VSU MBA Syllabus 2011-13

March 24, 2018 | Author: Sandeep Kumar | Category: Relational Database, Strategic Management, Retail, Portfolio (Finance), Databases



VIKRAMA SIMHAPURI UNIVERSITY: NELLORE MBA NEW SYLLABUS Non-CBCS With effect from (2011-2013) BatchMBA I SEMESTER Workload per Marks Week Core/ Elective Theo Practic Practi Session Univers ry al clas al ity Core Core Core Core Core Core 106 107 IT For Managers Case Analysis Core 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 ----------30 (Inter nal) --30 30 30 30 30 -50 70 70 70 70 70 70 --- Paper Code 101 102 103 104 105 Title Management and Organization Theory Managerial Communication Managerial Economics Accounting For Managers Statistics for Managers Tot al 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 650 MBA II SEMESTER Workload per Marks Week Core/ Elective Theo Practic Practi Session Univers ry al clas al ity Core Core Core Core Core Core 4 Core ----------TOTAL 100 100 750 30 50 70 --100 50 4 4 4 4 4 --------------------30 30 30 30 30 70 70 70 70 70 Paper Code 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 Title Human Resource Management Business Environment Financial Management Operations Management Marketing Management Business Research Methods & Data Analysis Case Analysis Year End Comprehensive Viva-Voce Tot al 100 100 100 100 100 MBA III SEMESTER Paper Code 301 302 303 304 305 306 Core/ Electiv e Core Core Core Core Core Core Workload per Marks Week Theo Practic Practi Session Univers ry al clas al ity 4 4 4 ------------------------30 30 30 30 50 --70 70 70 70 --100 Title Management Information Systems Business Law & Ethics Operations Research Project Report Evaluation Case Analysis Project Viva Tot al 100 100 100 100 50 100 FINANCE AREA 311 312 313 Financial Markets and Services Security Analysis Corporate Taxation Elective Elective Elective 4 4 4 ---------30 30 30 70 70 70 100 100 100 MARKETING 321 322 323 Consumer Behaviour Advertising and Sales Promotion Sales and Distribution Management Elective Elective Elective 4 4 4 ---------30 30 30 70 70 70 100 100 100 HUMAN RESOURCE MAMAGEMENT 331 332 333 Management of Employee Relations Human Resource Planning Human Resource development Elective Elective Elective 4 4 4 ---------30 30 30 70 70 70 100 100 100 SYSTEMS 341 342 343 Systems and Analysis Elective Design Relational Database Elective Management Management of Software Elective Projects 4 4 4 ---------30 30 30 70 70 70 100 100 100 850 TOTAL MBA IV SEMESTER Paper Code 401 402 403 404 Workload per Marks Week Core/ Elective Theo Practic Practi Session Univers ry al clas al ity Core Core Core Core 4 4 4 ----------------30 30 30 50 70 70 70 --- Title International Business Management Strategic Management Entrepreneurship Development Case Analysis Tot al 100 100 100 50 350 FINANCE AREA 411 412 413 International Financial Management Portfolio Management Strategic Financial Management Elective Elective Elective 4 4 4 ------- ------- 30 30 30 70 70 70 100 100 100 MARKETING 421 422 423 Services Marketing Retail Marketing Global Marketing Elective Elective Elective 4 4 4 ------- ------- 30 30 30 70 70 70 100 100 100 HUMAN RESOURCE MAMAGEMENT 431 432 433 International Human Resource Management Performance and Reward Management Strategic Human Resource Management Elective Elective Elective 4 4 4 ------------30 30 30 70 70 70 100 100 100 SYSTEMS 441 442 443 Enterprise Resource Planning E-Business Data Mining and Ware Housing Total Elective Elective Elective 4 4 4 ------------30 30 30 70 70 70 100 100 100 650 Coordination and Control. Politics. Slocum and Woodman : Organization Behavior (South Western) Weihrich. Prakash Reddy: Management and Organizational Behavior (Himalaya) . 8. 2. UNIT-V: Emergence of International management –Interpersonal processes in international contextInternational organizational designChallenges of International management and Leadership. John Pierce: Management and Organizational Behavior (Cengage) JIT S Chador : Organization Behavior (Vikas) Fred Luthans : Organization Behavior ( Mc Graw Hill) Stephen P Robbins : Organization Behavior (Pearson) Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard : Management of Organization Behavior(Prentice Hall) Hellriegel.Planning process.Managing change. Griffin : Organizational Behavior (Jaico) Robin Finchan and Peter Rhodes : Organizational Behavior (Oxford) 10. Cannice & Koontz : Management (Tata Mc Graw Hill) Gregory Moorhead and Ricky W. References: 1. J. 5.Decision making process / Social Responsibility of Management –Ethics in Management. 6. UNIT-IV: Organization Culture-Organization change and development –Organization structure and Organization design. 4. UNIT-II: Introduction to OB –Individual Differences–Personality-Perception-Attribution.VIKRAMA SIMHAPURI UNIVERSITY: NELLORE MBA REVISED SYLLABUS (2011 ONWARDS) I SEMESTER 101-MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY UNIT-I: Introduction to management – Principles of Management-Functions of managementPlanning and Types of plans. 9. UNIT-III: Motivation –Communication-Leadership-Group dynamics-Power. 3. 7. and Conflict. Sources of Data and Methods of Forecasting demand for established and new products or services.The concept-nature and scope of managerial economics-Role and Responsibilities of Managerial Economist. UNIT-II: Organizational Communication-Principles for effective organizational –Characteristics of successful communication-Barriers to communication -formal Vs Informal Communication-vertical and lateral channelsInterpersonal and intrapersonal communication –Communication technology. UNIT-II: Demand analysis. Demand Function. M. UNIT-V: Leadership Communication-Transactional Analysis-Group Communication – Communication audit .cost . UNIT-III: Oral Communication-Non verbal communication-Listening -Feedback- Presentation skills-conducting meeting and conferences. Piyus Dhar Chaturvedi and Mukesh Chaturved : Business Communication (Pearson) 3. UNIT-IV: Written communication-Reports-Effective report writing-Memos-Circulars-Minutese-mails. demand Curve. UNIT-III: Production. Demand schedule. Shirley Taylor : Communication for Business(Pearson) 2. Ashraf Rizvi : Effective Technical Communication ( Mc Graw Hill) 103 :: MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS UNIT-I: Introduction. Demand Determines-Law of Demand Price.The concept of Demand. References: 1. Krizan : Effetive Business Communication(Cengage) 4. .Production Function-Returns to scale-Cost concepts and classification –Cost function-Break-Even Analysis.102 :: MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION UNIT-I: Communication –Meaning –Communication cycle-Process-Theories and Models of Communication communication . Employment correspondence proposals.Communication styles. Income Cross and Promotional elasticity of demand and their managerial uses-Demand DistinctionsDemand Forecasting. firm and industryObjectives of the firm.The concepts of plant.volume and profit analysis. Cris Lewis : Managerial Economics (Pearson) 2.Keat and Philit Y. UNIT-V: Macro economic environment. Suma Damodaran : Managerial Economics(Himalaya) 5. monopoly. Hall : Accounting Information Systems (Cengage) 3.N. Paul G. UNIT-III: Elements of cost –Classification of costs-Marginal costing –Activity Based Costing.L. Yound : Managerial Economics (Pearson) 3. D. Rama Chandran N and Ram Kumar K : Financial Accounting for Management (Mc Graw Hill) 5. Don R. UNIT-V: Computerization of Accounts : Advantages-Disadvantages-Accounting information system use of Tally packages. H.Mehta : Managerial Economics (Sultan Chand) 7. Gupta R. Samuel C.M. Oligopoly and monopolistic competitions price Discrimination Multiple product pricing price control by Government – Pricing of new productspricing methods.Dwived : Managerial Economics (Vikas) 6. References: 1. Wabb : Managerial Economics(Cengage) 104 :: ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS UNIT-I: Accounting –Scope-Nature-Objective-Principles-Concepts-Users of Accounting information-Classification of accounts-Journal Ledger Trial Balance. Basic : Financial Accounting for Management (Oxford) . Mithani : Managerial Economics (Himalaya) 4.L.National Income-Population –Business cyclesinflation-New Economic Policy of the Government of India.Accounting for intangible assets. UNIT-IV: Functional and Activity based budgeting-standard costing and variance analysis.Husan and Maryanne M.Capital and Revenue items-Construction of Trading and Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet.Criag Peterson.N. Mowen : Management Accounting (Cengage) 7.Objectives of Pricing –Basic factors in pricing –Pricing under perfect.: Advanced Accountancy (Vikas) 4. D. P. Maheswari S. and Radhaswamy M : Advanced Accountancy (Sultan Chand) 2. Reference : 1. W. Ambrish Gupta : Financial Accounting for Management (Pearson) 6.UNIT-IV: Pricing decisions. James A. Paresh Shah. UNIT-II: Financial statements. Nature. Scope of Statistics.Methods of calculating Correlation. Aezel.Addition and Multiplication – Conditional laws of probability. Quartile deviation. Complete business statistics. modeGeometric mean and Harmonic mean.Meaning an utility of regression analysis. range. UNIT-II: Measures of central tendency.Methods of data collection. UNIT-V: Probability.105: STATISTICS FOR MANAGERS (*Scientific calculators are permitted for examination.Meaning and definition of probability.Binominal.Frequency distribution –different types of graphs and diagrams.Normal and Exponential distribution. Levin. Mean deviation.Types of data.Poisson. Himalaya Publishing House Amir D. UNIT-III: Correlation. References: 1. 2. Introduction to Internet-E-Commerce-E-Business –ERP Evolution and growth.Types of classification and tables. Rubin. 4.Interpretation of regression coefficients.Co efficiency of correlation UNIT-IV: Regression analysis.Classification and tabulation of data.Uniform.weighted mean. Statistics for management.Introduction. New age publishers. Rechard I.Theories of probability. New Delhi. .Sampling techniques and sources. 106:: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR MANAGERS UNIT-I: Computer -Generations-Types of Computers-Hardware and Software-Types of Software-Storage Devices-Data Representation for Computers-Computer applications for management UNIT-II: Computer networks: Types of Net Works –LAN-WAN-MAN-Network Topologies. David S.Significance probability in business application. Business statistics for contemporary decision making.Arithmetic.Sources of Data. 3. Coefficient of variationApplication of measures of central tendency and dispersion for business decision making. Fundamentals of Statistics.) UNIT-I: Meaning.Rules of classification and tabulation. Standard deviation.Median. TMH 2008 Black Ken. Jayavel.Significance and Types of correlation. Pearson 2008 Guptha SC.Measures of dispersion.Comparison between correlation and regression. (Practicals) Reference : 1.UNIT-III : Word Processing-Basics-Common tools-Page setup-editing and formatting – Tables Charts-Macros-Mail Merge-Index –Printing. (Practicals) UNIT-IV : Power Point: Features-Slides-Slide Layouts-Design templates-Slide MasterAnimation Timings Action Buttons. * * * * * . Microsoft Corporation : Micro Soft Office Resource Kit (Prentice Hall) 4. Sanjay Saxena : Ms Office 2000 for Every one (Vikas) 5. Alexis Leon and Mathews Leon : Introduction to Computers with Ms Office 2000 (Mc Graw Hill) CASE ANALYSIS A case report has to be prepared and presented by teams in respective colleges. Deepak Bharihoke : Fundamentals of Information Technology (Excel) 3. Effy OZ : Management Information Systems (Cengage) 2. (Practicals) UNIT-V : Excel: Basics-Formulate-Moving-Editing-Formatting-Charts-Naming of ChartsHyperlink-Databases Forms Sort Filter Goal Seek Scenarios Solver Function Pivot Table and Chart. Wave front analysis-Third Wave Practices and implicatio9ns in Organization. Privatization and Globalization –Public. P. References: 1. Technological. UNIT-III: Social Change. Private Joint SectorsIndustrial Development & Regulation. P. Venkatesh : Human Resource Management (Oxford) 3.Industrial Relations. Subba Rao: Personnel and Human Resource Management (Himalaya) 6.Training and Development.Career DevelopmentManaging diversity Separation Downsizing Out Placement. Natural Environment –Pollution-Trade Unions. Snell/ Bohlander : Human Resource Management ( Cengage) 7. Demographic.HR Planning – HR Information Systems. UNIT-V: Organization Development. Ivancevich : Human Resource Management (Mc Graw Hill) 4. John M.SECOND SEMESTER 201 :: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT UNIT-I: Evolution of HRM – HRM Functions. R. UNIT-IV: Motivating Human Resources : Motivating Theories – Leadership – Participative Management Empowerment.and selection strategic –Retention. UNIT-III: Performance Appraisal : Performance Dimensions and Measurements toolsReward System. UNIT-II: Concept of HRD.N. Jyothi and D.Compression Management.Knowledge Management – Learning OrganizationInternational HRM HR Accounting Audit.Goals of HRD. . Rao VSP : Human Resource Management Text & Cases (Excel) 202 :: BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT UNIT-I: Concept of Business EnvironmentEnvironmental ScanningEconomic Environment Responsibility of Business Professionalism in India Ethics.Cultural dynamics Cultural Process and lags Secular Outlook Community Development Consumerism. UNIT-II: Non Economic Environment –Political. Legal. Wayne Mondy : Human Resource Management (Pearson) 2. UNIT-IV: Economic System-the Role of Government in Economic Development –Indian Economic Planning Five year Plans in brief Current Plan Industrial Policy Liberalization.Quality Circles. Biswajeet Pattanayak : Human Resource Management (Prentice Hall) 5.Job analysis and Job design – Recruitment. K. Prasanna Chandra : Financial Management (Mc Graw Hill) 4. Paul Justin : Business Environment ( Tata Mc Graw Hill) 7. : Indian Economy (Himalaya) 4. UNIT-IV: Capital Structure Decisions : Financial and Operating Leverage-Capital Structure Theories. Aswathappa : Essentials of Business Environment(Himalaya) 3.FDI.Financial Planning. M. Reference: 1. James C. Misra and Puri VK. Pandey : Financial Management(Vikas) 2. UNIT-III: Working Capital Management: Principles of working Capital-Receivable Management-Inventory Management.-Financial Forecasting. UNIT-V: Capital Budgeting Decisions : Cost of Capital-Capital Budgeting Methods.N. Sk.Role of Financial Manager –Financial Goals. Maheswari & A. Dividend Policy. UNIT-II: Financial Analysis : Importance –ratio Analysis-Breakeven Analysis-Funds flow Analysis.Gupta : Business Government and Society – A Study of Business Environment ( Vani Educational) 6.Security analysis. Rajiv Srivatsava and Anil Misra : Financial Management (Oxford) Management-Cash Management –Trade Credit .Y.A.Khan and P. Misra and Puri VK: Economic Environment of Business(Himalaya) 8.Van Horne : Financial Management Policy (Pearson) 5. Alvin Toffler : Third Wave.Agency Problem-Concepts of Value and Return. B. Reference: 1.M.UNIT-V: Monetary and Fiscal Policies –Budget-Money and Capital markets-Stock Exchanges and Regulation –Industrial Financing. Francis Cherunilam : Business Environment (Himalaya) 2.Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting Concept of real Options. R. Dividend Theories.Capital structure Planning. Prakash : Indian Economy Since 1991 (Pearson) 9.Industrial Sickness-Exim PolicyMultinational Corporations. Shakh Saleem : Business Environment( Pearson) 203 :: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT-I : Foundation of Finance: finance functions.Jain : financial Management (Mc Graw Hill) 3. I. Sk.P. 5. Relating. UNIT-II: Consumer BehaviorFactors Influencing Consumer Behavior –Market Segmentation.Different Location.N. Kanishka Bedi : Production and Operations Management (Oxford) 6. UNIT-II: Plant Location. UNIT-III: Product Management : Types of products – Products mix Product line – Introducing new Products.204: PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT UNIT-I: Production Management: Conceptsproductivityscope of production Management Production System -Work study. R. B.Concepts of customer valueMarketing environment -Marketing Strategy.Steps in method study-Time studydifferent time study techniques. Chunnawala and Patel : Production and Operations Management (Himalaya) 5. Mahadevan : Operations Management ( Pearson) 205 :: MARKETING MANAGEMENT UNIT-I: Definition of marketing – Marketing Concepts. UNIT-IV: Pricing methods. . Panneer Selvam : Production and Operations Management(Prentice Hall) 4. UNIT-III: Production Planning and control –Scheduling Job shop. S. Flow shop-Line Balancing.Customer Relationship Management. Inventory models (Determinative models only) UNIT-V: Quality Control –Control charts-Acceptance Sampling –occurve.Distribution Logistics and supply chain Management –Direct and On-Line Marketing. UNIT-IV: Materials Management –classification-Codification.Marketing Information System. Reference: 1. merits demerits-Plant Layout-Types of Layouts-Plant Maintenance -Preventive and Break down Maintenance. Chary : Production and Operations Management (Mc Graw Hill) 3.Product Life Cycle Positioning Packaging Branding.Marketing Communications.Evans : Operations Management (Cengage) 7.Advertising Management –Sales Promotion and Personnel Selling. UNIT-V: Distribution Management : Marketing Channels. James R. Adam E Bert : Production of Operations Management (Prentice Hall) 2. 2000.Respondents. 6th Ed. 2004. EOL. Kogan Page Publishers. 6.III: Decision Making Tools: Decision Theory-Decision making under certainty. UNIT-IV: Non-Parametric Statistics in Research: McNemar. Mann-Whitney test. Semantic differential. 2009. UNIT-V: Multi-Variate analysis: Factor analysis. Martin callingam. Joh A: Emelch and Kasturi Rangan : Marketing Management (Mc Graw Hill) 4. Experiments. Design of questionnaire. Tull and Hawckins. UNIT–II: Business research process: Sources and methods of gathering business information . Conjoint analysis. M. 4th Ed. “Essentials of Marketing Research”. “Marketing Research”. Kruskal –Wallis tests. “Market intelligence”. Run test. “Marketing Research”. 8th Ed. Kavier : Marketing in the New Millennium (Vikas) 206: BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS UNIT–I: Meaning and importance of Business research: Research design Introduction to design of experiments -Exploratory. Wilcoxon Matched pairs test. Beri. PHI. Decision tree analysis – Decision TreeSequential decision making. Cluster analysis. Tull S. Philip Kotler : Marketing Management (Prentice Hall) 3. Cost and value of information.Oral and written presentation.C.Ordinal. Regret. Gerald: “Research for Marketing Decisions”. Risk. Research report . Paul.S.Pessimism. Guttman's. 2006. Tata McGraw Hill. PHI. 2. Reliability and validity of a scales. 5. Criteria of Decision making.J. 2009. Simulation(as a source of Data Generation) and Panels. . EMV.References: 1. CENGAGE Publishers. 4th Ed. Multi Dimensional Scaling. Interval and Ratio Scales .preparation . Determination of EVPI utility as a concept of decision making.Concept of measurement and scaling – Types of Scales – Nominal . uncertainty.Donald & Albaum. Tata McGraw Hill. Kolmogorov – Simronov D test. Discriminate analysis. V. 3. Luck and Rubbin. causative.and presentation . G. Zikmund. Ramaswamy and S. Realism. Green E. Sampling design and Sample size determination. 2008. Optimism. Suggested Books: 1. “Marketing Research”. Ramakumar : Marketing Management (Macmillan) 2.Attitude scales Thurstone's. UNIT. Equiprobable. Sign Test –One and Two samples. 4. conclusive and experimental designs. Measurement and scaling . RajivLal. Likert's. R.7. CASE ANALYSIS A case report has to be prepared and presented by teams in respective colleges. 2009. “Marketing Research”. HPH. 10. Oxford Press. YEAR END COMPREHENSIVE VIVA . Naresh. Malhotra. S L Gupta. “Business Research Methods”. 2nd Ed. K. New Delhi. 9. Alan Bryman and Emma Bell. 2008.And applied orientation”. 2009. 8. “Marketing Research. O. 2005. Excel Books. Krishna Swamy “Methodology of Research in Social Sciences”. 4th Edition. Lauadon : Management Information Systems (Pearson) 3.II: Law of contracts : Essentials of valid contract . Mahavev Jaisial and Monika Mital : Management Information Systems (Oxford) 302.dishonour. conditions and warranties.Role of MIS in decision making process. UNIT. UNIT. Reference: 1.Redressals. Negotiable Instrument Act . Murthy CSV : Management Information Systems ( Himalaya) 5.Negotiable instruments types important features . UNIT-IV: An outline of Database Management System.importance of business law and regulatory practices . UNIT-V: Functional Information Systems : Marketing Manufacturing Financial and Human Resource Information Systems. Lauadon and Jane P. Concepts of Data Mining Data ware Housing and OLAP.Determining information requirements of managers. UNIT-III: Transaction Processing System.Consume Protection Act .MIS structures Approaches to MIS design and development.Consumer councils .void and unlawful contracts performance of contracts .indemnity.Strategic use of Information technology. guarantee. .THIRD SEMESTER 301 : MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS UNIT-I: Concepts of systems and organization – Meaning of MIS –Decision making process.III: Sale of Goods Act: Sale and agreement to sell.negotiations . James AO „ Brien : Management Information Systems ( MC Graw Hill) 4. agency contract. UNIT-II: Levels of Management and Their information requirements.Office Automation System – Decision Support System Expert System. Kenneth C. bailment.special contracts : contingent contracts .Distributed Processing Computer Networks.Data Base Models. ownership transfer. BUSINESS LAWS AND ETHICS UNIT-I: Social responsibility of business . Robert Schulthesis and Mary Summer : Management Information Systems ( MC Graw Hill) 2. Travelling Salesman problem. UNIT-III: Goal Programming-Business Applications – Game theory. Wavne L. SC Kuchal : Business Law (Vika) 4.) 2. R. winding up. Handy A. Articles. PROJECT VIVA .Ethical issues in information technology. Shares and Debentures.Ethical models for decision making.UNIT–IV: Companies Act : Classification of companies . Kapoor ND : Mercantile Law (Sultan Chand & Co. UNIT-II: Transportation Problem. UNIT-IV: Network Analysis: PERT/CPM – Project Crashing.incorporation process Memorandum. Winston : Operations Research (Cengage Learning) PROJECT REPORT EVALUATION CASE ANALYSIS A case report has to be prepared and presented by teams in respective colleges. Bulchandani RR : Business Law (Himalaya Publishing House) 3. References: 1. assumptions. Board of Directors Role.K. Assignment Problem.Gupta & Man Mohan : Operations Research (Sultan Chand) 3. UNIT-V: Ethics in business. P. UNIT-V: Queuing Model (M/M/I only): Concepts. Panneerselvam : Operations Research (Prentice Hall) 2. business applicationSimulation and its application. Prospectus.Corporate governance and Corporate social responsibility. Graphical method and simplex method. References: 1. Kanti Swarup. Agarwal UK : Consumer Protection in India (Deep & Deep Publishers) 303:: OPERATIONS RESEARCH UNIT-I: Introduction to Operations Research –Linear Programming. Time – Cost trade off. Taha : Operations Research ( Pearson) 4. Functions. UNIT.Commercial Banks Specialized financial Institutions – NBFCs. stock splits and bonus issues – value at risk. . UNIT – II: Securities market in India – New issue market (primary market) – Money market . ratings.Trading on stock exchanges – Market prices and their adjustment for dividends. Viswanath S R : Corporate Finance ( Response) 6. immunisation.III: Depository system – Depository Process – National Securities Depositary Limited – Credit rating – Credit rating agencies in India. MY Khan : Indian Financial System (Tata McGraw-Hill) 4. RM Divya Nigam : Management of Financial Institutions ( Himalaya) 312:: SECURITY ANALYSIS UNIT I: Investment Environment: Real and financial assets. rights. UNIT. References: 1. yields. rating procedure.IV: Insurance companies – Unit Trust of India – Reserve Bank of India .Stock markets in India –Securities & Exchange Board of India – SEBI guidelines on primary market. taxation of income from investments .Money market . Duration. Vasant Desai : The Indian Financial Systems and Development (Himalaya) 5. Book closure. UNIT – V: Foreign exchange market – Determination of foreign exchange rate. Gordon & Natarajan : Financial Markets and Services (Himalaya) 3.Role of financial market in the development of Indian economy. secondary market and foreign institutional investors – Protection of investors interests. risks. The yield curve – Determinants of interest rates – Interest rate risk. Srivatsava . Eakins: Financial Markets and Institutions (Pearson Education) 2. Frederic S Mishkin & Stanley Y. financial markets.Securitisation . Book Building UNIT II: Fixed income securities: Real and nominal rates of return – Computation of risk and return. Bond characteristics.FINANCE SPECIALIZATION 311-FINANCIAL MARKETS AND SERVECES UNIT – I: Indian financial system – Structure of financial market in India – Financial Services . Participants in the foreign exchange market – Euro markets and Euro issues. prices. Software Companies – Units in backward area. Berk Jonathan. income. derivative products and stock. takeover. UNIT.I: Basic Terms : Agricultural income.in. Single – Index Model . Assesses – Assessment year. J. short and long term capital gains from financial investments and real estate.penman :Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation Hill 6. .III: Incentives for exports – Deemed exports – EOU.II: Residence and incidence of tax. Dhanesh Kumar Khatri : Investment Management and Security Analysis (Macmillian) 4. Amold Glen Kumas Mohan : Corporate Financial Management (Pearson) 313–CORPORATE TAXATION UNIT. Fringe Benefit Tax.IV: SEZs: Incentives for the units located in SEZ. UNIT.trade. Taxation of gains or short term and long term investments.E. Stephens H. Vs EOU and incentives for exports. Channelling of FDI to reduce taxation.V: Treaty to avoid double taxation. D. Demarzo Peter : Financial Mannagement (Pearson) 7.. Mark Hirchey and John Nofsinger :Investment (Mc Graw Hill) 5. Fischer and R. person. UNIT. UNIT-IV: Risk and Return : Nature and types of risk – Measurements of risk –Risk Return Relationship –Benefits and Limitations of diversification. taxation in case of merger.UNIT III: Index Models: Risk premiums – Portfolio risk – Capital market line – Markowitz Portfolio selection – Diversification – CAPM – APT Fundamental analysis – Economy – industry – Company analysis – Concept of technical analysis. Jorder : Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (Pearson) 2. Sudhindra Bhat : Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (Excel) 3.Estimation and adjustment of beta. Tax planning Treatment of salary income – exemptions. UNIT. and sale of going concern. UNIT-V: Fundamental analysis – Technical Analysis – EMH and Random work walk theory – Behavioral Finance References: 1. Capital and Revenue expenditure Depreciation and other allowances. References : 1.personality . Blackwell.. Agarwal K.Learning . UNIT-III: Consumer decision making process – CDM Models.Consumer study significance .Schistman & Leslie Leaserkarmal: Consumer Behaviour (Prentice Hall of India) 3.Motivation .. Lakhatia.The Consumer Protection Act (1986) and Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act (1969) UNIT –V: Industrial buyer behaviour – Buyer behaviour for services . References: 1. Lakhatia.N.Perception . Schiffman & Kanuk: Consumer Behaviour (Prentice Hall of India) 7. S: Corporate Tax Planning Hand Book (Vision) 3.Communication process .Models of Consumer Behaviour.Nair: Consumer Behaviour in Indian Perspective (Himalaya) 4. UNIT-II: Individual and group determinants of Consumer Behaviour .issues in Consumer decision making process .Social class .Group dynamics . Finnerty C. Ramesh Kumar: Consumer Behaviour (Pearson Education) 2.Reference Group.Diffusion of innovations. Suja R. UNIT-IV: Applications-Consumerism . et al : Fundamentals of International Tax Planning ( IBFD) MARKETING SPECIALIZATION 321 – CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR UNIT-I: Introduction and overview to study of Consumer Behaviour . Subhash Mehta: Consumer Behaviour (Tata McGraw Hill) 5. LeonG.Attitude . Satish K Batar Shhkazmi: Consumer Behaviour (Excel) 6. Rajeev Kumra: Consumer Behaviour (Himalaya) .K: Dirct Tax Planning and Management( Indian Books) 4. R. Latest Taxman Publications: 2. Miniard & Engel: Consumer Behaviour (Thomson) 8.Consumer satisfaction -relationship marketing. UNIT – V: Consumer promotion tools .Evaluating advertising effectiveness.SALES AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT UNIT– I: Sales Management-– Nature and Importance.salesmanship – buyer-seller dyads .C.Business and Sales force promotion tools .Blattberg and Scott. 2. Shh kazmi Satish K Batra : Advertising & Sales Promotion (Excel) 323 . UNIT – III: Establishing Objectives and Budgeting for Advertising . Promotion and Marketing Communications (Prentice Hall ) 6. Methods and Strategies (Prentice Hall) 4. Robert C.Theories of selling UNIT.Conventions References: 1.Types of advertising or classification of users .The Advertising Agency functions. Decision making and Organisation.Neslin : Sales Promotion Concepts.322 – ADVERTISING AND SALES PROMOTION UNIT – I: Introduction to advertising .Block: Analyzing Sales Promotion – Text and Cases 5.II: Selling process –Stages in the Selling Process –Organizing the Sales Effort. Implementing and Evaluation of Media Strategies. Kenneth E Clow & Donald Baack : Integrated Advertising .Media Planning and Strategy-Developing. UNIT – IV: Sales promotion – Incentives to middlemen-Incentives to consumer –Design.Interview Techniques . John Myers and David Aaker : Advertising Management (Prentice Hall) Manendra Mohan : Advertising Management – Concepts and Cases (Tata McGraw Hill) 3.Totten and Martin P.Advertising process: Advertising Campaign planning.Sales Forecasting and Budgeting-Sales Territories – Routing and Setting Sales Quotas Sales Contests UNIT-III: Recruitment and Selection of Sales force –Sales Training – Motivating and Leading the Sales Force . A.Evolution .goals and functions . John. Rajiv Batra .Social and ethical aspects of advertising. implementation and evaluation of effectiveness of sales promotion. UNIT – II: Advertising creativity: Creative Strategy Implementation and Evaluation.Trade Shows . Cowling & Jones : The Essence of Personnel Management and Industrial Relations (Pentice Hall ) 6.Combination Plans.UNIT-IV: Compensation of Sales Force. Arun Monappa : Industrial Relations (McGraw Hill ) 3. Still.Evaluating Sales Person Performance References: 1. Adjudication UNIT–III: Trade Unions: Role – Position in India. Types. Krishna K. Degree of success. Prevention and Settlement – Collective Bargaining – Role. problems and issues – Negotiation.R. Varma Pramod : Management of Industrial Relations (Oxford and IBH ) 4. Machinery for Redressal of grievances – Discipline – code of conduct. Arbitration. Trade Union types and Employee Federations – Strategies to Develop trade unions. process of domestic enquiryParticipative management: methods and techniques of workers involvement and participation.Decisions. References: 1.Straight Salary. Employee relations and technological changeStrategies for employee retention. Niand J.D. Havaldar & Vasant M Cavale : Sales & Distribution Management (Text & Cases) (Tata McGraw Hill ) 2.Non-financial Rewards UNIT-V: Evaluation and Control of the Sales Program-Cost Analysis. Government and Machinery for labour administration. Cundiff & Govani : Sales Management .Straight Commission. UNIT–IV: Discipline & Grievance Management – Causes of grievances and disputes. Singh : Industrial Relations (Excel ) 7. Monal Arora : Industrial Relations ( Excel) . Methods. Strategies and Cases (Prentice Hall of India) HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SPECIALIZATION 331 – MANAGEMENT OF EMPLOYEE RELATIONS UNIT–I: Employee Relations – Concept – Significance and the emerging socio economic scenario. B. Conciliation. Consequences. P N Singh: Employee Relations Management (Pearson education) 2. UNIT–II: Industrial Conflict – Causes. UNIT–V: Empowerment and quality management. etc: The Future of Industrial Relations ( Sage) 5. Formal education.332 – HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING UNIT–I: Introduction – Significance – Process– Systems approach to Human Resource planning –Micro level manpower planning – Labour market analysis – Manpower inventorying –Methods. UNIT-V: Indian Experiences. Gorden.Socialization process.Mentoring. Realistic job previews. Deepak Kumar Bhattacharya : Human Resources Planning (Excel ) 333: HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT UNIT-I: Human resource development concept.Evaluation. UNIT-II: HRD need assessment. UNIT-III: HRD programme. HRM and HRD function.Development. UNIT–IV: Career planning and development – Succession planning – Potentials appraisal and development. Job experience. Interpersonal relationship. Thames H. References: 1. UNIT–V: Manpower utilisation – Indices and techniques – Scheduling techniques– Factors affecting performance – Human Resource Accounting– Methods – Significance. UNIT–II: Manpower forecasting – Models and techniques of manpower demand and supply forecasting – Behavioral factors in HRP – Wastage analysis – Retention – Redeployment and Exit strategies. .Behaviour modeling. Mc Beath : Organisation and Manpower Planning (Business ) 2. Pattern : Manpower Planning and Development of Human Resources (John Wiley) 3. Roll of HRD professional.HRD programme for culturally divorced employees.Career management. UNIT-IV: Employee development.Employee orientation.Leadership development. evolution.Counselling services. Assessment.Implementing the programme. UNIT–III: Recruitment – Sources – Evaluation and selection – Procedures –Techniques – Factors Influencing recruitment and selection –Placement – Induction –Training – Strategies for orienting new employees. Performance management coaching.Experiential methods.Designing HRD programme. HRD Challenges.JIT job rotation. UNIT-IV: Systems Implementation and Maintenance: Software Application Testing. 5.SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN UNIT-I: Systems Development Environment: Meaning and Scope of Information Systems analysis and Design . Training. TMH 3. Human Resource Development. Raymond A Noe. Excel 4.Hipochart. Joey F. UNIT-III: An overview of object-oriented Analysis and Design. Human Resource Development. Sen: Analysis and Desigh of Information Systems (McGraw Hill) 3. Human Resource Development. Sulthan Chand and Sons.George and Joseph s. UNIT-V: References: 1. M Awad: Systems Analysis and Design (Galgotia Publications) 5. Conversion – Documenting the System. Hoffer.Responsibilities in Systems Development. systems analyst . James A. Krishnaveni. Oxford. Valacich: Modern Systems Analysis and Design (Pearson Education). 2.References: 1. Werner and Harris. Chand) . System Maintenance and Quality Assurance – Acquisition of hardware and software. R.Systems Development . SYSTEMS SPECIALIZATION 341. Nair NG: Management Systems (S. Desimone. UNIT-II: Determining System Requirements: Process-Methods . Human Resource Development. Jeffray A. Tripathi PC. Uday Kumar Haldar.Designing Inputs .Approaches to system Analysis and Design. Installation.Structuring system Requirements: Dataflow Diagrams-Decision TablesDecision Trees.Designing Interfaces and dialogues. Employee Trainee Development. Igor Hawryszkiewycz: Systems Analysis and Design (Prentice Hall) 4.Forms and Reports.Designing databases -Designing physical files. Thomson 2. The DBIG CODASYI . Relational Commercial Languages . Real time distributed systems design.R.Tree Index Files - Index Definition in SQI . Buffer Management. Planning a software project.Multiple key Hierarchies to files.System Structure -Physical Storage Media File Organisation .E. Yary W.Domain Constraints Referential Integrity. Test plans.The Relational Calculus . Design strategies. Relational Database Design-Pitfalls in relational Database Design using Functional dependencies.Tree structure Diagrams . Cost estimation. UNIT–II: Software design concepts modularization. Reducing E.Data Structure Diagrams .RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UNIT-I: Introduction .Structure of Relational Database .Data Definition Language. Henry.R.Database Administration.Structured Query Language (SOL) Query by Example (Quel) Integrity Constraints .Aggregation. Atre.Data Independence .MANAGEMENT OF SOFTWARE PROJECTS UNIT –I: Introduction to software Engineering: Size. UNIT-IV: Hierarchical Model .B. Data C.Views.J: An Introduction to Database Management Systems (Addison and Wesley) 3. Hansen: Data Base Management Design (Prentice Hall) 343. Multivalued Dependencies. Quality and productivity factors.relationship Model . Diagrams Manipulation Language - Entity . UNIT-IV: Indexing and Hashing .Virtual records .Purpose of Database Systems -Data Abstraction Data Models .Generalisation . UNIT-II: Relational Model .The Relational Algebra . Functional Dependencies -Associations Nomalization. .B+ -Tree Index Static and Dynamic Hash Functions Access. Normal Form.Mapping Files .Indexing .Mapping Networks to files. UNIT-III: File and System Structure . Data Dictionary – Storage. to tables . Data Database Manager . S: Database Structured Techniques for Design Performance and Management (John Wiley) 4. References: 1.Organisation of Records into Blocks. R . Diagram. Mapping Relational Data to files.Model . Nilesh Shah: Data Base Systems Using Oracle (Prentice Hall) 5. Network Model.Korth & Abaham Silberschatz: Data Base System concepts (McGraw Hill) 2.342. UNIT–V: Software Maintenance. Maintainability. UNIT–IV: Implementation issues – Structured Coding Techniques. References: 1. Carlo Ghezzi. other maintenance tools and techniques. Mehdi Jazayuni and Dino Mandnioli: Fundamentals of Software Engineering (Prentice Hall of India) 3. Rechord Fairley: Software Engineering Concept (Tata McGraw Hill) . Pressman: Software Engineering (Tata McGraw Hill) 2. Static Analysis. Symbolic execution. configuration management. system testing and formal verification.UNIT–III: Quality Assurance: Walk throughs and inspection. Managerial aspects. source code metrics. unit testing & debugging. benefits. competitive. John D. Balance of payment – Foreign exchange Regional trade Role of world Trade market mechanism – Import substitution and export financing – International liquidity. Bhalla: International Business Environment and Management (Anmol publications) 3. their influence on FDI and FIIs. political. UNIT – II: Strategy Formulation – Defining the Company Mission – Assessing the External Environment – Industry Analysis – Internal Analysis of the firm. sovereign and currency ratings. UNIT-III: Formulating Long-Term Objectives and Grand Strategies: Strategic Analysis and Choice – BCG.K.STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT UNIT – I: Strategic Management – The Strategic management Process – Components of Strategic Management Model. . Anant K. Subbarao. Organisation (W.FOURTH SEMESTER 401 – INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT UNIT-I: Concept of international business – Stages of internationalization – International economic.T. legal. Role of IMF in International business. Sundaram & Stewart black: International Business Environment (Prentice Hall) 4. UNIT-V: Organizing for international business – Strategies and issues in international human resource management and development – Designing global organization structure – Developing global competitiveness. UNIT-II: International trade regulatory frame work – Trade barriers – organisations and their impact on international business. SWOT Analysis – Mc Kinsey‟s 7s frame work. References: 1. Daniel and Radebangh Lee H: International Business (Addison Wesley) 2.O) UNIT-III: International financial frame work. FDI policy.P: International Business (Himalaya) 5. Ajitabh: Global Competitiveness (Excel) 402 . [ UNIT-IV: Market selection and entry strategies. V.Country risk analysis: International rating agencies. social demographic and cultural frame workInternational trade theories. GE. Culture UNIT-V: Strategic Control Processes: Guiding and Evaluating the Strategy. Michael E Porter : Competitive Strategy (Harvard University) 4. UNIT-II: SME Sector: Its role in Indian economy – Problems faced by SME sector – Growth prospects – Incentives offered by state and central governmentsInstitutions supporting SME – Setting up a SME– Various steps involved . Marketing and HR Planning – Project Report Preparation – Negotiation with support organisations. UNIT-IV: Market and Demand analysis – Technical Analysis – Social cost benefit analysis – Financial analysis. UNIT-III: Creativity and innovation in business – Creative problem solving methods – International Entrepreneurship opportunities – SWOT Analysis.Leadership.UNIT-IV: Strategy Implementation – Operationalising the Strategy through Short Term Objectives. Reward System and Employee Empowerment – Institutionalizing the Strategy: Structure. References: 1. Porter : Competitive Advantage (Harvard University ) 5. Charantimath: Entrepreneurship Development in Small Business Enterprises (Pearson Education) 2. Implementation and Control (Tata McGraw Hill) 2. Rao VSP & Harikrishna : Strategic Management Text & Cases ( Excel) 403 –ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT UNIT – I: Entrepreneurship: Concept and importance – Characteristics. Ethics and social responsibility of entrepreneurs – The Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial mind – EDPs in India. J A Pearce II and R B Robinson Jr: Strategic Management Formulation. Reductions implementation & Review (Tata McGraw Hill) 4. Hisrich Peters shepherd: Entrepreneurship (Tata McGraw Hill) 3. Prasanna Chandra: Projects Planning Analysis. References: 1. Michael E. UNIT-V: Project Management – Financial. Functional tactics. Arthur Sharplin: Strategic Management (McGraw Hill) 3. Poornima M. Sahey and Nirjar: Entrepreneurship (Excel) . References: 1. RBI guidelines on ECBs. Marrice D Levi : International Finance (McGraw Hill) 3. UNIT-IV: Cross – border investments: Cash flows of foreign projects – Cost of capital – Approaches to project evaluation – Adjusted present value method – Risks in foreign Projects – Financing foreign projects. and foreign investments. UNIT-II: International parity: Purchasing power parity – Interest rate parity – Covered interest arbitrage – Forward rate parity – Fisher effect – Interrelationship of parity conditions. Cheols Eun and Bruce G Resnick : International Financial Management (McGraw Hill) 6. Ephraim Clark : International Finance (Thomson) 7.CASE ANALYSIS A case report has to be prepared and presented by teams in respective colleges. Shapiro : Multinational Financial Management (Wiley India) 4. Jeff Madura : International Corporate Finance (Thomson) 5. Mihir A.Foreign direct investments. Alan C. UNIT-V: Eurocurrency market: Growth of Eurocurrency market – Euro issues – External commercial – borrowings – International bond market – Indian Euro issues. PG Apte : International Financial Management (Tata McGraw Hill) 2. UNIT-III: Management of foreign exchange exposure and risk: Economic exposure – Transaction exposure – Operating exposure – Translation exposure – Currency options – Currency futures/forwards – Currency swaps. FINANCE SPECIALIZATION 411 – INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT–I: Foreign exchange market – Demand and supply of foreign exchange – Spot rate and forward rate –Fixed exchange rate and floating exchange rate – Implications of depreciation/ devaluation and appreciation / revaluation of currency.Desai : International Finance (Wiley India) . Donald E. Prasanna Chandra :Investment Management (Mc Graw Hill) 4.Reilly and keith C brown : Investment analysis and portfolio management 6. William F.methods of performance evaluation sharpe‟s treyner‟s and Jensen‟s measures of portfolio performance . Reference Books: 1. UNIT-III: Capital market theory : efficient market Hypothesis – capital Asset pricing model – arbitrage pricing theory. Frank K.PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT UNIT-I: Portfolio management process of portfolio management of portfolio Analysis – Portfolio risk and return Measurement – Diversification of Risk.412. UNIT-I: . Security analysis and portfolio management (Prentice Hall) 5. Feasible sen of portfolios – Efficient frontier – selection of optimal portfolio and Markowitz model – Sharpe single index model. Robert A strong Portfolio Management (Jaico) 413-STRATEGIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Introduction Strategic Financial Planning – Corporate Strategy for Growth – Regulatory Framework – Rights Issue – Value of Right – Initial Public Offer – Private Placement – Venture Capital. UNIT-II: Portfolio selection. UNIT-IV: Performance evaluation of portfolio need for evaluation. UNIT-III: Corporate Acquisitions – Types of Acquisitions – Mergers – Reasons – Merits and Demerits – Exchange Ratio – Dilution and Accretion of Earnings – Evaluation of Mergers and Takeovers – Consolidated Balance Sheet. Sharpe : Investments (Prentice Hall) 3. Kevin S. UNIT-II: Capital Structure Planning – Estimating Financial Requirements – Understanding Debt – Debt Securitization – Syndicatisation – Debt Policy – EBIT-EPS Analysis Indifference Point – Levered Beta – Un-levered Beta. Fischer and Ronald J Jondan security analysis and portfolio management (Prentice Hall 2. UNIT-V: Portfolio revision need for Revision – constraints in revision – revision strategies – formula plans portfolio management in India. 8. John DMartin.Economic Value Added Approach. Excel Books. 7. 1st End. MARKETING SPECIALIZATION 421 – SERVICES MARKETING UNIT-I: The growth of services: . V. UNIT-III: Developing Services marketing mix: The service product – Pricing the service the cost of quality and return on quality – Place: Service location and channels – Promotion and communication of services – People in services. . 5. Hoag Mergers – Restructuring and Corporate Control. Srivastava – Financial Management and Policy. R. Fred Weston. Ravi Anushuman – Valuation Analyzing Global Opportunities. India. 4. 2nd Edn. Sudhindra Bhat – Financial Management. UNIT-V: Corporate Restructuring and Reengineering Changing Ownership – Spin-off – Split-off – Leveraged Buyout – Financial Restructuring – Buy Back of Shares – Problems in Implementing Corporate Restructuring Policies. UNIT–IV: Customer orientation – Customer service quality – Customer retention – Relationship marketing Programme – Complaint management – Service guarantees: . Aswath Damodaran – Corporate Finance Wiley India 2nd Edn. Prentice Hall. 4th Edn. 2008.Measuring customer satisfaction – Designing and analysing customer satisfaction survey feedback. Prasanna Chandra – Financial Management. Pearson Education. 6. Himalaya Publishing House. Ltd. Glen Arnold. Mohan Kumar – Corporate Financial Management. Jonathan Berk Peter DeMarzo – Financial Management Pearson Education. Shridan Titman. Kwang SC Hung.UNIT-IV: Corporate Valuation – Approaches – Estimating Equity Free Cash Flows – Valuation based on EFCF – DCF . 3. 2. Tata McGrawhill Book Co. Susan E. 4th Edn. 2009. 2007. 2007.Nature of difference of service provider and service seeker and classification of services – Services marketing mix – Future of services marketing. 3rd Edn. Suggested Readings: 1. UNIT-II: Services Marketing Planning process – Developing an effective service Strategy – Market segmentation – Positioning and differentiation of services. J. Pearson Education 1st Edn. UNIT-V: Store management Managing the store. Chatan Bajaj Rajnish Tuli and srivatsva Retail Management (Oxford) 2. Ram Mohan Rao: Services Marketing (Pearson Education) 2.Marketing of Educational and Professional Services. merchandising – Retailing in the changes impacting retailing common woes in retailing research for retailing. Buying Merchandise – retail pricing UNIT-IV: Retailing and information technology support systems – supply chain management importance customer service and quality management – customer relationship management . Keilninghan : Services Marketing (Addison Wesley) 3. 1.Marketing of Healthcare Services. store layout. Anthony. Johan M. design and visual.G. Travel and Tourism Products. Zahorik and Timothy.Factors influencing the location – Financial strategy in retailing – strategy planning in retailing UNIT-III: Merchandise Management forecasting sales Developing an assortment plan Merchandise planning system. Reference : 1. K. Rathmoll: Marketing in the Service Sector (Winthrop) 4. J.Marketing of Financial and Insurance ServicesMarketing of Hospitality. T. Adrienne Payne: The Essence of Services Marketing (Prentice Hall) 5. Douglas Hoffman and John E. Rust. Suja Nair Retail Management (Himalaya) . References: 1. Levy Weiz retailing management (TataMcgraw Hill) 4.UNIT-V: Service Marketing Practices. UNIT-II: Retail site location. Barry berman & Joel R evans Retail Management A strategy approach (Pearson) 3. Roland.Bateson: Essentials of Services Marketing (Harcourt) 422:: RETAIL MARKETING UNIT-I: An overview of retail management concept and significance – Types of Retailers – strategic Planning in retailing. New Delhi. New Delhi. 9. New Delhi-2009. Kate Gillespie. Ltd. UNIT-IV: Global Marketing Strategies – Global Products and Services – Global Brand Management – Global Pricing – Financial Issues – Transfer Pricing – Counter Trade UNIT-V: Global Promotion Strategies – Pros and Cons of Global Advertising – Global Advertising Decisions – Global Sales Promotion – Global Personal Selling – Global Logistics – Global Channel Design. 6. Himalaya Publishing House. David Hennessey – International Marketing – Cengage Learning – New Delhi-2009. P. 8.GLOBAL MARKETING UNIT-I: Global Marketing – Key Concepts – Global Marketing objectives –Country Specific Advantages – Firm Specific Advantages – Rivalry between Global Competitors. Kristian Nelsen – International Marketing – An Asia Pacific Focus – Wiley India Pvt. UNIT-II: Global Marketing Environment – Analyzing Global Marketing Environment. Albaum – International Marketing & Export Management. Gary Gregory. Suggested Readings: 1. Johansson – Global Marketing – Foreign Entry. Johnny K. New Delhi. 3. Francies Cherunilam – International Marketing. Prashat Salwan – International Marketing – Tata McGraw Hill. Sak Onkvist. Michael R Czinkota. Ltd. Ltd. John L Graham. 4. Andreas Riege. Wayne Macarthur. Cathy Neal. John J Shaw – International Marketing – Analysis and Strategy – PHI Learning Pvt. 7. IIKKa ARonkainen – International – Cengage Learning India Pvt. 2. Ltd.K.423. UNIT-III: Global Market Selection and Entry Strategies – Assessing Global Market Opportunities – Country Attractiveness – Understanding Local Customers – Global Segmentation and Positioning. H. Local Marketing and Global Management – Tata McGraw Hill Pvt. Philip R Cateora. New Delhi. Masaaki Kotabhe. Pearson Education. 2008. . 2008. Jean Pierre Jeannet. 5. 2008.Vasudeva – International Marketing – Excel Books – New Delhi. 2006. Gary Noble. Antony Peloso. 2009. Narain. (Oxford) 2.J: International Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour (Kent Publishing) Rao P.L : Internal Human Resource Management (Excel ) 432 – PERFORMANCE AND REWARD MANAGEMENT UNIT-I: Reward. Policies – Training Expatriation – Repatriation. expanding role – Global issues and challenges – Cultural determinants. UNIT –III: International staffing – Nature. UNIT-V: Statutory provisions-Wage boards pay commission –Pay budget management-International pay system. compensation and non compensation systems – Concept – Compensation issues – Economic theories – wage level. job pricing market survey pay structure architecture UNIT-III: Individual pay determinants – Components of pay – Fringe benefits. cross cultural training. short and long termCompensation of special groups. Sales force. German. individual . Directors. Sources. References : 1. 3. Executives. supervisors. Dutch. UNIT – IV: Training and development – Need. group. cross cultural implications UNIT – II: Structural dynamics – structural evolution – Global and product division – Strategic frame work. Technical professionals. Laxmi : Managerial Compensation and Motivation in Public Enterprises. References: 1. French. job evaluation. Women executive. differentials. UNIT – V: People Management – USA – Asia: Japan and China – Europe: British. Stbson : wages and salaries (American Management Association) 3. UNIT-II: Technical determinants – Job analysis. Spanish and Swedish – African – Indian. UNIT-IV: Performance pay – Incentives. Dowling P.HUMAN RESOURCE MAMAGEMENT SPECIALIZATION 431 – INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT UNIT –I: International Human Resource Management concept. learning – Performance management and HR process – Competency appraisal – Cultural Issues.J : International Dimension of Human Resource Management Adler N. 2. Michael Amstrong : Reward Management (Kogan) . job description. Milkovich & newman : Compression (Tata Mc Graw Hill) 5. UNIT-III: HR Strategy Formulation -Strategic planning – Strategic alliance – Assessment of strategic alternatives – Managerial issues in strategic formulation – Key HR activities in Mergers and Acquisition (M & A) – Ensuring strategic flexibility for the future.STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT UNIT-I: The Framework of SHRM -Components of HRM strategy – models of strategy – Methods of structuring HR Department in organizations – Linkage between strategic business planning (SBP) and strategic HR development (SHRD) – competency mapping – building the core competencies – Knowledge based HR management strategy. BD Singh : Compensation Reward Management (Excel) 8. Excel Books. UNIT-II: HR Environment Scanning -Technology and organizational structure – environmental scanning and competitive intelligence – influence on HR information system –management of diversity – Trends in utilization of HREmployee leasing. 2. Charles R. 2008. Jeffray A.. Joe Martocchio : Strategic Compensation : A Human Resource (Pearson) 7. training and compensation – Evaluating strategic contribution in emerging areas such as management of diversity and quality readiness. UNIT-IV: HR Strategy Implementation -Implementation of Human resource and reallocation decisions – Cross training and flexibility in assigning work – Using work teams –Strategically oriented performance measurement system – Strategically oriented performance measures. Strategic Human Resource Management. Ltd. Suggested Readings: 1. Dipak Kumar Bhatta Charya : Compensation Management(Oxford) 433. Pearson Education Asia. Strategic Human Resource Management and Development.Global sourcing of labour –The impact of organization design and learning . Strategic Human Resource Management – A General Managerial Approach. Greer.4. New Delhi. Richard Regis. UNIT-VHR Strategy Evaluation -HR evaluation process – Approaches to evaluation – Bench marking – Evaluating strategic contribution of traditional areas such as selection. New Delhi. Cengage Learning Indian Pvt. 2007. Second Edition. compensation systems –Improving the quality of . Mello. Barryt Gerhart & Sara L Rynes : Compensation (Sage) 6. 3. 2008. Venugopal. Cengage Learning India Pvt. Rahul V. Gangaram Singh. Microsoft. Vikas Publisshing House Pvt. Plant maintenance. Strategic Management – The Indian Context. benefits and limitations of EEP. ERP issues in Indian markets and in different counties. 2007. Contemporary Strategic Management. Nandagopal and R. 7. ERP in Small and Medium Implementation Strategies. Ltd. Dreher Dougherty. R. Human Resource Strategy – A Behavioural perspective for the General Manager. 9. Strategic Prospects in HRM.G. Ltd. Quality Management. Belcourt and Kenneth J. Altekar: Enterprise Resource Planning (Prentice Hall) . R. SYSTEMS SPECIALIZATION 441 – ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING UNIT-I : Introduction to ERP: . New Delhi. 2007. 5. 3. Srinivasan. R. 8. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Excel Books. Alexis Leon: Enterprise Resource Planning (Tata McGraw Hill) 2. 2001. Jaico Publishing House. Strategic Human Resource Management in a Global Economy. Phases of ERP and other enterprise applications. Strategic Human Resource Planning (Second Edition).R.Concepts & Practices (Prentice Hall). UNIT-IV: ERP Implementation life cycle – Future trends. UNIT-II: ERP – Related Techniques: Open source and wireless technologies. Mc Bey. 6. Enterprises.P. Evolution. Monica. Success / Failure Factors of ERP Implementation. people soft and oracle and their impact on enterprise applications. Venkaita Krishnan: E.BPR Vs ERP.. 2000. UNIT-III: ERP Modules – Finance. UNIT-V: ERP Applications. Vivod Kumar Garg and NK. Sai Kumar ML: Enterprise Resourscs Planning (Institute of Public Enterprises) 4. Supply chain Management – ERP – II and Gap Analysis.. Marketing and HR.4. ERP Products: SAP. 2008. Shaun Tyson. 2002. Reference: 1. New Delhi. Tara McGraw Hill. Priyaadarshini. Ltd. Materials Management. Goal & Problems phases of development. Flexible Business designs. Benefits of Data Mining – Data Mining Techniques – Data Mining solutions. databases Vs References: 1. Michael J. Physical design: VLDB.S. integrity constraints. strategy formulation. Data Ware house team.442. Indexing the data warehouse. UNIT-II: Logical Design: Types of data in warehouse. UNIT-V: References: 1. Table – space segregation. UNIT–II: E-Business design . recovery and security. UNIT–III: E. capability evaluation E-Business design. Imported export. UNIT-III: Data warehouse vs data mart.E. data warehouse operational databases. Dual Schema access approach. Michael Abbey : Data Warehousing Oracle (Tata McGraw Hill) * * * * * . Self service.e-Procurement. Query parallelism.Customers Relationship Management. UNIT-V: Data mining: Introduction . UNIT-IV: Moving data into the data warehouse. 443. Structural Transformation. Trend spotting .Time. outsourcing. Needs.Data loading. UNIT –IV: Knowledge tone Applications . Query optimization.chain Management.Next generation of D. Corey. ease of use. design strategies.S Business ModelSuitability.strategy of design . SQL Loader. Ravi Ralakota and Maina Robinson: E – Business (Pearson) 2.BUSINESS UNIT-I: From E . Selling-chain Management – supply. Napier Jud. Pitfalls and Consumer preferences. Developers.DATA MINING AND DATA WAREHOUSING UNIT-I: Introduction to data warehousing. Star schema implementation.phases: building. Rivers and Wagnerm: Creating a E–Business (Vikas) Development E – Business design. and users perspective. Backup. NLS.Commerce to E-Business.Business Architecture .
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