VW 13750.pdf

May 28, 2018 | Author: Naveen Kumar | Category: Screw, Corrosion, Materials Science, Building Materials, Industrial Processes



VW 13750Group Standard Issue 2008-06 Class. No.: 50200, 02642 Descriptors: corrosion, rust protection, surface protection, metal, protection type, code, corrosion protection Surface Protection of Metal Parts Surface Protection Types, Codes Previous issues VW 13750: 1953-06, 1954-07, 1956-10, 1958-04, 1959-03, 1959-06, 1963-03, 1963-05, 1966-06, 1966-10, 1967-05, 1967-11, 1969-10, 1970-11, 1971-12, 1972-02, 1974-08, 1975-06, 1976-07, 1980-09, 1983-10, 1986-10, 1989-12, 1991-11, 1994-10, 1999-04, 2005-02, 2008-01 Changes The following changes have been made as compared to Volkswagen standard VW 13750: 2008- 01: ─ error in Table 2, surface protection type b140 corrected Contents Page 1 Scope................................................................................................................................ 2 2 Description ........................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 Code composition.............................................................................................................. 2 2.2 Description example .......................................................................................................... 2 3 Requirements .................................................................................................................... 2 3.1 General requirements........................................................................................................ 2 3.2 Drawing specifications....................................................................................................... 3 3.3 Weldability......................................................................................................................... 4 3.4 Agents impairing wetting ability.......................................................................................... 4 3.5 Friction behavior................................................................................................................ 4 3.6 Zinc and zinc alloy coatings............................................................................................... 4 3.7 Screws, bolts, nuts, threaded parts and shaped parts ....................................................... 5 Check standard for current issue prior to usage. The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies the German version shall govern. Numerical notation acc. to ISO practice. Page 1 of 16 This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature. Technical Responsibility Standards GQL-LM Dr. Stephan Eisenberg GQL-LM/2 Günther Laudien EKTC/4 Jürgen Wiesner EKTC GQL-LM/2 Hans-Joachim Koeppen Tel.: +49-5361-9-25803 Tel.: +49-5361-9-29064 Manfred Terlinden Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be transmitted or reproduced without the prior permission of a Standards department within the Volkswagen Group. Contract partners shall obtain the standard only through the B2B supplier platform www.vwgroupsupply.com.  VOLKSWAGEN AG vwnorm-2007-07 ...............3 Surface protection types according to VDA 235-104 and VW 13750 ................... Avoidance of hazardous substances according to VW 91101..... 危险 .....5 3.......2 Other parts .....Ofl-r645 3 Requirements 3......2.................... 2..Page 2 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 3..................... VW11625 and VW11627................................................6 4 Referenced standards ......................................................1 Comparison of "not for new design"/"for new design" ..9...............................12 A. Separate Technical Supply Specifications (TL stan- dards) apply to special surface protection types without identification by surface protection code (see Appendix A.............14 A.............1 Code composition The abbreviation for surface protection ('Ofl-' from the German word for 'surface') is followed by a 4-digit code taken from Table 2.....5 3... 密封 润滑 VW 13750 .. For thread dimensions after surface treatment. transparent Cr(VI)-free pas- sivated....... The restrictions stipulated in VW 60361 shall be observed for mechanical joining elements.......2 Description example For surface protection: zinc alloy electroplated...................... sealed and with lubricant treatment....................1 Joining elements with metric ISO thread.............................15 A...............................8 Commercial protection types ...........................5 3......... 2 Description 2....................2 Surface protection types without code ......... according to TL 244.................................................. VW11614..... heavy protection.......... VW11611 and VW11615 apply....10 Assignment of surface protection types and codes ...........16 1 Scope This standard applies to the identification of general surface protection types of vehicle parts and units in drawings and technical documentation............................. VW11624.....................................................)......................................1 General requirements The vehicle parts and units are categorized according to their corrosion load and assigned to a resistance class with grade (according to Table 1) by the responsible Engineering Department u- pon agreement with the Volkswagen AG Laboratory (GQL-LM) and/or the AUDI AG Laboratory (I/GQ-32)............................. The following standards apply to thread dimensions prior to surface treatment: VW11610...........5 3......9......9 Parts without surface protection treatment........ The storage temperature shall be between -5 °C and +40°C. 可允许的 e. The functional characteristics of nuts trea- ted with protective coating and/or lubricants must not deteriorate within a storage period of six 恶化 months in weather-sheltered rooms.g. corrosion protection only serves as grade 1 transit coating and is not compulsory for pro- per functioning. Parts which are visible in as-installed condi- tion (also from vehicle underside). grade 6 transmission). the respective area of the part shall be marked by a wide dash-dot line (see Figure 1) and the code shall be specified on a datum line. Nuts with non-metallic insert may be treated with lubricant in order to ensure the defined functional character- istics. Heavy protection mental conditions (e. Parts such as joining elements which are u- sed in interior as well as exterior areas due to diversity reduction constraints. grade 3 Not for joining elements (for exceptions see VW 01110-1). the co- de shall be entered in the "surface protection" title block. 涂掉 数据 If there is only a small area on the part that is without surface protection. Joining elements made of stainless or high-temperature resistant materials may require additional lubricant treatment in order to comply with the requirements of VW01129. Parts directly exposed to exterior environ. e. Medium protection tected installation position. Ofl-r673/x630. engine.g. 块 without surface protection Ofl-r645 Figure 1 Figure 2 . Parts which require corrosion protection in order to ensure proper functioning. Heavy load level. "see drawing" shall be entered in the "surface protec- tion" title block. chassis. If sev- eral surface protection types can be applied optionally. Medium load level. Low load level. Interior and exterior components in a pro.2 Drawing specifications If a certain surface protection is required for the entire part or for several parts in an ASSY. Ofl-t650 (see also VW01058). Table 1 – Classification of vehicle parts Vehicle part types Corrosion load Resistance class Parts which are not visible in as-installed con. the codes of all permissible treatments shall be given.g. In this case "see drawing" shall be entered in the "surface protection" title block. and shall be suited for automatic tightening. If only partial protection is applied to a part. The lubricant must not be hazardous to the user nor exhibit an unpleasant odor when un- tightening. Page 3 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 全部 润滑剂 All-metal clamping nuts shall always be treated with additional or integrated lubricants. the unprotected area shall be marked (Figure 2). 3. Light protection dition. Page 4 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 If different surface treatments are specified for a given part. The respective areas on the part shall be clearly identified. The surface treatments shall be referred to separately in the part-related drawings. . particularly for parts with metric ISO threads. Zinc flake coatings according to code letter t shall preferably be used.9. e. 3. Only transparent passivation treatment is permissible for electrically conducting connections.6 Zinc and zinc alloy coatings 可允许的 Electrodeposited / galvanized coatings are not permissible for high-strength steel and/or standard parts with a tensile strength of Rm > 1000 MPA and threaded parts with a property class of ≥ 10. 3. 被强制的 Only in exceptional cases. shall be determined by testing and matched to the performance characteristics (see VDA 235-203).5 Friction behavior 摩擦力 The influence of the surface protection on the friction behavior. for weld nuts).4 Agents impairing wetting ability Lubricants and slushing oils shall be free of silicone oils and other agents that significantly impair wetting ability. "see drawing" shall be entered in the "surface protection" field. For these parts. 可允许的 Electroplated zinc systems without additional coatings (e. when electrodeposited zinc coating or zinc alloy coating is absolutely necessary for functional reasons can these coatings be applied with integrated heat treatment ac- cording to DIN 50969 (zinc alloy coatings are preferred). the parts shall be tested for weldability. 3. The appearance of zinc/nickel alloy coatings shall be matched to their immediate environment. g. Yellowish passivation treatment corresponding to the finish 谈黄色 of yellow chromating treatment with Cr(VI) is not permissible. paint coatings or sealants) are only permissible for interior areas. g. Zinc electroplated or zinc alloy electroplated parts may be post-treated in passivation solutions in order to improve corrosion resistance. 剥落 Exceptions are possible for parts which are only subject to pressure load. For bolts with metric ISO thread. heat treatment according to DIN EN ISO 4042 is compulsory. "see dra- wing" shall be entered in the "surface protection" title block of the assembly drawing.3 Weldability 可焊性 If parts with surface protection are to be welded to each other or to other metal parts. If parts from one ASSY are separately coated (one or more different surface treatments). Ofl-c340 shall be considered as the standard surface protection type in body assembly (e. g. for bolts according to VW60277 and VW60358 and for nuts with a property class ≤ 10 (nuts with washer assembly only up to ≤ property class 8). 抗湿性 硅树脂 3. the use of such coatings is limited to tensile strength values of up to 1200 MPa (see VW60250). bolts. The commercial surface protection types. It is also possible to distinguish between procedure and finish.9. 3. in exceptional cases. Ofl-c010 "commercial zinc coating" and Ofl-r010 "commercial electrodeposited zinc alloy coatings" must not contain any Cr(VI) compounds.g. "-" or without any description in the sense of "lightly oiled" according to DIN ISO 8992. unoiled parts must be supplied.9 Parts without surface protection treatment 3. . oiled". unoiled parts must be supplied. 3. 柄 The application of the protective layers must not result in the h-position being exceeded in the case of external threads or the H-position being fallen below in the case of internal threads. as indicated in DIN ISO 8992. Avoidance of hazardous substances according to VW 91101 also applies to commercial surface protection types. this must be indicated in the drawing. To this end. The use of surface protection types intro- duced for joining elements is permissible. 3. this must be indi- cated in the drawing by means of the entry “not oiled”. QP A001 applies. for commercial hot-dip tin coatings: Ofl-g020. If.2 Other parts For parts without surface protection and with surface protection specification "without" or "plain. "-" or without any designation at all shall. "without".8 Commercial protection types Commercial surface protection types can be used for less important applications (e. they are not tested for corrosion resistance.9. If. Page 5 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 3. e. only the code of the respective procedure and the figures 010 shall be indicated.g. nuts. bolts. However. the next resistance class down is applied to the thread and shank. surface protection type "without". The designa- tion for commercial paint coating for example appears as follows: Ofl-x010. threaded parts and shaped parts The test specifications according to Table 2 apply to the thread-free areas of screws. If such protection is sufficient for a given part. nuts and similar threaded or shaped parts. in exceptional cases. the fol- lowing surface protection types shall be used: Ofl-a100: corresponds to "not oiled".1 Joining elements with metric ISO thread Parts with the designation "plain". be supplied in lightly oiled condition. Ofl-a101: corresponds to "plain".g. e.7 Screws. steel wire). - passivated b101 . Post-treatment and ap. 1 3 6 letter Coating process requirements pearance light medium heavy None not oiled a100 . Surface protection types with codes represented in bold italics shall preferably be used for joining elements. Table A. surface protection types with framed codes are standard surface protection types for components without threads. - phosphated. greased. - see footnote 4 silver gray b111 . - b phosphated (for internal applications) manganese phosphated 5).10 Assignment of surface protection types and codes The specifications of Table 2 shall apply. Supplement 1 lists all invalid protection types that were included in earlier issues of VW13750. 框架 Surface protection types in brackets contain Cr(VI) and are not available for new designs. - and oiled thin layer zinc oiled b140 . - 3) oiled. 支架 Table A. - For footnotes see page 11.Page 6 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 3. VW13750. 2) TL 240 not oiled b149 . - 2) not oiled b100 . Table 2 – Surface protection type codes Codes for Surface protection type resistance classes Code Finish/system. waxed b110 .3 presents the surface protection types according to VW 13750 that correspond to the protection types of VDA 235-104.1 specifies which protection types are not permissible for new designs and which protec- tion types shall be used instead. . - a untreated see footnote 1 lightly oiled a101 . 6) b130 . (c351) (c651) sealed yellow chromated. c341 c641 8) Method thick-layer passivated . 5). c310 c610 8) 2) 2) passivated . sealed however re. c697 12) semigloss without post-treatment 13) 14) . 9) with lubricant treatment 8). . 9) 9) 8) . olive chromated . 5) 12) . . (c385) (c685) with lubricant treatment pale yellow chromated. (c683) 11) zinc-coated. f620 f electroplated plated. 9) electroplated . e320 e620 plated mirror-bright. 9) . TL 203 mirror-bright . 5). c696 passivated and sealed. e310 e610 nickel nickel-plated e electroplated bright nickel. for thick-layer passivated and high-strength 8) .
 TL 194 passivated and sealed 8). (c686) sealed pale yellow chromated.6. . (c355) - c zinc with lubricant treatment 10) 11) 5) 5) electroplated olive chromated . (c360) (c660) 11) 5) acid bright olive chromated . 5). Post-treatment and ap. c342 c642 optional. . 9) TL 217 12) . c330 c630 7) without post-treatment . 12) for contact with with lubricant treatment Mg. (c350) (c650) 3. 1 3 6 letter Coating process requirements pearance light medium heavy hot-dip zinc coated TL 217 without post-treatment . . . chromium bright chrome. f350 f650 16) without post-treatment g100 g300 g600 tin 16) 15) bright tin-coated without post-treatment . c347 c647 stricted with lubricant treatment acc. 12) . TL 217 yellow chromated and 5) 5) . 9) 5). . . to Section 5) 5) yellow chromated . c340 c640 8) passivated and sealed .with microcracks . 9) sealed . (c687) weakly acidic. . thick-layer passivated. c343 c643 parts. g605 g with lubricant treatment hot-dip tin coated 15) without post-treatment g120 g320 g620 copper 17) 5)17) k without post-treatment k110 k310 - electroplated For footnotes see page 11. Page 7 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 Table 2 (continued) Codes for Surface protection type resistance classes Code Finish/system.without post-treatment 13) 14) . . (r650) 5) yellow chromated . . (r670) 2) black passivated . yellow chromated. . . 5). . q600 aluminum alloy Al coating. r642 troplated alkaline. (r605) with lubricant treatment optional.Page 8 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 Table 2(continued) Codes for Surface protection type resistance classes Code Finish/bath type. black chromated . TL 153 8) Fe-alloyed. . (r620) cyanide-free. r649 weakly acidic. 9) alkaline. only for castings TL 244 5) yellow chromated . transparent passivated . r301 - TL 153 black passivated. . 9) electrolyte type . . . 9) sealed. TL 153 low-alloy with 11) 5) Fe and Co. alkaline 11) 5) black chromated . sealed . sealed . . (r675) with lubricant treatment TL 244 black passivated. 8) . r645 led. (r610) TL 153 low-alloy with Fe. with lubricant treatment Ni alloy. sea. 1 3 6 letter Coating process requirements pearance light medium heavy silvery matte . without post-treatment q electroplated TL 243 silvery matte 9) . . 5). r672 18) black passivated. . r677 with lubricant treatment For footnotes see page 11. black chromated . . . 9) alkaline. (r600) optional. Post-treatment and ap. transparent passivated. silver passivated . 8) 2) r 10) Ni alloy. transparent passivated. 18) TL 244 8) r643 sealed transparent passivated. 9) 8) . 5) 8) . 11) 5) alkaline or acidic. . . r673 Ni alloy. . . . (r660) Ni alloy. . . (r665) with lubricant treatment TL 244 5) black chromated . . black chromated. r302 - alloy and/or black chromated. . r640 sealed zinc-alloy elec. TL 153 low-alloy with Co. 5). q605 with lubricant treatment alloy and/or 11) 5) electrolyte type black chromated . (r630) TL 153 transparent passivated. (t345) (t645) silver gray. 19) TL 245 . t310 t610 havior of the coating is required (microencapsulation). for components that are used in the body-in-white before painting or for which a special adhesive compatibility or a locking be. .g. t350 t650 preferably black . 22) chromated (v110) . .TL 245 5) 5) TL 245 . s611 ing. not for threaded parts with metric ISO thread. use in in exposed installation posi- tions (engine). . . TL 184 . . standard surface protection for . to TL 217 plus cathodic electrocoat. TL 245 with top coat containing lubricant 20) . Post-treatment and ap. TL 233 5). - For footnotes see page 11. . standard surface protection for nuts 19) with non-metallic locking element. TL 245 t zinc flake coating silver gray. . TL 233 black finish DIN 50938 oiled u110 . t601 TL 245 silver gray. 1 3 6 letter Coating process requirements pearance light medium heavy passivated acc. s zinc/nickel plus TL 196 black cathodic electro- coating) passivated acc. TL245 silver gray. to TL 244 plus 9) cathodic electrocoating. u610 Zn-ThD layer silver gray passivated. . s621 Zn/Ni. . u615 TL 184 5). cathodic electrocoating. . . TL 245 silver gray. . 9) . for components that must not be exposed to high temperatures (e. Page 9 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 Table 2(continued) Codes for Surface protection type resistance classes Code Finish/bath type. - u silver gray passivated. t611 ments). s627 black. t615 with lubricant treatment. to TL 244 plus (zinc or . (t300) (t600) silver gray. (t320) (t620) with top coat containing lubricant 20) . 5) 2) . . with lubricant treatment. with lubricant treatment 5) 5) TL 245 . 21) 5). use in exposed installation positions (engine. spring ele- . t330 t630 preferably black . chassis). t602 parts with metric ISO thread. black passivated duplex coating acc. - v 23) passivated v111 . however not for threaded . t647 threaded parts with metric ISO thread. w640 5) transparent. . x100 x300 x600 coating. x651 base layer. TL 260 24) zinc phosphated. . hot dip zinc coated 24). . x633 (semi-finished product) and painted . . TL 227 zinc phosphated (passivated in exceptional cases). . . . paint-coated . appearance light medium heavy letter Coating process requirements transparent. . dual layer paint . bright . 26) . . single-layer liquid 24) x130 x330 - paint or cathodic electrocoating . . . TL 182 application. for leaf springs. x631 zinc phosphated. . y650 electroplated 27) z passivated . TL 256 . x610 zinc phosphated TL 218 and paint-coated piano lacquer structure. x611 TL 218 multi-layer structure. y600 y TL 214 with zinc dust heat-resistant zinc dust. . w625 matte glosse. TL 214 . x612 TL 218 electroplated and paint-coated piano lacquer structure. TL 260 multi-layer structure. thick layer cathodic electro- coating or cathodic electrocoating + dip paint. layer-forming . . bright . . matte . TL 256 . . single-layer liquid paint or 25) x 24) . e. TL 212 . TL 212 w180 . w690 hard anodized and impregnated. . dyed.Page 10 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 Table 2(continued) Codes for Surface protection type resistance classes Finish/electrolyte Post-treatment and 1 3 6 Code type. . . x632 24). . TL 227 zinc phosphated. TL 24 paint-coated zinc phosphated. . z300 - tin/zinc coating For footnotes see page 11. . w620 transparent. w630 TL 212 w anodized dyed. . w670 transparent anodized. Fe or Mn phosphated. w680 hard anodized.g. . 26) coated . TL 260 . . x634 TL 260 24) powder paint. matte . w610 transparent. zinc . w660 5) dyed. single-layer liquid paint or cathodic electro. bright . x613 TL 218 Zn. x630 cathodic electrocoating . decorative . zinc electroplated (individual parts) and paint. x650 coated 26) layer-forming and primed . . w695 24) pretreatment not specified . matte . TL 212 . . NOTE: Ofl-b111 = Ofl-b100 + (2 to 4) µm zinc flake coating. 27) Sn: (70 ± 12) %. 易碎的periods of time shall be taken into account for the given resistance class In addition to the specifications made in Table 2. steel parts with tensile strength values above 1200 MPa shall be subjected to appropriate heat treatment up to a max. 15) Requirements in resistance class 1 = DIN 50965-Fe//Sn4. 14) Layer thickness > 20 µm. resistance class 3 = DIN 50965-Fe//Sn12. no zinc corrosion of zinc die-castings). coating thickness > 12 µm. Ofl-b130 2 hours without base metal corrosion. No longer permitted for new joining element designs. 8) Zinc electroplated parts with Cr(VI)-free passivation must not appear yellowish in order to distinguish the parts from the yellow chro- mating containing Cr(VI) often used in the past. coating thickness > 20 µm. otherwise black. in resistance class 6 = DIN 50965-Fe//Sn20. 25) Requirements also apply to dip-primed body parts. 20) Contains PTFE. steel parts with tensile strength values above 1000 MPa that are subject to tensile stress shall be subjected to appropriate heat treatment to avoid brittle fracture induced by hydrogen. Ofl-b101. 9) Metric ISO threaded parts shall be treated with lubricant according to TL 52132. 22) No change of surface after 240 h of salt spray test NSS according to DIN EN ISO 9227 (e. the following when performing the salt spray test NSS according to DIN EN ISO 9227: Ofl-b100. coating thickness > 4 µm. 13) Layer thickness > 10 µm. Verification by bracing test according to DIN 50969. 17) Ofl-k110 layer thickness (3 + 3) µm. Without base metal corrosion after 360 hours of salt spray test NSS acc.g. Layer thickness ≥ 5 µm.g. 7) For parts to be painted in-house. 3) For threaded parts only oil or oil emulsion permissible. 6) For characterization of the layer see TL 235. Ofl-b110 6 hours without base metal corrosion. . to DIN EN ISO 9227. to TL 195. if this is the case. to DIN 267-27. 16) For steel parts assembled with magnesium in order to avoid bimetallic corrosion. 5) Not for new designs. replaced by Ofl-b140. the addendum “KTL” (German abbre- viation for cathodic electrocoating) must be added to the code. Ofl-k310 layer thickness (12 + 4) µm. 24) Color specification according to drawing. Ofl-b111 48 hours without base metal corrosion. cathodic electrocoating can be demanded. 易碎的 11) Mainly for vehicles of the German Federal Armed Forces. 4) After phosphating. not suitable for adhesive bonds. Page 11 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 Table 2(continued) Codes for Surface protection type resistance classes Finish/electrolyte Post-treatment and 1 3 6 Code type. to DIN 267-28 and sealing coatings acc. 18) Preferred protection type for sheet metal screws and PT screws 19) Metric ISO threaded parts shall be treated with lubricant according to TL 52165. locking coatings acc. 26) Instead of single-layer liquid paint. temperature of 200 °C if required in order to avoid brittle fracture induced by hydrogen (DIN EN 12476). 12) Preferably for steel parts assembled with magnesium in order to avoid bimetallic corrosion. 10) Immediately after surface treatment. 21) Treated with blue lubricant. 2) Suitable for joining elements used in the body-in-white and for joining elements with adhesive coatings acc. appearance light medium heavy letter Coating process requirements 1) No base metal corrosion after 4 cycles in CH test atmosphere according to DIN EN ISO 6270-2. no zinc corrosion of zinc die-castings). only for joining elements of LT2. 23) No change of surface after 120 h of salt spray test NSS according to DIN EN ISO 9227 (e. remainder: Zn. but only when electrical conductivity is required. Requirements for Surface Protection TL 203 Electroplated Nickel/Chromium Coatings. Requirements for Surface Protec- tion TL 260 Paint Coating of Metal Surfaces. Requirements for Surface Pro- tection TL 233 Non-Electrolytically Applied Zinc Flake Coatings with Surface Layer. Requirements TL 240 Thin-Layer Zinc Phosphating. Re- quirements TL 227 Paint Coating of Zinc-Coated Metal Surfaces. Drawing Oils and Drawing Agents. Surface Protection Re- quirements TL 256 Powder Paint Coating on Metal Surfaces. Material Requirements TL 196 Duplex Coating Systems for Small Parts and Bulk Parts. Blank Washing Oils.only available in German) TL 184 Zinc Thermal Diffusion Layers (Zn-ThD Layers). Assembly and Process Assurance . Requirements TL 195 Mechanical Joining Elements. Requirements for Surface Protection TL 52132 Lubricant for Electrolytically Zinc-Plated Threaded Parts TL 52165 Lubricant (Greenish) for Threaded Fasteners. Lettering VW 01110-1 Threaded Joints. Quality Requirements TL 153 Zinc-Iron Coatings. termi- nological inconsistencies may occur as the original titles are used. Oberflächenschutzanfor- derungen (Non-Organic Coatings on Aluminum Parts. Requirements for Surface Protection TL 182 Anorganische Schutzschicht auf Aluminiumteilen. Material Requirements VW 01129 Limit Values for Coefficients of Friction. Mechanical Joining Elements with Metric ISO Thread VW 01058 Technical Drawings. QP A001 Prelubes. Requirements for Surface Protection TL 243 Electrolytically Deposited Al Coatings and Al/Mg Alloy Coatings. Requirements for Surface Protec- tion TL 212 Anodized Coatings on Aluminum Parts. Requirements for Surface Protection TL 218 Multicoat Painting in Body Color on Metallic Exterior Body Components. In this Section.Page 12 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 4 Referenced standards The following documents cited in this standard are necessary for application. Metric Steel Screws/Bolts with Sealing Coat- ing. Requirements for Surface Protection TL 217 Zinc Coatings. Requirements for Surface Protection TL 245 Non-Electrolytically Applied Zinc Flake Coatings. Design. Requirements for Surface Protection TL 194 Coating for Joining Elements in Contact with Magnesium. Require- ments for Surface Protection TL 244 Zinc/Nickel Alloy Coatings. Surface Protection Requirements . Requirements for Surface Protection TL 214 Zinc-Dust Paint Coating. Slushing Oils (General). Surface Protection Requirements TL 235 Manganese Phosphated Surfaces. Materials. Testing VW 60361 Mechanical Joining Elements. Limit Dimensions for Coarse Tolerance Class. Tin-Coatings on Iron Steel and on Copper and Cop- per Alloys DIN 50969 Testing of High-Strength Steel Building Elements for Resistance to Hydro- gen-Induced Brittle Fracture and Advice on the Prevention of Such Fracture DIN ISO 8992 Fasteners – General Requirements for Bolts.Salt Spray Tests . Technical Specifications DIN 267-28 Fasteners .Part 28: Steel Screws. General Guidelines VW 91101 Environmental Standard for Vehicles. Bolts and Studs with Locking Coating. Praxis. External 8g. Fe- male 6G VW 11625 Metric ISO Threads. Internal Thread 7G VW 11627 Thread Limit Dimensions for External Threads of Tolerance Class 6e. Internal 7H VW 11615 Metric ISO Thread. Bolts and Studs with Adhesive Coating. Metric ISO Threads VW 13750 Supplement 1 Surface Protection of Metal Parts. Studs and Nuts DIN EN 12476 Phosphate Conversion Coatings of Metals . Screws. Limit Dimensions for 6G/6f Tolerance Zone. Requirements. Practice. Dimensions. Avoidance of Hazardous Substances VDA 235-104 Cr(VI)-Free Surface Protection Types for Joining Elements with Metric Thread VDA 235-203 Verschraubungsverhalten. Internal Thread 6H VW 11611 Metric ISO Threads. Reibungszahlen. External Thread 8f. Limit Dimensions for Tolerance Class 8f/7G. Parts Reduction. Requirements and Test Methods DIN 50965 Electroplated Coatings.Method of Specifying Require- ments DIN EN ISO 4042 Fasteners – Electroplated Coatings DIN EN ISO 6270-2 Paints and Varnishes – Determination of Resistance to Humidity – Part 2: Procedure for Exposing Test Specimens in Condensation-Water Atmos- pheres DIN EN ISO 9227 Corrosion Tests in Artificial Atmospheres . Page 13 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 VW 11610 Metric ISO Threads.and Mount- ing-Oriented Testing . Limit Dimensions with Protective Coating for Coarse Tol- erance Class (8g/7H) VW 11624 Metric ISO Thread. Technical Supply Specifi- cations VW 60277 Hexagon head screw and washer assemblies for thermoplasts VW 60358 Screws for Thermoplasts. Invalid Ofl Designations VW 60250 High-Strength Screws and Similar Threaded Parts. Vehicle Parts.Part 27: Steel Screws. Technical Specifications DIN 50938 Black Oxide Coatings on Iron or Steel.und montageorientierte Prüfung (Threading Behavior. Coefficients of Friction. Limit Dimensions with Surface Protection Layer for Me- dium Tolerance Class 6g/6H VW 11614 Metric ISO Thread. Operating Fluids.only available in German) DIN 267-27 Fasteners . Male 6f. Limit Dimensions for Medium Tolerance Class. External Thread 6g. for threaded parts with metric ISO thread Ofl-t6471) Ofl-t310 Ofl-t610 (reduced temperature range). for threaded parts with metric ISO thread Ofl-t6471) (Ofl-t345) Ofl-t6472) (Ofl-t600) Ofl-t602. if the part must be black in appearance). (or Ofl-r302. (or Ofl-r302. if the part must be black in appearance). for joining elements Ofl-r673 (Ofl-r620) Ofl-r301. . for threaded parts with metric ISO thread Ofl-t647 1) For footnotes see Page 16. olive-green (Ofl-c683) Ofl-c696 (for components in contact with Mg) (Ofl-c385) Ofl-c697 (for joining elements in contact with Mg) (Ofl-c685) Ofl-c697 (for joining elements in contact with Mg) Ofl-k310 Ofl-k110 (Ofl-r600) Ofl-r672 (Ofl-r605) Ofl-r677 (Ofl-r610) Ofl-r301. for joining elements Ofl-r673 (Ofl-r630) Ofl-r301. if the part must be black in appearance). for threaded parts with metric thread Ofl-r643.1 Protection types containing Cr(VI) are parenthesized. (or Ofl-r302.Page 14 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 Appendix A (informative) A.1 Comparison of "not for new design"/"for new design" See Table A. for joining elements Ofl-r672 Ofl-r640 Ofl-r643 (Ofl-r642 for parts with adhesive or locking coating) (Ofl-r650) Ofl-r642 (Ofl-r660) Ofl-r642 (Ofl-r665) Ofl-r645 (Ofl-r670) Ofl-r673 (Ofl-r672 for parts with adhesive or locking coating) (Ofl-r675) Ofl-r677 (Ofl-t300) Ofl-t610. Table A.1 Surface protection type not Replacement surface protection type for new designs permitted for new designs Ofl-b130 Ofl-b140 (Ofl-c350) Ofl-c342 (for joining elements intended for welding Ofl-c340) (Ofl-c650) Ofl-c642 (for joining elements intended for welding Ofl-c340) (Ofl-c351) Ofl-c343 (Ofl-c651) Ofl-c643 (Ofl-c355) Ofl-c347 (for weld nuts and weld screws Ofl-c340) (Ofl-c360) and (Ofl-c660) Ofl-t630. for threaded parts with metric ISO thread Ofl-t6471) (Ofl-t320) Ofl-t611 (reduced temperature range). 1 (continued) Surface protection type not Replacement surface protection type for new designs permitted for new designs (Ofl-t620) Ofl-t611 (reduced temperature range). Table A. Steel Disk Wheels 239 Surface Protection of Alloy Wheels 241 Heavy-Coat Phosphating 242 Organic Coatings Containing Fluorine 243 Electrolytically Deposited Al-coatings 247 Paint Coating of Cylinder Head Covers 261 Painting on Coil Springs 262 Cavity-Forming Chassis Parts. further surface protection types exist which are not assigned a code. for threaded parts with metric ISO thread Ofl-t647 1)(reduced temperature range) (Ofl-t645) Ofl-t6472) (Ofl-v110) Ofl-v111 Ofl-w660 Ofl-w610 Ofl-w670 Ofl-w640 1) or Ofl-t610 or Ofl-t601.2 Surface protection types without code Apart from the surface protection types specified in VW 13750. Page 15 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 Table A. A.2 – Surface protection types without code TL Title 152 Powder Coating for Cylinder Block and Crankcase. Nitrocarburated 193 Flake Metal Coatings For Brake Disks 215 Electroplated Chromium and Nickel/Chromium Coatings for Piston Rods 216 Corrosion Protection for Drive Shafts 221 Electroplated Chromium and Nickel/Chromium Coatings for Brake Pistons 222 Corrosion Protection Coatings For Brake Lines 235 Manganese Phosphated Surfaces 236 Nickel/Phosphorus Coatings 238 Surface Protection. Corrosion Protection 265 Duplex Coating For Pipes 52483 AI and Zn-AI Hot-Dip Coatings for Power Steering Tubes . The technical supply specifications listed in Table A.2 shall apply to these. 2) or Ofl-t615 for nuts with non-metallic locking element. if threaded parts are used in the body-in-white before painting or for threaded parts with microencapsula- tion or with locking coating. Requirements for Surface Protection 155 Ternary Composite Layer for High-Strength Joining Elements 187 Ball Pins. 3 compares the Cr(VI)-free surface protection types for joining elements with metric ISO thread described in VDA 235-104 with counterpart protection types from VW 13750. VDA 235-104. black .20 Ofl-c347 transparent passivated Electroplated zinc alloy coating.10 Ofl-b140 Electroplated zinc coating.42 Ofl-t647 top coat. VDA 235-104. 副本 Table A.Page 16 VW 13750: Issue 2008-06 A.3 Type of surface protection Description layer according to VDA 235-104 according to VW 13750 Thin-layer phosphating VDA 235-104. VDA 235-104.40 Ofl-t610 silver Zinc flake coating with VDA 235-104. VDA 235-104. silver Zinc flake coating with VDA 235-104. no direct zinc alloy coating.30 assignment possible black passivated Zink flake coating.25 Ofl-r645 transparent passivated Electroplated Ofl-r302 or Ofl-r677.3 Surface protection types according to VDA 235-104 and VW 13750 Table A.50 Ofl-t630 top coat.
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