March 26, 2018 | Author: Veeramuthu | Category: Foot (Unit), Units Of Measurement, Scientific Observation, Physical Quantities, Nature



Available ProductsInformation Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.740.8700 Version 3a • July 2006 Available Shapes: Structural Long Products HP, W All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.740.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 Applicable to Shapes: Shape Dimensions HP & W Common Name Cross-sectional Area Flange Width Flange Depth ‘k’ – line “k1” – line Length Fillet Radius ‘Clear” Web Flange Thickness Web Thickness Weight / Mass in2 in in in in ft, in in in in in lbs/ft Metric A bf d k k1 L R T tf tw w Units US Customary Symbol Nomenclature & Permissible Variations Permissible Variations mm2 mm mm mm mm m mm mm mm mm kg/m Õ Calculated from SDI shape – information only As per latest edition of ASTM A6/A6M As per latest edition of ASTM A6/A6M Detailing dimension – information only Detailing dimension – information only ÕLength cutting tolerance as per current SDI price page Mill practice – information only Detailing dimension – information only As per latest edition of ASTM A6/A6M As per latest edition of ASTM A6/A6M As per latest edition of ASTM A6/A6M ÕDenotes deviation from ASTM A6/A6M The permissible dimensional variations of structural long products manufactured by Steel Dynamics Inc, Structural and Rail Division, conform to the latest edition of ASTM A6/A6M. Cross-sectional areas in the following tables are calculated from nominal dimensions, and include the nominal fillet radius employed by Steel Dynamics Inc. Consequently, the tabulated values may slightly deviate from those published in ASTM A6/A6M. Nominal detailing dimensions are provided as a courtesy. Permissible dimensional variations, and rolling factors (such as roll wear), may result in supplied shapes differing from the tabulated values. Consequently, allowances should be made for proper fitting and connections. Piece length tolerance deviates from ASTM A6/A6M. Please consult the current price page for mill practice. All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.740.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 9 .71 35 .38 22 .44.258 41 .45 16 -30 12 .8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .372 610 x 230 83 .7 360 x 370 134 .103 55 .82 43 .169 840 x 290 176 .35 14 .68 21 x 121/4 21 x 81/4 21 x 61/2 101 .57 26 .92 27 x 10 84 .22 90 .Pound Sizes Prime Section Group Weight range in Group Comparable Metric Sizes Prime Section Weight range in Group Group (in x in) (lbs/ft) (mm x mm) (kg/m) 6x6 6x4 15 .39 Inch .167 250 x 200 49.58 360 x 130 32.Wide Flange Beams Inch-Pound Sections Inch .138 530 x 170 66 .192 30 x 101/2 90 .19 250 x 250 73 .106 460 x 150 52 .31 410 x 260 100 .8 250 x 100 17.58 40 .50 21 .220 33 x 111/2 118 .16 150 x 150 22.196 360 x 250 91 .210 53 .57 530 x 310 150 .67 24 .22.74 310 x 170 31 .251 36 x 12 135 .46 460 x 280 113 .52 310 x 100 21 .740.7 200 x 130 21 .112 33 .100 36 .1 .86 310 x 200 60 .28 14 .1 .256 920 x 300 201 .28.6 .79 360 x 170 44.100 200 x 170 35.381 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.132 61 .313 310 x 250 79 .21 10 .93 44 .149 410 x 180 53 .85 24 x 123/4 24 x 9 24 x 7 104 .32.15 200 x 200 46.1 150 x 100 13 .8 .3 200 x 100 15 .122 360 x 200 64 .166 48 .Pound Sizes Prime Section Group Weight range in Group Comparable Metric Sizes Prime Section Weight range in Group Group (in x in) (lbs/ft) (mm x mm) (kg/m) 16 x 101/4 16 x 7 16 x 51/2 67 .53 30 .37.129 690 x 250 125 .5 10 x 10 10 x 8 10 x 53/4 10 x 4 49 .148 760 x 270 134 .62 610 x 320 155 .4 310 x 310 97 .384 460 x 190 60 . Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.31.5 .9 .5 .24 8x8 8 x 6 1/ 2 8 x 5 1/ 4 8x4 31 .1 18 x 11 18 x 71/2 18 x 6 76 .67 12 x 12 12 x 10 12 x 8 12 x 61/2 12 x 4 1 14 x 14 /2 14 x 10 14 x 8 14 x 63/4 14 x 5 65 .9 .248 530 x 210 72 .41.25 8.46.250 56 .26 250 x 150 24 .153 610 x 180 82 .85 410 x 140 38. 405 0.335 4.90 3.940 0.970 4.365 0.444 0.365 0.38 6.20 5.8 W150x22.170 0.615 0.03 4.260 0.942 0.230 0.365 4.W6 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 6x6 6x4 W6x25 W6x20 W6x15 W150x37.970 4.020 5.250 0.335 0.250 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.215 0.280 0.465 0.230 0.84 2.03 5.000 3.59 6.970 4.260 0.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .410 0.250 0.380 0.380 0.250 0.260 0.99 6.970 0.28 6.1 W6x16 W6x12 W6x9 W6x8.50 6.510 0.655 0.030 4.5 W150x18 W150x13.530 0.740.5 W150x24 W150x29.194 0.320 0.71 2.970 4.990 0.90 5.83 4.455 0.940 3. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.250 0.250 0.970 4.705 0.5 4.170 0.67 6.5 W150x13 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 150’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in R in 25 20 15 7.250 1/4 1/4 1/4 16 12 9 8.080 6. 285 0.465 0.74 4.270 5.400 0.99 7.015 4.000 3.525 0.3 W8x15 W8x13 W8x10 W200x22.16 10.170 0.250 0.423 0.28 8.255 0.285 1.880 0.W8 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 8x8 8x6½ 8x5¼ 8x4 W8x67 W8x58 W8x48 W8x40 W8x35 W8x31 W200x100 W8x28 W8x24 W200x41.495 0.085 0.800 0.310 0.960 0.5 W200x86 W200x71 W200x59 W200x52 W200x46.543 6.230 0.570 0.400 0.523 6.12 8.880 6.400 3/8 3/8 21 18 14 6.66 7.300 0.360 0.935 0.020 7.250 5.400 0.329 6.498 6.400 0.195 0.220 8.400 3/8 3/8 3/8 15 13 10 4.00 8.329 6.400 0.50 14.600 0.61 8.75 8.940 0.835 0.555 0.495 0.555 0.3 W200x15 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 200’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in R in 67 58 48 40 35 31 20.580 0.415 0.400 0.00 8.510 0.67 4.679 6.070 8.385 6.400 0.245 0.685 0.329 6.329 0.07 3.49 8.329 6.300 0.560 0.50 8.679 6.435 0.880 6.679 0.400 0.245 0.10 17.93 6.210 0.730 0.685 0.1 W200x35.205 0.9 W200x26.06 7.995 0.335 1.89 4.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .280 8.329 6.70 9.64 5.400 0.329 0.800 0.505 0.330 0.20 8.7 W8x21 W8x18 W8x14 Õ W200x31.655 0.250 0.300 5/16 5/16 5/16 Õ Canadian Light Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.543 0.810 0.329 6.98 5.210 1.400 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 28 24 8.515 0.865 0.740.14 7.110 8.400 0.6 W200x21 W200x19.54 9. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.11 7.25 8.400 0.615 0.895 0.230 0.51 12.650 0.315 0.535 6. 850 8.17 9.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .859 7.500 0.400 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 19 17 15 12 5.9 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 250’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in R in 112 100 88 77 68 60 54 49 33.415 0.W 10 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 10x10 10x8 10x5¾ 10x4 W10x112 W10x100 W10x88 W10x77 W10x68 W10x60 W10x54 W10x49 W250x167 W10x45 W10x39 W10x33 W250x67 W10x30 W10x26 W10x22 W10x16Õ W250x44.395 8.1 W250x38.530 0.530 0.440 0.47 15.77 10.500 0.960 0.859 7.859 0.750 5.840 0.07 11.859 7.91 12.22 4.5 W250x32.530 0.98 10.570 0.878 0.675 0.520 0.85 5.990 0.859 0.859 7.99 9.92 9.315 0.95 5.550 0.859 7.120 1.000 1.500 0.7 W250x24 W250x25.130 10.08 6.658 0.240 0.645 7.810 5.500 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 45 39 33 13.250 0.35 10.290 1.020 7.370 1.300 0.47 10.080 10.59 30.420 0.300 0.60 10.395 0.960 0.985 7.010 4.605 0.500 1/2 1/2 1/2 30 26 22 16 9.680 0.36 11.500 0.060 0.650 0.560 0.510 0.500 0.685 0.400 0.195 0.470 0.240 0.54 23.649 0.420 0.115 1.859 7.850 0.87 4.96 5.120 0.3 W250x22.300 0.935 0.10 9.770 5.270 0.859 7.230 0.210 0.840 0.4 W250x149 W250x131 W250x115 W250x101 W250x89 W250x80 W250x73 W250x58 W250x49.400 0.649 8.760 0.180 1.498 8.73 8.29 20.270 1.22 10.25 10.340 10.490 1.765 0.190 0.649 8.190 10.750 1.803 0.735 0.910 0.360 0.300 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 Õ Canadian Light Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.340 1.250 0.40 10.630 0.510 0.33 10.11 10.500 0.615 0.10 10.859 7.620 0.710 0.265 10.670 7.500 0.11 9.770 0.330 0.62 18.3 W250x17.740.620 1.350 0.710 0.435 0.859 7.370 0.850 8.09 9.850 8.260 0.8 W10x19 W10x17 W10x15 W10x12 W250x28.000 3.29 16.250 1.84 10.020 4.680 0.31 8.695 0. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.05 26.24 10.500 0.030 10.649 8.755 0.300 0.415 10.64 3.500 0.870 0.400 0.425 0.030 0. 410 0.54 29.300 0.840 0.530 0.12 6.360 0.46 14.71 13.525 0.38 12.380 0.06 9.570 12.600 0.260 0.66 32.225 Fillet Radius T in R in in 9.509 9.295 W12x35 W12x30 W12x26 W12x21Õ W310x52 W310x44.99 11.600 5/8 5/8 5/8 0.400 0.39 12.371 1.509 9.51 20.175 1.27 8.195 0.38 14.060 0.610 0.240 1.701 0.136 1.640 0.709 9.601 2.790 12.16 11.520 6.509 9.50 12.701 0.920 0.080 8.53 12.701 0.3 W310x23.080 12.560 6.701 0.430 0.71 14.12 12.5 12x4 Web Thickness 210 190 170 152 136 120 106 96 87 79 72 65 Thickness W310x313 W310x283 W310x253 W310x226 W310x202 W310x179 W310x158 W310x143 W310x129 W310x117 W310x107 W310x97 Width W12x210 W12x190 W12x170 W12x152 W12x136 W12x120 W12x106 W12x96 W12x87 W12x79 W12x72 W12x65 Depth 12x12 Area mm x kg/m WEIGHT Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Prime Section Group SECTION NAME Flange Detailing Distance w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in 63.230 0.916 0.006 0.900 0.740.970 0.25 12.701 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 0.8 W310x21 22 19 16 14 6.181 1.670 0.81 4.320 12.300 0.773 9.725 0.045 8.53 12.896 58 53 17.450 0.115 0.105 0.41 13.096 1.101 1.768 0.810 0.509 9.659 0.701 0.22 12.57 22.470 0.650 0.976 0.509 9.005 3.509 9.010 12.860 0.735 1.W 12 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes W 310’s 12x10 W12x58 W12x53 W310x86 W310x79 12x8 W12x50 W12x45 W12x40 12x6.860 10.691 1.520 0.515 0.860 10.300 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 Õ Canadian Light Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.98 16. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.509 9.511 1.175 W310x74 W310x67 W310x60 50 45 40 15.418 0.34 12.03 13.200 0.748 9.056 1.709 0.515 0.30 36.7 W310x31 35 30 26 21 10.89 12.860 10.701 0.71 12.701 0.231 1.290 W12x22 W12x19 W12x16 W12x14 W310x32.436 2.160 12.14 12.335 0.300 0.300 0.125 12.709 9.306 1.370 0.16 57.936 0.870 0.659 10.030 4.509 9.565 0.780 0.400 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 0.265 0.806 1.425 0.509 9.701 0.38 46.345 1.57 26.440 0.690 0.605 1.701 0.240 1.710 0.71 5.12 41.670 12.000 1.490 6.291 1.958 0.995 0.235 0.780 0.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .509 0.430 0.550 0.7 W310x28.990 3.220 0.180 1.785 0.436 1.575 0.498 10.400 12.600 0.250 1.040 12.81 9.005 0.709 9.951 1.735 0.600 0.790 0.709 0.95 4.900 1.350 0.560 1.701 0.960 0.62 14.509 9.575 0.400 1.261 2.659 10.601 1.19 10.400 0.550 0.659 10.600 5/8 5/8 1.31 12.50 12.04 6.480 12.5 W310x38.260 0.220 12.509 9.701 0.95 24.390 2.94 8.21 51.70 12.19 12.515 0.990 0.91 4.400 0.06 11.12 12.640 0.400 10. 411 1.269 0.98 13.31 10.41 9.269 0.72 20.02 14.79 13.753 11.485 0.375 1.130 0.335 0.58 10.340 0.788 11.455 1.670 14.269 0.785 0.770 6.808 0.641 1.270 0.701 0.785 11.450 0.285 0.385 0.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .415 0.770 11.645 0.996 0.70 33.921 11.66 14.84 6.245 0.32 14.000 0.600 5/8 5/8 5/8 38 34 30 11.195 1.660 0.035 13.860 0.645 0.070 14.855 0.399 0.600 0.595 0.780 0.230 0.400 3/8 3/8 3/8 26 22 8.91 13.963 0.701 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 82 74 68 61 24.399 0.199 11.85 14.6 W360x32.820 0.310 0.400 3/8 3/8 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.543 12.17 10.399 0.510 0.023 0.W 14 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 14x14½ 14x10 14x8 14x6¾ 14x5 W14x132 W14x120 W14x109 W14x99 W14x90 W360x196 W14x82 W14x74 W14x68 W14x61 W360x122 W14x53 W14x48 W14x43 W360x79 W14x38 W14x34 W14x30 W360x58 W14x26 W14x22 W360x39 W360x179 W360x162 W360x147 W360x134 W360x110 W360x101 W360x91 W360x72 W360x64 W360x51 W360x44.515 0.42 30.481 1.91 13.66 8.269 0.305 1.701 0.320 1.04 10.10 6.785 0.399 0.269 0.54 15.130 14.600 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 53 48 43 16.561 1. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.600 0.199 0.10 13.731 1.720 0.528 12.855 0.030 0.399 11.525 0.740.92 18.455 0.89 9.52 27.400 0.030 7.420 0.995 0.915 0.255 0.15 36.825 0.600 0.74 5.199 11.400 0.701 0.060 8.943 0.400 0.399 11.710 0.600 0.16 14.9 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 360’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in R in 132 120 109 99 90 40.701 0.08 13.370 0.99 22.735 0.260 1.48 14.440 1.725 14.600 0.025 5.530 0.86 14.535 12.605 14.730 0.555 12.56 13.199 11.565 14.92 13.995 0.515 12.940 0.385 1.520 1.855 0.199 11.26 14.399 11.590 0.745 6. 199 14.070 7.760 0.345 0.400 0.830 0.400 0.875 0.400 0.665 0.19 10.385 1.88 15.W 16 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 16x10¼ 16x7 16x5½ W16x100 W16x89 W16x77 W16x67 W410x149 W16x57 W16x50 W16x45 W16x40 W16x36 W410x85 W16x31 W16x26 W410x46.598 14.538 14.500 0.97 16.43 16.590 0.295 1.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .345 0.115 1.250 0.035 6.400 3/8 3/8 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.199 14.16 13.275 1.400 0.585 0.400 0.553 0.13 16.199 0.380 0.573 0.01 15.985 0.275 0.199 14.120 7.440 0.995 6.199 0.525 5.715 0.295 10.18 15.740.628 0.199 14.365 10.75 16.965 0.56 23.1 W410x132 W410x114 W410x100 W410x75 W410x67 W410x60 W410x53 W410x38.98 16.745 0.505 0.26 16.199 0.54 8.69 5.8 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 410’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in R in 100 89 77 67 29.235 0.400 0.400 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 31 26 9.030 0.455 0.86 26.199 14.33 10.663 0.840 0.430 0.565 0.02 20.86 7.400 0.199 0.199 14.905 0.400 0.67 12.400 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 57 50 45 40 36 17.615 0.52 16.525 14.199 14.693 0.430 0.09 16.985 0.548 14.305 0.425 10.10 15.395 1.630 0.160 1. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.525 0.065 0. 015 6.97 18.400 0.900 0.668 0.450 0.72 22.82 51.62 35.040 0.930 0.47 18.940 0.560 16.280 1.805 0.99 17.090 11.400 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 71 65 60 55 50 45 41 21.049 16.315 0.455 11.880 0.060 0.35 20.525 0.570 0.39 18.510 2.700 2.72 21.170 1.845 0.59 18.680 1.049 16.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .450 0.049 16.61 15.049 16.925 0.400 0.340 0.840 1.590 1.059 16.W 18 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 18x11 18x7½ 18x6 W18x258 W18x234 W18x211 W18x192 W18x175 W18x158 W18x143 W18x130 W18x119 W18x106 W18x97 W18x86 W18x76 W460x384 W18x71 W18x65 W18x60 W18x55 W18x50 W18x45Õ W18x41Õ W460x106 W18x46 W18x40 W18x35 W460x68 W460x349 W460x315 W460x286 W460x260 W460x235 W460x213 W460x193 W460x177 W460x158 W460x144 W460x128 W460x113 W460x97 W460x89 W460x82 W460x74 W460x68 W460x60 W460x60 W460x52 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 460’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in R in 258 234 211 192 175 158 143 130 119 106 97 86 76 76.300 11.770 0.400 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 46 40 35 13.480 7.590 7.495 0.400 0.200 1.320 1.110 1.400 0.910 1. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.300 2.400 0.060 0.71 18.765 0.049 0.400 0.060 6.750 1.220 11.648 0.770 11.608 0.440 1.90 17.67 20.049 16.400 0.17 10.039 16.059 16.600 1.400 0.530 7.210 1.200 11.720 1.76 13.400 0.11 17.73 46.035 2.390 0.095 1.605 0.980 0.400 0.400 3/8 3/8 3/8 Õ Canadian Light Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.35 18.425 2.04 19.400 0.970 0.55 28.655 0.535 0.695 0.150 1.310 2.77 18.415 0.46 21.049 0.555 7.52 18.360 0.695 0.030 0.530 0.625 0.870 0.145 11.039 16.49 19.810 0.735 0.96 25.750 0.590 0.73 42.480 0.95 12.55 56.630 0.06 17.930 0.27 69.595 0.355 0.400 0.400 0.049 16.72 19.890 0.005 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.26 19.839 0.049 16.080 1.570 0.47 31.375 11.06 20.550 16.049 16.86 17.740.320 1.613 16.270 1.25 18.400 0.049 16.21 11.47 38.25 62.049 16.340 1.049 16.460 1.400 0.650 11.960 0.300 1.049 0.049 0.640 0.059 15.049 16.24 18.73 18.500 0.635 7.70 7.425 0.400 0.049 16.990 1.000 0.825 0.08 13.578 0.400 0.160 11.730 0.670 0.04 16.160 1.728 0.555 11.150 1.580 16.558 16.265 11.810 0.495 7.70 6. 930 0.500 0.480 1.290 1.359 18.500 0.359 18.701 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 93 83 73 68 62 55 48 27.51 21.600 0.185 1.36 13.701 0.359 18.701 0.48 22.116 1.580 0.875 0.43 21.500 0.615 0.951 18.359 0.500 0.661 1.440 12.360 1.06 21.759 0.910 0.701 0.98 24.20 53.575 12.076 1.06 20.220 8.061 1.90 16.035 0.28 37.701 0.500 0.455 0.33 34.369 18.675 18.72 22.522 0.755 18.685 0.500 0.688 0.359 18.703 18.24 21.W 21 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 21x12¼ W21x201 W21x182 W21x166 W21x147 W21x132 W21x122 W21x111 W21x101 W530x300 W530x272 W530x248 W530x219 W530x196 W530x182 W530x165 W530x150 21x8¼ W21x93 W21x83 W21x73 W21x68 W21x62 W21x55Õ W21x48Õ W530x138 21x6½ W21x57 W21x50 W21x44 W530x85 W530x123 W530x109 W530x101 W530x92 W530x82 W530x72 W530x74 W530x66 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 530’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in R in 201 182 166 147 132 122 111 101 59.960 0.650 0.78 21.950 0.535 0.270 8.701 0.720 0.759 18.150 1.420 12.500 12.500 2.759 0.026 1.700 0.29 44.340 12.83 21.85 14.500 0.115 1.759 0.450 0.350 1.150 1.500 0.750 0.99 22.62 21.99 20.740 0.555 6.405 0.8700 Version 3a • December 2004 .790 0.23 23.140 0.851 1.430 1.690 18.430 0.740.001 0.331 2.80 20.38 15.240 1.420 8.295 8.63 21.83 20.15 31.70 50.976 0.430 0.715 0.181 2.68 21.36 12.576 1.630 1.035 0.156 1.400 0.335 1.500 1/2 1/2 1/2 Õ Canadian Light Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.501 1.359 18.350 1.380 0.759 0.530 6.728 0.830 0. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.701 0.13 20.69 18.390 12.061 1.69 40.03 22.550 0.650 0.701 0.500 0.835 0.500 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 57 50 44 17.13 20.022 0.736 1.62 8.355 8.359 18.66 6.759 18.758 0.375 0.240 8.759 18.510 12.675 18.930 0.759 18.759 18.800 0.515 0. 500 2.09 26.460 1.161 2.26 24.500 0.500 0.000 9.159 21.47 40.965 8.701 0.221 1.505 0.06 24.559 0.559 21.680 0.955 12.430 0.74 23.W 24 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 24x12¾ 24x9 24x7 W24x250 W24x229 W24x207 W24x192 W24x176 W24x162 W24x146 W24x131 W24x117 W24x104 W610x372 W24x103 W24x94 W24x84 W24x76 W24x68 W24x61Õ W24x56Õ W610x153 W24x62 W24x55 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 610’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in R in 250 229 207 192 176 162 146 131 117 104 74.040 0.74 24.559 21.041 1.70 62.875 0.271 2.169 21.92 23.480 1.34 26.921 1.01 20.951 21.515 0.701 0.470 0.85 23.678 21.890 12.735 0.855 12.000 0.53 24.85 32.159 21.500 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 W610x92 W610x82 62 55 18.690 0.159 21.559 21.500 1/2 1/2 W610x341 W610x307 W610x285 W610x262 W610x241 W610x217 W610x195 W610x174 W610x155 W610x140 W610x125 W610x113 W610x101 W610x91 Õ Canadian Light Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.570 1.053 1.149 21.585 0.791 1.500 0.00 24.500 0.701 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 W610x83 103 94 84 76 68 61 56 30.431 2.890 1.005 0.48 9.705 0.770 0.159 21.005 0.440 0.569 21.56 23.159 0.110 13.180 1.451 1.06 13.775 0.375 1.35 23.715 21.559 0.91 28.31 24.850 0.990 8.701 0.550 0.02 25.020 8.340 1.136 1.500 0.106 1.708 0.750 0.47 25.065 9.36 17.159 21.800 12.701 0.076 1.090 1.701 0.758 0.559 0.57 7.380 0.661 1.99 68.900 0.559 21. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.698 21.590 0.591 2.701 0.750 1.040 7.980 0.48 24.415 0.960 0.395 1.960 0.355 1.87 16.730 1.15 49.750 1.930 8.010 12.76 53.270 1.720 0.159 21.550 0.870 0.34 25.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .026 1.185 13.10 23.701 0.950 12.460 0.900 12.551 1.976 0.810 0.559 21.220 1.650 0.701 0.20 44.701 0.71 18.159 21.181 1.605 0.71 25.24 25.740.500 0.17 57.090 0.003 0.73 23.085 1.960 0.500 0.02 35.500 0. 631 1.958 0.983 0.04 30.701 0.91 31.026 1.570 0.960 R W 30 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 30x10½ W30x148 W30x132 W30x124 W30x116 W30x108 W30x99 W30x90 W760x220 W760x196 W760x185 W760x173 W760x161 W760x147 W760x134 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 760’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in in 30.029 24.100 0.01 29.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .701 0.946 0.180 1.461 1.010 27.909 26.92 9.71 9.701 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 129 114 102 94 84 39.29 10.701 0.531 1.545 0.515 0.13 27.490 0.909 26.936 26.740.701 0.545 10.68 R All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.09 10.029 24.460 1. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.480 10.701 0.341 1.701 1.610 0.400 1.029 24.670 0.475 10.029 24.961 0.070 27.631 1.881 1.53 10.446 1.029 0.520 0.450 10.909 26.973 0.701 0.650 0.701 0.67 30.909 26.41 29.015 26.22 34.830 0.615 0.82 40.83 29.701 0.371 1.909 0.63 10.801 1.585 0.909 26.31 30.701 0.03 26.52 33.909 26.610 0.930 0.65 29.000 0.311 1.551 1.930 0.701 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 148 132 124 116 108 99 90 44.515 10.745 0.640 0.760 0.986 0.008 0.993 0.17 30.931 24.41 27.80 35.850 0.701 0.W 27 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 27x10 W27x129 W27x114 W27x102 W27x94 W27x84 W690x192 W690x170 W690x152 W690x140 W690x125 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 690’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in in 1.495 10.470 1.19 37.006 0.565 0.990 26. 43 37.01 35.55 12.940 0.036 1.85 35.600 2.479 32.830 0.550 1.215 12.17 36.33 36.469 32.469 32.605 0.81 69.751 0.960 0.50 48.111 2.725 0.480 1.756 1.565 11.469 0.180 1.701 0. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.133 1.49 36.510 11.979 29.851 1.20 R in 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.751 0.93 R W 36 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 36x12 W36x256 W36x232 W36x210 W36x194 W36x182 W36x170 W36x160 W36x150 W36x135 W920x381 W920x345 W920x313 W920x289 W920x271 W920x253 W920x238 W920x223 W920x201 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 920’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in 37.730 1.166 1.469 32.020 0.115 12.091 1.469 32.481 2.751 0.979 29.49 33.30 33.26 58.500 11.180 12.661 1.650 0.960 0.570 1.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .751 0.231 1.625 0.55 63.018 1.321 2.113 1.979 0.870 0.076 1.82 39.701 0.57 35.635 0.740 0.976 29.950 1.01 42.360 1.220 1.855 0.691 1.12 36.063 1.441 1.09 32.051 32.06 51.979 29.49 45.535 11.556 1.003 0.82 33.030 12.541 1.991 0.790 0.771 1.W 33 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 33x11½ W33x169 W33x152 W33x141 W33x130 W33x118 W840x251 W840x226 W840x210 W840x193 W840x176 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 840’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in in 33.000 11.011 1.979 29.469 32.701 0.701 0.186 1.69 36.580 0.055 0.100 1.975 11.670 0.701 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 169 152 141 130 118 50.751 0.260 1.469 32.86 11.120 12.751 0.765 0.751 256 232 210 194 182 170 160 150 135 76.680 0.77 46.751 0.469 32.45 55.740.751 0.931 1.921 1.68 41.075 12. 372 83 .167 49.106 52 .24 6x6 15 .32.16 100 .7 21 .3 15 .67 24 .5 .74 31 .169 920 x 300 201 .313 79 .57 1 16 x 5 /2 26 .38 14 x 5 22 .1 .46 1 101 .153 82 .9 .31 460 x 280 460 x 190 460 x 150 113 .82 14 x 8 43 .26 1 (lbs/ft) 18 x 7 /2 1 41 .50 12 x 6 /2 1 21 .381 36 x 12 135 .35 12 x 4 14 .31.92 24 x 12 /4 104 .21 8x4 10 .9 .210 12 x 10 53 .258 530 x 310 530 x 210 530 x 170 150 .85 38.85 21 x 12 /4 610 x 320 610 x 230 610 x 180 155 .740.25 67 .46.5 250 x 250 250 x 200 250 x 150 250 x 100 73 .100 8.251 30 x 11 /2 1 118 .192 27 x 10 84 .68 18 x 11 76 .67 1 24 . Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.45 3 10 x 5 /4 16 -30 10 x 4 12 .384 60 .220 30 x 10 /2 1 90 .28 8 x 5 /4 1 14 .53 14 x 6 /4 3 30 .15 10 x 10 49 .8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .44.166 1 48 .58 12 x 8 40 .122 64 .100 35.138 66 .4 310 x 310 310 x 250 310 x 200 310 x 170 310 x 100 97 .5 .9 .Wide Flange Beams Metric Sections Metric Sizes Prime Section Group Weight range in Group Comparable Inch-Pound Sizes Prime Section Weight range in Group Group Metric Sizes Prime Section Group Weight range in Group Comparable Inch-Pound Sizes Prime Section Weight range in Group Group (mm x mm) (kg/m) (in x in) (lbs/ft) (mm x mm) (kg/m) (in x in) 150 x 150 150 x 100 22.256 200 x 200 200 x 170 200 x 130 200 x 100 46.57 21 x 8 /4 21 x 6 /2 3 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.19 12 x 12 65 .132 14 x 10 61 .1 .71 18 x 6 35 .39 8x8 31 .250 24 x 9 56 .7 360 x 370 360 x 250 360 x 200 360 x 170 360 x 130 134 .148 840 x 290 176 .149 53 .196 91 .8 17.86 60 .8 .79 44.248 72 .103 24 x 7 55 .1 13 .41.93 1 44 .112 8 x 6 /2 10 x 8 33 .1 16 x 10 /4 6x4 410 x 260 410 x 180 410 x 140 16 x 7 36 . 1 14 x 14 /2 90 .58 32.52 21 .62 690 x 250 125 .6 .129 760 x 270 134 . 3 6.7 13.35 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.8 W150x22.3 16.1 W150x29.5 4.5 8.1 29.7 13.W 150 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes 150x100 W6x12 W6x9 W6x8.35 6.3 126 126 126 6.5 11.7 9.35 24 18 13. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.9 6.8 22.0 15.3 7.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .6 5.6 8.35 6.5 4836 3898 2950 162 157 152 154 153 152 11.9 11.7 9.5 13 3160 2392 1836 1713 160 153 150 148 102 102 100 100 10.8 18.3 9.6 9.5 127 126 126 126 6.740.1 5.3 8.1 6.0 10.5 bf mm tf mm tw mm Detailing Distance k mm k1 mm T mm Fillet Radius W6x16 W6x15 d mm Web Thickness W150x24 W150x18 W150x13.4 9.3 4.8 4.35 6.6 5.5 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 150x150 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 6’s R mm 37.35 6.35 6.5 W150x13 W6x20 A mm2 Thickness W6x25 M kg/m Width W150x37. 16 10.9 30. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.8 5.4 5.5 9.8 161 160 161 161 160 161 10.3 W200x26.4 18.2 5.2 6.1 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 200x200 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 8’s R mm 100 86 71 59 52 46.2 6.3 15 3009 2627 2055 206 203 200 102 102 100 8.62 Õ Canadian Light Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.6 21 4301 3692 3008 210 207 203 134 133 133 10.4 6.7 10.16 10.740.2 33.8 10.16 22.8 27.5 13.0 10.2 22.5 19.W 200 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes 200x170 200x130 200x100 W200x31.1 12942 11316 9371 7829 6924 6124 229 222 216 210 206 203 210 209 206 205 204 203 23.0 20.8 175 175 174 7.5 W200x19.4 13.6 11.9 W8x58 A mm2 Thickness W8x67 M kg/m Width W200x100 W200x86 W200x71 W200x59 W200x52 W200x46.4 22.2 7.2 8.4 6.8 13.7 35.8 4.6 W200x21Õ W8x21 W200x22.16 10.1 12.5 5.6 14.4 13.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .16 10.7 20.2 12.2 9.2 17.16 10.6 13.8 21.3 W200x15 W8x15 W8x40 W8x35 W8x31 W8x24 W8x18 W8x14 W8x13 W8x10 bf mm tf mm tw mm Detailing Distance k mm k1 mm T mm Fillet Radius W8x28 W8x48 d mm Web Thickness W200x41.8 10.16 10.7 14.62 7.3 161 160 10.4 16.9 5578 4840 205 201 166 165 11.7 15.1 13.16 10.7 W200x35.16 31.3 26.4 14.0 20.62 7.3 15.16 10.6 24.16 41.7 169 170 170 10.3 14.1 12.9 7.0 6.0 14.6 16.6 17.1 7. 5 W250x32.740.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .70 12.4 6.9 W10x19 W10x77 W10x68 W10x60 W10x54 W10x49 W10x39 W10x33 W10x26 W10x22 W10x16 W10x17 W10x15 W10x12 bf mm tf mm tw mm Detailing Distance k mm k1 mm T mm Fillet Radius W10x45 W10x88 d mm Web Thickness W250x67 W250x58 W250x49.70 12.6 44.4 28.5 41.7 W250x24Õ W10x30 W250x28.16 10.0 8.7 18.2 12.2 23.0 225 225 225 225 7.4 25.3 22.4 13.8 W250x38.62 Õ Canadian Light Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.9 8.3 15.0 8.6 17.70 12.8 10.9 10.3 30.70 12.5 10.4 8.3 17.2 9.5 32.16 28.4 26.70 12.1 8967 7835 6663 257 252 247 204 203 202 15.1 22.1 17.3 W250x22.3 15.6 6.9 10.9 22.0 23.62 7.9 5.3 26.70 44.3 16.3 W250x17.2 16.4 6.70 12. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.70 67 58 49.4 7.0 28.0 200 200 199 199 199 200 199 199 12.W 250 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes 250x200 250x150 250x100 W250x44.4 17.62 7.3 6.70 12.1 W10x100 A mm2 Thickness W10x112 M kg/m Width W250x167 W250x149 W250x131 W250x115 W250x101 W250x89 W250x80 W250x73 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 250x250 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 10’s R mm 167 149 131 115 101 89 80 73 21735 19388 17118 15036 13303 11823 10623 9699 289 282 275 269 264 260 256 253 265 263 261 259 257 256 255 254 31.8 17.7 24 6026 5229 4474 3411 266 262 258 253 148 147 146 145 13.6 6.6 14.3 21.8 38.5 12.2 17.4 25.1 19.16 10.7 10.6 14.7 9.8 28.7 13.4 20.0 11.16 10.2 21.5 11.7 16.8 4.8 34.62 7.9 3775 3378 3000 2424 260 257 254 251 102 102 102 101 10.2 19.0 7.4 19.1 5.7 17.1 37.5 11.8 32.70 12.4 19.7 220 219 219 220 10.5 18.0 14.5 13.6 16.4 W250x25.0 13.4 200 200 200 12.70 12.1 5.1 6. 1 39.9 66.7 28.0 15.5 29.7 7.5 19.8 24.8 21 4326 3762 3186 2838 313 309 305 303 102 102 101 101 10.3 44.8 25.5 14.4 7.8 28.4 10.5 14.78 17.0 23.8 31.3 23.4 16.8 W310x21 W12x22 W12x152 W12x136 W12x120 W12x106 W12x96 W12x87 W12x79 W12x72 W12x65 W12x53 W12x45 W12x40 W12x30 W12x26 W12x21 W12x19 W12x16 W12x14 bf mm tf mm tw mm Detailing Distance k mm k1 mm T mm Fillet Radius W12x58 W12x170 d mm Web Thickness W310x86 W310x79 W12x190 A mm2 Thickness W12x210 M kg/m Width W310x313 W310x283 W310x253 W310x226 W310x202 W310x179 W310x158 W310x143 W310x129 W310x117 W310x107 W310x97 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 310x310 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 12’s R mm 313 283 253 226 202 179 158 143 129 117 107 97 40802 36932 33104 29773 26695 23658 20938 19118 17401 15859 14509 13224 374 365 356 348 341 333 327 323 318 314 311 308 325 322 319 317 315 313 310 309 308 307 306 305 48.6 6.9 20.6 6.3 13.9 10.78 17.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .6 14.2 11.9 9.62 7.9 6.4 49.2 9.5 24.16 10.1 18.2 276 276 276 276 7.0 5.7 6.8 31.78 86 79 11602 10650 310 306 254 254 16.1 20.6 5.4 21.7 W310x28.8 27.W 310 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes 310x250 310x200 310x170 310x100 W310x74 W310x67 W310x60 W12x50 W310x52 W310x44.6 9.8 33.5 W310x38.5 7.1 12.78 17.9 10.8 5. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.1 25.24 52 44.7 270 270 270 271 10.16 10.78 17.1 11.1 18.78 17.62 Õ Canadian Light Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.62 7.5 34.8 28.1 22.4 8.9 40.3 14.16 10.24 15.0 15.4 36.8 8.9 57.8 19.5 29.9 42.4 19.16 32.6 45.6 35.9 17.7 31 6972 5991 5241 4238 317 313 310 306 167 166 165 164 13.78 17.6 18.6 247 246 15.6 31.78 17.8 26.3 14.3 W310x23.4 53.1 8.6 5.24 15.0 247 246 246 15.4 22.24 74 67 60 10088 9107 8192 310 306 303 205 204 203 16.740.2 32.9 24.78 17.0 13.2 30.3 23.9 19.0 13.7 23.24 15.8 19.62 7.7 38.5 38.4 30.0 26.3 19.7 17.78 17.7 242 241 241 241 242 241 241 242 241 241 241 242 17.1 9.6 13.1 61.0 28.7 W310x31Õ W12x35 W310x32.7 5.5 31.78 17.3 10.78 17.5 13.2 22.6 10. 8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .9 W14x26 W14x109 W14x99 W14x90 W14x74 W14x68 W14x61 W14x48 W14x43 W14x34 W14x30 W14x22 d mm bf mm tf mm We b Thick ness tw mm Detailing Distance k mm k1 mm T mm Fillet Radius W360x122 W360x110 W360x101 W360x91 W14x120 A mm2 Thickness W14x132 M kg/m Width W360x196 W360x179 W360x162 W360x147 W360x134 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 360x370 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 14’s R mm 196 179 162 147 134 25924 23718 21522 19678 17953 372 368 364 360 356 374 373 371 370 369 26.5 31.7 32.16 10.8 20.8 19.3 21.7 13.6 21.6 W14x38 W360x39 W360x32.4 15.9 5249 4439 353 349 128 127 10.7 19.5 9.3 11.5 9.8 26.24 15.0 289 290 290 290 15.9 21.24 79 72 64 10697 9709 8742 354 350 347 205 204 203 16.7 20.0 25.6 37.24 15.24 15.W 360 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes 360x250 360x200 360x170 360x130 W14x82 W360x79 W360x72 W360x64 W14x53 W360x58 W360x51 W360x44.78 17.8 18.7 8.8 20.2 23. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.0 30.24 58 51 44.5 20.4 23.6 311 311 312 10.24 15.2 6.16 39 32.5 36.9 18.5 5.24 15.0 16.8 7.3 24.3 16.3 12.0 11.4 13.0 13.5 6.6 35.9 23.1 13.2 44.1 311 312 10.0 14.5 19.9 35.9 19.8 13.78 17.7 39.16 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.6 7.16 10.4 284 285 285 285 284 17.9 7.4 13.6 9.78 17.16 10.1 11.8 15.1 13.9 20.1 33.4 10.9 18.0 41.1 290 289 290 15.9 23.78 122 110 101 91 16106 14637 13495 12171 363 360 357 353 257 256 255 254 21.4 8.3 28.7 19.6 7482 6711 6000 358 355 352 172 171 171 13.78 17.740. 16 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.6 23.3 11.4 21.0 21.4 19. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.9 10.0 14.6 16.16 10.5 27.16 10.16 10.0 13.4 12.740.2 19.1 W410x38.16 10.4 26.7 13.8 W16x31 W16x67 W16x50 W16x45 W16x40 W16x36 W16x26 bf mm tf mm tw mm Detailing Distance k mm k1 mm T mm Fillet Radius W16x57 W16x77 d mm Web Thickness W410x85 W410x75 W410x67 W410x60 W410x53 W16x89 A mm2 Thickness W16x100 M kg/m Width W410x149 W410x132 W410x114 W410x100 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 410x260 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 16’s R mm 149 132 114 100 19281 17094 14853 12954 431 425 420 415 265 263 261 260 25.8 16.6 10.0 13.0 14.9 360 361 361 361 361 10.4 29.2 32.2 8.3 16.2 361 360 361 361 10.9 9.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .1 15.7 7.8 7.16 10.16 10.0 35.0 6.2 24.4 360 361 10.0 22.16 10.16 10.8 10.6 15.16 46.9 14.8 6155 5259 403 399 140 140 11.W 410 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes 410x180 410x140 W410x46.5 28.7 8.8 7.16 85 75 67 60 53 11091 9810 8864 7848 7072 417 413 410 407 403 181 180 179 178 177 18.2 16.1 17.9 13.1 38.6 14.0 15. 1 8.2 10.4 24.7 40.2 24.5 19.3 32.6 23.8 9.5 17.4 36.5 44.4 22.0 30.740.9 15.8 43.W 460 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes 460x190 460x150 W460x68 W460x60 W460x52 W18x46 W18x192 W18x175 W18x158 W18x143 W18x130 W18x119 W18x106 W18x97 W18x86 W18x76 W18x65 W18x60 W18x55 W18x50 W18x45 W18x41 W18x40 W18x35 bf mm tf mm tw mm Detailing Distance k mm k1 mm T mm Fillet Radius W18x71 W18x211 d mm Web Thickness W460x106 W460x97 W460x89 W460x82 W460x74 W460x68Õ W460x60Õ W18x234 A mm2 Thickness W18x258 M kg/m Width W460x384 W460x349 W460x315 W460x286 W460x260 W460x235 W460x213 W460x193 W460x177 W460x158 W460x144 W460x128 W460x113 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 460x280 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 18’s R mm 384 349 315 286 260 235 213 193 177 158 144 128 113 49194 44706 40386 36697 33383 30176 27367 24893 22849 20353 18681 16628 14669 545 535 525 517 509 501 495 489 482 476 472 467 463 299 296 294 291 289 287 285 283 286 284 283 282 280 58.16 10.6 11.8 68.5 15.1 34.1 19.9 24.16 10.0 14.7 18.6 22.1 14.6 46.5 26.3 29.4 18.9 23.16 68 60 52 8994 7851 6893 459 455 450 154 153 152 15.6 17.6 48.8 29.6 12.5 16.5 15.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .6 25.7 14.5 9.16 10.9 22.1 8.5 17.5 40.0 17.16 10.16 Õ Canadian Light Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.2 407 408 407 408 408 408 408 10.0 9.16 10.6 18.16 10.16 10.5 30.6 19.6 15.9 9.4 21.16 10.0 16.5 26.0 408 408 408 10.16 10.4 53.8 27.6 63.0 14.16 10.6 33.3 12. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.16 10.5 20.16 10.6 23.7 16.4 13.7 37.5 21.7 14.7 17.6 20.4 13.5 29.5 26.0 16.6 408 407 408 408 408 407 408 408 408 408 407 407 408 10.16 10.7 14.2 27.7 50.3 15.9 23.3 10.16 10.16 10.16 10.4 10.16 10.1 32.4 15.2 14.9 26.16 10.16 10.8 58.16 10.7 54.7 25.0 7.16 106 97 89 82 74 68 60 13738 12568 11641 10704 9716 8994 7851 469 466 463 460 457 459 455 194 193 192 191 190 154 153 20.0 13. 740.2 55.4 15.1 29.2 477 476 477 12.70 12.3 16.1 11.70 85 74 66 11202 9936 8785 535 529 525 166 166 165 16.1 21.5 15.6 13.0 23.5 18.5 17.3 24.9 26.70 12.70 Õ Canadian Light Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.9 17.W 530 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes 530x210 530x170 W530x85 W530x74 W530x66 W21x57 W21x147 W21x132 W21x122 W21x111 W21x101 W21x83 W21x73 W21x68 W21x62 W21x55 W21x48 W21x50 W21x44 bf mm tf mm tw mm Detailing Distance k mm k1 mm T mm Fillet Radius W21x93 W21x166 d mm Web Thickness W530x138 W530x123 W530x109 W530x101 W530x92 W530x82Õ W530x72Õ W21x182 A mm2 Thickness W21x201 M kg/m Width W530x300 W530x272 W610x248 W610x219 W610x196 W610x182 W610x165 W610x150 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 530x310 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 21’s R mm 300 272 248 219 196 182 165 150 39099 35512 32358 28836 25980 24091 22005 20133 585 577 571 560 554 551 546 543 319 317 315 318 316 315 313 312 41.2 476 476 476 477 476 476 477 12.8 24.6 20.78 17.1 17.2 9.1 467 466 466 466 466 467 466 467 17.78 138 123 109 101 92 82 72 18031 16114 14304 13336 12193 10877 9586 549 544 539 537 533 528 524 214 212 211 210 209 209 207 23.9 31.0 36.3 18.0 12.78 17.3 33.70 12.1 19.70 12.2 14.78 17.9 14.4 52.1 28.70 12.8 17.6 11.4 22.1 19.3 26.2 20.70 12.3 26.4 37.2 26.70 12.70 12.3 47.9 10.78 17.8 17.2 18.2 26.6 17.4 10. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.3 10.3 24.3 27.7 13.6 10.1 42.0 38.0 25.3 23.3 28.4 24.2 40.6 21.9 29.0 44.2 17.7 59.78 17.6 34.7 8.5 13.3 9.78 17.78 17.5 29.8700 Version 3a • December 2004 .5 9.0 18.5 30. 4 36.0 29.7 9.7 14.5 15.78 17.2 17.2 39.3 18.7 11. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.7 75.7 548 548 12.7 57.1 48.5 42.0 17.70 12.1 11.70 Õ Canadian Light Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.70 12.3 26.70 12.0 27.78 17.9 39.8 24.5 24.0 32.0 17.9 10.0 27.1 27.8 45.78 17.5 18.78 153 140 125 113 101 91 83 19983 18267 16347 14865 13367 11874 10996 623 617 612 608 603 598 596 229 230 229 228 228 227 226 24.0 12.0 43.70 12.7 25.9 53.4 21.9 22.0 28.3 26.2 10.W 610 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes 610x230 610x180 W24x103 W610x92 W610x82 W24x62 W24x250 W24x229 W24x207 W24x192 W24x176 W24x162 W24x146 W24x131 W24x117 W24x104 W24x94 W24x84 W24x76 W24x68 W24x61 W24X56 W24x55 d mm bf mm tf mm We b Thick ness tw mm Detailing Distance k mm k1 mm T mm Fillet Radius W610x153 W610x140 W610x125 W610x113 W610x101 W610x91Õ W610x83Õ W24x279 A mm2 Thickness W24x306 M kg/m Width W610x455 W610x415 W610x372 W610x341 W610x307 W610x285 W610x262 W610x241 W610x217 W610x195 W610x174 W610x155 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 610x320 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 24’s R mm 455 415 372 341 307 285 262 241 217 195 174 155 58800 53879 48373 44309 40087 37297 34208 31282 28705 25870 23145 20675 689 679 669 661 653 647 641 635 628 622 616 611 340 338 335 333 330 329 327 329 328 327 325 324 57.6 17.4 19.8 48.6 17.5 31.3 14.78 17.0 12.70 12.4 22.9 11.70 12.5 26.8 32.0 31.740.78 17.0 13.6 19.78 17.3 18.8700 Version 3 • December 2003 .78 17.0 25.7 24.2 19.9 65.8 28.70 92 82 12170 10845 603 599 179 178 15.8 61.0 27.4 14.0 30.2 548 547 547 548 548 547 547 12.7 54.7 70.7 18.9 37.6 19.6 34.78 17.4 24.8 33.9 12.8 10.70 12.1 538 537 537 538 538 537 537 537 537 538 537 537 17.4 24.78 17.3 30.5 9.1 34.9 51.78 17.78 17.7 19.0 37.9 32.1 16.6 25.1 20. 5 15.6 T mm 611 610 610 611 610 Fillet Radius d mm Web Thickness A mm2 Thickness W27x129 M kg/m Width W690x192 W690x170 W690x152 W690x140 W690x125 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 690x250 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 27’s R mm 17.4 11.78 W 760 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes W30x132 W30x124 W30x116 W30x108 W30x99 W30x90 220 196 185 173 161 147 134 28909 25919 24398 22971 21281 19586 17826 779 770 766 762 758 753 750 tf mm 266 268 267 267 266 265 264 30.1 12.78 17.78 17.9 16.2 41.1 18.78 17.8 33.0 24.6 14.2 25.4 23.78 17.6 25.8 13.7 34.6 21.3 17.78 17.7 41.1 k1 mm 25.7 T mm 683 684 683 683 684 683 683 Fillet Radius bf mm Web d mm Thickness A mm2 Thickness W30x148 M kg/m Width W760x220 W760x196 W760x185 W760x173 W760x161 W760x147 W760x134 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 760x270 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 30’s R mm 17.5 13.0 24.9 14.8 43.4 38.3 24.78 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.6 21.3 15.5 25.4 39.0 25.4 13.0 25.78 17.78 17.0 23.5 14.3 k1 mm 26.9 36.6 19.7 24.W 690 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes W27x114 W27x102 W27x94 W27x84 192 170 152 140 125 25275 22533 20264 18700 16884 702 693 688 684 678 bf mm tf mm 254 256 254 254 253 tw mm 27.4 23.5 tw mm 16.1 34.2 11. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.78 17.7 Detailing Distance k mm 45.740.78 17.4 37.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .9 23.78 17.9 Detailing Distance k mm 47.0 15. 05 19.8 T mm 761 762 762 761 762 Fillet Radius d mm Web Thickness A mm2 Thickness W33x169 M kg/m Width W840x251 W840x226 W840x210 W840x193 W840x176 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 840x290 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 33’s R mm 17.05 19.7 T mm 826 825 825 825 825 825 825 825 825 Fillet Radius d mm Web Thickness A mm2 Thickness W36x256 M kg/m Width W920x381 W920x345 W920x313 W920x289 W920x271 W920x253 W920x238 W920x223 W920x201 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 920x300 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group W 36’s R mm 19.8 28.3 30.0 45.0 26.1 29.05 19.78 17.6 k1 mm 26.7 27.0 16.05 19.5 15.05 19.0 26.5 25.7 14.1 15.0 30.78 17.6 42.1 21.8 24.6 51.4 59.9 20.78 17.4 22.0 53.740.5 32.9 23.W 840 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes W33x152 W33x141 W33x130 W33x118 251 226 210 193 176 32738 29682 27661 25468 23228 859 851 846 840 835 bf mm tf mm 292 294 293 292 292 tw mm 31.05 19.6 28.7 18.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .4 18.3 27.3 25.78 W 920 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes W36x232 W36x210 W36x194 W36x182 W36x170 W36x160 W36x150 W36x135 381 345 313 289 271 253 238 223 201 49183 44901 40776 37700 35545 33254 31288 29502 26581 951 943 932 927 923 919 915 911 903 bf mm tf mm 310 308 309 308 307 306 305 304 304 43.1 19.1 tw mm 24.2 39.05 19.8 25.9 34.0 39. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.78 17.4 17.3 27.4 14.05 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.0 27.9 25.9 15.0 Detailing Distance k mm 48.4 21.1 47.3 16.2 k1 mm 31.3 39.05 19.2 Detailing Distance k mm 62.1 24.5 36.8 17.1 49.0 43.8 44. 117 360 x 370 108 .H-Pile Inch-Pound Sections Inch-Pound Sizes Comparable Metric Sizes Prime Section Weight range in Group Group Inch-Pound Sizes Prime Section Group Weight range in Group Comparable Metric Sizes Prime Section Weight range in Group Group Prime Section Group Weight range in Group (in x in) (lbs/ft) (mm x mm) (kg/m) (in x in) (lbs/ft) (mm x mm) (kg/m) 8x8 36 200 x 200 53 12 x 12 53 .117 310 x 310 79 .85 14 x 141/4 73 . Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .174 10 x 10 42 .740.174 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.57 250 x 250 62 . 065 0.740.859 7.415 1.445 0.42 13.225 9.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .98 8.00 9.920 0.155 0.500 0.783 0.420 0.565 0.075 R in 1/2 1/2 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.329 0.400 36 10.445 0.859 0.70 10.500 57 42 17.02 R in 3/8 HP 10 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 10x10 HP10x57 HP250x85 HP10x42 HP250x62 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group HP 250’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in 0. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.565 0.99 10.708 7.HP 8 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 8x8 HP8x36 HP200x53 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group HP 200’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in 8.845 0.623 6. 74 19. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.330 12.615 0.805 0.85 25.13 11.903 0.55 12.125 12.035 1.399 11.215 12.06 22.953 0.399 11.720 0.818 9.115 1.600 0.530 1.930 0.820 0.77 12.709 9.46 R in 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 HP 14 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes HP14x102 HP360x152 HP14x89 HP360x132 HP14x73 HP360x108 Web Thickness HP360x174 Thickness HP14x117 Width 14x14½ Depth Comparable Metric Section mm x kg/m Area SECTION NAME in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT Prime Section Group HP 360’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in 14.215 1.399 0.28 12.853 11.505 1.885 14.435 0.600 102 117 89 84 74 63 53 30.605 0.805 0.709 9.01 13.600 0.21 14.600 0.615 0.908 0.435 1.785 14.709 9.003 0.600 0.705 0.83 13.399 11.210 1.56 22.105 1.32 26.505 0.705 0.685 0.515 0.610 0.600 117 102 89 73 35.305 1.405 1.295 12.88 35.740.600 0.709 9.94 11.600 0.600 0.515 0.820 0.065 0.320 1.620 12.709 9.78 12.HP 12 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Metric Shapes 12x12 HP12x117Õ HP310x174 HP12x102Õ HP310x153 HP12x89Õ HP310x132 HP12x84 HP310x125 HP12x74 HP310x110 HP12x63 HP310x93 HP12x53 HP310x79 Web Thickness Thickness Width Depth mm x kg/m Area Comparable Metric Section in x lbs/ft Flange WEIGHT SECTION NAME Prime Section Group HP 310’s Detailing Distance Fillet Radius w A d bf tf tw lbs/ft in 2 in in in in k in k1 in T in in 12.720 0.695 14.943 0.585 0.858 0.870 12.35 12.010 1.285 1.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .35 30.930 0.960 0.33 R in 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Õ Canadian Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.600 0.600 0.709 0.61 14.685 0.045 0.420 1.97 27.709 9.35 16. 117 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.85 10 x 10 42 .117 250 x 250 62 .8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .H-Pile Metric Sections Metric Sizes Prime Section Group Weight range in Group Comparable Inch-Pound Sizes Prime Section Weight range in Group Group Metric Sizes Prime Section Group Weight range in Group Comparable Inch-Pound Sizes Prime Section Weight range in Group Group (mm x mm) (kg/m) (in x in) (lbs/ft) (mm x mm) (kg/m) (in x in) (lbs/ft) 200 x 200 53 8x8 36 310 x 310 79 .57 360 x 370 108 .740.174 12 x 12 53 .174 14 x 14 /4 1 73 . Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866. 8 T mm R mm 161 10.5 Detailing Distance k mm 27.4 k1 mm 19.1 23.4 10.3 11.740.70 All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.7 tw mm 14.HP 200 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes 53 7082 204 bf mm tf mm 207 tw mm 11.0 T mm 200 199 Fillet Radius d mm Web Thickness A mm2 Thickness HP10x57 M kg/m Width HP250x85 HP250x62 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 250x250 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group HP 10’s R mm 12.5 k1 mm 15.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .4 10.3 Fillet Radius d mm Web Thickness A mm2 Thickness HP8x36 M kg/m Width HP200x53 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 200x200 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group HP 8’s Detailing Distance k mm 21.70 12.9 18. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.16 HP 250 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes HP10x42 85 62 11285 8391 254 246 bf mm tf mm 260 256 14. 6 20.5 13.9 22.0 33.24 15.6 12.0 25.4 15.2 k1 mm 27.HP 310 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes HP12x102 HP12x89 HP12x84 HP12x74 HP12x63 HP12x53 174 153 132 125 110 93 79 22764 19921 17330 16478 14673 12493 10576 324 319 314 312 308 303 299 bf mm tf mm 327 321 313 312 310 308 306 tw mm 23.24 15.8 28.4 13. Information Subject to change without prior notification Toll Free 866.0 Fillet Radius d mm Web Thickness A mm2 Thickness HP12x117 M kg/m Width HP310x174Õ HP310x153Õ HP310x132Õ HP310x125 HP310x110 HP310x93 HP310x79 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 310x310 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group HP 12’s Detailing Distance k mm 38.1 11.2 23.740.8 18.6 20.0 21.4 24.6 24.0 23.8 Fillet Radius d mm Web Thickness A mm2 Thickness HP14x117 M kg/m Width HP360x174 HP360x152 HP360x132 HP360x108 Depth In x lbs/ft Area mm x kg/m Mass Comparable inchPound Section 360x370 Flange SECTION NAME Prime Section Group HP 14’s Detailing Distance k mm 35.7 T mm R mm 246 247 247 247 247 246 247 15.4 17.24 15.1 30.5 32.3 17.4 15.8700 Version 3 • December 2004 .24 HP 360 Nominal Shape Dimensions Comparable Inch-Pound Shapes HP14x102 HP14x89 HP14x73 174 152 132 108 22752 19990 17424 14371 361 356 351 346 bf mm tf mm 378 376 373 370 20.8 tw mm 20.8 18.3 17.9 21.9 15.8 20.6 12.9 15.0 k1 mm 25.7 28.24 15.24 15.24 15.3 26.6 T mm 290 290 289 290 R mm 15.4 23.6 30.8 36.1 11.6 33.24 15.4 17.24 15.24 Õ Canadian Sections All Shapes supplied to ASTM A6 tolerances.24 15. 9500 503.8714 Sandy Swing 866.2601 County Road 700 East Columbia City.com staci. Minnesota. Kansas. New England states.625.8950 Toll-free: 866.8717 Laura Yoder 866.8713 matthew.625.com Steel Solutions.625. southern Indiana Paul Kotsenas [email protected] paul.8721 Kelly Penrod 866. New Jersey.steeldynamics. [email protected] Rail and Special Products Authorized Sales Agents Responsive Marketing.768. [email protected] Marketing Representatives. West Virginia Mark Bisbing Jim Hoppes Andy Kametz Ken Rampolla Penn Whitlow m. Alaska. Wyoming. Columbia City.736. [email protected] dianne. Inc. Columbia City. Georgia.C.3733 [email protected] colbyhowe@foxinternet. Louisiana.beiswanger@stld-cci. Iowa.net Version 3a • July 2006 [email protected] 604. North Carolina.3712 [email protected]@stld-cci. Administrative Assistant 866.1459 [email protected] Regional Sales Managers Robert Carter 866. Maryland.8718 dave.740. Arizona.8712 robert.com Craig Weiss 314.com p..com k. Hawaii Colby Howe Colby Ramaker 503. South Carolina.8700 www.net colbyramaker@earthlink. Texas James Clinger 843.com j. New York.8834 jim.740.8799 260.com Marketing Contacts Jim Wroble.3339 Pennsylvania.penrod@stld-cci. northern Indiana Matthew Olson Wisconsin. Oklahoma Salzgitter Trade Canada COHO Sales and Marketing. Nevada. California. Inc.740. North Dakota. Sales and Marketing Manager Staci [email protected] 514.8719 ann. northern Ohio.com sandy. Oregon.com Customer Service Representatives.8720 [email protected]. Indiana 46725 260.com laura.com Christopher Poulter Greg Cox Joft Adkins 604.740.384. Indiana Ann Frank [email protected]@[email protected]@rmi-steel. Inc.740.8100 Fax: 260. South Dakota Dave Tokos 866. Tennessee.com Kirkwood Metal Sales Missouri. Idaho. Montana.com Michigan.whitlow@rmi-steel. Washington D. Washington. Alabama.740. southern Illinois.909.740.com a. southern Ohio. 610.740. Indiana Roxy Hagans 866.740. Utah Colorado.com [email protected]@stld-cci.com jadkins@salzgittertrade. Nebraska.8715 Dianne Pittenger 866.com 866.com kelly.com Kentucky. Delaware. New Mexico. Mississippi.bisbing@rmi-steel.
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