Volume 4 No.2, February 2014 ISSN 2224-3577 International Journal of Science and Technology ©2014 IJST. All rights reserved Well Logs – 3 D Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy Evaluation of “Holu” Field, Niger Delta, Nigeria John O. Amigun1, Olumide Adewoye1, Temitope Olowolafe1 and Emmanuel Okwoli2 1Department of Applied Geophysics, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. of Physics, Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria. 2Department ABSTRACT Three Wells, check-shot and 3-D seismic data were used to evaluate the lithology, lithofacies, sequence stratigraphy, seismic facies and depositional environments of “Holu” field, Niger delta. Its well logs sequence stratigraphic analysis revealed five depositional sequences with associated six sequence boundaries (SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4, SB5 and SB6 ) occur at respective depths of (1905 m, 1680 m, 1550 m, 1385 m, 1345 m, and 1275 m), five maximum flooding surfaces (MFS1, MFS2, MFS3, MFS4 and MFS5) each associated with depositional sequences at respective depths of (1755 m, 1575 m, 1405 m, 1360 m and 1305 m) and five system tracts. The 1 st depositional sequence consist of two system tracts (TST and HST), 2nd depositional sequence is made up of three system tracts (LST, TST and HST), 3 rd depositional sequence consist of two system tracts (TST and HST), 4 th depositional sequence is made up of three system tracts (LST, TST and HST) and the 5th depositional sequence also possessed three system tracts (LST, TST and HST). The well logs also revealed dominant lithologies (sand and shale). Log facies shows heamipelagic shale, marine shale, fluvial channel fill sands, transgressive sands and crevasse splay sands. Characteristics seismic facies involving amplitude, continuity, frequency and reflection configuration deduced “Holu” field environment of deposition to be fluvial systems to marine environments. Keywords: seismic sequence stratigraphy; system tracts; lithofacies; Niger delta; well logs and seismic facies. 1. INTRODUCTION It has been observed over the years that hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation attention has been on structural traps. At present most of the identified structural closures on the shelf and upper slope have been drilled and the search for hydrocarbon is becoming increasingly more difficult and expensive [1]. In a country like Nigeria where oil has been the backbone of her economy, combined geophysical well logs and 3-D seismic stratigraphy approach has not been a doubt an effective exploration tools to delineate lithology, lithofacies, sequence stratigraphy, depositional environment and hydrocarbon reservoirs. Sequence stratigraphy tremendous ability to decipher the earth’s geological record of local to global changes has help greatly to improve the predictive aspect of hydrocarbon economic exploration and production. It analyses the sedimentary response to changes in sea level and the depositional trends that emerge from the interplay of accommodation i.e. space available for sediments to fill as well as sedimentation [2]. The success and recognition of sequence stratigraphy stems from its applicability in both mature and frontier hydrocarbon exploration basins, where data-driven and model-driven predictions of lateral and vertical facies changes can be formulated, respectively. Therefore in this study, existing well logs and 3-D seismic data were analyzed and interpreted using the predictive models capability of sequence stratigraphy which has proven to be effective in reservoir characterization and in reducing lithologyprediction risk for hydrocarbon exploration in order to evaluate the “Holu” field. 2. LOCATION AND GEOLOGY OF THE STUDY AREA “Holu” field is located within onshore Niger Delta, Nigeria (Figure 1). The Niger Delta is situated in the Gulf of Guinea and extends throughout the Niger Delta Province. It is located in the southern part of Nigeria between the longitude 4 0– 90 East and latitude 40– 60 North. From the Eocene to the present, the delta has prograded southwestward, forming depobelts that represent the most active portion of the delta at each stage of its development. These depobelts form one of the largest regressive deltas in the world with an area of some 300,000km2, a sediment volume of 500,000 km3 and a sediment thickness of over 10 km in the basin depocenter. Niger Delta is divided into three formations, (Figure 2) representing prograding depositional facies that are distinguished mostly on the basis of sand-shale ratios [3] [4]. The Benin formation is the uppermost unit, it consists of massive freshwater bearing continental sands and gravel deposited in an upper deltaic plain environment and extends from the west across the whole Niger Delta area and southward beyond the existing coastline. The thickness of the formation ranges from 305 m in the offshore to 3050 m onshore. 26 They contain a few streaks of sand. but may reach 7000 m in the central part of the delta. (Modified from [3] [4]). It is composed of sands. possibly of turbiditic origin and were deposited in holomarine environment. representing cyclic sequences of off-lap units. 2. February 2014 ISSN 2224-3577 International Journal of Science and Technology ©2014 IJST. The thickness of this sequence is not accurately known.ejournalofsciences. 27 .Volume 4 No. All rights reserved http://www. It reaches a maximum thickness of more than 3050 The Agbada formation forms the hydrocarbon-prospective sequence in the Niger Delta [5]. Figure 1: Location and Base Map of the Study Area showing Seismic Lines and Wells Figure 2: Niger Delta Stratigraphy. The Akata formation composed of shales and silts at the base of the known delta sequence. silts and shales in various proportions and thicknesses. 3). Conventionally. analysed and interpreted following a procedure in line with the specific objectives of this study.ejournalofsciences. lithostratigraphy Identification and sequence stratigraphy. METHODOLOGY Wireline logs (gamma ray. From the explanation in Table 1. Lithostratigraphy Identification Lithostratigraphy involves the correlation of similar lithology that are commonly diachronous. All rights reserved http://www. maximum flooding surface. transgressive surface.Volume 4 No. eustasy and climate hence. February 2014 ISSN 2224-3577 International Journal of Science and Technology ©2014 IJST. In a summary. 3. 2. GR log is set to a scale of 0-150 API. sequence boundaries.1 Well logs Analysis Well logs which represent the geophysical recordings of various rock properties in boreholes were employed in this study for facies analyses i. stratigraphic surfaces which signify depositional changes become the key to establishing sequence stratigraphic units of such study area. density and neutron). in vertical succession all depositional sequences are composed of the following elements in this order: sequence boundary. log patterns are therefore diverse and generally indicative of changing energy regimes through time.e. transgressive systems tract. lowstand systems tract. Well log Sequence Stratigraphy Well logs allow the identification of stratigraphic sequences by analysing the stacking patterns of the genetic units. A depositional sequence is the basic unit of sequence stratigraphy which can be explained as a relatively conformable succession of genetically related strata bounded by unconformities or their correlative conformities. The concept of systems tract as applied in this 3. resistivity. define a linkage of contemporaneous depositional systems forming the subdivision of a sequence [8]. The timing of systems tracts is inferred relative to a curve that describes the base-level fluctuations at the shoreline.e. The interpretation is based on strata stacking patterns. holu 2 and holu 3 shown in Figure 4 and 5. maximum flooding surfaces and the system tracts were delineated based on the stacking patterns and log motif and as well as lithologic correlation within the three wells i. Hence for “Holu” field well log analysis carried out in this study. The strata patterns in the sedimentary record of an area are the results of tectonics. The sand bodies were identified by the deflection to the left of the GR log due to the low concentration of radioactive minerals in sand while deflection to the right signifies shale which is as a result of high concentration of radioactive minerals in it. highstand systems tract. Table 1 describes the various forms of depositional sequence elements of system tract. holu 1. 3D seismic data and check-shot data were examined. position within the sequence and types of bounding surfaces. Table 1 : The Depositional Sequence Elements of System Tract and their Description 28 . According to [9] [10]. the ranges of log motifs related to different environment of deposition are shown in (Fig. According to [6] [7]. Gamma ray (GR) log was used to delineate the lithology in the study area (Sand and shale bodies). central cut off of 65 API units in which less than 65 API is interpreted as sand while greater than 65 API is interpreted as shale. configuration. wells holu 2 and 3 with the sequence boundaries were tied and displayed on the seismic section. and downlap [7]. Seismic sequence analysis subdivides the seismic section into enclosures of concordant reflections. continuity. reflection terminations interpreted as strata terminations include erosional truncation. All rights reserved http://www.ejournalofsciences. Major units of reflection configurations and that of prograding configurations are described in Figure 8(ib) and 8(ic) respectively [7]. and are used for recognition and correlation of depositional sequences. the environment and lithofacies within the sequences are interpreted from both seismic and geologic data of the study area. The sequence boundaries identified on the wells were mapped directly on the seismic section i. These enclosures of concordant reflection (seismic sequences) are interpreted as depositional sequences consisting of genetically related strata and bounded at their top and base by unconformities or their correlative conformities. Afterward the definition of seismic sequences. 2. which are separated by surfaces of discontinuity defined by systematic reflection terminations. In its application. interpretation of depositional environment and estimation of lithofacies. definition of their limits and mapping of their areal associations. Seismic facies analysis which is a geologic interpretation of seismic reflection parameters i. They are interpreted to express certain stratification.Volume 4 No. lithologic and depositional features of the deposits that generated the reflections within the units. Figure 3: The Different Types of Log Motif as related to the Environments of Deposition 3.2 3 D Seismic Interpretation To ensure the continuity of events both on the seismic section and well log. amplitude. three major faults observed from the seismic section were mapped as well. where surface is identified by distinctive reflection pattern observed over a layer with relatively large extent (Figure 7). Also. seismic reflection terminations and configurations are interpreted as stratification patterns. a well to seismic tie was done using check shot data. It involved the recognition of the seismic facies units. and interval velocity was further carried out. 29 . Seismic Stratigraphy Interpretation The concept of seismic stratigraphy is the deduction of stratigraphy and depositional facies from seismic data. In Figure 6. As described in Figure 8(ia). February 2014 ISSN 2224-3577 International Journal of Science and Technology ©2014 IJST.e. toplap. frequency. org Figure 4: Well Log Sequence Stratigraphy showing the Delineated Lithology. All rights reserved http://www.Volume 4 No. 30 . February 2014 ISSN 2224-3577 International Journal of Science and Technology ©2014 IJST. 2. Systems tract and Lithofacies.ejournalofsciences. All rights reserved http://www. February 2014 ISSN 2224-3577 International Journal of Science and Technology ©2014 IJST.Volume 4 No.ejournalofsciences. Figure 5: Well Log Sequence Statigraphy showing the Stacking Patterns within holu 1 and 3 Figure 6: seismic-well tie using check shot data at Inline 11754 31 . ejournalofsciences. February 2014 ISSN 2224-3577 International Journal of Science and Technology ©2014 IJST. (ii) seismic facies units based on amplitude. 32 . All rights reserved http://www. (ib) Various seismic reflection configurations and modifications. (ic) Seismic reflection patterns interpreted as prograding clinoforms [7]. 2.Volume 4 No. Figure 8: (ia) Seismic stratigraphic reflection terminations within idealized seismic Benin formation Agbada formation Akata formation Figure 7: Seismic Section showing the Sequences and the associate Sequence Boundaries . continuity and reflection geometry [13]. frequency. and 1275 m. MFS4 and MFS5) each associated with depositional sequences were delineated at their respective depths of (1755 m.e. third depositional sequence consist of two system tracts (TST and HST). baselap. The environment of deposition varies from one depositional sequence to another i. fluvial channel fill sands. Also in Figure 4. marine shale. The following lithofacies namely. These depositional sequences are surfaces of principal unconformities within the basin and the boundaries associated with them are erosional boundaries. 2. SB4. The Seismic facies analysis involves critical recognition of reflection characteristics such as continuity. SB3. the well logs sequence stratigraphy analysis revealed five depositional sequences with associated six sequence boundaries namely. Figure 5 shows the stacking patterns within the wells. 1345 m. 1575 m. The first depositional sequence consist of two system tracts (TST and HST). five maximum flooding surfaces (MFS1. All rights reserved http://www. SB2. Benin formation Agbada formation Akata formation Figure 9: seismic interpretation showing depositional sequences and associated seismic facies . MFS3. fourth depositional sequence had three system tracts (LST. SB5 and SB6 which occur at respective depths of 1905 m. TST and HST). onlap or truncation. MFS2. The depositional environments were mapped across the wells using log signatures and stacking patterns the results were summarised also in Table 2. the depositional sequences mapped from the wells were also mapped on the seismic section (Figure 9). seismic reflection is inferred to represent an isochronous surface except where the reflection surface is an unconformity identified by toplap.Volume 4 No. second depositional sequence is made up of three system tracts (LST. this is interpreted as the depositional patterns of the sediments where MFS represents the turning point from finning upward into coarsening upward. Table 3 summarized the result of the facies analysis carried out. TST and HST) and the fifth depositional sequence also possessed three system tracts (LST. The Figures 9 and 10 show seismic facies analysis where seismic reflection configurations reveal gross stratification patterns from which lithology. 1405 m. Lithofacies analysis was done across the three wells (Figure 4). TST and HST). 33 . depositional processes and environments were interpreted. In seismic sequence stratigraphy. from the top is fluvial / shore face to fluvial / estuarine at the bottom. 1360 m and 1305 m).org 4. 1550 m.ejournalofsciences. heamipelagic shale. 1680 m. In Figure 4. February 2014 ISSN 2224-3577 International Journal of Science and Technology ©2014 IJST. log motifs described in Figure 3 were used to classify the facies. amplitude. transgressive sands and crevasse splay sands were revealed. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The lithostratigraphic interpretation of well logs shows that the lithology within the area of study is mainly sands and shale. frequency and configuration (Figure 10). SB1. 1385 m. Its detail across the three wells is summarised in Table 2. In this study. Volume 4 Figure 10: seismic facies characteristics for seismic facies interpretation Table 2 : Sequence Stratigraphy. All rights reserved http://www. 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