
March 24, 2018 | Author: junkyardbcn | Category: Bayonet, Military Science, Military, Armed Conflict, Leisure



FRENEEI IN-FA\ITRY OF THE WAR OF THE - --SPANTSH SUCCESSTON 170 1-14 Par{OneBy Mark Allen This is the filst of two articles on the French infantry of Marlborought wafs. This first pan can be Iookedon as an 'update'ofthe previous instalments asthe regiments described belowwere all raisedbeforeor duringthe War of the Grand Alliance. This meansthat most of the information listed previouslywill also be relevent for the post 1701period. Therefore,after a short sectionon someof the chanses in equipmenl and dre,swhich affecred Frenchrroop. duniq the Spanish Succession War. t will proceed wilh a li*r of the regiments showing anychangesin uniforms or colonelsA few cornnents night be appropriate hereon rhedevelopmert of fashionable clothingduringthe twentyfive years from the beginningofthe Nine YearsWarto theTreaties ofRastatt and Baden.Between1689and 1714fashionable male attire wouldconsist of thefollowins: degree ofun€ertainty it secms likely thatbothofficers andmen in the majorityof European armies hadby the niddle years of theWar ofthe Spanish Succession adopted some formoftricorn hat. SMALL CLOTHES Amongst the fashionable many changes had been wrought duringthisperiod,howeveras onlythe neckwear is parricularly relevant to the men and their officers I will confine my comments to thlsarea, The'beau'of 1689 wouldhavewom alacytabaf or'raban'(a neckscarf)wrapped aroundand decorated with ribbons.The ribbonswere stiffenedand positionedbehind the raban to protrude eithersidein a sortof'halo' effect.In1692 theFrench won the closelyfoughtbattle of Steenkirkand the 'folklore' arisingfromthebattle changed thedirecaion of French costume. The soldiers ofthe French armyhadbeensurprised in campby the army of William III and had to hurriedlydress and equip themselvesIn their hastethey are supposed to haveleft rheir neckcloths untiedandtheirclothes in a disorderly manner. This gaverise to the Steenkirkstyle of wearingthe raban and a general adoption of more relded' forms of dress. The 'Steenkirk'was looselywrapped around theneckandrhelonger endpulledthroughthe seventh buttonhole on rhecoat.By the endofthe century a moreformalstylehadbeenre-established, butwithout the ribbons. The endsofthe clothwerenow more often 'tucked in' and this led to the rank and file usins a 'reversedform a. \hown on rhe plares. Yo'r qill ,ee fromihe plates thatrheneckcloths areshown asbeingblack,theWagner plates showthis for all infantryand whilslI havesomedoubrs about the widespread use I have, in the absence of much contradictory evidence, usedblackfor my illustrations. TIIEHAT In 1689 thiswouldnormallybe felt orbeaverwitha largebrim anda low crown.The sizeofthe brirnwasbeginning to reduce afterthe excesses of the 1670s. The edge of rhe brin wasoften decorated in gold or silverlaceand feafiers and ribbonwere addedfor further decoration. The ribbonshowev less obtrusivethan previouslyand were often worn in an embdonicform of cockade. In the 1660s and 1670s hatshad been wom in a multitudeof colours,grey and brown being particularly popular, however by the middleofthe lastdecade of the century black was the dominantcolour. During the yearperiodfollowing twenty 1689there wasalsoa gradual move towards tricorns.It is difficultto quantifyhow thiscameabout or how fastit occured, but by the endof the first decade ofthe eighteenth centurythe ticorn was finnly established as the pre-eminent form ofheadgear. Oneofrbe biggest problems in determining the process of€hange is the difficultyof accurately datingprimaryvisualsources. For example there are a great numberof paintings and other forms of illusaration THE COATAIID VEST depictinq LouisXIV he'oically conducting sieger. ar rhe rhearre oi During the period the coat or'justaucorps'becamemore playing billiards, but veryfew canbe datedclosely to the event obviously styled. The straight, shapeless item of the 1680s had they depict. The evidence seems to point to a fairly rapid by the lastyearsof the centurygained rear pleatsand a more adoption of the tricom between 1698 and1702, bur th€se dates well definedsilhouette. The coat sleeves became lonserand arereallyonlyguesses based on thefollowingobsewations: widerandthesleere( ot thevesr or waistcoat couldno longer be 1. IllustEtionsof Louis)(lV whichcanbe datedrobetween seen. The vestitself,whichhadaslateas 1698 beenaslongas 1692 and 1695 show no parriculartricom rype hars the coat,became noticeably shorterasthe eighteenth century amongst rheking andhiscouniels. 2. The worksof Gifford and cuerard, whichdareftom the endofthe War of the GrandAlliance.showa nixrure of SHOES AIID STOCKINGS styles, with Gifford showing mosrofficers in tricomsand No major changes are apparenthere, the shoesbecame the menin othertypes andcuerarddepicting trico.ns ofa 'heavier' 'loose'styleb€ingwornby and shorter. in the processlosing some of their panicular all. but werestill square generally toedandthe redheels Theproblem iscompounded arrheotherend ofour historical elegance, fashionable from the middle ofthe centurywere stillretained by periodasmostpictures ofMarlborough,Eugene ercdareftom otherswell after the original evenrs. The tapestriesshoutd be the Dutchamongst giventhat the manhimsellhelped reasonably correct, in their WIGS derign. burthewo'|5ofLaguerre andRo:(dalefromlater and should not be too heavily relied upon. Ironicatly Rosts Finally, inpassing, afewchanges weretakingplace in thedesign paintings of Marlborough's campaigns showharstumedup on of periwigs-As the pe od progressed they continuedthe oneor more sides. burno tncorns. Wherher hewasall€mtline process of lookingless lik€ naturalhairwhichhadbegun in the lo ponrayhisconcepL ',\helher of rhedres< of 1704-Sor h; wd; late 1660s. They becametaller with. ftom the mid-1690s, workingftorn 'eyewitness' peaksdiscemable accounts is unknown.Despirerhis considerable at rheir summits. The coloun Mrqft d.he rdmm.'qnis de Bre tion itr pbr.t trdu..J. (*a Enrh.Part Two of this articlewill detail those Alliancehadbeensooufgenealled thatthe advantages of their units formed duing or after 1702. Marquisd. sasunan l70r: Fnn@n. CGr.uc.Da. Pnisy 1703:Aus6rin.M nas znddK ror both tsjm. M'qnL d. Mrrquir d.l5 too became less natural.mnc.row) 'nis 4. Firstly. which enabled fire to of this series for details of these.O D.b. Cn di. r. sagndiy cl'. Mrquis de Balin@u rTor: J. To go $ith the fusil a new set of equipmentwasissuedto the French soldier.David Wilson..icd i n. Maqui.nn d.hang. Cofl.eme 'he Ep cgndr d 6.oi!z. however.Afterlh.m.m.adr. xd. infantry melee Wilsor for hisinterest andassistance). oBts & sr C.. Codr. tu ol r.s R?stuuld.. huvis.Padlillan.nob. Gonddn nasi ind d6 tor th. who werestill the platoon methodsof fire control used by their Dutch.mar d. a. Tri.gtriedbyrcgimdtTdhd.d'he9m.M.d ! orRelMld h wI52. Cany 1709: Mi.dtr b. cont d.hidg6 jct odc duiis the Fdodi s bcl@) 1712:R. rh. Fl.Reh.c.r d. wNinsbae.Cnrl.Ganmo. b. nas bp: Mdly.s*r.diiom*oilbough 6. M.b. Ptld d.v.dr.lot d. Unless infantry battalion.RACANtsROSSF' (wr4e) BOUFFLERS.illm.bbreu.. canr.bils otr.s arqun dc Mmrboisi.r . Mo .rr.Lound.rr. Tsru. iMcnf.m t7l2: Fffois-H.bi. Romin y.hDg. Nicohs de cllsl d U6. alongside ihe cartouche box musketeer who hadretired into winter qua(ers for the last time afterthe Treatyof Ryswick hadbecome a tusilier. t70z: l.nh.Gcl'desR. wr5.d Bapri$ecolb€n. Bd.{su. *e wlle) CRUSSOUd'ANNN/GONDRIN/CERVAISAIS(WI49) 1?I1!:Anroine. but cut to the new style.ing.Cont r04..hanciu.^m'nd'[email protected] l?09: l.Ad. d. 1701:Michd-FdoL codG d AtrbQ.^.uefon. of continue evenwhenthe bayonet was fixed.M quis d. Mriqui d.y. The Frenchinfantry that energed to beginthe conflicts of 1?01 'fantassins' previously hung which had to the waist belt.n d.nb Ancun. \€NDOMEIDUC DE BERRYDARROIS (WI49 (NoEorficlbv. Montal LYoNNAIS (No chms. BerhM.BaFin dc Rcb.J. and likewise from most other European statedotherwiseunits not illustrated rctained th€ samecolours armies. M.helchrnillard. Mrqft d. cmre de Lnnoy d. v.. Many thanks to Mr. but the bayonet.s. $.. stllmr ArsAcE (a. sDdille u": buL d.s (e. viu. liBt t*o r.lin. 1t02: r.Cod. $. wa M n.nNs l?r2: Pi. 1ru3: J. was the pikeman.ier J@-Miigid d. ch. Ls Drs a shon in w49 n Ep.vali.an-Brpin.s d. had sounded the 1697 is still in command dudng the War of the Spanish 'deathknell' of the 'queenof battles'. hadchanged somewhat fromthe of 1697. d.h. Corod.d. Bcil R.c.Amlurd dc C. Nmgs 1705:An ftcquB.ouvlcNlEs lm2: l7S: I7l2 Dr.Aada (w6 d.IETTANCORT/I{AILLY/BUEIL.rri.gr.rquGd.Contd. l7G: Anroinc-Pi.Eg!Barcnwsliv (*.moGTonidr. cdion l7m: ADne-AugGr. Mdrsulnin. d.but t}lis Any changes in colonelsareshownandthe colour platesshow time it would be different. (Seethe earlier pans togetherwith the socket bayonet. Mriqlc d. Mrlqtris d.vali. b oErr l7l2:Jeu. Th€ introduction of the flindock in their uniforms. d.lFdn@n ch. Pl* ihos d. (Some additional informatiion on drcss and flags has been in tacticsthat modemhistoriansse€mto providedby Mr.6 mn $roushdut. In the earlierwarsthe Grand in existence on that date. ROYAL ROUSSILoN (wrsl) ltol: Niols de Xitun6.O.. Where this h the casethe Socritical is the change of relevant commenthasbeen marked DW.-Mans d..d. H. 3hd.rcr $ SULPICE/LANNoY/DE f. bdanl tn)3: Cl dlcnillm. Nmsn r?(B:LuieAnroined. Mfqds d. Marqun 1?07:Pr.ne k Gu?rchoG d.on SAULT/TESSSTALL^RO (WI4C) lmr: ReD. dar or 'h.G r7lr: hund. vieuvjl|.t nisd.l) s.chdl6 d. c *152) t705:Frm. Bulljon d. volleysand to five ranksdeepweretrainedto delivermassed Tables showing the war records of the regiments are also without the offensivepole-armsof before the firepower of the battalion becamethe methodofdecidinginfantry engagements.ka GRIDER ^Lt EMAGNE (G.i rh? d6d of rurm. . l7l3: Pieft-Cnad. }..6 r05: rjllj3-Flfoir. ti. with greyandwhitebecomingpopular all but ceased to exist. R.u&mnt. c'ma lnl: riuFAnroii.RAMTANCoRT 1704: Adn. rcgim{'nay. d tu8.n.ft.uG d! Bn.and Geman enemies. Morc 1710:lnuis d. Paul 1709:Franon.iqGd.m. si.l.Phj[pF.c.rewflagsre (Mmy 'hmris b Ddid wihd for po 1t[0: cbcrien-rjun d.infierd .r d In.hnbc lr02: Pi.MadorrjD d.l $m.min) (No.ne. d..nr C$r. after the centurvhad turned. Arso rnissing from the French all alterations in the uniforms or flags of these units.sine 1706:Ni@rs d. l71z: Chd.rFtuoir.fo@dd. comt d?Sr Surpi@ r. Below are listedall rcgrm€nts formed before 1702 English.fts d d.. Kins. s.hotrd.. HUMIERES/CHAROSTtsETHUNE^AILLA}IT (W49) 1709:Mi. . d.Tdrcuvrc Tlodeid.n b. l7l3: Niola d.re.rr. rrainy h Ho6ry.gs ror st l?o): Ni6la. They had not. srlitPo'li. MonhorD. sifts rnh rh. d. chevald d. superior tactical doctrine had not been appreciat€d.)Likewisewere the C.h.M''qlndbcqel6 17061 Cliude. plar. 1709:t ua D.ncs (WI49) COETOUENTTOURVILLEMEUSE l|lu'Blioo5hed. The cartouchebox was now a smaller 'belly' WEAPONS AND EQIIIPMENT pouchattached beltwasthinner to the waistbelt..the was now on the right hip. sr.nc 6 F! pht l7r0: l..Linear formationsthree earlier part. d. re-equipingof the French anny with flintlock musketsor fusils TIIE REGIMENT adopted hadbeenalmost completed. be of the opinionthat with the exc€ption of the disputing built-up-areasand fortifications the infantry vs. Also contributing to the Succession in the his details will be listedunderthe regiment demiseof the pike werethe newtactics. risDy S. the shoulder po\rder The sword was still attached and only held-up the flask.&nly piln iNr or offex cufi. silly. Mdborn.mm) (No chans.hrig.uryilr.By 1702 the positionedwith the sword. E{. Pard. Frouray. MrilLbois.urid de Lu.pcrc.rrqnis de c.idrc ROY^L DE VAISSEAUX (WI49) 1702: ls:ccha erd. d Ans.ft. barad $n of l4n XIv Althoughd. CRANCEYIACHESNELAYE (WI49) 1707:adolp. d. J#ci./Suei!foS'cr/ ' $cufillxd :/c^.^ tffM...u"1 Mrlfo/\crrrd f| \-> 8^cnab - Vi[a.hislu I YWE^^*/ ^A''-ffi.lgiil+ a+r^.^ ffi*.qt|b.a-ffiEl .Gtamo.": \y \'r' t.fi..or." () h.\soLlffi"h Gantw""/19.tl....t o.irrralct*rratl .. t ?ges{aval+{ar1 -'----ar-t W t€sse/ S*:*1 .itu. vat ]707:J. Brun Howrs n n pobsry .A.nobePhiipE. $.aksidr. Upli|l'0.chouan. Prustor e!r4i 5r0 sp€nr on orde6. comie de Boni. KenlME3 oEF.comLeAtbeiaorri r?0.ufis AARDES DU DUCDE MANTOUE(Pi. Pr6F.. $t591 BASSTCNY(Wr59) zURLAUBAN(w:Um{ rNochde. creq de Manliu. comr.Eda'.fooarion pack.lEgimmlgiEn r. s w54) BERWTCK onsh) (No chms.l8 THouY (Pndmod*) MONTSERREAU/VAUDRTUII]SOURCHES 1704:chd6 Husues.. v. (No ch'ng. Ld.alty eft€€d inro pain€d fisur€s ol rhe win.ch.comted. wl52) NOAILLEStsEAUFERMEtsRICHAMIAULT (WI59) No chms.un. HNiEr de Ldsu 17O1:Phirippdch. NrRochesler. ch. wr54) h)(wr54) &"7 V. d.b-d.ild. f .mr. gdqrp.42ASHFItrLDS ROAD . choisur.ft vr5!) (wrsr) cLARE/o sRlEN (rnsh) 1706:MorBai. wt5{) 1704:Jacqu*turoin d. Mitmdnil SITERY.z.h.vati.lytes'nguin. B!dn.ud. s€nd six rid cl2s su6As or b o rRcs for.ius. CdmreO Bnen (r*h) (nochang.riod r700r Phiippc.ron SOLRE/BEAUFORT(W. wr6l) crio'es (sairo6) (a. M!'qui3 d Ebmp.L. MoN'rREUx ohrian) (No chatrge. w 62) ROBECOUE/ST VALLTER(w.6 choic.s t?05. SHRE:WSBURY.va]ierd.lh.F272098 No Pe6onol Catle's Please Telepbone: oa31445671 TSBR.rtg {wtse).s l7m: J@ph Pi. Cl. an6apovinci. wEr( DoRflNGToN onsh) (No cbaDge.'ri'Mtqui9d.la$ sEmPs for 2 r 9mfr sampl€ and an i. Eddre d.Mlu4 HATNAUT(Na change..dErd. Marqun de Meus l7l. !e wr54) (nsh) (w54) BoURKEWAUcHOPE oNNELLq aArMoY (lri$) (No change.man) (wr52) SPARRfiLENCK l7r4: r..lii.\E.s w52) (co6i. d.for updotedLsls or @me ond s€ $ ech wturdoyoTi flr. r706: i.Eft. c.an saprisrode v6al.bd.ztr)(Nochange.nmil r70{: Nicorasd.' hercgnndpcllTl4d 1705:JaFs.rbour: l70z:J. c.ir speciorsh Armymrch loc ilyond pc nlinq€NGM loble Ponexchongede srelcome Mre ron4s s@loh ohd$ in stocl agent icr'Amdio r Gererors.totrs'lld.rdesr.Asarhansc. Ni@16. ztlm sanple. -o!o dv'usedornv o.!'li.M qur d. ec wr52) r. Rav LUXEMBoURc (NoChame.. C. rogerher vith r p6opr espons aad fiiendly seflic.r 1710:F. che$rier d.uis d.nn Jepn d lem.nl (xr.xzndE.mr d. v. ompdnivery . Lyom. ! .or.d u..:Niol6'cheE|igdeBrcc]ie Arb€n-FBncobd..lsleof Groin. andardn. c6i.cGhnodn .hd de rcsimcnr wor grt. comre d...chri6.CHAELET I oM.ch.b6ticd Hu. Tel:063.r.c:nBDerouch. Tut?jn de cns.r d.M.d qurhy or rtnnh.n . Maiqft d. DTLLoN $.Li!'r ul3: Eb.an. *.dJ ro4..rdinand.gim{lb€forern4.F@ Dso's on soji EonLondon K& M T165 Rryo Floob.Brpti5EdeRo. PERRI s. $d@p stofidt ltu't{oflE Neutnls a||D otoatswfl@lta 7 DAysawlK 60 Pannel Rd. couRrEN (s s) (Nochange. SHROPSHIRE SYI 358 .decoda*.vatiei d. Codt d Hrniig t$r: (brcrherorde pcvioE r?tr5: H. c. ch. or for fiN .konie|ly'du.sotr r05: rem Ftuok de Biands.MdsFd.Rior4M sr.iND l?12: Eri.j.Auurin d.C8immI%rmh drenshFtr. Mrqub d.im c.n.I. <. cueoneG !re auromri.r lru.nn.Ar. ptak fd (Noohse.chi€ve consisten.sioscat lmi Mich.y in style' rccuoc' z. M'q$s de carja '0aiPdlHipp.EEorish)(Nochan-!e.dMONICS) l?00 Fro(o5. r: Bouray. Sqtton t@d. Nmshr d. t710.IIMN) 1m9: Niol6. Conr d./)woorn-t THE SMALTBACK ROOM Miniature Painting Seruice .em{r dsuord.95 Sendon A5S. 11I5e) I70r: Larclor d.iic D.qu5.racdn. Mdqtris de viu. B. Bknh. sEcoND o"rid) im chd8.rqun dc h Far 1710: Ni@r6d. ve . K. Monrvidl lms: Rd. croi.r 1703:r.f. *! w j5lr R. 'BoodBiC€ondlonSo s(Oo6D' lAhCenturyNddAu€s&Shrps . in udloms or n4! dnnie rhn p. Cl@t hn.$fod MTRoMESNTL tw30-r) lNo chrns. comr de Midd. s.GNkE derfi.bnd htkd (D. dc sanay Fras for. t RESEARCH WARCAMES GROUP TheKeep.Add20%Surface. Rulesby Charles Coming soon:lvlarlburian Grant Postage & Packing .90 ************ . Miniumum 50p.00 . S. LeMarchant Barracks.e.A. or2 Forlislsofallourrules lRCs to lhe above address.service onall products. K l.Add 10%.Add20%Minimum Airmail Europe . Minidum order:!5. ACCEPTED Eurocard) VISA& ACCESS please andbooks sendan s. for colour largeS. Devizes. Grantreprinted FromPiketo Shotby Charles to the Portuguese with minor amendments €9. Ordersover!10 postfree.O.00 q1.I9 lully 7th EditionAncientRules30008C-I485AD up lo all amendmenls revised and incorporating Ausust1ee2. 7245s8 Iel. 50%Aimail.a.E. Rest ofWorld Minimum el. Wilrshire SN102ER.75 Plus P&P for7thEdition covering the Army Lists Coming soon: biblical Dedod. S.95 Plus P&P section. 157o Ouerseas Postage 4 North Street . Please send brochures & prices.00 (llastercard. London Road. 83. 40Vo. Beaminster ' Dorset DT8 3DZ Tel 0308863. Kingdom United Maximum f3. & Fax:(0380) NowAvailable K&MTrees are now ofreringa ilirect order M. .Oudenardc & Malpla.M. C.in association with The Royal Armouries. All comments made in thefirsipan concerning dress and equipment are alsoapplicable here. if not before. Buildingsscrutchbuilt by P.The &apeaud'ordina ce. vimmre de MILITARY PARTIZAN PRESS WEEBENDS AT TEETOWER Partizanpresent. ice.s. With the exception oftwo.are listed. But. RoyalBaviere (seepart three)all weredisbanded and Enghien at the endof the war.wdte to: 26 Cliffsea Grove. rheevidence seems ro show tharrhey weremorelikelyto wearredthanbluecuffson iheirgreycoars.. Francoi!deBo!. thisis nowthe secondofa threepartseries. (see Strata?em thet ad on page 35 ). omre deourches 1710. because ofthe amount ofmaterial available.but for thoseof you who wish to be able to usethe flag derails and reconstruct theregiments. all carried plain Colonel'sColours.l Epp€ville LOI]VIGNIES/SIFFREDY BemieEsde Louv'gnies 1702: Jcan-M. INFANTRY OFTHEWAR OF THESPANISH SUCCESSION PARTTWO By MarkAllen lnitially it wasmy intentionto limit thesearticles to two parts.ll.With the exception of the few foreign regiments raised.24rv25th April NAPTOLEOMC For mole details.tuet 1702:Ch.a rries of participation wargamesand ENGLISECIVII \IIAR .EBserSliglNQ. Leigh on Sea.ignardde Senice:FlandeE.l3th/l4th March .rlclHelri Gaspardde Saulr.25mn Martbutian t'igurcspaitted b) Fnst C lashligure puitting set. OURCHES/AOULAY/EPPEVILLE 1702: N.l3wl4ih Febmary EIGEIEENTE CENIIIRY .Lirtle information is available on the uniformsof rhesereginents.The regiments listed hereandin panthreewereformedorreformed duringor after1701.xhere known. Flande6. marquis de Ir Morhed Hugnes Sent@:Lando!. la Rche-LoDagne. FlaCidenrical BELLAFFAIRE/TESSE/BULKELEY/BOCHET lm5: Rene F. Moselle. namuisduThil PERMANCLEMAULMONT HEROUVILLEAHESIJT/CONFLAI\ISST.enn€s ilag in wl6l. CHEVALTER riF DAMAs/vAr ior'7F 1703: JDeph-GuillaneBoutin-comrede valloue Sepice:Tunn.A LONDE/FRANCLIEU/BOUOIS 1702: N.a. narqutsdeLrnnion (coloDel Snice: Lrndiu & Speye. omrc deCareja de Sefrie. TAf ENDF]DUCHAY/d'ARCY ST.c. . de Rozede Rcen 1706:PicreJc de Cmfty d Usy Seni@:Flrnde6 gadi$ds COETANFAU/DuROURE lTlx: A. Darquis de MonrbobsieF LANNION U02: Anne. SeeBellafiateflaeinwI61. conredeMenou sefli@: crsMo & Turin (colorellosta le8). PEZAUTdC la FERTE CLERMONT/DELA HOUSSAYE?VASSAN 1705: Niold-Leon Phillipes deh HoNaye l?06: Charles.s.rdeLdnion Seryice: Gnarding rheBnnanycoo$line MENOU 1702: 'le MenoudeClisy Ctancs-marquis 1706: lnuisJoseph.: Rhine & Flande6 MAISONTHIERS 1702: Charld deTlssut deMai$ hie6 PUJOUPUYSEGUR/'LEOTAUD/VALORY l7l0: N.Aul$e 1706: Loun Desnacr de Maillebois.. vigierdeSreinbruckde Solelie . conre de Bdslie 1703: N. du Bcher. Rnire & Oude.morercy-k 1706: de Mas*lin lean Claude SeeDenou.ror de Monlvalet.arde LAIGLE Sedice:Flande^ qanisons.mr.ge Ulban de BeauvonGnmoard. Unifom & Flag seewl61 rrr derairs oI rhee:rtier resimenr Sou(he\.valierde Conflans Sr.liei de ScNia: Londau.Nup€es 1712: Hetuijeph.marquis 'le Chalm*l CASTEJA/ST. LOSTANGPRASILIY Neuville FOURGEUVAU'SOURCHES 1702:.dice: Rrdillies. conre de Ia Fare-Solnelle VIVOURS/BRIOUZE. Speyerbrh. REMY l7l0: Alexandre'Philipp€.h.Bierrgne.nion 1705: Jean-Baptisrc Piere.ih for Ardille 1712. Flande6 & Oudenade MONTBOISSIER.VASIERES VILLEMONT CONFLANS.'ILLElROCHEFORT/BEAUFICEL 1709: N.qui! de ENONVILLF/TIVRY]BELZUNCE l70li Paul Hippollt Sanguin.t Serice:RamilliesOud€nardeLille& D. $evrlierde l.e: Flanden. I. SeeVa.conredeBaRille Sefliq 1702:N../RIBFRAC 1704r Andle'Gules.t 'le Donpieft CHAIMAZEL 1702: riuG deTalaru. vionre deBlaons TARNAULTtsOISSIEUX 1707: Lolnde Frer.anNis de Froulay. omie de S-omhes Senice: nande^ & Radllies Gqt. S.BEAUPRE l?1)2:Armard-lruisJNph Foucauld. marquis de Oyse SI. Riquenide CaEman 1?ll. de Ia Fore de la Fede MARIGNANE/SERVILLE/BEAUJEU 1705:Ouillamc de MNol de Setuille 1709: N.. Londe l7o3: Gille'cenais d.Beaubre Serie: Flande6. Bhnnein & Denain VARENNEs-GOURNAY]d-ENTRAOUES BROCLIE]FROULAYrIIRAQUEAU l?02: vidoFMauia.Ramillies. morquh deVrlory DIOGNY/DU THIL 1?04: ft an@iFEdouard Juben.guesJosph tlu. de Bourdei[es_comredc Marha 1703rVi.hesoag in WI6l.BEAUPRE 1703:N. SceDrhas0arinWI6r. comtede Beaujeu BLACONS 1702: Amand. narquis de Mon&iel senie: FlandeAMalplaquer & Denain ROZE/PROVENCHERESAJSSY 1702: N. brron 1709:Jacquesvaal.Seeflag in WI6l. marqun deva$M PFYFFER(SUISSE) i?02:Loun PMler dewyh. Ble.A FON9DE MATHA FRANC}IE\.uisdu Pdquierdelournon 17lr: Frecois Dmaes.dcois du Prat de Nanrouiller. mmtedePaysas LA MOTHEOHISTELLES/PERTHUIS 1702: N. Speyerbach. denoyed and mlonelsedouslt'ounded). deMaquisdeFonbnges Servtc.nrit Unifom: Pqsiblyyellow@Lt andredc!fls etc. mqnis de TA CRU/CARAMAN/LANNON l?05:N.heim & Denrin VALLOUZSGROSSBOISA/ALENCE 1703:Emmcry Emdanuel de Thinbone. LAMOTHEd'ARTAIGNAN l1i9: hunde Monleguiou. omte de Marloup dc VILLENOUVET/I.hevrli.Oudenade & Malpla.Evrcmont SeRice: FlandeE gariens GUINES/DAMPIERRE 1705: . GuylruilHcnn. DESCLOSNUPEES/LESPINAY 1705: N. chevalier de Sou'ches 1706: Anrotne-barcnde Cboi$ul.Moelle & Rhide 1702:Chaile$Augune.See wl6l 1702: l. deC6aur deRtrhefon BROISSIA/FONTANCES 1703: N. de Beaupoil de Sr. conre de Cayl6-Rouanoux TURBILLY 1702: kun-Philippe de Menou. B€ncas. 1702:Jean. AULAIRE/CIIATEAUBRIANTMONTVIEL 1702: N.narquisde Turbilly seflic: FlandeE.@mted Anaignat Sedice: Blenheim. Sedice:Chian & Tunn. du 1702: N. !'ICIER(SUISSE) 1702: N. DU BIEZ'FLAMARENS l7l0:N.dice: Rrdillies & Oudena.SeeSanzay flap in WI6l. SANZAY/SOURCHES/CHOISEUL.r-BaDrkie de Pavie.e Talende flag in WI61.AnneBElagne. Turin. nalquis deColeia lm5: Clarl*Loun.bach killed) l?02: Charles deS.r. deGmssl€sde Flamarens S. Seebstanges tlag in wl6l GALIOTTES B@t (@F for senice on rhe warcflrys. chev.li€r.Guillame-Vicror.omredeBoisieux Flanddc & AIF Fo! flag der. brnn de Fourseuvaux l70l: Louis:Fiamois dc Boucher. omre de Maiueor Maillt Senie: Rhine-Blenhein& nander gamsors RICHEBOURG/BARVN-I-F.de TRECESSON S€dice:Rnine. narquisdeLa. Seenrg in WI6l. conre de Servicc: Flrnde6 sniions 1705: N. desGengerez or Fewerets 1706: Alexrndre-bpuis de Gnardin de vauviay 1707: F. Seeflae in wl6l.rie: Flande^ & Oudenarde GUITAUD/CHAMAILLES 170: LouilArhanax de Puecheyroude Crmmrses1706: Louis. chcvaliei de Livry 1704:Chanercabriel de Csrelmoron. nr. Darquis d Enraques S.quis dePoyanne SAVIGNY/BOISSETAERARD NUAILLE 1702: Chdles Genain leMa$in-comtedeNurille S. chevrlierde Frouray Sewice:Italy.MENARS/d'ASTOUR/d'HERNOTON DES FEUGEREZ^r'AUVRAY/BARBANCON 1702: N. chevalier de Tcse 1707:Frdcois. 1710: N./LONCUERUE 1702: Philippe-Claude. DESMARETS/VERSIELLES Sedi. LEGER 1702: Jqr-Fransis deBiiudos. GERMAIN. chcvrlierde Gsion Sente: ftaly.38 Reldmed in l?01lor an ea.Tulin & nandeG l?09: Mane-Josephd.egimentkee wl6l). dela Molhe-Houdinoun :nrie: FlandesAadisN Servie: Rmilli. de Nupeso. chevalier de Sr. Da.onre de Bul*eley Seflie: Almana. DESTOUCHEgMONIMOREN 1700:F ormis de Mon. conre MoNTENDRETB[RTHELoTid E.ngles MONTLUC/LA RIVIERE CASTERAS 1702:Fiancon dc Laseran-M.r Senice:Blenhcin lcoldnelkilled-re!r disbanded) U. postaSe & packing (925.in & AInaMr.h BANDEvILII l7U2: N.30 a..disbanded) FROULAY LETORIEI{E5 1702: Charre5 Francopk. ROSIERES/CHEVRON/BONNIER€S LA ROCHE DU MAINE/DESANGLES lr02:N dc l. narouisde Sennecrere Selvice Flande^ & Bou. lr Tour l?r)7:Fnn. t70?:N.IEU lTrr: N. de crc3oi des cardier_ mrrqun dc Monr Ssni.he\alierdeLasrv Senice:Iralv DURFORT:tsOISSIERES 1702: N. Bib.o6LaziicThomasLnde PS rl S. MOI*TPEYROU)OMONTAROISTCHATILLON r70lr N. ma4ui5de caumonrde la Fore lTll: N dc MrdaillandeLespaire.c 1702: MichelFrancoaBeihelor de Rcbou^cru 170.30 p.red od lirh!re\ culG Nodek:hofl&e. Sp.AST OFTHE MOHICANS You'veseen the film.A.ba.y!.volier d. maiqun de Bandeville Senice:Blenheim(colonel killed. Rouseaudc Laubanie ROUSILLES Ir0l LouF.ri. harquh de 1707: Piere de la Riviere-Caie. ContcdcBcrujcu PERTHUBNdOROOUES/DUBOURG Scrvice:halv (Regimenrtras c4ruFd ar Pianeza in BOUZOLS/LAJFORCE/LASSAY 1701.omc.m lnor lusrated).AuguneCanoi dc k Ro.PLAY GAMES TBADE STANDS REFRESHMENTS BBING & BUYSTAND The Norlheast's Convention ownWargames Ad u l t s t 1 .. onSea.m. RocheduMdfc 1707: Ceor8.s'lc RcnardDcs. Sered in Fl. breeche\and lockinss Yellos burons Jnd hd la. MINIATUFES WAFGAMING BOARDGAMING MATCHTOCK MINIATURES 25Cliffsea teigh Grove.diq d..Hecror de Frr. mrr'tuis d.valierd. Cremoni &T. REDINCALLEMAND I705: . Sp. de Durfod-Boissieres 1703: Satunin.P's 5op **************** SANCUIN/COURNIERES d Anaignrn 1701: Piede-PruldeMonrcsquou.ChallesFelir H!acinrhsdc calean des hsan6.m. N. to 4.$Lr Fhnde6& Mosclle I702rLo uis-Aueune.1:lean Rere leJouenne d E\criqn\ Seri. Essex SS9 lNQ Telephone & Fax: 0702 73986 THE I. ven. Colonials & Rangers for both sides. plussetof company level wargames rules& painting Buide f20.oarquisde Chabnlh.hili CASTELET 1701. CREDIT TAKEN CARDS _ MATCHLOCK NOTE MINIATURES & PARTIZAN PRTSS BOOKS NOW AVAILTBLE IN AUSTRAI-IA.RtCNy l70l: Paul. F cdlingen. R.e Sepicc: ftaly. SendSAE for listor $5cash for samples.reFr. ch. Oakleigh.e.roric*\ ST. marqundeBouzols 1705: N. Now play thegame! 10015mm Europeans.h . N chevalicrde Sr Simon 1705r Phirippe A4use. S!MON]VOLUIRE/ANGENNES/VERENNES.00 if outside UK) Aswell a5one of the moste\tensive ranpc\of l5mm figures.as 1702:lean Bap&k Thi6aulr de la Rochedulon De l7l0: N. Dukcof Bcrvick .sen.00 inc.hellucruld on. KERGOSON 1702. BERWICKETRANCER 1702: JanesFitzjdmcs. marqundeDurfon Boisieies l7l0: N.e!c l70l: N. Choiseul Srain!ille l70l: N Chonenl Franciercs senice: Rhine. Drumme.rome Au3uiin de Boilser.rqA r 706r Giles Genais de ra Rfthe Lonag. omre de 1705: Jean-Chanesde ta Fene. rcd cufis. 0 0 children& O.Theodded Eaoir'llesd. omre deMonreson SeFice:FlandeE(dnbandedtn1709) BRYAS/CROLtsOURNONvILLE {Wrlloo. Chivaso. in billsor 5 lRCs $5(US) for sample and lists.e Rhinc & Fllnd. Lrndau & Sptyerba. F-onrane(!.n.ifo.omrede votune l7l l: Franeh. we alsohave the largest seiection of Books & Rules on the F-lthissideof the Creat Lakes! Send5 1stclass stamps.marquisd-Arville LA GUISE/MONTESSON l7L6:Chanes. Grev coar. chcvalierde L.n LA TOU R \IAUBOURGTIHONIASSI\ ST PALL l7(rl: Jcri.lhevalierdevarenne! Kereoson LAVAL/SENNECTFRRF 1702:CuvClaude Rolandde Monhorcncy. che\alierd Atbarcr ser!ne:Blenhcim(colone lk le d. smrc de Lannor Fomcd frcm Bftish Amj dcseiren.e.r rt'e REDCAR BOWL 10. comrede Froulay tTll: N. chcvalicideRohan BORNEMONI/BEA. Boumorville Senie Flandes. Indians.Ch. lear disbandedl CHABRILLAN'T 1702: N deMoreton. Flrgshown isoncof rsopo$iblede5ignstheorherwill be illEtared in pan SCEVE/CHOISEUUMURAT 1702: N. chevalierde S. nrF MONTFORT]ARVILLEidUPRA]]dU SOUPA 1'706: J.) 1704: N. Please stateperiod.rean. 3l66 VICTORIA. w/ite fo: B Best Street.39 NORTHEAST MILITAIRE 93 Saturday 6th March1993 .Francois. S Rousrtlfs N/UAILLT qutTuD tA FoNs NuPe(s -ORrtury .qfug$t' 40 {R(ouDe VA(TNNCSKNIR/OUI. TEr TouRNus gouL/v acNaANS-Y€N& N s crf.toNT c R. ?u1otSAVlqr. ?oYAh{N t.(e O€SAN -TfieSUf/CoNTfLANS ltolrr-lolttr'(c.4l FrcDLA CASE.nflFRkS .fY o(ossr^ MAt$ol.Rr. of course the whitecross. comtede Mornac Senice:Garrisons. Allapanfrom Royal 1704: Baviere weredisbanded al the endof the conflict. asthese RANGONI (Italian) N. comtede Segur Ser. Service: Spain BOUFTLERS. 1706: N. de la Baume Service:Flanders. Service: Lille andMalplaquet. thisarticleandthe previous pan (see WI64). comt€de Lachau.RFMIANCOUR'] CHOI5FUT 1702: Charles Francois. Service: ltaly andTurin. carried the normalplain 1705: (Fornedfrom the MiliciaofModena). 1706: N. I believe. For both Vigier and platetwo) the colonelscolouris showfl Reding(WI64. de Mancini Scrvice:FIanders. Service: Pyrenees. wasformedfromnembers RoyalBaviere of theold Bavarian FUSILIERSDE MONTAGNES 4 baltalions armywhichhadbeenalmost deslroved afterBlenheim andthe U05: Bonaventure (from the Roussillon d'Orffa de Villeplana which wercnow€xiled. Beforegoingon lo the regiments themselves in moredetail.who all. d Aubusson 1708: Jean'BaptisledeVarennes-Goumay Service:Garrisons.The flagshownfor BELTRAMBI (halian) tbesecond regiment Froulay(WI64. de Segur 1705: 1702: Alexafldre de Goyon. marechal de Noailles 1709: Benigne de Bouhyer Servi€e: Roussillon andDauphine CHAMILLYA4ORNAC LACHAU-MONTAUBAN 1706: NoelBouton. Milicia) in Flanders. Anywayhere\ the nextbalchofregiments: SEGURTDANOIS LA RAIMBAUDIERE N. de Jaucourt 1705: Francois de Calvisson.plate The flagfor the regiment St.marquis de Noe Flanders.marquisde 1710: N.r'ice:Garrisons. de Thorigny PlSANCON/LESQUEN DE VILLEMENEUST 1706: N.platetwo) mightbereadas N.l TESSE(Savoy) wouldlike to makea fewcommenls on the regiments listedin 1704: Renede Froulay. Service: Roussillon. de Clermont-Montoison VAUDREUIL/BRANCAS/LOSTANGES 1702: N.marechal de Chanilly 1702:Francois-Heclor de la Tour du Pin. marquis de Lostanges-Beduer 1713: N. Germain'Beaupre one) hasalsobeenshownby other sources as havinga whik saltire on thebluefieldin I and4. ducde Noailles 1710: N. ARGINY/AUBUSSON/VARENNES GOURNAY 1702:Anloine Camus. de Chambaud 1702: N. The flag for Brancas 1704: Jean-Baptiste. Servicc: RhineandFlanders . JAUCOURT/MANCINI/CHASTES/CLERMONTAUBIGNE/NOGARET MONTOISON 1702: tnuis'Francois. chevalier de Brancas-Courdon 1706: Adrien-Maurice. de Rangoni differfrom the rest. comted Arginy 1706:N. de Vaudreuil DUC DE NOAILLES/'I-ABAUME 1706: Henri Anloine-Thomas. de Beltrarnbi what I haveshownaslhe entirefield ofthe flagin each 1705: having (Disbanded in 1706). Service: Alps. comted AubignedeTign. comle deDanois (villaviciosa). 170q. de Pisancon (2 battalions formedfrom the MiliciaofCaen) 1707: N. andalso ashavingthe fieldsof MONTENEGRE(Piedmontais) 2 and 3 and the saltiresin I and 4 red. (Disbanded in 1705).l8 INFANTRY OFTHE WARS OFTHESPANISH succEssloN 1701-15 PartThree By MarkAllen This is the third and iinal parl of the series and coversmore LA FEUILLADE regimentsformed betwccn Louisd'Aubusson. narquisdc BoufflersRemiancourl NOE 1710: N. Service: Roussillon Other details: Drummers maf' have dressedin grecn as THORIGNY/CHAMBAUD Boumers.minus. plate one) shouldshow an arm. canton. (WI64.de Cemay.marquis de la Raimbaudiere 1706: Henri-Francois. comtedeTesse. MARECHAL DE NOAILLES/BOUHYER 1706: Anne-Jules. chevalier de Choiseul 1706: Marc Roger. I ours-Francoi. whiteflag. Service: Italy andthe Alps. remnanlsof alongwith rheirsovereign. andSpain. de Lesquen de Villerneneust Service: Flanders. marquis de Montenegre (WI64. Chastes 1709: LouisdeClermonl-Tonnerre. protruding from the top of the red towers. in naturalcolours. ducde la Feuillade l70l and1709. marquisde Nogaret 1?08: N.1707:Charles-Leon Boscalde Reals. BRAGNY. 56 4 O X .00 f o t t u I r H f RD f I A l l 5 . KAERGROETo' KEROUARTZSEBBEVILLE 1706: N. chevalier de Choisel 1712i N. CLAIRFONTAINE/TALLYRAND. 5he| | i eI d . comted Arros d Argelos 1712: N.5.. d Aumontde Villequier 1709: N.l 9 C h i l f e r n Rood .S h r f f i e l d . de Goello Service: Garrisoos in Alsace. LA LONDE 1706: N-. chevalierde la Londe Service: Garrisons. d'Urban l7l0: Daniel-Francoisde chevalier d'Ambres Gelas deVoisins. (Oudenarde.Presenls SATURDAY 20th &SUNDAY 21stMARCH 1993 . de Ruys Servicc: Flanders Garrisons.. chevalier de Sebbeville Service: Flanders Garrisons. de Cormis Service:Alps. DesHayes Service: Flanders Ganisons.IAULEVRIER 1706: N. Servicei Spain BOUFFLERSEOMBELLES Louis.30pm Sundoy OSHEFFIELD oT THE OCTAGON includes SKnntx TtmMn Gnru CompEItTtoN olsoTHt RuruND Hottt Tmm Mn Gmr Qun accottooAnoN DErAI t./IELLEVIGNE/GRANDLIEU/ARROSDES HAYES 1706: N. P o w e l l .comtede Bouffle. 2Doy Ticket-f2. de Cruxde Grandlieu l7l0:Jean-Armand.$om 4. L . du Guaslde Bellaffaire lT0TrJoseph (Almanza). deTallyrand l7i4: N. deLa Motte Service: Flanders Garrisons. ROMAINVAL/CORMIS 1706: N. CONFLANS/LAVAL/RUYS 1706: N.30pm DoorsOpen: l0. BRUSCART/GOELLO 1706: N.. CHOISEI-/HOUDETOT 1706r N. Flanders Malplaquet. de Conflans 1709: N.s 1706: Anloine-Charles comtede Bombelles lTtl: Henri-Francois. chevalier de Bragny 1707:N. Le Tellier 1712: N. de Brudande Sillery 1712: N. I e l ! ( 0 7 4 2 )6 5 { 4 l l URBAN/AMBRESoTUMBRES/GUIGNONVILLE 1706:N.utlqnd H o f e l . de Romainval 1712: N. Service: VILLEQUIERT'I-E TELLIEfu LA MOTTE 1706: N. Denain). GRIGNAN/BELLAFFAIRE de Gngnan 1706:N.^. Lenainde Guignonviue ( Defence service: Flanders or Ouesnoy). comte de Laval l7l2: N.00Under l6 &0APs-f 1. de Clairfontaine 1712: N. chevalier d'Houdetot Service: Spa'n. de Cruxde Vi€llevigne 1708:N. de Kaergroet 1708: FrancoisCadot.00om Soturdoy 10.. l7l2: N.A. Ihe f. i l r . deMaulevrier Scrvice: Spain. . +l@ &uED!$N SAIIrANE kRqRmlec l'Ufttt/I{^DD{NGDRT' c4Rl_0s . ?taffiw CARNrsy c{R0oNr.LCoto.^ H\ OrEu.l sT4tIDRE - srqe R) Gtone.raracoGloua tffiH 5A0Lte0 bAVITRE Souru4q CHATAOERJ'INI . BAUMELAYMOUCHAN/DAMAS/'HOUDETOT 1706: N. MONTSORREAU PRATAMANO/CARAFFA (ltalian) l?06: Louis-vincentdu Bouchetde Sourches. MATRIMONT/BOURE (watloon) 1707: Col. marquisde 1708: Scepeaux Se ice:Flanders. N. St. Pantoka 1709: N. de Villelongue 1710: N.42 BOURDONNE/CHAMPIGNY/CASTELNAU 1706: N.Albergotti 1711: N. Service: Flanders. de Regnier. baronde Bylandt Service: Flanders.. comtede cuerchy Service: Spain andDauphine. chevalier de Bournorville Service: Flanders. N..de Bacher 1710: N. d'Harnar RHEINGRAF/HOUDENHOE(German) 1707: N.. 1709: N. chevalier de Damas 1712: N. d'Ussel Service: Dauphine andthe Rhine. VILLELONGUE/MONTREAU 1706: N. d€ Matrinont 1710: N.Saulieu Nexttimer lhe Maisondu Roi and G€ndarmie.. Payrela 1710: Col. ROYAL BAVIERE (Gennan) 1707: Maximillian-Emmanuel of Bavaria (formed from 2 regrment companies oftbe Bavarian Guards and6oftheFrench d'Alsace) ServiceiOn the Rhine. Leuerio Servicer Flanders. Caraffa Service: Garrisons. GRAMMONT/SCEVE 1706: N. N. rnarquis de Pontdu Chateau 1710: N. de Stofff PANTOKA/BYLANDT (Walloon) 1707: N. Service: SAILLANTruSSEL de Saillanl 1706: Charles-Francois d'Estaing. Thefollowin8 regiments haveflagsdetails listedin Charrie. de Abloisde la Vieuvile Service: Dauphine. Grinaldi 1711: N. comted'Houdetot 1714: N. de Baumelay 1?07: JeandeCastilon. de Cosse. NASSAU/TRTFFERDruHLAND(cerman) t'707. Pratamano 1?11: N. Caetano Service: Flanders. (Walloon) EVOLY/BACHER/COUPIGNY 1707: Col. chevalier de Sceve Service: Alps. marquis de Ruppelmonde 1711: N. de 1707: chevalier Col-N. MACHIENO/VILLESCA(Spanhh) 1707: Col. orSouillacChateaubiant. de Roan. S€rvice: (walloon) RUPPELMONDE/BOURNONVILLE 1707: Col. N. de Beaupreau. ABLOISde IaVIEUVILLE 1706: N. de Coupigny Service: Flanders.but Ican find no information on theirformation or history. PAYRELA/STORFF (Walloor) 1?07: Col-N. PONTdUCHATEAU/LEON 1706: N. de Montreau Service: Garrisons. de Castelnau Spain andDauphine. marquis 1712: N. St. baronde Kerkem Service: Flanders. chevalierde Service: Flanders. Servic€: Comted'HOUDETOT/CAYLUS 1706: N. CANILLACtsELLESUVEE/FEUQUIERES l?07:N. d€ Boure Fland€rs. Uhland Service: Flanders.chevalierde Leon Service: Spain andDauphine. comted'Houdetot r7l2: N. de Sohe 1709: N. barond'Houdenhoe Seflice:Flanders.IY/SCEPEAUX narquisd Assigny 1707: N. de Pas.. ALBERGOTTI/LETTERIO(ltalian) 1707:N. POLEON(waltoon) 1707:N. de Mignons 17lr: N. N. de Rheingraf 1708: N.de Los Rios Service: Flanders. after 1710 and l-eon LOS RIOS (Spanish: calledLas Sierras after l?11) 1707: Col. de Chanpigny 1707: 1712: N. GRIMALDT/CAETANO(ltalian) 1707: N. N... de Villesca (Walloon) SOHE/MIGNONS/KERKEM 1707: Col. marquis de Grammont 1709: N. comtede Mouchan (killed at Tortese1708) 1708: Jean-Jacques. de weinl€y 1709: N. N.Gery. WEINLEY/HAMAT (Walloon) 1707: N. de Bellesuvee Feuquieres 1710: N. N. ASSIGI'. chevalier de Caylus Flanders Carrisons. de Bourdonne N. .. de Canillac 1?08: N.Andre. d'Evoly U09: N. deTrefferd l?11:N. de Poleon Servicernanders. Ma€hieno 1711: N.. Documents Similar To WI62-65-WEBFrenchInfantryInWSSSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextBattlecollege - Captain E. 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