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March 25, 2018 | Author: Zoel Nikonian | Category: Clinical Medicine, Medicine, Medical Specialties, Diseases And Disorders, Wellness



Search History * #14 children (5743 records) Searches and records below from: * #13 children (4406 records) Searches and records below from: * #12 children (4558 records) Searches and records below from: * #11 children (4281 records) Searches and records below from: * #10 children (4572 records) Searches and records below from: * #9 children (3800 records) Searches and records below from: * #8 children (4115 records) Searches and records below from: #7 science (70561 records) Searches and records below from: #6 science (70345 records) Searches and records below from: #5 science (67360 records) Searches and records below from: #4 science (63021 records) Searches and records below from: #3 science (75373 records) Searches and records below from: #2 science (58287 records) * #1 children (63 records) Pascal BioMed Part 2 (1996) Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1996) Pascal BioMed Part 2 (1995) Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1995) Pascal BioMed Part 2 (1994) Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1994) Pascal Scitech 2000 Part 2 Pascal Scitech 2000 Part 1 Pascal Scitech 1999 Part 2 Pascal Scitech 1999 Part 1 Pascal Scitech 1998 Part 2 Pascal Scitech 1998 Part 1 Record 1 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Universal hepatitis B vaccination in Taiwan and the incidence of hepatocell ular carcinoma in children PA: CHANG-M-H; CHEN-C-J; LAI-M-S; HSU-H-M; WU-T-C; KONG-M-S; LIANG-D-C; SHAU-WY; CHEN-D-S CA: Taiwan-Childhood-Hepatoma-Study-Group, Taiwan AF: Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; Graduate Institute of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, Na tional Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taipei, Taiwan; Department of Pediatrics, Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Tai wan; Department of Pediatrics, Chang-Gung Children's Hospital, Linkou, Taoyuan, Taiwan; Department of Pediatrics, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; Hepa titis Research Center, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan SO: The-New-England-journal-of-medicine. 1997; 336 (26) : 1855-1859 IS: 0028-4793 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Background A nationwide hepatitis B vaccination program was implemented in Taiwan in July 1984. To assess the effect of the program on the development of h epatocellular carcinoma, we studied the incidence of this cancer in children in Taiwan from 1981 to 1994. Methods We collected data on liver cancer in children from Taiwan's National Cancer Registry, which receives reports from each of the country's 142 hospitals with more than 50 beds. Data on childhood liver cancer w ere also obtained from Taiwan's 17 major medical centers. To prevent the inclusi on of cases of hepatoblastoma, the primary analysis was confined to liver cancer s in children six years of age or older. Data were also obtained on mortality fr om liver cancer among children. Results The average annual incidence of hepatoce llular carcinoma in children 6 to 14 years of age declined from 0.70 per 100,000 children between 1981 and 1986 to 0.57 between 1986 and 1990, and to 0.36 betwe en 1990 and 1994 (P<0.01). The corresponding rates of mortality from hepatocellu lar carcinoma also decreased. The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in child ren 6 to 9 years of age declined from 0.52 for those born between 1974 and 1984 to 0.13 for those born between 1984 and 1986 (P<0.001). Conclusions Since the in stitution of Taiwan's program of universal hepatitis B vaccination, the incidenc e of hepatocellular carcinoma in children has declined. AI: AB NR: 20 ref. DEE: Viral-hepatitis-B; Vaccine-; Hepatitis-B-virus; Taiwan-; Hepatocellular-ca rcinoma; Incidence-; ChildDEF: Hepatite-virale-B; Vaccin-; Virus-hepatite-B; Taiwan-; Carcinome-hepatocel lulaire; Incidence-; Enfant-; 1981-1994 DES: Hepatitis-virica-B; Vacuna-; Hepatitis-B-virus; Taiwan-; Carcinoma-hepatoc elular; Incidencia-; NinoIDE: Viral-disease; Infection-; Hepadnaviridae-; Virus-; Asia-; Human-; Digesti ve-diseases; Hepatic-disease; Immunoprophylaxis-; Malignant-tumor IDF: Virose-; Infection-; Hepadnaviridae-; Virus-; Asie-; Homme-; Appareil-dige stif-pathologie; Foie-pathologie; Immunoprophylaxie-; Tumeur-maligne IDS: Virosis-; Infeccion-; Hepadnaviridae-; Virus-; Asia-; Hombre-; Aparato-dig estivo-patologia; Higado-patologia; Inmunoprofilaxia-; Tumor-maligno JN: The-New-England-journal-of-medicine CD: NEJMAG LOC: INIST, Shelf number 6013, INIST No. 354000044961220020 AN: 970351903 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved. Record 2 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Disordered eating behavior and microvascular complications in young women w ith insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus PA: RYDALL-A-C; RODIN-G-M; OLMSTED-M-P; DEVENYI-R-G; DANEMAN-D AF: Toronto Hospital, the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada; Universi ty of Toronto, Toronto, Canada SO: The-New-England-journal-of-medicine. 1997; 336 (26) : 1849-1854 IS: 0028-4793 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Background Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and eating disorders are relatively common among young women in North America. Their coexistence coul d lead to poor metabolic control and an increased risk of the microvascular comp lications of IDDM. Methods We studied 91 young women with IDDM at base line and four to five years later to determine the prevalence and persistence of disorder ed eating behavior (on the basis of self-reported eating and weight-loss practic es, including the intentional omission or underdosing of insulin to control weig ht) and the association of such eating disorders with metabolic control, diabeti c retinopathy, and urinary albumin excretion. At base line, the mean age of the young women was 15<plus or minus sign>2 years and the duration of diabetes was 7 <plus or minus sign>4 years. Results At base line, 26 of 91 young women (29 perc ent) had highly or moderately disordered eating behavior, which persisted in 16 (18 percent) and improved in 10 (11 percent). Of the 65 women with normal eating behavior at base line (71 percent), 14 (15 percent) had disordered eating at fo llow-up. Omission or underdosing of insulin to lose weight was reported by 12 of 88 young women (14 percent) at base line and 30 (34 percent) at follow-up (P=0. 003). At base line, the mean (<plus or minus sign>SD) hemoglobin A<subscript>1<s ubscript>c value was higher in the group with highly disordered eating behavior (11.1<plus or minus sign>1.2 percent) than in the groups whose eating behavior w as moderately disordered 18.9<plus or minus sign>1.7 percent) or nondisordered 1 8.7<plus or minus sign>1.6 percent, P<0.001). Disordered eating at base line was associated with retinopathy four years later (P= 0.004), when 86 percent of the young women with highly disordered eating behavior, 43 percent of those with mo derately disordered eating behavior, and 24 percent of those with nondisordered eating behavior had retinopathy. Conclusions Disordered eating behavior is commo n and persistent in young women with IDDM and is associated with impaired metabo lic control and a higher risk of diabetic retinopathy. AI: AB NR: 34 ref. DEE: Insulin-dependent-diabetes; Feeding-behavior; Nutrition-disorder; Vascular -retinopathy; Complication-; Risk-factor; Young-adult; FemaleDEF: Diabete-insulinodependant; Comportement-alimentaire; Trouble-nutrition; Re tinopathie-vasculaire; Complication-; Facteur-risque; Adulte-jeune; FemelleDES: Diabetes-insulinodependiente; Conducta-alimenticia; Trastorno-nutricion; R etinopatia-vascular; Complicacion-; Factor-riesgo; Adulto-joven; HembraIDE: Human-; Endocrinopathy-; Immunopathology-; Autoimmune-disease; Eye-disease ; Cardiovascular-disease; Vascular-disease IDF: Homme-; Endocrinopathie-; Immunopathologie-; Maladie-autoimmune; Oeil-path ologie; Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie; Vaisseau-sanguin-pathologie IDS: Hombre-; Endocrinopatia-; Inmunopatologia-; Enfermedad-autoinmune; Ojo-pat ologia; Aparato-circulatorio-patologia; Vaso-sanguineo-patologia JN: The-New-England-journal-of-medicine CD: NEJMAG LOC: INIST, Shelf number 6013, INIST No. 354000044961220010 AN: 970351902 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved. Record 3 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Comparison and validation of limited sampling equations for cyclosporine ar ea-under-the-curve monitoring calculations in pediatric renal transplant recipie nts PA: CHARLEBOIS-J-E; LUM-B-L; COONEY-G-F; MOCHON-M; KAISER-B-A AF: Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, University of the Paci fic, Stockton, United States; School of Pharmacy, Temple University, Philadelphi a, Pennsylvania, United States; Division of Oncology, Stanford University, Schoo l of Medicine, Stanford, United States; Pharmaceutical Education and Research Ce nter, Department of Pharmacy, Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Pal o Alto, California, United States; Department of Pediatrics, St. Christopher's H ospital for Children, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States SO: Therapeutic-drug-monitoring. 1997; 19 (3) : 277-280 IS: 0163-4356 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial MT: short-communication AB: Therapeutic monitoring of cyclosporine (CsA) by using area-under-the-concen tration-time-curve (AUC) values in renal transplant recipients has been previous ly demonstrated to predict posttransplant clinical outcome. Two previous studies also reported that limited sampling equations could accurately determine the AU C of CsA using one to six blood concentration determinations in adults. The purp ose of this study was to validate the accuracy of these equations in a pediatric population. In 18 pediatric patients who received renal allografts, three limit Urinary-system-disease IDF: Homme-. Prelevement-limite. and 39 were on two to five concurren tly administered antiepileptic drugs when LTG was added. or five concentration time points. Rinon-. VigilanciaIDE: Human-. with epilepsy uncontrolled by conventional anticonvulsant therapy. Homotransplantation-. Nino-. Kidney-. Trasplantacion-. Enfant-. Shelf number 18087. Homotransplantation-. Chimiotherapie. Area-debajo-de-la-curva. Treatment-. Rein-. Cirugia-. BELMONTE-A. Prelevement-. 3. steady state pl . Pharmacocinetique-. and type of comedication on plasma lamotrigine (LTG) concentrations and the relationship between plasma drug levels and clinica l response were evaluated in a prospective study of 45 patients. Chirurgie-. Six of t he 45 patients were on single-drug therapy. Pharmacokinetics-.3 to 8. aged 3 to 38 ye ars. University of Pisa and IRCCS Stella Maris Found ation.3). Immunosuppressive-agent. Voie-orale. Kidney-disease. Rein-pathologie. Therapeutic-drug-monit oring DEF: Ciclosporine-. Surveillance-.8% (95% confidence interval. Italy. Child-. Equations using four or five concentration time points were found to prov ide estimates of AUC for a 24-hour interval AUC. Suivi-therapeutique-medicament eux DES: Ciclosporina-. Thirteen patients were assessed at three or more LTG dosage levels. Oral-administration. Pisa. age. INIST No. Toma-de-muestra.ed sampling equations. Institute of Child Neurology and Psychiatry. DEE: Ciclosporin-. University of Pavia. Farmacocinetica-. and comedication on steady state plasma lamot rigine concentrations in epileptic children : A prospective study with prelimina ry assessment of correlations with clinical response PA: BARTOLI-A. Transplantation-. Surveillance-. AI: AB NR: 17 ref. which used one. GATTI-G. Traitement-. Quimioterapia-. Homotrasplante-. 354000044957020050 AN: 970351867 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. An equation that used a single concentration time point at 5 hours was unbiased an d provided the best precision in calculating a 12-hour interval AUC. This equati on had a mean absolute percentage error of 5. Within individuals. Appareil-urinaire-p athologie IDS: Hombre-. dosage. Aparato-urinario-pato logia JN: Therapeutic-drug-monitoring CD: TDMODV LOC: INIST. with less than 10% error. Ch emotherapy-. All rights reserved. Transplantation-. Record 4 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: The influence of dosage. four. ALESSANDRI-M-G. Via-oral. These findings suggest that limited sampling models using as few as one to four conce ntration time points provide accurate estimations of CsA AUC in pediatric patien ts. Samplings-. Italy SO: Therapeutic-drug-monitoring. Rinon-patologia. 1997. PERUCCA-E AF: Clinical Pharmacology Unit. Surgery-. GUERRINI-R. The use of these limited sampling models provides the clinical advantage of lower blood sampling requirements and reduced costs associated with the monitori ng of cyclosporine. Pavia. Area-under-the-c urve. Trat amiento-. accurately estimated CsA AUC when compared with an actual 7-to 9-point curve. Aire-sous-la-courbe. Limited-sampling. 19 (3) : 252-260 IS: 0163-4356 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: The effects of age. Immunodepresseur-. Inmunodepresor-. Posol ogy-. n = 10). Quimioterapia-. Sistema-nervosio-central-patologia. In patie nts treated with valproate. Anticonvulsivant-. plasma LTG concentrations normalized to a 1 mg/kg daily dose were lowe r in children aged 3 to 6 years (0. Differentiated thyroid cancer PA: TRAVAGLI-J-P. Nervous-system-diseases. Age-. Epilepsie-. Epilepsia-. Relation-concentration-activite DES: Lamotrigina-. Adulte-. All rights reserved. further studies on the potential value of mon itoring plasma LTG concentrations are indicated.75 to 21 mg/kg. Traitement-. Systeme-nerveux-pathologie. Cerebraldisorder IDF: Homme-. INIST No. Tratamiento. Les cancers differenci es de la thyroide TT: Treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer in children. Chimiotherapie-. Interaccion-medicamentosa.18 <mu>g/ml. Sistema-nervioso-patologia. Posologie-.6 <plus or minus sign> 5. Anticonvulsivante-. These findings show that plasma LTG concentrations exhibit a wide in terindividual variability under the influence of age and type of comedication. DEE: Lamotrigine-.asma LTG concentrations increased linearly with increasing daily dosage over the examined dose range (25 to 575 mg/day or 0. Although t here was no apparent relationship between drug levels and clinical response in t his difficult-to-treat population. p ossibly because of a smaller sample size and the confounding effect of comedicat ion. AI: AB NR: 31 ref. n = 6) than in the older children (0.2 versus 4. Among patients also receiving enzyme-inducing agents. Epilepsy-.26 <mu>g/ml.3 <mu>g/ml). Chemotherapy-. En cephale-pathologie IDS: Hombre-.30 <plus or minus sign> 0.8 <plus or minus sign> 3. Anticonvulsant-. the age dependency of plasma LTG was less evident. Adult-. Activity-concen tration-relation DEF: Lamotrigine-. Treatment-. CAILLOU-B. Central-nervous-system-disease. Nino-. Pharmacocinetiq ue-. 1997. Age-.day). Systeme-nerveux-central-pathologie. A series of 130 cas es at the Gustave-Roussy Institute. Shelf number 18087. DE-VATHAIRE-F. 354000044957020010 AN: 970351862 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. 58 (3) : 254-256 IS: 0003-4266 PY: 1997 CP: France LA: French BL: Analytic . Adulto-.68 <plus or minus sign> 0. dose-normalized LTG concentrations were about f ive-fold higher in patients comedicated with valproic acid than in those comedic ated with enzyme inducers.17 <mu>g/ml. Drug-interaction. Enfant-. barbiturates. Pharmacokinetics-. Interaction-medicamenteuse. Child-. Twenty patients showed a favorable response (with a > =40% reduction in seizure frequency compared with the pre-LTG period) and contin ued on long-term treatment. or p henytoin. b ut they are predictably related to dosage within individual patients. such as carbamazepine. Relacion-concentracion-actividad IDE: Human-. Posologia-. n = 12) an d adolescents/adults (0.43 <plus or minus sign> 0. Edad-. SCHLUMBERGER-M SO: Annales-d'endocrinologie. Farmacocinetica. Within any given age group. E ncefalo-patologia JN: Therapeutic-drug-monitoring CD: TDMODV LOC: INIST. Plasma drug concentrations in these apparent respond ers were highly variable and did not differ significantly from those observed in nonresponders (6. Record 5 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Traitement des cancers differencies de la thyroide de l' enfant : Etude d' une serie de 130 cas suivis a l' Institut Gustave-Roussy. Ethiopia.cn/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=SilverL inker&_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0140%2d6736%23349%231801%2390 68&_version=1&md5=03866172ae62b69ceda7812d660f750a ScienceDirect (Taiwan) http:/ /sdos. Control s (n=500) were matched for admission within 3 months of cases and age within 3 m onths and had no evidence of pneumonia. Record 6 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Case-control study of the role of nutritional rickets in the risk of develo ping pneumonia in Ethiopian children PA: MUHE-L. there was still a 13-fold higher incidence of ricke ts among children with pneumonia than among controls (13. Faculty of Medicine.com/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_o rigin=SilverLinker&_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0140%2d6736%2334 9%231801%239068&_version=1&md5=03866172ae62b69ceda7812d660f750a ScienceDirect (C hina) http://elsevier. There were significant differenc es between cases and controls for family size.ascc. AI: AB NR: 22 ref. University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and Child ren's Hospital. Studies in developing countries have suggested an association between nutritional rickets and pneumonia.edu.lib.22]. MASON-K-E.LT: NR: JN: CD: LOC: AN: SI: CR: Serial 16 ref. and clinical a nd radiographic data for rickets and pneumonia were collected. 354000061726630160 970351851 INIST <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS.001).08-24.sciencedirect. but data were incomplete for 21 of these and they were not included. p<0. Annales-d'endocrinologie ANENAG INIST. Nutritional. demographic. Geneva.11).net/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=SilverLinker&_urlversion= 4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0140%2d6736%23349%231801%239068&_version=1&md5= 03866172ae62b69ceda7812d660f750a IS: 0140-6736 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Background Pneumonia is the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in children aged under 5 years worldwide. crowding.ejournal. Addis Ababa. Shelf number 822. birth order. 1997. Since both n utritional rickets and pneumonia are common in Ethiopia. Methods Cases were children younger than 5 years admitted to the Ethic-Swedis h Children's Hospital during a 5-year period with a diagnosis of pnuemonia (n=52 1). United States SO: Lancet-British-edition. Matched odd ratio s and logistic regression were used to test the significance of the association of rickets and pneumonia.05).37 [95% Cl 8. Switzerland. Division of Infectious Diseases. Interpretation Vitamin D or calcium deficiency may be important predi sposing factors for pneumonia in children aged under 5 years in developing count ries. Colorado. LULSEGED-S. All rights reserved. Denver. we did a case-control s tudy to determine the role of nutritional rickets in the development of pneumoni a. After correction for these confounding fac tors by logistic regression.tsinghua. Division of Child Health and Development. Findings Rickets was present in 210 of 500 cases compa red with 20 of 500 controls (odds ratio 22. and months of exclusive breastfeeding (p<0. Addis Ababa University. . 349 (9068) : 1801-1804 FTXT: ScienceDirect (tm) http://www. SIMOES-E-A-F AF: Department or Pediatrics and Child Health. Department of Pediatrics. Wo rld Health Organization. Efforts to prevent vitamin D deficiency or calcium supplementation may res ult in significant reductions in morbidity and mortality from pneumonia in these children. INIST No. We attempted to find out if G<subscript>S<alpha> gene mutations were present in thyroid tumors of chi ldren from Belarus after the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Facteur-risque. Nino-.DEE: Pneumonia-. Ethiopia-. Carence-vitam inique. Vitamin-deficiency. Proteina-G. Risk-factor. Respiratory-disease. Poumon-pathologie. G-protein. Malignant-tumor. Accidente-. In contrast to thyroid n eoplasia of adults. Belarus-. Ad enylate-cyclase DEF: Radiocontamination-. All rights reserved. Subpoblacion-celular. 80337 Munchen. Ethiopie-. Accident-. DEE: Radioactive-contamination. Raquitismo-. Lung-disease. Gene-Gs<alpha> DES: Radiocontaminacion-. we did not detect any mutation s of the G<subscript>S<alpha> gene in codon 201 or 227. Calcio-. Calcium-. Nutrition-disorder. Trouble-nutrition. Estu dio-caso-control. VitaminaJN: Lancet-British-edition CD: LANCAO LOC: INIST. Osteopathie-. Record 7 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Absence of G<subscript>S<alpha> gene mutations in childhood thyroid tumors after Chernobyl in contrast to sporadic adult thyroid neoplasia PA: WALDMANN-V. Vitamin-D. 1997. Etat-nutritionnel DES: Neumonia-. Thalkirchn er Strasse 36. Human-. Carcinogenesis-. Nutritional-status DEF: Pneumonie-. Child-. Sous-population-cellulaire. Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie. Adulte-. Etude-cas-temoin. Carcinogenesis-. Tumor-maligno. AI: AB NR: 32 ref. A dult thyroid tumors have been shown to harbor specific point mutations in codons 201 and 227 of the G<subscript>S<alpha> subunit of the adenylate cyclase stimul ator. Accident-. respectively. Element-mineral. Homme-. Diseases-of-the-osteoa rticular-system. Inorganic -element. This protein affects the GDP/GTP turnover and finally results in an enhanc ed activation of G<subscript>S and thus adenylate cyclase. Adulto-. Bone-disease. Sys teme-osteoarticulaire-pathologie. Germany SO: Cancer-research-Baltimore. 354000062022700110 AN: 970351805 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Estado-nutricional IDE: Africa-. Tumeur-maligne. Aden ylate-cyclase . Shelf number 5004. Tchernobyl-. Thyroid-g land. Proteine-G. Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich. Mu tacion-puntual. Paraffin sections of 20 thyroid tumors were used for PCR amplification by oligonucleotide intron primer s flanking exons 8 and 9. Adenylate-cyclase. By direc t sequencing of the 274-bp amplification product. Sistem a-osteoarticular-patologia. Cell-subpopulation. Point-mutation. Pulmon-patologia. Hombre-. Tiroides-. Vitamine-D. Etiopia-. Osteopatia-. Carcinogenese-. Bielorusia-. VitaminIDF: Afrique-. Trastorno-nutricion. Enfant-. Case-co ntrol-study. Vitamina-D. Carencia-vitaminic a. Thyroide-. INIST No. VitamineIDS: Africa-. 57 (12) : 2358-2361 IS: 0008-5472 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Heterotrimeric G proteins participate in the signal transduction cascade. Elemento-inorganico. Adult-. RABES-H-M AF: Institute of Pathology. Rickets-. Calcium-. encompassing codon 201 and 227. Belarus-. G<subscript>S<alpha> gene mutations do not play a role in th e development of childhood thyroid tumors after the Chernobyl reactor accident. Aparato-respiratorio-patologia. Rachitisme-. Mutat ion-ponctuelle. Factor-riesgo. All rights reserved. Tiroides-patologia JN: Cancer-research-Baltimore CD: CNREA8 LOC: INIST. on the CT scan. Lyases-. E ndocrinopathie-. St Louis. 354000061859050090 AN: 970351782 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Desi gn: A retrospective review of children (aged <18 years) known to have an intesti nal injury as a consequence of blunt trauma. or falls onto blunt objects were implicated in the remaining patients. hockey sticks. Tenderness on p hysical examination was noted in 9 of the 18 patients (tenderness was not noted in 3 patients. The assessment of intervals from injury to diagnosis and intervention and the d escription of associated injuries. bowel wa ll thickening. 14 of these patients were wearing seat be lts. Record 8 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Blunt intestinal injury in children : Diagnostic and therapeutic considerat ions. Europa-. WISNER-D-H. Department of Surgery. KARRER-F-M. WEBER-T-R. HOYT-D-B . comment. St Louis University H ealth Sciences Center and Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital. 132 (6) : 652-658 IS: 0004-0010 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial. Mo. comment AF: Division of Pediatric Surgery. Thyroid-diseases IDF: Europe-Est. Endocrinopatia-. Free fluid in the pelvis in the absence of a solid organ injury. Enzi ma-. TRACY-T-F-JR. Results: Twenty-two patients sustained intest inal injuries as a result of blunt trauma. and fluid-filled loops of bowel were more frequently useful signs of possible intestinal injury (in 9 of the 18 patients) and led to earlier expl oration when used in conjunction with physical examination as an indication for . Setting: A university-affiliated ch ildren's hospital with a level I pediatric trauma center. Most (15) of the patients were passen gers injured in motor vehicle crashes. comment. FENDYA-D-G. Focal blows to the abdomen from bicycle handlebars. Mo. Lyases-. *104. *Portland. and 18 of the 19 patients underwent a concurrent CT evaluation. Thyroide-pathologie IDS: Europa-del-Este. For 19 of the 22 patients. Europe-. Phosphorus-oxygen-lyases. Hombre-. St Louis. Computed tomographic findings of pneumoperitoneum and ex travasation of enteral contrast material were uncommon but diagnostic (in 5 pati ents). Lyases-. Phosphorus-oxygen-lyases. and 1 patient had unreliable examination findings due to a cervic al spinal cord injury). Shelf number 5088. *Conference-Meeting MT: article. Phosphorus-oxygen-lyases. Enzyme-. 1997. Un ited States CF: *Scientific Session of the Western Surgical Association.IDE: Eastern-Europe. Interventions: Clinical and radiographic evaluation and laparotomy for intestinal injuries other than duoden al hematoma. Enzyme -. O re United States. SILEN-M-L. Endocrinopathy-. Homme-. and during surgery. Europe-. ALBERTY-R-E. INIST No. the initial physical examination was conducted at Cardinal Glennon Chi ldren's Hospital. comment. Human-. Peritonitis was found in 5 of these 18 patients. comments AB: Objectives: To identify computed tomographic (CT) findings in children who have experienced blunt trauma and who have known intestinal injuries and to corr elate these findings with the findings of the initial physical examination. Patients: Children you nger than 18 years who were admitted for examination of injuries or for manageme nt of complications related to intestinal injuries. *1996-11-20 SO: Archives-of-surgery-Chicago-IL-1960. Discussion PA: KURKCHUBASCHE-A-G. Main Outcome Measures: The identification and correlation of releva nt findings during the physical examination. Diagnostic-. D epartment of Pediatric Pulmonology of the University Hospital for Children and Y outh "Wilhelmina Children's Hospital". Netherlands. TraitementDES: Intestino-. Radiodiagnostic -. Department of Psych ology of the University of Leiden. Aparato-digestivo-patologia. AI: AB NR: 20 ref. Diagnostico-. Evaluation-. Twenty-one patients were subjected to auxologic evaluat ion. Evaluacion-. Utrecht. INIST No. Corps-emousse. Appareil-digestif-pathologie. swelling and function. Departme nt of Pediatric Rheumatology of the University Hospital for Children and Youth " Wilhelmina Children's Hospital". the need for en terostomy and fascial dehiscence) were seen as a result of late or missed diagno sis. Medical-i magery IDF: Homme-. Retro spectiva-. Most injuries were treated with segmental resection or suture repair. Intestino-patologia. Netherlands. Evaluation-. Netherlands. Utrecht. In the remainder of cases. Intestin-pathologie. Shelf number 2034. health assessment (CHAQ). Radiodiagnostic o-. Utre cht. Traumatisme-. Retrosp ective-. HUTTER-A-P. Traumatismo-. Imageneria-medical JN: Archives-of-surgery-Chicago-IL-1960 CD: ARSUAX LOC: INIST. radiographic eval uation. Imagerie-medicale IDS: Hombre-. the awareness of the mor e subtle findings of bowel injury on a CT scan can complement the physical exami nation findings and potentially lead to a more timely intervention for bowel inj ury. ADL. Lesion-. Netherlands. Tomodensitometria-. Computerized-axial-tomography. LUKKASSEN-I. Netherlands. All rights reserved. Radiodiagnosis-. Lesion-. School of Medicine of the University of Utrecht. Conclusions: The initial physical examination findings a nd CT evaluation can independently identify the presence of intestinal injury in approximately 25% of cases. and psychosocial evaluation. 1997. a laboratory check. Department of Pediatric Psychology of the U niversity Hospital for Children and Youth "Wilhelmina Children's Hospital". TreatmentDEF: Intestin-. Six of 21 patients had active systemic dis . SINNEMA-G. b ut enterostomies were required in 2 patients. KUIS-W. Diagnosis-. Blunt-body. PRAKKEN-A-B-J. 354000061859540130 AN: 970351770 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Child-. joint count on tenderness. HELDERS-P-J-M AF: Department of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the University Hospital for Chi ldren and Youth "Wilhelmina Children's Hospital". 26 (3) : 188-196 IS: 0300-9742 PY: 1997 CP: Sweden LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: The impact of systemic onset JCA on functional outcome was studied in a mul tidimensional construct. Netherlands. Record 9 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Correlates of disablement in systemic onset juvenile chronic arthritis : A cross sectional study PA: VAN-DER-NET-J. which could occur as late as 4 to 6 weeks after injury as intestinal obstru ction due to stricture. pulmonary and cardiac function tests. Netherlands SO: Scandinavian-journal-of-rheumatology. Digestive-diseases. Department of Pediatric Cardiology of the University Hospital for Children and Youth "Wilhelmina Children's Hospital". Utrecht. Lesion-. Intestinal-disease. Tomodensitometrie-. B RACKEL-H-J-L. DE-WILDE-E-J. DEE: Gut-.surgery. Cuerpo-embotado. Nino-. TratamientoIDE: Human-. Trauma-. Retrosp ective-. Utrecht. Enfant-. Complications (ie. by hemangiom as of the facial nerve canal in the geniculate region. is either single or multicelled. . *Conference-Meeting AB: PURPOSE: To describe the variation in size and shape of the anterior epitym panic recess and to discuss pathologic processes that affect this space. Reumatismo-inflamatorio JN: Scandinavian-journal-of-rheumatology CD: SJRHAT LOC: INIST. AI: AB NR: 36 ref. Child-. Shelf number 4382. Restrictive pulmonary function was found in 8/17 patients. LO-W-W-M AF: Department of Radiology.0 mm. Respiratory-disease. C alif. St Vincent's Medical Center. Performance of daily activities correlated strongly with perceived competence. 354000061959610080 AN: 970351753 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. United States CF: *Annual meeting of the American Society of Head and Neck Radiology. Patients with systemic onset JCA devel op mild functional limitations. Diseases-of-the-osteoarticular-system. ChroniqueDES: Artritis-cronica-juvenil. Functional-deficit. and by congenital and acq uired cholesteatomas. Aparato-circulatorio-patologia. CronicoIDE: Human-. Rhumatisme-inflammatoire IDS: Hombre-. 1997.0 to 7. Aparato-respiratorio-pato logia. All rights reserved. Los Angeles. Selected confirmed disease processes involving this space were studie d. Olive View-UCLA Medical Center. Uni ted States. Sylmar. Ca rdiovascular-disease. INIST No. Self-es teem was positive. The size of a solitary air cell ranged from 1. Calif United States. Enfant-. Deficiencia-funcional. but there is no evidence that it influences joint impairment outcome. 1/21 had perica rditis. Prognosis-. AI: AB NR: 21 ref. Record 10 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: The anterior epitympanic recess: CT anatomy and pathology PA: PETRUS-L-V. Joint impairment was moderate. Department of Radiology. Side-to-side symmetry in shape was present in 78 of 100 cases. METHODS : Axial CT scans of the temporal bones of 31 adults and 19 children were reviewe d retrospectively to ascertain the morphology and size of the anterior epitympan ic recess. Appareil-respiratoire-pa thologie. by facial nerve schwannomas. ChronicDEF: Arthrite-chronique-juvenile. RESULTS: The anterior epitympanic recess. Active inflam matory disease might influence functional outcome. which partially correlate with the more serious impairments. *Los An geles. Deficit-fonctionnel. *1996-04 SO: American-journal-of-neuroradiology. 18 (6) : 1109-1114 IS: 0195-6108 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial.ease. Sistema-osteoarticular-patologia. Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie. it was made up o f a solitary cell in 61 of 100 ears. Inflammatory-joint-disease IDF: Homme-. Active inflammatory disease did not correlate with jo int impairment and functional limitation. Functional limitations were mild. C ONCLUSIONS: The configuration of the anterior epitympanic recess is readily affe cted by a persistent stapedial artery. Systeme-osteoarticulaire-pathologie. Pronostic-. Nino-. Pronostico-. Pulmonary function disorders are a common impairment. Calif. Familiarity with the CT anatomy of this space facilitates recognition of these pathologic processes at an early stage. Parental report on functional limitation correlated significa ntly with joint impairment. In our study. DEE: Juvenile-rheumatoid-arthritis. which is consistently identified on axial CT scans. Bibliographic-review. Oreille-. Os-temporal. Hemolytic-anemia. Oido-. ORL-pathologie IDS: Hombre-. Hueso-temporal. Chemotherapy-. Anemia-hemolitica. GRUNBAUM-J-A. Temporal-bone. 354000061862340140 AN: 970351647 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Morfometria-. Chil d-. Chimiotherapie-. Oido -patologia. PERSONNE-I AF: Laboratoire de biochimie. Insuficiencia-renal IDE: Human-. Diagnostic-. Tre atment-. AdultDEF: Tomodensitometrie-. hopital Debrousse. INIST No. 1997. Hemopathie-. Enfant-. 69322 L yon. Morphology-. Child-. Morphomet ry-. rue Soeur-Bouvier. Espace-epitympanique-anterieur DES: Tomodensitometria-.DEE: Computerized-axial-tomography. Morfologia-. Rei n-pathologie IDS: Hombre-. Aparato-urinario-patologia. Shelf number 3666. Hemopatia-. E nfant-. Nino-. Tratami ento-. Revista-bibliografica. All rights reserved. DEE: Hemolytic-uremic-syndrome. NICHAMAN-M-Z. Etude-cas. Enumeracion-. Imagerie-medicale. Kidney-disea se IDF: Homme-. Renal-failure DEF: Hemolyse-uremie. Anatomy-. 48 (4) : 197-199 IS: 0024-7804 PY: 1997 CP: France LA: French BL: Analytic LT: Serial MT: case-report. Radiodiagnosis-. Insuffisance-renale DES: Hemolisis-uremica. Infant-. 29. France SO: Lyon-pharmaceutique. 354000062007790040 AN: 970351630 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Imageneria-medical. INIST No. Morphologie-. Morphometrie-. HARRIST-R-B. Enumeration-. All rights reserved. Shelf number 19668.-clinical-case NR: 5 ref. Nourrisson-. Rinonpatologia JN: Lyon-pharmaceutique CD: LYPHAD LOC: INIST. Anatomie-. Ear-disease. Lactante-. AdultoIDE: Human-. Adulte-. Diagnosis-. Enumeration-. Estudio-caso. Hemopathy-. ENT-disease IDF: Homme-. Record 11 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Le syndrome hemolytique et uremique de l' enfant TT: Haemolytic uraemic syndrome in children PA: BEAUNE-G. DAI-S . Record 12 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Development of cardiovascular risk factors from ages 8 to 18 in Project Hea rtBeat ! : Study design and patterns of change in plasma total cholesterol conce ntration PA: LABARTHE-D-R. ORL-patologia JN: American-journal-of-neuroradiology CD: AAJNDL LOC: INIST. Medical-imagery. Anatomia-. Radiodiagnostico-. Urinary-system-disease. Ear-. Nino-. Diagnostico-. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. Case-study. Anemie-hemolytique. Quimioterapia-. Revue-bibliographique. Radiodiagnostic-. Traitem ent-. Or eille-pathologie. NinoIDE: Human-.06 at its late-teen nadir. Estudio-longitudinal. WEISS-A-A.1% black) entered the study at ages 8. Plasma-sangui neo. in males only. closely parallels the trajectory for percent body fat. Exploration-. 1997. Epidemiology-. Methods and Results Six hundred seventy-eight children (49.1% femal e. indicates marked a ge variation in 75th percentile values and. MCP/Hahnemann School of Medicine and Allegheny University of the Heal th Sciences. Follow-up-study. BETZ-R-R. United States SO: Archives-of-physical-medicine-and-rehabilitation. PA. School of Public Hea lth. Philadelphia. DAVIS-S-E AF: Research Department. Etude-longitudinale. Concentration-. LipidoJN: Circulation-New-York CD: CIRCAZ LOC: INIST. Exploration-. or trajectories. DEE: Atherosclerosis-. Aparato-circulatorio-patologia. from ages 8 to 18 years for plasma total cholesterol concentration (TC) and percent body fat illustrate the design and synthetic cohort approach o f the study. 78 (6) : 597-607 IS: 0003-9993 . Risk-factor.59 for males. Concentracion-. Percent body fat exhibited a trajectory closely parallel with that for TC only for males and appeared to be unrelated for females. Facteur-risque. Plasma-sangui n. Polyphasic patterns of change in TC were confirmed. Evolucion-. C holesterol-. ChildDEF: Atherosclerose-. Cardiovascular-disease.85 mmol/L for females and 3. Shriners Hospital for Children. LipideIDS: Hombre-. Record 13 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Implanted functional electrical stimulation hand system in adolescents with spinal injuries : An evaluation PA: MULCAHEY-M-J. Evolution-. SMITH-B-T. 11. 1997. 95 (12) : 2636-2642 IS: 0009-7322 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial MT: short-communication AB: Background Project HeartBeat! is a longitudinal study of the development of cardiovascular risk factors as growth processes. AI: AB NR: 18 ref. with notable sex differences in age patterns and with mini mum mean values of TC of 3. Exploracion-. Concentration-.CA: Project-HeartBeat-!-Investigators. 20.78 mmol/L at its early peak to 4. Evolution-. United States AF: The University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center. Philadelphia. Patterns of serial change. Unit ed States. Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie. United States SO: Circulation-New-York. Colesterol-. Conclusions The polyphasic trajectory for TC from ages 8 to 18 years differs between females and males. and 14 years and were followed up with examinations every 4 months for <=4 years. These and other results indicate the value of both follow-up every 4 months across age intervals to detect rapid risk factor c hange and the synthetic cohort approach for gaining new insights into the dynami cs and possible determinants of this change from ages 8 to 18 years. Shelf number 5907. LipidsIDF: Homme-. Epidemiologie-. Blood-plasma. Cholesterol-. As illustra ted by data for males. the approximate 75th percentile values of mean TC ranged from 4. Factor-riesgo. PA. INIST No. Epidemiologia-. 354000061847670100 AN: 970351532 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Multilevel analysis demonstra ted trajectories for population mean values of TC and percent body fat in sex-sp ecific synthetic cohorts from ages 8 to 18 years. All rights reserved. EnfantDES: Ateroesclerosis-. Setting: Nonprofit pediatric orthopedic rehabilitation facility specializi ng in spinal cord injury. and an assessm ent of six activities of daily living (ADL) were administered before implantatio n of the FES hand system and at regular follow-up intervals. Trouble-neurologique. Galvanic-vestibular-test. Results: La teral and palmar forces were significantly greater than baseline forces (p = . Data on the benefits of the implanted FES hand system outside of the laboratory are needed to understand the full potential of FES. Sistema-nervosio-central-patologia. Main-. Tetraplegie-medullaire. Interventions: A multichannel stimulator/receiver and eight electrodes were surgically implanted to provide s timulated palmar and lateral grasp and release. The study also showed that the five adolescents generally preferred FES fo r most of the ADL tested. Tratamie nto-instrumental. In conjunction with implantation of the FES hand system. Systeme-nerveux-pathologie. Laboratory-based assessments demonstrated that the F ES system increased pinch force. Heavy objects on the GRT could only be manipulated with FES. Resultado -. the Grasp and Release Test (GRT).04 3). Prension-. AI: AB NR: 47 ref. Medula-espinal. Trastorno-motor . Key muscles for palmar and lateral grasp and release were excitable by electrical stimulation. The surgical reconstruction proce dures greatly enhanced FES hand function by either expanding the workspace in wh ich to utilize FES (deltoid to triceps transfer). tendon lengthenings and releases. AdolescentDEF: Traumatisme-. Of the 40 electrodes implanted . Complicacion-. Design: Intervention s tudy with before-after trial measurement with each subject as his or her own con trol. 37 continue to provide excellent stimulated responses and all of the implanted stimulators have functioned without problems. AdolescenteIDE: Human-. Hand-. M edula-espinal-patologia. Systeme-nerveux-central-pathologie. DEE: Trauma-. 6 activiti es) as compared to baseline. Results of the stim ulated response of individual muscles and surgical reconstruction were evaluated using standard and stimulated muscle testing techniques and standard assessment of joint range of motion. Spinal-co rd-disease. surgical reconstruction in the form of tendon transfers . Tetraplejia-medular. and typic ally increased independence in six standard ADL as compared to pre-FES hand func tion. Neurological-disorder.PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objective: To study the utility and functional benefits of an implanted fun ctional electrical stimulation (FES) system for hand grasp and release in adoles cents with tetraplegia secondary to spinal cord injuries. Spinal-cord. Estimulacion-galvanica-vestibular. Rehabilitation of the tendon transfers and training in the use of the FES hand system were provided. Complication-. the combination of FES and surgical reconstruction provided active palmar and lateral grasp and release. Main Outcome Measures: Measure ments of pinch and grasp force. Result-. and joint arthrodeses was performed to augme nt stimulated hand function. Instrumentatio n-therapy. Sistema-nervioso-patologia. Mo elle-epiniere-pathologie. Trouble-moteur IDS: Hombre-. Moelle-epiniere. Nervous-system-diseases. Stimulation-galvanique. Participants: A convenience sample of five adolescents between 16 and 18 years of age with C5 or C6 level tetraplegia at least I year after traumatic spinal cord injury. Central-nervous-system-disease. Conclusion: For five adolescents with tetraplegi a. Adol escentDES: Traumatismo-. and FES increas ed the level of independence in 25 of 30 ADL comparisons (5 subjects. Medullary-tetraplegia. Trastorno-neurologico. FPL split transfer). All subjects completed follow-up testing. Trai tement-instrumental. After training. Resultat-. improved the manipulation of objects. Prehension-. Gripping-. Complication-. or stabilizing joints (intrinsic tenodesis transfer. FES was preferred in 21 of 30 compa risons over the typical means of task completion. stabilizing the wrist (brachio radialis to wrist extensor transfer). Motor-system-disorder IDF: Homme-. Mano-. Debit-sanguin. DOUGUET-D. in which Vo<subscript>2 was obtained by hood indirec t calorimetry.89 Q + 0. 155 (6) : 1930-1934 IS: 1073-449X PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: We validated experimentally the ability of hood indirect calorimetry to mea sure accurately Vo<subscript>2.0004. France SO: American-journal-of-respiratory-and-critical-care-medicine. NinoIDE: Human-. Calorimetria-. Exploracion-. 354000061848330060 970351516 INIST <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Comparative-study. EnfantDES: Metodo-medida. Flujo-sanguineo. However. Record 15 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Airway hyperresponsiveness and cough-receptor sensitivity in children with . Vo<subscript>2. All rights reserved. T hermodilution-. Indirect-method. 354000061859700180 AN: 970351408 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Aparato-circulatorio JN: American-journal-of-respiratory-and-critical-care-medicine LOC: INIST. This demonstrates that indirect calorimetry allows reasonable estimates of Q. Calorimetrie-. ChildDEF: Methode-mesure. Metodo-indirecto. we also assessed the consequence of taking into account measured Fl<subscript> c<subscript>o<subscript>2 rather than using the usual standard value of 0. Vco<subsc ript>2.5 5. Exploration-. Exploration-. LOSAY-J. Appareil-circulatoire IDS: Hombre-. Shelf number 2013. Hemodinamica-.39. Hemodynamique-. For this purpose we compared cardiac output calc ulated from the Fick equation Q = Vo<subscript>2/(Ca<subscript>o<subscript>2 . AI: AB NR: 22 ref. and R provided that the actual values of Fl<subscript>c<subscript>o<subs cript>2 are used. Record 14 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Comparison of Indirect calorimetry and thermodilution cardiac output measur ement in children PA: CAPDEROU-A. r = 0. Methode-indirecte. Vco<subscript>2 and R computed from standard Fl<subscrip t>c<subscript>o<subscript>2 differed significantly (p < 0. Heart-. Blood-flow.84 Q + 0. ZELTER-M AF: Hopital Marie-Lannelongue and Departement de Physiologie. Termodilucion-. INIST No. DEE: Measurement-method. Calorimetry-. The rmodilution-. Paris. to thermodilution cardiac output (Qth) measured simultaneously du ring cardiac catheterization in children (n = 16). Because Fl<subscript>c<subscr ipt>o<subscript>2 is a critical factor in hood Indirect calorimetry calculations . Circulatory-system IDF: Homme-. Faculte de Medeci ne Pitie-Salpetriere. Estudio-comparativo. Etude-comparative.C V<subscript>o<subscript>2). Shelf number 8199. We found a good agreement between Q and Qth whether we used experimentally measu red Fl<subscript>c<subscript>o<subscript>2 in ambient air (Qth = 0. 1997. Coeur-.001) from values deriv ed from measured Fl<subscript>c<subscript>o<subscript>2. Hemodynamics-. Corazon-.941) or standard Fl<subscript>c<subscript>o<subscript>2(Qth = 0.JN: CD: LOC: AN: SI: CR: Archives-of-physical-medicine-and-rehabilitation APMHAI INIST. All rights reserved. r = 0. INIST No.930). ENT-disease. Measures of CRS were the concentration of capsaicin required to stimulate >= 2 coughs (Cth) and >= 5 coughs (C5). within a period of 12 mo) and 44 contro ls.005) than that during the cough-free period. and hypertonic saline (HS) challenge we re performed in 44 children (median age: 8.66]) and C5 (mean log: 1. Cth (mean log: 0. Quebec. the provocation dose causing a >= 15% fall in FEV<subscript>1 (PD<subscript>1<subscript>S) during the cough per iod was significantly lower (p = 0. Centre for Adolescent Health. Hyperreactivite-. Etiology-. Receiver-. 0. McGill Universit y Montreal Children's Hospital-Research Institute.62 [95% Cl: 0.43 to 0.027. ORL-patologia. Recidivante-. Recepteur-. Etiologia-.81]) and C5 (mean log: 1. the capsaicin CRS test. 155 (6) : 1935-1939 IS: 1073-449X PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: In children. Shelf number 2013. Recurrent-. SAWYER-S-M. Bron quio-. Canada SO: American-journal-of-respiratory-and-critical-care-medicine. Melbourne. each lasting >= 2 wk. Australia. Exploracion-. Montreal. Hiperreactividad-.37]) of the subjects with AHR and those of the controls (p = 0. University of Melbourne. Australia SO: American-journal-of-respiratory-and-critical-care-medicine. Recidivant-. ChildDEF: Toux-.79 [95% Cl: 1. Bronquio-patologia JN: American-journal-of-respiratory-and-critical-care-medicine LOC: INIST. OUTERBRIDGE-E-W AF: Divisions of Respiratory Medicine and of Newborn Medicine. All rights reserved.15 [95% Cl: 0. Bronch us-. Respiratory-disease. ROBERTSON-C-F AF: Departments of Thoracic Medicine and Paediatrics.27 [95% Cl: 0. Bronche-pathologie IDS: Hombre-. DEE: Cough-. Broncopneumopatiaobstructiva. Hypersensitivity-. Record 16 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Exercise ability in survivors of severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia PA: JACOB-S-V. 354000061859700190 AN: 970351407 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. 1997. We conclude that AHR or increased CRS is present during the coughing phase in ch ildren with recurrent cough. Hypersensibilite-. respective ly) than Cth (mean log: 1. 155 (6) : 1925-1929 . HORNBY-L. Enfant-.88 to 1.0026. 1997. In subjects who demonstrated AHR. ORL-pathologie. Obstructive-pulmonary-disease. MACNEISH-C-F. Exploration-. AI: AB NR: 28 ref. Hyperreactivity-. Hipersensibilidad-. RILEYS-P. M elbourne. Bronchopneumopat hie-obstructive.44]) of the subjects without AHR were significantly lower (p = 0. Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie.21 to 2. Exploration-. Bronc he-. During the cough-free period.9 yr) with recurrent dry cough (>= 2 episodes of cough. recurrent cough is a common presenting symptom that may repres ent asthma. Receptor-. Ski n prick testing. DAVIS-G-M. INIST No. During the coughing period. there was no difference in CRS amo ng the groups. Etiologie-. Aparato-respiratorio-patologia. Royal Children's Hospital. LANDS-L-C.recurrent cough PA: CHANG-A-B.86 to 1. B ronchus-disease IDF: Homme-. PHELAN-P-D. We tested the hypotheses that children with recurrent cough have inc reased cough-receptor sensitivity (CRS) or airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). Trouble-respiratoire DES: Tos-. COATES-A-L.0001).00 02 and 0. NinoIDE: Human-. Bronchopulmonaire-. VEMS-. AI: AB NR: 28 ref. DEE: Hyaline-membrane. NinoIDE: Human-. Ejercicio-fisico. Control. Long-term. Of the four patients with BPD who had sig nificant oxygen desaturation with exercise. Physical-exercise. Broncopulmonar-. Capacidad-difusion. Volumen-expi ratorio-maximo-por-segundo. Reanimation-respiratoire. Despite the patients with BPD having a lower FEV<subscript>1 than those in the Prem group. the BPD patients used a greater percentage of their ventilatory reserve (VEmax/40 FEV<su bscript>1: BPD. Diffusing-capacity. Capacite-. 354000061859700170 AN: 970351406 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. ChildDEF: Membrane-hyaline. Detresse-respiratoire. Carbon-dioxide. Intercambio-gaseoso JN: American-journal-of-respiratory-and-critical-care-medicine LOC: INIST. Carbono-dioxido. Respiratory-disease. 95 <plus or minus sign> 8 %). and much of what is available pertains to those with relatively mild disease. Complication-. Volume-pulmonaire. Exploracion-. Exploration-. 64 <plus or minus sign> 21%. Exploration-. Lung-volume. AITKEN-M-L AF: Divisions of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine and General Internal Medi . EnfantDES: Membrana-hialina. Gas-exchange IDF: Homme-. KASSNER-A-W. Rerrespiracion. Fifteen children with a history of severe BPD w ere matched for gestational age with 15 children who had previously had respirat ory distress syndrome but who did not develop BPD (Prem). 93 <plus or minus sign> 20%. and a steady-s tate exercise test with cardiac output determined by CO<subscript>2-rebreathing. 84 <plus or minus sign> 15%. Ca pacity-. Ca pacite-diffusion. The present study was undertaken to describe exercise responses in patients with a history of severe BPD. Premature -. Rerespiration-. 91 <plus or minus sign> 12%). Complication-. 81 <p lus or minus sign> 17%. Exercice-physique. Capacidad-. Largo-plazo. Respiratory-distress. Echange-gazeux IDS: Hombre-. define d as those patients with a clinical and radiographic diagnosis of BPD who requir ed supplemental oxygen at least until they were 44 wk postconceptual age and who were discharged home on oxygen. INIST No. Prem. Shelf number 2013. Volumen-pulmonar. the exercise capacity did not differ between the BPD and the Prem and betwee n the Prem and the Control groups (BPD. Dysplasie-. Long-terme. 59 <plus or minus sign> 13%). Bronchopulmonary-. All rights reserved. three had the lowest values for FEV< subscript>1 Cardiac output was appropriate for oxygen consumption in most patien ts. Prematuro -. Premature-. 85 <plus or minus sign> 11%. Reanimacion-respiratoria. Dysplasia-. Record 17 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Absence of health insurance is associated with decreased life expectancy in patients with cystic fibrosis PA: CURTIS-J-R. BURKE-W. Prem. Aparato-respiratorio-patologia. Displasia-. Prem. Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie. Maximal-ex piratory-volume-per-second. However. Participants underwent pulmonary fun ction testing.IS: 1073-449X PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: There is limited information concerning the exercise performance of long-te rm survivors of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Control. 67 <plus or minus sign> 12%. Control. Complicacion-. Trastorno-respiratorio. Respiratory -intensive-care. progressive exercise testing on a cycle ergometer. Rebreathing-. These Prem control chi ldren were subsequently compared with 13 healthy control children born at term ( Control) who were of similar postnatal age. Carbone-dioxyde. who had lower values than the Control group (BPD. Analisis-multivariable. GOTZ-M.5 yr for those with Medicaid and 20. Statut-socioeconomique. Relation-. Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie. The median survival for patients with CF who were without health insurance was 6 . All rights reserved. Auburn. Aparato-digestivo-patologia. 354000061859700160 AN: 970351403 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. In summary. Wilhelminensp ital. 1997. Survival-.cine. Socioeconomic-status. Maladie-hereditaire. Estatuto-socioeconomico. Internal Medicine Associates of Auburn. Relacion-. Metabolismo-patologia JN: American-journal-of-respiratory-and-critical-care-medicine LOC: INIST. Panc reas-patologia. KOLLER-D-Y. N inoIDE: Human-. Survie-. ChildDEF: Mucoviscidose-. our results suggest that their life expectancy will d ecrease dramatically.1 yr compared with 20. We devel oped a retrospective inception cohort of all 189 patients with CF born 1/1/55 to 12/31/70 who had at least one hospitalization at a university referral center. EICHLER-I. 155 (6) : 1902-1907 IS: 1073-449X PY: 1997 . Pancreatic-disease. Respiratory-disease. Analyse-regression. Health-insurance. Sobrevivencia -. Seattle. Shelf number 2013. Multivariate-analysis. Vienna. Seguro-enfermedad. University of Washington. the absence of hea lth insurance was associated with increased mortality rate in children with CF a nd was a stronger predictor of mortality than variables previously shown to be a ssociated with mortality for CF. Relation-. Metabolisme-pathologie IDS: Hombre-. DEE: Cystic-fibrosis. Department of Medicine. health insurance and increa sed socioeconomic status were independently associated with longer survival. Aparato-respiratorio-patologia. Estudio-estadistico. GARTNER-C. Metabolic-diseases IDF: Homme-. Statis tical-study. Washington. Austria SO: American-journal-of-respiratory-and-critical-care-medicine. The adjusted relative risk of death was greater for the absence of health insurance than for factors previously shown to predict mortality in individuals with CF ( female sex and presentation with meconium ileus). Digestive-diseases. RENNER-S. If increasing numbers of children with CF lose health insurance coverage. United States. Analyse-multivariable. Assurance-maladie. Etudestatistique. FRISCHER -T AF: University Children's Hospital and the Children's Department.5 yr for those with p rivate insurance. Enfermedad-hereditaria. Analisis-regresion. INIST No. Record 18 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Sensitization to Aspergillus fumigatus and lung function in children with c ystic fibrosis PA: WOJNAROWSKI-C. United States SO: American-journal-of-respiratory-and-critical-care-medicine. Regression-analysis. 1997. AI: AB NR: 35 ref. 155 (6) : 1921-1924 IS: 1073-449X PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Life expectancy for individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) has increased dra matically in the last 30 yr. Pa ncreas-pathologie. Genet ic-disease. but it is unclear whether the improved survival has applied equally to individuals with different health insurance status. Using multivariate Cox regression. Appareil-digestif-pathologie. EnfantDES: Mucoviscidosis-. Thallophyta-. Alergia-. Surinfection-. were done once a yea r. Thirty-one children (26%) were sensitized to Af. Department of Surgery . Shelf number 2013. Follow-up-study. Infeccion-. The Children' s Hospital of Alabama. Alabama. mean age: 14. Estudio-longitudinal. Fungi-. Exploracion-. Volumen-pulmonar.209. Record 19 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Scintigraphic evaluation of obstructing primary megaureter with Tc-99m MAG3 PA: ERBAS-B. p < 0. Birmingham. p < 0. Relation-. On average. Relacion-. Superinfeccion-. Furthermore. Measurement of total IgE and specifi c IgE antibodies to Af. ChildDEF: Mucoviscidose-. Human-. age. AI: AB NR: 24 ref.05) and FEF<subscript>2<subscript>5<subscript>-<subscript>7<subscript>5 (<beta> = 0. Exploration-. ImmunopathologyIDF: Fungi-Imperfecti. Aspergillus-fumigatus. Maladie-hereditaire. Aparato-digestivo-patologia. sensitization to Af was associated with lower values of FEV<subscript>1 (<beta> = -0. JOSEPH-D AF: Department of Radiology. Alabama. Pancreas-pathologie. 22 (6) : 355-358 IS: 0363-9762 PY: 1997 CP: United-States . NinoIDE: Fungi-Imperfecti. Sensitization-. Homme-. and a skin prick test (SPT) for Af. Metabolisme-pathologie. United States. Complication-. SD: 7 yr).3 yr. On average. Metabolic-diseases. Sensibilisation-. Allergie-. DEE: Cystic-fibrosis. INIST No. InmunopatologiaJN: American-journal-of-respiratory-and-critical-care-medicine LOC: INIST. Thallophyta-. Exploration-. ROYAL-S-A. University of Alabama at Birmingham. Mycose-. Appareil-digestif-pathologie. University of Alabama at Birmingham.356. Vo lume-pulmonaire. Birmi ngham.8) LF tests were performed per patient. En fantDES: Mucoviscidosis-. Mycosis. Etude-longitudinale. Enfermedad-hereditaria. Genetic-disease. using the repeated measures design. Micosis-. Respiratory-disease. The Children's Hospital of Alabama. ImmunopathologieIDS: Fungi-Imperfecti. Superinfection-. Metabolismo-patologia. Allergy-. Pancreas-patologia. Fungi-. With adjustment for gender. Analysis of different subgroups of sensitization demonstrated the effect on LF only in Af-sensitized patients with elevated total IgE levels. Complicacion-. Infection-. Thallophyta-.2 yr. Aspergillus-fumigatus. Fungi-.CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Colonization with Aspergillus fumigatus (Af) constitutes a common finding i n children with cystic fibrosis (CF). L ung-volume. Pancreatic-disease. and not in Af-sensitized patients with normal IgE levels. Hombre-. Appareil-respiratoire-path ologie.01). 354000061859700130 AN: 970351397 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. 1997. Aspergillus-fumigatus. Complication-.1 (SD : 4. 8. The relationship between sensitization to Af and lung functon (LF) was studied in 118 patients with CF (61 girls and 57 bo ys. Infection-. height. Sensibilizacion-. We conclude that sensit ization to Af in the presence of increased IgE values is associated with lower L F values in children with CF. Aparato-respiratorio-pato logia. All rights reserved. and weight. Relation-. Diges tive-diseases. LF parameters we re not significantly different in Af-sensitized children than in nonsensitized c hildren. there was evidence for a more rapid decline in LF for Af-sensitized patients with elevate d total IgE levels than in those with normal IgE levels. Mean follow up was 2. Linear regression analyses were performed. United States SO: Clinical-nuclear-medicine. DEE: Megaureter-. GEMENY-B-A. LIEBERMAN-D-A. Tecnecio-. and six months. Renal-functi on. Urinary-tract-disease. Voie-urinaire-pathologie. Centelleografia-. Canada. California. EvaluationDES: Megaureter-. El Camino Real. Hidronefrosis-. During a 3year follow-up period. N= 31) or an entertainment video game containing no diabetes-related co ntent (control group. Ureteral-disease. Mode ls and education PA: BROWN-S-J. Record 20 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Educational video game for juvenile diabetes : results of a controlled tria l. Study part icipants were patients aged 8 to 16 from two separate diabetes clinics. Estudio-caso. 354000061849990010 AN: 970351376 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS.. EC1A 7BE. Fonction-re nale. Nino-. Scintigraphy-. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. the diuretic renogram documented resolution of obstructio n in one child and stable renal function with improved drainage in the other. Diagnostic-. the children have been asymptomatic. while setting out to save a diabetes summer cam p from marauding rats and mice who have stolen the diabetes supplies. Aparato-urinario-patologia. Participants were interviewed and a parent filled out a questionnaire at baseline. was evaluated in a six-mo nth randomized controlled trial. The findings in . United States. players take the role of animated characters who manage their diabetes by monitoring blood glucose. Radionuclide-study. Stanford University Medical Center. Urinary-system-disease. Imagerie-medicale IDS: Hombre-. They were observed with serial diuretic scintigrams using Tc-99m MAG3 an d renal sonography. London. Technetium-. Bar tholomew's Hospital. three months. United Kingdom SO: Medical-informatics-1985. and choosing foods. Case-study. Shelf number 16903. 22 (1) : 77-89 IS: 0959-8316 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Packy & Marlon<Registered>. All rights reserved. California. Throughout. Etude-cas. Uretere-pa thologie. Imageneria-medical JN: Clinical-nuclear-medicine CD: CNMEDK LOC: INIST.LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Two children with the antenatal diagnosis of hydronephrosis secondary to a primary obstructed megaureter are presented. N = 28). INIST No. Suite 520. Via-urinaria-patologia. Medical-imagery IDF: Homme-. St. In the game. EvaluacionIDE: Human-. PASTA-D-J. Rein-pathologie. FAN-Y-C. Both children were treated nonopera tively. United States. Hydronephrose-. 1997. Exploracion-radioisotopica. 2570 W. Hydronephrosis-. taking insulin injections. ed AF: Raya Systems Inc. Funcion-re nal. CA 940 40. an interactive video game designed to improve s elf-care among children and adolescents with diabetes. Technetium-. Child-. Exploration-radioisotopique. Mountain View. Diagnostico-. K idney-disease. Diagnosis-. AI: AB NR: 11 ref. Rinon-patologia. Academic Department of Radiology. WILSON-D-M. EvaluationDEF: Megauretere-. DMA C orporation. LEHMA NN-Eldon-D. Each par ticipant received a Super Nintendo<Registered> video game system at an initial c linic visit and was randomly assigned to receive either Packy & Marlon (treatmen t group. Enfant-. Ureter-patolo gia. Application of information technology in clinical diabetes care. Part 2. Scintigraphie-. Endocrinopathie-. Since participants in the st udy were in general well-controlled patients who were receiving excellent medica l care. Self-efficacy. Juego-video. Family history Of low back pain among first-degree relatives a nd percept tion of physical condition also were assessed. Department of Community Medicine. Horm one-pancreatique. Clinical-trial. Risk ind icators of low back pain in Japanese patients have not been fully investigated i n previous studies. A questionnaire was given to 3. future research is contemplated involving youngsters who are not under g ood glycaemic control. Chapel Hill. Didacticiel-. weight. To investi gate the risk indicators of low back pain in Japanese workers with various kinds of job classifications in a manufacturing company. Glycemie-. Hormone-proteine. Endocrinopathy-. InsulinDEF: Diabete-. Shelf number 17530. Educational-software-program. There was improvement in the treatment group relative to the con trol group in terms of diabetes-related self-efficacy (p = 0. Panc reatic-hormone. Video-game. Faculty of Medicine. onset age. 22 (11) : 1242-1248 IS: 0362-2436 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Study Design. TSUJI-H. Eficacia-personal. Toyama. of Background Data. Monitoreo -. Sc hool of Medicine. Toya ma Medical and Pharmaceutical University. Child-.003). Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical Univer sity. HypoglycemiantIDS: Hombre-. INIST No. Endocrinopatia-. Programa-didactico.025). as well as the perceived causes.042 Japanese workers at a fact ory in 1992. 1997. Syst eme-conversationnel. HADLER-N-M AF: Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. and wo rk environment. Informatica-biomedical. Monitorage-.07). DEE: Diabetes-mellitus. Monito ring-. Protein-hormone. Faculty of Medicine. Ensayo-clinico. There were no sign ificant differences between the groups in knowledge about diabetes or in glycate d haemoglobin (HbA<subscript>1<subscript>c) levels. Methods. Hormona-proteina. Objectives. Toyama. and characteristics of low back pain. gender. Japan. InsulineDES: Diabetes-. Essai-clinique. Hormon a-pancreatica. Nort h Carolina. Hypoglycemic-agent IDF: Homme-. HipoglicemianteJN: Medical-informatics-1985 CD: MINFDZ LOC: INIST. Enseignement-assiste-ordinateur. It surveyed age. NARUSE-Y. Prevalence rates and characteristics of low back pa . Jeu-video. height. and self-care behaviours (p = 0. Glucemia-. MAEDA-A.this study indicate that well-designed.08). Sistemaconversacional. InsulinaIDE: Human-. AI: AB NR: 22 ref. Biomedical-data-processing. Informatique-biomedicale. Record 21 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Risk indicators of low back pain among workers in Japan : Association of fa milial and physical factors with low back pain PA: MATSUI-H. job classification. educational video games can be effective interventions. 354000061458590050 AN: 970351342 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. a nd a decrease in unscheduled urgent doctor visits (p = 0. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Japan. Ensenanza-asistida-por-computador. Computer-assisted-teaching. Nino-. Enfant-. All rights reserved. Efficacite-personnelle. United States SO: Spine-Philadelphia-PA-1976. Glycemia-. Inte ractive-system. communication with parents about diabetes (p = 0. Sexe-. at multiple logistic anaiysis was performed to evaluate risk-indicators of low back pain. Firm-environment. Ann Arbor. The physica l job demands show a clear association with the point and lifetime prevalence of low back pain and improvements in work conditions may decrease low back symptom s among workers.in were examined among 3. Faculty of Medicine. DolorIDE: Asia-. Japan-. and children was a risk indicator of low back pain. U nited States SO: Spine-Philadelphia-PA-1976. Size. DouleurDES: Lumbalgia-. Raquialgia-. Sante-publique IDS: Asia-. Tail le-. Evaluation-. Human-. The average age of the-first attack of low back pain in workers with a family histor y of it in their parents was significantly younger than that in workers with no family history. Shelf number 18922. YONE-K. Genetic-inheritance. siblings. It is likely that a family history of low back pain and physica l and mental conditions of workers also should be considered in the management o f low back pain. Facteur-risque. In a multiple logistic analysis in male workers. Japon-. Results. Sistema-osteoarticular-patologia. 22 (11) : 1209-1214 IS: 0362-2436 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Study Design. PainDEF: Lombalgie-. however. 354000065703530120 AN: 970351323 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Labour-. Epidemiology-. age. Sa lud-publica JN: Spine-Philadelphia-PA-1976 CD: SPINDD LOC: INIST. YANASE-M. Conclusions. AI: AB NR: 30 ref. Physical and mental conditi ons of workers also were associated with low back pain. Public-health IDF: Asie-. Age-. 1997. obesity was not risk indicator. Homb re-. In addition. Rachialgia-. Sex-. University of Michigan. Evaluacion-. Systeme-osteoarticulaire-pathologie. All rights reserved. Rachialgie. INIST No. Evaluation-. The postoperative re . Michigan. and family history of low back pain in their parents were risk indicators. Edad-. Kagoshima Universit y. Sexo-. Epidemiologia-. Questionnaire-. the odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were computed. in the analysis of risk indicators of low back pa in. Raquis-patologia. Environnement-entreprise. DEE: Low-back-pain. Travail-. Rachis-pathologie. Risk-factor. Eight children in whom atlantoaxial dislocation had developed underwent occipitocervical fusion using a rectangular rod. Sakuragaoka. Age-. Point and lifetime prevalence of low back pain were correlated w ith the physical demands of the job. Medio-ambiente-empresa. Diseases-of-the-osteoarticular-system. Epidemiologie-. Record 22 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Occipitocervical fusion with C1 laminectomy in children PA: NAKAGAWA-T. Japan. Japon-. Spine-disease.042 factory workers (2. Homme-. Family history of low back pain parents. Trabajo-.517 men and 525 women) with job with varying physical demands. the physical wo rk demands. SAKOU-T. Determinisme-genetique. Determinismo-genetico. Factor-riesgo. Talla -. Questionnaire-. Cuestionario-. The perceived cause found to be most associ ated with low back pain were lifting in workers with jobs requiring moderate to heavy work and sports activity in sedentary workers. Kagoshima. HENSINGER-R-N AF: Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Methods. DEE: Fracture-. United States. RIBEIRO-R-C. and the anteroposterior diameter of the spinal canal. Traumatisme-. HANCOCK-M-L. University o f Tennessee. NinoIDE: Human-. Diseases-of-the-osteoarticular-system. Memphis. Result-. To investigate in a relati vely long-term follow-up study whether occipitocervical fusion affects the growt h of the cervical spine and induces spinal deformation. Occipitocervical-. Jude Children's Research Hospital.9 years. University of Tenessee . Occipitocervical-. and the postoperative growth and deformation of the cervica l spine were determined radiographically. RELLING-M-V. Laminectomia-. Treatment-. bone union. Sistema-osteoarticular-patologia. Trauma-. Occipitocervical-. Traitement-. Conclusions. Ass ociation-. The rate of increase in height of the C2 vertebral body was significanfly less than that of vertebral bodies below C3. Raquis-patologia. Memphis. Sur geryIDF: Homme-. Resultat-. Atlas-. Occipitocervical fusIon with a rectangular rod is useful for treating atlantoaxial dislocation in children and yields excellent results b ecause of the firm internal fixation it achieves. Atlantoaxial-. c hanges in the curvature of the cervical spine. Results. Arthrodesis-. It h as been reported that children who have undergone C1-C2 posterior fusion are lik ely to develop abnormal curvature or deformation of the cervical spine as a resu lt of a disturbance of growth of the fused vertebrae. EnfantDES: Fractura-. CirugiaJN: Spine-Philadelphia-PA-1976 CD: SPINDD LOC: INIST. This surgery induced no appare nt postoperative spinal deformations. however. The rate of increase in width of the vertebral body and the anteroposterior diameter of the spinal c anal of the C2 verteoral body and vertebral bodies below C3 did not differ signi ficantly. to confirm that these changes occur after occipitocervical fusion in children. All rights reserved. Technique-. Soli d bone union was achieved in all pa tients with maintenance of the reduced posit ion at the time of surgery. The subjects were one boy and seven-girls who had undergone o ccipitocervical posterior fusion during childhood. Tecnica-. of Background Data. Laminectomy-. ChildDEF: Fracture-. the height and width of the verte bral bodies. AI: AB NR: 20 ref. BOYETT-J-M. The average age at the time o f surgery was 8. RIVERA-G-K. ChirurgieIDS: Hombre-. Systeme-osteoarticulaire-pathologie. EVANS-W-E AF: St. The fol loWing were-assessed radiographically: redislocation of the atlas. Rachis-patholog ie. 1997. Laminectomie-. Artrodesis-. Atlas-. College of Medicine. Objectives. CRIST-W-M. United States. Shelf number 18922. Atlantoaxial-. SYN OLD-T. There have been no studies . Tratamiento-.3 years. SANDLUND-J-T. Traumatismo-. 354000065703530060 AN: 970351317 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. 336 (25) : 1781-1787 IS: 0028-4793 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic . As ociacion-. Record 23 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor after induction chemotherapy in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia PA: PUI-C-H. and the average follow-up period was 5. Atloidoaxoidien-.sults are presented. Spine-disease. HUGHES-W-T. United States SO: The-New-England-journal-of-medicine. None of the patients exhibited abnormal curvature of the cervical spine. Memphis. Arthrodese-. College of Pharmacy. Atlas-. Association-. Technique-. Resultado-. INIST No. 0. Hemopatia-maligna. Randomization-. Neutropenie. Hemopathie-.616. or filgrastim) hastens the recovery from neutropenia after intensive chemotherap y. Neutropenia-. 126 (12) : 973-975 0003-4819 1997 . Facteur-predictif. Association-. Poly peptide-. increase the likelihood of event-free survival at three years (83 percent in both groups). Citoquina-. Asociacion-. respe ctively). Factor-predictivo. Facteur-stimulant -colonie-granulocyte-macrophage. relative risk. prevention. Linfoproliferativo-sindrome. Patients treated w ith G-CSF had shorter median hospital stays (6 days vs. Chimiotherapie-. or decrease the number of severe infec tions (five in the G-CSF group vs. Child-. Aleatorizacion-. INIST No. Hemopathy-. Conclusions G-CSF treatment had some clinical benefit in ch ildren who received induction chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. six in the placebo group). Philadelphia. Hemopatia-. 68 percent in the placebo group. Granulocyte-macro phage-colony-stimulating-factor. 0. 1997. and public policy PLUMB-J-D Thomas Jefferson University. Randomisation-. P revencion-. Predictive-factor. 354000061907310030 AN: 970351283 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Prevention-. All rights reserved. Methods We r andomly assigned 164 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (age range. The clinical and laboratory ef fects of this therapy were documented for 21 days. Cytokine-. United States Annals-of-internal-medicine.011) and fe wer documented infections (12 vs. Among patients who did not have febrile neutropenia during the first w eek of G-CSF or placebo injections. prolong survival. Chemotherapy-. Cytokine-. The median total costs of suppor tive care were similar in the G-CSF and placebo groups ($8. Pennsylvania.16). but its role in the management of childhood leukemia is unclear.85.009). higher systemic exposure to the growth facto r on day 7 was significantly related to a lower probability of subsequent hospit alization (P=0. Hemopathie-maligne. LeucopeniaJN: The-New-England-journal-of-medicine CD: NEJMAG LOC: INIST. Malignant-hemopathy.049). Results Responses to the growth factor could be assessed in 148 patients (73 in the G-C SF group and 75 in the placebo group). AcuteDEF: Leucemie-lymphoblastique.LT: Serial AB: Background Recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF. Enfant-. beginning one day after the completion of remission -induction therapy and continuing until the neutrophil count was greater than or equal to 1000 per cubic millimeter for two days. Shelf number 6013. Neutropenia. DEE: Acute-lymphocytic-leukemia.59 to 1. or reduce the cost of supportive care. G-CSF treatment did not significantly low er the rate of hospitalization for febrile neutropenia (58 percent in the G-CSF group vs. Quimioterapia-. AiguDES: Leucemia-linfoblastica. AI: AB NR: 57 ref. Lymphoproliferative-syndrome. Record 24 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: PA: AF: SO: IS: PY: Homelessness : Care. Nino-. 95 percent confi dence interval. 27. LeukopeniaIDF: Homme-. 10 days. P=0. Prevention-. AgudoIDE: Human-. Lymphoproliferatif-syndrome. Polype ptide-. The area under the plasma G-C SF concentration-time curve was measured on days 1 and 7 in both groups. Association-. but it did not reduce the rate of hospitalization for febrile neutropenia. Polip eptido-. 2 mo nths to 17 years) to receive placebo or G-CSF (10 <mu>g per kilogram of body wei ght per day subcutaneously). P=0. Factor-estimulante-co lonia-granulocito-macrofago.768 and $8. LeucopenieIDS: Hombre-. Cuidado-integrado. Politica-sanitaria. Record 25 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Insulin algorithms in the self-management of insulin-dependent diabetes : t he interactive 'Apple Juice' program. data recall. activity. Politique-. Prevention-. All rights reserved.. AI: AB NR: 26 ref. EticaJN: Annals-of-internal-medicine CD: AIMEAS LOC: INIST. Politique-sanitaire. Relation-medecin-malade. Organizacion-salud. 354000061906400070 AN: 970351262 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Po licy-. HommeDES: Sin-domicilio-fijo. Homel essness and poverty are inextricably linked. Epidemiology-. It is imperative that health professionals. 1996. Bartholomew 's Hospital. Public-health-organization. Protocolo-transmision. Academic Department of Radiology. Effective disease prevention in the homeless requires effective programs and policies to prevent homelessnes s. Health-policy. ed AF: Diabetes Consulting International. LEHMANN-Eldon-D. St. Medical-screening. Providing effecti ve primary care for homeless persons is a formidable task because of many intern al and external barriers to care. data trend/patte . EthicsIDF: Sante-publique. EC1A 7BE. Epidemiologie-. It utilizes several different insulin algorithms. Targeted care strategies and new approaches to primary care are required to lower these barriers. INIST No. Lane. Politica-. Shelf number 2014. Organisation-sante. event reminders. Protocole-transmission. Physician-patient-relation. 128 SW 84 Th. Information technology functions include. Descubrimiento-. and children make up a growing population that is vuln erable to preventable disease. EthiqueIDS: Salud-publica. 21 (4) : 327-344 IS: 0959-8316 PY: 1996 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: The 'Apple Juice' program is an interactive diabetes self-management progra m which runs on a lap-top Macintosh Powerbook 100 computer. Soin-integre. HumanDEF: Sans-domicile-fixe. Transmission-protocol. United Kingdom SO: Medical-informatics-1985. Databases. United States. Relacion-medico-paciente. medication an d the dawn phenomenon. commit to c hanging public policies that perpetuate homelessness. and subgroups of persons who live i n poverty have a particularly high risk for becoming homeless. Part 1. and assist in the developm ent and provision of primary health care services for persons who are homeless o r on the brink of homelessness. London.CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Homeless men. Coral Springs. The dose-by-dose ins ulin advisory program was initially designed for children with insulin-dependent (type 1) diabetes mellitus. Depistage-. Florida 33071. Managed-care. in determining specific insulin dosage recommendations thr oughout a 24 h period. progressive morbidity. algorithms and decision support PA: WILLIAMS-A-G. and academic health systems reaffirm their social responsibility. women. and premature death. Prevention-. Epidemiologia-. It was developed to assist the individual with diabetes a nd/or care providers. DEE: Homeless-. and compensation factors for meals. Application of information technology in c linical diabetes care. but are not lim ited to automated record keeping. Pr evencion-. Inc. HombreIDE: Public-health. the societies to which they belon g. m easurement formulae. Protein-hormone. were found to represent the same thing and are used interchangeably. AI: AB NR: 17 ref. Home treatment of malaria combining herbs and over-the-counter drugs and inadequate doses of ch . Ghana SO: TM-and-IH-Tropical-medicine-and-international-health. Mal adie-autoimmune.com/online/direct. Inmunopatologia-. Chemotherapy-. University of Ghana. INIST No. Record 26 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Malaria-related beliefs and behaviour in southern Ghana : implications for treatment. which correspond to the current clinical case de finition of malaria.asp?ArticleID=JQK3AHDT4D1 70NRF2813 IS: 1360-2276 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: A research infrastructure was established in two ecological zones in southe rn Ghana to study the variables of malaria transmission and provide information to support the country's Malaria Action Plan (MAP) launched in 1992. prevention and control PA: AHORLU-C-K. Knowledge about malaria transmission is. shrouded in many misconceptions. Child-. Endocrinopathy-. Hypoglycemic-agent IDF: Homme-. however. Insulin-. Assay-. Though the human dwellings in the study communities conf erred no real protection against mosquitoes. Systeme-informati on. All rights reserved. observations and recomm endations surrounding the use of the current version of the software. Plan-tratamiento. AFARI-E-A. Asistencia-ordenador IDE: Human-. Shelf number 17530. Endocrinopatia-. Computer-aid DEF: Diabete-insulinodependant. Programa-computador. Dosificacion-. Computer-program. Quimioterapia-. which they largely considered as temporary measures. Hormona-pancreatica. Dosage-. Plan-traitement. 1997. DUNYO-S-K. System-architecture.ebsco. Sistema-conversa cional. HypoglycemiantIDS: Hombre-. Caretakers were well informed about the major symptoms of malaria. Limitat ion-. Immunopathology-. which are locally called Asra or Atridi. Limitacion-. Treatment-planning. along with a detailed description of the insulin algorithms and measurement formulae appli ed successfully with the author's daughter over a six year period. KORAM-K-A. In both communities females constituted more tha n 80% of caretakers of children 1-9 years and the illiteracy rate was high. Arquitectura-sistema. Assistance-ordinateur. Limitation-. bednet usage was low while resident s combatted the nuisance of mosquitoes with insecticide sprays. Enferm edad-autoinmune. Legon . recognition. This paper highlights issues. 2 (5) : 488-498 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Systeme-conversa tionnel. Informatica-biomedical. treatment and prevention of mal aria were explored in two ecological zones in southern Ghana using epidemiologic al and social research methods. DEE: Insulin-dependent-diabetes. Biomedical-data-processing. burning of coils and herbs. Pancreatic-hormone. HipoglicemianteJN: Medical-informatics-1985 CD: MINFDZ LOC: INIST. Residents' beliefs and practices about causes. Hormone-proteine. Enfant-. Nino-.rn analyses and education. Sistema-info rmacion. 354000065727060060 AN: 970351253 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Aut oimmune-disease. NKRUMAH-F-K AF: Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research. Architecture-systeme. AutogestionDES: Diabetes-insulinodependiente. Insulina-. Immunopathologie-. Hormone-pancreatique. Informatique-biomedicale. Endocrinopathie-. Information-system. Insuline-. Feve r and malaria. Chimiotherapie-. Hormona-proteina. Programme-ordinateur. Interactive-system. PrevencionIDE: Protozoal-disease. both CD<subscript>4:CD8 ratio and CD<subscript>4 percentage are reliable markers of H IV infection in an African paediatric population. All rights reserved. Durban. Hombre-. Malaria control policies should recognize the role of home treatment and drug shops in the management of malaria and incorporate them into existing control strategies. Infection-. Afrique-. CD8 count and CD<subscript>4 :CD8 ratio clearly predicted poor clinical outcome at 3 months. Ghana-.asp?ArticleID=946MVBKDWMT J5X52D345 IS: 1360-2276 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: The evolution of T-lymphocyte subsets during infancy in perinatally HIV-inf ected African babies has not been previously described. Record 27 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Lymphocyte subset changes between 3 and 15 months of age in infants born to HIV-seropositive women in South Africa PA: MOODLEY-D. South Africa . University of Natal. BOBAT-R-A. as percentages. DEE: AIDS-. PreventionDES: Paludismo-. Transmission-. Prognosis-. Conducta-. Belief-. Parasitose-. Salud-publica JN: TM-and-IH-Tropical-medicine-and-international-health LOC: INIST.8%) as uninfected by 18 months of age. Durban. The most marked changes were a decreased percentage of CD4 cells and an increase in percentage of CD8 cells in the infect ed group. T-lymphocyte subset changes were investigated in 72 South African blac k children born to HIV seropositive mothers. Infant-.1/4 DEE: Malaria-. were clear indicators of HIV infectio n at all ages between 3 and 15 months. Treatment-. AI: AB NR: 1 p. Transmission-. Africa-. University of Natal. INIST No. Public-health IDF: Protozoose-. In a hospital-based coho rt study. a raised CD8 lymphocy te count rather than a CD<subscript>4 count is a more specific prognostic marker of disease progression in HIV infected children. 2 (5) : 415-421 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Four (25%) o f the infected infants died before the age of 9 months from HIV-related disease. Infeccion-. Creencia-. Transmision-. Ghana-. MUNSAMY-S. Taken together. appropriate treatment and protection of households. Parasitosis-. Africa-. AI: AB NR: 15 ref. however. The CD<subscript>4 and CD8 T-lymphocyte subsets. Shelf number 26295. Infection-. Homme-. COOVADIA-H-M. Seropositivity-. Croyance-. Cell-subpopulation. South-Africa . expressed in absolute numbers. GOUWS-E AF: Department of Paediatrics and Child Health. So uth Africa. MRC Centre for Epidemiological Research. 1997. 354000061957630110 AN: 970351243 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Durban. Sou th Africa SO: TM-and-IH-Tropical-medicine-and-international-health. Sixteen (22. P reventionDEF: Paludisme-.com/online/direct.loroquine was widespread. Medical Research Council.ebsco. Ghana-. Mother-. T-Lymphocyt e. DOORASAMY-T. Behavior-. Human-immunodeficiency-virus. Parasitosis-. There is a need for a strong educational component to be incorporated into the MAP to correct misconceptions about malaria transmissio n.2%) children were class ified as infected and 56 (77. Biological-marker. percentiles or as ratios. Tratamien to-. Sante-publique IDS: Protozoosis-. Human-. In the 4 infected infants who died. Comportement-. Department of Haematology. Trait ement-. Ultraschall in de r Medizin TT: The value of ultrasonography of the locomotory system with special consider ation being given to radiation exposure and cost reduction PA: GRECHENIG-W. Thanks to technical improvements to the equipment ( use of high-frequency probes up to 20 MHz). Ultrasonogra phy should now be used as the primary imaging method in the diagnosis of injurie s to the following parts of the locomotory system. used as an adjunctive method. Aus tria. Lactante-. Auenbruggerplatz 7a. fractures. etc. Hill-Sachs lesions.). by one and the same investigator. Marcador-biologico. CLEMENT-H-G. Virus-. Homme-. ERMERT-Helmut. Sous-population-cellulaire. . 44780 Boch um. ImmunodeficitIDS: Virosis-. Linfocito-T . Marqueur-biologique. Ultrasonography can be carried out immediately following the clinical . fractures in children. osteomyelitis. Human-immunodeficiency-virus. 8036 Graz. Seropositivite-. A bilateral examination in particular permits good eval uation of the extent of an injury and. Immunopathologie-. and req uires little extra time. too (postoperati ve complications. peri-articular soft tissue (in particular shoulder. 42 (5) : 132-137 IS: 0013-5585 PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: German LS: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: In recent years. Immunopathology-. Furthermore. In this way. Lentivirinae-.assessment. Institut fur Hochfrequenztechnik.DEF: SIDA-. Afrique -. 1997. expensiv e diagnostic techniques can be reserved for special cases only. Lentivirinae-. Ruhr-Universitat Bochum/IC 6. Seropositividad-. Infection-. SCHATZ-B. Pronostico-. Republica-de -Sudafrica IDE: Viral-disease.a nd possibly radiological . ultrasonically guided puncture. with appropriate experience and good-qual ity equipment. Nourrisson-. Immune-deficiency IDF: Virose-. GRECHENIG-M. A frica-. Infeccion-. ultrasonography can reduce the n umber of diagnostic and follow-up X-rays in the case of injuries to the AC joint . 354000061957630010 AN: 970351209 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Lentivirinae-. LymphocyteT. Infection-. Mere-. Retroviridae-. and for the detection of foreign bodies. av. Record 28 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Stellenwert der Sonographie am Stutz. an accurate assessment of the anatomical topography. Hombre-. In numerous other problems. Shelf number 26295. soft tissue inflamma tion. Virus-immunodeficience-humaine. Retroviridae-. Human-. ultrasonic assessment of the locomotory system has become established both as a screening method in patients with chronic disorders and fo r evaluating acute injuries.und Bewegungsapparat : unter besonder er Berucksichtigung von Strahlenbelastung und Kostenreduktion. ultrasound can deliver the first information. Pronostic-. thus helping to minimize the number of expensive. shoulder dislocations. All rights reserved. thus reducing co sts. and more invasive. Subpoblacion-celular. Retroviridae-. Virus-. Rep ublique-Sud-Africaine DES: SIDA-. ever smaller structures can be visua lized. Afric a-. collections of fluid and. foreign bodies. where applicab le. Inmunopatologia-. INIST No. Madre-. Virus-.-prop AF: Universitatsklinik fur Unfallchirurgie. diagnostic procedures: muscles and tendo ns. knee and elbow joints). detection of intra-articular effusions. again reducing radiation exposure and overall costs . Germany SO: Biomedizinische-Technik. InmunodeficienciaJN: TM-and-IH-Tropical-medicine-and-international-health LOC: INIST. Greece-. RadioprotectionDES: Exploracion-ultrasonido. a nd of cola beverages were significantly associated with elevated risks of fractu res [for an increase of one-half can per day. DEE: Fracture-. Temps-exposition. MA 02115.6 (1. Publ ic-health. Nutrition-. Imagerie-med icale. of Hygiene and Epidemiology. Cost-analysis.6) respectively]. Diagnosis-. Boston. Locomocion-. Dairy-product. Hombre-. Homme-. the odds ratios and associated 95% confidence intervals were 1. intake of non carbonated beverages. Calciu m-Ions. of Pediatrics. Harvard School of Public Health. Medical-imagery.AI: AB NR: 17 ref. Physical-exercise. Anatomie-. Greece. 1997. DEE: Sonography-. Diagnostico-. Tecnica-. Kyriacou Children's Hospita l. Tiempo-exposicion. intake o f non alcoholic beverages and physical activity as risk factors for bone fractur es among schoolage children. Record 29 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: The role of dairy products and non alcoholic beverages in bone fractures am ong schoolage children PA: PETRIDOU-E. Analisis-costo. 2nd Dept. TRICHOPOULOS-D AF: Dept. Bone-. Technique-.2 to 2. Shelf number 5780. Rayon-X. In the absence of other common elements between cola and non carbonated beverage s the positive associations of these beverages.3) and 1. Technique-. Expo sure-time. RadioproteccionJN: Biomedizinische-Technik CD: BMZTA7 LOC: INIST. X-ray. Athens University Medical School. 25 (2) : 119-125 IS: 0300-8037 PY: 1997 CP: Sweden LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: In order to assess consumption of the calcium rich dairy products. Somatometric factors wer e not related to fractures. AI: AB NR: 22 ref. INIST No. During 1995 one hundred children 7 to 14 years old (74 boys and 26 girls) wi th single uncomplicated fractures of the upper and lower extremities and no evid ence of coexisting metabolic condition affecting bone fragility were compared wi th 100 age-and gender-matched controls. Human-. Epidemiology-.7 (1. a case control study was undertaken in Athens. Athens. Dept. All rights reserved. Locomotion-. Diagnostic-. Locomotion-. Intake of dairy produ cts and of carbonated non cola beverages was not related to the occurrence of fr actures. Anatomia-. KARPATHIOS-T. Precision-. Sis tema-osteoarticular-patologia. Risk-factor . Food-intake. United States. School-age. Accuracy-. Rayos-X. Greece SO: Scandinavian-journal-of-social-medicine. Precision-. Anatomy-. of Epidemiology. Imageneria -medical. with bone fractures probably ref lect the increased rehydration needs of active children who are also at high ris k for injuries. Diseases-of-theosteoarticular-system. mainly fruit juices. A. The analysis was undertaken by modeling the data through conditional logistic regression. DESSYPRIS-N. RadioprotectionDEF: Exploration-ultrason.2 to 2. although children with more advanced stage of develo pment at Tanner's scale were apparently at increased risk. 354000065747510040 AN: 970351201 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Non-alcoholic-beverage. Analyse-cout. Child-. System e-osteoarticulaire-pathologie. Athens 11527. Gree ce. By contrast. Several indicators point to an increased risk of fractures among physically active children. although none of the individual variables was statistically significant. SIMOU-E. AI: AB NR: 23 ref. Nutricion-. Epi . Resultats : Pendant la periode d' etude. Sante-publique. 742 blocas epiduraux pediatriques ont ete administres.6 par le cat heter) et a ete detectee par l' aspiration immediate de sang chez six patients e t par une augmentation de la frequence cardiaque > 10 bpm chez 30. Bebida-no-alcoholica. Local-anesthetic. Facteur-risque DES: Fractura-. Epidemiologia-. Johns Hopkins Uni versity. Enfant-. MD 21287-5842.8% par l' aiguille et 7. 1997. Europe-. L' anesthes ique local doit etre administre dans l' espace epidural en petites doses repetee s.7 % des patients. United States SO: Canadian-journal-of-anaesthesia. La frequence a diminue chez 5 patients suggerant une reponse barotropique. 354000061929010090 AN: 970351173 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. 97 lombaires et une epidurale thoracique avec succes dans 97. Produit-laitier. Cette etude evalue les changements de l' ECG comme indices d' injection intrava sculaire d' anesthesiques locaux adrenalises pendant l' administration du bloc. 25 (83%) presentaient une augmentation de l' amplitude de l' onde T > 25%. Europa-. INIST No. Consommation-alimentaire. Age-scolaire. Ejercicio-fisi co. Factor-riesgo IDE: Human-. Edad-escolar. Producto-lacteo. Os-. Consumo-alimenticio. Shelf number 16842. Systeme-osteoarticulaire-pathologie. Ca lcium-Ion. DEE: Bupivacaine-. Salud-publica. Diseases-of-the-osteoarticular-system. All rights reserved. et 29 (97%) avaient des changements de l' o nde T ou du rythme en reponse a l' injection d' epinephrine. Nino-. Baltimore. Europe-. Il n' y a pas eu de faux positifs. Conclusion : POur reduire les risques associes a l' anesthesie epidurale chez l' enfant. L' anesthesie genera le etait un critere d' exclusion. YASTER-M AF: Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. Methodes : L' inventaire de toutes les anesthesies epidurales administrees a des enfants pendant une annee dans un hopital d' enseignement.DEF: Fracture-. Une bande de rythme EEG enregistree pendant l ' injection de la dose test et examinee relativement aux changements de frequenc e. Nutrition-. TraumatismoJN: Scandinavian-journal-of-social-medicine CD: SJSMAF LOC: INIST. Cinq ont presente des augmentations de frequence < 10 bpm en reaction possible aux stimuli nocifs. TraumaIDF: Homme-. Drug-combination. de l' epinephrine devrait etre ajoutee a la dose test d' anesthesique local et l' EEG devrait etre monitore en continu pour reveler l es changements de frequence. Sistema-osteoarticular-patologia. C alcio-Ion. SHAFFNER-D-H. Une injection intravasculaire est survenue au c ours de 42 (5. Record 30 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Detection of intravascular injection of regional anaesthetics in children PA: FISHER-Q-A. TraumatismeIDS: Hombre-. Grece-.6%) anesthesies epidurales (3. Grecia-. du rythme et d' amplitude de l' onde T. Epidemiologie-. dont 644 anesthes ies caudales (284 sans catheter). 44 (6) : 592-598 IS: 0832-610X PY: 1997 CP: Canada LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objectif : La detection de l' injection intravasculaire d' anesthesique loc al pendant l' administration d' un bloc regional chez l' enfant par la tachycard ie et l' hypertension peut donner lieu a des faux positifs et des faux negatifs. Boisson-non-alcoolisee. Regional-anesthesia. Hueso-. Exercic e-physique. Sur 30 patients chez qui l' injection intravasculaire etait claire et chez qui des bandes de rythme etaient disponibles. de rythme et de configuration de l' onde T. adolescents. Anilide-. and Illness-Foc used Strategies). adolescents. Complicacion-. Outcome Measures: Coping Strat egy Questionnaire subscales (Coping Attempts. ElectrodiagnosisIDF: Homme-. whereas for chil dren and adolescents. ANOVAs indicated that adolescents s cored significantly higher than young children on Negative Thinking and IllnessFocused Strategies at baseline and follow-up. Shelf number 1106. and adults with sickle cell disease over an 18-month period PA: GIL-K-M. Intravenous-admini stration. Anestesia-regional. Electrocardiografia-. there was instability. Via-intraven osa. and 18 months.nephrine-. Child-. 1997. Epreuve-pharmacologiqu e. Malposition-. All rights reserved. Test-dose DEF: Bupivacaine-. Extradural-administration. For yo ung children. no other 18-month correlations wer e significant. Stability was also assessed using intraclass correlations. Via-extradural. however. 354000061564190040 AN: 970350959 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Anestesico-local. Duke University Medical Center. U nited States. Catecolamina-. Design: Eighteen-month longitudinal study. Nino-. AnilidoIDE: Human-. Dose-test DES: Bupivacaina-. Catecholamine-. Voie-extradurale. WILSON-J-J. Electrocardiography-. Assessments of coping str ategies were done at baseline. Asociacion-medicamento sa. which in corporates more than two test-retest values on the same subjects. North Carolina. AI: AB NR: 23 ref. and young children with sickle ce ll disease. Results: Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficients compa ring baseline and 18-month follow-up coping data were highly significant for Cop ing Attempts and Negative Thinking/Illness Focused Strategies for adults. Conclusions: As compared with the highly stable coping evidenced in adults with SCD. INIST No. Patients: A total of 141 patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) presenting to adult and pediatric sickl e cell clinics for regularly scheduled check-ups. ElectrodiagnosticIDS: Hombre-. the 18-month follow-up scores on Negative Thinking were significan tly correlated with baseline scores. interventions should target children earl y before maladaptive coping patterns become entrenched. coping in children and adoles cents with SCD is more variable. 13 (2) : 110-115 IS: 0749-8047 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objective: The current study assessed stability of pain coping strategies o ver an 18-month period in adults. Durham. Catecholamine-. North Carolina. These analyses confirmed that coping strategies in adults were highly stable. Pharmacologic-test. The results from the adolescent subset of subjects indicated no s ignificant correlations on any of the coping strategies from baseline to 18-mont h follow-up. 9 months. Anilide-. Adrenalina-. Complication-. Electrocardiographie-. ElectrodiagnosticoJN: Canadian-journal-of-anaesthesia CD: CJOAEP LOC: INIST. Malposicion-. Chapel Hill. Negative Thinking. Enfant-. United Sta tes SO: The-Clinical-journal-of-pain. Malposition-. Association-medica menteuse. Anesthesique-local. Record 31 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: The stability of pain Coping Strategies in young children. Anesthesie-regionale. Complication-. EDENS-J-L AF: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Thus. . Voieintraveineuse. Prueba-farmacologica. Adrenaline-. A 5. Pierna-. Etude-cas. Endoscopie-. Deficiency-. Disease-. Autogr aft-. Sickle-cell-anemia. Peau-. jejunum. Enfermedad-. Hemopathy-. Colgajo-. Hemoglobinopathy-. Endoscopy-. Adolescente-. The largest harvested muscle was 15 x 25 cm in size. Stability-. Genetic-disease IDF: Homme-. Membre-inferieur. Deficit-. Nine patients were male and 1 patient was female. DEE: Soft-tissue. Enfermedad-here ditaria JN: The-Clinical-journal-of-pain CD: CJPAEU LOC: INIST. HombreIDE: Skin-disease. Enfa nt-. Lambeau-. Leg-. 354000061562860020 AN: 970350948 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Miembro-inferior. Recently. Tratamiento-. School of Medicine. Anemia-hemolitica. RAMASASTRY-S-S. Stabilite-. allowing direct identification of the thoracodor sal vascular pedicle. Follow-up ranged from 6 to 15 months. and rectus abdomi nis muscle. Skin-. Republic of SO: Annals-of-plastic-surgery. JUNG-HYUNG-LEE. Pie-. Coping-. breast augmentation. The latissimus dorsi muscle was dissected posteriorly unti l the limits of open dissection were reached. AI: AB NR: 25 ref. 1997. Hemopatia-. Graft- . Lower-limb. Hemolytic-anemia. and placement of tissue expanders. with smaller scars and reduced postoperative donor site morbidity such as pain and wound-healing problems. AdultoIDE: Human-. We believe that plastic surgeons can take advantage of endoscopic techniques to obtain reliable and safe results. Jambe-. Flap-surgery. Latissimus-do rsi-muscle. Estabilidad-. Strategy-. All rights reserved. BONG-SOO-BAIK AF: Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Shelf number 20743. Piel-. HumanDEF: Partie-molle. This technique may prove particularly applicable to women. Korea. Maladie-hered itaire IDS: Hombre-. Maladie-. Anemia-globulo-falciforme. Adolesc ent-. Deficiencia-. and then the dissection was contin ued under endoscopic visualization. and patients who are prone to hypertrophic scars. INIST No. Au togreffe-. HommeDES: Parte-blanda. Hemoglobinopatia-. Coping-. Endoscopi a-. Kyung pook National University. Adolescent-. Chirurgie-plastique. Musclegrand-dorsal. Foot-. Taegu. Traitement-.DEE: Pain-. children. Anemie-hemolytique. Endoscopic-surgery. Pied-. Musculo-dorsal-ancho. Ten patients with a soft-tissue defect in the lower extremity were s uccessfully reconstructed from December 1994 to October 1995 with a free muscle transfer after endoscopic harvest of the latissimus dorsi muscle. Cirugia-plastica. Hemopathie-. Nino-. Plastic-surgery. 38 (6) : 586-593 IS: 0148-7043 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Endoscopic techniques in plastic surgery have involved aesthetic procedures such as facelift. Coronacion-. Child-. Hemoglobinopathie-. abdominoplasty. AdulteDES: Dolor-. Treatment-. Estrategia-. Anemie-hematie-falciforme. latissimus dorsi muscle. Case-study. endoscopic harvest of the donor tissue for free flap transf er has included the omentum. Autoinjerto-.to 6-cm incision was initially made alo ng the posterior axillary line. Estudio-caso. Strategie-. Record 32 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Free latissimus dorsi muscle transfer using an endoscopic technique PA: BYUNG-CHAE-CHO. AdultDEF: Douleur-. Consommation-. Maastricht. Exploration-. 354000061859700420 AN: 970350755 .IDF: IDS: JN: CD: LOC: AN: SI: CR: Peau-pathologie. These results suggest that in this panel of children. Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie. Obstructive-pulmonary-disease. PM<subscript>1<subscript> 0. maximal 1-h ozone concentrations ne ver exceeded 130 <mu>g/m<superscript>3. Broncopneumopatia-obstructiva. VAN-STEEN-C-J. Department of Environmental Medicin e. Respiratory-disease. Exploracion-. relatively low levels of particulate matter and ozone i n ambient air are able to increase symptoms and medication use. 354000061829100040 970350864 INIST <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. of whom 77% we re taking asthma medication. Chirurgie-endoscopique. All rights reserved. and day of the week. Pollution-air. C hemotherapy-. InjertoAnnals-of-plastic-surgery APCSD4 INIST. ages 7 to 13 yr. and black smoke. Exposicion-. Evolucion-. Volume-pulmonaire. Complication-. the acute respiratory effects of ambient air p ollution were studied in a panel of 61 children. Peak flow was measured twice daily with MiniWright meters at home and the occurrence of acute respiratory symptoms and medication u se was registered daily by the parents in a diary. Cirugia-endoscopica. TratamientoJN: American-journal-of-respiratory-and-critical-care-medicine LOC: INIST. Debit-expiratoire-maximum . Chimiotherapie-. Evolution-. INIST No. DEE: Asthma-. Exposure to air pollution was characterized by the ambient concentrations of ozone. Lung-volume. 1997. Maximum-expiratory-flow-rat e. Shelf number 2013. TreatmentIDF: Homme-. Bronchodilatateur-. Flujo-espiratorio-maxi mo. Broncodilatador-. Bronchopneumopathie-obstructive. Consumption-. Air-pollution. EnfantDES: Asma-. Bronchodilator-. INIST No. NinoIDE: Human-. VAN-DER-ZEE-S-C. 155 (6) : 2105-2108 IS: 1073-449X PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial MT: short-communication AB: In the early summer of 1995. Evolution-. and 24-h black smoke and PM<subscript>1< subscript>0 concentrations were never higher than 41 and 60 <mu>g/m<superscript> 3 respectively. Quimioterapia-. Complication-. Exploration-. Shelf number 18346. Aparato-respiratorio-patologia. Exposure-. BRUNEKREEF-B AF: Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. time trend. Associations of air pollution and health outcomes were evaluated using time series analysis. Consumo-. Department of Health Risk Analysis and Toxicology. Univer sity of Maastricht. During the study period. Exposition-. VAN-WIJNEN-J-H. most of whom had asthma. Municipal Health Service Amsterdam. Record 33 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Acute effects of summer air pollution on respiratory health of asthmatic ch ildren PA: GIELEN-M-H. Less strong associations were found for PM<subscript >1<subscript>0 and ozone. ChildDEF: Asthme-. TraitementIDS: Hombre-. Agricultural University of Wa geningen. Complicacion-. Contaminacion-aire. black smoke in particular was associated with acute respiratory sympto ms and with medication use. Netherlands SO: American-journal-of-respiratory-and-critical-care-medicine. AI: AB NR: 11 ref. Netherlands. After adjusting for pollen. Vo lumen-pulmonar. GreffePiel-patologia. Netherlands. Aparato-respiratorio-patologia. EpidemiologieDES: Neumonia-. EpidemiologiaIDE: Infection-. Pulmon-patol ogia JN: European-journal-of-clinical-microbiology-and-infectious-diseases LOC: INIST. these includ ed respiratory syncytial virus in ten. Of 32 patients with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection who were initially treated with beta-lactam antibiotics. Hombre-. Quimioterapia. 16 (5) : 388-391 IS: 0934-9723 PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: The aim of this study was to determine the etiologic agents associated with community-acquired pneumonia in 104 French children ages 18 months to 13 years. Chimiothera pie-. K ALIFA-G AF: Hopital Saint Vincent de Paul. Antibiotico-. C ommunity-acquired-infection. Treatment-. and Mycoplasma pneumoniae (diagnosed by serologic procedures) in 43. INIGUEZ-J-L. Infeccion -comunitaria. INIST No. AI: AB NR: 12 ref. Europe-. Record 34 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Etiology and response to antibiotic therapy of community-acquired pneumonia in French children PA: GENDREL-D. France-. other viruses in 20. LEBON-P. RAVILLY-S. Bacteriose-. Lung-disease IDF: Infection-. Enfant-. Traitement-. Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie. Bacteriosis-. Europe-. EpidemiologyDEF: Pneumonie-. HABIB-F. Viral-disease. Homme-. Karachi. Potential respiratory pathogens were identified in 87 (85%) cases. MOULIN-F. Respiratory-disease. 82 Avenue Denfert-Rochereau. josamycin in 7. Antibiotique-. Etiology-. however . Virose-. DEE: Pneumonia-. cough persisted in 12 patients for one month. 30 failed treatment. Analisis-microbiologico. In fection-communautaire.SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Francia-. All rights reserved. Fr ance SO: European-journal-of-clinical-microbiology-and-infectious-diseases. Efficacite-traitement. Etiologia-. Tratamiento-. 1997. Shelf number 19903. Recovery from mycoplasma infe ction occurred rapidly in patients treated with macrolide antibiotics (which inc luded spiramycin in 31 patients. Nino-. Poumon-path ologie IDS: Infeccion-. Ch emotherapy-. Treatment-efficiency. Pakistan PA: D'-SOUZA-R-M AF: Department of Community Health Sciences. Exploration-microbiologique. Etiologie-. Record 35 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Housing and environmental factors and their effects on the health of childr en in the slums of Karachi. Antibiotic-. France-. Paki stan . Streptococcus pneumo niae in 14. Eficacia-tratamiento. Europa-. Microbiological-investigation. and erythromycin in 3). 354000061916140110 AN: 970350686 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Human-. 75014 Paris. Aga Khan University. All rights reserved. Bacteriosis-. Virosis-. The high frequency of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in community-acquired pneumonia in children over 18 months of age must be considered when selecting an antibiotic for initial therapy. Child-. RAYMOND-J. Intestino-patologia. Poverty-. Pollution-. Pobreza-. Papua N ew Guinea. AI: AB NR: 2 p. Enfant-. Pakistan-. increased household density. Pakistan-. Pakistan-. Habitac ion-. Epidemiology-.ebsco.4% and 15. poor ho using structure. Publichealth DEF: Diarrhee-. a cross -sectional study of 403 families was conducted in a squatter settlement of Karac hi. Higiene-. Infection-.asp?ArticleID=6Q7TRWAQGWD DN68HHXUT IS: 0021-9320 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: To examine the association of environmental factors (including housing) wit h respiratory infections and diarrhoea in children under 5 years of age. Respiratory-system.com/online/direct. Appareil-digestif-pathologie. INIST No. Epidemiologia-. Polucion-. Hygiene-.com/online/direct. Madang. ALPERS-M-P.ebsco. and frequent cooking inside the house. S alud-publica IDE: Human-. Infeccion-. storage of water in smal l utensils and cooking inside a one room house. Aparatorespiratorio-patologia JN: Journal-of-biosocial-science CD: JBSLAR LOC: INIST. AL-YAMAN-F. Intestinal-disease. Record 36 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Indicators of fatal outcome in paediatric cerebral malaria : A study of 134 comatose Papua New Guinean children PA: GENTON-B. PO Box 378. Madang General Hospital.0% respectively. Asia-.05) with diarrhoea in households in the multivariate analysis were: number of children under 5. Pollution-. 26 (3) : 670-676 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Zone-suburbai ne. Nino-. Five households risk factors wer e identified for respiratory infections: the number of children under 5. Aparato-digestivo-patologia. Log ement-habitation. Appareil-respiratoire. The factors significantly associ ated (p < 0. Epidemiologie-. Madang. 1997. Pauvrete-. Respiratory-disease IDF: Homme-. Asie-.asp?ArticleID=PWWYD8UU5TA FTK233FXU IS: 0300-5771 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic . These resul ts suggest that children under 5 years of age in lower income areas are at addit ional risk to health because of poor environmental conditions. Child-. Facteur-risque. Hygiene-. humidity inside the house less tha n the humidity outside house. In the 2-week period before the survey prevalence of diarrhoea and respirato ry infections was 14. MOKELA-D AF: Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research. Shelf number 14602. Papua New Guinea SO: International-journal-of-epidemiology.1/4 DEE: Diarrhea-. regular cleaning of sewers. Asia-. All rights reserved. 29 (3) : 271-281 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www.SO: Journal-of-biosocial-science. Suburban-zone. Factor-riesgo. Digestive-diseases. Appareil -respiratoire-pathologie IDS: Hombre-. 1997. Risk-factor. Zona-suburbana. Infection-. Sante-publique DES: Diarrea-. Aparato-respiratorio. Housing. Intestin-pathologie. 354000061873070020 AN: 970350672 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. we collected a blood sample for parasitologic al. McGill University. Salud-publica. The propor tion of children presenting with deep coma (12%) or hypoglycaemia (17%) was lowe r in our study than in African ones.Presbyterian-St. DEE: Cerebral-disorder. Infection-. Illinois. Human-. M ethods. MELCHING-L-I. 40 (6) : 1037-1045 IS: 0004-3591 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objective. Nervous-system-diseases. Nino-. Montreal. Epidemiologie-. haematological and biochemical assessment. Enfant-. and the relative levels of the corresponding proteins were determined by Western blotting. Sante-publique. Child-. Shelf number 16214. Mortality-. No comprehensive data on the clinical features and the prognosi s of cerebral malaria in the South Pacific are available at present. Malaria-. INIST No. Parasitosis-. where severe complications are more frequen t. Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children. Also mortality associated with hypoglycaemia on admission was lower. Central-nervous-system-disease IDF: Protozoose-. Conclusions. Pronostic-. hypoglycaemia and acidosis. Luke's Medical Center. Results. Canada. Canada SO: Arthritis-and-rheumatism. ma larial anaemia and hyperleucocytosis. Besides clinical examination. 1997. should be corrected. Infection-. Oceania-. Quebec. Chic ago.5%. Oceanie-. United States. Oceania-.LT: Serial AB: Background. Als o prompt administration of blood transfusions to patients with anaemia is likely to reduce the occurrence of death in Papua New Guinean children with cerebral m alaria. Epidemiologia-. such as shock. We conducte d a prospective study in children with cerebral malaria to assess the case fatal ity rate (CFR) in the region and to identify potential risk factors for death. Mortalidad-. Systeme-nerveux-central-pathologie IDS: Protozoosis-. Paludismo-. Sistema-nervosio-central-patologia JN: International-journal-of-epidemiology CD: IJEPBF LOC: INIST. Montreal. Risk-f actor. The CFR was 11. Facteur-risque. Public-health. Epidemiology-. Melanesia-. Mortalite-. To determine the steady-state messenger RNA (mRNA) levels and co rresponding protein contents of major matrix components in osteoarthritic (OA) c artilage.9% and th e prevalence of residual neurological sequelae at discharge was 1. Methods. Papua-New-Guinea DEF: Encephale-pathologie. System e-nerveux-pathologie. We recruited 134 children admitted to the Madang General Hospital betwee n April 1991 and October 1993 with a strictly defined diagnosis of cerebral mala ria. Pronostico-. Clinical or laboratory conditions significantly associated with death were deep coma. Papuasia-Nueva-Guinea IDE: Protozoal-disease. Resul . GLANT-T-T AF: Rush Medical College at Rush . 354000061873490270 AN: 970350636 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Quebec. Homme-. Melanesia-. Sis tema-nervioso-patologia. Paludisme-. Record 37 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Changes in messenger RNA and protein levels of proteoglycans and link prote in in human osteoarthritic cartilage samples PA: CS-SZABO-G. Infeccion-. Parasitosis-. Parasitose-. Melanesie-. Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinee DES: Encefalo-patologia. AI: AB NR: 33 ref. All conditions associated wit h deep coma. All rights reserved. Factor-riesgo. Prognosis-. Steady-state levels of gene-specific mRNA (relative to GAPDH) were measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). ROUGHLEY-P-J. Hombre-. INIST No. Cartilago-. All mRNA levels and corresponding protein contents of aggrecan and versican (hyaluronanbinding large proteoglycans). DEE: Osteoarthritis-. Proteina-enlace. Ministry of Health. whereas message for link protein and lumican were several-fold higher than expected by their measured protein contents. most likely due to the repair processes. A disco ordinate gene expression accompanied with imbalanced accumulation of noncollagen ous matrix components may contribute to the disorganization of the cartilage and the development of OA processes. Proteoglicano-.asp?ArticleID=AFR0GA2TEUW 99PA6D5N6 IS: 1360-2276 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: A district-wide study was undertaken in a rural population of northern Ghan a to identify factors influencing the acceptance and use of insecticide-impregna ted bednets (IIBNs). Messenger-RNA. The mRNA and protein levels of higlycan. AI: AB NR: 62 ref. however. and lu mican (small proteoglycans). fibromodulin. Reaccion-cadena-polimerasa. RNA-messager. Although the IIBNs were accepted and used be cause they provided protection from mosquito bites. Polymerase-chain-reaction. especially the exp ression of small proteoglycans.ebsco. Conclusion. 1997. The expression of mat rix components was increased in chondrocytes of OA cartilage. ADONGO-P AF: Navrongo Health Research Centre. 354000061510140060 AN: 970350520 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Switzerland SO: TM-and-IH-Tropical-medicine-and-international-health. however.ts. biglycan. and link protein were higher in OA cartilage sample s than in age-matched normal samples. decorin. Pathog enie-. Ghana. patterns o f use. and questions of cost were key factors likely to influence the disseminat .com/online/direct. Proteine-liaison. Basel. Methode-immunoblotting. Biologie-moleculaire IDS: Sistema-osteoarticular-patologia. Immunoblotting-assay. HumanDEF: Arthrose-. All rights reserved. Artropatia-. seasonal factors. Swiss Tropical Institute. Cartilage-. Patogenia-. Molecular-biology IDF: Systeme-osteoarticulaire-pathologie. Degenerative-disease. Matriz-extracelular. decorin. Cartilage-. 2 (5) : 499-507 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Enfermedad-degenerativa. Vers ican was also detected in OA cartilage. HommeDES: Artrosis-. and fi bromodulin increased synchronously. the versican protein content wa s associated with a relatively low mRNA level. A series of focus group discussions were conducted during 2 years of implementation of IIBNs to gauge community reactions to the introducti on of the nets and a structured questionnaire was administered to approximately zero randomly selected individuals. RN A-mensajero. Arthropathy-. Bi ologia-molecular JN: Arthritis-and-rheumatism CD: ARHEAW LOC: INIST. Proteogl ycan-. The ratio of increase. Extracellular-matrix. Pathoge nesis-. Record 38 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Acceptability and use of insecticide impregnated bednets in northern Ghana PA: BINKA-F-N. Proteoglyca ne-. Arthropathie-. Shelf number 8711. Matrice-extracellulaire. was differ ent for each component. Maladie-degenerative. Reaction-chaine-polymerase. HombreIDE: Diseases-of-the-osteoarticular-system. Binding-protein. Plasmodium-falciparum. All rights reserved. Norway SO: Scandinavian-journal-of-social-medicine. The success of the promotion of IIBNs in malaria control programmes will dep end on the cost of the package and the time of year that it is delivered. Infection-. Permethrin-. this association did not remai n significant when adjusting for demographic and household characteristics. Ac eptacion-. Protozoa-. Educatio n-sante. Amon g smoking parents. Ghana-. the perio d of low mosquito density. Use-. Hombre-.66-15. 354000061957630120 AN: 970350472 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Plasmodium-falciparum. Educacionsanitaria IDE: Protozoal-disease. CI: 1. 1997. In this group. 25 (2) : 93-99 IS: 0300-8037 PY: 1997 CP: Sweden LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: In a study of the relationship between social support and smoking behaviour . Impregnation-. CI: 1. However. Health-education. Sant e-publique. Protozoa-. However. MoustiquaireDES: Paludismo-. A cceptation-. indoor smoking at home was related to medium (OR =1. Financ ing mechanisms for individual and village groups are discussed. Homme-. InsecticideIDF: Protozoose-. Social research effectively monitored the intervention in this study.97. Protozoa-.81) and low social support (OR = 2.ion and effectiveness of bednets. Africa-. Lutte-sanitaire. Sanitary-control. Provision of wider bedn ets. Programa-sanitario. resulting in no protection from the insecticide. Afrique-. completed a questionnaire. AI: AB NR: 1 p. Parasitose-.63) when adjusting for d emographic and household characteristics. Accep tance-. Plasmodium-falciparum.35) and low soc . Utilizacion-.35. Mothers with young children were more likely to wash the bednets frequently (because the children soiled the bednets with faeces and urine). Smoking parents smoked more cigarettes per day when they had low social support.05. Shelf number 26295. and it should be included as an important component of national malaria control programmes. Bedn etDEF: Paludisme-. The prevalence of daily smoking i ncreased with decreasing social support. Use of the bednets was highly seasonal. Infection-. Parasitosis-. Permethrine-. corresponding to the period of high mosquito density and 20% used them in the dry seasons. smoking 10 cigarettes per da y or more was strongly related to medium (OR = 5. Norway. Parasitosis-. InsecticidaJN: TM-and-IH-Tropical-medicine-and-international-health LOC: INIST. Sal ud-publica. Sanitary-program. Lucha-sanitaria. Impregnacion-. or the provision of plastic sheets with the bednets or possible incorporati on of the insecticide in washing soaps could improve protection for young childr en. Impregnation-. Public-health. Sporozoa-. Permetrina-. InsecticideIDS: Protozoosis-. INIST No.19-4. Programme-sanitaire.01-3. this association was only se en in parents with several children. CI: 1 . Human-. Oslo. 1046 parents coming with their children for well-child control at health centr es in Oslo.1/4 DEE: Malaria-. Ghana-. Almost all recipients used their IIBNs in the rainy season (99%). Infeccion-. Record 39 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Social support and the smoking behaviour of parents with preschool children PA: ERIKSEN-W. BRUUSGAARD-D AF: Department of Community Medicine and General Practice. Ghana-. SANDVIK-L. Utilisation-. University of Oslo. Sporozoa-. Sporozoa-. Africa. Record 40 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Malignant germ cell tumours in childhood. Molecular-biology. Shelf number 16842.edu. Edad-preescolar. Norway-.sciencedirect. INIST No.01). All rights reserved. The Royal Marsden NHS Trust and Institute of Cancer Research.tsinghua. Localization-. Sutton. Nicotinismopasivo. Treatment-. Parent-. Environnement-social. Articl e-synthese. Lond on WC1N 3JH. comments NR: 54 ref. NHS Trust. Epidemiologie-. Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. Localizacion-. Biologie-moleculaire. Commentary PA: PINKERTON-C-R. Pariente-. All rights reserved. Enfant-. Tumor-maligno JN: European-journal-of-cancer-1990 LOC: INIST. Medio-ambiente-social. DEE: Germ-cell-tumor. Surrey SM2 5PT. Biologia-molecular. Epidemiology-.ial support (OR=7.cn/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=SilverLinker &_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0959%2d8049%2333%23895%236&_versio n=1&md5=fc8158ca60a0cf099ebc564fec61ef8a ScienceDirect (Taiwan) http://sdos. Passive-s moking. NinoIDE: Human-. Social-support. EnfantDES: Tumor-germinal. 354000061929010060 AN: 970350414 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. United Kingdom. Parent-. comment AF: Children's Department. Sante-publique DES: Tabaquismo-. 1997.81. Tabagisme-p assif. Malignant-tumor IDF: Homme-. AI: AB NR: 24 ref. Ch ildDEF: Tumeur-germinale.net/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=SilverLinker&_urlversion=4&_method= citationSearch&_volkey=0959%2d8049%2333%23895%236&_version=1&md5=fc8158ca60a0cf0 99ebc564fec61ef8a IS: 0959-8049 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial MT: article. Noruega-. 354000061758560140 AN: 970350410 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Nino-. Preschool-age. Shelf number 12648. Traitement-. Public-health DEF: Tabagisme-. Department of Haem atology and Oncology. EuropeIDS: Hombre-. Child-. DEE: Tobacco-smoking. Social-environment. Age-prescolaire. 33 (6) : 895-902 FTXT: ScienceDirect (tm) http://www. INIST No. Tratamiento-. Norvege-.44-25.ascc. Localisation-. EuropaJN: Scandinavian-journal-of-social-medicine CD: SJSMAF LOC: INIST. . United Kingdom SO: European-journal-of-cancer-1990. Downs Road. Support-social.ejou rnal. Apoyo-social. CI: 2. Salud-publica IDE: Human-. Epidemiologia-. EuropeIDF: Homme-. PRITCHARD-J.com/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_o rigin=SilverLinker&_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0959%2d8049%2333 %23895%236&_version=1&md5=fc8158ca60a0cf099ebc564fec61ef8a ScienceDirect (China) http://elsevier. Review-. Tumeur-maligne IDS: Hombre-.lib. Articulosintesis. AI: AB NR: 22 ref. and B1) were more likely to have protective antibody titers aft er the first and second PCV doses than HIV-infected children with more advanced disease (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention classes N3. InmunogenicidadIDE: Viral-disease. FARLEY-J-J. B2-3. Enfant-.com/online/direct. Streptococcus-pneumoniae.and non-HIV-infected PCV or placebo recipients. Virus-. 18C. Three doses of PCV were immunogenic. and sex as the HIV-infected group were r andomized in a double-blind fashion to receive three doses of PCV or saline plac ebo. Seropositividad-. Immunodeficit- . VINK-P-E. Homme-.and non-HIV-infec ted children. Immunoprophylaxis-. Vaccination. S treptococcaceae-. Strepto coccaceae-. LICHENSTEIN-R AF: Department of Pediatrics. With respect to an arbitrary protective level. 14. Nino-. University of Maryland at Baltimore. Human-immunodeficiency-virus. 23F. Seventeen HIV. This type of vaccine should result in a marked reduction in systemic pneumococcal disease in both HIV.ebsco. these differences disappeared. HIV-infec ted children with milder disease (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cla sses N1-2. Virus-immunodeficience-humaine.and non-HIV-infected chi ldren. PARKS-M. School of Me dicine. Immunoprophylaxie-. Micrococcales-. 1997.and non-HIV-infecte d children younger than 2 years. A3. Results. 12. Infection-. United States SO: Pediatrics-Evanston. and 19F) pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) a mong children younger than 2 years who are and are not infected with human immun odeficiency virus (HIV). Micrococcales-. Virus-.and 30 non-HIV-infected children c ompleted the study. Bacterie-. Immunopathologie-. Streptococcus-pneumoniae. Vacunacion-. Lentivirinae-.to 659-fold increases in type-specific geo metric mean antibody titers over prevaccination levels in HIV. Seropositivity-. Child-. The PCV was well tolerated by both HIV. Lentivirinae-. A1-2. 78% of the antibody titers from HIV-infected children and 88% of the titers from non-HIV-infected c hildren were 1. and C1 -3). as evidenced by 16. A convenience sample of 18 HIV-infected childr en 2 years and younger (mean. Conclusio n. Streptococcus-pneumoniae. race. Human-. Methods. Seropositivite-. SMILIE-M. Vaccinati on-.Record 41 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Safety and immunogenicity of three doses of a five-valent pneumococcal conj ugate vaccine in children younger than two years with and without human immunode ficiency virus infection PA: KING-J-C-JR. However. Given the high incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease in HIV-infected children. ImmunogeniciteDES: SIDA-. Infection-. 99 (4) : 575-580 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Maryland. Retroviridae-. after the third PCV dose. this vaccine may markedly improve the quality of life for this unfort unate group of children. Safety data were collected for 72 hours after each vaccination. DEE: AIDS-. No significant differences in local or systemic reactions were noted between HIV. ImmunogenicityDEF: SIDA-. Immunopathology-. Three doses of PCV seem safe and immunogenic in both HIV.asp?ArticleID=Y34MMVE8JFC HGMQA88AC IS: 0031-4005 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objective. To assess the safety and immunogenicity of three doses of a five -valent (types 6B. An additional convenience sample of 33 non-HIV-infected chi ldren of virtually identical age. Retroviridae-. Human-immunodeficiency-virus.0 <mu>g/mL or greater 1 month after the third PCV dose.and non-HIV-infected children. Bacteria-. Baltimore. Inmunoprofilaxia-. Immune-deficiency IDF: Virose-. Sera were o btained before each and 1 month after the third vaccination to determine vaccine type-specific immunoglobulin G pneumococcal antibody titers by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.9 months) received three doses (each separated by 2 months) of PCV. BAUMAN-L-J AF: Department of Pediatrics.asp?ArticleID=LM056UQAFRY F965UPYY1 IS: 0031-4005 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objective. Micrococcales-. Validity-. Infeccion-.com/online/direct. Albert Einstein College of Medicine. limi tations. Lentivirinae-. epidemiology. Inmunopatologia-. Child-. Maladie-. Publ ic-health DEF: Epidemiologie-. Chronic-. disability. INIST No. and excluded those with acute illnesses and those wi th conditions but no current consequences. 1275 children. Cuestionario-. New York. Shelf number 6967. Enfermedad-. 99 (4) : 513-521 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. functioning. It offers considerable flexibility and has m any potential applications in health care delivery research. construct. Hombre-. Cronico-. Results.99: 513-521. Pediatrics 1997. The Questionnaire for Id entifying Children with Chronic Conditions is a practical instrument that can be used for epidemiological purposes. convergent. This new instrument identifies chil dren and adolescents who have chronic health conditions based on the noncategori cal conceptual framework outlined in our earlier work. WESTBROOK-L-E. Bacteria-. Disease-. United States SO: Pediatrics-Evanston. Method. The QuICCC has good test-retest rel iability. The QuICCC succ essfully identified children with a wide range of different conditions that are usually considered chronic. The instrument was then administered to two large representative samples (local: 657 households. It took 7 to 8 minutes on a verage to obtain information about all the children in a family. Questionnaire-. and cri terion validity each have been demonstrated.ebsco. children. chronic illness. Content. Strep tococcaceae-. DEE: Epidemiology-. Questionnaire-. Validez-. Chronique-. Enfant-. 1388 children) to esta blish validity and reliability. Parents find the questions easy to answer. Retroviridae-. InmunodeficienciaJN: Pediatrics-Evanston CD: PEDIAU LOC: INIST. 354000065419170130 AN: 970350396 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Virus-. AI: AB NR: 25 ref. Sal ud-publica IDE: HumanIDF: HommeIDS: Hombre- . we developed and piloted items and created 39 brief question sequence s that were designed to be administered to a parent or guardian of children <18 years of age. Sante-publique DES: Epidemiologia-. It uses the consequences of conditions as a method for identifying children with chronic health condition s and is completely independent of diagnosis. Ne w York.IDS: Virosis-. The prototype was field tested extensively and refined using data from local hospital-based samples representing 318 households and 666 children. 1997. Nino-. All rights reserved. Conclusions. Validite-. Record 42 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: The Questionnaire for Identifying Children with Chronic Conditions : A meas ure based on a noncategorical approach PA: STEIN-R-E-K. To report on the development of the Questionnaire for Identifyin g Children with Chronic Conditions (QuICCC). national: 712 households. Through a combination of t echniques. Etiopathogenesis-. ICAM-I was significantly present on 81% (P < 0.and VCAM-1-positive vessels and dividing by the total number of vessels.edu.05) of the samples from the 5 patients with acute myocarditis. Immunohistochemistry-.ascc. but was not present in t hose with non-specific cardiomyopathy. compared with 24% in control specimens obtained from right ventricular muscle resected a t surgery for tetralogy of Fallot. DEE: Myocarditis-. immunostaining for these adhesion molecu les may be of diagnostic value in clinically silent lymphocytic myocarditis and chronic cardiomyopathy. Tokyo 113. YABUTA-K. OKADA-R AF: Department of Pediatrics. Intercellular-adhesion-molec ule-1 . Cell-. Juntendo U niversity School of Medicine.cn/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=SilverLinker &_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0008%2d6363%2334%23323%232&_versio n=1&md5=0bea7cf2b2d3917ef551a17523178a40 ScienceDirect (Taiwan) http://sdos. Cardiovascular Pathology Laboratory.05) in the remaining 6 patients with non-specific cardiomyopathy. Bunkyo-ku. KISHIRO-M. All rights reserved. The other 6 had ECG abnormalities identified by mass screening f or heart disease. Juntendo University School of Medicine. Japan SO: Cardiovascular-research. Conclusion: This persistent expression of ICAM-I suggests that myocardial cell damage may persist immunologically for a l ong period in myocarditis. 354000065419170020 970350385 INIST <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Expression of ICAM-I and VCAM-I was assessed b y counting ICAM-I. Japan. 1997. VCAM-I was also present on 50% (P < 0. 2-1-1 Hongo. Cardiomyopathy-.JN: CD: LOC: AN: SI: CR: Pediatrics-Evanston PEDIAU INIST. Five of the 11 patients had clear evidence of acu te myocarditis. Exploration-. Methods and Res ults: immunoreactivities of ICAM-I and VCAM-I were examined by enzyme immunoassa y in 31 biopsy specimens obtained from 11 pediatric patients with biopsy-proven myocarditis or cardiomyopathy.ejou rnal. My ocardium-.net/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=SilverLinker&_urlversion=4&_method= citationSearch&_volkey=0008%2d6363%2334%23323%232&_version=1&md5=0bea7cf2b2d3917 ef551a17523178a40 IS: 0008-6363 PY: 1997 CP: Netherlands LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Background: Both intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular ce ll adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) have been implicated in cardiac allograft reject ion. 2-1-1 Hon go.tsinghua. Tokyo 113. Child-. respectively. INIST No. persistent expressions of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 on myocardial tissue in c hildren with lymphocytic myocarditis PA: INO-T. NISHIMOTO-K. 34 (2) : 323-328 FTXT: ScienceDirect (tm) http://www. Bunkyo-ku. and on 45% ( P < 0. AKIMOTO-K.lib. AI: AB NR: 16 ref. Adhesion-. OKUBO-M. and subsequently had been histologically diagnosed as having n on-specific cardiomyopathy.com/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_o rigin=SilverLinker&_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0008%2d6363%2334 %23323%232&_version=1&md5=0bea7cf2b2d3917ef551a17523178a40 ScienceDirect (China) http://elsevier. Shelf number 6967. there is little information about the relationship between the exp ression of these adhesion molecules and myocarditis in children.sciencedirect. The period between onset of myocarditis or identific ation of ECG abnormality and immunohistochemical studies was 23 to 60 days and 8 months to 3 years.01) of myocardial tis sue samples in the 5 patients with healing-stage acute myocarditis. However. In addition. Record 43 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Late. Despite this shortco ming. infusion (27%). All rights reserved. were provided almost exclusively by skilled nur sing for an average of 9 hours per patient per day. Immunohistochimie-. NinoIDE: Human-. In addition. pediatric health care providers are increasingly expected to participate i n the home health care of their patients. 354000061554940090 AN: 970350358 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. DAVIS-R-L. Objective. Maintenance (chronic) home health care services. Cardiomiopatia-. Heart-disease. 90% of reimbursement for the chroni . although a small number c ame from insurance companies or individual families. University of Washington. Department of Epidemiology. Survey data were s upplemented by interviews with agency and state health personnel. E ighty percent of all pediatric home health care services were provided by only 5 agencies. many agenc ies lacked internal methods to ensure the provision of quality pediatric care. M yocarde-. To describe the agencies an d services that constitute pediatric home health care in a large metropolitan se tting. University of Washington. Shelf number 13793. f or 156 chronically ill children. The agencies were queried about their characteristics and serv ices provided.asp?ArticleID=KYVF9L6D511 YXX7WE4G1 IS: 0031-4005 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Background. Miocardio-. free-standing. and respiratory therapy (9%). CONNELL-F-A AF: Department of Pediatrics.com/online/direct. WA. However. were surveyed if they had provided any pediatric services within the pr eceding 6 months. AnatomopathologieIDS: Hombre-. The average number of visits per child was two.ebsco. Proteine-VCAM1. Cardiopathie-. Cellule-. Reimbursement for intermitt ent care services was divided among commercial insurance (35%). Adherencia-. Agencies were predominantly for-profit.DEF: Myocardite-. Celula-. Cardiovascular-disease. Adherence-. Record 44 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Pediatric home health care in King County. Seattle. Services included skilled nursing (60%). Proteine-ICAM1 DES: Miocarditis-. with 40% rec eiving only one visit. Seattle. NOVACK-A-H. and Medicaid (20%). The majority of referrals to agencies (75%) originated from health care providers. During the summer of 1995. United States. Inmunohistoquimica-. Etiopathogenie-. Pediatric home health care is one of the fastest growing segmen ts of our health care system. Cardiomyopathie-. Results. Methods. Fourt een (88%) of the 16 agencies providing pediatric home health care services compl eted the survey. For intermittent (acute) services. Cardiopatia-. and in b usiness fewer than 10 years. Seattle. Although there were uniform licensing requirements for agencies. Patholo gyIDF: Homme-. Myocardial-disease. Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie. In contrast. Washington PA: CLEMENS-C-J. INIST No. United States SO: Pediatrics-Evanston. Etiopatogenia-. 1997. United States. Aparato-circulatorio-patologia. Exploracion-. as well as referral and reimbursement sources. D epartment of Health Services. home health care agencies in King Cou nty. Enfant-. Exploration-. no pediatric-specific regulations existed. 99 (4) : 581-584 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Anatomia-patologica JN: Cardiovascular-research CD: CVREAU LOC: INIST. our knowledge of the extent and quality o f the services provided in this field is generally limited. agencies served approximately 450 children per month. captitated contr acts (35%). Miocardio-patologia . University of Washington. Myocarde-patholog ie. Evaluation-. A-domicilio. Evaluation-. Pediatria-. 26. A-domicile.17 ans). 354000065419170140 AN: 970350319 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. th e unique features of pediatric home health care necessitate both a greater under standing of this field and the consideration of more specific guidelines. ROGER-G. Treatment-efficiency. Obstruction-. L' appreciation des resultats sur l' a sthme est plus difficile. EvaluacionIDE: Human-. Avenue du Dr Arnold Netter. Estados-Unidos. At-home. Rhinitis-. ChildDEF: Asthme-. Service-quality. In addition. AmericaJN: Pediatrics-Evanston CD: PEDIAU LOC: INIST. 75012 Paris. Nino-. L' age moyen est de 11 ans et demi (8 . 3 ameliorations partielles. America-del-norte. pediatric home hea lth care is predominantly an unregulated. 9 patients pour lesquels la frequen ce des crises diminue. La duree moyenne d' hospitalisation est de 3 jours. Policlinique de Pneum ologie.cally ill was from Medicaid. Centre de l'Asthme. Pediatrics-. Amerique-du-Nord. for-profit industry. Surgery-. Record 45 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Turbinectomie inferieure chez l' enfant asthmatique TT: Inferior turbinectomy in children with asthma PA: DUCROZ-V. with most agencie s having little actual experience in pediatric home health care. une amelioration unilaterale. AI: AB NR: 14 ref. Public-health. Qualite-service. AmericaIDF: Homme-. France. Avenue du Dr Arnold Netter. Enfant-. AmeriqueIDS: Hombre-. 75012 Paris. United-States. Symptomatologie- . Toutes les interventions sont pratiquees sous anesth esie generale et controle endoscopique. 1997. Etats-Unis. Shelf number 6967. Hopital d'Enfants Armand Trousseau. GARABEDIAN-E-N AF: Service ORL et de Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale. Washington-. On peut cepen dant noter: aucune aggravation de l' asthme. 26. Obstruction-. Chirurgie-. Salud-publica. Le recul post-operatoire moy en est de 21 mois (10-44 mois). EvaluationDES: Cuidado-. 114 (1-2) : 36-40 IS: 0003-438X PY: 1997 CP: France LA: French LS: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: 19 enfants asthmatiques ont ete operes d' une turbinectomie inferieure bila terale de 1990 a 1995. DEE: Care-. le nombre de cofacteurs etant important. GRIMFELD-A. GIRSCHIG-H. Rhinite-. La turbinectomie inferieure apporte donc une amelioration notable du confort des patients asthmatiques surtout en retablissant une ventil ation nasale. Calidad-servicio. INIST No. Child-. Pediatrie-. Retrospective-. W ashington-. All rights reserved. Washi ngton-. AI: AB NR: 10 ref. EvaluationDEF: Soin-. North-America. In King County. Hopital d'Enfants Armand Trous seau. France SO: Annales-d'oto-laryngologie-et-de-chirurgie-cervico-faciale. Sante-publique. Les resultats sur l' obstruction nasale ressenti e par les patients sont les suivants : 15 ameliorations nettes. DEE: Asthma-. Symptomatology-. Tous les patients presentaient une rhinite allergique obstructive resistant a une cortic otherapie locale prolongee. Les suites operatoires ont ete simples. Conclusions. WA. All rights reserved. Health-education IDF: Homme-. Nariz-. Evaluacion-. une population a plus grand risque d' echec scolaire a ete definie. Total-. Retrospective-. p ermettant a l' ORL de proposer une prise en charge plus adaptee. Retrospectiva-. Ainsi. Allergy-. TurbinectomieDES: Asma-. 1997. et a donc transforme la SUT en surdite bilaterale. Unilateral-. ENT-disease. N ose-. ImmunopathologyIDF: Homme-. NinoIDE: Human-. MARIE-J-P. Factor-riesgo. Total-. l' etat de l' oreille contro laterale et l' existence eventuelle de difficultes scolaires a ete menee pour le s 42 enfants suivis plus de 2 annees (moyenne = 7 ans). DEE: Hearing-loss. l' age de survenue de la SUT. Sintomatologia-. Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie. INIST No. Comparative-study. AI: AB NR: 12 ref. 114 (1-2) : 13-22 IS: 0003-438X PY: 1997 CP: France LA: French LS: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Une etude retrospective de 72 dossiers d' enfant avec surdite unilaterale t otale (SUT) (perte auditive moyenne > 90 dB) a ete menee dans le service d' ORL du CHU de Rouen en 1988 et 1994. Broncopneumopatia-obstructiva. ORL-pathologie. Retrospective-. Bronchopneumopathie-obstructive. Unilateral-. Aparato-respiratorio-patologia. 354000061603200060 AN: 970350307 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Cette etude s' est interessee aux etiologies. Hopital Ch. Ret rospectiva-. Total-. Facteur-risque. a l' age de survenue et aux resultats du bilan medical de ces SUT. Allergie-. Obstruccion-. Search-strategy. Eficacia-tratamiento. Education-sante .. Enfant-. Alergia-. Estrategia-investigacion. le fait qu' une atteinte vestibulai re de l' oreille saine a precede la deterioration de l' audition de ce cote. parmi les enfants avec SUT. Strategie-recherche. Auditory-disorder. Respiratory-disease. Prevention-. EnfantDES: Sordera-. Record 46 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Surdite unilaterale totale chez l' enfant : Etiologies et consequences a lo ng-terme TT: Profound unilateral sensorineural hearing loss in children : Etiologies and long-term consequences PA: NOEL-PETROFF-N. bd Gambetta. DEHESDIN-D. Evaluation -. Rinitis-. ENT-disease. Evaluation-. Echec-scolaire. Cirugia-. Estudio-comparativo. Unilateral-. NinoIDE: Human-. Nicolle. Public-health. Etiologie-. ImmunopathologieIDS: Hombre-. Eva luacion-. C hildDEF: Surdite-.CHU de Ro uen. Shelf number 3734. Sante-publique. Etude-comparative. Retrospective-. La recherche d' une correlation entre les etiologies. Obstructive-pulmonary-disease. OBSTOY-M-F. OR L-patologia. ANDR IEU-GUITRANCOURT-J AF: Service d'Otorhinolaryngologie Pediatrique et Audiophonologique . France SO: Annales-d'oto-laryngologie-et-de-chirurgie-cervico-faciale. Nez-. Etiology-. ORL-pathologie. Trouble-audition. Risk-factor. Etiologia-. Fracaso-escolar. School-failure. PLATE-S. a u mode de decouverte. 76031 Rouen. dans 2 cas. Prevencion-. AMSTUTZ-I. Elle a mis en evidence. Efficacite-traitement. InmunopatologiaJN: Annales-d'oto-laryngologie-et-de-chirurgie-cervico-faciale CD: AOCCAE LOC: INIST. Prevention-. Mortalidad-. 1997. Lung-disease. INIST No. Complication-. Aparato-respiratorio-patologia JN: The-European-respiratory-journal LOC: INIST. NHS Trust. Concomitant-disea se. DEE: Complex-heart-disease. Maladie-congenitale. EnfantDES: Cardiopatia-compleja. Association -morbide. Complication-. Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie. A review of the re cords of these children with CHARGE association revealed that aspiration was com mon during infancy. recurrent chest infections occurred in 22 cows (47%). Deficienceintellectuelle. Congenital-disease. 10 (6) : 1354-1355 IS: 0903-1936 PY: 1997 CP: Denmark LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial MT: short-communication AB: The CHARGE association is a multisystem syndrome. and lung involvement contributed to 7 out of 17 deaths (41%). Deficiencia -intelectual. Cardiovascular-disease. GEDDES-D-M. Record 47 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Lung involvement in the multisystem syndrome CHARGE association PA: SPORIK-R. Complicacion-. WALLIS-C AF: The Respiratory Unit. Aparato-circulatorio-patologia. MARRIOTT-C. with a definite diagnosis of CHARGE. ChildDEF: Cardiopathie-complexe. We performed a ho spital audit. NinoIDE: Human-. INIST No. Pulmon-patologia. in order to quantify the pulmonary implications. Aspiration was suspected in 22 of the 47 cases (47%). Trastorno-auditivo. Respiratory-disease IDF: Homme-. All rights reserved. WATSON-A. 354000061603200030 970350304 INIST <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. ORL-patologia. Mortality-. especially in childhood. Early diagnosis and treatment affor ds the best prognosis. in 28 boys and 19 girls aged 0. Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie IDS: Hombre-. United Kingdom SO: The-European-respiratory-journal. HODSON-M-E AF: Dept of Cystic Fibrosis. Royal Brompton Hospital and National Heart & Lung . NAZIR-T. WAL LIS-C. CARR-S-B. CONWAY-S.IDS: aria JN: CD: LOC: AN: SI: CR: Hombre-. Arrieration-mentale. Mental-retardation. Poumon-pathologie. causing mortality. with a wide range of phen otypic expression. We conclude that respiratory morbidity and mortality is common in CHARGE. All rights reserved. Enfermedad-congenita. as a result of inco-ordination of swat lowing and gastro oes ophageal reflux. Intellectual-deficienc y. London. Retraso-mental. Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. AI: AB NR: 4 ref. Shelf number 4275. 354000061585630290 AN: 970350286 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Shelf number 3734. Mortalite-. Salud-publica. SCOTT-S-F. Educacion-sanit Annales-d'oto-laryngologie-et-de-chirurgie-cervico-faciale AOCCAE INIST. and decreases with age. Record 48 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: An evaluation of two aerosol delivery systems for rhDNase PA: SHAH-P-L. DINWIDDIE-R. Asociacion-morbosa .02-23 yrs. Institute, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom; Regional Adult Cystic Fibro sis Unit, Seacroft Hospital, Leeds, United Kingdom; Dept of Pharmacy, King's Col lege London, London, United Kingdom; Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom SO: The-European-respiratory-journal. 1997; 10 (6) : 1261-1266 IS: 0903-1936 PY: 1997 CP: Denmark LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Increasingly, proteins are delivered to the respiratory tract as an aerosol , and clinical efficacy is dependent on optimal delivery of the protein in an in tact form. The object of this study was to compare the in vivo and in vitro resu lts of two aerosol delivery systems for the aerosolization of recombinant human deoxyribonuclease I (rhDNase) in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Patients wi th CF who were to be initiated on rhDNase were randomized either to the Hudson n ebulizer and Pulmo-Aide compressor or to the Sidestream nebulizer driven by the CR50 air compressor. An in vitro study was performed in six sets of the two aero sol delivery systems. One hundred and seventy three patients were randomized in this open study, where rhDNase was administered for 7 days. Improvements in pulm onary function were observed in both groups following 1 week of therapy with rhD Nase. Changes in the Sidestream/CR50 and Hudson/ Pulmo-Aide groups, respectively , were: 16 and 11 % for forced expiratory volume in one second (p=0.14); 12 and 10% for forced vital capacity (p=0.70); and 14 and 7% for forced expiratory flow at 25-75 % of expiration (FEf<subscript>2<subscript>5<subscript>-<subscript>7<s ubscript>5) (p=0.18). A greater proportion of patients in the Sidestream/CR50 gr oup (58%) had a >10% response in FEF<subscript>2<subscript>5<subscript>-<subscri pt>7<subscript>5 compared to the Hudson/Pulmo-Aide group (42%; p=0.03). The Side stream nebulizer had a faster nebulization rate (p<0.05), lower mass median diam eter for the aerosol mass produced (p<0.001), higher percentage of particles in the respirable range (p<0.001) and greater respirable output (p<0.005), compared to the Hudson nebulizer. The Sidestream/CR50 combination is a quicker, more eff icient system in vitro than the Hudson/Pulmo-Aide combination, whereas the in vi vo study only suggested a difference. Clinically, the two systems have similar e fficacy. AI: AB NR: 17 ref. DEE: Cystic-fibrosis; Dornase-alfa; Aerosols-; Chemotherapy-; Lung-function; Co mparative-study; Treatment-; Technique-; Exploration-; Human-; In-vivo; In-vitro DEF: Mucoviscidose-; Dornase-alfa; Aerosol-; Chimiotherapie-; Fonction-respirat oire; Etude-comparative; Traitement-; Technique-; Exploration-; Homme-; In-vivo; In-vitro DES: Mucoviscidosis-; Dornasa-alfa; Aerosol-; Quimioterapia-; Funcion-respirato ria; Estudio-comparativo; Tratamiento-; Tecnica-; Exploracion-; Hombre-; In-vivo ; In-vitro IDE: Respiratory-disease; Digestive-diseases; Pancreatic-disease; Genetic-disea se; Metabolic-diseases IDF: Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie; Appareil-digestif-pathologie; Pancreas-p athologie; Maladie-hereditaire; Metabolisme-pathologie IDS: Aparato-respiratorio-patologia; Aparato-digestivo-patologia; Pancreas-pato logia; Enfermedad-hereditaria; Metabolismo-patologia JN: The-European-respiratory-journal LOC: INIST, Shelf number 4275, INIST No. 354000061585630120 AN: 970350271 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved. Record 49 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Exercise performance in children with asthma : is it different from that of healthy controls? PA: SANTUZ-P; BARALDI-E; FILIPPONE-M; ZACCHELLO-F AF: University Dept of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Pulmonary Function Labor atory, Padova, Italy SO: The-European-respiratory-journal. 1997; 10 (6) : 1254-1260 IS: 0903-1936 PY: 1997 CP: Denmark LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Exercise tolerance and possible limitation in work capacity of asthmatic ch ildren is still a matter of debate. The aim of this study was to compare ventila tion and gas exchange response to exercise of asthmatic children with that of he althy controls. Exercise performance was evaluated in 80 children with mild-to-m oderate asthma, aged 7-15 yrs, and in 80 healthy controls matched for age, heigh t, weight and habitual level of physical activity. The children performed a maxi mal exercise test on a treadmill, during which oxygen uptake (V'O<subscript>2), carbon dioxide output (V'CO<subscript>2) and minute ventilation (V'E) were measu red continuously. No premedication was given to the asthmatic children. Forced e xpiratory volume in one second (FEVI) at rest was 93<plus or minus sign>11% of p redicted in asthmatic children and 95<plus or minus sign>9% pred in controls. Af ter the run, the mean fall in FEVI was 13.9% (range 0-57%) and 1.6% (0-9%), resp ectively (p<0.001). The two groups achieved similar maximum oxygen uptake (V'O<s ubscript>2<subscript>,<subscript>m<subscript>a<subscript>x) ((mean<plus or minus sign>SD) 40.3<plus or minus sign> 8.4 and 42.6+9.6 mL.min<superscript>-<supersc ript>1.kg<superscript>-<superscript>1 in asthmatics and controls, respectively; Ns) and maximum minute ventilation output (V'<subscript>E<subscript>,<subscript> m<subscript>a<subscript>x) (42.9<plus or minus sign>4.8 and 45.7<plus or minus s ign>14.9 L.min<superscript>-<superscript>1 respectively; Ns). The kinetics of V' O<subscript>2, V'CO<subscript>2 and V'E during the test revealed no differences between the two populations. Moreover, anaerobic threshold and oxygen pulse were the same in the two groups. Asthmatics showed a ventilatory pattern with lower respiratory frequencies and greater tidal volumes during the run. These results suggest that asthmatic children can achieve a level of exercise performance simi lar to that of healthy children, provided that they have a comparable level of h abitual physical activity. The only difference found concerned the ventilatory p attern of the asthmatic children, which was characterized by a reduced respirato ry frequency and greater tidal volume at the same minute ventilation. The level of physical conditioning was found to be the main determinant of exercise tolera nce for children with controlled asthma. AI: AB NR: 29 ref. DEE: Asthma-; Crisis-; Physical-exercise; Lung-function; Gas-exchange; Explorat ion-; ChildDEF: Asthme-; Crise-; Exercice-physique; Fonction-respiratoire; Echange-gazeux; Exploration-; EnfantDES: Asma-; Crisis-; Ejercicio-fisico; Funcion-respiratoria; Intercambio-gaseos o; Exploracion-; NinoIDE: Human-; Respiratory-disease; Obstructive-pulmonary-disease IDF: Homme-; Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie; Bronchopneumopathie-obstructive IDS: Hombre-; Aparato-respiratorio-patologia; Broncopneumopatia-obstructiva JN: The-European-respiratory-journal LOC: INIST, Shelf number 4275, INIST No. 354000061585630110 AN: 970350270 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved. Record 50 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Asthma self-management programmes in a population of Italian children : a m ulticentric study PA: RONCHETTI-R; INDINNIMEO-L; BONCI-E; CORRIAS-A; EVANS-D; HINDI-ALEXANDER-M; MIDULLA-F; PULEJO-R; VILLA-M-P CA: Italian-Study-Group-on-Asthma-Self-Management-Programmes, Italy AF: Dept of Pediatrics, University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy; Dept of Pediatri cs, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy; Columbia University, New York, Unit ed States; Institutes of Health, Bethesda, United States; Casa del Sole Hosp., P alermo, Italy SO: The-European-respiratory-journal. 1997; 10 (6) : 1248-1253 IS: 0903-1936 PY: 1997 CP: Denmark LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: This study was designed to answer three main questions: 1) Does asthma self -management education reduce asthma morbidity? 2) Are the two programmes "Living With Asthma" and "Open Airways" equally effective in doing so? 3) Is a shortene d version of these programmes (4 weeks) as effective as the longer original prog ramme (8 weeks)? Twelve Italian centres of paediatric bronchopneumology selected 312 children with asthma, who were stratified by disease severity, gender and a ge, and then randomly assigned to an Experimental group which received an educat ional programme or to a Comparison group, which did not Of the 312 children sele cted, 209 (114 Experimental and 95 Comparison) completed the educational protoco l and a 1 year follow-up. Data recorded during the last 2 months of follow-up, 1 0 months after the educational intervention, showed that the Experimental group required significantly fewer emergency treatments: this reduction was more evide nt in the more severe asthma cases. In the Experimental, but not in the Comparis on group, patients with more severe asthma consumed more medications than patien ts with milder asthma. "Open Airways" yielded, in some cases, better results tha n "Living with Asthma": but a type 2 error is possible. The standard and the sho rtened programmes proved equally effective. In conclusion, following education, regardless of receiving a short or long educational programme, asthma patients u se emergency care services less and use medications more appropriately in compar ison with standard care without education. This suggests that short educational programmes can be highly cost-effective in children with asthma. AI: AB NR: 22 ref. DEE: Asthma-; Bronchodilator-; Chemotherapy-; Self-administration; Lung-functio n; Health-education; Follow-up-study; Treatment-; Evolution-; ChildDEF: Asthme-; Bronchodilatateur-; Chimiotherapie-; Autoadministration-; Fonctio n-respiratoire; Education-sante; Etude-longitudinale; Traitement-; Evolution-; E nfantDES: Asma-; Broncodilatador-; Quimioterapia-; Autoadministracion-; Funcion-resp iratoria; Educacion-sanitaria; Estudio-longitudinal; Tratamiento-; Evolucion-; N inoIDE: Human-; Respiratory-disease; Obstructive-pulmonary-disease IDF: Homme-; Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie; Bronchopneumopathie-obstructive IDS: Hombre-; Aparato-respiratorio-patologia; Broncopneumopatia-obstructiva JN: The-European-respiratory-journal LOC: INIST, Shelf number 4275, INIST No. 354000061585630100 AN: 970350269 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved. Record 51 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Peak flow variation in childhood asthma : relationship to symptoms, atopy, Flujo-espiratorio. AI: AB NR: 23 ref. Netherlands. Allergy-. Allergie-. as standard deviation and coe fficient of variation of all recordings. Atopy and level of forced expiratory volume in one second (FEVI) % predicted were not significantly related to PEF variation . atopy. PEF variation was expressed as amplitude % mean. Juliana Children's Hospital. Netherlands AF: Dept of Paediatric Pulmonology. Lung-function. WAALKENS-H-J. and a irways hyperresponsiveness in schoolchildren with asthma. Sophia Children's Hospital. ImmunopathologieIDS: Hombre-. Netherlands. INIST No. Expiratory-flow-rate. Debit-expiratoire. Ev olucion-. These three phenomena. level of lung function. Immunopatholog yIDF: Homme-. all provide different information on the actual dis ease state. KERREBIJN-K-F. Bronchopneumopathie-obstructive. We conclude that peak expi ratory flow variation in children with stable. relate d to PEF variation. Shelf number 4275. the Hague . expressed in various ways. DEE: Asthma-. moderately severe asthma is signi ficantly. Exploracion-. related to symptoms and airways hyperresponsiveness. All rights reserved. Dept of Paediatric Pulmonology. Net herlands. Funcion-respiratoria. low % best. Expressing peak expiratory flow variation as low % best is easy to p erform and appears to be clinically relevant. proved easy to calculate and effectiv e in identifying a short-term episode of reduced PEF. Aparato-respiratorio-patologia. Rotterdam. and as low % best (lowest PEF as percen tage of the highest of all values). The provocative dose of histamine causing a 20% fall in FEV<subscript>1 (PD<su bscript>2<subscript>0) and symptom scores were significantly. NinoIDE: Human-. Netherlands SO: The-European-respiratory-journal. Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie. 10 (6) : 1242-1247 IS: 0903-1936 PY: 1997 CP: Denmark LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Although home recording of peak expiratory flow (PEF) is considered useful in managing asthma. but weakly. Dept of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine. Fonction-respiratoire. Exploration. 354000061585630090 AN: 970350268 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Dept of Pulmonology. Respiratory-disease. Alergia-. EnfantDES: Asma-. ChildDEF: Asthme-. VAN-ES SEN-ZANDVLIET-E-E-M CA: Dutch-CNLD-Study-Group. Exploration-. The index. We examined the relationship of PEF variati on. Evolution-.airways obstruction and hyperresponsiveness PA: BRAND-P-L-P. Groningen. Beatrix Children's Hospital. but weakly. University Hospital. In munopatologiaJN: The-European-respiratory-journal LOC: INIST. Obstructive-pulmonary-disease. POSTMA-D-S. DUIVERMAN-E-J. Record 52 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Low-dose erythropoietin is effective and safe in children on continuous amb ulatory peritoneal dialysis . 1997. One hundred and two as thmatic children (aged 7-14 yrs) recorded symptoms and PEF (twice daily) in a di ary for 2 weeks after withdrawal of all anti-inflammatory maintenance medication . little is known about the relationship of PEF variation to o ther indicators of disease activity. Groningen. Evol ution-. therefore. Broncopneumopatia-obstructiva. to symptoms. None of th e patients in group 1 required a change in antihypertensive medication. the effect of two different dosage regiments of subcutaneous rHuEPO on blood pressure [BP] was evaluated in 20 anemic children on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Ambulatory-.0. Antihypertensive therapy had to be increased in all of the 8 previously hypertensive patients and had to be initia ted in 1 of the 2 originally normotensive patients in the same group. Contin u-. 8 patients in group 1 and 8 patients in group 2 were on antihyper tensive therapy. Dialyse-peritoneale. Ane mie-. In group 1. HemopathyIDF: Homme-. TUMER-N. Shelf number 21216. Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie. Extrarenal-dialysis.53%<plus or minus sign>1. Cronico-.com/online/direct. Anemia-. 50 U/k g per week) or three times a week (group 2. Rein-pathologie. Dialisis-peritoneal.PA: YALCINKAYA-F. Kidney-disease. Exploracion-.98%<plus or minus sign>1.asp?ArticleID=4GK5H04L8Y4 3LK4QQ1NU InformationQuest http://www. A significant increase in the mean arterial BP was observed in group 2. Posologia-.4%<plus or minus sign>1. Anemia-. Chronic-. 86% to 32. 1997. Ankara. OZKAYA-N AF: Department of Pediatric Nephrology. the hematocrit increased gradually and significantl y from 18.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C350%3AX%3E2.ebsco. Eritropoyetina-. NinoIDE: Human-. Complicacion-. At the beginning of the study. Voie-souscutanee.eiq. Cardi ovascular-disease. either once a week (group 1. Hormona-glicoproteina. Patient s were randomized to receive rHuEPO 50 U/kg. 150 U/kg per week). Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. Tratamiento-. HemopathieIDS: Hombre-.79% to 30. 11 (3) : 350-352 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Ambulatoire-. Ankara University Faculty of Medicine.1%<plus or minus sign>1. and gradual elevation of hematocrit by low-dose rHuEPO avoids the development of severe hypertension.62% after 6 months. Exploration-. Hypertension-arterielle. Aparato-circulatorio-patologia. Hy pertension-. Aparato-urinario-patologia. EnfantDES: Insuficiencia-renal. Depuracion-extrarren al. Posologie-. Record 53 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Intermittent trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in children with vesicoureteral .CO%3B2-X IS: 0931-041X PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial MT: short-communication AB: Hypertension is one of the most important complications of erythropoietin ( rHuEPO) therapy in dialysis patients. Ambulatorio-. Exploration-. while in group 2 it rapidly increased from 19. Chronique-. Epuration-extrarena le. Peritoneal-dialysis. Turkey SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West. INIST No. Erythropoietine-. Rinon-patologia. Continuous-. Continuo -.com/usr_login. AI: AB NR: 12 ref. All rights reserved. Urinary-system-disease. CAKAR-N. 354000061584980200 AN: 970350257 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. HemopatiaJN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST. In this study. Traitement-.11% after 3 months. ChildDEF: Insuffisance-renale. Glycoprotein-hormone. DEE: Renal-failure. Erythropoietin-. Hormone-glycoproteine. Complication-. Posology-. Via-subcutanea. Hipertension-arterial. We concl ude that during treatment with rHuEPO preexisting hypertension and the dose of r HuEPO are the most important risk factors for the development or worsening of hy pertension in children on CAPD. T reatment-. Complication-. Subcutaneous-administration. Traitemen t-. Shelf number 21216. TSUKAHARA-H. NinoIDE: Human-. P revencion-. 18 children had bilateral reflux . ChildDEF: Reflux-vesicoureteral. AI: AB NR: 25 ref. All rights reserved. Quimioterapia-. Trimetoprima-. Infection-. Drug-combination. HIRAOKA-M. with a recurrence ra te of 0. while 2 of the 11 girls had a total of 7 recurrences during the prophylaxis period. Sulfamethoxazole-. Urinary-tract.asp?ArticleID=CQYXQ0D5JC6 DCFHMTN9D InformationQuest http://www. INIST No. Infection-. Sulfamethoxazole-. DEE: Vesicoureteral-reflux. Infeccion-. Transient neutropenia (<1. m edian age 5 months) with vesicoureteral reflux. 11 (3) : 328-330 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. The present study assessed the effectiveness and safety of intermitten t low-dose TMP-SMZ in 35 children (24 boys. Voie-urinaire-pathologie. Vejiga-patolo gia.ebsco. SUDO-M AF: Department of Pediatrics. Chimiotherapie-.000/<mu>l) developed in 2 infa nts during the prophylaxis period.0. 354000061584980130 AN: 970350256 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. but disappeared spontaneously. III in 19. Dep . ELZOUKI-A-Y Department of Pediatrics. Treatment-.com/usr_login. aged 1 month to 9 years. II in 16. Vessie-pat hologie. Riyadh Medical Complex.50 months (mean<plus or minus sign>SD.eiq. Record 54 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: in PA: AF: Peritonitis in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in children living Saudi Arabia MIRZA-K. Prevention -. Jap an SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West. Voie-urinaire. The children were given 1 mg/kg body weight of trimeth oprim together with 5 mg/kg of sulfamethoxazole at bedtime every other day for 6 . IV in 14. Fukui 910-11. A total of 53 refluxing ureters were graded as I in 2. AntibiotiqueIDS: Hombre-.7 months). Trimethoprime-. Tratamiento-. Prevention-. Saudi Arabia. 1997. and V in 2 cases. Complicacion-.CO%3B2-X IS: 0931-041X PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: The effectiveness of intermittent low-dose trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (T MP-SMZ) for the prophylaxis of recurrent urinary infection is well established i n adults.027 per patient month in girls.com/online/direct.9<plus or minus sign>11. AntibioticoJN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST. Association-medi camenteuse.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C328%3AX%3E2. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. Complication-. Urinary-tract-disease. Chemotherapy-. Sulfametoxazol-. None of the boys had a recurrence of urinary infection. Aparato-urinario-patologia. An tibioticIDF: Homme-.reflux PA: HORI-C. Bladder-disease. Complication-. 11 girls. Both girls were over 3 years and had a m ildly unstable bladder. TSUCHIDA-S. 22. Fukui Medical School. Urinary-system-disease. Via-urinaria. Intermittent l ow-dose TMP-SMZ seemed very effective for the prevention of recurrent urinary in fection in children with ureteral reflux even of higher grades. EnfantDES: Reflujo-vesicoureteral. Via-urinaria-patologia. Asociacion-medicam entosa. Trimethoprim-. Matsuoka. Riyadh. Complication-.eiq. and Candida albicans (6%). Continuous-.com/online/direct. Record 55 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Effects of deflazacort immunosuppression on long-term growth and growth fac tors after renal transplantation PA: FERRARIS-J-R.6% but none of the deaths were related to periton itis or dialysis. 11 (3) : 325-327 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Seccion de Endocrinologia. Arabia-saudita. Ambulatoire-. Argentina. 3 had Candida peritonitis and 3 had recurrent peritonitis due to Pseudom onas.com/online/direct. DEE: Renal-failure. 1997. Argentina SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West. Peritoneal-dialysis. 11 (3) : 322-324 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. followed by Grampositive organisms (20%). Hombre-.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C322%3AX%3E2. Pe ritonitis-.CO%3B2-X IS: 0931-041X PY: 1997 . Dialyse-peritoneale. Rein-pathologie. Bueno s Aires.eiq.asp?ArticleID=X7NLL9DY45T 7EADGPE8F InformationQuest http://www. Catheter was replaced in 24 patie nts: 44% due to recurrent peritonitis. Abdomen-pathologie IDS: Asia-. Gram-negative organisms were responsible for the majority of episodes (42%). Complicacion-. The mean time from starting dialysis to the first episode of peritonitis was 7.0. Recurrent peritonitis was present in 20 cases. Saudi-Arabia.0. All rights reserved.asp?ArticleID=EHEPF9W7HRK 009N9QE7Q InformationQuest http://www. EnfantDES: Insuficiencia-renal. Rinon-patologia. Contin u-. NinoIDE: Asia-. Ambulatory-. Human-. Peritonitis-. Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Division Endocrinologia. AI: AB NR: 13 ref. Tratamiento-. Peritoneal membrane loss occurred in 7 pa tients. Peritonitis occurred in 41 children (64%). Abdomen-patologia JN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST. Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Dialisis-peritoneal. Riyadh 11426. ChildDEF: Insuffisance-renale.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C325%3AX%3E2.ebsco. Continuo -. Creciminiento y Desarrollo .ebsco. Traitement-. Shelf number 21216. PASQUALINI-T. Peritonite-. Buenos Aires. The incidence of peritonitis was 1 episode in 9 treatment months. 32% were culture negative. Kidney-disease.com/usr_login. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. 1997. JASPER-H AF: Servicio de Nefrologia Pediatrica. PENNISI-P. Cronico-. King Fahad National Guard Hospital. Hospital de Ninos Ricardo Gutierrez . Treatment-. Chronique-.artment of Pediatrics. Epuration-ex trarenale.2 months. Abdominal-disease IDF: Asie-. Depuracion-ex trarrenal. Saudi Arabia SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West. Buenos Aires. Homme-. INIST No. 354000061584980120 AN: 970350255 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Urinary-system-disease. Complication-. PO Box 22490. Ambulatorio-. The mortality rate was 4. Argentina. Extrarenal-dialysis . Aparato-urinario-patologia. Chronic-.CO%3B2-X IS: 0931-041X PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: The clinical aspects of peritonitis and catheter infections were reviewed i n 64 children on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis living in Saudi Arabi a over a period of 6 years.com/usr_login. Arabie-Saoudite. Surrey. AI: AB NR: 10 ref. Quimioterapia. 1997. Exploration-. Deflazacort-. Homotrasplante-. Turkey . 354000061584980110 AN: 970350254 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Immunopathology-. Mean weight/ height ratio decreased by 50% (1st year) and remained reduced dur ing follow-up. Insulin-like-growth-factor-1.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C318%3AX%3E2. Proteina-enlace.com/online/direct. Rein-pathologie. London SE1 9RT. CorticoesteroideIDE: Human-. Trasplantacion-. Cir ugia-. Surgery. Ishmir.1-20 years. height standar d deviation score for chronological age did not change in 7 prepubertal patients . Immunodepression-.com/usr_login. Transplantation-. Inmunopatologia-. We studied changes in kidney function. Deflazacort-.CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Deflazacort is an oxazoline compound derived from prednisolone. Nino-. Enfant-.01 mg/kg per day) for a period of 1-5 years. Treatment-. INIST No. Kidney-disease. Guy's Hos pital.asp?ArticleID=VLJG1A2JLJM 0PAJ7PQ6K InformationQuest http://www. All rights reserved. IGF/IGFBP3 molar ra tio. Immunosuppression-. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. Homotransplantation-. After 4 years of deflazacort treatment. 11 (3) : 318-321 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. United Kingdom SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West. Chemotherapy-.17<plus or minus sign>0. Deflazacort-. Serum IGF-I. C hirurgie-. KARSTEN-J. CorticosteroidDEF: Insuffisance-renale.ebsco. Facteur-croissance-IGF1. Aparato-urinario-patologia. Urinary-system-disease. Inmunodepresion-. Rinon-. Camberley. IGF binding protein -3 (IGFBP3). KANE-H. Proteine-liaison. 12th Floor Guy's Tower. Immunopathologie-. Methylprednisone (mean <plus or minus sign> SEM 0. Expl oracion-. Kidney-.eiq. DEE: Renal-failure.29<plus or minus sign>0. Homotransplantation-. Sandoz Pharmaceutics UK Ltd. Child-.2<plus or minus sign>0. and IGF binding proteins before and after substitution of deflazacort for methylprednisone in 27 transplanted patients aged 3. Record 56 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Comparison of Neoral and Sandimmun cyclosporin A pharmacokinetic profiles i n young renal transplant recipients PA: KABASAKUL-S-C. Our findings sug gest that immunosuppressive treatment with deflazacort is as effective as methyl prednisone and may lead to an improvement in the growth prognosis of children wi th renal transplantation. growth velocity. Facteur-croissance IDS: Hombre-. Department of Paediatrics. Factor-crecimiento-IGF1. Rinon-patologia.7 cm/year (1st year) in 14 prepubertal patients. Chimiother apie-. weight/height ratio. CLARKE-M. Exploration-. however in 5 of 6 patients IGFBP2 decreased during deflazacort therapy.CO%3B2-X IS: 0931-041X . Transplantation-. Binding-protein. insulin-like g rowth factor (IGF-I). Rein-. Shelf number 21216. Traitement. United Kingdom. Frimley Business Park. Growth-factor IDF: Homme-. Tratamiento-.6<pl us or minus sign>0.0. Calculated creatinine clearance did not change s ignificantly during deflazacort treatment.01 mg/ kg per day) was replaced by deflazacort (0. CLARK-G AF: UMDS Department of Paediatric Nephrology. Growth velocity increased from 2. and IGF-I and -II binding capacities showed no significant change.5 cm/year to 5. Factor-crecimiento JN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST. CorticosteroideDES: Insuficiencia-renal. Rein-. Homotransplantation-. Kidney-disease. Homotrasplante-.8-10. AI: AB NR: 12 ref. 1997. Exploration-.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C312%3AX%3E2.25 h with NEO . Exploration-.com/usr_login. INIST No. Immunomodulator-. while 12-h trough levels (C12 h) did not change significantly. During 24 weeks' follow-up. Karolinska Institute.asp?ArticleID=6XJCMLDMRLL F4EWMR2BN InformationQuest http://www. median plasma creatinine was unchanged at the end of the study.eiq. ARFWIDSON-K AF: Department of Pediatrics. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. 14186 Huddinge.5 h for NEO (r<superscript>2 = 0. Tratamiento-. only one patient was maintained on a constant dose. Urinary-system-disease. the coefficient of variation of CYA levels was lower for NEO (13%) than for SIM (20%). Karolinska Institut e. an increase in area under the curve (AUC) of 71% and the time to reach C<subscript>m<subscript>a<subscript>x was reduced from 1.833) and NEO (r<superscript>2 = 0. Trasplantacion-. Farmacocinetica-. Aparato-urinario-patologia. Four patients had acute reversible ri ses in plasma creatinine which responded to a 11% reduction in NEO dose. Rinon-patologia. All rights reserved. Traitement-. Sweden. Rein-pathologie.75 h to 1. Quimioterapia -. Other bioch emical parameters were not significantly different on NEO. NEO was well tolerated by the patients. Ciclosporin-.0.775). Chimiothe rapie-. ChildDEF: Insuffisance-renale. Rinon-. Huddinge University Hospital. NinoIDE: Human-. Chemotherapy-. BERG-U-B. Ciclosporine-. C hirurgieIDS: Hombre-. Although CYA dosages at the start and the end of 6 months on NEO were similar. 14186 Huddinge. DEE: Renal-failure. Department of Clinical Nutrition. Immunomodulateur-.699) and also C1. Pharmacokinetics-. Overall. Kidney-. Enfant DES: Insuficiencia-renal. Neoral (NEO) is a new microemulsion of cyclosporin A (CYA) that has been reported to ha ve better absorption characteristics. Homotransplantation-. We observed an in crease in the maximum CYA concentration (C<subscript>m<subscript>a<subscript>x) of 114%. their i ncrease in AUC was greater than those patients not showing a rise in plasma crea tinine. SurgeryIDF: Homme-. Inmunomodulador-.PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: A major factor influencing whole blood cyclosporin A levels in young childr en with renal transplants is the variable absorption of Sandimmun (SIM). temporary nausea and headache were expe rienced by three patients and one of them stopped NEO after 20 days. 9 years) and observed clinical parameters during 6 months of NEO therapy. Exploracion-.ebsco. Median CYA dosage was 149 mg/m<superscript>2 per day (range 98-226). Huddinge University Hospital.com/online/direct. AUC correlated with C12 h for SIM (r2 = 0. Sweden SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West. Cir ugiaJN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST. Transplantation-. 354000061584980100 AN: 970350253 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS.CO%3B2-X . Record 57 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Renal functional reserve in transplanted and native single kidneys of child ren and adults PA: ENGLUND-M-S. Pharmacocinetique-. Transplantation-. Ciclosporina-. Shelf number 21216. Treatment-. We compared the pharmacokinetics of SIM an d NEO in nine renal transplant recipients aged less than 11 years (range 4. 11 (3) : 312-317 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. No differences were seen in recipient-donor pairs. DEE: Renal-failure. Kidney-. Rinon-. TROMPETER-R-S. Ciclosporina-. Exploracion-. 11 (3) : 302-306 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Nephrectomie-. Enfant-. Fonction-renale. Nefr ectomia-. Glomerular fi ltration rate (GFR) and effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) were determined by cl earances of inulin (and creatinine) and para-aminohippurate during water diuresi s. Immunomodulateur-. Cir ugiaJN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST. Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. and in 15 children with single kidneys (Nx/Ag). Child-. Homotransplantation-. Glomerular-filtration. Treatment-.com/usr_login. Trasplantacion-. Traitement-. Funcion-renal. Baseline and stimulated GFR and ERPF were determined and RFR was calculated a s the difference between stimulated and baseline values. DILLON-M-J. Rinon-patologia.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C302%3AX%3E2. Postoperative-. 20%<plus or minus sign>3% and 15%<plus or minus sign>3% in Tx. except for higher fract ional increases of ERPF in recipients.IS: 0931-041X PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Renal functional reserve (RFR) after an oral protein load was evaluated in 36 cyclosporine-treated children following kidney transplantation (Tx). AdultDEF: Insuffisance-renale. AdultoIDE: Human-. Immunomodulator-. All rights reserved. Etude-comparative. Kidney-disease. cyclospo rine-treated children following renal Tx were found to have a renal reserve capa city. Tratamiento-.asp?ArticleID=EH7TLDH2EE9 MG21L5NRU InformationQuest http://www. Transplantation-. Aparato-urinario-patologia. Chemotherapy-. Inmunomodulador-. Both GFR and ERPF increased significantly in all groups from baseline to stimulated values. Homotransplantation-. In conclusion. Filtration-glomerulaire. Nino-. Rein-. Record 58 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease : long-term outcome of neonat al survivors PA: ROY-S. 1997. There was no correlation between RFR meas ured by clearance of creatinine and clearance of inulin. Transplantation-. Exploration-. SurgeryIDF: Homme-. which was significantly hi gher than 20%<plus or minus sign>4% and l5%<plus or minus sign>13% in the two ot her groups respectively. London. Exploration-. 354000061584980090 AN: 970350252 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS.eiq.ebsco. Ciclosporin-. AI: AB NR: 43 ref. Ciclosporine-. Postoperato ire-. United Kingd om SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West. INIST No. BARRATT-T-M AF: Renal Unit. Don. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie.0. an d Nx/Ag and RFR ERPF 35%<plus or minus sign>4% in Tx.CO%3B2-X IS: 0931-041X . C hirurgieIDS: Hombre-.com/online/direct. RFR GFR was 23%<plus or minus sign>3%. Rein-pathologie. Urinary-system-disease. Postoperatorio-. Comparative-study. Nephre ctomy-. Renal-function. Homotrasplante-. Chimiothe rapie-. Quimioterapia -. Estudio-comparativo. Baseline GFR and ERPF i n Tx were lower than in Don and Nx/Ag. Filtracion-glomerular. Adul teDES: Insuficiencia-renal. Shelf number 21216. in 15 ki dney donors (Don). Stimulated GFR and ERPF in Tx correlated with kidney le ngth. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. DEE: Polycystic-kidney. Aparato-urinario-patologia. 354000061584980070 AN: 970350250 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Currently 23 are alive. Shelf number 21216. Heidelbe rg.0. All rights reserved. INIST No. Univer sity of Saarland. We describe the clinical outcome of 52 children with this diagnosis born between 1950 and 1993. 66421 Homburg/Saar. Benign-ne oplasm. Genetic-disease. Service d'Immunologie. Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie. CAMBON-THOMSEN-A AF: Division of Pediatric Nephrology. Maladie-hereditaire . Vaso-sanguineo-patologia JN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST. France SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West. Renal-failure. Evolution-. Portal-circulation-disease. Germany. Hypertension-portale. Institute of Medical Biometrics. 1 has been dialysed and 7 transplanted.PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease causes renal and hepatic dysf unction in childhood. Complicacion-. Circulation-portale-path ologie. -DQB. 31054 Toulouse. Appareil-digestif-pathologie. Centre d'Immunopathologie et de Genetique Hu maine. 11 (3) : 291-295 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Enfermedad-hereditar ia. Hipertension-portal. Div ision of Transplantation Immunology. Bleeding from gastro-oesophageal varices occurred in 8 patients at a mean age of 12. Germany. and -DPB in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome PA: HAEFFNER-A. Mortalite-. Kidney-disease. SCHARER-K. Tumeur-benigne. Estudio-long itudinal.UPR 8291. CNRS . Life-table anal ysis of the patients surviving the 1st month of life revealed an actuarial renal survival of 86% at 1 year and 67% at 15 years. Complication-. Evolucion-. 31300 Toulouse. EdadIDE: Human-. Evolution-. KRAMMER-I.com/online/direct. Child-. Mortalidad-. AgeDES: Rinon-poliquistico. Quiste-. Enfant-. Digestive-diseases. Circulacion-portal-pato logia. Cardiovascular-di sease. Rinon-patologia. CHU de Rangueil. MYTILINEOS-J.CO%3B2-X IS: 0931-041X PY: 1997 CP: Germany . Follow-up-study. 1997. 31059 Toulouse. Vascular-disease IDF: Homme-. Urinary-system-disease. Co mplication-. 24 dead and 5 have been lost to follow-up. France. 69120. Portal-hypertension. Vaisseau-sanguin-pathologie IDS: Hombre-. Cyst-.com/usr_login. Tumor-benigno. AI: AB NR: 29 ref. and was preceded by haematological evidence of hypersplenism in 6 of them. T he study indicates a relatively good prognosis for patients with this condition who survive the neonatal period and emphasises the importance of early detection and appropriate management of systemic and portal hypertension.eiq. OPELZ-G . AgeDEF: Rein-polykystique. 69120. Insuficiencia-renal. Etude-longit udinale. University of Heidelberg.5 yea rs. Mortality-.ebsco. The probability of requiring ant i-hypertensive treatment was 39% at 1 year and 60% at 15 years of age. BOUISSOU-F. KONRAD-M. ABBAL-M.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C291%3AX%3E2. Heidelberg . Aparato-circulatorio-patologia. CHU Purpan. University of Heidelberg. CHU Purpan. Aparato-digestivo-patologia. Epidemiology and Information.asp?ArticleID=54JQHXLGQ89 VLMVR3020 InformationQuest http://www. France. Nino-. Kyste-. Insuffisance-renale. Record 59 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Oligotyping for HLA-DQA. Service de Medicine Infantile C. Germany. Rein-pathologie. 11 (3) : 285-290 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www.0.com/usr_login. Shelf number 21216.asp?ArticleID=4QXKQT8E7N2 4VP80D3B2 InformationQuest http://www. 21 . GlomerulonephritisIDF: Homme-. 1997. Genetic-inheri tance. In children with fre quent relapses the HLA associations were generally more pronounced than in those with infrequent or no relapses. a nephro tic child bearing DQA1*0201 or DR7 was five times more likely to be in the stero id-sensitive group of patients than in the steroid-resistant group compared with nephrotic children not bearing one of these alleles. Inmunidad-. AI: AB NR: 26 ref. United Kingdom SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West.00001 after Bonferoni's correction). HARTLEY-B. Nephropathie-glomer ulaire IDS: Hombre-. HLA-DR typing was also performed by classical serology. HAYCOCK-G-B. Nefropatia-glomerula r JN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST. Exploracion-. Rinon-patologia. NinoIDE: Human-. Sistema-HLA-DR.eiq. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. Determinismo -genetico. In t he present study the polymorphism of HLA-DQ and -DP at the molecular level was i nvestigated in 167 children with NS (129 steroid-sensitive) using the polymerase chain reaction and sequence-specific oligonucleotides in a French and a German cohort.CO%3B2-X IS: 0931-041X PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: We studied 23 children with steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS). In steroid-sensi tive patients we observed an increased frequency of the alleles HLA-DQA1*0201 an d -DQB1*0201 in both populations with relative risks ranging from 3. Kidney-disease. Immunite-.5 (Pb <0. DALTON-R-N.LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Associations of human leukocyte antigens (HLA) with the idiopathic nephroti c syndrome (NS) have mainly been described for alleles of the HLA-DR locus. These HLA alleles therefor e seem to be useful indicators of a steroid-sensitive frequently relapsing cours e of NS. Aparato-urinario-patologia. which narrows the regio n genetically involved in the disease susceptibility to the DR-DQ region. Determinism e-genetique. Exploration-. In contrast. Systeme-HLA-DR.01 to Pb <0. HLA-DR-System. United Medical and Dental School. INIST No. CHANTLER-C AF: Evelina Children's Unit. ChildDEF: Nephrotique-syndrome. No associations with DPB alleles were observed. 354000061584980050 AN: 970350248 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Guy's Hospital. the frequency of HLA-DQA1*0102 and DQB1*0602 was significantly decreased. Exploration-. Steroi d-resistant NS was not associated with HLA. London.8 to 8.ebsco. Urinary-system-disease. All rights reserved.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C285%3AX%3E2. Record 60 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Low molecular weight protein excretion in glomerular disease : a comparativ e analysis PA: TOMLINSON-P-A. Rein-pathologie. Applying logistic regression analysis. Immunity-. DEE: Nephrotic-syndrome. EnfantDES: Nefrotico-sindrome.com/online/direct. Renal-function.asp?ArticleID=D37NDQB7DAA JVHX1HNFV InformationQuest http://www. Microglobuline-<beta>2. Binding-protein. but not RBP or B2M excretion. Tokyo. 11 (3) : 280-284 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. DEE: Nephrotic-syndrome. RBP (r = 0. Women's Medical College.37). Nefropatia-glomerula r JN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C280%3AX%3E2. Proteina-enlace. UP1 or NAG. glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and tubular abnormalities in selected renal biopsy samples. 1997. Shinjuku-ku. Microglobulina-<beta>2. Tokyo 162. EnfantDES: Nefrotico-sindrome. Exploration-. ITO-K AF: Department of Pediatric Nephrology. Proteine-liaison.42) an d A1M (r = 0. HATTORI-M. INIST No.ebsco. Fil tracion-glomerular. B2M and UPI and increased plasma AIM were demonstrated in 9 children with SSNS.com/online/direct. In children with SSNS.54) excretion were significantly correlated with albumin excretio n. In th e steroid-resistant nephrotic and nephritic syndromes. Increased fractional excretion of A1M. We measured the urinary excretion of N-acetyl-<beta>-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) and t he low molecular weight (LMW) proteins <beta><subscript>2-microglobulin (B2M). Rinon-patologia. We found that abnormalities of LMW protein excretion occurred in between 50% (B2M) and 8 8% (UPI) of all subjects. Funcion-renal. Record 61 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Somatic and renal effects of growth hormone in rats with chronic renal fail ure PA: KAWAGUCHI-H. <alpha><subscript>1-microglobulin (A1M) and urine protein 1 (UP1). r etinol-binding protein (RBP). Retinol-. Retinol-. Exploration-. UPI (r = 0. In these subjects. ChildDEF: Nephrotique-syndrome. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie.children with steroid-resistant types of nephrotic syndrome and 32 children wit h other types of nephritis. AI: AB NR: 35 ref. Nephropathie-glomer ulaire IDS: Hombre-. All rights reserved. Glom erular-filtration.73). suggesti ng competition for tubular reabsorption with albumin. Kidney-disease. NAG or albumin . Retinol-. GlomerulonephritisIDF: Homme-.28) were inversely correlated with GFR. RBP is the LMW protein most closely associated with structural abnorma lity and least affected by increasing albuminuria.eiq. Results for B2M were considered only for a urine pH greater tha n 6. <beta>2-Microglobulin. Factors other than histologically proven tubular abnormality may account for elevated LMW protein e xcretion. NinoIDE: Human-. Fonction-renale. Albumin-. correlation with albumin was found for all proteins. Shelf number 21216.com/usr_login. but not UP1.0. AIM (r = 0. Filtration-glomerulaire. Urinary-system-disease. 354000061584980040 AN: 970350247 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. and does not necessarily imply a poor prognosis. Aparato-urinario-patologia. Our controls were 43 apparently healthy children. 8-1 Kaw ada-cho. but not A1M.65) and NAG (r = 0. Japan SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West. B2M (r = 0. We found that RBP excretion was significantly greater in the presence of sever e tubular abnormalities in 11 children with recent renal biopsies. Albumina-.CO%3B2-X IS: 0931-041X PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic . Rein-pathologie. Albumine-. We conclude that LMW proteinuria is common in children with glomerul ar disease.0. Exploracion-. Comparisons were made with urine albumin excretion. most marked for UPI. Cronico-. 76 (2) : 176-185 IS: 0028-2766 PY: 1997 . Divison of Vector-Borne Infectious Disease.0 IU) than those treated with low-dose rhGH (P = 0. there has been great concern that GH may aggravate renal disease and hasten the progression to end-st age renal failure. Public Health Service. and 10. Mammalia-. Taipei. We therefore investigated the effect of prolonged administrat ion of rhGH at various doses on somatic growth and renal function and structure in rats with CRF. Histologia-. There were sig nificant differences between rats treated with high-dose rhGH and controls (P = 0. Hormona-hipotalamica. United States. Fort Co llins.4. Exploration-. Hormona-peptido. The glomerular sclero sing index was greater in rats treated with higher doses of rhGH. Institute of Public Health. STH-RH.LT: Serial AB: Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) has been widely used to improve gro wth in children with chronic renal failure (CRF). Shelf number 21216.. Record 62 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Defect of cell-mediated immune response against hepatitis B virus : An indi cation for pathogenesis of hepatitis-B-virus-associated membranous nephropathy PA: LIN-C-Y. Colo. Mammalia-. Facteur-liberation-hormonale. STH-RH. Exploration-. LIN-C-C. Taiwan SO: Nephron-. rhGH was administered subcutaneously daily for 8 weeks. Vertebrata-. Mammalia-. Animal-. 2. DEE: Renal-failure. RataIDE: Rodentia-. Rinon-patol ogia. Animal-. INIST No. National Center for Infectious Dis ease.0089) or vehicle (P = 0.0011). We conclude that: (1) GH improves somatic growth failure in rats with CR F. 354000061584980030 AN: 970350246 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Veterans General Hospital-Taipei. Institute of Mi crobiology and Immunology. Rinon-. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Rein-path ologie. National Taiwan Univers ity. Taiwan . National Yang-Ming Medical University. rats treated with higher doses of rhG H tended to excrete more protein. A natomopathologieIDS: Rodentia-. RatDEF: Insuffisance-renale. Anatomi a-patologica JN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST. Factor-liberacion-hormonal. PathologyIDF: Rodentia-.0065). Vertebrata-. 0. Rein-. STH-RH. Hormone-releasing-factor. 1997. Vertebrata-. Hormone-hypothalamique. Activite-biol ogique. Exploracion-. Histologie-. AI: AB NR: 30 ref. Renal insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) con tent and circulating IGF-I and IGF-II levels did not significantly differ among groups. Kidney-disease.0144) and also between rats on medium-dose rhGH and controls (P = 0. Hypothalamic-hormone. However. Hormone-peptide. The mean growth was significantly greater in rats treated with high-dose rhGH (10. but seems to be direct.0 .05). but prolonged administration of GH dose-dependently induces deterioration in renal function and structure and (2) this effect was induced neither via circula ting IGF-I and IGF-II nor by local production of IGF-I. KING-C-C AF: Department of Pediatrics. Urinary-system-disease. Chronique-. Body weight gain increased in parallel with body length (Creatinine clearance at the end of the experiment was significantly lower in rats on high or medium-dos e rhGH than those on low-dose rhGH and controls (P <0. Biological-activity. Taipei. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. Aparato-urinario-patologia. Animal-. Actividad-biol ogica. Chronic-.0 lU/day). All rights reserved. CHANG-G-J-J. Peptide-hormone. Alt hough there was no significant difference. Histology-. RatDES: Insuficiencia-renal. Kidney-. divided into four groups based on rhGH dose (vehicle. Immune-complex. Both proliferative response after stimulation with HBcA g and cytotoxic activity against autologous HBcAg-expressing LCL of the peripher al blood T cells obtained from the HBVMN patients and HBsAg carriers could be me asured. DEE: Viral-hepatitis-B. However. Record 63 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Growth retardation in children with chronic renal insufficiency PA: FINE-R-N AF: Department of Pediatrics. Shelf number 11890. Kidney-disease. we needed to characterize the cellular immune response to HBV in patients with HBVMN. lack of a suitable autologous effector/ target cell system makes a precise study of HBVMN pathogenesis difficu lt. 76 (2) : 125-129 IS: 0028-2766 PY: 1997 CP: Switzerland LA: English . I mmunohistochimie-. Physiopathologie-. Higado-patologia. Hepatic-disease. we found that HBVMN patients h ad lower cytotoxic activity than did both HBV carriers and HBsAg-/HBsAb+. Pathophysiology-.asymptomatic carriers. Fisiopatologia-. we first measured ser um HBe circulating immune complex (CIC) during the acute nephrotic phase of HBVM N and in HBV carriers. INIST No.Y.CP: Switzerland LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: To elucidate the questions of why not all patients with hepatitis B virus ( HBV) infection develop HBV membranous nephropathy (HBVMN). Cellular-immunity. Rein-. Second. Stony Brook. Rinon-. 354000061580430080 AN: 970350238 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. 1997. Complication-. we conclude that HBVMN childre n seem to have an inadequate cellular immune response to HBcAg. Rinon-patologia. Foie-pathologie. Complication-. Rein-pathologie. Hombre IDE: Viral-disease. Inmunidad-celular. Exploracion-. Aparato-digestivo-patologia. Immuncomplexe-. Complicacion-.. Immu nohistochemistry-. Inmunocomplejo-. AI: AB NR: 22 ref. AnatomopathologieIDS: Virosis-. N. In the present study. Infection-. I nmunohistoquimica-. We found that the level of HBe CIC was low in the HBVMN p atients and absent either in HBsAg+/ HBeAg+ patients without HBVMN or HBsAg+/HBe Ag. HommeDES: Hepatitis-virica-B. Digestive-diseases. Kidney-. Based on these findings. Exploration-. HBeAg/HBeAb+ children. State University of New York. Appare il-urinaire-pathologie. All rights reserved. United States SO: Nephron-. Infection-. Apara to-urinario-patologia. we established a model system by using autologous HBcA g-expressing Epstein-Barr-virus-immortalized lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) as stimulator/target cells. Human DEF: Hepatite-virale-B. we found that T-helper-cell-1-related IL -2 and IFN-<gamma> productions were very low in HBVMN patients but T-helper-cell -2-related IL-10 production was higher in HBsAg+/HBeAg+ patients with HBVMN than in those without HBVMN. PathologyIDF: Virose-. Using autologous HBcAg-expressing LCL as stimulator/target cells for the study of HBcAg-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Infeccion-. Anatomia-patologica JN: NephronCD: NPRNAY LOC: INIST. Immunite-cellulaire. From the in vitro cytokine production study of peripheral bloo d T cells after stimulation with HBcAg. Appareil-digestif-pathologie. Exploration-. Urinary-sy stem-disease. Evolution-. Pa rents may be unaware of the consequences of leaving a child unattended in the pr esence of a hot iron. Chronic-. Tratamiento-. Hormone-releasing-factor. Abuse was suspected or proven in 7% of cases. Fifteen percent of patients. Aparato-urinario-patologia. *27. many were cau sed by carelessness or neglect. Growth-defect. Gonadotropin-RH. Cronico-. Hormona-hipotalamica. Defecto-crecimiento . AI: AB NR: 9 ref. Disease-of-the-hand. Socioeconomic factors and parental inexperience appeared to play a sign ificant role. Complicacion-. Contact-.BL: Analytic LT: Serial MT: editorial NR: 45 ref. Shelf number 11890. Retraso-. GREENHALGH-D-G. Kidney-disease. Evolucion-. DEE: Renal-failure. Hormona-peptido JN: NephronCD: NPRNAY LOC: INIST. DEE: Burn-. Rinon-patologia. Traitement-. ChildDEF: Insuffisance-renale. Defaut-croissance. Public- . however. *Conference-Meeting AB: Iron burns to the hand may result in both functional and cosmetic deformiti es in the young pediatric patient. Complication-. Evolution-. Delay-. Chimiotherapie-. Hormone-peptide IDS: Hombre-. Most were minor partial-thickness burns that were treated in the outpatient setting with no adverse sequelae. To gain a better understanding of these injur ies in terms of demographics. and outcome. single-parent. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. Retard-. 18 (3) : 279-282 IS: 0273-8481 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial. however. 1997. Peptide-hormone IDF: Homme-. Treatment-. Urinary-system-disease. Hormone-hypothalamique. United States CF: *Annual Meeting of the American Burn Association. Growth-. the medical records of 82 pediatric patients suffering ir on burns to the hand during the period 1987 to 1993 were reviewed. Factor-liberacion-ho rmonal. Socioeconomic-status. All rights reserved. Most injuries were unintentional. Gonadotropina-RH. Cincinnati. s ingle-child households. Enfa ntDES: Insuficiencia-renal. Nin oIDE: Human-. Chronique-. treatment. Complication-. Rein-pathologie. Quimioterapia-. and to address possible me asures for prevention. *1995-04-19 SO: The-Journal-of-burn-care-and-rehabilitation. Iron burns to the hand occurred most commonly in male children less than 2 years of age. WARDEN-G-D AF: Shriners Burns Institute. Hypothalamic-hormone. Gonadotrophine-RH. The incidence of these injuries could be reduced effective ly by improved public awareness of the problem and education in prevention. as most of these injuries occurred in low-income. Crecimiento-. Facteur-liberationhormonale. Croissance-. Chemotherapy-. sustained full-t hickness burns that required grafting. Ten percent of patients developed complic ations including hypertrophic scarring and scar contractures requiring surgical release. INIST No. 354000061580430010 AN: 970350231 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. *Albuquerque United States. Iron-. Record 64 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Iron burns to the hand in the young pediatric patient : A problem in preven tion PA: BROWN-R-L. 05) and rate-pr essure product (between 10% and 16%. Whereas pr opranolol lowered heart rate more per milligram per kilogram body weight when gi ven intravenously.0 mg/kg propranolol given orally or intravenously every 8 hours fo r 10 days. Mano-patologia. NinoIDE: Human-. Hemody namiqueIDS: Hombre-. hypothermia. Application-method. propranolol significantly decr eased their daily average heart rate (between 10% and 13%. HemodinamicaJN: The-Journal-of-burn-care-and-rehabilitation . Heart-rate. Chemotherapy-. bron chospasm. Ritmo-cardiaco. Actitud-medica. 1997. Coeur-. Quimioterapia-. All rights reserved. Soin-intensif. Traumatisme-. NinoIDE: Human-. Prevencion-. Membre-superieur IDS: Hombre-. ChildDEF: Brulure-. Traitement-. Clinical-management. We prospectively studied 22 children. Fer-. Chimiotherapie-. Traumatismo-. Miembro-superior JN: The-Journal-of-burn-care-and-rehabilitation LOC: INIST. Hierro-. These children were treated with 0. Corazon-. hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. 1 to 10 years of age with bur ns covering >=40% of their total body surface area. Modalidad-tr atamiento. HERNDON-D-N AF: Shriners Burn Institute. Cardiac-performance. 354000061478300160 AN: 970350155 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. HemodynamicsIDF: Homme-. Trauma-. Appareil-circulatoire. Galveston. Traumatismo-. PIERRE-E-J. Resultado-. Rythme-cardiaque. Intensive-care. Modalite-t raitement. From these data. The University of Texas Medical Branch. Result-. or peripheral ischemia was noted during or after treatment. Duree-. Propranolol-. we conc lude that propranolol can be given to decrease the work of the heart safely and effectively for >=10 days. EnfantDES: Quemadura-. Duracion-. Traumatisme-. Prevention-. Prevention-. 18 (3) : 223-227 IS: 0273-8481 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Propranolol has been shown to be effective for as long as 5 days in massive ly burned children to reduce heart rate and cardiac work. ChildDEF: Brulure-. Estatuto-socioeconomico. AI: AB NR: 27 ref. In both septic and nonseptic patients. Record 65 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Prolonged use of propranolol safely decreases cardiac work in burned childr en PA: BARON-P-W.05) compared with their 24-hour mean before propranolol treatment. both routes were safe and effective. p < 0.health.5 to 1. No hyp otension. p < 0. EnfantDES: Quemadura-. DEE: Burn-. Shelf number 21578. Conduite-a-tenir. United States SO: The-Journal-of-burn-care-and-rehabilitation. Pronostico-. Fonction-myocardique. Propranolol-. Pronostic-. Circulatory-system. Funcion-miocardica. Sante-p ublique. Upper-limb IDF: Homme-. Statut-socioeconomique. or plasma urea nitrogen creatinine or glucose levels could be shown. Contact-. INIST No. Tratamiento-. Propranolol-. Prognosis-. Resultat-. Trauma-. Treatment-. This article describes the use of propranolol given for 10 days to burned children to test whether the drug remains effective and safe in reducing heart rate and cardiac work for lon ger periods. Heart-. Contacto-. S alud-publica. Duration-. BARROW-R-E. Main-pathologie. azotemia. No significant change in mean arterial blood press ure. Cuidado-intensivo. Aparato-circulatorio. arrhythmia. 1997. Traitement-instrumental IDS: Hombre-. Poids-naissance-faible. 354000061764090180 AN: 970350144 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Instrumentation-therapy IDF: Homme-. Recien-nacido. Prior to 1996. StenoseDES: Subglotis-. Intubation-. INIST No. Case-study. StenosisDEF: Sousglotte-. United Kingdom SO: Journal-of-laryngology-and-otology. AI: AB NR: 17 ref. Diagnostic-differentiel. New Orle ans. DEE: Subglottis-. Over a six-month period our unit diagno sed five cases of compressible cysts in the subglottis in low birth weight. only 58 cases had be en reported in the literature. Shelf number 21578. Unit ed States SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West. Three children required more tha n one procedure. 354000061478300070 970350150 INIST <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Louisiana. MORRISON-G-A-J AF: Department of Otolaryngology .asp?ArticleID=2YQBEJ7GE7E FYLFUP0Q3 InformationQuest http://www. New Orleans. FRANCIS-I. ORL-patologia. Endoscopie-. EstenosisIDE: Human-.0. diagnosis and treatment of the condition is discussed. 111 (5) : 478-481 IS: 0022-2151 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Although subglottic cysts have previously been reported as a cause of airwa y obstruction in the neonate. Newborn-. We believe that the true incidence of the conditi on has been considerably under-reported. they have previously been considered to be a relat ively rare cause.CO%3B2-X IS: 0931-041X . Differential-diagnostic. Nouveau-ne. Endoscopy-. Prematuridad-. Cystic narrowing of the subglottis has been associated with en dotracheal intubation. Prematurite-. Cyst-. Intubation-. Tratamiento-instrumental JN: Journal-of-laryngology-and-otology CD: JLOTAX LOC: INIST.com/usr_login.com/online/direct. ORL-pathologie. All rights reserved. Lousiana State University Medical Center. 1997.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C331%3AX%3E2. All patients underwent diagnostic microlaryngobronchoscopy and vap orization of the cysts by CO<subscript>2 laser. Endoscopia-. United States. Kyste-. Children's Hospital. London. 11 (3) : 331-333 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Etude-cas. Intratracheal-administr ation. Prematurity-. Peso-nacimiento-bajo. Thomas' Hospitals.eiq. Guy's and St. INIST No. Voie-intratrache ale. ENT-disease. With improving survival of pre-term infants the incidence of the condition could be expected to rise. Record 66 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Acquired subglottic cysts in the low birth weight. Intubacion-. Estudio-caso. Record 67 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Dipstick only urinalysis screen for the pediatric emergency room PA: CRAVER-R-D. ABERMANIS-J-G AF: Department of Pathology. Via-intratraqueal. In all cases a satisfactory airway was achieved.LOC: AN: SI: CR: INIST. Louisiana.Head and Neck Surgery. Diagnostico-diferencial. preterm infants. Low-birth-weight. All rights reserved. Quiste-. The pathogenes is. Shelf number 1096. pre-term infant PA: TIERNEY-P-A.ebsco. *10. with a microscopic analysis performed automatically if dipstick results are positive . DEE: Infection-. . *1996-06-19 SO: Medecine-et-maladies-infectieuses. Urine-. Diagnosis-. 1997. Urgencia-. *Conference-Meeting NR: 33 ref. Shelf number 15434. Via-urinaria. Urinary-tract-disease IDF: Homme-. Bacteriological-investigation. 354000065683990100 AN: 970350129 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Aparato-urinario-patologia. Urinary-tract. NGUYEN-L. $ 12. ChildDEF: Infection-. Exploration-bacteriologique.S. Diagnostic-. Orina-. however microscopic evaluat ion added many false-positive results without detecting additional UTIs.PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: To determine if microscopic urinalysis is needed in all pediatric emergency room patients screened for urinary tract infections (UTI). Voie-urinaire. Exploracion-. aged 3 weeks to 21 years. Urgence-. Hopital-. Diagnostico-. The ability to detect UTI by di pstick only and by complete urinalysis was the same. All rights reserved. Exploration-. ENT infections PA: BERCHE-P.3 min/test and the hospital charge is reduced from U. Hosp ital-. Via-urinaria-patologia JN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST. All rights reserved. Hospital-. France CF: *Conference de Consensus en Therapeutique Anti-Infectieuse.S. Analisis-bacteriologico. testing turn-around time is reduced by 12. Urinary-system-disease. Shelf number 21216. Emergenc y-. Laboratoire de Microbiologie. INIST No. If no microscopic urinalysis is required. NinoIDE: Human-. Exploration-. INIST No. we compared the dips tick urinalysis and complete urinalysis (dipstick and microscopy) with urine cul tures in 236 children. 27 (4) : 388-396 IS: 0399-077X PY: 1997 CP: France LA: French LS: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial. $ 32 to U. 354000061584980140 AN: 970350133 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Voie-urinaire-pathologie IDS: Hombre-. Les infections ORL TT: Bacterial epidemiology of acute otitis media in children. Urine-. 75743 Paris. Record 68 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Epidemiologie des bacteries rencontrees au cours des otites moyennes aigues de l' enfant. we now offer a dipstick only urinalysis to our emergency room for children 2 years of age or older. JN: Medecine-et-maladies-infectieuses CD: MMAIB5 LOC: INIST. *Lyon Fran ce. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. 149 rue de Se vres. AI: AB NR: 11 ref. Because the ability to detect UTI (sensitivity) is maintained. FERRONI-A AF: Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades. EnfantDES: Infeccion-. Vanderbilt Univers ity School of Medicine. (2) aid in making focused referral decisions. AI: AB NR: 18 ref. 99 (4) : 522-528 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Licensed psychological examiners and educational di agnosticians elicited parents' concerns about children's development and measure d children's development with a broad battery including measures of intelligence . DEE: Medical-screening. motor. Conclusion. Pediatrics 1997. had reas onable specificity and identified 72% (N = 255) of the 352 typically developing children. sout hern and western United States. Design Survey/Setting. most had children with substantially lower performance in almost all developmental areas than the children of the 255 parents without significant concerns. central. and (3) help pediatricians target families for developmental promotion and in-office cou nseling. Main Outcome Measures. Interest-. motor. Under-re ferrals can be minimized by administering screening tests (with the help of an i nterpreter as needed) to children whose parents have communication difficulties. and school (in children 4 years and older) had high lev els of sensitivity and identified 79% of the 56 children with disabilities. self-help. whose socioeconomic and demographic characteristics reflect proportions in the 1990 United States Ce nsus. and school skills. Results. Department of Pediatrics. United States SO: Pediatrics-Evanston. global/ cognitive. socialization. If systematically elicited.ebsco. or behavior. An additional goal was to determine why most parents' concerns are accu rate although some are not. parents' concerns approach stand ards for screening tests and can be used to make reasonably accurate referral de cisions. Further. Tennessee.asp?ArticleID=91K65R496E0 3Q6UYH6CL IS: 0031-4005 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objective. Public schools and day care c enters in four diverse geographic sites representing the northern. a brief method for identifying a subset of children in need of more in-depth developmental screening. Due to the limitations of previous studies. Enfant-. Psychomotor-development. develo pmental disabilities. Certain concerns. The absence of concerns or concerns in other areas. Parent-.com/online/direct. developmental screening. ie. A s ignificant proportion of the 12 parents of disabled children who did not raise c oncerns could be identified by difficulties communicating in either English or S panish. Over-referrals can be significantly reduced by administered screening t ests to the small group of children (16%) whose parents have a single significan t concern. Public-health DEF: Depistage-. Accu rate referrals could be made for 70% of the 56 children. The purpo se of this study was to assess whether parents' concerns could: (1) serve instea d as a screening measure. A total of 408 children between 21 and 84 months of age and their parents. Developmental-disorder.99: 522-528. parents' concerns. Developpement-psychomoteur.Record 69 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Parents' concerns about children's development : Prescreening technique or screening test? PA: GLASCOE-F-P AF: Division of Child Development. ie. language. Trouble-developpement. Those who pass screening or whose parents have nonsignificant concern s can be targeted for developmental promotion and in-office counseling. Pa . Child. 1997. Patients and Other Participants. Diagnostic-aid. parents' concerns ha ve been recommended as a prescreening technique. lang uage. more than half of the 97 childre n could be distinguished by a single concern (usually about expressive language) whereas the majority of accurately concerned parents had multiple concerns. Of the remaining 28% (N = 97) of parents with significant concerns but whose children did not have disabilities. Nashville. London WC1N 1EH. Artere-renale-pathologie. Prueba-farmacologica. Arteria-renal-patologia. Diagnosis-. Interes-. Guilford Street. Institute of Child Health.com/usr_login. Desarrollo-psicomotor. Vaisseau-sanguin-pathologie. Exploracion-ultrasonido. Ayuda-diagnostica. Interet-. United Kingdom SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West. 11 (3) : 366-372 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www.ebsco. Captopril-. Diagnostic-. angiotensin convert ing enzyme (ACE) inhibitor sensitisation of radionuclide imaging. AnxieteDES: Descubrimiento-. Department of Nephrology. All rights reserved. NinoIDE: Human-. RadiodiagnosticoJN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 . Vaso-sanguineo-patologia. Hemodynamics. Arterial-disease. hypotensive responses to ACE inhibitor. Ecodopplerometria-. United Kingdom. Aide-diagnostic. He modynamique-. Trastorno-desarrollo. Pharmacologic-test. Rinon-. Inhibidor-angiotensin-converting-enzy me. ACE-inhibitor. Angiographie-. Echodopplerometrie-. DEE: Hypertension-. AI: AB NR: 107 ref. Arteria -patologia. London WC1N 3JH. Angiografia-. Diagnostico-. renal angiography and magnetic resonance angiography.eiq.0.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C366%3AX%3E2. Nino-. Rein-. Medical-imagery. Art ere-pathologie. Kidney-. Cardiovascular-disease. EnfantDES: Hipertension-arterial. Imageneria-medical. Sante-publique. Specific diagnostic procedures currently available to investigate affec ted children include Doppler and computed duplex sonography. 1997. captopril-stim ulated plasma renin activity. Exploration-. Duplex-ultrasonography. ChildDEF: Hypertension-arterielle. Inhibiteur-angiotensin-convertin g-enzyme. Captopril-. Explorat ion-. RadiodiagnosisIDF: Homme-. Aparato-circulatorio-patologia.com/online/direct. Angiography-.rent-. RadiodiagnosticIDS: Hombre-. Salud-publica IDE: HumanIDF: HommeIDS: HombreJN: Pediatrics-Evanston CD: PEDIAU LOC: INIST. Vascular-disease. 354000065419170030 AN: 970350100 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Epreuve-pharmacologique.CO%3B2-X IS: 0931-041X PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Renovascular disease is an important cause of remediable hypertension in ch ildhood. renal vein renin measurements. Imagerie-medicale. INIST No. Sonogr aphy-. Hemodi namica-. Exploration-ultrason.asp?ArticleID=Q4TNUUQLVGM JJBT9235U InformationQuest http://www. Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie. Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust. Great Ormo nd Street. Exploracion-. Renal-artery-disease. Record 70 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: The diagnosis of renovascular disease PA: DILLON-M-J AF: Renal Unit. Parie nte-. Carbo n dioxide digital subtraction angiography and computerised tomographic and spira l angiography are also available and may play an important future role in such e valuations. Utilising this array of procedures it is usually possible to define the anatomical and functional status of the renal vasculature and be guided towa rds the most appropriate therapeutic manoeuvres. Captopril-. Shelf number 6967. 354000061584980260 970350099 INIST <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Department of Air Quality. Epidemiologie-. All rights reserved. National I nstitute for Working Life. Lillestrom. Factor-riesgo. 1997. INIST No. Toxicite-. Polluant-. Shelf number 26076. Europe-. Shelf number 21216.asp?ArticleID=WAJBAF1V3GB KEX11M7XE IS: 0300-5771 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Background. County Council of Malmohus. PEKKANEN-J. Norwegian Institute for Air Re search. Epidemiologia-. INIST No. Department of Occupational and Environm ental Medicine. Aparato-respiratorio JN: Epidemiology-Cambridge-Mass LOC: INIST. NetherlandsDEF: Pollution-air. 354000061726480120 AN: 970350064 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. 901 87 Umea. Sweden SO: International-journal-of-epidemiology. BARTONO VA-A. Automovil-. Health-and-enviro nment. Enfant-. Epidemiology-. DEE: Air-pollution. All rights reserved. Record 71 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Air pollution from truck traffic and lung function in children living near motorways PA: BRUNEKREEF-B. Salud-y-medio-ambiente. Sweden. Record 72 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Childhood asthma in four regions in Scandinavia : Risk factors and avoidanc e effects PA: FORSBERG-B. N ational Public Health Institute. Respiratory-system IDF: Homme-. Pollutant-. Toxicidad-. Lorry-. Road-traffic. Finland. Sante-publique. Funcion-respiratoria.com/online/direct.LOC: AN: SI: CR: INIST. Lund. University of Wageningen. Child-. University Hospital. MARTENSSON-M-B. University of Wageningen. The high and increasing prevalence of childhood asthma is a maj . Norway. Lung-function. Wagen ingen. SKERFVING-S AF: Department of Environmental Health. Europa-. Europe-.ebsco. STJERNBERG-N. Umea University. HARSSEMA-H. Netherlands. Risk-factor. Appareil-respiratoire IDS: Hombre-. Fonction-respiratoire. Pays-Bas DES: Contaminacion-aire. Umea. Lund. Camion-. VAN-VLIET-P AF: Department of Epidemiology and Public Health. Facteur-risque. Toxicity-. 26 (3) : 610-619 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. DE-HARTOG-J. Salud-p ublica. Kuopio. Sweden. KNAPE-M. JANSSEN-N-A-H. 8 (3) : 298-303 IS: 1044-3983 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial NR: 38 ref. Contaminante-. CLENCH-AAS-J. HolandaIDE: Human-. Public-health. Netherlands SO: Epidemiology-Cambridge-Mass. Trafic-routier. Nino-. Automobile-. Sweden. Trafico-carretera . TIMONEN-K-L. Sante-et-environnement. Camion-. Wag eningen. Motor-car. 1997. Habitat-. Variacion-geografica IDE: Human-. Urban residency was generally not a risk factor. such as smoking indoors and moisture stains or mo ulds at home during the first 2 years of life. DIAMOND-I AF: Department of Social Statistics. 1997. Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie. Healthand-environment. Factor-riesgo. Geographical-variation DEF: Asthme-. Results. Habitat-. The logistic binomial analysis shows that socioeconomic factors are signifi cant. potential risk factors and their relations in four r egions in Scandinavia (Umea and Malmo in Sweden. Etude-comparative. Variation-geographique DES: Asma-. Europe-.or public health issue. 29 (3) : 327-343 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Ho wever. INIST No. Bronchopneumopathie-obs tructive IDS: Hombre-. Various risk factors have been proposed in local studies with different designs. Exposur e to some of the risk factors. Passive-smoking. Sante-publique. Kuopio in eastern Finland and O slo. as did the potential risk factors. Methods. United Kingdom SO: Journal-of-biosocial-science. Aparato-respiratorio-patologia. especially women's education and region. Record 73 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Child immunisation in Ghana : The effects of family. Prevalence-. Conclusio ns. Comparative-study. Public-health. Salud-publica. resulted in an increased risk. Epide miology-. Estudio-comparativo. dry cough was common in the most traffic polluted area. physician-diagnosed asthma 4-9 %). University of Southampton. All rights reserved. but air pollution differed less than expected between the area s. Europa-. 354000061873490190 AN: 970350046 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. and a study group of 15 962 children aged 6-12 years was recruited. location and social di sparity PA: MATTHEWS-Z. Humedad-ambiente. Tabagisme-passif. Obstructive-pulmonary-disease IDF: Homme-. Epidemiologia-. Paises-escan dinavos. No overall pattern between air pollution and asthma was seen. Epi demiologie-.ebsco.asp?ArticleID=V9PAMFVKYRX C492CAL7F IS: 0021-9320 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: The data from the Demographic and Health Survey conducted in Ghana in 1988 are used to identify determinants of immunisation uptake for children under 5 ye ars. DEE: Asthma-. Shelf number 16214. Habitat-. Ambient-humidity. Scandinavia-. One urban and one less urbanized area were selected in each region . Norway). Air-pollution. Pollution-air. However. Europe-. Facteur-risque. Risk-factor.com/online/direct. Enfant-. current exposure was associated with odds ratios less than one. Salud-y-medio-ambiente. Nino-. AI: AB NR: 29 ref. Respiratory-disease. Our findings were probably due to a combination of early impact and later av oidance of these risk factors. T he prevalence of symptoms suggestive of asthma varied considerably between diffe rent areas (dry cough 8-19%. Prevalencia-. Sante-et-environnement. The effects of some risk factors were found to di ffer significantly between regions. Contaminacion-aire. Child-. Pays-Scandina ves. Broncopneumopatia-obstru ctiva JN: International-journal-of-epidemiology CD: IJEPBF LOC: INIST. Nicotinismo-pasivo. Prevalence-. We have made a questionnaire study of the prev alence of childhood asthma. asthma attacks 4-8%. and that the type of prenatal car . Humidite-ambiante. independent of whether they had pauciarticular. Link protei n was purified from human fetal epiphyseal and bovine adult nasal cartilage. Vacunacion-. Montreal Orthopaedic Research Laboratories. ROSENBERG-L-C. Prevention-. The re was significant correlation between the immunity to bovine and to human link proteins. McGill University. Variation-geographique. Inmunoproteccion-. Canada. Montreal. All rights reserved. Salud-pu blica. ZHANG-Y. Canada. Division of Orthopaedi c Surgery. To determine whether children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) express cellular immunity to cartilage link protein. 1997. Montreal Children's Hospital. It was used in proliferation assays with the peripheral blood lymphocytes isolated from 54 children with JRA and 22 nonarthritic controls. Division of Rheumatology. Conclusion. Ne w York. GhanaDES: Inmunizacion-. United States. Department of Surgery. GhanaDEF: Immunisation-. or systemic disease. Laboratory. WEBBERC. Prevencion-. BANERJEE-S. Can ada. INIST No. Family-environment. Prevention-. Department of Surgery. AI: AB NR: 23 ref. San te-publique. Milieu-familial. Canada. REIMANN-A. Epidemiology-. Montefiore Hospital Medical Center. 24 (5) : 959-964 IS: 0315-162X PY: 1997 CP: Canada LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objective. Department of Pediatrics. McGill University. LEROUX-J-Y. DUFFY-C. significant differences were only noted for the polyarticular group. Medio-familiar. and there is also clustering of data within enumer ation areas. Bronx Medical Center. Immunoprotection-. Statut-socioeco nomique. Patients with J RA expressed a significantly higher prevalence of cellular proliferation to huma n link protein compared with the control group. GhanaIDE: Human-. RONBECK-L. In the case of bovine link p rotein. There is a strong familial correlati on of vaccination behaviours. DEE: Immunization-. Furthermore. McGill University.e received by the mother is also important. Division of Surgical Research. . DELAUNAY-N. Estatuto-socioeco nomico. polyarticular. Socioeconomic-sta tus. AfricaIDF: Homme-. Epidemiologie-. Nino-. Publ ic-health. Immunoprotection-. Variacion-geografica. These results suggest that immunity to link protein may play a role in the pathogenesis of JRA. POO LE-A-R AF: Joint Disease. ARSENAULT-L. Vaccination-. Methods. Canada. Vaccination-. immune responses to both molecules correlated with measur es of joint disease activity. VIPPARTI-V. Enfant-. CARTMAN-A. 354000061873070060 AN: 970350044 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. New York. Geographical-variation. Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children. United States SO: Journal-of-rheumatology. Bronx. Epidemiologia-. Bronx. AfriqueIDS: Hombre-. Record 74 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Immunity to cartilage link protein in patients with juvenile rheumatoid art hritis PA: GUERASSIMOV-A. Results. McGill University. AfricaJN: Journal-of-biosocial-science CD: JBSLAR LOC: INIST. Shelf number 14602. AI: AB NR: 34 ref. Child-. adult relatives had considerably higher mean tender poin t counts than controls: 4. children. Ternura-. Nino-. All rights reserved. Homme-. Multiplicacion-celular. brot hers. Immunoblotting-assay. Israel. 24 (5) : 941-944 IS: 0315-162X PY: 1997 CP: Canada LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objective. for males and females. Soroka Medical Center. Thirty female patients with FM randomly chosen and 117 of their close relatives (parents. FM prevalence in male relatives was 14%. Bio logie-moleculaire IDS: Hombre-. Beer Sheva. To determine the prevalence of fibromyalgia (FM) and to assess n onarticular tenderness in relatives of patients with FM. Musculo-estriado-patologia . This finding can be attrib uted to genetic and environmental factors. AI: AB NR: 17 ref.01) and 10. Enfant-. Lymphocyte-. Patogenia-. Tenderness-.2 (p < 0.4 (p < 0.28 (p < 0. resp ectively.4 vs 0. CronicoIDE: Human-. Pathogenie. Conclusion. Molecular-biology IDF: Homme-. Linfocito-. Cartilage-. Reumatismo-inflamatorio. INIST No. Relacion-familiar. Proteine-liaison. husbands) were assessed for nonarticular tenderness. Human-. The mean tender point counts of male and female young relatives was significantly h igher than that of controls: 6.1 vs 0. Cartilago -. Methods. ChronicDEF: Arthrite-chronique-juvenile. Dosage-. Beer Sheva. Striated-muscle-disease IDF: Systeme-osteoarticulaire-pathologie. Results. Muscle-strie-pathologie IDS: Sistema-osteoarticular-patologia. Shelf number 16024. Immunite-. and in female relatives 41%. Relation-familiale. Sistema-osteoarticular-patologia. PainDEF: Fibromyalgie-. Proteina-enlace.04 (p < 0. Record 75 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Fibromyalgia syndrome (FM) and nonarticular tenderness in relatives of pati ents with FM PA: BUSKILA-D. 1997. r espectively. and among their husband s 19%.01). Bin ding-protein. Lymphocyte-. Pathogenesis-. Inflammatory-joint-disease. NEUMANN-L AF: Rheumatic Disease Unit and the Epidemiology Department. Inmunidad-. DolorIDE: Diseases-of-the-osteoarticular-system.DEE: Juvenile-rheumatoid-arthritis. Immunity-. Cell-proliferation. A count of 18 tender points was conducted by thumb palpation. Similarly. Biolog ia-molecular JN: Journal-of-rheumatology CD: JRHUA9 LOC: INIST. Methode-immunoblotting. Diseases-of-the-osteoarticular-system. and tenderness thres holds were assessed by dolorimetry at 9 tender sites.01). DouleurDES: Fibromialgia-. ChroniqueDES: Artritis-cronica-juvenil. Multiplication-cellulaire.0 vs 0.3 vs 0. Hombre-. as re cently reported and shown in a healthy control group.01). Relatives of patients with FM have a higher prevalence of FM and are more tender than the general population. and 4. Systeme-osteoarticulaire-pathologie. 354000065622440250 AN: 970349947 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Dosificacion-. Child -. Assay-. Tendrete-. Ben-Gurion Universi ty of the Negev. Cartilage -. sisters. The prevalence of FM among blood relatives of patients with FM was 26%. Rhumatisme-inflammatoire. Israel SO: Journal-of-rheumatology. FM was diagnosed according to the 1990 American College of Rheumatology criteria. DEE: Fibromyalgia-. Familial-relation. JN: CD: LOC: AN: SI: CR: Journal-of-rheumatology JRHUA9 INIST, Shelf number 16024, INIST No. 354000065622440220 970349945 INIST <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved. Record 76 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Benign multilocular cystisch nephroma TT: Benign multilocular cystic nephroma PA: HEINDRYCKX-E; CASSELMAN-J; DEFLOOR-E; DELANOTE-G AF: Dienst Radiologie Sint-Jozef-kliniek, Oostende, Belgium; Dienst Urologie en Sint-Jozef-kliniek, Oostende, Belgium; Dienst Anatomo-Pathologie Sint-Jozef-kli niek, Oostende, Belgium SO: Journal-belge-de-radiologie. 1997; 80 (2) : 65-67 IS: 0021-7646 PY: 1997 CP: Belgium LA: Dutch LS: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: A case of benign multilocular cystic nephroma in a young female is presente d. The radiological features (urography, ultrasonography, computed tomography an d angiography) are not specific for this diagnosis. The differential diagnosis i ncludes a cystic Wilms' tumor in children and a cystic renal cell carcinoma in a dults. The final diagnosis is obtained by histological examination of the resect ed specimen. AI: AB NR: 15 ref. DEE: Multilocular-cyst; Kidney-; Wilms-tumor; Cyst-; Carcinoma-; Diagnosis-; Di fferential-diagnostic; Case-study; Human-; FemaleDEF: Kyste-multiloculaire; Rein-; Tumeur-Wilms; Kyste-; Carcinome-; Diagnostic; Diagnostic-differentiel; Etude-cas; Homme-; FemelleDES: Quiste-multilocular; Rinon-; Tumor-Wilms; Quiste-; Carcinoma-; Diagnostico -; Diagnostico-diferencial; Estudio-caso; Hombre-; HembraIDE: Urinary-system-disease; Kidney-disease; Benign-neoplasm; Malignant-tumor IDF: Appareil-urinaire-pathologie; Rein-pathologie; Tumeur-benigne; Tumeur-mali gne IDS: Aparato-urinario-patologia; Rinon-patologia; Tumor-benigno; Tumor-maligno JN: Journal-belge-de-radiologie LOC: INIST, Shelf number 4298, INIST No. 354000061664750020 AN: 970349937 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved. Record 77 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Nocturnal enuresis and daytime wetting : A multicentric Trial with oxybutyn in and desmopressin PA: CAIONE-P; ARENA-F; BIRAGHI-M; CIGNA-R-M; CHENDI-D; CHIOZZA-M-L; DE-LISA-A; DE-GRAZIA-E; FANO-M; FORMICA-P; GAROFALO-S; GRAMENZI-R; VAN-HELAND-M; LANZA-P; L ANZA-T; MAFFEI-S; MANIERI-C; MERLINI-E; MIANO-L; NAPPO-S; PAGLIARULO-A; PAOLETTI -F-P; PAU-A-C; PORRU-D; RICCIPELITONI-G; SCARPA-R-M; SEIMANDI-P; ARTIBAN-W AF: Division of Pediatric Urology, 'Bambino Gesu' Children's Hospital, Rome, It aly; Department of Pediatric Surgery, University of Messina, Italy; Medical Depa rtment, Valeas - Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Milan, Italy; Department of Pediatric Surgery, University of Palermo, Italy; Department of Pediatric Surgery, Universi ty of Ferrara, Italy; Pediatric Department, University of Padua, Italy; Urology Department, University of Cagliari, Italy; Pediatric Department, University of P erugia, Italy; Institute of Urology, 'La Sapienza' University, Rome, Italy; Urol ogy Department, 'G. Pugliese' Hospital, Catanzaro, Italy; Urology Department, Un iversity of Teramo, Italy; G. Buzzi' Children's Hospital, Alessandria, Italy; Ur ology Department, University of Bari, Italy; Urology Department, University of M odena, Italy SO: European-urology. 1997; 31 (4) : 459-463 IS: 0302-2838 PY: 1997 CP: Switzerland LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objective: Different etiopathological mechanisms of enuresis are today unde r study, and different therapies and drugs have been proposed. The Italian Multi centric Trial was undertaken in twelve pediatric and urological centers in order to assess the efficacy of two of the most popular drugs, desmopressin (DDAVP) a nd oxybutynin. Methods: 114 enuretic patients were enrolled in the study. After a 2-week observation period, 66 patients with primary monosymptomatic enuresis w ere treated with DDAVP, 30 <mu>g/day intranasally, for 6 weeks. 48 patients with enuresis and voiding dysfunction were randomly assigned to a protocol with oxyb utynin alone or oxybutynin plus DDAVP. The efficacy of the two drugs was measure d in terms of reduction of wet nights per week during the 6-week treatment perio d and a 2-week follow-up period. Children with 0-3 dry nights/week were consider ed as nonresponders. Results: Patients with monosymptomatic enuresis treated wit h DDAVP reported a significantly lower number of wet nights during treatment tha n during the baseline period, with 79% showing a 'good' (6-7 dry nights/week) or 'intermediate' response (4-5 dry nights/week). Of the patients with diurnal voi ding disturbances and enuresis, those treated with oxybutynin alone had a 54% su ccess rate. The patients treated with both oxybutynin and DDAVP showed a better response, with a 71% rate of success. Conclusions: The efficacy of the two drugs is confirmed in patients carefully selected on the clinical basis of voiding di sturbances. In patients with enuresis and voiding dysfunction, the reduced urina ry output and the lower bladder filling rate due to DDAVP can reduce uninhibited bladder contractions, thus enhancing the oxybutynin action. AI: AB NR: 27 ref. DEE: Enuresis-; Night-; Desmopressin-; Chemotherapy-; Antidiuretic-; Oxybutynin -; Antispasmodic-agent; Comparative-study; Treatment-; Exploration-; Child-; Uro dynamicsDEF: Enuresie-; Nuit-; Desmopressine-; Chimiotherapie-; Antidiuretique-; Oxybut ynine-; Spasmolytique-; Etude-comparative; Traitement-; Exploration-; Enfant-; U rodynamiqueDES: Enuresis-; Noche-; Desmopresina-; Quimioterapia-; Antidiuretico-; Oxibutin ina-; Espasmolitico-; Estudio-comparativo; Tratamiento-; Exploracion-; NinoIDE: Human-; Urinary-system-disease; Voiding-dysfunction; Urinary-incontinence; Neurohypophyseal-hormone IDF: Homme-; Appareil-urinaire-pathologie; Trouble-miction; Incontinence-urinai re; Hormone-neurohypophysaire IDS: Hombre-; Aparato-urinario-patologia; Trastorno-miccion; Incontinencia-urin aria; Hormona-neurohipofisaria JN: European-urology CD: EUURAV LOC: INIST, Shelf number 16847, INIST No. 354000065458430150 AN: 970349835 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved. Record 78 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Etiological and clinical patterns of urolithiasis in Turkish children PA: ONER-A; DEMIRCIN-G; IPEKRIOGLU-H; BULBUL-M; ECIN-N AF: Departments of Nephrology and Radiology, Dr. Sami Ulus Children's Hospital, Ankara, Turkey SO: European-urology. 1997; 31 (4) : 453-458 IS: 0302-2838 PY: 1997 CP: Switzerland LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objective: To evaluate the clinical and etiological characteristics of chil dhood urolithiasis in Turkey. Methods: Ninety-two children with urolithiasis wer e studied retrospectively according to clinical patterns and etiological factors between January 1990 and January 1995. Results: The age range of the patients w as from 2 months to 14 years (mean age 6.9 years), and there was a male/female r atio of 1.6. The onset of the disease was earlier in boys than in girls. The mos t striking features were the initial admission of 14 (15.2%) children after the development of chronic renal failure and that most of them (64.3%) had infection stones. The stones were localized in the upper urinary system in 68.5% of the p atients; bladder stones were rare (10.9%). The recurrence rate at presentation w as 15.2% in all patients. As etiological factors, an anatomical defect was found in 30.4% of the patients, infections in 31.5%, and metabolic disorders in 26. % ; 11 (12.0%) of them were classified as idiopathic. The earliest presentation wa s seen with metabolic and infection stones and the highest recurrence rate (37.5 %) in patients with metabolic stones. Conclusion: Childhood urolithiasis is a se rious problem in Turkey. In order to prevent the development of end-stage renal failure and to improve the patients' quality of life, more efforts should be mad e with respect to early diagnosis and management of renal stones and urinary tra ct infections. AI: AB NR: 21 ref. DEE: Lithiasis-; Urinary-tract; Renal-failure; Chronic-; Turkey-; Complication; Etiopathogenesis-; Epidemiology-; Child-; Public-health DEF: Lithiase-; Voie-urinaire; Insuffisance-renale; Chronique-; Turquie-; Compl ication-; Etiopathogenie-; Epidemiologie-; Enfant-; Sante-publique DES: Litiasis-; Via-urinaria; Insuficiencia-renal; Cronico-; Turquia-; Complica cion-; Etiopatogenia-; Epidemiologia-; Nino-; Salud-publica IDE: Asia-; Human-; Urinary-system-disease; Urinary-tract-disease; Urinary-ston e; Kidney-disease IDF: Asie-; Homme-; Appareil-urinaire-pathologie; Voie-urinaire-pathologie; Cal cul-urinaire; Rein-pathologie IDS: Asia-; Hombre-; Aparato-urinario-patologia; Via-urinaria-patologia; Calcul o-urinario; Rinon-patologia JN: European-urology CD: EUURAV LOC: INIST, Shelf number 16847, INIST No. 354000065458430140 AN: 970349834 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. All rights reserved. Record 79 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Single rope tree swing injuries among children PA: ALBANESE-C-T; GARDNER-M-J; ADKINS-M-A; SCHALL-L; LYNCH-J-M AF: Department of Pediatric Surgery, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsbu rgh, Pennsylvania, United States; University of Pittsburgh, School of Public Hea lth, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States SO: Pediatrics-Evanston. 1997; 99 (4) : 548-550 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www.ebsco.com/online/direct.asp?ArticleID=F9Y4Y0Y3F2A Tree-. Frecuencia-. or three stories). and the importance of medical awar eness and patient education are emphasized. Sante-publique . Fracture-. Nino-. Amerique-du-Nord. North-America. gender. or length of hos pital stay with respect to the height of the fall was observed. and intra-abdominal visceral injuries (8 %). and mortality. Results. Child-. Arbre-. Maryl and. This activity carries a substantial risk for serious in jury. All rights reserved. HALL-B-S. One death occurred from intracranial injury following a two-s tory fall. number and type of injuries. United-States.asp?ArticleID=NH8W8505QB8 L35D5PCA3 IS: 0031-4005 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial . TarzanDES: Juego-. 354000065419170080 AN: 970349818 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Fractura-. age. Baltimore. America-del-norte. Frequency-. Enfant-. Patients were divided into three grou ps based on the estimated distance of their fall (one. Public-health. 99 (4) : 529-533 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. two. Record 80 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Outcomes of annual tuberculosis screening by Mantoux test in children consi dered to be at high risk : Results from one urban clinic PA: SERWINT-J-R. BALDWIN-R-M. axial skeletal fractures (23%). Falls from lower heights resulted in equally severe injuries as falls from higher heights. Shelf number 6967.QN70MA2PU IS: 0031-4005 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objective. The mechanism of injury. No difference in age. AmericaIDF: Homme-. AI: AB NR: 8 ref. injury severity score. Eighteen patients fell from ropes. Johns Hopkins Children's Center. AmericaJN: Pediatrics-Evanston CD: PEDIAU LOC: INIST. To examine the scope and severity of injuries sustained from fal ls from single rope tree swings among children. Traumatisme-. Twenty-six children for med the basis of this retrospective study. head trauma was the most common injury (58%) followed by long bone fractures (42%). and 4 f rom three stories. 1997. AmeriqueIDS: Hombre-. clinical data. Fracture-.ebsco. United States SO: Pediatrics-Evanston. 8 from two stories. D ata were analyzed with respect to mechanism of injury. Etats-Unis. INIST No. gender. Arbol-. Traumatismo-. and 8 from vines (all onto packed di rt). Conclusions. Estados-Unidos. PensilvaniaIDE: Human-. length of ho spital stay. VIRDEN-J-M AF: Department of Pediatrics. Fourteen falls occurred from one story or less. DEE: Play-. Overa ll. Penns ylvaniaDEF: Jeu-. Trauma-. Methods. Pennsylvanie-. Salud-publica .com/online/direct. Frequence-. The present study demonstrated that recreational single rope tr ee swing injuries among children resulted in significant morbidity regardless of the height of the fall. injury severity score. Florida. Ev aluacion-prestacion. Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Zona-urbana.8% of reactivity to purified protein derivative tuberculin. Urban-area. to determine the adherence to return to the clinic for reading of the skin te st. United States SO: Pediatrics-Evanston. A total o f 1433 consecutive children attending this clinic from March through September. children whose only risk factor for tuberculosis was exposure to poor and medically indigent city dwellers did not represent a high-risk group . Patients were tracked to determine those who returned for a reading by a health care professional and find those with a positive Manto ux test. Infection-. Sante-publique DES: Tuberculosis-. giving a prevalence rate of 0. HommeIDS: Micobacteriosis-. Inner-city. 1997. Enfant-. Evaluatio n-performance. the Department of Pediatri cs and the Rose F. Cross-sectional study. This test has a better sensitivity and specificity than the previously used multiple puncture test. AI: AB NR: 31 ref. Depistage-. To estimate the prevalence of reactivity t o purified protein derivative tuberculin in an urban primary care clinic whose p atients meet high-risk criteria and to determine if annual screening is warrante d.AB: Background. Salud-publica IDE: Mycobacterial-infection. Subjects. Nino-. RAPIN-I AF: Department of Neurology. and patients need to return for a reading done by palpation by a health care professional. In our city with a low preva lence of disease. Public-health DEF: Tuberculose-. DEE: Tuberculosis-. ho spital-based primary care pediatric clinic in Baltimore. Research Design. Tuberculine-PPD. Perfo rmance-evaluation. Medical-screening. 99 (4) : 560-566 . Skin-test. HombreJN: Pediatrics-Evanston CD: PEDIAU LOC: INIST. Tuberculina-PPD. Record 81 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Regression in pervasive developmental disorders : Seizures and epileptiform electroencephalogram correlates PA: TUCHMAN-R-F. Al ternative strategies that are more convenient for parents are needed to obtain a ccurate readings by health care professionals when skin testing is deemed necess ary. Tuberculin-PPD. Our results are supportive of the 1996 American Academy of Pediatrics screenin g statement that annual screening is not warranted. In January 1994. 1994. The Mantoux test (5TU intradermal in jection of purified protein derivative) was administered to children at annual h ealth supervision visits. Test-cutane. 354000065419170040 AN: 970349817 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. 33155. who were at risk for tuberculosis because of frequent exposure to poor and medically indigent city dwellers. Objective. Five patients had a positive Mantoux test. the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that annual screening with the purified protein derivative tuberculin skin test . Methods. Descubrimiento-. Sixty percent of children di d not return for a reading of the Mantoux test by a health care professional. Setting. MD. Zone-urbaine. be used for tuberculosis screening in high-risk children. New York. Results. Kennedy Center for Research in Mental Retardation and Human D evelopment. Infeccion-. Saul R. The charts of children with a positive test were reviewed. Prueba-cutaneo. HumanIDF: Mycobacteriose-. Mantoux method. One child with a positive Mantoux test also had chest radiograph findings consistent with tube rculosis disease but was asymptomatic. Conclusions. Child-. Miami. Korey Department of Neurology. and to describe the characteristics of patients who have tuberculosis infect ion and disease. All rights reserved. Fiv e hundred seventy-three (40%) patients returned for a reading by a health care p rofessional. Bronx. Shelf number 6967. Miami Children's Hospital. Bacteriose-. Bacteriosis-. INIST No. Bacteriosis-. Infection-. United States. Electroence phalographie-.FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Systeme-nerveux-central-pathologie. Shelf number 6967. Desarrollo-psicomotor. NinoIDE: Human-. Sistema-nervosio-central-patologia. Regression was a ssociated with an epileptiform EEG in 14% of 155 nonepileptic children who had u ndergone a regression. seizures. Epilepsy-. and 66 children (11%) had a h istory of epilepsy. Approximately one third of the parents of children with pervasi ve developmental disorders or autistic spectrum disorders reports an early regre ssion of unknown cause in their children's language. 176 (30%) had a history of regression. ChildDEF: Autisme-.asp?ArticleID=X91P3VY7PFP KJU2MCRT6 IS: 0031-4005 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Background. the EEG was epileptiform in 59% of the 66 epilepti c children and 8% of the 335 nonepileptic children. En cephale-pathologie IDS: Hombre-. Conclusion. sociability. Method. Epilepsy o r epileptiform EEGs occur in a significant minority of autistic children with a history of regression and in a smaller minority without regression. as opposed to 6% of 364 children with neither regression nor epilepsy. Developpement-psychomoteur. INIST No. Diagnostic-. Mean age at regression was 21 months. C hildren with lower cognitive function were more likely to have undergone regress ion than those with better cognitive skills (34% vs 20%). and play. Of the 58 5 children. Psychomotor-development. E ncefalo-patologia JN: Pediatrics-Evanston CD: PEDIAU LOC: INIST. The importance of epilepsy or epileptic EEGs a s contributors to autistic regression is not known. Central-nervous-system-disease. There was no difference in t he proportion of children with epilepsy or epileptiform EEGs who had regressed b efore or after 2 years of age. EnfantDES: Autismo-. Prompt recog nition of regression and recording of prolonged sleep EEGs is recommended. Electroencefalogr afia-. Cerebraldisorder IDF: Homme-. Seiz ures or an epileptiform electroencephalogram (EEG) are associated with language regression in acquired epileptic aphasia (Landau-Kleffner syndrome) and some oth er pediatric epileptic syndromes. Systeme-nerveux-pathologie. Regresion-. Data on autistic regression. Among 392 childr en with available sleep EEGs. Results. whether or not the child was epileptic or had regressed. and co gnitive function were entered prospectively into a data base.ebsco. Record 82 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) . All rights reserved. 354000065419170110 AN: 970349811 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. defined as two or more unprovoked seizures. even though information on the potential efficacy of antiepileptic treatment to impro ve language and behavior in autistic children with epilepsy or an epileptiform E EG is still lacking. Nervous-system-diseases. Electroencephalo graphy-.com/online/direct. Sistema-nervioso-patologia. Regression had occurred equa lly among children without seizures and in those with epilepsy. Regression-. Diagnosis-. DEE: Autism-. Epilepsia-. Regression-. Diagnostico-. sleep EEGs. Epilepsie-. Subjects were 482 bo ys and 103 girls on the autistic spectrum seen consecutively in consultation by one child neurologist. AI: AB NR: 45 ref. Approximately half of the epileptiform discharges were centrotemporal. Vegetation-adenoide DES: Adenoidectomia-. 111 (5) : 444-446 IS: 0022-2151 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: In spite of previously favourable reports on day-case adenoidectomy. Ipswich. Descubrimiento-. Rural-envir onment. Suff olk. Relation-medecin-malade. Medical-screening. United States.ebsco. there are still worries amongst otolaryngologists that such practice is unsafe. There was no increased in post-operative consultation to the general practitioner. Relacion-madre-nino. The parents in the day -case group were mostly in favour of the day-case arrangement (88 per cent). 99 (4) : 551-554 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. All rights reserved. Relacion-medico-paciente. Evaluacion-. Cali fornia. Epidemiology Program Office. Centers for Dis ease Control and Prevention. A regional audit on day-case adenoidectomy . University of C alifornia. Medio-rural. Hopital-jour.T1: Day-case adenoidectomy : how popular and safe in a rural environment ? PA: SIDDIQUI-N. Record 83 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Tinea capitis in California children : A population-based study of a growin g epidemic PA: LOBATO-M-N. Atlanta. Organisation-sante IDS: Cirugia-. Mail-inquiry.com/online/direct. The results suggest that day-case adenoidectomy is safe and popular with parents ev en in a rural environment. A national survey was therefore carried out which s hows that only 41 per cent of respondents perform adenoidectomy routinely as day -case. was conducted in East Anglia. California. Evalua tion-. Encuesta-por-correspondencia. California Department of Health Services. Department of Dermatology and Pediatrics. The children in the da y-case group recovered post-operatively even better than the in-patient group. Hospital-d e-dia. 354000061764090080 AN: 970349782 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Homme-. 1997. Public-health-organization IDF: Chirurgie-.asp?ArticleID=HFUDTG85B5Q CD7Q17E9M IS: 0031-4005 . Division of Commun icable Disease Control. United States SO: Pediatrics-Evanston. INIST No. Audit-. San Francisco. DEE: Adenoidectomy-. 7 3 day-case adenoidectomies were performed and the outcome was compared to those of 183 in-patient adenoidectomies during the same period. Vegetacion-adenoide IDE: Surgery-. Organizacion-salud JN: Journal-of-laryngology-and-otology CD: JLOTAX LOC: INIST. Human-. 1997. Between 1994 to 1995. Depistage-. Audit-. covering five hospitals. Adenoid-enlargement DEF: Adenoidectomie-. and even fewer in rural areas. The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust. especi ally in a rural environment. N one of them stayed overnight or required re-admission. Hombr e-. Georgia. Evalu ation-. Berkeley. Mother-child-relation. YUNG-M-W AF: Department of Otolaryngology. Shelf number 1096. Physician-patient-relation. Mil ieu-rural. Enquete-par-correspondance. United States. Day-hospital. AI: AB NR: 8 ref. VUGIA-D-J. Audit-. FRIEDEN-I-J AF: Preventive Medicine Residency. Relation-mere-enfant. United Kingdom SO: Journal-of-laryngology-and-otology. 1984 through 1993.tsinghua. the incident rate for prescriptions of oral g riseofulvin suspension increased by 84. 354000065419170090 AN: 970349764 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Population. Incidence-. SELMANPAKOGLU-N AF: Gulhane Military Medical Academy. Homme-. however. Etlik. AI: AB NR: 25 ref.com/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_o rigin=SilverLinker&_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0305%2d4179%2323 %23170%232&_version=1&md5=141db8a34f68e68d87c5079c8a315cfd ScienceDirect (China) http://elsevier. Infeccion-. AmeriqueIDS: Micosis-. RazaIDE: Mycosis-. African-American children were 13.3 for Asian/Pacific Islander. Epidemiologie-. Human-. INIST No.lib. AmericaJN: Pediatrics-Evanston CD: PEDIAU LOC: INIST. Teigne-t ondante DES: Tina-. Design. Ch ildren <10 years of age enrolled in Medi-Cal. United-States. California MediCal provider data for first-time prescriptions of oral griseofulvin suspension w ere used to estimate annual incidence of tinea capitis and calculate risk ratios . and 209. NISANCI-M. Since 1987. Division of Plastic-Reconstructive Surger y and Burn Centre. Race-.1 for whi te. Hombre-. Outcome Measures. and 14. Infection-. Etats-Unis.7% for African-American children.ascc. Conclusi ons.1 and 17. Record 84 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: An extraordinary cause of scalding injury in childhood PA: TUREGUN-M.2). 17. Results.PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objectives. Race-. 06018. white children have also experienced increased rates. incidence rates (per 1 0 000 enrolled) were 252. incidence rates for childre n 5 to 9 years of age were higher compared with children ages <5 years.6 times more likely to be prescri bed griseofulvin than Hispanic children. 1997. Child-. 140. Infection-.5 for Hispanic. Incidencia-. To describe trends in tinea capitis incidence among California children and to determine subpopulations at increased risk.ejou rnal. Nino-. Setting. DEE: Ring-worm. The highest rate by location was San Francisco County (172.net/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=SilverLinker&_urlversion=4&_method= citationSearch&_volkey=0305%2d4179%2323%23170%232&_version=1&md5=141db8a34f68e68 d87c5079c8a315cfd IS: 0305-4179 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English . CELIKOZ-B. In age groups <5 years and 5 to 9 yea rs. America-del-norte. Ankara. Epidemiologia-. California. Retrospectiv e population-based study. Incidence-.sciencedirect. California-. North-America. 23 (2) : 170-173 FTXT: ScienceDirect (tm) http://www. Turkey SO: Burns-.edu. African-American children are the most affected by this epidemic. California-.1 claimants for African-American children. Shelf number 6967. All rights reserved. Tinea-ca pitis DEF: Teigne-. In 1993. Californie-. From 1984 through 1993. Epidemiology-.4% for white chi ldren. Enfant-.cn/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=SilverLinker &_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0305%2d4179%2323%23170%232&_versio n=1&md5=141db8a34f68e68d87c5079c8a315cfd ScienceDirect (Taiwan) http://sdos. 23. AmericaIDF: Mycose-. Amerique-du-Nord. Tinea capitis is epidemic among California children with higher rates in th e northern counties studied.2% for all children. Estados-Unidos. tsinghua. Human-. Turkey-. University of Graz. Fifteen preschool childre n had been severely scalded in kitchens by hot milk which was heated in a cauldr on to produce cheese. Department of Plastic Surgery. Agua-caliente. Eau-chaude. TraumatismoJN: BurnsCD: BURND8 LOC: INIST. Homme-. a surprising aetiological cau se was noticed.-clinical-case AB: In an attempt to statistically evaluate burn injuries in childhood in terms of incidence. WANIEK-E.sciencedirect. From our experience. gastrointestinal insufficiency. a traditional custom. Shelf number 18226. Etiology-.com/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_o rigin=SilverLinker&_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0305%2d4179%2323 %23166%232&_version=1&md5=adf2f8083dc207f626ce514c03b4b9a6 ScienceDirect (China) http://elsevier. Auenbruggerplatz 30. 354000065757740150 AN: 970349741 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. The boy was v entilated with pressure-controlled mechanical ventilation. 23 (2) : 166-169 FTXT: ScienceDirect (tm) http://www. Austria. Au stria.net/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=SilverLinker&_urlversion=4&_method= citationSearch&_volkey=0305%2d4179%2323%23166%232&_version=1&md5=adf2f8083dc207f 626ce514c03b4b9a6 IS: 0305-4179 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: The paediatric patient we are describing suffered a scald injury covering 8 3 per cent of the total body surface area (TBSA). hepathopat hy and wound conversion to full thickness posed the main problems. Accidente-corporal. NinoIDE: Asia-. Department of Anaesthesiology. Etiologia-. BARNTHALER-J. Graz. The clinical data relating to this a etiology and the probable underlying factors pertaining to the social characteri stics are given and discussed. GRUBBAUER-H-M AF: Department of Pediatrics. University of Graz. EnfantDES: Quemadura-. TraumaIDF: Asie-. Auenbruggerplat z 30.ejou rnal. TraumatismeIDS: Asia-. G raz. The concept of permis sive hypercapnia (PHC) resulted in a complete resolution of ARDS within 4 weeks. Accident-corporel. Hombre-. but also as being prev entable in most cases if simple precautions are taken. Graz. ChildDEF: Brulure-. All rights reserved. not only as having a high mortality rate. further lung injury among infants and children suffering f rom severe ARDS can be avoided by using controlled mechanical hypoventilation. WANIEK-G.edu.ascc. University of Graz.BL: Analytic LT: Serial MT: case-report. Auenbruggerplatz 30.cn/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=SilverLinker &_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0305%2d4179%2323%23166%232&_versio n=1&md5=adf2f8083dc207f626ce514c03b4b9a6 ScienceDirect (Taiwan) http://sdos. Turquia-. I . Turquie-. DEE: Burn-. INIST No. Austria SO: Burns-. ZOBEL-G. Hot-water. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Record 85 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Controlled mechanical hypoventilation in a paediatric burn patient as treat ment of acute respiratory distress syndrome PA: TROP-M.lib. aetiology. 1997. AI: AB NR: 14 ref. Personal-injury. mortality and morbidity. Etiologie-. This injury was complicated by Klebsiella pneumoniae septicaemia resulting in multiorgan failure (MOF). The Long Island Campus for the Albert Einstein Col lege of Medicine. In this study we examined its content in the sera of children to determine whether it changes during development. Traumatismo-. Farmington. Canada. Results. Department of Pediatrics. C onnecticut. New York. NinoIDE: Human-. Department of Surgery. Division of Orthopaedic Surgery. Schneider Children's Hospital. Respiratory-failure. McGill University. Montreal. United States. INIST No. McG ill University. Traumatisme-. United States. All rights reserved. Ventilation-mecanique-controlee. Respiratory-disease. Controlled-mec hanical-ventilation. Cana da. Estudio-caso. mean <plus or m . Divisio n of Surgical Research. Ven tilation-artificielle IDS: Hombre-. The presence and content of the C-propept ide reflect the synthesis of this molecule. Insuficiencia-organica-mul tiple. Department of Surgery. Multiple-organ-failure. Aparato-respiratorio-patologia. Concentrations were constant until 10 years of age (premature infants: 14. Compared with adults. Case-study. Mont efiore Medical Center. Orthopaedic Research Laboratory. Long Island Jewish Medical Center. 75 children (018 years). Aigu-. POOLE-AR AF: Joint Diseases Laboratory. Department of Pediatrics. pointin g to increased synthesis of this molecule. New York. Ventilacion-mecanica-controlada. Roya l Victoria Hospital. EnfantDES: Quemadura-. ChildDEF: Brulure-. Insuffisance-organique-multipl e. Traitement-. Trauma-. Etude-cas. University of Connecticut H ealth Center. Insuficiencia-respiratoria. Tratamiento-.4 ng/ml. Sera were obtained from 44 premature infants (cord blood). Artificial-ventilati on IDF: Homme-. Recently. are removed from newly synthesized procollagen during collage n fibril assembly in cartilage matrix. together with the N-propeptide. United States. Orthopaedic Research Laboratories. Met hods. Record 86 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Serum content of the C-propeptide of the cartilage molecule type II collage n in children PA: CAREY-D-E.t is a simple and safe technique that allows adequate oxygenation. Cuidado-intensivo. Soin-intensif. Acute-. The C-propeptide of cartilage type II procollagen. Ventilacion-artificial JN: BurnsCD: BURND8 LOC: INIST. Agudo-.5 <plus or minus sign> 1. Insuffisance-respiratoire. we showed that serum level s of the C-propeptide are increased in adults with rheumatoid arthritis. Pediatric Endocrinology. 354000065757740140 AN: 970349739 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. 15 (3) : 325-328 IS: 0392-856X PY: 1997 CP: Italy LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Objective. HYAMS-J-S. DEE: Burn-. Treatment-. AI: AB NR: 18 ref. c oncentrations of the C-propeptide of type II procollagen were significantly elev ated in children of ages 0-14 years. New Hyde Park. ROSENBERG-L-C. Hartford Hospital. Intensive-care. ALINI-M. Montreal. Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children. 14 young adults (18-22 years) and 47 adults (35-60 years The concentr ation of serum C-propeptide of type II procollagen was determined by a solution phase competitive inhibition radioimmunoassay which uses a polyclonal antiserum specific for the bovine and human C-propeptide. ROWE-J-C. United States SO: Clinical-and-experimental-rheumatology. 1997. IONESCU-M. Shelf number 18226. Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie. Colageno-. INIST No. Resultado-. Procollagene-. 0-10 years: 13. 354000061660200170 AN: 970349696 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Conclusions. Metodo-radioinmunologico.6 <plus or minus sign> 0. 75571 Paris. *1996-06-19 SO: Medecine-et-maladies-infectieuses. Systeme-osteoarticulaire IDS: Hombre-. *10. Service ORL et de Chirurgie cervico-faciale. Collagen-.4 ng/ml) . DEE: Development-.inus sign> SE. Dosage-. 26 av. Radioimmunoassay-. C-Peptide . ENT infections PA: GARABEDIAN-E-N. Les infections ORL TT: Protracted otitis media in children. Assay-.7 ng/ml). ESHRAGHI-A-H. Shelf number 15434. *Conference-Meeting NR: 34 ref. NinoIDE: Human-. Evolution-. BO RRONE-C . CASTAGNOLA-E. Evolution-. PICCO-P. Precurso r-. Procollagen-.3 <plus or minus sign> 0. LESTANG-P. Cartilago-. Procolageno-.6 <plus or minus sign> 1 ng/ml). INIST No.0 ng/ml) and adults (5. Record 88 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Erythema multiforme-like manifestations and arthritis in a 3-year-old child with leukocytoclastic vasculitis PA: GATTORNO-M. PISTOIA-V. Precursor-. Peptide-C. ChildDEF: Developpement-. ROGER-G AF: Hopital Trousseau. Netter. Cartilage-. Methode-radioimmunologique. In children of ag es 10-14 years. 27 (4) : 412-417 IS: 0399-077X PY: 1997 CP: France LA: French LS: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial. GAMBINI-C. The measurement o f this circulating C-propeptide may be of use in studying the biochemical and ph ysiological bases of changes in cartilage turnover in children. Serum concentrations did not show significant differences with respect to sex. Sistema-osteoarticular JN: Clinical-and-experimental-rheumatology LOC: INIST. BUONCOMPAGNI-A. during which the pubertal growth spurt is ordinarily observed. du D r A. AI: AB NR: 29 ref. Concentr ations at all ages younger than 14 were significantly greater than those in olde r adolescents ages 14-18 (6. All rights reserved.7 ng/m l) although not significantly due to the variation between individuals. JN: Medecine-et-maladies-infectieuses CD: MMAIB5 LOC: INIST. young adults (8. Osteoarticular-system IDF: Homme-. but varied from child to child at any given age. *Lyon Fran ce. All rights reserved. Result-. 354000065683990130 AN: 970349625 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. t he mean concentration increased (10-14 years: 21. Dosificacion-.7 <plus or minus sign> 0. Shelf number 20920. Collagene-. Precurseu r-. Evolucion-. and abnormalitie s thereof. Record 87 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Otites d' evolution prolongee de l' enfant. EnfantDES: Desarrollo-. Cartilage-. France CF: *Conference de Consensus en Therapeutique Anti-Infectieuse.4 <plus or minus sign> 2. Resultat-. 1997. Peptido-C. Italy SO: Clinical-and-experimental-rheumatology. Artritis-. EnfantDES: Vasculitis-. needs to be further evaluated. All rights reserved. especially its sol uble form (sIL-2R). Genova. Ludwig-Maximilians University. Arthritis-. DEE: Vasculitis-. 1997. Germany. Gaslini Institute for Children. Erythema-multiform. Pea u-pathologie. Artropatia-. Gaslini Institute for Children. Piel-. HOCHERL-E. G. University of Texas Medical Branch. Gaslini Institute for Children. Shelf number 20920. Etude-cas. It was the objective of the s tudy to assess the kinetics of sIL-2R within different settings of trauma and to . Association-. 1997. Cambridge. Genova. Oedeme-. however. G. DURDA-P-J. Department of Pathology. revealing the typical features of a leukocyto clastic vasculitis. Case-study. Because of the unusual onset of the cutaneous l esion a skin biopsy was performed. Eritema-multiforme. Vaso-sanguineo-patologia. Edema-. Cardiovascular-disease. Gaslini Institute for Children. Genova. The clinical and immunopatholo gicalfindings in this patient were similar to those reported for the acute hemor rhagic edema of infancy (AHE) described in children younger than 2 years of age. Asociacion-. FAIST-E AF: Department of Surgery. Dermatose-bull euse IDS: Hombre-. NinoIDE: Human-. Skin-disease. Klinikum Grosshadern. Vaisseau-sanguin-pathologie. ZIMMER-S. Bullous-dermatosis IDF: Homme-. Association-. Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie. AI: AB NR: 14 ref. United States SO: The-Journal-of-burn-care-and-rehabilitation. HERNDON-D-N. Record 89 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Kinetics of soluble interleukin-2 receptor after mechanical and burn trauma PA: SCHINKEL-C. Articu lation-. Munich. Vascular-disease. Ital y. Peau-.AF: 2nd Division of Pediatrics. United States. Hemorragia-. G. Genzyme Corporation. Estudio-caso. Systeme-osteoarticulaire-pathologie. Edema-. INIST No. Hemorrhage-. Arthrite-. Shriners Hospital for Crippled Child ren. Hemorragie-. Erytheme-polymorphe. Laboratory of Oncology. Skin-. 18 (3) : 210-213 IS: 0273-8481 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Extended trauma causes a failure of T-lymphocyte function due to suppressed interleukin-2 synthesis. Articulac ion-. Joint-. Arthropathie-. G. Arthropathy-. irrespective of the age at onset. 15 (3) : 329-332 IS: 0392-856X PY: 1997 CP: Italy LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: A 3-year-old boy with erythema multiforme-like manifestations and severe ar ticular involvement is reported. Aparato-circulatorio-patologia. Dermatosis-bulosa JN: Clinical-and-experimental-rheumatology LOC: INIST. Di vision of Infectious Diseases. Department of S urgery. Italy. A direct immunofluorescent study revealed C3 and IgM deposit ion within the wall and around the small vessels. 354000061660200180 AN: 970349617 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Diseases-o f-the-osteoarticular-system. Sistema-osteoarticular-patologia. ChildDEF: Vascularite-. Genova. Italy. Piel-pa tologia. the role of IL-2 receptor. The present case supports the hypothesis that AHE is a distinctive leukocytocla stic vasculitis of childhood. Traumatismo-. Interleuquina-2. Anatomopathologie-. Enfant- . Traumatisme-. Kinetics -. The cutaneous punch biopsy from an ecchymotic lesion revealed microscopic findings of a necrotizing vasculitis process involving the superfic ial and deep blood vessel plexuses. tapered during 5 weeks. Cinetica-. Marqueur-biologique. Prognosis-. 354000061478300050 AN: 970349602 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. AI: AB NR: 19 ref. group 3. respectively). Pronostic-. Etude-cas. Peau-. Marcador-biologico. Concomitantdisease. Fibrin thrombi were present in the lumen or a few blood vessels. Soluble-form. DEE: Necrotizing-vasculitis. Faculty of Heath Sciences. We describe a 2-year-old Bedouin gi rl who developed cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis during the acute phase of hepa titis A infection. Interleukine-2. Ben-Gurion U niversity of the Negev. Hepatite-virale-A. Beer-Sheva. burned patients formed group 3 (injury severity s core 38 <plus or minus sign> 9). Pediatric Unit A. Pathology-. HombreIDE: Intensive-care. Viral-hepatitis-A. Record 90 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis associated with hepatitis A virus infectio n PA: PRESS-J. Shelf number 21578. Forme-solubl e. d aily. Trauma-. Israel SO: Journal-of-rheumatology. and Derma topathology Unit. CytokineIDF: Soin-intensif. ChildDEF: Vascularite-necrosante. Biological-receptor. AI: AB NR: 23 ref. Three groups of patient s with trauma were included in the study. Receptor-biologico.define its clinical value and possible predictive role. MASLOVITZ-S. Serum samples were collected at the site of the accident (group 1) and during the posttrauma course in the hospital (group 2. Cinetique-. She was treated with prednisone 2 mg/kg/day. DEE: Burn-. weekly) and sIL-2R was measured in these samples. Serum liver enzymes returned to the normal range within 6 weeks of the first presenting symptom. All rights reserved. Groups 1 and 2 consisted of multiply i njured patients (injury severity score 35 <plus or minus sign> 4 and 32 <plus or minus sign> 4. Asso ciation-morbide. Recepteur-biologique. 1997. HommeDES: Quemadura-. 24 (5) : 965-967 IS: 0315-162X PY: 1997 CP: Canada LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial MT: case-report. Biological-marker. Hepatitis A is one of many viruses that may be an etiologic factor in devel opment of cutaneous necrotizing vasculitis in children. Forma-solub le. CitoquinaJN: The-Journal-of-burn-care-and-rehabilitation LOC: INIST. CytokineIDS: Cuidado-intensivo. Case-study. AVINOACH-I AF: Pediatric Emergency Room and Rheumatology Unit. sIL-2R was with in the normal range in groups 1 and 2.-clinical-case AB: Hepatitis A virus has been recognized as an etiologic factor of cutaneous n ecrotizing vasculitis in only 2 adult cases. Soroka Medical Center. Pronostico-. INIST No. HumanDEF: Brulure-. but was significantly increased in group 3. A few skin scars were noted in previously necrotic ar eas. Interleukin-2. Skin-. There was no correlation between serum concentrations of this mediator and su sceptibility to infectious complications or outcome. INIST No. NinoIDE: Viral-disease. Autoimmune-disease IDF: Systeme-osteoarticulaire-pathologie. Par t 2. Infeccion-. 354000065622440360 . CronicoIDE: Diseases-of-the-osteoarticular-system. University of New Sout h Wales. Reumatismo-inflamatorio. Mesure-. These instruments have undergone extensive validation. Infection-. Aparato-circulatorio-patologia. Hombre-. One way to interpret psychological measures and to evalu ate how they change over time is to use normative comparisons that are condition al on time and other relevant covariates. *Conference-Meeting AB: Psychological measures are important because they can influence the express ion of pain and physical function in patients with arthritis. Efecto-psicologico. EDMONDS-J AF: Department of Rheumatology. Immunopatho logie-. Anatomia-patologica. Hepatitis-virica-A. Skin-disease. Quantitative-ana lysis. Appareil-digestif-pathologie. Immunop athology-. Homme-. Vaso-sangui neo-patologia. Hepatic-disease IDF: Virose-. Maladie-autoimmune IDS: Sistema-osteoarticular-patologia. Piel-. George Hospital. Such methods have been used to interpret the developmental. Enfermedad-autoinmune JN: Journal-of-rheumatology CD: JRHUA9 LOC: INIST. 354000065622440260 AN: 970349561 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. edu cational. *1996-04-16 SO: Journal-of-rheumatology. INIST No. Inmunopatologia -. AI: AB NR: 10 ref. A number of instru ments are now available that measure psychological distress and how we as indivi duals manage stress. alth ough more work is required to evaluate the performance of these instruments meas uring change over time. Hombre-. Infection-. Medida-. Aparato-digestivo-patologia. Australia CF: *OMERACT III Outcome Measures in Arthritis Clinical Trials. ChroniqueDES: Poliartritis-reumatoidea. DEE: Rheumatoid-arthritis. Analisis-cuantitati vo. Aso ciacion-morbosa. and physical growth of children. Shelf number 16024. Analyse-quantitativ e.DES: Vasculitis-necrosante. 1997. Piel-patologia. Estudio-caso. Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie. Human-. We can use similar methods to interpr et observational studies and to guide decisions within the context of clinical p ractice. Measurement-. Higado-patologia JN: Journal-of-rheumatology CD: JRHUA9 LOC: INIST. ChronicDEF: Polyarthrite-rhumatoide. Inflammatory-joint-disease. 24 (5) : 1004-1007 IS: 0315-162X PY: 1997 CP: Canada LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial. Vascular-diseas e. Shelf number 16024. Psychological-effect. *Cairns Australia. Effet-psychologique. Human-. Homme-. The St. Peau-pathologie. Rhumatisme-inflammatoire. Conference. Cardiovascular-disease. using statistical methods such as quan tile regression. Vaisseau-sa nguin-pathologie. Foie-pathologie IDS: Virosis-. Sydney. All rights reserved. Record 91 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Psychological measures: Practical issues in observational studies and clini cal monitoring : Psychosocial function in musculoskeletal trials PA: LASSERE-M. Digestive-diseases. ebsco. HommeDES: Hipertension-arterial-pulmonar. Inflamacio n-. GUAY-WOODFORD-L-M AF: Division of Nephrology.cn/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=SilverLinker &_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0008%2d6363%2334%23268%232&_versio n=1&md5=65ec06dc311c1f4976eebd5ccb90faed ScienceDirect (Taiwan) http://sdos. Division of Endocrinology-Hypertension. Massachusetts. Growth-factor.eiq. The Hospital for Sick Children.CO%3B2-X . Elastine-. Boston . United States SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West. Yale University School of Medicine.ascc.tsinghua.edu.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C343%3AX%3E2. LIFTON-R-P. INIST No. Ont. Citoquina-. 555 University Avenu e. Physiopathologie-. Cytokine-. Inflam mation-.lib.AN: 970349534 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. 11 (3) : 343-346 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Departments of Medicine and Genetics. United States. Factor-cre cimiento. Fibroblast-growth-factor. Connecticut. PolipeptidoJN: Cardiovascular-research CD: CVREAU LOC: INIST. All rights reserved.0. Children's Hospital. Facteur-croissance-fibroblaste.com/online/direct. Fisiopatologia-. Exploracion-. Record 93 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Low peripheral plasma renin activity as a critical marker in pediatric hype rtension PA: YIU-V-W-Y. 34 (2) : 268-272 FTXT: ScienceDirect (tm) http://www. 1997.ejou rnal. Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Harvard Medical School.com/usr_login. United Stat es. Massachusetts. HumanDEF: Hypertension-arterielle-pulmonaire. Factor-crecimiento-fibroblasto. Pathophysiology-. Exploration-.sciencedirect. DEE: Pulmonary-hypertension. Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie. Toronto. All rights reserved.asp?ArticleID=713QW1XVQVH 2M53CVABH InformationQuest http://www. New Haven. Elastina-. Cytokine-. Boston. 1997.net/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=SilverLinker&_urlversion=4&_method= citationSearch&_volkey=0008%2d6363%2334%23268%232&_version=1&md5=65ec06dc311c1f4 976eebd5ccb90faed IS: 0008-6363 PY: 1997 CP: Netherlands LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial NR: 31 ref. HombreIDE: Respiratory-disease. Exploration-. DLUHY-R-P. Record 92 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Pulmonary hypertension : updating a mysterious disease PA: RABINOVITCH-M AF: University of Toronto. Brigham and Women's Hospital. 354000061554940020 AN: 970349520 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Aparato-circulatorio-patologia. Cardiovascular-disease.com/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_o rigin=SilverLinker&_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_volkey=0008%2d6363%2334 %23268%232&_version=1&md5=65ec06dc311c1f4976eebd5ccb90faed ScienceDirect (China) http://elsevier. M5G 1X8. Canada SO: Cardiovascular-research. Inflammation-. PolypeptideIDS: Aparato-respiratorio-patologia. Harvard Medical School. Pol ypeptideIDF: Appareil-respiratoire-pathologie. Facteu r-croissance. Elastin-. Shelf number 13793. BA SSETT-G-S AF: University of Southern California School of Medicine. AI: AB NR: 19 ref. KAMINSKY-C-K. Exploration-. Hemodinamica-. Hyperaldosteronisme-. Los Angeles. her family history. Diagn ostic-. Systeme-renin-angiotensine-aldosterone. Shelf number 21216. the etiological consid erations should include a set of inherited disorders that share very low plasma renin activity (PRA) as a common feature. Pressionarterielle. Case-study. 1997. EnfantDES: Hipertension-arterial. Endocrinopathie-. HypercorticismeIDS: Hombre-. Etude-cas. Her suppressed PRA.IS: 0931-041X PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial MT: short-communication AB: In evaluating hypertensive children and adolescents. Sistema-renin-angiotensina-aldosterona. Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie. In particular among these disorders. Cardiovascular-disease. Anecdotal reports of injury to surrounding neurovascular structur . ESKANDER-RICKARDS-E. Surrenale-path ologie. HiperadrenocorticismoJN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST. Hiperaldosteronismo-. Suprarrenal-pato logia. NinoIDE: Human-. INIST No. REYNOLDS-R-A-K. United States SO: Clinical-orthopaedics-and-related-research. TOLO-V-T. Presion-art erial. (339) : 174-179 IS: 0009-921X PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Lengthening of the psoas tendon commonly is performed for various condition s of the hip including developmental dysplasia and neuromuscular contractures an d instability. Endocrinopathy-. A drenal-cortex-diseases. The diagnosis was confirmed by an elevated ra tio of urinary 18-oxotetrahydrocortisol to urinary tetrahydroaldosterone and gen etic testing. He modynamics-. Hyperaldosteronism-. HyperadrenocorticismIDF: Homme-. DEE: Hypertension-. ChildDEF: Hypertension-arterielle. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system. We report the evaluati on of a 9-year-old Caucasian girl who presented with severe hypertension and a s trong family history of early-onset hypertension. Corticosuprarrenal-patologia. Record 94 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Psoas over the brim lengthenings : Anatomic investigation and surgical tech nique PA: SKAGGS-D-L. Exploration-. Arterial-pressure. Diagnosis-. which demonstrated the chimeric gene duplication. CA. Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles. Corticosurrenale-pathologie. Exploracion-. 354000061584980180 AN: 970349516 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Adrenal-gland-diseases. The molecular pa thogenesis of GRA and the clinical implications are reviewed. All rights reserved. Estudio-caso. Aparato-circulatorio-patologia. Endocrinopatia-. Diagnost ico-. and her failure to respond to conventional anti-hypertensive therapy r aised GRA as a potential etiology. g lucocorticoid remediable aldosteronism (GRA) appears to be emerging as an import ant etiology of hypertension in the pediatric population. Hemodynamique-. Etude-cas.com/usr_login. External-iliac-artery DEF: Muscle-psoas-iliaque. Hombre-. ChildDEF: Grippe-A. Kidney-disease. Aigu-. Surgery-. Homme-. Variacion-a natomica. Urinary-system-disease. This complication has been described in adult patients. AI: AB NR: 14 ref. SCHULMAN-S-L AF: Division of Nephrology.es suggest an investigation of the local anatomy is warranted. Complicat ion-. Artere-femorale. 354000061627140210 AN: 970349505 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. The mean distance between the neurovascular structures and the psoas tendon in the o ver the brim position is 1 cm.ebsco.1 cm at the tendon's insertion at the lesser trochanter. Infection-. United States SO: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West.html?sici=0931-041X%2800 0000%2911%3A3%3C363%3AX%3E2. DEE: Influenza-A. T he mean distance is 3. Tenotomia-. Anatomical-vari ation.0. Human-. DEE: Iliopsoas-muscle. Arteria-iliaca-externa JN: Clinical-orthopaedics-and-related-research CD: CORTBR LOC: INIST. Case-study. Diagnostic-. Acute-. Insuficiencia-renal. The patient recovered renal function c ompletely with supportive therapy. Technique-. Complicat ion-. Estudio-caso. Shelf number 15462. but progression to acute renal failure in this context has not been r eported previously in children. the authors examined the anatomic relationship between major neurovascular structures (femoral artery and vein. Compli cacion-. Chirurgie-. 1997. although it may be as close as 4 mm in a child.asp?ArticleID=MJLGBF9L1JU NM9YNXWXG InformationQuest http://www. This diagnosis should be considered in the diffe rential diagnosis of a pediatric patient presenting with acute renal failure and viral symptomatology. Rhabdomyolyse-. Pennsylvania 19104. INIST No. S urgeons performing psoas over the brim lengthenings should be aware that major n eurovascular structures may be only 4 mm from the psoas tendon. 11 (3) : 363-365 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. AI: AB NR: 11 ref. All rights reserved. Philadelphia. Rhabdomyolysis-. Femoral-artery. Using magnetic re sonance images from 54 children younger than 10 years.CO%3B2-X IS: 0931-041X PY: 1997 CP: Germany LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial MT: short-communication AB: A 13-year-old previously healthy girl developed rhabdomyolysis and acute re nal failure during influenza A infection.com/online/direct. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Cirugia-. Technique-. 34th and C ivic Center Boulevard. EnfantDES: Gripe-A. Rabdomiolisis-.eiq. The recommended surgical technique is presented. NinoIDE: Viral-disease. Tecnica-. Record 95 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure in a child with influenza A infectio n PA: DELL-K-M. Renal-failure. Diagnostico-. Tenotomy-. Striated-muscle-disease . Insuffisance-renale. Diagnosis-. Arteria-femoral. external iliac artery and vein. Variatio n-anatomique. Artere-iliaque-externe DES: Musculo-psoas-iliaco. Agudo-. Human-. femoral nerve) and the psoas tendon. Tenotomie-. Shelf number 1651. GINIERES-B. France CF: *Journees Nationales de la Societe Francaise d' Allergologie et d' Immunolo gie Clinique. Cette evalua tion sera consignee dans un dossier d' education qui sera adjoint au dossier med ical. Infection-. Paris. Rinon-patologia . *Reims France. Rein-pathologie . 1997. DUTAU-G CA: Societe-francaise-d'-allergologie-et-d'-immunologie-clinique. Muscle-strie-pathologie IDS: Virosis-. All rights reserved. Le contenu de ce carnet sera discute individuellement avec les parents et l' en fant. *1997-06-12 SO: Revue-francaise-d'allergologie-et-d'immunologie-clinique. On retiendra des objectifs de securite communs a tous les enfants et des objectifs specifiques repondant a certains besoins particuliers. France. Les seances d' education seront interactives. Aparato-urinario-patologia. Record 96 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Education de l' enfant asthmatique en cure climatique TT: Education in asthmatic children undergoing climatic treatment PA: JUCHET-A. A la fin du sejour. *Conference-Meeting AB: Le sejour climatique permet a la fois une amelioration de l' asthme allergi que par le biais d' une eviction des allergenes domestiques et une amelioration de la compliance therapeutique grace a une education specifique. INIST No. Un carnet de surveillance personnalise sera remis a la sortie a l' enfant. Hombre-. Infeccion-. Centre d'Asthmologie du Col des Marrous. Hopital Pu rpan. 354000061584980250 AN: 970349480 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Le programme d' education est personnalise et s' etablit a l' arrivee dans le centre a l' issue d' un entretien qui permet d' apprecier les besoins specifiques de l' enfant en matiere d' education.IDF: Virose-. les educateurs evalueront au moyen de grilles precises l' acquisition des connaissances techniques et pratiques. INIST No. ludiques et auront le plus possible des implications pratiques. 09000 Foi x. All rights reserved. AF: Service de Medecine Infantile F (Pneumo-allergologie infantile). AI: AB NR: 6 ref. Shelf number 21216. 37 (3) : 35 1-354 IS: 0335-7457 PY: 1997 CP: France LA: French LS: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial. 354000061725310160 AN: 970349283 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Le s seances concernant les maitrises de techniques particulieres (spray. JN: Revue-francaise-d'allergologie-et-d'immunologie-clinique CD: RFAIBB LOC: INIST. peak-flow ) permettront aux enfants de se corriger les uns les autres au besoin avec le su pport d' un enregistrement video. GUILHEM-M. patr. Homme-. 31059 Toulouse. Musculo-estriado-patologia JN: Pediatric-nephrology-Berlin-West CD: PENED3 LOC: INIST. Appareil-urinaire-pathologie. France . Les parents seront regulierement vus au cours du sejour pour faire le point sur les acquis et preparer ce qui doit rester l' o bjectif des cures climatiques: le retour a la maison dans les meilleures conditi ons possibles. . Les enfants seront repartis en petits groupes. P = 0. Shelf number 6056. Higado-patologia JN: Epidemiology-and-infection CD: EPINEU LOC: INIST. Transmission-homme-homme. Infeccion-comunitaria . All rights reserved. GA LLO-R-J. Infection-communauta ire. 1997. Epidemiology Program Office. Hombre-. Epidemiology-. Chil dren 3-5 years old were more likely to have hepatitis A and may have been the mo st frequent transmitters of hepatitis A in this community. United States. TOOLE-M. case households from the outbreak were more likely to have 3-5 year olds t han were control households from the survey (odds ratio = 16. Virus-. TAUXE-R-V . Homme-. Enfant-. Epidemie-. MORSE-D-L AF: Division of Epidemiology. Record 98 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Epidemic cholera among refugees in Malawi. the presence of 3-5 year olds was the only risk factor that increased a household's risk of hepatitis A (indeterminant relative risk. Cen ters for Disease Control and Prevention.2%) among 3-5 year olds.4. Epidemia-. Human-. Atlanta. BEGKOYIAN-G.02). 354000061955320070 AN: 970349183 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Virosis-. Further more. NY. P < 0. Foie-pathologie IDS: Picornaviridae-. NYANGULU-D. Community-acquired-in fection. Department of Epidemiology.com/online/direct. United States. Hepatite-virale-A DES: Hepatitis-A-virus. GUNN-R-A. In the outbreak. NY. Infection-.asp?ArticleID=RYVV0093U4D D1UGB2GGK IS: 0950-2688 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: An Hasidic Jewish community has experienced recurrent hepatitis A outbreaks since 1980. AI: AB NR: 38 ref. Infection-. Virus-. Transmision-hombre-hombre. Transmission-from-man-to-man. ROLKA-H-R. Epidemiologie-. Prevencion-. Albany. Viral-hepatitis-A DEF: Virus-hepatite-A. GA. New York State Department of Health. Virose-. Appareil-digestif-pa thologie. 117 cases of hepatitis A were identified . WERZBERGER-A. with the highest attack rate (4. KONDRACKI-S-F. MALENGA-G. Virus-. the au thors reviewed case records and randomly selected 93 households for an interview and serologic survey. Africa : treatment and transmiss ion PA: SWERDLOW-D-L. New Yor k Medical College. Hepatic-disease IDF: Picornaviridae-. Child-.Record 97 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: The role of young children in a community-wide outbreak of hepatitis A PA: SMITH-P-F.ebsco. 118 (3) : 243-252 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www. Among the survey hous eholds. United States SO: Epidemiology-and-infection. INIST No. To assess risk factors for illness during a 1985-6 outbreak. Hepatitis A vaccinati on of 3-5 year olds can protect this age group and might prevent future outbreak s in this community. Nino-. Epidemiologia-. Infeccion-. PUH R-D-N-D. Epidemic-. Viral-disease. State Univer sity of New York at Albany. School of Public Health. Department of Pediatrics. WALDMAN-R-J. Hepatitis-virica-A IDE: Picornaviridae-. GRABAU-J-C. Aparato-digestivopatologia. Prevention-. Valhalla. United States. NY. Prevention-. DEE: Hepatitis-A-virus.001). Digestive-dise ases. Contaminacion-biologica. Africa-. Office of the United Nations Hig h Commissioner for Refugees. Shelf number 6056. Sante-publique IDS: Vibrionaceae-. DEE: Vibrio-cholerae. Salud-publica JN: Epidemiology-and-infection CD: EPINEU LOC: INIST. International Health Program Of fice. Public-health IDF: Vibrionaceae-.asp?ArticleID=EVLTXGUL1EX 7NK09QY9M IS: 0950-2688 PY: 1997 CP: United-Kingdom LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial AB: Between 23 August and 15 December 1990 an epidemic of cholera affected Moza mbican refugees in Malawi causing 1931 cases (attack rate = 2.AF: Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases Branch. Improved access to treatment and care of paediatric patients. There were 68 deaths ( case-fatality rate = 3. Contamination-biologique. Georgia. PreventionDEF: Vibrio-cholerae. MEZA-M-P. ea ting leftover cooked peas (OR = 8. 354000061955320020 AN: 970349179 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Mortality was higher in children < 4 years old a nd febrile deaths may have been associated with prolonged IV use. Lilongwe. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Significant ri sk factors for illness (P < 0. Digestive-dis eases. Atlanta.ebsco.0). Malawi.4%). Malawi-. Infection-. Homme-. Bacterie-. cholerae 01. Aparato-diges tivo-patologia. Epidemia-. Bacteriosis-. could decrease mortality. NEWMAN-B AF: Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology.5 %).0). Toxigenic V.0). Transmision-. Bacteriosis-. RIMELL-F-L. United State s SO: Epidemiology-and-infection. Centers for Disease Control a nd Prevention. was isolated from patients and stored household water. . Risk-fact or. Factorriesgo. Facteur-r isque. Refugie-. most deaths (63 %) occurred within 24 h of hospital admission which may have indicated delayed presentation to health facilities an d inadequate early rehydration. Colera-. Atlanta. Blantyr e.05) in two case-control studies included drinking river water (odds ratio [OR] = 3. Medecins Sans Frontieres. and increased u se of oral rehydration therapy. Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases. Malawi-. Georgia. placing hands into stored household drinkin g water (OR = 6. Human-. Epidemie-. Appareil-dige stif-pathologie. All rights reserved. 118 (3) : 207-214 FTXT: EBSCO Online http://www.com/online/direct. Infection-. 86% of patien ts had arrived in Malawi < 3 months before illness onset. Transmission-. Epidemic-. Record 99 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Diagnosis and management of left main stem bronchus compression PA: GOLDMAN-S-A. Bacteria-. 1997. Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. PrevencionIDE: Vibrionaceae-. Malawi. Malawi. United States. Blantyre. Preventing future chol era outbreaks in Africa will depend on interrupting both waterborne and foodborn e transmission of this pathogen. Hombre-. serotype Inaba. Bacteria-. Refugee-. Africa-. Refugiado-. Ministry of Health. Cholera-. Cholera-. Biological-contamination. The rapidity with which n ewly arrived refugees became infected precluded effective use of a cholera vacci ne to prevent cases unless vaccination had occurred immediately upon camp arriva l. Bacteriose-. AI: AB NR: 22 ref. Infeccion-. Transmission-. and among those without adequate firewood to reheat food. National Center for Infectious Diseases. INIST No. PreventionDES: Vibrio-cholerae. Afrique-. Malawi-. Treatment-. Aparato-circulatorio-patologia. Traitement-. Florida United Sta tes. DEE: Malformation-.United States. 354000061906320030 AN: 970349136 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Traquea-. All rights reserved. Vaisseau-sanguin-pathologie. is caused by compression of the left main stem bronchus be tween the descending aorta and a portion of the pulmonary artery. Pennsylvania. Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. ORL-pat ologia JN: The-Annals-of-otology-rhinology-and-laryngology CD: AORHA2 LOC: INIST. Cardiovascular-disease. The finding. These forms of vascular compression typically involve the trac hea and/or the right main stem bronchus. *Paris France. Compression-. Minnesota. both noted endoscopically and now illustrated by magnet ic resonance imaging. *1996-05-06 SO: The-Annals-of-otology-rhinology-and-laryngology. Diagnostico-. aberrant subclavian. 106 (6) : 461-465 IS: 0003-4894 PY: 1997 CP: United-States LA: English BL: Analytic LT: Serial. th e descending aorta is in an abnormal anterior position with relation to the thor acic spine. This variant repre sents approximately 10% of our pediatric tracheobronchial compression or stenosi s patients. Enfant-. Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. *1995-02-03 SO: Neuropsychiatrie-de-l'enfance-et-de-l'adolescence. Recien-nacido IDE: Human-. Pennsylvania. ORL -pathologie IDS: Hombre-. 1997. United States CF: *American Broncho-Esophagological Association. In four of eight children. United States. Congenital-. Department of Otolaryngology. Minneapolis. 1997. Vascular-disease.Groupe d' Etude sur le nourrisson. Diagnostic-. it required a surgical procedure directed toward the relief of the left main stem compression. Department of Otolaryngology. Blood-vessel. Congenito-. and pulmon ary artery sling. *Orlando. Frequently. Vaso-sanguineo-patologia. Recognition of this entity is important in our experience and has in fluenced clinical management. Nouveau-ne DES: Malformacion-. Vaso-sanguineo. These cases represent a poorly understood variant of vascular tracheal compression. Compresion-. Franc e CF: *Journee organisee par la Societe francaise de Psychiatrie de l' Enfant et de l' Adolescent . Appareil-circulatoire-pathologie. Estudiocaso. Compression-. Record 100 of 5743 in Pascal BioMed Part 1 (1997) T1: Un bebe touche dans ses genes : Bebe et jeunes enfants malades TT: Genetically affected infant : Ill infants and young children PA: RUFO-M. aorta or aortic arch anomaly. 13009 Marseille. 45 (4-5) : 217-222 IS: 0222-9617 PY: 1997 . Child-. Pittsburgh. NewbornDEF: Malformation-. Congenital-. We present eight cases of congenital va scular compression involving the left main stem bronchus. Trachea-. Universi ty of Minnesota. *Conference-Meeting AB: There are four major variants of congenital vascular tracheal compression: innominate artery. Tratamiento-.. Diagnosis-. United Stat es. Nino-. ENT-disease IDF: Homme-. Division of Pediatric Otolaryngology. Shelf number 2077. Vaisseau-sanguin. AI: AB NR: 9 ref. INIST No. Trachee-. Departments of Pediatric Rad iology. Etud e-cas. Case-stu dy. DERYNCK-F AF: Service de Pedopsychiatrie au CHU Sainte-Marguerite. pediatres. interessant et necessair e. INIST No. Amniocentesis-. Healt h-staff-family-relation. Role-therapeutique. les consequences psychopathologiques d' une amniocentese chez une future mere aux antecedents d' IVG. Prenatal-. Amniocentese-. HommeDES: Consejo-genetico. Relaci on-equipo-de-salud-familia. DEE: Genetic-counseling. Amniocentesis-. Diagnosis-. AI: AB NR: 11 ref. Son intervention en tant que soignant de l' enfant peut se concevoir des l' existence imaginaire d' un enfant a venir. HumanDEF: Conseil-genetique. lui conferant une place therapeutique d' une precocite toute particuliere. 354000061932140060 AN: 970349056 SI: INIST CR: <Copyright> 1997 INIST-CNRS. Ces liens crees precoc ement permettent une veritable prophylaxie. geneti ciens. Psychiatre-. Prenatal-. All rights reserved. *Conference-Meeting AB: Il s' agit de definir et de discuter la participation clinique du pedopsych iatre aux equipes de genetique. Shelf number 9404. Diagnostic-. Hombr eJN: Neuropsychiatrie-de-l'enfance-et-de-l'adolescence CD: NEADDF LOC: INIST. Psychiatrist-. German. dans une approche epigenetique du de veloppement de l' enfant. Diagnostico-. Psiquiatra-. Funcion-terapeutica. Child-psychiatry. Relatio n-soignant-famille. Therapeutic-role. Nous abordons trois exemples cliniques significatifs du fait de leur frequence et demonstratifs de l' approche pedopsychiatrique : le conseil geneti que chez des parents endeuilles d' une petite fille atteinte d' hyperplasie surr enalienne . gynecologues. La discussion se porte sur le role specifiqu e du pedopsychiatre au cours des differentes etapes de la prise en charge geneti que des futurs parents. Ce travail est nouveau. Spanish BL: Analytic LT: Serial. Prenatal-. pedopsychiatres. collaborant ensemble dans la prevention primaire et seco ndaire et la prise en charge des enfants potentiellement mis en difficulte par l eurs genes. federant les liens entre divers specialistes. . Psiquiatria-infantil. la pathologie chromosomique dans le cadre d' une grossesse menee a s on terme et l' accompagnement pedopsychiatrique ulterieur de l' enfant genetique ment atteint. Pedopsychiatrie-.CP: France LA: French LS: English.
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