Welding Positions. Weld Guru

March 26, 2018 | Author: Valli Raju | Category: Welding, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Industries, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering



Definition: Welding Certifications are technically a hands-on welder qualification test that isconducted by certified welding inspector that will determine if the person or machine can produce a sound quality weld up to the code or welding procedure needed for a Company, job site or a particular industry standard. Bottom line, can you produce a sound quality weld by following the procedure/instructions? FCAW 3G Weld Cap Cleaned Weld test coupons cut up. 3G FCAW Root and Face Bend with the Alternate The above pictures are a structural welding certification given by the American Welding Society. The very basics of a welding welding certification are: 1. Weld the metals given by the welding inspector in the position the test is designed for by following the instructions provided. 2. Cut the metal welded according to the instructions and prepare them for a bend test or some approved form of quality testing. 3. Test the materials welded according to the procedure. If they pass the test then you just earned your welding certification. The testing ranges from a bend test to Radio In the United States there are quite a few organizations that have certified welding procedures.aws. Welding Certification Positions The largest organization in America that certifies welders is the American Welding Society. The welding certification procedures they have approved have been tested many time to ensure that if followed the welder taking the welding certification follows the rules and has the skills will pass the test.asme. There are many organizations that have different procedures depending on the type of work they oversee. Next Welding Certification Positions.  The American Society of Mechanical Engineers /ASME Section IX. welding processes. Welding codes vary a lot depending on the type of work being done.  The American Petroleum Institute / API. There is not a single welding certification that covers all types of welding. FCAW 3G Weld Cap Cleaned . The three largest organizations are:  The American Welding Society / AWS. Welding certifications are also documented to prove that the welder is qualified under that code. When the term “Certified Welder” is used it only means that welder is certified under the welding procedures they have tested under. In most cases a welding inspector will have a excellent idea if your welds will pass just by visually inspecting them.api. www.graphic (x-ray) or even just a visual exam of the quality. Welding certifications are designed to ensure the welders skills are up to the code they will be working under. www.org They deal with boiler and pressure vessel codes.org They oversee pipeline welding codes for the gas and oil industries. and metal types.org They typically deal with structural codes mostly involved with buildings and bridges. www. metal thickness. Welding certifications come in many positions. Fillet welds and grove welds. The terms properly used in the welding field refers to plate as “structural welding” and pipe and “pipe welding”.  2 is for the horizontal position. The positions are different depending if the welder will be welding on plate or pipe. There is also a coding system to identify the welding position. The way this coding system works is the number stands for the position and then the letter identifies the type of weld joint. but fillet welds do not cover grove welds. horizontal. and overhead. Most plate welding certifications are performed in groove welds.  F is for a fillet weld. then you would get a “3F” weld joint and that is a vertical fillet weld. For example if you take the number 3 for the vertical position and G is for a groove weld. The coding system for plate and structural welding is as follows:  1 is for the flat position. grove welds will also qualify you for fillet welds.6G Pipe testing position All welding certifications come in many positions.  3 is for the vertical position.  4 is for the overhead position.  G is for a grove weld. This is because in most welding codes. Then you put them together like “3G” then that is the code for a vertical grove weld. In the case of a fillet weld you would simply replace the G with an F. The positions are flat. vertical. 1G Welding Certification Position . Fillet welds and grove welds also vary in different positions. Plate Welding Certification Positions For welding plate the positions typically come in two different joint types. This position is the most basic and only covers the welder in that position. 3G Welding Certification Position . 2G Welding Certification Position The 2G welding certification position is a plate in the horizontal position that is beveled. It’s the easiest test to pass and the least desired by employers. This position is a little harder than the 1G test but by passing it you do not need to take the 1G test. This one test covers the 1G and 2G positions.The 1G welding certification position is a plate in the flat position that is beveled. 3G test position. and 3G positions. . Meaning you start on the bottom of the plate welding upward to the top. The 3G test position covers the 1G. Typically this test is done in the vertical up progress. Sometimes welding vertical down meaning welding from the top down. 2G.The 3G welding certification position is a plate in the vertical position that is beveled. This position varies depending on the travel direction. This position is considered the hardest for welding plate but in reality it’s not much harder then welding flat. The 4G welding test covers the 1G. and 4G positions. but does not cover the 3G position. The vertical welding certification can be taken traveling vertical up. 2G. 4G Welding Certification Position The 4G welding certification position is a plate in the overhead position that is beveled.   F is for a fillet weld. There is also a coding system to identify the positions and joint types.  R is for the restricted position.  2 is for a pipe in the fixed vertical position. 1G Pipe Welding Certification Position .  G is for a grove weld.They are as follows:  1 is for a pipe in the horizontal position that is rolled.  6 is for a pipe in a 45 degree fixed position. Pipe Welding Certification Positions When it comes to welding pipe there are four main positions and again they are typically groove welds. These two tests usually cover all the positions and most codes allow fillet welds on pipes that are a minimum diameter of 24″.4G test position. When getting certified for structural welding it’s very common to take the 3G and 4G welding certification together. 5 is for a pipe in the fixed horizontal position. This is basically welding in the flat position. 2G Pipe Welding Certification Position The 2G pipe welding certification position is a pipe that is standing in the vertical position. The 1G pipe welding certification is rarely used.The 1G pipe welding certification position is a pipe in the horizontal position and the pipe is rolled when welding. 5G Pipe Welding Certification Position The 5G pipe welding certification position is a . It is in a fixed position. The weld being done is a horizontal weld and the pipe cannot be rotated. . This position comes in two travel directions. Then there is the 6G pipe welding certification. The 2G and 5G combo tests are sometimes done to qualify a welder for all pipe welding positions. This test incorporates all of the positions. It can sometimes be substituted for the 6G position. The welding done is overhead. and flat with a full transition of all of those positions. What makes this position so hard is there is an easy side and a hard side. This one test will qualify the welder to weld pipe and plate in all positions. This is the hardest of all welding positions and the test typically given for the higher paying jobs. If you need to get one welding certification this is the position to go for! 2 & 5G Combo Pipe Welding Certification Positions 2G pipe welding position. This is a pipe that is in standing on a 45 degree angle and cannot be moved. vertical.pipe welding in the horizontal position that is fixed and cannot be moved. The first is a vertical up travel and that is the most commonly used progression. 5G pipe welding position. The second is vertical down progression and this is commonly used for pipe line welder qualification. This all depends if you are right handed or left handed and the welding processes being used. Restricted tests come in the 2G. Many times it is a combination of the obstacles and visual restriction that the test will incorporate. This is probably the most difficult tests to pass. Unfortunately when looking for a welding procedure this test is not available.  Other pipes. It was shown but not tested. Other codes may use it and have a procedure that is tested. These welding certifications and test positions are designed to test your ability to weld in tight and confined spaces.  Blocking visual access of the welding area by forcing the welder to use a mirror to see the weld joint. Access to the weld joint is limited in three ways:  Forcing the welder to find unusual stances and body position. 5G. I have seen this illustrated in welding books and the AWS code. The picture is of a practice test I took and was going to get this welding certification. 6GR Restricted Boiler Tubing Test Position The 6GR boiler tubing test is restricted by placing a boiler tube on each side of the coupon to be welded.Restricted Pipe Welding Certifications and Test Positions Restricted pipe welding positions are the most difficult type of welder qualification or welding certifications a welder can pass. 6GR Restricting Ring Pipe Welding Certification Position The 6G restrictive ring test position is typically an 18″ restrictive ring placed 1/2″ above the weld joint. and restrictive rings are some of the various obstacles used to block access to the weld joint. Boiler tubing tests are typically TIG welded and must be free-handed at all times. a ceiling or walls. and 6G positions but most of the time it will be a 6GR or 6G restricted test positions. You have exactly 1 inch of clearance to weld on the side of the tube. You are also required to weld half of the tube right handed . 6GR Box Type Restriction Pipe Welding Certification Position Shipyards typically test pipe welders using a box type restricted position. Instead it’s more realistic for the type of work being done in a shipyard. The pipe is put into the 6G position inside of a welding booth that has a steel grading ceiling. The pipe is placed on the right side of the booth (if you . Another type of boiler tubing test I took had only has 1/2 of an inch of clearance and all I could say is “Wow that was tight”. Walking the cup is not allowed and will cause an instant failure of the weld test! 6G restricted boiler tubing test coupon Boiler tubing test with 1″ of cleareance. There restricted 6G test does not use a ring or other pipes to block access. Bottom of 6GR restricted boiler tubing test.and the other half left handed. Top view of 6GR restricted boiler tubing test. but that is 12 inches to the center of the weld joint. The restricted area is too tight to put your head in there or too see anything. .are right handed) 12″ from the right wall. If you are looking at the pipe straight on. 12 inches of clearance sounds like a lot. Then 12″ from the ceiling and 12″ from the back wall. So a 6″ pipe has only 9″ of clearance. the right side of the pipe from the 3 to 12 o’clock positions is almost inaccessible.
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