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EUROPEAN COMMISSIONDIRECTORATE-GENERAL ENVIRONMENT Multi-stakeholder Working Group Reports Soil Thematic Strategy Working Group on Soil Erosion Task Group 5 on Links with organic matter and contamination working group and secondary soil threats ENCLOSURES Final Report May 2004 Authors: Giuseppina Crescimanno (taskgroup leader); Mike Lane (taskgroup co-leader); Philip N. Owens; Bengt Rydell; Ole H. Jacobsen; Olaf Düwel; Holger Böken; Judit Berényi-Üveges; Víctor Castillo; Anton Imeson Contributors: Bob Jones; Liesbeth Vandekerckhove; Rob Jarman ; Jorge. Mataix;; Yves Le Bissonnais; Maelenn Poitrenaud; Arnold Arnoldussen; Jaume Fons Esteve; Juan Sànchez Dìaz ; V. Prasuhn Legal notice: This Report was compiled by members of the Technical Working Group on Erosion and represents the collective professional views of the authors on the scientific and technical aspects of the subject-matter. The publication does not reflect the official position of the European Commission or of the Commission's Environment DirectorateGeneral. The authors and members of the Working Group have compiled this Report without prejudice to and without intent for personal or professional gain. © All rights reserved. Publisher : Commission européenne, BU9 3/173, B-1049 Bruxelles / Europese Commissie, BU9 3/173, B-1049 Brussel Belgium. Telephone: (32-2) 29.91111, (32-2)29.69105. Fax: (32-2)29.68825. Electronic address:
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Internet: DG ENV Web: http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/soil/index.htm Internet: Soil CIRCA e-library: http://forum.europa.eu.int/Public/irc/env/Home/main . Assessing the influence of salinity and sodicity on wet aggregate stability and water dispersible clay to prevent soil crusting and erodibility.13 CHAPTER 2 – Salinization and Sodication (extent....... Compaction.. Int.. Conf............. Crescimanno......... Reduction in hydraulic conductivity in relation to clay dispersion and disaggregation...................... 1981. Soc.... Contam.. References..... Hydrology................ McNeal E.. and J...... 43. salinity and pollution control towards sustainable irrigation in the Mediterranean region”........................M......... Saline and sodic soils.............. Rhoades. of the International Conference on Mediterranean Desertification................ 2 ........................ Agassi M...Bari. 1999 Cote C.......B1 – Water.....11 CHAPTER 7 – The link between soil erosion and diffuse contamination of water and air... strategies and action that should be adopted to prevent and to combat salinization and sodication in Europe) – References.... Effect of electrolyte concentration and soil sodicity on the infiltration rate and crust formation... J.. 1987.... References................10 CHAPTER 6 – Organic matter and relationship to other soil protection measures.. Vol 1.... 45: 848-851 Agassi M... Shainberg I.. and G. Crete. Springer-Verlag. The effect of water drop impact energy and water salinity on the infiltration rates of sodic soils. strategies and action that should be adopted to prevent and to combat salinization and sodication in Europe) – References Abu-Sharar T.... Health.D....... Shainberg............ causes.....TASK 5 Links with organic matter and contamination working group and secondary soil threats Recommendations for a Soil Protection Policy from Salinization and Sodication... and P....5 CHAPTER 4 – Floods References...... Nature & Biodiversity ENV. J.......... Morin... Ross...L....... Soc..... May 2004) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ANNEX 1 . 191-209............................. Baiamonte G.... and J........ 51:342-346.. N..22-26 September..J.......... 1997 Bresler E.............. Carter............ causes.... 1999.....................M...............L....T.. Am..... 1997........ Soil Sci.......EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE GENERAL ENVIRONMENT Directorate B – Quality of life.2 CHAPTER 3 –Sub-soil compaction – References...... 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