Why in Hell Edit for Youtube

March 29, 2018 | Author: David Thatcher | Category: Psychological Trauma, 2012 Phenomenon, Earth, Human, Adam And Eve



THE REAL HISTORYOF THE EARTH. WHY IN HELL ALL THIS IS HAPPENING AGAIN! © Copyright 2012 by David Thatcher, all rights reserved. Excerpted and adapted from The Cosmic Alarm Clock, www.thecosmicalarmclock.com Don't shoot me. I'm only A messenger. Not THE messenger. THE messenger has been shot and killed many times over. This time there are messengers legion in number all over the planet declaring the same thing. There is no point to shooting or arresting me or any others, because a chorus of similar voices is now being heard. It is Time. We are Awakening to our Spiritual Source now. Disclaimer: There may be some details which are, or eventually prove to be, inaccurate. I offer what follows to the best of my ability, without prejudice, in support of Life, during this critical time on planet earth. Politicians. This is symptomatic of unconscious. though beyond habituated belief. When a fleet of Spanish galleons approached South America a few centuries ago the Aztec and Inca did not see the vessels laden with conquistadors soon to slaughter them. The rabbit hole we enter here is deeper than most can imagine. Mark Twain wisely observed that. et cetera the next level of answer is. and multi-dimensional and come from a lifetime of personal experience and research. Keep Mark Twain's clever observation in mind as we continue.ponerology. demonic horror on this beautiful blue marble.com) Six per cent of the global population are cunning. There is far more to this . are subterranean patterns which now propel us to destruction. Despite their hysterical blindness those denied galleons soon imposed their harsh reality upon the native peoples. to explore this rabbit hole further. medication et cetera is all deliberately designed to both enslave and to kill us. If we're inquisitive and brave we'll continue asking “who” and “why”? This brings us to the thoroughly misunderstood. The remaining majority are viewed by these “almost humans” as suckers in their heartless game of abuse and slaughter. air. water. spiralling through universal space. and in its depths as Alice discovered. and has selfdestructed. The Council on Foreign Relations. we will want to discover why this is taking place and who is perpetrating it. is very real and poses FAR GREATER danger! As we awaken to current reality beyond cultural denial. we discover our food.5% of the population. The punch line. things got worse”. placating social wisdom. With deeper study this genuinely answers the “Who?” question. and in humanity collectively. “Cheer up. monetary system. In the subconscious of each individual. technology. the study of psychopathology. By the hour it becomes more blatantly clear that beyond the best of intentions. What gets us into trouble is not what we don’t know. just as what I describe in what follows. Why? What is going on? The answers I present are multi-facetted. we are a blood drenched. (www. because the sight was so unlike their prevailing patterns of belief their consciousness denied otherwise clearly present reality. is very often true. and sure enough. Bankers. it is the dawn of the next Golden Age. “Psychopaths”. Things could be worse” is a commonly expressed. This has been carefully planned to generate profit for demonic social engineers and for those who pay them.Every civilization throughout recorded history and reaching back into the mists of ancient time has arrived at a zenith similar to what is currently unfolding on our beleaguered planet. multi-tiered. collective patterns NOW REPEATING. which composes another 1. health care. If we are curious and brave enough to step beyond the blinders of cultural denial. Bilderbergers. Beyond The Corporations. we must address the shadow as it exists in the hearts and minds of each one now incarnate. beyond the sardonic humour. self-serving psychopaths. Research Ponerology. Why? Primarily because a stunningly vast “conspiracy” exists on planet earth. “So I cheered up. meticulously hidden existence of Satanism. the world indeed gets turned upside down and backwards. Yet to transit into this next great cycle. it’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so! I ask you to relax your grip on theories which have become so widely embraced they are now considered fact. a conspiracy SO VAST it is beyond the comprehension of most human beings. As I see it. UNLESS WE AWAKEN AND STOP THEM! Similar unconscious patterns subvert our personal lives. and in the collective unconscious of humankind. From Mankind in Amnesia: The global catastrophes of ancient times . indeed all life which is this sacred planet.. birds. “Why?” Multigenerational satanic psychopaths now dominate planet earth. geological. Immanuel Velikovsky. so long as it remains unrecognised. Yet only by understanding our past can we overcome the urge to re-enact the scene of planetary devastation. that within this cycle of time we are now emerging from a trauma-seared. Though surrounded by literary. plants. it is understood the earth is completing a 26. posthumously. just as they are blind to their own subconscious habituation which directs their personal mixture of function/dysfunction... in complete denial of the very source of Life … even their own … otherwise omnipresent throughout the Universe. we have forgotten. and beginning the next. 18. Most everyone is blind to this overarching fact. It is my hope that what follows will help us understand our past [and] overcome the urge to re-enact planetary devastation. You are not! Only a fractured facet of the one you truly are. Nonetheless. Repeated trauma generations deep has deadened your hearts. mammals.000 year nightmare caused by the rebellious. Your blindness is stunningly apparent to any with hearts more open.you know precisely who you are – I ask you to consider carefully your Multiple Personality Disorder. head-strong choice of a few and followed by the traumatized majority. or Dissociative Identity Disorder. because you think you are in charge.. as best I can see. multiple personality disordered. but let's continue. simultaneously present in numerous other dimensions throughout the universe. This crippling developmental trait has been driven right into your DNA.. You are blind to the fact that beyond all the other horror you create. yet because of this ancient and continuing rebellion. Astrologically. . as this coping mechanism is labelled. indeed I observe. presented an earthshaking series of books which rattled contemporary thought: Worlds in Collision.000 year cycle of precession. sea. lakes. In truth we each are facets of the divine. Ages in Chaos. a small portion of the one you are here on earth to represent. we proceed into this Shift of Ages appears to depend entirely upon how we address the pervasive but consistently denied shadow element which plainly pervades and controls life on planet earth. By the end of this article you will also be well en route to understanding.000 years old to rule Earth as their principality. it is ultimately yourselves. had devastating effects on the human psyche. fish. The horrifying truth. you are destroying. You who lead this satanically orchestrated. Take the short “course” on my blog to understand this catastrophic wound in the bleeding heart of humanity. with or without us. I propose. how gracefully. is a powerful force urging us towards doom.than is normally misunderstood. I ask you to consider the possibility that you are so afflicted. in the early 1950’s. air.) They are furiously completing plans I've found are over 20. your expression here on earth. and astronomical evidence of our violent heritage. Beleaguered and beautiful planet earth simultaneously is emerging from galactic quarantine again into celestial flow. (I realize I sound bonkers. catatonic charge into Armageddon . is acting out this demonic role. mankind acts like an amnesia victim seeking to relive a traumatic experience. we try to avoid the realisation that earth-wrenching cataclysms have occurred ─ as recently as a hundred generations ago. not just the animals. or less so. another work entitled Mankind in Amnesia. and in 1978. Collectively. Your trauma-induced blind spots repeatedly subvert and destroy not just others. crippling weakness. When a man with a taste for reforming the world takes the business in hand. to foil. It is now time to open our hearts and defer to spirit. Time is of the essence. We are already present in other frequencies and dimensions throughout universal creation. Simultaneously. beyond satanically crafted “waiting for The Saviour” obfuscation. that an enormous blind spot exists in your awareness. but rather a fundamental vibrational shift in influence from one House in the Zodiac into the next. For others awake to this satanic focus back of world events. innate divinity and reveal Heaven on Earth. and is achieved. overthrow. Most channelled material is actually a product of trauma induced mind control and black-op broadcast. We are not about to “ascend”. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Lao-Tsu wisely observed. whoever grasps. is revealed. wrest from power. Beyond forcibly removing these criminals from control. I also ask any able to intervene to do so. in Sixth Century China. because Aquarius leads the progression. Otherwise. it is easily seen that there is no end to it. Salvation is NOT a future event. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. To do so is an expression of real strength. waiting for Extra Terrestrials and other dimensional beings to intervene and save us. Continuing to be ruled by shadows in fact reveals fundamental. a new cycle of precession through the 12 Houses will begin. because we remain asleep to who we Already Are and refuse to accept our innate responsibility. Whoever makes. via transparent dedication to revealing Spirit in action here on earth. We are currently departing Pisces. implants and high tech broadcast. or even better their awakening and capitulating. We are here to awaken to already present. This specific date marks not the end of time. including the new age religion and much more.I pray that you perceive that a deadly flaw resides in your understanding. WE are the ones we've been waiting for! We are NOT evolving. or more recently via mind control. It is available to be experienced NOW. I ask you to trust it is so. thank you for your courage and intelligence to step beyond such deliberately emasculating disinformation as “think only nice thoughts”. and allow them to be vanquished rather than continuing to obey them. I ask you to face your demons. Spirit is accessed through the heart. destroys. or mid-point of the Milky Way Galaxy. we let psychopaths create and imprison us in Hell. so your own hysterical blindness prevents you from accurately seeing your divine source. or be removed from this beautiful planet as it proceeds into the Golden Age. For spiritual vessels are not fashioned in the world. through heart and mind. and the earth transits fully into Aquarius on December 21. Though it is unlikely you'll see this initially. have been judiciously crafted by satanists to deflect awareness away from their nefarious activity. not the end of the world. your shadows. and step away from your intensifying mad destruction. Anticipation of future salvation only serves to imprison those who choose such justifications to give away their power and enslave themselves Now. As well our solar system is crossing the ecliptic. We are incarnate to pour the living matrix of Love into this 3D world from other dimensions where we already reside as radiant facets of the One I Am. the return of earth into Divine Alignment is essentially “vibrational”. These deceptions. to arrest the psychopaths who are hell bent on absolute denial of Spiritual Source and total demonic control of sacred planet earth. in passive acceptance. moving from one side . Just as trauma-induced denial produces hysterical blindness behind which you have long successfully hidden from the world population. loses. 2012. we perceived much of the disaster which was to follow. Our lengthy council meeting concluded. 26. and 88 keys on a piano keyboard. All life throughout the cosmos is cheering us on! The many crop circles which have appeared around the globe in abundance the past forty years are founded in other dimensions. Please keep Mark Twain's insight in mind while considering what follows. We understood that if we remained on earth. from one another. which was to leave the planet in the hands of those who demanded to manipulate the world of form. I. We recognized it would likely be a long 18. divided into 12 Houses or constellations. There are 88 constellations known to mankind. No rapture. as in an octave. Our star sourced brothers and sisters are here to help in this transition. To think otherwise is to subscribe to nonsense fabricated by satanists to keep us fearfully confused. Those who survived continued in Atlantis. James Churchward. seeing well into the future. holding the spiritual polarity intact. This time seen so long ago is occurring Now! . from Pisces into Aquarius. as current global genocide and imminent planned Armageddon reveal. far more of these craft now seen worldwide are real. with its seven whole notes and five black sharps and flats. Carl Jung and spiritual leaders Lloyd Meeker and Lord Martin Exeter. The key in which the earth was bathed had. We acknowledged what we had to do. A note in this metaphor represents a 26. I am sorry this sounds so weird. human beings will very soon perish en masse. Soon it will not be possible to be lost in the illusion of existing somehow separate from spirit. from all of Life here on earth and throughout the Universe. Sadly.of this star-filled pinwheel to the other. I find this perspective meshes well with research and insight revealed by such visionaries as Dr. I am well aware this flies in the face of conventional understanding and share it here because I must. unprecedented time. served as an advisor to the Lemurian Governing Council. here and now. 2012. dissonant frequency which allowed for the birth of a rebellion in the consciousness of many inhabitants of The Motherland. Humankind lived in Lemuria. Many were in tears. the continuing rebellion would intensify. we have chosen to be present on earth at a propitious. Certainly some have been man made. December 21. material world. Without greater vision. Twenty-six thousand years ago the earth entered a sector of universal space dominated by a different frequency. The following overview began washing through my awareness as an infant just days old in my crib.000 years until this chosen direction would be resolved. As we move from the influence of water into air. or more accurately the one I have the privilege of representing on earth. memory and other dimensional awareness. dissociative. of you and me. we may recognize “they” are actually other facets of us.000 year cycle. on Solstice. and our inevitable need to ascend would result in even greater disaster. It is OUR responsibility. They began wanting different results in the outer. This experience was akin to moving from a white to a black note on a piano keyboard. No ET intervention. harmony and oneness. Velikovsky. bathing earth yet more fully in the intensifying vibration of love. Many have heard of Atlantis. also known as The Motherland or Mu.000 years ago. As we awaken. the living matrix in which we reside is rapidly changing. but we are MUCH more than our traumatized. transposed down into a different. in this time critical to the future of planet earth and all life related. fallen and forgetful human consciousness has allowed to be seen. me included. Whenever the exact date or time. prior to its submersion . My consciousness continues to be gifted with similar vision. And though “black ops” now frequently fly their own supposed “UFOs”. No ascension. “Improvements” could be made. filling the valleys and the plains around. Again. yet in this new vibration or key. We tended our Garden Planet. from worship of Spirit within. a theory long ago relegated to the dustbin. Scarcely had they reached there. But as the sea rose. All had moved well this way for hundreds of thousands of years. Our body of governing “frequency holders” saw that such “judging of good and evil. when the first pieces of Lemuria sank into the Pacific. Not only had the . began the rise [sic] of the Pacific coast. this is when many mountain ranges arose. from inner to outer. You may wonder about loss of gravity. to the 365¼ days it now takes to complete this orbit. and manipulate the material world. The earth then resembled a shrivelled pea. and to express life’s loving current of blessing into the earth. and numerous indigenous peoples world-wide. ascending substance of Spirit was gone. it had been normal to pay homage to Spirit as unquestioned Source. As within. My understanding is that this shift too. the mountain of Ancasmarca rose too.Until this rebellion away from Spirit emerged. If the earth stopped spinning. were aware of the original 360-day cycle during which the earth orbited the sun. According to my spiritual teacher and guide. and would lead to even greater folly. north to south. With the spiritual vibration no longer dominant. the material. would much on its surface fly off into space? How does gravity truly work? Perhaps it's more remarkable that things don't fly off the surface of the earth while it is spinning. those who rebelled wanted to pursue their “improved” choices. During the five days that this cataclysm lasted. certain that much on the surface of the earth would fly off into space. when the sea. was folly. as Mark Twain glibly observed. the earth shrank. But try as we might to show the wisdom of serving Spirit first. a cosmic collision of stars preceded the cataclysm. Those who held the spiritual frequency left the 3rd dimension. For millennia. who collected the traditions of the Indians of the New World. and the earth remained in darkness. The ancient Maya. The rebellion grew from initiation nearly 26. What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. reflecting the polarity of those who remained on the planet. There was a mass ascension. commonly accepted reality included the belief the earth was flat. rather than on Spirit. that just ain't so. like a ship on the waves. to worship of form. people and animals tried to escape to mountain caves. it's what we know for sure. They noted this cycle had changed at some point in historic time.” making choices based dominantly upon physical form. from Spirit to form. And the earth stopped spinning. external world. it is related that the sun did not appear for five days. The conscious orientation which remained on earth represented a 180-degree shift. Because the uplifting.000 years ago. the sun did not show its face. breaking out of bounds following a terrifying shock. occurred 18. indeed had to be made. the earth reversed polarity. simply because they appeared in consciousness and apparently could be made.000 years ago to fever pitch 18. thought began to emerge that things could be “better” in the material world than Spirit was presenting. In Worlds in Collision Imanuel Velikovsky writes: In the manuscripts of Avila and Molina.000 years ago. so without. assisting everything to rise to its next highest level of vibration. The result to both the planet and the human psyche remains profoundly apparent to this day. then by Life itself. it seems. and in individual and collective amnesia. The horrifying truth. so long as it remains unrecognised. concerned for all those that are unprepared by the events in question and disconcerted by their incomprehensible nature. In The Cosmic Alarm Clock. 2010 available at www. we each think we are alone and separate).thecosmicalarmclock. has split humanity into the approximately seven billion apparently separate personalities now re-awakening into Oneness. in the transition of the Age of Taurus to that of Aries. The effect this has had upon collective consciousness is explored in Velikovsky's posthumously published work. into the One I Am. I deem it my duty to do what I can in this respect. Our collective dissociative response to trauma has produced mass denial. is driven. changes in the constellation of psychic dominants. ancient past.earth stopped spinning. Since. This transformation [is apparent] within the historical tradition and left traces behind within it . geological... long lasting transformations of the collective psyche. of the archetypes or ‘Gods’ as they used to be called. His observation is of such import that I repeat it here. They are. Carl Jung adds: As we know from ancient Egyptian history. We are now nearing that great change which may be expected when the spring-point enters Aquarius. This traumatized and fearful ego. Mass trauma from a specific event in our collective. “Pornographic Snuff Films”..com/news entitled. The ongoing inability or unwillingness to acknowledge and release from this unconscious reactive patterning is precisely why we are now driven to re-create Armageddon. We will now awaken to our spiritual responsibility or be removed first by satanists. which comes to specific focus in the intractable denial of those who claim to be “in charge”. this broken and isolated facet of consciousness comes to focus in satanic ritualized abuse and sacrifice carefully hidden at the core of globally ubiquitous. secretly satanic organizations. I undertake this . is a powerful force urging us towards doom. and astronomical evidence of our violent heritage.. its orbit also became eccentric and took 5¼ days longer to circle the sun. Yet only by understanding our past can we overcome the urge to re-enact the scene of planetary devastation. as far as I know. This fractured psychosis. had devastating effects on the human psyche. or accompany. whose beginning coincides with the rise of Christianity. is ceaselessly compelled to induce further trauma.. collapsed and begun spinning in reverse to what it had previously.. experienced as separate from its spiritual source. which bring about. of multiple personality disorder in the individual and in collective "multiple personality disorder" (ie. we try to avoid the realisation that earth-wrenching cataclysms have occurred ─ as recently as a hundred generations ago. mankind acts like an amnesia victim seeking to relive a traumatic experience. to be quite frank. and more thoroughly in the short “course” posted on my blog of December 21.. Collectively. and then from Aries to Pisces. long referred to as “The Fall”. no one else has yet felt moved to examine and set forth the possible psychic consequences of this foreseeable change. in part. Though surrounded by literary. The global catastrophes of ancient times . Mankind in Amnesia. reversed polarity. I am. there are symptoms of psychic changes that always appear at the end of one Platonic month and at the beginning of another. you will gain greater understanding of individual and mass trauma. Those who wish to usurp this sacred planet and all related life within and upon it continue to deviously craft tales of a malevolent universe. in its cataclysmic past. the “Children of Men. to extend far into the universe. Carl Jung's chisel must immediately make profound impressions on our collective stony heart and ossified mind. felt naked and ashamed. points clearly to the problem. in Atlantis. They believed in the need for sacrifice. the residents of earth were not expelled from Heaven. representing god. The earth. Direct. With Mu gone approximately 11. a source other than one’s own innate Spirit. The majority chose to continue to live without Spirit. by this accounting. unfortunate victims tossed out of The Kingdom. Yet sin. mind-based rebellion claimed to serve as sole intercessors. for which we are responsible. created in our Love. and of a vengeful God. Genesis 2: 17. meaning without.000 years portions of Lemuria continued to sink beneath the sea. Throughout the next 7. was gone. Trauma from the cataclysmic sinking of the Lemurian continent was deeply etched into the collective unconscious. in conscious coordination with the implicate order of Life itself. fearing more cataclysms would occur. life was much more difficult. The concept of an external god. by choosing to deny spirit. in any way I'm aware. forgot their divine origins. they chose this circumstance by eating. Over the next thousand years an advanced civilization developed. so it was in Atlantis. It does not. terrible. Returning to the “fallen” situation. But. of “solitary confinement”. Humankind. expelled from the Garden of Eden. also entered a period of intergalactic isolation. otherwise omnipresent throughout the universe. humanity started over with what remained of their former lives. yet through that cycle. “The Fall”. to appease their conceived. to enter into polarity and judgement. no longer clothed in the radiance and wisdom of Spirit. Vestiges of this ancient control remain as the caste system in India. Rather. of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” as they are spoken of biblically. after “The Fall”. awakened beings incarnated and sought to inspire the population to awaken to their traumatic past and to their greater reality as spiritual beings with vehicles . from the Latin sine. Most who remained fearfully embraced concepts of original sin. as spiritually aligned beings before we fell asleep. Their lineage and awareness reaches back via their ancient mystery schools to immediately following. that many powerful. The self-imprisoned inmates chose isolation from universal Spirit. As throughout recorded history. The earth was placed in quarantine. or we are immediately facing vastly more pain and suffering. extend beyond into the Golden Age which preceded this traumatic event and which had prevailed since the earth was created. All this sounds remarkably close to the story of Adam and Eve. of ET lineage supportive of their claimed “destiny” to control the Earth. and throughout the universe. We are due to remember. Universal intelligence would not allow the effects of the earth’s inhabitants. personal experience of union with Spirit. in flow with life. This is NOT SO! You may be ABSOLUTELY ASSURED that these psychopathic miscreants have but a short time left to interfere with Life on this beautiful planet which we. Satan worshipping psychopaths continue their messianic insanity today. was crafted to allow self-proclaimed overlords to control and manipulate the population. 2007 help us recall the universal energies which flow into and through the earth. meaning without in Spanish. in denial of their Spiritual source.thankless task in the expectation that my chisel will make no impression on the hard stone it meets. Leaders in the judgement-oriented.000 years ago. and to view the material world as something to be manipulated. creator god. such events as “Fire the Grid” of July 17. As we reawaken. through the darkest part of this 26. been learned. The satanic mystery schools which have ruled the earth since “The Fall” 18. sank beneath the waves. those most hypnotized by this numbing affliction claim to be “in charge”. caused their efforts to fail in ancient times. returns into divine alignment. It is easy. Truth and Life here on earth. then form. With Atlantis settled beneath the sea. and has not yet. We can fast forward through more recent history. Babylon. then Spain. Just as dissent and descent. long honoured as a means of understanding our relationship with spiritual origin. but because of good people who look on and do nothing. As Einstein pointed out. then engendered fear and consternation in the fallen consciousness of the residents of planet earth.000 years ago. is ENTIRELY UP TO US! OUR RESPONSIBILITY is to reveal Love. heavy times. The question outstanding is how far into satanic control humanity will fall before Life itself steps in and shifts the living matrix of Earth again to Love? The answer. but always the same blind repetition of unconscious habit would settle.for earthly expression. As humankind settled into even deeper denial of Spirit the axis of the earth’s rotation shifted from 0 degrees to the current 23½ degree tilt. Atlantis too. touching on the rise of Italy as a dominant trading nation. knowing that all is One. through ancient pre-history. resulting from denial of spirit. But. then again. such loss of contribution to the ascent of life on planet earth. Egypt. and the axis of spin changed by 23½ degrees. as has been apparent throughout history. we are doomed to repeat it. the lesson was not. When we focus on serving our creator. there was a collective. The civilization would sour and self-destruct. England and now the United States of America. The world and its apparent celestial context suddenly had become very different. Time continued. Thus began the process of precession. to see how quickly even greater collapse follows such loss of integrity. ways which only come into vision. the wellbeing of the whole is served and all is uplifted. of Portugal briefly. though smaller. and as is evident today. Civilizations would emerge. and cause the collective past to repeat. All that they teach is designed to bring them again into a position of global control which they briefly held immediately following planetary polar reversal 18. The world is the way it is not because of evil people. was presenting humanity with a celestial. backward running reminder of its origins. Those who are orchestrating the destruction of the USA also seek to destroy the entire global population and anticipate rising like a demonic Phoenix from their meticulously crafted destruction as masters at last of sacred planet earth. Germany. and an invitation to reawaken to universal Spirit. Trauma-based dissociation and the resulting denial continues to paralyse the vast majority of earth’s human inhabitants. however.000 years ago have no true understanding of the Golden Age which preceded the rebellion they continue to lead today. Close to a thousand years passed in Atlantis. ascension. to blossom in ways unimagined. which is now concluding in this early part of the 21 st century. so it is poised to fail again in the immediate future as the earth. the vibration began to increase. and our place in the universe. through dense. France. the apparent backward movement of the earth through the Houses of the Zodiac. over the collective consciousness. with whatever life remains aboard. through Spiritual flow. Perhaps life. This is true for each of us in the intimacy of our personal lives.000 year cycle. just as it is true for humanity collectively. like a fog or viral infection. in its wisdom. Unless we awaken to our past. celestial observation. This has not been allowed on earth since original sin . Through Sumeria. our spiritual source. cycles of time. as best I can see. Painfully. The Spirit of life woos mankind to unite in love. Greece and Rome. and reveal the innate authority of Spirit in whatever way is uniquely.000 years. Input must come from another perspective. however consciously or unconsciously. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. from which this segment is adapted. Einstein also wisely declared that a problem cannot be solved from the same level as that from which it was created. its very source.com/news . for one-upmanship has repeatedly sought to manipulate for ultimate control. It is up to you hearing or reading this now.caused the sinking of Lemuria. from another dimension. lust for power and deceit. indwelling Father. and nations. There is no other to judge. condemn or cast out. civilizations. call it what you will.thecosmicalarmclock. humans have fallen prey to greed. Spiritual Source. Goethe When a man with a taste for reforming the world takes the business in hand. Sony or other downloadable. You have played a difficult role. with our global existence teetering on the brink of a Third World War. or from Amazon worldwide in paperback or as an ebook in Kindle. reader formats. wilfully focussing mind. destroys. and help avert greater disaster. or instead act out ancient. are available from www. before the rising sun. self-appointed global elite. programmed dysfunction. vicious. and let the machinations of a selfish. Without alignment with Spirit. From Spirit! I ask. thinking they can dominate this world and be in any way separate from the rest of humanity. if humankind continues to deny Spirit. Much more information about the material considered is available throughout nearly 500 postings on www. personally available to them now. hardening your heart.com as downloadable ebooks. Antaryamin. whoever grasps. unconscious habit by creating or allowing to be created yet greater desecration. lethargy. or shadows. a vibration properly below us. loses. visceral luciferian denial of spirit has long served as the focus of Hell known on earth these past 18. global genocide underway and a Prison Planet appearing to be inevitable under the thumb of a malevolent. then be removed from further impeding the expression of Spirit here on earth by life itself. Each one now on earth is required to choose. It is time to open to love. it is easily seen that there is no end to it. It is now time to let it go! I ask everyone else. and play your commissioned roles now. So it remains today. It is up to each and everyone now on earth. The ceaseless battle of ego for power. have collapsed. Ultimately. Lao-Tsu I ask any who cling to satanic intent to let go of pride as you continue to force your destructive intent on the world and its inhabitants. into Divine Presence. total economic and environmental collapse. drawing back from preoccupation with the manifest world. to awaken to your innate. yet those who bring this shadow to focus are not separate from the One We Are. that our prodigal brothers and sisters who remain mesmerized by the illusion of egoic power separate from Spirit and orchestrate the hideous events now destroying life on earth recognize that they are actually entranced by a disastrous illusion. it will destroy itself. to spirit. to reach through fear. We are “coming out of her”. Sadistic. All of us … not just those who think they are in charge. entire continents. even the entire planet. fracturing or having had your psyche fractured into a splintered kaleidoscope of automatic. by far the majority. For spiritual vessels are not fashioned in the world.thecosmicalarmclock. Whoever makes. The Real History of the Earth. I pray. like mist. Why in Hell is All This Happening Again? And The Cosmic Alarm Clock. ego based New World Order vanish. self-righteousness or whatever one’s “demons” may be. We are here in this critical time to accept our commission and play our vital roles to help this Shift of Ages be as graceful as possible. .
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