Wind World India Limited.pdf

June 1, 2018 | Author: Nadeem Ahmed | Category: Business



A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEERETENTION” KARNATAK UNIVERSITY POST GRADUATE CENTRE GADAG-BETGERI A SUMMER IN-PLANT PROJECT REPORT ON EMPLOYEE RETENTION UNDERTAKEN AT WIND WORLD (India) Limited A Project Report Submitted to the Karnatak University, Dharwad in partial fulfillment of the degree of Master of Business Administration During The Academic Year 2014-2015 Submitted by: Mr. NADEEM AHMED M LAKKUNDI REGISTRATION NO. MBA14220011 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF INTERNAL GUIDE Prof. Shareef Benakal KUPG Centre, Gadag EXTERNAL GUIDE Mr. Vijay Kumar Mannur HR Manager, WWIL, Shirahatti Page No. 1 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre, Gadag-Betgeri A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” KARNATAK UNIVERSITY POST GRADUATE CENTRE GADAG-BETGERI Prof. B. A. Hiremath. Co-ordinator Tel.No: 08372-245871 Cell: 9900798007 Ref No. KUPGCG/2015 Date: 25.07.2015 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. NADEEM AHMED M LAKKUNDI a student of MBA – II Semester, has completed his Summer In-plant Project ( SIP ) in WIND WORLD (India) Limited entitled EMPLOYEE RETENTION, in partial fulfillment of MBA Degree as prescribed by Karnatak University, Dharwad, during the academic year 2014 – 15. Register No. MBA14220011 Prof. B. A. Hiremath Co-ordinator Examiner : 1. _________________ 2. __________________ Page No. 2 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre, Gadag-Betgeri A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” KARNATAK UNIVERSITY POST GRADUATE CENTRE GADAG-BETGERI Prof. Shareef Benakal Tel.No: 08372-245871 Cell: 9880048554 KUPG Centre, Gadag Ref No. KUPGCG/2015 Date: 25.07.2015 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. NADEEM AHMED M LAKKUNDI a bonafide student of MBA II Semester, Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre, Gadag, has completed his ( SIP ) in submitted Summer In-plant Project WIND WORLD (India) Limited he has prepared and the project assigned to him, namely EMPLOYEE RETENTION under my guidance. Prof. Shareef Benakal KUPG Centre, Gadag Page No. 3 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre, Gadag-Betgeri A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Page No. 4 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Gadag-Betgeri . Gadag. Karnataka University Post Graduate Centre. To the best of my knowledge and belief. The findings and suggestions of this project report are based on the information collected during the period of my study. Gadag. Karnataka University Post Graduate Centre. in partial fulfillment for the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration. This project is a bona-fide work prepared by me under the guidance of Prof. a student of MBA II Semester. Faculty in Management. hereby declare that the project work entitled EMPLOYEE RETENTION in WIND WORLD (India) Limited is submitted to Karnataka University. Gadag-Betgeri . Nadeem Ahmed M Lakkundi MBA14220011 Page No. Dharwad. the matter presented in this report has not been submitted previously in part or in full to any university for the award of any degree. 5 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” DECLARATION I. Mr. NADEEM AHMED M LAKKUNDI. Shareef Benakal. 6 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. R. Project Co-ordinator and the entire Faculty.M. Shirahatti for the support and information provided by him throughout my project duration. Vijay Kumar Mannur. Last but not the least. therefore. for providing encouragement. I express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr. for their inspiration and guidance. R. GadagBetgeri. this is to acknowledge all the people who have provided me with the inspiration and guidance during the preparation of the project. Admininistrator and Prof. Kulkarni.Channappagoudar. Nadeem Ahmed M Lakkundi MBA14220011 Page No. which has helped me to accomplish my project on time. I am thankful to my Project Guide Prof. Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.B. I am extremely grateful to Mr. This report cannot be claimed as my individual effort. WWIL. my family has always been a source of motivation and unconditional love. Hiremath. Co-Ordinator. HR Manager. guidance and valuable suggestions. I express my sincere thanks to Prof.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project report is a result of contribution received from a number of people. Shareef Benakal for his valuable guidance and support throughout the project. i extend my deep sense of gratitude to all of them. Finally I would like to thank all my classmates and friends for their help. Gadag-Betgeri . A. B. 7 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.No Contents Page No 1 Executive Summary 01 2 Chapter 1 : 02 3 Chapter 2 : Company Profile 04 4 Chapter 3 : Literature Review 38 5 Chapter 4 : Research Methodology 42 6 Chapter 5 : Analysis & 48 Industry Overview Interpretation 7 Chapter 6 : Findings 64 8 Suggestions 66 9 Conclusion 67 10 Bibliography 68 11 Questionnaire 69 12 Excel Sheets Page No.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” TABLE OF CONTENTS Sl. Gadag-Betgeri . Gadag-Betgeri . There is a natural disparity between what people think they should be paid and what organizations spend in compensation. reliable impact on turnover in numerous studies. Employees comprise the most vital assets of the company." it also acknowledges the worth and value of the human contribution. they switch over to the next job. 8 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. A good employer should know how to attract and retain its employees. salary. they would be left with no good employees. SHIRAHATTI” deals to ascertain the EMPLOYEE RETENTION of Wind World (India) Limited.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Executive Summary This project on “A STUDY ON EMPLOYE RETENTION AT WIND WORLD (INDIA)LIMITED. Employee retention is a process in which the employees are encouraged to remain with the organization for the maximum period of time or until the completion of the project. turnover can result. Employees today are different. It is the responsibility of the employer to retain their best employees. Most employees feel that they are worth more than they are actually paid. They are not the ones who don‟t have good opportunities in hand. What people are paid has been shown to have a clear. Pay is defined as the wages. Page No. If they don‟t. Employee retention is beneficial for the organization as well as the employee. In this project my aim is to know the principle adopted by the company to handle its EMPLOYE RETENTION problem & the aim is to study about EMPLOYE RETENTION. or compensation given to an employee in exchange for services the employee performs for the organization. When the difference becomes too great and another opportunity occurs. Pay is more than "dollars and cents. As soon as they feel dissatisfied with the current employer or the job. I hope that the study has fulfilled all its objectives and will be useful for those who are using this project report in the future. India got involved in wind power in the mid-1980s as well.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Chapter 1 Industry Overview The wind power industry is involved with the design. and maintenance of wind turbines. construction. They must be concerned with maintaining their extensive fleets of operating turbines while at the same time developing newer and ever-larger models. Nordtank. Spain. most of these early turbines were installed in western Denmark. manufacture. construction. Germany. Initially. natural gas. and nuclear). manufacture. test. The wind power industry is the industry involved with the design. The wind power industry is currently undergoing a period of rapid globalization and consolidation. external). Gadag-Betgeri . it is growing at a much faster rate (25% per year. gearbox vs. 9 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. and Bonus. and assist with the operation and maintenance of wind turbines. Although the wind power industry is small compared to those of the conventional power generation technologies (hydro. USA experienced a wind power boom from 1982 to 1986 when thousands of Danish and American wind turbines were installed in massive arrays. Several large companies with market capitalizations greater Page No. Wind turbine manufacturers design. The largest wind turbine manufacturers are based in Denmark. India. materials) and how much control to maintain over component supplies (internal vs. manufacture. coal. California. and USA. while Germany and Spain gradually developed domestic wind power industries starting in the early 1990s. The modern wind power industry began in 1979 with the serial production of wind turbines by Danish manufacturers Kuriant. from 2002 to 2007). with much of the recent wind farm development occurring outside the older established markets. Vestas. gear-less. and maintenance of wind turbines. The industry is currently undergoing a period of rapid globalization and consolidation. The modern wind power industry began in 1979 with the serial production of wind turbines by Danish manufacturers. Important choices facing them include turbine design (generator type. Page No. Siemens. 10 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Gadag-Betgeri . start-up wind turbine manufacturers are still appearing and ramping up the production of their new wind turbine models as quickly as possible. To meet a global wind turbine supply shortage.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” than the entire wind power industry itself (General Electric. BP) are now making large investments in wind power. Installations and Services. but a mainstream. Page No. for training world class operations. maintenance and asset management support teams. Gearless technology. Gujarat. 'Since then we've emerged as the country's preferred wind power solution provider. Rajasthan. We're an ISO 9001:2008 certified company for Manufacturing. an energy-efficient grid feeding system and long-lasting warp resistant blades are just cases in point. We have installed over 6204 Wind Energy Converters (WECs) with a capacity of over 4561 MW. way before the first gusts of an energy crisis blew across our land. Tamil Nadu. It was a time when wind energy emerged not as an alternative.600 dedicated people and have set up the Wind World Training Academy at Daman. Wind World (India) Limited (WWIL) formerly Enercon (India) Limited has always been a path breaker. spread across 3.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Chapter 2 Company Profile . Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. Maharashtra. renewable. Gadag-Betgeri . 11 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Wind energy converters are manufactured at four plants in Daman. while concrete towers are manufactured at facilities in Gujarat. We are maintaining these WECs round the clock 24 x 7 for optimum performance. with innovations that have consistently left the others behind. Our wind farms today straddle seven high wind potential states Karnataka.000 kms of India. eco-friendly source of power generation. We employ over 5. on a number of counts.History & Background The origins of our story began in 1994.  An obsession with Quality. Gadag-Betgeri . 12 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.  Trained Manpower. we've achieved a turnover of INR 3636 crores in FY 2010-11 and recorded highest ever turnover of INR 4270 in FY 2011 -12. 'Over the years.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” In terms of business results. our passion about wind energy continues to power our sails. Page No. WWIL is poised to cross INR 4500 crore mark in the year ahead (FY 2013-14).  Superior product offering. So what powers our success?  Concept-to-Commissioning-to-Lifetime care solutions.  We will synergize ourselves for continued. Business Mission Our mission is to deliver projects from concept. to be an exemplary organization. Gadag-Betgeri . committed to quality and timely performance. and channel our efforts with integrity to build their trusted wind energy company.  We will actively promote and propagate the use of wind energy. as an environment friendly resource. using state-of-the-art grid-friendly wind power plants that generate clean and costeffective energy for our customers.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Business Vision  Our vision is to forge ahead with courage and innovation.  We will be a motivated and responsive partner. to lifetime care.  We shall relentlessly pursue growth.  We will work towards being the most trusted wind energy company. Page No. to commissioning. 13 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. by constantly challenging ourselves.  We will foster a culture of care for our stakeholders. enhanced performance. implement and continually improve business management processes  To improve production as well as inspection processes. We are committed to Total Quality Management for achieving Business Growth through Customer Delight. establish. Gadag-Betgeri . Various wings of Quality • Quality Assurance .A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Quality Policy We consider it our fundamental concern to understand the needs and requirements of our esteemed customers and are committed to offer products and send services that consistently meet the agreed-upon requirements and needs. at optimum costs by:  Implementation of a Quality Management System based on ISO 9001 : 2008 international standards  Continual improving these systems and process.  Competence development of Human Resources. machines and manpower Page No. by establishing measurable objectives and by periodically reviewing them. to achieve better productivity and quality  To ensure timely availability of materials. 14 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Wind World Quality Objectives  To identify.Incoming • Vendor Quality Assurance • Blade Quality Assurance • Corrosion Control Cell • Total Quality Management • Service & Installation Quality Assurance. Financial Control over distribution of major company resources.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION”  To ensure timely delivery of products & services  To continually develop competence of employees. Wind World India Limited manufactures not only WECs. it also straddles the entire spectrum of project development and 'Operation and Maintenance' activities. Nature of Business carried: Wind World India Limited is undertaking business of producing wind energy and related works such as preparation of concrete segments. Gadag-Betgeri . Key Vendor Management and Public Relations. • Manufacturing of WECs • Selection and acquisition of potential sites • Regulatory and statutory clearances • Assistance in financing • Infrastructure development • Civil construction • Erection of WECs • Creating evacuation facilities • Project commissioning • Operation and maintenance including stocking and ready supply of spare parts at the site Page No. Regulatory Affairs Management. His focus areas continue to be: Capital Investment Decisions. Ownership Pattern . installation of towers etc.Private Limited Ajay Mehra is the Founder-Director of WWIL. 15 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. and has been driving the company since its inception. Management is participative in nature. under a single roof. This allows for feathering the angle of the blades for each wind speed. Page No. As compared to conventional geared systems with a large number of bearing points in a moving drive train. The rotor unit is then mounted on a fixed axis. to provide evidence of product conformity to requirements. this system reduces torque on the device and allows for the use of the full blade as an aerodynamic brake. the pitch is tailored to derive maximum energy potential. bearing. due to its low direct drive speed @ 25 RPM. whereby controlled extraction is done using the maximum energy in the wind flow. This is executed by trained personnel using high quality calibrated equipment. axle pin. Besides maximizing wind energy derived. the pitch is altered to derive a controlled amount of energy. Wind turbines are equipped with a variable pitch technology.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Area of Operations-Products ROTOR ASSEMBLY Rotor head production comprises the manufacture and integration of the pitch drive. At every stage of assembly standard quality checks are executed as per our quality protocol requirement. In below-normal wind conditions. Gadag-Betgeri . called the axle pin. 16 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. The rotor hub or unit along with pitch drive and annular generator are interconnected to form a single gearless unit. stator-rotor and balancing assembly. our drive system requires only two slow-moving taper roller bearings. so that the machine produces the rated power in a controlled and stable manner up to cut out wind speed. Bearing fitment is executed using the shrink as well as induction heating techniques. while in above-normal conditions.  Superb surface smoothness .for high strength to weight ratio.  Weather-proof PU paint system .avoids fungus and algae formation.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” SALIENT FEATURES OF ROTOR BLADES  A very unique aerodynamic profile .  Snout shape aluminium tip design.  Protection .5. and draws maximum air velocity. to reduce noise and air turbulence.  Hollow axial aerodynamic composite blade design .  Coefficient of power being extracted up to 0. 17 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Gadag-Betgeri . Page No. and increase generation output.resists paint erosion.equipped with an additional part a time-tested lightening protection system. for in-house capability to manufacture composite rotor blade plugs.for product protocol database.  Auto dust extraction and de-burring system . since they have been installed. monitoring and quality checks at every stage of the process.for reliable aerodynamic profile of the blade. well trained and experienced team of engineers & technicians .  Highly qualified.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION”  Periodic checks & maintenance done on mould .for efficient production.  The entire product process is monitored online using an eco-graph.  Online video inspection carried out for reducing defects. 18 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.for rotor blade surface spraying.minimizes dust PPM level inside the plant. Page No.  Highly precise VARIM process and auto power hinge mechanism for mold closing reduces human error and ensures consistent quality. till date. Gadag-Betgeri .  Online software . PROCESS & ERGONOMICS Blade production process is one that follows very stringent process control. This results in blades of very high quality that have never been replaced on any of over 5500 machines. molds and product manufacturing.  Excellent plant lay out .  Sophisticated paint booth .  Safe and healthy work culture. and also because they bear the onslaught of winds. provides the best conditions for transport. which weighs close to 400 MT. Page No. The load-dynamic design of the materials and structure used in our towers. We continuously evaluate additional measurements on existing turbines. Towers are important because of their load-bearing capability to support the turbine. we have set our own standards which surpass these quality and safety norms. has three Concrete Tower Factories (CTFs) at Gujarat and Karnataka.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” TOWER CONSTRUCTION Wind World (India) Ltd. DIN and Eurocode. Our calculations are confirmed by results produced by specially commissioned certification bodies. 19 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. erosion and other naturally occurring hazards.g. Over and above binding national and international norms e. using the Finite Element Method (FEM). All possible stress factors on the wind turbine are then simulated on the model. providing further verification of the calculated data. research institutes and engineering firms. Virtual 3D models of the tower designs are produced during the development phase. Gadag-Betgeri . rain. Accurate predictions concerning tower stability and service life are not left to chance before building a prototype. The fourth CTF in Rajasthan is under construction. installation and use. A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Aesthetic aspects are also a decisive factor during tower development. there is also an ice machine at the production plant. The streamlined gradually tapered design. 20 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. At high temperatures. Page No. Water for the ice maker is cleaned in one of our own water treatment plants. In addition. which is obvious in the elegant design of the finished product. offers a visibly sophisticated ergonomic concept. it produces over 120 tons of ice per day to cool down the concrete. Gadag-Betgeri . Unlike conventional flange joints. shorter tubular steel towers are mounted on the foundation using a foundation basket. the welding seam of the L-flange is outside the stress zone. A cylindrical structural element is set on the blinding layer. tubular steel towers are subject to strict quality standards. reliable assembly .meets the highest quality standards  Full corrosion protection . A retainer ring. propped up to the correct height and precisely aligned with adjusting bolts. the tower is flanged together with the foundation section. 21 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. When the foundation is completed. the lower tower section is placed on the bolts protruding out of the concrete surface and then bolted with nuts and washers. Page No.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” TUBULAR STEEL TOWERS Tubular steel towers are manufactured in several individual tower sections. Once the foundation is completed. Gadag-Betgeri . Like all other components. Other advantages of this connecting technology are:  Complicated and costly welding work on site is eliminated  Quick. For taller steel towers. is used to hold the individual bolts in position. This consists of a double-rowed circular array of threaded steel bolts. to ensure that the prototype meets all requirements before going into serial production. fitted to the tower flange dimensions. Quality assurance begins in the design development stages. a specially developed foundation connection system is used.applied under best production engineering conditions Due to their relatively small circumference. connected using stress-reducing L-flanges. Page No. The individual tower sections and foundation are fastened together to form an inseparable unit with stay cables running through jacket tubes in the core of the concrete tower wall. our quality assurance department carries out strict inspections. This ensures that each individual manufacturing stage as well as the materials used can be completely retraced. Gadag-Betgeri . This manufacturing process minimizes dimensional tolerances. Specially constructed steel moulds assure manufacturing precision for each individual concrete section. Here again. Detailed procedural and work instructions are available for each manufacturing sector. which assures a high degree of fitting accuracy. 22 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” CONCRETE TOWER MANUFACTURING Wind World (India) Ltd.'s precast concrete towers are made using specially developed pre-stressed steel reinforcement. The tower sections themselves are manufactured entirely in the pre-casting plant. Hindustan Zinc Ltd. CLP Power India Pvt Ltd. Parle Products Ltd. Bannari Aman Group .Udaipur 12. Gadag-Betgeri . . – Mumbai 18.. Texmo Group of Industries – Coimbatore 23. Reliance Energy Ltd. Kirloskar Group of Companies . Ambika Cotton Mills Ltd.Mumbai DCW Limited – Mumbai 7. – Mumbai Page No. The most remarkable aspect of our customers is that a large number of them have come back for repeat orders. 22. . .Mumbai 21. – Coimbatore 2. GHCL Ltd. DLF Ltd.Pune 17. Can there be a better testimony of customer delight? Here are a few of Wind World India‟s customers : 1. – Gujarat 9. Manganese Ore (India) Ltd. Bharat Forge Ltd. – Pune 4. Liberty Oil Mills Ltd.-London 13. – Mumbai 15. Premier Group of Mills – Coimbatore 20. Roaring 40s Renewable Energy Pty Ltd. Pidilite Industries Ltd.Mumbai 19. – Delhi 3.Chennai 5. The TATA Power Company Ltd. Bhoruka Power Corporation – Bangalore 6.. 23 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. – Nagpur 16. Indian Energy Ltd. – Noida 10.Delhi 8.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Our Customers Wind World India‟s list of customers reads like a veritable roster of blue chip companies. . Gujarat Guardian Ltd.New Sahyadri Industries Ltd .Pune 14. Apollo Tyres Ltd.Generacion Eolica International – Spain 11. 24 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Organisation Chart MD CEO Operations Manager Finance Manager Project Manager Marketing Manager Accounts Manager Project Supervisor Territory Accounts Executives Accounts TL Project manager Sr. Gadag-Betgeri . HR Manager Sr. HR Executives Adm Manager Staff Page No. Sales Manager Marketing co-ordinates Staff Staff Staff HR Manager Asst. and climate change. Page No. environmental unsustainability. The cumulative installed capacity as on date is over 4200 MW. Gadag-Betgeri . 25 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. These awards are the reflection of WWIL's growth and sustained quality. Over the years. the contribution of WWIL has been acknowledged and awarded repeatedly. from concept to commissioning. Awards & Recognitions Accelerated deployment of clean energy. For over two decades.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Achievements. by renowned agencies like WISE (World Institute of Sustainable Energy) and ENERTIA (India's leading journal on Sustainable Energy & Power). WWIL has emerged as a total solutions provider. in the wind energy sector. offers the single biggest solution to the three vexing problems facing the world today: fossil fuel depletion. Best Manufacturer/Capacity Addition .First Prize  2009: WISE . TECHNOLOGY.First Prize  2006: WISE .Best Service Provider among Manufacturers . Gadag-Betgeri . projects & service sites GL (Germanischer Lloyd) • ISO 9001 Certification for Enercon Training Academy. INNOVATION. PRODUCT  2010: WISE .Best Manufacturer/Capacity Addition .A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Certifications • ISO 9001 Certification for EIL covering all manufacturing units.Best Service Provider among Manufacturers .First Prize Page No. 26 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. • GL Shop Approval for Rotor Blade Manufacturing Plants certifying that the rotor blades manufactured at EIL are manufactured as per GL wind guidelines.First Prize  2008: WISE .Second Prize WISE Best Wind Turbine E-53 First Prize SERVICE PROVIDER  2010: WISE .Best Service Provider among Manufacturers . corporate office.First Prize  2007: WISE .Second Prize  2009: ENERTIA Technology & Innovation Winners Award  2008: WISE .Best Service Provider among Manufacturers .Best Service Provider among Manufacturers . Wind World Wind Farms (Hindustan) Pvt. Gadag-Betgeri .First Prize  2007: WISE . .Best Independent Power Producer.First Prize  2006: WISE .Best Independent Power Producer. 27 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Wind World Wind Farms (Hindustan) Pvt. Ltd. Ltd.Best Independent Power Producer. Ltd. Wind World Wind Farms (Hindustan) Pvt.First Prize Infrastructural Facilities: Page No. .A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” INDEPENDENT POWER PRODUCER  2008: WISE . . Each plant having sufficient storage facilities. Maharastra.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Wind World India Limited is having adequate infrastructure in its each of plants situated in different states such as Gujarat. Karnataka etc. wherever it is necessary. where it was a necessity. Then hill cutting and the road work is undertaken so that the trailers which carry the materials and cranes to undertake the erection activity can reach the point of Installation. Wind World Limited has thus been instrumental in establishing the adequate evacuation facility for its upcoming projects. Wind World India Limited has created power evacuation facilities at few potential sites. The best route to reach the top of the hill is worked out first. 28 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Certain sites need extensive Road work and for some it is bare minimum. Wind World India Limited has thus demonstrated its capacity to undertake the project work to its ultimate to achieve the best performance of the WPP. Competitors Information: Page No. Tamilnadu. transportation facilities. Thus power evacuation plays a critical role in the power project. Hilly Terrain sites needs huge amount of approach road work. WPP has to have a very good power evacuation facility. Evacuation Facility: Power Evacuation Facility is one very important constituent of the Wind Power Project (WPP) on which rests its performance. A windy site with poor evacuation arrangement affects the project performance. Road Development: This Activity is site dependent. Karnataka. The power generated by the wind power project needs to be transmitted to a point from where it is distributed for use through this facility.g. connected to high ways and also according competitive advantages. In each of plant and site of Wind World India Limited in different part of the nation is specialized in one of the companies undertakings according to that each plant and site having infrastructure. Gadag-Betgeri . Jogimatti Site. e. Wind World India Limited conduct a thorough study of the power evacuation arrangement in the area where the wind power potential exists. .Inox Wind Ltd 7. Gadag-Betgeri .Indowind Energy Ltd 8. out of them important are as follows with their specializations.Enercon India Ltd 4.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Wind World India Limited is having sufficient number of competitors in its each segment of activity.Orient Green Power Ltd 9. 1.WinWind Power Energy Pvt Ltd 6.Elecon Engineering India Ltd 3.Global Wind power Ltd 5.RRB Energy Page No.Suzlon Enery 2. 29 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.Essar Wind Power Pvt Ltd 10. structure. 30 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. The important functions for the finance department are general accounting. The Electronic Data processing unit also functions under this department.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Departments & The McKinsey’s 7s Frame works: The 7-S Framework was developed by the consultants at the McKinsey Company. a very well known management consultancy firm in the United State. The head of the organization is the Chairman. Gadag-Betgeri . establishment costs analysis.Structure: Organizational structure means it offers more organizational arrangement and relationship. It connects and provides with clear data of all relationship & provides a frame work within which all duties & activities take place & grow. Wind World India ltd has more than 18 trustees who administrate the entire structure of the organization. Finance department play vital role in marinating proper books of accounts. • Administration department • IT department • Finance and accounts department • HRD department • Marketing department • R & D department • Logistic department • Security department. staff. The activities of Wind World India ltd are divided into various Departments for easy and better administration. which is authorized to perform what all duties & who is greater than whom. skills. Then comes the deputy Chairman and the various heads of the department under him. Finance department: Finance department mainly concentrated on moderating funds in proper way and also estimating cost as well as profit of the respective projects. system. It gives the perfect picture about the person who is to take what decision and to what extent. style and shared values. Page No. budgeting.s to diagnose the causes of organizational problems and to formulate programs for improvement. revenue collection. The 7-S framework consists of major aspects such as strategy. 1. auditing and advice to the chief executive regarding financial matters. towards the end of the 70. A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” HRD Department: HR Vision Develop an enabling environment to make Wind World (India) a “Great Place” to work.. The Performance Management System of Wind World India makes performance as the paramount factor of life. 31 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. It works as a supporting department to all other departments. which makes the Energite open to change. Wind World is all about the value it entrusts in its own people and the care it takes for their well being. Wind World India practices the participative management. Competency Development: It is the Employee who makes the organization competent enough to face any competition. HRD department play indispensable role in whole organization. Individual employee suggestions are valued and also implemented. Wind World is very certain that change is the only constant. Wind World maintains the highest level of transparency to provide the qualitative service to its customers. Every Energite maintains the open door policy and it is well enforced by the clear-cut system orientation and policy established by the company. Human Resources 2. Gadag-Betgeri . Industrial Relations Page No. Every Energite is an invaluable member of the Wind World family. Skill and Attitude of an Energite is important for the Individual growth leading to the organizational growth. which helps in the growth of the organization. which results in high employee morale.Wind World India also respects the individual freedom and working style. Wind World India does the competency development of an Energite through appropriate training and development programs across the organization. 1. thus resulting in the collective growth of employee and organization. The development of Knowledge. It undertakes following activities. The Customer Focus and Quality (Processes and Personnel) has made Wind World the world leader in the business of wind farming. Welfare 4. Security. Personnel Administration 6.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” 3. Medical & Psychometric Test Aiming through training at:- Page No. 32 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Employees Relation 5. Gadag-Betgeri . Safety and Administration Human Resources: HR activities consists the following activities (i)Recruitment (ii) Training & Development (a) Management Development (b) Workers Development (c) Leadership Potential Mapping (iii) Performance Management (iv) Organizational Development (i)Recruitment process: Request for Manpower from HOD Sourcing of Data Scrutiny by HRD Preliminary Interview by Operative HRD & Dept Further interview of Short listed candidates with Head HR & Function Final Interview/ Assessment by LED Climb Test. Welfare activities :(i) Canteen Management (ii) Uniform (iii) Medical (iv) Insurance 4. 33 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Coaching & Mentoring 3.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” a) Leadership. Industrial Relation activities: (i) Helping to Employees (ii) Grievance Redressal (iii) Managing Harmony & Discipline (iv) Wage Settlement (v) Counseling. Employees Relation activities:Page No. Gadag-Betgeri .Skill Development b) Interpersonal & Behavioral Development c)Technical Skill Development To match:a) Change in Design b) High Growth c) Focus on competing through Technology & Quality d) Customer Focus & end to end Customer Satisfaction 2. Safety and Administration:(I) Safety & Security of Man. Material & Machine (ii) House Keeping.Operative Society (ii)Celebration of Festivals & Cultural programmes (iii)Sports (iv)Family Get-together (v) Image Building & Community Development 5. (v) Contract Labor Management 6. Gadag-Betgeri . Personnel Administration activities:(I) Time Keeping (ii) Compensation Management (iii) Statutory Compliance under various labor laws (iv) Professional & income tax. Services provided by the Medical department are as follows: • health care service Page No. Guest House Management (iii) Maintenance of Office equipment (iv) Transportation (iv) Legal & Local Liaisoning MEDICAL DEPARTMENT: The department provides all types of Medical facilities and Medical treatment to the employees including workers. Security.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” (i) Employees Credit & Consumer Co . 34 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. And also undertakes the work related networking. bill passing and payments • Request for service IT department IT department works on solving information technology related queries and solving it. etc. In brief it works as a supporting for all departments. When concrete segments are manufactured that would be transferred to wherever tower is constructed. • Budgeting and planning of moves • Identification of transporters • Request for quotations • Fixed rate contracts with transporters • Ad hoc movements • Internal site movements • Monitoring of movements. 35 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. workshops. those are as follows. Logistic department: Logistic works as a nerves system of the organization. It conducts number of activities to dispatch the produced segments (concrete towers). Page No.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” • Round the clock medical service‟s including ambulance van facilities available • Providing first aid facilities in Wharf. Gadag-Betgeri . The Chief Medical Officer exercises the overall control over the Medical department. Wind World‟'s Ten Point Programme for enduring competitive advantages: 1. Wind World India is the only company in the world to have the distinction of installing WECs in the extremely severe conditions of Antarctica. Wind World conduct unique strategy in eliminating waste. Page No. Strategy: McKinsey in his 7s Frame work defined strategy as “a set of decisions and actions aimed at gaining a sustainable competitive advantage”. infrastructural facilities and statutory obligations on a global scale. 4. Empowerment of People: At Wind World India we believe that business is all about people. In each stage of is done no the base of six sigma aspect. In between each work quality control department check the work and is certificate for further proceedings. Wind World India has acquired comprehensive local knowledge of climatic conditions. It is not technology alone. Wind World India empower them to serve clients in the best possible way. Wind World India's commitment to the wind energy industry is complete. In each processing stage is monitored by supervisor properly to avoid as much as possible waste. Unique learning accrued from such installations gets institutionalized and helps Wind World India to serve its customers better in other parts of the globe as well.Wind World India invest in both values and knowledge in people. 36 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Wind World‟'s strict adherence to a 10 . Global knowledge base: ind World India Ltd can cater to any kind of requirement almost anywhere in the world. Financial commitment: Wind World India reinvests its profits in the development of plants and processes.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” 2. In each stage of work some specific strategy is used to minimize the wastage.Point Programme has created enduring competitive advantages for the company. Gadag-Betgeri . The service edge: Extensively trained service professionals are available in all the markets to provide lifetime care of all Wind World India wind energy converters. 2. Over the years. 3. leave alone financial stability and security. Quality centered process control: Wind World India has ISO . leaving virtually nothing to chance. Furthermore. In addition. Standardized processes: The Company develops its own process engineering systems according to requirements. Gadag-Betgeri . That's why. Wind World India's commitment to clean energy goes much beyond pure business motives. its suppliers too never compromise on Wind World India's quality standards. economic policy makers and consumers. to promote the cause of clean energy. Page No. win-win relationships with its vendors. Complete control on production: Wind World India's production takes place according to the most stringent quality standards. 6. 8. Technology transfer to all our production facilities across the world results in timely delivery of design wise compatible products and services. Wind World India also sets and acts on its own benchmark on quality Wind World India's Quality Protocol system is a fail-safe mechanism to create all round accountability by enabling the tracking of manufacturing and servicing history of each and every operation. This ensures a uniform and consistent manufacturing standard at all Wind World production facilities throughout the world.9002 certification for its quality system. Environmental concern: Wind World is engaged in constant dialogue with power utilities. 7. 37 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. 10.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” They follow rigorous maintenance procedures for all the wind energy converters. Research and development: With the largest team of research engineers in the wind energy sector Enercon's 'Research and Development' is characterized by its ability to constantly push the envelope. Wind World's sense of responsibility towards mitigating the environmental degradation of our planet due to the use of fossil fuels forms the bedrock of its corporate philosophy. 5. 9. Vendor care: Wind World India believes in developing long term. Wind World India's engineers work together with its vendors to continually upgrade product quality to ever-higher standards. Industrial is the hallmark of progress. Shared values of Wind World India Ltd are: a)The organization believes in the dictum “my organization. mindsets and assumption that shape hoe an organization behave its corporate cultures. on the base of requirements of man force is supplied those sites. planning & control system. experience & behavior and to achieve the common goal. After various stages a qualified candidate calls for Interview. It includes production. It is to be done centralized purchasing by purchasing department and purchased materials are supplied to respective department on the base of requirements and order of work. recruitment. regulations and procedure both formal & informal that complement the organization structure. b)Company believes in “Team work “which is essential to the success of any enterprises. Training: Training of candidate is given in part for betterment of knowledge skill. and my people”. In the Interview expert persons with good knowledge and experience a perfect candidate is selected for job. 4.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” 3. System: System according to 7-S frame work proposed by McKinsey refers to all the rules. my work. Gadag-Betgeri . Recruitment: In Wind World India centralized recruitment is conducted. training & development system & performance evaluation system. Page No. 38 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Shared values: In the McKinsey 7s frame work shared values refers to commonly held beliefs. Purchase system: Purchase of material is done on the base of requirements each and every department. Selection: The selection of candidate is done by gathering all the information about the candidate the process of selecting candidate goes through various step and stages. cellular & land telephony. 39 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Billing & Collections • Regulatory Compliances • Relationship management 6. Style: Style in McKinsey‟s 7s Framework refers to “How managers collectively spend their time and attention and how they use symbolic behavior”. Hence skill is necessary for a firm is growth . • Preventive measures to arrest the recurrence of faults if any are established through developmental changes From Concept -> to Commissioning -> to Care • 24X7 Service of the WECs • Annual Electrical inspection. • Offices for WPP O&M mgmt. Round the clock availability of Competent. metering & calibration. Page No.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” 5. • Dedicated vehicle arrangements .an industrial plant producing „Electricity‟ as it's end product. Symbolic behavior (Companies most successful in finding mineral deposits) typically has more people on the board who understand exploration or have headed exploration departments. • Comprehensive all inclusive fixed cost contracts • Power Marketing. Secrets of success of Wind World India : The Wind World India Wind Energy Converter (WEC) with its peripheral power transmission components sum up to be a 'Wind Power Plant (WPP)' . at respective sites & regions. • Quality & consistency in the WPP performance management is ensured by surprise checks on WECs. “How management acts is more important than what management says”. • PMP radios network. those strategy‟s are developed by over a period of time as a result of which success is achieved. Gadag-Betgeri . Skills: Skill is a fact that is necessary to carry out important strategy‟s. Dedicated & Well-equipped service crew at sites act as a watchdog of the WPP. Gadag-Betgeri . Their exploration activities typically report at a higher organizational level.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Typically they fund exploration more consistently (that is. Page No. They define fewer and more consistent exploration targets. their year-to-year spending patterns are less volatile). And they typically articulate better reasons for exploring in the first place. 40 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Middle Management: Consists of departmental heads and other executive officers attached to the different department. In the operation of the enterprise.e. The executives at this level are in direct touch with the rank and file of workers and have to see the work is properly carried out. Consists of senior supervisions. after consultation will be the ultimate and middle level management as well as lower level management should obey these decisions. 41 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. They are:Top Level Management: Is at the head of the organization. This level of management is responsible for implementing the policies and plans decided by the top management. The Wind World India ltd gives importance to “Team work”. Democratic Styles: The style of management. Lower Management: Lower level management is also called as “supervisory management”. flow of instructions from top management to the end worker and vice versa. top management is the ultimate level of authority since they are responsible for taking major decisions regarding the organization. Communication is two ways i. which the Wind World India ltd follows.e. Once the decision taken by the top management i. There are participations of middle management as well as lower level management in decision making. is “Democratic style”. Page No. Gadag-Betgeri . intermediate supervisions and front line supervisors. It consists of Board of Trustees and its Chairman.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Management The Wind World India ltd’s management is divided into mainly three levels. Deputy Chairman. At the soft end. Brown and Moberg define staffing as “The selection.e. attitude. For the selected employee‟s and arranges training programs with a view to render a qualitative improvement in their working style. The staff selection committee will select the eligible candidates as per the approve recruitment rules and they will finalize the list of candidates to be appointed. Page No. and the like. i. we talk of appraisal systems. motivation and behavior. Staff Staff according to McKinsey 7-S Framework refers to how companies develop employees and shape basic values. 42 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. pay scales. selecting people for specific organizational positions and developing in them the abilities and skills that they would need to be effective in those and subsequent assignments. we talk about morale. Gadag-Betgeri . Which implies that it includes two fundamentally different process. placement. The training program has shown noticeable improvement in the quality of work and in the decision-making.. formal training programs.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” 7. training and development of appropriately qualified employees”. Staff is often treated in one of two ways. At the hard end of the spectrum. Gadag-Betgeri . 43 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” SWOT Analysis: SWOT is an acronym for the internal strength and weakness of a business and environmental opportunities and threats faced by the business. but at the same time minimizes its weakness and threats. The strengths of Wind World India ltd are:• Exclusive access to natural resources • New . skills and capabilities that seriously impedes effective performance of the business of the organization. in relation to competitors) • Competitors have superior access to distribution channels Page No. Strength: Strength is a resource skill or other advantage in competence with competitors and the needs of the market.e. SWOT analysis is a systematic identification of these factors and the strategy that reflects the best match between them. innovative product/services • Location of business • Quality processes and procedures • Strong brand and reputation Weakness: A weakness is a limitation or deficiency in resources. As per the observation the following weakness were found in Wind World India ltd: • Lack of marketing expertise • Undifferentiated products and services( i. It is based on the logic that an effective strategy maximizes the business strength and opportunities. A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Opportunities: An opportunity is major favorable situation in the firm‟s environment. Wind World India ltd has the following opportunities. As a whole there is a learning environment in the organization. In fact organization is successful in applying the same. Many successful Management principles are being applied in the real life application in the organization. • Increasing scope for wind energy • Developing market • New technology and innovation increasing potentiality of wind manufacturers Threats: • Increasing number of competitors • Increasing cost of production • Competitors innovative services adversely effecting. Page No. Gadag-Betgeri . Wind World India ltd is holistically and effectively organized. where each and every principles of management could be studied in detail. Wind World India India ltd is making all the efforts to implement the best practices of Management. 44 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Conclusion To conclude we can say that there is a close relationship between the theoretical concepts that are learnt in the class and the functions of the organization. The paper provides practical recommendations for today‟s managers and offers a focus for future researchers to empirically test the use of humor and its relationship to employee retention and employee satisfaction. can it also be good for employee retention and/or employee satisfaction? The purpose of this conceptual and practical paper is to explore the extent to which the use of appropriate humor relates to employee retention and satisfaction. maximum utilization of resources and to get organizational efficiency employees must be retained in a true spirit in order to cope with all these conditions.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Chapter 3 LITERATURE REVIEW Muhammad Hassan (1): Employee retention is the vital challenge in all organizations. Page No. In tanneries its critical and alarming because of the process and article secrecy. This papers focus on one industry that is the leather industry of Pakistan which is facing the same problem of retention of employees due to many reasons. In this paper the authors tried to know the reasons behind this dilemma that how employees can be retained and some suggestions were given to deal with it. Some even claim that humor is the best preventive medicine for stress management and good health. cohesiveness and performance of a company‟s workforce. One edge of this paper is that one of the author belongs to the same industry i. leather industry. 45 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. As Leather industry is the third largest export earning sector in Pakistan so these reasons are discussed in detail. In order to achieve competitive advantage. its observed that mostly second line managers change their job‟s for high salaries offer. If humor is good for living productively.e. Another objective is to explore and emphasize the importance of humor and employee retention in the workplace. recognition. Gadag-Betgeri . Morse (2): Humor has been in existence since the beginning of time. which can enhance the commitment. authority and also to seek for more knowledge and to get more competitive edge in terms of processing. Tammy C. The turnover rate in Leather Industry of Pakistan is around 25 – 30% annually. 0.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Dr. increased product sales. Ijaz-Ur-Rehman (5): Comprehensive survey to date of labour turnover and employee loyalty in New Zealand. we conducted this study in Lahore and collected data from corporate groups. In Page No. ensures customer satisfaction. For this purpose. Gadag-Betgeri . and its coeval phenomenon of employee retention has become an evolving concept. Other resources can be arranged effortlessly but to get efficient and retain talented human capital is the most difficult task. It is a known fact that retaining the best employees. For analysis we used the structural equation modelling technique with the use of AMOS 18. after their training and development has been completed. Now days companies are struggling to retain employees. organizations are now more focused towards employee retention. As employee attrition has continuously been on increase. The numbers of respondents in our study are 330. Therefore. Atif Anis (4): Employee retention is a critical aspect for every company regarding competitive advantage because human resource is the most critical asset of today‟s modern world. We will also see how a relaxed work environment will help in the retention of employees. Nafees A. we used compensation as the mediating variable between the training and retention of employees. Organizations use different HR techniques for retention. In this study. Our main emphasis is on compensation packages after employee training and development practices for retention purposes. Khan (3): Retention of Key employees is critical to the long term health and success of any organization. Instead. the picture is one of increasing employment stability as people get older and as they become better paid. The ultimate solution to the ever increasing employee attrition is to increase employee engagement/ involvement in the organizations. The widely held view that the New Zealand worker has become more mobile in the contemporary labour market is shown to be somewhat simplistic. 46 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Results reveal that retaining employee‟s long term. satisfied colleagues and reporting staff. effective succession planning and deeply imbedded organizational knowledge and learning. without increasing their compensations is not as favourable as when compensation is increased to reflect the completion ability to apply their field related skills and capabilities. lending support to the idea that there are identifiable developmental stages affecting the careers of both men and women. the results also show that there is a strong employee expectation that management should make personnel decisions based on merit. The study offers suggestions for improving retention in firms with dysfunctional employee turnover. promotion and security) play a role in both employee retention and turnover. in finding worthwhile promotion). demonstrate that extrinsic rewards (such as pay. Gadag-Betgeri . while others do badly out of it. Page No. the study demonstrates that motivation for job change is multidimensional: no one factor will explain it. lend support to the idea that there is growing concern with work–life balance. The results demonstrate that employee turnover is not riskless for individuals: some benefit a lot (for example.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” terms of the reasons for employee turnover. and underline the retention value of good relationships with co-workers and supervisors. 47 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. While interesting work is the strongest attractor and retainer in the labour market. subject or area of investigation. compilation. 48 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. presentation and interpretation of relevant details or data. Research must be based on fact observable data forms a sound basis for research inductive investigation lead better support to research finding for analysing facts a scientific methodology of analysis must be developed and result interpreted logically. when we talk of research methodology we not only talk of the research methods but also consider the logic behind the methods we use in the context of our research study and explain why we are using a particular method or technique and why we are not using others so that research results are capable of being evaluated either by the researcher himself or by others. Research problems would result in certain conclusions by means of logical analysis which the decision-maker may use for his action or solution.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Introduction: Research is the process of systematic and in-depth study or search for any particular topic. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. Research may develop hypothesis and test it. In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by the researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. backed by collection. Page No. Gadag-Betgeri . Thus. It is necessary for the researcher to know not only the research method or techniques but also the methodology. A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Chapter 4 Research Methodology Data collection: Data collection is one of the most important aspects of research. The data is collected by the means of questionnaire filled in by the employees at different posts of Nagpur area office. This is considered as firsthand information.e. Page No.. Gadag-Betgeri . This method of data collection is very popular particularly in big organizations. 49 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. For the success of any project accurate data is very important and necessary. This type of data information can also be used by the researcher for his use as second hand information sources through which secondary data can be collected. It is collected by a person for his own use obtained from findings. they refer to data which has already been collected and analyzed by someone else. Secondary Data: Secondary data means data that are already available i. This is that data which is collected by us to meet our own specific purpose. The information collected through research methodology must be accurate and relevant. Secondary data may either be published data or unpublished data. Methods of data collection:  Primary Data  Secondary Data Primary Data: Data collected by a researcher is known as primary data. . 3. insecure employees and a costly candidate search are involved. organizations can either hold on to their employees tight or lose them to competition. opportunities abound. Various estimates suggest that losing a middle manager in most organizations costs up to five times of his salary. The researcher also made an attempt to understand about Employee's satisfaction in Wind World India. To study the Employee retention strategies adopted by the company. Objectives of the study 1. Shirahatti. A strong retention strategy becomes a powerful recruitment tool. 5. where HR managers are poaching from each other. Retaining talent has never been so important in the Indian scenario. To ascertain the problems of the employee in the organization. Hence failing to retain a key employee is a costly proposition for an organization. Intelligent employers always realize the importance of retaining the best talent.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Employee Retention Introduction Effective employee retention is a systematic effort by employers to create and foster an environment that encourages current employees to remain employed by having policies and practices in place that address their diverse needs. In an intensely competitive environment. Need of the study The researcher attempts to determine employee's retention in Wind World India in Shirahatti. when employees would stick to an employer for years for want of a better choice. Employee retention matters as organizational issues such as training time and investment.To study about the employee retention of Wind World India in Shirahatti. 4. To find the difficulties of company to retain employees in manufacturing industry. Gadag-Betgeri . 50 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.This study is designed to explore the main retention factors for Wind World India in Shirahatti employees. Now. For gone are the days. 2. lost knowledge. To offer suggestions based on the study. Page No. Strict policy should be made which prevents the Page No. To avoid such cases. Employee retention strategies go a long way in motivating the employees so that they stick to the organization for the maximum time and contribute effectively. 51 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. it is essential that the new joinee is made to sign a document which stops him from passing on any information even if he leaves the organization. a mere duplication of work. Sincere efforts must be taken to ensure growth and learning for the employees in their current assignments and for them to enjoy their work. Let us understand why retaining a valuable employee is essential for an organization:  Hiring is not an easy process: The HR Professional shortlists few individuals from a large pool of talent. policies from the current organization to the new one. Individuals take all the important data.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Scope of the study: Employee Retention refers to the techniques employed by the management to help the employees stay with the organization for a longer period of time. information and statistics to their new organization and in some cases even leak the secrets of the previous organization. Gadag-Betgeri . Finding a right employee for an organization is a tedious job and all efforts simply go waste when the employee leaves. conducts preliminary interviews and eventually forwards it to the respective line managers who further grill them to judge whether they are fit for the organization or not. The HR has to start the recruitment process all over again for the same vacancy. employees tend to take all the strategies. it is more likely that he would join the competitors: In such cases. Recruiting the right candidate is a time consuming process.  When an individual resigns from his present organization. It is a complete wastage of time and money when an individual leaves an organization all of a sudden.  An organization invests time and money in grooming an individual and makes him ready to work and understand the corporate culture: A new joinee is completely raw and the management really has to work hard to train him for his overall development. It is a human tendency to compare a new joinee with the previous employees and always find faults in him. be friendly with them and eventually trust them. 52 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Employees who spend a considerable time in an organization know the organization in and out and thus are in a position to contribute effectively. Page No.  It is essential for the organization to retain the valuable employees showing potential: Every organization needs hardworking and talented employees who can really come out with something creative and different. After striking a rapport with an existing employee. Organizations are always benefited when the employees are compatible with each other and discuss things among themselves to come out with something beneficial for all. They hardly badmouth their organization and always think in favour of the management. No organization can survive if all the top performers quit. Gadag-Betgeri . This is an effective way to retain the employees  The employees working for a longer period of time are more familiar with the company’s policies. For them the organization comes first and all other things later. guidelines and thus they adjust better: They perform better than individuals who change jobs frequently. When a new individual replaces an existing employee.  It has been observed that individuals sticking to an organization for a longer span are more loyal towards the management and the organization: They enjoy all kinds of benefits from the organization and as a result are more attached to it. it is a challenge for the employees to adjust with someone new and most importantly trust him.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” employees to join the competitors.  Every individual needs time to adjust with others: One needs time to know his team members well. adjustment problems crop up. Individuals find it really difficult to establish a comfort level with the other person. It is essential for the organization to retain those employees who really work hard and are indispensable for the system. The research approach: Survey Method The research instrument: Questionnaire The respondents: The employees of the organization. It deals with description of the state of offers as it is and the researchers have no influence on the respondents. The techniques of sampling unit in this study are convenience sampling. Gadag-Betgeri . the subset is known as sample. Sampling: It is the process of selecting representative subset of a total population for obtaining data for the study of the whole population. The sample size selected for the study is of 50 employees. In this study the researcher has adopted descriptive research design. Descriptive research design: It includes surveys and fact finding enquires of different kinds.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Research design: A research design is purely and simply the frame work plan for a study that guides the collection and analysis of a data. Convenience sampling: In this method the sample units are chosen primarily on the basis of the convenience to the researcher. 53 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Page No. It simply describes something such as a demographic of employees. Period of study: The time period of the study is 30 days. For calculations the simple percentage the following formula used. 2. they are as follows: 1. Gadag-Betgeri .The study concentrates only on some aspects of employee retention. Open end type of questionnaire is adopted in this research. Page No. 3. 54 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Percentage of the respondents = Number of respondents/Total respondents*50 Questionnaire: The questionnaire is prepared in such a way that is to correct the comprehensive objectives of the study. Limitations of the study: The study suffers from certain limitations.The primary data for the study were collected through questionnaire and the results of the study may suffer from the inherent drawbacks of such instrument.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Simple percentage analysis: Simple percentage can also be used to compare the relationship distribution of two or more items.The data for the purpose of the study were only collected from employees of the company. Gadag-Betgeri .Interpretation leads the establishment of explanatory concepts that can serve as a guide for tutor research studies. 3. 4.The content analysis is presented in the form of tables and charts. 55 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. 1.It is through interpretation that the researcher can understand the abstract principles that work beneath his founds. Through this he can linkup the same abstract with those of other studies having the same abstract principle. Graphical Presentations Analysis: Analysis is classifying and rearranging the raw data to arrive at meaningful interpretation. The data collect are analyzed sing simple percentage tool as the against the total number of the respondents.Research can appreciate only through interpretation which can make other to understand of researcher finding a per project study. Interpretation: Interpretation is essential because it brings the outcome of the analysis into forefront. 2. Page No.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Chapter 5 Analysis & Interpretations. Gadag-Betgeri . No Age No of Respondent Percentage 1 20 Years to 25 years 12 24% 2 26 Years to 30 years 20 40% 3 31 Years to 35 years 12 24% 4 Above 36 Years 6 12% Total 50 25% 25 20 20 15 12 12 Age of the respondents 10 Percentage 6 5 24% 40% 24% 12% 0 20 to 25 years 26 to 30 years 31 to 35 years Above 36 years INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 24% of the respondents are between 20years to 25years of age. 40% of the respondents are between 26years to 30years. 56 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Page No. 24% of the respondents are between 31years to 36years and 12% of the respondents are between above 36years.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” AGE OF THE RESPONDENTS S. 26% of the respondents are up to UG degree & 14% of the respondents are up to PG degree. Gadag-Betgeri . 57 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. 56% of the respondents are upto Diploma. Page No. No Level of Education No of Respondent Percentage 1 Secondary 2 4% 2 Diploma 28 56% 3 Degree 13 26% 4 Above Degree 7 14% Total 50 25% 28 30 25 20 13 15 Level of education Percentage 10 5 7 2 56% 26% Diploma Degree 4% 14% 0 Secondary Above Degree INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 4% of the respondents have completed secondary education.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” EDUCATION QUALIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS S. and 38% of the respondents are Unmarried. No Marital Status No of Respondent Percentage 1 Married 31 62% 2 Unmarried 19 38% 50 25% 3 Total Marital Status 38% Married Unmarried 62% INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 62% of the respondents are Married. Gadag-Betgeri .A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” MARITAL STATUS OF THE RESPONDENTS S. 58 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Page No. Page No. 40% of the respondents are of part time & 8% are of contract. Gadag-Betgeri . Employment No Status 1 Full- No of Respondent Percentage 27 54% employment 2 Part Time 20 40% 3 Contract 4 8% Total 50 25% 60 50 50 40 40 30 27 Employment Status 20 Percentage 10 54% 40% 4 8% 0 Full employment Part time Contract Total INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 54% of the respondents are of full-employment.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Employment Status S. 59 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. 60 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” How do you came to know about the Organization S. Gadag-Betgeri . Page No. 56% of the respondents came to know from relatives.4% of the respondents came to know from neighbour & 14% came to know from nearby home. No How do you No of Respondent Percentage came to know about the organization 1 Friend 13 26% 2 Relative 28 56% 3 Neighbour 2 4% 4 Nearby Home 7 14% Total 50 25% 28 30 25 20 15 How do you came to know about the organisation 13 10 Percentage 7 5 26% 56% 2 4% 14% 0 Friend Relative INTERPRETATION: Neighbour Nearby Home The above table shows that 26% of the respondents came to know from friends. 32% of the respondents have been working here from two to four years.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” How Long Have You Been Working In This Organization No of Respondent Percentage 1 How Long Have You Been Working In This Organization Below 2 years 22 44% 2 Two years to Four Years 16 32% 3 Four Year to Six Years 6 12% 4 Above Six Years 6 12% Total 50 25% S. 61 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. 12% of the respondents have been working here from four years to six years & 12% of the respondents have been working from above six years. No 100% 100% 99% 44% 32% 12% 12% 99% Percentage 98% How long have you been working in this organisation 98% 22 16 6 6 97% Below 2 years Two to four Four to six years years Above six years INTERPRETATION:The above table shows that 44% of the respondents have been working in this organization below 2 years. Page No. Gadag-Betgeri . 62 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. 30% of the respondents are between 12000 to 18000 as monthly income and 10% of the respondents are between above 18000 as monthly income. Gadag-Betgeri . 48% of the respondents are as monthly income between 6000 to 12000. Page No. No Monthly salary No of Respondent Percentage 1 Below 6000rs 6 12% 2 6000rs to 12000rs 24 48% 3 12000rs to 18000rs 15 30% 4 Above 18001rs 5 10% Total 50 25% 100% 100% 99% 12% 48% 30% 10% 99% Percentage 98% Monthly Salary 98% 6 24 15 5 97% Below 6 rs 6000 rs to 12000 rs INTERPRETATION: 12000 rs to 18000 rs Above 18000 rs The above table shows that 12% of the respondents are having below 6000rs as monthly income.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” MONTHLY SALARY OF THE RESPONDENTS S. Specify 5 10% Total 50 25% 23 20 15 15 Motivation of the Job 10 Percentage 6 5 5 46% 30% 12% 10% 0 Salary Native of Job Reputation Others INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 46% of the respondents are motivated by salary. 63 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” MOTIVATION OF THE JOB 25 S. Motivation of the No of Respondent Percentage No job 1 Salary 23 46% 2 Native of job 15 30% 3 Reputation 6 12% 4 Others. Gadag-Betgeri . Page No. 30% of the respondents are motivated by native of job. 12% of the respondents are motivated by reputation & 10% respondents are motivated by some other parameters. Page No. 46% of the respondents have opportunities to share their ideas at work. 64 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Gadag-Betgeri . No Percentage 28 54% 27 26 25 24 23 22 Percentage 46% 27 Opportunities to share your ideas 23 21 20 Yes No INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 54% of the respondents don‟t have opportunities to share their ideas at work.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE YOUR IDEAS AT WORK Opportunity to share No of your ideas Respondent 1 Yes 23 46% 2 No 27 54% Total 50 25% S. A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” WORKING HOURS S. No Satisfied With No of Respondent Percentage 18 36% No 32 64% Total 50 25% Working Hours 1 Yes 2 35 64% 30 25 20 36% 32 15 10 Percentage Satisfied with working hours 18 5 0 Yes No INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 36% of the respondents are satisfied with working hours, 64% of the respondents are not satisfied with work schedule. Page No. 65 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre, Gadag-Betgeri A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Relationship with Co-workers S. Relationship No With Co- No of Respondent Percentage Workers 1 Good 18 36% 2 Better 22 44% 3 Best 10 20% Total 50 25% 25 44% 20 36% 15 10 22 18 5 Percentage 20% Relationship With Co-Workers 10 0 Good Better Best INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 36% of the respondents have good relationship with co-workers, 44% of the respondents have better relationship with co-workers & 20% of the respondents have the best relationship with their co-workers. Page No. 66 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre, Gadag-Betgeri A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Does Management communicates effectively with employees: S. No Does Management communicates effectively with employees: No of Respondent Percentage 1 Yes 17 34% 2 No 33 66% Total 50 25% 33 respondents 35 30 25 20 Does Management Communicates Effectively With Employees 17 respondents 15 Percentage 10 5 66% 34% 0 Yes No INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 34% of the respondents say management communicates effectively with employees, 66% of the respondents say management doesnt communicates effectively with employees. Page No. 67 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre, Gadag-Betgeri A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” career enhancement opportunities S. Percentage 1 career enhancement opportunities Yes 2 No No of Respondent 21 42% No 29 58% Total 50 25% 35 30 58% 25 20 42% Percentage 15 10 29 Career Enhancement Opportunities 21 5 0 Yes No INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 42% of the respondents say company provides career enhancement opportunities for them . and 58% of the respondents say company doesnt provide career enhancement opportunities for them. Gadag-Betgeri . Page No. 68 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Gadag-Betgeri . 28% of the respondents reason for leave is team co-ordination. what would be the reason: S. 40% of the respondents reason for leave is career opportunity. Reason for No leaving No of Respondent Percentage organization 1 Marriage 2 4% 2 Team Co- 14 28% Ordination 3 Career 20 40% Opportunity 4 Others 12 24% Total 50 25% 25 20 20 14 15 12 10 5 2 4% 0 28% 40% 24% Reason for Leaving Organisation Percentage INTERPRETATION: The above table shows that 4% of the respondents reason for leave is marriage. and 24% of the respondents reason for leave is other reasons. 69 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” If you want to leave the organization. Page No. Thus leading to a delay in the collection of data. some limitations of the data should be stated. Another problem encountered on the field is the timeframe within which respondents completed the questionnaires and returned it to the researcher.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Given the explorative nature of the study. Respondents took a longer period to complete the questionnaires as they were most times busy with their work. 70 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Gadag-Betgeri . Page No. The research focused attention on the impact of employee retention. Due to limited time and resources only 50 respondents were drawn. Gadag-Betgeri .s per month.Majority 40% of the respondents out of 50 are between the age group of 26 – 30 years. 12.Majority 56% of the respondents have completed Education upto Diploma.Employee career advance aspect or promotion opportunities have significant relation with employees retention and considered as important factor in employee retention.Compensation. 13. 3.Majority 56% of the respondents have come to know about the organization through their Relatives. it is also found that employee leave the job due to work environment. 8. 9.Majority 46% of the respondents have full employment position in the organization. SUGGESTION AND CONCLUSION Findings: 1. 4. 11.Majority 54% of the respondents don‟t have opportunities to share their ideas at work.In the area of work environment it is found that this is a key factor in employee retention.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Chapter 6 FINDINGS. Page No.Majority 62% of the respondents are married.Majority 48% of the respondents have monthly salary in the range of 600 to 12000 r. reward and recognition play a key role in employees motivation which leads to employees retention in the organization.Organization culture play important role in employee retention.Majority 34% of the respondents have been working in the organization from 2 to 4 years. 71 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.Majority 48% of the respondents are motivated by native of job. 2. 6. 5. Family support is considered significant factor in employee retention. 7. 10. A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” 14. Page No.Majority 66% of the respondents are disagreeing in relationship with management.Majority 58% of the respondents say company doesnt provide career enhancement opportunities for them. 17. 72 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.Majority 48% of the respondents reason for leaving organization is career opportunity. Gadag-Betgeri .Majority 64% of the respondents are not satisfied working hours. 18. 16.Majority 44% of the respondents have better relationship with co-workers in the organization. 15. Reduce their employee retention problem and provide promotion offers to their employees 6. How do you get your employees to "fall in Love" with your organization? This is a great question. 7.Provide Compensation. Gadag-Betgeri . 11. some companies do not have to recruit because they receive so many qualified unsolicited submissions due to their history of excellence in employee retention. In fact. which will help it to retain its valuable assets (employees).Provide training programs for their employees 12.Provide better motivations to the employees. Improve its working environment and culture as it has the potential to retain employees.Provide proper incentives to the employees 13. Some of the suggestions for this can be summarized as follows: 1. 3. 9.Provide career opportunities to the employees. Page No. 73 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.Maintain a good relationship with the employees that help to improve their production.Provide promotions opportunities to the employees.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Suggestions: Retaining key personnel is critical to long term success of an organization.Develop their infrastructure facility of their organization.Change their work schedule and policies of their organization 4. 8.Offer fair and competitive salaries.Provide job security and statutory benefits to their employees. So that improves the satisfaction of the employees. Rewards and Recognition to the employees. A etention Strategy has become essential if your organization is to be productive over time and can become an important part of your hiring strategy by attracting the best candidates. 10. 2. 5. appreciate the need to resolve it. identify the factors and contributing to the problem and behave in ways that would either eliminate the casual variables or reduce their influence on the problems. Gadag-Betgeri . Wind World ( India) Limited has a high level of employee retention. Though slow. In a transparent environment where employees get a sense of achievement and belongingness. They need transparent work environment to work in. So. They love to be the essential part of such organization and the company is benefited with a stronger. In a work place where employees are not able to use their full potential and not heard and valued. the process of concretization is sure to produce the desired results conducted in proper ways. identify the problem. where they can best utilize their potential and realize their skills. the management has simply to concretize people and live them alone with an environment in which they find it possible to behave appropriately. 74 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. they are likely to leave because of stress and frustration. reliable work-force harboring bright new ideas for its growth.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Conclusion: The research has a humble attempt in identifying the causes of employee retention and come up with a few suggestions. Employees comprise the most vital assets of the company. Page No. Wind World India.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” BIBLIOGRAPHY References: • Reports Website: www. 75 Karnatak University Post Graduate www. Gadag-Betgeri .com Page Above degree 4.Age : a. 76 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. The finding of this research will be presented to the University. Married [ ] Page No.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” Questionnaire I Nadeem Ahmed M lakkundi. Diploma c. undergoing a 2 months Summer In-plant Training (SIP) in your company on Employee Retention as part of my MBA curriculum. The data will be confidential and used for academical purpose only and identity of sources of information will not be disclosed.Name: 2. first year MBA student of Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.Marital Status: a. 26years To 30years [ ] c. Degree d. Above 36yers [ ] 3. I would therefore be very grateful if you could spare sometime to respondent to this questionnaire. 20years To 25years [ ] b. Secondary b. Gadag.Level of Education a. 31years To 35years [ ] d. Gadag-Betgeri . 1. 12000rs To 18000rs [ ] d. Friend [ ] b.Four Year To Six Years [ ] d.Below Two Years [ ] b. Gadag-Betgeri . Full employment b.How Long Have You Been Working In This Organization a.Relative [ ] c.6000rs To 12000rs [ ] c.Nearby Home [ ] 7.Employment status a.Neighbour [ ] d.Two Years To Four Years [ ] c.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” b. Contract 6.Above Six Years [ ] 8. Monthly Salary: a.Salary [ ] Page No. What Motivated You To Take Up Job: a. Part-time c.Above 18000rs [ ] 9.Below 6000rs [ ] b. How Do You Come To Know About The Organization: a. 77 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre. Unmarried [ ] 5. No [ ] 11. 78 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.If You Want To Leave The Organization. Does Management communicates effectively with employees: a.No [ ] 15.Reputation [ ] d. Gadag-Betgeri . Others.Marriage [ ] b.Do You Have An Opportunity To Share Your Ideas At Work: a.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” b. Specify________________________________________________ 10.Best 13.workers: a.Yes [ ] b.Good b.Yes b.Are You Satisfied With The Working Hours: a.No 14.Native Of Job [ ] c.Better c.Yes [ ] b.Do You Feel That The Company Provides Career Enhancement Opportunities For Your Growth And Development: a.No [ ] 12.Team Co-ordination[ ] Page No.Yes [ ] b. How is your relationship with co. What Would Be The Reason: a. 79 Karnatak University Post Graduate Centre.A STUDY ON “EMPLOYEE RETENTION” c. Specify_________________________________________________ Page No. Gadag-Betgeri .Others.Career Opportunity [ ] d.
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