Weco Unions Chicksan Swivel



Treating Irons, Unions, Swivels & Circulating HeadsTREATING IRONS, UNIONS, SWIVELS & CIRCULATING HEADS INDEX SR. NO. PAGE INDEX 1 Cementing And Circulating Hoses 89 2 Cementing & Circulating Hoses 91 3 Swivel Joints 94 4 Short Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-20 95 5 Short Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-30 96 6 Short Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-40 97 7 Short Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-50 98 8 Short Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-60 99 9 Short Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-70 100 10 Short Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-80 101 11 Short Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-10 102 12 Long Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-20 103 13 Long Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-30 104 14 Long Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-40 105 15 Long Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-50 106 16 Long Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-60 107 17 Long Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-70 108 18 Long Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-80 109 19 Long Sweep Swivel Joint (Basic Dimensions) Style-10 110 20 Hammer Unions 111 21 Air - Unions 118 22 Treating Irons, Union Connections, Bull Plugs, Cross Over Adaptors & Swages 119 23 Integral / Fabricated Union Connections 120 24 Changeover / Crossover Adaptors 121 25 Circulating Head 122 26 Mud Gun 123 27 Integral / Welded Union End Fit tings 124 88 Treating Irons, Unions, Swivels & Circulating Heads CEMENTING AND CIRCULATING HOSES General Description Introduction PARVEEN'S Cementing & Circulating Hoses are manufactured in various sizes (from 1" to 4") and in various configurations to meet virtually all needs of Oil Industry. These can handle a wide variety of fluids at cold working pressure up to 20,000 PSI. These hoses are made in steel to meet ASTM/AISI standards, are rugged, fold up easily and quickly for transportation. These .are specially heat treated to get the desired hardness to suit various applications. Even sizes beyond 4" can be supplied to meet customer requirement. Service Applications These hoses are recommended for service in Low Pressure Lines, High & Ex tra High pressure Lines, Discharge Lines, Water Lines, Well Testing Lines, Cementing & Circulating Lines, Temporary Flow Lines and Ex tra Pressure Abrasive Applications. Swivel Joint Connections PARVEEN'S hoses features PARVEEN'S Swivel Joints which provide flexibility, ma ximize flow characteristics and absorb shock vibrations. Wing Unions PARVEEN'S wing unions end connections provided in the cementing hoses ensure pressure tight and fast make up and quick break-out without threading, welding or special connections. Sour Gas Service PARVEEN'S cementing hoses are available in various sizes and configurations for sour gas service as per NACE standards MR-01- 75 and API standard RP-14E up to cold working pressure of 15000 PSI. Method of Construction These hoses can be manufactured either threaded or integral or welded constructions or with NPS end connections. Standard Lengths of Hoses Following standard lengths are available. These lengths are fully ex tended lengths of the unfolded hoses: Threaded Hose - 12 feet NPS Hose - 12 feet Welded Hose - 12 feet Integral Hose - 12 feet Other lengths can also be provided on request. PARVEEN'S hoses are also available in half section configuration. In this case, stated length will be half of the length of comparable full length section. The loop can be divided into various sections depending upon the number of unions in the loop. The loop is generally in 4 & 2 sections. Swivel Joint Styles PARVEEN'S Swivel Joints can be manufactured equivalent to style 10, 20, 30, 40, 50,' 60, 70 & 80. Normally the most used style in various applications in style 50 and style 10 but PARVEEN’S can cater for any style to meet customer requirements. Pressure Ratings Hoses with following ratings are available as given in table below. Interchangeability PARVEEN'S hammer unions or end connections are interchangeable with the unions and connections of all the major manufacturers of these products in the world. 89 Treating Irons, Unions, Swivels & Circulating Heads CEMENTING AND CIRCULATING HOSES SWIVEL JOINTS CEMENTING & CIRCULATIG HOSES COLOUR OLIVE CONSTRUCTIONS DETAILS SERVICE CODE THREADED NPS SOUR P P P STD P P P NOMINAL SIZE (INCHES) INTEGRAL WELDED CWP UNION 2” 2 1 /2” 3” 4” (PSI) FIGURE P P P P P FIG-602 P P P P P 100 PSI TO 6000PSI 100 PSI TO 6000PSI 1” 1 1 /2” P P P P GREEN SHORT SWEEP YELLOW/ SILVER FIG-602 BLACK STD P P P P P P P P P P 10000 PSI FIG-1002 OLIVE SOUR P P P P P P P P P P 10000 PSI FIG-1502 BROWN STD P P P P P P P P P P OLIVE SOUR P P P P P P P P P P 6000 PSI TO 7500 PSI 6000 PSI 7500 PSI 10000 PSI BLACK STD P P P P P P P P P P 10000 PSI SWIVEL JOINT OLIVE SOUR _ _ P P P P P P P P 15000 PSI (1”, 1 1 /2”,2”, GREEN FIG-602 OR FIG-1002 FIG-602 FIG-1002 FIG-1502 FIG-1002 OR FIG-1502 FIG-2202 OR FIG-1502 SWIVEL JOINT (1”, 1 1 /2”,2”, 2 1 /2”,3”,4”) GREEN GREEN LONG SWEEP 2 1 /2”,3”,4”) RED STD _ _ P P P P P P P P 15000 PSI FIG-1502 LIGHT STD _ _ P _ _ _ P _ P _ 20000 PSI FIG-2002 BLUE 90 THREADED ENDS USING API LINE PIPE THREADS UNION (THREADED) 1 NO. 50-2 : Style 50 Swivel Joint.1 or 2) iii. 4U : 4 Numbers of Union iv.) STYLE-10 (2 NOS. 1. Swivels & Circulating Heads CEMENTING & CIRCULATING HOSES Parveen's typical steel Cementing & Circulating Hoses are shown below with its model numbers.10 (2 NOS. LS or SS) ii. 2 Numbers.) STYLE-10 (2 NOS. iii. I : Integral Union End Connection I. iv.) STYLE-50 (2 NOS. Integral (I) or Welded (W) Example: Model Number PLSCCH-50-2-4U-1 indicates. 4 NOS.e.e.e.e. Model Number indicates: i. Style 10. Long Sweep or Short Sweep (i. 2 NOS. Unions. Style 50 or Style 10 & Style 50 both & numbers of swivel joints i. Threaded (T). NPS (N). i. S. ii. 2 NOS. JOINT (THREADED) STYLE-50 (2 NOS. Type of end connection i. Style of Swivel Joints used (i.e. PSSCCH-50-2-1U-T PSSCCH-10-2-1U-T PSSCCH-50-2-2U-T PSSCCH-10-2-2U-T PSSCCH-50-2-4U-T PSSCCH-10-2-4U-T CONFIGURATION OF THREADED END MODELS MODEL NUMBER: PSSCCH-50-2-1U-T MODEL NUMBER: PSSCCH-10-2-1U-T MODEL NUMBER: PSSCCH-50-2-2U-T MODEL NUMBER: PSSCCH-10-2-2U-T MODEL NUMBER: PSSCCH-50-2-4U-T MODEL NUMBER: PSSCCH-10-2-4U-T 91 . 4 NOS. 2 or 4 etc.) STYLE.) STYLE-50 (2 NOS. Type of Sweep i. Numbers of Unions used (i.) MODEL NUMBER.Treating Irons. 1 NO.e. These hoses have either Threaded ends or NPS or Integral or Welded ends. PLSCCH : Parveen Long Sweep Cementing & Circulating Hose. 4 NOS.) MODEL NUMBER. 4 NOS. SWIVEL JOINT UNION END STYLE-50 (2 NOS.) STYLE-50 (2 NOS.) STYLE. Swivels & Circulating Heads CEMENTING & CIRCULATING HOSES 2. 4 NOS.10 (2 NOS. NPS ENDS UNION 4 NOS. 4 NOS.10 (2 NOS.) STYLE-50 (2 NOS. 4 NOS. SWIVEL JOINT UNION END STYLE-50 (2 NOS.10 (2 NOS.Treating Irons. WELDED ENDS UNION 4 NOS. PLSCCH-50-2-4U-N PLSCCH-10-2-4U-N PSSCH-50-2-4U-N PSSCCH-10-2-4U-N CONFIGURATION OF NPS END MODELS MODEL NUMBER: PLSCCH-50-2-4U-N MODEL NUMBER: PLSSCCH-10-2-4U-N MODEL NUMBER: PSSCCH-50-2-4U-N MODEL NUMBER: PSSCCH-10-2-4U-N 3.) STYLE.) MODEL NUMBER. Unions.) STYLE.10 (2 NOS. PLSCCH-50-2-4U-W PLSCCH-10-2-4U-W PSSCCH-50-2-4U-W PSSCCH-10-2-4U-W CONFIGURATION OF WELDED END MODELS MODEL NUMBER: PLSCCH-50-2-4U-W MODEL NUMBER: PLSSCCH-10-2-4U-W MODEL NUMBER: PSSCCH-50-2-4U-W MODEL NUMBER: PSSCCH-10-2-4U-W 92 .) STYLE. 4 NOS. 4 NOS. 4 NOS. 2 NOS. INTEGRAL UNION ENDS UNION 1 NO.50 (2 NOS. 1 NO. Swivels & Circulating Heads CEMENTING & CIRCULATING HOSES 4. Unions. SWIVEL JOINT STYLE-50 (1 NO) STYLE.) STYLE-10 (2 NOS.) STYLE-10 (2 NOS.) PLSCCH-50-2-2U-I PLSCCH-10-2-2U-I PLSCCH-10-2-1U-I PLSCCH-50-2-4U-I PLSCCH-10-2-4U-I (UNION ENDS) STYLE.) STYLE-50 (2 NOS.Treating Irons.10 (1 NO) MODEL NUMBER PLSCCH-50-1-101-1U-I CONFIGURATION OF INTEGRAL UNION END MODELS MODEL NUMBER: PLSCCH-50-1-10-1-1U-I MODEL NUMBER: PLSCCH-50-2-2U-I MODEL NUMBER: PLSCCH-10-2-2U-I MODEL NUMBER: PLSCCH-10-2-1U-I MODEL NUMBER: PLSCCH-50-2-4U-I MODEL NUMBER: PLSCCH-10-2-4U-I 93 .) STYLE-10 (2 NOS. 2 NOS. STYLE 30 ST YLE 20 ST YLE 30 ST YLE 40 Single swivel with one elbow 4. ! All union ends are interchangeable with other manufacturers adhering to Industry Standards. STYLE 80 Three swivels with three elbows. A leak at this port indicates the necessity of primary seal replacement. PARVEEN Swivel Joints have following features ! Swivel Joints are made from carbon steel and low alloy steel and are specially heat treated for controlled hardness. ST YLE 80 ST YLE 10 Sizes of Swivel Joint PARVEEN manufactures size 1" to 4" for normal application. 30. 40. 94 .75 (Latest) and the American Petroleum Institute’s (API) standard RP -14 E. STYLE 50 Two swivels with two elbows 6. Primary seal with stainless steel anti-ex trusion ring and an additional 'O’ ring between ball races and primary seal is provided which acts as a secondary seal. These swivel joints are provided with dual packing arrangement. 2.000 PSI CWP. STYLE 10 Three swivels with two elbows. STYLE 60 ST YLE 60 ST YLE 50 ST YLE 70 Two swivels with one elbow 7. Long sweep swivel joints are designed generally from 6000 PSI CWP to 20. STYLE 70 Two swivels with three elbows 8. STYLE 40 Single swivel with two elbows.sour service have union ends of corresponding pressure rating. 50. All ball races are either carburized and hardened or use snap ring in stainless steel. Long sweep sour service swivel joints are manufactured in accordance with National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) standard. 5. Smooth and round bore design keeps pressure drop low and minimizes turbulence. STYLE 20 Single swivel coupling. All long sweep swivel joints-Jar. These bearings are either dual race or tri race ball bearings and are matched to load capacity and service conditions. 70. MR-01 . ! ! ! Swivel joints for sour service are provided with snap rings to assure high load bearing capacity. 20. PARVEEN can also manufacture higher/lower sizes if required by customer. Swivels & Circulating Heads SWIVEL JOINTS Products Description Swivel Joints are manufactured both for standard service & sour service. These are style 10. 3. PARVEEN’s Swivel Joints bearings assure long and dependable service. When leakage occurs. Unions. 60. The grease retainer is self-relieving to prevent pressure accumulation in the ball race chamber if leakage occurs through the secondary packing. both for standard and sour service and ensure bet ter flow characteristics. Style of Swivel Joints PARVEEN manufactures all styles of swivel joints to suit various service condition and installations.Treating Irons. 80 as described below: 1. it is diverted through the leak detection port. 90 15.67 76 3.20 34.40 4” 268 10.5 3.60 53.00 3. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 165 1 1 /2” 190 6.74 2 1 /2” 225 2” 8.65 170 6.48 33.0 2 1 /2” 211 2” 8.5 3.70 4” 268 10.0 31.75 P P ØQ ØQ R R WT.20MF SIZE P P ØQ ØQ R R WT.54 12. WT.46 103 4.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.06 56 2.00 3” 223 9. SIZE WT.34 12.65 2 1 /2” 225 8.95 46 1.55 175 6.92 7.88 91.17 144 5.17 144 5.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.20 27.81 14.PSSSJ .85 115 4.20 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.0 34.27 16.20T MODEL:.17 144 5.0 50. WT.52 41 1.PSSSJ .52 41 1.61 9.67 76 3.70 27.40 215 8.0 22.84 2.06 56 2.0 44.49 64 2.9 4” 246 9. Unions.30 8.0 52.95 P P ØQ ØQ R R WT.69 103 4.61 8.95 46 1.60 70.15 1 1 /2” 190 1” 7.0 3” 234 9.46 103 4.55 175 6.48 28.06 56 2.81 5.76 215 8.5 3.602/1002/1502 END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.51 75 2.50 2” 215 8.48 35.5 3.31 115 4.85 115 4.68 175 6.92 4.53 63 2.06 56 2.20 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = LP THREAD END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.95 46 1.62 33.52 41 1.67 76 3.81 17.15 2” 3” 223 9.95 46 1.15 4.40 2 1 /2” 225 8.20MM SIZE P P ØQ ØQ R R WT.PSSSJ .88 91.40 2 1 1 /2” 140 5. Swivels & Circulating Heads SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-20 +8mm P +8mm R +5mm P +5mm ØQ R +5mm ØQ +5mm STYLE .20 15.46 103 4. WT.4 95 .20 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .53 63 2.48 75 2.Treating Irons.60 60.53 63 2.10 6.88 91.24 64 2.14 15.48 75 2.40 4” 268 10.60 74.64 3.06 15.81 9.88 91.06 8.68 23.53 63 2.48 19.42 7.21 144 5.61 4.85 +8mm P +8mm R +5mm P +5mm ØQ +5mm ØQ +5mm R STYLE .20FF MODEL:.49 64 2.10 20.61 8.45 3” 223 9.52 41 1. SIZE (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 165 6.67 76 3.49 64 2.85 115 4.PSSSJ .43 7.80 24.48 75 2.20 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .55 175 6.60 1 1 /2” 190 7.20 19. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 165 6. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 133 5. 30MM SIZE P P ØQ ØQ R R WT.16 40.76 75 2. SIZE P P X1 X1 WT.14 16.58 30.92 306 12. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) P P X1 X1 WT.84 21.22 132 5. Unions.02 10.0 8.63 1” 118 4.65 72 2.30FF MODEL:.20 3” 220 8.86 78 3.00 45.25 2 1 /2” 182 7.30T MODEL:.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.25 2 1 /2” 182 7.20 4.66 6.19 64.50 10.05 90.04 108 4.30 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .66 271 10.92 306 12.65 153 6.17 1” 118 4.80 37.PSSSJ .64 8.16 233 9.20 4” 252 9.63 20.68 31.5 3” 220 8.80 31.7 4.38 47.85 1” 2” 150 7.95 61 2.82 3.81 29.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.67 66.83 49 1.65 2” 150 5.72 90 3. WT.6 4.15 4” 252 9.75 1 1 /2” 121 4.70 3” 220 8.02 9.41 14.25 3” 220 8. SIZE WT.17 45.65 153 6.55 1 1 /2” 121 4. WT.92 5.66 271 10.78 18.50 14.16 233 9.Treating Irons.30 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = LP THREAD END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.5 2 1 /2” 182 7.17 40. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 118 4.50 4.80 11.5mm ØR P +8mm STYLE .67 68.62 27.80 23.602/1002/1502 END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.9 4” 252 9.30 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .76 165 6.25 46.90 198 7.PSSSJ .14 10.15 2” 150 5.85 1 1 /2” 121 4.8 1 1 /2” 121 4.90 198 7.92 306 12.5 2” 150 5.PSSSJ .40 7.90 98 3.92 158 6.76 165 6.17 46.20 96 .30 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.66 271 10. (KGF) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) 1” 118 4.4 4” 252 9.50 17.66 128 5.05 104.00 5.16 233 9.54 24.90 198 7.05 100. WT.30MF SIZE P P X1 X1 WT.02 10.65 153 6.74 21.35 2 1 /2” 182 +8mm P +8mm +8mm X1 +8mm X1 P STYLE .80 2. Swivels & Circulating Heads SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-30 P +8mm X1 +8mm X +8mm +1.07 18.76 165 6.PSSSJ .67 60.16 120 4. 40MF SIZE P P X1 X1 R R WT.40 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .7 58.33 75 2.90 37.0 7.50 121 4.0 24.72 130 5. WT.95 271 10.0 56.3 4.67 120 4.91 4.67 37.4 152 5.05 252 9. SIZE (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 108 4.05 252 9.00 26.33 165 6.25 153 6.33 165 6.50 121 4. Swivels & Circulating Heads SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-40 +8mm X2 +8mm X1 +8mm R X +8mm +8mm P +8mm P STYLE .34 5.25 4” 260 10.95 90 3.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.8 4” 260 10.52 8.65 11.40 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = LP THREAD END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.83 70 2.6 4.5 4” 260 10.0 2 1 /2” 195 7.90 32.Treating Irons.66 80.16 58.23 306 12.67 233 9.14 1 1 /2” 110 4.75 17.5 3” 202 7. WT. WT.95 128 5.16 54.65 12.4 2 1 /2” 195 7.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.50 121 4.67 233 9.90 45.05 252 9.5 4” 260 10.25 P P X1 X1 X2 X2 WT.23 306 12.66 78.92 124.35 5.0 6.5 P P X1 X1 X2 X2 WT.25 72 2.98 198 7.86 110 4.25 153 6.98 98 3.2 24.36 4.03 110 4.0 7.02 118 4.00 35.54 10.66 79.23 306 12.92 128. Unions.98 198 7.40 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .40FF MODEL:.2 7.95 271 10.75 6. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 108 1 1 /2” 110 2” 152 4.0 20.67 233 9.80 150 5.70 2” 152 5.0 14.75 18.25 11.92 3.3 2” 3” 202 7.602/1002/1502 END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.91 24.23 158 6.25 153 6.92 131.11 33.62 15. WT.5 +8mm X2 +8mm X1 +8mm +8mm X1 P +8mm X2 P +8mm STYLE .75 14.33 165 6.22 130 5.40 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.PSSSJ .8 5. SIZE (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 108 1 1 /2” 110 2” 152 2 1 /2” 195 4.40T MODEL:.6 3” 202 7.67 220 8.02 118 4.17 182 7.98 198 7.80 150 5.33 24.PSSSJ .16 53.80 150 5.20 59.33 52. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 108 1 1 /2” 110 4.0 3” 202 7.17 182 7.67 220 8.4 36.PSSSJ .17 182 7.02 118 4.65 10.PSSSJ .67 220 8.5 17.95 271 10.95 4.40MM SIZE P P X X R R WT.3 35.7 5.4 2 1 /2” 195 97 .11 82. 16 51.33 66.2 4” 260 10.2 2” 152 5.92 138.90 110 4.11 98. WT.2 23.PSSSJ .65 63.80 5.65 2 1 /2” 195 98 .22 130 5.6 3” 202 7.05 252 9.67 233 9.2 2” 152 2 1 /2” 195 P P Q Q X2 X2 WT.43 25. Unions.80 +8mm +8mm Q Q +8mm +8mm +8mm X2 P +8mm X2 P STYLE .50 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .67 233 9.23 252 9.50 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.90 5.67 220 8.05 252 9.10 13.PSSSJ .55 4” 260 10.75 8.50MF SIZE P P Q Q X2 X2 WT.68 18.50 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .50 121 4.50 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = LP THREAD END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.33 165 6. WT. SIZE (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 108 1 1 /2” 110 4.67 220 8.50T MODEL:.70 58.23 306 12.25 153 6.65 12.05 252 9. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 3.80 6.67 220 8. SIZE (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 108 4.8 1 1 /2” 110 1” 4.25 118 4. WT.66 97.33 121 4.35 2” 3” 202 7.90 51.25 7.33 29.22 6.60 P P Q Q X2 X2 WT.46 10.80 150 5.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.80 150 5.92 140.PSSSJ .16 130 5.65 70 2.66 96.98 198 7.44 44.25 153 6.40 10.65 13.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.17 182 7.0 2 1 /2” 195 7.7 41.0 1 1 /2” 110 1” 4.33 165 6.15 5.98 198 7.66 91.23 306 12.50MM SIZE P P Q Q R R WT.02 118 4.16 56.0 5.90 35.25 153 6.75 90 3.98 150 5.4 4” 260 10.02 118 4.17 182 7.02 118 4.00 43.50 121 4.95 220 8.50FF MODEL:.60 30.50 121 4. WT.38 4” 260 10.0 44.95 271 10.90 44.60 3” 202 7.33 165 6.30 27. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 108 4.0 2” 152 7.7 16.92 128.75 18.67 182 7.10 20.Treating Irons.98 198 7.26 4.60 152 5.95 271 10.PSSSJ .72 23.2 3” 202 7.16 60.95 271 10.9 1” 108 4.17 182 7.602/1002/1502 END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.65 13.75 23.66 110 4.11 39.11 62.46 2 1 /2” 195 7.23 306 12.67 233 9. Swivels & Circulating Heads SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-50 +8mm +8mm Q Q +8mm +8mm +8mm X2 P +8mm X2 P STYLE .75 22.54 12.85 1 1 /2” 110 4.0 8.80 150 5. 60MM SIZE 1” SIZE P P WT.60 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = LP THREAD END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.7 3” 220 8.16 48.6 +8mm P +8mm P P +8mm +8mm P STYLE .4 4” 252 9.0 8.80 5.66 70.602/1002/1502 END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.5 2 1 /2” 182 7.92 90.5 2 150 5. SIZE P P WT.0 1 1 /2” 121 4.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.92 109.0 3” 220 8.75 13.16 43.0 36.9 3” 220 8.66 76. (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 118 4.86 14.0 1 1 /2” 121 4.4 2 1 /2” 182 7.34 49.60T MODEL:.4 41. WT.Treating Irons.76 19.65 10.7 4” 252 9.0 2 150 5.66 60.60 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .38 1” P P WT.5 3” 220 8.90 42.65 7.92 100.36 4.6 27.75 21.PSSSJ .00 19.60MF SIZE P P WT.60 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .0 17.92 80.60FF MODEL:. Swivels & Circulating Heads SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-60 +8mm P +8mm P P +8mm +8mm P STYLE .60 9.75 10.0 2 1 /2” 182 7.16 39.65 11.66 82.60 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.90 25.90 42.5 32.80 2 150 5.PSSSJ .50 2 150 5. (KGF) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) 1” 118 4. Unions.PSSSJ .PSSSJ .70 1 1 /2” 121 4.0 45.00 19.0 4” 252 9.35 1 1 /2” 121 4.15 10.2 6.0 2 1 /2” 182 7.16 30.3 99 . (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 118 4.45 37.3 11.65 11. WT.0 5. WT.3 4” 252 9.90 23. WT.5 34.45 3.4 4.30 21.7 1” 118 4.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.75 18. 66 103.PSSSJ .92 163.70FF MODEL:.8 1” 108 4.98 150 5.0 4” 260 10.8 4” 260 10.98 150 5.15 1” 1 1 /2” 110 4.16 71.65 14.66 106.0 74.0 3” 202 7.23 252 9.95 220 8.4 7.11 48.95 220 8.65 15. WT.75 20.98 150 5.4 2” 152 5.70 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .Treating Irons.23 252 9.5 22.0 32.0 6. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 108 4.95 110 4.3 1 1 /2” 110 4. WT.80 1 1 /2” 110 4.0 4.33 35.PSSSJ .0 100 .11 116.4 1” 1” P P X2 X2 WT.0 6.75 10.92 158.0 71.0 46.26 22.98 110 4.67 130 5.5 4” 260 10.0 2 1 /2” 195 7.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.23 130 5.5 28.75 21. WT.2 2” 152 5.7 4” 260 10.75 23. Unions.54 15.5 72.0 52.70 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .7 +8mm +8mm +8mm P +8mm P +8mm X2 P +8mm X2 P +8mm X2 +8mm X2 STYLE .60 9.8 2” 152 5. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 108 4. Swivels & Circulating Heads SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-70 +8mm +8mm P +8mm P R R +8mm +8mm X2 P +8mm P +8mm X2 +8mm STYLE .0 19.65 6.8 3” 202 7.85 2” 152 5.70 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = LP THREAD END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.90 43.2 2 1 /2” 195 7.602/1002/1502 END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.67 182 7.25 118 4.16 66.0 10.33 90 3.0 33.5 2 1 /2” 195 7.90 50.70T MODEL:. WT.PSSSJ .33 73.66 104.23 252 9.70MM SIZE SIZE P P R R WT.33 121 4.33 121 4.94 3.0 15.67 182 7.7 47.13 30.95 220 8.0 1 1 /2” 110 4.3 9.25 118 4.25 70 2.PSSSJ .90 58.0 3” 202 7.16 63.70 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.33 121 4. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 108 4.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.5 3” 202 7.25 118 4.70MF SIZE P P X2 X2 WT.0 48. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) SIZE P P X2 X2 WT.2 2 1 /2” 195 7.0 26.92 160.67 182 7. 0 30.65 108 4.67 182 7.5 150 5.70 130.92 26.8 32.65 118 4.0 59. WT.0 8.92 21.75 121 1” 4.92 283 11.90 150 5.0 13.0 4” 260 10.5 18.57 53.66 220 8.90 167 6.70 114.6 34.65 118 4.4 1 1 /2” 110 4.80T MODEL:.90 167 6.PSSSJ .25 118 4.66 220 8.80FF MODEL:.33 121 4.90 150 P P Q Q R R P1 P1 WT.75 125 4.33 121 4.0 3” 202 7.67 182 7.4 11.98 150 5.0 4.75 125 4.98 150 5.80MF SIZE P P Q Q R R P1 P1 WT.25 9.5 70. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 108 4.95 220 8.70 121.75 121 1” 4.80 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.92 13.33 221 66.54 125 4.PSSSJ .16 182 2 1 /2” 195 7.92 130 5.Treating Irons.80 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .57 45.2 20.65 118 4.65 108 4.0 1 1 /2” 110 4.16 182 7.3 7.80 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = LP THREAD END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.1 24.6 5.40 40.PSSSJ .33 121 4.66 221 8. WT.95 220 8.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.80 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .1 2” 152 5.2 7.16 239 9.40 3” 202 7.0 3” 202 7.3 36.25 118 4.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.57 29.95 220 8.98 150 5.23 252 9.70 2” P P Q Q R R P1 P1 WT.92 283 11.16 239 9.0 78.23 252 9.11 283 11.40 182 7.66 221 8.23 252 9. Swivels & Circulating Heads SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-80 +8mm +8mm P1 +8mm Q +8mm +8mm Q P +8mm P1 P +8mm R R +8mm STYLE . WT.0 86.16 239 9.0 152 5.0 44.92 252 9.0 152 5.25 16.0 3” 202 7.92 252 9.80MM SIZE P P Q Q R R P1 P1 WT.0 8.25 118 4. 108 4.65 70 2.3 2” 152 5.5 2 1 /2” 195 7.92 252 9.14 172.66 110 4.75 108 4.92 25.66 220 8.25 18.8 1 1 /2” 110 4.11 239 9.0 1 1 /2” 110 4.90 167 6.0 2” 8.14 169.92 283 11.1 9.PSSSJ .65 108 4.5 2 1 /2” 195 7.98 150 5.2 55.16 101 .25 118 4.6 52.6 27. Unions.602/1002/1502 END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.4 12.4 4” 260 10.16 130 5.75 125 4.75 1” 90 3.33 167 6. SIZE WT.23 252 9. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 108 4.0 +8mm P R +8mm P1 +8mm +8mm Q Q +8mm P1 +8mm P +8mm +8mm R STYLE .0 76.57 60.0 4” 260 10.33 121 4.14 98.66 221 4” 260 10.0 2 1 /2” 195 7.90 7.67 182 7.1 75.14 189. SIZE (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 108 4.90 110 4.2 6.75 1” 121 4.67 182 7.40 79.95 220 8.25 17. 0 1” 153 6.0 2 1 /2” 233 9.65 7.65 108 4.23 152.1 1 1 /2” 165 6.80 150 5.05 252 9.3 4” 306 12.25 15.85 182 7.16 195 7.17 182 7.66 202 7.65 118 4.75 110 4.23 161.10T MODEL:.98 38.80 150 5.92 260 10. SIZE (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 118 4.2 2” 198 9.90 152 5.10 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .92 260 10.PSSSJ .33 19.66 202 7.10MF SIZE P P Q Q R R WT.82 252 9.67 220 8.33 15.17 182 7.55 1 1 /2” 165 6.49 150 5. WT.10 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .0 29.16 195 7.25 16. SIZE (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 153 6.25 15.02 118 4.90 152 5.65 108 4.3 21.95 86.10FF MODEL:.0 P P Q Q R R WT.0 26.3 7.80 150 5.1 12.5 4” 306 12. Swivels & Circulating Heads SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-10 +8mm R +8mm +8mm Q +8mm P +8mm Q +8mm P R STYLE .0 10.90 152 5.10 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = LP THREAD END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.75 110 4.05 252 9.3 3” 271 10.PSSSJ .3 57.0 6.25 1 1 /2” 136 1” 5.92 260 10.67 69.0 19.02 118 4.67 59.98 43.0 24.66 202 7. WT.PSSSJ .0 4” 306 12.95 112.67 220 8. Unions.44 220 8. WT.65 108 4.0 50.75 110 4.95 106.602/1002/1502 END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.0 +8mm Q R +8mm Q R 2 1 /2” 233 P P Q Q R R WT.23 126.33 23.1 17.4 2” 198 7.67 51.Treating Irons.65 108 4.92 260 10.67 64. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 7.0 39.70 165 6.4 1 1 /2” 165 1” 6.66 202 7.0 3” 240 9.23 142.0 8.95 100.0 23.0 +8mm +8mm P +8mm P +8mm STYLE .17 182 7.98 46.75 110 4.33 27.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.0 45.10 SHORT SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.4 73. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 153 6.0 3” 271 10. WT.5 31.50 121 4.67 220 8.10MM SIZE P P Q Q R R WT.50 121 4.0 48.25 11.98 54.602/1002/1502 MODEL:.2 69.PSSSJ .50 121 4.05 252 9.0 3” 271 10.16 195 7.90 152 5.02 118 4.6 5.35 121 4.0 102 .65 4” 275 10.3 7.2 64.3 2” 198 7.16 195 7.6 2 1 /2” 233 9.5 2 1 /2” 225 2” 8. 2 11.5 2.13 17.41 239 9.82 320 12.0 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY 103 .PLSSJ .28 365 14.40 10.0 38. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 65 2.41 239 9.30 35.5 1 1 /2” 108 4.75 7.PLSSJ .0 24.37 128.3 16.5 19.PLSSJ .22 240 9.28 365 14. WT.PLSSJ .Treating Irons.15 6.20 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.20FF SIZE 1” SIZE ØP ØP R R WT.25 82.28 365 14.30 42.40 14.91 207 8.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.0 3” 148 5.25 82.55 4” 185 7.30 24.0 3” 148 5.12 3” 148 5.40 16.20MF MODEL:.82 320 12. WT.0 4.20 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .1 35.5 1.0 4.5mm ØQ R ØP +2mm +2mm ØP STYLE .0 4” 185 7. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 65 2.1 30. WT.8 2” 108 4.0 6.20MM MODEL:.25 280 11.9 8.00 315 12.25 287 11.37 84.1 2” 108 4.60 53.30 23.2 2” 108 4.4 1” ØP ØP R R WT.28 1270 5.602/1002/1502* MODEL:.0 16.60 77.9 18.33 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY R +8mm R +8mm +2mm ØP +2mm ØP STYLE .22 232 9.3 4” 185 7.30 35.45 17.20 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.0 3.82 108.95 1 1 /2” 108 4.6 1” ØP SIZE ØP ØQ ØQ R R WT.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = THREADED MODEL:.20T SIZE 1” ØP ØP R R WT.0 4” 185 7.30 44. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 65 2.8 10.25 287 11.6 8.0 1 1 /2” 108 4.00 2” 108 4.02 40.25 287 11.3 1 1 /2” 108 4.0 31.40 69. Swivels & Circulating Heads LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-20 +8mm R +8mm +1.25 287 11.41 48.60 66.37 172.0 58.6 78.25 287 11.41 239 9.20 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .5 20.25 287 11.82 320 12. Unions. WT.0 3. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 65 2.0 3” 148 5. 3 1” 65 2.90 145 5.25 82.52 203 8.52 18.0 3.22 1” 65 204 8.5 3” 148 5.80 310 12.86 285 11.0 39.30 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .0 3.42 27.20 151 5.41 214 8.0 4.37 15.8 2” 108 4.67 26.0 3.4 12.5 2” 108 4.82 369 14.4 18.52 203 8.4 4” 185 7.04 41.41 7.5 12.Treating Irons.03 144 5.16 112 4.20 227.41 214 8.94 51.30 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG. 1” 65 2.0 33.52 230 9.37 10. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 8.30MF ØP SIZE ØP R R S S WT.72 181.22 230 9. SIZE ØP (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 65 2.7 1 1 /2” 108 4.0 23.30FF MODEL:.41 66.. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 2.0 2” 108 4.00 403 15.70 42.0 3” 148 5.41 214 8.PLSSJ . WT.20 128 5.82 369 14.0 4” 185 7.PLSSJ .82 108.80 247 9.5 62.3 ØP R R S S WT.14 52.0 3” 148 5.00 73.25 259 10.75 1 1 /2” 108 1” 4.5mm ØQ 1 1 /2” 108 +8mm +8mm R STYLE .28 452 17.28 127.82 369 14.30T SIZE ØP ØP R R S S WT.0 30.0 6.22 132.0 23.7 4.42 111 4.0 3” 148 5.30MM MODEL:.25 259 10.0 19.91 182 7.72 137.91 239 9.0 5.80 247 9.42 111 4.30 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .90 145 5.25 277 10. WT.25 82. Unions.00 86. ØP SIZE WT.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = THREADED MODEL:.05 163 6.0 1 1 /2” 108 4.0 82.28 452 17.28 452 17.05 101. WT. Swivels & Circulating Heads +8mm +8mm LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-30 R +2mm ØP S S +2mm ØP +8mm R +8mm STYLE .25 277 10.0 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY 104 .5 1.0 4” 185 7.2 13.25 259 10.0 14.2 60.0 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY +8mm +8mm * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY +2mm ØP S S +2mm ØP R +1.0 103.5 4.PLSSJ .90 156 6.30 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.70 31.PLSSJ .41 48.4 46.5 2” 108 4.25 277 10.602/1002/1502* MODEL:.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.20 128 5.42 115 4.0 4” 185 7.7 ØP ØQ ØQ R R S S WT.25 328 12.04 30. 91 10.7 5.40FF MODEL:.0 3” 239 9. WT.0 2” 163 6.40 11.5 42.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.0 83.0 26.40 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.Treating Irons.1 SIZE P P Q Q R R WT.40MM MODEL:.5 17.42 203 8.00 108.PLSSJ .14 272 10.52 188 7.3 21.0 43. WT.0 5.41 37.PLSSJ .40 19.0 4” 247 9.70 47.22 37.24 5.0 4.94 239 9.0 124.8 1 1 /2” 151 1” 5.25 95.22 273.04 46.0 16.0 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY 105 .5 17.70 37.41 417 16.40 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .22 183.0 4” 310 12. WT.42 123.PLSSJ .70 145 5.5 2” 156 3” 230 9.72 229.0 3” 230 9.20 539 21.0 4” 310 12.37 15.41 182.00 417 16.0 26.40MF SIZE P P Q Q WT.5 1.5mm ØR STYLE .05 417 16.20 539 21.22 37.14 272 10.0 3. Unions.37 188 7.42 92.4 1 1 /2” 151 5.0 89. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 112 1 1 /2” 144 4.22 539 21.0 49.0 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY +8mm P +8mm P +8mm P +8mm P Q +8mm Q +8mm +1.22 127.602/1002/1502* MODEL:.41 188 7.0 104.40 48.94 239 9.0 8.0 56.0 4” 285 11.42 272 10.0 16.00 196.04 239 9.72 539 21.40 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .41 128 5. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 115 4.0 2” 156 6.4 1 1 /2” 128 5.0 4.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = THREADED MODEL:.52 188 7. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 115 4.40 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.0 6. WT.0 6.PLSSJ .70 82.40 111 4.22 247 9.70 58.0 3.0 3” 203 8.2 SIZE P P Q Q R R WT.7 2” 145 5.70 272 10.42 108. Swivels & Circulating Heads LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-40 +8mm Q +8mm P +8mm P +8mm P +8mm R +8mm Q STYLE .4 21.40T SIZE 1” P P Q Q WT. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 111 4.67 239 9.41 57.05 417 16. SIZE (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 214 1 1 /2” 259 8. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 10.Treating Irons.2 6.22 310 12.5 22.90 272 10. Unions.37 19.80 539 21.88 1” 214 8.0 2” 277 10.2 55.20 239 9. WT. WT.50FF MODEL:.70 156 6. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 7.42 230 9.40 111 4.03 239 9.0 64.04 59.0 3” 369 14.42 48.PLSSJ .00 1 1 /2” 259 10.0 1 1 /2” 259 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY +8mm Q +8mm R +8mm +8mm P +8mm P +8mm R Q STYLE .50 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.40 151 5.22 240.40 128 5.72 291.16 188 7.0 28.42 203 8. SIZE (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 214 8.05 155.20 239 9.PLSSJ .50MF SIZE P P Q Q R R WT.41 13.50 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .40 115 4.67 46.0 4” 452 17.90 272 10.00 4” 452 17.0 4” 403 15.0 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY 106 .40 128 5.5 27.0 10.84 9.70 51.91 417 16.52 417 16.50MM MODEL:.4 70.50 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.0 P P Q Q R R WT.72 247.0 23.PLSSJ .22 285 11.14 73.00 128.42 203 8.70 62.94 70.70 145 5.52 24.42 188 7.0 4” 452 17.42 239 9.50T SIZE P P Q Q R R WT.0 132.37 16.0 1 1 /2” 204 8. WT.3 109.90 272 10.0 33.20 239 9.00 3” 328 12.3 21.42 188 7.04 48.5 32.52 417 16.1 1” 182 7.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = THREADED MODEL:.0 58.80 539 21.PLSSJ .0 10.41 121.22 247 9.0 3” 369 14. Swivels & Circulating Heads LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-50 +8mm Q +8mm P +8mm P +8mm R +8mm +8mm R Q STYLE . WT.602/1002/1502* MODEL:.0 152.70 163 6.00 141.0 2” 277 10.1 2” 230 9.06 272 10.86 539 21.40 144 5.52 417 16.0 2” 277 10.20 335.0 P P Q Q R R WT.40 112 4.5 22.0 112.5 3” 369 14.50 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .40 111 4.22 247 9.70 145 5.42 188 7.80 539 21. 42 14. (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 214 8.6 1” 1 1 /2” 259 10.16 48.60MM MODEL:. WT.6 4” 452 SIZE * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY P WT.7 6.0 4.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG. WT.602/1002/1502* MODEL:.0 30. (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) SIZE P P Q Q WT.80 245.0 3.20 51.0 111.0 10.05 82. WT.4 2” 277 3” 369 14.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = THREADED MODEL:.0 3” 328 12.60 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.0 17.80 288.60MF P P WT.0 5.2 55.0 14.00 42.60 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.0 4” 403 15.20 10.2 2” 230 9.5mm ØQ SIZE STYLE .5 20.PLSSJ .90 55.25 93.4 10.0 81.60T SIZE P P WT.Treating Irons.7 1” 182 7.0 29.00 17. (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 214 8.90 67.0 19.0 9.PLSSJ .0 2” 277 10.60 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .22 35.42 20.60FF MODEL:.0 25.PLSSJ .86 127.42 23.2 16.52 121.0 1 1 /2” 259 10.0 1 1 /2” 204 8.60 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .20 42.90 44.52 108.PLSSJ .2 3” 369 14.6 3” 369 4” 452 17.0 60.80 201.0 15.5 1.0 3.0 23.20 64.0 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY 107 .0 91.91 108.03 82.00 178.0 49.22 38.10 4” 452 17. Unions. Swivels & Circulating Heads LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-60 +8mm P P +8mm P +8mm +8mm P STYLE .0 130.52 134. WT.0 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY +8mm +8mm P P +8mm P +8mm P P (MM) +1. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 214 8.0 1 1 /2” 259 2” 277 10.91 11. Treating Irons.0 31.0 36.70 79.00 417 16.0 25.8 1” 1 1 /2” 151 5.00 417 16.0 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY 111 4.22 304.0 1 1 /2” 128 5.PLSSJ .0 68.40 15.0 26.40 151 5.70MM MODEL:.20 337.0 7.20 539 21.70MF SIZE P P Q Q WT.0 174.70 59.05 163.0 153.04 239 9.14 272 10.37 188 7.22 384.70 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .PLSSJ .47 272 10.40 55. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 111 4.0 2” 163 6.94 65. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 2” 145 5.41 188 7. WT.1 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY +8mm Q +8mm Q +8mm P P +8mm Q +8mm +8mm Q +8mm P +8mm P STYLE .40 24.72 539 21.0 34.0 138. Unions. WT.22 310 12.0 25.0 7.0 9.0 74.0 4” 310 12.0 3” 239 9.47 272 10.0 3” 203 8.40 55.42 148. WT.5 2” 156 6.0 67.72 539 21.42 150.0 3” 203 8.04 239 9.0 4” 247 9.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = THREADED MODEL:.5 1” 112 4.PLSSJ .0 3” 230 9.40 17. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) SIZE P P Q Q R R WT.40 75.37 188 7. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 115 4.0 4” 247 9.41 417 16.42 230 9.22 539 21.0 27.0 29. WT.52 P P Q Q WT.0 133. Swivels & Circulating Heads LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-70 +8mm Q P +8mm Q +8mm Q +8mm P +8mm +8mm P Q +8mm R +8mm STYLE .42 176.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.602/1002/1502* MODEL:.52 188 7.70 57.40 115 20.67 239 9.0 2” 145 5.70 156 6.0 1 1 /2” 128 5.22 293.14 68.70 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .70 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.PLSSJ .0 4” 285 11.05 417 16.0 10.42 272 10.0 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY 108 .70 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.0 1 1 /2” 144 5.0 SIZE P P Q Q WT.94 239 9.70T SIZE 4.0 80.70FF MODEL:. 0 89.0 3” 369 14.86 539 21.42 203 8.40 128 5.04 68.04 79.52 417 16.80 539 21.0 162.1 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY 109 .41 18.52 417 16. SIZE WT.40 128 5.PLSSJ .22 310 12. WT.3 8.Treating Irons. WT.40 111 4.42 188 7.42 239 9.03 239 9.19 239 9. Swivels & Circulating Heads LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-80 +8mm Q +8mm P +8mm P +8mm Q Q +8mm Q +8mm +8mm R +8mm R STYLE .0 3” 369 14.0 184.80 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.14 88. Unions.0 182 7. P P Q Q R R WT.5 1” 1 1 /2” 259 10.42 230 9.5 2” 277 10.0 181.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = THREADED MODEL:.5 2” 230 9.72 400.94 84.80 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .80MM MODEL:.0 181.0 9.47 84.0 13.00 194.0 4” 452 17.0 1 1 /2” 259 10.40 144 5. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 214 8.0 11.42 188 7.70 145 5.40 111 4.37 21.22 247 9.0 159.0 82.0 4” 452 17.70 156 6.3 31.4 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY +8mm Q R +8mm +8mm Q +8mm P Q P +8mm +8mm Q +8mm R +8mm STYLE .80FF SIZE P P Q Q R R WT.PLSSJ .0 1” 214 8.22 285 11.80 539 21.19 239 9.0 31.40 115 4. SIZE (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” P P Q Q R R WT.3 1 1 /2” 204 8.70 145 5.91 417 16.0 32.41 176.80 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.40 112 4.0 3” 328 12.40 151 5.0 38.0 4” 452 17.90 272 10.16 188 7.PLSSJ . WT.72 357.0 36.47 72.42 203 8.0 4” 403 15.42 68.80T MODEL:.0 29.22 351.90 272 10.37 25.0 1” 2” 277 3” 369 14. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 214 8.0 38.90 272 10.PLSSJ .80 539 21.0 40.70 163 6.22 247 9.0 10.19 239 9.4 80.4 1 1 /2” 259 10.42 188 7.52 417 16.0 88.80MF SIZE P P Q Q R R WT.06 272 10.0 2” 277 10.80 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .20 406.05 196.52 29.67 65.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.602/1002/1502* MODEL:. 70 88.0 160.10 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE . WT.22 388.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = UNION (M X F) FIG.42 189.40 55.3 7.0 13. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) SIZE P P Q Q WT.PLSSJ .42 175.4 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY 110 .90 272 10.42 148.0 85.40 16. Swivels & Circulating Heads LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT (BASIC DIMENSIONS) STYLE-10 +8mm P +8mm P P P +8mm +8mm +8mm Q +8mm Q STYLE .0 1” 214 8.40 73.5 4” 452 17.42 188 7.0 2” 230 9.70 57.0 38.0 4” 403 15.0 1 1 /2” 204 8.86 539 21.80 539 21.40 24.PLSSJ .90 272 10.0 3” 328 12.42 187.0 180.42 188 7.1 25.40 84.70 88.19 239 9.Treating Irons.0 38.0 1 1 /2” 259 10.90 272 10. WT.PLSSJ .602/1002/1502* MODEL:.70 77.0 13.0 4” 452 17. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 214 8.52 417 16.10FF MODEL:.0 33.0 2” 277 10.16 188 7. WT.3 26.0 176.22 287.0 3” 369 14.19 239 9.40 84. WT.10T SIZE P P Q Q WT.5 * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY +8mm P P +8mm +8mm +8mm P +8mm Q +8mm P Q * FOR 2002 /2202 UNION ENDS CONSULT FACTORY STYLE . Unions.42 188 7.22 354.10 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (F X F) FIG.80 539 21.06 272 10.PLSSJ .2 11.40 29. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) SIZE P P Q Q WT.40 29.03 239 9.10MM MODEL:.0 2” 277 10.0 86.0 40.4 1 1 /2” 259 10.91 417 16.0 79.0 3” 369 14.0 1” 182 7. (MM) (INCH) (MM) (INCH) (LBSF) (KGF) 1” 214 8.52 417 16.0 67.10 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT END CONNECTION = UNION (M X M) FIG.0 35.10MF SIZE P P Q Q WT.0 2” 277 10.80 539 21.0 40.10 LONG SWEEP SWIVEL JOINT STYLE .5 3” 369 14.0 130.602/1002/1502* END CONNECTION = THREADED MODEL:.52 417 16.22 397.0 1 1 /2” 259 10.0 4” 452 17.19 239 9. 7500 PSI cold working pressure and 12000 PSI test pressure. 4. Line pipe threads in Fig-1002. For sour service applications viton seals are provided. 3. For Fig-1003. For high pressure a lip type seal ring is provided for primary seal in the female sub. The seal protects the secondary metal to metal seal from corrosion and limits fluid flow turbulence. Interchangeability PARVEEN'S Hammer Unions are interchangeable with WECO or other manufacturers adhering to the industry standards.000 PSI cold working pressure. Notes 1. Sour gas service unions are painted OLIVE GREEN and stamped "NACE”.Treating Irons. Unions. consult factory. For medium pressure mostly an '0' ring is provided in the male sub in addition to the metal to metal seal. Fig 1502 for Pipe diameters above 4" are not' recommended for sour service application. Thread Gauging Acme thread and line pipe threads are gauged by standard plug & ring gauges. Swivels & Circulating Heads HAMMER UNIONS General PARVEEN manufactures Hammer Unions from raw materials in the form of forgings or castings in accordance with service requirements in sizes 1 to 12" with ratings up to 20. Unions for sour gas service are manufactured in accordance with NACE MR-01-75 & API RP-14E. 2. For other types of threading like casing. tubing or NPS thread seal configuration. Correctly chosen raw materials for a particular service together with correct heat-treatment process is used to ensure bet ter service and longer life in ex treme conditions. 4" & 5" sizes are rated at . 111 . Sealing Design The conical and spherical surfaces of the female and male subs respectively form an ef fective metal-to-metal seal in case of low pressure services. Quality Control PARVEEN unions are manufactured using modern manufacturing techniques to at tain first class workmanship and dimensional control. Orange Nut .12 104.7 27. T.5 5.64 3MOD 23.P. These unions are suitable for 500 PSI wp. .12 104.50) Size A B C Threaded Socket ACME Union (TPI) Threaded Welded End (Inch) Inch mm Inch mm Weight Socket Welded End Inch mm Inch mm lbsf kgf lbsf kgf 4” 6. Sour Service T.43 21.24 5” 6.0 5. Swivels & Circulating Heads HAMMER UNIONS Quick Reference Table The following table giving figures of unions.21 4.0 152.0 6. 50 LINE PIPE 500 750 - - 100 LINE PIPE 1000 1500 - - 200 LINE PIPE /BUTT WELD 2000 3000 - - 206 LINE PIPE /BUTT WELD 2000 3000 - - 207 LINE PIPE /BUTT WELD 2000 3000 - - 211 LINE PIPE 2000 3000 - - 400 LINE PIPE /BUTT WELD 2500 3750 2500 3750 400 LINE PIPE /BUTT WELD 4000 6000 4000 6000 600 LINE PIPE /BUTT WELD 6000 9000 - - 602 LINE PIPE /BUTT WELD /NPTS 6000 9000 6000 9000 1002 LINE PIPE /BUTT WELD /NPTS 10000 15000 7500 12000 1003 LINE PIPE /BUTT WELD 10000 15000 7500 12000 1004 LINE PIPE /BUTT WELD 10000 15000 7500 12000 1502 LINE PIPE /BUTT WELD /NPTS 15000 22500 10000 15000 2002 BUTT WELD 20000 30000 - - 2202 BUTT WELD - - 15000 22500 Fig 50.5 5.Orange Subs These low pressure and suction union of Fig-50 are made from carbon steel.07 129.77 146.74 4.W.75 112 . C.0 12.P.07 129. C. Pressure Rating (PSI) Union Standard Service End Connections Fig.15 156.P.Treating Irons.64 3MOD 28.P. The nut and O-ring are common in both sizes. end connections and pressure rating is given for quick reference. Unions.0 12.W.0 152.5 9. Available in 4" or 5" sizes in threaded & socket welded connection. C Male Sub +5mm Female Sub +2mm ØA B +5mm Nut 500 PSI CWP (Fig.0 10. 75 146 6.91 74 3.75 146 6.30 3 4.52 242 8.66 93 3MOD 5.75 KGF 0.Grey subs These unions are best suited for medium pressure ranges involving air.00 113 .67 6.59 40.0 6 7.20 1.5 3STD 61.36 187 6.000 PSI CWP (Fig.03 153 4STD 33.000 PSI CWP (Fig.00 15.20 4 5.7 9.15 181.52 64 2.88 124 3MOD 1.29 109 3MOD 9.5 6.50 190.05 4 5.80 1 1 /4” 2.56 243 7.0 +5mm Male Sub C Female Sub +2mm ØA Fig 200.25 4.5 3STD 46.5 1.0 6 7.60 40.20 3 4.79 71 6STD 2.00 2.25 108 4STD 9. . water.6 2.32 162 5.95 50 2.39 41.20 183 3STD 61. +5mm C Male Sub Female Sub Black nut .06 154 6.200 & Fig206 are identical.100) B C ACME UNION WEIGHT MM INCH MM INCH MM (TPI) LBSF 1 1.78 147 3MOD 19.23 133 4. . 206). Beyond 4” size.000 PSI.91 74 3.03 153 4STD 33.30 84 3.0 15.200) +5mm C Male Sub Blue Nut .5 1. Unions.30 84 3. SIZE Female Sub +2mm ØA +5mm B Nut 2.000 PSI CWP (Fig.30 8 9.17 106 3.01 220.5 6STD 2.55 65 6STD 1.90 8 9.40 5 6.09 104 4.206) A (INCH) INCH B MM INCH C MM INCH ACME UNION MM (TPI) LBSF WEIGHT KGF 1 1.87 98.10 2 2. Upto 4” no O-ring is used on the male sub. SIZE +2mm ØA A (INCH) INCH B +5mm Nut 1.09 231 3STD 90.Grey subs These unions have an additional ‘O’ ring on the spherical surface of the male sub providing a leak proof seal. . All dimensions of fig:.54 90 4STD 5.18 182.92 176 6.30 2 1 /2 3.11 53.37 162 5.89 99 4.65 169 3STD 42.71 170.79 71 2.52 8.81 97 4.73 69.33 6.52 115 4STD 13.70 28.0 10 11.47 4.09 104 4.49 292 9. Blue Nut .42 1.60 2 1 /2 3.96 126 3MOD 18.52 115 4. (For dimensions see fig.00 1 1 /2” 2.00 203 7.28 58 2.5 2.00 127 5.96 50 2.Yellow subs These low pressure unions are ideal for manifold and applications where CWP does not exceed 1000 PSI. oil & gas service for cold working pressure upto 2.5 7.00 5 6.5 4.19 132 5. Nut 2.79 2 2.72 28. an O-Ring is used on the male sub for sealing.84 9.57 65 6STD 1.73 2.00 51 2. Swivels & Circulating Heads HAMMER UNIONS Fig 100.Treating Irons.76 0. +5mm B Fig 206.74 69.50 19.0 20. 07 78 3.29 160 5.28 58.00 2 1 /2 3.13 10 11.0 6 7.30 7.52 165.207) Male Sub Female Sub +2mm Øa +5mm B Nut 2.2 55.50 Fig 400.78 147 10.75 197 6.70 5 6.80 4 5.00 76 6STD 3.20 1.35 2 3.44 87.43 265 3STD 48. +5mm C Female Sub Blue Cap .20 1.0 1.0 21.0 34.80 5 1 /2 6.23 133 4.40 3 4.0 7 7.74 120.50 19.2 3.40 6 7.53 293 7.8 4STD 6.20 56 2.62 244 8.75 298.40 8.91 74 3.4 9.58 91 4.45 2 2.40 8.43 62 3.24 133 3STD 11.Red Subs These unions are rigid in design and have all the three parts made of steel forgings.60 Fig.06 76.09 104 3.80 7.29 109 6.75 44.36 4.34 6 7.19 106.40 3 4.10 220 3STD 70.68 119 4.10 155 6.7 3STD 28 12.000 PSI CWP (Fig. Suitable for 2000 PSI CWP.26 159 5.00 1 1 /4” 2.70 1.50 29.5 8.70 4. From 5” to 8” sizes C.84 72.0 114 355 .56 192 7.33 110 3MOD 16.16 248 3STD 96.09 53 2.70 4 5.20 56 2.500 PSI. A resilent seal ring in the female sub provide additional sealing and protection from corrosion.02 280 3STD 158.10 10 11. 211.30 8 9.000 PSI CWP (Fig.rings for primary sealing.43 62 3. These unions are best suited for manifold and line connections. Black Nut . Size +5mm C Male Sub ACME (inch) A B C ACME Union Weight (inch) inch mm inch mm inch mm (TPI) lbsf kgf 1 1.0 3STD 3.54 90 4. .55 192 5.00 76 6STD 3. .25 209. There is no metal .5 7.75 222 9.15 131 3.12 232 3STD 65.21 183 3STD 43.54 90.62 270 11.60 245 6.84 123 3MOD 18.09 104 2.0 3.03 280 3STD 61 27.02 280 3STD 75.70 8 9. Female Sub +2mm ØA +5mm B Nut 4.12 130 4.70 42.8 3.68 1 1 /2” 2.25 184 7.60 8 9.00 5.59 243.000 PSI CWP (Fig.96 101 4.76 32.11 43.6 11. is 2.98 10.90 2 1 /2 3.00 127 5.P.5 2.13 17.18 157 3STD 16. Blue Subs .Treating Irons.13 105 4STD 9.49 88.Grey Subs These banking unions have a resilient ‘O’ ring in the blanking cap to provide an ef ficient and leak-proof seal suitable for 2000 PSI CWP. .63 143 10.6 4.16 182 7.62 168 11.71 196 11.W.67 93 4.60 244 11.18 157 3STD 19.7 72.0 12 13. Swivels & Circulating Heads HAMMER UNIONS Fig 207. Size +2mm ØA +5mm B Union inch A mm inch B mm inch C mm (TPI) lbsf Weight kgf 3 4.57 40 2.3 7.16 4 5.400) Size (inch) A inch B mm inch C mm ACME Union Weight inch mm (TPI) lbsf kgf 1 1.17 106 6. Unions.47 266 3STD 48.29 287 3STD 121.to metal contact between the subs.74 95 4STD 10.5 22.72 69 6STD 2.Grey Nut Nut 2.38 86 3. Unions from 3 inch through 8 inch sizes have O.5 5.211) +5mm C These unions protect against electroly tic action.90 150 3STD 38.40 2.75 198 6.42 290 3STD 94.45 113 4STD 15. 5 8.10 6.81 97 5.55 65 3.26 57.12 5.Black Nut These unions have wide range of applications including steam service and line connections. Suitable for 6000 +5mm C.95 75 4. This union has a liptype seal made of nitrile rubber and subs made of alloy steel.25 108 4.60 66 2.50 89 ACME UNION WEIGHT (TPI) LBSF KGF 6STD 3.26 4.04 Orange Subs .51 140 4STD 22.18 157 6.40 4 5.43 7.22 158 5.26 10.22 158 5.25 133.00 2 1 /2 3.Treating Irons.5 2.0 Fig 1002.42 163 2STD 15.5 2 1 /2 3.56 65 3.0 25.0 1 1 /2 2.25 108 4.27 134 5.19 255 2STD 40.72 132 10. acidizing.to metal seal.5 2.51 89.04 128 8.0 15. D Male Sub +2mm ØA Female Sub BUTT WELDED END SIZE 1 +5mm B 6.2 3 4.07 78 3.28 9.1 3. cementing .12 5.55 141 6.50 89 3.7 4.07 78 4.000 PSI CWP (FIG .10 155 6.88 124 4STD 9.18 157 4STD 16. Suitable for 6000 PSI CWP.67 144 3MOD 30.88 124 4. These unions are provided with a bronze seat in the female for the ef fective sealing and prevention of rust formation.27 134 5. Blue Subs .600) Fig 602.54 90 4.28 133.23 209 5.8 4.6 9.58 91 6STD 3.3 6.50 89 3.4 2 3.88 124 4STD 9.75 44.1002) B C D E SCH-160 SCH-X XS INCH MM INCH MM INCH MM INCH MM INCH MM 1 +2mm Øa A 1.04 128 8.23 209 5.07 78 3. testing and truck mounted system.20 3 4.78 96 6.62 168.75 95.17 106 7.52 KGF 1.1 3 4.8 8.5 3MOD 12.602) A B INCH MM INCH 1.2 2 3.E Male Sub BUTT WELDED END Female Sub SIZE +5mm B Nut 10.62 143 3MOD 20.67 144 4STD 33.Red Nut These unions are designed for high pressure systems like choke and kill lines.88 124 4.52 191 2STD 20.06 77.000 PSI.Black Nut These unions are recommended for manifold and line connections truck mounting and in mud services.000 PSI CWP (FIG .6 1 1 /2 2.86 14.000 PSI CWP (FIG .5 3.5 2STD 27.0 18. This union has resilient lip-type seal for positive sealing and also protects secondary metal .27 134 5.22 158 6.57 167 3STD 79.50 89 6STD 3.75 44.52 115 6.00 100 5.5 2.57 167 6.81 173 6.25 133.28 58 3.52 115 6. +5mm C.D.23 12.0 2 1 /2(EUE) 3.28 133.50 1 1 /4 2.88 124 4.5 5. 115. +5mm C Male Sub Female Sub +2mm ØA +5mm B Nut SIZE A B C MM INCH ACME UNION WEIGHT (INCH) INCH MM INCH MM (TPI) LBSF 1 1.1 108 4.0 7.54 221.70 94 6. Swivels & Circulating Heads HAMMER UNIONS Fig.5 5.5 5.88 124 4.75 44.87 7.88 124 4STD 1 1 /2 2.22 158 3STD 56.25 4 5.0 5 5.00 5.24 158.55 65 3.81 97 5. suitable for 10.5 1.20 2 3.88 124 4.51 140 - - - - 4STD 17.5 3MOD 12. Unions.28 C D MM INCH 58 ACME UNION WEIGHT MM INCH MM (TPI) LBSF KGF 89 3.8 36.5 2 1 /2 3.5 5.18 157 6.4 6 6.88 124 4.5 6.2 115 .28 133.4 1 1 /4 2.92 125 4STD 9.57 167 6.59 142 3MOD 15.81 97 4.23 82 4.7 4.67 144 5.94 9.51 140 5. 600.60 66 3.88 124 4STD 11.5 3.22 158 6.46 88 3.18 81 4.5 4 5.07 78 3.25 4. Silver Subs .30 1. 3 - 142 64 116 . +5mm C Male Sub Female Sub +2mm ØA +5mm B Nut 10.1 8.0 127 4STD 5.1004) Size A B C ACME Union Weight BUTT WELDED ENDS (Inch) Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm (TPI) lbsf kgf 5 6.0 7.0 32. Available in 10000 PSI with end threaded or but t.98 279 4STD 73.0 kgf 2. +5mm C.82 3 4.50 165.17 233 4STD 44.78 274 Fig 1004.6 5.0 4 5.86 98 4.50 241.000 PSI CWP (FIG .Treating Irons.Black Nut These unions have a ball seat incorporating a primary ‘O’ ring seal with a metal secondary seal which assures perfect sealing in misalignment position.Grey Subs These union use lip type seal ring end here faces of male and female sub are perfectly square.96 126 224 9.0 - 86 39 6 7.7 9.62 143 6.74 146 10.0 127 5. Swivels & Circulating Heads HAMMER UNIONS Fig 1003.8 9.E Male Sub Female Sub +2mm ØA +5mm B Nut 10.8 5 5.94 278 10.80 122 4STD 12.0 32.2 182.5 20.17 233 8.3 2 3.0 127 5.welded for welding.74 146 10.36 60 5. This union is ideally suited for use on high pressure lines.30 160.29 109 4.8 - - 10.98 279 6STD 73.D.43 138 5.40 189. Green Subs .0 6. Red Nut .000 PSI CWP (FIG .77 45 2. These are available in 5" & 6" but t weld sizes. Degree of misalignment upto 2” size is 40 and beyond 2” size it is 7 1 /20.1003) Size A B C Beveled Ends D Inch mm Inch mm E Sch-160 ACME Sch-x xs Union Weight (Inch) Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm (TPI) lbsf 1 1.80 122 4.00 76 3.78 274 10. Unions.15 207.80 122 4. 2 8.8 6 7.8 5.6 7.4 6. Dimensions identical with Fig-2002 above.0 76.03 178.9 277 - - 112.18 55.d Male Sub +2mm ØA (Inch) Inch Female Sub +5mm B Nut 15.8 2.Grey Subs These unions are provided with replacement lip-type seal and are recommended for choke and kill lines.39 137 3.65 220 - - 77.28 134 3.86 98 95.4 3 4.53 115 7. These unions are provided with replaceable seal ring.8 249 - 148 67 146.51 267 4 5 49.5 63.44 189 4 5 22.1 /2 2.0 50.Treating Irons.5STD 12.2 3.00 152 10.1 6.2 183 - - 9.7 6. (H2S) . manifold and other services wherein ex tra high pressures of 15.2 2.75 4. Swivels & Circulating Heads HAMMER UNIONS Fig 1502.5 34.0 7.7 2 3.74 180 3STD 23.33 1.000 PSI CWP (Fig. PARVEEN 2" Fig 2202 is interchangeable with Fig 2" 2052/2252 & 2 1 /2" 2052/2252 of other reputed makes.39 137 5.55 268 3MOD 76.3 9.5 3.1 /2 3.67 185 7.5 2. Fig 2202.000 PSI CWP (Fig.5 217 10. 2.45 164 6.0 22.55 166 10.6 10. +5mm C Male Sub Nut Female Sub Size +2mm ØA (Inch) +5mm B 20.000 PSI CWP (FIG .5STD 29. mm 2002 2202 Union Weight lbsf kgf 2 2.20 335 - - 169.000 PSI CWP. MR-01-75 and API Std. .75 5 6. A 1 B C mm Inch D mm Inch mm (TPI) Inch mm 110 3.5 5.7 6.22 7.3 Green Nut .0 230 - 96 43 6 7.28 113 4.30 160 3STD 20.2202) A Inch B mm C Inch mm Inch ACME (TPI) Fig. Size +5mm C.000 PSI CWP are encountered.5 139.08 195 5.Olive Green These unions are specially designed for sour gas service in accordance with NACE Std.75 95.00 152 8. .5 3.30 185 13. Unions.48 88.38 136.5STD Union Weight lbsf kgf 8.1 5 6.0 10. 117 .5 35.3 82 70 ACME BEVELED ENDS 3.96 75. cementing. RP-14E for pressure up to 15000 PSI CWP.2002) 15.12 155.75 197.96 100.54 13. Fig.53 166 - - 9. Dimension 'A’ will vary depending upon size of weld preparation.2 3. Blue Nut .Pink Subs These unions are widely used in cementing.48 190 7. acidizing and testing services for pressure up to 20.2 7.45 4 5.5 6.7 NOTE: 1.00 152.1502) Fig 2002.1 3 5.2 4 5.33 110 4. 6".95 277.6 17.38 111 4.78 350 16.75 324 14.38 111 4.) SIZE(IN) INCH 4” MM INCH 6” MM 8” INCH MM INCH 10” MM 12” INCH MM 13” INCH MM 16” INCH MM A 4.00 51 2.0 11.6 15.03 458 E 6..84 504 F 3. ! Fast and easy make up without close alignment.14 283 13.5 38.88 200 9.60 117 6.5 31 37 50 14 16.62 168 10.0 10.12 307 13.38 337 15. 10" and 12".00 102 4.25 313 14.12 79 4.5 0.50 216 9.38 C (END TO FACE) D (SOCKET WELD DEPTH) WEIGHT (LBSF) WEIGHT (KGF) 10 NOTE: Material is steel casting.7 .6 DEGREE E A Nut F Female Sub C G ØA ØB ØC ØD D ØB Air . Tube pressure = Line pressure + 50 PSI = 150+50=200 PSI (ma x.8 13.8 22.00 34.00 51 2.08 129 8. Unions.41 417 C 5.38 9.02 358 16. ! No wrenches.43 392 17.75 172 8. 118 9.75 248 B (OUTSIDE DIAMETER) 7.93 177 8.60 117 6.56 141 8.25 107 4.04 52 2.5 263 12. NOTE: Line pressure = 150 PSI ma x.00 356 4.24 438 19.00 30. 8" and 10” sizes can be socket welded to pipe or but t welded to tubing.5 21. 12" size requires but t weld.02 407 18.25 159 7.3 8.00 203 10.12 333 13.00 102 4.40 112 4.12 258 12. mud tank connecting lines and pump suction flanges.40 442 D 5. the crosssection of the seal designed to provide greater sealing surface. 6” 8” INCH MM INCH MM INCH 10” MM 12” INCH MM A (CLEARANCE RADIUS) 6.52 115 0.Treating Irons. These are manufactured for a ma ximum line pressure of 150 PSI.75 26.8 WEIGHT (KGF) 3. Sizes which are catered for are 6".38 9.16” sizes.5 22 0.UNIONS PARVEEN'S AIR-UNIONS are designed for 150 PSI ma ximum line pressure.75 222 10.5 0. 10". 6".38 9.62 223 10.95 329 13. The nitrile seal provides compressive seal.88 251 11. Features ! Air inflates tube to seal around pipe.00 51 2.25 108 4. ! Allows Pipe expansion or misalignment (12°-15°) without breaking the seal.50 370 16. 8".66 347 16.8".88 302 14.50 38 2.Union Mud Tank Union PARVEEN Mud Tank Unions PARVEEN manufactures and supplies unions for mud tanks.04 52 TOTAL MISALIGNMENT 6 14 14 14 14 14 14 WEIGHT (LBSF) 7.52 115 4.50 419 17. The union is designed to take a ma ximum of 7° misalignment on the pipe.00 51 2. bolts & nuts required.29 109 G 1. Swivels & Circulating Heads AIR . 12" 13".30 414 B 4.25 17.75 279 12.93 228 11.50 191 8. ! Available in 4".5 12. 552 0.Treating Irons. Swivels & Circulating Heads TREATING IRONS.50 13.49 17.66 4. 6’ . NOTE: PARVEEN can also provide welded & threaded type treating iron if required by the customer.81 10. BULL PLUGS.30 8. 5’ .25 18.300 0.54 42.14 14. Choke and Kill Lines and Abrasive Applications.50 3.00 20.36 13.92 20. But tweld and integral Connections are also available on customer’s request.24 13.25 9.400 0. 3’ .281 0. Well Testing Lines.14 INCH 0. Unions.40 LENGTH L 9.20 2’ .11 0.44 14.20 10.30 9.40 5. Recommended. PARVEEN'S design allows for uniform heat treating of the entire joint for bet ter structural qualities.281 0. PARVEEN'S treating irons are also available for sour service upto a CWP of 10.03 8.41 6.27 27. 9’ .51 28.80 12.02 7.0 11.45 7.28 9.1 /2” 602 1502 602 3” 1502 602 4” 1502 6000 15000 6000 15000 6000 15000 6000 15000 9000 22500 9000 22500 9000 22500 9000 22500 602 2” 1502 PRESSURE (PSI) (PSI) WALL (T) MM 6. PARVEEN'S treating irons provide an uniform bore of greater flow capacity and improved flow characteristics. Water Lines. Pressure Rating. fig 1002 and fig 1502 or any other fig required by the customer.50 KGF 1. PIPE: LBSF /FT 2.09 7. 8’.1 /2” 1502 602 1502 602 6000 15000 6000 15000 TEST PRESSURE 9000 22500 9000 22500 WORKING 2. Figures . 10’ .4360 11. DIMENSIONAL REFERENCE CHART SIZE (IN) FIGURE 1” 1.000 psi & in other lengths if required.66 76. 12’ (FEET) NOTE: Other lengths.674 APPROX WT.58 22.1 7.30 15.600 0. 7’ . This integral treating iron is capable of handling a variety of fluids at cold working pressure of 15000 psi.84 3.358 0. LBSF 3.250 0. End Connections End connections can be provided for fig 602.68 33.87 23. For this only a circlip has to be removed.94 29.70 12.50 7.16 7. service These are suitable for High Pressure Discharge Lines.70 5.24 5.39 15.30 14.00 34. 4’ .56 9.86 6.35 9.12 20.50 30. Salient Benefits Since there are no welds and threads.80 4.281 0.65 H UNION. Auxiliary Flow Lines. Available in length up to 12 feet. Material is of carbon steel and alloy steel and is light weight. Nut can be detached for easy disassembly if replacement becomes necessary.62 15.65 KGF /M 4.531 0. Temporary Flow Lines.5 9. CROSS OVER ADAPTORS & SWAGES Treating Irons PARVEEN'S one piece Treating Iron comprises an integral PARVEEN'S wing union end connection which eliminates welds and threads.14 10. Nut Circlip & Split Brush Seal Ring Protection Shoulder Female Male T L Treating Iron 119 . UNION CONNECTIONS. Conn Cross 900 Y-Male 900 Elbow Lateral 450 & 600 Goat Head Bull Plugs. Female Plug Male Plug 120 . b. Unions. Elbows.Treating Irons. Temporary Flow Lines. Auxiliary Flow Lines. Well Testing Lines and other High Pressure applications. These items are manufactured from high strength alloy steel forgings and fully heat treated under controlled conditions to assure uniform quality throughout. Tees and Wyes.000 PSI CWP. Crows foot d. The type of connections that PARVEEN manufactures are: a. 45° and 60° Laterals c. High Pressure Discharge Lines. Cross. Swivels & Circulating Heads INTEGRAL / FABRICATED UNION CONNECTIONS PARVEEN manufactures a quality line of high pressure integral/fabricated union connections with unions in various configurations and sizes from 1" to 4" and in pressure ratings up to 20. Cementing and Circulating Lines. Goat Head. Recommended Service. Available in combinations male by male. Crowsfoot T . Gauge Bull Plugs and Lif ting Bull Plugs PARVEEN’s bull plugs are available in sizes 1" to 4" male and female models and with pressure ratings up to 15000 PSI CWP. male by female to suit virtually any installation. 4. For using hammer unions below freezing temperatures.. types Male to Male.Treating Irons. 2. Female To Tubing Thread Male To Tubing Thread Double Wing (Male) Double Thread (Female) Thread To Wing (Male To Female) Integral Female Adaptor Flange 121 . in pressure ratings form 6000 PSI to 15000 PSI CWP. Swivels & Circulating Heads CHANGEOVER / CROSSOVER ADAPTORS PARVEEN’s changeover/crossover adaptors are manufactured in dif ferent sizes and threads. These are made to highest quality standards to provide trouble free service to users. Precautions 1. Swages PARVEEN manufactures integral swages with unions male and female to pipe and tubing threads. between -20°F to100°F. Do not expose standard service products to sour gas fluid. 3. Pressure ratings given are for temperatures. 5. Female to Male configurations with sizes varying from 1" to 4" and in pressure ratings from 1 000 PSI to 20000 PSI CWP. in dif ferent sizes 1" to 4" and thread configurations. Integral Female Adaptor Flanges We manufacture these adaptor flanges of various sizes commencing from 1 13/16" onwards and various flanges pressure ratings with integral hammer union ends. For services above 100°F consult factory. Hammer unions under pressure should not be struck otherwise failure may occur causing personnel injury or death. Excessive hammering force should not be used for tightening hammer unions. correct safety precautions should be taken. Unions. Female to Female. GREASING SCREW 2 4 6 8 1 7 5 VIEW TOWARDS BALL PLUG 122 3 . Circulating Head with other types of connections and other pressure ratings can also be supplied as per customer request. 3. Swivels & Circulating Heads CIRCULATING HEAD Description PARVEEN Circulating Head is basically consisting of i. At 6000 psi test pressure rotating in both Vertical & Horizontal planes is possible through the provision of swivel in 'Tee' and this head is supplied with an opening (female line pipe thread) in the Top through which wire line instruments may be run. fishing jobs' or directional testing.Treating Irons. Application Helps to eliminate stuck drill pipe by making it possible to maintain pressure and circulation in the hole and to rotate drill pipe with the rotary table while conducting wireline coring operations. 45 ANGLE ELBOW 1 3. 1. BALLS 4 SETS 7. Casing. Lower adaptor connection having one end is suitable for connecting tubing. Casing. LOWER ADAPTOR 1 4. either with this type design or with any other type design. 450 angle connection with male line pipe thread for Circulating Hose at one end & other end is swivel for 'Tee'. working & test pressure). Drill Pipe & Tool Joint - Circulating Hose Connections (Male or Female Line Pipe Threads) 2 ITEM NO. GREASE RETAINER 2 5. It is compact & light in weight and thus an ideal standby tool. BALL PLUG 4 6. 1. How to Order When order please specif y. DESCRIPTION QTY. . Pipe Size 2 Pressure Rating (i. Type of Connection i. iii.e.e. Tee (having swivels at two ends & female line pipe connection at the upper end).or tool joints and other end is swivel for ‘Tee'. drill pipe . Unions.Upper Connection in Tee (Male or Female line Pipe Threads) - Lower Connection (Pin & Box) for Tubing. SEAL & METAL SEAL 2 8. TEE 1 2. ii. Size : 2". Other sizes & pressure ratings are also available on request.Treating Irons. Size : 2". 3". Pressure : Upto 5000 PSI Non Spin Type The non spin type mud gun is designed for mixing large volume of muds in the top of the tank or pit and also for transferring mud from one tank to another tank. 4". Bot tom Type. There is nothing to tighten or adjust. 123 . Flow is unrestricted and pressure drop is minimum. 4". Spinner/ Pivot Type 2. Non Spin Type Spinner / Pivot Type 3. 4". 3". It is simple in construction. Swivels & Circulating Heads MUD GUN PARVEEN mud mixing guns are simple in design. The nozzles are set at an angle and the pressure in the line imparts a spinning motion which is accommodated by a style 20 high pressure swivel joints. 2. All turning takes place on double rows of steel balls in flame hardened races. Perforated flanges and locking pins pemit locking of gun in any position. Non spin mud gun cannot spin because centrifugal force is neutralized by the of fset of the barrel of the gun. Size : 2". Pressure : Upto 5000 PSI NOTE: 1. Discharge nozzles in all mud guns are equipped with tungsten carbide insert. Non Spin Type Bot tom Type Spinner /Pivot Type The spinner/pivot type mud gun is designed for use in tanks where the utmost in constant agitation is desired. 3". easy to install and easy to operate. Furnished in any desired length as specified in order. Pressure : Upto 5000 PSI Bot tom Type The bot tom type mud gun is designed for use where large size metal tanks are employed as mud pits. Unions. Parveen mud mixing guns are of 3 types: 1. (Split Bush Type) Straight Pipe With Corner Bend (integral Or Welded) Straight Pipe (integral Or Welded) Corner Joint (integral Or Welded) Block Type Fit tings (Welded & Studded Flanged Type) (Up To 30. 1002. & 5”) Long Sweep Elbow 900 Standpipe Gooseneck 180 Long Sweep Elbow With Two Outlet Long Sweep Tee Long Sweep ‘ Y’ Standpipe Gooseneck 1600 With Top Outlet 0 NOTE: For other sizes.000 PSI Test Pressure In Any Sizes) Manifold Fit tings (Threaded.P. 3” . Unions.000 PSI Test Pressure.P.000 PSI. 1502) Size: 1” To 6” Upto W. pressures and services.4”. Sizes: 2”. consult factory. 22. 15. 602. T. 124 Long Sweep Full Flow Tee Full Flow Cross . But t Welded & Socket Welded) (Up To 10.500 PSI For Standard & Sour Service Corner Joint (integral).Treating Irons. Swivels & Circulating Heads INTEGRAL / WELDED UNION END FITTINGS (FIG. globalsupplyline. Supplying Worldwide.com.au . See Our Online Stocklist: www.Global Supply Line Australia Major Regional Stockist.
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