women's speech features

March 25, 2018 | Author: IzoelD'zoelz | Category: Sociolinguistics, Linguistics, Speech, Human Communication, Semiotics



CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION This chapter presents background of the study, problems of the study, objectivesof the study, significances of the study, scope and limitation, research methodand definition of the key terms. 1.1 Background of the Study Language is an old topic in Western philosophy, but its importance has grown. It is not a major issue among the ancients. It begins to take on greater importance in the seventeenth century, with Hobbes and Lock (Jourdan, 2006:16).Lakoff (1973:46) in her book, Language and Woman’s Place said that languages use as much as we use language, as much as our choice of forms of expression is guided by the thoughts we want to express, to the same extent the way we feel about the things in the real world governs the way we express ourselves about these things. Women are often claimed in many societies there are negative stereotypes related to women and language. Woman as defined by Hornby (1995:1372), in Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, is adult female human being. The term woman is usually reserved for an adult, with the term “girl” being the usual term for a female child or adolescent, whereas man is adult male human being or male person with the qualities of strength, courage and others. From the definition above about women’slanguage,it can be said that man and woman are two different creatures. As human beings, women have their own characteristics which men do not have. Man and woman have different features which make them different in several aspects. Physical appearances and voice qualities are the two things of women and men differences which can be seen clearly. Mills (1995:197) said that the important difference between men and women’s speech lies in their vocal track resonance since male’s vocal tract 1 She says that women have the complicated place in language. They found that men and women have different ways of speaking. intensifiers. ‘hypercorrect’ grammar. Recently. According to Lakoff (cited in Cameron. one clear example which differentiates between men and women is that women tend to pitch their voices higher than men and strike against them in almost every language interaction. a professor of linguistics at University of California. Movie can be defined as an image of human’s life where the situation and setting of the . Those speech features are claimed to be used more often by women than by men in their conversation. Lakoff dividedthe speech function into ten elements of the language that women use. 1990:222). avoidance of strong swear words. It is used for sharing or conveying information among people. ‘super polite’ forms. means gently and politely. Men and women have different language features although they speak the same language. Communication can be defined as a device used by women or men for making connection with others. 1990:223-233). Lakoff's writings have become the basis for many researches on the subject of women's language. men and women have differences in the speech function. and emphatic stress. Those speech features are lexical hedges or fillers. rising intonations on declaratives. but if they speak politely and gently. Berkeley. they will be ridiculed as unfeminine. they will be called as people who cannot speak about serious problem and think clearly (cited in Cameron. Recently. One example is movie which usually contains conversation between characters who communicate to share information. If they refuse to speak like a Lady. ‘empty’ adjectives. communication has been extended to be used by people in the entire of the world. published ten basic assumptions about women’s language. some sociolinguists have found other features which reflect the differences between women and men. whereas men have lower tone in their speaking. specialized vocabularies (precise color terms). According to Elgin (1993:63). Lakoff (1975). because they are required to speak like a lady. tag question.2 islarger than female’s vocal tract. Women’s language shows their powerlessness and weakness. the researcher intends to analyze and investigate the women’s speech features which are used by the main characters of “Eat Pray Love” movie. This movie is directed by Elizabeth Gilbert. Pray. However. A writer. as identified by Robin Lakoff in 1975. In addition. There are ten elements of the language that women use. In this story there is Indonesian part like Bali that has one of the places in this movie. funded her year-long trip around the world with a publisher’s advance. there is also possibility that women’s speech features will appear in the movie because it reflects the real situation of society. and that her life needs to go in a different direction. but it is chosen because so far it can cover about women’s speech. and hopefully a successful one. Related to the explanation of how the interesting “Eat Pray Love” movie above. Elizabeth Gilbert. It was more than just one woman’s story from the very beginning. and her experienced stays in Italy. she takes off on a round-the-world journey to “find herself”. Moreover. After a painful divorce. the researcher believes that there are many phenomena of women’s speech features can be found in “Eat Pray Love” movie where the society influences the choice of the utterance. “Eat Pray Love” is an interesting movie because the movie can be broken down into three acts (Eat. The interesting matter for the researcher in conducting this research is to knowhow women use language to tell the view of her opinion. such as the dictions and some utterances which give more data to be analyzed using theory of women’s speech features.3 conversation reflect to the real social life. “Eat Pray Love” movie is one of the movie that can be used to conduct the research about women’s speech features used by the Lakoff’s theory. the main reason why the researcher chooses this movie because of its language. It isa drama movie which tells about a married woman who realizes how unhappy her marriage really is. and Love). India and Indonesia with the knowledge that they would go into a book. . It is not because all women use all of this language all of the time. 2000:21). Including the use of hedging. empty adjectives. intensifiers. many of her findings are now regarded as. avoidance of strong swear words. hyperbolic expression. namely tag question and hedging. She proposed (Language and Woman’s Place) that women’s speech can be distinguished from that of men in a number of ways including tentypes of women’s speech features. The researches of women’s speech features have been conducted by some researchers but in different research method and object. Lakoff’s thought becomes the most suitable theory because it explains and describes about the division of women’s speech features completely and specifically. tag question. rising intonations on declaratives. Jespersen (cited in Olsson 2000:21)describes woman’s language in widely division including euphemism. Then the second reason why the researcher uses the theory is that Lakoff is the first linguist who has published ten basic assumptions about what she felt constituted a special women’s language.4 Lakoff’s theory of women’s speech features is chosen because of several reasons. at the very least. Lakoff's most famous work in Language and Woman's Place was introduced to the field of Sociolinguistics and it has many ideas about women’s language that are now often common place (although. The first reason why the researcher uses the theory is that this theory is able to cover women’s speech features in this movie. and emphatic stress. However. super polite forms. employ women’s speech features but they did not adopt it. The first researcher is Lenny (2000)who studies about Speech Feature of Markonah and Dandong as She-Males Announcer as Seenby using Robin Lakoff’s theory. she found that Markona and Dendong who are naturally males. Meanwhile. slang and innovations (Olsson. It tends to investigate women’s language from politeness point of view. In her study. similarly. outdated). hypercorrect grammar. In addition. specialized vocabularies (precise color terms). Holmes (1995) has also proposed the theory related to women’s speech features but she just focused on several aspects which are extracted from Lakoff’s theory. . this research used Lakoff’s theory. Two kinds of features which are not used by the characters are specialized vocabularies and hypercorrect grammar. . In addition. The results show that only eight types of women’s speech features used in the dialogues. It was found that the characters of “Sex and the City” movie applied most of women’s speech features which reflect uncertainty and lack of confidence. The fourth researcher is Rosita (2008) who studies about An Analysis of Sex and the City TV Series’ Dialogue Based on Ten Types of Women's Linguistic Features. The least features used by VJ Denise are tag question. From the findings. Lexical hedges aremostly used by the four characters. the researcher found that both VJ Nirina and VJ Denise adopted women’s speech features. superpolite forms. The most common feature used by VJ Nirina and VJ Denise is lexical hedges or fillers. Moreover. The research was conducted to find what types and which types of women’s linguistic features occur most frequently. they are lexical hedges or fillers. The least feature used by Nirinais empty adjectives. intensifiers. tag question. ‘empty’ adjectives. and emphatic stress. rising intonation on declaratives. This research was conducted to find out how the characters of “Sex and the City” movie use women’s speech features. The third researcher is Agustine (2004)who studies about Women’s Speech Features Used by the Female VJs of MTV Indonesia. and the result shows that only nine types of women’s speech features found.5 The second researcher is Dewi (2001) who studies about Speech Features of Female Students of Petra Christian University while Gossiping in Campus. not all types of women’s speech features used by four characters. while “Hypercorrect’ grammar does not occur in the dialogue. avoidance of strong swear words. The fifth researcher is Permatasari (2010)who studies about Women’s Speech Features Used by the Characters of “Sex and the City” Movie. She found that the speeches features mainlyused by the students are lexical hedges and intensifier.superpolite form and avoidance of strong swear words. uses Lakoff’s theory. In her research. this research has the differences with the previous researches. Some types that she found about women’s language used by the character of “thirteen” movie are emphatic stress. the statements of the problem in this researchare as follows: 1. there is one characteristic that should be avoided by women but it is used by the character of “thirteen” movie. The object of the present research is a movie. What are the women’s speech features used by the main character of “Eat Pray Love” movie? 2.6 the use of lexical hedges shows that the speakers are not committed to what she is saying. In addition. and rising intonation. intensifier. she found some types of women’s language and some other typesthat avoid not uses by women in daily. In which context the main character of “Eat Pray Love” movieuses the speech features? . However. tag question. empty adjective. lexical hedges.1 Problems of the Study Based on the background of the study. Moreover the discussion is only focused on in which context the main character of “Eat Pray Love” movie uses the speech features based on Lakoff’s theory. It is producing strong word. The sixth researcher is Mu’minin (2010) who studies about An Analysis on Women’s Language Used by the Main Character of “Thirteen” Movie. Previous researches above explain about several researchers that have been conducted about women’s speech features. 1. superpolite form. this research is expected to give contributions or consideration of Sociolinguistics research. 1. This research is also conducted to give benefit and expected to be useful for further researchers. It is also hoped that this research can become a reference for linguistic students to learn more about women’s speech features. especially for English Department student who want to analyze women’s speech features and Sociolinguistics lecturers. Theoretically. The purpose of this research is to contribute a better understanding of how the women’s speech features in various ways. it is expected that they can learn about how speech features are used in women’s speech in order to know their speech characteristic through movie.2 Objectives of the Study This research has aim to describe how women’s speech features are applied by the main character of “Eat Pray Love” movie. To identify the ways of women’s speech features used by the main character of “Eat Pray Love” movie.7 1. Providing the result of this research is being an alternative for the Sociolinguistics lecturers to be a source and empirical data in teaching about language and gender. especially onresearchwomen’s speech features. To describe in which context the women’s speech features areusedby the main character of “Eat Pray Love” movie. For English Department students. Practically. both theoritical and practical constributions. this research is expected to be more practical in gender communication because there are many varieties in women’s speech. . 2.3 Significances of the Study The result of this research is expected to give contributions. to be more specific. it has the following aims: 1. there are ten types of women’s speech to analyze the women’s speech. data collection. In addition. This research is focused on analyzing the women’s speech features uttered by the main character.5 Research Method This chapter presents research design.8 especially about women’s speech features. research instrument. rising intonations on declaratives. 1. specialized vocabularies (precise color terms). This research use Lakoff’s theory (1975) to analyze women’s speech features. Basically. data sources. 1. avoidance of strong swear words. and data analysis used throughout this thesis. Besides. tag question. intensifiers. especially on the way women’s speech features. Then they can also know about the use of women’s speech features in movie’s dialogue. However. they can use this research as the example of how women’s speech features are used by the characters in movie. empty adjectives. they can learn about how women’s speech features are used in women’s speech in order to know their speech characteristic through movie. and emphatic stress. this research can become comparison for the future research especially in analyzing women’s speech features. super polite forms. it is hoped that the result of this research can give information about Lakoff’s theory of women’s speech features when they are studying about language and gender.4 Scope and Limitation The scope of this research is a Sociolinguistics study. hypercorrect grammar. According to her. namely Elizabeth. . Those are hedging. this research is expected to be able to give contribution and foundation for future researchers who are interested in women’s speech features to be analyzed more deeply. The researcher limitsher research by on focusing the object of the study only in the conversation uttered by the main character in the movie. ‘empty’ adjectives. such as restaurant. Based on Lakoff’s theory. intensifiers. The researcher chooses the utterancesproduced by Elizabeth because they can cover the different types of women’s speech features when she speaks with other characters in certain setting. this design was chosen because it was intended to describe women’s speech features that were applied in “Eat Pray Love” movie. the researcher . superpolite forms. especially on the utterances of the main character in this movie. tag question. rising intonation on declaratives. apartment and others. Meanwhile. Itwas designed to help the researcher understands people.6.6. the data are the words. office. Moreover. 1. Those are lexical hedges or fillers.3 Research Instrument The key instrument of this research isthe researcher herself because it is impossible to analyze the data directly without any interpretation from the researcher since the data are in the form of utterance.6. In addition.2 Data Source The data source of this research is the transcript of “Eat Pray Love” movie. This research was considered as qualitative because it analyzed utterances of the main character stated in “Eat Pray Love” movie. social and cultural contexts within which they live. 1 Research Design The research design of this research uses descriptive qualitativebecause it aims to describe the data obtained as the researcher was found in the field. phrases.9 1. and emphatic stress. clauses and sentences produced by Elizabeth as the main character of “Eat Pray Love” movie which reflect ten types of women’s speech features used in selected settings. beach. there are ten types of women’s speech features. 1. avoidance of strong swear words. 10 herself becomes the research instrument who actively and directly participates in data collection and data analysis. empty adjectives. super polite forms. and the data are words. they are lexical hedges or fillers. clauses or sentences from the dialogue spoken by the main character namely Elizabeth in her speaking. The third step is that the researcher identified the utterances produced by Elizabeth which is possible to be analyzed by using Robin Lakoff’s theory of women’s speech features. The last step is that the researcher arranged the data obtained to make sure that all of utterances produced by Elizabeth in “Eat Pray Love” movie had been submitted. The last step is that the . The first step is that the researcher classified the utterance into ten types of women’s speech features.5 Data Analysis In analyzing the women’s speech features used by the main character of “Eat Pray Love” movie.6. rising intonations on declaratives. hypercorrect grammar.6. specialized vocabularies (precise color terms). tag question. 1. phrases. 1. intensifiers.4 Data Collection In collecting the data. including explaining the functional usage. avoidance of strong swear words. and emphatic stress. the meaning of the utterance the factor behind the use of those utterances based on the theory of women’s speech features proposed by Robin Lakoff. The second step is that the researcher looked for and explained the context of the utterance to know what the women’s speech features used by the main character of “Eat Pray Love” movie. The first step is that the researcher watched and understood “Eat Pray Love” movie. The third step is that the researcher analyzed the utterance based on the categorization. The second step is that the researcher obtained the movie script from the internet and made it into hard file. the following steps were done. some steps were done. 7 Definition of the Key Terms This part presents about the definition of the key terms in this research. Djoko Susanto. Women’s speech features: several aspects of speech difference between women and men which indicate the characteristic of women’s speech that reflect uncertainty and lack of confidence. intensifiers. in the process of triangulation to reach the validity of the findings. rising intonations on declaratives.This thesis focuses on analyzing women’s speech features used by the main character of “Eat Pray Love” movie. This research has aim to identify the ways and to describe in which context the women’s speech features are used by the main character of “Eat Pray Love” movie. as the lecturer of sociolinguistics can be an informant who has competence. super polite forms. and emphatic stress. Ph. The researcher used triangulation to obtain the reliability of the data. previous researchers.D. hypercorrect grammar. which include hedging. H. 1.11 researcher concluded the result of the data analysis to answer the research problems. . 1. specialized vocabularies (precise color terms). The first step is the researcher compared between the movie and transcript of the movie.6. methodology and expert. ‘empty’ adjectives. 1. In triangulation. M. He is Drs. it was needed to confirm the data source.6 Triangulation This research used triangulation to confirm the methodology and findings. as identified by Robin Lakoff. tag question.Ed. theories. The second step is the researcher rechecked the data by asking assistance from expert. avoidance of strong swear words. Javier Bardem. Stan Wlodkowski. Tuva Novotny.12 2. Produced by Brad Pitt. Indonesian. Christine Hakim. Richard Jenkins. James Franco. . El Hadji Diouf. Jennifer Salt (screenplay) Elizabeth Gilbert (novel) Starring Julia Roberts. Billy Crudup. Directed by Ryan Murphy. Tabrez Noorani. Written by Ryan Murphy. Julia Roberts. Hadi Subiyanto. Pray. Sophie Thompson. Editing by Bradley Buecker Studio Plan B Entertainment. David Lyons. Distributed by Columbia Pictures. 3. This movie was made since 2010. such as avoiding direct and forceful statements. and Love). Italian. Women’s language: a language that signifies the characteristics of women. and relying on conforms that conveys hesitation and uncertainty. Running time 133 minutes Country United States Language English. Jeremy Kleiner. Eat Pray Love movie : The Movie can be broken down into three acts (Eat. Music by Dario Marianelli Cinematography Robert Richardson. Dede Gardner. Hindi. Viola Davis. 13 .
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