VSP Rates

March 25, 2018 | Author: jadhavsubhashnaik | Category: Taxes, Employment, Invoice, General Contractor, Banks



Page 1 of 2958276 - 0 T S FORM ’C’ RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT WORKS CONTRACTS DEPARTMENT VISAKHAPATNAM-530031 PHONE NO: (MAX)3026, (P&T) 2518763 & 2758705, TELEFAX NO:0891-2518763 NAME OF WORK : SPECIAL JOBS LIKE CORE CUTTING, DRILLING OF HOLES IN RCC FOUNDATIONS / WALLS ETC. AND FIXING OF HILTI ANCHORS TENDER NO: PERIOD OF CONTRACT DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD ENGINEER ISSUED TO : : : 58276 - 0 09 (NINE) MONTHS NIL MANAGAER (C) - CED SRI / M/s_______________________________________________________________ Total No. of Pages : 29 (TWENTY NINE) _______________________________________________________________________ (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) 1. E.M.D. PARTICULARS : Note: Tenderer has to fill the data wherever and whatever required in the tender schedule without fail and sign all the pages No. of Pages of BOQ alone : 08 (EIGHT) 2. Sl.No. 3. COVERING LETTER 4. REBATE OFFERED 5. RATE WRITTEN IN WORDS 6. VALIDITY OF TENDER : : : : OUT OF NO. OF PAGES: TENDERS : 4 MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF OPENING SIGNATURE OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE OF CONTRACT DEPTARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER Page 2 of 29 58276 - 0 T S RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED, VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT WORKS CONTRACTS DEPT., VISAKHAPATNAM – 530 031 (A.P.) TELEFAX: 0891- 2518763 TEL NO: 0891- 2758705 OPEN TENDER NOTICE NO:VSP/WC/CED/58276 - 0/O/2008-2009 DATED 24.09.2008 1. Sealed Tenders along with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) are invited from Experienced Contractors having permanent P.F. Code and executed similar Works for the following Work : Tender No: Name of the work 58276 - 0 SPECIAL JOBS LIKE CORE CUTTING, DRILLING OF HOLES IN RCC FOUNDATIONS / WALLS ETC. AND FIXING OF HILTI ANCHORS TENDERERS HAVING EXPERIENCE IN EXECUTION OF CORE-CUTTING SHALL ONLY BE CONSIDERED FOR THIS WORK drilling of holes in RCC NOTE “ The work involves jobs like core-cutting, grouting, Foundations / Walls etc. and fixing of HILTI Anchors ”. Tender Number Cost of Tender Document (Non-Refundable) By Hand By Download Eligibility / Experience Requirements (RUPEES) 58276 - 0 2. (RUPEES) Value of single similar work executed (Rs. In Lakhs) 4.79 Annual Turnover Earnest Money Deposit (Rs. in Lakhs) 2.88 (Rs.) 600 600 5,000 3. Cost of Tender Document(s) shall be paid in the form of Demand Draft / Pay Order / Banker’s Cheque, obtained from any Nationalised or Scheduled Commercial Bank in India, drawn in favour of RIN Ltd., payable at Visakhapatnam and shall be valid for a minimum period of one month from the date of opening of Tender i.e. Envelope – 1 (Pre-Qualification Documents). THE COST OF TENDER DOCUMENT(S) RECEIVED ALONGWITH TENDER DOCUMENT WILL NOT BE REFUNDED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES UPON RECEIPT OF TENDER. The value of single similar work executed shall be during the last 05 (Five) years ending last day of month previous to Tender Notice Date i.e.. 31.08.2008 and Turnover shall be the average Annual Financial Turnover st during the last three years ending 31 March of the previous Financial Year i.e. 31.03.2008. The Tender Document shall be accompanied with copies of (a) Work Order, Bill of Quantities, Completion Certificate with details of value of work executed (b) for Turnover Audited Balance Sheets certified by Practising Chartered Accountant in case the Annual Turn-over is more than Rs.40.00 Lakhs (or) in case of TurnOver being less than Rs.40.00 Lakhs either Turn-over Certificate in the prescribed Format of VSP duly signed by a practising Chartered Accountant/Cost Accountant or T.D.S. Certificate(s) comprising of the Gross Bill values issued by the Deductor(s) for the work done. (c) PF Registration Certificate. (d) Copy of Registration Letter issued by V.S.P. in case of Registered Agencies and in case of non-Registered Agencies, either a copy of Notarised Sole Proprietorship OR a copy of Partnership Deed OR a copy of Memorandum of Association & Articles of Association, along with Certificate of Registration whichever is applicable. VSP reserves the right to reject the offer in case the above Documents are not enclosed along with the offer. The authorized Representative of the Tenderer shall sign on all the copies of the Documents submitted along with the Tender Document. 4. The Tenderers are requested to note that : 4.1 The offer shall be made in 02 (Two) Envelopes. First Envelope (to be superscribed as Envelope-1 with Name of the Work, Tender No.) should contain the cost of the Tender Document in case the Tender is down-loaded from the web site (Tender can be purchased from the Office of DGM - WC by paying Tender cost in the form of DD/PO/BC as cited at Para-2 above in which case Tender cost need not be enclosed while submitting the Tender), Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) separately in the form of DD/PO/BC etc (refer to Instructions to Tenderer) and Pre-Qualification Documents (Criteria eligibility/experience and other Documents etc. as cited at Para (03) above) duly signed / attested by the authorized representative of the Company as per para-1 read with Para-3 above. Second Envelope (to be superscribed as Envelope-2 with Name of the Work, Tender No.) should contain Price Bid in its prescribed Format along with the Tender Document. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER 00 PM on 16. the Original Certificates in support of the attested copies of relevant Documents submitted along with Tender Document. of the Contract available in the website which shall be binding on him / them.2008. debarring etc. RINL reserve the right to (a) Issue or Refuse Tender Documents without assigning any reason. the second Envelope containing the Price Bid shall be opened. Tenders submitted against the NIT / Tender shall not be returned in case the tender opening date is extended / postponed. 8 Tenders will be received in the Office of DGM-Works Contracts up to 03. The date of opening of the pre-qualification cover (Envelope-1) shall be the date of Tender opening in respect of both the Single Bid and Two Bid (Techno-Commercial and Price Bid). adequacy of cost of Tender Document (in case of downloaded Tender) and EMD etc. cancellation & termination of the Contract.M.10. 4./Security Deposit.. If it comes to the notice of VSP at any stage right from request for Registration/Tender Document that any of the Certificates/Documents submitted by Applicant for Registration or by Bidders are found to be false/fake/doctored.10. Terms & Conditions given in the Tender Documents (placed in the website) are final.2008. 10.3 The Documents submitted in the first Envelope by the Tenderers in respect of PreQualification criteria are final and no further correspondence / clarifications/submissions in this regard shall be entertained. if any.30 PM on or before 04.10.D. 4. Tenderers desirous to modify their offer / terms may submit their revised / supplementary offer(s) within the extended TOD. 4. 7 Non-Transferable Tender Document can also be obtained from the Office of DGM-Works Contracts. placed in it.30 PM on 15. (b) Split and award the work to more than one Agency.vizagsteel. 5.2008 and Envelope-1 will be opened immediately thereafter. will be forfeited. at any time.0 T S 4. whether the Tenderer is successful or not. E. if any. However. if awarded.00 PM on 16.4 Scope of work. The employer reserves the right to open the original offer along with revised offer(s).D/Security Deposit etc. Decision of V. The date and time of opening of the Price Bid along with names of successful Tenderers in pre-qualification will be subsequently displayed in the Notice Board of Works Contracts only and no individual communication to Tenderers will be made.F.. Special Conditions & Instructions to Tenderer etc. submitted earlier would result in disqualification and forfeiture of EMD and also liable for debarring from participation in VSP Tenders.2 The first cover shall be opened initially and only on satisfying the eligibility criteria. 6 The Tender Documents and other details can be downloaded from our web site: www. Contracts in operation anywhere in VSP will also be terminated with attendant fall outs like forfeiture of E. RINL will not be responsible for any delay/loss/any website related problems in downloading the Tender Documents etc. On verification.M. 4.. Bill of Quantities (BOQ). Successful Tenderer should be in a position to produce./ITCC/Electrical Licence/Experience/Qualification/any other Documents etc. Visakhapatnam Steel Plant duly signed on each page by the Tenderer on or before 03.Works Contracts SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER .6 The Tenderer shall download the “TENDER SCHEDULE” available on the website in totality and submit the same duly signed on each page along with the Tender Documents. by clearly stating the extent of updation done to their original offer and the order of prevalence of revised offer vis-à-vis original offer. 9. (c) reject any or all the Tenders or to accept any Tender wholly or in part or drop the proposal of receiving Tenders at any time without assigning any reason thereof and without being liable to refund the cost of Tender Documents thereupon. and recovery of Risk and Cost charges etc.com and the same are to be submitted to the DGM-Works Contracts.. the Party will be debarred from participation in all VSP Tenders for a period of 05 (FIVE) years including Termination of Contract. Tender Documents will be issued to Tenderers based on their request and on payment of Tender cost or same can be downloaded from our web site by submitting the cost of Tender along with their offer. Regn. VSP on written request on Bidder’s Letter Head on payment of Tender cost in the form of DD/PO/BC during working hours 10.S.Page 3 of 29 58276 .P Management will be final and binding.00 AM to 4. Failure to produce the Original Certificates at this stage in support of the attested copies of P. if any of the Documents submitted by the Tenderer including the Documents downloaded from our website / issued are found tampered/altered/incomplete.5 It will be presumed that the Tenderers have gone through the General Conditions.. The contracting Agency in such cases shall make good to VSP any loss or damage resulting from such Termination. for Dy General Manager . as per the Rules of the Company. 12. they are liable for actions like rejection of the Tender. 11. after opening of the Price Bids. With reference to the Notice Inviting Tender. I/We have visited. I/We have deposited the EMD. which may influence this Tender. Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. obtained information about the nature of work. Name of the Work : 58276 . OFFICIAL ADDRESS (Signature of Contractor) Name:………………………………… SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . We hereby offer to execute & maintain the work during the Defect Liability period in conformity with the Tender Conditions at the respective rates quoted by us. * Authority to Sign: a) Proprietor b) Managing Partner c) Power of Attorney Holder Names of Partners: 1) 2) 3) Phone No: Cell No : FAX No : e-mail Address : Yours faithfully. which amount is not to bear any interest and I/We do hereby agree that this sum shall be forfeited by me/us if I/We revoke/withdraw/cancel my/our Tender or if I/We vary any Terms in our Tender during the validity period of the Tender without your written consent and/or if in the event of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant accepting my/our Tender and I/We fail to deposit the required Security Money. Invitation to Tender. Status/Reason for not having PAN No. I/We have also gone through the General Conditions of Contract of VSP available in the VSP web site and noted the contents therein. inspected and examined the site and its surroundings and satisfied ourselves before submitting this Tender. Works Contracts Department. AND FIXING OF HILTI ANCHORS To The Deputy General Manager. DRILLING OF HOLES IN RCC FOUNDATIONS / WALLS ETC. execute the Agreement and/start the work within reasonable time (to be determined by the Engineer) after written acceptance of my/our Tender. facilities that may be required and obtained necessary information about Working Conditions.0 T S FORM – A Ref. risk contingencies etc.0 SPECIAL JOBS LIKE CORE CUTTING. I/We hereby declare that. I/We hereby confirm that I/We shall abide by Terms and Conditions of General Conditions of the Contract including Form of Tender. Tender No.. Articles of Agreement etc. I/We have gone through the Tender Documents issued to us. • Status of the Firm (mark) Following Details are to be furnished by the Tenderer compulsorily (neat&legible) while • Proprietary /Partnership/others (Specify) submitting the Tender Schedule Income Tax PAN No.Page 4 of 29 58276 . Sirs. Visakhapatnam-530 031. Labour Deployment requirements. n) The date of opening of the pre-qualification envelope-1 shall be the date of Tender opening in respect of both the SINGLE BID and TWO-BID (Techno-Commercial & Price Bid) Tenders. b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) The local Small Scale Industries as approved by VSP and registered with Works Contracts Department of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant in the Category of Industrial Paint Manufacturers for Supply and Application of Industrial Paints to various structurals. risk contingencies and such other factors which may affect their Tender. Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. Tenders shall be kept open for acceptance for a period of 4 (Four) MONTHS from the date of opening of Tender i. are eligible for purchase preference as per the Policy of VSP in force from time to time. Tenders shall be submitted in the prescribed form issued by VSP. and quote their “Total Amount only” accordingly. the Tenderers may be called for negotiations and the details like date. will be displayed on the Notice Board of Works Contracts Department. Specifications/Scope of work. The “Total Amount quoted in figures and words shall be tallied” before submission of the Tender and all mistakes corrected and initialed. if any. Over-writing is not permitted and corrections are to be essentially initialed. Tenderers shall see the Notice Board regularly. equipment pipelines etc.0 T S INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1. The local Small Scale Iindustries. Scope of supply of materials by VSP. those who are technically and commercially acceptable shall be considered for extension of Purchase Preference. All the pages of Tender Documents shall be signed by the Tenderer. Amount quoted in words shall govern in case of variance between figures and words. Mode of measurement. Tender shall be for the entire Scope of Work mentioned in the Tender Documents. The Tender Documents are not transferable. etc. The Tenderer shall agree to VSP’s Terms and Conditions. Unit of measurement. shutdown arrangements. the details will be displayed in the Notice Board of Works Contract Department. Quotation shall preferably be typewritten or written in neat and legible handwriting.Page 5 of 29 58276 . and keep themselves informed in this matter. Working conditions. General Conditions of Contract of VSP for Works Contracts are available in the Office of DGM (Works Contracts) and also in VSP’s website for reference. The Tenderers shall study and understand all the relevant Provisions before quoting. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . if the offer is within 15% of L-1 price. the Tenderer shall necessarily contact the “Engineer” and fully understand the Job. If by any reason the Tender opening is postponed to any other date. Visakhapatnam – 530 031.a) Tenders shall be submitted in the Office of the DGM (Works Contracts). The Tenderers shall see the Notice Board regularly and keep themselves informed in this matter and promptly attend negotiations without fail Purchase Preference will be given to PSU’s where applicable as per DPE Guidelines.. Before quoting. Scope of Work.e. time etc. Envelope-1.. After opening of Tender. and upon their matching with L-1 price.. Tender Documents issued/downloaded shall be submitted wholly without detaching any part. Tenderer “Shall quote only the Total Amount in figures and in words”. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (SCC) 1. Tenders not satisfying the above requirements may not be opened. POWER AND COMPRESSED AIR: Unless otherwise specified to the contrary in the Tender Schedule.e.13 (Third Party and 6. Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. the Tender will be opened. 4.(Rupees One lakh only) in case of fatal accidents to the contract labour engaged by him. a(ii) Insurance Policy covering payment of Exgratia amount of Rs. the cover containing EMD Documents/Exemption Certificates for PSU’s & SSI Units shall be opened first. These separate sealed covers shall be stapled/tied together and submitted. Scope of work. As and when a fatal accident takes place.. In case of 2 Bid System. General: The Special Conditions of the Contract (SCC) are complementary to and shall be read in conjunction with General Conditions of Contract (GCC) of VSP for Works Contracts. 5. Only such SSI Units registered for the same Trade/Item for which the Tender is relevant will be exempted from submission of EMD. free of cost.. b) c) 2. No other mode of payment will be accepted. In case of any conflict of meaning between SCC & GCC. b) Govt.Page 6 of 29 58276 . The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for drawing the same to the work spot. Name of Work.14 (ESI Act) of the General Conditions of Contract. which shall be effective from the date of start of contract and cover for the entire period of contract including extended period/defect liability period.1. and if the EMD requirements are found in order. power and compressed air (Basing on availability) from VSP’s sources from approved tapping points. Immediately on receipt of Work Order. 3.6. Tender Notice No. While opening the Tender. The Contract shall be treated as having been entered into from the date of issue of the Letter of Intent/Work Order to the successful Tenderer. 3) MODE OF SUBMISSION OF TENDER a) (1) Demand Draft / Pay Order / Banker’s Cheque for Earnest Money Deposit and (2) the Tender shall be in Two (as per NIT) separate sealed covers super-scribing the contents. 1) EMD & Pre-Qualification Documents 2) Techno-Commercial Bid 3) Price Bid. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . unless otherwise specified. d) EMDs of unsuccessful Tenderers will be refunded after reasonable time without interest. Provisions of SCC shall over ride the Provisions of GCC.This Insurance Policy is to be taken by the Contractor over and above the Provisions specified under Clause No. Public Sector Units. the Contractor is entitled to use in the work such supplies of water. the successful Tenderer shall obtain and submit the following documents to the Engineer with a copy to ZPE/ Mgr(Per) /CLC before start of work: a(i) ESI Registration Certificate with the Contractor’s Code No: covering all the workmen under ESI Scheme. the Contractor is required to pay the exgratia amount within 30 days from the date of accident to the Legal Heir of the deceased. (Refer Notice Inviting Tenders). SSI Units (ONLY PERMANENTLY REGISTERED) etc.0 T S 2) EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) a) Earnest Money Deposit shall be in the form of Demand Draft / Pay Order / Banker’s Cheque obtained from any Nationalised or Scheduled Commercial Bank in India drawn in favour of Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited. Departments. separate sealed covers shall be submitted i. Visakhapatnam Steel Plant reserves the right to accept or reject the lowest or any other Tender without assigning any reason and the work may be awarded to one of the Tenderers or to more than one Tenderer. Name of Tenderer.00. WATER. payable at Visakhapatnam and shall be valid for a minimum period of 01 (One) month from the Envelope-1 (Pre-Qualification Documents) opening date. are exempted from submitting EMD. if any. etc. The above shall supercede the Instructons regarding “ Form of EMD “ elsewhere in the Tender Documents.000/. c) Small Scale Industrial Units who request for exemption from submission of EMD shall submit a copy of their PERMANENT REGISTRATION in a separate sealed cover stapled or attached with their sealed Tender. Bill of Quantities and other Documents forming part of the Tender Documents . 11. The Contractor shall submit wage records. Duties.100 Lakhs. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . and the difference between ISD and EMD shall be deposited in the manner mentioned in the Work Order/Letter of Intent. only on receipt of credit by VSP.5% of the Bills for works with defective liability period not NIL and at the rate of 5. 10. limiting to the percentage of benefit offered on the quoted price. at the rate of 7. INITIAL SECURITY DEPOSIT (ISD): Initial Security Deposit for the work shall be @ 2% of contract price. The Contractor shall ensure strict compliance with Provisions of the Employees' Provident Fund Act. 1952 and the Scheme framed thereunder in so far as they are applicable to their Establishment and Agencies engaged by them. 9. the same shall be reimbursed by VSP on production of documentary evidence in respect of the payment of the same. 14. Registration Certificate issued by Provident Fund Authorities. as notified by the Government and become applicable to the subject works. The Retention Money shall be released after the satisfactory completion of Defect Liability period after liquidating the defects. MEASUREMENTS.0 T S 6. d) Safety Clearance from Safety Engineering Department of VSP. The Contractor shall take measurements jointly with the Engineer or his Representative and keep joint records for the same. at accepted rates. A copy of the Provident Fund Membership Certificate/PF CODE Number shall be submitted by the Contractor. a) Total Amount quoted shall be inclusive of all Taxes. Recovery of Income Tax at source will be made from Contractor’s bill and deposited with Income Tax Department as per Rules. PAYMENT TERMS: Payment will be made monthly on recommendations of the Engineer basing on the quantities executed.F. Amount so recovered shall be released.Page 7 of 29 58276 . 13.7. expenses and penalties that may be incurred by the employer in connection therewith. the limit of Retention Money shall be Rs.0% as the case may be for the value of work.100 Lakhs. Recovery of Sales Tax applicable shall be made from the Contractor’s Bills. and obtain necessary clearance from Contract Labour Cell of VSP for bills clearance. c) The benefit offered by the Agency (other than Service Tax) will be deducted from each bill on the offered percentage basis. Similarly benefits accruing to Agency on account of withdrawal / reduction in any existing Taxes and Duties shall be passed on to VSP.0% for works with defective liability period NIL will be deducted from each bill until this amount together with Initial Security Deposit reach the limit of retention which is 7. b) During the operation of the Contract if any new Taxes/Duties/Levies etc are imposed or rates undergo changes.100 Lakhs 15. Visakhapatnam as required. For Contracts of value above Rs. b) Labour License obtained from Deputy Commissioner of Labour.5 Lakhs plus 5% of the value exceeding Rs.5% or 5. 12. Government of Andhra Pradesh.13 of the GCC. The Contractor is also required to indemnify the Employer against any loss or claim or penalties or damages whatsoever resulting out of noncompliance on the part of the Contractor with the Provisions of aforesaid Act and the Schemes framed thereunder. Overheads and the like but excluding Service Tax prevailing as on the date of submission of Bids. Bills shall be prepared and submitted by the Contractor basing on agreed measurements. Levies. c) P. The Contractor shall follow the Provisions of Indian Factories Act and all Rules made thereunder from time to time as applicable and shall indemnify the Employer against all claims of compensations under the provisions of the Act in respect of Workmen employed by the Contractor in carrying out the Work against all costs. as specified in Service Tax Rules. Royalties. ADVANCE : No advance of any sort will be given by VSP. a(iii) Copy of the Policy for Third Party Insurance as stipulated in Clause 6. RETENTION MONEY: Retention Money for Contracts upto a value of Rs. Earnest Money Deposited by the successful Tenderer shall be adjusted against ISD. d) Amount paid by Agency towards Service Tax shall be reimbursed only on production of relevant documents like Registration Certificate and Cenvatable Invoice. 7. 8. work commencement/completion certificate etc. The Forms may be obtained from the Department concerned. The names of workmen working at height or in hazardous areas will be written on the body of Form “B”. c) No Workmen shall be engaged on the work without proper safety induction and without using required PPE. the site has to be cleared of all debris. The Contractors rate shall cover such eventualities. 19. No claims on account of delayed/prolonged shutdown will be entertained. safety boots. Contractor shall also provide additional safety appliances as per requirement and follow safe working practices like using fully insulated electrode holders etc. f) Works at height cannot be started without clearance from Zonal Safety Officer. SHUTDOWNS: A) Necessary shutdowns will be arranged by VSP to the Contractor for carrying out the work based on requirement. NOTICES: Any notice to be given to the Contractor under Terms of the Contract shall be considered duly served. levying penalties and ultimately in Contract Termination. He shall also ensure that his workmen intelligently use only dependable safety appliances supplied to them. The Contractor shall also ensure that his employees observe the Statutory Safety Rules and Regulations and also those laid down by the Employer from time to time and promptly submit report of accident and state the measures taken by him to prevent their recurrence and also keep the Employer indemnified of all claims arising out of such accidents. h) “The Contractor shall ensure that the Welders and Gas Cutters wear cotton dress and leather apron. It may be necessary to carry out the work round the clock based on requirement and shutdown provided. e) Clearance to start the job will be obtained by the Contractor in Form ‘A&B’ before start of work. safety helmets. This must be followed strictly”. The workers engaged for work at height shall possess height pass from SED. 21. g) Contravention of any Safety Regulation of VSP in vogue from time to time will result into work stoppage. within the approved shut down period. B) Only trained. at the site or to their last known address. safety inducted workers acceptable to the Engineer shall be engaged on this work. duster cloth. LABOUR DEPLOYMENT: A) The Contractor shall deploy his Labour as per requirement and as instructed by the Engineer.0 T S 16. They shall not wear nylon / synthetic dress.Page 8 of 29 58276 . B) The works assigned to the Contractor by the Engineer from time to time shall be completed within the time schedule fixed by the Engineer in each case. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . The Contractor. dust mask/nostril filter etc. its Registered Office). d) All the safety appliances required for safe working as decided by SED/Contract operating Department shall be provided by the Contractor to his workmen. Use of safety helmet and shoe is must excepting in painting works where shoe will not be used. 22. his Supervisors and Workmen shall observe entry and exit timings strictly. This is required to avoid any fire accident. The successful Tenderer shall start the work immediately after obtaining gate passes and safety induction training and clearance from the Employer. if the same has been delivered to. STORING/STACKING OF MATERIALS: Storing/Stacking/Placing of materials shall be only at the places designated by the Engineer. 24. 20. 17. 23. left for or posted by Registered Post to the Contractors principal place of business (or in the event of the Contractor being a Company. After completion of work activity. b) The Contractor shall take adequate safety precaution to prevent accidents at site. In addition to this. SAFETY: a) The Contractor and his workers must strictly take all safety precautions and shall supply to his workers dependable safety appliances like hand gloves. 18. construction material and the like. experienced. safety belt. Work shall be executed as per specifications to the satisfaction of the Engineer. SECURITY REGULALTIONS: The Contractor shall abide by and also observe all Security Regulations promulgated from time to time by the Employer. for a specified period to be decided by the Employer in case of : “Undue delay in starting and execution of work awarded. 27. in lieu of S.03 (Three) hours in the event of Breakdowns. will be forfeited. Work Orders etc. that the same person / agency is proprietor / proprietress / partner of two or more separate agencies and quoted for the same work. Electrical and Works of Technological Assistance / Cleaning. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . Tenders will be taken.S. 29. any other documents etc. and recovery of Risk and Cost charges etc.. of AP/NSIC are eligible for exemption from Payment of EMD/SD as per Clause 13 above including ISD in case of obtaining specific Registration for executing Works/Contracts outside the premises of their Factory/Workshop. Failure to execute the work after LOI/WORK ORDER is given. Decision of V. if any. 02 (Two) days in Capital Repairs and 10 days in other Works. as decided by the HOD. submitted earlier would result in disqualification and forfeiture of EMD and also liable for debarring from participation in VSP Tenders. non. Agencies are required to submit Bank Guarantee for the value as decided by the Engineer as a Security while taking out Equipment/Components/Materials of VSP to their Workshop situated outside the VSP premises for carrying out repairs. 26.S.. covering the period of contract + defect liability period + 6 months (Claim Period) is to be submitted. DEFAULT BY TENDERERS: The Successful Tenderer may be debarred at the discretion of the Company. ii) Re-starting the work after disruption shall be within 04 (Four) to 06 (Six) hours after the cause of disruption is removed. EMD / Security Deposit etc. Failure to produce the Original Certificates at this stage in support of the attested copies of PF Regn/ITCC/Electrical Licence/Experience/Qualification. after opening of the Price Bids.).. 32. non accepting Work Order/LOI during the validity of Tender or non-observance of Safety Rules and Regulations. However. a Performance Guarantee Bond in the Prescribed Proforma equivalent to the value of S. misappropriation of Company’s materials/property. if any.D. In case it is found before / after award of work to the person / agency through Limited Tender Enquiry (L.T.D. iii) Notice period for Contract Termination shall be .D.P. If it comes to the notice of VSP at any stage right from request for Registration / Tender Document that any of the Certificates / Documents submitted by the Applicant for Registration or by Bidders are found to be false / fake / doctored. Contractor shall note that : i)Time for mobilisation after issue of FAX Letter of Intent/detailed Letter of Intent /Work Order shall be : a) 03 (Three)days for Capital Repairs b) 15 days for Civil Works c) 60 days for painting works of Structural Engineering Deptt.payment of due wages to labour or such similar defaults”. SSI Units registered with Govt. then punitive action to the extent of debarring upto 02 (TWO) years from participating in V. Failure to adhere to above stipulation may result in Termination of Contract at Risk & Cost and will make the Party liable for debarring for a period of 02 (TWO) years.P. / Security Deposit. Contracts in operation any where in VSP will also be terminated with attendant fall outs like forfeiture of E.M..Page 9 of 29 58276 .0 T S 25. The Contracting Agency in such cases shall make good to VSP any loss or damage resulting from such termination. Otherwise the above Exemption shall be limited to their line of manufacture/production only. 28.E. Successful Tenderer should be in a position to produce the Original Certificates in support of the attested copies of relevant documents enclosed along with pre-qualification documents or afterwards. from issue of further Tender Documents. 30. poor performance. 33. will make the party liable for debarring for a period of 2 (TWO) YEARS. d) 07 (Seven) days for Annual Mechanical. 31. if awarded. Management will be final and binding. backing out from the Tender. the Party will be debarred from participation in all VSP Tenders for a period of 05 (Five) years including Termination of Contract. a Performance Guarantee Bond in the Prescribed Proforma equivalent to the value of S.S. applicable for the period less actual wages paid shall be recovered from the bills as certified by the Engineer. shall be recovered from the bills of Contractor as certified by Engineer. An amount equivalent to maximum penalty leviable by Regional Provident Fund Commissioner for the delayed period under the Provisions of EPF & MP Act and Rules for delayed remittance of PF Contributions (both the Employee’s and Employer’s Contribution).Page 10 of 29 58276 . Government of Andhra Pradesh. Semi Skilled and Skilled Categories of Workers as notified by Commissioner of Labour. 36. published in the A. Payment of PF for the month. An amount equivalent to wages payable by the Contractor applicable for the relevant period shall be recovered from the bills as certified by the Engineer. In case of failure of the Contractor to comply with any of the above. Published in the A.P. Xo = Average Wage of Un-skilled. Hyderabad.workman employed by the contractor) contributions should be deposited in the Bank in the permanent PF code number and challan obtained before the 15th of the subsequent month and forwarded to the Engineer”.P. Hyderabad published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazzette from time to time with regard to the minimum wages applicable to the respective category of workmen plus the ad-hoc amount at the rate of Rs. If 7th falls on a holiday or weekly off day. Semi-skilled and Skilled Categories of Workers as notified by Commissioner of Labour. the payment should be made one day prior to that. in lieu of the same. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . The Contract period can be extended at the discretion of V.11-54 ps per working day per workman per category. Govt. Andhra Pradesh.Gazette for the period under consideration.0 T S 34. a) Payment of wages at rates less than those notified under the minimum wages b) Non-payment of ad-hoc amount. Delayed Payment of PF 37. Gazette as on the date of opening of (Single Bid)/Technical Bid (Two Bid System) Envelope-1 in both cases. 2. LAPSE 1. Undertakings are exempted from submission of Earnest Money Deposit and Security Deposit as cited at Clause 13 above for executing works in VSP. Hyderabad. PAYMENT OF MINIMUM WAGES: Wages paid to the Workmen by the Contractor should not be less than the rates notified by the Commissioner of Labour. the following action will be taken by VSP. Non payment of wages 3.D covering the period of contract + defect liability period + 6 months (Claim Period) is to be submitted. Recovery of PF amount and an amount equivalent to maximum penalty leviable by Regional Provident Fund Commissioner for the delayed period under the Provisions of EPF & MP Act and Rules for delayed remittance of PF Contributions (both the Employee’s and Employer’s Contribution). both the employer’s (in this case-contractor) and employee’s (in this case. Government of Andhra Pradesh. b) An amount equivalent to actual payable towards ad-hoc amount to the workmen engaged for relevant period shall be recovered from the bills as certified by the Engineer. 35. Wages with ad-hoc amount to the workmen should be paid on or before the 7th of the subsequent month. ACTION BY VSP a) An amount equivalent to the differential amount between wages to be paid under minimum wages notification of the Govt. shall be recovered from the bills of the Contractor as certified by Engineer. up to 04 (Four) months at the existing Rates. In case of any statutory revision in the minimum wages payable to contract workmen. Non Payment of PF 4. However. Escalation shall be paid as per the following Formula: V = L x W x (X-Xo) Xo WHERE: V= Escalation Payable L=Labour Content as Percentage of the Work is 50% (FIFTY PERCENT) ONLY W= Gross value of work done on the basis of Contract Rates for the period for which variation is Applicable X= Revised Average Wages for Unskilled. by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. Terms and Conditions and the Contractor shall be bound to execute the work accordingly and the offer of the Contractor is deemed to include this aspect.P. 7. may seek if felt necessary for quoting such high rates.6. i.45 Note : a) i) In case of any statutory revision in Minimum Wages payable to Contract Workmen.0 T S 38. Government of Andhra Pradesh.33. the above recovery amounts for above components per Workman category-wise. Revised wage (X) Revised recovery amount(R 1) = Original Recovery amount (Ro) x -----------------Original wage (Xo) Where: R1 = Revised recovery amount per working day per workman category Ro=Original recovery amount envisaged in Contract per working day per workman category X = Revised wage per day per category of workman. The Contractor should clearly understand and comply with the Factories Act 1948 and relieve the FEMALE WORKERS from their work site within the restricted working hours prescribed therein under Section 66(b). Gazette as on the date of opening of Envelope-1 __________ . Semiskilled. Hyderabad.P.S.70 Rs.S. The Tenderers shall note that in case of quoting above the Estimated Value of V.. (to be paid with RA bill / pre-final bill as and when paid by the Contractor) S.17 Rs.for Unskilled . the L-1 Party shall furnish logical / satisfactory explanation which V. Semiskilled.10.32.. for Unskilled .21 Rs.95 After the Contractor makes payment to the workers in the Retrenchment Rs.46. The following deductions per workman deployed category-wise shall be made from the bills/ amounts due to the Contractor as applicable for the work done and such deducted amounts shall be released as mentioned below: Recovery amount per Labour Component To be released when per every WORKING DAY (in Rs.98 presence of Engineer I/c and compensation CLC Representatives.15. iv) The above recovery amounts are inclusive of 10% towards Profits & Overheads.75 After the Contractor makes payment to the Workers in the presence of Engineer I/c and CLC Representatives. A Certificate to this effect is to be Leave with Rs.Page 11 of 29 58276 .13.45 Rs. Xo = Wage per day per category of workman .P. 39.P.No .e..65 Rs.50 Rs.P..22. published in the A.P.67 Rs. and Skilled categories of workers as notified by Commissioner of Labour. (to be wages paid with pre-final bill) Sub-total Rs.13 Rs. Rs. The actual amount payable to each Workman shall be arrived at by deducting 10% (towards Profits & Overheads) from the above recovery amounts. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER .8.) (Ro) UN-SKILLED SEMI-SKILLED SKILLED Notice pay Rs.24 Rs. Government of Andhra Pradesh.40. published in the A.95 Rs.12.27. ii) Wage per day per Workman=(Wage per category per workman per month notified by AP Govt. the L-1 Party may be recommended for disqualification while retendering the work. Gazette for the period under consideration.61 Rs. Hyderabad.82 enclosed with pre-final bill. 01 02 03 04 Bonus Rs.S.70 Grand total Rs. / 26 ) iii) Payment against the above components have to be made to the workmen based on prevailing wages of last month pay.ie. by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.12.. If the explanation offered by the L-1 Party is not acceptable to V. are to be revised as per the following Formula. A Certificate to this effect is to be enclosed with RA bill / pre-final bill. and Skilled categories of workers as notified by Commissioner of Labour.9. 35 characters) : e) Account Type (Max. 41. and that he shall not have any claim in respect of the same. Banks offer their Customers Money Transfer Service from account of any Bank Branch to any other Bank Branch.1.1. 35 characters) : b) Bank Name (Max.1 Following are the options available to the Contractors for availing e-payments : 41.e. where Clearing Houses are managed by RBI i. i)New Delhi ii) Chandigarh iii) Kanpur iv) Jaipur v) Ahmedabad vi) Mumbai vii) Nagpur viii) Hyderbad ix) Bangalore x) Chennai xi) Trivendrum xii) Kolkata xiii) Bhubaneswar xiv) Guwahati xv) Patna. shall be in full discharge of the particular bill raised by him. The EFT System presently covers all the Branches of about 77 Banks located at 15 centers indicated below. 41..3 The Contractor has to submit their Bank Account details in VSP Format duly certified by concerned Bank Manager for the purpose of making electronic payment before submission of First Running Account Bill. 35 characters) : d) Account Number (Max. 35 characters) : 41. 09 Characters) : (for EFT Mode only) (Signature of the Party / Contractor) Name: Desgn: CERTIFICATE Certified that the above particulars are found to be correct and matching with our records in respect of the above Beneficiary Sd/-…………… (Signature of the Branch Manager) Name : Seal of the Bank : 41.2 Direct Credit: Suppliers opting for this system may open Bank Accounts with any one of the following Banks : i) State Bank of India -Steel Plant Branch ii) Canara Bank -Steel Plant Branch iii) Bank of Baroda -Steel Plant Branch iv) State Bank of Hyderbad -Steel Plant Township Branch v) Andhra Bank -Steel Plant Township Branch vi) UCO Bank -Steel Plant Township Branch vii) IDBI -Visakhapatnam Branch The Successful Tenderer shall agree that all the payment due and payable in terms of the Contract will be paid direct to his Bank Account and he shall give the Bank Account Number and the address of the Bank in which the money is to be deposited as per the Format given below : (1) Party Code : (2) Option : RTGS / EFT (3) Beneficiary details : a) Name of Beneficiary (Max.1 EFT System: Under this System. 11 characters) : (for RTGS Mode only) g) Beneficiary Bank’s MICR Code (Max.2 (Savings / Current / Over Draft) (Mention Code Number also) f) Beneficiary Bank’s IFSC Code (Max. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER .4 The Successful Tenderer is required to give an undertaking to the Finance Department of VSP that the payment made by RINL / VSP of any sum due to him by directly remitting the same in his Bank.0 PAYMENT MODE FOR BILL AMOUNTS : 41.0 T S 41.Page 12 of 29 58276 . failing which the Bill will not be processed. 35 characters) : c) Branch Name (Max. the address and the number of which is to be furnished. In the event the CENVAT Benefit realized by VSP (based on documents) is in excess of the CENVAT Benefit offered by the Agency/Contractor. It should be ensured that material has been delivered along with the duplicate for transporter copy of the Invoice. The CENVAT Benefit offered by the Agency will be deducted from each bill on the offered percentage basis and will be released to the extent CENVAT Benefit could be availed by VSP. based on which CENVAT Credit is to be claimed. The excess amount realized from Excise Authorities will be to the credit of VSP only. The Duty paying documents shall be submitted as soon as the material is procured by the Agency for incorporation in the work. The Successful Tenderer shall take necessary steps to comply with the Rules and Provisions of Central Excise and Service Tax Law facilitating VSP to avail CENVAT Credit. VSP.5 In respect of payment made through Electronic Fund Transfer mechanism or Direct Credit to the Supplier’s / Contractor’s Bank Account. CLAUSES CONCERNING CENVAT AGAINST EXCISE DUTY : a) b) c) d) The Tenderer shall specify the percentage of CENVAT Benefit on quoted price for which they shall furnish the Duty paying documents. The Invoice raised by the Contractor should clearly mention VSP as the Consignee (Consignee: RINL. Material once received into the Factory would not be allowed to go outside the Factory premises for any reason. e) f) g) SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER .Page 13 of 29 58276 . Excess/rejected material will be allowed to be taken back only after complying with the Provisions of CE Act. to Finance Department of VSP failing which it shall be presumed that the funds have reached their Bank Account and no claims will be entertained after the said 10 days. if any. The Contractor shall extend all possible help to facilitate VSP to avail CENVAT Benefit.e: the evaluation shall be on net of CENVAT Benefit. 42. the refund will be restricted to the benefit offered by the Agency. such amount will not be released by VSP.. the Supplier / Contractor / receiver should intimate discrepancies. The amount of CENVAT Benefit declared shall be deducted from the tendered price for the purpose of tender evaluation i. If CENVAT Benefit could not be availed by VSP due to reasons attributable to the Contractor. A/c: Name of the Contractor).0 T S 41. within 10 days from the date of dispatch of intimation letter of payment to them. during shut-down and breakdowns as necessary.000/. b) Completion Period : 9 (NINE) Months c) Period of Contract : 9 (NINE) Months including 15 days from Written Order to commence work i. Agency has to account for VSP supplied materials as per standard 3 4 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . safety appliances.per day will be levied for the period after 15 days stated above and the latest date of obtaining the above. Drilling of holes in RCC foundations/walls etc. LOA/WO ( 15 days is for obtaining the ESI Registration. The rates will cover all the above eventualities and no extra claim will be entertained on any account. the date of actual start will be the latest date of obtaining ESI Registration/Safety Clearance/ Labour License/ Insurance Coverage. lift. Labour LicenseI and Insurance Policy for Payment of an ex-gratia amount of Rs.Page 14 of 29 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 593030840500 58276 .Safety Clearance. The tenderer should clearly understand that the work may have to be carried out in hot places. ii) If the agency cannot obtain the ESI Registration/Safety Clearance/Labour License/Insurance Coverage within the above period of 15 days. Shoring. tackles. tools. men and material and wastage. The work may have to be carried out round the clock. Grouting. The latest date of obtaining the ESI Registration/Safety Clearance/Labour License/Insurance Coverage will be the actual date of start of work..00. Labour License and required Insurance coverage for its workmen within 15 days of Issue of LOA. lead.150/.Safety Clearance Certificate. strutting.e. 2 The rates quoted for items shall be complete in all respects and shall include the cost of scaffolding. may have to be done in order to create front for doing the work. dewatering etc. if any.per head in case of fatal accident). The agency shall obtain ESI Registration. In such case.).1. and fixing of HILTI Anchors Cond Desc Time of completion and Period of Contract : a) Date of Start of Contract : i) The date of start of the contract will be reckoned from the date of issue of LOA/WO (Telegram/ Telex/ Fax/ LOA/ WO etc.0 T S TENDER NO : PROPOSAL NO : WORK DESC Cond No 1 : Special jobs like Core cutting. a penalty of Rs. During the defect liability period . 10 of General Conditions of Contract. If the contractor shall fail to do any such work as required by the Engineer. Agency will conduct any other test stipulated by VSP Engineers subject to above.Page 15 of 29 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 593030840500 58276 . the contractor shall execute all such work of rectification and making good of defects. iii) The contractor shall indemnify the Employer against any loss/liability that may be incurred by him on account of any failure on the part of the contractor for timely rectification of the defects pointed out within the defect liability period.. Cement will be issued by the Engineer free of cost at the 7 8 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . Drilling of holes in RCC foundations/walls etc. The containers of all materials supplied free by the employer need not be returned by the contractor.0 T S TENDER NO : PROPOSAL NO : WORK DESC Cond No : Special jobs like Core cutting. at his own cost and within the time stipulated by the Engineer. and fixing of HILTI Anchors Cond Desc procedure of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant. The tendered rates shall take into account the realisable values. certified 5 ii) The contractor shall stand guarantee for materials and workmanship as per Clause No. if test is done at any other laboratory other than VSP laboratory. Upon approval of the same only work will be accepted. as may be required of him by the Engineer. if any defect is observed due to workmanship or from any act or omission of the contractor. if such facility is not available in VSP laboratory as required. second half of the Retention money shall be liable to be forfeited and the contractor shall make himself liable to be blacklisted in addition to other remedial measures as provided in the General Conditions of Contract. 6 All the materials arranged by the contractor used in the works will be tested in VSP Laboratory or any other approved/ recognised laboratory. The testing charges will be borne by the agency. Grouting. Defect liability period : i) ----NIL----Months from the date of Completion as by the Engineer-in-charge. entry certificate at the gate issued by CISF and such other documents as may be required by the employer.0 % The penal charges will be levied for any shortage in accounting the free issue materials at 150% of market rate as on date of accounting material or as on date of completion of work whichever is later. cement consumption will be worked out based on actual observation data. Pre and Final bills. " In case the test cubes failed in achieving the specified cube 9 10 11 12 13 14 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . The reinforcement bars of lengths below 300 mm will be treated as scrap. giving the mark numbers along with inspection certificates. The penal charges will be levied for any shortage in accounting the steel materials beyond the above permissible wastage of 2. along with challans indicating the details of dispatches. The Contractor has to submit Royalty Clearance Certificate from AP State Government for the minor minerals consumed for the work. The contractor shall submit the Running Account Bills (RAB). Wherever CPWD norms for Cement Consumption are not available. Reinforcement steel and structural steel as mentioned in the item description will be issued free of cost by the employer at the Employer's Store(s)/Yard. The consumption figures of the cement (including wastage) for various items will be taken from CPWD norms (as per latest DSR). VSP shall recover normal Seigniorage fee with applicable penalty as fixed by the Government fromtime-to-time. Agency will deploy at least one Experienced Supervisor ( with minimum 3 years experience in civil works) or Civil Diploma holder all the time throughout the currency of contract. Drilling of holes in RCC foundations/walls etc. All such scraps and only damaged pieces will be deemed to have been covered under the permissible wastage.Page 16 of 29 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 593030840500 58276 .0 T S TENDER NO : PROPOSAL NO : WORK DESC Cond No : Special jobs like Core cutting. from the bills of the Contractor.. If the contractor fails to submit MRC (Mineral Revenue clearance).0 %. He will give commitment regarding deployment of men and machinery indicating source of deployment and will further commit that they will be available at site all the time as per requirement throughout the currency of the contract. The quantity will be limited to the total quantity required as per contract plus permissible wastage of not more than 2. and fixing of HILTI Anchors Cond Desc Employer's Store(s)/yard. Grouting. if any negligent act of the contractor results in pollution of the land/ air/ water or affects any persons health adversely. failing which the VSP management shall effect necessary recovery for the bills of the contractor and remedy the pollution/ health impairment caused. and fixing of HILTI Anchors Cond Desc strength and where no remedial measures are considered necessary and concrete is below specified strength. then the contractor shall have the obligation to suitably remedy the pollution or health impairment caused.99 % of the 15 % below the agreed Specified strength rates for that particular batch ----------------------------------------------------------------ii) Over 80 % and Upto 89. health and environment. the payment will be made as under: --------------------------------------------------------------Sl Percentage of achievement Percentage of rebate No of cube strength applied on the quoted rate --------------------------------------------------------------i) Over 90 % and Upto 99. to acceptable standards.Page 17 of 29 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 593030840500 58276 .99 % of the 70 % below the agreed Specified strength rates for that particular batch ----------------------------------------------------------------iv)For Below 59. On the principle that the polluter must pay.99 % of the Specified To be determined on case to strength case basis ------------------------------------------------------------------Daily Labour Report is to be submitted by the agency.safety & health : points are to be adhered 15 16 17 a) The contractor must adhere to all the applicable statutory laws pertaining to safety.0 T S TENDER NO : PROPOSAL NO : WORK DESC Cond No : Special jobs like Core cutting. Drilling of holes in RCC foundations/walls etc.. The following environment. b) The contractor must ensure that there is no wastage of water at SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . Grouting.99 % of the 45 % below the agreed Specified strength rates for that particular batch ----------------------------------------------------------------iii)Over 60 % and Upto 79. Grouting. should have pollution control certificates and the same should be submitted at the time of obtaining gate passes. and also ensure that all his workers use dust masks while working in dusty areas..0 T S TENDER NO : PROPOSAL NO : WORK DESC Cond No : Special jobs like Core cutting. etc.Page 18 of 29 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 593030840500 58276 . d) The contractor must ensure dust suppression measures in the work areas by sprinkling of water. A copy of the same must be exhibited/pasted on the vehicle also. Drilling of holes in RCC foundations/walls etc. c) All the motor vehicles of the contractor used for transporting materials/machinery etc. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . e) The contractor must ensure proper house keeping at site by keeping the work-areas free from unwanted material and greases. etc. oil to avoid slips & falls. f) The contractor must ensure that all the debris generated during the work is transported safely to dump yard such that there is no spillage of debris on the road during transportation (by covering with a plastic sheet/tarpaulin.) g) All the garbage collected from transported in covered vehicles. dust bins. should be h) All the material which may be recycled/reused should transported to the designated place for reuse/recycling. j) Heating/melting of bitumen must be done in boilers only. be i) All the cut jungle growth and trees should be disposed at the dumping yard without open air burning. and fixing of HILTI Anchors Cond Desc the work site The contractor must also ensure that all the water tapping points are leak proof. k) The contractor must ensure that there is no spillage of oil or paints on the floors/grounds etc l) All representatives/supervisors/workers of contractors must take safety and environmental induction training and comply with the instructions given there in. Heating/melting of bitumen in open drums/containers is prohibited. Grouting. No payment will be released if found within 15m SPECIFICATION FOR BASALT FINE GROUTING:-Supplying and providing cement basalt fine grouting in RCC foundation on sides.50 to 0. removal of entrapped water in the core by compressed air and cleaning the surface to remove all oil/grease if any.52 suitable for pumping and the flow characteristic using Marsh Cone test as per ASTM C939-94A.. removed materials from drains. at a spacing of 300 to 400 mm as per the specification and/or as directed by the Engineer for RCC walls on sides and on the top etc. tools. etc. using degreasing agents filling the cracks in between the ports with the structural grade polymer modified concrete reinstatement mortar including the cost of all necessary scaffolding.0 T S TENDER NO : PROPOSAL NO : WORK DESC Cond No 18 : Special jobs like Core cutting. dismantled materials etc. Sales Tax Clause: The scope of materials supply and consumables supply in the present proposal are as follows: a)Materials to be supplied by VSP : Cement.. Silica Fume. the time of the flow being in between 20-30 seconds and to attain a minimum compressive strength of 25 N/mm2 at 28 days including chiseling of the crack to make a V groove of minimum 6 mm wide and 10 mm depth for the full length of the crack drilling of 100 mm to 150 mm deep holes of required size from the concrete surface and fixing of GI pipes of about 20 mm dia at entr.Page 19 of 29 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 593030840500 58276 . should not be kept within 15m from edge of excavation/drain/building. OPC. as mentioned below and for grouting works the payment shall be based on the cement basalt fines quantity consumed.ports suitable for the nozzles of grouting machine. tackles. and cleaning of the interior voids and cracks if any to remove all the loose particles of the concrete core with compressed air and water. plants. staging. Drilling of holes in RCC foundations/walls etc. Steel. all materials and labour complete. debris. at 4-6Kg /cm2 pressure and as directed at all heights and locations with the addition of silica fume and superplasticiser of approved make as per the proportion given in the specification keeping water cement ratio at about 0. providing of necessary propping arrangement as required and/or as directed. HILTI 19 20 SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . and fixing of HILTI Anchors Cond Desc Excavated earth. etc. Superplasticiser and Rendroc S-2 polymer modified mortar are in the contractors scope of supply). (Payment shall be made for each port hole provided including fixing of GI pipes. Basalt fines. Steel.0 T S TENDER NO : PROPOSAL NO : WORK DESC Cond No : Special jobs like Core cutting. Drilling of holes in RCC foundations/walls etc. The deduction of Sales Tax prevailing from time to time by Contractor : All consumables shall be done as per the rules SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . b)Consumables to be supplied by VSP : --Nil-- c)Materials to be supplied by Contractor: All materials required as per BOQ items except Cement. and fixing of HILTI Anchors Cond Desc bolts & capsules only. HILTI bolts & capsules d)Consumables to be supplied required as per BOQ items.. Grouting.Page 20 of 29 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 593030840500 58276 . No additional payment shall be allowed on account of these.0 T S Proposal No 593030840500 Work Desc Cond No Special jobs like Core cutting. The work may be of intermittent nature. the old items are to be dismantled for fixing the new items.. specification / relevant IS codes and / or directions of the Engineer. Grouting. walls. floors. 4 The basic item in respect of BOQ item No. in the BOQ detailed description. Drilling of holes in RCC foundations/walls etc.2 5 The core cutting/ drilling/grouting are to be carried out for all types of concrete structures irrespective of whatever mentioned viz. The rates shall be deemed to cater for stoppages due to shutdown / break down.1 and the basic item in respect of BOQ item No..5 is BOQ item No. 2 The rates quoted shall be applicable for all works to be carried out at all heights and depths above or below plinth level and location unless otherwise specially stated. The related connections are to be made good for proper functioning of new items.4 is BOQ item No. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . The dismantled items are to be Handed over to the Stores. etc.. 3 The rates quoted shall be deemed to include completion of an item of work as per drawings. non-availability of front including stoppages due to operational / safety reasons. and fixing of HILTI Anchors Cond Desc 1 Wherever the replacement work exists. beams. The rates quoted shall cater for this eventuality unless otherwise stated.Page 21 of 29 PREAMBLE TO BOQ TENDER NO : 58276 . (Measured in terms of Per mm dia per meter depth) 2500.000 Rupees Two hundred forty-three and paise twenty-eight Only 2 6000. machinery. and fixing of HILTI Anchors Unit Desc.. tackles and labour etc.00 Item No. Quantity Rate (Rs.) 243. 1 Item Description Core cutting of holes METRE upto 150mm dia in RCC floor. Grouting.With Polyester resin grout lockset of FOSROC make or equivalent as approved by engineer (Measured in terms of Per mm dia per meter depth) Drilling of holes upto METRE 25mm dia in RCC foundation/ walls/ slab at all heights including all materials.000 35.00 Rupees Thirty-five and paise fifty-four Only SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . tools. tools. as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.) 608200.54 213240.TENDER NO : RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT Page 1 of 7 BOQ REPORT Page 22 of 29 58276 . slab(including cutting of reinforcement bars/plates if any) and grouting of required dia bolt/ pipe after inserting in the core cut hole including all labour..28 Amount (Rs.0 T S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORT ID: DEPT NAME PROPOSAL NO Work Desc : : : CED 593030840500 ENGG DIVN RESP CODE : CIVIL ENGINEERING : 590101 Special jobs like Core cutting. tackles etc and as directed by engineer in charge(Bolts/ Pipes will be supplied by VSP free of cost) :. Drilling of holes in RCC foundations/walls etc. mixing of basalt aggregate to grout in the ratio of 0.00 and paise ninety-eight Only SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER .3880. supplying & applying of acrylic bonding agentNitobond AR on the wall surface.000 -7.000 Rupees 0.93 9465.000 18. tools. (Measured in terms of Per mm dia per meter depth) 500..0 T S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORT ID: 3 Providing and placing of KILO Conbextra GP II grout at GRAM all levels with heat resistant basalt aggregate including removal of loose concrete from the RCC wall surfaces.98 3920. (Measured in terms of Per mm dia per meter depth) Extra over basic item METRE for Supplying and grouting with polyester resin grout Lockset of FOSROC make or equivalent as approved by Engineer. etc.76 . tackles and labour.0 by weight using a low speed mixer with requisite RPM and placing the grout in the wall including all materials.TENDER NO : RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT Page 2 of 7 BOQ REPORT Page 23 of 29 58276 . and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. supply of Rendroc Plug for packing of shuttering gaps. cleaning by air & water jet. Rebate over basic item METRE for not grouting with polyester resin grout lockset of FOSROC make or equivalent as approved by Engineer.5:1.00 5 4000.00 Rupees Eighteen and paise ninety-three Only 4 500. 000 186.62 18662.40 Rupees Seventy-five and paise twenty-two Only SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER .(Cost of the GI pipes shall be paid separately.TENDER NO : RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT Page 3 of 7 BOQ REPORT Page 24 of 29 58276 . The rate quoted shall include the cost of the epoxy adhesive used for fixing of GI ports).00 Rupees One hundred eighty-six and paise sixty-two Only 7 Supplying and providing Running cement basalt fine Meter grouting as per Clause no:19 of Terms & Conditions :-Making a V groove of minimum 6 mm wide and 10 mm deep by hand chiseling for the full length of the crack in the sides and at top of the RCC structure and filling the same in the gaps between the port holes with Rendroc S a 2 component structural grade polymer modified concrete reinstatement mortar of FOSROC make or any approved equivalent having a compressive strength of 45N/mm2 at 28 days at all heights and locations above 20. 100.0 T S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORT ID: 6 Supplying and providing NUMBER cement basalt fine grouting as per Clause no:19 of Terms & Conditions :-Providing port holes including fixing of GI pipes with suitable epoxy adhesive at all heights and locations above ground level in the sides of the RCC structure as per the specifications and directions of the Engineer.000 75.22 1504. TENDER NO : RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT Page 4 of 7 BOQ REPORT Page 25 of 29 58276 . 50. etc.00 Rupees Nineteen and paise four Only SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER .0 T S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORT ID: ground level including substrate priming. 8 Supplying and providing KILO cement basalt fine GRAM grouting as per Clause no:19 of Terms & Conditions :-Adding of OPC grade to grout mix including grouting of RCC walls at all heights and locations above ground level as per specifications and directions of the Engineer. curing.(Cement shall be provided by VSP at their Stores free of cost). all as per the manufacturer's instructions as per specifications and directions of the Engineer.000 19.60 560. 100.000 5.04 952.00 Rupees Five and paise sixty Only 9 Supplying and providing KILO cement basalt fine GRAM grouting as per Clause no:19 of Terms & Conditions:-Supplying and adding of graded basalt fines as per the specifications to the grout mix including grouting of the RCC structure at all heights and locations above the ground level as per the specifications and directions of the Engineer. 000 90.0 T S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORT ID: 10 Supplying and providing KILO cement basalt fine GRAM grouting as per Clause no:19 of Terms & Conditions:Supplying and adding of Silica fume of ELKEM make to the grout mix including grouting of RCC structure at all heights and locations above ground level as per the specifications and directions of the Engineer.60 Rupees Ninety and paise forty-six Only 11 2.91 201. Ltd.46 904. complete all as per the drawings.00 Rupees Eighty-five and paise seventy Only SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . Supplying and KILO fabrication and fixing GRAM of GI pipes in the sides and at all necessary locations of the existing RCC structure at entry ports at all heights above ground level including all materials staging scaffolding equipment and labour etc.TENDER NO : RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT Page 5 of 7 BOQ REPORT Page 26 of 29 58276 .000 85. 10.000 100.82 Rupees One hundred and paise ninety-one Only 12 10.70 857. Supplying and providing KILO cement basalt fine GRAM grouting as per Clause no:19 of Terms & Conditions:-Supplying and adding of superplasticiser of Cereplast of Cerachem Pvt. or equivalent make to the grout mix including grouting of RCC structure at all heights and locations above ground level as per the specifications and directions of the Engineer. 13 and the dia dia Making of holes of 24 mm NUMBER dia and 170 mm deep in RCC using a COMBIHAMMER TE-76 of HILTI make having a i.m.0 T S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORT ID: specifications directions of Engineer. of 0-180/255 and imparting a positive e impact of upto 8 J of adequate capacity. i/c alignment of machine at site.p. true to line plumb and location. including provision of depth limitation gauge.95 56190. removal of the dust in the hole using HILTI HIT KIT blowout pump cleaning equipment.(If reinforcement rods are encountered while making hole.m. (Where adequate working space is not available the same is to be done using an appropriate angular Drill Chuck using a HILTI make machine or adequate capacity).p. preparatory works like surface leveling.:GI pipe of 20 mm (Medium) or of the as specified. i/c fixing the horizontal boom with extension in the horizontal position. marking of the cut holes as per the grid lines supplied by the client. another hole is to be made suitably and no extra cost will be paid 200.TENDER NO : RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT Page 6 of 7 BOQ REPORT Page 27 of 29 58276 .000 280.00 Rupees Two hundred eighty and paise ninetyfive Only SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . scaffolding. of 01960/2700 and r. 00 Rupees Two hundred thirty-eight and paise eleven Only 958398. placing the bolt.82 Rupees Nine lakh fifty-eight thousand three hundred ninety-eight and paise eighty-two Only Signature of I/C Signature of HOD SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . fixed to the drilling machine with a suitable adaptor.0 T S ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REPORT ID: for the same) 14 Fixing of HVU-HAS NUMBER capsule and bolt of HILTI make of grade of M20. lateral movement and dislocation of the bolt within the cure time as indicated.TENDER NO : RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT Page 7 of 7 BOQ REPORT Page 28 of 29 58276 . to the tip of the capsule and applying the designated torque.000 238. 200. into the hole drilled above taking proper care to prevent the pre mixing of the foil contents with the inner capsule.11 47622. The capsule & HVU-HAS M20 bolt supplied free of cost by VSP. while maintaining the alignment with a TE-76 HILTI make machine so as to puncture the foil and ensure proper mixing of the contents and also taking care to prevent any accidental overrun. 2. Wherever old items are replaced for fixing new items.0 T S VISAKHAPATNAM STEEL PLANT WORKS CONTRACTS DEPARTMENT BILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) TENDER NO : 58276 -0 NAME OF THE WORK : SPECIAL JOBS LIKE CORE CUTTING.Page 29 of 29 FORM ’G’ RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIGAM LIMITED 58276 . Dismantled / old items are to be handed over to the Stores. the amount as mentioned in WORDS only shall be taken as the quotation of the Tenderer. The Quantities indicated are approximate and may vary to a wide range. SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER . AND FIXING OF HILTI ANCHORS 1.) (Rs._______________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL AMOUNT QUOTED IN WORDS: Rupees___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________only.398=82 2. Payment shall be made as per the actual work carried out at corresponding accepted rate. RATE AMOUNT NO.58. The quoted offer in WORDS shall be in CAPITAL / BLOCK Letters 9. DRILLING OF HOLES IN RCC FOUNDATIONS / WALLS ETC.) AS PER THE DETAILED BILL OF QUANTITIES ENCLOSED IN 07 (SEVEN) PAGES (RUPEES NINE LAKHS FIFTY EIGHT THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT AND PAISE EIGHTY TWO ONLY) TOTAL AMOUNT QUOTED IN FIGURES : Rs. Tenderer shall write their quoted offer both in WORDS and FIGURES. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY (Rs. Note: 1. all related connections are to be made good for proper functioning of new items. If there is discrepancy between the amount mentioned in FIGURES and the amount mentioned in WORDS.
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