Warren, Aranda, Cano. 2012. Metabolomics demonstrates divergent responses of two Eucalyptus species to water stress. Supplem Mat. Metabolomics

June 13, 2018 | Author: Ismael Aranda | Category: Documents



Supplementary Table 1. Loadings and jack-knifed confidence intervals (CI)
of metabolites contributing to predictive variation in OPLS-DA models of
water stressed versus control, and water stressed versus re-watered.
Metabolites shown are those in which the loading ± confidence interval was
different to zero.

a) E. dumosa.
"Water stress versus control " " "Re-watered versus water stress " " "
"Metabolite "Loading"CI "Metabolite "Loading "CI "
"vibo-quercitol "0.264 "0.038"glyceric acid "0.059 "0.025 "
"Hyp "0.253 "0.066"Frc "0.054 "0.025 "
"EIMS_2678 "0.230 "0.054"gallic acid "-0.064 "0.023 "
"EIMS_2708 "0.216 "0.036"myo-inositol "-0.066 "0.027 "
"cyclohexanepentol_1 "0.190 "0.024"EITTMS_N12C_ATHR_1480.5_1135EC44_ "-0.066 "0.034 "
"alpha-ketoglutaric acid "0.178 "0.056"EITTMS_N12C_ATHL_2105.7_1135EC24_B12_b "-0.072 "0.033 "
"Frc "0.168 "0.039"hexopyranose "-0.072 "0.035 "
"galactonic acid "0.155 "0.064"galactose "-0.073 "0.036 "
"mannose_1 "0.152 "0.044"EITTMS_N12C_STUR_2277.7_1135EC29_ "-0.074 "0.028 "
"hexopyranose "0.143 "0.031"galactitol "-0.074 "0.026 "
"EIMS_2399 "0.141 "0.039"EITTMS_N12C_ATHR_1585.2_1135EC44_ "-0.075 "0.037 "
"1,2,3-butantriol "0.139 "0.044"mucic acid "-0.075 "0.019 "
"EIMS_2684 "0.138 "0.045"pentitol "-0.080 "0.034 "
"EITTMS_N12C_ATHR_2539.9_1135EC44_ "0.134 "0.061"mannose "-0.081 "0.040 "
"EITTMS_N12C_ATHR_1585.2_1135EC44_ "0.132 "0.020"EITTMS_N12C_ATHR_2301.1_1135EC44_ "-0.081 "0.027 "
"4-hydroxybenzoic acid "0.128 "0.042"homogentisic acid "-0.084 "0.037 "
"arabitol "0.128 "0.056"mannitol "-0.085 "0.022 "
"Gly "0.127 "0.066"raffinose "-0.092 "0.009 "
"Glc "0.123 "0.039"EIMS_1586 "-0.096 "0.033 "
"cyclohexanepentol_2 "0.123 "0.022"Glc-6-P "-0.100 "0.034 "
"EIMS_2914 "0.122 "0.030"erthyritol "-0.100 "0.033 "
"rhamnose "0.113 "0.024"rhamnose "-0.103 "0.028 "
"galactose "0.104 "0.027"EITTMS_N12C_ATHL_2495.5_1135EC24_ "-0.112 "0.033 "
"glyceric acid "0.102 "0.017"2-O-glycerol-beta-D-galactopyranoside "-0.124 "0.044 "
"erthyritol "0.100 "0.030"EIMS_2785 "-0.127 "0.021 "
"EITTMS_N12C_ATHL_2105.7_1135EC24_B12_a "0.096 "0.027"xylose "-0.128 "0.040 "
"fumaric acid "0.095 "0.046"4-hydroxybenzoic acid "-0.130 "0.043 "
"erythronic acid "0.094 "0.019"Val "-0.132 "0.045 "
"pentitol "0.092 "0.026"arabitol "-0.139 "0.049 "
"EIMS_1586 "0.091 "0.028"EITTMS_N12C_ATHR_2539.9_1135EC44_ "-0.146 "0.070 "
"EIMS_2785 "0.091 "0.021"EIMS_2399 "-0.158 "0.051 "
"pentonic acid "0.087 "0.012"EIMS_2708 "-0.176 "0.058 "
"EITTMS_N12C_ATHL_2495.5_1135EC24_ "0.086 "0.035"1,2,3-butantriol "-0.179 "0.060 "
"sorbitol "0.085 "0.016"EIMS_2684 "-0.187 "0.062 "
"malic acid "0.085 "0.021"EITTMS_N12C_NTAL_2425.8_1135EC26_G "-0.188 "0.087 "
"EITTMS_N12C_ATHL_2105.7_1135EC24_B12_b "0.079 "0.017"galactonic acid "-0.197 "0.052 "
"mucic acid "0.076 "0.023"Thr "-0.199 "0.095 "
"galactitol "0.076 "0.016"maltose "-0.213 "0.058 "
"proto-quercitol "0.075 "0.019"Hyp "-0.240 "0.111 "
"homogentisic acid "0.073 "0.026"galactinol "-0.260 "0.096 "
"2,4,5 trihydroxypentanoic acid "0.070 "0.020"Arg "-0.268 "0.071 "
"mannitol "0.065 "0.024" " " "
"Ser "0.058 "0.013" " " "
"gallic acid "0.056 "0.015" " " "
"EIMS_1738 "0.051 "0.025" " " "
"EITTMS_N12C_STUR_2277.7_1135EC29_ "0.049 "0.019" " " "
"2-O-glycerol-beta-D-galactopyranoside "0.044 "0.020" " " "
"raffinose "-0.047 "0.017" " " "
"EIMS_2742 "-0.055 "0.020" " " "
"xylonic acid "-0.084 "0.043" " " "
"citric acid "-0.085 "0.032" " " "
"myo-inositol "-0.089 "0.022" " " "
"galactinol "-0.172 "0.088" " " "

b) E. pauciflora.
"control versus stress " " "stress versus rewatered " " "
"Metabolite "Loading"CI "Metabolite "Loading"CI "
"Val "0.177 "0.078"3-dehydroshikimic acid "0.295 "0.072"
"Frc "0.165 "0.036"galactosylglycerol "0.274 "0.040"
"Glc "0.146 "0.032"ribose "0.217 "0.101"
"malic acid "0.110 "0.024"1,2,3-butantriol "0.202 "0.088"
"glyceric acid "0.107 "0.050"sorbitol "0.172 "0.068"
"galactinol "0.088 "0.037"pentonic acid "0.139 "0.064"
"sucrose "0.077 "0.024"EIMS_2399 "0.130 "0.061"
"shikimic acid "0.060 "0.029"myo-inositol "0.116 "0.041"
"EITTMS_N12C_ATHR_2373.4_1135EC44_ "-0.092 "0.047"EIMS_1755 "0.109 "0.049"
"EITTMS_N12C_STUR_2277.7_1135EC29_ "-0.112 "0.056"succinic acid "0.094 "0.044"
"EIMS_1755 "-0.113 "0.048"mucic acid "0.088 "0.042"
"D-glucitol "-0.138 "0.050"EITTMS_N12C_ATHR_2373.4_1135EC44_ "0.086 "0.033"
"EITTMS_N12C_ATHR_1770.9_1135EC25_ "-0.167 "0.084"D-glucitol "0.077 "0.033"
"arabitol "-0.180 "0.075"malic acid "-0.075 "0.026"
"catechin "-0.218 "0.062"sucrose "-0.077 "0.034"
"sulfate "-0.235 "0.118"raffinose "-0.084 "0.027"
" " " "Frc "-0.099 "0.046"
" " " "Glc "-0.112 "0.043"
" " " "chloride "-0.160 "0.079"
" " " "galactose "-0.187 "0.070"
" " " "ammonium "-0.335 "0.120"

Supplementary Table 2. Metabolites, ChEBI
identifiers(http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/), identification method (ID),
statistical significance (P-value of t-test) , false discovery rate (FDR, q-
value), and fold-changes of aqueous metabolites measured in
methanol:chloroform:water extracts of leaves of E. dumosa and E. pauciflora
that were either grown with adequate water (control) or severe water stress
(defined as gs
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