Wing t Oline Drills



Offensive Line - Wing-T DrillsIntroduction and Setup These drills assume the linemen have a solid grasp of first step mechanics for each of the basic line steps (power, reach, flat, bucket). Setup four bags parallel to each other, about 2 yards apart. Have a grid line or hose about 1 yard off the end of the bags. Drill 1 - Get-Offs The purpose of these drills is to teach the linemen to be able to move out of their stance. Focus on the concept of a wide base - in all of the steps, the lineman must come off the ball with a wide base or "duck" demeanor. Line up four at a time with their stance at the line in front of the bags. Go as deep as you need to run all of the linemen through the drill. Power Step Get-Off Lineman offsets in a three-point stance one half-man to the side so that the foot the player is stepping with is down the middle of the bag. The lineman then explodes out of the stance and sprint as fast as possible in a forced duck sprint over the bag. As you teach this drill you can have the first two steps be on command, and begin the sprint on the third step. Complete a full sequence with right and left power. Commands are "Power right, get-off on sound..., 'set'." Reach Step Get-Off Same as power step get-off but have the lineman set one whole man to the side so that the foot the player is stepping with is at the corner of the bag. The player can also turn their body about 30 degrees away from the bag. Flat Step Get-Off Linemen align themselves with their feet parallel to the bag, Right Power behind the bag in a three-point stance. Players must rip the corresponding elbow through the hip. Have a flat back as they explode from the stance. Bucket Step Get-Off Linemen align themselves with their feet approximately parallel to the bag, but with their backs about 30 degrees turned towards the bag. Right Flat Right Bucket Right Reach Command is "Fire right.Offensive Line . Squeeze the bag with the shoulder and neck. Players can substitute for bags once the basics are grasped. Facemask should be six inches from the bag. explode into the bag.Individual Blocks This is where we put together the basic steps and blow in drills 1 & 2. Command is "Strike a blow.Strike a Blow From the same position relative to bags.Wing-T Drills Drill 2 . and blocking direction vary for each but the basics are the same. alignment. each player begins in a 6 point stance with his laces flat on the ground. and a wide base with the bag between the legs. driving of the bag with the knees. but have players rotate through holding bags. displacing it from the line.. Finish with eyes to the sky and the elbow high." Drill 3 . 'set'. which should be directly between the knees. Use the same setup as prior drills. Continue to reinforce the fundamentals: great first-step get-off." Fire Right Reach Right Gap Right Down Right Backer Right . forcing an explosion from the hips. Keep the hips to the dirt and laces flat. 'set'. left shoulder block on sound. Stance. flat back with eyes up. On command. violent and correct shoulder contact.. right shoulder on sound. second foot on the ground... 'set'. used primarily to get a two-on one situation at the line of scrimmage with a trapping third lineman. He Trap Post Lead proceeds to kick out the other down defender with his right shoulder. Scenario 1 . A second heavy bag is aligned outside the non-pulling (angle blocking) lineman.Offensive Line . Three linemen work this drill .. and lead blocker..Double Team Lead Post Inside-Out (LPIO) This is the traditional combo block. and down. The backer Trap Post Lead is stacked over the trapper and will flow over the top as if reading the pulling lineman. Command is "Cross block right on sound. The trapper takes a right flat step and kicks out the defender with the right shoulder.Cross Block This drill teaches and reinforces the key combination block used for trap. Because there is no line movement the post and lead players drive the defender down the line.Wing-T Drills Drill 4 . the post blocker will not make contact with lineman and will instead climb to next level and block the backer with head across the front.No line movement The post defender is down and lines up outside shade on the post blocker. The lead player steps down with his let foot and makes contact with his left shoulder. backer flows to fill slanting lineman. We will work three different scenarios.a trap. Scenario 2 . This is a lateral double-team down the line with two main components: a post block and a lead block. The post player performs a left power step and makes contact with the right shoulder/arm. ISO sally (switch). There's also a kickout blocker who traps to complete the LPIO drill. Repeat both left and right. The pulling lineman executes a slight bucket or reach step then pulls and kicks out the outside bag. P A . post." Drill 5 . The trapper takes a right flat step and stays tight to the tail of the post blocker. The angle blocker performs a down or gap block and always goes first. With the hard slant to outside. Two adjacent linemen begin in a normal split with a heavy bag aligned between the blockers.Post defender slants hard to outside of post blocker. The leader blocker single blocks the down lineman ensuring no penetration through the gap. Double Team Lead Post Inside-Out (LPIO) (continued) Scenario 3 . He should turn the lineman down the line. The playside guard steps for depth at 45 deg. He will take the lineman with a single block (gap or down). Trap Post Lead Drill 6 . dip shoulder. The backside guard pulls flat down the line and must immediately locate the frontside backer. Kickout on the right is made with right shoulder (same-same).Sweep Drill This drill should be run identically to each side and is meant to teach the proper timing and footwork for the buck sweep play. then wall off linebacker with the left shoulder (opposite). The lead blocker will execute a left flat or reach step and be ready for contact but will find the lineman has left his area. The backer flows over the top. This drill can also be run with QB and running backs to fine tune timing and spacing. The post player executes a left power step and will meet the defender immediately as he slants in. Lead will then adjust quickly and head upfield to see if there is a backer on his path and block him.Wing-T Drills Drill 5 . The trapper executes a right flat or bucket step and blocks the other down lineman. He will need to get some depth around the playside tackle.Offensive Line . 45 deg. then turns hard to downhill to kick out first defender that shows.The post defensive lineman is executing a hard slant to the inside. LG RG 3 yards . Wing-T Drills Drill 7 . The backside guard pulls with crossover footwork.Offensive Line . If defender gives hard penetration then he may kick-out with a gap block. getting depth to handle an outside blitz but also be ready to turn upfield for kickout. LG R L RG RT R . The playside guard pulls flat like he is trapping but will log block the #2 defender on the line of scrimmage.Boot Drill The blocking is different enough for the weak-side boot play (aka waggle) that it should be practiced in addition to the sweep.
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