Winter 2010 Final Newsletter

March 29, 2018 | Author: cwasson250 | Category: Palliative Care, Grief, Santa Claus, Health Care, Public Health



A Publication of Hospice of Lubbock Winter 2010SIGN OF THE D VE Letting your wishes be known Pg 16 Why I Volunteer One Man’s Hospice Journey The Greatest Gift Sharing from the heart Pg 15 Living while on hospice care Pg 8 2 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Winter 2010 Christa Bumstead and Becky Garza Alona Beesinger, Suddenlink West Texas Marketing Manager and Charley Wasson, Director - Hospice of Lubbock The ceremony was enjoyed by family and friends The Hospice of Lubbock’s Light Up a Life fundraiser offers the opportunity for people to remember, honor or celebrate the lives and events of those we love. Every year we set a goal for donations. Once we reach that goal, the dove at the top of the tree is lit. Thanks to all of you, we met our 2009 goal of $60,000. Dove Sponsor Winter 2010 3 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Lubbock, TX (KCBD) – We think of the holidays as a time for enjoying family and friends, but for many it is a time for remembering a great loss – someone who is not there as they always have been. There is an organization that helps families through that loss, Hospice of Lubbock, the frst such agency in Lubbock. Today it has merged with Covenant Health Systems and serves 19 counties in this region. It is the only non-proft hospice dedicated to serving children as well as adults who are faced with terminal illnesses, adults like Evelyn Cash. “I think the thing that I love the most is singing, and the saddest part is not being able to sing,” said Evelyn Cash, R.N. and previous board member of Hospice of Lubbock. For 30 years, Evelyn was a voice in the choir at First United Methodist Church. “And I got this cough and so I went to the doctor and he thought it was just allergies,” said Mrs. Cash. It turns out x-rays found pneumonia and then an MRI found lung cancer underneath. Doctors told Evelyn time was not on her side. She said they gave her three to six months to live and that was two years ago, but this wasn’t the frst time Evelyn has beaten the odds. In 1971, Evelyn had breast cancer. “They told me that I would not see my son graduate from high school. Now, I’m seeing my grandsons graduate from high school.” Nearly 40 years later, Evelyn has made the most of her life. Aside from singing in church every Sunday, she is perhaps most proud of her work as a nurse for 51 years and, for 18 years, as a volunteer for Hospice of Lubbock, a group that she has now turned to for comfort in her last days. “Because there’s nothing more they can do. I’ve had chemo and I’ve had radia- tion and there’s nothing more they can do,” said Evelyn. “I lost a son when he was 15 and I’m gonna see him. So, I’ll cry, but that’s a part of life.” Which is why Hospice is here with Evelyn every day now, preparing the way for this next part of her life. “I think that people tell you that you go to Hospice to die. You don’t go to Hospice to die. You go to live,” said Evelyn. “You live every moment in a much more meaningful way than you possibly could at a hospital or by yourself at home.” Evelyn says she still tries to attend church, to sit and listen to the choir sing, which she said she really enjoys. “Hospice is like having a friend with you all the time,” said Mrs. Cash. “It’s been a good life. And if it ends tomorrow, okay. It’s been good. And I’ve been happy.” You’ll fnd the Hospice Tree of Lights at the corner of 19th and University. Light Up A Life is an annual fundraiser for Hospice of Lubbock, the only non-proft hospice in Lubbock, and it depends on donations to survive. The dove at the top will light up when Hospice reaches its goal, and right now they’re just half-way there, in need of another $30,000 to light up that dove. (Hospice of Lubbock did reach its goal and the dove was lit.) If you would like to make a donation in honor or in memory of someone, please call Hospice of Lubbock at 806-795-2751. Reprinted with permission by KCBD. By: Karin McCay at KCBD TV HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK LIGHTS UP PEOPLE’S LIVES, LIKE Evelyn Cash Winter 2010 BOARD MEMBERS Hospice of Lubbock Foundation Development Board 2010 Amy Baugh Debi Bostick (Chair) Cathy Buchanan Krista Bumstead Evelyn Cash (Emeritus) Amber Dean Becky Garza Michael Hardin, PhD Mary Jo Lovingier Sue Moore Cathy Pope Frank Ryburn, MD Ross Shamburger Sarah Weaver Kim Wheeler MISSION STATEMENT To provide palliative and compassionate care for terminally ill patients while enhancing natural death with dignity and comfort, regardless of ability to pay. CONTACT US 1102 Slide Road, Suite 3 P.O. Box 16800 Lubbock, Texas 79490-6800 806.795.2751 | 800.658.2648 Message from the Director CHARLEY WASSON Theologian Ann Stevenson was preaching at Boston’s Trinity Church when she offered the following thoughts: “God doesn’t want us to ask for long life, because it isn’t how long we live. It’s about how we lived while we were here. Did we celebrate the time we had? Did we give thanks for each day we had? Did we bring joy and love and kindness and generos- ity into the world and leave some of it when we left? Did we bear our cross without resentment and bitterness? It isn’t the length of life that ennobles us, but the quality and substance of the life we make for ourselves and the life we share with others.” I believe that we at Hospice of Lubbock may better understand the words of Stevenson than most – it is what we are about, helping people live with quality and substance. As we serve people of all ages – from months old through elderly patients, we have the opportunity to help ensure they have a quality life and one that at the end speaks volumes to their spirit. This last year has been a dynamic time at Hospice of Lubbock. Despite our phe- nomenal growth and the changes we have encountered, the staff has stayed the course in bringing joy, love, kindness and generosity to our patients, families and community. The continued support of our board, volunteers and supporters allows us to focus on what our core mission is – providing compassionate care at the end of life. To each of you, I wish much happiness, peace and prosperity in 2010. Medical Director ............................................................Derek Skinner, MD Associate Medical Director ............................................Melanie Oblender, MD Associate Medical Director ............................................Michael Ragain, MD Associate Medical Director ............................................Jeremy Brown, MD Director ..........................................................................Charley Wasson Clinical Manager ............................................................Cindy Land, RN Grief Recovery Supervisor ............................................John Southern, Med, LPC Volunteer Coordinator ....................................................Cheryl Keefer Community Liaisons ......................................................Rose Chase, Merina Lisman Editor in Chief ................................................................Merina Lisman Editor ..............................................................................Janet Silver Bruce and Mary Parks Interview ...................................Merina Lisman and Rose Chase Article Contributions: ....................................................Belinda Coats ........................................................................................Bruce Cotton ........................................................................................Karin McCay ........................................................................................Susan Nemec ........................................................................................Frank Ryburn Jr., MD ........................................................................................Peggy Telg ........................................................................................Charley Wasson Design and Printing ........................................................Craftsman Printers, Inc. Winter 2010 5 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Wish List Random Acts of Kindness Table of Contents Light Up A Life Hospice of Lubbock Lights Up People’s Lives Page 3 Page 12 Page 14 Page 23 Page 23 2009 Children’s Annual Christmas Party Annual Volunteer Christmas Party In Memory of Bob Ensley Prayer Page 2 IN EVERY ISSUE Physician’s Perspective Page 6 HoL Community Volunteers Page 15 Grief Recovery Center Page 10 Chaplain’s Perception Page 17 Cash register for Thrift Shop Chair for customers to try on shoes in Thrift Shop Several towels, preferably dark color Hanging clothes rack - to hang aprons for storage Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ehlo – Donation of popcorn machine/several utility carts/two microwaves Judy Simpson and Joe Martinez – Zoo new stuffed animals Several anonymous gifts; Numerous bags/sacks, stuffed animals, new fat heavy duty utility cart $500 donation towards purchase of conference chairs 6 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Winter 2010 Physician’s Perspective FRANK M. RYBURN, JR. MD It is a great paradox that those who possess a voracious appetite for things are never satisfed for long. The takers seek fulfllment in many ways and places---through power, false prestige, drugs, alcohol, sexual exploitation, money and excessive accumula- tion of material things. On the other hand, the giver, the one who All Men Seek Inner Peace “It is in giving that we receive.” From the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi · . · . . · . . · . · In my years with hospice I have been enlightened by observing the joy and satisfaction of those professionals who care for pa- tients suffering with advanced disease and facing approaching death. In dealing daily, year in and year out, with patient issues of grave illness and impending death, we would expect caregivers to be discouraged and depressed. Also, we would anticipate the same issues from counselors who advise and counsel families following the loss of a loved one. On the contrary, the opposite is actually true. These caregivers fnd their work worthwhile and sacred. Their lives and work personify the joy of giving. These acts give a glimpse into the soul, the source of goodness. gives of himself and his possessions, experiences joy, accom- plishment and a sense of peace. In the realm of spirituality the metaphor for giving is “to empty oneself”, a striking contrast to accumulating. In his book, Refections On The Psalms, C.S. Lewis humor- Winter 2010 7 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK of the summit. At this critical point, a heavy fog enveloped the area, and he became lost from his party and was forced to spend the night at that level. Nearly freezing to death, he was exhausted and disoriented. A native porter, Mouzafer Ali, found and rescued him and then assisted him to a lower altitude to a remote village in Pakistan. Over a period of many weeks he slowly recovered, with much help from the villagers. He was touched by the care and concern they had shown him, and, in gratitude, wished to do something for them. Haji Ali, his mentor in Korphe village, told him that the village had a dire need for schools for its children, especially the girls. In this remote area the Pakistani government had not provided schools. When Greg left to return to America he said, “I will build a school, I promise”. That promise changed his life forever. Greg returned to America, and in spite of many struggles, he raised funds and established the Central Asia Institute. Through the institute and with many trips back and dangerous encounters with the Taliban, he has built, by 2009, 81 schools in the remote mountain villages of Pakistan and Afghanistan. In the summer of 1996, Joseph Cardinal Bernadin, Arch- bishop of Chicago, was informed that his pancreatic cancer had recurred. Knowing that his remaining time was brief, he wrote a little book representing a fnal letter to his many friends. In The Gift of Peace he sent this message: “What I would like to leave behind is a simple prayer that each of you may fnd what I have found: God’s special gift to each of us all - the gift of peace. “When we are at peace, we fnd the freedom to be most fully who we are, even in the worst of times. We let go of what is non- essential and embrace what is essential. We empty ourselves so that God can more fully work within us.” For committed persons in hospice or other healthcare indi- viduals who work with and accompany patients on the turbulent path of advanced or terminal illness, this service is a dedicated giving of self. As Paul Tournier, the noted Swiss psychiatrist, says in The Meaning of Persons, “this is a sharing in the destiny of another person”. So a profound truth is shrouded in the simple message--giving! Therein lies the source of inner peace. “A talent is formed in stillness, a character in the world’s tor- rent.” Goethe, 1790 Edited by: Mazie Ryburn, Stephanie Rodda and Janet Silver ously makes this observation,“ I had not noticed how the hum- blest and most balanced and capacious minds praised most, while the cranks, misfts and malcontents praised least - the healthy and unaffected man, even if luxuriously brought up and widely experienced in good cookery, could praise a modest meal - praise almost seems to be health made audible.” In this past year it has been my pleasure to work with a bright, talented and lovely young woman in planning the 2009 Symposium on Hospice and Palliative Care. Heather’s personal story refects the pinnacle of giving! She had been a juvenile diabetic for 18 years, involving continuous diffcult control ac- companied by dangerous medical complications with a certain shortening of her life. Three years ago she was the recipient of a successful cadaver pancreatic transplant from a 17 year-old boy killed in a motorcycle accident. His parents’ decision to donate his organs, in the midst of their devastating grief, represents the ultimate gift. From this generosity fows the renewing of faith in human kindness like the freshness of a cool mountain stream which nourishes the fowers in the valley below. Last summer, while on vacation and browsing in a small bookstore, my sister, Emily, bought and gave me a book she thought I would enjoy; Three Cups of Tea, a true and courageous story of giving. It is an inspiring account of Greg Mortenson, a seasoned mountain climber in the Himalayas. He grew up in the shadow of Mt. Kilimanjaro, a son of Lutheran missionaries. His father, Dempsey, took on the diffcult task of raising money to build the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center, the frst teaching hospital in Tanzania. During the same years his mother, Jerene, established the Moshi International School. Accompanied by his father, he climbed to the summit of Kilimanjaro at the age of 11, stimulating his appetite for mountain climbing. Greg spent time in the US Army as a nurse. On discharge he continued as an emergency room nurse, so that he could work in- termittently and devote more time to mountain climbing. In 1993 he joined a group of seasoned climbers with plans to climb K2, the second highest mountain in the world. During the climb, after many days at high altitudes, the group came to within 600 meters Frank M. Ryburn, Jr. MD K2 Mountain, Pakistan 8 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Winter 2010 Bruce and Mary Parks ne Man's Hospice Journey This is part one of a three-part interview with Bruce and Mary Parks from Lubbock, Texas. Bruce, a retired cler- gyman, is 86 years old, intelligent and witty, with many talents. He has tremendous loving support from his wife, his children, many friends, and is on hospice care with Hospice of Lubbock. He graciously agreed to share his day-to-day experiences. What a pleasure to visit with them. As Bruce spoke of many of his life adventures, Mary listened intently as she gazed at him so lovingly. He shared poems he wrote while in the Pacifc on the U.S. Sebec tanker, serving in WWII. If they weren’t dated, you’d swear he wrote them today. The family hopes to publish a book of his poems. I noticed several pencil drawings hanging on the wall and asked about them. Mary proudly announced that Bruce drew them. He explained he discovered his ability to draw after retiring. Bruce’s God-given talents seem to be endless. What is your diagnosis? What started you on this jour- ney? Bruce: Mary will have to speak for me a lot. I think it’s called multiple symptoms atrophy or Shy-Dragers Syndrome. Mary: I asked the doctor to explain it to me in layman terms. The central nervous system sends out the messag- es to all our systems: how to operate and how to breathe. Those are carried to the systems by way of peripherals: nerves, taste, sight, smell. Bruce’s peripheral nerves have become damaged. They don’t know what causes it, but because of this damage, the different systems in the body get distorted messages. For example, one time when we check his blood pressure it may be very low and the next time it’s totally different, and sometimes his breathing may be diffcult. It hasn’t been lately. Bruce: So I have to constantly check my blood pressure and sometimes my diaphragm, when breathing…I have to give it con- siderable thought just to get a breath…things like that. Mary: Then it will be better and the blood pressure will be running relatively well for him. His taste is gone and he’s weak. His weight has gone from 170 lbs. to 120 lbs. Bruce: When I was 80 years old I was running and lifting weights. I had gotten into the exercise fad in 1964. When I was 60 years old I was running 50 miles a week, things like that. On my 80th birthday I could do 11 consecutive pull-ups. I was a pretty strong old man. Can you believe this frail old body of mine? I was an amateur golden gloves boxing champion in 1941. What were your symptoms? Bruce: Two years ago, I got up to walk to the bathroom door and the next thing I know I was looking into a pair of brown eyes. My wife was leaning over me asking, “What’s the matter?” Mary: So I called the doctor and he told me to call 911. Bruce was in the hospital for 16 days and they were doing all kinds of tests. The pulmonologists, cardiologists, and neurologists said that they couldn’t fnd anything wrong with him. The doctor hos- pitalist at Covenant Hospital became very interested in Bruce’s case and he began to dig! He would bring me copies of articles Winter 2010 9 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK from medical magazines that he had read in his search con- cerning multiple systems atrophy, also known as Shy-Dragers Syndrome. Mary: He knew there was such a thing, but he didn’t know much about it. He went to work on it diligently. So he came in one day and said, I know what it is. It’s rare, but there are probably a lot more cases than we know about because it’s very hard to diagnose.” These damaged nerves are affecting everything. That’s amazing. So, literally you went from one day feeling perfectly fine, to the next having a rare disease? Bruce: Well, I can look back two years prior to that when I began to lose interest in my physical ftness program, stopped mowing the lawn… Mary: Well, it wasn’t that long ago. You stopped working out in May. We worked out faithfully. Bruce: Well, I know, but I remember other symptoms dating from about the time we moved into this house, Mary. I began to lose interest in things at that time. Tell me, after the diagnosis, and you really understood the progression with you, when did y’all determine to contact hospice? Did you know anything about hospice? How did you get to where you are now? Bruce: She’ll have to answer those questions because she took care of everything. Mary: We were aware of hospice. Ah… Bruce: What made us aware? Mary: Well, my brother had cancer. He was in Dallas. We were with him when he passed on and a hospice nurse was with him. We knew the great work they did for his family and a sister-in-law in California; she was on hospice for awhile. We had known Lee Battey, not real well, but knew there was at least one or two hospices in Lubbock. Actually, I’m not sure if our daughter called hospice or our primary care doctor, but hospice called us and Mr. Manning wanted to come out and make an assessment. Bruce: That’s right. I remember his visit. Mary: When he came he said, “Yes, we need to be seeing about you.” And it’s been the greatest relief for me because there were many times in the night that I have called 911 and he wouldn’t want me to, but he couldn’t breathe and I’d think well, I better. But the greatest relief was when he said, “Anytime you have a question you call us and we’ll tell you what to do, or we may say call 911, or we will tell you that we’re on our way. And I’ve only called one time and the lady that answered the phone she said he was impacted and he was suffering and she said that an RN As B ruce spoke of many of his life adventures, M ary listened intently as she gazed at him so lovingly. He shared poems he wrote while in the P acific on the U.S . S ebec tanker, serving in W W I I . I f they weren’t dated, you’d swear he wrote them today. would be there within fve or ten minutes and tell him to hold on. Well, she was here in about six minutes. So, it is so great to know what I can do for his sake. Just call hospice and they take over. Bruce leans over and pats Mary’s knee reassuringly. How do you feel about it, Bruce? Bruce: I don’t want to go to the hospital. Hospice is keeping me out of the hospital. I have had great care from Hospice of Lubbock. I love all the people who come in and I am very glad to be a part of the program. I feel loved. You have good people. Not just medical people, but people with compassion and care. So, I’m glad I’m with Hospice of Lubbock. Bruce, tell us about this. One of the challenges we have in hospice is so many people hear the word hospice and they think, oh, if I go on hospice care then I’m going to die in the next few weeks. They are afraid of the word and they are afraid that they’re going to have to give up. How would you respond to that? Bruce: I wish I had known more about my disease because when I was frst diagnosed, I thought at any time I was go- ing to be dead, and I could have been. So I had to make the adjustment that it was eminent - but that was two years ago. Had I any idea that I could live two, four or six years with this illness I would have gotten more active and do things. So I have. I’ve shifted over to the attitude that I have a lot of time left on this earth, and I may not, but I’ve shifted into that atti- tude. And so, I’m still trying to learn, that’s amazing. Why do I need to learn if I’m soon going out of this world? So I keep my brain going by doing cryptograms, crossword puzzles, many 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzles and play the Wii games. Mary: A lot of times we play games. Bruce will say, “Let’s play gin rummy.” Bruce: I read American history, native history, World War II, Christian history, read the Bible; more reading than I’ve ever done. So you really are living every day. Bruce: I’m trying to. Mary: He is. He still has his sense of humor, which he’s always had. Bruce: I asked the Lord, If you can’t make me smart, please make me funny. I’ve read through three different versions of the Bible and I tell Him, I’m cramming for my fnals. Mary: He keeps us all laughing, really. See next issue for part two HoL Grief Recovery Center I have happily spent most of my life being half of a couple that was blessed beyond measure. There wasn’t anything that one of us did without the other; we lived together, worked together, and where one of us was, the other one was there, too. I have never known anyone who was as dedicated to me as Andy. The extent of his dedication was proven when Andy made the ulti- mate sacrifce on October 17, 2007; a decision made so I would be protected from certain fnancial ruin. It was the only thing he had kept from me, and I was so unprepared for what was to come. I was still at work when my dear friend, Jill, came to tell me that Andy was gone. It was very hard for her because we have been best friends for all of our lives, and her husband, Ronnie, was Andy’s best friend. It was what we have all heard so often: Andy was the last person who would take his life. But…he did. The following days and weeks were spent in disbelief, emotionally overwhelming, and at the same time, I was trying to make arrangements to get my fnancial obligations settled. My daughter, Anna, and I were on the phone constantly for the frst weeks, and I continued to work for several months getting my life in order. Andy had made sure that I would be able to fulfll our fnancial commitments and have a comfortable life. The only problem is that I have my comfortable life – alone. I had never lived alone before, and it has been quite a change, but all of my life I have trusted in the Lord and I have felt his grace, mercy, and peace, especially through these past two years. We always attended a very special little Primitive Baptist church in Floydada where Andy served as a deacon and the song leader. I still attend that church and receive so much strength from the members and my pastor, Elder Ronnie Hedges. Even though I certainly have endured much heartache, I still have so much to be thankful for - our strong and compassionate son, Andrew and his wife, Wendi; our two precious grandsons, Jacob and Connor; our loving and very protective daughter, Anna and her husband, Chris. Each one, in his or her own way, gives me much solace. As I mentioned, we shared our lives with Jill and Ronnie, and there was another couple that completed the sextet, Jan and Richard. To their children, now grown, we were Uncle Andy and Aunt BB. Andy’s sister, Barbara, and, brother, Randy, will always be my sister and brother, and Aunt Leona continues to check on me every night. The people I work with at Lubbock ISD have been incredibly supportive from the frst moment my life changed forever until now. I am so thankful to have all of these special people in my life. One day my friend, Alynn, called and asked if I would go with her to a series of meetings dealing with grief. Alynn’s hus- band, David, had battled cancer for several years and he passed away fve months after Andy. I had been invited to attend various support groups by others and I really didn’t feel that I needed or wanted to attend any kind of support group. Alynn and David had been served during the last months of his life by the compas- sionate people at Hospice of Lubbock. The meetings that she asked me to attend were at Hospice. Since my situation obvious- ly didn’t include Hospice, I didn’t know if I would ft in. I was assured that I would be welcome and I fnally did decide to go to the series of meetings. Susan Nemec and Lalani Carter were the counselors who led “I believe I was guided to this special place, Hospice of Lubbock, and I am so grateful.  I truly consider them angels on earth.” 10 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Winter 2010 the meetings. Each weekly meeting had a subject – taking care of yourself while still grieving; dealing with the holidays; how our situation affects those around us, and that it is normal that our emotions were on an emotional roller coaster. Besides Susan and Lalani, there were three of us at our meetings: Alynn, dealing with the loss of her husband after his long battle with cancer, Erin, a mother who doted on her beautiful eight-year old daugh- ter, and tragically had that precious one pass away in her bed one night, and me. We all came from such different circumstances, yet we all shared one thing in common - grieving from the loss of someone so dear to us. The compassion we felt for one another created a strong bond, and we were so comforted by one an- other’s concern. At the last meeting of the series we all agreed that we were not ready for our time together to end. Susan and Lalani, being the caring women they are, immediately offered to continue meeting with us every other Tuesday night. Since then, there have been additions to our little group. Jeannette’s precious four-year old son had died in a tragic car accident several years ago, and Jeannette understandably had struggled in trying to deal with his death. She had been stopping by the Hospice offce for quite a while, just to talk with Susan and Lalani and chose to sit in on our meeting one night and decided to stay. Leslie also came to us after being counseled by Susan and Lalani. Her dad had passed away in December of 2008, and Leslie was very close to him. He was her support and counsel and was there for her any time she needed him, and she was having a hard time dealing with his death. Even though our losses are very different, we are so support- ive and care for one another. Our relationships go beyond just being at the meetings. We are there to listen and comfort during any time one of us is having an especially diffcult time. Andy and I always had a strong appreciation for Hospice because several members of our families had been served by its staff. We had such support and kindness during times of helplessness at seeing a loved one slipping away. Maybe that’s why I agreed to attend those frst meetings with Alynn. I can’t say enough about the comfort and compassion I have received from Susan and Lalani. We also have an intern that joined us. Robin Renfrew is a young lady that brings a fresh air of youth and vitality to our meetings. Our little group has quite a strong personality and we share so much of what’s going on with our lives. We share life’s hardships – divorce, custody battles, caring for elderly parents facing serious illness, job loss, money concerns, and just whatever life has thrown at us from week to week. These three special ladies, Lalani, Susan, and Robin, don’t hesitate to offer comments that are so insightful. Sometimes they stir up feelings that I thought I had gotten past. I do feel a strong bond with all of the women in my group, and I consider them a very important part of my life. I know that I have to go on with my life, and I am, but I also carry Andy in my heart and always will. I believe there is a reason for things to happen as they do, and I continue to pray that the Lord will guide me in all ways. I have grown to love a scripture in Proverbs that I shared with our group. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understand- ing.” I don’t have to know why things happened the way they did, I just have to trust in the Lord. I believe I was guided to this special place, Hospice of Lubbock, and I am so grateful. I truly consider them angels on earth. Belinda and Andy Coats Hospice of Lubbock Grief Recovery Center 1102 Slide Road, #3, 806-795-2751 All groups meet at the above location. Monthly Infant Loss Support Group This Monthly support group meets the frst Tuesday of each month. 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Healing through sharing… You do not have to travel the journey alone. Men’s Coffee Group Meets every Wednesday 9:00 am – 10:30 am Sharing questions and thoughts with others experiencing similar loss. Ongoing Grief Support Group Meets the second and fourth Tuesday of the Month 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm or 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm A grief support group for those who have lost a love one through death. HoL Memorial Service May 20, 2010 at 7:00PM Location to be announced Please call for more information 806-795-2751 O.W. English Kids Grief Camp The Jungle of Grief Lubbock Lake Landmark July 24, 2010 Caring for the Caregiver Meets the second Friday of every month, at noon, lunch is provided. Grace House Assisted Living 6502 4th Street, House #3 Winter 2010 11 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK In spite of the frigid cold and icy roads, 36 kids and their par- ents, grandparents, and guardians braved the weather to come out to be a part of our Hospice of Lubbock Children’s Christmas Party!! While the adults met with grief counselors, the kids enjoyed making various crafts and ornaments. Kids chose various colored jingle bells, representing the varied emotions they have experi- enced in their grief journey, and threaded them onto pipe clean- ers which were then tied in a circle and decorated with ribbon to make ornaments. Another craft was the Refective Memory Wreath. Ten CDs were glued in a circle and decorated with red beaded garland with a ribbon glued at the top for a hanger. On the silver refective side, the kids wrote a memory or a word that represented their loved one on each CD and then decorated the wreath with various Christmas stickers. Of course, the all-time favorite, cookie decorating, was every kid’s stop! Our primary book that each child received this year was “The Invisible String,” which talked about how “people who love each other are always connected by a very special string made of love. Even though you can’t see it with your eyes, you can feel it with your heart and know that you are always connected to ev- eryone you love.” As a companion to the book, kids were able to make an ornament of two red wood hearts connected by fshing wire. On one heart they wrote their own name and on the other heart they wrote the name of their loved one that had died. After the adults fnished their session with the grief coun- selors, each family then worked together to decorate a memory stocking that represented their loved one who had died. During the holidays each family member could write a letter to their loved one that could then be placed inside the stocking and shared with everyone on Christmas day. The singing of Christmas carols brought the arrival of Santa Claus who read the story of “The Invisible String,” and then listened ever so patiently as each child told him what they wanted for Christmas! Each child then got his picture taken with Santa as he passed out their age-appropriate, grief-specifc books. Then they chose the stuffed animal that represented where they were in their grief journey: the elephant, who reminded them that they would never forget their loved one; the lion/tiger, which repre- sented the courage to work through their grief; the giraffe was a reminder to reach out for help; and the monkey, who served as a reminder to have fun while grieving. A fun time was had by children and adults alike! One grief counselor felt it was all worthwhile when, at the end of the night, a little four-year old who she has worked with, came running up to her and jumped in her arms to say goodbye!!! An event such as this cannot transpire without the help and support of the volunteers who helped with the planning, the two work days we had, wrapping books, setting up, helping with all the activities of the night, and the ever dreaded clean up. A huge “thank you” to those of you who helped to make the Christmas party such a big success!! Also, a very special thank you to Betenbough Homes for providing the fnancial support to make the party possible to begin with!! Children’s Annual Christmas Party Blessings for the New Year! Susan Nemec, LBSW, ACBSW, CT “People who love each other are always connected by a very special string made of love.” 12 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Winter 2010 “People who love each other are always connected by a very special string made of love.” Winter 2010 13 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK 14 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Winter 2010 Hospice of Lubbock Volunteers gathered to celebrate the holidays at the annual Volunteer Christmas Dinner on December 15. In a busy, hectic season, everyone enjoyed the opportu- nity to sit a little (which doesn’t happen often in our volunteers’ worlds!), visit, and enjoy a delicious supper. Our “Wright Family” gift exchange is quickly becoming a tradition at this annual event! Many thanks to the Hospice of Lubbock staff who helped host, serve and “turn the tables” to let the volunteers be pampered for a change! CELEBRATION ANNUAL VOLUNTEER CHRISTMAS PARTY Winter 2010 15 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK What does a hyperactive, former kindergarten teacher do when she moves to a new city? Her four children are grown, and her husband travels a lot! In my case, I realized the oppor- tunity I had long been waiting for was fnally here. As a person well acquaint- ed with grief due to the death of two children, two close friends of our sur- viving children, and the long illnesses of three parents, I knew I wanted to be involved with Hospice. Because of my life experiences, I had learned that despite what our society leads us to believe, death is inevitable. It is how we deal with the process and the aftermath that makes all the difference. I wanted to be an active part of that difference. From that very frst tentative call to Hospice asking about their training program, my experiences have been so rewarding. The 24 hours of training has to be one of the most life-affrming experiences I have yet encountered. Words can- not begin to express the grace and love I witnessed as people related their stories. When I tell people I am a Hospice volunteer, I make many very uncomfortable. “Oh, I just could not do that. It is too sad,” or “I would get too involved.” Being involved is the message Hospice gives its patients and their families At the most challenging time in a person’s life, I am given the honor and privilege of being involved. We become Hospice of Lubbock Volunteers PEGGY TELG Why I Volunteer good friends and we do what good friends often do: we laugh, we cry, and we just talk. Each of my patients has taught me something valuable… even though the frst three died after the frst visit! Singling out the most memorable moments is diffcult. To me, it is like trying to decide which of my children I love the most. I have witnessed deep, abiding love in couples married for years, such as the grizzled WWII vet and bronze medal recipient who so tenderly combed his wife’s hair. There was a remarkable woman who could no longer speak aloud yet we still talked; her eyes said it all. Teaching older women to pump gas has become a regular part of my duties. With some of the caregivers, we continue to stay in touch with cards, calls, and even lunches. Each experience has not only deeply moved me but helped to shape my own life journey. Hospice has even allowed me to express my love of children and teaching through Rocky Road, summer camp, and Christmas parties. A mother at one of our Rocky Road sessions told me her son was deeply hurt because his school friends could not see the beauty he saw in his little sister’s picture. Taking him aside, I asked him to bring the picture the next week. I brought pictures of my deceased sons, and we both shared memories of happier times. His smile and the warm glow in his eyes remain in my heart to this day. All of these experiences are just a small sampling of why I am so humbled and honored to be a volunteer with Hospice of Lubbock. W O R K I N G F O R A G R E A T E R G O O D SIMPLY PUT, Hospice of Lubbock could not do what we do without our volunteers. Our office would not be as efficient, our fundraising and special events would be chaotic, our mass mailings would never be sent, our Thrift Shoppe would not exist, and our patients would not have the loving, additional emotional support that these fine individuals bring. WE APPRECIATE YOU! Many thanks to all of you who helped with the Giving Thanks Luncheon, Getting Through the Holidays Dinner, Novem- ber Memorial Service, Light Up a Life, and the Children’s Christmas Party. You are ALL Treasures. Cheryl Keefer, Volunteer Coordinator and the HoL Staff The Value of Volunteers...Picele CELEBRATION 16 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Winter 2010 In the last few weeks I have worked with two families who lives took unexpected courses. Both families were healthy until this last year, when disease and an accident changed the trajectory of their lives. Both families told me the same thing, “We never planned for something like this to happen. We never thought we would be dealing with death this soon.” I am often asked, “when should we start thinking about wills, advanced directives and what would be important to us at the end of our lives?” My answer is fairly standard – whenever death is possible and you have an obligation to those you care about. The greatest gift you can give your loved ones is letting your wishes and goals be known, relieving the burden from them of so many decisions. A nationwide program has been launched by Aging with Dignity and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Five Wishes ® is a guide to help individuals express their wishes when they cannot com- municate for themselves or at the end of life. Most states recognize the Five Wishes ® as a valid, legal document that provides the critical informa- tion that families and care- givers need in the event you cannot speak for yourself. The Five Wishes® document meets the state of Texas requirements for both power of attorney and advanced directives. Information that your loved ones need to know includes: ~ The person you want to make care decisions for you when you are no longer able ~ What medical treatments you want or do not want ~ How we can make you comfortable and what that comfort means to you ~ How you want to be treated and cared for ~ Wishes, feelings and other information you want your loved ones to know – such as funeral arrangements or how you want to be remembered I’ve been asked countless times when you should have a will done. I go back to my standard reply - whenever death is possible and you have an obligation to those you care about. Wills can be simple or complex depending on your assets, li- abilities and those affected by your decisions. A will allows you to communicate how your family is cared for after you are gone and eases potential legal problems for your loved ones. Advanced Directives take a huge stress off loved ones and care providers. It seems that weekly I am talking to families about what their loved one would want and how we can best care for them now. Often, parents have had the conversation with their children – but it is never written down. The stress grows as the family member begins to wonder if they are doing something for their ill loved one or something to their loved one. We have the ability to relieve that stress and to give direction to physicians regard- ing what is important to us as individuals. Equally important is that we honor the individual and what is valuable to them as a person. I worked with an older gentle- man who loved his dog and said he wanted her near him when he died. There are things that are important to each of us – sometimes it is music, a favorite quilt, or pictures that bring comfort; other times it is in how we are cared for – the desire to be bathed daily or for prayers to be spoken. After death is the period stressful for the family – we may wish that our funeral be handled a certain way or that our loved ones go to counseling for their grief. Expressing what is important to us is ensuring that both our family and we are taken care of. It is a truly blessed gift to communicate with others – in life and at the time of death. We have an opportunity to speak for ourselves during the dying process; ensuring our wishes and values are upheld. We also have the opportunity to reach out to those who care for us and let them know they are honoring our wishes and values. Giving the gift of planning and insight is truly a blessed legacy for our loved ones that reduces concern and allows them more time to focus on the relationship between them and the dying individual. The greatest gift you can give your loved ones is letting your wishes and goals be known, relieving the burden from them of so many decisions. GREATEST GIFT THE By: Charley Wasson Winter 2010 17 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK A story that has been related to countless numbers of children in Sunday School is the event of the burning bush. Moses was walking along and, seeing a bush that was burning but not being consumed, de- cided that he would check it out. As he approached the bush, a voice said, “take off your shoes because you are walking on holy ground.” Can you imagine the astonishment of Moses seeing a sight such as this? Can you imagine the shock that Moses must have felt just hearing a voice and seeing no one present with him? It must have left him absolutely speechless. He had no idea that he would be walking on holy ground that day when he left home, but walk on the holy ground he did. Klaudia Smucker describes her feelings as she stands on holy ground with families in planning funerals. “When I sit down with a family to plan a funeral, they let me into their lives at a time when they are vulnerable. It is a gift they give to me. I do not take this privilege lightly. My role is to be present with them, listening, caring, and helping them create a service that honors the deceased, respects the family, wor- ships God, and provides hope.” There are those speechless times that we have in work- ing with dying people and their families as we walk on holy ground with them. I want to relate one of those speechless moments that I experienced in recent months. I was privi- leged to walk with a man and then his family on holy ground in relationship to his faith. I sat with this man’s family planning his funeral back at the frst of December. I not only walked on holy ground with Where Is Your Chaplain’s Perception BRUCE COTTON them that day, but also I had walked with their loved one for a couple of months as he approached death. When I sit with a family to plan a service one of the frst things I do is have the family provide one-word descriptions of their loved one. As this family began to give me these words, one family member said, “I don’t know about his faith” (referring to the loved one). I felt I could help with that answer. Their loved one had become cynical about his faith, having grown up in a preacher’s home where the pastor had to have the perfect wife, the perfect children, and the perfect family. His dad was very strict in having all the “perfects” that were demand- ed by church people. In this environment this man’s faith had faded into the background. In fact, to his family, there seemed to be no faith at all. I shared with the family the story of my frst visit with their loved one. As I visited with the man I had asked if he wanted me to have prayer for him, he immediately said, “yes!” and was enthusiastic with that yes. Now here was a man with dementia, yet when approached about a key ele- ment of faith, he immediately responded with faith in prayer. What a wonderful experience for me and an uplifting story to relate to the family. Walking on holy ground? Absolutely!! There was a tremendous excitement felt by the family that day. We not only stood on holy ground, but they knew their loved one had rediscovered his faith. 18 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Winter 2010 Winter 2010 MeMorials Hope Adcock Becky and Clark Richards Wanda Alderson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stroope Samantha Aleman Ms. Gail Aleman Eldena Allen Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boyett Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. McGrew Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Wenzel Mr. and Ms. Robert H. Maier Ms. Winona Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Baum Mr. and Mrs. Emil Dietz Geri Anderson Armstrong Mechanical Harold E. Anderson Wesley and Nicole Shields James Anderson Jean W. Anderson Jeff Anderson Mr. and Ms. Brant Baugh Nora F. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Loranzo C. Anderson Mary Argila Dr. Robert J. Bisbee Ms. Antoinette Brackeen Alberto Arguello Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Sharp Fred P. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Steve Armstrong Fred and Ingrid Armstrong Trust Delores Arp Mr. and Mrs. Harry Millican Willis Atchley Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Atchley, Jr. Rex Aycock Ms. Paulina Jacobo Wayne Bagwell City Bank Joe Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sharp Ms. Connie Stallings Ms. Debbie Winfrey Curtis Baker Ms. Kathy Mann Paul L. Baker Mr. Thomas Baker Ruth Baker C.R. Baker Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Baker Ms. Kate Cross Mr. Frazier Thompson Ms. Nancy M. Koenig Mr. and Mrs. Kelly S. Morman Ms. Gayle Settle Texas Tech Law School Foundation Ms. Denise Williams Terry Baker Mr. Thomas Bake Kelly T. Baldridge Mr. and Mrs. Lee Boedeker Catherine Baldwin Ms. Charlotte Doss Bingham Ms. Dorothy A. Ford Ms. Mary J. Hildebrand Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Preast George Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Preast Lynn Bales Anonymous Donor Nadine Barbee Ms. Virginia Waldrip Rufus Barker Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Brock Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dennis Ms. Nancy Harris Mr. and Mrs. Albert Postar Mr. and Mrs. Todd Latham Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Smith Christopher Barnes Ms. Gail Aleman Rita Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Gary Faulkner Bruce Bartholomew Ms. Anne Price Larry Beadle Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Perry Marie Beadle Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Perry Bobby Beard Ms. Winnie Cammack Bula Beard Covenant Health System Finance Department Ms. Amanda Lamprecht Nellie N. Beauchamp Mr. and Mrs. Bryce J. McGregor Alvis Bell Ms. Geraldine Bell Hazel Bennett Mr. Samuel A. Bennett Ike Bennett Ms. Sharon G. Williams Marilou Bennett Mr. and Ms. Brant Baugh Ross R. Bennett Ms. Patricia A. Ellison Catherin Benson Head-Duarte Funeral Home Beverly J. Berry Ms. Barbara Blevins Rick Bevers Mr. Glen Borland Violet Bigham Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Weiss Barbara Billings Mrs. Ollie Sprayberry Doyle Bingham Mrs. Betty Bingham Boyd and Brenda Bird Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Cates Freda Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Joplin June Bissle Ms. Delores A. Collins Dewey Black Mr. and Mrs. David Vannoy Sharon Black Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Barnett Virginia J. Black Mr. and Mrs. David Vannoy Johnny Blackburn Ms. Joyce F. Blackburn Thomas Blackburn Ms. Wanda J. Blackburn Maudean Blagg Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Payne Carol Blake Ms. Gail Aleman Gilbert Bleau Ms. Dorothy F. Bleau Josef A. Blevins Mrs. and Mr. Shirley E. Blevins Dolphus E. Blodgett Ms. Teresa K. Blodgett Ollie Blodgett LaFern Pearson Connie Bonda Mr. and Mrs. Harry Millican Gertrude Boren Mr. and Mrs. Max Christopher Tom Box Mrs. Diana Browning Mr. Virgil A. Holt Ms. Mira J. Kaufmann Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Marshall Mr. and Mrs. R.E. McCormack Mr. Robert Ungemach Lydia A. Brase Ms. Helen W. Doege Lester Brewer Ms. Frances M. Privett Dene Bridges Mrs. Lanelda R. Bridges Marcia Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Charles Griffn A Loving Brother Ms. Ann A. Godfrey Arnold M. Brown Hook and Husen, Attorneys Mr. and Mrs. Dan Revell Mr. and Mrs. Alton Strickland Mr. Andrew Ritch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cook Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss Rosinbaum Mr. and Mrs. Don Ewan Mr. Jack Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Matt McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Don Butler Mr. and Mrs. Jim H. Steward Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith Bobbie M. Brown Mrs. Louise Underwood Charles F. Brown Charla Young Dorothy Brown Mr. Tommy O. Middleton Dr. and Mrs. Scott Porter Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Chambers Mr. William and Judith Walton Mr. and Mrs. Coffee Conner Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael Bishop Mr. and Mrs. D. Brad Green Mr. and Mrs. Donald Penner Mr. and Ms. Pete Baker Ms. Suzanne A. Baker Mrs. Margie Barclay Dr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Darrell “Andy” Ander Mrs. Glenna Anderson Dorothy Brown Mr. Mark Maxey Nina Brown Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Smith Vince R. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Gurley Mr. Mike McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lawrence Ms. Betty Curton Mr. Wynant Wilson Mr. and Mrs. M. Wise Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Williams C.E. and Kay Key Mrs. and Mr. Lynn Forbess Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brown Mr. Charles T. Draper Mr. Robert P. Wallach Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd Basin Surveys Mr. and Mrs. Jay Eagan Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lafont Dr. and Mrs.Wayne Culp, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Chambers Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Houser, Jr Mr. Tommy O. Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Rambo Mrs. Margie Croft Ms. June C. Brown Mr. Marshall R. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brown Mr. and Mrs. Johnny M. Fisher Ms. Carol Calhoon Mr. and Mrs. G. Dan Thompson Mr. and Mrs. W.C. “Champ” Turner Mr. and Mrs. Dan Socolofsky Dr. and Mrs. John F. Brown Pat Crimmins Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sanders Mrs. Anisse Reynolds Ms. Wanda W. Wallace Mr. James Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Holler Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Mr. and Mrs. Milton Vaughn Delta Delta Delta Alumnae Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Galbraith Mrs. J.K. Fulton Mrs. Mary A. Fulton Ms. Linda Harville Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Nelson Mr. Bruce K. Brown Ms. Judy H. D. Franklin Ms. Suzanne A. Baker William and Judith Walton Mr. and Mrs. Kinch E.Meyer, Jr. Mrs. Nan Shropshire Ms. Karen Williams Michael L. Browning Ms. Ginger L. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shifar Ms. Carole A. Mirsky Era Bryant Gleaners Sunday School Class High Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Niehaus Olllie Buchanan Duncan Press, Inc. Larry and David Buckingham Ms. Delores A. Collins Barbara Buescher Mr. David Buescher Jerry F. Grimes Lori Bufe Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rieken Evelyn Bures Mr. and Mrs. Michael Negri Ann Burns Mr. and Ms. John E. Long Sharon Bushong Mr. and Mrs. Bryce J. McGregor Thelma Byrd Ms. Kathy Mann David Cain Mrs. and Mr. Alynn Cain Helen Cantrell Ms. Joyce Cantrell Gordon Carlson Ms. Janice K. Justice Ruth Carr Ms. Betty S. Carr Warlick Carr Ms. Betty S. Carr Waylon R. Carroll Mrs. Johnnie M. Leslie Charlotte Carver Mr. and Mrs. David Carver Jim Carver Mr. and Mrs. David Carver Clyde Cash Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Terry Patrick Cash Ms. Victoria Thornley Connie Castillo Head-Duarte Funeral Home David Cauley Dr. Craig C. Wallace, O.D. Beatrice Cavazos Head-Duarte Funeral Home Brian Chase Mike and Rose Chase Katie Chavet Mr. Terry McInturff Maureen Chisholm Dr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson Jo Cline Mr. and Mrs. John R. Julian Joe Close Ms. Dorothy Maxey Maxine Colburn Ms. Jean McGowen Adele Cole Mr. and Mrs. Glen Akin Gene Collins Mrs. Dorothy L. Collins Mary Collins Mr. and Mrs. Roland Livesay Jean S. Cone Ms. Ann Rife Bertie M. Coon Ms. and Mr. Janet Perez Dee Cooper Ms. Darleen J. West Mr. and Mrs. Joe Painter Ms. Susan Nemec Arlene B. Kerr Ruth Corbin Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Campbell Mr. Randall Corbin We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions from April 2009 to December 2009 Every effort has been made to correctly list all contributions to Hospice of Lubbock. If you note a mistake or omission, please accept our apologies and inform our offce of any corrections or changes by calling 806.725.6089. Winter 2010 19 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Mr. David Buescher Jerry F. Grimes Lori Bufe Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rieken Evelyn Bures Mr. and Mrs. Michael Negri Ann Burns Mr. and Ms. John E. Long Sharon Bushong Mr. and Mrs. Bryce J. McGregor Thelma Byrd Ms. Kathy Mann David Cain Mrs. and Mr. Alynn Cain Helen Cantrell Ms. Joyce Cantrell Gordon Carlson Ms. Janice K. Justice Ruth Carr Ms. Betty S. Carr Warlick Carr Ms. Betty S. Carr Waylon R. Carroll Mrs. Johnnie M. Leslie Charlotte Carver Mr. and Mrs. David Carver Jim Carver Mr. and Mrs. David Carver Clyde Cash Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Terry Patrick Cash Ms. Victoria Thornley Connie Castillo Head-Duarte Funeral Home David Cauley Dr. Craig C. Wallace, O.D. Beatrice Cavazos Head-Duarte Funeral Home Brian Chase Mike and Rose Chase Katie Chavet Mr. Terry McInturff Maureen Chisholm Dr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson Jo Cline Mr. and Mrs. John R. Julian Joe Close Ms. Dorothy Maxey Maxine Colburn Ms. Jean McGowen Adele Cole Mr. and Mrs. Glen Akin Gene Collins Mrs. Dorothy L. Collins Mary Collins Mr. and Mrs. Roland Livesay Jean S. Cone Ms. Ann Rife Bertie M. Coon Ms. and Mr. Janet Perez Dee Cooper Ms. Darleen J. West Mr. and Mrs. Joe Painter Ms. Susan Nemec Arlene B. Kerr Ruth Corbin Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Campbell Mr. Randall Corbin Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. James Gorsuch Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Grabowsk Ms. Diane Hubbard, C.P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kennedy Ms. Joyce L. Kuhl Ms. Marie Matthews Mr. and Mrs. James W. McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Sancibrian Bess A. Costanzo Mr. and Mrs. Bill Loper Billy Crump Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Crump Guadalupe Cruz Head-Duarte Funeral Home Ronald Currin Mr. and Mrs. Ron Klein Lubbock Surgical Associates Alan R. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coon Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bagley Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Sammons Mr. and Mrs. Rod Alexander Mary Kate Curry Kelly McNiell J. C. Dalton Ms. Christene Jackson Jim and Jo Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Stan Daniel Bob Danner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Griffn Ashley Davis Mrs. and Mrs. Joyce Hicks Florine C. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Ryburn, Jr. Michael Davis Ms. Agnes J. Vanschaik Ms. Theresa Vanschaik Morene Davis Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kerr Ross Davis Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Key Terry Davis Ms. and Dr. Martin Miser Ms. Sheelah K. Pagendarm Ms. Rose Chase Joe Deaton Mr. J.R. Slentz Robert Demel Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gandy Jack Denton Ms. Julie Denton James Dewbre Ms. Barbara Witt Dana Dickey Ms. Beverly Cain John C. Dickey Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones Yellowhouse Gin Co., Inc. Carolyn Dodson Ms. Patricia A. Ellison Joyce Doss Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Abeyta Billie F. Doty Ms. Pam Richards Mildred M. Drake Ms. Gale Robinson John Draper Mr. and Mrs. Natt Park Leonard Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Joe V. Sanders Preston Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey L. Dunn, Sr. Uelala Durham Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stroope Jesse B. Duval Ms. Eloise Duval Necia Dyer Ms. Janice K. Justice Martin and Opal Eagle Mr. and Mrs. Kent Eagle Betty Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brauchi Ms. Lloydine Huffaker Donald Edwards Ms. Lloydine Huffaker J.S. Edwards Mrs. J.S. Edwards Mr. Richard Edwards Luther Edwards Mrs. Frances Sowder Maggie Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Carl Edwards Mary B. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Horace T. Edwards Pete Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brauchi Theresa Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Horace T. Edwards Wilbur Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Carl Edwards Ginger Eschenbaum Mr. Terry McInturff Barbara Ethridge Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Graves Kirk and Kaka Ethridge Mrs. Mitzi Jordan Mary Ethridge Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Graves Roy Ethridge Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Graves Gene and Grace Evans Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Buxkemper Orville Evans Ms. Marie H. Evans Jimmy Falkenbury Mr. and Mrs. Joe Esparza Cam L. Fannin Ms. Paula Finney Alfred S. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gillum Ray Farmer, M.D. Mr. Wayne P. Turney Ione Faulkner Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Mike Coke Ms. Ruth Denison Ms. Kristy Faulkner Ms. Lavonne Fritschy Ms. June Linker Callie Finley Mr. and Mrs. Jess Stiles Clarence H. Finley Ms. Ivy Minchew Lucila G. Flores Mr. and Mrs. Giles McCrary Doris Forson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Daniel Ms. Minnie L. Cothran Mr. Daniel G. Murrie Ms. Martha Armstrong Ms. Joyce Page Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gayman United Church of God-Waco and Austin Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Daniel Lubbock Professional Fire Fighters Fran Fox Ms. Julia F. Turnbow Fran Francis Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill Don Franklin TTUHSC - Department of Psychiatry Flora P. Fudge Ms. Pat Donathan Owens Co-op Gin Co. Ms. Camellia Deckelman Ms. Lucille Strickland George Fugitt Mr. and Mrs. Jess Stiles Cody Fulford Mr. and Mrs. Natt Park Steven R. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Jared Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Webb Guy Gearhart Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kerr Jimmie Gibson Mr. and Ms. Brant Baugh Anju Gill Dr. and Mrs. Gurdev Gill, Mary Lou Gillespie Mr. Billy Giles Delmar Givens Mr. and Mrs. Roland Livesay Erwin E. Glover Mrs. Dorothy T. Glover Mozelle Goble First Baptist Church of New Deal Ralph Godfrey Ms. Ann A. Godfrey Laure Golden City Bank Norma Gonser Dr. Michael P. Auringer Valde Gonzales Head-Duarte Funeral Home Linda Gras Dr. Rebecca M. Chapman Norma Gras Dr. Rebecca M. Chapman Jim Graves Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Graves Minnie Graves Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Graves Jean Green Mr. and Mrs. Roland Livesay Harry Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Don Roark Jennifer Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Don Roark Clint Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beck Ms. Sharyn A. Bledsoe Micah Griffn Kelene R. Fortney Dwight Griffth Mr. and Ms. Brant Baugh Marjorie K. Grumlin Ms. and Mr. Frances M. Privett Judy Hall Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Ryburn, Jr. Clifford Hamilton First Baptist Church of New Deal Mary Hamilton K. G. Hamilton Jimmie L. Hammersley Mrs. Donna Owen Jana Hammitt Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hammitt Peggy and Raymond Hammitt Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hammitt Rocky Harbour Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stroope Bettye Hardeman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goodell Ms. W. Coleen Smith Mr. and Mrs. John A. Logan Mr. and Mrs. Emory L. Cassell Mrs. Jo Reinhard Ms. Betty Brashier Mrs. Wanda Clayton Ms. Linda L. Adkins Mrs. Margaret Richardson Mrs. Virginia Lewis Ms. Emmie Overton Mrs. Arthur B. Hudgins Ms. Sally Hardeman Lubbock Digestive Disease Associates Jacky Harp Mr. and Mrs. Giles McCrary Bill Harris Dr. and Ms. Martin Miser Janita Harris Ms. Malinda Harris Mr. and Ms. Walter Harris Smoky Harris Ms. Verlyn M. Harris Jane Harrison Ms. Emily W. Spears Joe Hart Ms. Peg Hart William Hastedt Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Johnson Ms. Joann Thomason Marti Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hatch Paul E. Hayes Mr. Eric Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dendy Mr. and Mr. Ross B. Hood Monday Bible Study Group John W. Hays Mrs. and Mr. Charlotte Moody Alan Hayworth Mr. and Mrs. Bobby D. Hayworth C. Curtis Head Ms. Cleo Martin Mr. and Mrs. Mike L. Lovingier James Hempstead Mr. Johnny L. Milburn Gladys Hendrix Mrs. Nancy Thuett Jess Hendrix Mrs. Nancy Thuett Margaret Henion Head-Duarte Funeral Home Allan Henneman Ms. Lee Battey Buster L. Henry Mr. Lynn R. Wright Stanley Hickerson Mrs. and Mr. Marcella Hickerson Kenneth W. Hicks Mrs. Joyce Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Royce Ivory Bobby Hill Mrs. Thelma Hill E.H. Hillger Ms. Sharon Parr, TTE Hattie Hindman Mr. and Mrs. Kent Eagle Linda K. Hines Mrs. Carol Kuykendall Vee Hisey Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Baum Melonie Holcomb Mr. and Mrs. Brad Holcomb Mr. and Mrs. John Ballard Isabelle Holder Ms. Josefna Everett Ed Holeman Ms. Joyce L. Kuhl Marian Holland Dr. and Mrs. James E. Holland Ron Hollingshead Ms. Valerie Hollingshead Mary Holt Ms. Grace Allen Loyd Hood Ms. Sheelah K. Pagendarm Phil Hood Mr. and Mrs. Travis Bridwell D. R. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Gurley James C. Horton City Bank Jerry P. House Mr. and Mrs. Rob Brown Ms. Margaret A. Simmers Mr. Wayne Sartor Synappsys of Norman OK Haley Memorial Library Mrs. Lou D. Diekemper Mr.and Mrs.John G.Taylor Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Giles M. Forbess Valentine’s Building Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William Eastland Mr. James E. White Ms. E. Carolyn Ater Dr.and Mrs.Wayne Culp, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Furgeson Sanford and Tatum Insurance Agency Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. McLaughlin Mrs. Narong Indachandr Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gibson Mrs. Ramonda Bingham Ms. Wanda Parker Mr. and Mrs. Ron C. Rogers Mr. and Mrs.Willard T. Martin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Taylor We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions from April 2009 to December 2009 Every effort has been made to correctly list all contributions to Hospice of Lubbock. If you note a mistake or omission, please accept our apologies and inform our offce of any corrections or changes by calling 806.725.6089. 20 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Winter 2010 Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Smith Mrs. Louise Underwood Mr. and Mrs. James L. Benton Atlas Metal and Iron Corp. Jerry F. Grimes Ms. Susan Thomas Mrs. Margaret Talkington Mr. and Mrs. George McMahan Ms. Sara T. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Jay Eagan Ms. E. Gay Potter Dr. Kyle J. Coulter Carmyn H. Morrow Mrs. F. M. Hoffman PlainsCapital Bank Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Boyer Mr. Paul Tadlock Mrs. J.K. Fulton Mrs. Mary A. Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hooks Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Tumlinson Ms. Emogene House Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lawrence Homer L. Howard Ms. Freda Glover Mary Ann Howell Mr. Wesley H. Looney Donald Huffaker Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brauchi Ms. Lloydine Huffaker Dortha Hughes Mr. and Ms. John T. Bandy Ernest Hughes Mrs. Lanelda R. Bridges Opal P. Hunter Ms. Anna C. Borg Clint Hurley Mrs. Oreta F. Adams Winifred Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hurst Laura Iannetta Wesley and Nicole Shields Margaret Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Mattison Jackie Jarrett Mr. and Mrs. John R. Crider Eloise Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Huenerga Ronald Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Huenerga Danny Jerden Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young Richard Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Smith Frank W. Johnson Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert and Moss. George Johnson Mrs. Jamie Johnson James R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Joe V. Sanders Ralph Johnston Mr. Robert P. McMillen Jack Jones Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill Robert Jones Ms. Wanda L. Schale Bob Jordan Mrs. Mitzi Jordan Harold Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Roland Livesay Phoebe Joseph Charles and Merina Lisman Irene Kahlich Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Snider Henry W. Kaufmann Ms. Mira J. Kaufmann Velma Keeling Ms. Carletta Keeling Stephanie Kehr Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sedgwick Alfred Kelly First Baptist Church of New Deal Bob Kerby Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Freedman Martha Kerby Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Freedman Garland Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kerr Azalee Killian Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pullen D.S. Kinsey Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lutrick Chris Kitchens Bolinger, Segars, Gilbert and Moss. Ms. Mitzi McCoy Maymie Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Brown Mr. Richard T. Lauer Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shubert Mr. Ray Wareham Alma E. Knarr Dr. Linda C. Kennedy Jimmy Knisley Dr. and Mrs. Joe Cauley Vadim Komkov Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Hill Donald Krebbs Ms. Janis A. Cooper Mrs. Elta C. Rouse Mr. and Mrs. Don Herriage Ms. Paula Donley Ms. Dena D. Tilson Ms. Barbara L. Randolph Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Taylor Ms. Nancy Cobb Ms. Barbara E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. George McDuff Mr. and Mrs. Dick Patterson Ms. Jane E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. David L. Cameron Ms. Cressinda N. Hyatt Ms. Ana M. Valadez Shelley and Sarah Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Warlick Ms. Cheryl Meixner Jean Kritzer Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kritzer Ronald Kuhl Ms. Joyce L. Kuhl Dorothy Kurio Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lorenz Mary C. Kuss Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Wall Curtis Kuykendall Mrs. Carol Kuykendall Bill Laceky Ms. Ann A. Godfrey Nettie Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Harry Millican Sherrell “Rod” Lambert Ms. Irma Guerra Ms. W. Coleen Smith Mrs. Norma Kincer Mr. and Mrs. Keith Young Mr. and Mrs. Randolph L. Jones KCBD - Newschannel 11 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Hoover Dave Lane Ms. Paulina Jacobo Yvonne Langston The Honorable and Mrs. William R. Shaver Grace House Howard, Cunningham, Houchin and Turner, LLP Mr. and Mrs. David Langston Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vanderhider Joe Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McLeod Alice M. Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Jay Petty Charles F. Lisman, III Charles F., IV and Merina Lisman Evelyn Litt Mr. Samuel A. Bennett Tom Locke Ms. Paula Finney Alice Long Mr. and Ms. John E. Long Glenn Looney Mr. Wesley H. Looney Myers Looney Mr. Wesley H. Looney JoAnne Lorenzen Lubbock National Bank Mr. and Mrs. Scott Senter Bill Lovingier Mr. and Mrs. Mike L. Lovingier Una Lovingier Mr. and Mrs. Mike L. Lovingier Lula Mae Lund Ms. Kaye Adams Charles Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Gurley Josephine Macha Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gandy Margaret J. Mantooth Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Davis Bud Marcy Mr. and Mrs. Ferrel Wheeler Skip Martin Mr. and Mrs. Harry Millican Myron D. Mattison Dr. Sheryl B. Mattison A.B. May Ms. Ernestine Messick Mr. and Mrs. Mike Klein Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill Harry Mayes Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Harlan Peggy T. Mayes Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Harlan Lillian L. Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Huenerga William S. McCay Ms. Mandy Mantooth Ms. Scarlette R. Stinson Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCay Lubbock Co. Auditor’s Offce Lubbock Co. Commissioner’s Offce Sheriff’s Department Employee Assoc. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chase Mr. Gregory B. George Irving McClurkin Ms. Sylvia P. Benice Raudin McCormick Ms. Sheelah K. Pagendarm Suzette McCutcheon Ms. Sonja H. Nash Fred McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grossman Brian McElroy Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. McElroy Patsy A. McGee Mr. Yul B. McGee Kelly McGinnis Mr. and Ms. Steven M. Presley Robert D. McLeod Ms. Henrietta Cannon-Stover Myrtle McMahan Mr. and Mrs. George McMahan Pat McMahan Mr. and Mrs. Natt Park Marie McNeese Ms. Barbara Blevins Roy W. McNeese Ms. Barbara Blevins Ray Medley Mrs. and Mr. Sandra Medley Timothy Meitin Mrs. Patsy Renfro Eugene Melcher Mr. Joe A. Burleson Mr. and Mrs. Keith Young Tommy Merrick Ms. Jane Merrick James T. Merriman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cravey Mrs. Claudene Merriman Ms. Joanna Thomason Mr. and Mrs. Lewis James Mr. John P. Harrington Gordon Messall Ms. Joyce L. Kuhl Walker Metcalf Mrs. Frances Sowder Joe N. Miller Mr. and Mrs. James H. Buckner Ms. Robbie Crooks Earl D. Milligan Ms. Charlotte Milligan Lisa Mills Mr. Ralph Wolf Gloria Mires Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Woodard George Miser Dr. and Mrs. Martin Miser Wilma Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Jess Bryant Mart Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. James A. Montgomery Doyle and Carolyn Moore Ms. Sue Moore Inez Moore Ms. Dena D. Tilson Wanda Moore Mr. Donald Moore Mark Morgan Mr. Scott Reynolds David Morrison Mr. and Mrs. John D. Stiefel Kenneth E. Moss Ms. Madeline Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Poer Mrs. Frances Sowder Myrtle Mullenix Mr. Jerry Mullenix Nancie Mullenix Mr. Jerry Mullenix Thomas Mullenix Mr. Jerry Mullenix Royce Mullins Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Lee, Jr. Terry Sweet Ms. Sue L. Keveryn Ms. Beverly F. Thompson Jan’s Parts and Things, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Simmons Dorothy Mussatto Mrs. Suzann Brown Tim Myers Ms. Peggy Myers Tillie Nanny Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Chambers Ms. Ann Morgan Stewart Title of Lubbock J.E. Murfee and Son J.R. Nixon Ms. Laurie Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stroope June Nixon Ms. Jan Williams Royce Noblett Ms. Laurie Hubbard Sandra Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill Juanice Norris Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Key Priscilla T. Norris Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Rice Dell J. Brown Ms. Deborah Michels Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Crossman Mrs. Theresa M. Coll Bert Lane Life Group - Victory Li Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Kerry W. Williams Ms. Wanda L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Claudie E. Phillips Ms. Dianna Sanders Ms. Marilyn A. Kemple Mr. and Mrs. Bill G. Moore Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Martin Ms. Jeanette Richards Mrs. Colleen Sturgeon Mrs. Theresa M. Coll Mr. and Mrs. Neil Quattlebaum Rick O’Connor Ms. Teresa K. Blodgett Freddie Oliver Ms. Tina Jordan Roy Overton Mr. Dwight J. Overton Freddy L. Owen Ms. Vickie Moore Mrs. Donna Owen Jim Pagendarm Ms. Sheelah K. Pagendarm Gerald Par Mr. and Ms. Steven M. Presley We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions from April 2009 to December 2009 Every effort has been made to correctly list all contributions to Hospice of Lubbock. If you note a mistake or omission, please accept our apologies and inform our offce of any corrections or changes by calling 806.725.6089. Winter 2010 21 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK David Morrison Mr. and Mrs. John D. Stiefel Kenneth E. Moss Ms. Madeline Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Poer Mrs. Frances Sowder Myrtle Mullenix Mr. Jerry Mullenix Nancie Mullenix Mr. Jerry Mullenix Thomas Mullenix Mr. Jerry Mullenix Royce Mullins Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Lee, Jr. Terry Sweet Ms. Sue L. Keveryn Ms. Beverly F. Thompson Jan’s Parts and Things, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Simmons Dorothy Mussatto Mrs. Suzann Brown Tim Myers Ms. Peggy Myers Tillie Nanny Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Chambers Ms. Ann Morgan Stewart Title of Lubbock J.E. Murfee and Son J.R. Nixon Ms. Laurie Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stroope June Nixon Ms. Jan Williams Royce Noblett Ms. Laurie Hubbard Sandra Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill Juanice Norris Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Key Priscilla T. Norris Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Rice Dell J. Brown Ms. Deborah Michels Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Crossman Mrs. Theresa M. Coll Bert Lane Life Group - Victory Li Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Kerry W. Williams Ms. Wanda L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Claudie E. Phillips Ms. Dianna Sanders Ms. Marilyn A. Kemple Mr. and Mrs. Bill G. Moore Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Martin Ms. Jeanette Richards Mrs. Colleen Sturgeon Mrs. Theresa M. Coll Mr. and Mrs. Neil Quattlebaum Rick O’Connor Ms. Teresa K. Blodgett Freddie Oliver Ms. Tina Jordan Roy Overton Mr. Dwight J. Overton Freddy L. Owen Ms. Vickie Moore Mrs. Donna Owen Jim Pagendarm Ms. Sheelah K. Pagendarm Gerald Par Mr. and Ms. Steven M. Presley Ruby L. Parker Mrs. Delmarie Davis Albert Parkhurst Ms. Deborah M. Wiltbanks M.E. ”Gene” Parkinson Mr. and Mrs. Don Mimms Mr. Fred Harris Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Low Grace House Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McIlroy Newburgh Church of Christ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Macha Ms. Kay Jones Mr. and Mrs. David Brunson Ms. Kathie Karnes Ms. Betty R. Crenwelge South Plains Association of Gover Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Hornaday Mrs. Maria Elena Quintani Mr. and Mrs. David Garza First Baptist Church - Wolfforth Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Van Court Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bridges Lubbock Professional Fire Fighter Mr. Don A. Rust Ms. Jan Parkinson Ms. Sundai Swinney Tayla Parkinson Ms. Jan Parkinson Virginia Parmenter Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Avey Jeff Pate Ms. Carla Brown Billy Payne Ms. Wilda Payne Wilma Payne Mr. Wayne Crump Winfred Payne Mr. Wayne Crump Barbara Payton Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wuensche Mr. and Mrs. Ron Ricks Zack Payton Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. McRoberts Mrs. Barbara Payton Barbara Peek Ms. Annette J. Barchat George T. Peng Ms. Marianne Peng Joan Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Avey Pete Peterson Mrs. Frances Sowder JoAnna Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Carr Joshua T. Phillips Ms. Paulina Jacobo John Pickett Mr. and Ms. Brant Baugh Randy Pope Ms. Barbara Pope Frank Porter Ms. Theresa A. Shultz Omega Portwood Mr. and Mrs. Royce Mullins R. G. Pratt Ms. Jewel D. Ford Grace Price Mr. and Mrs. Mike L. Lovingier Shorty Price Mr. and Mrs. Mike L. Lovingier Clyde Pruiett Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Atchley, Jr. Catharine Ptomey Mr. Samuel A. Bennett Katie Quest Mr. Ralph B. Quest Rachel Quest Mr. Ralph B. Quest Pauline Ragland Mr. Mike Ragland Joyce Raines Mr. and Mrs. Larry Raines Pat Nichols Mr. and Mrs. David H. Raines Ms. Cecilia A. Sanders W.W. Ranck Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ranck Dennis Rasberry Mr. and Ms. Jimmie Swindle Ruby Ray Mr. and Mrs. James T. Scott Burt Reed Mr. David S. Reed Bobby Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Stovall Justin H. Reeves Kelene R. Fortney Lena Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Cates Gertrude Reid Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gillum Wanda J. Reily Mr. and Mrs. Gary Light Mr. Bill Buckner Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Cathey South Plains Electric Cooperative Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner Edna F. Reinhardt Ms. Wilma R. Minton Rogelio Reschman Head-Duarte Funeral Home Ronald L. Revert Ms. S. A. Revert Barry Reynolds Ms. Iza Reynolds Elbert B. Reynolds L. K. Reynolds Patty Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cleveland Mrs. Linda Estes Mr. Clarence E. Guhl Ms. Barbara Bruster Mr. and Mrs. George Sharp Trusty Construction Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holley Mr. Scott Reynolds Johnny Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Hilton Enedina Richarte Mr. and Mrs. Luis Chavez Barbara Riley Ms. Nancy Nanny Ms. Amanda Cargile Virginia B. Roach Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Roach B. Robbins Ms. Cheryl Dunn Mr. and Mrs. B Robbins Mr. Fred D. Bradshaw Ms. Joyce Tarver Guy Roberson Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chase Hazel Roberts Mrs. Lanelda R. Bridges Viola Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Booe Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Avey Mrs. Marie Moody Andrew Robinson Ms. Grace McGrath Jackie Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Math Bartley Don W. Rocap Mrs. Della Rocap Alva Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilkison Tom Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Rambo I. L. ”Bert” Rose SGS Engineering, LLC Lawrence, Littlefeld, Jacob and Fe South Plains Electric Cooperative Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ricci McWhorter, Cobb and Johnson, LLP Karl Rose South Plains Stamp Club Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Buenrostro Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rast L. K. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. John Bonestell Ms. Helen W. Doege Maenisha Rosemond Mr. Johnny Rosemond James Floyd Ross Ms. Betty O. Ross Harry E. Salyer Ms. Elaine Salyer Margaret Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill Suzan L. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Billy M. Haney W.E. Sanders Mr. and Ms. Olan Bourland Ms. Cheryl Williamson Beth Satterwhite Ms. Rebecca Jemian Mr. R. Steve Heinsch Carl Sawyers Mrs. and Mr. Billie C. Sawyers Elaine Schneider Ms. Debralee Crunk Helen Schroeder Ms. Janice K. Justice Dale Schwartz Ms. Ann A. Godfrey Scott Mr. and Mrs. John R. Julian Delrose T. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Royce Ivory Thomas H. Scott Ms. Sidonia Stevens John Selby Dr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Giles McCrary Willie Shambeck Ms. Linda C. Huffaker John Shea Mr. and Mrs. Royce Ivory Cecil Shearer Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Mattison David Sherrill Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hammitt Mary L. Sherrill Mr. and Ms. Gary Armstrong Chris Shields Wesley and Nicole Shields Walt Shields Wesley and Nicole Shields Mary Simmons Dr. Patricia Brown Eugenia S. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Sokora Howard Simpson Ms. Mary L. McClellan Pearl Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Garland E. Cartwright Douglas Sims Ms. Rita McDonell Hubert A. Singletery Ms. Marietta Sooter Zella Slaughter Ms. Linda J. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Billy H. Cope Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meesey Mr. and Mrs. Rabin Vire Harold Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Rex Pease Doug Smallwood Ms. Shirley Smith Mrs. and Mr. Martha P. Hyde Mrs. Sue Smallwood Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rhodes Ann Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cook Margaret Smith Mr. and Mrs. Glen Akin Andy Sowder Mrs. Frances Sowder Madison Sowder Mrs. Frances Sowder Mavis Springer Dr. and Mrs. Gene L. Johnson Berry Squyres Fellowship Bible Class Polly St. Clair Dr. and Ms. Martin Miser Suzanne Stapp Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Ryburn, Jr. Paul Stewart Ms. Dolores D. Stewart Emil Storch Head-Duarte Funeral Home C.B. and Ruth Strain Mr. James R. Strain Alton Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Alton Strickland Bill Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Alton Strickland Mavis Stringer Mr. and Mrs. Russell Avery Mr. Philip Phelps Ms. Judy Ramsey Jack Strong Ms. Paulina Jacobo Bill Sue Owens Co-op Gin Co. Jerry Sullivan Ms. Betty S. Carr Nancy Swanner Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Swanner Lee Swanson Dr. Robert J. Bisbee Ms. Antoinette Brackeen Eva M. Swenson Ms. Barbara Gray Mr. and Mrs. Keneal Swenson Jr. Bonnie Swinney Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Joplin Frances K. Tapp Mr. and Ms. John T. Bandy Homer Tapp Mr. and Ms. John T. Bandy Nathalee B. Taylor Mr. and Ms. Steven M. Presley Robert Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Miller Jimmy Teague Mrs. Connie Teague Jud Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Travis Lancaster Debbie G. Thompson Mr. Don Green Consie Thuett Mrs. Nancy Thuett L.G. Thuett Mrs. Nancy Thuett Gene Timberlake Ms. Lindy Jones Wayne Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Townsend Edna Trahan Mrs. Jo Ann Winford Hazel Trent Ms. Henrietta Cannon-Stover Kelli Trowbridge Ms. Patricia A. Ellison John Tubb Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hill C. A. Tubbs Ms. Janice K. Justice Sue Tubbs Ms. Janice K. Justice Janne Tullos Ms. Glenda King Judy Turner Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Turner Doyle Tyson Mrs. Barbara Payton Jimmie S. Underwood Ms. Betty S. Carr Ruby Urban Mr. Ralph B. Quest Doris D. Urey Mr. and Mrs. Charles Griffn O.R. Van Ness Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McLeod Jacob Vandermeulen Ms. Sheelah K. Pagendarm Helen S. Vinyard City Bank Faye Walters Grace House Mr. and Mrs. W.P. (Bill) Manney Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Thompson Julie Walton Mr. and Mrs. H.L. B. Young Jay Wampler Mr. and Mrs. Randy B. Peeples Bill Ward Mr. and Mrs. Math Bartley Teddy Ward Mr. and Ms. Brant Baugh We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions from April 2009 to December 2009 Every effort has been made to correctly list all contributions to Hospice of Lubbock. If you note a mistake or omission, please accept our apologies and inform our offce of any corrections or changes by calling 806.725.6089. 22 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Winter 2010 In Memory HoNorariUMs Elizabeth Abraham Jackie K. Driskill Mr. and Mrs. William G. Morris Dr. and Mrs. James R. Moyes Jackie K. Driskill Mary E. Agnello Dr. Mary F. Agnello Zeb Alexander Mr. James E. White Shera Atkinson Mr. James E. White Karen A. Baggerly Dr. and Mrs. William A. Shaver Henrietta and Cassandra Baltazar Ms. Sophie G. Galindo Betenbough Homes Ms. Susan Nemec Dennis Bridges Mrs. Lanelda R. Bridges Thriess and Lynn Britton Dr. and Mrs. Barry Currey Abby, Sophie, and Liam Cain Mrs. and Mr. Alynn Cain Evelyn Cash Ms. Lee Battey Mr. and Mrs. David Bush Ms. Beverly Cain Mr. William Cash Ms. Carolyn M. Feminear Dr. and Mrs. James R. Moyes Ms. Marilyn Murfee Ms. Victoria Thornley Rick Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Church of God in Christ Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Bailey Beverly Cotton Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hackler Darrell and Shirley Couch Mr. and Mrs. Lyndall Couch Charlene Davis Mr. and Mrs. Mike L. Lovingier Denton Dewitt Dr. and Mrs. Barry Currey Sherri R. Duyka Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Hilton Dan English Mr. Mark Bass Tessa English Mr. Mark Bass Brett Esrock Ms. Karen A. Baggerly, RN, MSN Cheryl Fernandez Mr. and Ms. Jose R. Fernandez Ms. Dana Matthews Barbara Fewox Mr. Mark Bass Debbie Findley Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hackler Antonio Garcia Mrs. and Mr. Maria Garcia Russell Gras Dr. Rebecca M. Chapman Forrest Green Mr. Don Green Cheryl L. Hall Ms. Susan Nemec Karen Hall Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Ryburn, Jr. Michele Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hamilton Bob Hammitt Mr. and Ms. Gary Armstrong Dee Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones Mary Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lewis Theresa Hays Dr. and Mrs. William A. Shaver Derek and Lara Henneman Ms. Lee Battey Jack Henry Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Heidi Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Greg Joiner William T. Hollabaugh Ms. Patricia E. Hollabaug Debby Horton Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones Hospice of Lubbock, Inc. Ms. Lee Battey Mrs. Rita Chamblin Ms. Rose Chase Mr. and Mrs. Mike Field Mrs. J.K. Fulton Mrs. Mary A. Fulton Mr. Charley J. Wasson Sandy Hough Mr. Don Green Gail House Dr. and Mrs. James R. Matthews Verl Johnson Mr. Thomas Townsend Bonnie Jones Mr. Mark Bass Ms. Wanda L. Schale Vaughn Jones Mr. Mark Bass Lisa Karnes Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hackler Cheryl Keefer Mrs. Missy G. Ratcliff Charles E. Key Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Wright Eric Lange Mr. Mark Bass Berniece Latham Mr. Gaylord Latham Jimmy R. Lipps Mr. and Mrs. Don W. Bundock Ms. Jamie Collins Mr. and Mrs. James C. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gilliand Ms. Cindy Armstrong Mr. and Ms. Gary Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hooks Mr. Joe F. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Al Tutino Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kennedy First Texas Bank Lubbock National Bank J.E. Murfee and Son Mrs. Susan Nall Price Repair Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pullen Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Schulz Elizabeth A. Litsch Ms. Eloise Goebel Patsy Lock Mr. Mark Bass Diana Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Mike L. Lovingier Mary Jo Lovingier Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price Mike L. Lovingier Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price Gerry Maddoux Mr. Mark Bass Mia D. Maddoux Mr. Mark Bass Cinnamon Magorno Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hackler Robert N. Matthews Mr. and Ms. Jose R. Fernandez Ms. Dana Matthews Dr. and Mrs. James R. Matthews Kathy McCowan Mr. and Mrs. Greg Joiner Peggy A. McInturff Mr. Terry McInturff Cynthia McKenney Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hackler Veronica S. Metcalf Carillon, Inc. Faye Mitchell Mary Martha Sunday School Class Emmie Overton Mr. Dwight J. Overton Palliative Care Team Mr. Charley J. Wasson Bruce and Mary Parks Mr. and Mrs. Greg Parks Patterson Family Mr. and Mrs. Craig Patterson Brenda Pearson Mr. Mark Bass Catherine Pope Ms. Karen A. Baggerly, RN, MSN Jon Prather Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Mary K. Prather Mrs. Louise Underwood Tom Prather Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Denise Prose Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hackler Eric Quijada Ms. Antoinette Brackeen Wilda Quillin Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Niehaus Connie L. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Bryce J. McGregor Maggie Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hackler Frank M. Ryburn, MD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook Ms. Lee Battey Margie Watson Mr. and Mrs. Ted W. Johnston R. G. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Ricky Yantis Mr. and Mrs. Ted W. Johnston Earl and Fern Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. Tavenner Bill Weeks Ms. Pauline Weeks Betty Weems Caltex Consulting, Inc. T.R. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Burt Priscilla Weinshiemer Mr. Jerry Mullenix Carrie L. Wells Ms. Marlene Strokes Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bachman Doris West Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Marcy Loren J. West Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Marcy Ms. Darleen J. West Sue West Ms. Gail Aleman Harry Westmoreland Mr. Fred Westmoreland Charlotte White Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Kenmore William White Lubbock Professional Fire Fighters Dottie Whitener Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Hopkins Martha Whittaker Ms. Martha M. Summitt Juana Williams Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wellman Alyne Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Wagner Troy Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Perry Doris Winchester Dell Smith Billie Windham Mr. and Mrs. Giles McCrary Bill Wolfe Mrs. Linda Wolfe Catherine Woods Ms. Dennice H. Wheeler Billy B. Wright Mr. and Ms. Brant Baugh Bryan Wright Mr. and Mrs. Natt Park Doryal L. Young Mr. and Mrs. Jodie Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jeryl D. Hart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Royce Ivory Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Dr. and Mrs. Scott Porter Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Jones Gary, Bowers and Miller Dr. and Mrs. Clarke E. Cochran Ms. Edith C. Blackburn Mrs. P. T. McKinley Ms. Jean H. Nichols Mrs. Nadene Dillard Dr. and Mrs. William A. Shaver Mr. and Mrs. David Vannoy Mr. and Mrs. Les Eubank Mrs. Charline Eubank Ms. Juanda T. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Larry Isom Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Salem Mrs. Cheryl Thompson Edra Young Mr. Michael Ratheal Ms. Becky Critz Madeline Zurinski Ms. Mary Anne Girard Ms. Sheelah K. Pagendarm Mr. Scott Ryburn Ms. Emily R. Sloter Kathy R. Sales Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Hilton The Honorable William R. Shaver Dr. and Mrs. William A. Shaver Winn Sikes Mr. and Ms. Gary Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hammitt South Haven, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Hunt Hank Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Dana J. Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. William A. Shaver Pam Sumrall Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hackler The Gross Family Mr. Charley J. Wasson The Legacy Makers Ms. Reisie Truelock The Rick Beecher Family Mr. Charley J. Wasson Jean Thomas Ms. Reta B. Moore Doris Thompson Mary Martha Sunday School Class Erin Thomspon Mr. Don Green Fred A. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Fred Q. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Louise Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Kay Ward Mr. Mark Bass Sanny Ward Mr. Mark Bass U. F. Wells Ms. Joann E. Doty Amy Wesley Ms. Reta B. Moore D’Anne White Ms. Karen A. Baggerly, RN, MSN Tooley Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sedgwick Kyle Wilkison Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilkison Jason and LaShawn Williams Mr. and Mrs. Lyndall Couch Margaret Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Mike L. Lovingier Steve Wright Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Key Lou Younger Mr. and Mrs. Lyndall Couch We gratefully acknowledge the following contributions from April 2009 to December 2009 Every effort has been made to correctly list all contributions to Hospice of Lubbock. If you note a mistake or omission, please accept our apologies and inform our offce of any corrections or changes by calling 806.725.6089. Winter 2010 23 HOSPICE OF LUBBOCK Beloved Hospice of Lubbock volunteer Bob Ensley, who died in November, will be greatly missed by our staff and patients. Bob, who faithfully fled patient informa- tion twice a week, was known for his quick wit and honesty. Bob drew energy from his relationships with those around him, and showed true dedication in his support of Hospice of Lubbock’s work. Staff members gathered in his home, along with his family and friends, told “Bob stories,” laughed, and celebrated his wonderful life. In Memory Elizabeth Abraham and Bob Ensley God of tears and the mysterious silence, God of suffering and God of hope, you have made for everything a season. This is a season of our sorrow, of our grief, and we pray for grace to deal with what seems impossible to deal with. We remember the promise made to those who mourn, yet too often it seems that comfort is beyond our grasp. We know that we cannot bear this burden alone. Should we pray for our grief to be transformed, or, is the purpose of our grief to transform us? Will our sorrow lead somewhere unex- pected? Might it lead us back to life if we follow it? Is it a reminder of the precious reality of life and love? Bruce’s death has created a vast, empty space within our lives, a great longing within our hearts. Can it ever be flled? Can it be healed by the sacred memory that makes our loved one forever a part of us? So many questions, O God, and so much silence. May we be patient toward all that is unanswered in our hearts. And may others be patient with us, with our sorrow, our anger, our fear and our questions. We are those who mourn. We seek the comfort that we can offer each other and the blessings of divine love and grace. ~ Amen Author: Unknown Bruce Chamblin PRAYER Recited at the Memorial Service for on January 23, 2010 Ms. Sheelah K. Pagendarm Mr. Scott Ryburn Ms. Emily R. Sloter Kathy R. Sales Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Hilton The Honorable William R. Shaver Dr. and Mrs. William A. Shaver Winn Sikes Mr. and Ms. Gary Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hammitt South Haven, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Hunt Hank Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Dana J. Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. William A. Shaver Pam Sumrall Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hackler The Gross Family Mr. Charley J. Wasson The Legacy Makers Ms. Reisie Truelock The Rick Beecher Family Mr. Charley J. Wasson Jean Thomas Ms. Reta B. Moore Doris Thompson Mary Martha Sunday School Class Erin Thomspon Mr. Don Green Fred A. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Fred Q. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Louise Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Laurin Prather Kay Ward Mr. Mark Bass Sanny Ward Mr. Mark Bass U. F. Wells Ms. Joann E. Doty Amy Wesley Ms. Reta B. Moore D’Anne White Ms. Karen A. Baggerly, RN, MSN Tooley Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sedgwick Kyle Wilkison Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilkison Jason and LaShawn Williams Mr. and Mrs. Lyndall Couch Margaret Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Mike L. Lovingier Steve Wright Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Key Lou Younger Mr. and Mrs. Lyndall Couch 1102 Slide Rd., Suite 3 P.O. Box 16800 Lubbock, Texas 79490-6800 Phone 806.795.2751 Phone 800.658.2648 24 hours / 7 days Hope Dignity Love ...It's Called Hospice Non Proft Org U.S. Postage PAID Lubbock, TX Permit No. 387
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