World Vision Application Form

March 27, 2018 | Author: Prateek Lal | Category: Employment, Salary, Labour, Business



World Vision IndiaApplication For Employment NAME : Mr./Mrs/Miss/Dr./Prof./Rev. ____________________________________________________________________ (Name in Block letters as per Certificate) Photograph to be affixed Address for Communication : ( in Block letters) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________ State ________________ Postal Code Home Ph: ________________ Work Phone________________ __________________________ ___________________ Fax Mobile Phone _______________________ Email : ________________________________________ Post applied for _________________________________________________________________________ Source of information of vacancy _________________________________________________________ 1. PERSONAL DETAILS Age 1.1 Date of Birth years 1.2 1.4 Religion : _____________ _____________ 1.5 Marital Status : appropriate) 1.6 Place of Birth 1.3 Nationality : ____________ Place/State of Domicile : Single / Married / Divorcee / Widowed /Separated (Tick as No. of Children: 1.7 Father’s / Spouse’s Name :_____________________________________________________________ 1.8 Father’s / Spouse’s Occupation : _________________________________________________________ 1 Area of Expertise etc) obtained by training/hands-on. EDUCATION (List most recent first) 2.To University / College / Institution Class / Percenta ge 2.1 Course of Study Specialisat ion Period of Study From .1.experience: LANGUAGE SKILLS Languages : (Tick against the box) ______________ Language Spoken Fluency Mother Tongue : Written Fluency 2 . Special skills/(Computer. please give details : _______________________________________________________ 2.3 3.9 Spouse living in another place (If applicable). if any : 2.2Special achievements in academics or co-curricular activities . 1 Employment Experience : Total years of Experience:_______ (list most recent first) Year(s) (month/ Yr to month/ Yr) Organisatio n’s Name and address Positi on or Title Reportin g to Job responsibilities (Brief) Gross * Salar y Reason for leaving drawn per month * Gross salary means basic and all regular allowances paid in cash 4.2. if not currently working) 4. please mention Supervisor’s name : _____________________________________________ Phone No. & address : _______________________________________________________________ 3 .______________ Fair  Good  Fair  Good ______________ Fair  Good  Fair  Good ______________ Fair  Good  Fair  Good ______________ Fair  Good  Fair  Good ______________ Fair  Good  Fair  Good      4. HISTORY OF EXPERIENCE 4.1 Could we contact your present employer at an appropriate time ? No Yes If yes.2 Present Employer : (or last employer. _______________________________________________________________ e_mail ______________________________________________________________ Your current grade of employment : ________________ (Sub staff / Staff / Supervisory / Managerial / Senior Management).4.2.___________ Benefits / perks (state the annual value of each ) Medical : ____________ LTA:________ Bonus / performance incentive / gift:____________________ PF:________________ Superannuation :_____________ :____________Insurance value of cover.2 Are you involved in your church programmes in any way? Please give details.2 Your Annual gross salary : (current)________________________________________________________ 4.3 Please provide a personal statement of your relationship with Jesus Christ and how it began. CHRISTIAN WITNESS 5. Tick whichever is applicable If you hold supervisory or higher position. 4 . specify : ________________________________________________________________________ 5. 5. how many persons report to you ? _____________ 4. Are you presently attending a church? Yes No Name of your Church & Denomination : ____________________________________________________ Church Address : __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ Pastor’s Name : ________________________________ Phone No. : ________________________________ 5. Break up of your current salary particulars per month in rupees : (Enclose Salary Slip) Basic Salary :_____________ HRA :_______________ Transport Allowance :_________________ All other allowances : _______________________ Gross monthly salary : Rs.2. specify Any other. 5 If selected.1 Do you employ children to carry out work for wages at your home or anywhere? YES / NO 6. 6. give details._________/- 7. would you be willing? If No.2 What is your opinion on the issue of child abuse / child labour etc. how much time you need for the same ? _____________________________________ 5 .3. how soon you will be able to join? __________________________________________________ 7.3 Were you involved in any child related offenses ? YES / NO If yes.4 If your job requires that you must stay in a village.6 If you have to relocate your family because of this employment.? 6. Are you prepared to work anywhere in India? _______________________________________________ 7.2 Why do you want to join in World Vision India? 7. 7. 6. Why? 7. How much time can you spend away from home (travel) in a month? ___________________________ 7.CHILD FOCUS 6.4.1 OTHER ISSUES Minimum Salary expected (Gross per month) : Rs. if any: ________________________________________________________ 7.8 Were you an employee of World Vision / WV Projects? No Yes If yes.7 Have you applied to World Vision before ? Yes / No If yes.7. if any 7. please give the details: Period Post held Place of Work Supervisor’ s Name Reason for leaving 7. if any for which you are being treated? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7. the reason for the same : __________________________________________________ 7.10 Name :__________________________________ Designation/office____________________________ Relationship : ______________________________________________________________________ 7.12 Hobbies and special interests : ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ 7. E_mail Years Known 6 .9 Details of relatives or friends in World Vision anywhere or Board/Society members.13 Research or Publication.11 Physical and other disabilities or chronic diseases. When ?_____________________________ ___________________________________ Where ? Post applied for ? _____________________________ Were you interviewed ? Yes / No If not selected.N Name o From persons residing in India and holding responsible positions other than Position / Designati on Full Address Mobile no / phone nos.14 References : your relatives S. Program Monitoring Office (PMO) – Lucknow . If at a future date. J-325. Place : ________________ Date : ______________ _____________________ Address: Signature: Manager . I confirm that I am not involved in any offenses or exploitation. : (0522) 2425829/ 2425839 Email : vishwas_manmode@wvi. World Vision India . it is found that any of the information furnished herein is untrue or incorrect in any material aspect. Lucknow – 226012 . I understand that the appointment in the organisation will be subject to my passing the medical examination by a medical practitioner duly authorized by the organisation. First Floor . Ashiana Colony . affecting 7 .HR . DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT I declare that the information given herein is true to the best of my knowledge and will form the basis of the contract of employment. 8. Phone No.(Testimonials can be produced later when asked for). the organisation will have the right to terminate my services without notice or salary in lieu thereof.
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