WDG4 RDSO failure code book.pdf

June 1, 2018 | Author: SAIKIRAN | Category: Turbocharger, Piston, Cylinder (Engine), Valve, Electrical Connector



(for official use only) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE DEFECT CODIFICATION FOR MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR EMD LOCOMOTIVES (WDP4/WDG4) MP.MISC. 270 (REV.00) MARCH 2011 MOTIVE POWER DIRECTORATE RESEARCH DESIGNS AND STANDARDS ORGANISATION MANAK NAGAR , LUCKNOW - 226 011 CONTENTS . S.No Description Page No. 1. Codification system (i) 2. 3. 4. 5. Details of Defect/Failure (Parameter 1-5) Details of Defect/Failure (Parameter 6-8) Location and Nature of defect Remarks 6. Sample reporting format (i) (i) (ii) . (ii) (ii) APPENDIX • First alphabet code details describing main assemblies involved 1 • Second alphabet code details describing sub-assemblies involved 2-5 • Third alphabet code details describing locations of defect 6-22 • Fourth alphabet code details describing nature of defects 23-123 ANNEXURE • Format for reporting diesel loco failure/defect cases. DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE DEFECT CODIFICATION FOR MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM 1. Codification System. This Codification system has been developed to facilitate collection of information from Railways about defects of diesel locomotives. This information will be used to identify deficiencies in design, manufacturing and maintenance system of the locomotives. For this purpose, defects can be defined as all such occurrences, which affect or could have affected reliability of the locomotives. All defects whether causing statistical/non statistical engine failure or noticed in shed should be included. 2. Railways should advise details of the defects as per the following parameters: Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Parameter 5 Parameter 6 Parameter 7 Parameter 8 Parameter 9 Parameter 10 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Zonal Railway details Diesel Shed details Loco type Loco number Date of occurrence of defect Design changes are needed Manufacturing methods need improvement Maintenance system needs improvement Location and nature of defect … Remarks. 3. Details of defect/failure cases (Parameter 1-5) No codification for the information from Parameters 1 - 5 is prescribed as this information can be given in natural style. Information for Parameters 6 - 8 should be as per the system explained below:CODE CATEGORY Y/N Design changes are needed (Yes/No) Y/N Manufacturing methods need (Yes/No) Y/N Maintenance system needs improvement (Yes/No) (i) assembly involved in the failure/defect (Page 6-22 of the Appendix). 5.5 of the Appendix) 3rd alphabet: Indicates the sub-subassembly/component of sub. In the event of none of the components involving in failure or defect. Occurrence of 'Z’ at the 2nd or 3rd or 4th alphabet place indicates that the involved location or nature of defect is other than the ones listed in the Appendix.alphabet code has been prescribed as per details given in the Appendix. Remarks (Parameter 10) Parameter 10 is the Column for 'Remarks' in which Railways should indicate in brief what improvement is recommended to prevent occurrence of such defects. ---(ii) . A number of illustrations of defects are also indicated. the 4-alphabet code of this parameter will be given as ZZZZ. 6.4. Sample reporting form A sample Reporting Format is placed at Annexure. Information contained in each of these 4-alphabets is as follows : 1s t alphabet: Indicates the main assembly involved in the failure/defect (Page 1 of the Appendix) 2nd alphabet: Indicates the sub-assembly of main assembly involved in the failure/defect (Page 2. 4th alphabet: Indicates the nature of defect on the component/sub-assembly/component involved in the failure/defect (Page 23-119 of the Appendix). For this purpose a 4. Location and Nature of Defect (Parameter 9) This parameter contains the information regarding location and nature of defect. APPENDIX PARAMETER 9 – FOUR ALPHABET CODE (Location and Nature of defect) . FIRST ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING MAIN ASSEMBLIES INVOLVED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ist ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 2ND ALPHABET CODE PAGE NO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A B C D E F G H Z Power pack assemblies Engine systems Other assemblies Water cooled compressor/ Computer controlled brake system Traction power electrics Electrical control cabinets Auxiliaries Vehicle and structures No component involved 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 . ASSEMBLY INVOLVED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2nd ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 3rd ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Power pack assemblies AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ Engine crank case and oil pan assemblies Engine block Hand hole cover Cylinder head and liner Connecting rod. carrier.SECOND ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING SUB. main bearing and main bearing caps Gear damper assemblies Accessory drive gear assemblies Crank shaft couplings Starter motor application Crank shaft drive gear trains Camshaft and camshaft counter weight Over speed trip assemblies B Engine systems BA BB BC BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BK Turbocharger/supercharging system Turbocharger application Air intake and exhaust system Filtration system Lubrication oil system Lubrication oil system-continued Water cooling system After cooler Fuel oil system Cylinder head cover and support frame Crank case pressure detector application 2 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 . bearings and piston pin Piston and piston rings Cylinder head crab Exhaust valve bridge and rocker arm Injector control linkage Crank shaft. Insulation. auxiliary generator Traction motor blower.ASSEMBLY INVOLVED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2nd ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 3rd ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C Other assemblies CA CB CC CD CE Accessory drive housing assemblies Camshaft housing and cover Auxiliary generator drive assemblies Engine governor assemblies Other than engine governor D Water cooled compressor/Computer controlled brake system DA DB DC DD DE Water cooled compressor Computer controlled brake system (CCB) Aux. radiator fan assembly. TCC blower. starter motor F Electrical control cabinets FA FB FC FD FE FF FG FH FI FJ FK FL Engine Control panel EM 2000 Modules and EM2000 display unit Panel Mounted Modules Circuit breaker and test panel Resistor/ Capacitor & Diode input Panel Relays Contactors Modules of Medha’s MLC691 system SIBAS Klip Station 1& 2 (Siemens’s Modules) DPC (Distributed Power Control ) REMMLOT (Remote monitoring system of locomotives and train) Plug.SECOND ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING SUB. traction motor pinions Traction alternator. rectifier Traction control convertor Dynamic braking assembly. suspension tubes. Brake valves-main system Air dryer High friction brake block E Traction power electrics EA EB EC ED EE EF AC Traction Motors.wiring and Bus Bar 12 12 12 12 13 3 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 . Cables Traction machine bearings. connectors . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ G AUXILIARIES GA GB GC GD GE GF GG GH GI Control and Operating Switch Panel Indicating Light Panel Semiconductor out Side the Panel Sensors Transducers Batteries Lighting and alarms Electrical Meters & Speedometer Display Unit H Vehicle and structures HA HB HC HD HE Truck frame Wheel. axle & bearing adaptor assembly Brake rigging Bogie suspension Loco superstructure.SECOND ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING SUB. under frame & draw bar 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 4 21 21 21 22 22 .ASSEMBLY INVOLVED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2nd ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 3rd ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AA Engine crankcase and oil pan assemblies AAA AA B AAC AAD AA E AAF AAG AAX Main base/ crank case Engine oil pan assembly Anchor shackle base application Crankcase inspection door Crank case explosion cover door Crankcase venting system including oil catcher Base screen Other locations in engine crank case and oil pan assemblies AB Engine block ABA AB B ABC ABD ABE ABX Engine block structure Main bearings. ALPHABET CODE PAGE NO.THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. studs and bolts Main bearing bore and caps Cylinder liners Cylinder liners studs Other locations in engine Block AC Hand hole covers AC A AC B ACC AC X Hand hole cover assembly Cross bar assembly Streator motor location hand hole cover assembly Other locations in hand hole covers AD Cylinder head ADA AD B AD C AD D AD E AD F AD G AD H AD X Cylinder head assembly Cylinder test valve Gasket assembly Fuel injector crab Cylinder head exhaust valve Valve seat Valve spring Valve guide and nozzle sleeve Other locations in cylinder head 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 5 . ALPHABET CODE 3rd. carrier. ALPHABET CODE 3rd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AE Connecting rod AEA AEB AEC AED AEE AEF AEG AEH AEX Connecting rod assembly Connecting rod upper and lower basket dowels. blade rods and fork rod basket Connecting rod to piston pin bolts Connecting rod bearings Connecting rod insert bearing Connecting rod retainer bearing Other locations in Connecting rod.THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. bolts and nuts Connecting rod upper and lower bearing shell Connecting rod fork rod. bearings and piston pin AF Piston and piston rings AFA AFB AFC AFD AFX Piston (cost iron alloy Piston carrier and thrust washer Piston pin Piston rings Other locations in piston and piston rings AG Cylinder head crab AGA AG B AG C AGX Intermediate cylinder head crab Cylinder head end crab Cylinder head crab bolts. nut and washer Other locations in Cylinder head crab AH Exhaust valve bridge and rocker arm AHA AHB AHC AHD AHE AHF AHX Exhaust valve bridge assembly Exhaust valve hydraulic lash adjuster assembly Exhaust valve rocker arm assembly Exhaust valve cam follower roller assembly Exhaust valve rocker injector arm assembly Lube oil line assembly Other locations in Exhaust valve bridge and rocker arm 6 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 32 33 . ALPHABET CODE PAGE NO. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AI Injector control linkage AIA AIB AIC AID AIE AIF AIG AIH AII AIJ AIX Injector control shaft. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th.THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. AJX Crank shaft engine Other locations in crank shaft engine AK Gear damper assembly AKA AKX Gear damper assembly Other locations in gear damper assembly AL Accessory drive gear assembly and front end accessory drive ALA ALB ALC ALX Accessory drive gear assembly Bolt and stub shaft arrangement Front end accessory drive Other locations in accessory drive gear assembly and front end accessory drive AM Crank shaft coupling AMA AMB AMC 33 33 33 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 36 Engine crank shaft coupling disc Engine crankshaft coupling starter motor ring gear Engine crankshaft generator coupling disc 7 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 . support bracket and bearing Injector control oil seal retainer assembly Injector control shaft left bank-Rear Injector control shaft left bank-Front Injector control shaft right bank-Rear Injector control shaft right bank-Front Injector control adjusting link assembly Injector control lever assembly Governor control linkage with manually shaft on left bank Governor control linkage with manually shaft on right bank Other locations in Injector control linkage AJ Engine crankshaft AJA. lever. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AMX Other locations in crank shaft coupling AN Starter motor application ANA ANB ANC AND ANE ANX Right bank dual starter motor mounting Starter motor assembly Solenoid switch assembly Solenoid switch terminal plate assembly Engine speed probe Other locations in Starter motor application AO Crank shaft drive gear trains AOA AOB AOC AOD AOE AOX Crank shaft drive gear trains and housing application Stub shaft assembly Crankshaft gear application Turbocharger clutch drive gear assembly Turbocharger clutch drive gear assembly-continued Other locations in crank shaft drive gear trains AP Camshaft and camshaft counter weight APA APB APC APD APE APF APG APX Camshaft assembly-left bank Camshaft assembly-right bank Camshaft counter weight application Camshaft bearing brackets-block assembly Camshaft bearing brackets-accessory drive end Camshaft bearing brackets-camshaft drive end Over speed trip and counter weight application Other locations in Camshaft and camshaft counter weight AQ Over speed trip assemblies AQA AQB AQ C AQ D AQE AQF AQX Over speed trip linkage shaft assembly Over speed trip assembly Over speed trip linkage Over speed trip pawl bracket assembly Over speed trip housing cover. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th.THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. access plate & cover Over speed trip housing and cover Other locations in over speed trip assemblies 8 38 38 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 43 44 44 44 45 . ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO.THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. BDA BDB BDC BDD BDE BDF BDG BDH BDX Inertial air filters. BD Filtration System. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BA Turbocharger/supercharging system BAA BAB BAC BAD BAE BAF BAG BAH BAX Turbo main housing Turbo support assemblies Turbocharger compressor Turbocharger seal rings and other rings Turbocharger turbine wheel & nozzle ring Turbocharger different shaft Turbocharger gears Turbocharger bearings Other locations in turbocharger/supercharging system BB Turbocharger application BBA BBB BBC BBD BBX Turbocharger air duct assembly left and right bank Engine stub shaft Drain tube assembly Turbocharger mounting hardware Other locations in turbocharger application BC Air intake and exhaust system. BCA BCB BCC BCD BCX Air intake duct right hand left bank Exhaust chamber assemblies Exhaust chamber gasket Heat shield assemblies Other locations in air intake and exhaust system. Primary fuel oil filters application Fuel oil suction strainer Lube oil filter assembly Other locations in filtration system 9 45 45 45 46 46 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 51 51 51 . Engine intake air filters (fibre glass bag) Turbocharger lube oil filters Turbo Soak back filter assembly Fuel filters assembly. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. BG Water cooling system BGA BGB BGC BGD Water piping application Water manifold application Water manifold bracket application Right bank water pump assembly 51 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 60 10 . BEB BEC BED BEE BEF BEG BEH BEI BEJ BEK BEL BEM BEN BEO BEP BEQ BER BES BET BEU BEV BEX Lubricating oil system Lube oil strainer assembly Strainer drain valve assembly Piston cooling and main bearing lube oil strainer assembly Strainer screen assembly Scavenging lube oil strainer assembly Strainer cover assembly Filter drain pipe assembly Camshaft drive end lube oil lined and piston cooling tubes End lube oil manifold Centre lube oil manifold Turbo filter adaptor manifold assembly Piston cooling tube assembly Turbo soak back lube oil system Lube oil manifold assembly Manifold relief valve assembly Lube oil separator and ejector assemblies Lube oil separator assembly Lube oil ejector assembly Lube oil-scavenging pump Lube oil scavenging pumps.gear assemblies and gears Piston cooling and pressure pump Piston cooling and pressure pump-gear assemblies and gears Other location on lubricating oil system BF Lubricating oil system -continued BFA BFB BFC BFD BFX Lube oil drain piping Lube oil cooler Lube oil relief valve Lube oil filter by-pass relief valve Other location in lubricating oil system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BE BEA. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO.THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO.THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BGE Right bank water pump assembly-Other component involved 60 BGF Left bank water pump assembly 60 BGG Left bank water pump assembly-Other component involved 61 BGH Radiator and radiator fan 61 BGI Radiator fan drive system 61 BGJ Pressure cap and filler arrangement 62 BGX Other location in water cooling system BH After cooler BHA BHB BHC BHD BHX After cooler left bank After cooler right bank After cooler piping After cooler blower and drive mechanism Other location in after cooler BI Fuel oil system BIA BIB BIC BID BIE BIF BIG BIH BIX Adjusting link and injector control linkage MUI injectors MUI injector linkage Fuel oil header and valves Fuel oil piping Fuel booster pump and drive Fuel oil Fuel oil suction strainer Other location in fuel oil system BJ Cylinder head cover and support frame BJA BJB BJC BJD BJE BJF BJG BJX Cylinder head cover and support frame Right bank support frame assembly Left bank support frame assembly Cylinder head cover assembly Cover latches-cam shaft drive end Cover latches-cylinder head cover inside Cover support Other location in cylinder head cover and support frame 11 62 62 63 63 63 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 . THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BK Crank case pressure detector application BKA BKB BKC BKD BEE BKF BKG BKH BKI BKJ BKK BKX Crank case pressure detector application Detector vent assembly Detector to oil pressure line and oil pressure tube assemblies Oil pressure line to cover frame and governor tube assemblies Oil pressure line to thermostatic valve and thermostatic valve high pressure hose assembly Air box tee to governor tube assembly Detector assembly Air detector housing assembly Oil detector housing assembly Detector crankcase housing assembly Low water cut off valve Other location in crank case pressure detector application CA Accessory drive housing assembly CAA CAX Accessory drive housing assembly Other location in accessory drive housing assembly CB Camshaft drive housing and covers CBA CBX Cam shaft drive housing and covers Other location in camshaft housing and covers CC Auxiliary generator drive assembly CCA CCX Auxiliary generator drive assembly Other location in auxiliary generator drive assembly CD Engine governor assembly CDA CDB CDC CDX Engine governor assembly Governor drive gear assembly Governor drive assembly Other location in engine governor assembly 12 67 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 . ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. unloader pipe assembly. governor Lube oil/lube oil system Rigid pipes. bearing. coolers & its fan Other location in water-cooled compressor DB Computer controlled brake system DAA DAB DAC DAD DAX CCB PCB Pneumatic valve failure Brake controller failure Brake controller failure Other location in computer controlled brake system DC Aux. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE Other than engine governor CEA CEB CEC CED CEE CE F CEX Fuel limiter Load regulating pilot valve and associated linkage Integrated oil filled vane servo load regulator Low oil pressure shut down device Low water indication device Hot oil temperature shut down device Other location in. oil seals. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. air suction filter. magnet valve) 13 71 72 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 .THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. BC-BP&MR-EQ) Check valve Auto drain valve Angle cock and hoses Air pipes. joints & coupling etc. fast/flexible coupling DA Water cooled compressor DAA DAB DAC DAD DAE DAF DAG DAX Crankshaft oil seal. Brake valves-main system DC A DC B DC C DC D DC E DC F DC G DC H DC I Emergency brake valves MR safety valve Feed valve Air pressure gauge complex (air flow indicator. Unloader panel assembly (6 nos. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. piston ring set & connecting rod assembly Cylinder head. fast/flexible coupling bearings Piston. inlet valves and discharge valves Cylinder/liner and main casing Suction unloader assembly. suspension tubes. insulation. insulation. housing bearing kit (consisting of 11 & 4 items) Traction motor pinions Other locations in traction machine bearings. traction motor pinions EBF EBX 14 77 77 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 .THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. cables EB Traction machine bearings. cables EAA EAB EAC EAD EAE EAF EAG EAH EAX Traction Motor Stator Housing Stator Rotor Insulation Speed sensor Non drive / drive end shield Electron beam irradiated power cables Electron beam irradiated control cables Other locations in AC traction motors. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. suspension tubes. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. traction motor pinions EBA EBB EBC EBD EBE Traction motor bearing Alternator bearing Auxiliary machine bearing Traction motor suspension bearings Suspension tubes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DD Air Dryer DDA DDB DDC DDD DDE DDF DDG DDH DDX Body of air dryer Pre-coalescer filter of air dryer Final filter of air dryer PCB of air dryer Purge valve/drain valve of air dryer Solenoid valve of air dryer Humidity indicator of air dryer Desiccant canister /desiccant of air dryer Other location in air dryer DE High friction brake block DEA DEX High friction brake block (WDG4&WDP4) Other location in high friction brake blocks EA AC Traction motors. auxiliary generator EEA EEB EEC EED EEE EEF EEX Stator assembly Rotor assembly Bearing assembly Resistor grids assembly Fan assembly Contactor & circuit breaker & cables Other locations in dynamic braking assembly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EC Traction alternator. starter motor EFA EFB EFC EFX Traction Motor blower TCC blower Starter motor Other locations in traction motor blower. radiator fan assembly.THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. rectifier ECA ECB ECC ECD ECE ECX Yoke and stator assembly Rotor & field pole coil assembly Slip ring and brush holder assembly Diode and fuses Bearing assembly Other locations in traction alternator. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. TCC blower. rectifier ED Traction control converter EDA EDB EDC EDD EDX Phase module failure (GTO/IGBT) Cooling system failure TCC control/protection cards failure TCC cables Other locations in traction control converter EE Dynamic braking assembly. radiator fan assembly. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. TCC blower. starter motor 15 82 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 86 86 . auxiliary generator EF Traction motor blower. 3A Headlights /Generator Field CB -90A Control.15A Aux. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FA Engine Control Panel FAA FAB FAC FAD FAE FAF FAG FAH FAI Isolation switch Classification switch Fuel Prime/Engine Start (FP/ES) Switch Emergency Fuel Cut Off (EFCO) / Engine stop/ MU Engine Stop Switch Ground Relay Cut Out (GRCO) Switch Alerter Alarm Battery Ammeter Engine Filter Switch FB EM 2000 modules FBA FBB FBC FBD FBE FBF CPM (central processing unit (CPU) + memory module (MEM)) Digital input output module (DIO300) Analog to digital to analog module (ADA305) Communication module (COM301/304) Power supply module (PSM) Pre regulator module (PRG) FC Panel mounted modules FCA FCB FCC FCD FCE FCF Voltage amplifying module (VAM) Analog signal conditioner module (ASC) Firing circuit Feedback (FCF) Firing circuit driver (FCD) Train line filtering (TLF) DVR Module FD Circuit breaker and test panel / switch FDA Lights / local control/ Filter blower motor/Fuel pump/ Turbo/TCC Electronic blower CB/ TCC1/2 BLWR -30 A Radio/cab fan/Air dryer/ AC control/ Computer control/Micro air brake/ AC GTO #1 PS / AC GTO #2 PS . ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. Gen field/ Aux./TCC2 comp .THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd.10A Event Recorder/ DCL Control . Gen FB/ TCC1 comp.40A FDB FDC FDD FDE FDF 16 86 86 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 89 89 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 . THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. RE FL CE2. B4) Generator field contactor (GFC) Generator field decay contactor (GFD) Voltage protection contactor (VPC) Fan contactor. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. 32) Flasher Light resistors (RE FL CE1. fast speed contactor (FCF) Fan contactor slow speed (FCS) FEC FED FEE FEF FEG 17 93 93 93 94 94 94 94 95 95 95 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 99 99 99 . Comp. RE ST2 & grounding resistor (RE GR1 THRU 4) DC Link RE VDCL & Grounding capacitor (CA GR1 THRU 6) Ground Relay transductor resistance (RE GRT) Resistor Assembly (RE GNR A. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. B2. Power Relays (SPR1 & SPR2) Ground relay (GR1 &GR2) GROUND RELAY (GR / DBGR) FG Contactors FGA FGB FGC FGD FGE FGF. FGG DC link contactor (DCL) Braking contactors (B1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FDG GRCO switch 93 FE Resistor/ Capacitor & Diode input (DIP) Panel FEA FEB FEH Diode Input Panel 30. B & C and RE GNL A. B3. Gen field resistor (RE AG FIELD A-B) FF Relays FFA FFB FFC FFD FFE FFF FFG FFH FFI Engine fuel cut off relay (EFCO) Fuel pump relay (FPR) Turbo lube pump relay (TLPR) Shut down relay (SDR) Brake warn relay (BWR) Alarm relay (AR) Wheel Slip Relay (WL) Flasher Relay (FLSHR) SIBAS 16 Traction Con. 31. B & C) Aux. RE FL CE3 & RE FL CE4) Head Light resistors (REHDLT DIM) & ground relay transductor resistance(RE GR)T Starting resistors RE ST1. FHI FHJ Main control computer (MCC) module Data management computer (MDMC) and intelligent data logger module(MIDL) Auxiliary communication controller (MACC) Digital input (MDIP) and output modules (MDOP) Frequency input module (MFIP) Gate drive & zero crossing detection module (MGDZCD) Auxiliary generator PWM (MAGPWM) Analog Input (MAIP) and Output Module (MAOP) Power supply module (PSM) Event Recorder FI SIBAS KLIP STATION 1 and 2 (Siemens’s Modules) FIA FIB FIC FID FIE FIX Interface module AS 318 Digital input modules Digital output modules Analog input module Analog output module Other location in SIBAS Klip Station 1 & 2 (Siemens’s Modules) FJ DPC (Distributed Power Control ) FJA FJB FJC FJD FJE FJF FJG FJH FJI MDPC (Control Card) MDPIF (Interface card) MDIP 24 (Digital input card) MILS 16 (Digital output card ) MAOP 6 (Analog output card) MLCPS (Computer Power Supply) DFS (Digital air flow sensor) Data radio trans receiver RF antenna 99 100 100 100 100 101 101 101 101 102 102 102 102 103 103 103 103 103 104 104 104 104 104 105 18 . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FH Modules of Medha’s MLC691 system FHA FHB FHC FHD FHE FHF FHG FHH.THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. connectors. connectors. wiring and bus bar used in EMD Plug. 2 & 3) Current rectifier used in GND relay transductor right (CR GNR 1. connectors.THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd.MAS 696 MLRMS Antenna FL 105 105 Plug. wiring and bus bar used in Siemens GA Control and Operating Switch Panel GAA GAB GAC GAD GAE GAF GAG GAX Dynamic controller assembly Gauge lights switch Console lights dimmer rheostat Attendant call switch Cab lights switch Flasher lights switches Cab fan switch Other location in control and operating switch panel GB Indicating light panel GBA GBB GBC GBD GBE GBF GBX TE Limit Sand Wheel slip Flasher lamp PCS Brake warn Other location in control and operating switch panel GC Semiconductor out Side the Panel GCA GCB GCC SCR Excitation Bridge Assembly GTO power supply (GTOPSI) GTO power supply (GTOPS2) Current rectifier used in GND relay transductor left (CR GNL 1. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. 2 & 3) GCD 19 105 105 106 106 106 107 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 109 109 109 109 110 110 . ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FK REMMLOT (Remote monitoring system of locomotives and train) FKA FKB MLRMS Module. wiring and bus bar used in Medha Plug. wiring and bus bar FLA FLB FLC Plug. connectors. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GCE Current rectifier for GND relay bridge 110 (CR GR1 THRU 8) GCF Battery Charging (BC) Assembly 110 GCX Other location in semiconductor out side the panel GD Sensors GDA GDB GDC GDD GDE GDF GDG GDH GDX Battery box temperature sensor (BTA) Grid current sensor (IB1&IB2) Grid blower current sensor (IBKBL) Main generator field current sensor (IMGF) Inverter current sensor (ITCC) Traction motor stator temperature sensor (TMS) DC link voltage sensor (VDCL) Traction motor armature speed sensor (TMSPPU) Other location in sensor GE Transducers GEA GEB.THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th.cell plates Battery charging system Other location in batteries GG Lighting and alarms GGA GGB GGC GGD Head lights Classification lights Indication light LED Other engine room and cab lights 111 111 111 111 112 112 112 112 113 113 113 113 113 114 114 114 114 115 115 115 115 20 . GEC GED GEE GEX Main reservoir pressure transducers (MRPT) Grid blower motor current transducer (IBKBL1 & 2) DC link current transducers (ITCC 1 & 2) Grid path 1 and 2 current transducers (1B 1&2) Engine Speed pick up Other location in transducers GF Batteries GFA GFB GFC GFD GFX Battery container Electrolyte Batteries. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th. safety bracket and hand brake Brake rigging bushes and pins 116 116 117 117 117 117 118 118 118 118 118 21 119 119 119 119 120 120 120 120 . brake shoe & holder Brake rod. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GGE Alarm bell or wheel slip buzzer 116 GGF Flasher light 116 GGX Other location in lighting and alarms GH Electrical meters & speedometer GHA GHB GHC GHX TE meter-Analogue/Electronic Speed indicator Battery charging meter Other location in Electrical meters & speedometer GI Display Unit GIA GIB GIC GID EM 2000 Display Unit SIEMENS Display Unit (SITET) MEDHA Display Unit (MDS 740 ) Display Unit (DIALS) of any other Make HA Truck frame HAA HAB HAC HAD HAX Truck frame/ bogie frame Traction motor dog link Center pivot four bar mechanism Sand box Other location in truck frame HB Wheel. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO. axle & bearing adapter assembly HC Brake rigging HCA HCB HCC HCD HCE Brake cylinder Brake hanger Brake slack adjuster. axle & bearing adaptor assembly HBA HBB HBC HBX Wheel Axle Journal bearing adapter assembly Other location in wheel.THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. THIRD ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING COMPONENT/SUB-SUB ASSEMBLIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. ALPHABET MAIN ASSEMBLY INVOLVED 4th.single coil Rubber spring assembly Hydraulic damper Bushing traction rod Motor nose link bushing Bushing rubber Thrust pad. under frame & draw gear HEA HEB HEC HED HEX Loco superstructure Under frame Draw gear Cattle and rail guards Other location in loco superstructure. draws gear 121 121 121 121 121 122 122 122 22 122 122 123 123 . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HCX Other location in brake rigging HD Bogie suspension HDA HDB HDC HDD HDE HDF HDG HDH HDX Spring . u/frame. ALPHABET CODE CODE PAGE NO.lateral Happy pad (spring pad) Other location in bogie suspension HE Loco superstructures. defects in anchor shackle base application AAD Crankcase inspection door AADA AADB AADC AADD AADY Crankcase inspection door opening on run Crankcase inspection door gasket leaking Crankcase inspection doorknob breakage Crankcase inspection door clamp/arm breakage Misc. defects in engine oil pan assembly AAC Anchor shackle base application AACA AACB AACC AACD AACE AACY Any defect in anchor shackle base support body Anchor shackle bolts to crankcase and camshaft drive housing threads damaged 12-point bolt1-1/4x14-1/2 threads damaged Hex. defects in crankcase inspection door 23 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in main base/crank case AAB Engine oil pan assembly AABA AABB AABC AABD AABE AABF AABG AABH AABY Any defect in engine oil pan assembly Saline nut ½-20 worn out Square head pipe plug 1/4PT and 1-1/2MPT worn out Crankcase to oil pan seal damaged Air box drain O-ring seal damaged Any defect in oil level dipstick gauge assembly Air box drain flange 3/4FPTand gasket damaged perished Hex. Head bolt 1/2-20x1-1/4 and flat washer ½ threads damaged Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AAA Main base/ crank case AAAA AAAB AAAC AAAD AAAE AAAF AAAG AAAY Main base cracked or damaged Main base distorted Main face bolting faces damaged Defect in hand holes and gaskets Defect in lower liner bore insert Defect in air box drain holes and pipe or tubes Any defect in top deck head and covers Misc. Head bolt5/8-11x1-1/4 threads damaged Flat washer 5/8 worn out Misc. FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AAE Crank case explosion cover door AAEA AAEB AAEC AAED AAEY Crank case explosion cover burst Crank case explosion cover spring broken/loosen/weaken Crank case explosion cover door gasket perished Crank case explosion cover door bolt loosen/broken Misc. defects in crank case explosion cover door AAF Crank case venting system including oil catcher AAFA AAFB AAFC AAFD AAFE AAFF AAFG AAFY Crank case vacuum very low Crankcase exhaust pipe emitted smoke/oil Oil catcher securing bolt dropped/ threads damaged Crankcase oil slinger/catcher cracked Crankcase oil slinger/catcher chocked Crankcase oil slinger securing bolt dropped/threads damaged Excessive clearance between Oil catcher/ oil slinger and extension shaft Misc. defects in crankcase venting system including oil catcher AAG Base screen AAGA AAGY Base screen loosen/deficient Misc. defects in base screen ABA Engine block structure ABAA ABAB ABAC ABAD ABAE ABAF ABAY Engine block structure foundation pad cracked/damaged Engine block structure foundation pad distorted/twisted Engine block structure foundation pad excessively Engine block structure foundation bolt loosen Engine block structure foundation bolt broken/bent Engine block damaged Misc. defects in engine block structure ABB Main bearings, studs and bolts ABBA ABBB ABBC ABBD Main bearing ‘A’ frame stud bolt threads damaged Main bearing ‘A’ frame centre stud bolt threads damaged Main bearing ‘A’ frame nuts, semicircular nut and washer damaged or worn out Main bearing ‘A’ frame centre nuts, semicircular nut and washer damaged or worn out 24 FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABBY Misc. defects in main bearing stud and bolts ABC Main bearing bore and cap ABCA ABCB ABCC ABCD ABCE ABCF ABCG ABCY Main bearing front and intermediate upper/lower worn out or damaged Main bearing rear upper/lower worn out or damaged Main bearing centre upper/lower worn out or damaged Main bearing cap at location 1, 2, 3,4,7,8 and 9 cracked or damaged Main bearing cap at location 5 and 6 cracked or damaged Main bearing cap at location 10 cracked or damaged Main bearing bore scored worn out or damaged Misc. defects in main bearing bore and cap ABD Cylinder liner ABDA ABDB ABDC ABDD ABDE ABDF ABDG ABDH ABDY Cylinder liner cracked Cylinder liner bore oversized Cylinder liner water deflector cracked or damaged Cylinder liner water inlet ports cracked or damaged Cylinder liner seal groove damaged Water inlet lube oil to liner o-ring seal perished Liner o-ring seal worn out or damaged Cylinder liner seat ring damaged or worn out Misc. defects in cylinder liner ABE Cylinder liner studs ABAA ABAB ABAY Cylinder liner std. stud 3/4-10x3/4-10x10-3/4 threads damaged or cracked Cylinder liner pilot stud 3/4-10x3/4-10x10x3/4 threads damaged or cracked Misc. defects in cylinder liner studs ACA Hand hole covers ACAA ACAB ACAC ACAD ACAY Hand hole cover cracked or worn out Stem of hand wheel cover assembly damaged or cracked Hand wheel nylon gasket perished Retaining pin 1/8 dia.x5/8 inches long damaged or cracked Misc. defects in hand hole cover 25 FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACB Cross bar assembly ACBA ACBB ACBY Cross bar assembly worked out Cross bar to hand wheel stem pin cracked or worn out Misc. defects in cross bar assembly ACC Streator motor location hand hole cover assembly ACCA ACCB ACCY Streator motor location hand hole cover cracked or worn out Streator motor location hand hole cover bolt assembly including washer cracked worn out Misc. defects in Streator motor location hand hole cover assembly ADA Cylinder head assembly ADAA ADAB ADAC ADAD ADAE ADAF ADAG ADAY Cylinder head cylinder head crack in injector hole region Cylinder head crack in exhaust port Cylinder head cracked in cylinder liner pilot stud hole Cylinder head not making proper sealing with liner Heavy scaling of cylinder head with water deflector cylinder liner Cylinder head malt. or casting defective Water outlet elbow to cylinder head o-ring seal damaged or worn out Misc. defects in cylinder head assembly ADB Cylinder liner test valve ADBA ADBB ADBC ADBD ADBY Cylinder liner test valve assembly worked out Needle valve defective Cylinder liner test valve body cracked or damaged Cylinder liner test valve seal damaged Misc. defects in cylinder liner test valve ADC Gasket assembly ADCA ADCB ADCC ADCD ADCE ADCY Water seal kit 12 heat dam insulators damaged or worn out Water seal kit 12 grommet type damaged or worn out Cylinder head gasket kit damaged or worn out Piston cooling tube to lube oil gasket damaged or worn out Water inlet tube to water manifold gasket damaged or worn out Misc. defects in gasket assembly 26 defects in fuel injector crab ADE Cylinder head exhaust valve ADEA ADEB ADEC ADED ADEE ADEF ADEG ADEH ADEY Exhaust valve stem bent or broken Exhaust valve stem tip danged or breaking at the locking groove Bending the exhaust valve due to over speeding Valve face pitted or grooved improper valve facing Incorrect adjustment of tappet clearance Valve disc cracked or flakes coming out Over heating/mushrooming/guttering of valve Improper clearance between valve stem and guide Misc. defects in valve spring 27 . defects in cylinder head exhaust valve ADF Valve seat ADFA ADFB ADFC ADFY Valve seat cracked Valve seat pitted or grooved Valve seat excessively worn out Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADD Fuel injector crab ADDA ADDB ADDC ADDD ADDE ADDF ADDY Fuel injector crab body cracked Injector spherical washer 5/8 worn out Spherical nut 5/8-18 worn out Water outlet elbow damaged Socked head screw 3/8-16x7/8 worn out Water outlet elbow to crankcase o-ring seal damaged Misc. defects in valve seat ADG Valve spring ADGA ADGB ADGC ADGD ADGY Valve spring broken Valve spring weaken or uneven Valve spring retainer nut worked out Valve locking worked out or securing arrangement failed Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADH Valve guide and nozzle sleeve ADHA ADHB ADHC ADHD ADHE ADHY Valve guide cracked or damaged or broken Valve guide loosen on shaft Valve guide bore worn badly Nozzle sleeve cracked or leaking Nozzle sleeve loose or shifted or not accommodating nozzle Misc. defects in valve guide and nozzle sleeve AEA Connecting rod assembly AEAA AEAB AEAC AEAD AEAE AEAF AEAG AEAH AEAY Connecting rod broken or cracked Connecting rod damaged Connecting rod cap damaged Connecting rod cap distorted Connecting rod and cap oil passage chocked Connecting rod bent or twisted Connecting rod basket worn out or cracked Connecting rod cap screw bolt threads damaged Misc. defects in connecting rod assembly AEB Connecting rod upper and lower basket dowels, bolts and nuts AEBA AEBB AEBC AEBD AEBE AEBF AEBG AEBH AEBY Connecting rod upper bearing dowels damaged or worn out Connecting rod basket to rod dowel damaged or worn out Connecting rod bearing locating dowel damaged or worn out Connecting rod lower basket bolts threads damaged Connecting rod lower basket nuts worn out Connecting rod upper basket bolts worn out Connecting rod upper basket nuts worn out Connecting rod basket to bolts threads damaged Misc. defects in Connecting rod upper and lower basket dowels, bolts and AEC Connecting rod upper and lower bearing shell AECA AECB AECC AECD AECE Connecting rod upper bearing shell seized or scored Connecting rod upper bearing shell wiping or melting of overlay Connecting rod upper bearing shell worn or base melt. visible Connecting rod lower bearing shell seized or scored Connecting rod lower bearing shell wiping or melting of overlay 28 nuts FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AECF Connecting rod lower bearing shell worn or base melt. visible AECY Misc. defects in connecting rod upper and lower bearing shell AED Connecting rod fork rod, blade rods and fork rod basket AEDA AEDB AEDC AEDD AEDE AEDF AEDG AEDY Connecting rod fork rod broken or cracked Connecting rod fork rod damaged Connecting rod fork rod bent or twisted Connecting rod blade rod broken or cracked Connecting rod blade rod damaged Connecting rod blade rod bent or twisted Connecting rod fork rod basket cracked or damaged Misc. defects in connecting rod fork rod, blade rods and fork rod basket AEE Connecting rod to piston pin bolts AEEA AEEB AEEY Connecting rod to piston pin bolt threads damaged Connecting rod to piston pin bolt bent or twisted Misc. defects in connecting rod piston pin bolts AEF Connecting rod bearings AEFA AEFB AEFC AEFD AEFE AEFF AEFY Connecting rod upper sleeve bearing seized or scored or scuffed Connecting rod upper sleeve bearing wiping or melting the overlay Connecting rod upper sleeve bearing worn or base malt visible Connecting rod lower sleeve bearing seized or scored Connecting rod lower sleeve bearing wiping or melting the overlay Connecting rod lower sleeve bearing wiping or melting the overlay Misc. defects in connecting rod bearing AEG Connecting rod insert bearing AEGA AEGB AEGC AEGD AEGE AEGF AEGY Connecting rod insert bearing damaged Connecting rod insert bearing seized or scored or scuffed Connecting rod insert bearing worn out Connecting rod insert bearing wiping or melting the overlay Connecting rod snap ring damaged Connecting rod hex. head bolt threads damaged Misc. defects in connecting rod insert bearing 29 FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AEH Connecting rod retainer bearing AEHA AEHB AEHC AEHD AEHE AEHY Connecting rod retainer bearing seized or scored or scuffed Connecting rod retainer bearing damaged Connecting rod retainer bearing worn out Connecting rod retainer bearing wiping or melting the overlay Special hex. head bolt 1/4-20x1/2 threads damaged Misc. defects in connecting rod retainer bearing AFA Piston (cost iron alloy) AFAA AFAB AFAC AFAD AFAE AFAF AFAY Cost iron alloy piston cracked Cost iron alloy piston ring land worn out Cost iron alloy piston seized or scored or scuffed Cost iron alloy piston damaged due to consequential failure Cost iron alloy piston poppet mark on crown Cost iron alloy piston snap ring damaged or worn out Misc. defects in cost iron alloy piston AFB Piston carrier and thrust washer AFBA AFBB AFBC AFBD AFBE AFBF AFBY Piston carrier body cracked Piston carrier insert bearing seized or scored or scuffed Piston carrier thrust washer washer worn out Piston pin slack excessive clearance in piston carrier hole Piston carrier bearing retainer damaged or cracked Piston carrier snap ring damaged Misc. defects in piston carrier and thrust washer AFC Piston pin AFCA AFCB AFCC AFCD AFCY Piston pin cracked Piston pin seized Piston pin slack in piston or excessive clearance Piston pin sleeve damaged or leaking frequently Misc. defects in piston pin 30 defects in exhaust valve bridge assembly 31 . defects in cylinder head crab bolts. defects in piston rings AGA Intermediate cylinder head crab AGAA AGAY Intermediate cylinder head crab cracked Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AFD Piston rings AFDA AFDB AFDC AFDD AFDE AFDF AFDG AFDY Compression piston ring broken Compression piston ring seized or frozen or stack up Compression piston ring worn or excessive clearance in piston groove Oil control piston ring seized or frozen or stack up Oil control piston ring worn or excessive clearance in piston groove Oil control piston ring broken Piston ring ends in one line Misc. nut and washer AHA Exhaust valve bridge assembly AHAA AHAB AHAC AHAD AHAE AHAY Exhaust valve bridge assembly cracked Exhaust valve bridge spring weaken or broken or uneven Exhaust valve bridge spring seat damaged Exhaust valve bridge locking ring damaged Exhaust valve bridge button worn out Misc. Head bolt 3/8-24x3 threads damaged Spline nut 3/8-24 worn out Misc. defects in cylinder head end crab AGC Cylinder head crab bolts.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in intermediate cylinder head crab AGB Cylinder head end crab AGBA AGBB AGBY Cylinder head end crab cracked Cylinder head end crab bolt bracket damaged Misc. nut and washer AGCA AGCB AGCC AGCD AGCE AGCY Cylinder head crab bolt threads damaged Cylinder head crab nuts worn out Special crab washer worn out Hex. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AHB Exhaust valve hydraulic lash adjuster assembly AHBA AHBB AHBC AHBD AHBE AHBF AHBY Exhaust valve hydra. defects in hydra. lash adjuster assembly spring spring weaken or broken Exhaust valve hydra. lash adjuster assembly plunger damaged or worn out Exhaust valve hydra. lash adjuster assembly adjuster assembly ball check damaged Exhaust valve hydra.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. lash adjuster assembly ball retainer damaged worn out Exhaust valve hydra. lash adjuster assembly locking worn out Misc. head jam nut 5/8-18worn out Exhaust valve cam follower roller button retaining spring weaken or broken or Exhaust valve cam follower roller button worked out Misc. defects in exhaust valve rocker arm assembly AHD Exhaust valve cam follower roller assembly AHDA AHDB AHDC AHDD AHDE AHDF AHDY Exhaust valve cam follower roller assembly cracked Exhaust valve cam follower roller bushing worked out or cracked Exhaust valve cam follower roller adjusting screw threads damaged Exhaust valve cam follower roller hex. lash adjuster assembly AHC Exhaust valve rocker arm assembly AHCA AHCB AHCC AHCD AHCE AHCF AHCG AHCH AHCY Exhaust valve rocker arm assembly cracked Exhaust valve rocker arm bushing worked out or cracked Exhaust valve rocker arm dowel pin 15/3x1/4 damaged Exhaust valve rocker arm cam follower pin worked out Exhaust valve rocker arm groove pin 1/8x7/8 damaged Exhaust valve rocker arm inner race damaged or worn out Exhaust valve rocker arm shaft cracked Exhaust valve rocker arm shaft support cap damaged Misc. defects in exhaust valve cam follower roller assembly AHE Exhaust valve rocker injector arm assembly AHEA AHEB AHEC AHEY Exhaust valve rocker injector arm assembly body cracked Exhaust valve rocker injector arm bushing worked out or cracked Exhaust valve rocker injector arm dowel pin 5/32x1/4 damaged Misc. lash adjuster assembly body cracked Exhaust valve hydra. defects in exhaust valve injector arm assembly 32 . head bolt 1/4-28x5/8 threads damaged Lube oil line to camshaft bearing hex. defects in injector control shaft. head bolt 1/4-20x3/4 threads damaged Misc. defects in injector control shaft. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AHF Lube oil line assembly AHFA AHFB AHFC AHFD AHFY Lube oil line assembly assembly cracked or leaking Lube oil line gasket perished Lube oil line to rocker arm shaft hex. support bracket and bearing AIC Injector control shaft left bank-Rear AICA AICB AICC Injector control rear left bank shaft assembly cracked Injector control rear left bank shaft lever damaged Injector control rear left bank shaft bearing and support assembly including bushing workedout Injector control lever mounting hex. head bolt 1/4-28x3/4 threads damaged Injector control retainer mounting flat washer 1/4 worn out Injector control lever to adjusting link clevis pin damaged Spring type clevis pin retainer damaged Misc. bolts. support bracket and bearing AIAA AIAB AIAC AIAD AIAE AIAF AIAG AIAH AIAI AIAY Injector control shaft lever damaged Injector control bearing and support assembly body cracked Injector control support bushing worn out Injector control shaft lever mounting hex. support bracket and bearing AIB Injector control oil seal assembly AIBA AIBB AIBC AIBD AIBE AIBF AIBG AIBY Injector control oil seal retainer body cracked Injector control oil seal worn out Printed beed retainer gasket perished Injector control retainer mounting hex. head bolt 3/8-24x2 threads damaged Injector control retainer mounting flat washer 1/4 worn out AICD AICE 33 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. head bolt 1/2-20x1-1/8 threads damaged Misc. defects in lube oil line assembly AIA Injector control shaft. nuts and washer threads damaged Injector control shaft lever spring pin 7/32x11-1/2 inches long damaged Injector support bracket assembly body cracked Ball bearing and bearing retainer snap ring worn out Bearing to bracket shim and control lever spacer 5/32 damaged Hex. defects in Injector control shaft right bank. head bolt 3/8-24x2 threads damaged Injector control retainer mounting flat washer 1/4 worn out Spring pin 7/32x1-1/2 inches long damaged Misc.front AIFD AIFE AIFF AIFG AIFY 34 . defects in Injector control shaft right bank-Rear AIF Injector control shaft right bank-Front AIFA AIFB AIFC Injector control front right bank shaft assembly cracked Injector control front right bank shaft lever damaged Injector control front right bank shaft bearing and support assembly including bushing workedout Injector control lever mounting hex. head bolt 3/8-24*2 threads damaged Spring pin 7/32x1-1/2 inches long damaged Hex. head lock nut 3/8-24 worn out Misc.headlocknut3/8-24wornout Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AICF Spring pin 7/32x1-1/2 inches long damaged AICY Misc. head bolt 3/8-24x2 threads damaged Front to rear injector control shafts connecting hex. defects in Injector control shaft left bank-Rear AID Injector control shaft left bank-Front AIDA AIDB AIDC AIDD AIDE AIDF AIDG AIDY Injector control front left bank shaft assembly cracked Injector control front left bank shaft lever damaged Injector control front left bank shaft bearing and support assembly including bushing workedout Injector control lever mounting hex. head bolt 3/8-24 threads damaged Spring pin 7/32x1-1/2 inches long damaged Hex.front AIE Injector control shaft right bank-Rear AIEA AIEB AIEC AIED AIEE AIEF AIEY Injector control rear right bank shaft assembly cracked Injector control rear right bank shaft lever damaged Injector control rear right bank shaft bearing and support assembly including bushing workedout Injector control lever mounting hex.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in Injector control shaft left bank. head bolt 3/8-24x2 threads damaged Front to rear injector control shafts connecting hex. AIGC AIGD AIGE AIGF AIGG AIGH AIGY Injector control adjusting link assembly cracked Link shaft and adjusting collar damaged Adjusting link needle bearing and penned to shaft washer damaged Clevis pin 1/4x1-1/8 damaged Spring clip retainer damaged Sintered melts.13x2-1/4 threads damaged Flat washer 1/2 worn out Misc. 4x2 inches long damaged Outer end bearing support bracket assembly cracked Bracket to crankcase hex. defects in injector control lever assembly AII Governor control linkage with manually shaft on left bank AIIA AIIB AIIC. defects in injector control adjusting link assembly AIH Injector control lever assembly AIHA AIHB AIHC AIHD AIHE AIHY Injector control lever assembly cracked Needle bearing (link) worn out Needle bearing (bracket) worn out Clevis pin 1/2x1-3/32 damaged Spring clip retainer damaged Misc. AIIY Governor control linkage with manually shaft on left bank cracked Ball bearing worn out Lever clamp hex.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. head bolt 1/2. head bolt 1/2-20x1-1/8 threads damaged Left bank control link assembly cracked Misc. AIID AIIE AIIF AIIG. head bolt 3/8-24x1-3/4 threads damaged Hex head bolt 5/16-24x17/32&5/16-2x2 threads damaged Hex head lock nut 5/16-24 worn out Governor to control rod lever and control lever spacer damaged 35 . defects in governor control linkage with manually shaft on left bank AIJ Governor control linkage with manually shaft on right bank AIJA AIJB AIJC AIJD AIJE AIJF Governor control linkage with manually shaft on right bank cracked Ball bearing worn out Lever clamp hex. head bolt 3/8-24x1-3/4 threads damaged Taper pin no. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AIG Injector control adjusting link assembly AIGA AIGB. Control lever bracket damaged Hex. FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. Crank shaft breakage from the journal/pin. head bolt 3/4-10x3-3/4 threads damaged Gear damper assembly cracked Misc. head bolt 7/8-14x3 threads damaged Gear damper hex. head bolt 5/8-11x2-15/16 threads damaged Damper mounting hex. defects in gear damper assembly ALA Accessory drive gear assembly ALAA ALAB ALAC ALAD ALAE ALAF ALAG ALAH ALAY Accessory drive gear assembly cracked Spur drive gear teeth damaged Gear drive hub cracked or damaged Front disc damaged Spring segment and coil spring damaged or worn out or weaken Alignment dowel broken or cracked Rear disc damaged Spine head bolt 5/8-11x3-1/4 threads damaged Misc. Thrust collar damage/ cracked. defects in crank shaft engine AKA Gear damper assembly AKAA AKAB AKAC AKAD AKAE AKAF AKAG AKAY Gear damper ring damaged Gear damper Gear damper ring damaged Gear damper spider damaged Gear damper hex. Crank shaft breakage across the web. Counter weight damage. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AIJG Right bank control link assembly cracked AIJY Misc. Misc. defects in governor control linkage with manually shaft on right bank AJA Crankshaft engine AJAA AJAB AJAC AJAD AJAE AJAF AJAG AJAH AJAY Cracks on main journal/pins. Scoring of pins/ journals. Key way damage. Main Journal/ Pins undersize. defects in accessory drive gear assembly 36 . defects in Bolt on stub shaft ALC Front end accessory drive ALCA ALCB ALCC ALCD ALCE ALCF ALCG ALCH ALCY Front end accessory drive assembly cracked Centre bonded rubber bushing joint worn out Accessory drive cover and gasket cracked or perished Accessory drive oil seal retainer and seal damaged Coupling key 0. head bolt3/8-24x1-1/4 threads damaged Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALB Bolt on stub shaft ALBA ALBB ALBC ALBD ALBY Tapered stub shaft cracked Oil slinger worn out Stub shaft to crank shaft hex.3/8-16x1 threads damaged Cover alignment dowel broken or cracked Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in engine crank shaft generator coupling disc 37 . head bolt 1/2-20x1.390x0. defects in engine crank shaft coupling starter motor ring gear AMC Engine crankshaft generator coupling disc AMCA AMCB AMCY Engine crankshaft generator coupling disc cracked Engine crankshaft generator coupling disc bolt 1-1/4-12x3-27/32 threads damaged Misc. defects in engine crank shaft coupling disc AMB Engine crankshaft coupling starter motor ring gear AMBA AMBB AMBC AMBD AMBY Engine crankshaft coupling starter motor ring gear damaged Engine crankshaft coupling starter motor ring gear teeth damaged Engine crankshaft coupling starter motor ring gear cracked Ring rear to disc hex. head bolt 1-1/4-12x4-13/32 threads damaged Misc. head bolt 7/8-14x3-1/4 threads damaged Special washer 7/8 worn out Misc.626x2-1/2 cracked Lock spring damaged or worn out or weaken Hex. defects in front end accessory drive AMA Engine crankshaft coupling disc AMAA AMAB AMAY Engine crank shaft coupling disc cracked or damaged Special hex. head bolt3/4-16x2-5/8 threads damaged Hex. defects in Solenoid switch assembly ANCY 38 . plungetr. head bolt 5/8-18x1-3/4 threads damaged Misc. defects in starter motor assemblies ANC Solenoid switch assembly ANCA ANCB ANCC ANCD ANCE ANCF ANCG ANCH Switch case assembly worked out Disc contact assembly worked out Push rod return spring weaken or broken or loosen Terminal stud including washer damaged Terminal support clip and terminal stud insulator damaged or worn out Switch and ground terminal package state switch terminal plate gasket perished Attaching cover terminal plate screw assembly and attaching coil lead screw damaged Attaching cover terminal plate including washer nut assembly and rod guiding bushing damaged Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANA Right bank dual starter motor mounting ANAA ANAB ANAC ANAD ANAE ANAF ANAY Right bank dual starter motor mounting worked out Right bank dual starter motor mounting assembly cracked Fly wheel timing indicator defective Hex. defects in right bank dual starter motor mounting ANB Starter motor assemblies ANBA ANBB ANBC ANBD ANBE ANBF ANBG ANBH ANBY Starter motor assembly worked out Commutator end frame assembly worked out Motor armature assembly worked out Frame and field assembly worked out Lever housing assembly worked out Clutch drive assembly worked out Lead. spring.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. bolt and nut assembly worked out Motor brush assembly worked out Misc. head bolt1/4-20x5/8 threads damaged Hex. head bolt 5/16-18 threads damaged Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in engine speed probe AOA Crank shaft drive gear trains and housing application AOAA AOAB AOAC AOAD AOAE AOAF AOAG AOAH AOAY Crank shaft drive gear trains and housing damaged or cracked Crank shaft drive gear teeth damaged or cracked Crank shaft retainer dowel plate cracked Lower idler gear teeth damaged or cracked Thrust plate damaged Hex. defects in solenoid switch terminal plate assembly ANE Engine speed probe ANEA ANEB ANEC ANED ANEE ANEF ANEG ANEH ANEY Magnetic pickup not working properly Magnetic pickup bracket cracked Magnetic pickup assembly worked out Twin BNC plug not working Cable clamp damaged or cracked 2-conductor cable (20 gauge) broken 2-pole magnetic pickup plug not working Hex. head bolt1/2-20x2-1/4 threads damaged Drilled hex. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AND Solenoid switch terminal plate assembly ANDA ANDB ANDC ANDD ANDE ANDF ANDG ANDH ANDY Switch terminal plate assembly worked out Terminal plate damaged Terminal battery stud and motor stud threads damaged Terminal stud strip insulation worked out Terminal stud bushing worked out Terminal stud plain washer perished Terminal stud insulating bushing damaged or worn out Terminal stud lock washer and nut 1/2-13 worn out Misc. defects in crank shaft drive gear trains and housing application 39 . head bolt3/8-24x1/4 threads damaged Gear train oil retainer and gear train oil retainer gasket perished Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AOB Stub shaft assembly AOBA AOBB AOBC AOBD AOBE AOBF AOBG AOBH AOBY Idler gear stub shaft assembly cracked Upper sleeve bearing and lower sleeve bearing worked out Idler gear stub shaft o-ring seal damaged Stub shaft mounting drilled hex. defects in turbocharger clutch drive gear assembly AOE Turbocharger clutch drive gear assembly-continued AOEA AOEB AOEC AOED AOEE Turbocharger clutch drive gear cam plate cracked Dowel pin 0. defects in crank shaft gear application AOD Turbocharger clutch drive gear assembly AODA AODB AODC AODD AODE AODF AODG AODH AODY Turbocharger clutch drive gear assembly cracked Upper drive gear assembly cracked Hub and gear bearings worn out Turbocharger drive gear teeth damaged or cracked Clutch drive support damaged Clutch dowel worn out Clutch bearing worn out 12-point bolt 3/8-24x2-1/4 threads damaged Misc. head bolt 5/16-24x3/4 threads damaged Lock wire 3/4 dia.312 dia. head bolt 1/2-20x1-1/4and1/2-20x1 threads damaged Misc.4377 dia. head bolt 1/2-20x1-1/2 threads damaged Camshaft drive housing cracked Camshaft drive housing gasket perished Hex. defects in stub shaft assembly AOC Crankshaft gear application AOCA AOCB AOCC AOCD AOCE AOCY Crank shaft gear -79 teeth gear teeth damaged or cracked Crank shaft gear oil slinger damaged or worn out Crank shaft gear oil slinger shim worn out Drilled hex. x500 feet broken Misc.x2-1/2 inch long damaged Clutch roller damaged Coil spring weaken or loosen or broken Spring cup damaged or cracked 40 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. And 0. x5/8inch. head bolt 1/2-20x1-3/4 & 1/2-20x1-1/4 threads damaged Housing mounting drilled hex. lock nut 3/8-24 worn out Special washer perished Misc. defects in camshaft counter weight application 41 . lock nut 3/8-24 worn out Special washer perished Misc. defects in camshaft assembly-left bank APB Camshaft assembly-Right bank APBA APBB APBC APBD APBE APBF APBG APBH APBY Engine right bank camshaft assembly cracked Camshaft segment cracked Camshaft stub cracked Camshaft segment spacer cracked or worn out Locating stud 3/8-24x2-3/8-7/16 inches shoulder threads damaged Segment stud 3/8-24x2-3/8-1/2 inches shoulder threads damaged Hex.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. head bolt 1/2-20x2-1/8 threads damaged Lock wire 3/64 dia. defects in turbocharger clutch drive gear assembly-continued APA Camshaft assembly-left bank APAA APAB APAC APAD APAE APAF APAG APAH APAY Engine left bank camshaft assembly cracked Camshaft segment cracked Camshaft stub cracked Camshaft segment spacer cracked or worn out Locating stud 3/8-24x2-3/8-7/16 inches shoulder threads damaged Segment stud 3/8-24x2-3/8-1/2 inches shoulder threads damaged Hex. defects in camshaft assembly-Right bank APC Camshaft counter weight application APCA APCB APCC APCD APCE APCF APCG APCY Camshaft drive end left bank counter weight damaged Camshaft drive end right bank counter weight damaged Retainer plate cracked Threaded dowel damaged Drilled hex. head bolt 3/8-24x2-1/4 threads damaged AOEY Misc.x500 feet long damaged Misc. head bolt 5/16-24x5/8 threads damaged Drilled hex. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AOEF Retaining ring damaged or cracked AOEG Snap ring damaged or cracked AOEH Hex. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ APD Camshaft bearing brackets-block assembly APDA APDB APDC APDD APDE APDF APDG APDG APDY Drilled cap camshaft bearing bracket block assembly cracked Plain cap bearing block assembly cracked Upper bearing shell cracked or damaged Lower bearing shell cracked or damaged Block to crankcase key worn out Slotted flat head screw 10-24x7/8 threads damaged Hex.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. head bolt 1/2-20x1-3/4 threads damaged Hex. defects in camshaft bearing brackets-block assembly APE Camshaft bearing brackets-accessory drive end APEA APEB APEC APED APEE APEF APEG APEH APEY Camshaft left bank bearing bracket assembly (accessory drive end) cracked Camshaft right bank bearing bracket assembly (accessory drive end) cracked Upper bearing shell cracked or damaged Lower bearing shell cracked or damaged Locating dowel 0.3125x6/16 damaged Socket head screw 1/2-13x2 threads damaged Bracket to crankcase socket head screw 1/2-20x4-3/4 threads damaged Bracket to crankcase key damaged Misc. head bolt 3/8-24x4-5/8 threads damaged Lock wire 3/64 dia x500 feet long damaged Misc. defects in camshaft bearing brackets-accessory drive end APF Camshaft bearing brackets-camshaft drive end APFA APFB APFC APFD APFE APFF APFG APFH APFY Camshaft left bank bearing bracket assembly (camshaft drive end) cracked Camshaft right bank bearing bracket assembly (camshaft drive end) cracked Upper bearing shell cracked or damaged Lower bearing shell cracked or damaged Slotted flat head screw 10-24x7/8 threads damaged Drilled hex. defects in camshaft bearing brackets-camshaft drive end 42 . head bolt 3/8-24x4-5/8 threads damaged Special washer 3/8 worn out Misc. 4x1-1/4 broken or damaged Left bank over speed trip shaft assembly cracked Pawl camshaft cam damaged Pawl camshaft collar damaged Cam and collar to shaft spring pin 3/16x7/8 spring weaken or broken Lever to linkage clevis pin 3/8x1-3/32 and cotter pin 3/32x5/8 damaged Misc. 1/2-20x1-3/8 threads damaged Misc. hex. head shoulder bolt threads damaged Left bank counter weight damaged or cracked Retainer plate cracked Threaded dowel 1/2-15/16 long threads damaged Drilled hex.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. spring guide damaged or weaken or broken Hex. lock nut 1/4-28 and hex. defects in over speed trip assembly 43 . defects in over speed trip and counter weight application AQA Over speed trip linkage shaft assembly AQAA AQAB AQAC AQAD AQAE AQAF AQAG AQAY Right bank over speed trip linkage shaft assembly cracked Accessory end trip shaft lever and taper pin no. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ APG Over speed trip and counter weight application APGA APGB APGC APGD APGE APGF APGG APGH APGY Over speed trip assembly not working Trip throws out weight damaged or cracked Coil spring. head bolt 3/8-16x2-1/4 threads damaged Lock washer 3/8 and flat washer 3/8 worn out Misc. head bolt 5/16-24x5/8. jam nut 5/8. defects in over speed trip linkage shaft assembly AQB Over speed trip assembly AQBA AQBB AQBC AQBD AQBE AQBF AQBG AQBH AQBY Over speed trip assembly cracked Trip pawl bracket worked out Rocker lever pawl damaged Spring rest spring weaken or broken Pawl shaft cracked Coil spring weaken or broken Hex. head bolt 3/8-24x1 and 3/8. access plate & cover AQEA AQEB AQEC AQED AQEE AQEF AQEG AQEY Over speed trip cover plate cracked Cover plate to housing cover gasket perished Over speed trip reset lever broken Over speed trip cover plate opening cover cracked Over speed trip oil seal damaged Woodruff key 5/32x3/4 damaged Seal cover to housing cover and cover plate opening cover gasket perished Misc. lever. defects in over speed trip housing cover.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. access plate & cover 44 . defects in over speed trip linkage AQD Over speed trip pawl bracket assembly AQDA AQDB AQDC AQDD AQDE AQDF AQDG AQDY Over speed trip pawl bracket assembly cracked Spring anchor weaken or broken Pawl pivot pin & shaft to bracket dowel 1/8x1-1/4 damaged Over speed trip pawl cracked Over speed trip lock worn out Over speed trip pawl bracket lever damaged Pawl spring weaken or broken Misc. defects in over speed trip pawl bracket assembly AQE Over speed trip housing cover. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AQC Over speed trip linkage AQCA AQCB AQCC AQCD AQCE AQCF AQCG AQCH AQCY Over speed trip linkage housing cracked Toggle lever bracket assembly cracked Toggle lever shaft and shaft to bracket pin damaged Toggle lever and lever retaining washer worn out Pawl shafts link and lever link damaged Coil spring and spring retaining washer weaken or broken Hex. lever.24x1-1/8 threads damaged Cotter pins 1/8x18.3/32x5/8 and clevis pin 3/8x1-3/32 damaged Misc. defects in over speed trip housing and cover BAA Turbo main housing BAAA BAAB BAAC BAAD BAAE BAAF BAAY Turbo main housing cracked Turbo main housing wrapped Turbo main housing damaged or broken Turbo main housing securing bolts broken or loosen Turbo main housing damaged due to foreign object from exhaust Turbo main housing supporting studs broken or tilled or dropped Misc. defects in turbo support assemblies BAC Turbocharger compressor BACA BACB BACC BACD BACE BACF BACG BACH BACI Air inlet duct damaged or cracked Diffuser ring damaged or cracked Exhaust diffuser damaged or cracked Diffuser retainer damaged or cracked Exhaust diffuser baffle plate damaged or cracked Compressor discharge scroll damaged or cracked Impeller compressor wheel damaged or cracked Compressor bearing support damaged or cracked Compressor seal bearing damaged or cracked 45 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in turbo main housing BAB Turbo support assemblies BABA BABB BABC BABD BABE BABY Turbo bearing support assembly cracked or damaged Idler gear support assembly cracked or damaged Carrier bearing support assembly cracked or damaged Turbine end bearing support assembly cracked or damaged Jumper assembly cracked Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AQF Over speed trip housing and cover AQFA AQFB AQFC AQFD AQFE AQFF AQFY Spline nut 3/8-24x7/32 & 3/8-24x3/8 worn out Spring anchor weaken or broken Over speed trip housing to crankcase gasket perished Housing drain to crankcase oil seal damaged Over speed trip-housing cover cracked Cover to housing gasket perished Misc. FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in Turbocharger compressor BAD Turbocharger seal rings and other rings BADA BADB BADC BADD BADE BADF BADG BADH BADY Carrier ring damaged or cracked Seal ring and standard seal ring damaged or cracked Seal ring spring weaken or broken or damaged Retaining ring and snap ring damaged or cracked Internal retaining ring damaged or cracked Split clamp ring damaged or cracked Seal o-ring damaged Retaining plate ring damaged or cracked Misc. defects in turbocharger seal rings and other rings BAE Turbocharger turbine wheel & nozzle ring BAEA BAEB BAEC BAED BAEE BAEF BAEG BAEH BAEI BAEJ BAEK BAEL BAEM BAEN BAEO BAEY Turbocharger turbine wheel damaged or cracked Turbocharger turbine wheel shaft damaged or cracked Turbine blade broken or burnt or loose or damaged Turbine blade damaged due to foreign object Turbine blade retainer damaged or loose or worn out Burning of tab locks other blade-securing device Turbine shroud damaged or cracked Turbine shroud assembly damaged or cracked Nozzle ring damaged due to foreign object from exhaust Nozzle ring bolting face cracked or wrapped Nozzle ring blade broken or damaged or burnt or dented Nozzle ring securing bolts failed Nozzle ring securing sealing wire burnt Exhaust duct damaged Exhaust screen damaged Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BACJ Impeller seal damaged or cracked BACK Impeller cover cracked BACL Impeller seal disc damaged or cracked BACY Misc. defects in turbocharger turbine wheel & nozzle ring 46 . ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BAF Turbocharger different shaft BAFA BAFB BAFC BAFD BAFE BAFY Turbocharger stub shaft damaged or cracked Turbocharger rotor shaft damaged or twisted or bent Sun gear shaft damaged or twisted or bent Carrier shaft damaged or twisted or bent Idler gear shaft damaged or twisted or bent Misc. defects in turbocharger gears BAH Turbocharger bearings BAHA BAHB BAHC BAHD BAHE BAHF BAHG BAHH BAHY Turbocharger compressor end bearing seized or damaged or scored Turbocharger compressor end bearing seal damaged or worn out Turbocharger planet gear bearing seized or damaged or scored Turbocharger turbine end bearing seized or damaged or scored Turbocharger ball bearing seized or damaged or scored Spherical bearing seized or damaged or scored Roller bearing seized or damaged or scored Spherical seat thrust bearing seized or damaged or scored Misc. defects in turbocharger bearings BBA Turbocharger air duct assembly left and right bank BBAA BBAB BBAC BBAD BBAE BBAY Turbocharger air duct assembly left and right bank cracked Air duct to turbocharger edged moulded gasket perished Air duct to engine gasket perished Air duct to after cooler gasket perished Air duct diffuser duct cracked or damaged Misc. defects in turbocharger air duct assembly left and right bank 47 . defects in turbocharger different shaft BAG Turbocharger gears BAGA BAGB BAGC BAGD BAGE BAGY Turbocharger sun gear teeth damaged or cracked Turbocharger planet gear teeth damaged or cracked Turbocharger planetary ring gear teeth damaged or cracked Turbocharger carrier gear teeth damaged or cracked Turbocharger idler gear teeth damaged or cracked Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. head bolts 1/2-20x1-3/4 threads damaged Misc. head bolts 1/2-20x5-3/4 and 3/8-16x1-3/4 threads damaged After cooler mounting hex. 1/2-20 and 3/4-16x11-5/16 threads damaged Aux. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BBB Engine stub shaft BBBA BBBB BBBC BBBD BBBE BBBY Engine stub shaft damaged or cracked Engine stub shaft cover damaged or cracked Engine stub shaft o-ring damaged Turbocharger sensor defective or not working properly Turbocharger spacer damaged Misc. defects in drain tube assembly BBD Turbocharger mounting hardware BBDA BBDB BBDE BBDF BBDY Turbocharger and air duct mounting hex. head bolt 1/2-20x1-1/4 threads damaged Air duct to turbocharger mounting hex. defects in turbocharger mounting hardware BCA Air intake duct right hand left bank BCAA BCAB BCAC BCAD BCAE BCAF BCAG BCAH BCAY Air intake duct right bank damaged or cracked Air intake duct left bank damaged or cracked Air inlet collar damaged or cracked Air intake duct support pad bolts threads damaged Air intake duct lock wire of support pad broken Air intake duct aligning dowels to support pad damaged Air intake duct flange damaged Air intake duct gasket of flange perished Misc. defects in air intake duct right hand left bank BBDC BBDD 48 . head bolts 1/2-20x1-1/2. generator drive mounting hex. head bolts 3/8-24x1-3/4 threads damaged Air duct mounting hex.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. head bolts 7/16-14x2-1/2 and 7/16-14x1-7/8 threads damaged Turbocharger mounting hex. defects in engine stub shaft BBC Drain tube assembly BBCA BBCB BBCC BBCY Drain tube assembly cracked Drain copper tubing 1/2-inch OD-21 feet damaged or broken Drain tube nut1/2 inches ID worn out Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BCB Exhaust chamber assemblies BCBA BCBB BCBC BCBD BCBE BCBF BCBG BCBH BCBY Rear exhaust chamber assembly cracked or damaged Intermediate rear exhaust chamber assembly cracked or damaged Intermediate front exhaust chamber assembly cracked or damaged Front exhaust chamber assembly cracked or damaged Cover flange to manifold flange gasket perished Cover flange cracked Expansion joint assembly cracked Adaptor to turbocharger joint assembly cracked Misc. head bolts 3/8-24x1-1/4 threads damaged Exhaust manifold leg bolt and spacer assembly cracked Special hex. defects in exhaust chamber assemblies BCC Exhaust chamber gasket BCCA BCCB BCCC BCCD BCCE BCCY Exhaust chamber to crankcase gasket perished Expansion joint exhaust chamber gasket perished Exhaust chamber to adaptor gasket perished Adaptor to expansion joint gasket perished Expansion joint to turbocharger gasket perished Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. nut 3/8-24 worn out Misc. defects in exhaust chamber gasket BCD Heat shield assemblies BCDA BCDB BCDC BCDD BCDE BCDF BCDG BCDH BCDY Right rear heat shield assembly cracked or damaged Left rear heat shield assembly cracked or damaged Right & left front heat shield assembly cracked or damaged Right front intermediate heat shield assembly cracked or damaged Left front and right rear intermediate heat shield assembly cracked or damaged Heat shield mounting hex. defects in inertial air filters 49 . defects in heat shield assemblies BDA Inertial air filters BDAA BDAB BDAC BDAY Inertial air filters tube burst Inertial air filters vane damaged or broken Inertial air filters bleed duct damaged Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BDB Engine intake air filters (fibre glass bag) BDBA BDBB BDBC BDBY Fiber glass bag engine intake air filters media migrated Fiber glass bag engine intake air filters caught fire Fiber glass bag engine intake air filters chocked Misc. in defects turbocharger lube oil filters BDD Turbo Soak back filter assembly BDDA BDDB BDDC BDDD BDDE BDDF BDDG BDDH BDDY Turbo Soak back filter assembly body cracked Filter shell cracked or damaged Element seating ring damaged O-ring seal damaged Mounting cover damaged By pass valve ball size 11/16 dia and 5/8 damaged or worn out Valve spring and by pass valve spring loosen or weaken or broken Turbo Soak back filter element chocked Misc. defects in engine intake air filters (fibre glass bag) BDC Turbocharger lube oil filters. defects in fuel filters assembly 50 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. BDCA BDCB BDCC BDCD BDCE BDCF BDCY Turbocharger lube oil filter assembly cracked or damaged Turbocharger lube oil filter body cracked or damaged Turbocharger lube oil filter gasket perished Turbocharger lube oil filter cover assembly cracked or damaged Turbocharger lube oil filter cover cracked Turbocharger lube oil filter element chocked Misc. defects in turbo Soak back filter assembly BDE Fuel filters assembly BDEA BDEB BDEC BDED BDEE BDEF BDEG BDEH BDEY Fuel filters assembly body cracked Filters bowl clevis assembly cracked or damaged Spin on fuel filter element chocked Thumb screw and thumb screw seat damaged or worn out By pass valve sight glass bowl cracked or damaged Fuel filter body cracked Fuel filter element threaded connector threads damaged Relief valve 7/8-15psi defective Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BDF Primary fuel oil filters application BDFA BDFB BDFC BDFD BDFE BDFF BDFG BDFH BDFY Two stage fuel oil primary filter assembly body cracked Primary fuel oil filters element chocked Primary fuel oil filter cover o-ring damaged Tube assemblies broken or cracked IT-15/165ORFSTEE damaged 10RFS-1-5/165 elbow damaged Clamp assembly cracked or damaged Fuel filter mounting strap damaged or broken Misc. defects in primary fuel oil filters application BDG Fuel oil suction strainer BDGA BDGB BDGC BDGD BDGE BDGF BDGG BDGY Fuel oil suction strainer assembly cracked Strainer filter element 3 inches OD x9-9/32 length-mash screen chocked Fuel oil strainer cover cracked Fuel oil strainer cover to shell o-ring damaged Element retaining spring weaken or loosen or broken Cover to shell hex. head bolts 3/8-16x2 threads damaged Fuel oil strainer shell damaged Misc. defects in lube oil filter assembly BEA Lube oil strainer assembly BEAA BEAB BEAC BEAD Lube oil strainer housing assembly body cracked Hand wheel stud 1-8x3/4-1x6-1/32 inch long threads damaged Stud 1/2-13x1/2-20x2-9/16 inch long threads damaged Threaded insert threads damaged 51 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in fuel oil suction strainer BDH Lube oil filter assembly BDHA BDHB BDHC BDHD BDHE BDHF BDHG BDHY Five elements of lube oil filter assembly cracked Lube oil filter elements chocked Lube oil filter o-ring seal damaged Lube oil inlet or out let o-ring seal damaged Sight glass gauge damaged Lube oil filter access cover cracked Lube oil filter access cover gasket perished Misc. defects in strainer screen assembly BEE Scavenging lube oil strainer assembly BEEA BEEB BEEC BEED Scavenging lube oil strainer assembly cracked Strainer cover assembly cracked or damaged Perforated metal strainer screen damaged or cracked Strainer to housing o-ring seal damaged 52 . ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BEAE Dowel pin 13/32 x1/2 damaged BEAF Strainer valve seat damaged BEAG Strainer valve seat to bottom of strainer gasket perished BEAH Hex. head bolt 3/8-16x1-3/4 threads damaged BEAY Misc. defects in Piston cooling and main bearing lube oil strainer assembly BED Strainer screen assembly BEDA BEDB BEDC BEDD BEDY Strainer screen assembly cracked Pleated mash screen assembly damaged Top ring damaged or cracked Strainer seal o-ring damaged Misc. defects in lube oil strainer assembly BEB Strainer drain valve assembly BEBA BEBB BEBC BEBD BEBE BEBF BEBG BEBY Strainer drain valve assembly body cracked Spring pin 1/4x3 and 1/4x1-1/4 damaged Valve rod spring broken or loosen or weaken Spring retainer and pin 5/16x1-1/2 damaged Strainer o-ring damaged Lube oil strainer crab hand wheel cracked or damaged Strainer crab damaged Misc. defects in strainer drain valve assembly BEC Piston cooling and main bearing lube oil strainer assembly BECA BECB BECC BECD BECE BECY Piston cooling and main bearing lube oil strainer assembly cracked Strainer cover assembly cracked Strainer cover cylinder cracked Stud 3/8-16x3/8-24x18-3/16 inch long threads damaged Lock nut 3/8-16 worn out Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in strainer cover assembly BEG Filter drain pipe assembly BEGA BEGB BEGC BEGD BEGE BEGF BEGG BEGH BEGY Filter drain pipe assembly cracked Pipe clamp cracked Coil spring weaken or loosen or broken Spring retainer damaged or cracked Strainer clamping hand wheel damaged or cracked Valve body gasket perished Hex. head bolt 3/8-24x1-5/8 threads damaged Pipe plug cracked End lube oil manifold Center lube oil manifold Turbo filter adaptor manifold assembly Piston cooling tube assembly 53 . ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BEEE Strainer plate cracked BEEF Strainer gasket perished BEEG Bottom disc damaged BEEH Spacer applied between strainer plate and cock nut damaged BEEY Misc. defects in scavenging lube oil strainer assembly BEF Strainer cover assembly BEFA BEFB BEFC BEFD BEFE BEFF BEFG BEFH BEFY Strainer cover assembly cracked Strainer cover gasket perished Short cover guide and long cover guide damaged or cracked Strainer to housing o-ring seal damaged Strainer clamping hand wheel damaged or cracked Swivel bolt assembly cracked Hex. head bolt 3/8-16x3 threads damaged Clamp mounting hex.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. head bolt 5/16-18x3/4 threads damaged Gate assembly cracked or damaged Misc. head bolt 3/8-16x1-1/8 threads damaged Misc. defects in filter drain pipe assembly BEH Camshaft drive end lube oil lined and piston cooling tubes BEHA BEHB BEHC BEHD BEHE BEHF BEHG BEHH Left bank lube oil line damaged or cracked or leaking Oil line mounting gasket perished Drilled hex. head bolt 3/8-24x2-1/4 threads damaged Hex. head bolt 3/8-24x1-5/8 threads damaged Manifold to manifold gasket perished Misc. defects in turbo filter adaptor manifold assembly BEL Piston cooling tube assembly BELA BELB BELC BELD BELE BELY Piston cooling tube assembly cracked Tube to manifold gasket perished Manifold flange cracked or damaged Manifold flange gasket perished Hex. defects in end lube oil manifold BEJ Centre lube oil manifold BEJA BEJB BEJC BEJD BEJE BEJF BEJY Center lube oil manifold cracked Drilled hex. head bolt 3/8-24x1-5/8 threads damaged Hex.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. head bolt 3/8-24x3-1/2 threads damaged Manifold to spacer cracked Misc. head bolt 3/8-24x1-1/2 threads damaged Manifold to spacer gasket perished Hex. defects in centre lube oil manifold BEK Turbo filter adaptor manifold assembly BEKA BEKB BEKC BEKD BEKE BEKF BEKY Turbo filter adaptor manifold assembly cracked Stud 3/8-16x3/8-25x2-3/8 threads damaged Stud 3/8-16x3/8-25x2-7/8 threads damaged Pipe plug damaged Elbow 90’O-14 tube x1/4MPT cracked Manifold mounting gasket perished Misc. head bolt 5/16-24x1 spline head bolt 12 point 5/16-18x1 threads damaged Misc. defects in camshaft drive end lube oil lined and piston cooling tubes BEI End lube oil manifold BEIA BEIB BEIC BEID BEIE BEIY End lube oil manifold cracked Manifold mounting gasket perished Drilled hex. defects in piston cooling tube assembly 54 . ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BEHY Misc. 1”tube flange and flange elbow cracked or damaged BEMH Soak back pump suction tube assembly 1”OD tube flange and 3-3/3” square flange cracked or damaged BEMY Misc. defects in lube oil manifold assembly BEO Manifold relief valve assembly BEOA BEOB BEOC BEOD BEOE BEOF BEOG BEOH BEOY Relief valve assembly cracked Valve guide cracked or damaged Valve spring weaken or loosen or broken Relief valve not functioning properly or worked Relief valve body cracked Safety plate cracked Valve holder cracked Relief valve mounting gasket perished Misc. defects in turbo soak back lube oil system BEN Lube oil manifold assembly BENA BENB BENC BEND BENE BENF BENG BENY Lube oil manifold assembly cracked Relief valve stud and oil line stud threads damaged Piston cooling oil tube and main bearing tube cracked Manifold locating special dowel and dowel snap ring cracked Manifold to crankcase. relief valve and oil line gasket perished Main bearing oil tube o-ring seal and piston cooling o-ring seal damaged Manifold to governor drive gear stub shaft oil line cracked Misc. defects in manifold relief valve assembly 55 . ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEM Turbo soak back lube oil system BEMA BEMB BEMC BEMD BEME BEMF BEMG Adaptor manifold assembly cracked Turbocharger filter tube assembly cracked Soak back pump assembly including motor not working or not functioning Filter discharge check valve and seal o-ring defective or damaged Filter supply check valve.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. seal o-ring and retaining ring defective or damaged Soak back filter outlet tube assembly with flange elbow cracked or damaged Soak back pump discharge to filter tube assembly including 1”OD tubing. head bolt 1/2-13x1-1/2 threads damaged Hex. head bolt 3/8-16x1 threads damaged Misc. defects in lube oil separator and ejector BEQ Lube oil separator assembly BEQA BEQB BEQC BEQD BEQE BEQF BEQG BEQY Lube oil separator assembly cracked Separator element (including strap handle) cracked Element spring loosen or weaken or broken Separator cover cracked Element housing cracked Separator cover printed silicon bead gasket perished Hex. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEP Lube oil separator and ejector assemblies BEPA BEPB BEPC BEPD BEPE BEPF BEPG BEPH BEPY Lube oil separator assembly Lube oil ejector assembly Outer educator tube assembly cracked Inner educator tube assembly cracked Ejector to elbow printed silicon bead damaged Connection and educator tube printed silicon bead gasket perished Air supply hose assembly worked out Flexible connection worked out Misc. head bolt 3/8-16x1-1/2 threads damaged Misc. defects in lube oil ejector assembly BES Lube oil-scavenging pump BESA BESB BESC BESD Lube oil scavenging rear and front pumps body cracked Lube oil scavenging rear and front pumps body bushing cracked or worn out Lube oil scavenging rear and front pumps covers cracked or damaged Drive shaft sleeve cracked 56 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in lube oil separator assembly BER Lube oil ejector assembly BERA BERB BERC BERD BERE BERF BERY Lube oil ejector assembly cracked Ejector nozzle cracked Ejector mounting gasket perished Ejector to separator printed silicon bead gasket perished Hex. defects in piston cooling and pressure pump BEV Piston cooling and pressure pump-gear assemblies and gears BEVA BEVB BEVC BEVD BEVE BEVF BEVG BEVH BEVY Rear pump driven gear assembly and gear bushing cracked Front pump driven gear assembly and gear bushing cracked Rear pump drive gear cracked or teeth damaged Front pump drive gear cracked or teeth damaged Center pump drive gear cracked or teeth damaged Middle pump driven gear assembly and gear bushing cracked Pump drive spur gear 80 tooth cracked or teeth damaged Spacer plate and front end rear drives wood ruff key damaged Misc. defects in piston cooling and pressure pump-gear assemblies and gears 57 . defects in lube oil-scavenging pump BET Lube oil scavenging pumps. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BESE Drive shaft sleeve cracked BESF Pump drive shat and pump idler shaft cracked BESG Fuel oil bracket to front body and pump spacer to body gasket perished BESY Misc.gear assemblies and gears BETA BETB BETC BETD BETE BETF BETG BETH BETY Rear pump driven gear assembly cracked Rear pump driven gear bushing damaged or worn out Front and middle pump driven gear assembly cracked Front and middle pump driven gear bushing damaged or worn out Rear and second from front pump drive cracked or teeth damaged Front and second from rear pump drive cracked or teeth damaged Pump drive spur gear 80 tooth cracked or teeth damaged Front and rear drive gears wood ruff key damaged Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th.gear assemblies and gears BEU Piston cooling and pressure pump BEUA BETB BETC BETD BETE BETF BETY Piston cooling and pressure pump rear and front body cracked Piston cooling and pressure pump rear and front bushing cracked or damaged Piston cooling and pressure pump coved and gasket perished or damaged Pump drive shaft and idler pump shaft cracked or damaged Drive shaft sleeve cracked Pump body spacer. defects in lube oil scavenging pumps. pressure pump collar and spacer to body gasket perished Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BFA Lube oil drain piping BFAA BFAB BFAC BFAD BFAE BFAF BFAY Short nipple and nipple 1/4 worn out Reduction pipe elbow 1/2PT-90o cracked Pipe class assembly cracked or damaged Quick disconnect coupler plug cracked Lube oil filter drain pipe assembly cracked Hex. defects in lube oil cooler BFC Lube oil relief valve BFCA BFCB BFCC BFCD BFCE BFCF BFCG BFCY Lube oil relief valve body cracked Lube oil relief valve worn out or defective Lube oil relief valve spring loosen or weaken or broken Lube oil relief valve holder cracked Lube oil relief valve guide cracked or worn out Lube oil relief valve safety plate cracked Lube oil relief valve guide lock nut worn out Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in lube oil relief valve BFD Lube oil filter by-pass relief valve BFDA BFDB BFDC BFDD BFDE Lube oil filter by-pass relief valve assembly body cracked Lube oil filter by-pass relief valve poppet valve cracked or worn out Lube oil filter by-pass relief valve poppet valve stem cracked or damaged Lube oil filter by-pass relief valve spring loosen or weaken or broken Lube oil filter by-pass relief valve guide cracked 58 . head bolts 7/8-9x3-3/4. defects in lube oil drain piping BFB Lube oil cooler BFBA BFBB BFBC BFBD BFBE BFBF BFBG BFBH BFBY Lube oil cooler body cracked Lube oil cooler tank assembly cracked Top lube oil cooler header cracked or broken Mechanical bonded lube oil cooler core damaged or cracked Dual water inlet bottom oil cooler header damaged or cracked Baffle and relief valve assembly worked out One end flanged water inlet adaptor cracked Viton upper header to tank o-ring seal and lube oil inlet o-ring seal worn out Misc.7/8-9x2-1/4 and 1/2-13x1-3/4 threads damaged Misc. head bolt 3/8-16x1-1/8 and 1/2-20x2-1/4 threads damaged Misc. defects in lube oil filter by-pass relief valve BGA Water piping application BGAA BGAB BGAC BGAD BGAE BGAF BGAG BGAY Water pump mounting gasket perished Right and left bank water inlet elbow cracked Connecting water drainpipe cracked Edge molded elbows to water drain pipe gasket perished Elbows to water pump gasket perished Elbows to water manifold gasket perished Air box drain flange 3/4 FPT cracked Misc. defects in water manifold bracket application 59 . ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BFDE Lube oil filter by-pass relief valve retaining spring assembly worked out BFDG Lube oil filter by-pass relief valve cover plate cracked BFDH Lube oil filter by-pass relief valve cover plate gasket perished BFDY Misc. defects in water manifold application BGC Water manifold bracket application BGCA BGCB BGCC BGCD BGCY Water manifold support kit damaged Water manifold bracket cracked Saddle strap worn out Hex.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in water piping application BGB Water manifold application BGBA BGBB BGBC BGBD BGBE BGBF BGBG BGBH BGBY Left bank water manifold assembly and manifold flange cracked Right bank water manifold assembly and manifold flange cracked Water manifold seal worn out Liner inlet water tube assembly and seal cracked Saddle strap cracked or damaged Water manifold sleeve cracked Manifold to water inlet tube and manifold to crankcase elbow cracked or damaged Hex. head bolt 1/4-16x3-1/4 threads damaged Misc. defects in right bank water pump assembly BGE Right bank water pump assembly-Other component involved BGEA BGEB BGEC BGED BGEE BGEF BGEG BGEY Right bank water pump stationary bushing cracked Right bank water pump housing to support and water pump support to bushing gasket perished Right bank water pump seal retainer spring loosen or weaken or broken Shaft to impeller and shaft to drive gear woodruff key damaged or cracked Water pump slinger cracked Bearing spacer cracked Bearing retainer ring and snap ring cracked Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BGD Right bank water pump assembly BGDA BGDB BGDC BGDD BGDE BGDF BGDG BGDH BGDY Right bank water pump impeller housing assembly cracked Right bank water pump impeller cracked Right bank water pump seal retainer damaged or cracked Right bank water pump outer/inner seal perished Right bank water pump impeller end and drive gear end ball bearing worked out Right bank water pump drive gear teeth damaged or cracked Right bank water pump housing support cracked Right bank water pump drive shaft damaged or cracked Misc. defects in right bank water pump assembly-Other component involved BGF Left bank water pump assembly BGFA BGFB BGFC BGFD BGFE Left bank water pump impeller housing assembly cracked Left bank water pump impeller cracked Left bank water pump seal retainer damaged or cracked Left bank water pump outer/inner seal perished Right bank water pump housing to support and water pump support to bushing gasket perished Left bank water pump impeller end and drive gear end ball bearing worked out Left bank water pump housing support cracked Left bank water pump drive shaft damaged or cracked Misc. defects in left bank water pump assembly BGFF BGFG BGFH BGFY 60 . defects in radiator drive system 61 . ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BGG Left bank water pump assembly-Other component involved BGGA Left bank water pump stationary bushing cracked BGGB Left bank water pump housing to support and water pump support to bushing gasket perished BGGC Left bank water pump seal retainer spring loosen or weaken or broken BGGD Shaft to impeller and shaft to drive gear wood ruff key damaged or cracked BGGE Water pump slinger cracked BGGF Bearing spacer cracked BGGG Bearing retainer ring and snap ring cracked BGGY Misc. defects in radiator and radiator fan BGI Radiator fan drive system BGIA BGIB BGIC BGID BGIE BGIF BGIG BGIH BGIY Radiator fan drive gear housing foundation defective or bolt loose Radiator fan drive gear teeth damaged or seized or transmission oil leaking Radiator fan universal shaft defective Radiator fan hydrostatic pump drive auxiliary cordon shaft defective Radiator fan inner/outer drum defective Radiator fan hydrostatic pump motor defective Radiator fan hydrostatic governor defective Radiator fan high-pressure pipeline leaking Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in left bank water pump assembly-Other component involved BGH Radiator and radiator fan BGHA BGHB BGHC BGHD BGHE BGHF BGHG BGHH BGHY Radiator core tubes cracked or leaking Radiator core badly damaged Radiator gasket perished Radiator chocked due to scale or sludge or dirt Radiator fan turret or blade broken or damaged Radiator fan shaft bearing seized or damaged Radiator fan blower failed Radiator fan rubber coupling between radiator fan shaft and gear box failed Misc. defects in after cooler left bank BHB After cooler right bank BHBA BHBB BHBC BHBD BHBE BHBF BHBG BHBH BHBY After cooler right bank tubes cracked or broken After cooler right bank fins cracked or damaged or chocked After cooler right bank fins to tube bonding cracked or damaged After cooler right bank casing damaged or dummy worked out After cooler right bank casing lube oil air gasket leaking After cooler right bank bottom ring leaking After cooler right bank top/bottom gasket leaking After cooler right bank bottom elbow broken or threads damaged Misc. defects in after cooler right bank 62 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BGJ Pressure cap and filler arrangement BGJA BGJB BGJC BGJD BGJE BGJF BGJG BGJH BGJY Water tank assembly cracked or damaged Relief ball cock valve assembly cracked or damaged Water tank filler neck assembly cracked or damaged Water tank handle assembly cracked or damaged Pressure cap worn out or damaged Rubber fiber filler neck to water gasket perished Filler pipe flange to water gasket perished Water tank level sight glass assembly cracked or damaged Misc. defects in pressure cap and filler arrangement BHA After cooler left bank BHAA BHAB BHAC BHAD BHAE BHAF BHAG BHAH BHAY After cooler left bank tubes cracked or broken After cooler left bank fins cracked or damaged or chocked After cooler left bank fins to tube bonding cracked or damaged After cooler left bank casing damaged or dummy worked out After cooler left bank casing lube oil air gasket leaking After cooler left bank bottom ring leaking After cooler left bank top/bottom gasket leaking After cooler left bank bottom elbow broken or threads damaged Misc. defects in after cooler blower and drive mechanism BIA Adjusting link and injector control linkage BIAA BIAB BIAC BIAD BIAE BIAF BIAG BIAH BIAY Adjusting link assembly cracked Adjusting link shaft cracked Adjusting collar cracked Needle bearing seized or worked out Injector control lever assembly cracked Needle bearing between link and bracket seized or worked out Spring retainer worked out Clevis pin 1/4x1-1/8 and 1/2 -3/32 damaged Misc. defects in after cooler piping BHD After cooler blower and drive mechanism BHDA BHDB BHDC BHDD BHDE BHDF BHDG BHDH BHDY After cooler blower defective After cooler drive gear pitting or breakage After cooler drive gear with excessive backlash or noise After cooler drive gear idler shaft breakage After cooler drive gear idler shaft bearing seized or damaged or working out of shaft nut After cooler drive holding cap screw loose After cooler blower impeller broken After cooler blower breakage of spline shaft or ball bearing or oil seal Misc. defects in adjusting link and injector control linkage 63 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BHC After cooler piping BHCA BHCB BHCC BHCD BHCE BHCF BHCG BHCH BHCY Water discharge water discharge ‘Y’ flange cracked Edge molded ‘Y’ flange mounting gasket perished Left bank water discharge pipe assembly cracked Left bank water inlet pipe assembly cracked Right bank water discharge pipe assembly cracked Right bank water inlet pipe assembly cracked Edge molded water pipe mounting gasket perished Edge molded water pipe to manifold gasket perished Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIB MUI injectors BIBA BIBB BIBC BIBD BIBE BIBF BIBG BIBH BIBY MUI injector body cracked MUI injector spray tip orifice chocked worn out or cracked MUI injector giving poor atomization MUI injector follower/dowel/rack guide pin damaged MUI injector excessive leak off or injecting more fuel MUI injector follower spring weaken or broken or loosen MUI injector plunger scored or seized in unit injector MUI injector fuel rack jammed or stuck up Misc. defects in MUI injector BIC MUI injector linkage BICA BICB BICC BICD BICE BICF BICG BICH BICY MUI injector linkage adjusting link cracked MUI injector linkage adjusting nut worn out MUI injector linkage injector rack stuck up MUI injector linkage control shaft cracked or damaged MUI injector linkage control rod cracked or damaged MUI injector linkage injector control shaft cracked or damaged MUI injector linkage injector control rod cracked or damaged MUI injector linkage injector control lever cracked or damaged Misc. defects in MUI injector linkage BID Fuel oil header and valves BIDA BID B BIDC BIDD BIDE BIDF BIDG BIDH BIDY Fuel header cracked and securing bolts damaged Fuel oil jumper pipe joints leaking or cracked Fuel oil inlet metallic gasket cracked or leaking Fuel oil thermostatic mixing valve defective Fuel oil by pass valve defective Fuel oil relief valve defective Fuel oil gauge defective Fuel oil pre heater defective Misc. defects in fuel header and valves 64 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in fuel oil (High speed diesel oil) BIH Fuel oil suction strainer BIHA BIHB BIHC BIHD BIHE BIHY Fuel oil suction strainer shell cracked Fuel oil suction strainer element chocked Fuel oil suction strainer o-ring damaged Fuel oil suction strainer cover cracked Fuel oil suction strainer cover holding bolts threads damaged Misc. defects in fuel oil piping BIF Fuel booster pump and drive BIFA BIFB BIFC BIFD BIFE BIFF BIFY Failure/defect of fuel pump drive mechanism Failure/defect due to other damage in assembly Defect due leakage of oil from suction or delivery pipe Failure/defect of pump seal gasket Failure/defect pump bearing bushing Failure/defect due to vacuum not building up Misc. defects in fuel oil suction strainer 65 . Including viton o-ring elbow assembly cracked 5/8 hydra. connector assemblies cracked Tube bracket assembly and support bracket cracked Fuel line bracket and clamp damaged Elbow block cracked Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BIE Fuel oil piping BIEA BIEB BIEC BIED BIEE BIEF BIEG BIEH BIEY Fuel oil line piping gasket perished Fuel oil line piping manifolds and line assembly cracked Hose assembly cracked 5/8-45 hydra. defects in fuel booster pump and drive BIG Fuel oil (High speed diesel oil) BIGA BIGB BIGC BIGD BIGY Fuel oil shortage in fuel tank Fuel oil contaminated by water Fuel oil contaminated by lube oil Fuel oil off specification Misc. defects in right bank support frame assembly BJC Left bank support frame assembly BJCA BJCB BJCC BJCY Left bank support frame assembly cracked Oil line tube assembly cracked or oil line leaking Tube clamp cracked Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BJA Cylinder head cover and support frame BJAA BJAB BJAC BJAE BJAF BJAG BJAY Cylinder head cover and support frame cracked Cylinder head frame to crankcase hex. head bolt 3/8-24*3/4 threads damaged Cylinder head frame to camshaft drive housing hex. defects in left bank support frame assembly BJD Cylinder head cover assembly BJDA BJDB BJDC BJDD BJDE BJDF BJDG BJDY Cylinder head cover assembly cracked Cylinder head cover seal damaged Cover hinge including pin worked out Clamp hook cracked Side cover seal retainer cracked End cover seal retainer cracked Cover handle cracked Misc. defects in cylinder head cover assembly BJAD 66 . head bolt 3/8-24*1-1/8 threads damaged Cylinder head frame to over speed trip housing hex. defects in cylinder head cover and support frame BJB Right bank support frame assembly BJBA BJBB BJBC BJBY Right bank support frame assembly cracked Oil line tube assembly cracked or oil line leaking Tube clamp cracked Misc. head bolt 3/8-24*1-1/4 threads damaged Tube clamp cracked Inner/outer cylinder head cover frame gasket perished Cylinder head gasket kit perished Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BJE Cover latches (cam shaft drive end) BJEA BJEB BJEC BJED BJEE BJEF BJEG BJEH BJEY Cover latches camshaft drive end clamp assembly cracked Cover latches clamp spring loosen or broken or weaken Cover latches latch arm cracked Cam shaft drive end mounting bracket damaged Out side clamp latch assembly cracked Out side clamp latch clamp spring loosen or broken or weaken Out side clamp latch arm cracked Out side mounting bracket cracked Misc. defects in cover latches (cam shaft drive end) BJF Cover latches (cylinder head cover inside) BJFA BJFB BJFC BJFD BJFE BJFF BJFY Cylinder head cover inside latch assembly cracked Cylinder head cover inside latch spring loosen or broken or weaken Cylinder head cover inside latch arm cracked Cylinder head cover inside mounting bracket damaged Cylinder head cover inside tube clamp damaged Cylinder head cover inside spacer damaged Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in cover support BKA Crank case pressure detector application BKAA BKAB BKAC BKAY Detector water cut of valve hose assembly cracked Edge molded detector mounting gasket perished Detector to crankcase hose assembly cracked Misc. defects in cover latches (cylinder head cover inside) BJG Cover support BJGA BJGB BJGC BJGD BJGE BJGY Cover support accessory drive end cylinder head cover support assembly cracked Cover support mounting bracket assembly and cover support assembly cracked Cover support arm assembly cracked Cover support arm cracked Cam shaft end cylinder head cover support assembly cracked Misc. defects in crank case pressure detector application 67 . defects in oil pressure line to thermostatic valve and thermostatic valve high pressure hose assembly BKF Air box tee to governor tube assembly BKFA BKFB BKFY Air box tee to governor tube assembly cracked 1/4 OD tube cracked Misc. defects in detector to oil pressure line and oil pressure tube assemblies BKD Oil pressure line to cover frame and governor tube assemblies BKDA BKDB BKDC BKDD BKDY Oil pressure line to cover frame tube assembly cracked Oil pressure line to cover frame tube cracked or leaking Oil pressure line to governor tube assembly cracked Oil pressure line to governor tube cracked or leaking Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BKB Detector vent assembly BKBA Detector vent assembly cracked BKBB Connector flange cracked BKBY Misc. defects in detector vent assembly BKC Detector to oil pressure line and oil pressure tube assemblies BKCA BKCB BKCC BKCD BKCY Detector to oil pressure line tube assembly cracked Detector to oil pressure line tube cracked Detector to oil pressure line connector flange cracked Oil pressure tube assembly cracked Misc. defects in air box tee to governor tube assembly 68 . defects in oil pressure line to cover frame and governor tube assemblies BKE Oil pressure line to thermostatic valve and thermostatic valve high pressure hose assembly BKEA BKEB BKEC BKED BKEE BKEF BKEY Oil pressure line to thermostatic valve nose assembly cracked Thermostatic valve high-pressure hose assembly cracked Cut off valve and flange o-ring seal damaged Thermostatic valve defective Edge molded thermostatic valve gasket perished Tube clip cracked Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in oil detector housing assembly BKJ Detector crankcase housing assembly BKJA BKJB BKJC BKJD BKJE BKJF BKJG BKJY Detector crankcase housing assembly cracked Ball retaining cracked Retainer to reset stem differential pressure detector o-ring seal damaged Detector housing o-ring seal damaged Crankcase pressure detector reset stem cracked Flange tube assembly cracked Vent fitting damaged Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BKG Detector assembly BKGA BKGB BKGC BKGD BKGE BKGY Crank case pressure detector assembly cracked Cover plate housing cracked Diaphragm plate housing cracked Detector high pressure housing and spacer cracked or damaged Detector low pressure housing and spacer cracked or damaged Misc. defects in detector crankcase housing assembly 69 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in air detector housing assembly BKI Oil detector housing assembly BKIA BKIB BKIC BKID BKIE BKIF BKIY Oil detector housing assembly cracked Low water detector reset stem cracked Stem guide flange cracked Reset button defective Ball cage cracked Reset button spring weaken or loosen or broken Misc. defects in detector assembly BKH Air detector housing assembly BKHA BKHB BKHC BKHD BKHE BKHY Air detector housing assembly cracked Ball retainer damaged or worn out Retainer to reset stem differential pressure detector o-ring seal damaged Detector housing o-ring seal damaged Ball cap cracked Misc. defects in low water cut off valve CAA Accessory drive housing assembly CAAA CAAB CAAC CAAD CAAE CAAF CAAG CAAH CAAY Accessory drive housing assembly cracked Spline nut 1/2-20 worn out Stud 5/16-18x5/16-24x1-1/2 inches long threads damaged Stud 1/2-13x1/2-20x2-9/16 threads damaged Stud 1/2-13x1/2-20x2-7/16 threads damaged Dowel pin 3/8 dia.1/2-20x2 and 1/2-20x1-3/4 threads damaged Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. head bolts 1/2-20x4.1/2-20x1 and 1/2-20x1-3/4 threads damaged Hex. defects in camshaft drive housing and covers CCA Auxiliary generator drive assembly CCAA CCAB CCAC CCAD CCAE CCAF CCAG Auxiliary generator drive assembly cracked Auxiliary generator drive shaft (including gear) damaged or gear teeth damaged Auxiliary generator drive support housing assembly cracked Auxiliary generator drive thrust bearing seized or worn out Auxiliary generator drive oil slinger and o-ring damaged Auxiliary generator drive dust shield cracked Auxiliary generator drive cover and gasket cracked or perished 70 . head bolts 3/8-24x1-1/4 threads damaged Fly wheel timing indicator defective Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BKK Low water cut off valve BKKA BKKB BKKC BKKD BKKY Low water cut off valve body cracked Low water cut off valve o-ring damaged Low water cut off valve o-ring seal damaged Stem retaining ring damaged Misc. defects in accessory drive housing assembly CBA Cam shaft drive housing and covers CBAA CBAB CBAC CBAD CBAE CBAF CBAG CBAY Cam shaft drive housing assembly cracked Cam shaft drive housing to crankcase gasket perished Oil seal retainer damaged Housing oil seal retainer gasket perished Drilled hex.x7/8 damaged Accessory drive housing to crankcase gasket perished Hex. head bolts 1/2-20x1-1/4. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CCAH Auxiliary generator drive mounting gasket perished CCAY Misc. defects in governor drive assembly CEA Fuel limiter CEAA CEAY Functioning of sensor assembly bellows punctured Misc. defects in engine governor assembly CDB Governor drive gear assembly CDBA CDBB CDBC CDBD CDBE CDBF CDBY Governor drive gear stub shaft cracked Locating pin damaged Governor drive gear (113 teeth) teeth damaged or cracked Governor drive gear bushing cracked Retaining plate cracked Splined drive flange cracked Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in fuel limiter 71 . defects in governor drive gear assembly CDC Governor drive assembly CDCA CDCB CDCC CDCD CDCE CDCF CDCG CDCH CDCY Governor drive assembly cracked Governor drive housing assembly cracked Governor drive shaft bushing cracked Governor drive shaft cracked Governor drive shaft gear (24 teeth) teeth damaged or cracked Governor drive shaft gear (22 teeth) teeth damaged or cracked Governor drive housing cover and gasket damaged or perished Governor drive mounting and governor to governor mounting gasket perished Misc. defects in auxiliary generator drive assembly CDA Engine governor assembly CDAA CDAB CDAC CDAD CDAY Governor oil line sight glass oil not visible through Governor mounting gasket perished Solenoid open circuited Governor oil pressure not building up Misc. fast/flexible coupling DAAA DAAB DAAC DAAD DAAE DAAF DAAG DAAH DAAY Crankshaft broken/damaged Crankshaft seized Crankshaft bearing journal/crank pin worn/grown under size Crankshaft counter weight uncoupled/damaged Crankshaft main bearing damaged/failed Oil seals leaking/damaged Fast coupling failure/ tooth broken/ lube dummy loose/worked out Flexible coupling defects/rubber roller damaged Misc. defects in load regulating pilot valve and associated linkage CEC Integrated oil filled vane servo load regulator CECA CECY Resistor pack moving contact not seating properly Misc. oil seals.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in low water indication device CEF Hot oil temperature shut down device CEFA CEFY Hot oil temperature shut down device Misc. bearing. defects in hot oil temperature shut down device DAA Crankshaft. defect in crankshaft. defects in integrated oil filled vane servo load regulator CED Low oil pressure shut down device CEDA CEDY Low oil pressure shut down device Misc. defects in low oil pressure shut down device CEE Low water indication device CEEA CEEY Low water indication device Misc. fast/flexible coupling 72 . ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEB Load regulating pilot valve and associated linkage CEBA CEBY Load regulating pilot valve and associated linkage Misc. bearing. rod cracked/ bent/ damaged Con. piston ring set. inlet valves and discharge valves DACA DACB DACC DACD DACE DACF DACG DACH DACY Cylinder heads cracked/damaged Inlet valve malfunctioning due to carbonization Inlet valve assembly defective/damaged/broken Exhaust valve malfunctioning due to carbonization Exhaust valve assembly defective/damaged/broken Cylinder head studs broken/loose Working out of discharge valve nuts Working out of discharge valve stud/breakage of valve plates/seats Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAB Piston. & connecting rod assembly DABA DABB DABC DABD DABE DABF DABG DABH DABY Piston broken/damaged Piston seized/ worn in wrist pin area Piston rings worn/ stuck-up/ broken/ oil throw Piston wrist pin broken/damaged/worn Con.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. governor DAEA DAEB DAEC DAED Unloader valve broken/damaged Unloader valve loaded continuously Unloader valve defective/malfunctioning Air governor defective/malfunctioning 73 . defect in cylinder head and valves DAD Cylinder liner and main casing DADA DADB DADC DADD DADE DADF DADY Cylinder liner broken/damaged Cylinder liner worn/scored/oil throw Cylinder liner studs broken/damaged Main casing damaged/broken Crankcase vacuum check valve/breather defective Cylinder liner gasket leaking/perished Misc.rod bolt worked out due to weak threads Misc.rod bolt broken due to faulty material Con. defect in piston and connecting rod assembly DAC Cylinder head. defect in cylinder liner and main casing DAE Suction unloader assembly.rod bushing (small end) worn/ seized/ damaged Con. unloager pipe assembly.leaking/choked Defective inter cooler safety valve Unloader pipe assembly broken Copper tube burst/header broken Misc. Lube oil pump drive mechanism defective Lube oil pressure relief valve malfunctioning Lube oil pressure indicator defective/broken. defect in loading/unloading valves and governor DAF Lube oil/ lube oil system DAFA DAFB DAFC DAFD DAFE DAFF DAFG DAFH DAFY Lube oil pump defective/improper gear backlash. air suction filter. etc. oil gauge tube damaged Improper clearance between pump body and foundation bolt Lube oil off specification Lube oil dirty/lube oil strainer choked Excessive oil throw/oil leakage leading to low oil level Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DAEE Air governor pipe broken DAEF Defect due to improper length of unloader plunger DAEG Working out of pins/dismantling of unloader plunger DAEH Unloader valve packing ring-improper seating/wornout/stuckup/broken DAEY Misc. intercooler & its fan DBA CCB PCB DBAA DBAB DBAC DBAD DBAY PCB burnt Capacitor burnt Resistor defective PCB Defective Misc. intake filter. defect in rigid pipes. coolers & its fan DAGA DAGB DAGC DAGD DAGE DAGF DAGG DAGH DAGY Breakage of rigid air/exhaust pipes Failure/leakage of expresser pipe joints Failure of expressor gasket Air intake filter choked/dirty Defective inter cooler . defect in CCB PCB 74 . defect in lube oil/lube oil system DAG Rigid pipes.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DBB Pneumatic Valve Failure DBBA Leakage from valve DBBB ‘O’ Ring defective DBBY Misc. defect in safety valve 75 . defect in Brake Controller DBD Fiber Optic Cable DBDA Tip Broken DBDB Cable damage DBDY Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in emergency brake valve DCB MR safety valves DCBA DCBB DCBC DCBY Valve seat damaged Range ring damaged Spring stuck-up/broken Misc. defect in Fibre Optic Cable DCA Emergency brake valve DCAA DCAB DCAC DCAD DCAE DCAY Valve seat damaged Exhaust valve seat assembly defective Cam dog defective Flapper valve assembly defective 'O' rings damaged Misc. defect in pneumatic valve DBC Brake controller failure DBCA DBCB DBCC DBCD DBCE DBCF DBCY Automatic Handle Frequency Low Automatic Handle Frequency High Independent Handle Frequency Low Independent Handle Frequency High Bail Off Switch Stuck Closed PCB Defective Misc. FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in check valve DCF Auto drain valve DCFA DCFB DCFC DCFY Valve seized with body Valve seat damaged Double ball check assembly damaged Misc. defect in air gauge complex DCE Check valve DCEA DCEB DCEC DCEY Valve seized with body Valve seat damaged Double ball check assembly damaged Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DCC Feed valve (C2N/FT-1/F2) DCCA DCCB DCCC DCCD DCCE DCCF DCCG DCCY Feed valve Diaphragm & gasket burst 'O' rings damaged Valve seat damaged Feed valve piston stuck in housing bush Feed valve leakage from bellow diaphragm Piston assembly defective Feed valve pusher pin worn out/defective Misc. defect in Auto drain valve 76 . BC-BP&MR-EQ) DCDA DCDB DCDC DCDD DCDE DCDY Diaphragm and gasket burst Leakage from diaphragm Valve seat damaged Disc valve damaged Air gauge complex defective Misc. defect in feed valve DCD Air pressure gauge complex (air flow indicator. defect in air pipes. etc. coupling. DCI Unloader panel assembly (6 nos. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DCG Angle cock and hoses DCGA DCGB DCGC DCGD DCGE DCGY 1-1/4" angle cock defective 1" angle cock defective Leakage from 1-1/4" hose coupling Leakage from 1" hose coupling Leakage from 2" hose coupling Misc. defect in angle cock and hoses DCH Air pipes. DCHA DCHB DCHC DCHD DCHE DCHF DCHY Air pipes broken/cracked Air pipe joints leaking /drawing air Air hose coupling broken Air hose coupling gland hand broken Swan neck pipe damaged/broken Swan neck pipe drawing air Misc. joints. defect in unloader panel assembly DDA Body of air dryer DDAA DDAB DDAC DDAY Air dryer body leakage Air dryer body broken Air dryer body casting defects Misc. defect in Pre-coalescer filter of air dryer 77 . magnet valve) DCIA DCI.B DCIC DCIY Coil burns of magnet valve Stuck up Body cracked Misc. coupling.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in body of air dryer DDB Pre-coalescer filter of air dryer DDBA DDBB DDBC DDBD DDBY Pre-Coalescer filter element defective Pre-Coalescer filter Stud broken Pre-Coalescer filters failure of gasket Pre-Coalescer filter retainer nut defective Misc. joints. etc. defect in PCB of air dryer DDE Purge valve/drain valve of air dryer DDEA DDEB DDEC DDED DDEE DDEY Purge valve/ drain valve nut defective Purge valve/ drain valve seal leakage Purge valve/ drain valve seat guide defective Purge valve/ drain valve seat washer defective Purge valve/ drain valve spring looseness Misc. defect in purge valve of air dryer DDF Solenoid valve of air dryer DDFA DDFB DDFC DDFD DDFY Solenoid valve O-ring damaged Solenoid valve spring defective Solenoid valve failure of gasket Solenoid valve coil burnt Misc. defect in Solenoid valve of air dryer 78 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DDC Final filter of air dryer DDCA DDCB DDCC DDCD DDCE DDCF DDCG DDCY Final filter body leakage Final filter body broken Final filter casting defects Final filter element defective Final filter failure of gasket Final filter lock washer defective Final filter wing nut defective Misc. defect in final filter of air dryer DDD PCB of air dryer DDDA DDDB DDDC DDDD DDDE DDDY PCB burnt PCB defective PCB barrier strip broken PCB getting loose PCB O-ring damaged Misc. defect in humidity indicator of air dryer DDH Desiccant canister/desiccant of air dryer DDHA DDHB DDHC DDHD DDHY Desiccant canister retaining ring defective Desiccant canister Seal leakage Desiccant canister broken Desiccant defective Misc. defect in Desiccant canister/ Desiccant of air dryer DEA High Friction brake blocks (WDG4 &WDP4) DEAA DEAB DEAC DEAD DEAY Brake Block Cracked Brake Block Back Plate Broken Brake Block Broken Brake Block Chipped off Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DDG Humidity indicator of air dryer DDGA DDGB DDGC DDGY Blue paper indicator defective Rubber sealing gasket defective White coalescer media defective Misc. defect in High Friction brake blocks EAA Traction motor stator housing EAAA EAAB EAAC EAAY Damage / cracks of stator housing Mounting lugs damage Lifting hook damage Misc. defects in traction motor stator housing EAB Stator EABA EABB EABC EABD EABY Winding burnt Winding damage Brazing joint open Temperature sensor faulty Misc. defects in stator 79 . defects in rotor EAD Insulation EADA EADB EADC EADD EADE EADY Burning of insulation Damage of insulation Cracks of insulation Ingress of moisture Over voltage Misc. defects in electron beam irradiated power cables 80 . short circuit Defect due to wrong cable connection Defect due to improper size of cable used Defect of cable insulation Cables bad crimping of lug/tumble Misc. defects in non drive / drive end shield EAG Electron beam irradiated power cables EAGA EAGB EAGC EAGD EAGE EAGF EAGY Defect of soldering or loose joint Defect due to ground. defects in speed sensor EAF Non drive / drive end shield EAFA EAFB EAFC EAFY Cracks / damage in non-drive end shield Cracks / damage drive end shield Non drive mounting holes ablong Misc. defects in insulation EAE Speed sensors EAEA EAEB EAEC EAEY Faulty sensor signal Speed sensor damage Speed sensor gear fault Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EAC Rotor EACA EACB EACC EACY Bar cracking Short circuit ring failure Rotor core damage Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EAH Electron beam irradiated control cables EAHA EAHB EAHC EAHD EAHE EAHF EAHG EAHH EAHY Control cable-bad crimping of lug/tumble Control cable-failure of terminal lug Control cables-cable ground. Defects in Traction motor bearing EBB Alternator bearing EBBA EBBB EBBC EBBD EBBE EBBY Lubrication related damages Inner race and outer race cracked Fatigue flaking and pitting Electrical pit mark Stray electric currents Misc. defects in auxiliary machine bearing 81 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. Defect due to wrong cable connection Defect due to improper cable size Defect of cable insulation Defect of conduit wiring Defect of any harness Misc. Stray electric currents Discoloration and overheating. defects in electron beam irradiated control cables EBA Traction motor bearing EBAA EBAB EBAC EBAD EBAE EBAF EBAG EBAY Electrical pit mark. Slippage Cage broken or damaged. short/open ckt. lubrication related damages End fitting related failures. out of limit radial clearance Misc. defects in alternator bearing EBC Auxiliary machine bearing EBCA EBCB EBCC EBCD EBCY Lubrication related damages Inner race and outer race cracked Fatigue flaking and pitting Stray electric currents Misc. Scoring of inner ring raceways Fatigue flaking and pitting (on races & rollers) Rotational marks on inner ring bore/outer ring outside diameter Inner race and outer race cracked. defects in suspension tubes: housing bearing kit (consisting of 11 & 4 items) EBF Traction motor pinions EBFA EBFB EBFC EBFD EBFE EBFF EBFG EBFY Traction Motor-failure due to pinion slip Pinion teeth broken/cracked Defect of pinion . defects in traction motor pinions ECA Yoke and stator assembly ECAA ECAB ECAC ECAD ECAE ECAF ECAG ECAY Defect of frame due to mechanical damage Low IR of stator winding Power ground failure Inter-turn failure/shorting of stator coil with-in slot housing Shorting of outgoing cables Lugs failure due to improper crimping and loosening Mechanical damage to stator winding Misc. defects in traction motor suspension bearings EBE Suspension tubes: Housing bearing kit (consisting of 11 & 4 items) EBEA EBEB EBEC EBED EBEE EBEY Casting defect Loosening/breakage of bolts/screws Tube mounting hole oval Accessories related failures Failure due to inadequate torque of bolt Misc.excessive tooth wear/improper profile Defect of traction motor pinion due to wrong fitment Defect of pinion due to lack of lubrication Defect of pinion – due to manufacturing defect Defect of pinion – due to improper heat treatment Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EBD Traction motor Suspension Bearings EBDA EBDB EBDC EBDD EBDE EBDF EBDY Corrosion etching Excessive endplay Preload Brinelling Electric burn Lubrication related damages Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in yoke and stator assembly 82 . defects in rotor & field pole coil assembly ECC Slip ring and brush holder assembly ECCA ECCB ECCC ECCD ECCE ECCF ECCY Slip ring running loose Slip ring worn out Slip ring excess ovality Slip ring to bus bar interconnecting cable joint failed C –Brush of inferior grade Brush holder spring problem Misc. defects in slip ring and brush holder assembly ECD Diode and fuses ECDA ECDB ECDC ECDD ECDE ECDY Short circuiting of diode Mechanical damage to diode Diode sleeve cracked Fuse burning Micro switch malfunctioning Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECB Rotor & field pole coil assembly ECBA ECBB ECBC ECBD ECBY Defect of rotor due to mechanical damage Loosening of rotor winding Brazing joint failure of rotor field pole coil Pole shoe foundation bolt sheared / cracked / damaged / loose Misc. Defects in Diode and fuses ECE Bearing assembly ECEA ECEB ECEC ECEY Bearing damage/ broken Bearing seized Grease leakage Misc. defects in bearing assembly EDA Phase module failure (GTO/IGBT) EDAA EDAB EDAC EDAY Device failure Failure of firing signal card for the device Heat sink failure of the device Misc. defects in phase module failure (GTO/IGBT) 83 . defects in TCC control/protection cards failure EDD TCC cables EDDA EDDB EDDC EDDD EDDE EDDF EDDG EDDY Communication card (between LCC & TCC) failure Gate drive unit card failure Power supply module card failure TCC computer card failure Crow bar failure DC link disconnector failure DC link capacitor failures Misc. defects in cooling system failure EDC TCC control/protection cards failure EDCA EDCB EDCC EDCD EDCE EDCF EDCG EDCY Communication card (between LCC & TCC) failure Gate drive unit card failure Power supply module card failure TCC computer card failure Crow bar failure DC link disconnector failure DC link capacitor failures Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in TCC cables EEA Stator assembly EEAA EEAB EEAC EEAD EEAE EEAY Defect of frame due to mechanical damage Low IR of stator winding Power ground failure Shorting of stator coil with-in slot housing Lugs failure due to improper crimping and loosening Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDB Cooling system failure EDBA EDBB EDBY TCC blower motor failure Contactor failure of TCC blower motor Misc. defects in stator assembly 84 . defects in bearing assembly EED Resistor grids assembly EEA EEDB EEDC EEDD EEDY Element failure due to overheating & buckling Low IR problem Brazing joint failure of terminal E element Element holding clamp loosen. defects in fan assembly EEF Contactor. circuit breaker & cables EEFA EEFB EEFC EEFY Contactor & circuit breaker failure in ECC#3 of radiator fan Contactor & circuit breaker failure in ECC#1 of DBR grid Lugs failure and cable burning cases Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EEB Rotor assembly EEBA EEBB EEBC EEBD EEBY Defect of rotor due to mechanical damage Loosening of rotor winding Brazing joint failure of rotor coil Pole shoe foundation bolt sheared / cracked / damaged / loose Misc. misalignment of element Misc. generator shaft failure 85 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in resistor grids assembly EEE Fan assembly EEEA EEEB EEEY Fan blade crack Damage of blade Misc. circuit breaker & cables EFA Traction motor blower EFAA EFAB EFAC TM blower impeller failure TM blower casing failure Aux. defects in contactor &. defects in rotor assembly EEC Bearing assembly EECA EECB EECY Bearing damage/ broken Bearing seized Misc. defects in TCC blower EFC Starter motor EFCA EFCB EFCC EFCD EFCE EFCF EFCY Armature failure Magnet frame failure Brush Holder assembly failure Solenoid and switches failure Thermostat or over crank protection failure Clutch assembly failure Misc. defects in traction motor blower EFB TCC Blower EFBA EFBB EFBY TCC blower motor failure TCC blower motor contactor failure Misc. defect in Isolation switch FAB Classification switch FABA FABB FABC FABD FABE FABY Malfunction of switch due to defective mounting Malfunction due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt/ground or loose contacts Defect of interconnection or wrong connection Malfunction of switch due to any other obstruction Misc. defects in starter motor FAA Isolation switch FAAA Malfunction of switch due to defective mounting FAAB Malfunction due to defective spring FAAC Defect of switch contacts-burnt/ground or loose contacts FAAD Defect of interconnection or wrong connection FAAE Malfunction of switch due to any other obstruction FAAY Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EFAD Foundation bolt broken EFAE Loosening of impeller on shaft EFAY Misc. defect in Classification light switch 86 . ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAC Fuel prime/engine start (FP/ES) switch FACA FACB FACC FACD FACE FACY Malfunction of switch due to defective mounting Malfunction due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt/ground or loose contacts Defect of interconnection or wrong connection Malfunction of switch due to any other obstruction Misc. defect in DB cut in/cut out switch / lights (exterior/maintenance light) FAE Emergency fuel cut off (EFCO) / engine stop/ MU engine stop switch FAEA FAEB FAE. defect in Isolation switch/ Classification light switch 87 . defect in emergency fuel cut off (EFCO) / engine stop/ MU engine stop switch FAF Ground relay cut out (GRCO) switch FAFA FAFB FAFC FAFD FAFE FAFY Malfunction of switch due to defective mounting Malfunction due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt/ground or loose contacts Defect of interconnection or wrong connection Malfunction of switch due to any other obstruction Misc. defect in fuel prime/engine start (FP/ES) light switch FAD DB cut in/cut out switch / lights (exterior/maintenance light) FADA FADB FADC FADD FADE FADY Malfunction of switch due to defective mounting Malfunction due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt/ground or loose contacts Defect of interconnection or wrong connection Malfunction of switch due to any other obstruction Misc.C FAED FAEE FAEY Malfunction of switch due to defective mounting Malfunction due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt/ground or loose contacts Defect of interconnection or wrong connection Malfunction of switch due to any other obstruction Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAG Alerter alarm FAGA FAGB FAGC FAGD FAGE FAGY Malfunction of switch due to defective mounting Malfunction due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt/ground or loose contacts Defect of interconnection or wrong connection Malfunction of switch due to any other obstruction Misc. defect in CPM (Central Processing/Memory Module) FBB Digital input output module (DIO300) FBBA FBBB Digital Input Output module NOT working Digital Input Output module damaged 88 . defect in Isolation switch/ Classification light switch FBA CPM (central processing/memory module) FBAA FBAB FBAC FBAD FBAE FBAY CPM module not working CPM damaged CPM module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on CPM module Misc.B FAIC FAID FAIE FAIY Malfunction of switch due to defective mounting Malfunction due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt/ground or loose contacts Defect of interconnection or wrong connection Malfunction of switch due to any other obstruction Misc. defect in Isolation switch/ Classification light switch FAI Engine filter switch FAIA FAI. defect in Isolation switch/ Classification light switch FAH Battery ammeter FAHA FAHB FAHC FAHD FAHE FAHY Malfunction of switch due to defective mounting Malfunction due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt/ground or loose contacts Defect of interconnection or wrong connection Malfunction of switch due to any other obstruction Misc. defects in Digital Input Output modules FBC Analog to Digital to analog module (ADA305) FBCA FBCB FBCC FBCD FBCE FBCY ADA305 module NOT working ADA305 module damaged ADA 305 module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on ADA 305 module Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FBBC Digital Input Output module improper positing/bad contact of male pin FBBD Defective interconnecting wires FBBE Power supply not indicating on Digital Input Output module FBBY Misc. defects in COM 301/304 modules FBE Power Supply Module (PSM) FBEA FBEB FBEC FBED FBEE FBEF FBEY PSM module NOT working PSM module damaged PSM module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on PSM module Grounded/ shorted/ defective flat power supply cables Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in ADA 305 modules FBD Communication module (COM301/304) FBDA FBDB FBDC FBDD FBDE FBDY COM 301 module not working COM 301 module damaged COM 301 module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on COM 301 module Misc. defects in PSM modules FBF Pre regulator Module (PRG) FBFA FBFB FBFC FBFD FBFE PRG NOT working PRG module damaged PRG module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on PRG module 89 . defects in PRG modules FCA Voltage Amplifying Module (VAM) FCAA FCAB FCAC FCAD FCAE FCAY VAM module NOT working VAM module damaged VAM module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on VAM module Misc. defects in ASC modules FCC Firing circuit Feedback (FCF) FCCA FCCB FCCC FCCD FCCE FCCY FCF module NOT working FCF module damaged FCF module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on FCF module Misc. defects in FCD modules 90 . defects in VAM modules FCB Analog Signal Conditioner Module (ASC) FCBA FCBB FCBC FCBD FCBE FCBY ASC module NOT working ASC module damaged ASC module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on ASC module Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FBFY Misc. defects in FCF modules FCD Firing circuit Driver Module (FCD) FCDA FCDB FCDC FCDD FCDE FCDY FCD module NOT working FCD module damaged FCD module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on FCD module Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. 15A FDBA FDBB FDBC FDBD FDBE FDBF Malfunction of circuit breaker due to wrong mounting Malfunction of circuit breaker due to spring cutting off Defect of CB contacts-burnt/ground/ loose Defect of interconnection-terminal damaged/wrong connection Defect of resetting mechanism Defect due to any circuit fault 91 . ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FCE Train Line Filtering Module (TLF) FCEA FCEB FCEC FCED FCEE FCEY TLF module NOT working TLF module damaged TLF module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on TLF module Misc. defects in TLF modules FCF ALPHABETal voltage regulator module (DVR) FCFA FCFB FCFC FCFD FCFE FCFY DVR module NOT working DVR module damaged DVR module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on DVR module Misc. defect in Lights / local control/ Filter blower motor/Fuel pump/ Turbo/TCC Electronic blower CB/ TCC1/2 BLWR -30 A FDB Radio/cab fan/Air dryer/ AC control/ Computer control /Micro air brake/ AC GTO #1 PS / AC GTO #2 PS .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in DVR modules FDA Lights / local control/ Filter blower motor/Fuel pump/ Turbo/TCC Electronic blower CB/ TCC1/2 BLWR -30 A FDAA FDAB FDAC FDAD FDAE FDAF FDAY Malfunction of circuit breaker due to wrong mounting Malfunction of circuit breaker due to spring cutting off Defect of CB contacts-burnt/ground/ loose Defect of interconnection-terminal damaged/wrong connection Defect of resetting mechanism Defect due to any circuit fault Misc. 10A FDCA FDCB FDCC FDCD FDCE FDCF FDCY Malfunction of circuit breaker due to wrong mounting Malfunction of circuit breaker due to spring cutting off Defect of CB contacts-burnt/ground/ loose Defect of interconnection-terminal damaged/wrong connection Defect of resetting mechanism Defect due to any circuit fault Misc./TCC2 comp . Gen FB/ TCC1 comp.10A FDD Event Recorder/ DCL Control . Gen field/ Aux. defect in Event Recorder/ DCL Control .15A FDC Aux.40A FDFA FDFB FDFC FDFD FDFE Malfunction of circuit breaker due to wrong mounting Malfunction of circuit breaker due to spring cutting off Defect of CB contacts-burnt/ground/ loose Defect of interconnection-terminal damaged/wrong connection Defect of resetting mechanism 92 . defect in Radio/cab fan/Air dryer/ AC control/ Computer control /Micro air brake/ AC GTO #1 PS / AC GTO #2 PS ./TCC2 comp . Gen FB/ TCC1 comp. Gen field/ Aux.3A FDDA FDDB FDDC FDDD FDDE FDDF FDDY Malfunction of circuit breaker due to wrong mounting Malfunction of circuit breaker due to spring cutting off Defect of CB contacts-burnt/ground/ loose Defect of interconnection-terminal damaged/wrong connection Defect of resetting mechanism Defect due to any circuit fault Misc. defect in Aux.3A FDE Headlights /Generator Field CB -90A FDEA FDEB FDEC FDED FDEE FDEF FDEY Malfunction of circuit breaker due to wrong mounting Malfunction of circuit breaker due to spring cutting off Defect of CB contacts-burnt/ground/ loose Defect of interconnection-terminal damaged/wrong connection Defect of resetting mechanism Defect due to Headlights /Generator Field CB -90A Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FDBY Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in Fuel pump/ Filter blower motor/ Turbo Breaker FDF Control. cable lugged. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FDFF Defect due to any circuit fault FDFY Misc. short/open circuit Defect of jumper interconnecting resistor tube Defect of any taping point of resistor or adjustable jumper component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. fitment etc. defect in GRCO switch FEA Diode Input Panel 30. causing damage to resistor Defect due to any wrong connection. diode input panel 30. RE FL CE4) FEBA FEBB FEBC FEBD FEBE FEBF FEBG FEBY Defect due to any mech. defect. 32 FEAA FEAB FEAC FEAY Diode short circuit/open / bad soldering Diode damaged No out put Misc. Porcelain tube breakage/burnt Resistance wire burnt. Porcelain tube breakage/burnt Resistance wire burnt. etc. 31. causing damage to resistor Defect due to any wrong connection. 31. RE FL CE2. ground. FEC Head light resistors (REHDLT DIM) FECA FECB FECC FECD FECE FECF Defect due to any mech. fitment etc. Defective GRCO switch Misc. ground. cable lugged.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in Flasher Light resistors. 32 FEB Flasher light resistors (RE FL CE1.40A FDG GRCO switch FDGA FDGB FDGC FDGD FDGE FDGF FDGY Malfunction of switch due to wrong mounting Malfunction of switch due to cam defect/ worn out profile Malfunction of switch due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt ground or loose contact Defect of interconnection-open circuit/terminal damaged. RE FL CE3. short/open circuit Defect of jumper interconnecting resistor tube Defect of any taping point of resistor or adjustable jumper 93 . defect in Control. B. FEE Grounding capacitor (CA GR1 THRU 6) & DC Link RE VDCL FEEA FEEB FEEC FEED FEEE FEEF FEEG FEEY Defect due to any mech. FEG Resistor assembly (RE GNR A. causing damage to resistor Defect due to any wrong connection. fitment etc. fitment etc. defect in Starting & Grounding resistors. short/open circuit Defect of jumper interconnecting resistor tube Defect of any taping point of resistor or adjustable jumper component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. C. defect in ground relay transductor resistance. cable lugged. Porcelain tube breakage/burnt Resistance wire burnt. defect in Head Light resistors. causing damage to resistor 94 . cable lugged. fitment etc. C) FEGA Defect due to any mech. ground. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FECG component failure due to moisture/ water entry FECY Misc. FEF Ground relay transductor resistance (RE GRT) FEFA FEFB FEFC FEFD FEFE FEFF FEFG FEFY Defect due to any mech. Porcelain tube breakage/burnt Resistance wire burnt.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. FED Starting resistors RE ST1. RE ST2 & RE GR1 THRU 4 (Grounding Resistor) FEDA FEDB FEDC FEDD FEDE FEDF FEDG FEDY Defect due to any mech. ground. B. fitment etc. short/open circuit Defect of jumper interconnecting resistor tube Defect of any taping point of resistor or adjustable jumper component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. RE GNL A. ground. causing damage to resistor Defect due to any wrong connection. causing damage to resistor Defect due to any wrong connection. Porcelain tube breakage/burnt Resistance wire burnt. defect in Grounding capacitor & DC Link resistor. short/open circuit Defect of jumper interconnecting resistor tube Defect of any taping point of resistor or adjustable jumper component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. cable lugged. gen. defects in EFCO. defects in FPR. cable lugged FEGC Porcelain tube breakage/burnt FEGD Resistance wire burnt. Porcelain tube breakage/burnt Resistance wire burnt.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. causing damage to resistor Defect due to any wrong connection. defect in Ground Relay Resistor Assembly FEH Aux. ground. short/open circuit Defect of jumper interconnecting resistor tube Defect of any taping point of resistor or adjustable jumper component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. FFB Fuel pump relay (FPR) FFBA FFBB FFBC FFBD FFBE FFBF FFBG FFBY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. defect in Aux. FFA Engine fuel cut off relay (EFCO) FFAA FFAB FFAC FFAD FFAE FFAF FFAG FFAY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension component failure due to moisture/ water entry Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged Misc. cable lugged. fitment etc. short/open circuit FEGE Defect of jumper interconnecting resistor tube FEGF Defect of any taping point of resistor or adjustable jumper FEGG component failure due to moisture/ water entry FEGY Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FEGB Defect due to any wrong connection. field resistor (RE AG FIELD A-B) FEHA FEHB FEHC FEHD FEHE FEHF FEHG FEHY Defect due to any mech. ground. Gen field resistor. 95 . defects in BWR. FFE Brake warn relay (BWR) FFEA FFEB FFEC FFED FFEE FFDF FFEG FFEY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Component failure due to moisture/ water entry Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged Misc. defects in SDR. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FFC Turbo lube pump relay (TLPR) FFCA FFCB FFCC FFCD FFCE FFCF FFCG FFCY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in TLPR . FFD Shut down relay (SDR) FFDA FFDB FFDC FFDD FFDE FFDF FFDG FFDY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged Component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. FFF Alarm relay (AR) FFFA FFFB FFFC FFFD FFFE Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension 96 . power relays (SPR1. defects in GFC. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FFFF Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged FFFG Component failure due to moisture/ water entry FFFY Misc.GFD and VPC FFH SIBAS 16 traction con. defects in FCF and FCS FFI GROUND RELAY (GR / DBGR) FFIA FFIB FFIC FFID FFIE FFIF FFIG FFIY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged Component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. defects in Ground relay FGA DC link contactor (DCL) FGAA Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason 97 . SPR2) FFHA FFHB FFHC FFHD FFHE FFHF FFHG FFHY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged Component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. comp. FFG Wheel slip relay (WL) flasher relay (FLSHR) FFGA FFGB FFGC FFGD FFGE FFGF FFGG FFGY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged Component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in AR. FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. B4) FGBA FGBB FGBC FGBD FGBE FGBF FGBG FGBY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged Component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. defects in Generator Field Contactor FGD Generator field decay contactor (GFD) FGDA FGDB FGDC FGDD FGDE FGDF FGDG FGDY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged Component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged Misc. defects in Braking Contactors FGC Generator field contactor (GFC) FGCA FGCB FGCC FGCD FGCE FGCF FGCY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals. etc. defects in DC link contactor . defects in Generator Field Decay Contactor 98 . B3. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FGAB Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged FGAC Defect of main spring tension FGAD Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals FGAE Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension FGAF Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged FGAG Component failure due to moisture/ water entry FGAY Misc. B2. FGB Braking contactors (B1. FGF Fan contactor. FHA Main control computer (MCC) module FHAA FHAB FHAC FHAD FHAE MCC module NOT working MCC module damaged MCC module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on TLF module 99 . FGG Fan contactor slow speed (FCS) FGGA FGGB FGGC FGGD FGGE FGGF FGGG FGGY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged Component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. fast speed (FCF) FGFA FGFB FGFC FGFD FGFE FGFF FGFG FGFY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged Component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. defects in fan contactor. defects in Voltage Protection Contactor.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. fast speed contactor. fast speed contactor. defects in fan contactor. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FGE Voltage protection contactor (VPC) FGEA FGEB FGEC FGED FGEE FGEF FGEG FGEY Malfunction due to loose foundation or any other reason Defect of insulated relay block-cracked/damaged Defect of main spring tension Defect of operating coils-open/short/ground/damage of terminals Defect due to contacts/poor spring tension Defect of interlock finger contact-bad/pitted/flexible shunt damaged Component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. defects in MCC modules FHD ALPHABETal Input (MDIP) and output modules (MDOP) FHDA FHDB FHDC FHDD FHDE FHDY MDIP/MDOP module NOT working MDIP module damaged MDIP module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on MDIP module Misc. defects in MCC modules FHB Data management computer (MDMC) and intelligent data logger module (MIDL) FHBA FHBB FHBC FHBD FHBE FHBY MDMC/ MIDL module MDMC module damaged MDMC module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on MDMC module Misc. defects in MFIP modules 100 . ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FHAY Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in MCC modules FHC Auxiliary communication controller (MACC) FHCA FHCB FHCC FHCD FHCE FHCY MACC module not working MACC module damaged MACC module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on MACC module Misc. defects in MDIP modules FHE Frequency input module (MFIP) FHEA FHEB FHEC FHED FHEE FHEY MFIP module NOT working MFIP module damaged MFIP module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on MFIP module Misc. defects in MGDZCD modules FHG Auxiliary generator PWM (MAGPWM) FHGA FHGB FHGC FHGD FHGE FHGY MGDZCD module not working MGDZCD module damaged MGDZCD module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on MGDZCD module Misc. defects in MGDZCD modules FHH Analog input (MAIP) and output module (MAOP) FHHA FHHB FHHC FHHD FHHE FHHY MAIP/ MAOP module NOT working MAIP /MAOP module damaged MAIP and MAOP module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on MAIP / MAOP module Misc. defects in MAIP / MAOP modules FHI Power supply module (PSM) FHIA FHIB FHIC FHID FHIE FHIF FHIY PSM module NOT working PSM module damaged PSM module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on PSM module Defective PDP PCB Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FHF Gate drive & zero crossing detection module (MGDZCD) FHFA FHFB FHFC FHFD FHFE FHFY MGDZCD module NOT working MGDZCD module damaged MGDZCD module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on MGDZCD module Misc. defects in PSM modules 101 . defects in DO modules 102 . defects in event Recorder FIA Interface module AS 318 FIAA FIAB FIAC FIAD FIAE FIAY Interface module NOT working Interface module damaged Module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on module Misc. defects in DI modules FIC Digital output modules (DO) FICA FICB FICC FICD FICE FICY DO module NOT working DO module damaged DO module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on DO module Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FHJ Event Recorder FHJA FHJB FHJC FHJD FHJE FHJF FHJG FHJH FHJY Problem in the mounting/mech. damage of the memory freeze switch unit Event recorder card defective Recording of the data not taking place Recording data not matching with the actual value Recording data during the time when there is no charge in any state of loco parameters Memory freeze switch not working Problem in the distribution unit of event recording Component failure due to moisture/ water entry Misc. defects in modules Interface module FIB Digital input modules (DI) FIBA FIBB FIBC FIBD FIBE FIBY DI module NOT working DI module damaged DI module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on DI module Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in the card FJB MDPIF (Interface card) FJBA FJBB FJBC FJBY Breakage/bend/any other mechanical damage to the card Overheating/burning of the card/any component of the card Internal short/discontinuity in the PCB of the MDPIF Misc. defect in the card 103 . defect in the card FJC MDIP 24 (ALPHABETal input card) FJCA FJCB FJCC FJCD FJCY Breakage/bend/any other mechanical damage to the card Overheating/burning of the card/any component of the card Relevant channel LEDs are not glowing Internal short/discontinuity in the PCB of the MDIP 24 Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FID Analog input module (AI) FIDA FIDB FIDC FIDD FIDE FIDY AI module NOT working AI module damaged AI module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on AI module Misc. defects in Analog output module modules FJA MDPC (Control Card) FJAA FJAB FJAC FJAD FJAY Breakage/bend/any other mechanical damage to the card Overheating/burning of the card/any component of the card Relevant channel LEDs are not glowing Internal short/discontinuity in the PCB of the MDPC Misc. defects in AI modules FIE Analog output module (AO) FIEA FIEB FIEC FIED FIEE FIEY AO module NOT working AO module damaged AO module improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires Power supply not indicating on AI module Misc. FJG DFS (Digital air flow sensor) FJGA FJGB FJGC FJGD FJGE FJGY Defective mounting/other mechanical damage Damage to the wires coming to the sensors Defective transducer (mv output wrong from the transducer) Improper power input to the sensor Common of the input wires getting +ive supply Misc. defect in the card FJF MLCPS (Computer Power Supply) FJFA FJFB FJFC FJFD FJFE FJFY Failure due to any defect of the mounting Failure/defect of any component Defect in input supply voltage Fuse blown off Voltage fluctuating. defect in MLCPS. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FJD MILS 16 (Digital output card ) FJDA FJDB FJDC FJDD FJDY Breakage/bend/any other mechanical damage to the card Overheating/burning of the card/any component of the card Relevant channel LEDs are not glowing Internal short/discontinuity in the PCB of the MILS 16 Misc. defect in the card FJE MAOP 6 (Analog output card) FJEA FJEB FJEC FJEY Breakage/bend/any other mechanical damage to the card Overheating/burning of the card/any component of the card Internal short/discontinuity in the PCB of the MAOP 6 (Analog output card) Misc. over shooting of voltage or no output or incorrect setting Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in DFS (digital air flow sensor) FJH Data radio trans receiver FJHA FJHB FJHC Data radio not working Breakage/bend/any other mechanical damage to the card Overheating/burning of the card/any component of the card 104 . defect in Plug. wiring and bus bar used in Medha FLBA FLBB Breakage/ bend/ loosening or any other mechanical damage Overheating/burning of pins 105 . wiring and bus bar used in EMD FLB Plug. connectors. defect in the card FKA MLRMS Module MAS 696 FKA FKA FKA FKA FKA Breakage/bend/any other mechanical damage to the Module_ Overheating/burning of the card/any component of the Module_ Defect due to improper communication Internal short/discontinuity in the PCB of the MLRMS Module Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FJHD Defect due to improper communication FJHE Internal short/discontinuity in the PCB of the control card FJHY Misc. wiring and bus bar used in EMD FLAA Breakage/ bend/ loosening or any other mechanical damage FLAB Overheating/burning of pins FLAC Internal short/discontinuity FLAD Loose/damaged fibre optic connector FLAE Component failure due to moisture/ water entry FLAF Broken/ damaged bus bar FLAG Damaged to wiring due to improper routing FLAY Misc. connectors.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in the card FLA Plug. connectors. defect in MLRMS Module MAS 696 FKB MLRMS Antenna FKBA FKBB FKBY Breakage/bend/any other mechanical damage to the antenna assembly Antenna cable damaged/cut Misc. defect in the card FJI RF antenna FJIA FJIB FJIY Breakage/bend/any other mechanical damage to the antenna assembly Antenna cable damaged/cut Misc. worn out profile/breakage of master controller Defect of interlock spring Any defect of mech. etc.flexible shunt burnt/ground.terminal damaged/ground Defect of cam . Defective gauge light switch Misc. connectors. defect in Gauge lights switch 106 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in Plug. wiring and bus bar used in Siemens FLCA Breakage/ bend/ loosening or any other mechanical damage FLC B Overheating/burning of pins FLCC Internal short/discontinuity FLCD Loose/damaged fibre optic connector FLCE Component failure due to moisture/ water entry FLCF Damaged to wiring due to improper routing FLCY Misc. connectors. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FLBC Internal short/discontinuity FLBD Loose/damaged fibre optic connector FLBE Component failure due to moisture/ water entry FLBF Damaged to wiring due to improper routing FLBY Misc. connectors. etc. defect in Dynamic Controller Assembly GAB Gauge lights switch GABA GABB GABC GABD GABE GABF GABY Malfunction of switch due to wrong mounting Malfunction of switch due to cam defect/ worn out profile Malfunction of switch due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt ground or loose contact Defect of interconnection-open circuit/terminal damaged. wiring and bus bar used in Medha FLC Plug. Defect of BKCP on selector handle of master controller Misc. Defect of interconnection . wiring and bus bar used in Siemens GAA Dynamic controller assembly GAAA GAAB GAAC GAAD GAAE GAAF GAAG GAAY Damage due to defective mounting/ mechanical interlocking Defect of interlock contact tips . defect in Plug. components due to incorrect clearances. defect in Attendant Call Switch GAE Cab lights switch GAEA GAEB GAEC GAED GAEE GAEF GAEY Malfunction of switch due to wrong mounting Malfunction of switch due to cam defect/ worn out profile Malfunction of switch due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt ground or loose contact Defect of interconnection-open circuit/terminal damaged. defect in Cab Lights Switch GAF Flasher lights switches GAFA GAFB GAFC GAFD GAFE GAFF GAFY Malfunction of switch due to wrong mounting Malfunction of switch due to cam defect/ worn out profile Malfunction of switch due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt ground or loose contact Defect of interconnection-open circuit/terminal damaged. defect in Console Lights Dimmer Rheostat GAD Attendant call switch GADA GADB GADC GADD GADE GADY Malfunction of switch due to wrong mounting Malfunction of switch due to defective spring Failure due to snap ring fallen or worked out Defect of switch contacts-burnt/ground or loose contact Defect of interconnection-open circuit/terminal damaged. etc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. Defective gauge light switch Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAC Console lights dimmer rheostat GACA GACB GACC GACD GACE GACY Malfunction of switch due to defective mounting Malfunction due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt/ground or loose contacts Defect of interconnection or wrong connection Malfunction of switch due to any other obstruction Misc. Misc. etc. Defective gauge light switch Misc. defect in Flasher Lights Switches 107 . etc. defects in Flasher lamp Indication 108 . etc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GAG Cab fan switch GAGA GAGB GAGC GAGD GAGE GAGF GAGY Malfunction of switch due to wrong mounting Malfunction of switch due to cam defect/ worn out profile Malfunction of switch due to defective spring Defect of switch contacts-burnt ground or loose contact Defect of interconnection-open circuit/terminal damaged.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in Sand indication GBC Wheel slip indication GBCA GBCB GBCC GBCY Power supply fail Defect in interconnecting wire LED fuse Misc. Defective gauge light switch Misc. defects in Wheel slip indication GBD Flasher lamp Indication GBDA GBDB GBDC GBDY Power supply fail Defect in interconnecting wire LED fuse Misc. defects in TE limit indication GBB Sand indication GBBA GBBB GBBC GBBY Power supply fail Defect in interconnecting wire LED fuse Misc. defect in Flasher Lights Switches GBA TE limit indication GBAA GBAB GBAC GBAY Power supply fail Defect in interconnecting wire LED fuse Misc. over shooting of voltage or no output or incorrect setting Misc. over shooting of voltage or no output or Misc. 109 . defects in Brake warn Indication GCA SCR Excitation Bridge Assembly GCAA GCAB GCAC GCAD GCAE GCAF GCAG GCAY Failure due to any defect of the mounting Failure/defect of any resistor Failure/defect of freewheeling diode SCR bridge is unable to turn off No SCR bridge output Fuse blown off Voltage fluctuating. defect in Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) Assembly GCB GTO power supply (GTOPS1 & GTOPS2) GCBA GCBB GCBC GCBD GCBE GCBY Failure due to any defect of the mounting Failure/defect of any component Defect in input supply voltage Fuse blown off Voltage fluctuating. defect in GTO Power Supply. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GBE PCS indication GBEA GBEB GBEC GBEY Power supply fail Defect in interconnecting wire LED fuse Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defects in PCS Indication GBF Brake warn indication GBFA GBFB GBFC GBFY Power supply fail Defect in interconnecting wire LED fuse Misc. 2 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in CR GR1 THRU 8 GCF Battery charging (BC) assembly GCFA GCFB GCFC GCFD GCFE GCFY . 3 GCE Current rectifier for GND relay bridge (CR GR1 THRU 8) GCEA GCEB GCEC GCED GCEE GCEY Failure due to shorting Failure due to any defect of the mounting Failure/defect of any resistor Defect in input supply voltage Voltage fluctuating. defect in CR GNR 1. over shooting of voltage or no output or Incorrect setting Misc. 2. over shooting of voltage or no output or Incorrect setting Misc.2& 3) GCDA GCDB GCDC GCDD GCDE GCDY Failure due to shorting Failure due to any defect of the mounting Failure/defect of any resistor Defect in input supply voltage Voltage fluctuating. 3 GCD Current rectifier used In GND relay transductor right (CR GNR 1. defect in battery charging rectifier (BC) assembly 110 . over shooting of voltage or no output or Incorrect setting Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GCC Current rectifier used in GND relay transductor left (CR GNL 1. 3) GCCA GCCB GCCC GCCD GCCE GCCY Failure due to shorting Failure due to any defect of the mounting Failure/defect of any resistor Defect in input supply voltage Voltage fluctuating. 2. defect in CR GNL 1.Failure due to defect of the mounting/other damage to the panel Defect of interconnecting wires Defect in wire wound resistance Defect of any diode or rectifier No output Misc. on the gear unit of the sensor Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal The transducer unit not working well Misc. defect in battery box temperature sensor. defect in IB1. GDB Grid Current Sensor (IB1 & IB2) GDBA GDBB GDBC GDBD GDBE GDBY Defective mounting/looseness of the sensor unit Looseness in the coupling of the sensor unit Dirt/Grease accumulation etc. on the gear unit of the sensor Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal The transducer unit not working well Misc. on the gear unit of the sensor Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal Transducer unit not working well Misc. defect in grid blower current sensor. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GDA Battery box temperature sensor (BTA) GDAA GDAB GDAC GDAD GDAE GDAF GDAY Defective mounting/looseness of the sensor unit Defective thermostat in the sensor unit (Output not proportional to the temp) Looseness in the coupling of the sensor unit Dirt/Grease accumulation etc. IB2 grid current sensor GDC Grid Blower Current Sensor (IBKBL) GDCA GDCB GDCC GDCD GDCE GDCY Defective mounting/looseness of the sensor unit Looseness in the coupling of the sensor unit Dirt/Grease accumulation etc. GDD Main Generator Field Current Sensor (IMGF) GDDA GDDB GDDC GDDD GDDE GDDY Defective mounting/looseness of the sensor unit Looseness in the coupling of the sensor unit Dirt/Grease accumulation etc. defect in main generator field current sensor 111 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. on the gear unit of the sensor Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal The transducer unit not working well Misc. defect in ITCC (Inverter Current Sensor) GDF Traction motor stator temperature sensor (TMS) GDFA GDFB GDFC GDFD GDFE GDFF GDFY Defective mounting/looseness of the sensor unit Defective thermostat in the sensor unit (Output not proportional to the temp) Looseness in the coupling of the sensor unit Dirt/Grease accumulation etc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GDE Inverter Current Sensor (ITCC) GDEA GDEB GDEC GDED GDEE GDEY Defective mounting/looseness of the sensor unit Looseness in the coupling of the sensor unit Dirt/Grease accumulation etc. defect in traction motor stator temperature sensor (TMS) GDG DC link voltage sensor (VDCL) GDGA GDGB GDGC GDGD GDGE GDGY Defective mounting/looseness of the transducer unit Looseness in the coupling of the sensor unit Dirt/Grease accumulation etc. on the gear unit of the sensor Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal The transducer unit not working well Misc. on the gear unit of the sensor Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal The transducer unit not working well Misc. on the gear unit of the sensor Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal The transducer unit not working well Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in DC link voltage sensor GDH Traction motor armature speed sensor (TMSPPU) GDHA GDHB GDHC GDHD GDHE GDHY Defective mounting/looseness of the transducer unit Looseness in the coupling of the sensor unit Dirt/Grease accumulation etc. on the gear unit of the sensor Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal The transducer unit not working well Misc. defect in Traction Motor Armature Speed sensor 112 . on the gear unit of the sensor Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal The transducer unit not working well Misc. on the gear unit of the sensor Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal The transducer unit not working well Misc. defect in Main Reservoir Pressure Transducers (MRPT) GEB Grid blower motor current transducer (IBKBL1 & 2) GEBA GEBB GEBC GEBD GEBE GEBY Defective mounting/looseness of the transducer unit Looseness in the coupling of the sensor unit Dirt/Grease accumulation etc. defect in grid blower motor current transducer (IBKBL1 & 2) GEC DC link current transducers (ITCC 1 & 2) GECA GECB GECC GECD GECE GECY Defective mounting/looseness of the transducer unit Looseness in the coupling of the sensor unit Dirt/Grease accumulation etc. on the gear unit of the sensor Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal The transducer unit not working well Misc. defect in grid path #1 and #2 current transducers (ib 1 & 2) GEE ENGINE SPEED PICK UP GEEA GEEB Defective mounting/loosening of the transducer unit Looseness in the coupling of the transducer unit 113 . on the gear unit of the sensor Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal The transducer unit not working well Misc. defect in DC link current transducers (ITCC 1 & 2) GED Grid path #1 and #2 current transducers (IB 1-2) GEDA GEDB GEDC GEDD GEDE GEDY Defective mounting/looseness of the transducer unit Looseness in the coupling of the sensor unit Dirt/Grease accumulation etc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GEA Main reservoir pressure transducers (MRPT) GEAA GEAB GEAC GEAD GEAE GEAY Defective mounting/looseness of the transducer unit Looseness in the coupling of the sensor unit Dirt/Grease accumulation etc. defect in battery container GFB Electrolyte GFBA GFBB GFBC GFBY Battery electrolyte spillage due to over filling/improper packing Battery electrolyte level less and batteries over charged Battery electrolyte specific gravity low Misc. on the gear unit of the tranducer GEED Physical damage to the cable carrying the signal GEEE The transducer unit not working well GEEY Misc.cell plates GFD Battery charging system GFDA GFDB GFDC GFDD GFDY Engine not starting due to weak batteries Defect due to high resistance in battery circuit Batteries having leakage to ground Batteries not charging due to mal-operation of circuit breaker Misc. defects in transducer GFA Battery container GFAA GFAB GFAC GFAY Battery container cracked Battery container bulged or de-shaped Battery container leakage Misc. defect in battery. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GEEC Dirt/Grease accumulation etc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th.cell plates GFCA GFCB GFCC GFCD GFCE GFCF GFCG GFCH GFCY Battery cell interconnector burst/open Defect due to high resistance in cell interconnector Battery cell internal resistance high Battery cell plates damaged Battery cells ground Battery cell polarities reversed Battery cell voltage less or zero Battery positive and negative cell plates shorted Misc. defect in battery charging system 114 . defect in electrolyte GFC Batteries. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GGA Head Lights GGAA GGAB GGAC GGAD GGAE GGAF GGAG GGAH GGAY Defect of head light assembly components Failure of head light due to holder ground/short circuited. defect in other engine room and cab lights 115 . Failure of head light due to defective head light circuit Failure of head light due to defective switch/circuit breaker Bulb of poor quality or fused Head light beam alignment not satisfactory Halogen lamp of poor quality or fused Flux not satisfactory Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in classification light GGC Indication Light LED GGCA GGCB GGCC GGCD GGCY Defect of indication lamp mounting assembly/LED box Defect due to holder ground/other holder fault Malfunction due to defective light circuit Bulb of poor quality or fused Misc. defect in indication light LED GGD Other engine room and cab lights GGDA GGDB GGDC GGDY Defect of light mounting assembly Defect due to holder ground/other holder fault Malfunction due to defective light circuit Misc. defect in head lights GGB Classification lights GGBA GGBB GGBC GGBD GGBE GGBF GGBY Classification light glass/cover/gasket defective Failure due to holder ground/other holder fault Failure due to defective light circuit Failure due to defective switch/circuit breaker Bulb of poor quality or fused LED's in the lamp unit are of poor quality or fused Misc. FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GGE Alarm bell or wheel slip buzzer GGEA GGEB GGEC GGEY Defect of the equipment assembly Alarm bell/buzzer coil failure Alarm bell/buzzer circuit defective Misc. defect in alarm bell or wheel slip buzzer GGF Flasher light GGFA Failure/defect of flasher light assembly components-glass, doors,reflector,gaskets etc. Failure of flasher light due to holder ground/short circuit/ Failure of flasher light due to defective flasher light Circuit ground/short/open circuit or wrong connection Failure of flasher light due to defective switch/ circuit breaker Bulb of poor quality or fused LED's in the lamp unit are of poor quality Misc. defect in flasher light GGFB GGFC GGFD GGFE GGFF GGFG GGFY GHA TE meter- analog/electronic GHAA GHAB GHAC GHAD GHAE GHAF GHAY TE Meter not working TE Meter Needle stuck up TE Meter glass/cover/gasket defective Improper power input to the TE meter Power supply card defective Input Cable cut/connector broken Misc. defect in TE meter- analog GHB Speed indicator GHBA GHBB GHBC GHBD GHBE GHBF GHBY Speed indicator not working Needle stuck up Speed indicator glass/cover/gasket defective Improper power input to the Speed indicator Power supply card defective Input Cable cut/connector broken Misc. defect in speed recorder cum indicator 116 FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GHC Battery charging meter GHCA GHCB GHCC GHCD GHCE GHCF GHCY Defect of battery ammeter assembly due to mechanical damage Battery ammeter moving coil mechanism defective/pivot damaged Battery ammeter moving coil open/short circuit Battery ammeter ground Battery ammeter calibration defective causing erratic reading Battery ammeter connections defective Misc. defect in battery charging meter GIA EM 2000 Display Unit GIAA GIAB GIAC GIAD GIAE GIAF Power supply failed Key board defective Improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires No Display Misc. defects in SIEMENS Display Unit (SITET) GIB SIEMENS Display Unit (SITET) GIBA GIBB GIBC GIBD GIBE GIBF Power supply failed Key board defective Improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires No Display Misc. defects in SIEMENS Display Unit (SITET) GIC MEDHA Display Unit (MDS 740 ) GICA GICB GICC GICD GICE GICF Power supply failed Key board defective Improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires No Display Misc. defects in SIEMENS Display Unit (SITET) 117 FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GID Display Unit (DIALS) of any other Make GIDA GIDB GIDC GIDD GIDE GIDF Power supply failed Key board defective Improper positing/holding clip loose/bad contact of male pin Defective interconnecting wires No Display Misc. defects in SIEMENS Display Unit (SITET) HAA Truck frame/ bogie frame HAAA HAAB HAAC HAAD HAAE HAAF HAAY Distortion in truck frame not affecting primary traction centerline Cracking/breakage/damage of truck frame/ bogie frame Cracking/breakage of brackets i.e. brake rigging, dog link, damper (primary, secondary) and lifting Cracking/breakage/damage of bushing Traction rod on truck frame Cracking/breakage/damage of bushing rubber Primary lateral stopper wear/ work out Misc. defect in truck frame / bogie frame HAB Traction motor dog link HABA HABB HABY Cracking/breakage/damage of dog link Broken/ failure of Huck bolt Misc. defect in dog link support HAC Centre pivot four bar mechanism HACA HACB HACC HACY Bending of car body link Loose/missing bolts of center pivot Biased/excessive wear of `half cylinders wear’ Misc. defect in center pivot four bar mechanism HAD Sand box HADA HADB Sand box damaged/missing Breakage of sand delivery pipe, holding brackets 118 shelling defect of wheels Wheel disc cracked Wheel disc center loose on the axle Wheel rim crack Wheel gauge widening/ distortion Wheels incorrect in gauge distance Biased wheel wear Misc. wheel seat. defect in axle HBC Journal bearing adapter assembly HBCA HBCB HBCC HBCD HBCE HBCF HBCG HBCY Failure of Journal Bearing Adapter Failure of Journal Bearing Assembly (CTRB) Failure of backing ring Failure of Clamping Plate Failure of cap screws Failure of locking plate Cracking/breakage/damage of bushing Traction rod Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HADC Sand box cap missing HADD Jamming of sand trap valve /injector HADE Frequent cake formation of sand HADF Loosening of nut & bolts HADY Misc. defect in sand box HBA Wheel HBAA HBAB HBAC HBAD HBAE HBAF HBAG HBAY Skidded wheels. bearing seat cracked/damaged Axle journal.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. wheel seat worn/scored Axle scored/seized at suspension bearing area Axle bent Misc. wheel flat. defect in wheel HBB Axle HBBA HBBB HBBC HBBD HBBY Axle journal. thrower seat. defect in Journal Bearing Adapter HCA Brake cylinder HCAA HCAB Brake cylinder damaged/cracked/broken Brake cylinder spring broken/inoperative 119 . brake shoe & holder HCCA HCCB HCCC HCCD HCCE HCCF HCCY Brake slack adjuster broken/bent/damaged Brake slack adjuster seized/not taking adjustments Brake shoe broken/damaged Brake block worn badly/deficient Brake block binding Brake block pin broken/fallen off Misc. defect in brake slack adjuster/brake shoe and block HCD Brake rod.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in brake rigging bushes & pins 120 . defect in brake cylinder HCB Brake hanger HCBA HCBB HCBC HCBD HCBY Brake hanger bent/cracked/broken Brake hanger bush worn badly Brake hanger pin worn/lost play Brake hanger rubbing Misc. safety straps and hand brake HCDA HCDB HCDC HCDD HCDY Brake rod bent/broken/damaged Brake safety straps damaged/broken Brake safety straps/pin loose/deficient Hand brake jammed/inoperative Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HCAC Brake cylinder bucket/piston jammed HCAD Brake cylinder operating arm pin/bush lost play HCAY Misc. defect in brake hanger HCC Brake slack adjuster. safety strap and hand brake HCE Brake rigging bushes & pins HCEA HCEB HCEC HCED HCEE HCEY Excessive wear in bushes Cracked/broken of bushes Pin worn Pin crack Wear in pin holes/slots Misc. defect in brake rod. defect in bushing traction rod HDE Motor nose link bushing HDEA Motor nose link bushing damaged (De-bonding/cracks on rubber) HDEB Motor nose link bushing permanent set/ loosening HDEC Motor nose link bushing mounting bolts loose/missing 121 .FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in suspension coil spring HDB Rubber spring assembly HDBA HDBB HDBC HDBY Rubber spring assembly damaged (De-bonding/cracks on rubber) Rubber spring assembly permanent set Rubber spring assembly mounting bolts loose/missing Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HDA Spring – single coil HDAA HDAB HDAC HDAD HDAY Failure of helical suspension coil spring Crack / broken from first active coils Crack / broken from other coils Permanent set of coil spring Misc. defect in rubber spring assembly HDC Hydraulic damper HDCA HDCB HDCC HDCD HDCE HDCF HDCG HDCH HDCY Failure of Primary Vertical Hydraulic damper Failure of Secondary Yaw Hydraulic damper Hydraulic damper damaged/broken Hydraulic damper oil leakage Hydraulic damper bracket damaged Hydraulic damper bolts worn/missing Damper mounting pin/rubber bush damaged/worn Hydraulic damper inoperative Misc. defect in hydraulic damper HDD Bushing traction rod HDDA Bushing Traction Rod damaged (De-bonding/cracks on rubber) HDDB Bushing Traction Rod permanent set/ loosening HDDC Bushing Traction Rod mounting bolts loose/missing HDDY Misc. Lateral permanent set Thrust Pad .Lateral damaged Thrust Pad . defect in loco superstructure HEB Under frame HEBA HEBB HEBC Cracking/distortion of under frame adjacent to loading pad Cracking/distortion of under frame adjacent to center pivot Cracking/distortion of under frame behind the side buffers 122 . defect in bushing rubber HDG Thrust pad. defect in Motor Nose Link Bushing HDF Bushing rubber HDEA HDEB HDEC HDEY Bushing Rubber damaged (De-bonding/cracks on rubber) Bushing Rubber permanent set/ loosening Bushing Rubber mounting bolts loose/missing Misc. control cabinet. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HDEY Misc. etc Maloperation of doors due to securing device worn/missing etc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th.Lateral mounting bolts loose/missing Misc. defect in happy pad (spring pad) HEA Loco Superstructures HEAA HEAB HEAC HEAD HEAE HEAF HEAG HEAH HEAY Loco superstructure damaged due to collision Water leakage/seepage into the engine room.lateral HDGA HDGB HDGC HDGY Thrust Pad . Chassis torn/corroded/eroded Line clear pick up rod broken/bent/misaligned Look out/window/door glasses dirty/broken/deficient Look out/window/door glass holding weaker strip damaged Car body filter holding channel cracked Misc. defect in Thrust Pad – Lateral HDH Happy pad (spring pad) HDHA Happy Pad (Spring Pad) damaged HDHB Happy Pad (Spring Pad) permanent set HDHY Misc. defect in cattle and rail guards 123 . defect in under frame HEC Draw gear HECA HECB HECC HECD HECE HECF HECG HECH HECY Failure of transition/screw coupling Failure of center buffer coupler Failure of center buffer coupler operating mechanism Damage/settling of buffers Breakage of draw hooks Failure/breakage of transition coupling Failure of transition coupling clevis Failure of CBC locking/holding arrangement Misc.FOURTH ALPHABET CODE DETAILS DESCRIBING NATURE OF DEFECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4th. defect in draw gear HED Cattle and rail guard HEDA HEDB HEDC HEDD HEDE HEDF HEDY Cattle guard damaged/bent/distorted Cattle guard strips cracked/broken Rail guards loose/deficient Rail guard height adjustment incorrect Cattle guard support broken Cattle guard fastening bolts broken Misc. ALPHABET NATURE OF DEFECT CODE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HEBD Cracking/distortion of buffer beams HEBE Under frame damages at the attachment points HEBF Change of camber of under frame HEBG Cracking of floor HEBY Misc. 10 N N N BCCA 3 WDP4 20099 15. Defect of battery ammeter assembly due to mechanical damage 6 WDG4 12238 16.10. Date of Design changes defect needed (Y/N) (Parameter-7) (Parameter-8) (Parameter-9) Manufacturing system Maintenance system Location & nature needs improvement needs improvement of defect (Y/N) (Y/N) (4-ALPHABET code) 1 WDP4 20097 05.10.ANNEXURE LOCO HOLDING (WDG4/WDP4) ……… Reporting Railways (Parameter-1) ………… Maintenance Shed (Parameter-2) ………….10 N N Y 4 WDG4 12236 06.11. Loco type Loco No. SL..10 Y N N BFBF (Parameter-10) Remark Exhaust valve stem bent or broken Rear exhaust chamber assembly cracked or damaged Baffle and relief valve assembly worked out DDFA Purge valve/ drain valve nut defective 5 WDG4 12237 13. N N N GHCA. N Y N ADFA 2 WDP4 20098 12. (Parameter-3) (Parameter-4) (Parameter-5) (Parameter-6) No.10.10 N N Y HEDF Rail guards loose/deficient 124 . Director/MP Dte. The following officials contribu ted towards the compilation of this work: 1. SSE/MP Shri R.P. Shri D. Jt. SSE/MP Shri Birendra Kumar JE/MP 125 . 5. 4. Shri Rana Singh.Khetrapal. SSE/MP Shri Ganga Sagar. SSE/MP Shri Satnam Singh.SSE/MP Shri Ved Prakash.Sharma. 3.Tiwari. 6.Kardam. ADE/MP Dte.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The 4th-alphabet Diesel Locomotive Defect Codification of EMD locomotives for Management Information System has been developed under the guidance of Shri S.K.K. 2. SSE/MP Shri B. 7.P.Sarkar ADE/MP and Shri V.K.
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