
March 27, 2018 | Author: Preda Adelin | Category: Wind Power, Wind Turbine, Crane (Machine), Energy And Resource, Energy (General)



MITIGATING RISKS FROM CYBER ATTACKS / page August 2017 The technical resource for wind profitability THREE STRIKES AND YOUR TURBINE IS Hedging bets on wind development & project returns PAGE 20 OUT (MAYBE FEWER) coh# gb.oot tin017 oplo 2 m2760 cbr Ex teowe ainzdp W WPE AUGUST 2017_Cover_Vs4.indd 1 8/15/17 3:22 PM S:8” Scientifically proven to not contribute to WEC White etching cracks (WEC) are a common reason for wind turbine gearbox failures. Mobil SHC Gear 320 WT ™ advanced synthetic oil is scientifically proven to not contribute to WEC. Find out how it can energize your business at S:10” © 2017 ExxonMobil. All trademarks used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries. Mobile 8-17.indd 29 8/15/17 3:30 PM HERE’S WHAT I THINK Senior Editor | Windpower Engineering & Development | [email protected] Welcome to the 5,000-MW Club, Kansas T here’s a new club in town, and another U.S. state California also has transmission grids that can support has recently joined. The “5,000-Megawatt Club” renewables, and a mix of them. In fact, on May 13, 2017, has an exclusive membership of only five states the California Independent System Operator managed to so far. For entry, each one must officially exceed get 67.2% of its energy from renewables. While a good 5,000 MW of wind-generated capacity. portion of that energy is attributed to a strong solar market, The most recent honor goes to Kansas, which grabbed California refuses to shy away from wind. The state even set a fifth spot thanks to adding the 178-MW Bloom Wind Farm to new wind-generation record on May 16, 2017 of 4,985 MW. its portfolio in June (ahead of schedule and with construction It takes bold moves to make the club. New York’s costs below budget). Otherwise, Texas is in a league of its Governor Cuomo recent proposal for an unprecedented own with over 21,000 MW of wind. Iowa and Oklahoma each commitment to develop up to 2.4 GW of offshore wind power have well over 6,500 MW, and California has over 5,500 MW. by 2030 is the largest commitment in U.S. history. New York Illinois is working hard to take the sixth seat at has yet to make the 5,000-MW club, but with big plans such as the 5,000-MW table. Currently, the state has just over the one proposed, NY may soon become a contender. (Gov. 4,000 MW of wind capacity, and will add 278 MW once Cuomo is initially pushing for a 90-MW offshore wind project construction crews finish the Twin Forks Wind Farm this 30 miles southeast of Montauk, and then for wind developer year. Another 175 MW or more will be added with the Statoil’s 800-MW project south of the Rockaway Peninsula.) HillTopper Wind Energy Project in 2018. Members of the 5,000-MW club know that it takes policy So, along with decent winds, what does it take to pushers, determined developers, well-made turbines, reliable actually make the 5,000-MW club? transmission grids, and a strong wind industry to succeed. It For starters, your state has to want to join the club and also takes talent and ingenuity because wind farms could not policy is one way to prove it. For example, Kansas shows no operate without the people behind these facilities. A|S|B|P|E signs of stopping at the 5,000-MW mark and has set a target Fostering B2B editorial excellence On that note, I’d like to propose a little milestone club American Society of Business of 50% renewables by January 2019, which is one of the of our own here at Windpower Engineering & Development. Publication Editors most aggressive renewable-energy policies in the country. This is not a megawatt club but still one of honor and 2017 National In Illinois, state Senator Don Harmon is fighting to distinction. The magazine you are holding is Editorial Director DESIGN remove a wind-energy inhibiting provision in the Future Paul Dvorak’s 50th issue of Windpower Engineering & Gold Energy Jobs Bill that he says would initiate $2.2 billion Development, a publication that he designed from scratch, Revenue of $3 million or under in wind-farm construction. According to Harmon, the with heart, and for the wind community. He’d likely attribute provision has put some projects on hold that are already its success to his years as a mechanical engineering or two- A|S|B|P|E permitted. A change in legislative language just may plus decades of technical writing and editing experience. Fostering B2B editorial excellence guarantee the state that sixth seat in the club. This is true, but Paul also brings unmatched character, American Society of Business For Texas, success in wind has come from a free integrity, dedication, and hard work to the table. Publication Editors electricity market and strong transmission infrastructure that Therefore, let us officially inaugurate Mr. Paul Dvorak to 2017 Regional supports it. For example, the Competitive Renewable Energy Windpower Engineering & Development’s Club of Honor. DESIGN Zone (CREZ) lines have let the state double its use of wind Gold For 50 great issues and years of hard work. Raise your Revenue of energy. ERCOT, the main grid operator in Texas, has regularly glasses now and let’s set a goal for 50 more great issues — $3 million or under set wind-generation records on its system because of CREZ. and plenty of new wind projects to discuss in the future. W AUGUST 2017 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   1 Editorial_8-17_Vs2.indd 1 8/15/17 3:39 PM Suite solutions up to 367 ft. WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT (ISSN 2163-0593) is published six times per year in February. Canadian and foreign. 3 years $275.S. 1 year: $195. 6555 Carnegie Avenue. Unsolicited materials cannot be returned nor will this organization assume responsibility for their care. WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT is also an independent forum for the expression of opinions relevant to industry issues. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means. 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C M Y CM MY CY CMY K ® Timken has now added the AeroTorque® brand Torque Controls to their outstanding collection of solutions.aerotorque. Contact AeroTorque today to see how we help protect our clients turbines from the worst transient torque loads.pdf 1 6/23/17 4:18 PM STRONGER. www. TOGETHER. windpowerengineering. exactly which turbine blade has been struck.windpowerengineering. but fine tuning the whole wind farm is better 20 Projects: Hedging bets on wind development & project returns 40 Software: Alison online classes show instruction potential for wind advocates www. 52 Mitigating risks from cyber attacks To safeguard against cyberattacks.5 MW 28 Bolting: Brief guide to selecting concrete fasteners 60 Equipment World 30 Materials: “Smart” materials turn turbine 64 Downwind: Unusual turbine design boasts of connectors into sensors 75% capacity factor in medium winds F E AT U R E S 44 Energy storage standard is essential for the cost-effective generation of alternative power The goal of the MESA Standards Alliance is to speed interoperability.000-MW club. 25 Reliability: The trouble with turbulence 42 Turbine of the month: Vestas 9. Big ideas for small wind 38 Condition monitoring: Condition monitoring is good. Sensor tells more about lightning strikes that hit wind turbines Until recently. power 4 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT AUGUST 2017 Table of Contents_8-17_Vs4. Dual-rotor turbine about filter efficiency heads to prototype. updated and consistent 48 security measures are a must. D E PA R T M E N T S CONTENTS AUGUST 2017 • vol 9 no 4 01 06 Editorial: Welcome to the 5. ON THE COVER Recent sensors in 57 The many facets of energy storage blades tell more Researchers who conducted a study on the economics about the lightning bolts that hit wind of energy storage found 13 potential services. safety. Recent systems deliver more useful and actionable data such as. turbines. Kansas Windwatch: Tower climbing cranes. scalability. and unplanned downtime. and more in the deployment of energy storage systems. What RE lawyer sees ahead for the wind industry. lightning-strike monitors provided incomplete information.indd 4 8/16/17 10:41 AM . A second 32 Safety: Can you hear me now? Seven elements of a well-devised hearing conservation program 36 Fluids and filters: What wind techs should know opinion for power forecasts. He has spent IEEE. By working on job sites and meeting with Colorado. DR.confast. a member Laboratory. LAURIE WELLS is a Doctor of blogger. CONTRIB U TO R S BOB CARLISLE has been president of Concrete DR. Development with Hy-Pro Filtration. SONIA WHARTON is an atmospheric BENJAMIN MÜLLER is the Head of Business Unit scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Industrial Antivibration for EFFBE GmbH. and has been a post-doctoral fellow at the National involved in the concrete anchor business since Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden. Visit 3m. concrete. DR. for 29 years. atmospheric flow for a number of Sales. PA and a Master States and Sweden. SYLAWA WHARTON WELLS AUGUST 2017 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   5 Contributors 8-17_V3. Energy for Phoenix Contact USA located Concrete Fastening Systems sells its own brand of in Harrisburg. She specializes in measuring NEWMAN of the WOCo Group. Harlan graduated from Ball Audiology at 3M. HARLAN worked in power electronics as an engineering Sylawa has a BS in Engineering from Drexel manager and applications engineer in the United University in Philadelphia. of Parker Hannifin Global Energy Grid Tie. product SYLAWA is Senior Business FRIBERG show anchor installation. JENNIFER F. and marketer. He is a member of AWEA. DNP Users Group and ISA. Her research focuses on the use engineers and architects. Marketing & Logistics from Berufsakademie applications ranging from wind power to Mannheim. NEWMAN is currently CARLISLE Fastening Systems Inc. energy storage. Carlisle has gained a of remote-sensing devices for wind resource wealth of information in the field of fastening to assessment and power performance testing. The website. learn more about hearing conservation.indd 5 8/15/17 3:59 PM . renewable energy. of Engineering in Instrumentation and Process Control from Villanova University JIM HARLAN is in charge of Marketing & Content in Villanova. University of cooperative education. www. He holds a Bachelor of Arts. He has and industrial automation industries. 1981. of experience in project management and business development in the electric DANIEL FRIBERG is Division Engineering Manager power. may provide further information through videos that DANIEL J. national to State University with a Bachelor of Science degree. PA. He has over 30 years concrete fasteners under the name CONFAST. nine years in the industrial filtration industry with MÜLLER the company as a writer of technical articles. PA. and now resides in the Indianapolis area. and Development Manager – Renewable technical information related to the every product. windpowerengineering. The WTA AUGUST 2017 Wind Watch_8-17_Vs3. secured to the base tower section.indd 6 8/15/17 4:01 PM . 6 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. prepares to lift and place the second tower section. indd 7 8/15/17 4:01 PM . the proposed crane would let wind-turbine manufacturers further increase the capacity of their turbines with greater height and scale. the WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   7 Wind Watch_8-17_Vs3. the guide rail can be removed or left in place to simplify future maintenance operations. so they can lift and lower components to greater heights than equipment in use. For that. the crane can push itself up along the rail and repeat the process for additional tower sections. Once the next tower section is installed and equipped with a guiderail. One design is intended to climb the tower it assembles to place the nacelle and rotor. In addition. transports on about nine trailers and must be assembled onsite. to lift the next section. for example. wind turbines are getting bigger and towers are built taller. When construction completes. Developer Mammoet says the design is safer and more After assembling efficient than conventional equipment. the WTA The wind energy industry has 250 would lift the been taking advantage of increased nacelle and lastly. The Wind Turbine Assembly (WTA) 250 will have a capacity of 250 metric tons (250. Greater heights also affect wind turbine maintenance activities. windpowerengineering. A conventional crane with a 100-m reach. reaching physical limits that exceed conventional cranes. or 2.204 lb/metric ton) and will install on a guiderail that runs along the length of the bottom tower section. Both cranes use the turbine’s tower as a point of support. economies of scale to make the wind a more cost-effective alternative to other energy sources. CLEVER CRANE IDEAS INCHES UP TOWER TO TAKE TIME AND COST OUT OF CONSTRUCTION AND O&M A HEAVY LIFT AND TRANSPORT COMPANY recently introduced designs for two unusual cranes intended for maintenance and construction tasks. using it as support. while the other is aimed at lighter duty maintenance tasks. the turbine blades. Heavy-equipment hauler Mammoet says it recognized the limits set by current cranes on the height and scale of wind turbines and set about to fix the problem with the two new cranes.000 kg. indd 53 1 1/19/16 3:33 1:11 PM PM Zero-Max_2-16_Vs1.indd 8/15/17 . High Speed Shaft Solutions Zero-Max Wind Ad r3. a maximum lifting height of the crane is almost limitless. rendering assembly and maintenance safer and easier. they have no footprint. More importantly.” The tower-based design also puts the crane and the operator closer to the work area. Mammoet says both cranes are relatively compact.indd 9 8/15/17 4:01 PM . The WTM 100 will be equipped with clamps that wrap around the tower to keep itself steady. making the need for additional ground reinforcements almost redundant. on site.” said Mammoet’s Innovations Director Wessel Helmens in a press release. Mammoet says it is currently discussing the first applications with customers and exploring additional variations. because the cranes are attached to the tower. needs only two transport trailers to move the WTM 100 would first ascend to an elevation just below the nacelle. and more efficient than conventional alternatives. Engineering firm MECAL will provide assistance with the design and wind-turbine tower. “The maintenance version easily fits into two standard-sized containers while the assembly version Going up. both cranes eliminate the height restrictions for turbines and render the assembly and replacement process faster and more cost-effective. For maintenance work. with a 100-metric ton capacity. W WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT  9 Wind Watch_8-17_Vs3. For maintenance. W I N D W A T C H Because the crane uses the turbine’s tower for support. works in a similar manner. This crane requires minimal tower modification so it can be used on turbines equipped with hoisting eyes. “This makes them easy to mobilize and relocate. the model WTM 100. What’s more. It would attach to two pre-installed hoisting eyes to pull itself and a load up along the turbine using the tower for support. such as replacing a generator or gearbox. is crucial for operators. Forecaster in. Section Head of “Knowing when and how much generation will come from variable sources A typical Forecaster NOW output Forecasting for the Americas. the good to have second opinion to minimize user should have an appetite for more than uncertainty. On penetration. revenue. Meteorologists and engineers with DNV It’s not trying to go into your system and GL have a solution in Forecaster NOW. the blue band illustrates the site. “Forecast NOW is noninvasive. that the decision made is a good one. The vertical line marks the time Windpower 2017 trade show. and achieving a low-cost system. provided provides a percent of capacity versus a demo of the system at AWEA’s recent such as wind and solar with increased flexibility time. and get the those concerned with power production forecast within five minutes.” said Collier.S.” A bad decision. enabling increased show forecast and actual conditions. and ISOs in the forecast was issued. So when a power forecast looks We understand there is a lot on the line suspect or a lot is riding on the decision financially and reliability wise. which could be a particular wind farm NOW provides users with on-demand or region.windpowerengineering. could involve The accompanying image is one way penalties and imbalances or lost trading to receive the forecast. pick the market they are interested Forecaster NOW is available in the uncertainty in the forecast. utilities. “There are others. It’s a relatively often depend on a single power forecast. or trader a second opinion. and confidence that can quickly provide the second opinion.” DNV GL’s Craig Collier. a plant another forecast or mess with your recently devised delivery portal of the firm’s schedule. 10 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. get a second opinion TO BETTER PLAN SCHEDULES AND said Collier. most grid operators and information and a credit card. with European and global forecasts of select power markets with rollouts to follow. it’s When a lot does ride on a decision.” the right. small price to reduce the uncertainty in A variety of companies offer such service. and purchase a forecast for it.indd 10 8/15/17 4:01 PM . and Canada. W an hourly resolution to seven days. “They would provide contact MAINTENANCE. however. of the grid manager or energy trader. one opinion. W I N D W A T C H When a lot rides on a forecast-based decision.” U. Plots to the left “The decision maker would go to our maintaining reliability. important decisions. It’s just a way to give the operator wind and solar power forecasting AUGUST 2017 Wind Watch_8-17_Vs3. W I N D W A T C H Construction like this at Fire Island. that seems to be true in the market as of Construction Guidance’. “For wind projects that ‘begin is currently working on that will be completed on how the PTC ramps down. such as traditional project debt to wean the wind industry off subsidies. requirements of the grandfather rules. That may not be the case said example.” said Einowski. all. or so the long period to complete construction.a series of IRS publications 2018. attractive to developers and other financing PRODUCTION TAX CREDIT is supposed then the project is deemed to be have begun structures. the developer has a relatively “Wind has become very competitive with mass and can carry on without it. may become a rarer sight as the production tax credit phases out. So as long as the amount its current levels. partner with legal consultant under the five-percent rule in 2016 that won't don't know of any projects under construction Stole Rives Energy Group. Be that as facilities. a whole. the wind industry has been built to a critical After that. the credit drops to $19. a project 2016 $24 per MWh subsidy. thinking goes. and what may give MWh. so it is likely that spending five percent of the qualified project the wind industry is showing little interest in a work is proceeding on a wind project that will construction cost on actual energy producing 40% PTC by 2018. Some industry players have not qualify for the full 2016 PTC. From what I have that are generally referred to as the ‘Beginning and 40% of the 2016 level for projects that begin heard. tax equity transactions that any significant way what will happen with the paid by the end of the year in question equals at serve to monetize the credit will become less lower subsidies in future years. “For natural gas and more competitive than solar. route is to satisfy begin-construction rule by Eventually the credit disappears. in a conversation at complete until 2018. He had more to say megawatt-hour. But. and more competitive than solar. I Edward Einowski. may supplant tax-equity financing. Life in the wind industry as the PTC phases out and new markets phase in THE PHASE OUT OF THE least five percent of the final cost of the project. the market hasn’t yet begun to test in by buying equipment. Alaska. After construction and qualifies for that year’s credit. wind industry construction’ in 2017. if they meet the that were not grandfathered in 2016 so as the recent AWEA Windpower 2017 conference.” financing. $24 per credit. The most common construction in 2019. but that's with the making its payout a sort of moving target. The sponsors of all projects our office and finance practice. they will to be able to secure the full $24 per MWh He is the senior partner in the firm’s energy still get the benefit of the full 2016 PTC. the PTC is in step-down mode.” said Einowski. must comply with the requirements of the grandfather rules .indd 11 8/15/17 5:47 PM . We see a good slice of the market. Phase out and fallout Wind has become very competitive with natural gas As we write.20/ in 2017 and 2018 have taken steps to qualify construction after the PTC. the credit will be 60% of the 2016 level to get the full 2016 PTC. “Typically. we have projects that were brought but that's with the 2016 $24 per MWh WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   11 Wind Watch_8-17_Vs4. “To qualify for the credit at its 2016 level. but no one sees everything. For projects that ‘begin construction’ in under the begin construction rules in order a boost to the wind and utility industry.” AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. that is done opined that when the PTC drops to 40% of it may. However. and prove that the consumer sees the costs of a project could decrease.” he said.windpowerengineering. W I N D W A T C H A number of things can serve to keep wind power renewable energy.” get some displacement at the utility.” he said. “There are also issues when companies don’t buy from conventional utilities. “For one. increased hub benefits of clean wind energy. Thus. “When talking 12 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. It's a driver for a lot of development. But projects. which they view as important to being costs are only part of the picture. many utilities offer Einowski does not think that likely if the main impact of ‘green energy’ programs to customers where the tax reform is to eliminate deductions. The trend has actually helped to move a number of wind projects along that otherwise wouldn't have been built. “These programs have generally competitive as the subsidy drops.” said Einowski. less than 10 To the extent the equipment continues to improve from trend will continue. Some of the equipment improvements to date arrangements that let business directly contract to get the Natural gas powered have been mechanical — for example. what happens to the 300 MW of resources the utility had been generating to serve them?” It's one thing for a large company installing a new turbine price stays the same but it produces more server facility for the Internet to buy a couple hundred power or the project is located on a more windy site. utilities over the last year or two have tended to buy less wind than in prior years. if a big company switches its power purchase for a 300- MW load from a utility to a wind farm. Some affect the all-in cost-per-MW-hour of energy produced. megawatts. to minimize an efficiency or output standpoint. At the consumer level. the capital been successful. Now this new market arises for the renewable-energy industry. “There was a time when it was only possible to sell to utilities. It's a good market that developers are very excited about. “The popularity in many sectors of ‘going green’ Some in the wind industry are hoping that tax reform can also help maintain the construction of new wind might make a wind farm as profitable as did the PTC. this is possible as turbine manufacturers continue pay a higher price for their output.” he said. if the presence in keeping the wind industry moving forward with new construction. But capital their energy supply. “That would be new load and might not create the effect is to reduce the cost per unit of energy a larger issue. “For example. and hence the amount their operations. But when talking about a manufacturing production. then you can also improve production. this will help maintain met their RPS goals and the AUGUST 2017 Wind Watch_8-17_Vs4. The companies include the likes of Apple and Google and they are shaping a great new market. and there is every indication that the fast starts.” said Einowski. because other factors responsible corporate players in the economy.S. to improve the efficiencies of their operations and take As with consumers.” Paris accords. the private sector continues to place great down more quickly The capacity factor (the wind resource) of the value on these renewable resources and has a growing than other generators. we have seen significant improvement in come down the road as a result of carbon emissions from the efficiency of the equipment. “Optimizing the project site company that has been buying power from a utility and design to take better advantage of the wind resource suddenly switches the purchase to a wind farm. even though most states have minutes.indd 12 8/15/17 5:47 PM . project is another key factor. has pulled out of the spinning reserves and allow cycling up and wind’s competitive posture. such arrangements. In fact. and other customer pays a premium over the standard rate for “loopholes” while lower marginal rates. Another growth driver for renewable-energy firms and utilities are the big-name companies committing to offtake arrangements. may also be seeking to avoid potential liabilities that may For example. For instance. various major industrial and advantage of the economies of scale that come with commercial concerns have also taken steps to “green up” producing more turbines for the market. while what we call the commercial-industrials have significantly increased their purchases. As we have seen in the greater value of non-emitting resources and is willing to past. A growing percentage of generators such as this one from GE heights — while others have involved improved software the projects currently moving forward are supported by Jenbocker provide that better optimizes the output generated by the turbine. “The last few years have seen a growing of output generated by the same installed nameplate number of these “commercial and industrial” off-take capacity. credits. ” EVs are one wildcard. collectively draw a lot of at the size of the power plant — its maximum dispatchable. for example. wind would benefit along with the rest off-peak hours. and that power would always predict a higher power price. But that would cause me to think there's going One way this is done is to have more capacity wind cannot be dispatched on a schedule to be an increase in demand for electricity than demand needed most of the time. While we have seen sudden shifts in possible output. The millions of smart produced. while capacity is a way of looking auctions because wind-farm capacity is not phones. It is possible to dispatch a gas power. because when the wind's not blowing. it was difficult to give EVs Lower cost electric cars such as the Tesla Model away but five years from now 3 could be game changers for the utilities in that they would create more demand for power and people might ask others: Why reverse the slow growth of the last nine years. and I was looking to invest in a production shortage leads to black outs. economy.000 preorders for its Model 3. deductions and credits. for power is not growing. have reliability problems because sooner or New markets you're talking about a return to investors. utilities across the nation offer any direct hope for maintaining wind’s plant and you bid it in and win. we have sunset and the oft-stated goal of eliminating To handle the issue of occasional gotten much more efficient.” he said. a on average greater than we've seen in recent “In fact. gas-fired In addition. marginal WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   13 Wind Watch_8-17_Vs4. 7/24. and then run it almost 24/7. But the tax credit from a wind farm. So — they are worth more as a tax shelter at devised a capacity auction approach that lets things of that sort have tended to moderate a 35% marginal rate than they are at a 20% them bid for a plant’s capacity for a stated demand. the utility better of the reason. for instance. Energy is the electrons “You don't see a wind plant in capacity gadgets in use today. “As the technology continues to improve.” Einowski said. Tesla. That means. are you buying a gasoline- powered car?” W AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. So tax reform alone may not term. I don't see anything out there needed to balance the grid load to resources. So really it’s a charge for long term? “A big power demand that no There are two things a power plant owner can availability. of gas. Twenty to 30 years ago. this grid will thing is true for solar. some regional transmission modern appliances and LED lights are more true for things like depreciation deductions organizations — most notably PJM — have efficient than the devices they replace. if a grid does not have more wind farm produces nothing. grid response pricing. so the demand highly doubtful given that it is already slated to quickly to keep the lights on. Whatever have initiated what they call demand- competitiveness. The grid for instance. So later a generator somewhere will go off line. rate. in California economic boom — something that seems operators pay you for that. Grid operators because demand would be higher. W I N D W A T C H about tax reform that affects marginal rates. The economy is not growing will survive tax reform. But basically. For instance. Five years ago. one saw 30 years ago was all the electronic sell: energy and capacity. “Say you have a 300-MW. But then. something which is have some power plants that can respond as fast as it once was. “Also. of operator might narrow the bid to peak or an air conditioner in mid-afternoon than after course.” said Einowski. pays to have that plant available for possible What will happen to demand in the How utilities are changing power shortages. And that assumes that the PTC if a power plant goes down. Although they are a small fraction of sales.” any number of ways. Certainly the recession is part rate bracket. If it truly were to spark an the capacity charge that you won. This idea of energy capacity is plant as long as there is an available supply the economy. The operator can slice it midnight. Unless we see another real boom capacity available than demand. then the tax credit plan to have for more resources available on demand for power has slowed over the last is worth more than if I'm in a 20% marginal average than demand at any given time because eight years. the utility wisely than to build more power plants. recently announced more than 500. who thought that Dick Tracy’s two-way wrist radio would be in every school kid’s backpack in the form of a cell phone — with a computer in it to boot! One never knows. ” The same years. The same thing is maximum loads. that could change. we could easily be in a situation where consumer acceptance turns on a dime. So it's better to use power more of the economy.indd 13 8/15/17 5:47 PM . you pay more for power to run doubtful based on past experience — then. power forecasters if I'm a tax-equity investor in a 35% marginal letting demand exceed supply. ” says Juarez. A solar system is silent. such as parts of Meet the Nemoi. we started looking for alternatives. So he and business partner. “But our intent was not to reinvent tested in extreme conditions. It has even been unproductive wind speeds. work where solar panels may not. CEO of small-wind company just one tool. So one with the electric car. “That's the name of the game working with solar leasers and installers — but was lightweight yet durable. and survived However. It did not invent the “A lot of companies try to make the most company is offering an alternative option that technology.” says The Nemoi installs in less than an hour with CLEAN-ENERGY CHOICE for most Ignacio Juarez. regardless of wind tried to do the same with a small wind turbine.” he says. The systems also tend to that could quickly damage rooftop solar system from Semtive that can produce provide more predictable energy output than panels. CFO Nicolas Canevaro. which are subject to extreme hailstorms friendly and virtually noiseless” new turbine (think 25 years). fairly efficient way to generate energy that could also inconspicuous.indd 14 8/15/17 4:02 PM . there are regions and conditions the wheel. where solar energy is less than ideal. and has no moving parts. Semtive renewable energy on or off the grid. “We beautiful turbine or the most fancy turbine for takes advantage of the wind. home or business use. and that could here. and work in areas with low. Its new turbine We took previous designs on the market. if you want to be part in the energy sector. “We wanted to develop an even more each application and choose a color that suburban and rural settings for a number matches their home or business. W I N D W A T C H Big ideas for a small wind turbine SOLAR POWER IS TYPICALLY THE market. looked to wind power. you can work alone or with a solar-power system. an “environmentally and generally comes with a good warranty Texas.windpowerengineering. But we already know that speed (low or high) or storms.” energy at a more affordable rate. from very wind AUGUST 2017 Wind Watch_8-17_Vs3. but made it useful. so our primary goal was to generate more when we first approached the clean-energy generate a lot of energy at a very low cost. of reasons. and decided we could develop a turbine have to focus on the generated cost per kilowatt “Solar energy is great — in fact we are that could work in urban environments that hour. Options let buyers customize Semtive. so we tried to do what Tesla did almost unscathed from hurricane winds.” 14 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. low to high wind speeds.” which means it requires little maintenance. Juarez points to regions. Castrol 8-17. Learn more at Castrol. Can cut labor and downtime costs up to 50% on conversion Contact our expert engineers to discuss how Castrol can extend oil change out intervals and reduce O&M costs.000 megawatts globally…and growing every day. CASTROL OPTIGEAR ® ® SYNTHETIC CT 320 Castrol’s ashless option introduced over 10 years ago and protecting or 1-877-641-1600. • Lowest water ppm in the market – 7 year field average 76 ppm • Higher viscosity index and long-term viscosity stability to provide increased protection over a wider temperature range • Superior micro pitting protection and foam control that outperforms other competitive oils • Ease of changeover from other competitive oils. © 2017 BP Lubricants USA Inc.indd 29 8/15/17 3:27 PM . lights — everything.” Juarez says it all began with three ideals that Semtive More than 95% of the Nemoi turbine is made from upholds and that the turbine is based on. “We have three aircraft-grade aluminum.windpowerengineering. a highly resilient and recyclable pillars that we live by at Semtive.” says Juarez. “We eventually want to generate local want to offer the most affordable and simplest turbine for jobs in every region where we sell the turbines. The designers or the Nemoi intend for the vertical-axis wind turbine to stand as strong as its namesakes. our third pillar is a social one. and maintenance.” We are able to deliver this energy price point to he says. “We are able to deliver this energy price of electricity for a conventional family in an average point to customers because we focused on streamlining American home in average wind conditions.” He says the turbine can be assembled in less than an hour For Juarez and his team at Semtive. The second is environmental: with a lifetime guarantee. The Nemoi is “However.S. In this way. Some areas require behind our Nemoi design and all three values are very by law a roofer for installation.02 one medium Nemoi could support the consumption per kilowatt-hour. and spin no matter how strong or what direction the wind is coming from.” customers because we focused on streamlining “Our vision was to create an efficient energy solution manufacturing and assembly costs to get a real that can be used by anyone. Lastly. It has “For the U. but that pillars just to improve our revenues. mph. so the turbine must be recyclable turbine. the turbine can commercial and industrial use) is about 120 pounds. this means and when operating through an average wind speed of 35 manufacturing turbines locally.” can provide up to 100% of a household’s needs.” hassle-free use. manufacture the turbines locally to create local jobs. wherever they are sold. The small-wind turbine can capitalize on strong winds or generate energy in the flow of a gentle breeze. 16 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. The first is financial: We metal that is resistant to corrosion.” W WHAT’S IN A NAME? “Nemoi” is derived from Anemoi. “We're not only generating energy To produce clean energy using renewable sources with a we are generating clean energy. installation. We clean as well. the Greek wind gods associated with different cardinal directions. W I N D W A T C H Nemoi’s blades and vertical-axis design (the rotational Once assembled.” he says. “We America. we manufacture in the United States. the inner side can generate torque at low wind speeds and eventually will come in large and extra-large for to start the turbine spinning.” he adds. and does not require a reinforced structure. The Nemoi is 98% recyclable. energy is generated at as low as $. fridge. including requirements such as AC. market. and weather conditions. the residential turbine turbine that also produces.” explains Juarez.indd 16 8/15/17 4:02 PM . and affordable turbine that also produces. For the Latin American market. the medium-sized residential axis of the turbine stands vertical to the ground) means turbine (it is currently available in small and AUGUST 2017 Wind Watch_8-17_Vs3. Nemoi’s unique design is letting us attain this goal. Juarez says According to Juarez. “Then we have the turbines we plan to launch early next year that are made for commercial use. generate electricity when spinning at less than 10 rpm. anywhere in the world to democratize access to clean. manufacturing and assembly costs to get a real affordable “Depending on wind conditions. so the turbine comes generate affordable energy. we manufacture in Latin “We’re trying to simplify here. it makes sounds that are less than a whisper. we will never commit to only one of those technically designed to be a do-it-yourself product. seasons. 38 dB. TV. renewable energy. only two moving parts so it is nearly maintenance-free.” important to us. “Standing depends on each region’s regulations. design uses two rotors on the same shaft rotating in the same The first order of business. “The turbine will include two rotors as in with 500 kW and several others that total 5 MW. generators. “The operation and maintenance companies of M2Miling sized. They have wind farms scattered Airgenesis design (airgenesiswind. the center-tower drive shaft. is altering the engineering direction.” added Troxell.indd 17 8/15/17 4:04 PM .M2Miling. Briefly. possibility to create more power. said the CFO of licensed the technology for 10 years and will assist in building and M2Miling Investments Limited. A right-angle drive in the nacelle turns a drive shaft to for the M2Y6Y 500 tower. now the M2Y6Y 500 unit.” said WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   17 Wind Watch_8-17_Vs3. The 5-MW design turned out to be a great model for That arrangement is still in flux. takes weight off the tower. designed by Airgenesis. Ulrich Lindner. The design was first around the world. W I N D W A T C H 11-MW dual-rotor turbine to begin life as a 5-MW working prototype The initial 5-MW M2Y6Y 500. Their Airgenesis Senior Vice President Clayton Troxell says thinking is to develop the 11-MW model M2Y6Y1100 for higher the 5-MW wind turbine. They will be in the the original design. manufacturing later this year with construction to follow The investment company has projects and production on Prince Edward Island. will begin wind onshore areas and offshore by 2020. “Their plans are to roll out manufacturing to fund the building of a 5-MW prototype of the two rotor quickly after prototype testing. Planetary gear sets increase the rotor speed while a right-angle drive will send power down- tower by a shaft. he says. 5 to 11-MW units for wind farms around the world. W AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering.” said Troxell. plans are to construct full. research for Bio-Medicine by Investments Limited (www. thanks to M2Miling facilities for Renewable Energy. uses two rotors turning in the same direction and mounted on a 78-m tall tower. Once testing completes. Canada has at ground level of the soon coming M2Y6Y 500”. the prototype. and eventually blades specific to the design. Ontario. This includes a clutch system that at the base of the turbine. and down-tower same pattern but arranged around a flywheel for a clutch system. 2018. the technology with others on the wind The arrangement opens up the will engage several generators. A CANADIAN INVESTMENT FIRM has stepped forward testing of the prototype. and they want to implement the Airgenesis covered here (tinyurl. Generators at the base will come online as wind” will be happy with the safer control of all electrical components M2Miling Investments Limited. Canada. Kingston. which involves minimizing the internal transmit power down tower to 11 MW of generators mounted parts to handle lower stresses. a 78-m tower. MariAlgaMed and does Vertical Gardening with IGES in 2013. “The company will focus onshore with a 5-MW turbine on and provides for easier maintenance. “M2Miling Investments will purchase buildings in October on “Generator sizes are not yet determined but probably start the island. Moog’s proven fiber brush technology has become synonymous with high performance slip rings around the world. The slip ring operates maintenance free for over 100 million revolutions with field demonstrated Moog_4-17. The slip ring provides reliable transmission of power and data signals from the nacelle to the control system for the rotary blades. Pitch Control Slip Ring Advantages: • High reliability • Maintenance free • Minimal wear debris generated • No lubrication required • Wide operating temperature range • Reliable data transfer • Lower life-cycle cost • Proven fiber brush technology Moog has developed direct replacement pitch control slip rings for today’s wind turbines. Moog solutions for wind power also include: alternators and energy conversion systems.000 slip ring designs.indd 29 8/15/17 3:31 PM . +1-540-552-3011 800-336-2112 (USA) [email protected] www. Proven Quality. With over 50 years of experience and more than 10.moog. our engineers work together with your design team to find a solution that is right for you. Nearly 80% of current wind-turbine construction and advanced development activity is found in the Midwest. Wind work around North America Strong wind farm developments continue in America. while making lease payments of up to $15 million a year to its farmers and ranchers.indd 19 8/15/17 4:04 PM . That means Kansas has enough wind capacity to support about 6. California would join Hawaii as the Energy and Eversource. the project’s in the world. Seven toward 100% renewable. The new structure swaps the floating revenues of a wind farm. 5 New revenue swap agreement brings new wind to Kansas Capital Power’s 178-MW Bloom Wind 3 project in Kansas has begun commercial operation ahead of schedule. up over 40% compared to last year at this time. The projects are law.S. The increase is in part. and that number is growing.” Kansas also just became the fifth state to surpass 5. 1 Oklahoma soon home of America’s 3 Nova Scotia initiates phase two 7 Michigan Townships grow wind largest wind farm of local wind farm capacity GE Renewable Energy and Invenergy Nova Scotia has launched phase two Consumers Energy officially broke have announced a 2. The Wind Catcher facility independently of the local power contractor. and will be operational 2030 and 100% by WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   19 Wind Watch_8-17_Vs3. and the Mountain West. 2 Massachusetts’ offshore wind farm 4 1. Wind Industry Second W I N D W A T C H Quarter 2017 Market Report. has built access roads and is currently under construction in the authority or Canadian government begun constructing concrete foundations Oklahoma panhandle and it will generate incentive program. Minnesota.000 MW of energy.S. farm that. If SB100 becomes Wind is a joint venture between DONG by the end of 2020. thanks to strong wind growth in the Midwest. The second for the 19 new wind turbines that will wind electricity from 800 GE 2. renewable energy. 1 6 New York plans transmission rebuild New York’s Governor plans to rebuild 78 miles of power transmission infrastructure in the North Country to strengthen the electric grid and enable more upstate renewables to connect to the system. SB100 increases of Ocean Energy Management recently new wind farms are slated for construction California’s current renewable portfolio issued its first approval for the offshore in Iowa.000 MW of installed wind capacity. with construction costs below budget.000-MW wind of the community Ellershouse Wind ground on Cross Winds Energy Park II. North Dakota. The newly rebuilt Moses-Adirondack Smart Path Reliability project will also help the state meet its Clean Energy Standard of generating 50% renewables by 2030. billions of dollars in fuel and other costs.5-MW phase adds three Enercon E-92 wind generate up to 44 MW. already approved Phase III plans. Phase I included turbines.405 MW of installed wind capacity. according to AWEA’s “U. with the potential expected to save Xcel Energy customers only states with mandates to run on 100% to generate at least 2. largest in the U. Texas. Bay State South Dakota. Bloom 4 6 Wind was developed using a unique 10-year 7 2 proxy revenue swap agreement with Allianz Risk Transfer.550-MW wind expansion project 8 California pushes for 100% gets first approval coming to Upper Midwest renewables Three meteorological buoys are now The Minnesota Public Utilities The California Assembly Utilities and installed south of Martha’s Vineyard in Commission officially approved Xcel Energy Committee approved Senate preparation for the proposed Bay State Energy’s plan for the largest expansion of Bill 100. AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. and second largest in the province funded and built White Construction. once operational. the U. which sets California on a path Wind offshore wind project. Nationally. for a fixed annual payment. has an impressive 84.000 jobs in the state.1 MW.S. The wind facility includes a near turbines to the original four-turbine 62 turbines. and both Townships have 350-mile transmission line. such as those driven by the hourly wind resource and 8 5 power prices. It is the first wind development in Tuscola County’s Columbia Township. will be the Farm. The Bureau wind energy in the Upper Midwest. project for a total capacity of 16. and standard to ensure 60% clean energy by wind’s Site Assessment Plan. with a new 178-MW wind farm now online. strong-wind location is no projects has far fewer PPAs. It’s “There was little risk throughout the entire project.” Olbeter says. 20 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www.” qualify and meet the deadline.” “location. complex process that involves many lowering the risk of the investment. extended through 2019. it Granted.” nothing similar applies Part of the reason for this is the expiring PTC. is no longer the key to a successful project. the current market landscape of project operation and the length of the contract. to get a long-term PPA in place. Hedging bets on wind development and project returns L ife as a wind developer is far more purchaser. to the current wind industry. the wind is blowing and. agreement that outlines the terms of sale for the financing. where winds are blowing is no longer enough. the work has always been a secures a minimum level of return for the power. permitting. and contracts are more challenging to The investment risks are greater and a negotiate. have begun “It used to be that a developer would find where phasing down by 20% each year beginning in 2017. “The current marketplace for wind seemingly good. P ROJ E CTS Michelle Froese Senior Editor Windpower Engineering & Development The phase-out of Production Tax Credits (PTC) over the next few years will reshape the geography of wind development. so there is a lot more guarantee of a profitable return on investment for a risk for the offtaker. would build a project there. In the case of a wind project. assuming it was blowing This means projects have to get done quickly to consistently well. certain. while still important. A PPA is an steps. As the PTC winds down and fewer power-purchase agreements take place. The tax credits. with fewer power-purchase agreements industry. Managing Director of ICF. It was fairly easy is now a fairly short window to get things done. “There Offtake agreements were standard. developers will have to consider other market factors and new criteria for siting wind farms. location. it mainly came so developers need to be savvy about how down to this: if you had good wind at a project site. explains Erik Olbeter.” Power grid congestion An offtake agreement is a contract negotiated occurs when there is insufficient energy to meet between a developer (or seller) and power the demands of customers.windpowerengineering. However. global consulting and technology services provider. Energy costs are more volatile and less (PPA) and expiring production tax credits (PTC). location. a “A wind assessment. Unlike good real-estate catchphrase. their wind resource interacts with energy market you knew that you were going to be AUGUST 2017 Projects_8-17_Vs2. construction. That means simply knowing wind project. such as start others. not enough to qualify risk. and many power between the buyer and seller.indd 20 8/15/17 4:07 PM . is unlike any other the wind industry has seen Olbeter says times have changed in the before.” pricing and congestion. including land prospecting. constructing. typically negotiated prior to a project’s challenging today than in previous years. So. designing. As the more substantial issues than they have graph shows. but perhaps it is in the basis risk.indd 21 8/15/17 4:09 PM . The and hub.” he says.” distribution capacity to move the power grid operators.” the time of sale. where power is liquidated and sold. get built in the future. congestion constraints.” The nod is where a project Panhandle may have a 50% or higher scenario can lead to a much different result connects to the gird. even though the is low so it’s worth next to nothing. should Olbeter explains that the same to wind developers and guide them as to the market cost for energy decrease at developer may have in his or her where they can best spend their time. and of reasons including local congestion. for example. analysis lets a developer anticipate the generation (from wind and others) it’s a far more valuable resource.” he says. NREL analysis of the Plains & Eastern transmission project alone found that curtailment of wind-power generation could be reduced by around half to 7. Basically. the largest wind set cost or “strike price” per kilowatt- resource in a developer’s portfolio may Delving into detail hour of energy produced by a wind not be the greatest asset. as set out in the Department of Energy’s 2015 Wind Vision Study.” of middle-ground agreement that does power generation coincide with Olbeter says. the wind might pickup when says Olbeter.” oversupply. seek to strike the middle ground in terms of risk Congestion. at a time when people use power the point: a wind project could be curtailed five Olbeter explains: “The first is called most. Panhandle is producing power at times “We found that we get better “The price between the two locations when prices are at their lowest. which represents the potential wind project might fair better than a middle of the night when power demand difference in price between the node Panhandle project. the hedge provider portfolio a much lower wind resource of. the devil is in the details pays the difference. “This multi-dimensional congestion occurs when there is more more people are using more WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   21 Projects_8-17_Vs2. PROJECTS The aging transmission grid is another reason risks are higher than before. and puts margins on a hedge and puts them in an than there is available transmission or less stress on transmission systems and advantageous position. Hedges typically rely upon a “In other words. investment that reduces would need to build 33. face different challenges depending on how they congestion and curtailment become much sell their power. aim to offset the risk of are excellent wind resources and more ideas on where and which wind farms will adverse costs or expected energy limited transmission capacity. which are through the grid to load centers. It is a type before considering any contract: how fails to guarantee success? “Analytics. or operational issues. Why? Because the than when the reverse is true. A hedge is an Energy Lab (NREL) found that the U. and is typically AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. “So.S. Curtailment occurs for any number This means the wind is weak or power.8%. and vice versa.” predictions when we consider cost for can vary significantly. a Michigan percent of the time. which is negotiated between a “Potential curtailment concerns lead to wind market and locate the best potential developer or wind-farm owner and a questions that investors are now asking project sites when a strong wind resource power purchaser or utility. where there contracts. hedges ever been in the past. by building four proposed transmission lines of combined capacity 10. and the hub is capacity factor. “And it can offer some new industry. So. the National Renewable agreements (PPAs) and the merchant. Wind-energy developers “When negotiating wind development. Case in for developers related to hedges. So.” He adds that this type of Hedge agreements.000 circuit miles the risk of adverse price of new transmission lines (at a cost of $60 movements for an asset. say only 30 or 35% generation capacity.” changes. billion) to support the aggressive wind growth strategy of 35% wind penetration by 2050. curtailment & costs between power-purchase In a recent study. absent during peak demand times. Grid in Michigan. “Upfront and very accounts for the variability of power energy demand and costs?” responsive analytics can provide direction produced and cost certainty. So how do developers navigate today’s farm. when it comes to successful wind There are two main points of risk but that wind is consistently blowing development in the current market. “But the wind resource simultaneously.5 GW. A good insight is now extremely important to new becoming more typical in the wind example of this is in Texas. Electric or Air uncovered by a contract. TX 77573 832-271-5120 aztecbolting. A successful developer typically includes inputs for congestion and curtailment.indd 22 8/15/17 4:09 PM .Call Us 520 Dallas St.Torque the project. PROJECTS due to transmission constraints on the system such as congestion. And good analytics can assist and ensure wind projects worth building. The second point relates to how much wind will be generated. which potentially ▪ Industrial tools – Lifting Rams. Skidmore-Wilhelm Bolt Testers Stahlwille Torque Tools and generate revenue to full capacity.” he says. which is the probability of hitting a Services Products particular power production. “Banks or ▪ Bolt technicians ▪ Hydraulic Torque Tools investors may commit to P90 or P95. This introduces • On Site ▪ Electric Torque Wrenches another form of risk called volume risk. It • Mobile ▪ Hydraulic Bolt Tensioners • Top side – Wind – Custom (by design) leaves a developer with a portion of wind In-House ▪ Hydraulic Pumps – Tensioning . get built. “The ability to hit the hub price raises risk levels for wind developers because there is uncertainty between where and when power is placed on the grid. “So just because a wind farm comes with certain constraints or some curtailment concerns should not necessarily devalue Enerpac Bolting Products . or P99. then the developer somehow needs to make up that difference. and where and when it is actually getting to that liquid hub.” The price difference means that if power is sold at the node for $20 but the hub is trading at $30. “Good analytics can ▪ Industrial Tool repairs improve expected return. but ▪ Training and Operations safety ▪ Hydraulic Pumps – Torque – Electric or Air most likely it will be a conservative level ▪ Calibration services ▪ Hand Torque Wrenches and Multipliers of the predicted output. W 24/7 Service . Such events must be Wrenches & Pumps Electronics / Torque Tools understood within their proper context. and reduce overall risk by changing even just a few hours of committed power over the course of a year — which can potentially make an uneconomic project viable. Wind resources are typically evaluated on a probability scale between a P50 and a P95.” says Olbeter. Pumps makes financing more challenging.” ▪ ISO 17025 Calibrations and Accessories • Torque tools ICF has advised clients on hedges ▪ Industrial Impact Sockets • Skidmore bolt testers ▪ Hydraulic Hoses and found ways to reduce downside risk • Pressure Gauges ▪ Torque Tool Testers / Measurement Equipment by up to 20% and improve expected ▪ Bolt load testing ▪ Hand Tools upside by 5%. League City.” he 22 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT Projects_8-17_Vs2. and recognizes that neither NO LIMIT SERVICE FOR A NO LIMIT INDUSTRY are a cause for dispositive circumstances. pt t @m W W W. A FULL RANGE OF SOLUTIONS D E D I C AT E D TO YO U R W I N D C U S TO M I Z E D TURBINES SOLUTIONS FOR HARMONIOUS PERFORMANCE CARBON BRUSHES .C O M Mersen 8-17. M E R S E N .MAXIMIZING COMPONENT LIFE BRUSH-HOLDERS SLIP RING ASSEMBLIES SIGNAL & POWER TRANSFER SYSTEMS Crédits Photos : Shutterstock CL-PROFILER: SLIP RING DIAGNOSTICS ASK US ABOUT OUR WINDTRACKERTM SERVICES i nfo...indd 29 8/15/17 3:29 PM . indd 29 8/15/17 3:32 PM .com NRG Systems 8-17. SymphoniePRO’s measurement capacity can be optimized for your project’s needs. Meet SymphoniePRO®. This user-friendly data logger takes the well-known Symphonie product line to the next level. nrgsystems.or 26-channel wiring panels. Connect to your wind and solar plants and manage your fleet no matter where you are with SymphoniePRO. Now with your choice of 16. We have been designing and manufacturing world-class measurement tools for more than 35 years. The relationship between turbulence and power production. While research strongly Article co-author Sonia Wharton suggests that ignoring atmospheric turbulence can result in sets up Lawrence Livermore National significant errors in power-curve measurements and annual Laboratory’s Wind Cube v2 lidar at energy production. turbulent atmosphere. which can be significant under • Waves. Values However. which is typically quantified over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. which result from wind shear. a term for short-term deviations around the average wind speed. it appears that there may be no universal California’s Altamont Wind Farm. N e w m a n Atmospheric Scientist Postdoctoral Fellow Deputy Group Leader N a t i o n a l W i n d Te c h n o l o g y C e n t e r Energy Group National Renewable Energy Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Why wind-farm developers should care about measuring atmospheric turbulence T he role of atmospheric turbulence in influencing wind-turbine power production remains an unsolved mystery despite a growing number of researchers who have attempted to make sense of the issue. lidar was used to measure turbulence and Typically when we think of a wind farm operating in a wind shear across wind-turbine WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   25 Reliability_8-17_Vs3. TI is calculated as the remain unsolved regarding turbulence and wind power. we picture a waked turbine. RELIAB IL ITY Sonia Wharton J e n n i f e r F.indd 25 8/15/17 4:12 PM . Turbulence. can cause fluctuations in turbine power production and structural loads. or the boundaries between layers of air with indicate which scales of turbulent motion different densities (waves will not be discussed here) are prevalent in the atmosphere. Many wind farms still rely on tall meteorological towers to TI gives the percentage of the horizontal measure the local wind resource. and is constantly produced and diminished • Turbulence. battered by vortex eddies (circular wind flow) shed from turbine blades upwind. This with a parameter known as turbulence article aims to unravel some of the complex factors that intensity (TI). turbulence is present nearly everywhere. which is measured easily with a cup anemometer direction. and values of TI equipped with cup anemometers that provide the mean wind are used in turbine design standards and speed over a 10 or 15-minute averaging window. sometimes to stratify power curves. Loosely translated. AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. horizontal wind-speed standard deviation divided by the mean wind speed over Measuring turbulence the same time period. convective conditions. However. wind is actually comprised of three components: of TI measured by a cup anemometer fail to reflect turbulent motions in the vertical • Mean wind. wind flowing over daytime. or to obstacles. These towers are typically flow that is turbulent. indd 26 8/15/17 4:13 PM . typically from aircraft or satellites. its mobility and reliability. is a major milestone for the lidar industry. Interestingly. Companies such reducing power output. RELIABILITY as Natural Power. Recent studies have information about objects or areas from a used met towers. and Avent offer industry-friendly lidars that can be deployed on the ground looking upward. remote-sensing instrumentation Regardless of the challenges inherent in intensity is typically present during has provided a more practical solution given measuring turbulence. This new standard. some studies show that seen as “neat tools” that only scientific higher levels of turbulence lead to higher researchers have access to. other studies have found that speed and direction by measuring the turbulence hinders power generation. Power production nighttime air. Low turbulence intensities maintenance costs make it impractical to are most often indicative of stable. period. more the complex effects of turbulence on power recently. were given an official “thumbs up” by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for use in a standard that describes wind-power performance testing and wind-resource assessments. atmospheric and turbine models. While sonic offered by a cup anemometer on a tower. Remote-sensing instruments come with their own set of challenges with measuring turbulence because they measure wind speeds averaged across probe volumes that are typically tens of meters in length. Recently. high and often result in different estimates of TI. wind-farm operators and are no longer For example. and but also from ground-based sensors. flat terrain. Leosphere. Still. daytime atmospheres. Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) production. While sodar derives the wind events. 26 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. Power generation is not a simple A more complete depiction of turbulence which assumes homogeneity in the flow. power generation. function of hub-height wind speed as requires instruments with higher precision Such measurement techniques are in stark this plot of 10-minute data shows from and faster sampling rates than provided contrast to the “point” measurements a California wind farm. scattering of sound waves. the thought is that increased loads Doppler shift in back-scattered laser energy add fatigue to turbine components thereby to estimate the wind flow. and high turbulence Instead. researchers and wind convective. such as the ZephIR 300 and WindCube v2. remote-sensing devices. Much of the variability may be due to the variation by a cup anemometer. Vertically profiling lidars can now replace traditional mast-mounted cup anemometers in simple. in turbulence intensity at any one time anemometry fulfills these requirements. or on a nacelle hub facing upwind. distance. developers are increasingly recognizing that turbulence estimates are vital to Remote sensing understanding the intricacies of turbine Remote sensing is the science of obtaining power AUGUST 2017 Reliability_8-17_Vs3. lidar uses the Here. they must collect data across a large scanning circle to deduce the three- dimensional components of the wind. Other research shows Sodar and lidar are used as wind this is only true during low wind-speed profilers.windpowerengineering. an examination of instruments are increasingly deployed by the studies’ results offers no clear answer. operate long-term at wind farms. ground-based profiling lidars. IEC 61400-12-1:2017. Sound machine learning tools to help understand Detection and Ranging (sodar) and. Also. applied to design load calculations. devices were proposed here. calculations over-simplify the chaotic In summary. In several ways. than just mean wind speed and TI even the use of TKE provides no clear calculations. Much work has been universal relationship between turbulence dedicated to adjusting TI measurements Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s and power production. So where do we go from here? One the remote-sensing device is providing suggestion is to avoid thinking of more information than we give it credit turbulence as a “blanket” sum. data from remote. for obtaining spatial information Although this approach is currently on turbulence from measurement AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. or as a points around a horizontal scanning circle. not be used for advertising or product in some studies. Several recent the advancement of remote-sensing studies have suggested that turbine devices and the vast amount of field power production is only sensitive projects being conducted on operational to particular scales of turbulence. Nevertheless. it will be worth the effort the spectral content of turbulence to unravel more of the mysteries of is clearly important for power turbulence over the coming years. turbulence kinetic energy turbulence present in the flow. By collecting measurements at several as in the calculation of TKE. variables herein do not necessarily state or reflect those (TKE). directly related to the spatial distribution By using parameters such as TKE or TI. which employs all three components such as a characteristic length scale can of the United States government or Lawrence of variability in the wind rather than just be derived from turbulence spectra and Livermore National Security. Atmospheric turbulence consists are gaining information about the spatial of a wide range of overlapping scales.indd 27 8/15/17 4:13 PM . This variability is unique to every point in space and time. the influence of turbulence on power the distribution of turbulence across performance. TKE is the mean kinetic In addition. With power estimates. from remote-sensing devices to bring the ZephIR300 lidar took its turn during a summer- values closer to what would be measured time deployment at the Altamont Wind Farm in California providing remote wind profiling. The instrument derives wind speed and direction by emitting beams of light forming a volumetric cone above the device. LLC. such as in the calculation vertically profiling remote-sensing devices of TI. too much information nature of the WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   27 Reliability_8-17_Vs3. Researchers is lost when turbulence is considered as need better ways to characterize a “blanket” sum or ratio of the standard turbulence and relate turbulent motion deviation to the mean wind. While a couple methods different temporal and spatial scales). cannot give an indication of the scales of The views and opinions of authors expressed Alternatively. industry could obtain more detailed One method for obtaining results if the full turbulence spectrum additional information is analysis of is accounted for when quantifying the spectral content of turbulence (i. of turbulence in the atmosphere. endorsement purposes. many it is not directly incorporated into additional methods likely exist. W Some of the studies use TI to estimate production. so wind farms. vertical-profiling lidar. such for. variability of the wind. “blanket” ratio. While a parameter such as TI the amount of turbulence in the air.e. RELIABILITY Schematic of a Doppler. and shall the horizontal variability. is used as a metric used to classify turbine performance. The wind to turbine power production. energy per unit mass associated with sensing devices can be used for more eddies in turbulent flow. The future of turbulence measurements by a cup anemometer. while a 3/4-in. the inside and outside of concrete walls. The fasteners used for holding these categories of BOTTOM: The Confast drop-in static loads come in a variety of types and sizes. to 1-1/4 in. taking the the minimum embedment depth. it is important to consider these several conditions. account for the weight of each item and precast panels. concrete fastener’s minimum embedment embedding each into the same concrete at the same is 1 to 1-1/8 in. However. and monitoring instruments to wedge anchor comes in sizes from 1/4-in. Load tables provide general guidance and are • Also. Most concrete fasteners Embedment depth are not manufactured in stainless steel. diameters. TOP: The Confast 316 stainless steel junction boxes. so its To install a concrete fastener. However. wet applications. anchor can have a depth will produce similar holding values. For indoor or dry applications. which • If rebar is too close to the surface. it may affect describes the average values of pull out and shear for the placement or size of the selected concrete each diameter at the minimum embedment depth. To anchor is made of 316 stainless steel. select the most effective fastener for securing wind- turbine equipment to concrete. so must not a guarantee of accuracy. how many fasteners the load requires. For example. minimum embedment of be 3-1/4 in. standard zinc-plated carbon steel is sufficient. B O LT I NG Robert Carlisle President Concrete Fastening Systems A brief guide to selecting concrete fasteners I t is often necessary to fasten cables. fastener. Rust resistance An important question to answer before selecting a fastener relates to exposure: Will the fastener be exposed to rain and moisture or will it be protected from the elements inside a wind tower? The answer matters because of a fastener’s material composition. 28 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. When concrete Load requirements is used in tower construction. A table of loads is available for every concrete fastener.windpowerengineering. it is important to When considering load requirements for concrete consider the placement of rebar and particularly in fasteners. as selection diameter increases. for outdoor. wires. stainless steel makes a better choice for durability. a same diameter of all the concrete fasteners and 1/4-in. each must be placed selection narrows to a few fastener AUGUST 2017 Bolting_8-17_Vs2 pd. and expanded in concrete to a certain depth to obtain minimum holding values.indd 28 8/15/17 4:15 PM . 304 stainless steel. hole and the ¼-in. 3/16-in. A rule-of-thumb in the concrete-fastener • Tapcon screws are concrete industry is that the minimum spacing fasteners that must be inserted should be 10 diameters from each into a pilot or predrilled. concrete the anchor size. anchors may depreciate the force and • Drop-in anchors are internally lower the holding values. widest range of concrete fasteners. tolerance is critical. This means threaded concrete anchors and holding forces could approach zero manufactured from carbon steel or blow-out the concrete when the and zinc-plated. dia. hole. not a guarantee. screw The spacing from an unsupported edge requires a 5/32-in. screw requires a 3/16-in. and spacing from • Wedge anchors provide the an unsupported edge of the concrete. should be at least five-anchor diameters. W The pull-out and shear values shown. AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. Psi values refer to a compressive strength of concrete using standard test cylinders of six-in. • Expansion concrete anchors exert an and are manufactured in zinc- outward or radial force. B O LT I N G Spacing Here is a summary of concrete There are two spacing requirements to fasteners useful for wind turbines consider when selecting concrete fasteners: spacing between anchors. height. Hole size is equal to Tapcon screws are another unsupported concrete edge. and 316 stainless steel are also available. When this plated. and 12-in. and measured center to WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   29 Bolting_8-17_Vs2 pd. it 316 stainless steel. Versions in 304 anchor is expanded. complete with nuts and washers • If installed too close to an ready to install. For each fastener design. for a Confast Wedge Anchor are average ultimate values and provide a guide. type of concrete fastener. decreases the holding values of both • Wedge anchors are packaged fasteners. Reference should be made to applicable codes for the specific working ratio.indd 29 8/15/17 4:15 PM . A safety factor of 4:1 or 25% is generally accepted as a safe working load. and force overlaps with another anchor. the company provides a table of related dimensions and load values. from 1/4 to 1-1/4-in. The hole anchor. which satisfies all requirements for load-bearing capacity and durability for each axis. essential to a developer’s bottom line. Seals and connectors are used with a number instead of metal. To list just a few: weight. such as the bearings. The results found that the elastomer shaft system. Such material makeup provides an alternative 30 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. such as those that are frequently used in wind turbines for gearbox support gearbox mountings or a turbine’s drive. carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) material. their ability of elastomer elements to sufficiently rigid materials to endure a turbine’s internal AUGUST 2017 Materials_8-17_Vs2. of more than 80% is possible because of the elimination of the otherwise necessary metal inserts Support components for conventional laminated rubber-metal parts. and requires little operating space or maintenance. including (typically metal) to influence its spring characteristic. For the components and drive systems. may impact a turbine’s overall lifetime costs. I t is no secret wind turbines must withstand harsh torque arms for gearboxes and drive shafts for conditions. which A couple loose connectors. and others. In fact. could lead to a serious problem. a reduction in component weight may help reduce wind-turbine maintenance costs. gearbox. The same A smaller footprint in terms of size and weight also holds true for the smallest components. to further reduce component of components in a wind turbine.v i b r a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y EFFBE GmbH “Smart” materials turn turbine connectors into sensors This model of a torque-arm support component is for a three-point gearbox mounting. impacts a project’s ROI. Now connectors (and specifically. and vibrations from changes in rotor hubs. which have an important job recent tests compared high-performance elastomer of keeping the larger components in place. The elastomer mounting is made of EFFBE Urelast UN 90. Its is lightweight. Urelast is composed of elastomer with wear and maintenance needs. including fluctuations in temperature generators. components to ordinary rubber-metal bonds. However. Reliability is key to that make up a turbine. The small devices that connect and support the components of a wind turbine are sometimes Material choices overlooked when assessing the overall cost and It is common practice to connect the support areas production of a wind farm. changes in pressure and temperature while minimizing However. long lasting. ventilation systems.windpowerengineering. M AT E R I AL S Benjamin Müller H e a d o f I n d u s t r i a l A n t i . such as seals. ensure the safe operation of all turbine components brakes. EFFBE’s Urelast) withstood imagine a lightweight connector that can “sense” its four times higher loads at comparable dimensions. durability and reliability are and as a means of reducing overall maintenance. bonds. and blades. azimuth (yaw) brakes wind and rotor speeds. and humidity. and connectors. gearbox mountings. One benefit: the size of components made of Urelast A recent innovation of this sort in elastomers and elastomer can be reduced by 30 to 40%. rotor bearings. mountings. condition and provide that data to a wind operator.indd 30 8/15/17 4:18 PM . small turbine components with integrated sensors Additionally. drastically reduces the primary advantage: improved reliability. This is invaluable However. LEFT: EFFBE Urelast components are optimized using FEM calculation to reduce tension peaks to a minimum. to metal disk spring connectors. and offer and monitor the their loads. component weight. Typically damage to a single conventional disk spring results in the BOTTOM: The elasticity of EFFBE immediate loss of the entire connector. The example determined the torque-arm bearing for a three-point gearbox mounting. devices provide a better understanding These extremely small. advance the wind industry. has led to important analysis and insight for new product innovations that may loaded connector (transmitted by built-in that may affect turbine O&M decisions. these mini sensors provide Integrated sensors provide another unique type of insight about the load. such as its ability to minimize the effects of stress and strain over time.3 N/mm². This whereas rubber parts of 70 Sh A means that even if the elastomer body of a hardness grade can only withstand Urelast spring is damaged. which results in a longer life. accurate wear and tear data on a turbine parts in the wind turbine. the sensor data may also and its components from direct exposure insight for planning more cost-effective prove significant for wind research. MATERIALS EFFBE Urelast UN90 components are used in the brakes of wind- turbine azimuth system and as an alternative to spring disks. “emergency operation-like” properties. its effect another form of automated machine feature of Urelast-made components. elements for wind turbines with sensors a database from which to draw ideas This means data from a Urelast spring. A retrofit Urelast spring can reduce vibration effects and spring stiffness 1. in force will not occur or cause damage that Urelast components can be sized could stop it useful WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   31 Materials_8-17_Vs2. For example. W AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. The visco-elastic properties of Urelast’s material composition. control and condition monitoring for more has typically been challenging to obtain and the wear behavior of adjacent machine proactive O&M. maintenance visits. such as azimuth drive systems and brakes — and gearbox mountings. and reduces unplanned maintenance work and related costs. yet sensitive Information gained from long-term of the impact wind turbines and devices are built right into the elastomer field trials involving gearbox support components face over time. It (such as a component’s position change). torque-arm support components and gearbox mounts are typically attributed to excessive load peaks. which result from excessive spring stiffness in conventional laminated rubber-metal springs.5 to twice the spring deflection. As a result. Urelast U90 is evident. The therefore. increases the operational reliability (of it and the turbine). Sensor communication sensors) provides a unique “hands-on” Basically. a sudden drop a load of 1. Urelast U90 components can components because of the material’s be subjected to a 5 N/mm² load.indd 31 8/15/17 4:18 PM . damage to wind turbine. For a spring deflection of 15%. The to dynamic and static loads — until now. even under which is not the case with Urelast high loads. smaller to reduce their footprint. Maintenance work is particularly significant and cost-intensive in critical turbine areas. This type of design needs no additional metal inserts in the elastomer and. “hearing and ideally should include devices that accurately 32 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www.windpowerengineering. To protect workers from hearing loss. effective sounds and determine control measures. who are exposed to potentially hazardous noise. However. employers are collect the data necessary to identify hazardous required to provide a “continuing. and tools. and conducting noise surveys on different According to the Occupational Safety and processes. Seven elements of a well-devised hearing conservation program M anufacturing and construction sites conservation programs” (HCP) that aim to reduce are typically noisy places.indd 32 8/15/17 4:21 PM . L a u r i e W e l l s Doctor of Audiology 3M w w w. AUGUST 2017 Safety_8-17_Vs2. Over time. aggravating. Noise measurement forms the foundation of a excessive noise exposure may damage the tiny hair good HCP. hearing conservation program” for employees Noise surveys can be simple or complex. 3 M . site. conducted by in-house safety teams or consultants. many of which are preventable with proper training and protective gear. exposure to loud. and check and promote hearing protection. effects on worker health. Prolonged noise. there are tens of thousands of work-related cases of noise-induced hearing loss reported each year. excessive sounds can have harmful Here are seven elements to a comprehensive HCP. By OSHA standards. Measure hearing loss typically happens gradually. c o m / C H C According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. symptoms are not always immediate or obvious because noise-induced 1. employers are required to provide an effective hearing conservation program for workers exposed to hazardous noise. can an employer Health Administration (OSHA). and are an important part of a workplace safety plan. Only by monitoring noise in different cells in the inner ear and lead to tinnitus (ringing of areas of a manufacturing facility or construction the ears). or partial or permanent hearing loss. S AF ETY D r. hearing protectors on the highest noise source in a facility. Simply of noise exposure of an individual worker put. approach to noise control and aim to with those needs of a worker and work tools. protectors are essential. Applying “engineering controls” In an occupational hearing conservation worker compliance and proper use. At the very least. and provide adequate protection high noise levels. or workplace typically happens gradually. by a coworker only an arm’s length away While it may seem logical to focus attention To work effectively. or processes that create less limit the time workers spend in high-noise environment. line with the concept devices on the job. Control often possible to achieve a more significant other personal protection equipment. • Some workers notice temporary loss of One tip to bear in mind when However. A job may require “Buy Quiet” is a type of prevention-by. purpose meter (Type 2 microphone) and environment in so it is important to educate specific instrument settings are needed some way so workers on the effects of for occupational sound surveys. hearing • It is often necessary to shout to be heard noise-control projects will be most effective. fit Certain operations and machinery create decrease in noise exposure by first properly. Buy Quiet is one approach to Conducting individual fit testing of controlling workplace noise when 3. employees are more levels in real time and dosimeters or transmitted to likely to share that dedication integrate noise levels over time to workers. When level meters measure sound pressure energy is created employers are committed to safety. 4. Also is another approach that aims to program. These policies are often necessary protection should not impede a worker’s implementing a new production process when engineering controls are not ability to communicate or hear important or replacing older equipment. Protect earplugs and earmuffs can help ensure feasible. hearing noise. SAFETY measure occupational and environmental modify a facility’s safety hazards for tracking and evaluation current equipment Noise-induced hearing loss over time. Check An audiometric testing program checks the hearing thresholds of workers and tracks them over time. where employees spend most of their time. Personal monitoring and safety. feasible or cost effective. it is more effective A few indications that noise may be a to eliminate or problem in your workplace include: decrease the severity of the hazard than to • Employees hear ringing or humming in change the way people work or require decrease the severity of a hazard rather their ears after exposure to loud sounds employees to wear protective equipment. OSHA requires employers of Hierarchy of 3M Personal Safety Division) to maintain an active hearing conservation Controls. When personal preferences and worker choices are permitted during PPE selection. it is must be comfortable. sounds and safety instructions at a job site. several types of hearing protectors to design approach that reduces workplace “Administrative controls” are another balance the need for noise reduction noise hazards by specifying machinery. compatible with 2. when controlling hazardous hearing ability when leaving work engineering controls is to prioritize what noise is not possible or feasible..S. than change the way people work. Hierarchy of is needed when workers are highly mobile Controls states that and noise levels vary considerably. it is preferable to eliminate or keep in mind that people like options. For example. time-weighted average to noise occupational health of 85 dBA or more. which is program whenever employees have an well established in eight-hour. The objective is to detect changes or shifts in hearing that may signal Don’t take chances with the hearing health of contractors or employees. But do they have to? controlling sounds in the areas closest to for the WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   33 Safety_8-17_Vs2. employees are typically more satisfied and invested in the outcome — meaning they’re more likely to want to wear the safety gear. It falls in and regularly don protective calculate a worker’s noise exposure. AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. a general. This is best accomplished when areas. (Photo: In the U.indd 33 8/15/17 4:21 PM . Sound that less sound loud noises over time. Make sure your company the beginning stages of noise-induced follows a comprehensive hearing conservation program. lightweight. Plus. ready for overnight delivery! alert. employees who become personally committed to protecting themselves Optional 90° Prism and Close-Focus adapter tips.536. so it is important Close-Focus to educate workers on the effects of tips available! • Sharp. • Rugged Tungsten Sheathing Employers may also improve the success of their hearing loss prevention • Quality Construction efforts by continually updating and • Precise 4-Way Articulation evaluating the training programs. SAFETY hearing loss. and priced starting at only protectors is likely to increase among $8995. and when employees are most likely to be attentive. An audiometric database can also offer a snapshot of the hearing health of the noise- exposed workforce and be used to identify trends and develop intervention plans. distracted. routine Hawkeye ® Videoscopes hearing checks — typically. and then compared to future. Early identification of a worker’s Fast. 4-way • Consistent and proper use of hearing articulation range. Affordable. and to learn new ideas or behaviors.995 schedule employee training at times and locations that will accommodate work VIDEO BORESCOPES and production schedules. gradientlens. Clear Photos & Video exposure to loud noise and on proper use of hearing protection. easy-to-use controls provide photo and video capture at the touch of a button! V2’s have a wide. Ideally. finely constructed. Visual Inspection! hearing loss lets employers intervene before symptoms get worse. a baseline hearing check (audiogram) is done prior to a worker’s first exposure to hazardous noise. the testing process provides an opportunity to remind and teach workers about the importance of their own hearing health and status. People who are tired.indd 34 8/15/17 4:21 PM .0790 • Better recognition of situations when hearing protectors or noise controls 34 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT Safety_8-17_Vs2. People typically retain more information when they are actively • Annotation Feature involved in the learning process. and intuitive. Train 90° Prism & Noise-induced hearing loss typically happens gradually. V2’s are available in both 4 and 6 mm diameters. bright high resolution photos and video! The 5” LCD monitor A few reasons to train include: allows comfortable viewing. deliver clear. Made in USA TRY • Employee satisfaction may improve BEFORE when they understand how noise exposures are measured and the YOU BUY! steps being taken by the employer to control noise. it is good practice to • Starting at only $8. and are small. One of the keys • Large 5-inch LCD Monitor to successful training is to incorporate • Easy-to-Use Controls active 800. or overwhelmed are less likely Hawkeye® V2 Video Borescopes are fully portable. For example. and focused. 5. Reliable. once a year. In stock. from noise at work and elsewhere. record cases of program through the people it intends work-related noise-induced hearing loss to keep safe and WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   35 Safety_8-17_Vs2. One way is to evaluate changes that occur as a AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. such as the number employees learn to identify the warning of hearing loss cases or a reduction signs of hearing loss and damage. SAFETY are inadequate may be possible once result of the program. for example). and audiometric test records for the duration of employment of the employees who are in a hearing conservation program.indd 35 8/15/17 5:49 PM . costs of implementing noise controls. It is a good on the OSHA log of illness and injury. and practice to ensure that assessments respond to worker compensation claims. so it is important to plan for adequate checks and balances and ask: Is the program actually preventing noise-induced hearing loss? How can it be improved? Is the HCP efficient and cost effective? Regular program evaluation can identify trends. Good records may effectiveness is at https://tinyurl. OSHA (Regulation 29 CFR 1910. It can also be helpful to audit the 6. Records HCP for compliance (of what occurs and Accurate and complete record keeping what’s only on paper). Another compliance with regulations that approach considers the costs of delivering require employers to provide employee the program and comparing those to the training as part of an occupational HCP. in the occurrence of noise sources or • Documenting the results of training exposures (because of implementation of helps employers demonstrate quieter equipment. and there are several ways to measure effectiveness. 7. strong data protection is recommended to ensure the privacy of individual workers and assure that only those who have the proper credentials have access to sensitive information. W For general industry. Evaluate B E C O M E Engaged The goal of a hearing conservation program is to protect workers from developing hearing loss or problems caused by work-related hazardous noise.95: Occupational Noise Exposure) requires employers to keep an accurate record of noise exposure measurements for two years. A recent hearing is often more than a legal requirement. detect gaps. Because records in hearing conservation programs may include confidential health information. include employee reviews. if necessary. conservation program checklist to assess it’s good business. and drive VISIT US | LIKE US | TWEET US | CONNECT WITH US provide evidence to help an employer protect-hearing accurately track employees’ hearing over It is also important to evaluate a time and. Routine evaluations of the program are critical. system criticality. in real-life applications. remove the particulate contamination that enters a system or is generated by the system as it operates. and ultimately getting the most out of hydraulic and lube assets. But first. Test is a test our company developed experience dynamic conditions during start up and for evaluating filter elements that goes shut down. safety. Defining the upper limit of the ISO fluid cleanliness code is a function of component sensitivity. a few basics: Capture efficiency How are filters rated? Capture efficiency is a measure of how effectively a filter All hydraulic and lube systems have a critical captures particles.indd 36 8/15/17 4:23 PM . the most sensitive system the ISO16889 multi-pass test used by most filter component such as servo valves or high-speed manufacturers and defined by this simple equation: journal bearings. All filters are subjected to some form of system dynamics: hydraulic filters encounter frequent and rapid changes in flow rate such as when valves shift. T he Dynamic Filtration Efficiency (DFE) the focus of this article for the wind AUGUST 2017 Fluid-Filters_8-17_Vs2 pd. why it matters. but not limited to. This article testing standards do not perform as expected when describes the test. Lubrication filters. The ratio is recorded during by. 36 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. It is defined in terms of Filtration contamination tolerance level that is often defined Ratio (Beta) per ISO16889.windpowerengineering. FLU I D S & F I LTE R S Jim Harlan Instructor Hy-Pro Filtration What wind techs should know about oil filter efficiency Filters can be evaluated by their ability to capture debris and then hold it. Filters. and why elements subjected to the demands of real world dynamic engineered with this test in mind outperform others operating systems. Dynamic Filter Efficiency is a way to measure those capabilities. of course. Filters validated only to current ISO beyond industry standards. W downstream. dynamic changes. The efficiency may also be expressed as a percentage by converting the Filtration Ratio this way: GET YOUR WORKSITE ON TRACK ---tracks for 4x4 trucks · atvs · utvs · tractors · custom applications--- Using the Beta ratio from in the first example. If not properly designed and applied. Retention efficiency Retention efficiency is a measure of how effectively a filter retains the particles it has captured. Filtration ratios written without the “sub in real time by inducing dynamic duty cycles.indd 37 8/15/17 4:23 PM .9800 / 877. Xµ[c] = a particle size in microns. c” refers to the antiquated ISO4572 multi-pass test that measuring real-time performance during has been superseded by ISO16889. It can be determined by comparing a filter’s Filtration (Beta) Ratio during constant flow rate. A filter is not a black hole so its performance must not be based solely on how efficiently it captures particles. we can calculate the filter efficiency this way: Efficiency of ß7[c] = (150 -1)/150 x 100 = 99.436. DFE pass tests described by the current ISO16889 multi-pass goes further than current industry standards test with new particle counter calibration per ISO11171 to quantify capture and retention efficiency from ISO4572.683. F LU I D S & F I LT E R S In the equation: ßx[c] = the ratio. increases in flow rate and decreases in flow WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   37 Fluid-Filters_8-17_Vs2 pd. It is not recorded during the ISO16889 multi-pass test used by most filter manufacturers. The [c] is DFE is the evolution of standard hydraulic referred to as “sub c” and differentiates between multi.7800 SEE OUR FULL LINEUP AT rates lead to the development of The Dynamic Filter DIRECT TOLL-FREE US & CANADA Efficiency Test (DFE) in 1998 as a joint effort between AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. DFE testing is the method for 600 particles greater than or equal to 7μ[c] (7 microns) predicting worst case fluid cleanliness along were counted upstream of the filter and 4 were counted with average fluid cleanliness. the filter that produced the particle reduction in the example has a filtration ratio or ß7[c] of 150. and the filters ability to Here’s an example of how to use the equation: if retain particles. of particles.33% efficient at capturing particles 7μ[c] and larger. Np = number Scientific Services Inc and Hy-Pro Filtration. The lack of a method to test filters under varied flow 218. and lube filter performance testing. the equation would set up this way: ßx[c] = 600/4 = 150 Hence. a filter can become one of the most damaging sources of contamination because it will release previously captured RUBBER TRACK CONVERSIONS particles when challenged with dynamic conditions. offered both increased A Boston based IoT startup says its aiming for energy output and improved reliability for major that and more. 38 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. that offered performing so maintenance crews can a comprehensive performance optimization plan their work. And WeCloud provides a cloud-based analytics platform to make recommendations for further turbine and wind farm optimization. “My goal was to bring the two together. Mohit Dua. “While actions by the industry have led integrated. says the company offers to combine The company was born out of a vision to offer sensing and analytics along with a subscription. power prices. Its hardware is sourced from Phoenix Contact. however. WindESCo. Our focus has been on a scalable. He founded WindESCo in 2014 based farms by: on eight years of experience working at an WindESCo’s concept provides several focused packages. combines and analyzes multiple data streams to optimize performance in real time. increase revenues. None. European vendors step would be to run the machines to minimize offered services only to address one aspects of maintenance and then run the whole wind farm for optimization. Founder and CEO of components. “I could not find keeps an eye on how each turbine is a solution. WeSense include proprietary sensors and instruments to measure high frequency AUGUST 2017 Condition Monitoring_8-17_Vs2 pd.” says Dua says WindESCo works to improve wind Dua.indd 38 8/15/17 4:29 PM . A next development platform. comprehensive and cost-effective solution to a reduction in component failure rates. wind-farm owners a solution that would decrease based model that together increases wind farm the monetary loss suffered during operation and output and improves major component reliability.” he adds. owners are looking for a step change.S.” maximum annual energy production. A few small. CO ND I TION MONITORING Paul Dvorak Editorial Directior Windpower Engineering & Development Recent CMS steps beyond alerts to boost production and extend component life A n ideal condition monitoring package independent power producer. independent of OEMs. an edge computing system at the wind farm.windpowerengineering. that can work with U. WeEdge. seven projects and the company is on Installed at the wind farm.” says Dua. vibration data and flag trends which could These are often located in complex indicate an impending component failure. “We provide this through a communication. • Reducing major component failures. Some projects have high failure While there are many causes for major component failures. Its decentralized architecture Dua. interest from a variety of owners despite his team’s the limited outreach. main bearings. With additional features. have the potential to initiate cracks. WeEdge compresses the we expect to take this up to 6%. is configurable and has the ability to Due to network latency and bandwidth address a variety of scenarios that can issues added to cybersecurity concerns. can deliver immediate value through allows for independence from the cloud AEP improvement. We monitor loads using a proprietary system. co-developed with Phoenix Contact over the last two years.” data gathered and sends it to the Cloud. the course to add five more in North America edge computing system combines by the year’s end. and forested areas with tall the cause leading to failure. steep But Dua says this doesn’t really address mountains. loading on the turbine exceeded its design during operation and increase revenues. comprehensive and cost-effective solution WeSense.indd 39 8/15/17 4:29 PM . WeEdge. topography such as on mesa tops. SCADA system. the company’s data- computation engine to the client wind driven approach to optimization. Systems are now on for real-time WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   39 Condition Monitoring_8-17_Vs2 pd. that can work with U. the wind farm.S. They are monitored through a collective system protects equipment package called WeProtect. a service that will be a package called WeBoost. and from traditional CMS. Our system securely within the wind farm firewall. “The Conventional condition monitoring best candidates are projects that are systems (CMS) mostly look at drivetrain seeing high component failure rates. The edge-computing system lets us react instantaneously using a patent-pending AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. • Providing real time feedback for an He says the company is getting end-to-end improvements.” rather than predicts events. one of the most overlooked aspects are the wind The company was born out of a vision to conditions themselves. power prices. an due to atmospheric effects that lead to edge computing system which functions complex wind conditions. On previous game changer for the industry. trees. “We have measured low frequency.” the company decided to move its In addition. limit by many times and these loads Our focus has been on a scalable. projects we have shown AEP increases “Whenever bandwidth frees up on from 2 to 4%. “We are also integrated with the wind park controller to provide real time feedback to mitigate the effects of damaging winds. a step up • Increasing component lifetime.” Dua says this blades. says farm. A cloud-based analytics platform makes “We are particularly focused on further recommendations for turbine and gearboxes. integrated. and CMS. and wind-farm optimization. W data from the load monitoring sensors. high-impact offer wind-farm owners a solution that loads on all projects where our system would decrease the monetary loss suffered has been deployed. He adds that the company recently released another module.” he says. CONDITION MONITORING • Increasing the annual energy production method and facilitate turbine-to-turbine (AEP). During these events. lead to component failure. ) the Midwest. world. this class demonstrates the of the quoted or source material is from 2012. wind turbines and their related technology. MHI Vestas. One potential of online learning. however. the Type of Turbines section says a 3. table of wind farm construction costs came from a After taking the class. rather than conveying 9. Much useful information. Students finish with a test one online college after another. It takes about TV viewers are frequently hit with ads for an hour to read all the text. Just register. apparently picked up the online-classes ball and someone even casually interested in the wind industry are running with it. basic presentation is also just a little out of date. The and all of them are free.6-MW to business. only one so far relates to wind power. not exactly. (Yes. “wind” course is quite basic and best serves as an Some material is just absurd. course-presentation company Alison have The material in the first section is so basic that Basic material on the wind industry is presented this way. from the different types 12th grade. model is the largest in Europe and mentions a source It’s called “Wind Energy – From Wind Turbines to from 2013. about wind power or the wind industry. I can say that this German wind farm built in 2001.windpowerengineering. Consider this introduction for novices who know almost nothing gibberish explanation of the Betz Law: “…if a turbine 4 0 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www.5-MW turbine.” Well. we often see news reports The promotional material says participants will of free classes available from kindergarten through “learn all about wind energy. Here in and you must score 80% to pass. A recent press release from the will already be familiar with what’s said about different company tells of more than 800 classes available. Most colleges provide online lessons to of modern wind turbines and their use around the augment classroom instructions.indd 40 8/15/17 4:41 PM . online. For While most of Alison’s lessons seem devoted instance. I AUGUST 2017 Software_8-17_Vs2 pd. has announced a Grid Integration”. the largest output we know of. to the integration of wind-generated electricity It should be no surprise that developers at the into the main electrical grid system. Actually. S O F T WA R E Paul Dvorak Editorial Directior Windpower Engineering & Development Online classes for wind advocates? Sort of O nline classes are something of a rage. W VISIT THE NEW energystoragenetworks. This online tool material. based in Ireland. and R&D needs. But if the ads become wind to pass between the blades and thus platforms is to provide employees access too intrusive. students can upgrade to an the airflow that was propelling the blades to company-specific information. – to verify a professional level of an wind energy. were to capture 100% of the wind’s energy. Lastly. But and particular manner. students may have to purchase the blades instead of through. classes are free because advertisers are the blade would rotate too quickly for the it-all. Rather than sound like Mr. Alison requires a publisher better and more up-to-date sections might work well for firms with employees application – permission to post a class follow on grid AUGUST 2017 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   41 Software_8-17_Vs2 pd. Know. says all instructor’s expertise. the future of who work far from the home offices. SOFTWARE Material presented after the basic introduction gets more serious and useful. Alison. let me say the real value in online paying for them. such as this lesson that introduces grid integration.indd 41 8/15/17 4:42 PM .” troubleshooting electrical equipment or a certificate to verify a successful class This material needs an update and something you’d like presented in a precise completion. Also. before posting course a rewrite if it is to be taken seriously. such ad-free account for €50 (about $59) per in the first place would pass over or under as a company best practices for safely year. energy generation record for a commercially Spokesman for MHI Vestas Michael Morris available offshore wind turbine on December 1. One V164-9. “But I can say that our innovation teams are energy through innovative turbine technology.5-MW design The 9 and 9.0 unit with • MHI Vestas Offshore Wind uprated its 8-MW wind massive 80-meter blades.124 m2. “We are committed to lowering the cost of plans. The 10-MW turbine has been • Redesigned gearbox and cooling system are an understandable challenge for the wind upgrades from the V164-9.5 MW. so close. and available for sale now.1 kWh) over a 24-hour period. as 495 metric tons you would expect.5 yards) blades are the better part at least three 10-MW designs that were of a real football field on the drawing boards. ~187 m (Østerild prototype. “After 215. the UK coast. a machine and cooling system upgrades.windpowerengineering. we knew of • 80-m long (87. • Hub height ~105 m (Østerild prototype. For instance: O h. deliver affordable offshore wind power. We’re in offshore wind for platform. heavier parts or more expensive materials.” the long haul.indd 42 8/15/17 4:44 PM . larger than the 120-m larger. tells that the 9. The company • Rotor and nacelle will require the tower to carry recently announced the V164-9. MHI Vestas CEO. Several years ago. The working on concepts that will make the company V164-9. the most powerful platform in operation. 140 m) the turbine has been running at 9.5-MW wind Company CTO Torben turbines are part of the Larsen added that “With only product portfolio intended to minimal design changes.” he reports. • The nacelle measures 20-m long. already installed at the 258-MW this turbine continues the legacy Burbo Bank Extension. design modifications to the prototype at Østerild.5 unit the most powerful serially produced letting owners run fewer. The company’s prototype at Østerild broke the time data and insight to adding the next AUGUST 2017 TOTM 8-17 Vs2.0 MW industry. The of the proven V164 platform company says the turbine has a and is available now to all MHI firm order book of over 1. larger turbines wind turbine in the world.5-MW output for • Max tip height.” The company has release a few additional details on the V164- 9.999. Why? • Each blade weighs 35 metric tons (1. 8-m wide. and But MHI Vestas (Vestas is the parent company) 8-m high. T UR BI NE OF T HE M O NTH Paul Dvorak Editorial Director Windpower Engineering & Development Inching toward 10 MHI Vestas unwraps a 9. and weighs about 390 metric tons is getting close to the 10-MW mark.0 design.5 MW turbine. Vestas customers. W 42 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www.0 MW. But none materialized.5 MW is built on the industry-leading V164 competitive in the future. (35 tons each) is working off turbine to hit 9 MW during specific site conditions. diameter London Eye which all drive up costs. ~220 m) several months already.000 kWh (actual figure: generating power.000 kg/ Stretching conventional technology to 10-MW sizes metric ton) generates high stresses and handling that involves • Swept area of 21. Both turbines are based including a redesigned gearbox on the V164-8.5 MW based on. said in a press discuss future turbine development and innovation release. So when’s the 10? Morris says the company does not Jens Tommerup. providing company engineers with real. The company expects to receive Type Certificate by Fall 2018.6 GW.” he reports. The company • Reduces operational and maintenance costs by calls the 9. the V164-9.5-MW turbine is already up and 2016 by producing 216. for fabrication. norbar.9336 FX [email protected]. and Torque Audit mode for pre-tightened bolts • Versions for 110 VAC or 230 VAC • Lightweight at only 23lbs. Torque and Angle. verification and maintenance Norbar Torque Tools.indd 7 8/15/17 3:31 PM . installation. 440. time and date stamped • Includes PC software ‘EvoLog’ for data management and tool configuration • From factory to field.000 readings in internal memory. A Radical Change in Bolting is Coming Your Way Norbar Torque Tools Introduces a New Generation in AC Powered Torque Multipliers EvoTorque 2 ® It’s Time to Change the Way You Think About AC Powered Torque Multipliers • Operating ranges from 100 lb-ft to 4500 lb-ft • Measures in Torque.953.1175 PH 440. • Factory calibrated and certified to ± 3% accuracy regardless of fluctuating voltages • USB and Bluetooth® 4.0 data transfer (also called Bluetooth® Smart) • Let’s Talk Torque Norbar_8-16_Vs1. M E S A S t a n d a r d s A l l i a n c e Developing international standards is vitally important to is essential for the growth of grid-scale energy storage systems. availability. non-proprietary set of specifications and standards.windpowerengineering. The first is a software control platform that allows all equipment from different vendors to talk the same “language.” so that when one piece of equipment sends a command or transmits data. generation of This standardization effort has two main aspects. connectors. Our goal is to accelerate interoperability. quality. In turn. These systems make it possible to feed power to the grid so that production need not be scaled up and down repeatedly to adjust to changing demand levels. it is received and interpreted correctly by the intended recipient. The Snohomish County PUD’s Hardeson substation includes the MESA 1A and 1B pilot projects (upper center of photo). An energy Daniel Friberg. the ESS must be intelligently plugged into the utility’s existing information and operations technology. alternative power The second aspect is ensuring that the hardware that makes up an energy storage system (ESS)—the batteries. The MESA the cost-effective (Modular Energy Storage Architecture) Standards Alliance is an industry group of dozens of equipment vendors and utilities working together to grow the energy storage industry by developing an open. Division Engineering Manager storage standard Parker Hannifin. B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s .indd 44 8/15/17 4:52 PM . safety. and the process of plugging them together becomes a 4 4 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. metering system. Global Energy Grid Tie Division V i c e C h a i r. and affordability in energy storage components and systems. and the energy management system (EMS) − can be intelligently “plugged into” each other and the electrical system. Without established The MESA Standards Alliance currently standards. They also absorb the over-generation from wind and solar power facilities and release that power when needed. scalability. power AUGUST 2017 Feat_Power Storage_8-17_Vs2 pd. components and systems will come with proprietary provides two specifications. org ND MN SD • NE co < ••• KS • •OK AR TX • • • "CJ #j ='()Cb · ... \? Elevator 2-17. Wimd lnstal Contact Carisa Barrett for more info r. ation Office: 253-561-4902 Toll-Free: 888-511-3113 Email: [email protected] 29 8/15/17 3:28 PM .. was a 1 MW. Mitsubishi International outdoor bidirectional power conver. a joint venture between GS Yuasa International Ltd and Mitsubishi. 500-kWh needs and use cases with minimal lithium-ion battery system installed at custom engineering the Snohomish County Public Utility • MESA-Device Specifications and District’s Hardeson substation in Everett. address how energy storage supplied the lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery sion system (PCS) converts ac grid power to dc to charge the batteries. inverts the bat. An energy storage standard is essential for the cost-effective generation of alternative power laborous task repeated for each new project. our company has implemented a MESA-Device compliant communications interface that is now standard in the 890 GT-B Power Conversion System (PCS) product line. MESA 1A. Faculty from the University of Washington provided research expertise in electric power systems and computer science. 1Energy Systems LLC (now part of Doosan GridTech) developed the system control software and supplied systems integration services. the companies and organizations which will add to project cost and lead time. A Parker Hannifin 890GT-B 2 MW SunSpec Energy Storage Model Washington.indd 46 8/15/17 4:54 PM . components within an energy-storage modules to Parker Hannifin's Energy and when necessary. system communicate with each other Grid Tie division. Based on the experience from these two projects.windpowerengineering. provided the Li-ion AUGUST 2017 Feat_Power Storage_8-17_Vs3. which provided a MESA-compliant 890GT-B power conversion system. LG Chem Ltd. In 2013. The organizations that make up the MESA Standards Alliance share these objectives: 4 6 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www.880 battery cells manufactured by Lithium Energy Japan. power inverter and battery system housing. 500-kWh MESA 1B project. The MESA interface has successfully been used in Parker-supplied PCSs with over 100 MW currently operating around the world. and Alstom Grid made its e-Terra control center software platforms MESA- compatible. The 1 MW. that would go on to become founding The MESA Standards Alliance is members of the MESA Standards currently providing two specifications: Alliance began work on a series of pilot projects intended to demonstrate • MESA-ESS is designed to let electric how the plug-and-play approach utilities or grid operators scale being developed would allow quickly deployment of energy storage and commissioning new energy storage manage energy storage assets and fleets systems. installed immediately next to the 1A system also involved Parker Hannifin. and its operational components. Their first energy storage of multi-vendor assets to meet specific project. which supplied the tery power to ac to feed the grid. The battery modules contain 2. energy-management AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. • Enable technology suppliers (from MESA. systems. efforts to the point where we are today.. non-proprietary communication standards for gridscale energy storage is gaining momentum. Parker Hannifin has a costs. energy storage systems. Through standardization. before submitting them to appropriate Standards Development Organizations (SDO). Interest and acceptance of the MESA standards are expanding within the industry.” • Reduce training costs and improve For more on the MESA Standards safety for field staff through Alliance or to participate in the technical standardization procedures for safety working groups that are developing and efficiency. Parker was an early advocate for software developers to battery the importance of standards to accelerate suppliers) to focus on their core the growth of the energy storage industry competencies in producing quality. power-conversion connections. • Expedite the development mesastandards. “We are excited that MESA’s mission. that innovation to come together at based energy storage systems. non- proprietary communication standards for gridscale energy storage is gaining momentum. safe and has been instrumental in driving the and cost-effective components. MESA Standards Alliance. to develop open. W and industry deployment of storage-specific communication specifications. “The organization has tripled in membership since its founding in 2014. visit www. which will accelerate system suppliers. MESA let’s industry vendors focus on • Give electric utilities more choices by proprietary innovation and enable enabling multi-vendor. and currently has over 30 members with representation from all stakeholders in the energy storage industry including battery suppliers. these industry standards. enabling a more robust energy history working with energy storage storage market.. along with utilities interoperability and scalability of and IPPs. to develop open.” says Margot Malarkey. MESA let’s industry vendors focus on proprietary innovation and enable that innovation to come together at lower costs by reducing project-specific engineering. lower costs by reducing project-specific • Reduce project-specific engineering engineering. • Standardize communication and system WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   47 Feat_Power Storage_8-17_Vs2 pd. Through standardization. program manager.indd 47 8/15/17 4:53 PM . As a Founding Member of We are excited that MESA’s mission. INTELLIGENT LIGHTNING A TOOL FOR BLADE-ASSET MANAGEMENT 4 8 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT MONITORING: www.windpowerengineering.indd 48 8/15/17 4:58 PM .com AUGUST 2017 Feat_Lightning_8-17_Vs2 pd. AUGUST 2017 Photo courtesy of istockphoto. inspections that are too has been struck and the frequent may result in unnecessary and high maintenance costs. On the other hand. monitors provided Lightning receptors and grounding systems. Sylawa Business Development Manager – Renewable Energy Until recently. lightning-strike IT IS WELL UNDERSTOOD that wind turbines are at high risk for damage from WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   49 Feat_Lightning_8-17_Vs2 pd. Failure to inspect blades regularly for lightning strikes may result in costly repairs because a slow accumulation of material damage as which turbine blade could lead to component failure. Weighing blade inspections (which require turbine downtime) against continued operation of a power in the strike. Inc. However. protection. Phoenix Contact USA. turbine is one risk associated with lightning and wind-farm asset management. the fiberglass materials and coatings of a wind-turbine more useful and blade remain vulnerable to lightning damage. have partially addressed the problem. Daniel J.indd 49 8/15/17 4:58 PM . It is difficult to determine the operational condition of wind-turbine blades actionable data such without direct inspection. even with Recent systems deliver these windpowerengineering. which provide external lightning incomplete information. Surge suppression systems also assist with electrical and control system protection. windpowerengineering. Event counters record When mounted on a turbine blade’s down lightning at every wind farm. location. effective asset management techniques additional parameters such as specific energy. the system also records determine the location of a lightning strike. and This system operates at the speed of light so detection sensors. reduce the need for truck rolls due to and existing wind turbines. This converts this into a measurable light AUGUST 2017 Feat_Lightning_8-17_Vs2 pd. to the most suspect turbines. the technology of lightning strikes. and counters and card-measurement through a transparent dielectric material. A polarized output filter detection systems include weather-data. Ideally. use sensors lightning down conductors based on the Faraday Effect to provide a on a wind turbine can more comprehensive range of lightning provide information about its data to manage assets. operators would look to increase the current and lightning direction. such as a measured Weather-measurement systems use call to the wind turbine. power supply. Examples of this include event by transmitting a polarized light beam vary by geographic area. peak current. These sensors operate Lightning risks to wind turbines blades. The sensors operate by transmitting a polarized light beam through a transparent dielectric material. measurement systems lightning events. One way to do The small number of compo- nents required to install the plus: The information so is by employing targeted inspections Phoenix Contact LM-S makes is available remotely. control box. Examples of geolocation lightning. there is a such as the time stamp. cannot tell which turbine or blade was impacted by THE FARADAY EFFECT the lightning. time of year. However. To mitigate information on the time and number conductor. In fact. there is a risk of systems. based lightning measurements and lightning system cannot be monitored remotely. Operating principles of a lightning detection sensor are based on the Faraday Effect. must be read by a technician during a service additional information. passed through the down conductor. duration and slope of the lightning of strike. per the Faraday Effect. and signal outputs for the LM-S installed in a wind turbine. weather. INTELLIGENT LIGHTNING MONITORING: A TOOL FOR BLADE-ASSET MANAGEMENT and sometimes polarity intelligence of wind-turbine systems to information. The schematic shows the general arrangement of sensors. which travels down the conductor geolocation and direct-measurement systems provide information only on the and rotates a light beam proportional to the systems. These types of systems can provide the time to reduce operating costs. wind charge. Another reduce maintenance costs. Lightning sensors perform the same turbine applications. Recent lightning measurement systems. 50 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. Card-measurement current.indd 50 8/15/17 4:58 PM . turbine location. Direct-measurement such as the Phoenix Contact Lightning systems that use the Monitoring System (LM-S). highest amplitude lightning current that has current amplitude. This information is magnetic field is generated by the lightning used to directly measure lightning include available remotely. an external threats to wind turbines. area under the curve is available to more metrological data to predict the probability All these lightning-measurement effectively characterize the impact of the of a lightning strike in a given wind-turbine systems have been used effectively in lightning strike. and function but use local measurements to trend in the wind-power industry to use number of impulses. amplitude (intensity). In addition to information area. That would installation suitable for new However. peak WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   51 Feat_Lightning_8-17_Vs2 pd. Fiber-optic communication between some mechanisms of lightning-induced the sensors and the hub-mounted evaluation blade failures. A “settable” trigger immediate attention. Blade-mounted sensors allow and specific energy. recommended count can be more effectively used mounting methods are available to to gauge blade damage. unit provides a high degree electrical and the full range of lightning parameters noise immunity from the high-energy measured by the LM-S can be used to environment of a lightning strike. lightning down conductors. This can result in is available for immediate notification of performance improvements by reducing high-impact events. AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. are of particular measuring lightning impacts on individual value because they are associated with blades. Detailed lightning Direct visualization of the lightning data analysis can be an effective input to is then possible using a standard web asset-management systems to optimize browser. and impulse the world’s tallest building. Beyond blade impacts. For an installation on a wind turbine. Because blade assets. MANAGING BLADES has been used to monitor lightning lightning sensors are mounted within The LM-S has been installed on wind effects on building and structure individual turbine blades and attached to turbines globally for managing blade applications throughout the world. An FTP server allows pulling the inspection intervals for wind-turbine data from a higher level SCADA system blades and appraise damage requiring for asset management.indd 51 8/15/17 4:58 PM . such as offshore. The small number of turbine downtime and increasing components required to install the lightning availability. The LM-S system has been in- new and retrofit wind-turbine applications. Additional handle differing blades designs of various parameters measured. W of the down conductors. What’s more. such as charge manufacturers. The table provides an example of the output data from the lightning monitoring system. designs differ with respect to installation stamp. gauge lightning effects on other wind- The hub-mounted evaluation unit turbine systems. the system stalled in a wind-turbine blade. These are important measurement systems like the Phoenix implications as wind turbines are built Contact LM-S make installation suitable for larger and located in more remote areas. SCADA components. Data beyond the standard time including the Burj Khalifa in Dubai UAE. including bearings and acts as a data logger and data server. Digital software such as GE’s Predix- based software, which collects and analyzes data from wind turbines, can increase the annual energy production of a wind turbine by up to 10%. 52 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT AUGUST 2017 Feat_Security_8-17_Vs2.indd 52 8/15/17 4:59 PM Michelle Froese • Senior Editor Windpower Engineering & Development WELCOME TO THE DIGITAL ERA. INTELLIGENT COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND PREDICTIVE SOFTWARE MEANS IMPORTANT INFRASTRUCTURE, SUCH AS WIND FARMS, DIGITAL SUBSTATIONS, AND THE UTILITY GRID, CAN OPERATE MORE RELIABLY AND EFFICIENTLY. BUT SUCH SYSTEMS ARE ALSO OPEN TO MALWARE AND CYBER ATTACKS WITH POTENTIALLY CATASTROPHIC CONSEQUENCES. TO SAFEGUARD AGAINST UNEXPECTED POWER OUTAGES AND UNPLANNED ASSET DOWNTIME, UPDATED AND CONSISTENT SECURITY MEASURES ARE A MUST. LAST !::::JE/'iR, the Energy Department tested how state and emergency management officials would respond to a cyber incident. The simulated attack would take out power across seven states in the Northeast and mid- Atlantic regions, affecting infrastructure and some 16.7-million customers. The result? "Many planning and communications gaps were revealed concerning the cyber incident," states the fallow-up report entitled Liberty Eclipse. The report also provides several recommendations. One is to expand the Energy Department's energy assurance program to better support planning and preparedness, through regular education, training, and exercises. wi ndp o were ng m e W IND POW ER ENGINEERING & DE VELOPMENT 53 Feat_Security_8-17_Vs4.indd 53 8/15/17 5:54 PM Mitigating risks from CYBER ATTACKS network software, deleting its traces after attack, and BEST PRACTICES FOR CYBER SECURITY preventing effective forensics. It is a big threat. In the Department of These few best practices recommended • Engage an automate patch system for by GE Power are for maintaining a critical ICS — so that manual update Energy’s second installment of continuously protected environment, schedules aren’t a barrier. the Quadrennial Energy Review which most importantly includes a (January 2017), it warned that a transition from a reactive to a predictive • Participate in security communities widespread power outage caused security program. focused on business environments to by a cyber attack could undermine stay current on trending attacks and critical infrastructure: "Cyber threats • Keep software and firmware up-to- best practices. to the electricity system are increasing date with timely patch updates. in sophistication, magnitude, and • Monitor critical systems for security frequency." • Hire an external cyber-security related events and anomalies. “Cybersecurity is a concern company to perform site evaluations, because the digital revolution is so threat modeling, and penetration • Educate operations and IT personnel testing to evaluate systems. on a regular basis on new attack relevant, driving productivity and mechanisms so that they can act as reliability for many industries,” says watchful eyes across physical and Bolick. “But this new digital world system landscapes. is something special, and something that cannot or should not be dismissed The last tip means that every employee because it is pushing industry, and needs to be armed with the tools and specifically the power industry, forward.” proper protocol for maintaining the Bolick points to how digital software company’s security profile. can increase the annual energy production of a wind turbine by up to 10%. In this example, he is referring to GE’s Predix-based software, which collects data from turbines, productivity — which means ensuring analyzes it, and provides recommendations a utility or plant owner can fully live for increased efficiency. up to the obligations of what they’ve “But whether you talk wind, solar or Scott Bolick, head of software strategy bid for electricity,” he says. “But when more conventional power plants, digital & product management at GE Power & we look at power and utility customers, solutions are enabling these facilities to do Water, understands the significance of over 60% of the leaders tell us that their things they could have never done before cyber planning and security for important security strategy is infrastructures. not aligned to today's “It’s really about mitigating risks,” environment risk.” When I think about cyber security he shares. “When I think about cyber Perhaps this and protecting valuable assets, security and protecting valuable assets, I is of little surprise. liken it to buying insurance. I buy home One recent example I liken it to buying insurance. I insurance because it is important to me of malware, called buy home insurance because it is to protect my family. I want assurance “CrashOverride” or that if anything happens, my son and “Win32/Industroyer,” important to me to protect my family. wife are taken care of. But why does one is seemingly designed ‘buy’ cyber security?” he asks. and deployed by a nation-state to target that allow for more strategic planning and For a wind farm or power plant owner, and shut down electric grids. Analysis productivity. It’s quite impressive and the the answer includes safeguarding networks shows that it is likely the same type of digital proliferation is only going to increase.” and control systems to eliminate unexpected malware that shut down portions of the As it develops, however, it is important outages and unplanned downtime. Ukraine electric grid in December 2016. to keep digitalization from inadvertently “This comes down to mitigating Such malware is also reportedly capable introducing risks to equipment or risks and delivering on a promise of of delaying restoration actions, erasing infrastructure. “Unfortunately, what we see 5 4 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT AUGUST 2017 Feat_Security_8-17_Vs3.indd 54 8/15/17 5:51 PM Bolick says constant Download the five GE’s Baseline Security Center is a risk.” he says. practices to reduce exposure to cyber Proper threat mitigation involves risk. Organizations there training and working with customers patches and patch WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   55 Feat_Security_8-17_Vs2. cyber security attack by around 85%. An attack on IT could lead to data prioritized set of actions that can protect facility? theft. According to a report from GE Power. Organizations and that may develop slightly differently at environment. but also the configurations and services. think about security for power customers. The reality “What we've done is work with and managing risk. and cyber security comes down to insurance is about people and processes. Better safe than sorry. But ultimately.” framework and deciding on how to best developing a process that works. configurations and action against cyber disruption. While IT teams The Center for Internet Security’s seriously. now their role is expanding is a non-profit organization that works to for training. safeguard private and public organizations requirements between departments.” he “People want a magic box that solves Controls can reduce their risk of cyber adds. or who must protect critical assets and against cyber threats. version that implement just the first five of 20 CIS to fully benefit from it. the working together to identify a road map Center is platform agnostic. pervasive cyber attacks. while an attack on operations could critical systems and data from the most “A large part of security is in the process affect the physical world.” But defining who is for Internet Security.” management. MEASURES is only the first step.” he says. These may include attacks. The Baseline Security to defend against the Security Center is making sure of that. so now we can The CIS Controls are a people to uphold and maintain it. Keep software and firmware up to date and monitored regularly for security breaches. CIS Controls are a is remote-user access acceptable at our controls. access controls. such as people. is that many utilities are struggling with “When we were considering a cyber-security measures are really about their IT environment. and assets.” employees or workers are taking security operations’ organizations. This includes asking important are typically focused on protecting data Critical Security Controls (CIS Controls) questions. so Center essentially lets customers quickly and vast majority of cyber we may deploy a product. but we're also out securely manage controls. such as: What is in place and systems. Part of that process is the surveillance one reason for this is “a cyber-security we stepped back and relied on the Center equipment and potential event response.indd 55 8/15/17 5:00 PM . A big go out and effectively enable a customer to prioritized set of actions portion of what we do in the Baseline meet cyber threats. ownership issue. It is essential for wind-power project owners and operators to safeguard wind-farm networks and control systems to eliminate unexpected outages and unplanned downtime. Unlike typical vendor products. that implement just the first five of 20 CIS different organizations or enterprises.” W is that you can and should have great these control points to create the tools. “A lot of AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. “It provides but a large portion should also include accountable for security measures lands a critical security framework that has 20 audits and ongoing checks to ensure in a nebulous area between the IT and the different control points or critical factors. that provides greater security. and rights and Controls can reduce the basics of network and asset security. what are the data-sharing to work with operations’ technologists. “But the end goal is always the same. vigilance and updated policies and controls at https:// tinyurl. technologies around management platform that provides procedures are the best long-term security curitycontrols security tools. everything.” their risk of cyber at- BASELINE SECURITY An understanding of asset protection tack by around 85%. com Lufthansa 2-17. Learn more: Phone:+17866149031 Email:marketing.dlh.indd 29 8/15/17 3:28 PM [email protected] www. Cross-sectoral thinking Our solutions for wind energy ■■  obileserviceappandback- M officesolution–tosupportservice processes ■■ Predictiveanalytics/preventive maintenanceofwindturbines ■■ R FIDforoptimizingmaintenance cycles ■■ IntelligentITsolutionsfortechnical documentations ■■ Augmentedrealitysystemsand voicecontrolmakeworkeasier Theexperiencewehavegainedin mappingmaintenanceprocessesfor Lufthansaarebeingappliedtothe windenergyindustry. In fact. A storage system can help absorb and such as wind or solar power. finances.indd 57 8/15/17 5:06 PM . WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   57 Energy Storage_8-17_Vs3. or increasing self-consumption of renewables. “Storage is really about Rocky Mountain Institute study on the economics the software in terms of how. storage can do so customer’s demand is going to peak. bottom line. and then when to most systems are deployed for one of three single discharge. backed by period.” and a utility. it can help with frequency regulation or farm owner. for example. Inc. a company that develops. when to use and absorb power.” many different things. and supply idea that storage can do these multiple different it to the grid as needed to provide a better return things with the same asset is quite interesting. generation. A good storage system can help do “But it’s not just about grid regulation or that by regulating the use of variable resources.” says Ted Ko. or charge and discharge it. on the grid. “The on the wind power generated at a farm.. software that can correctly anticipate when a certain “As this study points out. and more. but on investment. For a wind. The only way it works is with power. and where of energy storage. Director of Policy Demand charges are based on the peak at Stem. electricity usage of a customer during a set billing and maintains energy storage systems. Given a reliable battery or storage device. Stem’s UL-certified PowerStore is a fast- converting energy storage system. this means storage can fully capitalize transmission congestion. Stem’s end: maximize the energy used by the transmission mission is to build and operate the largest digitally grid to boost a project’s production value and connected energy storage network for its customers. it has to ‘know’ fundamental services.” he adds. It’s a win-win for the facility owner it’s an often under-used resource. backup charges. optimize the value of customer’s power assets and energy storage has typically served as a means to an facilitate their participation in energy markets. Michelle Froese • Senior Editor • Windpower Engineering & Development The many facets of Researchers found that energy storage is capable of providing a suite of 13 general services to the electricity system. These charges cover a utility’s fixed costs of its proprietary software and predictive analytics to providing a certain level of energy to customers. Take demand applications: demand charge reduction. energy regulation is only one small Ko says the next key to maximizing an energy- service provided by a storage system. According to the study. However. For the renewable-energy industry. PowerStore draws energy when costs are low and automatically deploys when costs are high — saving users the most on electric bills. researchers compiled 13 it’s applied — in other words. it can help with voltage meet grid interconnection requirements. in a storage system is software. ensuring such projects store solar or wind power. The AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. wires. figure out where the peaks are going to be. software must have the capacity to understand a site’s optimal behavior. so to the grid it looks like peak usage went down. or independent reduction is used for only 5 to 50% of Demand charges are only one example system operators or regional transmission its useful life. we look at your history of what a building has done over the last year.” According to Ko. which has two utility rates include the growth of wind and energy needs or congestion. “So. In the U. and you have ratepayers. itself. Yes. so it or industrial customer. charges are 30 to 70% of their energy bill. even renewables can is where Stem has grown from using kilowatt-hours consumed every month be to blame mainly because they cause individual battery systems. requires more maintenance and updated Ko continues: “Remember storage “So let’s say you’re a commercial infrastructure — costs that are passed onto can provide more than one service. usage kilowatt — not kilowatt-hour. peak shaving can be much more lucrative than trying to do what’s called energy arbitrage. most energy storage systems them to provide multiple. it must determine the load.” every customer runs their AC). it’s predictive analytics. utilities. requires them to keep a vast array of based on helping customers with those demand charges. an energy storage system Virtual power plants generally flow to one of three stakeholder dispatched solely for demand charge groups: customers. an energy storage service takes the power from the battery. there are multiple facets of are deployed for one of three single creates additional value for all electricity a good system. predict what it’s going to do in the next 24 hours. and it reduces demand charges. which certainly and the second are the demand charges. demand or even 1000-kW systems as a fleet. Then.windpowerengineering. to shave off those peaks appropriately to a study that determined energy storage consumption. system stakeholders. system’s lifetime. primary application and then re-dispatching storage system. or could I be doing expensive equipment on constant standby. These services and the value they create For example. and even over next couple of days or further out. “On a larger scale.” he shares. One component is the solar energy. And this components to it.” general services to the electricity system. applications: demand charge reduction.indd 58 8/15/17 5:06 PM . Ko points initial reason we started the company was Could I be helping my customer with his out. Essentially. “This is where software comes in and. Other factors that may affect can also help with the grid and potential your monthly energy bill. it must work ROCKY MOUNTAIN INSTITUTE performed backup power. “Instead of taking energy from the grid during those peak times. The answer numerous questions at once: enough capacity — which. even while energy prices are charge my battery now? The software has their customers’ energy needs at once going down. As the Rocky Mountain Currently. This results in batteries sitting save the most money based on whatever is capable of providing a suite of 13 unused or under-used for well over half of a particular rates a customer is at the time. Dispatching batteries for a of an important software feature for a organizations. or do I have time to and generating stations — to satisfy all increasing. or increasing solar AUGUST 2017 Energy Storage_8-17_Vs3. It must ask and challenge is that utilities have to maintain your peak usage during the month.” he says. to do a good job. 36. greater sensitivity to peak loads because can provide some services to the grid by Demand charges are based on your peak of their inherent variability. demand charges.” 58 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. There are several reasons to understand all that on a site-by-site (say.. But now just imagine those 18. some voltage support for the grid at this including transformers. but For some customers. and then proactively shave off those peaks. This is known as peak shaving. stacked services study found. which is charging the battery when it is low and discharging when prices are high. demand charges are particular moment.S. substations. to cover a hot day in August when for this including an aging grid that basis and each and every day. This means historical and real-time usage data marketplace. thanks to the benefits and many facets of although its California networks have energy storage. and institutional customers generator or a power plant would. There are times when winds are being curtailed simply because there’s too much of it. for example. Stem could easily step in and use has participated in real-time energy its energy storage systems to store that markets. it is for a pilot program in 2015 that used a possible to create variable location- TOP: Stem’s data analytics software fleet of storage systems with predictive specific. rather than waste day-ahead bidding at six customer it. a virtual “We deployed a fleet of these power plant is a ‘grid response’ that acts BOTTOM: Stem has pioneered a systems and used the data to bid like a fast-responding generator. of demand response. whatever that neighborhood congestion and automatically responds to spikes in electricity use. “storage-as-a- into the CAISO market.” To turn the discussion back to renewables. that an energy storage provider Association showing that we’ve got less than five-minute response times down to one minute response times. A lack of renewable-energy generation is not an issue as much as a loss of energy is at certain times because of over- generation. “We to reduce energy bills and boost explains Ko.” He says that if California were to create the market for a virtual power plant. energy storage is typically considered a solution to a lack of generation. subscription-based. benefitting the electricity grid over-generation. “With the right software. in my opinion.indd 59 8/15/17 5:06 PM . So far. drawing on stored demand-side resources to participate in needs but using it as an entire fleet. “Take California.” power to reduce costs for customers. The project came under a storage system can respond in very to predict when electric use will peak Pacific Gas and Electric’s Supply-Side precise small locational algorithms to do at a given WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   59 Energy Storage_8-17_Vs3. The many facets of Stem was one of the first companies “This is one of the best uses for to get involved with the California energy storage. much like a Stem has shown it is possible to capture service model” to enable commercial. the CAISO wholesale markets as a form Where ‘demand response’ signals without requiring operational changes. which enabled customer-sited.” says Ko.” data on a one-second or less basis. us to bid in. forecasting and refine automation. W now grown to over 500 sites operating or under contract. the possibility is there. “If the state allowed while earning revenue in California. we could suck up that extra Stem collected extensive data during wind and solar power. sites for more than a year to enhance Nevertheless. The grid can’t keep up. The system rapidly Pilot. a utility to provide extra power. But the market doesn’t exist yet. It marked the first time did a case study for the Energy Storage sustainability with no upfront costs. “This is a concern with both solar and wind power. industrial.” he says. AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. But under-generation is only one side of the only problem.” he Independent System Operator (CAISO) shares. ‘dispatchable’ networked- incorporates weather forecasts and software for real-time use in the enabled virtual power plants. Accurately forecasting customer energy use is critical to ensure systems can be used for decreasing energy costs at the customer and participating in energy markets. So it can store power for those times when the sun isn’t shining or wind isn’t blowing. 1. Portable Multi-strand. E Q UIPMEN T Comfort-friendly fall-protection harness FallTech falltech.269 & 1926 and ANSI Z359. At only 85 lbs. AFS can be transported by two workers or lifted via a convenient eye http://solutions. parker. and made of personnel access critical hydraulic systems through 8000 Series Aluminum conductor per ASTM B800.indd 60 8/15/17 5:07 PM . to reduce fatigue and prevent injury. which eliminates and optimum filtration. the cable’s outer layer allows clamps to grip on either hydraulic or gear fluid.windpowerengineering. AFS is equipped with an securely for easy install. Plus. polishing. Together. and meets OSHA 1910. A CamLock torso adjuster allows for quick and easy one-handed adjustments that lock in place throughout the day. making it ideal for use in the cramped interior of a turbine nacelle. a hassle-free attachment point connects most singe or twin self- retracting device connectors to minimize back D-ring and shoulder pad downward slippage. and transfer of AUGUST 2017 WPE_Equipment World_8-17_Vs2. For handling onsite pre-filtration. and uses a Southwire’s new The Advanced ComforTech Gel fall-protection harness provides an endoskeleton frame with a proprietary polymer gel for added support. The cable is composed of a two-layer composite wall insulation. with an Parker's portable EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) inner layer and AFS filtration a CPE (Chlorinated Polyethylene) outer layer. The cable is also oil resistant.-2014. such as the shoulders and waist. filtration down-tower cable system Southwire Parker Hannifin southwire. Its flexibility means the cable can integrated particle count detector. high-quality aluminum cable AWEA2017 is ideal for down-tower turbine applications. The gel padding provides cushioning and energy absorption in critical pinch points. connect to the electrical access boxes inside a tower without capacity ModuFlow Plus filter for long element life having an extra splice and connector. passageways as small as 12 x 16". 60 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. the system is capable of layers contribute to the cable’s durability and flexibility. Its compact design lets service excess cutting. The harness is rated to a 425-lb capacity. The wireless system Bronto’s S 295 HLA features consists of a single receiving a 295-ft. Sensors made for quick and safe aerial access.543 lbs of workers surface temperature and early icing and materials in an extendable detection.5 m/s) and can WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   61 WPE_Equipment World_8-17_Vs2.indd 61 8/15/17 5:07 PM . such as wind farms.300 pounds. The FERC Order requires all newly interconnected non-synchronous generators. can also mount over heaters and control them for minimum Reliable grid downtime. ABB offers a low and medium- voltage modular VArPro STATCOM to fit wind farms of all sizes. of sensor devices that easily When elevated. that works on all types of wind- level articulated) aerial crane. AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering. mini interconnection solar cell on each device ensures ABB unlimited energy Phoenix Contact the largest machines available for tackling high-level access Phoenix Contact intros Eologix’s work on America’s wind retrofit ice-detection sensor system farms: the S 295 HLA ( supply from windpower ambient light. to provide dynamic reactive power compensation at the high side of the generator substation as a condition of horizontal outreach. A STATCOM installed at one or more suitable points in a grid will increase power-transfer capability by making grid interconnection smoother and more reliable. and a number a 104 Bronto Skylift offers one of http://eologix. Static Synhronous Compensator (STATCOM) technology helps wind farms adhere to the new Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order 827 passed in 2016. turbine blades. the crane is state. working height with unit per turbine. E Q U I PME N T Safer aerial access Turbine-blade ice detection Bronto Skylift brontoskylift. A flexible. With an overall weight of 110. and can be driven almost anywhere. Extra withstand winds speeds up wires or drilling into a blade is to 28 mph (12. The system provides lift up to 1. even in a locked-rotor 12 x 3-ft. enclosed platform. the S 295 can mount on a blade’s surface. V2 Rigidizer. free running. Made of durable rip-stop fabric. Ergodyne’s new fleece-lined GloWear 8384 Type R Class 3 Thermal Parka has insulated. all standard V2 accessories. Ergodyne adds to its GloWear Foul Weather Gear Series with two new hi-vis thermal jackets. which is injection- molded with high-strength polypropylene copolymer resin. For very cold days. For example. a remote control (with a range of up to 150 m). The Kits are available in 4 or Visibility is important at wind sites. 90º Prism Tip. physical strain. and a range of set-up options.indd 62 8/15/17 5:08 PM .uk/actsafe ActSafe ACX is a portable. 62 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. The GloWear 8381 Type R Class 3 Performance 3-in-1 Bomber Jacket prevents struck-by accidents with ANSI-compliant high visibility. ActSafe ACX can reduce worker fatigue. the Gradient Lens ascender can AUGUST 2017 WPE_Equipment World_8-17_Vs2. Workers can choose to wear the complete jacket or zip out the liner for a weatherproof shell. this jacket provides options and can change with the temperature. and Close-Focus Tip. A battery-powered lift for tools & equipment Altitec altitec. 3. or The new Deluxe Kit for Hawkeye’s V2 Video in combination Borescope includes a 4-way articulating V2 with a pulley Videoscope. ACX- powered ascender for lifting tools and equipment during turbine install or maintenance. and resistant to corrosion and impact damage. battery-powered ascender.0 m. To keep workers seen and safe from the elements. It features a closed self-locking rope grab. This means it is waterproof. The Deluxe Kits also come in a new Hawkeye V2 carrying case. So is staying warm and dry when winds pick up or weather worsens.0. capable of lifting 100kg for more than 200 m of continuous ascension on a single work anchored. and lengths of 1. and the optional V2 Stand. quilted sleeves that refuse to bunch or ride up. E Q UIPMEN T High-vis glow gear Ergodyne ergodyne. and Deluxe borescope kit injury. It provides safe rope access to wind techs who can use the lightweight. or 6.windpowerengineering. A dual-mic tab is included for clipping radios.5. ...................................................................... 15 Norbar Torque Tools............9 NRG Systems...........................882................1685 @SMMcCafferty @wtwh_CSeel CONNECT WITH US! NEW CHECK US OUT ON ISSUU! AUGUST 2017 windpowerengineering...........IBC Mobil SHC..24 Elevator Industry Work Preservation @wtwh_memich @mmatheson Tom Lazar Jessica East Garrett Cona 408.................................................9867 [email protected] [email protected] 508............................cover/ Scott McCafferty Courtney Seel @wtwh_Tom @wtwh_MsMedia @wtwh_gcona 310..........56 SALES LEADERSHIP TEAM Jim Powers Neel Gleason Michelle Flando VP of Sales EVP 312..........43 Dexmet Corporation.......3609 @jpowers_media @wtwh_ngleason @mflando [email protected] 63 8/15/17 5:14 PM .........219..3844 [email protected] Managing Director Associate Publisher [email protected] Zero-Max...... AD INDEX AeroTorque......... IFC Bronto mmatheson@wtwhmedia................................. 18 Castrol (BP Lubricants USA)............................................... 22 [email protected] 213............34 Amsoil.......9110 Mike Emich Marshall Matheson [email protected]................................. 3 Gradient Lens Corporation........................................7793 [email protected] WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT   63 Ad Index_8-17_Vs1........895..................BC Mattracks...........446.........381.......................................701.....................................................................1823 805...... 440............................................. 2 Moog Components Group.23 Bachmann Electronic.................................. Inc.....................37 Aztec Bolting.....................................7944 [email protected] Lufthansa Industry Solutions.......................................523.................... The induced pressure differential yields the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for the end user. potential energy Florida-based HEWS Technologies believes it can provide open flow (passive intake). and potential energy ambient (passive favorable answers based on its uniquely engineered wind-powered airfoil) wind. pressure differential between the front and back end of the turbine. In fact. a sustainable reduction in a constricted section). will the system perform well Essentially.2% (512 W) wind-to-electrical energy output at an from the turbine space. Unusual turbine design boasts of 75% capacity factor in medium winds MANY FACTORS WILL INFLUENCE THE SELECTION of a small extracts and converts the high-speed airflow into mechanical energy. the system yielded a 75% (capacity factor) wind-to-mechanical power HEWS says it uses a free-stream airflow actuator that delivers extraction at the rated wind speed of 10 m/s with a turbulence factor uniform torque to the turbine. the HEWS (or High-efficiency Wind System). electricity compete with horizontal and vertical-axis small wind An industrial turbine (or fan) with a high moment of inertia turbines. According to its designers: “HEWS effectively places wind energy So how does it work? HEWS says the design produces a in the hands of the consumer and reduces reliance on utility electricity. wind system for a home or business. while simultaneously discharging airflow of 40%. HEWS is The HEWS A1. and a 51. its fan-like turbine is encased in an insulated turbulence factors). The controlled and streamlined flow field effective wind speed of 6 m/s at a turbulence factor of 40%. does the system make? Are there safety concerns with moving Additionally. The turbine’s an accelerated. and electrical energy output. (The Venturi wind environments means more wind power is converted to effective effect is the increase in air speed with a reduction in pressure energy throughout the system’s 25 to 30-year operating lifetime. laminar higher power density airflow through the designers add that the reduction in LCOE lets HEWS-generated Venturi section of the flow field where the turbine is positioned. mechanical power and soundproof housing that can be custom-designed to blend in performance. HEWS says it activates and converts three energy enough to sufficiently reduce energy costs? sources: kinetic open flow (active intake) wind. And.indd 64 8/15/17 5:08 PM . W HEWS says it is designed for optimal operating efficiency for distributed small and medium- scale plants and rooftop installations.” that results when a fluid. in this case an airstream. a 1-MW capacity prototype tested positively unlike conventional turbines in that it has no tower or exposed within the margin of error against all baselines (adjusted for moving parts. reduces turbulence and induces a uniform wind stream to the turbine. and with utility electricity rates. Its ergonomic design and demonstrated performance in turbulent inside a controlled and streamlined Venturi flow field. including pressure differential. perhaps most AUGUST 2017 Downwind 8-17_Vs1. The company reports that with rural or urban landscapes. And it’s been tested. 6 4 WINDPOWER ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT www. a high-frequency inverter is connected with the generator turbine blades? Will it blend into the surrounding architecture? to produce stable usable (or sellable) electricity for the end user. For example: How much noise The turbine is coupled directly to a permanent-magnet generator.windpowerengineering. says the company. flows through It also means. generator. below its 1-MW rated capacity. Installation – Training – Portable CMS Inspections CMS solutions from the most trusted name in wind Contact us: Bachmann electronic Corp. YOUR TURBINES ARE TALKING. • Round-the-clock turbine diagnostics for any turbine • Bachmann Monitoring customer promise: Highest availability with unparalleled detection capabilities • Stand-alone and fully integrated CMS options available • Comprehensive CMS solutions tailored to your fleet: . 529 Main St.indd 29 8/15/17 3:26 PM [email protected] – Software – Worldwide Monitoring . Suite 125 cms. ARE YOU LISTENING? OVER Bachmann 8-17.bachmann. MA 02129 Tel: 617-580-3301 email: office.000 BACHMANN CONDITION MONITORING SYSTEMS INSTALLED IN WIND TURBINES GLOBALLY. pitch. yaw and hydraulic lubricant we produce.COM AMSOIL 8-17. FIND OUT MORE AT AMSOILWIND. DEVOTED TO QUALITY AMSOIL’s reputation for producing the highest quality lubricants sets us apart from others in the market.indd 29 8/15/17 3:26 PM . With cutting-edge research and technology. Let the AMSOIL team show you how to maximize the return on your investments. Don’t risk your assets with unnecessary filtering or additive treatments. AMSOIL products are perfected in the lab and proven in the field. An approved lubricant for factory and service by today’s top manufacturers is why owners. operators and manufacturers continue to move up to AMSOIL. our process guarantees a cleanliness code of 16/14/11 or better on every main gearbox.
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