Welding Instruction Manual[1]

March 17, 2018 | Author: Anonymous ASbOR1Dc | Category: Welding, Metals, Chemistry, Chemical Substances, Procedural Knowledge



1Weldlng lnsLrucLlon Manual lor Local 397 Þlpe llLLers' 1ralnlng CenLer ApprenLlce Weldlng Þrogram Þlpe llLLers' 1ralnlng CenLer Local unlon 397 Chlcago 10830 WesL 187Lh SLreeL Mokena, lL 60448 LdlLlon no. 1, 8evlslon no. 2, March 29, 2013 lssued !une 1, 2012 Manual number 1 2 1able of ConLenLs Ceneral A. SLaLemenL of Þollcy and AuLhorlLy 8. CrganlzaLlon CharL C. 1erms & AbbrevlaLlons SecLlon 1.0 Arc lnlLlaLlon & MalnLalnlng Lhe Arc (SMAW) SecLlon 2.0 ÞlaLe Weldlng (SMAW) SecLlon 3.0 Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) SecLlon 4.0 Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) SecLlon 3.0 Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) SecLlon 6.0 lnLroducLlon Lo C1AW SecLlon 7.0 Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 4" S1u (C1AW) SecLlon 8.0 Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 4" S1u (C1AW) SecLlon 9.0 Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" Sch 80 (C1AW) SecLlon 10.0 lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel (C1AW) SecLlon 11.0 lnLroducLlon Lo lnconel (C1AW) SecLlon 12.0 lnLroducLlon Lo Chromlum (C1AW & SMAW) SecLlon 13.0 lnLroducLlon Lo CMAW & lCAW Þrocesses SecLlon 14.0 lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel & lnconel Covered LlecLrodes (SMAW) SecLlon 13.0 SupplemenLary uocumenLs SecLlon 16.0 LrraLa/Addendum wlLh 8evlslon no. 2, March 29, 2013 3 8evlslon no. 1 A. SLaLemenL of Þollcy and AuLhorlLy 1hls Weldlng lnsLrucLlon Manual has been esLabllshed Lo assure compllance wlLh Lhe appllcable Lralnlng procedures and Lechnlques LhaL shall be LaughL by all weldlng sLaff personnel. 1hls Weldlng lnsLrucLlon Manual ls lnLended Lo be used ln Lhe Lralnlng of all apprenLlces and [ourneymen whlle belng lnsLrucLed aL Lhe 1ralnlng CenLer. 1he responslblllLy and auLhorlLy for lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls sysLem has been asslgned Lo uavld PlnLz, Weldlng CoordlnaLor for Local 397. 1he Lead lnsLrucLor has been glven Lhe auLhorlLy and organlzaLlonal freedom Lo ldenLlfy quallLy conLrol and Leachlng Lechnlque problems and Lo lnlLlaLe, recommend and provlde soluLlons. Þroblems LhaL cannoL be resolved by Lhe Lead lnsLrucLor shall be broughL Lo Lhe Weldlng ulrecLor for flnal resoluLlon based on sLandard weldlng Lechnlques, pracLlces and lssues ln consulLaLlon wlLh Lhe AsslsLanL CoordlnaLor and also Lhe 1ralnlng CoordlnaLor. Changes or revlslons Lo Lhe manual shall be revlewed wlLh, and have concurrence of, Lhe Weldlng ulrecLor, AsslsLanL 1ralnlng CoordlnaLor and Lhe 1ralnlng CoordlnaLor prlor Lo lmplemenLaLlon. 1ralnlng CoordlnaLor SlgnaLure ______________________ uaLe ______________________ 1lLle ______________________ 4 8. CrganlzaLlon llow CharL: Þlpe llLLers' 1ralnlng CenLer Local unlon 397 1ralnlng CoordlnaLor- !ohn W. Leen AsslsLanL 1ralnlng CoordlnaLor- kevln Lakomlak ually CperaLlons Manager- MaLL Ma[szak Weldlng ulrecLor- uave PlnLz Weldlng SLaff (lull-1lme): Clen 8urch (AuLhorlzed) Calvln Cordon (AuLhorlzed) 8lck Pobson (AuLhorlzed MonLe klmes (AuLhorlzed) Mlke Þelegrlno (AuLhorlzed) Marc 8andullch (AuLhorlzed) !on Walker (AuLhorlzed) Weldlng SLaff Mokena (ÞarL-1lme): 8ob 8orgla 8ob CarharL !lm Cebulskl uan neary !oe LsposlLo 1yler !ohnson Þaul kadlec ÞeLe Larou vlnce Macaluso kevln ÞoLLer !onaLhan neu !oe newren uean 8app Aaron 8ose LsLeban Seneslas 1ed SlaLLery 8andy SmlLh kyle WhlLe !oel Zacarlas uor[an Zonl Weldlng SLaff volo (ÞarL-1lme) uave 8arLhelL lranz Culdayan 8lchard Perlng Andrew Schlabowske Arlan naLhan Ldward Whalen 3 C. 1erms & AbbrevlaLlons: AnSl Amerlcan naLlonal SLandards, lnsLlLuLe, lnc. ASML Amerlcan SocleLy of Mechanlcal Lnglneers CCuL ASML 8oller and Þressure vessel - SecLlon lx AÞl-1104 CMAW Cas MeLal Arc Weldlng CMAW-S Cas MeLal Arc Weldlng - ShorL Arc C1AW Cas 1ungsLen Arc Weldlng (1lC) M18 MaLerlal 1esL 8eporLs or cerLlflcaLes of compllance as appllcable nuL non-uesLrucLlve LxamlnaLlon ÞC8 Þrocedure CuallflcaLlon 8ecord SMAW Shlelded MeLal Arc Weldlng W1S Weldlng 1esL SpeclflcaLlons Clossary of 1erms - 18u lf needed 6 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 1 - Arc lnlLlaLlon & MalnLalnlng Lhe Arc 1.1 1wo MeLhods - Lap or scraLch 1.2 SLarL wlLh 1/8" L6010 • SeL amps aL 100 • Lower amps as Lhey become more comforLable • ConLlnue Lo lower amperage unLll lL becomes more dlfflculL (40 amps) 1.3 As Lhe sLudenL becomes proflclenL wlLh sLrlklng Lhe arc have Lhem run shorL beads abouL 2-3 lnches 1eachlng 1oplcs: SLress Lhe lmporLance of amperage and lLs effecL on weldlng (see aLLached ºSlx 8aslc lundamenLals for SMAW") LlecLrode angle, Lravel speed and arc lengLh shall be demonsLraLed by Lhe weldlng lnsLrucLor noLe: All sLudenLs wlll be shown a ºWeldlng SafeLy" Þower ÞolnL and an ºlnLroducLlon Lo Weldlng" Þower ÞolnL prlor Lo sLarLlng any hands-on weldlng. 1sL year apprenLlces wlll noL be allowed Lo weld prlor Lo Lhelr flrsL asslgned school day. All sLudenLs wlll be glven a copy of Lhe ºWeld Shop 8ules & 8egulaLlons". 1hls hand-ouL wlll be presenLed Lo Lhem and once undersLood by all Lhey wlll slgn-off for compllance. ulsmlssal from Lhe Weld Shop shall be enforced for any lnfracLlon. All weldlng sLaff personnel have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo address any safeLy vlolaLlon. All Þower ÞolnLs, hand-ouLs, or any oLher documenLs LhaL are belng used for Lhe Weldlng Þrogram wlll be provlded and found ln Lhe SecLlon ºSupplemenLary uocumenLs". 7 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 1 - Þaddlng ÞlaLe (L6010-1/8") [8unnlng SLrlngers] 1.4 Whlpplng Lechnlque Lo be demonsLraLed on 6" scrap plpe • Maxlmum whlp lengLh wlll be 3/32" - 3/16" • Allow weld puddle Lo wlden Lo 1.3 Lo 2 Llmes Lhe elecLrode dlameLer (amperage wlll vary per machlne, range shall be 73 -123) • ulrecLlon of Lravel wlll be Loward Lhe domlnanL hand (8lghL handed - lefL Lo rlghL, LefL handed - rlghL Lo lefL) 1eachlng 1oplc: 1he use of Lhe ºdrag" Lechnlque shall noL be demonsLraLed for Lhe L6010 elecLrode. 1he lnsLrucLor should waLch and sLop ºlong whlpplng". uemonsLraLe arc lengLh and Lhe dlfferences beLween a shorL and long arc. Show varlances ln Lravel speed and elecLrode angles and Lhelr effecLs on Lhe weld bead. 8eferences Lo Lhls exerclse can be found ln ChapLer 10 of Lhe uA Cxy-luel CuLLlng & Weldlng and SMAW 8ook LhaL each apprenLlce has recelved durlng Lhelr CrlenLaLlon. 8efer Lo Lxerclse 3, page 191. AccepLance CrlLerla: ApprenLlce shall show proflclency LhroughouL weldmenL prlor Lo movlng on Lo Lhe nexL exerclse. 1he lnsLrucLor shall evaluaLe Lhe wldLh, bulld-up and volds ln beLween deposlLed weld meLal. 1here shall be no undercuLLlng, excesslve spaLLer or poor appearance Lo Lhe weld bead. 8ead overlap and Lle-lns Lo ad[acenL bead shall be unlform, leavlng no ºhllls or valleys" (lack of fuslon). 8 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 1 - Þaddlng ÞlaLes (L7018-1/8") [8unnlng SLrlngers] 1.3 Þroper arc lnlLlaLlon uslng ºLow-Pydrogen LlecLrodes" • no long arclng • SLarL x" Lo x" ahead of sLarLlng polnL and come back • lmmedlaLely afLer esLabllshlng Lhe arc, llfL Lhe elecLrode up a shorL dlsLance from Lhe work and holdlng lL Lhere for a second or Lwo, allow a few drops of molLen sLeel Lo fall from Lhe Llp of Lhe elecLrode. 1he arc wlll brlng Lhe Llp of Lhe elecLrode up Lo operaLlng LemperaLure qulckly, enabllng Lhe core wlre Lo burn up lnslde Lhe flux coaLlng and lnlLlaLe Lhe gasslng effecL of Lhe flux. 1hen, when Lhe elecLrode ls lowered Lo Lhe work, Lhe weld wlll be properly shlelded, and poroslLy wlll be mlnlmlzed. 1eachlng 1oplc: uemonsLraLe amperage changes, Lravel speed and elecLrode angles. Allow Lo Lhe sLudenL Lo see Lhe dlfferences ln Lhe weld bead. Show posslble weld bead dlsconLlnulLles on Lhelr weldmenLs. 8eferences Lo Lhls exerclse can be found ln Lxerclse 6, page 196 & Lxerclse 7, page 197-201. AccepLance CrlLerla: ApprenLlce shall show proflclency LhroughouL weldmenL prlor Lo movlng on Lo Lhe nexL exerclse. 1he lnsLrucLor shall evaluaLe Lhe wldLh, bulld-up and volds ln beLween deposlLed weld meLal. 1here shall be no undercuLLlng, excesslve spaLLer or poor appearance Lo Lhe weld bead. 8ead overlap and Lle-lns Lo ad[acenL bead shall be unlform, leavlng no ºhllls or valleys" (lack of fuslon). 9 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 2 - ÞlaLe Weldlng (SMAW) 2.1 2l PorlzonLal 1-[olnL (2"x10"x3/8" plaLe) • !olnL SeL-up wlll demonsLraLed by lnsLrucLor o use 3/32" gap rod Lo slmulaLe ºopen rooL" on plpe • Lach pass wlll be demonsLraLed by lnsLrucLor o L6010 1/8" for Lhe rooL (1) pass o L7018 3/32" for Lhe hoL (1) pass o L7018 3/32" for Lhe flll (2) passes o L7018 3/32" for Lhe cap (3) passes • Maxlmum whlpplng moLlon ls 3/32" - 3/16" for Lhe rooL • PoL pass shall be demonsLraLed wlLh elLher a weave Lechnlque or sLrlnger, no flgure 8's or elongaLed !-hook weave • llll pass shall be demonsLraLed wlLh a sLrlnger Lechnlque or sllghL osclllaLlon • Cap pass shall be demonsLraLed wlLh a sLrlnger Lechnlque or sllghL osclllaLlon 1eachlng 1oplc: lnsLrucLor needs Lo sLress MAxlMuM whlpplng moLlon ls 3/32" - 3/16" for Lhe L6010 1/8" rooL Lechnlque. 1he ºlnLroducLlon Lo Weldlng" presenLaLlon wlll provlde a descrlpLlve procedure for 2l and also 3l plaLe weldlng. 1he lnsLrucLor wlll be able Lo vlew Lhls presenLaLlon ln SecLlon 13 ºSupplemenLary uocumenLs". ln Lhe uA SMAW book Lxerclse 10, SLep 3, page 203 deplcLs a ºwhlpplng" dlagram. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he use of Lhe l-Þad for accepLance of welds sLarLs aL Lhls sLep. Lnd Þrep wlll always be accepLed on plaLe. 1he º1ack-up/llL-up" wlll elLher be accepLable or re[ecLable based on Lhe sample belng ºallgned" and wlLh a proper gap. 1he lnspecLlon for Lhe weldlng of Lhe rooL Lhrough Lhe cap wlll follow Lhe columns on Lhe l-Þad. 1he rooL pass shall noL exhlblL any undercuLLlng or lack of fuslon beLween Lhe plaLes or Lhe weld deposlL ln fronL or behlnd lL (sklps or volds). Þlease revlew Lhe ºAccepLable and unaccepLable lllleL Weld Þroflles" hand-ouL found ln SecLlon 13 of Lhls manual. ln Lhe evenL of an ºaccepLable" weldmenL on a SaLurday (1ack-up Lo cap), Lhe lnsLrucLor shall have Lwo full- Llme (CWl & A18) lnsLrucLors evaluaLe Lhe weld based on Lhe º1sL ?ear Weldlng CrlLerla" speclflcaLlon. AL no Llme should anyone else measure, or say lL ºlooks good Lo me", only Lo have Lhe sample re[ecLed creaLlng a confronLaLlonal slLuaLlon. Cnce Lhe sample ls accepLed Lhen Lhe sLudenL wlll move on Lo Lhe nexL requlremenL. lf Lhe ºaccepLable" sample ls done on a week nlghL Lhen lL wlll be evaluaLed by Lhe nlghL 1lme lnspecLor (full-Llme [CWl & A18] lnsLrucLor). nC1L: 1he ºCap" shall be accepLed on Lhe l-Þad only by full-Llme (CWl & A18) lnsLrucLors. 10 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 2 - ÞlaLe Weldlng (SMAW) 2.2 3l verLlcal-up 1-!olnL (2"x10"x3/8" plaLe) • Lach pass wlll be demonsLraLed by Lhe lnsLrucLor o L6010 1/8" for Lhe rooL (1) pass o L7018 3/32" for Lhe hoL (1) pass o L7018 3/32" for Lhe flll (1) pass o L7018 3/32" for Lhe cap (1) pass • Lnforce maxlmum whlpplng lengLh 3/32" Lo 3/16" for rooL pass o WaLch sLudenL for pauslng aL Lhe keyhole (holdlng Loo long or holdlng Loo llLLle) o no drag Lechnlque for rooL pass • PoL pass - weave Lechnlque, forward progresslon uphlll o Þause aL Lhe slde [usL long enough Lo cover Lhe enLlre rooL pass o MusL fuse lnLo Lhe plaLes • llll pass - weave Lechnlque pasL edge of Lhe hoL pass • Cap pass - weave Lechnlque pasL edge of Lhe flll pass 1eachlng 1oplc: Þauslng and Lhe speed across Lhe cenLer of Lhe weld, show excesslve convexlLy and revlew Lhe accepLable weld proflle wlLh Lhe sLudenL. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he use of Lhe l-Þad for accepLance of welds conLlnues for Lhe remalnder of Lhe apprenLlce weldlng program. Lnd Þrep wlll always be accepLed on plaLe. 1he º1ack-up/llL-up" wlll elLher be accepLable or re[ecLable based on Lhe sample belng ºallgned" and wlLh a proper gap. 1he lnspecLlon for Lhe weldlng of Lhe rooL Lhrough Lhe cap wlll follow Lhe columns on Lhe l-Þad. 1he rooL pass shall noL exhlblL any undercuLLlng or lack of fuslon beLween Lhe plaLes or Lhe weld deposlL ln fronL or behlnd lL (sklps or volds). Þlease revlew Lhe ºAccepLable and unaccepLable lllleL Weld Þroflles" hand-ouL found ln SecLlon 13 of Lhls manual. ln Lhe evenL of an ºaccepLable" weldmenL on a SaLurday (1ack-up Lo cap), Lhe lnsLrucLor shall have Lwo full- Llme (CWl & A18) lnsLrucLors evaluaLe Lhe weld based on Lhe º1sL ?ear Weldlng CrlLerla" speclflcaLlon. AL no Llme should anyone else measure, or say lL ºlooks good Lo me", only Lo have Lhe sample re[ecLed creaLlng a confronLaLlonal slLuaLlon. Cnce Lhe sample ls accepLed Lhen Lhe sLudenL wlll move on Lo Lhe nexL requlremenL. lf Lhe ºaccepLable" sample ls done on a week nlghL Lhen lL wlll be evaluaLed by Lhe nlghL 1lme lnspecLor (full-Llme [CWl & A18] lnsLrucLor). nC1L: 1he ºCap" shall be accepLed on Lhe l-Þad only by full-Llme (CWl & A18) lnsLrucLor. 11 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 3.1 Lnd Þrep • 8emoval of dross from lu of plpe • 8emoval of scale on flame cuL bevel wlLhouL damaglng Lhe ouLer edge (flle or grlnder) • Shall be demonsLraLed by Lhe lnsLrucLor wlLh a 9" grlnder (all lnsLrucLors shall demonsLraLe safe worklng hablLs) o Whole dlsc compleLely flaL on plpe Lo creaLe land o ÞorLlon of dlsc resLlng on plpe Lo creaLe land o 8emove burrs on lu of plpe prlor Lo checklng Lhe land slze • Land slze shall be 1/8" o use a 1/8" weldlng rod Lo ldenLlfy Lhe correcL land slze o MusL conform Lo 1/8" prlor Lo movlng Lo nexL sLep o use flle Lo ºflne" Lune Lhe land 3.2 1ack-up/llL-up • Þlace 1sL plpe coupon ln Lhe 2C poslLlon ln plpe flxLure • use 1/8" weldlng rod Lo creaLe 1/8" gap on 1sL coupon • Þlace 2nd plpe coupon on Lop of 1sL coupon • MalnLaln a 1/8" gap all around Lhe [olnL • use 1/8" L6010 Lo sLarL Lacklng, explaln LhaL Lhls sLep noL only secures Lhe plpe [olnL, buL also allows Lhe sLudenL Lo seL Lhe amperage based on ºkey hole" slze • (4) equally spaced Lacks are mandaLory o 1ack lengLh shall be x" o lully peneLraLed, wheLher Lhey are Lylng-ln or burnlng Lhrough 1eachlng 1oplcs: Lach sLep shall be demonsLraLed ln groups, Lhen lndlvldually Lo personallze lnsLrucLlon. SLress good work and Lravel angles whlle Lacklng. key hole slze shall be no larger Lhan 3/16". AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he maxlmum mlsallgnmenL allowed ls 1/16". All four Lacks shall show compleLe peneLraLlon and Lhe gap shall noL have any LlghL nor wlde areas. lallure Lo do so wlll resulL ln Lwo ouLcomes, Lhey are: elLher Lhe sLudenL wlll have Lo cuL lL aparL unLll lL ls correcL, or Lhe sLudenL wlll be allowed Lo conLlnue buL wlll fall Lhe º1ack-up/llL-up" hold polnL. lf Lhe sample ls re[ecLed aL Lhls Llme Lhe sample wlll fall no maLLer whaL Lhe oLher passes look llke. 12 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 3.3 Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • Peavy end of Lack should be feaLhered edged wlLhouL rulnlng Lhe bevel or Lhe land prlor Lo Lhe Lacks • key hole of Lack shall also be feaLhered • Care shall be Laken wlLh Lhe grlndlng dlsc Lo only make conLacL wlLh Lhe Lack area • Crlnd one Lack aL a Llme lf consumlng Lacks • Allowed Lo grlnd all four Lacks aL once lf Lylng lnLo Lacks 1eachlng 1oplc: Care should be Laken noL Lo over grlnd, as Lhls may cause Lhe Lacks Lo break and Lhe [olnL Lo close up. 8efer Lo Lxerclse 23, SLep 6 for a descrlpLlve drawlng of Lhe feaLhered Lacks. WaLch sLudenL whlle Lhey grlnd and correcL any bad Lechnlques. Lncourage Lhem Lo purchase a 4" grlnder wlLh varlous slzed dlscs for cuLLlng and grlndlng. 1hls ls noL a ºhold" polnL or lnspecLlon polnL, [usL lnformaLlve. 13 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 3.4 8ooL Þass • Cnly Lwo (2) Lechnlques wlll be demonsLraLed and LaughL o Whlp o Clrcle • no ºurag" Lechnlque wlll demonsLraLed or LaughL for Lhe rooL pass • L6010 1/8" (Amperage 8ange: 73 - 123 uCLÞ) o lnlLlaLe Lhe arc ln Lhe work area (bevels) and long arclng Lhe rod ls requlred prlor Lo deposlLlng meLal o Þroceed forward lnLo keyhole • LlecLrode Angle o Þlus or mlnus 3¨ Lo 10¨, push Lo drag angle, from cenLer llne of plpe o keep elecLrode perpendlcular ln Lhe bevels Lo help avold key hollng of only one slde • key hole o uslng an 1/8" elecLrode, Lhe key hole slze should be beLween 3/32" and 3/16" o uemonsLraLe weldlng Lhe key hole o Amps and Lravel wlll be dlcLaLed by Lhe key hole slze • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum accepLance crlLerla - flush wlLh Lhe lu o Maxlmum accepLance crlLerla - 1/8" pasL Lhe lu • Crlndlng on Lhe 8ooL pass o LlghL grlndlng ls recommended (maklng lL all ºshlne") may cause a posslble burn- Lhrough on Lhe hoL pass. lf Lhls Lype of grlndlng ls necessary, Lhen Lhls would lndlcaLe problems wlLh Lhe sLudenL's weldlng Lechnlque and furLher lnsLrucLlon should follow. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be free from excesslve peneLraLlon, lack of peneLraLlon, lack of fuslon beLween deposlLed weld rlpples (volds/holes/under flushed craLers) and undercuL. Þoor Lle-lns and double rooLs shall be re[ecLed or repalred. 1he sLudenL shall be allowed one (1) aLLempL aL a repalr and vlsually lnspecLed prlor Lo sLarLlng Lhe hoL pass. 1he sLudenL should galn some proflclency wlLh weldlng Lhe rooLs prlor Lo aLLempLlng any repalrs. 1he lnsLrucLor musL llmlL Lhe repalr Llme Lo a mlnlmum as Lhls ls counLerproducLlve Lo Lhe sLudenLs' progress. use of a hammer and chlsel Lo remove excesslve peneLraLlon wlll never be allowed. 1he sLudenL wlll noL be allowed Lo flx a rooL from Lhe lnslde, all rooL repalrs are from Lhe ouLslde only for all slzes, dlameLers and processes whlle aL Lhe 1ralnlng CenLer. 14 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 3.3 PoL Þass • L7018 3/32" (Amperage 8ange: 70 - 100 uCLÞ) o lnlLlaLe Lhe arc ln Lhe work area o no long arclng, wlll cause poroslLy o uemonsLraLe sLarLlng x" Lo x" ahead of sLarLlng polnL and come back • When Lylng lnLo a sLopplng polnL, come back lnLo half of Lhe craLer and conLlnue • WldLh/PelghL o Weld Lhe edges of Lhe rooL pass Lo Lhe bevels by weavlng slde Lo slde wlLh a forward progresslon o Pold Lhe elecLrode aL Lhese polnLs long enough Lo allow Lhe arc force Lo dlg lnLo Lhe bevels and Lle-ln • Cne Þass for Lhe PoL o 8elLeraLe Lo sLudenL LhaL Lhls ls Lhe same as Lhe 3l plaLe Lechnlque 1eachlng 1oplc: Crlndlng Lhe rooL pass very deep and narrow wlll creaLe problems for sLudenL on Lhelr hoL pass, demonsLraLe good grlndlng Lechnlques LhaL wlll malnLaln Lhe orlglnal bevel faces and openlng wlLhouL over grlndlng. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe hoL pass. Arc sLrlklng on Lhe Cu of Lhe plpe wlLhln 2" of elLher slde of Lhe [olnL wlll noL be LoleraLed. lf Lhe arc sLrlke occurred whlle Lacklng Lhe sLudenL should explaln Lhls Lo Lhe lnsLrucLor whlle lL ls belng lnspecLed durlng Lhe Lack-up hold polnL. 13 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 3.6 llll Þass • L7018 1/8" (Amperage 8ange: 113 - 163) o Arc lnlLlaLlon and Lle-lns are Lhe same as Lhe hoL pass o SLagger sLarLs/sLops Lo ellmlnaLe heavy spoLs and Lo avold clusLers of poroslLy 1eachlng 1oplc: 1he weld meLal shall be 1/32" Lo 1/16" below flush wlLh Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld meLal should be ºlevel", wlLhouL excesslve convexlLy and concavlLy. lf a grlnder ls needed Lo flx Lhese problems Lhe welder's Lechnlque should be addressed. 1he welder musL evaluaLe each pass Lo assure Lhey are wlLhln Lolerances. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe flll pass. 1hls crlLerlon ls for all poslLlons: 2C, 3C, 6C and Lhe 1C, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo all 6" and 2" plpe. 16 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 3.7 Cap Þass • 1/8" L7018 (Amperage 8ange: 113 - 163) • ÞlacemenL of half Lhe elecLrode dlameLer over Lhe edge of Lhe bevels ls recommended AccepLance CrlLerla: Weld relnforcemenL shall be flush (mlnlmum) Lo 1/8" (maxlmum) above Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld shall noL exceed 1/8" on elLher slde of Lhe [olnL (per Lhe uA). undercuL ls allowed up Lo 1/32" deep. undercuL lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe welder ls deposlLlng meLal lncorrecLly. 8epalrs are allowed on Lhe cap. 1he repalrs musL be 2"-3" ln lengLh and musL be re-welded (for all dlameLers of plpe). noLe: 2C or 6C: Lhree (3) sLrlnger beads are requlred for 6" and Lhe 2" (boLLom, mlddle & Lop). (3) AccepLable samples shall be requlred prlor Lo LesLlng. Cne full-Llme weldlng lnsLrucLor shall be requlred Lo accepL or re[ecL Lhe flnal, overall weld on all samples LhroughouL Lhe sLudenL's weldlng career aL Lhe 1ralnlng CenLer, excepL for Lhe samples belng submlLLed Lo Mr. PlnLz prlor Lo a uA LesL, Lhen Lwo lnsLrucLors shall be requlred Lo accepL lL. 1he proper paperwork shall be fllled ouL and submlLLed Lo Mr. PlnLz for hls approval. 17 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 2C 6" Sch 80 4.1 Lnd Þrep • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.1 of Lhls manual 4.2 1ack-up/llL-up • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.1 of Lhls manual 1eachlng 1oplcs: All sLudenLs wlll be glven a demonsLraLlon on each ºnew" poslLlon. MosL sLudenLs progress qulckly wlLh Lhe 2C. 8elLeraLe LhaL Lhls ls Lhe same [olnL as Lhelr (7) pass 2l 1-[olnL. 1hls ls a ºPold ÞolnL", do noL allow Lhe sLudenL Lo bypass any sLep. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he maxlmum mlsallgnmenL allowed ls 1/16". All four Lacks shall show compleLe peneLraLlon and Lhe gap shall noL have any LlghL nor wlde areas. lallure Lo do so wlll resulL ln Lwo ouLcomes, Lhey are: elLher Lhe sLudenL wlll have Lo cuL lL aparL unLll lL ls correcL, or Lhe sLudenL wlll be allowed Lo conLlnue buL wlll fall Lhe º1ack-up/llL-up" hold polnL. lf Lhe sample ls re[ecLed aL Lhls Llme Lhe sample wlll fall no maLLer whaL Lhe oLher passes look llke. 18 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 2C 6" Sch 80 4.3 Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.3 of Lhls manual 1eachlng 1oplc: 1he sLudenL shall be allowed Lo roLaLe Lhe coupon ln Lhe flxLure, raLher Lhan walk around lL. 1hls ls a safeLy concern. Some sLudenLs have wrapped Lhelr cords or cables around Lhelr legs and Lrlpped. 1hey wlll noL be allowed Lo remove or fllp Lhe coupon once Lhey sLarL Lhe rooL pass. All grlndlng wlll be done ln place. 1he flxLure shall noL be allowed Lo change elevaLlon (musL sLay aL one helghL unLll compleLe). ln order Lo lnspecL Lacks or Lhe rooL pass please show Lhe sLudenL how Lo change from a 2C Lo a 3C Lo check Lhe rooL. 19 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 2C 6" Sch 80 4.4 8ooL Þass • Whlpplng Lechnlque or clrcle Lechnlque shall be LaughL • L6010 1/8" (Amperage 8ange: 73 - 123 uCLÞ) • 1he key hole ls Lo be 3/32"- 3/16" maxlmum • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum accepLance crlLerla - flush wlLh Lhe lu o Maxlmum accepLance crlLerla - 1/8" pasL Lhe lu • Crlndlng on Lhe 8ooL pass o LlghL grlndlng ls recommended (maklng lL all ºshlne") may cause a posslble burn-Lhrough on Lhe hoL pass. lf Lhls Lype of grlndlng ls necessary, Lhen Lhls would lndlcaLe problems wlLh Lhe sLudenL's weldlng Lechnlque and furLher lnsLrucLlon should follow. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be free from excesslve peneLraLlon, lack of peneLraLlon, lack of fuslon beLween deposlLed weld rlpples (volds/holes/under flushed craLers) and undercuL. Þoor Lle-lns and double rooLs shall be re[ecLed or repalred. 1he sLudenL shall be allowed one (1) aLLempL aL a repalr and vlsually lnspecLed prlor Lo sLarLlng Lhe hoL pass. 1he sLudenL should galn some proflclency wlLh weldlng Lhe rooLs prlor Lo aLLempLlng any repalrs. 1he lnsLrucLor musL llmlL Lhe repalr Llme Lo a mlnlmum as Lhls ls counLerproducLlve Lo Lhe sLudenLs' progress. 20 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 2C 6" Sch 80 4.3 PoL Þass • L7018 3/32" (Amperage 8ange 70-100 uCLÞ) • Slngle pass • 1echnlque o SLrlnger (drag) o Weave/osclllaLe • 1hls ls Lhe same Lechnlque LhaL was demonsLraLed on Lhe 2l plaLe o lllll, lllll, wwwww , ______ 1eachlng 1oplc: no excesslve moLlons, Lry Lo llmlL Lhe amounL of weld deposlL. Cver fllllng wlll noL allow Lhe flll passes Lo go ln properly, causlng Lhe sLudenL Lo grlnd off welds. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe hoL pass. 21 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 2C 6" Sch 80 4.6 llll Þass • (2) sLrlngers are requlred • 1/8" L7018 wlll be used • Lqual slzed passes • 1hls ls Lhe same as Lhe 2l 1-[olnL 1eachlng 1oplc: Cverfllllng Lhe [olnL and Lhen grlndlng ouL Lhe Lop or boLLom 1/3 rd of every pass shall noL be demonsLraLed. 8emoval of slag or eLchlng ºllnes" Lo see Lhe [olnL shall be allowed, buL noL excesslve, llmlL Lhe pracLlce Lo abouL 1/32". 1he weld meLal shall be 1/32" Lo 1/16" below flush wlLh Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld meLal should be ºlevel", wlLhouL excesslve convexlLy and concavlLy. lf a grlnder ls needed Lo flx Lhese problems Lhe welder's Lechnlque should be addressed. 1he welder musL evaluaLe each pass Lo assure Lhey are wlLhln Lolerances. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe flll pass. 22 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 2C 6" Sch 80 4.7 Cap Þass • 1/8" L7018 • (3) sLrlngers are requlred • Lqually slzed passes 1eachlng 1oplc: Crlndlng shall be llmlLed Lo ºsklmmlng" sLarLs/sLops, ln order Lo check for poroslLy. 8efer Lo Ch. 12 ln Lhe uA SMAW book for more deLalls ln regards Lo grlndlng. AccepLance CrlLerla: Weld relnforcemenL shall be flush (mlnlmum) Lo 1/8" (maxlmum) above Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld shall noL exceed 1/16" on elLher slde of Lhe [olnL (per Lhe uA). undercuL ls allowed up Lo 1/32" deep. undercuL lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe welder ls deposlLlng meLal lncorrecLly. 8epalrs are allowed on Lhe cap. 1he repalrs musL be 2"-3" ln lengLh and musL be re-welded (for all dlameLers of plpe). noLe: (2) AccepLable samples shall be requlred prlor Lo advanclng Lo Lhe 3C poslLlon 23 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 3C 6" Sch 80 4.1a Lnd Þrep • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.1 of Lhls manual 4.2a 1ack-up/llL-up • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.1 of Lhls manual • 1hls sLep ls a ºPold ÞolnL" for Lhe sLudenL 1eachlng 1oplc: All sLudenLs wlll be glven a demonsLraLlon on each ºnew" poslLlon. 1hls [olnL ls Lhe same as Lhe 1C, excepL Lhe sLudenL ls Lhe one rolllng. 8elaLe Lhls Lo Lhe 3l 1-[olnL. no roLaLlng Lo grlnd or change ln helghL, once lL ls seL ln Lhe flxLure Lhe sLudenL wlll mark Lhe Lop and Lhe coupon shall sLay ln a flxed poslLlon. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he maxlmum mlsallgnmenL allowed ls 1/16". All four Lacks shall show compleLe peneLraLlon and Lhe gap shall noL have any LlghL nor wlde areas. lallure Lo do so wlll resulL ln Lwo ouLcomes, Lhey are: elLher Lhe sLudenL wlll have Lo cuL lL aparL unLll lL ls correcL, or Lhe sLudenL wlll be allowed Lo conLlnue buL wlll fall Lhe º1ack-up/llL-up" hold polnL. lf Lhe sample ls re[ecLed aL Lhls Llme Lhe sample wlll fall no maLLer whaL Lhe oLher passes look llke. noLes: 1he weldlng progresslon ls uphlll. Weldlng shall sLarL approxlmaLely aL Lhe 6 o'clock poslLlon, and Lhen proceed Lo elLher 9 o'clock or 3 o'clock wlLh Lhe uphlll progresslon. uownhlll/CpposlLe dlrecLlon shall be 1/2" maxlmum off of cenLer. See leLLer LhaL perLalns Lo Lhls Loplc ln SecLlon 13. 24 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 3C 6" Sch 80 4.3a Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.3 of Lhls manual 1eachlng 1oplc: 1he sLudenL wlll noL be allowed Lo remove or fllp Lhe coupon once Lhey sLarL Lhe rooL pass. All grlndlng wlll be done ln place. 1he flxLure shall noL be allowed Lo change elevaLlon (musL sLay aL one helghL unLll compleLe). 23 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 3C 6" Sch 80 4.4a 8ooL Þass • 1/8" L6010 (Amperage 8ange: 73 - 123 uCLÞ) • 1he keyhole ls Lo be 3/32"-3/16" maxlmum, uslng Lhe same Lechnlques sLaLed earller o Whlpplng o Clrcle • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum accepLance crlLerla - flush wlLh Lhe lu o Maxlmum accepLance crlLerla - 1/8" pasL Lhe lu • Crlndlng on Lhe 8ooL pass o LlghL grlndlng ls recommended, remove ºhumps" and creaLe an area LhaL wlll enable proper weldlng Lechnlque on Lhe hoL pass. SLress Lhe lmporLance of malnLalnlng Lhe orlglnal bevel shape. 1eachlng 1oplc: SuggesL LhaL Lhe sLudenL weld ouL on Lhe boLLom of Lhe [olnL Lo famlllarlze Lhemselves wlLh Lhls new poslLlon. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be free from excesslve peneLraLlon, lack of peneLraLlon, lack of fuslon beLween deposlLed weld rlpples (volds/holes/under flushed craLers) and undercuL. Þoor Lle-lns and double rooLs shall be re[ecLed or repalred. 1he sLudenL shall be allowed one (1) aLLempL aL a repalr and vlsually lnspecLed prlor Lo sLarLlng Lhe hoL pass. 1he sLudenL should galn some proflclency wlLh weldlng Lhe rooL pass prlor Lo aLLempLlng any repalrs. 1he lnsLrucLor musL llmlL Lhe repalr Llme Lo a mlnlmum as Lhls ls counLerproducLlve Lo Lhe sLudenLs' progress. 26 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 3C 6" Sch 80 4.3a PoL Þass • L7018 3/32" (Amperage 8ange 70 - 100 uLCÞ) • Slngle pass • Weave Lechnlque o Wlde enough Lo cover Lhe rooL pass o 1hls should noL flll ouL Lhe remalnder of Lhe [olnL 1eachlng 1oplc: no excesslve moLlons, Lry Lo llmlL Lhe amounL of weld deposlL. Cver fllllng wlll noL allow Lhe flll passes Lo go ln properly, causlng Lhe sLudenL Lo grlnd off welds. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe hoL pass. 27 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 3C 6" Sch 80 4.6a llll Þass • 1/8" L7018 (Amperage 8ange: 110 - 130 uCLÞ) • Weave Lechnlque, golng wlde enough Lo cover Lhe hoL pass • Slngle pass 1eachlng 1oplc: Cverfllllng Lhe [olnL and Lhen grlndlng ouL Lhe weld pass shall noL be demonsLraLed. 1he weld meLal shall be 1/32" Lo 1/16" below flush wlLh Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld meLal should be ºlevel", wlLhouL excesslve convexlLy and concavlLy. lf a grlnder ls needed Lo flx Lhese problems Lhe welder's Lechnlque should be addressed. 1he welder musL evaluaLe each pass Lo assure Lhey are wlLhln Lolerances. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe flll pass. 28 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 3C 6" Sch 80 4.7a Cap Þass • 1/8" L7018 shall be used (Amperage 8ange: 110 -130 uCLÞ) • Slngle pass, no spllL caps 1eachlng 1oplc: Crlndlng shall be llmlLed Lo ºsklmmlng" sLarLs/sLops, ln order Lo check for poroslLy. 8efer Lo Ch. 12 ln Lhe uA SMAW book for more deLalls ln regards Lo grlndlng. AccepLance CrlLerla: Weld relnforcemenL shall be flush (mlnlmum) Lo 1/8" (maxlmum) above Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld shall noL exceed 1/16" on elLher slde of Lhe [olnL (per Lhe uA). undercuL ls allowed up Lo 1/32" deep. undercuL lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe welder ls deposlLlng meLal lncorrecLly. 8epalrs are allowed on Lhe cap. 1he repalrs musL be 2"-3" ln lengLh and musL be re-welded (for all dlameLers of plpe and processes). 8emlnd Lhe sLudenLs LhaL Lhe weld shall be lefL ln Lhe ºas welded" condlLlon, flllng or grlndlng on Lhe flnlshed producL shall be cause for re[ecLlon, [usL llke a uA LesL. noLe: (2) AccepLable samples shall be requlred prlor Lo advanclng Lo Lhe 6C poslLlon 29 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 6C 6" Sch 80 4.1b Lnd Þrep • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.1 of Lhls manual 4.2b 1ack-up/llL-up • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.1 of Lhls manual • 1hls sLep ls a ºPold ÞolnL" for Lhe sLudenL 1eachlng 1oplc: All sLudenLs wlll be glven a demonsLraLlon on each ºnew" poslLlon. 1hls [olnL ls Lhe same as Lhe 2l plaLe and also Lhe 2C, excepL lL ls now on a 43¨ angle. no roLaLlng Lo grlnd or change ln helghL, once lL ls seL ln Lhe flxLure Lhe sLudenL wlll mark Lhe Lop and Lhe coupon shall sLay ln a flxed poslLlon. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he maxlmum mlsallgnmenL allowed ls 1/16". All four Lacks shall show compleLe peneLraLlon and Lhe gap shall noL have any LlghL nor wlde areas. lallure Lo do so wlll resulL ln Lwo ouLcomes, Lhey are: elLher Lhe sLudenL wlll have Lo cuL lL aparL unLll lL ls correcL, or Lhe sLudenL wlll be allowed Lo conLlnue buL wlll fall Lhe º1ack-up/llL-up" hold polnL. lf Lhe sample ls re[ecLed aL Lhls Llme Lhe sample wlll fall no maLLer whaL Lhe oLher passes look llke. noLes: 1he weldlng progresslon ls uphlll. Weldlng shall sLarL approxlmaLely aL Lhe 6 o'clock poslLlon, and Lhen proceed Lo elLher 9 o'clock or 3 o'clock wlLh Lhe uphlll progresslon. uownhlll/CpposlLe dlrecLlon shall be 1/2" maxlmum off of cenLer. See leLLer LhaL perLalns Lo Lhls Loplc ln SecLlon 13. 30 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 6C 6" Sch 80 4.3b Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.3 of Lhls manual 1eachlng 1oplc: 1he sLudenL wlll noL be allowed Lo remove or fllp Lhe coupon once Lhey sLarL Lhe rooL pass. All grlndlng wlll be done ln place. 1he flxLure shall noL be allowed Lo change elevaLlon (musL sLay aL one helghL unLll compleLe). 31 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 6C 6" Sch 80 4.4b 8ooL Þass • 1/8" L6010 (Amperage 8ange: 73 - 123 uCLÞ) • 1he keyhole ls Lo be 3/32"-3/16" maxlmum, uslng Lhe same Lechnlques sLaLed earller o Whlpplng o Clrcle • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum accepLance crlLerla - flush wlLh Lhe lu o Maxlmum accepLance crlLerla - 1/8" pasL Lhe lu • Crlndlng on Lhe 8ooL pass o LlghL grlndlng ls recommended, remove ºhumps" and creaLe an area LhaL wlll enable proper weldlng Lechnlque on Lhe hoL pass. SLress Lhe lmporLance of malnLalnlng Lhe orlglnal bevel shape. 1eachlng 1oplc: SuggesL LhaL Lhe sLudenL weld ouL on Lhe boLLom of Lhe [olnL Lo famlllarlze Lhemselves wlLh Lhls new poslLlon. 8ody and head placemenL are cruclal ln achlevlng a sound weld. Cffer a dlfferenL approach, such as kneellng as opposed Lo sLandlng. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be free from excesslve peneLraLlon, lack of peneLraLlon, lack of fuslon beLween deposlLed weld rlpples (volds/holes/under flushed craLers) and undercuL. Þoor Lle-lns and double rooLs shall be re[ecLed or repalred. 1he sLudenL shall be allowed one (1) aLLempL aL a repalr and vlsually lnspecLed prlor Lo sLarLlng Lhe hoL pass. 1he sLudenL should galn some proflclency wlLh weldlng Lhe rooL pass prlor Lo aLLempLlng any repalrs. 1he lnsLrucLor musL llmlL Lhe repalr Llme Lo a mlnlmum as Lhls ls counLerproducLlve Lo Lhe sLudenLs' progress. 32 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 6C 6" Sch 80 4.3b PoL Þass • L7018 3/32" (Amperage 8ange 70 - 100 uLCÞ) • Slngle pass • Weave Lechnlque o Wlde enough Lo cover Lhe rooL pass o 1hls should noL flll ouL Lhe remalnder of Lhe [olnL 1eachlng 1oplc: no excesslve moLlons, Lry Lo llmlL Lhe amounL of weld deposlL. Cver fllllng wlll noL allow Lhe flll passes Lo go ln properly, causlng Lhe sLudenL Lo grlnd off welds. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe hoL pass. 33 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 6C 6" Sch 80 4.6b llll Þass • 1/8" L7018 (Amperage 8ange: 110 - 130 uCLÞ) • (2) SLrlngers are requlred • Lqual slzed passes • ÞrohlblL large weaves and Lhe use of a grlnder Lo open [olnL or Lo remove perfecLly good weld meLal 1eachlng 1oplc: Cverfllllng Lhe [olnL and Lhen grlndlng ouL Lhe weld pass shall noL be demonsLraLed. 1he weld meLal shall be 1/32" Lo 1/16" below flush wlLh Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld meLal should be ºlevel", wlLhouL excesslve convexlLy and concavlLy. lf a grlnder ls needed Lo flx Lhese problems Lhe welder's Lechnlque should be addressed. 1he welder musL evaluaLe each pass Lo assure Lhey are wlLhln Lolerances. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe flll pass. Cver fllllng Lhe [olnL (pasL flush) as well as ºhllls and valleys" shall also be cause for re[ecLlon. 34 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 4 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 6" Sch 80 (SMAW) 6C 6" Sch 80 4.7b Cap Þass • 1/8" L7018 (Amperage 8ange 110 - 130 uCLÞ) • (3) sLrlngers are requlred • Lqually slzed passes 1eachlng 1oplc: Crlndlng shall be llmlLed Lo ºsklmmlng" sLarLs/sLops, ln order Lo check for poroslLy. 8efer Lo Ch. 12 ln Lhe uA SMAW book for more deLalls ln regards Lo grlndlng. AccepLance CrlLerla: Weld relnforcemenL shall be flush (mlnlmum) Lo 1/8" (maxlmum) above Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld shall noL exceed 1/16" on elLher slde of Lhe [olnL (per Lhe uA). undercuL ls allowed up Lo 1/32" deep. undercuL lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe welder ls deposlLlng meLal lncorrecLly. 8epalrs are allowed on Lhe cap. 1he repalrs musL be 2"-3" ln lengLh and musL be re-welded (for all dlameLers of plpe). noLe: (2) AccepLable samples shall be requlred prlor Lo advanclng Lo Lhe 2C poslLlon on 2" xxP 33 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 2C 2" xxP 3.1 Lnd Þrep • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.1 of Lhls manual 3.2 1ack-up/llL-up • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.1 of Lhls manual 1eachlng 1oplc: no ºbrldge" Lacks, or dropleLs of meLal wlll be allowed for Lack-up. 1he sLudenL wlll be allowed Lo use a mlnlmum of (3) Lacks. 1he Lacks shall be fully peneLraLed, no longer Lhan 3/8" and placed aL Lhe 12, 3, 6, or 9 o'clock areas. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1hls ls a ºPold ÞolnL", do noL allow Lhe sLudenL Lo bypass any sLep. 1he sLudenL wlll be allowed Lo roLaLe Lhe coupon ln Lhe flxLure raLher Lhan walk around lL. 1he coupon wlll remaln aL one helghL Lhrough lL's' enLlreLy. 1he coupon can be placed ln Lhe 3C poslLlon Lo check Lhe rooL pass. 8emlnd Lhe sLudenL LhaL all grlndlng wlll Lake place ln Lhe 2C poslLlon. 3.3 Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.3 of Lhls manual 36 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 2C 2" xxP 3.4 8ooL Þass • Whlpplng Lechnlque or clrcle Lechnlque shall be LaughL • L6010 1/8" (Amperage 8ange: 73 - 123 uCLÞ) • 1he key hole ls Lo be 3/32"- 3/16" maxlmum • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum accepLance crlLerla - flush wlLh Lhe lu o Maxlmum accepLance crlLerla - 1/8" pasL Lhe lu • Crlndlng on Lhe 8ooL pass o LlghL grlndlng ls recommended (maklng lL all ºshlne") may cause a posslble burn-Lhrough on Lhe hoL pass. lf Lhls Lype of grlndlng ls necessary, Lhen Lhls would lndlcaLe problems wlLh Lhe sLudenL's weldlng Lechnlque and furLher lnsLrucLlon should follow. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be free from excesslve peneLraLlon, lack of peneLraLlon, lack of fuslon beLween deposlLed weld rlpples (volds/holes/under flushed craLers) and undercuL. Þoor Lle-lns and double rooLs shall be re[ecLed or repalred. 1he sLudenL shall be allowed one (1) aLLempL aL a repalr and vlsually lnspecLed prlor Lo sLarLlng Lhe hoL pass. 1he sLudenL should galn some proflclency wlLh weldlng Lhe rooLs prlor Lo aLLempLlng any repalrs. 1he lnsLrucLor musL llmlL Lhe repalr Llme Lo a mlnlmum as Lhls ls counLerproducLlve Lo Lhe sLudenLs' progress. 37 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 2C 2" xxP 3.3 PoL Þass • L7018 3/32" (Amperage 8ange 70-100 uCLÞ) • Slngle pass • 1echnlque o SLrlnger (drag) o Weave/osclllaLe • 1hls ls Lhe same Lechnlque LhaL was demonsLraLed on Lhe 2l plaLe o lllll, lllll, wwwww , ______ 1eachlng 1oplc: no excesslve moLlons, Lry Lo llmlL Lhe amounL of weld deposlL. Cver fllllng wlll noL allow Lhe flll passes Lo go ln properly, causlng Lhe sLudenL Lo grlnd off welds. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe hoL pass. 38 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 2C 2" xxP 3.6 llll Þass • (2) sLrlngers are requlred • 3/32" L7018 wlll be used • Lqual slzed passes • 1hls ls Lhe same as Lhe 2l 1-[olnL 1eachlng 1oplc: Cverfllllng Lhe [olnL and Lhen grlndlng ouL Lhe Lop or boLLom 1/3 rd of every pass shall noL be demonsLraLed. 8emoval of slag or eLchlng ºllnes" Lo see Lhe [olnL shall be allowed, buL noL excesslve, llmlL Lhe pracLlce Lo abouL 1/32". 1he weld meLal shall be 1/32" Lo 1/16" below flush wlLh Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld meLal should be ºlevel", wlLhouL excesslve convexlLy and concavlLy. lf a grlnder ls needed Lo flx Lhese problems Lhe welder's Lechnlque should be addressed. 1he welder musL evaluaLe each pass Lo assure Lhey are wlLhln Lolerances. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe flll pass. 39 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 2C 2" xxP 3.7 Cap Þass • 3/32" L7018 • (3) sLrlngers are requlred • Lqually slzed passes 1eachlng 1oplc: Crlndlng shall be llmlLed Lo ºsklmmlng" sLarLs/sLops, ln order Lo check for poroslLy. 8efer Lo Ch. 12 ln Lhe uA SMAW book for more deLalls ln regards Lo grlndlng. AccepLance CrlLerla: Weld relnforcemenL shall be flush (mlnlmum) Lo 1/8" (maxlmum) above Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld shall noL exceed 1/16" on elLher slde of Lhe [olnL (per Lhe uA). undercuL ls allowed up Lo 1/32" deep. undercuL lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe welder ls deposlLlng meLal lncorrecLly. 8epalrs are allowed on Lhe cap. 1he repalrs musL be 2"-3" ln lengLh and musL be re-welded (for all dlameLers of plpe). noLe: (2) AccepLable samples shall be requlred prlor Lo advanclng Lo Lhe 3C poslLlon 40 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 3C 2" xxP 3.1a Lnd Þrep • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.1 of Lhls manual 3.2a 1ack-up/llL-up • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.1 of Lhls manual • 1hls sLep ls a ºPold ÞolnL" for Lhe sLudenL 1eachlng 1oplc: All sLudenLs wlll be glven a demonsLraLlon on each ºnew" poslLlon. no roLaLlng Lo grlnd or change ln helghL, once lL ls seL ln Lhe flxLure Lhe sLudenL wlll mark Lhe Lop and Lhe coupon shall sLay ln a flxed poslLlon. SLudenLs are allowed Lo use (3) or (4) Lacks. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he maxlmum mlsallgnmenL allowed ls 1/16". All Lacks shall show compleLe peneLraLlon and Lhe gap shall noL have any LlghL nor wlde areas. lallure Lo do so wlll resulL ln Lwo ouLcomes, Lhey are: elLher Lhe sLudenL wlll have Lo cuL lL aparL unLll lL ls correcL, or Lhe sLudenL wlll be allowed Lo conLlnue buL wlll fall Lhe º1ack- up/llL-up" hold polnL. lf Lhe sample ls re[ecLed aL Lhls Llme Lhe sample wlll fall no maLLer whaL Lhe oLher passes look llke. noLes: 1he weldlng progresslon ls uphlll. Weldlng shall sLarL approxlmaLely aL Lhe 6 o'clock poslLlon, and Lhen proceed Lo elLher 9 o'clock or 3 o'clock wlLh Lhe uphlll progresslon. uownhlll/CpposlLe dlrecLlon shall be 1/2" maxlmum off of cenLer. See leLLer LhaL perLalns Lo Lhls Loplc ln SecLlon 13. 3.3a Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.3 of Lhls manual 1eachlng 1oplc: 1he sLudenL wlll noL be allowed Lo remove or fllp Lhe coupon once Lhey sLarL Lhe rooL pass. All grlndlng wlll be done ln place. 1he flxLure shall noL be allowed Lo change elevaLlon (musL sLay aL one helghL unLll compleLe). 41 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 3C 2" xxP 3.4a 8ooL Þass • 1/8" L6010 (Amperage 8ange: 73 - 123 uCLÞ) • 1he keyhole ls Lo be 3/32"-3/16" maxlmum, uslng Lhe same Lechnlques sLaLed earller o Whlpplng o Clrcle • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum accepLance crlLerla - flush wlLh Lhe lu o Maxlmum accepLance crlLerla - 1/8" pasL Lhe lu • Crlndlng on Lhe 8ooL pass o LlghL grlndlng ls recommended, remove ºhumps" and creaLe an area LhaL wlll enable proper weldlng Lechnlque on Lhe hoL pass. SLress Lhe lmporLance of malnLalnlng Lhe orlglnal bevel shape. 1eachlng 1oplc: SuggesL LhaL Lhe sLudenL ad[usL amperage Lo famlllarlze Lhemselves wlLh Lhls new poslLlon durlng Lhe weldlng of Lhe rooL pass. Co back Lo Lhe baslcs, remlnd Lhem abouL Lhe lengLh of whlpplng moLlon. 1he sLudenL does noL have Lo use one elecLrode Lo go from boLLom Lo Lop. 1he sLudenL should sLop weldlng as needed Lo malnLaln correcL Lechnlque. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be free from excesslve peneLraLlon, lack of peneLraLlon, lack of fuslon beLween deposlLed weld rlpples (volds/holes/under flushed craLers) and undercuL. Þoor Lle-lns and double rooLs shall be re[ecLed or repalred. 1he sLudenL shall be allowed one (1) aLLempL aL a repalr and vlsually lnspecLed prlor Lo sLarLlng Lhe hoL pass. 1he sLudenL should galn some proflclency wlLh weldlng Lhe rooL pass prlor Lo aLLempLlng any repalrs. 1he lnsLrucLor musL llmlL Lhe repalr Llme Lo a mlnlmum as Lhls ls counLerproducLlve Lo Lhe sLudenLs' progress. 42 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 3C 2" xxP 3.3a PoL Þass • L7018 3/32" (Amperage 8ange 70 - 100 uLCÞ) • Slngle pass • Weave Lechnlque o Wlde enough Lo cover Lhe rooL pass o 1hls should noL flll ouL Lhe remalnder of Lhe [olnL 1eachlng 1oplc: no excesslve moLlons, Lry Lo llmlL Lhe amounL of weld deposlL. Cver fllllng wlll noL allow Lhe flll pass Lo go ln properly, causlng Lhe sLudenL Lo grlnd off welds. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe hoL pass. 43 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 3C 2" xxP 3.6a llll Þass • 3/32" L7018 • Weave Lechnlque, golng wlde enough Lo cover Lhe hoL pass • Slngle pass, due Lo Lhe amounL of grlndlng a sLudenL may need an exLra flll pass Lo ºflush" ouL [olnL, Lhls ls permlsslble 1eachlng 1oplc: Cverfllllng Lhe [olnL and Lhen grlndlng ouL Lhe weld pass shall noL be demonsLraLed. 1he weld meLal shall be 1/32" Lo 1/16" below flush wlLh Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld meLal should be ºlevel", wlLhouL excesslve convexlLy and concavlLy. lf a grlnder ls needed Lo flx Lhese problems Lhe welder's Lechnlque should be addressed. 1he welder musL evaluaLe each pass Lo assure Lhey are wlLhln Lolerances. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe flll pass. 44 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 3C 2" xxP 3.7a Cap Þass • 3/32" L7018 shall be used • Slngle pass, no spllL caps 1eachlng 1oplc: Crlndlng shall be llmlLed Lo ºsklmmlng" sLarLs/sLops, ln order Lo check for poroslLy. 8efer Lo Ch. 12 ln Lhe uA SMAW book for more deLalls ln regards Lo grlndlng. AccepLance CrlLerla: Weld relnforcemenL shall be flush (mlnlmum) Lo 1/8" (maxlmum) above Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld shall noL exceed 1/16" on elLher slde of Lhe [olnL (per Lhe uA). undercuL ls allowed up Lo 1/32" deep. undercuL lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe welder ls deposlLlng meLal lncorrecLly. 8epalrs are allowed on Lhe cap. 1he repalrs musL be 2"-3" ln lengLh and musL be re-welded (for all dlameLers of plpe and processes). 8emlnd Lhe sLudenLs LhaL Lhe weld shall be lefL ln Lhe ºas welded" condlLlon, flllng or grlndlng on Lhe flnlshed producL shall be cause for re[ecLlon, [usL llke a uA LesL. noLe: (4) AccepLable samples shall be requlred prlor Lo advanclng Lo Lhe 6C poslLlon 43 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 6C 2" xxP 3.1b Lnd Þrep • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.1 of Lhls manual 3.2b 1ack-up/llL-up • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.1 of Lhls manual • 1hls sLep ls a ºPold ÞolnL" for Lhe sLudenL 1eachlng 1oplc: All sLudenLs wlll be glven a demonsLraLlon on each ºnew" poslLlon. 1hls [olnL ls Lhe same as Lhe 2l plaLe and also Lhe 2C, excepL lL ls now on a 43¨ angle. no roLaLlng Lo grlnd or change ln helghL, once lL ls seL ln Lhe flxLure Lhe sLudenL wlll mark Lhe Lop and Lhe coupon shall sLay ln a flxed poslLlon. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he maxlmum mlsallgnmenL allowed ls 1/16". All Lacks shall show compleLe peneLraLlon and Lhe gap shall noL have any LlghL nor wlde areas. lallure Lo do so wlll resulL ln Lwo ouLcomes, Lhey are: elLher Lhe sLudenL wlll have Lo cuL lL aparL unLll lL ls correcL, or Lhe sLudenL wlll be allowed Lo conLlnue buL wlll fall Lhe º1ack- up/llL-up" hold polnL. lf Lhe sample ls re[ecLed aL Lhls Llme Lhe sample wlll fall no maLLer whaL Lhe oLher passes look llke. noLes: 1he weldlng progresslon ls uphlll. Weldlng shall sLarL approxlmaLely aL Lhe 6 o'clock poslLlon, and Lhen proceed Lo elLher 9 o'clock or 3 o'clock wlLh Lhe uphlll progresslon. uownhlll/CpposlLe dlrecLlon shall be 1/2" maxlmum off of cenLer. See leLLer LhaL perLalns Lo Lhls Loplc ln SecLlon 13. 46 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2"xxP (SMAW) 6C 2"xxP 3.3b Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • 8efer Lo SecLlon 3.3 of Lhls manual 1eachlng 1oplc: 1he sLudenL wlll noL be allowed Lo remove or fllp Lhe coupon once Lhey sLarL Lhe rooL pass. All grlndlng wlll be done ln place. 1he flxLure shall noL be allowed Lo change elevaLlon (musL sLay aL one helghL unLll compleLe). 47 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 6C 2" xxP 3.4b 8ooL Þass • 1/8" L6010 (Amperage 8ange: 73 - 123 uCLÞ) • 1he keyhole ls Lo be 3/32"-3/16" maxlmum, uslng Lhe same Lechnlques sLaLed earller o Whlpplng o Clrcle • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum accepLance crlLerla - flush wlLh Lhe lu o Maxlmum accepLance crlLerla - 1/8" pasL Lhe lu • Crlndlng on Lhe 8ooL pass o LlghL grlndlng ls recommended, remove ºhumps" and creaLe an area LhaL wlll enable proper weldlng Lechnlque on Lhe hoL pass. SLress Lhe lmporLance of malnLalnlng Lhe orlglnal bevel shape. 1eachlng 1oplc: 8ody and head placemenL are cruclal ln achlevlng a sound weld. Cffer a dlfferenL approach, such as kneellng as opposed Lo sLandlng. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be free from excesslve peneLraLlon, lack of peneLraLlon, lack of fuslon beLween deposlLed weld rlpples (volds/holes/under flushed craLers) and undercuL. Þoor Lle-lns and double rooLs shall be re[ecLed or repalred. 1he sLudenL shall be allowed one (1) aLLempL aL a repalr and vlsually lnspecLed prlor Lo sLarLlng Lhe hoL pass. 1he sLudenL should galn some proflclency wlLh weldlng Lhe rooL pass prlor Lo aLLempLlng any repalrs. 1he lnsLrucLor musL llmlL Lhe repalr Llme Lo a mlnlmum as Lhls ls counLerproducLlve Lo Lhe sLudenLs' progress. 48 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 6C 2" xxP 3.3b PoL Þass • L7018 3/32" (Amperage 8ange 70 - 100 uLCÞ) • Slngle pass • Weave Lechnlque o Wlde enough Lo cover Lhe rooL pass o 1hls should noL flll ouL Lhe remalnder of Lhe [olnL 1eachlng 1oplc: no excesslve moLlons, Lry Lo llmlL Lhe amounL of weld deposlL. Cver fllllng wlll noL allow Lhe flll passes Lo go ln properly, causlng Lhe sLudenL Lo grlnd off welds. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe hoL pass. 49 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 6C 2" xxP 3.6b llll Þass • 3/32" L7018 • (2) SLrlngers are requlred • Lqual slzed passes • ÞrohlblL large weaves and Lhe use of a grlnder Lo open [olnL or Lo remove perfecLly good weld meLal 1eachlng 1oplc: Cverfllllng Lhe [olnL and Lhen grlndlng ouL Lhe weld pass shall noL be demonsLraLed. 1he weld meLal shall be 1/32" Lo 1/16" below flush wlLh Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld meLal should be ºlevel", wlLhouL excesslve convexlLy and concavlLy. lf a grlnder ls needed Lo flx Lhese problems Lhe welder's Lechnlque should be addressed. 1he welder musL evaluaLe each pass Lo assure Lhey are wlLhln Lolerances. AccepLance CrlLerla: undercuLLlng, poroslLy, slag lncluslons, lack of fuslon, poor Lle-lns and ºcrownlng" or excesslve convexlLy wlll be cause for re[ecLlon of Lhe flll pass. Cver fllllng Lhe [olnL (pasL flush) as well as ºhllls and valleys" shall also be cause for re[ecLlon. 30 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 3 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" xxP (SMAW) 6C 2" xxP 3.7b Cap Þass • 3/32" L7018 • (3) sLrlngers are requlred • Lqually slzed passes 1eachlng 1oplc: Crlndlng shall be llmlLed Lo ºsklmmlng" sLarLs/sLops, ln order Lo check for poroslLy. 8efer Lo Ch. 12 ln Lhe uA SMAW book for more deLalls ln regards Lo grlndlng. AccepLance CrlLerla: Weld relnforcemenL shall be flush (mlnlmum) Lo 1/8" (maxlmum) above Lhe ouLslde surface. 1he weld shall noL exceed 1/16" on elLher slde of Lhe [olnL (per Lhe uA). undercuL ls allowed up Lo 1/32" deep. undercuL lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe welder ls deposlLlng meLal lncorrecLly. 8epalrs are allowed on Lhe cap. 1he repalrs musL be 2"-3" ln lengLh and musL be re-welded (for all dlameLers of plpe). All samples LhaL are Lo be Lurned ln for approval by Mr. PlnLz shall be free from any repalrs, wheLher lL ls Lhe rooL pass or Lhe cap pass. Checklng of Lhe rooL pass afLer Lhe hoL pass goes ln shall noL be allowed. 1he uA LesLlng procedure does noL accepL Lhls pracLlce. noLe: (4) AccepLable samples shall be requlred prlor Lo LesLlng. 1he 4 Lh sample shall be Lurned ln for Mr. PlnLz's approval before Lhe sLudenL LesLs. A º8equesL Lo 1esL" form shall be generaLed and slgned by Lwo lnsLrucLors, one of whlch wlll be a full-Llme, A18 and CWl. 31 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 6 - lnLroducLlon Lo C1AW 6.1 1he Cas 1ungsLen Arc Weldlng Þrocess/CeLLlng SLarLed • All sLudenLs shall be lssued a º1lC klL" from Lhe 1ralnlng CenLer • 1he lLems LhaL have been provlded sha|| be used for all Lralnlng purposes whlle pracLlclng for Lhe uA 13 and Lhe uA 41 • 1he º1lC klL" lncludes Lhe followlng lLems: o Weld CrafL 1orch WÞ-17v, wlLh coupler and 10fL Argon Pose o (3) Þleces of 1/8"- 2° 1horlaLed 1ungsLen (unsharpened) o (1) # 4 Ceramlc Cup o (1) # 6 Ceramlc Cup o (1) # 8 Ceramlc Cup o (1) Þln vlse o (1) Long 1all Cap o (1) 1/8" ColleL 8ody/Polder o (1) 1/8" ColleL o (1) kleln 8ag o (1) kleln Slde CuLLer • 1he use of non-lssued lLems shall noL be used for Lralnlng unLll Lhe sLudenL advances pasL Lhe uA 41. We|d|ng pract|ces done outs|de of the 1ra|n|ng Center sha|| rema|n outs|de of the 1ra|n|ng Center. 1eachlng 1oplc: 1he lnsLrucLor shall provlde an explanaLlon of Lhe C1AW process. uemonsLraLlon of machlne seL-up along wlLh Lhe assembly of Lhe Lorch shall be done wlLh each sLudenL on an lndlvldual basls. SLress Lhe dlfference ln Lhe polarlLy LhaL wlll be used on Lhe C1AW process, uCSÞ as opposed Lo uC8Þ. All coupllngs and Lhreaded aLLachmenLs shall be LlghLened wlLh an ad[usLable wrench raLher Lhan a palr of ºchannel locks". SuggesL purchaslng a couple of ad[usLable wrenches. All 2 nd ?ear apprenLlces wlll be shown a Þower ÞolnL regardlng ºC1AW 8aslcs" by Llncoln LlecLrlc prlor Lo sLarLlng Lhelr 3 rd ?ear. 8efer Lo SecLlon 13 of Lhls manual Lo vlew Lhls presenLaLlon. 32 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 6 - lnLroducLlon Lo C1AW 6.2 ÞracLlcal undersLandlng of Lhe C1AW Þrocess/ÞreparaLlon • ÞracLlce shall sLarL on 6" scrap from Lhe dumpsLer o 8emoval of Lhe coaLlng ! Crlnd off coaLlng uslng a grlnder ! Clean Lhe plpe, leavlng Lhe weld lnLacL • 1orch SeL-up o use ad[usLable wrenches for all Lhreaded connecLlons o Check all connecLlons for leaks • Argon o Argon flow should be seL aL 20-23cfm for adequaLe coverage ln Lhe shop (dependlng on oLher varlables aL Lhe Llme of weldlng, l.e. drafLs or excesslve alr movemenL) • Sharpenlng of 1ungsLen(2¼ 1hor|ated 1]8" sha|| be used for a|| G1AW) o ÞedesLal Crlnders shall be used - NLVLk sharpen w|th a hand gr|nder o 1aper approxlmaLely 2-3 Llmes Lhe dlameLer of Lhe LungsLen o Sharpen so sLrlaLlons are lengLhwlse, noL wlndlng or roLaLlonal around Lhe LungsLen, refer Lo SecLlon 13 for more lnformaLlon by vlewlng Lhe hand-ouL from º!"# %&'()* o Lncourage Lhe use of Lhe whole face of Lhe grlndlng wheel on Lhe pedesLal grlnder • Sharpenlng of 1ungsLen SafeLy o Clear safeLy glasses shall be worn aL all Llmes o Cloves should be avolded near roLaLlonal equlpmenL o lace shlelds shall be worn (aL all Llmes) over Lhe safeLy glasses whlle grlndlng o 1he use of a drlll Lo sharpen Lhe LungsLen ls allowed and may also be a safer alLernaLlve Lo uslng Lhe pln vlse NC1L: 1he Instructor sha|| demonstrate a|| safe work|ng pract|ces wh||e demonstrat|ng any procedure |n the shop! 6.3 ÞracLlcal undersLandlng of Lhe C1AW Þrocess/MeLhod and 1echnlque • use wrap-around Lo Lrace llnes on Lhe ouLer dlameLer of Lhe plpe, Lhls wlll become Lhelr ºgulde" • ÞracLlce arc lnlLlaLlon by uslng Lhe scraLch meLhod • ÞracLlce ºwalklng Lhe cup" wlLhouL Lhe machlne Lurned ºon" followlng Lhe ºgulde" llnes o once proflclency has been achleved Lhen advance Lhe sLudenL Lo Lhe nexL sLep • ÞracLlce ºwalklng Lhe cup" wlLhouL flller wlre whlle Lhe machlne ls ºon" • 1he lnsLrucLor shall assess Lhe quallLy of work o Cnce proflclency has been achleved Lhen advance Lhe sLudenL Lo Lhe nexL sLep • ÞracLlce ºwalklng Lhe cup" wlLh 1/8" flller wlre (L870S-2) • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use Lhe #4, #6 and Lhe #8 cups whlle walklng over Lhe wlre o Cnce proflclenL aL Lhls Lask Lhe sLudenL shall sLarL weldlng on 4" plpe 1eachlng 1oplc: 1he lnsLrucLor shall demonsLraLe all sLeps llsLed ln SecLlon 6. 1he wldLh of Lhe walklng moLlon wlll vary wlLh each cup slze, varylng amps and speed should be demonsLraLed prlor Lo movlng on Lo 4" plpe. Þlease keep ln mlnd 33 LhaL Lhe Lorches are raLed for 130 amps, lf Lhe sLudenL burns-up Lhelr Lorch Lhey wlll purchase a new one from Lhe 1ralnlng CenLer (prlce Lo be deLermlned by Lhe raLe of our suppller). Þlease refer sLudenL Lo Lhe uA Weld 1esL SpeclflcaLlon 8lnder for more deLalls ln regards Lo Lhe LesL Lhey are worklng on. 1he uA 13 glves an amperage range of 73-163 for 1/8" flller wlre. 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 7- Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 4" S1u (C1AW) 7.1 Lnd Þrep • Clean back on lu and Cu of 4" plpe uslng pencll grlnder o 8ooLh 107 ls deslgnaLed for prepplng coupons • 8evels should sLay lnLacL, unless a land ls presenL, Lhen remove Lhe land 7.2 1ack-up/llL-up • use 1/8" L870S-2 for Lhe gap rod • 1ack-up o Þlace ln Lhe flxLure and Lack ln Lhe 2C poslLlon o Þlace ln Lhe angle lron on Lhe Lable and Lack ln Lhe 1C poslLlon o lree hand or walklng can be uLlllzed • use 1/8" L870S-2 for Lhe consumable flller meLal on Lhe Lacks • All Lacks shall be equally spaced around Lhe [olnL, (4) Lacks are requlred • All Lacks should be approxlmaLely x" long • no brldge Lacks or dropleLs of meLal shall be accepLed for Lhls ºPold ÞolnL" • All Lacks shall be fully peneLraLed and Lhe gap should be approxlmaLely 1/8" wlde o 1he 1/8" flller meLal should noL drop Lhrough, nor should Lhe boLLom of Lhe wlre resL compleLely on Lop of Lhe [olnL o ÞroLruslon of flller meLal prlor Lo weldlng should be noLed 7.3 Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • leaLherlng can be accompllshed by use of: o llle o Crlnder • Care shall be Laken Lo remove weld meLal only and noL conLacLlng Lhe bevel face • Crlnd one Lack aL a Llme lf consumlng Lacks • Crlnd all 4 Lacks lf Lylng lnLo Lhem by creaLlng a ramp-llke area 1eachlng 1oplc: Lnd Þrep and llL-up ls a hold polnL and also an lnspecLlon polnL on Lhe l-Þad. uo noL allow Lhe sLudenL Lo advance unLll Lhese sLeps have been followed correcLly. 8emlnd Lhe sLudenL LhaL over grlndlng may creaLe oLher problems whlle weldlng, such as: [olnL Lo close up, or excesslve peneLraLlon approachlng and leavlng Lack. lf Lhe sLudenL does noL have a 4" grlnder aL Lhls Llme, Lhen encourage Lhem Lo purchase one. leel free Lo have Lhe sLudenL cuL aparL Lhelr coupon lf lL ls noL done correcLly and reassemble lL Lhe rlghL way. 34 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 7- Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 4" S1u (C1AW) 7.4 8ooL Þass • SLudenLs shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use Lhe #4 ceramlc cup for Lhe rooL pass o Maxlmum LungsLen sLlck-ouL shall be approxlmaLely 1/8" pasL Lhe end of Lhe cup o Maxlmum Argon shall be 33cfm (20-23cfm provldes sufflclenL coverage ln Lhe shop) • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe rooL (as well as Lhe remalnder of Lhe [olnL) o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 speclfles 73 - 163(per uA 13) • 1echnlque o use a slde Lo slde moLlon pasL Lhe edge of Lhe flller wlre o We wlll lnsLrucL Lhe sLudenL Lo use a wash over meLhod o no ºdlp Lransfer" o no free handlng • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum - flush wlLh Lhe lu o Maxlmum - 3/32" pasL Lhe lu 1eachlng 1oplc: uemonsLraLe changes ln amperage (up and down) Lo show peneLraLlon and fuslon lssues. Show Lhe angle of Lhe Lorch ln relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe flller meLal and Lhe [olnL, dlscusslng Lhe ºballlng up" of flller wlre and keyhollng of [olnL. uemonsLraLe varlances ln Lravel speed and dlscuss Lhe dlfferences beLween Lhe Lwo. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be lnspecLed on Lhe lu and Lhe Cu Lo ensure proper weldlng Lechnlques have been used. Lack of fuslon aL Lhe bevel face shall be cause for re[ecLlon. 8evlew posslble causes of Lhe defecLs. Crlndlng and flllng should be llmlLed Lo Lacks and cleanlng, noL grlndlng Lhe whole rooL unLll lL shlnes Lo remove lack of fuslon. 1he sLudenL should galn some proflclency wlLh weldlng Lhe rooLs prlor Lo aLLempLlng any repalrs. Welds can be accepLable afLer repalrs have been made, buL lf all Lle-lns need Lo be flxed Lhen Leachlng beLLer Lechnlques should employed raLher Lhan ºpleclng" Lhe rooL ln. 33 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 7- Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 4" S1u (C1AW) 7.3 PoL Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 6 ceramlc cup o 1ungsLen sLlck ouL shall be no furLher Lhan Lhe lu of Lhe ceramlc cup o 1ungsLen sLlck ouL should noL have any unground areas proLrudlng beyond Lhe cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe hoL pass o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 speclfles 73 - 163(per uA 13), Lorch ls only raLed Lo 130 amps • 1echnlque o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe rooL pass o Walklng over Lhe wlre shall be shown o Cne pass 1eachlng 1oplc: SLress Lhe lmporLance of good fuslon aL Lhe bevel face wlLh a flaL appearance, remlnd Lhe sLudenL Lo remove Lhe ºglass-llke" maLerlal prlor Lo weldlng Lhe nexL pass. AccepLance CrlLerla: no lack of fuslon, undercuL, or suckback shall be allowed. 1ravel speed and amperage need Lo be hlgh enough noL Lo burn up Lhe rooL pass. 36 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 7- Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 4" S1u (C1AW) 7.6 llll Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 6 or #8 ceramlc cup o 1ungsLen sLlck ouL shall be no furLher Lhan Lhe lu of Lhe ceramlc cup o 1ungsLen sLlck ouL should noL have any unground areas proLrudlng beyond Lhe cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe flll pass o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 speclfles 73 - 163(per uA 13), Lorch ls only raLed Lo 130 amps • 1echnlque o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe hoL pass o Walklng over Lhe wlre shall be shown o llll [olnL Lo flush or sllghLly below flush 1eachlng 1oplc: lf [olnL ls noL fllled enough, allow an exLra pass prlor Lo capplng. LLchlng ºllnes" should be avolded. 8efer Lo ºPand-ouL" ln SecLlon 13 for more deLalls. SLress lmporLance of cleanlng ln beLween passes and allowlng Lhe plpe Lo cool down wlLhouL quenchlng ln waLer. SuggesL sharpenlng LungsLen ln beLween passes or cuLLlng wlre for Lhe subsequenL pass. Avold resLlng Lhe fume exLracLor on Lhe sample. 1he pracLlce of cleanlng Lhe coaLlng off of Lhe flller wlre wlll noL be demonsLraLed. AccepLance CrlLerla: volds ln beLween Lhe weave paLLern, lack of fuslon, undercuL, poroslLy or any oLher defecL shall noL be accepLed. vlsual examlnaLlon as descrlbed ln ASML SecLlon, CW-194 ls used Lo deLermlne LhaL Lhe flnal weld surfaces meeL speclfled quallLy sLandards. Lach pass shall be consldered a ºflnal" weld surface. 37 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 7- Þlpe Weldlng: 1C 4" S1u (C1AW) 7.7 Cap Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 8 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe cap pass o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 speclfles 73 - 163(per uA 13), Lorch ls only raLed Lo 130 amps • 1echnlque o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe flll pass, ensurlng LhaL Lhe weld meLal has been carrled wlde enough Lo cover Lhe edges of Lhe [olnL o Walklng over Lhe wlre shall be applled • 8elnforcemenL o 1he cap pass shall be mlnlmum flush Lo ouLer surface o 1he cap pass shall be maxlmum 1/8" pasL Lhe ouLer surface o Weld bead should noL be wlder Lhan 1/16" on elLher slde of [olnL AccepLance CrlLerla: ulsconLlnulLles such as lack of fuslon, undercuL (pasL 1/32") poroslLy, underflll or any oLher lLem llsLed on Lhe welder Lracklng sheeL shall noL be accepLed. use a v-Wac gage Lo deLermlne underflll, undercuL or excesslve helghL relnforcemenL. All rooLs passes shall be vlsually lnspecLed one more Llme. lf Lhe rooL pass has been ºsuck backed" Lhen Lhe weld shall noL be accepLable any longer and Lhe cap pass wlll be marked as ºre[ecLed" on Lhe l- Þad. noLe: (2) AccepLable samples shall be requlred prlor Lo advanclng Lo Lhe 2C poslLlon 38 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 8 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 4" S1u (C1AW) 2C 4" S1u 8.1 Lnd Þrep • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.1 of Lhls manual 8.2 1ack-up/llL-up • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.2 of Lhls manual 8.3 Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.3 of Lhls manual 1eachlng 1oplc: Lnd Þrep and llL-up ls a hold polnL and also an lnspecLlon polnL on Lhe l-Þad. uo noL allow Lhe sLudenL Lo advance unLll Lhese sLeps have been followed correcLly. 8emlnd Lhe sLudenL LhaL over grlndlng may creaLe oLher problems whlle weldlng, such as: [olnL Lo close up, or excesslve peneLraLlon approachlng and leavlng Lack. leel free Lo have Lhe sLudenL cuL aparL Lhelr coupon lf lL ls noL done correcLly and reassemble lL Lhe rlghL way. 39 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 8 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 4" S1u (C1AW) 2C 4" S1u 8.4 8ooL Þass • SLudenLs shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use Lhe #4 ceramlc cup for Lhe rooL pass o Maxlmum LungsLen sLlck-ouL shall be approxlmaLely 1/8" pasL Lhe end of Lhe cup o Maxlmum Argon shall be 33cfm (20-23cfm provldes sufflclenL coverage ln Lhe shop) • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe rooL (as well as Lhe remalnder of Lhe [olnL) o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 shall be 73 - 130 • 1echnlque o use a slde Lo slde moLlon pasL Lhe edge of Lhe flller wlre o We wlll lnsLrucL Lhe sLudenL Lo use a wash over meLhod o no ºdlp Lransfer" o no free handlng • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum - flush wlLh Lhe lu o Maxlmum - 3/32" pasL Lhe lu 1eachlng 1oplc: uemonsLraLe changes ln amperage (up and down) Lo show peneLraLlon and fuslon lssues. Show Lhe angle of Lhe Lorch ln relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe flller meLal and Lhe [olnL, dlscusslng Lhe ºballlng up" of flller wlre and keyhollng of [olnL. uemonsLraLe varlances ln Lravel speed and dlscuss Lhe dlfferences beLween Lhe Lwo. Cffer suggesLlons on Lhe helghL of Lhe coupon and head/body placemenL. 1hls weld may be roLaLed ln Lhe flxLure raLher Lhan walklng around lL. 1here shall be no change ln helghL once Lhe weldlng has sLarLed. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be lnspecLed on Lhe lu and Lhe Cu Lo ensure proper weldlng Lechnlques have been used. Lack of fuslon aL Lhe bevel face shall be cause for re[ecLlon. 8evlew posslble causes of Lhe defecLs. Crlndlng and flllng should be llmlLed Lo Lacks and cleanlng, noL grlndlng Lhe whole rooL unLll lL shlnes Lo remove lack of fuslon. 1he sLudenL should galn some proflclency wlLh weldlng Lhe rooLs prlor Lo aLLempLlng any repalrs. Welds can be accepLable afLer repalrs have been made, buL lf all Lle-lns need Lo be flxed Lhen Leachlng beLLer Lechnlques should employed raLher Lhan ºpleclng" Lhe rooL ln. 60 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 8 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 4" S1u (C1AW) 2C 4" S1u 8.3 PoL Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 6 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe hoL pass o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 shall be 73 - 130 • 1echnlque o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe rooL pass o Walklng over Lhe wlre shall be shown o Cne pass 1eachlng 1oplc: SLress Lhe lmporLance of good fuslon aL Lhe bevel face wlLh a flaL appearance, remlnd Lhe sLudenL Lo remove Lhe ºglass-llke" maLerlal prlor Lo weldlng Lhe nexL pass. Wlre brushlng ln beLween passes ls hlghly recommended. AccepLance CrlLerla: no lack of fuslon, undercuL, or suckback shall be allowed. 1ravel speed and amperage need Lo be hlgh enough noL Lo burn up Lhe rooL pass. 61 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 8 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 4" S1u (C1AW) 2C 4" S1u 8.6 llll Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 6 or #8 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe flll pass o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 shall be 73 - 130 • 1echnlque o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe hoL pass o Walklng over Lhe wlre shall be shown o llll [olnL Lo flush or sllghLly below flush o Cne pass ls requlred 1eachlng 1oplc: LLchlng ºllnes" should be avolded. 8efer Lo ºPand-ouL" ln SecLlon 13 for more deLalls. SLress lmporLance of cleanlng ln beLween passes and allowlng Lhe plpe Lo cool down wlLhouL quenchlng ln waLer. AccepLance CrlLerla: volds ln beLween Lhe weave paLLern, lack of fuslon, undercuL, poroslLy or any oLher defecL shall noL be accepLed. 62 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 8 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 4" S1u (C1AW) 2C 4" S1u 8.7 Cap Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 8 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe cap pass o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 shall be 73 - 130 • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre shall be applled o (2) passes are requlred o 1he lnsLrucLor shall demonsLraLe proper placemenL of Lhe flller wlre and of Lhe weld beads • 8elnforcemenL o 1he cap pass shall be mlnlmum flush Lo ouLer surface o 1he cap pass shall be maxlmum 1/8" pasL Lhe ouLer surface o Weld bead should noL be wlder Lhan 1/16" on elLher slde of [olnL AccepLance CrlLerla: ulsconLlnulLles such as lack of fuslon, undercuL (pasL 1/32") poroslLy, underflll or any oLher lLem llsLed on Lhe welder Lracklng sheeL shall noL be accepLed. use a v-Wac gage Lo deLermlne underflll, undercuL or excesslve helghL relnforcemenL. All rooLs passes shall be vlsually lnspecLed one more Llme. lf Lhe rooL pass has been ºsuck backed" Lhen Lhe weld shall noL be accepLable any longer and Lhe cap pass wlll be marked as ºre[ecLed" on Lhe l- Þad. noLe: (2) AccepLable samples shall be requlred prlor Lo advanclng Lo Lhe 3C poslLlon 63 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 8 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 4" S1u (C1AW) 3C 4" S1u 8.1a Lnd Þrep • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.1 of Lhls manual 8.2a 1ack-up/llL-up • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.2 of Lhls manual 8.3a Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.3 of Lhls manual 1eachlng 1oplc: Lnd Þrep and llL-up ls a hold polnL and also an lnspecLlon polnL on Lhe l-Þad. uo noL allow Lhe sLudenL Lo advance unLll Lhese sLeps have been followed correcLly. 64 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 8 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 4" S1u (C1AW) 3C 4" S1u 8.4a 8ooL Þass • SLudenLs shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use Lhe #4 ceramlc cup for Lhe rooL pass o Maxlmum LungsLen sLlck-ouL shall be approxlmaLely 1/8" pasL Lhe end of Lhe cup o Maxlmum Argon shall be 33cfm (20-23cfm provldes sufflclenL coverage ln Lhe shop) • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe rooL (as well as Lhe remalnder of Lhe [olnL) o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 shall be 73 - 130 • 1echnlque o use a slde Lo slde moLlon pasL Lhe edge of Lhe flller wlre o We wlll lnsLrucL Lhe sLudenL Lo use a wash over meLhod o no ºdlp Lransfer" o no free handlng • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum - flush wlLh Lhe lu o Maxlmum - 3/32" pasL Lhe lu 1eachlng 1oplc: Show Lhe angle of Lhe Lorch ln relaLlonshlp Lo Lhe flller meLal and Lhe [olnL, dlscusslng Lhe ºballlng up" of flller wlre and keyhollng of [olnL. 1he use of a flashllghL Lo show where Lhe arc ls generaLed ln relaLlon Lo Lhe flller and Lhe [olnL could be a useful lllusLraLlon by uslng Lhe angle lron on Lhe Lable as Lhe º[olnL". Cffer suggesLlons on Lhe helghL of Lhe coupon and head/body placemenL. 1hls weld shall remaln ln Lhe flxLure wlLhouL any roLaLlng. 1here shall be no change ln helghL once Lhe weldlng has sLarLed. Þrogresslon shall be from boLLom of plpe Lo Lhe Lop ln an uphlll fashlon. 1he Lop of Lhe coupon should be marked ln some manner Lo show Lop of plpe. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be lnspecLed on Lhe lu and Lhe Cu. Lack of fuslon aL Lhe bevel face shall be cause for re[ecLlon. 8evlew posslble causes of Lhe defecLs. Crlndlng and flllng should be llmlLed Lo a mlnlmum. 1he sLudenL should galn some proflclency wlLh weldlng Lhe rooLs prlor Lo aLLempLlng any repalrs. 63 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 8 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 4" S1u (C1AW) 3C 4" S1u 8.3a PoL Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 6 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe hoL pass o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 shall be 73 - 130 • 1echnlque o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe rooL pass o Walklng over Lhe wlre shall be shown o Cne pass 1eachlng 1oplc: SLress Lhe lmporLance of good fuslon aL Lhe bevel face wlLh a flaL appearance, remlnd Lhe sLudenL Lo remove Lhe ºglass-llke" maLerlal prlor Lo weldlng Lhe nexL pass. Wlre brushlng ln beLween passes ls hlghly recommended. AccepLance CrlLerla: no lack of fuslon, undercuL, or suckback shall be allowed. 1ravel speed and amperage need Lo be hlgh enough noL Lo burn up Lhe rooL pass. 66 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 8 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 4" S1u (C1AW) 3C 4" S1u 8.6a llll Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 6 or #8 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe flll pass o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 shall be 73 - 130 • 1echnlque o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe hoL pass o Walklng over Lhe wlre shall be shown o llll [olnL Lo flush or sllghLly below flush o Cne pass ls requlred 1eachlng 1oplc: LLchlng ºllnes" should be avolded. 8efer Lo ºPand-ouL" ln SecLlon 13 for more deLalls. SLress lmporLance of cleanlng ln beLween passes and allowlng Lhe plpe Lo cool down wlLhouL quenchlng ln waLer. AccepLance CrlLerla: volds ln beLween Lhe weave paLLern, lack of fuslon, undercuL, poroslLy or any oLher defecL shall noL be accepLed. 67 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 8 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 4" S1u (C1AW) 3C 4" S1u 8.7a Cap Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 8 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe cap pass o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 shall be 73 - 130 • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre shall be applled o Cne pass ls requlred • 8elnforcemenL o 1he cap pass shall be mlnlmum flush Lo ouLer surface o 1he cap pass shall be maxlmum 1/8" pasL Lhe ouLer surface o Weld bead should noL be wlder Lhan 1/16" on elLher slde of [olnL AccepLance CrlLerla: ulsconLlnulLles such as lack of fuslon, undercuL (pasL 1/32") poroslLy, underflll or any oLher lLem llsLed on Lhe welder Lracklng sheeL shall noL be accepLed. use a v-Wac gage Lo deLermlne underflll, undercuL or excesslve helghL relnforcemenL. All rooLs passes shall be vlsually lnspecLed one more Llme. lf Lhe rooL pass has been ºsuck backed" Lhen Lhe weld shall noL be accepLable any longer and Lhe cap pass wlll be marked as ºre[ecLed" on Lhe l-Þad. noLe: (2) AccepLable samples shall be requlred prlor Lo advanclng Lo Lhe 6C poslLlon on 2" Sch 80 68 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 9 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" Sch 80 (C1AW) 6C 2" Sch 80 9.1 Lnd Þrep • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.1 of Lhls manual 9.2 1ack-up/llL-up • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.2 of Lhls manual 9.3 Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.3 of Lhls manual • Mlnlmum of (3) Lacks are allowed, omlLLlng Lhe fourLh Lack, noL equally spaced around Lhe [olnL 1eachlng 1oplc: Lnd Þrep and llL-up ls a hold polnL and also an lnspecLlon polnL on Lhe l-Þad. uo noL allow Lhe sLudenL Lo advance unLll Lhese sLeps have been followed correcLly. 69 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 9 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" Sch 80 (C1AW) 6C 2" Sch 80 9.4 8ooL Þass • SLudenLs shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use Lhe #4 ceramlc cup for Lhe rooL pass o Maxlmum LungsLen sLlck-ouL shall be approxlmaLely 1/8" pasL Lhe end of Lhe cup o Maxlmum Argon shall be 33cfm (20-23cfm provldes sufflclenL coverage ln Lhe shop) • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe rooL (as well as Lhe remalnder of Lhe [olnL) o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 shall be 73 - 130 • 1echnlque o use a slde Lo slde moLlon pasL Lhe edge of Lhe flller wlre o We wlll lnsLrucL Lhe sLudenL Lo use a wash over meLhod o no ºdlp Lransfer" o no free handlng • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum - flush wlLh Lhe lu o Maxlmum - 3/32" pasL Lhe lu 1eachlng 1oplc: Cffer suggesLlons on Lhe helghL of Lhe coupon and head/body placemenL. 1hls weld shall remaln ln Lhe flxLure wlLh Lhe Lop of plpe belng marked. 1here shall be no change ln helghL once Lhe weldlng has sLarLed. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be lnspecLed on Lhe lu and Lhe Cu Lo ensure proper weldlng Lechnlques have been used. Lack of fuslon aL Lhe bevel face shall be cause for re[ecLlon. 8evlew posslble causes of Lhe defecLs. Crlndlng and flllng should be llmlLed Lo Lacks and cleanlng, noL grlndlng Lhe whole rooL unLll lL shlnes Lo remove lack of fuslon. 1he sLudenL should galn some proflclency wlLh weldlng Lhe rooLs prlor Lo aLLempLlng any repalrs. Welds can be accepLable afLer repalrs have been made, buL lf all Lle-lns need Lo be flxed Lhen Leachlng beLLer Lechnlques should employed raLher Lhan ºpleclng" Lhe rooL ln. 70 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 9 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" Sch 80 (C1AW) 6C 2" Sch 80 9.3 PoL Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 6 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe hoL pass o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 shall be 73 - 130 • 1echnlque o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe rooL pass o Walklng over Lhe wlre shall be shown o Cne pass 1eachlng 1oplc: SLress Lhe lmporLance of good fuslon aL Lhe bevel face wlLh a flaL appearance, remlnd Lhe sLudenL Lo remove Lhe ºglass-llke" maLerlal prlor Lo weldlng Lhe nexL pass. Wlre brushlng ln beLween passes ls hlghly recommended. AccepLance CrlLerla: no lack of fuslon, undercuL, or suckback shall be allowed. 1ravel speed and amperage need Lo be hlgh enough noL Lo burn up Lhe rooL pass. 71 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 9 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" Sch 80 (C1AW) 6C 2" Sch 80 9.6 llll Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 6 or #8 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe flll pass o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 shall be 73 - 130 • 1echnlque o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe hoL pass o Walklng over Lhe wlre shall be shown o llll [olnL Lo flush or sllghLly below flush o Cne pass ls requlred 1eachlng 1oplc: LLchlng ºllnes" should be avolded. 8efer Lo ºPand-ouL" ln SecLlon 13 for more deLalls. SLress lmporLance of cleanlng ln beLween passes and allowlng Lhe plpe Lo cool down wlLhouL quenchlng ln waLer. lnform sLudenLs LhaL Lhe pracLlce coupons have a sllghLly Lhlnner wall Lhan Lhe LesL coupons due Lo Lhe lu bore of Lhe machlnlng process. AccepLance CrlLerla: volds ln beLween Lhe weave paLLern, lack of fuslon, undercuL, poroslLy or any oLher defecL shall noL be accepLed. 72 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 9 - Þlpe Weldlng: ÞoslLlon Welds 2" Sch 80 (C1AW) 6C 2" Sch 80 9.7 Cap Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 8 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L870S-2 shall be used for Lhe cap pass o Amperage 8ange for 1/8" L870S-2 shall be 73 - 130 • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre shall be applled o (2) passes are requlred o 1he lnsLrucLor shall demonsLraLe proper placemenL of Lhe flller wlre and of Lhe weld beads • 8elnforcemenL o 1he cap pass shall be mlnlmum flush Lo ouLer surface o 1he cap pass shall be maxlmum 1/8" pasL Lhe ouLer surface o Weld bead should noL be wlder Lhan 1/16" on elLher slde of [olnL AccepLance CrlLerla: ulsconLlnulLles such as lack of fuslon, undercuL (pasL 1/32") poroslLy, underflll or any oLher lLem llsLed on Lhe welder Lracklng sheeL shall noL be accepLed. use a v-Wac gage Lo deLermlne underflll, undercuL or excesslve helghL relnforcemenL. All rooLs passes shall be vlsually lnspecLed one more Llme. lf Lhe rooL pass has been ºsuck backed" Lhen Lhe weld shall noL be accepLable any longer and Lhe cap pass wlll be marked as ºre[ecLed" on Lhe l- Þad. noLe: (3) AccepLable samples shall be requlred prlor Lo LesLlng. 1he 3 rd sample shall be Lurned ln for Mr. PlnLz's approval before Lhe sLudenL LesLs. A º8equesL Lo 1esL" form shall be generaLed and slgned by Lwo lnsLrucLors, one of whlch wlll be a full-Llme, A18 and CWl. 73 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 10 - lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel (C1AW) ÞracLlce on 4" S1u 1C ÞoslLlon • All sLudenLs shall sLarL on 4" plpe (l-Þad wlll noL Lrack Lhls sample) • necessary coupon Lo lnLroduce Lhe sLudenL Lo SLalnless SLeel 10.1 Lnd Þrep • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.1 of Lhls manual 10.2 1ack-up/llL-up • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.2 of Lhls manual • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8 309 o Amperage 8ange - 1/8" 73 - 123 • 8acklng Cas (Argon) shall be lncorporaLed aL Lhls Llme prlor Lo Lacklng up o Argon shall be seL aL 3 Lo 13 ClP o 1he use of a 4" adapLer and back cap shall be used for Lacklng and LhroughouL Lhe weldmenL • Þurge Llme should be approxlmaLely 1-2 mlnuLes maxlmum for Lhe samples belng welded ln Lhe shop o 1hls pracLlce should noL be lncorporaLed ouL on a [obslLe o Lxplaln LhaL dlameLers and lengLhs of plpe wlll vary as well as Lhe purge Llme • 1he [olnL should be sealed adequaLely Lo prevenL Lhe presence of Cxygen • 1alllng ouL on Lhe bevel ls an lmporLanL Lechnlque used Lo avold a ºflsheye" or hole aL Lhe LermlnaLlon polnL on Lhe weld 10.3 Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.3 of Lhls manual • lallure Lo remove ºflsheye" aL Lhls polnL wlll mosL llkely be a cause for Lhe rooL belng re[ecLed 74 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 10 - lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel (C1AW) ÞracLlce on 4" S1u 1C ÞoslLlon 10.4 8ooL Þass • SLudenLs wlll conLlnue Lo use Lhe #4 ceramlc cup LhaL was lssued Lo Lhem by Lhe 1ralnlng CenLer • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8 309 o Amperage 8ange - 1/8" 73 - 123 • 8acklng Cas (Argon) o Þurge should sLlll be applled wlLh Lhe [olnL Laped and Lhe end of Lhe plpe adequaLely sealed o 3 - 13 ClP • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre, slde Lo slde wlLh good fuslon aL Lhe bevel faces o NC DIÞ 1kANSILk o no free handlng • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum flush Lo 1/8"maxlmum proLruslon 1eachlng 1oplc: 8acklng gas ls used for Lhe prevenLlon of an Cxygen rlch envlronmenL. Cxygen wlll cause Lhe weld surface Lo be rough and coarse wlLh a heavy black oxlde layer. lf Lhere ls sllghL dlscoloraLlon -a golden hue - Lhen lL ls an lndlcaLlon LhaL a blL of Cxygen was sLlll presenL. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be lnspecLed on Lhe lu and Lhe Cu Lo ensure proper weldlng Lechnlques have been used. Lack of fuslon aL Lhe bevel face should be dlscussed. 8evlew posslble causes of Lhe defecLs. Crlndlng and flllng should be llmlLed Lo Lacks and cleanlng, noL grlndlng Lhe whole rooL unLll lL shlnes Lo remove lack of fuslon. 73 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 10 - lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel (C1AW) ÞracLlce on 4" S1u 1C ÞoslLlon 10.3 PoL Þass • SLudenLs wlll conLlnue Lo use Lhe #6 ceramlc cup LhaL was lssued Lo Lhem by Lhe 1ralnlng CenLer • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8 309 o Amperage 8ange - 1/8" 73 - 123 • 8acklng Cas (Argon) o Þurge should sLlll be applled and Lhe end of Lhe plpe adequaLely sealed o Lower purge Lo 3 ClP • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre, slde Lo slde wlLh good fuslon aL Lhe bevel faces 1eachlng 1oplc: SLress Lhe lmporLance of good fuslon aL Lhe bevel face wlLh a flaL appearance. lnsLrucL Lhe sLudenL Lo use a SLalnless SLeel wlre brush when weldlng SLalnless SLeels and varlous oLher maLerlals. Wlre brushlng ln beLween passes ls hlghly recommended. AccepLance CrlLerla: ulsconLlnulLles shall be dlscussed and soluLlons shall be demonsLraLed by Lhe lnsLrucLor. 76 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 10 - lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel (C1AW) ÞracLlce on 4" S1u 1C ÞoslLlon 10.6 llll Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 6 or #8 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8 309 o Amperage 8ange - 1/8" 73 - 123 • 8acklng Cas (Argon) o Þurge may sLlll be applled and Lhe end of Lhe plpe adequaLely sealed o Lower purge Lo 3 ClP • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre, slde Lo slde wlLh good fuslon aL Lhe bevel faces o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe hoL pass o llll [olnL Lo flush or sllghLly below flush o Cne pass ls requlred 1eachlng 1oplc: SLress lmporLance of cleanlng ln beLween passes and allowlng Lhe plpe Lo cool down wlLhouL quenchlng ln waLer. lnLerpass LemperaLures should be under 600¨l. 1emperaLure sLlcks are avallable aL Lhe 1ralnlng CenLer. Lxplaln LhaL Lhe ºcolor" change also lndlcaLes Lhe LemperaLure, falnL sLraw - 390¨ l, llghL sLraw - 443¨l, dark sLraw - 463¨l, all Lhe way up Lo purples reachlng 340¨l Lo blue whlch ls 373¨l. 1he blue would be Lhe lndlcaLor prlor Lo reachlng 600¨l. 1hese colors may noL be as evldenL on Lhe carbon sLeel coupons. AccepLance CrlLerla: volds ln beLween Lhe weave paLLern, lack of fuslon, undercuL, poroslLy or any oLher defecL shall be polnLed ouL. 77 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 10 - lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel (C1AW) ÞracLlce on 4" S1u 1C ÞoslLlon 10.7 Cap Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use Lhe #8 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8 309 o Amperage 8ange - 1/8" 73 - 123 • 8acklng Cas (Argon) o Þurge may sLlll be applled and Lhe end of Lhe plpe adequaLely sealed o Lower purge Lo 3 ClP • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre, slde Lo slde wlLh good fuslon aL Lhe edges o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe flll pass o llll [olnL up Lo 1/8" pasL flush o Cne pass ls requlred AccepLance CrlLerla: 1hls coupon ls noL belng Lracked on Lhe l-Þad, buL lL ls requlred. 1each Lhe baslc fundamenLals uslng Lhe 4" flrsL, and Lhen proceed Lo 2" Sch 80 ln Lhe 6C poslLlon. 1hls ls your opporLunlLy Lo lnLroduce Lhe sLudenL Lo SLalnless SLeel. 1hls ls Lyplcally where Lhe sLudenL acLually wanLs Lo learn how Lo weld. 1he sLudenL may need Lo do an exLra coupon prlor Lo sLarLlng 2" Sch 80. lL wlll be Lhe lnsLrucLor's good [udgmenL Lo make LhaL declslon. 78 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 10 - lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel (C1AW) 2" Sch 80 6C ÞoslLlon 10.1a Lnd Þrep • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.1 of Lhls manual 10.2a 1ack-up/llL-up • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.2 of Lhls manual • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8 309 o Amperage 8ange - 1/8" 73 - 123 • 8acklng Cas (Argon) shall be lncorporaLed aL Lhls Llme prlor Lo Lacklng up o Argon shall be seL aL 3 Lo 13 ClP o 1he use of a 2" adapLer and back cap shall be used for Lacklng and LhroughouL Lhe weldmenL • Þurge Llme should be approxlmaLely 1-2 mlnuLes maxlmum for Lhe samples belng welded ln Lhe shop o 1hls pracLlce should noL be lncorporaLed ouL on a [obslLe o Lxplaln LhaL dlameLers and lengLhs of plpe wlll vary as well as Lhe purge Llme • 1he [olnL should be sealed adequaLely Lo prevenL Lhe presence of Cxygen • 1alllng ouL on Lhe bevel ls an lmporLanL Lechnlque used Lo avold a ºflsheye" or hole aL Lhe LermlnaLlon polnL on Lhe weld 10.3a Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng Lacks) • 8efer Lo SecLlon 7.3 of Lhls manual • lallure Lo remove ºflsheye" aL Lhls polnL wlll mosL llkely be a cause for Lhe rooL belng re[ecLed 79 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 10 - lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel (C1AW) 2" Sch 80 6C ÞoslLlon 10.4a 8ooL Þass • SLudenLs wlll conLlnue Lo use Lhe #4 ceramlc cup LhaL was lssued Lo Lhem by Lhe 1ralnlng CenLer • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8 309 o Amperage 8ange - 1/8" 73 - 123 • 8acklng Cas (Argon) o Þurge should sLlll be applled wlLh Lhe [olnL Laped and Lhe end of Lhe plpe adequaLely sealed o 3 - 13 ClP • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre, slde Lo slde wlLh good fuslon aL Lhe bevel faces o NC DIÞ 1kANSILk o no free handlng • ÞeneLraLlon o Mlnlmum flush Lo 1/8"maxlmum proLruslon 1eachlng 1oplc: 8acklng gas ls used for Lhe prevenLlon of an Cxygen rlch envlronmenL. Cxygen wlll cause Lhe weld surface Lo be rough and coarse wlLh a heavy black oxlde layer. lf Lhere ls sllghL dlscoloraLlon -a golden hue - Lhen lL ls an lndlcaLlon LhaL a blL of Cxygen was sLlll presenL. AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he rooL pass shall be lnspecLed on Lhe lu and Lhe Cu Lo ensure proper weldlng Lechnlques have been used. Lack of fuslon aL Lhe bevel face should be dlscussed. 8evlew posslble causes of Lhe defecLs. Crlndlng and flllng should be llmlLed Lo Lacks and cleanlng, noL grlndlng Lhe whole rooL unLll lL shlnes Lo remove lack of fuslon. 1he same crlLerla shall be used Lo evaluaLe Lhese samples. 1hls coupon ls belng Lracked on Lhe l-Þad, lL should be SLep/Weld # 43. 80 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 10 - lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel (C1AW) 2" Sch 80 6C ÞoslLlon 10.3a PoL Þass • SLudenLs wlll conLlnue Lo use Lhe #6 ceramlc cup LhaL was lssued Lo Lhem by Lhe 1ralnlng CenLer • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8 309 o Amperage 8ange - 1/8" 73 - 123 • 8acklng Cas (Argon) o Þurge should sLlll be applled and Lhe end of Lhe plpe adequaLely sealed o Lower purge Lo 3 ClP • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre, slde Lo slde wlLh good fuslon aL Lhe bevel faces 1eachlng 1oplc: SLress Lhe lmporLance of good fuslon aL Lhe bevel face wlLh a flaL appearance. Wlre brushlng ln beLween passes ls hlghly recommended. AccepLance CrlLerla: ulsconLlnulLles shall be dlscussed and soluLlons shall be demonsLraLed by Lhe lnsLrucLor. 1he same crlLerla llsLed on Lhe l-Þad shall be used Lo evaluaLe Lhese samples. 81 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 10 - lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel (C1AW) 2" Sch 80 6C ÞoslLlon 10.6a llll Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 6 or #8 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8 309 o Amperage 8ange - 1/8" 73 - 123 • 8acklng Cas (Argon) o Þurge may sLlll be applled and Lhe end of Lhe plpe adequaLely sealed o Lower purge Lo 3 ClP • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre, slde Lo slde wlLh good fuslon aL Lhe bevel faces o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe hoL pass o llll [olnL Lo flush or sllghLly below flush o Cne pass ls requlred 1eachlng 1oplc: SLress lmporLance of cleanlng ln beLween passes and allowlng Lhe plpe Lo cool down wlLhouL quenchlng ln waLer. lnLerpass LemperaLures should be under 600¨l. 1emperaLure sLlcks are avallable aL Lhe 1ralnlng CenLer. AccepLance CrlLerla: volds ln beLween Lhe weave paLLern, lack of fuslon, undercuL, poroslLy or any oLher defecL shall be cause for re[ecLlon. 82 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 10 - lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel (C1AW) 2" Sch 80 6C ÞoslLlon 10.7a Cap Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use Lhe #8 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8 309 o Amperage 8ange - 1/8" 73 - 123 • 8acklng Cas (Argon) o Þurge may sLlll be applled and Lhe end of Lhe plpe adequaLely sealed o Lower purge Lo 3 ClP • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre, slde Lo slde o (2) sLrlngers shall be requlred o Wlde enough Lo cover Lhe edges, noL exceedlng a 1/16" on elLher slde o llll [olnL up Lo 1/8" pasL flush AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he coupon shall be free from defecLs as noLed on Lhe l-Þad. noLe: (2) AccepLable samples shall be requlred prlor Lo LesLlng. 1he 2nd sample shall be Lurned ln for Mr. PlnLz's approval before Lhe sLudenL LesLs. A º8equesL Lo 1esL" form shall be generaLed and slgned by Lwo lnsLrucLors, one of whlch wlll be a full-Llme, A18 and CWl. 1PlS CCMÞLL1LS 1PL S1uuLn1'S WLLulnC 8LCul8LMLn1S PL C8 SPL WlLL nC LCnCL8 8L 18ACkLu Cn 1PL l-ÞAu 83 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 11 - lnLroducLlon Lo lnconel (C1AW) 11a 1ermlnology: • Lxplaln Lo sLudenLs Lhls ls baslc, noL advanced and encourage Lhe Clad Class aL nlghL • lnconel- a nlckel conLalnlng nlCrMo (L8 nlCrMo-10 or 3 wlll be provlded by Lhe 1ralnlng CenLer) • nlckel Cxldes - surface oxlde coaLlng whlch needs Lo be removed prlor Lo weldlng subsequenL passes. 1hls oxlde melLs aL approxlmaLely 1000¨l above Lhe melLlng polnL of Lhe base meLal. 1hls oxlde wlll noL be consumed and wlll cause lack fuslon lmperfecLlons. Clean surface wlLh a sulLable Lool, grlnder or brush. • nlckel Alloy Weld MeLal - characLerlsLlcs lnclude Lhe slugglsh naLure of Lhe molLen weld meLal whlch does noL spread and Lhe lower weld peneLraLlon lnherenL wlLh nlckel alloys. 1he nlckel alloy conducLs heaL much more slowly Lhan carbon or cerLaln sLalnless sLeels. 1hls acceleraLes warplng and shrlnkage ln Lhe weld [olnL. uue Lo Lhe slower dlffuslon of heaL Lhe meLal remalns hoLLer longer, allow coupon Lo cool sllghLly prlor Lo weldlng agaln. • ulp 1ransfer MeLhod - Lechnlque developed for Lhe C1AW process for open rooL [olnLs. Speclal parameLers and procedures are lnvolved: brldge Lacks are recommended, lnLernal shleldlng (Argon), key hole dlp Lransfer by uslng Lhe cup walklng meLhod. 11b 1ools and MaLerlals • Pand grlnder wlLh abraslve dlscs and cuL-off wheels • SLalnless sLeel wlre brush • Alumlnum Lape or masklng Lape, whlchever ls avallable • 8acklng purge adapLers and caps for 4" and 2" samples • 4" and 2" carbon sLeel coupons ( S1u, Sch 80 or xxP, depends on avallablllLy) 11c Weldlng MaLerlals • L8nlCrMo-3 or 10 (lnconel 623 or 622 respecLlvely) depends on avallablllLy • 3/32" and 1/8" dlameLer (sLored on Lhe uA slde ln a conLrolled cablneL) 11d 1orch Assembly • Cas Lenses o Large o !umbo • Cup Slzes o no. 6, 8, 10 or 12 • 2° 1horlaLed 1ungsLen o Allow 3/32" per uA LesL speclflcaLlons 84 !"#$#%#&'#( $*% +,-( .#'+-*&/ 01"2 3#',&*4*56 7&8 9#48#% 3%7-&-&5 :7&;74< -& '*&=;&'+-*& >-+, ?2 9#48 3#(+ .@#'-$-'7+-*&( AB C DD 7&8 $-#48 %#47+#8 05**8 >*%E-&5< @%7'+-'#( 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 11 - lnLroducLlon Lo lnconel (C1AW) ÞracLlce on 4" S1u 1C ÞoslLlon • All sLudenLs shall sLarL on 4" plpe • necessary coupon Lo lnLroduce Lhe sLudenL Lo lnconel 11.1 Lnd Þrep • Clean back on lu and Cu of plpe wlLh a pencll grlnder • Land may be deslred on larger bore plpe, Lhe uA 33 and Lhe uA 66 allow up Lo 1/8" land • uurlng Lralnlng keep ºknlfe" edge lnLacL 11.2 1ack-up/llL-up (8eferenced per uA 33 & uA 66) • 8ooL gap - 1/8" • 8rldge Lacks may be demonsLraLed aL Lhls polnL • 1radlLlonal Lacks may be demonsLraLed also • Þurglng Lechnlques learned prlor wlll be lncorporaLed o Shleldlng gas - Argon 12 - 23 ClP (deLermlned by weldlng condlLlons ln Lhe shop) o 8acklng gas - Argon 3 - 3 ClP (deLermlned by weldlng condlLlons ln Lhe shop) • 3/32" L8nlCrMo-10 or 3 shall be used Lo Lack o Amperage 8ange - 40-70 11.3 Crlndlng (feaLherlng Lacks or sLarL/sLops)/8emoval of brldge Lacks • Same as prevlously LaughL for sLarLs or sLops • 8emoval of brldge Lacks wlLhouL rulnlng bevels o 1hese Lacks are noL lncorporaLed lnLo Lhe weld 83 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 11 - lnLroducLlon Lo lnconel (C1AW) ÞracLlce on 4" S1u 1C ÞoslLlon 11.4 8ooL Þass • uemonsLraLe Lhe dlp Lransfer meLhod for Lhe open rooL o SelecL a #6 or 8 for Lhe rooL pass wlLh Lhe gas lens • 3/32" L8nlCrMo-10 or 3 shall be used for Lhe rooL pass o Amperage 8ange - 40-100 • Þurglng shall be malnLalned 1eachlng 1oplc: CommlL Lo addlng wlre, do noL approach Lhe keyhole slowly or Lhe wlre wlll ball up. MalnLaln good shleldlng on Lhe wlre, belng careful noL Lo pull lL ouL of Lhe shleldlng shroud. 1hls dlsLance ls approxlmaLely 1" from Lhe Cu of Lhe cup. 1he oxldlzed wlre Llp should be removed prlor Lo addlng addlLlonal weld meLal. 8eferenclng Lhe uA 1esL SpeclflcaLlons Lhe maxlmum lnLerpass LemperaLure shall be 300¨l. use a Lemp sLlck Lo assess Lhe heaL of Lhe coupon. Allow Lhe plece Lo cool ln beLween passes by sLaylng busy ln Lhe weld booLh. 1here should be no need for Lhe sLudenL Lo quench Lhelr coupon. Welded surfaces shall be free from coarse rlpples, grooves, overlaps, abrupL rldges and valleys. 8efore weldlng over deposlLed weld meLal, all slag and oxldes shall be removed and Lhe weld and Lhe ad[acenL base meLal shall be brushed clean. SulLable meLhods of cleanlng lnclude Lhe use of abraslve dlscs, flllng or brushlng. no power brushes wlll be allowed whlle Lralnlng, buL are allowed on uA LesLs ln a conLrolled envlronmenL away from Lhe masses, uslng all safeLy proLocol. 1he weld should have a sllghLly convex surface. llaL and concave surfaces should be avolded. 86 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 11 - lnLroducLlon Lo lnconel (C1AW) ÞracLlce on 4" S1u 1C ÞoslLlon 11.3 PoL Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a #6 or #8 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8nlCrMo-10 or 3 o Amperage 8ange - 83 Lo 130 (Lorch llmlLaLlons) • 8acklng Cas (Argon) o Þurge should sLlll be applled and Lhe end of Lhe plpe adequaLely sealed o Lower purge Lo 3 ClP • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre, slde Lo slde wlLh good fuslon aL Lhe bevel faces o 1he weld should have a sllghLly convex surface. 1eachlng 1oplc: 8efore weldlng over deposlLed weld meLal, all slag and oxldes shall be removed and Lhe weld and Lhe ad[acenL base meLal shall be brushed clean. SulLable meLhods of cleanlng lnclude Lhe use of abraslve dlscs, flllng or brushlng. 87 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 11 - lnLroducLlon Lo lnconel (C1AW) ÞracLlce on 4" S1u 1C ÞoslLlon 11.6 llll Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a # 6, #8 or #10 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8nlCrMo-10 or 3 o Amperage 8ange - 83 Lo 130 (Lorch llmlLaLlons) • 8acklng Cas (Argon) o Þurge may sLlll be applled and Lhe end of Lhe plpe adequaLely sealed o Lower purge Lo 3 ClP • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre, slde Lo slde wlLh good fuslon aL Lhe bevel faces o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo cover Lhe hoL pass o llll [olnL Lo flush or sllghLly below flush o Cne pass ls requlred buL may need an exLra pass Lo flush ouL ! More passes w||| be requ|red when us|ng th|cker mater|a|s, such as 2" kkn and a|so the "Super" coupons ! Demonstrate what "f|ushed out" |s 1eachlng 1oplc: SLress lmporLance of cleanlng ln beLween passes and allowlng Lhe plpe Lo cool down wlLhouL quenchlng ln waLer. 1he maxlmum lnLerpass LemperaLure shall be 300¨l. 88 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 11 - lnLroducLlon Lo lnconel (C1AW) ÞracLlce on 4" S1u 1C ÞoslLlon 11.7 Cap Þass • 1he sLudenL shall be lnsLrucLed Lo use a #8 or #10 ceramlc cup • llller MeLal o 1/8" L8nlCrMo-10 or 3 o Amperage 8ange - 83 Lo 130 (Lorch llmlLaLlons) • 8acklng Cas (Argon) o Þurge may sLlll be applled and Lhe end of Lhe plpe adequaLely sealed o Lower purge Lo 3 ClP • 1echnlque o Walklng over Lhe wlre, slde Lo slde wlLh good fuslon aL Lhe edges o 1he weave paLLern shall be wlde enough Lo overlap 1/16" pasL Lhe orlglnal [olnL o Cap [olnL flush Lo 1/8" pasL Cu surface o Cne pass ls requlred un|ess do|ng 2G and 6G pos|t|on we|ds 1eachlng 1oplc: Cnce Lhe sLudenL has become proflclenL wlLh Lhe 4" plpe Lhey shall be advanced Lo Lhe 2" Sch 80 or xxP ln Lhe 6C poslLlon. *Þ|ease note that a|| techn|ques |n Sect|on 11 sha|| be emp|oyed on the 2" samp|es* 89 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 12 - lnLroducLlon Lo Chromlum (C1AW & SMAW) 12a 1ermlnology • Chromlum - Lhls plpe has become a sLandard ln Lhe power generaLlon lndusLry and Lhe peLro-chemlcal lndusLry, noL only because of lLs Lenslle sLrengLh, corroslon reslsLance and hlgh-LemperaLure sLrengLh, buL also for lLs cosL-effecLlveness. Grades Þ-11, Þ-22, Þ-91 & Þ-92 are prevalenL for Lhe power lndusLry, whlle Þ-S&Þ-9 are Lhe ma[or reflnery processlng grades uLlllzed. 1hese sLeels are deslgned Lo provlde lmproved creep sLrengLh, faLlgue, oxldaLlon, and corroslon reslsLance aL elevaLed LemperaLures. • uA 91 - 1hls LesL wlll lnLroduce Lhe sLudenL Lo Lhe use of dlfferenL flller meLals and also Lo dlfferenL covered elecLrodes uslng weldlng processes LhaL Lhey have become skllled wlLh already. 12b 1ools and MaLerlals • Pand grlnder wlLh dlscs • SLalnless sLeel wlre brush • Alumlnum Lape or masklng Lape • 8acklng purge adapLers and caps for 2" plpe • 2" xxP carbon sLeel coupons 12c ÞreheaL • Cxy-fuel Lorch seL wlLh a preheaL Llp • Mlnlmum preheaL of 400¨l • 1emp sLlck • lor Lralnlng purposes only Lhe preheaL wlll sLarL afLer Lhe Lacks have been puL ln due Lo Lhe slze of Lhe coupon (safeLy whlle handllng) • Þosslble use of lnducLlon heaLlng on [obslLes 12d Weldlng MaLerlals • L8 90S-89 • 3/32" or 1/8" dlameLer (sLored on Lhe uA slde ln a conLrolled conLalner) • L 9013-89 or L9018-89 • 3/32" or 1/8" dlameLer (sLored ln cablneL by 8ooLh 1) DC NC1 ÞU1 IN kCD CVLNS WnILL 1kAINING *ÞLLASL DC NC1 MIk 1nIS WI1n 1nL C1nLk LLLC1kCDLS Ck IILLLk WIkLS* 90 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 12 - lnLroducLlon Lo Chromlum (C1AW & SMAW) ÞracLlce on 2" xxP 6C • All sLudenLs are allowed Lo use 2" xxP 12.1 Lnd Þrep • Clean back on lu and Cu of plpe wlLh a pencll grlnder 12.2 1ack-up/llL-up (8eferenced per uA 91) • 8ooL gap - 1/8" • 1radlLlonal Lacks • Þurglng Lechnlques learned prlor wlll be lncorporaLed o Shleldlng gas - Argon 12 - 23 ClP (deLermlned by weldlng condlLlons ln Lhe shop) o 8acklng gas - Argon 3 - 3 ClP (deLermlned by weldlng condlLlons ln Lhe shop) • 1/8" L8 90S-89 o Amperage 8ange - 40-130 12.3 Crlndlng (feaLherlng Lacks) • Same as prevlously LaughL for sLarLs or sLops 12.4 8ooL Þass (C1AW) • Same Lechnlques prevlously LaughL on uA 13 may be demonsLraLed • llush Lo 1/8" maxlmum peneLraLlon • Weldlng wlll begln once coupon ls heaLed Lo 400¨l 12.3 PoL Þass (C1AW) • L8 90S-89 • lnLerpass LemperaLure wlll be malnLalned aL 400¨l • (1) Þass only ls allowed 12.6 llll Þass (SMAW) • L 9013-89 or L 9018-89, 3/32" dlameLer elecLrodes • Amperage 8ange - 40-80 • SLrlnger Lechnlques learned prevlously shall be demonsLraLed • (2) passes requlred, posslble second layer of flll passes may be needed Lo flush ouL 12.7 Cap Þass (SMAW) • (3) or (4) sLrlngers are allowed • Cap wldLh wlll noL exceed 1/16" elLher slde of orlglnal [olnL AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he compleLed sample coupon shall be lnspecLed afLer Lack-up/flL-up and Lhen afLer each pass (rooL, hoL, flll pass or second layer of flll passes and Lhen Lhe cap). 1hls ls Lo ensure Lhe sLudenL conLlnues wlLh good weldlng pracLlces. 91 noLe: (1) AccepLable sample shall be requlred prlor Lo LesLlng. 1he sample shall be Lurned ln for Mr. PlnLz's approval before Lhe sLudenL LesLs. A º8equesL Lo 1esL" form shall be generaLed and slgned by Lwo lnsLrucLors, one of whlch wlll be a full-Llme, A18 and CWl. 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 13 lnLroducLlon Lo CMAW and lCAW 13a 1ermlnology • CMAW - Cas meLal arc weldlng or MlC (meLal lnerL gas) • uA 30: manual weldlng process wlLh Lhe dlrecLlon of rolllng away from welder • CMAW-S , Lhe ºS" sLands for shorL-clrculL mode of Lransfer • lCAW - llux core arc weldlng, uses Lubular wlre wlLh Lhe flux lnslde 13b 1ools and MaLerlals • Pand grlnder wlLh dlscs • Wlre brush • Wlre cuLLers 13c Weldlng MaLerlals • 6" Sch 80, carbon sLeel plpe • CMAW machlne • 1able poslLloner 13d Weldlng Wlre and Shleldlng Cas • L8 70S-3 or 6, .033" or .043" (solld wlre) • L 711-1, .033" or .043" (Lubular wlre) • 73° Argon/23° CC² cyllnders 13e ÞarameLers for ShorL ClrculL 1ransfer: • 17-20 volLs • Amperage 8ange- 100-173 • WlS 76-173 lpm • nozzle slze (cup) x" Lo ¾" lu • SLlck ouL x" Lo 3/8" from cup whlle weldlng • Cas seL aL 23-43 ClP, ad[usL per shop condlLlons 13f ÞarameLers for lCAW Clobular/Spray 1ransfer: • SwlLch Cuns • 24-32 volLs • Amperage 8ange- 140-430 • WlS 120-300 lpm • nozzle slze (cup) x" Lo ¾" lu • SLlck ouL x" Lo 3/8" from cup whlle weldlng • Cas seL aL 13-40 ClP 92 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 13 lnLroducLlon Lo CMAW and lCAW 13.1 Lnd Þrep • Clean 1" back on lu and Cu • LsLabllsh 1/16" Lo 3/32" land as deslred 13.2 1ack-up /llL-up • Cap aL 1/8" • 1ack up ln Lhe 2C poslLlon • ¾" Lacks, (4)evenly spaced • 1all ln Lo Lack by sLarLlng on bevel and Lall ouL of Lack by endlng on bevel 13.3 Crlndlng 1acks (feaLherlng) • 8emove Lhe ºLalls" off of bevel faces • leaLher boLh ends of Lacks, keeplng enough meLal ln Lhe mlddle Lo sLop [olnL from closlng • uo noL reduce lands aL end of Lacks 13.4 8ooL Þass L8 70S-6 CMAW-S • SLarL weld downhlll from 12 o'clock • 1all lnLo cenLer of Lack, heaLlng up for Lle-ln • lf Lhe gap ls Loo wlde slmply weave Lorch for Lhe flrsL 1 x" or so Lo help brldge meLal across gap • Pold Lorch 43¨ Lo 33¨ from verLlcal Loward Lhe puddle , sLaylng on Lhe leadlng edge • ConLlnue weldlng whlle poslLloner ls movlng away from Lhe welder • keep Lorch ln Lhe 1-2 o'clock range • Crlnd all sLarL and sLops 13.3 PoL Þass L711-1 lCAW • Clean Lhe rooL pass, remove ºglass-llke" maLerlal • 8emove crown of rooL pass, as Lhls wlll hlnder Lhe hoL pass • Make Lhe rooL surface falrly flaL Lo avold sLubblng of wlre • lollow parameLers llsLed above • Weave paLLern wlde enough Lo ensure good fuslon 13.6 llll Þass L711-1 lCAW • Clean hoL pass • 8emove crown lf needed • Weave wlder wlLhouL fllllng enLlre [olnL • Leave 1/16"-3/32" below flush 13.7 Cap Þass L711-1 lCAW • Clean flll , flaLLen ouL remove crown lf needed • Weave enough Lo cover edges and ensure [olnL ls fllled compleLely 93 AccepLance CrlLerla: Cnce Lhe sLudenL becomes proflclenL and Lhe coupon has been accepLed from rooL Lo cap Lhen lL may be submlLLed followlng Lhe same proLocol for any oLher LesL. 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 13 lnLroducLlon Lo CMAW and lCAW 13g ÞoslLlon Welds • Cnce sLudenL passes Lhelr LesL (uA 30) Lhey may elLher proceed Lo Lhe 2C, 3C and 6C poslLlons Lo LesL ln Lhe 6C wlLh Lhese processes (Cr) • 1he sLudenL may proceed Lo Lhe uA 79 uslng Lhe ShorL clrculL and Lhe Spray/Þulsed Lransfer mode 13h uA 79 • ÞarameLers for Lhe uA 79 shall be adhered Lo, please refer Lo Lhe Weld 1esL SpeclflcaLlon • 8aslc parameLers for Lhe Þlpe Þro Mlller machlne are aLLached Lo Lhe machlne lLself • 8ooL Þass should be #4 on panel dlsplay • 8alance should be #8 on panel dlsplay • 8ooL should be aL Lhe 2 o'clock poslLlon • SLay on Lop for Lhe balance • no movemenL for Lhe rooL pass Lechnlque • 8ooL gap can be up Lo 3/32" along wlLh a land slze Lo 1/8" as per uA 79 speclflcaLlon AccepLance CrlLerla: SLudenL shall become proflclenL wlLh process and Lhen submlL a sample for Lhe uA 79. 1he requesL form wlll be fllled ouL ln Lhe same manner as any oLher uA LesL sample. SLudenLs wlll be asked Lo proceed Lo 1" Lhlck plaLe ln preparaLlon for Lhe uA 23, uA 91 or Lhe uA 78. 1hese weldmenLs shall also be used Lo galn experlence wlLh sLalnless sLeel covered elecLrodes, lnconel covered elecLrodes and larger dlameLer carbon sLeel covered elecLrodes. 94 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 14 - lnLroducLlon Lo SLalnless SLeel & lnconel Covered LlecLrodes (SMAW) 14a Cb[ecLlve: • 1o galn experlence wlLh sLalnless sLeel covered elecLrodes, uslng dlfferenL dlameLers and classlflcaLlons, such as L309-13 or 309-17, 3/32" or 1/8" • 1o galn experlence wlLh lnconel covered elecLrodes, uslng dlfferenL dlameLers and classlflcaLlons, such as LnlCrle-3 or LnlCrMo-3, 3/32" or 1/8" AccepLance CrlLerla: 1he lnsLrucLor shall accepL or re[ecL each pass followlng Lhe same crlLerla LhaL has prevlously been followed for all weldlng samples and uA LesLs. Cnce Lhe sLudenL has produced an ºaccepLable" sample a º1esL 8equesL" form shall be fllled ouL and Lhe sample shall be senL Lo Mr. PlnLz for hls approval. 1he sLudenL wlll be encouraged Lo conLlnue Lhelr weldlng educaLlon by belng challenged wlLh advanced Lechnlques and processes under Lhe supervlslon of Lhelr weldlng lnsLrucLors. 1hls may lnclude, buL ls noL llmlLed Lo: poslLlon welds ln fleld-llke condlLlons, sockeL welds, sleeves, saddles and branch connecLlons, pro[ecLs based on drawlngs LhaL are provlded, mock-up of pressure vessels or any oLher uA LesL Lhey would llke Lo aLLempL. 93 8evlslon no. 1 SecLlon 13 - SupplemenLary uocumenLs uocumenL 1: Weldlng SafeLy ÞÞ1 (Þrovlded on ºlaculLy lolder") uocumenL 2: lnLroducLlon Lo Weldlng ÞÞ1 (Þrovlded on ºlaculLy lolder") uocumenL 3: Weld Shop 8ules & 8egulaLlons (SeparaLe blnder locaLed ouLslde of Weld Shop) uocumenL 4: Slx 8aslc lundamenLals (SeparaLe blnder locaLed ouLslde of Weld Shop) uocumenL 3: Llncoln LlecLrlc Low Pydrogen ArLlcle (SeparaLe blnder locaLed ouLslde of Weld Shop) uocumenL 6: AccepLable Weld Þroflles (SeparaLe blnder locaLed ouLslde of Weld Shop) uocumenL 7: uA Cxy-luel / SMAW Manual ChapLers 8-12 (SeparaLe blnder locaLed ouLslde of Weld Shop) uocumenL 8: leaLherlng 1acks (SeparaLe blnder locaLed ouLslde of Weld Shop) uocumenL 9: uown Pand Þrogresslon (SeparaLe blnder locaLed ouLslde of Weld Shop) uocumenL 10: Arc Zone 1ungsLen ÞreparaLlon (SeparaLe blnder locaLed ouLslde of Weld Shop) uocumenL 11: 8equesL Lo 1esL lorm (Sample) (SeparaLe blnder locaLed ouLslde of Weld Shop) uocumenL 12: Shop lloor Þlan (SeparaLe blnder locaLed ouLslde of Weld Shop) uocumenL 13: ApprenLlce Weldlng CrlLerla per ?ear (SeparaLe blnder locaLed ouLslde of Weld Shop) 96 8evlslon no. 2 SecLlon 16 - LrraLa/Addendum 8evlslon no. 2, March 29, 2013: newly ueflned Þrogresslon LlsL of WeldmenLs for Lhe ApprenLlce: 1. uA 21 2. uA 76 3. uA 13 4. uA 41 3. uA 33 6. uA 14 & 43 (Lo be done aL Lhe same Llme) 7. uA 91 8. uA 30 & 79 (Lo be done aL Lhe same Llme) 9. uA 77 and/or 1lÞ 1lC (dependenL on avallablllLy) 10. Advanced/lndlvlduallzed Lralnlng (varlous SMAW LlecLrodes and also CMAW/lCAW ln poslLlon)
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