04057 4. Cannot map input object ('%1') to internal integration object ('%2').064 SBL-EAI-04064 4.061 SBL-EAI-04061 4. Cannot map internal integration object ('%1') to output object ('%2').\n Component: '%1'\n Target Field: '%2'\n Source Field: '%3' Data Transform error. Source expression generated attachment ID '%1' but the corresponding attachment cannot be found. \n Component: '%1'\n New Component: '%2' Data Transform error (internal). CSSEAIIntMsgIn. All rights reserved.SetFieldValue: No Integration Component Record. CSSEAIIntCompOut.072 SBL-EAI-04072 EAI 4. EAICreateIntMsgOut: PropertySet is null Data Transform error.075 SBL-EAI-04075 EAI 4.070 SBL-EAI-04070 4.CreateIntComp: No Integration Component Record.082 SBL-EAI-04082 EAI Web Services Error Codes 96 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.CreateIntObj: Multiple 'CreateIntObj' calls on the same CSSEAIIntMsgOut object.077 SBL-EAI-04077 EAI EAI 4.GetArgument: Object has no data.GetIntComp: No active record.079 SBL-EAI-04079 EAI 4.GetIntComp: No more records.074 SBL-EAI-04074 EAI 4. Check with Exists method first Data Transform error. Check with Exists method first Data Transform error.\n Component: '%1'\n Field Name: '%2'\n Field Value: '%3' Data Transform error.GetFieldValue: No more records. Call NewRecord before SetFieldValue. CSSEAIIntCompOut. CSSEAIIntMsgOut. CSSEAIIntCompIn.073 SBL-EAI-04073 EAI 4.\n Component: '%1'\n Num Records: %2 Data Transform error. CSSEAIIntMsgOut.\n Requested Name: '%1'\n Actual Name: '%2' Data Transform error. An Integration Message can have only one Integration Object Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 4.Message Text Data Transform error. Call NewRecord before CreateIntComp. .076 SBL-EAI-04076 4.CreateIntObj: No PropertySet Data Transform error. CSSEAIIntCompIn. CSSEAIIntMsgIn.081 SBL-EAI-04081 EAI 4. CSSEAIIntCompOut. Data Transform error. CSSEAIIntCompIn.GetIntObj: Object has no data. Call FirstRecord or NextRecord before accessing records.\n Component: '%1'\n Num Records: %2 Data Transform error.\n Component: '%1'\n Num Records: %2 Data Transform error.078 SBL-EAI-04078 EAI 4. CSSEAIIntMsgIn.GetIntObj: Requested Integration Object name does not match data._CreateListOfPropSet: m_propsetParent is null.071 SBL-EAI-04071 EAI 4. 089 SBL-EAI-04089 4.091 SBL-EAI-04091 4.\n Requested Name: '%1'\n Actual Name: '%2' Data Transform error.090 SBL-EAI-04090 4.083 SBL-EAI-04083 4.\n Integration Object: '%1'\n New Integration Component: '%2' Data Transform Error.\n CreateIntObj 'name' argument: '%1'\n %2 Service argument: '%3' Data Transform error. CSSEAIIntObjIn.092 SBL-EAI-04092 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4. CSSEAIIntObjIn.Message Text Data Transform error.GetPrimaryIntComp: No more instances.CreateIntObj: Specified Integration Object name is different than the name specified in the Service argument. . Call SetCopySource with a valid Integration Component before calling CopyFieldValue. Call FirstInstance or NextInstance before accessing instances.\n Object: '%1'\n Num Instances: %2 Data Transform error.086 SBL-EAI-04086 EAI 4. CSSEAIIntMsgIn constructor: First PropertySet child should have type '%1'. Actual type is '%2' Data Transform error.093 SBL-EAI-04093 EAI Web Services Error Codes 97 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. %1: No Source Integration Component. CSSEAIMimeMsgIn constructor: First PropertySet child should have type '%1'. CSSEAIIntObjIn.CreatePrimaryIntComp: No Integration Object Instance. Call NewInstance before CreatePrimaryIntComp. All rights reserved. CSSEAIIntObjOut. Specified map '%1' is not a function Data map '%1' not found. %1: Invalid Map Function Argument Type: '%2' Data Transform error. Data Transform error.080 SBL-EAI-04080 EAI 4.088 SBL-EAI-04088 4.\n Component: '%2'\n Target Field: '%3'\n Source Field: '%4' Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 4. EAICreateMimeMsgOut: PropertySet is null Data Transform error.087 SBL-EAI-04087 EAI 4.GetPrimaryIntComp: Requested Integration Component name does not match data. Actual type is '%2' Data Transform error.\n Object: '%1'\n Num Instances: %2 Data Transform error.GetPrimaryIntComp: No active instance.084 SBL-EAI-04084 EAI 4.085 SBL-EAI-04085 EAI 4. CSSEAIIntMsgOut. Message Text Data Transform error. A Primary Integration Component can have only one record. CSSEAIPrimaryIntCompOut. .097 SBL-EAI-04097 4. %1: No attachment source.101 SBL-EAI-04101 EAI 4.096 SBL-EAI-04096 EAI EAI EAI 4.105 SBL-EAI-04105 5. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 4. All rights reserved.104 SBL-EAI-04104 EAI EAI EAI 4. Target component validation expression '%1' fails in component map '%2'. %1: Input Property Set does not have an 'XML root element' Data Transform error. Data Map validation succeeded.094 SBL-EAI-04094 4.100 SBL-EAI-04100 4. No entry for lookup key in EAI Value Map. The function to run must be provided using the '%1' argument in the input message Data Transform error. a child Property Set with type '%2' Data Transform Error. Data Transform error. %1: Input Property Set does not have an 'XML Hierarchy'.107 SBL-EAI-04107 4.106 SBL-EAI-04106 4. No map function specified Data map name is missing. Validation of data map '%1' has failed.095 SBL-EAI-04095 4. The input does not contain an Integration Message Data Transform error.NewRecord: Multiple 'NewRecord' calls on the CSSEAIPrimaryIntCompOut object.099 SBL-EAI-04099 EAI 4.108 SBL-EAI-04108 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 98 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.098 SBL-EAI-04098 101 SBL-DAT-00101 EAI EAI DAT 102 SBL-DAT-00102 DAT 4.\n Key: '%1'\n Type: '%2'\n Direction: '%3' Service method argument 'OutputIntObjectName' must match with the target integration object specified in data map '%1'.\n Target: '%2' Data Transform Error.102 SBL-EAI-04102 4. Source component validation expression '%1' fails in component map '%2'. Source component search specification '%1' is not a boolean expression.\n Component: '%1' Type mismatch in assignment to target field '%1'. Cannot convert Integration Object Hierarchy to XML Hierarchy. CSSEAIValueMap: No entries for Type/Direction pair.\n Type: '%1'\n Direction: '%2' Data Transform Error.218 SBL-EAI-05218 4.103 SBL-EAI-04103 4. Call SetAttachmentSource with a valid Integration Message or other attachment source before calling CopyAttachment. Data Transform error. Attempting to set %1 as the root component for the integration object (%2).114 SBL-EAI-04114 4. All rights reserved.110 SBL-EAI-04110 4.109 SBL-EAI-04109 4. code: '%3' HTTP Request error during '%1': '%2' HTTP Server Error during '%1'.Message Text If SiebelMessage header is not present. Component Container Element XML tag '%1' should be unique in the XML representation. Message: '%3' An unknown error has been encountered in %1. but it already has a root component set (%3).121 SBL-EAI-04121 EAI EAI 4.111 SBL-EAI-04111 4.000 SBL-EAI-12000 12. .112 SBL-EAI-04112 4. Cannot convert XML Document to XML Hierarchy. Check component definitions inside component '%2' XML Hierarchy should have only ONE child of type '%1' EAI Message header is not found in the XML Hierarchy Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 4.113 SBL-EAI-04113 4.001 SBL-EAI-12001 12. Cannot convert XML Hierarchy to XML Document.116 SBL-EAI-04116 4. either Integration Object Name or an Integration Object Name Lookup RuleSet should be specified in order to convert XML Document to a Siebel Message Cannot convert XML Hierarchy to Integration Object Hierarchy. Symbol (id): '%2'.122 SBL-EAI-04122 EAI 4.117 SBL-EAI-04117 4. Error Base64-decoding binary attachment with ContentId: '%1' Field with XML tag '%1' and XML Style of 'Attribute' is not found in the definition of EAI Integration Component '%2' Field '%1' with XML style of ComponentPCDATA cannot be a child of another field '%2'. XMLHierarchy should contain at least one child for XML root element '%1' expecting only 1 child of type XMLHierarchy under Service Method Arguments Expecting only 1 child of type SiebelMessage under XMLHierarchy Cannot connect to the server HTTP Internet Exception during '%1': '%2'.115 SBL-EAI-04115 4.002 SBL-EAI-12002 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.123 SBL-EAI-04123 EAI 4.120 SBL-EAI-04120 4. Please check the integration object definition.457 SBL-EAI-04457 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4. The %1 field is missing or invalid for the %2 %3.124 SBL-EAI-04124 4.118 SBL-EAI-04118 12.125 SBL-EAI-04125 EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 99 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. 137 SBL-EAI-04137 4. Field with XML style of 'ComponentPCDATA' should be present in the definition of the EAI Integration Component This business service is not allowed to use integration object '%1'. Check field definitions inside component '%2' XML parent field '%1' for field '%2' is not found in the instance of integration component '%3' XML tag '%1' is invalid tag.129 SBL-EAI-04129 4. Integration Object XML Hierarchy should have only one Property Set child for Root Component XML Could not find definition for Integration Component '%1' XML Tag is undefined for Integration Component '%1'. Expected xml tag '%2' for integration object '%3' Integration Object XML Hierarchy should have only ONE child with XML tag '%1' for Integration Object '%2' XML XML tag '%1' is invalid tag.140 SBL-EAI-04140 EAI EAI 4.141 SBL-EAI-04141 4. ModId field '%1' in the integration component '%2' contains a non-integer value '%3'. Invalid XML representation: field '%1' should not be represented as XML attribute '%2' Field XML tag '%1' should be unique in the XML representation.127 SBL-EAI-04127 4.128 SBL-EAI-04128 4.130 SBL-EAI-04130 EAI EAI 4. Check integration component '%3' definition.126 SBL-EAI-04126 4.135 SBL-EAI-04135 EAI 4. Invalid 'Direction' for EAI Lookup Map: '%1' Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI 4. Component '%1' character data encountered: '%2'.139 SBL-EAI-04139 EAI 4.133 SBL-EAI-04133 EAI EAI 4.131 SBL-EAI-04131 EAI 4. Expected tag '%2' for integration object '%3' root component '%4' xml container element Integration Object '%1' XML Hierarchy should have only ONE child of type '%2' for root component '%3' container.119 SBL-EAI-04119 4. Detected multiple children.142 SBL-EAI-04142 EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 100 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.138 SBL-EAI-04138 EAI EAI 4.134 SBL-EAI-04134 EAI 4.\nPlease check the Component definition.132 SBL-EAI-04132 4. Invalid view mode '%1' defined for integration object '%2'. Please check your Status Key definition. .136 SBL-EAI-04136 EAI 4.Message Text Error adding child property set for element '%1' to parent property set of type '%2' Element with XML tag '%1' is not found in the definition of EAI Integration Component '%2' Field definition with XML tag not found '%1' while processing field '%2' children. 159 SBL-EAI-04159 4.147 SBL-EAI-04147 4. Type: '%1' Direction: '%2' Key: '%3' Memory allocation failure Invalid method for EAI Lookup Service: '%1' Error allocating memory for '%1' Unable to create MIME basicpart Unable to create MIMEHierarchy from a SiebelMessage Unable to create the MIME message Unable to create SiebelMessage from a MIMEHierarchy Unable to create MIME message Type was '%1'.157 SBL-EAI-04157 4.167 SBL-EAI-04167 4.169 SBL-EAI-04169 4. Unable to write to output stream. The following error is reported '%1'. ModId field '%1' absent from the instance of integration component '%2' Input '%1' missing No input objects to process Output '%1' missing Required property '%1' is not set for Business Service '%2' No field of type DTYPE_ATTACHMENT is found.150 SBL-EAI-04150 4.151 SBL-EAI-04151 4. The following error is reported '%1'.160 SBL-EAI-04160 4. Unable to create MIME property set representation Unable to create MIME multipart No children exist or child is not of either type 'MIMEHierarchy' or 'Document' Unable to create output stream.164 SBL-EAI-04164 4. The following error is reported '%1'.Message Text EAI Lookup Map: Lookup Failure. Integration Component Instance unable to support file attachments Integration component '%1' doesn't have any ModId fields in the status key '%2' No status key defined for integration component '%1' Error getting Integration Object Definition for '%1' Parameter '%1' required for function '%2' The wizard needs parameter '%1' but could not find it in the '%2' configuration section No tables were selected Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.155 SBL-EAI-04155 4.146 SBL-EAI-04146 4.158 SBL-EAI-04158 4.170 SBL-EAI-04170 4.166 SBL-EAI-04166 4. .163 SBL-EAI-04163 4.148 SBL-EAI-04148 4.144 SBL-EAI-04144 4. The following error is reported '%1'.149 SBL-EAI-04149 4. All rights reserved. Unable to parse the MIME message.165 SBL-EAI-04165 4. expecting 'Document' Child property set of service method arguments should have type 'MIMEHierarchy' Unable to create input stream.161 SBL-EAI-04161 4.145 SBL-EAI-04145 4.143 SBL-EAI-04143 4.162 SBL-EAI-04162 4.154 SBL-EAI-04154 4.152 SBL-EAI-04152 4.168 SBL-EAI-04168 4.153 SBL-EAI-04153 4.171 SBL-EAI-04171 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 101 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.150 SBL-EAI-04150 4.156 SBL-EAI-04156 4. <field>] = <value text> Information about integration component field '%1' not found.470 SBL-EAI-04470 EAI 4.176 SBL-EAI-04176 EAI EAI EAI EAI 4. Integration Object '%2'. Valid format: [<component>.181 SBL-EAI-04181 EAI 13. This can also happen if the login specified does not have sufficient privileges to query for tables or if the database tableowner is case sensitive and does not match what is specifie Cannot find definition for integration component field '%1' in Integration Component '%2' in Integration Object '%3' Error converting property set hierarchy to integration object hierarchy.178 SBL-EAI-04178 EAI 4.003 SBL-EAI-13003 EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 102 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.177 SBL-EAI-04177 EAI 4. All rights reserved. Check query specification and fields defined for integration component '%2' Identifier expected on the left side of query specification item. Check query specification and output integration object definition.Message Text The wizard found no information when querying the specified datasource.179 SBL-EAI-04179 4.468 SBL-EAI-04468 EAI 4. .180 SBL-EAI-04180 EAI EAI 4.175 SBL-EAI-04175 4.) corresponding to the property '%' (Property Set Type '%4') Corrupted component '%1' information .009 SBL-EAI-13009 13.<field>] = <value text> Unsupported %1: '%2' in query specification '%3' Fields from different components are unsupported in %1: '%2' in query specification '%3' Invalid search specification '%1'.172 SBL-EAI-04172 4. A value or a wildcard expected on the right side of query specification item.469 SBL-EAI-04469 EAI 4.bad reference to component instance (internal) Component instance does not contain definition for component '%1' '%1' cannot be on both sides of %2: '%3' in query specification '%4' Information about integration component '%1' not found.<field>] = <value text> Invalid conjunction at the beginning of expression: %1 Invalid expression: %1 Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 4.459 SBL-EAI-04459 EAI 4.174 SBL-EAI-04174 4. Valid format: [<component>.173 SBL-EAI-04173 4. Valid format: [<component>. Cannot find integration component corresponding to property set with type '%1' Cannot find integration component field definition (Integration Component '%1'. 502 SBL-EAI-12502 EAI Web Services Error Codes 103 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.Message Text Field '%1' in the integration component '%2' instance contains invalid query expression: %3 Invalid operator: %1 Missing open parenthesis at the beginning of expression: %1 Unexpected text: %1 Unmatched parenthesis: %1 Unmatched quotes: %1 Unquoted value: %1 Integration component field '%1' has a dependency on the field '%2' that does not exist in the integration component '%3' No updates are allowed in Integration Component field '%1' in Integration Component '%2'.472 SBL-EAI-04472 4.473 SBL-EAI-04473 4. XML Schema generator does not support different XML namespaces for XML Tag and XSD Type in the integration object definition. All rights reserved. Cannot create integration object for weakly typed schema.004 SBL-EAI-13004 13.184 SBL-EAI-04184 4. XMLTagNamespace='%1'. No inserts are allowed in Integration Component '%1'. XSDTypeNamespace = '%2' The business object (%1) was not found in the repository.010 SBL-EAI-13010 13. Unable to retrieve Book Of Business Business Component Picklist validation of field '%1' in integration component '%2' didn't find any matches satisfying the query '%3'.000 SBL-EAI-11000 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.000 SBL-EAI-09000 EAI 4.005 SBL-EAI-13005 13.185 SBL-EAI-04185 4. None of the global %1s from schema referred to by '%2' element namespace '%3' could be imported/included) XML Tag '%1' in field '%2' of Integration Component '%3' has been defined differently in a previous field.007 SBL-EAI-13007 11. No deletes are allowed in Integration Component '%1'.008 SBL-EAI-13008 13.186 SBL-EAI-04186 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 9. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 13. .187 SBL-EAI-04187 EAI 4.183 SBL-EAI-04183 4.449 SBL-EAI-04449 EAI 12. and an attempt to create a new record through the picklist failed. BookId '%1' is invalid or User has no required permission to access the specified Book.471 SBL-EAI-04471 4. Please ensure that either the XML Tag is unique or both fields have the same properties. %2.006 SBL-EAI-13006 13.182 SBL-EAI-04182 EAI 4. Invalid value ‘%1’ specified for the method argument 'BookName'. No updates are allowed in Integration Component '%1'.002 SBL-EAI-13002 13. 205 SBL-EAI-04205 4.192 SBL-EAI-04192 EAI 4.206 SBL-EAI-04206 4. The %1 field is missing or invalid for the %2 %3. %1.197 SBL-EAI-04197 4.196 SBL-EAI-04196 EAI EAI EAI EAI 4. Please check your configuration Invalid integration component Invalid integration object Required message header property 'IntObjectName' is missing or invalid '%1' is not a valid snapshot type Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI 12. .201 SBL-EAI-04201 4. An inactive or invalid business component '%1' is being referenced by %2 '%3' Field %1 referenced in user property %2 doesn't exist in business component %3 List Type '%1' is not supported Cannot create integration object: Invalid Root Integration Component.188 SBL-EAI-04188 4. The Integration Object "Siebel OM: Repository Integration Object" was not found in repository. All rights reserved.199 SBL-EAI-04199 EAI EAI EAI 4.208 SBL-EAI-04208 4.Message Text The input parameter %1 is missing or invalid for the Siebel Synchronization Wizard.202 SBL-EAI-04202 4. Error in '%3' Field '%1' is missing or invalid Error getting root component Error creating object instance Error getting child component An invalid EAI Message was received.204 SBL-EAI-04204 4.190 SBL-EAI-04190 4.198 SBL-EAI-04198 4. The repository name must be provided in the input EAI Message property 'RepositoryName' An error occurred getting Business %1 named '%2' Non-existing Link '%1' specified in the definition of Business Object. Please check the Primary Business Component to see if it is valid An invalid search spec was specified on object '%1': Field Name: '%2'.203 SBL-EAI-04203 4. Please check your system configuration An error occurred executing Buscomp '%1' An invalid EAI Message was received.195 SBL-EAI-04195 4.189 SBL-EAI-04189 4.200 SBL-EAI-04200 4.501 SBL-EAI-12501 12.207 SBL-EAI-04207 4.193 SBL-EAI-04193 4.500 SBL-EAI-12500 12.209 SBL-EAI-04209 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 104 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Search Spec Value:' %3' Cannot find repository table '%1'. Please check your configuration The Siebel Repository was not specified.503 SBL-EAI-12503 4.191 SBL-EAI-04191 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4. Cannot create integration object for business object '%1': You must define a Primary Business Component for this business object An error occurred processing buscomp '%1' for MVG '%2'.194 SBL-EAI-04194 4. (Dispatch Rule Set) or (Dispatch Workflow Process) is mutually exclusive Execution of requested external function in the DLL failed Error flushing a file Attempting to read from a file not opened for reading Attempting to write to a file not opened for writing Unable to open file '%1' Error reading from file Error writing to file The parameter specification of (Dispatch Service.212 SBL-EAI-04212 4.225 SBL-EAI-04225 4.219 SBL-EAI-04219 4.Message Text '%1' is a required service method argument Mod number of the new data is smaller than the old data Not enough memory available.216 SBL-EAI-04216 4. Dispatch Method).226 SBL-EAI-04226 4. AMI error when trying to: %1\r\nException: %2\r\nSource: %3\r\nAMI Error Code: %4\r\nMQSeries Error Code: %5 AMI warning when trying to: %1\r\nException: %2\r\nSource: %3\r\nAMI Error Code: %4\r\nMQSeries Error Code: %5 MQSeries Begin Transaction failed: Queue Manager: '%1'. Please check your configuration '%1' is a required service method argument Cannot transcode from '%1' to '%2' Dispatch service: '%1'. .222 SBL-EAI-04222 4.223 SBL-EAI-04223 4.228 SBL-EAI-04228 EAI 4.231 SBL-EAI-04231 EAI 4.230 SBL-EAI-04230 EAI 4. (Dispatch Rule Set) or (Dispatch Workflow Process) is incomplete Make sure that parameter '%1' is set to 'false' if binary data is expected.221 SBL-EAI-04221 4. Snapshot does not exist for '%1' with '%2' = '%3' Field '%1' is missing or invalid for root component of integration object '%2' Error getting '%1' A empty or invalid EAI Message was received. Queue: '%2'\r\nMQSeries Error Code: %3 Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4. method: '%2' had an error The parameter specification of (Dispatch Service.214 SBL-EAI-04214 4.232 SBL-EAI-04232 EAI Web Services Error Codes 105 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.220 SBL-EAI-04220 4. All rights reserved.213 SBL-EAI-04213 4.\nBinary data has been encountered at position '%2'.227 SBL-EAI-04227 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4. Dispatch Method).460 SBL-EAI-04460 4.229 SBL-EAI-04229 EAI 4. Queue: '%2'\r\nMQSeries Error Code: %3 MQSeries Commit Transaction failed: Queue Manager: '%1'.211 SBL-EAI-04211 4.215 SBL-EAI-04215 4.224 SBL-EAI-04224 4.218 SBL-EAI-04218 4.217 SBL-EAI-04217 4.210 SBL-EAI-04210 4. Please consult MQSeries documentation for further information. All rights reserved.359 SBL-EAI-04359 EAI EAI 4. Please consult MQSeries documentation for further information.361 SBL-EAI-04361 EAI 4. Please consult MQSeries documentation for further information.236 SBL-EAI-04236 4. . Please consult MQSeries documentation for further information. Corrective Action: Shut down the object manager and bring it up in a non thread-pooled mode. Please consult MQSeries documentation for further information. MQMD_S_In_Persistence value set is incorrect.237 SBL-EAI-04237 4.360 SBL-EAI-04360 EAI 4. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 4.235 SBL-EAI-04235 4.233 SBL-EAI-04233 4. Unable to determine MQSeries CorrelId.365 SBL-EAI-04365 EAI 4. Please consult MQSeries documentation for further information. Please consult MQSeries documentation for further information.366 SBL-EAI-04366 EAI 4.358 SBL-EAI-04358 EAI 4. MQMD_S_In_Expiry value set is incorrect. Unable to determine MQSeries AccountingToken. Please consult MQSeries documentation for further information.364 SBL-EAI-04364 EAI 4.363 SBL-EAI-04363 EAI 4.Message Text Unable to connect to MQSeries Queue Manager '%1'\r\nMQSeries Error Code: %2\r\nPlease check your MQSeries configuration and verify that the queue manager is running.234 SBL-EAI-04234 4. Unable to get a message from MQSeries Queue '%1'\r\nMQSeries Error Code: %2 MQMD_S_In_CodedCharSetId value set is incorrect. Please consult MQSeries documentation for further information. Unable to determine MQSeries GroupId. MQMD_S_In_MsgType value set is incorrect. Unable to extract MQSeries message ID when receiving message ReplyToQ or ReplyToQMgr info not provided for MQSeries AMI request Unable to extract MQSeries message ID when sending message WebSphere MQ functionality not supported in a thread-pooled object manager. Please consult MQSeries documentation for further information.357 SBL-EAI-04357 EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 106 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.362 SBL-EAI-04362 EAI 4. Unable to determine MQSeries CCSID for: %s. MQMD_S_In_Priority value set is incorrect.367 SBL-EAI-04367 EAI 4. MQMD_S_In_Encoding value set is incorrect. parts should refer to schema using 'type'.244 SBL-EAI-04244 4. parts should refer to schema using 'element'.007 SBL-EAI-08007 EAI 8. Error importing XML schema via method '%1' for '%2' '%3' in '%4' Can not find binding '%1' for port '%2' in WSDL file.009 SBL-EAI-08009 4.Message Text Unable to open MQSeries Queue '%1'\r\nMQSeries Error Code: %2\r\nPlease check the MQSeries configuration and verify that the specified queue exists.247 SBL-EAI-04247 4. All rights reserved.458 SBL-EAI-04458 4.249 SBL-EAI-04249 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.245 SBL-EAI-04245 4.241 SBL-EAI-04241 EAI 4. This can happen if service '%1' has attempted an illegal dispatch to itself through dispatch service '%2' Service '%1' attempting an illegal dispatch to itself Unknown exception caught while trying to %1 Method '%1' is not defined for Service '%2' XML string is empty 'Target Integration Object' field for channel object '%1' is empty or invalid Error getting '%1' Channel '%1' is not found The format of the message does not match (IntObjName. Message '%1' with part '%2' refers to schema using element='%3'.246 SBL-EAI-04246 4.008 SBL-EAI-08008 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 8.243 SBL-EAI-04243 4. For use='literal'. Queue: '%2'\r\nMQSeries Error Code: %3 Invalid connection state.child type should be unique.254 SBL-EAI-04254 EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 107 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Unable to put a message to MQSeries Queue '%1'\r\nMQSeries Error Code: %2 MQSeries Rollback Transaction failed: Queue Manager: '%1'.%2 errors were found External-required field '%1' of component '%2' is missing on the integration object instance. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 4.242 SBL-EAI-04242 4.010 SBL-EAI-08010 8. Validation failed for EAI Integration Object message of type '%1' . XML parent/grandparent field '%1' of field '%2' on component '%3' is missing. For use='encoded'.238 SBL-EAI-04238 4.248 SBL-EAI-04248 4.253 SBL-EAI-04253 4.251 SBL-EAI-04251 4. .239 SBL-EAI-04239 4.250 SBL-EAI-04250 4. Message '%1' with part '%2' refers to schema using type='%3'.240 SBL-EAI-04240 EAI EAI 4. Cannot parse schema definitions from WSDL 'types' element. IntObjInst) Component type '%1' has more than one (exactly '%2') child type '%3' .252 SBL-EAI-04252 8. Can not find definition of namespace alias '%1' referenced by %2 '%3' in WSDL file. Method '%1' of XSD Wizard called before method 'GetList'.266 SBL-EAI-04266 9. Error writing XML to file '%1'. Please ensure that if multiple HTTP ports are XMLHierarchy property set should have at least one child for root XML element Integration Object's XML Hierarchy should have exactly one child of type SiebelMessage Cannot find XML namespace declaration for prefix '%1' Invalid qualified name '%1'. Cannot find portType operation for binding operation '%1'. Message '%1' referenced by operation '%2' %3 message not found in WSDL file.260 SBL-EAI-04260 EAI EAI 10. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.262 SBL-EAI-04262 4.Message Text WSDL document is missing the top level element '%1'.159 SBL-EAI-05159 5. %1 Service requires a 'FileName' parameter '%1' service with method '%2' failed while generating XML to be written to file '%3'.264 SBL-EAI-04264 4. Type '%1' not defined in WSDL file.259 SBL-EAI-04259 4.151 SBL-EAI-05151 5.006 SBL-EAI-09006 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 108 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.153 SBL-EAI-05153 4.001 SBL-EAI-10001 10. No schema with URI '%1' (referenced by %2 '%3') found in the WSDL document.026 SBL-EAI-08026 4.152 SBL-EAI-05152 4.257 SBL-EAI-04257 5. Can not find the service %1. Element '%1' is missing the name attribute.255 SBL-EAI-04255 5. '%1' service with method '%2' failed while processing XML from file '%3'. The binding element '%1' is invalid. The SoapOperation %1 does not have either an input or output SoapBody child. Cannot create integration object for weakly typed schema (containing '%1') Cycle detected in the '%1' schema: %2 '%3' has a cycle Cannot find global '%1' declaration for name: '%2'.001 SBL-EAI-09001 9.263 SBL-EAI-04263 4.008 SBL-EAI-09008 9. The SoapOperation %1 has SoapBody children with different use attribute values. All rights reserved.265 SBL-EAI-04265 4.256 SBL-EAI-04256 5.003 SBL-EAI-09003 9.150 SBL-EAI-05150 4.155 SBL-EAI-05155 5.258 SBL-EAI-04258 8. Multiple protocols for HTTP ports in the same web service are not supported.261 SBL-EAI-04261 4.000 SBL-EAI-10000 4. Cannot generate WSDL for service '%1' because HTTP port '%2' with protocol '%3' conflicts with HTTP port '%4' with protocol '%5'. . Unable to open file '%1' Error getting XML from file '%1'. 267 SBL-EAI-04267 4.289 SBL-EAI-04289 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.019 SBL-EAI-50019 50.274 SBL-EAI-04274 4.004 SBL-EAI-09004 9.013 SBL-EAI-13013 13.022 SBL-EAI-50022 4.032 SBL-EAI-50032 50.271 SBL-EAI-04271 4.020 SBL-EAI-50020 50.275 SBL-EAI-04275 50.002 SBL-EAI-09002 4.009 SBL-EAI-09009 9.012 SBL-EAI-13012 13.268 SBL-EAI-04268 4.290 SBL-EAI-04290 EAI 13.016 SBL-EAI-50016 50.Message Text targetNamespace '%1' of XML Schema does not match the namespace value '%2' of the 'import' or 'include' tag No root component definition instance found in the input Integration Object. The record with search specification '%1' in business component '%2' (integration component '%3') has been modified by another user since it was retrieved (as indicated by field '%4').015 SBL-EAI-50015 50.269 SBL-EAI-04269 4.014 SBL-EAI-13014 50.017 SBL-EAI-50017 50.018 SBL-EAI-50018 50.005 SBL-EAI-09005 9.007 SBL-EAI-09007 9. Cannot find schema with targetNamespace: '%1' XSLT Processing Exception: %1 Cannot initialize XSLT system Unable to initialize Xalan for XSLT processing Unable to initialize Xerces for XSLT processing: %1 No XSLT input source Exception terminating XSLT system Cannot create XSLT stylesheet root Error processing the XSLT and/or XML input(s) Server mode is not Upgrade Completed NumOutputObjects Binary Operator Constant Function Identifier Parameter List Unrecognized item Unary Operator Untyped item The record with search specification '%1' in business component '%2' (integration component '%3') has been deleted by another user since it was retrieved.033 SBL-EAI-50033 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 109 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 9. Abort Transaction Begin Transaction End Transaction The name %1 is already being used for a %2.272 SBL-EAI-04272 4. XML Schema document located at '%1' could not be parsed. All rights reserved. Renaming the %3 to %4. The field %1 is required. Please requery and redo the update. . Changing the required and external required values to Y and making the field active.014 SBL-EAI-50014 50.273 SBL-EAI-04273 4.270 SBL-EAI-04270 4. XML Schema document located at '%1' does not contain an XSD schema.021 SBL-EAI-50021 50. Unless you manually create at least one User Key.034 SBL-EAI-50034 50. Deleting the Key Field and making the Parent Key inactive. Field '%1' in Business Component '%2' has been inactivated. Creating the Key Field as inactive. you won't be able to 'upsert' or 'synchronize' it.042 SBL-EAI-50042 4.036 SBL-EAI-50036 EAI EAI 50.295 SBL-EAI-04295 EAI 4. Inactivating the user property. Setting it to data. The %1.294 SBL-EAI-04294 EAI 4. The field (%3) is not active or no longer present.038 SBL-EAI-50038 EAI 50.330 SBL-EAI-04330 4. Thus.039 SBL-EAI-50039 50. It has an invalid value (%2) because the PICKLIST user property is not set.035 SBL-EAI-50035 50. Removing the field from the value. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 50.Message Text The user property %1 has an invalid value (%2). Setting with the default value (%3). The field type for field %1 was invalid.329 SBL-EAI-04329 EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 110 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. because it's a calculated field.037 SBL-EAI-50037 EAI 50.291 SBL-EAI-04291 EAI EAI 4. Can not find operations for this binding. Required column '%1' in table '%2' is not mapped to any field in the business component '%3'. %1 defined in '%2' is not supported.PickListUserKey did not contain any active fields. Creating the Parent Key as inactive.PickListUserKey contains an inactive or missing field (%2). or inactive join. %1.041 SBL-EAI-50041 EAI 50. The %1. because it's either based on an inner. Non-required user key column '%1' in table '%2' is not mapped to any field in the business component '%3'. The integration component key field %1 references a field (%2) that does not exist. . Business Component '%1' is not based on a table: no User Key could be generated. Removing the user property.292 SBL-EAI-04292 EAI 4.040 SBL-EAI-50040 EAI EAI 50. The integration component key field %1 references an inactive field (%2). The user property will not be written to the synchronized object. Field '%1' in Business Component '%2' has been inactivated. user key '%4' for integration component '%5' may not be complete.293 SBL-EAI-04293 EAI 4. The integration component key field %1 is inactive. Thus. The user property %1 has an invalid value (%2). All rights reserved. user key '%4' is not being considered for generation of any integration component user keys. because none of its ports could be imported.299 SBL-EAI-04299 4. SOAP Envelope received is not valid. Service '%1' can not be imported. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.340 SBL-EAI-04340 4.298 SBL-EAI-04298 4.332 SBL-EAI-04332 4.300 SBL-EAI-04300 4.030 SBL-EAI-50030 4.341 SBL-EAI-04341 50.028 SBL-EAI-50028 4.336 SBL-EAI-04336 4.344 SBL-EAI-04344 4. There is no portType named '%1' for binding '%2'.339 SBL-EAI-04339 4. Notification is not supported.338 SBL-EAI-04338 4.026 SBL-EAI-50026 50.346 SBL-EAI-04346 50.345 SBL-EAI-04345 4. There are no new outbound proxy business services to be generated.297 SBL-EAI-04297 4. %3. Business Service '%1' does not have method '%2' defined in the current SRF.343 SBL-EAI-04343 4.Message Text %1 '%2' can not be imported. There are no new integration objects to be generated. There is no soap:binding address for port '%1'. Can not import its %3. There are no web service definitions to be generated.334 SBL-EAI-04334 4. The %1 '%2' was ignored. Operation '%1' is not supported because style '%2' does not match use '%3'. The operation returned a malformed response. Solicit-Response is not supported.342 SBL-EAI-04342 4.302 SBL-EAI-04302 Web Services Error Codes 111 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.335 SBL-EAI-04335 4.337 SBL-EAI-04337 4.331 SBL-EAI-04331 4.029 SBL-EAI-50029 50.347 SBL-EAI-04347 4. Protocol '%1' for port '%2' is not supported.333 SBL-EAI-04333 50. . Following are warnings generated in the process: Web Service definitions to be generated: Required method argument '%1' not passed to outbound web service proxy.027 SBL-EAI-50027 4. Integration object definitions to be generated: for type/element: Internal error invoking method '%1' in %2 '%3'.296 SBL-EAI-04296 4. All rights reserved. %3 for portTypeName: %1 '%2' can not be imported. Argument '%1' does not have integration object name specified in the current SRF. Outbound proxy business service definitions to be generated: Schema with targetNamespace: '%1' already exists in WSDL file. Different styles within one binding are not supported. abort this port. Business Service '%1' does not exist in current SRF. 308 SBL-EAI-04308 EAI EAI 4. There is no active Web Service with inbound port type named '%1'.303 SBL-EAI-04303 EAI EAI 4.006 SBL-EAI-08006 EAI 4. Please check the webservice configuration.313 SBL-EAI-04313 8.304 SBL-EAI-04304 4.310 SBL-EAI-04310 EAI 4.%3' at port '%4' failed. Operation '%1' of Web Service '%2. The address should be of the form mq://<queue>@<queuemanager> MSMQ Address '%1' is badly formatted.001 SBL-EAI-08001 8. Language dependent value '%1' of field '%2' could not be translated to language independent code.315 SBL-EAI-04315 EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 112 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.301 SBL-EAI-04301 4.027 SBL-EAI-08027 4.%3' at port '%4' failed with the following explanation: "%5".309 SBL-EAI-04309 EAI 4.305 SBL-EAI-04305 EAI EAI 4. There is no active Web Service with operation named '%1'. Web Service '%1' does not have a port with name '%2'. MQ Address '%1' is badly formatted. Operation '%1' of Web Service '%2.Message Text Outbound webservice proxy '%1' cannot be configured to call itself recursively using transport 'Local Business Service'. Operation '%1' is not expecting a response but a response was received. There is no active web service with outbound port type named '%1'. because SOAP Body of the response contained child element '%5' instead of expected '%6'.021 SBL-EAI-08021 8. There is no active Outbound Web Service named '%1'. The address should be of the form msmq://<queue>@<queuemanager> No ports were initialized for Web Service named '%1' having namespace value '%2'.306 SBL-EAI-04306 EAI 4. Operation name '%1' already exists.%3' at port '%4' failed.314 SBL-EAI-04314 EAI EAI EAI 4. Operation '%1' of Web Service '%2.312 SBL-EAI-04312 4. . SOAPAction '%1' is of invalid format: SOAPAction should be of the form "rpc/operationName" or "document/operationName". and is required to be unique across all inbound Web Services. Operation '%1' is expecting a response but no response was received.311 SBL-EAI-04311 4. because SOAP Body of the response did not contain expected child element '%5'. All rights reserved. Argument '%1' for Operation '%2' is not known.307 SBL-EAI-04307 4. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 8. Cannot extract SOAP Array item type from arrayType '%1'. No valid port type has been defined.025 SBL-EAI-08025 8.317 SBL-EAI-04317 4.320 SBL-EAI-04320 4. Global definition for %1 ‘%2’ is defined more than once in the XML schema. Operation '%1' has neither input nor output arguments. Reference to element with id '%1' used in element '%2' cannot be resolved. No valid message has been defined.005 SBL-EAI-08005 8. WSDL cannot be generated for webservice '%1' of namespace '%2'. WSDL cannot be generated for binding of port '%1' having transport value '%2'.322 SBL-EAI-04322 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4. Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.325 SBL-EAI-04325 4.319 SBL-EAI-04319 8.321 SBL-EAI-04321 4.326 SBL-EAI-04326 4.353 SBL-EAI-04353 EAI Web Services Error Codes 113 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.002 SBL-EAI-08002 4. . Namespace value '%1' in SOAPAction does not match Namespace value '%2' in xml tag '%3'.328 SBL-EAI-04328 EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.004 SBL-EAI-08004 8. Non-local reference '%1' used in element '%2' is not supported.327 SBL-EAI-04327 4.318 SBL-EAI-04318 4. Unable to process SOAP Header child element '%1' with '%2' Transport '%1' is not supported. WSDL cannot be generated for webservice '%1' of namespace '%2'. '%1' tag has no attribute 'name and attribute 'ref'.324 SBL-EAI-04324 EAI 4. Global '%1' tag has no attribute 'name'.348 SBL-EAI-04348 4.000 SBL-EAI-08000 4.003 SBL-EAI-08003 8. WSDL cannot be generated for port '%1' having binding value '%2'.316 SBL-EAI-04316 8. No valid port has been defined. All rights reserved. WSDL cannot be generated for webservice '%1' of namespace '%2'.323 SBL-EAI-04323 EAI 4.349 SBL-EAI-04349 4. WSDL cannot be generated for the following reason: '%1' WSDL cannot be generated for webservice '%1' of namespace '%2'. Global definition for %1 '%2' referred from definition for %3 ‘%4’ cannot be found in the XML schema. This is invalid schema.Message Text Error while processing argument %1 for operation %2 Invalid arrayType specified. No valid binding has been defined. There is no active Web Service named '%1'.350 SBL-EAI-04350 EAI EAI EAI 4. Active Workflow Process named '%1' cannot be found in runtime database '%2'. WSDL cannot be generated for '%1' binding. WSDL cannot be generated for port type '%1'. Message Text XML Schema Type '%1' does not have any elements defined. No possible XML document root can be selected for given XML schema. XML schema definition for ‘%1’ should have a valid parent element. Global definition for %1 ‘%2’ cannot be used as XML document root since it is not found in the XML schema. Namespace alias used in ‘%1’ is not supported in the XML schema, expecting ‘%2’. Siebel Code Generator cannot allocate enough memory for this transaction. Siebel Code Generator does not support the requested programming language. Method '%1' of business component '%2' (integration component '%3') for record with search specification '%4' returned the following error:"%5" Method '%1' of business component '%2' (integration component '%3') returned the following error:\n"%4" No definition found for the field '%1' in the business component '%2' No rows retrieved corresponding to the business component '%1' Cyclic dependency defined on the fields of the integration component Unable to delete %1 rows for the business component %2 For instance of Integration Component '%1', using user key '%2', a record with identical values already exists in the Siebel database. Please ensure that the field values in the input message are unique. Cannot find picklist based on the field '%1' Insert operation on integration component '%1' failed because a matching record in business component '%2' with search specification '%3' was found. Invalid integration component type for %1 Invalid Integration Object base type '%2' for Siebel Adapter - Expected '%1' Invalid operation defined on the integration component %1 Hierarchy key '%1' in integration component '%2' references a non-existing field '%3' Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI EAI EAI EAI 4,351 SBL-EAI-04351 4,352 SBL-EAI-04352 4,354 SBL-EAI-04354 4,355 SBL-EAI-04355 4,356 SBL-EAI-04356 EAI 4,373 SBL-EAI-04373 4,374 SBL-EAI-04374 4,375 SBL-EAI-04375 EAI EAI EAI 4,376 SBL-EAI-04376 EAI 4,377 SBL-EAI-04377 4,378 SBL-EAI-04378 4,379 SBL-EAI-04379 4,380 SBL-EAI-04380 4,381 SBL-EAI-04381 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4,382 SBL-EAI-04382 4,383 SBL-EAI-04383 EAI EAI 4,384 SBL-EAI-04384 4,385 SBL-EAI-04385 4,386 SBL-EAI-04386 4,387 SBL-EAI-04387 EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 114 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Message Text PageSize method argument cannot be greater than '%1' specified by the server parameter 'MaximumPageSize' Invalid value '%1' defined for the property '%2' Required field is missing in instance of Integration Component '%1' with the user key '%2': %3 Multiple matches found for instance of integration component '%1' using search specification '%2' in the business component '%3', based on user key '%4'. No input message specified for the service method argument No business component field name corresponding to the integration component field '%1' Could not find a business component that corresponds to the integration component '%1' Integration component %1 contains no fields No integration component field corresponding to '%1' Key '%1' for integration component '%2' doesn't contain any key fields Integration Component '%1' is supposed to support File Attachments, but it doesn't include a field whose name contains the string 'FileName'. No user key can be used for the Integration Component instance '%1'. All field values corresponding to the user key '%1' in the integration component '%2' have NULL values No output object type specified in the service method argument Invalid pickmap definition for the field '%1' corresponding to the source field '%2' in the business component '%3' Cannot find entry '%1' in the bounded picklist for the field '%2' in integration component '%3' Update operation on integration component '%1' failed because no matching record in business component '%2' with search specification '%3' could be found. Invalid value '%1' defined for the user property '%2' Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 4,406 SBL-EAI-04406 4,388 SBL-EAI-04388 4,389 SBL-EAI-04389 EAI EAI 4,390 SBL-EAI-04390 EAI 4,398 SBL-EAI-04398 4,391 SBL-EAI-04391 EAI EAI 4,392 SBL-EAI-04392 EAI 4,393 SBL-EAI-04393 4,394 SBL-EAI-04394 4,395 SBL-EAI-04395 4,396 SBL-EAI-04396 EAI EAI EAI EAI 4,397 SBL-EAI-04397 4,399 SBL-EAI-04399 EAI EAI 4,400 SBL-EAI-04400 4,402 SBL-EAI-04402 EAI EAI 4,401 SBL-EAI-04401 EAI 4,403 SBL-EAI-04403 EAI 4,405 SBL-EAI-04405 EAI Web Services Error Codes 115 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Message Text As determined by the first instance, all subsequent instances of integration component '%1' should use the same user key '%2' The FK fields defined for component '%1' do not match the PK fields for parent '%2' Invalid Integration Object base type '%2' for SQL Adapter - Expected '%1' Invalid datatype '%1' for component field '%2' Invalid input bind variable specification for field '%1' The primary key values of the leaf component does not point to a valid root Invalid column bind variable specification for field '%1' Input int object contains '%1' leaf components. Expected 1 leaf component. External Name not specified for component '%1' User Key field '%1' not present in component '%2' Could not find target key for component '%1' referred from child '%2' No target key specified for component '%1' None of the user key field values present in component '%1' User key specification for component '%1' does not yield unique rowset Cannot perform %1 on the business component '%2' Update permission on the field '%1' is not granted for the business component '%2' Unable to read XML from location '%1': %2 Unable to read XML from location '%1': %2 Unable to read XML from URL '%1'; and Base URL '%2': %3 Error in XML document: expecting component instance tag %1, found %2 Data element %1 cannot have a child element DataInChildPropertySet is specified, but no child property set is provided XML Document does not have a valid EAI message header Property Set is not a valid EAI Message Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 4,404 SBL-EAI-04404 4,406 SBL-EAI-04406 4,412 SBL-EAI-04412 4,407 SBL-EAI-04407 4,408 SBL-EAI-04408 4,409 SBL-EAI-04409 4,410 SBL-EAI-04410 4,411 SBL-EAI-04411 4,413 SBL-EAI-04413 4,414 SBL-EAI-04414 4,415 SBL-EAI-04415 4,416 SBL-EAI-04416 4,417 SBL-EAI-04417 4,418 SBL-EAI-04418 4,421 SBL-EAI-04421 4,422 SBL-EAI-04422 11,502 SBL-EAI-11502 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 11,501 SBL-EAI-11501 EAI 4,423 SBL-EAI-04423 4,424 SBL-EAI-04424 4,425 SBL-EAI-04425 4,426 SBL-EAI-04426 4,427 SBL-EAI-04427 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 116 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. found %2 Unknown component or field name %1 for parent component %2 Warning in XML Parser at line %1. step "%2" No change/update is in effect : %3 No update to this record was detected during the upgrade process.434 SBL-EAI-04434 4. All rights reserved. Request time-out. Error encountered at workflow "%1". Error in XML document: expecting XML object tag %1. Attribute %1 not valid for integration component %2 For XML Envelopes other than '%1'.436 SBL-EAI-04436 4. Error encountered at workflow "%1".430 SBL-EAI-04430 EAI EAI 4.441 SBL-EAI-04441 4. the envelope dispatch rule set should be specified to convert to standard EAI message header. step "%2" No change/update is in effect : %3 Send receive timeout Error Message # Error Code Message Facility EAI 11.\nThis can occur if reading is done with 'escape names' processing turned on.444 SBL-EAI-04444 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI Web Services Error Codes 117 of 117 © 2006 Oracle Corporation.438 SBL-EAI-04438 4. please try again. Updates from the old system have already been applied. step "%2" No change/update is in effect. .429 SBL-EAI-04429 4. step "%2" No change/update is in effect.432 SBL-EAI-04432 4.437 SBL-EAI-04437 4.439 SBL-EAI-04439 4. Error encountered at workflow "%1".431 SBL-EAI-04431 4.Message Text Empty Output Property Set.440 SBL-EAI-04440 4.433 SBL-EAI-04433 4. but the document was not written with escapes. column %2: %3 Received empty message Updates to this record has been sent by the batch process and should be applied to the database shortly. Please check again soon.428 SBL-EAI-04428 EAI 4.443 SBL-EAI-04443 4.435 SBL-EAI-04435 EAI EAI EAI EAI EAI 4.500 SBL-EAI-11500 4. Received empty message Error encountered at workflow "%1". Please check to see that the input XML is valid Error reading XML document: invalid escape sequence '%1' in string '%2'.442 SBL-EAI-04442 4.
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