Workover Programme - Tubing Change Out

March 22, 2018 | Author: eng491 | Category: Valve, Pressure, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Gases



Workover programme - tubing change out Workover programme - tubing change out 1 Introduction and Requirements 1.1 Objectives To replace the leaking completion tubing in oil producer. 1.2 Documentation 1.3 Account Number and Timing The account number for the workover operation is ___ Operations are expected to commence ____ 1.4 Communication 1.5 Reporting 2 Preparation and Background Information 2.1 Background 2.2 Well Data Current production performance ___ m3/day at ___ bar CITHP 'A' annulus pressure during injection xxx bar Reservoir pressure/ temperature Maximum well deviation ___ deg @ __ ft ahbdf Deviation across reservoir __ deg. Perforation intervals ____ ft ahbdf 2.3 Kill Fluid The kill fluid to be used will be Brine ( ordered at ___ pptf ). The latest estimate of the reservoir pressure in the area is ___ psi @ ___ ft TVSS. The reservoir temperature is ___ deg F at this depth. Pressure at top perforations at ___ ft AHBDF (___ TVBDF) is ___ psi. Gradient to balance __ psi/ft 100 psi Safety factor ___ psi/ft 4.5% average decrease in density due to temperature effects Required Brine Gradient ___ pptf Note this brine gradient is a calculation for ordering purposes. The final gradient will be established after sbhp survey prior to workover 3 Pre Workover Operations 3.1 Important Depths WRSSSV 1,986 ft AHBDF Baker 4.313" Nipple 9,606 ft AHBDF Top of ELTSR Housing 9,609 ft AHBDF Top of 9 5/8" Baker DAB Packer 9,647 ft AHBDF Baker 4.000" AF Nipple 9,677 ft AHBDF Top of 7" PBR 9,688 ft AHBDF 7" Liner Hanger 9,718 ff AHBDF Top Perforation 10,677 ft AHBDF 3.2 Well Kill 3.2.1 Prior to the start of the operations, check annular and tubing pressures and report on the DOR. Soak the tubing hanger tie down bolts in penetrating oil. 1 of 11 04-Oct-15 5:17 PM 4. 3.1 Ensure 'A' .5 Check the integrity of the 7" tubing hanger GS seals and MTM seals by testing to 3. · PES bridge plug set below hanger pressure tested to 5000 psi from above and 1500 psi below through tubing leak. 10.000 psi adapter flange ( L191532). psi from above and 1500 psi from below. · Brine bullheaded to the perforations.2 Line up cement unit to 'A' Annulus.2. Rig up chicksans. Kill the well by simultaneously pumping down the tubing and the annulus with brine ( with a determined gradient ).3 Rig up wireline. Monitor well for 2 hours to confirm well is dead. Record volumes pumped. Pressure test the plug to 5000 psi from above and 1500 psi from below ( through tubing leak) via 'A' annulus..313" AF plug and prong in the 4.2. 3. riser and 13-5/8" 5000 psi BOP with rams as follows (from top): Annular Variable bore rams (4 1/2" . run in and set a 4. Nipple down and remove the Xmas tree.. change out tie down bolts one at a time. Record volume pumped. Check the condition of the tie-down bolts.4 Install a chiksan line from one of the 'A' annulus outlets to a BOP side outlet ( to allow fluid to bypass the hanger when circulating or lowering /pulling the hanger 2 of 11 04-Oct-15 5:17 PM .2. This will test: 4" plug. Hanger seals 7" plug.6 Ensure the BOP is pressure tested on stub prior to nippling up.4 RIH and set 4" AF plug and prong in 4" AF nipple at 9677 ft ahbdf.2 At this stage the well barriers in place are: · 'A' Annulus · Pressure testedpacke and plug to 1500 psi · Tubing hanger seals pressure tested to 3. 'B' and 'C' annuli are reading zero pressure and all wellhead/ hanger cavities are zero prior to nippling down Xmas tree. liner lap.2.000 psi x 13 5/8".000 psi via the tubing spool test port. 3. if in poor condition.2.2. 5. packer and annulus for 2 hours.7") Blind rams Variable bore rams (2 7/8" .html.5") Note: Choke and kill lines below blind rams.Workover programme . Ensure 'B' annulus is bled off and open during pressure testing. Packer. Hanger seals. · Tubing · Deep set bridge plug pressure tested to 2500 psi and inflow tested.tubing change out http://www. · Brine bullheaded to the perforations.313" AF nipple at 9606 ft ahbdf. Ensure 'B' annulus is bled off and open during test. 3. 4. 3. Record volume pumped. RIH and pull WRSSSV and set big bore dummy. well flow checked. well flow checked. Check the condition of the thread for pulling the hanger and tubing. ie fully 'topped up' with zero pressure on the gauges. Packer. 4.wipertrip. Test control and balance lines. Test the plug and prong as above. If it not possible to set the plug. 4 Preparation 4. to 'A' annulus and pressure test in leak off mode to 1500 psi.3 Install 13 5/8". Bleed off pressure and inflow test plug. The tubing volume to the perforations is 258 bbls and the annular volume is 384 bbls. or to obtain a good test . If the thread is in poor condition a spear will be used Ensure the balance and control lines are isolated. in order to prevent pressure bleed off during testing the BOP's. Total volume is 642 bbls. Pressure test plug to 2500 psi ( based upon 9 5/8" leak off gradient with 515 pptf brine in the hole).6 Install a 7" PES plug below the hanger. This will test : 4" plug. The programme will continue from section 8 (full workover ). Close wellhead valve as soon. Refer to appx 5 for the original tubing tally. recommended torque and pressure testing. 5.. Inspect visually and report tubing condition. handling and running of tubing. 3 of 11 04-Oct-15 5:17 PM . as it is no longer required. Be prepared to circulate via production facilities in case there is a crude cap beneath the hanger in the annulus. Back-out hanger tie-down bolts fully to permit pulling the hanger. DO NOT EXCEED 150 KLBS OVERPULL.1 Install wear bushing.550 .05% or less. NOTE:The calculated weight of the existing completion string 200 klbs.html. 7 Completion Running 7.2 Make up original ELTSR housing (with all seals removed ) 9 5/8" scraper cleanout BHA and RIH on 5" drillpipe to 9. Any joints with obvious defects should be bundled separately and noted in the DOR .600 ft ahbdf (twice) and circulate well clean with viscous pill and brine. 6. Ensure that an adequate number of protectors are on site. If losses are obseved bullhead a viscous blocking pill. test tool and crossover. inform the Ops Engineer. Observe closely for overpulls which may indicate the loss of control line clamps.4 Carefully lower the ELTSR over the slick joint whilst circulating at a low rate. 4.9. 6.wipertrip.600 ft. ie HEC polymer down the tubing.Workover programme . inform the Santa Fe Operations Engineer. Record the number of control line clamps recovered on the DOR. 6. Ensure the well is circulated clean as possible by using viscous pill until the solids content reads 0. Run a drift through the BOP stack to ensure clear passage for pulling tubing hanger/seal assembly. Observe well until stable.tubing change out 6. do not keep circulating unnecessarily 6. count the number of turns. Accurately establish and record the depth when the ELTSR housing is bottoming out on the slick joint. 4.8 Observe well. Alternatively.6 POOH and lay out BHA. Test blind rams to 3000 psi against PES plug. Monitor volumes pumped. it will not be possible to make up the crossover tool. Maintain tension on the control line while pulling to give an indication of control line integrity. 6 WELL BORE CLEAN-UP IMPORTANT: The success of item 6. Remove test string. Test lower rams. Make up into the tubing hanger threads. ( 146 clamps . 4. RIH with 7" casing spear and packoff.5 Scrape interval 9.5 RIH with 5" drillpipe.were recorded for the existing completion ). 4. 5.313" plug and prong ).6 RIH and retrieve 7" PES plug. 5 Tubulars Removal 5. NOTE : If the ELTSR does not go over the slick joint.4 will determine whether or not the top workover programme is to be cancelled for the full workover. Number all the joints sequentially with waterproof paint as they are pulled. depending on the condition of the hanger threads. If after 3 circulations it appears the solids content will not reach 0.3 per joint .3 Pull and lay down the tubing.2 Unseat the tubing hanger and pick up tubing such that the ELTSR is clear of the extenda joint. 6. chicksan loop and adapter flange connection (against closed valve) to 3000 psi.7 RIH and retrieve 4" prong and plug body ( or 4. Note on the DOR any overpull observed. If the hanger threads are corroded or are damaged. ).05% but the graph has flattened out. The offshore well site engineer is to compile a report on the condition of the pulled tubular.1 Completion running for top workover only General Requirements:(a) Refer to Procedures for general preparation of sub-assemblies. Completion assemblies are to be bundled seperately Monitor for LSA scale as per guidelines..3 Circulate the well to clean brine. If the string cannot be pulled free. Ensure that the chiksan line is tested when the BOP's are tested.1 RIH 7" landing joint and engage with the hanger threads (chain tong tight). 9 Perform a 4" drift run through the TRSSSV. 7. 7. Prior to picking up the hanger. included on the final well status diagram and in the individual well file. Back off the anchor ¼ turn after make up as per manufacturer's instructions.1. 7.12 Pick up one joint of 5 1/2" tubing. Record the total number of protectors run.1.1. check the number of joints remaining on the deck is correct and agrees with the running list.4 Run 5 1/2" tubing as required.2 Pick up the anchor latch and nipple assembly. protect the seal area and lay back the assembly. Test the tail pipe/packer assembly to 5000 psi for 15 minutes. Clean and lubricate the tubing hanger threads and the running tool pin thread. These quantities should be recorded on the DOR.3 Run an additional joint of 5 1/2" 23 lbs/ft tubing and land off as low as possible in the slips. Clear the rigfloor dring testing. and one mid-joint. Check visually to ensure the valve is fully open.8 Continue running 5 1/2" 17 lbs/ft tubing. Note : the 5 1/2" 23 lbs/ft tubing will be run above the packer up to the TRSSSV.1. (b) Wireline BOP must be pressure tested. Stop tubing slowly with the brake without jerking before setting the slips. 4 of 11 04-Oct-15 5:17 PM . 7.1. Make up the running tool into the tubing hanger hand tight.11 Prior to swallowing the slick joint note up and down weights. 2) Use a tubing clamp as the weight of the sub-assemblies is insufficient to be held by the slips.1. if not already done at the well services workshop: Install tubing hanger running tool on a tubing joint. Carefully lower completion over slick joint whilst circulating at a low rate. (f) Wellservices supervisor to ensure accurate drawings are made of all assemblies.1. Stab the anchor seal and latch into the seal bore above the packer and make up wrench tight (LH thread).5 Install 5 1/2" 23 lbs/ft x 5 1/2" 17 lbs/ft x-over ( assy x).10 Run the 5 1/2" 17 lbs/ft tubing to one joint below the hanger. AOWE.688 AF plug body as a drift run.1. 7. 7. 7. (d) Prepare the tubing hanger as follows.688" AF Nipple. perform pressure testing during rig-up. before start up.1. 7. install circulating head.688" nipple.Workover programme . If not already done. if possible on test stump. 3) Run the tubing and sub-assemblies at a uniform rate. (c) Install and test a chicksan loop from the cementing manifold to one of the BOP side outlets to perform all annulus pressure tests.1.. Completion sub assemblies ( for Top workover only ) : Assembly 1A: Assembly 2A: Assembly 3A: NOTE: 1) The SABL-3 packer should be fitted with 3 annealed steel shear screws giving a pressure of 800-1200 psi to activate the packer slips. Rig up wireline and run the prong in the 3.html. Install 2 off control line protectors per joint while NOTE: The tubing hanger and running tool will have been prepared in the Well Services Workshop and sent offshore in the completion skip. and one joint of 17 lbs/ft tubiing ( report TRSSSV number on the DOR ).. NOTE: Take care when putting in the slips that the control line is not crimped. 7.6 Install TRSSSV assembly without isolation sleeve installed. 7. Rig up wireline and pull the 3.1. Santa Fe Drilling Engineer and WSS to check and agree content of well status diagram. 7.tubing change out http://www.1. Accurately establish and record the depth when the ELTSR housing is bottoming out on the slick joint. one to be across coupling. 7.1 Pick up and make up the tailpipe sub-assemblies and land off as low as possible in the rotary table. Remove packer test segments and clamp.7 Connect control line to TRSSSV and pressure test to 7500 psi. (e) Sufficient pup joints to be onboard to position packer between collars or space out if incorrect amount of compression is encountered after setting the packer. Pull the prong from the 3. Ensure proper make up torque is applied. The plug and prong will be re-run prior to setting the packer ( this enables circulation in case of well control problems ). Reduce the pressure to 3000 psi. Clean and inspect. 4) Appropriate fishing tools for the packer and slick joint should be on site. NOTE: 5 1/2" 17 lbs/ft 13Cr tubing will be run from the TRSSSV to the hanger. 2. Ensure side outlet below hanger is open during the following tests. With the check valve of the test port Land off the string carefully. The Cameron CS1 WKI 2 stage manual TPD 4051 should be studied prior to running the hanger and a Cameron engineer should be on site for the space out and hang off operations. bleed off above and inflow test the TRSSSV. Mark the landing string at the rotary table.9 Hook up to the side outlet on the water injection spool and pressure test the 7.4 Bleed off the control line pressure.2. above the hanger.html.3 Setting Packer NOTE: Ensure that ther is no further movement of the completion with the prong installed. this time using the torque wrench. 7.2 Installing Tubing Hanger 7. (50 ftlbs increments) to a maximum of 600 ftlbs.2. to assist seal energisation. Establish the base annular flow (gallons / hour). 7.5/8" x 5" tubing annulus to 3. The completion is set in neutral so space out should be such that when the hanger is landed off the packer is at packer setting depth. checking volumes pumped to ensure the prong is not leaking. Close the rams around the tubing landing string and pressurise above the hanger to 1500psi.1 The tubing hanger and running tool will have been prepared in the Well Services Workshop and sent offshore in the completion skip.tubing change out http://www. tighten sequentially using the ratchet wrench.1.. 5 of 11 04-Oct-15 5:17 PM .. 7. Connect a suitable length of control line to the top of the hanger outlet and open the TRSSSV. the tubing should remain open.313" AF nipple. but will be used initially to determine if pressure applied above the top seal.2. With the test port check valve still unseated. If the required pressure in not achieved. make up the upper tie-down bolts. Grease the hanger seal ring.500psi for 15 minutes. Equalise and open the SSSV. Ref appx 6 for 9 5/8" casing tally.6 Lower the completion slowly and land off the tubing hanger. apply test pressure through the opposite port.pressure ) to set the packer.3 Install hanger and pup joint assembly (assy #x ) on the last joint as per the running tally. This is in preparation for testing the hanger body seals. Monitor landing of the hanger through the spool side outlets.000psi. Throughout the test. NOTE: Ensure the test fittings and check valves are removed from wellhead test ports.2. Bleed off pressure above hanger. is blowing past the seal. 7.313" AFH plug and prong and set 4.8 With the hanger fully landed.2. Do not rely on stinger tools. Note the setting depth and check against tally.2. 7.313" AF plug and prong. The groove machined in the lower hanger neck should line up with the outlet center. 7. Closely observe pressure build up. ensure that the test port between the hanger seals is open (should fluid be seen to be leaking from this port. Chicksan loop open.10 Install the pressure test equipment in one upper test port of the spool and a pressure releasing tool in the diametrically opposite test port. In addition. Run the 4. With the pressure above maintained. in stages.688" AFH plug body ( below the new packer ). again tighten the tie-down screws in sequence. Bleed off the pressure above the hanger and re-test the hanger seals. then it can be concluded that the hanger seals are leaking). This will test the G-22 seals and tubing hanger. Do not apply excessive force at this stage.11 Pressure test to 3500 psi between the seals of the tubing hanger by applying pressure at the test port. Observe for returns at the 'A' annulus outlet. 7.13 The completion should be spaced out in such a way that the packer is not set across a coupling and that the ELTSR housing is +/. Close the the port check valve and build up pressure. (ensure that the tie down bolts are fully retracted). Pull the 4. 7.8 ft from the bottom of the slick joint. If leakage is seen. Bleed off the test pressure and drain the BOP / riser via the by-pass from the injection spool outlet. Bleed off test pressure 7. 7. Pressure test the completion and both auxiliary swab valves seperately to 5000 psi. Cut and terminate the control line.000 psi ( 3.5 Pick up and install the landing joint.. Slowly increase pressure continuously to 4. 7. ensure that the applied pressure is not leaking past the seal. to 5. 7.2.2 Remove the circulating head. 7. 7. OD and tie down shoulder.13 RIH and set the 3. maximum. in sequence. 7.000psi.2.3. Check dimensions of the tubing hanger. Ensure that Cameron container has been called out in time.1 Obtain base annular flow at the "A" annulus side outlet. until air has been fully flushed from the system.7 Report on the DOR the final static string weight.12 Rig up slickline complete with surface pressure control equipment and two auxiliary swab valves below a pump-in T piece on top of the landing joint. Dress the control line through the hanger as per GUIDEX prcedures.Workover programme .2. with all tie-down screws taking equal load. release the test pressure and again pressure up above the hanger to 3. and again tighten the tie-down screws.688" AFH prong in the 3. 7.000 + diff. Re-tighten the tie-down screws to 700 ftlbs. Apply 3. reduce the pressure until the leakage stops.2. Close the TRSSSV.000psi. Movement of the completion upwards with the plug/prong installed may result in the packer setting due to forces exerted while lifting the fluid column above the plug. aim more to initially squeeze the seal. in 50 ftlbs increments up to a value of 400 ftlbs. 7 Remove the BOP stack and riser having first ensured that the Xmas tree is ready for installation.9 Ensure that the tubing bonnet upper test port is open. Tighten down the ferrule nut to seal off the control line.11 Cut off the control line approximately 1/2" above the ferrule nut of the Swagelok fitting.3. Fully energise the seal element with 4000 psi.4. If.4 Pick up the tubing bonnet by means of the two lifting eyes provided and carefully lower it over the tubing hanger neck. Tubing Deep set plug tested to 5000 psi and inflow tested for 2 hours. Install a new BX-157 ring gasket in the unihead spool.3 Install a new 7" nominal DT seal in the tubing hanger neck.4.4. repeat the above process to verify that the seals have energised. 7.10 On achieving a satisfactory test.688" AF plug and prong for 2 hours.4.4.1 Install and Test WKM (Cooper) Tubing Bonnet. 7. required.6 Install TWCV in the 7" tubing hanger and pressure test to 5000 psi. NOTE: Only fittings of the same material as the line should be used ( ie Monel 400 or Incoloy 825 ).Workover programme .html. It is recommended that the needle valve block be installed on the tubing bonnet such that the caps for the needle valve are pointing downwards. 7.3.4.tubing change out http://www.8 Install the specially modified Swagelok fittings in the 3/8" NPT control line tapping. In this position the entry of dirt into the valve will be precluded and convenient access to operate the valve will be Pressure test the DT seal sub by applying pressure at the upper test port in the tubing bonnet. 7. Check the condition of the GS seals on the tubing hanger extended neck.4. maintain this pressure for 15 minutes. 7. This is the final tubing pressure test. Note: Ensure that the test port in the tubing bonnet is open when lowering over the DT seal sub to avoid pressure lock.4 Installing Tubing Bonnet 7. Annulus filled with xxx brine. 7. Test to 5000 psi for 15 minutes. Bleed off the control line pressure to close TRSSSV. 7. Ensure that the lower test port of the tubing 6 of 11 04-Oct-15 5:17 PM . Pressure test the control line to 7500 psi.wipertrip. Apply a test pressure of 5000 psi for 15 minutes at the tubing bonnet lower test port. 7. 7. Remove the adhesive tape securing the control lines and straighten part of the control lines. 7.4. 7.3..4. 7. The final gap between the flange faces should be virtually zero (in any event less than 0. Lightly coat the seal sub with anti-scuffing paste and also apply the lubricant to the GS seals and the tubing hanger extended neck. Hanger seals pressure tested 3500 psi from above and 1500 psi from below.5 Make up the 13 5/8" 5000 psi flange nuts. Clean the BX 151 ring groove and install the BX 151 ring gasket.12 To test the BX 151 flanged connection. allow the test fluid to drain from the void space.020"). 7.4 Test the "A" annulus via the side outlets (in leak off mode) to 1500 psi for 15 minutes stable ( ensure the annular bypass is open ). 7. At this stage the well control lines of defence are: Annulus Packer pressure tested to 1500 psi from above. 7.2 Pick up to 20 klbs above string upweight to confirm anchor latch and packer slips are set.2 Clean and inspect the BX-157 ring grooves in the unihead spool and the tubing hanger and clean and inspect the sealing surface.3.3 Pressure test the complation to 5000 psi. Note the volumes pumped and monitor the casing spool side outlets for returns. TWCV installed and pressure tested 5000 psi from above Additional Closed and inflow tested TRSSSV. leaving at least one full turn wrapped around the recessed portion of the hanger neck.4.4. Bleed down the pressure to 1000 psi ( pressure differential ) . install the test equipment in the 1/2" NPT port of the needle valve block.7 Install the test equipment in the tubing bonnet lower test port and displace the air from the void by pumping fluid until it overflows from the control line exit port. Install a dual needle valve block on the control line exit. taking care to tighten down the connection evenly.5 Bleed off any tubing head pressure ( 1000 psi or pressure differential ) and inflow test the 3. 7. 7. remove the test equipment from the tubing bonnet lower test port and bleed all test pressure from the port. 7.. ensure that the flange is pulled down evenly by the four cap screws. 5.9 Rig up wireline and test wireline pressure equipment.600 ft ahbdf. Circulate well clean with viscous pill and brine. Latch on slickjoint at +/. If losses are observed bullhead a viscous blocking pill with no solids. HEC polymer down to the perforations. recommended torque and pressure testing. 7. 7. 8. POOH with packer and tailpipe assembly as per GUIDEX.wipertrip.650 . observe well.1. bonnet is open and that both needle valves in the block are open.tubing change out http://www.3 Completion Running for FULL WORKOVER ONLY General Requirements:(a) Ref: Completion/Tubing Procedures for general preparation of sub-assemblies. 7. Lightly coat the DT seal sub with anti-scuffing paste and install it in the wellhead. Verify depth with tally ( appx 5 ) for space out for milling operations. bleed all pressure from the test ports. perform pressure testing during rig-up. 7 of 11 04-Oct-15 5:17 PM .2 Make-up and RIH with the slick joint retrieval assembly to 9.. 7. before start up. 7. 7. 8. Report condition of mill in DOR. remove the test equipment and ensure that all check valves are installed and sealed and that bleeder plugs are installed in all Xmas tree ports and tubing bonnet.8 Pull the TWCV valve.5 Pull seal mandrel from 7" PBR at 9.400 ft ahbdf. 7.5.5 Installing Xmas Tree & Re-instatement NOTE: Ref. 8. RIH carefully to 9. Verify depths with tally ( appx 5 ) for spacing out. Monitor the volume pumped closely. 7.3 Make up the CIW clamp until the gap between the clamp hub faces is less than 0.9.7 Pressure test the Xmas tree body to 5000 psi against the TWCV in the tubing hanger.9.400 ft ahbdf. Cameron Running Procedure Wellhead Manual TPD 4051. 7.1. 7. the ELTSR outer housing is unable to swallow the slick joint.3 Make-up and RIH with a packer-picker assembly to 9.1.5. handling and running of tubing.13 On completion. 8.1 POOH with cleanout BHA.647 ft.640' ( 8 ft above 7" PBR ).5 On completion of the test.688 ft ahbdf and observe well. 8. 8.1. RIH carefully to 9.html.609 ft ahbdf and apply 5-10 klbs overpull.2. remove the test equipment and ensure that bleed fittings are correctly installed in all the tubing bonnet and unitised head ports. if possible on test stump.2.Workover programme .4 Install test equipment in the test port in the base of the Xmas tree and pressure test the connection to 5000 psi for 15 minutes.2 Pick up the solid block Xmas tree and lower it over the DT seal sub down onto the tubing bonnet.4.600 ft ahbdf (twice). i.1.10 Hand well over to Production. 8.5. Note: Ensure that the orientation of the Xmas tree is correct for attachment of the flowline. 8.5. HEC polymer down to the perforations. If not already done. Pull and retrieve deep set 8. 7. i.5. POOH.5.2 Dress off PBR whilst scraping interval 9. Losses should be 10 bbls/hr or below before POOH with packer. (b) Wireline BOP must be pressure tested.3 POOH and lay out BHA.1 Retrieval of Slick joint/packer and tailpipe 8.e. Apply 5000 psi test pressure and hold for 15 minutes.640 ft ahbdf.688" AFH plug and prong from tailpipe. Once packer has been milled. Rotate K22 latch free. Assembly is to be spaced out such that the string mill will be in th PBR with the Scraper at the new packer setting depth at +/.020".1 Make-up and RIH with a clean-up assembly ( string/taper mill.9. ** end of top workover programme ** 8 Contingency procedures for full workover The following procedures are to be followed in the event that during the clean out run.2. 9-5/8" scraper).1 Clean the BX-157 ring grooves and the sealing surfaces for the DT seal sub.6 Hook up flow line.2 Well Cleanout 8. Lay out old ELTSR housing. 7.5.4 Mill packer at 9.5.e.5.. If losses are observed bullhead a viscous blocking pill with no solids. Install 2 off control line protectors per joint while running.3. Record the total number of protectors run. Clear the rigfloor dring testing..11 Prior to swallowing the slick joint note up and down weights. Ensure proper make up torque is applied. 8.wipertrip. 4) Appropriate fishing tools for the packer and slick joint should be on site. Check visually to ensure the valve is fully open. These quantities should be recorded on the DOR. 8.12 Pick up one joint of 5 1/2" (e) Sufficient pup joints to be onboard to position packer between collars or space out if incorrect amount of compression is encountered after setting the packer. 8. Accurately establish and record the depth when the seal mandrel is bottoming out on the PBR. 3) Run the tubing and sub-assemblies at a uniform rate. if not already done at the well services workshop: Install tubing hanger running tool on a tubing joint. Remove packer test segments and clamp. Note : the 5 1/2" 23 lbs/ft tubing will be run above the packer up to the TRSSSV. 2) Use a tubing clamp as the weight of the sub-assemblies is insufficient to be held by the slips.3. Stop tubing slowly with the brake without jerking before setting the slips.3 Run an additional joint of 5 1/2" 23 lbs/ft tubing and land off as low as possible in the slips.3. Ref appx 6 for 9 5/8" casing tally.3.688 AF plug body as a drift run. Prior to picking up the hanger. (f) Wellservices supervisor to ensure accurate drawings are made of all assemblies. 8. 8. NOTE: 5 1/2" 17 lbs/ft 13Cr tubing will be run from the TRSSSV to the hanger. Stab the anchor seal and latch into the seal bore above the packer and make up wrench tight (LH thread).3.9 Perform a 4" drift run through the TRSSSV. 8.3. Pull the prong from the 3.Workover programme . 8. 8.3.688" AF Nipple. 8.7 Connect control line to TRSSSV and pressure test to 7500 psi. Clean and lubricate the tubing hanger threads and the running tool pin thread. 8 of 11 04-Oct-15 5:17 PM .3. Carefully lower completion over slick joint whilst circulating at a low rate. 8.688" nipple. Reduce the pressure to 3000 psi. check the number of joints remaining on the deck is correct and agrees with the running list. 8.2 Pick up the anchor latch and nipple assembly. and one joint of 17 lbs/ft tubiing ( report TRSSSV number on the DOR ).1 Pick up and make up the tailpipe sub-assemblies and land off as low as possible in the rotary table. protect the seal area and lay back the assembly. NOTE: Take care when putting in the slips that the control line is not crimped.html.6 Install TRSSSV assembly without isolation sleeve installed. Back off the anchor ¼ turn after make up as per manufacturer's instructions.. Rig up wireline and pull the 3. The plug and prong will be re-run prior to setting the packer ( this enables circulation in case of well control problems ).5 Install 5 1/2" 23 lbs/ft x 5 1/2" 17 lbs/ft x-over ( assy x). one to be across coupling.3. Completion sub assemblies ( for Full workover only ) : Assembly 1B: Assembly 2B: Assembly 3B: NOTE: 1) The SABL-3 packer should be fitted with 3 annealed steel shear screws giving a pressure of 800-1200 psi to activate the packer slips. Test the tail pipe/packer assembly to 5000 psi for 15 minutes. Clean and inspect.3. 8. (c) Install and test a chicksan loop from the cementing manifold to one of the BOP side outlets to perform all annulus pressure tests. 8. Make up the running tool into the tubing hanger hand tight. included on the final well status diagram and in the individual well file.8 Continue running 5 1/2" 17 lbs/ft tubing. NOTE: The tubing hanger and running tool will have been prepared in the Well Services Workshop and sent offshore in the completion skip. Rig up wireline and run the prong in the 3.tubing change out http://www. install circulating head.8 ft from the bottom of the PBR.4 Run 5 1/2" tubing as required. (d) Prepare the tubing hanger as follows.3.10 Run the 5 1/2" 17 lbs/ft tubing to one joint below the hanger.13 The completion should be spaced out in such a way that the packer is not set across a coupling and that the seal mandrel is +/. and one mid-joint. 000 psi ( 3.4. aim more to initially squeeze the seal. Monitor landing of the hanger through the spool side outlets. Dress the control line through the hanger as per GUIDEX prcedures. 8. Note the setting depth and check against tally. 9 of 11 04-Oct-15 5:17 PM .4. If the required pressure in not achieved. 8. Run the 4. Ensure side outlet below hanger is open during the following tests.1 The tubing hanger and running tool will have been prepared in the Well Services Workshop and sent offshore in the completion skip.000psi.13 RIH and set the 3.tubing change out http://www. NOTE: Ensure the test fittings and check valves are removed from wellhead test ports. and again tighten the tie-down screws.9 Hook up to the side outlet on the water injection spool and pressure test the 7. Chicksan loop open.10 Install the pressure test equipment in one upper test port of the spool and a pressure releasing tool in the diametrically opposite test port. In addition.Workover programme . Closely observe pressure build up. Bleed off the pressure above the hanger and re-test the hanger seals.4. the tubing should remain open. 8.4. If leakage is seen.4.5. Ensure that Cameron container has been called out in time. bleed off above and inflow test the TRSSSV.688" AFH prong in the 3. Slowly increase pressure continuously to 4. This will test the G-22 seals and tubing hanger.4.html.7 Report on the DOR the final static string weight. The completion is set in neutral so space out should be such that when the hanger is landed off the packer is at packer setting depth. with all tie-down screws taking equal load. Close the TRSSSV. until air has been fully flushed from the system. Do not rely on stinger tools.4 Bleed off the control line pressure.313" AFH plug and prong and set 4. in sequence. With the pressure above maintained. Check dimensions of the tubing hanger.4.4.3 Install hanger and pup joint assembly (assy #x ) on the last joint as per the running tally.313" AF nipple. to 5. Bleed off test pressure 8. in 50 ftlbs increments up to a value of 400 ftlbs.pressure ) to set the packer. Re-tighten the tie-down screws to 700 ftlbs. Bleed off pressure above hanger.4.wipertrip.000 + diff. 8. Observe for returns at the 'A' annulus outlet. With the test port check valve still unseated. maximum. Throughout the test.500psi for 15 minutes. then it can be concluded that the hanger seals are leaking). 8.313" AF plug and prong. 8. Apply 3.2 Remove the circulating head. again tighten the tie-down screws in sequence. With the check valve of the test port unseated.. maintain this pressure for 15 minutes. Do not apply excessive force at this stage. This is in preparation for testing the hanger body seals. Pull the 4. Movement of the completion upwards with the plug/prong installed may result in the packer setting due to forces exerted while lifting the fluid column above the plug. 8.4. Establish the base annular flow (gallons / hour).1 Obtain base annular flow at the "A" annulus side outlet. 8. OD and tie down shoulder. Grease the hanger seal ring. 8.4. Land off the string carefully.000psi. checking volumes pumped to ensure the prong is not leaking.4..688" AFH plug body ( below the new packer ). 8.12 Rig up slickline complete with surface pressure control equipment and two auxiliary swab valves below a pump-in T piece on top of the landing joint. in stages. 8. ensure that the applied pressure is not leaking past the seal. tighten sequentially using the ratchet wrench. Cut and terminate the control line. to assist seal energisation. Mark the landing string at the rotary table.11 Pressure test to 3500 psi between the seals of the tubing hanger by applying pressure at the test port. Close the rams around the tubing landing string and pressurise above the hanger to 1500psi. (50 ftlbs increments) to a maximum of 600 ftlbs. Close the the port check valve and build up pressure.. Equalise and open the SSSV. Connect a suitable length of control line to the top of the hanger outlet and open the TRSSSV.4 Installing Tubing Hanger 8.8 With the hanger fully landed. but will be used initially to determine if pressure applied above the top seal. Note the volumes pumped and monitor the casing spool side outlets for returns.5/8" x 5" tubing annulus to 3.000psi. make up the upper tie-down bolts. above the hanger. reduce the pressure until the leakage stops. release the test pressure and again pressure up above the hanger to 3.6 Lower the completion slowly and land off the tubing hanger. (ensure that the tie down bolts are fully retracted). The Cameron CS1 WKI 2 stage manual TPD 4051 should be studied prior to running the hanger and a Cameron engineer should be on site for the space out and hang off operations. Fully energise the seal element with 4000 psi. 8. is blowing past the seal. this time using the torque wrench. The groove machined in the lower hanger neck should line up with the outlet center. Bleed off the test pressure and drain the BOP / riser via the by-pass from the injection spool outlet. ensure that the test port between the hanger seals is open (should fluid be seen to be leaking from this port.5 Pick up and install the landing joint.5 Setting Packer NOTE: Ensure that ther is no further movement of the completion with the prong installed. apply test pressure through the opposite port. 8. Pressure test the completion and both auxiliary swab valves seperately to 5000 psi.4. ensure that the flange is pulled down evenly by the four cap screws. If. allow the test fluid to drain from the void space. Hanger seals pressure tested 3500 psi from above and 1500 psi from below. Bleed off the control line pressure to close TRSSSV. required.5.6.7 Remove the BOP stack and riser having first ensured that the Xmas tree is ready for installation. Ensure that the lower test port of the tubing bonnet is open and that both needle valves in the block are open.6. 8. remove the test equipment from the tubing bonnet lower test port and bleed all test pressure from the port. Clean the BX 151 ring groove and install the BX 151 ring gasket.tubing change out http://www. 8.10 On achieving a satisfactory test.5 Make up the 13 5/8" 5000 psi flange nuts.6.6.wipertrip. 8. 8. Check the condition of the GS seals on the tubing hanger extended neck. Apply 5000 psi test pressure and hold for 15 minutes. 8. install the test equipment in the 1/2" NPT port of the needle valve block.6 Installing Tubing Bonnet 8. NOTE: Only fittings of the same material as the line should be used ( ie Monel 400 or Incoloy 825 ).9 Ensure that the tubing bonnet upper test port is open.6.8 Install the specially modified Swagelok fittings in the 3/8" NPT control line tapping.020").. 8.6. At this stage the well control lines of defence are: Annulus Packer pressure tested to 1500 psi from above.5.6.6. 8. 8.4 Pick up the tubing bonnet by means of the two lifting eyes provided and carefully lower it over the tubing hanger neck.7 Install the test equipment in the tubing bonnet lower test port and displace the air from the void by pumping fluid until it overflows from the control line exit port.6.4 Test the "A" annulus via the side outlets (in leak off mode) to 1500 psi for 15 minutes stable ( ensure the annular bypass is open ).1 Install and Test WKM (Cooper) Tubing Bonnet.Workover programme . 8. TWCV installed and pressure tested 5000 psi from above Additional Closed and inflow tested TRSSSV.5. Lightly coat the seal sub with anti-scuffing paste and also apply the lubricant to the GS seals and the tubing hanger extended neck.688" AF plug and prong for 2 hours. Note: Ensure that the test port in the tubing bonnet is open when lowering over the DT seal sub to avoid pressure lock.5. 8. 8. 8. Tighten down the ferrule nut to seal off the control line.3 Install a new 7" nominal DT seal in the tubing hanger neck. The final gap between the flange faces should be virtually zero (in any event less than 0.2 Pick up to 20 klbs above string upweight to confirm anchor latch and packer slips are set. Apply a test pressure of 5000 psi for 15 minutes at the tubing bonnet lower test port. repeat the above process to verify that the seals have energised. taking care to tighten down the connection evenly. 8. Install a new BX-157 ring gasket in the unihead spool. 10 of 11 04-Oct-15 5:17 PM . Tubing Deep set plug tested to 5000 psi and inflow tested for 2 hours. leaving at least one full turn wrapped around the recessed portion of the hanger neck..html.5.12 To test the BX 151 flanged connection. 8. In this position the entry of dirt into the valve will be precluded and convenient access to operate the valve will be made.5 Bleed off any tubing head pressure ( 1000 psi or pressure differential ) and inflow test the 3.6 Install TWCV in the 7" tubing hanger and pressure test to 5000 psi.3 Pressure test the complation to 5000 psi.6. 8.6 Pressure test the DT seal sub by applying pressure at the upper test port in the tubing bonnet. Bleed down the pressure to 1000 psi ( pressure differential ) .6. It is recommended that the needle valve block be installed on the tubing bonnet such that the caps for the needle valve are pointing downwards. 8.11 Cut off the control line approximately 1/2" above the ferrule nut of the Swagelok fitting. 8.5. This is the final tubing pressure test. Annulus filled with xxx brine. Install a dual needle valve block on the control line exit. Pressure test the control line to 7500 psi.6.2 Clean and inspect the BX-157 ring grooves in the unihead spool and the tubing hanger and clean and inspect the sealing surface. Remove the adhesive tape securing the control lines and straighten part of the control lines. Test to 5000 psi for 15 minutes. 8. 8.8 Pull the TWCV valve.4 Install test equipment in the test port in the base of the Xmas tree and pressure test the connection to 5000 psi for 15 minutes.5 On completion of the test. remove the test equipment and ensure that all check valves are installed and sealed and that bleeder plugs are installed in all Xmas tree ports and tubing Hand well over to Production Operations.tubing change out http://www. 8. 8.13 On completion. ** end of full workover programme ** 9.6.html. 8.1 Clean the BX-157 ring grooves and the sealing surfaces for the DT seal sub.Workover programme .020".3 Make up the CIW clamp until the gap between the clamp hub faces is less than 0. Cameron Running Procedure Wellhead Manual TPD 4051. Monitor the volume pumped closely. 8.7.6 Hook up flow line. 8.7.wipertrip.7. 8. Appendices Appendix 1 Well Datasheet Appendix 2 Current Well Status Appendix 3 Proposed Top Completion Schematic Appendix 4 Proposed Full Workover Completion Schematic Appendix 5 Existing Tubing tally Appendix 6 9 5/8" Tally Appendix 7 Sub Assembly Data sheets Appendix 8 Risk Assessment Appendix 9 Time-Activity Data Sheet Appendix 10 Cost Analysis Appendix 11 Tubing Handling and Examination Procedures 11 of 11 04-Oct-15 5:17 PM . Pull and retrieve deep set 3. 8.9 Rig up wireline and test wireline pressure equipment.7. 8.7 Pressure test the Xmas tree body to 5000 psi against the TWCV in the tubing hanger. Note: Ensure that the orientation of the Xmas tree is correct for attachment of the flowline.7.7 Installing Xmas Tree & Re-instatement NOTE: Ref.2 Pick up the solid block Xmas tree and lower it over the DT seal sub down onto the tubing bonnet.7.7.. Lightly coat the DT seal sub with anti-scuffing paste and install it in the wellhead.7. 8. remove the test equipment and ensure that bleed fittings are correctly installed in all the tubing bonnet and unitised head ports.7.688" AFH plug and prong from tailpipe. bleed all pressure from the test ports. 8.
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