Workshop Manual Electrical System Group 30



Workshop ManualD Group 30 Electrical system 2(0) TAMDT2P-A, TAMDTSP-A TAMDT C/LI P.AN ÏAMD74C/L/ P.B TAMD75P.A ,f' a_, Group-30 Electrical system Marine Diesel Engines TAMDT?P-A. TAMDT3P-A TAM D7 4C ILIP.I O TAM D7 4C ILIP.B TAMDTsP-A ;t Contents * Safety information.. 2 General information 5 Repair instructions 6 Special tools .......... I I Design and lunction Component description \ t 14 Guide.......... 14 Control module .... lnjection pump ..... Sensors Relays Fuses Emergency stop ............ Diagnostic connector DC/DC converter Diodes Controls Potentiometer ......................,.. MS unit Solenoid valves (reverse gear) 15 17 18 20 Changing the control module...... Disassembly Assembly Venting the fuel system Control adapter adjustment ......... Adjusting idling speed Calibration of controls Fault code register 21 Wiring diagrams 22 22 23 23 23 24 Position sensor Control solenoid (actuator) Engine speed sensor........ DC/DC converter Solenoid valve (reverse gear) ...... Potentiometer (controls) 21 22 Electrical fault tracing ....... Charge air temperature sensor.... Coolant temperature sensor ........ Component location (engine) TAMD72P.A TAMDT3P-A f AMDT r AMDT 4CIUP-A..................... 4C/UP-8, TAMD75P.A lnstrument panels Control panels Colorcodes, EDC cables ........ Electronic controls Mechanical controls References to Service Bulletins ........ 77437 15 English C2-2006 l\ Safety information lf work is done adjacent to a running engine, a careless movement or a dropped tool can lead to personal injury in the worst case. Be careful lntroduction The workshop manual contains technical data, descriptions and repair instructions for products or product versions noted in the table of contents, supplied by Volvo Penta. Make sure you use the correct workshop literature. Read the available safety information, "General information" and "Repair instructions" in the workshop manual before you stafi to do any service work. € c z ct# r t r t with hot surfaces (exhaust pipes, turbos, charge air pipes, start¡ng heaters etc.) and hot fluids in c A pipes and hoses on an engine which is running or which has just stopped. Re-install atl'guards which have been removed during service work, before re-starting the engine. A, I Í\ € ( c ê Make sure that the warning or information labels on the product are always clearly visible. Replace labels which have been damaged or painted over. ri I F e ç r c A, lmportant The following special warning signs are found in the workshop manual and on the product. A A ¿\ ,/î\ WARNING! Warns for the risk of personal injury, major damage to product or property, or serious malfunctions if the instruction is ignored. IMPORTANT! ls used to call attention to things Never start an engine without the air filter in place. The rotating compressor turbine in the turbocharger can cause severe injury. Foreign bodies in the inlet pipe can also cause severe mechanical damage. Never use start spray or similar products as a starting aid. Explosions could occur in the inlet manifold. Danger of personal injury. AvoiO opening the coolant filling cap when the engine is hot. Steam or hot coolant can spray out at the same time as the pressure which has built up is lost. Open the filler cap slowly, and release the pressure in the cooling system if the filling cap or tap has to be opened, or if a plug or coolant hose has to be removed when the engine is hot. Steam or hot coolant can stream out in an unexpected direction. which could cause damage or malfunctions to product or propefty. NOTE! ls used to call attention to impoftant information, to facilitate work processes or operation. ¿\ To give you a perspective on the risks which always need to be obserued and precautions which always have to be taken, we have noted them below. Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid skin contact with hot oil. Make sure that the oil system is de-pressurised before doing any work on it. Never stañ or run the engine with the oilfiller cap removed, because of the risk of oil spillage. E 0t 3 t t E ft, ç t t¡ fil b h / f: t\ S a fi lj ,ü tl V' b tl a li Ð A t\,, t^fi p ¿\ ¿\ .,2 Make it impossible to start the engine by cutting system current with the main switch(es) and lock it (them) in the off position before stafiing seruice work. Fix a warning sign by the helmsman's seat. A, ,Zî\ nflservice work should normally be done on a stationary engine. Some work, such as adjustments, need the engine to be running, however. Going close to a running engine is a safety risk. Remember that loose clothes, long hair etc. can catch on rotating components and cause severe injury. ¿\ Stop the engine and close the sea cocks before doing any work on the cooling system. Only start the engine in a well-ventilated area. When operated in a confined space, exhaust fumes and crankcase gases must be ventilated from the engine bay or workshop area. Always use goggles when doing any work where there is any risk of splinters, grinding sparks, acid splash or other chemicals. Your eyes are extremely sensitive, injury could cause blindness! Ci It. p ti n' a fi ù^ E fl' th g g rT Handle used and surplus chemicals in the prescribed manner. solvents.)./î\ Avo¡O skin contact with oill Long-term or repeat- ed skin contact with oil can make your skintry out. Petrol (gasoline). The jet which comes from a fuel injector has very high pressure and considerable penetration ability. Never mix up the battery positive and negqtive poles when the batteries are installed. ¿\ Stop the engine and cut the system current with the main switch(es) before doing any work on the electricalsystem. which forms an explosive gas when mixed with air. The batteries generate hydrogen gas when charged. Do not smoke! Provide good ventilation and take the necessary precautions before you start welding or grinding in the vicinity. Do not smoke close to the batteries. such as via the air they breathe. Read the instruction on the packages carefully! Always observe the safety advice (e. together with used lubrication oil. Use specialskin cream to avoid drying and facilitate skin cleaning. Wash regulafy.9. are flammable. W A. dry skin. Always have a fire extinguisher easily available near the workplace. * lA Make sure that oil and fuel soaked rags. Oil soaked rags can self-ignite in certain circumstances. always make sure that there is enough space for disassembly where you are working. Never do any work on an engine which just hangs from a lifting device. special lifting devices may be needed to obtain the correct balance and safe handling. When you work aboard a boat. especially before meals. contaminated fuel. Always check that the lifting devices are in good condition and that they have the correct capacity for the lift (the weight of the engine plus the reverse gear and extra equipment if installed). eczema and other skin disorders. Use goggles. 3 . ? ¿\ Ti'i A Be very careful when searching for leaks in the fuel system and testing fuel injectors. some thinners fÞ" be adjusted with the engine shut off. The consequence is irritation. All chains or cables should be parallel to each other and should be as square as possible to the top of the engine. degreasers.Safety information . A. Battery electrolyte contains highly corrosive sulphuric acid. gloves etc. f. petrol (gasoline) and diesel oil) or chemicals for workshop use (e. glycol. Even when lifting devices are used. The engine should be lifted with a customised or adjustable lifting boom for safe handling and to avoid damaging components on top of the engine. A.Z\ fne clutch must . wash at once with soap and a lot of water. A spark. . lf this comes into contact with your skin. which can ff.g. be formed if the batteries are wrongly connected. set them alight. lf you get battery acid in your eyes. two people are needed in most cases. Make sure that other personnel are not inadvertently exposed to hazardous substances. Use protec. is enough to make a battery explode and cause damage. Do not move the connection when you attempt to start the engine (risk of arcing). This gas is very flammable and highly explosive. goggles. and do not stand and lean over one of the batteries.e existing lugs on the engine/reverse gear should be used for lifting. Never work alone when heavy components are to be dismantled. and many chemicals. paints and solvents) are hazardous. Bafteries must never be exposed to open flames or electric sparks. Used fuel and oilfilters are polluting waste and must be handed to an approved waste management facility for destruction. Make sure that open flames or sparks can not and hydrogen gas from batteries are extremely flammable and explosive when mixed with air in the correct ratio. Most chemicals intended for the product (e. Ensure good ventilation. tf thðbatteries are wrongly connected. lf other equipment connected to the engine has allered its centre of gravity. even when safe lifting devices such as lockable blocks & tackle are used. Risk of blood poisoning (septicaemia). Please check the wiring diagram! d ¿\ Rtways use goggles when charging and handling batteries. paint residue. tive gloves and avoid oil-soaked clothes and rags. degreasers and wash residue.A Allfuels. this can cause severe damage to the electrical equipn¡ent. ¿\ trl :i. with no risk for personal or material damage. One who operates the lifting device and other who makes sure that components move freely and are not damaged during lifting. and get medical assistance at once. flush at once with a generous amount of water. engine and transmission oils. Fuel can force its way deep into body tissue and cause severe injury. Used oil is more hazardous to health than new oil.9. and used fuel and oil filters are stored in a safe place. use of breathing protection. Safety information ,/i\ Components in the electricaland fuelsystems on Volvo Penta products have been designed to minimise the risks of explosion and fire. The engine must not be operated in environments with adjacent explosive media. ¿\ A, ,/\ WlnUlNG! Fueldelivery pipes must not be bent or straightened under any circumstances. Damaged pipes must be replaced. Remernber the foflowing when washing with a high pressure washer: Never aim the water jet at seals, rubber hoses or electrical components. Never use a higùr pressure washer for engine cleaning. )tæ Onty use the fuels recommended by Volvo Penta. Please refer to the instruction book. The use of fuel of inferior quaiity can damage the é$gine. ln a diesel engine, poor fuel can cause the regulation rod to bind and the engine will overrev, entailing a strong risk of persona{1njury and machinery damage. Poor fuel can also lead to higher maintenance costs. /-.-o lr W( tions ar ei lr gines: ,D; T,', TAMD; -D; T'- The en )e must al nr ü ê, le. ïhe wo fo clr, personr ,û M ral tems at c¿ atl Volvo F re ve notifica pr ¡cl lu Ð which tl ini lur this dat, I' t. t; O2006 ABVOLVO PENTA We reserve the right to make design changes and amendments without prior notice. Printed on environmentally compatible paper. .1 I I I Sal sp )p to vario, Or 'rai daÌrrage Vor"r P Sâ\vc¡ bt General information *) @ J About the workshop manual Certified engines This workshop manual contains information, descriptions and instructions for engines with standard equipment. This manual refers to the following engines: TAMDT2P-A, TAMD73P.A, TAMDT4C-A, ÏAMD74L.A, TAMDT4P-A, TAMD74C.B, TAM D74L.B, TAMDT4P-B and TAMDTSP-A. When service or repairs are done to an emission certified engine, it ís important to be aware,bf the The engine designation and number are noted on the number plate. The engine designation and number must always be given in all correspondence about an engine. The workshop manual has been primarily prepared for Volvo Penta service workshops and their qualified personnel. This assumes that people who use the Manual have basic knowledge of marine drive systems and can do the tasks of a mechanical or electrical nature associated with the trade. Volvo Penta constantly improves its products, so we reserve the right to make modifications without prior notification. All information in this manual is based on r¡ ß product data which was available up to the date on which the manualwas printed. Any material changes introduced into the product or service methods after this date are notified by means of Service Bulletins. following: Certification means that an engine type hqs been checked and approved by the relevant auf,rority. The engine manufacturer guarantees that all er{gines made of the same type are equivalent to the certified engine. This put special demands on service and repair work, as follows: o Maintenance and service intervals recommended by Volvo Penta must be complied with. r ¡ Only Volvo Penta original spares may be used. Service to injection pumps, pump settings and in- jectors must always be done by an authorised Volvo Penta workshop. e The engine must not be converted or modified, except for the accessories and service kits which Volvo Penta has approved for the engine. o lnstallation changes to the exhaust pipe and engine air inlet ducts must not be done. o No seals may be broken by unauthorised personnel. ïhe general advice in the instruction book about operation, care and maintenance applies. Spare parts 9 J a ¿\ Spare parts for electrical and fuel systems are subject to various nationalsafety requirements. Volvo Penta Original Spares comply with these requirements. No damage whatever, occasioned by use of non-original Volvo Penta spares for the product, will be compensated by the warranty offered by Volvo Penta. IMPORTANT! Delayed or inferiorcare/maintenance, and the use of non-original spares, mean that AB Volvo Penta can no longer be responsible for guaranteeing that the engine complies with the certified version. Damage, injury and/or costs which arise from this will not be compensated by Volvo Penta. NB: Because the illustrations in the workshop manual cover several engine variants, certain parts might differ from the actual configuration. However, the essential information in the illustration is always correct. 5 Repair instructions The warning signs which occur in the workshop manual (please refer to "Safe$ information" for their meanings). ¿\ wannlr'rcr ¿\ rrueonrANr! NOTE! are not comprehensive in any way, since we can not of course foresee everything, because service work is done in highly varying circumstances. For this reason, allwe can do is to point out the risks which we believe could occur due to incorrect work in a well-equipped workshop, using work methods and tools tested by us. ln the workshop manual, all tasks for which there are Volvo Penta special tools, are done using these tools' Special tools are specially prepared to permit the safest and most rational work methods possible. For this reason, it is the responsibility of the person who uses other tools or other work methods than those recommended by us, to ensure that there is no risk of personal injury or material damage, and that they can not cause any malf unctions. ln some cases, special safety regulations and user instructions are available for the tools and chemicals mentioned in the workshop manual. These rules must always be observed, so there are no special ¡nstructions about this in the workshop manual. The majority of risks can be prevented by taking certain elementary precautions and using common sense. A clean workplace and a clean engine eliminate many risks of both personal injury and malfunction. Above all, when work on fuel systems, lubrication systems, inlet systems, turbocharger, bearing caps and seals is done, it is extremely important that no dirt or other kinds of foreign particles are able to get in, since this would otherwise cause malfunctions or shortened service life. Our joint responsibilitY Each engine consists of a large number of collEborating systems and components. Any deviation of á component from its technical specification can dramatically increase the environmental impacl of an otherwise good engine. For this reason, itls extremely important that specified wear tolerances are maintained, that systems with adiustment facilities are correctly adjusted and that Volvo Penta Original Spares are used for the engine. The times noted in the engine maintenance schedule must be obserued. Some systems, such as components in the fuel system, may require specialcompetence and special test equipment. For environmental reasons etc., some components are sealed at the factory. lt is only permissible to work on sealed components if you are authorized to do such work. Remember that most chemical products, incorrectly used, damage the environment. Volvo Penta recommends the use of biodegradable degreasers whenever engine components are de-greased, unless othen¡vise specified in the workshop manual. When working aboard a boat, be careful to ensure that oils, wash residue etc. are processed for destruction, and are not inadvertently discharged with bilge water into the envi- 6"'\- $ ß \ ronment. Tightening torques The tightening torque for vital fasteners, which should be tightened with a torque wrench, are listed in "Technical Data". Tightening torques" and noted in the job descriptions in the book. Alltorque specifications apply to clean screws, screw heads and mating faces' The torque specifications apply to lightly oiled or clean screws. lf lubricants, locking fluids or sealants are needed on a fastener, the type of preparation to be used will be noted in the job description and in "Tightening Torques". Ð Ð Ð 6 L o During welding. the system current to the EDC system is disconnected. \ I 7 I . etc. Too much contact grease can make it difficult to put the connector together. r When the batteries are quick charged. the main switches do not need to be turned off. be careful to avoid contaminating its contact pins with dirt. Check that the current is disconnected by pressing and releasing the diagnosis button. Note. i _1.: ¡ lf the 42-pin connector on the control module is undone or connected. Note. clean off any din on the contact pins and apply contact grease (part No. o Before a connector is put together. to minimize contact problems: o When a connector is undone. to avoid damage to the control module: ':. During normal maintenance charging. Never disconnect the current with the main switch when the engine is running. The following instructions must always be observed. turn the main switches off or undo the battery cables. oil. lhe 42 pin connector on the control module must first be disconnected. o !! '7 ls o o À { \ c Only batteries may be used for start help. the system voltage to thþ EDC system must first be disconnected. Then make sure that the starter keys are at O on all control stations.Repair instructions lmportant notes on repair of EDC eng¡nes The following ¡nstruct¡ons must always be observed. Note. Cut the current by turning the starterqkey to the stop position on the active control panè|. 1161417). lf no answering flashes come from the diagnostic display. -þ. Quick starting units can give excess voltages and damage the control module. Never undo the battery cables when the engine is running. . VODIA .cable w¡th connector. but without program cassette and user manual. 885345 885352 885334 3838619 Special pliers for disassembling EDC connector (2 x 8). Dutch. Same software as 885344 but with Spanish.4 Elm t 3838620 3838621 3838622 885293 885344/885345 electror nc te V speed Tl nê croproc cll cated o co 3838623 3838619 r & Th* ¡er matiôn su . 885340).er Th 'lfc ß 885352 885334 âlìv ¡i U cor--ct' 9812519 ü 885293 Diagnostic key with cables and transport case. Used with docking station (3838621) on the engine's communication connector. VODIA complete diagnostic tool Consists of: 3838620 3838621 VODIA . 3838623 Extension cable with switch to choose between two engines.f( Marn iø-ã. 981 2s19 VODIA . 885344 Program cassette for diagnostic key and user manual with English. Suits diagnostic key. German.docking 0 station. French and Swedish menu choices. s ( E 3. (The cassette is marked with No. Multimeter. 3838622 Program cassette and user manual.palmtop computer (pDA) with SD card. û VODIA . Used with docking station 3838621 and cabte 98g8622 connected to the engine's 2-pin connector. Portuguese and ltalian menu choices. ( s F I . (The cassette is marked with No.EDC Adapter with externat power supply. Used with voDtA PDA (3838620). 885339).Special tools # h . engine temperature and operator commands. engine speed. ïhe system includes fuel control. lf necessary. the control module pre-heats the engine by allowing it to crank up to four revolutions before fuel is injected. * 3 5 iâ. check the engine condition etc. charge pressure.y.. 3. #\ ïhe sensors give the control module continuous information about fuel supply. an electronically controlled injection pump and a number of sensors located on the engine and controls. During a cold start. The main components of the EDC system are a microprocessor-based control module. ¡' w control Main components The information reflects the current operation state and is used by the control module to calculate the correct fuel volume. available air mass and fuel temperature. TAMDTSP I . diagnostics. 2. the fuel volume is adjusted by the electronic regulator on the injection pump. 1 t_ ry 4 2 & 1.Design and function $ì lntroduction Fuel EDC means "Electronic Diesel Control". . Control m Electronic Control panel Solenoid valve (reverse gear) Potentiometer rAMDT4C/UP. and is an electronic system for diesel engine control. The control module analyses the engine's fuel requirements three times per engine revolution. electronic speed controland gear shifting. The fuel requirement is the amount of fuel wñich tne engine needs to maintain or reach the enginê speed demanded. The result is compared with the amount of fuel which is currently being injected. 4. 5. Shifting is also monitored by the control module which prevents shifting at too high engine speeds when necessary. which could cause damageto the transmission. charge air temperature or charge pressure is too high. the diagnostic function will reduce the amount of fuel injected (reduce engine power) until the relevant value has been normalized. The diagnostic program automatically generates fault codes for any malfunctions registered by the EDC system. the engine is stopped.Design and function Engine speed control and shifting i A potentiometer in the engine control lever transmits engine speed commands to the injection pump and gear shift commands to the solenoid valves on the reverse gear. These values are used if there is a sensor failure. û 10 . '# I ln addition. and to read or { erase all fault codes. . t Engine speed Gear position Throüle opening Controlrod position Coolant temperature Charge air temperature Charge air pressure Fueltemperature Signals from control panel Key switch position + + + + + + + + + + û È È È È -È È È È È È È t O t ) ) + fuelquantity cear Ð Diagnosis Stader motor Control module with incoming and outgoing signals. for example. reaction and information about measures to be taken for the malfunction in question. the diagnostic function will take various measures to protect the engine. lf the coolant temperature. for information about the reason. Read the fault code and look it up in the fault code manual. Diagnostic function lf the control module receives abnormal values from one or more sensors.l $ A diagnostic key or the VODIA diagnostic tooltnust be connected to the diagnostic connector on tFi'e engine for full diagnostic information. there are "Limp-home" values stored in the control module. and permit continued operation at reduced engine speed. VODIA diagnostic tool Diagnostic key lf there is a fault in the EDC system which could cause engine failure. Fault codes stored for historical reasons can only be read by a diagnostic key or the VODIA diagnostic tool.1 = Fault code iii-:+i " . Fault codes for history VODIA diagnost¡c tool il ln the TAMDT4C/UP-B and TAMDTSP-A.i'. @ @ vfxrr¡o?Drllt The fault code consists of two groups of flashes. "1" (drive Release the diagnostic button and make a note of the fault that is flashed out.e. û Fault codes NOT visible on the control panel Fault codes for malfunctions which are not reported by a flashing light on the diagnostic button can only be read with a diagnostic key or with the VODIA diag- I I nostic tool. a copy of all fault codes which occur is stored for historical reasons.?.o¡'.: pause .-:ii ìi.{i ì+:a¡. 3. A new fault code is flashed out if more are stored.ii . -.d.4 ìöi. 4. a a Reading fault codes The codes are flashed out once the diagnos{ç button rr' is pressed and then released. This copy is an inactive fault code and does not affect the engine. 2.+i. # e o a o e Fault codes visible on the control panel ãtrtr Fault codes for malfunctions which are reported by a flashing light on the diagnostic button can be read off via the control panel. 2.5 ìii .åi = 2. NOTE! ThÍs means that malfunctions can be registered. although the lamp in the diagnostic button does not flash. rl. A faqfr code is obtained by counting the number of flasheq in each group: Control panel (Type l) Example: ìåi. Repeat untilthe first fault code is repeated.i -lii = 3. always check that no fault codes are stored. Repeat points 2-3. 3 I .+i-:i?. :orí o rr¿ + 2. For this reason. rl. ìii . separated by a pause of two seconds. Press the diagnostic button. 11 .{.ii -:ii. Check that the starter key is in position position). This must be done wilh a diagnostic key or the VODIA diagnostic tool.4 The fault code is stored and can be read as long as the malfunction remains.Design and function I I. = + ¡t¿ :e.3 Read as follows: 1. Then keep the switch depressed for a further 3 seconds. The fault codes are now erased. 3 . stopped the engine). When system voltage is switched on again. 3.AM Erasing historical codes ln the TAMDT4C/UP-B and TAMDTSP-A.l NOTE! lf the diagnosis has triggered any action (e.j NEUTRAL @ \¡oI¡¡¡D PErllf:Dr.A 1. 2. a copy of all fault codes which occur is stored for historical reasons. Ð Fault codes for malfunctions which have not been attended to must be acknowledged every time the system voltage is switched on. new fault codes are set. Diagnost¡c key 12 VODIA diagnostic tool NOTE! Historical material should be erased when malfunctions have been attended to. @ Control panel (Type ll) TAMD72 P. Press the diagnosis button and keep it depressed at the same time as you turn the starter key to position "1" (operating position). so that the history will be new next time the engine is serviced. the fault code must be erased before the engine can be started again. €.9. TAMD73 P-A. Stop the engine and check that the ignition key/ keys are in position 0 in all control positions. & TAMDT4C IUP-B and TAMDT5P-A The fault code memory in the diagnostic function is "erased" every time system voltage to the engine is shut off.Design and function Erasing fault codes Always erase stored fault codes once the malfunc- o tion/ malfunctions have been attended to. lf this is the case. This copy is an inactive fault code and does not affect the engine. These fault codes can only be erased by a diagnostic key or the VODIA diagnostic tool. Turn the starter key to the stop position "S" and release it.A. Fault codes for malfunctions which have been attended to or which have disappeared are aulomatically erased by cutting off system voltage and switching on again. . ACTIVE . 2. the diagnostic function checks to see whether there are any faults in the EDC system. ry s This means that: 1. Ð Scr€ . NOTE! The system voltage must be completely cut off. TAMD?4CIUP. TAMDT4C/UP-A with 12 V electrical system Ð 13 . d-T I Screw terminal for separate power supply to EDC system TAMDTSP-A.{ Design differences. ' Fault codes stored for history. Engines with 12 V system voltage: DC/DC converter (30). Simpler erasing of fault ** codes.r TAMDT4C|UP-A TAMDT CIUP-B has: o o o o o ü New software. eng¡ne verstons The most important differences between the EDC systems on the engine versions in this manual are: $j'# TAMDT4C/UP-A .A TAMDTSP-A has: o New software.B + TAMD7sP.Design and function I . D DC/DC converter TAMD74P. Engines with 12 V system voltage: Screw terminal for separate power supply to EDC system removed (replaced by DC/DC converter. Diodes. page 19 . page 21 29.... Stop relaY... Flat p¡n fuse . page '18 . page 20 .....' 8... 9...'H @ 19 hg M GÞ ... page 15 .' Fuel temPerature sensor '..# il 21 22 23 ù J\ I ) I I Guide 5. Position sensor 22......... page 20 ... Engine speed sensor .. page 22 30. page 20 ... Coolant temperature sensor 21............ Diagnostic connector page 22 28.. Components without position numbers 7 :l # ¡ ... Charge air Pressure sensor ....... 7... Starter relaY ..... page 18 20. Main relaY Control module...... page 17 24....l . 6.. Control solenoid (actuator) ..... page 21 .Corn ponent descriPtion with the position numbers in NOTE! Component pos¡tion numbers in the illustrations in this manual correspond (-)' marked are the relevant wiring diagram... page 1 8 23. Circuit breakers 19....... DC/DC converter Page 22 page 17 Page 17 ... Charge air temPerature sensor 14 ........ .... 225 kPa (32...................... 42 pin The control module. factoryl o Extreme values lf an extreme value is exceeded. TAMDT3P-A T AMDT 4CIUP... TAMDT3P-A............ (7) Voltage l......8 psi) 1 Rating 4 (331 kW) 234kPa (33.... J ) rþ The following extreme values are programmed in the control module: - High charge air temperature ........ which is the central unit in the EDC system. 2680 rpm Rating 3....1 psi) T AMDT 4C/UP-4. TAM D7 4C IUP -8.... TAM D7 4C lUP 2650 rpm -B' TAMDTSP-A: Rating 5 and 4 ..æ 12V or 24Y Connector..... is localed beside the secondary fuelfilter on the left of the engine. 5'C (41'F) High fuel temperature ....:... 22s kPa (33........... TAMDT5P-A: Rating s (353 kW) .. ...... 65'C (149"F) Low charge air temperature..2 psi) Rating 3 (294 kW) .... i)' The following values are programmed intqthe control module memory at the .. 263 kPa (38.. .9 psi) Rating 3 (316 kW) ......................{ Component description l Control module. 60'C High coolant 40'F) 10"c (50"F) Low fueltemperature Low coolant (1 temperature temperature 95"C (203'F) 5"C (41"F) High charge pressure TAMDT2P-A..6 psi) (Absolute pressure = charge pressure+atmospheric pressure) Ð - High engine speed TAMDT2P-A.. 2580 rpm Ð É j Ì i I l l 15 1 .. 240 kPa (34..... a clock is started in the control module which measures the highest or lowest value and the length of time that an extreme value has been exceeded..........A.. s The information is stored and can be read by means of a diagnostic tool. ............ Limphome Min. f ß The following "limp home" values are pro- . permissible 80"C (176'F) Highesi *' fuel temperature ... lf the alarm values are exceeded................70"C Highest permissible coolant temperature (on)..... please refer to the diagram 1000 rPm ...... coolant temperature etc............ ....40"C (104"F) ..4"F) - Highest permissible charge pressure (Max) .. the control module reduces the fuel volume until the relevant value has been normalized.. 93'C(199. please refer to the diagram ' ù o kPa 300 The basic values which the control module uses (instead of stopping the engine) if there is an open or short circuit in the signal from each sen- 250 200 150 sor.. Max..../ 100 900 1200 grammed in the control module: 1800 2100 2400 2600 rpm 1500 8211 Max... TAMDT2P-4.........Component descriPtion Alarm values a kPa Highest permissible values of charge air temperature../ tt 150 a' 100 ...Engine speed ....... ll|' (1 58'F) 96"C (204'8'F) Highest permissible coolant temperature(off)....... TAMDTSP-A Highest permissible charge ! airtemperature... Charge pressure d¡agram. 24 I I F I \_ ( I U 5 3 16 .Charge air pressure... please refer to the diagram - Lowest permissible charge pressure (M¡n) .... 55"C (131'F) .........f a a / 50 0 -/ / ü ilrt The following alarm limits are stored (pre-programmed) in the control modqle: / - 2100 24OO 900 1200 1500 ..'.../ 50 0 "Limp home" values AMDT4CIUP'A/P-B' TAMDTsP-A .......... 3m 250 200 a.Fueltemperature ...............Coolant temperature .. F 26(X) rPm Limphome Min' - - Charge pressure diagram..' 10"C (50'F) ..'..Charge air temperature .. The governor consists of a control solenoid (actuator). The governor is electronically controlled by the control module. Function check: Please refer to the "Eleôtrical fault tracing" chapter. I. position sensor and an engine speed sensor (please refer to the description below). Thqpe control module uses the governor to both reguläte and control the fuel supply to the engine. 22 Ð Governor i i 17 I ¡ . which corresponds to the amount of fuelwhich is currently being injected. The following components in the governor are used by the EDC system: Regulator location in inject¡on pump Ð Position sensor (21) The position sensor provides the control module with information about the position of the control rod. The sensor informs the control module about engine speed.Component description lnjection pump The injection pump is an in-line type unit. located on the left of the engine. 21 I Engine speed sensor (22) The engine speed sensor is an inductive sensor.# The injection pump is provided with an electronic governor. lt is driven from the timing gear. r Location of injection pump -! : Governor . Ð 23 Controlsolenoid (23) The actuator is a solenoid which governs the movement of the control rod and thus governs the amount of fuel injected. The sensor reacts quickly to temperature changes. The fuel temperature sensor can be checked with a diagnostic key or with the VODIA diagnostic tool. The fuel also cools the control module to a certain extent. via the fix¡ng lug and on through the filter. the sensor provides information about current fuel temperature to the control module. lt consists of a non-linear resistor..-30'C to +120"C (-22"F to 248"F) The sensor is located in the thermostat housing. I Coolant temperature sensor. The resistance falls as the temperature rises. Measurement range .. back into the system.. The sensor is located inside the fixing lug on the control module for the secondary fuel filter.Component descriPtion Sensors Charge air temperature sensor (19) Type: Thermistor with negative temperature coefficient so-called NTC resistor. The resistance falls as the temperature rises.. TAMDT4C/UP aNd TAMDTdP: ThE SENsor is located on top of the front section of the ¡nlet pipe.d I f r" (-40'F to 302'F) TAMDT2P: The sensor is located underneaththe inlet pipe. r TAMD73P. The control module can then calculate the correct amount of fuel. between the intercooler and the heat ex- changer. (20) Type: Thermistor with negative temperature coefficient so-called NTC resistor. 18 t . Fuel temperature sensor (-) i t . lt consists of a non-linear resistor. The sensor reacts slowly to temperature changes. -40"C to +150"C . Function check: Please refer to the "Electrical fault il tracing" chapter.' ì t r I * The sensor consists of a non-linear resislor. The fuel flows from the filter head. Function check: Please refer to the "Electrical fault tracing" chapter.. Measurement range . with consideration also given to the energy content of the fuel. When the fuel passes the fixing lug. The resistance falls as the temperature rises. For information about the potentiometer: Please refer to the "Controls" section. the entire control module must be cÊanged if t' necessary. The sensor measures atmospheric pressure first. it can not be replaced separately. the absolute prescure. TAMD73: Since the sensor is integrated into the control module.Component description Gharge a¡r pressure sensor (-) I iì ß The sensor is integrated into the control module. i. TAMD75: The sensor can be changed once the cover on the control module has been removed. J Function eheck This must be done with a diagnostic key or the VODIA diagnostic tool. TAMD74. i¡- TAMD72. When the engine has started. Other sensors e For information about the engine speed sensor and position sensor: Please refer to the "lnjection pump" section. A & t IMPORTANT! Nevertwist or undo the T-nipple beneath the control module. lt senses the charge air pressure via a capillary pipe from the inlet pipe to the T-nipple beneath the control module. the sensor also measures charge air pressure.e. This can damage the charge air pressure sensor. 'ì ?) Ð 19 . .............. Type The stop relay cuts current supply to the control solenoid in the actuator when the starter key is turned to the stop position.. I I Stop relay (8) .. I I I 20 I ......... Main relay (6) . Starter relay (5) . This supplies current to the injection pump and the solenoids on the reverse gear. switching 24V112 V. switching (with quenching diode) ............ I are identicaland are mutu- &.r'l Ol2O A 24V /12 V . Type - The starter relay activates the starter motor when the starter key is turned to the start position...... 6 and ally interchangeable....Component description Relays NOTE! Retays 5................... ............. Fuel supply is cut and the engine stops....... switching (with quenching diode) | 10120 A 24Vt12 V....... Type (with quenching diode) 10120 A The main relay is controlled by the control module......... The fuse cuts the current if there is a short circuit in the engine cables. Pull the lever back until the engine stops. lf this fuse blows.following results: . 1 il Fuse (28) 1 ') A I I I flat pin fuse 7. T AMDT 4C/UP-4. TAM D7 4C/U . with thq.I Component description i Fuses Fuses (9) & ¿ 'ti rl 2 circuit breakers' The circuit breakers are located in the distribution box. Emergency stop lf a fault has occurred. l. TAMDT 4CIUP -B and TAMDT5P-A: The engine can not be stopped with the starter key (use the emergency stop) until the circuit breakers have been re-set.5 A The fuse is located in the distribution box. I ¡ I 1 21 ! ) . the current to the instrument panel and key switch is cut. so that the engine can not be stopped in the normal manner. lf any circuit breaker trips. once any faults have been attended to. :i TAMDT2P-4. T AMDT 4C /UP-A. the engine stops. P -B and TAM D75 P-A have a conventional fuse (28) rated at 7. TAMDTSP-A: The engine stops and can not be started untilthe circuit breaker hq$been re-set.5 A. ) Ð \ The circuit breakers are re-set by pressing the red button on each breaker. the engine can be stopped with the lever on the injection pump regulator. which separate engine instruments and EDC cables...... ( Diodes (29) Quantity . Diagnostic connect or (24) Connector .. fault codes are read out..... n Function check (DC/DC): Please refer to the "Elec- M Ð trical fault tracing" chapter..... This stabilizes the voltage supplied to the control module during starting..via the 2-pin connector in the distribution box. 8U Ð Ð DC/DC converter (30) -l ñ The TAMDT C/UP-B and TAMDTSP-A with 12 V electrical system has a DC/DC converter installed in the junction box.. 8209 22 I .. 2 pcs I I The TAMDT4C/UP-A with 12 V system voltage and the TAMDT4C/UP-A/P-B and TAMDTSP-A with 24 V system voltage have two diodes in the junction box.... 2 pin A diagnostic key or the VODIA diagnostic tool must be used to read and erase all fault codes.....on when ...... and replaces the function of the diode (see below)........Component descriPtion Diagnostic connector etc. t The diagnostic tool is connected to the engine.. NOTE! System current must be switche{.. t ) The potentiometer is installed in the control (or in a separate control adapter if a mechanicalcontrol module is used). the . the con- trol must be calibrated again. The boat can be equipped with up to seven extra control stations. Function check Please refer to the "Electrical fault tracing" chapter. NOTE! When the controls are changed.i .ïb* "ontrol must be calibrated. 23 . they are connected to a separate control adapter with a potentiometer. S. NOTEI When the potentiometer is changed. lf mechanicalcontrols are used. I The MS unit stores calibration information and informs the control module about the control station which is active. An MS unit is required for each control station.( 1 I 't : II I È . { I I ¡ l : '| 1 Z I I I I Potentiometer (-) The potentiometer registers the movements of the control lever and gives the control module information about engine speed and gear shift commands. {.r t i I t . I : Component description : ! f i f t : i Controls i ¡ j Controls (-) # t l i I Both electronic and mechanical controls can be used for engines with EDC. I I MS unit (-) The MS unit is a separate memory unit which is used if the boat has more than one control station. Component description Solenoid valves (reverse gear) S Solenoid valves (-) Electric shifting of the reverse gear is arranged by two solenoid valves installed in the hydraulic unit on the reverse gear. -5062.) Twin Disc MG5061. -302 I 24 AQt . The primary cable supplies current to the solenoid valve when the control is moved fon¡¡ards (assuming the calibration has been done correctly). ot The cables are marked "Primary" or "Seqondary". P Ð A cable harness (with separate markings) is connected to each solenoid valve. -301. O\ The secondary cable supplies current to the solenoid valve when the control is moved backwards. -5085 lf the direction of rotation of the reverse gear needs to be changed. S Ð Ð \I Function check: Please refer to the "Electrical fault tracing" chapter. (Assuming the calibration has been done correctly. æ eP{2 0 Ð 0 Twin Disc MG5075 I S I P zF (MPM tRM) 280. -507. this is arranged by switching over the cable harnesses between the two solenoids. The direction of rotation of the reverse geardepends on the cable harness connected to each solenoid valve. wnnnrlNc! lf the reverse gear is*pngageo I A Twin Disc MG5061.t I manually. I 25 . 4. Undo plug (A) and install it in the hole left by the valve body. Fon¡¡ard motion can then only be stopped by stopping the engine with the ignition key or stop button. t-  . to (6.Component description t I I Emergency shifting ¡' lf there is a fault in one of the solenoid valves. 3. -5085 ^' t t fI ! t¡ I Ð P I I ¡I. a I ¡ iI + The description below is for manual engagement of the reverse gear. -5062. Stop the engine and remove the ignition key from the ignition lock.rr¡ 1.ft). and remove the connectors from both valves. -507. ¡t can not be disconnected by using the control lever. -5085 V1s+r. or if the reverse gear can not be operated from the control station for other reasons. it can be engaged manually. Note the solenoid valve (P or S) to which the cable marked "Primary" is connected.f /l\ d 1- t lrunOnTANT!The cable harnesses frb'm both solenoid valves must be disconnected before the reverse gear is engaged manqFlly. -507. O\ Twin Disc MG5061. (zz \ ! i I I Tightening torque: Max27 Nm (19. Remove the solenoid valve and valve body (V) from the valve which was connected to the "Primary" cable.9lbf. for forwards travel. s 2. -5062.8Nm) I { WARNINGI The reverse gear is now connected for forward motion and cannot be disengaged by the control lever. 3. Note the solenoid valve (P or S) to which the cable marked "Primary" is connected. 2. and then remove the connectors from both valves. 3.i (7 Nm) A S P 1. 2. Ð Press button (A) and turn it clockwise until it locks. Stop the engine and remove the ignition key from the ignition lock. 4. Ð 0 ( Twin Disc MG5075 Ð Ð zF (MPM tRM) 280. WARNING!The reverse gear is now connected for fonvard motion and cannot be disengaged by the control lever.Component description Twin Disc MG 5075 . Note the solenoid valve (P or S) to which the cable marked "Primary" is connected. S A P zF (MPM rRM) 280'301 -302 The reverse gear is now connected A. and then remove the connectors from both valves. A o. Remove the cap nut (A) from the solenoid valve which was connected to the "Primary" cable. Remove the cap nut (A) from the solenoid valve which was connected to the "Primary''cable. -302 1. WARNING! for forward motion and cannot be disengaged Ð |-\ Ðr by the control lever. Stop the engine and remove the ignition key from the ignition lock. Turn the button aVzlurn anti-clockwise until it locks. -301. \tl \\ I tô . J Read off any fault codes before electrical fault-finding starts. . o@ 2.l. The multimeter should show 18-22A. Before a connector is put together. 3. il t' Ð o@ Measurement of position sensor '. Measure the resistance between pins 1 and 6. ü lf system voltage is switched on after a connector has been undone. etc. control panels and sensor values is easy to do with a diagnostic key or with the VODIA diagnostic tool. a fault code for that component is set. A first check of relays.Electrical fault tracing . be careful to avoid exposing it to dirt.Charge air temperature sensor Engine speed sensor u* . Undo the connector from the regulator. monitors. When a connector is undone. Measure the resistance between pins 5 and 6.ï Control solenoid (regulator) (regulato$ . 1 161417. t Ð + ¡r 27 . oil. part No. The multimeter should show 18-22 O. clean off any dirt on the contact pins and apply contact grease.l General information Electrical fault tracing is described for the following components: { I Position sensor j (regulator) . Coolant temperature sensor DC/DC converter - q Solenoid valves (reverse gear) Potentiometer All measurements described are done with a multimeter. Undo the connector from the regulator. The multimeter should show 0.8-1.6-1. Ð Undo the connector f rom the regulator Measure the resistance between pins 3 and 4. | Ð I 28 ç- i . Measure the resistance between pins 2 and 7 The multimeter should show 0. Ð q Ð 1" L ( Ð @o Measurement of engine speed sensor 1 .Electrical fault tracing Measurement of control solenoid (actuator) @o 1. 2. 2.1 f¿.2 kQ. 2. 800 O 60'C (140"F). t1. .B il Measuring the coolant temperature sensor t * Temperature information supplied by the coolant tem_ perature sensor to the control module can be read by a diagnostic key or with the VODIA diagnostic toot..} 1S.1 tbf_ft) 29 ...... . NOTE! The sensor is highly sensitive to temperature changes. 80"C (176'F).9 kA1670 .O kO 40'c (104. Use the multimeter to measure across the two contact pins on the sensor....30 Nm (22.F) ........ ' 1. .3 ke ke 3. lt is enough to breathe on it.... lt is enough to hold it in your hand to get an incorrect measurement value.... e 40"C (104"F).4 kO S. your hand to get an incorrect measurement value.4.3 kA Tightening torque max...... 30 Nm (22...1 tbf-fr) il 9...7 kO r2.....B kO rO... Undo the charge air temperature sensor connec- Ì tor..Electrical fault tracing Measurement of charge air temperature sensor l Temperature information supplied by the charge air temperature sensor to the control module can be read by a diagnostic key or with the VODIA diagnostic toot. The multimeter should show the following values at: (32"F) 20"C (68"F) 0'C t .. ..... NOTE! The sensor is highly sensitive to temperature changes.. 2.. '1870 .. 1.. or hold it in r.0 kO +0... 370 Tightening torque kC¿ ¡22O e.. .. ... Use the multimeter to measure across the two contact pins on the sensor. 10oc (212"F).. t80 o e r3S e 190 e r15 e 104 A t7 A max. The multimeter should show the following values al: (32'F) 10'C (50'F) 20"C (68'F) 30"C (86'F) 0'C ....4kA t0. Undo the coolant temperature sensor connector.5 ke 2.. rN (V) I Check that the DC/DC converter functions normally. I I I 30 . Ð Take one of the rediblue cables with a spade terminal (1) and connect to a voltage of at least 8V. the DCIDC converter still supplies a stable voltage of 8 V to the control module. B lf the voltage is below 3. by applying voltages to it as follows: 1. Read the voltage between the negative terminal and one of the two red/blue cables with a socket Ð terminal(2).5 but not exceeding 7. Reduce the voltage to between 3. lt should show 8 V. Read the multimeter. 1 Connect the black cable to the negative terminal. 2. 5. 2 3.5 and 7. 3 0 3 I 12 Ð \.9 V 4.9 V.5 V or above 8 V.Electrical fault tracing ur (v) Checking the DC/DC converter 12 When the voltage varies between 3. the DC/DC converter supplies the same voltage as it is supplied with. 9 O x. Measure between the two small pins on the solenoid valve....:¡ '¡ lf the reverse gear can not be engaged.. the valve will open and a "cliclC'should be heard.1Oo/o t l Ð I 31 ..Electrical fault tracing Checking the solenoid valve (reverse gear) Ð . When the solenoid valve receives current.47 {lx. the solenoid valve function can be checked by connecting 12 V or 24Y lo both the smallpins on the solenoid valve.3 O x1Oo/o Twin Disc reverse gear 12 V system voltage 24 V system voltage .1Oo/o 33. 9.å""rur"- ment. 8.8 O *10% 39.. Use the multimeter set for resistance çI follows: . 2. I )¡ Solenoid valves can also be measured 1. I The multimeter should show the following values at 20'c (68'F): ZF (MPM IRM) reverse gear 12 V system J voltage 24 V system voltage .. Undo the connector.. 2.0 kA t'10% (at 2o"c / 68'F). Use a multimeter to measure between pins 1 and 3 and between pins 2 and 3 on the potentiometer. il r ft The multimeter should show a value greater than 0.9 kO at one end position and a value not exceeding 2. 3. Potentiometer The multimeter should show 2. s € d Use a multimeter to measure between pins 1 and 2 on the potentiometer. Electroniccontrols: Undo the potentiometer cable.9 kO at the other end position. Remove the control module from the control station if ñecessary. Move the control lever / control arm between its two end positions. Mechanical controls with control adapter: Remove the control cable from tlle potentiometer control arm. Ð 12 3 Ð Ð 23 4 't 2 3 Ð 32 . Then remove the potentiometer from the control adapter.Electrical fault tracing Measuring the potent¡ometer in the control module Ð 1. 7. 8. Use a filter wrench for disassembly if necessary. lnsert a screwdriver between the red catch arm and the connector. Cut the current by turning the starter key to th-e "S" position on the active control station. Be careful not to spill fuel. or the control module will be damdged. \- I û J f\ TMPoRTANT! TAMD72. 33 . . Check that the current is disconnected by pressing and releasing the diagnosis button. TAMÐ73: Never twist or undo the T-nipple beneath the control module. Remove the control module. Cut the system voltage to the EDC system. Ð Ir v Disassembly il 1. Then cheok that the starter keys are at position "0" on all control $ations. This can damage the charge air pressure sensor in the control module. Turn the screwdriver to partly pull the catch arm out of the connector. Pull the catch arm down at the same time as you pull the connector back.or disconnected. Remove the control module union (wrench size 27 mml. 5. 4. secondary fuel filter.Changing the control module ¿\ lmportant! System voltage must be disconnected when the 42pin connector on the control module is connecte{. 2. Unscrew the rear. the system current to the EDC system is disconnected. 6. Undo the capillary pipe from the T-nipple underneath the control module (wrench size 15 mm). lf no answering flashes come from the diagnostic display. Clean the secondary fuelfilter bracket carefully 3. Tightening torque: 38 t6 Nm (28 t4. Moisten the secondary fuel filter gasket with oil' 6. Screw down the secondary fuel filter by hand.4 lbf-ft). function normallY. Vent the fuel system as per the instruct¡ons on the next Page. until the gasket just touches mating surface on the bracket.. Wipe the new control module gasket with oil' Then put the control module in the fuel filter bracket and fix it in place by tightening the pipe union. controls etc. Ð Ð IMPORTANT! f AMÐ72. 8. TAMD73: Never twist or undo the T-nipple beneath the control module. iÐ ff Clean any dirt off the connector and its contact pins. Then turn it another half turn by hand. Start the engine and check that the engine.Changing the control module Assembly 1. A t--'. Ð Ð Ð 34 . 9. This can damage the charge air pressure sensor in the control module. Calibrate all controls with the new control module Pleas refer to the "Calibration of engine controls" chapter. Check that the secondary fuel filter is absolutely clean and that the gasket is undamaged. This is important' to avoid damaging the contact pins. 7. 4. Then apply a thin layer of conta{ct grease (paft No. 2. >- \ Connect the connector to the control module. Ð 5. Connect the capillary pipe to the T-nipple underneath the control module. 1 161417-9) to the connection pins' IrL !- 3. /î\ IMPORTANT! Connect the connector by ¡¿:¡ r pressing it forwards towards the control module at the same time as you press the red catch arm upwards. Changing the control module Venting the fuel system The luel system must be vented when the control module has been changed. Open the vent screw (3) on the fuelfilter bracket. : I 35 . 1 1. . 2. Avoid fuel spillage. 3. turns. 6. \ about four I I 2 il 1 By-pass valve Hand pump Vent screw ut I 3. Operate the hand pump (2) on the feed pump until fuel without air bubbles comes out from the venting screw. Continue pumping and close the vent screw at the same t¡me. L : l . lf the engine does not start. to build up a suitable supply pres' sure. 7. Pump another 10 to 20 strokes. üÐ 3 1. a ': I I Tighten the union while fuel is f lowing out. 2. to build up a suitable supply pressure. 4. Put a suitable vessel underneath the secondary fuelfilters.i : . Check that no leakage occurs. Pump another 10 to 20 strokes with the vent screw closed. Loosen the bypass valve (1) union and continue pumping untilfuelflows out without any air bub- : : bles. continue venting as follows: 5. Pump 10 to 20 strokes with the hand pump (2) on the fuel pump. Turn the control arm so that the top of the heel (4) presses in the position button (5) on the neutral position switch. Ð 1 3 Ð 3. Remove lock pin (1) and washer (2) f rom the nipple (3).' Ð 1 Ð 2.' æ 2 .Changing the control module Control adapter adiustment I t[r ( r- t\ I 1 Move the reverse gear shift lever to the neutral position. Ð Ð 4 36 I 1 1. Undo the nipple on lhe adapter control arm. . I 6 j 7 3 <rir+ . I 1 3 'n ) I 37 .' 'f' 4. Ð .: t . Put the nipple (3) back in the control arm lnstall the washer (2) and lock pin (1). ¿ I I 6 I 5. i Adjust the nipple (3) on the control cable so that its pin is centralized on the hole (6) in the adapter control arm. 3 4 t : t.Changing the control module . Lock the nipple in this position with lock nut (7). Adiust¡ng ¡dling speed Ð General information ldling speed is adjusted to 600 rpm when the engine is delivered. lf necessary, the idling speed can be,adjusted in the area between 550-600 rpm. Do the'adjustment when the engine is warm. 20 xloat 600 ût¡h 1 NOTE! lf the boat has several control statio6rb, adjustmenl can only be done from the main contro.l station 0fãEFEsã 550 (normally the control station in the saloon). Adjustment 1. Check that all control levers are in neutral/idling position. 2. Turn the ignition key to "S" (stop position) and release it, so that it springs back to position "0". 3. Depress the neutral button and keep it depressed until item 5. 4. Turn the starter key to position "1" (drive position). The diagnosis bulton lamp lights up. 5. Release the neutral button when the diagnosis button lamp goes out. 6. The lamps in the neutral and diagnosis buttons now flash to confirm that the idling speed can be adjusted. I I a @ lf the boat has two engines: Repeat the procedure above, so that both engine idle speeds can be adjusted at the same time. + .lB 7. Start the engine and use the control lever to adjust the idling speed. 8. Confirm the set speed by pressing the neutral button. 9. Finish adjustment by moving the control lever to the neutral/idle position. Ð I I Mechar I t : Meu.lê I Calibration of controls r"Ð General information The control module must be calibrated after the control module, MS unit, potentiometer or complçte con¡' trol module have been changed. Calibration is defined as a number of pre-determined control lever positions for the EDC syste¡ft. /N Ð IMPORTANT! lf the boat has mechanicat controls, the conlrol must be equipped with a neutral switch, which closes when the control lever is in neutral. Electronic single lever control t ldentification During calibration, the control module checks the type of control module and marine gearbox (with or without electric shifting) used. ln calibration mode, the number of flashes from the diagnostic indication show the equipment which has been identified. Ð The flashes are repeated during the entire calibration procedure as follows: Mechanical two lever control w¡th mechanical shifting. -'.Q- One flash: Electronic single lever control and electronic operation of the reverse gear. -.Qt-.ör Two Ð flashes: Electronic two lever control or mechanical single or two lever control with two control adapters and electronic operation of the reverse gear. il .'.4'. ".0: ''.4. Three flashes: Mechanical single or two lever control with one control adapter and mechanical operation of the reverse gear. n. Mechanical two lever control with electric shifting. Ð 39 Calibration of controls Calibrating the controls The control(s) is calibrated to define the five (5) control lever positions to the EDC system. The five (5) positions are: 1. Neutral idle 2. Forwards idle 3. Full speed fonruards 4. Reverse idle 5. Full speed reverse I ,' I NOTE! Positions 1, 2 and 4 are easy to feel as three fixed positions where Neutral idle (1) is the center po' sition. On late model controls, the three positions coincide with three markings on the control cover. NOTE! Positions 3 and 5 are the fonruard and reverse end positions of the control lever. l\ IMPORTANT! Localize the three fixed positions and the end positions by moving the control lever fonvards and backwards before calibration is activated. I I I I N I å Start calibration mode 1 I eÐ I NOTE!The EDC system will not go into calibration mode if there are any fault codes stored (except fault codes 1.6 and 1.7). Attend to any malfunctions before Ð ç. calibration. I I 1 I . 2. Put the control leve(s) in the neutral/idling position (1). Turn the starter key to "S" (stop) and release it, so that it springs back to position "0". Ð AB B 3. Depress the neutral button (A) and keep it depressed until item 5. 4. Turn the starter key to position "1" (drive position) The diagnosis button lamp (B) lights up. 5. Release the neutral button when the diagnosis button lamp (B) goes out. 6. The lamps (C) in the neutraland diagnosis buttons now flash to confirm that the EDC system is in calibration mode. 7. lf the boat has two engines: Repeat the proce- o O WL@E¡B It il c c il¡urnAL @ wûEx.n 40 G ^Lr dure with the controls for the other engine so that the levers for both engines are calibrated at the same time. pÐ t t . Move the lever to the position for full throttle reverse (5). seconds. 4.move the lever to position "X" (about half way between the position for idle/forwards and the end position for full speed forwards). ïhen move the control lever to the position for re- I I 5 Move the lever to the position for full throttle forwards (3). Put the EDC system in calibration nióOe as in tne ¡ instructions on page 2. öi Ð I I verse/idle (4). ôiI I 5. From neutral/idling position ('1). to give the same lever positions for both en- Ð t gines' l I öi : I I I ï. I 6 It Release the lever and acknowledge the position : by pressing the neutral button for at least three trseCl Ð seconds. I I Move the lever to position "Y" (about half way between the position for reverse/idle and the position for full throttle in reverse). Release the lever and acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral button for at least three seconds.Calibration of controls Calibration Electronic single lever control Ë NOTE! When you calibrate the controls for two engines. idle/forwards (2). 41 . calibrate both levers on the control at the same time. : I I 3. A ruponrlrun 1. Release the lever and acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral button for at least three I 3 sec. F seõ] by pressing the neutral button for at least three at Release the lever and acknowledge the position seconds. Then move the lever backwards to the position for Fseî] Ð 40. f # The neutral and diagnostic button lamps stop flashing.Ð I I fr I ii I 42 I ii¿ . Acknowledge and finish calibration by twice depressing the neutral button for at least three seconds. 7.r I Calibration of controls 6. Move the control lever back to neutral/idle position (1).[ . to confirm that calibration is comþleted t- þ t q . Release the lever. 1_- r4 - 'i+tl . ¡ )¡ Some third pafty control levers have been found to give more travel (A) at full throttle with the reverse gear in neutralthan at full throttle with tfrb reverse gear engaged. Measure the control cab[e movement (A) at the potentiometer bracket at fullthrottle. calibrate both levers on the control at the same time. . Release the lever and acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral button for at least 3 seconds. Release the lever.disengage the shift function and move the lever forwards to the position for full throttle (3). Then move the lever backwards to the position for idle/forwards (2).I . Note the value. -tI I öi il 3. Release lhe lever and acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral butlon for at least three il seconds. I I I Move the lever to neutral/ idle position (1). ' '.é . . 2.:. il i'Ð . F sãcl il 4. From the neutral / idle position (1 ) .: 't: # Ð . to give the same lever positions for both engines. Put the EDC system in calibration mode as in the instructions on page 40. 43 . I öi Controls of other makes: Check that the control I I I cable movement does not exceed the previously noted value. . l\ rr¡ponr¡nn 1. Calibration ¡ Í Mechanical single lever control t NOTE! When you calibrate the controls for two engines. with the reverse gear engaged. öi I I I Move the lever to position "X" (about half way between the position for idle/forwards and the end position for full speed forwards). E=ãcl Release the lever and acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral button for at least three Ð seconds.'t Calibration of controls t . \ . . -. 6. t öi I I Move the lever to position "Y" (about hatf way between the position for reverse/idle and the position for full throttle in reverse). Release the lever and acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral button for at least three seconds. Ð 4. I *i.. Release the lever.1 1 Calibration of controls '..¿. Acknowledge and finish calibration by twice depressing the neutral button for at least three seconds. Move the control lever to the position for reverse/ídle (4). 4Ð I The neutral and diagnostic button lamps stop flashing. to confirm that calibration is completed. I -'¿¿ t ôi I I I FT3=ecl Move the control lever back to neutral/idle position (1). ó4 :' 7.t 5.- ì e 0 \ f4 å (. \ 44 .f : l .. ä 2e t-v . Then move the lever forwards to the position where the reverse gear is engaged for ieverse motion (4). ðÊ. 3 sec.Calibration of controls Calibration Electronic/Mechanical two lever control I NOTE! When you calibrate the conlrols for two engines. calibrate both levers on the control at the same time. I I Put the EDC system in calibration mode'as in the instructions on page 40. Release the lever.ffi :.. to give the same lever positions for both engines. Release the lever. Move the lever to neutral position (1).move the throttle lever to full throttle position (2). 45 . t. Release the lever.' I i : "".-@. Move the gear shift lever to position "X". i 3 4 5. I I I 3 sec. From the idle position (1) . 4. Move the gear shift lever to position "Y". Y . N 2 1 I I I ô . Acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral button for at least three seconds. í I I o III h Acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral button for at least three seconds. 1. Then move the lever back to the position where the reverse gear is engaged for forward motion (3). rl 3 N X ì :4. Acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral button for at least three seconds. rn¡poRu¡¡n 2. Release the lever and acknowledge the position by pressing the neutral button for at least three seconds.1L N 2 1 ôi I 3. Acknowledge and finish calibration by twice depressing the neutral button for at least three seconds. r- I 1 ôi t I I Éi I t'- []pr fl---rlt The neutral and diagnostic button lampsstop flashing. to confirm that calibration is cornpleted. d" t"l t¡þe b!ac 'r*' -{ #) "*.16 ¡tj v st .r r- Calibration of controls N 6"' Move the levers to neutral position and idling position respectively. 7.1 !- '$il i NOTE! reaí ìg the'diót I I fl . Belease the levers. with facility for reading and erasing all fault codes. trol panel. or which can nol be read from the cort'. with information about reason.. ( I Fault code number Fault code heading A = Refers to TAMDT2P-A B = Refers to TAMDT3P-A l C = Refers toTAMDT4C1L/P-A/P-8. gd-.v1 il17:. These diagnostic tools are connecled to the engine diagnostic connector in the distribution box. (à(Ðø . The way that the faull code is read is shown in the fault code register (below). TAMDTSP-A iii. Please note that there are fault codes which are not indicated. Diagnostic key VODIA diagnostic tool Distr¡bution box I 47 . These fault codes can only be read and erasejð by a diagnostic key or with the VODIA diagnostic tool. reaction and proposed measures to be taken. . depending on the engine version.= frrtt code can be read from the control panel Çp = Fault code can be read by a diagnostic tool I NOTE! A diagnostic key or the VODIA diagnostic tool must be used for full diagnosis information. The number varies.Fault code register I Explanation for fault code register: Fault codes are presented in numerical order. controls and reverse gear 'l{.Fault code register Code l.6 calibration for main relay. Erase fault code.ii 1. Action: . Re-calibrate controls. Code 1.. connectors and cables .¡slc I I Reason: Neutral gear pos¡tion is wrong in relation to potentiometer value. . . Code ¡. Action: . Re-calibrate controls. -låi ¡¡slC.¿ *t ¡'¡a¡c æ A/Blc Reason: Controls on main control station (normally the control station in the cabin) are not calibrat ed Reaction: The starter motor ¡s not activated / it is not possible to activate the control station. Action: . NøtC There are no fault codes to flash out via the control panel. code 1. I . Erase fault code. lf the fault remains: Check mounting of controls and potentiometer. Engine speed is then limited to 1000 rpm. . Calibrate 4B the controls.2 Calibration Fp ¡. * ii? ¡¡e¡c å. I Action: . When the fault code has been read. Re-calibrate controls. Erase fault code.s¡c F A/B/c I Reason: Angle between throttle opening start and full throttle is too small. the engine can be started. . Re-calibrate controls. 1ç Calibration Nøtc ÇR Narc #l Reason: Control system can not be identified by the control module' Reaction: Engine controls can not be calibrated. Action: . . . Reaction: Calibration is not approved.3 Callbration ¡. Check fuses. . . Èl 'lii n'le¡c W Nstc Code1. lf the fault remains: Check mounting of controls and potentiometer. Reaction: Calibration is not approved.4 Calibration Reason: Neutral position is not large enough (angle between throttle opening for forwards motion and throttle operation for reverse is not large enough).S mounting of controls and potentiometer. Reaction: Calibration is not approved. lf the fault remains: Check Code l.f "No faulti'. Erase lault code. 7 Calibration ìii e¡C *. Start the engine. Start the engine. lf the fault remains: Check the engine speed sensor funct¡on (please refer to the "Electrical fault tracing" chapter). Code2. Check connections on injection pump and control module.¡."'". Reaction: lt is not possible to activate the control station. Check connectors and cables on the eng¡ne speed sensor and control module. or no current at all. Action: * . Reaction: The engine does not start/starter motor is nol activated. Check connections on injection pump and control module. !: . .5 Engiirc spqed sensor ìi. Erase fault code. Action: . .a Codc2.Fault code register Code 1. Reason: The control rod position solenoid draws too much current. 4t r Action: ) . 'i. Erase fault code. Or it does draw enough current. . Or there is no signal from the starter relay to the starter motor.'. . ir¡ Calibrate the controls. lf the fault remains: Check the engine speed sensor function (please refer to the "Electrical fault " chapter) and check the starter motor. Start the engine. between the starter relay and starter motor. .4 Enginespeedsënso{. or a short circuiVopen circuit in the startef motor. NBIC. Reaction: The engine ¡s stopped. Code2.' *'Nglet. :i Reason: Controls on the alternative control station have not been calibrated. -){i e¡C * NArc Reason: The engine speed sensor does not give a signal on starting. Action: .1 \. Reaction: The engine is stopped. CodE 2. . Erase fault code. . . . lniectionpump ' : -:iS NBÍg. .retc : Reason: Short circuiVopen circuit on signal from engine speed sensor tn operation. . Check connections and cables on engine speed sensor and control module.Ð . . Erase fault code.2 lnjection pump Reason: Short circuiVopen circuit in signal from control rod position sensor. '[f Action: .$. 49 . lf the fault remains: Check the position sensor function (please refer to the "Electrical faull trac- ing" chapter). Reaction: The engine is stopped. lf the fault remains: Check the actuator solenoid function (please refer to the "Electrical fault trac- ing" chapter).¿ g¡c Þ ¡. . Start the engine. .. .e. 50 I . chapter). NOTE! The fault applies to the current control station.1 Potent¡ometer itÊ A/Blc F I I AIB/C I i Reason: The control module does not receive information from the potentiometer in the control lever base (only applies to twin lever control.). lt is possible to do an emergency shift (please refer to the "Electrical fault tracing" chapter). lf the fault remains: Check the potentiometer lunction (please refer to the "Electrical fault trac¡ng" . lf the fault remains: Check the potentiometer function (please . NOTE! The fault applies to the current control station. I I refer to the "Electrical fault tracing" chapter).6 Potentiomeûer d : :tr NBtç æ NBIC Reason: Short circuiVopen circuit on power supply to potentiometer in controls.0'F). i.7 Potent¡qmeter :sþ warc W NBIÇ Reason: The control module does not receive information from the potentiometer in lhe control lever base (applies to the potentiometer for the engine speed lever in a twin lever control. Code 3. lf the fault remains: Check the charge a¡r temperature sensor function (please refer to the "Electrical fault tracing" chapter). Erase fault code. . . Action: fl ll. . Check the connections and cables for the potentiometer and up to the control stat¡on. . lt is possible to do an emergency shift (please refer to the "Electrical fault tracing" chapter). lt is possible to do an emergency shift (please refer to the "Electrical fault tracing" chapter). Erase fault code. . 'l I Action: . . Check connections on charge a¡r temperature sensor and control module.e.).2 Charge aÍr temperature sensor . Action: .Fault code register Code2. Code2. Lots of smoke from a cold engine. Reaction: Charge air temperature set to 55"C (131. '. it is possible to operate from another control station if the boat has more than one control station. lf the fault remains: Check the potent¡ometer function (please refer to the "Electrical fault tracing"r .e. chapter). Erase fault code. i.l l . . 'lJ I i code 3.ii n æ Á/B/C Reason: Short circuiVopen circuit on signal from charge air temperature sensor. Reaction: The reverse gear is disengaged and engine speed is cut to 1000 rpm. i. NOTE! The fault applies to the current control stat¡on. . i I FI i : m: I I I I l: : . Check cables and connect¡ons up to the controls' . Check cables and connections up to the controls. Start the engine. it is possible to operate from another control station if the boat has more than one control station. Start the engine. it is possible to operate from another control station ¡f the boat has more than one control station. Erase fault code. Start the engine. . Engine power reduced. Start the engine. . Reaction: The reverse gear is disengaged and engine speed is cut to 1000 rpm. Action: . Reaction: The reverse gear is disengaged and engine speed is cut to 1000 rpm. [+ AIB/C Reason: Short circuiUopen circuit on cables from activation button (aclive stat¡on). Check button function. .ô . Or the button has been activated for more than two m¡nutes.1 A { T * NBtc Reason: Short circuiVopen circuit on cables from neutral button. . Diagnostlc button Beason: Short circuiVopen circuit on cables from diagnostic button.'' fault tracing" chapter). Start the engine. . Aclion: .3 -. lots of smoke from cold engine. .5 Neutral button -:+. Action: . . ìåi . { Code3. . Or the button has been activated for more than two minutes. Check connections on coolant temperature sensor and conlrol module.?i Temperalure alarm æ tuB/C Reason: Short circuiUopen circuit on cables from instrument panel. . Check cables and connections up to control panel. Action: . Erase fault code. Reaction: Diagnostic button indication lamp is constantly lit. 51 : I . Or ¡t cloes not light up when the engine temperature is too high. Check button function. Reaction: lt is not possible to shift gears until two m¡nutes have passed. Erase fault code. Reaction: High coolant temperature warning lamp gives constant light. lf the fault remains: Check the coolant temperature sensor function (please \. . Erase fault code. . Check button function. For twin installation and control panel type ll: Check the relay in ths cables for the control panel. codért. Check connections and cables on instrument . Actfvationbutron. Erase fault code. panel and control module. Reaction: lt is not possible to activale the control station. refer to the "Electrical. Code 4.ii n * NArc Reason: Short circuiVopen circuit on signal from coolant temperature sensor. Reaction: Engine very difficult to start. Check cables and connections up to control panel.3 Coolanttemperatî¡resensor . Action: .Fault code register Code3. Qr the button has been activated for more than two minutes.t. Check cables and connections up to control panel. Codc3. lt is not possible to read the fault code from the control panel. Erase fault code. Action: . . r' ¡d t ¡sl cables with a 16-pin connector: Measure between pin 13 in eiìcll r. Check cables and connections up to control panel. Action: . .rrtr.1 '¡ nirrrt: *" *q j*$ Main relaY Reason: Short circuiVopen circuit on cables from main relay. .rr. Check that there is contact between the eng¡nes..rl. Check cables and connections to control panel. . Start the engine.. ¡1" run l. Reason: Short circuiVopen circuit on cables from neutral indication. .r' :.rr ¡' {S : . rr r. Check the fuses (9).r . .tttrl r..ð3 *tu a"reiC Reason: Short circuiVopen circuit on control current to starter relay. the connectors and cables .rrtrhr':.rt . Action: . Control panel type ll: Change the bulb in the neutral button. lf thefe is an 8-pin connector: Measure between pin 5 rtt rru lt ' . )a r:.4 -:1i Engine speed syrrchronizing a 'il. Erase fault code.{¡ ..'. lf the fault remains: Check stañer relay function. Check the ground cable between the starter motors on the engincs. lf the fault remains: Check main relay function.r. '.rrr) Reaction: Engine speed synchronization does not work. Erase fault code. Action: . l. Code 4. .url¡¡rl . the connectors and cables for the starter rr-'lay .! . ..4É. React¡on: Engine can not be started/stopped. lf the fault remains: Control panel type l: Change control panel. Check the uses (9).i i .rtr. .' . r ¡.'. Erase fault code.¡l¡r.2 for the main relay ant I ri()r Neutral indication ì{i rlr lI r r. Erase fault code. Reactionl Engine can not be started.'z-'62 4g \:.'. f Code 5. Reaction: Neutral button indication does not light up when the control lcvcr Act¡on: .6 Starter relay -.. Code 5.. '. . .l¡. Àüffiffi Reason: No output signal for engine speed Synchronization (twin institll. Start the engine. .{.Fault code register Code 4.. . via the cables ç]oinr¡ to lll. . Start the engine. the engine... tion at the engine. nr. . ç NArc * A/BI/C Reason: Short circuit / open circuit on cable to reverse gear for aft gear.4 Revqrsegear.. fuel pipes and ventilation of the engine bay.1 Fuel temperature and control module.1 Fault code register i: Code5. :¡ with a gear engaged. lf the fault remains: Check the turbocharger. Start the engine. lt is possible to do an emergency shift (please refer to the "Eleclrical fault tracing" Í chapter). ) 53 . Start the engine. . Disengage gear (if possible).'. Erase fault code.fonvards . aft Ï' ¡ fault tracing" chapter). Aclion: . .. Action: . Disengage gear (if poss¡ble). . . Erase fault code. Erase fault code. lt is possible to do an emergency shift (please refer to the "Electrical Code . . Reaction: lt is not possible to shift gear. .. Check the waste gate valve. Check cables and conneclions to reverse gear. Fill up with fuel (the temperature-raising effect of returned fuel is reduced ¡f there is more fuel in . A WARNINGI lf the engine is started i.iâA *uarc ' Reason: Excessive fuel temperature..Ð Code 5. Reaction: Engine power is reduced (volume compensation ceases).. . . the fuel tank). fon¡rard motion can only be cut off by stopping the engine with the ignition key or stop button. Check the air filter and the capillary pipe between the inlet manifold .) 5.I i Action: . . . .6 charge air pressure -lii n¡a¡c * Narc Reason: Too high charge air pressure Reaction: Engine power is cut until normal values are obtained. 'lçË ruAlCi . ì. . . . A WARNINGI lf the engine is started with a gear engaged. .. . Start the engine. . ii Action: . Erase fault code.5 Reverse gear.! Reason: Short circuit / open circuit on cable to reverse gear for forward gear * I Reaction: lt is not possible to shift gear. Check the installation of the fuel tank. Code 6. Check cables and connections to reverse gear.F EIS¡C. forward motion can only be cut off by stopp¡ng the engine with the ignition key or stop butlon. I i i i i i i - 54 rI Act¡on: . .Ð I I I f i I I t Reason: Fault in one of the press-buttons/indication lamps in the control panel at the other control station. . f . can not be started. Start the engine.Ð ty reasons) at idling sPeeds. . Erase fault code. the lf the fault remains: Control panel type l: Change control panel Control panel type ll: Check I I i i bulbs. Check the installation if the engine bay temperature . control station can not be activated' . I I { þ i I I I Reason: Fault in control module. lf the fault remains: Check the potentiometer function (please refer to the "Electrical faull tracingi' chapter). . 'q Ð i I i l I i 4 . I { Ð I Action: . Reaction: lt is not possible to operate from another control station. lf the fault remains: I I I I Change the control module. . Check the connectors and cables on lhe controls and control panel at the other control station' . . Erase fault code. # iÐ Reaction: The other control station can not be used i I I Action: Check the connectors and cables on the control panel at the other control stat¡on. Check the intercooler. Start the engine. . Erase fault code. i is too high' i{ i- l l Reason: lncorrect signals from the potentiometer or control panel at another control station. t- iÐ . . Reaction: Engine is stopped. Power reduction ceases . Erase fault code. Or faulty MS unit.r Fault code register I l={ rI Reason: Excesive charge air temperature. I (for safeReaction: Engine power is cut until norrnal values are obtained. Action: . Code g. Action: . Code 8. Action: . Code 8.8 Control modulêl -lii n * Narc Reason: Control module can not read from/write to its internal memory Reaction: Fault codes are not stored. Check the air filter and the capillary pipe between the inlet pipe and control module . lf the fault remains: Change the control module.i Reason: Short circuiVopen circuit on signal from charge air pressure sensor or fuel temperature sensor* in control module.S. Change the control module.(internal sensor) ìåi n ' F A/8/6l . lf the faull remains: Change the control module. Erase fault code.ïAMD72P-A and TAMDT3P-A.t" to its internal memory.Fault code register Code 8. ) 55 . Reaction: lt is not possible to adjust idling speed. Erase å fault code. t I . Action: . i) Reaction: The control lever base must be calibrated before each start. o Re-calibrate controls.2 Control module. Action: ' .4 Control module Reason: Control module t ""n not ì{Ê E * UArc o"d tror¡*r. Change the control module.Contiol module ?lpNarc : Reason: Control module can not read from/write to its internal memory. This can cause increased exhaust smoke. { Reason: Calibration values can not be stored by the control module. Change the control module. Action: . Reaction: Engine power is cut until normal values are obtained. . Reaction: Extreme values are not slored. . . I Reaction: Engine can not be started. . ) 'ã c . Action: .'.'{ I (U o d cl =o q ol CL E o I oi ) I 56 I i . Check whether it is possible to communicate with tt- the control module. lnterm¡ttent contact in power supply to control module.'. starter motor.' . etc.' ¡'. Check the conneclors and cables on the control panel and to the other control station. Check the cables and connections for power supply (battery. o c o +. .). The fault codes are self-erasing. or fault in program memory. Communication: Change MS unit. Start the engine. switch. e Í. starter .r Fault code register rr) rI Reason: The MS unit does not receive a signal from the control module' Reaction: lt is not possible to operate from another control station.-. Start the engine..' Reason: Fault when system current is switched on.:'" -liÊ ¡/g¡C W I NA¡C'. lf the fault remains: Connect a diagnostic tool. Gode$"$r' fiogramrnemory.''. Action: . 1 . Erase fault code. Cut the current completely and wait lor three m¡nutes before re-connecting it. lf the fault remains: Re-program or change the control module. . . . lnternal communication: Change the control module. coolant temperature Warning lamp. 18. 15.4 1. Relay 5.. = (o = lnstrument panel (main Panel) NOTE! The control and instrument panels shown here are the most commonly occurr¡ng combinations for the above engine. u 1.Starboard cable kit 8... o 1.Ã. Potentiometer 7. 10. several control stations . 2. 16. 9. 12. 13.2 7 8 9 0 1. Connector 4.single lever control 6. 1. 1 14. Connector. Switch 3. 3. 16-p¡n connector. 4. Starboard engine =. 2-pin connector (diagnostic connector) 9. 8.. Position sw¡tch 6. Port . Supplementary wiring d¡agrams for all control and instrument panels are found later on in the chapter.Alarm tesVAcknowledgment Tachometer Key switch Audible warn¡ng Connector for connection of neutral position switch 16-p¡n connector 2-pin connector (lor optional board) Adapter f 1 4 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 5 3 7 I 7 5 r. 12 14 lnstrument lighting Voltmeter Oil pressure gauge Coolant temperature gauge Connector for connecting extra warning d¡splay (optional equipment) Electronic unit (alarm) Warning lamp. instrument lighting Switch .i Oì @ TAMDT2P-A (12 V) ù E e @ 1. 7. 13 7. 5. 19.¡ 6 -l 89 3 ? 16 f11 {t 5? e Engine (12 V system voltage) TAMDT2P-A o_ õ' (o q) 3 u) . '1 16-pin connector. oil pressure Charge warning lamp lndicat¡on lamp (not used) Switch. Port engine 10. 11.3 Control panel (twin installation).J ß2 A 9 t 9 &tv 6 71116t4 89 12Ê E 4 10 10 {Þ - 25 I - 2 18 17 19 I 710 11 3 l 56 10 6 3 1t12 aa 5 t. lnd¡cation lamp 2. . Actuat¡on solenoid. eng¡ne O¡l pressure sensor.gear Pressure sensor.3 (instrument cables) 4-pin connector (reverse gear) Solenoid valve (reverse gear with electric shifting) Temperature sensor. 7. 1*r+.7 EAR NO 18. 5. 8. tr Ë' ¡* n il I 4 i. 20. þt 25 I \t/ 16 15364132 15 Engine (12 V system voltage) TAMDT2P-A t1 16 1A. 24. Z-pinconnector O-30 BAR STAR| 25. shall apply. rev. 0. Main sw¡tch 26.5 mm.. control rod 22. EAR 19.-u-¿{c¡îõlpfrl 19 NA rü9 * . charge air Coolant temperature sensor. EDC. 6. 2e. 4. {diagnostic connector)' l6-pin connector (controls) Connector 27.. 14 4Ð I - QA"i) 10. Starting battery 1a. 7 3128 5 1. Engine speed sensor"' 23. l-r J I I 18 LJnd --:::-J-r ilt n 1Á Ç t[[ = Normally open during operation. BL i. J .* Ê+ 3214 L 3 Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color code in the wiring diagram. T. Pos¡t¡on sensor*". turbo pressure O¡l pressure moniror. 10 Emergency/auxiliary battery Main switch Main switch for backup system Alternator Starter motor Starter relay* Main relay' Control module. 13. (controllinstrument panels) 21 22 23 . ! 17 Located ¡n ¡unct¡on box Located on injection pump Ç . When not otherwise specified. engine Coolant temperature sensgr EDC 21. 11 gsa Jo¡nt 16-pin connector* 16.- !16 F OR = Orange Ë' Ç ã P¡nK 5 (O o- Red Black (O Violet 0) Wh¡te Yellow õ' 3 U' . (¡ (o Gables shown with broken lines are supplied by Volvo Penta. 17. 15. I 15 A 2 B 24 3. 9. 118 EÁT. 13 O-10 12 EDT UNIT I 'J3 14.3lue P= LBL = Light blue R= BN = Brown SB= LBN = Light brown VO= GN = Green W GR = Gray -<t I 2B --?n NO Ðaf i]"26 'cable colors :r r--- MANUil BACK-UP SYSTM .**" äÉr rd*i* * Í| *a not I T I rrl 18 FWN ä t I t¡:l l+ L t::- Ril nlly"Ecoynav I T I I ã. EDC Stop relay' Circuit breakers (8 A)' Oil pressure sensor. 2A.19 10 I \at Y. 12. EAR 11 32 I 422t3924263ø 0. Port engine 1 6-p¡n connector. 1 1 1. Warning lamp. Charge warning lamp 1. oil pressure 9. ¡nstrument l¡ghting Switch .2 lndicat¡on lamp Switch 7 I I Connector Relay 10. 19.4 1.¡ I 5 fr-rn. 4.. Voltmeter 3. Starboard eng¡ne 14.Cl) o TAMDT2P-A (24 V) t E ring combinations for the above engine. 1 1. 5. supplementary w¡ring diagrams for and instrument panels are found later on in the chaptei. Connectorforconnecting extra warning ai conlrol display (optional equipment) 6.Starboard cable kit 2-p¡n connector (diagnostic connector) 16-pin connector. 3 1. lnstrument l¡ght¡ng 2. 13. several control stations . 12 14 18. 15. 1. Eleçtronic un¡t (alarm) 7. _ã lndication lamp (not used) Switch. 12.rA 6 6 ) 89 fr I t32 t t 13 45 t 6 0 5 d e 89 17 p 18 19 * \ü/ 25 710 2 10 ü.single lever control 2. 8. 17. t 4 g8 \ül T/ 16 v \ty v Engine (24 V system vottage) TAMDT2P-A 1 a õ' (o ot 3 CD . Port . 3. Warning lamp. Coolant temperalure gauge 5. 7. 13 =. 9.".Alarm tesVAcknowledgment Tachometer Key switch Audible warning Connector for connection of neutral position switch 16-p¡n ¡ connector 2-pin connector (for optional board) Adapter 1 1 4 2 2 5 3 7 7 -l I910 aaa e&Iaw 7 f. Oil pressure gauge 4. 6. 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 6. coolant temperature 8. 1 0 Pos¡t¡on sw¡tch Potent¡ometer Connector. 1. 10. :f (o lnstrument panel (ma¡n panel) NorE! The control and ¡nstrument panels shown here are the most commonly occur- Control panel (twin installation). '- 3T 2E 20 39 24 26 Emergency/auxiliary battery Main switch Main switch for backup sys- 34 11 : -i À. BL ='--þ¡us = Light blue BN = g¡qlv¡ LBN = Light brown LBL . cables) 4-pin connector (reverse gear) Solenoid valve (reverse gear with electr¡c shifting) 19. EDC 8. Stop reby' 9. 23 t4 UN ã 15129 -:t{. 23 . OJ Cables shown w¡th broken lines are supplied by Volvo Penta. 2A. Cont¡ol mooi¡¡e..i¡' 10 u -3t 1AR 12. reverse gêar Pressure sensot.{. Engine speed sensor** 23. Main retay' 7. 1030 3 622 EDC 135 'J2 11. 15- 16. I not i18 I f I 17 lsl FWD REV rrarrmu rsecoxotan_l 3 t I I oo l+ STSTEIT I --J*t' 18 L t:-.5 1213 10 9 19 * f:-"" \rrt 234 v \Y \. Starter relay' 6. Starter motor 5. Pos¡tion sensor'". CrrCu¿t brÊaxefs (8 Aj' 10. Oil pressure sensot.6¡ss¡ GR=6¡6y GN I l+ l6-pin connector (controls) Cable colors I r^1 connectoQ* 1A OR = Orange P R = P¡nK = Red = Black SB VO = W Y Violet White = Yellow ã f.' dl Á]å ¡€{P E* NO 3214 Cable areas in mm2 are specif¡ed after the color code in the wiring diagram. engtne Oil pressure sensor. 18. When not otherwise spec¡f¡ed. -:-*-:---j-J 4 -- -ãir MANUAL BAàK-UP T L F io I Jr^ i Located ¡n junct¡on box Located on injection pump = ¡e¡¡-¡u¡¡t open during operation. turþo ptessufe O¡l pressure montror. (o o- o (O 0) 3 (t. 2e.. charge 20. control rod 22. ¡ 19 21 22 25.1 25 16 98 4132 t6 11 Engine (24 V system voltage) TAMDT2P-A 1A. 13.. 0. Temperature sensor. Starting battery .S mm2 shau apply.l B. 14. 2-pin connector (d¡agnostic i. Coolant temperature sensor. Actuation solenoid. Alternator 4. eng¡ne Coolant temperature sensor Joint 16-p¡n connector" (instrument 17. . EDC-24. air EDC 21. I 2 tem 15 A 24 14 B 3. { connector)' 16-pin connector (controls) NO I 17 Cable areas in mm2 are spec¡f¡ed after the color code ¡n the wiring d¡agram.aÀiiårit le.. Main switch Main switch for backup system 2r. 1 I 181 FIID FEV trytunnn_oelox^rn I 3 t MANUAL SACK-UP r L SYSTEM 2e --/u T_ I ir L !-- . ñ..Trp3fatÌJf€ sensot 6 1ô. control rod 22. .'- > try ¡6 Engine (24 V system voltage) TAMDT2P-A q q ¿ 1A. Engine speed sensor".t¿:.S mm. -:. When not otherwise specified.í. 23.ÉdE:S 5 ^ u.r çnJ¡n¿ û. cl) I Cables shown with broken lines are not Ire supplied by Volvo Penta.r.Q¡ss¡ W Y =6¡"t OR = 6tunn" Pink Red Black = Violet White = Yellow l= (o =.t¿ piÉs- '. 2314 EDt U^lr 5 15f2C16 3t 2¿t 7 42 20 39 21 31 Alternator Starter motor Slarter reìay' l"la.¡ ' U. 0. 1A GFì = ¡¡g¡1 brown VO =. ô.=--- J -J Located in junction box Located on iniect¡on pump 4 Normally open during oper- Cable colors Jr^ BL =Blue P = LBL = Light blue R = 4 -BN = Brown SB = LBN GN r = ation. lô-pin conne€ror" (¡nstrument cåoles) 17. Emergency/aux¡l¡arybattery 28.r i! 9 Start¡ng battery 18. 4.'. Soienoid valve (reverse gear w¡th e¡ectric shifting) _: :J_ 20.3¿: ÍÉ. fDC i ì. c. t-..n relay' Co¡rol m.::S¿ i 3¡åss*. I 15 24 3.. 10103ù3 3536 6 n I '.' 24. charge atî Coolant lemperature sensor. 2-pin connector (diagnostic 5 23 INJECTIOH PúNP 3t G 3214 shall apply. p:eis!í¿ 5€i-. J 1" *'" I I . Temperature sensor. . o_ d' (o Ê) 3 U) . Position sensor"".. ênElne 1+. Ì4 25. 7 14 B I I :ra-.. 5. '18. Actuation solenoid.i.¿ s¿.1-p¡n connector (reverse gear) 19. prêSSurÊ sénsor.¿ 13 ú. EDC 15 19 AiR TEAIP 21 22 21.:s-:.-r J ulrLL..:-¡¿. EDC.. lnd¡cation lamp 2.. Electron¡c unit (alarm) 7..r F NT T.r] l.single lever con- g ¡nstrument panel (main Panel) NOTE! The control and instrument panels shown here are the most commonly occurring combinations for the above engine. 19. Potent¡ometer 7. Relay 5. 2 18 E 6 2 * (D 12Ë 5 17 I 10 a' 12t t T-r t0 6 2 r6 pe e 11..Jf .Alarm tesvAcknqwledgmen! 13.2 7 trol I I 1. Supplementary wiring diagrams for all control and instrument panels are found later on in the chapter.*.. Port . Warning lamp.t4s- Ir lor. Key sw¡tch Audible warn¡ng '16. 4. instrument lighting 12. 18. Ê) (o lnstrument lighting Voltmeter Oil pressure gauge Coolant temperature gauge Connector for connect¡ng extra warning display (optional equiPment) 6. @ g) 3 CN . '10.4 a8a & Ml 'tl &av 7 r.tT. 3. 3 1.sta 1l 19 AS !D -: 'rli. coolant temperature 8.rstt rrnll¡aal 1^ilnTeEt ^ . Switch . 13 16-pin connector.Starboard cable k¡t 8. Switch 3. Connector. oil pressure 9. 2-pin connector (diagnostic connector) 9.2V 89 . Connector 4. Starboard engine 12 14 17.-T t T. 0 1 14.Posit¡on sw¡tch 6. 2. 5.l æ. Tachometer @ Control panel (twin installat¡on). sition switch 16-pin connector 2-pin connector (for opt¡onal board) Adapter 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 2 5 6 3 3 7 7 -l 8910 M. 1 . several control stations . f (O q9 1. Connector for connection of neutralpo1. lndication lamp (not used) 1 Switch. Charge warning lamP 10.n_. Port eng¡ne 16-pin connector. Warning lamp. 15.¡ f.J 6 6 3 J I916 71116H 7 I 132 - 25 1 rl 3 5 6to I r.ã TAMDTsP-A (12 V) O') N) /^\ a) =. A_3 BAF 19. charge air Coolant temperature sensor. Startilg battery 1e. Starter relay6. 15. shall apply. Starter motor 5. ** 23 B+ lsl lra t FllÐ Ril r enwn21:tgoxoyn ) EAf- I 17 Cable areas in mm2 are specífied after the color code in the wiring d¡agram.l :12 J3 UNIT t2s1ù 3t 2A 14. Stop relay9. 10 t/ 121311 \J \-/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 \ü- \y v 25 19 :- 16 15364132 14 16 11 1014 I B Motor (12 V system voltage) TAMDT3P-A 'lA. 0. t A 2 B 15 10 - 12¡)"L1 10. 0. enging Coolant temperature sensor Joint 16-pin connector* (instrument cables) 4-pin connector (reverse gear) Solenoid valve (reverse gear w¡th el€ctr¡c shifting) Temperature sensor. 24. 16-pin connector (controls) 26. Circuit breakers (B A)' 14 24 Emergency/auxiliarybattery t NANUAL BACK. engine 21. 2A. C') Oil pressure sensor. Alternator 4. 2e.t-t ¿o FFr Éi . Control module. (control/¡nstrument panels) 22 3214 ct) sure O¡l pressure monitor. fuBL 10 20. . 13. EDC". 12 V supply 27. control rod 22. revl griar Pressure sensor.3O BAR 21 Ma¡n sw¡tch Main switch for backup system 3. --/* T I L !*- -I l-l - --r.{ I J 1e I 4 L 3 r NO Located in junction box Located on ¡njection pump = Normally open during operation. Main switch NECTTOÅ 9Ur9 Cables shown with broken lines are not supplied by Volvo Penla. Engine speed sensor*' 23. Main relay" 7. Connector. Position sensor't.5 mm. 18. When not otherwise specified. 12 EDT 34 11 17. 13 1 Ù-1A BAP 12381C1090 3 2 I 3536 . Actuation soleno¡d.-j -J . Z-pin connector (diagnostic STAET AR TgP Oil pressure sensor. turbo pres- EDC O.UP SYSÍEN 2. EDC 8. Cableæolors P = BL =Blue 27 LBL = Light blue R = BN = Brown SB = LBN = Light brown VO = GN = Green W -!14¿ù'n'-_J Y = GR=6¡¿t 1¡ OR = Orange ¡= Pink Red Black (o oõ' (o Violet D Wh¡te Yellow 3 U' .7 BAR NO 4220 39 24 1. 12. 19 connector)' 25. -"*¡ 6 io 2 agt 7 ltt6þ 6 to 5 1213 # 234 12 13 I . 2 2 2 5 3 7 7 I 9 aa aur a aûv 11 12 15 7 5 frl*-r. Port engine 16-p¡n connector. Audible warning 1 1 = (o = lnstrument panel (ma¡n panel) NOTE! The conlrol and instrument panels shown here are the most commonly occurring combinations for the above engine. 16-pin connector 2-pin connector (for optional board) Adapter switch 1 1 v 1 2 2 3 3 4 3 1 1 2 3 o- õ' (o lnstrument light¡ng 14.Starboard cable kit 2-pin connector (diagnostic connector) 16-pin connector. 1. 6. 1 Relay Posit¡on switch Potent¡ometer Connector. 3. 9. Supplementary wiring diagrams for all control and instrument panels are found later on in the chapter.2 I lndicat¡on lamp Switch 7. Voltmeter Oil pressure gauge Coolant temperature gauge Connector for connecting extra warn¡ng display (optional equipment) Electronic unit (alarm) Warning lamp. 4. 7.. 3. 8. Starboard engine 13. 2. 16. 11. 12. oil pressure Charge warning lamp lndicat¡on lamp (not used) Sw¡tch. 10.Alarm testlAcknowledgment Tachometer Connector for aonnection of neutral position ¿.4 1. 5. several control stat¡ons .rl r Tl 2 +t*- t lE 'l Ê a a 2 ii'¡bi. 1. Key switch 15. 10.3 Control panel (twin installation).. 18. instrument lighting Switch . ü 0 7 17 10 25 5 5 9 tD 6 ß -l il =r I 3 6 ß f û p I ts sh t t T ø Tf ['d I ror AV istr vottase):TAmD7op.? 16 t3? . 8. 9. 9 0 Connector 4. coolant temperature Warning lamp. Port .1 il 'st 10 s "l-T 14 16 "ìl 2 18 19 ) J ? . 5. 13 12 14 17.single lever con- 1. 6. 7 trol 1.c) è TAMDT3P-A (24 V) "t8t" 1. 19.A q) 3 U) . 2.'J 5 f'. Control rr¡oou¡e. Actuat¡on so¡eno¡d. i-:!.i l{r*s r# '3'. si5= iô.:"ss-i: scr.'¡¡ tèmp. U. EDC 6..s.* Located in iunction box Located on injection pump :t M 32 t Cable areas in mm. 4. are specìfied after the color code in the w¡ring diagram. . charge aiÍ Cooiant lemperature sensor. Z-pin connector (d¡agnostic 5 23 5n 25.:.tê 13 7 . C¡r:u.n¿ C. I 15 A 24 2 B I ì. 21 27 Pf " . 5.:i>Se. Engine speed sensor. Û. Cable 2t. ."'-r- :-. f= (o oõ' (o !) 3 (t . 4-prn connector (reverse gear) So¡Énoio vaive ireverse gear *r¡l¡ electr¡c sh¡ft¡ng) Temperature sensor.1.t ôÍ€åxért ¡8 Ä.5 mm..níc sèiri*Í lè...:! ¿ 42 20 39 24 26 i¿ 1. EDC 15 19 20 21 22 21.eranjfê Sensor 1ô-prn conn¿ctor' (lnsrument LdUCS' 17.23.c í:Àl¡.. b es*:¿ s¿:. When not otherwise specified. O) oì Cables shown w¡th broken lines are not supplied by Volvo Penta.i¡s 'Fr+.iiP 191030? 5 2237 Ett u\tr 43J 32 5 29 1tì 31 3. 4 I i18 I 18i FWD AEV te11nn_pÊco!!!Rn 3 t L NANUAL ÈAcK-uP sysIEM 2a t- I I NO I 17 L + r I lr '^{ ---</nJ 4 I Normally open dur¡ng operat¡on. -. 6. ënE¡né CiÀ. Main relay' 7. 1¡ colors oR = Orange P = ''ÆL =Blue LBL = ¡¡g¡1 6¡u" R = BN = iBrown SB = LBN 1 _J = = ¡¡g¡1 brown VO Green GR=Gray GN = W Y Pink Red Black = Violet White = Yellow =. control rod 22. 2¡. a -. 10 19. 1e.. \a¡y' l(d \tY' 16 I 81416 132 I 1 Motor (24 V system voltage) TAMDT3P-A 1n.' 14 28 9 ì. connector)' 16-pin connector (controls) . Siop reiay' 9. Starting battery Emergency/auxiliary battery Main switch Main switch for backup system Alternator Starter motor Starter relay' i. . 25 2345 12 13 1:f' \ry '\t. Pos¡tlon sensor". 20.ì t::-1"--' 13 I S.. 0. shall apply.. EDC-.-É'. 2a. -:l 1ô.iií Éi¡J. 24.lå.scr. throttle opening / gear shift 9. Electronic unit (alarm) 7.. 2-pin Çonnector (for optiona¡ board). 8-pin connector (female) 17 1.. 19. coolant temperature 8. 2 pcs (red) port and starboard. 13. - single lever control Control panel Connector D¡agnostic button LED (yellow): Neutral button =- 1.å. Coolant temperature gauge 5. Charge warning lamp 0 10. Warning lamp. = (o o- lnstrument panel (main Panel) NOTE! The control and instrument panels shown here are the most commonly occurring comb¡nations for the above engine. lnstrument lighting 2. 11. Connector 17. 10 fw 8 2 & ar 11 aav 2 I I 2i ) 2 6 TE 6t t P11 fl 69 t P ø flE p ç É 10 9 Ç . 1 12. 8-pin connector (male) 10. Potentiometer. 5a. 16-pin connector '18. oil pressure 9. 2. õ' (o 1. 6... Supplementary w¡ring diagrams for all control and instrument panels are found later on ¡n the chapter. Connector 6. 3 1.-¿ li lliìlllT'-j 10 9 rD 25e * 5 2l 18 17 19 l 2 # 1iÛ¡' {D (D :? s 6 t **.4 1. 8. 4. instrument light¡ng Switch . ÌV Þte TAMDT4C/rJp- vol . 10 -l 78910 aaaa 9.2 7 I I LED (green) Synchronizat¡on button LED (blue): LED for background ¡llumination Act¡vation button . Oil pressure gauge 4. several 14. 0) 3 U) lndication lamp (not used) Sw¡tch.o o TAMDT4C/LJP-A (12 V) control stations 1. {D (t c5e ¿ ! . Voltmeter 3. 13 Audible warning 16. Control panel (twin installation).Alarm tesVAcknowledgment Tachometer with built-in hours counter Key sw¡tch 15. 5. 3. O O El . Warn¡ng lamp. 4a. 7. Adapter 12 14 I 1 7a 7a 1 1 7 4 5 4 3 4d 3a 5a 3 2 4 5 _l 9. 7a. C¡ É 8...Wiring diagrams I I I c G. o .< iv. ) € (\t - €e cofcoiOOO es'ãåE oË 9. E ã4668 t0ñ (\¡N -l inn'7 I ñ I .9 I Þ) coOÀfEØ>"5> .:o t.¡rlrrr' .-l I I i ) rt o o ôt s ! o o o I t r ü gr !r al >l L 3 ñt I Èi =.Í I -r- ') I1 Ël s el.> Eå Ë¡ P Ê 9r ËËsÈ ËF 67 . L o ) o¡ ({ ) ro € (o ot ôt t\ s ñ ñ :'-11.*N'.:Oì xolg..i f 1C EO o(l.I o g ) -. Ë ã (ú ÞE oo) (ú zo (ú oo oo JJ I o z d.o f ñËË" ¿ '. t È1 (l s ot o I o \t C\¡ I o I ¡¡t s t q i< cÐ ¿ ô+ o L-- I J ____l s i.t-' I -i t4---' (o ..=l¿ c ã (É 0cã o-(rc0>5> Q) q o E X5 cE ç..E E o trc- G{È ro 6l _ry-c! ÈEE ñ S. (tl R o *È N'iÊ rt (\a ñ k ) x s lô îl s O = o t{¡ ¿t ùi -rëì s¡i ê* c I c) I g (ì o ä Ë93 EóE i â:i'E =-þ Ê¡ Ëi EÈ. coolant temperatufe gauge 5. 16. 18.Alarm test/Acknowledgment Tachometer w¡th built-¡n hours counter 15. throttle opening / gear shift 8-pin connector (male) 8-pin connector (female) 0 1 1. = (. oil pressure 14. Warn¡ng lamp. instrument l¡ghting Switch . 11.3 1. lnstrument l¡ghting 2.B Ð t Ê 1l . 1.2 7 I I LED (green) Synchronization button LED (blue): LED for background illumination Act¡vation bulton LED.single lever control . 13. 17. LED (yellow): 4. L 9. Oil pressure gauge 4. Potent¡ometer. Diagnostic button 3a.t * {D p f9 10 s (D U) lndication lamp (not used) Switch. 2 pcs (red) port and starboard. 12. 19.o) æ TAMDT4CIUP-A (24 V) = :l . 10. 6. Control panel 2. several control stations . Supplementary wiring diagrams for all control and instrument panels are found later on ¡n the chapter. Control panel (twin installation).o lnstrument panel (main Panel) NOTE! The control and instrument panels shown here are the most commonly occurring comb¡nations for the above engtne. 3 3 Warning lamp. Key switch Audible warning Connector 16-p¡n connector connector (for optional board) Adapter 7a 7a 1 1 7 4 2 4a 5a 4 5 3 4 5 t_______ -l 78910 9. 12 14 oñ' (o 1. 7. 5a. Neulral button '1 4a. Electronic unil (alarm) 7. 5.10 RNK aaSa tir¿ 9.4 1. Connector 3.10. Charge warning lamp . T 3a !) 9. coolant temperature <D <D ¡Þ (D t Engine (24 V system voltaqe) . 7a. 10 I 2 & gal 11 &ap 2 ô9 Ê J 18 17 ú I 10 9 25¡ l1 2 J J s  7 Al 1i . 13 B. Connector 6. Voltmeter 3. Coolant temperature sensor 15.A 16 I c 1¡.Located on injection pump 4 s 28 . 50 ryr5r59 O) (o A 5 23 Starting battery 1e.¡) B 13 35 36 22 23 EDI I I sroP 11 1 1 UN 5 1512916 12. '16-pin connector" (instrument u. control rod 22.5 mm2 shall apply. Oil pressure sensor. q s 15 3.*qé ? 25n I 10 1U l1 iffi dþ ñ "&. engine 13. EDC L Stop relay' 9. EDC 21. control (female) 28.:2û.1 2t J 1e I RÈY I elety tEyyony) ilK. 0. Starter relay' 6. " Located injunction box *. Actuat¡on solenoid. Main relay' 7. Starter motor 5. turbo pressure 14 15 A r¿ . Main switch 2a. Engine speed sensor'* 23. z-pin connector (diagnostic connector)25e. Solenoid valve (reverse gear w¡th electric shifting) 19.5 A). Oil pressure monitor. 8-pin connector. B-pin connector.--:r---i at . Temperature sensor. 17 t -3ù BAn 7.UP t -- L-. When not otherwise specified. Joint 16. Circuit breakers (8 A)' 10. Main switch for backup system 24 1 ü 1¡ Cablecplors BL = Blue LBL = Light bbdl BN = Brown LBN = Light brown GN = Green GR = 6¡¿y OR = g¡¿¡gs P= R= SB= VO= W Pink Red Black Violet White Yellow = =.7 BAâ r\tû 24 fr31 31 2A 11 ô cables) 4-pin connector (reverse gear) 18. EDC-. Alternator 4. O¡l pressure sensor. Emergency/auxiliarybattery 2n. Position sensor**. Fuse (7. Cables shown with broken lines are not supplied by Volvo Penta. Control module. reverse gear ..eru+ r+*j r.5 s1Æ7 19 AlR ÍENP 20 TúP 21 22 INECIION tu PUMÞ 3214 s 18 Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color code in the wiring diagram. charge air 20. o& \y \ry' ? '? v 25a c s Engine (24 V system voltage) TAMDT4C/UP. engine 14. control (male) 25e. 24. 29. Pressure sensor. - --:---J-- Diode. J (o o 6' (o A) 3 CN . I { FWD 3 17 : å ül SYSTff 2a ---/n L I r-l lr NO = Normally open during operation . Coolant temperature sensor. 5./¡ 1ù 11 O ngi ' (li t . 3a. r lnstrument light¡ng 2. 4. 13 =. 11. 2.¡m lnal j "y TAMD75P. Key switch . 14. Potentiometer. 4a. TAMDTSP-A (12 V) o Control panel (twin installation).\. o I 12 14 3 U' lndicat¡on lamp (not used) Switch.2 1. throttle opening / gear shift 8-pin connector (male) 8-pin connector (female) 1. 7a. Oil pressure gauge 4. 9. 9.3 @)" @ oo '1.ç rD 6 ú 10 'tlBl¡ ut 11 2 j I PPil. = (o = oõ' (o lnstrument panel (ma¡n Panel) NOTE! The control and ¡nstrument panels shown here are the most commonly occurring combinations for the above engine. 9 tt TI t-l-r 5 -s -r--l-rT-mrl-6= $ O 25a t fr ÊÈ 2 18 - ilÌ :i'åè: - 11 2 aow 17 . oil pressure 9. Warning lamp. 2 pcs (red) port and starboard. Control panel Connector D¡agnostic button LED (yellow): Neutral button LED (green) Synchronization button LED (blue): LED for background illum¡nation Act¡vation button LED.A TAMDT4C/UP-8. 5a. 10. 6. 7.¡ TAMDT4CIUP-B. 1 7a 7 1 I 1 3a 6 5 4 3 3 4 4 2 I 5 9. Coolant temperature gauge 5. Voltmeter 3.. 18. Connector 6.4 1. 10.Alarm tesvAcknowledgment Tachometer with builþin hours counter 15. coolant temperature 8. several . Charge warning lamp 1. Warning lamp. Audible warning Connector 16-pin connector 2-p¡n connector (for optional board) 17. 16. 10 1 7 -l I910 aaa ü -8. Electronic unit (alarm) 7. Supplementary w¡ring diagrams for all control and instrument panels are found later on in the chapter. 'l 0) 13.single lever control control stations 1.-i 2 10 * rt <D 25t 12 n 4!. 3. ¡nstrument light¡ng Sw¡tch . 8. 1 . 12. aaR 21 S. --.or. 24. I Gables shown with broken lines are not supplied by Volvo Penta. Fuse (7..5 A 5 28 . 9.i+*db¡?*tutæ@lüh 25a 24 4132 ta c ì¡ti 16 15 11 1014 16 I I a È 30 14 24 I 15 SERIES ù fo 13 ói -f o I I È *iû 7 16 392126 3. control (female) 28.. 6. 5.. control (male) 258.rre B.reakers i8 Aj' 1 3" 7 R1 5 åÂ{ Ài A 11 1 t-3 7. ÞAR 10 û-30 EDC*. B-pin connector. Engine speed sensor** 23. When not otherw¡se specified.B. I c s .5 A).ñ '-:. 4..*-.iþ s ¡' v v \ül ü f. Emergency/auxiliarybattery 2e.CITON 231 AIE iCable a¡eas in mm2 are specified after the color code in the wiring I diagram. 20. engrne Orl pressure sensor.< a123819 2127 22 4Kt 4A-1ztc 1 2 o 1¡. 18. 19 Aßfêtr 20 WAÊW _4__ IN/€. reverse geaf Pressi:re sens. 8-pin connector. Main switch for backup system c c q 0c/0c Engine (12 V system voltage) TAMDT4C/UP. orl pressr.A. 13.A 19. DC/DC converter ". 0. EDC Stop relay' Cirtu¡I b.1¡ 7. 14. turDo pfesisure Orl pressure monrtor. 7. Alternator Starter motor Starter relay' Main relay" Control moouie. 2-pin connector (diagnoslic connector)* 25A. 8. \¡ I hg I 3E 61 q B+ 3214 6 4 Ð- 31 I I ì f- oo -+ I L MANUALBACK-UFSYSIEM REjI J 2 I l_ ----L 'l '-*-i lat I I _t Cable colors I zo$ $zo I Located injunction box NO = Normally open during operation. 12. control rod I BL = Blue = ¡¡g¡¡ 5¡gs LBL BN 1r -= $rown = Ll0ht brown GN = Green GR = Gray r¡ OR = Orange LBN R= SB= VO= W D- Red Black Violet Wh¡te Yellow Pink f = (A oõ' (o It 3 U' .*' . TAMD7sP. Main switch 2a. Located on injection pump M 17 q ù q serrsof. 30. 22. charge air Coolant temperature sensor.ç.i¡æF -'11 q o ì çì I c C C :.¡1.5 mm2 shall apply. rr\J\d 25r '-så d' i * . EDC Position sensor*". 12 EDT UNIT 515 129 Starting battery 10. engine Cooiant temperature sensor 16-p¡n connector' (instrument cablas) 4-pin connector (reverse gear) Solenoid valve (reverse gear with electric shifting) ïemperature sensor. 18. Actuation solenoid. 16. Coolant temperature gauge 5. several . s 6.7 (D * ñÈb {D (D 2 B. throttle opening / gear shift 8-pin connector (male) 8-pin connector (female) õ (o 1. 8. 7a. TAMDT5P-A (24 Vl Control panel (twin installation). (D 5a Ll_2 3 4. Oil pressure gauge 4. Warning lamp.) Ë-433fsl l4 rtÞ Í* - . Connector '17. (o o- lnstrument panel (ma¡n Panel) NOTE! The control and instrument panels shown here are the most commonly occurring comb¡nations for the above engine.--j l'\) ã TAMDT4C/UP-8. 10. 10 9. 4a. Charge warning lamP 1. oil pressure 9. 12 14 T 1. Switch . lnd¡cation lamp (not used) Switch. 2-pin connector (for optional board)' 'I 11 1. Connector 6. Supplementary wiring diagrams for all control and instrument panels are found later on in the chapter. 9. Voltmeter 3. Audible warning 16. 5a. 7. 3 U' 10. instrument lighting 12. 3a. 2 pcs (red) port and starboard. Potentiometer. Tachometer with built-¡n hours counter 14. 5. Key swilch 15. 4. Electronic unit (alarm) 7. 10 aa I -8-- r$ 2 I 11 2 I I I 2l 10 9 9 10 ) 6 2 2 ù 5 18 17 t :rì¿c. 13 f=. 16-p¡n connector 18. 2. coolant lemperature 8. Warning lamp. 6.2 7 I 9 0 p.Alarm tesvAcknowledgment 13.single lever control control slat¡ons 1. 1 7a 7a 7 6 5 4 3 3 f 4a 3a 5a 1 4 4 2 L______ 5 -l 78910 9. Control panel Connector 1. 3.3 Diagnost¡c button LED (yellow): Neutral button LED (green) Synchronization button LED (blue): LED for background illumination Act¡vation button LED. lnstrument lighting 2.4 1.ii{h * O O Ëngine (2+ y' sysrem vo¡tage) I . 42 20 39 24 26 34 6 19.--:---J-. P¡essure sensor. I 3 17 18I ü Ira I IflDPil I eanann tscoroean 2a ti 1e 4 r--I rI 2 A J I rt I I I shifting) Temperature sensor. 23. 7.5 mm2 shall apply. 29. EDC Position sensor*'. EDC.A 16 318 1 tÈ & 1A. Oil pressure sênsûr. . - 20. 24. reverse gear 11. Main switch for backup system 3. turbû pressure 12.*- \|/ \y' tÞ25n . 2A. 15 15 I zit 37 A 29 I 5 I I 6 p3A19 2t EDC UNIT tß 14 15 2 I 35 36 Mâin switch 2a.5À r 28.rÌ: Cables shown with broken lines are not suppl¡ed by Volvo Penta. e ? ? t 25e Engine (24 V system voltage) TAMDT4C/ +l ln I j .2-p¡n connector (diagnostic connector). charge air Coolant temperature sensor. When not otherwise specified. 22. 16.-\ir.&. control rod Engine speed sensor*" Actuation solenoid.5 A)" DiodeLocated in junction box Located on injection pump NO = Normally open during operat¡on Cable colors 2¡ {ö--õì L t--. 8-pin connector. Solenoid valve (reverse gear with electric 15. I I 2g 25t. 0. eng¡ne 13. 5 19 Start¡ng battery Emergency/auxil¡ary battery BL = g¡us LBL = Light blue Frown brown GN = Green GR = Gray {g BN -= LBN = Li9ht OR = g¡"nn" R SB VO W Y P Red Black Violet White Yellow Pink J = (o o6' (o q) 3 (n . Starter motor 5... 18.i:i:*.* . ¡. control (male) B-p¡n connector. Controt mooule. control (female) Fuse (7. Starter relay' 6. *' t"l fêNP fWISTED \¡ (. Ori pressure monitor. engine 14. ¡ ¡ AIß 2A 21 22 23 :- 32t4 t e T Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color code in the wiring i¡- ¿ . Cooiant temperature sensor 29 24 7 Jornt 16-pin connector' (instrument cables) 17. Stop retay' 9. i¿ 3n. EDC 8. Circui! breai(ers i8 A)' 'r 0. 4-pin connector (reverse gear) 18.. I uaxuaLaAcK-uPotsw õ diagram.. TAMD7sP. Alternator 4..Àd . 258. Main retay' 7.iþ. 21... Oil pressure sensor. 13 (D Çarf s arags i^ lm2 ãFe s^-:¡f¡rr afte ' .0 mm2 shatl apply...he 1.1 è =. = :t (o o 1. t.13 12 11 11 14 7 8910 17 f*..J b¡á.) .. 7I910 2 . 1.e ( rtrc . 4 1 .dþ ñ' (o (D(Do rìê rr a tnê .-J 3 Ø 14 {k & ffi : Ê) 17 12 .¡r* 19 (D (D ( -'or ( - Wnen ner olherwise specilied.os )n ( v¡n_ ì.'ng (D rgrí St.lnstrument panelsit -. le ir -'re v '. 3 1.¡a - . It!* Relationship between mm. coolant temperature Warning lamp.5 5" s l1 246 ß 15 ß9 7 10 t2E tl 89 17 lt246 \¡ ('l l1 16 216t6 t9 ßç 611 7 57 6. - l*. . 9. /AWG 0. 1 1. Oil pressure gauge 4.e'-.{**ì. Voltmeter 3.A.t 'f 8...5 15 (16) 13 5 6 lil 10 7 Sprlng biased s ) lnstrument panel (ma¡n panel) 14 7 $ 15. ìÞ 'Þ!# Panel for alternat¡ve control posit¡on (Flying Bridge) Spring biased When not otherw¡se specified.f.-4.Alarm tesyAcknowledgment 't3..0 mm2 shall apply. lnstrument light¡ng 2. '16. 1. 7. 21 18 10 12ß 11 89 19 10 f2B 11 89 10. 9.5 20 mm2 AWG 1. * q !'#. Connector for connecting extra warning display (optional equ¡pment) Electron¡c unit (alarm) Warning lamp. 12. a f= (o o- õ' (o q) 3 u. Tachometer with built-in hours counter Key switch Alarms Connector for connect¡on of neutral position switch 16-p¡n connector 2-p¡n connector (for optional boarú¡r Adapter- t Does not refer to TAMDT CIUP-B and TAMD7sP.15Þ aoSo rs 14 iü? I910 aaa 72 j 1 1 13 11 -15 1 4 2 s 5 6 -l 78910 ó1 aaaa Ë r2+é 6 7 I 9 t01t 1ó I 121) l2ió 17 Ê 145 7 I 9 t011 1é I 1211 1246 15 145 9 þ11 ß I 1211 ß5 19 11 7 I lnstrument panels 1.. . 8. vrrt ?- Cable areas in mm2 are specified after the color code in the wiring diagram I . Coolant temperature gauge 1. instrument l¡ghting Switch . 15.. 14.-. oil pressure Charge warning lamp lndicat¡on lamp (not used) Switch..5 2. v\y?.0 16 (17) '1. t (D (D (D (D f3 . ((] g g) (o 0) 3 U' 'l-{ *" *$# O tD lnstrument kit (main control stat¡on) l.\] É lnstrument kit (main control station) o) =. I sui 2. Swrtch - atarm rest t I .* {* *. Instrument l¡ghting Audible warning Electronic unit. 4.. 16-pin Connector for connectrng extra warn¡ng dtsplay (optional equipment) 13 1 5 12 12 r h I ¡ 6l a8 nut a 12 12 I P¿ 13 3 Cable colors BL = Biue BN = Brown GN = Green OR = 6¡unn" P = Pink LBL = L¡ght blue R =Red SB = Black LBN = Light brown VO = Violer W = White GR = Gray Y = Yellow Cable areas (mm.. 14.alarm test Switch . 10. reverse gear Tachometer with built-in hours counter lnstrument lighting Jo¡nt Join¡ng piece Connector CPC. 2. 7. Key switch Switch . 13.¡ \¡ 9) 3 (t . * q. 3. 8. engine Voltmeter Pressure gauge.) are specified after the color code in the wiring diagram. 1 13 15 : = (o oo) (o -. alarm Coolant temperature gauge Oil pressure gauge. 5. 6. 12. turbo pressure O¡l pressure gauge. Broken cables / lines are not connected by Volvo Penta. 9. 16. 15.: v' û. # * t1 O ? T' 1 lnstrument kit (main control station) 1. 11. ü :Ë {} {ß * .lt} O (D (D (D (D (D . 2. ln¡t :tror üml Connector for connÊcf¡nñ Axlrâ wârn¡nñ rt¡cñtâr.É lnstrument kit (other control station) --¡ @ :t (o o- 6' (o Ât 3 Ø ilF (D lnstrument kit (othêr control slar¡ôn) l. coolant temperature 4. Warning lamp. 16.Alarm tesVAcknowledgment 9. 1 -l 3456 ót aaaa Connection point (can not be disassembled) lnstrument lighting Tachometer with built-in hours counter Starter button Stop button Connector for connecting extra warn¡ng dtsplay (optional equipment) 16-pin connector . Switch. 11. lndication lamp (not used) 7. 7 iÅt i. ¡nstrument l¡ghting 10. F I 123456789 16 -\¡ (o ã 10fl121314'5ít =. r-¡ - lnstrument kit (other control station) ? - Electronic unit (alarm) Conneclor for connecting extra warn¡ng d¡splay (opt¡onal equ¡pment) 3. Warn¡ng lamp. 2.* È I 9 Cable colors BL = Biue BN = GN = OR Brown Green Orange P P¡nk LBL L¡gnt blue R Fìed SB Black = L¡g¡¡ 5ro*n VO = Y¡e¡s1 W = White GR = 6¡¿t Y = Yellow 10 13 13 14 6 I LBN I s è èù Cable areas (mmr) are spec¡fied after the color code in the wiring d¡agram.9 \-' '\¡Þ 1. oil pressure 5. f (O -. Broken cables / lines are not con_ nected by Volvo penta.. 12.i. 13. Charge warning lamp 6.* ¿t. õ' (o g) 3 U' . Audible warning L Switch . 1 5.i o. 14. TAMDT4C ILIP.A * l * l * I * I * I f* f.B.A.l' t 4 5 3 tN GN 1R R B Cat rf BO .Wiring diagrams s Conlrol panel TyPe I Single installation TAMDT4C ILIP. TAMD75P. r {.r¡rtur.75 mm2 *0 lr{rõillon rcheduls (both wiring diagrams) I .rnrtrol palnel (.rttlf.¡41 rlrt.lurÊ-proof connector (female) l.r)tìalfi:tot i)i..r 'I l¡r 'r '.l} llr¡ltl¡rl lllllon lll){i¡rrrr}n) II l) krr b.l 5 4 q 7 = 5 I 7 6 I I 7¡r1o$l¡cbutton lll)(yOllow): 4(:tlv¡tlioilllutton ilf){rrrr..illitl)lltf.t¡lr.' o I E Èl--6l E c q tr0 716 1 834567 7 4 I :l I /16 't:t. t r.tt072 4 3 2 7 5 I : : *.. 1l '¡ l{! t.115) l"rlrxtltri'n.t.l T I I I I t 1 rs4â 3a: 0 6L 4a 6 5 J :s i 7 I # ti 4 3 1 {t E E c o- 3 3 o 2 1 I { E E Ê E Ê É c t./ 2 t* .r ri .¡ckrlround illumination rl t¡in ll].'.twin lever control _l T 1 . tllrottl€ opening 1¡:ll r irrrlrrll. r¡oaf Shtft 81 I .rrl.ltron switch (only mechanically shifted il:vrif.f * 10 I I 2l ! ) -q T 10a 2 10b I 2l -J 2 --G I 2 o |.rl ¡xr..tt0l. lhrottlê op€n¡ng / gear shitt r.Wiring diagrams Single installat¡on I t - Single installation single lever control .l.i0 Cab colors BL BN GN Blue Brown Green OR Orange P SB Pink Red Black W White R Yellow Cable areas = 0.]rlihrrû-proof connector (male) tl ll$r rrrril. .+' EIJI- o o D 3 ooo 3 I *ì N PDTIA .f # 4 4 5 T.h I I # . .t I J 1 .F OR =C t¡ 0 3.w =l .\Ë Y =Y' CaÞ¡E . TAMDT4C ILIP-B..A.f-I Wiring diagrams I Twin Contrql Panel TYPe I Twin installation t t- 0 r: ß¡ TAMDT4C ILIP.: -t Ca cc BL =E BNË Glr¡ 7 'I i { =C P .¡ i I G} ". TAMDTSP-A ¡-.4' . '? 7 1.. 82 an . 10 I I : È 9.l 1. Control panel Connector Diagnost¡c button LED (yellow) Neutral button LED (green) Synchronizationbutton LED (blue): LED for background illumination Actívation button 7a. 8. i 9. 2. W Y = Pink = Red = Black = White = Yellow Cable areas = 0.[t 11 I 11 I 2 I I 2 I I ¡ 8ä. ! I É ! 9.II t. 7. 5a. I3( 6 3â 4 4e 3 4 -t :f 9. 6. . .twin lever control f I 1 I I 7a I I I } I {t I I I I I -f I 3a. 3. I I sf- I I I 7 Í I I 5e 3a 4a 3r- 4 4 I L. 4. throtile open¡ng / gear shift Control adapter. LED.7S mm2. I I 't0 10 Position schedule (both wiring diagrams) 1. t0 I * t ! -8--i I -s-2 4 r J_- il 1 I Twin installation d 10 9 f0 . Potentiometer. throtfle opening Control adapter. 8b.0 8b I 8a 8b I I L I Cable colors BL = BN - Blue Brown GN = ç¡sg¡ OR = Orange P t03. 5.Wiring diagrams Twin installation - single lever control I * 1 ¡7a ¿ -f ú 3d. t0 .10. gear shift 8-pin connector (male) 8-pin connector (female) Neutral posit¡on switch (only mechanically shifted reverse gears) B3 . 4a. Ba. 10 . 9. 3a. 2 pcs (red) port and starboard. A 112 1 2 1 o o o_ * I 1r2 2 o @ NEUÌBAL NEUTRAL ACÏIVE ATION @ \¡o&voPDrrTA O * o @ 1r2 t O Sev ng tõ- .( I' *0 lo * lr *t c BL E GN oFt P R *t 84 Cable ê .Wiring diagrams Contrpl panel Type ll Onr itn Single installation TAMDT2P-A. TAMD73P. .') 2 ttt ütl^l I 2 4 r Several conlrol stations twin lever controt - single instaltation _ tN I .Wiring diagrams One control station single lever control I - single installation _ One control station .: 4 ls 5l 7 5 7 I !t . Connector 5...!/S StAftoN ^CjVF 4 2 I 4 2 2 I I 4 4 4 ntrr¿{.t:n*J 5 7 I a9t 7 lt t6u 6 6 't VP Controls: Late modal Cable colors ft BL = Blue BN = g¡s*n GN .Green OR = Orange P = pink R =Red SB = g¡¿ç¡ W = White Y = Yellow Cable areas 0.t^t. .f..l-pin switch 3.iL -i Early model Position schedule (all wiring diagrams) 4 NEUTRAL 3 ffi 51È¡r *\ \\\ ".4¿2 1.:.l ls 5l 7 tî 4 f.75 mm2 = NEU Tf:ìAI.. Potentlometer 6.single installation _ twin lever control NEUI I]AL @@ ^t:Y 1 2 tiWlTCH 4 2 NEUTNAL DIAGNÕSß @@ t5 ttGNtTnN) REY 2 I 4 swtÍcti I 2 2 2 I 4 4 B I '. Position switch 4. lndication lamp 2. 3 it. 16-pin connector connector (d¡agnostic ! Joint ?-pi^ L connector) 4 85 . N.-l il f i:"rl rij:? rr¡{ìt.l 89t8tiltt tta 6 I Several control stations single lever control lr ||ln^t - 6 single installation _ 4t ¡r)t . l- .l s & .Wiring diagrams Control panel Type ll Sin Single installation TAMDT4CIUP-A I I J It.1 7 I blr 0 .BL UN ôFl t_ tl tr lf B6 Cable .-'1 Ir\' 2 1 o o I NEUTRAL *t ACTIVE o @ 3 * lf . 8-pin connector (female) 9.. .. o. Potentiometer. 5.'Diagnostic. _ (green) Press switch with ind¡cation lamp.onJ_ lreOi Connector Potentiometer. Neutral position switch 8-pin connector (male) 8. 4. throtfl e opening 5b.. gear shift b.Active. Joint !) Ir 87 . Potentiometer. 2 I 5 3812 7 167 4 3 2 5 I Positíon schedulê (both wiring diagrams) 1.f Cable areas = 0.Neutral'.75 mm2. throtile opening / gear shift 5a. ."r. .. Press switch with indicat¡on lamp.Wiring diagrams Single ¡nstallation I NEU|NAL single lever control DIAGNOS/S ACTIVE 2 1 1 - Single installation STAT|ON NEUTRAL 3 1 2 . 2.twin lever control DIAGNOSIS ACNVESTATION 2 3 4 4 å t 9 6 N€UilIAL l-s" I 4 I 4 R/'BL 5b ) 3812 167 4 3 7 I Cable colors BL = Blue BN = Brown GN = Green OR = g¡unn" P = pink R =Red SB = 3¡¿ç¡ W = White Y = Yellow .-_ (veúow) Press sw¡tch with indication lamp. t'. 3f *'. irraf *ltx¡ Cab BL BN GN OR il rril 88 ..4 .A. lf .2 112 d I o o I ACTIVE NEUTFAL SYNC t t NEUTRAL o @ 1r2 1r2 1r2 l' h t'. 1.2 1.r.Wiring diagrams ControJ panel Type ll Sever Twin installation I TAMD72P. if 8 F} + f. TAMÐ73P.ol BI Bl Gr Or P Pi R R( SB BI W W Ye Cablc -rer .Ï. Starboard cablo k¡t connector (diagnostic connecror) ! ?^p¡l 1g-p¡n connector. 16-pin connector..:ls 1 $f 2 3 - r¡¡1. Potentiometer 7.*"i'rl1 lo 6 3 3 r t2891 I I * severar contror stations - otAÒNosls 10 tw¡n instailation -YELLOW 1 3 þ' ÀcÍlv1 sfAfþN - .Wiring diagrams severar contror stations - tw¡n instailation rrÁ(ì!c. = Position schedule (both wiring diagrams) NEUTRAL Early model 1. Retay ^. Switch 3.twin rever 3 contror FEO otaêNosls -YELLOW 1 3 14 4 32 7fl 1 1 3 3 . NEUTRAL Starboaid engine 3 5 B9 .l SEE AÊLÔW 5 f .'f 1 3 l5 I r I 9 10 * rl Cable colors BL Blue BN GN OR P R SB þ fI VP Controls: Late model 3 Brown Green Orange Pink 5 Red Black White Yellow Cable areas 0.75 mm2. port engine ?. rtlt:trAùON 1 singre rever contror RED otaGNo6ts -IELLAW 1 1 2 2 3 2 - - 3 1 2 I 3 2 I 2 3 3 {. Position switch 6. port .. f I 7 5 l-. 10. Connector... Connector 4. lndication lamp 2.. l NEUTBAL o SYNC NEUTRAL o PEñl]I¡¡. h Cable ar 90 .Wiring diagrams Twir Control panel Type ll Twin installation rl TAMDT4C/UP-A 't 2 3 6 { . 1 4 5 v-æ til ¡wln *. il I fi.* .l ilþ r{l C¿ C¡ BL BI\ I OB ( ( P R I Gf\¡ fi.( @ @ ACTIVE .rll I Í SB t- W.:rf I . lT' .Starboard cable kit Relay Potêntiometer.ç t1/. ! I .ññ¡rr.] . 7 ! I . throtfle opening / gear shift Potentiometer. rt.1_. 1 i s ri I 5 i i (z 7 xt 3 4 5 ll .Active staüon.* . POLË f!. Port . -l r'] I l- â.. gears) Ì 91 ' .i.-l I - r I 1 'le ll 1 I I *.j lt : 1 I I J 7 :..---_J I 3T I I I 7 t_ 1 :l. throtile opening 10b.' il ...rl l "'r i I'l .Sync" . \â t"lil i .'l POLE PV-CONNECrcB ÍMALE) I + I t l:. 5. . Neutral positíon switch (only mechanicaliy shifted reverse l?. _ red Press switch with indication lamp.i-" i . . . NEUTRAL 10.'l ìJl I ¡¡(!Ë Pt t'l li '¡i ¡i .¡.. . . .1 : ã (M^LE) 11 8 FOLE PVCONNECTOR 9 POLE IM4LE) POFT ËNGINF ira¡noÁFo fñotNE Press switch with indication lamp.Diagnostic. L Early model Yellow Cable areas = 0.l- :rl 6 .Neutral.l li .j ""1. ill VP Controls: Late model BL BN GN SB Blue Brown Green Orange Pink Red Black W White OH P R þ I 2. 7..l ij 1 vrì.. ¡ -..r¿l I i I ir¡ '' '.port engíne 8-p¡n connector (female) .'. 3 a 5 4.{ -" I 10 lltlll 7 I .Starboard engine 13. . .Diagnostic.l 8 POLE 7 I.j t4 . tii i t4 3 4 ._ yellow Connector Connector.Wiring diagrams Twin installation - single tever control t0 2 lf.. :" s.75 mm2 Positlon schedule (both wiring diagrams) NEUTRAL 1..L*'. i I i- iii ro li litl t4 I . il r I i ìl *'f I ¡ ' I ../H. j ri : . ta I I Ir l.i '' l I 7 I I I tl.r{}1 PORI ÊNG]NE :t 7 I I rl.. gear shift 11.twin lever control 2 *.. _ yellow Press switch with indication lamp. 3 ffi .¡ ¡f 6 ir. @ 5 Press switch with indication lamp.jlNÉ Â¡nXlÂlrD . :. Cl.q'l. 8-p¡n connector (male) .t't I ii ir iilr û I t.- rl llirtl J r l il I Twin installation ! .jl .'1..t:l il :1i i i ti I I i.t- . Potent¡ometer. .i ar Press switch with indication lamp.Neutral" _ green Press switch with indication lamp. .. Cable colors 9. P 8. engii ll 3. W 92 9. OR 7. )nt 2(J(J OOz O OO6 3(0 4 7 l-)t O16 F = Female connector M = Male connector l Color codes for 16-pin connector. all connectors have the same color code except the engine connector. 1 1. R/GN 8. 14. 12. Y/W 2. 14. 16. BN 6. le . GNA/ 3. ). R 3. eng¡ne 1. 16. BL_isB 10. Y BL 13. RN 5. . ln s¡ngle inslallations. 9. BUY LBL LBN GR GR/SB Col( 1. I ùolc lion. i. GN 7. 2.Color codes. GN^/v 12. 11.r for tl )ni lt Color codes 1. SB^/v 10. M IV F F l I Cable colors BL = Blue = Light blue BN = Brown LBN = Light brown GN = Green GR = 6¡¿n OR = Orange P = Pink LBL Y connector M Color codes for connector. s¡ngle ¡nstallat¡on. GN/BN 6. GN/OR 4. GN/SB 5. EDC cables Single installation l0 Pin Pin numbers are marked on the connector. BL/R 4. SB Engine ¡ =Red SB = VO = W = Y = Black Vìolet White Yellow t¡ I 6 8. 15. 13. BLiW BN^¡|/ SB 8. F P^/v BL/R 15. 4 5. M MS unit M l I F F C"l. BN^^/ ^/ 16. Y^/V GN/Y GN/OR GN/SB GN/BN b. cNA/ 2.Color. P^^/ 4. SB^^/ 2.I2. a jl 7. GN^/v 3. GN^^/ 11.Y ^/ 3.P 15. GF/SB 14.- 6. GN/SB 12. W 16. SB Engine M P B F SB VO W = = = Blue Light blue Brown Light brown Green G ray Orange Pink Red Black Violet White Yellow . LBL 1I. VO 3. ln twin installations. BUR 7.B.I3. port engine Color codes for connector. BL/Y 10. BUR 5. controlg for stafboard engine 1. SB 5. SBM/ 10. GN/R . SB^^/ ^/ 10.OO OOz SOOOOe 3 ?ooo 1000 7 @ Or6 M = Male connector {ry i ¡tr I F '16 = Female connector Color code for'16-pin connector. engine 2. Y^^/ 9. W 16. BL 6. OR/GN 1't. GNTY 10. þrl 7r Color codes I. GN 1. 3. BL 15. P 8. BUR 4. codes. BL 6. EDC cables Twin installation 3. GN 14. BN 6. all connectors have the same color code except the connectors for the engine and the port and starboard controls. twin installation. BL 4. BL/R 7. GN/SB 12. GN/Y 3.B. P 1 1 2. RN 5. OR 7. W 9. OR/GN 11. F/GN 8. GN 14. GR 13. controls for port engine For MS unit.R 2. SB M M F F Cable colors BL LBL BN LBN GN GR OR Y connector Color codes for connector. . Y 5. 5. Y 9. 4. GN/R 13. P 15. SB M 1. P^^/ 4. LBN .f Pin numbers are marked on the connector. SB {f M M M MS unit F F i' ll kll Color codes for connector. BUSB 9. > tt *o 'a "a ta ua ta : o=*=d : o I "a 1i 3a o {¡ a o I . 16.5.5 and 36 ft) Ê ç!_ 1o Q t I ro zo {c {o B |617¡ta I e3 Engine øJ--ü Bte .Color codes. '-'- tSga í" È.? O F=Femaleconnector O M=Maleconnector È(3.5 and 36 ft) -7 *çËÈ to to to *o 5o 60 To to 10 2a a rqEÓ 3 üdÈ3 -É=@ -t9q >zz= .29. 7. 9 and 11 m (10. to'a ã46sta J ú oa c c o 1o M J rb +o dq9ö sdËB É-o "o "o 'o -o z @Ø zÞ . 5. to ta 3a to ur uo Tl to ¿Ézq *- ú >È LuoTa"a Þ¡ "a ? to to 30 *o L 'o "o 'o "o MS unit àqE5 õ ! '_.5. r to 9d >3 o N 3o Serial communication to to to *o 50 ao 70'o ro .23.5 and 36 ft) Extension cable. 29. 7. 6t .å44r to to .5.a . and 11 m (10. o -o to no "o *o so 60 to to 1o 2a z 6 o 6"= u ta to d c Extens¡on cable" 3.¿ 7 z f>ooo6lattD to to =o *o ro . 23. to "o 6. 23. The extension cable can be reversed.5. 16.16. 3. 16. 29. 7. 7.n? la :a LLL"o d Ëq E Luo7¡to EÚ. 29.J to to o r G â o i'.9 to ta MI to ?ùa z *o À q!. 5. Please note that the colors will not then be correct.a . and 1 '1 m (10. 9 and 1 1 m (10.a *a ua uo ta ta H "o 'o 'o "o z -a o z o 4 ú 3 press buttons 6 press buttons starboard d 1z i(rd LQ z2 (tú I port q i àó a q i3 É (l ù ta'a "a *a o 'a L6oToea Ð a o 'o -o 'o z _l 1= ta to uô 7a "o "a o a Ë õi¡EE È ta ta *a L ua 7a 3a a oõ E J to no to to G 'o "o 'o "o Extension cable.a *o E ra :a F E "o 50 60 To zÊ=Ó Y connector aÉ¡ Èûd> ta IJ aûf 3 ìì.è ñ.3.È.'-ø G-J uouoLto F It '. Cable colors g¡ = Blue = Light blue BN = Brown LBN = Light brown GN = Green GR = Gray OR = Orange LBL SB Pink Red Black VO Violet P R White Yellow .5 and 36 ft) rd+8 f-ú g Extension cable 3. 5.ttao to 'a ço ta *a K [. EDC cables Single installation Twin installation 6 press buttons r É I I I I I 30 *o o I I I I "o "o To to zzL 6U z t_ -ì9õ.1 -o'o (l Loo . 5.23..rdñl::t I 50 60 To to o ó * NOTE. .î 'l . "¿ I 'f I i\ . The2xSpin engine connector can be combined withaTypelor ïype ll control panel. I .f t '.ll I $ lho 16 pin engine connector is only combined wrth a fype ll control panel.Electronic controls r Single installation I I' ()<lntrrrl p.rnel i fype ll Control panel Type I 'í. f \. \î r¡ { *. .Elect¡onic controls Twin installation (control panel Type l) *. 'J t lr) *'ü GN Starboard trl GN YY Port Cable colors :* ir t 'Y y = Yellow GN = Green R =Red t v! . T ..\ .v.. d Y I .-t . è il'rl T #.r þ r Electronic controls f-- #I I Twin installation (control panel Type ll) (i'I r-l fi.¡". I t i Starboard t I i.I lr rf *. 1 fl i. it¡ 'rL 'þll' GN Y Port Cable colors Y = Yellow = Green R =Red GN i . t Mechanicql twin lever control Mechanical shifting &'Ð '! Control panel Control panel Type I ïype * ll ¡b ifrJ tl \ #.-:- The 16 pin engine t connector is only combined with a Type ll control panel. The2xSpin engine connector can be combined withaTypelor Type ll control panel.ù aa . & i¡ .a ..a lt rt lr l¡ l¡ ta ta lr la la o al ^ I tl . I ¡ ta r¡ ¡l * ir ta ___. 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