Woody's project management document

March 24, 2018 | Author: Harsha Silan | Category: Automation, Budget, Business, Technology



A Case Study On Project Management OfWoody’s: Custom Woodworking Submitted To: Prof. A.B Raju Submitted By: Harsha Silan (136) 1 250.000. the company has started to provide the subcontracting work by installing and supplying counter-tops.  Main Woody’s company shareholder is Emelia Holdings Ltd.  Ron Carpenter was the one. his wife Emelia is being the Company President and their son John is the Director. cabinets and other similar fittings for a new commercial construction. who started a small business in 1954 and now is a Chairman anda Chief Executive officer of the Custom Woodworking Company.2011). Woody’s Company gained a good reputation for supplying millwork to the construction industry and producing well constructed furniture with an attractive design. 2 .000 (Wideman. Company’s total assets at the end of year 199X were $181. cabinet making and hardwood importing company.  At the current moment.About Company   Woody’s Company is a small-to-medium sized furniture manufacturing.540.000 with net earnings of $6.  The Company is privately held and has 850 employees. sales $93. Because of the longer production runs and higher and more consistent mark-ups.000. automate the process in electronic way and repaint the CEO and the president offices. 3. c. 4. The Woody 2000 project was not conceived up to the mark. The arrangement of the key person and the distribution of the work steps are not cleared. they decided to stay where they are. What strategies were there for achieving these objectives? What would you recommend? Ans. mission and vision should be clear and more extra. e. 5. d. Project Concept and Strategy a. The key players here play in wrong way. but they didn't study if they really need this expanding or not.1. The approximate of the project were 17 million $ and Woody approved it within 18 months without checking if these estimates are correct or not. The successful project is the one which finishes in the time or earlier. that because either they were kept in unsuitable position in the project or because the lack of information. give good results. Yes they thought about transferring the factory to another place. Was the Woody 2000 project well conceived? Give reasons for your opinion. when? Ans. The budget estimation was taking after the brainstorming not because a real calculations. They agreed to expand 25% of the land in the production field. Author can say that sometimes the alternative solution looks very coasty. it was having few flaws. In another way. 2. Ans. How would you gauge the project's success? Could success be measured? If so. b. There was no any clear plan. No requirement of renovating president’s and executive vice president's offices. With only little amount of details. Did they consider other solutions? Give Examples. Reasons for my opinion: 1. 3 . Ans. There was no requirement of dust free paint. The main point of the whole project should be expanding the production area. There is no any strategy here. No. What were Woody's real objectives that could and should have been articulated? Ans. If the CEO wanted to paint the offices. b. Cost : $ 17 million. Time : 18 months. Why do you suppose renovation of the President and Executive Vice President's offices were included in the project and was that a good idea? Ans. But it should be out of the project hours. Project Scope a. Let him do it in any time and by any cost. Ans. Author thinks that it was kind of Extravagance. Automate the workflow processes.2. Ron Objective : Expand the factory. 4 . Extra work : Repainting the ceo and the president offices. Write a simple project scope statement. Project Scope Statement:       Project Name: Woody 2000 Owner : Carpenter. c. Painting The CEO And The Presedent Office. Ans. Work Breakdown Structure Woody 2000 Definition Preparing Execution Define Plan Getting Estimations Preparing The Land Pour The Foundation Holding-down The Bolts For Train Define Time Frame Signing Contracts Install Airconditions Define Budget Install Hardwere And Softwere For The Automation Processes. 5 . Develop a work breakdown structure. Because of their vacation. Why did Leadbetter not invoke the specifications to ensure quality? What was the result? Ans. Evaluate Woody's plans for managing the project. No. for that he could not find out the deliverables. What should be included in a Woody 2000 project plan? What use would it be? Ans. and what does it mean? Ans. Any kind of work either big or small job needs quality. How should quality be approached. But because his poor managing knowledge and because of the Woody 2000 poor plan. Something else. there were no any reply or to submit the approval. b. Moneysworth. And assigning the right key player in the right position. giving the right budget and time estimation. c. Quality a. including their approach to contracting for professional services and construction work. So how a project like Woody 2000 doesn’t need it?? If there quality control in this project. He made some improvement in the beginning. Project Planning a. b. leadbetter was new in project management experience. To meager the quality. What would you have done and would that change for successive phases of the project? Ans. And the decision came out without any realistic information. Woody should study his case in better manner. For that EID assumes many points either Woody 2000 need it or not which at the end raised the cost. the project plan didn't explain the full main roll to define the changes. What is the importance of Quality to a project like this? Ans. All what happened here is a dissection between the key players in some meetings. with describing the scope of each stage. In the author thoughts. c. then it should be successful. Also the contract with the EID Company was without a clear plan. Did the project plan explain how the project and any changes would be controlled? Should this be part of the plan? Give reasons. It was very poor plan. Here. that there were no real plan here. 4. Many mistakes 6 . To have good plan. Ans. he was not responsible enough with Mr. so they tacked vacation in the same time and left the whole project and the (S&P) were submitting a page for approval. And this satiation cost suspending the project time frame to another extra two weeks. the estimate project time and the budget should be in the same way as proposed or less not exceeded for more time or extra budget as same as approved in the project plan.3. The way of estimating the budget and the cost. The company can avoid all of these mistakes by setting the quality control from the beginning of the project to the end of it. the competitors have taken more space in the market instead of his product. 2. The errors in the construction phase. Woody loses his customers. Having a clear and specific contract which meets the project needs not more than it needs or less. 7 . Having a certificate of the project completion. The way of planning the project and taking the decision to change. so each one will know what is his role in the project. b. 5. 5. 6. The equipment and machines should be suitable for the project needs and installed correctly. because of the changes which happened by faster. 1. some of the main contract with another party. Planning and Scheduling a.happened because of the absence of the quality control. 3. when he should begin his role and when he should complete it and the cost of this role. The contract with EID Company without returning to any of the Woody production experts. Begin the production phase. The way of taking change management decision like what happened with leadbetter when the new equipment arrived. Ans. Illustrate your milestones on a simple bar chart scaled to the information provided in the Case Study. 7. setting a good schedule of the work. 4. 8. By listing the mistakes you will find that the quality needs in each part of the project. The project at the end been out of control because the budget and time exceeding. The project milestones are: by correct panning the budget of the project will be clear. Two project manager were absent in the same time without any temporary replacement. At the end of the project and because of what happened. Identify and describe a set of project schedule milestones from project concept to project completion. And he can come in in any phase to add or fix any errors.Ans. The Chart of milestones: 6 5 planing (budget. as Cashman predict in the beginning. So it will be easy to figure any problem happened by following up the whole tasks in the project. Woody should clearly know what was happing in each phase. Schedual) 4 3 2 1 0 Woody Project Millestone Clear and specific Contract install suitable equipments and machines getting certificate of completion begin working and production c. showing up the strength and weaknesses in each task. The estimates should be built from the beginning of the plan with the schedule. the manager can stop any out of control task or payment. Cost Estimating a. It estimated by author with less than $24 million. How should the estimate be presented? Ans. $ 22 million. The good baseline plan means every task will be scheduled by time and budget. how? Ans. Develop a high-level estimate by "guesstimation". If the plan were planned in a good manner. Another addition has been there to end the project. Ans. the manager will get a full view of the project progress. 8 . So. In another way. b. by baseline plan. 6. Would a good baseline plan have helped to show that the project would not meet its schedule? If so. How should they be administered? Ans.c. the plan should be clear and accepted from the key players and the experts from Woody company before submitting the plan for a third party. Cashman kept his cash flow chart a secret. lost some contracts. Yes of course. Study their services and the costs that they provide with each service. 7. d. Cashman had made his estimation in the beginning that the 4 beginning month and the last 4 month will cost $ 1 million. The project was delivered after Woody lost his customers. Were the original Woody 2000 project requirements delivered? Ans. 9 . all the information should distributed and the key players should be transparent with other.4 million. Why. b. They are administrated by keeping a plan for following up and this plan should be reviewed with more than one key player. Is life-cycle costing a factor on this project? Ans. d. c. Moneysworth didn’t allow any competitor to be in the view in front of Woody. the other 10 months costs as he estimated $1. and what would you have done? Ans. What were the contracting alternatives open to Woody's? Which would have been best and what would that have involved? Ans. Moneysworth should search for the alternative companies that can provide the same services. Keeping like this information as a secret may be keep him in awkward position. Cashman should not keep the cash-flow chart as a secret. That means that any extra months or days in the schedule will add more cost to the project. and he didn’t research for another contractor. lost more the project budget and lost the scheduled time. Contracting for Engineering and Construction Services a. To be working in a good project environment. Moneysworth thinks that he chooses the best company from his point view. Also before choosing a contractor. lost the trust of his customers. To choose a contractor. How should the contract(s) be organized and tendered? Ans. Dave Rivett Zapp Electric Co. Communication and People Management a. Project Organization Chart Chairman and CEO Ron Carpenter President Emelia Carpenter Exceutive Vice Presedent Kim Qualey VP Finance and Administration Spencer Moneysworth VP Sales and Estimation Bruce Sharp Woddy Project Manager Ian Leadbetter EID Director Alfred Fowler Tinknokers Assoiaties Amos Dent EID Project Manager Ivar Kontrak I C Rain LTD. Draw a project organization chart. Charlie Droppe Piecemeal Corporation Eddie Forgot S&P Principal Randy Schemers Beam Constraction LTD. Olaf Volta Classic Cladding Co.8. What were the real relationships? Ans. Bert Leakey Controller Kim Cashman Director John Carpenter VP Production Mile Faster VP Personnel Molly Bussell Project Management Consultant Win Easley 10 . If they kept him as an assistant to help and learn it was be more efficient. And that will ease their work in estimating the budget and the schedule. When Leadbetter contact with Amos Dent without discussing this issue with Mr. What communication (coordination) would you expect to see during execution? Ans. Because he is don’t know much about the management. 9. That helps everyone to work very smoothly understanding the project needs. When Faster changed the disruption of the production line: Leadbetter had to implement the whole automation again (lose time and cost). budget and schedule. Moneysworth who made the contract with EID. you will find it in this study. 11 . All these are viewing the mass of communication which affect the project improvement. Kontrak. Including the company experts in the decisions. he should gather all the key players and the production employees in meeting to take the final decision and get with a proper plan. When Leadbetter and Moneysworth were in holiday. Leadbetter shouldn’t lead the project. Would a good baseline plan have helped to make up time? Ans. This all should happen in the beginning of the project. A base line plan will give the full information for each stage. taking the responsibility of the assigned tasks. Any decision should be approved from more than one key player in company itself. This manner will lead to successful project which can end in a very sufficient way with the minimal cost and by the scheduled time. How should the Woody 2000 project plan be communicated and when? Ans. d. there is no any acting employee instead of them can take the action of the pending issue. Because these decisions will affect the whole project implementation. Progress Monitoring and Control a. If you want to know how the communication is important. c. The communication should be in a very good manner taking care of the business hierarchy. Should Leadbetter have been left to run the project? Would training have helped? Ans. each employee will be working in a clear and transparent environment.b. What records should have been kept and how? Ans. prepare the schedule in very important manner to catch up the main schedule time. budgets. decisions and other administration work should be recorded in a formal way not by hand and archived properly. Draw a responsibility chart for effective control. Working in full swing to complete the late task. a meeting should be prepared after studying all what had been done to discover the bottle nick area which cause this overdue. d.b. The bottle nick should been identified. contract. Project records were apparently poor. plans. What would you have done when you saw that the project would not meet its schedule? Ans. All the tasks. If it been realized that the project didn’t meet the schedule. Ans. notes. Responsibility Chart for effective control: Task Amelia Carpenter Moneysw orth Cashman Lead better Faster Kontrak Sharp Bussell Manage Project Arrange cash flow Meeting with production employees Meet EID Specify the needs in production Develop the software Schedule the project Configure machines Contact authority inspection                 Test the contract deliverables Budget solver issue Marketing the product Taking care of the  resolving issues in the project c. change tasks. 12 . How should the project budget and expenditures be set out for cost control? Ans. When did Woody's know they were in trouble with over expenditure? What was the result? Ans.10. Draw a simple flow chart for processing changes? Ans. Why was EID's first price so high? Was their position reasonable? Ans. Cost Control a. b. And because the Woody representative was weak in the production knowledge. This was because they found that Woody Company has not prepared a proper plan. Woody knows about the trouble after he find that the project is behind the schedule and the budget were exceeded the limitations. When you are planning and budgeting any project you should consider the cost of the emergency and failure situations that may be happened. And all what he want to show other key players that he can lead the project in a good manner without referring to the Woody expert knowledge. But with all of these tries. The result was that the company began to throw the money here and there trying to solve the problem. Flow chart for processing changes: Request For Change Studing The Change Studing The Change And The Needed Costs Approving The Change Study And Its Cost Plan How The Change Will Take Place Implement The Change 13 . he lost the whole project control. and the other companies canceled their contracts with Woody. c. EID is an external company which wants to do the assigned work with the highest profit. d. And also keep in mind that may so changes happened during the process which will need extra costs.
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