Warhammer 40K Death Squads Chaos Space Marine Squad WIP

March 25, 2018 | Author: econtutor | Category: Armed Conflict, Unrest



CHAOS SPACE MARINE SQUAD Unit size: A Chaos Space Marine squad can contain no more than 12 models, this includes hired guns! Starting Resources: A Chaos Space Marine squad begins with 700 credits on which to recruit and arm its members. SPECIAL RULES A warrior¶s tools: A Chaos Space Marine player may always purchase bolters, bolt pistols, chainswords, and chaos space marine power armor from the Chaos Armory without making a roll to see if the item is available. A Jealous Master«: A Chaos Space Marine squad may never contain marks from more than one Chaos god. Any model in the squad that is marked by a different Chaos God then the majority of marked models in the squad is instantly removed from the squad (Whether the model was turned into a Chaos Spawn or merely left to find more like minded fellows remains to the players¶ imaginations). The Dark Path has Many Beginnings, But Only One End: When first recruited Chaos Space Marine squads must be led by either an Aspiring Chaos Space Marine Champion or a Chaos Sorcerer Initiate. Should the squad¶s leader fall in battle the squad must recruit another Aspiring Chaos Space Marine Champion or Chaos Sorcerer Initiate if either is not present after a battle. Chaos Space Marine squads which fail to recruit a new leader must disband. MAXIMUM STATS CHAOS SPACE MARINE M WS BS S T I W A LD 5 9 9 5 5 6 4 5 10 CHAOS SPACE MARINE POSSESSED M WS BS S T I W A LD 6 10 0 7 5 10 5 5 10 TRAITOR GUARDSMEN M WS BS S T I W A LD 5 6 6 4 4 4 3 3 9 OFFICERS 0-1 Aspiring Chaos Space Marine Champion The Aspiring Chaos Space Marine Champion is a warrior who has survived thousands of years in the nightmare realm of the eye of terror. Chaos Space Marine Champions are the potential generals in the ruinous powers never ending war against the false emperor of humanity. Before the Champion can be elevated in the dark gods¶ eyes they must prove themselves capable against their enemies in thousands of battles across the galaxy. Every Champion knows that his service to the gods of Chaos will not end until the Imperium lies broken in their wake! M WS BS S T I W A LD 4 5 4 4 4 4 2 1 9 Weapons and Equipment- The Aspiring Chaos Space Marine Champion may use any equipment available in the Officer, Recruit, or Chaos Heavy Weapon sections of the Chaos Armory unless otherwise noted. Starting Equipment- None Special Rules Leader-Any model in this model¶s squad, within 6´ of this model, may use this model¶s leadership instead of its own when taking morale tests. Veteran of a thousand campaigns- The Aspiring Chaos Space Marine Champion has seen to the destruction of thousands of worlds and witnessed horrors that would turn lesser men into gibbering wretches. The Aspiring Chaos Space Marine Champion is immune to fear. Victory at all costs!- Chaos Space Marines are accustomed to fighting when massively outnumbered. So long as the Aspiring Chaos Space Marine Champion model remains on the table the Chaos Space Marine player need not take a rout check unless they have lost 50% or more of their forces. The Chaos Space Marine player may still choose to voluntarily rout as described in the main rulebook after losing 25% of their forces. 0-1 Chaos Marine Sorcerer Initiate Unlike the Imperium¶s psykers, Chaos Sorcerers have chosen to embrace all of the powers that the warp may offer. Mastery of these gifts comes at a price as Chaos Space Sorcerers combat attributes have withered with nonuse. M WS BS S T I W A LD 4 3 3 4 4 3 1 1 8 Starting Equipment: None Weapons & Equipment: Chaos Marine Space Marine Sorcerers may use any Weapons, Armor and Wargear from the Chaos Armory under the Officers and Recruits Subsections unless otherwise noted. SPECIAL RULES Chaos Psyker: Chaos Marine Sorcerer Initiates utilize the same psychic powers available to the rogue psyker. No Stranger to the Warp: When a Chaos Marine Sorcerer Initiate is forced to make a perils of the warp check they may re-roll the result. The result of this re-roll stands. Hated by the Blood God-Khorne despises those who would place their faith in the finicky ways of sorcery instead of trusting in cold steel. Chaos Sorcerer Initiates can never select a mark of Khorne from the Chaos Armory. 0-2 Chaos Space Marine Possessed The Possessed are Chaos Space Marines who have given themselves to the full glory of Chaos by inviting a Daemon into their bodies. The corrupting influence of this dark spirit twists and torments the Chaos Space Marine¶s body into horrific and unrecognizable shapes. Razor sharp blades erupt from the Possessed¶s body and just as quickly retreat into their horribly mutated forms while forked tongues jut from fang-filled mouths that hunger for the flesh of the emperor¶s servants. M WS BS S T I W A LD 5 5 0 4 4 5 1 1 10 Starting Equipment: Chaos Space Marine Power Armor, Claws and Fangs! Weapons & Equipment: Possessed may not take any weapons or equipment from the Chaos Armory. SPECIAL RULES Immune to Psychology: Possessed are completely immune to psychology. ³Natural Weapons´: Possessed are ³blessed´ with blades that jut from their body that are capable of cutting through even the thickest armor, these blades grant the Possessed +1 S in close combat. However, these weapons make Possessed incapable of wielding any ranged weapons. Possessed suffer no penalties from fighting unarmed in close combat. Daemonic Aura: The Daemon in each Possessed grants its host incredible resilience, many of the Imperium¶s finest warriors have been shocked to see such creatures shrug off direct hits from mighty Leman Russ battle tanks! Possessed have a 5+ invulnerable save. Rewarded by the Dark Gods!: The possessed may acquire mutations after recruitment. As stated on the Mutations section, upon earning Advancement, if the player rolls NEW SKILL he may choose to randomly roll for a mutation instead of a selecting a Skill. The costs, as well as other rules, are detailed in the mutations section. 0-2 Traitor Guard Officers Chaos Space Marine warbands attract any number of followers. Even the Imperium¶s most stalwart heroes are capable of falling to the corrupting influences of chaos. A Traitor Guard Officer is a man who has abandoned the light of the emperor in pursuit of power for his own perverted ends. Most such men fall on the battlefield, as they are used to rouse the cannon fodder that serve their dark masters. A scant few survive the endless campaigns of their dark lords and rise to positions where they can burn their names across the skies of the Imperium. M WS BS S T I W A LD 4 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 7 Starting Equipment: None Weapons & Equipment: Traitor Guard Officers may choose any weapons and equipment from the Chaos Armory¶s Officer or Recruit section unless otherwise specified. RECRUITS 0+ Chaos Space Marines Chaos Space Marines are the elite foot soldiers of the dark gods. While every human soul that falls to Chaos is a betrayal of the emperor¶s righteousness, the fall of a Space Marine is an especially painful wound. Every Space Marine is a battle-tested veteran, more valuable to any field commander than one thousand of even the finest guardsman. Perhaps even more devastating to the Imperium is the loss of an exemplar of the emperor¶s perfection. The Space Marines were created in his image and are the closest that humanity can hope to come to his greatness. If even these mighty warriors can succumb to Chaos¶s temptations then what hope can mortals farther from his wonder possibly have? M WS BS S T I W A LD 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 8 Starting Equipment: None Weapons & Equipment: Chaos Space Marines can be equipped with any items from the Recruits subsection of the Chaos Armory. 0-2 Chaos Space Marine Havocs M WS BS S T I W A LD 4 4 4 4 441 1 8 Starting Equipment: None Weapons & Equipment: May take any weapons & armor from the recruits or heavy weapons subsection of the Chaos Armory unless otherwise specified. 0+ Lesser Daemons Lesser Daemons are psychic manifestations of sentient beings. All spirits of the warp bear some malevolence toward the creatures whose emotions birthed them, Lesser Daemons thirst for nothing more than the chance to tear mortals limb from limb. While hardly seen outside of the warp, in places where the veil is thin Lesser Daemons run rampant. When these Lesser Daemons begin to materialize in great numbers they create a recurring feedback cycle of terror that strengthens their presence outside of the warp. M WS BS S T I W A LD 4 4 0 4 4 4 1 2 10 Starting Equipment: Daemonic Weapons Weapons & Equipment: Lesser Daemons can never carry equipment Special Rules Daemonic Aura: Lesser Daemons are notoriously hard to destroy. As creations of the warp itself the crude weapons of reality have little effect upon their magical essence. Lesser Daemons have a 5+ invulnerable save. Daemon Weapons: Daemonic Weapons count as swords. Immune to Psychology: Lesser Daemons benefit from the immune to psychology special rule. Never learning: As psychic manifestations Lesser Daemons never gain experience. 0+ Chaos Space Marine Chosen Most servants of Chaos choose to follow the undivided aspect of the dark powers. Not so for the Chosen of the Chaos gods. Each of these followers have dedicated their beings to a specific Chaos God, essentially becoming walking embodiments of the particular corruption they worship. Each Chaos god marks his followers in ways that are distinct from the others. These gifts can come in shapes and ways that are as varied as the mind can imagine, from the brazen brass armor of Khorne, the god of skulls, to the bilious plagues bestowed upon the loyal followers of Father Nurgle. M WS BS S T I W A LD 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 8 Starting Equipment: None Weapons & Equipment: Chaos Space Marine Chosen can be equipped with any weapons from the Chaos Armory¶s Recruits Subsection. SPECIAL RULES Immune to Psychology: Chaos Space Marine Chosen all benefit from the immune to psychology special rule. Touched by a god: Chaos Space Marine Chosen MUST take one (and only one!) Chaos mark from the table below. Each model must pay for its mark individually (e.g. 1 Chosen Chaos Space Marine must pay the price for one mark, while a unit of three Chosen Chaos Space Marines must pay for three of the chosen mark) Mark of Khorne: The followers of the blood god revel in carnage and slaughter. Disdaining ranged firepower, Khorne¶s favored care for nothing more than the visceral nature of close combat. Chaos Space Marine Chosen with the mark of Khorne gain +1A. Mark of Slannesh: The followers of the god of lust and decadence have had their senses heightened to superhuman levels in order to revel further in their depraved pleasures. Chaos Space Marine Chosen with the mark of Slannesh gain +1I. Mark of Nurgle: Plagues and disease have ravaged the bodies of the followers of Nurgle. Each is a walking pile of pus and bile, their bodies temples to the rot of Nurgle. Chaos Space Marine Chosen with the mark of Nurgle gain +1T Mark of Tzeentch: Perhaps the strangest of the Chaos Space Marine Chosen, those marked by the Lord of Change undergo a transformation even more extreme than the followers of Nurgle. These strange beings are little more than animated suits of power armor, their bodies reduced to dust and their consciousnesses drained of independent thought. The sight of Tzeentch¶s Thousand Sons, marching silently across the battlefield, bolters belching gouts of pink fire, remains among the eeriest sights of the 41st millennium. Chaos Space Marine Chosen marked by Tzeentch cannot run unless within 6´ or a Chaos Sorcerer Initiate, always strike last in close combat, never have to take difficult terrain tests, never gain experience, ignore target priority, count stunned results as knocked down on the injury chart, must take chaos power armor, chaos power armor helmets, and bolters from the chaos armory, and always count as stationary when firing. CHAOS ARMORY OFFICERS CLOSE COMBAT WEAPONS COMBAT KNIFE CHAINSWORD OR CHAINAXE POWER SWORD (Rare-8) LIGHTNING CLAWS*#(Rare-10) POWER FIST (Rare-9) 10 24 29 48 35 PISTOLS BOLT PISTOL PLASMA PISTOL(Rare-8) 25 25 RAPID FIRE WEAPONS BOLTGUN PLASMA GUN(Rare-8) COMBI-WEAPON*# TWIN LINKED BOLTER (RARE-9)*# 29 35 35 39 GRENADES FRAG GRENADE KRAK GRENADE 8 10 ARMOR CHAOS SPACE MARINE POWER ARMOR CHAOS SPACE MARINE POWER ARMOR HELMET CHAOS SPACE MARINE TERMINATOR ARMOR (RARITY-10)* 25 30 150 WARGEAR REFRACTOR FIELD* BIONIC ARM REPLACEMENT BIONIC EYE REPLACEMENT BIONIC LEG REPLACEMENT INFRA-RED GOGGLES INFRA-RED SIGHT MARK OF KHORNE@(Rare-9) MARK OF NURGLE@(Rare-9) MARK OF TZEENCTH$@(Rare-9) MARK OF SLAANESH@(Rare-9) RED-DOT SIGHT RESOURCE PENDULUM SILENCER SQUAD SHUTTLE(RARE-10)* 36 30 30 30 13 8 50 75 150 30 7 21 21 30 TELESCOPIC SIGHT TRADEMARK ITEM MASTER-CRAFTED WEAPON 10 14 WPN x 5 LIGHTNING CLAWS- Taken as a pair these deadly blades serve as a pair of power swords. Additionally, when the bearer strikes in close combat these allow all failed to-hit rolls to be rerolled. COMBI-WEAPON- These weapons are a combination of a bolter and either a flamer or plasma gun. The flamer or plasma gun may only be fired once per engagement. CHAOS SPACE MARINE ARMOR- This armor grants the wearer a 4+ armor save. When combined with a chaos space marine helmet this armor save is improved to 3+. CHAOS SPACE MARINE HELMET- This item functions as a helmet and respirator as described in the main rulebook. Additionally, this helmet has integrated auspex and when combined with a suit of chaos space marine power armor it grants the wearer a 3+ armor save. CHAOS SPACE MARINE TERMINATOR ARMOR- This ornate suit of armor offers the wearer unrivaled protection on the battlefield. Only the strongest of blows can hope to penetrate the incredibly thick ceramite plates of these relics. The wearer of this suit is granted a 2+ armor save. The suit integrates a chaos space marine helmet, a refractor field, and allows the wearer to deep strike onto the battlefield. Additionally, any model wearing Chaos Space Marine Terminator Armor counts as being stationary for the purpose of firing weapons. MASTER CRAFTED WEAPON- A master crafted weapon is often the culmination of an artisan¶s life work. Every piece of these weapons is lovingly created and even after seeing centuries of duty on the battlefield these weapons have never jammed. A master crafted weapon allows the bearer to re-roll a failed to hit roll once per turn. Remember, you can never re-roll a re-roll. MARK OF KHORNE- A model with a mark of Khorne gains +1A MARK OF SLAANESH- A model with a mark of Slaanesh gains +1I MARK OF NURGLE- A model with a mark of Nurgle gains +1T MARK OF TZEENCTH- A model with a mark of Tzeencth may use one more psychic power per turn than it normally could. Models who could not use psychic powers before taking this mark are now psykers and may choose a psychic power from the rogue psyker¶s psychic power list. REAPER AUTOCANNON- This horrific weapon was originally designed for duty against enemy light tanks. It has the following profile RNG-36´ Strength-7 AP-4 Re-rolls failed to hit rolls, Heavy 2 * LEADER ONLY # ONLY USABLE WITH TERMINATOR ARMOR @ A MODEL CAN ONLY EVER HAVE ONE MARK OF CHAOS. MARKS OF CHAOS CAN NOT BE TRADED OR SOLD. $ LEADER OR CHAOS SORCERER INITIATE ONLY
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