VUT Research Report 2013

March 22, 2018 | Author: VUT | Category: Innovation, Nanotechnology, Cadmium, Technology, Postgraduate Education



Vaal Universityof Technology ANNUAL RESEARCH REPORT Research That Matters THANK YOU Persons who assisted with the collation of the information for the Annual Research Report 2013: Ms C. Fouché Faculty of Human Sciences Mr P. Bhikha Department: Research Directorate Prof. M.J. Moloto Prof. L. Masu Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences Faculty of Engineering and Technology Mr M. Mtshali Ms A. Engelbrecht Department: Corporate Communications Technology Transfer & Innovation Mr M. Mtombeni Department: Corporate Communications Prof. J. Selesho Faculty of Management Sciences Produced by SUN MeDIA MeTRO CONTENTS From the Vice-Chancellor and Principal ................................................. 5 From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Management Sciences .................... 39 From the Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Research ................................. 7 Non-Faculty Research Outputs ..................... 51 From the Executive Director: Research ........................................................ 9 From the Executive Director: Technology Transfer and Innovation ................. 11 From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences ........................................ 15 From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Engineering & Technology ............... 23 From the Executive Dean: Faculty of Human Sciences ............................. 31 From the Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods ................................ 53 From the Centre for Alternative Energy ........................................ 57 From the Institute of Chemical & Biotechnology ............................ 61 From the Research Office ............................. 65 Higher Degrees Unit ..................................... 81 Prof. I.N. Moutlana VICE-CHANCELLOR AND PRINICIPAL MESSAGE FROM THE Our research focuses on deepening our understanding of underlying phenomena and social conditions so as to generate novel, viable, scalable and sustainable solutions to challenges experienced in the industry and society. ~ Prof. I.N. Moutlana ~ It is my honour and privilege to present to you the Our research focuses on deepening our under­ business models that support local, regional and latest publication on new and innovative knowledge standing of underlying phenomena and social international competitiveness. our students and academics have been engaging conditions so as to generate novel, viable, scalable with during the past year. The growth of our research and sustainable solutions to challenges experienced outputs is a direct result of various initiatives and in the industry and society. The University’s approach interventions that were introduced in the past few toward research is multi- and inter-disciplinary. I would like to congratulate and thank all those who years to shore up and sustain a ‘culture of research’ It enables our postgraduates and academics to have tirelessly contributed to the work reflected in within the Vaal University of Technology (VUT). harvest knowledge and technology platforms this publication. These include local and international university gained across the four faculties of Engineering collaborations on one hand, and government, and Technology, Applied and Computer Sciences, community and industry partnerships to address Human Sciences and Management Sciences. societal challenges on the other. Transfer and Innovation, the faculties, industry and quadrupled from 19.34 units in 2008 to 82.38 in community has resulted in the establishment of a 2012. The top ten national priorities of government Science and Technology Park (STP) in Sebokeng. form part of the inputs that determine our research The park houses the Southern Gauteng Innovation agenda, such as food security, nutrition, health, Forum, the Advanced Manufacturing Precinct, alternative energy sources, water rehabilitation, Centres of Excellence, and Training Centres for skills enzyme development. The STP operates on economic and non-destructive of key research programmes and projects. The nexus between the Directorate for Technology The University’s accredited research outputs have technology, In the pages that follow, we highlight the achievements testing, Prof. I. N. Moutlana VICE-CHANCELLOR AND PRINCIPAL Vaal University of Technology advanced manufacturing, and nanotechnology. 5 Prof. H.A. Louw DEPUTY VICECHANCELLOR: ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH MESSAGE FROM THE Universities should serve the teaching and learning agenda. Research management and development in univer­ sities – especially in universities of tech­ nology – not only demand continuous reflection on the changing definition of knowledge and intelligence within a developing knowledge environment, but also consideration of the continuous democratisation of knowledge and the explosion of accessible information. The challenge is to ensure continuous relevance and, therefore, effectiveness and efficiency within the research enterprise. Considering the life span of ideas and the rapidly changing context while the demand for continuous innovative approaches and practices, to meet the need for in time knowledge and interpretation, now also demands the next phase in dealing with knowledge, namely to translate it into real solutions towards real innovation over and above invention or ideation. Universities need to reposition itself in a context where unequal access to resources demands competition for scarce capacity and funding. This calls for a clear focus and definition as well as direction and prioritisation in the research process. At the same time, the approach towards knowledge management has to be addressed within the context of intellectual property management and the need for commercialisation. The tension linked with the democratisation of information and with providing everyone with access to research results on a continuous basis (be it to enhance further research or to closely protect intellectual property against second party commercialisation), represents a fundamental matter to be dealt with. Therefore, the question surrounding public and individual goods remains very important. Universities should find a third option in this dichotomy stating when, how and on the basis of what arrangement information should be managed in order to serve both individual interest as well as a common agenda. At the same time, universities should serve the teaching and learning agenda which stands central to its purpose. Conscious effort should therefore be made to inform curricula and also the engagement agenda of universities. The Vaal University of Technology (VUT) is conti­ nuously reflecting on the type of research culture as well as the capacity required to define the research orientation and its foundation as a New Generation University within the environment described above. This informs debates surrounding the nature and approach required to develop a work-based agenda for postgraduate study, and to optimise the relevance and applicability of research together with the issue of community-based scholarship. Through this reflection and related development, the Institution deals with the challenge of bridging the artificial gap between basic and applied research toward an approach which rather refers to applicable research. It is, therefore, considered as core to the mandate of VUT – as a university of technology – to ensure that knowledge is developed to the point where it addresses real needs and/or challenges. Such an approach inevitably demands the creation and addressing of new knowledge areas, as well as dealing with the application of new knowledge, even beyond the report stage to the technology phase. Based on the development in thinking and understanding of the changing context (with its challenges and opportunities), the focus on improving staff qualifications in order to reach the capacity necessary to drive this agenda, continued in 2013. A total of 41 staff members were involved in the SANTRUST Programme which intends to enhance the completion of Doctorate degrees. A programme, which was specifically developed to support Master’s and Doctoral degree students as part of growing the next generation of academics, continued successfully through the Hub-and-Spokes Initiativeas well as the induction and support programme for this category of students. Research output continued to grow and 2013 saw a meaningful increase. Significant to this growth is the increased publication rate of postgraduate students. The number of research active staff also increased significantly. Staff development continued throughout the year, with a strong focus on supporting young, black and women researchers. Part of the programme included the development of supervisors in order to accommodate the growing pressure brought on by the increase in postgraduate numbers. To ensure relevance and the optimisation of capacity, continuous attention was given to collaboration and the alignment with funding entities. This led to a meaningful increase in funding received for research activities and research programmes with other uni­ ver­sities and industry. In order to fulfil the mandate of the Institution and to find effective alignment of research with technology development and commercialisation opportunities, the relationship between research and technology transfer and innovation functions is managed on an integrated basis. With the establishment of new structures, such as the Centre for Renewable Energy and Water, new platforms are developed to strengthen research alignment as well as the development of focused research programmes. The past year was in all respects an exciting period for research growth and development at the Institution. It is, therefore, important to give recognition to all academic and professional staff members who became part of the research drive at the Institution. Special recognition should be given to the research and postgraduate offices for continuously meeting the challenges of innovation and flexibility in order to initiate new programmes and accommodate the growing pressure. The foundation that was laid has been institutionalised to such an extent that sustainable research growth and output are possible in the future – internally and, especially, with growing external relations. The opportunities ahead are, therefore, approached with great excitement. Prof. Alwyn Louw DVC: ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH 7 Dr B. Johnson EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: RESEARCH MESSAGE FROM THE Every year, more and more of our staff members are becoming interested in participating in research, and during 2013 we happened to reach the highest research output submission to the DoHET since VUT became a university! The research environment at the Vaal University of able to develop their research, supervise students, becoming all the more interested in participating, Technology (VUT) has shown sure signs of maturing and reinforce the critical mass in stimulating a competing and scooping these awards. Speaking of on an annual basis, and we are extremely excited to research culture) and students in developing their awards, we would like to acknowledge Prof. Moloi be a part of and to be able to contribute even further capacity to enhance their research. Research and Prof. Ochieng in this regard as key role models to development in this regard. capacity development opportunities have, therefore, who successfully scooped national research awards been enhanced through programmes such as the in 2013. The Institution is extremely proud to have Supervisory Programme, which also indicates the staff members of their stature who are committed partnership development of the Institution with other to increasing the capacity of research – at our institutions such as Rhodes University, from which Institution as well as for national benefit. Every year, more and more of our staff members are becoming interested in participating in research, and during 2013 we happened to reach the highest research output submission to the DHET since VUT became a university! Also, more and more researchers are becoming rated, which clearly demonstrates the importance of strengthening the engagements with the external environment, including the national systems of Science and Technology as well as international collaborators. We are, therefore, particularly grateful to the National Research Foundation, the Department of Higher Education and Training, the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Trade and Industry, ESKOM, SASOL, TalbottTalbott and the Water Research Commission, as well as a range of other companies – especially in the food industry – for strengthening their partnership with VUT. These relations have been developed through collaborations within focused research areas, but also at an institutional level to support the development of research and collaboration. However, it is not only the environment, but also the nature of research at our Institution that is maturing. As a research development team, it is our main priority to support staff (in order to strengthen their qualifications profile for them to be this programme is coordinated. In conclusion: We are truly looking forward to further Furthermore, systematic investments into infra­ enhancing and deepening research participation struc­ture and student scholarships, to enable more at VUT. All indications are that this will happen as full-time studies, are showing the importance of more heads of departments become involved in creating appropriate support structures to allow research, create opportunities for staff, and support for the development of a research culture. For the development of the Institution’s strategy in example, the next generation of academics, which realising its capacity of being a university with a is reinforced by the Hub-and-Spokes Programme, technological focus. demonstrates how, with more support, excellent academic capacity can be developed – already more than 60% of the total cohort achieved cum laude in their studies! The next generation of scholars programme has matured to such an extent that contract employment has been offered to its students, further confirming the Institution’s Lastly, I would like to extend my gratitude to all researchers and students at VUT, as well as the staff in the research office who works tirelessly to ensure that researchers are consistently supported in enabling research at VUT. commitment to this programme. The year 2013 Dr B. Johnson is also the first in which the Institution has made EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: RESEARCH significant investments into developing Postdoctoral opportunities at VUT. Another telling sign of an ever-growing and stimulating research environment is the way in which the Institution’s Research Awards have become increasingly competitive, and staff members are 9 Prof. Deon de Beer EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INNOVATION MESSAGE FROM THE In fulfilling its strategic objectives, the TTI became the planned bridge between the VUT, industry, commerce and the community in order to empower the VUT to engage in partnership models within the Southern Gauteng region. In all respects, 2013 became a watershed for the Technology Transfer and Innovation (TTI) Directorate to move from strategically planned initiatives, to implementation. • In fulfilling its strategic objectives, the TTI became the planned bridge between the VUT, industry, commerce and the community in order to empower the VUT to engage in partnership models within the Southern Gauteng region and to develop shared strategies for the advancement of social, technological and economic development. • Examples of these strategies include: • • • • The successful development of a novel Precinct with some of the most sophisticated additive manufacturing platforms on the African continent. the Cluster National Foot (NFLC) and government priorities, or in line with industry, Innovation Centre (generating grant income commerce or community needs; of approximately R69 million over 5 years, and expected to grow to approximately R280 Establishment of the Southern Gauteng Region­al Innovation Forum (SGRIF). • Collaboration with Steinmüller Africa to Technology Station. Finalisation of the Short Learning Programme Unit. Development of the VUT-SASOL Entrepreneur­ ship Programme. • develop a Welding Training Academy. • • the community; • developing opportunities for students (internships, jobs and entrepreneurship); • commercialising know-how and innovation by students, graduates and staff; • Obtaining full membership from the International Association of Science Parks (IASP). transferring and commercialising university research products to commerce, industry and million over the given period). Revitalisation of the SediChem Biotech Incubator. setting up technology platforms or com­ petence groups to respond to strategic Technology Park. Development of the Technology Station • and laying the foundation for the Shoe Successfully attracting funding for the IDC PMU. Taking over the DoWA/DoEA ‘Value addition to and agencies in order to facilitate operating through a Quadruple Helix model. This, in turn, enables the VUT to create an entrepreneurial university environment by contract • (TSRSD) in Upington as a second TIA-funded • of rural-based university-owned Science and for Rural and Sustainable Development • Finalisation Leatherwear Alien Plant Species’ programme. • Development of the Advanced Manufacturing capitalising on business development realised by other potential entrepreneurs; and • setting up campus companies where the Expanding the Idea 2 Product Lab®, locally as University might retain a company stake for well as internationally. a period of time. As such, the TTI successfully added a unique channel through which the VUT can impact regionally, nationally and internationally. The TTI constantly creates opportunities for the University to collaborate with commerce, industry and the community together with government departments Furthermore, the TTI strives toward creating sustainability in terms of research development, innovation and technology transfer, and demonstration (1) through the generation of third stream income that sustains innovative research and 11 development in support of industry and community approach to development and marketing strategies that best practices are established within the needs, and (2) through assets in the form of new by availing technology platforms, technological tooling industry. technology platforms or income through external innovations and technical expertise. grants, licensing agreements, patents or equity in • A Voxeljet VX 1000 3D sand printer, capable In creating awareness of selected technologies of printing sand moulds for casting (1060 mm of new technology platforms broadens the VUT’s such as additive or direct digital manufacturing, x 600 mm x 500 mm), and funded through research base, builds research and innovation design automation, or new scientific or business capacity, and facilitates the transfer of skills and processes, a contribution is made toward raising technology to the wider community (which includes companies’ competitiveness within a portfolio of for investment casting purposes (co-funded commerce and industry). This enables the University best practices on technological innovation – this is by the VUT and the above-mentioned grant). to address knowledge generation and development done while students and/or company employees are of human resources. being trained on cutting-edge technologies. the TTI team to successfully apply for a THRIP Based on the foundation of creating an external Examples of new and unique technology platforms project based on applications of the Voxeljet funding stream to support industry-oriented research for both research and technology transfer and start-up businesses. Simultaneously, the availability and development as well as skills development, the VUT community created a sustainable system to develop and maintain partnerships and markets that an NRF RISP Grant (De Beer) of R8.4 million. • • A fully-fledged tooling design and manufacturing generate demands for new products and services. centre, operating in parallel with modelling and The TTI, through its different structures, supports simulation capabilities which are supported by companies (or industry clusters) that seek a fresh industry and international software to ensure The above-mentioned equipment positioned platforms – generating grant income of R5.44 million (De Beer). innovation support include: • A Voxeljet VX 500 3D printer to print PMMA • Stratasys Fortus MC 250 and Fortus MC 400 FDM machines, which opened up unique (direct digital) manufacturing opportunities for load bearing aerospace applications. These helped the VUT team to get international recognition, and opened the door to a further NRF NEP grant of R5.6 million (De Beer) to also purchase the StratsysFortus MC 900 machine. • Through the SANF & LC Shoe Innovation Centre, an EOS Formiga P 110, EOS P395 and EOS P760, together with a 3D systems ZPrinter (colour 3D printer) were acquired. All the above-mentioned series of technology platforms are the latest and only of their kind on the continent, thus placing the VUT’s AMP in a prime position amongst universities on an international scale, and should be a major attraction for research funds, industry funded research projects, as well as national and international student attraction, student and staff exchange. As outgoing Executive Director, I would like to express sincere thanks to the entire TTI team, who 12 worked tirelessly in order to transform our strategic RESEARCH OUTPUTS goals into being implemented; the Research Directorate, for continuous support and collegiality, Conferences (Papers and posters presented) and the VUT’s Executive Management, for allowing Presenter: De Beer, D.J. Title of Paper: Business and Investment Opportunities in Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing in South Africa Conference: Invited paper presented at the 15th Annual Wohlers International Conference Place: EuroMold, Fankfurt, Gerrmany. Date: November 2013 the TTI to dream big and always supporting the team to achieve those dreams. With this last contribution to the VUT Annual Research Report, I would like to wish the VUT well with its endeavours, and look forward to establishing new heights through regional collaboration! Prof. Deon de Beer EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND INNOVATION Presenter and co-presenter: De Beer, D.J. & Holzbaur, U. Title of Paper: Innovation and Transfer, Education and Research –15 Years of Partnership Conference: Invited paper presented at the Conference on Education, Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development (ERIS) as part of FH Aalen’s 50th Anniversary Place: Aalen, Germany Date: November 2013 Presenter and co-presenter: Jooste, J.H. & De Beer, D.J. Title of Paper: Technology transfer and innovation at VUT as an innovation model for new generation universities Conference: SATN 2013 Place: Pretoria Date: October 2013 Presenter: De Beer, D.J. Title of Paper: Additive Manufacturing and Innovation at VUT Place: Invited lecture to Faculty of the Loughbourough Design School Date: November 2013 Presenter: Becker, L. Title of Paper: Using Additive Manufacturing to Facilitate Accurate Consumer Testing Conference: Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa (RAPDASA) Conference Place: Golden Gate Date: November 2013 Presenter: Van der Palt, P. Title of Paper: In these shoes? Creative opportunities in high value goods explored in a cat-walk case study. Conference: Rapid Product Development Association of South Africa (RAPDASA) Conference Place: Golden Gate (Paper also invited for presen­ tation at the 2014 3D Print Show in New York) Date: November 2013 Presenter: Van Tonder, M. Title of Paper: The effect of the valve pulse time on the drop formulation process for a rugged additive manufacturing print head Conference: SATNAC 2013 Conference Place: Stellenbosch Date: August 2013 Presenter: Van Tonder, M. Title of Paper: Optimisation of temperature and water flow through a Regenerative Fuel Cell for a solar hydrogen system Conference: SATNAC 2013 Conference Place: Stellenbosch Date: August 2013 Contract Research Researchers: De Beer, D.J., Jooste, J.H., Cunningham, S., La Grange, J., Mauchline, D.A., Becker, L., Van der Walt, P., Bressler, J., Mulaudzi, V. & Smith, N. Title: National Foot- and Leatherwear Cluster Innovation Company: The DTI, IDC and SAFLIA Field: Design, Additive Manufacturing, Product Development, Polymers, Moulding Technology Research Partnerships/Collaboration Researchers: De Beer, D.J., Jooste, J.H., Cunningham, S., Mauchline, D.A., Mulaudzi, V., Becker, L., Van der Walt, P., Bressler, L. & Smith, N. Title of research: Application of EOS technologies in SA manufacturing industry Company: EOS GmbH, Munich Industry: Manufacturing International: Germany Researchers: De Beer, D.J., Jooste, J.H., Cunningham, S., Mauchline, D.A., Mulaudzi, V., Becker, L., Van der Walt, P., Bressler, L. & Smith, N. Title of research: Application of Voxeljet technologies in SA manufacturing industry Company: Voxeljet GmbH, Munich Industry: Manufacturing International: Germany 13 Prof. B.R. Mabuza EXECUTIVE DEAN: FACULTY OF APPLIED AND COMPUTER SCIENCES MESSAGE FROM THE Our Faculty has become home to a growing body of researchers who are recognised, both nationally and internationally, for their research contributions towards our country as well as the rest of the world. The Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences is The application of theory in order to solve problems I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the committed to high quality research. Its focus areas and provide meaningful solutions is what we participants in the Faculty’s research office. Thank of expertise include witness in the Faculty on a daily basis. Our staff you for your dedication and commitment in ensuring and students are drawn towards problems that are that the research culture finds a home and security not only interesting, but also of great importance to within our walls. • the integration and application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in resource-based education; society in general. Our Faculty has become home to a growing body • wastewater treatment and adsorption technology; • plant molecular genetics; • ICT in transport; and • theoretical and experimental non-destructive where knowledge and technology can be cross- testing (NDT) methods. transferred; a place to simulate creativity, innovation Over the years the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences has managed to build a strong reputation in wastewater treatment and plant molecular genetics. Since it is interdisciplinary and has important practical applications, we strongly believe that our research has deepened our understanding of the water system as well as molecular genetics. of researchers who are recognised, both nationally and internationally, for their research contributions towards our country as well as the rest of the world. Furthermore, it has become a place Prof. B.R. Mabuza EXECUTIVE DEAN: FACULTY OF APPLIED AND COMPUTER SCIENCES and commercialisation; a place where our dedicated team of researchers and students have managed to bring research to life. The Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences has embarked on new research questions to applied research and innovation with direct applications to the industry and various communities. 15 FACULTY OF APPLIED AND COMPUTER SCIENCES RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate Staff Qualifications Completed in 2013 Name: Lebelo, R. S. Qualification: DTech Dissertation/Thesis Title: Analysis of greenhouse gas emission from reactive materials and its thermodynamics University/Institution: Cape Peninsula University of Technology Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter: Moloto, M.J. Title of Paper: Cadmium selenide incorporated into polymers and as core in coreshell nanomaterials Conference: South African Chemical Institute Convention 2013 Place: East London, South Africa Date: 1–6 December 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Morifi, E.L. & Moloto, M.J. Title of Paper: Synthesis and characterisation of Co and Cd chalcogenide nanomaterial from complexes based on thiourea and urea Conference: South African Chemical Institute Convention 2013 Place: East London, South Africa Date: 1–6 December 2013 ISBN/ISSN:n/a Presenter and co-presenters: More, D.S., Moloto, M.J. & Moloto, N. Title of Paper: TOPO – capped silver selenide nanoparticles and their incorporation into polymer fibers using a electrospinning technique Conference: South African Chemical Institute Convention 2013 Place: East London, South Africa Date: 1–6 December 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenters: Xaba, T., Moloto, M.J. & Moloto, N. Title of Paper: The effect of temperature and concentration of capping agent in the synthesis 16 of CdS nanoparticles using substituted thiourea ligands Conference: South African Chemical Institute Convention 2013 Place: East London, South Africa Date: 1–6 December 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a and radiative stockpile of reactive material in a cylindrical pipe of variable thermal conductivity Conference: ICCMSE-VUT 2013 Place: Vaal University of Technology (VUT), South Africa Date: 25−27 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenters: Kupeta, A.J.K., Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B. Title of Paper: Polysaccharide membrane: A suitable material for selective removal of heavy metal from wastewater Conference: 41st SACI Convention Place: East London, South Africa Date: 1−6 December 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Fonou Dombeu, J.V. & Huisman, M. Title of Paper: Practicing Semantic Web Technologies in e-government Conference: 13th European Conference on e-government Place: Como, Italy Date: 13−15 June 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-909507-22-7 Presenter and co-presenters: Pholosi, A., Mzinyane, N., Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B. Title of Paper: Influence of interference ions on the adsorption of caesium from aqueous solution using chemically modified pine cone powder Conference: 41st SACI Convention Place: East London, South Africa Date: 1−6 December 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Tshimange, M. & Pillay, M. Title of Paper: Isolation, identification and characterisation of phosphate solubilising bacteria in the rhizosphere of maize and soybean Conference: 18th Biennial Conference of the South African Society of Microbiology (SASM) Place: Forever Resorts, Warmbaths, Bela-Bela Date: 24−27 November 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenters: Gatsheni B.N., Sikakana, I. & Mangane, J. Title of Paper: The design for a Johannesburg commuter rail of an incidence response system based on web services and UML Conference: 15th Annual Conference on World Wide Web Applications Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 10–13 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-59570-4 Presenter and co-presenters: Sikakana, I., Cawe, F.V. & Tshatsinde, M.F. Title of Paper: Radiographic Flaw Detection of a Friction Stir Welded Ti-6Al-4V plate Conference: 1st National Conference on ‘Imaging with Radiation’ IMGRAD-1, 2013 Place: NECSA, Pretoria, South Africa Date: 23–24 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Lebelo, R. S. & Makinde, O. D. Title of Paper: Numerical investigation of CO2 emission and thermal stability of a convective Presenter and co-presenters: Hadebe, M., Pillay, M. & Stegmann, P. Title of Paper: Genetic diversity studies of Seriphium plumosum – a grassland encroacher plant Conference: 48th Grassland Society of South Africa Conference Place: Weesgerus, Modimolle, Limpopo Date: 15−19 July 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenters: Chauke T., Modise, S.J, Sipamla, A.M. & Mtunzi, F. Title of Paper: Essential oil extraction from Cymbopogon excavates and the investigation of its chemical properties and antimicrobial activities Conference: 41th SACI National Convention Place: East London, South Africa Date: 06−10 December 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Matamela, T. & Mtunzi, F. Title of Paper: Antioxidant activity and phytochemical screening of Rhus leptoditya Conference: 41th SACI National Convention Place: East London, South Africa Date: 06−10 December 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenters: Dikio C.W., Mtunzi, F. & Dikio, E.D. Title of Paper: Hydrazide Schiff bases of oxovanadium(IV) complexes. Synthesis, spectroscopic and antimicrobial studies Conference: 41th SACI National Convention Place: East London, South Africa Date: 06−10 December 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenters: Muleya, E., Mtunzi, F., Ahmed, A.S. & Eloff J.N. Title of Paper: Evaluation of biological activities of nine anti-inflammatory medicinal plants and characterisation of antimicrobial compounds from Pomaria sandersonii and Alepidea amatymbica Conference: 41th SACI National Convention Place: East London, South Africa Date: 06−10 December 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Mtunzi, F., Madlanga, X. & Moja, S.J. Title of Paper: Method development for selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from selected river water samples and PM10 from Vanderbijlpark in the Vaal Triangle area of South Africa Conference: 41th SACI National Convention Place: East London, South Africa Date: 06−10 December 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter: Okosun, K.O. Title of Paper: Dynamics of a varroa-mites infested honey bee colonies model Conference: BIOMATS 2013 symposium Place: Canada Date: 2–9 November 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Okosun, K.O. & Makinde, O.D. Title of Paper: A co-infection model of malaria and cholera diseases with optimal control Conference: PACCOM 2013, 8th Pan African Conference of Mathematicians Place: Nigeria Date: 30 June–6 July 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Seminars/Workshops Presented Title: Nanotechnology Young Researchers Symposium (NYRS) Presented to: Researchers and students from various institutions and science councils in Gauteng Place: CSIR, Pretoria Date: 7 November 2013 Title: SACI Young Chemists’ Symposium Presented to: Researchers and students from various institutions and science councils in Gauteng Place: University of Johannesburg Date: 13 September 2013 Publications (Books/Chapters in Books) Author and co-authors: Fonou Dombeu, J.V., Huisman, M. & Ojo, A. Chapter: E-government Systems Development Methodologies, Tools and Platforms Title: Developing e-Government Projects: Frameworks and Methodologies Publisher: Information Science Reference Date: June 2013 Page numbers of chapter: 1−20 ISBN: 978-1-4666-4245-4 17 Publications (Journals) Author and co-authors: Mlambo, M., Moloto, M.J., Moloto, N. & Mdluli, P.S. Title: Influence of temperature and precursor concentration on the synthesis of HDA-capped Ag2Se nanoparticles Journal: Materials Research Bulletin Volume: 48 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 2196−2200 ISSN: 0025-5408 Author and co-authors: Moloto, N., Moloto, M.J., Kalenga, M., Govindraju, S. & Airo, M. Title: Synthesis and characterisation of MnS and MnSe nanoparticles: Morphology, optical and magnetic properties Journal: Optical Materials Volume: 36 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 31−35 ISSN: 0925-3467 Author and co-author: Faleni, N. & Moloto, M.J. Title: Effect of glucose as stabiliser of ZnO and CdO nanoparticles on the morphology and optical properties Journal: International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences Volume: 14 18 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 127−135 ISSN: 2076-734X Author and co-authors: Mlambo, M., Mpelane, S., Mdluli, P.S., Mashazi, P., Sikhwivhilu, L.M., Moloto, N. & Moloto, M.J. Title: Unique flexible silver dendrites thin films fabricated on cellulose dialysis cassettes Journal: Journal of Materials Science Volume: 48 Issue: 18 Page numbers of article: 6418−6425 ISSN: 0022-2461 Author and co-authors: Pholosi, A., Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B. Title: Effect of chemical extractants on the biosorptive properties of pine cone powder: Influence of lead(II) removal mechanism Journal: Journal of Saudi Chemical Society Volume: 17 Issue: 2013 Page numbers of article: 77−86 ISSN: 1319-6103 Author and co-authors: Ofomaja, A.E., Pholosi, A. & Naidoo, E.B. Title: Kinetics and competitive modelling of cesium biosorption onto chemically modified pine cone powder Journal: Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Volume: 44 Issue: 2013 Page numbers of article: 943−951 ISSN: 1870-1070 Author and co-authors: Naidoo, E.B., Pholosi, A. & Ofomaja, A.E. Title: Adsorption of radiocesium from aqueous solution using chemically modified pine cone powder Journal: Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry Volume: 85 Issue: 12(2013) Page numbers of article: 2209−2215 ISSN: 0033-4545 Author and co-author: Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B. Title: Kinetics, equilibrium and comparison of multistage batch adsorber design models for biosorbent dose in metal removal from wastewater Journal: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Volume: 52 Issue: 2013 Page numbers of article: 5513−5521 ISSN: 0888-5885 Author and co-author: Ofomaja, A.E. & Unuabonah, E.I. Title: Kinetics and time-dependent Langmuir modelling of 4-nitrophenol adsorption onto Mansonia sawdust Journal: Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Volume: 44 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 566−576 ISSN: 1870-1070 Author and co-author: Fonou Dombeu, J.V., Huisman, M. Title: Adaptive Search and Selection of Domain Ontologies for Reuse on the Semantic Web Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence (JETWI) Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 230−239 ISSN: 1798-0461 Author and co-authors: Zulu, L., Adebola, P.O., Shegro, A., Laurie, S.M. & Pillay, M. Title: Progeny Evaluation of Some Sweet Potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] Breeding Lines in South Africa Journal: ActaHort Volume: 1007 Issue: n/a Page numbers of article: 247−254 ISSN: 0567-7572 Author and co-authors: Ssemakalu, C.C., Woulter, L. & Pillay, M. Title: Impact of solar irradiation on cholera toxin secretion by different strains of Vibrio cholera Journal: South African Journal of Science Volume: 109 Issue: n/a Page numbers of article: 44−49 ISSN: 0038-2353 Author and co-authors: Adebola, P.O., Shegro, A., Laurie, S.M., Zulu, L.N. & Pillay, M. Title: Genotype x environment interaction and yield stability estimate of some sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam] breeding lines in South Africa Journal: Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science Volume: 5 Issue: 9 Page numbers of article: 182−186 ISSN: 2006-9758 Author and co-authors: .Blomme, G., Price, N., Coyne, N., Lepoint, P.C.E., Nicolas, N., Ndayihazamaso, P., Niyongere, C., Yemataw, Z., Addis, T., Pillay, M., Karamura, E.B. & Jones, D. Title: Current Geographical Distribution of Two Native African Biotic Constraints to Musa Production: Xanthomonas Wilt of Banana and Enset, and some Nematode Species Journal: ActaHort Volume: 986 Issue: n/a Page numbers of article: 89−102 ISSN: 05677572 Author and co-authors: Elayabalan, S., Kalaiponmani, K., Pillay, M., Chandrasekar, A., Selvarajan, R., Kumar, K.K. & Balasubramanian, P. Title: Efficient regeneration of the endangered banana cultivar Virupakshi (AAB) via embryogenic cell suspension from immature male flowers Journal: African Journal of Biotechnology Volume: 12 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 563−569 ISSN: 1684-5315 Author and co-authors: Blomme, G., Ploetz, R., Jones, D., De Langhe, E., Price, N., Gold, C., Geering, A., Viljoen, A., Karamura, D., Pillay, M., Tinzaara, W., Teycheney, P-Y., Lepoint, P., Karamura, E. & Buddenhagen, I. Title: A historical overview of the appearance and spread of Musa pests and pathogens on the African continent: Highlighting the importance of clean Musa planting materials and quarantine measures Journal: Annals of Applied Biology Volume: 162 Issue: n/a Page numbers of article: 4−26 ISSN: 1744-7348 Author and co-authors: Farah, A.M., Billing, C., Dikio, C.W., Dibofori-Orji, O.O., Wankasi, D., Mtunzi, F.M. & Dikio, E.D. Title: Synthesis of Prussian Blue and Its Electrochemical Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide based on Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB) Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode Journal: International Journal of Electrochemical Science Volume: 8 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 12132−12146 ISSN: 1452-3981 Author and co-authors: Moja, S.J. & Mtunzi, F.M. Title: Application of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Method in Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in River Water Samples from the Vaal Triangle, South Africa Journal: Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 278−283 ISSN: 2141-226X Author and co-authors: Mtunzi, F.M., Dikio, E.D. & Moja, S.J. Title: Determination of Nitrate and Nitrite Anions from Selected Water Sources in the Pretoria and Vaal Triangle Areas of South Africa using Ion Chromatographic Method Journal: International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 207−219 ISSN: 0973-6077 Author and co-authors: Mtunzi, F.M, Dikio, E.D., Modise, S.J. & Sipamla, A.M. Title: GC-MS Analysis of Hexane Extract of Bolusanthusspeciosus stem bark Journal: Asian Journal of Plant Sciences and Research Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 27−30 ISSN: 2249-7412 19 Author and co-authors: Moja, S.J., Mtunzi, F.M. & Madlanga, X. Title: Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in River Water Samples from the Vaal Triangle Area in South Africa Journal: Journal of Environmental Sciences and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering Volume: 48 Issue: 8 Page numbers of article: 847−854 ISSN: 1093-4529 Author and co-authors: Dikio, E.D., Mzulwini, P.A.,Dikio, C.W. & Mtunzi, F.M. Title: Evaluation of Fluoride and Hydrogen ion concentration in Commercial Bottled Drinking Water in South Africa Journal: Asian Journal of Chemistry Volume: 25 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 2569−2572 ISSN: 0970-7077 Author and co-authors: Okosun, K.O., Takaidza, I. & Makinde, O.D. Title: Impact of optimal control on the treatment of HIV/AIDS and screening of unaware infective Journal: Applied Mathematical Modelling Volume: 37 Issue: n/a Page numbers of article: 3802–3820 ISSN: 0307-904X Author and co-authors: Okosun, K.O., Takaidza, I. & Makinde, O.D. Title: Analysis of the recruitment and industrial human resources management for optimal productivity in the presence of HIV/ AIDS pandemic Journal: Journal of Biological Physics Volume: 39 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 99−121 ISSN: 0092-0606 Author and co-authors: Okosun, K.O., Ouifki, R. & Marcus, N. Title: Optimal control strategies and costeffectiveness analysis of a malaria model Journal: Biosystems Volume: 111 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 83−101 ISSN: 0303-2647 Author and co-authors: Cai, L.M., Lashari, A.A., Jung, H., Okosun, K.O. & Seo, Y. Title: Mathematical analysis of a malaria model with partial immunity to reinfection Journal: Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume: 2013 Issue: 2013 Page numbers of article: 1−17 ISSN: 1085-3375 Author and co-author: Okosun, K.O. & Makinde, O.D. Title: Optimal control analysis of malaria in the presence of nonlinear incidence rate Journal: Applied and Computational Mathematics Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 20−32 ISSN: 1683-3511 Author and co-authors: Abiodun, G.J., Marcus, N., Okosun, K.O. & Witbooi, P. Title: A model for control of HIV/AIDS with parental care Journal: International Journal of Biomathematics Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: DOI 10.1142/ S179352451350006X ISSN: 1793-5245 Author and co-authors: Thema, F.T., Moloto, M.J., Dikio, E.D., Nyangiwe, N.N., Kotsedi, L., Maaza, M. & Khenfouch, M. Title: Synthesis and characterisation of graphene thin films by chemical exfoliation and intercalation of graphite oxide Journal: Journal of Chemistry Volume: 2013 Issue: 8p Page numbers of article:DOI:10.1155/2013/150536 ISSN: 2090-9063 Author and co-authors: Dikio, E.D., Vilakazi, G. & Tshibangu, P.N. Title: Density, dynamic viscosity and derived properties of binary mixtures of m-Xylene, o-Xylene, p-Xylene, with pyridine at T = (293.15, 303.15, 313.15 and 323.15) K Journal: Journal of Molecular Liquids Volume: 177 Issue: n/a Page numbers of article: 190−197 ISSN: 0167-7322 Author and co-authors: Dikio, E.D., Thema, F.T., Farah, A.M. & Shooto, N.D. Title: One-step reduction, characterisation and magnetic behaviour of exfoliated graphene oxide with hydrazine hydrate 20 Journal: Material Science Poland Volume: 31 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 59−64 ISSN: 2083-134X Author and co-authors: Dikio, E.D. & Farah, A.M. Title: Synthesis, characterisation and comparative study of copper and zinc metal organic frameworks (MOF) Journal: Chemical Science Transactions Volume: 2 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1386−1394 ISSN: 2278-3318 Author and co-authors: Dikio, E.D., Shooto, N.D., Thema, F.T. & Farah, A.M. Title: Raman and TGA study of carbon nanotubes synthesised over Mo/Fe catalyst on aluminium oxide, calcium carbonate and magnesium oxide support Journal: Chemical Science Transactions Volume: 2 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1160−1173 ISSN: 2278-3318 Author and co-authors: Moloto, L.H., Manzini, S.S. & Dikio, E.D. Title: Reduction of magnetite in the presence of activated carbon using mechanical alloying Journal: Journal of Chemistry Volume: 2013 Issue: 8p Page numbers of article:DOI:10.1155/2013/837649 ISSN: 2090−9063 Research in Progress Researcher: Pillay, M. Title: Agricultural and Environmental Biotechnology Field: Plant Molecular Biology/Biotechnology Researchers: Xaba, T., Moloto, M.J. & Moloto, N. Title: Synthesis and Characterisation of Metal and Metal-Sulfide Polymer Nanocomposites and studies of their application in Water Treatment Field: Nanotechnology Researchers: Morifi, E.L., Moloto, M.J. & Matabola, K.P. Title: Cobalt and cadmium chalcogenide nanomaterials from complexes based on thiourea, urea and their alkyl derivatives: Synthesis and characterisation Field: Nanotechnology Researchers: More, D.S., Moloto, M.J. & Moloto, N. Title: Synthesis and characterisation of silver and silver selenide nanoparticles and incorporation into polymer fibers using electrospinning technique Field: Nanotechnology Researchers: Modike, T.R. & Moloto, M.J. Title: Deposition of polymer intercalated thin film layers of the Cd and Zn sulfide and oxide using CBD technique by varying the concentration of the metal salt and temperature Field: Nanotechnology Researchers: Sibokoza, S.B., Moloto, M.J.,Moloto, N. & Mtunzi, F.M. Title: Synthesis and properties of metal oxide and selenide nanocomposites from superabsorbent polymers Field: Nanotechnology Researchers: Rabolinyane, M.P., Moloto, M.J. & Shumbula, P.M. Title: Synthesis, characterisation and properties of sugar-capped CdS/Ag/Cu, CuS/Ag, CdS/CuS and CdS/ZnS core-shell nanomaterials Field: Nanotechnology calcium from steel slag in view of sequestering carbon dioxide Field: Environmental Chemistry Researcher: Mtunzi, F.M. Title: Phytochemical studies of Medicinal Plants Field:Phytomedicine and Chemistry Research Partnerships/Collaboration Researcher: Moloto, N. Title of Research: Quantum dots and thin films for solar and health applications Higher Education Institution,e.g. University of the Witwatersrand, or Company: Eskom Holdings Ltd. Industry: Education International: No Researcher: Matabola, K.P. Title of Research: Polymer nanofibers and coreshell nanomaterials Higher Education Institution, e.g.University of Johannesburg, or Company: Mintek Industry: Science Council International: No Researcher: Moja, S.J. Title of research: Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants in Air and Water Higher Education Institution: University of South Africa Industry: Education Researchers: Pule, K.M. & Naidoo, E.B. Title: Development of specific targets for organics in cycle water of a power plant and its impact on acid conductivity (KHI) Field: Water and Power Plant Chemistry Researchers: Kupeta, A.K.J., Ofomaja, A.E. & Naidoo, E.B. Title: Synthesis of cross-linked pine cone biosorbents using hexamethylene diisocyanate (HMDI) and its application in industrial wastewater treatment Field: Waster Water and Adsorption Chemistry Researchers: Kotoane, A.M. & Naidoo, E.B. Title: Development and optimisation of selective leaching processes for the extraction of 21 Prof. M. Ndege EXECUTIVE DEAN: FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY MESSAGE FROM THE During 2013, the Faculty added two new partnerships to the already existing ones. These are pressureless sintering of austenitic stainless steel fly ash metal matrix composites, and synthesis and SPS sintering Nano composites materials for MEMS applications. The Faculty continued to strengthen the Faculty the Faculty during 2013, while the rest were under Research and Innovation Committee with the main special short course programmes in collaboration polymer rebar in concrete beams under purpose of increasing our research outputs and with the Centre for Short Courses & Programmes dynamic loading. improve other research undertakings at the Faculty. at the Technology Transfer and Innovation Centre. The Faculty Research and Innovation Committee is coming of age and continues to do a splendid job for the Faculty, thanks to all the dedicated members and their valuable inputs. While this is commendable, there is still room for further development. We have tried to streamline our teaching, learning and our research, so that all these three areas speak to one another and complement each other. In 2013, a total of sixteen postgraduate qualifications A number of Doctoral candidates are progressing materials’ mechanical properties: The effects on varying definitions. sintering of austenitic stainless steel fly ash metal matrix composites, and synthesis and SPS sintering Two centres of excellence, Centre for Renewable Nano composites materials for MEMS applications. Energy and Water (CREW) and Centre for Alternative A number of new research areas added to our already existing ones are: • • Energy (CAE), were established in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. With FRIC growing of age, Departmental Research and Innovation Committees (DRIC) will be formed to strengthen growth within the Faculty in Pressureless sintering of austenitic stainless coming years. steel fly ash metal matrix composites. • Powder metallurgy of high temperature PGM alloys. • Modelling the properties of Aluminium metal Prof. M. Ndege FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY matrix composites for automotive applications. Education (DOE) accredited conference papers and eleven DOE accredited journal articles for the year Microstructural characterisation of friction stir welded joints. steadily with their research into the year 2014. The Faculty members produced 36 Department of Modelling strain rate sensitivity of Nano­ to the already existing ones. These are pressureless Technology (VUT), while two were from outside VUT. Four of the fourteen obtained Cum Laude from VUT. • Structural bond behaviour of fibre-reinforced During 2013, the Faculty added two new partnerships at Master’s level were completed at the Faculty. Of these, fourteen were at the Vaal University of • • Performance analysis and modelling of diesel 2013. Two book chapters were written by some of engine operational characteristics using the faculty members. The Foundry Introductions’ pyrolytic oil from scrap tyre and additives. course was the only workshop conducted from 23 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate Staff Qualifications Completed in 2013 Name: Appolo, S. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/Thesis Title: Anaerobic degradation and Photocatalytic treatment of Industrial Wastewater using Natural Zeolite University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Du Plooy, A.F. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/Thesis Title: A flight data recorder for radio-controlled model aircraft University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Mokhalodi, K. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/Thesis Title: Development of a universal bi-directional galvanic isolated switch module for power applications University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Mapokgole, J.B. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/Thesis Title: Optimisation of dynamic and stochastic production scheduling after random disruption University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Igberase, E. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/Thesis Title: Adsorption of Cu(II) ions by polyaniline grafted chitosan beads University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Modiba, E.M. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/Thesis Title: Biodiesel production and evaluation of heterogeneous catalysts using South African oil-producing trees University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology 24 Name: Dube, G.M. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/Thesis Title: Enhancement of sorbent properties in flue gas desulphurisation using siliceous material and hydrating agents University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Nziu, P.K. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/Thesis Title: Characterisation and flowability of Titanium Grade 5 alloy powders University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Thubakgale, C.K. Qualification: MTech Dissertation/Thesis Title: Leaching and recovery of nickel and cobalt from the Waterval Boven laterite ore University/Institution: Tshwane University of Technology Name: Baloyi, R. Qualification: MEng Dissertation/Thesis Title: Welding University/Institution: Wits University Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenters: Mbaya, R.K.K., Ramakokovhu, M.M. & Thubakgale, C.K. Title of Paper: Atmospheric pressure leaching application for the recovery of copper and nickel from low-grade sources Conference: SAIMM – Base Metals Conference 2013 Place: Ingwenyama Conference & Sports Resort, Mpumalanga, South Africa Date: 2–4 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-920410-50-6 Presenter: Baloyi, R. Title of Paper: Obstacles to achieving high pass rates and through-puts Conference: Staff development conference Place: Vanderbijlpark Date: September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenters: Sikakana, I., Cawe, F.V., Baloyi, R. & Tshatsinde, M.F. Title of Paper: Radiographic Flaw Detection of a Friction Stir Welded Ti-6Al-4V plate Conference: Imaging with Radiation Place: NECSA Date: 22 September 2013 Presenter: Alugongo, A.A. Title of Paper: Quasi-Static Analysis of Torsional Vibration of a Ground Vehicle Driveline Conference: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Issue 81 2013 Place: Holiday Inn, Wembley, London, UK Date: 5–6 September 2013 ISSN: 2010-376X Presenter: Alugongo, A.A. Title of Paper: Analysis of Electro-Mechanical Vibrations due to a Switched Reluctance Motor Based On a Half-Car Model Conference: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Issue 81, 2013 Place: Holiday Inn, Wembley, London, UK Date: 5–6 September 2013 ISSN: 2010-376X Presenter: Kabuba, J. Title of Paper: Development of Mathematical Model for steam extraction process of essential oils from Eucalyptus leaves Conference: International Conference Proceedings of Planetary Scientific Research Centre (PSRC) Place: Johannesburg Date: 27−28 November 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-50-5. Presenter and co-presenter: Kabuba, J. & Mulaba-Bafubiandi, A. Title of Paper: Thermodynamics of Adsorption of Fluoride, Bromide and Iodide ions by an activated zeolite Conference: International Conference Proceedings of Planetary Scientific Research Centre (PSRC) Place: Johannesburg Date: 27−28 November 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-50-5. Presenter and co-presenters: Labana, B., Wanjala, S.R., Ndambuki, J.M. & Masu, L.M. Title of Paper: Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforced Concrete, New Technology for African Construction Industries Conference: 76thWorld Assembly of Science, Engineering and Technology Conference − WASET Place: Johannesburg Date: April 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 2010-376x Presenter: Odeh, A.O. Title of Paper: Use of finite element method as a simulation technique in the prediction of membrane resistance in polymer electrolyte membranes for fuel cell operations Conference: Fuel Cell Seminar and Exposition Place: Ohio, USA Date: 21–24 October 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 15567036 Presenter and co-presenter: Kyere, I. & Walker, J.J. Title of Paper: Partial Discharge Evaluation of a High Voltage Transformer Conference: IDC Technologies − 2013 High Voltage Conference, South Africa Place: Midrand, Johannesburg Date: 18−19 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Le Roux, J.B. & Walker, J.J. Title of Paper: Analysis of the temperature-rise of buried cables under cyclic loads Conference: IDC Technologies − 2013 High Voltage Conference, South Africa Place: Midrand, Johannesburg Date: 18−19 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Oosthuysen, N.J. & Walker, J.J. Title of Paper: Optimising the properties of the optical current transformer with special reference to faster transient response Conference: IDC Technologies − 2013 High Voltage Conference, South Africa Place: Midrand, Johannesburg Date: 18−19 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Joubert, T. & Walker, J.J. Title of Paper: Influence of the permittivity and resistivity on the electrical stress in multi-layer insulation systems at different frequencies Conference: IDC Technologies − 2013 High Voltage Conference, South Africa Place: Midrand, Johannesburg Date: 18−19 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenters: Mukosha, L., Onyango, M.S., Aoyi, O. & Kasaini, H. Title of Paper: Development of Better Quality Low-Cost Activated Carbon from South African Pine Tree (Pinuspatula) Sawdust: Characterisation and comparative Phenol Adsorption Conference: ICWMEE 2013: International Conference on Waste Management and Environment Engineering Place: Stockholm, Sweden Date: 15−16 July 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 2010-3778 Presenter and co-presenters: Apollo, S., Onyango, M.S. & Aoyi, O. Title of Paper: Integrated UV photo degradation and anaerobic digestion of textile dye for efficient biogas production Conference: Third International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials Place: Guangzhou, China Date: 4−6 July 2013 ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter and co-presenter: Aoyi, O. & Tshaila, D. Title of Paper: Kinetic Studies of Adsorption of Pb(II) from Aqueous Solution by Activated Carbon Conference: 2013 Sustainable Research and Innovation Conference Place: Nairobi, Kenya ISBN/ISSN: n/a Presenter: Tengen, T.B. Title of Paper: Impacts of Random Demand and Cycle Times on Workstation Percentage Load of Flow-Line Production Conference: 43rd International Conference on Computer and Industrial Engineering Place: Hong Kong Date: 09−11 July 2013 ISSN (USB Media): 2164-8670; ISSN (online): 2164-8689 Presenter and co-presenter: Benga, B.E.B. & Tengen, T.B. Title of Paper: Optimising Inventory Ordering Policies with Random Lead Times Conference: South African Conference on Industrial Engineering (SAIIE 25) Place: Stellenbosch, Cape Town Date: 09−11 July 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-7972-1450-7 Presenter: Tengen, T.B. Title of Paper: Managing Bottlenecks in a Fast and Randomly Changing Production Environment Conference: South African Conference on Industrial Engineering (SAIIE 25) Place: Stellenbosch, Cape Town Date: 09−11 July 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-7972-1450-7 Presenter and co-presenters: Koech, L.K., Neomagus, H., Everson, R. & Rutto, H.L. Title of Paper: Dissolution Study of Bottom Ash in Wet Flue Gas Desulphurisation Conference: International Conference on Chemical, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering (CMME2013) Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 27−28 November 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-50-5 Presenter and co-presenter: Masilela E.N. & Rutto, H.L. Title of Paper: Dissolution Study of a South African Industrial Calcium-based Waste Conference: International Conference on Chemical, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering (CMME2013) Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 27−28 November 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-50-5 Presenter and co-presenters: Omodolu, T.M., Enweremadu, C.C. & Rutto, H.L. Title of Paper: Theoretical Analysis of Combustion, Performance and NOx Emission Characteristics of Biodiesel in CompressionIgnition Engines 25 Conference: International Conference on Chemical, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering (CMME2013) Place: Johannesburg, South Africa Date: 27−28 November 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-50-5 Presenter and co-presenters: Koech, L.K., Neomagus, H., Everson, R. & Rutto, H.L. Title of Paper: Dissolution study of a South African calcium-based material for wet flue gas desulphurisation Conference: 18th Southern African Coal Science and Technology Indaba: Latest Research and Development at Universities and Industry Place: Parys, South Africa Date: 13−14 November 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-93-82242-50-5 26 Presenter and co-presenter: Akinwunmi, A.F & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Re-use of the anode exhaust gas of a PEM fuel cell to improve the efficiency and lower the running cost Conference: ICIT 2013 IEEE International Conference Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 25–27 February 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-4568-2 Presenter and co-presenters: Swart, A.J., Schoeman, R.M. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Cost-effective energy monitoring of domestic off-grid PV systems Conference: Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEEC) 2013 Place: Beijing, China Date: 12–14 July 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 9771949243 X0 5 0 4 B Presenter and co-presenters: Swart, A.J., Schoeman, R.M. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Ensuring sustainability of PV systems for a given climate region in South Africa Conference: IEEE AFRICON Place: Mauritius Date: 9–12 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-5940-5 Presenter and co-presenter: Viljoen, M. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Graphical user interface control for a solar/battery/hydrogen fuel cell power plant Conference: IEEE AFRICON Place: Mauritius Date: 9–12 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-5940-5 Presenter and co-presenters: Asowata, O.,Swart, A.J. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Evaluating the effect of a stationary PV panel on the charging rate of deepcycle valve-regulated lead-acid batteries Conference: IEEE AFRICON Place: Mauritius Date: 9–12 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-5940-5 Presenter and co-presenters: Schoeman, R.M., Swart, A.J. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Negating temperature on photovoltaic panels Conference: IEEE AFRICON Place: Mauritius Date: 9–12 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-5940-5 Presenter and co-presenter: Kuyula, C.K. & Janse van Rensburg, J.F. Title of Paper: Development of a high efficiency fuel cell converter based on a Texas Instrument for Broadband Access Conference: SATNAC 2013 Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 1–4 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-57882-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Asowata, O., Swart, A.J., Pienaar, H.C.vZ. & Schoeman, R.M. Title of Paper: Optimising the output power of a stationary PV panel Conference: SATNAC 2013 Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 1–4 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-57882-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Van Tonder, P.J.M., Pienaar, H.C.vZ. & De Beer, D.J. Title of Paper: The effect of the valve pulse time on the drop formulation process for a rugged additive manufacturing printing head Conference: SATNAC 2013 Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 1–4 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-57882-0 Presenter and co-presenters: Asowata, O., Swart, A.J., Pienaar, H.C.vZ. & Schoeman, R.M. Title of Paper: Factors impacting on the surface temperature of a PV panel Conference: SATNAC 2013 Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 1–4 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-57882-0 Presenter and co-presenter: Van Tonder, P.J.M & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Optimisation of temperature and water flow through a regenerative fuel cell for a solar hydrogen system Conference: SATNAC 2013 Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 1–4 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-57882-0 Seminars/Workshops Presented Presenter and co-presenter: Asowata, O. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Correlating the power conversion of a PV panel to the solar irradiance obtained from meteonorm Conference: ICIT 2013 IEEE International Conference Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 25−27 February 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-4567-5 Researcher: Baloyi, R. Title: Foundry Introduction Course Presented to: TTI Place: VUT-Sebokeng Science Park Date: October 2013 Publications (Books/Chapters in Books) Author: Rutto, H.L. Chapter: Materials and processes for energy: Communicating current research and technological developments Title: The use of thermally modified kaolin as a heterogeneous catalyst for producing biodiesel Publisher: Formatex Research Centre Date: 2013 Page numbers of chapter: 399−406 ISBN: 13: 978-84-939843-7-3 Author and co-author: Rutto, H.L. & Enweremadu, C.C. Chapter: Materials and processes for energy: Communicating current research and technological developments Title: Optimisation of production variables of biodiesel using calcium oxide as a heterogeneous catalyst: An optimised process Publisher: Formatex Research Centre Date: 2013 Page numbers of chapter: 320−326 ISBN: 13: 978-84-939843-7-3 Publications (Journals) Author and co-author: Swart, A.J. & Mendonidis, P. Title: Evaluating the effect of radio-frequency pre-treatment on granite rock samples for comminution purposes Journal: International Journal of Mineral Processing 27 Volume: 120 Issue: n/a Page numbers of article: n/a ISSN: 0301-7516 Author and co-authors: Thubakgale C.K., Mbaya, R.K.K. & Kabongo, K. Title: A study of atmospheric acid leaching of a South African nickel laterite Journal: Minerals Engineering Volume: 54 Issue: 0 Page numbers of article: 79−81 ISSN/ISBN: 0892-6875 Author and co-authors: Labana, B., Salim, R.W., Masu, L.M. & Ndambuki, J.M. Title: Comparison of structural performances of FRP and steel re-bars reinforced concrete foundation bases Journal: Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering Volume: 2010-37 Issue: 76 Page numbers of article: 1090−1092 ISSN: ISSN 1021-2019 Author and co-authors: Odeh, A.O., Osifo, P.O. & Neomagus, H.W.J.P. Title: Study on the morphology and fuel cell characteristics of a modified chitosan membrane for fuel cell application Journal: ECS Transactions Volume: 51 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 159−171 ISSN: 19385862 Author and co-authors: Odeh, A.O., Osifo, P.O. & Neomagus, H.W.J.P. Title: Chitosan: A low-cost material for the production of membrane for use in PEMFC – A review Journal: Energy Sources, Part A Volume: 35 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 152−163 ISSN: 15567036 28 Author and co-authors: Odeh, A.O., Osifo, P.O. & Neomagus, H.W.J.P. Title: A comparative study of the processing scheme of chitosan and nafion 117 in membrane electrode assembly Journal: Petroleum Science Technology Volume: 31 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 121−128 ISSN: 10916466 Author and co-authors: Apollo, S., Aoyi, O. & Onyango, M.S. Title: An integrated anaerobic digestion and UV photocatalytic treatment of distillery wastewater. Journal: Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 261, 435−442 ISSN: n/a Author and co-authors: Apollo, S., Onyango, M.S. & Aoyi, O. Title: UV photo degradation and anaerobic digestion of methylene blue dye Journal: Advanced Material Research Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 781−784 ISSBN: 2245-2248 Author and co-authors: Mukosha, L., Onyango, M.S., Aoyi, O. & Kasaini, H. Title: Development of Better Quality Low-Cost Activated Carbon from South African Pine Tree (Pinuspatula) Sawdust: Characterisation and Comparative Phenol Adsorption Journal: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Volume: 13 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 79, 109–1101 ISSN: n/a Author and co-authors: Dube, G., Osifo, P. & Rutto, H.L. Title: Preparation of bagasse ash/CaO/ ammonium acetate sorbent properties and modelling their desulphurisation reaction Journal: Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy Volume: 98 Issue: 13 Page numbers of article: 681−8 ISSN: 1618-9558 Author and co-authors: Enweremadu, C.C., Paleowo, A.N. & Rutto, H.L. Title: Experimental study of a diesel engine fuelled with methyl ester of shea butter (Vitellaria paradoxa) and its diesel blends Journal: Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils Volume: 49 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 219−231 ISSN: 0009-3092 Research in Progress Researcher: Baloyi, R. Title: Microstructural characterisation of friction stir welded joints Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researcher: Baloyi, R. Title: Pressureless sintering of austenitic stainless steel fly ash Metal Matrix Composites Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researcher: Matizamhuka, W.R. Title: Powder Metallurgy of high temperature PGM alloys Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researcher: Matizamhuka, W.R. Title: Pressureless sintering of austenitic stainless steel fly ash Metal Matrix Composites Field: Metallurgical Engineering Researchers: Steenkamp, N.K., Alugongo, A.A., Masu, L.M. & Salim, W. Title: Structural performance of KAT-7’s ball screw raceway in the elastic region Field: Mechanical Engineering Researchers: Nziu, P.K., Masu, L.M. & Mendonidis, P. Title: Charaterisation of Titanium powder for sintering purposes Field: Mechanical Engineering Researchers: Onyango, F., Ndege, M., Salim, W. & Masu, L.M. Title: To optimise the utilisation of plastic wastes and rubber tyre wastes as an environmentally friendly and sustainable additive for enhancing temperature and moisture susceptibility properties of asphalt pavements and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of its application in the construction industry Field: Civil Engineering Researchers: Ouakam-Tayou, G.S., Ndege, M., Salim, W. & Masu, L.M. Title: Evaluation of narrow gauge railway system against standard gauge for best performance railway system in South Africa Field: Civil Engineering Researchers: Koza, V.S., Alugongo, A.A. & Masu, L.M. Title: Practical investigation of rotor to stator rub and its effect in a rotating machine Field: Mechanical Engineering Researchers: Mukalay, J.N., Salim, W. & Masu, L.M. Title: Structural bond behaviour of fibre reinforced polymer rebar in concrete beams under dynamic loading Field: Civil Engineering Researchers: Nturanabo, F., Masu, L.M. & Govendor, S. Title: Modelling the properties of Aluminium metal matrix composites for automotive applications Field: Mechanical Engineering Researchers: Olivier, A., Alugongo, A.A. & Masu, L.M. Title: Shock pulse monitoring on erratically driven heavy mechanical equipment Field: Mechanical Engineering Researchers: Kouejou, X.T., Alugongo, A.A. & Masu, L.M. Title: Modelling and detection of cracked motor by using wavelet transform Field: Mechanical Engineering Researchers: Maube, O., Rutto, H.L., Masu, L.M. & Alugongo,A.A. Title: Performance analysis and modelling of diesel engine operational characteristics using pyrolitic oil from scrap tyre and additives Field: Mechanical Engineering Researchers: Sob, P.B., Tengen, T. & Alugongo, A.A. Title: Modelling Strain Rate Sensitivity Nanomaterials Mechanical Properties: The effects of varying definitions Field: Mechanical Engineering Research Partnerships/Collaboration Researchers: Machaka, R. & Baloyi, R. Title of research: Pressureless sintering of austenitic stainless steel-fly ash Metal Matrix Composites Higher Education Institution: VUT and Company: CSIR Researcher: Olubambi, P. Title of research: Synthesis & SPS sintering of nanocomposite materials for MEMs applications Higher Education Institution: VUT and Company: TUT 29 Prof. C.M. van der Bank EXECUTIVE DEAN: FACULTY OF HUMAN SCIENCES MESSAGE FROM THE Research remains an integral part of the responsibility of all academics in the Faculty. However, the greatest challenge that the Faculty currently faces is that many members of staff hold professional qualifications rather than advanced academic qualifications. Knowledge is the cornerstone of modern society. The • Faculty of Human Sciences understands its critical To improve the quality of the writing skills of challenge that the Faculty currently faces is that many staff as well as students. members of staff hold professional qualifications To produce a culture of intellectual interest and rather than advanced academic qualifications. of technology, but also on the continent of Africa as engagement amongst a community of scholars Consequently, professionally qualified members of well as globally. The Faculty, therefore, positions who are dedicated to the development of staff are actively encouraged to pursue a Master’s itself within the social, industrial, governmental knowledge and the rational appraisal of ideas, and/or Doctorate degree at leading universities – and international spheres to pursue research and and who are also ready to use their intellectual either nationally or internationally. development that are relevant, applicable and of skills and expertise to engage in debate within global stature. These goals are achieved by investing During 2013, two Doctorate and six Master’s degree the public domain. students graduated in the Faculty. Four members of To improve the knowledge that members of staff staff obtained either a Master’s or a Doctorate degree. and students have of research methodology. In August 2013, Prof. K.C. Moloi from the Department To increase the number of postgraduate of Communication and Education received national students in the Faculty. recognition by receiving the highest award for role as a centre of knowledge – not only in universities in high-quality staff, postgraduate training and research. The footprint of the Faculty’s research extends well beyond South Africa’s borders, with regional studies in Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Swaziland • • • and other African countries. By pairing strengths and focusing on service, knowledge and innovation, we • published by Faculty researchers in high- are unifying the region’s most significant resources. During 2012, the Faculty Research Committee updated the Faculty’s research strategy. This revised strategy identified ambitious targets for 2013’s research outputs. The key priorities in the Faculty’s long-term strategic plan for research include the following: • To develop the supervision and research capacity of the academic staff members. To increase the number of articles being quality academic journals. • To help produce the next generation of researchers through prioritising graduate studies and through the commitment to develop research capacity amongst young or new members of staff and graduate students. Research remains an integral part of the responsibility excellence in the South African Women in Science Awards (WISA), category ‘Awards for Distinguished Women: Indigenous Knowledge Systems’ in Social Sciences and Humanities. Research (as an integral part of the Faculty’s activities) was further enhanced by internal research seminars, by increasing the research requirements of the Faculty’s postgraduate programmes, by focussing on research skills and achievement as part of the requirements for the appointment and promotion of academic staff, of all academics in the Faculty. However, the greatest 31 and also by pursuing opportunities to increase the Faculty’s research funding and facilities. The research output of the staff of the Faculty was comprised of 29 accredited journal articles, one non-accredited journal article, and nine conference proceedings. Conference participation by staff members was encouraged and supported in order to increase their international exposure and profiles. The feedback received was indeed very encouraging and contributed significantly to the research profile of the Faculty, especially from the DEFSA conference that was hosted by the Vaal University of Technology (VUT). The challenge now is to convert more of the conference contributions into journal articles. I thank the academic and administrative staff, postgraduate students and, in particular, the members of the Faculty Research Committee and the Research Ethics Committee for their contributions to the successes achieved in 2013. It is the resolve of the Faculty to continue building its research capacity and expertise, foster a research culture, and improve both the research output and the impact of the research of members of staff and postgraduate students in order to attain the objectives set in the Faculty’s strategic plan for research. Prof. C.M. van der Bank EXECUTIVE DEAN: FACULTY OF HUMAN SCIENCES FACULTY OF HUMAN SCIENCES RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate Staff Qualifications Completed in 2013 Name: Holeni, F. Qualification: MTech: Food and Beverage Management Dissertation: Evaluating nutritional knowledge and education tools for child caregivers in Boipatong University: Vaal University of Technology Name: Makwela, M.J. Qualification: MTech: Multimedia Dissertation: Critical skills of entry level animators in the contemporary South African computer animation industry University: Vaal University of Technology Name: Mofokeng, M.J. Qualification: MTech: Food Service Management Dissertation: Nutritional status and dietary intake patterns of primary school children 7−13 years in QwaQwa, Free State University: Vaal University of Technology Name: Nana, A.R. Qualification: LLM Dissertation: A comparative look at unfair contract terms in ‘click-wrap’ and other electronic transactions University: University of the Witwatersrand Conferences − Poster presentation Presenter: Mazibuko, M.E. Title of Paper: Ecosystemic Model to Curb Teenage Pregnancy Conference: International Society of Social Sciences and Behavioural Development Place: University of South Africa, Pretoria Date: 24 September 2013 Conferences − Paper presentation Presenter: De Witt, L. Title of Paper: An ecotourism model for South African National Parks Conference: The Southern Africa Institute for Management Scientists: ‘Celebrating 25 years of Management Resilience’ 32 Place: Potchefstroom Campus of the NorthWest University Date: 15−17 September 2013 Presenter: Van Wyk, A. Title of Paper: Entrepreneurial skills and knowledge that small fashion business owners in the Vaal Region possess or lack Conference: 11th International SAAFECS and 6th IFHE Africa Regional Conference: Building across Borders Place: Unisa: St Georges Hotel and Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa Date: 27 February – 1 March 2013 Presenter: Van der Bank, C.M. Title of Paper: Protection legislation for South Africa: The protection of the Personal Information Bill Conference: International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Place: Istanbul, Turkey Date: 1−4 July 2013 Presenter: Van der Bank, C.M. Title of Paper: The unfairness of Prescription Periods in the South African Law Conference: International Conference for Academic Disciplines Place: Katholische Akademie der Erdiozese, Freiburg, Germany Date: 3−6 December 2013 Presenter: Nicolaides, A. Title of Paper: Multi-skilling in the Hospitality Industry in South Africa and adjacent countries Conference: EuroMed Research Business Institute: 6th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business Place: Estoril, Cascais, Portugal Date: 23−24 September 2013 Presenter: Dicks, E.G. Title of Paper: Evaluating a nutrition education programme for food service assistants in preschools in the Vaal region, Gauteng, South Africa Conference: 11th International SAAFECS and 6th IFHE Africa Regional Conference: Building across Borders Place: Unisa: St Georges Hotel and Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa Date: 27 February – 1 March 2013 Presenter: Gaede, R. Title of Paper: Visual literacy in community communication: Pre-testing nutrition education materials for elderly caregivers in Boipatong Conference: International Conference 2013, Design Education South Africa (DEFSA): Design Cultures: Encultured Design Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 2−3 September 2013 Presenter: Kuhn, C. Title of Paper: Addictive manufacturing in 3D product design and development practice: An interdisciplinary shift Conference: International Conference 2013, Design Education South Africa (DEFSA): Design Cultures: Encultured Design Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 2−3 September 2013 Presenter: Kearney, J.E. Title of Paper: The Impact of a sorghum-based commercial product on primary school children in SA Conference: International Union of Nutritional Sciences 20th International Congress of Nutrition: ‘Joining Cultures Through Nutrition’ Place: Granada, Spain Date: 15−20 September 2013 Presenter: Fouché, C.E. Title of Paper: Failing Schools in South Africa: A symptom of defeatism in School Leadership Conference: International Conference 2013, Design Education South Africa (DEFSA): Design Cultures: Encultured Design Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 2−3 September 2013 Presenter: Chmela-Jones, K.A. Title of Paper: Demonstrating graphic design: The role of human-centred practice within communication design projects Conference: International Conference 2013, Design Education South Africa (DEFSA): Design Cultures: Encultured Design Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 2−3 September 2013 Place: Riverside Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 1 August 2013 Presenters: Erasmus, M.R. & Vosloo, D.S. Title of Paper: Culture and medium of instruction as factors influencing the throughput rate of tertiary L2 learners Conference: Staff Development Conference: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Place: Riverside Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 1 August 2013 Presenter: Ramusi, F.M. Title of Paper: Outcome-based education and learning facilitation Conference: Staff Development Conference: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Place: Riverside Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 1 August 2013 Presenter: Laurie, A. Title of Paper: Interactions: Shaping the spaces we inhabit Conference: International Conference 2013, Design Education South Africa (DEFSA): Design Cultures: Encultured Design Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 2−3 September 2013 Presenter: Stols, J. Title of Paper: Five years later and comprehension strategy practices still play a role in reading literacy achievement Conference: Staff Development Conference: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Place: Riverside Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 1 August 2013 Presenter: Sooful, A. Title of Paper: Designing education for sale: A price tag on University of Technology Conference: International Conference 2013, Design Education South Africa (DEFSA): Design Cultures: Encultured Design Place: Quest Conference Centre, Vanderbijlpark Date: 2−3 September 2013 Presenter: Tadokera, R.N. Title of Paper: Blended resource-based learning in the teaching of Communication Skills in Higher Education. Conference: Staff Development Conference: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Place: Riverside Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 1 August 2013 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title of Paper: Into the lecture hall: Developing scholarship of teaching and learning at a university of technology like the Vaal University of Technology Conference: Staff Development Conference: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Place: Riverside Hotel, Vanderbijlpark Date: 1 August 2013 Seminars − Paper presentations Presenter: Moloi, K.C. Title of Paper: Globalisation and the internationalisation of Higher Education in SubSaharan Africa Conference: Staff Development Conference: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Presenter: De Witt, L. Title: Students’ perceptions and expectations as prospective employees in the tourism industry: A case study of a University of Technology in South Africa Presented to: Tourism Student Seminar, hosted by the Department of Tourism with NorthWest Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism in partnership with North-West University Place: North-West University Date: 25 September 2013 33 Presenter: Bojabotseha, T.P. Title: 2011 Nehawu Workers’ Strike in one University of Technology Presented to: VUT Faculty of Human Sciences Research Seminar: Rethinking Meaning and Experiences in the Human Sciences Place: Stone Haven, Vanderbijlpark Date: 26 July 2013 Author and co-authors: Grobler, B.R. & Moloi, K.C. Chapter: Creating a school environment for effective management of cultural diversity Title: Organising Public Education Publisher: SAGE Publications Date: 2013 Page numbers of chapter: 449−471 ISBN: 978-1-4462-5348 Presenter: Moloi, K.C. & Dzvimbo, K.P. Title of Paper: Globalisation and internationalisation of Higher Education in SubSaharan Africa Conference: Faculty Research Conference Place: Stone Haven, Vanderbijlpark Date: 26 July 2013 Author: Nicolaides, A. Chapter: Ethical business practice and CSR in times of economic turbulence Title: Innovative Business Practices: Prevailing a Turbulent Era Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Date: 2013 Page numbers of chapter: 234−264 ISBN: 978-1-4438-4604-2 Presenter: Tadokera, R.N. Title of Paper: Blended resource-based learning in the teaching of Communication Skills in Higher Education Conference: Faculty Research Conference Place: Stone Haven, Vanderbijlpark Date: 26 July 2013 Presenter: Prinsloo, R. Title: Family and Divorce Mediation Presented to: Attorneys, Social Workers and Clergy Place: Vaal University of Technology Date: 7−11 October 2013 Publications (Books/Chapters in Books) Author: Moloi, K.C. Chapter: An African narrative: The journey of an indigenous social researcher Title: Indigenous Pathways into Social Research Publisher: California: Left Coast Press Date: 2013 Page numbers of chapter: 101−121 ISBN: 978-1-59874-696-9 Author and co-authors: Moloi, K.C., Gravett, S.J. & Petersen, N. Chapter: Globalisation and its impact on education in South Africa Title: Organising Public Education Publisher: SAGE Publications Date: 2013 Page numbers of chapter: 278−296 ISBN: 978-1-4462-5348 34 Publications (Journals) Author and co-authors: Nicolaides, A. & Van der Bank, C.M. Title: Globalisation, NEPAD, fundamental human rights, South Africa and continental development Journal: International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability Volume: 1 Issue: June 2013 Page numbers of article: 54−72 ISSN: 2053-2199 (print); 2053-2202 (online) Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title: The Boundaries of Freedom of the Press in South African Law Journal: Journal of Business and Economics Volume: 4 Issue: September 2013 Page numbers of article: 839−847 ISSN: 2155-7950 Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title: Legalising the Act of Trafficking in the South African Context Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research Volume: 2 Issue: December 2013 Page numbers of article: 286−287 ISSN: 2277-8179 Author: Sooful, A. Title: Cultural Boycott: We won’t buy it Journal: Art South Africa Volume: 12 Issue: December 2013 Page numbers of article: 108−109 ISSN: 16846133 Author: Fouché, C.E. Title: Artichokes and Dreadlocks: The state of art and culture today Journal: Art South Africa Volume: 12 Issue: December 2013 Page numbers of article: 110−111 ISSN: 16846133 Author: Moloi, K.C. Title: Education as a transformative project Journal: Art South Africa Volume: 12 Issue: December 2013 Page numbers of article: 112−113 ISSN: 16846133 Author: Kuhn, C. Title: Probing the XYZ realm Journal: Art South Africa Volume: 12 Issue: December 2013 Page numbers of article: 114−115 ISSN: 16846133 Author: Chmela-Jones, K. Title: Designing for society Journal: Art South Africa Volume: 12 Issue: December 2013 Page numbers of article: 116−117 ISSN: 16846133 Author: Maharajh, R. Title: Saam!!! The beginning and the end… Journal: Art South Africa Volume: 12 Issue: December 2013 Page numbers of article: 118−119 ISSN: 16846133 Author: Campbell, I. Title: The future of Design: Democracy or Revolution Journal: Art South Africa Volume: 12 Issue: December 2013 Page numbers of article: 120−121 ISSN: 16846133 Author: Du Preez, L. Title: The dancer’s moment Journal: Art South Africa Volume: 12 Issue: December 2013 Page numbers of article: 122−123 ISSN: 16846133 Author and co-authors: Bojabotseha, T.P. & Moloi, K.C. Title: 2011 Nehawu Workers’ Strike in one University of Technology Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 14, November 2013 Page numbers of article: 133−141 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author: Joubert, D.J. Title: Paradigm Shift in Assessment Methodology for Law Students in South Africa Journal: Journal of College Teaching & Learning Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 2013 Page numbers of article: 55−62 ISSN: © 2013 The Clute Institute http://www. (online) Author and co-authors: Dzvimbo, K.P. & Moloi, K.C. Title: Globalisation and the Internationalisation of Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa Journal: South African Journal of Education Volume: 33 Issue: 3, August 2013 Page numbers of article: 581−613 ISSN: 0256-0100 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, E., Chinomona, R. & Moloi, K.C. Title: Elements of Quality Assurance at Institutions of Higher Education: Vaal University of Technology in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 14, November 2013 Page numbers of article: 643−656 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-authors: Isabirye, A.K. & Moloi, K.C. Title: Professional Development and its Implications for Innovative Teaching and Learning in one South African Higher Education Institution Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 14, November 2013 Page numbers of article: 101−108 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author: Nicolaides, A. Title: Assessing medical practise and surgical technology in the Egyptian Pharaonic Era Journal: Medical Technology SA Volume: 27 Issue: 1, June 2013 Page numbers of article: 21−27 ISSN: 1011-5528 Author: Nicolaides, A. Title: Evaluating National Socialism as a ‘True’ Fascist Movement Journal: Advances in Historical Studies Volume: 2 Issue: 1, March 2013 Page numbers of article: 11−16 ISSN: 2327-0446 Author: Nicolaides, A. Title: Fostering the right attitudes to conducting business ethically in South Africa Journal: Educational Research Volume: 4 Issue: 6, June 2013 Page numbers of article: 506−512 ISSN: 2141-5161 Author: Muyingi, M.A. Title: African ethics and the moral possibilities of Ubuntu towards conflict resolution in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 3, September 2013 Page numbers of article: 561−568 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author: Muyingi, M.A. Title: Conflict and development in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A review of related literature Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 3, September 2013 Page numbers of article: 479−490 ISSN: 2039-9340 35 Author and co-authors: Grobler, B.R., Moloi, K.C. & Nemukula, F.J. Title: Principals’ perception of the influence of mandates on the work performance of teachers Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 13, November 2013 Page numbers of article: 87−100 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Louw, A.H. & Moloi, K.C. Title: Teaching-research-innovation Nexus: Towards and entrepreneurial University of Technology Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 13, November 2013 Page numbers of article: 63−72 ISSN: 2039-2117 Page numbers: n/a ISSN: 1944-6934 Author: Nicolaides, A. Title of Paper: Multi-skilling in the Hospitality Industry in South Africa and adjacent countries Proceedings: International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Issue: 6 Page numbers: 1694−1727 ISBN: 978-9963-711-16-1 Author: Fouché, C.E. Title of Paper: Failing schools in South Africa: A symptom of defeatism in School Leadership Proceedings: International Conference 2013, Design Education South Africa (DEFSA): Design Cultures: Encultured Design Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 64−73 ISSN: 978-1-77012-131-7 Author and co-authors: Moloi, K.C. & Dimema, M. Title: Transgressing the boundaries: Reimagining gender in education Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 13, November 2013 Page numbers of article: 119−124 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author: Chmela-Jones, K.A Title of Paper: Leadership demonstrating graphic design: The role of human-centred practice within communication design projects Proceedings: International Conference 2013, Design Education South Africa (DEFSA): Design Cultures: Encultured Design Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 64−73 ISSN: 978-1-77012-131-7 Publications (Conference Proceedings) Author: Gaede, R. Title of Paper: Visual literacy in community communication: Pre-testing nutrition education materials for elderly caregivers in Boipatong Proceedings: International Conference 2013, Design Education South Africa (DEFSA): Design Cultures: Encultured Design Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 74−81 ISSN: 978-1-77012-131-7 Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title of Paper: Protection legislation for South Africa: The protection of the Personal Information Bill Proceedings: International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Volume: 10 Issue: 3 Page numbers: 25−35 ISSN: 1547-4836 Author: Van der Bank, C.M. Title of Paper: The unfairness of Prescription Periods in the South African Law Proceedings: Proceedings of the International Conference for Academic Disciplines Volume: 10 Issue: 3 36 Author: Kuhn, C. Title of Paper: Addictive manufacturing in 3D product design and development practice: An interdisciplinary shift Proceedings: International Conference 2013, Design Education South Africa (DEFSA): Design Cultures: Encultured Design Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 145−154 ISSN: 978-1-77012-131-7 Author: Laurie, A. Title of Paper: Interactions: Shaping the spaces we inhabit Proceedings: International Conference 2013, Design Education South Africa (DEFSA): Design Cultures: Encultured Design Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 155−165 ISSN: 978-1-77012-131-7 Author: Sooful, A. Title of Paper: Designing education for sale: A price tag on University of Technology Proceedings: International Conference 2013, Design Education South Africa (DEFSA): Design Cultures: Encultured Design Issue: 7 Page numbers of article: 138−244 ISSN: 978-1-77012-131-7 Research in Progress Researcher: Mazibuko, M.E. Title: Ecosystemic Model to Curb Teenage Pregnancy in Schools Field: Educational Psychology, Inclusive Education Researcher: Laurie, A. Title: Telling Landscape: Exploring Narrativity in Landscape Photography Field: Fine Arts, Photography Researcher: Röthe, J.F. Title: The Development of an Online Road Accident Reporting Management Field: Policing Researcher: Lenz, R. Title: Foregrounding/resolving boundaries between ‘self and other’ in selected novels by Conyngham, Galut and Heyns Field: English Researcher: Chmela-Jones, K.A. Title: Re-conceptualising graphic design education to meet the challenges of humancentred practice Field: Graphic Design, Human Centred Design Researcher: Lekaota, L. Title: Perceptions on local communities’ role and awareness in rural tourism development: A case study from Lesotho Field: Tourism Management Researcher: Sowerby, M. Title: The Reformation of the South African Real Security with regards to Movable Property Field: Property Law Researcher: Raath, N. Title: The Review of CCMA Awards: A Critical Analysis Field: Labour Law Researcher: Prinsloo, R. Title: Ouerlike verantwoordelikhede en regte kragtens die Children’s Act 38 van 2005 Field: Family Law Researcher: Bojabotseha, T.P. Title: The use of language by the African National Congress in its 1999−2009 National Election Manifestos Field: Intercultural Communication Researcher: Burger, E. Title: A brand loyalty model for arts festivals Field: Tourism Management Researcher: Labuschagne, V. Title: Spending behaviour model of arts festivals: The case of Cultivaria and other smaller festivals Field: Tourism Management Researcher: Coetzee, N. Title: Sewing training manual for use in incomegenerating projects in subsistence communities Field: Consumer Sciences Researcher: Mathee, T. Title: Effective teaching of the practice in Media Field: Media Education Researcher: Van Gesselleen, J.D.J. Title: The reform of the rules of the Law of Evidence in South Africa with specific reference to Documentary Evidence Field: Law of Evidence Researcher: Raligilia, K.H. Title: An Analysis of the Impact of the Use of Drone Attacks on the Fundamental Rights to Life and Dignity in the Course of Fight against Terrorism Field: Human Rights Law Researcher: Nair, B.M. Title: Advancement of Socio-Economic Rights with Reference to Gender Equality Field: Human Rights Law Researcher: Maleho, L.M. Title: The development of a strategy to enhance the corporate reputation of FDD municipality in the Northern Free State Field: Public Relations: Strategic Communication Researcher: Sooful, A. Title: Black female resistance art in South Africa and its contribution to the rewriting of South African art history from 1984 to 1989 Field: Fine Arts, Art History Researcher: Ndimande, L.D. Title: The Child’s Right to have a Legal Practitioner assigned to him/her in Civil Proceedings Affecting the Child Field: Family Law Researcher: Mulder de Does, I. Title: Reckless Credit – Comparative Analysis Field: Private Law Researcher: Molefe, S.N. Title: Guidelines of Testifying in Court Field: Policing Researcher: Haywood, C. Title: The opinions of lecturers regarding their role in supporting students who experience barriers to learning at a University of Technology Field: Education, Student Support Researcher: Molefe, S.N. Title: Guidelines of Testifying in Court Field: Policing, Forensic Investigation Researcher: Mokaeane, S.B. Title: Examining corporate reputation management of a local government branch in the Vaal region: A case study Field: Public Relations Researcher: Khumalo, Z.N. Title: Neglected Black Visual Artists from the Vaal Triangle Field: Fine Arts Researcher: Matoba, M. Title: Commemorative portraiture: The artistic representation of black women in key positions from the Vaal region Field: Fine Arts Researcher: Scholtz, T.E. Title: Wearable art – a site-specific hybrid fashion phenomenon Field: Fine Arts, Fashion Sculpture 37 Prof. M. Dhurup EXECUTIVE DEAN: FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES MESSAGE FROM THE Research remains an integral part of the responsibility of all academics in the Faculty. However, the greatest challenge that the Faculty currently faces is that many members of staff hold professional qualifications rather than advanced academic qualifications. The Faculty of Management Sciences has reached from different paradigms and methodologies, and, Cost and Management Accounting. A total of new heights in the growth of research activities secondly, to demonstrate that their knowledge and sixteen presentations were made at national and and outputs in 2013, with our trajectory showing insights can foster game-changing opportunities for international conferences, and these presentations a sharp incline in all categories. While faculty them. The culture of scholarship and independence were either converted into conference proceedings members have embraced research with keenness, has, in this way, been inculcated amongst students, they have also recognised that society’s most or full accredited outputs. ensuring that their innovative ideas extend and complex challenges require inter-, multi- and trans- challenge existing knowledge bases even further. disciplinary approaches to solve problems or create opportunities. This has resulted in greater research collaboration across various disciplines. Our growth in the postgraduate phase has also shown a steady increase in both Master’s and Doctorate degree enrolments. Students received the postgraduate induction with great enthusiasm. The programme, which is very intensive and gives students individual attention, has proved to be very successful when benchmarked against previous years, positive feedback and graduation numbers. The broad research areas covered by the programme provided an ideal platform for In 2013, the Faculty broke new ground in terms of accredited research outputs. Of significance was the increase in the number of new researchers coming on board, many of them being women. The growth of publications from the Department of Accountancy was especially noteworthy, given that it is often difficult to generate research outputs within this field. In 2013, a total of 83 research outputs, equivalent to approximately 72 units, were produced in accredited journals – more than double that of 2012, comparing very favourably with the University’s total research output. students to assess and evaluate their own research Three faculty members, Dr P. Radebe, Dr M. in writing their proposals. We are committed to Sandada and Dr J. Dubihlela, completed their engage with our students – firstly, to help develop a Doctorate qualifications in 2013. Ms G. Fouche and sound foundation in research through the induction Ms L. Radebe from the Department of Account­ programme so that they can start viewing the world ancy completed their Master’s qualifications in At the Faculty’s annual research awards function, which was held on 25 October 2013 in the Liquid Lounge on the banks of the Vaal River, Dr R. Chinomona, Mr J. Maseko, Mr T.T. Mareka and Ms O. Omoruyi received awards for research achievement. Prof. M. Dhurup, Mr C. Mafini and Mr F. Niyimbanira received awards for research excellence. The Faculty’s research colloquium, held on 9 October 2013 at the Emerald Hotel, also provided an ideal platform for staff members to showcase their research prowess, and many of the presentations were further converted into accredited publications. The postgraduate students’ research symposium, held on 14 November 2013 at the Isak Steyl VIP Lounge, provided our students with an excellent opportunity to present their proposals, which were critiqued by a panel of research experts. The positive comments and insightful suggestions 39 from the panel encouraged our students in their to grow the research ethos at the Vaal University of knowledge management must definitely increase research endeavours. Technology (VUT), nurturing younger researchers if South Africa’s development goals are to be to be mentored by senior, experienced scholars. achieved. This Faculty has thus made great positive This initiative is closely aligned with the National strides towards addressing these issues. The support of the DVC: Research and Innovation and the Office of the Research Directorate must also be acknowledged in our research efforts. They promoted research and development by tailoring the level of assistance based on the Faculty’s request, in order for the Faculty to embark on many of its research endeavours. Development Plan which seeks to address the fact that, while South Africa’s publication outputs are the highest on the continent, its innovation is small in comparison with international standards – especially amongst younger researchers. Furthermore, Doctorate degree graduate numbers in South Accolades must be given to all staff members as Africa are significantly lower than that of equivalent well as to the Faculty Research and Innovative developing countries. The White Paper for Post- Team for their unstinting dedication in creating and School Education and Training emphasises that nurturing a research culture within the Faculty. research and innovation, together with teaching In order to create an even more dynamic and diverse research profile, the Faculty will continue 40 and learning, are integral aspects of the work of universities. Therefore, knowledge production and In the coming years, the Faculty will strive to seek innovative ways to make research more meaningful and have a greater impact on broader society and communities through new knowledge creation and management. Prof. M. Dhurup EXECUTIVE DEAN: FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES RESEARCH OUTPUTS Postgraduate Staff Qualifications Completed in 2013 Name: Radebe , P. Qualification: PhD Dissertation Title: The impact of the performance management system on service delivery in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality University/Institution: North-West University Name: Sandada, M. Qualification: PhD Dissertation Title: Strategic Planning and its Relationship with the performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Gauteng University/Institution: Vaal University of Technology Conference: Global Business & Technology Association (GBATA) Place: Helsinki, Finland Date: 1 July 2013 Presenter: Mahlangu, B. Title of Paper(two): 1. Generation Y students’ attitudes towards advertising in the Facebook environment: Pilot results 2. Mobile phone addiction amongst students at a South African university Conference: Global Business & Technology Association’s (GBATA) 15th Annual International Conference Place: Helsinki, Finland Date: 1 July 2013 Presenter: Mahlangu, B. Title of Paper 2 papers: Modelling the factors that influence Generation Y students’ attitudes towards advertising in the Facebook environment Conference: The 2013 Annual Conference of the Emerging Markets Conference Board Place: Port Elizabeth Date: 17 June 2013 Presenter: Chinomona, R. Title of Paper: Structural Equation Modelling in Conducting Research on African Business Conference: 14th International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Annual Conference Place: Accra, Ghana Date: 14 May 2013 Name: Dubihlela, J. Qualification: PhD Dissertation Title: Barriers, Determinants and Enablers of Market Orientation: Impact on Business Performance of Small to Medium Enterprises in South Africa University/Institution: North-West University Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter: Radebe , P. Title of Paper: The impact of the performance management system on service delivery in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality Conference: SAAPAM Place: Cape Town Date: April 2013 Presenter: Pooe, R.I.D. Title of Paper: Developing enterprises through suppliers’ development – what do some cases show about managing this nexus? Conference: 14th International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Annual Conference Place: Accra, Ghana Date: 14 May 2013 Presenter: Pooe, R.I.D. Title of Paper: Workers participation in the decision-making perceptions of security officers at a private security firm 41 Presenter: Chinomona, R. Title of Paper: An Empirical Examination of the Predictors of Consumers’ Compulsive Buying (Impulse Control Disorder not otherwise specified): A Branding Perspective Conference: The Clute Institute International Academic Conference Place: Las Vegas, NV, USA Date: 24−26 September 2013 Presenter: Dlodlo, N. Title of Paper: Mobile Commerce Acceptance Determinants: Does Gender Matter? Conference: The Global Business, Marketing, Finance & Economics Research Conference Place: Los Angeles, CA Date: 13 June 2013 Presenter: Dlodlo, N. Title of Paper: The linkage between m-commerce dimension and usage frequency: An international perspective Conference: Potchefstroom Place: Potchefstroom, SA Date: 5 September 2013 Presenter: Dubihlela, J. Title of Paper: The Reliability, Validity and Dimensionality of the Consumer Ethnocentrism Scale (CETSCALE) amongst a young South African Consumer Market Segment Conference: 2013 Doctoral Consortium and Global Academic Conference on Emerging Markets Place: Port Elizabeth Date: 18 June 2013 Presenter: Mathu, K. Title of Paper: Environmental impacts from coal mining in South Africa Conference: Global Business & Technology Association (GBATA) Place: Helsinki, Finland Date: 3 June 2013 Presenter: Niyimbanira, F. Title of Paper: 1. Estimating the Economics Growth Responsiveness to Inflation and Unemployment Changes in South Africa 2. Being professional full-time and selfemployed part-time in South Africa: A 42 qualitative study of lecturer’s perceptions on entrepreneurship Conference: Global Business & Technology Association (GBATA) Place: Helsinki, Finland Date: 1 July 2013 Presenter: Niyimbanira, F. Title of Paper: 1. Estimation of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Inflation in South Africa 2. A Qualitative Study of Professionals’ Perceptions on Entrepreneurial Intentions: A case of Lecturer’s at a South African University Conference: Mustang International Academic Conference Place: Dallas, Texas Date: 24 October 13 Presenter: Mareka, T.T. Title of Paper: Black Generation Y students’ attitudes towards store versus manufacturer brand Conference: SAIMS 2013 Annual Conference Place: Potchefstroom, South Africa Date: 5 September 2013 Presenter: Mafini, C. Title of Paper (two): 1. The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction amongst Logistics Practitioners in a South African Steel Making Company 2. Developing a Typology of Purchasing Decision-making for Generation Y Consumers: Deciphering the influence of age Conference: 2013 Las Vegas International Academic Conference Place: Las Vegas, USA Date: 23 September 2013 Presenter: Dhurup, M. Title of Paper: Hedonism, fashion involvement and emotional gratification in apparel impulsive buying behaviour: An enigma for marketers Conference: Global Business Research Conference Place: India and Nepal Date: 7–8 November 2013 Seminars/Workshops Presented Presenter and co-presenter: Dhurup, M. & Surujlal, J. Title: Research orientation Presented to: Postgraduate students Place: Library training room Date: 9 March 13 Presenter and co-presenter: Dhurup, M. & Surujlal, J. Title: The design of the research proposal (Part 1) Presented to: Postgraduate students Place: Library training room Date: 18 May 13 Presenter and co-presenter: Dhurup, M. & Chinomona, R. Title: The design of the research proposal (Part 2) Presented to: Postgraduate students Place: Library training room Date: 8 June 13 Presenter and co-presenters: Dhurup, M., Joubert, P.A., Chinomona, R. & Selesho, J. Title: Submission and feedback on first draft of research proposal Presented to: Postgraduate students Place: Library training room Date: 20 July 13 Presenter and co-presenter: Chinomona, R. & Dhurup, M. Title: Basic data analysis using AMOS Presented to: Postgraduate students Place: Library training room Date: 7 September 13 Presenter: Chinomona, R. Title: AMOS – CFA and Hypotheses testing Presented to: Postgraduate students Place: Library training room Date: 5 October 13 Presenter and co-presenters: Dhurup, M., Joubert, P.A., Chinomona, R. & Selesho, J. Title: Final proposal presentation/feedback Presented to: Postgraduate students Place: Library training room Date: 26 October 13 Publications (Journals) Author and co-authors: Chalmers, J., Surujlal, J. & Dhurup, M. Title: Reflections on Operational Competencies Required of Educators at Public Secondary Schools Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 181−192 ISSN: 2039-2117 & 2039-9340 Author : Chinomona, R. Title: The influence of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness on trust and intention to use mobile social software Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 258−273 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author: Chinomona, R. Title: The fostering role of information technology on SMEs’ strategic purchasing, logistics integration and business performance Journal: Southern African Business Review Volume: 17 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 76−97 ISSN: 1998-8125 Author: Chinomona, R. Title: Dealer’s Legitimate Power and Relationship Quality in Gaunxi Distribution Channel: A Social Rule System Theory Perspective Journal: International Journal of Marketing Studies Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 42−58 ISSN: 1918-719X Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R. & Tam, L.T. Title: Microfinance Outreach and the Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) Sustainability: Evidence from Vietnam Journal: East Asian Journal of Business Management Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 5−16 ISSN: 1847-180X 43 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R. & Sibanda, D. Title: When Global Expansion Meets Local Realities in Retailing: Carrefour’s Global Strategies in Taiwan Journal: International Journal of Business and Management Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 44−59 ISSN: 1833-3850 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R. & Cheng, J.M.S. Title: Distribution Channel Relational Cohesion Exchange Model: A small-to-Medium Enterprise manufacturer’s Perspective Journal: Journal of Small Business Management Volume: 51 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 256−275 ISSN: 1540-627X Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R. & Sandada, M. Title: Predictors of Customer Loyalty to Mobile Service Providers in South Africa Journal: International Business & Economics Research Journal Volume: 12 Issue: 11 Page numbers of article: 1631−1644 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author: Chinomona, R. Title: Information Technology as a facilitator of suppliers’ collaborative communication, network governance and relationship longevity in supply chains Journal: The Journal of Transport and Supply chains Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 10−21 ISSN: 1995-5235 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R., Dhurup, M. & Chinomona, E. Title: Does employee perceptions of fit-to-job, fitto-community influence job performance? The case of Zimbabwe’s manufacturing sector 44 Journal: SA Journal of Human Resource Management Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1−10 ISSN: 1683-7584 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R., Chinomona, E. & Joubert, P. Title: Perceptions of equity and organisational commitment in the Zimbabwean hospitality industry: Implications for HR managers or employers Journal: South African Journal of Labour Relations Volume: 37 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 1−15 ISSN: 3798-8410 Author: Chinomona, R. Title: The influence of Brand Experience on Brand Satisfaction, Trust and Attachment in South Africa Journal: International Business & Economics Research Journal Volume: 12 Issue: 10 Page numbers of article: 1303−1316 ISSN: 1535-0754 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R. & Sandada, M. Title: Service Quality Level as the Determinant of Consumer Emotional Loyalty and Fantasy in South Africa’s Pick n Pay Chain Stores Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 579−586 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author: Chinomona, R. Title: Business Owners’ Expertise, Employee Skills Training and Business Performance: A Small Business Perspective Journal: Journal of Applied Business Research Volume: 29 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 1−14 ISSN: 0892-7626 Author: Chinomona, R. Title: An Empirical Examination of the Predictors of Consumer Compulsive Buying as an Impulse Control Disorder not otherwise specified: A Branding Perspective Journal: Journal of Applied Business Research Volume: 29 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 1−16 ISSN: 0892-7626 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R. & Sandada, M. Title: The influence of Market Related Mobile Activities on the Acceptance of Mobile Marketing and Consumer Intention to Purchase Products Promoted by SMS in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 1−12 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R., Dhurup, M. & Chinomona, E. Title: The influence of Quality of Work-Life on Employees’ Job Satisfaction, Job Commitment and Tenure Intention in the Small and Medium Enterprise Sector Journal: South African Journal of Economics and Management Sciences Volume: 16 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 1−10 ISSN: 1015-8812 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R. & Chinomona, E. Title: The influence of employee’s perceptions of organisational politics on turnover intentions in Zimbabwe’s SME sector Journal: South African Journal of Business Management Volume: 44 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 15−24 ISSN: 2078-5585 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R., Joubert, P. & Chinomona, E. Title: Employee’s Perception of Equity and Organisation Commitment in the Hospitality Industry Journal: South African Journal of Labour Relations Volume: 37 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 1−10 ISSN: 379-8410 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, E., Chinomona, R. & Moloi, K.C. Title: Elements of Quality Assurance at Institutions of Higher Education: Vaal University of Technology in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 643−656 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R., Okoumba, L. & Pooe, R.I.D. Title: The impact of Product Quality on Perceived Value, Trust and Students’ Intention to Purchase Electronic Gadgets Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 463−472 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R., Mahlangu, D. & Pooe, R.I.D. Title: Brand Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Preference as Predictors of Consumer Brand Loyalty in the Retailing Industry Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 181−190 ISSN: 2039-2039-9340 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R. & Sandada, M. Title: Shared Goal, Communication and Absence of Damaging Conflicts as Antecedents of Employee Relationship Strength at Institutions of Higher Learning in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 137−146 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M. & Reddy, L. Title: Social and task cohesion and the relationship with team sport satisfaction and academic performance amongst a first-year university cohort Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 381−393 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R. & Pooe, R.I.D. Title: The influence of logistics integration on information sharing and business performance: The case of small and medium enterprises in South Africa Journal: Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1−9 ISSN: 1995-5235 Author: Chinomona, R. Title: Mobile Gaming Perceived Enjoyment and Ease of Play as Predictors of Student Attitude and Mobile Gaming Continuance Intention Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 14 Page numbers of article: 237−247 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R. & Sandada, M. Title: Consumer Satisfaction, Trust, and Loyalty as Predictors of Customer Intention to repurchase in the South African Retailing Industry Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 4−14 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-authors: Chinomona, R., Mashiloane, M. & Pooe, R.I.D. Title: The Influence of Servant Leadership on Employee Trust in a Leader and Commitment to the Organisation Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 405−414 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M., Mafini, C. & Malan, J. Title: Consumer responses to salient restaurant image attributes in restaurant selection in Southern Gauteng, South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 283−294 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M. & Mahomed, F.E. Title: Quality of work-life and the relationship with job satisfaction: Empirical evidence from school sport facilitators Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: October 2013 Issue: Supplement 2 Page numbers of article: 193−208 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M. & Joubert, P.A. Title: The incidence of sexual harassment and awareness of sexual harassment policies in sport organisations in Gauteng 45 Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: October 2013 Issue: Supplement 2 Page numbers of article: 209−222 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M. & Dubihlela, J. Title: Role ambiguity and job satisfaction: Prevalence, relationship and gendered comparison through workplace experiences of employees in sport organisations Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: October 2013 Issue: Supplement 2 Page numbers of article: 209−222 ISSN: 1117-4315 46 Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M., Mafini, C. & Mathaba, R.L. Title: Store Image Factors Influencing Store Choice amongst Sportswear Consumers: Baseline Findings from South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 359−370 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Dhurup, M. & Dlodlo, N. Title: To Play or Not to Play! Online Fantasy Football Consumption Motives and the Relationship with Attitude and Future Behavioural Intentions Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 14 Page numbers of article: 201−211 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author: Dhurup, M. Title: Illogical it may seem: Do team attachment, match outcomes and superior performance of opposing teams shape superstitious behaviour amongst sport fans? Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance Volume: 19 Issue: 4:2 Page numbers of article: 1123−1134 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Dlodlo, N. & Mafini, C. Title: The relationship between technology acceptance and frequency of mobile commerce use amongst Generation Y Consumers Journal: Acta Commercii Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 8 ISSN: 1680-7537 Author and co-authors: Dlodlo, N. & Dhurup, M. Title: Drivers of e-Marketing Adoption amongst Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Variations with Age of Business Owners Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 14 Page numbers of article: 53−66 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-authors: Dlodlo, N. & Dhurup, M. Title: Selected social media antecedents: Attitudes towards and behaviour impacts on its usage amongst consumers in a developing country Journal: Studia Oeconomica Volume: 58 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 79−90 ISSN: 1220-0506 Author and co-authors: Dlodlo, N. & Dhurup, M. Title: Are university students living in a world of fantasy? Fantasy football motives amongst university students at a South African university of technology Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health education, Recreation and dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 19 Issue: 4:2 Page numbers of article: 1068−1085 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Dlodlo, N. & Mahlangu, H.B. Title: Usage of mobile devices for recreation amongst the millennial generation Journal: African Journal of Physical Health Recreation and Dance Volume: 19 Issue: 4:2 Page numbers of article: 874−890 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Dlodlo, N. & Dhurup, M. Title: Examining social media dimension amongst a cohort of Generation Y consumers in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 329−338 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Dubihlela, J. & Omoruyi, O. Title: An Integration of Supply-chain Activity Imperatives by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa’s Emfuleni Municipality Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4(6) Issue: July 2013 Page numbers of article: 383−396 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Dubihlela, J. & Sibanda, D. Title: Factors that impede Viable Bond Market Development in One Hyperinflationary Economy Journal: Review of Business & Finance Studies Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 107−118 ISSN: 2150-3338 Author: Dubihlela, J. Title: Determinants of Market Orientation Adoption amongst Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 55−66 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Dubihlela, J. & Dhurup, M. Title: A Factorial Analysis of the Barriers to Market Orientation Adoption amongst Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in a Developing Country Journal: International Business & Economics Research Journal Volume: 12 Issue: 5 Page numbers of article: 1331−1341 ISSN: 1535-0754 ISBN: 2157-9393 Author and co-authors: Dubihlela, J. & Grobler, W. Title: E-Retailing Adoption, e-Retail Innovativeness, Implementation Capacity and Business Performance of SMEs in South Africa Journal: Studia Oeconomica Volume: 58 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 72−85 ISSN: 1220-0506 Author and co-authors: Dubihlela, J. & Niyimbanira, F. Title: Identifying the Long-run Relationship of Real Money Demand, Real Income and Prime Interest Rates in South Africa Journal: International Business & Economics Research Journal Volume: 12 Issue: 9 Page numbers of article: 1001−1002 ISSN: 1535-0754 & 2157-9393 Author and co-authors: Dubihlela, J. & Dhurup, M. Title: Negative work-family and family-work conflicts and the relationship with career satisfaction amongst sport coaching officials Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: October 2013 Issue: Supplement 2 Page numbers of article: 177−192 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Hove, P. & Tarisai, C. Title: Internal Factors Affecting the Successful Growth and Survival of Small and Micro AgriBusiness Firms in Alice Communal Area Journal: Journal of Economics Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 57−67 ISSN: 0976-5239 Author and co-authors: Isabirye, A.K. & Dhurup, M. Title: The psychological contract of amateur sport coaches in their work environments in south Gauteng 47 Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: October 2013 Issue: Supplement 2 Page numbers of article: 159−176 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Isabirye, A.K. & Moloi, C. Title: Professional development and its implications for innovative teaching and learning in a South African higher education institution Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 14 Page numbers of article: 101−108 ISSN: 2039-9340 48 Author and co-authors: Mafini, C. & Dubihlela, J. Title: Determinants of the Military Turnover of Technical Air Force Specialists: An Empirical Case Analysis Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4(3) Issue: September 2013 Page numbers of article: 523−540 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author and co-authors: Mafini, C. & Pooe, R.I.D. Title: The relationship between employee satisfaction and organisational performance: Evidence from a South African government department Journal: SA Journal of Industrial Psychology Volume: 39 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 1−9 ISSN: 0258-5200 Author and co-authors: Mafini, C. & Omoruyi, O. Title: Logistics benefits and challenges: The case of SMEs in a South African local municipality Journal: SAJESBM Volume: 6 Issue: 166 Page numbers of article: 145−167 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Mafini, C. & Dhurup, M. Title: Scoring through the net: Website establishment intentions amongst sport organisations in the Gauteng Province, South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 19 Issue: 4:1 Page numbers of article: 891−905 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Mafini, C. & Dhurup, M. Title: The relationship between website sport consumption motives and future behavioural intentions amongst soccer fans Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 19 Issue: 4:1 Page numbers of article: 906−917 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Mafini, C. & Pooe, R.I.D. Title: Performance Measurement in a South African Government Social Services Department: A Balanced Scorecard Approach Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 23−36 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Mandlazi, L., Dhurup, M. & Mafini, C. Title: Generation Y Consumer Shopping Styles: Evidence from South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 153−164 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Mahlangu, H.B., Dlodlo, N. & Mokoena, B.A. Title: Supporters’ perceived brand equity of the Bafana Bafana national soccer team of South Africa Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health education, Recreation and dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 324−335 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Mathu, K. & Chinomona, R. Title: South African Coal Mining Industry: SocioEconomic Attributes Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 347−358 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Mofokeng, T., Chinomona, R. & Pooe, R.I.D. Title: The Influence of Condition of Minibus Taxis, Compliance with Road Rules on Quality of Service and Commuter Satisfaction in Harrismith, South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 319−328 ISSN: 2039-9340 Author: Niyimbanira, F. Title: An Overview of Methods for Testing Shortand Long-run Equilibrium with Time Series Data: Co-integration and Error-correction Mechanism Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 151−156 ISSN: 1535-0754 & 2157-9393 Author: Niyimbanira, F. Title: Money Demand in South Africa Revisited: A Detailed Analysis of Different Models Journal: International Business & Economics Research Journal Volume: 12 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 427−438 ISSN: 1535-0754 & 2157-9393 Author: Niyimbanira, F. Title: Stability of Money Demand in a Developing Economy: Empirical Evidence from South Africa Journal: International Business & Economics Research Journal Volume: 12 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 565−572 ISSN: 1535-0754 & 2157-9393 Author: Niyimbanira, F. Title: An Investigation of the Relationship between Oil Prices and Inflation in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 105−111 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author: Niyimbanira, F. Title: A Qualitative Exploration of Professionals’ Perceptions on Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Case of Lectures at a South African university Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 6 Page numbers of article: 315−322 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author: Niyimbanira, F. Title: An Econometric Evidence of the Interactions between Inflation and Economic Growth in South Africa Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 13 Page numbers of article: 219−225 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author and co-authors: Ntshoe, I. & Selesho, J. Title: Matching supply and demand for scarce and career guidance in post-apartheid settings Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 45−54 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author: Pooe, R.I.D. Title: Theoretical Perspective and the Implementation of the BBBEE Policy Framework Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 635−642 ISSN: 2039-2117 49 Author and co-authors: Radebe, P. & Surujlal, J. Title: Municipal sports officers’ perceptions of performance appraisal and their relationship with satisfaction with the process Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: October 2013 Issue: Supplement 2 Page numbers of article: 117−132 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Rundora, R., Ziemerink, T. & Oberholzer, M. Title: Activity-based Costing in Small Manufacturing Firms: South African Study Journal: The Journal of Applied Business Research Volume: 29 Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 485−498 ISSN: 0892-7626 Author and co-authors: Sekhampu, T.J. & Niyimbanira, F. Title: Analysis of the Factors Influencing Household Expenditure in a South African Township Journal: International Business & Economics Research Journal Volume: 12 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 279−284 ISSN: 1535-0754 & 2157-9393 Author and co-authors: Selesho, J. & Twala, C. Title: Institutional funding as an accountability process Journal: International Journal of Education Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 309−316 ISSN: 0975-1122 Author and co-authors: Selesho, J. & Twala, C. Title: Investigating the predictive validity of Mathematics and Science students at university Journal: International Journal of Education Sciences Volume: 5 Issue: 3 50 Page numbers of article: 301−307 ISSN: 0975-1122 Author: Selesho, J. Title: Undergraduate Academic Programme Self-evaluation contained in the Higher Education Context: A Defence for SA Universities Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 45−52 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author: Selesho, J. Title: Complexities and challenges of academic programme self-evaluation: A case of two departments Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 175−180 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author: Selesho, J. Title: Legitimacy and competency of students’ assessment in higher education: Quality assurance query Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 447−453 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author: Selesho, J. Title: Analytical Strength of First-Year Students’ Academic Performance at University Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 3 Page numbers of article: 371−378 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author: Selesho, J. Title: Lessons learned from institutional selfevaluation: Infusing the pockets of excellence from reviews experiences Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 339−346 ISSN: 2039-2117 Author: Selesho, J. & Twala, C. Title: The Exploitation of Public Participation in the Tuition of History in a Post-Apartheid South Africa Journal: Journal of Human Ecology Volume: 44 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 247−253 ISSN: 0970-9274 Author: Selesho, J. Title: Exercising the fiduciary responsibility to improve education of their children: Ecological perspective Journal: Journal of Human Ecology Volume: 44 Issue: 4 Page numbers of article: 339−346 ISSN: 0970-9274 Author and co-authors: Surujlal, J., Van Zyl, Y. & Nolan, Y. Title: Perceived stress and coping skills of university students – athletes and the relationship with life satisfaction Journal: African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) Volume: 19 Issue: 4:2 Page numbers of article: 1047−1059 ISSN: 1117-4315 Author and co-authors: Surujlal, J., Dhurup, M. & Ayodeji, O.O. Title: Factors influencing fans’ perceptions of team sport sponsors Journal: Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 21−32 ISSN: 2039-9340 NON-FACULTY RESEARCH OUTPUTS Directorate: Curriculum Development & PQM Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter: Tjabane, M. Title of Paper: Reflective practice and the transformation of tertiary teaching Conference: University Teaching and Learning Conference – UTLO UKZN Place: Durban Date: 24–27 September 2013 51 Prof. W.H. OldewageTheron CENTRE OF SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOODS MESSAGE FROM THE The year 2013 was an exciting year for the CSL as their offices moved to Science Park in Sebokeng, closer to the communities in which the researchers implement the various relevant and high-impact research projects. The mission of the Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods (CSL) is to train and build capacity to address poverty and its resulting consequences in Africa, specifically in South Africa. One of the main aims of the CSL is that all research undertaken should have an impact on the development of communities, specifically related to the nutritional and health status of the children and their caregivers, through the implementation of sustainable food and nutrition interventions in these communities. The year 2013 was an exciting year for the CSL as their offices moved to Science Park in Sebokeng, closer to the communities in which the researchers implement the various relevant and high-impact research projects. It was also a productive year: Firstly, the National Soy Research Laboratory was established at Science Park. The vision of this laboratory is to conduct cutting-edge research for nutritious soy product development for human consumption and health by (1) developing innovative processing techniques to create nutritious soy-based food products as well as soy-based ingredients for commercialisation such as micro-economic entrepreneurship and/or the soy industry; (2) educating society and creating consumer awareness through the development of household soy recipe books and fact sheets (to be published) on the benefits of soy consumption for human health; and (3) providing a service to the soy food industry in terms of research, food product formulation, development, training as well as chemical, nutritional and shelf life analyses. The last objective was to culminate in hosting the ‘Imagine the Possibilities with Soy’ annual seminar and workshop, the first of its kind in South Africa. The first such seminar and workshop was conducted successfully from 4−6 September 2013. A total of 71 delegates registered. The majority of the delegates were from South Africa (84.6%), followed by Nigeria (5.6%) and the United States of America (4.2%), which are all typically soy producing countries. Furthermore, the stakeholders represented at the seminar and workshop were, in descending order, academic institutions (33.8%), soy food processors (28.2%), non-government organisations (NGOs) and research councils (with 9.9% respectively), producers (7.0%) and government departments (5.6%). Secondly, the CSL contributed to the Vaal University of Technology’s (VUT) research outputs by authoring/ co-authoring seven articles in accredited peerreviewed journals, one article in a non-accredited peer- reviewed journal, as well as one research-based book chapter. The CSL researchers further delivered seven international conference papers and successfully supervised one DTech and three MTech students. Thirdly, a memorandum of agreement was signed with the CSIR and the Agricultural Research Council to implement a pilot project. The aim of this project is to develop a model of integrated and comprehensive food technologies in rural schools in the Eastern Cape that will enhance nutrient intake and inform various stakeholders on alternative technological options. The CSL researchers are responsible for the baseline and impact measurements of the nutrition intervention programme. We hereby wish to thank our funding agencies (NRF, CSIR, OPOT, DHET) for their financial support, as well as the communities in which we work, our postgraduate students, and all other stakeholders for their co-operation in enabling us to make a difference through scientific research. Prof. W.H. Oldewage-Theron DIRECTOR: CENTRE OF SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOODS 53 CENTRE OF SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOODS RESEARCH OUTPUTS Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenter: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title of Paper: Is obesity associated with iron deficiency in the elderly? A case study from Sharpeville, South Africa Conference: European Food and Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) Conference Place: Bologna, Italy Date: 12−15 November 2013 Presenter and co-presenter: Egal, A.A. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of Paper: A cohort study of the prevalence of total and central obesity amongst Sharpeville elderly in South Africa (2005−2011) Conference: European Food and Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) Conference Place: Bologna, Italy Date: 12−15 November 2013 Presenter: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of Paper: Value of extruded soy products in achieving nutrition security in Africa Conference: ExtruAfrica Extrusion in Africa for Africa – Educating the nation Place: Protea Hotel, Kruger Gate, South Africa Date: 1−2 August 2013 Presenter and co-presenter: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title of Paper: Impact of an 18-month soy consumption intervention on serum lipids in women: A case study from a low-income rural community in South Africa Conference: Asia Pacific Conference in Clinical Nutrition (APCCN) Place: Tokyo, Japan Date: 9−12 June 2013 Presenter and co-presenter: Egal, A.A. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of Paper: The effect of a soy and potatobased food product on diarrhoea and child growth in a rural community in South Africa Conference: Asia Pacific Conference in Clinical Nutrition (APCCN) Place: Tokyo, Japan Date: 9−12 June 2013 54 Presenter and co-presenter: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title of Paper: Does soy consumption have an impact on CVD risk factors in low-income rural South African women? Conference: World Soybean Research Conference IX 2013, ‘From China to Africa – Can research close the gap between soy production and increasing global demand?’ Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 17−21 February 2013 Publications (Books/Chapters in Books) Author and co-authors: Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Kruger, R. & Egal, A.A. Chapter: Diet quality in peri-urban settlements: South African aspects Title: Diet quality. An evidence-based approach. Vol. 2. Publisher: London: Humana Press Date: 2013 Page numbers of chapter: 281−297 ISBN: 978-1-4614-7314-5 Presenter and co-presenter: Egal, A.A. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title of Paper: Consumption of soy on anthropometric parameters in women in QwaQwa, South Africa Conference: World Soybean Research Conference IX 2013, ‘From China to Africa – Can research close the gap between soy production and increasing global demand?’ Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 17−21 February 2013 Publications (Journals) Presenter and co-presenters: Duvenage, S.S., Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title of Paper: Acceptance of home-prepared soy dishes in low-income rural communities in QwaQwa, South Africa Conference: World Soybean Research Conference IX 2013, ‘From China to Africa – Can research close the gap between soy production and increasing global demand?’ Place: Durban, South Africa Date: 17−21 February 2013 Seminars/Workshops Presented Title: Imagine the possibilities with soy Presented to: Soy industry, academics and students from universities in South Africa and Africa as well as research organisations, non-governmental organisations and government officials Place: Science Park, Vaal University of Technology, Sebokeng Date: 4−6 September 2013 Title: Data analysis and interpretation workshop Presented to: Postgraduate Food & Nutrition Science students Place: Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa Date: July 2013 Author and co-authors: Duvenage, S.S., Oldewage-Theron, W.H., Egal, A.A. & Medoua, G.N. Title: Home-prepared soy milk: Potential to alleviate protein-energy malnutrition in lowincome rural communities in South Africa Journal: Health SA Gesondheid Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 7 ISSN: 2071-9736 Author and co-authors: Faber, M., Wenhold, F.A.M., MacIntyre, U.E., Wentzel-Viljoen, E., Steyn, N.P. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title: Presentation and interpretation of food intake data: Factors affecting comparability across studies Journal: Nutrition Volume: 29 Issue: n/a Page numbers of article: 1286−1292 ISSN: 0899-9007 Author and co-authors: Mkhize, X., Napier, C.E. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title: The nutrition situation of free-living elderly in Umlazi township, South Africa Journal: Health SA Gesondheid Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 8 ISSN: 2071-9736 Author and co-authors: Grobbelaar, H.H., Napier, C.E. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title: Nutritional status and food intake data on children and adolescents in residential care facilities in Durban Journal: South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition Volume: 26 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 29−36 ISSN: 003-8-2469 Author and co-authors: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title: Prevalence of and contributing factors to dyslipidemia in low-income women aged 18−90 years in the peri-urban Vaal region Journal: South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition Volume: 26 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 23−28 ISSN: 003-8-2469 Author and co-authors: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title: The effect of consumption of soy foods on the blood lipid profile of women: A pilot study from QwaQwa Journal: Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology Volume: 59 Issue: n/a Page numbers of article: 431−436 ISSN: 03014800 (print) / 1881-7742 (online) Researchers: Duvenage, S.S., Omwamba, M., Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title: Soy recipe development Field: Food Consumer Science Researchers: Egal, A.A. & Oldewage-Theron, W.H. Title: Addressing food insecurity in QwaQwa Field: Food Insecurity & Community Nutrition Contract Research Researchers: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title: School feeding pilot study in Cofimvaba, Eastern Cape Company: CSIR Field: Nutrition Research Partnerships/Collaboration Researcher: Napier, C.E. Title of research: Developing the SA food-based dietary guidelines for the elderly Higher Education Institution: Durban University of Technology Industry: Education Researcher: Kruger, R. Title of research: Diet quality of peri-urban women in South Africa Higher Education Institution: Massey University, Auckland Industry: Community Nutrition International: New Zealand Researcher: Murimi, M. Title of research: Addressing food security and malnutrition in Africa Higher Education Institution: Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas Industry: Food Security and Nutrition International: United States of America Author and co-authors: Duvenage, S.S., Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title: Acceptance of home-prepared soy dishes in low-income rural QwaQwa communities Journal: International Journal of Home Economics Volume: 5 (Date 2012, but only published during 2013) Issue: 2 Page numbers of article: 151−166 ISSN: 1999-561X Author and co-authors: Duvenage, S.S., Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title: Conceptualising of quantities by lowincome consumers to guide recipe format Journal: International Journal of Home Economics Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Page numbers of article: 21−33 ISSN: 1999-561X Research in Progress Researchers: Oldewage-Theron, W.H. & Egal, A.A. Title: Addressing malnutrition amongst the elderly in Sharpeville Field: Community Nutrition 55 Prof. Christo Pienaar CENTRE FOR ALTERNATIVE ENERGY MESSAGE FROM THE A Master’s degree in Energy Efficiency is currently being developed in partnership with two South African and four international universities, and will be implemented in 2015. The shortage of electrical power has become a huge and children find it difficult to study, if at all, A Master’s degree in Energy Efficiency is currently problem in South Africa. The Centre for Alternative in conditions of low light. These communities being developed in partnership with two South Energy (CAE) at the Vaal University of Technology depend mostly on candlepower and other African and four international universities, and (VUT) addresses this problem in two main and very high-risk sources for lighting. Furthermore, will be implemented in 2015. The collaboration important areas, namely industry requirements security in these areas is also a major problem is sponsored by the European Union and the and community requirements, which could be due to insufficient lighting. partners include: summarised as follows: Research done at the CAE attempts to alleviate the • Power to the telecommunications industry: many problems these areas encounter due to the The telecommunications industry depends absence of electricity. It is, however, not restricted hugely on electricity received from the to or aimed at South Africa only, as it is actually a national electricity grid. High sites without problem throughout the whole of Africa. grid-powered electricity depend on solar and battery-powered plants for their power. However, these power plants are often difficult to reach due to rugged terrain. It is also very expensive to maintain these sites on a regular basis. Previous research at VUT has proven that solar/ hydrogen/fuel cell power plants with capacities smaller than 10 kW are possible answers to the The CAE is currently sponsored by: Telkom (Pty) Ltd • TFMC (Pty) Ltd • Malesela Taihan Electric Cable (Pty) Ltd have electricity. Even the most basic form of • Eskom (Pty) Ltd lighting during the night is a huge drawback, • GM Graphix (Pty) Ltd Power for small communities: Rural and squatter communities that are not connected to the national electricity grid find it very difficult to compete with areas that do Tswane University of Technology • Cape Peninsula University of Technology • Polytechnic of Namibia • Hochschule Wismar • Ernst-Abbe-Fachhochschule Jena • Fachhochschule Flensburg. problems outlined above. • • • Prof. Christo Pienaar DIRECTOR: CENTRE FOR ALTERNATIVE ENERGY 57 Development of 3D inkjet printing heads for high viscosity fluids. Institute of Applied Electronics Research outputs Postgraduate Staff Qualifications Completed in 2012 Name: Kuyula, C.K. Qualification: M Tech Dissertation / Thesis Title: Design and development of a 200W converter for phosphoric acid cells University / Institution: Vaal University of Technology Name: Osowata, O. Qualification: M Tech 58 Dissertation / Thesis Title: optimizing the output power available from a photovoltaic panel through empirical testing University / Institution: Vaal University of Technology Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenter: Akinwunmi, A.F & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Re-use of the anode exhaust gas of a PEM fuel cell to improve the efficiency and lower the running cost. Conference: ICIT 2013 IEEE International Conference Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 25 – 27 February 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-4568-2 Presenter and co-presenter: Swart, A.J., Schoeman, R.M., Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Cost-effective energy monitoring of domestic off-grid PV systems Conference: Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEEC) 2013 Place: Beijing, China Date: 12 – 14 July 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 9771949243 X0 5 0 4 B Presenter and co-presenter: Swart, A.J., Schoeman, R.M., Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Ensuring sustainability of PV systems for a given climate region in South Africa Conference: IEEE AFRICON Place: Mauritius Date: 9 – 12 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-5940-5 Presenter and co-presenter: Viljoen, M. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Graphical user interface control for a solar-battery-hydrogen fuel cell power plant Conference: IEEE AFRICON Place: Mauritius Date: 9 – 12 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-5940-5 Presenter and co-presenter: Asowata, O., Swart, A.J. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Evaluating the effect of a stationary PV panel on the charging rate of deepcycle valve-regulated lead-acid batteries Conference: IEEE AFRICON Place: Mauritius Date: 9 – 12 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-5940-5 Presenter and co-presenter: Schoeman, R.M., Swart, A.J. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Negating temperature on photovoltaic panels Conference: IEEE AFRICON Place: Mauritius Date: 9 – 12 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-5940-5 Presenter and co-presenter: Kuyula, C.K. & Janse van Rensburg, J.F. Title of Paper: Development of a high efficiency fuel cell converter based on a Texas Instrument for Broadband Access Conference: SATNAC 2013 Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 1 – 4 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-57882-0 Presenter and co-presenter: van Tonder, P.J.M & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Optimisation of temperature and water flow through a regenerative fuel cell for a solar hydrogen system Conference: SATNAC 2013 Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 1 – 4 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-57882-0 Presenter and co-presenter: Asowata, O., Swart, A.J., Pienaar, H.C.vZ. & Schoeman, R.M. Title of Paper: Optimising the output power of a stationary PV panel Conference: SATNAC 2013 Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 1 – 4 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-57882-0 Presenter and co-presenter: Asowata, O. & Pienaar, H.C.vZ. Title of Paper: Correlating the power conversion of a PV panel to the solar irradiance obtained from meteonorm Conference: ICIT 2013 IEEE International Conference Place: Cape Town, South Africa Date: 25 - 27 February 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4673-4567-5 Presenter and co-presenter: Van Tonder, P.J.M., Pienaar, H.C.vZ. & de Beer, D.J. Title of Paper: The effect of the valve pulse time on the drop formulation process for a rugged additive manufacturing printing head Conference: SATNAC 2013 Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 1 – 4 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-57882-0 Presenter and co-presenter: Asowata, O., Swart, A.J., Pienaar, H.C.vZ. & Schoeman, R.M. Title of Paper: Factors impacting on the surface temperature of a PV panel Conference: SATNAC 2013 Place: Stellenbosch, South Africa Date: 1 – 4 September 2013 ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-620-57882-0 59 Prof. S.J. Modise INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL & BIOTECHNOLOGY MESSAGE FROM THE The Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology (ICBT) is a unit within the Technology Transfer and Innovation division (TTI) of the Vaal University of Technology (VUT). The Institute initially received its mandate from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences and has since stretched to be inclusive of all other Faculties and the community of VUT and beyond, hence its residence within the TTI. The Institute of Chemical and Biotechnology (ICBT) is a unit within the Technology Transfer and Innovation division (TTI) of the Vaal University of Technology (VUT). The Institute initially received its mandate from the Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences and has since stretched to be inclusive of all other Faculties and the community of VUT and beyond, hence its residence within the TTI. The ICBT, as it is normally referred to, strives towards enterprise and SMME development, mainly in chemical and biotechnology related projects. The ICBT puts its resources, facilities and infrastructure towards the incubation and nurturing of Chemical and Biochemical-related business units, from within VUT as well as outside the University. It welcomes all individuals and developing and developed businesses alike. In its recent strategic alignment, the Institute is focusing on oil extraction technologies and the characterisation thereof. Prof. S.J. Modise DIRECTOR: INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL & BIOTECHNOLOGY 61 Institute of Chemical & Biotechnology Research outputs Conferences (Papers and posters presented) Presenter and co-presenter: Modise, S.J., Sipamla, A.M. & Mosia, M.E Title of Paper: Treatment of water in a Powder Industry Conference: Green Technology Conference Place: Limpopo, South Africa Date: 20–24 October 2013 Presenter and co-presenters: Modise, S.J., Sipamla, A.M. & Chauke, M.E. Title of Paper: Essential oil extraction from Cymbopogon excavatus and the investigation of its chemical properties and antimicrobial activities Conference: SACI Convention Place: East London, South Africa Date: 1–6 December 2013 Presenter and co-presenters: Sipamla, A.M., Modise, S.J., Pillay, M. & Tlaetlae, K. Title of Paper: Microbial properties of bioactive compounds from Dicerocaryum senecioides Conference: SACI Convention Place: East London, South Africa Date: 1–6 December 2013 62 Presenter and co-presenters: Matamela, T., Sipamla, A.M. & Mtunzi, F.N. Title of Paper: Determination of the antibacterial, antioxidant activity, isolation and characterisation of active compounds from the leaves of the Rhus leptodictya plant Conference: SACI Convention Place: East London, South Africa Date: 1–6 December 2013 Presenter and co-presenters: Muleya, E., Sipamla, A.M. & Mtunzi, F.N. Title of Paper: Antioxidant activities of nine medicinal plants used in treating inflammatory ailments in Zulu traditional medicine of South Africa Conference: SACI Convention Place: East London, South Africa Date: 1– 6December 2013 Presenter and co-presenters: Mtunzi, F.M., Sipamla, A.M., Muleya, E., Ahmed, A.S. & Eloff, N.J. Title of Paper: Evaluation of biological activities of nine anti-inflammatory medicinal plants and characterisation of antimicrobial compounds from Pomaria sandersonii and Alepedia amatymbica. Conference: SACI Young chemists’ symposium Place: University of Johannesburg Date: September 2013 Seminars/Workshops Presented Title: Reference styles in research Presented to: VUT postgraduate students Place: Vaal University of Technology Date: August 2013 Title: Introduction to Membrane Technology Presented to: VUT postgraduate students Place: Vaal University of Technology (Sedichem @Educity) Date: August 2013 Publications (Journals) Authors: Modise, S.J., Sanni, S.O. & Sipamla, A.M. Title: TiO2 supported clinoptilotile: Characterisation and photocatalytic activities on methyl orange Authors: Mtunzi, F.M., Dikio, E.D., Modise, S.J. & Sipamla, A.M. Title: GC-MS analysis of hexane extract of Bolusanthus speciosus stem bark Authors: Muleya, E., Ahmed, A.S., Sipamla, A.M. & Mtunzi, F.M. Title: Free Radical scanvenging and antibacterial activity of crude extracts from selected plants of medicinal value used in Zululand Research in Progress Researcher: Chauke, T. (MTech) Title: Isolation of and elucidation of the main chemical constituents of Cymbopogon excavatus and the investigation of their antimicrobial activities Field: Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Researcher: Tlaetlae, K. (MTech) Title: Assessing genetic biodiversity and the microbial properties of bioactive compounds from Dicerocaryum seneciodes Field: Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Researcher: Shibambo, P. (MTech) Title: Determination and characterisation of the converter products in the Selective Catalytic Cracker (SCC) process Field: Industrial Chemistry Researcher: Mosia, M.E. (MTech) Title: Treatment and recycling of metallurgical wastewater using membranes technology at a Powder Company Field: Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Researcher: Olalekan, S. (MTech) Title: Comparative studies of TiO2 supported zeolites and virgin TiO2 for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of azo dyes Field: Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Researcher: Chauke, S. (MTech) Title: Synthesis of substituted pyrazole and triazole ligands with selected transition metals Field: Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Researcher: Motaung, D. (MTech) Title: Extraction studies of Co(II), Ni(II) And Cu (II) using substituted pyrazole as a ligand Field: Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry 63 The Research Team FROM THE RESEARCH OFFICE Research Outputs Accredited Research Outputs for VUT 2008−2013 Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 *2013 Units 19.34 36.5 44.73 75.05 75.30 134, 09 *Submitted to DHET − not yet approved Articles published in accredited journals per faculty for 2013 Applied and Computer Sciences 12% 11% 3% Engineering and Technology 10% Human Sciences 64% Management Sciences Non-faculty 65 Articles in Accredited Journals per Faculty for 2012 Nominations for Women in Science Awards The Department of Science and Technology (DST) annually hosts the South African Women in Science Awards (WISA) to recognise and reward the achievements of South African women scientists and researchers. Professor Moloi from the Faculty of Human Sciences was the finalist in the category: Distinguished Women: Social Sciences. The category recognises the women scientists and researchers who have made an outstanding contribution to advancing science and building the knowledge base in their respective disciplines. The Vaal University of Technology community congratulates Prof Kholeka Moloi for the outstanding achievement. She emerged as an overall winner and received an award in the category: Distinguished Women: Social Sciences. Water Research Commission Prof. Kholeka Moloi The Water Research Commission (WRC) hosted a symposium from 25-27 September 2013 at CSIR Convention Centre in Pretoria which was attended by key government ministers, members of Parliament, key government officials, CEO’s from the private sector and non-government organisations. On the second day of the symposium, the WRC conferred awards in six categories (branches) which are referred to as the WRC Knowledge Tree. This was to honour individuals that have made an outstanding contribution in water research. We are proud to announce that Prof. Ochieng from VUT took the ‘Transformation and Redress Award’ which is one of the six branches of the WRC knowledge tree. The award is meant to send two important messages: • That our efforts in addressing transformation and redress have been appreciated. • VUT is fast becoming a force to reckon with in the area of water research within institutions of higher learning in South Africa. VUT was the only University of Technology to have received an award in recognition of the cutting-edge water Prof. Ochieng Aoyi research projects. National Research Foundation (NRF) The NRF rating system is a benchmarking system through which individuals that exemplifies the highest standards of research, as well as those demonstrating strong potential as researchers, are identified by an extensive network of South African and international peer reviewers. NRF Rated Researchers in 2013: Surname Initials Title Rating Category Surname Initials Title Rating Category Aoyi O Prof C3 Ofomaja AE Dr C2 Campbell RI Dr C2 Oldewage-Theron WH Prof C3 De Beer DJ Prof C1 Rutto HL Dr Y2 Tengen TB Prof Y2 66 NRF-RATED RESEARCHERS Prof. O. Aoyi Dr R.I. Campbell Prof. D.J. de Beer Dr A.E. Ofomaja Prof. W.H. OldewageTheron Dr H.L. Rutto Prof. T.B. Tengen Prof. J. Surujlal 67 Post-doctoral research fellows Post-doctoral Research Fellows Faculty of Human Sciences • 2 Article Writing Workshops In 2013 VUT had 11 post-doctoral research fellows who assist in supporting Faculty of Management Sciences staff towards completion of their Masters and Doctoral qualification. Where • Postgraduate Supervision Workshop • Statistical Analysis and data processing workshops December 2013 in Stellenbosch. • Writing for Publication Workshop Research Capacity Development Programmes • Supervisor Forum (4) suitable their roles will include supervising, mentoring, training and coaching. A group of Post-doctoral research fellows attended the NRF Postdoc Forum 4-6 Research funds were made available for Faculties to arrange Research Capacity Development Workshops/Programmes according to their various needs. The following are examples of workshops/programmes arranged within the faculties. Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences: • Gauteng SACI young chemist and nanotechnology symposium • SA Mathematical Society Symposia • Faculty Research Focus Areas workshop • Analysis of DNA/protein sequence data workshop • Arlequin data analysis program workshop • Programming software training (Matlab, Maple, Mathematica, LaTeX ) Faculty of Engineering & Technology • Workshops on Materials Technology Focus Area (includes other faculties) • Seminars/colloquium – 13 presentations from the Faculty • Modelling, material and water workshops • Workshop: Operation research, Optimization and Manufacturing systems • Research Methodology Course 68 The Research Capacity Development Programmes create opportunities for staff to support each other. The Research Directorate arranged the following Research Capacity Development Programmes. • Writing for Publication • Women-in-research • NUFFIC – Strengthening Doctoral Supervision • In-house Masters Programme Mentorship Programme: The ‘Hub and Spokes’ Model at VUT Growing the next generation of South African academics at Vaal University of Technology (VUT) The “Hub and Spokes” model is a structured mentorship development program which aims to bring mentors who are Research Leaders of Strategic Focus Areas at VUT into structured mentoring relations with postgraduate students to support the simultaneous growth of the next generation South African at VUT and leapfrog the development and innovation of the focus areas. The “Hub” refers to the focus area and Research Leaders or Mentor, while “Spokes” refers to the postgraduate students who work under the guidance of the Mentor. The aims and objectives of the Hub and Spokes Model 1. To provide focused support to facilitate the growth of the next generation of academics at VUT. 2. Strengthen the Critical Mass of a Community of researchers at VUT. 3. To leapfrog the development of strategic research areas. 4. To provide structured support to ensure increased research outputs from strategic academic focus areas. 5. To ensure that postgraduate students are involved in publications of accredited peer reviewed research publications. 6. To support the academic socialisation of mentees through facilitating their involvement in teaching, tutoring and where suitable co-supervision. Scholarship: Scholarships are made to strengthen teaching and research interests in the Research Focus Areas. Doctoral Candidate R150 000-00 per annum; Masters Candidate R96 000-00 per annum During the April Graduation 3 Hub and Spokes students graduated with Cum Laude. Research coaching & mentoring days are scheduled throughout the year to support students on the Hubs and Spokes Model examples include: • Role clarification and expectations • Needs analysis 2013 • Leading to accountability … Indicators of a successful research coaching and mentoring programme • Crafting and presenting personal research development/action plans (mentees will be provided with time during the session to craft and present their personal research development plans for 2013) • Feedback on personal GROW plans and actions • Academic writing as an scholarly activity • Writing for publication • The reflective scholar – looking inwards, looking outwards 69 • Reflection and evaluation • Feedback on personal research development/action plans • Time competence and stress management: application for postgraduate success SANTRUST VUT in partnership with SANTRUST is offering a “VUT-SANTRUST PhD Development Programme”. Through this initiative VUT intends to produce reflective academics that have a broad insight into theories, ideas, methods and practices in research. The aim of the programme is to increase research capacity development and establish quality research. During the first quarter of 2013, the second VUT/SANTRUST programme was initiated. Currently 21 staff members are registered on the VUT/SANTRUST cohort 2 programme. Inclusive of the 2011 to 2012 programme, a total of 41 staff members are currently being supported on SANTRUST programmes. VUT Masters Qualification Support Programme A VUT Masters Qualification Support Programme has been developed to support staff currently busy with their Masters qualification. Strengthening Doctoral Supervision VUT was one of the first institutions who participated in this course funded by Dutch government through the Netherlands organization for international cooperation in higher education (NUFFIC). The “Strengthening doctoral supervision” focuses on doctoral supervision and is designed for supervisors who have limited or no experience of supervising at this level. This innovative course provides the structured support needed by academics as they take on the complex and demanding role of doctoral supervision. 14 Staff members participated in the course. The facilitators are Dutch and South African. 70 Research Achievement and Research Excellence Awards Faculty Research Awards VUT Excellence Award and VUT Achievement Award are presented annually. Candidates with the highest number of points in the Faculty will automatically be nominated for the University Researcher of the Year Award. Faculty awards and awards for the top three researchers are made in each category annually. Faculty Research Awards Research awards are held annually for researchers in the four faculties. The following staff received Faculty Research Awards during 2013 for their research achievements in 2012: Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences Faculty of Management Sciences Research Achievement Research Achievement 1st Dr K.O. Okosun 1st Dr R. Chinomona 2 Dr F. Mtunzi 2 Mr J. Maseko nd Research Excellence nd 3rd Mr T.T. Mareka Ms O. Omuruyi 1st Prof. E.D. Dikio 3rd 2nd Prof. M. Pillay Research Excellence 1st Prof. M. Dhurup Faculty of Engineering & Technology 2 Mr C. Mafini Research Excellence 3rd 1 st 2 nd nd Mr F. Niyimbanira Dr T.B. Tengen Prof. O. Aoyi Non-Faculty Research Excellence Faculty of Human Sciences 1st Prof. W.H. Oldewage-Theron Research Achievement 2nd Dr A.A. Egal 1 st Ms A. Laurie 1 st Ms A. Sooful 1st Ms Z.N. Khumalo 2nd Ms E. Zwane Research Excellence 1st Prof. A. Nicolaides 2 Prof. K.C. Moloi nd 3rd Prof. R.J. Gaede 71 Annual Researcher of the Year Awards Ceremony The Annual Researcher of the Year Awards Ceremony was held on 28 November 2013 at the Riviera on Vaal Hotel & Country Club. The following staff members received research awards for their research achievements in 2012: Research Achievement 1st place, Dr R. Chinomona. Faculty of Management Sciences Research Excellence 1st place, Prof M. Dhurup. Faculty of Management Sciences Innovation Award Recipients Mr D. Jacobs 2nd place, Prof A. Nicolaides. Faculty of Human Sciences 2nd place, Dr K.O. Okosun. Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences 3rd place, Dr F. Mtunzi. Faculty of Applied & Computer Sciences 72 Mr R.Sukraj 3rd place, Prof. T.B. Tengen. Faculty of Engineering & Technology Research Focus Areas/Institutes/Centres The following were approved Research Focus Areas/Institutes/Centres in 2013: Centre/Institutes Director & Contact Details Prof Wilna Oldewage-Theron (WH) Centre of Sustainable Livelihoods Tel: 016 930 5085 Email: [email protected] Prof. Christo vZ Pienaar (HC) Centre for Alternative Energy Tel: 016 950 9381 Email: [email protected] Prof. Ochieng Aoyi Centre for Renewable Energy and Water Tel: 016 950 9884 Email: [email protected] Focus Areas Leader & Contact details Prof. Michael Pillay Plant molecular genetics/biotechnology Tel: 016 950 9614 Email: [email protected] Prof. Peter Mendonidis Materials & Minerals Technology Tel: 016 950 6741 Email: [email protected] Technology Transfer & Innovation Leader & Contact details Prof. Deon de Beer Innovative Product Development and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Tel: 016 930 5013 Email: [email protected] and [email protected] 73 RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS Massive conference attendance by Chemistry staff and students at the South African Chemical Institute Convention The Department of Chemistry sent the largest number of delegates in the biannual South African Chemical Institute (SACI) convention that took place in East London from 1−6 December 2013. The convention always hosts researchers from all the over the country as well as some international plenary and keynote speakers who represent all fields of Chemistry, including Physical, Inorganic, Organic, Applied, Industrial, Materials, and Analytical Chemistry as well as Nanotechnology. More than 300 delegates attended the conference – 21 were from the Vaal University of Technology (VUT), supported by both the Research Directorate and Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences. Staff mostly attended in support of the postgraduate students, except for the oral presentations given by Dr Vusi Pakade, Ms Thokozani Xaba (DTech student), Dr Wankasi (Postdoctoral), and the invited keynote lecture by Prof. Makwena Moloto. Other staff members who presented posters include Dr Fanyana Mthunzi, Mrs Winny Maboya (PhD from Wits University), Ms Kgomotso Mtshatsheni (PhD from Wits University) and Ms Tshifhiwa Matamela (MTech). Students who proudly gave oral presentations include Ms Dikeledi More (MTech), Mr Eric Morifi (MTech), Ms Eddwina Muleya (who completed her DTech recently), Ms Agnes Pholosi (DTech), Mr Albert Kupeta (MTech), Mr Osikoya Adeniyi (MTech), and Mrs Charity Dikio (MTech). The rest were co presenters. 74 Three of the delegates, Prof. Naidoo (HOD), Prof. is an increase in research activity within the It all began one Sunday morning at her local church Moloto and Dr Wankasi, also served as chairs of Department of Chemistry, as can be seen in the when she saw large pots of food cooking on an sessions in their areas of specialty. Attendance was attractive funds from the NRF by two staff members, outside fire over strange-looking coal cubes. Onica massive, and researchers’ as well as staff-students’ Dr V. Pakade and Ms T. Xaba. Furthermore, two was curious to know what they were and where they appetites to complete their qualifications and, also, postgraduate students, Mr Bonginkosi Sibokoza came from. After making a few enquiries she met the to publish, were most definitely enhanced. Attending and Ms Mutshidzi Mulelu (who was doing her BTech women who manufactured this innovative product. this conference has done a lot to improve the image degree in 2012), obtained NRF scholarships from of VUT in research, especially with the quality online applications. delivered by staff as well as students through their They gave Onica a rundown of the manufacturing process and, astounded by the simple yet effective presentation topics and results. From Coal Dust to Gold Dust production method, her curiosity and interest grew A few well-established researchers from other Onica Matsheke, a lecturer in Entrepreneurship in women better. institutions came forward to congratulate the the Logistics Department, Faculty of Management VUT delegates and recognised the quality of the Sciences, recently stumbled across a heap of research delivered by the Department of Chemistry. burning coals that changed her life and won her first The Department and the Faculty are hoping that prize in the Gauteng Innovation Competition. this will translate into more research activity from This is her story of how she scooped first prize awareness of the low-cost, smokeless coal which from the pit of the coal mines to reach the top of can burn longer than traditional coal. more researchers, hence broadening the scope of research within the Department. There definitely the gold mines. even more as she got to know the unemployed She later partnered with the women and, equipped with the new product, Onica explored every avenue to market it as widely as possible. With little resources at her disposal, Onica went to great lengths to create Then she read about the Gauteng Innovation Competition on a website and decided to take full advantage and enter this brilliant, new – yet ancient – concept. She compiled a business plan and management profile as part of the competition’s prerequisites. In November 2012, after a delegate from the Gauteng Innovation Hub visited the Vaal University of Technology (VUT), she entered the competition. In December of that same year, an anxious Onica was told she was amongst the top ten of more than 100 entries. She was sent to Astral Studios in Johannesburg for a photo shoot and TV video clip, and on 11 January 2013 she attended the finals of the competition in Pretoria. At the awards ceremony, on 15 January 2013, she was one of the top five finalists for Green Technology. After much anticipation, the third and second place winners were announced. Onica was shattered, but silently held on to the hope that she could still win. 14 of the 21 VUT delegates who attended the conference in East London 75 And so it was announced: Onica Matsheke was supported all the events and capacity development and Innovation (TTI), and Mr Jay Irkhede: Director in first position for Green Technology. Screaming activities offered at VUT. She consistently attended Footwear and Leather; Department of Trade and with elation, she ran up to the podium to receive all information sharing sessions offered through the Industry (DTI), South Africa, signed a Memorandum her trophy. Higher Degrees Unit, even when these events were of Understanding between The Vaal University of primarily targeted for postgraduate students. Thank Technology (VUT) and the Footwear Development you, Prof. Moloi, for supporting the development of Institute of India (FDDI). “I am humbled to have received this prestigious award, and grateful to have shared this excitement with the ladies who tirelessly strived towards a research culture at VUT. According to Mr Irkhede, VUT has demonstrated perfecting this humble product – from coal dust into This award is an incredible recognition of your great potential and indicated willingness in gold dust,” said Onica. scholarship, your leadership and the support and partnering with the FDDI to design skills, innovation encouragement you provided all of us at VUT – and research with the capacity to undertake we know that all postgraduate students and the incubation throughout the process. This was made research community at large are more than proud possible through the reputation of VUT and our to be in your presence. sound track record of being sector-specific and Thank you for being with us – we are committed to continue providing you with all the necessary Photo: Ms Onica Matsheke (second from the right) receives the winner’s cheque together with the women who developed the product, and representatives from the Gauteng Innovation Hub. Congratulations, Professor Kholeka Moloi On behalf of Research and Higher Degrees at the well-resourced to become a partner of choice for the FDDI’s expansion programme in Southern Africa. support needed to grow even stronger into Some of the areas of collaboration will include the future. Footwear Design, Footwear Technology, Footwear Thank you for your scholarship leadership! Exciting times ahead for VUT/India collaboration In November 2011, Prof. Alwyn Louw: Deputy ViceChancellor Academic and Research, Prof. Deon de Beer: Executive Director Technology Transfer Retail courses and short skills programmes such as pattern making. State-of-the-art, cutting-edge technology transfer between the two institutions will introduce new technology from all over the world. A delegation from India arrived at VUT’s Science and Technology Park on 4 February 2013, and will continue with their plans to develop and focus on Vaal University of Technology (VUT), we would like to congratulate, with great pride, Prof. Kholeka Moloi on her outstanding accomplishment in winning the 2013 Women in Science Award in Social Sciences and Humanities. Prof. Kholeka Moloi has an outstanding reputation as a scholar in Education Leadership and Manage­ ment in South Africa as well as abroad. During her short time at VUT, she has, for example, demonstrated her scholarly leadership through her consistent research publications and continuous supervision of postgraduate students at VUT. We recognise and acknowledge that Prof. Moloi has 76 Sharad Srivastava, an FDDI consultant, delivers his presentation to the conference delegates. linking skills development in the area of establishing said Mr Irkhede from the DTI. The week-long curiosity and the love of learning that could last training and further education on BTech, Diploma conference aimed to finalise of the first phase of the a lifetime. and Certificate level training in the manufacturing programme and action plans were put into place for of footwear and accessories such as belts and the establishing of the regional cluster. handbags. The VUT Technology Station will knowledge transfer and innovation technology from Researcher gets given the opportunity to travel to Finland our Indian partners. Apart from the quality of education and the also form part of the process in the exchange of As this is another first for an institution of higher learning in South Africa, VUT is extremely proud to be part of a revolution that will address the needs of the industry on a national level with the introduction of new technology from all over the world. “The DTI saw VUT as the best value for this sector-specific programme and we are very grateful that VUT has experience I would get, there were other things I considered as I was getting ready to go to Finland – I, for instance, really wondered whether I would enjoy my living environment. I remember the first time I arrived there on 6 March: It was −20 °C, Though it was challenging at some points, it was also exciting. Not only is water an environmental issue, it is also an economical one, since almost 50% of the products we consume on a daily basis need water for production. South Africa really needs a great number of researchers to come up with fresh ideas that could contribute to the solution for the lack of access to clean water, and I would strongly advise my fellow students to study this issue further after their diploma or BTech qualification. snow all over and it felt like I forgot to put my socks on, not to mention boots! accepted the challenge. We have no doubt that this However, looking back I realise that the experience collaboration will contribute towards the economy I acquired in Finland will remain that of once-in- of our country and will strengthen economic ties a-lifetime, and I will always be grateful for that. I between the two countries, creating sustainability learned a lot while working with various professors within the textile industry through this initiative,” and PhD students, and they really sparked my Left to right: Mr Jaywant Irkhede, Director: Leather and Footwear (DTI); Sharad Srivastava, Consultant (FDDI); Manu Tentiwal, Executive Director (FDDI); Satyam Srivastava, Consultant (FDDI); Anne Naidu, Communications Practitioner (VUT); Amit Kumar Sharma, Executive Director (FDDI); Majoj Agrawal, Assistant Director(FDDI); Glyn Geini, Skills Development (VUT). Overall, I really enjoyed my stay in Finland, the ‘least corrupted’ country in the world, surrounded by lakes and forests. From the airports and offices, to the 77 Ms Kwena enjoying a game of volleyball as extracurricular activities. food and clothes markets to bank, the service they provided always put a smile on my face. Apart from my studies we could also partake in extracurricular activities, such as volleyball, swimming, fishing and rafting. There were also plenty of entertainment activities outdoors during the summer. One of the things I liked most about the Finnish culture is the sauna – a steam bath for both genders – and also 78 picking strawberries and blueberries during the summer months. Enriching our community Thank you to the VUT Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Louw, pillars on which it operates: Teaching and Lear­ Prof. Ochieng, Mr Wiseman and the international ning, Research Development, and Community office team for making this trip a success. My Engagement. On 28 August 2013, the team from thanksgiving is also extended to Prof. Sillanpää and the Faculty of Management Sciences visited Thabo his team at Lappeenranta University of Technology Vuyo to help launch a garden project for the school. in Finland for the facilities they provided me with to For starters, the Faculty donated garden equipment meet all my objectives during my visit. to support the project. Vaal University of Technology (VUT) has three The school is faced with various challenges, including a shortage of educators with technical skills, shortage of water supply, and very poor infrastructure. One major challenge is the stigma against these learners from the community. Thabo Vuyo is the only school that offers education to learners with special needs. The number of enrolled learners has increased to approximately 460 who are cared for by 28 teachers, 21 service workers, 1 physiotherapist and 3 practitioners for Grade R. students have been supporting the school driven by passion for community development, and that the learners feel appreciated. Mrs Hope Hlongwane, School Principal, expressed her gratitude for the unwavering support from VUT in general. She mentioned how the VUT sports The initiator of the garden project, Mr Alex ”Thabo Vuyo has always been dear to our hearts and we therefore took a deliberate decision as the Faculty to focus on the school. This is how we want to make an impact in the community. We will look at conducted to see how VUT can best match and cater for the school’s pressing needs. He also explained that the objective of the project will be to drive entrepreneurial skills that will motivate learners to be self-sustainable in the future. The Faculty intends to visit the school frequently to ensure progress on intended projects. other projects as well and see how we can assist,” said Prof. M. Dhurup. Mthimkhulu, Lecturer: Marketing and Sports Management, explained that needs analysis will be Photo: Faculty of Management Science team donates garden equipment to adopted school. 79 HIGHER DEGREES UNIT From left to right Ms Mamohale Dimema Ms Olga Kenke Ms Beatrice Toti Vaal University of Technology (VUT) postgraduate studies are academic, and on admission students should be in possession of junior qualifications being on NQF level 8 for admission into Master’s, and a qualification on NQF level 9 for admission to a Doctoral programme. Vaal University of Technology (VUT) postgraduate studies are academic, and on admission students should be in possession of junior qualifications being on NQF level 8 for admission into Master’s, Objectives Postgraduate development for 2013 The Higher Degrees Unit (HDU) commitment: The Postgraduate Induction Programme is being • and a qualification on NQF level 9 for admission to a Doctoral programme. The Master’s and Doctoral candidates, upon completion of their studies, graduate students. • are required to present academic excellence in a dissertation or thesis respectively prepared under the supervision of a Supervisor or Promoter, with • Higher Degrees Committee. As a unit we provide a support role to the students, faculties, committees, departments and the exams office. • conducted at faculty level, with the objective to ensure that all students receive optimal support in their journey from the initiation until the Providing a supportive role in strengthening completion of their postgraduate studies as per the and improving postgraduate admini­ stra­ administration process. We conducted an autumn tion function. school and winter school where students’ academic Building positive and supportive relations with industry-sponsored students. submissions being before the Faculty Research and Innovation Committee and final approval done by the Significantly growing the number of post­ writing was refined, and where research methods and time management were being workshopped. Building stronger relations with the industry in order to secure placements in the market for strong research students. 81 FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Postgraduate Induction Programme dates 2013 Date Unit Presenter Venue 9 March 2013 Research orientation Prof. M. Dhurup/Prof. J. Surujlal Library Building 1st Floor – Training Room Ms K. de Bruyen Library Building 1st Floor – Training Room Prof. C. Moloi Library Building 1st Floor – Training Room 6 April 2013 20 April 2013 Information search and the use of the library databases Literature usage, plagiarism and writing style/theoretical frameworks and paradigms 4 May 2013 Quantitative/qualitative and mixed methods Ms C. Downing Library Building 1st Floor – Training Room 18 May 2013 The design of the research proposal (Part 1) Prof. M. Dhurup/Prof. J. Surujlal Library Building 1st Floor – Training Room 8 June 2013 The design of the research proposal (Part 2) Prof. M. Dhurup Library Building 1st Floor – Training Room Submission and feedback on first draft of Prof. M. Dhurup/Dr P.A. Joubert/ research proposal Dr C. Chinamona/Mr C. Mafini 10 August 2013 Questionnaire development Ms A. Oosthuysen Library Building 1st Floor – Training Room 24 August 2013 Basic data analysis Ms A. Oosthuysen Library Building 1st Floor – Training Room 14 September 2013 Proposal presentation/feedback 20 July 2013 Prof. M. Dhurup/Dr P.A. Joubert/ Dr R. Chinamona, Mr C. Mafini Library Building 1st Floor – Training Room Library Building 1st Floor – Training Room The HDU hosted an information session for Supervisors in 2013 and a follow-up information session was planned towards the end of 2013. The HDU also hosted information days for postgraduate students in 2013: The March session covered the following: • Eskom and NRF. • Prof. Ochieng – The Importance of postgraduate study. • Prof. Moloi – Overcoming the challenges of postgraduate study. 82 The August session covered the following: • Library services for postgraduate students. • Writing lab services for postgraduate students. • Prof. Selesho – Postgraduate culture. • Higher Degrees Unit and Research Marketing Department at your service. The HDU also hosted the autumn school for postgraduate students in 2013: The autumn school programme included: • Group mentoring The winter school programme included: • Accountability and ethics as the first rule of scholarship. • Practical application of accountability and ethics. • Getting most out of the Supervisor – postgraduate student relationship. • Practical application of getting most out of the Supervisor – postgraduate student relationship. • Designing and executing a GROW plan for research success. Registrations During 2013, the HDU registered 299 students – new and old. Sum of total registrations 2010 2011 2012 2013 Applied and Computer Sciences 63 71 93 90 Engineering and Technology 65 74 63 62 Human Sciences 66 60 67 55 Management Sciences 125 139 99 92 Grand total 319 344 322 299 83 Postgraduate graduates 2013 Faculty STUDENT COURSE TITLE Applied and Dippenaar, F. MTech: Design of an integrated monitoring and management interface system for Sasol sites for Information Technology global operations management. MTech: Biotechnology ‘Preliminary investigations of certain aspects which make the encroacher plant Seraphim Computer Sciences Hadebe, M. plumosum so successful in certain parts of South Africa’ to ‘Germination, pollination and genetic diversity studies of Seriphium plumosum – a grassland encroacher’. Kotoane, A.M. MTech: Chemistry Development and optimisation of selective leaching processes for the extraction of calcium from steel slag in view of sequestering carbon dioxide. Madlanga, X. MTech: Chemistry Title revised from ‘Determination of selected poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water sources from Sasolburg municipal area’ to ‘Development of a method for the determination of selected poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water sources from Sasolburg municipal area’. Mkhumbeni, N. MTech: Biotechnology Development of sequence characterised amplified region (SCAR) markers linked to the B genome in bananas. Motlhabatlou, B. MTech: Biotechnology Identification of pathogenic bacteria present in biofilms in a water distribution system in Vanderbijlpark. Muleya, E DTech: Chemistry Characterisation, quantification and assessment of free radical scavenging activity of selected traditional medicinal plant extracts. Nokoane, M.P. MTech: Biotechnology The efficiency of three shRNA in silencing the galactose-1- phosphate uridyl transferase gene. Selaocoe, M.E. MTech: Biotechnology Molecular genetic diversity of South African sweet potato germplasm. Shooto, N.D. MTech: Chemistry A revised title from ‘Fabrication of nanofibers of thallium, lanthanum and silver with polymers polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyurethane (PU) and polystyrene (PS) by electrospinning’ to ‘Synthesis and fabrication of metal and polymeric nanofibers by electrospinning’. 84 Faculty STUDENT COURSE TITLE Sibokoza, S.B. MTech: Chemistry Synthesis and characterisation of cobalt and copper sulphide nanoparticles with reproducible stoichiometry using sulphur-containing single-source precursors. Wahl, R. Engineering Apollo, A.O. and Technology MTech: The study of pocket switched technology incorporated into large scale magnetic Information Technology levitating vehicles. MTech: Biodegrading and photocatalytic treatment of industrial wastewater. Chemical Engineering Asowata, O. MTech: Optimising the output power available for a photovoltaic panel through empirical testing. Electrical Engineering Dube, G.M. Du Plooy, A.F. MTech: The enhancement of sorbent properties using hydrating agents and siliceous materials in Chemical Engineering flued gas desulphurisation. MTech: A flight data recorder for radio-controlled model aircraft. Electrical Engineering Igberasi, E. MTech: Adsorption of Cu(II) ions by polyaniline grafted chitosan beads. Chemical Engineering Kuyula, C.K. MTech: Design and development of a 200-W converter for phosphoric acid fuel cells. Electrical Engineering Modiba, E.M. Mokhalodi, K. MTech: Biodiesel production and evaluation of heterogeneous catalyst using South African oil- Chemical Engineering producing trees. MTech: Design and development of a universal bi-directional galvanic isolated switch module. Electrical Engineering Nzui, P.K. MTech: Characterisation and flowability of titanium grade 5 alloy powders. Mechanical Engineering Human Sciences Guyo, V. Kayamba, W.K. MTech: Tourism and Evaluation of a potato-based food product for acceptability, growth and diarrhoeal Hospitality Management management in children. DTech: Fine Art Trends in Ugandan ceramic technologies with special reference to the Ankole region. 85 Faculty STUDENT COURSE TITLE Makwela, M.J. MTech: Multimedia The relationship between creativity and technical proficiency in a new media setting. Mofokeng, M.J. Mojakisane, M.M. MTech: Food Nutritional status and dietary intake patterns of children aged 7−13 years old Services Management in QwaQwa. MTech: Tourism and Determining the market profile of black visitors to resorts in the Vaal region. Hospitality Management Munyai, K.C. Mwadiwa, R.J. Nyathela, T. Zulu, E. MTech: Tourism and The relationship between marketing effectiveness and the marketing mix for Hospitality Management guesthouses in the Vaal region. MTech: Food and Improving nutritional status through integrating indigenous and modern processed foods Beverage Management to pre-school menus in Empangeni. DTech: Food Impact of a feeding programme on the nutritional status of pre-school children in Evaton Services Management West and Soshanguve. DTech: Hospitality, Impact of a nutrition education programme on nutrition knowledge and dietary intake Tourism and behaviour on the approach of caregivers to the care for HIV/AIDS orphans in Alexandra. PR Management Management Ayodeji, O.O. MTech: Marketing Sciences The relationship between fans’ perceptions of a team sport sponsorship, fan loyalty and intentions to purchase. Brits, M. MTech: Human Quality management of short courses at South African universities: A comparative study. Resources Management Fouche, R.M. MTech: Cost and The application of cost accounting methods by the general engineering companies in Management Accounting southern Gauteng. Haribhai- MTech: Cost and An investigation of inventory control and valuation in small retail, medium and micro Pitamber, H. Management Accounting enterprises within the city of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality. Imuezerua, E.O. MTech: Cost and An evaluation of budget allocation and expenditure patterns of Sedibeng District Management Accounting Municipality on service delivery. 86 Faculty STUDENT COURSE Kok, L. MTech: Human Employee perceptions of their involvement in decision-making at a university Resources Management of technology. MTech: Marketing Store selection criteria amongst black consumers in the purchase of apparel in Soweto Mathaba, R.L. TITLE and the relationship with store satisfaction and loyalty. Mokhathi, M.S. MTech: Human Job satisfaction amongst nursing staff within a public hospital in southern Gauteng. Resources Management Radebe, L.Z. Rundora, R. MTech: Cost and The application of a budgeting process in public secondary schools in Gauteng Management Accounting South(Vaal). MTech: Cost and Evaluating the application of activity-based costing in small manufacturing firms in Management Accounting Southern Africa. NRF funding Postgraduate Forum The HDU, together with Dr Johnson, has been meeting on a regular basis with the interim committee – Postgraduate Forum in 2013, and will continue to maintain the relationship in 2014. Proposals approved in 2013 STUDENT COURSE TOPIC SUPERVISOR CO-SUPERVISOR Mann, A. MTech: Hospitality Determining the hospitality factors that influence customer Prof. J.E. Kearney Mrs V. Erasmus Tourism and loyalty in a low-cost church conference centre: Implications PR Management for food and beverages services. MTech: HRM The influence of teamwork and organisational commitment on Prof. J. Surujlal Prof. M. Dhurup Prof. E.D. Dikio Prof. A.S. Afolabi Prof. D. Nicolae J.F. Janse van Rensburg Mutamba, K.D. work performance in a construction company. Osikoya, A.O. MTech: Chemistry Synthesis and characterisation of nitrogen, boron, chloride and fluorine doped carbon nanotubes. Dlamini, M.F. MTech: Quantifying the impact of power factor correction for medium Power Engineering voltage distribution systems. 87 STUDENT COURSE TOPIC SUPERVISOR CO-SUPERVISOR Learing, S.K. MTech: Molecular characterisation and identification of microbial Prof. M. Pillay Dr E.M. Ubomba-Jaswa Biosciences communities in pigeon droppings. DTech: ICT Developing a conceptual model for the implication of a Dr J.J.A.C. Smit Dr P. Conradie Prof. M. Pillay Dr S. Motaung, Lombard, A. learning management system (LMS) to enhance teaching and learning at a university of technology. Ssemakalu, C.C. DTech: Chemistry The effect of solar irradiated Vibrio Cholerae on the immunochemistry of dendritic cells. Dr E.M. Ubomba-Jaswa, Dr F. Mtunzi Chinomona, E. DTech: HRM Effects of organisational citizenship behaviour, employee Prof. M. Dhurup Dr P.A. Joubert Dr P.A. Joubert Prof. M. Dhurup perceptions or equity and organisational commitment on employee intentions to stay in Zimbabwe SMEs. Ntisa, A.A. DTech: HRM Job satisfaction, organisational commitment, turnover intentions, absenteeism and performance of academics Dr R. Chinomona within South African universities of technology. Kupeta, A.J.K. MTech: Chemistry Synthesis of a cross-linked pine cone biosorbent and its Dr A.E. Ofomaja Prof. E.B. Naidoo Prof. S.J. Modise Prof. A.M. Sipamla Prof. M.J. Moloto Dr N. Moloto Dr P. Conradie Mr V. Paduri Dr T.B. Tengen Prof. H. Campbell Dr Y. van Zyl Dr P.A. Joubert, application in industrial wastewater treatment. Olalekan, S.S. MTech: Chemistry Comparative studies of Ti02 supported zeolites and virgin Ti02 for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of azo dyes. More, D.S. MTech: Chemistry Synthesis and characterisation of silver and silver selenide nanoparticles and their incorporation into polymer fibers using electrospinning technique. Mota, M. MTech: ICT Evaluating the current state of network security in an academic institution. Benga Ebouele, MTech: Industrial Optimising inventory − ordering policies in supply chain B.B. Engineering management: A case study on a selected company from the Vaal region. Mokhathi, M.S. MTech: HRM Job satisfaction amongst nursing staff within a public hospital in southern Gauteng. 88 Dr E. Botha STUDENT COURSE TOPIC SUPERVISOR Mgiba, S. MTech: HRM Job satisfaction and the intention to quit by employees in a Dr P.A. Joubert CO-SUPERVISOR steel manufacturing company in Gauteng. Madau, D.N. MTech: HRM A relationship between employee and talent management. Prof. B. Grobler Dr P.A. Joubert Van Eck, R. DTech: ICT The use of a creative pedagogy to improve the learner-content Dr P. Conradie Dr J. Smit Prof. E.B. Naidoo Mr G. Gericke Prof. M. Dhurup Prof. J. Surujlal Dr R. Chinomona Prof. M. Dhurup Dr P.A. Joubert C.J. van Rensburg Mr J.B. Dubihlela Dr P.J. van Schalkwyk Dr D. Pooe Dr R. Chinomona Dr A.D. v.d. Merwe Dr P.A. Joubert Dr P.A. Joubert Mr A.A. Ntisa Prof. E.G. Dicks Prof. J.E. Kearney Prof. E.G. Dicks Prof. J.E. Kearney relation in tertiary ICT education in South Africa. Pule, K.M. MTech: Chemistry Development of specific targets for organics in the cycle water power plant and its impact on acid cation conductivity (KHI). Muposhi, A. DTech: Marketing Green consumer buying behaviour: Antecedents, selection attributes of GenerationsY consumers and the relationship with future behavioural intentions. Omoruyi, O. DTech: Logistics The influence of supply chain networks, flexibility and integration on small and medium enterprises performance in the southern Gauteng region. Msibi, W.N. MTech: HRM Job satisfaction and intention to quit of employees on nongovernmental organisations in Swaziland. Chauke, X.D. Seate, B.M. Oellermann, S. Peete, M.B. Tjabane, M.L.R. Lekota, R.B.E. MTech: Marketing Online shopping satisfaction, loyalty and repurchase and Sport intentions of Generation X consumers in southern Gauteng. MTech: Developing a competency framework for the broad-based Human Resources black economic verification agencies. MTech: The effectiveness of a blended learning approach in teaching Human Resources management subjects at a university of technology in South Africa. MTech: Employee job satisfaction, organisational commitment and Human Resources intention to stay at an international hotel in Lesotho. MTech: Hospitality Evaluating the effectiveness of hygiene and safety training Tourism and programme for food service employees in accommodation PR Management establishments in the Vaal region. MTech: Hospitality Customer satisfaction and quality of service in food service Tourism and units at selected tertiary institutions in the Vaal region. PR Management 89 STUDENT COURSE TOPIC SUPERVISOR CO-SUPERVISOR Phafane, M.D. MTech: Visual Arts Collaborative practice and mobile studio portraiture as Prof. A.T. Goniwe Ms A. Laurie and Design alternative discourses to Afro-pessimism in photography. MTech: Visual Arts Self-reflections: Exploring auto-ethnography and and Design transculturation in a body of ceramic artefacts. MTech: Visual Arts Commemorative portraiture: The artistic representation of black and Design women from the Vaal region in key positions. MTech: Visual Arts A visual exploration of humanness of the people of Sofaya and Design through painting. MTech: ICT The use of web-based architecture as a means to enhance Moche, T. Matoba, M.P. Senong, K. Reid, R. Prof. A.T. Goniwe Prof. A.T. Goniwe Prof. A.T. Goniwe Dr P. Conradie R. van Eck learner growth in South African universities. Matli, W. MTech: ICT The use of messaging services applications as an educational Dr P. Conradie support tool in tertiary education institutions. Kwuimi, R. MTech: ICT Analysis and application of semantic web mechanisms for Dr J.V. Fonou Dombeu storing and querying ontologies. Chiloane, H.M. MTech: Chemistry The film deposition of metal sulfide and metal oxide layers with Prof. M.J. Moloto Dr N. Moloto Prof. S.J. Modise Dr E.D. Dikio Dr R. Chinomona Dr D. Pooe Dr C.J. Grobler Dr P.J. Lebea Dr C.J. Grobler Dr P.J. Lebea Prof. T. Padayachee Mr P. Reddy and without polymer intercalation by using a chemical bath deposition technique. Morifi, E.L. MTech: Chemistry Sunlight-induced photocatalytic degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by silver doped titanium. Progress, H. DTech: Logistics The influence of supply chain practice on supply chain e-collaboration, strategic information sharing, supply chain competence and supply chain performance in South Africa. Tagne Wambo, J.R. Domo, D. MTech: Establishing the correlation between R353Q polymorphism and Biosciences homeostatic markers in a black elderly community. MTech: Correlation between angiotensinogen M235T genetic Biosciences polymorphism, angiotensin enzymes and hypertension amongst the black elderly in Sharpeville. Motloi, T.S. MTech: Enzymatic extraction of essential oils from avocado Biosciences (Persea spp.). 90 STUDENT COURSE TOPIC SUPERVISOR Kwuimi, R. MTech: ICT Analysis and application of semantic web mechanisms for Dr J.V. FonouDombeu CO-SUPERVISOR storing and querying ontologies. Matoba, M.P. Pete, K.Y. Baonhe Sob, P. MTech: Commemorative portraiture: The artistic representation of black Human Resources women from the Vaal region in key positions. MTech: Chemical Photocatalytic degradation of dyes and pesticides in the Engineering presence of ions. MTech: Mechanical Modelling strain rate sensitive nanomaterials’ mechanical Engineering properties: The effects of varying definitions. Prof .A.T. Goniwe Prof. A. Ochieng Prof. M. Onyango Dr T.B. Tengen Prof. A.A. Alugongo HDU 2014 plan • Attend NRF exhibitions to recruit Master’s and Doctoral students in March. • Interaction and engagement with the industry on funding and work opportunities, as well as for research exposure. • Information session with old and new students and conduct road shows. • A winter school during the half year holidays and a postgraduate Lekhotla, that is where students will interact with each other, share experiences and get the opportunity to network. • In October, we are planning on hosting a postgraduate seminar, where postgraduate students will be given an opportunity to present their accomplishments. 91 CONTACT US Research Directorate Dr Bernadette Johnson Executive Director: Research Email: [email protected] Ms Zelda van Wyk Senior Administrator: Research T: 016-950 9531 Email: [email protected] Ms Chantelle Sonnekus Research Development Officer Email: [email protected] Ms Monica Sanders Administrator: Post Doctoral Research Fellowships Email: [email protected] Mr Musonda Kaniki Research Administrator Email: [email protected] Higher Degrees Ms Mamohale Dimema Coordinator: Higher Degrees Unit Email: [email protected] Ms Ronel Appelcryn Research Administrator Email: [email protected] Ms Beatrice Phume Higher Degrees Administrator Email: [email protected] Mr Prajesh Bhikha Marketing and Information Officer Email: [email protected] Ms Olga Kenke Postgraduate Facilitator: Higher Degrees Email: [email protected] 92 Technology Transfer & Innovation (TTI) Prof. Deon de Beer Executive Director: TTI Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr Jan Jooste Head: Iscor Innovation Centre Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Mr Mark Johnson Head: Enterprise Development Unit Email: [email protected] Mr Jaco le Grange Manager: Technology Station Email: [email protected] Ms Rynette Coetzer Administrator: TTI T: 016-930 5015 Email: [email protected] Vaal University of Technology Research That Matters
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