Wrx Whitepaper Buyers Guide
Wrx Whitepaper Buyers Guide
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Five Keys To Buying The Right GPS Fleet Tracking SolutionBUYER’S GUIDE . . . . inc. . . . . . . . . . . 8 KEY #5 . . . . . . . . . 9 © 2011 wireless matrix . . . . . . . . . . five keys to buying the right gps fleet tracking solution |1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . 1 KEY #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .KNOW YOUR PROVIDERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 KEY #4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DECIDE WHAT’S IMPORTANT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 READY. . TRACK!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . all rights reserved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 KEY #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 KEY #3 . . . . .KNOW YOURSELF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UNDERSTANDING GPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .KNOW YOUR OPTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it first helps to know some of the basics about GPS. or are in the process of evaluating service providers and solutions. move ahead to Key #2 . inc. speed. what it is and how it works. • Help you evaluate the various GPS options available. It’s the same in business. GPS can be a powerful tool for fleet operators. Government. we want you to realize the best solution possible for your fleet. more and more fleet operators are deploying GPS fleet tracking solutions in their vehicles. Figure 1 . and has been in operation and available for public use since the early 1990s. increasing customer satisfaction. The GPS satellite network is maintained by the U. Smart phones. To help them manage those operations. • Bring this information together to make a decision. it’s difficult to go about our daily lives without somehow interacting with GPS technology. time and direction of GPS receivers.S. or it could be on a utility pole in the middle of nowhere. To understand how. • Guide you through evaluating your company’s pain points.000 trucks – you do business where those vehicles go. it’s at dozens of locations around town every day. this guide provides you with five easy steps that: • Break down what GPS tracking is. tablets and laptop computers all support it in some form. here’s some basic information on the nuts and bolts of what GPS is and how it works. They do more with their budgets by identifying and eliminating wasteful driver practices. For a delivery company or a tow operator. But if you’re new to GPS.Know Your Options. Currently. For a company servicing appliances or HVAC components. • Give you hints on how to evaluate service providers. five keys to buying the right gps fleet tracking solution |2 . If you haven’t implemented a GPS fleet tracking solution. 32 satellites provide information on location. What Is GPS? GPS – the Global Positioning System – is a network of satellites in Earth orbit.How GPS Tracking Works © 2011 wireless matrix . New cars use it to empower their in-dash navigation systems. that could be at the customer’s meter.INTRODUCTION Where does your business do business? If you have a fleet of vehicles – whether it’s five delivery vans or 10. GPS offers them distinct competitive advantages: They realize increases in productivity with more jobs completed and more flexible job assignment. For utilities. KEY # 1 - UNDERSTANDING GPS GPS technology is everywhere. all rights reserved. They operate with more regular vehicle maintenance and greater safety. Chances are you may already know the basics of GPS. it’s inside the customer’s home. Through these five keys. In fact. if you do. Every company’s operations are unique. They achieve higher numbers of on-time customer appointments. • Need for increased service and services-based revenue (41%) (see Figure 2. • Need for increased service organization productivity and efficiency (54%). It is also important to understand that the GPS receiver’s antenna is passive and only receives signals from the GPS satellites. This application records and interprets the data. A GPS receiver on the ground receives these signals. But the survey revealed additional business drivers spurring the adoption of the technology. inc. Unsurprisingly. n = 123 Source: Aberdeen Group. Should I Implement GPS Tracking? A November 2010 survey by the Aberdeen Group examined the business drivers that were most critical to companies that purchased a GPS fleet tracking solution.GPS Tracking Solution Business Drivers What is GPS Tracking? GPS tracking is a practice that uses a GPS receiver based on the ground – in a vehicle or on a driver – to obtain position information using the GPS satellite cluster. If a large portion of your business is conducted by vehicle. customer demand for improved service performance ranked highest among respondents. from vehicle-mounted GPS units to mobile handsets. © 2011 wireless matrix . It does not broadcast vehicle position. There are a variety of GPS receiver options available to users. Using signals from multiple GPS satellites. 3. 2. with 69% identifying as the highest-pressure reason for needing real-time connectivity to their assets. GPS information from the receiver is then sent via a cellular data signal to a software application. GPS satellites transmit signals that can be received on the ground. where they’re going. five keys to buying the right gps fleet tracking solution |3 . November 2010 Figure 2 . speed and direction at a specific time. including: • Need to reduce/eliminate costs (56%). including the receiver’s position. all rights reserved.Customer demand for improved service performance 69% Need to reduce / eliminate costs 56% Need for increased service organization productivity and efficiency 54% Need for increased service and services-based revenue 41% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Percentage of Respondents. there is great potential to improve your operations and discover new efficiencies (and revenue) through the deployment of GPS tracking in your fleet. 4. A GPS-capable receiver is required for each individual or vehicle that is tracked. It opens a window of insight into how vehicles are being operated. How Does GPS Tracking Work? 1. This position information is then delivered to a software application that displays the location of the GPS receiver. above). and how long it takes to accomplish work tasks. allowing the receiver’s position to be displayed on a map or presented as location information. a variety of information can be determined. A cellular communications system is required to transmit data from the vehicle to the GPS fleet tracking application. A GPS tracking system ensures you receive accurate. supported by actual results realized post-deployment. we’ve seen a cost reduction of $10. you’re on your way to seeing how quickly the right GPS solution pays for itself through both operational improvements and bottom-line cost savings. “so there was really no cost to making the decision. “With that reduction in idle time alone. such as when speeding. “we found that one of the immediate savings that folks have is based around idle time. BENEFIT REPORTED IMPROVEMENT PER DRIVER* On time arrival to the first job Additional jobs/points per day Reduced fuel expenditure Accurate time reporting/reduced labor expenses Reduced overtime expenditure Reduced traffic incidents Reduced outage time Cost per truck roll Monthly impact per tech * Examples drawn from customer reports. Can I Afford GPS Fleet Tracking? GPS fleet tracking is a solution that can truly pay for itself. unnecessary overtime.. actionable data about your everyday operations that can form the foundation for improving operations and saving money. such as when vehicles are used for personal travel after work hours. Clearly when you can see these savings and how they are calculated.A ONE MINUTE CASE STUDY NewWave Communications. 1 hour per day 30% $90 per month 10 hours per month 50% 60% 30% $150 to $600 $100 to $700 © 2011 wireless matrix . longer-than-necessary stops. and how long stops take. that’s an annual decrease in costs greater than what GPS tracking costs the company. The goal was to help improve operational efficiency and help manage fuel consumption. Receive real-time alerts when drivers operate the vehicle unsafely. The potential value indicated by these calculators is often borne out in real-world results. all rights reserved.000 a month. Many GPS solution providers offer ROI calculators that use data you provide about your operations and established business benchmarks (such as how much fuel is burned by idling) to generate an estimate of potential savings from deploying GPS tracking in your fleet. Verifying job assignment effectiveness and completing more jobs each day.” For the company. or when business rules are violated.” Eby says. how often they stop. you can takes steps to improve those areas that can be more efficient or less expensive. • When you can capture vehicle usage and measure driver behavior. “We saw we were able to generate about $3. senior vice president of operations for NewWave. deployed GPS fleet tracking on 175 of its vehicles. where they travel.000 a month right off the bat. a cable company serving six states in the midwestern U. A GPS fleet tracking solution gives you an unprecedented view of your operations: • • Know when your vehicles start for the day. When the information on actual fleet operations is used to set and achieve improvement goals.” NewWave created a measurement around its fleet idle time in an effort to both reduce fuel-wasting vehicle idle and derive immediate benefit from the solution versus the purchase price by generating some cost savings. Identify behaviors that cost the company money: excessive idling. Minimizing off-hour or personal use of company vehicles and saving both fuel and wear-and-tear on your assets. tangible connections can be found between: • • • • Reducing idle time and spending less money every month for fleet fuel.” The company reduced idle time from 40% when its GPS solution was initially deployed to 20%.HOW LONG UNTIL YOU SEE YOUR ROI? .S.” said Larry Eby. but GPS solutions have proven time after time that there is real Return On Investment (ROI) from deploying these solutions in vehicle fleets. “As we looked at a variety of solutions. Ensuring on-time starts and completing your jobs without incurring overtime. inc. as determined through customer measurement and reporting. five keys to buying the right gps fleet tracking solution |4 . The following table indicates some of the actual savings realized. This sounds like a cliche. Identify the basic reports available and what they mean. ensure that application updates are included in the price of the service. all rights reserved. inc. Fuel. This includes an easy-to-use interface for locating vehicles. The ability to put vehicles in specific groups as defined by the user. and sometimes that includes overtime. Solution features vary. Almost all providers will have some form of these features in their solution. The ability to identify specific locations or areas on the map pertinent to your business requirements. Verify how alerts are delivered (within application/email/text/ phone/ reports).KEY # 2 . GPS fleet tracking technology affords you a variety of tools that can help you put precise measurement around the intangible costs FEATURE Dashboard/ Mapping WHAT IT IS to your operations. how your work or business is managed. and how it is accessed. you’re familiar with the direct costs involved. Understand how vehicles can be organized within the application and what tools exist to manage groups to meet your operational needs. © 2011 wireless matrix . Most solutions for fleet tracking are Internet-based and offered as Software as a Service (SaaS). and what operational items can be monitored by alerts (geofences. This removes the need for local hosting of the solution on a server. WHAT TO LOOK FOR A summary screen that may provide mapping. Learn what options exist for creating and managing landmarks or geofences around specific locations. including whether landmarks can be bulk uploaded. review browser requirements to ensure proper functionality with your user platform. You should review them with an eye for usability and how they complement the way you do business. such as a maximum speed or defined operating area.g. panning left and right. can they be scheduled to run automatically. and a high-quality map with controls for zooming in or out.) Both text and mapping that illustrate all of the position updates for a vehicle during a specific time-frame. summaries and other information at fashion. but there is fleet tracking functionality that should be included in the basic package of any solution you consider. how they can be configured. a glance. Look for mapping that graphically illustrates stops/moving updates with icons or color for easy review. Ensure reports provide actionable information. a concise view of vehicle information (such as whether it’s moving or stopped and if there are any alerts). or changing view features (such as changing between street maps and satellite maps. Route Replay Vehicle Alerts Notifications when vehicles violate pre-determined parameters. etc). A main screen that pulls the high-level elements together in a clear vehicle details. Determine the ability to filter or customize reports within the application and the delivery options for reports (e. speeding. Vehicle Grouping Landmarks/ Geofencing Reporting The ability to capture and present data in an ordered. scheduled maintenance and insurance are all critical to ensuring smooth ongoing operations. It can also help identify the gap between your current productivity/costs and what you could both achieve and save through more precise vehicle intelligence. other parameters). Breadcrumb/ The ability to review a specific vehicle’s route. or outdated manual processes. Application Hosting Model Where the application is housed/maintained. Basic Functionality For All There are a number of GPS solutions available to fleet operators. can they be distributed to an email distribution. But there are a number of other costs your fleet can incur that may not be visible at first glance: elements that arise from driver behavior. Drivers need to be paid.KNOW YOUR OPTIONS If you operate a fleet as part of your business. as well as any associated costs to upgrade software. and understand how user IDs are handled. five keys to buying the right gps fleet tracking solution |5 . For Internet-based applications. and not just rows of data. concise fashion for management review/use. This enables drivers with complex routes. Data exports should be in a standard format. If your drivers have numerous jobs to complete during the day. OBDII Interface with the vehicle’s On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) computer. potential routes and highly time-sensitive activities. Integration With Other Applications Direct integration between the GPS solution and another product. inc. A mobile version of the GPS fleet tracking application. a data export can extend the usefulness of GPS tracking data to your back office systems. FEATURE Two-Way Messaging WHAT IT IS Direct text messaging between the dispatcher and driver. such as outage management systems used by utilities. and reduce the manual effort by the driver to close out work orders when they’re completed. route for a driver based on current and where traffic rules can change during the day. new drivers or temporary hires to save time and improve their arrival accuracy. It also improves driver safety by eliminating the temptation to read a paper map while operating the vehicle. This is most useful for decision makers who need to monitor fleet activities while on-the-go and require additional business intelligence beyond emailed alert messages and reports. all rights reserved. support dynamic job reassignment. provide data that allows customers to be notified of pending arrivals or delays. When reviewing additional features available. Route Optimization The ability to determine the most efficient If you operate in an area where highway conditions are highly variable. a solution that supports work order management can identify what jobs are completed or ongoing. Mobile Application © 2011 wireless matrix . Due to variations in on-board computers between vehicle manufacturers. such as XML. It should be considered in specific situations where the on-board computer is the sole source of critical data. reducing the need to change or upgrade multiple systems in order to extend functionality to include GPS data. In the absence of two-way product integration. The additional investment (if any) of these features will vary from one provider to the next. as well as provide an independent pathway for archiving vehicle data locally. Work Order Tracking The ability to track work order status per driver on a map. one thing to consider is the growth potential for your operations: are these added-value features that you may need to deploy in the future? Do they provide service that’s complementary to your current operations or enhance them in new ways? WHEN IT’S GOOD TO HAVE Two-way messaging is useful when your business involves a rapidly changing schedule or fluid job assignments that require coordination between drivers and dispatchers. Data Feed (Export) The ability to export data from the GPS application for generalized use with other applications. route optimization can help dispatchers determine the most efficient route for drivers to meet their operational commitments. OBDII can be a detailed feature set to implement. If your operations leverage specialized systems. or drivers have multiple required locations. In some industries. Whether you require these features or not depends on the day-to-day needs of your operations. or leak detection systems used by cable system operators. five keys to buying the right gps fleet tracking solution |6 . In-Cab Navigation Integrated navigation devices receive address data and provide turn-by-turn directions to the driver.Advanced Options for Specific Functionality GPS fleet tracking solutions may also provide features that address specific operational requirements. consideration should be given to solutions that offer standardized integration tools. the need to monitor information directly from the vehicle’s on-board computer is an important part of following vehicle operations. The most successful deployments of GPS are those that bring drivers and managers together with a common goal of improving the business. you can evaluate potential GPS solutions with a keen eye towards how their functionality can best apply to your current business needs. Know Your Pain Points The other part of the equation is knowing your company’s actual performance versus stated goals. But before you start looking at specific suppliers. For one thing. five keys to buying the right gps fleet tracking solution |7 . they’re not only using company fuel and vehicles. Service providers throughout the industry continue to develop innovative ways to apply vehicle location data to improve operational efficiency. But a vehicle-mounted solution offers multiple safeguards that are lost with mobile device solutions.they’re wasting expensive fuel and accruing wear-and-tear on the vehicles. For example: • If your drivers are idling the vehicles excessively – say. via a mobile device or a laptop-mounted aircard. or confronting things that have become ingrained in your business culture. running the engines while they eat lunch . but for optimal usability and accuracy that cannot be easily manipulated. • Does the company have specific customer service targets or windows it must meet? Does it pay penalty fees or provide discounted service or incentives if it doesn’t meet them? • Is the company responsible for repairs to critical infrastructure upon which thousands of consumers rely? • Does the company support dynamic job reassignment to accommodate schedule changes based on customer needs? By knowing how your business operates from end-to-end. • If a dispatcher can’t reach a driver to tell him a customer has cancelled a call. Each has its merits. all rights reserved. On the contrary. Know Your Business Part of the equation is knowing how your business is designed to operate. or the vehicle via a hard-wired solution. the entire day’s schedule is being pushed out. off-hours use alerts and reporting on unsafe driving habits. But improving operations sometimes means discovering things you don’t want to admit. KEY # 3 - KNOW YOURSELF GPS fleet tracking technology affords you a variety of tools that put precise measurement around the intangible costs to your operations. • If drivers are using vehicles for personal business. This requires a hard assessment of your drivers’ activity and the ability to challenge your notions about their capabilities and behavior. a little self-analysis can go a long way to helping you determine how your business can benefit from a GPS deployment.This is not a comprehensive list. which improves driver safety by reducing distractions. or turned off by the driver. • If drivers aren’t leaving their homes or the depot on time. and records starts. The ultimate decision of one over the other depends on a number of factors that vary from one company to the next. potentially causing missed jobs. decreasing productivity. you lose productive time and waste vehicle miles. to job close out? Some questions to consider in examining your operations include: • Does the company have specific work hours. productivity and cost savings. a vehicle-mounted solution has distinct advantages. You need to understand your company’s pain points – those areas with a gap between the company’s goals and its results. inc. after which overtime must be paid? • Does the company allow employees to take vehicles home. increasing customer dissatisfaction and incurring overtime. stops and idles without manual input from the driver. The service can usually be added to an existing mobile device and may be less expensive to deploy than their vehicle-mounted counterparts. the unit is hard-wired to the vehicle. The same argument can be made for aircard/laptop combinations. which may cost less than a specialized device. They can also help illustrate the gap between what you’re doing with your fleet and what is possible. What Should I Track – The Driver or The Vehicle? An ongoing debate is whether it’s better to track the driver. the most successful deployments of GPS are those that bring drivers and managers together with a common goal of improving the business. and start from home to increase productive time? • Does the company assign work orders from a specific queue and rely on the driver to complete work order paperwork? © 2011 wireless matrix . They cannot be left behind at home or on the job site. but also risking the company’s insurance and reputation if something unfortunate happens with the vehicle. What are the operational parameters of your business? What are your business rules for engaging your customers? Your employees? How does work flow from job planning through execution. Mobile device solutions can often be leveraged using existing wireless contracts. Vehicle-mounted solutions can also provide additional information on the treatment of your expensive asset through the use of vehicle maintenance monitoring. This isn’t to say that GPS should be used as a behavior monitoring tool. Who do they serve? Every fleet has specific needs based on their operations. There’s training your employees in using the system. look for a company with experience and customers in your field of expertise. If you have other systems that will use the GPS data gathered. Similarly. and they will all have very similar service offerings. its stability and commitment to its customers. How many customers do they have? A service provider that serves one or two large enterprises is at risk if one of those customers chooses a new provider. Is their customer care based in the U. But if you don’t know where you stand with elements of driver behavior or think that your organization could benefit from more agile customer response or vehicle coordination. Fleet tracking providers are no exception. providers with a significant amount of time in business are most likely to have stable platforms. you can approach GPS tracking solutions with attention to how those pains are addressed by the solution. toll-free number. Obstacles aren’t the end of the road for GPS. Look for a service provider that has a broad. Know Your Internal Obstacles Unless you’re in a position to dictate company direction and capital investments. which requires coordinating the fleet to take vehicles off the road.Once you’ve identified the pain points for your business. Plus. Also determine if they offer standard integration with the tools you use daily in your fleet.g. How long have they been in business? The ability to provide cheap GPS data has led to a glut of small companies long on promise and short on experience. five keys to buying the right gps fleet tracking solution |8 . Take time to understand the reservations of the people opposed to a new fleet tracking solution. • Dispatchers who are hesitent to adopt an additional solution on their desktops. Research the arguments in support of your position. what GPS tracking can tell you about your company can open the way to a variety of improvements in your daily operations that you may not have known were costing you money. Choosing a GPS solution provider under these circumstances can be challenging. fleet tracking can open your eyes to efficiencies and savings you never expected. perhaps differentiated by only a handful of features. • Other projects competing for time. Cell phone providers. restaurants. Cable companies have a vested interest in leak detection.)? Does the company offer additional support tools. all in an effort to get you to choose them over the next guy.KNOW YOUR PROVIDERS Everyone wants your business. They all want to be the service provider for your critical operations. With your own business requirements in mind. • Drivers who dislike the idea of being ‘big brothered’ by GPS or monitored everywhere they travel. You want to understand: © 2011 wireless matrix . While you investigate features and functionality. there are likely going to be internal obstacles to the idea of implementing a GPS solution. For example. politicians. When choosing a GPS fleet tracking company. • Champions of legacy systems who are slow to adapt to new technologies. ask key questions to get a better feel for the company behind the product. Ask the provider what their deployment process entails. etc. you may not find the need for a GPS tracking solution. How involved are they in the process? What processes or tools do they offer during the process? How are questions or issues resolved? How are schedules set? A knowledgable and experienced provider will be able to offer detailed information on roles and responsibilites for outfitting your fleet and preparing your users for the solution. all rights reserved. or a standard format data export that can be used in your back-office system. feature-rich applications and reliable hardware. inc. If you’re comfortable with your fleet’s operations or unconcerned with the specifics as long as work is accomplished.? Is it easy to contact if you have questions? Do they offer guarantees on response times for issue resolution? Are there multiple contact methods (e. such as self-service diagnostics or on-line video training? Is support included in monthly costs? What are their deployment best practices? Deploying a solution is an intricate process. offer you specials or make you guarantees.S. Lower-performing companies don’t last long in the competitive communications and applications industries. A company that has worked with fleets in your space will have experience addressing your pain points and will understand where you can realize greater efficiency. media companies – each will sell you on features and their success record. In turn. Utility fleets use tools for outage management. but they do require special handling. you will also want to know more about the company providing services. driver fears can be eased by reinforcing the benefits drivers will realize from arriving on-time and receiving accurate addressing and directions for their jobs. Delivery companies need continually updated driver statuses. and has customers with a fleet size similar to yours. There’s setting up the application with your information. there’s integration work. you want a solution provider that offers a support system. email. Obstacles can come in a variety of forms: • Budget managers who are wary of capital expenditures. They’re also most likely to have strong customer support. attention or financing. You don’t stay in business for long if you can’t satisfy your customers. diverse customer base that mixes marquee customers with smaller fleet operators. while budget managers can see projections of the ROI from implementing the system. and arm yourself with the correct information. There’s equipment to be installed. KEY # 4 . a company that serves a thousand small customers may not be able to provide the service responsiveness you need. as well as improved bottom-line numbers. What kind of customer support do they offer? In the event you have questions or issues. where you took that long. When reviewing GPS companies. When you investigate providers. It opens a new world of information and insight into your operations. Consider a funnel: if you pour into it at a measured pace. With that in mind. Now’s the time to decide what you need to know more about. TRACK! When you’ve done all the homework. Solid financial footing may be the difference between a long-term solution and needing to shop for a new one in a year when the provider is out of business. deploy it and never hear from the service provider again unless a bill is due. It will be as invested in your success as you are. incorporating new features and capabilities. their solutions and features. and their backgrounds. if you dump it all at once. and just as you don’t want a service provider who disappears after the sale. or to leverage new technological advances. The ones that are in it for the long-haul are the ones that have a strong financial foundation. account management. and a history of not only of expanding their business. how do they decide what features and functionalities to add? A company with a forward-looking plan will provide a growth path for themselves and. you may find a need for other solution elements that address other areas (such as whether drivers congregate. online tools for product troubleshooting and usage information and other services . for your solution. • To promote its benefits internally. ensure that they’re financially solid. all rights reserved. asked questions of yourself and prospective providers. demonstrated growth. you’ll get everything through the spigot without spilling a drop. Does the solution include idle reports? Can you set idle alerts to notify you when drivers are running their engines excessively? Can drivers be ranked by their idle percentages? Are there a variety of metrics available to assess idle performance. For example: • You know your drivers idle unnecessarily. READY. you’ll get everything through the spigot without spilling a drop. Using GPS to improve your bottom line or increase your efficiency requires the same dilligence and investigation as selecting the solution does. Take the time: • To learn the system. What’s their financial condition? Service providers come and go. what are they considering. but also give some weight to the other features the solution provides. You don’t want to try to know everything about every vehicle all at once. • To demonstrate the value of the solution and capture real ROI figures. or if vehicles are being used during non-business hours).DECIDE WHAT’S IMPORTANT Once you have an idea of the providers. Can the solution illustrate where your vehicles have traveled? Does it allow you to see the driver’s entire day and route set? What mechanisms or reporting tools does it offer for monitoring non-business trips? Are reports available to compare actual distance traveled against the planned travel distance? • Drivers that take vehicles home are often late for their first appointment. But the selection isn’t the end of the process. Consider a funnel: if you pour into it at a measured pace. idle minutes per stop. being left to your own devices creates headaches and challenges. Investing effort after the investment is the best way to realize a return on it and ensure you receive the most from tracking your fleet with GPS. What is the product’s roadmap? You want your solution to continue its evolution. by extension. After the sale. five keys to buying the right gps fleet tracking solution |9 . you’ll need a towel and to do it all over again once you clean up. investigated the available solutions and measured them against your business requirements. with little (or no) long-term debt. you’re ready to make your selection. if you dump it all at once. Select the prime candidate based on the solution that best addresses your concerns. no-charge product enhancements. • To obtain continued buy-in from key supporters of the project. you’ll need a towel and to do it all over again once you clean up. A reputable company will provide more than just a contract with a line for your signature. Are there alerts to monitor late starts? Are there landmarks that can be set to indicate when drivers leave home? When they arrive at their first job? What about reports to track on-time starts? Ask service providers about the capabilities and talk to them about how their offerings address your concerns. also ask them what their after-sale support entails. Unfortunately. As you improve performance in one area. KEY # 5 . • To train key personnel using it. review the company’s product and how it addresses the pain points you’ve identified for resolution. many fly-by-night providers offer just that. inc. but also investing in their service offerings. hard look in the mirror. consider those things from Key #3. © 2011 wireless matrix .What happens after the sale? The last thing you want is to invest in a solution. Many providers offer value-added services such as additional personnel training.many of which are included in the cost of the product. such as raw idle hours. and idle as a % of engine time? • Your fleet mileage is high. you don’t want to install GPS in your vehicles and call it done. SET. Ask providers what their product roadmap looks like: what’s forthcoming. . 8554. methodology and benefits described in this “Buyer’s Guide” are solely for the purpose of educating fleet operators and other interested parties regarding GPS-based fleet tracking solutions.843.0380 www. The technology. All other names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Wireless Matrix 13645 Dulles Technology Drive Suite 100 Herndon.888.com To learn more about Wireless Matrix and our fleet management solutions.8554 Fax 703. Wireless Matrix and the Wireless Matrix logo are trademarks of Wireless Matrix and/or its subsidiaries and may not be used without its express written permission. © 2011 Wireless Matrix.262. Marketing Projects Manager doug. no warranty as to accuracy is made and the information is provided “as is. Inc.0500 / 888.wirelessmatrix.com .Author: Doug Lane. will vary.” You should not rely on the general information contained in the Buyer’s Guide as a representation that any particular product or service described herein will meet your specific needs and actual results achieved. which depend on many different factors. Its contents are based on facts. VA 20171 Tel
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