Wech Pressure Vessel Drafting Guide

March 23, 2018 | Author: Tanush Rai | Category: Auto Cad, Menu (Computing), Typefaces, Technical Drawing, Computer File



PREFACE FROM AUTHOR (goto author's website at www.wech.com.my) It is the author's intention to produce this guide to assist the Autocad ® users in pressure vessel drafting in an efficient manner. Complete command will not be described but only practical methods and recommendation (which generated through author experience will be introduced. It is ideal that the readers to have sound knowledge in the field of software-based drafting before exploring this guide. The purpose of this guide is specifically but not limited to Autocad release 2000 and/or pressure vessel drafting. Users of Autocad other than release 2000 and/or pressure vessel drafting might find it useful provided that the users can grasp the concept and idea throughout this guide to solve their individual problems which are generally similar in nature. WW CHEW January 2000 Last updated on 25 Mar 2008 Table of content TABLE OF CONTENTS : Preface 1) Initial Autocad Software Set-up and Customization 1.1 1.2 1.3 Acad.dwt file set-up --- for default drawing setting & system variables Acad.pgp file set-up --- for command alias Acad.lsp file set-up --- for programme start-up AutoLisp 2) Pressure Vessel/Storage Tank Drafting 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Begin a new drawing Inserting title block Dimensioning Blow-up details - prepare, scale and dimension Alternative way for blow-up details - copy from other drawing or insert from library drawing 2.6 Plotting 3) Suggested Drafting Tips 3.1 3.2 Use of "Layers" versus "Linetype and color" Drawing all entities in a single layer 4) Standard .dwg File Library 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 ANSI flange & European fitting etc. Drawing symbol for welding, bubble, numbering etc. Title block A0, A1, A2, A3 and A4 size Standard drawing Welding details 5) .dwg Files Storing and Hardcopy Filing 1) INITIAL AUTOCAD SOFTWARE SET-UP AND CUSTOMIZATION Although the software is ready to be used after installed, it is not efficient to begin a new drawing because all the settings are not customized according to users' needs and practice, which might include some of the following items:- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The dimension setting, initial drawing LIMITS, LTSCALE, UNITS setting etc. are not setup to metric (mm) but instead in imperial unit (inch). Not all the linetype, text fonts and text style required is loaded or created. The required layers and LAYER setting is not created and customized. The system variables (e.g. BLIPMODE, MIRRTEXT, DIMASO, APERTURE, PICKBOX etc.) are not customized to required value. Alias command and AutoLisp programmes which speed up the drafting process are not created and added. Pull-down menu and tablet menu is not customized yet. NOTE: Throughout this text, words in uppercase refer to Autocad command, keywords or system variables. lsp file.mnu files.dwt file. Features. The user can also explore the CONFIGURE (under FILE pull-down menu) which affects the hardware and software environmental settings.dwt file attached to this guide. digitizer (tablet) menu. which contains the following setting and changes : a.for simplicity.2). 2. Complete explanation of customization on acad. FONT and STYPE .dwt file. screen menu. Item 6 required editing on acad. acad. Unit in mm Unit in mm Unit in mm Unit in mm Unit in mm DIMSCALE or overall scale Text height Text gap Arrow size Extension above line Baseline increment Vertical text alignment 1 2. Use OPEN command and make changes as described below on acad.Decimal Engineering style with 2 decimal points. whereas item 5 required editing on acad. ones might overwrite their acad.1). width factor 0.Item 1 to 4 required changes on acad.dwt file is the default template or prototype file where all the new files created will be completely similar to this acad.dwt file is usually stored in subdirectory "support" upon installation.dwt (see section 2. NOTE : The title block might contains others font or style when required.85.mnu file and save in plain text format.mnu file which affects the pull-down menu. Style and Color System variable/Setting DIMASO Value 1 Description To maintain the dimension associate property Keep the default value. slide (or icon) menu and pop-up menu is beyond the scope of this guide. text height zero (this means the dimension text height will be DIMTXT times overall scale and the text height of DTEXT will be entered during each DTEXT command) and rotation angle zero. b. function key. acad.5 0.dwt file with the acad.5 1. To be changed in each drawing (see Sec. Angle in 2 decimal points measured in counter clockwise direction with zero degree at east. 1.lsp and acad. Unless the user change the Autocad preference.5 8 Above .5 2.pgp. Alternatively. c.dwt File Setup Acad. UNITS . Dimension Setting.1) Acad. Use and ASCII text editor to edit acad. ROMANS will be the current style for DTEXT and the only dimension style. only a style named ROMANS is created with font ROMANS.pgp and acad. Width factor 0. 2.2) when creating new drawing. (see Sec. It will be reset after confirmation of plotting scale (see sec.2). highlight .1 and 3. leader etc.0.Horizontal text alignment Text orientation Text inside Align with dimension line Yes e. d. including text. BYBLOCK as appear when using LIST).Lower left corner at 0.dwt using LINETYPE and LOAD command : continuous (default). phantom2 (for tangent line of formed head). text and annotation. mirrtext . the dimension will take up the color of the block (i. g.) h.5. center.e. font ROMANS For all dimensioning entities.2) The following linetypes shall be loaded into acad. 3.0 .0 . pickbox . If the user not intend to put the entities into different layer.5.1. aperture . 2.85. f. not the color of the layer. To create and customised the following layers: Layer Name Shell Linetype Continuous Color Cyan Usage For all visible objects entities.570 --. leader For revision cloud and revision mark For insulation cladding outline For title block and border Dimension Revision Insulation TB Continuous Continuous Phantom2 Continuous Yellow Red Green Magenta Layer "Shell" to be the current layer. Suppress trailing zero Dimension STYLE COLOR ROMANS YELLOW NOTE : Unless the DIMASO is set to zero or the dimension is already exploded. dot (for spare). upper right corner at 817. hidden. tangent line For dimensioning. center line. hidden. ucsicon .2 for the trade-off comparison of using multiple and single layer drawing.0.to achieve a A1 paper size on-screen view for new drawing during ZOOM ALL (see sec. Drawing LIMITS .00" will be show as "150" only. precise dimension like "150. LTSCALE . dimension line. Other important system variables: Blipmode . Overall scale will be reset after confirmation of plotting scale (see section 2.initially set to 15 to suit metric system.g. e. maintain the default layer "0" as the current layer. V. O. HG. *CHPROP *CHAMFER *MIRROR *ARRAY *TRIM M. EX. RG. DD.pgp File Setup Acad. SO. DDM.2) Acad. PS. DDA. *ROTATE *EXTEND *STRETCH *SCALE *OFFSET *LIST *HIGHLIGHT *VIEW *SOLID *LTSCALE *DDINSERT *INSERT *BLOCK *OSNAP *ELLIPSE CC *COPY WB. in the absence of customized digitizer board. DT. CF. LA. BL. ST. DI. MS. The author found that use of keyboard input command with the aid of alias will work even faster than using ordinary pull-down menu. LI. LTS. DV.1. SC. L.pgp file is usually stored in "support" directory. BR. T. IN. *WBLOCK . MI. R. P. EL. Z. *ARC F. Some recommended alias are as follow:A. It is an ASCII text file that stores the Autocad command shortcut known as alias where the user can change or add in according to their need and preference. X Or EXP *MOVE *PAN *PLINE *MSPACE *PSPACE *REDRAW *REGEN *ZOOM *DDEDIT *DDATTE *DDMODIFY *DIST *DTEXT *BREAK *EXPLODE RR. PL. screen menu and tool bar. I. *FILLET C. E. AR. *CIRCLE *DVIEW *ERASE *LINE *LAYER CP. OS. LSP. SL.LSP.lsp file which will be loaded automatically.lsp files which could be stored elsewhere.. PN. Acad. PLANNOZZ. USTR.*pt4 FOR BUBBLE1. SP. BRL..LSP .10(CENTER/END POINT).USER INTERFACE "GET" SUBROUTINES (LOAD "C:/CHEW/LSP/USERGET") .NOTE : THESE . .*D1. . *D2. BUBBLE1 .LIST OF GLOBAL VARIABLE THAT CAN'T BE OVERWRITTEN(EXCEPT BY USING "RS"): .CODE=0(ENTITY TYPE).CHEW ALL RIGHTS RESERVED . LCC. combine a few Autocad command into one (like a macro). .FOR ZOOM & VIEW: . "INSULATION" & "REVISION".=========================================================================== . (LOAD "C:/CHEW/LSP/RESET") . to draw some entities or any operation which is capable according to AutoLisp command functions. BUBBLE1.*REV FOR REVISION. Do not go overboard on systems with tight memory as each alias uses small amount of memory. EP.40(RADIUS) ETC.LSP CREATED BY W. UANGLE . the programme can be called like an ordinary Autocad command to perform some calculation. . A suggested acad. MP.") . UINT.LSP .lsp which is empty by default is therefore use to load all the required . (VMON) . . UKWORD. WELD1.ACAD. .pgp file when add in new alias. UPOINT.lsp File Setup AutoLisp (in Autocad 2000.lsp file (which is normally located directly under the directory which Autocad is installed) is a special .W. However.LSP . .LIST OF GLOBAL VARIABLE THAT CAN BE OVERWRITTEN: .TO ACCESS DATA FROM ENTITY DATA LIST: (DEFUN DXF (CODE ELIST) (CDR (ASSOC CODE ELIST))) . use forward slash "/" instead of back slash "\". WELD2 & WELD3. Once loaded successfully."DIMENSION".UDIST. RESET. 1. .WITH ZERO AT EAST. EL. It is compiled and loaded into memory in Autocad drawing editor by the following command : COMMAND: (load "c:/ABC/XYZ/FILENAME") When specify the path of the file (not require the full path if it is the predefined Autocad search path).LSP. . UREAL..TO ALLOW MORE RAM . *SH FOR RADDIM.ORIGINAL OSMODE WILL BE CHANGED IF THE COMMAND IS CANCELLED AT CERTAIN STAGE. DEGREE IN COUNTER-CLOCKWISE .lsp. BC. OR (SETQ CPT (DXF 10 (ENTLAST))) . it's called VisuaLisp) is a built-in programming language in Autocad where the code is written by ASCII text editor and save under file name with extension . *i FOR BUBBLE.LSP PROGRAMME WORKS WITH THE EXIST OF LAYER "SHELL". EE.TYPE "RS" TO RESET GLOBAL VARIABLES *D1.3 Acad. NOZZMAR1. RAD. *D2 & *SH. . BKL.EXAMPLE: (SETQ EN (ENTSEL) CPT (DXF 10 (ENTGET (CAR EN))) .RADDIM1.NOTE : Follow the syntax of the acad. PB. .lsp file is as below:- .1 DATE : 5 JAN 99 .WARNING : FOR COMMAND CR.*pt3 FOR BUBBLE. PLANBUB.VERSION 2. .================================================================== (PROMPT "PLEASE WAIT WHILE LOADING ACAD.lsp files must be re-loaded each drawing session. acad. . CHANGE LAYER.TYPE "BB" TO DRAW CIRCULAR BUBBLE ITEM MARK . .TYPE "CHH" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/CHGTEXT") . . . CLOUD & REVISION MARK: (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/BUBBLE") .(LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/NOZZMARK") .TYPE "CHT" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/CAPITAL") .TYPE "BT" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/JUSTEXT") .MISCELLANUOUS SIMPLE SHORT-CUT COMMAND: (defun c:cr (/ os) (ssget) (setq os (getvar "osmode")) (command "osnap" "cen") (command "array" "p" "" "p" ) (prompt "\nPick center point :") (command pause 2) (prompt "\nEnter rotation angle :") (command pause "y" ) (setvar "osmode" os)) (defun c:ee (/ pt1) (setq os (getvar "osmode")) (command "osnap" "end" "line" pause) (while (setq pt1 (getpoint (getvar "lastpoint"))) (command pt1) ) (command "") (setvar "osmode" os) (princ)) (defun c:ep () (command "line" "end" pause "per" pause "") ) (defun c:lcc () (command "line" "cen" pause "cen" pause "") ) (defun c:mp () (ssget) (setvar "cmdecho" 1) (setvar "highlight" 0) (command "move" "p" "" "end" pause "per" pause) (setvar "highlight" 1) ) (defun c:sp (/ pt1 pt2) (setvar "cmdecho" 1) (setq pt1 (getpoint"\nPick first point :") pt2 (getcorner pt1 "Pick second point :")) (command "stretch" "c" pt1 pt2 "" "end" pause"per" pause) ) .TYPE "BB" TO DRAW HEXAGONAL BUBBLE ITEM MARK .TYPE "AT" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/UNDETEXT") .TYPE "UT" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/BRKTEXT") .TYPE "RAD" TO RUN FOR HEX.TYPE "DDE" TO RUN .8X")) . . COLOR & LINE TYPE: (DEFUN C:1 () (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "C" 1 "")) (DEFUN C:2 () (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "C" 2 "")) (DEFUN C:3 () (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "C" 3 "")) (DEFUN C:4 () (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "C" 4 "")) (DEFUN C:5 () (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "C" 5 "")) (DEFUN C:6 () (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "C" 6 "")) (DEFUN C:7 () (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "C" 7 "")) (DEFUN C:CE() (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "LA" "SHELL" "LT" "CENTER" "C" 1 "")) (DEFUN C:CT() (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "LA" "SHELL" "LT" "BYLAYER" "C" "BYLAYER" "")) (DEFUN C:HI() (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "LA" "SHELL" "LT" "HIDDEN" "C" 1 "")) (DEFUN C:DO() (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "LT" "DOT" "")) (DEFUN C:INS() (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "LA" "INSULATION" "LT" "BYLAYER" "C" "BYLAYER" "")) (DEFUN C:TL() (COMMAND "CHPROP" "SI" PAUSE "LA" "SHELL" "LT" "PHANTOM2" "C" "R" "")) .TYPE "NM" TO DRAW CIRCULAR BUBBLE NOZZLE MARK (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/NOZZMAR1") .TYPE "RAD" TO RUN FOR CIRCULAR BUBBLE . BUBBLE . WELD SYMBOL.TYPE "PN" TO DRAW HEXAGONAL BUBBLE ON PLAN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/COPYBUB") .TYPE "CB" TO RUN FOR CIRCULAR BUBBLE (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/RADDIM") .DRAW ITEM/NOZZLE BUBBLE.FOR TEXT EDITING : (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/ATEXT") .(LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/BUBBLE1") .TYPE "CAP" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/EDITTEXT") .TYPE "JT" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/CHGHGT") . MARK (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/PLANBUB") .(DEFUN C:VA () (COMMAND "VIEW" "R" "A")) (DEFUN C:VD () (COMMAND "VIEW" "R" "D")) (DEFUN C:ZZ () (COMMAND "ZOOM" "P")) (DEFUN C:ZX () (COMMAND "ZOOM" "0.FOR DIMENSIONING SHORT-CUT: (DEFUN C:d () (COMMAND "DIST" "NEA" PAUSE "PER")) (DEFUN C:te () (COMMAND "DIM1" "TEDIT")) (DEFUN C:ne () (COMMAND "DIM1" "n")) (DEFUN C:hor () (COMMAND "DIM1" "HOR")) (DEFUN C:ver () (COMMAND "DIM1" "VER")) (DEFUN C:le () (COMMAND "DIM1" "L")) (defun c:ra () (command "dim1" "rad")) (defun c:dia () (command "dim1" "dia")) (defun c:up () (command "dim1" "upd")) .TYPE "PB" TO DRAW CIRCULAR BUBBLE ON PLAN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/PLANNOZZ") .(LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/RADDIM1") .TYPE "NM" TO DRAW HEXAGONAL BUBBLE NOZZ. . mnu" will load AutoLisp expression in "flange. (PROMPT "LOADED. TYPE "DE" TO RUN .TYPE "OD" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/CONE") .TYPE "CL" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/SWAP") . function key and tablet (digitizer) menu.TYPE "ET" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/CIR") . load "flange.TYPE "PCD" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/BOX") .mnl is a Lisp file that will be loaded automatically once acad.OTHERS LSP PROGRAMME : (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/EXLINE") .TYPE "EL" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/SHLINE") .TYPE "PIPE" TO RUN to draw elbow (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/OFFDIA") . b.TYPE "OO" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/PCD") . Others menu Lisp file with the same filename will also be loaded once a menu file with the same filename is loaded.TYPE "W3" TO RUN .mnl".g. The attached acad.TYPE "W2" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/WELD3") . c.e. Tablet menu is best suited for inserting drawing which is easy to be described by a number or alphabet or both as a name that is easy to remember or recognise.") (PRINC) 1. i.TYPE "W1" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/WELD2") .TYPE "BKL" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/MSCALE") . screen.4) Acad.TYPE "CON" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/CONTOFF") . "AGITATOR". Icon menu is best suited for inserting drawings which is difficult to be described in filename or in digitizer board. Added tablet menu for inserting standard flange or fitting. Added pull-down menu named "TOOLS" where 3 icons menu can be called. .mnu is loaded.TYPE "SL" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/ETLINE") . This is specifically to be used during dimensioning and editing as a transparent command (especially) by pressing shift and right mouse button simultaneously to invoke the pop-up menu.mnu file has the following new features:- a.TYPE "BRL" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/CHGPROP") . icon. E.TYPE "BC" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/BREAKL") .TYPE "MS" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/MDDEDIT") . "WELD DETAILS" and "ACCESSORY".TYPE "CI" TO RUN to draw circle center line (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/PIPE") .TYPE "REV" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/RCLOUD") . A template must be made and place on digitizer board for use.TYPE "RC" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/WELD1") .TYPE "SWAP" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/BRKLINE") . AutoCad Release 14 digitizer with custom-made template: . Added "ZOOM PREVIOUS" and "ZOOM WINDOW" in object snap pop-up menu.(LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/REVISION") .mnu File Setup Customization of this file will change or add in new feature on pull-down. MORE INFO: Acad.TYPE "REC" TO RUN (LOAD "C:/ACAD/LSP/BREAKC") . pop-up. Use other drawing as template if you want to create a new drawing which is same as the existing drawing (use this technique instead of copying the file to another and rename it). Autocad will ask for the filename upon the first SAVE. a new drawing might begin while editing an existing drawing without exit Autocad. Use OPEN from FILE pull-down menu instead of NEW on the next editing session. You might enter the new filename at this point. Give the filename same as drawing number e.dwg file. 2. If you leave the new filename blank and hit OK. The suggested default drawing is ACAD. Autocad will ask for the filename upon the first SAVE.2) PRESSURE VESSELS/STORAGE TANK DRAFTING 2. Save the current working drawing.2) Inserting Title-block . it is ready to draw on the UNNAMED. A dialogue box appears and ask for default drawing and new filename. Alternatively. 148800 for drawing number HM-1488-00 (example only).g.1) Begin A New Drawing Once Autocad is loaded/running.dwt file which has been customized as in Section 1 to meet all the needs. click NEW from FILE pull-down menu. lsp programme to draw the complete shell (see Sec. A2. Draw LINE. click any point as first point and second point by typing : @0.dwt's drawing limits are set to A1 drawing size.1500 for vertical tank with shell length 1500 mm or @1500. WARNING : In Autocad Release 12. Since the actual tank size is usually larger than the A1 size. In any case. Use INSERT only for local blocks. Offset shell diameter (not required if you use rectang. It is usually that the title block is smaller than the tank as below: For vertical tank: Or for horizontal tank: .7X" to gain a further zoom out. this may possibly overwrite the original file that is inserted by the existing drawing. 4A or A0). the first line (usually shell length) that we drawn is not fully shown on screen. It is preferable to place orientation view above the elevation (for vertical tank) and place orientation view on the left/right to the side elevation (for horizontal tank). it is ready to be completed with a title-block. ZOOM EXTENT to view the entire line or shell and ZOOM "0. After the tank overall size outline is drawn. A3. Use DDINSERT command to insert the appropriate title-block drawing (A1. follow the steps stipulated below: i. Hence.0 for horizontal tank with shell length 1500 mm or use the rectang. 1.The acad. Always insert title block BEFORE dimensioning and detailing.lsp programme) and continue to draw the shell elevation and orientation view. do not use INSERT command and specify the filename by giving full path method. use third angle projection.3) ii. g. . as well as edit the text "Scale" on the title block to the required scale (e. set LTSCALE to 15 multiplied by plot scale (e. This will cause inconvenience in doing dimensioning and further editing. WARNING : Never SCALE the tank to suit the title block.g.g. TIPS: Use UNDO to restore title block to original size and SCALE again repeatedly until a suitable size is obtained. 12.5).Do not EXPLODE the title block yet. 12. item bubble. 15 x 12.g.5). 12. SCALE (scale-up if title block smaller than tank or vice-versa) the title block to allow it to accommodate the tank elevation and orientation. EXPLODE the title block and immediately change the overall scale (under pull down menu SETTING and DIM STYLE) or DIMSCALE system variable to the appropriate value ( e. Consider space for dimensioning. material list and detailing. dimensioning can be done anytime only from now go on.5).5). ZOOM EXTENT once to have a maximum view. Remember the scale used to SCALE the title block (e. Also.5 = 187. So always make use of associate dimension. use of associate dimension will not allow MOVE.4. STRETCH.5.g. DDEDIT command to change dimension text. 2. The advantages of DIMASO set to 1 are:  Automatic updating of the dimension figure upon editing.g.dwt. In Autocad R12. 1:12. This will cause all the dimensions drawn out (except LEADER) remain in blocks. 1:2. but not previously drawn or exploded dimensions. 1:5. but instead :- . 1:10. SCALE Enable the text height. the dimension line location will not be adjusted accordingly and the LEADER and text is not affected by UPDATE). This is done if we change the title block size after we've done dimensioning.5.3. 1:7. e.2) The DIMASO will determine the mode (block or not a block) of those newly drawn dimension.In practice. in contra with zero for depressed mode). 2. (However. (See also WARNING in Sec. to be updated with UPDATE (a DIM: command) after the dimension overall scale has been change. 1:1. e.3) Dimensioning 2.5 etc. the common scale shall be in the increment of 2.5. the associate dimension mode DIMASO is set 1 (i. Exploded dimensions cannot be "unexploded" with DIMASO reset to 1. arrow size etc. 1:2.e.1 Use Of Associate Dimension In acad. However. or restore dimension text to original position.2 Dimension Line Location And Arrangement Follow the value given below on the dimension line location : For vertical tank/vessel : . E. rotate. <> can be used either in NEW or making new dimension. in later Autocad version.g. Use NEW (a DIM: command) to edit dimension text. TIPS: Use of <> represent original dimension figure. "<> I/D" represent "1000 I/D" if 1000 is the dimension measured by Autocad.3.  Use TEDIT (a DIM: command) to move. dimension text can be edited as ordinary text using DDEDIT command. The use of <> will allow updating or restoring original value of dimension figure. 2. Drawing scale is 1:10. the above value must be multiplied by the scale of the drawing (E. Hence.For horizontal tank/vessel: i. Move lines to one side so that easier to erase them after use. item bubble diameter and text height) shown above is the actual size we want after plotted out. offset a few lines to the distance required. bubble diameter = 80 etc. The value (gap between dimension lines. Erase those guidelines after use.g. Then do dimensioning and pick PERPENDICULAR to the appropriate line drawn when AutoCad prompts for dimension line location. ii. . hence gap = 80.) To facilitate the location of dimension line. NOZZMARK.1 Preparation and Scale of the Blow-up Details . iv. When do dimensioning on the same dimension line level. Certain dimension must be exploded and trimmed when the dimension extension line intersect dimension text line. etc. PLANBUB and PLANNOZZ. use CON (a DIM: command) instead of VER or HOR. NOTE: The attached BUBBLE.iii. v. without re-specifying the same extension line.4. Use DTEXT. MID of center of bubble to locate the text in the bubble.4) Blow-up Details 2. N13a. Use F (fit text) if the text is too long. 2.lsp can automate the drawing of item bubble and nozzle mark. 2 Detailing Dimension Do dimensioning after SCALE to allow proper allocation of the dimension line. This will force the dimension figures shown to be multiplied by 0. However.2. This can be remedied by setting DIMLFAC to the reciprocal of detailing scale before dimensioning on the detailing (default value of DIMLFAC is 1. the scale of detailing = 10/2 = 1:5 2. if the detailing scale is 1:5.If the details (e.0 as in acad.4. do it before SCALE to allow editing in actual scale. attachment or nozzle) is shown as same view to the general arrangement view. If further editing on the detailing is required after COPY. The scale of the detailing is calculated as below:- Example : General Arrangement scale = 1:10 The detailing has been SCALE -up 2 times.2. this might cause the figure measured by Autocad differ from the actual dimension and the user has to input the correct figure manually.dwt file).g. . Hence. This is done by typing the figure (just follow the figure given by Autocad) rather than hit enter to accept the default. For instance. set DIMLFAC to 1/5 or 0. it is usually to COPY from the general arrangement and SCALE up to the required legible size as blow-up details. . 4.) UPDATE all dimensions in the blow-up detail. 1) instead of ordinary ZOOM command. you can also check the text height of leader text and scale the pasted blow-up detail until the text is in correct height for plotting. (If you are using release 13 or earlier. it is sometimes inconvenient to use ZOOM command. right click. If you want to change the on-plot scale of the blow-up detail (because not enough space etc. Manual adjustment is required.1) or insert from library drawing (Sec. Restore this view each time using VD (an Autolisp command as mentioned in Sec. 3. The on-plot scale of the blow-up detail must be the same as the original drawing. so that the leader/text (if any).1 To copy blow-up details from other drawing 1. 7. 2. Also. 2. the use of UPDATE command will restore the dimension figure according to the current DIMLFAC value. 4 for recommended/typical details that shall be put into library drawing. 6. 2.5 Alternative way for blow-up details Instead of preparing or copy the detail from the assembly view of the drawing.5. 2.5. 5. then the leader text height will not be correct and the spacing between dimension lines and object will also affected. which may need a few steps. you may have to create WBLOCK) Open or switch to the working drawing. (Alternatively.2. 2.WARNING : Always reset DIMLFAC to 1. Consider to save the required on-screen view using VIEW command with a view name of "D".). TIPS : While doing editing or dimensioning on a small area of drawing for a long period of time. unless the default dimension figure is overwritten by the user that forgone the associate property of the dimension. Scale the pasted object by y/x. and spacing between dimension line and object are in the correct size after printed.2 To insert blow-up detail from library drawing See Sec.2). The VA command is used to view the entire drawing (instead of ZOOM ALL or EXTENT) to reduce the time taken on drawing regeneration. choose Copy with base point from pop-up menu.5. one might copy the detail from other drawings (Sec.5. Open the drawing with the blow-up details that you want to copy. where x and y is the plot scale or DIMSCALE of the working drawing and original drawing respectively. Select the object.0 after detailing to avoid confusion. Paste the copied object into location. 1) .5. Draw the blow-up detail in a new drawing in full scale. Instead overwrite the value by entering the same figure to suppress dimension associate. 7. SCALE it to y/x. COPY or INSERT it into the working drawing from the library. 8. Similarly. With DIMSCALE=1. 5. Do dimensioning (with DIMLFAC=1. 2. 6. UPDATE the dimension Option 2: 1. said z. (Note: step 5 and 6 is same as step 4 and 5 in Sec. of course) and save the drawing into library. Pre-determine the on-plot scale. hence there are two difference way to insert them into working drawing according to which option you choose.3 for reason) Save the drawing into libray .) UPDATE the dimension. you can also check the text height of leader text and scale the pasted blow-up detail until the text is in correct height for plotting. 3. Then set DIMSCALE to x. 5. (Alternatively. 3. While doing dimensioning. do not accept the figure/value measured. When the detail is required later. COPY or INSERT it into the working drawing from the library. do not accept the figure/value measured. (See Sec 2. Draw the blow-up detail in a new drawing in full scale. 4. 2.a folder which stores all library drawings. said x. However. Option 1: 1. 4. SCALE the inserted blow-up detail to plot scale of the working drawing. SCALE up/down the detail into predetermined plot scale. and DIMLFAC = 1/z. both options required you to determine the onplot scale of the detail (as appear on paper ) while preparing the library drawing. (See Sec 2. 7.There are two options in preparing the library drawing. 6. do dimensioning.3 for reason) When the detail is required later. where y is the plot scale or DIMLSCALE of the working drawing. while doing dimensioning. 2.5. Instead overwrite the value by entering the same figure to suppress dimension associate.5. 25 3) SUGGESTED DRAFTING TIPS 3. If it appears to be <>.) Hence.6) Plotting Since the title block outline has been adjusted to suit the relevant drawing size. you shall watch-out that was DIMLFAC being used in the original drawing. the value of the dimension will be incorrect after SCALE. Color Red Pen Width (mm) 0. use PLOT EXTENT will normally force the maximum plot scale calculated by Autocad same as the required drawing scale. formed head tangent line Dimensioning. hidden line. no need to explode) when preparing library drawing with dimension.2 0. arrow. if you want to change the on-plot scale of the blow-up detail (because not enough space etc.). or change the DIMLFAC of the working drawing and UPDATE only for the blow-up detail (not recommended way as it may unintentionally UPDATE other dimension!).3 An important warning! No matter how you prepare the blow-up detail. leader. The advantages of using different layers are :- .25 0.1) Use of Different "Layers" Versus "Color and Linetype" Whether the entities shall be drawn on different layers or just a single layer is subjected to the practice and requirement of the users. Make sure the pen width setting (as shown below) is not overwritten by previous plotting session before plotting (Plot setting is not saved with acad.Again. Manual adjustment is required. the user shall change the plot scale value in the PLOT dialogue box.25 Magenta Green 0. The is why we shall overwrite the dimension associate (by reentering the text or measured figure during dimensioning. (You can check if the dimension associate is on by DDEDIT the dimension text. you have to EXPLODE the dimension before SCALE. 2. text All visible object (except insulation) Title block outline Insulation Yellow Cyan 0.dwt file but with application environmental setting). 2. this method might cause certain portion of the drawing out of the plotable area (as seen from Preview) and hence adjustment of X and/or Y origin is required. then it is on. However. If DIMLFAC was used and the dimension associate is still on (if it is not exploded). then the leader text height will not be correct and the spacing between dimension lines and object will also affected.15 Use for Center line. If this is not the case (or for the drawing without title block).5. the entities will be inserted together with its layers where the color and linetype of the layer can be changed by changing of the layer settings. it is actually no significant difference whether multiple layers are used although this is usually not the case. can be set to red color (for example) and linetype to "center" or "hidden" since they shall be same property no matter which layer they are stored on. This "chameleon effect" of layer 0 might be useful in certain cases but be a problem to another. d. If the advantages mentioned in Sec. center line.1 are immaterial to the users. Enable change of color and linetype of entity by merely change the property layer of the entity. The user do not have to use CHPROP and select all the required entities (which might take hours of times!) in order to change the color and linetype. the user B can easily change the entity color and linetype by changing the layer settings according to the requirement of user B. When a drawing is inserted into another drawing. e. do not draw in layer 0 if you do not intend to EXPLODE the inserted drawing and if you do not want the color and linetype of inserted entities (on layer 0) to follow the current layer. 3 etc. But this is not necessary because it is very rare to change the color and linetype of this line or just to freeze these lines. Entities created by COPY. 1. 3. The entity color and linetype will follow the settings of the layer as long as the entity's color and linetype is "Bylayer". However. hidden line etc. b. Some users might put the center line. Enable the color and linetype of all entites on a particular layer to be changed by merely change of the color and linetype of the layer setting. to layers called "center" or "hidden" with the required setting. ones might obtain full use of layer's advantage. Hence use CHPROP to change the property layer of the entity if required. Hence. TL. as listed in Sec. will follow the layer of parent entity. NOTE : If the entities are placed on layer 0. but in fact they shall be two different layers. HI.a.2) Drawing Entities In A Single Layer Instead of creating entities with different color and linetype in different layers. Enable visibility of certain layers only while unwanted layers to be FREEZE. . New entities will follow the color and linetype of current layer. if a drawing by user A is inserted into another drawing by user B. with color and linetype as per COLOR and LINETYPE system variable or use CHPROP to modify existing entities' color and linetype. CE. the COLOR and LINETYPE system variables shall be set to "bylayer" or the property of "color" and "linetype" of the entity shall be "bylayer". c. CL. For example. the entities will take-up the color and linetype of the current layer of the drawing B until the inserted block is EXPLODE. 2. ones might consider to make use of only one layers. ones might make a conclusion that with the interface of AutoLisp short-cut command (CT. hidden line etc. Rename the layer (on either one of the files) to another name to avoid two groups of entity to be mixed on same layer after insertion. Hence. Besides. In order to have the above advantage of color and linetype controlling. OFFSET etc. Enable plotting of certain layers only while unwanted layers to be FREEZE. 3.3). 1. MIRROR. the user shall open and check the drawing (before inserting it ) to ensure that no layer with the same layer name to the file being inserted. Existing entities can be changed to required color and linetype of a layer by using "CHPROP". bubble.that to be inserted as blow-up detail as explained in Sec 2.g. Drawing symbol for welding. 2.2 4.4) STANDARD . A3 and A4 size Standard drawing Welding details (Detail explanation for the above will be incorporated later) 5) . The following are the objects that shall be prepared as individual library drawing: 4. The dimensions shall not be exploded. E.1 4.g.DWG FILE STORING AND HARDCOPY FILING ( This will be incorporated later) .3 4.2. welding details.5.4 4. Library drawing without dimensioning . flanges Library drawing with dimensioning .that to be inserted in the assembly drawing. The dimension measured shall be overwritten to suppress change of figure due to dimension associate (as explained in Sec. A1. so that change of text style or color in future is easy.DWG FILE LIBRARY There are basically 2 types of library drawing:- 1. 2. Title block A0.3).5. numbering etc. A2. E.5 ANSI flange & European fitting etc.
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