Wiring Diagrams L10 M11 N14

March 26, 2018 | Author: kvp61327 | Category: Fuel Injection, Throttle, Turbocharger, Actuator, Gear



PLEASE CONSULT SPECIFIC APPLICATION2. RED INDICATES POWER SUPPLIED BY THE ECM 3. BLUE INDICATES POWER AND SIGNALS INTO THE ECM 4. BLACK INDICATES RETURNS TO THE ECM AND GENERIC 5. GREEN INDICATES DATA LINK 8 - PIN AMP NC NC 6 - PIN DEUTSCH NC "D"rl!£­ NC F rl!£­ BATTERY (+) BATTERY (+) C BATTERY (-) BATTERY (-) E DATA LINK (+) DATA LINK (+) A DATA LINK (-) DATA LINK (-) NON-ISS ISS THROTTLE 6-PIN TWO 3-PIN THROTTLE FLOOR DESIGN OPTION OPTION DESIGN OPTION - -IA ----:t5VDC If C fEC 18 A NA B-B 11 B' SIGNAL 19 RETURN I '"' I ISSBD A A II 9 10- OFF IDLE [ OFF -IDLE E D ON-IDLE I ION-IDLE 6 lL F 10 Uk _"_ v __ __ __ RETURN •• OEM SUPPLIED WIRING CLUTCH SWITCH l., BRAKE SWITCH l., CRUISE RESUME/SET CRUISE ON/OFF ENGINE BRAKE ON/OFF ENGINE BRAKE SELECTOR IDLE INC/DEC Jot RED LAMP I ]iif YELLOW LAMP 1 Jof ENGINE PROTECTION LAMP T DIAGNOSTIC SWITCH MANUAL FAN AIR CONDITIONER PRESSURE l., SWITCH STARTER LOCKOUT RELAY OR TOP 2 LOCKOUT SOLENOID III KEY SWITCH r:IGNITION c STARTER ACCESSORY \ NOTE: 1. ALL OEM RESPONSIBLE WIRING SHOWN BELOW IS "TYPICAL" ceJD OEM RESPONSIBILITY VEHICLE OEM WIRING VEHICLE SPEEDOMETER B VEHICLE SPEEDOMETER - SPEED VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR SIGNAL A 03 VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR RETURN 07 DIGITAL VEHICLE SPEED SIGNAL DIGITAL VEHICLE SPEED RETURN !h REMOTE PTO ENGAGE SIGNAL 2 - PIN 15 PACKARD =.f-­ VEHICLE DATA LINK (+) J 1587 27 VEHICLE DATA LINK (-) J1587 08 tfl DIGITAL TACHOMETER SIGNAL 17 DIGITAL TACHOMETER RETURN ACCELERATOR INTERLOCK SIGNAL/ALTERNATE DROOP rtl F? 20 OPTION THROTTLE POSITION +5VDC SUPPLY Cf---r.-­ 18 THROTTLE POSITION SIGNAL B f- _. 11 THROTTLE POSITION RETURN A r- - • 1--­ 19 IDLE VALIDATION OFF -IDLE SIGNAL Tr- 09< B r- - A t--­ IDLE VALIDATION IDLE SIGNAL 06 SWITCH COMMON RETURN _=r- A r- _ - B f--i 10 !05-­ B L , CLUTCH SIGNAL 04< U L SERVICE BRAKE SIGNAL ( 28 KPA r4 PSI] TO OPEN ) 13 K c u , ALTERNATE TOROUE SIGNAL H 21 CRUISE CONTROL/PTO RESUMEIACCEL SIGNAL E 22 L. A [ CRUISE CONTROL/PTO SET/COAST SIGNAL 0 12 C CRUISE CONTROL/PTO ON/OFF SIGNAL 02 0 N N E ENGINE BRAKE SELECTOR 1 SIGNAL C (05 T ENGINE BRAKE SELECTOR 2 SIGNAL E-J 0 (28 IDLE/DIAGNOSTIC DECREMENT SIGNAL R 23 [ IDLE/DIAGNOSTIC INCREMENT SIGNAL 14 RED DIAGNOSTIC LAMP INPUT 15 YELLOW DIAGNOSTIC LAMP INPUT 25 ENGINE PROTECTION LAMP INPUT 01 I I I I I I I I I t I I SHORTING PLUG COOLANT LEVEL SENSOR ·v m B :b A T ' H P N OEM DIAGNOSTIC TEST SIGNAL E VEHICLE KEY SWITCH SIGNAL OPTION B B - I 0 MANUAL FAN SIGNAL 4ft =± ' A '--­ C FREON PRESSURE SWITCH SIGNAL =i X R Um G I £ ­ - SUPPLY CLUTCH 1 RELAY FAN :m ;U:;; ­ 1\ IS AMP I BATTERY .r-;. A FAN CLUTCH 2/0R j)J / ( A TOP 2 SHIFT SOLENOID F - I ) BATTERY Y '''"' B : Cummins Engine Company, Inc. CELECT™ Plus WIRING DIAGRAM =c=JD OEM RESPONSIBILITY (for ECM Part NO. 3096662) 1/14/99 BULLETIN NO. 3666146-04 CUMMINS RESPONSIBILITY r- I I - - _I - ...­ ...­ ...­ '---!--!--!­ __t-t-t­ - CUMMINS WIRE NUMBERS ENGINE HARNESS MIl PART NO. 3096694 M-l1 N-14 A ENGINE HARNESS N14 PART NO. 3609966 IIII 001 001 002 I I 002 I I 003 I I 003 I I 004 I I 004 I 009 I I 009 I 12 COOLANT TEMPERATURE SIGNAL 1 I I 17 < I I I I AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE +5VDC SUPPLY I 053 I I 012 I MANIFOLD AIR TEMPERATURE +5VDC SUPPLY I II I WE 010 I OIl II OIl I 1 II I 014 014 1 RD 1 1 013 1 015 015 OIL PRESSURE +5VDC SUPPLY I I I I OIL PRESSURE SIGNAL 017 017 07< COOLANT LEVEL +5VDC SUPPLY C DIAGNOSTIC TEST SIGNAL --:M"'A"-N:.::U'-'AL"-'.F'-'A:..:.N-'S:.:.IG::.;NA.::..=L--' FREON PRESSURE SWITCH CONTROL DATA LINK + CONTROL DATA LINK (-) Tnn, f), TA ''''K SERVICE TOOL DATA LINK 1'iR7 nlSARI <' SIGNA DISABLE SIGNAL SIGNAL J 1922 J 1922 + J 1587 - J1587 ,C UNSWITCHED BATTERY + 12VDC E BATTERY RETURN ­ A SERVICE TOOL DATA LINK (+) Ji587 I __-, I I I I I j C 1\ II -<=---c=-=-=---c__,-J('+' ---,-......-­ r- r- FUEL SHUTOFF SUPPLY +12VDC (2AMPS' 038 038 16 VEHICLE KEY SWITCH SIGNAL I 033 I I 033 I 26 FAN CLUTCH SUPPLY 81 (COOLANT' 034 034 07 FAN CLUTCH SUPPLY M2 (AIR) OR TOP 2 SHIFT SOLENOID I 030 I I 030 I 17 M-l1 ENGINE BRAKE ENGINEBRAKECOII:NO lHEAD- 1 I I ENGINE BRAKE COIL NO.2 HEAD N=14 ENcINEBRAKE - - I I I r-:;;::c - ENGINEBRAKECOII=-,;JO.3HEAD- I II I ....cN",O", ..li<}----1---'B'-"K'---.\-1--,<03,;;9"-1-1< 19 . .!...1...!H""EA"'D"-----il ..._-R.l I.r-L----=-- ENGINE BRAKE COIL NO.2 HEAD I 1 w<, n4n 18 UNSWITCHED BAT-TE-RY mVDC - - - --'5'" I 035 I I 035 I +-::B"'ATT=ER:'Y':-':'R=ET"'U';'R"'N_- :........;10"'3:.::6'--'-I:........;I::.:03'"6:-....:1-j< 27 -' • ..=B::..:A::..:TT..=E.:..;RY.:....;.R-=E:..:.TU::..:R.:..:N:........;- -t-"0"'3"'6-+-+-_0""3'"6'-i-l< 25 B"'A"'TT"'E"'R:..:.Y--"-RE"'T"'U"'R:..:.N_- 1---'1°"'3"'6<...-1-1-'-1""°"'3"'6_-1-1<109 U::.:N"'S:.:.W:..:.IT:.::C:..:.H"'E"'D....:B:.:.A:..:.TT"'E:.:.R:..:.Y-'-+"'12"'V:.::D"'C t--'0"'3'-!7-t-+-"0""-.'7_ _, 21 r k L.:<.UN"S"'W"'IT:..:.C:.:.H"'E""D...:B"'A"'TT"'E"'R:..:.Y--"'+:..:.12"'V"'D"'C--' +_10""3:.:.7'--11_+-1.,,,0,-,,3,,-7_+-1<120 "'TO"'P"""'2"""'LO"'C"'K"'0"'U"'T-'S""0"'L"'EN",O",I",D..."O",R"--=S",TA",R:..:.T",ER"--,L",O",C.."KO""U""T,--,-,R",ELA""-,-Y_S",U,,,P,,,P,,,L:..:.Y,--",0",12,-;".---,0",5",3".-l< 08 -"VE"'H""IC""L"'E"'A:..:.C""C""E"'S"'SO"'R:.::1=cES"--"S"'H"'U"'TO"'F:..:.F--"'SU""P-'P-=L"-Y t-I_---iII-+_ 1--+-11< 24 r INJECTOR NO.1 I: J -<=-__,==__,c-=--K1 1 = 1 1IL....,,='...I::.:N:::JE:.:C:..:T.:::0:..:.R....:N.:..:0:..:.5"-{1 I 2 S-__---f::D --<=-===--:-::;:-:;--R11<!------f::E I = I ["--<='--'-IN.:..:JE::..C:...T-"0.:..;R_N.:..:0:... ..:.3-jg2<:l-__ I L J I = ["--<=,-_IN_JE_C_T_0_R_N_0_._6-jg2<:l-__ I L J I --<=>===--:;c;;-;;:-!':;:;::'1<\----I<J = 1 [ INJECTOR NO.2 2 1 l...J I .... --'=-===-:-:-:,..,...-I<"1'<f----j(L = II INJECTOR NO.4 2 I I "='- - L..:"S: N r-=Ii, A <)-__..,I'-jE 1 r::-OJ"'t+ RESPONSIBILITY 't.-J 21 I 025 I I 025 '16 1 19 I 023 1 1 023 1 ,08 020 020 05 > I 021 1 I 021 1 23 > 028 028 04 > 027 027 22> 026 026 > 03 TilI I ­ I I 1 I II I I I __ 01 CYLINDER NO.1 RETURN I 042 I I 042 I 10 CYLINDER NO.5 SUPPLY 049 049 11 < CYLINDER NO.5 RETURN 050 050 02 < CYLINDER NO.3 SUPPLY 045 045 03 CYLINDER NO.3 RETURN 046 046 12 "V, INnm Nn R V I 051 I I 051 I 13 CYLINDER NO.6 RETURN I 052 I I 052 I 04 CYLINDER NO.2 SUPPLY I 043 1 1 043 I 05 CYLINDER NO.2 RETURN 044 044 14 CYLINDER NO.4 SUPPLY 047 047 1 15 CYLINDER NO.4 RETURN 048 L -.J L 048 ---.J 00 _ ROCKER BOX PASS THROUGH SENSOR CONNECTOR A @ @C\@) ® @Q@ @ @C\@5 ® @Q\@ ® @Q@ & @(,:;\@ 18 @)@@ OEM CONNECTOR B @ @C\@) ® @Q@ Q@ @C\@ ® @Q\@ ® 0lQ@ @Q@j & @(,:;\@ 18 @M@) ACTUATOR CONNECTOR C @ @)f.:\@ '0 @)a@ \SJ @)f.:\@ @Q\@ ® @Q@ @l ® @ @ @C\@ @ ® 19 @ £ WARNING .. This diagram is provided as a diagnostic tool for trained, experienced technicians only. Improper trouble­ shooting or repair can result in severe personal injury or death or property damage. See important instructions in Service Manual. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS DATA LINK (Vehicle and Control) Positive wire to chassis ground - 2.5 to 5.0 volts Negative wire to chassis ground - 0.0 to 2.5 volts ALL CONTINUITY CHECKS - OK (no open circuit) if less than 10 Q ALL SHORTS TO GROUND All circuits - OK (no short circuit) if more than 100 kQ 5 V POWER SUPPLY (Sensor Only) @ ECM/Harness 4.75 to 5.25 volts SOLENOIDS Fuel Shutoff Valve - Coil Resistance = 7 to 8 ohms Injectors - 0.5 to 1.5 ohms after subtracting the multi meter resistance. ECM CONNECTOR Retaining Cap Screw Torque = 2 N-m [18in-lb] INJECTOR Pigtail Retaining Nut Torque = 1.6 N-m [14 in-Ib] SHORT CIRCUIT TO EXTERNAL VOLTAGE -OK if less than 1.5 volts SENSOR SPECIFICATIONS OIL PRESSURE SENSOR Torque (threaded style) = 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Pressure Pressure Voltage (kPa) [psi] (volts) o o 0.40 to 0.60 172.37 25 1.40 to 1.60 344.74 50 2.40 to 2.60 517.11 75 3.40 to 3.60 689.48 100 4.40 to 4.60 AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE SENSOR Torque (capscrew) = 9 N-m [80 in-Ib] Altitude Altitude Voltage (m) [It] (volts) o(sea level) 0 4.00 to 4.58 915 3000 3.60 to 4.40 1829 6000 3.20 to 4.00 2744 9000 3.00 to 3.80 3659 12000 2.60 to 3.40 Votlage Output (± 60mV) = (Ambient Pressure [inHg] X 4.0V) ..­ 30.54 [inHg] + 0.5V ALL TEMPERATURE SENSORS Torque = 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Temperature Tempera'iure Resistance (0C) [OF] (Q) o 32 30k to 36k 25 77 9kt011k 50 122 3k to 4k 75 167 1350 to 1500 100 212 600 to 675 BOOST PRESSURE SENSOR Torque (threaded style) = 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Pressure (mmHg) o Pressure [inHg] o Voltage (volts) 0.42 to 0.58 646.48 25.45 1.42 to 1.58 1292.88 50.90 2.42 to 2.58 1939.36 76.35 3.42 to 3.58 2585.76 101.80 4.42 to 4.58 VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR Torque = 47 N-m [35 ft-Ib] First Coil Resistance = 750 to 1100 Q Second Coil Resistance = 1100 to 1500 Q ENGINE POSITION SENSOR Torque = 20 N-m [15 ft-Ib] First Coil Resistance = 1000 to 2000 Q Second Coil Resistance = 1000 to 2000 Q ACCELERATOR PEDAL (IVS, ISS, & APS) Idle Validation Circuit Resistance: For ON and OFF-IDLE states IVS, ISS - MAX Closed Circuit Resistance < 125 Q IVS, ISS - MIN Open Circuit Resistance> 100 kQ Accelerator Position Sensor Coil Resistance: Between supply and return wires - 2000 to 3000 ohms Between supply and signal wires (released pedal) - 1500 to 3000 ohms Between supply and signal wires (depressed pedal) - 200 to 1500 ohms NOTE: Released resistance minus depressed resistance must be 1000 ohms. CELECT'M PLUS FAULT CODE INFORMATION LEGEND: * = Applies to 98N14 and 98M11 calibrations only FAULT PIO(p> CODE SIO(S) LAMP FMI REASON EFFECT (Only when fault code is Active) 111 S254 Error internal to the ECM related to memory hard­ Engine might die. Possible no start. Red 12 ware failures or internal microprocessor communi­ cation fai Iures. 115 P190 No engine speed signal detected at both pairs of Engine will die and not restart. Red 2 signal pins 1 and 15 and pins 11 and 14 of sensor harness connector. 121 S021 No engine speed signal detected at one pair of None on performance. Yellow 10 pins, either pins 1 and 15 or pins 11 and 14 of sen­ sor harness connector. 122 P102 Yellow 3 123 P102 Yellow 4 131 P091 Red 3 132 P091 Red 4 135 P100 Yellow 3 141 P100 Yellow 4 143 P100 Engine pro- 1 tection Yellow' 144 P110 Yellow 3 145 P110 Yellow 4 151 P110 Engine pro- 0 tection Yellow' High voltage detected at boost pressure sensor sig­ nal pin 26 of sensor harness connector. Low voltage detected at boost pressure sensor sig­ nal pin 26 of sensor harness connector.. High voltage detected at accelerator position signal pin 11 of the OEM harness connector. Low voltage detected at accelerator position signal pin 11 of the OEM harness connector. High voltage detected at oil pressure signal pin 7 of sensor harness connector. Low voltage detected at oil pressure signal pin 7 of sensor harness connector. Low oil pressure detected. Voltage at oil pressure signal pin 7 of the sensor harness connector indi­ cates oil pressure lower than 55 kPa [8 psi] at idle to 800 rpm; 55 to 173 kPa [8 to 25 psi] at 800 to 1200 rpm; 173 to 208 kPa [25 to 30 psi] at 1200 to 2400 rpm for M11; 138 to 208 kPa [20 to 30 psi] at 1200 to 2400 rpm for N14. High voltage detected at coolant temperature signal pin 17 of sensor harness connector. Low voltage detected at coolant temperature signal pin 17 of sensor harness connector. Voltage at coolant temperature signal pin 17 of the sensor harness connector indicates coolant tem­ perature above 104°C [220°F]. Derate in power output of the engine. Derate in power output of the engine. Severe derate (power and speed). Severe derate (power and speed). No engine protection for oil pressure. No engine protection for oil pressure. Progressive power and speed derate with increasing time after alert. If engine protection shutdown is en­ abled, engine will shut down 30 seconds after the Engine Protection Lamp or the Red lamp' starts flashing. Possible white smoke. Fan will stay ON if controlled by the ECM. No engine protection for coolant tem­ perature. Possible white smoke. Fan will stay ON if controlled by the ECM. No engine protection for coolant tem­ perature. Progressive power and speed derate with increasing time after alert. If engine protection shutdown is en­ abled, engine will shut down 30 seconds after the Engine Protection Lamp or the Red lamp' starts flashing. 153 P105 High voltage detected at intake manifold tempera­ Yellow 3 ture signal pin 25 of sensor harness connector. 154 P105 Low voltage detected at intake manifold tempera­ Yellow 4 ture signal pin 25 of sensor harness connector. Possible white smoke. Fan will stay ON if controlled by the ECM. No engine protection for intake manifold temperature. Possible white smoke. Fan will stay ON if controlled by the ECM. No engine protection for intake manifold temperature. 155 P105 Voltage at intake manifold temperature signal pin 25 Progressive power and speed derate with increasing Engine pro­ 0 of the sensor harness connector indicates intake time after alert. If engine protection shutdown is en­ tection manifold temperature above 93.3°C [200°F]. abled, engine will shut down 30 seconds after the Yellow' Engine Protection Lamp or the Red lamp' starts flashing. 212 P175 High voltage detected at oil temperature signal pin No engine protection for oil temperature. Yellow 3 6 of sensor harness connector. 213 P175 Low voltage detected at oil temperature signal pin 6 No engine protection for oil temperature. Yellow 4 of sensor harness connector. 214 P175 Voltage at oil temperature signal pin 6 of the sensor Progressive power and speed derate with increasing Engine pro­ 0 harness connector indicates oil temperature above time after alert. If engine protection shutdown is en­ tection 123.9°C [255°F]. abled, engine will shut down 30 seconds after the Yellow' Engine Protection Lamp or the Red lamp' starts flashing. 221 P108 High voltage detected at ambient air pressure sig­ Power derate by 15%. Yellow 3 nal pin 27 of sensor harness connector. 222 P108 Low voltage detected at ambient air pressure signal Power derate by 15%. Yellow 4 pin 27 of sensor harness connector. 234 P190 Engine speed signal on pins 1 and 15 and/or pins Fuel shutoff valve closed until engine speed falls to Red 0 11 and 14 of sensor harness connector indicates 2000 rpm. engine speed greater than 2630 rpm. FAULT PID(P) CODE 510(5) LAMP FMI REASON 235 P111 Voltage on the coolant level low signal pin 9 of sen- Engine pro- 1 sor harness connector indicates low radiator coolant tection level. Yellow' 241 P084 Lost vehicle speed signal on pins 3 and 7 or pin 7 Yellow 2 of OEM harness connector and engine block ground. 242 P084 Invalid or inappropriate vehicle speed signal de- Yellow 12 tected on pins 3 and 7 or pin 7 of the OEM harness connector and engine block ground. Signal indi­ cates an intermittent connection or possible tamper­ ing. 243 P121 Less than 6 volts detected at one of the engine Yellow 4 brake driver pins 18 or 19 of actuator harness con­ nector. Indicates a current draw from the ECM greater than 2 amps or faulty ECM power supply. 245 S033 Less than 6 volts detected at fan clutch supply pins Yellow 4 7 and 17 of actuator harness connector. Indicates a current draw from the ECM greater than 2 amps or faulty ECM power supply. 249 P171 High voltage detected at the ambient air tempera- Yellow 3 ture signal pin 24 of the sensor harness. 254 S017 Low voltage detected at fuel shutoff driver pin 16 of Red 4 actuator harness connector. Indicates a current draw from the ECM greater than 2 amps or faulty ECM power supply. 255 S026 Externally supplied voltage detected at one of the Yellow 3 following driver pins; Fuel shutoff valve pin 16, fan clutch pins 7 or 17, or engine brake pins 18 or 19 of actuator harness connector. 256 P171 Low voltage detected at the ambient air tempera- Yellow 4 ture signal pin 24 of the sensor harness. 267 P171 Voltage signal at the ambient air temperature sen- Yellow 2 sor signal pin 24 of the sensor harness indicates the ambient air temperature above 54.4°C [130°F]. 269 S152 Engine rpm detected when vehicle antitheft is ac- Red 14 tive. 289 S040 Externally supplied voltage detected going into the Yellow 11 ECM vehicle accessory shutoff supply pin 24 in the actuator harness ... OR ... the ECM has failed. 311 S001 . Current detected at NO.1 injector return pin 10 of Yellow 6 actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 1 of actuator harnessconnector is OFF. 312 S005 Current detected at NO.5 injector return pin 2 of Yellow 6 actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 11 of actuator harness connector is OFF. 313 S003 Current detected at NO.3 injector return pin 12 of Yellow 6 actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 3 of actuator harness connector is OFF. 314 S006 Current detected at NO.6 injector return pin 4 of Yellow 6 actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 13 of actuator harness connector is OFF. 315 S002 Current detected at NO.2 injector return pin 14 of Yellow 6 actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 5 of actuator harness connector is OFF. 321 S004 Current detected at NO.4 injector return pin 6 of Yellow 6 actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 15 of actuator harness connector is OFF. 322 S001 No current detected at NO.1 injector return pin 10 Yellow 5 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 1 of actuator harness connector is ON. 323 S005 No current detected at NO.5 injector return pin 2 of Yellow 5 actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 11 of actuator harness connector is ON. 324 S003 No current detected at NO.3 injector return pin 12 Yellow 5 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 3 of actuator harness connector is ON. EFFECT (Only when fault code is Active) Progressive power and speed derate with increasing time after alert. If engine protection shutdown is en­ abled, engine will shut down 30 seconds after the Engine Protection Lamp or the Red lamp' starts flashing. Engine speed limited to max. vehicle speed without vehicle speed sensor parameter value. Cruise con­ trol, progressive shift, gear down protection, and road speed governor will not work. Engine speed limited to max. vehicle speed without vehicle speed sensor parameter value until key switch is OFF for 5 seconds. The engine brake can not be activated. The fan may not engage. Possible engine overheat, if an ECM controlled fan is in use. The idle shutdown ambient air temperature override feature will use the intake manifold temperature sen­ sor value to determine idle shutdown and availability of override. No effect on engine performance. The ECM turns off fuel shutoff valve supply voltage. The engine dies. Fuel shutoff valve will not close ... OR ... fan will run all the time ... OR ... engine brake will activate. The idle shutdown ambient air temperature override feature will use the intake manifold temperature sen­ sor value to determine idle shutdown and availability of override. No effect on engine performance. The idle shutdown ambient air temperature override feature will use the intake manifold temperature sen­ sor value to determine idle shutdown and availability of override. No effect on engine performance. Engine will not start. The vehicle accessory shutdown will not function properly. No effect on engine performance. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current to injector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current to injector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current to injector is shut off. . Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current to injector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current to injector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current to injector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current to injector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current to injector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current to injector is shut off. FAULT PIO(P) CODE 510(5) LAMP FMI 325 8006 Yellow 5 331 8002 Yellow 5 332 8004 Yellow 5 343 8254 Yellow 12 352 8232 Yellow 4 415 P100 Engine pro- 1 tection Red' 422 P111 Yellow 2 431 P091 Yellow 3 432 P091 Red 13 REASON No current detected at NO.6 injector return pin 4 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 13 of actuator harness connector is ON. No current detected at NO.2 injector return pin 14 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 5 of actuator harness connector is ON. No current detected at NO.4 injector return pin 6 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 15 of actuator harness connector is ON. Communication error with the FPC OR engine posi­ tion sensor cam sync error. Low voltage detected at sensor supply pins 2 and 12 of sensor harness connector. Indicates a current draw from the ECM greater than 0.3 amps or faulty ECM power supply. Voltage signal at oil pressure signal pin 7 of sensor harness connector indicates oil pressure lower than 55 kPa [8 psi) at idle to 800 rpm; 55 to 172 kPa [8 to 25 psi] at 800 to 2400 rpm. Voltage detected simultaneously on both the cool­ ant level high and low signal pins 9 and 18 of sen­ sor harness connector ... OR ... no voltage detected on both pins. Voltage detected simultaneously on both the idle validation off-idle and on-idle signal pins 6 and 9 of OEM harness connector. No voltage detected at idle validation on-idle signal pin 6 of OEM harness connector when voltage at accelerator position signal pin 11 of OEM harness connector indicates pedal is not at idle ... OR ... no voltage detected at idle validation off-idle signal pin 9 of OEM harness connector when voltage at accel­ erator position signal pin 11 of OEM harness con­ nector indicate pedal is at rest. EFFECT (Only when fault code is Active) Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current to injector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current to injector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current to injector is shut off. Possible none on performance. Possible engine may die or stumble. Engine derates to no air fueling and simultaneous logging of Fault Codes 123, 141, 145, 154, 213, 222, and 422. Progressive power and speed derate with increasing time after alert. If engine protection shutdown is en­ abled, engine will shut down 30 seconds after the Engine Protection Lamp or the Red lamp' starts flashing. No engine protection for coolant level. None on performance. Engine will only idle. 433 Yellow P102 2 Voltage signal at boost pressure signal pin 26 of sensor harness connector indicates high boost pressure but other engine characteristics indicate boost pressure must be low. Derate to no-air setting. 434 Yellow S251 4 Battery voltage at pin 20, 21, 22, and 23 of actuator harness connector (relative to return pins 9, 25, and 27 of actuator harness connector) fell below 6.2 volts for a fraction of a second ... OR ... ECM was Possible no noticeable performance effects ... OR ... possibility of engine dying ... OR ... difficulty in start­ ing engine. not allowed to power down correctly (retain battery supply voltage for 3 seconds after key OFF). 441 Yellow P168 1 Battery voltage below normal operating level. Possible no noticeable performance effects ... OR ... possibility of rough idle. 442 Yellow P168 o Battery voltage above normal operating level. None on performance. 474 Yellow S052 2 Either low voltage detected when 12 volts are com­ manded or voltage detected when no voltage is commanded. Either the engine will not have starter lockout protec­ tion or the engine will hot start. 536 Yellow S040 11 Either low voltage detected when 12 volts are com­ manded or voltage detected when no voltage is commanded. Top2 lockout solenoid will not function properly. Transmission will not shift properly. 537 Yellow S051 11 Either low voltage detected when 12 volts are com­ manded or voltage detected when no voltage is commanded. Top2 shift solenoid will not function properly. Trans­ mission will not shift properly. 544 Yellow S191 7 Autoshift failure; missed three shift attempts. Top2 transmission will not be controlled correctly. Transmission remains in manual mode. 551 Red P091 4 No voltage detected simultaneously on both the idle validation off-idle and on-idle signal pins 6 and 9 of OEM harness connector. Engine will only idle. Bulletin No. 3666146-04 To repair CELECT'M Plus engine harness, use Wiring Repair Kit, Part No. 3822926, which is a collection of connectors, seals, wires, test leads, tools, and miscellaneous accessories. To order, contact your local Cummins Authorized Distributor. NOTE: 1. ALL OEM RESPONSIBLE WIRING SHOWN BELOW IS "'TYPICAL" PLEASE CONSULT SPECIFIC APPLICATION 2. RED INDICATES POWER SUPPLIED BY THE ECW (AND BATTERY + 12VOC INPUT) 3. BLUE INDICATES SIGNALS INTO THE ECM 4. BLACK INDICATES SIGNAL RETURNS TO THE ECM AND GENERIC OEM WIRING 5. GREEN INDICATES =c=JD OEM RESPONSIBILITY IGNITION U-v-----, til // STARTER (r-.. }-+-.=BA""JT=ERY-"­ +-+­ +--< VEHICLE SPEEDOMETER 8 - PIN AMP .J [ :1 VEHICLE SPEEDOMETER OPEN VEHICLE SPEED VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR SIGNAL 4 6 - PIN DEUTSCH A J VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR RETURN OPEN OPEN OPEN DIGITAL VEHICLE SPEED SIGNAL 7 DIGITAL VEHICLE SPEED RETURN NOT USED NOT USED F BATTERY (+ REMOTE PTO EN CAGE SIGNAL BATTERY (+ ) C 2 - PIN '1f BATTERY (-) BATTERY (­ PACKARD W: E r=-l c-­ VF><'''' F nATA "NK ( .•\ 1 DATA LINK (+) DATA LINK +l DATA LINK (-) DATA LINK -l VEHICLE DATA LINK (-) 2 DIGITAL TACHOMffiR SIGNAL A DIGITAL TACHOMffiR RETURN B BRAKE SWITCH U L OJp K 0\AGNOSTIC PLUG H E CRUISE RESUME/SET A 0 CRUISE ON/OFF 4T1 C 0 N ENGINE BRAKE ON/OFF L N E C ID LE INC/DEC b T L 0 RED LAMP Iiil R I Iiil YELLOW LAMP I Iiil ENGINE PROTECTION LAMP 1 B c--­ 03< 07 07< 24 15< 27 08 17< 26 18< 11< 19 09< 06< 10< I 04< 13< 21 < , 22< 12 02 05 23 14< 16 25 A>- J - C - B - G f--­ H f-­ I E f-­ F) f--­ D 1 C B A BATTERY DIAGNOSTIC TEST SIGNAL CRUISE CONTROL/PTO SETICOAST SIGNAL CRUISE CONTROL/PTO RESUME/ACCEL SIGNAL CRUISE CONTROL/PTO ON/OFF SIGNAL THROTTLE POSITION RETURN YELLOW DIAGNOSTIC LAMP INPUT RED DIAGNOSTIC LAMP INPUT IDLE/DIAGNOSTIC INCREMENT SIGNAL IDLE/DIAGNOSTIC DECREMENT SIGNAL ENGINE BRAKE ON/OFF SIGNAL SERVICE BRAKE SIGNAL ( 28 KPA r4 psil TO OPEN ) ENGINE PROTECTION LAMP INPUT THROTTLE POSITION SIGNAL CLUTCH SIGNAL IDLF VALIDATION IDLE SIGNAL THROTTLE POSITION +5VOC SUPPLY SWITCH COMMON +5VDC SUPPLY IDLE VALIDATION OFF-IDLE SIGNAL SHORTING PLUG n'''''' "'"'' ENGINE BRAKE + 12VDC SOLENOID SOURCE () [", NON-ISS THROTTLE FLOOR MOUNT SUSPENDED I A-:;SvDC I -0---1 B I SIGNAL B I­ -­ • I--­ 1::.--- ­ -, c I RETURN A'­ - • _ I _ 1 0 OFF IDLE Ifer-'­ I ON-IDLE I­ - A I--­ v +5VOC B --,I-"--ORr--r--, • •• OEM SUPPLIED WIRING =­ 1 T U ' CLUTCH SWITCH ENGINE BRAKE SELECTOR ENGINE BRAKE RELAY ISS THROTTLE 6-PIN TWO 3-PIN DESIGN OPTION OPTION ISS B A (for ECM Part NO'S 3618046, 3619037, and 3084473) CELECT ™ WIRING DIAGRAM c Cummln. Engine Company, Inc. ECM PART NOS. 361B046 &. 3619037 -­ 12 VDLTS 'ON' : FAN I TO OTHER FAN INPUTS II I CLUTCH FREON CONPRESStJl .• I K-."",,: I I TYPICAL FAN CLUTCH "'IRING I I FOR PART NO S 3618046 &. 3619037 ECMS I L _ -.J ECM PART NO. 3084473 -­ 0 VOLTS 'ON' I MANUAL FAN FREON PRESSURE I I c!J S'JITCH S'JITCH I I f.ft FAN Me NC I CLUTCH;U::; I I TYPICAL FAN CLUTCH IJIRING I I FDR PART NO. 3084473 ECM I L J =c=JD OEM RESPONSIBILITY CUMMINS RESPONSIBILITY (ref SENSOR HARNESS L10 PART SENSOR HARNESS L1 0 PART SENSOR HARNESS MIl PART SENSOR HARNESS N14 WITH SENSOR HARNESS N14 WITH SENSOR HARNESS 94 N14 WITH ENGINE POSITION [ JIIII BOOST PRESSURE AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE COOLANT TEMPERATURE MANIFOLD AIR TEMPERATURE OIL PRESSURE OIL TEMPERATURE r RD 'D" .Jl.-., BOOST PRESSURE RETURN CIDQD:t AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE +5VOC SUPPLY AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE SIGNAL AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE RETURN n, COOLANT TEMPERATURE +5VOC SUPPLY COOLANT TEMPERATURE SIGNAL n, MANIFOLD AIR TEMPERATURE +5VDC SUPPLY MANIFOLD AIR TEMPERATURE SIGNAL OIL PRESSURE +5VOC SUPPLY NO. 3073926 NO. 3073930 (WITH AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE SENSOR) NO. 30837Bl FlANGE-MOUNT PRESSURE SENSOR PART NO. 361B304 THREADED PRESSURE SENSOR PART NO. 3076354 THREADED PRESSURE SENSOR PART NO. 3OB3770 WIRE NUMBERS N-14 A L-l0 M-l1 ENGINE POSITION SIGNAL 2 ENGINE POSITION RETURN 2 ENGINE POSITION SIGNAL 1 ENGINE POSITION RETURN 1 BOOST PRESSURE +5VDC SUPPLY BOOST PRESSURE SIGNAL OIL PRESSURE SIGNAL C'I OIL PRESSURE RETURN L...i' n, OIL TEMPERATURE SIGNAL OIL TEMPERATURE +5VOC SUPPLY OJllY I COOLANT LEVEL +5VDC SUPPLY I COOLANT LEVEL RETURN COOLANT LEVEL HIGH SIGNAL COOLANT LEVEL LOW SIGNAL CONTROL DATA UNK (+) CONTROL DATA LINK (-) L-l0/M-l1 ENGINE BRAKE ENGINE BRAKE COIL NO 1 HEAlD ENGINE BRAKE COIL NO.2 HEAD I - DOl 001 001 DO? 002 002 003 003 003 004 004 004 005 005 005 006 006 006 007 007 007 026 008 OOB 027 009 009 010 010 02B 015 018 018 016 019 019 017 020 020 018 021 021 OOR 011 011 009 012 012 010 013 013 014 017 017 013 016 016 011 014 014 012 015 015 019 022 022 020 023 023 14 11 15 01 02 26 04 05 27 23 12 17 21 25 22 07 13 06 03 < 18 09 10< , 20 - '-- '--­ N-14 ENGINE BRAKE ENGINE BRAKE COIL NO.3 HEAlD ...r-J. 1 I ENGINE BRAKE COIL NO.1 HEAlD ..--:tII ENGINE BRAJKE COIL NO.2 HEAlD ,.--:,tII 'til :TUATOR HARNESS L10 PART NO. 3073927 ACTUATOR HARNESS ACTUATOR HARNESS N14 WITH FlANGE-MOUNT PRESSURE SENSOR ACTUATOR HARNESS N14 WITH THREADED PRESSURE SENSOR PART 'THESE TWO CAN BE INTERCHANGED IF NECESSARY FUEL SHUTOFF SUPPLY +12VDC 2 AMPS FAN CLUTCH SUPPLY + 12VOC _____________________ VEHICLE KEY SWITCH INPUT + 12VOC NWITH RY+l UNswrrCHED BATTERY +12VDC BATIERY RETURN ­ BATIERY RETURN ­ BATTERY RETURN ­ UNSWITCHED BATIERY +12VDC UNSWITCHED BATTERY + 12VDC 10 AMP FUSE A CYLINDER NO.1 SUPPLY _='--'===='-'---IQ.,l-__-i<B<l_--+!HI_+-'C"-'Y.hLl"'N"'D"'ER:>....!ON"'O"'.1'--"R.hET'-'U"'R"'N <I-__--l<c<I-__ OlD OlD OlD 010 02 005 005 005 005 -':=;-c===-:::;,.-;-f(f<\-__ 03 006 006 006 006 12 011 011 011 011 13 012 012 012 012 ....... 04 003 003 003 003 05 004 004 004 004 ......,,=------'-''-'---'--------=---=-j@f-__---1<K<l-__ 007 007 007 007 14 .-e::-:====....,-l( <I-__ 15 CYLINDER NO.4 RETURN 008 ooa ooa ooa 06 "---------'--- ROCKER BOX PASS THROUGH CUMMINS RESPONSIBILITY ([? Ml1 PART NO. 30B3779 PART NO. 361B300' WIRE NUMBERS NO. 3076352' N-14 N-14 L-l0 M-11 3616599 OTl1ERS C 013 013 16 020 020 07 18 02 I 021 26 23 22 27 018 020 018 25 018 020 01a 09 016 01a 016 21 016 018 016 20 001 DOl DOl 001 01 002 002 002 002 10 009 009 009 009 11 SENSOR CONNECTOR A @ @C\@ ® @Q@ r;;;:;.,0l.; ®€ /@ @Q@ @C\@ @Q@ & @(,:;\@ 1.0 @Q@ t2Q\ @), OEM CONNECTOR B ACTUATOR CONNECTOR C @ @@@ 11 @)@@ @12 03@@ 13 @@@ 14 @@@ 15 @@@ 16 ®@@ NC @@@ 18 @ NC @ ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS DATA LINK (Vehicle and Control) 5 V POWER SUPPLY (Sensor and SWitch) Positive Wire to chassis ground @ ECM @ Harness - 4.0 to 5.0 VDC Sensor 4.75 to 5.25 VDC 4.75 to 5.25 VDC Negative Wire to chassis ground Switch 4.20 to 5.25 VDC 4.20 to 5.25 VDC - 0.0 to 1.0 VDC SOLENOIDS EPS and VSS circuits ALL SHORTS TO GROUND Fuel Shutoff Valve - O.K. (no short circuit) if > 10 Mohms - Coil Resistance = 7 to 8 Ohms ALL OTHERS Injectors - O.K. (no short circuit) if >100 Kohms - 0.5 to 1.5 Ohms after subtracting the YOM resistance. ALL CONTINUITY CHECKS O.K. (no open circuit) if < 10 Ohms ECM CONNECTOR Retaining Cap Screw Torque = 2 N-m [18 in-Ib] SHORT CIRCUIT TO EXTERNAL VOLTAGE INJECTOR Pigtail Retaining Nut Torque = 1.6 N-m [14 in-Ib] O.K. if < 1.5 VDC SENSOR SPECIFICATIONS VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR ENGINE POSITION SENSOR Torque = 47 N-m [35 ft-Ib] Torque - 20 N-m [15 ft-Ib] Coil Resistance: Coil Resistance: First Coil = 750 to 1100 Ohms First Coil = 1000 to 2000 Ohms Second Coil = 1100 to 1500 Ohms Second Coil = 1000 to 2000 Ohms THROTTLE PEDAL ,IVS, ISS, & TPS) AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE SENSOR Idle Validation Circuit Resistance: Torque (Flange style) - 23 N-m [17 ft-Ib] For ON and OFF-IDLE states Torque (Threaded style) = 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] IVS - MAX Closed Circuit Resistance < 10 n Altitude Altitude Voltage ISS - MAX Closed Circuit Resistance < 125 n (m) [ft] (V) IVS, ISS - MIN Open Circuit Resistance > 100 Kn o(sea level) 0 4.00 to 4.58 Throttle Position Sensor Coil Resistance: 915 3000 3.60 to 4.40 Between supply and return wires - 2000 to 3000 Ohms 1829 6000 3.20 to 4.00 Between supply and signal wires (released pedal) 2744 9000 3.00 to 3.80 - 1500 to 3000 Ohms 3659 12000 2.60 to 3.40 Between supply and signal wires (depressed pedal) - 200 to 1500 Ohms Voltage Output = Ambient Pressure [inHgJ X 4.0 V + 0.5 V (+1- 60m V) 30.54 [mAg] NOTE: Released minus Depressed MUST be > 1000 Ohms. OIL PRESSURE SENSOR '91 BOOST PRESSURE SENSOR Torque (Flange style) = 23 N-m [17 ft-Ib] Torque (Flange style) - 30 N-m [22 ft-Ib] Torque (Threaded style) = 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Torque (Threaded style) = 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Pressure Pressure Voltage . Pressure Pressure Voltage (kPa) [psi] (V) (mmHg) [inHg] (V) o 0 0.40 to 0.60 o 0 0.42 to 0.58 172.37 25 1.40 to 1.60 413.66 16.29 1.42 to 1.58 344.74 50 2.40 to 2.60 827.47 32.58 2.42 to 2.58 517.11 75 3.40 to 3.60 1241.20 48.86 3.42 to 3.58 689.48 100 4.40 to 4.60 1654.86 65.15 4.42 to 4.58 ALL TEMPERATURE SENSORS '94 BOOST PRESSURE SENSOR Torque - 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Torque (Threaded style) - 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Temperature Temperature Resistance Pressure Pressure Voltage (C) [F] (ohms) (mmHg) [inHg] (V) o 32 30K to 36K o 0 0.42 to 0.58 25 77 9Kt011K 646.48 25.45 1.42 to 1.58 50 122 3K to 4K 1292.88 50.90 2.42 to 2.58 75 167 1350 to 1500 1939.36 76.35 3.42 to 3.58 100 212 600 to 675 2585.76 101.80 4.42 to 4.58 FAULT CODE INFORMATION Engine operating conditions are recorded In the ECM at the time a fault code Is first recorded. The following data fields are reported by and under the Fault Code menu: DESCRIPTION Code COde- Cummins code in and PID or SID, FMI Optional SAE J1587 code in Echek'" Stat Status Active or inactive status of fault codes Spd MPH Vehicle speed in MPH or KPH Th % Throttle Percent that throttle pedal was depressed RPM RPM Engine speed Count Count Number of occurrences of a fault code x/y (e.g., 1/3) SequencelTotal (e.g., first of three fault codes) Switch position SW Switch position at first occurrence of fault ENGINE PROTECTION FAULT CODE INFORMATION FAULT FLUID CODE SYSTEM LIMIT COMMENTS 143 LoW"C5li'Pressure Speed Dependent Power Derate 151 High Coolant Temp 104°C [220°F] Power Derate, Speed Derate after 115°C [239°F] 155 High Boost Air Temp 84°C [183°F] Power Derate, Speed Derate after 111 °C [231°F] 214 High Oil Temp 124°C [255°F] Power Derate 235 Low Coolant Level Installation Dependent Power Derate 415 Very Low Oil Pressure Speed Dependent Speed Derate, Power is already derated with Fault Code 143 SWITCH POSITIONS" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -POSITiON' - -ExPIANAnON - - - ­ 1 Clutch 2 Service brake 3 Cruise/Resume 4 Cruise/Set 5 Cruise/PTO 6 Test diagnostic switch 7 Radiator coolant level high 8 Radiator coolant level low 9 Not used 10 Key switch 11 Idle validation switch on idle 12 Remote PTO 13 Engine brake 14 Idle validation switch off idle 15 Idle decrement 16 Idle increment TMP: Coolant Temperature (Deg. C or F) BO: Boost Pressure (in Hg or mm Hg) FUEL: Percent Fuel (0/0) Note: (") If value - 1, Switch Activated when fault was recorded. If value - 0, Switch Not Activated when fault was recorded. AUDIT TRAIL CODE C1" C2 D1 E1 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 11 12 13 14 M1 M2 M3 M4 EXPLANATION New calibration Accelerate/Coast Flag Vehicle information (make, model 10, year) Max engine speed without VSS Low idle adjust feature switch PTO feature switch Cruise control feature switch Progressive shift feature switch All speed governor feature switch Idle shut down feature switch Gear-Down Protection feature switch Engine protection shutdown switch Low idle RPM Idle shutdown time Idle shut down override Idle shut down in PTO Maximum vehicle speed in top gear Maximum cruise control speed Maximum vehicle speed in lower gear (light and heavy engine loads) MPH at maximum progressive shift RPM AUDIT TRAIL (Continued) CODE EXPLANATION P'1' Maximum PTO RPM Minimum PTO speed Remote PTO speed P2 Resume PTO RPM P3 Set PTO RPM . Light load PTO % Fuel P4 CELECT'" password P5 New parameter file S1 Maximum progressive shift RPM S2 Maximum progressive shift RPM at zero MPH T1 Overdrive TransmissionlTop Trans­ mission Gear Ratio V1 Tire Revolutions Per Mile Application Type V2 Rear Axle Ratio, Engine Distance Offset, Engine Time Offset VSS Anti-Tampering (Fault Code 242) V3 VSS type, VSS(Y/N) MM Feature Switch, MM Mode Selection, MM Distance, MM Time, MM Interval Factor V4 Number of tailshaft gear teeth Automatic Transmission To repair CELECT'"/PT Pacer'"/Pace'" wire harnesses, use Wiring Repair Kit, Part No. 3822926, which is a collection of connectors, seals, wires, test leads, tools and miscellaenous accessories. Distributed by: Cummins Service Products Company, Order Desk 1-800-433-9341. BULLETIN NO. 3666018-04 PRINTED IN U.S.A. 4/95 CELECT™ FAULT CODE INFORMATION LAMPS: R = Red Y = Yellow EP = Engine Protection Lamp W = With WO = With Out ABBREV: SH = Sensor Harness AH = Actuator Harness OH = OEM Harness FAULT CODE LAMP PID(P) SID(S) FMI REASON EFFECT 115 R P190 2 No. engine speed signal detected at pins No.1 and 15 or 11 and 14 of SH. Current to injectors turned off. Engine dies. 121 Y P190 10 No engine speed signal detected at one pair of pins either No.1 and 15 or 11 and 14 of SH. None. Possible fueling or timing shift. 122 Y P102 3 High voltage detected at boost pressure signal pin No. 26 of SH. None on performance. 123 Y P102 4 Low voltage detected at boost pressure signal pin No. 26 of SH. None on performance. 131 R P091 3 High voltage detected at throttle position signal pin No. 11 of OH. Severe derate (power and speed). Power to get off road, or limp home if throttle pedal is held down. 132 R P091 4 Low voltage detected at throttle position signal pin No. 11 of OH. Severe derate (power and speed). Power to get off road or limp home if throttle pedal is held down. 135 Y P100 3 High voltage detected at oil pressure signal pin No. 07 of SH. No engine protection for oil pressure. 141 Y P100 4 Low voltage detected at oil pressure signal pin No. 07 of SH. No engine protection for oil pressure. 143 EP P100 1 Voltage signal at oil pressure signal pin No. 07 of SH indi­ cates oil pressure lower than 55 kPa [8 psi] at idle - 800 rpm; 55 to 173 kPa [8 to 25 psi] at 800 to 1200 rpm; 173 to 208 kPa \25 to 30 psi] at 1200 to 2400 rpm. Note: AI N14 engines now use 138 kPa [20 psi] at 1200 RPM instead of 173 kPa [25 psi]. Progressive power derate with increasing time after alert. 144 P110 High voltage detected at coolant temperature signal pin No. Possible white smoke. Fan on if ECM controlled. No Y 3 17 of SH. engine protection for coolant temperature. 145 P110 Low voltage detected at coolant temperature signal pin No. Possible white smoke. Fan on if ECM controlled. No Y 4 17 of SH. engine protection for coolant temperature. 151 P110 Voltage signal at coolant temperature signal pin No. 17 of Progressive power and speed derate with increasing EP 0 SH indicates coolant temperature above 104.4°C [220°F]. temperature. 153 P105 High voltage detected at manifold air temperature signal pin Fan clutch engaged if ECM controlled. No engine Y 3 No. 25 of SH. protection for manifold air temperature. 154 P105 Low voltage detected at manifold air temperature signal pin Fan clutch engaged if ECM controlled. No engine Y 4 No. 25 of SH. protection for manifold air temperature. 155 P105 Voltage signal at manifold air temperature signal pin No. 25 Progressive power and speed derate with increasing EP 0 of SH indicates manifold air temperature above 82.2°C temperature. [180°F]. 212 P175 High voltage detected at oil temperature signal pin No. 06 tif Y 3 SH. 213 P175 Low voltage detected at oil temperature signal pin No. 06 of Y 4 SH. 214 P175 Voltage signal at oil temperature signal pin No. 06 of SH in­ EP 0 dicates oil temperature above 124.5°C [258°F]. 221 P108 High voltage detected at ambient air pressure signal pin No. Y 3 27 of SH. 222 P108 Low voltage detected at ambient air pressure signal pin No. Y 4 27 of SH. 234 P190 Engine speed signal on pins No.1 and 15 andlor 11 and 14 R 0 of SH indicate engine speed greater than 2730 rpm. 235 P111 Voltage detected on coolant level low signal pin No. 09 of EP 1 SH indicates low coolant level on vehicle. 241 P084 Vehicle speed signal on pins No.3 and 7 of OH has been Y 2 lost. 242 P084 Vehicle speed signal on pins No.3 and 7 of OH indicates Y 10 intermittent connection or possible tampering. 243 P121 Less than 6 volts detected at engine brake relay supply pin Y 4 No. 18 of AH. Indicates current draw from ECM greater than 2 amps or faulty ECM power supply. 245 S033 Less than 6 volts detected at fan clutch supply pin No. 07 of y 4 AH. Indicates current draw from ECM greater than 2 amps or faulty ECM power supply. 254 S017 Less than 6 volts detected at fuel shutoff solenoid supply pin R 4 No. 16 of AH. Indicates current draw from ECM greater than 2 amps or faulty ECM power supply. 255 S026 Externally supplied voltage detected going into ECM fuel Y 3 shutoff solenoid supply pin No. 16, or fan clutch supply pin No. 07 or engine brake relay supply pin No. 18, all of AH. No engine protection for oil temperature. No engine protection for oil temperature. Progressive power derate with increasing tempera­ ture. Power derate by 15%. Power derate by 15%. Fuel shutoff valve de-energizes. Re-energizes when RPM falls to 2000. Rapid re-start valve opens imme­ diately. Standard valve opens when fuel pressure drops to 103 kPa [15 psi!. Progressive power derate with increasing time after alert. Engine speed limited to "Max. Engine Speed W/O VSS". Engine speed limited to "Max. Engine Speed W/O VSS". ECM turns off engine brake supply voltage. Engine brakes can not be activated. ECM turns off fan clutch supply voltage. Fan will not turn on. Possible engine overheat if ECM controlled fan in use. ECM turns off fuel shutoff valve supply voltages. En­ gine dies. None on performance. Fuel shutoff valve or fan clutch or brake enable supply voltage stays on. FAULT PID(P) CODE 510(5) LAMP FMI REASON 311 S001 Current detected at No.1 injector return pin No. 10 of AH y 6 when voltage supply at pin No. 01 of AH is off. 312 S005 Current detected at No.5 injector return pin No. 02 of AH y 6 when voltage supply at pin No. 11 of AH is off. 313 S003 Current detected at No.3 injector return pin No. 12 of AH y 6 when voltage supply at pin No. 03 of AH is off. 314 S006 Current detected at NO.6 injector return pin No. 04 of AH y 6 when voltage supply at pin No. 13 of AH is off. 315 S002 Current detected at No.2 injector return pin No. 14 of AH y 6 when voltage supply at pin No. 05 of AH is off. 321 S004 Current detected at No.4 injector return pin No. 06 of AH y 6 when voltage supply at pin No. 15 of AH is off. 322 S001 No current detected at No.1 injector return pin No. 10 of AH y 5 when voltage supply at pin No. 01 of AH is on. 323 S005 No current detected at NO.5 injector return pin No. 02 of AH y 5 when voltage supply at pin No. 11 of AH is on. 324 S003 No current detected at NO.3 injector return pin No. 12 of AH y 5 when voltage supply at pin No. 03 of AH is on. 325 S006 No current detected at No.6 injector return pin No. 04 of AH y 5 when voltage supply at pin No. 13 of AH is on. 331 S002 No current detected at No.2 injector return pin No. 14 of AH y 5 when voltage supply at pin No. 05 of AH is on. 332 S004 No current detected at No.4 injector return pin No. 06 of AH y 5 when voltage supply at pin No. 15 of AH is on. 333 S254 No voltage detected on one or more of the injector supply y 12 pins No. 01, 03, 05, 11, 13 or 15 of AH when power is com­ manded. 335 S254 RAM memory read/write error inside ECM. R 12 341 S254 ROM memory checksum error inside ECM. R 12 342 S253 ECM not calibrated with ESDN or internal EEPROM memory R 12 checksum error. 343 S254 Micro-processor communication error inside ECM. y 12 351 S254 Injector power supply below specifications inside ECM. y 12 352 S232 No outgoing voltage detected at ECM switch supply pin No. y 4 10 of OH ... OR ... low voltage detected at ECM sensor sup­ ply pins on SH. 411 S249 Data transmission error on control data link pins No. 10 and y 3 20 of SH. 412 S250 Data transmission error on vehicle data link pins No. 27 and y 3 08 of OH. 413 S249 Data transmission error on control data link pins No. 10 and y 9 20 of SH. 414 S250 Data transmission error on vehicle data link pins No. 27 and y 9 08 of OH. 415 P100 Voltage signal at oil pressure signal pin No. 07 of SH indi- EP 1 cates oil pressure lower than 55 kPa [8 psi) at idle - 800 RPM; 55 to 173 kPa [8 to 25 psi] at 800 to 2400 RPM. 422 P111 Voltage detected simultaneously on both the coolant level y 2 h i ~ h and low signal pins No. 18 and 9 of SH ... OR ... no vo tage detected on either pin. 431 P091 Voltage detected simultaneously on both the idle validation y 2 off-idle and idle-signal pins No. 09 and 06 of OH ... OR ... no voltage detected on either pin. 432 P091 Voltage detected at idle validation on-idle signal pin No. 06 R 11 or OH when voltage at throttle position signal pin No. 11 of OH indicates pedal is not at idle ... OR ... voltage detected at idle validation off-idle signal pin No. 09 of OH when volt­ age at throttle position signal pin No. 11 of OH indicates pedal is at rest. 433 P102 Voltage signal at boost pressure signal pin No. 26 of SH in- y 2 dicates high boost pressure but other engine characteristics indicate that boost pressure should be low. 434 S251 Battery supply voltage at pins No. 20, 21, 22, 23 of AH (rela­ y 4 tive to return pins No. 09, 25, 27 of AH) fell below 6.2 volts for fraction of a second ... OR ... ECM was not allowed to power down properly ~ e t a i n battery supply voltage for 3 sec­ onds after voltage on ey switch input pin'26 of AH was re­ moved). EFFECT Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Current to in­ jector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Current to in­ jector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Current to in­ jector is sh ut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Current to in­ jector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Current to in­ jector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Current to in­ jector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Current to in­ jector is sh ut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Current to in­ jector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Current to in­ jector is sh ut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Current to in­ jector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Current to in­ jector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Current to in­ jector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Unpredictable - possible no start (no power to either fuel solenoid or injectors). Unpredictable - possible no start (no power to either fuel solenoid or injectors). Engine will not start (no power to fuel solenoid). None on performance. Possible no noticeable effects. Possible reduced performance. Cruise control/PlO, engine brakes won't work. 431 fault code - Compulink'" shows all switches open ... OR .. derate to no air and simultaneous logging of fault codes, 123, 141, 145, 154, 213, 222 and 422. Control device will not work properly. Electronic Service Tool will not work properly. Control device will not work properly. Electronic Service Tool will not work properly. Progressive power and speed derate with increasing time after alert. No engine protection for coolant ievel. None on performance. Engine will only idle. None on performance. Possible no noticeable performance effects. Possibil­ ity of engine dying or difficulty in starting engine. :."O".....Y...3 RETURN "V.-1< ~..IG::._6-jg2<:l-_ _~H ~<f----j(B A <)-_ _.9"-1-1< 19 ENGINE BRAKE COIL NO.IN"..--". 19 023 020 021 028 027 026 1 1 1 023 020 021 028 027 026 1 .c".5"-{1S-_ _---f::D 2 --<=-===--:-::.1 -<=-__.:N:::JE:..W:..-.3HEADN ."...B"'A"'TT"'E"'R:....-..'i3':.-.10"'3:..12"'V"'D"'C--' +_10""3:..5".I".:-:.::U'-'AL"-'..:..!.H"'E"'D.TT"'E:.-­ r- U::.T-"0...:E.:0:...:0:_:_4-... 21 r k L.OO::':L"-..2 2 .L:.::6'--'-I:.R. t-I_---iII-+_ 1--+-11< 24 I I I I r= r - -<=---c=-=-=---c__.:TT..-_IN_JE_C_T_0_R_N_0_.4 SUPPLY CYLINDER NO.-T:::.C E A DISABLE SIGNAL T i l I Ji587 I 1 I­ I UNSWITCHED BATTERY + 12VDC BATTERY RETURN ­ SERVICE TOOL DATA LINK (+) I I 038 033 034 030 ~j-----"S:=.... f).3.:JE::..C..:.-1-1-'-1""°"'3"'6_-1-1<109 UNSWITCHED BAT-TE-RY mVDC --'5'" II '0 @)a@ ~\!3J ~{.::1=cES"--"S"'H"'U"'TO"'F:.<03.R_N..~ - IL J I = 1 l.-..5 RETURN CYLINDER NO.---------+--...J L ---.1 RETURN @C\@ ® @ 19 @ @l @ @ = = I 042 I I 042 I 10 1 I CYLINDER NO.-.N_:....:..D..=E..-..4 RETURN I I I 1 1 043 044 047 048 I 1 = I CUMMINS RESPONSIBILITY L...... 3609966 WIRE NUMBERS M-l1 N-14 IIII 001 001 I I 002 003 004 009 A I I I I I I 002 003 004 009 I I I COOLANT TEMPERATURE SIGNAL AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE +5VDC SUPPLY 1 I I I I I I I I I 012 12 17 < MANIFOLD AIR TEMPERATURE +5VDC SUPPLY I I 053 II I WE OIl I 1 014 1 RD 015 II II II 1 1 010 OIl I I I SENSOR CONNECTOR A 014 @ @C\@) ® @Q@ @ @Q@ ® @Q\@ ® @\-~@) & @(....:. 3096694 ENGINE HARNESS N14 PART NO.'7_ _ .:R.l .1.:...:....R:.E""N"..C""C""E"'S"'SO"'R:.:<.:.O".::... .:\@ ~ -"VE"'H""IC""L"'E"'A:.---.ELA""-.F--"'SU""P-'P-=L"-Y N Ii...R-=E:.-J I I I 1 '16 LjgLLL..:"S: L ROCKER BOX PASS THROUGH -....::C:.TU::.. .R:. TA ''''K SERVICE TOOL DATA LINK 1'iR7 nlSARI <' SIGNA SIGNAL J 1922 J 1922 + J 1587 J1587 't.==__.G". +-::B"'ATT=ER:'Y':-':'R=ET"'U'.0"..:03'"6:-...­ .H'=E:::-D..3-jg2<:l-_ _~F ["--<=...11-1< + 01 CYLINDER NO...\-1--...---'---'......:.. INnm Nn R 049 050 045 046 I I 051 052 043 044 047 048 I I I I 049 050 045 046 051 052 I I 11 < 02 < 03 12 13 04 05 14 15 IL J I = --.:-!':.AT:":'A~L1~N~K=(~-~' )~J~I~5~8~7t: I - j __-..E~C".2 RETURN CYLINDER NO...\@ 18 @~@) ~ ~ @M@) FUEL SHUTOFF SUPPLY +12VDC (2AMPS' VEHICLE KEY SWITCH SIGNAL FAN CLUTCH SUPPLY 81 (COOLANT' FAN CLUTCH SUPPLY M2 (AIR) OR TOP 2 SHIFT SOLENOID M-l1 ENGINE BRAKE 16 I I I I 033 034 030 I I 26 07 17 _I .'R"'N_-' • .:.V'=D'=C------------""'0"'3~5'--.:.-..I::..--R11<!------f::E ["--<='--'-IN.:....-..--.:...:\@ 035 '---!--!--!­ _ _t-t-t­ ---.'5---.=c:.:N..:B:.=""....:..U..C:.F'-'A:.O".r-L I I I I ----=-- %i-[=}-_-..:E""R"'E~T""U~RN:-:------------++----------1----""-'--'-1----'''-'-'-1-1< 07< COOLANT LEVEL +5VDC SUPPLY OIL PRESSURE +5VDC SUPPLY OIL PRESSURE SIGNAL I 017 II 017 I @)@@ OEM CONNECTOR B ~ C rDIAGNOSTIC TEST SIGNAL --:M"'A"-N:..W""IT:-:C:...5 SUPPLY CYLINDER NO.-I<"1'<f----j(L I I INJECTOR NO.7'--11_+-1.­ .4:-.:.-.. I I I 1 II 038 I C r- 0lQ@ ~ @Q@j & @(.NA..:N:._-R.E""""BRO!A".L - ENGINEBRAKECOII=-.S~U:...2 HEAD N=14 ENcINEBRAKE - ~ ~ II II II 035 ACTUATOR CONNECTOR C r-:.CUMMINS RESPONSIBILITY ENGINE HARNESS MIl PART NO.:..:.:.-..JO...S::U5:'PP'::Lc"Y__..:...-.:.:..-...:C:.0"..A:...='..=---'-----jg<:l---~K --'=-===-:-:-:..-J('+' INJECTOR NO.!H""EA"'D"-----il..:.=B::.:1-j< 27 -t-"0"'3"'6-+-+-_0""3'"6'-i-l< 25 1---'1°"'3"'6<.-1-Hllr0...:.-l< 08 ~ @Q\@ ® @Q@ ® \SJ @)f.l'-'.08 05 > 1 23 > 04 > 22> > 03 025 II I 21 025 @C\@ @ @C\@) ® @Q@ Q@ ® @Q\@ ® I I ~~87 ...:...2 SUPPLY CYLINDER NO....-Y_S".-f~:ll<l-----J<G --<=>===--:..:N"'S:.1.:..ER:":'V:":'IC::.c-=--K1 ~I<1---~C 1IL.R".:.:...Y--"-RE"'T"'U"'R:.:12::.4 2 ~ "='.Q~LL....ER"--.......N':'S::.:.N-'S:..:.3 SUPPLY CYLINDER NO..UN"S"'W"'IT:.:.RY.IT:.::'1<\----I<J 1 [ INJECTOR NO.:..I'-jE 1 I I I: J r::-OJ"'t1 _ _-:C::':Y""L1"N::'DE~RO-"N":0"C.L".H"'E""D.0.:A::..D..6 RETURN CYLINDER NO..P.J _ 00 ~---------"'--- .:..:.Y-'-+"'12"'V:..K".O".-7_+-1<120 "'TO"'P"""'2"""'LO"'C"'K"'0"'U"'T-'S""0"'L"'EN".T"..:B"'A"'TT"'E"'R:.12...:0:.­ II 1\ ENGINEBRAKECOII:NO lHEADENGINE BRAKE COIL NO.::c ...:.C:.:.-.:T."KO""U""T.:..:::0:.I. n4n 18 - I I ~I-U.O"...::D"'C t--'0"'3'-!7-t-+-"0""-..J ~IIPP' V CYLINDER NO.:-.Y--"'+:..:R:.P.TA"..0.B=-'A:'::T='TE==R"'Y-'-+.R"--=S".:.\@ @ @)f.3"..:...2 HEAD I 1 w<.li<}----1---'B'-"K'---.c.I::.\@ 18 @~@2 ~ 013 1 015 @C\@5 )/-~O""IL~P::::R~ES..=L--' FREON PRESSURE SWITCH CONTROL DATA LINK + CONTROL DATA LINK (-) ~'""vrr<' Tnn. 60 4.­ 30.20 to 4.Coil Resistance = 7 to 8 ohms Injectors .76 o 25.36 2585. ISS .58 o 172. See important instructions in Service Manual.MAX Closed Circuit Resistance < 125 Q IVS.35 101.60 to 4. ECM CONNECTOR Retaining Cap Screw Torque = 2 N-m [18in-lb] INJECTOR Pigtail Retaining Nut Torque = 1. DATA LINK (Vehicle and Control) Positive wire to chassis ground .5 ohms after subtracting the multi meter resistance.11 689.90 76.40 to 4.74 517.60 2.42 to 0.60 3.5V VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR Torque = 47 N-m [35 ft-Ib] First Coil Resistance = 750 to 1100 Q Second Coil Resistance = 1100 to 1500 Q ENGINE POSITION SENSOR Torque = 20 N-m [15 ft-Ib] First Coil Resistance = 1000 to 2000 Q Second Coil Resistance = 1000 to 2000 Q ACCELERATOR PEDAL (IVS.5 volts ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS SOLENOIDS Fuel Shutoff Valve . ALL TEMPERATURE SENSORS Torque = 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Temperature (0C) Tempera'iure [OF] 32 77 122 167 212 o 25 50 75 100 Resistance (Q) 30k to 36k 9kt011k 3k to 4k 1350 to 1500 600 to 675 .0V) .42 to 3.£ WARNING .58 3.2.0 to 2.OK (no short circuit) if more than 100 kQ 5 V POWER SUPPLY (Sensor Only) @ ECM/Harness 4..200 to 1500 ohms NOTE: Released resistance minus depressed resistance must be 1000 ohms.45 50.60 to 3. ISS .88 1939. experienced technicians only.5 to 1. .42 to 1.40 1829 6000 3.5 volts ALL CONTINUITY CHECKS .58 4.40 to 2.40 to 3.80 3659 12000 2. ISS.80 AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE SENSOR Torque (capscrew) = 9 N-m [80 in-Ib] Altitude Altitude Voltage (m) [It] (volts) o (sea level) 0 4.58 915 3000 3.40 Votlage Output (± 60mV) = (Ambient Pressure [inHg] X 4.2000 to 3000 ohms Between supply and signal wires (released pedal) .40 to 0.37 344.0. & APS) Idle Validation Circuit Resistance: For ON and OFF-IDLE states IVS.42 to 4.48 1292.60 1.5 to 5.48 o 25 50 75 100 o 646.00 to 3.58 1.60 Pressure (mmHg) Pressure [inHg] Voltage (volts) 0. This diagram is provided as a diagnostic tool for trained.58 2.1500 to 3000 ohms Between supply and signal wires (depressed pedal) . Improper trouble­ shooting or repair can result in severe personal injury or death or property damage.00 to 4.54 [inHg] + 0.25 volts SENSOR SPECIFICATIONS BOOST PRESSURE SENSOR OIL PRESSURE SENSOR Torque (threaded style) = 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Torque (threaded style) = 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Pressure (kPa) Pressure [psi] Voltage (volts) 0.MIN Open Circuit Resistance> 100 kQ Accelerator Position Sensor Coil Resistance: Between supply and return wires .42 to 2.00 2744 9000 3.6 N-m [14 in-Ib] SHORT CIRCUIT TO EXTERNAL VOLTAGE -OK if less than 1.OK (no open circuit) if less than 10 Q ALL SHORTS TO GROUND All circuits .0 volts Negative wire to chassis ground .75 to 5.40 to 1.0. Voltage at oil pressure signal pin 7 of the sensor harness connector indi­ cates oil pressure lower than 55 kPa [8 psi] at idle to 800 rpm. High voltage detected at coolant temperature signal pin 17 of sensor harness connector. Fan will stay ON if controlled by the ECM. Possible no start. P105 3 P105 4 P105 0 High voltage detected at intake manifold tempera­ ture signal pin 25 of sensor harness connector. No engine protection for oil temperature. Fan will stay ON if controlled by the ECM. 173 to 208 kPa [25 to 30 psi] at 1200 to 2400 rpm for M11. If engine protection shutdown is en­ abled. Power derate by 15%. Voltage at intake manifold temperature signal pin 25 of the sensor harness connector indicates intake manifold temperature above 93. Engine speed signal on pins 1 and 15 and/or pins 11 and 14 of sensor harness connector indicates engine speed greater than 2630 rpm. either pins 1 and 15 or pins 11 and 14 of sen­ sor harness connector. Low voltage detected at boost pressure sensor sig­ nal pin 26 of sensor harness connector. No engine protection for coolant tem­ perature. No engine protection for intake manifold temperature. Derate in power output of the engine. Fan will stay ON if controlled by the ECM. Low voltage detected at accelerator position signal pin 11 of the OEM harness connector. If engine protection shutdown is en­ abled. Derate in power output of the engine. 138 to 208 kPa [20 to 30 psi] at 1200 to 2400 rpm for N14. Low voltage detected at coolant temperature signal pin 17 of sensor harness connector. Power derate by 15%. No engine protection for coolant tem­ perature. None on performance. High voltage detected at accelerator position signal pin 11 of the OEM harness connector. Voltage at coolant temperature signal pin 17 of the sensor harness connector indicates coolant tem­ perature above 104°C [220°F]. High voltage detected at boost pressure sensor sig­ nal pin 26 of sensor harness connector. Progressive power and speed derate with increasing time after alert. Engine will die and not restart.9°C [255°F].. EFFECT (Only when fault code is Active) Engine might die. engine will shut down 30 seconds after the Engine Protection Lamp or the Red lamp' starts flashing. 55 to 173 kPa [8 to 25 psi] at 800 to 1200 rpm. Possible white smoke. Voltage at oil temperature signal pin 6 of the sensor harness connector indicates oil temperature above 123. Low voltage detected at oil pressure signal pin 7 of sensor harness connector. engine will shut down 30 seconds after the Engine Protection Lamp or the Red lamp' starts flashing. Possible white smoke. Progressive power and speed derate with increasing time after alert.3°C [200°F]. Low voltage detected at oil temperature signal pin 6 of sensor harness connector.CELECT'M PLUS FAULT CODE INFORMATION LEGEND: FAULT CODE LAMP 111 Red PIO(p> SIO(S) FMI S254 12 * = Applies to 98N14 and 98M11 calibrations only 115 Red 121 Yellow 122 Yellow 123 Yellow 131 Red 132 Red 135 Yellow 141 Yellow 143 Engine protection Yellow' P190 2 S021 10 P102 3 P102 4 P091 3 P091 4 P100 3 P100 4 P100 1 144 Yellow 145 Yellow 151 Engine protection Yellow' 153 Yellow 154 Yellow 155 Engine pro­ tection Yellow' 212 Yellow 213 Yellow 214 Engine pro­ tection Yellow' 221 Yellow 222 Yellow 234 Red P110 3 P110 4 P110 0 REASON Error internal to the ECM related to memory hard­ ware failures or internal microprocessor communi­ cation fai Iures. High voltage detected at oil pressure signal pin 7 of sensor harness connector. engine will shut down 30 seconds after the Engine Protection Lamp or the Red lamp' starts flashing. Progressive power and speed derate with increasing time after alert. Possible white smoke. P175 3 P175 4 P175 0 High voltage detected at oil temperature signal pin 6 of sensor harness connector. P108 3 P108 4 P190 0 High voltage detected at ambient air pressure sig­ nal pin 27 of sensor harness connector. Severe derate (power and speed). engine will shut down 30 seconds after the Engine Protection Lamp or the Red lamp' starts flashing. Severe derate (power and speed). No engine protection for oil pressure. No engine protection for intake manifold temperature. If engine protection shutdown is en­ abled. Fuel shutoff valve closed until engine speed falls to 2000 rpm. No engine protection for oil pressure. Progressive power and speed derate with increasing time after alert. No engine speed signal detected at one pair of pins. Low oil pressure detected. . No engine protection for oil temperature. Low voltage detected at ambient air pressure signal pin 27 of sensor harness connector. No engine speed signal detected at both pairs of signal pins 1 and 15 and pins 11 and 14 of sensor harness connector. Possible white smoke. Low voltage detected at intake manifold tempera­ ture signal pin 25 of sensor harness connector. Fan will stay ON if controlled by the ECM. If engine protection shutdown is en­ abled. .. No effect on engine performance. Cruise con­ trol. Current to injector is shut off.1 injector return pin 10 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 1 of actuator harness connector is OFF.4°C [130°F]. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. progressive shift. Engine speed limited to max. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Externally supplied voltage detected going into the ECM vehicle accessory shutoff supply pin 24 in the actuator harness . . Possible engine overheat. 243 Yellow 245 Yellow 249 Yellow 254 Red 255 Yellow 256 Yellow 267 Yellow 269 Red 289 Yellow 311 Yellow 312 Yellow 313 Yellow 314 Yellow 315 Yellow 321 Yellow 322 Yellow 323 Yellow 324 Yellow P121 4 S033 4 P171 3 S017 4 S026 3 P171 4 P171 2 S152 14 S040 11 S001 6 S005 6 S003 6 S006 6 S002 6 S004 6 S001 5 S005 5 S003 5 The fan may not engage.2 injector return pin 14 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 5 of actuator harness connector is OFF. No current detected at NO. Less than 6 volts detected at one of the engine brake driver pins 18 or 19 of actuator harness con­ nector. Current detected at NO. or engine brake pins 18 or 19 of actuator harness connector.. The idle shutdown ambient air temperature override feature will use the intake manifold temperature sen­ sor value to determine idle shutdown and availability of override. the ECM has failed . Current detected at NO. fan will run all the time .3 injector return pin 12 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 3 of actuator harness connector is ON. If engine protection shutdown is en­ abled. Current to injector is shut off.3 injector return pin 12 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 3 of actuator harness connector is OFF. The ECM turns off fuel shutoff valve supply voltage. OR . Current to injector is shut off. Low voltage detected at fuel shutoff driver pin 16 of actuator harness connector. Low voltage detected at the ambient air temperature signal pin 24 of the sensor harness. The engine brake can not be activated.5 injector return pin 2 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 11 of actuator harness connector is ON. No effect on engine performance. Indicates a current draw from the ECM greater than 2 amps or faulty ECM power supply.6 injector return pin 4 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 13 of actuator harness connector is OFF. Current to injector is shut off. The idle shutdown ambient air temperature override feature will use the intake manifold temperature sen­ sor value to determine idle shutdown and availability of override. Current to injector is shut off. Current to injector is shut off. Externally supplied voltage detected at one of the following driver pins. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Current detected at NO. Current to injector is shut off.. Signal indi­ cates an intermittent connection or possible tamper­ ing. No current detected at NO.4 injector return pin 6 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 15 of actuator harness connector is OFF. No effect on engine performance. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm... Current to injector is shut off. vehicle speed without vehicle speed sensor parameter value. Current detected at NO. No effect on engine performance.. Invalid or inappropriate vehicle speed signal detected on pins 3 and 7 or pin 7 of the OEM harness connector and engine block ground. Indicates a current draw from the ECM greater than 2 amps or faulty ECM power supply. No current detected at NO. fan clutch pins 7 or 17. Current detected at NO. . if an ECM controlled fan is in use. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm... Engine rpm detected when vehicle antitheft is active. vehicle speed without vehicle speed sensor parameter value until key switch is OFF for 5 seconds. The idle shutdown ambient air temperature override feature will use the intake manifold temperature sen­ sor value to determine idle shutdown and availability of override. The vehicle accessory shutdown will not function properly. Current to injector is shut off. P084 2 P084 12 EFFECT (Only when fault code is Active) Progressive power and speed derate with increasing time after alert. The engine dies. Voltage signal at the ambient air temperature sensor signal pin 24 of the sensor harness indicates the ambient air temperature above 54. OR .5 injector return pin 2 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 11 of actuator harness connector is OFF. Less than 6 volts detected at fan clutch supply pins 7 and 17 of actuator harness connector. Current detected at NO. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Fuel shutoff valve pin 16.. .. Engine speed limited to max. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. Engine will not start.FAULT CODE LAMP 235 Engine protection Yellow' 241 Yellow 242 Yellow PID(P) 510(5) FMI P111 1 REASON Voltage on the coolant level low signal pin 9 of sen- sor harness connector indicates low radiator coolant level. engine brake will activate. gear down protection. Lost vehicle speed signal on pins 3 and 7 or pin 7 of OEM harness connector and engine block ground. and road speed governor will not work. Indicates a current draw from the ECM greater than 2 amps or faulty ECM power supply. OR . High voltage detected at the ambient air temperature signal pin 24 of the sensor harness.1 injector return pin 10 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 1 of actuator harness connector is ON.. engine will shut down 30 seconds after the Engine Protection Lamp or the Red lamp' starts flashing. Fuel shutoff valve will not close . OR .4 injector return pin 6 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 15 of actuator harness connector is ON. which is a collection of connectors. contact your local Cummins Authorized Distributor. 25. 3666146-04 To repair CELECT'M Plus engine harness. Voltage detected simultaneously on both the cool­ ant level high and low signal pins 9 and 18 of sen­ sor harness connector . OR . no voltage detected at idle validation off-idle signal pin 9 of OEM harness connector when voltage at accel­ erator position signal pin 11 of OEM harness con­ nector indicate pedal is at rest. and miscellaneous accessories... Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. 2 S251 4 Possible no noticeable performance effects . No voltage detected simultaneously on both the idle validation off-idle and on-idle signal pins 6 and 9 of OEM harness connector. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. 213. Battery voltage above normal operating level. None on performance.2 injector return pin 14 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 5 of actuator harness connector is ON. OR .. Voltage detected simultaneously on both the idle validation off-idle and on-idle signal pins 6 and 9 of OEM harness connector.6 injector return pin 4 of actuator harness connector when voltage supply pin 13 of actuator harness connector is ON. Transmission will not shift properly. possibility of engine dying ..3 amps or faulty ECM power supply. 55 to 172 kPa [8 to 25 psi] at 800 to 2400 rpm. possibility of rough idle. Either low voltage detected when 12 volts are com­ manded or voltage detected when no voltage is commanded... Engine derates to no air fueling and simultaneous logging of Fault Codes 123. Possible none on performance. Progressive power and speed derate with increasing time after alert. P111 2 P091 3 P091 13 None on performance. OR . No current detected at NO.2 volts for a fraction of a second . Low voltage detected at sensor supply pins 2 and 12 of sensor harness connector. wires. 145. use Wiring Repair Kit.. and 27 of actuator harness connector) fell below 6. Either low voltage detected when 12 volts are com­ manded or voltage detected when no voltage is commanded. Voltage signal at oil pressure signal pin 7 of sensor harness connector indicates oil pressure lower than 55 kPa [8 psi) at idle to 800 rpm. OR . Current to injector is shut off. OR . If engine protection shutdown is en­ abled. Autoshift failure. no voltage detected on both pins.. To order. tools... 441 Yellow 442 Yellow 474 Yellow 536 Yellow 537 Yellow 544 Yellow 551 Red o 2 P168 1 P168 Possible no noticeable performance effects .. difficulty in start­ ing engine... 22.. Voltage signal at boost pressure signal pin 26 of sensor harness connector indicates high boost pressure but other engine characteristics indicate boost pressure must be low. 222. Indicates a current draw from the ECM greater than 0. Battery voltage at pin 20. engine will shut down 30 seconds after the Engine Protection Lamp or the Red lamp' starts flashing. EFFECT (Only when fault code is Active) Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 rpm. No voltage detected at idle validation on-idle signal pin 6 of OEM harness connector when voltage at accelerator position signal pin 11 of OEM harness connector indicates pedal is not at idle . and 23 of actuator harness connector (relative to return pins 9. Current to injector is shut off. Transmission remains in manual mode.. S052 S040 11 S051 11 S191 7 P091 4 Bulletin No. Possible engine may die or stumble.. 141. Communication error with the FPC OR engine posi­ tion sensor cam sync error. missed three shift attempts.. Part No. Top2 lockout solenoid will not function properly.. Engine will only idle. 154.. Top2 transmission will not be controlled correctly. test leads. 433 Yellow 434 Yellow P102 Derate to no-air setting.. seals.. 21. Trans­ mission will not shift properly... ECM was not allowed to power down correctly (retain battery supply voltage for 3 seconds after key OFF). Either low voltage detected when 12 volts are com­ manded or voltage detected when no voltage is commanded. No engine protection for coolant level. 3822926. Current to injector is shut off. Engine will only idle.. and 422. Battery voltage below normal operating level. No current detected at NO. Either the engine will not have starter lockout protec­ tion or the engine will hot start. .FAULT CODE LAMP 325 Yellow 331 Yellow 332 Yellow 343 Yellow 352 Yellow 415 Engine protection Red' 422 Yellow 431 Yellow 432 Red PIO(P) 510(5) FMI 8006 5 8002 5 8004 5 8254 12 8232 4 P100 1 REASON No current detected at NO. Top2 shift solenoid will not function properly. . BLACK INDICATES SIGNAL RETURNS TO THE ECM AND GENERIC OEM WIRING 5. ALL OEM RESPONSIBLE WIRING SHOWN BELOW IS "'TYPICAL" PLEASE CONSULT SPECIFIC APPLICATION 2. 3084473 ECM ~H. .J L ~ ~ CLUTCH. GREEN INDICATES OTH~R ~ =c=JD VEHICLE SPEEDOMETER VEHICLE SPEEDOMETER VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR SIGNAL VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR RETURN DIGITAL VEHICLE SPEED SIGNAL DIGITAL VEHICLE SPEED RETURN REMOTE PTO EN CAGE SIGNAL VF><'''' F nATA "NK ( . ~ U-v-----.) 1 DATA LINK (+) DATA LINK (-) 6 ~ . 3619037 -­ 12 VDL TS 'ON' r------~----~~~~~~~~--i r---------~----------l ECM PART NO.~ 1::.--.PIN PACKARD A ~ :1 B c--­ J 03< 07 07< 24 15< 27 08 17< 26 ~ F C E '1f r=-l A 2 ~ ~ ~ W: c . ~ ~ tfl>i~J*---l> I 1 ~ A> - J C B f--­ f-­ - G H ENGINE BRAKE RELAY E f-­ F) f--­ D ~A~CC~E~S~S~O~RY======~ \~=C--{ STARTER (r-.¥~~I~ ~P. +-+­ I ~ I c!J I BATTERY til// +--< C B A }-+-.b4t:::====Y~10 ~ ~ ~~ Ifer-'­ I ~I.J [ VEHICLE SPEED PIN DEUTSCH OPEN NOT USED BATTERY (+ BATTERY (­ DATA LINK DATA LINK +l -l 2 .=BA""JT=ERY-"­ ECM PART NOS. 1 CLUTCH SIGNAL I CLUTCH SWITCH [". and 3084473) =c=JD OEM RESPONSIBILITY . TYPICAL FAN CLUTCH IJIRING FDR PART NO.g. c I I _ 1 I~ -0---1 B I 0 v SIGNAL RETURN OFF IDLE ON-IDLE +5VOC B I­ A'­ -­ • I--­ • _ A I--­ .~"" "'"' ENGINE BRAKE + 12VDC SOLENOID SOURCE IGNITION ~ =~. L I I I :~ f.• \ VEHICLE DATA LINK (-) DIGITAL TACHOMffiR SIGNAL DIGITAL TACHOMffiR RETURN OEM RESPONSIBILITY 8 4 7 PIN AMP OPEN OPEN OPEN NOT USED BATTERY (+ ) BATTERY (."".• I K-.~.­ ISS THROTTLE DESIGN 6-PIN TWO 3-PIN OPTION OPTION NON-ISS THROTTLE FLOOR MOUNT SUSPENDED THROTTLE POSITION +5VOC SUPPLY THROTTLE POSITION SIGNAL THROTTLE POSITION RETURN IDLE VALIDATION OFF-IDLE SIGNAL IDLF VALIDATION IDLE SIGNAL SWITCH COMMON +5VDC SUPPLY 18< 11< 19 09< 06< 10< ISS ~I--'~-~~=----I~ -V\~ ~19 B A I i"-DE~S~IG~N~==fi=~]OMP~Tt'O~N~i:::L ~T~N A-:. 3084473 -­ 0 VOLTS 'ON' c I I I I L~ I ~ : FAN CLUTCH MANUAL FAN S'JITCH FREON PRESSURE S'JITCH NC I I I I I I TO OTHER FAN INPUTS FREON CONPRESStJl ..ft FAN ~ Me I I ~~~ ~~ . 361B046 &.~ . 3619037 ECMS C ummln.!9~ _ -. 3619037.-~r--I­ B • •• OEM SUPPLIED WIRING =­ ~ -~ TU ' --. 22< 12 CRUISE RESUME/SET A 0 CRUISE ON/OFF 4T1 L b L Iiil I Iiil I Iiil ENGINE BRAKE ON/OFF C 0 N N E C T 0 R CRUISE CONTROL/PTO ON/OFF SIGNAL 02 ENGINE BRAKE ON/OFF SIGNAL IDLE/DIAGNOSTIC DECREMENT SIGNAL IDLE/DIAGNOSTIC INCREMENT SIGNAL RED DIAGNOSTIC LAMP INPUT YELLOW DIAGNOSTIC LAMP INPUT ENGINE PROTECTION LAMP INPUT SHORTING PLUG 05 23 14< 16 25 ID LE INC/DEC RED LAMP YELLOW LAMP ENGINE PROTECTION LAMP 1 ENGINE BRAKE SELECTOR n'' ' ' .: ~ ~ TYPICAL FAN CLUTCH "'IRING FOR PART NO S 3618046 &. () 04< B BRAKE SWITCH U SERVICE BRAKE SIGNAL ( 28 KPA r 4 psil TO OPEN ) 0 \AGNOSTIC PLUG OJp ~ L K H 13< E DIAGNOSTIC TEST SIGNAL CRUISE CONTROL/PTO RESUME/ACCEL SIGNAL CRUISE CONTROL/PTO SETICOAST SIGNAL 21 < .­ -. Inc.SvDC CI---.U::.~ ~U~ ~~I~C_A~'=_!C~~~ J CELECT ™ WIRING DIAGRAM (for ECM Part NO'S 3618046.NOTE: 1. BLUE INDICATES SIGNALS INTO THE ECM 4..I-"--ORr--r--.. RED INDICATES POWER SUPPLIED BY THE ECW (AND BATTERY + 12VOC INPUT) 3.0~T. Engine Company. .1rl_=-c=.=...:c.. 361B304 N14 WITH THREADED PRESSURE SENSOR PART NO.-l( <I-_ _--l<L<l---+I_!+-'C"'YL:""'N:::D=ER:--"N""O"'....--++-=:-1!_+--..-. 30837Bl N14 WITH FlANGE-MOUNT PRESSURE SENSOR PART NO..2 HEAlD .. 3OB3770 WIRE NUMBERS N-14 L-l0 ~ M-l1 ~ ~ ENGINE POSITION [ JIIII ~A ~B .... '--"R.!ON"'O"'.\@ 1.=------'-''-'---'--------=---=-j@f-_ _---1<K<l-_ _-t-I!t:lI!'+.._I+~iF-+h~__+_I< 03 006 006 006 006 _='-'=====-~}_---i<F<l_--+!HI_+--'C'-'Y-"L1"'N"DE'='R-'--"N"'O"'..hLl"'N"'D"'ER:>...~_+_t__C~_+_I< 13 012 012 012 012 ..:..=.ROCKER BOX PASS THROUGH CUMMINS RESPONSIBILITY ([? ..ETU=R"'N--------------t-"'-'-"-++-"-'-''-Irl_--'''-'-''---+I--''-'-''-t_+: 02 005 005 005 005 -':=._------------__+-=7.....Jl..:.3~S*UPS!P~L:!_.. ®€/@ @Q@ ~ ~ @Q@ & @C\@ @ @C\@ COOLANT TEMPERATURE [-1JllY~ n.CUMMINS RESPONSIBILITY SENSOR SENSOR SENSOR SENSOR SENSOR SENSOR (ref HARNESS HARNESS HARNESS HARNESS HARNESS HARNESS L10 PART NO....3'--"R.0"'1 9:--H__.-+I-:=-t-i< 14 007 007 007 007 L .........--:. 3073927 ACTUATOR HARNESS Ml1 PART NO.4 RETURN 06 A CYLINDER NO. ~10 OIL PRESSURE ~ L...:S:':UP='Pc: "'Y--------------l-~~rl_+-~rl!_+~.ET'-"U"'R"'N--------------t-"':.1.::...3 HEAlD BRAKE COIL NO...:..=..'~-+-+-~7-+-k 18 VEHICLE KEY SWITCH INPUT + 12VOC 02 I 021 26 NWITH RY+l 23 UNswrrCHED BATTERY +12VDC 10 AMP FUSE ""----M~__. 20 '--­ 1~1 L-l0/M-l1 ENGINE BRAKE - ~ 1 i~ ENGINE BRAKE COIL NO 1 HEAlD ENGINE BRAKE COIL NO..:N--------------l---.'---1!_+~2f-+t--O~-t_+: 05 004 004 004 004 ..:..:......::-.-:====~ml----kJ <l_---Ha!+--'C"'YL:='I"'N:::D=ER:--"N""0":...:0...Y--------------+~~++-~.' .:.-e::-:====..-f(f<\-_ _-j::E<I-----HaH-~C~Y~L1~N~DE~R~N~O"':. 3076354 94 N14 WITH THREADED PRESSURE SENSOR PART NO...--++-~:-H""O::7++_:~~_1< 11 OlD OlD OlD 010 _='-'=====-~l:----i<D<l_--+!HI_+-'C"-'Y-"L1"'N"'DE"'R:>.+I--'=-t_+: 04 003 003 003 003 --. 3073926 L1 0 PART NO..6'--"R=-ET'-"U"'R"'N'------------------l-....1 HEAlD BRAJKE COIL NO.. 3076352' N-14 N-14 'THESE TWO CAN BE INTERCHANGED IF NECESSARY L-l0 M-11 3616599 OTl1ERS FUEL SHUTOFF SUPPLY +12VDC FAN CLUTCH SUPPLY + 12VOC 2 AMPS 013 020 013 020 C 16 07 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-I<C<l--'E"'N"'G"'N~E'="B'='RAJK~E=R=E~LA"'Y'_::"S=U'_:P=-PL'"Y'-:-:+::'1~2"'VO"'C"---------+..tII 'til :TUATOR HARNESS L10 PART NO.0..l-_ _-i<B<l_--+!HI_+-'C"-'Y.1rl_--=.='---=====-~i-. 30B3779 ACTUATOR HARNESS N14 WITH FlANGE-MOUNT PRESSURE SENSOR PART NO.rl_+-='-.r-J...-..::R=:ET=U=R::.0 @Q@ t2Q\~@). OIL TEMPERATURE ~ ~ OJllY I OEM CONNECTOR B I 011 012 019 020 014 015 022 023 014 015 022 023 '-- < 18 09 10< .::..+t--O~-t-i< 15 008 ooa ooa ooa CYLINDER NO.hET'-'U"'R"'N 1 @@@ 14 @@@ 15 @@@ 16 ®@@ @@@ 18 NC @12 03@@ 13 @ NC @ " ... 361B300' WIRE NUMBERS ACTUATOR HARNESS N14 WITH THREADED PRESSURE SENSOR PART NO.. r RD 'D" ENGINE POSITION SIGNAL 2 ENGINE POSITION RETURN 2 ENGINE POSITION SIGNAL 1 ENGINE POSITION RETURN 1 BOOST PRESSURE +5VDC SUPPLY BOOST PRESSURE SIGNAL BOOST PRESSURE RETURN DOl DO? 003 004 005 006 007 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 - A 14 11 15 01 02 26 04 SENSOR CONNECTOR A BOOST PRESSURE ~ n.cC~Y~L~IN!!!D~ER~N~O~..-c===-:::...:C:::Y~L1::..--:tII .::..9---1f_+__.!ON"'0"'. 3073930 (WITH AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE SENSOR) MIl PART NO. 22 BATIERY RETURN ­ 27 BATIERY RETURN ­ 018 020 018 25 018 020 01a BATTERY RETURN ­ 09 UNSWITCHED BATIERY +12VDC 016 01a 016 21 016 018 016 UNSWITCHED BATTERY + 12VDC 20 01 10 <I-_ _--l<c<I-_ _+fE'J'!--I-.~ AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE CIDQD:t n.i' C'I n..0l..++-='-....-+I--'=-t_+: 12 011 011 011 011 -'=~o_==~_=_=__f<jC<l_----KG<}----H4"i*~~~~~~~~-----------___1~7*_+t___O~_+t__'. ~ rlc~ AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE +5VOC SUPPLY AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE SIGNAL AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE RETURN COOLANT TEMPERATURE +5VOC SUPPLY COOLANT TEMPERATURE SIGNAL MANIFOLD AIR TEMPERATURE +5VDC SUPPLY MANIFOLD AIR TEMPERATURE SIGNAL OIL PRESSURE +5VOC SUPPLY OIL PRESSURE SIGNAL OIL PRESSURE RETURN OIL TEMPERATURE SIGNAL OIL TEMPERATURE +5VOC SUPPLY COOLANT LEVEL +5VDC SUPPLY COOLANT LEVEL RETURN COOLANT LEVEL HIGH SIGNAL COOLANT LEVEL LOW SIGNAL CONTROL DATA UNK (+) CONTROL DATA LINK (-) 026 027 02B 015 016 017 018 OOR 009 010 014 013 008 009 010 018 019 020 021 011 012 013 017 016 OOB 009 010 018 019 020 021 011 012 013 017 016 05 27 23 12 17 21 25 22 07 13 06 03 ® @Q@ r. N-14 ENGINE ENGINE I ENGINE ~J ENGINE BRAKE BRAKE COIL NO...5'--"R.5~S~U~PgPL~Y..4'-'.:._-j::H<l_--+lHI_+--'C'-'Y-"L1"'N"'D'='ER-'--"N"'O-'..2:.2:--=S:':UP='P::L"'Y--------------l-~~rl_+-=..:N=D=ER:--:-N:.2 HEAD ~I ..::::....:...1 SUPPLY 001 DOl DOl 001 002 002 002 002 -t--"'''-'''-++-'''''yrl_--''''''--+I--'~-t_+: 009 009 009 009 ACTUATOR CONNECTOR C @@@ @)@@ 11 @ _='--'===='-'---IQ. MANIFOLD AIR TEMPERATURE [JII~~ ~ @(... if < 1.60 689.74 50 2.48 100 4. & TPS) Idle Validation Circuit Resistance: For ON and OFF-IDLE states IVS .40 to 2.42 to 4.66 16.5 to 1.45 1.11 75 3.42 to 0.75 to 5.00 to 3.IVS.K.58 '94 BOOST PRESSURE SENSOR Torque (Threaded style) .25 VDC SOLENOIDS Fuel Shutoff Valve .5 V (+ 1.20 to 5.40 1829 6000 3.58 Resistance (ohms) 30K to 36K 9Kt011K 3K to 4K 1350 to 1500 600 to 675 .58 1241.0.K.58 1292.20 48.2000 to 3000 Ohms Between supply and signal wires (released pedal) .58 646.47 32.MAX Closed Circuit Resistance < 125 n IVS.Coil Resistance = 7 to 8 Ohms Injectors . (no open circuit) if < 10 Ohms SHORT CIRCUIT TO EXTERNAL VOLTAGE O.60 517.0 to 5.K.48 25.4.25 VDC 4. (no short circuit) if > 10 Mohms ALL OTHERS . (no short circuit) if >100 Kohms ALL CONTINUITY CHECKS O.O.88 50.76 101.25 VDC 4.42 to 1.58 1939.200 to 1500 Ohms NOTE: Released minus Depressed MUST be > 1000 Ohms.25 VDC Switch 4.80 3659 12000 2.80 4.60 ALL TEMPERATURE SENSORS Torque .60 to 3.42 to 0.54 [mAg] OIL PRESSURE SENSOR Torque (Flange style) = 23 N-m [17 ft-Ib] Torque (Threaded style) = 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Pressure Pressure Voltage (kPa) [psi] (V) o 0 0.58 1654.37 25 1.20 to 5.42 to 4.5 Ohms after subtracting the YOM resistance.90 2.40 to 0.40 to 4.MAX Closed Circuit Resistance < 10 n ISS .30 N-m [22 ft-Ib] Torque (Threaded style) = 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] .58 827.58 413.86 3.75 to 5.42 to 2.0 to 1.40 Voltage Output = Ambient Pressure [inHgJ X 4. ENGINE POSITION SENSOR Torque .36 76.ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS DATA LINK (Vehicle and Control) Positive Wire to chassis ground . ISS .23 N-m [17 ft-Ib] Torque (Threaded style) = 14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Altitude Altitude Voltage (m) [ft] (V) o (sea level) 0 4. Pressure Pressure Voltage (mmHg) [inHg] (V) o 0 0.86 65.K.0 VDC Negative Wire to chassis ground . ECM CONNECTOR Retaining Cap Screw Torque = 2 N-m [18 in-Ib] INJECTOR Pigtail Retaining Nut Torque = 1.20 to 4.5 VDC 5 V POWER SUPPLY (Sensor and SWitch) @ ECM @ Harness Sensor 4.58 915 3000 3.MIN Open Circuit Resistance > 100 Kn Throttle Position Sensor Coil Resistance: Between supply and return wires .40 to 1.42 to 3.6 N-m [14 in-Ib] SENSOR SPECIFICATIONS VEHICLE SPEED SENSOR Torque = 47 N-m [35 ft-Ib] Coil Resistance: First Coil = 750 to 1100 Ohms Second Coil = 1100 to 1500 Ohms THROTTLE PEDAL .14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Temperature Temperature (C) [F] o 32 25 77 50 122 75 167 100 212 '91 BOOST PRESSURE SENSOR Torque (Flange style) .58 2.15 4.42 to 1.0 VDC ALL SHORTS TO GROUND EPS and VSS circuits .42 to 2.O.29 1.0 V + 0.00 to 4.35 3.60 344.40 to 3.00 2744 9000 3.60m V) 30.20 N-m [15 ft-Ib] Coil Resistance: First Coil = 1000 to 2000 Ohms Second Coil = 1000 to 2000 Ohms AMBIENT AIR PRESSURE SENSOR Torque (Flange style) .60 to 4.0.14 N-m [10 ft-Ib] Pressure Pressure Voltage (mmHg) [inHg] (V) o 0 0. ISS.42 to 3.60 172.1500 to 3000 Ohms Between supply and signal wires (depressed pedal) .58 2585. -ExPIANAnON .­ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 TMP: BO: FUEL: Clutch Service brake Cruise/Resume Cruise/Set Cruise/PTO Test diagnostic switch Radiator coolant level high Radiator coolant level low Not used Key switch Idle validation switch on idle Remote PTO Engine brake Idle validation switch off idle Idle decrement Idle increment Coolant Temperature (Deg.g. tools and miscellaenous accessories. MM Interval Factor Number of tailshaft gear teeth V4 Automatic Transmission To repair CELECT'"/PT Pacer'"/Pace'" wire harnesses. Speed Derate after 115°C [239°F] Power Derate.0. MM Mode Selection..FAULT CODE INFORMATION Engine operating conditions are recorded In the ECM at the time a fault code Is first recorded. Engine Time Offset VSS Anti-Tampering (Fault Code 242) V3 VSS type. 1/3) SequencelTotal (e. use Wiring Repair Kit. Speed Derate after 111 °C [231°F] Power Derate Power Derate Speed Derate. model D1 10. 3822926. first of three fault codes) Switch position SW Switch position at first occurrence of fault Compullnk~ and ENGINE PROTECTION FAULT CODE INFORMATION FAULT FLUID CODE SYSTEM LIMIT LoW"C5li'Press ure Speed Dependent 143 151 High Coolant Temp 104°C [220°F] 155 High Boost Air Temp 84°C [183°F] 214 High Oil Temp 124°C [255°F] Low Coolant Level Installation Dependent 235 Speed Dependent Very Low Oil Pressure 415 COMMENTS Power Derate Power Derate... test leads. BULLETIN NO. V2 Engine Distance Offset.1. VSS(Y/N) MM Feature Switch. year) E1 Max engine speed without VSS F1 Low idle adjust feature switch F2 PTO feature switch F3 Cruise control feature switch Progressive shift feature switch F4 F5 All speed governor feature switch F6 Idle shut down feature switch F7 Gear-Down Protection feature switch F8 Engine protection shutdown switch 11 Low idle RPM 12 Idle shutdown time Idle shut down override 13 Idle shut down in PTO 14 M1 Maximum vehicle speed in top gear Maximum cruise control speed M2 Maximum vehicle speed in lower M3 gear (light and heavy engine loads) M4 MPH at maximum progressive shift RPM Note: (") If value . FMI Optional SAE J1587 code in Echek'" Stat Status Active or inactive status of fault codes Spd MPH Vehicle speed in MPH or KPH % Throttle Percent that throttle pedal was depressed Th RPM RPM Engine speed Count Count Number of occurrences of a fault code x/y (e. Order Desk 1-800-433-9341. AUDIT TRAIL (Continued) CODE EXPLANATION P'1' Maximum PTO RPM Minimum PTO speed Remote PTO speed P2 Resume PTO RPM P3 . Switch Not Activated when fault was recorded. 4/95 . Power is already derated with Fault Code 143 SWITCH POSITIONS" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 -POSITiON' . which is a collection of connectors. Set PTO RPM Light load PTO % Fuel CELECT'" password P4 New parameter file P5 Maximum progressive shift RPM S1 Maximum progressive shift RPM at S2 zero MPH Overdrive TransmissionlTop Trans­ T1 mission Gear Ratio Tire Revolutions Per Mile V1 Application Type Rear Axle Ratio.g.A. Part No. If value . Switch Activated when fault was recorded.S. C or F) Boost Pressure (in Hg or mm Hg) Percent Fuel (0/0) AUDIT TRAIL EXPLANATION CODE New calibration C1" C2 Accelerate/Coast Flag Vehicle information (make. seals. wires. MM Time. Distributed by: Cummins Service Products Company.. The following data fields are reported by Echek~ under the Fault Code menu: COMPUL1NK~ ECHEK~ DESCRIPTION Cummins code in Compulink~ and Echek~ Code COdePID or SID. 3666018-04 PRINTED IN U. MM Distance. Indicates current draw from ECM greater than 2 amps or faulty ECM power supply. Power derate by 15%. Severe derate (power and speed). Voltage signal at oil temperature signal pin No. Fuel shutoff valve or fan clutch or brake enable supply voltage stays on. None on performance. Low voltage detected at throttle position signal pin No. 25 of SH. High voltage detected at oil pressure signal pin No. Possible fueling or timing shift. Less than 6 volts detected at engine brake relay supply pin No. or limp home if throttle pedal is held down.1 and 15 andlor 11 and 14 of SH indicate engine speed greater than 2730 rpm. No engine protection for oil temperature.CELECT™ FAULT CODE INFORMATION LAMPS: ABBREV: FAULT CODE LAMP 115 PID(P) SID(S) FMI P190 R = Red Y = Yellow EP = Engine Protection Lamp W = With WO = With Out SH = Sensor Harness AH = Actuator Harness OH = OEM Harness R 121 2 P190 10 P102 Y 122 Y 123 Y 131 3 P102 4 P091 R 132 R 135 Y 141 Y 143 EP 3 P091 4 P100 3 P100 4 P100 1 REASON No. 11 of OH. Engine dies. 17 of SH. No engine protection for oil pressure. Re-energizes when RPM falls to 2000. 18. 27 of SH. Indicates current draw from ECM greater than 2 amps or faulty ECM power supply. Low voltage detected at boost pressure signal pin No. Low voltage detected at ambient air pressure signal pin No. 173 to 208 kPa \25 to 30 psi] at 1200 to 2400 rpm. No engine protection for coolant temperature. No engine protection for manifold air temperature. Engine Speed W/O VSS". Vehicle speed signal on pins No. 144 Y 145 Y 151 EP 153 Y 154 Y 155 EP 212 P110 3 P110 4 P110 0 P105 3 P105 4 P105 0 P175 3 P175 4 P175 0 P108 3 P108 4 P190 0 Possible white smoke. High voltage detected at boost pressure signal pin No. Engine Speed W/O VSS". Possible white smoke. High voltage detected at coolant temperature signal pin No. Progressive power and speed derate with increasing temperature. 06 of SH. Fan on if ECM controlled. . all of AH. 25 of SH.3 and 7 of OH indicates intermittent connection or possible tampering. 07 of SH. High voltage detected at throttle position signal pin No. None on performance. Engine speed limited to "Max. Note: AI N14 engines now use 138 kPa [20 psi] at 1200 RPM instead of 173 kPa [25 psi]. Engine speed limited to "Max. Fan clutch engaged if ECM controlled. Fan will not turn on. Less than 6 volts detected at fan clutch supply pin No. Low voltage detected at manifold air temperature signal pin No. Power derate by 15%. No engine protection for manifold air temperature. Progressive power derate with increasing time after alert. High voltage detected at oil temperature signal pin No. Voltage signal at manifold air temperature signal pin No. Power to get off road. 27 of SH. Rapid re-start valve opens imme­ diately. or fan clutch supply pin No. Severe derate (power and speed). ECM turns off engine brake supply voltage. 17 of SH indicates coolant temperature above 104. ECM turns off fan clutch supply voltage. 07 or engine brake relay supply pin No. Engine speed signal on pins No. 26 of SH. No engine protection for oil pressure. Fan clutch engaged if ECM controlled. 06 of SH in­ dicates oil temperature above 124.5°C [258°F]. Fan on if ECM controlled. Voltage signal at coolant temperature signal pin No. None on performance. No engine speed signal detected at one pair of pins either No. Y 213 Y 214 EP 221 Y 222 Y 234 R 235 EP 241 Y 242 Y 243 Y 245 y 254 R 255 P111 1 P084 2 P084 10 P121 4 S033 4 S017 4 S026 3 Y Voltage detected on coolant level low signal pin No. 25 of SH indicates manifold air temperature above 82. Progressive power derate with increasing time after alert. ECM turns off fuel shutoff valve supply voltages. 18 of AH. 07 of SH. Engine brakes can not be activated.2°C [180°F]. Fuel shutoff valve de-energizes. 06 tif SH. Indicates current draw from ECM greater than 2 amps or faulty ECM power supply. 16. 26 of SH. Less than 6 volts detected at fuel shutoff solenoid supply pin No. Progressive power and speed derate with increasing temperature.1 and 15 or 11 and 14 of SH. 07 of AH. None.800 rpm. 11 of OH.1 and 15 or 11 and 14 of SH. 09 of SH indicates low coolant level on vehicle. 17 of SH. En­ gine dies. Power to get off road or limp home if throttle pedal is held down. Low voltage detected at oil pressure signal pin No.3 and 7 of OH has been lost.4°C [220°F]. High voltage detected at ambient air pressure signal pin No. Externally supplied voltage detected going into ECM fuel shutoff solenoid supply pin No. No engine protection for oil temperature. High voltage detected at manifold air temperature signal pin No. Voltage signal at oil pressure signal pin No. Possible engine overheat if ECM controlled fan in use. Low voltage detected at coolant temperature signal pin No. EFFECT Current to injectors turned off. engine speed signal detected at pins No. Standard valve opens when fuel pressure drops to 103 kPa [15 psi!. 55 to 173 kPa [8 to 25 psi] at 800 to 1200 rpm. Vehicle speed signal on pins No. Progressive power derate with increasing tempera­ ture. 16 of AH. 07 of SH indi­ cates oil pressure lower than 55 kPa [8 psi] at idle . Low voltage detected at oil temperature signal pin No. No engine protection for coolant temperature. 55 to 173 kPa [8 to 25 psi] at 800 to 2400 RPM. 06 of AH when voltage supply at pin No. Control device will not work properly..1 injector return pin No. Current to in­ jector is shut off.. Voltage signal at oil pressure signal pin No.. 27 and 08 of OH. 222 and 422. Voltage detected at idle validation on-idle signal pin No. 27 and 08 of OH.. No current detected at No. 11 of AH is off. Cruise control/PlO. OR .6 injector return pin No. Current to in­ jector is shut off. Current to in­ jector is sh ut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM.. No current detected at NO. 07 of SH indi- cates oil pressure lower than 55 kPa [8 psi) at idle . 02 of AH when voltage supply at pin No. 05 of AH is on. 10 of AH when voltage supply at pin No. 09. 01. voltage detected at idle validation off-idle signal pin No. No current detected at No. Current detected at No. Data transmission error on control data link pins No. Voltage detected simultaneously on both the coolant level hi~h and low signal pins No.. None on performance. derate to no air and simultaneous logging of fault codes. Possible no noticeable effects. 01 of AH is on. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. 21. 11. Current detected at No. 15 of AH is on. 03. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM.. 26 of SH indicates high boost pressure but other engine characteristics indicate that boost pressure should be low.possible no start (no power to either fuel solenoid or injectors). 10 of AH when voltage supply at pin No. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. 22. Unpredictable . OR ..Compulink'" shows all switches open . Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. . 01 of AH is off. Data transmission error on vehicle data link pins No. Progressive power and speed derate with increasing time after alert. No engine protection for coolant ievel. 04 of AH when voltage supply at pin No. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. 13 or 15 of AH when power is com­ manded.. 11 of OH indicates pedal is not at idle . 145. Electronic Service Tool will not work properly. 04 of AH when voltage supply at pin No.1 injector return pin No. Engine will not start (no power to fuel solenoid). No outgoing voltage detected at ECM switch supply pin No. 05. Current to in­ jector is shut off.5 injector return pin No.2 volts for fraction of a second .6 injector return pin No. 06 or OH when voltage at throttle position signal pin No. Current to in­ jector is sh ut off. 13 of AH is on. 213. 23 of AH (rela­ tive to return pins No. 18 and 9 of SH . 27 of AH) fell below 6. No current detected at No. Possibil­ ity of engine dying or difficulty in starting engine. Micro-processor communication error inside ECM. Data transmission error on control data link pins No.4 injector return pin No. Voltage signal at boost pressure signal pin No. Current detected at No. 03 of AH is off.. Possible reduced performance.3 injector return pin No. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM.. ECM was not allowed to power down properly ~etain battery supply voltage for 3 sec­ onds after voltage on ey switch input pin'26 of AH was re­ moved).. 14 of AH when voltage supply at pin No. 10 of OH . Current to in­ jector is shut off. 09 of OH when volt­ age at throttle position signal pin No. 12 of AH when voltage supply at pin No.. OR . 10 and 20 of SH. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. 123.2 injector return pin No. Unpredictable . OR . 11 of AH is on. Voltage detected simultaneously on both the idle validation off-idle and idle-signal pins No. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Control device will not work properly.. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM.3 injector return pin No..FAULT CODE LAMP 311 y 312 y y y y 313 314 315 321 y y y 322 323 y y 324 325 331 y y y 332 333 335 R 341 R 342 R 343 PID(P) 510(5) FMI S001 6 S005 6 S003 6 S006 6 S002 6 S004 6 S001 5 S005 5 S003 5 S006 5 S002 5 S004 5 S254 12 S254 12 S254 12 S253 12 S254 12 S254 12 S232 4 S249 3 S250 3 S249 9 S250 9 P100 1 P111 2 P091 2 P091 11 REASON Current detected at No. Battery supply voltage at pins No. OR .. Current to in­ jector is shut off. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM.possible no start (no power to either fuel solenoid or injectors).. None on performance. ROM memory checksum error inside ECM. 10 and 20 of SH. 15 of AH is off.2 injector return pin No.. Current to in­ jector is shut off. y y y 351 352 411 y 412 y 413 y y 414 415 EP y 422 431 y 432 R y y 433 434 P102 2 S251 4 None on performance. Current detected at No. No current detected at NO. RAM memory read/write error inside ECM. EFFECT Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. Engine will only idle. 141. 25. Possible no noticeable performance effects. Current to in­ jector is shut off. 09 and 06 of OH . 12 of AH when voltage supply at pin No. Data transmission error on vehicle data link pins No. 431 fault code . Current to in­ jector is sh ut off. Current to in­ jector is shut off.5 injector return pin No. Electronic Service Tool will not work properly. 05 of AH is off. No current detected at No. Speed derate to 1400 to 1600 RPM. 06 of AH when voltage supply at pin No.. no vo tage detected on either pin.. Current detected at NO. low voltage detected at ECM sensor sup­ ply pins on SH. 14 of AH when voltage supply at pin No.. 154. 13 of AH is off..800 RPM. OR . No voltage detected on one or more of the injector supply pins No. ECM not calibrated with ESDN or internal EEPROM memory checksum error.. 20. 02 of AH when voltage supply at pin No. Current to in­ jector is shut off. 11 of OH indicates pedal is at rest. Injector power supply below specifications inside ECM. 03 of AH is on. no voltage detected on either pin. engine brakes won't work.4 injector return pin No.
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