WADIA S Leucoderma

March 28, 2018 | Author: sgfdsgeg | Category: Homeopathy, Tuberculosis, Autoimmunity, Clinical Medicine, Medical Specialties



WADIA S. R., Leucoderma its homeopathic treatment (wda1) WADIA S. R. Foreword PAGE i I had presented a paper at the Belgium Homoeopathic Conference on Leucoderma about ten years ago. At that time, the material at my disposal was less. It has been increased with the passage of years and I have been able to collect more interesting cases and more data for our profession. Before I publish my findings I thought it fit to contact my homoeopathic professional brothers of some standing individually and collectively through the press so that we can exchange our ideas and findings and enrich our knowledge about this disease. Some of my colleagues whom I knew personally and to whom I sent personal letters did suggest their ways of treating the disease. They supplied me with the names of the remedies and in some cases, their indications. No provings were available of some of those remedies, but they were clinical observations. Even reference to standard books on materia medica did not indicate anything about some of the remedies having cured white spots. Doctors who advised me and suggested remedies are Dr R.S. Pareek of Pareek Hom. Foundation, Agra, Dr S.P. Koppikar, Editor of Heritage, Madras, Dr R.P. Patel, my old and learned colleague who prepared potencies for me. Dr P.S. Krishnamurti of Hyderabad, Dr Gandhi of Surat, Dr Rehmany of Malegaon, Dr Ajit Kumar Basu, Assistant Director, Central Research Institute, Calcutta and many more. Actually I wanted case history with symptoms and indication of the remedies but that was not possible. Some of my learned friends in their letters were doubtful about Ars. Sulpha Flava and its indications. I searched many books where only a mention is made by some that it cures white spots. To my good luck, I found a detailed description of this remedy in Kent's Lesser Writings on page 18, also in Allen's Encyclopaedia. This remedy is much misused, not only in India, but in the United Kingdom and the USA too. Dr Kent's book gives mental symptoms along with general symptoms, and if you are fortunate to get these symptoms along with the white spots on the patient, this remedy will definitely help to cure. The cure takes a long time, even 5 to 7 years in chronic cases of 10 to 20 years' standing. Best results are obtained in recent cases of 1 to 2 years' duration and where suppression is not done - much by external or internal medication. I have not been able to cure spots 10 to 14 inches long in upper or lower extremities, or extensive white patches covering the whole chest or abdomen. I have treated so far more than 200 cases and have kept detailed case reports of the same. Out of them, some discontinued their treatment in a month or two, even some did not come again as I frankly told them that we cannot help them much. In my capacity as a homoeopathic practitioner, I have been able to persuade the patients to have their stool examination done and about 50% have Cyst of Ent Amoeba Histolytica or ova of round worms or thread worms or other intestinal parasites. Prescribing from these symptoms and advising them to drink boiled water and improve the habits of eating and drinking, the results have been very satisfactory. In case, where there is a history of Diabetes in the patients or parents, urine and blood examination help to confirm the cause and a suitable remedy was found. The patients were given a diet for this disease which also helps. Routine blood examination or blood grouping was not possible in private practice. But some patients carried out the routine blood examination where it was found that Haemoglobin was low. Biopsy reports were not possible but in one doubtful case, it was done because two skin specialists differed in their diagnosis. PAGE ii I am publishing a few cases which are cured or practically cured after a long treatment. In two cases of children, of recent origin, the spots disappeared in a very short time. I do not claim, as many do, that one dose or one remedy was given and there was a miraculous cure. Depending upon the totality of symptoms, the remedy was prescribed and also on the Miasmatic basis. The remedy was changed when symptoms changed. The past history of the patient and the family history helped much. We have to question the patient very carefully and repeatedly to get the cause. I have repeated high potency when the patients have told me that they were better with the previous medicines and not placebo and there was no further improvement or regression of white spots. I am publishing very few pictures of patients before and after they are cured. Many patients were ladies and they do not like to be photographed and those that are cured do not like their photos to be printed in the book, so there is a paucity of photographs. I am thankful to my assistant, Dr Parinaz Humranwala, for helping me in this book. Readers are requested to give their comments for alteration and addition if any. Dr S.R. Wadia PAGE 1 Leucoderma: the homoeopathic view point Leucoderma This disease, which causes white patches on the skin, has been known for centuries and different medical sciences are trying to cure it differently. First and foremost, it is not a contagious disease, but causes a lot of disfigurement, particularly in females. There is a lot of mental confusion in one who develops this disease. It additionally involves a social stigma in this country. As such, its treatment is important even from the cosmetic point of view. Human skin in different parts of the world has different hues. The colour of the skin is due to a pigment called Melanin. It is more in coloured people than among whites. When this pigment decreases, the skin turns white. It is suggested that the pigment increases when the parts are exposed to sun or ultra violet rays. Hence, many physicians ask their patients to expose the white spots to the sun after application or ingestion of their favourite medicine. But, in my humble opinion, external applications temporarily turn the skin rose red or dark. At times, even blisters are formed. After some time, the skin again turns white. One of my patients, who applied probably Bavchi powder, mixed with water, within a day, had huge blisters on his feet which were opened by me and dressed. After the reaction subsided, the skin turned the same colour. PAGE 2 Ayurvedic physicians have been using Bavchi or Babchi (Psoralea Corylifolia Linn) for centuries, externally as well as internally. In the Atharva Veda mention is made of Shavata Kushta, and a description of this plant to cure the same is also there. The Unani hakims use a plant called Ami Majus, the powder made from both the preparations has a sweetish, peculiar odour, is brick red in colour, looks like make-up and when applied, covers the white spots and turns the skin pink. A brief description of both these plants is given below: 1. Babchi (Psoralea Corylifolia Linn) Is an erect branch tree, 4 feet in height, with stems and branches grooved and with a few hairs. The leaves 1-2 inches broad, covered with numerous black dots on both the surface, 10 to 30 flowered racemes, coralia yellow or bluish purple, pods very small without hair, pitted black beaked. The seeds are used for medicinal purposes. The seeds are powdered, made into a paste and applied to white spots which are then exposed to the sun. 2. Ami Majus Is an Egyptian plant and has been used for the treatment of this disease from the 11th century onwards. Ibn El Bilar stated that the plant resembles Apium, but its flowers are white, those of Apium are yellow in colour. Its fruit resembles that of Celery, but differs in being longer, in this category falls not only Chloromycetine. who wear tight dresses and bras. A young Christian lady visited me for white spots. Some people find it difficult to take as it upsets the digestion. The drinking water is so much infected and polluted with the habits of our people and lack of toilet facilities. There was constant friction between them. Here. ears.narrower and has a pungent and slightly bitter taste. On carefully questioning her. One such case of an Army Officer's son has been given on page 29. He mentions that the fruit of this plant is used for the treatment of Leucoderma. she told me that her husband was at sea and she working here in spite of having two children. Friction. but other powerful antibiotics which are also responsible for these conditions. PAGE 3 Some mention that their seeds and roots were also used. Jaundice and liver affections are also found responsible for these conditions. or Giradia Lamblia. Many patients gave a history of typhoid fever treated with Chloromycetine which destroys bowel flora. anxiety. . nose. like the lips. As mentioned before. 5. this disease appears around the small of the back. PAGE 4 Causes from homoeopathic view point 1. Though vaccination is not done nowadays. Diabetes in the parents or in the patients is also found responsible in these cases. After a certain amount of time. adenitis and tabes mesenterica. Patients look older and the skin turns white including the hair. as it has side-effects. The picture of the plant is shown with beautiful flowers which resemble the flowers of Lady's lace. shock. She burst into tears when she was telling the story. This is verified by me by having the stools examined. is also responsible. Cases have been mentioned in literature where continuous air raids in the last war or shock of firing has turned the skin white overnight or in a few days. Tubercular infection in the patients and more in the parents have been found very much responsible for this disease. In some cases. as a result of tight shoes. There was no history of causation mentioned above. 3. Corticosteriods are still used by the medical profession. There are about 50% of patients with a history of dysentery and worms who developed white spots. some develop blisters or itching over the skin and some benefit after a prolonged course. tubercular cervical. The patient is exposed to the sun for one or two hours till sweating occurs. This includes pleurisy. Psoralea compounds were discovered by scientists from the above two plants and modern medicine is using it a great deal. PAGE 5 7. the seeds are also powdered and applied externally or mixed with honey and given internally as a Linctus. 4. The parts most affected by this unfortunate disease are near muco-cutaneous junctions. eyes. In females. The stools show vegetative or cystic forms of worms. 2. 6. and the small amount that she receives giving tuition was not allowed to be retained by here mother-in-law. Her deep grief was responsible for this condition. tension causes changes in the skin. This was hailed as a great research and even the description and mode of application and ingestion of the drug was found in the press. Along with this. genital organs and most of the pressure points. The most important cause according to my findings and statistics is chronic Amoebic Dysentery and intestinal parasites. but this drug cannot be given for a long time. those patients whom I saw had a history of repeated vaccinations plus inoculations particularly in the Army and Navy persons. the patient develops white spots. the breast and nipple. Suppressed skin diseases with a lot of external applications as well as powerful internal modern drugs. A few years back. or moles. Though many in the medical profession give a green signal for marriage. After suppression of skin diseases or removal of the warts by cutting or cautery. our great antipsoric remedy Sulphur can be thought of. (ii) Hereditary: Some 50% of cases gave history of this disease in their families. Family history of leucoderma in both or either parents the children inherit the disease. experimented with some 250 patients who were under his treatment for Leucoderma. Syphilinum CM was generally administered before Thuja or Silicea. 13. He classified them into 4 groups: (i) Hormonal (ii) Hereditary (iii) Acquired and (iv) Idiopathic PAGE 7 (i) Hormonal: In this category the large number of cases had low sodium potassium range (15-20) and sodium phosphorus range (80-125) ratios. PAGE 6 Thuja will be found very helpful.a child 8 years old. One of my cases. Her child also developed vitiligo at the age of 6 years. homoeopathic physician. However. particularly when the patient is worst at night and has stomatitis. gastro-enteritis. the fourth child of a vitiliginous mother. individual cases were given Tuberculinum 1M or Calcarea Carb. responsible for these conditions. potassium and inorganic phosphorus levels were estimated. For the third miasmatic condition. 12. For psychotic conditions. It was observed that there were certain points where the ratio between sodium and potassium is low. When in the history the cases indicated night aggravation of bone pains or salivation of mouth during sleep. as an inter-current remedy. Here there was a history of Leucoderma in mother as well as grandmother. cough etc. 9. In my small series of cases. ringworm have been merely driven inside or cleared as a result of the application of ointments. a girl aged 20. The result was satisfactory. are very often responsible for some peculiar skin diseases and this is one of them. Mercury preparations and preferably Leuticum will be found helpful. The homoeopathic drug of choice as per the symptoms for this case was found by him to be Sepia followed by Thuja and Silicea depending on the history of repeated vaccines and diseases. where I obtained the history of tuberculosis in the family and the patient was constantly suffering from colds. Bacillinum and Tuberculinum were found very helpful. Besides the usual medicines being given. (iii) Acquired: Here there was no family history of Leucoderma. I have used this remedy in persons who have been repeatedly vaccinated. Late Prof. 10. I found tuberculosis and diabetes in the family. I have already mentioned Thuja. 11. The majority had low sodium potassium ration range 15-30 with higher sodium and phosphorus ratio (125-150). where there are bilateral patches on the skin. was also affected with the disease. Cautery of the skin. but the patient had suffered from diseases of gastro-intestinal tract such as amoebic or bacillary dysentery. that is the child's grandmother also had vitiligo. who have nightmares and the skin over the vaccination marks has turned white. . Miasmatic Conditions From among the three miasms like the Tridosh Theory of Ayurveda. when she was pregnant. scabies. Case n° 6 . I have found this should be avoided. Dr Mofti gives cases where a female aged 35 developed vitiligo. had bilateral white patches on both the knees and other parts of the body. particularly in cases where chronic eczema. The mother of the patient. In such cases. A daughter of a friend of mine developed extensive white patches all over the body after her warts were injected and removed by a physician. depending on the symptoms. Subodh Mehta. which is Syphilis. routine blood examinations as well as blood group and serum sodium. psora is very much responsible for this condition. particularly the growths on the skin like warts. high and very high. In those cases.8. neuro-dermatosis and inhibition of some intra-cellular enzymatic process have been suggested. Sir J. Sulph were given. (ii) A neurogenic factor is involved. Lerner 1959). immunological etc. inflammatory. Leucoderma is often associated with the deficiency of the vitamins (Sieve. 1965). infectious.J. genetic. the reasons for this de-pigmentation are unknown. In the course of above studies an interesting observation was made that the majority of cases suffering from Leucoderma belong to blood group O (4) RH + compared to a few of A (2) RH + while A group was an exception. resulting from damage to nerve fibres. Bacillinum. 1965. vitamin deficiency. Phos or Nat. Thereafter constitutional remedies such as Kali Sulph. PAGE 8 14. Ghoshal (1959) has reported significantly high levels of serum ceruloplasmin (the form in which 90% of copper occurs in blood) in Leucoderma patients. Shroff. Carb or Cal. gave some interesting information. The remedies of choice for these cases were Nux Vomica. specific antigens in the saliva of vitiligo patients. Lerner 1959. The tyrosinase enzyme molecule itself contains 0. Dr Subodh Mehta Centre or Research minded homoeopaths have not done any further research from this view point. adrenal.enteric fever and were treated with chemotherapeutic drugs and antibiotics. According to Siddick (1962) heredity seems to play a positive role and Fitzpatrick (1965) believes it to be inherited as an irregular dominant trait. as cited by Sulzbe ger et al. 1969. There is some evidence to suggest that the loss of pigment could be attributed to the failure of neural or neurochemical control of melanocytes. Since optimum body levels of vitamins is a prerequisite for tyrosinase activity (Breathnach 1971). It is 70 times more active than manganous and 100 times more active than ferrous ions (Scanlon 1969). Genetic predisposition is recognised.e. 1973 by Dr J. pernicious anaemia thyroid diseases and diabetes mellitus.C. Ochi et al 1969. humoral. Journal of Gujarat University B-Science of August 1975. Probably as a result of these powerful drugs.g. trophoneurotic. Ingram and Brain. It is reported that vitiligo is associated with certain organ specific auto immune conditions. (i) Dr P. Our studies on the blood metabolites of normal and Leucoderma patients have shown that both copper and ceruloplasmin levels are low in vitiligo patients. (iii) Vitamin B Complex: It is established the nutritional factors affect the process of pigmentation. A paper on vitiligo and albinism published in the Indian Journal of Medical Science 2786. the intestinal mucosa is affected which causes tyrosin deficiency leading to disturbed melanin formation. have been incriminated as etiological agents. dietary. nutritional. 1957. Cal. enzymatic. Among the minerals. Certain number of vitiligo patients do give a family history of the disease. vitamins and certain metals should not be lost sight of. According to Vidya. Bor et al. In this respect dietary proteins.2% copper and is synthesised in the ribosomal fraction of the melanocyles. i. 15. Hospital. (iv) Idiopathic: These cases would not come in all the above categories. Kumta of Pune is of the opinion that fundamental factors influencing formation and subsequent behaviour or melanin pigment are a total body mechanism. Sulzberger et al. 16. genetic. Chelidonium or Phosphorus. . Unfortunately. Biochemistry and Endocrinology Melanin formation depends on the status of the enzyme tyrosinase. retired Professor of Dermatology. autoimmune bodies..e. i. Many factors. and others. Gonadal. copper has the highest catalytic activity on tyrosianase (Fleshch and Rothman 1948).S. neuro-endocrine mechanisms. Many factors e. thyroidal as well as pituitary disfunctions have been associated with skin de-pigmentation (Rober 1951. It is stated that a relationship had been found to exist between vitiligo and several presumably auto immune disorders. 380009). Mojamdar and K. So beware of it. PAGE 12 (ix) Radium Bromide: In case of radiation exposures followed by white spots. (ii) Medorrhinum 200. is contrary food. 3. the food will play an important part in the cure of this disease. tuberculosis. 30 in patients who have liver complaints due to chronic dysentery. PAGE 11 2. milk with oily food or curds with sour dishes and radish. Dr S. has suggested the following line of treatment: (i) Syphilinum 200. Instead of sugar jaggery preferably black can be taken.S. milk and meat together. Ahmedabad. (iv) Lyco 3.V. He has also suggested besides Nylon. genitalia is affected or patches are on bones. Patel. 10M in cases of suppressed skin troubles and history of Lupus. Green and red radish.P. Sharma. After eating the cyst wall is digested and the tiny worms are released in the intestines. add bran to the wheat flour as much as possible. Sulphur brings back white spots which were healed. they don't know what they eat under various fancy names. states that best results are obtained by him with Acid Nit. (vii) Bacillinum 1M. Those which are itching type require Nat. Dr R. psoralens may be the components of normal diet as they are present in such plants as celery. School of Sciences. 6. Avoid drinking outside water. Nylon 30 and 200 has also helped him. As such. He has suggested that oil of Bavchi or the Mother Tincture should be added to plane Vaseline in very small proportion and to apply externally on the skin might bring some colour. Modern people eat too much and it is a fashion to eat out. Bran should not be removed from the wheat flour. lips and scalp. Ayurvedic physicians strongly recommend avoiding contrary diet. particularly the flesh of pigs such as ham.lips. (iii) Sepia 3. PAGE 10 Diet This plays an important part and certain foods are considered responsible for this disease. Bilateral type takes longer. Dr Curie proved it by placing on abdomen radium dust. Fruit. hepatitis or jaundice. According to Dr Mufti. Various Opinions of Homoeopathic Physicians 1. helps in many cases who had asthma. boil your water and filter it. (viii) Rastinon: Cases depend on liver problems. M. pork should be avoided by these patients. Koppikar. parsley. Patches on face.C. Mur 3. spinach. Sepia up to 10M is also helpful when indicated. bacon.J. 1M single dose every 15 days if syphilitic miasm is there and mucus membrane . 3. 1M on history of Psychotic Miasm and too much vaccination and if patches are on muscular parts.S. Please take wheat chapati and avoid white bread. plumes. carrots. Gujarat University. past Principal of Kottayam Homoeopathic College and an ingenious research worker. Extensive patches take years. beet roots. Chinoy. alcohol. the famous homoeopath from Madras. Milk and curds with flesh and fish is also to be avoided. For example. milk and milk products are to be avoided. Pareek of Agra suggests as follows: . figs. Zoology Department.P. carrots. but I have not used both the remedies so far. This animal harbours a lot of parasites and eggs which are in the form of cysts. to do havoc in human beings. (vi) Hydrocotyle 1. N. They may also play a role in the physiology and biochemistry of normal human skin. Rastinon. 200 and 1M. Dr R. (v) Ars. black currents and black dates are very good as diet. caraway. anise. Shah. Pan and tobacco are to be avoided. Flesh of unhealthy animals. for those children and women who have TB history or hereditary TB. Iodide 3. citrus fruits etc. mostly in children and women. skin trouble ringworm in the past. Filaria.(V. restores it back. The disease is thought to be transmitted through an autosomal dominant gene. He supported his reason by saying that in burns. we try to push a dose of constitutional remedy which certainly helps the treatment. It is in the form of a lotion to be applied on white patches thrice daily with a 15 minutes exposure to ultra violet-rays once a day. Dr P. Trauma induces vitiligo. especially during the last three decades.5-21% in India and 33-38% in Western countries and occurrence in mono-zygotic twins. onset at sites of rubbing and vaccination. (ii) Cobaltum Nitricum: In industrial workers handling cobalt. Addison's disease. Studies on the etiopathogenesis of the disease through clinical genetic. drug rash and heavy smoking predisposing vitiligo of the lips.S. hypo and hyper-thyroidism pernicious anaemia. Pulsatilla. My uncle. Krishnamurthy of Hyderabad has written an article on amoebiasis which was published in the British Homoeopathic Journal. it may be quite probable that melanin production from tyrosine in vitiligo patients is blocked at the quinone system due to a hypoxic state and the semiquinone system may be the modus operandi. PAGE 13 Recently a Cuban cure for Leucoderma was advised in the press. has published a paper on 'Etiology of Vitiligo'. I tried to get a homoeopathic potency to try on patients but could not. Our results in the treatment of Vitilago are to the tune of 25% total recovery.B. It is also available in the form of injections. as has been reported after severe sunburn. 4. herpes simplex. This requires further research. The tyrosinase system remaining normal. (iii) Cantharis-V: This is a supreme remedy giving maximum benefit. Professor Ranjit K. filariasis and amoebiasis in tropical countries come under that group. Guided by his explanation and 50 years experience with the patients we have been using this drug very often with very good results. immunological and experimental methods. biochemical. Bryonia. tuberculosis. Along with this. who accomplished dramatic cures in the disease. the skin loses its pigments and Cantharis being a great burn remedy. Assistant Surgeon . He states that along with this miasm. Dr Govind Agrawal. This remedy in lower dilution has helped to devlop re-pigmentation in the victimes. Various sorts of gastro-intestinal ailments with or without parasitic infestations are by far the commonest associations of vitiligo in Indian patients. specially various forms of discoloration. disclosed me as a specific for vitilago. 5. The precise cause of vitiligo remains an enigma. Colchicum and Dulcamara are included. He mentions Mercury as a principal remedy. Rhus Tox. a great Hahnemannian homoeopath. document isolated but significant facts on the various patho-physiological aberrations. 1966. He has mentioned miasmatic theory in support of the same. He states when these patients become debilitated by stress and strain or by some acute infection. Panja of Medical College. as also diabetes mellitus. B. sari and dhoti injuries at the waist and gingivitis. Dr Ganpati Roy. PAGE 15 6. Calcutta. viz. All mysterious diseases have been linked with auto-immunity and it has indeed been so in vitiligo due to circumstantial association of other auto-immune diseases with demonstrable organ specific antibodies. histological. The trade name is Melagenina. they have faced with the problem of discoloration of the skin usually having hypopigmentary patches. M. He is of the opinion that amoebiasis does a lot of harm and causes white patches on the skin. With every case of course. Nux Vomica. the dormant dysenteric miasm will take the upper hand like psora and invade the organism. physiological.(i) Cuprum Aceticum 6: Copper being the chief source to produce melanin and have produced different kinds of skin lesions in poisoning.S. This is a placenta extract. Genetic concept of vitiligo evolves from positive family histories in 7. the dynamic action and the chain of chemical actions between the two must be known to understand Leucoderma. Nat mur: Crude not refined containing other salts of magnesium etc. PAGE 18 Leucoderma Leucoderma Vaidyaratna Dr Chandrasekhar G. and the skin is devoid of normal colour. The sister salt: Nat. The types of Nat. In addition to this. Police Hospital Vidisha (M. Ayurveda is upveda or 5th veda. Chopra and Dr Basu used and have the opinion as follows: . Nat mur: Homoeopathic. is no medicine. Nat mur: Crude refined (table salt). Carb. In fact for white patches. 2.or (Psoralea Corylifolia) is mentioned. life of cells of the body. Charak in general and Sushruta in special referred to this in detail and use of BVACHI-Ens Purple Flenbane . In Atharva veda Swetha Kushta is referred. He states that this disease belongs to tubercular group of miasm because Tuberculinum as inter-current remedy gives a good result. The panicky fear is due to the word 'Kodha'. Later on.e. 3. Nat Mur. which is a pigmentary disfigurement. Nat mur: Cosmic. Col. Potencies: 30. PAGE 16 Natrum mur pons asinorum of homoeopathy Dr p. 1. Nux Vomica. i. ) He is also doing research on Leucoderma with homoeopathic remedies.Medical Officer. we have come in contact. Lyco 200 and Arsenic sulf-flavum 30 in common with hydrocotyle Q or Psoralia Q or Piper methysticum Q in common. Sol. 4... Mur. Branch of Atharva Veda which dates back to 1500 BC or more.P.m. b. The physiological action. 5. Physiologists opine that Nat. The Bavchi is used externally as well as internally both. about 50 per cent cure is obtained in those who take treatment for one to three years. 1M were used. Pulsatilla. Diagnosis is on clinical grounds only. One takes salt as food ingredient or as it is natural content of food. with governing salt effect. 200. To neutralise this. In all. Argentum Nit. Mur in presence of water hydrolyses into Caustic (NaoH). Acid Nit.b. he has treated 154 cases in 10 years. Nat mur: Biochemic. Nat mur: Zodiac sign. Cina. s Natrium muriaticum Leucoderma is the effect of excess of crude salt being taken. Silica (its chronic Silicea) as well as Merc. Far from it. 7. thus caustic burns the melanin producing cells of epidermis. Popularly called 'Safed Dagh' or Leucoderma is never mentioned in Ayurveda as 'Kusutha' or Leprosy. and Tuberculinum have been used as inter-current medicines. 6. Calphos. Mur. He has given me 4 cases which are published in this book. But civilised men ingest crude salt in large amounts with any and everything. His patients are all from village side and he is able to take pictures at various stages of cure. lactic acid by normal cell anaerobic respiration is released but this is in very less quantity. are the various forms of same chemical having variant action on the tissues of the body. in Ayurveda 18 types of Maha Kushta (Leprosy) are mentioned. According to him. m. Thakkur: Vitiligo or 'Shweta Kustha' is most misunderstood as far as Ayurvedic scientific treaties are concerned. He states all patients were given: Ferrum Phos 30. Nat. rahmany. Leucoderma or vitiligo and credit goes to ingredients Tamra bhasma. and then pool of praises we find for use of Tamra. only too spicy.. but adults have dreams of falling.. with loss of appetite. Now is the time to give the indicated remedy which starts working well.. Many vaidyas use Gandhak rasayan (purified sulphur product) which is used for blood disorders. which is mainly known as a liver tonic and used in jaundice." ie Tamra is very good for digestive rejuvenation and excellent vermifuge (worms) and in Rakta vikruti (vition of blood). are dull since those inoculations were given and I find after three doses of Thuja 200. If there is a history of suppression of skin diseases or any other suppression in this modern world. like suppressed diarrhoea. This is not necessary. It will also cure along with psora where there are suppressed sycotic and syphilitic miasmatic symptoms. I am of the opinion that Thuja works as an antidote to all these things.says Chopra. the patient's general condition improves. A nation must be removed. this remedy is the most important and greatest anti psoric. Many a physician asks the patient to avoid salt in total. is also useful in Swetha Kustha. No strong dietary regimen is necessary. grey hair. Corylifolia is the only drug which has a duel action on both Roagets cell and the melanoblastic cell of the skin.. and their stimulation by Bavchi oil leads them to form and exceed the pigment which gradually diffuses into the discoloured areas" .. Sulphur The second important remedy. In authentic work like Rasa Tarangini I found. My late Guru has explained to me that Arogyavardhini. deep fried. too sweets should be cut down or used rarely. Typhoid fever and in tropics many other fevers. Chaulmogra and Tuwaraka oil. startling in sleep. In Leucoderma . PAGE 19 "Tamram Drepananam Liffamans Krimimarns Kustha Gomaya Dhawan Sanam. have warts on the face or on the body. (Army and Navy personnel).M.. discoloured skin to normal colour within 3 months and this is well tried and prescribed. obesity. and kustha . "The oil of Bavchi changes white skin. Children are given Polio Triple BCG and MMR inoculations. for application and orally I prescribe Ayurvedic blood purifies. very much the same as Hahnemann mentions regarding psora and the use of Sulphur as an inter-current remedy. dysentery. non-toxic and free from side-effects. and a number of modern drugs.. My second reason for giving this remedy in cases of history of tuberculosis or respiratory diseases in the patients is according to Dr Burnett in his book on "Tumours" on page 315 he states Bacillinum will not act very well unless Thuja is given first.. I have since 40 years of my medical practice tried combination of Bavachi. All krimshar (Krumi=worms+Hara=destroyer) work well in Leucoderma. or shall we say the first in cases where there are no symptoms of Thuja. PAGE 20 My findings Thuja occidentalis The readers will find this remedy being given very often by me at the beginning of the case. My reason was symptoms of Thuja are present. Cell. constipation. Where Dr Basu says. I have tried this Arogyavardini or alone Tamra bhasma in patient with Leucoderma and I strongly advocate research in this direction. There dietary restrictions become necessary and alone purified sulphur is to be used with great care. jaundice."So far as is known P. Not only children. Whereas Arogyavardhini containing Tamra is completely safe. loha triphala and kadu. and especially 'Arogyavardhini' which contains Tamra Bhasma (purified copper oxide) in very small trace of one quarter to one half grain and also contained Triphala and other herbs. specially in children and modern patients who have taken a number of vaccinations and inoculations. and clears the sycotic background. . general anasarca. Since then I started collection on Tamra (copper) in ayurvedic literature. Vaccinosis evidently comes in the way. mica. We get history of asthma. question the patients carefully and repeatedly for past chest disease. ask them whether they had any chest trouble and if a lot of injections are given to them or to the child. vagina and on the top of the head. Nux vomica This remedy is required initially when the patients come after having a number of strong modern drugs. merry-go-round and giant wheel also upsets the patients. He is able to eat well. prominent ribs and prominent clavicles. soles. It probably acts as an antidote to clean the background. dysparunia and frigidity is noted. There are many patients who are not clear or educated enough to tell us about their parents. PAGE 23 Mercurius solubilis . pneumonia. He is better on the whole but it has no effect on white spots. Besides the usual white discoloration. My first case Baby V. He has loss of weight. scanty and painful menses in young girls. Bacillinum will work well if it is TB of the lung. but it should be used very carefully. Here too. Due to poverty and lack of toilet facilities. Books describe Sulphur as a ragged philosopher. prurites. PAGE 21 Bacillinum burnett The third most important remedy is Bacillinum or Tuberculinum in my cases. it requires an antidote. If parents are available. So try to get the symptoms in a tactful manner. vulva. and Drosera were prescrbed. they prefer to be alone. but even in clean patients the remedy can be given if other symptoms are present. Many a time you get symptoms of this remedy. but are not able to cure completely with this remedy alone. anus. Generally. we can draw our conclusions about the disease. that Sulphur symptoms should be present like heat in the palms. Most of the patients complain of hypermesis (morning sickness) along with motion sickness. vomiting or headache travelling in a car or bus. As we question the patients repeatedly for past skin diseases when we want to prescribe Sulphur. The patients suffer from chronic cold. PAGE 22 Sepia officinalis The symptoms of this remedy are found in a good deal of patients particularly in females. This remedy definitely helps to remove the above symptoms and white spots become pink or darker. cough and occasional history of haemoptysis is available. eyes.G. This remedy helps the patient to get over the ineffectual urge for stools and his digestion improves. but that is not found in all cases. Swing. flatchested young boys or girls. these patients have irregular menses either early or late. These patients are not social. Leucorrhoea. but for TB not. I have found Pulsatilla very useful for the same. bronchitis and even TB in patients. Rarely. but the most important thing is this. in the same way. but Tuberculinum Bovinum or Drosera will work better if there is a history of glandular or bony tuberculosis. sleep well. I have often found that they state when we ask them if the fluid in the chest was removed. he many not take a bath and look dirty. had bone TB and recovered one hundred per cent after Tub Bov. he or she is a hot patient but could be chilly.this remedy will help. The remedy can be stopped if there is an aggravation. as it requires complementary remedy Nat Mur. the reply is in the affirmative. particularly about pleurisy. Potentised Sulphur is a gift to us from Hahnemann. nausea. Irritability and obstinacy is also noted. loss of appetite. More often there is a family history of TB or pleurisy. You may start from 30 to 200 and can go up to CM gradually and repeat the remedy as long as the patient feels better or spots are decreasing and if general symptoms are improving. Better warmth of bed. When there is a history of suppressed itch.. Calc. This remedy. removes the symptoms but spots do not disappear completely. painful. They perspire in bed and do not tolerate too hot or too cold a climate. Extremities Cold hands and feet. Graphites Besides the above remedy. Perspiration genitalia. very sensitive and touchy. dreams amorous. In some of the patients along wit this there is a desire for eating chalk. Sleep Deep. drafts of cold air. Desires warm things. nose. Purpura haemorrhagia. Very thirsty. Milk upsets the stomach. Sex Stitches in glans penis and scrotum. Leucorrhoea excoriating. quarrelsome. occasionally. More at the angle of the mouth. Carb. Fear of cloud also. jaundice with liver enlargement. Urine Dribbling. they are as under: PAGE 24 If you find either mental. Briefly. Wide awake 3 am and start to sleep after. and I found to my pleasant surprise the detailed description of this remedy in Kent's Lesser Writing. Blotches blue. Digestive symptoms Ravenous appetite with easy satiety. nipples.This remedy is indicated in many cases with a history of dysentery with mucus and blood. Graphites will be found useful. etc. liver spots and white spots. as mentioned below. Along with it. Must hurry up or urine escapes. Scratching worst. difficult and at times involuntary at night. Mind Patient is very irritable. like Sepia. Both are obese patients but their characteristic and symptoms are different. Carb. PAGE 25 I have totally treated about 200 cases from 1974 to 1988 . Fear at night of dark. pencils. vulva etc. constipation alternating with diarrhoea. Graphites and Calc. As such. This is the most abused remedy because I find that the prescription from foreign countries also for this disease is the same. general or sexual symptoms along with the white spots. anxious of death and of the dead. Skin Marked coldness of the skin of the body. of evil and ghosts. will be very often found suitable for females with irregular menses. glans penis. Modalities Worst before midnight or after midnight. Arsenicum sulphuratum flavum Many of our friends have told me that they are disappointed by prescribing this remedy. meat and stimulant. Discoloration of skin. pain in the limbs after midnight. come in the picture. I was on the look-out for some positive literature. Ulcers prepuce. The real cause is this. Weeping at night and occasionally weeps during sleep. aversion to fat food. calf muscles and soles. the patient will definitely get well. there may be fissure at the same spot. particularly in children. eyes. These patients are worse at night with salivation and have a syphilitic miasm. He is a chilly patient. that they are merely prescribing on the name of the disease. Suspicious of his friends and family. menses copious and too frequent. Itching of vulva. Nitricum acidum I have used this remedy in cases where white spots are found at the muco-cutaneous junction. Very few books have given the characteristic symptoms of this remedy. Eruptions itching moist modular urticaria. cramps. Transections of International Homoeopathic Congress 1967/Leucoderma by Professor S. III Edition 5. The remaining 50 patients have shown improvement to a good deal.Male 40% Female 60% Out of this. jaundice. Vitiligo and Psoralens by A. Now out of remaining 100 cases.F. Diseases of the Skin by Frederiek M. They are still continuing the treatment. typhoid and different types of worms 79 2 3 4 5 Vaccination and inoculation 25 Suppressed skin diseases 21 Tuberculosis 12 Asthma 5 Family History 1 Tuberculosis 30 2 Leucoderma 29 3 Diabetes 15 4 Suppressed skin diseases 15 PAGE 26 Remedies that helped the patients to get well: Tuberculinum or Tuberculinum Bovinum Bacillinum 27 Thuja 26 Sulphur 22 Sepia 14 Merc Sol. Dastur 4. Drugs of Hindusthan by Sarat Chandra Ghosh.F.M. Dearborn . 12 Acid Nitric 10 References 1.M. The following table shows the past and family history of cases (in number): 1 PAST HISTORY Intestinal diseases including dysentery (amoebic). Now the remaining 75 were treated for a longer period and a good deal of improvement was seen in 25 cases with a complete cure in 10 to 12 patients (case histories are given). Medicinal Plants of India and Pakistan by J. Dastur 3. further 25 discontinued the treatment as they had extensive lesions. Mehta 6. Everybody's Guide to Ayurvedic Medicine by J. Elel Mofty 2. 50% of cases dropped out after first or second consultation. 06. Psoralin was given one year back for four months.A. urine normal.08. Past History: Dysentery.12. near the knees. This child is studying in a boarding school where repeated inoculations are given.83 Spots same bacillinum 200 (3) 01. back and left eye. lamblia and cysts of ent. chicken pox. Family History: Paternal aunt tuberculosis. Isonex given.08. BCG polio and triple taken. Col.85 Now better. Shroff and others 8. injected on the spots. The stool examination shows giradia. legs. Bov. thirst.Bio-Chemistry and Endocrinology of Melanin Formation 9.7. Ahmedabad. Bov. in the army. spot fading Tub. August 1975 . Ayurvedic treatment at Wardha and Delhi tried. 1. Thuja 10M (3) 13.83 Better.83 Frequent cold Bacillinum (3) PAGE 28 30.10. Patient had white patches on feet. Col. spots fading SL 05. Age 6 years. One skin specialist Dr M. Panja PAGE 27 Clinical cases Leucoderma Case n° 1 Name: Baby Vandana. His father is a medical man and a Lt. no cold or cough and she is enjoying excellent health.C.83 Patient feels better bacillinum 1M (3) 25. Vidya. Journal of Gujarat University. Etiology of Vitiligo by Professor Ranjit K. appetite better. Age 9 years 1. 4. The cause behind was bone TB and TB in the family also. 5. stool. elbows.83 Still better Most of the spots have gone Only one on left ankle Weight improved Drosera 1M (3) This remedy was given up to CM with excellent results. measles. Disc/Electropheretic Studies of Serum Proteins in Vitiligo and Albinism by Dr J. Psoralin and Cortison also taken.85 Spot on eye disappeared only faint spot on ankle Tub. 2. Patient has passed thread worms and round worms. histoyltica. . 1M (3) 08. left upper eyelid and groin.85 I saw her again a little worse. Case n° 2 Master C. bone tuberculosis.09. 06. C/o Lt. X-ray of the heels shows ostteomyelitis of calcaneous bone. spot on the foot same.11. Paternal grandmother also TB. 3. but one more spot on the left eye appeared as she applied some ointment and she was given TABC in the school Thuja 10M (3) 21. Her weight has improved. Appetite. 1M (3) This remedy was continued till 10M with excellent results. The patient as brought by his father with small white patches on the face. vaccination once. all have disappeared.PAGE 29 2. 2.10. As such. Grinds his teeth and talks in sleep.03. Past History: Frequent colds.9.86 As there was history of vaccination. Thuja 50M (3) Here the cause was vaccinosis plus drugs. Burning over the whole body. Patient better. PAGE 31 .86 Slight reduction of white patches on face and no new patches. It is exactly like a strap of a wrist watch. 4. 6. flow+ 7. Medicine continued N.P.P. 4. Booster BCG and vaccination given. except one in the groin. A skin biopsy was done and he wrote to me that the patient was not suffering from leprosy and those drugs should be stopped. Patient is emaciated. stool-urine normal.87 Father has come here from Pune.pleurisy. 3. N. The child is average in study. As diagnosis was doubtful for me. 9. repeated inoculation and drugs Thuja 1M (6) 24.11. also boils. 5. pneumonia. Past History: Measles. Menses early. It was diagnosed as Henson by one skin specialist and 150 tablets were taken for the same disease. urine. Stool.06. Mother . Appetite poor. no dreams of falling. spots on the knee and face have disappeared. 6x 13. 3. who is doing research work for the same.87.bronchitis. She has also spots on lip and left nipple and left ankle. appetite.02.87 Letter dated 31. antibiotics given which gave severe diarrhoea and dehydration. I referred the patient to one Dr Antia. This was a case of Leucoderma. the remedy worked well. only one tiny spot left. Dreams of falling from bed. Very chilly with frequent colds and coughs. Patient has eczema on both feet. weight 32 kg and has feverish feeling. 8. 08.01. Age 35 years 1. Grinds teeth Thuja 10M (6) 19.87 Letter dated 29. Case n° 3 Miss Suraliwalla. 7. 5. 6x 07. Polio Tripple. thirst normal. Only one spot perspiration ++ Silicea 200 (6) PAGE 30 06.12. thirst normal. no teeth grinding. Only one spot left. Family History: Mother developed Leucoderma during pregnancy. every 15 days. Ointment applied.87 Letter states better. 6.87 Doctor stated that his son is much better. Family History: Grandmother . Patient has white spots on the wrist since 5 months. BCG given.85 Cough. 27.M.03.85 Feels slightly better. C/o Research Officer.22.81. Kalyan 1.01. L. Menses delayed. itching continued Sulphur 1M (3) 13. Family History: Maternal grandfather .03.02. P. N° 2). Looks much better but she has chronic cough Bacillinum 50M 14. NRC Ltd. 4. Weight 45 kg. Weight 37. I prescribed Bacillinum 30 (3) 19.87 Skin better. Past History: Primary complex Isonex + Streptomycin injections taken. maternal grand-aunt Leucoderma.08.06.5 kg.86 Again feverish feeling.84 As the patient had cold and cough with low fever. cold. 3. Case n° 4 Miss V. black spots appeared on the the wrist. Tripple Polio. Menses again heavy and early Sulphur 10M (3) 05.87 Now patient comes occasionally. complains of itch on the the face Sulphur 1 cm (3) PAGE 32 (Patients photos given before and after.85 Still feet hot. Dysentery vaccination 3 times. fever. .84 Slight change in skin colour.84 Slightly better Bacillinum 200 (3) 03. No feverish feeling. Age 14 years.86 Now the patient has started improving. Allopathic and Ayurvedic treatment taken. Patient feels hot and itch on both feet Sulphur 200 (3) 13. .M.hypertension and eczema.11. everything better. Tiny spot on the axilla. also on the left cheek bone and one spot on the left leg.10. Cough better still feverish feeling Bacillinum 200 (3) 30. She feels better. 2.11.04. particularly on the the wrist. Mohana. Patient has white spots since 5 years under both lower eyelids Also under both eyebrows. cough and cold Bacillinum 10M 03.84 Better but cough and cold continued Bacillinum 200 (3) 07.11.09. Occasional cold and cough Bacillinum 10M (3) 02. 11.5. Bacillinum 1M (3) This remedy was continued at interval till CM was given. White spots on legs better.81 Very slightly better S. Family History: Mother . one near anus also below the navel.84. 6.07. Bacillinum was prescribed on the history of primary complex in the patient. Stool and urine normal. 16. Patient feels sick while travelling in a bus.10. Sleep disturbed. Patient feels weak. Appetite. 2.Leucoderma 4. All spots have disappeared when I saw her on 12. menses normal 6. ankles. summer pimples.L. maternal uncle . sod.01. This remedy was continued up to CM 3 doses once a month. since four years.12. 3. Bacillinum 200 (3) 26. Age 14 years 1. menses normal S.L. Patient had Leucoderma patches on eyelids.82 Spots are darker. 13.05.06. nervous.82 Same Sepia 1M (3) 27. C. Cool temper.B. knees.82 Sepia 200 (3) PAGE 34 03. 11. one round worm passed.82 Still better. Hot patient. Past History: Dysentery.03.06.11. urine normal.04. 5. 7. lips. Very irritable. worms. Spots on eyes disappearing. Remedy continued. Ringworms appeared again. Appetite normal.83 Spots on left eyelid disappeared. thirst more. thirst.82 Better.82 Patient feels better.82 Spots better now. Ars Sulph Flava (30) 24.04. 10. but occasionally irritable. Frequent headaches.81 On the basis of repeated inoculations and drugs Thuja 1M (3) 12.03.83 Still better. 09. Skin dry in winter. Case n° 5 Miss A. both legs.83 Spots fainter but white spots . fastidious. She Is very irritable and tense. 24. Menses overdue.82 White spots slightly better below eyelids. 7. 8. back.06. Spot fading but one on chest bone more prominent.82 Same Ars Sulfa Flava 3x 31. ringworm. Patient feels very hot Sulphur 200 (3) 30. 9. weight 47 kg. swing etc.arthritis.05. Over which patient feels better Sulphur 1M 17. Weight 52 kg (increased by 7 kg). funny dreams. Silicea 200 (3) PAGE 33 27. 86 Spots are better. Sulphur was given as a constitutional remedy. 30. face better but thin white line on the upper lip. After having known that she has primary complex. Only few white spots here and there and a few grey hairs.86 Same S.03. Sulphur CM (3) 31.08. 22.85 No change so far. the patient on the whole was very much better.03. small spots on ankle and knees still persist.84 Patient goes to Nepal for a change. back still persist Sulphur CM (3) PAGE 35 14.86 Spots better but mentally very irritable and tense.85 Very much better.12. tense.at cutaneous junction of lips same. but patches on knees.L. All white spots on back and face completely disappeared. Bov. Tiny spots are still present on the knee and ankles.83 Very much better.85 Patches are fainter.12. 1M (3) 16. Bov. still occasionally irritable. Tub. 1M (3) 17. 1M (3) 19.10. Hence bacillinum 200 (3) 10. 23. ankles. periods regular. 10M (3) IN the year 1987. Cocculus 30 18. (Photo No. depressed and angry.86 Better S.05. Sulfa Flava 200 1 week 16.04.L. I found that this girl had primary complex as a child which was not told so far. Her photograph is given before and after. Slight pain discomfort. Tub.85 Patient's mother had accompanied her for the first time. with very good results. Bov.88 She is practically a normal girl studying in the college. Tub. Bov.01. S. Tuberculinum completely cleared the case. still irritable Ars. 16. for suppression of dysentery and ringworm. Sulphur CM (3) 11.07. This was obstruction to recovery. Case n° 6 . Tub.07. MP 6x 10.L.02. all spots from the face disappeared.86 Better. The same remedy is repeated every three months.11. Bov. 10M (3) PAGE 36 Initially. Tub.10.83 Patient had her period for the first time. less irritable than before. fear of car sickness. 2). On careful inquiry about her past illness.84 Better. 02.08.76 Spots fading but the patient had a fall and injured her coccyx Hypericum 200 (6) 21. 5. House No. All Old symptoms gone.73 Sleeps better but frequent cold and cough Bacillinum 10M (3) 01. Grinding of teeth during sleep (page 432).1/2 years.73 Thuja 10M (3) 07. loose stools.76 Spots fading. 06. Sulphur 10M (3) PAGE 38 . Talks in sleep. dreams etc Sulphur 1M (3) 15. for the last nine months.76 Patient suddenly came after 3 years.05. only occasional pain in abdomen during menses and loose stools. Same medicine repeated.bronchitis. Grown up. Still very restless at night and dreams Thuja 50M (3) 08. Thuja CM (3) 27. Shrieking in sleep.04.07. few skin eruptions. treated by her family doctor. Patient is worse since last vaccination. feels very hot.L. 35 Mahim. Family History: Mother colds. Sulphur 200 (3) 25. Hot patient perspiration ++ 6.05. Age 8.78 Period on 04. 18. 4. 7. boils on the legs (heat boils).09. faint spots still there.06.81 Again seen after 3 years. sleeps well. This child was brought by her mother with white spots on upper and lower extremities.73 Same. Very few faint Spots on the back.L. Past history of tonsillitis. Sleeps better S. Vaccination four times plus Triple and Polio. 23. 1. All spots had disappeared. Bombay 400016. but some new spots appeared again after re-vaccination.Miss Alvaris Shirley. spot fading S.73 All better. Looks very much better. 2. 3.78 Seen again after 2 years.04.83 Better. grandfather . Sitaladevi Temple Road. chest and back. Sleep very restless.07. Sulphur 10M (3) 16.03.73 Slightly better. (See page 86 Kent's).78.03. again restless at night. (See page 80 Kent's Repertory: Frightful dreams of falling. Frequent cold and coughs with sneezing. feels very hot. 27. was very much better but had tonsillitis.06. Later Acid Nitric and finally Alumina completely cured the patient. Sleep is disturbed. . photo No.10. stool. 14. loose. 5. urine normal.11. mud.87 Better but still eats rubbish. desire for rubbish same.L. blood pressure high.09. glans penis. Past History: Cough. Recently married. 2. No desire for rubbish. Treated with usual medicines till 1978. cannot sleep without A. Case n° 8 Mr Malkan H. 4. 2. amoebiasis. Patient is enjoying good health and now I am treating the child for common complaints. causation was vaccinosis and suppressed skin disease. diabetes. PAGE 40 5 Stool not satisfactory. pain in abdomen Alumina 200 (3) 11.87 Very slightly better. Family History: Father . 3). Case n° 7 Baby Riri. worms. (Patient's photos before and after given. 7. thirst. Age 2. Patient has taken vaccination (small-pox).vaccinations plus inoculations three to four times. In this case. Patient had white spots on the upper lip.87 Same.09.T. mumps and ringworm groins . He has sinusitis. scrotum. chalk.C. Family History: Paternal grandmother . D. big toe. 4. As such Thuja initially and Sulphur later on worked very well. sleeps better.08. sponge and pencils. 3. S. Aci Nitric 10M 14. Paternal grandfather .87 Thuja 200 (6) 05. Alumina 1M Thuja was initially given for repeated vaccination and inoculation. rubber. most spots have faded. advised surgery. Stool examination shows Ent. since 1974. Brother . Appetite. spots fading but still eats rubbish. Past History: Dysentery. since six months. Strong constipation.white patches on both the legs. nose block headache. Worst in the summer. Same Acid Nitric 200 (3) 02.N. skin eruptions and dysentery. cold. urine normal. 6.87 Better. 3. Patient has white spots at the centre of the lip. S. forehead and at the angles of the mouth on both sides.eczema.1/2 years 1. Hot patient.B. Histolytica.87 Better.07. took tobacco powder.87 Suddenly she appeared with a baby. Still constipation. triple polio and MMR. Patient perfectly well. Age 34 years.Leucoderma and hypertension.09. Acid Nitric 1M (3) PAGE 39 13. RBCs and pus cells.22. fingers. macrophages. Patient chews tobacco. It was removed from mouth. or fan. Patient likes sweets but great desire for eating wall plaster. 1. Sleep is better. lips and the hair was also white. 24.84 Spots same.08.05. Appetite. but still white Tuberculinum CM (3) PAGE 41 28. Case n° 9 by Dr Farida Talati (Nee Solapurwalla) Master Vasim. thirst normal. 5.87 Patient seen again. Glans penis has taken a lot of pink colour. spots less.T. Patient has given up eating tobacco. Stools contain cyst of Giradia Lamb.arthritis. Family History: Mother . Grandmother .12.87 Better but again cold Tuberculinum 10M repeated till 50M was given. but all same Thuja 10M 10.86 Patient had developed eczema in past Sulphur 10M (3) 13. Appetite. worms.84 Patient feels better. 15. Age 11 years 1.6. Aversion to milk.12. Hot patient. Patient had small white spots on head. better after leaving the tuition.04. 6. no pain in abdomen. The following points were considered: (i) Very slow in everything (p. 14.83 Thuja 1M (3) 16.01. White spots very much better even with a little moustache. Spots hardly seen Tuberculinum CM (3) Sulphur was given because of suppressed eczema and Tuberculinum finally helped as there was history of T. 3. 47 Kent's) (iii) Aversion to milk (p. 4. 81 Kent's) (ii) Fear of teachers (p. dysentery.86 Better. 7. Very slow in everything. spots on lips fading also glans penis slightly better but scrotum same Tuberculinum 10M (3) 02. 48 Kent's) . Cold better.88 Better all round.B. does not study. Drug allergy after calcium injections. scrotum also better. No cold. face. urine dribbles out of fear. no eczema. Past History: Chicken pox. 2. measles.86 Stool is better. round worm passed Tuberculinum 10M 14.04. no dream.B.09. but patient has developed sever cold and sinusitis Bacillinum 200 (3) This remedy was continued as 1M and 10M with great relief in cold. in the family.03. urine normal. Fear of teacher. 7. fearful dreams of falling. thirst. stools. 8. . Purulent discharge from right eye and eyes are itching. But the colds persisted. better warm. Age 7 years 1. Age 11 years. urin-N. paternal aunt . G. The eczema and the skin was better. 6. . Patient had white spots in front and behind the left ear. Past History: Ringworm. He had also one white patch on testicle and left leg. Graphites was given from 200 up to 50M. 5. Constipation with mucus threads. irritable. 6. urticaria vaccination 8 to 10 times. Dislikes milk. stool exam-N. lean. 4. Dry eczema near the right eye and behind the right ear. Inter-current Bacillinum was given up to CM with excellent results. eczema suppressed. intelligent girl. 3. grandfather . 8. dust allergy. 1M and 10M removed all the white spots. Past History: Measles vaccination. 2. 5. 95 Kent's) (v) Timidity and shyness (p. likes sour food. (Photos given before and after. worse over mountains. 6) PAGE 15c Case N° 12 Name: Baby Thomas. 7. Patient was treated with Psorilin and ultra-violet rays. paternal grandmother . Frequent cold and cough. 3. Startles in sleep. FH/O: Maternal grandmother .secondaries liver. 88 Kent's) Sepia was selected as the remedy. The spots have disappeared. urine normal.carcinoma cervix. Inoculations usual including booster doses. It was given from 200 to 10M with a good deal of relief in white spots.T. Frequent cold and cough with bronchitis. stool. Prefers moderate climate of south. cousin . Inter-current Bacillinum 200. 3. triple polio B.B. Bacillinum was given as an inter-current remedy. both the lips more in the centre worse upper lip since 1 year. 2. prostate. maternal aunt .eczema both feet.(iv) Aversion to mental work (p. 4. Started with the angle of the mouth with stomatites. dysentery vaccinated once+. 4) Case n° 10 Miss Duriya M. No. Leucoderma around lips and face since 2 years. thirst. mumps. 5. 1. Constipation. Prefers to be alone.skin disease. No. Age 45 years 1. Family History: Paternal grandfather -diabetes and also maternal grand-parents.B. . great maternal grandmother .bronchitis. Family History: Paternal grandfather. Nausea riding in a bus or car. PAGE 43 2.asthma. PAGE 42 (Photographs are given before and after. Appetite.cancer. White discoloration. To start with Thuja 1M and 10M were given followed by Sulphur 200 to 50M. 8 Thin. starting in sleep. maternal grandfather . as well as near the hole for the nose ring and ear ring. PH/O: Measles.C. occasional dreams. No.T. 6. (Photos before and after are given. also cracks. 4. Sleep disturbed by dreams. PAGE 44 7. 5) Case n° 11 Mr Bharat N. Thick discharge from both. She has brought a photo which looks better.06.83-85 tenesmus before stool better after Nux Vom. 16 (by dr govind agarwal) He has not given me the detailed histories but one or two symptoms and remedies which are as follows: Case N° 13 . 09.88 White spots better.03.88 Spots decreased. . Sul. She is in her native place. followed by Sepia 200 10. No. This was for the family history of carcinoma Carcinocin S. He states all were given Ars. 15.85-87 cured boring nose. 7) Cases n° 13.08. but car sickness there Sepia 50M (3) Cocculus 30 (Photo given before and after. Flava and hydrocotyle Q. 200 (3) 09. but car and bus sickness persist Sepia 10M (3) 18.04.02. Case N° 15 . Case N° 16 . Desire sweets + remedy Arg. Potency not given.83-86 treatment continued.88 No further change Sulphur 200 (3) 28.Calc.Sepia 30 for two weeks. Nit.88 Later white spots are practically gone.03. one upper incisor has appeared which was missing for a long time.9.L.01. Carb.88 Same . Child was seen by me once only. PAGE 45 Case N° 14 .88 This was as an antidote to vaccination and inoculation Thuja 1M (3) 09. 14. auntie goes to Coonoor.82-84 cured chilly colds .88 Lips colour slightly better Sepia 1M (3) 24.
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