Werum Br Pas-x Us

May 27, 2018 | Author: Heriberto Salvador Salort Bizama | Category: Business Process, Enterprise Resource Planning, Packaging And Labeling, Product Lifecycle, Implementation



PAS -X: THE MARKET-LEADING MES FOR PHARMA & BIOTECH We help regional and global manufacturers to improve production performance and compliance PAS-X: THE MARKET-LEADING PHARMA MES 100 % FOCUS ON PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOPHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES Why PAS-X MES Our manufacturing IT solutions help pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturers to increase efficiency, improve productivity, and meet regulatory requirements. On average, a return on investment is achieved within two to three years. Werum IT Solutions is the globally leading supplier of manufacturing execution systems (MES) and manufacturing IT solutions for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. The core of our offering is the PAS-X MES solution that combines software, content and services out of the box. PAS-X is run by the majority of the world’s top 30 phar- Supporting data integrity maceutical and biopharmaceutical companies and by many PAS-X supports data integrity requirements put forward by regional and mid-sized enterprises around the globe. With regulatory bodies such as the FDA, EMA, CFDA and WHO PAS-X, we provide the leading MES product for pharmaceu- through: tical and biopharmaceutical manufacturing – enabling a fast implementation and providing complete out-of-the box func- 99 Best-practice business process harmonization per tionality tailored to industry-specific needs. product and across sites 99 Accurate data capturing and control strategy Werum is headquartered in Lüneburg, Germany, and has execution many locations in Europe, North and South America and Asia 99 ALCOA implemented for raw data, meta data and Pacific. true copies for data retention 99 Secure data access and system-controlled data review In line with regulatory requirements PAS-X meets all requirements set forth by the approving au- thorities for operating computer systems in regulated indus- tries. This includes the EU GMP guidelines, the GMP Annex 11 for Computerized Systems Guidelines and the FDA guide- lines 21 CFR Part 11 and 21 CFR Part 210/211. 2 | WERUM Large multinationals as well as regional and mid-sized enterprises benefit from PAS-X MES Among our references are many of the largest and most It is an important sign of our strength and capability that not demanding pharmaceutical manufacturers worldwide who only large multinationals are gaining the benefits of the PAS-X deployed PAS-X as their standard MES in large installations MES but that we have also implemented many successful and on a global scale and therefore cooperate with us on a solutions for leading regional and mid-sized enterprises in strategic basis. The majority of the top 30 companies se- Europe, North and Latin America and Asia Pacific. lected PAS-X to improve their production performance and compliance. BENEFITS EXPERIENCED BY OUR CUSTOMERS 100 % Paper management reduction 98 % Higher “Right First Time” factor 90 % Faster batch record generation 75 % Accelerated review times 60 % Shorter lead times 50 % Improved process analysis PAS-X is built together with our customers The PAS-X users represent the largest pharma MES user The PAS-X users represent the largest pharma community worldwide. Many of our customers are also MES community worldwide members of the PAS-X User Forum “PAS-X For Us” (PFU). They actively participate in advancing the development of the PAS-X MES, thus ensuring that the PAS-X product is based on the best practices of the pharmaceutical and biophar- User Group Meetings in Europe and the USA. Join our next maceutical industries. User Group Meeting and learn more about case studies, new product announcements and trends and visions of the manu- facturing future presented by industry leaders. Benefit from this international networking event and meet top executives of the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries and establish valuable contacts. International network of excellent partners Additionally, our customers profit from our international net- work of excellent partners. As part of Medipak Systems, the Pharma Systems business area of the international Körber technology group, we closely collaborate, for instance, with the packaging line suppliers Dividella and Mediseal. Together with industry partners such as Glatt we developed the first Join our PAS-X User Group Meetings industry-specific MBR design elements to integrate equip- Our customers regularly come together at the annual PAS-X ment such as granulators. We cooperate with leading soft- ware vendors like SAP, Oracle, and OSIsoft as well as with dedicated local service partners. WERUM | 3 PAS-X: THE MARKET-LEADING PHARMA MES MORE THAN SOFTWARE: BEST PRACTICES INCLUDED! With PAS-X, we provide a complete MES solution including software, comprehensive services and pre-configured content – for large multinational as well as regional and mid-sized enterprises. Your process requirements are our core business PAS-X covers all key life cycle stages in pharmaceutical and It supports all major types of pharmaceutical manufacturing, biopharmaceutical manufacturing comprising process deve- e.g. vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, solids, liquids and others. lopment, commercial bulk manufacturing and packaging. Solids Fine OTC Bio Vaccines Blood Consumer Chemicals Devices Plasma Liquids Pharma Creams Ointments PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE Process Clinical Trial Commercial Packaging Launch Development Manufacturing Manufacturing Fill & Finish PAS-X covers all key life cycle stages and all major types of pharmaceutical manufacturing 4 | WERUM SOFTWARE PAS-X is a functionally complete MES product enabling fast implementation. PAS-X provides out-of-the-box maximum standard functionality for all applications in the pharmaceuti- cal and biopharmaceutical industries. The functional architec- ture of PAS-X closely follows the ANSI/ISA 95 standard. PAS-X Business Functions: complete MES out of the box CONTENT In addition to our software product, we provide pre-confi- gured MES Content Packages supporting a jump-start to deploying PAS-X. Our GMP-compliant content packages are unique: They are based on the industry’s best practices confirmed by our customers and they are influenced by the PFU, the largest pharma MES user community worldwide. Our industry-specific templates significantly save you time, effort and risks. When configuring PAS-X, your production site no longer needs to start with an empty system, but has pre-built content packages available – specifically designed for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. To- gether with our consultants, they will be easily tailored to suit your specific business processes. PAS-X Content Packages: best practice industry templates save time SERVICES With our comprehensive services we support you during all PAS-X implementation phases – we are recognized worldwi- de for our high level of responsiveness. The PAS-X service portfolio is based on the expectations of the PAS-X user com- munity and on the best practices of the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. As our customer, you benefit from our outstanding pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical MES expertise and highly specialized personnel avoiding re- source gaps when implementing your MES project. After go- live, we deliver fast and qualified first-hand support wherever and whenever you need it – combining maximum solution competence with short response and solution times. PAS-X Service Packages: accelerated MES implementation WERUM | 5 PAS-X: THE MARKET-LEADING PHARMA MES THE LEADING, MOST FUNCTIONAL COMPLETE MES PRODUCT PAS-X provides complete functionality for all manufacturing processes in the pharmaceuti- cal and biopharmaceutical industries. MASTER BATCH RECORDS (MBR) PAS-X Master Batch Records allows you to easily set up li- braries with standardized, reusable building blocks for MBR creation. An easy-to-use graphical design tool facilitates the MBR creation. PAS-X MBR simplifies workflows, shortening approval cycles and therefore drastically reducing associa- ted documentation work. This function is also available as an entry-level solution, which enables manufacturers to start with a dedicated scope and scale up the system later on a step by step basis to a complete MES system. ELECTRONIC BATCH RECORDING (EBR) Efficient electronic batch documentation is one of the most important objectives in introducing an MES to the phar- maceutical and biopharmaceutical production. With PAS-X Electronic Batch Recording, all MBRs are electronically exe- cuted and the processes and results are documented in compliance with the applicable statutory provisions. PAS-X EBR ensures the error-free execution of the entire production process and right-first-time manufacturing. 6 | WERUM WEIGHING & DISPENSING (W&D) The precise weighing and dispensing of input materials based on recipe specifications is the core of your pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. Accurate data collection within this first processing step is fundamental to batch tracking and documentation. In a reliable and easy-to-operate way, PAS-X Weighing & Dispensing guides the user through the weighing process and provides the necessary support for compliance with safety regulations and recipes. It supports manual as well as automated weighing and dispensing ope- rations. Many customers start their electronic manufacturing projects with the W&D function and scale up according to their needs. This function is also available as an entry-level solution. MATERIAL FLOW & INVENTORY (MFI) PAS-X Material Flow & Inventory secures the in-plant mate- rial flow throughout the entire pharmaceutical manufacturing process. It comprises sub-functions for manual and automa- tic transport control as well as in-plant administration of shop floor storage areas. PAS-X MFI ensures that the materials used in pharmaceu- tical production are uniquely identified on receipt by means of barcodes or transponders. Through its tracking function, PAS-X MFI supports uninterrupted tracking of the entire ma- terial flow and it provides details about material quantities, available batches, batch qualities, and storage locations. EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT (EQM) PAS-X Equipment Management administers and monitors cleaning procedures for all types of production-related ob- jects. This includes MBRs and particular rules for cleaning scales, work rooms, containers, production equipment, set­ up parts and toolkits. Even complex rules for sterilization can be managed and monitored. Electronic paperless equipment logbooks document status lists, cleaning rules and histories for individual container types. During the weighing operation a plausibility check is carried out to ensure the suitability of source and target containers. PAS-X EQM checks that the containers which are being used meet the set requirements. With this function, it is possible to control the assembling of individual equipment modules into complex units and to use these units in the production process. WERUM | 7 PAS-X: THE MARKET-LEADING PHARMA MES MANUFACTURING INTELLIGENCE (MI) PAS-X Manufacturing Intelligence helps you to enhance the shop floor performance of your manufacturing processes. PAS-X KPI supports operators, supervisors and production site managers to constantly monitor operating data from the shop floor. This function is also available as a lean standalone software solution for fast and easy implementation. The PAS-X Evaluations tool enhances the MI opportunities even more and helps to meet regulatory requirements. It pro- vides full access to all data captured during elec­tronic batch recording, material flow control or equipment m ­ anagement. Data from external systems like LIMS, ERP and Historian is also available. TRACK & TRACE SERIALIZATION AGGREGATION (T&T) PAS-X Track & Trace Serialization Aggregation enables you to comply with anti-counterfeiting requirements for medical drugs. It provides serialization and aggregation out-of-the- box functionality for packaging processes and integrates the ERP and the Global Repository with the shop floor packaging equipment and line controllers (vendor-independent). PAS-X T&T supports the anti-counterfeiting requirements of all rele- vant countries around the globe. This function is also availa- ble as a standalone solution or as part of the packaging solu- tion seamlessly integrated into packaging EBR. WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT (WMS) FINITE SCHEDULING (PLAN) PAS-X Warehouse Management supports production-re- PAS-X Finite Scheduling enables the detailed scheduling of lated warehouse logistics. The system components can be production processes. Since it includes sub-functions for configured as required and form the basis for implementing checking material availability and controlling order proces- warehouse management systems, control systems and pi- sing, it is an ideal complement to the ERP system, adding cking systems. specific shop floor scheduling functionality. PAS-X easily inte- grates a great number of ERP systems thanks to its certified standard interfaces. PROCESS QUALITY CONTROL (PQC) PROCESS DEVELOPMENT / IMP (PD) PAS-X Process Quality Control ensures continuous monito- PAS-X Process Development / IMP Manufacturing simplifies ring of the production quality. In order to achieve the best and speeds up the modeling of manufacturing processes for possible quality and to take preventive measures, PAS-X pre-clinical and clinical production. It covers process deve- PQC supports process-analytical on-line, in-line, and at-line lopment activities in all areas of the pharmaceutical and bio- quality control. The function supports the implementation pharmaceutical industries including scale-up. of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) and state-of-the-art We offer PD as an individual solution tailored to the specific Quality by Design (QbD) concepts. Quality Control Dash- development processes of your company. boards can be configured to show deviations in the different manufacturing and packaging sectors. 8 | WERUM EASY AND FAST INTEGRATION OF RELATED IT SYSTEMS The great number of PAS-X standard interfaces accelerates We use the interface definitions of international industry stan- implementation projects and ensures seamless information dards (OPC, XML, etc.). PAS-X fully complies with the ANSI/ exchange with all surrounding IT systems. You benefit from ISA 95 and ANSI/ISA 88 standards regarding the functional clearly defined PAS-X standard interfaces, through which assignment of tasks to different levels. PAS-X is horizontally and vertically integrated into your IT in- frastructure. Integrated IT systems are a prerequisite for be- nefiting from production strategies such as Lean Production, Standard Six Sigma, Performance integration Monitoring of PAS-X or Right-First-Time. SAP ® Certified Integration with SAP Applications LEVEL 4 ERP Based on ANSI/ISA 95 Standard LIMS LEVEL 3 LES CAPA LDAP DMS Based on ANSI/ISA 88 Standard LEVEL 0-2 DCS Systems Historian SCADA Systems PAS-X horizontally and vertically integrates all surrounding IT systems STANDARD INTERFACES FOR SEAMLESS EXCHANGE MES and ERP MES and LIMS We offer certified, preconfigured interfaces working with As a standard feature, PAS-X integration capability provides market-leading ERP systems in the pharmaceutical and bio- for synchronization between MBR elements and LIMS acti- pharmaceutical industries. This way, PAS-X provides the link vities. Typical elements for integration are sampling activities between the enterprise management system and the auto- and storing of IPC results. mation and equipment level. MES and DCS / SCADA / Historian MES and DMS PAS-X has standard interfaces to a great number of SCADA/ PAS-X integrates Document Management Systems (DMS) in Batch/DCS systems. Integration with the automation level al- order to save and store printed manufacturing reports, refe- lows a continuous information flow and an efficient control of rence SOPs for display during the actual manufacturing pro- the equipment. In cooperation with Seidenader solutions for cess and consolidate manufacturing reports with documents these levels come from a single source. from other systems (e.g. logs from testing equipment). WERUM | 9 PAS-X: THE MARKET-LEADING PHARMA MES BEST-PRACTICE CONTENT FOR FAST MES DEPLOYMENTS Using PAS-X Content Packages, projects have an excellent starting point to create the final parameterization for a particular site. Our pre-configured PAS-X Content Packages allow a jump-start to deploying PAS-X MES. They are based on the best practices of the industry, the industry knowledge of our consultants and reflect the requirements of the PAS-X user community. The content packages can be used to pre- pare PAS-X systems for different industry segments. MANUFACTURING INTELLIGENCE CONTENT PAS-X as a batch recording system collects data from va- production monitoring and process optimization to make this rious sources into the batch record. The “PAS-X Perfor- data available, easily accessible and convenient to visualize. mance” and “PAS-X Quality” Content Packages offer pre- This will enable visibility in manufacturing. Typical production configured evaluation templates for different areas such as questions such as trends for yield, exceptions, deviations performance data and quality data along with the associa- and review times (time to market) are answered in a smooth ted consulting services and a state of the art tool for data way. evaluation. The evaluation templates comprise dashboards, ADMINISTRATION CONTENT The “PAS-X Equipment” Content Package delivers a best sequence of creating master data and highlighting depen- practice guideline of how to design and document equipment dencies between them. Once all chapters of the content pa- status diagrams. It shows the dependencies and functiona- ckage were considered, a functional PAS-X system becomes lities of the different states, activities and their respective available that can be used to create MBRs, execute orders semantics. Additionally, the package contains ready-to-use and produce materials. Along with the “PAS-X Master Data” best practice status diagrams e.g. for cleaning, assembly, Content Package comes a prebuilt Excel file to store and sterilization, reusables etc. maintain master data and to document the system parame- terization for validation purposes. The “PAS-X Master Data” Content Package details rele- vant master data for PAS-X required to use the PAS-X sys- The „PAS-X Reports & Labels“ Content Packages offer tem. The step-by-step parameterization guideline explains pre-configured reports (MBR reports, batch reports, etc.) details regarding the master data and takes into account the and labels along with the associated comprehensive consul- 10 | WERUM ting services. The packages comprise GMP-compliant tem- plates for reports and labels which are specifically tailored to manufacturing technologies such as solid dosage and bio- pharmaceutical API production. Using the PAS-X Content Packages contributes to accelera- ting the PAS-X implementation. They are not only reducing the initial effort to parameterize the MES system but also have an impact on the revalidation of the system. The “PAS-X Rights & Roles” Content Package supports the parameterization of PAS-X user rights based on global, GMP-compliant profiles and specific roles such as Operator, Supervisor and QA/QM personnel. It considerably simplifies the configuration and maintenance of the highly flexible user rights capability of PAS-X. System administrators can save Werum’s PAS-X Content Packages up to 95 % of the time usually required for the initial configu- ration and testing of rights. packages are pre-configured based on industry best practi- ces and can be adapted in a flexible fashion to customer The “PAS-X Workflows” Content Package delivers work- needs. System administrators are enabled to manage PAS-X flows for reviewing and releasing, e.g. MBRs and BRRs. The workflows in a self-dependent manner. PROCESS LIBRARIES CONTENT EQUIPMENT LIBRARIES CONTENT The “PAS-X Process Libraries” Content Packages accele- The “PAS-X Equipment Integration” Content Package of- rate the development of MBRs and help to assure high quality fers best practice guidelines on how to integrate equipment MBR design based on the industry best practices and con- with PAS-X. Additionally, the package contains ready-to-use sidering data integrity, lean BRRs and process harmonizati- best practice state machines and MBR design elements for on. They support standardization of production processes, equipment integration. The “PAS-X Equipment Integration” process harmonization across sites and the development of libraries support standardization of equipment integration. lean MBRs. MBR designers can save up to 80 % of the time MBR designers can save up to 80 % of the time usually re- usually required for initial MBR creation. The packages provi- quired for initial MBR creation considering equipment integ- de templates with MBR design elements to create MBRs for ration. specific pharma and biotech processes such as granulation, IPC testing or reconciliation. They are available for all ma- The “PAS-X Equipment Supplier Specific” Content Pa- jor manufacturing technologies, such as API biotech, solid ckages accelerate the creation of MBRs and help to assure dosage and packaging. high quality MBR design based on the industry best practi- ces. They contain templates with MBR design elements to create MBRs for the integration of specific pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical equipment such as granulators, tab- let presses or packaging lines. WHY PAS-X CONTENT: „„ Easy and fast setup of PAS-X MES „„ Industry best practice based configuration „„ GMP compliance „„ Specified content for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturing „„ Accelerated MBR creation „„ Process harmonization WERUM | 11 PAS-X: THE MARKET-LEADING PHARMA MES PAS-X SERVICES AND OUR UNIQUE IMPLEMENTATION METHODOLOGY SPEED UP DEPLOYMENT Our delivery is based on a well-established implementation methodology We developed a unique implementation methodology allowing a fast MES implementation at phar- maceutical and biopharmaceutical production sites: Ready – Fit – Build – Run. In this way, we take over many tasks which previously had to be accomplished by our customers and unburden your personnel during the MES implementation phases. Werum’s implementation methodology at a glance Ready: Prior to the start of an MES project – in the Ready Build: In the Build Phase, the system is configured or enhan- Phase – we offer consulting services to ensure process un- ced, for example with interfaces, and it is implemented and derstanding and the organizational readiness of your site. qualified at your plant. Fit: In the Fit Phase, the customer-specific business proces- Run: Once the system is operational, we support you in the ses are mapped to the PAS-X software product. The P ­ AS-X Run Phase with our qualified service desk team and system is configured and parameterized according to the with maintenance agreements that ensure the protection of business processes and production recipes. your investment with an upgrade guarantee. Werum Customer Site GO READY Industry FIT BUILD LIVE RUN Template System Template Rapid deployment through standards Our unique implementation methodology: Ready – Fit – Build – Run 12 | WERUM High-quality MBRs with Werum Academy: “Design as a Service” Well-trained and qualified PAS-X users With our unique “Design as a Service” offering we provide Only well-trained personnel ensures the success of your a complete solution for the cost-effective creation of lean, PAS-X MES project – we deliver the relevant out-of-the-box high-quality and streamlined MBRs. The packages compri- PAS-X training tracks. Our PAS-X training courses are com- se pre-configured industry-specific content based on best posed of standardized modules that can be selected and practices, ready-to-use concepts and guidelines for the ef- organized flexibly to cover all PAS-X functionalities. We ficient creation and optimization of MBRs and profound, first- will be happy to hold your PAS-X training courses locally hand PAS-X knowledge directly from the MES supplier. The at your plant and on your date of preference. Apart from resulting MBRs are lean, efficient and optimized to meet your this, we regularly offer training courses at our modern pre- requirements in regard to “Review by Exception”. mises in Werum’s headquarters in Lüneburg, Germany, or at one of our international locations. MBR DEVELOPMENT WERUM’S DESIGN AS A SERVICE „ Inside PAS-X Knowledge „ Concepts & Guidelines „ Industry Best Practices „ Content Packages „ „ MBR MBR MBR Lean Design Creation Verification MBRs MBR FACTORY „ „ MBR Factory MBRs "Design as a service" – more than MBR Factory Werum consultants: Excellent local support and services Our experts take care solely about your industry Benefit from our short response and solution times of our To ensure the most effective management of your PAS-X worldwide 24 / 7 / 365 support. Our support team members MES implementation project, we offer a comprehensive set are highly qualified experts with long-time experience at We- of consulting services and a dedicated team of consultants rum. Local support during operation at your site is guaran- with the skill and expertise to design and create MBRs for teed by Werum subsidiaries and endorsed service partners. various industries. They are in personal and direct contact Our partners are obliged to fulfill all the requirements of the to our PAS-X product development teams and well-trained Werum PAS-X service partner program. in operating PAS-X MES. They are excellent experts for all major pharmaceutical manufacturing technologies like solid production, packaging, biopharmaceutical and chemical API ENSURING THE SUCCESS OF production. With this wide set of skills, our consultants are YOUR MES PROJECT: able to advise our customers in using PAS-X MES functiona- lity and creating MBRs to support their business processes „„ “Design as a service” MBR development in the best possible way. „„ Local PAS-X training courses „„ Highly qualified Werum consultants „„ Qualified service desk 24 / 7 WERUM | 13 PAS-X: THE MARKET-LEADING PHARMA MES EASY TO START: START SMALL AND SCALE UP LATER Our entry-level solutions allow you to gradually implement different parts of our MES solution – an appealing option especially for regional and mid-sized pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical enterprises. tions nal func additio with e up Scal Specific MES function Complete MES functionality ►Weighing & Dispensing e.g. Specific MES Function ► Complete MES functionality e. g. Weighing & Dispensing Scalable entry-level solutions The entry-level solutions focus on specific business proces- WERUM’S ENTRY-LEVEL ses and their functionality covers a dedicated scope of rela- SOLUTIONS: ted tasks. Later, you can expand your entry-level solution by adding „„ Weighing & Dispensing new business functions to a functionally complete PAS-X „„ Master Batch Records MES. Each acquired module builds on and complements the „„ Packaging previous modules. This approach provides you with just the „„ Track & Trace functionality you require and ensures a maximum security of „„ KPI / OEE your investment. 14 | WERUM 5 KEY BENEFIT AREAS Safeguarding Increasing Leveraging Higher quality Accelerating regulatory manufacturing technology for products and time-to-market compliance performance innovation processes 5 REASONS OUR CLIENTS RELY ON PAS-X MES 100 % focused on 1. Pharma & Biotech 2. More than software: Best practices included! The leading, most 3. functionally complete MES 4. Rapid implementation Easy: Start small 5. and scale up later WERUM | 15 Lüneburg, Germany (Global HQ) St. Augustin, Germany Hausach, Germany Basel, Switzerland Parsippany, NJ Toulouse, France (North America HQ) San Francisco, CA Tokyo, Japan Cary, NC Shanghai, China Bangkok, Thailand (Asia Pacific HQ) Singapore, Asia São Paulo, Brazil (Latin America HQ) GLOBAL HQ NORTH AMERICA HQ Werum IT Solutions GmbH, Germany Werum IT Solutions America, Inc. Wulf-Werum-Str. 3 · 21337 Lüneburg, Germany 5 Sylvan Way · Parsippany, NJ 07054 · USA T +49 4131 8900-0 · www.werum.com T +1 973 644 4000 · www.werum-america.com [email protected] [email protected] ASIA PACIFIC HQ LATIN AMERICA HQ Werum IT Solutions Ltd., Thailand Werum IT Solutions represented by Liberty Square Building, 14th FL. Körber Medipak Systems América Latina Unit 1405, 287 Silom Rd. Edifício Corporate Plaza Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500, Thailand Rua Alexandre Dumas, 2100 – 1° andar T +66 2 0205720 · www.werum-asia.com Chácara Santo Antônio São Paulo, SP 04717-004, Brazil [email protected] T +55 11 4349-0100 · www.werum.com.br [email protected] About Werum IT Solutions Part of the international Körber technology group Werum IT Solutions is the world’s leading supplier of manufac- Werum IT Solutions is part of Medipak Systems, the Pharma Sys- turing execution systems (MES) and manufacturing IT solutions tems business area of the international Körber technology group. for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. Its out- Körber unites around 11,500 professionals in industry-leading of-the-box PAS-X software product is run by the majority of the companies worldwide, achieving annual earnings of 2.3 billion world’s top 30 pharmaceutical and biotech companies, and by Euros. Medipak Systems’ companies Dividella, Fargo Automati- many mid-sized manufacturers. Werum’s manufacturing IT so- on, Mediseal, Rondo, Seidenader Maschinenbau and Werum IT lutions help pharma manufacturers to increase efficiency, impro- Solutions are global leading providers of high-quality solutions ve productivity, and meet regulatory requirements. Founded in for the manufacturing and packaging process of pharmaceutical 1969, Werum is headquartered in Lüneburg, Germany, and has products. many locations in Europe, America, and Asia Pacific. IMPRINT: Werum IT Solutions GmbH (Global HQ) · Wulf-Werum-Str. 3 · 21337 Lüneburg · Germany T +49 4131 8900-0 · F +49 4131 8900-200 · [email protected] · www.werum.com 16 | WERUM Imprint: Werum IT Solutions GmbH · Wulf-Werum-Str. 3 · 21337 Lüneburg · Germany Tel. +49 4131 8900-0 · Fax +49 4131 8900-20 · [email protected] · www.werum.com
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