Web ADI Tips for Troubleshooting



Web ADI Tips for Troubleshooting [ID 390476.1] Modified: 22-Aug-2012 Type: TROUBLESHOOTING Status: PUBLISHED Priority: 3 In this Document Purpose Troubleshooting Steps References Applies to: Oracle Web Applications Desktop Integrator - Version 11.5.8 to 12.1.3 [Release 11.5 to 12.1] Information in this document applies to any platform. Web ADI Purpose This document is to help better understand the setup and configuration of Web ADI with Oracle Applications and hit on the key issues that are seen within ATG Web ADI Support. Troubleshooting Steps Section 1 Web ADI Overview: Web Applications Desktop(Web ADI) is a tool used by Users that allow them to upload and export data to and from Oracle Applications using standard desktop office products. This is done though the standard desktop products customers are most use to, such as Microsoft Word and Excel Web ADI is becoming a more popular product for the Users as they are more experienced with the standard Word and Excel functionality and the ease of using Cut and Paste or Dragging information directly to Excel and hitting the upload function. Web ADI is integrated into almost every functional product and overlaps with the standard Export functionality seen in Core Forms. Release 12 Desktop Integrator Responsibility Official script for BNE responsibilities is: $BNE_TOP/patch/115/import/US/bneresp.ldt For Release 12.x, this ldt does just have 'Desktop Integration' responsibility, and it has had just that one in all versions for 120.x and 120.x.1200000.x Integrators: -An Integrator is a Web ADI term used to encapsulate all of the information required to move data to/from a desktop application into Oracle Applications. An Integrator definition may include information about open interface tables, validation, business rules, and data that can be downloaded. -System Administrator > Application > Function > create a new function similar to the Web ADI Create Document function, but change the bne:page=BneCreateDoc -URL Call BneApplicationServiceBneApplicationService?bne:page=BneCreateDoc -A list of currently installed integrators can be seen with the following SQL query : select user_name from bne_integrators_tl order by 1; -This query lists the integrator name and product and can be used to just see what integrators are available for a particular Product SELECT biv.integrator_code, biv.user_name, 頁 1 / 10 fnd_application_tl fat WHERE biv.language = 'US' ORDER BY fa.application_id. -select count(1) from BNE.BNE_LAYOUT_LOBS.block_id. $BNE_TOP/patch/import/US/bnevw. fnd_application fa.layout_code.1013. -select count(1) from BNE. and any required parameters.BNE_LAYOUT_BLOCKS_B.layout_code and lb. For example.BNE_LAYOUTS_TL. -To allow a Integrator to be removed from the list or enabled. UPDATE bne_integrators_b SET enabled_flag='N' WHERE integrator_name='<Integrator name>'.application_id /* The next line can be commented out to return all products */ AND fa.block_id. The Content that is passed to or selected in the Create Document page flow determines the Content that will be used to derive the Content data.application_id = lt.interface_app_id = 231 and lc.59.interface_code = 'GL_INTERFACE_115' order by lc.application_short_name = '&ApplicationShortNameApplicationShortName' AND fat. Integrator Developers are able to provide Layouts as seed data.application_id = 231 and lc.user_name. bne_layouts_b lb. FNDLOAD APPS/APPS 0 Y UPLOAD $BNE_TOP/admin/import/bnelay. 頁 2 / 10 .BNE_LAYOUTS_B.interface_seq_num from bne_layout_cols lc. lc.ldt file which creates the Viewer List is the bnevw.interface_seq_num. The BNE .application_id = fat. Content: -This is the information that will be downloaded into the Viewer.4 Will deliver the Excel 2007 for 11i Applications. Web ADI provides a set of screens that users and Integrator Developers can use to create their own Layouts.layout_code. -A customer can select Excel 97 from the list and still generate a spreadsheet successfully on Excel 2007.application_short_name.application_id and lb.layout_code = lt.lct $BNE_TOP/patch/115/import/US/bnevw. lc. -select count(1) from BNE. update the enabled_flag on the bne_integrators_b table to "Y" or "N" for the desired : integrator_code/application_id combination.layout_code = lt. biv.integrator_app_id = 231 and lb.ldt Tables related to Layout definition: -select count(1) from BNE.layout_code and lt. bne_layouts_tl lt where lb.BNE_LAYOUT_COLS.user_name. the Version 115. fa.application_id and lc. including formatting. -select count(1) from BNE.ldt Layouts: -A Layout tells Web ADI which columns will be displayed in the Desktop Application document and how those columns will be displayed. Viewers: -A Viewer is a Web ADI term for the desktop application in which a document will be generated.application_id AND fa.ldt FNDLOAD APPS/APPS 0 Y UPLOAD $BNE_TOP/admin/import/bnevw. lc.lct $BNE_TOP/patch/115/import/US/bnelay. lc.fa.application_id = lt.language = 'US' and lc. Content definitions is to identify the data to be downloaded.application_short_name FROM bne_integrators_vl biv. select lt.application_id = fa. lc.ldt.integrator_code = 'JOURNALS_115' and lc. APPLICATION_ID = UR. if ( version != null ) { sqlQuery += "AND NVL(R. '0') = :3 ".START_DATE AND NVL(R.SECURITY_GROUP_ID " + "AND RT.xml 頁 3 / 10 . FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS UR " + "WHERE UR.bne. SYSDATE) " + "AND R. SYSDATE) " + "AND R.bne. -Tables related: BNE_CONTENTS_TL BNE_CONTENTS_B BNE_CONTENT_COLS_TL The Login URL for the BNE when attempting to Upload. if ( version != null ) { sqlQuery += "AND NVL(R.END_DATE.1.webui.oa.bne. UR.utilities.START_DATE AND NVL(R.APPLICATION_ID = UR.VERSION.END_DATE. FND_RESPONSIBILITY R. S.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME.RESPONSIBILITY_ID = UR. '0') = :3 ".LANGUAGE = :2 ".APPLICATION_ID " + "AND R.java Which uses these queries: sqlQuery = "SELECT RT.END_DATE.RESPONSIBILITY_ID = UR.START_DATE AND NVL(UR.3/j2ee/oacore/application-deployments/oacore/html/orion-web.RESPONSIBILITY_ID.RESPONSIBILITY_ID " + "AND SYSDATE BETWEEN R.java Which.BneOALoginPage2.RESPONSIBILITY_APPLICATION_ID " + "AND R.RESPONSIBILITY_ID " + "AND SYSDATE BETWEEN R. BNE Servlets: The Release 12 BNE Servlets can be found under following location: $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.RESPONSIBILITY_ID = RT. S. OR String sqlQuery = "SELECT RT.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME. UR. FND_RESPONSIBILITY R.SECURITY_GROUP_ID " + "FROM FND_RESPONSIBILITY_TL RT.RESPONSIBILITY_ID = RT.apps.BneOALoginPage.USER_ID = :1 " + "AND SYSDATE BETWEEN UR. FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS UR. oracle.VERSION. } sqlQuery += "ORDER BY 1 ".RESPONSIBILITY_ID " + "AND UR.RESPONSIBILITY_APPLICATION_ID " + "AND R.apps. gets the resp list from oracle.Can be a Text File or Java Class for Content.RESPONSIBILITY_ID " + "FROM FND_RESPONSIBILITY_TL RT.pageflow.USER_ID = :1 " + "AND SYSDATE BETWEEN UR.RESPONSIBILITY_APPLICATION_ID. FND_SECURITY_GROUPS_VL S " + "WHERE UR.APPLICATION_ID = RT.APPLICATION_ID " + "AND R.webui. SYSDATE) " + "AND R. UR.BneOASessionUtils.SECURITY_GROUP_NAME.END_DATE.class calls the cancelUrl and successUrl How BNE pulls the Responsibilities: Bne Responsibilities web page is oracle.SECURITY_GROUP_ID = S. SYSDATE) " + "AND R.START_DATE AND NVL(UR.RESPONSIBILITY_APPLICATION_ID.apps.APPLICATION_ID = RT. UR.RESPONSIBILITY_ID " + "AND RT.LANGUAGE = :2 ".pageflow. servlet used for launching Bne Viewers.Calls Component Classes passing all parameters. Load Viewer Class. <servlet> <servlet-name>BneDocumentServiceBneDocumentService</servlet-name> <servlet-class>oracle.apps. The core viewer parameters are now sourced from here and not the servlet request/parameter list in the servlet session. <servlet> <servlet-name>BneViewerXMLServiceBneViewerXMLService</servlet-name> <servlet-class>oracle. This will give transparent cross browser support on the windows platform. <servlet> 頁 4 / 10 .BneComponentService</servlet-class> </servlet> Description: BneComponentServiceBneComponentService .BneDocumentService</servlet-class> </servlet> Description: BneDocumentServiceBneDocumentService . Its primary purpose is to deliver UIX ( CABO ) pages and flows ( including menus ) via a BneBasePage Controller and BneBasePage which retains UIX ( MARILN ) nodes and event handling.apps.bne. It is concerned with the running of Web ADI components . This is one of the three Web ADI servlets. <servlet> <servlet-name>BneComponentServiceBneComponentService</servlet-name> <servlet-class>oracle.bne. <servlet> <servlet-name>BneDownloadServiceBneDownloadService</servlet-name> <servlet-class>oracle.document.component. It runs in secure (non GUEST) authentication mode.integrator.integrator. <!-.integrator. this servlet has been changed to take advantage of Document Parameters stored in the database.bne. As of R12. If a user is not logged in with a non GUEST account.BneApplicationService</servlet-class> </servlet> Description: Application Service is a re-implementation of a simple UIX ( CABO ) Page Broker.apps. it will force them to log in.WEBADI Servlets --> <servlet> <servlet-name>BneApplicationServiceBneApplicationService</servlet-name> <servlet-class>oracle. whereas this service relies on Internet Explorer functionality.apps.bne. Its main steps are to Perform Validation. Run Viewer Creation and Stream XML.xml.apps.download.most typically LOVs.Note: Don't confuse '$IAS_ORACLE_HOME' with '$ORA_CONFIG_HOME' as the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME will point you to the wrong orion-web.BneDownloadService</servlet-class> </servlet> Description: BneDownloadServiceBneDownloadService extends BneAbstractXMLServletBneAbstractXMLServlet.document.BneViewerXMLService</servlet-class> </servlet> Description: BneViewerXMLServiceBneViewerXMLService extends BneAbstractXMLServletBneAbstractXMLServlet.bne.integrator. This servlet is deprecated in favor of using the Create Document page flow which will use the BneTemplateService to stream viewers.webui. BneTemplateService</servlet-class> </servlet> Description: This class is a part of the Web ADI framework used to stream Template (or Bootstrap) viewers to the client.bne. parsing the xml.BneTemplateRedirectService</servlet-class> </servlet> Description: BneTemplateRedirectServiceBneTemplateRedirectService extends BneHTMLServletBneHTMLServlet.apps.upload.) BneUploader (which handles calling the main upload functionality via SAX) BneSAXUploader</li> BneUploaderService is the web interface to the BneUploader class. etc).bne. <servlet> <servlet-name>BneTemplateService</servlet-name> <servlet-class>oracle. either pl/sql (currently) or java (in the future) Upload functionality is accomplished at a high level by three classes.integrator.apps.. BneUploaderService (which takes the handleRequest (from BneAbstractXMLServletBneAbstractXMLServlet.document. <servlet> <servlet-name>BneAdminServletBneAdminServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>oracle.template. It requires only the bne:documentId parameter sent on the http request.integrator.<servlet-name>BneOfflineLOVServiceBneOfflineLOVService</servlet-name> <servlet-class>oracle. there are four main functions carried out by BneUploaderService.apps. which is a wrapper over the doGet/doPost from HttpServlet) into a call to.framework. in xml format <servlet> <servlet-name>BneTemplateRedirectServiceBneTemplateRedirectService</servlet-name> <servlet-class>oracle.download.. ensure that the request is made within a self service applications session 3rd.template.bne. return any messages to the calling environment.bne.apps. call the processUpload method of the BneUploader class 4th. project.integrator. refer to the javadoc for BneUploader for details about the upload functionality. As such. obtain the upload file (and any http request parameters) from the servlet request 2nd.BneOfflineLOVService</servlet-class> </servlet> Description: BneOfflineLOVServiceBneOfflineLOVService extends BneAbstractXMLServletBneAbstractXMLServlet. An upload is the process of receiving an xml file of data from the viewer (excel.apps. It acts as a service to: -get log file information -change your log level -various middle tier information 頁 5 / 10 . All of the significant functionality of the upload is accomplished by the BneUploader class. validating the data and either loading it into database tables or passing the data values to an API.BneUploaderService</servlet-class> </servlet> Description: Web Interface for Web ADI Uploads. 1st.BneAdminServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> Description: This servlet is a facility to help administer Web ADI. Effectively this makes BneUploaderService a web wrapper for the BneUploader class. word.bne.document. <servlet> <servlet-name>BneUploaderService</servlet-name> <servlet-class>oracle.integrator.. BneProxy.5.BneUploaderService. At this point Clear the BNE Cache.BneApplicationService.10 BNE Servlets can be found under following location: $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/zone. This properties file was replaced by the Profiles and zone. if there is no value for showpage.apps. The main tables in ADI are as follows: BNE_CONTENTS_TL BNE_INTEGRATORS_TL BNE_INTERFACES_TL BNE_INTERFACE_COLS_TL BNE_LAYOUTS_TL BNE_LAYOUT_COLS BNE_MAPPINGS_TL Section 2 Trouble Shooting: 1.framework.bne.properties. <servlet> <servlet-name>BneSnoopServletBneSnoopServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>oracle.BneAdminServlet Please note down the BNE Code Level. Provide this information to Support.BneComponentService.bne.code=oracle.apps.apps.BneSnoopServlet.bne. At the bottom of the page you should see 'Cache Cleared' 頁 6 / 10 . Release 11.apps.framework. Functional Setup Test through BNE Admin Servlet: BNE Admin Servlet.BneDocumentService servlet. The form parameter "showpage" determines which of these pages is shown.BneProxy servlet. Otherwise the appropriate html or UIX page is shown.apps.code=oracle.classpath=/u02/oracle/visappl/bne/11.BneUploaderService You may see references to BNE in the jserv.code=oracle.code=oracle.BneComponentService servlet.framework.BneDocumentService. It creates four pages. shows the java properties and servlet properties.properties.0/conf This relates to $BNE_TOP/conf/webadi.9 and higher.5.share.5. a form is displayed giving the user various choices.apps.bne.properties # ----.bne.BneCaboTestServlet servlet.webui.upload.BneSnoopServlet servlet.apps.document.component.integrator.BneSnoopServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> Description: This servlet is used to test the configuration of a Bne Servlet.framework. by clicking on the Link.apps.framework.integrator.integrator.apps.BneApplicationService servlet.bne. the first is a default form which is used to call 2 explanation pages and 2 test pages:UIXsimple or UIXcomplex. however this parameter is no longer used as of 11. Java Version and Log Information sections.BneCaboTestServlet.5.bne.code=oracle.properties file.WEBADI Servlet ----# servlet.BneCaboTestServlet</servlet-class> </servlet> Description: This servlet is for testing Web ADI UIX configuration settings.-reset internal caches <servlet> <servlet-name>BneCaboTestServletBneCaboTestServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>oracle. wrapper.10 file system.bne.apps. This file is also no longer used but still exists on the 11.bne. http://<server_name>:<server_port>/oa_servlets/oracle.bne.code=oracle.code=oracle. status.'Installed'. if the issue reported is related to the Upload functionality.application_short_name = 'BNE'.'Shared'. product_version. application_name.application_short_name.application_id = aa.application_id and fnd_product_installations. a. decode(fpi.patch_level. set the BNE Profiles: BNE Server Log Filename = <provide name> BNE Server Log Level = TRACE BNE Server Log Path = <set to the value of the $APPLTMP> OR <match the value given in the webadi.'No'.application_id = fnd_application. Section 3 Web ADI Patches: NOTE: Many Web ADI code fixes are delivered within ATG Rup patches.application_id and aa.'S'.2. fpi. Pay attention to the release date and patch number. To enable Debug.0. run the AD Configuration Report ($AD_TOP/sql/adutconf. fnd_application aa where a. fnd_product_installations fpi where fav.x and 頁 7 / 10 . Please review Note 726989. COL COL COL COL COL app_s_name FORMAT a16 inst_status FORMAT a15 product_version FORMAT a12 patchset FORMAT a15 appl_id FORMAT 99999 select fav.fnd_application_tl where fnd_product_installations. fav. 4.'N'. The same for BNE B Patch(set).patch_level "Patch Level" from fnd_product_installations a.Function.properties for 11i.1. and provide information about all installed products (including shared and dependent products). For a more comprehensive picture.20) "Product".product_version. For Release 12. 3. If a shared product is present in the shared products list of any installed products (you can verify this from the $APPL_TOP/admin/applprod.application_id and language = 'US' and application_short_name = 'BNE'.sql) to document the status of an Oracle E-Business Suite system.application_short_name = 'BNE'.application_id and fav. 'Not Available') patchset from fnd_application_vl fav. Query the %BNE% Check the Function BNE_CREATE_DOCUMENT and make sure the correct Web HTML call is to the Servlet BneApplicationServiceBneApplicationService and that the Web Host is set to the correct host.application_id APPL_ID.application_id = fpi.status from FND_PRODUCT_INSTALLATIONS . fnd_application.'I'. BNE A typically go with the R12.application_short_name app_s_name. Upload the Journal Import Request 'View Output' to the SR.1 List of Patches in Web Applications Desktop Integrator (Web ADI) for Releases 11i and 12. fpi.txt file) 6. Log in to the Applications as the System Administrator and navigate to Applications .application_id = fnd_application_tl. for all the latest BNE Patchs. Check if BNE is Installed: select application_short_name. Please ensure to apply the more recent ATG Rup patch to obtain the latest ADI code fixes.status) inst_status. nvl(fpi. What patchset level do you have for Web ADI? select substr(aa. 5. Note that there are a number of Patches labeled as BNE A and each BNE A Patch(set) is different. Section 5 Work Around: Web ADI is a Reporting Tool. 6.1. Note: Web ADI support issues cannot be Severity 1 or Severity 2P1. Click 'Trust Center' link from the menu on the left. 9.1 Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Is Safari for Mac supported for WebADI on EBS R12? As documented in the known issues section of Note 864552. Select the "Medium" option. There is always a work around to the Web ADI though product specific Reports and Export functionality. Under 'Developer Macro Settings' check 'Trust Access to the VBA project object model'. Click 'OK' button to close the 'Trust Center' window. 3. the following Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 products are not certified for Mac OS X: * Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 ADI and Web ADI. For the Browsers..' button. 7. In the 'Trust Center' window click 'Macro Settings' link from the menu on the left. Click 'Trust Center Settings. Click 'Trust Center Settings. To do so: 1. 7. Select the "Trust access to Visual Basic Project" option. Each Product will still have there own reports located somewhere within that products functionality. that has all the product specific reports under a central location.the BNE B typically go with 12. 6. from the Tools menu. 4. Click 'OK' button to close the 'Trust Center' window. therefore you will probably need to alter this setting through Internet Explorers Custom Settings option as follows. 8. Click the 'Excel Options' button. Under 'Macro Settings' check 'Disable all macros with notification'.' button. select Macro. This is only defaulted to this value on a 'Low' security setting'.1 Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i Note 389422. so its just a matter of locating the equivalent report. 4. Note 285218. Web ADI is a tool that replicates functions that can be performed under each Product within the Oracle Applications.. 5. Under 'Macro Settings' check 'Disable all macros with notification'. 頁 8 / 10 . You can then set the value as recommended above. 2. In the 'Trust Center' window click 'Macro Settings' link from the menu on the left. 4. Under 'Developer Macro Settings' check 'Trust Access to the VBA project object model'. In Excel. Changing Macro Security Settings for Excel XP/2003 For Web ADI to work with Microsoft Excel 2002/2003. Select Tools -> Internet Options -> Security tab from the Internet Explorer Menu Bar.. Click 'OK' button to return to the spreadsheet. 3. 3. the 'Initialize and script Active X controls not marked as safe' setting must be set to 'Prompt'. Each product offers Export functionality for another method of manipulating the Data with Microsoft Office products. The highest any ADI issue can be is Severity 2. Section 4 Client PC Configuration: The main issues are related to the Microsoft Office or the Browsers not configured correctly to meet the Web ADI requirements. you must change the macro settings for Excel 2002/2003. Make sure the Browsers are configured per the following documents in order for the Web ADI to function correctly. then Security Level. to create an excel spreadsheet on your desktop through Web ADI. Changing Macro Security Settings for Excel 2010 1..x version. 5. then Security. Click 'Trust Center' link in the 'Excel Options' window. Select the Trusted Sources tab. you must change the macro settings for Excel 2007. 8. Click 'OK' button to return to the spreadsheet. Select the zone that you are running Oracle E-Business Suite through and click the 'Custom Level' button.1. Click the Office Button (top-left button in the window) 2. Changing Macro Security Settings for Excel 2007 For Web ADI to work with Microsoft Excel 2007. To do so: 1. Click File -> Options 2. Logout and back in. 3. Once the issue was reproduced. Add the Oracle Web ADI Responsibility Save Changes. set the profiles under System Administrator . Enter: Responsibility ID = 24076 Application Shortname = BNE Your apps username and password. then run this WebADI Test: Responsibility = Oracle Web ADI > Create Document > Viewer = Excel 2000 Next Integrator = General Ledger . Login to E-Business Suite using your username/password 2. the RDA has basically become the replacement. Application > Function Give it a name/prompt and add the function "Daily Rates Web-ADI Spreadsheet". Since the old BNETEST is no longer supported or used. 5. Check the concurrent request and verify that the menus recompiled successfully.Daily Rates Next Continue to accept the defaults and click on Next until the document is created. Profiles. Security > User > Define Query up the Sysadmin user. Save the changes. 2. 4. Does this complete successfully? To enable Debug. 4. Select the "Application Diagnostics" or the "Oracle Diagnostics Tool" responsibility 3. BNE Tables along with other Key Information. 1. make sure the BNE Log is being created on the Middle tier that the BNE is running on. Click on the Registered Test linked to Web Applications Desktop Integrator. Upload results to SR OR Basic Test Quick Test Run this basic WebADI test to see if WebADI is functioning: 1. Upload the Trace to Support If this is a Multi-Node environment. Add the function "Daily Rates Web-ADI Spreadsheet" to the "Web ADI Menu (1)" menu.System Profiles Example: BNE Server Log Filename : <create name> (make sure name doesn't exist already and if it does. eg. in the IAS_TOP/Apache/Jserv/logs (use the full path) Reproduce the issue. Make sure that to have the Oracle Web ADI Responsibility added to the sysadmin user. Click on the Run Test button. Verify the Menu associated with the Oracle Web ADI responsibility is "Web ADI Menu (1)" Security > Responsibility Query up the Oracle Web ADI responsibility and verify that the menu associted with this responsibility is "Web ADI Menu (1)".Section 6 Web ADI Debug: Gathering BNE RDA for 11i and R12 will provide all the BNE Class files and there versions. 頁 9 / 10 . delete it) BNE Server Log Level : TRACE BNE Server Log Path : free to choose. turn off Trace by setting BNE Server Log Level back to Detail. Web Applications Desktop Integrator (Web ADI) List of Patches 頁 10 / 10 .oracle.1 .Application Desktop Integrator .com/docs/cd/B25516_18/current/acrobat/115bneig.Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 NOTE:726989.pdf Oracle® Web ADI Implementation and Administration Guide Release 11i Part No.1 Using Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010 with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i and R12 Note 1251224.1 Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Note 106528.Product Documentation Note 1077728.1 . B15518-01 http://download.1 .1 Application Desktop Integrator .com/docs/cd/B40089_10/current/acrobat/120bneig.Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i NOTE:106528.1 .1 .com/stevenChan/2010/03/msoffice_2007_ebs12.1 .Product Documentation NOTE:389422.FAQ: Certification Information For Client ADI And Webadi NOTE:285218.Section 7 Further BNE Resources: Steven Chan's Blog http://blogs. B31411-01 http://download.1 List of Patches in Web Applications Desktop Integrator(Web ADI) for Releases 11i and 12 Note 285218.Using Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010 with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i and R12 NOTE:1251224.oracle.1 FAQ: Certification Information For Client ADI And Webadi References NOTE:1077728.oracle.1 Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i Note 389422.pdf Note 726989.html Oracle® Web Applications Desktop Integrator Implementation and Administration Guide Release 12 Part No.
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